Make it easier to import into reader applications
Hi there. Great resource! So amazing that you’re sharing this. Could you commit the original markdown files? Then I’m sure the community quickly helps you get this more accessible as a pdf or static website export. This way people can read this easily on their favourite medium. Be that a kindle a printout or a reader app. Right now the suggestion is to “read this NOT on a mobile device” really doesn’t do the content justice.
We don’t really have an “original markdown version”…
Really? The file implies there are markdowns. Did your team just type the whole book out in html? 😁
Really? The file implies there are markdowns. Did your team just type the whole book out in html? 😁

Whyyyyy 😵💫 would one write a book in html straight away rather than markdown (extended)
It would be awesome if you provided a PDF that was paginated; the current one is just a single long scrollable page
We will release that with the physical book i think! :)