A newer version of the Streamlit SDK is available:
pytorch-caney can be installed and used via anaconda environments and containers. A Docker container is provided and this same container can be converted to a Singularity container without loosing any functionalities.
CPU support is limited and the author does not provide any guarantee of usability.
The container is built on top of NGC NVIDIA PYTORCH containers.
This application is powered by PyTorch and PyTorch Lighning AI/ML backends.
Example to Download the Container via Singularity
module load singularity
singularity build --sandbox pytorch-caney docker://nasanccs/pytorch-caney:latest
## Example to Install Anaconda Environment
``` bash
git clone git@github.com:nasa-nccs-hpda/pytorch-caney.git
cd pytorch-caney; conda env create -f requirements/environment_gpu.yml;
conda activate pytorch-caney
Container Usage
As an example, you can shell into the container:
singularity shell --nv -B <mounts> /path/to/container/pytorch-caney