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title: Landuse
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MVP Climate Change Demo

This is a demo of the MVP Climate Change app. It allows users to select a location and year from a map of the world, see its land use composition, and prescribe or manually make changes to it and see the predicted ELUC (Emissions from Land Use Change) and amount of land changed. It is a simple Dash app. The demo can be found online at

Downloading the data:

In data/ there is a script called This will download the entire 2.5GB data file from HuggingFace then process it into a 500MB csv that is used by the app. A token is required to download the data and must be saved in $HF_TOKEN.


The RandomForest model is 1.7GB and is also saved on HuggingFace. To download it run in predictors/. This downloads a .joblib file that is loaded in the app.


Prescriptors are already stored in prescriptors/ as well as the pareto front image and a CSV of pareto info from training the prescriptors.


Testing can be done with python -m unittest discover

To run specific tests run python -m unittest tests.test_app TestCase.test_specific_case

Running the app:

To run the app call the app module with python -m or use gunicorn with gunicorn -b


Once and have been run, the app can be deployed by building with:

docker build -t eluc-demo .

then the container can be run with:

docker run \
-v PATH_TO_PROJECT/mvp/use_cases/eluc/demo/data/processed:/home/user/local/cognizant/eluc/data/processed:ro \
-v PATH_TO_PROJECT/mvp/use_cases/eluc/demo/predictors:/home/user/local/cognizant/eluc/predictors:ro \
-p 8080:4057 eluc-demo

Note: This mounts your local directories to the docker container, different steps may have to be taken for different setups.