import gradio as gr |
import os |
import time |
import pandas as pd |
from langchain.document_loaders import OnlinePDFLoader |
from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings |
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma |
from langchain.chains import RetrievalQA |
from langchain.chat_models import ChatOpenAI |
from langchain import PromptTemplate |
def load_pdf_and_generate_embeddings(pdf_doc, open_ai_key, relevant_pages): |
if openai_key is not None: |
os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY'] = open_ai_key |
loader = OnlinePDFLoader(pdf_doc.name) |
pages = loader.load_and_split() |
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings() |
pages_to_be_loaded =[] |
if relevant_pages: |
page_numbers = relevant_pages.split(",") |
if len(page_numbers) != 0: |
for page_number in page_numbers: |
if page_number.isdigit(): |
pageIndex = int(page_number)-1 |
if pageIndex >=0 and pageIndex <len(pages): |
pages_to_be_loaded.append(pages[pageIndex]) |
if len(pages_to_be_loaded) ==0: |
pages_to_be_loaded = pages.copy() |
vectordb = Chroma.from_documents(pages_to_be_loaded, embedding=embeddings) |
global pdf_qa |
prompt_template = """Use the following pieces of context to answer the question at the end. If you do not know the answer, just return N/A. If you encounter a date, return it in mm/dd/yyyy format. |
{context} |
Question: {question} |
Return just the answer :""" |
PROMPT = PromptTemplate(template=prompt_template, input_variables=["context", "question"]) |
chain_type_kwargs = {"prompt": PROMPT} |
pdf_qa = RetrievalQA.from_chain_type(llm=ChatOpenAI(temperature=0, model_name="gpt-4"),chain_type="stuff", retriever=vectordb.as_retriever(search_kwargs={"k": 5}), chain_type_kwargs=chain_type_kwargs, return_source_documents=False) |
return "Ready" |
else: |
return "Please provide an OpenAI gpt-4 API key" |
def answer_predefined_questions(document_type): |
if document_type == "Deed of Trust": |
query1 = "what is the Loan Number?" |
field1 = "Loan Number" |
query2 = "Who is the Borrower?" |
field2 = "Borrower" |
query3 = "what is the Case Number?" |
field3 = "Case Number" |
query4 = "what is the Mortgage Identification number?" |
field4 = "MIN Number" |
query5 = "DOT signed date?" |
field5 = "Signed Date" |
query6 = "Who is the Lender?" |
field6 = "Lender" |
query7 = "what is the VA/FHA Number?" |
field7 = "VA/FHA Number" |
query8 = "Who is the Co-Borrower?" |
field8 = "Co-Borrower" |
query9 = "What is the property type - single family, multi family?" |
field9 = "Property Type" |
query10 = "what is the Property Address?" |
field10 = "Property Address" |
query11 = "In what County is the property located?" |
field11 = "Property County" |
query12 = "what is the Electronically recorded date" |
field12 = "Electronic Recording Date" |
elif document_type == "Transmittal Summary": |
query1 = "Who is the Borrower?" |
field1 = "Borrower" |
query2 = "what is the Property Address?" |
field2 = "Property Address" |
query3 = "what is the Loan Term?" |
field3 = "Loan Term" |
query4 = "What is the Base Income?" |
field4 = "Base Income" |
query5 = "what is the Borrower's SSN?" |
field5 = "Borrower's SSN" |
query6 = "Who is the Co-Borrower?" |
field6 = "Co-Borrower" |
query7 = "What is the Original Loan Amount?" |
field7 = "Original Loan Amount" |
query8 = "What is the Initial P&I payment?" |
field8 = "Initial P&I payment" |
query9 = "What is the Co-Borrower's SSN?" |
field9 = "Co-Borrower’s SSN" |
query10 = "Number of units?" |
field10 = "Units#" |
query11 = "Who is the Seller?" |
field11 = "Seller" |
query12 = "Document signed date?" |
field12 = "Signed Date" |
else: |
return "Please choose your Document Type" |
queryList = [query1, query2, query3, query4, query5, query6, query7, query8, query9, query10, query11,query12] |
fieldList = [field1, field2, field3, field4, field5, field6, field7, field8, field9, field10, field11,field12] |
responseList =[] |
i = 0 |
while i < len(queryList): |
question = queryList[i] |
responseList.append(pdf_qa.run(question)) |
i = i+1 |
return pd.DataFrame({"Field": [fieldList[0],fieldList[1],fieldList[2],fieldList[3],fieldList[4],fieldList[5],fieldList[6],fieldList[7],fieldList[8],fieldList[9],fieldList[10],fieldList[11]], |
"Question to gpt-4": [queryList[0],queryList[1],queryList[2],queryList[3],queryList[4],queryList[5],queryList[6],queryList[7],queryList[8],queryList[9],queryList[10],queryList[11]], |
"Response from gpt-4": [responseList[0],responseList[1],responseList[2],responseList[3],responseList[4],responseList[5],responseList[6],responseList[7],responseList[8],responseList[9],responseList[10],responseList[11]]}) |
def answer_query(query): |
question = query |
return pdf_qa.run(question) |
css=""" |
#col-container {max-width: 700px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} |
""" |
title = """ |
<div style="text-align: center;max-width: 700px;"> |
<h1>Chatbot for PDFs - GPT-4</h1> |
<p style="text-align: center;">Upload a .PDF, click the "Upload PDF and generate embeddings" button, <br /> |
Wait for the Status to show Ready. You can chose to get answers to the pre-defined question set OR ask your own question <br /> |
The app is built on GPT-4 and leverages PromptTemplate</p> |
</div> |
""" |
with gr.Blocks(css=css,theme=gr.themes.Monochrome()) as demo: |
with gr.Column(elem_id="col-container"): |
gr.HTML(title) |
with gr.Column(): |
openai_key = gr.Textbox(label="Your GPT-4 OpenAI API key", type="password") |
pdf_doc = gr.File(label="Load a pdf",file_types=['.pdf'],type='file') |
relevant_pages = gr.Textbox(label="*Optional - List comma separated page numbers to load or leave this field blank to use the entire PDF") |
with gr.Row(): |
status = gr.Textbox(label="Status", placeholder="", interactive=False) |
load_pdf = gr.Button("Upload PDF and generate embeddings").style(full_width=False) |
with gr.Row(): |
document_type = gr.Radio(['Deed of Trust', 'Transmittal Summary'], label="Select the Document Type") |
answers = gr.Dataframe(label="Answers to Predefined Question set") |
answers_for_predefined_question_set = gr.Button("Get gpt-4 answers to pre-defined question set").style(full_width=False) |
with gr.Row(): |
input = gr.Textbox(label="Type in your question") |
output = gr.Textbox(label="Answer") |
submit_query = gr.Button("Submit your own question to gpt-4").style(full_width=False) |
load_pdf.click(load_pdf_and_generate_embeddings, inputs=[pdf_doc, openai_key, relevant_pages], outputs=status) |
answers_for_predefined_question_set.click(answer_predefined_questions, document_type, answers) |
submit_query.click(answer_query,input,output) |
demo.launch() |