How to "Duplicate this Space"

by indrakshi - opened


I am a complete newbie to hugging face et all .., and have been trying to Duplicate this Space, when i try to run my own instance / space whatever - the logs show an error .., the Ngnix fails to start - is there any detailed explanation that you can point a link to which can help utter novices like us ..,

many thanks ..,

Hey @indrakshi - you'll see on the introductory text to the Whisper JAX demo the following line:

To skip the queue, you may wish to create your own inference endpoint, details for which can be found in the Whisper JAX repository.

Following this link should provide you with step-by-step instructions for setting-up the demo (note that it's non-trivial since we have a TPU back-end that we need to hook-up with a CPU front-end)

sanchit-gandhi changed discussion status to closed

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