How do I filter by checked keywords?

by Alexx31 - opened

Hello, I wonder how this works:
When I uncheck everything I am still getting the same library of pictures on the right side. What sense has the filtering (when "immersive" is only checked for example, still all pictures were visible and so I do not know which pictures have the tagging "immersive")


Sounds like a bug. I haven't encountered that. Try checking "all" then unchecking it. You should now see zero artists. Then if you check "immersive" you should only see artists that match that tag.

As of now, I don't have a way to only show the tags that are checked. But this sounds like a bug

Took me a long time, but I discovered and just fixed a bug that might be what you experienced. If you checked an tag using the slash menu, then unchecked via the main tags list, it the bug prevented those images from being hidden as expected

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