xu1998hz's picture
Duplicate from xu1998hz/sescore_english_webnlg17
title: SEScore
- null
- evaluate
- metric
description: 'SEScore: a text generation evaluation metric'
sdk: gradio
sdk_version: 3.0.2
app_file: app.py
pinned: false
duplicated_from: xu1998hz/sescore_english_webnlg17
# Metric Card for SEScore
![alt text](https://huggingface.co/spaces/xu1998hz/sescore/blob/main/img/logo_sescore.png)
## Metric Description
*SEScore is an unsupervised learned evaluation metric trained on synthesized dataset*
## How to Use
*Provide simplest possible example for using the metric*
### Inputs
*SEScore takes input of predictions (a list of candidate translations) and references (a list of reference translations).*
### Output Values
*Output value is between 0 to -25*
#### Values from Popular Papers
### Examples
*Give code examples of the metric being used. Try to include examples that clear up any potential ambiguity left from the metric description above. If possible, provide a range of examples that show both typical and atypical results, as well as examples where a variety of input parameters are passed.*
## Limitations and Bias
*Note any known limitations or biases that the metric has, with links and references if possible.*
## Citation
*Cite the source where this metric was introduced.*
## Further References
*Add any useful further references.*