""" | |
Script to run within Blender to render a 3D model as RGBAD images. | |
Example usage | |
blender -b -P -- \ | |
--input_path ../../examples/example_data/corgi.ply \ | |
--output_path render_out | |
Pass `--camera_pose z-circular-elevated` for the rendering used to compute | |
CLIP R-Precision results. | |
The output directory will include metadata json files for each rendered view, | |
as well as a global metadata file for the render. Each image will be saved as | |
a collection of 16-bit PNG files for each channel (rgbad), as well as a full | |
grayscale render of the view. | |
""" | |
import argparse | |
import json | |
import math | |
import os | |
import random | |
import sys | |
import bpy | |
from mathutils import Vector | |
from mathutils.noise import random_unit_vector | |
MAX_DEPTH = 5.0 | |
UNIFORM_LIGHT_DIRECTION = [0.09387503, -0.63953443, -0.7630093] | |
def clear_scene(): | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="SELECT") | |
bpy.ops.object.delete() | |
def clear_lights(): | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT") | |
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values(): | |
if isinstance(, bpy.types.Light): | |
obj.select_set(True) | |
bpy.ops.object.delete() | |
def import_model(path): | |
clear_scene() | |
_, ext = os.path.splitext(path) | |
ext = ext.lower() | |
if ext == ".obj": | |
bpy.ops.import_scene.obj(filepath=path) | |
elif ext in [".glb", ".gltf"]: | |
bpy.ops.import_scene.gltf(filepath=path) | |
elif ext == ".stl": | |
bpy.ops.import_mesh.stl(filepath=path) | |
elif ext == ".fbx": | |
bpy.ops.import_scene.fbx(filepath=path) | |
elif ext == ".dae": | |
bpy.ops.wm.collada_import(filepath=path) | |
elif ext == ".ply": | |
bpy.ops.import_mesh.ply(filepath=path) | |
else: | |
raise RuntimeError(f"unexpected extension: {ext}") | |
def scene_root_objects(): | |
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values(): | |
if not obj.parent: | |
yield obj | |
def scene_bbox(single_obj=None, ignore_matrix=False): | |
bbox_min = (math.inf,) * 3 | |
bbox_max = (-math.inf,) * 3 | |
found = False | |
for obj in scene_meshes() if single_obj is None else [single_obj]: | |
found = True | |
for coord in obj.bound_box: | |
coord = Vector(coord) | |
if not ignore_matrix: | |
coord = obj.matrix_world @ coord | |
bbox_min = tuple(min(x, y) for x, y in zip(bbox_min, coord)) | |
bbox_max = tuple(max(x, y) for x, y in zip(bbox_max, coord)) | |
if not found: | |
raise RuntimeError("no objects in scene to compute bounding box for") | |
return Vector(bbox_min), Vector(bbox_max) | |
def scene_meshes(): | |
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values(): | |
if isinstance(, (bpy.types.Mesh)): | |
yield obj | |
def normalize_scene(): | |
bbox_min, bbox_max = scene_bbox() | |
scale = 1 / max(bbox_max - bbox_min) | |
for obj in scene_root_objects(): | |
obj.scale = obj.scale * scale | |
# Apply scale to matrix_world. | |
bpy.context.view_layer.update() | |
bbox_min, bbox_max = scene_bbox() | |
offset = -(bbox_min + bbox_max) / 2 | |
for obj in scene_root_objects(): | |
obj.matrix_world.translation += offset | |
bpy.ops.object.select_all(action="DESELECT") | |
def create_camera(): | |
# | |
camera_data ="Camera") | |
camera_object ="Camera", camera_data) | | | | = camera_object | |
def set_camera(direction, camera_dist=2.0): | |
camera_pos = -camera_dist * direction | | = camera_pos | |
# | |
rot_quat = direction.to_track_quat("-Z", "Y") | | = rot_quat.to_euler() | |
bpy.context.view_layer.update() | |
def randomize_camera(camera_dist=2.0): | |
direction = random_unit_vector() | |
set_camera(direction, camera_dist=camera_dist) | |
def pan_camera(time, axis="Z", camera_dist=2.0, elevation=-0.1): | |
angle = time * math.pi * 2 | |
direction = [-math.cos(angle), -math.sin(angle), -elevation] | |
assert axis in ["X", "Y", "Z"] | |
if axis == "X": | |
direction = [direction[2], *direction[:2]] | |
elif axis == "Y": | |
direction = [direction[0], -elevation, direction[1]] | |
direction = Vector(direction).normalized() | |
set_camera(direction, camera_dist=camera_dist) | |
def place_camera(time, camera_pose_mode="random", camera_dist_min=2.0, camera_dist_max=2.0): | |
camera_dist = random.uniform(camera_dist_min, camera_dist_max) | |
if camera_pose_mode == "random": | |
randomize_camera(camera_dist=camera_dist) | |
elif camera_pose_mode == "z-circular": | |
pan_camera(time, axis="Z", camera_dist=camera_dist) | |
elif camera_pose_mode == "z-circular-elevated": | |
pan_camera(time, axis="Z", camera_dist=camera_dist, elevation=0.2617993878) | |
else: | |
raise ValueError(f"Unknown camera pose mode: {camera_pose_mode}") | |
def create_light(location, energy=1.0, angle=0.5 * math.pi / 180): | |
# | |
light_data ="Light", type="SUN") | | = energy | |
light_data.angle = angle | |
light_object ="Light", object_data=light_data) | |
direction = -location | |
rot_quat = direction.to_track_quat("-Z", "Y") | |
light_object.rotation_euler = rot_quat.to_euler() | |
bpy.context.view_layer.update() | | | |
light_object.location = location | |
def create_random_lights(count=4, distance=2.0, energy=1.5): | |
clear_lights() | |
for _ in range(count): | |
create_light(random_unit_vector() * distance, energy=energy) | |
def create_camera_light(): | |
clear_lights() | |
create_light(, energy=5.0) | |
def create_uniform_light(backend): | |
clear_lights() | |
# Random direction to decorrelate axis-aligned sides. | |
angle = 0.0092 if backend == "CYCLES" else math.pi | |
create_light(pos, energy=5.0, angle=angle) | |
create_light(-pos, energy=5.0, angle=angle) | |
def create_vertex_color_shaders(): | |
# By default, Blender will ignore vertex colors in both the | |
# Eevee and Cycles backends, since these colors aren't | |
# associated with a material. | |
# | |
# What we do here is create a simple material shader and link | |
# the vertex color to the material color. | |
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values(): | |
if not isinstance(, (bpy.types.Mesh)): | |
continue | |
if len( | |
# We don't want to override any existing materials. | |
continue | |
color_keys = ( or {}).keys() | |
if not len(color_keys): | |
# Many objects will have no materials *or* vertex colors. | |
continue | |
mat ="VertexColored") | |
mat.use_nodes = True | |
# There should be a Principled BSDF by default. | |
bsdf_node = None | |
for node in mat.node_tree.nodes: | |
if node.type == "BSDF_PRINCIPLED": | |
bsdf_node = node | |
assert bsdf_node is not None, "material has no Principled BSDF node to modify" | |
socket_map = {} | |
for input in bsdf_node.inputs: | |
socket_map[] = input | |
# Make sure nothing lights the object except for the diffuse color. | |
socket_map["Specular"].default_value = 0.0 | |
socket_map["Roughness"].default_value = 1.0 | |
v_color ="ShaderNodeVertexColor") | |
v_color.layer_name = color_keys[0] | |[0], socket_map["Base Color"]) | | | |
def create_default_materials(): | |
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values(): | |
if isinstance(, (bpy.types.Mesh)): | |
if not len( | |
mat ="DefaultMaterial") | |
mat.use_nodes = True | | | |
def find_materials(): | |
all_materials = set() | |
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects.values(): | |
if not isinstance(, (bpy.types.Mesh)): | |
continue | |
for mat in | |
all_materials.add(mat) | |
return all_materials | |
def get_socket_value(tree, socket): | |
default = socket.default_value | |
if not isinstance(default, float): | |
default = list(default) | |
for link in tree.links: | |
if link.to_socket == socket: | |
return (link.from_socket, default) | |
return (None, default) | |
def clear_socket_input(tree, socket): | |
for link in list(tree.links): | |
if link.to_socket == socket: | |
tree.links.remove(link) | |
def set_socket_value(tree, socket, socket_and_default): | |
clear_socket_input(tree, socket) | |
old_source_socket, default = socket_and_default | |
if isinstance(default, float) and not isinstance(socket.default_value, float): | |
# Codepath for setting Emission to a previous alpha value. | |
socket.default_value = [default] * 3 + [1.0] | |
else: | |
socket.default_value = default | |
if old_source_socket is not None: | |, socket) | |
def setup_nodes(output_path, capturing_material_alpha: bool = False): | |
tree = bpy.context.scene.node_tree | |
links = tree.links | |
for node in tree.nodes: | |
tree.nodes.remove(node) | |
# Helpers to perform math on links and constants. | |
def node_op(op: str, *args, clamp=False): | |
node ="CompositorNodeMath") | |
node.operation = op | |
if clamp: | |
node.use_clamp = True | |
for i, arg in enumerate(args): | |
if isinstance(arg, (int, float)): | |
node.inputs[i].default_value = arg | |
else: | |, node.inputs[i]) | |
return node.outputs[0] | |
def node_clamp(x, maximum=1.0): | |
return node_op("MINIMUM", x, maximum) | |
def node_mul(x, y, **kwargs): | |
return node_op("MULTIPLY", x, y, **kwargs) | |
input_node ="CompositorNodeRLayers") | |
input_node.scene = bpy.context.scene | |
input_sockets = {} | |
for output in input_node.outputs: | |
input_sockets[] = output | |
if capturing_material_alpha: | |
color_socket = input_sockets["Image"] | |
else: | |
raw_color_socket = input_sockets["Image"] | |
# We apply sRGB here so that our fixed-point depth map and material | |
# alpha values are not sRGB, and so that we perform ambient+diffuse | |
# lighting in linear RGB space. | |
color_node ="CompositorNodeConvertColorSpace") | |
color_node.from_color_space = "Linear" | |
color_node.to_color_space = "sRGB" | |, color_node.inputs[0]) | |
color_socket = color_node.outputs[0] | |
split_node ="CompositorNodeSepRGBA") | |, split_node.inputs[0]) | |
# Create separate file output nodes for every channel we care about. | |
# The process calling this script must decide how to recombine these | |
# channels, possibly into a single image. | |
for i, channel in enumerate("rgba") if not capturing_material_alpha else [(0, "MatAlpha")]: | |
output_node ="CompositorNodeOutputFile") | |
output_node.base_path = f"{output_path}_{channel}" | |[i], output_node.inputs[0]) | |
if capturing_material_alpha: | |
# No need to re-write depth here. | |
return | |
depth_out = node_clamp(node_mul(input_sockets["Depth"], 1 / MAX_DEPTH)) | |
output_node ="CompositorNodeOutputFile") | |
output_node.base_path = f"{output_path}_depth" | |, output_node.inputs[0]) | |
def render_scene(output_path, fast_mode: bool): | |
use_workbench = bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "BLENDER_WORKBENCH" | |
if use_workbench: | |
# We must use a different engine to compute depth maps. | |
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "BLENDER_EEVEE" | |
bpy.context.scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 1 # faster, since we discard image. | |
if fast_mode: | |
if bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "BLENDER_EEVEE": | |
bpy.context.scene.eevee.taa_render_samples = 1 | |
elif bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "CYCLES": | |
bpy.context.scene.cycles.samples = 256 | |
else: | |
if bpy.context.scene.render.engine == "CYCLES": | |
# We should still impose a per-frame time limit | |
# so that we don't timeout completely. | |
bpy.context.scene.cycles.time_limit = 40 | |
bpy.context.view_layer.update() | |
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = True | |
bpy.context.scene.view_layers["ViewLayer"].use_pass_z = True | |
bpy.context.scene.view_settings.view_transform = "Raw" # sRGB done in graph nodes | |
bpy.context.scene.render.film_transparent = True | |
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x = 512 | |
bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y = 512 | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.file_format = "PNG" | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "BW" | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = "16" | |
bpy.context.scene.render.filepath = output_path | |
setup_nodes(output_path) | |
bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) | |
# The output images must be moved from their own sub-directories, or | |
# discarded if we are using workbench for the color. | |
for channel_name in ["r", "g", "b", "a", "depth"]: | |
sub_dir = f"{output_path}_{channel_name}" | |
image_path = os.path.join(sub_dir, os.listdir(sub_dir)[0]) | |
name, ext = os.path.splitext(output_path) | |
if channel_name == "depth" or not use_workbench: | |
os.rename(image_path, f"{name}_{channel_name}{ext}") | |
else: | |
os.remove(image_path) | |
os.removedirs(sub_dir) | |
if use_workbench: | |
# Re-render RGBA using workbench with texture mode, since this seems | |
# to show the most reasonable colors when lighting is broken. | |
bpy.context.scene.use_nodes = False | |
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = "BLENDER_WORKBENCH" | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "RGBA" | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = "8" | |
bpy.context.scene.display.shading.color_type = "TEXTURE" | |
bpy.context.scene.display.shading.light = "FLAT" | |
if fast_mode: | |
# Single pass anti-aliasing. | |
bpy.context.scene.display.render_aa = "FXAA" | |
os.remove(output_path) | |
bpy.ops.render.render(write_still=True) | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_mode = "BW" | |
bpy.context.scene.render.image_settings.color_depth = "16" | |
def scene_fov(): | |
x_fov = | |
y_fov = | |
width = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_x | |
height = bpy.context.scene.render.resolution_y | |
if == x_fov: | |
y_fov = 2 * math.atan(math.tan(x_fov / 2) * height / width) | |
else: | |
x_fov = 2 * math.atan(math.tan(y_fov / 2) * width / height) | |
return x_fov, y_fov | |
def write_camera_metadata(path): | |
x_fov, y_fov = scene_fov() | |
bbox_min, bbox_max = scene_bbox() | |
matrix = | |
with open(path, "w") as f: | |
json.dump( | |
dict( | |
format_version=FORMAT_VERSION, | |
max_depth=MAX_DEPTH, | |
bbox=[list(bbox_min), list(bbox_max)], | |
origin=list(matrix.col[3])[:3], | |
x_fov=x_fov, | |
y_fov=y_fov, | |
x=list(matrix.col[0])[:3], | |
y=list(-matrix.col[1])[:3], | |
z=list(-matrix.col[2])[:3], | |
), | |
f, | |
) | |
def save_rendering_dataset( | |
input_path: str, | |
output_path: str, | |
num_images: int, | |
backend: str, | |
light_mode: str, | |
camera_pose: str, | |
camera_dist_min: float, | |
camera_dist_max: float, | |
fast_mode: bool, | |
): | |
assert light_mode in ["random", "uniform", "camera"] | |
assert camera_pose in ["random", "z-circular", "z-circular-elevated"] | |
import_model(input_path) | |
bpy.context.scene.render.engine = backend | |
normalize_scene() | |
if light_mode == "random": | |
create_random_lights() | |
elif light_mode == "uniform": | |
create_uniform_light(backend) | |
create_camera() | |
create_vertex_color_shaders() | |
for i in range(num_images): | |
t = i / max(num_images - 1, 1) # same as np.linspace(0, 1, num_images) | |
place_camera( | |
t, | |
camera_pose_mode=camera_pose, | |
camera_dist_min=camera_dist_min, | |
camera_dist_max=camera_dist_max, | |
) | |
if light_mode == "camera": | |
create_camera_light() | |
render_scene( | |
os.path.join(output_path, f"{i:05}.png"), | |
fast_mode=fast_mode, | |
) | |
write_camera_metadata(os.path.join(output_path, f"{i:05}.json")) | |
with open(os.path.join(output_path, "info.json"), "w") as f: | |
info = dict( | |
backend=backend, | |
light_mode=light_mode, | |
fast_mode=fast_mode, | |
format_version=FORMAT_VERSION, | |
channels=["R", "G", "B", "A", "D"], | |
scale=0.5, # The scene is bounded by [-scale, scale]. | |
) | |
json.dump(info, f) | |
def main(): | |
try: | |
dash_index = sys.argv.index("--") | |
except ValueError as exc: | |
raise ValueError("arguments must be preceded by '--'") from exc | |
raw_args = sys.argv[dash_index + 1 :] | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() | |
parser.add_argument("--input_path", required=True, type=str) | |
parser.add_argument("--output_path", required=True, type=str) | |
parser.add_argument("--num_images", type=int, default=20) | |
parser.add_argument("--backend", type=str, default="BLENDER_EEVEE") | |
parser.add_argument("--light_mode", type=str, default="uniform") | |
parser.add_argument("--camera_pose", type=str, default="random") | |
parser.add_argument("--camera_dist_min", type=float, default=2.0) | |
parser.add_argument("--camera_dist_max", type=float, default=2.0) | |
parser.add_argument("--fast_mode", action="store_true") | |
args = parser.parse_args(raw_args) | |
save_rendering_dataset( | |
input_path=args.input_path, | |
output_path=args.output_path, | |
num_images=args.num_images, | |
backend=args.backend, | |
light_mode=args.light_mode, | |
camera_pose=args.camera_pose, | |
camera_dist_min=args.camera_dist_min, | |
camera_dist_max=args.camera_dist_max, | |
fast_mode=args.fast_mode, | |
) | |
main() | |