About Model Sizes

by alrab222 - opened

I am creating a model in VITS and the model size is about 500MB. However, when I look at the size of the model used in this space, it is about 160 MB. how are you reducing the model?

You can remove the optimizer that is not needed during model inference. This will reduce the size of the model to about 160MB.

import torch
model_path = "/path/to/model.pth"
output_path = "/path/to/model-p.pth"
checkpoint_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu")
checkpoint_dict_new = {
    "model": {}
for k, v in checkpoint_dict.items():
    if k == "optimizer": 
        print("remove optimizer")
    checkpoint_dict_new[k] = v
torch.save(checkpoint_dict_new, output_path)

You can also remove some weights irrelevant to inference and convert other weights to half-precision, it's OK. This will reduce the size of the model to about 60MB.

import torch
model_path = "/path/to/model-p.pth"
output_path = "/path/to/model-p2.pth"
checkpoint_dict = torch.load(model_path, map_location="cpu")
checkpoint_dict_new = {
    "model": {}
for k, v in checkpoint_dict.items():
    if k == "model":
        for k2, v2 in checkpoint_dict['model'].items():
            if "enc_q" in k2:
                print("remove enc_q")
            checkpoint_dict_new['model'][k2] = checkpoint_dict['model'][k2].half()
    checkpoint_dict_new[k] = v
torch.save(checkpoint_dict_new, output_path)
alrab222 changed discussion status to closed

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