Which VAE to use

by Ardeact - opened

I'm confused about the VAE version of the model. Does one with VAE come with a trained VAE, or is it VAE weights only? I tried loading the model + the VAE one but with an error. I think it's the latter.

Yeah I'm not sure why the files have the vae right next to the base model when it causes crashing if you try to use it for v1. I'm assuming it's built-in.

Yeah I'm not sure why the files have the vae right next to the base model when it causes crashing if you try to use it for v1. I'm assuming it's built-in.
Okay so I did some digging and the one with VAE has 0.9 VAE proceeding it. Because the 1.0 VAE would actually cause problems so StabilityAI reverted it.

So download the one with 0.9 VAE in the name, that is the with it baked in 👍
I think the one without it in it’s name, probably has 1.0 VAE, but as I mentioned earlier, had problems with rainbow fringing.

Hey, the vae with 1.0 in it's folder name or file name should not be used anymore. The folder that's just called VAE or the 0.9 filename should be used

patrickvonplaten changed discussion title from Noob question to Which VAE to use

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