Jawad Mansoor


AI & ML interests

NLP for text and voice (even videos) RL with multimodaliy models (agent is able to learn human speech as well as can see and make decisions based on what it "sees")


supercharge19's activity

New activity in openbmb/MiniCPM-V-2_6 10 days ago
New activity in facebook/w2v-bert-2.0 4 months ago

Any quantization possible?

#18 opened 8 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in llmware/bling-phi-3-gguf 5 months ago
New activity in mustafaaljadery/gemma-2B-10M 5 months ago
New activity in TroyDoesAI/Phi-3-Context-Obedient-RAG 5 months ago

GGUF versoin please

#1 opened 5 months ago by HR1777
New activity in MaziyarPanahi/Llama-3-8B-Instruct-v0.5 5 months ago
New activity in MaziyarPanahi/Calme-7B-Instruct-v0.2 5 months ago


#6 opened 5 months ago by supercharge19

Oh Come on

#1 opened 5 months ago by supercharge19

What is 256k?

#1 opened 5 months ago by supercharge19

What is smashed?

#1 opened 5 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in NousResearch/OLMo-Bitnet-1B 5 months ago

Is it bitnet {-1,0,1}?

#3 opened 6 months ago by Remek
New activity in NousResearch/Meta-Llama-3-8B 5 months ago
New activity in 1bitLLM/bitnet_b1_58-3B 6 months ago

Why are these models fp32?

#2 opened 6 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in Cohere/Cohere-embed-multilingual-light-v3.0 6 months ago

Light vs original

#1 opened 6 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in mixedbread-ai/mxbai-embed-large-v1 6 months ago
New activity in distil-whisper/distil-large-v3-ggml 6 months ago

is it fp16?

#1 opened 6 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in liminerity/M7-7b-GGUF 7 months ago

Is it censored?

#1 opened 7 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in MTSAIR/multi_verse_model 7 months ago

How is this created

#1 opened 7 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in ise-uiuc/Magicoder-S-DS-6.7B 7 months ago
New activity in eren23/ogno-monarch-jaskier-merge-7b-v2 7 months ago

Good job

#2 opened 7 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in MaziyarPanahi/MixTAO-7Bx2-MoE-v8.1-GGUF 7 months ago

4K_0 gone and 4K_XS?

#2 opened 7 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in google/gemma-7b-it 7 months ago

Buggy GGUF Output

#38 opened 7 months ago by mattjcly

disclaimer 2

#1 opened 7 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in sayhan/Experiment26-7B-GGUF 7 months ago
New activity in yam-peleg/Experiment26-7B 7 months ago
New activity in mistralai/Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1 7 months ago
New activity in yleo/OgnoMonarch-7B 8 months ago
New activity in CohereForAI/aya-101 8 months ago
New activity in RWKV/v5-Eagle-7B-HF 8 months ago

what is new?

#2 opened 8 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in Locutusque/TinyMistral-248M-v2.5-Instruct 8 months ago

GGUF versions?

#1 opened 8 months ago by supercharge19

Thank you

#1 opened 8 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in facebook/bart-large-mnli 8 months ago
New activity in RWKV/v5-Eagle-7B-pth 8 months ago
New activity in RWKV/v5-Eagle-7B-HF 8 months ago
New activity in mlabonne/NeuralOmniBeagle-7B-v2 8 months ago

why two versions in a day?

#1 opened 8 months ago by supercharge19
New activity in stabilityai/stable-diffusion-2-1 8 months ago

🚩 Report : Ethical issue(s)

#74 opened about 1 year ago by liuaiyao
New activity in miqudev/miqu-1-70b 8 months ago

Might consider attribution

#10 opened 8 months ago by arthurmensch
New activity in gaia-benchmark/leaderboard 8 months ago
New activity in miqudev/miqu-1-70b 8 months ago

Full Model?

#13 opened 8 months ago by LoadingALIAS
New activity in ise-uiuc/Magicoder-S-DS-6.7B 8 months ago
New activity in miqudev/miqu-1-70b 8 months ago


#4 opened 8 months ago by mrfakename