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This is a BERTopic model. BERTopic is a flexible and modular topic modeling framework that allows for the generation of easily interpretable topics from large datasets.


To use this model, please install BERTopic:

pip install -U bertopic

You can use the model as follows:

from bertopic import BERTopic
topic_model = BERTopic.load("thiagoquilice/tweets_deforestation_all_withoutRTorduplicate_new")


Topic overview

  • Number of topics: 715
  • Number of training documents: 361202
Click here for an overview of all topics.
Topic ID Topic Keywords Topic Frequency Label
-1 do - que - os - no - com 50 Deforestation in the Amazon
0 peti - assine - impedir - explora - via 154206 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
1 soja - plantar - planta - macron - cerrado 45854 Environmental concerns over Brazilian soy production
2 isso - aqui - mat - quem - essa 12141 Political corruption and its consequences
3 - - - - 8228 "Technology trends and innovations"
4 petition - sign - the - impedir - explora 6290 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
5 carne - comer - consumo - gado - veganos 5150 Impact of meat consumption on the Amazon rainforest
6 ajudem - ajudar - custa - vamos - vamo 3575 Save the Amazon!
7 ele - presidente - dele - cara - esse 2595 Presidential responsibility for Amazon deforestation
8 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 2412 Deforestation in the Amazon
9 falar - vamos - carne - sobre - na 1973 Deforestation and meat consumption in the Amazon
10 noruega - alemanha - fundo - financiamento - projetos 1960 Funding for environmental projects in Brazil
11 brasil - brasileiro - brasileiros - presidente - mundo 1832 Brazilian President's Handling of Amazon Rainforest Conservation
12 assinem - assinar - assinado - assina - abaixo 1714 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
13 alertas - batem - alerta - crescem - aumentam 1638 Deforestation alerts in Amazon break records
14 governo - governos - anteriores - atual - culpa 1540 Responsibility for Amazon deforestation
15 zero - serra - governador - poss - promete 1398 Deforestation in the Amazon
16 investidores - empresas - bancos - trilh - banco 1351 Financing of Deforestation in the Amazon
17 uhul - walmart - anunciou - comprar - carne 1302 Walmart's announcement on not purchasing meat from Amazon rainforest deforestation
18 monitorar - lite - sat - monitoramento - lan 1282 Monitoring deforestation in the Amazon using satellite technology
19 diminuiu - cai - diminui - caiu - ritmo 1253 Deforestation in the Amazon decreases
20 manifesta - protesto - contra - protestar - protestos 1236 Protestos contra desmatamento na Amaz么nia
21 petici - firma - la - impedir - explora 1156 Save the Amazon Rainforest
22 ganha - realidade - prote - dt - florestas 1070 Deforestation alerts in Brazil
23 militares - armadas - militar - for - opera 1056 Military efforts to combat deforestation in the Amazon
24 fogo - queimadas - fuma - chamas - queimada 1050 Deforestation and fires in the Amazon
25 gerando - hora - hectares - era - bolsonaro 862 Deforestation under Bolsonaro administration
26 impedir - explora - via - da - nia 860 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
27 best - partners - hesitate - raze - loot 829 Deforestation and land exploitation
28 acesse - sabia - hey - saiba - dt 800 Ending deforestation in the Amazon
29 destruction - billions - funds - fires - with 792 Deforestation in Brazil
30 moratorium - soy - moratoria - effective - amazon 758 Soy Moratorium in Brazil
31 desmatamentozero - voltou - crescer - dt - meses 750 Deforestation in the Amazon
32 deixe - continue - absurdo - voltou - crescer 682 Deforestation in the Amazon
33 simples - jeito - entenda - um - via 676 Understanding Deforestation in Simple Terms
34 chuva - chuvas - sudeste - falta - escassez 648 Impact of deforestation on rainfall in Brazil
35 diretor - galv - exonerado - demitido - ricardo 619 "Controversy surrounds ex-INPE director Ricardo Galv茫o after release of deforestation data"
36 perdeu - perde - km - metros - quil 609 Deforestation in the Amazon
37 pandemia - pandemias - xima - novas - covid 604 Pandemic-related deforestation in the Amazon
38 aquecimento - global - clima - clim - mudan 584 Impact of deforestation on global warming
39 petizione - firma - la - lewat - ednictv 573 Petition to prevent deforestation in the Amazon
40 fundo - dinheiro - projetos - doa - recursos 565 Funding for Amazon conservation projects
41 hypocrisy - talk - put - funding - did 562 Corporate hypocrisy in zero deforestation policies
42 mico - econ - micos - valor - macaco 561 Economic value of deforestation in the Amazon
43 menor - taxa - desde - segunda - registrada 556 Deforestation rates in Brazil
44 mapa - dados - interativo - novos - mapas 551 Real-time maps of deforestation in the Amazon
45 petition - sign - help - save - please 546 Amazon Rainforest Preservation Petition
46 trav - petici - firma - la - impedir 526 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
47 tamanho - leia - sp - quase - legal 516 Deforestation in the Amazon
48 senado - vice - hamilton - mour - senador 490 Brazilian Senate to discuss deforestation and increase in fires in the Amazon
49 ela - marido - dela - mulher - falando 489 Woman's husband involved in Amazon deforestation
50 triste - chorar - chorando - me - eu 484 Deforestation in the Amazon
51 petici - firma - la - firm - impedir 475 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
52 prestes - limite - atingir - irrevers - vel 475 Deforestation in the Amazon nearing irreversible limit
53 acabei - juntos - mp - corrup - dizer 470 Combating corruption and deforestation in the Amazon
54 papel - trouxa - tanto - eu - minha 469 Deforestation and paper production
55 recontar - covid - ativistape - floresta - nica 464 Discovery of lost civilizations in the Amazon rainforest during COVID-19 pandemic
56 cumpadi - mant - not - cias - amea 450 Deforestation in the Amazon
57 menor - ndice - registra - taxa - medido 446 Amazon deforestation rates
58 carbono - xido - emiss - atmosfera - absorver 433 Carbon emissions from deforestation in the Amazon
59 ministro - ambiente - meio - salles - ricardo 422 Controversial environmental policies in Brazil
60 bate - recorde - seguido - bateu - consecutivo 422 Deforestation in the Amazon sets new record
61 uhul - walmart - anunciou - comprar - carne 408 Walmart's announcement on not purchasing meat from Amazon rainforest deforestation
62 comemorar - dia - celebrar - comemora - comemorado 387 Celebrating the Amazon rainforest, but with a twist
63 tition - signez - la - impedir - explora 384 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
64 acabou - agora - boa - existe - sabemos 383 Deforestation in the Amazon
65 genas - ind - demarca - terras - gena 376 Deforestation in Indigenous Territories
66 janeiro - aumenta - mais - em - na 369 Deforestation in the Amazon in January
67 acabar - parar - tarefa - precisamos - luta 368 Stop Deforestation in the Amazon
68 reduzir - incra - combate - ajudado - recente 368 Combating deforestation in the Amazon
69 entrevista - professor - falar - sobre - aula 366 Debate on deforestation in the Amazon
70 km - mil - quil - metros - quadrados 360 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches nearly 1 million square kilometers
71 brasil - portugu - brasileiro - brasileiros - acabando 357 Controversies surrounding Brazilian culture and identity
72 ambiente - meio - ambiental - vigaristas - ambientalismo 353 Environmentalism and activism
73 previa - apoiou - milhares - protegidas - cies 352 Macron's support for Amazon deforestation project
74 pior - ndice - worst - rie - abril 352 Deforestation in the Amazon
75 mercosul - acordo - ue - europeia - uni 352 Environmental concerns in Mercosur-EU trade agreement
76 multas - indeniza - milh - aplicou - somam 341 Environmental fines in Brazil
77 corta - verba - dilma - contra - medi 341 Dilma Rousseff's intervention in the Amazon rainforest
78 abril - ltimos - maior - foi - anos 339 Deforestation in the Amazon in April was the largest in recent years
79 agosto - cai - caiu - entre - maio 334 Deforestation in the Amazon in August
80 firm - petici - la - impedir - explora 334 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
81 marina - ministra - silva - ela - marido 325 Marina Silva's tenure as Minister of the Environment
82 estuda - sico - desmonte - levar - irrevers 323 Deforestation under Bolsonaro's government
83 aumentou - aumento - incontest - voltadas - inverte 320 Deforestation in the Amazon
84 setembro - cai - segundo - comp - dados 320 Deforestation in September
85 junho - aumenta - aumentou - cresce - cresceu 318 Deforestation in Brazil
86 dilma - corta - verba - cortou - rousseff 318 Dilma Rousseff's presidency and environmental policies
87 cresce - cresceu - final - uol - luizdomingosdeluna 309 Deforestation in the Amazon
88 levantamento - cerrado - desarticula - emdefesadocerrado - piau 304 Deforestation in the Cerrado region
89 google - ferramenta - ajudar - combater - mostrado 301 Google tools for forest monitoring and management
90 aumentou - ano - passado - aumento - anual 299 Deforestation increases annually
91 peti - assine - impedir - explora - da 298 Preventing Deforestation in the Amazon
92 outubro - aumenta - aumentou - aponta - cresce 294 Deforestation in Amazon increases in October
93 anual - taxa - cai - cerrado - metade 291 Deforestation rates in the Cerrado region
94 mar - abril - atinge - entre - km 286 Deforestation in the Amazon
95 atingido - futebol - campos - atinge - estado 286 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches an area of 100 football fields
96 graba - saliendo - quemada - camiones - una 283 Deforestation in the Amazon
97 desmatou - mt - grosso - mato - estado 283 Deforestation in Mato Grosso, Brazil
98 reduzem - combatem - legalizar - lei - degrada 283 Government efforts to reduce deforestation and degredation in the Amazon region
99 sexta - acre - divulgados - prodes - ltima 281 Deforestation rates in Brazil
100 coronav - rus - pandemia - corona - ximo 279 Impact of COVID-19 on Amazonian deforestation
101 papa - francisco - igreja - vaticano - nodo 278 Pope Francis and Amazon rainforest conservation
102 corriam - saudades - puro - estrelas - mpido 275 Loss of natural beauty and environmental degradation under Bolsonaro's presidency
103 fires - fire - forest - burning - amazon 272 Amazon Forest Fires and Deforestation
104 estradas - rodovia - rodovias - estrada - asfaltamento 270 Impact of roads on deforestation in the Amazon
105 imagens - mostram - fotos - lite - trecho 268 Deforestation in the Amazon
106 abril - maior - favorecer - ltimos - pl 266 Deforestation in Amazon in April
107 maio - aumenta - aumentou - compara - cresce 263 Deforestation in May
108 profund - imperdo - devastador - intenso - sofrendo 263 Deforestation and its severe consequences
109 simples - jeito - entenda - youtube - video 260 Understanding Deforestation in Simple Terms
110 year - last - increased - amazon - in 259 Amazon Deforestation Rates
111 opera - todas - suspende - interrompidas - pantanal 257 Environmental policies and regulations in Brazil
112 julho - rela - cresce - mesmo - ao 257 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
113 vacina - vacinas - cloroquina - covid - compra 252 Vaccine controversy in Brazil
114 sobem - seis - alertas - meses - vgncld 251 Deforestation alerts in Amazonia
115 gay - homofobia - lgbt - gays - racismo 245 LGBTQ+ rights and homophobia in Brazil
116 assinar - assinado - assinem - assinaturas - abaixo 245 Protecting the Amazon rainforest through signatures
117 partners - best - raze - loot - hesitate 244 Deforestation and land exploitation
118 fake - news - fakenews - mentiras - mentira 243 Fake News in the Amazon
119 blog - post - arquivo - blogosfera - cidadania 239 Blogosphere and citizen journalism in Brazil
120 vetar - ligados - importa - produtos - fran 239 Deforestation of the Amazon and related products
121 europa - europeus - totalidade - devastou - preocupada 238 European colonialism and environmental destruction
122 principal - pecu - fator - causa - causas 236 Causes of Deforestation in the Amazon
123 detecta - estima - registra - km - inpe 235 Deforestation in the Amazon
124 fund - destruction - billions - fires - with 233 Deforestation in Brazil
125 marca - chega - hist - ria - maior 230 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches record high
126 colours - follow - projeta - rostos - artista 229 Artist's project featuring indigenous faces on tree trunks in the Amazon rainforest
127 aumenta - sinalizam - refere - ano - dado 227 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in one year
128 aumentou - aumenta - brasileira - brasil - deforestaci 227 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon
129 varia - km - representando - pio - destaque 227 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon
130 ranking - lidera - par - estado - grosso 225 Deforestation rankings in the Amazon
131 americana - universidade - dobro - registrado - seria 222 Deforestation in the Amazon doubled, according to university study
132 prayforamazonia - peti - assine - impedir - explora 220 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
133 acumula - mil - indicar - km - estudo 219 Deforestation rates in Amazonia
134 boicote - boicotar - produtos - brit - varejistas 210 Boycott of Brazilian products due to deforestation
135 pf - opera - deflagra - ilegal - mandados 210 Combating Illegal Deforestation in the Amazon
136 puta - merda - pariu - vc - caralho 207 Deforestation in the Amazon
137 aumenta - na - taubate - divulgapiaui - transmaz 206 Deforestation in the Amazon
138 firmam - acordo - firmar - incra - apresentam 206 MPF and INCRAP sign agreement to reduce deforestation in Amazonian settlements
139 iluminattis - congelada - geleiras - farsa - observar 205 Climate Change Denial
140 julho - passado - compara - rela - cresce 204 Growth in July compared to previous years
141 biden - joe - san - micas - eleito 202 Joe Biden and Amazon deforestation
142 peixes - riachos - encolhe - esquenta - pesca 201 Impact of deforestation on fish size in the Amazon
143 partner - bnpparibas - number - burning - world 198 Deforestation partnership with BNPP
144 sights - sets - danger - palm - oil 190 Threats to the Amazon: Brazil's Palm Oil Expansion
145 desmascara - petista - ticos - imprensa - deo 189 Desmantling of Amazonian deforestation exposed by former Petista government minister
146 leonardo - dicaprio - denuncia - avan - nchen 189 Leonardo DiCaprio speaks out against Amazon deforestation
147 please - sign - petition - this - help 189 Save the Amazon Rainforest
148 liga - seca - novo - estudo - pa 189 Deforestation in the Amazon linked to drought
149 af - comprova - argentina - afeta - perda 185 Deforestation in the Amazon affects rainfall in Argentina
150 ong - nova - integrantes - alta - autua 185 Deforestation in the Amazon
151 horizonte - belo - duas - equivalente - perdeu 183 Deforestation in June in Amazonia
152 gases - estufa - emiss - efeito - emissor 181 Deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions in Brazil
153 argentina - comprova - afeta - chuvas - estudo 181 Deforestation in Argentina affects rainfall
154 amazonia - nfts - aroma - cryptoart - sosamazonia 178 Deforestation and CryptoArt in Amazonia
155 televan - registrar - tvonline - volta - siga 177 Legal updates on TV online registration in Brazil
156 bragging - scandal - disappearance - while - massive 175 Environmental scandals: BNP and deforestation
157 faster - burns - another - destroyed - part 175 Amazon rainforest destruction
158 amazoniasos - prayforamazonas - prayforamazonia - prayfortheamazon - amazonrainforest 174 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
159 registrada - taxa - menor - renova - baixo 174 Deforestation rates in the Amazon
160 divulga - desmate - alta - agora - governo 173 Government announces high desertion rate in Amazon
161 scandal - bragging - disappearance - while - massive 173 BNP's Deforestation Scandal
162 polui - rica - sul - am - ses 171 Deforestation in the Amazon region increases pollution in southern Brazil
163 corrup - irracional - economicamente - estudo - esperado 170 Irresponsible deforestation
164 anuncia - tev - menor - desde - indicam 169 Brazilian government announces reduced deforestation in the Amazon
165 boletim - setembro - alta - aumenta - imazon 169 Deforestation in the Amazon
166 desafiam - madeireiros - ilegais - combate - bbcembora 168 Illegal logging in the Amazon
167 pedir - desculpa - trouxa - meus - quero 168 Responsibility for Amazon deforestation
168 cidade - desmatada - segundo - imazon - cresce 167 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in a year
169 desmentem - autores - citado - temer - onu 165 Desmentem sobre queda na Amaz么nia
170 apontam - aumentou - aumento - revelam - novos 164 Deforestation in the Amazon
171 extended - extends - moratorium - industry - soy 164 Brazilian soy industry's deforestation moratorium
172 chicken - fed - linked - soya - fast 163 "UK Supermarket Chicken Linked to Deforestation in Brazil"
173 dispara - setembro - agosto - em - na 162 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in August and September
174 futebol - campos - equivalente - minuto - mil 161 Deforestation in the Amazon equivalent to over 100 football fields in May
175 ouro - minera - mining - causado - gold 161 Illegal gold mining causes deforestation and environmental damage in the Amazon
176 tecnologia - tecnologias - ajudam - vigil - combatem 161 Technologies for forest monitoring and conservation in the Amazon
177 divulga - inpe - estima - mundogeo - emiss 161 Deforestation in the Amazon
178 junho - cai - ritmo - caiu - imazon 159 Deforestation in June
179 ciclo - entrar - seca - mortal - pode 159 Ciclo de desmatamento na savana
180 desemprego - desempregados - infla - milh - gasolina 158 Unemployment and environmental issues in Brazil
181 endossar - depender - fran - presidente - diz 158 Brazilian President's Stance on Soy Dependence and Deforestation
182 co - emiss - este - cai - ano 158 Deforestation in the Amazon
183 fhc - argumentos - mil - amazoniasemongs - vejam 157 Desmatamento da Amaz么nia e responsabilidade governamental
184 regra - confirma - reserva - redd - minc 156 Brazilian government's new forest reserve rule may lead to increased deforestation in the Amazon
185 privada - empresa - contratar - monitorar - edital 152 Government to contract private company for Amazon deforestation monitoring
186 indireto - impulsionam - tricas - hidrel - bbcfloresta 151 Indirect Impacts of Hydroelectric Power Plants on the Amazon Rainforest
187 janeiro - queda - tem - cai - diz 151 Deforestation in Brazil in January, according to government data
188 antibi - resistentes - bact - eros - frigor 150 Antibiotic resistance in the Amazon rainforest
189 climatechange - amazonrainforest - brazil - environment - bancadaruralista 149 Deforestation in the Amazon and its impact on climate change
190 escravo - trabalho - mpt - chefe - usado 149 Labor abuses and exploitation in Brazilian Amazon
191 atrasada - reformar - lbum - fotos - veja 148 Reforming an outdated cattle farm in Amazonia
192 impunidade - crime - rights - humanidade - watch 148 Human Rights Violations in Amazonian Deforestation
193 desafios - brasil - efetiva - caminho - zerar 148 Challenges in Brazilian Amazon for effective policy against deforestation
194 amazoniasinextraccion - indigenouspeoplematter - stopamazonextraction - indigenouslivesmatter - justicefortheamazon 147 Protecting Indigenous Rights and the Amazon Rainforest
195 del - comerciante - beneficiarse - degradaci - masiva 147 Environmental damage and human rights abuses in Amazonian soy and meat production
196 mar - abril - cai - aletas - entre 147 Deforestation in the Amazon during March to April
197 meses - cai - rbr - poupados - em 147 Deforestation in the Amazon region
198 segundo - cresce - imazon - ano - um 147 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in a year according to IMazon
199 jetzt - unterschreiben - impedir - explora - this 146 Stop deforestation in the Amazon
200 evita - mortes - seguro - puc - reduzem 146 Deforestation in the Amazon and its impact on mortality rates
201 atingiu - outubro - quil - metros - quadrados 145 Deforestation in the Amazon reaches 10,000 square kilometers in October
202 impeachmentsalvavidas - panelacoforabolsonaro - flavio - abin - loteamento 145 Political corruption and impeachment in Brazil
203 indicam - setembro - alertas - cresce - inpe 145 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in September, according to INPE alerts
204 vestiram - militantes - frica - protesto - greenpeace 144 Protest against deforestation in the Amazon
205 escudos - xingu - dispara - ltimos - dos 144 Deforestation in Xingu, Brazil
206 tamanho - rtrt - sp - leia - quase 144 Deforestation in the Amazon
207 relaciona - pesquisador - seca - causas - especialistas 143 Causes of drought in the Amazon rainforest
208 palm - oil - danger - sights - sets 142 Amazon rainforest under threat from Brazil's palm oil ambition
209 contesta - den - incra - respons - marina 142 Responsibility for deforestation in the Amazon
210 meta - reduzir - metas - emiss - brasil 141 Brazil's efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
211 fontes - fonte - parab - ns - vaivendo 141 Sources and references
212 balan - confirmam - oficiais - generative - sistema 141 Blockchain-based art and generative systems
213 suspens - anuncia - opera - todas - pantanal 140 Environmental policies in Brazil
214 denunciada - mineradora - dona - contamina - criticar 140 Mineradora noruega denunciada por contaminaci贸n
215 renovada - morat - ria - prorrogada - maio 140 Soy moratorium extended for another year
216 needed - preserve - still - shows - study 139 Brazil's Soy Moratorium: Preserving the Amazon
217 sinais - voltar - crescer - reutersong - preliminares 139 Deforestation in the Amazon: Signs of growth and recovery
218 registram - inferior - afirma - pantanal - queda 137 Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado and Pantanal regions
219 dicaprio - leonardo - desafio - adere - denuncia 137 Leonardo DiCaprio speaks out against deforestation in the Amazon
220 schwarzman - steve - donald - apoiador - impulsiona 137 Political influence of Steve Schwarzman on environmental policies
221 maior - seguido - alto - desde - anos 137 Deforestation in the Amazon at record high
222 baleias - baleia - ca - noruega - matan 137 Hypocrisy in environmental policies: Norway's whaling and deforestation practices
223 federal - cia - combate - busca - deflagrou 137 Federal police combat illegal deforestation in the Amazon
224 setembro - respon - alcan - der - km 137 Deforestation in the Amazon in September
225 triplicar - dizem - cientistas - pode - bolsonaro 136 Deforestation in the Amazon under Bolsonaro's governance
226 tribunal - penal - humanidade - haia - apresentada 136 Environmental crimes and human rights violations in Brazil
227 explode - entre - ingl - ranking - isa 135 Deforestation in the Amazon
228 sad - boletim - imazon - referente - dezembro 135 Referential documents for sadness
229 refer - retorno - pesquisador - ponto - chega 135 Climate change impacts on Brazilian forestry
230 stonehenge - misterioso - revela - disp - pedras 135 Mysterious Stonehenge-like structure discovered in Amazon rainforest
231 advancing - track - researchers - frontier - agricultural 134 Impact of Brazil's Soy Moratorium on Advancing Agricultural Frontiers
232 motivos - preservar - florestas - empregos - piloto 134 Preservation of Brazilian Forests
233 conclusivos - cai - tend - queda - dmjeferson 134 Deforestation in the Amazon
234 detectou - sad - quadrados - quil - metros 133 Deforestation in the Amazon detected by satellite
235 coronavirus - diseases - infectious - next - commentary 133 Amazon Deforestation and Coronavirus Risk
236 mar - sobe - ecoc - ong - bate 133 Deforestation in the Amazon
237 odo - junho - per - mesmo - maior 132 Deforestation in the Amazon in June
238 expedi - viagem - realiza - protestar - haszn 132 Protesting deforestation in the Amazon
239 afetar - fim - fiscaliza - fundo - ibama 131 Fiscalization of Ibama against deforestation
240 moon - ki - ban - mundial - quest 131 Global forest degradation
241 futebol - campos - perdeu - sob - dizem 131 Loss of football fields due to Bolsonaro's policies
242 ganha - realidade - prote - dt - florestas 131 Deforestation alerts in Brazil
243 proporcionalmente - duas - vezes - maior - pesquisador 131 Deforestation in the Cerrado
244 forestation - du - financements - politiques - dites 130 Political hypocrisy in forestation policies
245 prayforamazonia - prayforbrazil - prayforrondonia - saveamazonia - prayforamazonas 130 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
246 lepera - cleo - luciano - anulastf - rede 130 Deforestation in Brazil under Bolsonaro administration
247 lib - toneladas - co - emiss - milh 127 Deforestation in the Amazon
248 organizado - crime - raquel - semin - corrup 127 Organized Crime in Brazil
249 emergenciaclim - sostenibilidad - aloja - siglo - palmadeaceite 127 Amazon Rainforest Sustainability
250 possui - fun - metodologia - causas - especialistas 127 Causes of drought in the Amazon rainforest
251 foradilma - garraseguros - anta - viva - deixar 126 Insurance and financial services
252 vale - plantada - agroflorestas - superam - pesquisador 126 Agroforestry in Brazil
253 account - unavailable - temporarily - violates - learn 125 Twitter media policy violations
254 monitoramento - ministra - nova - acende - mostra 124 Minister's statement on Amazon deforestation reduction
255 cresce - ano - um - ebc - em 124 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in a year
256 toneladas - recupera - reflorestamento - carbono - castanheiras 124 Carbon emissions from Amazonian deforestation
257 petition - sign - cez - prin - the 123 Protect the Amazon Rainforest
258 sacas - colheita - rr - fecha - bbb 123 Agricultural production in Brazil
259 nima - rcio - criminoso - amea - sociedade 123 Deforestation in the Amazon region
260 volta - crescer - voltou - desapareceram - estica 122 Deforestation in the Amazon
261 incra - coloni - assentamentos - promete - diminuir 121 INCRAPrometeDiminuirEmDesmatamento
262 prayforamazonia - prayforamazonas - prayforamazon - peti - assine 121 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
263 girafas - girafa - sobra - comem - elefantes 121 Elephants and soy in the Amazon
264 esperar - devem - ministra - desmatada - queda 121 Environmental policy and regulation
265 vigiar - radar - vai - web - barreiras 120 Monitoring Radar Systems in the Amazon Rainforest
266 derrubado - deste - registra - foram - conflict 120 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon
267 outubro - caiu - ministra - compara - passado 119 Deforestation in the Amazon in October
268 cresce - desde - maior - bate - garimpos 119 Deforestation in the Amazon region increases and sets new records
269 crescem - alertas - legal - vermelho - sidnei 119 Deforestation alerts in Brazil
270 eleitoral - explode - durante - odo - per 118 Electoral issue: Explosive deforestation in the Amazon during the election period
271 dobra - dobrou - quintuplicou - quase - janeiro 118 Deforestation in the Amazon almost doubled in a year
272 meses - cai - comemore - perdas - conseguiu 118 Deforestation in the Amazon in recent months
273 bragging - scandal - disappearance - while - massive 118 BNP's Deforestation Scandal
274 aposta - tribo - google - combater - aplicativo 118 "Tribal App Uses Google Technology to Combat Deforestation in the Amazon"
275 liber - concordou - noruega - pagar - mi 118 Norway agrees to pay Brazil more than $100 million for Amazon deforestation reduction
276 entrega - monitorar - lite - resposta - sat 118 Brazilian satellite monitoring of deforestation
277 sacrificar - eleva - demanda - press - crescimento 118 Demand for meat and soy affects Amazonian growth
278 desflorestamento - cnndomingo - estranhamento - ciberia - assentamentos 118 Deforestation in the Amazon
279 carbon - source - change - climate - linked 117 Amazon rainforest as a carbon source
280 caiu - odo - per - legal - cai 117 Deforestation in the Amazon legal in one year
281 comparativo - extens - imagem - revela - nasa 117 Deforestation in the Amazon compared through historical images
282 protesto - vargas - hrs - ae - avenida 116 Protests in Rio de Janeiro against deforestation in the Amazon
283 perdem - rj - estados - traves - val 116 Deforestation in Rio de Janeiro
284 novembro - mensal - aumenta - rela - mesmo 116 Deforestation in Amazon increases in November
285 drones - drone - estudante - provar - desenvolvido 115 Use of drones in forest monitoring and detection of deforestation in the Amazon
286 desmatam - registrada - levantamento - registra - menor 115 Deforestation rates in the Amazon
287 pecu - causa - lt - strong - gt 115 Deforestation in the Amazon caused by cattle ranching
288 aumentou - passado - ano - momentooeco - cresceu 115 Deforestation in the Amazon increased last year
289 bact - diversidade - emagrecerem - riachos - peixes 115 Impact of deforestation on aquatic biodiversity
290 abastecimento - afetar - diminui - planeta - gua 114 Water resource management and climate change
291 diogo - pontos - ntara - alc - tuffani 113 Deforestation in Brazil
292 firm - trav - petici - la - impedir 113 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
293 multado - flagrante - ms - pma - produtor 112 "Produtor multado em R$ mil por desmatamento de Cerrado em MS flagrante"
294 roraima - rionorte - hemisf - coladobrasil - amelhorfronteiraagr 112 Agricultural development in Roraima
295 winning - war - saving - bbc - news 112 Deforestation in Amazonia: BBC News Coverage
296 evita - redu - mortes - aeronaves - moderniza 111 Airplane Modernization Program
297 barram - supermercados - brasileiros - carne - suspendem 111 Brazilian supermarkets suspend beef purchases due to deforestation
298 recuperar - div - anual - quer - reas 111 Recovery of Amazonian lands
299 ppcdam - preven - plano - controle - frederico 111 PPCDAM - Plan for preventing and controlling deforestation in the Amazon
300 janeiro - aumenta - imazon - cresce - derrubados 110 Deforestation in the Amazon in January increases
301 radar - orbital - melhorar - novo - fiscaliza 110 New Orbital Radar to Monitor Deforestation in Amazon
302 julho - agosto - cai - entre - legal 110 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal Causes and Impacts
303 limite - atingir - prestes - irrevers - determinado 109 Deforestation in the Amazon nearing irreversible limit
304 zoios - capela - abestado - abre - reduziram 109 Deforestation of the Amazon and its impact on local wildlife
305 gabinete - crise - anuncia - ministra - disparada 109 Brazilian government's response to deforestation in the Amazon
306 scandal - disappearance - bragging - while - massive 109 Environmental Scandals - BNP and Deforestation
307 quina - move - retorna - esteve - oab 109 Illegal logging in the Amazon
308 imprensa - jornal - jornalismo - validadas - jornais 108 Media coverage of deforestation in the Amazon
309 dezembro - rela - cresce - mesmo - cresceu 108 Deforestation in the Amazon in December
310 atinge - taxa - menor - cai - anos 107 Deforestation in the Amazon reduces tax rate in recent years
311 atingem - bate - semestre - sinais - junho 107 Deforestation alerts in June reach record high
312 dispara - setembro - agosto - segurou - folha 107 Deforestation in the Amazon
313 zerar - conseguiu - desmata - diminuir - quer 107 Government efforts to reduce illegal deforestation in the Amazon
314 carv - coibir - pacto - objetivo - empresas 106 Illegal Deforestation in the Cerrado
315 parlamento - holanda - mercosul - holand - rejeita 105 Rejection of Mercosur agreement by Dutch parliament due to Brazilian government's Amazon deforestation
316 fevereiro - fo - jornaloglobo - deste - cresce 105 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region
317 aves - extin - amea - cies - esp 105 Deforestation threatens Amazonian bird species
318 seletivo - detecta - crescimento - minist - meio 105 Deforestation in the Amazon
319 rie - rica - menor - agosto - hist 105 Deforestation in the Amazon since historical records
320 intensifica - fiscaliza - ibama - combater - smasher 105 IBAMa's efforts to combat illegal deforestation in the Amazon
321 brasileira - evolu - estiagem - brasil - biodiversidade 105 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon
322 demanda - press - externa - carnes - eleva 105 Demand for meat and soy products increases pressure on the Amazon rainforest
323 mostram - sobe - cerim - pal - planalto 105 Deforestation in the Amazon region based on INPE data
324 abril - aponta - cai - entre - junho 104 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region during April to July, as reported by INPE
325 ten - leva - apresenta - outubro - taxa 104 Embargo on Amazon deforestation
326 verba - monitorar - falta - lack - prometido 104 Lack of monitoring resources for deforestation in the Cerrado region
327 digo - florestal - proposta - discutem - mudan 104 Proposed forestry reform in Brazil
328 atingiu - desmatada - julho - agosto - cai 104 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal Cai Diz Inpe Rea Desmatada
329 perde - hora - hectares - avan - florestas 104 Deforestation in the Amazon
330 tweet - retweeted - twitter - detremura - tweets 104 Deforestation in the Brazilian Cerrado
331 afirma - avan - imazon - perseu - abramo 103 Brazilian Amazon deforestation
332 chuvas - afeta - distantes - continente - regime 103 Deforestation in the Amazon affects rainfall across the continent
333 este - maior - aponta - desde - enfraquece 103 Deforestation in the Amazon this year is the largest since the apocalypse
334 chuvas - relacionada - seca - drought - escassez 103 Impact of Drought on Brazilian Rainforest
335 amazonorbolsonaro - amazoniaoubolsonaro - amazonia - amazon - heard 103 Bolsonaro's Amazon policies
336 armyhelptheplanet - peti - assine - armyhelptheplane - impedir 103 "Army's Efforts to Save the Planet"
337 tvonline - siga - tv - online - reutersmaranh 102 Deforestation in the Amazon
338 monitoramento - plantio - resultados - morat - bioma 102 Monitoring soybean farms in the Amazon region
339 chantageia - destr - rainha - pa - selva 102 Leaked Information on Soja Destruction in Amazonia
340 rela - agosto - cresce - mesmo - ao 102 Deforestation in the Amazon in August increases
341 reutersentre - ministra - hist - menor - ria 102 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region
342 agrofloresta - hectare - reutersrelat - rentabilidade - carnes 102 Rentabilidade da Agrofloresta
343 menores - ocorre - cerca - reduzir - depois 102 Deforestation in Brazil
344 avan - minist - aponta - rio - territ 102 Deforestation in the Cerrado region of Brazil
345 servidores - nota - ibama - cresce - estimam 101 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in one year, according to IBAM note
346 metade - pela - cai - quase - folhaonline 101 Deforestation in the Amazon
347 criminosas - redes - comandado - hrw - impulsionam 101 Human rights abuses in Amazonian regions controlled by criminal networks
348 quatro - volta - ap - crescer - queda 101 Deforestation in the Amazon
349 drica - crise - energ - sudeste - dricas 101 Climate crisis and deforestation in Brazil
350 bate - meses - recorde - cresce - em 101 Deforestation in the Amazon breaks records and grows in months
351 sos - fiscais - liga - estudo - para 101 Legal aspects of deforestation in the Amazon
352 assentamentos - promete - incra - diminuir - surto 101 Incra's efforts to reduce deforestation in Amazonian settlement areas
353 heleno - manipulados - augusto - ndices - ministro 101 Ministro Augusto Heleno sobre 铆ndices de desmatamento na Amaz么nia
354 publicam - questionar - aberta - manifesto - comemora 100 Scientists question government data on deforestation in Brazil
355 desapropria - disputa - dallagnol - latif - olho 100 Land disputes in the Amazon
356 ditaduranuncamais - porcento - jairbolsonaro - impeachmentdebolsonaro - somos 100 Impeachment of Jair Bolsonaro and environmental issues
357 assinatura - focos - nasa - ndio - inc 100 Deforestation in the Amazon
358 impeachmentsalvavidas - flavio - abin - loteamento - interfer 100 Impeachment and political corruption in Brazil
359 plano - ppcerrado - preven - pretende - controle 99 Environmental policy and regulation in Brazil
360 mar - aumentou - imazon - monitoramento - marina 99 Deforestation in the Amazon
361 somam - mi - erra - temporada - relativo 99 Environmental impacts of deforestation
362 girafa - girafas - desenhou - pintou - elefantes 99 Deforestation and Girafa's Fugitive Journey
363 tchausalles - brasilpedesocorro - ecossistemabrasileiro - terrasp - desmatamentonaamaz 99 Deforestation and its Impacts on the Brazilian Ecosystem
364 desordenada - deixando - ocupa - conserva - efeito 99 Deforestation and its effects on the environment
365 apoiou - previa - milhares - macron - protegidas 98 Macron's support for deforestation project
366 peasant - economy - amazonian - shown - property 98 Illegal land ownership in the Amazon
367 incra - mpf - denuncia - respons - acusa 98 MPF denounces INCRA for responsibility in Amazon deforestation
368 trampascontraelclima - suministro - fabricaci - cadena - llevas 98 Sustainable sourcing of soy in Brazilian agriculture
369 outubro - comparado - cai - novembro - reduz 97 Deforestation in the Amazon in October
370 bioma - extin - cerrado - ritmo - cies 97 Deforestation in the Cerrado biome
371 pas - compara - julho - segundo - rela 97 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
372 registrado - menor - legal - diz - natureza 97 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal and Regulatory Issues
373 junho - aumenta - cresce - comparado - recuo 97 Deforestation in June
374 chega - setembro - aumenta - km - quil 97 Deforestation in the Amazon increases and reaches km in September
375 igual - perda - mata - sobe - ong 97 Deforestation in the Amazon
376 macronfake - macronliar - fundoeleitoralpraamazonia - campeign - somostodosricardosalles 97 "Fighting Fake Macron and Illegal Deforestation in the Amazon"
377 inflama - retornou - desemprego - economias - juros 97 Economic and Social Impacts of Bolsonaro's Governance in Brazil
378 comercializar - renovada - produzida - desmatamentos - compromisso 96 Commercialization of new soy productions and deforestation
379 tamanho - sp - quase - foi - legal 96 Deforestation in the Amazon
380 perdem - deveriam - cadas - cidades - desafio 96 Deforestation in the Amazon
381 sou - dosbrasileirosedoplanetaterralongedeserdestegoverno - arquivamaia - aamaz - nativa 96 Protection of Native Forests
382 agosto - aumentou - aumenta - inpe - ciencia 96 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in August, according to INPE
383 timesde - arqueol - descobertas - desenhos - gicas 96 Archaeological discoveries in the Amazon rainforest
384 caem - alertas - legal - descapitaliz - impe 95 Deforestation alerts in Brazilian Amazon
385 comprovamos - governos - pt - cresceu - marcelo 95 Deforestation in Brazil under President Marcelo's governments
386 cai - entre - desorganizada - problemagrave - tmo 95 Deforestation in the Amazon
387 diminuiu - ltima - cada - legal - ebc 95 Deforestation in Brazil
388 oito - alem - caiu - estudo - anos 95 Deforestation in the Amazon reduced by 8 years, according to study
389 repassa - prev - us - verba - noruega 95 Norway returns USD millions to Brazil due to deforestation
390 subiu - alerta - ong - brasileira - terra 95 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon raises alarm from NGOs
391 bulldozed - changed - everything - then - ago 95 Deforestation of the Amazon
392 neste - dispara - chega - dois - quase 95 Deforestation in the Amazon region
393 fevereiro - aumentou - legal - febrero - aumenta 94 Deforestation increases in Amazon legal area in February
394 registra - maio - hist - taxa - ria 94 Deforestation in the Amazon
395 cai - caiu - contram - mexeu - queda 94 Deforestation in the Amazon
396 cedo - dobra - marca - dez - pior 93 Deforestation in the Amazon
397 irrepar - recupera - especialista - perda - ambiental 93 Deforestation and environmental recovery
398 comparada - dobro - quebra - natureza - janeiro 93 Deforestation alerts in the Amazon
399 culpa - culpados - culpado - culpar - pelo 93 Responsibility for Amazon deforestation
400 curva - fora - sinal - inclui - ponto 93 Out-of-control curve point
401 registrada - derrubada - bras - rvores - lia 93 Deforestation in Brazil
402 madeira - compram - compra - ses - criticam 93 Illegal logging in the Amazon
403 estuda - bbc - sico - desmonte - levar 92 Deforestation in Brazil under Bolsonaro's government
404 setembro - cresce - cartacapital - rea - segundo 92 Deforestation in the Amazon in September
405 etanol - montadoras - manchar - impulsionar - europeias 92 Ethanol industry's environmental impact
406 espaciais - pesquisas - instituto - nacional - cresceu 92 Deforestation rates in Brazil's Amazon region
407 odo - junho - per - rela - quase 92 Deforestation in the Amazon in June
408 aumentou - hello - independente - isto - aumenta 92 Deforestation in the Amazon
409 impedir - explora - assintura - prin - eficazes 92 Preventing deforestation in the Amazon
410 filme - tvonline - tv - co - emiss 92 Media coverage of environmental issues in Brazil
411 justa - saia - doador - visita - temer 92 Deforestation in Norway
412 continua - segue - vapor - lideres - enquanto 91 Deforestation in the Amazon continues
413 greenpeace - letreiro - ina - denuncia - estorninosaporkaka 91 Greenpeace campaign against Amazon deforestation
414 ilegal - bnc - fruto - ltima - madeira 91 Illegal deforestation in the Amazon
415 microsoft - artificial - intelig - previsia - ferramenta 91 Microsoft Previsia AI Platform for Amazon Rainforest Monitoring
416 seguran - nacional - combater - for - ativid 90 Combating illegal deforestation in the Amazon
417 deforestation - choc - dari - incluyen - amazonia 90 Deforestation in the Amazon and other regions, including choc and dari, affecting the environment and local communities.
418 atrapalhar - acusam - fiscais - militares - combate 90 Military involvement in deforestation
419 menor - lowest - taxa - registra - thru 90 Brazil achieves lowest deforestation rate in years
420 aceit - mour - contrariando - nimo - al 89 Deforestation in the Amazon region
421 dinossauros - corriam - puro - estrelas - brilhavam 89 Lost paradise of a pristine past
422 perde - desde - km - maior - floresta 89 Deforestation in the Amazon
423 petici - firma - amazonasenllamas - amazonas - prayforamazonas 89 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
424 sobe - natureza - meses - ltimos - ong 89 Deforestation in the Amazon
425 financiar - acusa - lula - ong - bbc 89 Lula government accused of indirectly financing Amazon deforestation through BNDES
426 ministra - ditos - izabella - anuncia - dados 89 Minister announces data on deforestation in the Cerrado and Amazon
427 raquel - organizado - afirma - crime - respons 88 Organized Crime and Deforestation in the Amazon
428 brian - assumam - mier - estimulando - estar 88 Deforestation in Brazil under Bolsonaro's administration
429 terraviva - discutido - cop - sustent - ampliaram 88 Deforestation in the Amazon
430 soy - companies - tackle - cerradomanifesto - initiative 88 Companies' efforts to reduce soy-driven deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado region through the Cerrado Manifesto initiative.
431 tratora - retardo - prevarica - precoce - tratamento 88 "Government Incompetence in Healthcare: Bolsonaro's Impact"
432 dobra - recursos - combater - salles - dobrar 88 Government efforts to combat deforestation in the Amazon
433 alegre - segura - preocupante - porto - estimativa 87 Deforestation in the Amazon region
434 cai - ano - legal - um - protetores 87 Deforestation in the Amazon
435 setembro - feedbrasil - governa - realizado - agosto 87 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region
436 motivos - futuro - ado - dispara - entenda 87 Deforestation in the Amazon: Understanding the Motivations and Future of the Forest
437 escudos - xingu - principais - dispara - dos 87 Deforestation in the Xingu River Basin
438 abandonar - macron - salvar - europa - precisa 86 Macron urges Europe to abandon Brazilian soy to save the Amazon
439 trico - apag - risco - crescer - el 86 Deforestation in Brazil
440 tecnologias - ajudam - vigil - sete - desflorestamento 86 Use of technology in controlling deforestation in the Amazon in seven years
441 boicote - plantio - atualizada - empresas - aumenta 85 Soya plantation in Amazon rainforest despite company boycotts
442 afetou - degradadas - desmate - mt - solu 85 Affect of soy on Amazon deforestation
443 justi - denuncia - incra - mpf - exonerada 85 MPF denounces INCRA's responsibility for Amazon deforestation
444 ritmo - anuncia - siga - online - tvonline 85 Online TV coverage of football matches
445 lbum - equivale - lise - fotos - vezes 85 Deforestation in the Amazon
446 cai - ano - legal - olhar - direto 85 Deforestation in the Amazon legal in one year
447 retalia - mulo - corta - verba - alemanha 84 Brazil-Germany relations and environmental issues
448 televis - satiriza - humor - criticando - hor 84 Satirical television program criticizing Brazilian government's environmental policies and deforestation in the Amazon
449 oficiais - temperatures - apontam - biologically - amazaon 84 Deforestation in the Amazon Cerrado region affecting temperature levels
450 caiu - motivado - desapareceu - incid - cai 84 Deforestation in the Amazon
451 hashtag - twitter - instagram - tweet - hashtags 84 Influencers and Hashtags in Social Media
452 dilmacadeodinheirodopovo - daehyun - eptv - hithotbr - ka 84 Deforestation in the Amazon
453 cerveja - colorado - pre - barril - lvora 84 Cerveja Colorada: Pre莽os Variaveis por Desmatamento
454 sofreram - degrada - fica - ong - mil 84 Deforestation in the Amazon
455 cinco - vezes - perdeu - quil - maio 83 Deforestation in Brazil
456 conectadonoplaneta - sepultura - somosamaz - florestaamaz - fique 83 Protecting the Amazon rainforest and its indigenous communities
457 combatem - internet - usando - ndios - notebooks 83 Indigenous use of the internet to combat deforestation in the Amazon
458 digo - florestal - novo - cresce - pseudob 83 Deforestation in the Amazon
459 feita - quadrados - compara - cai - entre 83 Deforestation in the Amazon
460 messias - rep - blica - jair - candidato 83 Jair Bolsonaro's presidency and environmental policies
461 pequenas - lbum - propriedades - tornar - fotos 83 Decorating Small Properties with Sustainable Materials
462 tank - went - fields - water - vital 83 Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado region and its impact on water resources
463 perde - hora - hectares - avan - florestas 82 Deforestation in Brazil
464 comercializar - prorroga - moratoria - renewed - indefinitely 82 Brazil extends soy commercialization moratorium in Amazon
465 fase - controle - plano - nova - este 81 Deforestation control plan in the Amazon
466 metas - apresenta - plano - reduzir - disregarded 81 Government plan to reduce deforestation in the Amazon
467 repress - seguran - blica - autoriza - nacional 81 Combating Illegal Deforestation
468 detecta - imazon - agosto - aumento - agencia 81 Deforestation in the Amazon in August
469 prever - interoce - rasga - rodovia - toman 80 Deforestation in the Amazon rainforest
470 presidenta - destaca - oito - denunciam - maranhense 80 Dilma Rousseff on deforestation in Amazon
471 conacer - contribui - re - evitar - ne 80 Conservation efforts in Brazilian savannah
472 maia - zeraria - ideia - concretas - passa 80 Bolsonaro's stance on Amazon deforestation
473 economia - empregos - renda - emprego - economico 80 Economic impact of deforestation in the Amazon
474 alcan - taxa - menor - cai - anos 80 Deforestation in the Amazon and tax rates
475 bate - recorde - brasileira - atinge - abril 80 Deforestation in Brazil reaches record high in April
476 simples - jeito - entenda - um - seriu 80 Understanding Deforestation in Simple Terms
477 supermercados - boicote - alem - pede - supermercado 79 Boycott of German supermarkets in Brazil due to Amazon deforestation
478 registra - maior - anual - desde - taxa 79 Deforestation rates in Brazil
479 rec - filme - tvonline - cultivo - desmatadas 79 Deforestation and Soya Farming in the Amazon
480 imagem - revela - nasa - divulga - rica 79 Deforestation in the Amazon revealed through historical NASA images
481 distantes - afeta - chuvas - ses - estudo 79 Deforestation in Alagoas affects rainfall in distant areas, according to study
482 partner - bankofamerica - bofa - number - burning 79 Deforestation partnership with Bank of America
483 calor - extremo - expor - brasileiros - milh 78 Impact of deforestation on Brazilian climate
484 perto - chega - sobe - mil - estad 78 Deforestation in the Amazon observed at record high in recent years
485 aw - tribo - brit - gojira - amea 78 Illegal deforestation threatens indigenous tribe
486 desmatadas - duas - paulo - semestre - estadao 78 Deforestation in Brazil
487 abelhas - nativas - renda - gera - cria 78 Beekeeping in the Amazon
488 novembro - cresce - aponta - guinada - inpe 77 Deforestation in Amazon grows in November
489 metade - cies - esp - rvores - amea 77 Deforestation in the Amazon
490 fevereiro - atingiu - km - agencia - msn 77 Deforestation in Amazon reaches record high in February
491 ocorre - internautas - estende - vizinhos - pergunta 77 Deforestation in Brazil
492 preliminares - indicam - vios - queda - recorde 77 Deforestation in the Amazon
493 vale - biodiversidade - nobre - vozes - defende 77 Defending biodiversity in the Amazon
494 prayforamazonas - peti - assine - impedir - explora 76 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
495 divulga - imazon - degrada - boletim - florestal 76 Amazon Deforestation and Degradation
496 cresce - legal - maracaju - speed - registradas 76 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon
497 errados - dados - imprecisos - cresceu - falsos 76 Controversy over deforestation data in Brazil
498 quil - metros - perdeu - mar - abril 76 Deforestation in the Amazon
499 fracassam - miss - militares - conter - receberam 76 Military efforts to contain deforestation in the Amazon
500 paralisar - falta - salles - recursos - verba 75 Urgent need for resources to combat deforestation in the Amazon
501 check - latest - article - thanks - edition 75 Deforestation in Brazil
502 erramos - rebate - divulga - pecu - encobrem 75 Deforestation in the Amazon caused by cattle ranching
503 agosto - cai - primeirojornal - em - na 75 Deforestation in the Amazon in August
504 unidades - conserva - cresce - mostram - lite 75 Deforestation in Amazonian conservation units
505 armyhelptheplanet - escudo - virtual - consci - armysavetheplanet 74 "Army Helps the Planet"
506 garraseguros - novas - menor - registra - unidades 74 Brazilian government announces lower deforestation rate and new conservation units
507 explode - dobro - anterior - quase - explodiu 74 Deforestation in Brazil
508 repost - instagood - hbo - instamood - mfa 74 Deforestation in Brazil
509 assinem - manas - peti - assine - galera 74 Protecting the Amazon rainforest
510 antecipadamente - avisa - far - opera - onde 74 Environmental Sustainability: Ibama's Efforts Against Deforestation in the Amazon
511 supera - julho - cai - anual - compara 74 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
512 pirulla - abaixo - nasa - dia - hil 73 Deforestation in the Amazon
513 metros - quadrados - quil - foram - derrubados 73 Deforestation in Brazil
514 aves - borboletas - extin - risco - parrototd 73 Threats to Amazonian bird species due to deforestation
515 minera - respons - entre - foi - vel 73 Deforestation in the Amazon
516 reduced - dramatically - moratorium - soy - brazil 73 Brazil's Soy Moratorium and Deforestation Reduction
517 portas - ampliar - abre - congresso - para 72 Expansion of deforestation in the Amazon
518 chega - quarto - devastada - aumenta - km 72 Deforestation in the Amazon increases and reaches km
519 fevereiro - aumentou - legal - uol - abc 72 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region in February
520 agosto - julho - quase - cresce - entre 72 Deforestation in the Amazon grows almost between August and July, according to INPE
521 estimam - triplicar - cen - cientistas - pode 72 Deforestation in the Amazon under Bolsonaro administration
522 bife - prato - explica - seu - como 72 Deforestation and beef consumption
523 julho - tend - anual - diminui - atuam 72 Deforestation in the Amazon: Annual increase despite July decrease
524 mentira - verde - grande - al - destrui 71 Environmental destruction through greenwashing
525 publico - incra - federal - minist - aponta 71 Brazilian government responsibility for Amazon deforestation
526 mpf - temer - anuncia - veis - respons 71 Temer's government announces responsibility for illegal deforestation in the Amazon
527 rvio - impedir - porfa - explora - nilto 71 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
528 seca - sudeste - chuca - causada - centro 70 Deforestation in the Amazon region causing drought in the southeast
529 impeachment - impeachmentbolsonaro - impeachmentbolsonarourgente - pedidos - impeach 70 Impeachment of Bolsonaro and its impact on Amazonian deforestation
530 relat - cocaine - ilegal - bolivia - drugcartels 70 Drug cartels and illegal activities in the Amazon rainforest
531 ministra - izabella - teixeira - aumentou - assegura 70 Minister Izabella Teixeira on deforestation in the Amazon
532 comenta - ministra - ambiente - meio - dados 69 Environmental policies and comments by Minister Isabella Teixeira on deforestation in the Cerrado region.
533 novembro - monito - alta - refere - imazon 69 Deforestation in the Amazon in November
534 oculto - patrocina - sos - fiscais - dinheiro 69 Illegal financial activities in the Amazon
535 gelada - mentira - aquecimento - fosse - global 68 Climate change denial
536 bater - volta - recorde - cresce - folha 68 Deforestation in the Amazon
537 friends - share - with - uol - folha 68 Deforestation in the Amazon
538 tamanho - sp - quase - cias - legal 68 Deforestation in the Amazon
539 junho - aumentou - imazon - diz - vemprarua 68 Deforestation in Amazon increases in June
540 deslocamento - causou - aves - morte - milh 68 Deforestation in the Amazon causes bird deaths/displacement
541 recorrente - exposto - perde - hora - hectares 68 Deforestation in the Amazon region
542 registrar - volta - cresceu - passado - agosto 68 Deforestation in the Amazon
543 petici - firmen - firma - firmate - petizione 68 Petition to prevent deforestation in the Amazon
544 caem - alertas - legal - permanecem - inaceit 67 Deforestation alerts in Brazilian Amazon
545 agu - cobra - bilh - legal - infratores 67 Illegal deforestation in the Amazon
546 przez - petition - sign - the - ctvom 67 Petition for Amazon rainforest conservation
547 vig - conto - escala - planet - pan 67 Deforestation in the Amazon
548 fascista - fascismo - nazista - infralegal - esconder 67 Fascist and Nazi Influences in Brazilian Politics
549 frigor - ficos - zerar - ajudar - reduziu 67 Frigorificos podem ajudar a reduzir desmatamento na Amaz么nia
550 apontou - apresentou - amap - quil - quadrados 67 Deforestation in Brazil
551 found - massive - brazil - deforestation - in 67 Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado
552 detectou - imazon - quil - metros - quadrados 67 Deforestation in the Amazon detected by Imazon
553 companhia - conter - ambientais - opera - ter 66 Environmental consulting services
554 obrasilfelizdenovo - oambiental - agroneg - prote - cio 66 Climate change and environmental protection in agriculture
555 calor - frio - inverno - infernal - quente 66 Impact of deforestation on climate
556 bbc - mentira - verde - news - grande 66 Deforestation in Brazil
557 desaba - vira - boa - nova - andinos 66 Deforestation in the Amazon
558 dodge - organizado - raquel - crime - respons 65 Organized Crime and Deforestation in the Amazon
559 ibama - opera - realiza - inicia - megaopera 65 Brazilian government's efforts to combat deforestation in the Amazon
560 desarticula - quadrilha - grilagem - grge - opera 65 Deforestation and Grilagem in the Amazon
561 camiones - quemada - saliendo - con - una 65 Transportation of soy from Amazon to Quemada through Portuario
562 armyhelptheplanet - petition - sign - armysavetheplanet - save 65 Save the Amazon Rainforest
563 traders - commodity - food - associated - region 65 Big Food Companies Urge Commodity Traders to Avoid Deforestation in Brazil
564 agosto - cresce - rela - novembro - catarinense 65 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region in August increases
565 saved - corporate - pledges - won - he 65 Corporate pledges to save Brazil's Cerrado forests
566 proposta - diretor - digo - florestal - mudan 65 Proposed forestry law increases deforestation in Amazon, says Ibama director
567 decreta - escrevo - prezado - armadas - deputado 65 Illegal deforestation in Brazil
568 emiss - desarticula - quadrilha - cai - pf 64 Deforestation in the Amazon
569 financeira - debates - cita - debate - trump 64 Biden's stance on Amazon rainforest deforestation and financial aid to Brazil during presidential debates
570 alerta - echos - jornal - aumento - denuncia 64 Deforestation in the Amazon
571 copia - proposta - pt - contra - ressuscitar 64 Bolsonaro's environmental policies
572 huelgamundialporelcambioclim - ceniza - reduciendo - rojas - tienen 64 Deforestation and its Impact on Climate Change
573 sofre - crescente - consecutivo - degrada - aumentou 64 Deforestation and its consequences
574 mercosul - ratificar - acordo - ue - merkel 63 Germany may not ratify Mercosur agreement due to Amazon deforestation concerns
575 falhas - gest - press - protegidas - reas 63 Deforestation in the Amazon: Study Finds Management Failures
576 celulares - antigos - google - usa - smartphones 63 Google uses old smartphones to monitor deforestation in Amazon
577 philip - emiss - fearnside - paulo - impulsiona 63 Deforestation in the Amazon
578 amazoniasos - amazoniaemchamas - amazoniaenossa - amazonialife - amazoniabrasileira 63 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
579 aumentar - imazon - estudo - amozonia - vai 63 Deforestation in the Amazon
580 bife - prato - explica - garantida - seu 63 Deforestation and the beef industry
581 coopera - tratado - organiza - pretende - monitorar 63 Monitoring deforestation in the Amazon
582 winning - war - saving - on - deforestation 63 Protecting Amazonia: The War on Deforestation
583 gases - emiss - reduziu - estufa - redu 62 Reducing greenhouse gas emissions through deforestation prevention
584 ig - passado - cresce - ano - rela 62 Deforestation in the Amazon increases yearly
585 mitos - rostos - projeta - verdades - artista 62 Myths and Truths of Indigenous Culture
586 registrado - perdeu - menor - agosto - entre 62 Deforestation in Brazil
587 stop - amazonia - sustainableamazonnetwork - stopping - need 62 Protecting the Amazon Rainforest
588 velho - porto - pio - munic - frien 62 Deforestation in Porto Velho, Brazil
589 temperatura - elevar - pode - aumentar - temperature 62 Deforestation and temperature increase
590 combat - causas - lo - como - inimigos 61 Deforestation in the Amazon: Causes and Combating Strategies
591 diminui - meses - taxa - recuou - onze 61 Deforestation rates in the Amazon decrease in months
592 reuters - paulo - avan - destrui - aumentou 61 Deforestation in the Amazon
593 coibir - manda - autoriza - general - dentro 61 Deforestation policies under Bolsonaro
594 custo - custar - hectare - caro - milh 60 Cost of deforestation in the Amazon
595 lobo - guar - dula - ilustrar - escolhido 60 Wolves in the Cerrado
596 cresce - ano - um - em - sbtbrasil 60 Deforestation in Brazil
597 estadoimagens - ag - lite - mostram - cai 60 Deforestation in the Amazon
598 reduz - reduziu - dez - tedxm - gilberto 60 Brazil reduces deforestation in the Amazon
599 sobe - ong - meses - ltimos - nos 60 Deforestation in the Amazon revealed through social media
600 segundo - cai - bimestre - entre - inpe 60 Deforestation in the Amazon
601 cai - inpe - legal - diz - respeitado 60 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal and Regulatory Aspects
602 saltou - gisele - ndchen - chora - queria 60 Gisele B眉ndchen speaks out against deforestation in the Amazon
603 flagra - avi - feito - ibama - folha 60 Deforestation in the Amazon
604 isa - triplo - genas - terras - ind 60 Deforestation in Brazilian Indigenous Lands
605 semestre - primeiro - mostra - ltimos - imazon 60 Deforestation in Brazil
606 tulo - reduz - dar - aos - terras 60 Land titling for indigenous communities in Brazil
607 novembro - imazon - aumentou - mensal - bateu 60 Amazon deforestation increases in November
608 noruegu - sucesso - estagnado - reconhece - relat 60 Success of Brazil's efforts to combat deforestation in the Amazon
609 seis - bate - mar - recorde - ltimos 60 Deforestation in the Amazon breaks records
610 agentes - ataques - ibama - explos - equipes 60 Attacks on environmental agents in Brazil
611 animalplanet - salvalaselva - savehabitat - sosanimals - deforestacion 59 Deforestation in the Amazon and its impact on wildlife
612 acumulado - instituto - natureza - aumentou - meses 59 Deforestation in the Amazon increases accumulation over months, according to Institute of Nature.
613 prop - stria - zero - partiu - mpf 59 Zero deforestation agreement for meat industry in Brazil
614 futebol - motivos - campos - tema - tend 59 Deforestation in the Amazon: Motivations and Concerns
615 verbete - ecossistemabrasileiro - terrasp - desmatamentonaamaz - blicas 59 Deforestation in Brazil
616 office - grileiro - home - abril - sudr 59 Deforestation in the Amazon grows in April, laments grileiro
617 cresce - indica - neste - meses - aponta 59 Deforestation in the Amazon region
618 verde - opera - repressivas - preventivas - informativo 59 Environmental law enforcement in Brazil
619 fevereiro - instituto - cresce - diz - dilmapedeprasair 59 Deforestation in Brazil in February according to institute
620 nova - alta - regi - divulgada - nica 59 Deforestation in the Amazon region
621 policial - fant - exibir - domingo - stico 59 Police operation against deforestation in the Amazon on Sunday
622 aumentar - estudo - atestaram - vai - cidades 59 Deforestation in the Amazon to increase
623 cresce - iirsa - jornaldacbn - okariri - russa 58 Deforestation in the Amazon
624 far - opera - reduzir - ibama - fiscaliza 58 IBAM Far Fiscalization to Reduce Deforestation in the Amazon
625 bl - wwf - embora - relat - perdeu 58 Dilma Rousseff's environmental policies
626 filme - pata - boi - filmes - sob 58 Deforestation in the Amazon and its connection to cattle ranching
627 minist - cai - quase - rio - ano 58 Deforestation in the Amazon
628 novembro - sobe - janeiro - entre - intervalo 58 Deforestation in the Amazon during November and January
629 pecu - respons - pesquisadora - ria - vel 58 Responsibility of cattle ranching in Amazon deforestation
630 isolado - analistas - veem - reais - crise 58 Brazil's economic and social challenges during COVID-19 pandemic
631 anuncia - ministra - ilegal - contra - camposrep 58 Brazilian government takes action against illegal deforestation in the Amazon
632 checa - confere - prato - plataforma - uol 58 Deforestation in Brazil under Bolsonaro administration
633 pe - alimentos - produzir - poss - desmatar 58 Agricultural production in the Amazon rainforest
634 senten - demorar - processo - faz - ter 58 Deforestation in the Amazon
635 transforma - ltimas - motosserras - cadas - outras 57 Deforestation in the Amazon and other regions
636 dificulta - produtos - europeus - compra - compras 57 Difficulty purchasing European products in Brazil
637 fatura - cobra - afetar - acumulado - clima 57 Deforestation and its impact on climate change
638 underground - plows - demand - meat - up 57 Global meat demand and its impact on the environment, specifically in Brazil.
639 saving - winning - war - bbc - news 57 Saving Amazonia: BBC News Story
640 envolvimento - dallagnol - reportagens - ggn - revelam 56 Dallagnol's involvement in deforestation and land grabbing in the Amazon
641 sobe - setembro - at - ano - inpe 56 Deforestation in the Amazon
642 segundo - imazon - cresce - ano - um 56 Deforestation in the Amazon
643 liga - europa - empresas - eua - ong 56 Businesses and environmental organizations in Europe and the US advocating against deforestation in the Amazon
644 afirma - ong - avan - andam - viol 55 Ong's statement on deforestation in the Amazon
645 guedes - gatilho - puxa - hipocrisia - carlos 55 Carlos Guedes' critique of hypocrisy in deforestation
646 esperar - siga - online - tvonline - suspeitas 55 Fake news or false message
647 anderson - legal - boletim - costa - sobe 55 Deforestation in the Amazon: Legal Perspectives
648 discovered - massive - found - region - brazil 55 Deforestation in Brazil's Cerrado region
649 hattem - marcel - perfeito - resumo - partid 55 Marcel Van Hattem's Perfect Resume
650 amazonia - defloresta - landrights - kkkkkkkkkkk - panela 55 Deforestation in the Amazon
651 deflagra - df - pf - estados - opera 55 Illegal Deforestation in the Amazon
652 street - art - artista - primeira - pelas 55 Street Artist Creates First Piece in Amazon Against Deforestation and Indigenous Rights
653 prejud - interrompa - suzano - ma - atua 55 MPF demands Suzano stop deforestation in the Cerrado
654 dobra - planta - desmatada - rea - diz 55 Deforestation and Soybean Plantations in the Amazon
655 peti - assine - impedir - explora - rapidinho 55 Preventing Deforestation in the Amazon
656 cresce - ano - inpe - diz - cresceu 55 Deforestation in the Amazon
657 pandemia - aproveitar - passar - ministro - momento 55 "Minister's plan to exploit pandemic for cattle ranching"
658 junho - maior - anos - aponta - desmataram 55 Deforestation in June
659 paribas - bnp - restrictive - policy - financiar 55 BNP Paribas' policy on deforestation in Amazon and Cerrado regions
660 mensal - agosto - julho - desde - maior 55 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region
661 fronteira - rr - contido - agropecu - ltima 55 Expansion of Agro-Pecuary Frontier
662 gerando - hora - hectares - era - ocultar 55 Deforestation under Bolsonaro's presidency
663 protesta - nua - mulher - ma - sensual 54 Sensual Women's Protest
664 epidemia - dico - xima - caminho - alerta 54 Possible Pandemic: Xima Epidemia
665 universidade - volta - dobro - crescer - janeiro 54 Deforestation in the Amazon doubles according to University of the United States
666 confirma - reutersde - quar - divulgados - nesta 54 Deforestation in Brazil
667 atinge - sobe - mil - km - eleicoesal 54 Deforestation in Alagoas, Brazil
668 mt - imazon - aumenta - operacaobetalab - mato 54 Deforestation in the Amazon legalizes land clearing
669 bernie - sanders - democratas - senadores - acusam 54 Brazilian Amazon deforestation controversy
670 antipetista - cruzada - estimula - jn - compara 54 Antipetista Cruzada: Lula vs Bolsonaro
671 sacas - tvonline - colheita - rr - fecha 54 Agroindustrial production in Brazil
672 lon - umedecer - ajudariam - argentina - afeta 54 Deforestation in Argentina affects rainfall
673 dispara - sob - cresce - bolsonaro - flamengo 53 Amazon rainforest fires under Bolsonaro's presidency
674 economist - economista - revista - edi - dedicada 53 Deforestation in the Amazon and its global impact
675 minist - setembro - aponta - queda - rio 53 Rio Ministry reports decline in Amazon deforestation in September
676 setembro - aumentou - subiu - mostram - nove 53 Deforestation in September
677 setemb - atingiu - fevereiro - outubro - ndio 53 Deforestation in the Amazon
678 peru - limpada - cresceu - frente - aos 53 Deforestation in Peru
679 plantas - extin - levar - cies - esp 53 Deforestation of the Cerrado and its impact on plant species
680 julho - menor - ano - um - curtii 53 Deforestation in the Amazon in July
681 expressivo - acusa - imazon - aumento - detec 53 Deforestation in the Amazon
682 fungo - melhora - plantada - desenvolvimento - bioma 53 Fungi-based soil amendments for improving soybean growth and development
683 poluem - ricos - quanto - tanto - ses 53 Deforestation and wealth inequality in Brazil
684 envolverde - registra - ag - maio - hist 53 Deforestation in Brazil
685 bimestre - primeiro - atinge - aponta - km 53 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region
686 microbiana - homogeneiza - bact - diversidade - solo 53 Microbial diversity in soil
687 outubro - aumentou - segundo - imazon - km 53 Deforestation in the Amazon in October
688 marketing - corporativo - solu - morat - ou 53 Marketing Leaks: Corporate Disclosures Uncovered
689 pesca - produtividade - evita - associa - mortes 53 Impact of deforestation on fish productivity in the Amazon
690 reagem - cientistas - atestam - liderada - cr 53 Criticism of Bolsonaro's environmental policies
691 congelamento - polos - geleiras - reflorestar - descongelada 52 Causes and effects of global cooling in polar regions
692 dev - disparou - dois - sete - devasta 52 Deforestation in the Amazon in August and September increases devastation
693 cala - comemora - quatro - esquerda - menor 52 Government celebrates leftward shift in Amazon deforestation reduction
694 exportar - receber - san - pretende - vitoriosa 52 Brazil plans to export technology to combat deforestation in the Amazon
695 jornalismo - curso - rastro - ambientais - inscri 52 Journalism Course on Environmental Data
696 taxa - aumenta - ano - legal - um 52 Deforestation rates in the Amazon legal region increase over time
697 multinacionais - couro - boicotar - querem - carne 51 Multinational companies seek to boycott Brazilian leather and meat products due to animal welfare concerns.
698 aumento - rela - registrando - altos - odo 51 Deforestation in the Amazon region
699 novembro - dispara - sobe - totalizou - mais 51 Deforestation in Brazil's Amazon region increases in November
700 sobe - ong - alerta - brasileira - imazon 51 Deforestation in Brazilian Amazon raises alarm from NGOs
701 tandatangani - petisi - impedir - explora - via 51 Prevent Deforestation in the Amazon
702 campanha - pede - apoio - greenpeace - zero 51 Greenpeace campaign for zero deforestation in the Amazon
703 passa - aponta - natureza - mil - cresce 51 Deforestation in the Amazon
704 dispara - setembro - agosto - em - na 51 Deforestation in the Amazon during August and September
705 tcu - avaliar - programa - amazonas - lan 51 Environmental monitoring and prevention in the Amazon
706 proibir - menos - pelo - anos - por 51 Prohibition of deforestation in the Amazon for at least years
707 macronlies - macron - crita - hip - macronliar 51 Political satire and misinformation surrounding Macron
708 pauloembora - ig - bimestre - dois - ltimo 51 Deforestation in the Amazon
709 aquece - geleiras - oceanos - congelada - sol 51 Deforestation and its effects on climate change
710 julho - imazon - cai - segundo - legal 51 Deforestation in the Amazon in July according to IMAZON
711 soft - forum - scf - traceability - commodities 50 Transparent Soy Supply Chain Initiative
712 abril - aponta - aumenta - cresceu - jornaldarecord 50 Deforestation in the Amazon increases in April
713 vamos - nossa - unirem - foco - xviii 50 Protection of Brazilian Patrimony

Training hyperparameters

  • calculate_probabilities: False
  • language: None
  • low_memory: False
  • min_topic_size: 10
  • n_gram_range: (1, 1)
  • nr_topics: None
  • seed_topic_list: None
  • top_n_words: 10
  • verbose: True
  • zeroshot_min_similarity: 0.7
  • zeroshot_topic_list: None

Framework versions

  • Numpy: 1.25.2
  • HDBSCAN: 0.8.33
  • UMAP: 0.5.6
  • Pandas: 2.0.3
  • Scikit-Learn: 1.2.2
  • Sentence-transformers: 2.7.0
  • Transformers: 4.40.2
  • Numba: 0.58.1
  • Plotly: 5.15.0
  • Python: 3.10.12
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