
Image Classification
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Model card for tf_efficientnet_b0.ap_in1k

A EfficientNet image classification model. Trained on ImageNet-1k with AdvProp (adversarial examples) in Tensorflow by paper authors, ported to PyTorch by Ross Wightman.

Model Details

Model Usage

Image Classification

from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL import Image
import timm

img = Image.open(urlopen(

model = timm.create_model('tf_efficientnet_b0.ap_in1k', pretrained=True)
model = model.eval()

# get model specific transforms (normalization, resize)
data_config = timm.data.resolve_model_data_config(model)
transforms = timm.data.create_transform(**data_config, is_training=False)

output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0))  # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1

top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5)

Feature Map Extraction

from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL import Image
import timm

img = Image.open(urlopen(

model = timm.create_model(
model = model.eval()

# get model specific transforms (normalization, resize)
data_config = timm.data.resolve_model_data_config(model)
transforms = timm.data.create_transform(**data_config, is_training=False)

output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0))  # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1

for o in output:
    # print shape of each feature map in output
    # e.g.:
    #  torch.Size([1, 16, 112, 112])
    #  torch.Size([1, 24, 56, 56])
    #  torch.Size([1, 40, 28, 28])
    #  torch.Size([1, 112, 14, 14])
    #  torch.Size([1, 320, 7, 7])


Image Embeddings

from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL import Image
import timm

img = Image.open(urlopen(

model = timm.create_model(
    num_classes=0,  # remove classifier nn.Linear
model = model.eval()

# get model specific transforms (normalization, resize)
data_config = timm.data.resolve_model_data_config(model)
transforms = timm.data.create_transform(**data_config, is_training=False)

output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0))  # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor

# or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0)

output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0))
# output is unpooled, a (1, 1280, 7, 7) shaped tensor

output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True)
# output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor

Model Comparison

Explore the dataset and runtime metrics of this model in timm model results.


  title={Efficientnet: Rethinking model scaling for convolutional neural networks},
  author={Tan, Mingxing and Le, Quoc},
  booktitle={International conference on machine learning},
  title={Adversarial Examples Improve Image Recognition},
  author={Cihang Xie and Mingxing Tan and Boqing Gong and Jiang Wang and Alan Loddon Yuille and Quoc V. Le},
  journal={2020 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  author = {Ross Wightman},
  title = {PyTorch Image Models},
  year = {2019},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  journal = {GitHub repository},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/huggingface/pytorch-image-models}}
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Model size
5.33M params
Tensor type
Inference API
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Dataset used to train timm/tf_efficientnet_b0.ap_in1k