[It keeps forgetting Things]
- i'm at 8k ctx even still it keeps forgetting things and anything related to previous chat (with in 8k ctx)
- it doesn't follows instructions well.
Thanks for the feedback - I'm gonna need a bit more information to actually help troubleshoot this issue or get something actually actionable for future models we make, since your post is pretty light on details. When you say it "keeps forgetting things" and "doesn't follow instructions well," that could mean a lot of different things. First off:
- What samplers and instruct template are you using?
- Have you tried Mullein v1 or "base" Mullein v0, and if so, was there any improvement?
- How far back in the context is it forgetting? Recent messages or stuff from earlier in the conversation? Can you give an example?
- Samplers alot of presets some of mine too. precise: temp 0.8, minp 0.05 (alot of others)
- this one : trashpanda-org/MS-24B-Instruct-Mullein-v0
- it forgets even the text 3 msgs ago about the scene. (not forgetting but i'll say not aware of).
Hmmm, I sure would love to see examples of it forgetting. Maybe you can drop your full ST preset too so we can test it ourselves. Being "not aware of" of what happened 3 responses ago can happen especially if your latest response did not explicitly reference anything it should recall from there, and we don't have info about how you're managing your context. If you don't mind providing more information, that'll be really good.
(my bad - misclicked)