Unity crashes when exiting the editor playmode

by Dhrog - opened

The project works fine so far, but crashes the editor when I leave the playmode.
Has anyone the same problem?

Unity Technologies org
edited Jan 22

Hi Dhrog, I have not seen that problem before. Did you check the unity log file to see what the error message was? If it is happening when you exit play mode, my first thought is it may be something in the Cleanup function.

Can you give some more details. e.g. OS, version of Unity. Graphics card. RAM etc.
Also, note we have a dedicated Sentis discussion forum

The crashes happen using the BackendType GPUCommandbuffer and GPUCompute. CPU and Pixelshader are working fine.
It seems I am the only one having issues here, so it might be a local problem. I will try out some things and let you know when I found out more.

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