Token Classification
6 languages

Questions and request

by abdar1925 - opened

Hello Urchade,
Thanks for this incredible work. I have two questions and a request.


abdar1925 changed discussion title from Code for Data Generation to Questions and request

Thank you for your interest in GLiNER :)

  1. I think that the quality of my dataset is not great as it is purely synthetic. The one you mentioned should be better
  2. the model you mentioned should better, but GLiNER is not limited in terms of label it can predict
  3. I have provided a general example for synthetic data generation here (you can tailor it for pii extraction):

you can join the GLiNER discussion server here, as I am not very actif in HF:

Great, thanks. I'll check out the script.

Hi! Where can I see the tuning script? I want to add data in other languages.


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