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SetFit with sentence-transformers/paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2

This is a SetFit model that can be used for Text Classification. This SetFit model uses sentence-transformers/paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2 as the Sentence Transformer embedding model. A LogisticRegression instance is used for classification.

The model has been trained using an efficient few-shot learning technique that involves:

  1. Fine-tuning a Sentence Transformer with contrastive learning.
  2. Training a classification head with features from the fine-tuned Sentence Transformer.

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  • 'peace demo appeal rejected peace protestors have lost a landmark appeal over police actions in stopping an anti-war demonstration days after the start of the iraq war. they had appealed against a high court decision that it was not unlawful for police to forcibly turn protestors away near raf fairford glos in 2003. the police had also sought to overturn a breach of human rights ruling arising from the same case. sitting on wednesday three appeal court judges dismissed both appeals. they were challenging decisions by two judges in the high court in february this year. it followed action by police when three coachloads of people were searched and detained on the way to raf fairford and forced to return to london under police escort. the demonstrators appealed against a finding by lord justice may and mr justice harrison that it was not unlawful for the police to turn the passengers away. the police were urging lord chief justice and lord justices clarke and rix to overturn the ruling that they had breached the protestors human rights by detaining them in the coaches. craig mackey assistant chief constable of gloucestershire police said: we have always considered that our responses were proportionate and all our decisions on the day were based on intelligence. he said no one on the coaches accepted responsibility for items found on the coaches including body armour a smoke bomb and five shields. given these circumstances and the fact that raf fairford and other military installations in the uk had been the scene of increasingly destructive disorder in the weeks preceding this incident the police commander on the ground made the decision to turn back the coaches. from day one we have vigorously defended this decision which was made out of a genuine concern that if the coaches were allowed to proceed it would have resulted in disorder and criminal damage at raf fairford. fairford coach action representing more than 80 people who appealed against the police actions say they are prepared to take their case to the european court of human rights. their action is supported by amnesty international and liberty.'
  • 'kilroy launches veritas party ex-bbc chat show host and east midlands mep robert kilroy-silk has said he wants to change the face of british politics as he launched his new party. mr kilroy-silk who recently quit the uk independence party said our country was being stolen from us by mass immigration. he told a london news conference that veritas - latin for truth - would avoid the old parties lies and spin . ukip leader roger knapman says he was glad to see the back of mr kilroy-silk. mr kilroy-silk promised a firm but fair policy on immigration and said they hoped to contest most seats at the forthcoming general election. he said veritas would also announce detailed policies on crime tax pensions health and defence over the next few weeks. and he announced the party would be holding a leadership election. on thursday he is due to announce which constituency he will run in at the next general election - that will come amid speculation he has his sights set on defence secretary geoff hoon s ashfield seat. he was joined in the new venture by one of ukip s two london assembly members damien hockney who is now veritas deputy leader. ukip s chairman petrina holdsworth has said the group will just be a parody of the party the men have left. mr kilroy-silk announced his decision to quit ukip at a public meeting in hinckley leicestershire last week. it came after months of tension as he vied unsuccessfully for the leadership of that party. he said he was ashamed to be a member of a ukip whose leadership had gone awol after the great opportunity offered by its third place at last june s european elections. while ukip has turned its back on the british people i shall not he said. i will be standing at the next general election. i shall be leading a vigorous campaign for the causes i believe in. and unlike the old parties we shall be honest open and straight. mr hockney also left ukip saying mr kilroy-silk would deliver better as the leader of a eurosceptic party. a spokesman for ukip called on mr hockney to quit the london assembly. the party asserts that mr hockney has a moral obligation if not a legal one to stand down. its leader roger knapman has said he is glad to see the back of mr kilroy-silk. he has remarkable ability to influence people but sadly after the [european] election it became clear that he was more interested in the robert kilroy-silk party than the uk independence party so it was nice knowing him now goodbye he said. ukip officials also argue mr kilroy-silk has not been straightforward in attacking the party he once wanted to lead. this is just what the europhiles pray for. as the main eurosceptic party ukip should try to resolve its differences with kilroy to show a united front and give the uk public a serious political voice against europe. having multiple parties with the same view point just splits the vote further. thank goodness that kilroy-silk has gone - now ukip at least has a chance in the election! it is very sad to see the cause of britain regaining its proper relationship with europe damaged by this split within ukip. robert kilroy-silk could have a lot to offer. instead we have a split party and a damaged cause. under the present electoral system people must work together and small parties have no hope of representation. last summer ukip achieved a major advance partly and only partly due to kilroy-silk. it is a great shame this has been dissipated in in-fighting. ukip has a wide platform of policies not just withdrawal from the eu. this kilroy-silk conveniently ignores in the comments surrounding the launch of his own party. neither the english democrats nor the new party were interested in letting him join them and take over their leadership speaks volumes. veritas is the beginning of the end for kilroy-silk. if he believes in truth and democracy then he and the two assembly members should resign and force a by-elections to stand on their own platform rather than this backdoor approach to politics of being elected for one party then defecting to another. so ukip was good enough for him to lead not good enough for him to follow! interesting that a party committed to plain speaking should have a latin name! every opinion poll points to an overwhelming anti-europe feeling in this country. kilroy-silk could be on the verge of something huge if he can broaden his appeal beyond this one issue. he is an extremely able communicator with years of political experience. we wants quality schools top hospitals clean and efficient public transport punishments that fit the crime limited asylum a purge on bureaucracy and less taxes. it needs courage and honesty two qualities sadly lacking in our politicians. kilroy-silk may just have those very qualities. recruit the right colleagues robert and your time may have come! well if you cannot get enough limelight being an ordinary mp then go out and start up your own party. it s all flash and no real policy here let s hope this is the start of both ukip and kilroy-silk slipping into obscurity. veritas the name will doom it. but perhaps i am wrong for surely all modern schoolchildren will understand it since they do still learn latin in the classroom do they not the whole essence of what rks represents is euroscepticism so explain to me how the too-twee label of veritas symbolises that'
  • 'lib dems target first-time buyers the liberal democrats have unveiled plans to build 100 000 new affordable homes on publicly owned land. the party s scheme would allow people to buy a share in a home through a mutual home ownership trust as a way of getting onto the housing ladder. the lib dems would also encourage the conversion of existing buildings in an effort to protect greenfield sites. labour has already announced plans to help first-time buyers and the tories would extend right-to-buy schemes. all the major parties are focusing on the issue in the run-up to the election after a survey suggested first-time buyers could not afford a home in 92% of uk towns. the lib dems say their mutual homes would let people buy a share of a property usually worth about 5% of the building costs. party leader charles kennedy said the homes would be affordable because they would be built on surplus public sector land donated by central or local government. people would also only have to pay for the cost of the building and not the land he added. they would spend about 30% of their monthly salary on rent and buying extra shares in the property. when they moved house they would be able to cash in on any rise in property prices by selling their share. it would also allow councils to vary discounts to tenants given the right to buy their council homes so local needs were taken into account. mr kennedy said: mutual homes will offer people the opportunity to build up an equity stake in a home gradually investing only as much as they can afford. there are also plans to prevent high house prices forcing people out of their local communities. the kind of golden share used by the lib dems in south shropshire could be rolled out more widely. under the plan councils secure deals with developers where they keep a 1% share in a property scheme so properties cannot be sold on the open market. instead they are sold at build cost to people who the local council decides have local needs. the party says its help for first-time buyers can be funded at no extra cost to the taxpayer. but the plans involve changing the vat system which the party says often makes it too expensive to renovate existing buildings. the conservatives claimed the plans would amount to an extra tax of up to £11 000 on every new house. this is typical of lib dem hypocrisy said tory shadow local government secretary caroline spelman. they claim that they want to help people on to the property ladder but the small print of their policies reveal how they intend to price even more people out of the housing market. the flagship tory proposal on housing policy is to give a million more housing association tenants the right to buy their homes. labour has said it will allow 300 000 council and housing association tenants to buy a share in their homes. housing minister keith hill said much of the lib dem plans mimicked the government s strategy. however as usual the lib dems proposals are completely uncosted he said. mr hill said he also asked whether the lib dems would match labour s promise to spend £42bn on making refurbishing and repair council homes by 2010.'
  • 'souped-up wi-fi is on the horizon super high-speed wireless data networks could soon be in use in the uk. the government s wireless watchdog is seeking help on the best way to regulate the technology behind such networks called ultra wideband (uwb). ofcom wants to ensure that the arrival of uwb-using devices does not cause problems for those that already use the same part of the radio spectrum. uwb makes it possible to stream huge amounts of data through the air over short distances. one of the more likely uses of uwb is to make it possible to send dvd quality video images wirelessly to tv screens or to let people beam music to media players around their home. the technology has the potential to transmit hundreds of megabits of data per second. uwb could also be used to create so-called personal area networks that let a person s gadgets quickly and easily swap data amongst themselves. the technology works over a range up to 10 metres and uses billions of short radio pulses every second to carry data. at the recent consumer electronics show in las vegas products with uwb chips built-in got their first public airing. currently use of uwb is only allowed in the uk under a strict licencing scheme. we re seeking opinion from industry to find out whether or not we should allow uwb on a licence-exempt basis said a spokesman for ofcom. companies have until 24 march to respond. in april the ec is due to start its own consultation on europe-wide adoption of uwb. the cross-europe body for radio regulators known as the european conference of postal and telecommunications administrations (cept) is carrying out research for this harmonisation programme. early sight of the cept work has caused controversy as some think it over-emphasises uwb s potential to interfere with existing users. by contrast a preliminary ofcom report found that it would be quite straight-forward to deploy uwb without causing problems for those that already use it. the ofcom spokesman said it was considering imposing a mask or set of technical restrictions on uwb-using devices. we would want these devices to have very strict controls on power levels so they can not transmit a long way or over a wide area he said. despite the current restrictions the technology is already being used. cambridge-based ubisense has about 40 customers around the world using the short-range radio technology said david theriault standards and regulatory liaison for ubisense. he said that uwb was driving novel ways to interact with computers. it s like having a 3d mouse all the time he said. he said that european decisions on what to do with uwb allied with ieee decisions on the exact specifications for it would help drive adoption. prior to its adoption as a way for gadgets and computers to communicate uwb was used as a sensing technology. it is used to spot such things as cracks under the surface of runways or to help firemen detect people through walls.'
  • 'microsoft plans safer id system microsoft is planning to make windows and internet explorer more secure by including software to give people more control over personal information. info cards will help people manage personal details on their pcs to make online services safer said microsoft. microsoft s two previous programs passport and hailstorm aimed to protect users but were criticised. id fraud is one of the uk s fastest-growing crimes with criminals netting an estimated £1.3bn last year. a quarter of uk adults has either had their id stolen via hi-tech or other means or knows someone who has a recent report by which magazine found. microsoft is developing a new version of internet explorer browser and its operating system windows which has been code-named longhorn. michael stephenson director in microsoft s windows server division would not confirm however whether the new info cards id system will be built into the current windows xp version or longhorn. we re trying to make the end-user experience as simple as possible mr stephenson said. the system would differ from its previous attempts to make online transactions more secure said microsoft. while passport and hailstorm stored user information centrally on the net the latest system will store data on a user s pc. it s going to put control of digital ids into the hands of an end-user the end-user will be in full control said mr stephenson. hailstorm was criticised by privacy campaigners for putting too much sensitive information into the hands of a single company. passport provides a single log-in for more than one website and stores basic personal information. but its popularity suffered after security scares. up to 200 million passport accounts were left vulnerable to online theft and malicious hackers after a flaw in the system was exploited in 2003. online auction site ebay stopped supporting it in january 2005. although the flaw was fixed microsoft has come under regular criticism for the number of security loopholes in internet explorer. last year it released a major security update for windows service pack 2 to combat some of the security concerns. longhorn is due to be released commercially in late 2006 but an updated version of internet explorer is due for release later this year.'
  • 'casual gaming to take off games aimed at casual players are set to be even bigger in 2005 according to industry experts. easy-to-play titles that do not require too much time and that are playable online or downloadable to mobile devices will see real growth in the coming year. the trend shows that gaming is not just about big-hitting games console titles which appeal more to hardcore gamers said a panel of experts. they were speaking before the annual consumer electronics show in las vegas which showcases the latest trends in gadgets and technologies for 2005. the panel also insisted that casual gamers were not just women a common misconception which pervades current thinking about gamer demographics. casual games like poker pool bridge bingo and puzzle-based titles which can be played online or downloaded onto mobile devices were gender neutral and different genres attracted different players. greg mills program director at aol said its figures suggested that sports-based games attracted 90% of 18 to 24-year-old males while puzzle games were played by 80% of females. games like bridge tended to attract the over-50 demographic of gamers. but hardcore gamers who are more attracted to blockbuster gamers which usually require hi-spec pcs like half-life 2 or halo 2 on xbox also liked to have a different type of gaming experience. when hardcore gamers are not playing halo they are playing poker and pool based on our research said geoff graber director of yahoo games which attracts about 12 million gamers a month. with the growth of powerful pc technology and ownership broadband take-up portable players and mobile devices as well as interactive tv casual gaming is shaping up to be big business in 2005 according to the panel. the focus for the coming year should be about attracting third-party developers into the field to offer more innovative and multiplayer titles they agreed. we are at a time where we are on the verge of something much bigger said mr graber. casual games will get into their stride in 2005 will be really big in 2006 and will be about community. with more people finding more to do with their gadgets and high-speed connections casual games would start to open up the world of gaming as a form of mass-market entertainment to more people. key to these types of titles is the chance they give people who may not see themselves as gamers to dip in and out of games when they liked. portal sites which offer casual games like aol yahoo and realarcade as well as other games-on-demand services allow people to build up buddy lists so they can return and play against the same people. this aspect of community is crucial for gamers who just want to have quick access to free or cheap games without committing long periods of time immersed in £30 to £40 console or pc titles said the panel. about 120 000 people are expected to attend the ces trade show which stretches over more than 1.5 million square feet and which officially runs from 6 to 9 january. the main theme is how new devices are getting better at talking to each other allowing people to enjoy digital content like audio video and images when they want and where they want.'
  • 'woodward eyes brennan for lions toulouse s former irish international trevor brennan could be one of clive woodward s many surprises when the 44-man lions tour squad is announced. brennan who last played for ireland against samoa in 2001 is held in high esteem by the former england coach. if you speak to the players there s a huge amount of respect for the guy woodward told the sunday independent. players tend to know better than most coaches. it s not just the irish but welsh and english players as well. the 31-year-old former dublin milkman moved from leinster to toulouse in 2003 and immediately picked up a heineken cup winner s medal in an all-french final against perpignan at lansdowne road. brennan is highly-rated at stade toulousain where he is used anywhere in the back five. woodward is ensuring his preparations for the trip to new zealand in june are as thorough as possible. i ve spoken to quite a few players and they probably don t know what they re actually saying when we re having these conversations he told the newspaper. but you talk about certain players and they ll say if they think they re up to scratch or that they don t want them in their team. i haven t heard a bad word said against trevor which considering he has a pretty tough guy reputation is to me impressive.'
  • 'off-colour gardener storms to win britain s jason gardener shook off an upset stomach to win the 60m at sunday s leipzig international meeting. gardener clocked 6.56 seconds to equal the meeting record and finished well ahead of germany s marc blume who crossed the line in 6.67 secs. the world indoor champion said: i got to the airport and my stomach was upset and i was vomiting. i almost went home. i felt a little better sunday morning but decided i d only run in the main race. then everything went perfectly. gardener part of the great britain 4x100m quartet that won gold at the athens olympics will now turn his attention to next weekend s norwich union european indoor trials in sheffield. given i am still off-colour i know there is plenty more in the tank and i expect to get faster in the next few weeks he said. it s just a case of chipping away as i have done in previous years and the results will come. scotland s ian mackie was also in action in leipzig. he stepped down from his favoured 400m to 200m to finish third in 21.72 secs. germany s alexander kosenkow won the race in 21.07 secs with dutchman patrick van balkom second in 21.58 secs. there were plenty of other senior british athletes showing their indoor form over the weekend. promising 60m hurdler clocked a new uk record of 7.98 seconds at a meeting in norway. the 24-year-old reached the mark in her heat but had to settle for joint first place with former aaa champion diane allahgreen in the final. who broke onto the international scene at the olympic games last season set an indoor personal best of 16.50m in the triple jump at a meeting in ghent. that leap - 37cm short of brazilian winner jadel gregorio s effort - was good enough to qualify for the european indoor championships. at the same meeting finished third in 7.27 seconds in a high-class women s 60m. the event was won by european medal favourite christine arron of france while belgium rival kim gevaert was second. britain s joice maduaka finished fifth in 7.35. olympic bronze heptathlon medallist made a low-key return to action at an indoor meeting in birmingham. the 28-year-old cleared 1.76m to win the high jump and threw 13.86m in the women s shot put.'
  • 'parry relishes anfield challenge bbc sport reflects on the future for liverpool after our exclusive interview with chief executive rick parry. chief executive parry is the man at the helm as liverpool reach the most crucial point in their recent history. parry has to deliver a new 60 000-seat stadium in stanley park by 2007 amid claims of costs spiralling above £120m. he is also searching for an investment package of a size and stature that will restore liverpool to their place at european football s top table. but it is a challenge that appears to sit easily with parry who has forged a reputation as one of football s most respected administrators since his days at the fledgling premier league. liverpool have not won the championship since 1990 a fact that causes deep discomfort inside anfield as they attempt to muscle in on the top three of chelsea manchester united and arsenal. throw in the small matter of warding off every top club in world football as they eye captain steven gerrard and you can see parry is a man with a lot on his plate. but in the comfort of a conference room deep inside liverpool s heartbeat - the kop end - parry spoke to us with brutal honesty about the crucial months ahead. he only dodged one question - when asked to reveal the name of the mystery investor currently courting liverpool a polite smile deflected the inquiry. but to his credit he met everything else head on in measured tones that underscore the belief that liverpool still mean business. by business he means becoming title challengers again and locking the pieces together that will help return the trophy to liverpool is parry s mission. parry has already successfully put one of those planks in place in the form of new manager rafael benitez. and his enthusiasm for the spaniard s personality and methods is an indication of his clear feeling that he has struck gold. benitez s early work has given parry renewed optimism about the years ahead. but it remains a massive task at a club with a unique history and expectations. this will not come as news to parry a lifelong liverpool supporter but his quiet determination suggests he is no mood to be found wanting... captain gerrard is central to liverpool s plans and parry s insistence that all offers will be refused is a firm statement of intent. as ever the player will have the final say and parry acknowledges that but he is determined to provide the framework and environment for liverpool and gerrard to flourish. in terms of the search for new investment hawkpoint were appointed as advisors to flush out interest in march 2004. thailand prime minister thaksin shiniwatra came and went while the most serious statement of intent came from tycoon and lifelong fan steve morgan. morgan had a succession of bids rejected having come close in the summer only for talks to break down over potential costs for the new stadium. bbc sport understands morgan is still ready and willing to invest in liverpool and parry has kept the door ajar despite currently seeking investment elsewhere. morgan however has had no formal contact with liverpool or their advisors since last december blaming indecision at board level as he publicly withdrew his £70m offer. he was also convinced his interest was being used to lure in others so any new approach would now have to come from liverpool. morgan will certainly not be making another call. so speculation continues about the new benefactor with trails leading to the middle east and america but all met with an understandable veil of secrecy from anfield. parry meanwhile sees the new ground as crucial to liverpool s future but is refusing to become emotionally attached to the idea. he is determined the ground will only be built on an affordable basis and will not make future liverpool management hostages to the new stadium. parry will pull back the moment the figures do not stack up but there has been a vital new development in north london that has re-shaped liverpool s thinking. liverpool have publicly refused to entertain the idea of stadium sponsorship and potential naming rights - but the realism of arsenal s stunning £100m deal for their new emirates stadium at ashburton has changed the landscape. parry labelled the deal an eye-opener and admits liverpool would be missing a trick not to explore the possibilities. he knows some traditionalist liverpool fans will reel at any attempt to call the new stadium anything other than just anfield but the maths of modern-day football decree that multi-millions for stadium and team could ease the pain. i would take £50m if we had no investment but if we did keep him. as for the stadium if it gets us cash what difference does it make really £50m for gerrard i don t care who you are the directors would take the money and it is the way it should be. we cannot let that sum of money go despite gerrard s quality. through a cleverly worded statement the club has effectively forced gerrard to publicly make the decision for himself which i think is the right thing to do. critical time for liverpool with regards to gerrard. ideally we would want to secure his future to the club for the long term. i am hoping he doesn t walk out of the club like michael owen did for very little cash. £50m realistically would allow rafa to completely rebuild the squad however if we can afford to do this and keep gerrard we will be better for it. i would however be happy with gerrard s transfer for any fee over £35m. parry s statements are clever in that any future gerrard transfer cannot be construed as a lack of ambition by the club to not try and keep their best players. upping the ante is another smart move by parry. i would keep gerrard. no amount of money could replace his obvious love of the club and determination to succeed. the key is if gerrard comes out and says that he is happy. clearly if he isn t then we would be foolish not to sell. the worrying thing is who would you buy (or who would come) pending possible non-champions league football.'
  • 'rem announce new glasgow concert us band rem have announced plans to perform for 10 000 scottish fans in a rescheduled gig. the band will play in what has been dubbed europe s biggest tent on glasgow green on tuesday 14 june. they were forced to pull out of a concert at the secc in glasgow last month after bassist mike mills contracted flu. fans who bought tickets for the original 22 february show can attend the rescheduled concert. the june gig will act as a warm-up for rem s open air concert at balloch castle country park on the banks of loch lomond four days later. promoters regular music booked glasgow green as the secc was not available on the most suitable date. mark mackie director of regular music said: it is fantastic news and it really shows rem s commitment to their scottish fans that they are coming back to glasgow for what will be a truly unique gig. the rem gigs will kick-start what promises to be a memorable summer for scottish music lovers. grammy award winners u2 will play hampden on 21 june while oasis will also perform at the national stadium in glasgow on 29 june. coldplay have announced a concert at bellahouston park in glasgow on 1 july and t in the park will be held at balado near kinross from 9-10 july. ticketweb and the secc box office will write to customers who bought tickets for the february gig asking if they want to attend the new show. those who bought tickets in person are being urged to return to the point of purchase. anyone who cannot make the concert will be given a refund. the cut-off date for swapping tickets is 1 april when those remaining will go on sale to the public.'
  • 'tautou film tops cesar prize nods french film a very long engagement has received 12 nominations for france s cesar film awards despite a recent ruling it was not french enough . the world war i romantic drama starring audrey tautou was recently ruled too american by a paris court as it was partially backed by warner bros. but the cesar organisers modified their rules to allow the film to compete. the film directed by jean-pierre jeunet received best actress picture and director nominations. last november a court judged the film was too american to compete in french film festivals. two associations of french producers challenged jeunet s right to french government subsidies because warner bros was a backer. the ruling meant the movie - which was filmed in france and used french actors and technicians - was not eligible to compete for french prizes. but alain terzian president of cesar organisers the academie des arts et techniques du cinema said the changes in eligibility rules which allow films of french expression were made three months prior to the court decision. other films in the best film category include police drama 36 quai des orfevres arnaud desplechin s kings and queen abdellatif kechiche s l esquive and france s number one film at the 2004 box-office the chorus. best actors are daniel auteuil for 36 mathieu amalric for kings and queen gerard jugnot for the chorus philippe torreton for l equipier and benoit poelvoorde for podium. tautou will compete against maggie cheung emmanuelle devos yolande moreau and karin viard for best actress. michael moore s fahrenheit 9/11 the motorcycle diaries lost in translation eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and 21 grams are all vying in the best foreign film prize. the awards ceremony will be held on 26 february. this year will smith star of i robot independence day and men in black will be given an honorary cesar along with french singer/actor jacques dutronc.'
  • 'gallery unveils interactive tree a christmas tree that can receive text messages has been unveiled at london s tate britain art gallery. the spruce has an antenna which can receive bluetooth texts sent by visitors to the tate. the messages will be unwrapped by sculptor richard wentworth who is responsible for decorating the tree with broken plates and light bulbs. it is the 17th year that the gallery has invited an artist to dress their christmas tree. artists who have decorated the tate tree in previous years include tracey emin in 2002. the plain green norway spruce is displayed in the gallery s foyer. its light bulb adornments are dimmed ordinary domestic ones joined together with string. the plates decorating the branches will be auctioned off for the children s charity artworks. wentworth worked as an assistant to sculptor henry moore in the late 1960s. his reputation as a sculptor grew in the 1980s while he has been one of the most influential teachers during the last two decades. wentworth is also known for his photography of mundane everyday subjects such as a cigarette packet jammed under the wonky leg of a table.'
  • 'ask jeeves tips online ad revival ask jeeves has become the third leading online search firm this week to thank a revival in internet advertising for improving fortunes. the firm s revenue nearly tripled in the fourth quarter of 2004 exceeding $86m (£46m). ask jeeves once among the best-known names on the web is now a relatively modest player. its $17m profit for the quarter was dwarfed by the $204m announced by rival google earlier in the week. during the same quarter yahoo earned $187m again tipping a resurgence in online advertising. the trend has taken hold relatively quickly. late last year marketing company doubleclick one of the leading providers of online advertising warned that some or all of its business would have to be put up for sale. but on thursday it announced that a sharp turnaround had brought about an unexpected increase in profits. neither ask jeeves nor doubleclick thrilled investors with their profit news however. in both cases their shares fell by some 4%. analysts attributed the falls to excessive expectations in some quarters fuelled by the dramatic outperformance of google on tuesday.'
  • 'us bank boss hails genius smith us federal reserve chairman alan greenspan has given a speech at a scottish church in honour of the pioneering economist adam smith. he delivered the 14th adam smith lecture in kirkcaldy fife. the adam smith lecture celebrates the author of 1776 s wealth of nations which became a bible of capitalism. dr greenspan was invited by chancellor gordon brown whose minister father john used to preach at the st bryce kirk church. mr brown introduced dr greenspan to the 400 invited guests as the the world s greatest economist . dr greenspan 79 who has been in the uk to attend the g7 meeting in london said the world could never repay the debt of gratitude it owed to smith whose genius he compared to that of mozart. he said the philosopher was a towering contributor to the modern world . kirkcaldy the birthplace in 1723 of adam smith and by extension of modern economics is also of course where your chancellor was reared. i am led to ponder to what extent the chancellor s renowned economic and financial skills are the result of exposure to the subliminal intellect-enhancing emanation in this area. he continued: smith reached far beyond the insights of his predecessors to frame a global view of how market economics just then emerging worked. in so doing he supported changes in societal organisation that were to measurably enhance standards of living. dr greenspan said smith s revolutionary philosophy on human self-interest laissez-faire economics and competition had been a force for good in the world. the incredible insights of a handful of intellectuals of the enlightenment - especially with smith toiling in the environs of kirkcaldy - created the modern vision of people free to choose and to act according to their individual self-interest he said. following his lecture dr greenspan - who received an honorary knighthood from the queen at balmoral in 2002 - was awarded an honorary fellowship of the royal society of edinburgh. he later opened an exhibition dedicated to smith in the atrium of fife college of further and higher education. joyce johnston principal of the college said: it is very fitting that the world s premier economist delivered this lecture in tribute to the world s first economist. dr greenspan - who became chairman of the federal reserve for an unprecedented fifth term in june 2004 - will step down in january next year. he has served under presidents george w bush bill clinton george bush and ronald reagan. he was also chairman of the council of economic advisors to gerald ford.'
  • 'hariri killing hits beirut shares shares in solidere the lebanese company founded by assassinated former prime minister rafik hariri fell 15% in renewed trading in beirut. the real estate firm which dominates lebanon s stock exchange ended the day down at $8.08. traders said there was some panic selling during friday s session the first since a three-day market closure to mourn the death of mr hariri. beirut s benchmark blom stock index closed down 7.9% at 642.80. solidere in which mr hariri was a major shareholder was the major drag on the index. the company owns much of the property in central beirut which it restored and redeveloped following the end of lebanon s bitter 15-year civil war. solidere should be above $10 but because of this disaster it is falling said one trader. if solidere drops much lower i would consider it a buying opportunity. this is a very big company held by many lebanese. critics had accused mr hariri of using lebanon s post-war reconstruction drive for his personal financial gain. but his assassination on monday sent shudders through lebanon s business community which saw the billionaire tycoon as the country s best hope for economic revival. solidere posted profits of $12.5m in the first half of 2004 and its shares had been gaining in recent months.'



Label Accuracy
all 0.953


Direct Use for Inference

First install the SetFit library:

pip install setfit

Then you can load this model and run inference.

from setfit import SetFitModel

# Download from the 🤗 Hub
model = SetFitModel.from_pretrained("vidhi0206/setfit-paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2")
# Run inference
preds = model("versace art portfolio up for sale the art collection of murdered fashion designer gianni versace could fetch up to £9m ($17m) when it is auctioned in new york and london later this year.  among the pictures for sale are works by roy lichtenstein  andy warhol and henri matisse. the collection was housed at versace s six-storey new york townhouse. the 51-year-old designer was shot outside his florida home in 1997 by suspected serial killer andrew cunanan  who later killed himself. the auction  at sotheby s  will feature 45 contemporary  impressionist and 19th century paintings. one of the highlights of the sale is roy lichtenstein s blue nude which has been given an estimate of £1.8m ($3.4m).  tobias meyer  sotheby s worldwide head of contemporary art  said:  this collection reflects mr versace s wide-ranging taste and impeccable eye  and many of the works were commissioned directly from the artists.  outstanding later examples from champions of the pop movement  such as roy lichtenstein  are juxtaposed with masterpieces from the most visible artists of the 1980 s  including jean-michel basquiat and the collaborative genius of basquiat and warhol  as well as francesco clemente.  much of the collection will be offered for sale at three auctions in new york in june  with smaller contemporary paintings going under the hammer in london on 22 and 23 june. a sale of versace s furniture and artworks sold in 2001fetched £5.5m ($10.3m).")

Training Details

Training Set Metrics

Training set Min Median Max
Word count 173 419.325 1121
Label Training Sample Count
0 8
1 8
2 8
3 8
4 8

Training Hyperparameters

  • batch_size: (8, 8)
  • num_epochs: (1, 1)
  • max_steps: -1
  • sampling_strategy: oversampling
  • num_iterations: 20
  • body_learning_rate: (2e-05, 2e-05)
  • head_learning_rate: 2e-05
  • loss: CosineSimilarityLoss
  • distance_metric: cosine_distance
  • margin: 0.25
  • end_to_end: False
  • use_amp: False
  • warmup_proportion: 0.1
  • seed: 42
  • eval_max_steps: -1
  • load_best_model_at_end: False

Training Results

Epoch Step Training Loss Validation Loss
0.005 1 0.245 -
0.25 50 0.0174 -
0.5 100 0.0008 -
0.75 150 0.0005 -
1.0 200 0.0002 -

Framework Versions

  • Python: 3.8.10
  • SetFit: 1.0.3
  • Sentence Transformers: 2.3.1
  • Transformers: 4.37.2
  • PyTorch: 2.2.0+cu121
  • Datasets: 2.17.0
  • Tokenizers: 0.15.1



    doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2209.11055},
    url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11055},
    author = {Tunstall, Lewis and Reimers, Nils and Jo, Unso Eun Seo and Bates, Luke and Korat, Daniel and Wasserblat, Moshe and Pereg, Oren},
    keywords = {Computation and Language (cs.CL), FOS: Computer and information sciences, FOS: Computer and information sciences},
    title = {Efficient Few-Shot Learning Without Prompts},
    publisher = {arXiv},
    year = {2022},
    copyright = {Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International}
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Model tree for vidhi0206/setfit-paraphrase-mpnet-base-v2

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