Yang Wang


AI & ML interests

My research interests are centred around robust speaker recognition, natural language processing (NLP), speech and language processing (SLP), and financial mathematics.


yangwang825's activity

New activity in mosaicml/mosaic-bert-base-seqlen-2048 21 days ago

Update config.json

#5 opened 21 days ago by yangwang825
New activity in togethercomputer/m2-bert-80M-2k-retrieval 22 days ago

Update config.json

#7 opened 22 days ago by yangwang825

Update config.json

#6 opened 22 days ago by yangwang825

Update config.json

#5 opened 22 days ago by yangwang825
New activity in nvidia/NV-Embed-v1 about 1 month ago

Ollama Version

#19 opened about 1 month ago by yangwang825