This is a state for rwkv6_7b_v2.1 that generates community report based on triples.
- The input is solely the context that you want this model to analyze
- The output are domain, expert role in this domain and specific tasks that this export can do in a jsonl format.
Please refer to the following demo as test code:
from rwkv.model import RWKV
from rwkv.utils import PIPELINE, PIPELINE_ARGS
import torch
model = RWKV(model='/home/rwkv/Peter/model/base/RWKV-x060-World-7B-v2.1-20240507-ctx4096.pth', strategy='cuda fp16')
pipeline = PIPELINE(model, "rwkv_vocab_v20230424")
states_file = '/home/rwkv/Peter/rwkv_graphrag/agents/community_report/community_report_2048.pth'
states = torch.load(states_file)
states_value = []
device = 'cuda'
n_head = model.args.n_head
head_size = model.args.n_embd//model.args.n_head
for i in range(model.args.n_layer):
key = f'blocks.{i}.att.time_state'
value = states[key]
prev_x = torch.zeros(model.args.n_embd,device=device,dtype=torch.float16)
prev_states = value.clone().detach().to(device=device,dtype=torch.float16).transpose(1,2)
prev_ffn = torch.zeros(model.args.n_embd,device=device,dtype=torch.float16)
import json
instruction ='"给你一段社区中命名体和他们之间关系的描述,作文文学家请写出一种关于这个社区的总结报告,报告需要包括title,summary,rating,rating explaination,findings和reference。'
input_text = "{'entities': [{'entity': '空空道人', 'description': '一位从大荒山无稽崖青埂峰下经过的访道求仙者,他在看到《石头记》编述历程时,将其改名为《情僧录》。', 'id': 1}, {'entity': '石头记', 'description': '《石头记》是一部由曹雪芹编写的小说,讲述了贾宝玉、林黛玉等人的故事。', 'id': 2}, {'entity': '情僧录', 'description': '《情僧录》是空空道人改编的《石头记》的新名字,旨在突出其中的情感元素。', 'id': 3}],'relationships': [{'source': '空空道人', 'target': '《石头记》', 'relationship': '空空道人对《石头记》进行了改编和重新命名。'}, {'source': '空空道人', 'target': '情僧录', 'relationship': '空空道人将《石头记》改名为《情僧录》。'}, {'source': '空空道人', 'target': '红楼梦', 'relationship': '空空道人对《红楼梦》进行了深入的研究和评价。'} {'source': '甄士隐', 'target': '贾雨村', 'relationship': '甄士隐与贾雨村是朋友关系。'}, {'source': '甄士隐', 'target': '封肃家', 'relationship': '甄士隐在封肃家中居住并接济了贾雨村。'}, {'source': '甄士隐', 'target': '胡州人氏贾化(号雨村)', 'relationship': '甄士隐与贾雨村有着相似的主题。'}]}"
ctx = f'Instruction: {instruction}\nInput: {input_text}\n\nResponse:'
def my_print(s):
print(s, end='', flush=True)
args = PIPELINE_ARGS(temperature = 1.2, top_p = 0.2, top_k = 0,
alpha_frequency = 0.25,
alpha_presence = 0.25,
alpha_decay = 0.996,
token_ban = [0],
token_stop = [261],
chunk_len = 256)
pipeline.generate(ctx, token_count=2000, args=args, callback=my_print,state=states_value)
The final printed input and output: