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Yuna AI Voice Talk

Imagine having a voice assistant that sounds human-like; you can't tell the difference between AI and real people. Yuna Voice offers exactly that —a revolutionary text-to-speech (TTS) model that brings your words to life with unparalleled naturalness and expressiveness.

Yuna Voice is not just another TTS engine. It's a groundbreaking AI model that captures the nuances of human speech, including nonverbal sounds like laughter, sighs, and even breathing. With Yuna Voice, you can create audio content that truly resonates with your audience.

This README.md file will guide you through the incredible features and capabilities of Yuna Voice. Get ready to experience the future of AI-powered speech synthesis!

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Model Description

This is the HF repo for the Yuna Voice model files. For more information, please refer to the original GitHub repo page: https://github.com/yukiarimo/yuna-ai

Model Series

This is one of the Yuna Voice models:

Dataset Details

  1. Emotional range: The dataset includes many emotions, from happiness and excitement to sadness and anger. This allows Yuna Voice to express emotions in an authentic and relatable way.
  2. Non-verbal sounds: The dataset contains various non-verbal sounds, such as laughter, sighs, and breathing. These subtle cues add an extra layer of realism to the generated speech.

Techniques Used

  • VoiceMaster: Mastering Realistic AI Voice Synthesis through Advanced Techniques
  • Partial VoiceMaster: Partial VoiceMaster was applied to the model to enhance its emotional range and non-verbal sound generation.
  • SpeechCraft: Crafting Lifelike Speech through AI-Powered Synthesis

About the Model

Yuna Voice is a state-of-the-art TTS model that leverages advanced AI techniques to generate incredibly human-like speech. It supports multiple languages and can be easily integrated into various applications, from virtual assistants to audiobooks.


Please refer to the Yuna Voice documentation for detailed instructions on using the model in your projects.


Model Naturalness Emotional Range Non-verbal Sounds Multilingual Support
Yuna Talk V1 90 85 80 20+ languages
Google Assistant 65 40 10 30+ languages
Siri 70 45 12 50+ languages
  • Naturalness: The model's ability to generate speech that sounds like an actual human.
  • Emotional Range: The model can express various emotions in the generated speech.
  • Non-verbal Sounds: The model's ability to include non-verbal sounds like laughter and sighs.
  • Multilingual Support: The number of languages supported by the model.

Contributing and Feedback

We believe in the power of collaboration and value your input. If you have any suggestions or feedback or would like to contribute to the development of Yuna Voice, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can push the boundaries of AI-powered speech synthesis and create even more amazing experiences.

Thank you for choosing Yuna Voice as your personal voice companion. Get ready to bring your words to life like never before! You can access the Yuna Voice model at HuggingFace. Feel free to contact the developer for more information or to contribute to the project!

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