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Pythia-2.8B Deduped 4K is a Pythia-2.8B Deduped model fine-tuned with a 4096 context length. Training resumed from their 143,000 step checkpoint and continued on The Pile v1 Deduped (threshold=0.87). This particular model is from a checkpoint captured at step 175,500 for an extra 134,217,728,000 tokens of training.

Note: Sequence length warmup was not used to move up from 2048 but, in hindsight, should have been applied.


  # 8 Nodes 8xA100 40GB
  "eval_batch_size": 2,

  "pipe-parallel-size": 1,
  "model-parallel-size": 1,

  "num-layers": 32,
  "hidden-size": 2560,
  "num-attention-heads": 32,
  "seq-length": 4096,
  "max-position-embeddings": 4096,

  "norm": "layernorm",
  "pos-emb": "rotary",
  "rotary-pct": 0.25,
  "no-weight-tying": true,
  "gpt-j-residual": true,
  "output-layer-parallelism": "column",

  "init_method": "small_init",
  "output_layer_init_method": "wang_init",
  "attention-config": [[["flash"], 32]],
  "scaled-upper-triang-masked-softmax-fusion": true,
  "bias-gelu-fusion": true,

  "optimizer": {
    "type": "Adam",
    "params": {
      "lr": 1.6e-5,
      "betas": [0.9, 0.95],
      "eps": 1.0e-08
  "min_lr": 8.0e-06,

      "stage": 1,
      "allgather_partitions": true,
      "allgather_bucket_size": 500000000,
      "overlap_comm": true,
      "reduce_scatter": true,
      "reduce_bucket_size": 500000000,
      "contiguous_gradients": true,
      "cpu_offload": false,
  "train_micro_batch_size_per_gpu": 4,
  "gradient-accumulation-steps": 4,
  "data-impl": "mmap",

  "checkpoint-activations": true,
  "checkpoint-num-layers": 1,
  "partition-activations": true,
  "synchronize-each-layer": true,

  "gradient_clipping": 1.0,
  "weight-decay": 0.1,
  "hidden-dropout": 0,
  "attention-dropout": 0,

  "fp16": {
      "fp16": true,
      "enabled": true,
      "loss_scale": 0,
      "loss_scale_window": 1000,
      "initial_scale_power": 12,
      "hysteresis": 2,
      "min_loss_scale": 1,

  "train-iters": 318000, 
  "lr-decay-iters": 318000,
  "distributed-backend": "nccl",
  "lr-decay-style": "cosine",
  "warmup": 0.01,
  "checkpoint-factor": 500,
  "eval-interval": 50000,
  "eval-iters": 10,
  "extra-save-iters": [0, 512, 152001],

  "train-data-paths": ["pile_0.87_deduped_text_document"],
  "valid-data-paths": ["pile_0.87_deduped_text_document"],
  "test-data-paths": ["pile_0.87_deduped_text_document"],

  "tokenizer_type": "HFTokenizer",
  "vocab-file": "20B_tokenizer.json",

  "log-interval": 10,
  "steps_per_print": 10,
  "wall_clock_breakdown": true,
  "log-grad-norm": true,

  "launcher": "slurm",
  "deepspeed_slurm": true,


This work would not have been possible without the support of Stability AI.

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Inference API
Model is too large to load in Inference API (serverless). To try the model, launch it on Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Dataset used to train CarperAI/pythia-2.8b-deduped-4k