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Model description

This is a base Yi-34B-200K XLCTX model treated with DPO with adamo1139/rawrr_v2-2_stage1 dataset to make outputs be completions instead of answers for a question. DPO was done using chatml format but no previous SFT step was done. If it would do it now, I would have used ORPO instead of DPO for this step to make it stronger, but too late for that. It can be used to maybe slightly decensor a model, but I don't think this idea works too well with DPO before SFT step, as was widely known but I did it anyway.

made with Unsloth

Training script for Unsloth

from unsloth import FastLanguageModel
from datasets import Dataset, load_dataset
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Dict, Optional
import torch
max_seq_length = 4096 # Choose any! We auto support RoPE Scaling internally!
dtype = None # None for auto detection. Float16 for Tesla T4, V100, Bfloat16 for Ampere+
load_in_4bit = True # Use 4bit quantization to reduce memory usage. Can be False.

model, tokenizer = FastLanguageModel.from_pretrained(
    model_name = "adamo1139/Yi-34B-200K-XLCTX", # Choose ANY! eg mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2
    max_seq_length = max_seq_length,
    dtype = dtype,
    load_in_4bit = load_in_4bit,
    # token = "hf_...", # use one if using gated models like meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf

#@title Alignment Handbook utils
import os
import re
from typing import List, Literal, Optional

from datasets import DatasetDict, concatenate_datasets, load_dataset, load_from_disk
from datasets.builder import DatasetGenerationError

#DEFAULT_CHAT_TEMPLATE = "{% for message in messages %}\n{% if message['role'] == 'user' %}\n{{ '<|user|>\n' + message['content'] + eos_token }}\n{% elif message['role'] == 'system' %}\n{{ '<|system|>\n' + message['content'] + eos_token }}\n{% elif message['role'] == 'assistant' %}\n{{ '<|assistant|>\n'  + message['content'] + eos_token }}\n{% endif %}\n{% if loop.last and add_generation_prompt %}\n{{ '<|assistant|>' }}\n{% endif %}\n{% endfor %}"
tokenizer.chat_template = "{% if not add_generation_prompt is defined %}{% set add_generation_prompt = false %}{% endif %}{% for message in messages %}{{'<|im_start|>' + message['role'] + '\n' + message['content'] + '<|im_end|>' + '\n'}}{% endfor %}{% if add_generation_prompt %}{{ '<|im_start|>assistant\n' }}{% endif %}"

EOS_TOKEN = tokenizer.eos_token

def chatml_format(example):
    # Format system
    if len(example['system']) > 0:
        message = {"role": "system", "content": example['system']}
        system = tokenizer.apply_chat_template([message], tokenize=False)
        system = ""

    # Format instruction
    message = {"role": "user", "content": example['prompt']}
    prompt = tokenizer.apply_chat_template([message], tokenize=False, add_generation_prompt=True)

    # Format chosen answer
    chosen = example['chosen'] + "<|im_end|>\n" + EOS_TOKEN

    # Format rejected answer
    rejected = example['rejected'] + "<|im_end|>\n" + EOS_TOKEN

    return {
        "prompt": system + prompt,
        "chosen": chosen,
        "rejected": rejected,

# Load dataset
dataset = load_dataset("adamo1139/rawrr_v2-2_stage1", split="train")

import pprint
pprint.pprint("""NOT a formatted dataset
# Save columns
original_columns = dataset.column_names

# Format dataset
dataset = dataset.map(

# Print sample
pprint.pprint("""formatted dataset""")

model = FastLanguageModel.get_peft_model(
    r = 32, # Choose any number > 0 ! Suggested 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
    target_modules = ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "o_proj",
                      "gate_proj", "up_proj", "down_proj",],
    lora_alpha = 32,
    lora_dropout = 0, # Currently only supports dropout = 0
    bias = "none",    # Currently only supports bias = "none"
    use_gradient_checkpointing = "unsloth",
    random_state = 3407,
    use_rslora = False,  # We support rank stabilized LoRA
    loftq_config = None, # And LoftQ

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer, BitsAndBytesConfig, HfArgumentParser, TrainingArguments
from trl import DPOTrainer

dpo_trainer = DPOTrainer(
    model = model,
    ref_model = None,
    args = TrainingArguments(
        per_device_train_batch_size = 1,
        gradient_accumulation_steps = 16,
        warmup_ratio = 0.03,
        num_train_epochs = 1,
        learning_rate = 0.0001,
        fp16 = not torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(),
        bf16 = torch.cuda.is_bf16_supported(),
        logging_steps = 1,
        optim = "adamw_8bit",
        weight_decay = 0.0,
        lr_scheduler_type = "cosine",
        seed = 42,
        save_strategy = "steps",
        save_steps = 100,
        save_total_limit = 20,
        output_dir = "1904-yi-200k-xlctx-raw-intermediate",
    beta = 0.1,
    train_dataset = dataset,
    # eval_dataset = raw_datasets["test"],
    tokenizer = tokenizer,
    max_length = 650,
    max_prompt_length = 650,
model.save_pretrained("1904-yi-200k-xlctx-raw-final") # Local saving
Downloads last month
Model size
34.4B params
Tensor type
Inference API
Model is too large to load in Inference API (serverless). To try the model, launch it on Inference Endpoints (dedicated) instead.

Dataset used to train adamo1139/Yi-34B-200K-XLCTX-RAW-1904