# Cell classifier
def finetune_cells(token_set = Path('geneformer/token_dictionary.pkl'), median_set = Path('geneformer/gene_median_dictionary.pkl'), pretrained_model = ".",
dataset = 'Genecorpus-30M/example_input_files/cell_classification/cell_type_annotation/cell_type_train_data.dataset/',
dataset_split = None,
filter_cells = .005,
epochs = 1,
cpu_cores = os.cpu_count(),
geneformer_batch_size = 12,
optimizer = 'adamw',
max_lr = 5e-5,
num_gpus = torch.cuda.device_count(),
max_input_size = 2 ** 11,
lr_schedule_fn = "linear",
warmup_steps = 500,
freeze_layers = 0,
emb_extract = False,
max_cells = 1000,
emb_layer = 0,
emb_filter = None,
emb_dir = 'embeddings',
overwrite = True,
label = "cell_type",
data_filter = None,
forward_batch = 200, model_location = None,
skip_training = False,
sample_data = 1,
inference = False,
optimize_hyperparameters = False,
output_dir = None):
Primary Parameters
dataset: path
Path to fine-tuning/testing dataset for training
model_location: path
Path to location of existing model to use for inference and embedding extraction
pretrained_model: path
Path to pretrained GeneFormer 30M model before fine-tuning
inference: bool
Chooses whether to perform inference (which causes the function to return the list of similarities). Defaults to False
skip_training: bool
Chooses whether to skip training the model. Defaults to False
emb_extract: bool
Choose whether to extract embeddings and calculate similarities. Defaults to True
optimize_hyperparameters: bool
Choose whether to optimize model hyperparamters. Defaults to False
label: string
The label string in the formatted dataset that contains true class labels. Defaults to "label"
Customization Parameters
dataset_split: str
How the dataset should be partitioned (if at all), and what ID should be used for partitioning
data_filter: list
(For embeddings and inference) Runs analysis subsets of the dataset by the ID defined by dataset_split
label: str
What feature should be read as a classification label
emb_layer: int
What layer embeddings should be extracted and compared from.
emb_filter: ['cell1', 'cell2'...]
Allows user to narrow down range of cells that embeddings will be extracted from.
max_cells: int
How many embeddings from cells should be extracted.
freeze_layers: int
Number of layers should be permanently frozen during fine-tuning (starting from the first layer, 4 brings it up to the pretrained model).
sample_data: float
What proportion of the HF dataset should be used
Gene Classifier
def classify_genes(gene_info = "Genecorpus-30M/example_input_files/gene_info_table.csv", genes = "Genecorpus-30M/example_input_files/gene_classification/dosage_sensitive_tfs/dosage_sens_tf_labels.csv", corpus_30M = "Genecorpus-30M/genecorpus_30M_2048.dataset/", model = '.', max_input_size = 2 ** 11, max_lr = 5e-5, freeze_layers = 4, num_gpus = 1, num_proc = os.cpu_count(), geneformer_batch_size = 9, epochs = 1, filter_dataset = 50_000, emb_extract = True, emb_layer = 0, forward_batch = 200, filter_data = None, inference = False, k_validate = True, model_location = "230917_geneformer_GeneClassifier_dosageTF_L2048_B12_LR5e-05_LSlinear_WU500_E1_Oadamw_n10000_F4/", skip_training = False, emb_dir = 'gene_emb', output_dir = None, max_cells = 1000, num_cpus = os.cpu_count()):
Primary Parameters
gene_info: path
Path to gene mappings
corpus_30M: path
Path to 30M Gene Corpus
model: path
Path to pretrained GeneFormer model
genes: path
Path to csv file containing different columns of genes and the column labels
inference: bool
Whether the model should be used to run inference. If False, model will train with labeled data instead. Defaults to False
k_validate: bool
Whether the model should run k-fold validation or simply perform regular training/evaluate. Defaults to True
skip_training: bool
Whether the model should skip the training portion. Defaults to False
emb_extract: bool
WHether the model should extract embeddings for a given gene (WIP)
Customization Parameters
freeze_layers: int
Freezes x number of layers from the model. Default is 4 (2 non-frozen layers)
filter_dataset: int
Number of cells to filter from 30M dataset. Default is 50_000
emb_layer: int
What layer embeddings are extracted from. Default is 4
filter_data: str, list
Filters down embeddings to a single category. Default is None