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Participants will enjoy the following benefits from the free online course: • (3-months access to course materials (including exclusive video material and key readings), recording of webinars and speakers’ presentations)). • Participation in live webinars with renowned subject matter experts. • Exclusive access to the UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues.
Certificates from the United Nations System Staff College will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course.
21 EMPOWER We assist UN Country Teams in their efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda by identifying their learning needs and providing customized learning programmes 22 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework online course Introduction The United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) is a core instrument for providing a coherent, strategic direction for UN development activities by all UN entities at country level.
It guides the UN system in planning and implementing UN development activities at country level, as well as in mobilizing a spectrum of development partners beyond the United Nations. The 2019 UNSDCF Guidance provides a direction for strategic planning, funding, implementation, monitoring, learning, reporting, and evaluation, all of which are undertaken by the UN development system with the host government and partners.
For UN Country Teams to provide coherent and effective support to countries to achieve the 2030 Agenda, UN staff at global, regional, and country levels need to be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the UNSDCF Guidance. This self-paced online course is designed to equip participants with an in-depth understanding of the UNSDCF as a centerpiece of UN development system reform.
It will enable reflection on how to clearly articulate the UN development system’s collective response to support countries in their pathways towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Embodying the spirit of partnerships that are at the core of the 2030 Agenda, it aims to help turn our collective promise to leave no one behind into tangible action for people on the ground.
The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is a core instrument for providing a coherent, strategic direction for UN development activities by all UN entities at country level. This self-paced online course equips participants with a thorough understanding of the application of the 2019 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Guidance.
23 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • Identify the requirements of the UNSDCF as the most important planning and implementation instrument for UN development activities within countries. • Articulate the new elements of the UNSDCF. Course Methodology The UNSDCF online course is hosted on the UNSSC Blue Line platform.
It comprises the following: • Five interactive self-paced modules, detailing key stages of the design and implementation of the UNSDCF • Sharing activities to facilitate participant exchange • An individual reflection exercise • A graded final assessment Contents • Lesson 1: Setting the Stage • Lesson 2: Planning, Roadmap, and Common Country Analysis (CCA) • Lesson 3: UNSDCF Design and Development • Lesson 4: Preparing for Implementation: UNCT Configuration, UNSDCF Signature, Funding Framework • Lesson 5: Implementation, Monitoring, Learning, and Evaluation Target Audience UN staff at all levels.
Cost of Participation This online course is free-of-charge. Certificates from the UNSSC will be awarded to participants upon completion. 24 RCO Learning Path Introduction On 1 January 2019, a reinvigorated RC system was rolled out, embodying the vision of the UN General Assembly to create a dedicated, independent, impartial and empowered development coordination function.
Success is to be measured by improved, integrated policy advice, increased programmatic results, more efficient and agile operations, and greater transparency and accountability, inspiring a renewed commitment to multilateralism in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Ultimately, the measure of success will be the impact for people, planet and prosperity.
Through a six-month journey, the RCO Learning Path facilitates an in-depth exploration of emerging sustainable development issues, reinforcing professional competencies and building on the power of collaboration, coordination, co-creation, and communication as core abilities of the new skillset to deliver on the 2030 Agenda.
Participants will not only expand their knowledge, but also exchange best practices, and gain substantive insights on how to collaborate, co-create, coordinate, and communicate more effectively. They will also follow a journey of virtual networking with other RCOS before meeting face to face, as the programme will conclude with a residential workshop in Bonn during fall 2021 (COVID-19 allowing).
In summary, this programme explores opportunities to acquire the latest information related to RCO daily assignments, enables participants to meet new colleagues and experts, and builds competencies to boost the RC system and the effectiveness of the UN development system as a whole.
The newly designed UN Resident Coordinator Office (RCO) Learning Path offers participants a rigorous six-month blended programme of interactive advanced high-impact online modules (emerging sustainable development issues and cross-cutting functional competencies) and a residential workshop at the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development in Bonn, Germany.
It combines two components, online and face-to-face, to ensure that all RCOs are part of a renewed community that shares expertise and know-how across a restored peer-to-peer learning virtual structure within the UN system. 25 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: After completing this course, participants should be able to: 1.
Demonstrate a sound understanding of the vision and principles underlying the 2030 Agenda to increase programmatic results, more efficient and agile operations, and greater United Nations transparency and accountability at the national level. 2. Acquire the ability to deliver on the 2030 Agenda as part of a reinforced Resident Coordinator office and an independent, impartial, and empowered Resident Coordinator system. 3.
3. Be equipped with knowledge of the specific tools, mechanisms, and approaches that can be employed to develop and deliver on an effective United Nations Sustainable Development Cooper- ation Framework. Course Methodology UNSSC courses are designed to deliver maximum learning outcomes through carefully chosen high- quality learning materials.
This course combines self-paced study modules with applied learning components, such as case studies, interactive exercises, collaborative group work, synchronous webinars, and a residential component tailored to the needs of RCO staff, An expert facilitator guides and assists participants throughout the online component of the course and provides real- time feedback on activities and exercises.
Our user-friendly social online learning platform provides participants with the opportunity to connect with peers from diverse organizational backgrounds, fostering peer-to-peer learning. Participants will benefit from live moderated webinars that feature inputs from renowned subject- matter experts and allow real-time dialogue with high-level speakers. Webinar recordings are made available to ensure that participants have a flexible and seamless learning experience.
Ultimately, the face-to-face component will strengthen the power of collaboration, coordination, co-creation, and communication as core abilities of the new skillset to deliver on the 2030 Agenda. Participants will apply their learning through experiential methodologies such as case studies, team discussions, and dialogues with UN senior staff and other speakers. The average learning time per week is 2.5 hours, including study time (depending on the week). Contents High-impact modules: 1.
Contents High-impact modules: 1. Emerging Sustainable Development issues: Transformative Pathways, beyond COVID- 19 recovery, climate emergency, circular economy, social protection, SDG financing and inequalities 2. Cross-cutting functional competencies: systems thinking, partnerships, managing sustainable development results, and policy coherence for sustainable development 3. Residential Workshop: Face-to-face workshop.
Residential Workshop: Face-to-face workshop. The power of 4 C’s: coordination, collaboration, communication, and co-creation Target Audience RCO staff at the professional level covering at least one of the five core functions: 1. Strategic planner 2. Economics 3. Partnerships and development finance 4. Data and results management and reporting 5. Communications and Advocacy 26 Cost of Participation The course fee of $1000 covers the following: 1.
Six-month online learning path with self-paced customized content designed to respond to the needs and challenges of RCO staff, including: • 3-months’ post-course access to course materials (including exclusive video material and key readings), recording of webinars and speakers’ presentations. • Participation in live webinars with renowned subject matter experts.
• Exclusive access to the UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues. • All course materials, resources and contacts 2. Four days of residential workshop (location TBC) skills training with a balance of presentations, group work on case studies, and individual skills and reflection exercises. Certificates from the UNSSC will be awarded to participants upon completion.
27 UN Country Programming in the Context of the 2030 Agenda Introduction On 31 May 2018, all 193 countries agreed to take forward the most ambitious and comprehensive change process of the UN development system to make the UN fit for purpose to support the 2030 Agenda. To effectively deliver on the ambitions of the 2030 Agenda, a new generation of strategic, flexible, results- and action-oriented UNSDCFs is needed at country level.
The revitalized UNSDCF should reflect the UN’s contribution to real improvements in people’s lives while respecting the choices and opportunities open to them and is integral to a UN’s role that is more focused, relevant to the agenda at hand, and invested in the value-add that the UN brings together to a country.
The revitalized UNSDCF Guidance was adopted by UN SDG to promote a full transition to a new generation of UNSDCFs as a single and primacy UN document for the UN support on the 2030 Agenda, including in the humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development has developed a course to enable the UN staff at country level and those in respective oversight and support roles at regional and global level to design more flexible and impactful medium-to-long term strategic frameworks for the UN, governments, and other stakeholders to improve people’s lives with leaving no one behind.
The course offers a mix of knowledge and skills to build the capacities of the UN for designing news UNSDCFs as a vehicle for leveraging financing and investment, an advocacy strategy, an enabler for greater efficiencies, and a compact for mutual accountability and transparency. Participants will gain an enhanced knowledge of UN programming tools and instruments and their practical application in UN development work.
The course will equip the UN staff at country, regional and global levels with a solid understanding of the fundamental shift that underpins the preparation of the new generation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) as the single most important UN instrument for planning and implementation, as well as with a set of tools and instruments to design highly effective, flexible and impactful UNSDCF to accelerate the progress of the 2030 Agenda implementation.
28 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, the participants will: • have a common understanding of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and its impli- cations for the effectiveness of UN System work at country level; • have a common vision of the new generation of UNSDCFs as a partnership framework for de- livering the UNDS’ collective response in support of the country’s sustainable development needs and priorities; • understand how UNSDCFs will aim at accelerating progress on the 2030 Agenda implementa- tion by addressing bottlenecks with a focus on those left behind; • understand how UNSDCFs will serve as a vehicle to leverage and channel financing and invest- ment in the country’s sustainable development priorities; • be able to use the revised UNSDCF Guidance and the accompanying Companion Pieces, and the Standard Operating Procedures to effectively support national efforts to implement the 2030 Agenda.
Course Methodology The course is interactive in nature and will use real-life examples and exercises to offer opportunities for participants to learn and internalize critical elements of the training programme. It uses a blended format of instructional sessions, experience-sharing, and peer-to-peer learning. Contents • Day 1: Global context, imperatives of the 2030 Agenda, and implications for the UN.
• Day 2: UNSDCFs as an instrument for accelerating progress on the 2030 Agenda: design criteria for UN common country analysis and new approaches to data and evidence in the new generation of revitalized UNSDCFs. • Day 3: Scope and content of UNSDCFs as a partnership framework. UNSDCF as a vehicle to leverage and channel financing and investment in the country’s sustainable development priorities. UNSDCFs and agency-specific instruments. • Day 4: UNSDCF as a mutual accountability framework for results.
UNSDCF as an advocacy strategy. Target Audience Regional and Country Office staff, field level managers, UN strategic planners, Chairs/members of UNSDCF groups/task teams and UN Coordination officers/advisors.
Cost of Participation The course fee of 2,500 USD will cover the following: • four days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • all course materials, resources, and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Certificates from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course.
29 OPEN TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development Introduction This course was designed by the UN System Staff College Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development, in coordination with the National University of Singapore acting through its Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and the Hertie School of Governance based in Berlin, and in collaboration with the OECD Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development Unit in Paris.
The course explores approaches to cross-organizational and cross-sectoral policy coherence on the national, regional, and international levels, with a view to equipping participants with an understanding of why policy coherence is important for achieving sustainable development, what coherent policymaking entails, and what are some specific tools, mechanisms and approaches that can be employed to foster policy coherence.
Conventional approaches to development often focus on sector-specific economic results, working under the assumption that markets function perfectly. Such approaches do not adequately consider externalities and their impact on society, equity, or the environment. They also often ignore the transboundary and inter-generational effects, which results in siloed, contradictory policies that often undermine one another.
The 2030 Agenda demands integrated approaches that view development through a holistic lens, using a systemic approach that takes account of the causal relationship and the synergies and trade- offs produced among the social, economic, and environmental dimensions in a comprehensive manner.
An engaging online course designed to equip participants with an understanding of why policy coherence is important for achieving sustainable development, what coherent policymaking entails, and what are some specific tools, mechanisms, and approaches that can be employed to foster policy coherence. 30 This need for coherence is more evident than ever as the raging COVID-19 pandemic has interrupted our journey towards transformative change and risks reversing decades of development gains.
The pandemic has further exposed flaws in the prevailing socio-economic model, which the 2030 Agenda is trying to address. It is the need of the hour to seek coherent short and medium-term responses to the crisis, addressing its interdependent consequences with long-term sustainability in mind and in the spirit of shared responsibility and global solidarity. Inputs by high-level speakers from the UN System, think tanks, academia as well as the OECD complement this course.
Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • Demonstrate a sound understanding of the vision and principles underlying the 2030 Agenda, the evolution of the concept of policy coherence for sustainable development, and the importance of policy coherence for sustainable development; • Demonstrate a good understanding of the relevance of policy coherence as an approach and a tool to achieve sustainable development outcomes, and be able to recognize policies that are mutually reinforcing across governance levels; • Be equipped with knowledge of the specific tools, mechanisms and approaches that can be em- ployed to foster policy coherence, including partnerships and multi-stakeholder engagement.
Course Methodology UNSSC online courses are designed to deliver maximum learning outcomes through carefully chosen high-quality learning materials. Our facilitated online courses combine self-paced study modules with applied learning components, such as case studies, interactive exercises, and collaborative group work, specially tailored to the needs of the professional interested in deepening their knowledge on a particular subject matter.
Participants will benefit from live moderated webinars that feature valuable inputs from renowned subject matter experts and allow real-time dialogue with high-level speakers. Webinar recordings are made available to ensure that participants have a flexible and seamless learning experience. An expert facilitator guides and assists participants throughout the course and provides real-time feedback on activities and exercises.
Our user-friendly social online learning platform provides participants with the opportunity to connect with peers from diverse organizational backgrounds, fostering peer-to-peer learning. UNSSC online courses give learners the opportunity to complete activities when it best fits their schedule. Participants are largely free to determine their own weekly study plan.
Lasting five weeks and demanding six hours of study per week, UNSSC online courses incorporate the same high academic rigor as any UNSSC face-to-face programme. Contents • Week 1 provides an introduction to the vision and principles of the 2030 Agenda, as well as the concept and evolution of policy coherence for sustainable development, and elaborates upon vertical and horizontal coherence as well as the different mechanisms that enhance policy coherence across the policy cycle.
• Week 2 discusses the importance of Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD) in the context of SDG 17 of the 2030 Agenda and introduces some of the OECD approaches towards understanding the concept of PCSD. • Week 3 focuses on the importance of policy coherence at national, regional, and international levels and discusses examples of policy coherence for sustainable development.
• Week 4 looks at tools and review mechanisms to assess the integration of the 2030 Agenda at the national level and tracking progress on policy coherence. • Week 5 recaps core notions of PCSD and focuses on partnerships and multi-stakeholder engagement to foster policy coherence for sustainable development. 31 Target Audience UN staff from headquarters, country teams or regional offices, government representatives, development practitioners as well as members of civil society, academia and foundations.
Cost of Participation This online course is offered free-of-charge. UNSSC fosters collaborative peer-to-peer learning among its course participants. To achieve this, UNSSC adopts a rigorous methodology in its selection process that considers the course’s scope, objectives, and expected outcomes. UNSSC utilizes specific selection criteria for its course participants to promote cohort- based learning and increase course impact.
Participants will enjoy the following benefits from the free online course: • (3-months access to course materials (including exclusive video material and key readings), recording of webinars and speakers’ presentations)). • Participation in live webinars with renowned subject matter experts. • Exclusive access to the UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues.
Certificates from the United Nations System Staff College will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course. 32 OPEN TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS Mobilizing Financing for Sustainable Development Introduction The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development will require financing to the tune of several trillions of dollars, while current levels of Official Development Assistance stand at a mere 3-4 percent of this requirement.
This requires tapping into other sources of finance and emphasizes the need to leverage ODA more effectively to channel global financial flows from unsustainable areas towards sustainable development to accomplish the transformation. If the challenge is great, so is the prize. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) represent tremen- dous investment opportunities. Achieving the SDGs could open up $12 trillion in market opportunities and create 380 million jobs by 2030.
However, despite growing momentum for sustainable investments, financing gaps remain large. The mobilization of both public and private resources and investments falls far short of what is needed.
Engineering innovative investment opportunities by shifting the structures of incentives, amplifying domestic resource mobilization, leveraging digital transformation and fintech, redirecting pension funds towards more sustainable opportunities, and unlocking the potential of new channels such as crowd sourcing and crowdfunding could all help accelerate our progress towards the goals. Financing the 2030 Agenda will require a radical transformation in the way that we think and work.
This course is designed to equip UN staff with knowledge and skills to play a catalytic role in the mobi- lization of finance for sustainable development. Channeling global financial flows towards Sustainable Development is essential for achieving the 2030 Agenda. This course is designed to equip UN staff with knowledge and skills to galvanize financing for sustainable transformation.
It will illuminate the financing landscape, examine best practice innovations in mobilizing public and private finance, explore the use of technology in financial inclusion and emphasize the role of the UN staff as catalysts to achieving financial transformation.
33 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • Demonstrate an understanding of the development finance landscape; • Be aware of UN approaches and catalytic actions to support the development and implementation of national sustainable financing strategies; • Demonstrate an enhanced understanding of strategies to mobilize and leverage public and private resources and investments for SDGs Course Methodology This face-to-face course combines inputs and lectures by high-level subject matter experts with opportunities for knowledge sharing and participatory exercises.
Participants are led to apply their learning through application-oriented learning methodologies such as case studies, collaborative group exercises, team discussions, and dialogues with the speakers.
Contents The 2030 Agenda and the imperatives for change in the ways in which it will be financed, defining the UN’s role in supporting national financing strategies, mapping the financial landscape, innovations in public, private and blended finance, understanding the demand for sustainable investing, leveraging digital and fintech, resources and support available within the UN system.
Target Audience UN staff: Resident Coordinator Office staff engaged in financing for the SDGs, coordination officers, financing and partnership specialists and officers, programme and policy specialists. Cost of Participation The course fee of $2,500 covers the following: • Four days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises.
• Exclusive access to a UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues. • All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel and lodging costs related to their attendance at the course. Certificates from the UNSSC will be awarded to participants upon completion.
34 OPEN TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS Applying Design Thinking in Implementing the 2030 Agenda: An Innovative Approach to Innovation Introduction The 2030 Agenda demands integrated approaches capable of delivering transformative results. This requires viewing development interventions through a holistic lens and assessing their impacts on the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of sustainable development, as well as carefully considering the synergies and trade-offs produced by them.
Traditional approaches to development programming that focus on individual sectors and patchwork policy-making are not enough to address the challenges facing the world today. Recognizing that employing the same approaches over and over again will not yield different results, the notion of sustainable development requires all-of- society to come up with novel, innovative, and human-centered approaches. It urges us to go back to the drawing board to think creatively and be innovative.
The notion of design thinking focuses on the human experience. In essence, design thinking is a human-centered systematic approach to problem-solving. When applied to sustainable development, it can result in local, collaborative, and participatory initiatives that are based on the local context rather than being retrofitted to it. Holistic, uninhibited, collaborative, iterative and visual, design thinking fosters integrative and cross- disciplinary thinking.
This course will enable participants to understand and analyze the design of their organizational initiatives from the perspective of the “end-user,” i.e., the people, and gain a better understanding Based on the principles of design thinking, this four-day course equips participants with the knowledge and skills to apply integrative and cross-disciplinary thinking to come up with innovative, human-centered solutions designed to support the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
35 of how initiatives can be designed to work in a local context. By guiding participants through the different stages of design thinking, this course will empower them to apply integrative and cross- disciplinary thinking in order to come up with human-centered solutions or reconsider existing organizational initiatives in support of the 2030 Agenda.
Participants will also benefit from a design thinking toolkit that will encourage them to apply design thinking to their work Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • Demonstrate a sound understanding of the notion of sustainable development, the 2030 Agenda, and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, its vision, and principles; and the holistic approach of the 5Ps – People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace, and Partnerships; • Demonstrate a sound understanding of the key principles and stages of the design thinking process, the concept of innovation, and types of innovation; • Be able to understand and analyze development initiatives within the local context of where they are implemented, and be able to apply integrative and cross-disciplinary thinking in support of human-centered and sustainable solutions.
Course Methodology This face-to-face course combines inputs and lectures by high-level subject matter experts with opportunities for knowledge sharing and participatory exercises. Participants are led to apply their learning through application-oriented learning methodologies such as case studies, collaborative group exercises, team discussions, and dialogues with speakers.
Contents Sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development; vision and principles; key principles and stages of the design thinking process: empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping and testing; innovation and types of innovation; collaborative design rooted in culture and context; and cross-disciplinary and integrative thinking.
Target Audience UN personnel and representatives from governments, civil society, and the private sector Cost of Participation The course fee of 2500 USD covers the following: • Four days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises. • Exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues. • All course materials, resources and contacts.
• All course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel and lodging costs related to their attendance of the course. Certificates from the United Nations System Staff College will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course.
36 PARTNER We help the UN and partners to better engage in constructive partnerships to become genuine catalysts for sustainable development 37 Building Partnerships for Sustainable Development Introduction Within the context of a rapidly evolving development (cooperation) environment, it is critical to examine ways to strengthen multi-stakeholder partnerships.
The UN is increasingly interacting with new, emerging, and ‘non-traditional’ development cooperation partners, such as philanthropic foundations, the private sector, academia, and civil society, who are jointly taking responsibility to shape the 2030 Agenda and implement the Paris Agreement.
During the interactive introductory partnership course and based on inputs from subject matter experts, participants reflect on the specific modalities of working with different partners to achieve development effectiveness.
With the intention to strengthen participants’ knowledge and understanding about imperatives for building partnerships, the course explores key elements of partnering such as ethics, due diligence, rules of engagement, biases and stereotypes, conflicts of interest, as well as partnership frameworks and cases. This course is designed to strengthen knowledge and understanding regarding the imperatives for building partnerships and offer key elements of partnering.
The course also serves as a platform for cross-fertilization and knowledge and experience sharing among partnership practitioners.
38 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • understand why multi-stakeholder partnerships are crucial for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement; • have reflected upon challenges and opportunities regarding partnership development; • be familiarized with policies, guidance, and tools that facilitate partnerships between the UN and other stakeholders; • be cognizant of the drive and different roles of different development actors; • gain knowledge and skills to build substantive and sustainable partnerships.
Course Methodology The course builds on interactive methodologies as well as the expertise from subject matter experts and participants representing different sectors. It also features application through the use of real-life case studies and practical exercises. The training programme promotes intellectual and practical knowledge sharing and fosters a culture of understanding and cross-fertilization among participants.
It offers a venue for networking among participants of various organizations aiming at fruitful collaborations and partnerships. Contents • Day 1: Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships Imperatives. • Day 2: The Partnering Cycle: understanding the different stages and how to use them. • Day 3: Partnering examples from within the UN and from civil society. Ethics and reputational risks. Partnership and due diligence. • Day 4: Partnering with the Private Sector.
• Day 4: Partnering with the Private Sector. Way Forward. Target Audience UN staff: Programme and Policy Specialists, Coordination Officers, Partnership Specialists and Officers.
Cost of Participation The course fee of 2,500 USD will cover the following: • four days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises; • exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues; • all course materials, resources, and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course.
Certificates from the UN System Staff College will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course. 39 OPEN TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS UN Catalytic Support to South-South & Triangular Cooperation Introduction The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development demands new approaches to knowledge and skills development for all actors.
It requires issues-based modus operandi, fostering new partnerships to identify key problems and opportunities, leveraging diverse means of implementation, and facilitating joint action to ensure progress and maximize results. The nature and ambition of the 2030 Agenda require new and effective partnerships to ensure its implementation.
Recognizing the growing importance of South-South and Triangular Cooperation (SS&TC) in accelerating the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the UN System Staff College offers this course in close cooperation with the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). The course builds a common understanding of the theory and practice of South-South and Triangular Cooperation as a means of development cooperation.
It equips participants with the key principles, tools, and methods needed to comprehend the challenges and opportunities inherent in the approach, as well as to better understand the roles of different actors involved and to mobilize relevant partnerships. It explores the catalytic role the UN can play in helping to further promote the South-South Cooperation agendas of its member states and development partners as a whole.
The course expands its coverage beyond individual UN staff and UN Country Team members to governments and institutional focal points on South-South and Triangular Cooperation. This course equips participants with a sound understanding of the theory and practice of South-South and Triangular Cooperation and how it can advance the implementation of the 2030 Agenda through new and effective cooperation models.
40 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • demonstrate a solid understanding of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the paradigm shift that it brings; • understand the foundations and the modalities of the SS&TC approach in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; • familiarize with the most recent tools and methods applied by various stakeholders in the area of SS&TC; • effectively apply SS&TC in advancing the national development priorities and implementation of the 2030 Agenda in their respective countries.
Course Methodology Through interactive and participatory sessions, combined with inputs from subject matter experts from around the world, participants will share practices and explore ways to enhance political, economic, social, and technical collaboration across the three pillars of sustainable development and to mobilize South-South and Triangular Cooperation.
Contents • Day 1: Building a clear conceptual framework for understanding SS&TC in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: historical background and rationale, principles, modalities, and approaches. • Day 2: : Exploring the diversity of SS&TC programmes and approaches in support of national sustainable development priorities: meeting key partners and players, understanding key driving forces for cooperation, and the tools and strategies applied.
• Day 3: Implementing SS&TC initiatives at country level: important steps and success factors; monitoring and evaluating SS&TC; way forward. Target Audience UN staff and development practitioners; governments and institutional focal points on South-South and Triangular Cooperation. Cost of Participation The course fee of 2,000 USD will cover the following: • three days of training with a balance of presentations and group work on case studies and exercises.
• exclusive access to UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues. • all course materials, resources and contacts. Participants are expected to cover all travel costs related to their attendance in the course. Joint Certificate from the UN System Staff College and UN Office for South-South Cooperation will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course.
41 OPEN TO ALL STAKEHOLDERS Unleashing the Power of the Private Sector in Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Introduction The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is unprecedented in its scope and ambition. The UN and governments have neither the reach nor the resources to implement it alone. Engagement, especially with the private sector, is imperative for the 2030 Agenda to succeed.
The private sector, with its unparalleled reach, has the capacity to be a key driver to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda. In some cases, the private sector is already performing this role. The UN and its member states must seize the opportunity of forming strategic partnerships with private sector entities and advocating for businesses to embrace sustainable development in order to achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Moreover, the 2030 Agenda offers the private sector numerous opportunities to access new markets and institutional investment, estimated at about $12 trillion by 2030 while adding 380 million new jobs. This in itself is a compelling argument for the private sector and governments to work together to make the 2030 Agenda a reality.
This course introduces participants to the different types of private sector entities and demonstrates how strategically engaging with these entities can help implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It introduces participants to tools to identify common objectives to create shared value and emphasizes the importance of mitigating risk. The course also reinforces the need for participants to advocate for placing sustainable development at the core of businesses and investing.
42 Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • Understand the need to engage with the private sector for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda • Demonstrate familiarity with frameworks and tools to develop partnerships with the private sector • Appreciate the importance of due diligence before pursuing engagement • Acquire the ability to articulate the need for and advocate for enhanced private sector engagement in achieving the 2030 Agenda Course Methodology UNSSC online courses are designed to deliver maximum learning outcomes through optimal time investments into carefully chosen high-quality learning materials.
Specially tailored to the needs of the professionals interested in developing skills to advance their career or deepening their knowledge on a particular subject matter, our highly facilitated online courses combine self-paced study modules with applied learning components such as case studies, interactive exercises, and collaborative group work.
Participants also benefit from live moderated webinars, which feature valuable inputs from renowned subject matter experts and allow real-time dialogue with the high-level speakers. Webinar recordings are also made available to ensure that participants have a flexible and seamless learning experience. A competent facilitator guides and assists the participants all along the course and provides real- time feedback on activities and exercises.