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The course will support participants to acquire skills to: • Convey simply and concretely what the UN development system is doing to help a country This online course offers a holistic and integrated approach to the role of communications as support to the UN development system to convey simply and concretely what the UN is doing to help a country achieve the 2030 Agenda.
It offers a perspective on how to use communications beyond the raise awareness approach throughout the programme cycle to enhance periodic monitoring of aid effectiveness and project delivery and to establish a solution based systematic process highlighting UN contribution to the world’s population wellbeing.
67 achieve the SDGs and to point out what the UN as a whole is doing right, what is possible on how the UN is making a difference • Plan strategically for impactful dissemination of results: Selecting the right channels, addressing the right audience, and transmitting the right messages • Mitigate risks while communicating within the context of an emerging or ongoing crisis • Create a space for communications during the design and delivery of UN programmes • Help expand partnerships and collaboration within UN agencies, governments, and other development partners to advance the SDGs Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will be able to: • Familiarize themselves with the global communications strategy of the Organization and its shift to an audience-focused, impact-oriented approach that uses communication not only to inform but to advocate and inspire with content that engages and empowers audiences.
• Understand and build capacity for crisis communications and the specific steps to take and tools to use in crisis situations. • Demonstrate a sound understanding of the role of strategic communications and communication coordination to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and the programming cycle with a view to better convey, advocate, and disseminate compelling stories on UN work, bringing back values at the forefront of any UN communication efforts.
• Understand the entry points and the existing tools to mainstream communication across UN programmes and UN planning. • Identify and articulate best practices to share knowledge effectively across the system and to boost UN visibility, positioning, and trust. • Enhance individual communication skills in a selected range of areas for professional improvement to deliver effectively on the 2030 Agenda.
• Exchange on best practices trough real concrete examples on how to leverage UN global access being content creator around the world • Build up an interagency network of UN communications professionals increasing information exchange flow on best practices and know-how at the global level. • Enhance a culture of evaluation and impact measurement with strategic planning. • Facilitate partnership building in communications work at the local level.
Course Methodology During the five weeks of the course, participants will engage in interactive webinars with high-level experts from the UN system, governments, civil society, and the private sector. Through videos and key reading material, participants will dive deeper into each week’s focus area.
In contrast to the less collaborative format of traditional Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), UNSSC online courses combine tutored components with synchronous and asynchronous activities, comprising approximately two hours of knowledge acquisition, two hours of knowledge application to real-life and training scenarios, as well as group work and collaboration with peers.
In addition to engaging in self-paced learning, participants in UNSSC online courses also benefit from live webinars with renowned experts on sustainable development, allowing real-time virtual interaction between the instructors and participants.
68 Contents • Week 1: Introduction: Sustainable Development, UN Reform, 2030 Agenda and Communications • Week 2: Inter-agency programming: Bridging programme and communications; Acquiring political acumen and understanding context • Week 3: Communicating with a purpose (best practices): Audience-Message Nexus • Week 4: Communicating with a purpose (best practices): Channels • Week 5: Building up momentum together; Creating systems to deliver on the 2030 Agenda Target Audience Communications officers and associates from the UN system or UN practitioners assigned as UN communication focal points at country level Cost of Participation This online course is offered free-of-charge.
UNSSC fosters collaborative peer-to-peer learning among its course participants. To achieve this, UNSSC adopts a rigorous methodology in its selection process that considers the course’s scope, objectives, and expected outcomes. UNSSC utilizes specific selection criteria for its course participants to promote cohort-based learning and increase course impact.
Participants will enjoy the following benefits from the free online course: • (3-months access to course materials (including exclusive video material and key readings), recording of webinars and speakers’ presentations)). • Participation in live webinars with renowned subject matter experts. • Exclusive access to the UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues.
Certificates from the United Nations System Staff College will be awarded to participants upon completion of the course. 69 LEARNING EVENTS 70 UN Summer Academy Introduction Leveraging the presence of 20 UN entities as well as various leading international development institutions based in Bonn, the UN Summer Academy provides participants with unparalleled learning and networking opportunities.
The Summer Academy facilitates and fosters dialogue with thought and action leaders who are currently working towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. The virtual UN Summer Academy builds on the rich legacy of eight face-to-face editions. As in previous editions, the Academy combines academic rigor with cutting-edge thinking, providing participants with unparalleled learning and networking opportunities.
It facilitates and fosters dialogue with thought and action leaders who are currently working towards the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. Participants will explore transformative approaches required for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and share concrete examples and practices from diverse country contexts and stakeholder perspectives. At the same time, this first-of-its-kind virtual edition capitalizes on the additional opportunities offered by its online format.
Through experiential learning methodologies, participants will engage with a wide range of expert inputs, as well as in peer-to-peer learning and knowledge exchange. Participants will apply the concepts learned to co-develop inputs for the UN75 conversation on current and future risks and opportunities and solutions for global cooperation. Thanks to the generous support of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, this course is offered at a reduced price of $250.
An engaging five-day online programme that fosters rich interaction on issues relevant to the work of the UN and its partners in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement through panel discussions, small-group breakout activities, and a group project.
71 Objectives Upon successful completion of the UN Summer Academy, participants will: • Demonstrate a sound understanding of the key notions underpinning the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change; • Demonstrate an improved understanding of the key challenges and opportunities facing the multilateral development system and key actions at global and local levels to drive the future we want.
• Have benefitted from unparalleled networking opportunities, and demonstrate an increased awareness of the role of different development partners; and • Have received exposure to good practices in the area of sustainable development at the local level.
Course Methodology Recognizing that transformative learning cannot take place through classical chalk and talk lectures, the UN Summer Academy is designed using experiential online learning methodologies that combine panel discussions featuring high-level speakers with interactive opportunities for knowledge exchange and experience sharing. The virtual Summer Academy will be synchronous, meaning participants will be expected to be online at the same time during specified hours.
(Plenary sessions with all participants will take place between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. CEST. In order to accommodate the widest possible range of international participation, UNSSC will offer small-group breakout activities in two blocks: once in the morning, CEST, and again in the evening, CEST.)
The Summer Academy will feature a variety of moderated online learning formats, including: live webinars with thought leaders; small-group breakout activities for reflection and knowledge- exchange; applied labs in which participants work on collaborative exercises; and a group project in which participants will apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired during the Academy. Moreover, the UN Summer Academy places a premium on fun and relationship-building.
This will remain a key priority in the virtual edition, including through networking sessions in which participants showcase their work, games, and other social activities. Contents The UN Summer Academy introduces conceptual approaches underpinning the notion of sustainable development, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.
The 2020 UN Summer Academy interrogated the role of the UN and multilateralism in the context of the 2030 Agenda. It drew from and contribute to UN75’s global conversation about the future we want.
Panel discussions, plenary sessions, and other interactive exercises recognized the critical need for multi-stakeholder partnerships and shared ownership of the vision as well as coherent and synergistic actions at local, regional, and international levels by a broad range of development actors in partnership to achieve sustainable development for all.
72 Target Audience UN staff, national and local government representatives, civil society representatives, academics, private sector representatives, as well as a select number of master’s and post-graduate students. Applicants will be selected on the basis of their professional/academic profile and motivation statement.
Cost of Participation The course fee of $250 USD covers the following: • Five days of online training, including a technical orientation* on how to use all online platforms and tools used for the course • Exclusive access to a UNSSC online social learning environment with training and supporting background materials, and the opportunity to stay connected with colleagues. • All course materials, resources and contacts.
• All course materials, resources and contacts. • Participants are expected to cover all costs related to their participation in the Summer Academy. Certificates from the United Nations System Staff College will be awarded to participants who attend the Summer Academy.
73 UN Reflection Series Introduction Leveraging the presence of 20 UN entities as well as various leading international development The UN Reflection Series is an annual learning event focusing on issues pertaining to the integration of sustainable development approaches from a substantive perspective as well as in terms of multi- stakeholder approaches to delivering the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement.
Its 2016 edition of the UN Reflection Series focused on the role of the UN System and other development partners vis-à-vis Middle-Income Countries. The first Series welcomed a highly distinguished group of participants – UN staff, academics, development practitioners, and policymakers – from 18 different countries located in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
The reflection series also aims at building a corps of sustainable development alumni from different sectors, interested in continuing dialogue and collaboration on the topic beyond the event. In 2016, the Reflection Series fostered active learning and knowledge sharing on the most effective approaches to advance sustainable development in Middle-Income Countries. As defined by the World Bank, middle-income countries are those countries with a GNI per capita of more than $1,045 but less than $12,736.
Given the wide range, they are at different development stages. As a group, however, they are home to 72% of the world’s poorest people. In the context of the 2030 Agenda, particular attention needs to be paid to these countries and their needs in order to leave no one behind.
In view of this, the Series offered participants the opportunity to reflect on different issues such as the normative role of the UN; South-South and Triangular Cooperation; policy advice and upstream engagement; as well as the role of civil society in development cooperation in Middle- Income Countries. The Series provided various learning spaces – such as seminars, roundtable discussions, high-level panels, and practical-oriented clinics – to facilitate participants’ interactions.
The 2016 event was organized by the United Nations System Staff College, in collaboration with the A learning event that focuses on issues pertaining to the integration of sustainable development and multi-stakeholder approaches to delivering the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement. 74 UN Development Operations Coordination Office (UN DOCO, now UN DCO), and the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. The UNSSC will run the second UN Reflection Series in 2021.
Objectives Upon successful completion of this course, participants will: • Have deepened their understanding of the substance and key features of the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, including relevant processes and opportunities for multi-stakeholder engagement; • Have deepened their knowledge with regards to the specific focus topic; • Have reflected upon challenges and opportunities regarding partnerships development in the context of the topic discussed; • Be cognisant of the drive and different roles of different development actors; • Have enhanced the knowledge and skills to build substantive and sustainable partnerships and enhance their networks.
75 UNSSC Headquarters Viale Maestri del Lavoro, 10 10127 Turin, Italy +39 011 65 53 911 info@unssc.org UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development Haus Carstanjen Martin-Luther-King-Strasse 8 53175 Bonn, Germany +49 (0) 228 815 2657 sustainable-development@unssc.org The United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) is the primary provider of interagency training and learning for staff of the United Nations system.
Its overall objective is to promote and support UN inter- agency collaboration, increase the operational effectiveness of the UN system as a whole and provide UN staff with the required skills and competencies to face today’s global challenges. UNSSC conducts a variety of learning and training activities, in Turin and Bonn, UN Headquarters as well as at the regional and country levels. All such activities effectively respond to the cross- agency, far-reaching reform agenda of the United Nations.
Course Catalogue 2023 10 Introduction 11 Learning and Innovation for a Sustainable Future 12 A Gateway to High-Value, High-Impact Learning Solutions 15 Sustainable Development 16 Climate, Environment, and Economic and Digital Transformation 16 My Sustainable Living Challenge Online 17 Digital4Sustainability Learning Path Online 17 Sustainable Lifestyles Online 18 Product Sustainability Game Online 18 Minamata Tools Online 19 Transforming Economies for Sustainable Development Online 19 UN Summer Academy Online 20 The Paris Agreement on Climate Change as a Development Agenda Online 20 Circular Economy and the 2030 Agenda Online 21 Executive Leadership and Systems Thinking 21 UN Country Team Leadership Course: Maximizing Synergies for Greater Impact (Edition 1, 2, 3) Face-to- Face 2 22 Policy Coherence and Systems Thinking for Sustainable Development Online 22 UN Country Dream Team Leadership Trainings Face-to- Face or Online 23 Governance and Partnerships 23 Social Protection for Sustainable Development Online 24 Anti-Corruption in the Context of the 2030 Agenda Online 24 Partnerships, Financing and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development Face-to- Face 25 Resident Coordinator System, Results and Communications 25 United Nations Country Programming in the Context of UN Reform and the 2030 Agenda Face-to- Face 26 Results-Based Management to Support the 2030 Agenda Face-to- Face 27 Strategic, Impactful Communication for the 2030 Agenda Face-to- Face 27 The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework
UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (English, French, Spanish) Online 28 The SDG Primer Online 28 Foundational Course on UNSDCF Guiding Principles: HRBA, GEWE and LNOB Online 3 Cover photo: © Unsplash/Riccardo Annandal 3 29 Peace and Security 30 Sustaining Peace 30 Integrated Analysis for Sustaining Peace Online 31 Integrated Data Analytics for Sustaining Peace Boot Camp Online 31 A Political Approach to Preventing and Responding to Election- related Violence (Edition 1, 2,3) Face-to- Face 32 Housing, Land, Property Rights and
Face 32 Housing, Land, Property Rights and Conflict-Sensitive Land Governance for Peacebuilding (Edition 1, Arab Region, Edition 2, TBC) Face-to- Face 33 Human Security: From Principles to Practice (Available in French, English, Spanish and Arabic) Online 33 Human Security In-Country Workshop (Edition 1, 2) Face-to- Face 34 Climate Sensitive Programming (Asia, Turin, Africa) Face-to- Face 35 Conflict Analysis 35 Conflict Analysis for Sustaining Peace Online 35 Analyse des Conflits pour la Pérennisation de la Paix Online 36 Analysing and Engaging Armed Groups Online 36 Applying Multiple Approaches to Armed Groups Analysis Face-to- Face 37 Conflict Sensitivity 37 Conflict-Sensitive Approaches to Programming (Edition 1, 2) Online 38 Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding - Sudan Online 4 38 Applying a Conflict-Sensitive Approach TBC 39 Youth, Peace and Security 39 Realizing the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda 40 The Youth, Peace and Security Primer 41 Leadership and Management 42 Leadership and Management 42 UN Emerging Leaders e-Learning Programme (Edition 1, 2) Online 43 UN Leaders Programme (Africa, Asia, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean time zones / Americas, Africa, Europe Time Zones) Online 44 Leadership, Women and the UN - (Cohort III, IV, V) Online 44 UN System Executive Management Programme Online 45 Managing People and Performance Online 45 Extended E-Certificate in Leadership and Management Online 45 E-Learning Curriculum on Performance Management Online 46 E-Learning Curriculum for National Professional
E-Learning Curriculum for National Professional Officers Online 46 E-Learning Curriculum on Leadership in the UN Online 47 Leadership Accelerator Face- to-Face 5 47 Leadership Skills for Programme Support and Administrative Functions Online 48 Change and Innovation 48 Introduction to Change Management (Edition 12, 13) Online 49 Innovation Springboard Training Programme Online 49 E-learning Path: Innovation for Impact Online 50 Operational Excellence 50 Learning Managers Forum Blended 51 Data Visualization and Storytelling (Edition 1, 2) Online 51
and Storytelling (Edition 1, 2) Online 51 Evaluation in the UN Secretariat (Edition 1, 2) Online 52 UN Data Analytics Professional Certificate Online 52 Delivering Engaging Live Virtual Training Online 53 Essential Trainer Skills Online 53 Evaluating Learning and Training Online 54 E-Learning Path on Evaluation Management Online 54 E-Learning Path on Data Analytics Online 55 Evaluating Training Programmes Online 55 Strategic Decision-Making in the UN Online 6 56 Career Accelerator 56 Writing Effective Speeches and Talking Points Online 57 Effective Writing Skills (I, II) Online 57 Social Media and Digital Advocacy Skills Online 58 Diversity and Cultural Competency in the Workplace Online Face- to-Face 58 Master Class on Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette Online Face- to-Face 58 Skills for Administrative Assistants Online 59 Compétences pour les Assistants Administratifs Online 59 Project Management Professional Certification Path Online 60 Fundamentals of Knowledge Management Online 60 UN Competency-Based Interviews for Panel Members Online 60 Pursuing Your Career in the UN Online 61 Fundamentals of Diplomatic Protocol Online 7 62 Tailored Learning Offerings 63 Dialogue Series for DSRSGs 63 Women, Peace and Security 63 Community Engagement 64 Conflict Sensitivity – Strategic Level 64 Conflict Sensitivity Training of Trainer (ToT) 65 Climate Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management and Climate Sensitive Programming 65 UNESCO Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Workshops 65 Integrated Analysis and Data
Workshops 65 Integrated Analysis and Data Analytics in Conflicts (Integration Pathway) 66 Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environments (SSAFE) for Surge Deployment 66 Corporate Subscription to the Extended E-Certificate in Leadership and Management 67 UN Sustainable Development Mastermind Group 8 68 Services 69 360-degree Assessment and Executive Coaching 69 DiSC Personality Profile Assessment and 1.5 Hrs.
Team Debrief 69 Belbin Team Role Assessment and 1.5 Hrs. Team Debrief 69 Executive Coaching 70 Advisory Services 9 Introduction 01 Learning and Innovation for a Sustainable Future Programme Portfolio 2023 Enrolling in courses offered by the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC) is a strategic step forward in your career development and will help you become a more effective professional.
Enrolling your staff will help them perform better, adapt to change, and align with your organizational objectives. The Staff College is a trusted provider of cutting-edge learning opportunities. Our broad portfolio of learning experiences embraces innovation and gives you the tools to make smarter decisions leading to better results. Courses are offered in a variety of formats.
Courses are offered in a variety of formats. • For people: The Staff College offers programmes that meet you where you are in your career, supporting you in the direction you want to grow. From online courses to in- person learning experiences – and the best of both – make the Staff College a part of your professional evolution. We equip individuals, projects and organizations with the skills they need to thrive. • For organizations: Develop your staff.
• For organizations: Develop your staff. Work with our teams to develop customizable courses held in the format that works for you, including in-person, online and blended programmes. Make the Staff College a complement to your professional development strategy. Alumni of our courses join a global network of experienced practitioners working to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
Transforming learning for a better future Secretary-General António Guterres has encouraged UN staff to “be revolutionary, to be bold, and embrace innovation to meet the challenges of our times.” To help UN staff reach that goal the Staff College continues to invest in novel learning design methods, staff training programmes and technologies. Individuals who choose to learn at the UN Staff College are among the most accomplished professionals.
They come from around the world to be taught by some of the finest experts anywhere. They see the Staff College as an experience that balances teaching and discovery. Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. © Unsplash/Dastan Khdir 11 Introduction Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Leading and sustaining a culture of innovation In line with the priorities outlined in the Secretary General’s Our Common Agenda report, our goal is to help you refresh your skills so you can capitalize on new opportunities to lead change and support the sustainable development goals. What makes the Staff College different is that our courses draw from a global network of experienced experts to offer a range of learning solutions.
Learning experiences are designed to equip participants with the tools and capabilities to collaborate across divided opinions, look at problems from new angles, to lean into uncertainty and to succeed. Start your journey with us. A gateway to high-value, high-impact learning solutions The UNSSC learning experience UNSSC holds a unique position as the interagency learning institution of the United Nations. Since 2002 we have been pioneering the delivery of learning and training.
Our in-person, online, and blended learning offerings have helped thousands of UN staff develop new skills and grow into new roles. Beyond the UN, we are recognized as a learning hub for UN-endorsed curricula, valued by professionals throughout governments, non- governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academic institutions.
Unleashing your potential The Staff College uses a unique artificial intelligence algorithm to understand and cater to the learning needs of course participants. Our state-of-the-art learning platforms allow participants to personalize their learning experiences. We work hard to deliver best-in-class experiences, carefully designing each learning resource, tool, session, and programme content to support your learning journey.
Our approaches will help you develop your skills and grow—within or beyond your current role. Introduction 12 Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Fostering a culture of innovation through tailored learning and development solutions Over the past 20 years, UNSSC has collaborated with UN entities, NGOs, civil society organizations, governments and the private sector to untap organizational potential and foster innovation.
Whether your organization is cultivating leaders and managers, supporting peace and security professionals to enhance their ability to implement mandates more effectively, or empowering sustainable development actors, we create a space where learning catalyzes innovation. Our unique and collaborative approach to solution scoping helps organizations unleash their people’s potential, embrace change, and improve overall performance.
Our courses – digital platforms, in-person, or some combination of both – bring years of professional UN and global affairs experience to our partners. In 2023 and beyond, forward-looking organizations will continue to upskill their personnel to create thriving and innovative cultures. To help your organization stay ahead of the curve, we have listed some of our most popular tailored learning solutions.
Our solutions create exciting and thoughtful learning spaces where your workforce can engage and collaborate. Get in touch with us at info@unssc.org to discover how UNSSC solutions can be tailored your organization’s specific requirements, learning outcomes, and budgetary needs — regardless of the cohort size and location. Academic Partnerships The world today is driven by innovation and knowledge sharing. Partnerships are important mechanisms for exchanging experiences and ideas.
This creates an enormous opportunity for UNSSC to spur change through results-based alliances with leading academic institutions. Our approach centres on advancing knowledge that delivers on the learning and development goals of partners. We apply the resources, research findings and system-wide knowledge from the UN on sustainable development, leadership and management and peace and security to create immersive learning experiences that unleash opportunities.
UNSSC and IE University UNSSC and the IE School of Global and Public Affairs have partnered to deliver two new degree programmes, a Masters in International Development and Bachelor in International Relations. These programmes are aimed at individuals wanting to tackle the complex challenges associated with the 2030 Agenda. In 2023 both institutions will combine again to launch an Executive Masters in International Development.
13 Introduction Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. UNSSC and the University of Cape-Town In 2022 the UNSSC and The University of Cape Town’s (UCT) Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance signed a Memorandum of Understanding to leverage each other’s strengths to work collaboratively in selected areas of research, pedagogy, dialogue, research forums, and the sharing of facilities and other resources.
Some planned joint activities include knowledge and information sharing to enhance capacities and developing collaborative executive education and academic courses in areas of common interest. This collaboration will also include the development of joint publications and joint human capital development initiatives. More information about our academic partnerships are available here. We place great value on the relationships we have with partners.
Whether you seek to co- produce knowledge or add depth to your university’s curriculum, UNSCC offers numerous ways to forge advantageous relationships. © Unsplash/Dikaseva Introduction 14 02 Sustainable Development Achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires innovative new approaches that are socially inclusive and environmentally friendly. Discover how our learning offerings can help you contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. My Sustainable Living Challenge Online The United Nations System Staff College and the UN Environment Programme are proud to present the "My Sustainable Living Challenge” – an online gamified learning platform that channels learning towards behaviour change through actionable commitments. Target: All who like to contribute to building a sustainable future.
23 January 2023 - 12 February 2023 Free Climate, Environment, and Economic and Digital Transformation 16 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Digital4Sustainability Learning Path Online The United Nations System Staff College and the UN Environment Programme are proud to present the Digital4Sustainability Learning Path – a series of four self- paced online modules examining the impact and potential of digital transformation for sustainable development and fighting climate change, placing the needs of people and planet at the core. Target: All who like to contribute to building a sustainable future.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free Sustainable Lifestyles Online The central promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is to take transformative steps to shift the world to a sustainable and resilient path. This course explores Sustainable Lifestyles in the context of the 2030 Agenda, advancing the understanding of how lifestyle choices impact the world around us and how we can find ways for everyone to live better using fewer resources.
The course explores the nature of sustainable lifestyles, the values and beliefs that influence our choices and the strategies that can be applied to create positive, long-lasting sustainable personal and societal changes Target: All who like to contribute to building a sustainable future. 20 February 2023 - 20 December 2023 Free 17 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Product Sustainability Game Online A fun, interactive challenge to test your knowledge on what makes a good product sustainability claim! Take the challenge to check how well you are able to identify which claims are more likely to promote sustainability and empower sustainable consumption decisions based on the recommendations of the “Guidelines for Providing Product Sustainability Information”, UNEP 2017.
Target: 1. Business and Marketing managers in small to mid-sized private sector firms that are keen to or already make sustainability claims on their products. 2. Members of civil society organizations that are engaged in advocating for product sustainability. 3.
3. Consumers 30 March 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free Minamata Tools Online The Minamata Tools platform consists of a series of self- paced e-learning modules designed to help the national focal points of the Parties to the Minamata Convention to report on national actions. The course has been developed by the United Nations System Staff College in collaboration with the UN Environment Programme Minamata Convention Secretariat, with the support of the European Commission.
Target: National Focal Points or other identified nominees of the Parties to the Minamata Convention. 30 March 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free 18 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
The Paris Agreement on Climate Change as a Development Agenda Online This joint UN Climate Change - United Nations System Staff College online course offers a holistic and integrated approach to climate change and demonstrates the interlinkages and interdependencies between sustainable development and climate change to make informed policy choices towards carbon-neutral and climate-resilient sustainable development.
Target: Development practitioners from the UN system, governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia. 05 September 2023 - 13 October 2023 Free Circular Economy and the 2030 Agenda Online This engaging six-week online course focuses on harnessing circular economy principles and systems-based approaches to explore ways in which we can redesign our systems, products and services to allow us to achieve sustainable living for all, within planetary limits.
Target: Policymakers and policy-shapers from the multilateral sector and government, members of the private sector and civil society who would like to help accelerate the transition towards circular systems by applying circular economy principles in policymaking, production and consumption practices, businesses and cities. 18 September 2023 - 20 October 2023 Free 20 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Executive Leadership and Systems Thinking UN Country Team Leadership Course: Maximizing Synergies for Greater Impact Bonn, Germany Building on the repositioning of the UN development system, the Decade of Action and the imperative for sustainable societal transformation, in light of a world faced by a highly volatile context, this five day executive programme will strengthen the skills and capabilities required for UN leaders to advance the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The course focuses on areas of integrated policy support, systems-thinking, strategic communications, and collaborative and agile leadership. An exclusive feature of the programme is a site visit, exemplifying a sustainable development challenge. In addition, UN leaders will receive high impact professional media training. Target: UN Resident Coordinators (RC) and RC Candidates, Country Directors and repre-sentatives of UN agencies, funds, and programmes.
Edition 1: 24 April 2023 - 28 April 2023 Edition 2: 19 June 2023 - 23 June 2023 Edition 3: 02 October 2023 - 06 October 2023 $5500 21 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Policy Coherence and Systems Thinking for Sustainable Development Online This course builds technical competence on system interconnections for achieving sustainable development.
The course equips participants with the current tools and concepts related to policy coherence and systems thinking using country examples. Target: UN staff, government representatives, development practitioners as well as members of civil society, the private sector, academia and foundations.
12 June 2023 - 14 July 2023 Free UN Country Dream Team Leadership Trainings Face-to-Face or Online In response to the call by UN Secretary-General António Guterres to reposition the UN development system to deliver on the 2030 Agenda and to work towards "a new generation of Country Teams that are tailored to the specific needs of each country", the UNSSC Knowledge Centre for Sustainable Development is organizing executive courses on leadership skills for UN Country Teams.
The UNCT Dream Team Leadership Training provides an opportunity for UN Country Teams (UNCT) to engage in strengthened dialogues, collaborative learning and peer exchanges. This leadership training provides an open and safe space to unpack leadership challenges and opportunities for the UNCT to advance collective change towards new sustainable development partnerships, and to be an incubator for innovative ideas and joint leadership pilots.
This allows the UNCT to be more effective in its engagement with stakeholders across government, civil society, academia, the private sector and the UN system. UN leaders will gain greater insights into delivering impacts in support of national priorities that are larger than the sum of their parts. Target: UN Country Teams 02 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $35000 22 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Social Protection for Sustainable Development Online Designed in partnership with the International Labour Organization Social Protection Department, this online course equips participants with a solid understanding of social protection and its relevance for Sustainable Development. The course will examine work done to extend social protection in the context of the 2030 Agenda from different contexts and regions. Target: UN and non-UN participants.
Target: UN and non-UN participants. 13 February 2023 - 24 March 2023 Free Governance and Partnerships © UN Nepal 23 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Anti-Corruption in the Context of the 2030 Agenda Online This online course promotes awareness of anti-corruption processes in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
Participants are exposed to practical examples and introduced to tools to enhance integration of anti-corruption in the measurement and monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The programme also introduces participants to the importance of aligning national sustainable development with anti-corruption strategies.
The Anti-Corruption course will be revamped in 2023 to ensure that participants can profit from content examining the latest corruption trends and anti-corruption efforts at country and global levels. The updated course content reflects the changes in corruption trends, including those that emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic and cyber-related corruption. It will also reflects developments stemming from the upcoming Conference of States Parties (CoSP) of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC).
Target: UN staff from headquarters, UN country teams or regional offices, government representatives, development practitioners as well as members of civil society, academia and foundations. 02 May 2023 - 02 June 2023 Free Partnerships, Financing and Resource Mobilization for Sustainable Development Bonn, Germany This course introduces participants to the different types of partnerships, financing models and approaches to resource mobilization.
Target: Heads of UN Country Offices, UN personnel especially partnership specialists, innovative financing specialists/ officers, economists and resource mobilisation officers working at the country level. 25 September 2023 - 29 September 2023 $3000 24 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
United Nations Country Programming in the Context of UN Reform and the 2030 Agenda Nairobi, Kenya This face-to-face workshop equips participants from UN entities with the knowledge and skills to support their strategic positioning and engagement in UN country programming throughout all the steps of the UN Sustainable Development Coop-eration Framework (UNSDCF) process, including the Common Country Analysis (CCA); Theory of Change (TOC) and Strategic Prioritization; Results Framework; UNCT Configuration; Funding Framework; Implementation; Monitoring; Reporting; and Evaluation.
Target: Staff working within the UN Resident Coordinator system, chairs and members of pro-grammes, members of peer support groups, UN staff belonging to man-agement teams; UN Coordination Officers and advisers and UN staff involved in project and programme management. 14 March 2023 - 17 March 2023 $2500 Resident Coordinator System, Results and Communications 25 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Results-Based Management to Support the 2030 Agenda Istanbul, Turkey This comprehensive programme equips UN staff with the knowledge and skills to apply results-based management (RBM) principles and tools (such as causality analysis, theory of change, results chain, indicator frameworks) to support UN programming. Target: UN strategic planners; chairs/members of programme management teams /results groups/task teams; UN Coordination officers/advisers; UN staff involved in project/programme management.
04 July 2023 - 07 July 2023 $2500 © Unsplash/Luca Bravo 26 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Strategic, Impactful Communication for the 2030 Agenda Bonn, Germany This face-to-face course aims to teach UN professionals to communicate what the United Nations is doing to help a country achieve the 2030 Agenda.
Lessons aim to boost staff capacity in strategic and crisis communications, impactful storytelling through data visualization, digital content, political acumen and managing misinformation. Target: Senior UN staff who have a communications role, communications officers and associates from the UN system and communication focal points at the country level.
18 July 2023 - 21 July 2023 $2500 The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (Available in English and French) Online The UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework is a core instrument for providing coherent, strategic directions for development activities by UN entities at the country level. This course equips participants with a thorough understanding of the application of the 2019 UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework Guidance. Target: UN and non-UN audiences.
Target: UN and non-UN audiences. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free 27 Sustainable Development Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Foundational Course on UNSDCF Guiding Principles: HRBA, GEWE and LNOB Online This self-paced course aims to increase the capacity of United Nations Country Teams to apply the UNSDCF guiding principles of the Human Rights-Based Approach (HRBA), Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (GEWE) and Leave No One Behind LNOB) in an integrated manner to ensure that UN interventions are leading to positive change in people's lives.
Target: UN staff, primarily UN Country Teams, RCOs and those engaged in develop-ing the UNSDCF, including the Pro-gramme Management Team/Group, Results Groups, Thematic Working Groups (LNOB, Human Rights and Gender), M&E Working Group etc. 01 December 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free The SDG Primer Online The goal of this primer course is to provide a comprehensive, interdisciplinary perspective on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, its theories and practical applications.
It is meant to inform the programmes and actions of UN entities, including their engagement with partners in government and civil society. Target: UN and non-UN staff. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free © Unsplash/Sunguk Kim 28 Sustainable Development Peace and Security 03 Peace and security interventions are rarely straightforward, especially in fast-changing contexts. Stakeholders need to understand how their interventions interact with larger contexts and they need to be agile to adapt them.
Explore our course offerings that cover cross-cutting peace and security themes. Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Integrated Analysis for Sustaining Peace Online This five-week course aims to equip participants with the tools to write compelling pieces of integrated analysis, taking into account the primacy of the political as a guiding principle for all UN interventions.
The programme will enable participants to improve their drafting and analytical skills by combining writing tips and practice with tutored guidance on the different analytical methodologies in place within the UN system to conduct informed, data-driven analysis. Target: This course is aimed at UN staff from the Secretariat, agencies, funds and programmes as well as partners working on sustaining peace through political analysis, good offices, mediation and conflict-sensitive programming.
TBD $1000 Sustaining Peace 30 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Integrated Data Analytics for Sustaining Peace Boot Camp Online The Data Analytics for Sustaining Peace Bootcamp enables practitioners working in peace, security and peacebuilding to understand, visualize and integrate data for storytelling and decision-making.