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Target: Junior to mid-level staff working in peace and security and peacebuilding 03 April 2023 - 05 May 2023 $1250 A Political Approach to Preventing and Responding to Election-related Violence New York, Africa, Asia TBC This programme is designed to enable UN staff to assess the risk of election-related violence and adopt political approaches to prevent violence or mitigate its effects. Target: UN staff working on electoral affairs, political crises, good offices, mediation and peace and security issues.
Edition 1: 14 March 2023 - 15 March 2023 Edition 2: 30 May 2023 - 02 June 2023 Edition 3: 10 October 2023 - 13 October 2023 Free 31 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Housing, Land, Property Rights and Conflict-Sensitive Land Governance for Peacebuilding Edition 1: Global Edition 2: Arab Region This interactive face-to-face workshop has been developed in partnership with UN-Habitat and the Global Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) Area of Responsibility of the Global Protection Cluster.
It is designed for managers and field personnel interested in learning the main concepts and practices related to supporting the protection of HLP rights and the implementation of good land governance interventions in conflict-affected contexts. It will reflect on these elements as key cornerstones for peacebuilding, sustainable development, and the overall achievement of human rights for populations who are affected by crisis populations.
Target: This course is aimed at Project Managers, field personnel, Human Rights Officers, Protection Officers and Humanitarian Coordinators from the UN. The course is open to development practitioners who work in crisis and conflict- affected or conflict-prone countries. Edition 1: 17 July 2023 - 20 July 2023 Edition 2: 23 October 2023 - 26 October 2023 $2000 © UNRIC/Kirim/Bambang Wirawan 32 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Human Security: From Principles to Practice (Available in French, English, Spanish and Arabic) Online This interactive training course has been designed for anyone interested in learning more about human security approaches and how to apply them to the development of policies and programmes that are suited to prevent and respond to complex challenges, including persistent poverty and inequality, climate change, transitions from humanitarian crisis to long-term development, migration and displacement, climate security and health pandemics such as COVID-19.
Target: This course is geared towards UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non- governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free Human Security In-Country Workshop TBC This interactive workshop has been designed for UN staff and relevant actors interested in learning more about operationalizing the Triple Nexus approach in 9 target countries and territories (Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Palestine, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen) through a risk- informed and human security approach Target: This course is aimed at UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non- governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia.
Edition 1: 17 April 2023 - 21 April 2023 Edition 2: 22 May 2023 - 26 May 2023 TBC 33 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Climate Sensitive Programming (Asia, Italy, Africa) Face to face This 3.5 day course equips participants with the tools to conduct localized climate risk assessments and integrate them into programmatic planning throughout the stages a life cycle of a peacebuilding programme, from early warning and response to mediation and peacekeeping.
The programme enables participants to strengthen their awareness of the risks that climate change poses to international peace and security as well as local peacebuilding interventions. Participants will gain an understanding of the approaches, instruments and tools to reduce and mitigate structural governance vulnerabilities compounded by climate change in peacebuilding interventions. Target: professional staff working in peace and security and peacebuilding.
Asia: TBC Italy: TBC Africa: TBC TBC © Unsplash/Annie Spratt 34 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Conflict Analysis for Sustaining Peace Online This online programme introduces core elements and principles of conflict analysis and how to apply these tools to promote conflict sensitivity, conflict prevention and sustainable peace.
Target: UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia. 11 September 2023 - 15 October 2023 $1000 Conflict Analysis Analyse des Conflits pour la Pérennisation de la Paix Online Un programme en ligne présentant les éléments et principes fondamentaux de l'analyse des conflits ainsi que leur application pour assurer la sensibilité aux conflits, leur prévention et la pérennisation de la paix.
Target: Le personnel des Nations unies ainsi que les praticiens et les représentants des gouvernements, des organisations non gouvernementales, du secteur privé, de la société civile et du monde universitaire. Edition 1: 30 January 2023 - 05 March 2023 35 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Analysing and Engaging Armed Groups Online An online course equipping practitioners with theoretical knowledge of current trends and practical tools to conduct analysis of armed groups in order to understand the implications for engagement. Target: UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and aca-demia.
It is geared to those who are either deployed at duty stations affected by armed groups or whose job description involves analyzing, interacting and engaging with armed groups.
15 May 2023 - 09 June 2023 $1000 Applying Multiple Approaches to Armed Groups Analysis Panama The inter-agency programme in collaboration with the Global Security Programme at Oxford University equips UN personnel and partners with theoretical and practical skills to analyse and understand the genesis and evolution of unconventional armed groups in violence-affected countries.
Target: Mid-level UN personnel (both national and international staff) who are either deployed in duty stations affected by the presence of armed groups or whose job description involves analysis, and possibly engagement with armed groups. Open to selected representatives from INGOs and NGOs, academia, think tanks, bilateral donors, International Financial Institutions, foundations etc.
12 December 2023 - 15 December 2023 $2500 36 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Conflict Sensitivity Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding - Sudan Online The UNSSC is pleased to have supported the joint efforts of the Peace Building Fund Secretariat and UNDP in Sudan and their partners in developing a comprehensive self- paced course on conflict sensitivity and peacebuilding that is freely available to humanitarian, development and peace practitioners working in and on Sudan. The course is available in both English and Arabic.
Target: This course is aimed at UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non- governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 © Unsplash/Carles Martinez 37 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Conflict-Sensitive Approaches to Programming Online This online tutored programme advances the concept and practice of conflict sensitivity within the UN context at large to serve the strategic, programmatic and operational needs of humanitarian, development and peacebuilding practitioners. Target: UN staff as well as practitioners and representatives from governments, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, civil society and academia.
Edition 1: 30 January 2023 - 26 February Edition 2: 30 October 2023 - 26 November 2023 $1,250 38 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Realizing the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda Online There is a growing recognition that young people can play a meaningful role in preventing and resolving conflict and building sustainable peace. Young people have the undeniable right to participate in the maintenance of peace and security.
From political, electoral or peace processes, to informal participation at the community level and in digital spaces. Young people's meaningful participation and influence improves the relevance, effectiveness and impact of peace and security initiatives, policies and decisions. This online course developed jointly by UNSSC and the Folke Bernadotte Academy (FBA) is a self-paced and blended with six live sessions.
It provides practitioners with the skills and knowledge to effectively implement the youth, peace and security agenda while working with and for young people in peace and security.
The course will run from 11 April to 5 May, 2023 (Part I; YPS foundational Skills) and from 18 September to 13 October 2023 (Part II; YPS Applied Skills) Target: Practitioners and representatives from the UN system, international and regional security organizations, non-governmental organizations and civil society working with the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda.
Module 1, 2, 3 11 April 2023 - 5 May 2023 Module 4, 5, 6 18 September 2023 - 13 October 2023 $1250 Youth, Peace and Security 39 Peace and Security Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. The Youth, Peace and Security Primer Online The YPS Primer aims to establish a common base of understanding and approach for the UN system and partners in implementing the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda.
It is meant to inform, in broad terms, the programmes and actions of all UN entities working with and for youth in peace and security. Target: The YPS Primer is an open online resource available to all. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 Free © UN Women/Christopher Herwig © Unsplash/Annie Spratt 40 Peace and Security Leadership and Management 04 Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
The United Nations System Leadership Framework notes, ‘‘The challenges that confront us in the twenty-first century will not be met by mere deference to power, reliance on a shaky status quo or operation in old silos.
Rather, they demand a norm-based, principled, inclusive, accountable, multi-dimensional, transformational, collaborative and self-applied leadership model.” Our leadership and management offerings are designed to equip participants with cutting-edge skills to deliver exceptional results for transformative processes at country, regional and global levels.
UN Emerging Leaders e-Learning Programm Online Geared for mid-level UN staff, this digital learning programme will help you enhance your leadership and management skills by helping you to embody the important behaviors outlined in the UN System Leadership Framework. The programme is also designed to support your efforts to transition to greater leadership roles.
Target: Primarily UN staff at the P3 level, as well as those at the P2/National Professional Officers level with managerial experience and responsibilities both at headquarters and in the field. Edition 1: 21 February 2023 - 06 April 2023 Edition 2: 19 October 2023 - 30 November 2023 $3400 Leadership and Management 42 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
UN Leaders Programme (Americas, Africa, Europe Time Zones) UN Leaders Programme (Africa, Asia, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean time zones) Edition 1: Online 17 January 2023 - 28 February 2023 Designed for participants at the Director level (D1/D2), the UN Leaders Programme explores approaches for successful leadership including practices that promote innovation and transformation and their application to the UN.
Target: Senior UN staff at the D1/ D2 levels; senior staff operating in relevant fields of international cooperation. Edition 2: Amman, Jordan 01 March 2023 - 17 April 2023 $6750 © UNFPA Bangladesh/Ferdous Alka 43 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Leadership, Women and the UN Online Participants will join a community of experienced female professionals seeking to enhance their leadership skills through extensive learning experiences. This programme provides insights and tips on navigating the opportunities and challenges faced by women in leadership positions. It will enable participants to be in harmony with their aspirations and contribute to a culture of gender equality.
Target: Female UN staff at the P4-P5 level and other highly experienced female leaders preparing for senior leadership roles. Cohort III: 29 March 2023 - 10 July 2023 Cohort IV: 30 August 2023 - 12 December 2023 Cohort V: 31 August 2023 - 05 December 2023 $5500 UN System Executive Management Programme Online A management learning experience designed for UN managers across the UN system, at both headquarters and field locations. Target: Participants are expected to serve at P5+ or equivalent levels.
Exceptions can be made for participants serving at P4 or equivalent levels in case of comparable management responsibilities. 01 April 2023 - 21 July 2023 $5500 44 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Extended E-Certificate in Leadership and Management Online Take your leadership and management skills to the next level by signing up for one-year access to this unique self-paced modular programme designed to respond to the needs and challenges faced by UN managers. Target: UN personnel at all levels and locations with management and leadership functions.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $2000 E-Learning Curriculum on Performance Management Online This learning path is designed to equip participants with the tools and skills to reimagine performance management and implement a new approach to empowerment and accountability. This is a self-paced modular programme available to all UN staff. Target: UN personnel at all levels.
Target: UN personnel at all levels. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $750 Managing People and Performance Online This self-paced course is aimed at UN supervisors who want to achieve results through productive supervision and management. It helps people strengthen their conflict- management skills and learn how to become more effective at influencing others, by learning proven techniques and developing more flexible leadership styles. Target: UN staff with first-level supervisory responsibilities.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $550 45 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. E-Learning Curriculum for National Professional Officers Online This is a self-paced modular programme for UN National Professional Officers. Target: All UN National Professional Officers.
Target: All UN National Professional Officers. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $750 E-Learning Curriculum on Leadership in the UN Online This learning path is designed to equip participants to uphold the universal leadership characteristics, behaviours and principles envisioned by the UN System Leadership Framework. This is a self-paced modular programme available to all UN staff. Target: UN personnel at all levels and locations.
Target: UN personnel at all levels and locations. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $750 © Unsplash/Luz Mendoza 46 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Leadership Accelerator TBC The Leadership Accelerator is a mid-sized conference that brings together inter-generational UN thought leaders to exchange ideas, learn from one another and be inspired by world-renowned experts.
Target: All UN Staff 28 November 2023 - 1 December 2023 TBC Leadership Skills for Programme Support and Administrative Functions Online The UN System Leadership Framework acknowledges that leadership skills are not only for those who manage people or teams, they are essential for all staff to efficiently manage processes, make decisions and communicate.
This workshop focuses on how General Service, Programme Support and Administrative Professionals can use the principles articulated in the UN System Leadership Framework to strengthen their impacts. Target: General service, programme support, and administrative professionals 23 October 2023 - 24 November 2023 $2200 47 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Introduction to Change Management (Edition 12 and 13) Online By the end of the programme participants will understand the fundamentals of change management, develop or refine a change strategy for their project or team and receive comprehensive feedback from the programmatic team at UNSSC. Target: This programme is geared to line and change managers, change agents and programme and operations staff who are leading change in their field of expertise within the UN and with partners.
Edition 12: 20 February 2023 - 02 April 2023 Edition 13: 21 August 2023 - 1 October 2023 $1850 Change and Innovation © Unsplash/Alex Knight 48 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Learning Managers Forum TBC Join colleagues at our annual Learning Managers Forum, an event for UN learning professionals as well as professionals from other international organizations.
Target: Professionals responsible for learning, training and staff development within United Nations entities, as well as other international organizations. 05 June 2023 - 23 June 2023 $1850 Operational Excellence © Unsplash/Hanna Busing 50 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Data Visualization and Storytelling (Edition 1 and 2) Online This online instructor-led learning course will explore the underlying principles behind effective visualization displays. These are principles that can be applied in almost any area and used to communicate to a variety of audiences within the UN context. In addition to providing tips to improve most data displays, we will examine the elements of effective displays.
Topics covered in the course will include selecting the appropriate visualizations for varied data, and common graphical tools. It will explore into graphical displays that allow users to visually interact with data. Additional advanced topics include interactive visual displays, GIS, data dashboards, qualitative and quantitative data displays and crowdsourcing visualizations. Target: The course is intended for UN staff whose roles include interpreting, analyzing, communicating and reporting on data.
It is geared for all UN personnel (professional and general service staff, at headquarters or field locations. Edition 1: 15 May 2023 - 09 June 2023 Edition 2: 23 October 2023 - 17 November 2023 $1100 Evaluation in the UN Secretariat Online This online instructor-led course will strengthen the technical and managerial capacities of UN Secretariat staff responsible for conducting and/or overseeing evaluations.
Developed in coordination with the Business Transformation and Accountability Division (BTAD), and the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), the course is fully aligned with UNEG Norms and Standards for Evaluation, and it is tailored to evaluation in the context of the UN Secretariat. Target: The course is intended for UN Secretariat staff responsible for conducting or overseeing evaluations.
As a foundational course, it addresses the needs of the UN Secretariat and will enable less experienced evaluators to hit the ground running. Alternatively, it can be taken as a refresher course for those with more evaluation experience. Edition 1: 17 April 2023 - 12 May 2023 Edition 2: 25 September 2023 - 20 October 2023 $1500 51 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
UN Data Analytics Professional Certificate Online This instructor-led learning course is designed for UN staff interested to learn and apply data skills through hands- on practical experience. The UN Data Analyst Professional Certification Path prepares UN staff to unlock their potential through a comprehensive and interactive overview of core data science concepts from descriptive to predictive analytics.
Participants will be better equipped to formulate problem statements for data informed solutions, apply data visualization and storytelling design principles to communicate effectively, build basic predictive models and purposefully harness data. Target: All UN personnel (professional and general service staff) at headquarters or field locations.
Edition 1: 01 January 2023 - 30 June 2023 Edition 2: 01 July 2023 - 31 December 2023 $2500 Delivering Engaging Live Virtual Training Online The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a new phase in online learning. Traditional methods where instructors do most of the talking are not nearly as effective as newer approaches. Target: Anyone involved in online training and interested in improving their skills in engaging participants during live training events.
16 October 2023 - 17 November 2023 $1100 52 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Essential Trainer Skills Online Become a professional trainer. This six-module self-paced course provides a comprehensive look at the role and function of a trainer. It gives participants the tools and techniques for a systematic approach to training others effectively.
Target: This course is for anyone involved in organizing learning and training events. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $550 Evaluating Learning and Training Online Today more than ever, UN agencies are required to show the impact of learning and training programmes. This five-module self-paced course is designed to introduce participants to evaluation tools and techniques you can use to improve training effectiveness and prove the value of training in meeting organizational needs.
Target: The course is geared for trainers, facilitators, managers, leaders, resource persons, instructors and anyone involved in organizing learning and training events to develop others. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $550 © Unsplash/Diego Ph 53 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
E-Learning Path on Evaluation Management Online The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development requires evaluation to be transformative and to help overcome the root causes of inequality and discrimination. It calls for the evaluation function to address the interconnected systems that operate in social structures. As part of UN reform, evaluation managers play a key role leading teams, ensuring quality, promoting change and delivering effective, equitable and sustainable interventions.
This online course is fully aligned with the UNEG Norms and Standards for Evaluation and provides an overview of tools and methods for managing evaluations and for establishing procedures for emergent evaluation functions. Target: UN personnel from all levels who have limited prior knowledge and/or experience in evaluations at headquarters or in the field, and who want to get a comprehensive overview of the key aspects of evaluation management.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $1000 E-Learning Path on Data Analytics Online The Secretary-General's Data Strategy highlights the need to start with "data action that adds immediate value for our organization and the people we serve". This programme is designed to enhance the ability of UN personnel to effectively apply and use data in their work.
It is geared to those in research, analytics and reporting, as well as those who wish to expand their knowledge and ability to access, use, interpret and communicate data. Target: All UN personnel (professional and general service staff) at headquarters and field locations.. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $1000 54 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Evaluating Training Programmes Online This training opportunity is offered on demand for UN teams responsible for measuring and evaluating learning initiatives (courses, programmes, learning strategies/policies) and their impact in the work and performance of their organizations.
It is expected that the UN teams will be able to identify the appropriate evaluation model to apply, identify indicators of training effectiveness and impact, collect and analyse data through a variety of methods and communicate evaluation results effectively. Target: The course is intended for UN staff responsible for measuring and evaluating learning initiatives (courses, programmes, learning strategies/policies) in the field or at headquarters.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $2500 Strategic Decision-Making in the UN Online This self-paced course inserts UN realities with the latest decision research to help you identify the best strategic decisions for your team and your organization. Target: This course is recommended for professionals at the P4 level and those above. Other staff may be accepted depending on their functional responsibility.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $550 55 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Writing Effective Speeches and Talking Points Online It’s not what you say, but what they hear! Master speechwriting techniques and learn to develop effective talking points to make your speeches clear, compelling, and memorable.
Target: This course is aimed at staff such as Special Assistants, Communication, Public information Officers, Coordination Specialists, Programme Staff, Team Leaders and Thematic Specialists who are responsible for preparing official speeches. 20 February 2023 - 24 March 2023 $1100 Career Accelerator © Pexels 56 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Effective Writing Skills (I) and (II) Online Make your point!
Learn practical techniques to improve your ability to influence and achieve results through clear and effective writing – whether you are drafting a technical report, a strategy paper, or a professional email. Target: All UN personnel (professional and general service staff) at headquarters or field locations. Edition 1: 06 March 2023 - 07 April 2023 Edition 2: 04 September 2023 - 06 October 2023 $1100 Social Media and Digital Advocacy Skills Online Harness the power of social networks.
In this course you’ll learn how to develop an innovative social media strategy and craft effective digital content to spread information relevant to your UN work. Target: This course is aimed at UN Communication Officers, Project Managers, and other UN staff involved with or interested in leveraging social media to achieve team and organizational goals. 17 April 2023 - 19 May 2023 $1100 57 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Diversity and Cultural Competency in the Workplace Online, Face-to-face This is an on-demand instructor-led training provided to UN teams interested in increasing their cultural sensitivity and awareness, enabling them to work, interact and communicate in diverse work environments, as well as build relationships with people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, and mitigate cross-cultural challenges. Tailored to the organization's needs. Target: All UN Staff members up to P4 level.
Target: All UN Staff members up to P4 level. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $1,100 Master Class on Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette Online, Face-to-face This is an on-demand instructor-led training provided to UN teams interested in complementing their technical and managerial know-how with skills in diplomatic protocol to support high-level engagement.
It is expected that the UN teams will obtain practical insights into subtle interactions that will improve their operational effectiveness in a wide range of settings. Tailored to the organization's needs. Target: Recommended for UN staff performing protocol functions, at any level and location.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 TBC Skills for Administrative Assistants Online As a participant in this course, you will build, develop and hone the skills needed to be a successful and efficient UN administrative assistant. Target: Administrative assistants working at both headquarters and field locations. 17 April 2023 - 19 May 2023 $1100 58 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Compétences pour les Assistants Administratifs Online Ce cours en ligne est conçu pour aider les adjoints administratifs à obtenir des résultats concrets • Là où il y a trop à faire • Très peu de temps pour le faire • Le changement est la norme; • Les réponses faciles ne suffisent pas Le but de ce cours est de vous permettre de travailler au mieux de vos capacités et de tirer le meilleur parti de ceux qui travaillent avec vous ou pour vous.
Le cours vous fournit les outils, les modèles et les techniques pour augmenter votre efficacité de travail. Target: Ce cours est ouvert à tout le personnel du service général des Nations Unies 11 Septembre 2023 - 06 Octobre 2023 $1100 Project Management Professional Certification Path Online and Face-to-Face (Turin, Italy) This course walks participants through the nuts and bolts of project management, from setting priorities to controlling expenses and reporting on results.
It provides support and practical activities and useful examples to help participants apply these skills in their daily work. Target: UN professional staff at headquarters and field locations with responsibilities for project design, management and/or reporting. 25 September 2023 - 10 November 2023 $2750 59 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Fundamentals of Knowledge Management Online Take this self-paced course to learn knowledge management strategy, processes, components, best practices and tools. Understand the forms in which knowledge exists, and create and share processes to meet organizational goals. The course is designed to equip UN staff with enhanced skills in applying knowledge management tools and techniques in the UN context Target: Professional UN staff working at both headquarters and field locations.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $550 UN Competency-Based Interviews for Panel Members Online A self-paced training tailor-made for UN staff to serve as panel members in competency-based interviews (CBI). When participants have completed all the online activities, a one-to-one coaching/mentoring session is scheduled with an experienced mentor. Target: This course is aimed at UN personnel serving as panel members during competency-based interviews.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $750 Pursuing Your Career in the UN Online Prepare for your next career move with a self-paced training module, tailor-made for UN staff. When participants have completed all the online activities, a one-to-one coaching/mentoring session is scheduled with an experienced mentor. Target: All UN personnel at all locations.
Target: All UN personnel at all locations. 01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $750 60 Leadership and Management Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Fundamentals of Diplomatic Protocol Online Take this course to acquire the knowledge and skills to be an effective diplomat at the United Nations. Target: Recommended for UN staff performing protocol functions, at any level and location.
01 January 2023 - 31 December 2023 $550 61 Leadership and Management 05 Tailored Learning Offerings Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Dialogue Series for DSRSGs The Dialogue Series is an annual forum where Deputy Special Representatives of the Secretary-General can debate and raise questions among peers in a moderated, safe space.
Participants come equipped to share examples from their mission areas; analyze developments and strategies, and examine thematic issues or policies impacting the advancement or implementation of their mission mandates. Women, Peace and Security Violent conflict disproportionately affects women and girls and intensifies preexisting gender inequalities and discrimination.
Acknowledging and integrating different understandings, experiences and capabilities of women throughout the UN is essential for sustaining peace. Women, Peace and Security (WPS) is part of a rich range of training opportunities on offer from the Peace & Security Hub. This portfolio caters to providing participants with the knowledge and skills to integrate the WPS Agenda and gender equality into strategic planning, programming, and budgeting processes.
Community Engagement Building upon global guidelines, this learning experience explores key elements of Community Engagement within the Peacebuilding and Sustaining Peace frameworks. As practitioners engaged in international operational contexts, our work needs to be inclusive of local participation. Fostering community engagement is one way of ensuring this.
Participants in our Community Engagement learning opportunities are encouraged to reflect upon and suggest ways to move away from top-down and instead to bottom-up approaches. Through these experiences, participants will look at ways to facilitate deeper understandings of local contexts through respectful, coherent, and flexible engagement and the inclusive and meaningful participation of local actors.
© Unsplash/Kaleidico 63 Tailored Learning Offerings Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. Conflict Sensitivity – Strategic Level The Peace & Security Hub offers bespoke capacity-building initiatives that help integrate conflict-sensitive approaches at the UNCT level. Conflict-sensitive approaches and programming should aim to proactively mitigate the negative impacts of programming, in line with the principle of "Do No Harm."
Such approaches can go further in creating positive impacts and should be implemented at both the programming level as well as organizational and strategic levels. The UNSSC provides tailored in-country workshops for UN Country Teams to reflect upon their practices for applying conflict sensitivity in their work. This ensures that key concepts of Conflict Sensitivity as well as the relevant procedures and feedback mechanisms are applied to specific country contexts.
These concepts are aligned with the Good Practice Note on Conflict Sensitivity and Peacebuilding, which articulates the requirement for conflict-sensitive approaches throughout the UN system. Conflict Sensitivity Training of Trainer (ToT) The main goal of the Training of Trainers model is to prepare instructors to facilitate in-person workshops on Conflict Sensitivity. Selected participants will gain new skills and be exposed to fresh approaches as well as learning helpful principles of adult learning.
This enables them to present information effectively, respond to participant questions and lead activities that reinforce learning. An additional goal is to provide a harmonized approach to Conflict Sensitivity workshops for UN and civil society actors who are engaging with varied organizations and stakeholders. 64 Tailored Learning Offerings Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
Climate Adaptation, Disaster Risk Management and Climate Sensitive Programming Climate change is a significant global threat to peace and security. While no direct causal link between climate changes and conflicts exists, growing evidence suggests that climate- related risks can worsen conflict dynamics. Converging with other shocks and pressures it can threaten the stability of states and societies.
Its impacts can inhibit the search for peace by undermining human security and increasing other drivers of conflict and fragility. Risks of instability will increase if institutions and governments are unable to absorb or manage climate-related stresses. This is why it is essential that interventions for peace and security are based on comprehensive analyses of climate-related security risks and why it’s important that peace and security practitioners adopt integrated frameworks.
To support UN capacity building efforts UNSSC works with partners to articulate climate risk adaptation and disaster risk management guidelines. UNESCO Freedom of Expression and Safety of Journalists Workshops This workshop is geared towards UN personnel operating in three regions where risks to journalists are highest. Workshops will be delivered in those regions. and will be supported by counterparts and focal-points from UNESCO.
Integrated Analysis and Data Analytics in Conflicts (Integration Pathway) The aim of these courses is to advance the integration of the UN system by combining analytical methodologies, webinars, practical simulations, peer-to-peer exchanges and relevant tutored support. 65 Tailored Learning Offerings Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register.
This contributes to overcoming common behavioral barriers to integration and breaks silos by fostering an inclusive conversation on UN integration. This course is an opportunity to share best practices and practical strategies that will help participants draft compelling joint pieces of analysis and strategic plans. Through six successful editions over nearly two years, this course has contributed to shifting thinking throughout the UN system by encouraging “trilingualism” across the UN’s three pillars.
As recent UN reforms have renewed the impetus for integration, this course makes available effective techniques on how to translate policies into action that maximize our collective impact, support integrated decision making and sustain peace through analysis while making the best use of data analytics techniques.
Safe and Secure Approaches in Field Environments (SSAFE) for Surge Deployment This tailored three-day course responds to the demand from the UN system and its partners to train staff who will be deployed at short notice to volatile areas of the world and require comprehensive safety and security training.
Corporate Subscription to the Extended E-Certificate in Leadership and Management Join other UN agencies and take this opportunity to set up a corporate subscription to the Extended E-Certificate in Leadership and Management, providing all personnel in your organization with unlimited annual access to all 50+ modules included in the programme (eCLM) and more. The programme is delivered through UNSSC's Blue Line e-learning platform.
66 Tailored Learning Offerings Please visit our website www.unssc.org/courses to view our latest programmes and register. UN Sustainable Development Mastermind Group This three-month programme is an effective format for leaders addressing complex, multidimensional challenges around the pathways of sustainable development. The group is optimized by limiting its size to between six and eight leaders that meet regularly with an opportunity for rotating leadership.
Group members learn from the collective experience of global leaders from various sectors. Together with a highly experienced mastermind facilitator, participants work on self-defined executive leadership challenges related to Sustainable Development while simultaneously supporting other group members. UNSSC learning offerings can be designed into tailored learning offerings that meet the learning needs of your team or organization.