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values | english
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⌀ |
ataca | verb | to attack |
ataque | noun | attack |
atencion | noun | attention |
atende | verb | to attend |
atontao | adjective | idiot, foolish, moron, stupid |
atraca | verb | to draw or go near, to approach |
atractivo | adjective | attractive |
atras | verb | to retreat |
atras | noun | back, behind |
atrasa | verb | to be late, to be delayed |
atrasao | adjective | late, delayed |
atrevi | verb | to try |
atrevido | adjective | constantly trying |
atributo | noun | attribute |
atubang | verb | facing |
autografo | noun | autograph |
automovil | noun | car, mobile car |
autor | noun | author |
autoridad | noun | authority, power |
avance | verb | to advance |
avante | verb | to move forward or ahead |
avenida | adjective | floody |
aventura | noun | adventure |
aventurero | noun | adventurer |
aver | interjection | let’s see |
averguenza | verb | to cause shame, to put to shame or disgrace |
averguenzao | adjective | shameful, disgraceful |
avisa | verb | to report, to inform, to tell, to announce |
ay | marker | marker for future aspect |
ayer | adverb | yesterday |
ayuda | verb | to help, to assist |
ayudajan | verb | to help each other |
ayudante | noun | helpmate, helper |
ayuno | noun | fasting |
azul | adjective | blue |
ba | interjection | expressing confirmation, anger, and disgust |
babuy | noun | pig |
baca | noun | cow |
bachiller | noun | bachelor |
bachillerato | adjective | bachelor |
bagon | noun | shrimp paste |
baila | verb | to dance |
baile | noun | dance |
bajo | adjective | low |
baka | adverb | maybe, perhaps, possibly |
bala | noun | bullet |
balde | noun | pale |
bale | adjective | good, great |
bale | conjunction | so |
bale | verb | to get the salary or payment in advance |
balikutot | adjective | well positioned |
baliscat | adjective | reverse, revert, opposite, upside down |
ballena | noun | whale |
banco | noun | chair, bank |
banda | noun | band |
banda | verb | to bounce |
bandido | noun | bandit |
bangka | noun | small boat |
banko | noun | chair, bank |
barangay | noun | small district or village |
barato | adjective | cheap, inexpensive, affordable |
barbilla | noun | chin |
barco | noun | boat, ship |
barkada | noun | friend or friends |
barko | noun | boat, ship |
barreta | noun | bar |
barriga | noun | abdomen, belly, stomach |
barrio | noun | small district or village |
base | noun | base |
base | verb | to have as the foundation or to use as a point from which something is developed |
basia | verb | to pour |
basiada | noun | flow, stream |
basin | noun | toilet bowl, lavatory bowl |
basketbol | noun | basketball |
baso | noun | water glass |
basta | adverb | enough, just, as long as |
baston | noun | walking stick |
basura | noun | garbage, waste, rubbish |
bata | noun | child, kid, baby |
bata | adjective | young |
batallon | noun | battalion, large organized group |
batea | noun | basin, wash basin, dishpan |
batuta | noun | policeman’s or security guard’s stick |
bautisa | verb | to baptize |
bautisao | adjective | baptized |
bautismo | noun | baptism |
bautista | noun | baptist |
bella | noun | beauty |
belleza | noun | beauty |
bendici | verb | to bless |
bendicido | adjective | blessed |
bendicion | noun | blessing |
beneficio | noun | benefit |
besa | verb | to kiss |
beso | noun | kiss |
bicicleta | noun | bicycle |
bien | adverb | very, so, really |
biernes | noun | friday |
bijuco | noun | a thin stick |
bijuquia | verb | to hit or spank using a thin stick |