Preview Live
When enabled a preview of the live physics object will be drawn on the mesh in the viewport.
Show Linear Limits
When enabled a preview of the Linear Limits (prismatic) will be drawn on the mesh in the viewport.
Show Angular Limits
When enabled a preview of the Angular Limit ranges will be drawn on the mesh in the viewport.
Show Planer Limit
When enabled a preview of the Planer Limit information (actual plane, plane normal) will be drawn on the mesh in the viewport.
Show Spherical Limit
When enabled a preview of the Spherical Limits will be drawn on the mesh in the viewport.
Show Collision Spheres
If Planer Limits are enabled and the Collision Mode is set to Custom Sphere, Inner Sphere or Outer Sphere a preview sphere, representing the collson sphere, will be drawn on the mesh in the viewport.
Reset Simulation
Reset the simulation for this node.
Simulation Space
The space used to run the simulation. The options available for selection are as follows: Component: Simulation origin will be calculated using the location and orientation of the Skeletal Mesh component. Actor: Simulation origin will be calculated using the location and orientation of the actor containing the Skeletal Mesh component. World: Simulation origin will be calculated using the world origin. It is not recommended to use the World simulation mode with Teleporting characters. Root Relative: Simulation origin will be calculated using the location and orientation of the skeleton's root bone. Bone Relative: Simulation origin will be calculated using the location and orientation of the bone specified in the Relative Space Bone property.
Relative Space Bone
When the Simulation Space is set to Bone Relative, the simulation will use the selected bone from the character's skeleton as the origin reference.
When enabled, the node will use the solver to simulate a connected chain.
Bound Bone
Select a bone from the character's skeleton to attach the physics body to. If the Chain property is enabled, the selected bone will become the top, or first, bone of the defined chain.
Chain End
When the Chain property is enabled, the selected bone from the character's skeleton will become bottom, or end, of the defined chain. When the Chain property is disabled, this property is ignored.
Box Extents
Set the extents of the box on the X, Y, and Z, to use for physics simulation. The coordinates within the context of the Simulation Space and are in reference to the Local Joint Offset location.
Local Joint Offset
Set the position offset of the Box Extent, from the nearest joint to the Bounding Bone.
Angular Spring Constraints
Set a Spring constant to use when the Angular Spring property is enabled. Higher values mean a stronger spring. To see results, ensure the Angular Target Axis and Angular Target properties have been defined.
Use Gravity Override
When enabled the Gravity Override property values will be used instead of the Gravity Scale for simulation.
Gravity Override
Set the vector value to override the Gravity Scale when Use Gravity Override is enabled.
Gravity Override in Sim Space
When enabled, the Gravity Override is defined in simulation space. When disabled, the Gravity Override is defined in world space.
Gravity Scale
Set the scale for gravity use in the simulation. A value of 1 is a full gravity weight while values higher than 1 increase forces due to gravity.
Linear Spring
When enabled the body will attempt to spring back to its initial position using the Linear Spring Constraint property value as a scale.
Angular Spring
When enabled the body will attempt to align itself with the specified angular target using the Angular Spring Constraint property value as a scale.
Linear Spring Constraint
Set the spring constant to use when calculating linear springs. Higher values mean a stronger spring.
Num Solver Iterations Post Update
Set the number of updates passed on the Linear and Angular limits, found in the Constraint property section of the Details panel. Post Update indicates the set number of update passes occurs after the solver has the position of the bodies. It is recommended that the set value should be around a quarter of the set Number Solver Iterations Pre Update property.
Do Eval
When enabled, the node will perform bone transform evaluations. You can disabled this property to see a visualization of the default animation state, to quickly compare the physics simulation to the default animation state.
Num Solver Iterations Pre Update
Set the number of updates passed on the Linear and Angular limits, found in the Constraint property section of the Details panel. Pre Update indicates the set number of update passes occurs after the solver has the position of the bodies. It is recommended that the set value should be about four times the value of the set NumSolverIterationsPostUpdate property.