Use Spherical Limits
When enabled, spherical limits will be evaluated.
Spherical Limits
When Use Spherical Limits is enabled, you can add spherical limits to the array. After adding an element, it's properties include: Driving Bone: Bone to attach the sphere to. Sphere Local Offset: Local offset for the sphere, if no driving bone is set the is in node space, otherwise bone space. Limit Radius: Set the radius of the sphere. Limit Type: Whether to lock bodies inside (Inner) or outside (Outer) the sphere.
Use Planer Limits
When enabled, planer limits will be evaluated.
Planer Limits
When Use Planer Limits is enabled, you can add planer limits to the array. After adding an element, it's properties include:
Enable Wind
When enabled wind is factored for the bodies in this simulation.
Wind Scale
Set the scale to apply calculated wind velocities in the solver.
Driving Bone: When using a driving bone, the plane transform will be relative to the bone transform.Planer Transform: Set the transform of the plane. This is either in component space if noDriving Boneis specified, or in bone space if a driving bone is present. Set theX,Y, andZvalues for the planeslocation,rotation, andscaleproperties.
Skeletal Controls
With Skeletal Control Animation Blueprint nodes you can take direct control of a character's Skeleton asset. Skeletal Control nodes can be used within a character's Animation Blueprint, on the AnimGraph, to control an individual bone, create IK chains, and other procedural, dynamic bone-driven animations.
Skeletal Control nodes are structured similarly to other AnimBP nodes. The node can receive an animation pose through the input pin and generates a modified pose through the output pin. Most Skeletal Control nodes operate and compute transforms in the Component Space. Animation poses generated in Component Space calculate bone transforms relative to the Skeletal Mesh Component of your character as opposed to the bone's Parent Bone. Component space pose pins appear as blue in the Anim Graph.
You can convert poses from Local Space to Component space with space conversion nodes.
Space Conversion nodes have an associated cost to your project's performance. It is recommended that space conversions occur as infrequently as possible by grouping specific space reliant functions together, near the final pose node when possible.
An alpha value is also common among Skeletal Control nodes. Similar to Blend nodes the alpha value controls the degree of applied modification to the source pose, when generating the new pose.
In the case of Skeletal Control nodes, a float value between 0.0 and 1.0 is used as the alpha value to determine the weight of the applied Skeletal Transform. A value of 0.0 gives full weighting to the input pose, while a value of 1.0 gives full weighting to the control's computed Transform.
Within the Details panel of each Skeletal Control node, you can also set the LOD Threshold in which the node is considered. The value defined as the LOD Threshold will be the highest LOD level the Skeletal Control node will be used. Any higher LOD levels, (lower quality models), will ignore the Skeletal Control node.
By restricting the LOD level Skeletal Control nodes to compute bone transforms, you can reduce the performance cost of your animation system.
Here you can reference additional documentation about each of the Skeletal Control Nodes you can use in your projects.
Describes how the AnimDynamics AnimBP node can be used as a light-weight physics simulation solution that you can use to apply physics-based secondary animation to characters.
Apply a Percentage of Rotation
Describes how Apply a Percentage of Rotation drives the Rotation of a target bone with a specified percentage of the Rotation of another bone within the Skeleton.
Bone Driven Controller
Describes the Bone Driven Controller node which allows a 'Driver' bone to dynamically affect the motion of a target object.
Describes how to access and use the CCDIK Skeletal Control node to set up and control IK chains.
Copy Bone
Describes the Copy Bone node which copies the Transform data or any component of it from one bone to another.
Hand IK Retargeting
Describes the Hand IK Retargeting control which can be used to handle retargeting of IK bones.
Look At
Describes how the Look At control can be used to specify a bone to trace or follow another bone.
Modify Curve
Describes the Modify Curve node which can be used to modify animation curves with arbitrary logic inside Animation Graphs.
Observe Bone
Describes how you can debug a specified Bone with the Observe Bone node.
Describes the RigidBody node and how it can be used as a lightweight physics simulation inside Animation Blueprints.
Spline IK
Describes how the Spline IK Solver node can be used for controlling character spines or bone chains within Animation Blueprints.
Spring Controller
Describes the Spring Controller which is used to limit how far a bone can stretch from its reference pose before force is applied in the opposite direction.
Trail Controller
Describes how the Trail Controller node can be used affect a chain of bones.