Transform Bone
Describes the Transform (Modify) Bone skeletal control node which can be used to modify the transform of a specified bone.
Twist Corrective
Describes how the Twist Corrective control can be used to drive curve values based on the twist of one bone relative to another.
Two Bone IK
Skeletal Control Nodes
Describes how the Two Bone IK control can be used to apply IK to a 3-joint chain.
Animation Editors
The Skeletal Mesh Animation System in Unreal Engine is comprised of specialized animation asset editors that feature robust animation tools that you can use when working with Skeletal Meshes and other Animation Assets. With these animation editors, you can create character animations, interactions within the levels, and other procedural behaviors.
This document provides an overview of the specialized animation editors in Unreal.
A character's skeletal mesh has many associated assets that can be opened through the Content Browser. These assets include a Skeleton, Skeletal Mesh, Animation Sequences, and Animation Blueprints. Depending on which asset is opened, the corresponding Editor Mode will open.
Here you will find an overview of an Animation Editor window with highlighted features, common across all of the Animation Editor Modes.
Editor Modes
Preview Scene Settings
The Toolbar, which is found in all of the Animation Editor modes, is similar to the Toolbar found across Unreal Engine's many editors and windows. For general Toolbar functions refer to the Main Toolbar, and for specific animation editor toolbar features, reference their respective pages for more information.
The following unique features are common across all of the Animation Editors:
From this drop down menu, the following Animation Assets can be created:
The Viewport window allows you to preview playback of animation assets on your selected Skeletal Mesh and provides information about your assets. Below you will find highlighted features relevant to the Animation Editors.
Listed below are the viewport properties relevant to the Animation Sequence Editor Viewport.
Here you the Animation Editor Debug Text can also be seen in the top right of the Viewport. Here you can find important reference information about the animation asset currently being used such as the name of the animation asset, the LOD mode, Current screen Size and display output of mesh properties such as displayed triangles and vertices.
Each Animation Editor Mode, can be opened with their respective buttons in the top right of your project window:
Skeleton Editor: This editor is used for working with Skeleton Rigs and provides visual control of bone and joint hierarchy associated with a Skeletal Mesh.
Skeletal Mesh Editor: The Skeletal Mesh Editor is where you can make edits to meshes, assign Materials, adjust Level of Detail (LOD), and test Morph Target functionality.
Animation Sequence Editor: If the Skeletal Mesh has associated Animation Sequences, you can edit and preview them, including augmentation tools such as, Blendspaces, Morph Targets and Animation Notifies here.
Animation Blueprint Editor: Similar to Unreal's Blueprint Editor, The Animation Blueprint editor is a visual scripting environment for directing animation functionality and behaviors within the level. You can access this Mode after an Animation Blueprint asset has been created for your mesh.
Physics Asset Editor: The Physics Asset Editor is a dedicated animation editor you can use to manipulate the Physics Asset assigned to your Skeletal Mesh.
After opening a Skeletal Mesh asset for the first time, the Skeletal Mesh Editor will be the default Editor Mode open. By clicking any of the other Editor Modes, a new window tab will open in your current editor window.
In the Skeleton Editor Mode you will find a hierarchy outline and visual preview of the Bone data found within your Skeleton Mesh. Here you can adjust bone placement, create Skeleton Sockets, and preview Animation Curves.
Skeleton Editor
An in depth look at the Skeleton Editor mode in Unreal Engine.
The Skeletal Mesh Editor Mode is where you can edit visual attributes of Skeletal Meshes. For instance, manipulating the polygonal structures of meshes, editing the associated Materials, and even assigning LODs.
Skeletal Mesh Editor
An in depth look at the Skeletal Mesh Editor mode in Unreal Engine.
With the Animation Sequencer Editor mode, you can perform animation focused editing, specific to any of your project's animation asset types. Examples include creating and managing Animation Sequences, Animation Notifies, Animation Montages, and more.
Animation Sequence Editor
An in depth look at the Animation Sequence Editor in Unreal Engine.
The Preview Scene is the visual preview found in all of Unreal Engine's many project windows. With this window you can quickly see what your asset and animations will look like in different lighting environments and playback scenarios.
Below are a few features of the Preview Scene Settings window that are unique to the animation editors modes:
Here you have control over which animation is previewed in the viewport.
Default will use the Animation tool's default settings. In most cases, this will cause the character to use the reference pose, except when an animation sequence is being viewed.
Reference Pose will use the Skeletal Mesh's Reference Pose.