Word: Lelymarr Definition: A goddess like person. One that is just but jolly as well. Loves to art, specially in music. Craves cheesecake once a month and loves to dance naked in the rain. Example: She is such a lelymarr. My lelymarr friend is one of a kind
Word: Windows 7 Definition: In retrospect, one of the greatest operating systems ever created. It was simple, it was modern, and it performed flawlessly (unlike Win 10 which is constantly riddled with bugs). It is ironic how Windows 10 adopted a more minimal user interface design, yet it is twice as more convoluted to use than Windows 7. Using Windows 7 feels like freedom. Using Windows 10 feels like oppression. Example: Man I miss Windows 7. Although I like the design and function of Windows 10 (and 11), I really do miss the old Aero UI with the glass-paneled taskbar and such. I also miss those Win 7 themes that had those UI sound effects that change with it. And overall everything in Win 7 just felt so much simpler and way less intrusive. It felt like it was your home. (P.S. are their seriously no GIFs of Windows 7??)
Word: imposter syndrome Definition: when you are the imposter in among us and you are being sussy so the crewmates call an emergency meeting and say that you are sussy and you say that you arent sussy even though you are very sussy like the imposter from among us Example: crewmate: yo the imposter is being sussy imposter: no im not being sussy please crewmate: yes you are so sussy you literally have imposter syndrome like the imposter from among us imposter: no
Word: frockaholic Definition: An addiction to clothes or shopping. Example: Did you see what Erin bought over the weekend in Palm Springs? Girl's a total frockaholic. My boyfriend Cade has so many clothes he doesn't even know where everything is--he's got frockaholism something fierce.
Word: halfsesh Definition: One who is unable to keep up the pace. Interchangeable with 'Getting your bag' Origins: A half sesh known as Paul Griffiths. Example: Wake up and finish your drink you halfsesh
Word: Save Definition: Used as a reference to when a wingman comes through and helps out his friend in a dire situation. Example: Fuck man, the maid of honor kept cock blocking my boy Tony and he couldn't even get near the Bachelorette, until his wingman Shawn came through and hopped on that grenade. What a save. Also see: blown save
Word: 4 s's Definition: a quick way of explaining what you need to do before you are ready to go out. The s's stand for: Shit, Shower, Spunk, Shave Example: Wife: Are you ready to go for a meal? Man: No, just need to have the 4 s's Wife: Well just don't fill the bowl again
Word: antipop Definition: Yet being a "punk" or "freak" is in itself part of pop culture, and without pop culture your ability to be a so called "freak" would not exist. You dumb peice of shit. Example: Being antipop is like being anti-oxygen. I hate it because everyone else is breathing it too. Yet I need it to live.
Word: nucular Definition: something our dumbass president says because he's such a republican that he cannot possibly pronounce the word "nuclear" Example: "We are under the assumption that North Korea has nucular bombs."
Word: Danny Rinaldi Definition: Danny Rinaldi is an italian man Danny has a kinky weird fascination with small school aged children and animals Example: Danny Rinaldi thinks beastiality isn’t that bad
Word: Hellion Hero Definition: The YouTuber belonging in the upper echelon of YouTube pooping business known famously for pooping Dr. Phil, Alex Jones, etc. A very skilled sentence mixer who can make anyone say outrageous things through the magic of editing. Untouchable YTP GOD with no rivals. Flyingkitty and cs188 have got nothing on Hellion. Hellion doesn't upload too often! Example: Hellion Hero isn't the hero we need but one we deserve
Word: Yeran Definition: Verb; slang term given when a person(s) within a circle of friends exceeds the expectations of said person(s) or circle. Also occasionally used to describe a person(s) that expresses common Bro ettique on a regular basis. Example: Billy yeran'ed when he climbed the Statue of Liberty with nothing more than an orange, a funnel and a guinea pig. Jacobs yeran's whenever he enters a room, fist-bumping and greeting with "Sup Fool!"'s to every person he passes
Word: spamollow Definition: The act of following or friending a random person on a social media site (e.g. Twitter) with the sole purpose of promoting a business or cause. Spam + follow = spamollow Example: Melanie, a self-described bisexual, latex loving porn star, could not figure out why @WeLoveJesus started following her on Twitter. She hates when people spamollow her, so she blocked them.
Word: h$ Definition: Often used in the german gaming-scene. (mostly by kiddies) The only meaning is "son of a bitch". Example: (18:01:04) (@mK) h$ (18:01:04) (@Marshall) h$ (18:01:22) (@foolZ`sec) h$ (18:01:34) (@eko) h$ (18:01:35) (@ferret\-_-) h$
Word: moanikeala Definition: THE BADDEST BITCHHH EVAAAAAH ! Example: “why you ever seen that chick Moanikeala? She fckn bad”
Word: brandon montoya Definition: Sexiest man alive his hair is perfect and all the girls love him Example: Brandon Montoya is so sexy all day every day
Word: Cags Definition: The name given to a set of testicles Example: Do that again and you'll get a boot in the cags, ya fuckhead
Word: Lethal serious Definition: If something is so lethal or so serious the one word just doesnt cut it. It's like when you take 40 chats and are off your face and your on some buzz. Example: These chats are lethal serious
Word: Sarah Definition: She is the epitome of beauty. Her smile is like no other, melts my heart every time. Every time i see her she can't help but shine. So smart and so sweet and undoubtedly loyal. Her personality and passion for life are so evident; she lights up every room. Her love for her family and Christ are always unmatched. Though she wears all black she has a heart of gold. Met countless others before you but no one else compares. A perfect 10, you've had me since day one. I could give you the world and still you deserve more. Hope you know how special you are. My only dream come true is to make you all mine!!! Example: To my everything- Sarah
Word: Kylie Definition: A cute girl. Statistically, usually a larger build. Very loud. Likes to be the center of attention and what people are talking about. Very emotional. Usually has to chase boys, because they run. Kylie’s usually have pretty teeth. Example: “kylie is okay, I guess”
Word: Jorny Definition: Noun. The marriage of "job" and "horny." The excitement one feels at the prospect of doing well at one's job; or the overwhelming feeling of contentment that comes with performing a duty extremely well. Example: She was jorny as hell at the prospect of stealing the new, multi-million dollar account out from under her douchebag coworker. Or, Bud Fox receiving Gordon Gekko's phone call in the opening scenes of "Wall Street." Bud Fox: "Whoooo hoo! I just bagged the elephant."
Word: Dope Pheen Definition: To get high off drugs everyday more typically "GOOD WEED" Example: I smoke dope everyday, I guess that makes me a dope pheen.
Word: Ayman Definition: A small guy who has other small parts (you know what we're talking about) who is still nice enough 6/10 would still smash Example: "Did you find a guy last night?" "Nah only an Ayman" "awww too bad"
Word: double dutch clutch Definition: when two males jerk off on eachothers Example: i jerked off on jhons dick while at the sam time he jerked off at mine making this a double dutch clutch
Word: Susanne Definition: A Susanne is one of the most awesome girls you'll ever meet! She is usually brunette and is really into good music. She dresses well and is skinny and gorgeous. All the guys are jealous of Susanne's boyfriend and her boyfriend couldn't be happier! She can be violent but only in a funny way. Overall Susanne are awesome and rare. So if you find one hold onto her and never let her go :D Example: Example 1: Guy: damnnn gir Guy 2: Dude that's Susanne Guy: how you know? Guy 2: I can just tell man... Example 2: Guy: damnnn gir Guy's Girlfriend: *SLAP*.... oh wait i know what you're talkin about... after all, that is a Susanne!
Word: Vegan Definition: Someone who has the option to be nutritiously fed by non meat, non dairy etc products (due to the large options of various vegetables avaliable in supermarket), but now feels somehow righteous in proclaiming that this is a more humane option that eating meat due to a prevaling ignorance of human evolutionary history. For our ancestors, eating meat was not so much as a choice as a necessity - hence large amounts of energy spent on 'hunting' rather that the hardly sustainable 'gathering' of amounts of semi-nutritious vegetables etc of many pre-agricultural societies. It was almost impossible to eat enough veggies to survive. Extended hunting was not wasted energy, and undoubtably because of this, your ancestors were not vegan, as they would not survive long on the limited benefits of this diet (i.e. not long enough to reproduce...). Thus, vegans should never criticise their meat eating relatives, as, without these people, the 'option' of veganism would not exist, as no human would be around to have this choice. Of course you can still be vegan, but this is because of a history of eating meat and not as a workable substitute to it. Example: Vegan: The exploitation of animals for food is anachronistic, and veganism is clearly healthier, kinder, a better way of life etc. More 'objective' thinker: Yeah, you can be vegan - but get some historical perspective! Veganism is only really a choice in contemporary societies. Ok i'm conscious and can reflect upon my decisions, but more so i am an animal, and don't just eat meant for irrational reasons - it offers long term benefits! Like still being around today...
Word: Claudia Definition: Lowest definition of a woman, is a home wrecker, relation-breaking bitch. Likes to use gay as a slur word while maintaining that she's supporting the LGBT community and working with them. Doesn't like to work. Sleeps around. Doesn't pay the bills. Doesn't pay the rent. Alcoholic, rarely takes showers. She likes to say she's pro animal freedom while keeping a cat and a dog captive and is too lazy to take the dog out for a piss. Major bitch. Example: 1. Man, Sandy was such a sweet girl when Chris first met her. Now she's full-on Claudia. 2. Hey, you're parents are getting divorced? Yeah, my dad met some bimbo and she pulled a Claudia on him.
Word: 5 star shit Definition: When you rate your shits on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest honor. A shit to be proud of, especially if you fill the bowl and clog it too! Example: Oh man, I just took the nastiest 5 star shit! A total bowl filler and it clogged the toilet! I had to plunge it and flush it 10 times until it all went down!
Word: bromosexuality Definition: Hetero, male sexuality between friends. Example: Hey man, that slap was a little too far up my thigh for simple bromosexuality, bro.
Word: Riley French Definition: Riley French is a kid that was a great friend and great person up until highschool. There he became an extreme mega-douche, equivalent to godzilla to the japanese. He is always changing friends because either he eventually thinks he's too good for them or they realise what he is really like. He always leaves you hanging, never sticks to his word, and is virtually a completely fake friend. He somehow has this magical power to wooo women ...until they get to know him. He also is an extreme alcoholic. Example: Riley french pisses me off.
Word: Smurf Definition: (verb) To hold someones head in a mop bucket til the bubbles stop then text 911 for help! *(past tense) smurfed Example: He ready get smurfed if he keep playing with me! I am seriously about to smurf that trick!
Word: Dirty Bailey Definition: A hard beverage made with Coffee, Alcohol, and drunk sex cum. Example: Bartender I’ll have take Dirty Bailey today!
Word: britney spears Definition: The only celebrity that doesn't give a fuck what any one thinks - Someone who can evoke the strongest emotions from the most useless people - (yeah you). Your dominatrix style worship aka "hatred" is proof that you just love Britney <3 It's Britney , bitches... Example: Britney Spears is 'you' - only more interesting.
Word: Longiflorum Definition: When you have a friend named "Lily" but they annoy you, so you call them by the scientific definition of Easter Lily , which just so happens to be "Lilium Longiflorum". Example: Lily: Hah ur a furry Max: Stfu longiflorum Lily: ;(
Word: Nu nu bone Definition: The area of your pelvis near the crotch region that hurts after a long bicycle or horse ride. Pronounced: new new bone Example: Oh man, that bike ride really did a number on my nu nu bone.
Word: Meat Seeking Pissile Definition: A mans penis Example: I had such a rage on that it was like a meat seeking pissile
Word: Inflamed Galbladder Definition: "Inflamed Galbladder" Common cause's included eating male ass, drinking camel piss, infected tattoos, crashing ford rangers, poor photography and below average sales skills. Fixe's commonly included removal and further below average work performance. Example: Fuck Jase ate some ass! now he has an Inflamed Galbladder!
Word: Tinger Definition: The Act of penatrating the Virgina with your toes. (preferably your Big Toe) Example: Nelson- Son, did you hear that Justin tingered some asian chick at the party ... Mike- Kool-hwip Traver- Meow
Word: Jobsgobbler Definition: A person that will gobble up anything Steve Jobs & Apple puts out. Example: Even though the iPad is just an Ipod Touch XXL that still can't do more than one app at a time, it'll still be bought by the Jobsgobblers and worshiped like the second coming.
Word: thrack Definition: thrack (thra'k) vt. to perform a task in a violent, rapid, and non-virtuoso manner, esp in games of skill. v. to behave generally in this manner. (Contraction of thrash and whack) Example: Danny won the game of foosball but it was a thrackfest
Word: Other side of the fence Definition: To become under the influence of a narcotic, usually a hallucinogen. Example: Tyler ate some shrooms and is now on the other side of the fence.
Word: poopy perpendicular Definition: An act of anal sex in which the penis is never actually inserted into the rectum, but rather the man fucks the woman's butt cheeks in a manner reminiscent of titty fucking. Example: My girl's got some small titties, so I pulled a poopy perpendicular on her last night!
Word: Mothafucka Definition: An alternate way of saying mother fucker. Usually used to address a person, so it is a noun. 1. Literally just someone who fucks a mom 2. A generally unlikeable person Slang Example: Get that mothafucka out my house before I slap him around like a ping pong ball! Look at that little mothafucka texting and driving
Word: Slop'o'bottom'us Definition: A gay male who is penetrated during anal sex, while his anus is extremely dirty and un-douched! Example: Matt is such a Slop'o'bottom'us, hes got diarrhea and still takes dick all night long!
Word: dick juice Definition: any kind of liquid from ur dick. piss semen u name it sport Example: i gotta piss. im gonna go unload some dick juice behind this dumpster tell dick juice to give chelsey more hours at work before i skull drag his wife
Word: brine the bird Definition: delivering a particularly appropriate or skillful finger-extending gesture Example: After an idiot driver stopped short in front of him, Scott used one hand to steer the car into the other lane and the other to brine the bird at the other driver.
Word: symarah Definition: An amazing girl who has a very beautiful name. is confident and has just the right amount of friends. Symarah can be bad ass when she means too and she is very unique, and I mean VERY. Symarah can be also spelt Samara but that is not the Symarah way! Example: Symarah is adorable Symarah is beautiful Symarah is gourgous
Word: stoad Definition: A lady with children running behind her like a herd elephants. Example: Look at that lady with the kids chasing her, she's such a stoad.
Word: brigading Definition: A concentrated effort by one online group to manipulate another. (e.g. by mass commenting) Example: Reddit has five rules. "No brigading" is rule #2.
Word: Lexi Gallaher Definition: she's not as bad as everyone thinks. she had some things happen to when she was younger. and she doesn't have a very good role model. sure, she's fucked up but who hasn't. people judge her. everyday she wakes up with a hundred different haters who don't know a damn thing about her. try to look her in the eyes in and feel her pain, ask her how it feels to be left in the rain. each and everyday theirs people old and new judging her. she feels alone, like no ones there for her. give her a break. Example: Lexi Gallaher really isn't as bad as everyone thinks.
Word: daggu Definition: the word that comes up when typing in faggot in a text message with T9 Example: me: you are such a daggu chris: whats that? me: don't fight it
Word: Poo 'ho Definition: Usually a woman who will poop her pantie for a man when paid an agreed upon amount of money. This gives some men a sexual arousal. Being a poo 'ho or poo fetish 'ho can be financially lucrative for the woman, primarily because it is a rather specialized form of prostitution. Example: I had Heather over last night. She's that poo 'ho a guy at work told me about. She looked fine! Short black skirt, white panty hose and black high heels. She lifted her dress, and did a huge load into her panty hose. I got so hot I came all over myself. Before she left she gave me a blow!
Word: Oreo Definition: Cute kat Example: Oreo is the cutest kat ever
Word: Black Definition: The exact opposite of white. It is caused by the absorption of all incident light. Some things look darker than others because they absorb more light. The only element to ever do that is Nga (Niggatronium), an element consisting of 500 N (neutrons) and 1 Z (proton) making it among the heaviest element of all time besides U (uranium) which has 92 protons and 92 electrons and is radioactive. Our pigmentation contains Nga and some people have it more than others. Though black holes look black as they pull light with their extreme gravity. Example: Person 1: White isn’t a color. Person 2: Neither is black. Person 1: Well white looks bright because it reflects all light. Person 2: And black looks dark because it absorbs all light.
Word: Pioneers Academy Definition: A shithole Example: Is that a brothel? No it’s the Pioneers Academy
Word: Finazz Definition: A greeting, as in "Hey" A term denoting friendship Example: Finazz, are you gonna come to the club with us tonight?
Word: emoji Definition: a way to show in text that you want to have sex if someone send you this they want to fuck :😫🍆🍑💧 Example: Jameson: gets a message Girl : sends emoji 😫 Jameson : texts back Fuck me you bitch
Word: Tallica Definition: Used to refer to "post Black album" Metallica, where many believe they lost their "Metal" edge. Example: Dude, Tallica totally sucked last night! I want METALLICA back!
Word: Rhino Slap Definition: A Rhino slap is a very powerful slap, the way to perform a Rhino slap is quite easy, simply pick up a wellington boot or any old hiking boot and while your friend is asleep, do a run up from across the room and slam it extremely hard into his/her temple or eye area, this should wake him/her up, and while they are screaming and confused, looking around, swing the boot extremely hard in their mouth area, then run out of the room. Example: Alfred: "Daniel did you see me slam my boot into Ned's face while he was asleep yesterday!?" Daniel: "Hahaha yeah man, Jorge recorded it you completely knocked him the fuck out.' Cassandra: "I thought I heard a sound last night, I thought it was a gun shot! Nice Rhino Slap Alfred!!!"
Word: secsi Definition: the 1337 version of "sexy" Example: Damn bitch j00 fuckin secsi.
Word: Love Definition: There's two kinds of love; One is the kind where you love your family and friends. The other kind of love is; When you have a deep feeling for someone, compassion, almost like an obsession... Some people might think they love someone but they really just care for them, feel sorry for them, or simply have a crush. You really don't know what love is until you're mature enough to understand the meaning of it. Example: What's the point of loving someone if you don't tell them you love them?
Word: Butterfly cheese Definition: It's the best tasting cheese in the world, it's taken from the butterfly while coming it's out of the cocoon. Then it's mixed with a little milk and salt. Then let it sit in a tight packaging for 1-4 weeks. Enjoy :) Example: My mom made the best butterfly cheese yesterday!
Word: Marco Definition: Only half the man he used to be. AKA Freckled Jesus Example: A titan got to him and now he's a Marco.
Word: biznass Definition: one's personal affairs Example: Ya'll be mackin' up in my biznass.
Word: a social Definition: when you pop outside with a few friends for a fag or two Example: "Right lads, anyone for a social?"
Word: Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow Definition: Most people will usually tell you that he is the current President of Turkmenistan, but what they don’t know is that with the help of his grandson he is one of the top 10 rappers in the world that Eminem is afraid to diss. Example: Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow is one of the most influential pioneers in Turkmen rap. Eminem has nothing on him.
Word: Dirty Tommy Definition: When a person of the male gender whips it out without permission and expects sexual acts in return. This can be done either with or without the proverbial wink and nod, although the wink and the nod has been proven to work more effectively in the males favor. Example: When Dirty Tommy drove me home, he just whipped it out and just expected me to go to town, but when Kevin whipped it out and gave me a wink and a nod, I gave him the best he's ever had.
Word: Winning the fridge Definition: Winning the fridge is synonymous with success in general. It is particularly applicable if free food is somehow involved Example: Tonight we're winning the fridge and eating for free
Word: Friar Definition: A cute man Example: Friar
Word: Bubblegum Rosy Definition: A reference to pink things found on tumblr and instagram. Over used mostly when posting photos of Starbucks and dip-dyed hair. If repeated many times it can be EXTREMELY irritating. Example: "oh that shirt is so bubblegum rosy!" "thanks jay!" "yeah I'll get a bubblegum rosy frapp." "ooo better instagram that shit."
Word: bowl Definition: aMoodieFork , an amazing friend <3 Example: You are a bowl.
Word: Fermata Definition: Definition 1: Watch the conductor. Definition 2: Seriously, watch the conductor. Definition 3: Please, for the sake of good old grandmother Margie who's had 5 heart attacks and 7 strokes yet still pushing through to the ripe old age of 972, watch the gosh darn director. Example: The music sheet showed the Fermata symbol, so I watched the conductor to see when I should stop!
Word: Nessy Definition: A friend that never comes out to social events. Because they are either a homebody or are pussy whipped. Example: Dude 1: "Where's Luke Williams?" Dude 2: "Don't know, cunts such a Nessy."
Word: Estela Definition: Estela is the kindest girl you’ll ever meet, she’ll always be there for you and always make you smile, She loves reading and is very smart. she’s very pretty and can make friends very easily. She’s a literal angel, she’s the funniest and prettiest girl you’ll ever meet, she’s always smiling no matter what, she gives the best advice and is always happy to talk about anything! Example: I meet Estela in a really low point of my life , now i’m the happiest i’ve ever been!
Word: Sn Definition: "Send nudes" usually never works Example: Hey babe sn
Word: sister zoned Definition: When a guy/ girl you like says "you are like my sister" or "you are like the little sister I've never had" or "I love you like a sis" It is worse than being friend zoned, it's all the way past friends to family. You probably have a 2% chance of getting out of the sister zone and having a relationship with that person. Example: I thought we were on a date, but he sister zoned me twice. I guess we were just hanging out.
Word: Dread-over Definition: A hairstyle which arranges dreadlocks in such a fashion that they conceal a receeding hairline, or baldness, usually accomplished by sweeping the locs from one side of head to the other (much like a comb-over). Where comb-overs are often held in place by applying copious amounts of hairspray, mousse and other hair products, dread-overs are generally held in place by using bandannas, dewrags, headbands and other devices that hold hair in place. Example: Did you see that rasta's dread-over?
Word: Insomnisketch Definition: A drawing or illustration done by one who is suffering from Insomnia and is bored to death. The pen finds its way into the person's hand and the next thing they know there is a work of art in front of them. Oft times these sketches are tossable garbage, but every now and then one is a real gem. Example: "Dude, I didn't know you could draw!" "Me either, it was an insomnisketch."
Word: Dragon Eyes Definition: When a girl is going down on on a man while he's brushing his teeth, and after he cums in her mouth, he spit mouth wash in her eyes. Example: I woke in the middle of the night by high-pitched screams after my friend gave his girlfriend a pair of dragon eyes.
Word: titzorz Definition: tit with zorz, increasing the effect Example: ZOMG!! Look at those titzorz!
Word: Higginbotham Definition: To drive a girl to her house, nut in her mouth, and kick her out of your car, twice. Example: Did you hear that Luke higginbothamed her?
Word: yay Definition: coke Example: If you snort all my yay I'll have to kill you!
Word: 𓀐𓂸 Definition: Why did you Search this Up you fucking Perv Example: Dave: Last night Me an my Homie 𓀐𓂸 Jacob:Ohh Damn can i join next time like 𓀐𓂸𓂸 Caleb:What you gay ass bitches Talking about
Word: geah😍 Definition: LEAH+GEORGE 4LIFEEE 😍🥰😘 Example: GEAH😍 IS MY FAV SHIP
Word: Jordan Definition: Jordan is a self centered person who thinks they are better than everyone. Jordan is mostly a black male or sometimes female Example: Jordan thinks he/she is better than everyone
Word: Polly Definition: A young girl who loves to be silly. Has a funny, sweet, kind, and quirky personality. Loves to read about positive female role models. Example: Wow, Polly is so funny!
Word: flomo Definition: It is a mix between a flamer and a homo Example: my friend matt repo is a flomo because he likes a guy dog named kaitlyn
Word: Social Smoker Definition: someone who smokes infront of groups of people and/or posts pictures of their cigarettes on social media such as snapchat/Instagram stories. Only smoke so people KNOW that they smoke. Only smoke for attention. Example: Jordan: here comes Ciara with her fake fags Ashley: did you see her stories last night? Pictures of here fags every other snap Jordan: she’s such a social smoker,it does my head in Ciara *lights up cigarette(fag) and puffs a drag without taking it down* Ashley: and she doesn’t take it down, socialsmokers like that proper piss me off
Word: Titty Tuesday Definition: Titty Tuesday occurs every tuesday. During the 24 hour time period, women are allowed to show their boobs without being criticized. The weekly holiday has its roots in Twitter, is now celebrated in all forms of social media, & even via text message. Example: Good Morning! Happy Titty Tuesday. *The woman would then reply with a photo of her boobs (if she likes you)*
Word: Teenagerishy Definition: Stereotypical teenage mindsets, behavior and stigma. Like when everything goes from being simple to just so complex because of teenager stuff. Example: Valentine’s Day was so simple, but now it’s so teenagerishy, idk what’s going on it’s so confusing. ‘Bro, what happened between you two’ ‘Idk, ig it kinda got a bit teenagerishy’
Word: Waffles n Beans Definition: When Something Is Good, Top Quality Example: "Das Waffles n Beans Blud!"
Word: trauncil Definition: trauncil is an acronym for trauma and toxic shame, rejection, abuse, unloving and insensitive comments, neglect, chaos and conflict, indulgence, and loss. Example: Dude, you must've had a lot of trauncil when you were a kid. You got all angry just because that guy said you were short.
Word: Sob Job Definition: The act of receiving a blowjob while the person sucking thy dick is crying. Example: We were fighting all night and in an attempt to make it better, she gave me a sob job.
Word: dumb Definition: NOT the same as stupid. Dumb is ignorant. Someone who is stupid cannot help it and is therefore worthy of a minimal amount of pity, but someone who is dumb is simply ignorant, knowing fully well the consequences for their actions and yet still taking them, usually as a means to be "cool" or "hip." Example: I don't know what makes you so dumb but it really works.
Word: isayla Definition: A beautiful person inside and out. So sweet, kind, whole hearted. Puts others before themselves. Rare. Example: You are so isayla.
Word: ram no wantin Definition: To not want something, someone or somewhere. derived from 'am not wanting' (Scottish source) Example: chris: 'd'ya want a pack o crisps you' glen: 'ram no wantin yer stinky crisps' glen: 'see that bird she needs to get her hole out' chris: 'ram no wantin her smelly hole' chris: 'lets go to the pub eh' glen: 'ram no wantin yer horrible stinky smelly pub'
Word: emo Definition: to put it simply faggots who cut themselves for attention cause they have no real friends besides thier moms sometimes not even that. Example: emo: my life is like so painful i just want to die some guy: ill gladly grant that wish
Word: WUL Definition: WUL n. Watched User List, a list of users on a message board one user respects, normally found in the profile. WUL n. A spot on the Watched User List, usually traded as currency, or exhanged for sexual favors. WUL v. The act of giving someone a WUL, as in placing them on your WUL. People often WUL other people for cool things they did. Example: n (1) Opher's WUL list is all moderators, he's such a whore n (2) I'll give out a WUL for a link to... v ROFFLES I'm gonna WUL you for that
Word: BYOB Definition: Bring your own blunt. Example: "Hey man, what's going on tonight?" "Be at my place by 10pm. BYOB" "BYOB? What's that mean?" "There's a party motherfucker, bring your own blunt. God damn"
Word: Slim Chicken Definition: When you see that baddie come thru and you want her attention. Example: *girl walks in* Me: "WADDUP SLIM CHICKEN HOW YOU DOIN"