stringlengths 35
Word: victoria and skyler
Definition: When a Skyler and a Victoria meet they cuddle and watch Netflix for hours whilst thinking of each other
Example: Look at them yet spend as much time together as a victoria and skyler
Word: Vas te faire foutre
Definition: A common greeting in France
Example: Guy 1: Bonjour !
Guy 2: Vas te faire foutre !
Word: rawr
Definition: An ancient emotional expression of love likely from Jurassic origin that somehow survived till emos brought it back to life 🖤 Rawr is a mixed emotion that can be shared by how it’s said...
Example: happy emo: I rawr you very much! ❤️
sad emo: I’m sad but I rawr you 💙
angry (or hungry) emo: RAWR!!! or I’m gonna get (eat) you!! 💔
silly emo: starts saying rawr repeatedly in song with a silly accent like the Jurassic World theme: rawr Rawr raawr raarrrr, Rawr Rawr raawr raarrrr, rawr rawr rawr, raawr raawr raarrrrr 💚
Word: molecule brain
Definition: When you've made a mistake that's so easy to not make it, but you still do it, like misspelling brain to brian.
Also is used by peers / friends through gaming sessions when you've doone something stupid.
Example: You have such a molecule brain!
Fuck, I feel like i got a molecule brain.
Word: Mrs O
Definition: Normally their profession consists of teaching, preferably Spanish. She is loving, caring, and gullible. When catching her students cheating she feels very accomplished, even though the rest of her class is cheating as well and has been for the whole year. we love hearing about her personal life, especially her cream puff son, and her other son who was raised right. The students writing this are her favorites although she may deny it, to protect her least favorite student's feelings. We love Mrs O, and plan on visiting her every period of every day, unless we are blessed to have her again.
Example: Mrs O didn't see me cheating bro!
Word: Nietzsche
Definition: The true god of humanity. He has given us the greatest theory of all. God Is Dead.
Example: Hail Nietzsche, our messiah
Word: Climacophilia
Definition: Arousal by falling down stairs.
Example: "I have Climacophilia - I am aroused by falling down the stairs."
"Falling down the stairs at work turns me on so much - I do it every day."
Word: Jalapeno Bottle Cap
Definition: When you cut the top of a jalapeno pepper off, place it on the head of a guy's penis, smack it down and rub it in until it burns.
Example: To get back at Jack for being an asshole, Jill blinded folded him like she was being kinky and instead performed a jalapeno bottle cap on his bitch ass.
Word: ayslinn
Definition: She is a person who fangirls alot. The most kindest person you will meet. She may act strong and hard but she soft and loveable.
Example: “Hey look is that ayslinn?”
“Yes, she fangirls alot”
Word: Ramdev (verb)
Definition: Tricking someone into an astonishingly bad deal that demonstrates a complete lack of morality.
Example: Example 1. Ramdev (verb) - I thought I was donating to a great cause only to find out that I was totally Ramdeved.
Example 2 - When Donald signed the settlement, he did not expect to be Ramdeved by his own lawyer.
Example 3 - Sarah will Ramdev you if you aren't paying attention
Example 4 - While vipul was busy yuvrajing himself to terrible deals, he didn’t expect to get ramdeved by vivek during the 2018 world cup
Word: Sneizure
Definition: Often confused with a seizure or panic attack, a sneizure is a series of short sneezes that occur one after the other, somewhat resembling a seizure. Once eight sneezes have occured sequentially, it is said to be the equivalent of an orgasm.
Example: Yeah, I just had a sneizure.
Word: Dirt rock
Definition: Music that is listened to by the group of white trash that mingle outside The Autozone. This term incompasses many genre's to include psuedometal, southern rock jams, and speed metal.
Dirt rocker
Example: Carl was tweeking his tranny so his dirt rock jam of choice was "What's that smell?" by Lynard Skynard.
Word: I3luest
Definition: cool dude that can flex on everyone with the almighty role of The One Who Stands Above All and the first to wield the power of ? Stand User. Pretty cool guy if u ask me.
Example: "You know that I3luest guy? I heard he has a unique role for himself! Holy shit thats cool.... bro... "
Word: dirty cracker bubble fest
Definition: Where a bunch of white people go to party it up. Usually a HOMECOMING. Or an event at the Olive Garden or a friend's house. An all-around good time. For crackers.
Example: Boy: Hey Maddie?
G: Yeah?
B: Are you going to attend the Dirty cracker bubble fest on October the 20th?
G: Yes: It should be an exceptional time.
B: Quite
Word: Bronco'd
Definition: After engaging in sexual intercourse with a woman, you cuddle with her. While cuddling, you urinate all over her and the bed. Then, upon waking up, proceed to have sex on the pee stained mess.
Example: Yesterday in the ATO house, I totally Bronco'd this chick in your bed. Have fun with the sheets, bro.
Word: heater
Definition: Noun-- A hot woman who dresses too young for her age.
Example: Did you see how short Joe's mother's skirt was? It looked good, but she's a heater!
Word: V1nce
Definition: An absolute giga-chad with the balls the size of trumps Mexico walls. Mostly know for making all png-tubers shit there pants and beg for there dad to come back and defend them. V1nce is also known for being that guy. The true definition of giga-chad is V1nce. What are you doing? Sub to V1nce Cuh. He is that guy and you will be to if you sub.
Example: Friend-1: Hey you wanna watch some V1nce Cuh?
Friend-2: Yeah sure!
Friend-3: No sorry I don’t like him he don’t like furry’s and png-tuber’s.
“Friend-3 was never spoke of nor seen again by the world.
Word: Schiz0phr.n1a
Definition: Schiz0phr.n1a is an talented tiktok editor. They mostly edit Animes but stated that they're also opened for editing celebrities ,with the "Euph.ria-Style"
Example: Schiz0phr.n1a is an talented tiktok editor. They mostly edit Animes but stated that they're also opened for editing celebrities ,with the "Euph.ria-Style"
Girlfriend: "Hey Have u seen Schiz0phrenia's newest edit, it's amazing :D"
Boyfriend : "No the fuck b1tch shut up and suck my d"
Word: putting 4 fingers up
Definition: you fuck a great amount of bitches on a daily
Example: yo brian is putting 4 fingers up!
yo he must be having alot of bitches
Word: VR Neck
Definition: The neck pain after playing games with a virtual reality headset (Oculus RIft).
Example: I have a really bad VR neck. Guess it is already too much of Alien Isolation.
Word: squeep
Definition: To fire someone from their job for no valid reason.
Example: Right out of the blue, my boss called me into his office, and squeeped me. I will sue.
Word: Steam Drama
Definition: When a person, generally somebody on your Steam friends list but not limited to it, takes to the activity feed and has a complete mental meltdown by posting bat-shit crazy nonsense that sees them ranting and raving and frothing at the mouth like a complete lunatic. As the nucleus of this toxic person starts to implode they will try to bring other well-meaning Steam friends into the implosion. Steam Drama often results in said crazy person being removed and blocked on most people's friends lists who happen to share the person causing all the drama.
Example: Ceph totally lost his shit last night on Steam and posted the most toxic bs ever thereby causing the Steam drama to end all Steam drama. I advise you stay away from this poisonous queen.
Word: Naheed
Definition: Adjective. Describing an Incredibly Sexy young man who is both romantic but sexy, smart but funny. Well rounded and appeals to all audiences.
Example: His naheedly sense of taste made him extremely successful.
Word: marah
Definition: persons who namely like are usually bitter, manipulative, excessively jealous of her friends.
and especially a FUCKING FAKE!
Word: Phoenix Suns
Definition: The best team in the NBA with players like Steve Nash (the MVP), Amarie Stoudimire, Shawn Marion. Some rising stars on the team includes Brian Diaw and Raja Bell.
Example: The Phoenix Suns just crushed the Spurs again.
Word: Genevie
Definition: Someone who is very pretty but has a low self esteem someone who care about others way to much then they should also someone who wants the best for someone no matter how many times that person did something wrong to them.
Example: She is so nice she must be a Genevie
Word: Shit
Definition: 1. Noun. Excrement; feces; the byproduct of having an ass and eating.
Antonyms: Piss, Pee, Numero Uno.
Synonyms: Crap, Dung, Scat, Numero Dos
2. Noun. Care, usually used in conjunction with "I don't give a..."
Antonyms: (I dunno shit about the Antonyms in this regard; XD)
Synonyms: Fuck, Crap.
3. Noun. Anything; something; usually relating to knowledge.
Antonyms: (see #2)
Synonyms: Something, information, jack
4. Noun. Bad things, or sometimes just things in general.
Antonyms: Awesomeness
Synonyms: Fuck ("Mexicans still get shit for the fuck at Alamo," Bright) Crap, Bad Stuff.
5. Noun. Vulgar insult
Antonyms: Saint
Synonyms: Fucker, Cunt, Bitch,
6.Verb. The act of relieving oneself; using the good ol' porcelain throne.
Antonyms: (see two)
Synonyms: Crap
7.Adj. Though better suited for shitty: a form of shit, shit can and is used as an adjective meaning the same thing as shitty; bad, horrid, crummy.
Antonyms: Perfect, Impeccable.
Synonyms: Shitty, Crappy, Pain in the ass
8. Interjection.Used to express pain, worriedness, or any other form of distress.
Antonyms: (See two)
Synonyms: Fuck, Motherfucker, (insert assorted swears here)
Example: 1. "Why do I see shit? Is flushing such an alien concept?"
2. Nerd: "The square root of--"
Guy sitting next to Nerd: "Shut the fuck up, man; I don't give a shit.
3. *cops interrogating drug dealer*
Cop: "Where the fuck is the crack?!"
4. Complainer: "I just lost my job, my house, and my marriage."
Friend: "Shit happens, man.
6. Guy: "Where were you, man?"
Dude: "Takin' a shit down the hall."
7. *Asshole walks in an hour late*
Jackass: "Shit timing, Asshole."
8. *realizes the test's tomorrow morning at 10 PM*
Word: Work at a Pizza Place
Definition: The Grand Theft Auto V of Roblox.
Created by Roblox user dued1 in March of 2008, this game is exactly what it sounds like; and it has withstood the test of time quite well despite its simplistic concept and overall decline in quality since 2017. Nowadays, dued1 doesn't really "update" the game anymore; he just adds stuff without fixing problems that have existed in the game for years.
In other words, he's milking it. Just like how Rockstar is milking Grand Theft Auto V.
Example: Work At A Pizza Place: The biggest cash cow in Roblox history.
Word: Encluded
Definition: A variation on the words "included" and "enclosed", wherein the human just doesn't care enough to use the proper word and instead makes up his own.
Example: The attachment is encluded in this email.
Word: Ragnarok
Definition: a very original black metal band that hails from norway. they are heavy and their lyrics focus on paganism. albums include Arising Realm, In Nomine Satanas, and Blackdoor Miracle. one of the best!!!
Example: Ragnarok is the baddest black metal band steve, you gotta listen to them.
Word: slut ticket
Definition: Noun.
1)a ticket given to a slut.
Example: walking around in a tank top and shorts late at night, and a cop stops them and gives them a ticket for looking like a slut. The cop can give them a slut ticket.
Word: POW
Definition: Derived from Prisioner of War- refers to extremly ugly woman
Example: OMFG that chick is a POW, Meaning they are malnourished, unloved, neglected and filthy
Word: Rocksor
Definition: To rock to the highest degree. The most extreme form of "rocking."
Example: Kevin, you totally rocksor.
Damn, you rocksored that song.
Word: Flowstianity
Definition: Flowstianity is the worship, praise, and belief of the multiple Flow Gods, and all that is bro and chill. Flowstianity was first started by a true laxbro, Flowhommad Albroseph. Flowhommad was laxing one day in the game of his life, but he lost because he and his team mates had not practiced enough. They seeked refuge in caves where they played wall ball for hours. Upon reaching true laxbro status, they were contacted by the almighty Flow Gods. The two dominant of the Gods, Flowseidon and Broseidon, teached them the ways of broship. The Gods told them to be true bros, they had to grow out their hair to longer lengths than normal. The hair would allow them to possess flow, the key element to any laxbro's skill. After Flowhommad Albroseph and his team achieved flow, and true lax bro abilities, they devoted their lives to worshipping the Flow Gods, and all of their laxbro greatness.
Example: Player 1: What religion are you?
Player 2: I am a Laxbro obviously.
Player 1: So that would be...?
Player 2: Flowstianity of course!
Word: hashtag hoe
Definition: (n) someone who uses hashtags excessively on social media;
usually females but when males do this its usually to let their friends and followers know that they're homosexual
Example: Roberts post- #carpic #neckbreaker #pantydropper #turbo #doyouliftbro #mcdonaldsisyummy #hashtag #mudisgay #imgay #idropthesoaponpurpose #hatemecuzyouaintme #hashtag #instagram
Viewer 1- "Hey, look at all the hashtags Robert put on this car picture on instagram. He's a real hashtag hoe!"
Viewer 2- "What?! I didn't know he was gay!"
Word: Flispy
Definition: 1. The perfect balance of flavor and golden crispiness
2. A perfectly balanced and serendipitous outcome
Example: The flispy churro I had yesterday was indeed crunchy, flaky and oh-so buttery.
Word: mens
Definition: Swedish for Menstrual Cycle.
Example: hopefully i can get rid of my headache too, its because of the mens, its called mens in swedish
Word: Tube Kid
Definition: A tube kid could be a boy or girl, usually in their teenage years but sometimes well into early 20's and even beginning around the age of 11, who goes to public park, usually at night, to participate in sexual acts with one or more persons, because that person would be unable to do at any other location, such as one's house.
The term "Tube Kids" comes from teenagers who do sexual things in the big, plastic tubes that little kids crawl through and bigger kids climb on top of.
Example: Joe: Yea guys, so I was walking Donna home last night, and as we passed the park, I heard some weird sounds and heavy breathing. I have no idea what it could've been.
Dan: Dude! Those were 'prolly tube kids!
Word: carbatarian
Definition: A person who is vegetarian, yet dislikes most vegetables. Therefore eating mostly carbohydrates.
Example: Jen never eats meat or vegetables. She mostly eats desserts, pasta, bread, and other carbohydrates. She's such a carbatarian
Word: gdiad
Definition: web lingo, shortened form of "go die in a ditch", used when your angry at person for doing something that is stupid, jerk like, ass-holeish or for being any or all of the above
Example: guy1; i just wrecked your car man! it was awesome
guy2: what! why? You imbecile, gdiad
guy2; go die in a ditch you jerk
Word: party on
Definition: Keep on going. Don't let anything get you down.
Example: Joe: Hi Bob! How's it going?
Bob: I have to take my dog to the vet. He has fleas!
Joe: Whoa. Dude. Well, party on, my man!
Definition: A Fucking Bum With Mickey Mouse Hair
Example: Teshamaniah: I love my dog pluto
David: go away
Word: cockblocker
Definition: when you are excited about getting a girl who you really like and a stupid dumbfuck fucks it up for you!
Example: otis scrivner cockblocked me last night, so now i'm going to jack off on his face!
Word: mandeh
Definition: An adorable goth/punk lesbian woman who calls new york home
Example: Hey mandeh
Word: flowmies
Definition: Two friends with really good hair, also known as "flow."
Example: Alexis: Dang, Jonny and Thomas have some really good hair, they're hot.
Lexi: Yeah those two are flowmies for sure!
Word: Mollywhop
Definition: To get in that ass so good that when they wake up from getting their head mangled, nose crumpled, teeth extracted, brain jumbled, cheeks lifted, eyes crossed, chin tapped, and what ever else the mafia used to do.
Example: The white boy called a group of black panthers in the middle of a black power rally "n_word" and got his honkey dorey ass mollywhopped.
Word: BTFU
Definition: Boiler the fuck up
-As in, Purdue Boilermakers
Example: Holy shit, we just beat Notre Dame 47-16, BTFU mother fuckers!
Word: Nona
Definition: Nona is a fill in word that can be used for any reference to something good.
Example: This girl is nona monawana
Word: Shit Game Connoisseur
Definition: Shit Game Connoisseur is the term used for someone who willingly buys into pre alpha game releases, early access games and has a forthright willingness to play games that are shit or are highly likely to stay in development hell, they're very very not risk adverse when it comes to purchasing games.
Example: I identify as a shit game connoisseur, therefore i am, Shakespeare backs me up on this one.
Word: Trumpokylpse
Definition: The period of time in which one oompa-loompa with a asshole were his mouth is desecrated the once great nation of America
Example: The trumpokylpse has come....
Word: Colchester, CT
Definition: A town in Connecticut. The part where all the shops are is small and you could basically walk from the highschool to CVS in 45 minutes at a slow pace. A pretty boring town most of the time, the only excitement is the town Carnival in late May/early June. Colchester is more of a town for older folks and younger children. Sort of a Suburban/Rural town depending on where you are.
Example: "Colchester, CT sucks. There's absolutely nothing to do here."
Word: Badger-Wrestling
Definition: euphemism for the act of drunken vomiting, particularly when done in the garden or outside of an establishment where a social event is taking place. The phrase derives from the violent, often growling sounds, comparable to that of a woodland creature engaged in a fight that violent, alcohol-induced vomiting produce. The phrase can also be used to deny vomiting in which the person responsible may claim to have literally been wrestling badgers.
Example: He downed a bottle of rum and spent the rest of the evening badger-wrestling in the azaleas...
"I was simply dealing with pest control and can totally handle my drink"
Word: Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price
Definition: An ability acquired by Donald Trump which allows him to travel between neighboring dimensions, which he used to acquire the corpse of Jesus Christ and make America great again, along with his good buddy Senator Armstrong.
Example: Guy 1: "What do you think of Filthy Acts at a Reasonable Price?"
Guy 2: "I mean, it's good, but it's not as good as Blueford."
Word: Religican
Definition: A right-wing Christian fundamentalist Republican. Or a religious Republican.
Example: Billy Graham is a Religican.
Word: Persian
Definition: 1. An ethnic group who form the ethnic majority in the modern-day Islamic Republic of Iran (they make up about 51% of the country's population). They are also found in significant numbers in the UK, India and Gulf States, such as the United Arab Emirates.
2. A language traditionally spoken as a first language by Persians (see definition 1) as well as by Tajiks and the Hazara people of Afghanistan. Also known as Farsi, Parsi and Dari.
3. Before 1935, Iran was known as "Persia". When there was a country called Persia, its adjective was "Persian" and its citizens (regardless of ethnicity) were known as "Persians". Some people still falsely use the word in this way, in relation to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
4. A domestic breed of cat, notable for its long fur.
5. World-renowned rugs and carpets, exported from Iran to the rest of the world.
Example: The Persian Empire, under various guises, existed from 728BCE until 1187CE. For much of its existence, it dominated Central Asia and was hugely influential upon the Islamic World.
Word: Peanut Butter And Jelly Sandwich
Definition: "The Act of a woman taking a dump while on her period wearing a tampon"
Example: "Honey!" "i just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich between my legs!"
Word: Inflammation
Definition: When your nose is stuffed and there's nothing to blow out.
Example: Dude, these allergies have my nose all stuffed up. The inflammation is awful.
Word: Jeanette
Definition: A mildly attractive girl that is very outgoing. She wants to fit in and may do so by talking loudly. Very flirtatious, and extremely loud in bed.
Example: Jeanette is great, but I think she kept our roommate up with her loud sex.
Word: face
Definition: to contact someone via facebook
Example: "What are you doing this friday?"
"I don't know, if I hear of anything i'll face you."
Word: Senal
Definition: the coolest kid in the world
Example: wow, your such a senal
Word: Homo senses
Definition: When you think that something is gayer than a gaydar in the middle of a bed, bath, and beyond.
Example: Brian: Mr. O, he just slapped my butt and left a sticker on it!
Dan: My homo senses are tingling.
Word: Lucas Scott
Definition: Lucas Scott is one of the main characters of One Tree Hill. Lucas has had multiple multible relationships with Peyton Sawyer, and Brooke Davis. Lucas' best friend is Halie James Scott. Lucas' brother is Nathan Scott. Lucas Scott is played by Chad Micheal Murray.
Example: Did you see Lucas Scott on One Tree HIll last night?
Word: Tool
Definition: when someone does something or says something that is completely idiotic
Example: "you tool"
Word: Gabated
Definition: It's like when somebody lied to you and you fell for it
Example: "He asked me on a date but he never came.."
"Lmao you got gabated"
Word: Skater
Definition: They're are just straight up G's. Do it for the thrills it doesn't matter bout tha skillz. Someone with the abillity to enjoy the sport. Not for the glory although if you make it big it's a plus nothing more maybe less.
Example: Me Myslelf n' my KR3W. It's all bout living the Skater Life.
Word: cosmonaut variety hour
Definition: The lord of common sense, nerd culture, and putting eccentric fanboys in their place.
Example: That awesome guy gives me a cosmonaut variety hour vibe.
Word: Diuretic49
Definition: Ownzor of everything
Example: Diuretic49 is omnipotent
Word: twist ending
Definition: When you're banging someone from behind, and right as you're about to cum, you just take a dump on their back.
So called because they will never see it coming.
Example: A: So how was last night with that guy?
B: He pulled a twist ending on me.
A: Oh, how was it?
B: Very surprising!
Word: Madden 2005
Definition: 1. EA's true source of income
2. A yearly football game
3. A crappy game that offers nothing to the consumer except for roster updated and a soundtrack change.
Example: Dude! I just got that Madden 2005! It has more songs than the last one
Word: Trash
Definition: Anybodies opinion you didn't ask for and don't want to hear.
Example: He was telling me his trash about my sense of style.
Word: Directionator
Definition: A person with absolutely no clue on one direction, but delude themselves in thinking they "Love them"
Example: e.g. "I payed 100 dollars for one of their tickets, I'm their biggest fan!" - this is a directionator
Word: Ar Tard
Definition: Someone who is a freakin retard. This person will probably try to fish in a 2 inch deep creek.
Example: Guy1: I ran into a wall
Guy2: Youre such an Ar Tard
Word: Bunch Nudge Method
Definition: When you've overdosed on Extenze and your penis is the size of your fucking forearm. While having sex, bunch nudging is when you try to stick it all in by nudging it inch by inch due to the shear overly-massive, gorilla shit size.
Example: Craig: Yo Dan! I took an insane, bat-shit amount of Extenze other day and now my dick is as big as my leg!
Dan: Dude, it's like you have a third leg!
Make sure you use the Bunch Nudge Method on
Bailey, bro!
Craig: Man, I'll take my chances.
She'll be soar the next morning either way!
Word: Kia
Definition: Acronym for "Korean International Automobiles"
Example: I bought a Kia, they may not be the best cars, but they have a great warranty.
Word: Monte_Kano
Definition: A person who is EXTREMELY HAWT!!
Gets VERY annoyed with smart asses and doesn't like assholes.
Example: <+G}{OST> Pizard eat shit, mkay?
<%Monte_Kano> lol
<%Monte_Kano> i agree
<Pizard> shit is bad, m'kay!
* Added *!*hite_eagl@SF-90ECEF53.bna.bellsouth.net to ignore list
<Makayo> wtf?
<%Monte_Kano> * Added *!*hite_eagl@SF-90ECEF53.bna.bellsouth.net to ignore list
<%Monte_Kano> thank god
Word: d-sides
Definition: a new gorillaz cd, which consists of great songs and wuite a few remixes.
Example: p1 dude i totally bought that new gorillaz cd, d-sides.
p2 sweet!
Word: Rokaya
Definition: A hella cute and flirty girl, most likely short and very thicc . She’s a good girl but all the guys want her, even though she rejects them all because they just ask for ass pics !!!
Example: “Yo Ricky look it’s Rokaya”
“Man she’s so fiiiiine. Wish I could hit that”
“Nah man she don’t F wit nobodyyy”
Word: twakus
Definition: An elegantly crafted combination of the two words "twat", a well-known synonym for vagina, and "tookus", meaning rear-end. The word was actually conceived by a slip of the tongue after a night of drinking and partying.
Example: Man, I would love to get a stab at her twakus!
Word: Double Decker Bumhole
Definition: When someone can fit 2 dicks, one on top of the other, inside of their anal cavity.
Example: “Cor blimey, she can fit 2 in? Get me in on that we can do a double decker bumhole”
“Come on lads, let’s team up and giver her a double decker bumhole”
Word: Slasher flick
Definition: Slasher flick:
Ok, so imagine a dude (who looks like either Will Smith or Sam Worthington) running around with a machete slaying zombies/infected people/zombies/opposing armies/um....zombies/aliens/zombies/zombies/zombies.
Example: Slasher flick quotes:
a)"Get the zombies!!"
b) "Get the ALIENS!!"
d--and perhaps my personal favourite--"Get Sam Worthington!!!!"
Word: Church Job
Definition: Church Job - n. - refers to a blow job performed in close proximity to a church or chapel. To become a true "cj" (church job for short), the person receiving the blow job must be in a relationship with a different male or female than that who is performing the act of oral sex. You get bonus props for getting a "cj" if your cheating on a Korean girl, who is nicer and more innocent than anyone you can imagine.
Example: Damn man, I can't believe you got another church job tonight, thats dope!
Word: undertow
Definition: 1. The seaward pull of receding waves after they break on a shore.
2. an inclination different from your strongest feelings
3. An album by Tool
Example: His account had a poignant undertow of regret.
Word: fucking metal
Definition: When an action or event is undeniably awesome and/or when an event is very gruesome (see person above me).
Example: That video was so fucking metal.That serial killer is so fucking metal,he eats his victims.
Word: UD rejected
Definition: When you get a definition rejected from those pricks at Urban Dictionary. It feels extremely bad considering all the terrible shit allowed on the site.
Example: Bro #1: Dude, I came up with this awesome definition and put it on Urban Dictionary, but those jews rejected it.
Bro #2: Wow, I didn't even realize it was possible to be UD rejected.
Word: Daddy Pimp Juice
Definition: He's the man. He's got the wardrobe, the women, the dollas, the best car and everyone looks up to him. He's the type of dude that people want to make movies about. He's a straight gangsta.
Example: Daddy Pimp Juice came up and told that busta he was a jive turkey and the dude was speechless.
I asked my friend who that fine ass man was and she said: "Didn't you know? That's Daddy Pimp Juice."
My kids want to take Daddy Pimp Juice for show and tell.
Daddy Pimp Juice has the best swag in the neighborhood.
Word: naruto
Definition: A very "troublesome" anime series that never ends and that has cheesy fillers.
The author doesn't seem to be able to advance the manga either and he seems to use a lot of men that looks like women and emos that hangs themselves.
In other word:
A very loooooooooooong, unecessary to watch fillers, anime...
Example: Boy: Hey, dude...
Other Boy: What?
Boy: Have you seen episode 23182789432 of Naruto recently?
Other Boy: No, what's up?
Boy: Nothing much, crappy laggy battles and screaming...
Other Boy: ah...
Word: Cunicious
Definition: Cunicious
Example: To behave in a cunty type manner .... to have a cunicious attitude to things
Word: n00body
Definition: (n.) Like a n00b, but worse. This is a n00b that is a n00b, always will be a n00b, and probably always has been a n00b. The absolute most unimportant, inept sort of person imagineable.
Example: "You're so pathetic, you're just a n00body."
Word: Pizza Hut
Definition: Pizza Hut are a complete load of bollocks. All the toppings are out of date & the stuffed crusts are discusting! such a tight fisted bunch of wankers 2. 1 small pizza only costs them £2 very maximum to make but they sell them for £5. The work force have to survive on massive doses of cannabis every night to forget how pathetic and meaningless their shitty job is. I should know, i'm one of the fools who works there!
Example: If they don't sell a stuffed crust by the end of the night they take the pieces of cheese out and re-use it for the next god knows how long. Pizza Hut are part of the evil American capitalist bastards intent on ruining this planet for their own financial gain.
Word: Kaylen
Definition: Beautiful,smart,loving,caring girl
Has many friends
A good girl
Loved by all
Teacher's favorite
Sometimes bullied
Very lucky
Many family members
Example: Boy1:Hey look at that girl over there
Boy2:Yeah, she's cute
Boy1:Her name is Kaylen. What a beautiful name.
Boy2:she is totally mine
Word: Muller move
Definition: Spreading false rumors by making it sound legitimate.
Example: Now thats a classic muller move
Word: Feed
Definition: New Zealand slang (chiefly Maori) for food. Specifically a meal.
Example: Man, I'm gonna cook us up a mean feed!
We went down to the shops to get us a feed.
Word: Prousegasm
Definition: 1. Overloading on Prousist love to the point where you have an orgasm.
2. A beefgasm by someone of Prousist descent.
Example: 1. I love you so much Prouse *ooooohhhhhh*.
2. Yo Prouse! This Arby's is so good! *ooooohhhhhh*. Prousegasm!
Word: Rave arm
Definition: The outstretched arm of the raver or partygoer who's dance moves are mainly reflected in the up and down motion of said outstretched arm. Over exertion of the rave arm may lead to a larger and more muscular appearance indicating that it might in fact be a wank arm.
Example: Man I've got a severe case of rave arm
Word: Charlotte
Definition: A Charlotte is a complete Hottie she us like a Regina George from mean girls but has a soft powerful and free side she hides both side sometimes revealing a lovely kind and funny girl but the Regina and the powerful are in her. She us one ice he best types if people and if you have a crush in her or are friends with her you are lucky don't loose her.
Example: Charlotte is so pretty I think I like her.
Word: Grütenhaur
Definition: A racial slur used by Scandinavian people to refer to Asian children
Example: Hey Sven, look at all the little Grütenhaurs running around the pool like they own the place
Word: zombie
Definition: A song by The Cranberries
Example: ...With their tanks, and their bombs,
and their bombs, and their guns,
In your head, In your head, They're cryin'... In your head, In your head, Zombie Zombie Zombie-ie-ie-ie...
Word: ass belch
Definition: When your fart gets pocketed between your ass checks and releases moments later
Example: Dude 1: bro did you fart?
Dude 2: I did moments ago, my ass belched . my fart just pocketed between me legs , sorry bro
Dude 1: its cool I ass belch allot
Word: comp
Definition: As in comp time. When a unionized worker get compensated with time off for extra time worked. Usually granted by managment when they don't want to pay for overtime.
Example: Martha is offering comp time instead of overtime.
Word: Fustigate
Definition: to be beaten with a stick until close to death
Example: to be fustigated would be extremely painful
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