Dataset Viewer
int64 0
| turns
stringlengths 2.69k
0 | {"turn_id": ["4036_0", "4036_1", "4036_2", "4036_3", "4036_4", "4036_5", "4036_6", "4036_7", "4036_8", "4036_9", "4036_10", "4036_11", "4036_12", "4036_13", "4036_14", "4036_15", "4036_16", "4036_17", "4036_18", "4036_19", "4036_20", "4036_21", "4036_22", "4036_23", "4036_24", "4036_25", "4036_26", "4036_27", "4036_28", "4036_29", "4036_30", "4036_31", "4036_32", "4036_33", "4036_34", "4036_35", "4036_36", "4036_37", "4036_38", "4036_39", "4036_40", "4036_41", "4036_42", "4036_43", "4036_44", "4036_45", "4036_46", "4036_47", "4036_48", "4036_49", "4036_50", "4036_51", "4036_52", "4036_53", "4036_54", "4036_55", "4036_56", "4036_57", "4036_58", "4036_59", "4036_60", "4036_61", "4036_62", "4036_63", "4036_64", "4036_65", "4036_66", "4036_67", "4036_68", "4036_69", "4036_70", "4036_71", "4036_72", "4036_73"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I think that, {F uh, } one, {F uh, } advantage of having, {F uh, } the unanimous verdict is that in a criminal case you want to make sure that you don't, {F uh, } convict someone who, {F uh, } really shouldn't be convicted. /", "Definitely. /", "{F Um, } {C and } I think that, {D you know, } a unanimous verdict, {F uh, } helps to ensure that. / I guess maybe one drawback of it is that if you have one juror who is very unreasonable in some way, that, {F uh, } you, {F uh, } would have a problem, {F uh, } {D you know, } that you wouldn't convict someone who maybe should be convicted. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Have you ever served on a jury before? /", "{F Uh, } I have twice. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "It was a pretty wild experience. /", "{F Uh, } what sorts of cases were they? /", "They were just, {D you know, } small time cases where, {F uh, } trailers and banks were involved, {D you know. } /", "{C So } were they criminal or civil? /", "They were civil. / # [ They weren't + # --", "# {F Oh, } okay. # /", "-- they weren't ] any criminal. /", "[ What, {F uh, } + what ] was the verdict? / [ Did the, + did the ] jury have trouble reaching a decision? /", "{F Uh, } the jury, [ it was, + {F uh, } {A let me see, } I think it was ] ten to one on the jury, because they only had to have eleven people -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C so } it was, - / they, - / {C and, } {F uh, } the one changed his vote at the end. /", "{C So } did it become? -/", "{C So } it became unanimous, {D you know, } after they turned it in -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and then } he changed his mind after they turned it in -- /", "{F Uh. } /", "-- {C but } it then became unanimous. /", "{F Uh. } {C But } since it was a civil case it really didn't matter, {D right? } / You just needed a majority? /", "Right. /", "[ What was, + what was ] the other case? / That was also civil? /", "[ The, + the ] other case was just traffic, / the, - / {C and, } {D you know, } it was seat belt law -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } [ it, + it ] didn't even hardly --", "{F Oh, } didn't really even count. /", "-- go through, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. / [ I'm, + I'm ] a college student / {C so } I haven't been, {D you know, } a jury eligible age for very long -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {F um, } {C and, } {F uh, } I did get one summons actually at one point, / {C but } I declined it which I'm able to do because I'm a student, because it was, {F uh, } a very bad time. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } you learn a lot going to the juries like that though. /", "Yeah, {E I mean, } [ [ I, + I ] really, + I would like ] [ to, + {F uh, } to ] do at some point, {F um, } / {C but, } [ I, + I ] haven't. / {F Uh, } [ one, + one ] thing that [ I, + I ] think [ is, + {F um, } {D you know, } maybe is ] a problem is, {F uh, } [ I, + I ] think that the criminal jury system works pretty well now, / {C but } I wonder if maybe in some civil cases it doesn't work as well. / # Especially sort of. # -/", "# I wouldn't think # that it does --", "[ How, + wha-, ] -/", "-- {E I mean, } [ [ from, + from ] my, + from what ] I experienced in them, / [ it didn't, + {D you know, } it didn't ] turn out the way I planned it, {E I mean, } the way that I would think that it would go. /", "{F Uh, } you thought it turned out pretty well? /", "Yeah, / {C but } [ it was, + {D you know, } it was, ] - / jury was unorganized / {C and } [ it was, + it [ was + just wasn't ] ] organized enough for me. /", "Yeah. /", "I'm not used to it not being organized, / {C and } I just assumed that it would have been. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } it was just kind of a zoo / {C and } the jurors just sort of, - / someone had to figure out what was going on? /", "That's about what it was. /", "{F Um. } That's interesting. / [ Did it, + did it ] work out pretty well in the end? / {E I mean, } did a couple of people sort of gradually, sort of assume, {F uh, } sort of a moderator role in the trial / {C or, } -/", "Yeah, / [ they, + {D well } they ] picked one person, / {C and then } he finally, {D you know, } moderated everything and made it turn out the way it should have. /", "{C So } [ it work-, + it did end up working ] out pretty well? /", "Yeah, / it ended up working all right. /", "The one thing I sometimes wonder about, {F um, } in civil cases is, {F uh, } whether, especially sort of in, {F uh, } maybe {D like } [ pro-, + product ] liability, or medical malpractice, where there's, {F um, } sort of a very technical decision to be made sometimes -- -/", "Yes. /", "-- {D you know, } it's not just a matter [ of, + {F um, } of, ] {D you know, } did this guy rip off this guy, / {C and } it's just a matter of interpreting a contract, / it's sort of a matter of, {F um, } {D you know, } sometimes getting into very technical issues, / {C and } I wonder [ [ if, + {F uh, } if there's really, ] + {F um, } if the system ] works adequately [ in, + in ] educating the jurors about, {F uh, } whatever, {F um, } {D you know, } issue is under discussion. /", "[ I, + I ] don't think that [ [ they, + they, ] + they ] educate them enough [ to, + to ] really know what's going on. /", "[ In, + in ] the case you were involved in, you said it was just sort of a bank matter of some kind. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah, / [ the, + the ] bank was suing them [ for, + {F uh, } ] because they went to get [ the, + the ] trailer --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ that, + which ] was, {F uh, } seemingly their property. /", "{F Uh. } /", "It was on his property. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } the deal was that he had, {F uh, } borrowed money from the bank to buy it, / {C and } --", "Right. /", "-- he hadn't made the payments. /", "{C So } they came to get it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } when they came to get it, {D well, } it was on the landlord's property / {C and } he wouldn't let them take it off. /", "{F Uh, } {C so } they were suing to get it back. /", "[ {C So, } + {C and } ] [ they are, + it was ] a double wide, / {C so } they'd already taken it apart. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C So } they left it there -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and then } when they came back to get it a couple of days later it had rained and got all in it. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C So } they were suing him for the money, / {C and, } {D you know, } there's no way they could because [ it, + it ] was the moving company, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1534, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND", "to_caller": 1505, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}} |
1 | {"turn_id": ["3902_0", "3902_1", "3902_2", "3902_3", "3902_4", "3902_5", "3902_6", "3902_7", "3902_8", "3902_9", "3902_10", "3902_11", "3902_12", "3902_13", "3902_14", "3902_15", "3902_16", "3902_17", "3902_18", "3902_19", "3902_20", "3902_21", "3902_22", "3902_23", "3902_24", "3902_25", "3902_26", "3902_27", "3902_28", "3902_29", "3902_30", "3902_31", "3902_32", "3902_33", "3902_34", "3902_35", "3902_36", "3902_37", "3902_38", "3902_39", "3902_40", "3902_41", "3902_42", "3902_43", "3902_44", "3902_45", "3902_46", "3902_47", "3902_48", "3902_49", "3902_50", "3902_51", "3902_52", "3902_53", "3902_54", "3902_55", "3902_56", "3902_57", "3902_58", "3902_59", "3902_60", "3902_61", "3902_62", "3902_63", "3902_64", "3902_65"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {D Well } why don't you start cause it said I was suppose to ask you what do you, -/", "Do you have any elderly relatives currently in an, {F uh, } nursing home now? /", "Yes, / I do. /", "Do you? / I have a grandmother. / She's a hundred and two. /", "{F Oh } my gosh. /", "She'll be a hundred and three in August. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we decide not to put her in a nursing home. / She lives with my mother and my father who also live here in town / {C and then } my sister takes care of her. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ She, + even though she ] is a hundred and two, she still has all of her faculties. /", "Right. /", "She still has her snap. / She takes care of her own business. / This is the first year that she has gotten weak and actually has to have a little walker, / {C but } with somebody that needs around the clock care, - / I have seen my family age. /", "Right. /", "I have seen them in the, - / she's been there ten years now. / {C And } I have seen them age twenty --", "Yeah. /", "-- in the time [ and, + and ] with the expense and everything, / [ I th-, + I still think ] it is worth it [ if you, + if you ] had a good nursing home / {C and } they needed some quality care, / I would --", "Right. /", "-- put someone in a nursing home. /", "My mother-in-law finally. / They had to make a family decision. / There's seven children in my husband's family / {C and } fortunately four of them live in the same home town / {C and } she has Alzheimer's. / It was getting where she was getting [ th-, + dangerous. ] {E I mean } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- letting strangers in and things like this, / {C but } they were very fortunate. / It's a small town / {C and } she happens to room with one of the doctor's mothers / {C and --", "{F Oh, } {D well } that's good. /", "-- then } she's got a lot of family there and that go and see her all of the time / {C but } she really doesn't. / Nobody thought she would adjust, / {C but } she has adjusted beautifully. /", "{F Oh, } that is great. /", "{C But } then I am also facing my father who is very sick / {C and } my mother and father reside in Colorado. / She's been taking care of him. / I don't know how much longer this can last / {C and } at that point because he requires round the clock. - / He can't do anything without her. / He doesn't know when to take his medicine / {C and } it's really sad / {C and } I have thought if something would happen to my mother for, {F uh, } - / my brothers are not interested in helping me / {C so } I would have to move him down here. / That way, - / I want to see the nursing home. If I have to put him into one. / {D You know, } where I can go see it. / [ I, + I'd ] be very uncomfortable with him being in Colorado. / # {C And, } # -/", "# {F Oh, } why # yeah. / I am sure you have got some really good nursing homes around Dallas. /", "Yes. / {C And } some of them are limited care too where people can do, {F uh, } - / {D like } they have apartment styles, / but that wouldn't work for him. / I think he is beyond that. / Where if you need help you can get it, / {C but } basically people kind of have a small apartment / {C and } doctors are available if they need them. /", "Uh-huh. / # [ I, + I ] # --", "# {C And } allows, # -/", "-- know a lady that lives in a place similar --", "Yeah. /", "-- to that in Austin. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } the only problem with these are that they are very expensive. / Of course, I guess all nursing homes there is / {C but, } -/", "{C And } the bad thing about it, before you can get any kind of government help, [ you just practically have, + {D well } you have ] to be a pauper. /", "Right. /", "[ It, + it ] takes every penny. / They want you to spend every dime you have --", "Yeah. /", "-- before the government will pay for [ your + your ] care. /", "Right. /", "{C And } that's the sad part about it. /", "Yeah. / I, {F uh, } - / yeah, / {C and } I think a lot of people who do it now. - / In Colorado it's interesting. / I talked to my mother. / They allow you sixty five thousand dollars and your car and your home. / {C And } my mother could make it on that. / What she probably would do is disburse the money to me / {C and then } I would send it back to her / {C so } that's what would happen. /", "Uh-huh. / I think that's what most people do. / You just have to give [ it, + everything ] away. /", "Yeah. / It's # unfortunate. # /", "# [ I, + I ] # work at a brokerage firm / {C and } I have seen so many people that just have to gift, {D you know, } their belongings --", "Right. /", "-- as much as they can each year in anticipation of having to move to a nursing home. /", "Yeah. / It's frightening. / {C And } I guess, {F uh, } I don't know how old you are. / I'm forty-six. / {D You know, } we're the generation moving into this / {C and } I don't know how our kids are going to take care of us.", "I can't imagine. /", "{D You know. } /", "I'm twenty-nine. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } everybody in my family has always had, - / we don't have any children. / Everybody that has, has them later in life. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } [ my, + my ] mother and my father are in their late sixties. / {C So, } {E I mean, } they're not <laughter> --", "Right. /", "-- that far away. /", "I also see on my generation a squeeze between looking to having to help my parents and still having to help my son because things are so rough out there job wise / {C and } he's still living at home / {C and } I don't know how he is ever going to get on his own the way things are. /", "{F Oh, } I know. /", "{C And so, } it's kind of, - / you feel squeezed in the middle of having both generations, / {C but } [ it, + something ] will have to change as more and more of us get older. / {F Uh, } luckily, if we could be like your grandmother, [ I, + {F uh } {D you know, } I ] would love to live to a hundred and two if I were okay. / # {C But } # --", "# It, - / {C but } yeah. # /", "-- you see these people in their seventies -- -/", "Most people aren't. /", "-- yeah, / most aren't. / That's the problem. /", "{C And } that's the bad thing. / I would hate to have lived so long. / She lived by herself. / My grandfather passed away before I was born so she lived by herself up until she was ninety, ninety-one.", "That's incredible. /", "And just did everything, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "02/03/1992", "from_caller": 1493, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1502, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}} |
2 | {"turn_id": ["2095_0", "2095_1", "2095_2", "2095_3", "2095_4", "2095_5", "2095_6", "2095_7", "2095_8", "2095_9", "2095_10", "2095_11", "2095_12", "2095_13", "2095_14", "2095_15", "2095_16", "2095_17", "2095_18", "2095_19", "2095_20", "2095_21", "2095_22", "2095_23", "2095_24", "2095_25", "2095_26", "2095_27", "2095_28", "2095_29", "2095_30", "2095_31", "2095_32", "2095_33", "2095_34", "2095_35", "2095_36", "2095_37", "2095_38", "2095_39", "2095_40", "2095_41", "2095_42", "2095_43", "2095_44", "2095_45", "2095_46", "2095_47", "2095_48", "2095_49", "2095_50", "2095_51", "2095_52", "2095_53", "2095_54", "2095_55", "2095_56", "2095_57", "2095_58", "2095_59", "2095_60"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["All right, have you lived in this area long? /", "No, / I've only been here a couple of years. /", "Okay. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } {F uh, } [ I've, + I've ] noticed that, {F uh, } this year it seems to have been a lot warmer than it has in the past. /", "Yeah, / [ [ [ it, + it, ] + it's, ] + it's ] a lot warmer, a lot drier too, because usually about this time of year, [ this, + ] {D you know, } you see a little bit more rain. / {E I mean } [ by, + by ] mid February, {E I mean, } we start getting a lot of rain. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D well } I remember last year, {E or the year before, }", "{C But } it, -/", "{F uh, } we had ice and snow, {F uh, } {F uh, } / terrible ice storm, {F uh, } around this time of the year. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } this year it's been so hot and, {F uh, } sunny / [ it, + it's ] really [ quite, + {F uh, } quite ] amazing. /", "Yeah, / unseasonable. / [ I used to, + my wife and I we used to ] live in San Antonio, couple years ago, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } [ it was, + it was ] I remember the first day of Spring, / it was so much ice that came down, later on [ that afte-, + that afternoon ] and evening, /", "{F Um. }", "[ it was just, + it was ] horrible. /", "Yes, / I was just talking to my son today, / he's up in Boston, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } it was twenty-nine there / {C and } it was, {D you know, } in the seventies out here / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "it was really, {F uh, } - / he really wished he could be here, rather than there. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } {F um, } I don't know / [ I, + I ] guess I'm just sort of acclimated to colder weather. /", "{F Oh } really. /", "{F Um, } [ I, + I ] like it warmer, / {E I mean } [ I like it, + {D you know, } I like it ] warm / {C but } it doesn't really matter. / {E I mean, } [ I'd, + I would ] much rather see it cool at this time of year anyway because it would mean a little bit more rain possibly / {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / I have, {D you know, } - / [ I, + I, ] don-, - / I think it's really been delightful. / [ I come, + {F uh, } I've spent ] most of my time [ in, + in ] warm weather areas / {C and, } {F uh, } {F uh, } the ice and snow just doesn't, {F uh, } hold any allure for me at all. /", "{D Well } I spent three years in Germany, / {C so } I'm not too thrilled with the whole thing anyway <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } I got used to it, / it was really strange, / {E I mean, } [ [ [ when I, + when, ] + when, ] + when ] we came to San Antonio it was [ [ just like, + {F uh, } {D you know, } it just, ] + just ] swelter / {C and then } we got used to it / {C and then } we went up to Dallas / {C and } it was just, - / [ it's, + it's ] [ not, + not ] that it's just hot or dry, / it's just not very comfortable, / it just, -/", "Her-, - / do [ you, + you ] think San Antonio is more comfortable than Dallas. /", "Yeah, / a little bit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "You must, {D well, } {F uh, } - / it must be quite a bit hotter down there, isn't it? /", "Yeah, / <laughter> my wife and I, {A the last day we were in Florida, } we, [ my + visiting [ my, + {F uh, } my ] ] parents, and my brother and sister, / [ we were, + we were ] down there / {C and, } the last day, right before we left, [ we had to, + I had to ] ride with my sister / {C and } the air conditioning went out on the car <laughter>, /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C and, } [ [ we, + you, ] + you ] just get used to air conditioning all the time, /", "{F Oh } yes. /", "{C and } this, - / it was just, - / the humidity was like [ eighty plus, + eighty percent plus ] / {C and } it was just killing us. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / it's terrible. / Orlando is the only place I've ever been where I've seen the car sweat. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } that's really bad. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } <throat_clearing> {E I mean, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] guess I've been in some places, {D you know, } where the weather was just so mild, {D you know, } places like Monterey, California or,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } - / just, {D you know, } so mild, / {C and then } you've been to such extremes like San Angelo, Texas [ where you just, + where you walk ] outside and you sweat, / {D you know } you're sweating, /", "Yeah. /", "you look down at your arm, / {C but } you see the water leaving your arm, / it's so hot,", "{F Oh } wow, {F uh. } /", "you just feel it pulling away, bizarre. /", "I know [ [ I, + I tend to, ] + I tend to ] be able to get along with monotony in the weather when it's very temperate. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh } it doesn't, - / some people say, {F uh, } [ they, + they ] like to watch the changing of the seasons / {C but, } {F uh, } I'd rather, {D you know, } like southern California, {D you know, } have it kind of sunny and temperate all the time. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } it's kind of a luxury. /", "I tend to agree / {C but, } I don't know, / [ I, + I ] think, [ [ in, + in some, ] + in some ] respects it probably (( )) more tolerable. /", "Yeah, / {D well } I guess [ this, + the ] weather isn't as lively a topic [ as, + {F uh, } as ] some of the others we might have gotten. /", "No, / the other topics. / I got one topic, / they said talk about the Middle East situ-, <talking> {D well, } /", "<Laughter> I guess we're supposed to say good-bye or something, and think about what - / my daughter is here prodding me to say good-bye. / We messed up the conversation, anyway. /", "{D Well } <laughter> {E I mean } I've had some pretty bad, I guess some pretty controversial topics / {C so } it's just like {D well } that was my fault. / {C But then } the weather's {D like, } - / man, {E I mean, } it gets pretty mundane, / {E I mean } you can only talk [ about, + about ] the situation just so long. /", "Yeah, / I know, / weather's just not all that inspiring. / Okay, / {D well } it's nice talking to you. /", "Okay. /", "Bye-bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WEATHER CLIMATE", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE WEATHER. WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE IN YOUR AREA? HAS IT BEEN TYPICAL FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR? COMPARE IT WITH THE OTHER CALLER'S WEATHER.", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1169, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1221, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}} |
3 | {"turn_id": ["4048_0", "4048_1", "4048_2", "4048_3", "4048_4", "4048_5", "4048_6", "4048_7", "4048_8", "4048_9", "4048_10", "4048_11", "4048_12", "4048_13", "4048_14", "4048_15", "4048_16", "4048_17", "4048_18", "4048_19", "4048_20", "4048_21", "4048_22", "4048_23", "4048_24", "4048_25", "4048_26", "4048_27", "4048_28", "4048_29", "4048_30", "4048_31", "4048_32", "4048_33", "4048_34", "4048_35", "4048_36", "4048_37", "4048_38", "4048_39", "4048_40", "4048_41", "4048_42", "4048_43", "4048_44", "4048_45", "4048_46", "4048_47", "4048_48", "4048_49", "4048_50", "4048_51", "4048_52", "4048_53", "4048_54", "4048_55", "4048_56", "4048_57", "4048_58", "4048_59", "4048_60", "4048_61", "4048_62", "4048_63", "4048_64", "4048_65", "4048_66", "4048_67", "4048_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["pretty good, / pretty good. / {D So } we're talking about drug testing in the work place, {F huh. } / *[[listen]]", "Drug testing in the work place. / {F Um. } I've been tested a few times, just before [ pre-, + ] [ drug + ] employment. / {C But } that's about it. / I've never had random drug testing. /", "Yeah, / we have random drug testing [ at, + in ] my business, / {C but } I've [ never been, + {F uh, } never had ] to do it. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / they started that about a year ago, / {C and } I think it's mostly for [ the, + the ] field people that, {D you know, } drive trucks and heavy machinery, that kind of stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ they, + they ] have done some testing around our office, mostly after lunch, looking for people [ drinking, + {F uh, } drinking ] beer and stuff at lunch time, / # at least that's. # -/", "# {F Oh, } they do with alcohol. # /", "Pardon? /", "They do it with alcohol? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ [ they, + they, ] + they'll ] check for alcohol. /", "{F Oh, } I thought it was just like marijuana or cocaine. /", "No, / [ once, + once ] you start doing that stuff, [ you sort of, + you're sort of ] stuck into, {F uh, } checking for [ the whole, + the whole ] thing. /", "{F Huh. } That's interesting. /", "Yeah, / it's a, -/", "What type of field of work are you in? /", "I'm in the oil business. /", "{F Oh, } in the oil business. /", "Yeah. /", "Okay, / {C and } you work in the office around. /", "Yeah, / I work in the office, / {C so, } {F uh, } it's [ pretty, + pretty ] safe environment. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah / {D see, } I work in the automotive air bag industry, where we make the safety bags --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- for the cars, / {C and } we work around a lot of explosives. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } that sounds like kind of an important job to be, {F uh, } straight on. /", "Yeah, / {C so } that's, {D you know, } - / I'm all for it, because [ the, + {D well, } the ] type of environment I work in, {D you know, } they're working with explosives, / {C and so } they could blow up the whole, - / {D well, } they have safety features with each of the explosives they use, / {C but } still, it can be dangerous. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D well, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] agree. / I think that, {F uh, } {D you know, } under certain circumstances, especially when you're working [ in, + in ] high risk, {F uh, } {F uh, } industries, where you can really hurt other people, [ that, + that ] you need to have that kind of stuff. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } / if it's, - / as long as it's not abused, {F uh, } {D you know, } random, {D you know, } - / as long as it's random, [ and, + and ] the individual's rights [ are, + {F uh, } are ] protected, I don't have that big a problem with it. /", "{D Now } do they fire them, or do they? -/", "{D Well, } {D see, } this is it, / this is where I start having my problems with my company. / I work for a private company, / [ {C and } + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] the policy is something like, {A see if I can [ re-, + state ] this correctly now. } If you turn yourself in as having a drug related problem, then you're eligible for company counseling. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } if they catch you, if you test positive for [ a, + a ] controlled substance, then you get fired. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C So, } [ it, + {D you know, } it's ] sort of one of these little catch twenty-twos. /", "{F Huh, } that's. - / I think our policy is that, - / all right, it's probably the same thing. / I'm not really sure what the <laughter>, -/", "Yeah, / really, / it's one of those things that you read once, / {C and then, } [ if you, + if you're ] not worried about it, you just forget about it <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> That's right. / {C But } I know, they do have counseling, and that they do give you a second chance, / {C but } I'm not sure [ if -- +", "Yeah. /", "-- if ] it's if you get caught or if you turn yourself in. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / our company's a little tougher on the second chance. / {E I mean, } [ if, + if ] they're going to give you the opportunity to turn yourself in, then they ought to, {D you know, } go out of the way, I think, a little bit more [ to, + {F uh, } to ] [ help you get, + help get you ] rehabilitated [ to, + {D you know, } to ] [ get + get ] back at your job. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ when you're not, + when you're ] a private company, the rules don't always apply. /", "{F Uh, } [ do you think it works very good with that random, + do you think it limits, ] -/", "{D Well, } [ it's, + it's ] hard for me [ to, + to ] evaluate it because everybody I work around is in an office environment / {C and, } {D you know, } it's not, - / I guess I [ ha-, + haven't ] run into anybody [ [ that's, + that's had a problem ] + [ that's, + that's ] been a problem. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C so } [ I gue-, + {D you know, } I guess ] it works, {F uh, } much [ like, + {F uh, } {D well, } {A shoot, } like ] any lottery, / {E I mean, } everybody's got an equal chance to get picked. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } I'd rather have that than, {D you know, } say {D well, } this week the A -s and B -s are going to be in / {C and } next week,", "<Laughter>.", "C -s and <laughter> D -s are going to come in <laughter>. /", "You could time it just right. /", "Yeah, / right, / right. /", "I know one employee, / I know, when I was working with, he had alcohol on his breath, / {C and } I'm not sure if our policy covers that or not. / That'd be just as dangerous. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } especially around, {F uh, } {D you know, } equipment, machinery and stuff. /", "{F Huh. } That's true. /", "{D You know, } [ I've, + I've ] gone out and [ had a, + had a ] beer at lunch time, but not to excess in any case <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / Do they give any limits on alcohol, / {C or } is it? -/", "{F Uh, } I don't remember, to tell you the truth. / I don't think they do. / {F Um, } {D well, } they must, / {E I mean, } gee whiz. / That just shows you how much I've been paying attention, / {C because } [ I, + I ] really don't know. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'll have to go into work tomorrow and ask <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Oh. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } you can take some of [ that, + that ] testing a little bit too far. / {F Uh, } there was a company in Houston [ that, + ] / they did, {F uh, } an unannounced drug sweep [ of the, + of their ] company -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F oh, } [ [ it was, + it was, ] + it was ] an unannounced sweep [ of, + of, ] - / it was not only drugs, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "DRUG TESTING", "prompt": "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF SOME COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TESTING EMPLOYEES OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES FOR DRUGS? IS RANDOM SPOT TESTING JUSTIFIED? WHAT LIMITS SHOULD THERE BE", "talk_day": "03/03/1992", "from_caller": 1516, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1471, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1952, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}} |
4 | {"turn_id": ["4060_0", "4060_1", "4060_2", "4060_3", "4060_4", "4060_5", "4060_6", "4060_7", "4060_8", "4060_9", "4060_10", "4060_11", "4060_12", "4060_13", "4060_14", "4060_15", "4060_16", "4060_17", "4060_18", "4060_19", "4060_20", "4060_21", "4060_22", "4060_23", "4060_24", "4060_25", "4060_26", "4060_27", "4060_28", "4060_29", "4060_30", "4060_31", "4060_32", "4060_33", "4060_34", "4060_35", "4060_36", "4060_37", "4060_38", "4060_39", "4060_40", "4060_41", "4060_42", "4060_43", "4060_44", "4060_45", "4060_46", "4060_47", "4060_48", "4060_49", "4060_50", "4060_51", "4060_52", "4060_53", "4060_54", "4060_55", "4060_56", "4060_57", "4060_58", "4060_59", "4060_60", "4060_61", "4060_62", "4060_63", "4060_64", "4060_65"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay Karen. / [ You-, + you're ] first. /", "Okay. / I was just going to say I think one of the biggest thing for me is room for advancement. {D You know, } not to get [ in, + {D like } in ] a dead end job. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } plus, for me, it's, {F uh, } {E I mean } {D like } medical and {D you know, } {F uh, } benefits and dental. /", "Okay. /", "They're also important. /", "Yeah. / I guess one of the differences I see is, {F uh, } working for a university, {F uh, } there is room for advancement, but not so much so, [ our + ] in, {F uh, } quite a highly unionized environment --", "{F Um. } /", "-- and then also in the administrative association / {C so } there is a progressive path, / {C but } <inhaling> not being in [ the + {D say } the ] commercial sector, the motivation isn't there for a lot of people --", "{F Um. } /", "-- {F uh, } {D like } # really, # -/", "# Are they # {D like } pretty much train for a specific job / {C and } that what I hired for and then [ I, + ] just very little variation from that. /", "Yeah, / somewhat that, / {C but then } also there just isn't the ability to in one sense have, {F uh, } a broader scope for rewarding people for their performances. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C so } that's in our situation where we are dealing with an institution, / {F uh, } it's a little more difficult to recognize an individual's performance -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I suppose that's maybe a disadvantage of being in a larger institution, <swallowing> perhaps somewhat even with the business, {F uh. } / {C But } I agree, {D you know, } the, {F uh, } medical benefits and those kinds of things are one of the big pluses of working for a large organization and also the, {F uh, } security aspect for long term employment, {F uh, } /", "{D Well, } {D you know } that's interesting though. / {C Because } I don't know if that's necessarily the case anymore. / I use to think that, {D you know, } after you work, - / you mean [ security, + job security? ] /", "Job security, / yes. /", "{F Uh, } that use to be I think a couple of years ago, / {C but } I don't know if it is so much anymore. / In fact, [ they, + we ] just had a lay off in what November, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } it wasn't necessarily, - / {E I mean, } {D you know, } some people had been there a long time. /", "<Inhaling> Yeah, / we are seeing that here as well. / {D Like } in some of the large oil companies. There has been massive lay offs. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {D so } [ I, + I ] think [ there + it's ] probably a major distinction between institutions and the corporate world --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in, {F uh, } institutions are slower to react both on the growth side and then also on the reduction side where the businesses, we need to cut back, that's what we do. /", "Uh-huh. / No # doubt # -- /", "# {C But, } # -/", "-- yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C and } institutionally, like here at the university, {F oh } if there is a cut back, {D well gee, } it's not [ where it necessarily + where it's needed, ] / it's where it's most expedient which,", "Expedient, / yeah / that's exactly it. / Yeah, / [ where the most dollar, + [ where, + where ] ] {D you know } it cuts back the most. /", "{D Well, } in one sense for us, it's where it makes the least noise which means # it's # --", "# Oh. # /", "-- often the lowest support type roles. /", "Oh. / {D See, } yeah. /", "{D So } we, -/", "Yeah. / I think that's one of the things too. / You get too many management people, {D you know. } /", "It's very easy. /", "Yeah / {C and } it's very easy for them to say, {F oh } this is the best way when they really aren't aware of what all it took to get the work done {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } they wonder why it doesn't get done in the same amount of time. <laughter> / {D Well, } those people aren't there anymore. /", "Right. / {C Because } it's support people that are # providing # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- the speed for it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Inhaling>.", "Yeah, / {C but, } - / {D so } what else do you think is important? /", "{D Well } the, {F uh, } - / that's maybe the majority of the importance, I guess. / Yeah, / {C because } my perspective is from an institution, <inhaling> / {F uh, } [ the, + there ] is not much incentive for innovativeness --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because the limitation for reward is very severe -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } if you're in the corporate world, I think there is considerable motivation for <noise> I guess [ in-, + innovation, ] / although [ he, + ] {D you know, } the more complex your structure the, {F uh, } less difficult it is to kind of carry some things through -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } I think [ there is, + {F uh, } <inhaling> it's ] a long term type of process where in a small organization [ it's, + ] {F uh, } things can happen much more quickly / {C and so } you can see the reward of the efforts. /", "I think probably in a small, - / yeah, / I was going to say [ more, + it's more ] personal for one thing. / You probably have a better team, {F uh, } cooperation, or team playing, atmosphere. /", "Right. /", "Probably, where as in a bigger corporation, I think you're just a number, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / You end up being your own person -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } if you do your job fine and if somebody else is messing it up, {D well } then that's their problem / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you # know } you really, # -/", "# whereas # {D yeah } in a smaller, - / I think you would be more willing to either help that person or help it get accomplished, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / Yeah. / It becomes the organization instead of person being {D you know } a part of the individual themselves. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "JOB BENEFITS", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS BESIDES SALARY IN A JOB WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION? HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE CURRENT BENEFITS OF YOUR JOB", "talk_day": "03/04/1992", "from_caller": 1552, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1500, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}} |
5 | {"turn_id": ["3351_0", "3351_1", "3351_2", "3351_3", "3351_4", "3351_5", "3351_6", "3351_7", "3351_8", "3351_9", "3351_10", "3351_11", "3351_12", "3351_13", "3351_14", "3351_15", "3351_16", "3351_17", "3351_18", "3351_19", "3351_20", "3351_21", "3351_22", "3351_23", "3351_24", "3351_25", "3351_26", "3351_27", "3351_28", "3351_29", "3351_30", "3351_31", "3351_32", "3351_33", "3351_34", "3351_35", "3351_36", "3351_37", "3351_38", "3351_39", "3351_40", "3351_41", "3351_42", "3351_43", "3351_44", "3351_45", "3351_46", "3351_47", "3351_48", "3351_49", "3351_50", "3351_51", "3351_52", "3351_53", "3351_54", "3351_55", "3351_56", "3351_57", "3351_58", "3351_59", "3351_60", "3351_61", "3351_62", "3351_63", "3351_64", "3351_65", "3351_66", "3351_67", "3351_68", "3351_69", "3351_70", "3351_71", "3351_72", "3351_73", "3351_74", "3351_75", "3351_76", "3351_77", "3351_78", "3351_79", "3351_80", "3351_81", "3351_82", "3351_83", "3351_84", "3351_85", "3351_86", "3351_87", "3351_88", "3351_89", "3351_90", "3351_91", "3351_92", "3351_93"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, Lynn. /", "Yes. /", "Okay. / Do you have any pets? /", "Yes, / I have a dog and cat now. /", "{F Oh, } what are their names? /", "Tibby and Liberty. /", "Which is the dog and which is the cat? /", "Tibby is the dog / {C and } Liberty is the cat. /", "{F Uh, } wife and I, [ we have, + we have ] two cats. /", "Oh. /", "{F Uh, } one's real nice, / {C but } the other one is a, {D well, } - / she's pretty wild. /", "{F Oh } <laughter>. Ours are pretty calm. /", "Yeah, / are they, {F um, } just house pets? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah, / [ that's, + that's ] what ours are too. /", "Yeah. / Our cat we got from the pound [ the day bef-, + the night ] she was going to be put to sleep. / {C So } --", "{F Oh, } really. /", "-- that's why we call her Liberty. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that's a [ nice, + nice ] story. {F Um. } /", "Do you want to hear about my other animals I've had? /", "Sure, / sure. /", "I've had a skunk -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- I've had a Burmese python, / I've had rats, / I've had mice -- /", "Wow. /", "-- {F uh, } let's see, / I've had gerbils, / [ I have, + I had ] a son, {A he's now gone from the home, } that was an animal lover. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } at one point I had a snake, skunk, dog and cat running loose in the house. /", "Wow. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Um, } [ do + ] the skunk, {F uh, } was it kind of like a cat to have around the house? /", "Yes -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- it was litter trained -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } we had it perfumed -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } it was very aggressive. /", "Right. /", "{C But } [ all the, + all three ] of them, dog, cat and skunk, used to chase each other all through the house. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } the skunk. -/", "{C And } the only thing we have with the skunk, he was very, very protective of his territory --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- being the sofa and the blanket on the sofa. /", "{F Um. } /", "Nobody came near it when he was there. /", "Oh. / {F Uh, } [ I had, + I had ] a dog one time, / {C and, } {F uh, } he chased [ after a, + after a ] skunk and got sprayed -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C so } [ we had to, + we had to ] give him a [ tomato, + tomato ] juice bath, and, {F uh, } get him cleaned up, /", "Yeah, / [ they {F um, } + ours ] would still back up to the dog or cat when he got mad and try to perfume them, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the glands had been removed / {D so, } -/", "Right, / {C but } I suppose it was still in the instinct of them [ to + --", "Right. /", "-- to ] back up and get ready. / Yeah, / why, I don't know, / [ I, + I ] think they're kind of nice to have, / they're kind of, {D you know, } just relaxing [ to, + {E I don't know, } to ] pet and to, - / I don't know, / when they {D like } sit up on your lap and stuff like that, just kind of enjoyable to, {D you know, } have {D like, } / I don't know, / something giving you some affection as well. /", "Yeah, / [ I always said if I di-, +", "[ What, + what ] do you think? /", "{D Well, } I always said if I died ] I'd come back as a dog <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / Yeah. /", "That'd be the best way to be. /", "Yeah. / {F Um, } do you like big dogs [ or -- +", "{D Well } --", "-- or ] little dogs? /", "-- we had a German Shepherd / {C and } he had dysplasia -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } he had it for about three or four years where we just about had to lift him and carry him every place he went. /", "Really. /", "{D So, } when he died, we got a little one. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } our shepherd was almost thirteen years old, / {C and } it just, {D you know, } was almost cruel --", "Uh-huh -- /", "-- because, -/", "-- almost cruel for him [ to, + to ] walk. /", "Yeah, / [ he just, + he ] couldn't get up, / he couldn't walk, / {D so, } he was a hundred and twenty pounds, / {C so } it was a chore. /", "{F Wow, } yeah. /", "{C So } we said the next time around we'd get <laughter> something little that if --", "Sure. /", "-- something happened, it would be easier to carry. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } we've had three cats in our married life, / {C and } we've got a calico now. /", "Yeah, / we've got a calico cat too. /", "Do you? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ she's the, + she's the ] nice one. / [ We, + {F uh, } we ] used to live in an apartment / {C and } {D like, } our cats never went outside, / {C but, } {F um, } the neighbors used to let their dogs out, / {C and } our neighbors were, I don't know, kind of slimy, / {C and, } {F uh, } our cats wound up getting fleas, {F uh, } from the apartment that we were in -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C so, } [ we had to, + we had to ] flea bath them / {C and } [ it was, + {F uh, } it was ] an experience that they didn't enjoy at all. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } don't even talk to me, / [ I, + when I ] was single --", "Yeah. /", "-- I had gone away for the weekend, / {C and } my husband, {A then fianc3e, } was to keep my cat, / {C and } he let her out, / {C and } my house was loaded with fleas, / {E I mean, } you walked in / {C and } your legs were just black. /", "Really. /", "{C And } we had such a time, and never got the cat back. /", "Really. /", "Yeah, / I found it, {D you know, } in the street. /", "Oh. /", "I was a social worker at the time, and found it, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "11/03/1991", "from_caller": 1370, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1362, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}} |
6 | {"turn_id": ["3506_0", "3506_1", "3506_2", "3506_3", "3506_4", "3506_5", "3506_6", "3506_7", "3506_8", "3506_9", "3506_10", "3506_11", "3506_12", "3506_13", "3506_14", "3506_15", "3506_16", "3506_17", "3506_18", "3506_19", "3506_20", "3506_21", "3506_22", "3506_23", "3506_24", "3506_25", "3506_26", "3506_27", "3506_28", "3506_29", "3506_30", "3506_31", "3506_32", "3506_33", "3506_34", "3506_35", "3506_36", "3506_37", "3506_38", "3506_39", "3506_40", "3506_41", "3506_42", "3506_43", "3506_44", "3506_45", "3506_46", "3506_47", "3506_48", "3506_49", "3506_50", "3506_51", "3506_52", "3506_53", "3506_54", "3506_55", "3506_56", "3506_57", "3506_58", "3506_59", "3506_60", "3506_61", "3506_62", "3506_63", "3506_64", "3506_65", "3506_66", "3506_67", "3506_68", "3506_69", "3506_70", "3506_71", "3506_72", "3506_73", "3506_74", "3506_75", "3506_76", "3506_77"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Now is it Stacy? /", "Angie. /", "Angie, / I'm sorry. /", "Okay. /", "{D Well, } {D now, } {D so } if you were going to have a dinner party, what would you make? /", "{F Um, } let's see, / {F uh, } I like seafood. / {F Uh, } let's see, / {F uh, } shrimp, steamed [ she-, + {F uh, } shellfish ] with maybe herbs. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> spicy lobster with [ lem-, + linguini. ] /", "That sounds good. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Now } [ what is, + {F uh, } what is, ] {F uh, } the steamed shellfish you said? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } what would that be like, a clam or, {F uh, } -/", "Right. /", "Okay. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } I think hors d'oeuvres are good, too. / {F Uh, } {C and } that way, you can have a variety. {F Uh, } /", "{C So } if you have [ a, + a ] dinner party and you're going to serve, {F uh, } seafood for supper, what type of, {F uh, } hors d'oeuvres would you serve prior to the meal? /", "<Lipsmack> {F Uh, } /", "{D Like } cheeses or fruits or vegetables or, -/", "Yeah, / fresh vegetables would be good / {C or, } {F uh, } just, -/", "Probably not nachos and dip, {F huh? } /", "No. /", "<Laughter> {C And } [ would you, + {F uh, } would it ] be appropriate to, {F uh, } drink [ with the, + ] {F uh, } [ prior, + ] when you have the hors d'oeuvres? /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Okay. / {C And then } when you serve the meal, what type of wine would you have [ [ with, + {F uh, } with the, ] + with ] seafood? /", "{F Oh, } all these hard questions <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } what, white wine? /", "That would be my guess. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } +", "I'm not really a drinker, / {C so } [ I'm not, + I don't ] know a lot about that. /", "{C And then, } ] {F uh, } {F uh, } dessert. / Something sweet? /", "{F Oh, } goodness. / {F Uh, } chocolate, something chocolate. / {F Uh } <laughter>, /", "You must like chocolate. /", "Yes. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } let's see. / Usually when we have a dinner party, [ I always, + I ] like to grill. /", "{F Oh, } you do? /", "{D So, } we might have some cocktails ahead of time and maybe [ some, + {F uh, } some ] dip, {F uh, } some cheese. / One of our favorites is, {F uh, } to take some, let's see Philadelphia cream cheese I think, {A is that what comes in --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- # those little blocks? } #", "Yeah. /", "And pour cocktail sauce over the top of it and then get these little canned shrimp and, {F uh, } wash them and cool them and then dump them in the, {F uh, } sauce and then take crackers / {C and then } you just dip the cracker in the sauce with the clams and the cream cheese / {C and } you have a real nice dip that goes good with a cocktail. / {C And then } I like to barbecue, {D like } steaks or pork chops. / {C And then } [ we have, {F uh, } s-, + {F oh, } lot of times we'll have ] baked potatoes with them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and a salad / {C and then, } {F uh, } I don't know what we usually have for dessert. / Cake sometimes, / {C but, } {F uh, } that's what we would do for a dinner party, I guess. /", "That sounds good, too. /", "{C But } [ [ that's, + I guess when you talk about dinner party, that's probably not, ] + {F uh, } that's more for {D like } ] when friends come --", "Traditional -- /", "-- over. /", "-- right? /", "Traditional, / yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "I wouldn't be the big, {F uh, } snotty kind. /", "[ I just started, +", "<Laughter>.", "I just really started, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } learning about that / {C and } I bought a Martha Stewart, / I don't know if you've heard of her. /", "Huh-uh. /", "Her cookbook / {C and } she talks about catering and, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ goes into, + goes into ] all that and the [ different types of, + {F uh, } <lipsmack> {F uh, } different types of ] parties, {D you know, } different types of foods. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } do you work [ in a, + {F uh, } in a ] setting where you, {F uh, } are in the food business? /", "{F Um, } my father owns a restaurant. /", "{F Oh, } [ in, + {F uh, }", "[ It's, + it's ] just [ a, {F uh, } c-, + a cafe, ] / {C so } it's not really anything, {D you know, } that I want to, - / it's not the same <laughter>. /", "Is it in ] Dallas? /", "{F Uh, } it's in Lewisville. /", "Okay, / all right. / {D So } you graduated from which high school? /", "Trinity. /", "Trinity, / okay. / {C And } that's a public school or private? /", "That's public. /", "{F Huh, } okay, / I have to get to know this area a little better, I guess. / {F Uh, } {D well, } is your father's cafe, {F uh, } one that you could cater out of? /", "No, / uh-huh, /*[[listen; mistranscription of 'uh-uh'?]] it's not. /", "{F Um, } {C and } he's not interested in letting his twenty-one year old daughter experiment with it probably. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh. } /", "{D Well, } let's see, / what else for catering. {F Uh, } /", "Let's see, / what about Hawaiian luau. /", "{F Oh, } that would be good. /", "Could have, {F uh, } {F uh, } fruits [ and, + and ] pineapple, {F uh, } / let's see, {F uh, } /", "{C And } you could actually go with, {F uh, } a chicken if you wanted to. /", "[ I think, + I think ] decorating your food is, {D you know, } really, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1454, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1970, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1405, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}} |
7 | {"turn_id": ["4028_0", "4028_1", "4028_2", "4028_3", "4028_4", "4028_5", "4028_6", "4028_7", "4028_8", "4028_9", "4028_10", "4028_11", "4028_12", "4028_13", "4028_14", "4028_15", "4028_16", "4028_17", "4028_18", "4028_19", "4028_20", "4028_21", "4028_22", "4028_23", "4028_24", "4028_25", "4028_26", "4028_27", "4028_28", "4028_29", "4028_30", "4028_31", "4028_32", "4028_33", "4028_34", "4028_35", "4028_36", "4028_37", "4028_38", "4028_39", "4028_40", "4028_41", "4028_42", "4028_43", "4028_44", "4028_45", "4028_46", "4028_47", "4028_48", "4028_49", "4028_50", "4028_51", "4028_52", "4028_53", "4028_54", "4028_55", "4028_56", "4028_57", "4028_58", "4028_59", "4028_60", "4028_61", "4028_62", "4028_63", "4028_64", "4028_65", "4028_66", "4028_67", "4028_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {F um, } I guess we're going to [ talk, + ] describe, {F uh, } job benefits, / {C and so } what do you think, next to salary do you rank, is the most important job benefits? /", "{F Uh, } I would say the medical, {F uh, } group insurance area --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as far as, {F uh, } covering medical costs for yourself or family members. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } {F um, } does your company have good benefits [ in that, + in that ] regard? /", "Yeah, / I think, - / I work for a public school [ system, + district ] -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] it's different than a company where most companies fund almost the entire thing, / where the school district does, {F um, } the employee must pick up a greater figure in the way of, {F uh, } costs. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C But } overall, {F um, } I've been pleased with it over the years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think the biggest frustration is because of the cost of insurance going up every year, our district has had to [ alter, + {F uh, } {D you know, } change ] companies, / {C or } now we're on a managed care thing, which has stressed a lot of people out --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- although it has not disturbed me any. /", "I see. /", "How about yourself? /", "{F Uh, } {D well } I'm, - / my medical coverage is with an H M O -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } {C so, } [ that's, + in my opinion, [ that's get-, + that's bordering ] ] on a health clinic, / {C but } it seems to be a good way to maintain costs and still provide a good amount of coverage. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{F Um. } /", "Our district did that for the ninety-one and the ninety [ school year, + {E or } calendar years, ] / {C and } I was in the H M O, / {C and, } {F um, } I was because [ my, + my ] same doctor, {D you know, } agreed to be in it for, {F uh, } - / they usually sign a contract or something -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } I did have surgery last summer / {C and } I paid ten dollars when I went to see him that first day, / {C and } I've never seen another bill, / {C so } [ I -- +", "Right. /", "-- I have ] to say it really works. / {C But, } again, I was fortunate because my doctor agreed to be in it. / {F Uh, } if you've been going to a doctor for, {D you know, } ten years or something and he elects not to join, it can be very stressful for --", "Yes. /", "-- {D you know, } those people. /", "That's right, / yeah, / [ I'm, + I'm ] fairly young myself, / I've only been, - / when I first started working which, - / three years ago is when I first got into full time employment -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } at that time I immediately joined the H M O, / {C and } I never really, - / {C so } the only doctor [ I, + I've ] kind of consistently had has been through the H M O, / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } for me it's worked out real good. /", "Right, / {C but } if you, {D you know, } have a family [ and, + and, ] {F um, } everybody's gone to different doctors, {F uh, } it is hard to give up somebody who you feel knows you and your body and [ your, + ] just has, {D you know, } all the medical history / {C and } you feel comfortable with it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I'm ] sure it would be very stressful / {C and, } my husband and I have just elected that if that happens, I will go and just pay. / You can continue to go to your own doctor -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } your benefits are not as, {D you know, } good, # / {D so, } {F uh. } # -/", "# Uh-huh. / Yeah, # / {F um, } {D like } [ you, + you ] mentioned you work for a school system. / I work for, {F uh, } Georgia Tech # in the # --", "# {F Oh, } all right. # /", "-- research branch, / {C and } I guess another one [ that, + that ] I rank up there high is the, {F uh, } kind of job flexibility and time off, {F um, } I enjoy as a benefit. /", "I do too. / Are you talking about {D like } Spring Break / {C and, } -/", "Right -- /", "Right. /", "-- yeah, / getting a lot of breaks --", "Right. /", "-- between quarters and that, and having a lot of vacation. /", "[ It, + it ] really, {F um, } - / I don't think most of our teachers, - / {D now } I'm not a teacher, / I am a secretarial executive assistant, / {C but } I don't think the teachers could stand the stress <laughter> [ all, + all ] year long --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- frankly. / It is just, Texas has really, {F um, } {D you know, } - / they want everybody educated, no matter what it costs, / {F uh, } {C and } [ it, + it ] would be just, - / we all look forward to, - / {D like } in two weeks we have Spring Break, / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I don't know who looks forward to it more, the students or <laughter> the teachers and the staff. /", "<Laughter> Right. /", "What do you do there? /", "{D Well, } {F um, } I'm not actually on the teaching faculty, / {C but } we have a large research organization associated with the university, / {C and } that's who I work with. /", "Okay. /", "{F Um, } {C and } we're given, {D you know, } a good bit of flexibility in what we do. / We can kind of pursue our own interests in terms of the research areas that we study. /", "{D Well, } that's good. / Yeah, / I would think that that type of employment, [ [ you're, + you're, ] + one day you might be ] really tuned in and the next day, {F oh, } a little luke warm or something -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } it's good that they allow you that. /", "Right. /", "It, {F um, } - / as I say, the schools, - / now we do have to work, {D you know, } the day, / {C but } we do get many days off, / {C and, } {F uh, } we all look forward to it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's the only reason I work there, is that my children now have [ graduated, + [ and + ] graduated ] from college / # {C but } at the # --", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "-- time, I worked there because my hours and days were the same as theirs -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I've just continued to, {F uh, } stay there # (( )). # /", "[ # Are there, # + are there ] any things [ that, + that ] you'd like to see changed in terms of [ the, + the ] benefits? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "JOB BENEFITS", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS BESIDES SALARY IN A JOB WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION? HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE CURRENT BENEFITS OF YOUR JOB", "talk_day": "03/01/1992", "from_caller": 1532, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1442, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1937, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}} |
8 | {"turn_id": ["4038_0", "4038_1", "4038_2", "4038_3", "4038_4", "4038_5", "4038_6", "4038_7", "4038_8", "4038_9", "4038_10", "4038_11", "4038_12", "4038_13", "4038_14", "4038_15", "4038_16", "4038_17", "4038_18", "4038_19", "4038_20", "4038_21", "4038_22", "4038_23", "4038_24", "4038_25", "4038_26", "4038_27", "4038_28", "4038_29", "4038_30", "4038_31", "4038_32", "4038_33", "4038_34", "4038_35", "4038_36", "4038_37", "4038_38", "4038_39", "4038_40", "4038_41", "4038_42", "4038_43", "4038_44", "4038_45", "4038_46", "4038_47", "4038_48", "4038_49", "4038_50", "4038_51", "4038_52", "4038_53", "4038_54", "4038_55", "4038_56", "4038_57", "4038_58", "4038_59", "4038_60", "4038_61", "4038_62", "4038_63", "4038_64", "4038_65", "4038_66", "4038_67", "4038_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I guess it took, - / {D so } I guess the recording has started now. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{D So, } have you ever served on a jury? /", "I served, / I was in the Air Force, and served on a court martial, {F uh, } board a couple of times, which is very similar to a jury. / A lot of the same rules apply. / Have you ever served on one? /", "Yeah, / I finally served on one last year. / I've, {F um, } been voting for years, / {C and } I couldn't figure out why I hadn't been called yet -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I finally was. / {C So } it was an interesting experience. / I was kind of boring. / *[[listen; should I be \"it\"]]", "Was it civil or criminal? /", "{F Uh, } [ [ it was, + {F uh } --", "A grand jury or, -/", "-- {F uh, } it was, ] + {F uh, } {D well, } {D let's see, } it was ] municipal court -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } it was a combination of, {F uh, } - / {C and } I was in the pool for a couple of weeks -- /", "I see. /", "-- {C so } it was a combination of criminal and civil, / {C and } they had, {F uh, } - / <inhaling> {D well } most of the time [ we, + we ] spent sitting around in the jury room and getting to know the other potential jurors -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then, } it was always exciting when we got called [ [ to, + to, ] + to ] go, because then we thought we might be able to do something else besides, {F uh, } just sit in the jury room. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } [ did, + did ] the judge, {F uh, } hand down sentences / {C or } did you folks do that? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / the judge did. / {F Uh, } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] had a hard time getting seated on a jury. / I kept getting, {F uh, } - / I'd be questioned, {F uh, } for empaneling the jury, / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they kept, {F uh, } dismissing me. /", "{F Um. } /", "Course they don't have to give a reason, / {C but } it's just --", "No. /", "-- whether the prosecutor or the defense attorney feels like, {D you know, } - / they want to get the best, {F uh, } mix for their case, / {C so } --", "[ That + --", "-- they ask all kinds of wild questions. /", "-- that's ] a science in itself. /", "Yeah, / {D well } I kept getting called up for drunk driving questions, / {C and } I think part of it was [ they didn't, + {F uh, } they didn't ] like the fact that I don't drink any more. / {D So. } -/", "Uh-huh, / I see. /", "<Laughter>.", "Because you'd probably be, {F uh, } too puritanical / {C and } -- -/", "Yeah, / that was --", "-- (( )).", "-- probably it, / {C although } in my case I might have been more, {F uh, } sympathetic with the person who got caught, / I don't know. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> {D So, } {F uh, } [ were, + were ] the, {F uh, } sentences that the judge handed out what you thought to be fair, / {C or } would, - / if you were deciding, do you think that they would have been different. /", "{D Well, } I was [ never there, + never there ] for any sentencing. / {F Uh, } I finally got empaneled on one case, {F uh, } on my next to the last day, / {C and, } {F uh, } we got into the, {F uh, } jury room to, {F uh, } decide the case, / {C and } there was one guy on the jury who announced to everybody that he didn't need to deliberate, because he'd already decided that the guy was, {F uh, } not guilty, / {C and } he would never vote for guilty. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C So, } {F uh, } they appointed me [ jury, + jury ] foreman / {C and } I, {F uh, } didn't think that, {F uh, } going in without deliberating allowed us to reach a verdict, / {C so } I told the judge that we [ weren't, + were ] unable to reach a verdict because we couldn't get one member of the jury to deliberate. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } the whole thing had to be tried over again. /", "Wow, / I bet that made him happy. /", "Yeah. / <laughter> Yeah, / [ it was, + {F uh, } it was ] funny. / The, {F uh, } - / [ [ I ju-, + I, ] + I ] don't know, / [ [ I, + {F uh, } I didn't, ] + {F uh, } {F uh, } I didn't ] like not being able to deliberate. /", "Right. /", "[ [ I, + {F uh, } I, ] + I ] wanted to vote guilty for the guy, / {C and } the other people were kind of mixed -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D so, } {F uh, } the guy had to go through the whole thing all over again. / Cost him a lot of money, / I'm sure. /", "Yeah. / {F Oh, } how many members were on the jury? / Was it a six or twelve member jury? /", "{F Uh, } it must have been six. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "That's kind of curious to me. / I didn't realize until the, {F uh, } Wayne Kennedy Smith trial, {F uh, } a few months ago that they had six member juries. / I thought that [ they, + ] {D you know, } it was always [ twelve, + twelve ] men tried and true, so to speak. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C But, } {F uh, } apparently for [ some, + some ] crimes, it's permissible to have six people sit in judgment. /", "{F Um. } /", "I know on a <breathing>, - / getting to this unanimous thing, whether, {D you know, } a jury should be unanimous [ or not, + or not, ] in a court martial case it doesn't require the jury to be unanimous. / It's a simple majority, {D you know, } rules. /", "Yeah. # / Well, let's # --", "# (( )). #", "-- see, / is it on, {F uh, } capital crimes that they have to be unanimous / {C and, } -/", "Probably on capital, / I don't know, / [ [ we weren't, + we, ] + we, ] - / the two that I were on had to do with drugs -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } we were, {F uh, } unanimous is acquitting the person, even though we [ in our, + in our, ] {F uh, } gut felt that the individuals were both guilty just [ because of the friends, + because of various things, ] / the government really failed to prove its case, / {C and, } {D you know, } being fair to the person, if the government doesn't prove its case, no matter how you feel, you have to go by what's offered as proof, / {C and } we had to acquit him in both cases. /", "{F Uh, } it was too circumstantial? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / it was, {D yeah, } in some of the critical things, like [ the off-, + special investigations, ] at one time in one of the cases had videotaped this person, / {C but } something happened to the camera and the tape and -- -/", "{F Um. } /", "-- all they could do was testify, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1539, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1938, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1546, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1952, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}} |
9 | {"turn_id": ["2593_0", "2593_1", "2593_2", "2593_3", "2593_4", "2593_5", "2593_6", "2593_7", "2593_8", "2593_9", "2593_10", "2593_11", "2593_12", "2593_13", "2593_14", "2593_15", "2593_16", "2593_17", "2593_18", "2593_19", "2593_20", "2593_21", "2593_22", "2593_23", "2593_24", "2593_25", "2593_26", "2593_27", "2593_28", "2593_29", "2593_30", "2593_31", "2593_32", "2593_33", "2593_34", "2593_35", "2593_36", "2593_37", "2593_38", "2593_39", "2593_40", "2593_41", "2593_42", "2593_43", "2593_44", "2593_45", "2593_46", "2593_47", "2593_48", "2593_49", "2593_50", "2593_51", "2593_52", "2593_53", "2593_54", "2593_55", "2593_56", "2593_57", "2593_58", "2593_59", "2593_60", "2593_61", "2593_62", "2593_63", "2593_64", "2593_65", "2593_66", "2593_67", "2593_68", "2593_69", "2593_70", "2593_71", "2593_72", "2593_73", "2593_74"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So, } [ the, + the ] topic is hobbies <laughter>. /", "In your spare time. /", "Yeah. / Who has spare time <laughter>? /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Um, } I [ don't really, + don't really ] do any handicraft things like that. / [ I used to. + I used to ] do, {D like } salt ornaments and things. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } that was, {F oh, } good [ many, + many ] years ago / {C and } --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ [ I have, + I really, ] + my spare time ] - / I <noise> usually go do aerobics and read, / {C and } that's,", "# Yeah. # /", "# about # it <breathing>. /", "Yeah. / I understood that. / [ I'm, + <noise> {D you know, } I work ] full time / {C and } I have two kids <lipsmack> / {C so } my spare time usually </noise> involves something with the kids. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } hobbies, - / [ [ we, + I, ] + I ] can't really say that we have hobbies. / It's more like maybe <noise> projects or something on the weekend. / <noise> {D You know, } we like to [ go out + <<pause>>,", "# Yeah, # /", "# go # out, ] /", "family. / {D Well, } {D well, } that's what I meant by salt that [ we, + <noise> we ] did that like as a family, little ornaments and,", "Oh. / Uh-huh. /", "things like that, and just kind of really got into it. {D Like } during the Christmas season,", "Right. /", "making them up for other people and things like that. / {C But } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as far as, - / I've just never been very skilled at,", "# (( )). #", "# far, {D you # know, } needle,", "Uh-huh. /", "work </noise> ((cloths)). / {C And } the things I've tried to do just don't look very good <laughter>, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and, } -/", "[ I, + I ] guess mostly as far [ as, + as ] <noise> crafts go, I've done, {F um, } <lipsmack> some needlepoint. / I've done mostly cross stitching. / I used to, {F uh, } do {D like, } {F um, } - / one that I did for both kids are {D like, } {F oh, } <breathing> - / they're plaques <noise> with, {D you know, } different kind of animals / {C and then } you have their birth date on them, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and then } you have a little picture of them / {C and } you frame them and stuff, /", "Uh-huh. /", "but nothing steady. / Just when I get some spare time here and there I'll work on it, / {C but, } {D you know, } it's nothing <noise> that I,", "It's not,", "can really, -/", "like you sit and knit every night <laughter>. /", "No. / Not at all. /", "Yeah. / I don't even know how to knit / {C and } my mother used to knit, {D you know, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# all # the time / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I don't even know how to knit <laughter>, /", "<Laughter>.", "I'm like, that's a lost art from this family <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } {F um, } - / {C but, } it's not a very good topic / it feels like,", "# No. # /", "# if, # {D you know, } - / not when you're n-, - / neither one of us are really, - / [ I, + I ] have seen things I really like,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } that were done, especially like needlepoint. / Needlepoint,", "Yeah. /", "cushions and things. / {C But, } it just seems like there'd be so much time involved in it,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } [ and, + <noise> and ] that the petty point and things like that. - / [ It's like, + {A God, } [ it, + it ] seems like ] it's easier just to go out and buy it already # made <laughter>. # /", "# (( )) # I don't know <noise> [ what, + what, ] is, - / it's like there, - / {C but } here a lot of the </noise> country stuff is in, {D you know, } a lot of the woodwork, a lot of, {F uh, } stenciling. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {D you know, } you can go to [ any, + {D like } a ] flea market and stuff / {C and } there's just tons of stuff everywhere / {C and, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D you # know, } people just do it in their garage / {C and then } on weekends they go out and sell it / {C and } during the week they go back and do some more. /", "{C And } {D see, } they do that as their job. Whereas,", "# Right <noise>. # /", "# {D you know, } # for us it, - / {C and } they make it cheaper </noise> for us to buy <laughter>. /", "Yeah <noise>. / Definitely. /", "{D So, } - / [ {C but, } + {C and, } ] {E I mean, } I'm sure it must be relaxing to do things like that / {C because } I can remember when I used to do, {D you know, } [ those little salt, + those figurines ] and things. / [ It was, + it was ] relaxing, {D you know, } creative, / you felt very creative. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } it just was [ so [ time, + time, ]", "# Yeah. # /", "# involved, + # {D you know, } so much time involved ] <noise> and the different steps and things. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } # - / {C and, } # -/", "# Okay # </noise>. / {D Well, } [ I think, + I think ] we're okay. / I think we did <noise> ((the)) five minutes, / {C so } we don't have to keep talking about nothing anymore <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / # {D So, } # -/", "# Okay. # / {D Well, } thank you. /", "Okay. / I hope you have a good rest of your weekend. /", "Thanks. / # Bye-bye. # /", "# Okay. / # Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "04/13/1991", "from_caller": 1179, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1038, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "UNK"}} |
10 | {"turn_id": ["4049_0", "4049_1", "4049_2", "4049_3", "4049_4", "4049_5", "4049_6", "4049_7", "4049_8", "4049_9", "4049_10", "4049_11", "4049_12", "4049_13", "4049_14", "4049_15", "4049_16", "4049_17", "4049_18", "4049_19", "4049_20", "4049_21", "4049_22", "4049_23", "4049_24", "4049_25", "4049_26", "4049_27", "4049_28", "4049_29", "4049_30", "4049_31", "4049_32", "4049_33", "4049_34", "4049_35", "4049_36", "4049_37", "4049_38", "4049_39", "4049_40", "4049_41", "4049_42", "4049_43", "4049_44", "4049_45", "4049_46", "4049_47"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } {F uh, } I myself am not in favor of drug testing in the work place except [ [ in, + in [ specific, + {F uh, } very specific ] ] + in this, {F uh, } very specific ] examples such as, {F uh, } transportation workers, as in, {F uh, } air traffic controllers, bus drivers and that kind of thing. /", "{D Well. } -/", "{F Um, } I don't really <breathing> think that it's, {F uh, } too many, / I think it's a severe invasion of somebody's privacy to say, {D well, } we're going to look at your urine and then decide whether you're, {F uh, } {D you know, } worthy of working for us. / I really don't see that that's a [ very, + very ] valid, {F uh, } thing for a company to say, / {C and } [ I, + personally, I ] don't think I would work for somebody if they were going to reject me on the basis of what's inside my body. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } I guess I basically agree that, {F uh, } - / do you think it's okay for a company to reject somebody knowing that they'll take drugs? / {E I mean } suppose # they found out some other way? # /", "# {D Well, } [ [ I think, + I think ] # + [ we, + I ] think ] the problem here [ is, + is ] that [ a, + a ] drug test does not necessarily imply that someone is taking drugs or not taking drugs. /", "Yeah. /", "There's too many cases where it can, {D you know, } - / there can be false positive results, and [ that, + that ] sort of thing. / I don't think there's any definitive, {D you know, } - / okay this person is taking drugs, / {C so } we don't want him here. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } like I said, some industries, though, I think it'd be very necessary, / I wouldn't want any air traffic controllers high or anything like that when I'm flying in an airplane. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ [ I, + I just, ] + I ] find it to be pretty offensive [ that, + that ] it's such [ a, + a ] big deal. / {E I mean, } if your employer's not going to trust you / {C or, } {D you know, } it, - / [ I just, + I ] think it's a whole trust issue. / I just can't see it. /", "{C But, } have you ever been in a situation where [ you, + you ] were drug tested / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } yeah, / I have been. /", "Yeah. /", "[ # I. # +", "# I # once too, / {D so. } -/", "{E I mean, } I ] was very offended [ by, + by ] the whole process. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean } it's very humiliating, / {C and, } {E I mean, } I'm not speaking in favor of drugs or against drugs, / {C but } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] am totally against that sort of a, {F uh, } <noise> - / {E I mean } [ it's, + it's ] a pretty personal thing when somebody says I want to look at your urine before I'm going to talk to you. /", "Yeah. / I had it during a job interview, / {C and } I just thought it was dumb of the company, at a point where they were trying to convince me [ to, + to ] want to work for them --", "Right. /", "-- to do this, / {C and } I'm just like, {D well, } {F uh, } <laughter> I'm not even going to think much about it --", "Yeah. /", "-- if you're going to treat me with this much respect even before --", "Right. /", "-- you've gotten to know me. /", "Right. / [ That's, + that's ] basically my opinion on it, right there, is that it's just, {D you know, } - / [ I did, + [ I, + I ] was ] in the same sort of situation as, - / it was a job interview / {C and then } you had a physical, where you were drug tested, / {C and } it's, - / I just, - / {C and } I know people who have been drug tested and who have not, {D you know, } been hired by a corporation which, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / I really. - / The other side of it [ is, + is, ] besides its being an invasion of personal privacy, [ as in my, + ] it's my bodily fluid / {C and } I don't really want you to look at it, [ or -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or ] something pretty basic like that, / just to the fact that I don't know that it is a company's business to regulate what its employees are doing when they're not at work. / I mean, during the eight hours, during the day, when they're supposed to be there, I think they have every right to say [ this is, + these behaviors ] are acceptable and these are not, / {C but } when it enters into what they're doing when they're not at work, I find that to be fairly offensive also. /", "Yeah, / {D well } like you say, {E I mean, } if it's not a critical kind of job where someone could get hurt, then really [ what people ought to be doing, + {E I mean, } [ the, + the ] employer ought to be judging ] you on how well you do your work --", "Right. /", "-- rather than on these other factors. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {E I mean, } if you are doing drugs and it's causing a problem, then they'll notice it for other reasons. /", "That's exactly right. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } also I just think [ it, + it ] gets a lot, - / I'm a big, {F uh, } supporter of personal freedoms and personal privacies, / {C and } I think that it just moves down along a line [ that, + that ] I really would find bad [ if, + if ] most people went down that line into regulating employees' lives outside of work, {D you know, } / there's already talk of people, - / {D well, } we're not going to hire you if you smoke. /", "(( )).", "{D Well, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] can see how they can say in the work place [ we, + you ] don't want them to smoke, / {C but } when somebody leaves work, I don't think that it's the employer's right to regulate their life style at all. /", "{D Well, } do you think it's, should be illegal for an employer to do this / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } I really think it should be, except as I've mentioned twice now, in the specified industries --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ or, + or ] jobs, because there are certain things where it's just vital that a person is clear minded at all times. / {C And } other than that [ I think, + I do not think ] it should be allowable. / I think it should be illegal for them [ to, + to ] want to do that. / [ It should, + it's ] kind of the big brother syndrome, <laughter> / {E I mean, } I just, - / anything like that just kind of scares me. /", "I tend [ to, + to ] view it, - / even though I don't think I'd work for a company that did that, I sort of want to defend an employer's rights [ as opposed to an in-, + {F uh, } in addition to an individual's ] rights, / {C but } an employer, really, I think, has the right to hire someone on any basis they want to -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and } if they say they don't want smokers, I sort of feel like an employer should have the right to decide whether they want to allow that. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } I don't really, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "DRUG TESTING", "prompt": "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF SOME COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TESTING EMPLOYEES OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES FOR DRUGS? IS RANDOM SPOT TESTING JUSTIFIED? WHAT LIMITS SHOULD THERE BE", "talk_day": "03/03/1992", "from_caller": 1541, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1966, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1530, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1968, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}} |
11 | {"turn_id": ["2109_0", "2109_1", "2109_2", "2109_3", "2109_4", "2109_5", "2109_6", "2109_7", "2109_8", "2109_9", "2109_10", "2109_11", "2109_12", "2109_13", "2109_14", "2109_15", "2109_16", "2109_17", "2109_18", "2109_19", "2109_20", "2109_21", "2109_22", "2109_23", "2109_24", "2109_25", "2109_26", "2109_27", "2109_28", "2109_29", "2109_30", "2109_31", "2109_32", "2109_33", "2109_34", "2109_35", "2109_36", "2109_37", "2109_38", "2109_39", "2109_40", "2109_41", "2109_42", "2109_43", "2109_44", "2109_45", "2109_46", "2109_47", "2109_48", "2109_49", "2109_50", "2109_51", "2109_52", "2109_53", "2109_54", "2109_55", "2109_56", "2109_57", "2109_58", "2109_59", "2109_60", "2109_61", "2109_62", "2109_63", "2109_64", "2109_65", "2109_66", "2109_67", "2109_68", "2109_69", "2109_70", "2109_71", "2109_72", "2109_73", "2109_74", "2109_75", "2109_76", "2109_77", "2109_78", "2109_79", "2109_80", "2109_81", "2109_82", "2109_83", "2109_84", "2109_85", "2109_86", "2109_87", "2109_88", "2109_89", "2109_90", "2109_91", "2109_92"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, Mary. /", "Yes. /", "{F Um, } [ the, + {F uh, } the ] latest one I've seen, {F uh, } had to do with [ [ a, + {F uh, } {F uh, } the, ] + {F uh, } basically a ] manhunt, {F um, } / {C and } [ it was, + {F uh, } it was ] called MANHUNTER, actually. / {F Uh, } [ the, + {F uh, } the ] guy, {F uh, } apparently had [ a, + a, ] mental disfunction in which he needed to go out and just slay people. {F Uh, } just, {F uh, } kill them [ with, + with ] as much blood [ and, + and ] guts as possible. /", "{F Oh, } how awful <laughter>. /", "[ It <laughter> was true, + it was truly awful. ] / It was not one that I picked, / {C but, } {F uh, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] did show [ [ some, + some, ] + {F uh, } some ] interesting things about the F B I / {C because } [ they were + [ [ the, + the, ] + {F uh, } the ] characters [ trying, + trying ] to get him were ] F B I people / {C and, } {F uh, } {F uh, } [ of the, + of the ] few good things that were in it, it did show, {F uh, } a lot about the F B I. About the training, [ and, + and ] how they go through training and how they try [ to, + to ] develop, {F uh, } {F uh, } a mental picture of who they're looking for before they go out and do it and all the different ways they go about doing that. / {C And } [ it was, + {F uh, } {F uh, } it was ] pretty telling about [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] F B I and their procedures. /", "I wonder how truthful all of that was or whether there was fiction. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] imagine a lot of it had to be fictional just to keep the F B I, {F uh, } going, I guess. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } they keep it rather secretive, / yes <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{D Well } the most recent movie I saw, {F uh, } I'm afraid was, {F uh, } - / {D well } [ two, + two ] of them actually. / {F Uh, } the RAIN MAN was one. /", "{F Oh } that was great one. /", "Wasn't that fabulous, / [ and, +", "{F Oh, } I loved it. /", "and ] DRIVING MISS DAISY. /", "{D You know, } I haven't seen that one yet, / {C and } I need to go see it. /", "{F Oh, } you need to see that. /", "Yeah. /", "That is the most heart rendering story of relationships between two people.", "Uh-huh. /", "Two diametrically opposed people from the stand point that one was Jewish and one was black / {C and } this all took place in the South. /", "{F Oh } my. -/", "{C And, } {F uh, } normally never the twain shall meet. /", "You bet, especially in the South. /", "Yes, / right, / {C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] really was a fantastic movie. / The acting was phenomenal. /", "{D Well } [ as, it, + as I recall it ] got some Academy Awards, didn't it. /", "{F Oh } yes, / Jessica Tandy won best actress / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Oh } yeah, / that's right. / [ It, + it ] might have one best picture, too. /", "Yes / it did, / yes / it did. /", "Yeah. /", "Just as RAIN MAN, {F uh, } with Dustin Hoffman,", "That was, -/", "{F uh, } [ that, + that ] was tremendous and Tom Cruise. /", "yeah, / [ I, + I ] think it was more a lesson for Tom Cruise than anything else in terms [ of, + {F uh, } of ] how to act from Dustin Hoffman, / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "Yes, / {F uh, } {F oh, } [ that was, + that was, ] {F uh, } what [ the, + much of the ] hype was that Tom Cruise learned so much from Dustin Hoffman. /", "Yeah, / it must have been great just being with him [ on, + on ] a daily basis and seeing how he prepares [ for his, + for his ] lines and all that stuff. /", "Yeah / {C and } a good bit of that was filmed right in Cincinnati.", "Oh. /", "Which is just forty-five miles [ from, + from ] [ where I am, + where I actually live ] in a suburb of Dayton. /", "[ Is, + is ] the Kmart there? <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } <laughter> we do have Kmart here, / you better believe it. / Isn't there a Kmart everywhere? /", "[ That was, + that was ] so funny, / he had to, - / {E or } was it Kmart. /", "Yes. /", "He had to buy his underwear at Kmart. /", "Right, / right / yeah. /", "That was hilarious. / [ [ [ [ The, + the, ] + I guess the, ] + the first, ] + the first, ] {F uh, } scene in that movie that really got my attention, {F uh, } concerning [ the, + the ] disease and all that was when he, {F uh, } dropped [ the, + the, ] {F uh, } the toothpicks, /", "{F Oh } yes. /", "{C and } he was able to count the number of toothpicks just by a mental image. /", "Yes, / yes. /", "Unbelievable. /", "{D Well, } {D you know } there are people, {F uh, } referred to as savants also,", "Yeah. /", "{F uh, } who can do most phenomenal things / {C and } everyone feels they are totally retarded. /", "Yeah, / {D wel-, } {C because } that's the way [ they, + they ] might seem outwardly, /", "That's right. /", "{C but, } boy there's a lots going on in there <laughter>. /", "It's amazing <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah / {C and } [ [ [ I, + the, ] + the, ] + I think ] [ the, + the ] best thing about RAINMAN was [ the, + {F uh, } the ] way that they put together [ the, + the ] real awfulness [ [ of the, + of the, ] + of the ] disease,", "Yes. /", "only, / [ {C an, } + {C and then } ] they balanced it with the wonderfulness of it, {D you know, } / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C and } ] you need [ to, + to ] work with it, {F uh, } {D you know, } certainly [ on, + on ] a daily basis but [ then ag-, + then again ] work with it toward a good end.", "Yes / {C and } the, -/", "[ Not, + not ] toward winning in Las Vegas, for example. /", "Right, / {D well } the warmth that developed between them / {C and } again it, I think was a picture of relationships. /", "Yeah. /", "Again the relationship, {F uh, } between the two, {F uh, } that, {F uh, } never would have occurred, {F uh, } by accident. /", "Right, / right. / [ I was, + {F uh, } I was ] so impressed with that movie / I saw it three times. /", "Did you. /", "[ I can, + I can ] [ se-, + tell ] you, {F oh, } so much about that movie, just because [ it, + it ] really [ rang, + {F uh, } rang ] a lot of [ my, + {F uh, } my ] personal background. / [ I, + I ] have [ a, + a ] brother myself [ that's, + that's ] older / {C and, } {F uh, } he's not, {D you know, } - / [ nothing, + nothing, ] of course, serious is wrong with him / [ {C but, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] we have gone through [ these, + these ] lapses [ of, + of ] a relationship,", "Yes. /", "[ somewhat, + sometimes, ] / {C and then, } {D you know, } {F uh, } [ [ for, + for, ] + for ] no real, {D you know, } direct reason, I guess, {F uh, } [ we, + we ] get into, {F uh, } {F uh, } a really good relationship for a while and then, {D you know, } back and forth / {C so } [ I, + I ] was really able [ to, + to ] relate to [ the, + the ] relationship aspect of the movie between the brothers. / That was neat. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } that's tremendous, / [ that, + it's ] good because it does make you think, about your own family. /", "Yeah, / a lot. /", "{C And } {D see } it did bring out a lot of thoughts between you and your brother. /", "Uh-huh. / No question, / [ [ [ he, + the, ] + he was, ] + he's ] one of these guys though that doesn't really like to go see movies like that. / He likes the bang them up and shoot them up things. /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } [ it, + it ] was like pulling teeth to go get him [ to, + to ] see it / {C but, } {F uh, } {F oh } boy. [ [ He was, + {F uh, } {F uh, } he, ] + he gave ] [ the, + the ] best response that I've heard him give of this type of movie for RAIN MAN. / {E I mean } he certainly didn't, - / he only saw it one time, / {C and } he didn't go back for more, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ he, + he ] said he enjoyed it / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] -/", "{D Well } he at least saw it one time <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] he really, - / I don't know, / [ he, + he's ] kind of a Dustin Hoffman fan anyway. / [ {C But } he wa-, + {C but } before he saw ] the movie he was {D like } disappointed that Dustin Hoffman would do this <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'm like, {F oh, } come on. /", "Just think of what a phenomenal actor Dustin Hoffman is. /", "Yeah. /", "He will do that, to research it and to be able to mimic a person, {F uh, } {F uh, } with the kinds of problems that he had. /", "And to make it believable. /", "Yes. /", "{E I mean } [ I was, + I was ] believing it, / I don't know about any body else / {C but } [ I was, + it was ] great. /", "{D Well, } I'm sure everybody that saw it was believing it right along with them. /", "He did great. /", "{D Well } it's just, {F uh, } been delightful talking with you. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / you take care up there / {C and, } {F uh, } let's hear it for the summertime. /", "Absolutely, / I'm ready for it, / {C but } they're predicting some more snow for our direction. /", "No, / {F oh } no. / {F Oh } {D well, } take care. /", "# Take care now. / Bye, bye. # /", "# Bye, bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1076, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1958, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1123, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}} |
12 | {"turn_id": ["3073_0", "3073_1", "3073_2", "3073_3", "3073_4", "3073_5", "3073_6", "3073_7", "3073_8", "3073_9", "3073_10", "3073_11", "3073_12", "3073_13", "3073_14", "3073_15", "3073_16", "3073_17", "3073_18", "3073_19", "3073_20", "3073_21", "3073_22", "3073_23", "3073_24", "3073_25", "3073_26", "3073_27", "3073_28", "3073_29", "3073_30", "3073_31", "3073_32", "3073_33", "3073_34", "3073_35", "3073_36", "3073_37", "3073_38", "3073_39", "3073_40", "3073_41", "3073_42", "3073_43", "3073_44", "3073_45", "3073_46", "3073_47", "3073_48", "3073_49", "3073_50", "3073_51", "3073_52", "3073_53", "3073_54", "3073_55", "3073_56", "3073_57", "3073_58", "3073_59", "3073_60", "3073_61", "3073_62", "3073_63", "3073_64", "3073_65", "3073_66", "3073_67", "3073_68", "3073_69", "3073_70", "3073_71", "3073_72", "3073_73", "3073_74", "3073_75", "3073_76", "3073_77", "3073_78", "3073_79", "3073_80", "3073_81", "3073_82", "3073_83", "3073_84", "3073_85", "3073_86", "3073_87", "3073_88", "3073_89", "3073_90", "3073_91", "3073_92", "3073_93", "3073_94", "3073_95", "3073_96", "3073_97", "3073_98", "3073_99", "3073_100", "3073_101", "3073_102", "3073_103", "3073_104", "3073_105", "3073_106", "3073_107", "3073_108", "3073_109", "3073_110", "3073_111", "3073_112", "3073_113", "3073_114", "3073_115", "3073_116", "3073_117", "3073_118", "3073_119", "3073_120", "3073_121", "3073_122", "3073_123", "3073_124", "3073_125", "3073_126"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I'm back on. /", "Okay. /", "{F Um, } you say you watch evenings mostly? /", "I watch evenings because I work all day. / I used to watch daytimes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } <<lipsmack>> mainly like ALL MY CHILDREN, that kind of thing. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } ... -/", "{C And then } sometimes OPRAH and sometimes DONAHUE, / {C but } now it's mainly evenings. /", "Do you have any that you like well enough that you tape them when you're not going to be there? /", "Yes. /", "Which ones? /", "I tape THIRTY SOMETHING,", "Oh. /", "and L A LAW. / Those are the two I like the best. /", "{F Oh, } two they're going to change. / {D Well, } one # they're taking, #", "# I know. / It's going # # to be history, I know. # /", "# off. # / I don't know what's going to ha-, - / yeah, / we like L A LAW. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We don't watch THIRTY SOMETHING, / {C but } that's kind of young for us. / My husband and I are grandparents. /", "{F Oh, } {D well. } {D Well } ... -/", "{C So } we don't watch, {F uh, } that type of show, / {C but } we like L A LAW. / We like,", "Uh-huh. /", "that. / We're just, - / I'm sorry they're breaking the team up, because we liked all the ones that were on there. /", "I know. / I'm amazed. /", "I'm not sure I like the new ones too much. /", "Huh-uh. / [ I'm surprised that, + I was surprised ] at the ending [ of, + ] {D you know, } with all the funny things happening <breathing> and different things. /", "I just wonder [ if, + if, ] {F uh, } they just want to go on to other projects and not be stuck in this show, since it's gone on for so long, / [ it looks like, +", "Uh-huh. /", "it looks like ] it might be one of these seven or eight year run things.", "Uh-huh. /", "Where you kind of can spend your whole career on one show. /", "I know. /", "Of course, I guess that's not bad. / Alan Alda did it on MASH. /", "I know. / Isn't that funny? /", "It hasn't hurt him at all. / {D So } [ do you, + do you ] mostly like [ this type of + {D like } a story type of ] thing that lasts an hour? /", "{F Oh, } I don't usually like stuff that continues. / That's why I'm surprised I like those two shows, because usually I like, {D you know, } stuff that just ends sort of, that [ you just, + you ] don't have to,", "In one hour, like QUANTUM LEAP. /", "have watched, {D you know. } /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah. / {E I mean, } you don't have to ... -/", "That's one of our favorites <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / You don't have to have watched it last week in order to follow, / {C so, }", "Right, / which they do at the beginning of the season,", "{D you know, } I usually don't like that. /", "to grab your attention.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } / that's always a bummer too. /", "I know. /", "Sometimes it's better just to tape record both of them and then watch it all in one. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ We, + we ] do that sometimes. / [ I, + I ] guess [ I'm, + I'm ] not into real heavy stuff. / L A LAW is about the heaviest thing I watch. / [ [ I, +", "Yeah. /", "I'll, ] + mostly I'm ] into it for relaxation, / {C so } I like things like GOLDEN GIRLS or CHEERS / {C or, } {F uh, } Monday night is real good with me, {D you know, } MAJOR DAD [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } NORTHERN EXPOSURE [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } - / {F oh, } what's that one with Burt Reynolds? / That type of show is [ what we -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- what, {F uh, } we ] watch. / We generally just stay on one channel [ all, + for all ] of Monday night, just to watch those. / Just some of the times they're continued, / {C but } mostly they're just little vignettes. / A new one we found we really like is that DINOSAURS. / Have you seen that? /", "Huh-uh. /", "[ [ That is, + it's, ] + it's ] really funny. / They use {D like } animated, - / it's not {D like } a cartoon, / {C but } it's {D like } dummies and things,", "Uh-huh. /", "that are used, / {C and, } {F uh, } it's really, {F um, } - / and robots probably. / {C But } there's always [ a, + a ] moral to each story. /", "{C And } what night is it on? /", "{D Well, } [ yo-, + we ] watched it, - / the times we've seen it, it's been {D like } on [ Satur-, + {E or, excuse me, } Friday ] night. / {F Uh, } {C but } it's, - / we've only seen it a couple of times. / {C But } [ it, + it's ] real, - / the first one we saw, {F um, } [ they were, + [ it, + it ] involved ] a tradition of when a [ per-, + person ] reaches seventy-five, / {C and } I can't remember what day they call it, / [ {C but, } + {C but, } ] {F uh, } the son-in-laws get to throw the mother-in-laws when they're seventy five over a cliff <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } great. /", "[ {D Anyway } <laughter>, +", "<Laughter>.", "{D Anyway, } ] [ it, + it ] goes on, {D you know, } / {C and } the son-in-law and mother-in-law are sniping at each other and all, / {C and then } when it comes time for him to throw her over, {D well, } [ the, + the ] teenaged son the night before tried to save her by hiding her. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } she said no, / you can't do, {D you know, } / he [ ran her out, + was running ] [ to hi-, + ] in a wheelchair to hide her, / {C and } she said, \"You can't do that.\" /", "{F Huh. } /", "\"This is tradition. / This is what old people are supposed to be, thrown over [ the, + the ] cliff.\" / {C And, } {F uh, } he said, \"I don't understand.\" / [ It's, + it's ] real funny that they give the teenagers [ the, + ] as the one that questions, {F uh, } [ the, + what's ] going on. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } in the end [ of, + ] {F uh, } the son-in-law, when he did get the mother-in-law up to the cliff, {F uh, } [ [ th-, + the so-, ] + the teenaged son ] throws himself in the way and says, \"No, you can't do it,\" [ and then, + and then, ] {F uh, } \"Oh, well, we've got to do it. It's tradition,\" / {C and } the son was, {D you know, } \"Why?\" / {C And so, }", "Uh-huh. /", "[ in, + in ] the end he doesn't throw her over, /", "{F Oh, } he doesn't. /", "{C and, } of course, the town thinks he's just terrible, because that has been tradition for hundreds of years and he's broken it. / {C And then } we saw one [ [ where this, + there was a teenage, ] + when a teenage ] boy comes into his manhood, / they call it the night of the howling,", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> or something like that, / {C and } they all go out and howl, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] the son refused to do it. / [ He, + he ] did, / he thought it was not ... -/", "{D So } he didn't go howl? /", "No, / he wouldn't go howl, / {C so } [ all the, + all the ] people that worked with the father ostracized him <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } how funny. /", "It is. / [ [ [ It, + it, ] + it's, ] + it's ] real interesting to watch the show, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ wh-, + the ] relationship between the family [ is, + is ] really [ now, +", "{F Huh. } /", "now ] the mother-in-law lives in the house with them. / {C So } it's, - / [ [ our, + our grandson, ] + our oldest grandson ] is the one [ that, + that ] got us to watching it. / {C But } [ it really is, +", "<Laughter>.", "it moves ] real fast. / It's [ a + ] real short, / {C and } there's always, like I say, a moral to it / {C and, } -/", "It's just a half hour, / {C or } is it hour? /", "{D Well, } half hour. /", "Oh. /", "[ That, + that's ] all there is to it. / [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } they ... -/", "There's not many half hour shows, / it seems like that, /", "Yeah, / [ [ [ it, + it, ] + they, ] + they're ] trying to liken [ the, + the ] father in there of the teenage son to {D like } JACKIE GLEASON SHOW.", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the way he talks to his mother-in-law and so forth, / {C and } I guess maybe there are some parts of that, / {C but } I didn't really see that in there. / {C But } what I've read about it, they talk about that. / {C But } anyway, [ we've, + we've ] enjoyed that, / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } I guess mostly [ I, + I ] like the news shows too, the news magazines, like SIXTY MINUTES or TWENTY,", "Yeah, / no, / I watch those if I, -/", "TWENTY or PRIME TIME LIVE or something like that, {D you know, } [ all, + all ] of those shows, if I can do it, / {C but } my husband likes to watch, {F um, } old movies, especially war movies, [ or, + or, ] {F uh, } sports, which I'm not, /", "{F Oh, } {D see, } I like sports. /", "No, / I don't. / {D Well, } [ [ I, + I ] do, + I like ] ice skating / {C and } I like, {F uh, } gymnastics,", "Uh-huh. /", "and some track and field, / {C but } [ I, + I, ] - / {C and } I'll watch snippets of baseball games / {C and } [ I, + I ] just don't have that much time to sit and watch the whole thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ I don't ever, + no matter what's on, I don't ever ] just sit and watch T V. / I'm usually {C either } doing dishes, / {C or } I may be sewing, / {C or, } {D you know, }", "I know. /", "I always have, [ or + ] letter writing, / {C or } I may be working around in the room somehow, / {C but } [ I don't, + I don't ] ever just sit and, - / [ I, + that's ] something that comes from your old age, {D you know. } /", "No, / I don't sit. /", "Idle hands are the devil's workshop <laughter>. /", "I know. / Who has time? / I don't have time to sit, I know. /", "No. / [ It's, + it's, ] {F uh, } -/", "That's why I don't get to watch that much. / {E I mean, } I,", "Right. /", "watch nine o'clock / I do okay, because the kids are all in bed, / {C but } before that, [ I really, + there's ] not much time. /", "Right. /", "{C Or } {D like } at six thirty I'll watch WHEEL OF FORTUNE or something like that. /", "Right, / {D well, } our, - / yeah, / [ if our gra-, + if our grandchildren ] are with us, [ that's, + they ] have to watch that. / We don't watch it unless they're here <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / No, / I like that. / No, / I'll watch,", "<<Faint>> {C But } they, {F uh, } -/", "game show kind of stuff / {C but, }", "[ It's, + it's, ] {F um, } {F oh, } - / {C and, } {D you know, } [ the, + the ] kids will get you started on stuff like AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS. /", "Yeah. /", "We've wound up sending in one. / That's something I didn't think that we'd ever do <laughter>. /", "Did you send one? /", "Yeah. / <laughter> My oldest grandson pulling his tooth. / [ [ He's, + he's, ] +", "How funny. /", "he wouldn't ] let us pull it, / {C and } {E I mean, } [ it, + it ] got to the point he was eating a pear here, / {C and } he bit into it, / {C and } it was just hanging by a thread. / [ {C And } I, + {C and } I'd ] tell him, {D you know, } it's getting ready to fall out, / {C and } he walked around the house with his [ fa-, + face ] down toward the floor and his mouth open, hoping it would ((fall out)), because he wouldn't let anybody pull it. /", "<Laughter>.", "And [ he wou-, + <laughter> he wound ] up pull, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "06/15/1991", "from_caller": 1285, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1939, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1293, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1953, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}} |
13 | {"turn_id": ["3315_0", "3315_1", "3315_2", "3315_3", "3315_4", "3315_5", "3315_6", "3315_7", "3315_8", "3315_9", "3315_10", "3315_11", "3315_12", "3315_13", "3315_14", "3315_15", "3315_16", "3315_17", "3315_18", "3315_19", "3315_20", "3315_21", "3315_22", "3315_23", "3315_24", "3315_25", "3315_26", "3315_27", "3315_28", "3315_29", "3315_30", "3315_31", "3315_32", "3315_33", "3315_34", "3315_35", "3315_36", "3315_37", "3315_38", "3315_39", "3315_40", "3315_41", "3315_42", "3315_43", "3315_44", "3315_45", "3315_46", "3315_47", "3315_48", "3315_49", "3315_50", "3315_51", "3315_52", "3315_53", "3315_54", "3315_55", "3315_56", "3315_57", "3315_58", "3315_59", "3315_60", "3315_61", "3315_62", "3315_63", "3315_64", "3315_65", "3315_66", "3315_67", "3315_68", "3315_69", "3315_70", "3315_71", "3315_72", "3315_73", "3315_74", "3315_75", "3315_76", "3315_77", "3315_78", "3315_79", "3315_80", "3315_81", "3315_82", "3315_83", "3315_84", "3315_85", "3315_86", "3315_87", "3315_88", "3315_89", "3315_90", "3315_91", "3315_92", "3315_93", "3315_94", "3315_95", "3315_96", "3315_97"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello? /", "Hi. /", "Hi, / my name is Leslie. /", "Hi, / I'm Jennifer. /", "{C And } where are you from? /", "Pennsylvania. /", "{F Oh, } nice, / I'm from Dallas, Texas. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / {D so, } -/", "{F Oh, } that's neat. /", "{D Well, } did you understand [ what this was for, + {D you know, } what it was for, ] what we, -/", "{F Uh, } television shows? /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "Sure, / that sounds good. /", "Okay <noise>. / [ I, + I ] don't watch too many, / {C but } we can try it. /", "Okay. /", "Are you ready to start? /", "Sure am. /", "Okay, / just a minute <beep>. /", "Okay, / I guess we're recording now. /", "Yeah, / okay. /", "What are your favorite television shows? /", "{D Well, } I don't really watch too many T V shows other than, {F uh, } occasionally [ I'll, + I'll ] turn on DONAHUE because it comes on in the morning when I seem to be getting ready around here. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] [ if, + if ] there's no one else around, {D you know, } it's just me and I have a chance to listen to something, I'll turn that on, but, {F uh, } just [ for the, + <lipsmack> for the ] conversation factor, I think, / [ {C but, } + {C and then } ] I think I enjoy when I catch it, I don't even know what night it's on, but DESIGNING WOMEN sometimes, /", "{F Oh, } I love that show. /", "Yeah, / do you? <Laughter>. /", "Yes, / that is great. /", "Yeah, / it's fun. / {C And then } there's a new one that started out that I've caught [ occa-, + a couple of times ] called GOOD AND EVIL, I think. /", "{F Oh, } I heard they just canceled that. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "I read in today's paper they just canceled that show. /", "It is a real different one. / [ [ It's, + {F uh, } it's, ] + it's ] different. / I guess I watch it more out of the uniqueness of it and the time that it comes on more than the fact that I have to see it. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } -/", "Have you seen the show, [ it's, + it's ] new this year, called HOME FRONT? /", "No, / I haven't watched that. /", "{F Oh, } [ it's, + it's ] really good. / [ It's, + {F uh, } I think it's ] on {D like } Tuesday nights from ten to eleven -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it's set in post World War Two times / {C and } it's about how the servicemen come home and readjust to civilian life here and the changes everyone's going through. / It's really interesting. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "It's kind of like [ a s-, + a nighttime soap ] opera type thing. /", "Sounds neat. /", "[ [ It is, + it's a good, ] + it's really well ] written. /", "Yeah. / Is that on, [ what chan-, + what station? ] /", "<Lipsmack> {F Uh, } I don't even know, to tell you the truth <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / What other shows do you like? /", "{F Uh, } I prefer OPRAH WINFREY --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- to DONAHUE <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } she comes on later / {C and } I usually have kids around so I don't [ end, + end ] up --", "Oh. /", "-- watching that one is the only problem I have with it, I guess. /", "I did watch soap operas, / {C but } I work full-time now and can't catch those anymore.", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "Except when I'm home sick, / {C and } now when I watch them, I think, why did I ever watch those? /", "That's right <laughter>. /", "They're stupid <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } when I did watch them I was addicted to them every day. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } not anymore. /", "That can happen. / {C So } do you know of any other shows in the even, or something that you enjoy? /", "{F Oh, } {F uh, } tonight I'm looking forward to seeing GOLDEN GIRLS. /", "{F Oh, } that's always fun. /", "Yes, / I like that show. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } if I can stay up late enough, I like to catch SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE every now and then. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } right now we're watching a Penn State football game because that's where we live. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{D So } <laughter>, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "It's exciting, / we're winning, / {C so } that's really exciting. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I think, - / I also, course, like to catch the news during the evening hours -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } it's a little tough because that's when I'm usually making dinner and the kids are wanting to talk all at the same time. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So, } usually I don't get a whole lot of news watching in. /", "Yes, / we watch C N N in morning while we're getting ready --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for the day and eating breakfast. / We'll catch our news that way. / Watch the weather channel so that we know what the weather's going to be like. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {D So } what have you seen interesting on OPRAH WINFREY lately? /", "Lately, I haven't been catching it because of my work schedule. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } <<pause>> I can't remember the last time I saw it. / It's been a while. /", "Yeah, / <lipsmack> {D well, } I don't know if we've talked our full three <noise> minutes or not <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I don't know, / sometimes they come on [ and, + and ] say. /", "{F Oh, } that's right. /", "{D Well, } today on C N N they were talking about something like this about, {F uh, } learning to recognize voices and words and stuff and the research <noise> that's going on which is kind of what we're doing, helping them get a data base for words. /", "{F Um, } yeah. /", "It was really interesting. /", "It is interesting. / {D So, } -/", "Do you work for Texas Instruments? /", "No, / no, / just, {F uh, } doing this as a fund-raiser for our church. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. /", "Yeah, / {C so } it kind of makes it easy, {D you know, } to do a little something for it. /", "Sure, / {C because } [ we, + {F uh, } we've ] talked to a lot of people from Texas, it seems, / {C and } we thought, {D well, } maybe they work [ from, + for ] Dallas, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "10/26/1991", "from_caller": 1307, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1953, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1373, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}} |
14 | {"turn_id": ["3580_0", "3580_1", "3580_2", "3580_3", "3580_4", "3580_5", "3580_6", "3580_7", "3580_8", "3580_9", "3580_10", "3580_11", "3580_12", "3580_13", "3580_14", "3580_15", "3580_16", "3580_17", "3580_18", "3580_19", "3580_20", "3580_21", "3580_22", "3580_23", "3580_24", "3580_25", "3580_26", "3580_27", "3580_28", "3580_29", "3580_30", "3580_31", "3580_32", "3580_33", "3580_34", "3580_35", "3580_36", "3580_37", "3580_38", "3580_39", "3580_40", "3580_41", "3580_42", "3580_43", "3580_44", "3580_45", "3580_46", "3580_47", "3580_48", "3580_49", "3580_50", "3580_51", "3580_52", "3580_53", "3580_54", "3580_55", "3580_56", "3580_57", "3580_58", "3580_59", "3580_60", "3580_61", "3580_62", "3580_63", "3580_64", "3580_65", "3580_66", "3580_67", "3580_68", "3580_69", "3580_70", "3580_71", "3580_72", "3580_73", "3580_74", "3580_75", "3580_76", "3580_77", "3580_78", "3580_79", "3580_80", "3580_81", "3580_82", "3580_83", "3580_84", "3580_85", "3580_86", "3580_87", "3580_88", "3580_89", "3580_90", "3580_91", "3580_92", "3580_93", "3580_94", "3580_95", "3580_96", "3580_97", "3580_98", "3580_99", "3580_100"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } {D well, } {F uh, } to begin, / I guess, {F uh, } space is, {F uh, } real important, I think, / {C so } it's real vital to the future of not only our kids but every generation until the end of time, I guess. / {D So. } -/", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] agree -- /", "{F Uh. } /", "-- it's definitely new frontier stuff. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } - / {C but, } {F uh, } I'm not too up-to-date [ on the space, + on the space ] frontier, / {C but, } {F uh, } I guess they're [ going, + going ] pretty far into it now. / {F Um, } Star Wars is not too far <laughter> I don't think. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I ] worked on some of it at T I --", "{F Oh, } have you. /", "-- once upon a time. / Yeah. /", "{D So } what do you know about it. /", "{D Well, } actually [ [ I'm, + I, ] + I'm ] quite versed lately. / I get on a computer network all the time, / {C and } people are talking [ about, + about ] the current space program all the time. / They're talking about new rockets that they're designing now that, {D you know, } are just like science fiction, {D you know, } / it's like they,", "<Laughter>.", "take off, {D you know, } / {C and then } they land, [ with the, + with the, ] {D you know, } - / the afterburners are going, {D you know, } not like space shuttle landing, {D you know, } gliding down, but --", "Really. /", "-- straight down to the landing pad. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. /", "Yeah, / it's called V C X or something like that. / Also called Delta Clipper, which is a decent name for --", "Wow. /", "-- something like that. /", "{D Well, } I don't know. / [ You think you'd, + you think you'd, ] {F uh, } go up in space if you had a chance? /", "{F Oh, } yeah -- /", "Do you, /", "-- I think I would. / I think that'd be neat. /", "I think I would just sitting here talking about it, / {C but } if the time came, it'd be real nervous. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'd be scared, / scared me worse than Six Flags <laughter> roller coaster. / That'd be pretty hairy. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } I had [ a car, + {F uh, } {F uh, } a tire ] come off of a car, / {C so } {D you know, } [ I, + {D like } I ] know what it's like to <laughter>, -/", "<Laughter> Yeah, / imagine. /", "Depending on what was left of my technology to get me home <laughter>. /", "Right, / right. / {D So, } {D well, } I guess they're talking about people going to the moon and stuff, now, wherever.", "Yeah, / they're talking about doing that again, too. /", "And opening up those stations, whatever, filling them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't know if we'll ever see that up there. /", "{D Well } at least we're going to have a space station supposedly in the next few years. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / {C and } they're going to put, -/", "That's all <laughter> beyond my imagination really. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } science fiction books, / {E I mean, } you look at the Jetsons, {D you know, } cartoon show, and it's not too far fetched [ what, + what ] they all had in those cartoons, / {C so } you never know. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "Any of that stuff from the Jetsons, from that cartoon, that you would never imagine would [ come, + become ] possible, and now [ you, + we ] have a lot of those, / {D so, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } you never know [ what, + what ] may occur, / {C but } --", "Yeah. /", "-- as far as me seeing it, {D you know, }", "<Laughter>.", "I don't know <laughter>. / I don't know, / {C but } I think it's real vital important for the future, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- generations to come, / {D so. } -/", "Yeah, / I, {F uh, } - / [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] something definitely that, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / [ it's, + it's, ] {F uh, } got the extra little oomph of interest. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "I'm sure it'll draw a lot more interest too, once [ it becomes, + {D you know, } {D like } it's ] more possible, / {C but } --", "Yeah. /", "-- when they start showing the drawings and all that, I'm sure, {D you know, } when they, -/", "Yeah, / I wish, {F uh, } - / {D like, } {F uh, } Boeing or --", "Right. /", "-- McDonald Douglas or something like that was supposed to buy, {F uh, } a space shuttle sooner or later and just make it, {D you know, } purely commercial -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they'd go up, {D you know, } and do things / {C and, } -/", "{D So } did they scratch [ those, + {F uh, } that ] Star Wars deal, {D you know, } they one we was all worried about -- <+ the \"they\" in this sentence should probably be a \"the\"+>", "Oh. /", "-- Russia and all that? /", "No, / it's still probably going, / {C but } I don't know whether, [ [ it, + it, ] + research ] will go on. /", "Yeah, / {C but } the economy the way it is all over, they probably cut back [ on -- +", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- on ] that, because it's not, -/", "{D Well, } [ they're, + they're ] going to be cutting back so much on just, {D you know, } the number of troops we've got in Europe and the number --", "Right. /", "-- of troops we have here. /", "Yeah, / I know, / {C and then, } -/", "{C But, } {F uh, } Russia's still going to have missiles, / they're still going to be subs and things. /", "Yeah, / {C and } we don't know who's handling them now -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C so } that's a whole different story now. /", "Latest I heard it was just going to be [ Russia that, + Russia itself that ] was going to have them. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "At least [ that was, + {D you know, } that's ] what everybody says. / {F Oh, } yeah, / yeah, / we want only Russia to have them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } now they're saying, Yeah, / yeah, / you're a republic, / you don't want those, / you don't want those. (( )). /", "Some crazy hit man over there {D so, }", "<Laughter>.", "with those little [ republican-, + republics ] or whatever / they splitting it all up now, / {C and } one of them [ crazy -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- crazy ] guys get a hold of it, / you never know. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } [ that, + the ] guy that's taken over for Gorbachev, [ he's supposed to be, + he's supposed to be ] on our side, isn't he. /", "<Laughter>.", "Pretty much. /", "One hopes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "I think we went through him though to get to Gorbachev on a lot of subjects / {D so, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } that way, <laughter> you can't never tell that. /", "Yeah. /", "Kiss some butt, / [ {C but, } +", "<Laughter>.", "{C but, } ] {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION", "prompt": "WHAT DO WE GAIN FROM OUR SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION EFFORTS? SHOULD WE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE SPACE PROGRAM AT CURRENT LEVELS? YOU MIGHT ALSO DISCUSS WHETHER SPACE FLIGHT WILL EVER BECOME COMMONYOU", "talk_day": "12/17/1991", "from_caller": 1451, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1325, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}} |
15 | {"turn_id": ["3917_0", "3917_1", "3917_2", "3917_3", "3917_4", "3917_5", "3917_6", "3917_7", "3917_8", "3917_9", "3917_10", "3917_11", "3917_12", "3917_13", "3917_14", "3917_15", "3917_16", "3917_17", "3917_18", "3917_19", "3917_20", "3917_21", "3917_22", "3917_23", "3917_24", "3917_25", "3917_26", "3917_27", "3917_28", "3917_29", "3917_30", "3917_31", "3917_32", "3917_33", "3917_34", "3917_35", "3917_36", "3917_37", "3917_38", "3917_39", "3917_40", "3917_41", "3917_42", "3917_43", "3917_44", "3917_45", "3917_46", "3917_47", "3917_48", "3917_49", "3917_50", "3917_51", "3917_52", "3917_53", "3917_54", "3917_55", "3917_56", "3917_57", "3917_58", "3917_59", "3917_60", "3917_61", "3917_62", "3917_63", "3917_64", "3917_65", "3917_66", "3917_67", "3917_68", "3917_69", "3917_70", "3917_71", "3917_72", "3917_73", "3917_74", "3917_75", "3917_76", "3917_77", "3917_78", "3917_79", "3917_80", "3917_81", "3917_82", "3917_83", "3917_84", "3917_85", "3917_86", "3917_87", "3917_88", "3917_89", "3917_90", "3917_91", "3917_92", "3917_93", "3917_94", "3917_95", "3917_96"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {F Uh, } do you want to go ahead / {C or, } -/", "{F Oh, } sure. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> {D well } <laughter>. I, {F uh, } went to school at Madison for two years / {C and } they are really big on women's rights.", "Uh-huh. /", "[ And, + and ] equal treatment. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } [ I, + I've ] seen a lot of {D like } rallies and things like that. / {C But, } {F uh, } I'm not that liberated. / I mean my mom is kind of old-fashioned, # {D you know. } # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{D So, } [ I, + {D you know, } you ] pick up some traits from her and stuff. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ I think it's, + I think it's ] interesting and better for women to see that there's [ more, + more ] of them doing men's fields. / I like to see that. / # {C And } # --", "# Right. # /", "-- I don't like to see women, {D you know, } {D like } waiting on men hand and foot / {C but, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] believe in {D like } sharing and doing things for each other. /", "I do too. / I like the idea. / I see a lot more, {F uh, } - / my children, I have five children / {C and } they're all married. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I love seeing the men help the women # so much. # /", "# Right. # /", "{C And } they both cooperate together on, - / I think it's great. /", "{F Oh, } me too <laughter>. / I hope that happens to me someday. # / {E I mean, } [ I, + I ] don't mind # --", "# (( )) <laughter>. #", "-- doing stuff. / {F Uh, } I have a boyfriend / {C and } I got to make him dinner and stuff / {C but, } {D you know, } [ I, + he'll ] help me do the dishes. / I don't want to, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- expect to help to clean up then # after (( )) <laughter>. / Yeah. # /", "# That's right. # / That's right. /", "Yeah. / # {D So } <laughter>. # -/", "# I've # always taught my men that. / They better clean up with their women and help them. / If they did that, {D you know. } -/", "Right. /", "{C And } [ they're, + they're ] good about it. / {C But } it is neat to see them all work together. / # {C And } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- a big thing that I see. [ All that, + ] [ most of the, + most of the ] women getting married now, {F uh, } [ go back, + have gone back to, ] {D you know, } - / [ they, + they stay ] at work or go back to work. # Or whatever. # /", "# Right. # /", "{C And } they're well educated. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I believe we'll see a lot more C E O -s in companies. / They're having a fit about how little there are. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } I think we'll see a lot more. Don't you? Of upper management?", "{F Oh, } yeah. / Uh-huh. /", "<Swallowing> Then we do now, even. /", "Right. /", "I think it'll escalate. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] I think black women now - / [ i-, + in fact ] I work at a high school. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ my + ] boss is a black woman and has only been there a couple of months and already promoted / {C and } she's very sharp. / {C And } I think that th-, - / and the ethnic thing [ will be, + {D you know, } is ] a good thing now. /", "{F Oh, } me too. /", "They're moving them up / {C and } they're sharp / {C and } they, - / {C so } you're going to see [ a lot, + a lot ] more of that in leadership I believe. /", "Yeah. / I like to see that. / I <clicking> think it's, {F uh, } really neat to see and all that educated minority, {F uh, } # person # --", "# Uh-huh. #", "-- who really knows what they're talking about. / {C And } --", "Right. /", "-- it's just too bad that some people, {D you know, } still look down on them just because of their color. {D You know. } /", "Right. / That's # ((a shame)). # /", "# Especially # black women. /", "Yes. /", "{D So. } -/", "Yeah. / {C But } they ((wouldn't)) know what they're doing. /", "Right. /", "{C But } I'm not big on subserving as far as # <laughter> # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- to the men at all. /", "# Right. # /", "# {C But } I # never have gone along with that, {D you know. } Even far back. / {C But } I was brought up pretty good in a home that, - / years ago my mother was that way. / The same. - / I, - / my bo-, - / ther-, {D you know, } - / some people say {F oh } the boys shouldn't have to do those jobs. The inside jobs. / {C But } we never were taught, - / they had to do as much as we did. / {C So } # that was good. # /", "# Right, / same here. # / Yeah. /", "{C So } [ that's, + I think that's ] good. To keep the equal as far [ as, + as, ] {F uh, } not, [ [ nex-, + nex-, ] + {F uh, } necessarily ] by sex type thing.", "Right. / # Same here. # /", "# {D You know. } # / You should be able to accomplish as much. / {C And } I think the, {F uh, } attitude is a lot better towards the parents raising the younger ones now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You see a lot more of the mothers and all saying to the young girls, # {D you know } # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- you can do it. / # If he # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- can do it, you can do it type thing. /", "Exactly. / [ I, + I ] see more men, {F uh, } {D like } participating in {D like } the family things with children.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Like, } {D you know, } helping to take care of them more. [ And -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } doing the jobs equally, {D you know, } /", "Right. / What about politics on it? /", "Oh. /", "Do you think the political scene? -/", "I'm <laughter> not that big on politics. / I'm not <laughter> --", "Yeah. /", "-- that educated on it. / I'm, -/", "[ I'm real dis-, + I'm kind of disgusted ] this year because I don't see many women into the political scene / {C and } I really think we should have more --", "{F Oh, } yeah. / I agree with that. /", "-- political leaders in the women than we do [ up for, + and even for ] President and Vice President this year, / there's nobody again. / I think they're all scared out [ after tha-, + <laughter> after, ] {F uh, } <swallowing> - / {F oh, } what was the lady's name that ran a couple of, - / Fitz-, - / I forget her name now. /", "{F Oh, } # I don't know <static>. # /", "# {C But } you know # who I mean? /", "Yeah, / I know who you're talking # about. # /", "# Yeah. # / She took such a rough go of it. / {C And } [ they t-, + their tax ] deal and, -/", "Yeah. / At least she was strong to {D like } try it and # {D you know. } # /", "# Right. # / Right. /", "# {C So } that's good. # /", "# {C But } I wish # they would get some more on that. / I really was disappointed this year when I see any of the candidates talking that they're talking about. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> [ they, + I ] didn't see any of the women in there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } that disappoints me. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } right now I don't think we have too many. {F Uh, } [ th-, + in the ] forefront. / Schroeder's about the biggest one in Washington. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Congress woman. / {C And, } {F uh, } other th-, {F uh, } - / we really, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "02/05/1992", "from_caller": 1498, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1937, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1371, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}} |
16 | {"turn_id": ["3925_0", "3925_1", "3925_2", "3925_3", "3925_4", "3925_5", "3925_6", "3925_7", "3925_8", "3925_9", "3925_10", "3925_11", "3925_12", "3925_13", "3925_14", "3925_15", "3925_16", "3925_17", "3925_18", "3925_19", "3925_20", "3925_21", "3925_22", "3925_23", "3925_24", "3925_25", "3925_26", "3925_27", "3925_28", "3925_29", "3925_30", "3925_31", "3925_32", "3925_33", "3925_34", "3925_35", "3925_36", "3925_37", "3925_38", "3925_39", "3925_40", "3925_41", "3925_42", "3925_43", "3925_44", "3925_45", "3925_46", "3925_47", "3925_48", "3925_49", "3925_50", "3925_51", "3925_52", "3925_53", "3925_54", "3925_55", "3925_56", "3925_57", "3925_58", "3925_59", "3925_60", "3925_61", "3925_62", "3925_63", "3925_64", "3925_65", "3925_66"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / I think the first thing they said, - / I have written this down / {C so } it would, - / [ is it p-, + do you think it's possible ] to have honesty in government or an honest government? /", "Okay. / You're asking what my opinion about,", "# Yeah. # /", "# whether it's # possible <laughter> to have honesty in government. / {D Well, } I suspect that it is possible. / {F Uh, } I think it probably is more likely if you have a small government unit where everybody knows everybody. /", "Right. / That's a good point. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } other than that I think maybe it just depends on how you define honesty. /", "[ That's an int-, + {D you know, } that's interesting. ] / I had read something one time / {C and } it was just applying to governments in general, / it was written many years ago. / It said that it's impossible to have a completely honest system of government because people who choose government for their positions are power seekers. / {C And } I thought that was interesting. / It wasn't just talking about our government. / It was just government in general. From times past, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- on / {C and, } -/", "{C So } they're saying that government officials would tend to be power seekers. /", "Right. / {C And } that would be a next question to ask. / {C or } are they in there for their own gains, / {C and } personally I feel [ it's probably, + there's probably ] some of each. /", "Right. / Yeah. / {C But } I think maybe a lot of them, {F um, } - / say the more honest ones who are still looking out for themselves, it may be more matter of not what can I steal while in an office but how many friends can I make while,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I'm in office. # /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And, } # {D you know, } how good a name can I make for myself and so forth. / {C So } I guess it would be like anything else. /", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. /", "The president of General Motors probably has the same, -/", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } they talked, {F uh, } - / the other, let's see. - / Third question was how [ m-, + ] (( )) serving for their own gains do you think goes on, - / then they, - / that's hard to answ-, / [ I'm sure there's a lot. + {D But } I agree with you, there's a lot ] in business. / [ I think that's just, + I think that's ] very normal,", "# [ [ I think + I-, # ] +", "# that we # should not ex-, (( I think, )) - / I think we put too much on politicians. / We expect them <laughter> to only be there to serve us, {D you know. } /", "I think ] a little more honesty in the campaigns would be,", "# Yeah. # /", "# more to the # point. / If you knew what you were getting when you voted, {F uh, } -/", "That's a problem, isn't it? /", "Yeah. /", "It's interesting / {C because } I'm taking a Texas government class right now, / {C and } one of the things (( )) - / it's so easy to blame them to (( )) - / a lot of times I think it's our own fault. / They lie to us because we don't want to hear the truth. /", "# Yeah, / they say you, #", "# {C And } it, # -/", "get the government you deserve. /", "If they tell us the truth, we don't (( elect )) them [ and, + ]", "Uh-huh <throat_clearing>. /", "Especially with all this [ [ fron-, + co-, ] + stuff ] coming up here lately about people's past, / {C and } I don't know why anybody would want to get under that scrutiny anymore. /", "It's hard to imagine. /", "Because [ it's, +", "<Throat_clearing>.", "I think it's ] gotten just care-, {D well, } - / we're not talking about issues we're talking about somebody's personal life / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we're getting away from what we ought to be looking at <throat_clearing>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } it almost seems like in order to avoid, {F uh, } some of the scandal, you would have to have the kind of wife that you would only find, [ on, + say in ] the (( Bobsy )) twins or,", "# Right. # /", "# something # like that <laughter>. /", "{D You know, } I also think it would be funny if we could know everything about the people that were in there and throw them out. / I don't think there would be too many (( left )) <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D So } you're taking a government course? /", "Uh-huh. /", "At what? / The university? /", "{F Uh, } at, {F uh, } it's T C J C. / [ Tex-, + Tarrant County Junior College. ] /", "Oh. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# Okay. # /", "{C And } [ it's really, + it's really ] enjoyable. / I like it. / {C And then } they also, {D you know, } [ ask can we eliminate, + do you think we could make laws to eliminate ] all corruption, / {C and } I don't think we can make laws to eliminate anything anyplace totally. /", "You can make laws against corruption <laughter>. /", "# Yeah, / {C but } that, #", "# {C But } that doesn't eliminate it, does it? # /", "doesn't mean, - / I don't think making laws will stop it. / {E I mean } I don't know how many laws you would have to have. / {E I mean, } -/ # No, / sure didn't, #", "# Milwaukee, did it? # /", "did it? /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So } no, / I think you can legislate / {C but } I think there's no way that you eliminate it all by legislating, / {C and } we would end up with so many more laws that, {D you know, } - / {E I mean } I just think that's human nature that you're going to have corruption in government, in business, personal life, {E I mean, } {D you know. } /", "<Throat_clearing> Actually, I think other countries may have it worse, {F uh, } / the Japanese government is always having [ a, + some ] kind of a scandal. /", "Right. /", "Usually involving the Prime Minister or people very close to him. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / I still believe I get very fed up with government sometimes / {C but } when I think about where I'd want to go, {D you know, } this is still the best / {C or } I can, -/", "Yeah, / I've been around to a few other countries / {C and } [ [ I, + {F uh, } I, ] + I ] have not found one yet that I would rather live in. / I think, {F uh, } -/", "Yeah. / Yeah, / {C at } its worst I think we've got the best. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT", "prompt": "DO YOU THINK IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE AN HONEST GOVERNMENT? ARE MOST POLITICIANS IN GOVERNMENT MORE FOR PERSONAL GAIN OR PUBLIC SERVICE? HOW MUCH SELF-SERVING ACTIVITY DO YOU THINK GOES ON? IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKEBEHAVIOR IN GOVERNMENT ILLEGAL?", "talk_day": "02/06/1992", "from_caller": 1493, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1468, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}} |
17 | {"turn_id": ["4019_0", "4019_1", "4019_2", "4019_3", "4019_4", "4019_5", "4019_6", "4019_7", "4019_8", "4019_9", "4019_10", "4019_11", "4019_12", "4019_13", "4019_14", "4019_15", "4019_16", "4019_17", "4019_18", "4019_19", "4019_20", "4019_21", "4019_22", "4019_23", "4019_24", "4019_25", "4019_26", "4019_27", "4019_28", "4019_29", "4019_30", "4019_31", "4019_32", "4019_33", "4019_34", "4019_35", "4019_36", "4019_37", "4019_38", "4019_39", "4019_40", "4019_41", "4019_42", "4019_43", "4019_44", "4019_45", "4019_46", "4019_47", "4019_48", "4019_49", "4019_50", "4019_51", "4019_52", "4019_53", "4019_54", "4019_55", "4019_56", "4019_57", "4019_58", "4019_59", "4019_60", "4019_61", "4019_62", "4019_63", "4019_64", "4019_65", "4019_66", "4019_67", "4019_68", "4019_69", "4019_70", "4019_71", "4019_72", "4019_73", "4019_74", "4019_75", "4019_76", "4019_77", "4019_78", "4019_79", "4019_80", "4019_81", "4019_82", "4019_83", "4019_84", "4019_85", "4019_86", "4019_87", "4019_88", "4019_89", "4019_90", "4019_91", "4019_92", "4019_93", "4019_94", "4019_95", "4019_96", "4019_97", "4019_98", "4019_99", "4019_100", "4019_101", "4019_102"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, {F um, } Chuck, do you have any pets # there at your home? # /", "# Yeah, I do. # /", "{C And } what kind do you have? /", "I've got a male Siamese about a year old here. / I live alone in an apartment, # [ and, + ] {F uh, } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- except for the cat. /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "How about you? /", "{D Well, } we have a cat, {F um, } / he's probably, {F oh, } a good two years old, big, old, fat and sassy tabby. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh. } {F Uh, } how's the disposition of your Siamese cat? /", "{D Well, } it's, {F uh, } {D you know } they're just, {F uh, } aggressive by nature -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } he's been neutered and declawed, # / {C so } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- he's an indoor cat, / {C so, } {F uh, } that kind of calms him down for the most part. /", "<Laughter>.", "How about yours? /", "{D Well, } yeah, / [ he's, + {F uh, } he has ] been really aggressive, {F uh, } especially towards my little girl, for --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- some reason. / He's, {F uh, } been so mean to her <laughter>. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] you say you've had him how long? /", "We've had him for about two years -- /", "Two years. /", "-- {C and } he was so mean to her, {F um, } right after we first got him. / {D So } we had him neutered, [ and, + and ] declawed, / {C and } now he bites her. / <laughter> He can't --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- scratch her any more, / he bites her. /", "Does he bite her enough to draw blood? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / he has a couple of times, / # {C so. } # -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C But } he's a very possessive cat. / [ He, + he ] loves my son, / it's his cat, / {C and } he's the only one that allows him to touch him {C or } pet him {C or } love him -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } he's so funny, / he just follows my son around just like a dog. /", "{F Huh. } /", "He won't even let my son shower. /", "Yeah. /", "He meows and wants to get in the bathroom / {C and, } while he showers, it's so hilarious. / {C So } he's quite a animal <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / boy, / I guess. / {D Well } as long as he doesn't get too aggressive. I guess with the daughter he's all right. /", "Yeah. /", "You wouldn't want him to carry her off or something. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ we, + we ] did, {F uh, } actually take him to the pound a couple of times, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because we just couldn't have him being --", "Sure. /", "-- so aggressive towards the girl, / {C but, } {F uh, } he seems to have mellowed out a little bit, / {C and } we do keep our daughter away from him. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "<Laughter> Were it not for my son, the cat would not be in this house <laughter>. /", "Is that the only pet that you have? /", "It is, / uh-huh. / [ We, + we ] tried a dog about four years ago, {C and } we ended up with, {F uh, } {F oh, } malamute and some other kind of mix. / Anyway [ it was, + it ended ] up being just a [ huge, + huge ] dog that ate us out of house and home. / {C So, } we gave him up and tried. /", "{D Well, } do you live, [ [ you, + you ] + ] in a house, or a place where you, {F uh, } -/", "Yes, / uh-huh, / we're in a house, / {C but } we're in a subdivision --", "I see. /", "-- where we really can't allow the dog, / we couldn't allow him to run free, / {C so, } he was just chained up all the time, / {C and } [ it was, # + it was ] # --", "# Sure. # /", "-- unfortunate. / {D So } have you tried any other pets? /", "No, / no. / [ I, + I ] live alone in an apartment, / {C and, } {F uh, } [ it's, + it's ] not that big that, {F uh } -- -/", "{F Oh } <laughter>. /", "-- although I've heard rabbits are pretty good -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {D you know, } I saw something on C N N or on cable here --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- a while ago that showed some people that had rabbits in apartments --", "{F Oh, } my word. /", "-- and in houses, / {C and } they apparently, {F uh, } - / especially when they're young when they bring them in -- -/", "{F Oh, } my word. /", "-- {F uh, } <laughter>. /", "{C And } do [ they, + they ] just paper train it or something? /", "I guess. /", "<Laughter>.", "I guess, / yeah, / {C and } I would imagine that they don't have many more than one to start with, either. /", "Yeah. / <laughter> {D Well, } rabbits are darling. / That would be fun if you could get them trained. / Otherwise they're pretty smelly <laughter>. /", "Yep, / that's right. /", "{F Oh. } /", "Did you see [ the, + the ] C N N, [ the, + the ] dog show, {F uh, } /", "Huh-uh, / [ we don't have C, + we don't have cable. ] /", "I see. / {D Well } they have, {F uh, } {F uh, } [ a Wesmin-, + they call it the Westminster ] Dog Show, {F uh, } <child_talking> / I think it's in New York City [ at the, + at the ] Gardens / there once a year live -- -/", "{F Oh. } /", "-- {C and } they had that on last week, / {C and } that's really # kind of something # --", "# {F Oh. } # /", "-- to watch, {F uh, } / it's on, I think, two or three nights for maybe an hour or two -- /", "Is that right? /", "-- {C and } some of the weirdest animals you ever # want to see in there. # /", "# {F Oh } <laughter>. # /", "Some of them are really beautiful, too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So. } -/", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I'd be, interesting to watch. /", "{D So } you live in Utah do you? /", "Yes, / uh-huh. / # Elton. # /", "# Goodness. # /", "We live <noise> out here [ by, + it's by ] Ogden. / It's north of Salt Lake City, Utah -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we really love it out here. / It's, {F uh, } kind of country. / [ We're, + we're ] only about ten minutes from Ogden. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } we're kind of country # but not too. # /", "# {D Well } # do you all work for T I, or for, -/", "No, / huh-uh. / Do you? /", "Yeah, / # yeah, / yeah. # /", "# {F Oh, } # {D well, } see, I'm getting so many calls to Texas. /", "This is the very first one [ I've, + I've ] talked to. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } great. / Yeah, / I've been doing it for about two weeks / {C and, } {F uh, } [ no my, +", "Uh-huh. /", "No my, ] -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "02/27/1992", "from_caller": 1514, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1529, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1934, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}} |
18 | {"turn_id": ["4033_0", "4033_1", "4033_2", "4033_3", "4033_4", "4033_5", "4033_6", "4033_7", "4033_8", "4033_9", "4033_10", "4033_11", "4033_12", "4033_13", "4033_14", "4033_15", "4033_16", "4033_17", "4033_18", "4033_19", "4033_20", "4033_21", "4033_22", "4033_23", "4033_24", "4033_25", "4033_26", "4033_27", "4033_28", "4033_29", "4033_30", "4033_31", "4033_32", "4033_33", "4033_34", "4033_35", "4033_36", "4033_37", "4033_38", "4033_39", "4033_40", "4033_41", "4033_42", "4033_43", "4033_44", "4033_45", "4033_46", "4033_47", "4033_48", "4033_49", "4033_50", "4033_51", "4033_52", "4033_53", "4033_54", "4033_55", "4033_56", "4033_57", "4033_58", "4033_59", "4033_60", "4033_61", "4033_62", "4033_63", "4033_64", "4033_65", "4033_66", "4033_67", "4033_68", "4033_69", "4033_70", "4033_71", "4033_72", "4033_73", "4033_74", "4033_75", "4033_76", "4033_77", "4033_78", "4033_79"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D So } how do you get most of your current event information? /", "{D Well, } (( )) , see I'm going to school right now, # / {C and, } {F uh, } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- while I'm working, [ I don't get a, + I don't get a ] chance to read the paper a lot, / {C and } I don't watch T V as much really either, because, {F uh, } my free time is kind of, - / {C and } I [ do, + {D like } [ to + ] do ] other stuff with it. /", "Right. /", "While I'm at work sometimes, [ I, + ] on the computer network --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } I read the news sometimes, / {C and } that's kind of helpful. /", "I would imagine going to college, though, your professors and different things, - / you keep up on what's going on. /", "That's true, / {E I mean, } my roommates and stuff, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- people around me talk about it. / {C And } the people I work with are pretty, {D you know, } [ up, + up-to-date ] on that kind of stuff, / {C so. } -/", "Right. / {D Well, } I'm a housewife, / I have three kids, # / {C and so } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- {F um, } I get most of my information probably through just the news at six o'clock --", "Yeah. /", "-- and then, {F um, } talking with people and just hearing what's going on. # (( )) . # /", "# [ Do you watch, + # do you watch ] [ the network, + {D like } major network ] news, / {C or } do you watch {D like } --", "[ Just the # regular channel # -- +", "-- # the MACNEIL LEHRER HOUR? # /", "-- just channel eight. ] /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "That's our channel here / that's the, {F um, } eyewitness news. /", "Uh-huh. /", "# {D So. } # -/", "# {F Oh, } [ ch-, + # see channel, ] where I am channel eight's, {F um, } {D like } public T V, - / {C so } it's kind of different. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / # Yeah. # /", "# [ I think, # + I think ] the, {F uh, } - / I think a lot of the commentators on, {D like } the major networks, {D like } right, it's kind of appropriate right now because of the election stuff going on, / {C but, } {F um, } it seems that, {F um, } they kind of get to throw their opinions into how they, {D you know, } report on the news. /", "Right. / {C And } I think even in the elections, they choose who they're going to follow and who they're not, / {C and } basically --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } if a candidate can get them to follow, then the news will, {D you know, } kind of publicize his name. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it. / I think you get a very lopsided picture of what's going on. /", "Uh-huh, / because [ they can, + they can ] only report on, {E I mean, } - / they give each candidate perhaps, {D you know, } ten second blurbs in which [ to, + {D you know, } to ] say, [ you, + you ] just can't get a full picture of, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- their message unless you have time to sit down [ and r-, + and probably read ] something on it. /", "Right. / {C And } the news, too, it just doesn't, {F um, } cover that many stories, / {E I mean, } it just covers your basic, {D you know, } violent crimes --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ [ and, + {D you know, } and, ] + and ] your [ ca-, + catastrophes ] with weather and stuff, / {C but } other than that, you really don't know what's going on. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } I will read our current letters that come out on elections / {C and, } I guess I do read that, / {C and } I do study who's running in our area, / {C and } I do study what's going on in the economy. / It, {D you know, } - / {C and, } I guess I do read other magazines, {F um, } too, to get my information. /", "What kind of, see, - / I subscribe to {D like } SCIENCE NEWS, / {C and } [ that's, + that's ] real good because it gives {D like } a brief summary of, {C or } {D like } the updates, {D like } of what's going on in science without getting into a lot of detail that would, {D you know, } bog me down that I wouldn't know about -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C but } other than that I don't really read, / [ I don't, + I don't ] really subscribe to anything else. /", "I used to read every month a READER'S DIGEST -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F um, } now I guess I just have friends that clip articles / {C or } if I, {D you know, } am interested in something, {A of course, [ during the w-, + when we were in war, ] } I read up on that just a little in the newspaper --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- to find out what was going on. / {C But } a lot of the times, [ I, + {D you know, } I ] wish I had the time to read all the stories in the newspaper, / {C but } I just can't seem to find the time. /", "Yeah. /", "If they put it out in a video, or on <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "not a video but a cassette tape or something, where you could just listen to it --", "Yeah. /", "-- I would do that while I was doing other things. / {C But, } -/", "{D Well, } I remember back [ during the, + {F uh, } during the ] war, everyone here at work always had the radio or the T V on, because [ that, + they ] were going constantly with that stuff. /", "Right. /", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "<Throat_clearing> {D Well, } [ I, + {F um, } they ] even did a story on our news here in Texas on what people wanted to see more of, / {C and } people said that they wanted to see more on outside of Texas news. / {D You know, } we just don't want to hear every night all the killings that went on here in Dallas -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- that we want to hear what's going on with the economy, what's being done to help it, what's going on in other countries, what's, {D you know, } just # more information. # /", "# [ If they reported every, + # if they reported every ] violent crime in Atlanta [ it would take, + it would probably take ] the whole news hour <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> # Yeah. # /", "# {C But, } {F uh. } # -/", "{D Well, } I guess we'll get pretty good news coverage in a couple of years when you host the, {F uh, } summer olympics <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that's, - / [ they start, + already they're having ] {D like, } {F um, } - / in the newspaper they have a section, I think, every now and then, on the Olympics, {D you know, } / {C and } they've got {D like } a countdown, / it's like sixteen hundred days or something. /", "I know, we're trying to get tickets to it right now. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah. /", "That's going to be crazy that time of year here. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah. /", "I can't believe, {E I mean, } - / [ they're, + they're ] stretching out the Olympic news for that much coverage over, / I guess people want to hear about it. / Also big in the news right now is the Braves, because [ they're, + {F uh, } they're ] in, {D you know, } [ tr-, + spring training ] or whatever -- /", "Right, / right. /", "-- {C and } they did so well last year. /", "Yeah, / [ they spent a lot of time, + {A that's another thing, } they spend a long time ] on sports, / {C and } I think [ that, + {F um, } that's ] fine, I would like to see more time spent on other things. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But. } -/", "It seems like, - / I don't know, / they way they do the newscasts, I wish [ they, + they ] kind of separated it, {D you know, } / if you wanted to watch one thing you could turn to some channel for it / {C but } I don't have cable. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1501, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1962, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1537, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1971, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}} |
19 | {"turn_id": ["4074_0", "4074_1", "4074_2", "4074_3", "4074_4", "4074_5", "4074_6", "4074_7", "4074_8", "4074_9", "4074_10", "4074_11", "4074_12", "4074_13", "4074_14", "4074_15", "4074_16", "4074_17", "4074_18", "4074_19", "4074_20", "4074_21", "4074_22", "4074_23", "4074_24", "4074_25", "4074_26", "4074_27", "4074_28", "4074_29", "4074_30", "4074_31", "4074_32", "4074_33", "4074_34", "4074_35", "4074_36", "4074_37", "4074_38", "4074_39", "4074_40", "4074_41", "4074_42", "4074_43", "4074_44", "4074_45", "4074_46", "4074_47", "4074_48", "4074_49", "4074_50", "4074_51", "4074_52", "4074_53", "4074_54", "4074_55", "4074_56", "4074_57", "4074_58", "4074_59", "4074_60", "4074_61", "4074_62", "4074_63", "4074_64", "4074_65", "4074_66", "4074_67", "4074_68", "4074_69", "4074_70", "4074_71", "4074_72", "4074_73", "4074_74", "4074_75", "4074_76", "4074_77", "4074_78", "4074_79", "4074_80"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["-kay, Dave. / What kind of pets do you have? /", "{F Oh, } we have one rotten cat. /", "One rotten cat <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / it's my son's cat. /", "I heard a laugh in the background. /", "Yeah, / that's the boys. / <laughter> They know I don't like it. /", "<Laughter> Don't you like cats? /", "{D Well, } I like cats. / [ This, + this ] cat is a, {F uh, } <noise> more like a dog. /", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "Yeah / he's, {F uh, } a one owner. / He likes one boy in the family and that's about it <meow>. /", "That's odd. / How does he treat the <inhaling> other people? /", "<Breathing> Just, {F uh, } stays away or runs --", "Wow. /", "-- usually. / {C But } [ he follows, + he'll follow ] my oldest son around. / {D You know } when he is in the house, he will come up and he'll jump on his lap, / {C but } if anybody reaches over to pet him or whatever, he'll just kind of look at them like what are doing. /", "<Laughter> Did he raise him or something? /", "[ [ He's, + he, ] + we ] bought the cat for him / {C and so } he's, {F uh, } been the one that you know spent the most time with him. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } [ I, + I've ] never owned a cat like that. / I've had cats growing up all the time / {C and } <children_talking> {D you know } they are --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- usually either that way with everybody or friendly to everybody <children_talking>. /", "{F Huh, } that's # interesting. # /", "# {C So, } # it's a weird cat <laughter>. /", "{F Huh. } We have [ a, + a ] mutt. /", "A mutt. /", "{D Well, } [ we, + we ] named it Hooper because that's where we got it from. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } some lady, she, {F uh, } - / a lot of people, {F uh, } {F uh, } drop off [ abandoned, + abandoned ] pets at her house -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C and } she use to work for a [ veter-, + veterinarian ] / {C so } she would [ spay-, + {F uh, } neuter ] them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- give them all their shots <noise> / {C and } we saw an ad saying it was free, / {C so } we went down there and picked it up / {C and } it's been an excellent dog, / {C but } it's my first dog I've had / {C and } we got it because my wife stays here at home # alone # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- while I go to work / {C so } that's mostly why we got it. To keep her company while I am away at work. /", "{D So } [ [ that, + is that, ] + is that ] kind of your child right now? /", "{F Uh } yeah. / Right now # [ it, + it ] is. # /", "# You feel like. # <laughter>. /", "It's kind of good training. / {E I mean } we have been trying for kids, / {C but } --", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "-- right now we haven't had any, / {C but } it's pretty good training, I think really, keeps her on her toes <laughter>. /", "[ Have, + have ] you had dogs before? /", "{F Uh, } my brother has. / {F Uh, } we didn't do a lot with them. / {F Uh, } I never felt like it was mine or anything, / you couldn't do anything. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {E I mean, } that [ did, + did ] more responsibility. When its yours and not your brother's <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "{C But, } -/", "{D Well, } <noise> [ I just, + {F uh, } we've, ] {D you know } - / when I was growing up [ I had, + we always had ] a dog / {C and } we had mostly mutts, / {D well } not mutts, but mixes --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know } like one or two mix / {C and } those dogs always seem to be the best dogs. /", "That's what we found. / Ours is, {F uh, } {D like } a cockapoo. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think it's half cocker spaniel and half poodle. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } it's a really good dog. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't know, / they seem [ to be, + {E I mean, } listen ] better or something. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Is your cat a purebred? /", "No. / No, / it's just {F uh } an accident <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "From [ [ a frie-, + {F uh, } from my, ] + my son's friend ] down the street. / [ They're -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- their ] cat was an outside cat and just end up with some kittens / [ {C and } + <inhaling> {C so, } ] -/", "Would you ever want a dog in the family? /", "{F Uh, } [ we, + I ] would. / [ We, + {F uh, } we ] had a dog that was a, {F uh, } mix between an Alaska Malamute and a Labrador -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I should say a pup / {C and } he was just too big for our kids --", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "-- when we got him / {C and } [ we, + when we ] moved into our house that was the first thing we wanted to get [ was, + {F uh, } {D you know, } was ] a pet / {C and } it was a dog that we gotten / {C and } [ he was, + he was ] just too big. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the kids couldn't handle him / {C and } I was still going to school / {C and } my wife was working / {C and } I was working / {C and so } we just didn't have time to really train him / {C so } [ he was kind of jus-, + {D you know, } he was ] too big for the kids to handle, / {C so } he was just tied up to a post -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C so } we gave him to, {F uh, } - / I don't know if you've, - / there is a place out here, {F uh, } called Shorties Lane out here in Harrisville -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they have, {F uh, } - / I guess it's <noise> kind of an animal shelter / {C but } he just takes a few the animals in / {C and } some he destroys / {C and } some he keeps. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } we took him up there / {C and } he ended up keeping him. / {F Uh, } cause he has had him for six or seven years. / [ We, + we've, ] saw him just about a year ago / {C and, } {F uh, } I thought boy that sure looks like that pup we gave away -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } we asked him about it one day / {C and } he said yeah, / he's been the best dog I've ever had in my life -- /", "Wow. /", "-- just goes everywhere with him. / [ I, + he ] would have been a great, great dog. /", "He just needed a lot of time. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "03/05/1992", "from_caller": 1516, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1503, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}} |
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