{"turn_id": ["3504_0", "3504_1", "3504_2", "3504_3", "3504_4", "3504_5", "3504_6", "3504_7", "3504_8", "3504_9", "3504_10", "3504_11", "3504_12", "3504_13", "3504_14", "3504_15", "3504_16", "3504_17", "3504_18", "3504_19", "3504_20", "3504_21", "3504_22", "3504_23", "3504_24", "3504_25", "3504_26", "3504_27", "3504_28", "3504_29", "3504_30", "3504_31", "3504_32", "3504_33", "3504_34", "3504_35", "3504_36", "3504_37", "3504_38", "3504_39", "3504_40", "3504_41", "3504_42", "3504_43", "3504_44", "3504_45", "3504_46", "3504_47", "3504_48", "3504_49", "3504_50", "3504_51", "3504_52", "3504_53", "3504_54", "3504_55", "3504_56", "3504_57", "3504_58", "3504_59", "3504_60", "3504_61", "3504_62", "3504_63", "3504_64", "3504_65", "3504_66", "3504_67", "3504_68", "3504_69", "3504_70", "3504_71", "3504_72", "3504_73", "3504_74", "3504_75", "3504_76", "3504_77", "3504_78"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } {D so } my favorite team is about the Rangers. /", "Is it? / I'd have to agree with that. / They are my favorite team, too. /", "Yeah. /", "A little disappointing the last few years. /", "I'm telling you. / You think they'll sign Ruben? /", "{D You know } --", "No? /", "-- I really don't. / [ I just don't think, + {D you know, } with that guy from Pittsburgh getting all that money, twenty-seven or <laughter> twenty-nine million or whatever it was, I just don't think ] that they're going to be able to sign Ruben Sierra / {C and } it's just going to be a shame for, {D you know, } our area. /", "Right. / Yeah, / I think it's going to have a big effect if they don't on the other, {F uh, } Hispanic players. /", "{F Oh, } I do, too. / I just, -/", "I think --", "The main thing, -/", "-- that's going to be the big problem. /", "It's just going to effect on [ the, + the ] team, {D you know. } /", "Right. /", "We just can't seem to, {D you know, } - / I think we've been in this spot, / I think we finished second once or maybe even twice. / I don't know, / [ [ I -- +", "Yeah. /", "-- I'm, ] + I haven't ] been to a baseball game in a couple of years. / [ It's just, + it's just ] too disappointing. / I just watch them fall every year. /", "Right. /", "I was a Pete Incaviglia fan / {C and, } {F uh } --", "<Laughter> Oh. /", "-- I liked him, / {C but, } of course, I understand baseball decisions are all just, - / decisions like that have to be made by someone <laughter>. / Glad it's not me making them. /", "Right / I think they just want to stay mediocre and draw their two million fans out there and then be happy with it and not have to pay the bucks to get a contender in here. / {C But, } -/", "They say as long as they draw up two million fans that --", "Right. /", "-- Greave and Valentine will be there. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "[ {C So, } + {C and } ] that's the name of the game, too. / You got to make money.", "Right. /", "{D You know, } pay these players so much money, / {D now, } [ it's just -- +", "Right. /", "-- it's ] frightening. / You and I should be so lucky [ to, + {D you know, } to ] go out and swing a bat and get two thousand dollars every time you swing the bat <laughter> or something like that. /", "<Laughter> That's true. / {C But, } {F uh, } they were talking about trading him, if they're not able to sign him {C and, } {F uh, } use the money that it would take to sign the guy, {D you know, } to pay for pitchers {C or, } {D you know, } [ [ [ what it, + what it, ] + what they, ] + what else they ] need. / {C Because } they've got the hitting, / {C but } they need the pitching. /", "Yeah, / they really do. /", "{F Um. } /", "[ I think they, + {F uh, } I think they ] need them all. / [ I just don't under-, + I understand ] the big cities, like in New York or L A or somewhere because big cities - / {C and, } {D you know, } [ a guy, + a pro athlete ] can go out there in the afternoon and probably make five thousand dollars just by doing a personal appearance [ at a -- +", "{F Oh, } I know. /", "-- at a ] men's clothing store, or something, or sporting goods store, / {C but, } I realize the difference, / {C but, } I just don't understand, /", "Yeah, / it's sure aggravating when you go out and bust your butt working, {D you know, } your day job and you can work your day job the rest of your life and not bring home as much money as they bring home in one game. /", "{F Oh, } I know. /", "<Laughter>.", "I tell you. /", "It's real aggravating, / {C but, } -/", "{C But, } one thing I don't understand is why a group, {D you know, } headed up by George Bush would buy the Texas Rangers and not really get behind them / {C because } I tell you, we need a winner in this town. / It looks like our Cowboys are coming back / [ {C but, } +", "That's right. /", "{C So } ] [ that's, + that's ] going to be a big help to Dallas, / {C but, } {D you know, } in the past half a <laughter> dozen years, all we've had is the, {F uh } --", "It's always got, -/", "-- the soccer team. /", "Yeah, / [ it's always, + it's always ] wondered me why, {E I mean, } they act as though this area is not, {D you know, } a big metropolitan area, / {C but } you think we'd, someday get an owner in here that could afford to buy [ [ the, + <noise> the, ] + the ] players we need. /", "{F Oh, } I know. / It's, -/", "Just real aggravating to <breathing> / {C because } I've lived here, {D you know, } since, {D well, } I was born and raised here, / {C so } I've been a Ranger fan since about seventy-seven, / {C so } it's a lot of losers <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } I know. /", "It's about to get, {D you know -- }", "I've been one, /", "-- as bad as the Cubs or whoever, {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / [ I've been, + I've lived ] here since seventy-four / {C and } I've really been a Ranger fan for the longest time / {C and } <throat_clearing> {E excuse me, } I don't miss a time picking up the morning paper --", "Right. /", "-- and checking the box score. / {E I mean } I follow them / {C and } I follow them like I follow the Mavericks and like I follow the Cowboys, / [ {C but, } + {C and } ] I want to see them win, because {D you know, } damn it, [ they, + the fans ] deserve it. / {E I mean, } it,", "Right. /", "{D You know, } we have pretty, {F uh, } great fans, put two million people in that stadium. /", "I'm telling you. /", "I love Nolan Ryan. / I guess you probably love him, too. /", "Right, / I think this town would go crazy if they ever got [ a, + even a ] playoff team. /", "{F Oh, } I --", "[ T-, + ] {E I mean, }", "-- do, too. /", "It would be packed. / {C And } they got that new stadium they are building. / {C So, } [ at least, + at least ] that will be exciting <laughter> --", "It will. /", "-- when we get that, / {C but, } -/", "{D Well, } where do you think they are heading this year? /", "{F Uh, } <breathing> it's hard to say. / It's going to be depending on [ where the, + what they ] do with Ruben Sierra / {C and, } {F uh, } {E I mean, } I'm getting tired of them going into each year saying, {D you know, } Bobby Witt is the answer and Kevin Brown --", "Right <laughter>. /", "-- is the answer, / {C and, } man, that's getting old, {D you know. } / These guys have been pampered. / {E I mean, } it's time [ to, + to ] either, {D you know, } put out or shut up. /", "Yeah, / Bobby Witt --", "{C And, } -/", "-- gets forced into wins like seventeen games or whatever / {C and } they have the later ten game winning streak -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and } they give him all kinds of money / {C and then } he just goes right down the tubes. /", "And Valentine and Greave, [ they're about to get, + {D you know, } they're about to get ] old. / {C But } I like this Sandy Johnson. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BASEBALL", "prompt": "FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE PRO BASEBALL TEAM AND WHERE IT'S HEADED THIS YEAR. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE CALLER'S PREDICTION?", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1451, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1436, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1940, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3898_0", "3898_1", "3898_2", "3898_3", "3898_4", "3898_5", "3898_6", "3898_7", "3898_8", "3898_9", "3898_10", "3898_11", "3898_12", "3898_13", "3898_14", "3898_15", "3898_16", "3898_17", "3898_18", "3898_19", "3898_20", "3898_21", "3898_22", "3898_23", "3898_24", "3898_25", "3898_26", "3898_27", "3898_28", "3898_29", "3898_30", "3898_31", "3898_32", "3898_33", "3898_34", "3898_35", "3898_36", "3898_37", "3898_38", "3898_39", "3898_40", "3898_41", "3898_42", "3898_43", "3898_44", "3898_45", "3898_46", "3898_47", "3898_48", "3898_49", "3898_50", "3898_51", "3898_52", "3898_53", "3898_54", "3898_55", "3898_56", "3898_57", "3898_58", "3898_59", "3898_60", "3898_61", "3898_62", "3898_63", "3898_64", "3898_65", "3898_66", "3898_67", "3898_68", "3898_69", "3898_70", "3898_71", "3898_72", "3898_73", "3898_74", "3898_75", "3898_76", "3898_77", "3898_78", "3898_79", "3898_80", "3898_81", "3898_82", "3898_83", "3898_84", "3898_85", "3898_86", "3898_87", "3898_88", "3898_89", "3898_90", "3898_91", "3898_92", "3898_93", "3898_94", "3898_95", "3898_96"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / Gene <breathing>. / {D So, } it's nice to talk with you / {C and, } {F um, } food is a very intriguing thing. / Our lives [ are, + are ] built around foods that we like and, [ an-, + ] nutritionally good for us. /", "Yes, sir. /", "What kind of dining out do you like? /", "<Breathing> {D Well, } there is two kinds. / One I guess I'd say is with my wife where [ we enjoy, + {F uh } --", "Oh. /", "-- {F oh, } I guess we usually enjoy ] a good seafood restaurant. / {F Uh, } {D you know, } something nice. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } the other is with my whole family whom we, {F uh, } go somewhere that the kids will enjoy <breathing>. / {F Uh, } recently we have been hitting Pancho's up. / It's a local Mexican restaurant. /", "Uh-huh. /", "(( )) because they have got [ a good rate on, + {D you know, } good prices ] and everything. /", "Pancho's, that's,", "# Yeah. # /", "# a new # one. /", "# Yeah, # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "[ it's, + it's ] a chain down he-, {F uh, } - / it goes up into Colorado and down here. / I don't know where else it is. / # What about you? # /", "# We have # one called Chi Chi's [ in th-, + in our ] area. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } we had a restaurant called La Bamba / {C but } [ it's just, + it closed ] recently. / {C But } Chi Chi's is a national restaurant, I think. / Isn't it Mexican? /", "# I [ think, # +", "# Do you # have it there? /", "think ] it might be. / [ I've se-, + I think I've seen ] it around. / # Yes, sir. # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D Well, } # I love Mexican food myself. /", "{F Oh, } do you? / Yeah. /", "{C But } you go ahead now <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } [ we, + we ] do too. / [ We, + {F uh, } we ] enjoy Mexican food. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "I'm just not impressed with the quality of it. / It's just primarily the price that's, {F uh, } satisfying at this point. # / {C But } the kids, #", "# Is that right? # /", "seem to enjoy it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and, } {F uh, } let's see. / We've, {F uh, } just recently discovered a super restaurant down here / {C but } it's, {F uh, } not part of a chain / it's just an individually owned seafood restaurant. / {C But } the first one we've been to that, {F uh, } I don't think there was anything on the menu, [ that, + that ] any of us had - / that was, {F uh, } not just really super. / It's nice to find a place like that. /", "{F Oh, } boy that is wonderful. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] agree with you on that. / {C And } I [ wa-, + was ] really a seafood addict myself. / [ I, + I ] love crab meat in particular. /", "{F Um. } /", "[ I, + {F uh, } I ] can almost live [ on, + on ] seafood and almost live on the crab meat if I <laughter> had to. /", "{F Oh, } boy. /", "<Laughter>.", "Have you ever been to, {F uh, } what is it, Original Book Binders in Philadelphia? /", "I, {F uh, } know the name / {C but } I haven't been there. /", "{F Uh, } that's an old established, {F uh, } restaurant. / I used to go there when I was in college. /", "Uh-huh. / Where did you go to college? /", "{F Uh, } I went to the Naval Academy. /", "{F Oh, } the # (( U S )) , #", "# {C And } we used to, #", "Naval Academy? /", "[ we use to + ] go up there [ on, + {F uh, } for ] football games sometimes.", "Uh-huh. /", "And have some liberty. / {C And, } - / yeah, / we would go over there to, {F uh, } - / [ pr-, + pretty ] sure it was [ original, + Original ] Book Binders / I think it was, / yes. /", "I'll be darn. /", "I haven't been back there in years. /", "{D Well, } [ we're, + we're ] supposed to be talking about dinning out, / {C but } I'll just make one comment that, {F uh, } I just retired from Penn State, / {C and, } {F uh, } all my work has been in research for the Navy <laughter>. /", "Okay. / What area? /", "Underwater acoustics. /", "Is that right? / Did you have any dealings with the, {F uh, } underwater sound reference laboratory in Orlando, Florida? /", "I have dealt with nearly [ all of the, + all of the ] research laboratories that the country has. /", "Yes, sir. / My dad worked there for years, and years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ That's wh-, + [ that's, + {F uh, } that's ] where ] I grew up was down in Orlando. / # {C So, } # -/", "# {F Oh, } # you grew up in Orlando. / Uh-huh. /", "[ That's, + {F uh, } that's ] interesting, {D Well, } I was in submarines. {F Uh, } /", "{D Well, } that's what I worked on. /", "Okay, / yeah, / must have had some interesting, {F uh, } assignments for you there. / [ Wh-, + when ] did you retire? /", "The end of last month. /", "<Lipsmack> {D Well, } great. / I'm sure you've seen some interesting developments in acoustics. /", "I certainly have <breathing>. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } [ wa-, + ] I hate to, {F uh, } - / I wish I could talk to you about that, {F uh, } / {C but, } {F uh, } I guess we should continue on, {F uh, } -/", "Okay. /", "Okay. /", "Right. / # Where's, # -/", "# How # do you like Chinese food? /", "{F Oh, } [ we, + we ] do enjoy that. / Yes, sir. / {F Uh, } I don't know if we are particularly adventurous, / we find something we like, {F uh, } like cashew shrimp or something that's got a good, {F uh, } at a particular restaurant / {C and then } we usually stick by it. / # {C But } do you, #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "What about you? /", "{D Well, } I, {F uh, } enjoy the Szechuan type of, {F uh, } Chinese food. /", "Hot? /", "Yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yep, {F uh, } / it's, {F uh, } - / [ I, + I ] do a lot of Chinese cooking myself. / I have in the past. / I haven't done recently, / {C but, } {F uh, } it's in the sweet and sour porks and things like are just really delicious meals. /", "{F Um. } Where did you learn how to do Chinese cooking? /", "<Breathing> {F Uh, } just at home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I ] enjoyed the food / {C and } I bought a lot of, {F uh, } good cookbooks, / {C and } I've been following through on that. / When you find the right cookbook, why it works out. /", "Uh-huh. / What's a good reference cookbook for Chinese food? /", "<Breathing> Okay, / {D well, } that one's a good question. / Here it's right under my nose if I can find it <laughter>. / {F Oh, } boy. /", "I guess one of the things we've, {F uh, } started avoiding is the, {F uh, } run of the mill chop suey and things like that. /", "Yeah, / # right. # /", "# {C But } we enjoy # trying, {F uh, } different kinds of chicken or, {F uh, } [ sh-, + {D you know, } even, {F uh, } shrimp, ] {F uh, } dishes that are fixed in a Chinese restaurant. /", "One of [ [ th-, + th-, ] + this ] book I have is called CHINESE COOKING MADE EASY. / {F Uh, } <breathing> it's a paperback / {C and } I think it's by someone named Chang. / Yeah, / Isabelle Chang. /", "Okay, / thanks for that, {F uh, } reference. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / I think you will enjoy that. /", "Okay, / good. / Yeah. /", "{D Well, } it certainly is nice talking with you Gene. / {C And, } {F uh, } what is your phone at home? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RESTAURANTS", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF DINING OUT DO YOU ENJOY? WHAT THINGS DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A RESTAURANT THAT WOULD GET YOU TO GO BACK AGAIN? SEE WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER'S PREFERENCES ARE SIMILAR TO YOURS.", "talk_day": "02/03/1992", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1478, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1945, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3926_0", "3926_1", "3926_2", "3926_3", "3926_4", "3926_5", "3926_6", "3926_7", "3926_8", "3926_9", "3926_10", "3926_11", "3926_12", "3926_13", "3926_14", "3926_15", "3926_16", "3926_17", "3926_18", "3926_19", "3926_20", "3926_21", "3926_22", "3926_23", "3926_24", "3926_25", "3926_26", "3926_27", "3926_28", "3926_29", "3926_30", "3926_31", "3926_32", "3926_33", "3926_34", "3926_35", "3926_36", "3926_37", "3926_38", "3926_39", "3926_40", "3926_41", "3926_42", "3926_43", "3926_44", "3926_45", "3926_46", "3926_47", "3926_48", "3926_49", "3926_50", "3926_51", "3926_52", "3926_53", "3926_54", "3926_55", "3926_56", "3926_57", "3926_58", "3926_59", "3926_60", "3926_61", "3926_62", "3926_63", "3926_64", "3926_65", "3926_66", "3926_67", "3926_68", "3926_69", "3926_70"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["That's it. /", "Yes. /", "What do you think are possible changes in the, {F uh, } way trials are conducted these days? / Do you like the way some people in there for instance, really take over and, {F uh, } we have no way, {F uh, } of knowing whether they are legitimately right or wrong and so forth. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# What # do you think about these things? /", "{D Well, } as I look at our trial systems, / I think they've gotten to be quite a joke. The way the people can appeal and file for mistrials / {C and } they've taken a lot of the things that were set up to make it be a fair system and used it to their advantage. / I think that a jury should listen to the courts, {F uh, } [ to, + to ] the hearings and to everything, / {C but } I think they should only weigh fifty percent of the decision. / I think the judge should hold [ the, + ] {E or } maybe even forty-nine, / {C and } the judge should be able to rule one way or the other. /", "[ Y-, + {D so } you're ] saying [ yo-, + you ] think the judge should actually have the final say? /", "I think he should. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{C And } I think that there should be more than one judge. / There should be maybe two, at least --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- that sit in and listen so that there's no way that you could have like a crooked judge. / Do you know what I mean? /", "Yes. / I know what you mean. /", "{F Um, } {C and } I think that [ there, + ] it's important to have a jury, but I think the way that they go through so much time to get it a fair one. / That's okay too. / As long as it's not used to delay the trial so much. / They need to have a fair jury / {C but } they only [ w-, + {D you know, } would ] cover [ fif-, + forty-nine ] percent of the decision or fifty percent / {C and then } the two judges would go ahead and make the final decision. /", "<Lipsmack> {D Well, }", "How do you feel about that? /", "I hadn't, {F uh, } thought of it from that point of view before. / I have been in a fairly important trial, / {C and, } {F uh, } what bothers me is I was concerned of the ability of some of the people in the jury to adequately understand --", "Right. /", "-- what was being presented so that they themselves could make a proper and, {F uh, } accurate decision. / That's the part that bothered me about it. / {F Um, } I really think that [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] jury ought to have more say so in the selection or in the determination of whether they are guilty or not. / {C But } I also think that the jury should be, {F uh, } [ very, very, {F uh, } carefully, + more carefully ] selected to make sure that they are entirely [ intel-, + intelligent ] people and that they understand some of the details that are involved so that they can make [ accu-, + accurate ] decisions. /", "Right. /", "I hate to see people brought in who basically have lived out in the country and don't know much about any of this stuff, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they just make a decision based on whether they like the dress she wore that day or whether that guy smiled or growled all the time. /", "# Right. # /", "# That's # no way to make a decision on some terrible problem. /", "Right. / {D Well, } what if they used, {D you know, } - / I just had a thought come as you were talking. / What if they used law students and had that be credit hours to sit in trials? /", "That would be certainly nice / [ sh-, + ] let's say / [ we, + we ] would have fifty percent of them law students,", "# Yeah, / at least. # /", "# (( anyway )) . #", "# At least, #", "# Yeah. # /", "on the jury. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And } that # would give them,", "<Throat_clearing> # Uh-huh. # /", "# experience # in the courtroom, / {C and } it could count as some aspect or hours going into their major. /", "That's a very neat idea, / {C and } they would learn a lot about being lawyers later in life --", "Right. /", "-- when they see what it is like to be in the jury side of a trial. /", "That's right. / That would be a really good thing to do. /", "That would be [ a, + a ] really good thing to do. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So } it's <laughter>, -/", "I have a girlfriend that just went through a three year trial, /", "# {F Huh. } # /", "# {C and } # what happened was her husband was, {F uh, } involved in a motorcycle accident where a drunk driver ran the stoplight / {C and } he ran into the motorcycle. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C But } [ the reason, + the actual reason ] that [ the motorcycle person, + her husband, ] was killed was because his brakes went out on his motorcycle. / He was just taking it home from the place. / It was brand new, / {C and } his brakes did not work. /", "For goodness sakes. /", "{C And } this expensive, big company that owned these motorcycles, {F um, } railroaded this into three years worth of trials for this lady / {C and } she had a son that was just only two years old when it happened -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they were following him home in the car. Saw the whole thing happen. /", "{F Oh, } they saw the husband,", "That's right. /", "# get, # -/", "# They # were following him home from the motorcycle shop. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } they railroaded this whole trial into mistrials, {F um, } this and that {C and } the other. / Every time she'd get a verdict that would be in her favor of her,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# of a # settlement, /", "They would find something wrong with it. /", "Until finally they won and,", "# Did they really? # /", "# said that # it was the drunk driver's fault /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } I just felt like justice wasn't served because they had the money, the big lawyers, and she didn't, /", "That is a shame. / You'd think there would be enough, {F uh, } people who saw the accident other than his wife,", "# Right. # /", "# [ to, + # to ] also, {F uh, } make statements, / {C and } they have nothing to gain one way or the other. / {C So } if they say a certain way, then why not believe them. /", "Right. / {C And } I don't know all the details on that, / {C but } I certainly think that we've come up with a good idea with [ [ the, + <lipsmack> the stu-, ] + the students ] coming into the jury. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I don't think that it would be such a bad idea even if the judge didn't have the final say. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "02/06/1992", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1501, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2085_0", "2085_1", "2085_2", "2085_3", "2085_4", "2085_5", "2085_6", "2085_7", "2085_8", "2085_9", "2085_10", "2085_11", "2085_12", "2085_13", "2085_14", "2085_15", "2085_16", "2085_17", "2085_18", "2085_19", "2085_20", "2085_21", "2085_22", "2085_23", "2085_24", "2085_25", "2085_26", "2085_27", "2085_28", "2085_29", "2085_30", "2085_31", "2085_32", "2085_33", "2085_34", "2085_35", "2085_36", "2085_37", "2085_38", "2085_39", "2085_40", "2085_41", "2085_42", "2085_43", "2085_44", "2085_45", "2085_46", "2085_47", "2085_48", "2085_49", "2085_50", "2085_51", "2085_52", "2085_53", "2085_54", "2085_55", "2085_56", "2085_57", "2085_58", "2085_59", "2085_60", "2085_61", "2085_62", "2085_63", "2085_64", "2085_65", "2085_66", "2085_67", "2085_68", "2085_69", "2085_70", "2085_71", "2085_72", "2085_73", "2085_74", "2085_75", "2085_76", "2085_77", "2085_78", "2085_79", "2085_80", "2085_81", "2085_82", "2085_83", "2085_84", "2085_85", "2085_86", "2085_87", "2085_88", "2085_89", "2085_90", "2085_91", "2085_92", "2085_93", "2085_94", "2085_95", "2085_96", "2085_97", "2085_98", "2085_99", "2085_100", "2085_101", "2085_102", "2085_103", "2085_104", "2085_105", "2085_106", "2085_107", "2085_108", "2085_109", "2085_110", "2085_111", "2085_112", "2085_113", "2085_114", "2085_115"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi. / How are you doing? /", "What, / I couldn't hear you? /", "I said, how are you doing? /", "I'm doing fine. / I'm, {F uh, } just editing a spreadsheet right now. / I'm trying to figure out how I can retire without having to work until I'm ninety-five. /", "Yeah. / We've been doing that too <laughter>. / We're trying to retire in our fifties. /", "Yeah. / This is a very appropriate topic for our, {F uh, } conversation today because what I'm figuring out is that I'm going to have to put in a lot more money than what I'm making <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Good luck on that one, then. /", "What is that? /", "I said good luck on that one, then. /", "{D Well, } we've got a pretty good situation, my wife and I, since our property is already paid for. / {D You know, } the main things that I like about [ the + {F uh, } <talking> <<someone in background>> the ] job benefits --", "Huh-uh. /", "-- would be [ the, + {F uh, } the ] availability of the health insurance and the availability of, {F uh, } {D you know, } being able to transfer [ around, + inside ] the organization without having, {D you know, } when they cut off a system and they don't just can everybody that is working on it, like some companies I know of. / {D You know, } they give you an opportunity to either transfer into an [ on going, + on going ] project. -/", "{D So } you work for it T I then <music>. / <<pause>> You can't say? /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "What? /", "Yes, / you do. / {D Well, } I work for D I S D / {C and } I don't know what your talking about when you say health insurance, / {C but } Dallas doesn't pay. / It pays most of mine, {D you know, } / {D now, } after you work (( I think )) five years, they begin to pay most of it. / {C But } then, for [ the, + the ] family, {D you know, } I put my kids on my policy. / It's like two hundred dollars -- /", "Huh-uh. /", "-- {C and } it's gone up quite a bit / {C and } they predict, {D you know, } of course, it's going to keep going up. / I wish they could go on and pay for all of our coverage, at some point. / {C And } benefits, {D you know, } - / I'd like to see child care paid for or on-site child care sometime. / I think that would be a (( )) , -/", "Huh-uh. /", "{C and } it would make women go to work sometime if they knew their kids were being taken care of. / They could go visit them during the day. / What? /", "Yeah / that's {F uh, } something I hadn't really thought about because we don't have children. / {C But, } I can see how it would be [ a + a ] real benefit. / (( Yes )) / I do. /", "{D Well, } we keep a shelter, also monies that we're going to pay in for child care too. / {D You know, } go on and pay a lump sum / {C and } as long as you pay that amount you're okay. / {C But } if you paid in more than you actually used, and the same thing for insurance, what you predict your going to be paying for insurance, as long as you [ pay, + actually pay ] out that amount of money, you're okay. / {C But } if you pay out less, then you lose that money. /", "{F Um. } /", "I don't like that part, / {C but } you don't have to do that option if you don't want to. /", "{D Well, } [ that could be, + I could see where that would be ] important. /", "{C And then } we got that cafeteria plan, / do you have that? /", "No. /", "No. /", "I don't know what it's (( about )) . /", "You can, {F uh, } - / {D well } you, - / let's see, [ it, + it ] shelters you're money that you pay [ for, + for ] insurance. / It takes it out of your salary before taxes. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / Yeah, / yeah / we got that. /", "Okay. /", "Pretax insurance? /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } we call it the cafeteria plan, / I wonder why. /", "Um? /", "I said, I wonder why. /", "{F Oh, } it's probably what the first guy who did it, called it. /", "Cafeteria? /", "Yeah. / He was probably in the cafeteria when he thought of it <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Maybe / {C so. } Let's see what else can we do? / Changes, -/", "I'll tell you what we could do. /", "What? /", "We could prohibit people from being hired that are historically going to cost the company money. {D You know, } do a little bit better research on who gets hired -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C Because } {D you know, } -/", "You mean, {D like } for health insurance? /", "{D Well, } not only just health insurance, {E I mean } for the whole benefit of the company. / {D See, } I look at it this way. If the company folds, I got to go find a job. /", "Yeah. /", "Okay. / {D Now, } if we got somebody in a position to affect the way the company performs, just about anybody in the company, and they're not doing their job or they're not capable of doing their job, then we should find (A) a place to put them or (B) {D you know, } boot them out. /", "{D Well, } that's easier done in a company than it is in, {F uh, } school teaching. /", "{D Well, } frankly, I think school teachers ought to get about ten times what they're getting paid. /", "<Breathing> Thank you <laughter>. /", "What? /", "I said, thank you. /", "Oh. /", "We're both school teachers. /", "{F Oh, } [ I'm, + I'm, ] -/", "{C But } it's hard to get rid of a teacher if they're not good. /", "I know. /", "It's almost impossible. /", "{D Well, } there's two schools of thought on that. / {D You know, } [ I, + I'm ] looking at trying to get into a university job position as a a professor -- /", "Huh-uh. /", "-- I got about eight years of education ahead of me before I can do that -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C but, } once you get that job with the university, you've got ten years of probation. /", "Huh-uh. /", "Then you have tenure. / {C And } they can't fire you. /", "Huh-uh. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } in a situation like that, I don't know if that's good or bad. / I do know that I've had tenured professors that were just sorry. /", "Right. /", "{C And } I've also had tenured professors that were the best things on two legs. /", "{D Well, } they did away with tenure in teaching along time ago, {D you know, } in the public schools. /", "{C But } in addition. -/", "It makes you more at ease. / {D You know, } you knew you weren't going to lose your job unless you really did something horrendous. /", "{D Well, } [ they, + they ] really can't fire you without cause, / {D you know } the governments taken care of that, / {C but, } {F um, } what I'm looking at is, {D you know, } there are a lot of teachers that aren't getting paid what they need to be getting paid, / {C and } there are some teachers <noise> out there that aren't worth having around as janitors. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } {C and } I could see a point protecting someone's position, / {C but, } on the other hand, I don't think [ it, + {D you know, } that ] someone that teaches, {F uh, } say shop, for instance, should have to have degree at all. /", "{D Well } they don't. /", "{D Well. } -/", "In some places they don't. /", "In some places that don't. /", "Do they? /", "{C But, } {D you know, } [ you, + you ] get specialized education now, for instance, take computer science. / We've got kids twenty years old, right now, that could beat any computer professor at micro computer applications. / I know we could. / {C And } these people can't even get jobs doing anything besides digging ditches, because there's no comprehensive test that they can take, that would allow them [ to, + to ] step into that position without having to go through the rigamarole of college. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } I went to college late on in life / {C and } I realize that hey, it's nothing but four years of endurance / {C and } you might be teachable, / {D you } know what I mean? /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } my agree is absolutely worthless. /*[[listen; agree is probably degree]]", "<Laughter>.", "It's my experience [ and, + and ] my knowledge [ that, + that ] is beneficial, / {C but } then, {D you know, } like I said, I came in backwards. /", "What did you get your degree at? /", "Industrial Marketing. /", "{C And } what's your job now? /", "{D Well, } actually I'm selling computer software. / {C But, } the two are mutually exclusive. Because, <noise> [ the, + the ] experience that got me the job that I got now, was my experience in the construction field, prior to going to college --", "Huh-uh. /", "-- not my degree, which is I think kind of bizarre. /", "Maybe. / All right, / what else could we change? / {F Oh, } I'd like to see flexible hours. And teaching,", "{D Well } {F uh, }", "shared, job sharing,", "[ [ We've, +", "more of that. /", "we've, ] + we've ] already got that. /", "{D Well, } {D see, } we've got a little bit of it, but not much. / It would be nice if you had full insurance coverage if you were doing job sharing. / What else. / I'd like to be able [ to, + to ] evaluate your boss / {C and } it really carry some weight, / {C and } you get to choose your boss. /", "{D Well, } - / yeah. / Supervisor evaluations have always been a tough one. Especially in my line, because, {D you know, } my supervisor has nothing to with my job, except to make sure I get my check. /", "Huh-uh. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } {C so } you get to evaluate him though? /", "{D Well, } not really. / {D You know, } {E I mean, } [ there's, + what's ] to evaluate about him, {D you know, } / {E I mean, } [ my, + my, ] supervisor level is {D like } practically zero. / I run the whole show. / {C And } when I need something, I tell my boss / {C and } he gets it for me, because he knows, that I know, what I'm doing. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {C and } {F uh, } [ that, + that ] is something that I think needs to be expanded on, specially in the large market place. {D You know, } the major corporation, because so often, {D you know, } you get a guy who's got eight or nine or ten people working for him in separate areas --", "Yeah. /", "-- so to speak. / {D You know, } [ it's, + it's ] hard for me to, {D you know, } especially since I'm in marketing sales, {D you know, } / I make more than my boss. Because he's salary and I'm not. / I make as much as I earn. / {D You know, } if I don't make a sale, I don't make anything <laughter>. /", "Huh-uh. /", "Yeah. / {D Well } it's tough, / {C but, } {F uh, } {D you know, } there are requirements, and quotas, what not, for me to make, / {C but, } {F um, } the bottom line [ on, + on ] that kind of thing is, {D you know, } we have a lot of people, especially in major corporations, who aren't doing a damn thing. / They're just there. / {D You know, } the work they do could be totally eliminated, / {C and } not that they aren't worth or not that they aren't trying or anything. But, it's just that their jobs are useless. / Take, for instance, {F um, } a large construction company I used to work for. Ed Swampers. / Swampers is a guy, who's in the union. / He's a laborer. / {C And } he's assigned to, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "JOB BENEFITS", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS BESIDES SALARY IN A JOB WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION? HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE CURRENT BENEFITS OF YOUR JOB", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1071, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1951, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1051, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1954, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2586_0", "2586_1", "2586_2", "2586_3", "2586_4", "2586_5", "2586_6", "2586_7", "2586_8", "2586_9", "2586_10", "2586_11", "2586_12", "2586_13", "2586_14", "2586_15", "2586_16", "2586_17", "2586_18", "2586_19", "2586_20", "2586_21", "2586_22", "2586_23", "2586_24", "2586_25", "2586_26", "2586_27", "2586_28", "2586_29", "2586_30", "2586_31", "2586_32", "2586_33", "2586_34", "2586_35", "2586_36", "2586_37", "2586_38", "2586_39", "2586_40", "2586_41", "2586_42", "2586_43", "2586_44", "2586_45", "2586_46", "2586_47", "2586_48", "2586_49", "2586_50", "2586_51", "2586_52", "2586_53", "2586_54", "2586_55", "2586_56", "2586_57", "2586_58", "2586_59", "2586_60", "2586_61", "2586_62", "2586_63", "2586_64", "2586_65", "2586_66", "2586_67", "2586_68", "2586_69", "2586_70", "2586_71", "2586_72", "2586_73", "2586_74", "2586_75", "2586_76", "2586_77", "2586_78", "2586_79", "2586_80", "2586_81", "2586_82", "2586_83", "2586_84", "2586_85", "2586_86", "2586_87", "2586_88", "2586_89", "2586_90", "2586_91", "2586_92", "2586_93", "2586_94", "2586_95", "2586_96", "2586_97", "2586_98", "2586_99", "2586_100", "2586_101", "2586_102", "2586_103", "2586_104", "2586_105", "2586_106", "2586_107", "2586_108", "2586_109", "2586_110", "2586_111", "2586_112", "2586_113", "2586_114", "2586_115", "2586_116", "2586_117", "2586_118", "2586_119", "2586_120", "2586_121", "2586_122", "2586_123", "2586_124", "2586_125", "2586_126", "2586_127", "2586_128", "2586_129", "2586_130", "2586_131", "2586_132", "2586_133", "2586_134", "2586_135", "2586_136", "2586_137", "2586_138", "2586_139", "2586_140", "2586_141", "2586_142", "2586_143", "2586_144", "2586_145", "2586_146", "2586_147", "2586_148", "2586_149", "2586_150", "2586_151", "2586_152", "2586_153", "2586_154", "2586_155", "2586_156", "2586_157", "2586_158", "2586_159", "2586_160", "2586_161", "2586_162", "2586_163", "2586_164", "2586_165", "2586_166", "2586_167", "2586_168", "2586_169", "2586_170", "2586_171", "2586_172", "2586_173", "2586_174", "2586_175", "2586_176", "2586_177", "2586_178", "2586_179", "2586_180", "2586_181", "2586_182", "2586_183", "2586_184", "2586_185", "2586_186", "2586_187", "2586_188", "2586_189", "2586_190", "2586_191", "2586_192", "2586_193", "2586_194", "2586_195", "2586_196", "2586_197", "2586_198"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So, } do you fish? /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / My dad has a lake cabin, / {C and so } we go there for the small lake, {F uh, } just outside of the Dallas Fort Worth area. / It takes us about three hours to get there. / {C And } we go, and we fish, / {C and } we catch a bunch of junk <laughter>. [ Nothing, + nothing ] to talk about for the most part, / {C but } it's fun. /", "{F Uh, } from a boat or from shore? /", "From the dock, from shore. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. / {F Uh, } mostly catfish / {C or, } -/", "{F Oh, } mostly we catch carp. / If we're doing good, we catch a catfish or two once in a while. / {C And, } {D you know, } we go ahead and eat those. / {C But } we've never caught enough to really have what you'd call a fish fry. / What we normally do is just, {F uh, } go ahead and clean it up, and then, {F uh, } {D you know, } put it in a bag and freeze it. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] somebody takes it home and eats it then when there's just a couple people instead of a whole crowd. / {D Usually, } there's a pretty good crowd there, / {C so } we don't ever catch enough to eat. / Carp is usually pretty much fun. / {C Because } I've caught up to about an eight pound carp on [ a little, + {D you know, } a little ] pole with twenty pound test line. / {C And } [ that, + that's ] a pretty good fight. / {C So } that's a lot of fun. /", "Yeah. / A real light line, real light rig? /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } that sounds like fun. /", "They fight hard. /", "Fish in Colorado [ s-, + ] different than that. -/", "Yeah? /", "Mostly trout in the mountains. /", "Yeah, / {C and } in the rivers and stuff? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / mountain streams and rivers. /", "Are they good to eat? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / [ very. + {D Yeah, } very ] much there, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } you mean size wise they're not very big? /", "{F Um, } by and large, no. / [ {C But, } + {C but } ] they're big fun. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I've been, - / is that mostly, {F uh, } fly fishing when you're doing that / {C or, } -/", "What? /", "Are you fly fishing / {C or } are you using a bobber? /", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I'm ] a fly fisherman. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] cast a ways. / I'm not highly proficient, / {C but } it's fun. /", "I've never even tried that. / My, - / if I don't have a reel with a button on it, I tend to get so much backlash, it's not worth the trouble <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } let me explain [ fly, + fly ] fishing to you then. / You're not casting a weight on the end of the line? /", "Uh-huh. /", "You're casting the weight of the line. /", "With the little thing on the end. /", "Yeah, / {D well, }", "# Yeah, / I thought it had a weight. # /", "# the fly on the end weighs nothing. # / It weighs less than the line. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } what you do is, you strip off, {F oh, } four, five, six little rolls, coils, of line into your hand. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And } # you whip the line. /", "{F Um. } /", "As you whip it, over your head,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# or # side to side, you slowly feed out more and more. /", "{F Um. } {C So } you're fishing downstream so it will carry some? /", "{D Well, } no, / no. / You fish upstream. /", "{F Oh, } you fish upstream? /", "Right. / {C And then } you let it carry it downstream. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } you reel it in, / {C and } you do it again. /", "You hope that they think it's a bug [ and, +", "# Yeah, / exactly. # /", "# and ] eat # it. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "Yeah. /", "Jump at it. / {F Uh, } from what I'm seeing and hearing and all, [ the, + the ] big pattern that's really looking forward for spring is the grub pattern. /", "That's a fish? /", "No, / no. / [ It, + it ] looks like a grub. / Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } [ it's a, + it's a ] lure. /", "Okay, / whenever you, {D yeah, } - / a lure, a fly. /", "I see. /", "Whenever you have [ a, + ] something that looks like something else -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it's a fly, you call it a pattern. /", "Oh. /", "{D All right, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ there's bumble bee patterns + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ there's <sneezing>, + {E excuse me. } {F Uh, } there's ] bumble patterns, ] there's mosquito patterns, there's wasp patterns, there's grub patterns. /", "{F Um. } /", "{F Uh, } /", "Did someone just come up with this design, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you're going to make one for yourself, /", "# {F Uh, } # /", "# {C or } # are you going to buy it? /", "You can buy them. / {F Uh, } I've got some. / {C And, }", "Uh-huh. /", "They seemed to have been hitting real heavy on it in Fall. /", "{F Oh, } it's just, that, that just happens to be what the fish like this year, / huh? /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{F Um. } /", "You know how that changes, the phase of the moon / {C and, } -/", "<Laughter> I guess so. / We tend to use just bait.", "Yeah. / Yeah, / [ [ I, + I, ]", "And, a few lures, / {C but } bait tends to work the best, just some blood bait. /", "{D You see, } I'm ] from west Texas. /", "{F Oh, } are you? /", "Yeah. /", "Where are you from? /", "Lubbock. /", "{F Oh, } I'm from Midland. /", "{F Oh, } another west Texan. /", "I went to college at Tech, / {C so. } You've been out to Buffalo Gap fishing. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Yeah. / I've been up there. /", "[ [ It, +", "I didn't catch anything, / {C but } I've been up there <laughter>. /", "It, ] + it's ] kind of nice way to get away from everything for the day. /", "Yeah, / it's fun. / It's lazy. / Take a picnic lunch. / I used to do that with my dad. / Every once in a while we'd go out on a Saturday and just spend the day.", "Yeah. /", "Before it got too hot. /", "{D Well, } there you fish mornings and evenings.", "Yeah. /", "And nights. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / we do most of our fishing at night. /", "Yeah. /", "Just from the heat of it all. / That's one advantage you've certainly got on us. /", "It, at times, gets incredibly hot here. /", "It does? / I've only been up there once. / In the summer. {D Well, } - / no, / I've been up there twice in the summer. / {C But } both times it was really pleasant. / In fact, it snowed on us [ in, + in, ] {D gosh, } when was that? /", "June? /", "We were in Mesa Verde Park, / {C and } [ it was like the end of Ju-. + ] It was just before July fourth. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } it was twenty-eight, twenty-nine degrees. / We were out in this silly tent with regular little sleeping bags, not knowing any better <laughter>. / {C And } here it went and it froze, / {C and } it snowed on us. /", "Yeah. /", "We did not know what to do about it. /", "Fishing is not [ just, + just ] dragging fish out of the water. / [ It's, + it's ] a total experience, {D you know, } getting out in nature and,", "# Yeah. # /", "# hearing # the crickets, and listening to the birds and,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# seeing # the squirrels and,", "# Do, # -/", "# camping # out, and eating out,", "# Yeah. # /", "# of # doors / {C and, } -/", "Do you have to, - / do you wear waders when you fish? /", "{F Uh, } I probably ought to. / I just freeze. /", "Oh. / {D Goodness, } it must be a little bit cold. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D well, } {D you know, }", "# That's cold water around there. # /", "# ankle deep or standing on # the bank, and slipping it out there. /", "{F Um. } Do you have any, -/", "{D You know, } I always intend to just stand on the bank and just kind of slip it,", "# {F Oh, } I see. # /", "# out there, / {C and } # you know how it is. / The water's kind of, -/", "Yeah. / {C And } [ you get, + you get ] a little more carried away with it, / {C and } you move a little closer. /", "{C And then } you're in to it just a little bit, / {C and then } you splash in / {C and, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# the # next thing you know, your knees are wet. /", "<Laughter> Do you have any kids that you take fishing? /", "{F Uh, } got a stepdaughter. /", "Uh-huh. /", "She's real sweet. / {C And, } {F uh, } at times she enjoys it, at times not. /", "Yeah. /", "A fuzzy little dog. /", "<Laughter> I have a three and a half year old and a one and a half year old. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } the little one, of course, [ is, + ] could care less. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# The, # {F uh, } three and a half year old has just gotten to the point, - / we got him a little pole last year, / {C and } [ just put, + ] {F uh, } his big thing last year was throwing it in the water and reeling it up <laughter>. / That was what he considered fishing <laughter>. / This year, he's gotten to where he can. / [ We, + we ] were at a friend's, {F uh, } stock pond, we were out at their farm, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they had been fishing and let him use the pole while [ we wal-, + we all ] walked off a healthy hundred yards or so and let him fish. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } he started trying to cast it. / {C So, } [ he, + he ] was kind of getting there / {C but } [ he's, +", "Yeah, / you guys sure want to be out of range. /", "He's ] at a dangerous point right now <laughter>. / He understands the mechanics of pushing the button and throw, but not necessarily the direction it's going to go in. /", "It takes time. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. / Last year, we had [ a, + ] {F oh, } just a wonderful trip up to Travers Lake. / *[[ Trapper's Lake in Colorado? ]] {F Oh, } it was cold, and rain the whole time. / {C And } we still had a good time out,", "# Yeah. # /", "# of # the deal. /", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } Colorado is a beautiful place to live. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / My husband would like to live there, / {C but } I don't know. All of our family is here / {C so, } -/", "{D Well, } {C and } you've got to have, - / you've got to work for a living. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / {C but } T I is up there, / {C so } <laughter> that part of it would probably work out <static> <noise>. /", "What division you all in? /", "{E I'm sorry, } what? /", "What division are you all in? /", "We're both, {F uh, } - / I was, {F uh, } military, / {C but } he's division three. / It goes back and forth. / Division, {D well, } - / maybe division one right now. / He's in computers. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } -/", "# {D Well, } the only thing up here, #", "# {C And } he's in school, #", "is division one. /", "and everything else. / I have some friends who work up there. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "Kathy and Kevin Guy. /", "Okay. / Yeah. /", "Yeah. / {C And } they like to fish. / They've been inviting us to come up there in the summer. / Her dad has a cabin, / {C and } they go fishing, up there. /", "{F Oh, } [ fishing's, +", "# {C So } that would be neat to, #", "# fishing is ] fun up here. / It's # not, -/", "try it some time. /", "It seems like [ the success ratio, + the success rate ] here is not as good as on some of the better lakes there. / {C But } <sigh> it is fun. /", "Yeah, /", "# {D You know, } #", "# long as # you have a good time, that's the main point / {C so, } -/", "[ The, + the ] experience [ is, + is ] better up here, I think. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } it seems more relaxing, there's <static> more to look at. /", "<Laughter> Definitely more to look at. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] there's something about listening to water run that's relaxing to the soul <static>.", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } [ if you're, + if you're ] just sitting on a nice hot lake, /", "Yeah. / The only thing you've got to watch is when that creek comes up. / We camped next to one, one time when we were there a couple of summers ago. / {C And } we figured we were up a long way off. / {C And then } it rained that night, / {C and } we thought, {D well, } wonder how far off we are? / {C And } we got up the next day, / {C and } that creek that had been fifty or sixty feet from our site of our tent was now about three feet away <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } it's like, {F oh, } {D well, } maybe we ought to move just a touch. / {C So, } that was kind of funny. /", "Yeah, / [ it, + it ] is interesting to watch that water rise all of a sudden. /", "Yeah, / I just love the way it looks. / I could almost just watch the wa-, - / [ we, + {D in fact, } we ] have gotten out [ on, + on ] trips before and just stopped and watched it because there was so much, / {C and } if you were there. {E I mean, } - / it was, - / one time we were there, / {C and } I guess it was late May, / {C so } it was really your spring almost,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } [ at, + ] even though [ it was, + it was ] really summer down here. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] [ the, + ] I guess the creek, the mountains were really starting to melt, / {C and } the creek was just wild, just running. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] all the white water and noise {C and } the, - / it was just beautiful. /", "Yeah. / I-, - / it gets [ f-, + ] foamy almost. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } {D you know } it's just pure and pristine.", "Yeah. /", "And the froth / {C and, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FISHING", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF FISHING THE OTHER CALLER ENJOYS. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT INTERESTS IN THE KIND OF FISHING YOU ENJOY?", "talk_day": "04/12/1991", "from_caller": 1209, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1954, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1138, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1961, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2631_0", "2631_1", "2631_2", "2631_3", "2631_4", "2631_5", "2631_6", "2631_7", "2631_8", "2631_9", "2631_10", "2631_11", "2631_12", "2631_13", "2631_14", "2631_15", "2631_16", "2631_17", "2631_18", "2631_19", "2631_20", "2631_21", "2631_22", "2631_23", "2631_24", "2631_25", "2631_26", "2631_27", "2631_28", "2631_29", "2631_30", "2631_31", "2631_32", "2631_33", "2631_34", "2631_35", "2631_36", "2631_37", "2631_38", "2631_39", "2631_40", "2631_41", "2631_42", "2631_43", "2631_44", "2631_45", "2631_46", "2631_47", "2631_48", "2631_49", "2631_50", "2631_51", "2631_52", "2631_53", "2631_54", "2631_55", "2631_56", "2631_57", "2631_58", "2631_59", "2631_60", "2631_61", "2631_62", "2631_63", "2631_64", "2631_65", "2631_66", "2631_67", "2631_68", "2631_69", "2631_70", "2631_71", "2631_72", "2631_73", "2631_74", "2631_75", "2631_76", "2631_77", "2631_78", "2631_79", "2631_80", "2631_81", "2631_82", "2631_83", "2631_84", "2631_85", "2631_86", "2631_87", "2631_88", "2631_89", 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they were babies ] {D say } till they were about two years old I preferred that they had an individual take care of them in a home / {C and } that's what I looked for / {C and } I was lucky enough to find one right across from my school, / {C and } that worked. /", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "Yeah, / that worked out real well / {C but } when they got older I wanted them to be in a school type situation, [ three, + ] I think they were both three when they started where they could learn to interact with kids [ and, +", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and ] # be around kids their own age because I think [ that's that, + ] that would prepare them for school also, (( it's real important )) ,", "# Yes, / yeah. # /", "# that they # do that, {F um, } that they get that preparation for school, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so } # - / {C but } I had, - / I have switched schools several times because [ I, + [ di-, + ] I ] really didn't care for what was going on at that the school. / I wanted them to learn to play I didn't academics forced on them at an early age. /", "Yeah, / I, {F um, } - / that, that's, - / {F oh, } {F oh, } you mean you switched schools for the kids. /", "Yeah, / [ for the sch-, + for the kids. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yes. /", "We-, - / {D well, } I'm just recently married. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I don't have any children.", "Okay. /", "Though we plan on having them soon / {C but } I think, {F um, } that [ I, that + ] that's probably one of the biggest difficulties, {F uh, } / I think, {F um, } I'm lucky though that, {F um, } my wife <smack> will probably not have to work while our children,", "# Oh. # /", "# are # under four,", "# Wonderful. # /", "# or # five. / Yeah, / (( )) I'm a college professor, /", "# {F Oh, } # /", "# {C so, } # -/", "great. /", "{C and } that's also, - / {C and } it's nice for me because, {F um, } <smack> most of the time you have [ so, + so ] much flexible hours so that I could probably work two or three days a week,", "# {F Um. } # /", "# and # then one or two evenings,", "# Great. # /", "# so # that if my wife [ does, + {F um, } does ] go back to work part time, {F um, } <smack> there probably will be a possibility that I could stay home two days that she would go to work and that I would have to teach at night. /", "{F Oh } that's, wonderful. /", "Yeah, / {C so } it will probably workout real nice for us, {F uh, } /", "# Yeah. # /", "# I # think we're very lucky because just my job sort of builds in flexible schedules, /", "# That's wonderful. # /", "# I can # even teach on Saturdays [ and, +", "# {F Oh, } # /", "# and ] # things,", "great, /", "like that. / Yeah, / {F um, } I do know that my brother and his wife have a terrible time finding, {F uh, } child care, /", "# Right. # /", "# {C and } # one of the things they made in, {F um, } {F uh, } - / real - / they're number one priority was that, {F um, } they're children didn't have to leave their home <smack>. / *[[transcript error--spelling of initial \"they're\" should be \"their\"]]", "{F Oh, } that's,", "# {C So, } #", "# wonderful # too, /", "they, {F um, } {F um, } - / my sister-in-law is [ a, + {F uh, } {F um, } a ] clinical speech pathologist, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so, } # she is als-, - / I guess her most recent position after she returned back to work, she applied for a director's position [ an-, + ] and got it. / {C So, } I guess she's very well qualified for her field I guess / {C and } even though she took off two years for, {F um, } - / I guess four years all together, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# it # would be three years, / how old's (( Kayla )) / three, {D yeah, } / I guess she took off three years all together, {F um, } <smack> [ for + ] cause I guess they have a four year old, / [ {C and } + {D yeah, } {C and } ] my nephew is [ two, + ] almost two, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C so } I guess she took off three all together / {C and then } when she decided to go back to work, {F um, } she was able to find good position and pay for somebody to come into their home. /", "{F Oh, } that's wonderful. /", "Yeah, / I think they were really lucky there, / {C but } I think they've lost this woman [ she wi-, + she will ] not continue. /", "{F Oh, } dear. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] she won't do it in the summer because her kids are home from school. /", "Sure, / yeah. /", "<Smack> {C So } I don't know what they are going to do. /", "{F Oh, } {D you know } that's an ideal situation, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C but } # not many people can afford,", "# Yeah, / [ I think, + #", "# something like, # -/", "I think ] they [ they're both, + they were both ] professionals unlike me [ they're, {F um, } + they were ] married, my brother's five years younger then she is, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so } # she was probably twenty-seven when they were married, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so } # she already [ had, + had ] gotten bachelors and masters and established herself [ in a,", "# Sure. # /", "# profes-, + # in a practice ] almost.", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } where, {D you know, } he then they waited a couple years / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] he got himself pretty far along, I guess they didn't have kids until he was about, [ twenty sev-, + ] twenty-six / {C so } by that time she was so well established, {D you know, }", "# Right. # /", "# I # guess it made it a lot easier. /", "# Sure. # /", "# {C but, } # {F uh, } I think the longer you wait [ the easier, + the easier ] it is,", "# {F Oh, } I do to. # /", "# if you have [ that, + # that ] professional occupation where you can change. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C but } # [ they're + they're ] are just so many people out there that aren't that, {F uh, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# lucky, # {F uh, } /", "# That's right, / that's true, {D yeah. } # /", "# {F uh, } {C because } I'm a single # parent, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # I, {F uh, } {D you know, } my [ husband and I, + ex-husband and I ] got a divorce, {F um, } when the children were small / {C and so } I, {F uh, } was a teacher / I, {F uh, } still am teacher, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # it was really difficult to find affordable child care that [ was that + was what ] I wanted,", "# Yep. # /", "# where # I could,", "# Yeah, /", "# have piece # of mind [ and + ] when I taught school / *[[ transcriber spelling error--\"piece\" should be \"peace\"]] {C and } I knew my kids were being taken, # care of. # /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C and, } {F uh, } {C plus } [ I, + I, ] {F uh, } wanted them to get something out of it,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I # just didn't want it to be a day where they went and slept and ate cookies and,", "# Yeah / that, # -/", "# (( that's it )) . # /", "yeah, / [ that's, + {D you know, } that's ] so important [ [ I, + {F um, } I, ] + I ] guess it's so funny now with schools, {D you know, } they don't take kid into kindergarten, [ and when, + ] I guess when they're five, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # sometimes they flunk kindergarten now. /", "Right. /", "They don't let them into kindergarten unless they can count to ten and know their A B C -s / {C and } I think that's so funny because, {F um, } <smack>, [ I don't, + I don't ] know if I want - /", "# Sure. # /", "# {C and } # I, - / it's a very important part of your life / {C and } I hope to read with my kids, / {C but } I don't know if I want my kids to go to school. At four,", "# Well. # /", "# or # three, /", "# I agree with that. # /", "# {D you know, } I can # see [ tha-, + ] that when you make that point. /", "{D Well, } the thing is,", "# Yeah. # /", "# I # teach this grade and [ I, + I ] can see very readily the kids that didn't never learn socially how to get along with other,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# children # / {C and } they're the ones that are having problems not only getting along with the other kids but academically,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# because # [ [ they were not, + they're should be, ] + there's to many ] things in their way, / *[[to should be too]]", "# Yep, / uh-huh. # /", "# {C and so } # I want my - / I wanted my children / {C and } they did learn [ to get, + to get ] along with other people. /", "Uh-huh, / that's a really important point. /", "Yeah, / {C and } {E I mean } I feel a lot of maladjusted adults / {C and } I bet if we trace back to their,", "# <Laughter>. #", "# early # childhood we could see some, {D you know, } times they didn't get to play or be with other kids their own age really learn how do get along with,", "# Yep. # /", "# people. # /", "I think [ that's really, + ] that's important / [ I, + I've ] seen the same thing / [ I, + I ] think you're exactly right because, {D you know, } I've gone ou-, - / or - / before I was married I went out with a girl, <laughter>, / {C and } {D you know, } <laughter>, {F um, } {D boy, } [ after, + {D you know, } after ] about two months I realize this girl really has some deep set emotional problems. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I bet, - / {C and } they could be traced back to just [ not being, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } being moved between day care centers when she was one and two and three years old,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # [ never, + ] always being a bit snippy and spiteful. / I bet you could trace all the way back <laughter>. /", "I bet you could too,", "# Yeah. # /", "# because # [ it, + ] {D you know, } kids have to learn how to get along with other people, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # if they don't they just don't turn out to be really, {D you know, } good adults or,", "# That's true, / yeah. # /", "# successful adults I # should say, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } {D really } / {C but, } {F uh, } it is a big problem / {C and } {D you kno-, } I have lot of friends right now that, {F uh, } have young children / {C and } they daily have problems [ with, + with ] whoever is taking care of the child, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C or } # they switch a lot, which is not good for the child either. /", "Yep, / that's true. / Yeah, / that's really true. /", "{C So } you need, - / cause you need that consistency when they're young like that, / {C and } it would be ideal like [ you, + you ] hope when you have children,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# your # wife gets to stay home, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# I # would [ have, + have ] given anything if I would have been able,", "# Yeah, # /", "# to # stay home with my children. /", "[ I, + I ] think [ I'm, + I'm ] very lucky. /", "Yeah, / you. -/", "{F Um, } {C because } of having, {D you know, } flexible higher education provides a flexible schedule. /", "Right. /", "Especial-, - / I teach a computer classes / {C so, }", "# {F Oh, } great. # /", "# [ it's, + it's ] # one of things where I'm paid a little bit better then a History or an English professor / {C and } I'm also, {F um, } {D you know, } - / they have vocational type courses on weekends,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# almost # everywhere, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and, } # {D you know, } you can take you can teach two three hours classes on a Saturday,", "# {F Oh, } that's, #", "# which means, #", "wonderful. /", "that, {D you know, } whole week's worth of courses / {C so } that lets you be available three days during the week,", "# {F Oh, } great. # /", "# {D you know, } / # {C so } you be will home with your kids [ I + ] {D you know } / it's really funny [ is + ] that [ I, + <laughter>, I ] picked this career when I was in college because, {F uh, } I think with my commitment to family and, {F um, }", "# {F Um. } #", "# wanting # to spend more time with my children,", "# You're very wise. # /", "# because my dad # had very, {F um, } nine to five type job,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# with, # {F uh, } forty-five minute commute into the city, and a forty-five commute home, / {C so, } by the time he got home he was so tired / {C and } he was all rung out from the day, /", "# Sure. # /", "# {C and } # I think [ he, + he ] missed a lot of, {F um, } our up bringing. /", "Sure. /", "{D You know, } my mother - / [ I, + I ] came from a family, [ tha-, + that ] my mother stayed home until we started school. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C and } [ I, + I ] don't, {F uh, } - / # <Laughter>. #", "# thirteen # and a sixteen year old. /", "It's probably costing you a fortune. /", "{F Oh } it is, -/", "# <Laughter>. #", "# they # really are expensive, / yeah. /", "My goodness, [ if, + if ] you want them to be able to drive the car, the insurance bill. -/", "Exactly. /", "Th-, {F um, } -/", "{D Well, } {C and } they - / most of the area where we live in most of the kids have cars. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } {D you know, } right now I'm looking for a little truck for my for my son, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so } # that {D you know } an [ [ older, + older, ] + older, ] <laughter>, truck / so I can afford it, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C but, } # {D you know, } [ I, + I ] just look forward to him helping me out because (( )) I for years just car,", "# Carpools, {F uh, } # -/", "# drove in # carpools all over the place / [ {C and, } +", "Yeah, / my parents did a lot of that. /", "{C And } ] it will be nice just to be able to have him say will you go to the store, will you take his sister somewhere,", "# That's right. # /", "# something like # that. /", "Yep. / {C And } just to save you trips to and from,", "# Right, / exactly. # /", "# {D you know, } # {F uh, } ball games and athletic events,", "# Right. # /", "# and # activities at the school. /", "That's right. /", "Yeah, / isn't that something how, {D you know, } you think about child care / {C and } it lasts along time. / *[[along -> a long]]", "It, <laughter> does for ever. /", "[ It, + <laughter> it ] lasts a long time. /", "{C And then } when you get through with your own you've got grandchildren, / {C so } - / <laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "It's not ending is it <laughter>? / You think we've talked [ a long, + a long ] enough time? / {F Oh, } they come in, {D see } this is the first time I've done this. / {F Oh, } in ten minutes, you have to talk that long. /", "{D Well, } you don't have to / {C but } [ they, +", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# they, ] # - / {F um, } you go the length / {C and } sometimes if it's a very busy time period you'll go about seven minutes. /", "Oh. /", "Depends on how old the tapes are at that time. /", "I see. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I see. /", "Yeah. /", "Are you from the, - / where are you from? /", "This is Baltimore, Maryland. /", "{F Oh, } {D my gosh, } I'm from, {F uh, } Plano, Texas [ which is, + which is ] outside of Dallas. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } most of most of the people I talk to are from Texas. /", "Yeah / {C because } that's where T I is <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / {C and } [ I've discussed, +", "# That makes sense. # /", "# I've discussed, ] {F um. } # -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHILD CARE", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT CRITERIA THE OTHER CALLER WOULD USE IN SELECTING CHILD CARE SERVICES FOR A PRESCHOOLER. IS IT EASY OR DIFFICULT TO FIND SUCH CARE?", "talk_day": "04/22/1991", "from_caller": 1251, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1124, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2652_0", "2652_1", "2652_2", "2652_3", "2652_4", "2652_5", "2652_6", "2652_7", "2652_8", "2652_9", "2652_10", "2652_11", "2652_12", "2652_13", "2652_14", "2652_15", "2652_16", "2652_17", "2652_18", "2652_19", "2652_20", "2652_21", "2652_22", "2652_23", "2652_24", "2652_25", "2652_26", "2652_27", "2652_28", "2652_29", "2652_30", "2652_31", "2652_32", "2652_33", "2652_34", "2652_35", "2652_36", "2652_37", "2652_38", "2652_39", "2652_40", "2652_41", "2652_42", "2652_43", "2652_44", "2652_45", "2652_46", "2652_47", "2652_48", "2652_49", "2652_50", "2652_51", "2652_52", "2652_53", "2652_54", "2652_55", "2652_56", "2652_57", "2652_58", "2652_59", "2652_60", "2652_61", "2652_62", "2652_63", "2652_64", "2652_65", "2652_66", "2652_67", "2652_68", "2652_69", "2652_70", "2652_71", "2652_72", "2652_73", "2652_74", "2652_75", "2652_76", "2652_77", "2652_78", "2652_79", "2652_80", "2652_81", "2652_82", "2652_83", "2652_84", "2652_85", "2652_86", "2652_87", "2652_88", "2652_89", "2652_90", "2652_91", "2652_92", "2652_93", "2652_94", "2652_95", "2652_96", "2652_97", "2652_98", "2652_99", "2652_100", "2652_101", "2652_102", "2652_103", "2652_104", "2652_105", "2652_106", "2652_107", "2652_108", "2652_109", "2652_110", "2652_111", "2652_112", "2652_113", "2652_114", "2652_115", "2652_116", "2652_117", "2652_118", "2652_119", "2652_120", "2652_121", "2652_122", "2652_123", "2652_124", "2652_125", "2652_126", "2652_127", "2652_128", "2652_129", "2652_130", "2652_131", "2652_132", "2652_133", "2652_134", "2652_135", "2652_136", "2652_137", "2652_138", "2652_139", "2652_140", "2652_141", "2652_142", "2652_143", "2652_144", "2652_145", "2652_146", "2652_147", "2652_148", "2652_149", "2652_150", "2652_151", "2652_152", "2652_153", "2652_154", "2652_155", "2652_156", "2652_157"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / Guess we can go ahead. / {F Uh, } {D well, } I guess {D you know } it's, {D you know, } - / since living in Dallas it's always so hot, [ so + ] in the summertime, I just, [ I + ] wear lots of shorts, [ so + ] because I don't work during the day. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } do you work? /", "<Breathing> Yes, / uh-huh, / yeah, / I do work. /", "Oh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and, } - / {C but } I work at a manufacturing plant, / {C so } I wear a lot of blue jeans,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # T-shirts. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } occasionally I have to get dressed up and wear panty hose and a dress,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # high heel shoes / {C and } I feel really uncomfortable doing that / {C and, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# in # the plant [ so, + ] {F uh, } [ it's, + it's ] a problem for me. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } normally I just wear blue jeans and a T-shirt. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Very, very, comfortable. / I like that so much better than having to wear dress clothes. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C and } buying suits and stuff, {D yeah, } because just being at home - / {C and, } I work at home, / {C so, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ I # just have, + ] {D you know, } I just wear [ my, + {D you know, } my ] shorts and stuff like that. / I don't go out and spend lots of money on, {F uh, } different, {D you know, } suits and stuff, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C But } when I, - / before I got married, {D you know, } I was working / {C so } [ I, + {F uh, } <talking> {D you know, } I ] had more suits and stuff then / {C but, } -/", "Right <breathing>. /", "Worry about all that kind of stuff <laughter>. -/", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I have plenty of suits and dress clothes because I'm like you, when I first started working,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F uh, } # I have all these suits and blouses and skirts and mix and match, and that kind of stuff <breathing>, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C but } # now that I, {D you know, } work in the manufacturing plant, then it's just, [ it's + ] so much more difficult for me [ to, + to ] actually get dressed up to come in to work like that. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } {C but } occasionally I have to because, {F uh, } part of my job is teaching,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # training, / {C and, } {F uh, } {C so } you have to look just a little bit nicer than your normal,", "# When you're training, right. # /", "# garb <laughter>. # /", "Yeah. /", "Than your normal garb <laughter>. / {C But } I'm like you, too, {F uh, } I moved from Ohio down to here -- /", "Uh-huh, / moved from,", "-- {C and } I had mostly polyesters and,", "# Winter. # /", "# wools # and winter clothes --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and buying all these cotton clothes, / {C and then, } of course, you have to iron them all the time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's really, - / that's been a problem for me. /", "Yeah, / {C because } I came from Wyoming / {C and } I had wool suits and wool skirts / {C and, }", "<Laughter>.", "{D You know, } I've got all these clothes that I never wear,", "# Right. # /", "# because # you can't wear them here. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } the seasons are just so much different. / You have so much summer. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {C so then } when [ I, + {D you know, } I ] finally get a chance to go out with my husband it's like a real chore to find something nice to wear <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> That's true, that's true. /", "Yeah <noise>. /", "{D Well, } I know, I was just now, {F uh, } {F uh, } putting away a lot of my winter clothes, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # I was going through here / {C and } I was thinking, I haven't worn this in three years. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {C because } it's a wool skirt / {C and } there's just not that many opportunities to wear it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I have five or six wool skirts, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so } # I was thinking {D well, } maybe, {D you know, } I need to think about getting rid of them, / {C but } <breathing> {D no, } I folded it up neatly and put it away <laughter>, # maybe next year <laughter>. # /", "# Yeah. / You hate to # get rid of it, because you know how much you spent on them. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And } it's real hard to get rid of some of that stuff, I know. / {D So, } -/", "{D Well, } I know last year, {F uh, } {D well, } this past winter, it wasn't that cold. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } the previous winter we had more, {F uh, } cold weather where I was able to actually wear,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# your # double and triple layerings of, {F uh, } clothes --", "Clothes, / yeah. /", "-- {D yeah, } like you would when you're up north. / {C So } <lipsmack>,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# that's # really interesting. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C and } [ I, + I ] just don't spend, {D you know, } - / right now my clothes come from Target, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Yes, / yes, / yes, / {C and } they're all one hundred percent cotton / {C and } <laughter>, -/", "Yes, / {C and } they, - / you take them out of the drier / {C and } they're wadded up in a ball. /", "Yes, / yes, / I know. /", "# Oh <laughter>, # / I'm so glad to meet somebody [ that, + that ] their iron board is their permanent fixture in their house. /", "It is, it is. /", "{D You know, } I have very little furniture, /", "# <Laughter>. #", "# {C but } # my ironing board is part of my decor / {C so, } -/", "<Laughter> That's true, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I've been looking at these, {F uh, } {F uh, } {D like } in Home Depot where you can go and they've got, [ that + ] ironing boards that will just flip right down off of [ [ [ the + {F uh, } {F uh, } [ what, + ] the, ] + the, ] + the ] door. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } - / {C and then } you can [ ha-, + ] actually have one where you can put it inside of a wall, {D you know, } to have it,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# permanently # attached, / {C and } that's what I'm thinking I'm going to have to do because <breathing> mine's sitting right out in front of my bedroom / {C and } [ it's just, + it's just ] an eyesore, I think,", "# Yeah, # /", "# with # all the, -/", "{D well, } yeah / it is, it is, / {C but } it's like, {F uh, } I just don't want to do it <<fading>>, /", "Uh-uh, / uh-uh. /", "Yeah. /", "No. / I've been thinking about putting the ironing board in the closet,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ and, + # and ] running, {D you know, } a line in there for my iron so I could do it in there / {C and } I wouldn't have to have that eyesore <laughter>. /", "Yeah / <laughter>, that's an idea. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } I have a big closet. /", "Yeah, / I, {D you know, } - / if I have, - / if I know I'm having somebody come over to the house {C and } there's a possibility they might be going back into my room,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I # will put it away, /", "# Yeah / <noise>. #", "# {C but } I # iron our clothes as we go along, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C so, } # {D you know, } -/", "I no longer do that weekly thing,", "# Right, / no. # /", "# because I # have so many, / {C and } I'm like you,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ I, + ] # the night before or that day, I will iron whatever it is that we need / {C and } that's it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Because } it's too many, - / hundred percent cotton. /", "Uh-huh. / You can't iron it all / {C and, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. / {C And then } with my kids, they're always getting into, {D you know, } - / they can't decide what they want to wear so they,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# change # their minds, {D you know, } I know, {E I mean } my oldest is only four, / {C but } she's still changes her mind two or three times,", "# Right. # /", "# before # she figures out what she's going to wear / {C so, } -/", "Right. / {F Oh, } I know, I know. /", "{C And then } they never put anything back. /", "No, / no / of course not. / No, / [ that, + {F uh, } that ] would be too simple. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah, /", "Absolutely not <laughter>. / That's right. /", "Our lot in life is to make her life miserable / {C so, } -/", "Uh-huh, / absolutely, absolutely. /", "{F Uh. } /", "Oh. /", "Yeah, / <lipsmack> {D well } that's, - / it's been good talking to you, to [ see somebody, + hear somebody ] that does the same thing I do because I tell people what I do / {C and } they just go, {F oh, } how do you do that? /", "<Laughter>.", "It's like, it's easy, you just do it, {D you know. } /", "That's right <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } - / {C but, } yeah, / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] know several of my girlfriends, though, [ we, + {F uh, } we ] all keep our ironing boards out and just, {F uh, } an ever present thing in our household / {C so, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah. / I don't think I'd know what to do if it wasn't there, {D you know. } /", "<Laughter>.", "My husband wouldn't know where to hang his dirty clothes. /", "<Laughter> There you go. /", "You know. /", "Things that need to be mended,", "# Yeah. # /", "# things # that have to get ironed, /", "He wouldn't know where to put things / {C so, } -/", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh, / uh-huh. / That's true. /", "Yeah / {C so, } -/", "{F Oh, } {D well, } it was nice talking with you. /", "{F Oh, } it was nice talking with you, too. /", "Okay, / # take care. # /", "# Take care. # / Bye-bye. /", "Uh-huh, / bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CLOTHING AND DRESS", "prompt": "THE TOPIC IS CLOTHING. PLEASE FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER TYPICALLY DRESSES FOR WORK. HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM DAY TO DAY? HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM SEASON TO SEASON?", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1107, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1112, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2661_0", "2661_1", "2661_2", "2661_3", "2661_4", "2661_5", "2661_6", "2661_7", "2661_8", "2661_9", "2661_10", "2661_11", "2661_12", "2661_13", "2661_14", "2661_15", "2661_16", "2661_17", "2661_18", "2661_19", "2661_20", "2661_21", "2661_22", "2661_23", "2661_24", "2661_25", "2661_26", "2661_27", "2661_28", "2661_29", "2661_30", "2661_31", "2661_32", "2661_33", "2661_34", "2661_35", "2661_36", "2661_37", "2661_38", "2661_39", "2661_40", "2661_41", "2661_42", "2661_43", "2661_44", "2661_45", "2661_46", "2661_47", "2661_48", "2661_49", "2661_50", "2661_51", "2661_52", "2661_53", "2661_54", "2661_55", "2661_56", "2661_57", "2661_58", "2661_59", "2661_60", "2661_61", "2661_62", "2661_63", "2661_64", "2661_65", "2661_66", "2661_67", "2661_68", "2661_69", "2661_70", "2661_71", "2661_72", "2661_73", "2661_74", "2661_75", "2661_76", "2661_77", "2661_78", "2661_79", "2661_80", "2661_81", "2661_82", "2661_83", "2661_84", "2661_85", "2661_86", "2661_87", "2661_88", "2661_89", "2661_90", "2661_91", "2661_92", "2661_93", "2661_94", "2661_95", "2661_96", "2661_97", "2661_98", "2661_99", "2661_100", "2661_101", "2661_102", "2661_103", "2661_104", "2661_105", "2661_106", "2661_107", "2661_108", "2661_109", "2661_110", "2661_111", "2661_112", "2661_113", "2661_114", "2661_115", "2661_116", "2661_117", "2661_118", "2661_119", "2661_120", "2661_121", "2661_122", "2661_123", "2661_124", "2661_125", "2661_126", "2661_127", "2661_128", "2661_129", "2661_130", "2661_131", "2661_132", "2661_133", "2661_134", "2661_135", "2661_136", "2661_137", "2661_138", "2661_139", "2661_140", "2661_141", "2661_142", "2661_143", "2661_144", "2661_145", "2661_146", "2661_147", "2661_148"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So } eating out. / What are you interested in in restaurants? /", "Right, {F uh. } / {C So. } -/", "{F Uh, } once a week, twice a week? /", "{F Oh, } at least once a week. / [ We're, + we're ] retired now. / When we working out we ate out more than that <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I understand. / {F Uh, } {C but } we both work / {C and } we have a daughter, / {C and } we normally manage to eat out once a week anyway. /", "{D Well, } what type of restaurant do you like, Richard? /", "{F Uh, } really, I'm kind of open on food. / I'm what you might call a culinary adventurer. / I'll,", "<Laughter>.", "{F uh, } try anything once. /", "Right. /", "Been on a real barbecue kick lately. /", "{F Oh } have you? /", "Yeah. /", "We like Chinese. / We eat,", "<Cough>.", "a lot of Chinese food. /", "{E Excuse me. } {F Uh, } yeah, / we usually have Chinese once a month. /", "What do you look for in a restaurant? /", "I hate franchised restaurants. /", "You what? / You, -/", "I despise --", "{F Oh } I, -/", "-- franchised restaurants. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] always prefer to go to something that seems more family run.", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } some place where you seem to have the attitude like you're going into their home for dinner almost. /", "I know what you mean. / I like some ambiance, / {C and } I like good food. / I don't like fast food hamburgers <laughter> and all of that. /", "I don't, / {C but } I don't like something fake or put on either. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } if I could have a good small restaurant or a good large restaurant I'd go to the good small restaurant. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } <breathing> I don't know why that is. / I think it's probably due to pricing, often. /", "Right, / uh-huh. / I don't care to go to a place just for the price of it <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / yeah, /", "{E I mean, } it's like continental French restaurant or something really --", "Yeah. /", "-- with high prices / {C and } seven courses isn't what I usually look for <laughter>. /", "It is what you look for? / {F Oh, } [ isn't, + isn't. ] - / {F Uh, } I try to get my money's worth. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{C And } not just that, [ I try to, + {A {D well, } that's a big part of it. } I try to ] get my money's worth.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } and not just in quantity, {D you know, } but quality, [ and, + and ] flavor and texture and care. /", "Presentation / {C and, } -/", "{D Well, } presentation's not always all of it either. /", "{D Well, } like --", "[ It's, + it's ] important. /", "-- [ we, + we've ] been eating some in a restaurant [ that + <throat_clearing> that ] just changed hands recently, / {C and } we're trying to give them a little patronage. / {C But } Sunday we went there, / {C and } I had a pretty good meal of grilled pork chops and a baked apple and potatoes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I said if they would just add a little bit of cranberry sauce, something like that <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / something a little extra -- /", "Yeah, / that's what I mean by, -/", "-- and just for color if nothing else. /", "Right, / uh-huh. / It would mean a lot to the looks of the plate. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / What I miss up here is, I'm originally a Texan, and I miss home cooked Mexican. /", "Tex-Mex, Tex-Mex. /", "Yeah, / home cooked Tex-Mex. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } Mexican restaurants where it's not owned by an Anglo or a corporation. /", "Right, / I know. / {F Uh, } we have a daughter in Texas and one in New Mexico, / {C and } we've really gotten to like, - / we like the real Mexican food --", "Yeah. /", "-- better than Tex-Mex. /", "{D Well, } there's real Mexican food / {C and } there's real Tex-Mex Mexican, {D you know, } by third or fourth generation Americans --", "Right. /", "-- of Hispanic heritage. /", "It's all pretty good, isn't it? /", "{F Oh, } yes, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] there's big differences, of course, / {C and, } of course, when you talk about Mexican cuisine [ you, + ] that's kind of like talking about American food or Chinese food, <noise> <<dishes in background>> because <<pause>> its regional, too. /", "Right, / uh-huh, / that's true. /", "{C So. } -/", "I'm originally from Maine, / {C so } we like seafood, too. / {C And } that's something we don't get here, / {C and } we're in the mountains in Virginia. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } most of the seafood's frozen. /", "{F Uh, } yeah / that's the way it is here in Colorado, also. / No fresh, or almost no fresh seafood -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and } in Texas we got it from the Gulf. /", "Uh-huh, / that's true. / Lots of shrimp. /", "{C And, } yeah, / here a couple years ago my wife and I went to Seattle on vacation. <<pause>> / {C And } I think everything except breakfast was seafood for almost a week. /", "I know it <laughter>. /", "{C And } it was, <<pause>> - / I was like a man starving at every meal. /", "<Laughter> I know the feeling. / We do the same thing. / My son-in-law is a Texan, / {C and } when he goes to Maine, he eats lobster, I guess, at least twice a day, all the time he's up there <laughter>. /", "It's a lot cheaper there, isn't it? / Lobster? /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. / It's like --", "It's like shrimp on the Gulf. /", "-- two ninety-eight a pound for a pound lobster. /", "Two ninety-eight a pound. /", "Yeah. /", "That's as cheap as steaks some places --", "{F Oh } yeah, / cheaper, / right. /", "-- {E I mean } in a grocery store. /", "Right, / yeah. / A lot of the restaurants you can get [ two pou-, + ] two one pound lobsters for like ten ninety-nine. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. / I've got to go to Maine then <noise> <<dishes rattling in background>>. /", "<Laughter>.", "You may have sold a trip for some time. /", "Yeah, / it's a good place to go. /", "{F Uh, } it sounds wonderful. / {F Uh, } {C so, } -/", "Lots of little restaurants, too, with home cooked food, that's up there. /", "That sound good. / {F Uh, } down in the Gulf I've eaten a bunch of those little <<pause>> {F uh, } seafood shacks, we've called them. /", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it's just so much different than to eat something that's been frozen.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know } <<pause>> -- /", "We went to Gal-, -/", "-- shrimp straight out of the bay. /", "We were in Galveston last year [ aft-, right aft-, + ] {D well, } the first of this year, actually. /", "Hm. /", "And, ate in a restaurant, / {C and } they claimed to have the best shrimp on the Gulf coast. /", "Was it true? /", "No. / It wasn't. / On the way across Louisiana, we pulled off, we saw a billboard and just pulled off taking a chance on a place. / {C And } they had, - / it was a small restaurant, just kind of out of the way, / {C and } they were set up with two + buffets, one for their regular Sunday chicken and roast beef and vegetables and everything.", "Hm. /", "And then one complete seafood buffet. /", "Huh. /", "<Laughter> That was the best shrimp I have ever had in my life. / They had shrimp fixed probably six different ways. /", "{F Uh, } yes, / the cajuns. /", "Uh-huh, / right. / It was wonderful. /", "[ They can, + they can ] do things to shrimp [ that, + that ] no one else can. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } have you eaten crawfish yet? /", "{F Uh, } I tried it, / {C but } I didn't care for it. / Not there, but at my brothers I tried it. /", "{F Oh, } as with anything, it's preparation. /", "That's probably true. / It, - / We just, - / he went down and bought some at a --", "{F Uh. } /", "-- local place that steams them, just so we'd try them. /", "Uh-huh. / It, - / there's all kinds, /", "Probably needed some cold beer with it / {C and } <laughter>, -/", "<Laughter> {D So } you do eat out a lot. /", "Quite a bit. /", "One of our other real problems with going out to eat, Sunday morning brunches. /", "Oh. /", "{D You know, } Sunday brunch, [ all, + all ] you can eat brunches. /", "Right. / We used to do that, once in a while, / {C but } we don't anymore. /", "{F Uh, } we still find it fun. /", "Uh-huh. / It's fun, / {C but } it's just so much food <laughter>. / Hate to come away feeling uncomfortable <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I work in machine shop and do a lot of physical labor. /", "Do you, / {D well } that makes a difference. /", "{C And so, } -/", "Where do you go to brunches? - / {D Like } at hotels, or restaurants there? /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } {D actually } [ one of our, + one of our ] favorites is a chain. Shoney's. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / uh-huh. / We eat at Shoney's. /", "Yeah, / <noise> <<dishes rattling>> in spite of the fact I've spoken so badly about [ chains, + chain ] restaurants, {F uh, } we, {F uh, } do like Shoney's pretty well, / {C but } then there's a place up the pass, up in the mountains that we pretty reliably like to [ go to on some Sunday mornings, + ] [ drive, + drive ] up to, I think it's about eight thousand foot elevation.", "Oh. /", "[ And, + and ] drive through Woodland Park and go for a short drive in the mountains and have breakfast. /", "Uh-huh, / that sounds nice. /", "[ [ It, + it, ] + it's ] the way to spend a nice Sunday morning. /", "Right, / I imagine it is. /", "I think it's as much [ the, + the ] trip to the mountains as it is the breakfast brunch. {D / You know, } {C and } it's not that far. / It's thirty miles. /", "Whe-, - / out of, which direction? /", "Colorado Springs. /", "Out of, which direction from there? /", "West -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- west out of Colorado Springs. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RESTAURANTS", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF DINING OUT DO YOU ENJOY? WHAT THINGS DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A RESTAURANT THAT WOULD GET YOU TO GO BACK AGAIN? SEE WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER'S PREFERENCES ARE SIMILAR TO YOURS.", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1233, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1931, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND", "to_caller": 1209, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1954, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3007_0", "3007_1", "3007_2", "3007_3", "3007_4", "3007_5", "3007_6", "3007_7", "3007_8", "3007_9", "3007_10", "3007_11", "3007_12", "3007_13", "3007_14", "3007_15", "3007_16", "3007_17", "3007_18", "3007_19", "3007_20", "3007_21", "3007_22", "3007_23", "3007_24", "3007_25", "3007_26", "3007_27", "3007_28", "3007_29", "3007_30", "3007_31", "3007_32", "3007_33", "3007_34", "3007_35", "3007_36", "3007_37", "3007_38", "3007_39", "3007_40", "3007_41", "3007_42", "3007_43", "3007_44", "3007_45", "3007_46", "3007_47", "3007_48", "3007_49", "3007_50", "3007_51", "3007_52", "3007_53", "3007_54", "3007_55", "3007_56", "3007_57", "3007_58", "3007_59", "3007_60", "3007_61", "3007_62", "3007_63", "3007_64", "3007_65", "3007_66", "3007_67", "3007_68", "3007_69", "3007_70", "3007_71", "3007_72", "3007_73", "3007_74", "3007_75", "3007_76", "3007_77", "3007_78", "3007_79", "3007_80", "3007_81", "3007_82", "3007_83", "3007_84", "3007_85", "3007_86", "3007_87", "3007_88", "3007_89", "3007_90", "3007_91", "3007_92", "3007_93", "3007_94", "3007_95", "3007_96", "3007_97", "3007_98", "3007_99", "3007_100", "3007_101", "3007_102", "3007_103", "3007_104", "3007_105", "3007_106", "3007_107"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / do you have any pets? /", "Yes, / [ I've had, + I have had ] a number of them in my lifetime / {C and } I've, - / I am a Golden retriever fan, /", "Oh. /", "{C but } I had to replace it with something that the kids could carry. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "Yes. / Yes. /", "Instead of being carried <laughter>. /", "Yes, / {D well, } they were, - / they really wanted something teeny tiny, / {C and } I, {F uh, } really wanted that retriever's disposition.", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } the ultimate to tolerant, trainable disposition, /", "Really. /", "{C so } I called <breathing> four or five dog trainers because I don't like the little dogs. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] I asked them, {D you know, } these are the ages of the kids, what do I get. / {C And } they all said, Golden Retriever / {C and } I said okay,", "<Laughter>.", "put it under twenty pounds. / {C And } the only thing that they could come up with was a Bichon Frize which is a, -/", "Huh. /", "Do you know what that is? /", "Yes, / I've seen those. / They're cute. /", "They're cute. / They look like an air headed (( )) let me tell you. - / They're calm, they're not (( yuppie )) , they're trainable, they're, {F uh, } very personable in a different way that a Golden Retriever is. / They're not dignified like a retriever can be. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. / {C So } how old is your retriever? /", "{F Oh, } she's about four. / She's not completely pure. / We got her from the, {F uh, } Humane Society when she was a puppy. / She looks like a Gol-, - / she looks just like a Golden Retriever, / {C but } she's a little bit smaller. / She's like fifty-five pounds. /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } {D you know, } that's the breed standard for females. / What you, -/", "Is it? /", "yeah, / what you see shown and bred now as Golden Retrievers, this, {D you know, } plus eighty to a hundred pound range./", "Uh-huh. /", "That is not breed standard. /", "Huh. /", "Fifty-five is the minimum / {C but } they usually run about sixty to sixty-five. / {C And } the ones that are shown, they are inside that weight allowance. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You cannot show your retriever if it's, {D you know, } a hundred plus pounds. /", "{F Oh, } huh. /", "{C So } don't say she's small,", "Yeah. /", "just say she's perfect. /", "She's perfect. / {D Well, } she's got a brown nose instead of black too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Which makes her, I guess, unshowable,", "Yep. /", "even if she had papers which she doesn't / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] we love her anyway. / She's just a lot of company to us. / We didn't, - / we haven't had any kids / {C and } we're expecting a baby this summer, / {C but } up until then, she's been our substitute kid / {C and } she was a lot of fun. /", "{D Well, } [ they are, + they are ] the ultimate dog to have around kids so long as your kid is not scared of a big dog,", "Right. /", "because I had a retriever, actually I had a retriever Irish Setter cross.", "Oh. /", "Which is a really nice animal / {C and } fortunately it was just like a retriever / {C and then } I've had a retriever. /", "I bet it had a pretty coat too. /", "It was gorgeous. / It was just gorgeous. {E I mean } just gorgeous. / {F Um, } {C and } they both, {D you know, } - / both the half breed and the pure breed had [ the, + ] {F uh, } what I consider [ the, + the, ] the perfect disposition. / {C But } [ you know what, + you know what ] scares me about Golden Retrievers? / Since they've become so popular you get what I call backyard breeders. Which is probably where yours came from. People that don't know what they're doing, and they breed them, {D you know, } for a certain characteristic. / {C And } in the retrievers it happens to be they like them big, for somehow big is perceived as the better. / {C And } when you start doing that you really tamper with, {D you know, } [ the, + ] all [ the, + the ] years of, {F uh, } culling litters / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } you tamper with what the dog innately is. /", "Yeah. /", "We w-, - / when I was, - / when I bought my last purebred retriever {E I mean } I looked all over because I wanted one that still looked like a retriever, {D you know, } the short to the ground, stocky, golden, {F uh, } trainable, tractable, quiet --", "Right. /", "-- animal that could hunt and still be in the house. / {C And } I ended up getting one that, {F uh, } came out of [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] hunting stock --", "Oh. /", "-- because I wanted one that could still perform like a retriever did. / {C And } I've seen an awful lot of <whispering> lately really [ dumb, +", "<Laughter>.", "dumb ] retrievers / {C and } I'm, {C and } I really fear for the breed because I love that breed, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } I really figure right when it becomes really popular that it's <breathing> going to be ruined. /", "We have some friends with a brother and sister Golden retriever / {C and } those dogs have been having seizures, / {C and } I wonder since both of them are having them if it's some kind of breeding --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- problem. /", "You bet you. / You bet you. / You know how they came up with the retriever, don't you, the Golden? /", "Huh-uh. /", "It was bred out of several different retrievers, / {C and } they bred it for companionship and, {F uh, } {F uh, } disposition [ and, + and ] ability to hunt. / It was kept only by kings. /", "Oh. /", "{C But } they selectively culled those litters, {E I mean, } for many hundreds of years / {C and } since it slept in the castle with its master, (( {E I mean } )) [ it had, + it had ] to be of a disposition <breathing> to make it, {D you know, } an animal you could keep around that closely. / {C But } they would go through all the litters and destroy the puppies if they were anything other than perfect. / Now, {D you know, } that seems like a cruel thing to do. /", "Yeah. /", "On the other hand, [ you sure, + ] {D you know, } they sure created [ a, + a ] wonderful breed,", "Yeah. / They did. /", "{E I mean } a wonderful breed. /", "[ I, + I ] had never really had a Golden retriever before. / We were going to get a shepherd and something mixed because my husband's family had had shepherds / {C and } all the other, - / we looked at some of the shepherd mixes and the puppies weren't very, {F uh, } social and stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we went to a pen of a little bit bigger dogs / {C and } all the others were standing there barking and jumping up and down. / {C And } one dog would stand there wagging her tail and smiling <laughter>. / {C And } that,", "{D Well, } I tell you,", "was mine. /", "{D you know } [ the, + the ] German shepherd is the classic case of what I'm talking about because in America that's called a Rin Tin Tin phenomena. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Only in America is there a dog called a German Shepherd. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "That dog is bred out of three European dogs. The Belgian Tervurien, a German Skutzhund, and a <<speaker makes a grunt>>, I always forget the third one. I can see it. / {F Uh, } {F uh, } i-, - / {C but } the third one is a children's dog. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } there are distinct breeds in Europe. / Now what happened over here was is that people saw [ the, + the ] first, {F um, } which would actually have been a Skutzhund which is what Rin Tin Tin was. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } everybody wanted Rin Tin Tin. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } it was known as a German shepherd here. / {C So } they created a breed standard. The American Kennel Club did. /", "Oh. /", "That said anything that is a Skutzhund, [ a, + a ] Tervurien and, {F uh, } [ Alsatian + {A that's the other one. } Alsatian, ] any inner breeding of that can be called a German shepherd here. /", "Huh. /", "{C And } what happened is, is that people wanted this shepherd to shepherd and protect. / {C And } they bred a dog that [ I th-, + ] it's called [ a, + ] an animal's critical span which basically translates to how much shit will it take before it bites you. /", "<Laughter>.", "That German shepherd, the American German Shepherd here was [ a, a, a + ] such an unreliable animal that the American Seeing Eye Institute --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- refused to use them,", "Huh. /", "because they would turn [ on th-, + on their ] handlers. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } even, {F um, } {F uh, } police corps which started, {D you know, } finding other breeds to use because [ this thing, + [ this, + this ] thing ] known as a German shepherd here, its personality and its dependability and its reliability was just terrible. / {C So } about fifteen years ago the German Shepherd Club of America decided amongst themselves that they were going to change this. / {C So } they went back to Europe and brought back some good examples of each of the three breeds --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and bred to a standard what they wanted an American German shepherd to be. Which is a very heavily now Skutzhund and Alsatian, / {C and } it's the Alsatian that's the kid's dog. / It's just, - / you see them in Europe / {C and } they're just lovely. /", "Huh. /", "{C But } you'll see, - / {E I mean, } if you ever start looking in papers now and you start seeing these ads for German Shepherds, they will say on them, bred for disposition, A K C (( conforming )) --", "Huh. /", "-- which means that their advertising that this is no longer an indiscriminate dog. / This is bred for, - / {C and } they had to go through and destroy [ a, + ] for a while there, about seventy-five percent of their puppies that they bred. /", "Wow. /", "{C Because } they were looking for this disposition. / {C And } nowadays [ [ you, + you'll ] get, + you'll get ] a dog trainer to recommend a specific, {D you know, } breeder handler. / They will recommend their shepherds as a children's dog. /", "Huh. /", "{C But } ... -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "06/04/1991", "from_caller": 1022, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1149, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1954, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3029_0", "3029_1", "3029_2", "3029_3", "3029_4", "3029_5", "3029_6", "3029_7", "3029_8", "3029_9", "3029_10", "3029_11", "3029_12", "3029_13", "3029_14", "3029_15", "3029_16", "3029_17", "3029_18", "3029_19", "3029_20", "3029_21", "3029_22", "3029_23", "3029_24", "3029_25", "3029_26", "3029_27", "3029_28", "3029_29", "3029_30", "3029_31", "3029_32", "3029_33", "3029_34", "3029_35", "3029_36", "3029_37", "3029_38", "3029_39", "3029_40", "3029_41", "3029_42", "3029_43", "3029_44", "3029_45", "3029_46", "3029_47", "3029_48", "3029_49", "3029_50", "3029_51", "3029_52", "3029_53", "3029_54", "3029_55", "3029_56", "3029_57", "3029_58", "3029_59", "3029_60", "3029_61", "3029_62", "3029_63", "3029_64", "3029_65", "3029_66", "3029_67", "3029_68", "3029_69", "3029_70", "3029_71", "3029_72", "3029_73", "3029_74", "3029_75", "3029_76", "3029_77", "3029_78", "3029_79", "3029_80", "3029_81", "3029_82", "3029_83", "3029_84", "3029_85", "3029_86", "3029_87", "3029_88", "3029_89", "3029_90", "3029_91", "3029_92", "3029_93", "3029_94", "3029_95", "3029_96", "3029_97", "3029_98", "3029_99", "3029_100", "3029_101", "3029_102", "3029_103", "3029_104", "3029_105", "3029_106", "3029_107", "3029_108", "3029_109", "3029_110", "3029_111", "3029_112", "3029_113", "3029_114", "3029_115", "3029_116", "3029_117", "3029_118", "3029_119", "3029_120", "3029_121", "3029_122", "3029_123", "3029_124", "3029_125", "3029_126", "3029_127", "3029_128", "3029_129", "3029_130", "3029_131", "3029_132", "3029_133", "3029_134", "3029_135", "3029_136", "3029_137", "3029_138", "3029_139", "3029_140", "3029_141", "3029_142", "3029_143", "3029_144", "3029_145", "3029_146", "3029_147", "3029_148", "3029_149", "3029_150", "3029_151", "3029_152", "3029_153", "3029_154", "3029_155", "3029_156", "3029_157", "3029_158", "3029_159", "3029_160"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {D well, } I'll start off being controversial. / I'm in favor of it. /", "That doesn't necessarily mean you're controversial./", "<Laughter> {D Well, } it seems to be in the current situations <noise> / {C but, } {F uh, } I still feel that it could be a deterrent to crime. Particularly with the increase of serious crime that's going on now. /", "{D Well, } I think that those crimes which are punishable by the death sentence, need to be reevaluated. /", "Okay. /", "I think there are other crimes that could easily draw the death penalty and not <laughter> make me feel bad at all. /", "Yeah, / I think, {F uh, } -/", "Crimes against children is one of them. /", "{F Oh, } definitely. / [ Any, + any ] crimes against person,", "Yeah. /", "{F uh, } I feel, {F uh, } there should be more than a slap on the hand,", "Uh-huh. /", "and being sent to prison and being released in, {F uh, } two or three years. /", "{D Actually, } I would like to see the system revert a lot back to some of the forms of punishment that exist in Middle Eastern countries. / If you steal, you lose a hand. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / That's a, -/", "{D You know, } {F uh, } <laughter> if you kill, you lose your life. / What's wrong with that? /", "I don't see a thing wrong with that. /", "Yeah. /", "I believe that, {F uh, }", "{F Uh, } /", "{D Well, } it's just [ an, + an ] example. / I think there's, {F uh, } someone that's on trial right now --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- here in the Dallas area, / {C and } they were interviewing the, the, - / a young lady was killed sometime back,", "Uh-huh. /", "a young girl.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } how do you feel about this? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {D you know } <laughter>,", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } they want the person punished and punished,", "Uh-huh. /", "properly. /", "Uh-huh / <breathing>. Deciding what that proper punishment is, is one thing. / I think that there should be no way, [ I, + I ] realize that innocent people could go to, {F uh, } what is it, lethal injection now. /", "Yes. /", "Innocent people could do that, / {C but } for every innocent person who would be executed, hopefully there would be ten guilty. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, }", "{F Uh, }", "I feel like [ the, + the ] cost of [ s-, + ] someone who's quoting figures (( made the )) cost,", "Uh-huh. /", "(( at {D like } )) thirty thousand dollars,", "Uh-huh. /", "a year --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to keep someone in prison. /", "To maintain a prison inma-, / that's right. / That's stupid. /", "{C And, } {D well, } the problem there is they're not keeping the right ones in prison in many cases. /", "Uh-huh. /", "There are more,", "Sure. /", "and more instances being on the news, /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "{C or } this individual was out on the streets,", "Uh-huh. /", "on probation or parole and killed someone else.", "Sure. /", "Or,", "Sure. /", "seriously injured someone. /", "{D Well, } I don't have solutions to the problems, / {C but } {D you know } you have these, - / this would be nice [ if + ] / {C and } there's probably thousands of holes in that theory, /", "Yeah. /", "-- blinded her. / I think then that a life sentence to restitution is appropriate. /", "Yes. /", "I think he should spend the rest of his life working to support that individual --", "Yes, / indeed. /", "-- or the family of an individual.", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } who has been harmed [ you, + you, ] {D you know. } / People who kill policemen. /", "Yeah. / No. /", "{C And } I s-, -/", "Here again, anytime anyone goes out with a gun in their hand and crime on their mind --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } the opportunity exists for someone to get killed. /", "That's right. /", "Now I'm not in favor of gun control to the (( )) degree or anything because, {F uh, } there are uses for guns which are noncriminal -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } it seems that the criminal element are the ones that are using them. {F Uh, } aside from domestic disputes, husbands shooting wives or vice versa. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } these individuals, if they have a gun with them, I think that [ the, + the ] sentence should be even longer than if they don't. /", "[ I don't, + I don't ] agree with the length,", "{D Well, }", "of the sentence though. / I think expediency is the answer. /", "{D Well, } {C but } here again, {F uh, } if a matter of expediency,", "Uh-huh. /", "part of these costs like the people on Death Row --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- is that their appeals can take years and years. /", "That's right. /", "There should be some, {F uh, } - / I know there's a law, I believe, that it's automatic appeal if it's a death sentence. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } I think that automatic appeal ought to take place, {F uh, } within a reasonable length of time, say six months./", "Uh-huh. /", "And a decision be made and not drag out in the courts for years,", "Uh-huh. /", "because of misplaced commas or whatever technicalities,", "That's right, /", "there might be. /", "technical, - / I think that there should be a statute of limitations on appeals. /", "Right, / [ there's got to be a, +", "Yo-, - / you can appeal it once. /", "there's got to be a ] time limit. /", "I think if it is appealed one time and the appeal is turned down or the sentence stands, then you might be allowed one more appeal [ if it is, + [ if, + if ] it is, ]", "[ A, + a ] [ legit, +", "contradictory. /", "legitimate ] appeal,", "Yeah. /", "not a technicality,", "That's right. /", "of, {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "if, [ and + ] they're not arguing that the guy or woman committed the crime. / They're arguing over, {D well, } were his civil rights violated because, {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- someone didn't file the proper paper at the proper time. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "Those are the things that have caused them to drag out I think. /", "That's right. / {D Well, } one of the sad things is that so many of these never actually come to trial because [ of, + of ] the process in which the criminals were apprehended. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } {F uh, } you know the guy is guilty. / You know he's done what he's done. / [ You, + you ] may have stood there and seen it. / {C But } because he wasn't read his rights whenever he was arrested, {D you know, }", "He didn't see his,", "[ he, + he ] goes free. /", "lawyer as quickly as he should have,", "Uh-huh. /", "or [ some, +", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. /", "some ] Mickey Mouse type thing <laughter> like that. /", "Right, / {C and } I realize that that is designed to protect the innocent. / It's also designed to line the pockets of lawyers. /", "{F Oh, } yes <laughter>. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ I, + I ] just don't think that, <laughter> / I think we could get along a lot better in our criminal justice system if we had <laughter> some statute of limitations on lawyers <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yes. /", "I hope you're not a lawyer <laughter>. /", "No, / I'm not a lawyer <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I, - / I'm an accountant / {C and } I agree. /", "Yeah. /", "We practice law ourselves because it's too expensive to hire lawyers,", "Absolutely. /", "to a degree. /", "That's why you check books out from the library. /", "<<Very faint>> There you go. /", "{C But } I really believe that our justice system [ is, + is ] the best around / {C but } it's not perfect, / {C and } that doesn't mean that you leave it in tact. / *[[in tact -> intact]]", "{D Well, } [ it's, + it's ] a case that we have [ a, + a ] legal system which the criminals have found a way to use and a way to benefit them rather than the public itself. /", "That's right. /", "{C So } --", "That's right. /", "-- that's how we get caught in this, {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- sort of a catch twenty-two. /", "That's right. /", "{C But } you have to continue, {F uh, } to protect the innocent you're giving an open door to the guilty. /", "That's right. / [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] it, - / I don't know there just seems to be so many clever ways to avoid the real intent of the law by following the letter. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } that just, - / that really does ruffle my feathers,", "Yes <laughter>.", "at times. /", "It does,", "{E I mean } I can just get so,", "most people. /", "aggravated about it. / {C But, } {D you know, } [ it's, + it's ] going to take smarter people than me to solve the problem <laughter>. / {C And } I hope,", "Again [ one of our + --", "not lawyers <laughter>. /", "-- one of our ] problems is that, {F uh, } our legislature and the state and our national congress, the majority of the members thereof are lawyers. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT", "prompt": "COMPARE YOUR OPINIONS AND THOSE OF THE OTHER CALLER ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DO EITHER OF YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN CRIMES OR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW DO THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF YOUR STATE FIT WITH YOUR OPINIONS?", "talk_day": "06/07/1991", "from_caller": 1279, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1264, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3036_0", "3036_1", "3036_2", "3036_3", "3036_4", "3036_5", "3036_6", "3036_7", "3036_8", "3036_9", "3036_10", "3036_11", "3036_12", "3036_13", "3036_14", "3036_15", "3036_16", "3036_17", "3036_18", "3036_19", "3036_20", "3036_21", "3036_22", "3036_23", "3036_24", "3036_25", "3036_26", "3036_27", "3036_28", "3036_29", "3036_30", "3036_31", "3036_32", "3036_33", "3036_34", "3036_35", "3036_36", "3036_37", "3036_38", "3036_39", "3036_40", "3036_41", "3036_42", "3036_43", "3036_44", "3036_45", "3036_46", "3036_47", "3036_48", "3036_49", "3036_50", "3036_51", "3036_52", "3036_53", "3036_54", "3036_55"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } {F uh, } if you had to pick [ a, + a ] type of music that you like, would you be able to? / *[[functions as a qw]]", "{D Well, } I could pick country music. / *[[answered as if to a qw]]", "Country music? / I, -/", "As I've gotten older, I've started listening more to the words of music -- -- and to the softer melodies. / Not originally. /", "Not originally. / Where you from? /", "Georgia. /", "Georgia. / Okay, {D well, } {D see } / [ I'm, + I'm ] from Chicago, / {C so } <laughter>, {F uh, } I'm kind of in a different category here. {F Uh, } /", "If you had to pick one, what would you choose? /", "{F Uh, } I would probably go with, - / it's tough, {F uh, } I think I would just stick with the classics. Only because, {F uh, } I like music just for music's sake / {C and } <noise>, {F uh, } {D you know, } I'm from the era where, {D you know, } we had all the rock and roll. / I'm forty / {C so } I'm, {D you know, } part of that whole deal / {C and, } {F uh, } that was a real interesting time / {C and, } {D you know, } the music sort of made the whole time very rich with sound. / {F Uh, } {C but } I think I'd stick back with my Beethoven and my Bach and my Mozart <laughter>. / {E I mean } {C because } it's just, - / it will always be there. / It's classic / {C and } I don't have to worry about, {D you know, } what's current and what's not because I haven't been current with music for a long time. / {C But, } {D you know, } same, {F uh, } - / {C and, } as far as country music is, I've never really, {F uh, } listened to it. / {E I mean } {C because } that's just, - / it was, - / it wasn't part of what I knew, / {C so, } there you go <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I understand what you're saying. / I think if you would listen to it a little, you would discover that it has a lot of roots [ from the, + both from the ] classics and from some of the rock and roll of the era [ that, + that ] we both lived through. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{F Uh } <<faint>>. /", "I, - / [ it's, + it's ] a different perspective on everything, too. / [ I, + I ] know, {D well, } whenever they talk about, {F uh, } country music, [ it's about, + ] it seems sad to me. / It's always about some guy losing some girl and then, {D you know, } playing the guitar and singing about it. /", "{D Well, } there's some joy in it also. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } mostly [ it, + it ] just tells a story about life. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I must say, though, {F uh, } I listen to Amy Grant. / Do you consider her country? /", "I don't know. / I'm not all that familiar with her work. /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } let's see. {D Well, } name some people that are country that I should listen to <<pause>>. / That would be good. /", "{D Well, } [ I kind of like, + {F uh, } I like ] groups like the Statler Brothers.", "Okay. /", "And <<pause>> the Judds, certainly. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / [ I, + I ] must admit [ that's, + ] {D yeah, } they're fantastic, / {C so, } {F uh, } {F uh, } -/", "Reba McIntire is a little too country for me. /", "She's something, though. / She's got so much energy <laughter>. /", "That's true. /", "{D Well, } I guess [ I, + I ] have listened in on some of the stuff and not really realized it that I do like some of that. / {F Uh, } Dolly Parton, <laughter> she's kind of, - / is she kind of country? /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "Kind of <laughter>. /", "That's certainly where her roots are. /", "Right down there. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } how about the Oak Ridge Boys. /", "Very much so. /", "Very much. / Okay, / {D well, } I like them, too. / {C So } I guess I've had a smattering / {C and } I just, {F uh, } {D you know, } picked, - / I've picked up a little bit along the way that I probably wouldn't have if I'd stayed up north, {D you know. } /", "That's true. /", "<Laughter> {D You know, } {C so, } {D well, } I think there's music all around anyway. / {E I mean, } I think life is just music, / {C so, } {D you know, } you can hear it wherever you want / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] [ I've, + I've ] kind of shied away from some of the new stuff because I just don't understand it. / {C But } maybe twenty years from now they'll look at it as classic rock and roll which I really like / {C so, } -/", "{D Well, } it's just difficult for me to believe that anybody's ever going to make [ a, + a ] record of the rap songs of the eighties. /", "Yeah, / the greatest hits, / right, /", "Yeah / <<faint>>.", "<Laughter> Yeah. / Yeah, / {C so, } {E I mean, } [ it, it, it'll, + ] if it stands the test of time, we'll see. /", "That's true. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {C then } it'll, - / if it survives, then it'll just probably be one or two songs that sort of, {D hey } listen what we listened to <laughter>./", "Yeah / <<faint>>.", "Can you believe this sort of thing, / {C but, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] think of, - / I get real tickled when I listen to some of these old Beatle, {F uh, } music, {D you know, } the orchestration of it and that it's so popular still / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } {D you know, } all these [ rocks, + ] rock stations call it classic soft rock, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Right. /", "{C But } we used to listen to it full blast <laughter>. /", "Of course. /", "Yeah. / {C So, } it's kind of funny the way we listened to the stuff, / {C but, } I don't know. / {D Well, } you got any more? /", "{D Well, } the big key is that, I think you've already stated, that all music is rooted in the classics / {C and } it has grown from there. /", "{D Well, } that's, -/ Okeydoke, / {D well, } it was great. /", "-- this short. /", "Yeah. / {C And } we'll, {F uh, } <lipsmack> listen to some more music / {C and, } {F uh, } I'll look at some country. /", "You bet. /", "Okay. / Bye-bye /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MUSIC", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS MUSIC. CAN YOU FIND MUSICIANSOR TYPES OF MUSIC THAT BOTH YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER LIKE?", "talk_day": "06/09/1991", "from_caller": 1229, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1085, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1947, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3039_0", "3039_1", "3039_2", "3039_3", "3039_4", "3039_5", "3039_6", "3039_7", "3039_8", "3039_9", "3039_10", "3039_11", "3039_12", "3039_13", "3039_14", "3039_15", "3039_16", "3039_17", "3039_18", "3039_19", "3039_20", "3039_21", "3039_22", "3039_23", "3039_24", "3039_25", "3039_26", "3039_27", "3039_28", "3039_29", "3039_30", "3039_31", "3039_32", "3039_33", "3039_34", "3039_35", "3039_36", "3039_37", "3039_38", "3039_39", "3039_40", "3039_41", "3039_42", "3039_43", "3039_44", "3039_45", "3039_46", "3039_47", "3039_48", "3039_49", "3039_50", "3039_51", "3039_52", "3039_53", "3039_54", "3039_55", "3039_56", "3039_57", "3039_58", "3039_59", "3039_60", "3039_61", "3039_62", "3039_63", "3039_64", "3039_65", "3039_66", "3039_67", "3039_68", "3039_69", "3039_70", "3039_71", "3039_72", "3039_73", "3039_74", "3039_75", "3039_76", "3039_77", "3039_78", "3039_79", "3039_80", "3039_81", "3039_82", "3039_83", "3039_84", "3039_85", "3039_86", "3039_87", "3039_88", "3039_89", "3039_90", "3039_91", "3039_92", "3039_93", "3039_94", "3039_95", "3039_96", "3039_97", "3039_98", "3039_99", "3039_100", "3039_101", "3039_102", "3039_103", "3039_104", "3039_105", "3039_106", "3039_107", "3039_108", "3039_109", "3039_110", "3039_111", "3039_112", "3039_113", "3039_114", "3039_115", "3039_116", "3039_117", "3039_118", "3039_119", "3039_120", "3039_121", "3039_122", "3039_123", "3039_124", "3039_125", "3039_126", "3039_127", "3039_128", "3039_129", "3039_130", "3039_131", "3039_132", "3039_133", "3039_134", "3039_135", "3039_136", "3039_137", "3039_138", "3039_139", "3039_140", "3039_141", "3039_142", "3039_143", "3039_144", "3039_145", "3039_146", "3039_147", "3039_148", "3039_149", "3039_150", "3039_151", "3039_152", "3039_153", "3039_154", "3039_155", "3039_156", "3039_157", "3039_158", "3039_159", "3039_160", "3039_161", "3039_162", "3039_163", "3039_164", "3039_165", "3039_166", "3039_167", "3039_168", "3039_169", "3039_170", "3039_171", "3039_172"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / we can start. /", "Okay. / Hi. /", "Hi. /", "How many children do you have? /", "I have four. /", "{F Oh, } four, / okay, / okay. /", "How many do you have? /", "{D Well, } I have two children and, {F uh, } two stepdaughters. /", "Okay. /", "<Laughter> {C So } we have four altogether, too. /", "Okay. /", "Yeah. / [ Are you, + are you ] running ragged these days? /", "{D Well, } no, / {C because } mine are all grown <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } they are. / Oh <laughter>. /", "{C So } the topic for me, - / [ I, + I ] can only [ rera-, + relate ] now to my grandchildren. /", "{F Oh, } {D well } --", "I do keep my, -/", "-- good. / Impart me some wisdom, Catherine <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } I do take care of my youngest granddaughter, {F uh, } most every Saturday. / {F Uh, } my daughter and her husband work Saturdays. / My daughter is, {F uh, } {F uh, } doing a schedule of, {F uh, } twenty-four hours on the weekend, / {C but } she gets paid for forty. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } Dave is, {F uh, } in supervisory work / {C and } he has to work almost every Saturday / {C so, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } /", "How old is your granddaughter? /", "She's three. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } she's a little one. /", "Yes. /", "Yeah. /", "[ She's, + she's ] little <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "She's says how are you doing grandma today. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Whoa <laughter>. /", "Are you surviving. / Is she [ ol-, + ] your oldest [ grandd-, + ] child? /", "{F Oh, } no, / no, / no. / No, / she's my baby. /", "Oh. /", "She's my baby, / yeah. /", "Oh. /", "She was a miracle baby. /", "Was she? /", "Yeah, / she really was. /", "Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Oh. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. / Now do your other grandchildren live in [ Dal-, + ] the Dallas area? /", "Yes, / they do, / uh-huh. /", "Do you get to see them? /", "They really do, / uh-huh. /", "How nice. / What a treat. / {D You know, } being from Plano, {D you know, } I know so very few people who have extended family in town. / I'm real jealous when I hear that somebody has a grandma around --", "Oh -- /", "-- because --", "-- yeah, / that's --", "-- we don't, / {C and, } -/", "-- really, - / that's really wonderful. /", "It is, / it is. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {D you know, } just so that they get to know their grandparents, but also for help <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "[ We don't, + we don't ] have that luxury. / {C But, } we have lots of friends, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] everybody tends to be in the same boat. / {C So } [ we, + we ] trade off a whole lot with friends and, {D you know, } run here and run there. / We're right smack dab in the middle of baseball season right now. / {C And } we have three playing baseball. /", "{F Oh, } that's marvelous. /", "{C So } <laughter>. -/", "{D Well } <noise> they keep you hopping, I'm sure. /", "They definitely do. /", "{D Well, } I know, {F uh, } that, {F uh, } one of the ladies I know, they are very involved with their little girl / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I think it's excellent because she's getting qualified quality time --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for, {F uh, } her musical, {F uh, } talents --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- her sports abilities -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I think because she is, {F uh, } <lipsmack> the only child that they concentrate, {F uh, } they would like to have more, / {C but } that hasn't been, {F uh, } possible. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } she's tried many, {F uh, } avenues -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {C and } ] {C so } now it's just, {D you know, } that she's kind of resolved herself that, {D yes, } this is going to be the only one <lipsmack>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } she devotes, / yeah. /", "{C And } they're focusing on all of her, {F uh, } welfare. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / Yeah, / {D well, } our kids, {D you know, } - / {F uh, } my daughter [ s-, + ] {F uh, } sings with Younger Generation, I don't know if you've ever heard of them. / There they're a singing group here in Plano. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And } they're part of the [ ch-, + ] {F uh, } Plano Children's [ Civics, + Civic ] Chorus. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they're going to Washington, D. C. next December <lipsmack>. {F Uh, } to sing for President Bush at the White House at Christmas time. /", "{F Oh, } how wonderful. /", "Isn't that neat? / Yeah, / {C so, }", "That's wonderful. /", "{C So } we have been really up to our eye balls in fund raising and trying to get, {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } that's wonderful. /", "Yeah, / it is. / It is. / {D So, } {D you know, } {C and then } she plays softball / {C and } my son plays baseball / {C and } my stepdaughter plays softball / {C so } [ we, + we ] tend to do a lot of running. / Things are very different nowadays than when I grew up -- /", "{F Oh, } they are. /", "-- {C and } I'm sure when your children grew up you didn't, {D you know, } - / I don't remember doing all these things. /", "No. /", "I certainly don't remember my parents running me here and there and supporting me in all these things, / {C but } we had more, I guess family time alone --", "Yeah, / you're, -/", "-- where we did nothing.", "Now I think --", "Which was good. /", "-- [ every-, + ] everything is doing, doing, doing, out of the house.", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Which can be very hectic. /", "It can be / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] sometimes [ I, + {D you know, } I ] kind of long for the good old days when <laughter> --", "Yeah, / it wasn't so he-, -/", "-- we didn't do all these running. / {C But } on the other hand, we just love watching the kids play and getting to know the other parents / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- we've had a lot of fun with that, too. /", "You have to look on that, on the, {F uh, } positive side of that. /", "It's just different. /", "Yes, / it is. /", "Yeah. /", "It's just a different lifestyle. /", "It's just very different. /", "Yes. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } /", "Yeah. /", "My, {F uh, } second grandson is in A Cappella / {C and } I know what you're talking about when he's involved, {D you know, } the children are involved --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in that, / {C and } he's been, - / he has traveled / {C and } they have won awards, / {C so } I - /", "{F Oh, } really. / Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. / {C And, } I know where you're coming from -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } [ it's, + it's ] very nice. /", "It is very nice. /", "I think, {F uh, } {F uh, } those type of children, {F uh, } that are involved in things like that, their, {F uh, } goals are going to be set higher than the average child that are not participating in things. /", "{D Well, } I think so, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I think they've learned a whole lot about being part of a team, whether the team is your singing group, your band, [ your + --", "Right. /", "-- your ] sports team --", "Going to, -/", "-- {D you know, } you all have to pull together. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "[ [ A, + a, ] + a ] team effort, / yes. /", "<Lipsmack> Yeah, / {C and so } I've been real pleased with that, too. / I think they've learned some real good life skills. {F Uh, } {D you know, } being --", "[ That, +", "-- involved in all those things. / {C And, } {F uh, } -/", "That's ] wonderful. / That's really is --", "Yeah. /", "-- nice to have in your background, that, {D you know, } then [ you can, + [ you're, + ] you can ] be very flexible. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } there's less, {F uh, } friction involved in relationships when you add that skill --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- of teamwork. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {E I mean } a lot of people that are adults are having to go back and learn those basics when our children are already learning that. /", "Yes, / yes. /", "{C And } I think it's a [ step, + [ a, + a ] giant step ] of progress, I really do. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } I, -/", "Give me some wonderful advice Catherine. / What is the best advice of mothering that you know? <Laughter>. /", "The best of,", "Besides don't sweat the small stuff <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } Cathy, I think if you look to the Word of God --", "Uh-huh. / {F Oh, } that's good, that's real good advice. /", "-- and, {F uh, } think on the things that are pure and lovely / {C and, } {F uh, } keep your mind off of negative things. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } keep your mind on positive things / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] stress that to your children. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ even if they're, + even if they're ] discouraged, tell them that that's just a passing moment --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and to dwell on those things that are, {F uh, } <lipsmack> not negative and that are positive things in their life -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } I think you'll see a lot of growth [ in, + {F uh, } in ] their ability to, {F uh, } control their thought pattern / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] when you employ the Word of God there's nothing as powerful as the Word of God. /", "Absolutely. / {D Well, } I would agree with that. / We're also real active in our church / {C and } my kids do an awful lot with that. / Allyson sings in the choir. / I told her that's a gift from God / {C and } you need to return that back. /", "{F Oh, } absolutely. / That's right. /", "{C And } [ you owe, + you owe ] that --", "Uh-huh / <<faint>>.", "-- back to God because he's given you that ability and that talent / [ {C and } + --", "Right. /", "-- {C and } ] that's real nice. / I'm real proud of her. / I'm equally proud of her when I see her in church as I am when I see her performing. / {D You know, } that's, that's real neat. /", "{D Well, } [ if she looks, +", "<Throat_clearing> <<faint>>.", "if she looks ] at it as you suggest [ [ [ that, + that ] + that's, ] + that ] she can give [ her, + [ h-, + ] her ] talent back to the Lord for His glory --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and she can look at it that way [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } that's ... -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "06/10/1991", "from_caller": 1263, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1934, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1281, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3384_0", "3384_1", "3384_2", "3384_3", "3384_4", "3384_5", "3384_6", "3384_7", "3384_8", "3384_9", "3384_10", "3384_11", "3384_12", "3384_13", "3384_14", "3384_15", "3384_16", "3384_17", "3384_18", "3384_19", "3384_20", "3384_21", "3384_22", "3384_23", "3384_24", "3384_25", "3384_26", "3384_27", "3384_28", "3384_29", "3384_30", "3384_31", "3384_32", "3384_33", "3384_34", "3384_35", "3384_36", "3384_37", "3384_38", "3384_39", "3384_40", "3384_41", "3384_42", "3384_43", "3384_44", "3384_45", "3384_46", "3384_47", "3384_48", "3384_49", "3384_50", "3384_51", "3384_52", "3384_53", "3384_54", "3384_55", "3384_56", "3384_57", "3384_58", "3384_59", "3384_60", "3384_61", "3384_62", "3384_63", "3384_64", "3384_65", "3384_66", "3384_67", "3384_68", "3384_69", "3384_70", "3384_71", "3384_72", "3384_73", "3384_74", "3384_75", "3384_76", "3384_77", "3384_78", "3384_79", "3384_80", "3384_81", "3384_82", "3384_83", "3384_84", "3384_85", "3384_86", "3384_87", "3384_88", "3384_89", "3384_90", "3384_91", "3384_92", "3384_93", "3384_94", "3384_95", "3384_96", "3384_97", "3384_98", "3384_99", "3384_100", "3384_101", "3384_102", "3384_103", "3384_104", "3384_105", "3384_106", "3384_107", "3384_108", "3384_109", "3384_110", "3384_111", "3384_112", "3384_113", "3384_114", "3384_115", "3384_116", "3384_117", "3384_118", "3384_119", "3384_120", "3384_121", "3384_122", "3384_123", "3384_124", "3384_125", "3384_126", "3384_127", "3384_128", "3384_129", "3384_130", "3384_131", "3384_132", "3384_133", "3384_134", "3384_135", "3384_136", "3384_137", "3384_138", "3384_139", "3384_140", "3384_141", "3384_142", "3384_143", "3384_144", "3384_145", "3384_146", "3384_147", "3384_148", "3384_149", "3384_150", "3384_151", "3384_152"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / Do you work? /", "Yes, / I do. /", "I think that's the main change. / What do you think? /", "{D Well, } I think that's a big part of it / {C and } [ I, + I ] think it maybe started because women wanted outside of the home / {C and, }", "# Right. # /", "# I # almost think with our society [ and, + and ] inflation and the cost of things [ it's + ] anymore [ it's almost + ] couples have to work outside the home. /", "That's right. /", "[ {C But, } + {C but } ] {D yeah, } I think that's a big change <lipsmack>. / I'd like to not work. / What about you? /", "{D Well, } I've worked all the time up until just about a year ago. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I just, - / physically I wasn't able to / {C and } {E I mean, } I love my job. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I have four children, / {C and } that's real hard. /", "<Gasp>.", "You have children? / I assume so. /", "Yes. / I have two / {C and } that's been a big deciding factor because {E I mean } I never wanted to be a career woman, /", "# Right. # /", "# {C but } as long # as I [ [ wa-, + w-, ] + {D you know, } was ] going to work I was going to do [ as, + as ] much as I could,", "# Right. # /", "# as well as # I could et cetera. /", "Right. /", "{C And } [ I, + I ] wanted to stay home when I had kids. / {D Well, } I have two. / I have a four year old and a three year old. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } we would like two more / {C but } I, - / it's like, we talked. {F Uh, } I don't want two more unless I can quit and stay home and take care,", "# Right. # /", "# of them which is, #", "# Oh. # /", "# something right now # financially it takes both people to work. /", "It's real hard. /", "Yeah. /", "It's real hard. / {E I mean } even I, -/", "It's full time work. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "It was so hard for me to work full time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Of course, my kids [ are, + are ] a little older / {C but } [ then you, + then you ] give up the money. /", "Yeah. /", "You know? /", "You do there's sa-, - / of course, {D you know, } everything you give up something / {C but } I just, - / I, - / the kids are so wonderful <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / # (( )) . #", "# {C But } I do # think that's one of the major changes. {D You know, / } my mama I remember her being home --", "Yep. /", "-- {F uh, }", "# (( Fine )) . # /", "# {D you know, } # she made breakfast in the morning for us. /", "Yep. / # I know. # /", "# {C And } if # she worked it was part time / {C and } it was work that was done while we were maybe at school, / {C and } she was there when we got home. /", "Yeah. /", "# {D You know, } {C and, } # -/", "# {D Well, } # I've decided now in fact, [ I'm just, + ] I'm substitute teachers aid which is [ a, + ] afar cry from my travel agent career,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ y-, + ] which I loved. / # {C But } [ I'm, + I'm ] there in the same school as my children, my two littler ones. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I'm home when they are home. / In fact, I've had an offer to just work the Christmas season at a local jewelry store, / {C and } I'm just really hesitating,", "# Yeah. # /", "# because # [ I've, + ] I enjoyed [ my, + ] the first summer home ever,", "# Oh. # /", "# [ so + ] {D like } # seventeen years with my kids. /", "Oh. /", "{E I mean, } {D well, } I didn't have babies or day care [ or + ] working as a travel agent / {C and } it was wonderful. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# My kids # and I, we just had a ball. /", "# {D See, } - / {C and } I think, # -/", "# Of course, [ their, + # their ] ages, they are almost seventeen --", "Oh. /", "-- [ fif-, almo-, + ] {D well, } sixteen, fourteen, eleven, and nine <noise> -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C and } we are just running every direction #/ {C and, } # -/", "# {C But } {D see, } # it's such an important time to be home.", "It is. /", "{D You know. } / # {C And } that, #", "# It is. # /", "was important to me enough, / {D you know, } my husband was raised, {F uh, } - / [ his, + his ] parents were divorced when he was young so his mom always worked, /", "# Always worked. # /", "# {C and } he's like # {D well, } {D you know, } what's the big deal about being home,", "# What, yeah. # /", "# for your kids. # / {D Well, } as our kids are getting older, {D you know, } he sees it more. / I said, Russ, you don't understand what it was like to have her home or [ to + ] if you needed,", "# Right. # /", "# Mom # at school, {D you know, } she was there to help / {C or, }", "# Right. # /", "# she was # there to take you, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I want to be able to do those things / {C so. } -/", "I think that, {D you know, } it's good. / {D You know, } sometimes I'll have the cookies ready when they,", "# Yeah. # /", "# come home # / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] a lot of my boys, {F uh, } my older boys' junior high friends will come over. / In fact, everyday,", "# <Laughter>. #", "# I've got boys # hanging around, / {C and } it's wonderful <noise>. / I'm real close to the schools / {C and, } {D you know, } we are just - / [ I, + I'm ] very happy to be staying home. /", "I think that's wonderful. /", "{C But } again I miss,", "# {D So, } where do you see, #", "# the (( )) . # -/", "us changing in the future? /", "I don't. /", "{D Well, } {D see } that was one of the things [ s-, + ] [ [ the, + the ] question I think is,", "# I (( keep on working )) . / Right. # /", "# {D you know, } # what changes do we see / {C and } [ I'm, + I'm ] not sure [ I, + I ] see it go anywhere. / I think they are still going to have to work. /", "That we are because it's so expensive. / If we want, {F uh, } extra clothes, the extra car, the extra, -/", "Right. /", "<Laughter> The thing is, when a woman does work, then there is the clothes to buy, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and then } # there is the gas, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and then } # there is the lunches and then the day care. /", "# The day care eats, #", "# (( You must pay for )) , # -/", "# me alive. # /", "# day care. # / Yeah. /", "{D You know, } I pay four hundred fifty to five hundred fifty,", "# {F Oh } # --", "# a month # --", "-- my gosh. /", "-- for two kids <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / for two. /", "They would eat you,", "# It's almost hardly worth it for you, #", "# alive. # /", "to work until they get in school. /", "I know. /", "Then you work summers unless you are a teacher. / Are you a teacher? /", "No, / I'm not, /", "# (( )) . #", "# {C and } I # would love, - / [ [ you, + you, ] + you ] talked about having the summers off / {C and } I thought, {F oh, } that would be so wonderful. /", "# (( )) . #", "# {C And } I # love the little preschool they are in. / It's wonderful. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } {C so } I feel good about them being there / {C but } it's still not the same. /", "No. / It's not the same. /", "It's just not. /", "[ I, + I ] don't see things changing really, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] it's terrible for divorced women --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } who are forced to work who maybe don't have a college education. / Thank goodness I have mine, / {C and } I could get a real good paying job,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# if I wanted # to, {D you know, } [ d-, + ] in fact, I still have offers, {D you know, } please come back, /", "# Please come back to work. # /", "# (( {C and } we'll pay you this )) . # /", "Sure. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {C And } it's been a real tough decision / {C but } I'm very happy to be here with my kids. / My kids, we've seen a remarkable difference in,", "# That's wonderful. # /", "# (( now )) that # I'm home. /", "That's wonderful. /", "Yeah. / I'm real, / {C and } I'm, - / {C but } I've been doing a lot of volunteering at the schools and playing lots of tennis <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I like that. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / (( I know )) . /", "{D Well, } we're working on it. / I'm hoping in about three to five years I'll be able to stay home / {C and } my kids, of course, will be in school then / {C but } I'll,", "# (( Right )) . # /", "# be there # mornings, I'll be there noons,", "# Yeah. # /", "# I'll be # there afternoons and all. / I feel like,", "# {D Well, } # -/", "# that's good / # {C and } I can work part days in my husband's business, {D you know, } so that,", "# {F Oh, } that would be great. # /", "# he can afford for us to do that, # {D you know. } /", "Right. / I think [ the, + the ] other thing [ that, + that ] has changed for woman because we are working is we are having less children. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "11/11/1991", "from_caller": 1419, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1949, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1005, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3543_0", "3543_1", "3543_2", "3543_3", "3543_4", "3543_5", "3543_6", "3543_7", "3543_8", "3543_9", "3543_10", "3543_11", "3543_12", "3543_13", "3543_14", "3543_15", "3543_16", "3543_17", "3543_18", "3543_19", "3543_20", "3543_21", "3543_22", "3543_23", "3543_24", "3543_25", "3543_26", "3543_27", "3543_28", "3543_29", "3543_30", "3543_31", "3543_32", "3543_33", "3543_34", "3543_35", "3543_36", "3543_37", "3543_38", "3543_39", "3543_40", "3543_41", "3543_42", "3543_43", "3543_44", "3543_45", "3543_46", "3543_47", "3543_48", "3543_49", "3543_50", "3543_51", "3543_52", "3543_53", "3543_54", "3543_55", "3543_56", "3543_57", "3543_58", "3543_59", "3543_60", "3543_61", "3543_62", "3543_63", "3543_64", "3543_65", "3543_66", "3543_67", "3543_68", "3543_69", "3543_70", "3543_71", "3543_72", "3543_73", "3543_74", "3543_75"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D So, } Utah. /", "# Yes. # /", "# [ [ That, + # that's, ] + that's ] the state that [ got, + ] was famous when they <noise> executed somebody. /", "Gary Gilmore. /", "Gary Gilmore. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# By # firing squad, as I recall. /", "That's right, / {C and } we still have a death penalty. /", "Uh-huh / </noise>.", "Some, - / a gentleman, {F uh, } that was one of the hi-fi murderers just had his conviction overturned, {D well, } appealed again. / I guess we have the longest, {F uh, } running inmates for death row # too. # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C And then } we had another guy, {F uh, } Ronald Lafferty, that thought God told him to kill his sister-in-law. /", "Yeah. /", "He just got [ a, + a ] new trial because,", "<Noise>.", "the judge felt that he was incompetent. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } how do you feel about the death penalty? /", "<Lipsmack> {D Well, } I, yo-, {D you know, } - / until recently I've been sort of, - / could go either way, {D you know, } - / [ it, + it, ] sort of doesn't much, {D you know, } - / it didn't, - / it wasn't a strong issue, {F um, } I guess it still isn't a strong issue. / {C But } I must say, I find it very silly, the way politicians are running around <breathing> creating more and more capital crimes, {F um } <clanking> --", "Oh. /", "-- instead of dealing with [ re-, + ] {D you know, } the real problems [ that, + {D you know, } </clanking> that ] [ they're, + they're ] getting votes (( presumably )) by, {F um, } - / I assume they're doing it for that reason <noise>. /", "{D Well, } I'm sure that's # (( )) . # -/", "# [ [ By, + # by ] + by ] saying {D well, } [ this, + [ doing th-, + ] <noise> this ] particular crime in this particular way is a capital crime now. /", "{D Well, } I kind of [ a-, + ] agree with terrorism. / I think those guys should be done away with. / That's one of the worst,", "# <Dishes>. #", "# crimes # in my book / {C and, } {F uh, } drug dealing, {F um, }", "<Dishes>.", "that's close / {C but, } {F uh, }", "<Dishes>.", "terrorism definitely. # And # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- {F uh, } # selling out your country. # -/", "# [ It's not, + # it's not ] enough just to lock them up forever. /", "{F Uh, } no, / it's got to be something that is going to cost them, because we never lock anybody up forever. /", "<Noise> Not often. /", "Not very often at all. / We've got these guys in New York that, {F uh, } I'm sure you heard about, the ones that killed, {F uh, } the gentleman that came from Utah to watch the # tennis # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- people. /", "Yeah / <noise>.", "{C And } I guess they got convicted, the four, of --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } murder. /", "Right. /", "<Lipsmack> {C So } you've come to a definite opinion on it now? /", "{D Well, } I, - / I've - / <static> [ it, + it ] seems like it's [ gone, + ] gotten carried away, / {F um, } {C and } [ I, + I ] do find it hard to [ dr-, + ] know where to draw a line, / {C and so } if I had to draw a line, I'd say just no capital punishment. / {E I mean, } [ [ I don't, + I don't, ] + I don't ] see that it accomplishes a whole lot, <breathing> whereas I do think that convicting people [ and, + and ] incarcerating them for a long time, if that could be improved upon, that would have more impact, I think. /", "Yeah. / You kind of hate to, -/", "No, / [ wh-, + ] what about the argument [ where, + where ] somebody who is committing one capital crime chooses to commit [ a, + a ] more serious capital crime? / {E I mean, } murder, {F um, } because that one at least, you might escape from because his victim, {D you know, } his witnesses will be gone <noise>. / [ Doesn't this, + doesn't this ] encourage,", "You # mean # --", "# {F Uh, } #", "-- {F uh, } # violence? # /", "# More (( )) . # / [ Doesn't this, + {D yeah, } {E I mean, } doesn't this ] encourage murder, in order to wipe out the --", "The witnesses? /", "-- the witnesses? /", "{D Well, } maybe it would. / {F Uh, } I kind of have a problem with our legal system at the moment, {F uh, } as it is. / I think that people who, {F uh, } infringe on other people's rights, {F uh, } and screw up their whole lives with rape, {F uh, } child molesting, {F uh, } terrorism, just # {F uh, } # -/", "# Yeah. # /", "There's just like five things that I think they ought to be snuffed for, / {C but } [ I'm, + I'm ] for it for certain reasons. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I think that things like rape, {F uh, } you can't get over, {F uh, } # it takes a lifetime. # /", "# I see, / [ {C so, } + {C so } ] # [ if, + if ] William Kennedy Smith had been found guilty, you believe he should have been, {F uh, } executed? /", "{F Uh, } # [ if it was, + #", "# A six # person jury could have decided either way, of course <noise>. /", "Yeah. / If it was, ] it would probably have to be a pattern. / {D You know, } we have plenty of convicted guys that go into jail and come back out, do the same thing and go back, / {C and, } {F uh, } if they're habitual, like three times caught for rape or child # molesting # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- then snuff them. /", "{D Well, } the (( )) problem is that they've just been let out of jail. /", "Pardon? /", "The problem there is that they've been let out jail. / If they've been thrice convicted, they should have been kept in longer. /", "Yeah, / {C but } we don't seem to keep them long enough, / {C and then } they learn such bad things in jail. / # That isn't # --", "# Yeah, / {D well. } # -/", "-- a place of rehabilitation. /", "Yeah, / [ that's, + that's ] for sure. /", "Yeah, / it's a tough question, isn't it, on whether, at what point do they become so detrimental to society that society can't afford to keep them around # to # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- keep giving them chances. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } let's see, / {C so } the other question that they wanted was whether the place that we live in, {F uh, } compares to how we feel <<faint>>. / What's the laws there in D C? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT", "prompt": "COMPARE YOUR OPINIONS AND THOSE OF THE OTHER CALLER ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DO EITHER OF YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN CRIMES OR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW DO THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF YOUR STATE FIT WITH YOUR OPINIONS?", "talk_day": "12/14/1991", "from_caller": 1464, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1353, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["3587_0", "3587_1", "3587_2", "3587_3", "3587_4", "3587_5", "3587_6", "3587_7", "3587_8", "3587_9", "3587_10", "3587_11", "3587_12", "3587_13", "3587_14", "3587_15", "3587_16", "3587_17", "3587_18", "3587_19", "3587_20", "3587_21", "3587_22", "3587_23", "3587_24", "3587_25", "3587_26", "3587_27", "3587_28", "3587_29", "3587_30", "3587_31", "3587_32", "3587_33", "3587_34", "3587_35", "3587_36", "3587_37", "3587_38", "3587_39", "3587_40", "3587_41", "3587_42", "3587_43", "3587_44", "3587_45", "3587_46", "3587_47", "3587_48", "3587_49", "3587_50", "3587_51", "3587_52", "3587_53", "3587_54", "3587_55", "3587_56", "3587_57", "3587_58", "3587_59", "3587_60", "3587_61", "3587_62", "3587_63", "3587_64", "3587_65", "3587_66", "3587_67", "3587_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } it seems like an unusual subject this time of the year / {C but, } {F uh, } [ it's, + it's ] camping. /", "Really. / When was the last time you went? /", "The last time I went camping was about, {F uh, } in the middle of October, / {C and } we went up to Lake Bonham and really enjoyed it. / Had a real good time with the family. / We do an awful lot of camping. / How about yourself? /", "{D Well, } I haven't been in probably about three years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } the last time we went was in, {F um, } {D well, } I guess [ it was, + it was ] {D like } hunting season, / {C and } we went down to {D like } a hunting ground and a lake --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- Lake Sam Rayburn --", "Yes, {F oh, } /", "-- which is in East Texas. /", "Very good. / I bet it's pretty over there. /", "It is real pretty. / {F Um, } let's see. -/", "# What do you think, what kind of # --", "# Do you do a lot of fishing? # /", "-- camping, {F uh, } are you talking about? / Do you go out, / {C and } is camping for you in a motor home, or a trailer, / {C or } do you actually put up a tent / {C or, } -/", "One of the ones that you pull along -- /", "{F Oh, } okay, / {C so } you have, -/", "-- {C and } [ then pop-u-, + ] is it pop-up? /", "Yeah. /", "Pop-up. /", "A pop-up trailer, huh. /", "Yeah. / What do you have? /", "We have a tent. /", "A tent? /", "Yes <laughter>. / {C So } I guess we really rough it. /", "Really. /", "{C And } we really enjoy that. / {F Uh, } one thing, {F uh, } I've done all sorts of camping. / [ I've, + I've ] camped, {F uh, } in the snow on a glacier. / I've camped, {F uh, } basically almost anywhere, even to the point where we've had to backpack in and everything you carried in was what you had to use to sustain you for [ that, + that ] camping trip and had to pack it back out. /", "{C So } you're a serious camper. /", "{D Well, } we enjoy it, yeah. / {C But } since I've been married and with a family, {F uh, } we have to go where there's restrooms <laughter>.", "{D Well, } that makes sense. /", "And playgrounds, and so forth, / {C so, } we really enjoy it. / {C But } also while I was growing up, we did have a trailer, / {C and, } {F uh, } I camped in that trailer and in a tent and [ in, + in ] log cabins and so forth too. / So a lot of different things. / {C And } yes, / I, - / to answer your questions earlier, {D yes, } [ I, + ] we do enjoy fishing, / {C and } I do go fishing. / Haven't done a whole lot down here. / We recently moved from the Rocky Mountain area up in, {F uh, } northern Utah down to here because of work, and, {F uh, } haven't been able to enjoy fishing like I used to up there, which is, {F uh, } clear water fishing and streams [ and, + and ] rivers. /", "{C But } when you all went camping is that what you normally, {E I mean, } - / what did you normally do? /", "We normally, {D yeah, } - / [ we did, + we did ] a lot of the fishing, / {C but } mainly what we did was we did a lot of hiking and exploring [ and, + and ] just going out and seeing what there was to see, {F uh, } in the area. /", "I guess probably just wherever you live at has a lot to do with [ where, + ] what you're going to do when you go, / {C and } you do actually camp. /", "{F Oh, } yes. / That's true, / that's true. /", "Did you ever {D like } travel around to what's that, the little [ K O, + K O A ] camps whenever -- -/", "we --", "-- ever done that? /", "-- never did that. / They <laughter> - / although I've stayed in K O A campgrounds, {F uh, } we've never done that just to go around and camp. / {F Um, } personally, [ I, when I, + ] when we were growing up and when we were going camping, I thought that was a little too structured of a camp ground. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } {D you know, } that was mainly for people in motor homes [ or, + or ] had trailers [ or, + ] and so on and so forth, where, {D you know, } we really wanted to go camping in a tent -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } K O A [ is, + is ] geared for the people that have a # hookup. # /", "# That actually # travel, what, city to city, state to state. /", "Right, / exactly, / {C and, } {F uh, } I started out basically camping [ when I was, + when I was ] in Boy Scouts, / {C and } we did an awful lot of that [ as, + as ] a Boy Scout group. / As I mentioned earlier, we went into wilderness areas / {C and } we camped in the snow, and in, {F uh, } snow caves, / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } -/", "That's probably where I first started, was in Girl Scouts. /", "All right. / {C And } you got a lot of that in, huh? /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "<Laughter> What do you like to do when you go camping? /", "{F Um, } {D well, } let's see. [ I just, + {E I mean, } I just ] like to go / {C and, } normally I go with a whole group of friends -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we just kind of go and hang out and just do fun stuff. /", "Enjoy it, huh <laughter>. /", "Roast marshmallows. /", "Tell scary, or scary stories around the fire / {C and, } -/", "Yeah, / or, {F um, } take a deck of cards if we can actually see and, {F um, } play cards and stuff. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } yeah. / {D You know, } [ lots, + a lot ] of people I've talked to have said, {D well, } isn't camping boring? / [ Don't you get, + don't you, {F uh, } get ] bored and not have anything to do, / {C but } I've found out that actually [ we, + we ] really enjoy getting away from the television, the telephone -- /", "Yeah, / it's relaxing. /", "-- {C and, } yes. / Exactly. / Get out, - / getting out and enjoying nature and each other as company when we're out camping. /", "{C Plus, } you, {F um, } - / kind of makes you appreciate [ some, + ] a lot of the things you take for granted. /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "Running water -- /", "Running water -- /", "-- your hair dryer -- /", "-- and a private bathroom. /", "-- curling iron. /", "Yes <laughter>. /", "What about your family. / Do your kids and everything like to? /", "Yes, / they really do, they have a great time, / {C and } like I mentioned, {F uh, } [ the, + ] [ we, + we've ] been camping a couple of times this year / {C and } the last time was in October / {C and } we went up to Lake Bonham, / {C and } there was a playground for them / {C so } they had swings, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAMPING", "prompt": "FIND OUT FROM THE OTHER CALLER WHAT KIND OF CAMPING THEY HAVE DONE. HOW DOES IT COMPARE WITH YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES?", "talk_day": "12/18/1991", "from_caller": 1425, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1469, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1961, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3911_0", "3911_1", "3911_2", "3911_3", "3911_4", "3911_5", "3911_6", "3911_7", "3911_8", "3911_9", "3911_10", "3911_11", "3911_12", "3911_13", "3911_14", "3911_15", "3911_16", "3911_17", "3911_18", "3911_19", "3911_20", "3911_21", "3911_22", "3911_23", "3911_24", "3911_25", "3911_26", "3911_27", "3911_28", "3911_29", "3911_30", "3911_31", "3911_32", "3911_33", "3911_34", "3911_35", "3911_36", "3911_37", "3911_38", "3911_39", "3911_40", "3911_41", "3911_42", "3911_43", "3911_44", "3911_45", "3911_46", "3911_47", "3911_48", "3911_49", "3911_50", "3911_51", "3911_52", "3911_53", "3911_54", "3911_55", "3911_56", "3911_57", "3911_58", "3911_59", "3911_60", "3911_61", "3911_62", "3911_63", "3911_64", "3911_65", "3911_66", "3911_67", "3911_68", "3911_69", "3911_70", "3911_71", "3911_72", "3911_73", "3911_74", "3911_75", "3911_76", "3911_77", "3911_78", "3911_79"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{F Um, } /", "{D So } you have a son? /", "I have an older son, / yeah. / He doesn't have any children yet though. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } he's thirty-seven / {C and } I don't know if he's ever going to have any or not, / {C but } I do have some neighbor kids, lots of little neighbor kids. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That, - / I go out and, {F uh, } I play ball with them. / {D You know, } it's, because like this one that lives right next door, her mother does some work at home --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- on computers -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it just seems like she doesn't have any time for her. Which is kind of sad, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } the kids are kind of hungry for someone to play with them. / {C So } I will go out and play catch with them or {D you know, } [ we ha-, + ] let the dogs outside / {C and } they will roll around on the ground and play with the dogs / {C but, } {F uh, } {D actually } I do think that the parents should have, {D you know, } a little bit more time to spend with their kids. /", "I would think so. / When you, - / [ when, + when ] your son was at home did you, {F uh, } working? - / Did you work / {C or } were you able to stay at home with him? /", "No, / when my son was at home, [ I, + I ] did work / {C and then } he went to a baby sitter that this lady had about five other kids that she baby sat, {D you know } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } we always had our days off together / {C and } we went camping on vacations. / {C So } we had a lot of time together that way {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / {D Well } when my mom, {F uh, } - / when I was growing up my mom worked too, / {C but } she worked nights --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and, {F uh, } as a nurse / {C and so } she was always home for us -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I always, [ I + ] really appreciated that. Having her there [ when I was, + {D you know, } when I ] came home from school and when I worked, / {C but } now when I look back at it, it must have been a really difficult <laughter> thing that she did --", "Yeah. /", "-- for us. /", "{F Oh } yeah. / {D Well } I am sure it was, {D you know. } / {C But, } {F uh, } I don't know what the families are going to come to now days because [ they, + ] there just doesn't seem like they do have time for their kids. / {C Because } [ most, + most ] of them, the father and mother both work, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } it's really rough. / {F Uh, } I have one neighbor [ that's, + ] {F uh, } the father is a fireman / {C and } he works {D like } four days on / {C and } it seems like he is suppose to come home for {D like } three or four days, / {C but } he can't make enough as a fireman to support his family, {D you know. } / {C So, } he's got a second job. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } [ he's, + {D you know } he's ] not home very often. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } that's, {D you know, } - / the kids I know miss that. /", "They # really do. # /", "# You know. # /", "{F Uh, } a family without a father, [ it's, + it's, ] {F uh } a really hard thing. /", "Yeah, {D you know } / {C and } I don't know, / [ I, + I ] suppose they are trying to get through to them that {D well } daddy is not home because, {D you know, } he is out working trying to make some money for, {D you know, } we can buy you this bike and that toy and so forth, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "Kids, I think would much rather have dad there than the toy anyway. /", "<Throat_clearing> {F Oh, } I am sure they would {D you know. } / {D So, } are you planning on, [ to + ] having any children / {C or, } -/", "{F Oh } yeah. / {F Oh } yeah. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# Uh-huh. / # {C But } we are, - / we just got married {D like, } {D like } December,/ {C so } we are going to wait a year. /", "{F Um. } Yeah. /", "# {C And, } #", "# {D Well } # that's good. /", "{C Then } we will try. /", "That's what my {F uh, } daughter-in-law told me. That they were going to have kids probably after two years of marriage. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they will be married nine years <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "this year. <laughter> / {C So, } I don't know. / She's a nurse, {D you know } / {C and, } {F uh, } she has brothers and sisters that has got lots of little kids, / {C so } maybe they just decided that, {F uh, } if they wanted to have kids around the house they would just {D you know } call one of their sisters or brothers up and tell them to send the kids over for the night. /", "Yeah, / that's a possibility. /", "You know. / # {C But, } {F uh, } # -/", "# {D Well, } We # really want to have a family. / We feel like [ that, + that ] couple {D you know, } you are not giving enough of yourself # / {C and } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- [ you should, + you should ] be sharing your family.", "Uh-huh, / {C so, } -/", "And giving your values, {D you know, } making something better of the world by raising up good kids <clicking> --", "Right. /", "-- and letting them know they're loved and stuff. /", "Right. / # Right. # /", "# [ Give them, + give them ] an edge, # / {C but, } we feel [ like, + like ] the first year needs to be devoted to, {F uh, } making the family, the couple strong --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and secure in their love for each other. /", "Right. / # Right. # /", "# {C But } then, # a family [ is, + is ] definitely a high priority. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } do you plan on staying home after you have your children / {C or } [ do you, + do you ] work or what? /", "{D Well, } {D well } [ [ I, + {F uh, } I ] am in, + I am in ] a different situation. / I am a missionary -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I am home on furlough. / It called, {D like } - / I have worked for four years in Africa / {C and } I come home for a year. /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } we go back for four years. / {C But } my husband and I will do the same job / {C and } we will be living [ in, + in ] Africa / {C and } we will be working together. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } [ we will, + we will ] share the job of raising the family. / {E I mean } as a mother I will have certain responsibilities that he might not necessarily have / {C but, } still we will share that job. /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "{C But } we have, - / then we have decisions that we have to make that are hard about schooling, like do you want to home school your kids on a computer program --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } that kind of thing -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C or } do you send them away to boarding school / {C and } if you do that when do you do it / {C and } that's a, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "02/04/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1508, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2019_0", "2019_1", "2019_2", "2019_3", "2019_4", "2019_5", "2019_6", "2019_7", "2019_8", "2019_9", "2019_10", "2019_11", "2019_12", "2019_13", "2019_14", "2019_15", "2019_16", "2019_17", "2019_18", "2019_19", "2019_20", "2019_21", "2019_22", "2019_23", "2019_24", "2019_25", "2019_26", "2019_27", "2019_28", "2019_29", "2019_30", "2019_31", "2019_32", "2019_33", "2019_34", "2019_35", "2019_36", "2019_37", "2019_38", "2019_39", "2019_40", "2019_41", "2019_42", "2019_43", "2019_44", "2019_45", "2019_46", "2019_47", "2019_48", "2019_49", "2019_50", "2019_51", "2019_52", "2019_53", "2019_54", "2019_55", "2019_56", "2019_57", "2019_58", "2019_59", "2019_60", "2019_61", "2019_62", "2019_63", "2019_64", "2019_65", "2019_66", "2019_67", "2019_68", "2019_69", "2019_70", "2019_71", "2019_72", "2019_73", "2019_74", "2019_75", "2019_76", "2019_77", "2019_78", "2019_79", "2019_80", "2019_81", "2019_82", "2019_83", "2019_84", "2019_85", "2019_86", "2019_87", "2019_88", "2019_89", "2019_90", "2019_91", "2019_92", "2019_93", "2019_94", "2019_95", "2019_96", "2019_97", "2019_98", "2019_99", "2019_100", "2019_101", "2019_102", "2019_103", "2019_104"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } do you have a pet Randy? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / currently we have a poodle. /", "A poodle, miniature or, {F uh, } full size? /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } it's, {F uh } miniature. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "I read somewhere that, the poodles is one of [ the, + the ] most intelligent dogs, {F uh, } around. /", "{D Well, } {F um, } [ I wouldn't, + {F uh, } I definitely wouldn't ] dispute that, / [ it, + it's ] actually my wife's dog, {F uh, } [ I, + I ] became part owner six months ago when we got married, / {C but, } {F uh, } it, {F uh, } definitely responds [ to, + {F uh, } to ] authority / {C and, } I've had dogs in the past / {C and, } {F uh, } [ it seems, + it seems ] to, {F uh, } respond real well, / it, it - / [ she's, + she's ] picked up a lot of things, {F uh, } [ just, + just ] by, {F uh, } teaching by force, I guess is what I'd like to say. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / {C So, } [ you, + you've ] only known the dog, [ wh-, + ] how long did you say. /", "{D Well, } about a year I guess. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } {F uh, } is it, - / {F uh, } {F uh, } how old is the dog? /", "It just turned two, I believe. /", "{F Oh, } it's still just a pup. /", "Pretty much, / yeah, / yeah. /", "Yeah, / I have a, {F uh, } {D well } a mutt, myself. / I call it a, {F uh, } {F uh, } (( Chowperd )) . /", "Okay. /", "It's, {F uh, } part Chow and part Shepherd / {C and } it, - / as I understand it, {F uh, } both sides of the, were thoroughbreds. - / {C So, } she's a genuine (( Chowperd )) . /", "{F Oh, } that sounds interesting. /", "She has [ the, + the ] color and the black [ to-, + tongue ] of a Chow, / {C but, } {F uh, } she has [ the shap-, + the shape ] of the, {F uh, } {F uh, } Shepherd. /", "{F Oh, } [ that's, + that's ] neat. / [ How, + about how ] big then? /", "{F Oh, } she weighs in at about fifty pounds, / {C so } she's a medium size. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / Most definitely. / Yeah. /", "{C and } right from day one, she was teaching me./", "{F Oh, } I wouldn't doubt it, / yeah. /", "<Laughter> She's the most intelligent dog I've ever seen. / Course, I'm a little prejudiced, of course. /", "{D Well } that's understandable, / yeah, / it's, {F uh, } -/", "<Throat_clearing> {D You know, } the first time I brought her home, she was only, {F uh, } was it six weeks old. / {C And } I spread the newspapers out in the kitchen area. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } next morning, she let me know in no uncertain terms that she wanted to use the bathroom. /", "Okay. /", "{C So, } on next night, I spread the newspaper in the bathroom / {C and } she used them there. /", "Oh. /", "{C But } it wasn't too long until she, {F uh, } found out she could wait until I let her out in the morning. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } since then, [ I, + I ] live alone, /", "Okay. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } I live in motor home, / by the way, I'm, {F uh, } an [ R V, + full time R V -er, ] / {C and } [ it's, + it's ] such a pleasure to come home at night / {C and } you can see her smiling from ear to ear, she's so happy to see me. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / definitely. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I don't know if you get that kind of greeting or not. /", "Yeah, / I can honestly say we do, {F uh, } we, {F uh, } just recently put a security system in our house / {C and so } now, {F uh, } in order [ to, + {F uh, } to ] accommodate the motion detectors we have to keep her, {F uh, } {F uh, } locked up in [ the, + the ] master bedroom during the day / {C and then } she's got [ the, + the ] bedroom and the bathroom [ to, + ] for free run during the day / {C but, }", "Uh-huh. /", "we've always [ got, + {F uh, } got ] a nose and tongue pressed up against the window when we come walking up to the front door. /", "<Laughter>.", "She's definitely ready to get out and run around./ Really. /", "{F Uh, } she'd rather [ sle-, + sleep ] outside on [ the, + the ] cold ground at night. /", "{F Oh } wow. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I do make her come in. /", "Yeah. /", "And I feed her indoors, that's to lure her in, / {C but } during the day I have her [ on a, + {F uh, } on a ] leash,", "Okay. /", "which is, {F uh, } on sort of a run. / I have [ a, + a ] thirty foot cable,", "Okay. /", "running from one stake to another, / {C and then } attached to that is a, {F uh, } twelve foot leash, /", "Okay. /", "{C so } she can cover quite an area. /", "Most definitely. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } she's the best, {F uh, } burglar alarm going. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / <laughter> yeah / that's, {F uh, } definite security involved [ in, + {F uh, } in ] a dog like that. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / she, {F uh, } - / it's the strangest thing, though, {F uh, } children, no matter how strange they are, or how new they might be can walk, {F uh, } right up to her, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } adults, if they're strange to her, [ or, + or ] they look suspicious or something, {D boy } she acts like she wants to chew their leg off. /", "Wow. /", "{C And } I have not discovered yet where [ the, + the ] line is between children and adults. /", "Yeah, / that's interesting. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } she is a great comfort to me. /", "Yeah, / I know our dog has had, {F uh, } some different reactions, / she's never really been around children / {C and, } {F uh, } [ if, + if ] the child [ is, + is ] pretty straight forward, {F um, } she's fine. / [ If, + if ] a child is a little intimidated, she'll jump around [ and, + and ] yip and bark quite a bit, / {C and } if the child gets scared, {F uh, } she's still trying to play, but she doesn't completely understand what's going on / {C and } we've had a little confusion [ with, + with, ] {F uh, } with younger kids. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } {D you know, } that's, - / it's a matter of exposure really. / {F Um, } we, {F uh, } took her home to, {F uh, } my family's place in South Dakota, / {C and } she was the one that was intimidated then. / There was about seven kids ranging from about, {F uh, } three years to ten years running around the house all at one time,", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{D you know } come to visit Grandpa and Grandma / {C and, } the dog [ kind of, + kind of ] felt out of place then because [ she was, + she was ] being fed, and everything else from all directions. / She really didn't know how to handle herself. /", "You mean she didn't appreciate all that attention./", "She really did, / she just, {F uh, } - / [ [ she, + she ] was alm-, + she was ] just inundated [ with, + with ] all the attention. / {F Uh, } [ [ she, + she ] kind of, + she kind of ] sat and (( )) it all in for a little while - / {C and then } she'd go get back in and try to play [ and, + and ] what not, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ it was, + it was ] just [ such a, + such a ] new experience for her. / She's only been around one [ and, + and ] sometimes two people at the most / {C so, } {F uh. } -/", "Uh-huh. / What's her name by the way? /", "{F Uh, } pardon? /", "[ What, + what ] do you call the dog? /", "{F Oh, } it's, {F uh, } Mitzi. /", "Mitzi. /", "Yeah. /", "Mine is Gin. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "As in, {F uh, } martini. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> {D Actually, } it's Gin two. /", "[ I, + I ] see. /", "{C Because, } {F uh, } when I was a teenager, in high school, I had Gin one, / {C but } then when I went out in the world, I couldn't take her with me. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / yeah, / I had, {F uh, } a similar, {F uh, } experience. / [ I, + I ] grew up on a farm / {C so } I always had, {F uh, } outdoor pets / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } the dog I had when I moved to Dallas about five years ago was a, {F uh, } Springer Spaniel, black Lab cross. / {C And } he was [ a real, + a real ] lovable type,", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "but, {F uh, } definitely not an apartment type animal / {C so } [ he, + {F uh, } he ] had to stay home. /", "{F Oh, } what a shame. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / it really was. / He, {F uh, } apparently had a tough time with it for a little while / {C and then } [ [ he, + he ] got, + he came ] to accept the fact that Mom and Dad were his company from then on, / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "Uh-huh, / {F oh } {D well. } /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well } Randy, we've just about used up our time here, /", "Okay. /", "{C and } I must say it was interesting. /", "Most definitely. /", "I enjoyed talking about pets with you. /", "{D Well } that's great. /", "Maybe we'll get together again in the future. /", "That sounds real good. /", "Take care now. /", "You too. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "03/06/1991", "from_caller": 1052, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1930, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1142, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2025_0", "2025_1", "2025_2", "2025_3", "2025_4", "2025_5", "2025_6", "2025_7", "2025_8", "2025_9", "2025_10", "2025_11", "2025_12", "2025_13", "2025_14", "2025_15", "2025_16", "2025_17", "2025_18", "2025_19", "2025_20", "2025_21", "2025_22", "2025_23", "2025_24", "2025_25", "2025_26", "2025_27", "2025_28", "2025_29", "2025_30", "2025_31", "2025_32", "2025_33", "2025_34", "2025_35", "2025_36", "2025_37", "2025_38", "2025_39", "2025_40", "2025_41", "2025_42", "2025_43", "2025_44", "2025_45", "2025_46", "2025_47", "2025_48", "2025_49", "2025_50", "2025_51", "2025_52", "2025_53", "2025_54", "2025_55", "2025_56", "2025_57", "2025_58", "2025_59", "2025_60", "2025_61", "2025_62", "2025_63", "2025_64", "2025_65", "2025_66", "2025_67", "2025_68", "2025_69", "2025_70", "2025_71", "2025_72", "2025_73", "2025_74", "2025_75", "2025_76", "2025_77", "2025_78"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["All right, / Amy, how are you doing today? /", "Fine, / fine. /", "All right, / I think we know what we're going to speak about. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } I tell you what, I'll start off. / How's that? /", "Okay, / you go ahead. /", "{F Um, } I personally think to set a mark with the judicial system and we're talking about [ criminals, +", "Uh-huh. /", "criminal ] cases that they should bring back hangings on weekends,", "In public places. /", "in public places. / There is one state that does that, by the way. /", "Really? / What is that? /", "I want to say Oklahoma, / I saw something the other night about it. /", "{F Um. } /", "They don't do them real often.", "Yeah. /", "Which is obviously the death penalty. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } {C but } I think if we quit, {F uh, } building, these Taj Mahals with the color T V -s and [ sixty dol-, + sixty thousand ] a year to keep an inmate in there [ [ on a, + on a, ] + on a ] life sentence, we should start hanging them and get it over with / {C and } let's just screwing up the system. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } the sentences are so unbelievable. / I just saw on the news last night, that they said the average time a sentenced murderer, {D you know, } is in jail is two years before he's paroled, and a rapists is {D like } six months,", "That's pathetic. /", "and a burglar is {D like } two months. /", "That's pathetic. /", "{C Because } they just say there's either no room in the system, {D you know, } in the jails for them / {C or, } {D you know, } it's just that, it seems like the automatic sentences, [ if, + if ] a judge has leeway, on what he's going to, {D you know, } sentence someone for between, {D you know, } two months and fifty years and, {D you know, } what's his whim to decide it should be two months. /", "This is true, /", "{D You know, } it's crazy. /", "[ an, + ] {C and } the way the law reads, {F uh, } if they sentence you to life in prison, then he's available for parole. / If it's life and a day, then he's not eligible for parole. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } what, {D you know, } - / let's quit B S -ing with the system. /", "{D Well } even if it's life, like you say, we end up spending sixty thousand dollars a year to keep some, {D you know, } joker in there for life. / We could spend that money, {D you know, } for children that are starving, or twelve million other things would be more useful than that. /", "Exactly. /", "{C So } to me if somebody has life, {D you know, } beyond a reasonable doubt [ they should, + that should ] be it. /", "A life for a life. /", "You know particularly for some of these really, {E I mean, } - / there are so many just major, major serial murders,/ it's not just like one instance, or something, it's just, {F uh, } horrifying, some of the murders that go on. /", "The old Charles Manson case. / {E I mean } the guy [ is really, + ]", "Yeah, / an, - / yeah, / there's just everyday you hear on the news of another one like that. /", "just shouldn't be allowed [ to, + to ] [ even, + even ] live. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } about the issue about sentencing by the judge. -/", "Uh-huh. /", "<Breathing> [ The, + the ] judge presently has an opportunity to intervene, {F uh, } [ when there's a, + {A my understanding, } when there's {F uh, } a ] verdict / {C and } it - / for example there's a hung jury here in Fort Worth, today, in eight to four / {C and } bam, bam the guy got off. / {F Uh, } [ he was, + he was ] a veterinarian, and killed two, a father and a son, okay. /", "Right, / yeah, / I heard about that on the news. /", "{F Uh, } it kind of gets back to the second request, / we've been asked to look at, [ is + ] most criminal cases requiring an unanimous verdict. / In a situation like that, I'd say no, / let's just go like a regular vote. / Eight to four tells me that there were eight, / there's a certain [ perc-, + percentage ] of the people there, with [ sixty percent of the people, + {F uh, } seventy percent of the people ] said, hey,", "Right. /", "they guys guilty. /", "Rather than have to retrial the [ whole, + whole ] thing and spend all the money for people to, {F uh, } {D you know, } go back to court and all the lawyers / {C and, } {E I mean } it just winds up costing the taxpayers [ a, + {D you know, } a ] fortune to keep doing that. /", "Exactly. /", "{C And } the victims, {D you know, } the family of these people that have been murdered, they just have to have it dragged on for years and years before they ever get any resolution. /", "Exactly, / {C because } it's not next day they have, the, start the trial, it's X number of months and just prolongs the situation that much more. /", "Right, / yeah, / yeah. /", "I think [ that, + that ] [ if it's, + if it's ] not a split decision, go with the highest number / {C and } let's just get on with the program. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C But } as far as the sentencing by the judge, I would have to vote against that since there is a jury, because that's what the juries are for is to make the decision. /", "Yeah, / yeah, /", "{F Uh, } what are your feelings? /", "{D Well } if I, - / I saw on one of the talk shows this woman judge, I believe from Florida, / {C and } she just has, [ just + ] really stiff penalties / {C and } I saw that [ [ in, + in ] the hands of a judge that really was conscientious and really, {D you know, } took the pains to give a sentence for what was deserved, [ it could, + you could ] have [ a, + a ] judge that would really make a good impact. / {C But } likewise, you could have the flip side, and have some judge that was paid off or, {D you know, } had [ go-, + ] a good old boy network / {C or } for whatever reasons, {D you know, } politics, just let all kinds of people through / {C so, } [ he, + he ] would have a heck, or she would have a heck of a lot of power, {D you know, } if used wrongly. / {C So } at least the jury system does something to prevent that, {D you know, } or help it with it anyway. / I don't know if it prevents it, / {C but, } seems like the jury system does have it's advantages. / {C But } [ I also, + I've also ] heard on trials that sometimes they go through {D like } three hundred jurors before they hand pick these jurors that they think are going to be the ones that are going to be the most lenient, {D you know, } / {C and } I don't know how much they're getting just a jury of their peers, at that point, they're really getting a select group. / It's not just random people. /", "{F Um. } /", "It almost should be the first twelve people that they, {D you know, } have on a list <laughter> are the ones that are on the jury / {C and } that's it. /", "Yeah, / I get back to Price's comment when he, {F uh, } was found guilty he said {D well } he didn't have any blacks, {F uh, } {D you know, } from his neck of the woods. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well } give me a break, {D you know. } /", "He'd have to have his whole family up there for him to feel like he's got his peers or something, / yeah. /", "Exactly, / yeah, / yeah. / {E I mean } [ you're, + you're ] in Dallas / {C so } everybody, - / I can't believe they can, - / {F uh, } {D like } in a murder situations, they look for juries who don't know anything about the system, well or know anything about [ the, + the ] occurrence, / you'd have to be pretty dense, /", "Yeah. /", "[ you'd be, + you'd either have to be ] in a cave not to know what's going on, or moving it to Lubbock,", "Yeah. /", "or somewhere, possibly is not the answer. /", "{F Oh, } they'd have to move it to Taiwan for people not to know about it practically. /", "This is true, so true. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{D Well } this has been an interesting conversation. /", "{D Well, } {D really, } this [ is, + ] breaks up my afternoon from changing diapers and mopping floors, {E I mean, } / what can I say. /", "{D So, } you're at the house you're not at the plant. /", "No, / I'm at home with two little [ ki-, + ] preschoolers./ My husband works for T I. /", "{F Oh, } that's good, / that's good. / I thought I heard a holler there in the background, / {C but } I wasn't sure. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / I've got the dog and two kids waiting here, / I'm just locked up in the laundry room <laughter>./", "{F Oh } goodness, / {D well, } I'll let you get, -/", "Okay, / thanks a lot. / Bye-bye. /", "I enjoyed it. / Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "03/06/1991", "from_caller": 1061, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1957, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1064, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 9, "to_caller_birth_year": 1951, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2071_0", "2071_1", "2071_2", "2071_3", "2071_4", "2071_5", "2071_6", "2071_7", "2071_8", "2071_9", "2071_10", "2071_11", "2071_12", "2071_13", "2071_14", "2071_15", "2071_16", "2071_17", "2071_18", "2071_19", "2071_20", "2071_21", "2071_22", "2071_23", "2071_24", "2071_25", "2071_26", "2071_27", "2071_28", "2071_29", "2071_30", "2071_31", "2071_32", "2071_33", "2071_34", "2071_35", "2071_36", "2071_37", "2071_38", "2071_39", "2071_40", "2071_41", "2071_42", "2071_43", "2071_44", "2071_45", "2071_46", "2071_47", "2071_48", "2071_49", "2071_50", "2071_51", "2071_52", "2071_53", "2071_54", "2071_55", "2071_56", "2071_57", "2071_58", "2071_59", "2071_60", "2071_61", "2071_62", "2071_63", "2071_64", "2071_65", "2071_66", "2071_67", "2071_68", "2071_69", "2071_70", "2071_71", "2071_72", "2071_73", "2071_74"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / Ellen what kind of a car do you think you're going to buy? <<TV and background noise>>. /", "{D Well, } as a matter of fact, I was thinking about that the other day, / {C and, } {F uh, } I really don't know the answer, <laughter>, / {F uh, } I would sort of like to, {F uh, } think about something in the way of, {F uh, } {F uh, } sort of a sporty car but [ not any, + not, {D you know, } a ] luxury type sporty one. /", "Yeah. /", "But, {F um, } something that still has a lots of amenities and, {D you know, } gadgets and things. /", "{F Oh, } you do want a lot of that stuff? /", "Yeah, / {D well, } yeah / [ I like, + I like ] some of those things. / They come in really handy <<clicking sounds in background>>. /", "What kind of, {F uh, } things are you going to consider, / {D you know, } [ what, + ] {F uh, } you said something [ about the, + about the, ] - / {D well, } what do you call them, / you said amenities,", "Amenities. /", "that they have, / {C but } what about, {F um, } their reputation of the company or the price. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } of course, I guess, {F uh, } price is always the big consideration, / {C but, } -/", "It is for me, / other people,", "yeah. /", "don't seem to have the same problem <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } [ that's, + that's ] a big one in my book, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but, } {F uh, } {F um, } I have preferences [ for, + {F uh, } for ] some, {F uh, } makers over others, {F um, } / {C and } I would sort of like to buy American, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but, } {D you know, } I'm not so totally hung up on that, that <<clicking sounds>> I wouldn't buy something else, / how about you? /", "{D Well, } {F um, } the last car (( we )) bought was American [ because of, + because of ] that reason, / {C but } (( have )) not been entirely happy with, {F uh, } several things about the car, - / it doesn't seem like the quality is quite as high as I expected it to be. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{C Because } several things, minor things sort of, - / {C but } still they cost us money, {F um, } that we didn't feel like we should have had to pay, on a car [ that, + that ] was that new,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } / we bought the car new / {C and } after, - / {F um, } {D well, } {D well, } {D well } under two years we had to replace the clutch. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } they just said, {D well, } {D you know, } clutches are (( disposable )) , / {C and } I said, since when? /", "Yeah. /", "Brake pads are (( disposable )) ,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } / we know that, / {C but } I never thought a clutch was disposable./", "Yeah, / I wouldn't have thought so either. /", "Yeah, / {C so } [ that was, + that was ] kind of a shock <laughter>. /", "Oh. / Yeah, / [ I, + I ] guess there's a lot [ to, + to ] think about when you're trying to make that decision. /", "Yeah, / {D you know, } [ the less {D actually, } + the less ] you spend on a car it seems like luxury cars, - / they're called luxury cars even though they're much more expensive [ like, + like, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } a Mercedes Benz, / they don't have the history of breaking down or things like that, that would go wrong would definitely not be considered disposable. /", "Right. /", "You would never think of having to replace the clutch in a Mercedes,", "No / {C but } then, -/", "especially not after two years. /", "No, / {C but } on the other hand, I guess, too, {F uh, } whenever you do have to have some major work done on one of those it costs a fortune. /", "Really? / {F Oh } I don't know. /", "Yeah, / I've, {F uh, } worked with a couple of people who have owned, {F uh, } various years, {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "Mercedes / {C and, } even though they do a lot of the work themself [ then + ] just buying the parts and everything [ is, + is ] pretty expensive. / {C But } for them [ it's, + it's ] sort of a hobby, too,", "Yeah. /", "to own them (( )) . /", "What kind of, - / what brand of car are you thinking about buying / {C or } (( {D like } )) what things are you looking at? /", "{D Well, } I haven't [ re-, + really ] gotten that far with it, {F um, } / I've always sort of liked General Motors,", "Uh-huh. /", "a little bit better than some of the others / {C but, } {F uh, } {F oh, } I guess, I really don't know. /", "How come (( )) - / I've been kind of, {F um, } - / I guess the commercials are getting to me, the Toyota commercials, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } I know that a lot of people [ I've, + I've ] known that have had Toyotas have been just extremely happy with them, [ that + ] hardly had any problems at all. /", "Yeah, / that, - / I think that's, -/", "I think they have a really good, {F uh, } quality./", "Uh-huh. / My, {F uh, } daughter has owned two different ones,/ {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } we've had some work done on them / {C but } it's not too bad, / {C and } the reason, - / one of the reasons we, {F um, } bought the first one was because a friend of ours had a Toyota that he just really drove for years and years and years / {C and } he lived way out in the country / {C so } he put a lot of miles on it, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } you knew it [ had, + had ] been through a whole lot, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } yet, {D you know, } [ it, + it ] held up pretty doggone good, / {C so, }", "Yeah. /", "I thought they would <clicking>, -/", "They seem to be really durable. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } I don't know, / [ I'm, + I'm ] not ready to buy a new car yet, / {C but } I don't know, [ if, + if ] the next time I'm going to try [ to, + to ] stay with buying something American or if I'm going to go for a little more, what I would consider to be a long-term investment <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } - / {C and } I guess, {D you know, } you always have to think about things like, your gas mileage and stuff like that, {D you know, } - / you ... -/", "{F Oh, } it's easy to get gas mileage in this car,/", "Yeah / <<background noise>>.", "it gets excellent gas mileage. /", "Yeah, / that's one of the big throwing cards for, some of the foreign ones <<noise like one music note>>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<<Pause>> {D Well, } we talked long enough <laughter>. /", "I think so. /", "Okay, / {D well, } enjoyed it. /", "All righty, / thanks <</TV and background noise>>. /", "# Bye-bye. # /", "# Bye-bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BUYING A CAR", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU THINK YOU MIGHT BUY NEXT? WHAT SORTS OF THINGS WILL ENTER INTO YOUR DECISION? SEE IF YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND THE OTHER CALLER'S REQUIREMENTS ARE SIMILAR.", "talk_day": "03/08/1991", "from_caller": 1013, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1957, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1016, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1945, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2110_0", "2110_1", "2110_2", "2110_3", "2110_4", "2110_5", "2110_6", "2110_7", "2110_8", "2110_9", "2110_10", "2110_11", "2110_12", "2110_13", "2110_14", "2110_15", "2110_16", "2110_17", "2110_18", "2110_19", "2110_20", "2110_21", "2110_22", "2110_23", "2110_24", "2110_25", "2110_26", "2110_27", "2110_28", "2110_29", "2110_30", "2110_31", "2110_32", "2110_33", "2110_34", "2110_35", "2110_36", "2110_37", "2110_38", "2110_39", "2110_40", "2110_41", "2110_42", "2110_43", "2110_44", "2110_45", "2110_46", "2110_47", "2110_48", "2110_49", "2110_50", "2110_51", "2110_52", "2110_53", "2110_54", "2110_55", "2110_56", "2110_57", "2110_58", "2110_59", "2110_60", "2110_61", "2110_62", "2110_63", "2110_64", "2110_65", "2110_66", "2110_67", "2110_68", "2110_69", "2110_70", "2110_71", "2110_72", "2110_73", "2110_74", "2110_75", "2110_76", "2110_77", "2110_78", "2110_79", "2110_80", "2110_81", "2110_82", "2110_83", "2110_84", "2110_85", "2110_86", "2110_87", "2110_88", "2110_89", "2110_90", "2110_91", "2110_92", "2110_93", "2110_94", "2110_95", "2110_96", "2110_97", "2110_98", "2110_99", "2110_100", "2110_101", "2110_102", "2110_103", "2110_104", "2110_105", "2110_106", "2110_107", "2110_108", "2110_109", "2110_110", "2110_111", "2110_112", "2110_113", "2110_114", "2110_115", "2110_116", "2110_117", "2110_118", "2110_119", "2110_120", "2110_121", "2110_122", "2110_123", "2110_124", "2110_125", "2110_126", "2110_127", "2110_128", "2110_129", "2110_130"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {D well, } go ahead, / I'll let you start. /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } I was thinking about whether or not we should have people, {F uh, } be required to do public service for a year or two. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I was thinking that you needed to put some waivers in there for the handicapped and also for people that had to stay home and maybe be wage earners for their family, / {C or } they had somebody at home that was ill that they had to tend to. / {E I mean, } you can't make it everybody. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{C But } then you need to make it sure that the rich people can't buy somebody off [ and, + and ] maybe send them in their places or get out of it some other way too. /", "<TV> Uh-huh, / {C or } it could be like the draft where, {D you know, } before they draft you, [ they ta-, + ] {F uh, } you get a physical anyway. / {C So } when they send you a draft notice and [ then + ] they give you a physical - / {C and } if there's nothing physically wrong with you, then you're drafted. / It doesn't matter how rich you are. /", "<Laughter>.", "That would be good. /", "{C And then } we could maybe give physicals to the rest of the family members, / right. /", "What did you say? /", "Give physicals to the rest of the family members / {C and } they all had to pass. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh. } /", "{F Uh, } I thought it a good idea too, though would be to extend this and make people that are accepting public welfare have to do something along this line before they got any money. /", "Uh-huh, / that's true. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } if they did this, maybe help them out in their college cost / {C and } maybe they could pay people for doing this, at least something, / {C so } they [ co-, + could ] subsist. /", "{D Well } that's true. / America's paying all this money to have other people give, {F uh, } aid to other countries, / {C so } they could be paying their own people and training their own people at the same time. /", "Yeah. /", "{C Because, } {D actually, } [ when you, + when you ] do, {F uh, } service overseas you end up learning something, usually [ that's, + that's ] really useful, plumbing, or farming, [ or, + or ] something like that, / {C so } you're really learning a skill </TV>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } you know all these old people, they would get out of this right. / All the ones that are already retired. - / {C So } what we could do is take all the retired people that are going around in their big mobile homes and they could do public service all over the country. /", "<Child> <<in background>> What did you say? / Uh-huh. /", "I'm just teasing <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I, ] think, {D well } that's probably the idea, / I don't know whether the idea is to be within the country, or outside the country. /", "{D Well } I thought it would be a good idea if maybe you took some of the kids and had them go over to other countries / {C and } children from their countries came over to ours too, a trade off. /", "Yeah, / that would be neat, / yeah / sort of like an exchange program. /", "Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } other than that, I can't think of any other ideas. /", "Yeah, / that'd be sort of neat. / I like the idea of, {F uh, } being, {F uh, } a mandatory thing for welfare. / Course that's what, {F um, } - / that's sort of like what Truman had, / {C or } was it Roosevelt, / I can't remember, {F um, } / with the big, -/", "{F Oh } with W P A. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "Getting people, {F uh, } - / [ the, + the ] work program and [ all the, + all the ] make work jobs. / That was sort of public service in a way all the highways they started building. /", "{C And } we're still using those things too. /", "What did you say? /", "We're still using those things. /", "Yeah, / that's true a lot of them are still out there. /", "<Laughter>.", "Like all these wonderful highways in West Virginia and no one knows why. /", "They built lodges before too, like at Caddo Lake./", "Lake what? /", "Caddo Lake. /", "Caddo Lake. /", "It's between Texas and Louisiana, / it crosses into both of them. /", "No, / I've never heard of it. /", "{D Well, } it's real pretty, / it's like a swamp. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{D You know } with all the Spanish moss on the trees, [ it's really, + it's eerie. ] /", "{F Oh } okay, / real pretty, like a swamp, / {F oh } yeah. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / yeah, / I been, {F uh, } - / I [ got, + ] {F uh, } talked to someone else before that was [ a, + {F uh, } a ] Texan, / {C but } I guess [ that's, + {F uh, } that's ] what we're going to have. / This is, {F uh, } a T I experiment to see how talk,/ Texans talk to other people. /", "<Laughter> I don't know, / where are you from? /", "{F Uh, } Virginia. /", "Virginia, / {F oh, } that's neat, / I talked to somebody from Ohio the other night./", "{F Oh } yeah, / it is neat to get other people. Especially since you got other, {F uh, } ideas about [ how people, + {F uh, } how people ] react to things and stuff. Especially when it comes to, {F um, } social services. / {F Uh, } {F uh, } I'm glad they have a lot of, {F uh, } {F um, } {D you know, } topics on social services, because, like this thing, this is a pretty good idea. / I didn't even know if they were thinking about it./ I wonder if they thought about it themselves or whether someone, somewhere is really thinking, that, {F uh, } it would be a good idea to have everybody spend some time in public service. /", "There is somebody / {C and } [ I, + (( )) , {F uh, } I ] can't remember who it is / {C but } there's a really famous, - / of dang, - / I can't remember. /", "Politicians pushing it, [ [ or, + {F uh } --", "That proposed it, / I read something in PEOPLE about it. /", "-- or ] Mitch Snider. +", "Huh. /", "Or Mitch Snider. ] /", "Mitch Snider, I don't know who Mitch Snider is. /", "<Child> {F Oh, } okay, / {D well } {D see } that's a D C thing. / Mitch Snider is [ the, + the ] advocate for the homeless that, {F uh, } [ he, + he's ] said it out here in Washington / {C but } he started [ the + {F um, } {F uh, } the ] movement for creative nonviolence. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / he started that / {C and } [ that, + that ] was basically a, {D you know, } donate time and money to, {F uh, } help the homeless, - / {C but, } {F uh. }", "What have your other topics been? /", "Excus-, {F uh, } - / the other topic was, like I said, {F uh, } something about politicians. / I can't remember exactly what it was. / It was real general statement <dishes>. /", "I had one that I hated. / It was what meal would you cook for, {F uh, } {F uh } special dinner <laughter>. /", "Gee whiz <child>, / yeah. /", "How far can you go with that one, / right. /", "Yeah. /", "Another one, though, that was good was, {F uh, } what do you think about the social changes for the last ten, twenty and thirty years / {C and } what do you think has caused some of the social problems. /", "Uh-huh, / that would be neat. / I'd have to basically say my birth. / *[[humor]]", "That's probably the best one. / {C And } we had to talk about air pollution too./ What do you think is causing it / {C and } what should we do about it? /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } that would be sort of interesting because then you get people from [ other countries, + {E I mean } other parts ] of the state, {D you know, } - / of course Pittsburgh, would say, {D you know, } {F oh, } find the better cheaper ways of burning coal, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh, / right. /", "Cleaner ways of burning coal - / {C and } people in the South would say don't burn coal, {D you know. } /", "{C Because } we don't have much coal. /", "{F Oh } we have a lot of coal <laughter>. /", "In Virginia. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] a dirty fuel, that's for sure. /", "Yeah, / {D well } how did you get into this program. /", "<Child_talking> {E Excuse me. } How did I get into it, {F oh, } / I'm an electrical engineer here in Virginia. /", "For T I. /", "No. /", "No. /", "{F Uh, } no, / they, - / I'm in a telecommunications company / {C and } they, {F uh, } sent it out in our bulk mail so that if any engineers wanted to participate, {D you know. } -/", "{C So } does your company have something to do with T I. /", "{F Um, } not really, / {E I mean } no more than any other company, {D you know, } / we buy their parts just as much as anybody else. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ no, + no ] real association with T I other than being in the same [ industry, + electronics industry. ] /", "Huh, / uh-huh. /", "[ They just, + {F uh, } they just ] sent out a letter to everybody they do business with saying, that {D you know, } if you're interested we're doing a study / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] since, -/", "{C And } do you know [ how much, + how long ] this is supposed to go on. /", "I don't know, / no / I don't. /", "I don't either. / {E I mean } it says just keep on until - / {C and } they'll notify you. / At first I was thinking it was just a week because that's all it shows, {D you know, } on the schedule / {C but } then it seems like it might be longer than a week. /", "Right. /", "{C So } what do you think we're going to get? /", "What do you think, / what. -/", "What do you think we're going to get for this? /", "Get. /", "Money, / prizes. /", "{F Oh, } I don't know. /", "Do you know anybody that's ever done this? /", "[ Get your own, + you're going to get you own ] T I seven (( )) thirty-two or something. /", "I know T I gets prizes. /", "{F Oh, } I didn't hear about that. / Probably for T I employees. /", "I was led to believe that if you weren't T I that you get money. / I'm not T I. /", "{F Oh, } your not, - / *[[typo your -> you're]] you don't work for Texas Instruments. /", "Huh-uh. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "Let's see, one of my friends had a roommate that worked for T I / {C and } she saw this on her computer --", "Oh. /", "-- and thought it might be neat, / {C so } she ran off copies of the thing. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } I just signed up for it. /", "{F Oh, } {F oh, } that's a neat idea. /", "Yeah. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / {D well } he's gotten a good mix. / I was saying because I've, - / like I said, I heard some other people talking that they've talked to different people in different states and stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's good, especially since you call that one eight hundred number / [ {C so, } + {C so } ] probably knock T I profits margin way down. -/", "<Laughter> {C And } it shouldn't be too good right now anyway, because they've been laying off so many people. /", "Yeah / right, / this is probably some government study program./", "Yeah / really, / {C so } we're footing the bill on our taxes. /", "Okay. / Okay, / {D well } I enjoyed talking with you. /", "Okay, / {D well } thanks a bunch, / we'll talk to you later, / bye. /", "I'm going to save my two year old from the pile of grapes she's diving into. /", "{D Well } I'm going to try to (( )) clean up the house after my two children for about an hour see if we can walk around. /", "Okay / [ we'll + I'll ] talk to you. /", "# Bye. # /", "# Bye-bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "UNIVERSAL PBLIC SERV", "prompt": "SEE HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT THE PROPOSAL THAT ALL YOUNG AMERICANS SHOULD SPEND A YEAR OR TWO DOING SOME KIND OF PUBLIC SERVICE", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1071, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1951, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1174, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["2585_0", "2585_1", "2585_2", "2585_3", "2585_4", "2585_5", "2585_6", "2585_7", "2585_8", "2585_9", "2585_10", "2585_11", "2585_12", "2585_13", "2585_14", "2585_15", "2585_16", "2585_17", "2585_18", "2585_19", "2585_20", "2585_21", "2585_22", "2585_23", "2585_24", "2585_25", "2585_26", "2585_27", "2585_28", "2585_29", "2585_30", "2585_31", "2585_32", "2585_33", "2585_34", "2585_35", "2585_36", "2585_37", "2585_38", "2585_39", "2585_40", "2585_41", "2585_42", "2585_43", "2585_44", "2585_45", "2585_46", "2585_47", "2585_48", "2585_49", "2585_50", "2585_51", "2585_52", "2585_53", "2585_54", "2585_55", "2585_56", "2585_57", "2585_58", "2585_59", "2585_60", "2585_61", "2585_62", "2585_63", "2585_64", "2585_65", "2585_66", "2585_67", "2585_68", "2585_69", "2585_70", "2585_71", "2585_72", "2585_73", "2585_74", "2585_75", "2585_76", "2585_77", "2585_78", "2585_79", "2585_80", "2585_81", "2585_82", "2585_83", "2585_84", "2585_85", "2585_86", "2585_87", "2585_88", "2585_89", "2585_90", "2585_91", "2585_92", "2585_93", "2585_94", "2585_95", "2585_96", "2585_97", "2585_98", "2585_99", "2585_100", "2585_101", "2585_102", "2585_103", "2585_104", "2585_105", "2585_106", "2585_107", "2585_108", "2585_109", "2585_110", "2585_111", "2585_112", "2585_113", "2585_114", "2585_115", "2585_116", "2585_117", "2585_118", "2585_119", "2585_120", "2585_121", "2585_122", "2585_123", "2585_124", "2585_125", "2585_126", "2585_127", "2585_128", "2585_129", "2585_130", "2585_131", "2585_132", "2585_133", "2585_134", "2585_135", "2585_136", "2585_137", "2585_138", "2585_139", "2585_140", "2585_141", "2585_142", "2585_143", "2585_144", "2585_145", "2585_146", "2585_147", "2585_148", "2585_149", "2585_150", "2585_151", "2585_152", "2585_153"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello. /", "Hello <laughter>. / [ I was, + I was ] thinking about our topic for the night <laughter>. {F Um, } immigration problems. / We have immigration problems / {C and } what [ do, + do ] you think about it? <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I think it's a very, very complicated, /", "# Huh. # /", "# {C and } # I sort of, [ I + ] see perspectives on all sides. / {F Um, } {C and } I've [ re-, have + ] no hope for solutions. / {C But, } {F uh, } I do keep myself somewhat abreast of the issue. / I have worked [ with, + {F uh, } {F uh, } a little bit with ] refugees from,", "# <Child_laughing>. #", "# Southeast # Asia, {F uh, } who've come over. {F Uh, } {D you know, } to escape the genocide programs that are over there. / And [ seen, + ] {D you know, } heard about some of the problems that they've had./ {C And } I'm also fairly sensitive to the issues about how open should the borders be. / {C Because } I, in general, like a smaller rather than a larger population,", "Uh-huh. /", "to the land area. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, }", "Where are you? /", "I'm in California,", "# {D See, } # -/", "# which # has a lot of immigration. Probably more than any where else in the country, though I'm not sure if that's the case. /", "{D Well, } we've got a lot too. / I'm in Texas. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "In Garland, right outside of Dallas. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C So, } we're getting a large <sigh>, - / {F oh, } gosh, I don't know, / I think there's {D like } twenty-six different languages now, that are spoken in [ I, + the I S D. ] Dallas Innercity School District. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> Cambodians, {F uh, } Asians, Vietnamese. - / [ We, + we're ] getting a lot of, {F uh, } Mexican Americans, / {D you know, } we've had,", "# Yeah. # /", "# those # for a long time. /", "Sure, / {D well, } Texas,", "# <Child>. #", "# used # to be part of Mexico, or most of it <laughter>. /", "Yes, / {F oh, } yes. / <<Speaking to child in background>> No, / I'm busy right now, Steven. / Steven wants me to do popcorn right now. /", "# Huh. # /", "# <Child_talking> # <<Speaks to child>> Okay. / {C And } I don't know what the solution is. /", "[ I, + I ] don't either. / It's a really delicate, {F uh, } moral, issue. / {C Because, } [ i-, + if ] you have, {D well, } - / I guess the one thing I do see [ that is, + is that ] needs to be a solution is, that if you do let people into the country, I do feel you have a certain obligation [ to, +", "# To get them on their, # -/", "# to ] get them on their # feet. /", "Yeah. /", "{C Because } otherwise what you're doing is you're letting people in / {C and } [ you're, + you're ] dooming them to being underclass people. /", "Right, /", "{D You know, } you're dooming them to ghetto life or whatever. / {C And } I know [ that, + that ] the Southeast Asians, the Hmong people that I've done some work with, {F uh, } feel very quite hurt [ and, + and ] unsure of themselves when here. / {C Because } they're coming [ from, + {D you know, } from ] the slash and burn intercultural society, {D you know, } / they're coming from the middle ages, basically. / {C And } they're being [ plunked down, + plunked down ] into America. / Many of them had been promised by the C I A, during the war over there, that because they co-operated with the C I A, and they helped the C I A out, that when they came here, the C I A would help establish them in America, / {C and } the C I A, of course, isn't doing that. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And, } {F uh, } <throat_clearing> {C so } they come here / {C and } they don't know [ wh-, + what ] the heck they're doing. / {C And } they're finding themselves adrift in the big cities. / {C And, } of course, there are people in the big cities who would [ do, + ] like nothing better than to take advantage of them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ they're, + they're ] incredible victims of crime. / {C And } part of it is this [ lack of, +", "# <Child_crying>. #", "# lack # of ] basic information, being (( dissimilated )) . / {C And } I'm not saying it's easy to do, / {C and } I know there are a few people who are trying, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] the funding isn't there for very much work to be going on. /", "{C And } there's a lot of graft, like people [ trying to tell them, + ] {F oh, } giving them information that was free to them anyway if they just knew how to get it. /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / exactly. / Y-, - / ha-, -/", "# Yeah. # /", "# {E I # mean, } these are people who don't have the foggiest idea about what America's like. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } {C and } it's, - / ver- - / it's, - / [ I, + I ] couldn't really conceptualize how hard it was to understand that [ until I, + until I ] met with them. / {C And } I realized that, [ they, + ] some of the information that I just, {D you know, } don't even realize and know is information, they don't have. / {C And } I never thought, {D well, } I guess that is something you need to know, {D you know. } / People getting into trouble because they come here, / {C and so } they start farming on, {F uh, } available land, {D you know. } Like the median strips on freeways because no one's using it. / {C But } then someone comes along and says you can't do that, {D you know. } / Why can't they? / They have no idea why not, [ some, + some ] of them, {D you know. } / The ones that have been here longer and have been in, {D you know, } understand now. / {C But } when they initially come over, -/", "You mean, really trying to plant something? / That's what you're saying? /", "Yeah, /", "Farming? /", "'cause they're farmers. / These,", "# Oh. # /", "# are # all farmers coming over, / {C and } they're being put in the middle of the city <breathing>. /", "<breathing> {F Oh } that's terrible. /", "{E I mean } they're nomadic farmers, {D you know, } / they're people who farm on the hillside and then leave the hillside to another hillside and farm on that hillside. /", "Uh-huh. /", "These are people who've never seen flat ground before and people who've never seen property rights before. {D You know, } these people who've never seen any machines other than those used in war. / {C And, } {F uh, } they have, {D you know. } - / {C So } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] do have a lot of sympathy for them, / {C and } I feel that America could try a little bit harder [ to, + to ] help people adjusting to the American way. / {C Because } if they don't, [ you're just going to produce, + {D you know, } you're going to produce ] an underclass, {D you know. } / You're going to get a situation that I think a lot like what happened to the blacks, being sort of led out of slavery / {C and } [ {C then, } + {C then } ] many of them ended up just working the same jobs they were as slaves then. / {C And } there was no,", "# And not being cared for. # -/", "# real [ up, + upward ] movement. / {C And, } # not being, {D you know, } -/", "Yeah. / That's true. /", "{F Um, } /", "{D Well, } what did you do when you helped these people? /", "{D Well, } -/", "# [ How did you, + what did you ] do, / tru-, # -/", "# [ I, + I ] wasn't helping them. / I worked with # them, not to help them, but <laughter> for my own purposes./ [ I'm, + I'm ] a linguist / {C and } I was, {F uh, } [ doing a language, + trying to learn their language, ] a little bit. / {C And } I actually, {F um, } {E I mean, } helped [ them + them ] in the sense that they received money for working with me. / {C But } [ [ I didn't, + I didn't, ] + I wasn't ] a social worker or anything like that. /", "All right. /", "I do have friends who have tried to do more,", "# Uh-huh / <child_laughing>. #", "# social work, #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } by explaining to people how the language,", "# <Child>. #", "# and # what the problems learning English might be and such. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Because } all the models of teaching English are based on teaching English to Spanish speakers or to other European language speakers. / {C And } people don't realize how different some of the languages they speak are. /", "{D Well, } I'm an E S L teacher. /", "{F Oh, } you are? /", "Yes. /", "Uh-huh, / {D well } you, -/", "<Laughter> I got my certification. / {C But } {D actually } they did not teach us very many things about how really to go about helping people to learn another language </child>. /", "[ That's, + that's ] been my impression. /", "{E I mean, } it's like people don't know, # what they say, # /", "# Yeah. / [ [ It's, + it's ] # not, + they're not ] withholding information, /", "it's not step for step. /", "they just don't have that information. /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "# [ They, + they ] haven't the foggiest idea. # /", "# {C But } {D anyway, } I enjoy it. / [ They, + # they, ] - / the kids I've worked with so far have been Spanish speaking. /", "Yes. /", "{C And } <cough>. -/", "# {C And } Spanish is, #", "# {C but } I'm applying # for, -/", "pretty close to English, really. /", "What? / Yeah, / it is. /", "{C And } Spanish is a lot like English. /", "A lot of our words are the same, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D like, } # {D you know, }", "# Yeah, / yeah. # /", "# they just # change the pronunciation a little bit. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } I love it. / I love the culture, {F uh, } the way that [ they, + {F uh, } they ] respect education and their teachers --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- their parents, so much more than, than my children do.", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "<Talking> {D You know, } / {C and } I like it. / {C And } what I've been thinking about doing is volunteering for this, {F uh, } Asian center that, a Doctor Falk has started, that works with the school district. /", "Uh-huh. /", "And [ doing what, + ] trying to get them set up, [ in-, + inculturated, ]", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# into # the system. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I # thought that would be good experience for me. /", "{F Oh, } I'm sure it would. /", "{C And, } I've applied at another district where many of the children are Asian. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And } I think that would be wonderful too. /", "Yeah, / it would be a good experience, / {C and } you'd be helping people, I'm sure. / Very much. / [ {C And } n-, + {C and } ] {E I mean, } [ not to put, + not to ] trivialize the problems of any immigrant group but I do know the Asian groups are having a lot of trouble. / {E I mean, } {C and } part of the problem is that, a lot of Chinese and Japanese immigration from, {D you know, } decades ago has been very successful because they valued education and so forth. /", "Right. /", "They became a very successful immigrant group. / [ [ {C But, } + {C and, } ] + {C but } ] a lot of people coming over from Vietnam, right now, coming from worn torn countries, [ are, + are ] [ na-, + not ] having the same success. / I think some people have just assumed, {D well, } [ why, + why ] can't you be successful? / The Japanese were, or the Chinese were, or something. / {C And } it's really much more complicated. /", "{D Well, } the times were different too. /", "Yeah, / the times are different, {D yeah. } /", "My neighbor, {A let's see, } is Jewish. / {C And } he's going through [ the, + {A I don't know, } the ] Jewish League or something.", "Uh-huh. /", "And helping a family that's come over from Russia. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And } he spends, - / {D well, } right now, he's down to {D like } once a week, / {C but } he was going over there several times a week to be with the family,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # help them with the language. / {C And } he thoroughly enjoyed it. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / [ I, + I ] think it's a wonderful thing to do. / {C And } [ there's a lot, + there's a lot ] more, - / I guess another possible solution is, since taxpayers aren't going to start paying more money for this {C and, } {C and } other budgets aren't going to be cut to pay for it, {F uh, }", "# No. # /", "# more # of the volunteer network service. - / {C Because } everyone gains from it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Would be, - / would, - / might be really useful. / {F Uh, } {C and } if it's, <throat_clearing> {D you know, } {F uh, } just people helping people I think [ makes, + <laughter> makes ] the community so much happier. /", "Uh-huh. / What's so sad about this is both of [ the, + the ] man and the woman had a degree having to do with computers / {C but, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# their # training isn't what we need in this country. /", "Yes. /", "{C And } because they're so deficient in English, they haven't been able to get jobs. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C So } they'll have to go back and get a degree here. {D You know, } almost start all over. /", "Yes, / yes, / I've known people with effectively worthless degrees in this country. {E I mean, } / {C and } they're highly educated people, / {C but } of course, if you're educated and you don't speak English, no one thinks anything of you. /", "No, / no. / {C And } this woman was, {F uh, } stocking the shelves in a drugstore. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "<Sigh> I feel sorry for her. /", "Yeah, / I do too. / {D Well, } It's been good talking with you. /", "{D Well, } thank you. /", "{F Uh, } okay. /", "Have a good night. /", "Okay, / it does sound like you have some children to take care of <laughter>. /", "Okay. / Yes, / I do <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } Okay, / bye-bye. /", "Okay, / Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "IMMIGRATION", "prompt": "FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT AMERICA'S IMMIGRATION POLICY. IF THERE ARE PROBLEMS", "talk_day": "04/12/1991", "from_caller": 1110, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1071, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1951, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2663_0", "2663_1", "2663_2", "2663_3", "2663_4", "2663_5", "2663_6", "2663_7", "2663_8", "2663_9", "2663_10", "2663_11", "2663_12", "2663_13", "2663_14", "2663_15", "2663_16", "2663_17", "2663_18", "2663_19", "2663_20", "2663_21", "2663_22", "2663_23", "2663_24", "2663_25", "2663_26", "2663_27", "2663_28", "2663_29", "2663_30", "2663_31", "2663_32", "2663_33", "2663_34", "2663_35", "2663_36", "2663_37", "2663_38", "2663_39", "2663_40", "2663_41", "2663_42", "2663_43", "2663_44", "2663_45", "2663_46", "2663_47", "2663_48", "2663_49", "2663_50", "2663_51", "2663_52", "2663_53", "2663_54", "2663_55", "2663_56", "2663_57", "2663_58", "2663_59", "2663_60", "2663_61", "2663_62", "2663_63", "2663_64", "2663_65", "2663_66", "2663_67", "2663_68", "2663_69", "2663_70", "2663_71", "2663_72", "2663_73", "2663_74", "2663_75", "2663_76", "2663_77", "2663_78", "2663_79", "2663_80", "2663_81", "2663_82", "2663_83", "2663_84", "2663_85", "2663_86", "2663_87", "2663_88", "2663_89", "2663_90", "2663_91", "2663_92", "2663_93", "2663_94", "2663_95", "2663_96", "2663_97", "2663_98", "2663_99", "2663_100", "2663_101", "2663_102", "2663_103", "2663_104", "2663_105", "2663_106", "2663_107", "2663_108", "2663_109"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I just pressed my, {F uh. } -/", "We're supposed to talk about recent political developments. /", "I got one that's interesting, [ not too, + not too ] controversial, / I, - / {D you know, } not, - / doesn't matter whether you're Democrat or Republican. / [ I, + I ] do get somewhat of a kick out of, - / because Schwartzkopf, or the other generals, who I admire, how everyone wants to make, get them in politics. - / I think --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that's kind of an interesting recent thing, that I could think of recently that, {F uh, } - / I was wondering what you thought about that --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ making the general, + {F uh, } getting a general ] into politics. /", "They want him because he's popular, not because he can do the job. /", "Right. / {D Well, } [ I've, + I've ] been thinking about it, / {C and } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] kind of get a kick out of they always want the hero, / those, - / we're looking for a hero. / {D Well, } TIME magazine was saying that in essence <child> the general's staff was comparing to corporate presidents, / {C and } they said in general, generals are more familiar with training, that they believe in training more. /", "Uh-huh. /", "They are much more educated than the average corporate president, / {C and so } they really were very positive on a general's staff person having [ a, + a ] very much better education than the average, {F uh, } corporate president. / {C So, } I thought {D well, } maybe. /", "[ I, + I ] think they probably have a better education than the average congressman. /", "{D Well, } that, too, / that, too. / {C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } they talk about the Army / and because of the war / {C and } why did we win, and all that, / {C and } they talked about how the training was so important. / <child> {C And } that's so important in industry, / {C so, } {D you know, } they're liable to be right. That [ generals, + generals ] in the service, - / {C and } Schwartzkopf, {F uh, } {D you know, } might make a good, {F uh, } politician, whether it be Governor or whatever, {D you know. } /", "[ [ He, + he, ] + {D you know, } we ] know he's a good leader, / we know he's a good organizer. / The question is, {D you know, } can he be the man who's ultimately responsible. / {D You know, } like what he said is, {D you know, } a lot of times in his interviews he was talking about, {D you know, } people asking why are you doing this, why are you doing that. / He says, I'm following the orders of my president. / I'm not the one who writes the orders. / I'm just the one who follows them. /", "Yeah, / it's interesting how they say that when they're usually the top dogs, {D you know, } / everyone has a boss, of course. /", "{D You know, } Schwartzkopf was ordered to get Iraq out of Kuwait. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And so } he went to the President and said, {D okay, } here's how I want to do it. / {C But } he wasn't the one that decided Iraq needed to get out of Kuwait. /", "No, / that's true, / that's true. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ you, + you ] pick one. /", "<Laughter>.", "I just thought of that one [ when, + when ] they brought up about politics. / That was, {F uh, } pretty easy -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- you don't have to pick Democratic or Republican, / you can pick anything you want, / go ahead. /", "{D Well, } the thing that I'm <children> wondering about is how we get a new congress. / How do we get some of these guys that have been in there for so long, <children> - / how do we get them <<pause>> to not get reelected over and over again. /", "{D Well, } I have an easy answer for that, {F oh, } {A I wish they would do it, } is that limit it, {D you know, } to eight or ten years max. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } whether that's two --", "I th-, - / yeah. /", "-- five year terms or whatever. /", "Yeah. / That may be our only answer, / {C but } I don't really like it. / I don't like the fact that the President is limited in the number of terms he can serve. /", "{F Oh, } {D you know, } you're not. /", "I think if the President, be him Republican or Democrat, - / I think if the President can prove that he's popular, {D you know, } that he can do the job --", "Yeah. /", "-- then the people should be allowed to elect him as often as they want. / I think the reason why we've got these guys in Congress is because of the fund raising rules. / {E I mean, } how many of these big campaign contributions that they're running on this year, did they get [ after they were elected, + [ just, + {D you know, } just ] after ] they were elected two years ago. /", "Yeah. /", "Basically the people, - / as soon as they get elected, the people dump all kinds of money on them and say, {D Yeah, } {D yeah, } you're my friend, / you're my friend, / {C and } two years later he remembers that. / {C And } what they done is they've bought this congressman for two years. /", "Yeah, / I don't know, / <child_crying> I do like the limitation of the President, / {C and } I think there is a needed change. / I think the same thing should happen for Congress. / [ I, + I'd ] lik-, {D you know, } - / that would be my answer of an --", "Yeah, / well. -/", "-- easy way to get these guys out of there for twenty years. / My God, it's ridiculous, {D you know. } /", "[ That's, + that's ] <child_crying> the easy way. / I think the harder way out would be to make the guys that are in there and the guys who are trying to get in there run on more level ground <child_crying>. /", "We had. -/", "That's what the financing rules and the, {F uh, } the mailing rules and the size of the office staff and all that stuff. -/", "[ I think voting [ is, + is ] a prob-, + I think ] I had one of the subject about voting, <child> and, {F uh, } voting apathy, or something like that, / {C and } I think that, {F uh, } the voting rules need to be changed where you have a little more time. / <child squealing> I can't believe that a country our big votes for a President from seven o'clock in the morning til seven o'clock at night, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "<Child> Of course they have absentee which is getting to be [ more, + ] a lot easier, / {C and } [ I, + I ] vote as often on absentee as I can because it's so easy now. / {C But, } I think, {D gee whiz, } you could make it a couple <child> days. / It's just, if you really want the majority of the people to vote --", "Yeah. /", "-- then give them a couple of days. /", "{D Well, } I think a lot more people could vote if they were somehow persuaded that it's something worth caring about. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{D You know, } like, {D you know, } [ the, + the ] recent election about how the Dallas City Council should be made up, that election last December. /", "Are you in Dallas? /", "Yeah, / I'm in Dallas city limit. /", "Boy, [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] live in Arlington. / I am so happy not to be part of Dallas --", "Yeah. /", "-- when I see those folks there. /", "It's an ugly mess. /", "{E I mean, } I don't know if you like the mayor,/ {C but } I think your mayor, - / the city council, - / the, - / what is the woman's name whose, [ us, + ] not the mayor but the, -/ *[[typo should be who's]]", "The manager. /", "Yeah, / the city manager. / All of them need to be thrown out. / {E I mean, } they're just awful, just awful. /", "{D Well, } what get's me is this thing, it went down to defeat last December {A by how many votes, } by just a few hundred votes. /", "Uh-huh / <child_crying>.", "{C And } [ if it, + if it ] had passed, - / if these people had gotten out the vote, it would have passed / {C and } there'd be no more argument. / {C But } they're still fighting about it because of the --", "I know. /", "-- way the election went last December. /", "It's so awful that politicians always spent consulting money. That we put them in office and then they go out and spend a couple hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy consultants, / {C and then } they don't even do that recommendation, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "{E I mean, } it's amazing the money that they spend once they get in. /", "[ {C But, } + {C but } ] this is [ for, + ] supposedly to benefit the minorities, / {C and } all the minorities had to do was go out and get a couple more hundred people to vote -- /", "{D Well } you're right there. /", "-- {C and } they would have had their way. /", "You're right there. / {F Uh, } {F uh, } people are, - / {F uh, } {F uh, } politics, {F uh, } - / the voting is still not as much as you think in all kinds of issues really. /", "Yeah, / it's pretty sad. /", "Yeah, / it is. / {F Uh, } hopefully people will get more involved. /", "[ My, + my ] position is people who don't vote don't have any right to complain about the way the government's going. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {C but } those are the ones that are complaining, {A [ I, + I ] think, } a lot. / I see it here at T I. / The guys that don't take any interest in, [ and, + and ] constantly on the negative of everything. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, }", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] you ask them why they don't vote, / they say {D well } they don't want their name on the, {F uh, } jury duty list. /", "Is that right? {F Ooh. } /", "[ That, + that's ] where they get the jury duty list, is from the voter registration. /", "Right, / you're right, / you're right. / <<pause>> I think they could do more about, {F uh, } voting. /", "(( )) I think they could. /", "What are the issues? / [ I, + I'm ] a Democrat, / I want to just say that I'm so sad that there isn't a strong Democrat. / I don't even know, / I could go out and debate George Bush better than I see any Democrat doing it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } {E I mean, } at least I'd like to see compe-, - / {C because } I like competition, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "I think rolling over and put your belly up and play dead, - / I'm so disgusted with the Democratic party, / I can not believe it, {D you know. } / *[[typo cannot]]", "In Presidential races that's about what they've done, / {C but } they've got a pretty good lock on Congress and --", "Yeah. /", "-- a lot of local things. /", "Yeah, / {C but } I still think in the last ten years, - / {D you know, } of course that's not a recent event, / that's only my opinion, / I guess I really shouldn't talk about that. / {C But, } <noise> I don't know whether they're recent events. / I guess [ they we-, + ] on this, {F uh, } speech thing, <child> they want us to use a variety of words. /", "Right. /", "How many times have you called, by the way? /", "{D Actually, } I haven't made any calls, / {C but } I received about a dozen. /", "{F Oh, } {D really, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] -/", "I think, {D yeah, } I have to make these, / {C but } I get distracted and get to do something else, / {C and } all of a sudden my phone rings, / and go, {D Well, } what the heck, we'll talk for a while. /", "Yeah, / I've already got twelve cards. / You get any cards in the mail? /", "Yeah, / we got a whole bunch. / I can't remember how many. /", "I don't know, / I'm amazed by, - / of course, we're not talking about politics, / {C but } I am amazed by, - / people say they got thirty. / {D Well, } I wonder why you need thirty renditions of the persons voice, / {C but } I'm not in voice synthesis. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } I'd sure like to see a summary of it. / We'll get to politics, {E I'm sorry } <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I think we've used up as much time as we're supposed to anyway. /", "Yeah, / right. /", "We're supposed to do five minutes, / {C and } that was three minutes ago. /", "Yeah. /", "Hey, {D well } thanks for the call. /", "Yeah, / bye-bye. /", "Yeah, / bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "POLITICS", "prompt": "DISCUSS ANY RECENT POLITICAL ELECTIONS OR MOVEMENT THAT YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER CONSIDER INTERESTING OR IMPORTANT. ORY", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1104, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1938, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1084, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1959, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3018_0", "3018_1", "3018_2", "3018_3", "3018_4", "3018_5", "3018_6", "3018_7", "3018_8", "3018_9", "3018_10", "3018_11", "3018_12", "3018_13", "3018_14", "3018_15", "3018_16", "3018_17", "3018_18", "3018_19", "3018_20", "3018_21", "3018_22", "3018_23", "3018_24", "3018_25", "3018_26", "3018_27", "3018_28", "3018_29", "3018_30", "3018_31", "3018_32", "3018_33", "3018_34", "3018_35", "3018_36", "3018_37", "3018_38", "3018_39", "3018_40", "3018_41", "3018_42", "3018_43", "3018_44", "3018_45", "3018_46", "3018_47", "3018_48", "3018_49", "3018_50", "3018_51", "3018_52", "3018_53", "3018_54", "3018_55", "3018_56", "3018_57", "3018_58", "3018_59", "3018_60", "3018_61", "3018_62", "3018_63", "3018_64", "3018_65", "3018_66", "3018_67", "3018_68", "3018_69", "3018_70", "3018_71", "3018_72", "3018_73", "3018_74", "3018_75", "3018_76", "3018_77", "3018_78", "3018_79", "3018_80", "3018_81", "3018_82", "3018_83", "3018_84", "3018_85", "3018_86", "3018_87", "3018_88", "3018_89", "3018_90", "3018_91", "3018_92", "3018_93", "3018_94", "3018_95", "3018_96", "3018_97", "3018_98", "3018_99", "3018_100"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / what are your favorite things to watch? /", "{F Oh, } {F uh, } <noise> let's see, / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] have enjoyed, {F uh, } THIRTYSOMETHING --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in the past, {F uh, } now that it has gone off <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } <noise> some comedy shows, {F uh, } I [ can not, + can not ] think of, off hand, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C but, } # [ what, + what ] are your, - / what is, -/", "We do not watch a lot of T V, / we try to watch it on Thursday nights, / we usually watch L A LAW, / I like that real well.", "Yeah. /", "And CHEERS -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- we like to watch that. / {F Uh, } we sort of got hooked on LA LAW. / {F Uh, } do you ever watch that? /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } (( )) yeah, / yeah, / [ [ we, + we wa-, + we ] try to catch that [ most, + most ] nights. /", "Yeah / <inhaling>. {C And } [ I, + I ] have watched THIRTYSOMETHING some in the last couple seasons. / I was sort of sorry to see it go --", "Yeah. /", "-- too. /", "[ It, + it ] was kind of interesting, {F uh, } some people complained about, {F uh, } {F uh, } the kind of whining or whatever on it. / [ I, + I ] really did not think [ it, + it ] was,", "# Yeah. # /", "# that # way. / I think it had [ some, + some ] [ good, + {F uh, } good ] situations that it presented. /", "Yeah, / I thought a lot of the, - / {D like } the problems that Michael and Hope had in their marriage and stuff, <laughter> I can relate to some of those things. /", "Yeah. /", "Just the dynamics of it and everything. /", "{D Well, } [ I think, + I think ] a lot of people, {D you know, } kind of felt that way, / {C but } they had a lot of, {F uh, } {F uh, } counseling groups that use some of the episodes [ as, +", "# {F Oh, } really. # /", "# as ] examples # of things that were going on / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] {F uh, } [ yo-, + ] {D you know, } that they (( called )) interaction between people and (( sort of )) to use as, {F uh, } as a way of getting people to talk about their problems, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# and # that sort of thing <inhaling>. / {F Uh, } we <throat_clearing> kind of, - / {F uh, } (( )) our T V viewing has, {F uh, } slowed down a little bit since [ our + <inhaling> our ] daughter came along, / {C so, } {F uh, } -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ that, + # that ] tends to, {F uh, } put a cramp in your viewing, because by the time you get through <noise> getting her ready for bed and everything, {F uh, } <inhaling> it's, {F uh, } very little T V time left. /", "Yeah, / you are too tired <laughter> --", "Yeah. /", "-- to do anything. / {F Oh, } it's better to spend time with your kids, {A I think though, } than glued in front of the T V anyway. /", "<Sniffing> Yeah, / that's right. /", "Probably more worthwhile. / [ I just don't, + I don't ] think there's as many good things to watch as there used to be, really. /", "No, / [ I, + I ] can not, {F uh, } / *[[typo? cannot?]] I don't think there were, {F Uh, } - / [ [ I have not, + I have not, ] + {F uh, } {F uh, } there are not ] as many good shows [ that I, + that I ] continuously like to watch as much as I used to <inhaling>. / I, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ ther-, + ] - / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] used to [ could + ] be able to name ten shows or so, {D you know, } that I felt were worth my time to watch, / {C but, } {F uh, } I (( {F uh, } {D you know } )) very seldom like to watch (( {D you know } )) those, / there's a couple now that I tend to want to watch. / I like, {F uh, } home improvement shows like Bob Vela's, {F uh, } HOME AGAIN on Saturday morning, /", "# Right, / yeah. # /", "# [ it's, + I # notice [ it's like, + it's like ] ] THIS OLD HOUSE, / (( yeah / )) {C but } [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] on - / instead of being on [ pub-, + P B S ] it's on regular T V. /", "Oh. /", "{C But, } [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] kind of interesting because they renovate an old house / {C and, } -/", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / I have seen parts of that before, / it is interesting. /", "Yeah, / {C so } I like to watch that / {C and } <inhaling> {F uh, } [ some, + some ] things on P B S I like to watch / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "Do you watch sports much on T V? /", "<Inhaling> Yeah, / [ if it's someb-, + if it's ] a team or something that I am really interested in I am not one to just watch a football game [ just, + just ] to be watching it / [ {C or, } +", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C or } ] # I am not a big basketball or baseball fan, [ if it, + unless it's ] baseball, [ if it's some, + if it's ] a team I really like, I may watch / {C but, } {F uh, } <inhaling> baseball to me is a little hard to watch on T V,", "# Yeah. # /", "# for # an extended period. /", "It's slow. /", "Yeah, / it's so slow that you just get bored, {D you know, } / [ I, + I ] will switch between <inhaling> something else [ and, + and ] a baseball game going back and forth, {D you know } watching it. / {C But, } I usually, - / [ [ if, + if, ] + if ] it's a football team I really like, (( )) a college team [ or, + or ] pro team <inhaling> that I am fond of, I usually will sit and watch that. / {C But, } {F uh, } that's the <inhaling>, -/", "Yeah, / we are like that / {C and } occasionally we will, {D like } [ on, + ] if we do not have anything to do or kind of bored and we just want to sit in the house or something,", "# <Inhaling>. #", "# we # will watch a little bit of a golf tournament. / {C But, } {F uh, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# you # can not take a whole lot of that either, / it's pretty slow. /", "Yeah, / it's kind of [ like, +", "# Yeah. # /", "# like ] # baseball <laughter>. /", "Do you wa-, - / we went to the movies a lot on weekends and watch them at home, because [ there's just, +", "# <Inhaling>. #", "# on # Friday and Saturday nights there's ] nothing good on / {C and, } -/", "Right. / I think that that's what more people are doing / {C and } I think that's, {D you know, } - / [ as, + as ] T V, - / I think the less good shows being on T V has caused a lot of people [ to do, + to do ] that, {F uh, } {D you know, } get more movies and watch. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I # know [ we, + <inhaling> we ] have done that too in the past, {F uh, } / we do not do it quite as much now, cause <laughter> our baby will not let us watch them. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ we usually will, + we ] used to rent, {F uh, } two or three movies on a weekend [ and, + and ] try to watch. /", "Uh-huh. / Do you have cable T V? /", "No, {F uh, } /", "We do # not either. # /", "# we live in, # -/", "I thought we were the only ones <laughter>,", "# No. # /", "# who # did not have it. /", "No, / we, {F uh, } - / the, {F uh, } development we moved into was, - / they have it on one si-, {D like } right across the street from us, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C but } # when they built our section [ they did not, + did not put ] it in / {C and } <sigh> we have been there about two years now. /", "# Gosh. # /", "# {C and } # they [ are + ] [ still, + still ] do not have it / {C so } <inhaling>,", "# Yeah. # /", "# I # am hoping [ that, + that ] soon [ they will, + they will, ] / I have contacted them about this / {C and } they say that {D well, } [ it's, + it's, ] - / they look, - / [ they, + every year they ] look at, {F uh, } different areas and try to determine [ where, + where, ] {F uh, } the most houses will be, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and # so } [ they, + {F uh, } they ] look / {C and } [ [ they, + when they, ] + when we ] reach a certain number of people in that area they will [ put one in, + put,", "# Huh. # /", "# some # in, ] {C or } they will at,", "# Yeah. # /", "# least # consider it, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. / {D Well, } we had it for awhile / {C and } it just seemed like we never watched it / (( [ any + ] )) we did not have the movie channels, / we just had all the normal ones,", "# Yeah. # /", "# that # come / {C and } we just never watched any of them, / we kept a log for a month of every time we watched it / {C and } it seemed like we did not watch even half an hour, /", "# {F Um. } Yeah. # /", "# {C so } we # decided to just cancel it. / It does improve the reception a little bit though, / that's the only thing. /", "<Sigh> Yeah. / [ I have, + I [ put some, + put in [ some, + ] ] ] {F uh, } an antenna, a really good antenna / {C and, } {F uh, } it's really helped, {D you know, } ours / {C and } it's not been too bad. / I have not really missed it that much, / there's certain things that I have, that I want to see, {D you know, } occasionally, like a football game, a college game or something that happens to be on cable, <sigh> or some old movie, / {C but } the, {F uh, } - / [ I, + I ] have not been bothered by it too much. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } -/", "{D Well, } I can not, <laughter> {F uh, } think of too much else to say. *[[typo cannot?]]", "Right. /", "Since we are not big watchers. /", "Okay. /", "{D Well, } it was nice talking to you. /", "Alright, / bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "06/06/1991", "from_caller": 1022, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1278, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 0, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3063_0", "3063_1", "3063_2", "3063_3", "3063_4", "3063_5", "3063_6", "3063_7", "3063_8", "3063_9", "3063_10", "3063_11", "3063_12", "3063_13", "3063_14", "3063_15", "3063_16", "3063_17", "3063_18", "3063_19", "3063_20", "3063_21", "3063_22", "3063_23", "3063_24", "3063_25", "3063_26", "3063_27", "3063_28", "3063_29", "3063_30", "3063_31", "3063_32", "3063_33", "3063_34", "3063_35", "3063_36", "3063_37", "3063_38", "3063_39", "3063_40", "3063_41", "3063_42", "3063_43", "3063_44", "3063_45", "3063_46", "3063_47", "3063_48", "3063_49", "3063_50", "3063_51", "3063_52", "3063_53", "3063_54", "3063_55", "3063_56", "3063_57", "3063_58", "3063_59", "3063_60", "3063_61", "3063_62", "3063_63", "3063_64", "3063_65", "3063_66", "3063_67", "3063_68", "3063_69", "3063_70", "3063_71", "3063_72", "3063_73", "3063_74", "3063_75", "3063_76", "3063_77", "3063_78", "3063_79", "3063_80", "3063_81", "3063_82", "3063_83", "3063_84", "3063_85", "3063_86", "3063_87", "3063_88", "3063_89", "3063_90", "3063_91", "3063_92", "3063_93", "3063_94", "3063_95", "3063_96", "3063_97", "3063_98", "3063_99", "3063_100", "3063_101", "3063_102", "3063_103", "3063_104", "3063_105", "3063_106", "3063_107", "3063_108", "3063_109", "3063_110", "3063_111", "3063_112", "3063_113", "3063_114", "3063_115", "3063_116", "3063_117", "3063_118", "3063_119", "3063_120", "3063_121", "3063_122", "3063_123", "3063_124", "3063_125", "3063_126", "3063_127", "3063_128", "3063_129", "3063_130", "3063_131", "3063_132", "3063_133", "3063_134", "3063_135", "3063_136", "3063_137", "3063_138", "3063_139", "3063_140", "3063_141", "3063_142", "3063_143", "3063_144", "3063_145", "3063_146", "3063_147", "3063_148", "3063_149", "3063_150", "3063_151", "3063_152", "3063_153"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } we are to discuss air pollution and, {F uh, } what we think the causes are./", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I probably would, {F uh, } target, {F uh, }", "<Music>.", "industry as being number one polluter. /", "Yeah, / that's probably <child_talking> a major one. / I think, {F uh, } individually, {F uh, } just by the vast number of people there are, [ there's + ] I think cars are also a major contributor to it. /", "{D Well, } vehicles / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] -/", "<Child_talking>.", "yes. /", "Yeah, / vehicles </child_talking>. /", "Right, / {C because, } {F uh, } there's a lot of commercial vehicles out there,", "<<Music gets louder>>.", "especially [ those, + ] the big rigs like the busses and, {F um, }", "<Child_talking>.", "the big,", "(( Huh )) . /", "{F uh, } eighteen wheelers and so forth. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "I think [ they would generate probably, + {F uh, } one of them would probably generate ] enough for three cars. /", "<Noise> <laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "<Child_talking>.", "{C But } that's not, - / {C and } I think it can be resolved [ if, + {F uh, } if ] they really let go with,", "<<Faint and muffled, talking to child>>. Just a minute, I'm on the phone </music>. /", "the technology that they have [ at, + {F uh, } at ] their hand, / {C and } they haven't released it yet. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think there's a lot of hold back, {F uh, } because,", "<Child_talking>.", "of, {F uh, } {F oh, } priorities that they have,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } /", "<Child_yelling>.", "{C and, } {F uh, } it's, -/", "(( {D Well, } it )) , -/", "You have some children. /", "</Child_yelling>. Yes <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ I have, + I have ] five in the kitchen at the moment. / <<Talking to children.>> You need to shut the door, please. / Shut the door right now. / We have the air conditioner running. / What do you need? / <Music>. Hurry. / I'm on the phone <child_talking>. / Yes, / you may. / {C And } they keep turning the tape recorder up besides <laughter> </music>. /", "{F Oh, } okay <laughter>. /", "<Child_yelling>.", "[ Do you have, + do you ] watch children / {C or } do you, -/", "</Child_yelling> {F Um, } I have three of <child_laughing> my own / {C and } I have, {F uh, } two that I'm tending for the summer.", "Uh-huh. /", "Off and on, / {C so, } -/", "{D Well, } that's interesting. /", "<Child_laughing>.", "{F Um, } is there anything, -/", "They cause more noise pollution than air pollution <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } temporarily they do. /", "That's right, / that's right. /", "<Laughter> Then we get out of that phase,", "Yeah. /", "soon enough. /", "{C But, } {F um, } I think another, <child_yelling> - / you can tell when you go around cities, you can smell specific things [ from, + <child_yelling> from, ] <child_yelling> specific industries. /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "I remember being, - / [ I, + I ] grew up in <child_talking> New Jersey -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I can remember the smell of Newark <music> vividly <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh, / sure. /", "<Laughter> {C And } it's the type of industry, {D you know, } which obviously if you can smell it, it's in the air. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } I know, {F uh, } {F uh, } in Michigan, {F uh, } the way they used to take care of the trash is they would incinerate it, / {C and } the fumes from the incineration was a terrible pollutant to the air. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F um, } of course, now, -/", "{D Well, } people think you burn it, it's gone, / {C but } it's not gone. /", "No, / {C and } when they, -/", "</Music>.", "{C and } you bury it / {C and } it's not gone either, because it has untold ramifications. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, }", "Then it just gets into the soil and into the water <music>. /", "{C And } ] it gets [ into, + into ] people,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } which is, {F uh, } [ the, + the ] most important, {F um, } resource that we have is people, / [ {C and } they're, + {C and } they're ] destroying us, / they,", "Yeah. /", "really are. /", "We really have to do more, /", "{C So } I think the cockroach will evolve, {F uh, } [ sa-, + safely ] <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "So they say <laughter>. /", "I think we've got to do more with the recycling. / That's, - / [ I'm, + I'm ] really glad to see that there's more of that happening. /", "Yes, / {C but } there's not enough. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } we need expert cooperation. /", "{D Well, } it's a, - / we're getting, - / at least they're starting, # {D you know. } # /", "# Yeah. / # [ Education of the, +", "{C So } at least they're moving that direction. /", "Education of the ] people is primary, I would think. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] we're hard to teach. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } -/", "We are hard to teach. /", "[ it's going to, + it's probably going to ] be a generation or two [ before, +", "Absolutely, / yeah. /", "before ] it's really going,", "Uh-huh. /", "very well, because now the adults are more aware of it, / {C and } the children are being taught in the schools [ more, + ] it'll be, {D you know, } on down the road this is going to be passed on, which is good. /", "Absolutely, / yes. / {F Uh, } of course, {F uh, } we would like to see it accelerated because, {F uh, } of the critical nature of it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ The, + the ] learning of it and the, - / just to, {F um, } think that way, we have to be in that thought pattern and able to, {F um, } motivate ourselves to, {F um, } {F uh, } do what is right for the atmosphere. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I think we're all contributors. / {E I mean, } every human being that lives is a contributor,", "Yeah. /", "to pollution, / {C so, }", "Yeah. /", "we just <<faint>> {F um. } -/", "I think you're right, / education is a big thing --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } / {C and } as we educate them individually what they can do, </music> people become more aware of the things in industry too [ that, + that ] are causing problems / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I think that [ they'll grad-, + they'll work ] towards solving those problems more too. {F Um, } /", "{D Well, } hopefully it can be resolved within a shorter time frame than we have seen it done in the past.", "Uh-huh. /", "That the time frame for cleaning up our air [ and our, + and our, ] {F um, } <lipsmack> land, {D you know, } which, {F uh, } we get our nutrients from. -/", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {E I mean, }", "<Child_yelling>.", "everything goes back to the land. /", "Just a minute and I'll turn it up. / I'll turn it up in a minute, {A honey, } when I'm done. /", "{C So } <breathing> {F um, } it's just, {F um, } very critical, I think at this point to,", "Uh-huh / <music>.", "{F uh, } get that through to the people and get us educated. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I think science has come a long way to making it so that it's possible to find ways to solve the problem </music>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Popping>. {F Um, } /", "[ I, + I ] don't know if they offer classes [ in, {F uh, } the, + {F uh, } in the ] grade school,", "</Popping>.", "{F uh, } {F uh, } # subjecting. # /", "# I think they teach # it a lot in science <popping>. /", "In science, / okay. /", "Yeah. / I would think that that's where it would come through. /", "What grade level would that be? / Would that be, {F um, } perhaps,", "[ I, +", "the first grade level, which would be, -/", "I ] think they're kind of getting it in all different grades. /", "{D Well, } {E I mean, } are they starting, though, [ [ at, + at, ] + ] with the children that are so, / their little minds are like sponges / {C and } they can really <breathing>,", "Yeah. /", "{F uh, } relate to that. /", "</Popping> I think they are starting probably in the first grade. / [ They're, + {D you know, } they're ] hearing somewhat about it. / {F Um, } <popping> I know, {F uh, } Target has their program to make kids more aware of it / {C and, } -/", "Target stores? /", "</Popping> Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "[ They've got, + if you go in the entrance, they've got, ] {F uh, } stands usually where they have, {F um, } [ little, + {F uh, } kind of a little ] newspaper thing --", "Okay. /", "-- that the kids can read / [ {C and } + <popping>,", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C and } ] they can form [ a, + </popping> a ] group to, {F um, } -/", "<<Faint>> Uh-huh, / help fight the pollution. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{F Oh, } that's wonderful. /", "{C So, } -/", "{D Well, } I'm sure that, {F uh, } perhaps they're the leaders, {D you know, } / {C and } [ other will, + others will ] pick up on their example and carry it, {F uh, } further. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {C because, } {F uh, } thoughts are, -/", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] know [ it's har-, + it's a hard ] problem to solve because [ you, + {D you know, } ] {D like } McDonald's has changed back and forth between paper and foam and that kind of thing, /", "<<Faint>> Uh-huh. /", "{C and } they do all these studies on which ones pollute more, / {C and then } there's the paper and plastic bag question. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AIR POLLUTION", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS AIR POLLUTION. FIND OUT WHAT SUBSTANCES THE OTHER CALLER THINKS CONTRIBUTE THE MOST TO AIR POLLUTION TODAY. WHAT CAN INDIVIDUALS OR SOCIETY DO TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY?", "talk_day": "06/13/1991", "from_caller": 1263, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1934, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1280, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3071_0", "3071_1", "3071_2", "3071_3", "3071_4", "3071_5", "3071_6", "3071_7", "3071_8", "3071_9", "3071_10", "3071_11", "3071_12", "3071_13", "3071_14", "3071_15", "3071_16", "3071_17", "3071_18", "3071_19", "3071_20", "3071_21", "3071_22", "3071_23", "3071_24", "3071_25", "3071_26", "3071_27", "3071_28", "3071_29", "3071_30", "3071_31", "3071_32", "3071_33", "3071_34", "3071_35", "3071_36", "3071_37", "3071_38", "3071_39", "3071_40", "3071_41", "3071_42", "3071_43", "3071_44", "3071_45", "3071_46", "3071_47", "3071_48", "3071_49", "3071_50", "3071_51", "3071_52", "3071_53", "3071_54", "3071_55", "3071_56", "3071_57", "3071_58", "3071_59", "3071_60", "3071_61", "3071_62", "3071_63", "3071_64", "3071_65", "3071_66", "3071_67", "3071_68", "3071_69", "3071_70", "3071_71", "3071_72", "3071_73", "3071_74", "3071_75", "3071_76", "3071_77", "3071_78", "3071_79", "3071_80", "3071_81", "3071_82", "3071_83", "3071_84", "3071_85", "3071_86", "3071_87", "3071_88", "3071_89", "3071_90", "3071_91", "3071_92", "3071_93", "3071_94", "3071_95", "3071_96", "3071_97", "3071_98", "3071_99", "3071_100", "3071_101", "3071_102", "3071_103", "3071_104", "3071_105", "3071_106", "3071_107", "3071_108", "3071_109", "3071_110", "3071_111", "3071_112", "3071_113", "3071_114", "3071_115", "3071_116", "3071_117", "3071_118", "3071_119", "3071_120", "3071_121"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Laughter>.", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I guess we're supposed to talk about music. /", "Okay. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } let me go ahead and push one here. / <tone> {F Uh, } do you ha-, - / are you a musician yourself? /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } I sing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't play an instrument. /", "Uh-huh. / Where, - / do you sing [ in, + in ] a choir or a choral group? /", "{F Oh, } not right now. /", "Uh-huh. / What kind of singing do you like to do? /", "<Talking> {F Oh, } pretty much anything. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. / {F Um, } [ [ [ are you, {F uh, } + [ are, + are, ] ] + have you, ] + have you ] been singing a long time / {C or } have you studied? /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "A long time out, all through college and everything I was in the choirs. /", "Right. /", "{C And } I've had some classical vocal training. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Oh, } great. / [ Did, + did ] you do that in, {F uh, } Texas, or somewhere else? /", "No, / I was in Europe. /", "Oh. / Whereabouts? /", "[ In, + {F uh, } in ] Germany. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Oh, } that's wonderful. / {F Um, } {D well, } I likewise sang in high school and in college in choirs, / {C and then } I didn't sing in a choral group, {F um, } until after I was, {F uh, } married, / {C and } I sang in a couple of, {F uh, } community choirs, and then <breathing> {F um, } waited for a while, / {C and } now [ I've, + for about the last eight years I've ] sung in a church choir here,", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "in Texas. / {C And, } {F um, } {C so } [ I, + I ] enjoy,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "(( just )) the chorals singing a lot,", "Uh-huh. /", "as well. / {F Um, } are you a soprano, alto, or, -/", "Soprano. /", "A soprano. / Yeah, so am I. / Do you, - / {C and, } {F uh, } what kind of music do you like to sing? / {F Um, } you were saying you had classical training. / Do you have a particular composer that you like or,", "{F Oh, } {D well, } /", "a particular (( type )) ? /", "as far as opera goes, I'm, I think most fond of Verdi. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Noise>.", "I've been listening to, {F um, } [ some, + {F uh, } some ] advertisements for MADAM BUTTERFLY, / {C and } I'm wondering [ if you, + if you ] have ever done anything like that, / [ have you ever done any, {F uh, } + [ if, +", "No, / no, /", "if ] you had done MADAM BUTTERFLY. ] /", "I haven't done, <noise> {F uh, } - / I'd love to, /", "Yes. /", "{C but, } {F um, } that's, {F uh, } Puccini, I think, / right? /", "Uh-huh, / yes, / uh-huh. / {F Um, } MADAM BUTTERFLY was, {F um, }", "<Cough>.", "in Dallas, / it's been two or three years ago now, / {C and then } I went to see that, / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "it was really wonderful. / It was particularly well, - / the acting was particularly nice, I thought, / {C and, } {F um, } {C so, }", "Yeah. /", "it was quite popular. / {F Um, } you don't play, {F um, } an instrument / {C so, } {F uh, } {F um, } have you ever wanted to, {D like } guitar or piano or <laughter>, -/ Yeah, / yeah. / [ That, + I think that's ] always a good instrument for anybody who sings or does, {D you know, } some other kind of instrument, / I think piano is always good background, /", "Uh-huh. /", "beginner. - / {F Um, } I played piano [ all through, + ] {D well, } I guess from the time I was [ fi-, + five ] until I graduated from college, / {C and, } {F uh, } {C then } I was a piano teacher for a while while my husband was in graduate school, / {C so, } {F um, } that was the instrument both of my children started on, / {C but } neither of them stayed with it <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "One of them, {F um, } turned into a violist, / {C and } the other one [ is, + the boy is, ] {F um, } guitar [ and, + and ] percussion, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C but } the, - / [ I, + I ] think that the piano background is very, {F um, } useful, / {C and, } {F um, } I'm sure that [ it, + for you, it ] would have been great to be able to accompany yourself,", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "just for practicing and so on. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Uh-huh. / Do you have any other kind of music that you like? /", "{F Um, } {F oh, } I like to listen to all different kinds of music. /", "Uh-huh. / I have a, - / I used to work with a fellow who had, {F um, } - / although this was a computer company, he had his, {F uh, } P H D in musical, {F uh, } I guess it was in composition, {D actually, } from University of North Texas, / {C and, } {F uh, } {D yet } when I would go into [ his, +", "<Music>.", "his ] office every now and then, you never knew what kind of music he'd be playing on the radio </music> <laughter>. / It may be country, / it might be classical, / it might be rock, {D you know } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it was just, he said [ that, + that ] just about what you said, that he just liked all kinds of music. /", "Yeah / <noise>.", "{C And } [ that was, + that was ] neat [ for, + for ] me to hear that somebody is, -/", "There's, {D you know, } some of the really totally country stuff, I don't really particularly like / {C but, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah. / {F Um, } do you have any plans to, {F uh, } do anything with your music in the near future / {C or, } -/", "{D Well, } <breathing> [ I have, + I have ] {D like, } we, - / I wish I could -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } [ I, + I ] don't really know how to go about it without having a degree / {C or, } -/", "Yeah. /", "{F um } <phone_ringing>, /", "I know that there are, if you're interested in choral singing, - / I'm not sure where,", "<Phone_ringing>.", "you are in Texas, / {C but } I do know that some communities have,", "<Phone_ringing>.", "{F uh, } community choruses / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } that's often a good way to get back into it again. / {F Um, } it's not [ r-, + ] terribly demanding. / You might have to audition, / {C but } that probably wouldn't be a problem, / {C but, } {F um, } <lipsmack> there usually, {D you know, } - / that they take tours and things like that - / {C and } you get to know --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } people socially as well [ as, + as ] in a musical setting, / {C so } --", "Yeah. /", "-- that's always fun. / I think [ that's, + {D well, } that's ] one reason why I have enjoyed my choir so much, is that not only do we sing wonderful music, / {C but } we've gotten to know each other quite well, {F um, } [ in, + ] on [ a, + a ] social level, / [ {C and, } +", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } ] I think we sing better because of that. / [ I think, + {D you know, }", "That's good. /", "I think ] we sing more like, {F uh, } people who trust each other <laughter>,", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "which is really nice. / {D So, } whereabouts in,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Texas are you, if I could ask? /", "{F Oh, } I'm in Flower Mound. /", "Flower Mound, / okay. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } I'm in Plano, / {C so, } {F um, } we're just not too far apart, {D actually. } /", "Yeah, / that's pretty close. /", "Uh-huh. / It was funny, {F um, } <lipsmack> {F uh, } / it's, {D you know, } - / I talk to people all over, {F uh, } Texas, {F um, and only one person outside [ of the coun-, + {F uh, } of the state, ] / {C so } I'm always asking [ where, + where ] in the state, {D you know, } the person is from if they're in Texas. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } [ are, + do ] you have a family? /", "{F Um, } I'm married. /", "Uh-huh. / I was wondering [ if your, + if your ] spouse, - / {C or } [ if, + {D you know, } if ] you had, {F uh, } other musical people in your family. /", "<Noise> I'm sorry? /", "{F Uh, } if you have other people in your family who are also musical. /", "{F Oh, } a little bit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Do you come by it naturally? / [ Was your, + were your ] parents that musical? /", "Yeah, / I think so. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / That often is the case, {F um, } / the, {D you know, } - / [ [ it's, + it, ] + sometimes it ] will skip. / Like my husband is not musical at all, / {C but } his mother is very musical, / [ {C and, } + {F um, } {C and } ] his children are very musical, / {C so } <laughter> you never know where the talent is going to show up, I guess, sometimes. / {C So, } {F um, } {D well, } I'm not sure how long we've talked. /", "I think, -/", "I [ haven't paid, + haven't been paying ] attention [ to the, + to the ] clock. / {C But, } {F uh, } I'll bet [ we've done, + we've done ] at least five minutes. /", "Probably <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I've enjoyed talking with you,", "Okay. /", "{F uh, } Becky, / {C and, } {F um, } maybe we'll talk again. /", "All right, / thanks. /", "Uh-huh. / Bye-bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MUSIC", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS MUSIC. CAN YOU FIND MUSICIANSOR TYPES OF MUSIC THAT BOTH YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER LIKE?", "talk_day": "06/15/1991", "from_caller": 1292, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1013, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1957, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3340_0", "3340_1", "3340_2", "3340_3", "3340_4", "3340_5", "3340_6", "3340_7", "3340_8", "3340_9", "3340_10", "3340_11", "3340_12", "3340_13", "3340_14", "3340_15", "3340_16", "3340_17", "3340_18", "3340_19", "3340_20", "3340_21", "3340_22", "3340_23", "3340_24", "3340_25", "3340_26", "3340_27", "3340_28", "3340_29", "3340_30", "3340_31", "3340_32", "3340_33", "3340_34", "3340_35", "3340_36", "3340_37", "3340_38", "3340_39", "3340_40", "3340_41", "3340_42", "3340_43", "3340_44", "3340_45", "3340_46", "3340_47", "3340_48", "3340_49", "3340_50", "3340_51", "3340_52", "3340_53", "3340_54", "3340_55", "3340_56", "3340_57", "3340_58", "3340_59", "3340_60", "3340_61", "3340_62", "3340_63", "3340_64", "3340_65", "3340_66", "3340_67", "3340_68", "3340_69", "3340_70", "3340_71", "3340_72", "3340_73", "3340_74", "3340_75", "3340_76", "3340_77", "3340_78", "3340_79", "3340_80", "3340_81", "3340_82", "3340_83", "3340_84", "3340_85"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D So, } Beverly, what do you think about drug testing? /", "I think in some professions it's, {F uh, } essential. Things like pilots and things that involve the safety of other people particularly. /", "Yeah. / [ We've, + we ] got a lot of mistakes here, {F uh, } in the Maryland, Baltimore area because of, {F uh, } train conductors --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } on drugs. / I think we've had two terrible accidents here recently, / {C and } also on, {F um, } just like, I bet you within five days [ a truck where the, + {F uh, } a dump truck, where ] the driver was, {F uh, } high on marijuana, - / I guess he smoked marijuana for lunch and, {F uh, } drove his truck up the back of two small cars in a tunnel that goes underneath [ the, + ] {F uh, } a river that leads into the Chesapeake Bay -- /", "{F Oh, } my goodness, /", "-- {C and } it would, - / that [ would, + ] tied up traffic for a long time, / everybody died, / the fire was terrible, / it was awful. / {C So, } yeah, / I think you're right, / I, I think [ I, + ] [ if it's, + if you're ] in a field, - / {C but } then {D you know, } who would test all truck drivers --", "They, - / [ that's, + that ] is a problem -- /", "-- {D you know, } /", "-- and every time before they get into a vehicle --", "Right, / yeah -- /", "-- {E I mean. } /", "-- [ I think, + I think, ] looking at athletes being drug tested -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I don't know, / [ even, + ] I think the random drug testing, I don't know in my own mind if it has reduced the athletes from taking drugs, because they're still being caught -- /", "Right. /", "-- that make sense? /", "Yes, / {F uh, } it may make a difference for some of them --", "Yeah, / {C and then, } {F uh, } I think, -/", "-- because they don't want to lose that lucrative, {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- career. /", "[ [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] think, + in the long run I think ] [ it's, + it ] would be good. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think in the short run they think because so many of those tested have gotten away with it --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know, } [ the, + the ] test hasn't come down hard on anyone -- /", "Uh-huh -- /", "-- [ I don't, + I don't ] know. /", "-- however, here in Dallas --", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } we had [ a, + a ] player, Roy Tarpley on the Mavericks team -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } he had been suspended a couple of times because of drug testing, / {C and } [ was to the point, + ] he was on probation, / he was to the point that if he was caught another time that he would lose his contract, / {C and } they wouldn't have to pay him, / {C and } the Mavericks wanted to get rid of him, / {C but } they couldn't afford to replace him and still pay his contract -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } just recently he was, {F uh, } missing from practice / {C and } whenever he missed like that, usually he had some kind of problem / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } a mandatory drug test was done --", "Yeah, /", "-- was positive, / {C so } they were able to --", "Get rid of him. /", "-- get rid of him and not have to pay his contract. /", "Right, / yeah. / B-, -/", "{C And so, } in his case, he lost his whole career, / he's been in the paper, in jail, / {C and } it's just been awful -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } talk about a terrible role model, /", "Right, / [ I, + I ] think, that, [ that, + that's ] a terrible thi-, {D you know, } - / it's really funny though, {F um, } / I guess, my dad was hit by [ a, + a ] drunk driver who was also high --", "{F Um. } /", "-- {F um, } when I was probably eighteen, my senior year in high school -- /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } though he's alive today and everything worked out fine, [ [ it, + it, ] + it ] happened about two blocks from the high school / {C and } a friend came and got me, / {C and } I was there, / {C and } I could smell the dope, / {C and } I could see the beer cans from the guy that hit him -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } nothing ever happened, / {C and } [ from + --", "{F Oh, } that's terrible. /", "-- from ] that point on, I became so anti drunk driving --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- now I think people should be allowed to drink, I think that's an adult responsibility, whatever, / {C but } I really, {F uh, } - / I'm so anti drunk driving, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] drugs have, {F uh, } long lasting effects -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I guess when I younger I was, {F um, } probably a little more liberal on the subject. /", "I think most of us are. /", "Yeah, / {C but } [ as I've, + as ] soon as that happened, - / I guess when I was eighteen years old, if you'd have asked me, I'd have thought it was fine -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } by the time I was nineteen my opinion had totally changed. /", "Yes, / if you know someone, - / for example we have, {F uh, } some friends whose son was driving home from work, was hit head on by a drunk driver -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the drunk and his wife in the car were killed, / {C and, } {F uh, } Bobby missed his whole junior year of high school -- /", "Right. /", "-- he went through surgery after surgery -- /", "{F Um. } Traction and all that terrible stuff. /", "-- {C and } for a long time they didn't even know whether he'd be normal again. / {C And } he, - / as far as his [ ath-, + athletics, ] he's lost all of that. /", "Right. /", "He, {F uh, } has been tutored, / {C and } he'll catch up in school and everything, / {C but, } he's still not back where he was. /", "Right, / yeah, / # I don't think somebody, # -/", "# He may never have # all those motor skills back. /", "Yeah, / [ [ you don't, + you don't, ] + you don't ] have the right to interfere in somebody else's life. /", "No. /", "[ I can't even say, + {D you know, } I wouldn't even say ] ruin somebody's life. / You don't have the right to interfere in somebody's life. /", "Another thing that we saw here recently. [ One of, + some of ] our high school kids were out goofing around in a park area that [ a, + a ] train track ran through -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } one boy who had been drinking decided for some stupid reason to try to play with the train. / {D Well, } [ he, + ] the train missed him, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ a big mirror type thing sticking out, + {D like } a metal thing sticking out, ] hit him in the head -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- he was in a coma for --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- four months, / he's out of the coma now, / {C and } eventually they think he will come back, / {C but } you don't know that, / {C and } -- -/", "Right. /", "-- {C but } he's lost, - / he was an outstanding football player, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "DRUG TESTING", "prompt": "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF SOME COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TESTING EMPLOYEES OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES FOR DRUGS? IS RANDOM SPOT TESTING JUSTIFIED? WHAT LIMITS SHOULD THERE BE", "talk_day": "10/31/1991", "from_caller": 1124, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1315, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3371_0", "3371_1", "3371_2", "3371_3", "3371_4", "3371_5", "3371_6", "3371_7", "3371_8", "3371_9", "3371_10", "3371_11", "3371_12", "3371_13", "3371_14", "3371_15", "3371_16", "3371_17", "3371_18", "3371_19", "3371_20", "3371_21", "3371_22", "3371_23", "3371_24", "3371_25", "3371_26", "3371_27", "3371_28", "3371_29", "3371_30", "3371_31", "3371_32", "3371_33", "3371_34", "3371_35", "3371_36", "3371_37", "3371_38", "3371_39", "3371_40", "3371_41", "3371_42", "3371_43", "3371_44", "3371_45", "3371_46", "3371_47", "3371_48", "3371_49", "3371_50", "3371_51", "3371_52", "3371_53", "3371_54", "3371_55", "3371_56", "3371_57", "3371_58", "3371_59", "3371_60", "3371_61", "3371_62", "3371_63", "3371_64", "3371_65", "3371_66", "3371_67", "3371_68", "3371_69", "3371_70", "3371_71", "3371_72", "3371_73", "3371_74", "3371_75", "3371_76", "3371_77", "3371_78", "3371_79", "3371_80", "3371_81", "3371_82", "3371_83", "3371_84", "3371_85", "3371_86", "3371_87", "3371_88", "3371_89", "3371_90", "3371_91", "3371_92", "3371_93"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{C So, } what kind of a house do you live in? /", "I'm [ in a, + {F uh, } in a ] ranch. / A, {F uh, } - / it was about, {F uh, } sixteen hundred square feet when I bought it, / {C and, } {F uh, } it's about two thousand square feet now, / {C but } it's one of those typical, <breathing> {F uh, } ranches that you find around here. / {F Oh, } it's, {F uh, } [ built in the, + probably built in the ] late fifties / {C so } it's not, {F um, } what you would find, {F uh, } where you live. / {C But, } {F uh, } for the older, {F uh, } ranch homes it's pretty typical I guess. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } our home is, {F uh, } [ probably, + for our area it's probably ] one of the lower income homes out here. / <laughter> {F Uh, } most of [ the, + the ] homes that they're building, - / {D well, } I shouldn't say all of them, / {C but } most of them now are up in the millions of dollars. /", "Really? /", "{F Oh } yeah, / there's, -/", "How many square feet do you have? /", "We have got about, {F uh, } [ twenty, + I'd say about twenty-four ] hundred. /", "Four bedrooms? /", "{F Uh, } we've got five bedrooms,", "Five bedrooms. /", "because we built onto our garage. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ A, + a ] bedroom for my mother, / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "[ [ I made a, + I made a fourth bedroom out of, {F uh, } ] + [ a + ] made a fourth bedroom ] [ out of one of our, + out of our ] living room and then added [ a, + ] {F uh, } what we call a sunroom --", "Oh. /", "-- to get the, {D you know, } - / [ when, + when ] we added four hundred square feet to our house -- -/", "{F Oh, } that's great. /", "-- so that, -/", "{D Well, } [ this, + this ] house is very comfortable. / We've got two living areas / {C and } [ that, + that's ] the thing I probably like the most about it. /", "How many stories? / Just one? /", "It's just one story. / Yeah. / It's a Fox and Jacobs home. /", "How are they built? /", "{F Um, } we've been real happy with it. /", "Yeah. / I've heard that, / I've heard the construction is pretty good on Fox and Jacobs. /", "Of course, I'm not a carpenter or anything like that. / They could probably come in and say, {D gee, } this is not straight / {C and } this is under something / {C but, } -/", "{C But } {E I mean } it doesn't give you trouble? /", "No. /", "Uh-huh. /", "No, / we haven't had a lot of problems with it at all. /", "No cracked slab or anything like that? /", "No. /", "<<Very faint>> All right. /", "We've been real lucky. / {C So, } -/", "{C And } is it, {F um, } a natural gas and, -/", "Yeah. /", "You know what I miss though? / Basements. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "[ I sur-, + I sure ] wish they could build basements in homes in Texas. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I've ] heard a lot of people say that. / That's for sure. / {F Uh, } we have an attic that we've just put, {D you know, } plywood [ ove-, + over ] the beams and things up in the attic / {C and so } that,", "{C So } you, -/", "has replaced it to some extent / {C but } certainly not, -/", "Can you stand up in it? /", "{F Uh, } in parts. / {E I mean } [ you couldn't, + you really couldn't ] use it for a room. /", "{C So } you have a probably a more pitched roof than is typical around here. /", "Yes. /", "Th-, - / ours is pitched so shallow that you, {F uh, } don't get much room in the attic. /", "Yeah. / Yeah, / [ we, + {F uh, } we've ] got, {D you know, } - / I'll store all our Christmas stuff and whatever else junk up there. /", "{D So, } five bedrooms and [ two living, + two family t-, ] -/", "Two living areas. / We have a living room and dining room at the front of the house, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and then } we have [ a, + ] the, {F uh, } family room, kitchen, and playroom --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- at the rear of the house which has been really nice. / In fact, I really enjoy the playroom [ that, + ] / [ y-, + you ] would think that would not be a real bonus, {D you know, } to a house, / {C but } of all the rooms in the house I'd say [ that was, + that was ] the one that's been really nice to have <laughter>. /", "Isn't it funny how families end up living in one room in the house most of the time. /", "I think that's true. /", "<Laughter> You c-, -/", "Yeah. / Probably our family room is [ the, + the ] biggest. {F Uh, } /", "Right. / Some people, {E I mean, } - / families seem to migrate towards [ one, + one ] room and carry on most of their activities there, / {C and, } {F uh, } {F uh, } [ some rooms, + ] we have one room that we never use. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean } might as well not even heat and cool it. /", "Yeah. /", "Strange. /", "{D Well, } that's kind of the way our living room and dining room is, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } it is nice to have it because [ there's, + ] {F uh, } with our size of family it's nice to know that there's one that's always straight and clean if you have <laughter> someone come --", "Right, / right. /", "-- just on the spur of the moment. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So } <lipsmack>, -/", "{C So } you've been fairly happy with it. / How long have you been in it? /", "Seventeen years. /", "Wow. / {D Boy, } it doesn't seem that long / {C but } it is because we, {F uh, } came to this area about the same time <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We've been [ fifteen, + fifteen ] years [ in the, + in the ] house that we're living in. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C And } [ we, + ] [ the, + the ] principal feature I like about ours is that it's pier and beam. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "Yours is a slab I assume. /", "Yes, / it is. /", "Yeah, / ours is a pier and beam which has allowed me to go under it and do a whole lot of different things that I could not have done if it was slab. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I've done a lot of electrical and plumbing and other work [ that, + ] <throat_clearing> by myself and saved a lot of money that I couldn't have done if the house was on a slab. /", "{D Well, } that's interesting. /", "{C But } that's because it's so old. /", "Yeah. /", "It's thirty-five, thirty-six years old when they used to build like that, / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } my husband wouldn't do that anyway. <laughter> / [ That's his, + that's his, ] -/", "I know, / he's not a handy, / right? <laughter>. /", "worst thing in <laughter> life is to have to repair something. /", "I, on the other hand, [ se-, + ]", "{D So, } -/", "{F uh, } do a lot too much of it / {C and, } {F uh, } I've gotten good at it which [ in a, + in a ] way is bad because then [ you, + {F uh, } you ] start to take pleasure in it <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } that's great. / We just kind of save everything [ for when (( Al )) , + {F uh, } [ for, + for ] when his Dad ] comes to visit / {C and then } he does all the repairing, {D you know, } / he does <laughter>, -/", "Right. / My Dad is actually, {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOUSES", "prompt": "FIND OUT ABOUT THE OTHER CALLER'S HOME. IS IT A TYPICAL HOME FOR THE AREA? HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO YOUR HOME?", "talk_day": "11/08/1991", "from_caller": 1366, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1190, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3535_0", "3535_1", "3535_2", "3535_3", "3535_4", "3535_5", "3535_6", "3535_7", "3535_8", "3535_9", "3535_10", "3535_11", "3535_12", "3535_13", "3535_14", "3535_15", "3535_16", "3535_17", "3535_18", "3535_19", "3535_20", "3535_21", "3535_22", "3535_23", "3535_24", "3535_25", "3535_26", "3535_27", "3535_28", "3535_29", "3535_30", "3535_31", "3535_32", "3535_33", "3535_34", "3535_35", "3535_36", "3535_37", "3535_38", "3535_39", "3535_40", "3535_41", "3535_42", "3535_43", "3535_44", "3535_45", "3535_46", "3535_47", "3535_48", "3535_49", "3535_50", "3535_51", "3535_52", "3535_53", "3535_54", "3535_55", "3535_56", "3535_57", "3535_58", "3535_59", "3535_60", "3535_61", "3535_62", "3535_63", "3535_64", "3535_65", "3535_66", "3535_67", "3535_68", "3535_69", "3535_70", "3535_71", "3535_72", "3535_73"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / where does she live? /", "{F Uh, } on Rutherford. /", "Rutherford. / I don't know that. /", "It's, {F uh, } corner of New York --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } just west of Mayfield. /", "It's, {F oh, } {F oh, } south and, okay, - / yeah, / [ I know where you, + I know the area. ] /", "# {F Uh. } # /", "# Right, # / that's kind of on the other side of town, / {C so } --", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "-- our kids probably never went to school together or anything <laughter>. /", "<Throat_clearing> {F Oh, } [ they're, + they're ] little ones # <laughter>. # /", "# {F Oh, } {D well, } # I've got one in college <laughter>. /", "Oh. /", "By now. /", "Let's see, we're on government,", "# Right. # /", "# whether # we think it's honest # <laughter> or can be. # /", "# Whether it is # possible to have an honest government. I'm beginning to think it's not. / What about you? # <Laughter>. # /", "# [ I, + # I ] don't think under the way the system is right now, it is. /", "I don't either. / [ I, + I ] think, - / {F uh, } even if people have good intentions, I think <breathing> {F uh, } power corrupts or something <laughter> to a certain extent, # {D you know. } # /", "# The # ultimate power, ultimately [ re-, + ] <laughter> corrupts. /", "Yeah, / it seems like, {F uh, } maybe more of them come in with good intentions, / {C but } it's just so enticing, / {C and } (( a lot of )) corners being cut and the special deals available, because they're (( in on the know )) , {D you know } <laughter>. -/", "I don't know # if, #", "# Oh. # /", "there is enough money that you could pay them # just, #", "# <Breathing>. #", "{D you know } <breathing> X amount of money to keep them honest. / [ I just, + I just ] don't, {F uh, } -/", "Right. / {E I mean, } you even see people on a small scale cheating when they have certain positions, / you know what I mean? /", "# Right. # /", "# [ Little # bitty, + little bitty ] positions in your own home town, and they'll cheat somehow or, {D you know, } bend the rules, use their power. / {C So } maybe it's just man's nature <laughter>. /", "[ We had, + {F uh, } here in Oklahoma we had ] a few years ago a major, {F uh, } corruption [ on, + on ] our county commissioners -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } there were several counties, {F uh, } including the one I was in, that lost every one of their county commissioners / {C and, }", "{F Oh, } my word. /", "{E I mean, } it was to the point of not just losing their job, but going to jail. /", "{F Oh, } wow. / What were they doing # taking some, # -/", "# {F Oh, } they were # taking kickbacks. /", "{F Oh, } no <laughter>. /", "Yeah / # <laughter>. #", "# {F Oh, } gosh. # /", "Just a little here, a little there. /", "Yeah, / right <laughter>. /", "Major amount here, a major amount # there. # /", "# Right # <laughter>. / {F Oh. } /", "{C But } I think there was something like, {D you know, } thirty or forty commissioners that ended up going to jail. /", "{F Um. } We haven't had that big a scandal in Arlington, / {C but } we do have the people that work for the convention center were falsifying records. / In other words, they'd go out and have a big, lavish dinner and then put somebody's name down that they supposedly had entertained, / {C but } that person wasn't even anywhere near there, {D you know. } / Some of them weren't even in the same city. / One of them [ had, + had ] cancer and died / {C and } <laughter> {E I mean, } that was our biggest scandal for the last few years, I think. /", "{F Uh, } [ that's, + that's ] small scale. / I don't know, {D you know, } / I really don't know what could be done. # {F Uh, } # /", "# [ I don't, + # I don't ] either. {F Uh, } to make it totally honest. / {F Uh, } I think [ there's, + there's ] always going to be some way somebody can cut a corner, {F uh. } / However, the things that have [ gone, + gone ] on in the last couple of years, we can't afford too many of those, {D you # know, } [ the + # --", "# That's # right. /", "-- the ] HUD mess or the S and L. / We could almost not afford such terrible corruption. /", "The cover-ups and, -/", "Right, / right. / I think that, {F uh, } Reagan and Bush were up to their necks in that Iran Contra thing, / {C and } it kind of makes you feel bad that the top people in your country would be lying to you like that, / {C but, } # {F uh, } # -/", "# [ I, + # {F uh, } I ] don't know. / [ I just, + {F uh, } I'd ] like to believe that there is some way that our political people would really go there and look out for our interests. /", "Right. /", "I think that's what upsets me worse than, that they're getting a little, {D you know, } {F uh, } on the side --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- [ that, + that, ]", "That's right, # / {C but } they stay there, # -/", "# it seems that when they # get up there [ it's, + it's ] [ what, + ] if I vote your way, what it'll do for me # rather, #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "than this is the way my constituents want it. /", "Right, / {C and } this would be for the best for the nation overall. / You're right, / it's just a, - / I don't know. / I guess that's where they stay [ in, + {F uh, } in, ] - / they try to stay in office. / {C But } they always please the money people too. / They need money so much, because they're constantly having to # run, #", "# run, # -/", "for office again. / # {C And, } # -/", "# Maybe # / {C and then } you think, {D well, } if it was longer terms --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- then they would never have to try to please the people at home # <laughter>. # /", "# <Laughter> # That's true. / {D Boy, } it is a big problem, / {C but } I think most people are kind of depressed and cynical about government now,/ don't you? /", "I don't think that [ they, + anyone ] has a lot of respect or faith in the government. /", "I know. / It's really terrible. / {E I mean, } there was a time, {E I mean } where, I remember when I was real young, I just loved Harry Truman. / I thought he was great <laughter>. / {F Oh, } {D you know, } I had, - / some of them seemed like kind of, {F uh, } heroic people. /", "{D Well } <throat_clearing> I wonder if they really were,", "# <Laughter>. #", "# or if we just # really didn't, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT", "prompt": "DO YOU THINK IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE AN HONEST GOVERNMENT? ARE MOST POLITICIANS IN GOVERNMENT MORE FOR PERSONAL GAIN OR PUBLIC SERVICE? HOW MUCH SELF-SERVING ACTIVITY DO YOU THINK GOES ON? IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKEBEHAVIOR IN GOVERNMENT ILLEGAL?", "talk_day": "12/13/1991", "from_caller": 1400, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1409, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3556_0", "3556_1", "3556_2", "3556_3", "3556_4", "3556_5", "3556_6", "3556_7", "3556_8", "3556_9", "3556_10", "3556_11", "3556_12", "3556_13", "3556_14", "3556_15", "3556_16", "3556_17", "3556_18", "3556_19", "3556_20", "3556_21", "3556_22", "3556_23", "3556_24", "3556_25", "3556_26", "3556_27", "3556_28", "3556_29", "3556_30", "3556_31", "3556_32", "3556_33", "3556_34", "3556_35", "3556_36", "3556_37", "3556_38", "3556_39", "3556_40", "3556_41", "3556_42", "3556_43", "3556_44", "3556_45", "3556_46", "3556_47", "3556_48", "3556_49", "3556_50", "3556_51", "3556_52", "3556_53", "3556_54", "3556_55", "3556_56", "3556_57", "3556_58", "3556_59", "3556_60", "3556_61", "3556_62", "3556_63", "3556_64", "3556_65", "3556_66", "3556_67", "3556_68", "3556_69", "3556_70", "3556_71", "3556_72", "3556_73", "3556_74", "3556_75", "3556_76", "3556_77", "3556_78", "3556_79", "3556_80", "3556_81", "3556_82", "3556_83", "3556_84", "3556_85", "3556_86", "3556_87", "3556_88", "3556_89", "3556_90", "3556_91", "3556_92", "3556_93", "3556_94", "3556_95", "3556_96", "3556_97", "3556_98", "3556_99", "3556_100", "3556_101", "3556_102", "3556_103", "3556_104", "3556_105", "3556_106", "3556_107", "3556_108"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / Jerry, the topic was favorite T V shows, and what kind are you interested in, [ and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- how they, + and do they ] differ from {D like } mine. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } okay, {F uh, } / [ most of, + most of ] the, {F uh, } commercial television these days, I'm just a little bit sick of. / {F Uh, } in fact, I don't watch hardly any, {F uh, } television at all with, {F uh, } my other activities. / {F Uh, } between my family and my church et cetera, et cetera, {D well } --", "Right. /", "-- [ I don't have time, + I hardly any time ] to sit down and watch the news. / {D Now } I do watch the Discover channel and some on channel thirteen / {C but, } {F uh, } [ aside from + --", "{F Oh, } do you, / yeah. /", "-- aside from ] that, I pretty well, {F uh, } turn it off. /", "{F Oh, } I'm sort of a, {D well, } - / I'm different from that. / I'm sort of [ a, + a ] movie buff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I go to <laughter> a couple of [ mov-, + movies ] a week, sometimes, / {C but } honestly [ I'm, + I'm ] self-employed, / {C and } a lot of times I will, {F uh, } go out and take a lunch hour, go to lunch from {D like } twelve to two, go to a movie and just come back to my office. /", "I don't blame you. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I do it, - / it's like entertainment, / {C and } I'm pretty much of [ a, + a ] junk movie watcher by myself. /", "Uh-huh. /", "If I take my wife, then we see something a little nicer, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } - / {C and } my kids are all sort of movie watchers. / {D You know, } [ [ we, + we've ] always been to a lot of, + we've always gone to a lot of ] movies in our life. / [ {C So, } + {C but } ] I would just as soon, {F uh, } be doing something else, / it's just that my kids are gone now, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] my wife's a school teacher / {C and } sometimes, [ and + ] she doesn't get home until about seven o'clock. / {C So, } {D you know, } I'll come in {D like } five thirty or six, / {C and } I'll turn on the tube --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- set there and have my coffee or Coke or whatever and a little T V / {C and } sometimes I set there all evening. /", "Yeah / [ I, + {D well, } it, ] - / sometimes [ if, + if ] it's real good, - / {D like } [ there's more, + there's been more ] than one evening that I've, {F uh, } caught, {F uh, } every animal show that evening on, {F uh, } on the Discover channel. /", "You bet, / you bet. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } because [ [ [ they're, + {F uh, } they're, ] + they're, ] + {D you know, } they're ] documentaries and they're. -/", "{D Well, } that's an interesting channel. /", "{F Oh, } you bet, / in fact I'm glad that it's part of our, {F uh, } basic cable package. /", "That's great. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "{D You know, } [ I've, + I've ] just never spent any time watching it / {C and, } {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I like my sports and everything / {C but } I, -/", "{F Oh, } {F oh, } me too. /", "<Laughter>.", "Hello <laughter>. /", "Watch my Dallas Cowboys. / I watched them to halftime before I left / {C and } I left at halftime -- /", "{D Well, } [ [ they, + they, who-, ] + --", "-- {C and } started [ dri-, + driving. ] /", "-- they whooped ] up on them. /", "They sure did. / They just did an excellent job. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } they're in the playoffs, / {C and } I'm not sure that the Eagles are not. /", "Yeah, / the Eagles -- -/", "I did. /", "-- yeah / (( )) luck into it now, I think. -/", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "Cowboys, they earned it on their own merit. / {D Well. } -/", "Did you know, everybody, or not everybody but quite a few of the folks were kind of down on Mister Johnson, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ he's, + {F uh, } he's ] brought the pokes, {F uh, } from [ a, + a ] one and something team to, {F uh, } playoffs, in what, three years now. /", "You bet, / as much as everyone, {D you know, } used the word, love Tom Landry, I'm glad that Jimmy Johnson's there. /", "Uh-huh, / {D well, } [ it's, + {F uh, } {D you know, } it was ] the time for the passing of the guard, {E I mean. } /", "It was. /", "{C And } I think Tom knew it. /", "I think so too. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } -/", "He wanted to go out a winner though. / I think he would have stayed there four or five more years until he could have gone out -/", "Yeah, / that's true, / {C and } [ I wouldn't, + I wouldn't ] have blamed him one bit --", "{F Oh, } no, / [ it's, + {D you know } --", "-- because -- -/", "-- he ] earned his stripes. /", "-- yeah, / {C but, } {D see, } nobody remembers him as a loser --", "I know. /", "-- because [ [ he's too, + he's too far, ] + he's far too ] much of a gentleman [ and a, + and a ] practicing Christian [ to, + {F uh } --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- to ] ever be thought of as anything [ but a lo-, + {D you know, } but a winner. ] /", "Yeah, / [ he's a, + he's a ] winner in anyone's book -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } I hope he's a winner in his own book, {D you know } because --", "{F Oh, } he is, / he is -- /", "-- that's the key there. /", "-- because he has to like himself --", "You bet. /", "-- before he can like other people. {F Uh, } /", "Little things that disturb me, - / {C and } I know he's being a little hardnosed about it / {C but, } {F uh, } {D you know, } this ring of honor thing, {D you know, } he needs to be there --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because he's earned it. / He deserves it, / {C and } he was the Dallas Cowboys, / {C and } --", "Yes. /", "-- he won't do that yet. / {C So. } I hope he makes up his mind to do it, because --", "{F Oh, } he will. /", "-- he needs to be remembered. /", "Right. / {D Well, } nobody's going to forget Tom Landry. /", "No, / no, / no. /", "Shoot, come now <laughter>. /", "Absolutely not <laughter>. / That's true, / {C but } --", "{E I mean, } I'd not a -- -/", "-- he needs to be honored, / let's put it that way. /", "-- you betcha. / I'm not a native Texan by birth / {C but, } {F uh, } I guess if [ I, + ] {F uh, } [ length of, + length of ] time I'm in the state now, is [ what, + ] after you're here twenty years you're considered native. /", "You bet. / I've been here since seventy-four, / {C and } I feel like a native. /", "{D Well, } let's see, / I came down March of sixty-nine, went to work for T and I. /", "{F Oh, } did you. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } I haven't looked back yet either, / {C so } <laughter>. -/", "[ We came, + we came ] down from New York state in seventy-four, and {F uh, } never had any regrets at all. /", "Right. / Especially looking at some of the weather New York state has had -- /", "You bet. / It's been. /", "-- {C and then } look at the weather we have down here. / Huh <laughter>. /", "It's a great place to raise our kids, / {C and } I've got my last kid graduating from college this next December -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- she's getting married the month before in November, / {C so } -- -/", "{F Oh, } goodness. /", "-- I will [ have finished, + be finished ] <laughter> --", "{D Well, } [ we're + --", "-- with that. /", "-- {D well, } we're ] finished with all but the last one, and trying to get him through his technical school -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } [ we're, + {F uh, } he's ] over halfway, / {C so. } -/", "{D Well, } good. /", "{D You know, } <laughter> we're not staying on the topic of television shows, / {C but } I'm really not too concerned, / are you? /", "No, / not at all. /", "No, / me neither. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'm enjoying the chat. {F Uh. } /", "{D Well, } I enjoy my T V programs. / I like those, / I like those detective programs. / I like everything. / I can watch Bill Cosby because I think he has a great show. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "12/15/1991", "from_caller": 1436, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1001, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1940, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3591_0", "3591_1", "3591_2", "3591_3", "3591_4", "3591_5", "3591_6", "3591_7", "3591_8", "3591_9", "3591_10", "3591_11", "3591_12", "3591_13", "3591_14", "3591_15", "3591_16", "3591_17", "3591_18", "3591_19", "3591_20", "3591_21", "3591_22", "3591_23", "3591_24", "3591_25", "3591_26", "3591_27", "3591_28", "3591_29", "3591_30", "3591_31", "3591_32", "3591_33", "3591_34", "3591_35", "3591_36", "3591_37", "3591_38", "3591_39", "3591_40", "3591_41", "3591_42", "3591_43", "3591_44"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well. } -/", "<Throat_clearing> Do you have, {F uh, } some strong feelings one way or the other [ about, + about ] the care of the elderly? /", "{D Well, } yes, / I do. / {F Uh, } this is [ a, + a ] question that hit pretty close to home. / I had to go through this with my dad about four years ago. / [ He was, + his health was ] failing -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } he was adamant about two things. / One was that I take care of my mother, / and two, that he not be put into a home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we talked, {F uh, } about some length, / {C and } I respected his wishes. / He, {F uh, } stayed at home as long as he could, / {C and then, } {F uh, } he died in a hospital. / {C But, } {F um, } I think that, my position [ wa-, + is ] that, {F uh, } you need to find one that you can really have confidence that they are taking care [ [ of the, + of the, ] {F uh, } of their ] clients -- /", "Yes. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } because I've heard about the many abuses, and because he had heard of so many abuses, he just didn't want that. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "How about you? /", "{D Well, } <throat_clearing> my graduate work is in speech pathology, / {C and, } {F uh, } {C so, } {C so, } {F uh, } I've thought about this more than once, {F uh, } {D you know, } dealing with - / <throat_clearing> {F uh, } {D you know, } I'm concerned, we're going to have a geriatric, {F uh, } population, [ in + in ] twenty years it's going to be, {D you know, } phenomenal. /", "Yeah, / [ almost thirty, + all over thirty ] percent, isn't it. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {F Uh, } <throat_clearing> {C and, } {F um, } {C but } I have been amazed / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] in talking with, {F uh, } some of my fellow students, it looks as though, {F um, } nursing homes are not going to be the only option any more / {C and, } {F uh, } <throat_clearing> in twenty years. {F Uh, } where a lot of students are hoping, {F uh, } to work as an in the home type, {F uh, } {F uh, } approach, [ [ where, + where ] the, + {F uh, } where there's, ] {D you know, } the speech therapist, or whether it's a nursing specialist or someone plans to, {F uh, } work out of a family's home and take the responsibility away from the family but yet allow [ the, + the ] loved one to stay, {D you know, } at home --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- with the family members. / {F Uh, } [ it's, + it's ] difficult for many families, especially in the case [ of, + {F uh, } of ] Alzheimer's [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } some of the more degenerative diseases to, {F uh, } {D say, } {F uh, } {F uh, } [ leave them, + to have them ] at home, because then the family becomes completely, {F uh } -- -/", "They're captive. /", "-- exactly. / Yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ did, + did ] you experience that [ with your, + with your ] father or not? /", "{F Uh, } [ we had a, + at one stage we had ] care somewhat [ like, + like ] what you're talking about. / We had the Visiting Nurses program -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they sent somebody in, / {C and } [ it, + it ] was [ a, + a ] nominal charge that [ this, + ] {F uh, } it started out that the lady would come in I think three times a week and eventually got up to the point where they were coming by every day. /", "Yeah. /", "They would try to get him to exercise. / They would try to, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / they would check him over [ to, + to, ] {D you know, } the basic checks. / Try to get him to talk and be motivated -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } that's what we went through. / {F Uh, } up to a point things seemed to be working, / {C and then, } {F uh, } I think, [ he, + he ] became discouraged -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and } they did not know how to take care of that, / {C and then, } {F um, } at that point I think it's mostly a psychological problem. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {C but, } yes, / I agree there's a lot of options. / There could be a lot of options. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think it's time that, {F uh, } we decide to do something about it. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um. } /", "Definitely. / {D You know, } one of the other subjects on the switchboard, and this is one that I've been thinking applies here, {F uh, } <throat_clearing> [ where, + where, ] {F uh, } young, young kids, {F uh, } graduating from high school, whether they should do a community service type work. / This would be an excellent example of [ some where, + {F uh, } some place ] where, {F um, } the community could be more involved, {D you know, } more than just leaving it only to professionals. / There is a lot [ the community, + the community ] can do to, {F uh, } [ enhance the, + [ or, + or ] assist ] the lives of those who are keeping a loved one at home. /", "I suppose at one time the church would fulfill this need. /", "Possibly before. / I don't know now. /", "Yeah, / the church or synagogue, whatever --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because typically these were close knit groups at one time, / {C but } in today's large metropolitan areas, or [ even in most, + [ even, + even ] the rural areas ] now, people are not quite as close as they once were. /", "Huh-uh. /", "{F Uh, } the mobility factor, the factor that, {F uh, } {F oh, } we're living longer and people are less trusting, all these things tend to destroy this type of system. / {C But } I agree with you, / there might be some possibilities there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Although dealing with geriatrics is something a lot of young people just aren't emotionally prepared to do. /", "I agree. / [ That's a, + that's a ] good point. /", "I think they would have to have some training. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "12/18/1991", "from_caller": 1345, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1943, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1446, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1969, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2006_0", "2006_1", "2006_2", "2006_3", "2006_4", "2006_5", "2006_6", "2006_7", "2006_8", "2006_9", "2006_10", "2006_11", "2006_12", "2006_13", "2006_14", "2006_15", "2006_16", "2006_17", "2006_18", "2006_19", "2006_20", "2006_21", "2006_22", "2006_23", "2006_24", "2006_25", "2006_26", "2006_27", "2006_28", "2006_29", "2006_30", "2006_31", "2006_32", "2006_33", "2006_34", "2006_35", "2006_36", "2006_37", "2006_38", "2006_39", "2006_40", "2006_41", "2006_42", "2006_43", "2006_44", "2006_45", "2006_46", "2006_47", "2006_48", "2006_49", "2006_50", "2006_51", "2006_52", "2006_53", "2006_54", "2006_55", "2006_56", "2006_57", "2006_58", "2006_59", "2006_60", "2006_61", "2006_62", "2006_63", "2006_64", "2006_65", "2006_66", "2006_67", "2006_68", "2006_69", "2006_70", "2006_71", "2006_72", "2006_73", "2006_74", "2006_75", "2006_76", "2006_77"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["All righty. / {F Uh, } I guess our topic today is air pollution. / {C And } we are to just discuss what substances do you think that contribute most to air pollution, as well as what society can do to improve the air quality of the atmosphere around us. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } does your work entitle, {F uh, } anything of environmental along these lines? /", "[ Me, + I'm ] in the legal department / {C and, } {F um, } we do have, {F uh, } a group of attorneys who handle our environmental issues. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I don't know too much about the air pollution thing. / I do know for other types of pollution like the toxic waste and such that T I has to dispose of that we normally put in the ground, {D you know, } we're coming up with [ a, + {F uh, } a ] new solution. / We have been finding a lot of toxic places to dump / {C and } we just transport to these places. / {C But } after awhile it always seems that [ the, + {F um, } {F oh, } the ] site starts to leak / {C and then } you have to clean it up and such. / {C But } the new idea is to take everything up to Sherman, / {C and } we're going have that, {D you know, } incineration place up there and,", "Right. /", "dump everything there. / {C And } supposedly that facility will not generate air pollutants from what I've heard, that everything would be [ in, + in, ] {D you know, } [ a + ] confined kind of incinerator and just burn it all up. / And that we won't be polluting the air. / I'm sure we have to have, {F uh, } permits, {D you know, } for that place. And that there's, {D you know, } limits as to what we can, {F uh, } let, {D you know, } go into the air. /", "Yeah. / It's, {F uh, } hav-, {F uh, } {F uh, } {D well, } - / [ I work in (( )) , + I work in ] environmentals, {F uh, } projects right now. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And so } the Sherman deal [ is, + ] {F um, } {F uh, } <laughter> lost a lot of hair over that project. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } what we run into, {F um, } is we have the Texas Air Control Board, T A C B, that send out, {F uh, } jurisdictions under which we have to, {F uh, } {F uh, } reply to. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } a lot of their rules and regulation aren't real clear, so we have our manager of environmental, who assist the T A C B, {A which is located in Austin, } in writing / {C and, } hey, / look what we've done here at T I. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } we are presently, {F uh, } in receipt of a site permit, which will allow us to, {F um, } <lipsmack> {F uh, } - / this is our side [ a-, +", "Uh-huh. /", "allow ] to have certain emissions up to a certain tonnage. / It's [ [ in, +", "Okay. /", "in, ] + in ] tons per year. {F Um, } / {C and so, } [ [ w-, + w-, ] + {D you know, } what ] we do to make contributions so that, basically, we go and do things like put in high-tech scrubber systems, {F uh, } that, {F uh, } scrub out the, N O X and, {F uh, } V O C's [ and, + and ] ammonia compounds, {F uh, } like all the acids, to a certain level. / We,", "Uh-huh. /", "are very, {F um, } aware of the opacity, which is the thickness of a stack emissions. / {C So } if you don't see anything coming out of a stack the opacity is zero or twenty or thereabouts. / {C And so } what we go through is, {F uh, } if you see it smoking there's a problem. / {C And } having worked with some of the legal folks very closely, {F uh, } it becomes a real issue, especially, when it's smoking / {C and } you have to get it fixed el pronto. /", "{F Um. } /", "As you know, [ they, + they're ] allowed to come on site, the federaldes, anytime they want, drive through, and see, and inspect. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } it's a full time, {F uh, } everybody has their home phone number type of job. {F Um, } /", "Now is that place built / {C or } you're still on the makings of it? /", "The Sherman facility, we are still in the, closer too, but still have a little bit of, {F um, } finalization to do. - / Right. / It's been pitched to the Sherman City Council with, {F um, }", "Uh-huh. /", "open arms, as well as the public. / We had open forum / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } {F uh, } Tom Jones, our [ environmental, + corporate environmental ] guys handle the project. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } its [ real, + {F uh, } going real ] well. / I think it's [ matter, + just a matter ] of [ fund, +", "Uh-huh. /", "funds ] right now as I understand it. {F Uh, } / {C but } [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] something else. / Yeah. / [ [ they're, + they're, ] + they're ] in the same issue. / We were hoping on burning a lot of the effluent up there. / {F Uh, } {C because } [ the, + the ] system is setup where it won't have any emissions. / You're correct. / It will have something coming out of the stackhouse [ it was, +", "Right. /", "it was ] human nature. / {C But } it won't have [ can any, + {F uh, } any ] bad stuff. / {C So, } {F uh, } I think T I, [ we spend, + ] of all the major semiconductor firms, we probably put safety and environmental on the utmost, foremost, {F uh, } {F uh, } first thing we always look at. / And we probably put more money into the systems {C and } engineering behind the system of any other firm I know of. / We eat and sleep the stuff, everything we do over here. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and, } {F uh, } it's an interesting job. / {C But } {F um, } -/", "{D Well, } I know from some of the sites that we've had, {F uh, } quite a list of cites that have gone bad / {C and } you have to clean up. / {C And, } you know the law now is the super fund / {C and } anybody who's contributed toxic waste, no matter if you were somebody that eventually, {D you know, } {F uh, } damaged the ground or not. / {F Uh, } everybody has to contribute / {C and } it's been a lot of big bucks when we've [ gotten, + {F uh, } gotten ] pulled into these super fund deals to clean it up and, {D you know, } mega bucks to, {F uh, } {D you know } take everything out and redo it and, {D you know, } fill in some other area / {C and, } {F um, } certainly, it would to have a better solution, {D like } the Sherman facility than, {F um, } just letting it go in the ground. / {C Because } eventually, {D you know, } [ it, + it ] seems that no matter what they do, if they put it in oil drums and then seal it in some kind of cement lined, {F uh, } dump area. / It still only in time starts to leak out. /", "Possibly. /", "Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ There, + there ] was one site that they cleaned up / {C and then } the new place leaked again. <laughter> (( )) . /", "Yeah. / I'm familiar with that one. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ We have, + we have ] stuff that's very interesting, {F uh, } / we have hoods, / we have duckwork and all those type of interesting pieces of equipment where, {F um, } they have, {F um, } that we sample -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it may have over, {F uh, } a certain emission levels, / this is on the (( solid side )) , / {C and so } we take it / {C and, } {F uh, } we can't (( deep well )) inject something like that because it's a solid. / {C And } we mix it with concrete --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and {D actually, } {F um, } potash, per se, and concrete and then actually put it in the ground. But [ not so, + not ] in a hazardous waste location because it's, basically, a concrete slab. /", "{F Um. } /", "It was totally legal. / {C But } the cost of doing this is astronomical,", "{F Um, } /", "they actually show you what duckwork and things. / {C And so } we were, {F uh, } very, very, {F uh, } cognizance of, and aware of all these types of, {F uh, } expenditures because it could get very expensive. / {C But } I think [ we, + {F uh, } {D you know, } we ] do all kinds of things to make [ the, + the ] world a better place to live, {D you know, } / I think some of the folks that aren't aware of it will be surprised at how much effort and energy is put into doing that. / I really would. / {F Um, } <lipsmack> I've enjoyed speaking with you, /", "Yeah. /", "This has been an interesting topic. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> I was one of the, - / I was responsible for all the planning and engineering over the corporate, or in the north building <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } you were? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } I hope you like your office. /", "Yes. / Yes. / It's a heck of a lot different. / {C And } we used to be really embarrassed about the gray metal desk. / We were about the only,", "Yeah. /", "place in, {D you know, } T I that had the gray metal desk. / People used to come and laugh and go, {D gee, } I hadn't seen one of those ten, fifteen years. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "Glad to see y'all taken care of. / {D Well, } [ the, + ] {F uh, } I think what changed everything [ and, + ] {F uh, } is, {F uh, } [ y'all were, + y'all ] were the only ones that make any money for TI, here in the last ten years,", "<Laughter> We,", "Ju-, -/", "finally got a little respect. / Nobody thought of us as a profit center before. /", "Exactly. / {C And } that's, {F um, } [ [ when, + when ] you start, + when you start ] paying your way, {F uh, } {D you know, } Jerry takes a different outlook towards you guys. /", "Right. / Right. /", "I was just, -/", "Not just overhead. /", "Exactly. / I've enjoyed speaking with you. /", "You too. /", "See you later. / Bye-bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AIR POLLUTION", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS AIR POLLUTION. FIND OUT WHAT SUBSTANCES THE OTHER CALLER THINKS CONTRIBUTE THE MOST TO AIR POLLUTION TODAY. WHAT CAN INDIVIDUALS OR SOCIETY DO TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY?", "talk_day": "03/05/1991", "from_caller": 1061, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1957, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1035, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1953, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2086_0", "2086_1", "2086_2", "2086_3", "2086_4", "2086_5", "2086_6", "2086_7", "2086_8", "2086_9", "2086_10", "2086_11", "2086_12", "2086_13", "2086_14", "2086_15", "2086_16", "2086_17", "2086_18", "2086_19", "2086_20", "2086_21", "2086_22", "2086_23", "2086_24", "2086_25", "2086_26", "2086_27", "2086_28", "2086_29", "2086_30", "2086_31", "2086_32", "2086_33", "2086_34", "2086_35", "2086_36", "2086_37", "2086_38", "2086_39", "2086_40", "2086_41", "2086_42", "2086_43", "2086_44", "2086_45", "2086_46", "2086_47", "2086_48", "2086_49", "2086_50", "2086_51", "2086_52", "2086_53", "2086_54", "2086_55", "2086_56", "2086_57", "2086_58", "2086_59", "2086_60", "2086_61", "2086_62", "2086_63", "2086_64", "2086_65", "2086_66", "2086_67", "2086_68", "2086_69", "2086_70", "2086_71", "2086_72", "2086_73", "2086_74", "2086_75", "2086_76", "2086_77", "2086_78", "2086_79", "2086_80", "2086_81", "2086_82", "2086_83", "2086_84", "2086_85", "2086_86", "2086_87", "2086_88", "2086_89", "2086_90", "2086_91", "2086_92", "2086_93", "2086_94", "2086_95", "2086_96", "2086_97", "2086_98", "2086_99", "2086_100", "2086_101", "2086_102", "2086_103", "2086_104", "2086_105", "2086_106", "2086_107", "2086_108", "2086_109", "2086_110", "2086_111", "2086_112", "2086_113", "2086_114", "2086_115", "2086_116", "2086_117", "2086_118", "2086_119", "2086_120", "2086_121", "2086_122", "2086_123"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / in order to make the, {F uh, } curried chicken, I just fried the chicken,", "Uh-huh. /", "until it was nice and brown, {D you know } / make sure it's nice and brown on both sides / {C and then } you take it out of the fat / {C and } [ you, + you ] let the chicken you fried kind of drain, so that a lot of the oil comes out of it <cough>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } [ you, + you, ] {F uh, } pour [ most of the, + all of the ] oil out of the pan / {C and } you kind of clean it out / {C and } you put back maybe two tablespoons full of the oil and saute some, {F um, } bell peppers and onions [ in, + in ] that little bit of oil. / Maybe one tablespoon or two tablespoons, let that brown, then put all of the chicken back in there. / {C And then } you, {F uh, } mix flour and a cup of water, maybe, {F uh, } one tablespoon of flour and a cup of water. / Stir it real, real well. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Then you, {F uh, } pour that in there, {D you know, } to make the gravy. / {C And } you let it come to a boil again / {C and then } you let it simmer / {C and } you add, {F uh, } about a tablespoon of, what I'm using now is Jamaican curry powder. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } [ that's going to, + it's going to ] be really good <laughter>. /", "That's very spicy, too. /", "Yeah, / it's, -/", "{E I mean } these bell peppers and curry. /", "Right, / {C and then } if you like it really hot, you can add some hot, hot peppers and hot sauce and all that kind of stuff. /", "{F Oh, } that sounds really good. /", "Yeah. /", "Huh. / I guess it was, - / is this dinner time for you? /", "{F Uh, } {D well } it will be in a little while, / I'm trying to [ get it, + get it ] ready early. /", "All done in advance, / yeah. / [ [ That's + {F um, } <throat_clearing> I, ] + {F uh, } [ I'm, + I'm ] ] not that great a cook / {C but } I was single until I was thirty / {C so } I did cook a little, {D you know. } /", "Oh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } I cook a little bit now. / What I like to do mostly is stir fries / {C and } my wife normally says, {F oh, } Tom, [ why, + why ] don't you make a stir fry tonight / {C and so } [ we even, + we just ] were recently married so we have a stir fry pan sort of like a big wok. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we do a lot of, {F um, } stir fry vegetables. /", "What kind of wok do you have, / [ is it, + is it ] a real Chinese wok. /", "[ It's, + it's ] called a stir fry pan / [ [ {C and } it, + {C and } it ] fits right on your, {F uh, } st-, + it fits right on your burner, ] whether it's gas or electric / {C so } [ it's, + it ] has a flatter bottom than a normal wok does. /", "Uh-huh. / I see. /", "{C And, } {F um, } normally [ what happ-, + what we ] do is, {F um, } just, {D you know, } like two tablespoons of oil, maybe sesame oil {C or } some other type of oil than just regular [ oi-, + vegetable oil. ] / {C But } I will use [ peanut, + peanut ] oil, or things. / {C And then } we just stir fry broccoli and carrots and, {F um, } green peppers, and, {F um, } maybe put in a little bit of, {F um } garlic and ginger, {F uh, } beforehand. / That gives, {F uh, } {F uh, } {F uh, } spicier flavor / {C and then } after the stir fry is over, just mix in, {F um, } a little bit of, {F uh, } sometimes chicken broth,", "Yeah. /", "and corn starch and soy sauce / {C and } that sort of makes [ a, + {F uh, } a ] glaze,", "Uh-huh. /", "that sticks to [ the, + the ] vegetables, / I've used, - / you turn them over. / A lot of times when we do stir fry we just put in tofu, / we don't put in meat,", "Uh-huh. /", "cause I guess [ we're, + I'm ] not / {C but, } {F uh, } she likes to watch [ all the, + ] how much red meat and things, / {C so. } We'll do, a lot of times vegetarian. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } it's a real good meal because you have squash and broccoli and, {F uh, } carrots and celery and green peppers and, {F um, } {F oh, } {D gee, } mushrooms. /", "{F Oh } [ that's, +", "[ It's, + it's ] a pretty big - / {C and } we put that over rice. /", "That ] sounds real good except the squash, / I just don't like squash. /", "{F Oh, } you don't <laughter>. /", "I never did. / <laughter> My mother used to cook a whole pan full of squash / {C and } she'd have squash and corn bread <laughter>. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } maybe [ some, + ] she'd have chicken or something. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I'd just be, -/", "Yeah, / {D see, } [ we never, + in fact I never ] had squash growing up. / [ My, + my ] wife [ eats more vegetables, + ate more vegetable ] than I did growing up./ [ I'm, + I'm ] from Pittsburgh / {C and } Pittsburgh is a very meat and potato town. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah, / recipes in Pittsburgh consisted of red meat and a potato. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Red meat and a potato. /", "{F Oh, } that sounds good. / [ We, + we ] were from North Carolina / {C and } we had a garden / {C and } my mother [ would, + would, ] {F uh, } grow the squash / {C and } she'd grow white potatoes and onions and cabbage and collards and all kinds of, -/", "{F Oh, } she had all of those types of vegetables. /", "Right. /", "{D See, } [ never, + no ] vegetables in my family. -/", "Wow. /", "Yeah, / it was really funny. /", "You wouldn't believe it, we even raised chickens <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D Well } that was a real farm. /", "You ever seen anybody kill a chicken? /", "No, / {C but } [ [ I, + I've, ] + I've ] heard stories {F uh, } / I've heard stories. /", "{C And } they put the head under a tin tub and chop the head off. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C And then } you hear the chicken jumping around under the tub / {C and } finally it dies down, / you get just a little patter / {C and then } it, -/", "{F Oh, } this is ter-, - / you shouldn't be talking about this [ right before, + ] while you're fixing dinner. /", "<Laughter> Getting ready to eat chicken too. /", "That's right, / you should be careful <laughter>. / That's pretty funny. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } my dad used to tell stories, {D you know, } about the way they eat chickens / {C but } [ [ I never, + we never, ] + we lived ] in the suburbs, / [ we, + we ] bought everything in a grocery store. /", "Uh-huh. /", "There was no, - / {C but } it was funny, {D you know, } - / it so, - / {C but } when we got married, {D you know, } a lot more vegetables, [ a lot more, + {D you know, } a lot of ] changes. /", "{D Well } that's good. / A lot of people are eating healthier now a days. /", "I think so too, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } we just went shopping / {C and } we came back [ with, + {F uh, } with, ] {F uh, } sweets, {D you know, } chocolate covered peanuts / {C and } --", "Ugh. /", "-- {F uh, } we came back with sweets. / We didn't bring all the healthy food back too. /", "Yeah, / I'm trying to learn how to cook, {F um, } deserts [ without, + without ] all of the sweets, {D you know, } maybe use honey or something. /", "Uh-huh, / {D well } [ that's, + that's ] supposed to be, {F um, } the trend of the future,", "Yeah. /", "but, {F uh, } the cut back. / [ I, + ] {F uh, } recently was over a friends house that's Indian / {C and, } {F uh, } she had brought Indian sweets into the office / {C and } it was really funny because they were made from yogurt and carrots. /", "Ugh. /", "Yeah, / that was a sweet / {C and } I was like ugh. /", "<Laughter>.", "This is a sweet. / {F Oh } [ it is, + it's ] a candy, / I'm like ugh, {D you know, } / Indian candy is not very good. /", "{F Uh, } right. /", "[ {C But } everything was, + {C and } everything, ] - / you didn't notice it at first, / {C but } everything was sort of hot. / Everything had a little bit of curry in it. /", "The spice, / yeah. /", "It was funny, even the sweets did. /", "Wow. /", "When you first took a bite of them you didn't notice it / {C but } then after a couple of minutes you could taste it. / {D You know, } it had [ that, + that ] after taste that, [ very, + it was a very ] Indian flavor. /", "Yeah. /", "Good, / they didn't have, - / I didn't like her desserts very well, / they were very, yogurt and carrots and [ pin-, + ] [ pistachios, + pistachio ] nuts and yogurt. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it wasn't very good. /", "{D Well } I might have liked some of that / [ I, + I ] like hot stuff, /", "Uh-huh. /", "I really do. /", "Yeah, / {D well } have we done our ten minutes. /", "{F Oh } is it ten minutes. /", "Something like that, / I think we're, -/", "I don't know, / do we get a signal. /", "No, / [ nor-, + normally ] they just come in / {C and } they say you've overextended [ your, + your ] conversation. /", "{F Oh, } {D well } this is my first one. /", "{F Oh, } okay / {D well } that's, - / you'll see [ it will normally, + it will ] come on / {C and } it'll say you've over extended your conversation, you now have [ fifteen minutes to compl-, + fifteen seconds to complete ] it. /", "{F Oh } wow. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I've been cut off twice. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I just thought, - / in fact I'm just also, - / I'm hearing a siren outside I think [ my, + my ] neighbors car must have got bumped, {D you know, } / he has one of those alarms on his car, /", "Goodness. /", "[ one of the, + the neighbor has an alarm on a car ] / {C and } it's going off. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } I was going to go out and see what they were doing. /", "{D Well, } okay. /", "Okay, / {D hey } thanks so much. /", "Yeah, / thank you, / it was nice talking with you. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } you said this was your fi-, - / {D well } [ you'll, + you'll ] get a couple more probably. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I, + {F uh, } I ] called yesterday, [ I, + ] or Friday, / maybe I talked to somebody that, {F uh, } I got them on, {F uh, } during the day. / It was a housewife / {C and } she was home with two kids. /", "Ugh. /", "{C And } while we're talking the kids are screaming in the background, {D you know, } that they wanted something / {C and } they were arguing back and forth / {C and } she just kept talking the whole time, / it was pretty funny. /", "Yeah, / kind of hard that way. /", "Okay. /", "Okay. /", "{D Hey } thanks a lot, / I'll talk to you later. /", "All right, / thank you, / bye-bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1124, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1156, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1946, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2622_0", "2622_1", "2622_2", "2622_3", "2622_4", "2622_5", "2622_6", "2622_7", "2622_8", "2622_9", "2622_10", "2622_11", "2622_12", "2622_13", "2622_14", "2622_15", "2622_16", "2622_17", "2622_18", "2622_19", "2622_20", "2622_21", "2622_22", "2622_23", "2622_24", "2622_25", "2622_26", "2622_27", "2622_28", "2622_29", "2622_30", "2622_31", "2622_32", "2622_33", "2622_34", "2622_35", "2622_36", "2622_37", "2622_38", "2622_39", "2622_40", "2622_41", "2622_42", "2622_43", "2622_44", "2622_45", "2622_46", "2622_47", "2622_48", "2622_49", "2622_50", "2622_51", "2622_52", "2622_53", "2622_54", "2622_55", "2622_56", "2622_57", "2622_58", "2622_59", "2622_60", "2622_61", "2622_62", "2622_63", "2622_64", "2622_65", "2622_66", "2622_67", "2622_68", "2622_69", "2622_70", "2622_71", "2622_72", "2622_73", "2622_74", "2622_75", "2622_76", "2622_77", "2622_78", "2622_79", "2622_80", "2622_81", "2622_82", "2622_83", "2622_84", "2622_85", "2622_86", "2622_87", "2622_88", "2622_89", "2622_90", "2622_91", "2622_92", "2622_93", "2622_94", "2622_95", "2622_96", "2622_97", "2622_98", "2622_99", "2622_100"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So, } {F uh, } what do you think? <Laughter>. /", "I think we're overtaxed to the hilt. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / {E I mean, } [ we're, + we're ] taxed on taxes / {C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } most all government entities are just trying to give us a state income tax for those who don't have it that is. / {E I mean } we don't have one yet, / {C but } eventually they may try to push it through. /", "{F Oh } really. / {C So } they have n-, - / I didn't realize they had no state tax in Texas. /", "[ No, + no ] state income tax. /", "{F Oh, } that's great, because they don't have it in Florida. / In New York they have it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } {D you know, } like I say, I'm in New York / {C and } we have a state tax as well. / {C So } that just cuts even more. /", "Yeah, / I think what needs to be done is they need to control their spending habits. /", "Right, / [ I, + I ] think that I, - / {E I mean, } I wouldn't be so upset about the amount of taxes paid if it weren't for the fact that [ they don't, + they don't ] go to any place. / {D You know, } [ y-, + you ] don't see it going to any place where it belongs. /", "Right. / Yeah. /", "{C but } given [ that it, + that it's ] not spent properly, I think it's a major problem. /", "{D Well } we're really overburdened from federal, state and local,", "# Uh-huh / <<softly>>. #", "# that it # takes such a size out of your paycheck that there's not a whole lot you can always do with your paycheck. /", "{D Well } that's certainly true. / {D Well } what is it they were just talking about, {F um, } sort of [ middle income, {D you know, } + [ how, + how, ] middle income ] people, - / what winds up happening is, for instance having kids, {D you know, } they wind up having kids as a deduction / [ {C and } after, + ] {C but } the deduction is so little for kids that they wind up having to pay more in taxes than it costs to raise a kid for the year or something. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think tha-, - / so they want [ to, {D you know } try an-, + I think they're trying, ] / [ I think tha-, + I think that ] most of the politicians understand this. / [ They just don't, + they're just not ] very good at doing what they're supposed to be doing. /", "{D Well } they're kind of put into a trap of being out there to please the special interest groups as well. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I think the only way that can be changed for us to get [ a, + a ] better tax revenue that's fairness and all, is for us to limit their terms. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } by doing so, they're not obligated to anybody. /", "I agree, / I agree. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I don't know how we're going to do that right away though, / {C but, } [ what, + what ] in general though that taxes are doing to us is, it's just taking, {F uh, } a bite out of our savings. /", "Right, / exactly, / [ {C and then, } + {C and then, } ] {F uh, } [ I'm, + I'm ] just not sure [ if I see, + {D you know, } if I see ] it going, {A like I say } to the right places. / {E I mean, } [ it'd be, + it'd be ] one thing if it were taking a bite out of your savings and then you were getting it all back when you got older. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {C but } I'm not convinced, [ [ that's, + [ a-, + ] tha-, ] + that ] Social Security is doing as well as it should [ [ [ [ [ [ {C and, } + {D you know, } {C and, } ] + {C and, } ] + {C and, } {F uh, } ] + {C and, } ] + {C and } ] that, {D you know, } those people who need it for welfare and so forth, who really need it for welfare, not the eighty-five to ninety percent of them who don't need it. But {E I mean } the real people who really need it, {D you know, } should be getting it / {C but } instead I think it's going to the wrong places. /", "{C And } I believe the Social Security tax is a great (( )) scheme. /", "You think so? /", "Yeah, / it's, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / right now, they're robbing from it to pad the federal deficit. /", "I know / {C and } that scares the hell out of me. /", "Yeah, / [ tha-, + that's ] illegal, {D see. } / If, {F uh, } most company, {F uh, } C E O -s were to do that within their private company, they'd be in jail. /", "Yeah / <door>.", "<Laughter> {C So } how are we letting them get away with it. /", "Yeah, / [ I don't, + I don't, ] /", "Right. /", "it'd be nice if we sort of, as one, band together / [ [ and, + and, ] + {F uh, } and, ] [ an + ] performed a citizens arrest, I guess. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# To # see if we could sort of clean them up / {C and } {D you know, } {C but } I don't know if we can do that or not. /", "A lot of people have become too complacent {C and } believe everything is just the norm as to the way things are going and feel absolutely helpless to oppose a lot of the situations going on,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# in # the taxing system. /", "I agree, / I agree. / {C But, } {F um, } yeah, / [ like, + like ] you said, I wonder, {D you know, } [ if, + if ] it's certainly not going to be a slow change process / {C and } I wonder if it'll ever be a change process. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I sort of, + I sort of ] get discouraged when I think about all the things that I think are wrong <breathing> <laughter>. / {D You know, } all those things that really could be changed [ that aren't, + {D you know, } [ that, + that ] aren't. ] / {C And } tax is one of those things that just sort of sits way up there on the list. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "{C So, } I don't kno-, - / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] have no idea what to do about it. /", "{D Well } there's no quick solution, or no sure fire easy answer. / It's just going to take, {F uh, } {F uh, } really, {F uh, } {F uh, } {F uh, } a combination effort, {A I think, } of the majority of the American people to come to a decisive answer,", "# <Door>. #", "# or # vote to limit the way it's spent. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D See, } # [ [ we, + we're, ] + we ] have no say so as to where the money goes in the first place. /", "Right. / We don't, - / {E I mean, } the only say so we have is supposedly by electing people who we think are going to vote one way of another. /", "Right / {C and } they are controlled, or pretty much do what they want to do. /", "Right, / I've never quite understood that. [ I've never, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } even though, {F um, } [ I, + I've ] never been, {F uh, } sort of politically minded, / {C but } it's never been clear to me as to sort of, {F um, } {D you know, } how Congressmen [ [ an, + can, ] + can ] just sort of go ahead and vote their own conscience as their own ideas when clearly their constituency [ doe-, + doesn't ] back them up on anything, {D you know. } / {C And } often times that will happen. /", "{D Well } they feel [ invu-, + invulnerable ] to, {F uh, } any wrath / {C or, }", "# Right <clicking>. # /", "# {F uh, } [ it's, + # it's ] occurred so many times that they figure people will usually forget and don't think about it when the election time arises. /", "Right. /", "{C And } generally it does work out that way. /", "They do forget, {A it's true, } [ coul-, + ] because everybody, - / think of what happens is [ whenever the politici-, + whenever [ th-, + the ] one ] who made that supposed mistake turns around - / {C and, } {F uh, } [ his, + his ] or her opponent can say {D well } look, they did this. / {C And } they can turn around and say {D well } my opponent did this. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } it becomes, {F uh, } a general battle of the [ w-, + ] sort of the election of the lesser of two evils, I think, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. /", "I don't know, / [ I just, + {F uh, } I'm ] unhappy with it / {C but. } - / {C And } {D well, } [ I'm, + I'm ] sort of semifortunate right now, / I'm a graduate student, / {C so } I don't make that much, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # what I make isn't taxed very highly because I'm still in school. /", "{D Well } when you get out into the real world then you'll know. /", "{C But } [ [ [ [ it's, + my, ] + my, ] + my ] wife has a real job / {C and, } {D you know, } when I get her job, {F um, } {D you know, } [ we, + we ] look at her paycheck, I'm just floored when I see how little of it we're actually allowed to keep. /", "Yeah. /", "<Door> Especially around bonus time. /", "Bonus time, / you have a bonus? /", "Bonus, / she, - / no, / [ my, + my ] wife does. /", "Oh. /", "My wi-, - / I don-, - / no / graduate students don't get bonuses. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We're lucky to get paychecks the way I figure. /", "{C So } you're taxed on the bonuses too, / right. /", "[ My, + my ] wife is taxed on her bonus as well, / {C and } [ that's a, + that's usually a ] big chunk of her bonus check {D actually. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean } her bonus isn't that much, / {C but } they tax it as, - / [ I, + I ] guess they tax it as if that were her weekly check or something. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } she gets destroyed on her bonus check. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } she works [ with + ] [ [ [ in, + in, ] + in ] sales. / {C So } a good portion of [ her, + {D you know, } her ] salary [ is, + is ] quarterly bonuses. /", "{F Uh, } sales is lucrative / {C but } then you're paying really high taxes when you're doing a lucrative job. /", "Yes, / {D well, } yeah, / she's not entirely sales, so [ it isn't, + it isn't ] as lucrative as one would hope, / {C but, } [ it, + it ] keeps us supported temporarily,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# until # I can get a real salary and then get taxed more. / {C So, } I don't know, / [ [ I d-, + I guess, ] + I guess ] at this point in time we're just sort of going to have to live with it, <breathing> and hope that it gets better <door>. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I have, [ I guess + ] about said [ what + ] [ a-, + all ] I can think of to say. /", "Same here, / tough topic / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / it's [ re-, + ] a rather touchy topic at that, / {C but } <laughter>. -/", "I beli-, - / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] do agree with you, [ most, + most ] wholeheartedly. /", "{D Well } that's great. /", "It's been a pleasure talking with you. /", "You too, / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "# Thanks for call. # /", "# have a good # day. /", "You too. / Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TAXES", "prompt": "TALK ABOUT WHETHER AMERICANSY", "talk_day": "04/22/1991", "from_caller": 1103, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1028, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1965, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["2630_0", "2630_1", "2630_2", "2630_3", "2630_4", "2630_5", "2630_6", "2630_7", "2630_8", "2630_9", "2630_10", "2630_11", "2630_12", "2630_13", "2630_14", "2630_15", "2630_16", "2630_17", "2630_18", "2630_19", "2630_20", "2630_21", "2630_22", "2630_23", "2630_24", "2630_25", "2630_26", "2630_27", "2630_28", "2630_29", "2630_30", "2630_31", "2630_32", "2630_33", "2630_34", "2630_35", "2630_36", "2630_37", "2630_38", "2630_39", "2630_40", "2630_41", "2630_42", "2630_43", "2630_44", "2630_45", "2630_46", "2630_47", "2630_48", "2630_49", "2630_50", "2630_51", "2630_52", "2630_53", "2630_54", "2630_55", "2630_56", "2630_57", "2630_58", "2630_59", "2630_60", "2630_61", "2630_62", "2630_63", "2630_64", "2630_65", "2630_66", "2630_67", "2630_68", "2630_69", "2630_70", "2630_71", "2630_72", "2630_73", "2630_74", "2630_75", "2630_76", "2630_77", "2630_78", "2630_79", "2630_80", "2630_81", "2630_82", "2630_83", "2630_84", "2630_85", "2630_86", "2630_87", "2630_88", "2630_89", "2630_90", "2630_91", "2630_92", "2630_93", "2630_94", "2630_95", "2630_96", "2630_97", "2630_98", "2630_99", "2630_100", "2630_101", "2630_102", "2630_103", "2630_104", "2630_105", "2630_106", "2630_107", "2630_108", "2630_109", "2630_110", "2630_111", "2630_112", "2630_113", "2630_114", "2630_115", "2630_116", "2630_117", "2630_118", "2630_119", "2630_120", "2630_121", "2630_122", "2630_123", "2630_124", "2630_125", "2630_126", "2630_127", "2630_128", "2630_129", "2630_130", "2630_131", "2630_132", "2630_133", "2630_134", "2630_135", "2630_136", "2630_137", "2630_138", "2630_139", "2630_140", "2630_141", "2630_142", "2630_143", "2630_144", "2630_145", "2630_146", "2630_147", "2630_148", "2630_149", "2630_150", "2630_151", "2630_152", "2630_153", "2630_154", "2630_155", "2630_156", "2630_157", "2630_158", "2630_159", "2630_160", "2630_161", "2630_162", "2630_163", "2630_164", "2630_165", "2630_166", "2630_167", "2630_168", "2630_169", "2630_170", "2630_171", "2630_172", "2630_173", 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did really decide to go? / Uh-huh, / sure / I'm familiar with it, /", "{C and } it was a very difficult choice /", "{C And } [ he, + {D well, } he ] must know, is he interested in law or medicine, / he must have a definite profession in mind. / {F Oh, } okay, / Medium size, / aren't they? / Is he excited? /", "Very excited, /", "Wow, / I can, / I, -/ Uh-huh / while they're east coast, {E I mean, } I don't know anything about their football, / {C but } there you go. /", "{D Well, } [ [ they're, + they're, ] + they're ] really very strong academic rather than, {D you know, } big sports, /", "Yeah, / that's, - / [ where, + where ] you at? /", "We're outside of, {F uh, } Washington in Maryland. / How about you? /", "{F Oh, } okay, / I'm in, {F uh, } suburban Dallas. /", "Uh-huh, / do you have children in, -/", "No, / I don't, / I have a husband <laughter>. / We don't have any kids yet. /", "Okay, {F um, } /", "About all I can say is I guess about picking schools, {F um, } I guess, {F uh, } if you don't know what you're going to do, liberal arts program is a good idea. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I, ] - / one of [ the, + the ] advices we've given our children is that you can always learn a job -- /", "This is true, /", "-- {F uh, } {C but } what you can't learn, {F uh, } on a job, is a good solid [ well-, + well-rounded ] education. /", "Right, / the humanities, the history, yeah, /", "That's right, {D you know, } / the Renaissance man -- /", "Right, / right, / no, / no, / no <laughter>. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] if you get that you can, / {C and } if you do well, [ you can, + you can ] learn a job, /", "Yeah, / {C but } [ they, + ] {D you know, } if they learn the job and they can go into graduate school --", "That's exactly right. /", "-- usually a company, [ it will, + if it's worth it's weight, will ] subsidize, /", "That's right. /", "{C And, } -/", "{C So } the advice we gave to them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- was, number one, visit the colleges --", "[ This, + this ] is true, /", "-- that you're thinking about --", "Yes. /", "-- describe first of all, the size school that you might be interested in -- /", "{C And } if you want to go away, / right, /", "-- do you want to go away, / how far from home do you want to be. /", "Right. /", "What do you want in a college. / Now my son is a national level competitive swimmer -- /", "Good. /", "-- {C so } he wanted to swim in school, / {C but } he did not want to be in a swim factory. /", "Okay. / {C So } he wouldn't have gone to something like where we're at, [ they'd, + ] in Austin, Texas, University of Texas, /", "That's right, / that's the University of Texas at Austin, or --", "Right. /", "-- Stanford or something like that --", "Texas Aqua-, - / yeah, /", "-- so he didn't even consider those. /", "Okay, / {D well } [ that's, + ] I think the other thing is, too, {F um, } I know I went to a, {F uh, } city high school in Chicago -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } a lot of the kids weren't as fortunate as say, my brother and I were, / {C and } economics was the choice -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } sounds like your son has academically the standing to get into that type of school. /", "He is very, very strong academically, / yeah, / {C so, } we've just, - / {C but, } {D you know, } he had to look to see --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- what kind of environment he liked, / {C and } yet [ he, + he ] did wind up having to make a choice. / He did apply to a large, {D you know, } large group, /", "Yeah, / University of Penn, - / I'm originally from Pennsylvania. / [ Pennsyl-, + ] University of Pennsylvania, -/", "It's got about nine thousand undergraduate. /", "Yeah, / that's strong, / {E I mean } that's --", "Yeah, /", "-- {D you know } -- -/", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } [ [ it's, + it's, ] + {D well, } it's ] a little bit, {A I don't want to use the word wilder, that's not the word I want. } {F Um, } more diverse <laughter>, /", "Yes, / [ {C and } it, + {C but } it ] does have the under, {D you know, } - / that's total undergraduate with five hundred graduate school, so that the, {F uh, } the college of arts and sciences is, {D you know, } I guess about four thousand. /", "At Williams or Pennsylvania? / At Williams, -/", "At Pennsylvania. /", "At Pennsylvania. / {D Well } how large is Williams? /", "Williams is an undergraduate school only -- /", "Right. /", "-- {F um, } {C and } it's a total of two thousand. /", "{D Well } that's not bad. /", "Yeah, / {C so } he knew the feeling because my other son is at Amherst which is --", "Which is a lot, -/", "-- fifteen hundred -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } he had visited his brother at Amherst and knew --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that he liked the environment -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } he did go on college visits, / {C and } he liked, -/", "That's the thing to do, / {E I mean, } [ I, + ] not having any children, my husband was an Ohio State person, / {C and, } {F uh, } that has something {D like } either the first or second largest student population, {D like } fifty thousand. /", "Yes, / yes -- /", "Combined (( )) . -/", "-- it's large, / {C and } [ they, + ] both boys had decided no, that they did not want that. /", "Yeah, / that is too much, / {C and } {E I mean, } [ I, + {F um, } I ] can only say it's strange your son picked those kinds of college because I spent a year at Bennington in Vermont, /", "{F Oh, } it's, - / so you, -/", "{F Um, } {C and } [ that was, + this was ] twenty years ago <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Showing my age, -/", "{C And } did you ever eat at the Blue Bin Diner? /", "Yes. / Oh my God, / where are you from, / {D well, } let's not talk about that <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> No / {C but } we've been there when (( )) whose gone up there. -/", "It's, {F um, } in that area. / {E I mean } I just can't say enough about it. /", "{F Oh, } [ it's, + it ] (( )) - / we went / {C and } he was, {D you know, } impressed by the clean air / {C and } [ he, + he ] met the students at both schools / {C and } he liked them. /", "{D Well } {D you know, } {F um, } my husband's an engineer and [ a strong + (( )) , a strong ] liberal arts background with, {F uh, } a graduate degree in a technical field --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- will get him much further than say {D like } [ a, + a ] strong, {F um, } business administration degree than with another M B A --", "That's it. /", "-- on top of it. /", "The thing is [ if, + if ] a person really knows very early on --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that they want to go --", "{C and } they usually,", "-- in a technical field, [ than you're not, + then it's ] probably good [ to go to, + {D you know, } to apply to ] a # school # --", "# Yeah, / # # {C but } they usually don't. # /", "-- # with a good # technical program, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ for, + ] if you're going into, - / if {D you know } engineering is the thing [ if, + ] then you've got to at least take engineering. /", "Right, / {C but } they, - / no / {C but } who does. / {E I mean, } [ [ I think, +", "# That's right. # /", "# I think ] # all, + I think ] the majority of people just don't know. / No / he looked at criteria such as location, size of school --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } -/", "No / he didn't apply to any school further, / the furthest away was Bowdoin, in Maine which is about twelve hours. /", "That's still pretty far though. / {E I mean } a lot of kids just don't even want to go, /", "Yeah, / that was the furthest and then Kenyon in Ohio which was about six and a half hours / {C and } Williams is about seven. /", "{F Oh, } that's not too bad. /", "Yeah / {C so, } {D well, } {E I mean } he, so it wasn't, - / he, {D you know, } - / then the University of Pennsylvania is {D like } two hours from here by train / and then Bucknell in mid-state Pennsylvania. /", "(( )) Yeah, / he will enjoy Williams I think and (( )) is a good academic, /", "Yeah, / {C and } he will, / {C and } [ if, + ] it came down {E I mean, } as [ he, + he ] came, - / he's been talking to them / [ {C and, } +", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } ] he came down / {C and } one of the things that he said is, he went to Pennsylvania this weekend / {C and } he had an absolutely marvelous time -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- he had a great time / {C but } then he said, {D you know, } it was such a good time that I almost got the feeling that their emphasis is on having fun. /", "That could very well be / {C and, }", "{C and } he said it almost back-, - / I think it backfired. /", "{C So } he's developing [ his, + his, ] {F uh, } internal instincts right now. / That's good because --", "{D So. } -/", "-- {E I mean } I'm sure what he said was true, that, {F uh, } you, - / {D well } {D actually } that's one of the reasons I went to (( )) , - / Kenyon, [ he we-, + he made ] a good choice. / I went, - / [ I, + {D well } (( )) ] I was supposed to, / {C but } I spent a year in Vermont, my freshman year, / it was just too far away, / it was too different --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } the level of income of lot of the students / {C and } their attitudes was just, {F um, } beyond my,", "# Yeah, / yeah. # /", "# {F um, } in # terms of drugs, et cetera, which I thought was shocking. /", "Of course, that period too was probably difficult. /", "Right, / yeah, / you're right / {C but } then I went, -/", "{C But } I did, {F uh, } / my advice to him,", "Yeah. /", "[ and my hus-, + ] was that, {F uh, } he had to really decide what he wanted out of college. / He had to look at himself. / {F Uh, } in a larger school he had to realize that if he was going to screw around it, he could probably slip / {C and } it wouldn't be caught up until it was too late where in a smaller school --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- where, especially in a Kenyon or a Williams, where you see the professors around town all the time, you skip class in the morning and they see you, /", "{C And } you're going to get a little bit more input <laughter> than --", "That's, - / yeah, / yeah. /", "-- discipline / yeah. /", "{C And } a swim coach is going to be right on top of you, {F uh, } [ so that, + ] / {C and } he will know the professors in a small, -/", "{D Well } I don't know how to put this either in this way / {C and then } it doesn't sound like your sons would need this / {C but } I just think the other thing is with the way a lot of the youth is today, I think the refinement that they get --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I don't mean specifically (( )) or culture but just what you're saying, just a solid background --", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "-- because I just don't think at that age I just don't think that young people know what they want to do.", "That's right, / that's right. /", "{D You know } / {C and, } {F um, } -/", "[ {C And, } + {F um, } {C and } ] it's just the personal contact where if you need help -- -/", "That's right. /", "-- he had, - / I told him to look to yourself. / Are you the kind of person that will go into a large college and if the professor says I've got office hours but you really don't feel that you know him because you're in a class of a hundred --", "# Right (( )) . # /", "-- # that you're really # going to look him up -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C but } if it's a class of fifteen --", "This is very, very, -/", "-- and you need help, you know that it's much easier to do it and especially in the large schools they have lectures -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C and } even though they may break it up into smaller groups Penn is known for having --", "# They have video lectures. # /", "-- # graduate assistance teaching. # /", "Yeah. / # Video lectures. # /", "# They have # graduate assistants to teach the smaller groups. /", "This is true, / {C and } {E I mean } that is very ironic too that your son just made the, - / did he just make the decision today? /", "(( )) he made the decision, {F uh, } I'd say, about, {F uh, } an hour and a half ago <laughter>. /", "How funny <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {E I mean, } that's so funny. {E I mean, } / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] in fact, he had just an hour before that two, {F uh, } recent graduates from Kenyon spent close to two hours talking with him -- /", "That's funny. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {E I mean, } {C and } ] [ he, + they ] were really nice, / [ {C and, } + {C but } ] he said [ is, + ] that they didn't tell him anything that he didn't know, / {C but } they helped confirm his decision that a smaller school was better. /", "It was easy for him to rule out. / He knew what he didn't want -- -/", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "-- that's exactly, - / yeah. / Now is your other, - / {E I mean } we're talking about what you think, / {C but } obviously you're experiencing it. {F Uh, } /", "(( )) <laughter>.", "Did your other son, {F um, } -/", "My other son is just as happy as a bed bug. /", "A clam. /", "He, - / the moment he knew, [ he, + he ] decided early on that Amherst was the school. / He's a classical guitarist -- /", "{F Oh, } wonderful. /", "-- {C and } [ he decided, + he ] also got into the graduate school of music as an undergraduate --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for classical guitar, / {C but } he decided he was going to go to [ the, + {F um } --", "The smaller and the, -/", "-- the ] smaller now, and then graduate school later. /", "{C And } they'll do fine in their studies, / {C and } I'm sure they'll go on to graduate school, /", "{D Well, } [ he's really, + my older boy's real ] happy, / {C and } he's minoring in English, / {C and } he had thought about economics, / {C and } he took a couple of courses in economics and decided that wasn't, -/", "{C or } is this early admissions? /", "[ He's, + {F um, } he's ] going to be a junior. / He'll be, he's finishing his sophomore year --", "[ {C So } he's, +", "-- {C so } he's double majoring. /", "{C So } he's, ] yeah, - / {D well } sounds like you have two talented sons. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } {D see } the advice we give is to not limit yourself, especially this, {D you know, } go to a school where you're not forced to make too many irrevocable decisions your first year or two. /", "I think, and a lot of people talk about, - / {C and } it's not the economics I solely zeroed in on, / {C but } I think [ a lot of people think + a lot of people think ] about the tuition level and what exactly are you getting in return -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } I think that a lot of people shy away from the smaller [ coll-, + colleges ] because of that, / {C and } I think it's rather sad, /", "{D Well, } one of the things we said is that they should pick the college, / this was our advice, too, irrespective of the cost. That somehow we would manage. /", "You are wonderful parents <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } we place a real high priority on education in our family. /", "No, / {C and } I agree, / {E I mean, } my husband and I, - / in fact, I'm taking my L S A T -s, {F um, } / I'm thirty something --", "{F Oh, } good, / that's wonderful. /", "-- and taking my L S A T -s on June tenth. /", "{F Oh, } that's great. /", "The point being, and your sons will learn this from you, {A I'm sure, } that, {F uh, } no matter what age you are, you can learn -- /", "That's right, / that's exactly, -/", "-- {C and, } it sounds like they're going to, {D you know, } they're, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHOOSING A COLLEGE", "prompt": "WHAT ADVICE OR EXPERIENCE CAN YOU OFFER TO A PARENT ON HOW TO HELP A SON OR DAUGHTER CHOOSE A COLLEGE TO ATTEND?", "talk_day": "04/22/1991", "from_caller": 1260, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1953, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1105, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1944, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["2647_0", "2647_1", "2647_2", "2647_3", "2647_4", "2647_5", "2647_6", "2647_7", "2647_8", "2647_9", "2647_10", "2647_11", "2647_12", "2647_13", "2647_14", "2647_15", "2647_16", "2647_17", "2647_18", "2647_19", "2647_20", "2647_21", "2647_22", "2647_23", "2647_24", "2647_25", "2647_26", "2647_27", "2647_28", "2647_29", "2647_30", "2647_31", "2647_32", "2647_33", "2647_34", "2647_35", "2647_36", "2647_37", "2647_38", "2647_39", "2647_40", "2647_41", "2647_42", "2647_43", "2647_44", "2647_45", "2647_46", "2647_47", "2647_48", "2647_49", "2647_50", "2647_51", "2647_52", "2647_53", "2647_54", "2647_55", "2647_56", "2647_57", "2647_58", "2647_59", "2647_60", "2647_61", "2647_62", "2647_63", "2647_64", "2647_65", "2647_66", "2647_67", "2647_68", "2647_69", "2647_70", "2647_71", "2647_72", "2647_73", "2647_74", "2647_75", "2647_76", "2647_77", "2647_78", "2647_79", "2647_80", "2647_81", "2647_82", "2647_83", "2647_84", "2647_85", "2647_86", "2647_87", "2647_88", "2647_89", "2647_90", "2647_91", "2647_92", "2647_93", "2647_94", "2647_95", "2647_96", "2647_97", "2647_98", "2647_99", "2647_100", "2647_101", "2647_102", "2647_103", "2647_104", "2647_105", "2647_106", "2647_107", "2647_108", "2647_109", "2647_110", "2647_111", "2647_112", "2647_113", "2647_114", "2647_115", "2647_116", "2647_117", "2647_118", "2647_119", "2647_120", "2647_121", "2647_122", "2647_123", "2647_124", "2647_125", "2647_126", "2647_127", "2647_128", "2647_129", "2647_130", "2647_131", "2647_132", "2647_133", "2647_134", "2647_135", "2647_136", "2647_137", "2647_138"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I guess I'll start, {F um, } / one, {F uh, } big thing that, the advise that I would give to a parent to give to his or her child is to [ let their, + let their ] child experience college in a kind of general sense. / I like large colleges because I went to University of Texas at Austin, / they have fifty thousand students there. / {C And } I feel like that now [ if I went, + if I had gone ] to a small college that only had a couple of thousand that I wouldn't [ have, + have ] gotten as much exposure to different people and [ different, + {F uh, } {A I don't know, } different ] languages, different cultures, and things like that just by being around those fifty thousand students. /", "That's interesting, / I went to a smaller school,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# <Throat_clearing> # of probably three thousand, thirty-five hundred. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ I, + I ] thought that was the best experience in that we had more one-on-one since we seemed to know everyone on campus, /", "# Huh. # /", "# {C and } # we had a broad spectrum of languages and cultures and backgrounds,", "# <<Very faint>> Huh. # /", "# and so forth, / # {C so, } I thought it was wonderful to be a bigger fish and not so much a number, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F um, } # one of fifty thousand, I was one of three thousand,", "# Right. # /", "# [ {C and, } + # {C and, } ] {D you know, }", "# <<Very faint>> Uh-huh. # /", "# different perspectives, # -/", "# <<Very faint>> Yeah. # /", "# I, {F uh, } - / {C but } # it sounds like we were both kind of looking at the same [ sort of, + sort of ] thing. /", "Yeah, / [ [ [ I, + I ] could see, + I could see ] that point, + I could see ] how it would be. / I'm sure your classes were a lot smaller, {F um, } because {D like } we would have [ biology classes that did, + main courses that ] everyone has to take, {E I mean, } hundreds of students in this class, / {C so, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D actually, } # {E yes, } you were a number. / {C But, } {F um, } [ I, + I ] just, - / I don't know, / I'm thinking in a sense of, {F uh, } just being exposed to more. / It just seems like in a larger college [ you, + {A I don't know, } your ] exposed to so many more people from all over the world, / {C and } I'm sure a lot of people come to, {D you know, } small colleges also but just that they're more [ of, + of ] the different cultures there, /", "# Uh-huh, / yeah. # /", "# [ not that # it's, + not that it's ] better / {C but } I'm just saying that I think that big, -/", "That's one thing to definitely consider. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / I think, {F uh, } [ a lot of, + a lot of ] students now would probably be afraid of a smaller college, / a lot of the students that I talked to even here in Waco they go to Baylor, {F um, } [ they, + ] / {C or } they're considering going to Baylor, / they're also considering going to U T Austin / {C but } one of the big no-nos is because of the fifty thousand students, / {C and } I have to tell them that [ just {D like, } + just {D like } ] I live in Waco / it's a large city, <barking>, / I can still function, <barking>, in my own kind of area, in my own group. / I have a job, / I have my friends, /", "# Uh-huh / <barking>. #", "# {C and } I'm # really not [ as, + as ] concerned about the entire city, so when you go to [ a big, + a big ] university, you're not as concerned <barking>, about the entire university,", "# Yeah. # /", "# but # your group of friends, your classes, your interests, your clubs and things like that. /", "I think that's probably keyed to me is not so much the size the school,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# but # [ what, + what ] is the particular needs of the students / {C and } whereas some would immediately feel very comfortable in this, {F um, } larger university setting,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# some # of the students, {F um, } [ when I was, + when I was ] teaching school would not have been comfortable with that. /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "[ They needed, + {F uh, } at least at first,", "# Uh-huh, / right. # /", "# they needed ] # a smaller setting [ that, + that ] was more like family where they could get one-on-one,", "# Right. # /", "# [ from, + # from ] teachers, professors and so forth, and then after a year or two move on to a little bit bigger pond [ where, + where, ] when they had a little more self-confidence built up, {F oh, } {D yes, } {A I can do this, } {F oh, } {A I've done this before, } it's just in a bigger setting, /", "# Right. # /", "# {C and # so } maybe to me the key would be [ wh-, + what ] is a [ [ chi-, + [ the, + the students ] needs, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C but } it's these other things that you and I [ are, + are ] keying off on,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ that, + # that ] are really more of an education that, / {C but } they're the things that don't show up in, -/", "On paper. /", "That's right, / that's right. /", "Uh-huh, / exactly. / [ That's, + that's ] one important thing that I think about school. / [ I'm, + I'm ] not a kind a person that, - / I didn't, - / [ I, + I ] was kind of a B student, I guess you'd say, / {C and } I didn't really, - / I was tur-, - / I strived to be an A student / {C but } it wasn't {D like } a real priority. /", "Right. /", "To [ my, + my ] priority was just being as worldly as I could possibly be <laughter>, getting into as many organizations as I possibly could, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] one other point I was going to make, was that [ I can un-, + I (( can )) ] see that probably if I had gone to a smaller school, I would probably have more friends,", "# Huh. # /", "# because # [ you, + like you ] said, {D you know, } {D you know, } everybody knows everybody, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C and # so, } you probably come out of it knowing, and by friends, {E I mean, } {D like } contacts for when you get out of school, {F um, } {D you know, } / [ you just, + you may ] walk into a company and see someone you went to school with,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# more # so at a small college then a large college. /", "Yeah. /", "You may have gone to school with them / {C but } [ you wouldn't, + you wouldn't ] know them. / {F Uh, } I guess, let me think of another important thing to look at when you look into college, {F um, } /", "[ I guess, + I guess ] now I've been out for, - / [ I, + I'm ] older than you. / I've been out for twenty-one years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I was looking at an annual last night, / [ something had sp-, + it sparked ] a question, / {C and } I went to a small private school, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F um, } # {C and } it was church related. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I got to looking at my class of sixty-nine, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # I realized that even though that school's two hundred miles from here / {C and } I've lived in other states and done other things for the past twenty years, where I go to church now, there are five other people that went to school at the same time in the same class as I, /", "# Wow. # /", "# {C and } # [ it's, + it's ] neat to know that we have that contact that goes back that some of the same memories if not the same education in, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } we weren't all out to be teachers [ or, + or ] whatever / {C so } we didn't have the same classes, / {C but } we had a common thread,", "# Right. # /", "# something # that still ties us together,", "# Wow. # /", "# twenty # odd years later. /", "That's great. /", "{C And } [ [ it's, + ] + it's, ] + it's ] kind of neat just knowing that those kinds of things, those are what I carry beyond that piece of paper that allows me to be an exempt at T I, /", "# Right, / right. # /", "# I have # something more important to me than that. /", "That's great, / that's great. / Yeah, / [ that's what I, + that's basically what ] I, and, when I first, - / I've been out of college (( only )) two years now, <laughter>, so it's still pretty fresh on my memory,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F um, } / # {C but } now that I'm out, - / when I went into school, my parents told, {D well, } - / my, - / {D okay, } [ let me, + let me ] go back to [ my, + my ] sister now is in college,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # my father was really interested in getting her in a school that would look good [ on her, + on her, ] {F uh, } diploma, etcetera,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # so forth, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I kept pushing her towards just kind of U T or a larger school, / {C and } it was just a big conflict between us because my father wanted the academics / {C and } I wanted her to get the life experience,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# out # of it, / {C and so } it was, {D you know, } - / she went the academic way because she's a straight A student, which is, -/", "# I was going to ask who won <laughter>. # /", "# yes, / yeah, / {C so, } she, {D you know, } - / that's probably, # {D you know, } [ what she, + what she ] wants anyway / {C but } that was the big deal / {C and, } -/", "[ In, + in ] that case, {F uh, } regardless of what you or your father pushed for it sounds like she was going for what she needed,", "# Right. # /", "# and # finding a school [ that, + that ] met her specific requirements,", "# Right. # /", "# [ and, + # and ] made the best fit for her. /", "{C And } [ that, + that's ] another point is that, [ the, + a ] parent should tell their child to be [ or, + or ] to give their child the leeway to choose their school,", "# Yeah. # /", "# not # so much choose the school for them but, {D you know, } kind of guide them along but let them more or less choose what they need and what they're going to do. /", "I think it helps, / [ a, + ] now my grandfather was going to pay if I went to, {F uh, } what's now U T Arlington,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# because # it was there in my hometown, / I could live at home. /", "Right. /", "{C But } I chose to go to another school / {C and } even though he was pleased that it was a church related school, he was not willing to pay any at all even the same amount of money, /", "# Huh. #", "# {C and } # I think I value [ my, + my ] education more because I had to work for it. /", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "{C And } {C because } I knew all along that's what I wanted,", "# <<Very faint>> Uh-huh. # /", "# [ eve-, + even ] though # I had to buck the family in order [ to, + to ] do what I needed to do. / {C So, } -/", "<<Very faint>> Right. / {D Well, } that was pretty courageous <laughter>. /", "{F Um, } [ I guess, + I guess ] [ it was, + it was ] my mother's support that got me through it,", "# Yeah. # /", "# that # and ten years [ of, + of, ] {F uh, } loans <laughter>,", "# {F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. # /", "# after I got # out <laughter>. /", "[ I'm, + I'm ] dealing with the loans right now, /", "Sounds familiar, {F huh? } / Your, - / it's very fresh in your memory. /", "very, / [ every, + every ] month <laughter>. /", "I, -/", "That memory just seeps back in my mailbox. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } sorry about that (( Tanya )) <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } I guess I'll get over it. /", "I'm sure it was worth it though. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. / Okay. /", "[ If, + if ] nothing else because I work in training at T I now, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# if # nothing else just those experiences beyond [ and, + and ] including your educational classes that help give you the self-esteem to do and achieve,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# whatever # you set your mind on, /", "# <<Very faint>> Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } [ the, + ] [ you, + # you ] made the right choice in going to a school that met all of your needs [ to make, + to give ] you [ the, + the ] potential to do whatever you wanted. /", "Right, / {C because } [ [ when you, + when you ] do want, + when you do ] finally graduate [ that, + that's ] what you need the most. / I'm finding out now that what I'm needing the most now is not smarts, not what I can do on paper, it's stamina, courage, {F uh, } (( )) , -/", "# Young lady, #", "# words, it, # -/", "you have gotten your education then, / [ that, + that's ] right. /", "Yes, / [ I'm needing, + {D you know, } [ my, + ] I'm needing ] to rely on myself, /", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. /", "{C And } I think I learned a lot of that in school too. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHOOSING A COLLEGE", "prompt": "WHAT ADVICE OR EXPERIENCE CAN YOU OFFER TO A PARENT ON HOW TO HELP A SON OR DAUGHTER CHOOSE A COLLEGE TO ATTEND?", "talk_day": "04/23/1991", "from_caller": 1074, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1014, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1947, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["3050_0", "3050_1", "3050_2", "3050_3", "3050_4", "3050_5", "3050_6", "3050_7", "3050_8", "3050_9", "3050_10", "3050_11", "3050_12", "3050_13", "3050_14", "3050_15", "3050_16", "3050_17", "3050_18", "3050_19", "3050_20", "3050_21", "3050_22", "3050_23", "3050_24", "3050_25", "3050_26", "3050_27", "3050_28", "3050_29", "3050_30", "3050_31", "3050_32", "3050_33", "3050_34", "3050_35", "3050_36", "3050_37", "3050_38", "3050_39", "3050_40", "3050_41", "3050_42", "3050_43", "3050_44", "3050_45", "3050_46", "3050_47", "3050_48", "3050_49", "3050_50", "3050_51", "3050_52", "3050_53", "3050_54", "3050_55", "3050_56", "3050_57", "3050_58", "3050_59", "3050_60", "3050_61", "3050_62", "3050_63", "3050_64", "3050_65", "3050_66", "3050_67", "3050_68", "3050_69", "3050_70", "3050_71", "3050_72", "3050_73", "3050_74", "3050_75", "3050_76", "3050_77", "3050_78", "3050_79", "3050_80", "3050_81", "3050_82", "3050_83", "3050_84", "3050_85", "3050_86", "3050_87", "3050_88", "3050_89", "3050_90", "3050_91", "3050_92", "3050_93", "3050_94", "3050_95", "3050_96", "3050_97", "3050_98", "3050_99", "3050_100", "3050_101", "3050_102", "3050_103", "3050_104", "3050_105", "3050_106", "3050_107", "3050_108", "3050_109", "3050_110", "3050_111", "3050_112", "3050_113", "3050_114", "3050_115", "3050_116", "3050_117", "3050_118", "3050_119", "3050_120", "3050_121", "3050_122", "3050_123", "3050_124", "3050_125", "3050_126", "3050_127", "3050_128", "3050_129", "3050_130", "3050_131", "3050_132", "3050_133", "3050_134", "3050_135", "3050_136", "3050_137", "3050_138", "3050_139", "3050_140", "3050_141", "3050_142", "3050_143", "3050_144", "3050_145", "3050_146", "3050_147", "3050_148", "3050_149", "3050_150", "3050_151", "3050_152", "3050_153", "3050_154", "3050_155", "3050_156", "3050_157", "3050_158", "3050_159", "3050_160", "3050_161", "3050_162", "3050_163", "3050_164", "3050_165", "3050_166", "3050_167", "3050_168", "3050_169", "3050_170", "3050_171", "3050_172", "3050_173", "3050_174", "3050_175", "3050_176", "3050_177", "3050_178", "3050_179", "3050_180", "3050_181"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / there we go. /", "Okay, / great. /", "{C So, } do you play golf at all? /", "Yeah, / I do, / I'm a player. / I'm kind of embarrassed I'm talking to a man, cause I'm sure that [ you are, + you play ] a lot more than I do. /", "{D Actually, } I don't. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "No, / {F uh, } [ I, + {F uh, } when I ] was younger, I played a little bit / {C and } I was horrible, <laughter> / {C so } I just stopped playing. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } my husband [ is, + is ] a very good golfer. / He has got, {D like } a six handicap. /", "Wow, / that is real good. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } - / {C and } he has been playing since we have been married for twenty two years. / {C So, } I had to start playing because, he was, {D you know, } such an avid golfer. / {C So, } I have been playing now, - / {D well } I have had clubs for twenty years, {D you know. } /", "Wow, / {C so } you have been playing, /", "[ {C But, } + {C but, } ] I really enjoy it. / {C So, } I had to check that [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } talk about it. / {D Well, } have you played recently? /", "No, / {D actually, } I don't even know if I checked that or not, to be perfectly honest. {F Um } <laughter>. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "That seems to have been a mistake, / I don't know. {F Um. } /", "{F Oh, } that's okay. /", "Yeah, / I have not played in a long time. / {F Um, } when I was, - / about five or six years ago, my dad , who plays every now and then took me out with him / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I basically, {F um, } [ I + ] had a horrible slice or hook, / I forget which one it was. /", "Yeah. /", "It wound up tossing the ball into the trees,", "Yeah. /", "virtually every time. /", "Yeah, / the slice goes to the right / {C and } the hook goes to the left, / I think. /", "Yes, / I was slicing, {D actually. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, }", "Yeah. /", "as it turns out, {F uh, } I went and took some lessons for awhile, because I just, [ I + ] would lose so many balls, and, {F uh, } make it a horrible time for everybody. /", "Yeah. /", "I went and took some lessons, / {C and } a I got a little bit better, / [ {C but } I st-, + {C but } then I ] sort of, {D you know, } (( )) [ went, + went ] back to school and did not have time and this and that, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] the only thing I do now is I occasionally go out to a driving range and hit a couple of balls and see what I can do. / [ {C And } I, +", "Yeah, / I think that's really a good thing to do. / {D So, } where,", "{C And } I ] still have this (( slice )) , /", "are you in your life, / {E I mean, } are you in school? /", "I'm a graduate student, / yeah. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / at the University of Rochester? /", "Yes. /", "{F Oh, } great. /", "As a matter of fact, {F um, } [ so + ] I don't have time to do much else, except for graduate work. /", "Yeah. / Yeah. /", "Right, / {C so } I hang around this way, / {C and } I, -/", "Sure. /", "Occasionally, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / a bunch of us (( )) were pretty avid [ golfers. +", "Uh-huh. /", "Golfers, ] so we will go out / {C and } [ [ we will, + we will, ] + we will ] play, {D you know. } /", "{C And } [ you don't, + you don't ] have the length of the playing time that we do. /", "[ [ I have, + I have ] very litt-, + at the moment I have very little ] playing time. / [ When I, + when I ] go on vacation, my father and I, {F uh } --", "Yes. /", "-- play a little bit. / {C But, } I don't, {D you know, } - / we play [ a par, + a par ] three, nine hole course. / {C Because, }", "{F Oh, } that's my favorite kind to play. /", "(( )) . -/", "{C Because, } for a woman, it's really nice to play a par three course because,", "Yeah. /", "[ that's my, + ] I can't hit a driver very far / {C and, } in fact, I don't even like to use a driver, / I use a three iron off the tee --", "{F Um. } /", "-- because, I have more control over it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } [ I can, + I can ] just have better contact with the ball that way. / {C So, } I'm still using a three iron / {C and } my husband is trying to get me into using a, {D you,", "(( )) .", "know, } {D like } a high number wood --", "Right. /", "-- instead. /", "{C But, } those are, {F uh, } still not you favorite, {F huh? } /", "No, / it's not my favorite, / {C but, } [ [ I, + I, ] + {F uh, } I ] enjoy, / [ I, + I ] really do, / I think I'm going to like golf (( )) the older I get,", "<Laughter>.", "and the more time I have to play. / [ I, + we ] have three teenage daughters. /", "{F Uh, } wow, (( )) . /", "One is, -/", "You must be very busy. /", "Yeah, / I'm very busy, / I have a part time job / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] during the year, I don't play much golf / [ {C but, } + {C but, } ] when [ I'm, + we ] are on vacation, I love to play. Just like you said. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And, } we got to play in Monterrey in California, right, {D you know, } along the Pacific Ocean, this past spring. / {C And } [ that was, + {A I told my husband, } that was ] the way to play, {D you know, } / that was, <laughter> - / if I could play there every time I want, [ it was, + it was ] great. / [ <laughter> + ] A neat experience <sigh>. -/", "Miniature golf, there's my game. {F Uh. } /", "Miniature golf is great, / yes. /", "Miniature golf, <laughter> there you go, putt, putt. /", "{D Well, } that's the thing my kids like to do that [ with, + ] {D you know, } on dates and stuff. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C But, } golf is {F um, } - / [ we, + we ] probably are talking about golf because I did check it (( {D You know } )) . /", "[ [ I don't, + I don't, ] + I don't ] - / (( )) <<voice fades>> [ I may have, actually, + I may have ] just checked random things. / [ I don't, + I don't ] recall anymore. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / if you ever played, - / {E I mean, } I feel like anybody that's ever played golf can talk about it / {C and } maybe if you can even talk about it, [ if you, + if you ] have, {F uh, } watched it on T V. /", "Right. / Yeah, / {D actually, } we have a very very, {F um, } - / we had the, {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / tell me about your clubs up there. / What, -/", "{D Well, } we had, - / I haven't played around here too much. / We have a very good one called Locust Hill though. / There, {F uh, } the L-, -/", "Locust Hill? /", "Yeah, / the L P G A comes here every year --", "Uh-huh, / right. /", "-- the Rochester International. / {C And then } we had a P G A, {D actually, } a very big P G A, {F uh, } tour stop here, last year. /", "{F Oh, } great. /", "{C And, } {D actually, } {F um, } they say [ the, + the, ] - / I have not played the course, / {C but, } they say the course [ is very, + [ [ is, + is, ] + is ] pretty ] tough, pretty challenging. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it's, {F um, } not only that, / {C but, } it's exceedingly well kept, apparently. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C Because, } [ th-, + those ] are the comments I kept hearing from the pros, {D you know, } / they kept saying, we hear, {D you know, } [ on, + on ] television (( )) I, - / {C but, } they keep saying it's just wonderful, {F uh, } / the course is so well maintained / {C and, } {D you know, } [ [ it, + it, ] + it ] rained through half the {F um, } tournament, so people had to (( )) , - / {C but, } they still, - / the grounds keepers were absolutely wonderful about,", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "getting things back up again. / {C And } this, - / {D actually, } [ [ when, + when the, ] + {F um, } when the ] L P G A came here --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I guess that was about a week and a half ago, [ it was just, + [ it, + it ] takes ] over the whole town. /", "# {F Oh, } sure. # /", "# {D You know. } # It's all over the news, / {C and } --", "Yes. /", "-- lots and lots of people take off work,", "Yeah. /", "[ to go + --", "To watch them, / yeah. /", "-- to go ] an watch [ the, + the, ] {F uh, } ladies <<sounds like some loss of words here>>,", "The ladies, -/", "play. / {C So, } {E I mean, } I think [ it's actually, + it's absolutely ] wonderful to see. /", "Yeah, / I'm sure the people love golf up there like they do down here. /", "Yeah, / {F uh. } -/", "People are just cra-, - / golf is just, - / it's just the coming thing, / {E I mean } a lot of people are just crazy about it. /", "It seems to be. / It seems a lot of people are really, {D you know, } - / [ either, + {F um, } either ] you have not played it, [ or, + or ] [ you, + you ] have played it / and you sort of stink, like me, /", "{D Well, }", "{C and } you sort of play every now and then. /", "[ it's, + it's ] just such a difficult thing. / {E I mean } [ [ it's, + I just, ] + I watch ] my husband / {C and } [ he's, + he was ] a professional athlete, / [ he, + he's ] a very good athlete / {C and } he's got the coordination, that God given coordination, / {C and } he just struggles,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } all the time, [ to + {F um, } to ] master this game. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } same here, {E I mean, } I'm a brown belt in Karate at this point in time. / [ [ [ {C And, } + {F uh, }", "{F Oh } my, really! /", "{C And, } ] + {C and ] I can not, ] + {C and } I can not ] hit a golf ball <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know } I, -/", "{C Because } it, - / {D well, } I watch my husband swing / {C and } his swing, {D you know, } {D like } compared to the pros, is so, [ it's + ] ridged./ It's like he's trying so hard, it's not that flowing movement.", "Right. /", "{D You know. } /", "That's because he's probably doing what I do, worrying about,", "Yeah. /", "is my head straight, is my arm right,", "Yeah. / Or, how far he's going to hit it, I think, {D you know. } /", "{F oh } yeah. /", "{C And } I worry about that. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "I have just got to get this drive, {D you know, } really far, / I have got to hit it. /", "<Sigh> Yeah. /", "{C So. } -/", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "I have this nasty habit [ of + (( )) of ] turning my head at the last second, [ or, +", "Yep, / {C or, } -/", "or ] just keeping my arm wrong. /", "Yeah, / turning your head is probably the most common thing for women,", "Is it? /", "they say. / {C And } you are always so anxious to see where it goes. /", "Right, / exactly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Exactly, / It's just like [ I, + I ] don't watch the ball die, / I have (( )) . - / It took me a long time to learn to wait until the ball was in the air before I looked up. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / I have to that, especially, even more so, with a short iron than a long ir-, {D you know, }", "{F Oh, } (( )) driver. /", "than with a driver or something. / {C Because, } those short irons, it's just, you want to look up --", "Yeah. /", "-- cause you are getting close to the green <laughter> / {C and } you want to see it hit the green. </laughter> # / {C And } you know that's why, # -/", "# Watch where it's going. # /", "Yeah, / {C so. }", "[ That, + that ] is certainly true / (( thank you )) . /", "[ I ca-, + I don't ] know what I'm supposed to ask questions about, / am I supposed to ask questions about this whole procedure, / I know that. /", "That's okay, / go ahead, # / it's no big deal. # /", "# {D Well, } {F uh, } # when I, - / do you [ get, + get, ] {F um, } reimbursed for the calls you make or the calls you talk on too? /", "Both. /", "Both. / Okay. /", "I believe so. /", "Okay, / {D well } I really did not know # so I, # -/", "# [ [ I, + I, ] + # I ] actually don't know, / I get a (( random )) reimbursement every now and then and [ don't really + --", "Yeah. /", "-- don't really ] figure it out,", "# Okay. # /", "# until # afterward <sigh>. /", "{C Cause } this is only my second day doing it / {C and } [ I just did not, + I did not ] know # / (( {C and } that was )) . #", "# {F Oh, } # really. /", "the details, / [ we, + I ] just started yesterday. /", "I have been doing this for awhile, {D actually. } /", "Have you? /", "It seems like it's been a while. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } [ they just, + # I just, ] #", "# (( I had a )) , # -/", "get these random checks in the mail every now and then / {C and, } -/", "I see. /", "My wife and I both do it, as a matter of fact. /", "I see. /", "{C And } we both just, sort of, get these random checks in the mail / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "To be honest, [ I, + I ] really have not been accounting, / I just sort of figured, {D well, } it's going to work. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } if it works, it works. / (( {C So } )) , -/", "{D Well, } my, {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "GOLF", "prompt": "DISCUSS GOLF. ARE YOU A SPECTATOR OR A PLAYER? WHAT ARE THE ASPECTS OF THE GAME THAT YOU THINK ARE MOST CHALLENGING? WHAT DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST ABOUT PLAYING OR WATCHING GOLF?", "talk_day": "06/11/1991", "from_caller": 1028, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1291, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1945, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3065_0", "3065_1", "3065_2", "3065_3", "3065_4", "3065_5", "3065_6", "3065_7", "3065_8", "3065_9", "3065_10", "3065_11", "3065_12", "3065_13", "3065_14", "3065_15", "3065_16", "3065_17", "3065_18", "3065_19", "3065_20", "3065_21", "3065_22", "3065_23", "3065_24", "3065_25", "3065_26", "3065_27", "3065_28", "3065_29", "3065_30", "3065_31", "3065_32", "3065_33", "3065_34", "3065_35", "3065_36", "3065_37", "3065_38", "3065_39", "3065_40", "3065_41", "3065_42", "3065_43", "3065_44", "3065_45", "3065_46", "3065_47", "3065_48", "3065_49", "3065_50", "3065_51", "3065_52", "3065_53", "3065_54", "3065_55", "3065_56", "3065_57", "3065_58", "3065_59", "3065_60", "3065_61", "3065_62", "3065_63", "3065_64", "3065_65", "3065_66", "3065_67", "3065_68", "3065_69", "3065_70", "3065_71", "3065_72", "3065_73", "3065_74", "3065_75", "3065_76", "3065_77", "3065_78", "3065_79", "3065_80", "3065_81", "3065_82", "3065_83", "3065_84", "3065_85", "3065_86", "3065_87", "3065_88", "3065_89", "3065_90", "3065_91", "3065_92", "3065_93", "3065_94", "3065_95", "3065_96", "3065_97", "3065_98", "3065_99", "3065_100", "3065_101", "3065_102", "3065_103", "3065_104", "3065_105", "3065_106", "3065_107", "3065_108", "3065_109", "3065_110", "3065_111", "3065_112", "3065_113", "3065_114", "3065_115", "3065_116", "3065_117", "3065_118", "3065_119", "3065_120", "3065_121", "3065_122", "3065_123", "3065_124", "3065_125", "3065_126", "3065_127", "3065_128", "3065_129", "3065_130", "3065_131", "3065_132", "3065_133", "3065_134", "3065_135", "3065_136", "3065_137", "3065_138", "3065_139", "3065_140", "3065_141", "3065_142", "3065_143", "3065_144", "3065_145", "3065_146", "3065_147", "3065_148", "3065_149", "3065_150", "3065_151", "3065_152", "3065_153", "3065_154"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / do you, {F uh, } think we should go metric? /", "{D Well, } [ [ [ I, + ] + I, ] + {F oh, } I ] don't know. / It's kind of a tricky question, because I think [ it's, + it's ] a practical system, /", "Yeah. /", "obviously, if it's all compatible and it, {D you know, } tens - / {C and } things make sense. / {F Um, } [ it's, + it's ] a switch. / The problem would just be the switch over. /", "Yeah. / [ I think that the, + I think what, ] - / {E I mean, } I don't know what happened last time. / I remember they tried it in the seventies at one point or something / {C and, } -/", "Right. / That's when I was in the elementary school years / {C and } [ we all, +", "Yeah, / me too. /", "We all ] learned that metric / {C and } they were ready, / we were going to be metric / {C and, } -/", "Right, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I don't quite know why it failed. / {F Um, } [ I would bet the + push, [ [ I, + it, ] + I ] bet the push ] just wasn't big enough. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } they didn't sort of encourage, {E I mean } businesses and things to use it, / {C so, } {D you know, } [ what, + what ] I think they'd have to do would be to have both things on there for a while, [ and then, + and then ] start phasing things out / {C so, } -/", "{C So } I think that's what they did at first,", "Yeah. /", "was that they had metric / [ [ {C and, } + {C and } ] + {E I mean, } {C and } ] there's things that we've gone metric. / We have metric cola now, /", "Right, / I was just thinking,", "you can buy that / {C and } you can, -/", "two liter bottles are what you buy and one liter bottles. / You don't buy quarts and gallons anymore of soda. /", "[ So that, + {D you know, } so that, ] we have little things that are metric, / {C but } no one talks about, {D you know, } {F uh, } - / you buy nine by twelve frames, / you don't buy <laughter> centimeter length frames,", "Right. /", "and cooking pans. /", "[ [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] + {C and } ] even though the car says miles and kilometers, - / you don't say, - / I went,", "(( Uh-huh )) . /", "a hundred kilometers.", "<Laughter> Right, /", "{D You know. } /", "fifty-nine kilometers per gallon. /", "Yeah. / [ I would, + I would ] be total loss. /", "Yeah. / That's, -/", "[ I think, + I think, ] though, if there were some, {D you know, } sort of government incentive program or something --", "Right. /", "-- people would begin to switch over, {D you know, } / {C and } I think there would be the hard core older people who would get really pissed / {A and, pardon my expression there, } but, {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "who would get really, {D you know, } upset and start to complain and get all cranky and stuff. / {C But } I think in the end it would make life a lot easier for --", "Yeah, / it really would. /", "-- (( people )) coming up. /", "[ [ [ It's, + I, ] + I, ] + it's, ] because I think they had a good try there when they started with us in the elementary schools, trying to, <breathing> {D you know, } get that in our minds, so that we could ch-, {E I mean } / {C because } I think our generation could make a change. /", "Yeah. /", "It would be difficult, / {C but } it would not be as difficult for people, {D say, } fifty years old now who [ are, + have ] never been exposed to the metric system other than, {D you know, } buying a two liter Coke. /", "Right. /", "That's <breathing>, -/", "{D Well, } what [ I think, + I think ] the difference between now and then might be, {A this is just a might, } is we were the first generation that was (( )) in elementary school. /", "Right. /", "{C And } if they kept it up, - / {C so } let's say, imagine they had kept going, / you'd have, {D you know, } two or three more generations that all now [ are, + are ] familiar with the metric system. /", "Right. /", "Not like could use it comfortably right now, - / {C but } I could convert, {D you know, } / I could carry around a little conversion card or something / {C and, }", "Right <laughter>. /", "I could handle it for a while, [ {C and then, } + {C and then } ] eventually I'd learn, / {C and } I think that before, it was [ just, + {D you know, } just ] a bunch of little kids using it. /", "Right. /", "{C And } now I think there are enough people, - / {D you know, } sort of as we get older, I think others that will bring more generations in on it, eventually they'll be able to make the switch, / {C and } we're not going to start going crazy and yelling and saying,", "<Breathing>.", "what are you, crazy, we can't understand you. / We'll say {F oh, } it's a pain in the neck, / {C but } it's for the better / {C and } we'll sort of deal with it, I think. /", "That's true. / That makes sense. /", "I don't know. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] would hope it would, {F uh, } / it seems like it's a reasonable system. / {E I mean, } everything seems to be based on the same thing. /", "{D Well, } I was trying to think of what kind of things you'd have to change, / {C and } you'd have to change your height on your driver's license. /", "Right <breathing>. /", "When you wouldn't be five foot eight anymore, {F uh, } you'd be <breathing> a hundred and seventy centimeters, /", "Centimeters. /", "{C and then } you'd be lighter in kilograms than you were [ in + --", "Yeah. /", "-- in ] pounds. /", "{C But } I wonder [ if, + if, ] -/", "{C So } all the dieters would be happy <laughter>. /", "(( {C But } yeah / )) right <laughter>. /", "I only weigh sixteen today. / That's, -/", "Yeah. / {C But } I wonder if that's even something that, {D you know, } [ they, + they ] have to change immediately. / They could just, {D you know, } sort of phase that in, / {C so } start, {D you know, } from now, / {D like } from now on all licenses would have that,", "Right. /", "rather than going back and changing everything, {D you know, } all new licenses as of nineteen ninety-two would have it or something. /", "{C And } they'd have to change that little ruler that's on the door of the seven eleven that,", "<Laughter>.", "<Breathing> tells you how tall the robbers are when they,", "That's right. /", "[ to + ] hold it up. /", "<Laughter> I know the, - / {C and, } {F oh, } yeah, / I know, though, [ at the, + {F uh, } at the ] amusement parks, they say if you're under forty-two,", "<Breathing>.", "inches or something.", "Right. /", "You can't walk in here. /", "<Laughter>.", "You have to be under. / {D Well, } [ I guess [ what, + what, ] + I bet what ] they do in that case, they, {F uh, } - / {D see, } what some of them is {D like, } {D you know, } they say if you're not taller than this line. /", "Right. / (( )) this line, which is seventy-three centimeters. /", "That's right. /", "<Laughter> Just so you'll know, /", "It would be a neat case where {D like, } where kids taught the parents, I think, {D you know. } /", "Right. / {C Because } isn't it pretty much everywhere in the world? / I know England is not metric. /", "{C But } I don't know. /", "[ I, +", "[ [ Eng-, + Eng-, ] + England ] is not? /", "I ] don't think they are, because [ our, + {F um, } our ] measurements started in England, /", "Oh. /", "all that began back there, / {C and } I think they're the only part of the continent that hasn't changed over to metric. /", "Yeah, / {C but } {E I mean, } - / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] virtually the rest of the world is. / {E I mean, } it seems {D like } --", "Right. /", "-- {D like, } {D like, } {D like } sort of stupid. / {E I mean, } [ we are, + of course, we are ] Americans / {C and } we're supposed to be, {D you know, } -/", "We're the trend setters in the world. / I don't know why [ we, +", "That's right, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] now we're backwards. /", "We ] haven't changed to the sensible system. /", "<Cough>.", "<<Faint>> I don't know. /", "No, / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] would think, {E I mean, } [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] base ten system as compared to a base twelve system --", "Right. /", "-- makes a lot more sense. /", "{D Well, } {C and } it's not even base twelve for everything, / is it? / It, -/", "No, / {D actually, } no. / {F Um, } let's see, / it's, -/", "{D Well, } pounds, / I don't even know what that, -/", "<Cough> I don't know. / {F Oh, } yeah, / [ I, + I ] always forget. / I don't even know how many ounces are in a pound. / I just sort of make it up. /", "{D See, } {C and } I don't understand liquid ounces and fluid ounces. / It's, - / {E I mean, } I don't know that I have that much concrete knowledge in the current <laughter> measuring system that would <laughter>,", "Right <laughter>. /", "prevent me from, -/", "[ Those, + those ] (( )) wouldn't be a problem. /", "It's not like it's really entrenched other, {D you know. } - / A lot of stuff, -/", "Let's see, / how many cups equal that? /", "<Laughter>.", "[ I, + I ] have no idea. / I just, {F uh, } - / I know things like, {D you know, } a pint is a pound the world around or something. /", "Right <laughter>. / [ I don't, +", "That's all I know. /", "I didn't ] even know that <laughter>. /", "[ I, + I ] learned that because, {F uh, } a friend of mine, - / [ I, + I ] had two friends, / {C and, } I had more friends than that, / {C but } two friends of mine in college, -/", "<Laughter>.", "I had a lot more than two, / I promise. /", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "{F Um, } we opened a jelly bean business. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } we sold jelly beans, / {C and } we had, {F uh, } no idea how many, {D you know, } - / [ [ we, + we ] didn't bo-, + we didn't bother ] buying a scale. /", "Right. /", "We'd go out and just buy, {D you know, } five pound bags of sixteen different flavors, put it in plastic shoe boxes [ [ and, + and, ] + and ] then sell them for x amount per pound or quarter pound or something. /", "Right. /", "{C And } [ we, + we ] didn't bother buying a scale, / {C and } [ one of my friends was a physics, + one of these guys was a physics ] major / {C and } he said, {D well, } just remember a pint is a pound the world around, / {C and } (( he got )) the measuring cup and just measured, I think a cup or two cup, whatever is a pint. /", "Did you ever check it to see if it really was,", "{D Gee, } [ I think, wh-, +", "a pint? /", "I think ] he (( )) the calculation at home, - / {C and } it turns out that he was actually pretty close. /", "{F Um. } /", "If anything, we were actually in favor of the consumer. /", "Right. /", "[ {C So, } + {C so } ] we were giving them a little too much, / {C but } that was our general tendency anyway. /", "{D Well, } that's, - / you all are (( )) nice business <laughter>. -/", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ we were, + {D you know, } we were ] in, - / [ it was, + it was ] almost like we did it for the hell of it in school, / we really didn't,", "Right. /", "make, {D you know, } - / I think we were only making seventy-five dollars each profit at the end of the year.", "Right <laughter>. /", "{D You know, } [ after, + after ] an entire semester, / {C but } we had a hell of a lot of fun doing it. /", "Probably ate all your merchandise too. /", "Yeah, / [ [ we, + we, ] + we ] tended to eat a lot, / {C and } our friends would just sort of walk by and just put their hands in it, / {C and } we had another friend, {F um, } the physics major again, [ he wasn't + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- he wasn't ] aware of jelly bean physiology, I guess, / {C and } he got into a snowball fight,", "<Laughter>.", "with the jelly beans nearby, / {C and } he just, - / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] some snow fell into one of the cartons. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } he brought them into the bathroom to wash them off <breathing>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } basically what we had, sort of non coated beans at that point. /", "Yeah, / it's a little problem. / What's inside the jelly bean? /", "{F Uh, } [ it's just, + {F uh, } it's just ] [ the, + the ] same, - / they're like an outer coating, / {C and } there's just sort of [ th-, + this ] stuff you see, {D you know, } it's sort of like glorified sugar. / I don't know. /", "{F Uh, } oh. /", "{C But } when you rinse them off, all you get [ is, + {F uh, } is, ] {F uh, } the coating, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "METRIC SYSTEM", "prompt": "DO YOU THINK THE UNITED STATES SHOULD ADOPT THE METRIC SYSTEM? WHY DO YOU THINK THE LAST EFFORT TO ADOPT IT FAILED? WHAT WOULD HAVE TO BE DONE DIFFERENTLY TO GUARANTEE SUCCESS?", "talk_day": "06/13/1991", "from_caller": 1028, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1284, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1968, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3563_0", "3563_1", "3563_2", "3563_3", "3563_4", "3563_5", "3563_6", "3563_7", "3563_8", "3563_9", "3563_10", "3563_11", "3563_12", "3563_13", "3563_14", "3563_15", "3563_16", "3563_17", "3563_18", "3563_19", "3563_20", "3563_21", "3563_22", "3563_23", "3563_24", "3563_25", "3563_26", "3563_27", "3563_28", "3563_29", "3563_30", "3563_31", "3563_32", "3563_33", "3563_34", "3563_35", "3563_36", "3563_37", "3563_38", "3563_39", "3563_40", "3563_41", "3563_42", "3563_43", "3563_44", "3563_45", "3563_46", "3563_47", "3563_48", "3563_49", "3563_50", "3563_51"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Lucille Hughes. /", "Okay, / Lucille, I'm [ on, + on ] (( )) . -/", "All right, / # {C and } what, # -/", "# {C And } [ our top-, + # {D okay, } our topic ] was, - / did you hear our topic? /", "Yes. /", "All right, / basketball. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I guess I'm probably a lot like you. / I'm a Dallas Maverick fan. /", "{D Well, } I certainly am too. / Now tell me what you expect from the Mavericks this year. /", "{D Well, } unfortunately, I don't expect a great deal out of them. / They just have too many problems, too many ailments, too many hurt bones, and maybe too much age at this point. / {D You know, } when Roy Tarpley just now he messed up on them, it just hurt them so bad. / I feel --", "{F Um. } /", "-- like everyone else, / I feel sorry for Donald Carter and the members of the team and the management team and everyone else. / It just seems like they were just getting themselves in a position where they could possibly be [ a final, + a final ] team playing for all of it. /", "Yes, sir. /", "National championship or the world championship, and something like this happens. /", "Oh. / {D Well, } do you think it's time that we go for new, {F uh, } coaches? / Is that part of our problem? /", "Yeah, / I think at this time, we're just in [ a, + a ] rebuilding type of phase, {D you know. } / I think that probably be evident with [ the more and more, + the more and more ] young guys they draft. / {C But, } -/", "{D Well, } it just, it's so discouraging that they can't really, - / {E I mean, } they're entitled to more than they've been able to do so far. / [ I, + I'm ] awfully sorry that the Mavericks can't come on [ and, + and ] do. / Roy, who's your next best team, / {C or } who do you like after the Mavericks? /", "{F Oh, } gosh, / I'm so much a [ Maverick, + Maverick ] fan I don't know. / Probably the Boston Celtics. / I've just always like the Boston Celtics. / [ They have a, + they have a ] similar situation in that a lot of old guys on the team, / {C and, } {C but } they're still playing good ball. /", "{D Well. } -/", "{C But } [ I'm, + I've ] always been a Boston Celtic fan, too, / {C but, } {D you know, } I've lived in Texas since seventy-four, / {C so } being a transplanted Texan [ in, + in ] the Dallas area, I have to stick with those Dallas Mavericks. /", "We certainly need to support them, / do we not. /", "Yes, / we do. {D You know. } /", "Do you go to the game? /", "Yes, / I go to a few games. / I haven't been to many. / I'm not a season ticket holder or anything. / I was a season ticket holder of the Cowboys for years, / {C and } when my kids got to a certain age and went off to school and college and doing their own thing, sort of gets boring going by yourself <laughter>. /", "Yes, / it does <laughter>. / I'm sure it would in such a monstrous place down there. /", "{F Oh, } you bet. /", "{C But, } {F um, } [ maybe next, + maybe they ] can do some. / I don't know, / who do they need to trade? /", "{D Well, } I don't know. / It seems like Rolando Blackman [ and, + and ] Harper sort of carry the team, / they just, - / I don't know, / I'm afraid to say, that's probably who they need to trade to get someone in there good, / {C but, } {C and } that can really help the team, / {C but } they do that, / they trade the nucleus of their power right now. /", "Yes, sir, / it seems that way to me. / [ I, + course I ] don't know any of the newer ones that they have / {C and } I'm not well versed on their capabilities, / {C but } we really need to do something. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } I feel like, {F uh, } the best they can hope for this year is probably an opportunity to make the playoffs. / I like their coach. / I really like (( )) a lot, - / {C and } [ I just, + I think ] he deserves a good break. / I think he deserves a healthy team so they can really see what he can do for the club. / [ I think + Donald Carter, the owner, I think ] with all he's invested, he deserves a --", "I really. -/", "-- a healthy team for one year and a good break also. /", "Yes, sir. /", "This thing with Roy Tarpley just upset everyone, I think. Fans, owners, management, everyone. /", "{C And } they have just done as much as they can for that man, / {C and } he apparently can't straighten his act out, / {C so } we need [ to, + to ] build on something more positive than that. /", "You bet. / I think they're fools if they ever bring him back <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } I do, too. / I certainly would agree to that. /", "Hate to put it that way. / I just would not believe him any more. /", "{D Well, } it, {F um, } - / {E I mean, } you can't give, <laughter> anyone too many chances -- /", "No. /", "-- {C and } I think he has gone over the limit. /", "There's an old saying [ you can, + you can ] lead a horse to water / {C but } you can't make him drink. / {C So, } -/", "That's right. /", "{C And } I think Tarpley's just a sad case. /", "{D Well. } -/", "{C But } to be making [ a, + a ] million dollars a year, that's pretty sad. /", "It is tragic. / I don't, {F um, } - / {E I mean, } we're going to have to do something about all of these fabulous salaries they're paying to all of our athletes, I think. /", "{F Oh, } I think you're right. / Everything has been put out of perspective now. / {D You know, } you take [ a, + a ] young kid Roy Tarpley's age, I'd say he was twenty-one when he came into the league, / {C and } now he's probably an old age of, {F uh, } twenty-five or six --", "Yes, sir. /", "-- and making all that money, / {D well, } [ [ that's, + {F uh, } that's ] quite a, + that's a ] little more of a challenge for a young man than [ they, + they ] need at that point in their life, I think. /", "I think you're right. / I believe that one, / {C so. } -/", "I think, {D you know, } it's created by, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BASKETBALL", "prompt": "FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE PRO BASKETBALL TEAM AND WHERE IT'S HEADED THIS YEAR. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE CALLER'S PREDICTION?", "talk_day": "12/16/1991", "from_caller": 1436, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1381, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1924, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3908_0", "3908_1", "3908_2", "3908_3", "3908_4", "3908_5", "3908_6", "3908_7", "3908_8", "3908_9", "3908_10", "3908_11", "3908_12", "3908_13", "3908_14", "3908_15", "3908_16", "3908_17", "3908_18", "3908_19", "3908_20", "3908_21", "3908_22", "3908_23", "3908_24", "3908_25", "3908_26", "3908_27", "3908_28", "3908_29", "3908_30", "3908_31", "3908_32", "3908_33", "3908_34", "3908_35", "3908_36", "3908_37", "3908_38", "3908_39", "3908_40", "3908_41", "3908_42", "3908_43", "3908_44", "3908_45", "3908_46", "3908_47", "3908_48", "3908_49", "3908_50", "3908_51", "3908_52", "3908_53", "3908_54", "3908_55", "3908_56", "3908_57", "3908_58", "3908_59", "3908_60", "3908_61", "3908_62"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Alright Allen. / {F Uh, } the questions is concerning the changes in the roles of American women in the past several generations {C and } {D you know, } in [ their, + ] the society we live in. / What do you think has occurred there? /", "{D Well, } I think one of the major changes is the whole attitude towards women in the work place and the role of women in doing jobs outside of the home. / That's probably one of the major changes I see over the last period of time. /", "Uh-huh. / {C But } [ are, + are ] they being given the full honor for the work they are doing {C and } [ for the, + ] {F uh, } {F oh } {A my gosh, I can't think of the word, } [ but for the, + ] what they have to accept that's they are responsible for. / {F Uh, } responsibilities is what I am trying to say. /", "{F Oh, } I don't think so. / I think it has come a long ways in terms of giving them equal opportunities <noise> -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } I still think in lots of job markets they are not treated as equals. / In other words, in some respects the other direction, in some job markets they don't really want to be treated as equals. /", "By the same token, [ most, + in most ] cases, women have the jobs with the same responsibility of men who have been there before, but at lower salaries. /", "Yes / I think # that's # --", "# Is that right and wrong? # /", "-- generally speaking, pretty true. / {C And } I think that's what we really ought to look at that, [ going is, + ] if they are going to do equal work they ought to get equal pay. /", "Yes. /", "{C And } [ that, + ] {F uh, } they ought to have equal opportunities to advance to those positions -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I don't think that we have gotten there yet. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } what changes do you think are most significant over the past few years? / Any individual thing -- /", "{F Oh, } {D boy. } /", "-- {C or } is it just a general switch over? /", "I think it's generally that switch over. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] I think that switch over has been more in the work force. / I don't think that women are treated as equals in the home as much as they are in the work force. / I think those women who are out working are probably still expected to carry more responsibility at home --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that the husband is having them, on the other side of that coin picked up as much responsibility at home. / {C So } they have one and three quarters jobs now. Whereas the husbands have one and a quarter. / Yeah. /", "{C and } this upsets the man because we have always been built to think that we were sort of head of the household. / {C So } do you think that is going to be {F uh, } difficult saying as far as marriages and people enjoying each other --", "Yes. /", "-- in the future years? /", "Yeah. / I think also in terms of parenting. / I think there is going to be some increasing problem because I think women are expecting husbands to do more parenting / {C and } I am not sure they are becoming more skilled at it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I think it really has put some additional stresses on the family units. /", "{D Well, } do you have any opinion of potential changes that may occur in the next generation,", "<Inhaling>.", "specifically? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] think one of the things that always happens is I think is when the one end [ wh-, + ] {D you know } were moving out to the end where a lot of women will be at work -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } I think we are starting to see now some tendency of women at mid thirties / {C and so } the opinion of this career thing isn't all that it is cracked up to be / {C and } I want to go back and do something else. / I think we will probably see the [ sw-, + ] pendulum in terms of the work force swing back a little bit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Also, much of it is driven by economics right now. /", "Yes. /", "People have gotten out and gotten use to incomes coming in. /", "{D Well, } I {D actually, } mo-, - / a lot of women are being hired now instead of men because they can get brought in at lower salaries because that's what everybody else assumes they are going to get. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } the people. - / {D Well, } how do you feel about women in, {F uh, } armed services? /", "{D Well, } I think they ought to have the right. / I have some problems with my own family thinking about [ my wife going to com-, + {E or } my wife ] and my daughter going into combat -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C but } I have problems with men doing that / {C and } I guess if they want to they ought to have the right to do it. /", "{F Um. } /", "It's nothing I would be greatly enthusiastic about pushing for it. /", "Yeah. / I somehow can't do that / I,", "<Laughter>.", "was brought up in the ages where the ladies were kept home, safe, secure, and made happy / {C and } the men went out and took responsibility of earning the money, bringing in whatever they needed and protected the household / {C and } [ it, + it ] really still bothers me. / I spent plenty of years in the service, / {C but } it still bothers me to see ladies out in combat or {D actually } out in places where there is two or three of them there and five hundred men around. / {E I mean } how are they going to protect themselves # so to speak. # /", "# I agree. # /", "It puts them in a very bad situation. / [ I, + I ] really don't go for that. /", "I think one of the other things that [ concern, + ] has concerned me a little bit, - / {C and } I think I see some change in attitudes there. / My wife happens to be a wife who has chosen to stay at home -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } there's, {F uh, } has been a tendency over the past few years to treat her as though she was somebody who didn't have much intelligence --", "Yep. /", "-- because if she did she would be out in the work force, {F uh, } fulfilling herself. /", "{C and } you're going to learn there is a lot of responsibility just keeping the home going <laughter>. /", "{C And } I hope we reach the point where whatever women chose to do, that's acceptable. /", "Yeah. /", "If they chose to go into the work force that's okay. /", "Yeah. /", "If they chose not to, that's acceptable. /", "{C And } if they go into the work force, they should be treated as # nicely # --", "# As equals. # /", "-- [ as, + as ] well as a man or any other person. / {C And, } {F uh, } not, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "02/04/1992", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1390, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3971_0", "3971_1", "3971_2", "3971_3", "3971_4", "3971_5", "3971_6", "3971_7", "3971_8", "3971_9", "3971_10", "3971_11", "3971_12", "3971_13", "3971_14", "3971_15", "3971_16", "3971_17", "3971_18", "3971_19", "3971_20", "3971_21", "3971_22", "3971_23", "3971_24", "3971_25", "3971_26", "3971_27", "3971_28", "3971_29", "3971_30", "3971_31", "3971_32", "3971_33", "3971_34", "3971_35", "3971_36", "3971_37", "3971_38", "3971_39", "3971_40", "3971_41", "3971_42", "3971_43", "3971_44", "3971_45", "3971_46", "3971_47", "3971_48", "3971_49", "3971_50", "3971_51", "3971_52", "3971_53", "3971_54", "3971_55", "3971_56", "3971_57", "3971_58", "3971_59", "3971_60", "3971_61", "3971_62", "3971_63", "3971_64", "3971_65", "3971_66", "3971_67", "3971_68", "3971_69", "3971_70", "3971_71", "3971_72", "3971_73", "3971_74", "3971_75", "3971_76", "3971_77", "3971_78", "3971_79", "3971_80", "3971_81", "3971_82", "3971_83", "3971_84", "3971_85", "3971_86", "3971_87", "3971_88", "3971_89", "3971_90", "3971_91", "3971_92", "3971_93", "3971_94", "3971_95", "3971_96", "3971_97", "3971_98", "3971_99", "3971_100", "3971_101", "3971_102", "3971_103", "3971_104", "3971_105"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["All right. /", "Okay, / {C so } what do you think of the Giants? /", "{F Uh, } I like the Giants. / They got, {F uh, } - / I probably didn't get into baseball until [ maybe, + maybe ] three years ago really -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C so, } {F uh, } {C but } [ I, + I ] just like the Giants. / [ I don't, + I don't ] know why. / I really got into them. / I read, {F uh, } Dave Dreveki's book --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- his autobiography -- /", "Yeah -- /", "-- {C and, } -/", "-- wasn't that something of him. /", "Yeah, / [ that, + that ] was incredible. /", "Yeah, / that's really a, - / really proud of him though, the way he's, {D you know. } -/", "The way he handled that # entire situation, there. # /", "# Yeah, / really, # {D you know. } /", "{C But, } I just think the Giants have a good team. / [ They, + they ] got all, {D you know, } / [ [ they're, + they're, ] + they're ] real balanced out. / They got real good pitching, / {C and } they got the hitting to go along with it. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah, / I just don't understand why they're not right up there on the top --", "Yeah, / [ [ they just -- +", "-- {D you know. } /", "-- they need that, + I think they just need that ] [ one, + one ] element to push them over the top, {D you know. } / I don't really know what it is, / [ {C but, } + {C but ] } every team [ that's, + that's ] really good seems, - / {D you know, } like the A -s [ [ had, + they had, ] + they just had ] it all that one year. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah, / {F um } I was mostly an A -s fan, {D you know. } / I had been to more games at the A -s than I have in the Giants --", "Yeah. /", "-- because, {F uh, } I lived in Oakland --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } for some time. / {C But, } {F uh, } I still like the Giants, though, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / if you're a fan you got to stay with the team any way, # {D you know, } [ you # + ] --", "# Yeah, / right. # /", "-- good and the bad / {C but. } [ It's, + it's ] kind of hard. / I still, basically, [ the, + the, ] - / me and all my friends around here, since we don't have anywhere, - / {E I mean, } we can go to the Astros or the Rangers teams, / {C but } since, no-, - / [ me, none + of me ] and my friends are [ really, + really ] like either one of those teams, - / {C so } # we, {F uh } # -- -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- [ about, + about ] the most baseball we get is {C either } T V {C or } we play it on Nintendo. / We play R B I baseball on Nintendo / [ {C so. } +", "Yeah, / right, / right. /", "{C So } ] [ that's just, + {D you know, } that's ] small town trying to make it through [ the + ] --", "Yeah. /", "-- not being around it really, / {C but. } -/", "Yeah, / right. / {D Well, } I prefer [ ba-, + ] {F uh, } football --", "Yeah. /", "-- over baseball, /", "Yeah, / so do I, / {C but } baseball is still -- -/", "it's. -/", "-- [ you got, + you got ] to do something when football ain't on. / {C So } <laughter>, -/", "{C So, } hot dogs, baseball and apple pie. {F Huh. } /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "<Laughter>.", "This is America, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / # {F um. } # /", "# {C But. } # -/", "{D So } what do you think is going to happen this year to the teams? /", "{F Uh, } I don't know, it's hard to say. / I haven't [ really, + really, ] - / you have to just keep up with everything in the off- season. / It's kind of hard to do, / at least, # {D you know, } # --", "# I know. # /", "-- you have to read the paper and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED and everything to keep up with who they traded and who they picked up [ and, + and ] all that, / {C but, } like I say, [ if they can, + if they can ] get that one element that they were missing, I think the Giants can do it. /", "Yeah, / # {D well, } the Giants are. # -/", "# They just, - / I don't, - / # yeah / I don't really know about the A -s. /", "<Laughter>.", "# They kind of. # -/", "# Yeah, / # makes you sick, doesn't it? /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ [ You hear what, + you hear what, ] + you hear what ] he did. /", "<Laughter> Yes. /", "He ramming his wife's car, / {C and } I was like, yeah. /", "He's like a little bitty kid, {F huh. } /", "Yeah, / he's just [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] little boy with a lot of money. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "That's just, - / {D you know, } {C but. } -/", "Yeah, / {D well, } I guess the Giants [ or, + ] might move away from San Francisco, it sounds like. /", "Yeah, / [ I've heard, + I've heard ] talk about that. /", "{D You know, } {F uh, } they won't be that far away, / {C but } San Francisco will be hurting, anyhow. /", "Yeah, / they're not going to be happy about it. /", "{D You know. } /", "{C But } I hope they can do good. / {E I mean, } that's just, - / I think they're a good team. That just need that [ one, + one ] little thing to push them over. / I don't know exactly what it is. / They got, - / they're pretty balanced out all the way through. / It just might be the drive, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- more than anything else, / [ they just, + they ] probably just need something to push them --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- because [ I, + ] [ that's, + that's ] the only thing I can see that's holding them back, is the ambition to do it. / {C Or } somebody basically, - / maybe they just need everybody to tell them they can't do it. / Maybe [ that's what, + {D you know, } that's what ] some teams need. / Look at the Twins going from worst to first. /", "I know, isn't that something -- /", "Yeah, / [ my roommate -- +", "-- I couldn't believe that, {F huh. } /", "-- my roommate's ] a Twins fan, for forever, / {C so, } he had his year this year, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / I just, it. -/", "[ We got pre-, + [ we, + we ] got ] into that a whole bunch. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "[ That was a, + that was a ] series to remember, for sure. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I saw all seven games of that, /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / yeah, / I couldn't believe that, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "I don't, {F uh, } - / there was Braves in that chanting that they had. - / That would drive you up a wall. /", "<Laughter> Yeah / they, -/", "<Laughter>.", "every team with the Indians been doing that now. /", "<Laughter> {D You know. } /", "I can't figure out why. / You have to figure out why they're all doing that, I'm like, it's doesn't work, it's obvious it doesn't work because [ the, + {D you know } --", "Yeah, / {D well, } you're right <laughter>. /", "-- the ] [ Braves, + Braves ] didn't win, / {C so, } {F uh, } why keep on doing something that didn't work, / {C but } --", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "-- I don't know. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I was, + I was ] kind of surprised that we were going to talk about baseball, / {C and } I get a woman's voice. / [ [ I was, +", "<Laughter>.", "I was, ] + I was ] thinking, uh-huh, / I talked to a guy named Vinny last night about fixing your car, / {C so. } -/", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / I [ got, + [ I called, + ] got ] a call the other night about, {F uh, } fixing your automobile up, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } baseball's baseball. /", "Yeah, / right. /", "It's kind of, - / I don't know, it's kind of odd they pick, - / do you pick the topic or does the computer? /", "No, / {F uh, } they give you a list of things that you want, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BASEBALL", "prompt": "FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE PRO BASEBALL TEAM AND WHERE IT'S HEADED THIS YEAR. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE CALLER'S PREDICTION?", "talk_day": "02/15/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1496, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4037_0", "4037_1", "4037_2", "4037_3", "4037_4", "4037_5", "4037_6", "4037_7", "4037_8", "4037_9", "4037_10", "4037_11", "4037_12", "4037_13", "4037_14", "4037_15", "4037_16", "4037_17", "4037_18", "4037_19", "4037_20", "4037_21", "4037_22", "4037_23", "4037_24", "4037_25", "4037_26", "4037_27", "4037_28", "4037_29", "4037_30", "4037_31", "4037_32", "4037_33", "4037_34", "4037_35", "4037_36", "4037_37", "4037_38", "4037_39", "4037_40", "4037_41", "4037_42", "4037_43", "4037_44", "4037_45", "4037_46", "4037_47", "4037_48", "4037_49", "4037_50", "4037_51", "4037_52", "4037_53", "4037_54", "4037_55", "4037_56", "4037_57", "4037_58", "4037_59", "4037_60", "4037_61", "4037_62", "4037_63", "4037_64", "4037_65", "4037_66", "4037_67", "4037_68", "4037_69", "4037_70"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } Greg, / {F uh, } [ I, + I'm ] not familiar. / I think, {F uh, } you guys in Indiana, don't you have [ the, + the ] death penalty? /", "Yeah, / we do have the death penalty here. / It's not exercised very often, / {C but } we do have it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I believe it, - /", "Uh-huh. /", "I know there's a [ lot of, + lot of ] problems with it, / {C but, } {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- seems to me that some crimes are just so heinous [ that, + that ] the person [ just, + ] I feel, doesn't deserve to live, doesn't deserve for the tax payers to spend however many thousands of dollars it costs a year to keep them [ in, + in ] prison for life. /", "Right. /", "{C But, } I know there's a lot of problems with that, like, {D well, } they say, {D okay, } if you [ declare someone, + ] put them on death row and execute them, {D well, } then ten years later you find out that he really didn't do it, then that life was wasted, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- just seems like in some cases that [ it's a, + it's a ] good policy. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } [ I, + I ] tend to agree with you, / {F uh, } <throat_clearing> I've changed my views [ over, + ] {F uh, } [ e-, + even ] within the last few years, {F uh, } to be honest. / {F Uh, } <throat_clearing> {F uh, } [ when I was in coll-, + when I was ] an undergraduate, I was a member of Amnesty International -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C and, } ] of course, at that time, {D you know, } I thought, {F uh, } {F uh, } it was stupid to kill anybody for, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } that - / the eye for an eye was a stupid argument. /", "Right. /", "{C But } <throat_clearing> the, {F uh, } the more, - / now I live in downtown Dallas, / {C and } [ [ I, + {F uh, } <throat_clearing> --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know, } I've seen, ] + {F uh, } I've seen ] cases [ on, + ] in the news and all [ where, + where, ] {D you know, } {F uh, } [ a, + a ] person who had murdered a person is back on the street and then commits another murder./", "Right. /", "<Sniffing> I think that <throat_clearing> maybe, {F uh, } a good solution to capital punishment might be, {F uh, } reserve it solely for, {F uh, } repeat offenders of a crime like, {F uh, } murder. /", "[ That's a, + that's a ] thought that I had never really had on that --", "Yeah, /", "-- which seems pretty sensible. /", "it seems sensible and failsafe. / [ [ I, + I, ] + {F uh, } I ] don't, - / {D you know, } not completely failsafe, / {C but } if a man's convicted of two murders, {F uh, } {D you know, } there's a pretty good chance that something's wrong. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh } <inhaling> <throat_clearing> I also, {F uh, } - / to tell you how liberal I have turned, {F uh, } toward this, [ [ or, + or, ] + or ] whatever side that is --", "Right. / <laughter> Yeah. /", "-- I've kind of chosen, {F uh, } I believe it that, {F uh, } big time drug importers, like, {F uh, } {D say } Noriega for example --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that these people need to be, {F uh, } eliminated, {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- from society, / {C and } [ I think, + I think ] the death penalty is the best choice for those people, because, {F uh, } really any kind of, {F uh, } {F uh, } jail sentence for them is just another chance to, {F uh, } create another power structure <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / [ you're, + you're ] right there. / {F Uh, } I gue-, - / basically my views, I guess they tend to be more economically oriented --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in that [ I just, + ] {D you know, } they come out with these figures that it costs fifty thousand dollars, taxpayer dollars a year to keep someone alive in jail --", "Right. /", "-- when they're going to be there for life, they're never going to be rehabilitated. /", "Right. /", "{E I mean, } I don't believe that the prison system that we have today does much towards rehabilitation to begin with -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C so } to me I'm paying taxes, {D you know, } twenty percent of my check or whatever --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to keep somebody alive who I, in my mind shouldn't be there in the first place and is never going to be a valuable or worthwhile part of society, / {C so } [ I, + I'm ] all in favor of it. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } {F uh, } <throat_clearing> do you, {F uh, } - / are there cases where you think [ that, + that, ] {F uh, } [ the capital, + the capital ] punishment shouldn't be, {F uh, } {F uh, } sentenced? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] really don't know on that question. / It just seems like, - / for instance, the Jeffrey Dahlmer case. {E I mean, } I don't really think that this person is going to ever be a worthwhile part of society. / I hope the guy never gets back out on the streets -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } in that case, Wisconsin doesn't have a death penalty, / {C so } he's going to be sentenced to life imprisonment --/", "Right. /", "-- {C and } I think [ that, + that ] he should not be allowed to live, / {C but, } {D you know, } then you're kind of playing God <laughter> --", "That's true, / yeah. /", "-- which is [ n-, + never ] a good thing to do. /", "Right. /", "{C But } cases where I think the death penalty should be withheld, {F uh, } not really that I can think of. / [ [ I, + I would, ] + I would ] be in favor of the death penalty in things like, {D you know, } murders, and like you said, repeat murders or --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- serial killers -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } I don't really agree with the, {F uh, } death penalty for people like Noriega and such as that. / I think that [ they're, + they're ] operating on a more, - / {E I mean, } I know that they're causing massive problems in society up here, / {C but } I don't really think [ that, + that ] [ it's, + it's ] in our power to take these people from a sovereign state and say you don't deserve to live, because --", "Right. /", "-- they're feeding our consumer needs. /", "Sure, / yeah, / [ I understand, + I understand ] your point. / Yeah. / {F Uh, } of course, {D you know, } [ [ with, + {F uh, } with, ] + with ] Dahlmer now, {F uh, } [ you, + you ] realize that [ Ohi-, + ] I think it's Ohio, {F uh, } gets to try him next / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they do have the death penalty. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / <inhaling> <throat_clearing> {C so, } {F uh, } that was a curious case. / I. -/", "Yeah, / that is very curious. /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } something is sort of nightmarish --", "Yeah. /", "-- to say the least. /", "[ That's, + that's ] right. /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } here in Texas we, {F uh, } - / I think [ even, + even ] this [ last week, + last week ] they had another, they, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } they use their capital punishment by lethal injection, {F uh, } {F uh, } /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT", "prompt": "COMPARE YOUR OPINIONS AND THOSE OF THE OTHER CALLER ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DO EITHER OF YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN CRIMES OR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW DO THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF YOUR STATE FIT WITH YOUR OPINIONS?", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1446, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1530, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1968, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2038_0", "2038_1", "2038_2", "2038_3", "2038_4", "2038_5", "2038_6", "2038_7", "2038_8", "2038_9", "2038_10", "2038_11", "2038_12", "2038_13", "2038_14", "2038_15", "2038_16", "2038_17", "2038_18", "2038_19", "2038_20", "2038_21", "2038_22", "2038_23", "2038_24", "2038_25", "2038_26", "2038_27", "2038_28", "2038_29", "2038_30", "2038_31", "2038_32", "2038_33", "2038_34", "2038_35", "2038_36", "2038_37", "2038_38", "2038_39", "2038_40", "2038_41", "2038_42", "2038_43", "2038_44", "2038_45", "2038_46", "2038_47", "2038_48", "2038_49", "2038_50", "2038_51"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, I guess we're on. /", "Yeah. /", "Central America, have you ever lived in Central America. /", "I wasn't in Central America / {C but, } {F uh, } talking about Latin America, [ I kind of, + I ] consider Latin America to include Central and South America / {C and } I did live in, {F uh, } (( San Polo )) Brazil for four years. /", "[ Do you, + do you ] think [ that, + that ] we should have given up the Panama Canal? /", "{F Uh, } realistically, I, - / yes, / I don't see [ the, + the ] Panama Canal that hasn't had a whole lot of usefulness to us recently since it's [ not, + not ] really big enough to, {F uh, } accommodate [ the, + the ] shipping that it once did / {C and, } {F uh, } maybe it would be better that we let the Panamanians run it however, I think, we're certainly justified in, {F uh, } our actions dealing with, {F uh, } Noriega in this ... /", "{D Well, } there are those [ [ that, + that, ] + that ] think [ [ that, + that, ] + that ] the Panama Canal has some considerable strategic importance, particularly for the military. / Interestingly enough my father [ was, + who was ] in World War One, and [ as, + {F uh, } as ] a civil engineer [ [ they, + they, ] + they ] offered him a commission as a captain if he would, {F uh, } go in [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } help with the defenses of the Panama Canal. / He had worked for United Fruit Company there, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } [ [ they, + {F uh, } they, ] + in fact, they ] had, - / this was in [ the, + the ] late twenties / {C and } they in fact used some of the equipment that had been left over / {C and, } {F uh, } he turned them down. / [ It, + it's ] interesting [ that, + that ] most people don't realize how small the canal is. / Have you ever been there? /", "No, / I haven't. /", "[ It's, + it's ] really, - / [ I, + I ] haven't been there, / I've been to, been to Salvador / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } in fact, we went back to visit some friends [ of, + of ] my fathers, that we went in fifty-seven I guess. / {C And } interestingly enough the canal is quite small and, and realistically could be sabotaged [ quite, + quite ] easily. / The thing I find interesting, though, [ is that, + {F uh, } is ] the whole colonial approach / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C and } ] [ do we, + do we ] support the Sandinistas [ or, + or ] do we support, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } [ when they thought, + {F uh, } they thought ] that Nicaragua, if you gave them a free election, they would vote for the, - / Will you, {F uh, } - / did you ever studied [ the, + the ] political makeup there, [ [ in, + in, ] + in ] Nicaragua. /", "I have [ a, + a ] little bit, / I can't say that [ I'm, + I ] would be [ an, + an ] expert on, on the region, / {C but, } {F uh, } certainly, {F uh, } [ I, + ] [ it, + it ] gets, [ it ge-, + ] there, - / your, - / you've got [ this, + this ] toss up betw-, - / {C or } [ not, + not ] so much a toss up but [ a, + a ] dilemma [ when, + when ] you want a country to have [ its, + its, ] {F um, } own, {F uh, } dominion, or its free rein over [ its, + its ] own people. / {C and } {D now } [ we're, + we're ] in this dilemma over, {F uh, } United States [ is, + believes ] in democracy [ and, + and ] self determination, where [ a-, + ] / {C but } that - / on the other hand we believe in self preservation and, {F uh, } [ agree with the, + {E or, } not so much agree with ] but are terribly concerned about, {F uh, } [ infl-, + Soviet influence ] [ in, + in ] what's considered to be the United States sphere of the world which is not only, [ you, + ] we used to see spheres / {C but } now we're in a situation where the United States [ is, + looks ] like we're it now. /", "{D Well } the interesting part about it is that, if, realistically it was economic. / I don't know if you read any of the history on where the Panama Canal / {C but } there was an option to build it across Nicaragua, / {F uh, } {C and, } {F uh, } [ [ there were, + {F uh, } there's a big, ] + there's a big ] lake, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F um, } from a technical standpoint it wouldn't have been a lot more difficult to have built it in Nicaragua, / {C but } [ the, + the ] United States, {F uh, } had some, - / {C and } I've forgotten what the political influence was / {C but } there were economic ties then. / The issue [ of, + of ] - / [ if, + if ] it's in the economic interest of the United States, {F uh, } do we go in [ and, + and ] prevail / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } in other words do we make the world safe for democracy, /", "Right. /", "{C but } if there's no economic benefit, - / {C and } I think particularly [ if you're, + if you're ] looking [ [ at the, + at the, ] + at the ] peasant, {F uh, } whether he's in Central America, regardless of where he is, [ is his life, + is his life ] better off under communism [ [ or, + or ] + {F uh, } or ] Democratic government. / You look at Salvador where the, -/", "{D Well } he doesn't care as long as he's feeding [ his, + {F uh, } his ] family. /", "Yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] the question is, does the government make a difference. / If they'll mostly leave him alone, {F uh, } - / {C and } I think that's the difficulty [ they, + ] [ that, + that ] we have that, {F uh, } [ it, + it ] reality [ doesn't make, + {F uh, } doesn't make ] any difference if he has no income. / {C And } apparently even some of our alleged, {F uh, } Central American leaders that, {F uh, } are mostly democratic have done some pretty terrible things, / {C so } it's, {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / {D well, } yo-, - / in looking, bu-, - / if you look at the region [ in, + in, ] {F uh, } - / to their detriment they came from, {F uh, } this, {F uh, } hundreds of years of Spanish control / [ {C and } the, + {C and } the ] Spaniards have, {F uh, } horrible history of corrupt, {F uh, } government, greedy, {F uh, } rulers who have been, {F uh, } [ manipulating, + manipulating ] their public for [ their own, + their own ] good. / {E I mean, } if you go back to the kings [ and, + and ] [ the, + the ] conquistadors coming in [ and, + and ] the [ hor-, + incredibly horrible ] things they did to [ the, + {F uh, } the ] native tribes, / {E I mean } [ they make, + {F uh, } they make ] the things that Custer did look {D like, } {F uh, } {D like } trivial. / {C And, } {F uh, } you get, -/", "[ It is, + it is ] interesting, [ that, + that, ] {D you know } [ we, + we ] look at the exploitation / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C and then } ] we accuse some other people of exploiting them / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] Americans [ have, + {F uh, } have ] a pretty good reputation of exploiting, / {D you know } [ we + basically the Panama Canal we ] went in [ {C and, } + {C and } ] took it. /", "{F Oh, } absolutely / {C and, } {D you know } we set up ... -/", "{C and } we stole it fair and square, /", "An, - / {E I mean, } [ Ted, + Teddy ] Roosevelt didn't have the reputation, speak softly and carry a big stick [ for, + {F uh, } for ] nothing / {C and, } {F uh, } -/ Right. /", "[ what's the, + what's ] America's role there / {C and } [ it, + it, ] {F uh, } - / [ with, + with ] other things going on, [ it, + it ] seems to have lessened, / {C but } you've still got, {F uh, } Cuba that [ accepts, + exerts ] some influence. /", "[ The only, + the only ] thing I see about Cuba though, is, {F uh, } after Fidel Castro dies, I don't think they'll be a communist power anymore. / [ I, + I ] can't see communism in that country carrying on past him. /", "{D Well, } when you take [ a, + a ] situation where I think in particular in Salvador where there is a significant under class <cough>, {E excuse me, } / {C and } that, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } having [ a, + a ] lot of difficulty, {F uh, } surviving, {F uh, } the question is [ would they, + {D you know, } would they ] be better off under communism. /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } I [ wouldn't, + ] don't know that I would advocate communism / {C but, } {F uh, } the question is [ [ [ can, + {F uh, } can you, ] + can, ] + {F uh, } can ] a democracy, {F uh, } afford the, - / it's like the street people that are starting to show up all other the U S, [ is that, + ]", "Right. /", "that's essentially an underclass / {C and } when you get enough of them, {F uh, } {D you know } communism would feed them all. /", "Ye-, - / {D well, } [ I, + I ] don't know if maybe communism is [ the right, + the right ] word for it / {C but } what we would, - / there would have to be some kind of, - / [ there, + there ] may be a point [ at which, + at which, ] [ you've, + {F uh, } you ] might want to consider some kind of socialistic, {F uh, } organization or socialistic set up [ to, + to ] deal with the problem and then be able to gradually transform back to a democracy. /", "{D Well } that, - / yeah, / if the guys got some incentive, - / if he's got, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } [ if he, + if he ] can raise enough, {F uh, } coffee and bananas to, {F uh, } where he's got something to protect, / other, {D you know, } -/", "Right, / right. /", "whether he can export or at least, {F uh, } set up trade and all then democracy of a considerable interest. /", "{C But } cocoa leaves sell real well right now, it seems, / yeah. /", "Yeah, / as well as some other various things that are growing in tropical environments. /", "Absolutely. / I don't, - / it's going to be hard to, {F um, } - / we, - / if [ you, + you, ] - / [ that, + that's ] where your absolutely right is we've got to do something in that region to encourage, {F uh, } or [ [ to make, + to make ] him growing bananas profitable again, {E I mean. } /", "Yes, / [ {C but } the, + {C but } the ] question is, {D you know, } if somebody offered {D [ you, + you ] know, } a thousand dollars a day [ to, + to ] grow something in your backyard, would you do it. /", "Right. /", "{D Well } not that we could be bought, / {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "I've got to watch what I say here, / I never know when the D I A may be, {F uh, } listening on my phone <laughter>. /", "{D Well } of course, everything we're saying is being recorded / {C and } ... -/", "Right, /", "Of course, / of course. /", "yeah, / it's tempting, / [ it's got to be, + it's got to be ] horribly tempting for [ those, + those ] peasants. /", "Particularly, if you're hungry. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / you, - / [ it's not, + it's not ] just a matter [ of, + {F uh, } of ] having an extra car or having a better car, this is a matter for them [ of, + of ] feeding themselves their wife and their family / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you, - / there's a certain degree of honor in being able to feed your family / {C and } there's dishonor in not being able to do it / {C and } ... -/", "{F Uh, } starving to death is [ not a, + not a ] whole lot of fun either / {C and, } that, - /", "No, / no. / Uh-huh. /", "In reality, I think, what they were doing is basically going in and trying to feed some people and help them protect themselves, / not that they, - / [ I'm, + I'm ] not sure the Catholic church [ [ is, + is, ] + is ] particularly political / {C but, } {D you know, } if ... -/", "Right. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "LATIN AMERICA", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CURRENT OR RECENT AMERICAN ACTIONS IN LATIN AMERICA", "talk_day": "03/07/1991", "from_caller": 1073, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1967, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1039, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2040_0", "2040_1", "2040_2", "2040_3", "2040_4", "2040_5", "2040_6", "2040_7", "2040_8", "2040_9", "2040_10", "2040_11", "2040_12", "2040_13", "2040_14", "2040_15", "2040_16", "2040_17", "2040_18", "2040_19", "2040_20", "2040_21", "2040_22", "2040_23", "2040_24", "2040_25", "2040_26", "2040_27", "2040_28", "2040_29", "2040_30", "2040_31", "2040_32", "2040_33", "2040_34", "2040_35", "2040_36", "2040_37", "2040_38", "2040_39", "2040_40"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Yes, / {F um, } I was wondering whether you were in favor of statehood, independence, or the status quo for Puerto Rico. /", "I was a resident, although very young [ of the sta-, + of ] what is now the state of Alaska in nineteen fifty-nine when Alaska stopped being a territory and became a state. / {F Uh, } {C so } I guess I have a left over positive feeling about the question even though I don't know very much about Puerto Rico. / {F Uh, } I know that all the things that happened, relative to that territory in Alaska have been very positive, {F uh, } / {C and } I have a suspicion [ that, + that ] I believe that [ a, + the ] statehood is a good idea whenever you have a territory the size of Puerto Rico one ought {C either } to make it a full-fledged state [ {C or, } + {C or } ] let it go, one or the other. / What is your situation? /", "{D Well, } [ I'm, + I ] guess I don't have [ su-, + such ] close experience [ with, + with, ] {F um, } an area becoming a state as you do. / {F Um, } my concern is the economy because as I understand it Puerto Rico has a very low [ sta-, + {F uh, } standard ] of living or at least, {F um, } annual average income. / {F Um, } part of this I suppose is justified [ in, + in ] that the climate they don't need, perhaps, the heating and the housing that some of the more northern territories need. / However, in that case, I guess I would favor status quo. / I have been to Puerto Rico [ and, + and ] found it very, very interesting. / I did Peace Corps training there. /", "{F Oh } that's very interesting. /", "{C And so, } {F um, } {D you know, } I saw it, also as a young student / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] it was very foreign in a certain sense, although I had grown up in California / {C and so } the Spanish was no problem. / {F Um, } [ it was, + it was, ] {D you know, } very lovely / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] the people seemed very friendly [ and, + and ] nice. / I have, - / {D actually, } I work with, {F uh, } a girl from Puerto Rico / {C and, } I guess I have never thought to ask her what she favors, {F um. } /", "Your concern on the economy was one in terms of, if it became a state would that put even more pressures [ on, + on ] Puerto Rico, or pressures on the U. S. in terms of aid / {C or, } -/", "{D Well } probably more [ on, + in ] terms of the U. S. {F Um, } / {D you know, } [ I'm, + I'm ] not quite sure how the U. S. copes with this sort of thing. / I've live [ abro-, + abroad ] most of my life, / {C so, } I guess [ I, + I've ] been very cut off. / I lived actually in Lebanon, / {C so, } I was very cut off from [ the, + the ] press as I, {D you know, } [ and be, + ] was becoming an adult. / {C So, } I don't know how the U. S. would cope with, {F uh, } a new state that is so very, very poor. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I guess, {D you know, } we'd have a lot of aid, [ if, + if ] you consider the inner cities of {D like } New York [ and, + and ] how much aid it needs. / I suppose [ the whole country, + {E or } the whole, {F um, } new state ] would require such aid. /", "I guess, {F um, } we're assuming [ that, + that ] Puerto Rico would be per capita significantly more poor perhaps [ than, + than ] {D say } Mississippi / {C or, } -/", "I think so. /", "Okay, / that's something [ that, + that ] I guess I have not much of an image of other [ than, + than ] Puerto Rico as a tropical island and consequently large numbers of barefoot natives or something not in a (( perjuritive )) sense but in a, in a carefree sense, I guess. / Although I'm aware of the political problems and unrest, [ and, + and ] also difficulties they have. {F Um, } I don't know whether [ state woul-, + statehood would ] improve their economy. / [ I don't, + I don't ] know that [ the ve-, + the act ] of being a state would have any impact [ on, + on ] them. / {F Uh, } I guess they would have the ability to do some taxing that they don't have now. / {C But } of course if their economy is weak [ the-, + there ] is not much of a base on which to tax. / I don't know if they suffer in a sense of income loss as being, since they aren't a state, whether there are monies that escape them so to speak because they aren't able to tax like a typical state would be. / How do you feel, though, about, - / {D well } I guess it's to their advantage to be a territory, / {C but, } {F um, } I wonder how [ have, + having ] been in a territory but only as a young student / {C and } my parents were in the military at the time / {C so } they didn't have ready negative feelings about being [ in, + in ] Alaska at the time since they voted absentee. / [ I, + I ] would imagine that it must be a little bit of a [ se-, + ] feeling of second class citizenry, {F uh, } to be in a territory that large and not being able to vote. / The District of Columbia people, for instance are quite frustrated, I think, at times in their not having a Senate representative. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / those, are good points, {F um, } which obviously I had never thought about. / {F Uh, } I don't know, {F uh, } I suppose they also, not being a state are probably freer to determine their own, {F um, } ways of life than they would [ if, + if, ] - / I'm trying to think exactly what is imposed if they would become a state versus a territory. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } I see what you mean, / {C so } that, -/ Yeah, / taxes would undoubtedly be occurring. / {F Uh, } there, - / I don't know, I don't even understand exactly how taxes are handled in a territorial situation. / {F Um, } frequently the laws in a territory [ are, + are ] in some ways as stringent as they are in other states, / I, - / {C and } I'm thinking in terms of education. / {C But } then again each state sets its own / {C and } I don't know how a territorial governor takes care of something like Puerto Rico. / {F Um, } it's interesting because I haven't thought of them in terms of the problems relative to, {F uh, } economy, {F uh, } I had thought of it more in terms of political, {F uh, } realization / {C and } I guess I had automatically made the assumption that, {D gee, } anyone would rather be a state of the U. S. than an independent country / {C so, } -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } {D well } {D actually } I thin-, - / one, one thing that I remember hearing in the news the past couple weeks that might be significant is that they've recently voted that Spanish is the official language, which I always assumed it was anyway. / {C So, } if they've just taken such action, it would seem to indicate to me {C either } they're doing it because they're afraid they might become a state and want to declare this before they become a state, {C or } maybe because they don't want to become a state for fear of losing the Spanish, or Hispanic heritage. /", "Uh-huh, / {D well } that's interesting too. / {D Well } it sounds as though you are in favor of, {F uh, } status quo. /", "[ I, + I ] believe I would probably tend towards that. /", "{C And } I think, {F uh, } having listened to you relative to the economy thing, I think if I were being forced to make a decision I would plead ignorance and wait to do more research before picking one of these. / {C So } [ I'm ul-, I guess I'm ultimately ] in favor of status quo also at this point,", "{D Well } that's interesting. /", "(( leaning )) towards the statehood. /", "Right. / What about [ if, + if, ] {F um, } they demanded to have Spanish as the official language as a condition for statehood. /", "I think I would be troubled, / [ I suspect, + I believe ] that any of our states, - / {C and } I, - / constitutionally I don't think there are any prescriptions [ abo-, + ] against that decision even if Louisiana chose to go with Creole or something. / {F Um, } I don't think there is any prohibitions. / I would be bothered by that. / [ I'm, + I'm ] bothered by any tendency to resist what I think was one of America's strengths / {C and } that's [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] melting pot. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ I, + I ] am particularly fond of a number of ethnic cuisines, / {C but } I'm troubled by too close a clinging [ to, + to ] the past / {C and } I'm also realizing [ that, + that ] a common language, I think, is the ultimate bond of a country. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } Canada, I guess, comes to my mind as they're going through the throes up there relative to French Quebec and whatever. / {F Uh, } that [ I, + I ] think that would be a negative step to make / {C and } I think that that they would need to reassess that. / {F Um, } I'm troubled even in by bilingualism, {F uh, } in so far that [ it intr-, + it ] gets in the way [ [ of, + of, ] + of ] the melting pot aspect. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / That's interesting because although I tend to be bilingual, Spanish based on experience, {F um, } I was in bilingual education in California / {C and } I didn't have any problem with my students/ {C but } I noticed [ my, + my ] brother, who was quite a bit younger, was learning Spanish in elementary school / {C and } he can't speak a word. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And so, } obviously it didn't work in California. /", "Yeah, / {C but } I'm rather in favor of people being bilingual, /", "Right. /", "{C and } I'd be quite happy to see a national law in which every student was required to learn English and a second language. /", "Right. /", "{C But } [ I'm, + I'm ] disturbed by a country that attempts to be functionally bilingual at the official level. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{F Um, } [ I'm, + I'm ] concerned about whether or not that causes fractiousness I guess. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D Well } I think we have gone to time / {C and } I appreciate your having called. /", "Okay, / {D well } thank you very much. /", "Good-bye. /", "Bye, / bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PUERTO RICAN STTEHD", "prompt": "THE TOPIC IS PUERTO RICO. PLEASE FIND OUT WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER FAVORS STATEHOODY", "talk_day": "03/07/1991", "from_caller": 1130, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1119, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1946, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["2594_0", "2594_1", "2594_2", "2594_3", "2594_4", "2594_5", "2594_6", "2594_7", "2594_8", "2594_9", "2594_10", "2594_11", "2594_12", "2594_13", "2594_14", "2594_15", "2594_16", "2594_17", "2594_18", "2594_19", "2594_20", "2594_21", "2594_22", "2594_23", "2594_24", "2594_25", "2594_26", "2594_27", "2594_28", "2594_29", "2594_30", "2594_31", "2594_32", "2594_33", "2594_34", "2594_35", "2594_36", "2594_37", "2594_38", "2594_39", "2594_40", "2594_41", "2594_42", "2594_43", "2594_44", "2594_45", "2594_46", "2594_47", "2594_48", "2594_49", "2594_50", "2594_51", "2594_52", "2594_53", "2594_54", "2594_55", "2594_56", "2594_57", "2594_58", "2594_59", "2594_60", "2594_61", "2594_62", "2594_63", "2594_64", "2594_65", "2594_66", "2594_67", "2594_68", "2594_69", "2594_70", "2594_71", "2594_72", "2594_73", "2594_74", "2594_75", "2594_76", "2594_77", "2594_78", "2594_79", "2594_80", "2594_81", "2594_82", "2594_83", "2594_84", "2594_85", "2594_86", "2594_87", "2594_88", "2594_89", 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plastic, and your cans, and newspapers. / {C And then } they've just got different barrels <noise> setting out - / (( )) , I shouldn't say barrels, like big (( John Doors )) or,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# whatever # they're,", "Yeah. /", "called. Gondolas <breathing>. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } they've got them set outside <lipsmack> / {C and, } -/", "# [ Is it, # +", "# {F uh, } # /", "is it ] all voluntary? /", "Yes. / It's all voluntary. / {D Now, } they do have some places where you can take things and get cash /", "# Right. # / Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } they just want to, {F uh, } help recycle. Which is,", "# Yeah. # /", "# what # we do. {D You know, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "we, <breathing> - / probably the only thing, sometimes we'll take [ cash + {E or } the cans ] in / {C and } we let the kids get the money for that. /", "Right. / Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "# There's, #", "# f-, # -/", "a lot of projects where [ the, + the ] Boy Scouts and things, [ and + ] that will,", "Right. /", "collect your cans /", "Right. / Yeah. / That's true, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] that's really [ the, + the ] biggest thing around here is the grocery stores participating. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know } {C but, } -/", "I guess, I, - / {D you see, } I guess it depends on your landfill space. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I know, I, - / we're in Maryland, / {C but, } my, - / I from Pennsylvania / *[[missing copula?]] {C and } my parents [ how, + ] are forced recycling, /", "# {F Oh, } #", "# {F uh, } # /", "really? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{F Uh, } Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York are some of the, {F uh, } - / they're using their landfills up faster than they can get new ones. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } [ it's really, + {F uh, } it's, {F uh, } really ] hard on them. / {D Now, } up here in Maryland, though, we're [ j-, + just ] in a voluntary recycling stage right now. / [ {C So, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] my wife and I, {D you know, } we save our bottles, / {C and } we save our newspapers, / {C and } we save all our plastic, and all of our tin cans. / {C And } just like you say, we go to, {F uh, } a community area where they have it set up / {C and } we dump them off <noise> there. /", "{C So, } it's vol-, -/", "# Yeah. / It's still voluntary, #", "# you say it is # all voluntary. / Do they, -/", "though [ I think, + I think ] we're supposed to have something [ impame-, + implemented ] by nineteen ninety-three, though --", "Will it be mandatory? /", "-- where some aspects will be mandatory. / Uh-huh. /", "Is it all, {F um, } - / is there any place at all where you do get cash for this stuff / {C or } is it all, -/", "Mostly just the cans. /", "Okay. /", "{C And } I, -/", "# Yeah. / {C And } that's, # -/", "# {C and } most of # the time, like I said, [ that's, + that's ] a sort of {D like } fund raiser things that,", "Right. /", "the schools do, or that the Boy Scouts do, or whatever. /", "Right. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# Yeah. / # That's true. / That's, -/", "Cans are the only thing I think you really get money for. /", "{D Well, } they do have places around here where you can get money for your newspapers,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # stuff like that. / {C But, } {D you know, } I think a lot of people, like I said, are more concerned,", "Right. / Uh-huh. /", "with, {D you know, } right now, {D you know, } the aspects of saving the earth <breathing>. /", "Yeah, / # I # think that's mostly, - / {D well, } {D you know, } we, - / even before, - / as soon as the community said, {D you know, } We're going to put up bins for recycling, {D you know, } we automatically started, doing it. / [ It was, +", "Right. /", "it's ] one of those things, / {D you know, } {C and } just going and taking the time to go and read the signs and the brochures on what they accept and how it should be,", "Uh-huh. /", "separated, {D you know. } / That's, -/", "{D Well, } I tell you, it's kind of funny now [ at, + ] [ e-, + even ] at T I, I don't, - / do you work for T I? /", "No. / Huh-uh. /", "Okay. / {F Um, } at T I they're doing recycling. / {E I mean, } for a long time they didn't do this, / {C but } now [ they're, + they're ] recycling cans and paper. / We have separate bins --", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } separate wastebaskets <noise> in our offices --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for paper. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {C and } they, - / {E I mean } it's tremendous how much money they have saved and even saving all these trees / {C and, } {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- it's really, - / <laughter> I can't believe that --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know. } Because they've got it all posted all over the place how much,", "# [ How much, + how ] well they're doing. # /", "# they're saving and how w-, - / yeah. # /", "We do, - / [ [ I, + {F um, } <lipsmack> I, ] + I ] work in a, {F uh, } speech interface lab,", "# {F Oh, } okay. # /", "# [ [ at a, + # at a, ] + at a ] college. / {C And } we do basically the same thing. / The state of Maryland has [ lost, + asked ] all the colleges and universities, and some of the large organizations, {D you know, } if they would definitely recycle their office paper. /", "Uh-huh. / # Uh-huh. # /", "{C But, } {D you know, } in the giant bins around, - / {C and } it's surprising how much --", "Yeah. /", "-- you never realize, because that janitor comes around and empties your garbage,", "# Right. # /", "# can # every night. /", "Yep. /", "# You don't notice until, # you start leaving, / {D you know, } they don't pick up your recycling until <noise> it's full /", "Right. /", "you just can't believe how much paper that you, {F uh, } -/", "I know <breathing>. /", "Reams of paper come, # out of # an office every day <laughter>. (( That )) ,", "{D Well, } you think about,", "(( took us )) to recycle. /", "the waste, even. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } {D you know, } cost wise [ and -- +", "Right. /", "-- and, ] {D you know, } [ like you s-, + ] saving trees and stuff like <noise> that. / {E I mean, } it's just amazing, <noise> {D you know, }", "# Yeah. / {C So, } I think, #", "# the difference. # /", "<Noise> Hopefully, if, - / {D you know, } I guess a lot of the large organizations, </noise> probably T I, did they advertise on television how successful they are? /", "N-, -/", "(( )) .", "I haven't seen,", "Yeah. /", "anything. / {F Uh, } {C but } that doesn't mean that they don't. / I don't watch much T V, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but, } I haven't really seen anything advertise publicly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "And {C then, } like I said, they do a lot of # internal, #", "# Internal. # /", "advertising on that kind of stuff. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C But, } # I haven't seen anything. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } {D see, } I don't see a lot of T I advertisements on T V anyway. / I think they advertise more, {F um, } other places where they're not located. /", "Right. / Yeah. / That would probably,", "# {D You know. } [ {C So, } # +", "# be true. # /", "{C So, } ] I don't see a lot of advertisements for T I. /", "Yeah. / {C Because } I know that some of the large industries here will advertise on television, / {D you know, } they'll [ jus-, + ] come up and say, - / {D you know, } they'll show you [ tho-, + ] [ to encourage + <sniffing>, to encourage ] recycling. / They'll,", "# Right. # /", "# say, # - / {C And } here, those of us that (( Dumavra )) Power, which is our power company,", "Uh-huh. /", "that, - / we now recycle forty-five percent of our solid waste, /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{C and } they, - / {C and } that, - / we do this for the community, / they put those on. / [ {C So } I, + {C so } I ] think, {D you know, } we're probably reaching a successful stage [ and, + and ] just with voluntary,", "Right. /", "I think. /", "{D Well, } even, {E I mean, } in the kid's schools,", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean } they do things to try and recycle. / {C And, } I know my kids, {F um, } {D like } if they see litter on the ground they pick it up and say, {F Oh, } look at that. Somebody is not saving the earth, <laughter> {D you know. } /", "Right. / Yeah. /", "{C So, } {E I mean, } the kids, {E I mean, } they really try to educate all ages, {D you know, } / {C and } it's good to start the kids real young on,", "# I think so, too. # / Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } it's like nobody was concerned about it. /", "Right. / Yeah. / We weren't,", "# {D You know, } {C and } it's like, # -/", "# concerned. / Yeah. / That's true. # /", "{D You know, } it's like all of a sudden when there's noticeable things, saying, {D Hey, } {D you know, }", "# Huh. # /", "# we're # ruining the earth, / {D you know. } {C And } now everybody is doing something about, which is good. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Noise> {C But } how come we weren't </noise> doing this, {D say, } twenty years ago <breathing>,", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D you # know? } /", "[ I, + I ] think really probably what hit peoples, {D you know, } I know that here [ in the, + up in the, ] {F uh, } <lipsmack> {F uh, } [ the, + the ] New Englands area and also [ in, + in ] Pennsylvania, Ohio, and New York, [ the, just run, + ] all of a sudden we're out of landfill. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] they're saying, We estimate this landfill be ov-, will be full in two years unless we cut back. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C So, } I think that, that became, - / that all of a sudden really hit home that there's no longer landfill space, in some of the more crowded states. /", "This is, -/", "{C So, } what, - / {D you know, } {C and } [ n-, + no ] other state, - / I'm sure Texas probably still has some landfill space. / They're not going to voluntarily say, {D Hey, } ship your garbage here. /", "Right <laughter>. / # Yeah. / That's true. # /", "It's really,", "I think,", "tough. /", "that [ it, + it ] really surprises me because of the cost savings. / {E I mean, } this is such a tremendous,", "Uh-huh. /", "amount of cost savings. / {E I mean, } why, - / <breathing> I can't understand why nobody saw that before. / I {E mean, } [ [ even, + even not -- ] +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- even ] the aspects of not saving the earth <breathing>, - / {E I,", "# Right. # /", "# mean, } # it's,", "Yeah. / {C But, } {D well, } -/", "so cost, {D you know, } -/", "{D Well, } in some ways, I guess, [ it, + it ] doesn't become really cost saving until you have an industry around it, {D you know. } Because, # I # know that, {D like } in, Pennsylvania, <noise> they require them to, {F um, } <lipsmack> put their newspaper for recycling. / {C But, } <noise> the de-inking process that [ they have to, + they use, ]", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# to # take the ink out of the newspaper so it can be reused --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } is very expensive, /", "# Oh. # /", "# {C and } # also, [ it w-, + it ] produces [ [ a, + a waste, ] + [ a, + {F um, } a, ]", "Oh.", "liquid waste ] that they don't know what to do with <noise> yet. /", "I see, / # okay. # / Is not --", "-- they still have [ cost, +", "-- real cost efficient. / # {F Oh, } okay, / okay. {F Oh, } # /", "# {D yeah, } cost ] efficient, yet. / Yeah. # /", "I,", "[ {C So, } +", "understand that though. /", "{C but } ] others, {D you know, } like tin cans and plastics,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ are, + # are ] really, {F uh, } efficient, {D you know. } / [ They, +", "Right. /", "they ] melt on quickly [ and can be, + ] {D you know, } just because of the,", "and glass. / Right. /", "heating and things, (( getting )) glass. / Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } i-, - / it really is surprising that people haven't noticed it before. /", "Yeah. / That's true. /", "# Uh-huh. / Yeah. # /", "# {C And } even, - / [ # I, + I ] noticed that a lot of gas stations are telling you to recycle your oil. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {E I mean, } that kind of surprises me <laughter>. / {E I mean, } {D you know, } because once oil gets so, {D you know, } thick and yucky, you'd wonder how they could, {D you know, } clean that up,", "# Yeah. # /", "# enough # to use it again, / {C but } they can. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I don't know how cost efficient that would be, I guess, /", "Yeah. / [ I d-, + I don't ] know either. / That's, - / I know that though, [ I, e-, + ] all those petroleum products though are so terrible for [ your, + ] {F um, } <lipsmack> the water table. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D You know, } # they really pollute quickly / {C and, } {D you know, } one, - /", "Uh-huh. / # Wow. # /", "{C So, } it's one of those things that they really, - /", "Yeah / <breathing>. Yeah. / I know <breathing>. /", "Yeah, / how terrible that is. / {C So, } [ we'll have to, + we'll have to ] keep our eyes on all that, I guess. /", "Really. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I know I really, - / I don't know, / [ [ I, + I think that, ] + {E I mean, } I think that ] they really are doing a good thing now / {C and } I hope it keeps, - / {D well, } I'm sure we'll keep up. /", "Yeah. / I,", "# {D You know, } # /", "# agree. # /", "I think it's really catching on. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } [ I, + I ] think that, - / I'm not <noise> sure if it, - / I don't know, / I think it's a good idea to make it mandatory <noise>. /", "I do, too. /", "{F Um, } <noise> it, - / because {D like } we were asking some people that live in, {F um, } North Dakota, {D Well, [ } are you saving </noise> your, + {D you know, } are you ] recycling. / {C And } they said, {D Well, } we're not forced to do it yet, / {C so } no. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } {C so, } {E I mean } I don't know,/ I think that [ if people are forced, + if the people are not forced ] to do it they may not, {D you,", "# Yeah. /", "# know. } / {E I mean, } # I don't know, / I think a lot of people still will, /", "{D You know, } I know that it's really funny. / My parents are forced to do it / {C and } they, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECYCLING", "prompt": "WHAT IS BEING DONE IN YOUR COMMUNITY OR AREA ABOUT RECYCLING WASTE MATERIALS? DO YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO ENCOURAGE MORE RECYCLING OR ON WHAT OTHER MATERIALS SHOULD BE INCLUDED?", "talk_day": "04/13/1991", "from_caller": 1124, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1093, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2638_0", "2638_1", "2638_2", "2638_3", "2638_4", "2638_5", "2638_6", "2638_7", "2638_8", "2638_9", "2638_10", "2638_11", "2638_12", "2638_13", "2638_14", "2638_15", "2638_16", "2638_17", "2638_18", "2638_19", "2638_20", "2638_21", "2638_22", "2638_23", "2638_24", "2638_25", "2638_26", "2638_27", "2638_28", "2638_29", "2638_30", "2638_31", "2638_32", "2638_33", "2638_34", "2638_35", "2638_36", "2638_37", "2638_38", "2638_39", "2638_40", "2638_41", "2638_42", "2638_43", "2638_44", "2638_45", "2638_46", "2638_47", "2638_48", "2638_49", "2638_50", "2638_51", "2638_52", "2638_53", "2638_54", "2638_55", "2638_56", "2638_57", "2638_58", "2638_59", "2638_60", "2638_61", "2638_62", "2638_63", "2638_64", "2638_65", "2638_66", "2638_67", "2638_68", "2638_69", "2638_70", "2638_71", "2638_72", "2638_73", "2638_74", "2638_75", "2638_76", "2638_77", "2638_78", "2638_79", "2638_80", "2638_81", "2638_82", "2638_83", "2638_84", "2638_85", "2638_86", "2638_87", "2638_88", "2638_89", "2638_90", "2638_91", "2638_92", "2638_93", "2638_94", "2638_95", "2638_96", "2638_97", "2638_98", "2638_99", "2638_100", "2638_101", "2638_102", "2638_103", "2638_104", "2638_105", "2638_106", "2638_107", "2638_108", "2638_109", "2638_110", "2638_111", "2638_112", "2638_113", "2638_114", "2638_115", "2638_116", "2638_117", "2638_118", "2638_119", "2638_120", "2638_121", "2638_122", "2638_123", "2638_124", "2638_125", "2638_126", "2638_127", "2638_128", "2638_129", "2638_130", "2638_131", "2638_132", "2638_133", "2638_134", "2638_135", "2638_136", "2638_137", "2638_138", "2638_139", "2638_140", "2638_141", "2638_142", "2638_143", "2638_144", "2638_145", "2638_146", "2638_147", "2638_148", "2638_149", "2638_150", "2638_151", "2638_152", "2638_153", "2638_154", "2638_155", "2638_156", "2638_157", "2638_158", "2638_159", "2638_160", "2638_161", "2638_162", "2638_163", "2638_164", "2638_165", "2638_166", "2638_167", "2638_168", "2638_169", "2638_170", "2638_171", "2638_172", "2638_173", "2638_174", "2638_175"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } I personally don't have any problem with, {F uh, } drug testing employees or potential employees, do you? /", "# {F Um, } # /", "# {E I # mean, } basically? /", "Basically, no. /", "Okay. / I don't, - / I really can't disagree with it. /", "[ I, + I, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } - / the policy that T I has, I think is, {F uh, } {F uh, } very fair. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I, - / they first had a policy where they, {F uh, } would test new employees / {C and, then } since I've been with them the last four years, {F uh, } there's been in the last year, year and a half, {F um, } they're doing random testing of all employees. /", "Uh-huh. / I think that's really the only fair way to do it. /", "Yes. /", "I really think it ought to be s-, - / {D you know, } Junkins all the way down. /", "{C And } it is, - / it, - / {C and } [ fr-, + from ] what I understand it is Jerry Junkins all the way down. /", "Right, / as a matter of fact, I want to think they took the top managers first, / isn't that a fact? / I've been retired from T I about a year, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C but } # the program, {D you know, } was still fairly new. / I guess it had been going on, maybe almost a year,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# before # I retired, / {C so } I was not, {F uh, } ever called upon to do a drug test. / I certainly wouldn't object to it, / {C and } I think random is probably, {D you know, } the only really fair way to do it. /", "Yeah. / {F Um, } I like it because, {F um, } - / {D you know, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] grew up in the sixties, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "[ {C and, } +", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and, } ] # {F uh, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] saw, - / {D you know, } I know my friends who were {D you know, } druggies and,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# friends # who weren't / [ {C and, } +", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } ] {F uh, } {D you know, } [ it's, + I think it's ] a real problem, /", "# {F Oh, } I, - / absolutely. # /", "# [ {C and } I think # it, + {C and } I think it's ] causing us a lot of trouble [ and, +", "# Yeah. # /", "# and # ] a lot of problems. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } I'm hoping that, {F uh, } a lot of other companies [ will, + will ] follow the same path. /", "I don't think they'll have much choice, do you? /", "{F Um, } probably not. /", "Especially if they have anything do with, {D you know, } government contracts, or anything. / As matter of fact, I want to believe that the, {F uh, } defense department more or less mandated that people, {D you know, } who work on defense contracts, {D you know, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ s-, + ] # do some sort of, {D you know, } drug testing. / I think that's really what maybe prompted T I to do it. / I was in the, {F uh, } Defense Electronic Division when I retired. / I know [ it was, a, + {D you know, } it was a ] real hot, hot item there. / [ I think, + I want to think ] maybe they, {D you know, } really got some nudging from, {D you know, } D O D to do this sort of thing. /", "Yeah, /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. / {C So } [ you kne-, + you know ] the atmosphere, then. /", "Yep. /", "# {D So, } yeah. # /", "# Very aware # of it. /", "# Uh-huh. # / # Uh-huh. # /", "# {F uh, } # like, {D you know, } school systems, and that kind of thing. /", "# Right, / I agree. / I, # -/", "# {E I mean, } [ I'd like, + # I'd like ] to know that my child's being taught by a teacher who's not on drugs [ or, +", "# That's right. # /", "# or, ] {F uh, } # who might be at a point where they're trying to sell my kid drugs. /", "That's r-, - / absolutely. / Yeah, / I d-, - / I just can't disagree (( with you )) , with (( {D you know } )) the basic premise. /", "Yeah. /", "It's to m-, - / as far as I know, it's, {D you know, } seems to be a fairly accurate program, as far as, {F uh, } {D you know, } the testing goes. / {C And, } {F uh, } -/", "{C And, } I like the idea that they have a, {F uh, } system where they allow you to, {F uh, } be retested if for,", "# That's right. # /", "# some reason # there may have been a problem.", "# That's right. # /", "# or something # did show up. /", "{C And } offer you, {D you know, } help if you need help. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / rather than just, {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- put you out on the street and let you fend for yourself. /", "That's right. /", "That's not going to help anybody get over the problem. /", "# No, / ab-, # -/", "# I believe # it is [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] medical problem. /", "That's right. /", "{F Um, } of course I also think smoking is the most addictive thing in the world, too <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } absolutely. / Not to mention alcohol. /", "Yeah, / {C so } {E I mean, } there's a lot of things out there /", "# Yep, / yep. # /", "I'm just glad that they, {F uh, } decided not to, {F uh, } tax drugs, otherwise they'd be legal, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # they'd be getting tax money off it the same way,", "# That's right <laughter>. # /", "# they are the # alcohol and tobacco <laughter>. /", "That's right <laughter>, / {F oh, } gosh. / {D Well, } [ it's, + it's ] a real problem, / I'm sure. / I'm sure. /", "Yeah. / I have friends that work in other companies that are just now adopting the policy,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ and, + # and ] stuff, / {C and } [ I, + {F uh, } {F uh, } I ] moved to a T I facility that, {F um, } had never had, {F uh, } random drug sampling before,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# because # they were outside of the military sector. /", "# Right. / Uh-huh. # /", "# It was, # {F uh, } an industrial company, [ and, + ] {D you know, } that T I purchased, / {C and so } the people here, a lot of them are real opposed to it. /", "# {F Oh, } yeah, / uh-huh. # /", "# {F Uh, } they were # really opposed to it, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and, } # {D you know, } there was a few of them that obviously were doing drugs, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # that's why they were opposed to it. /", "(( That's )) right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it resulted [ in, + in ] a few people leaving,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } because they just flat out weren't going to put up with the policy. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D You # know, } they had a life-style / {C and } they weren't going to change it. /", "Yeah, / right. /", "{C And } it's, -/", "Yeah, / I know a lot of people who, when it first be-, - / {C or } at least began, was in the talking sta-, -/ {D you know, } everybody knew it was coming, / it just a matter of time, everybody was screaming, {D you know, } invasion of privacy and all this stuff. / {C But } a lot of people, I think, after they thought about it for awhile, {C and } {D you know, } weighed the pros and cons, decided, {D you know, } it's really not a bad idea unless you're doing drugs, of course. /", "Yeah. / {E I mean, } {F uh, } you should have no objection to it, / it's like, {F uh, } going down to get your license and checking your eyes. /", "# That's right. # /", "# {E I mean, } # {D you know, } why do I need my eyes checked, /", "# Uh-huh. # / # That's right, / yep, / yep. # /", "# You know it's {D like, } # <laughter> why are we doing this? / {D Well, } so you don't kill people on the road. /", "# That's right. / Or yourself / {C or, } # -/", "# {F Uh, } it's a ba-, - / {E I # mean, } it's the basic premise with,", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D you # know, } drug testing. /", "That's right. /", "Especially some of the jobs, {F um, } - / luckily I've always been in the engineering sector, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # it's very little that anyone could do in the engineering sector as far as, {F uh, } {D you know, } hurting someone, {E I mean, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "it's hard to imagine somebody misusing a computer and somebody dying from it, /", "Yeah. / That's true. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } in the manufacturing sectors and over in semiconductor,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # down in some of those labs and stuff,", "Yeah, / assembly people. /", "{D yeah, } [ I, + ] {D darn } if I'd want somebody down there that I'm working with side by side, {D you know, } that could kill me,", "That's right. /", "by doing something incorrectly because they were not exactly all there because they were on drugs. /", "That's r-, - / absolutely. /", "{C So, } [ there's a, + there's a ] lot of sectors where I think that would, would help out, / {C and } I think in the long run, we all benefit./", "Uh-huh, / {F oh, } absolutely, / yeah. /", "{E I mean, } if you have, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } if you're not working with someone on drugs, {D well } then you're going to have less accidents, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # you have less accidents / {C and } you spend less money on medical. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And } # you spend less money on medical, then the company's more profitable. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# The # company's more profitable,", "# Sure / (( right )) . # /", "# then maybe # they can pay you more. / If they can pay you more, you can buy more, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ {C and # then, } + {C and } ] it, - / {C and } it goes around,", "# Sure. # /", "# {D you # know, } to everywhere. /", "[ Trickles, + trickles ] up and down. /", "Yep, / all over. /", "Sure does. /", "# {C And, } {F uh, } # -/", "# Yeah, / affects # a lot of people. /", "It certainly does /", "# Yeah. # / # Uh-huh, / uh-huh. # /", "# [ [ and, + and, ] + # and ] start it up. /", "I think they probably will. / {D You know, } [ if, + if ] they, - / I'm sure it's a very expensive program to administer. / I'm not sure every small company could do it. /", "{D Well, } a lot of companies [ are, + are, ] coming down in price, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # I think that the insurance companies are starting to give, {F uh, } benefits. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } [ re-, + reduction ] [ in, + in ] medical costs if, {D you know, } they, -/", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / yeah, / it's got to help them too. /", "Yeah, / {C so, } I think everybody [ will, + will ] benefit from the program. /", "# Uh-huh, / yeah, / I do too, / that's right. # /", "# {C And } I think [ if, + if ] a lot # more insurance companies get on the bandwagon and say,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D well } # if you impose, {F uh, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# mandatory # drug testing, we'll reduce your insurance costs by,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } twenty per cent. / {C And } of course, {D you know, } the company's not going to reduce the employee's cost of insurance twenty per cent, they're going to reduce their own. /", "No, / no. / {C But } it'll save in some areas, / yeah, / right. /", "Yeah, / {C and } that'll cover it. / {C And } maybe some insurance companies might start offering it [ as a, + {F uh, } as ] part of the package. /", "That's right. / That certainly could happen. / That's a very [ ver-, + very, ] very competitive business. /", "Yeah. / {C So } it, - / [ [ I, + I think, ] + I think ] all around [ it, + it's ] going to help out a lot. /", "Yeah. / # I do too. # /", "# Course, # -/", "I just really can't disagree with you. /", "Yeah. /", "Okay, / {D well, } it's nice to talk to you. /", "It was great talking with you. /", "{C And } you take care. /", "You do the same. /", "Okay. / Bye-bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "DRUG TESTING", "prompt": "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF SOME COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TESTING EMPLOYEES OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES FOR DRUGS? IS RANDOM SPOT TESTING JUSTIFIED? WHAT LIMITS SHOULD THERE BE", "talk_day": "04/23/1991", "from_caller": 1133, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1117, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1950, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3019_0", "3019_1", "3019_2", "3019_3", "3019_4", "3019_5", "3019_6", "3019_7", "3019_8", "3019_9", "3019_10", "3019_11", "3019_12", "3019_13", "3019_14", "3019_15", "3019_16", "3019_17", "3019_18", "3019_19", "3019_20", "3019_21", "3019_22", "3019_23", "3019_24", "3019_25", "3019_26", "3019_27", "3019_28", "3019_29", "3019_30", "3019_31", "3019_32", "3019_33", "3019_34", "3019_35", "3019_36", "3019_37", "3019_38", "3019_39", "3019_40", "3019_41", "3019_42", "3019_43", "3019_44", "3019_45", "3019_46", "3019_47", "3019_48", "3019_49", "3019_50", "3019_51", "3019_52", "3019_53", "3019_54", "3019_55", "3019_56", "3019_57", "3019_58", "3019_59", "3019_60", "3019_61", "3019_62", "3019_63", "3019_64", "3019_65", "3019_66", "3019_67", "3019_68", "3019_69", "3019_70", "3019_71", "3019_72", "3019_73", "3019_74", "3019_75", "3019_76", "3019_77", "3019_78", "3019_79", "3019_80", "3019_81", "3019_82", "3019_83", "3019_84", "3019_85", "3019_86", "3019_87", "3019_88", "3019_89", "3019_90", "3019_91", "3019_92", "3019_93", "3019_94", "3019_95", "3019_96", "3019_97", "3019_98", "3019_99", "3019_100", "3019_101", "3019_102", "3019_103", "3019_104", "3019_105", "3019_106", "3019_107", "3019_108", "3019_109", "3019_110", "3019_111", "3019_112", "3019_113", "3019_114", "3019_115", "3019_116", "3019_117", "3019_118", "3019_119", "3019_120", "3019_121", "3019_122", "3019_123", "3019_124", "3019_125", "3019_126", "3019_127", "3019_128", "3019_129", "3019_130", "3019_131", "3019_132", "3019_133", "3019_134", "3019_135", "3019_136", "3019_137", "3019_138", "3019_139", "3019_140", "3019_141", "3019_142", "3019_143", "3019_144", "3019_145", "3019_146", "3019_147", "3019_148", "3019_149", "3019_150", "3019_151", "3019_152", "3019_153", "3019_154", "3019_155", "3019_156", "3019_157", "3019_158", "3019_159", "3019_160", "3019_161", "3019_162", "3019_163", "3019_164", "3019_165", "3019_166", "3019_167", "3019_168", "3019_169", "3019_170", "3019_171", "3019_172", "3019_173", "3019_174", "3019_175", "3019_176", "3019_177", "3019_178", "3019_179", "3019_180", "3019_181", "3019_182", "3019_183", "3019_184", "3019_185", "3019_186", "3019_187", "3019_188", "3019_189", "3019_190"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay / {D so, } -/", "First how much television watching do you do? -/", "I do a little bit more than I think usual people do because I am here alone during the day, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I like it just for the noise <laughter>. /", "That's right, / {C but } do you actually watch it,", "{F Um. } /", "pay attention to it / {C or } is it more of a company? /", "{F Um, } / it just depends on what it is. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } I have my favorite things that I do, /", "Uh-huh, / okay. /", "{C and then } some fun thing to do sometime. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } what about you? /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } I work full time / {C and } when I am not working I am running / {C and } I do not watch a lot of television / {C and } I am very selective in what I watch. /", "Right. /", "If there's something that I absolutely want to watch I will turn it on and watch it and then turn it off. / I probably watch television four hours a week, max. /", "{D Well } {D see } that's great, / yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } -/", "[ if, + if ] I do not find something that I really want or really want to watch, {D well, } then I just do not turn it on. / I would rather listen to music. /", "Right. /", "Part of it is that, {F uh, } I think we need to be very selective about the kinds of things that come to us on a subliminal basis / {C and } I think that if we are doing other things and these programs come in, sometimes they influence us / {C and } we do not know where that influence came from. /", "{D Well, } [ I think that, {D well, } part, + I think that's partially ] true, too. /", "Yeah. /", "I think you have to have the will and the, - / {C and, } {F uh, } {D anyway, } I think it, -/", "{F Uh, } right, / right, / right. /", "[ you are, + you would ] be susceptible to stuff. /", "Of course, I, {F uh, } -/", "{C And } it has to be reinforced at another level too. /", "That's /", "Do you like specials? /", "{D Well, } last night, for example, I really would have liked to have watched UNSOLVED MYSTERIES. / Those are fascinating to me. /", "Oh. /", "If I have the opportunity, I watch it. / Unfortunately, I was with someone else who was flipping channels. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "I hate that. / <laughter> I do not care a whole lot for some of the contemporary humor. /", "{F Oh, } right, / yeah. /", "In our comedy programs, although, - / <inhaling> nobody can appreciate comedy any more than I can, / {C but } I would prefer to find, <inhaling> a good comedian on one of the educational channels or one of the older comedians. /", "{D Well, } we have cable also, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } sometimes you can, {F um, } get the H B O specials, / {C and } sometimes those are really, pretty hysterical. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } [ I, + I ] like to watch comedy, / {E I mean, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } that's something. /", "[ I, + I ] enjoy comedy. / Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I ] guess I have my old favorites, /", "Uh-huh. /", "Bob Newhart is still on. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I watch him. /", "I enjoy that, / uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } something on that level, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I ] also enjoy, {F uh, } - / I do not know, / Sunday mornings, it's Channel Thirteen, - / I watch a lot,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "of Thirteen, {F uh, } THE MCLAUGHLIN GROUP, / {C and } [ I, +", "That's right. /", "I ] just laugh, / {E I mean, } I think that's so hysterical,", "Uh-huh / <laughter>.", "these guys. / It's just so much fun. / [ It's just, + it's just ] a lot of fun,", "Uh-huh. /", "watching that. / {E I mean, } I do not agree with a whole lot of the stuff the, they say, /", "Right. / Right. /", "{C so, } yeah, /", "{D Well } <sigh>, -/", "I like to be entertained, / I really do <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / I watch it for entertainment, / {C but } I also watch it for, {F uh, } cultural impact. / I do a lot of channel thirteen, channel three, some of the educational channels, / {C and } I watch for special programs that have [ special, + a special ] play, a special concert, {F uh, } / I recently watched a tribute to three of the finest opera stars. /", "{F Oh, } {D now } that was fabulous, /", "{F Uh, } {C and } it was fabulous. /", "{C and } that, {D you know, } -/", "I was just absolutely, -/", "Yeah. /", "you just held you breath,", "Yeah. /", "in some of those. / (( )) {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah. /", "{F oh, } I was just, - / it makes chills all,", "I know. /", "over you. / # {C So, } # -/", "# {D So, } # -/", "[ I, + I ] may or may not even look at the T V guide, / {C but } if I have time I may flip through and say {D hey } this looks good if I finish this task I can watch that in an hour. / <inhaling> {F Uh, } if the hour comes and I do not get a chance to watch it, so what. /", "{D You know, } {D well, } there's certain thin-, - / {E I mean, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "I have got, {F um, } my T V in the kitchen here /", "Uh-huh. /", "I love to watch cooking shows. / [ I, + I ] really do. /", "<Noise> <swallowing> <<sounds like she is drinking something>> I do too, / it makes me want to cook, /", "I know <laughter>, /", "{C and then } I eat, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and then } I get fat, / {C so, } I just let other people watch <laughter> /", "[ I, + I, ] - / yeah. /", "then I eat what they cook </laughter>. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] there's some, {F um, } - / in fact, one of the water color shows, I know, has inspired me to take water color lessons, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } I think that's, marvelous. / Yeah. / {F Oh, } yeah, / I took # a lot of my, # college courses, - / I took some of my,", "(( ))", "college courses on television, /", "Yeah. /", "{C so } that, - / it's very successful for some of,", "Oh. /", "those things, / {C but } I think <inhaling> I really got stung very badly about having influence in your life, / {C or } at least I saw a very bad example of having television influence your life, {F uh, } / <sigh> my husband had an aunt who was addicted to soaps, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } I want you to know that became the most suspicious, cantankerous, contrary old <laughter> woman <laughter> ever walked. /", "<Laughter> She got you a (( )) <laughter>. -/", "Absolutely, /", "<Laughter>.", "I do not know who she thought she was, / {C but } she just got to the point where [ you could might near, + you could ] almost hear those soaps being echoed in her voice,", "Yeah. /", "and that attitude being demonstrated. / <inhaling> {C And } for her to miss a soap, it was a big withdrawal. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } {D see } that's, -/", "{C And, } -/", "{C But } she was probably depressed to begin with. /", "{D Well, } I do not know. /", "You know what I mean? /", "{D Well, } she was grumpy to begin with. /", "Yeah, / grumpy to begin with. / <laughter> Yeah. /", "There's no doubt about that, / [ {C but, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] you could clearly see those influences,", "Uh-huh. /", "[ and + ] in my youngsters, / I know that one day, {F uh, } my youngsters were watching THE THREE STOOGES, / {C and } I always thought that was just casual slap stick,", "I hate that show <laughter>. /", "comedy, / {C but } when one tries to lift the other one up with a pipe wrench, I decided that was not funny,", "Yeah. /", "any more. /", "[ I, + I, ] -/", "{C And, } [ I really, +", "Good. /", "I really ] feel very strong about the BART SIMPSON SHOW. / I think that is, - / the kids watch that / {C and } that's absolutely the mouthiest kid I ever saw. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } [ I just, + I ] do not like it. /", "Is not that amazing. / How old are your kids? /", "<Clinking> <swallowing> <<sounds like ice against a glass, then drinking something>> Mine are grown, / {C but } I have grandchildren.", "{F Oh, } okay, / {C so } that's, -/", "And, young children around, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } for a four year old to think Bart Simpson is a hero is tragic <laughter>. /", "I had forgotten about that, / {D see, } it's just my husband and I /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "of the kids shows and all that, /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C but, } {F uh, } {F um, } I don't know. /", "{D Well, } I was very careful even when my [ kids were, +", "Yeah. /", "kids were ] at home. / {C And } when they were young I [ was, + ] really did, {F uh, } watch what they watched. / I was cau-, - / I sat down with them / {C and } I watched it, / {C and } if I did not like it, I changed the channel for them. {D You know, } /", "<Laughter> Right. / Right. /", "I just wou-, -/", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] {D you know } we get it at school, too, / {D anyway, } {C so } you might as well not,", "Sure. /", "reinforce it <laughter>,", "That's right, / that's right. /", "{D you know. } /", "Gosh, / [ they got, + they are ] mouthy enough anyway. /", "[ I know, + I ] remember going to sch-, - / my parents were a lot like, too - /", "Uh-huh. /", "kids [ have, + ]", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but, } all the watch RAWHIDE and all those shows. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } my parents never let me watch anything like that. / I could watch YOGI BEAR, {D you know, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "what kind of culture was that <laughter>? /", "Yeah / {D well, } -/", "{C And, } I remember going to school the next day / {C and } everybody would be asking, {F oh, } did you see that,", "Uh-huh / <noise>.", "did you see how he did that / {C and } did you see, - / {C and } I could never participate. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it always made me feel a little bit, {D you know, } a loner / {D like } I, {D you know, } -/", "<Noise> Sure, / I can,", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "understand how that would happen. /", "{C But } {D see, } then my parents, - /", "Absolutely, / {D well, } I did, /", "to, {F uh, } -/", "I ran my kids to death <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I said, {D hey, } I think that's enough television for awhile, /", "Really. /", "maybe we need to go outside, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } we need to go out and play and enjoy some company. / {C So } I would go out with them, / {D now } {D see } there's the problem, parents do not do that. / They,", "That's true. /", "say, you go outside and play, /", "{C Or, } you go rent a video up at,", "Yeah. / I said, - /", "the store and come home and sit down and watch it. /", "{C and } we did other things. / {C And } I think that was, -/", "{D Well } [ that's, + {D you know, } that's ] something people do not do, / {D well, } here we are talking on that subject, / {C but } [ that's, + that's ] an interesting concept / I have got to stick in my (( )) , {F uh, } -/", "Of course, /", "{D You know } work with kids (( )) / {C but, } {F uh,. } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "06/06/1991", "from_caller": 1229, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1264, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3055_0", "3055_1", "3055_2", "3055_3", "3055_4", "3055_5", "3055_6", "3055_7", "3055_8", "3055_9", "3055_10", "3055_11", "3055_12", "3055_13", "3055_14", "3055_15", "3055_16", "3055_17", "3055_18", "3055_19", "3055_20", "3055_21", "3055_22", "3055_23", "3055_24", "3055_25", "3055_26", "3055_27", "3055_28", "3055_29", "3055_30", "3055_31", "3055_32", "3055_33", "3055_34", "3055_35", "3055_36", "3055_37", "3055_38", "3055_39", "3055_40", "3055_41", "3055_42", "3055_43", "3055_44", "3055_45", "3055_46", "3055_47", "3055_48", "3055_49", "3055_50", "3055_51", "3055_52", "3055_53", "3055_54", "3055_55", "3055_56", "3055_57", "3055_58", "3055_59", "3055_60", "3055_61", "3055_62", "3055_63", "3055_64", "3055_65", "3055_66", "3055_67", "3055_68", "3055_69", "3055_70", "3055_71", "3055_72", "3055_73", "3055_74", "3055_75", "3055_76", "3055_77", "3055_78", "3055_79", "3055_80", "3055_81", "3055_82", "3055_83", "3055_84", "3055_85", "3055_86", "3055_87", "3055_88", "3055_89", "3055_90", "3055_91", "3055_92", "3055_93", "3055_94", "3055_95", "3055_96", "3055_97", "3055_98", "3055_99", "3055_100", "3055_101", "3055_102", "3055_103", "3055_104", "3055_105", "3055_106", "3055_107", "3055_108", "3055_109", "3055_110", "3055_111", "3055_112", "3055_113", "3055_114", "3055_115", "3055_116", "3055_117", "3055_118", "3055_119", "3055_120", "3055_121", "3055_122", "3055_123", "3055_124", "3055_125", "3055_126", "3055_127", "3055_128", "3055_129", "3055_130", "3055_131", "3055_132", "3055_133", "3055_134", "3055_135", "3055_136", "3055_137", "3055_138", "3055_139", "3055_140", "3055_141", "3055_142", "3055_143", "3055_144", "3055_145", "3055_146", "3055_147", "3055_148", "3055_149", "3055_150", "3055_151", "3055_152", "3055_153", "3055_154", "3055_155", "3055_156", "3055_157", "3055_158", "3055_159", "3055_160", "3055_161", "3055_162", "3055_163", "3055_164", "3055_165", "3055_166", "3055_167", "3055_168"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{C And } I guess, the suggestion is that we maybe talk about a menu for a dinner party, if we wanted to do something like that or,", "Yes, / uh-huh. / sure. /", "share recipes or something, {F um. } /", "Right, /", "Are you one who gives dinner parties very often? /", "No. /", "No, / nor am I. /", "<Laughter> I avoid them with all <laughter>, /", "They are a lot of work, / that is for sure. /", "Yeah, / they are, - / {E I mean } I do them, /", "Yes. /", "{C but } they are a lot of work. /", "Yeah. /", "I usually have them when [ I, + ] <sigh> there is a special event in our lives / {C and } [ I, +", "Yeah. /", "I ] make a big deal out of it for them. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I think I am most, {F uh, } happiest with my most,", "Yeah. /", "familiar foods that I know are successful. /", "Right, / yes. /", "{D You know, } {C and } [ I have, + I make ] my own pies and pie crust / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } I can make my pies from scratch, / I do not need a recipe to follow. / {C And, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Oh, } that's great. / You sound like my mother who has been, - / {D well } I bake pies too, / {C but } my mother was always the famous pie baker in the family / {C and } <sigh> she has [ the same, + the same ] technique, / {E I mean, } I guess after many years of doing it, you just,", "Yeah, / # you just know from heart. # /", "# kind of do it second nature. # /", "I had one of the ladies at church that tasted my coconut cream pie / {C and } she said make me one, / {C and } I made her one. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C And } [ when I, + when she ] gave me back the plate, she said \"I did not share this with anybody\". / <laughter> {C And } I thought {D whoa, } <laughter> that was a big pie. /", "She enjoyed it, {F huh } <laughter>. /", "Yes <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } there is a woman in our choir, who is nearly famous for her apple pies, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } we had [ [ a, + a, ] + <throat_clearing> an ] auction one time at the church / <throat_clearing> {E excuse me, } {C and, } {F uh, } one of her pies was auctioned for fifty dollars <laughter>. /", "My word, /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "she must have a great pie recipe then. /", "{D Well, } I think [ I, + I ] have had it once / {C and } it has been a few years ago, / {C but } I do recall that it was quite good, / {C so, } {F uh, } -/", "Wonderful. /", "Yeah. / {C So, } that is her specialty, {F uh, } / I like to bake, {F uh, } also, / I do not bake so much now that my children are grown, / {C but } I do enjoy baking / {C and } I guess I always liked making, {F uh, } cookies and bars and things like that, / that was more my specialty,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "I suppose. / {C And } they seem to last longer than pies around here / <laughter> pies would go practically,", "Yeah / you, -/", "in a day's time </laughter>. /", "That's right, / yeah / they are meant for [ the, + ] that evening's,", "Yes. /", "dessert / {C and, } {D you know, } it has got to be gone or daddy gets into [ the, + {D you know, } the ] leftovers. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "Puts about two more inches on his waistline / {C and then } # he is <laughter> chastising, #", "# {C And } (( )) , # -/", "himself afterward </laughter>. /", "{D Well, } it is interesting that, - / yesterday, I had lunch with a friend / {C and } she was telling me that she had a dinner party over the weekend,", "Uh-huh. /", "for friends of hers. / For, {F um, } {F uh, } - / one of her acquaintances, one of her old friends, I guess, had been in town / {C and, } {F uh, } they invited two other couples over / {C and so } there were seven of them that, {F uh, } - / I said {D \"well, } what did you have\" / {C and } she said what she had, {F uh, } just Mexican food, / {C but, } {D you know, } she had, {F uh, } {F uh, } guacamole / {C and, } {F uh, } I cannot remember all she had. / {C But } she also had made, {F uh, } flan, which is actually Spanish, I think. / Have you ever made that or had it? /", "No, / I have not, / huh-uh. /", "[ It's, + {F uh, } it's, ] {F um, } - / I had, used to work with a gentleman who was from Cuba, who would make it,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } / it's just a wonderful dessert. / It's like, {F uh, } an egg custard in a caramelized sugar,", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "with on top of it. - / {C And } [ it's, + it's ] [ quite, + ] {D actually, } not very difficult to make, / {C but } it's very, very high in cholesterol, I am sure with all the eggs that are in it. /", "Sure, / yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } she said that she and her husband had, {F uh, } traveled in Spain a couple years ago. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] flan is almost, {F uh, } a basic with every meal that you get,", "Like apple pie in America, / right. /", "there. / Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "Uh-huh. / Wow, / uh-huh. /", "It's just very customary to get flan. / {C So } if you ever run into that <laughter> you will sort,", "Yeah. /", "of be aware of what that is all about. / {C But, } {F uh, } I would never have thought of making that as part of [ a, + a ] Mexican dinner, / {C but, } {D you know, } sopapillas, I guess, would be another kind of a dessert, if you decided to do something like that. / {C But } <throat_clearing>, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "flan is something you can,", "Uh-huh. /", "make ahead and [ have just, + {D you know, } have ] ready / {C but, } {F uh. } {D Well, } I would, have been thinking I would like to have a dinner party sometime soon, / {C but } I tell you it, - / th-, - / I - / (( my )) - / it's one of those things where it does require some real, {F uh, } planning / {C and, }", "Yes, / (( )) uh-huh. /", "it's, {D you know, } - / you don't just make the dinner, / you have the house to clean and, {D you know, } the whole business that goes with it. /", "{D Well, } when I have a dinner party that is my motivation for getting the,", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> house clean <laughter>. /", "Probably a good way to do it. / <laughter> {F Oh, } the house needs cleaning, I guess I had better have a dinner party <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / we are catering a wedding, {F uh, } {F um, } in August / {C and, }", "Oh. /", "{F uh, } this lady that is, - / it at, - / it's at her house, / she is not a good housekeeper. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } she has got to hire this crew,", "Oh. /", "of four women to come in two weeks prior to the wedding and get it ready. /", "Good heavens <laughter>. /", "Yes, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } there, {D you know, } - / [ she is, + she ] must have found some jewels,", "{F Uh. } /", "because they start in the corner and work out. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "Yeah, / {C so, } -/", "That is such a nice thing, / it's, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "<Sigh> I, {D you know, } - / until, - / {D well } we have, - / my husband and I have been married twenty six years, / {C and } until last year I had never had another person clean my house, / {C and,", "Uh-huh. /", "then } I got so involved and so busy, I said \"this is one luxury I am going to let myself have every now and then\". / {C And so, } I had a woman come in, {F uh, } once a month, / {C and } {D you know, } it was (( not )) just very often, / {C but } for me it was wonderful <laughter>. /", "Sure, / yeah / that is nice, {D you know, } to have that, / that's a,", "{D Well, } -/", "luxury, today. /", "it is, / {C and } it [ is + buys ] you time to do other things, like have a dinner party, # I guess. # /", "# That's # right, / yeah, / yeah. /", "{C So, } it is just a real gift of time as far as I am concerned, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but, } <sigh> {D well, } {F uh, } I, -/", "[ I, + I ] have a pie crust recipe [ that I, + that ] is unique,", "Uh-huh. /", "that has vinegar and egg in it, /", "I have heard about that. /", "Have you? /", "{C but } I have never tried it. /", "(( )) .", "No, / {D well } I should say I have heard of one that has vinegar in it, / I do not know that it has egg in it. /", "Egg and sugar. /", "# uh-huh. # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "Do you have it right on the top of you head? <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } I, - / no, / I think it would be too hazy, because, {F um, } the, - / I, {F uh, } - / no. /", "You do not have it, / yeah. / (( I would )) , -/", "{D Well, } it, - / {D like } the liquid is like,", "Uh-huh. /", "a half cup of water and then your egg and then your tablespoon of vinegar, /", "Right. /", "{C and } you mix that together / {C and then } [ you, + <sigh> {D you know, } your, ] - / {D see } [ it makes, + it makes, ] {F uh, } five pie crusts at once. /", "{F Uh, } quite large, / yeah. /", "{C So, } that, - / it's quite a volume of, -/", "Right. /", "I think it's four cups of floor, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {D like, } {F uh, } a tablespoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar / [ {C and, } +", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } ] you combine your dry ingredients / {C and then } you, {F uh, } put in your liquid. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } what is it about the, {F uh, } the vinegar that, {F uh, } makes,", "[ It just, +", "the crust better. /", "it just ] makes it very pliable [ and, +", "{F Uh. } /", "and ] very flaky, /", "Interesting. /", "{C and, } <sigh> you can really treat it rough / {C and } you are still going to have a flaky pie crust. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D boy, } [ that, + that's ] the real secret. /", "{D Like, } {F uh, } it's not mine, / it was from [ the, + ] one of the magazines, probably, <sigh> twenty years ago / {C and } it said you can throw this on the floor and step on it / {C and, }", "<Laughter>.", "it will still be flaky. / I thought, {D wow, } quite a statement for them to make. /", "{F Oh, } th-, - / it makes me think of years ago, {F uh, } when I was visiting my mother-in-law in, {F uh, } Michigan, / she lived very near an apple orchard / {C and } we just had, - / we could take as many apples as we wanted from it. / Accor-, - / {D you know, } according to the owners, / {C and so } <sigh> I decided to bake about four pies ahead, {D you know, }", "Uh-huh. /", "and freeze them, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D well, } talk about working with big amounts of pie crust, and having it be tough. / <laughter> Those were the toughest [ apple crust, + {E or } apple, {F uh, } pie crust, ]", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "I have ever, ever made. /", "Wow. /", "It was terrible. / [ I, + I ] could have used that recipe, / it sounds like. -/", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I am from Michigan. /", "Where about? /", "Detroit, / uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } we lived in Plymouth for four years, {F uh, } /", "{F Oh } yeah, / that's real close. /", "Yeah. / In fact, [ I, + we ] were there from, {F uh, } seventy three to seventy seven / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I was, + I ] worked for [ the little, + the ] weekly newspaper there, [ the, + the ] Plymouth, {A {F oh } what was it called, } CRIER. / <sigh> {C And, } {F uh, } my husband is from the upper peninsula, / {C so } he was born and, raised up there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That is where my mother-in-law still lives, / {C so, } {F uh. } Are you originally from Michigan / {C or, } -/", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Born in Detroit. /", "I will be darn. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "06/12/1991", "from_caller": 1292, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1263, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1934, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3319_0", "3319_1", "3319_2", "3319_3", "3319_4", "3319_5", "3319_6", "3319_7", "3319_8", "3319_9", "3319_10", "3319_11", "3319_12", "3319_13", "3319_14", "3319_15", "3319_16", "3319_17", "3319_18", "3319_19", "3319_20", "3319_21", "3319_22", "3319_23", "3319_24", "3319_25", "3319_26", "3319_27", "3319_28", "3319_29", "3319_30", "3319_31", "3319_32", "3319_33", "3319_34", "3319_35", "3319_36", "3319_37", "3319_38", "3319_39", "3319_40", "3319_41", "3319_42", "3319_43", "3319_44", "3319_45", "3319_46", "3319_47", "3319_48", "3319_49", "3319_50", "3319_51", "3319_52", "3319_53", "3319_54", "3319_55", "3319_56", "3319_57", "3319_58", "3319_59", "3319_60", "3319_61", "3319_62", "3319_63", "3319_64", "3319_65", "3319_66", "3319_67", "3319_68", "3319_69", "3319_70", "3319_71", "3319_72"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Golfer? /", "{D Well, } yes, / I am as a matter of fact. /", "{D Well, } -/", "Not a good one, / {C but } I am a golfer. /", "{D Well, } that's about the way I am. / I don't consider myself a good one, / {C but } I do enjoy it. /", "I, {F uh, } haven't been out all year. / I didn't get out this year, / {C but, } {F uh, } I enjoy both watching it and playing it. /", "I usually play a couple of times a month. / Sometimes more, / {C but } lately it's been just about that. / {C But, } I do enjoy, - / I think [ the, + ] one of the things I enjoy the most is the beauty of the golf courses. /", "Yes, / {C and, } [ the, + the ] peacefulness. /", "Uh-huh. / You can get out there, /", "{C And } the little critters that are around. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah, / that's really neat. / You can just get out there and lose yourself in it and forget everything else in the world except what you're seeing out there. /", "That's right / {C and } it's such a personal challenge. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / it really is. /", "More than competitiveness against someone else. / [ It's, + it's ] a competitiveness against yourself. /", "<Laughter> {C And, } {D you know, } it's so frustrating, / I keep wondering sometimes why do I do this because it's so frustrating. / You think you do pretty good one day / {C and } you're doing a whole lot better, {D you know, } / {C and then } all of a sudden you go back out / {C and } it's just terrible. /", "{D Well, } you'll, -/", "You can't do anything,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "right <laughter>. /", "{C Or } you'll hear thirty and think, {D boy } -- -- I got my game together. / I've had a par and a birdie, and a bogey / {C and then } you quadruple bogey <laughter>. /", "<laughter>. {C And } you think, {D my goodness, } why did I think I was doing better <laughter>. /", "Being down there, do you, {F uh, } get to see, {D like } the colonial or any of those? /", "I don't, - / I guess I could. / I've never been [ to a golf, + to a major golf ] tournament. /", "Oh. /", "I, {F uh, } watch them on T V a lot. /", "You really should go at least once. / {D You know, } we've --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- had, {F uh, } the P G A up here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ a-, + ] [ and in + ] Tulsa / {C and } I've been to both of them / {C and } [ it's + <breathing>, it ] is so much fun to --", "Really? /", "-- see these players you see on T V [ to, + ] {C and } to hear that ball go whizzing by. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } [ it's, + it's ] like a bullet going by. /", "I'll bet, {F um. } /", "{C And, } {D you know, } [ to, + to ] see their concentration and yet to see [ them, + ] how friendly they are when they're, walk by you, {D you know, } and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- how good they are to their spectators. /", "{D Well, } I've only been playing {D like } about three years now. / My husband's played for twenty-five. / {C But, } I just took it up about three years ago / {C and, } {F uh, } we play in a lot of couple's scramble tournaments. / We belong to a country club a little ways outside of Dallas, /", "Both, -/ Yes. /", "{C and, } {D you know, } it's fun to go on vacations and things and go to golf courses. /", "Yes, / it is. /", "You can meet some really neat people. /", "The scrambles are fun. /", "Uh-huh, / they really are. / I just love them. /", "I belong to the country club there in El Reno when I lived there /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "[ You really, + on those, you really ] go out for fun. /", "That's right. /", "{C And, } {D you know, } you won't, - / you know you're stroke is just one of one or two or three --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or four, {D you know, } that's going to make any difference. /", "That's right. / {C And } you just do your own thing and be relaxed and enjoy it <laughter>. /", "That's right. / [ I used to, + when I worked at Kerr McGee, I used to ] play in their tournaments. /", "Really? /", "{C And, } {F uh, } now that was very competitive. /", "Really? /", "{C And, } I enjoyed it tremendously, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ [ I, + I'm more, ] + I think I get more ] enjoyment just couple friends going out. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ if, + if ] it takes one of us ten shots to get up to the green, so be it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } we just think, {D well, } the next time has got to be better <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / I have never played in any tournament except just a scramble. / They have a lot of them there at the club, {D you know, } / they have A B C D type tournaments / {C and then } [ they, + they ] have the club championships and everything with the women's slots as well, / {C but, } I don't know, / I've just never really gotten into that. / {D Now, } my husband and all the men, {E I mean, } they love the real competitiveness of playing for money, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } yes, / every hole. /", "Uh-huh. / {C But } [ I, + I'm ] not good enough for that <laughter>. /", "Does your club have a good woman's association? /", "Yes, / they do. / I don't do much with it since, {F uh, } most of theirs, - / they have a traveling league, / {C and, } {F uh, } most of their meetings and all are during the week / {C and } I [ don't, + don't ] get to play except on the weekend. / I work during the week all the time. /", "It's hard to be a weekend golfer and improve your game. /", "Uh-huh. / Someday when [ I, + I ] get where I live closer to the club and partially retired, maybe I'll, {F uh, } be able to play a little more / {C but, } -/", "[ [ [ It, + {F uh, } it's, ] + it's a, ] + it's ] a good game. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] wish I had more time to play / {C and } I felt, {D you know, } had more energy to play it, too. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "GOLF", "prompt": "DISCUSS GOLF. ARE YOU A SPECTATOR OR A PLAYER? WHAT ARE THE ASPECTS OF THE GAME THAT YOU THINK ARE MOST CHALLENGING? WHAT DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST ABOUT PLAYING OR WATCHING GOLF?", "talk_day": "10/28/1991", "from_caller": 1414, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1409, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3326_0", "3326_1", "3326_2", "3326_3", "3326_4", "3326_5", "3326_6", "3326_7", "3326_8", "3326_9", "3326_10", "3326_11", "3326_12", "3326_13", "3326_14", "3326_15", "3326_16", "3326_17", "3326_18", "3326_19", "3326_20", "3326_21", "3326_22", "3326_23", "3326_24", "3326_25", "3326_26", "3326_27", "3326_28", "3326_29", "3326_30", "3326_31", "3326_32", "3326_33", "3326_34", "3326_35", "3326_36", "3326_37", "3326_38", "3326_39", "3326_40", "3326_41", "3326_42", "3326_43", "3326_44", "3326_45", "3326_46", "3326_47", "3326_48", "3326_49", "3326_50", "3326_51", "3326_52", "3326_53", "3326_54", "3326_55", "3326_56", "3326_57", "3326_58", "3326_59", "3326_60", "3326_61", "3326_62", "3326_63", "3326_64", "3326_65", "3326_66", "3326_67", "3326_68", "3326_69", "3326_70", "3326_71", "3326_72", "3326_73", "3326_74", "3326_75", "3326_76", "3326_77", "3326_78", "3326_79", "3326_80", "3326_81", "3326_82", "3326_83", "3326_84", "3326_85", "3326_86", "3326_87", "3326_88", "3326_89", "3326_90", "3326_91", "3326_92", "3326_93", "3326_94", "3326_95", "3326_96", "3326_97", "3326_98", "3326_99", "3326_100", "3326_101", "3326_102", "3326_103", "3326_104", "3326_105", "3326_106", "3326_107", "3326_108", "3326_109", "3326_110", "3326_111", "3326_112", "3326_113", "3326_114", "3326_115", "3326_116", "3326_117", "3326_118", "3326_119", "3326_120", "3326_121", "3326_122"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / My children are all grown up. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter>.", "Okay, / {D well, } {D now } {D see, } I've got two children / {C and, } {F uh, } they're, - / one is [ o-, + ] {F uh, } just turned to be a teenager / {C and } the other one is on his way, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> [ I, + {F uh, } I'm ] a single parent, / {C so } I think it makes it more difficult for me to, {F uh, } {D you know, } find time with [ my, + my ] children since I --", "I'll bet. /", "-- work / {C and then, } of course, take care of the house {C [ a-, + and ] } all this good kind of stuff. / {F Uh, } {C so } [ it's a real, + {F uh, } it's a real ] problem for me. /", "I'll bet it is. /", "Yeah. /", "What is the favorite thing you do with your children? /", "{F Uh, } [ the, + the ] thing that we like to do the most is to watch T V together. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } the kids like to play Nintendo, / {C but } I'm no good at it, / <laughter> {C so } I don't like to play. /", "You just watch them play, {F huh? } /", "That's right, / that's right. /", "[ I, + I ] tried it once or twice, / {C but } I didn't feel like I was very good at it either. /", "<Laughter> Me either. /", "My grandson got me to one day, / {C but, } -/", "Yeah, / they talk about these different levels and stuff / {C and } I've never got off of level one <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Different worlds -- /", "Yes. /", "-- {C and } how do you get to another world, {D you know? } / {C And } [ I, + I ] don't even know what they're talking about. /", "[ I, + I ] know, / I agree with you, /", "<Laughter>.", "the other thing I think we like to go to the movies, too. /", "Do you? /", "That's, - / yeah, / [ that's a, + that's a ] neat thing. / {C So } I guess we're all [ in, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } movie, {F uh, } fanatics or whatever around here. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } we like to do those kind of things. /", "I know when our kids were growing up, [ our, + ] we were big into water sports. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We had a boat / {C and } they all skied / {C and } in the summer we spent most weekends on the lake with them skiing / {C and } they always took other friends with them / {C and } we had a lot of fun doing that, / {C but } --", "{F Oh, } how neat. /", "-- I had all girls -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } we didn't do too much sports wise. /", "Oh. /", "I find my grandchildren are very involved in soccer and baseball -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- little boys do all of those things -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C but, } -/", "{F Oh, } yeah. / Yeah, / {D see, } I have a son / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } it's football in the fall [ and, + and ] baseball in the spring /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I'm ] constantly going back and forth. /", "I'll bet you really are. /", "Yeah. / {C And } my daughter has, {F uh, } tennis, / {C so } it's between tennis [ and, + and ] bowling. / My, - / I bowl / {C so, } {D you know, } we're pretty active as a sports, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ in, + in ] the family, /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } when mine were real little, they all played soccer /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{D you know, } that was just for a couple of years --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- when they were pretty small for girls / {C and then } they got more interested in other things, /", "<Laughter> Boys <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I'm not sure that they would admit it at that age, that it was boys, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C but } I think that's probably what it was. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / [ I, + I ] know that, {F uh, } my daughter, {F uh, } even though she goes out with [ the, + the ] sports and everything, {F uh, } {D yeah } she likes to watch the football for, {F uh, } the kids <beep>. / I'm sorry. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } that was a cat that hit the telephone. /", "<Laughter>.", "Get away, cat, / gosh <<speaking to cat>>. / I guess it's why they wanted to do it on this type of telephone because <laughter> there's all kind of activity that goes on. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh, } yeah, / [ my, + {F uh, } my ] kids are, [ they're + ] starting to grow up, {D you know. } / It's not going to be too many more years before [ I, + ] {F uh, } {F uh, } {D you know, } they'll be gone / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } there won't be as many activities. / Do you, {F uh, } -/", "{C But } they, - / {C but } you enjoy them, / I think, the older mine get, the more I enjoy them. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] agree with you. / [ I, + I ] do. / I'm so glad they're out of [ the, + ] that [ young, + real young ] --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- age / {C and } the babies, -/", "{C And, } {E I mean, } I didn't, - / it wasn't that I didn't like them --", "Right. /", "-- when they were little, / {C but } the older they got, I enjoyed them as teenagers. /", "Yes, / yes. /", "{C And } now that they're each, - / of course three girls, [ they're each becoming the, + they've all become ] women in themselves that it's been neat to watch them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "How, - / what kind of mothers they are, - / what kind of --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- wives, {D you know. } -/", "Yeah, / that's so true. /", "How they do things / {C and, } -/", "{D Well, } [ [ do you, + do the, ] + do ] your daughters live close where you can go out? /", "Two of them live real close to me. /", "{F Oh, } good. /", "{C So } [ we, + we ] spend a lot, - /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "{C and } we play with the kids, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah. /", "Where d-, {F oh, } - / we go camp out, / they camp out -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we spend weekends [ at the, + in the ] country with them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- quite a bit, / {C but } -- -- as far as doing any activity, now that the grand kids are here, we all just stay around the house mostly. /", "<laughter>. That's true. /", "<Laughter> It's too much effort to go somewhere with all the kids. /", "{F Oh, } yes, / {F oh, } yes. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Boy, } I know, especially when they grow up like that, / {C so } [ I'm trying to, + these last five or six years, I'm trying to ] make them really special and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } very precious since that's, {F uh, } about the only time we've got left. /", "They'll always remember it, too. /", "Yes, / yes, / absolutely. / [ I, + I ] think so, too. /", "I hear mine saying, {D well, } I remember mother and daddy used to take us to do so and so. / I need to take my boys to do this or that, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / <Laughter>. There we go. / [ I know, + I know ] they can't wait <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / they just really can't wait to be able to take their kids where they had fun. /", "That's right, / that's right. /", "{C But, } -/", "Yeah, / {C so } {D well, } I still got a few more years, / {C so } [ I'm, + {F uh, } I'm ] hanging onto those and doing as much activity as I can with them. /", "Do you work? /", "Yes, / uh-huh, / I sure do. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I work full time, / {C so, } {F uh, } [ it, + it, ] - / that cuts into our free time right there. /", "It really does. / The time you have with them has to be quality time then. /", "That's right, / that's right / {C and, } {F uh, } vacations are very special for us, and activities. /", "I imagine that they have, {F uh, } [ some, + ] a lot of homework, too. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {D You know, } this being a school night and stuff, / {C so, } {F uh, } [ it's, + it's ] in the same old [ y-, + ] {D you know, } routine of, {F uh, } {D you know, } doing homework and, {D you know, } trying to talk between all of that [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } the other activities that we all have. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / {D Well, } there's just so many things to do with them nowadays, though, / {C and } especially if they're active kids. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Like you say you bowl. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "10/29/1991", "from_caller": 1414, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1112, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3379_0", "3379_1", "3379_2", "3379_3", "3379_4", "3379_5", "3379_6", "3379_7", "3379_8", "3379_9", "3379_10", "3379_11", "3379_12", "3379_13", "3379_14", "3379_15", "3379_16", "3379_17", "3379_18", "3379_19", "3379_20", "3379_21", "3379_22", "3379_23", "3379_24", "3379_25", "3379_26", "3379_27", "3379_28", "3379_29", "3379_30", "3379_31", "3379_32", "3379_33", "3379_34", "3379_35", "3379_36", "3379_37", "3379_38", "3379_39", "3379_40", "3379_41", "3379_42", "3379_43", "3379_44"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Do you know - / I don't know what to think. / [ I, + I, ] {F uh, } - / the person I am I want to believe that it's an honest effort. / I want to believe [ that, + that ] they really are trying to change. [ That, + that ] maybe they are headed for a more democratic society / {C and } [ I, + I ] want to believe it's all okay. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } then there's that side of me that says, <lipsmack> yeah, /", "Right. /", "[ {C so, } + {C so } ] it's like there is a struggle within me going [ do, + do ] I <lipsmack> be open-minded and give them the benefit of the doubt which is kind of my basic personality. / {D You know } [ I, +", "Uh-huh. /", "I ] trust people. / I'll do that. / {C Or } do I keep on going, {D well, } we'll wait and see <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I think there's [ a, + a ] struggle within the Soviet Union. / {F Um, } I think the people [ are, + are ] just fed up, / {C and } I think it's showing / {C and } all the republic is trying to gain their independence, / {C and } I think, {F uh, } that's making Gorbachev and others realize that, {D hey, } maybe this Communist thing isn't working. /", "Yeah, / that's it's not just a [ mere-, + ] [ or, + ] {F uh, } western society telling you [ [ i-, + it's, ] + it ] doesn't work. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } they've always said, {D you know, } [ the, + the ] Soviet people were united, / we believe this, / {C and } maybe they are seeing that, [ {D no, } + {D no, } ] {D hey, } we don't believe this, {D you know. } /", "That's right. / I think, -/", "I guess I keep that one part of me that's like, - / {D well, } I don't know I want to trust them / {C and } I, - / it's like I can't, / {C and } maybe it's because, {D you know, } we've had our own propaganda over the years, / I don't know. /", "{D Well, } [ that, + that ] could be. / You know what I, - / [ we always, + we ] think of the K G B and we think such bad things, {D you know. } / {C But } I wouldn't doubt if the Soviet people think C I A and they think such bad things, {D you know. } /", "{C And } they probably do the same things. /", "[ Exac-, + exactly. ] / They do. /", "You think the C I A doesn't spy? / I'm sure they do. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / they do, {D you know. } /", "{D Now } the difference is [ we don't, + [ I, + I ] don't ] think we take people and kill them just because they don't believe what we believe. / {D You know, } I think to that extent we don't go as far / {C but } I'm sure they lie. <laughter> {D You know? } /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / {F Oh, } absolutely. /", "{D So, } -/", "That's part of that propaganda thing, / {C and } I think if we can get away from that, or if we can keep that out of our minds, <sneezing> {F oh, } - / {E excuse me, } I've got a cold today. /", "That's all right. / I hope you get better <laughter>. /", "Thank you. / {F Um, } I think if we can get that propaganda thing because I'm sure both countries are [ [ seeing, + seeing it, ] + ] {D you know, } thinking K G B and C I A and all that / {C but, } {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- just on an economic point of view, if the Soviet Union doesn't do something fast [ they are, + they ] ain't going to be able to feed their people [ this, +", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. /", "this ] winter, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / That's true. / <Lipsmack> {C And } I'm not against them being concerned / {C but } I feel like we ought to be spending maybe the same time and effort [ and, + and ] energy into trying to solve our own or resolve our own. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } {E I mean, } {D you know, } [ any, + any ] country that wants to be democratic I'm all for helping them, {D you know, } because [ I, + I ] understand that, {D you know, } you are looking at the United States as the biggest and longest supporter of that type of government. /", "Right. /", "{C But } at the same time [ I, + I ] agree. / I don't think we can do it [ and, + and ] just, {D you know, } turn our backs [ or, + or ] be ignorant per se to the things that are happening here. /", "That's right. / {D You know, } [ we've got, + {F uh, } we've got ] quite a few domestic problems [ that, + {F uh, } that ] I feel we ought to be concentrating more on. / I think the problem is, {D you know, } - / on the international scope maybe the president feels that, {F uh, } {D you know, } for long-term relations with all these countries it's important / {C and } {D well, } [ we'll, + we'll ] always have the United States. / {C And, } {D you know, } we need to solve these international problems / {C but, } {F um, } I think I heard in the news about last week sometime that, {F uh, } the president ended up canceling one of his international trips so he could spend more time [ on dem-, + on a domestic ] issue because the American public is kind of getting fed up with it. /", "Yeah, / [ [ we, + we, ] + we ] believe in what he's doing abroad / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] like you said there's issues here too. /", "Right. /", "[ {C And } + {C but } ] [ I, + I ] am encouraged by what is happening in the Soviet Union. / I'm encouraged by what's happened in, {D you know, } [ the, + the ] iron curtain countries, {D you know, }", "Right. /", "[ in, + in ] that block / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I think it's moved in the right direction. / [ I, + I ] think sometimes people expect it to happen overnight. /", "Yep. /", "{D You know, } it's not going to. -/", "No. /", "It didn't happen here overnight, /", "That's right. / That's right. /", "{C And } [ I, + ] [ I + ] think sometimes we forget that. / {C But } [ [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] + I ] have to say, {D yes, } [ I'm, + {D you know, } I'm ] encouraged by the way it's going. {F Uh, } / {F uh, } /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "SOVIET UNION", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHETHER OR NOT THE OTHER CALLER CONSIDERS THE SOVIET UNION A THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES. TAKE AN OPPOSING VIEW IN YOUR DISCUSSION WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "11/10/1991", "from_caller": 1420, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1966, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1005, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3530_0", "3530_1", "3530_2", "3530_3", "3530_4", "3530_5", "3530_6", "3530_7", "3530_8", "3530_9", "3530_10", "3530_11", "3530_12", "3530_13", "3530_14", "3530_15", "3530_16", "3530_17", "3530_18", "3530_19", "3530_20", "3530_21", "3530_22", "3530_23", "3530_24", "3530_25", "3530_26", "3530_27", "3530_28", "3530_29", "3530_30", "3530_31", "3530_32", "3530_33", "3530_34", "3530_35", "3530_36", "3530_37", "3530_38", "3530_39", "3530_40", "3530_41", "3530_42", "3530_43", "3530_44", "3530_45", "3530_46", "3530_47", "3530_48", "3530_49", "3530_50", "3530_51", "3530_52", "3530_53", "3530_54", "3530_55", "3530_56"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["What kind of books do you like best? /", "{D Well, } I alternate between Danielle Steele <laughter> is one of my very favorites / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C then } ] I try to go into one of the self improvement books. / {F Uh, } [ we, + we ] take books every once in a while in our Sunday school class and go through them. / {F Uh, } I love Scott Peck and his ROAD LESS TRAVELED. /", "{F Huh, } yeah, / I've heard of that one. / I --", "{F Oh, } [ it is -- +", "-- don't think I've read it. /", "-- it is ] wonderful. / [ I, + I ] thoroughly enjoyed that. / What do you read? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } I'm a Tom Clancy fan. /", "Okay. /", "{C And } I read, - / I just finished a book on Novelle Netware, {F uh, } / that's computer stuff. / I do a lot --", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "-- of computer reading / {C and, } {F uh, } I'm just finishing another one up on, {F uh, } statistical sampling, / {C so, } I do more work kind of related reading than, {F uh, } just for enjoyment. /", "[ I, + I ] try to keep a book going all the time. / {F Uh, } I try to read when I first wake up in the morning and then before I go to sleep. / {C So } I probably get, {F oh, } thirty to fifty pages a day read. /", "{D Well, } that's pretty good. /", "{C And } I just, {D you know, } - / I don't feel like, - / in fact this morning, I was almost late for work because I'm almost at the end of this book / {C and } I didn't want to put it down <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } I've had them like that before, too. /", "{C But } [ I like, + I like ] mysteries. /", "Mysteries. / Any particular writer? /", "{F Uh, } yes, / I like, {F uh, } {F uh, } {F oh, - / } I'm drawing a blank. / {F Uh, } he wrote the, {F uh, } BOURNE ULTIMATUM. /", "Ludwig, / Lud-, -/", "Ludwig, yes. /", "Yes. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I like Jeffrey Archer. / He is an English author who writes some mystery. / {F Uh, } {D well, } I guess [ they're, + they're ] a type of mystery. / They're usually some p-, - / he's a ex-lawyer / [ {C so, } + {C or, } ] [ he, + he's ] a lawyer who no longer practices, / {C but } -- -- his [ are all, + ] have some part of the law, {F uh, } enveloped in them. /", "{C So, } you kind of learn something as well as [ en-, + enjoy ] yourself. /", "Right, / {C and then, } {F uh, } the new author that came out with, {F uh, } {F oh, } the one that, {F uh, } Harrison Ford starred in. /", "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK stuff. /", "No, / no, / it was --", "Oh. /", "-- the, {F uh, } - / <breathing> it's late, / I'm tired, / {C so } <laughter> I'm not --", "[ What, +", "-- thinking too well. /", "what ] time is it there, ten thirty? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } it's nine thirty here. /", "{F Oh, } [ it's, + {F uh, } it ] was his first book. / [ It came, + it ] was on the top of the list, {F uh, } / he was a D A. /", "{F Uh, } PRESUMED INNOCENT? /", "Yes. /", "{F Oh, } I haven't seen the movie, {F uh, } or [ n-, + ] read the book /", "Okay, / {C and then } [ he's, + he ] came out with the second one. / {F Uh, } a sequel to it. / {C And } both of those I've enjoyed real well. / {C But } [ I, + I ] like that. / I love Danielle Steele / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {D you know, } if I want to get a fantasy and <laughter> --", "[ Is she -- +", "-- get away from it all. /", "-- is she ] kind of racy? /", "No, / no, / she isn't at all. /", "Just feel good. /", "Her books, {F uh, } - / you always cry. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{E I mean, } [ it's, + it's ] always good for good tears. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } one book that she wrote that's good for both men and women is FINE THINGS, /", "[ M-, + my ] mother-in-law's a real fan of hers. /", "[ it's, + it's ] always going to make you have a good cry / {C and } you know it's going it turn out good / {C and } you're going to be happy in the end <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that's nice. /", "{C And } I said, {D you know, } - / I don't want anything too real anymore. / I have enough of that in my own life. / [ I want, + I want ] happy, fantasy / {D like. } -/", "<Laughter> Yeah. / {F Uh, } you mentioned Sunday school Ladonna. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } do you, - / are you a BIBLE fan, too? /", "{F Uh, } [ I, + I ] do my share of it. / [ I, + I ] certainly can't say that I understand a lot of it. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {C but, } {F uh, } that's always a challenge. / {C So } do you do, - / my wife talks with other people, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BOOKS AND LITERATURE", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT BOOKS THE OTHER CALLER READS FOR ENJOYMENT OR SELF-IMPROVEMENT. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT INTERESTS IN BOOKS?", "talk_day": "12/12/1991", "from_caller": 1464, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1409, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3956_0", "3956_1", "3956_2", "3956_3", "3956_4", "3956_5", "3956_6", "3956_7", "3956_8", "3956_9", "3956_10", "3956_11", "3956_12", "3956_13", "3956_14", "3956_15", "3956_16", "3956_17", "3956_18", "3956_19", "3956_20", "3956_21", "3956_22", "3956_23", "3956_24", "3956_25", "3956_26", "3956_27", "3956_28", "3956_29", "3956_30", "3956_31", "3956_32", "3956_33", "3956_34", "3956_35", "3956_36", "3956_37", "3956_38", "3956_39", "3956_40", "3956_41", "3956_42", "3956_43", "3956_44", "3956_45", "3956_46", "3956_47", "3956_48", "3956_49", "3956_50", "3956_51", "3956_52", "3956_53", "3956_54", "3956_55", "3956_56", "3956_57", "3956_58", "3956_59", "3956_60", "3956_61", "3956_62", "3956_63", "3956_64", "3956_65", "3956_66"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. {D Well, } what do you think about the government providing health insurance for everybody? / I think they should. / I know I had a job until, let's see, a year ago this past December. / I was working for P I E / {C and } they closed, / <sniffing> {C and } naturally while I was working for them I had health insurance, / {C but, } {F um, } for me to try to get it now, it would cost me {D like } over three hundred dollars a month with the same company that was providing health insurance [ at, + # at ] P I E. # /", "# Good grief. / # That's just almost unaffordable, isn't it? /", "Right, / it really is, / {C and } [ I think, + {D you know, } I think, ] {F uh, } - / {D God, } the government should come up with some kind of a health plan, or stop these doctors and hospitals from having their prices so high. /", "{D Well, } I wonder if they couldn't just provide, {F uh, } interim health insurance for people who are between jobs like that. / That might be a step in the right direction. / I don't know. /", "{D Well, } the thing is, {D you know, } jobs are so hard to find --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{D anyhow } in the valley where I live at now, they don't want to pay anything for health insurance at all. / No benefits, {D you know. } # {F Um. } # /", "# You mean # the, {F uh, } the employers? /", "Yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } you get a job now, and the wages are really low # / {C and, } {F uh. } # -/", "# Because everybody's # competing for jobs. /", "Yeah, / {C and } they don't # want, {F uh, } #", "# <Throat_clearing>. #", "to pay any benefits, / {C so } you just, {D you know, } pray to God that you don't get sick. /", "{D Well, } I used to think that universal health insurance was probably the right thing to do. / [ I, + I ] have to think about it some more now, because my doctor [ is, + {F uh, } {D actually } he's ] Canadian -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } he told me that there're a [ lot of, + {F uh, } lot of ] counts against the Canadian system, which is basically the one people are talking about for here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't understand the arguments, exactly. / He says it restricts your choice of doctors, [ and, + and ] so forth. / I'm not quite sure I understand why government health insurance would restrict your choice any more than private insurance does. /", "No, / I don't # understand # --", "# {E I mean } # --", "-- that either. /", "-- we're on a private insurance plan right now, # {F uh } # -- /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- {D actually } I have my own business, / [ {C and } + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] we, - / our health insurance is through my wife's employer, / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] every year we get another list of what doctor's we can go to, and where we can buy our medicine, / {C and, } {F uh, } it changes every year <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "It's always so confusing. / {C So. } -/", "{D Well, } I know the plan that I had with P I E, I could go to any doctor / {C and } I could go to any drug store and get my prescriptions filled, {D you know, } / then I just sent cards in -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } they would have like a ten dollar deductible per year for my medicine, / {C and --", "{D Well, } yeah. /", "-- then } they would just send me a check for what was ever over that, {D you know. } /", "Of course, the restricted choice in this case is because only certain doctors agree to accept [ the, + {F uh, } the ] limits --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- of, {F uh, } compensation, / {C but } of course that is restricted choice, / {C so } --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- I don't think that the restricted choice really, {F uh, } has to do with the difference between, {F uh, } public and private health insurance. / I think it has to do with [ [ the, + the, ] + the, ] {F uh, } attempt to limit cost, doesn't it -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C and } everybody agrees that we need to limit cost some way, /", "Yeah, / that's true, / that's true there. / {D Well. } -/", "[ You, + you ] have to recognize that if you're going to <inhaling> have the very best health care possible and, {F uh, } available on demand whenever and wherever you want it, then it's going to be expensive. /", "Yeah, / right. /", "{C And } if you want to pay less, then you're going to have to settle for a health system that is not quite that, {F uh, } lavish. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh. } -/", "{C But } there's just so many people that can't afford to pay anything, {D you know, } - / that, - / people that's on unemployment. /", "Yeah, / what happened to Reagan's safety net, anyway? /", "I don't <laughter>. -/", "Did he take that back to California with him? /", "<Laughter>.", "Using it for a trampoline now? /", "Yeah, / probably so. / <laughter> I don't know, / {C but } [ it is, + it does ] seem to be a big problem, {D you know. } / I don't know what they're going to come up with, / {C but, } {F um, } I sure wish they would come up [ with, + with ] something, / {C and, } {F uh, } like I say, - / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I'm at the age, too, where the, - / I'll be fifty-seven in June, / {C and } the people don't want to hire people this age any more. / <sniffing> {C And } I worked for my previous company for twenty-six years, {D you know, } / {C so, } <sigh> it's kind of hard, <sniffing> {D you know, } / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / they'll be needing you in a couple of years, because they're running out of kids down [ that, + ] the other end. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And. } -/", "Yeah, / they'll be calling at my door, {F huh. } / <laughter> # {C But } {D anyhow. } # -/", "# {D Well, } if they're smart. # /", "Yeah, / {D now } [ I, + I ] do think the government, though, is going to have to do something, {F uh, } with this problem, because, [ it, + ] {D you know, } even to go to a little doctor out here, just to <sniffing> ask him anything, costs you forty bucks --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } just for the visit. / {C And then } he, - / then that's not counting what medicine you're going to buy and everything else, {D you know. } / {C And } he might tell you, {D well, } {D you know, } {D now } you're going to have to come back in a week, / {C and --", "Right. /", "-- then } that's another forty bucks, plus whatever else he decides to do to you, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "UNIVERSAL HEALTH INS", "prompt": "DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THE US GOVERNMENT SHOULD PROVIDE UNIVERSAL HEALTH INSURANCE", "talk_day": "02/12/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1468, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3985_0", "3985_1", "3985_2", "3985_3", "3985_4", "3985_5", "3985_6", "3985_7", "3985_8", "3985_9", "3985_10", "3985_11", "3985_12", "3985_13", "3985_14", "3985_15", "3985_16", "3985_17", "3985_18", "3985_19", "3985_20", "3985_21", "3985_22", "3985_23", "3985_24", "3985_25", "3985_26", "3985_27", "3985_28", "3985_29", "3985_30", "3985_31", "3985_32", "3985_33", "3985_34", "3985_35", "3985_36", "3985_37", "3985_38", "3985_39", "3985_40", "3985_41", "3985_42", "3985_43", "3985_44", "3985_45", "3985_46", "3985_47", "3985_48", "3985_49", "3985_50", "3985_51", "3985_52", "3985_53", "3985_54"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, Bill, {F um, } / as you think over the plans and so forth that the company you're working with now, - / who do you work with at this time? /", "{D Well, } I own the company. /", "You own the company. / # All right. # /", "# I'm the president # and C E O of the company. /", "My goodness. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } I guess, {F uh, } I determine what the benefits are <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I guess you do. /", "[ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C so ] } what are you asking me, / [ what, + what ] benefits I think are most important? /", "{D Well, } [ what, + what ] do you think of the, - / let's put it this way, / what do you think are the most important benefits for those working for you, [ other than, + other than ] their present salary? /", "{F Um, } I'd say in today's economy, besides basic benefits, {F uh, } such as, {F um, } health insurance and life insurance and [ the, + ] some type of retirement plan --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I'd say that, {F uh, } most of the employees, {F uh, } {F um, } that we have really like [ a, + a ] profit sharing plan. /", "A profit sharing plan, / that's interesting, / uh-huh. /", "They like to participate in the profits of the company like they're, {D you know, } - / because they feel like, {D well, } we're contributing to it, / {C so } we'd like to participate in it, / {C and so } that means I make a little bit less, / {C but } the thing is that really you make a little more, because everybody has a interest [ in, + in ] it working. /", "Yes, / {C because } [ they + <throat_clearing>, they ] have a specific reason to do so, because they themselves benefit from doing a better job. /", "Right. / I think most people, {F uh, } don't want money, {F um, } / it's been my experience, most people want, {F uh, } to feel like they're participating in something [ that, + {F uh, } that ] is not a drudgery, {D you know, } that they --", "Uh-huh, / # <throat_clearing>. #", "-- # enjoy, # and that they can get some benefits out of. /", "{C And } it's a contribution. /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } Bill, {F uh, } that idea fits me exactly. / I just retired from, {F uh, } the university here, / {C and } that's been the goal in my life, was to contribute [ and, + ] to the work that I was doing in my research, / {C and } that's what made me happy, / {C and, } {F uh, } that's the type of goal I think most people ought to look for, / {C and } I'm sure a lot of them don't. / You can't stand in front of a counter and do that kind of stuff all day and feel like that you're contributing something to a scientific level of knowledge or so forth. /", "Yeah, /", "<Laughter>.", "{D well, } {F uh, } our people get a lot of satisfaction. / {F Um, } we're a financial planning firm. /", "You're a financial planning firm? /", "Yes. /", "How many, {F uh. } /", "You said you retired, / I just happen to have a person that I happened to do some planning for this morning, / {C but } --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- # {D anyway, } # {F uh, } {F uh, } [ we do, + we ] deal with a lot of people that are retired or trying to retire <laughter> -- /", "Uh-huh, / {D well. } -/", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } it's real important, {F uh, } that their benefit plans that they get from their companies and from their work [ that, + ] where they were, that, {F uh, } {F uh, } that it take care of them. / They don't, - / none of them really want to be rich, / {C but } they like to have enough to be comfortable. /", "{D Well, } [ what, + what ] changes [ would you, + ] have you considered, {F uh, } in doing it, [ to, + to ] your company, that might benefit the employees or perhaps the company itself better? /", "{D Well, } {F um, } we, considering instead of tying a profit sharing plan to [ a, + a ] salary [ is, + {F uh, } is ] tie, {F um, } {F uh, } a percentage, {F um } of business [ that, + {F uh, } that ] a person would participate and bring into the company. / {F Uh, } pay them, {F uh, } based on the percentage of business they bring, instead of based on their salary. / # {C And } the re-, # -/", "# When you # say bring in, do you mean that they negotiated with people [ to, + to ] come in and, {F uh, } ask for your support? /", "No, / not necessarily. / {F Um, } it can be in-house people who help you handle # X amount of dollars. # /", "# {F Oh, } okay. / # Uh-huh. / Even though they didn't bring it in, they help it once it's there. /", "Right / {D well } --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D see, } [ we have dif-, + we have ] marketing people, / {C and then } we have financial planners, / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C then ] } we have, {F uh, } staff secretaries and administrative assistants, / {C and } these secretaries and administrative assistants, {F um, } {D you know, } if we don't have their cooperation and they're not participating in the profit of the company, [ they, + they ] can get very dissatisfied very quickly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, so, } {F uh, } we're thinking about paying them, instead of a percentage on salary, paying them a percentage on the business they handle. / {C So } administrative assistant that would handle two million dollars worth of business is a lot more valuable than a person that handles a hundred thousand dollars worth of business. / # {C And, } {F uh, } # -/", "# Yes, / {C but } [ it, + # it ] might not be necessarily because he did a good or bad job, / {C but } it might be whether the locality there, those people want that kind of support. /", "{D Well, } [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C but } ] to, - / {D see } the thing is that they give support to the financial planner that they're the assistant to, or that they usually have several people they report to [ that, + {D you know, } that ] they work --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- together with --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it encourages them not to, {F uh, } complain when they realize that they get a part [ of the, + of the ] action based on their efforts and not based on being sitting back saying, {D well } make me do it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D See, } we don't want anybody around here that says make me do it. / I don't think [ anyb-, + # any ] # -- -/", "# Yeah. # /", "-- I think most people want to be, lack of better [ term-, + terminology, ] they want to be self-employed, / {C but } they don't want to take the risk. / In other words, they like to control their own future, / {C but } they also want to be somewhat content to go and come as they please --", "That's true. /", "-- without some real strict adherence, / which, - / that's what we have. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "JOB BENEFITS", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS BESIDES SALARY IN A JOB WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION? HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE CURRENT BENEFITS OF YOUR JOB", "talk_day": "02/19/1992", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1457, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1954, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2090_0", "2090_1", "2090_2", "2090_3", "2090_4", "2090_5", "2090_6", "2090_7", "2090_8", "2090_9", "2090_10", "2090_11", "2090_12", "2090_13", "2090_14", "2090_15", "2090_16", "2090_17", "2090_18", "2090_19", "2090_20", "2090_21", "2090_22", "2090_23", "2090_24", "2090_25", "2090_26", "2090_27", "2090_28", "2090_29", "2090_30", "2090_31", "2090_32", "2090_33", "2090_34", "2090_35", "2090_36", "2090_37", "2090_38", "2090_39", "2090_40", "2090_41", "2090_42", "2090_43", "2090_44", "2090_45", "2090_46", "2090_47", "2090_48", "2090_49", "2090_50", "2090_51", "2090_52", "2090_53", "2090_54", "2090_55", "2090_56", "2090_57", "2090_58", "2090_59", "2090_60", "2090_61", "2090_62", "2090_63", "2090_64", "2090_65", "2090_66", "2090_67", "2090_68", "2090_69", "2090_70", "2090_71", "2090_72", "2090_73", "2090_74", "2090_75", "2090_76", "2090_77", "2090_78", "2090_79", "2090_80", "2090_81", "2090_82", "2090_83", "2090_84", "2090_85", "2090_86", "2090_87", "2090_88", "2090_89", "2090_90", "2090_91", "2090_92", "2090_93", "2090_94", "2090_95", "2090_96", "2090_97", "2090_98", "2090_99", "2090_100", "2090_101", "2090_102", "2090_103", "2090_104", "2090_105", "2090_106", "2090_107", "2090_108", "2090_109", "2090_110", "2090_111", "2090_112", "2090_113", "2090_114", "2090_115", "2090_116"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I guess its recording. / {F Um, } what kind of hobbies do you have? / Do you sing or knit or anything? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + {F um, } I ] do cross-stitch / {C and } I enjoy reading and playing softball. /", "Okay. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] started knitting awhile ago, / I knitted - / I didn't [ know, + even know ] what the stitch is called. / I just had this, {F uh, } {F uh, } piece of yarn / {C and } I wanted to start something / {C so } I remembered something I learned I think when I was five years old / [ <laughter>. + ] {C So } I kept doing that, / {C and } now I have a little blanket / {C but } that's all I've done. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{D Well, } I know that I learned how to knit one time and, {F um, } made a few things / {C but } I haven't done it in so long that I probably wouldn't remember how <laughter>. /", "Do you make sweaters and things or just blankets? /", "{D Well, } if I remember I think we made some, {D like } Christmas stockings, / you could make [ the, + {D like } the ] granny squares or whatever,", "Uh-huh. /", "and sew them together and make Christmas stockings and maybe some slippers or something like that. /", "Oh. / I see. /", "Nothing as big as a blanket. /", "{F Huh. } /", "I know that my husband's grandmother does a lot of that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } she makes a lot of afghans and all that kind of stuff / {C but, } -/", "I probably won't make anything beyond this blanket <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I don't know why. / It's just too time consuming. /", "Yeah, / do you have any other hobbies? /", "{F Um, } I like to sing. / I've been trying to get some wedding gigs and things like that. /", "{F Oh, } {D well } that's good. /", "{F Um, } right now my actual job is a news reporter. / {C But, } {F uh, } if I could do anything I wanted to do, it would be to sing professionally. / {C But } {F um, } -/", "{C So } are you on the T V then? /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "Oh. /", "I'm in, {F uh, } - / I work for channel six in Waco. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And so } I do little news reports and things. / It's not as exciting as it <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "as it sounds. / {C But, } {F um, } -/", "{C So } you don't have too much time for hobbies? /", "No, / not much, / {F um, } my day is usually pretty full. /", "Yeah. /", "My schedule is like from nine to five thirty, / {C but } I could be at work from anytime, {D you know, } from nine until nine at night or ten or whatever, / {C so } it's hard to make plans much less, {D you know, } have a hobby. /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "{C so. } What do you do? /", "{F Um. } /", "Normally. /", "I'm a housewife. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C So, } unless the kids are asleep I don't [ get, + usually get ] much done either <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh / <throat_clearing>.", "{C But } I've made a, {F um, } few things, cross-stitch things. / I really enjoy doing that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } {F um, } I made, {F uh, } {D like } stockings for both my children and a Christmas tree shirt and that,", "Oh. /", "type of thing, / {C and } it just takes a long time to get it done / {C but, } {D you know, } once you've done something like that it kind of makes you feel good, [ to, +", "Right. /", "to ] see it. /", "[ I show-, + I showed ] mine to my boyfriend / {C and } he was like, you didn't make that. /", "Really? <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / it looks, {F uh, } halfway decent / {D actually, } <laughter> first thing I did /", "I guess you can make baby blankets that wouldn't take as long <noise>. /", "How many children do you have? /", "Two. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / I hear them in the background (( there )) . /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "All right, / that's a hobby in itself. /", "Not (( quite )) <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> A job in itself. /", "It's a fulltime job, / yeah. /", "<Laughter> Right now I was just sitting here watching T V, / I was getting ready to fall asleep. /", "{C So, } {F um, } have you sang at any weddings yet? /", "Yeah, / I sang at one last summer. / {F Um, } it was my first wedding. / I've done, {F um, } little commercials and background singing / {C and, } {F um, } I sang all through college and things like that / {C but } I really haven't done anything really, professional per se. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I did one wedding last year / {C and, } {F uh, } I just now got some [ cards together, kind of, + {F uh, } business cards ] that say,", "Uh-huh. /", "singer, / {C and } what does it say, a song makes beautiful wedding or something, / {C and } I've been passing them out to different wedding shops, / {E I mean } when someone comes in,", "{F Oh, } that's a good place, / yeah. /", "{D you know, } [ for a wedding, + for a wedding ] dress,", "Uh-huh. /", "[ and + ] [ they, + they ] might ask about it. / This one woman even wanted me to bring my tape in because I have a demo tape, {D you know, } if any one wants to listen. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } she wanted me to bring it in, / she's going to play it on Saturday / {C so } <laughter> that would be great,", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "if someone came and heard it, and they were like, I want that voice, / {C but, } <breathing>.", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "I haven't got any calls, yet / {C but } I only just put them out this week /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } it's the wedding season, I guess. /", "{F Oh, } that's true. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Make your hobby into a business, that would be pretty good, {F huh? } /", "Yeah, / that would be great. / Then I could be getting paid for something I love to do. /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "Not that I don't like reporting, / {C but, } I'd love it. /", "Did you have training in singing when you were,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "younger then / {C or, } -/", "No, / [ I've never, + I've never ] had, {F uh, } formal training. / I've just been singing every chance I get. / I try, {D you know, }", "Choirs and that kind of stuff? /", "in school / {C and, } yeah, / choirs / {C and, } {F um, } when I was at U T, I was in a group called Ensemble One oh Nine, just twelve singers / {C and } we did, {F uh, } little conventions and, {F um, } {F uh, } like dinner parties and things like that. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Sing pop music. /", "{D Well, } that's nice. /", "{C So, } that's what got me really, really interested in it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I'm trying to be [ sensible, + sensible, ] too, at the same time. /", "Yeah, / not just give up your job and jump right into it <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / exactly. / My parents would have a fit probably. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh, } I think, - / I {C either } have a call {C or, } - / yeah, / I do have a call, / hold on one second. /", "Uh-huh / <children_talking> <noise>. <<Long pause in conversation.>>", "Hello. /", "Yes. /", "Yes, / okay / that's my mother on the other line, / I need to go, /", "Oh. /", "{C but, } {F um, } I think we are suppose to talk for ten minutes / are we suppose to hear a beep or anything? /", "I don't know, / I've only done this one other time / {C and } I thought that the man told me five minutes. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / my mother said ten minutes / {C so, } I don't know. /", "# {F Oh, } okay. # /", "# {C But, } {F uh, } # okay / {D well, } it was nice talking to you / [ {C and, } +", "It was nice talking to you, too, / # good luck with your singing. # /", "# {C and ] } good luck with your hobbies <laughter>. # /", "Okay, / # bye. # /", "# Thanks, / # bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1074, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1094, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2614_0", "2614_1", "2614_2", "2614_3", "2614_4", "2614_5", "2614_6", "2614_7", "2614_8", "2614_9", "2614_10", "2614_11", "2614_12", "2614_13", "2614_14", "2614_15", "2614_16", "2614_17", "2614_18", "2614_19", "2614_20", "2614_21", "2614_22", "2614_23", "2614_24", "2614_25", "2614_26", "2614_27", "2614_28", "2614_29", "2614_30", "2614_31", "2614_32", "2614_33", "2614_34", "2614_35", "2614_36", "2614_37", "2614_38", "2614_39", "2614_40", "2614_41", "2614_42", "2614_43", "2614_44", "2614_45", "2614_46", "2614_47", "2614_48", "2614_49", "2614_50", "2614_51", "2614_52", "2614_53", "2614_54", "2614_55", "2614_56", "2614_57", "2614_58", "2614_59", "2614_60", "2614_61", "2614_62", "2614_63", "2614_64", "2614_65", "2614_66", "2614_67", "2614_68", "2614_69", "2614_70", "2614_71", "2614_72", "2614_73", "2614_74", "2614_75", "2614_76", "2614_77", "2614_78", "2614_79", "2614_80", "2614_81", "2614_82"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well } thanks for being home, {F uh, } on the weekend, / [ I, + {F uh, } I'm ] actually working at night / {C and, } {F uh, } there very few people that are on the list for calls, {F uh, } on the weekends nights. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / {D well } sometimes I'm home / {C and } sometimes I'm not, / {C but } if I am it's always fun to talk. /", "[ Are, + are ] you part of the school system out there? /", "I am, as a matter of fact. / I'm at, {F uh, } North Carolina State. /", "{F Uh, } the reason I said that because I've had about, {F uh, } three calls and my daughter had one, too, from different students out of North Carolina. / I guess they pass the names amongst your computer students, or whatever. /", "Yeah, / I think I was the one who did that {D actually. } /", "{F Oh } is that ri-, - / great, / great. /", "Yeah, / I had a, {F uh, } - / I teach a course in Voice I O Systems. /", "{F Oh, } is that right? / That's wonderful. /", "{C So, } [ I know, + {F uh, } {D you know, } I know ] about this project, / {C so } I got my students to sign up / {C and, } {F uh, } apparently a number of them have been participating. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / I talked to one, / we're not on the subject. Of course, / I talked to one, / I think he had a whole bunch of calls. / He had a roommate that had calls and everything. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# He # had way more, twice as many calls as, as I've made, {F uh, } / {C and } [ I, + I'm, ] - / of course, we at T I just hoping it works out that the new products that they come out will, {F uh, } sell like gang [ books, + ] [ bu-, + busters, ] {D really. } /", "Yeah. /", "Okay, / you first on the subject, / [ wha-, + what ] do you think, about Latin America? /", "{F Uh, } let's see, / the subject is, Latin America. /", "Latin America, / yeah. /", "I don't know whether I have any real profound thoughts about that, / I {D actually } [ wa-, + was ] planning a trip to Latin America / {C and } I got warned off by some people. / They say Peru can't be traveled to / {C and } the crime rate in Brazil makes it not a pleasant place to go and so on and so forth. /", "{F Oh, } really. / T I had a place, / I'm not too sure, / I don't think they do anymore, / down, - / I think it was Campinas, / I'm not sure / {C and, } {F uh, } I guess we were selling parts to the automotive industry, or whatever. / {C And } they had quite a few, {F uh, } locations, / not quite a few, several, in Latin America. / I think the one in New Mexico is closed / {C and } I think the one [ in, + in ] Brazil is closed, / {C but } [ I, + I ] don't know why that is a problem down there / {C and } I guess the crime rate is terrible up here too / {C and, } {F uh, } an - / some people say go to New York, / {C but } [ I don't, + I don't ] have an answer to the crime rate. / It's sad. / That is a sad situation. / [ I, + I'd ] like to go down to Mexico, {D you know, } / {C and } I keep hearing that, {D you know, } the government [ and, + and ] the crime rates pretty high too, / [ that, + that ] is sad.", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } not that we can, {F uh, } sell any great program we have with crime, / {C but, } {F uh. } I think, {F uh, } I'm kind of like you, / I don't have any strong opinions on it. / I guess maybe that's our biggest problem we have with [ our, + our ] neighbors down there is that we don't have any. / We have more, - / I guess ties, - / we in the United States have more ties to Europe and everything / {C and } we don't really, aren't that close to everyone in South America. / I don't really know why though. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] don't understand it either, although [ I, + I ] think a lot of South Americans regard the United States [ as, + as ] bullying. / {C And, } {F uh, } that's certainly from a historical point of view, would be true. /", "Right. /", "<Throat_clearing> {E I mean } certainly we took far more from Mexico than Saddam Hussein ever dreamed of taking, [ in, + in ] his wildest dreams from his neighbors. /", "Right. / Yeah, / I know that I saw in a book, - / I was reading a Spanish book, {F uh, } not that I read Spanish, {D you know, } / I just, {D you know, } reading some Spanish words / {C and } there was a comment in there about the Mexicans don't really want us to say, we're Americans. / They would like to say that we're North Americans because they're Americans too, {D you know, } / {C and } I guess that's true. / We don't think of any one else but oursel-, - / I guess, we're kind of, {F uh, } the smart asses in the world, I suppose, {F uh, } or of America anyway. / We think of ourselves as the only Americans, when they're Americans, too. /", "Yeah, / {D well } I think they're going to have, - / that's a tough row for <noise> them [ to, + to ] hoe because I think most of the world is going to regard, {F uh, } citizens of the United States as Americans and citizens of Mexico as Mexicans. /", "# As Mexicans, / yes / [ that, + that, ] # -/", "# {C And } they can stand on # their heads if they want too, /", "# <Laughter>. #", "# {C but } # I don't think that [ they're going, + they're going ] to change that, / [ [ {C and, } +", "# No, / no, / I know. # /", "# {C and, } ] + {C and } ] {D really, } {E I # mean } North Americans I think [ are, + ] when you say that even, [ I thi-, + ] {E I mean, } I tend to think of Americans and Canadians. / I just don't think of Mexicans as being North Americans, although, I guess, strictly speaking they are. /", "Yeah, / no, / {E I mean } they were saying that of us, that we're the North Americans and they're Americans, / [ they, + they, ] - / we always say we're Americans, / {C and } [ they, + they ] want us to say we're the North Americans. /", "# {F Oh, } I see <throat_clearing>. # /", "# We're not Americans, / we're # North Americans / {C and } they're South Americans, / yeah. /", "I don't know. /", "Whatever, / [ I, + I ] don't want to make, - / I read it somewhere, though / it's not my point, I guess, / {C so } <laughter>. -/", "Yeah, / {D well } [ it's, + it's ] so interesting, [ I ju-, + I just ] don't think Mexico's problems are going to be cured by semantics. /", "No, / no, / [ they, + they ] were lucky enough to have some oil, [ what, + ] ten years ago, [ an, + ] / {C and } [ they, + they ] blew all that, and borrowed [ enou-, + ] more money than they can pay back now / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {F uh, } {C so } ] they're not exactly business men. / I do think we should deal more with them. / [ I don't, + I do ] have a lot of sympathy in that we're here in Texas, {F uh, } / for the language, {D you know, } is very foolish. - / I'm [ relativ-, + relatively ] familiar with Texas school system / {C and } we should teach Spanish at least in, {F uh, } grammar school, {D you know } four or five grades of it so that we can speak Spanish. / I think that helps, when you certainly can speak their language, {F uh, } / {C and } there are problems with, {D you know, } the wet back problem, {D you know, } / for, everyone knows what we're talking about, / whe-, say wet back problem. - / {C And then } we should somehow, {F uh, } - / {C and } I think the governments are working on that, to try to have some, {F uh, } businesses, {F uh, } at the borders of both sides so that [ you can, + you ] don't have this problem of them trying to come up here [ an, + ] [ to, + to ] get the jobs, {D you know, } / there, there may be some organized way to do this. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I, + I ] do feel for them, {F uh, } / they are very envious of us, or they wouldn't be coming up here, {D you know, } risking a lot. / Not that they're risking their lives, of course, but risking a lot, {F uh, } / getting thrown back I guess is all that, {F uh, } happens. /", "Yeah. /", "You probably don't see that. / Where, - / we see it, {D you know, } once a month. I'm sure in San Antonio they see it more often than that. /", "{D Well } I grew up in Los Angeles. /", "Okay, / {D well } you [ see it, + saw it ] out there then, too. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } in fact, I drove a cab when I was a graduate student / {C so } [ I, + I ] knew, {F uh, } the Hispanic part of L A pretty well. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And } # certainly, {D you know, } knew that problem, / [ knew, + {D you know, } knew ] about apartment houses that would have eight or ten or twelve people living in them, sleeping in the same bed in shifts and all that. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And, } # {F uh, } [ it was, + it was ] pretty wild. /", "I think [ a, + a ] common factor to a lot of problems, [ both, + ] whether it be crime, [ if, + if ] you want to jump on that, is mostly, {F uh, } poverty. / {F Uh, } {C and } I think a lot of their problems is poverty. / If we could, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / the problems we have, [ yo-, + ] [ kno-, + ] in this country, [ is, + is ] a lot of it's poverty. / Whether it's the people aren't trying hard enough to get out of poverty, [ I, + ] that's another story, / {C but, } {F uh, } {F uh, } it is sad. / [ There, + there's ] so much down in all of South America, {F uh, } so much potential, {D you know, } / we're, - / T I, of course [ is, + is ] really pushing world markets in their products / {C and } [ they're, + they're ] mostly [ in, + in ] Europe now and, [ [ in, + in, ] + in ] the Orient, Japan and Singapore now just announced building a plant in Singapore, {F uh, } / they're in Taiwan and Japan / {C and } [ they're, + they ] haven't had, [ what, + ] that much luck in South America / {C and } there's got to be a lot of potential for business down there, for the products certainly that we make and everything. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And } # there's got to be trade. / I guess that's some of the answer, I guess is business, {F uh. } {F Uh, } / {C and } I try to be an optimist and say, well [ that, + that's ] one way is to help any problem whether it be crime, or certainly poverty obviously [ is to, + is to ] get some business going between each other. / {C And } [ we need, + we need ] to do more of that, {F uh, } somehow. And encourage more business,", "# Yeah. # /", "# between # us. /", "Yeah. /", "They've got to have a lot of resources I would think. An enormous amount [ of, + of ] {D well } potential that way. / A lot of it, of course is hot and jungle and all that, / {C but, } {F uh, } there's got to be a lot of potential down there. /", "Yeah, /", "[ Wha-, + what ] are you taking in school, / # I didn't # ask you that. / What are you taking in school? /", "{D Well } I am {D actually, } -/", "{F Oh, } [ yo-, + you're ] an instructor, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# yeah, / # you're an instructor, / yeah, / you said. /", "Yeah, / [ I'm the, + I'm the ] teacher, / I give, <laughter> as it were. -/", "That's great. / Are you teaching Computer Science? / Wha-, - / you said, what were you saying you were teaching there? /", "Yeah, / I'm in Computer Science /", "# Great, / great. # /", "{C but } of course, this project is really one to collect a data base [ [ of, + of, ] + {F uh, } of ] casual speech, {F uh, } in an attempt to get some kind of a model of what speech is like. /", "Right. / [ I, + of course, I ] work at T I / {C and } I'm a little puzzled as to why when they get my voice one time, why that isn't enough. / {E I mean, } [ [ I'm, + I'm, ] + I'm ] getting a kick out of the whole program / {C but, } {F uh, } there's going to be I guess thousands, I don't know how many thousands, or tens of thousands of these recordings / {C and } I wonder how they're going to analyze them. Whether it would be listening to them or analyzing, / I gu-, - / they've got to be analyzing with [ a, + a ] voice recorder some how. /", "Yeah, / {D well } they record these / {C and then } somebody transcribes them so that [ [ they, +", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# they # have, ] + {F uh, } they have ] a speech signal / {C and } what, - / {C and } what is said. -/", "# Right. # /", "# {C And } # [ they have a, + they're ] able to average it over a number of different occasions because peoples voices change a lot even from morning to evening / {C and } that's, {F uh, } a big problem in speech recognition. /", "{F Oh, } yes. / I know they change with age, / I know mine [ changes, + ] {F uh, } has changed, {F uh, } - / although [ you, + you ] never found, - / [ your, + your ] voice echoes in your own head which [ is, + ] makes it different than what it really sounds to other people. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } I'm sure singers and professional people know that, / {C and } you always hear your own voice in recordings and say, {D my God, } [ that's, + that's ] [ not, + obviously that's not ] me, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I know your voice in your own head resonates a different way. / {F Uh, } go ahead, / [ yo-, + you ] comment on it, / yeah, / I'm glad that you're in the business. / That, - / I kno-, - / T I -s gotten with their Speak and Spell and everything, - / I've told my wife, that one of the reasons they're doing it is because eventually you'll be able to talk to your computer, /", "# Right. # /", "# you # wouldn't have to have a keyboard, /", "# <Throat_clearing>. #", "# you'll # be able to just give it commands / {C and } I'm sure they have some of that now, / {C and } [ not, + not, ] in computers but a lot of potential, of course for handicapped people, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "LATIN AMERICA", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT CURRENT OR RECENT AMERICAN ACTIONS IN LATIN AMERICA", "talk_day": "04/14/1991", "from_caller": 1104, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1938, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1056, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1948, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3034_0", "3034_1", "3034_2", "3034_3", "3034_4", "3034_5", "3034_6", "3034_7", "3034_8", "3034_9", "3034_10", "3034_11", "3034_12", "3034_13", "3034_14", "3034_15", "3034_16", "3034_17", "3034_18", "3034_19", "3034_20", "3034_21", "3034_22", "3034_23", "3034_24", "3034_25", "3034_26", "3034_27", "3034_28", "3034_29", "3034_30", "3034_31", "3034_32", "3034_33", "3034_34", "3034_35", "3034_36", "3034_37", "3034_38", "3034_39", "3034_40", "3034_41", "3034_42", "3034_43", "3034_44", "3034_45", "3034_46", "3034_47", "3034_48", "3034_49", "3034_50", "3034_51", "3034_52", "3034_53", "3034_54", "3034_55", "3034_56", "3034_57", "3034_58", "3034_59", "3034_60", "3034_61", "3034_62", "3034_63", "3034_64", "3034_65", "3034_66", "3034_67", "3034_68", "3034_69", "3034_70", "3034_71", "3034_72", "3034_73", "3034_74", "3034_75", "3034_76", "3034_77", "3034_78", "3034_79", "3034_80", "3034_81", "3034_82", "3034_83", "3034_84", "3034_85", "3034_86", "3034_87"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / I hope you know more about the subject of baseball / {C and } where they're going <laughter> than I do beca-, -/", "{F Oh, } I know a little bit about it. / I'm not a die-hard fan / {C but } [ I, + I ] enjoy the, - / I like the Boston Red Sox myself. /", "{D Well, } I, - / of all the sports [ that there are, + that there is, ] I like baseball the best. / However, I haven't been to a baseball game in years, / {C but } I have kept, {F uh, } my eye on the Rangers. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know } - / {C and } I guess they were doing pretty good up to a point, / {C and then } they kind of fell on their face <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } with, {F uh, } - / their biggest point of interest has been Nolan Ryan not the rest of the team lately, / {C so. } -/", "Correct, / right. /", "Right <laughter>. / {F Oh, } it's amazing. /", "They're so astronomical I can't even imagine --", "Right. /", "-- <Laughter> that kind of money. / You know it's just, {F uh, } phenomenal <lipsmack>. /", "{D Well, } fortunately the Red Sox, last time I saw the paper earlier this week, were in first place and doing quite well. /", "{D Well, } good. /", "{F Um, } I've been really busy at work this past week / {C and } normally on my way into work I'll pick up a newspaper / {C and, } {F uh, } i-, - / {C so } every day I'll have a newspaper at work, / {C and } when I take a break, I'll take a look at the newspaper. / {C But } this week I've been so busy I didn't even bother to stop <laughter>. /", "I understand. / I understand. /", "{C But } [ hopefully, + hopefully ] next week I'll get back to my normal routine. /", "Okay. / {F Uh, } you are involved with T I -s, {F uh, } speech, {F um, } recognition? /", "{D Well, } not really. / [ I, + {F um } --", "How did you find out about it? /", "-- I ] work at (( )) laboratory. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "From, {F uh, } - / I'm an officer in the Air Force, /", "I see. / Interesting. / {F Oh, } great. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } the speech laboratory does some work with, {F uh, } T I,", "I see. /", "[ at, + ] {F uh, } not in my office / {C but, } {F uh, } in my division they do,", "Uh-huh. /", "quite a bit of speech work. /", "{D Well, } that's good. / {D Well, } that's interesting. / {C And } the topics are interesting, {F uh, } / they run a whole (( gamut )) [ of, + of, ] {F uh, } subjects, / {C and, } {F uh, } I think we can address every topic, / {C but } the depth of knowledge is quite different. /", "Sure. / Sure. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } when they chose baseball, - / {E I mean, } [ [ I'm, + I'm, ] + I ] can understand baseball, {D you know, } / I don't understand football. /", "Uh-huh. / <Laughter> {F Oh, } I prefer to, - / [ I, + I ] like, - / I never used to really like watching football that much / {C but } more and more these days [ I'm, + I'll ] like a football game, / {C but } I've always liked baseball. / [ I, + I ] prefer to watch, {F um, } - / I guess I'm one of the few people that also prefers baseball to football. / {C And } [ I, + I'd ] much rather go to a baseball game than to a football game. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] can relate to baseball because I used to play baseball. / {C But } I can't relate to football because I've never,", "Uh-huh. /", "played football [ and, + and ] don't, [ and + ] have any interest, / {C and } I said if I ever had a son, he would not play football. / {C And, } {F uh, } I had four daughters / <laughter> {C so } that wasn't a question, / {C but } now I have a grandson that [ i-, + {D you know, } is ] gung ho for, {F uh, } football. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } -/ {D Well, } there's injuries in a lot of sport. /", "I understand that, /", "[ I'd, + I, ] -/", "{C but } I think [ the, + ] they happen more in football. / I think the odds are cut down. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } [ I, + I ] know they can get hurt in baseball too. / The bat is a very heavy object, can do a lot of damage / {C but, } {F uh, } I think that they have [ a, + a ] lower [ (( racial )) of injuries, + ratio of injuries ] in baseball. /", "it's true. / [ I, + I ] would say that baseball tends to be one of the less,", "Because the-, -/", "troublesome sports, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but, } {F uh, } for some people it's just, {F uh, } {F uh, } -/", "A love for them. /", "{D Well, } that, - / not so much that - / {C but, } {F uh, } even in baseball you can, - / {D like } when I played baseball when I was growing up, I had trouble, {F uh, } {F uh, } just throwing the ball because [ I wa-, very, + I was ] always very strong / {C and } I could-, th-, - / when I was young I could throw harder,", "Uh-huh. /", "than my, {F uh, } {D like } ligaments and all that should have been allowed to. /", "I see. /", "{C And so } I was always throwing my arm out and, {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "having trouble. / [ I, + {C and } I ] was a catcher / {C so } I was constantly throwing back to the pitcher and then down to second base and all and [ k-, + ] that kind of stuff. / {C So } I, - / that was always a problem for me was [ just, + just ] the constant throwing, / {C so. } -/", "[ Did you, + did you ] sustain any permanent, {F uh, } injury with that? /", "No, / I did that wrestling <laughter>. /", "Oh. / {F Oh, } okay. /", "No, / I'd, - / {D well, } [ I, + I, ] {F uh, } always been quite an athlete and doing different things / {C and, } {F um, } the other thing was I'd never really let injuries stop me. / {C But } interestingly enough you mentioned football, is like, - / now I won't play football anymore because of [ the, + {F uh, } the ] separated shoulder wrestling, /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "[ {C so. } + {F Um, } {C but } ] [ I stood the, + stood the ] injury wrestling, / {C but } it, - / as long as I let it heal, it never really bothered me / then playing football this fall,", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + {A it was just flag football too. } I ] separated it again / {C and } it seemed to be,", "{F Oh, } boy. /", "{D like } the straw that broke the camels back, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } [ I have, + {F uh, } I have ] a broken arm that I had since I was three. / It was never set right. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {F uh, } I liked bowling [ as a, + as a ] kind of a relaxing sport. / {C And, } {F uh, } one of the men that was [ in our rel-, + on our ] league, {F uh, } noticed, {F uh, } {D you know, } {F uh, } my broken arm and the way my ball would do. / {C And } he says, let me show you how to use your arm to your advantage. / {C And so } he brought me up from like a hundred and fifteen, I had my high game of two eighty-seven. /", "My God. /", "<Laughter> {C So, } {F uh, } yeah / <throat_clearing>. {F Um, } it was really funny, {D you know, } that he would tell me where to stand and how to hold my arm [ and, + and ] how to, {F uh, } follow through with my, {F uh, } - / (( addressing that )) , to put the ball, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "the, {F uh, } pins. - / {C So } that was interesting. / {C So } [ I really, + {F um, } I ] got a lot of, {F uh, } recognition from [ the, + {F uh, } {F uh, } the ] bowling league, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I'm not sure where all my pins came from, / {C but } it's, - / {C but } that was quite awhile ago / [ {C but } I, + {C and } I ] never pursued it. / {C And } a lot of people said, {D well, } you should have turned pro. / {C And } I thought, no, / not m-, - / m-, - / I don't, - / my love wasn't there for the game. / I liked to [ as a, + as a ] method of, {F uh, } entertainment and I, {F uh, }", "Sure. /", "fellowship / {C but } outside of that, no. / I didn't. / [ [ {C And } I, + {C and } I ] + still, I ] like to bowl, / {C but, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> I don't have, {F uh, } Jack <laughter> standing behind me to tell me what to do <laughter>. /", "Are [ you on, + you on ] any leagues now? /", "No, / I'm not. /", "Oh. /", "No. / No, {F uh, / } at T I they have [ a sponsor, + ] a junior league achievement / {C and, } {F uh, } it's true bowling / {C and } I've never, {F uh, } shared that with them. / I would have to brush up on my bowling before I even tried to, {F uh, } win a lot of money for the junior achievement,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } organization. / {C But } that's the only thing that I would, {D you know, } be (( )) to do. /", "Right. / {D Well, } my grandmother has been bowling for, gosh, maybe thirty, forty years. / I don't know, /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "a long time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ she still, + she's ] got to be, -/", "Still carries a good [ lim-, + ] {F uh, } average? /", "{D Well, } no, / she does-, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BASEBALL", "prompt": "FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE PRO BASEBALL TEAM AND WHERE IT'S HEADED THIS YEAR. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE CALLER'S PREDICTION?", "talk_day": "06/08/1991", "from_caller": 1263, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1934, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1073, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1967, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3042_0", "3042_1", "3042_2", "3042_3", "3042_4", "3042_5", "3042_6", "3042_7", "3042_8", "3042_9", "3042_10", "3042_11", "3042_12", "3042_13", "3042_14", "3042_15", "3042_16", "3042_17", "3042_18", "3042_19", "3042_20", "3042_21", "3042_22", "3042_23", "3042_24", "3042_25", "3042_26", "3042_27", "3042_28", "3042_29", "3042_30", "3042_31", "3042_32", "3042_33", "3042_34", "3042_35", "3042_36", "3042_37", "3042_38", "3042_39", "3042_40", "3042_41", "3042_42", "3042_43", "3042_44", "3042_45", "3042_46", "3042_47", "3042_48", "3042_49", "3042_50", "3042_51", "3042_52", "3042_53", "3042_54", "3042_55", "3042_56", "3042_57", "3042_58", "3042_59", "3042_60", "3042_61", "3042_62", "3042_63", "3042_64", "3042_65", "3042_66", "3042_67", "3042_68", "3042_69", "3042_70", "3042_71", "3042_72", "3042_73", "3042_74", "3042_75", "3042_76", "3042_77", "3042_78", "3042_79", "3042_80", "3042_81", "3042_82", "3042_83", "3042_84", "3042_85", "3042_86", "3042_87", "3042_88", "3042_89", "3042_90", "3042_91", "3042_92", "3042_93", "3042_94", "3042_95", "3042_96", "3042_97", "3042_98", "3042_99", "3042_100", "3042_101", "3042_102", "3042_103", "3042_104", "3042_105", "3042_106", "3042_107", "3042_108", "3042_109", "3042_110", "3042_111", "3042_112", "3042_113", "3042_114", "3042_115", "3042_116", "3042_117", "3042_118", "3042_119", "3042_120", "3042_121", "3042_122", "3042_123", "3042_124", "3042_125", "3042_126", "3042_127", "3042_128", "3042_129", "3042_130", "3042_131", "3042_132", "3042_133", "3042_134", "3042_135", "3042_136", "3042_137", "3042_138", "3042_139", "3042_140", "3042_141", "3042_142", "3042_143", "3042_144", "3042_145", "3042_146", "3042_147", "3042_148", "3042_149", "3042_150", "3042_151"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Beep> Okay. /", "{D So, } what's it been doing up there? /", "It's real dry up here. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah. / We need rain really bad. /", "Oh. / {D Well, } -/", "All the farmers, {D you know, } - / th-, - / {D well, } it's good for hay. / You know all the farmers got their first cut of hay and everything, / <baby> {C but } they're going to need some [ mor-, + ] {D you know, } rain to get the second cut. /", "Oh. /", "[ I, + I'm ] working for a lady who has a strawberry field, / {C and } if we don't have rain, she's going to lose a lot of money. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. / {D Well, } we have been drenched. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "We have had so much rain for May and June that we've got all the, {F uh, } weather people down here really confused. /", "{F Oh, } my. /", "{F Uh, } we, - / it's probably, - / [ it, + it's ] just, -/", "It's usually dry down there, isn't it? /", "Yeah. / Right now, - / by now it's usually, - / no, / {D you know, } it's quit raining, {D you know, } by at least a month. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it's still, - / we're still having April showers,", "{F Oh, } I hope they come,", "for June. /", "this way. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } I don't know [ where, + where ] it came from / {C but } it's been really, - / we got a lot of, {F uh, } - / we're in central Texas / {C and } it feels like we live in Houston. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / [ [ it's, + it, ] + it, ] {D you know, } - / {D like } it rained today / {C and then } it just kind of steamed everything up, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } it's been great because we haven't had to use our sprinkler system, /", "<Laughter>.", "We've had some with really, really high winds that have trashed trees and,", "{F Oh, } my. /", "everything else. / It's just, -/", "{D Now } {D see, } [ every, + everyone ] up here with their gardens they're not going to have much of a garden this year because it's so dry. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I hope you get some of that. /", "Yeah. /", "We got enough. /", "<Laughter>.", "We have had plenty, / {C and } we're still, {F uh, } forecast for more. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } gee, /", "<Lipsmack> {D So, } -/", "{F uh, } [ does Califor-, + is California ] getting rain then? /", "{F Uh, } I'm not real sure. / I think a lot of this is coming out of, - / I think what's happen-, of - / it's coming out of Canada, /", "Out of the Gulf? /", "{C and } it's meeting what's coming out of the Gulf. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } it's just causing chaos /", "Yeah. /", "{C so } [ it's been, + it's been, ] {F uh, } wet. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we've moved our yard I think three or four times in the last two or three weeks. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. /", "{E I mean } just because it just keeps growing and growing and growing / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ one, + one ] week it just rained, thunderstormed for a day straight / {C and } you couldn't get out there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You just couldn't get out there. / By the time you finally got out there where your lawn mower wouldn't sink, we were, {D you know, } - / yeah, / lawn mower broke <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D So, } -/", "{F Oh, } {D well, } {D see, } now we need, - / we could use two days straight of rain. /", "Oh. /", "It's really drying [ up, + up ] here. /", "{D Well, } what always works for me is if I water my plants or we wash the car, it usually rains. / If not that night, the next day <laughter>. /", "Does it? / I was telling everyone, hang your clothes out on the line / {C and } it's surely going to rain. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Whenever you hang your clothes out on the line it always rains <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } /", "We've had real hot weather. /", "Hotter than usual? /", "Yeah, / yes. / We, {D you know, } - / {C and, } {F uh, } let me think. / I got out of school in May. / In March I was wearing shorts. /", "Wow. /", "I was wearing shorts in March up at college, / {C and, } {F uh, } we, w-, - / what they said is that this area has had its summer weather in the spring. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Is what they said what happened. /", "{F Huh. } /", "I hope that, -/ {F Oh, } I don't know. / {C But, } -/ I hope that doesn't mean we're going to get an early winter. /", "No. / I wouldn't think so. / I wouldn't, - / not as early as it came. - / {E I mean } your talking September, maybe. /", "Yeah. /", "That's a little early. / Still the, -/", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / I was wearing shorts in March. / You know it was nippy -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F um, } {D like } it was still in the seventies. /", "<Lipsmack> Yeah. /", "{D You know, } high sixties low seventies in March. /", "Yeah. / {C And } [ we were there, + we were ] in New Jersey last October -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it was hotter there than it was here. /", "Yes. /", "It was just like a heat wave. /", "Uh-huh. / <Laughter> Yeah, / we haven't, -/", "{C and } we just died. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. /", "It was really hot, / [ {C so. } +", "{F Huh. } /", "{C But } ] I like it here. / [ I wouldn't, + I wouldn't ] trade it for snow any day. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. /", "{D See } [ I like, + I like ] the snow / {C but } I like to watch it fall, / {C and } I just like it where it's deep enough, {D you know, } but not <laughter> too deep. /", "Right. / {C And } I can handle a vacation in it / [ {C and, } + {D you know, } {C but } ] my husband is from New Jersey / {C and } he wouldn't go back either. / He did all the,", "Really? /", "shoveling and everything else. / He said it was a pain. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D So, } -/", "{D Well, } isn't it weird at Christmas time without snow? /", "No. / I don't think so. / {D Well, } see last year we had snow at Christmas time. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } [ it really wasn't, + it was ] weird because we had snow <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "It's like, wow, it actually fell on the right day. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So, } {F uh, } no, / it's not. / In fact, {F uh, } {D you know, } we're used to running around in, {D you know, } spring clothes in December, / {C and so } when it throws in a real cool winter, we get broken pipes [ and, + and ] all that kind of stuff [ and + ] because Texas [ is, + just isn't ] built for --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } real cold weather for long periods of time. /", "{D Well, } it's real dry down there. / You don't have the humidity either, do you? /", "No, / [ not, + not ] were we are. / Now in Houston and stuff [ they've got it, + they've got it ] where no hairsprayer works. / It's so humid at times, / {C but } here [ it's, + it's ] just about right. / [ It's, + it's ] pretty dry and, not too dry where, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ you just, + ] it hurts to breathe, / {C but } --", "Yeah. /", "-- we're just about right. / We're just having [ this, + all this ] rain, / {C and } late rain has made it kind of uncomfortable. / Made [ it, + ]", "Yeah, / muggy, huh? /", "the humidity real high. / {C But } no, / I like it. / {D Well, } we're right in a good stop because [ we're, + {D you know, } we ] get [ over in the, + over the ] hundreds in the summer, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } [ [ it's, + it's not, ] + it's ] a dry heat / {C and } it's not really as hot and muggy as it would be being over a hundred plus [ ninety degree humidity, +", "Yeah. /", "ninety percent humidity, ] / {C so. } -/", "{D See } that's what's bad up here is when we do get the real, {D you know, } hundred and the high nineties, we have the humidity to go with it, /", "Oh. /", "{C so } you're {D like } real mucky / {C and } you, {D you know, } - / [ yo-, + your ] legs stick together just from walking --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / I know what, -/", "{D So, } {F um, } -/", "{C So } we like it where we're at. / If it's not a whole bunch of everything at once --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- type stuff. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C So. } + {C But } ] no, / it's interesting when it gets really cold here / {C and } people forget that they're, live in Texas / {C and } they don't know how to drive in snow / [ {C and, } +", "<Laughter>.", "{D you know. } {C But, } ] {F uh, } I wouldn't trade it for anything <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } that's good. /", "I was born in Texas / {C and } I visited other areas, / {C and } I'm just a sun person I think. /", "<Laughter>.", "I've gotten used to it. /", "{D Well, } I don't know <lipsmack>. / {D Well, } I guess that's really about all. /", "Yeah, / weather is not real hard to talk about <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "It doesn't last real long either. /", "<Laughter>.", "I thought the weather is the last thing you talk about, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C but } in this case it's the only thing to talk about. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {D well, } Michelle, it's great talking to, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WEATHER CLIMATE", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE WEATHER. WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE IN YOUR AREA? HAS IT BEEN TYPICAL FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR? COMPARE IT WITH THE OTHER CALLER'S WEATHER.", "talk_day": "06/10/1991", "from_caller": 1120, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1011, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3059_0", "3059_1", "3059_2", "3059_3", "3059_4", "3059_5", "3059_6", "3059_7", "3059_8", "3059_9", "3059_10", "3059_11", "3059_12", "3059_13", "3059_14", "3059_15", "3059_16", "3059_17", "3059_18", "3059_19", "3059_20", "3059_21", "3059_22", "3059_23", "3059_24", "3059_25", "3059_26", "3059_27", "3059_28", "3059_29", "3059_30", "3059_31", "3059_32", "3059_33", "3059_34", "3059_35", "3059_36", "3059_37", "3059_38", "3059_39", "3059_40", "3059_41", "3059_42", "3059_43", "3059_44", "3059_45", "3059_46", "3059_47", "3059_48", "3059_49", "3059_50", "3059_51", "3059_52", "3059_53", "3059_54", "3059_55", "3059_56", "3059_57", "3059_58", "3059_59", "3059_60", "3059_61", "3059_62", "3059_63", "3059_64", "3059_65", "3059_66", "3059_67", "3059_68", "3059_69", "3059_70", "3059_71", "3059_72", "3059_73", "3059_74", "3059_75"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Tone> Okay. / {F Um, } the last movie that I have seen, - / [ it's been, + it's been ] a couple of months. / I saw, {F um, } SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY --", "Yes, / I saw that one. /", "-- and FLATLINERS. / Those were the last two that I've seen. /", "What was the second one? /", "FLATLINERS. /", "I didn't see that one. /", "Oh. /", "Did you see those because of, {F uh, } Julia Roberts, or <breathing> for, {F uh, } the subject matter of the two? /", "{F Oh, } it was just, - / {D well, } someone had, - / I had seen the advertisement for FLATLINERS on T V, / {C and } I thought I'd like it, / {C and then, } {F uh, } one of my friends who went to see SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY, [ and + ] she told me to go. / It was good. / {C So } that's why I saw that one. /", "Uh-huh / <noise>. {D Well, } I've, {F uh, } - / <breathing> I saw SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY / {C and } [ I, + {F um, } I've ] seen, {F uh, } <breathing> (( {D well } )) , just recently, {F um, } WHAT ABOUT BOB? /", "No, / I haven't gotten to see [ an-, + {D you know, } any ] real recent ones. / <Laughter> I like comedies better than I do dramas. /", "I, {F uh, } am not one for the, {F uh, } - / I don't need the suspense movies or [ the, +", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> the ] movies with lots of, {F uh, } the horror movies [ with, + ] {F uh, } trying to shake you out of your chair. /", "Uh-huh. / Did you care for SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY? /", "{F Um, } <breathing> I'm not sure <laughter>. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] saw it [ and, + ] {F uh, } because my wife wanted to see it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C but } on the other hand, I'm not sure I would have gone otherwise, / {C and } having gone, {F uh, } - / {D well, } it really wasn't on a theme that I was, {F uh, } {F uh, } that into, / {C or, } as I say, [ th-, + ] I prefer the light movies that, {F uh, } - / my style of entertainment [ is, + is ] comedy, {F uh, } primarily --", "Uh-huh -- /", "-- and then into action films. /", "-- {D well, } I didn't care for the movie myself. /", "What? /", "I didn't really care for the movie either. /", "Yeah, / you kind of have to like to be, {F uh, } drawn to this point where you aren't sure what's going to happen. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. / {D Well, } okay, / on likewise then, did you see PRETTY WOMAN? /", "{F Uh, } yes. /", "Do you enjoy that one? /", "{F Uh, } it was interesting, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D well, } I'm trying to think of the other one I saw recently, the one on, {F um, } DEFENDING YOUR LIFE. /", "{F Oh, } I haven't even heard of that one. /", "{D Well, } that was one where, {F uh, } - / it's kind of like, - / to me it's somewhat like PRETTY WOMAN. / [ The, + the ] story line, {F um, } - / if you accept a few of the basic starting points, I guess the rest falls in place. / {F Uh, } it was hard to accept that, {F uh, } this, {F uh, } multimillionaire wheeler dealer [ would, + {F uh, } would, ] {D you know, } find himself and allow himself to get into that situation. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. / {D Well, } I really liked PRETTY WOMAN. / {D You know, } I just, - / {D well, } you just kind of went with it. / Like you said, you had to accept the beginning of it and just kind of go. /", "Yeah. / It's sort of a modern CINDERELLA type of story. /", "Yeah. / {C But, } {F um, } FLATLINERS, {D now, } it's a drama, / {C and } I don't usually like them, / {C and } I really enjoyed it. / [ I, + {F um, } I ] don't know, / it was kind of, - / it made you think a lot --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I think. / Did you see GHOST? /", "Yes. /", "Okay, / {D now, } did you care for that one? /", "{F Uh, } that was, - / I enjoyed that one. / [ I, + [ in that I, + ] I ] guess [ I, + I ] hate to be too surprised in a movie, / {C and } in that one [ you could, + you could ] pretty well guess where it was,", "<Laughter>.", "going to end up. / You weren't sure exactly how it would get there, / {C but } you knew where it would end up. /", "Uh-huh. / {D See, } {D now, } I didn't, - / I thought it was an okay movie, / {C but } it wasn't something that I would enjoy seeing twice or three times. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I didn't think so, {F um, } / I really didn't care for the ending of it. / I thought it was just of like <laughter> you didn't know this was going to happen, / when, {D you know, } - / {C but, } {F um, } I don't know, {D you know. } / {D Well, } of course, {F uh, } a bunch of girls had told me and warned me, / {C and } they said, {F \"Oh, } it's a real tearjerker,\" and da, da, da, da, da. / Meanwhile, I sat through the movie and said {D well, } [ when are you, + when are you ] supposed to start crying, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I didn't really, +", "{D Well, } whenever she starts crying <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } I didn't really ] find it to be a tearjerker <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } do you go to many movies more than once? /", "{F Um, } if I see them more than once, I see them on video. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } like you said, [ I, + I ] enjoy the comedies a lot better. / In fact, that's where I've seen most of my movies, have been on video. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } these days it's, {F uh, } -/", "You see it on video just as soon as it is on the movie screen. /", "{D Well, } [ if you don't, + with some of the movies, if you don't ] go to them within the first four weeks, the movie may have, {F uh, } left town, never to show up again until it comes back in video. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } unless a movie is popular and stays around, {F uh, } you probably will see it on video these days more likely than at the movie. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "{C So } we have, {F um, } - / {D well, } I think just most people have V C R -s now / {C and } we probably watch twice as many movies at home --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- as we do at movie theaters. /", "Uh-huh. / No, / I saw one, it was a drama also, / {C and } I can't think of the name of it now, that, {F um, } - / it was a book before it came out in a movie, / {C and } [ it was, + [ it w-, + ] it was ] a drama. /", "Did you go to DANCES WITH WOLVES? /", "I wanted to see that. / I didn't get to. /", "[ I, + at least what I ] hear on that one, that it's coming out a second time [ in a, + in a ] longer version --", "{F Oh, } really? /", "-- even though it was a long movie. / It's sort of the uncut version. / At least that was some of the rumors. / We'll have to see, because [ it's, + ] {F uh, } there was some talk about that. / I, - / maybe it will come out this fall. / There, - / we're sort of in the middle of the summer, {F um, } season of a lot of new movies coming out, / {C but } then there's these, {F um, } periods like early fall before Christmas or early spring when there's sort of a quiet period where if you bring something out again, it, {F uh, } will increase the revenues from the movie. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } {F um, } what movies are showing down there now? /", "{F Oh, } [ I, + I'd ] actually have to get a newspaper out. / My approach to movies is I kind of hear about them, {F uh, } / I keep track of them a little, / {C but, } {D you know, } ask me to name the ten that are out there right now, / {C and } I'd have to say, {F uh, } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] don't know. / [ I, + I ] just look at the newspaper before I decide to go / {C and, } -/", "Yeah, / that's pretty much what I do. / [ I, + I ] know for sure that that one about, - / what was that one about Bob? /", "{F Uh, } it's kind of,", "I think it's just, -/", "WHERE'S BOB? or WHAT ABOUT BOB? /", "Yeah, / I think it's just playing now up here. /", "Yeah. / {C Because } some of them, [ they, + {F uh, } they'll ] start in one area of the country, / {C and } if they it's, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "06/12/1991", "from_caller": 1120, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1288, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1946, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3500_0", "3500_1", "3500_2", "3500_3", "3500_4", "3500_5", "3500_6", "3500_7", "3500_8", "3500_9", "3500_10", "3500_11", "3500_12", "3500_13", "3500_14", "3500_15", "3500_16", "3500_17", "3500_18", "3500_19", "3500_20", "3500_21", "3500_22", "3500_23", "3500_24", "3500_25", "3500_26", "3500_27", "3500_28", "3500_29", "3500_30", "3500_31", "3500_32", "3500_33", "3500_34", "3500_35", "3500_36", "3500_37", "3500_38", "3500_39", "3500_40", "3500_41", "3500_42", "3500_43", "3500_44", "3500_45", "3500_46", "3500_47", "3500_48", "3500_49", "3500_50", "3500_51", "3500_52", "3500_53", "3500_54", "3500_55", "3500_56", "3500_57", "3500_58", "3500_59", "3500_60", "3500_61", "3500_62", "3500_63", "3500_64", "3500_65", "3500_66", "3500_67", "3500_68", "3500_69", "3500_70", "3500_71", "3500_72", "3500_73", "3500_74", "3500_75", "3500_76", "3500_77", "3500_78", "3500_79", "3500_80", "3500_81", "3500_82", "3500_83", "3500_84", "3500_85", "3500_86", "3500_87", "3500_88", "3500_89", "3500_90"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["[ In, + in ] the light of what has been happening lately with the doctors that I know and lawyers and whatnot, I think national health insurance is a way to throw a lot of money at a very small problem. /", "Do you? / Why? /", "Why? / {D Well, } if you took half the money that they would spend in the state of Texas for health insurance and gave it to qualified students [ to, + ] so they could become doctors, the problem would go away. /", "You think the problem is not enough doctors? /", "I think the problem is that the [ doctor v-, + doctors ] have conspired to limit the number of doctors, and that the lawyers have conspired to make sure that if you are a doctor, you are going to pay high premiums [ on your h-, + {F uh, } [ unemp-, + ] {E I mean, } on your ] liability. /", "Gosh, /", "Oh? / Uh-huh. /", "-- for one thing. /", "{C And } you think there are plenty of doctors? /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / I don't think there is a shortage of doctors / {C and } I do know that O B, which is my field --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ the doctors' health in-, + the doctors' malpractice insurance ] is over two hundred thousand dollars a year --", "It's astronomical. /", "-- that deliver babies. / {D Now } they can't doing anything about that. / I don't think they're in a conspiracy. / I think it's our fault, because we as people just sue them. /", "No, / people don't sue -- /", "People are very [ sue, + sue ] conscious. /", "-- lawyers sue. / If you put a ten thousand dollar cap on the amount of money that a lawyer could make from a law suit against a doctor --", "Yeah. / {D Well, } that's probably true, too. / {C But } people are very conscious of how much money they can get real fast these days. /", "{D Well, } sure. /", "{C And, so, } -/", "{C But, } {D you know, } when you think about reasonableness, {D now, } I believe that a law suit should have some foundation in the tort theory. / You know what tort theory is? /", "No. /", "{D Well, } a tort is when you do something wrong. /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } it, {F uh, } - / an O B G Y N doctor cannot control the fetus in the womb a hundred percent. /", "That's right. /", "If the baby is born dead, {D well, } that happens. /", "{D Well, } -/", "[ If, + if ] they have complications and, -/", "It depends. /", "{D Well, } I know, {E I mean, } there are guys that are real slobs, / {C but } {D you know, } there are also people out there that are really doing their job. /", "{D Well, } that's true, / they are -- -- because doctors are performing many more tests. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Many of them are unnecessary, / they are doing so many C sections --", "Just to prevent a --", "-- just to --", "-- a law suit. /", "-- prevent. - / {C Because } they have all these monitors now / {C and } if anything looks even a little bit funny --", "Yeah. /", "-- their only safety precaution is to go in and get that baby, / {C and --", "Yeah. /", "-- so } it's costing more all around in health insurance --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for tests, for surgery, for longer hospital stay. /", "{D See, } I believe --", "{C So, } it's terrible. /", "-- that [ there, + there ] is a system already in place for health care. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } they have indigent health care. / You show up at Parkland bleeding -- /", "You'll get it. / That's true. / In fact, you'll get it at Presbyterian if you show up there, too. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } we have that happen. / We have patients that go through Parkland --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- through the clinic / {C and } at the last minute, they come to us. / {D Well } --", "Uh-huh / <<faint>>.", "-- {F uh, } we can't turn them away. / {C So, } -/", "Yeah, / I think that if you just wrote the lawyers out of the equation --", "Yeah. /", "-- the problem would pretty much evaporate. /", "<Laughter> I'm for that. / I've been through a two year divorce where the only one that came out ahead was my lawyer, / {C so } --", "Yeah. /", "-- I'd like to wipe them all out <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] happen to know a few / {C and } I even claim one as a friend. /", "<Laughter>.", "He's a divorce attorney. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } -/", "He better not be mine <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I think he'll go nameless [ for the, + for the ] purposes of this conversation. / {C But } I also know an, {F uh, } O B G Y N who has stopped practicing. /", "Yeah, / some they do. -/", "{F Uh, } he just said, -/", "They stop their O B at least. /", "Yeah, / {E I mean, } he's not going to deliver any more babies --", "Right, /", "-- ever. /", "Right. /", "His malpractice was five hundred thousand dollars a year. /", "That's incredible. /", "{C And, } {D you know, } he said, [ I had to, + he had ] to [ ear-, + ] gross two million to take home as much as his malpractice. /", "Yeah. / {C And } most of them are very sincere. / Most of them do the --", "Yeah / <<faint>>.", "-- best they can. / They are human. / Occasionally -- -- something will go wrong. / {D Well, } you can be human and Catholic. /", "I know you can be human and Catholic, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C but, } you're not likely to find somebody who is going to, {D you know, } have a less conscientious effort. /", "Yeah, / no -- /", "{E I mean, } -/", "-- most of them do. / I really believe that. / From dealing with doctors, dealing with lawyers, there is no doubt in my mind who is more conscientious. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } who is getting rich? / Insurance companies. /", "Yeah, / they are. /", "{D You know, } if you were able to write a malpractice insurance that would negate any financial obligation on the part of the doctor over and above the insurance, - / [ say, + say ] you have malpractice insurance and a kid dies or is malformed / {C or, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "UNIVERSAL HEALTH INS", "prompt": "DO YOU BELIEVE THAT THE US GOVERNMENT SHOULD PROVIDE UNIVERSAL HEALTH INSURANCE", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1051, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1954, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1437, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3554_0", "3554_1", "3554_2", "3554_3", "3554_4", "3554_5", "3554_6", "3554_7", "3554_8", "3554_9", "3554_10", "3554_11", "3554_12", "3554_13", "3554_14", "3554_15", "3554_16", "3554_17", "3554_18", "3554_19", "3554_20", "3554_21", "3554_22", "3554_23", "3554_24", "3554_25", "3554_26", "3554_27", "3554_28", "3554_29", "3554_30", "3554_31", "3554_32", "3554_33", "3554_34", "3554_35", "3554_36", "3554_37", "3554_38", "3554_39", "3554_40", "3554_41", "3554_42", "3554_43", "3554_44", "3554_45", "3554_46", "3554_47", "3554_48", "3554_49", "3554_50", "3554_51", "3554_52", "3554_53", "3554_54", "3554_55", "3554_56", "3554_57", "3554_58", "3554_59", "3554_60", "3554_61", "3554_62", "3554_63", "3554_64", "3554_65", "3554_66", "3554_67", "3554_68", "3554_69", "3554_70", "3554_71", "3554_72", "3554_73", "3554_74", "3554_75", "3554_76", "3554_77", "3554_78", "3554_79", "3554_80", "3554_81", "3554_82", "3554_83", "3554_84", "3554_85", "3554_86", "3554_87", "3554_88", "3554_89", "3554_90", "3554_91", "3554_92", "3554_93", "3554_94", "3554_95", "3554_96", "3554_97", "3554_98", "3554_99", "3554_100", "3554_101", "3554_102", "3554_103", "3554_104", "3554_105", "3554_106", "3554_107", "3554_108", "3554_109", "3554_110", "3554_111"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } {F um, } <throat_clearing> I have [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] former exercise program. / I'm a graduate student, / {C and } this semester, I'll tell you what, [ I, + ] it's been almost impossible for me to get, {D you know, } back to regular exercise. / {F Um, } <throat_clearing> last summer I was [ a, + a ] swim instructor all summer [ and, + and ] life guard, / {C so } it was really easy for me to get quite a bit of exercise swimming / [ {C and, } + {F um, } {C and } ] since I worked at a recreation center I could, {F uh, } {D you know, } use those facilities quite often. / {C But, } {F um. } -/ {F Oh, } yeah. / {F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- as far as for, {F uh, } cardiovascular / [ {C and } -- +", "Uh-huh, / [ {C and } there's -- +", "-- {C and } ] it's --", "-- {C and } there's ] no jarring on the. -/", "-- least hard on your body, / I, -/", "Pardon? /", "It's the least hard on your body --", "Exactly, yeah, / {F um, } flu-, -- -/", "-- as far as, {F uh, } impact / {C and } -/", "-- yeah, / fluid resistance. /", "Right, / right. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / How about you? /", "{D Well, } I do, {F uh, } little aerobics, {F oh, } three or four times a week, / {C but } it's not enough to, - / boy if I go, in the summer time I try to [ jog, + jog ] a couple of miles -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } {D well, } {D you know, } even doing that three or four times a week, when summer hits, that's a hard thing to go out [ and -- +", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "-- and ] go jogging for, {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- half hour or so, / [ {C but } -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so, } ] I'm not quite getting the level that I need to. /", "Yeah. / [ Do you, + do you ] kind of think it's a chore, / {C or } do you enjoy it? /", "I like it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I like it, {F uh, } / part of my problem is I have small children, / {C so, } {F uh, } to do a whole lot just requires a lot of, {F oh, } coordination as far as --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- scheduling and --", "Sure, / yeah. /", "-- that type of, {F uh, } deal, {D you know, } {F uh, } /", "<Laughter>.", "Of course, you got a little different direction going, / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "Uh-huh, / yeah. / {F Uh, } [ [ I, + {F um, } I used to, ] + {F uh, } I used to ] weigh, {F uh, } two hundred fifteen pounds, / {C and } now I weigh only [ about one, + about one ] seventy-five. {F Um, } / <throat_clearing> {C so } I drastically had to change the way I ate [ when I, + when I ] first moved to college, / {C and, } {F uh, } I had started weight lifting quite regularly, / {C and so } I got my weight down, / {C and } it's kind of easy for me to forget about it now, because, {F uh, } {D you know, } when I'm not fat like I used to be --", "# Right, / you don't notice it # --", "-- # I don't worry about it # / , yeah. /", "-- as much, / yeah. /", "Uh-huh. / Although lately I have noticed, {D you know, } even if I gain, like two pounds, [ I start, + I start ] feeling it / {C and, } -/", "You feel it, don't you? /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's amazing [ how, + {F uh, } how ] much, {F uh, } it changes, / {C and } I weigh probably about the same I weighed for, {F oh, } I don't know how many years, / {C but, } {F uh, } it's changed places <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } things don't fit just quite exactly --", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "-- fit the same. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C so, } ] do you do, {F uh, } - / in Texas, {F uh, } does - / there, probably quite a few facilities. /", "Yeah, / there are. / {F Um, } I'm living in a dorm right now, / {C and so } right downstairs there's a facility. / {C And } I really feel kind of guilty for not working out more than I do because there's a facility right downstairs where [ all, + {D you know, } all ] we have to do [ is, + is, ] {F uh, } run down there /", "Do you enjoy it, / {C or } is it, {F uh. } -/ If you can [ have, + find ] the time --", "Uh-huh -- /", "-- it's just the. -/", "-- yeah, / I really do, because I like to [ get, + {D you know, } get ] off alone and just do that for a while, / {C but } that's hard, <laughter> {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / it is hard -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it is hard. / It's, {F uh, } like anything else whether or not you want to --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- sacrifice another half hour. / My problem is I don't want to wake up another half hour earlier --", "Exactly. /", "-- and do more <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Don't get enough sleep as it is, / right -- /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } kind of have, - / if you're having the pressures of school and, {F uh, } everything else, it's kind of, - / course it's really, {D you know, } - / as soon as you do it, it's really a release. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "You feel invigorated / {C and } [ you feel + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- <Inhaling> {F oh, } you feel ] in a lot better shape --", "Yeah, / ready to go another twelve hours. /", "-- just like eating right foods. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "If I eat very much sugar, boy, just does something. /", "Uh-huh. / Do you have to watch what you eat pretty regularly? /", "I do. / I have to be real careful. /", "Uh-huh. / I stopped eating meat about, {F oh, } {F uh, } must have been eight months ago. /", "Did you? /", "Uh-huh, / completely. / {E I mean, } any kind of meat - / [ {C or, } + {C and } ] [ I, + {C and } I ] really feel a lot better <throat_clearing> now. /", "Makes a lot of difference. /", "Yeah, / it really does. /", "{D Well, } there's a lot of fat in meat. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / [ that's it, + {E I mean, } that's ] about where almost all of the fat comes from -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and so. } I found that really helps. /", "{C And } unless you really like, {F uh, } fish. /", "(( )) .", "Fish is pretty good for you, / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah, / I eat that, / I think I've eaten fish like twice since. - / I used to eat a lot of fish, too, / {C but } <throat_clearing> I just tried to cut it all out for a while and see what happens. /", "Kind of see what happens. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I like it. /", "I've tried to do that with sugar /", "<Laughter>. <Laughter> # I don't know if I'm that brave yet # . /", "-- # everything has sugar in it # . /", "<Laughter>.", "{E I mean, } if you go, - / your ketchup has sugar in it. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "Course, - / {C and } I like sugar, too, / [ that's -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that's ] a problem, / {C but. } -/", "<Laughter>.", "{D Anyway, } {D well, } it's, {F uh, } nice talking to you. / Think we've, {F uh, } covered all the subject. /", "Okay, / yeah, / it sounds good. /", "Okay. /", "{D Well, } good luck to you there in Idaho. /", "{D Well, } you, too. / Good luck, {F uh, } / enjoy college while you can. / Let me tell you it's, {F uh. } -/", "{D Well, } I'm in graduate school now. / [ [ I, + <throat_clearing> I, ] + I ] kind of feel like I wish I could have gone back to undergraduate now <laughter>. /", "It's a little different, {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- challenge, isn't it? /", "Yeah, / it is. / {D Well, } it's good talking, /", "Where are you [ going + --", "Pardon? /", "-- studying? ] /", "I'm studying speech pathology. /", "Right. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "EXERCISE AND FITNESS", "prompt": "DO YOU DO ANY EXERCISE REGULARLY TO MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH OR FITNESS LEVEL? IF SOOR DO IT AS A TASK? COMPARE YOUR HABITS AND YOUR MOTIVES", "talk_day": "12/15/1991", "from_caller": 1455, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1446, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1969, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3903_0", "3903_1", "3903_2", "3903_3", "3903_4", "3903_5", "3903_6", "3903_7", "3903_8", "3903_9", "3903_10", "3903_11", "3903_12", "3903_13", "3903_14", "3903_15", "3903_16", "3903_17", "3903_18", "3903_19", "3903_20", "3903_21", "3903_22", "3903_23", "3903_24", "3903_25", "3903_26", "3903_27", "3903_28", "3903_29", "3903_30", "3903_31", "3903_32", "3903_33", "3903_34", "3903_35", "3903_36", "3903_37", "3903_38", "3903_39", "3903_40", "3903_41", "3903_42", "3903_43", "3903_44", "3903_45", "3903_46", "3903_47", "3903_48", "3903_49", "3903_50", "3903_51", "3903_52", "3903_53", "3903_54", "3903_55", "3903_56", "3903_57", "3903_58", "3903_59", "3903_60", "3903_61", "3903_62", "3903_63", "3903_64", "3903_65", "3903_66", "3903_67", "3903_68", "3903_69", "3903_70", "3903_71", "3903_72", "3903_73", "3903_74", "3903_75", "3903_76", "3903_77", "3903_78"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Are we tonight? /", "Yeah. / Sure. /", "Okay, / {D well } let me go ahead and press one <beep>. / Okay, Leslie, / I'd like to find out a little bit about your hobbies. / What do you like to do in your spare time? /", "{D Well, } {C and } when I have my spare time <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "I do enjoy, -/", "{D Actually, } it's a cherished commodity now days, {F huh. } /", "That's right. / {F Uh, } I do enjoy, {F uh, } sewing, / I hand, {F uh, } - / I do some needlepoint. /", "{F Oh, } great. /", "{C And } [ I, + I've ] been doing a a picture for my father-in-law, / {C but } if I, {F uh, } ever get enough spare time,", "<Laughter>.", "he might see it one day. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } some other things I like to do are, [ is + ] music and, {F uh, } also reading. /", "What kind of music? /", "{D Well } I enjoy singing. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well } great. / I enjoy music too / {C and } I, {F uh, } - / one thing that I like to do, {F uh, } is sit down and play the piano. / I can't play that well, /", "{F Um. } /", "I enjoy that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } a couple of hobbies that I also have is, {F uh, } - / I really enjoy bike riding / {C and } the biggest hobbies I have right now are my kids and whatever they are involved in. /", "Yes. /", "Like my, {F uh, } oldest boy is involved in soccer / {C so } we go out and play kick the soccer ball around or play throw the football / {C and, } {F uh, } we also like to, {F uh, } ride bicycles. / {C So } we're riding bicycles / {C and so } a lot of the hobbies that I have right now are centered around [ my, + my ] children and also things that my wife and I like to do --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- together. / [ {C And } + {F uh, } {C so } ] personally <laughter> a lot of the hobbies I had when I was growing up and, {F uh, } going to college and so forth are having to change. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I really enjoyed, {F uh, } mountain climbing. / I really enjoyed skiing. {F Uh, } and a lot of outdoor activities. / {F Uh } there's not a whole lot of mountains here in Texas --", "<Laughter> That's right. /", "-- that I can go skiing with that right now, / {C but } hopefully I will be able to get back to the slopes some day / {C but, } -/", "{F Oh } yeah. / I have not had the opportunity to go skiing / {C but, } {F uh, } I grew up in Arizona which has some mountains around it / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } never did get out and ski <laughter>. /", "You didn't? /", "No, / I never did. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ Didn't have the, + {F uh, } I guess I didn't have the ] person out there saying hey let me take you skiing / {C and } of course, I was at that {D you know } stage of my life where I had to be taken to [ p-, + places. ] / I couldn't go by myself. /", "Yeah, / that's true. / That's true. /", "{C And then } of course, once I got to the age where I could have done it myself, I had other interests I guess. / {C So } <laughter>. -/", "<Laughter> {F Oh } yeah. / I guess that for me it was very helpful. / My two oldest brothers were very interested in skiing. /", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "{C And so } [ we, + we ] went quite often / {C and, } {F uh, } in fact my brother still does a lot of skiing. / When I lived around in that area my brother would fly in from Chicago / {C and } we would go skiing and enjoy that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C So, } + {C but, } ] {F uh, } luckily it's kind of unusual because hobbies, [ it's a, + it's a ] nice thing to have / {C and } it's good to fall back on those hobbies when you have time to. Like you mentioned / {C and } I am finding out, a lot of the spare time that I had isn't there. /", "That's right. /", "[ It's, + {F uh, } it's, ] {F uh, } taken up by activities with, {F uh, } work, with family, with, {F uh, } civic and Church responsibilities for me. /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } -/", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] find if [ I, + I ] make I have to make myself realize that it is important to get out there and {D you know } just even to go for a walk is good recreation for me <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh } yeah. / {F Oh } yeah. / {F Oh } yeah / <<very faint>>.", "Yeah. / {C And } my youngest daughter is going to be starting up soccer / {C so } she's real excited about doing that. /", "{D Well, } great. /", "We will be busy with that again. /", "What, again. / {C So } you have participated with that in the past? /", "Pardon me? /", "Have you [ par-, + participated ] in that # in the past? # /", "# {D Well, } I # did with my older daughter -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } she was in it for a few years, / {C but } she has got so many interests herself that,", "<Laughter>.", "we had to start eliminating / {C and } {D well } the first one to go. - / She still likes her piano -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } she is in band. / {C So, } she's got lots of hobbies or, {F uh, } activities going on. /", "It sounds like her life is full too. /", "Yeah. /", "I imagine your life is full <laughter> --", "Very much. /", "-- taking them around all over the place. /", "That's right <laughter>. / That's right. /", "All right. / All right. / {D Well, } Leslie, it's been very nice talking to you. / Is there anything else that you would like to --", "{F Uh. } /", "-- mention tonight / {C or, } -/", "No, / I think we covered it pretty good. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / Great. /", "Thank you for calling. /", "{D Well } thank you / {C and } you have a nice evening. /", "You too. / # Bye, / bye. # /", "# Bye now. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "02/03/1992", "from_caller": 1425, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1307, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1953, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3921_0", "3921_1", "3921_2", "3921_3", "3921_4", "3921_5", "3921_6", "3921_7", "3921_8", "3921_9", "3921_10", "3921_11", "3921_12", "3921_13", "3921_14", "3921_15", "3921_16", "3921_17", "3921_18", "3921_19", "3921_20", "3921_21", "3921_22", "3921_23", "3921_24", "3921_25", "3921_26", "3921_27", "3921_28", "3921_29", "3921_30", "3921_31", "3921_32", "3921_33", "3921_34", "3921_35", "3921_36", "3921_37", "3921_38", "3921_39", "3921_40", "3921_41", "3921_42", "3921_43", "3921_44", "3921_45", "3921_46", "3921_47", "3921_48", "3921_49", "3921_50", "3921_51", "3921_52", "3921_53", "3921_54", "3921_55", "3921_56", "3921_57", "3921_58", "3921_59", "3921_60", "3921_61", "3921_62", "3921_63", "3921_64", "3921_65", "3921_66", "3921_67", "3921_68", "3921_69", "3921_70", "3921_71"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "{D Well, } are you a fisher person, are you? /", "Yes, / I love to fish. /", "Great. / What kind of fishing do you do? /", "{D Well, } it's mostly from the rivers and lakes. /", "In California? /", "And, yes, / and from the banks. / I don't like to go out on boats. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } what kind of fish do they have in your neck of the woods? /", "{D Well, } it, {F uh, } - /", "Uh-huh. / Oh. /", "{C But, } I like it all except, {F uh, } {D really } [ I don't, + I don't ] really care that much for the trout. / I think I had rather have a catfish than I would a trout <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } <laughter> [ I, + I ] don't blame you. / I grew up in Nebraska and, {F uh, } grew up [ fish, + ] cat fishing in the Little Blue River / {C and then, } {F uh, } we moved to, {F uh, } South Dakota --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and, {F uh, } did a lot of Walleye fishing on the Missouri River / {C and, } {F uh, } now that we are down here, I think a lot of people do some, {F uh, } bass fishing and strip bass fishing / {C but, } {F uh, } [ I still, + {F uh, } I ] am sort of a catfish man at heart. /", "{D See. } {D Well, } {F uh, } like in, {F uh, } Iowa and Nebraska, those little bullheads, they look just like catfish, {F huh? } /", "Yep. / Yeah, / they do. /", "{D You know } that's what I mean cause I am from Iowa. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } we use to catch those little bullheads / {C and } that's, - / they look just like baby catfish. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {F uh, } did you get to go fishing very often? /", "{F Oh } yeah. / I like to fish. / The only problem is I just moved to Texas / {C so } it's been a little over a year now / {C but, } {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ I, + I ] am not quite sure what residency is for a fishing license here / {C and } I, [ so + ] really I haven't gone fishing for about two years now -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it's driving me crazy / {C but, } {F uh, } one of these days, I will go over to, {F uh, } Lake Lewisville or, {F uh, } <inhaling> {A what is it, } {F uh } [ Ray Hubbard, + Lake Ray Hubbard ] and get some fishing in and get it out of my system for a while <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } {F uh, } you like to eat them after you catch them? / <laughter>.", "{D Well, } yeah, / sure. /", "{C Because } there's are a lot of people that like to go fishing, /", "# {D Well } mo-, # -/ Yeah. / Most of the time, {F uh, } if we catch something, we'll take it home and eat it. / {F Uh, } {C and } you're right. / {E I mean } I like to fish for trout / {C and } they are really, {F uh, } {F uh, } good fighters / {C but, } {F uh, } if I went to a restaurant that probably wouldn't be the first thing I would order if I had a choice of fish on the menu. /", "Yeah, / I know. /", "Yeah. / <Laughter> {D Well, } {F uh, } {C so, } do you just, {F uh, } {F uh, } skin your catfish / {C or } do you fillet them out, / [ how # do you, + how do you, # ] -/", "# We, {F uh, } # skin them. /", "Do you? /", "Yeah. /", "Okay. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / Just cut their heads off and skin them / {C and then } I just, {F uh, } flour them, salt and pepper them and cook them. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't put that corn meal on them. /", "No. /", "{D You know, } {F uh, } that's the way my mother taught me to fry them / {C so } <laughter>, -/", "{D Well, } that's how we do it too. / {F Uh, } although we, {F uh, } use to set some, {F uh, } trout lines out / {C and } we've caught, {D you know, } fourteen, fifteen pound catfish / {C and } sometimes those are good to, {F uh, } do on a barbecue grill --", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "-- and just leave the skin on and, {F uh, } do it with, {F uh, } butter [ [ on, + {F uh, } on, ] + on ] tin foil -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } the skin just basically scrapes right off / {C and, } {F uh, } wer-, - / {C and } it really tastes pretty good. /", "Yeah. / {D Well } {D you know, } I don't think I've ever tried cooking those, {F uh, } catfish quite that big. /", "There, {F uh, } -/", "{F Uh, } most of them are just the small, {D you know, } pan frying ones. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } I am hoping one of these days I'll have the opportunity to catch a big catfish like that on, {F uh, } a rod and reel / {C but, } {F uh } --", "{F Um. } /", "-- so far it's just been [ on, + {F uh, } on ] the trout lines / {C so, } -/", "<Laughter> Wouldn't that be something? / <laughter>.", "Yeah. / Yeah. / {C And, } {F uh, } {D well } up in, {F uh, } South Dakota [ on the, + in the ] Missouri River there we've, {F uh, } tied into a few northern pike / {C and, } {F uh, } they really, {F uh, } - / [ in, + in, ] - / when the water is cold, they are very slow moving fish, / {C but } in the summer time, they'll, {F uh, } give you a run for your money. /", "Uh-huh. / {C So } when you were, - / when you did go fishing where did you go? / You moved there from where? / Nebraska? /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. /", "{C So, } it was just like the rivers and, {F uh, } the --", "[ In, +", "-- lakes I suppose, {F huh? } /", "In ] Nebraska? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } yeah. / Most of the time, {F uh, } we just fished, {F uh, } in the river although there were a lot of sand pits and things like that, that we could fish in. /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "{C And } a lot of them ended up being close to the river, / {C so } if the river every, {F uh, } flooded, {D you know, } then obviously they would dump some catfish and bass and stuff into the into the ponds and the sand pits -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } we would do a lot of fishing there too / {C but, } {F uh, } South Dakota didn't really have much for, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FISHING", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF FISHING THE OTHER CALLER ENJOYS. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT INTERESTS IN THE KIND OF FISHING YOU ENJOY?", "talk_day": "02/05/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1406, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1954, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3979_0", "3979_1", "3979_2", "3979_3", "3979_4", "3979_5", "3979_6", "3979_7", "3979_8", "3979_9", "3979_10", "3979_11", "3979_12", "3979_13", "3979_14", "3979_15", "3979_16", "3979_17", "3979_18", "3979_19", "3979_20", "3979_21", "3979_22", "3979_23", "3979_24", "3979_25", "3979_26", "3979_27", "3979_28", "3979_29", "3979_30", "3979_31", "3979_32", "3979_33", "3979_34", "3979_35", "3979_36", "3979_37", "3979_38", "3979_39", "3979_40"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Afternoon, Doug, / it certainly is, {F uh, } going to be a pleasure to chat with you. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {C And } I'm, {F uh, } certainly was surprised [ to, + {F uh, } to ] hear from you. / Normally I talk to people in Plano, Texas. /", "Yeah, / me too. /", "How did you get on this list? /", "{F Uh, } through Nancy Dahlgren. / [ She, + {F um, } she ] had somehow gotten the information from T I --", "{D Well, } okay. /", "-- and was distributing it around. /", "All right. / {D Well, } {D now, } what would you say about these everyday invasions of our privacy? / What ideas do you have on that, Doug? /", "{F Um, } {D see, } I'm not sure that, - / I don't think they're necessarily widespread in this country, / {C but } I think that the opportunity is definitely there for, {F um, } people to invade your privacy when they want to, / I think it's, {F um, } -/", "In what manner? /", "{D Well, } it's certainly not that difficult to tap a phone. / It's completely trivial to, for instance, listen in on someone's car phone or walk around phone, since they're just radio signals. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's, {F um, } - / {C and } let's see, / {D well, } what's the first thing that comes to your mind? /", "{D Well, } the thing that I thought they were, {F uh, } concerned about [ was, + was ] people calling on the phone from all over the country to sell you something -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } in reality in many cases, they knew, or they had information about you that was purchased from some other organizations. / {C And } I thought was, {F uh, } beginning to invade the privacy of people, because the things about where you live [ and, + and ] maybe what you purchased in past months is then put down and sent to someone else in the same business, / {C and } they in return, come back and try to sell you something with this additional knowledge. / To me that's an invasion of privacy. /", "Yeah, / I agree with you there, for sure. / {F Um, } {C and } I think that all that information is quite easy for anyone to get. / It's possible for almost anyone to get information about your credit history, for instance, if they just, {F um, } twist the right arm or claim to be from the right organization when they're calling the credit company. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's, {D you know, } possible for a thirteen year old hacker with a modem to find out almost anything about your personal history, not to mention, change it if he wants to. /", "You mean your history in regards to, {F uh } --", "{D Well, } {F um. } -/", "-- the charge card company or something like that? /", "{D Well, } yes, / {D well, } for instance, yes, {F um, } / {C and } they'll probably goes into other things, like, {D you know, } your records with the government or utility companies or anything. /", "Do you consider these serious, {F uh, } problems? /", "{F Um, } {F uh, } [ not, + not ] yet anyways, because I don't think they're widespread enough, / {C but } I think they have the potential of becoming serious problems. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } what should we do about it, / {C or } what could be done about it, do you think --", "{F Um } --", "-- to correct it? /", "-- I'm not really sure, because the, {E I mean } society is going more and more electronic, / {C and } there are certainly benefits to its doing so, / {C and } it's [ hard to, + hard to ] say whether the, {F um, } risks have potential of outweighing the benefits or not, / {C and } I'm not sure what can be done to ensure that they don't. / (( )) Why, / do you see any out for us? /", "{D Well, } I would think that, {F uh, } information held on records, {F uh, } by any company or charge card dealer or person should be absolutely private [ and, + and ] not be allowed to be, {F uh, } [ to, + ] given out by those companies. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } it should be made [ a, + a, ] {F uh, } national or a state law to protect people so that, {F uh, } you would then feel more free to deal direct with these companies. /", "Uh-huh. /", "In other words, if you call the company yourself, directly, {F uh, } and then know that what you tell them will be on their records but will not be available to anyone else, {F uh, } {D you know, } from the outside, so to speak --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- then [ you would, + you would ] feel more free [ to, + {F uh, } to ] go into detail with them -- /", "Yeah, / I. -/", "-- [ {C but, } + {C but } ] we have no control of that now -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then, } {F uh, } [ [ you, + you're, ] + when you're ] talking with them you really don't want to tell them everything that's on your mind because [ you, + you ] feel that it someday might be used against you. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RIGHT TO PRIVACY", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT EVERYDAY OCCURRENCES THE OTHER CALLER CONSIDERS TO BE AN INTRUSION OF PRIVACY. WHAT CAN BE DONE TO PREVENT THEM? DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE?", "talk_day": "02/18/1992", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1376, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1965, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3361_0", "3361_1", "3361_2", "3361_3", "3361_4", "3361_5", "3361_6", "3361_7", "3361_8", "3361_9", "3361_10", "3361_11", "3361_12", "3361_13", "3361_14", "3361_15", "3361_16", "3361_17", "3361_18", "3361_19", "3361_20", "3361_21", "3361_22", "3361_23", "3361_24", "3361_25", "3361_26", "3361_27", "3361_28", "3361_29", "3361_30", "3361_31", "3361_32", "3361_33", "3361_34", "3361_35", "3361_36", "3361_37", "3361_38", "3361_39", "3361_40", "3361_41", "3361_42", "3361_43", "3361_44", "3361_45", "3361_46", "3361_47", "3361_48", "3361_49", "3361_50", "3361_51", "3361_52", "3361_53", "3361_54", "3361_55", "3361_56", "3361_57", "3361_58", "3361_59", "3361_60", "3361_61", "3361_62", "3361_63", "3361_64", "3361_65", "3361_66", "3361_67", "3361_68", "3361_69", "3361_70", "3361_71"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {D Well, } Carolyn, [ the, + {F uh, } one of the ] main things I'd [ like, + like ] to know is, {F uh, } how do you feel about [ the, + knowing about the ] environment of a nursing home before you would send someone there to live and so forth. /", "{D Well. } -/", "What do you think would be required, and so forth? /", "{F Uh, } I'll tell you, / [ I, + I ] watched what went on, {F um, } with the TWENTY TWENTY show, {A I don't know if you saw that a few days ago <child_talking> } [ that, + that ] talked about nursing homes, / {C and } {D actually } they specifically talked about some in the area where I am, here in Texas, / {C and } -- -/", "{F Oh, } you knew of the <child_talking> homes, {D then. } /", "-- Pardon? /", "You knew of the homes themselves? /", "{D Well, } I, - / no, / I'm not familiar with those homes per se -- /", "Uh-huh / </child_talking>.", "-- {C but, } {F um, } they were in the area where I live --", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "-- {F uh, } / {C and } it was really revealing to see some of [ the, + {D you know, } the ] things that go on, I guess, in some of these homes, / {C so } I would definitely, <child_talking> {D you know, } want to really check things out and, {F uh, } <child_talking> go, / I guess that the big thing would be once you got someone in a home like that, [ to, + to ] make sure that you went daily, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- and made sure that they were cared for, / {C and, } -/", "{D Well, } from your point of view, <talking> how would you feel about actually sending someone [ that, + <child_talking> that's, ] {D you know, } means something to you to one of those homes. / I realize that you indicated you wanted to check out as much as you can about it -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- <Child_talking> {C and, } of course, that makes sense, <talking> / {C but } how do you think they would feel, I should say, about moving from where they have lived most of their life into a whole [ new, + new ] home situation? /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } I have that kind of situation, because my mother lives with me, / {C and } she's --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- eighty-seven -- /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } from the time that we were tiny, she said, {D you know, } I want you to promise that you'll never put me in a rest home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I know how she feels about it. / {D You know, } [ if I, + {F uh } --", "Yes. /", "-- if I ] ever had to put her there, I think, {F uh, } it would be probably when I just could not handle it any more, {D you know, } if [ I -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- she ] got to the point where she was totally bedridden, [ and, + and ] {E I mean, } I just didn't have the skills or the strength to lift her or whatever it needed, / I think that would be the, -/", "{D Well, } how do you find that [ your, + your ] personal relationship is with her, know that you're both together all the time and you are having to do a lot more for her than normal? / [ Does that, + does that ] cause any problems between the two of you? /", "{F Uh, } I wouldn't say any more than usual. /", "Uh-huh. / Is she, -/", "I think it's very hard for her, {F um, } to be waited upon, so to speak, / {E I mean, } I think it's hard for her to have that role of not being able to do as much as she used to. /", "It's hard to accept the fact that you're unable to pursue life, <throat_clearing> at the level that you did before, / isn't it? /", "Yeah, / I think that's very true. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } on the other hand, it takes on almost [ a, + a ] switch of a mother child relationship. /", "It is different. /", "{F Uh. } /", "I had that almost similar situation. / My mother lives in an apartment with my sister -- /", "Oh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] I, except for the three or four months this summer, - / that's the only time I ever spent with my mother, / {C and, } of course, since I see her only once or twice a year, I was just thrilled --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to have her here with me, / {C and } I spent every minute I could to be with her and, {F uh, } cooking foods for her, {D you know, } just to make [ her, + her ] life as though she were on vacation. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } somehow another, [ it, + that ] doesn't work between my mom and my sister, / {C and } [ they, + they ] find [ they, + they ] are, - / in speaking they, - / I don't know, / my mother feels uncomfortable around my sister, / {C and } my sister's uncomfortable because her mother's there <laughter> -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I guess it's just because they're there all the time. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } [ it's, + it ] [ puts, + has put ] pressure on both of them from that point of view. / {C So } [ that's, + that's ] kind of bad news. / {C And } by the same token, my wife's mother is now moved into a nursing home, <coughing> / {C and } after all she has been a farmer's wife </noise> for sixty years -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C and } now all of a sudden she's had to move off of her farm, into another home where the environment is totally different. /", "Uh-huh. /", "She's relatively happy, / {C but } she doesn't like the food. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } when she <laughter> complains about the food --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- then they kind of get angry with her. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } that's another one of those things you have to solve. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } that's got to be a big adjustment for someone that's, as you say, lived on a farm for sixty years, / {C and then } go to something like that. /", "Yeah, / after all, [ their, + their ] life is so totally different / {C because } in those early days, the food, they had to make it from scratch, so to speak. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } you raised your own chickens, / {C and } you killed your own hogs, I suppose, / {C and then } [ they -- +", "Yeah. /", "-- they ] had to store the meat in, {F uh, } - / I don't want to say barns, / {C but } they had regular little places [ they, + they ] would hang it, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to cure it and so forth. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] now, all of a sudden, it, {F uh, } comes in differently, <laughter> / it tastes differently. /", "That's right. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "11/06/1991", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1366, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1945, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3946_0", "3946_1", "3946_2", "3946_3", "3946_4", "3946_5", "3946_6", "3946_7", "3946_8", "3946_9", "3946_10", "3946_11", "3946_12", "3946_13", "3946_14", "3946_15", "3946_16", "3946_17", "3946_18", "3946_19", "3946_20", "3946_21", "3946_22", "3946_23", "3946_24", "3946_25", "3946_26", "3946_27", "3946_28", "3946_29", "3946_30", "3946_31", "3946_32", "3946_33", "3946_34", "3946_35", "3946_36", "3946_37", "3946_38", "3946_39", "3946_40", "3946_41", "3946_42", "3946_43", "3946_44", "3946_45", "3946_46", "3946_47", "3946_48", "3946_49", "3946_50", "3946_51", "3946_52", "3946_53", "3946_54", "3946_55", "3946_56", "3946_57", "3946_58", "3946_59", "3946_60", "3946_61", "3946_62", "3946_63", "3946_64", "3946_65", "3946_66", "3946_67", "3946_68", "3946_69", "3946_70", "3946_71", "3946_72", "3946_73", "3946_74", "3946_75", "3946_76", "3946_77", "3946_78", "3946_79", "3946_80", "3946_81", "3946_82"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["I'm ready <laughter>. /", "Why don't you go ahead and start off <laughter>. /", "Okay, / {D well, } I don't have an elderly person that I could send to [ a, + a ] nursing home or anything. / [ My, + both of my ] parents are dead, / {C but } I did have a friend that was in a convalescent home, {F uh, } like a nursing home / {C and } I [ h-, + went ] there very often to visit her and, {F uh, } <lipsmack> made me feel really sad. / If I did have a mother living, I don't think I could do that. /", "<Door>.", "I think they would be better off being at home with their family, {D you know. } /", "I agree, although, we're in that situation right now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We have [ a, + an ] eighty seven year old mother in law living with me right now -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } because of her circumstances she can no longer live independently. / {C And } even moving from her house to our house --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- has been tremendously unsettling for her / {C and } we have several young children -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they about drive her crazy. /", "{F Oh, } I can believe that. / Yes, / {C because } most elderly people can't take having a lot of noise and kids running around and things like that. / In a situation like that maybe it would be better. /", "{D Well, } [ we've, + {D you know, } we've ] struggled a lot with it because, {D again, } most of the nursing homes I've been in are very depressing to me. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } she's still alert enough that I think she would really know that we were putting her there -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C and } I think she would really resent it, / {C and } I think that would make it very hard. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } on the other hand, I see my wife with, - / I guess our youngest one now is five -- /", "Oh. /", "-- and her trying to struggle because her mother really cannot take care of herself. - / She needs to be --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- bathed and dressed and a lot of those kinds of --", "Oh -- /", "-- things. /", "-- see, {D now } [ [ that's, + that's, ] + that's ] really a sad situation. /", "And so the drain on the family. -/", "Yeah, / {D really, } {D you know. } /", "{C And } when the kids have kids come, {D you know, } she's always saying, {D you know, } why do they have to be here, / why can't they send them home, / it's too noisy / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- she'll say that to the kids' friends. /", "Yeah, / right, / right. /", "{C So } it's a hard situation, either way, I think. /", "Yeah, / in a case like that, {D you know, } you more or less think it would be better if she were in a nursing home because you have your family growing up where, -/", "I think that's one of the things we're really wrestling with. / When does it become detrimental to our family to the point that you have to consider that --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- as opposed to considering her current circumstances / {C and, } -/", "Uh-huh, / {C but } the cost of these nursing homes are so,", "{F Oh, } prohibitive. /", "{D You know, } - / a lot of people can't afford that. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {C so } you really have no choice that way [ if you, + {D you know, } if you're ] not rich [ or s-, + ] {D you know. } / {F Uh, } I know this lady [ that, + {D you know, } that ] was a friend of mine, / {D now } her husband was still alive at the time when she was in there, {D you know, } / {C and } it was costing him a small fortune to keep her in there. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } -/", "I think we need to develop some alternatives like adult day care --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that's more readily available, {D you know, } / I think if we could send her someplace for the day --", "Yeah, / then bring her back home at night. /", "-- and she could be around some elderly people and have some activities would be of more interest to her --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- and then in the evening have her return and be with the family. -/", "Yeah, / {D you know, } just come home for dinner / {C and then } usually they want to go to bed fairly early anyhow. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {C so } that would probably be nice if we could ever get something like that / {C but, } -/", "{C But } there's not many of those available right now -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } they're very hard to get them into / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- we tried sending her to a senior citizen center. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } they're really not prepared to cope with her because she's somewhat senile. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } a lot of the activities that they're engaged in, she can't participate in. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh, / {F um. } /", "{C But } I think it's an issue that, {D you know, } - / with the graying of America, we're really going to have to, [ as a, + as a ] country figure out how we're going to deal with this. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Because } it is a difficult situation / {C and, } {D you know, } you hate seeing them just, sort of send off and not well cared for. /", "Yeah, / [ if -- +", "{C And } yet, -/", "-- if ] they don't know anybody and they don't know what's going on around them and everything like that, {D well, } I can see, maybe a nursing home would be better, {D you know. } /", "<Door>.", "{C But } if [ they, + they ] have their wits about them and everything, {D why, } it's kind of hard <laughter>. /", "{C And then } I think it depends on their physical ability, too, {D you know, } / if they could be up and doing some things --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- it might be better than when they're just sort of needing almost constant supervision and care. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / {D Well, } {F uh, } my mother always said she hopes she never had to be like that / {C and, } {F uh, } luckily, {E I mean, } she lived by herself / {C and then, } {D you know, } one day she had a heart attack / {C and } she was gone, / {C so } she never did have to go into a nursing home or anything like that, / {C but } there's, so many of us kids, {A there was {D like } seven of us } that, <breathing> [ my, + we ] wouldn't have probably allowed that to happen anyhow. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } she could have taken turns living with each one of us, {D you know, } for [ [ a sh-, + a sh-, ] + a period ] of time because we all don't live in the same city anyhow, [ o-, + nor ] the same state / {C so, } -/", "Do you live at all close to each other? /", "{F Uh, } [ I, + I ] have a couple more that live out here in California, / {C but } then I have a broth-, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "02/10/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1390, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2610_0", "2610_1", "2610_2", "2610_3", "2610_4", "2610_5", "2610_6", "2610_7", "2610_8", "2610_9", "2610_10", "2610_11", "2610_12", "2610_13", "2610_14", "2610_15", "2610_16", "2610_17", "2610_18", "2610_19", "2610_20", "2610_21", "2610_22", "2610_23", "2610_24", "2610_25", "2610_26", "2610_27", "2610_28", "2610_29", "2610_30", "2610_31", "2610_32", "2610_33", "2610_34", "2610_35", "2610_36", "2610_37", "2610_38", "2610_39", "2610_40", "2610_41", "2610_42", "2610_43", "2610_44", "2610_45", "2610_46", "2610_47", "2610_48", "2610_49", "2610_50", "2610_51", "2610_52", "2610_53", "2610_54", "2610_55", "2610_56", "2610_57", "2610_58", "2610_59", "2610_60", "2610_61", "2610_62", "2610_63", "2610_64", "2610_65", "2610_66", "2610_67", "2610_68", "2610_69", "2610_70", "2610_71", "2610_72", "2610_73", "2610_74", "2610_75", "2610_76", "2610_77", "2610_78", "2610_79", "2610_80", "2610_81", "2610_82", "2610_83", "2610_84", "2610_85", "2610_86", "2610_87", "2610_88", "2610_89", "2610_90", "2610_91", "2610_92", "2610_93", "2610_94", "2610_95", "2610_96", "2610_97", "2610_98", "2610_99", "2610_100", "2610_101", "2610_102", "2610_103", "2610_104", "2610_105", "2610_106", "2610_107", "2610_108", "2610_109", "2610_110", "2610_111", "2610_112"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So, } how do you feel about the metric system? /", "<T V> {F Oh, } I like it. / [ [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] have a foreign, + {D actually } I have more than one foreign ] automobile. / {C And } [ [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] find the, + {F uh, } I find [ the, + the ] ] nondecimal system with all the halves and quarters, - / I was trying to build a shed / {C and } they give you these measurements like forty-two and three eighths inches / {C and } we had to go a little less and trying to figure what's less than three eighths, {F uh } ... /", "Yeah, / {C and } it's, - / I forget how many millimeters. / {C So } you used the metric? /", "{D Well, } no. / What we did was wind up using, - / {C and } [ you just go, + you just go ] down / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you get out [ [ the, + the, ] + so many ] inches / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we just marked a little bit less than that, {F uh, } which is somewhat awkward / {C but } had it been millimeters, you could have done. - / I think what's interesting, - / the way engineering people do is they, - / they, in essence, have gotten around it [ by, + by ] listing, {F uh, } decimal inches. /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "[ Do you-, + are you ] involved in any engineering drawing stuff that? <Dishes> <talking>. /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / yeah. / {F Uh, } I work in metal fab / {C and } tenths of inches [ are, + are ] normal. / {C And, } {D you know, } [ [ me-, + {D you know, } it is broken up in, ] + {D you know, } the inch is broken up ] and has been for quite some time [ for, + in ] tenths, hundredths, thousandths, ten thousandths, of an inch. /", "{D Well, } [ [ [ have, + have you, ] + do you, ] + are you ] involved in any other, {F uh, } metric type things like ... -/", "Yes, / I am. / [ I, + I ] have a Suzuki motorcycle / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I've had motorcycles, Japanese motorcycles for years and years / {C and } the metric system comes easy to me. / # {C But } my # ... -/", "# I think # it's interesting [ you we-, + {D you know, } when [ yo-, + you ] ] go out there / {C and } you're looking for a wrench / {C and } you want the next size larger. / [ I've got, + I inherited ] [ some, + some ] stuff like fifteen thirty seconds. /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } {D now } that one's fairly easy, because that's probably slightly under half an inch. / {C But } some of them, [ like, + like, ] twenty-seven - / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] there are some thirty seconds and some of the things [ that, + that, ] {F uh, } don't translate. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / trans-, - / yeah. / To go [ from, + from ] eighths to sixteenths to, {F uh, } thirty seconds and remember where it falls, it ... -/", "Yeah. / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you've got to go over there and try it / {C and } I suppose, {D you know, } I need a larger one. / I need a smaller one. / {E I mean } obviously you can look at it and say {D well, } {D anyway. } - / I think the other thing that's interesting is that a lot of our stuff is already changed that we haven't, - / I don't know, / [ do you, + do you ] drink adult beverages? /", "Yeah, / I drink beer. /", "[ [ We-, + th-, ] + have ] you noticed [ that, + {F um, } that ] [ a lot of the, + {F um, } # a lot of ] # ... -/", "# Yeah, / whiskey # is in liters. /", "Yes. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] the next, - / yeah, / point seven five liters and then liters and then one point seven # five liters, / yeah. # /", "# [ It's {D like } a fifth, + # {D like } fifths of whiskey ] I thought was always kind of strange. /", "Yeah. /", "What's a fifth of whiskey? # <Laughter>. # /", "# Yeah. / [ I, + I ] always # wondered about that myself. /", "It was a marketing ploy. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] they had quarts at the same time though. /", "Yeah. / {C But } the idea was, is that [ by, + with ] five fifths, {F um, } [ [ they could, + {F uh, } they could, ] + {F uh, } they could ] sell five / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F um, } it was <laughter> simply a ploy [ to, + to ] get people, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ to buy, + to buy ] more for, - / [ it's, + {F uh, } I ] find that interesting. /", "It's ... -/", "{C But } it's {D like, } {D you know, } [ [ [ the, + the, ] + the, ] + the ] soda and this kind of things coming in --", "Liters. /", "-- [ on-, + one ] liter bottles / {C and, } {F um, } [ I, + I ] think it's kind of generational. /", "# Yeah. / [ It, + it's, + ] # like I say, I work in a machine shop / {C and, } {F uh, } everything's still inches. /", "# (( )) . # /", "# Everything's # still fractions of inches, # [ or pa-, + or tenths ] # --", "# Yeah. / [ It's, + it's ] hard to think # --", "-- or thousandths, [ or, + or ] ... -/", "-- though. /", "Yes. / it is a mental thing. / It is a conversion thing. /", "It's like a mill, {D you know. } / [ [ We, + we do, ] + {F uh, } {F um, } {D well } we use ] a one mill bond wire or one point five mill [ co-, + bond ] wire [ on -- +", "Right. /", "-- on ] semiconductor devices. / {C And } {D well, } what's a mill / {C and } ... -/", "Yeah, / yeah. / {C But } what really annoys me is the way we, in the United States, have been converting to metric. / We have a eighty-nine Chevy Blazer. / {C And } before that we had a Horizon. {F Uh, } {D you know, } Plymouth Horizon? /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } both of them were a mismatch of both <<pause>> American and metric. /", "Don't you find that interesting? {F Uh, } [ [ that they, + that ] + <laughter> that they're ] doing that, {F uh, } in any field, / [ for ho-, + ] [ [ why, + why, ] + why ] pieces, - / [ could you, + could you ] get any connection on which was metric and which wasn't. /", "{F Uh, } okay. / The engine itself was mostly metric because it came from Canada. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And } the starter was Bosch American, / {C so. } -/", "The bolts [ [ [ were, + were Eng-, ] + were, ] + were English ] then. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / [ It was, + it was ] annoying. / [ [ One, + one ] half of the starter wa-, + {D you know, } three bolts on the starter ] / {C and } two of them were American / {C and } one of them was metric. /", "Now that's strange. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } you go from the, {F uh, } water pump up to the radiator / {C and } on the water pump, it was all metric. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] on, {D you know, } the factory fittings, # {D you know, } the factory, {F uh } # --", "# Yeah. / Uh-huh. # /", "-- screw lock --", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } {F uh, } radiator # hose clamps. # /", "# Essentially # they do that though / {C because } [ if, + if ] you look at General Motors, the size - / [ [ and, + and, ] + and ] of course, Ford and Chrysler. / [ If they all went, + if they all went ] metric, - / {C but } in a sense, {F um, } {D you know, } it's like [ [ [ [ [ when yo-, + a measurement though, ] + when, ] + when you put, {F uh, } {D you know, } one point four three two inches, ] + whe-, ] + when you're milling something, ] # {F uh } # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- you simply set your, {F uh, } equipment, / [ [ {C or, } + {C or } you measu-, ] + {C or } you got ] your calipers there / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you measure, {D you know, } / you mic it to see if it's accurate / {C and. } -/", "Right. / [ It's + it's ] not a problem either way. /", "No. /", "Like I said, my only complaint is where they mixed them on the same car. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } you go to look at it / {C and } you don't know which set to reach in, American or metric. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C and, } + {C and, } ] you're never quite sure, / {D well, } is that a metric bolt. /", "You get you a pair of metric pliers, right <laughter>? /", "Right, / right. /", "{C And } you beat on it / and a metric hammer <laughter>. /", "[ It, + it ] can be annoying / {C and } my other [ con-, + concern ] is, + is the American government going to force us to go. /", "{F Oh, } [ I think, + I don't think ] so. / [ [ I, + I think that, th-, ] + {F uh, } I think they've ] now just taken the attitude that, {D well, } [ if it happens, + if it, ] - / {C because } [ it, + there ] a lot of things [ [ that, + that, ] + {F uh, } {F um, } like ] sports, {D you know. } / It's a hundred meter. /", "{F Oh, } absolutely. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {F uh, } {C but } ] automobile races - / if it, - / I don't think they'd ever, - / it's still going to be the Indianapolis Five Hundred. / They're not going to ... -/", "Yeah, / Yeah. / They're not going to change that to meters. / It will always be. /", "Yeah. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] [ [ [ [ [ it, + I, ] + I don't think it, ] + I don't, ] + {D you know, } I don't think, ] + I don't think it's ] particularly bothersome because in reality, {F uh, } - / [ you, + it's ] like troy ounces in ounces of gold. / How many ounces of gold, {D you know. } /", "Twelve. /", "[ I was trying, + I was trying ] to figure up gold content on something. / It [ had, + has, ] {F uh, } gold plated, {F uh, } header. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] they're trying to think of what's a Troy ounce. /", "Yeah. / There's twelve troy ounces to the pound. /", "Yeah. / {D Now } that makes, {D you know. } -/", "Yeah. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] is that going to change too? /", "{D Well, } {E I mean, } [ {C and, } + {C and then } ] there's a metric ton / {C and then } there's a ton. / {C But } what's a metric ton? /", "{F Uh, } se-, -- -/", "I don't know. /", "-- I don't remember. / [ I, + I ] read it. / {C And } are we still going to maintain drams for perfume? /", "Yeah. / [ [ And, + and then, ] + but ] then the medicine. / [ And, + and ] some of these other things / [ and, + and ] the chemistry in those kinds of areas, / # milliliter. # /", "# It's all metric # all ready. /", "Yeah. / [ [ [ {C And, } + {C and so, } ] + {F um, } {C but, } ] + {C but } ] when you go to order a drink, {F um, } {D you know. } (( )) say, [ [ they, + they, ] + I don't know, it's ] {F uh } ... -/", "{C And } what will a shot be? / Will a shot be an ounce? /", "I don't know. / [ [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] + {C but, } ] {D you know, } when you go to the store [ and, + and ] you're trying to figure, {D you know, } {D well } this box [ [ [ is, + is, ] + {F uh, } is, ] + is ] twelve ounces - / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] this one's, {F uh, } {F uh, } three pounds, {F um, } / # {C and } you # ... -/", "# {C And } the # other one's two point one kis, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ you're, + you're ] lost. /", "That's right. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] I don't know. / [ [ [ [ I, + I think that, ] + I, ] + I think, ] + I think ] the Federal government is going to, more or less, leave it alone. / [ I think they've got, + I think there are ] more pressing problems. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / The economy. /", "Yes. /", "{F Uh, } what I was thinking about is an economical issue concerning it. {F Uh, } / a machinist has a huge number of dollars invested in tooling. / Personal tools to be able to do his job. /", "<Breathing> Yeah. / [ {C But, } + {C but } ] [ are, + are ] the tools that, {F uh, } - / if you're cutting, - / are you talking about cutting equipment or tools [ for tha-, + for set up? ] /", "{F Uh, } tools for set up and for measurement. / {F Uh, } you got to have a one tenth indicator, / it's a hundred dollars. {F Uh, } / [ five tenths indic-, + {F uh, } usually two one tenth indicators -- ]", "{F Huh. } /", "-- at a hundred dollars each. {F Uh, } / five tenths indicator at about a hundred dollars. / You got to have, {F uh, } six inch set of calipers at anywhere from sixty to a hundred twenty dollars. / You got to have a zero to one for sixty dollars. {F Uh, } / one to two inch micrometer for sixty dollars. / A two to three for eighty dollars. / A three to four for eighty dollars. /", "{C So } you've got thousands of dollars or so. / I mean you get a thousand dollars worth of tools. /", "Real fast. /", "Yes. /", "Real, real fast. / Edge finders and ... -/", "{C But } I was thinking about though [ that, + that ] when you actually get to the milling equipment though, when it starts turning ... -/", "{D Well, } I know, / {C because, } okay. / Your end mills will be measured in inches or fractions of inches. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know. } /", "{C But } [ [ [ whe-, + you, ] + when you, ] + when you ] simply drilling a hole, {E I mean, } a real simple thing, like gee, - / I need a hole there. /", "What size hole? /", "Yeah. /", "As in metric size hole [ or a, + or an ] American sized hole? /", "Yeah. / [ [ {C And, } + {C and } what, ] + {C but } ] the thing is then you've got to with screws / {C and } that's the other issue. # {F Uh, } / the pitch and </T V> </dishes> </talking> # ... -/", "# Yeah, / yeah. / {D Well } and thread, # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "METRIC SYSTEM", "prompt": "DO YOU THINK THE UNITED STATES SHOULD ADOPT THE METRIC SYSTEM? WHY DO YOU THINK THE LAST EFFORT TO ADOPT IT FAILED? WHAT WOULD HAVE TO BE DONE DIFFERENTLY TO GUARANTEE SUCCESS?", "talk_day": "04/14/1991", "from_caller": 1209, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1954, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1039, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2662_0", "2662_1", "2662_2", "2662_3", "2662_4", "2662_5", "2662_6", "2662_7", "2662_8", "2662_9", "2662_10", "2662_11", "2662_12", "2662_13", "2662_14", "2662_15", "2662_16", "2662_17", "2662_18", "2662_19", "2662_20", "2662_21", "2662_22", "2662_23", "2662_24", "2662_25", "2662_26", "2662_27", "2662_28", "2662_29", "2662_30", "2662_31", "2662_32", "2662_33", "2662_34", "2662_35", "2662_36", "2662_37", "2662_38", "2662_39", "2662_40", "2662_41", "2662_42", "2662_43", "2662_44", "2662_45", "2662_46", "2662_47", "2662_48", "2662_49", "2662_50", "2662_51", "2662_52", "2662_53", "2662_54", "2662_55", "2662_56", "2662_57", "2662_58", "2662_59", "2662_60", "2662_61", "2662_62", "2662_63", "2662_64", "2662_65", "2662_66", "2662_67", "2662_68", "2662_69", "2662_70", "2662_71", "2662_72", "2662_73", "2662_74", "2662_75", "2662_76", "2662_77", "2662_78", "2662_79", "2662_80", "2662_81", "2662_82", "2662_83", "2662_84", "2662_85", "2662_86", "2662_87", "2662_88", "2662_89", "2662_90", "2662_91", "2662_92", "2662_93", "2662_94", "2662_95"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } I don't go to the movies a whole lot, / {C but, } {F uh, } I went two or three weeks ago for the first time in a long time and saw DANCES WITH WOLVES, which turned out to be an extremely good movie. /", "I haven't seen that yet. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] hear, - / [ we, + a whole bunch of us ] were going to go see it. / It's playing at school {D actually } in about two weeks, I guess. / {C So } we're going to go see that. / {C But } you enjoyed that? /", "Yeah, / [ it's, + it's ] something that, {F uh, } - / my brother lives over in Fort Worth, / {C and } I was telling him about a couple of weeks ago, / {C and } he said, {D Well } I'll wait until it comes out on, {F uh, } tape and [ rent, + rent ] the video. / {C And } I said, no, / this is not one that you want to do that with. /", "That's what I heard, / yeah. /", "[ It's, + {F uh, } the scenery ] and the landscape and the country that they're in needs a big screen. / It's just beautiful country with the hills and the trees and the buffalo and the whole thing, / it's [ just, + {F uh, } just ] amazing, amazing picture. /", "Yeah, / I've heard [ [ it, + it, ] + it's ] not one for the videos. /", "No, / it's one I think, - / {C but, } {D you know, } every now and then you find one that you say, yeah, / this is my favorite movie. / {D Well, } this is the one for me this time. /", "Really. /", "Yeah. / What have you been to lately? /", "{F Um, } let's see. / {D Well, } <laughter> {F uh, } this is almost, sort of funny. / I was just sit-, {F um, } - / friend and I went to see OUT FOR JUSTICE --", "Yeah. /", "-- which is Steven Segal, because, {F uh, } we're both big karate fans. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C So } we wanted to see what this is like. / {C And, } {F uh, } (( )) impressed with {D actually. } /", "Is that right? /", "Yeah, / [ I wasn't, + {E I mean, } I've seen ] his other movies, / {C and } I just think he's pretty good. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } this movie, - / I'm convinced now he can act. /", "Uh-huh. / How's his karate? /", "{F Oh, } [ [ his, + his, ] + his ] karate is pretty good. / I think in this one it wasn't so good. / I generally, {F um, } - / movies like that scare me, though. / I'd be just fine without them, because, {D you know, } kids come running out wanting to beat each other up. /", "[ {D Well, } + {D well } ] they do, / they get -- -/", "Fighting. /", "-- [ I remember when we used to go to see, + {D well } I remember when GRAND PRIX came out ] when I was a kid, and some other movies like that. / We wanted to jump in the cars and race. /", "Right. /", "{C And } I suspect today what they see is bound to be what they want to do when they get out of it. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D well, } [ that, + that ] was number one for the week {D actually, } too, / [ {C so, } + {C so } ] it was a little bit, {F uh, } - / I was thinking, Wow, / people must be into crime movies again. / [ {C But, } + {C but } ] in the middle of that conversation we sort or picked [ an, + {F um, } an ] interesting point. / Last year's number one movie for the year was GHOSTS. /", "Is that right? /", "I don't know if you saw GHOSTS or not. /", "I did see GHOSTS. /", "Yeah, / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C and } ] [ [ that was, + that, ] + that ] helped us sort of feel good [ about, + {D you know, } about ] ourselves and about (( )) one around us, in that [ at least, + at least, ] if everyone's running around seeing karate movies and stuff like that, at least they're still going to see the real good movies, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / I think that GHOSTS was one of those that a lot of people didn't think was going to be any good. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } it turned out to be an excellent movie. /", "Yeah. / [ [ It was, + it, ] + I ] was absolutely enthralled by it. /", "I've forgotten the guy's name who was in it, who had the lead role. /", "{F Oh, } Patrick Swayze? /", "Yeah, / {C and } I especially like him. /", "Yeah, / he's very good. /", "He's a really good guy. / Other than that, DANCES WITH WOLVES seems like to be the only thing I've seen in the past several months to have any, -/", "Really, / I'm trying to think what else I've seen recently. / What else have we seen recently. / {F Oh, } you know, what's pretty cute {D actually. } {F Um, } / DEFENDING YOUR LIFE. /", "Is that right. /", "Have you heard of it? /", "[ I've, + I've ] seen the ads for it, / {C but } I'm not real sure what it's about. /", "Yeah, {F um, } / I actually hadn't heard anything about it, / {C and } some friends called up and said do you want to go see this movie, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they said it starred, {F um, } Meryl Streep and Mel Brooks, / at first they told me. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I thought, what a strange combination, / Mel Brooks and Meryl Streep. /", "That is a strange combination. /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } [ [ [ it starred, + that, ] + that ] + it's ] {D actually } Albert Brooks, / {C so } it's lot better. / Mel Brooks you probably know. /", "Yeah. /", "I know, / {C so } [ it, + it ] was a strange combination. / {C But } it turned out to be a very cute movie. / {E I mean, } the whole premise is that they go out / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they die -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C and } they have to, -/", "Both of them. /", "Right. / Both of them are dead, / {C and } they happen to meet in [ this, + this ] town, {F um, } [ this, + this ] sort of city where you're set up. / {D You know, } they <noise> <<dishes rattling>> go / {C and } they decide if you can move up to the next level. /", "Oh. /", "I don't know if you've ever read Jonathan Livingston Seagull, / {C but } --", "Yeah, / years ago. /", "-- it's something like that. / They sort of move up to levels, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they have to decide whether or not they're good enough, / {C and } as it turns out, {D you know, } they meet there and fall in love and stuff like that. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } you can guess the rest of the plot. / [ [ It {D actually, } + it's, ] + it's ] really funny because [ they run through, + {D you know, } what they have them do is sit down and see ] scenes of their lives. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / And then defend it. /", "{C And } that's pretty good {D actually. } /", "{D Well, } I guess that's where the title comes from then. /", "Yeah. / {C And } it's (( )) / you actually have to go up there / {C and } [ you have a, + they have an ] [ attorney for, + {D you know, } attorney for ] you and attorney, / a defense and a prosecution, / {C and } {D you know, } the prosecutor's job is to make sure you don't move up a level, / {C and } the defense's job is to make sure that [ you, + you ] do, {D you know. } / [ It's, + {F uh, } it's ] a neat little story actually. /", "Yeah, / it is. /", "[ [ I was, + I was, ] + I went ] thinking it'll be okay, not great, <noise> <<dishes rattling>> / {C and then } I actually came away thinking it was really pretty good. / {C So, } -/", "It's funny, / we've got a couple of movies out recently, GHOSTS and DEFENDING YOUR LIFE, that have to do with, {F uh, } after life, I guess. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } it kind of makes you wonder, / [ I'm also, + besides working at T I, I'm ] a graduate student at North Texas and working on master's in communication. / It's the behavioral science part of communication, / {C and } I think about these things and people trying to define their own world view, / {C and, } {F uh } --", "{F Um. } /", "-- what exactly [ do we, + {D you know, } do we ] see about this world, / {C or } why are we so fascinated with the other world. / Is it supposed to be better? /", "The other world, / yeah. /", "Sometimes I think we think it is. / We like those things that way. /", "{F Um, } [ I'm, + I'm ] sure that it seems like, - / it certainly [ would, + would ] explain the preoccupation with (( )) , / {C but } I suspect it's always been a preoccupation with that sort of things. /", "{D Well, } it has. / All the way through history, there's, I guess, - / if you want to call its mysticism or the occult or whatever. It's always fascinated. / I guess because we don't know, / {C and } there's no real way of finding out. /", "Right, / {D well. } -/", "There's only one way of finding it. /", "{D Well } did you ever see, {F um, } FLATLINERS. /", "No, / I [ did, + {F uh, } did ] not. / The girl next to me saw it, / {C and } she really liked it. /", "[ [ That's, + that's, ] + that's ] probably one of those ones that, {D you know, } - / it's on video now, I think. /", "Yeah, / it is. /", "[ Probably, + probably ] worth seeing on video. / {D Actually } we really enjoyed it, / {C but } it was also right along the same lines. / {E I mean } --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ they, + they ] would go ahead and kill themselves for three or four minutes to see what happens. /", "Yeah, / [ they said, + she said ] that this was almost believable / that could really happen. / {D You know, } you get the medical profession doing these kinds of things, / {C and } you never know. /", "Almost, / yeah, / [ [ I, + I, ] + it's ] a little far fetched to,", "<Sneezing>.", "find a bunch of medical students doing it, / [ {C but } -- +", "Yeah. /", "-- {C but, } ] [ [ it was, + {F um, } it was, ] + it was ] odd enough, {D you know, } / {C and } they didn't just sort of make it silly. / [ It was, + {D you know, } it was ] done fairly well, I think. / {C So. } {D Actually, } I actually enjoyed that as well. /", "Yeah. / I like it when they will do something and not get too silly. / I've been disappointed in some movies that, they don't know how to end it, it seems like, / {C so } then they get crazy / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] it doesn't end like the story has been going. /", "The story sort of keeps going and going. /", "{D Well } I guess that covers our topic. /", "Yeah, / great. / {D Well, } it was, [ n-, + nice ] talking to you. /", "Nice talking to you. / Bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1069, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1028, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1965, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3014_0", "3014_1", "3014_2", "3014_3", "3014_4", "3014_5", "3014_6", "3014_7", "3014_8", "3014_9", "3014_10", "3014_11", "3014_12", "3014_13", "3014_14", "3014_15", "3014_16", "3014_17", "3014_18", "3014_19", "3014_20", "3014_21", "3014_22", "3014_23", "3014_24", "3014_25", "3014_26", "3014_27", "3014_28", "3014_29", "3014_30", "3014_31", "3014_32", "3014_33", "3014_34", "3014_35", "3014_36", "3014_37", "3014_38", "3014_39", "3014_40", "3014_41", "3014_42", "3014_43", "3014_44", "3014_45", "3014_46", "3014_47", "3014_48", "3014_49", "3014_50", "3014_51", "3014_52", "3014_53", "3014_54", "3014_55", "3014_56", "3014_57", "3014_58", "3014_59", "3014_60", "3014_61", "3014_62", "3014_63", "3014_64", "3014_65", "3014_66", "3014_67", "3014_68", "3014_69", "3014_70", "3014_71", "3014_72", "3014_73", "3014_74", "3014_75", "3014_76", "3014_77", "3014_78", "3014_79", "3014_80", "3014_81", "3014_82", "3014_83", "3014_84", "3014_85", "3014_86", "3014_87", "3014_88", "3014_89", "3014_90", "3014_91", "3014_92", "3014_93", "3014_94", "3014_95", "3014_96", "3014_97", "3014_98", "3014_99", "3014_100", "3014_101", "3014_102", "3014_103", "3014_104", "3014_105", "3014_106", "3014_107", "3014_108", "3014_109", "3014_110", "3014_111", "3014_112", "3014_113", "3014_114", "3014_115", "3014_116", "3014_117", "3014_118", "3014_119", "3014_120", "3014_121", "3014_122", "3014_123", "3014_124", "3014_125", "3014_126", "3014_127", "3014_128", "3014_129", "3014_130", "3014_131", "3014_132", "3014_133", "3014_134", "3014_135", "3014_136", "3014_137", "3014_138", "3014_139", "3014_140", "3014_141", "3014_142", "3014_143", "3014_144", "3014_145", "3014_146", "3014_147", "3014_148", "3014_149", "3014_150", "3014_151", "3014_152", "3014_153", "3014_154", "3014_155", "3014_156", "3014_157", "3014_158", "3014_159", "3014_160", "3014_161", "3014_162", "3014_163", "3014_164", "3014_165", "3014_166", "3014_167", "3014_168", "3014_169", "3014_170", "3014_171", "3014_172", "3014_173", "3014_174", "3014_175", "3014_176", "3014_177", "3014_178", "3014_179", "3014_180", "3014_181", "3014_182", "3014_183", "3014_184", "3014_185", "3014_186", "3014_187", "3014_188", "3014_189", "3014_190", "3014_191", "3014_192", "3014_193", "3014_194", "3014_195", "3014_196", "3014_197"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Are you ready to start? /", "Yes. /", "Okay <throat_clearing>. /", "Have you recently bought a new car Catherine? /", "{D Well, } I just found out that my car <<talks like an old woman>> was thirty months old, / {C and } it doesn't <laughter> seem like it's that old. /", "Oh. /", "Seems like I just bought it. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "It's an eighty-nine / {C and } I bought it, {F uh, } in, {F uh, } eighty-eight / {C so, } yeah. /", "{D Well, } [ [ I really, + I-, ] + the ] last car we got [ was a, + was a ] used car. / I really don't prefer buying a new car. / I like to let somebody else pay for that <laughter>. /", "I know, / I really will do that the next time,", "{C But, } {F uh } --", "I buy it too. /", "-- mine was a year old, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } we bought it for very functional purposes, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } [ that was + ] we bought a station wagon. / We wanted an economical car --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to operate, / {C but } we wanted one that could carry a lot of equipment. / {C So, } we chose a Nissan Stanza wagon. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I've never been sorry, /", "{F Oh, } that's wonderful. /", "however the need for that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- kind of car has changed now, /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } while it is still good,", "Uh-huh. /", "and it's quite serviceable,", "{F Huh. } /", "and I'll drive it until it no longer is reliable. /", "<Laughter>.", "And probably then some <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'll spend a lot of time praying over it before I give it up. /", "Sure. /", "I think that I would like to, - / [ if I-, + {D you know, } we all say, if I ] could have the car I always wanted --", "Right. /", "-- I would {C either } buy a Nissan Maxima, {F uh, } - / I'm sold on Nissans. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I + a + ] [ or, + or ] foreign cars {D actually. } / {F Uh, } /", "{C But } do you feel though, {F uh, } craftsmanship is much superior to the American abilities? /", "{F Uh, } /", "Is that how you, - / I have never, -/", "its reliability. /", "Its re-, -/", "Its reliability. / {C And, } {F uh, } [ I, + {D you know, } I've ] read all the CONSUMER REPORTS and things, / {C and } they just run head and shoulders above the American made cars. / If Ford was a head and the shoulders above it, I'd buy a Ford. /", "Isn't that a shame. /", "{C But } I [ had, + {F uh, } had ] a Ford Escort that absolutely needed (( taps )) the day we got it. /", "My word isn't that sorry. / That's sorry. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } I mean it was ready for the graveyard. /", "My word. /", "{C And } I spent as much on that car in twelve months as I spent for the car. /", "{F Oh, } mercy. /", "{D So, } -/", "You, -/", "{C and } that was just trying to hold us, / getting out of that was a used car. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } it was an older car, /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C but, } {D you know, } Escort is supposed to have a great track record --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- as far as sales. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } [ it's just, + it just was ] not deliv-, - / {C and } you get stung a time or two, /", "Sure. /", "{C and } you say, no thanks. /", "No thanks. / That's right. /", "{C So, } I just trusted the CONSUMER REPORTS and the auto,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } reports inst-, - / had my son who knows a lot about that, study them thoroughly, / {C and } he gave me four choices of cars to buy <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "An Escort definitely was not among them. / In fact, there wasn't an American car in there. /", "Wow. /", "{F Uh, } the Nissan came / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we bought the Nissan for functional purposes not what the CONSUMER REPORTS said we should get. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } it served our needs. / {F Uh, } later on [ his reports, + the reports ] that he studied showed that, {F uh, } Nissan was head and shoulders above the rest [ in the area-, + in the class ] that we were looking for. / [ {C And } that, + {C and } I'd ] rather have a Maxima than a Cadillac. / I really would. / It's not necessarily prestige, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } it's comfort. / {F Uh, } there's a lot of features on there that are desirable if you're going to pay that kind of money for a car. / {F Uh, } /", "Who makes that car? /", "Nissan. / M-, -/", "{E I mean } {C but } [ where are they, + where are they, ] / [ what, + what ] is their location, / is it, {F uh, } Asian / or is it European / {C or } who, -/", "No. / No, / no. / Nissan is Japanese. /", "{F Oh, } it is Japanese. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh, /", "Okay, /", "uh-huh. /", "I didn't know. /", "Yeah. / {C And, } {F uh, } if I couldn't have my luxury Maxima --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- then I'd buy me a fancy little red (( C R X )) sports car <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Okay <laughter>. /", "{E I mean, } {D you know, } [ every othe-, + every one ] of us have two sides <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I guess so / that's true. / # Yeah. # /", "# Yeah. / # Now what about you, / if you could have the car that you wanted --", "[ [ If, + if, ] +", "-- what would you get / {C and } why? /", "if ] I had the car I wanted. / Gee. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Probably, {F um, } {F uh, } let's see, I like the looks of the Lincoln Town car <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / Yeah. / # See there, # -/", "# {C But } [ I, + # I ] don't know the performance of it. / That's a,", "Uh-huh. /", "Ford product, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {D you know, }", "Uh-huh. /", "I would get hung up by my boot straps [ if I ra-, +", "Uh-huh. /", "if I ever mentioned ] the Ford product in my family. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "I tell you that's sad too because there one time Ford was the best,", "Yeah, /", "that was made. /", "yeah. /", "Really was. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ I, + I ] really have not seen, - / {D now } a lot of the American cars [ [ actually are, + are, ] + parts are ] produced in foreign countries and assembled here or vice versa. /", "Can I put you on hold for one minute? /", "Of course. /", "Thank you. <<pause>> / {D Well, } that was one minute. / They hung up. /", "Okay <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } at any rate do you have color preferences / {C or } what would be the features that you would be looking for? /", "{F Um, } {D well, } the comfort of a large car that the security of a large car.", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } and the luxuries of a large car. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {D now } color preferences, / I think I would opt to go with a bronze.", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "Which is probably closest to gold that you can get <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / {F Oh, } wow. <laughter> / We like the stuff that glitters <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "Good. /", "<Laughter>.", "There's nothing wrong with that. / {D Actually } I think probably [ if I were going to get a-, + if I were going to be practical, ] which doesn't mean I would be,", "Right, / {D well, } # practical / yes / that's, # -/", "# I would prefer # white.", "Uh-huh. /", "[ Because, + simply because ] it's more visible at night. /", "Right / {C and } it's cooler I believe,", "{C And, } -/", "too,", "Uh-huh. /", "when you're driving in, -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Now } the interior, / okay, / I don't care about the interior just as long as it's not black or red. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {C But } if I had the little red (( C R X )) ,", "<Laughter>.", "I guess the interior would have to be black leather / {C and } I'd have to live with that. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } if I got the (( C R X )) it would have to have a real good sound system in it because I'd want that too. /", "Oh. /", "I'd just go back to my teenage years and just throw all my experience to the wind <laughter>. /", "{F Um, } can you, {F uh, } hang on again hon-, /", "Uh-huh. /", "Thanks <<pause>>. / I've got the phones for lunch hour. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {D So. } -/", "<Laughter>.", "Just don't mind me if I bounce back and forth. /", "That's okay. /", "{F Um, } {D so } you like to listen to, {F uh, } a lot of music, / {C or } [ do, + is ] it talk shows. /", "No, / no, / no. / [ I generally would [ p-, + {F uh, } prefer ] to listen to, + {F uh, } {D well, } I listen to ] K C B I a lot / {C but } I will listen to the news [ and the, + and the ] traffic and those things at work. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C But } if I'm going to be traveling in that car for any period of time,", "Uh-huh. /", "I want some real good classical music. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I love classical music, / {C and } you just can't enjoy it unless you've got a good sound system to produce [ all the, +", "All the, - / yeah. /", "all the ] characteristics of the instruments. /", "Uh-huh. / That's true. /", "{C So } I do love classical music [ [ / {C or } it li-, + {C or, } ] + {C or, } ] {F uh, }", "[ Do you listen t-, +", "contemporary classical. /", "Do you [ lik-, + listen to ] ] W R R? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Sure do. /", "Yeah. /", "W R R and the Oasis are the two that I listen to,", "Uh-huh. /", "more than anything else. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I do like them. / {C And } I'd like to have a compact disc player in the car. / That would be,", "# Those are nice, aren't they? # /", "# something that I would really like. # /", "# Yes, / those are nice. # /", "# Those compact discs, #", "Uh-huh. /", "really are good for cars because they don't melt, / they don't warp. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } <laughter> there's nothing in there that can wrap around [ the, + the, ] {F uh, } rollers or anything. / It seems like a really good answer to portable music,", "{F Huh. } /", "that you can choose. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BUYING A CAR", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU THINK YOU MIGHT BUY NEXT? WHAT SORTS OF THINGS WILL ENTER INTO YOUR DECISION? SEE IF YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND THE OTHER CALLER'S REQUIREMENTS ARE SIMILAR.", "talk_day": "06/05/1991", "from_caller": 1263, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1934, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1264, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3025_0", "3025_1", "3025_2", "3025_3", "3025_4", "3025_5", "3025_6", "3025_7", "3025_8", "3025_9", "3025_10", "3025_11", "3025_12", "3025_13", "3025_14", "3025_15", "3025_16", "3025_17", "3025_18", "3025_19", "3025_20", "3025_21", "3025_22", "3025_23", "3025_24", "3025_25", "3025_26", "3025_27", "3025_28", "3025_29", "3025_30", "3025_31", "3025_32", "3025_33", "3025_34", "3025_35", "3025_36", "3025_37", "3025_38", "3025_39", "3025_40", "3025_41", "3025_42", "3025_43", "3025_44", "3025_45", "3025_46", "3025_47", "3025_48", "3025_49", "3025_50", "3025_51", "3025_52", "3025_53", "3025_54", "3025_55", "3025_56", "3025_57", "3025_58", "3025_59", "3025_60", "3025_61", "3025_62", "3025_63", "3025_64", "3025_65", "3025_66", "3025_67", "3025_68", "3025_69", "3025_70", "3025_71", "3025_72", "3025_73", "3025_74", "3025_75", "3025_76", "3025_77", "3025_78", "3025_79", "3025_80", "3025_81", "3025_82", "3025_83", "3025_84", "3025_85", "3025_86", "3025_87", "3025_88", "3025_89", "3025_90", "3025_91", "3025_92", "3025_93", "3025_94", "3025_95", "3025_96", "3025_97", "3025_98", "3025_99", "3025_100", "3025_101", "3025_102", "3025_103", "3025_104", "3025_105", "3025_106", "3025_107", "3025_108", "3025_109", "3025_110", "3025_111", "3025_112", "3025_113", "3025_114", "3025_115", "3025_116", "3025_117", "3025_118", "3025_119", "3025_120", "3025_121", "3025_122", "3025_123"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "Okay, / [ I, + I ] do a fair amount of cooking. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] I love having guests to dinner. / I probably do that about once a month. / {C And, } {F uh, } I usually prepare something, depending upon the guests, {D you know, } / [ [ it, + it, ] + I ] like to prepare chicken, {A that seems to please everybody, } pasta or a casserole. /", "Uh-huh. /", "How about you? /", "Yeah, / those are things I like the most. / I like fish and chicken the most. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And, } {F uh, } <throat_clearing> most of the cooking I do just comes out of a can. /", "{F Uh. } /", "[ Unless it is, + unless [ it is, + I ] ] catch a fish and I prepare it. / {C And then } [ I just, + {F uh, } {D you know, } I just ] broil it and put lemon on it. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } that's about the way I prepare most fish. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } I made scallops the other night, / that was unusual, / {C and, } {F uh, } basically, {F uh, } I found a recipe to make it in the microwave / {C and } [ you sprinkled, + {F uh, } you swished ] around a little melted butter and [ [ do, + {F uh, } {F oh } I do not know, micro-, ] + microwaved ] them for about nine minutes. / No, / no, / four and a half to five minutes / {C and } you had to add sesame seeds and bread crumbs on top, / very simple, but very nice. / {C So, } if you are looking for a French recipe, that was good. /", "Sesame seeds and bread crumbs. /", "Sesame seeds and bread crumbs. /", "<Throat_clearing> Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } my husband liked it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } no / unfortunately scallops are one of the more expensive, {F uh, } fish items. /", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] look for them to go on sale at the grocery store <swallowing>. / {F Uh, } one of the things I love to do, eat out. / How about you? /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / uh-huh. /", "Do you have any particular places you like going? /", "{F Oh, } there's a restaurant called String Bean on Spring Valley and Central. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I like that, / [ it's just, + it's just ] home cooking. /", "Yes. / I have been there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it's [ kind of, + kind of ] like Black Eye Pea, / {C but } I do not think it's a chain. /", "Right, / exactly, / uh-huh, / {C and } [ that's, + that's ] the other restaurant (( )) Black Eye Pea. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } I do not really like, {F uh, } <throat_clearing> {D you know, } {F uh, } {F uh, } chili places or, {A what is it, } Judge Roy Bean's, / {C or } --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- I do not like greasy places. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] do not feel like they are very healthy, / {C and } I always,", "Yeah. /", "feel like the home cooking places, [ are, + are ] the healthiest meals. / {D You know, } I tend to have chicken fried steak when I [ go, + <laughter> go ] to them. /", "Right, / [ {C and } I, + {C and } I ] got, {F uh, } chicken marinara the last two times. /", "{F Oh, } how was it? /", "[ It was, + {F uh, } it was ] great. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C Because } [ that's, + that's ] what I like, / [ I do not like it, + {D you know. } I just like ] [ a baked, + {D you know, } a piece ] of chicken / {C and then } I get {D like } green beans and mashed potatoes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know. } /", "Yeah. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "[ [ I, + I tend to, ] + {F uh, } I ] get teased by my family a lot, because, {F uh, } I like experimenting [ on, + on ] food / {C and } sometimes I go for [ ex-, + fairly exotic ] things. / {C And } my father teases me about gourmet cooking.", "Uh-huh. /", "Which is not always true, / [ {C but } + <laughter> {C and } ] the thing about experimenting with cooking or anything else, is that some of the experiments fail. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{F Uh, } the last time we had some, {F uh, } friends over for dinner, I tried a dessert that sounded [ wonder-, + wonderful ] in the recipe / {C and } it was just a total bust. / I was,", "Yeah. /", "sorry I did not have ice cream to fall back on. /", "Yeah. / [ My, + {F uh, } my ] brother tried to make, {F uh, } a bunch of things, {F uh, } way back. / He tried to make bagels one time. /", "{F Oh } my that's ambitious. /", "Yeah, / {C and, } {F uh, } <throat_clearing> we took some / {C and then } we had, {F uh, } German Shepherds at the time, / {C and } we took some and gave it to the dogs, / {C and } the dog [ never, + {D you know, } he treated ] it like a milk bone / {C and } he never did finish it. /", "{F Um. } /", "He just barely made a dent in it. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } {C and, } {F uh, } then he tried to made grapefruit citron one time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's, {F uh, } supposed to be candy. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] did not turn out very well, / [ it was, + {D you know. }", "Uh-huh. /", "It {D like } [ made + concentrated ] ] all the acid of the grapefruit [ into, + {F uh, } into ] a kind of a candy stick, / {C so, } {F uh. } -/", "{F Huh, } see I am not, - / that's interesting. / One of the things I do not make is dessert. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } my husband accuses me of putting him through dessert depravation, because, {F uh, } {D you know, } we have ice cream, <laughter> or something like that. / {C And } that's why when I [ took, + did ] this experiment for the company we had about three weeks ago,", "Uh-huh. /", "it was just a total fiasco. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{F Uh, } everything else was fine, / {C but } that was a fiasco. /", "{D Well, } you have to put eggs and everything, don't you. / {C Or, } -/", "{F Uh, } yeah. /", "Yeah, / just about. /", "Yeah. / {C And } [ I, + I ] also don't have much of a sweet tooth, / {C so } I can [ live without, + live without ] dessert for the most part. /", "Uh-huh. / Use about half the sugar, / {C or } make everything diet. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } do you cook for yourself / {C or } do you cook for others? /", "Mostly, I just cook for myself. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } when I was single, [ I used to, + {F uh, } I think ] my favorite meal was [ a, + a ] baked potato. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } -/", "It's easy, / that's for sure. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / {C And, } {E I mean, } I never put anything other than a little butter on it, / [ if I had, + {C or } if I had ] a little cheddar cheese, sometimes I would grate that up. /", "Yeah, / I always put cheese on them. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it's amazingly satisfying. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / {C but, } {D you know, } [ there's hardly any, + I guess there's hardly any ] protein, / it's mostly starch. / {C So, } it fills you up / {C and then } the cheese has to make up for whatever the protein you get. /", "Yeah. / [ I did-, + I did ] not say it was nourishing, / {C but } it was satisfying. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / it really is. /", "{C And, } -/", "Then you have to make a salad / {C or, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah / [ tha-, + ] {C but, } {D you know, } (( )) I never really enjoyed cooking for myself, / {C so } I ate very simply. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ [ I was, + that's why, ] + I think that's one reason ] I like having people over, because I could try things. / {E I mean, } I must be a frustrated chemist or something like that. /", "Right. /", "{C Cause } cooking is a little bit [ like, + like ] being in a chemistry lab. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "Except you get to taste the product instead (( )) . /", "Yes, <laughter> / and have an explosion. /", "<Laughter> Fill them up / {C or } blow up. /", "</Laughter> Sometimes it blows up anyway. /", "Yeah. / (( )) . /", "[ I, + I ] once had [ a, + an ] old boy friend over [ to, + to ] dinner when I was recently staying with my parents. / {C And, } {F uh, } I had this wonderful recipe / {C and } you were supposed to make [ a, + a ] toffee like substance for a pie by, {F uh, } boiling evaporated milk three hours, / {C and } it does turn to toffee inside the can. /", "{F Oh, } yeah <sniffing>. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } the only problem was, when I opened the can, it just flew all over the place. / It was on the ceiling, on the walls and me. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] the boy friend thought, -/", "<Noise>.", "[ it was, + he was ] supposed to be there at six o'clock, not seven o'clock, / {C so } just at the time all this happened, the door bell rang / {C and } there he was. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } I had to have [ [ [ my, + my, ] + my, ] + my ] dad sort of entertain him [ [ for a, + for ] + <laughter>,", "<Laughter> Right. /", "for awhile ] while my mother and I scrambled to clean everything up. /", "Uh-huh. / Did you let the can cool off? /", "{F Uh, } I really do not remember, / that was about ten years ago, / I just remember how embarrassing it was. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } [ I have made, + I have made ] it since, [ I've, + I, + ] and several times before / {C and } I never had that problem, / just that one time. /", "{F Huh. } Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ he, + he ] was a gourmet cook, / he was kind of (( pushy too. )) / Acted like, he came from San Francisco / {C and } he had a very sophisticated taste. / [ I, + I ] really wanted to impress the heck out of him / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] <laughter>, {D well, } it was a memorable evening anyway. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } (( as far as, )) - / [ I, + I ] do enjoy cooking / {C so, } I was awfully glad I was given this, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "06/06/1991", "from_caller": 1266, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1947, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1258, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3028_0", "3028_1", "3028_2", "3028_3", "3028_4", "3028_5", "3028_6", "3028_7", "3028_8", "3028_9", "3028_10", "3028_11", "3028_12", "3028_13", "3028_14", "3028_15", "3028_16", "3028_17", "3028_18", "3028_19", "3028_20", "3028_21", "3028_22", "3028_23", "3028_24", "3028_25", "3028_26", "3028_27", "3028_28", "3028_29", "3028_30", "3028_31", "3028_32", "3028_33", "3028_34", "3028_35", "3028_36", "3028_37", "3028_38", "3028_39", "3028_40", "3028_41", "3028_42", "3028_43", "3028_44", "3028_45", "3028_46", "3028_47", "3028_48", "3028_49", "3028_50", "3028_51", "3028_52", "3028_53", "3028_54", "3028_55", "3028_56", "3028_57", "3028_58", "3028_59", "3028_60", "3028_61", "3028_62", "3028_63", "3028_64", "3028_65", "3028_66", "3028_67", "3028_68", "3028_69", "3028_70", "3028_71", "3028_72", "3028_73", "3028_74", "3028_75", "3028_76", "3028_77", "3028_78", "3028_79", "3028_80", "3028_81", "3028_82", "3028_83", "3028_84", "3028_85", "3028_86", "3028_87", "3028_88", "3028_89", "3028_90", "3028_91", "3028_92", "3028_93", "3028_94", "3028_95", "3028_96", "3028_97", "3028_98", "3028_99", "3028_100", "3028_101", "3028_102", "3028_103", "3028_104", "3028_105", "3028_106", "3028_107", "3028_108", "3028_109", "3028_110", "3028_111", "3028_112", "3028_113", "3028_114", "3028_115", "3028_116", "3028_117", "3028_118", "3028_119", "3028_120", "3028_121", "3028_122", "3028_123", "3028_124", "3028_125", "3028_126", "3028_127", "3028_128", "3028_129", "3028_130", "3028_131", "3028_132", "3028_133", "3028_134", "3028_135", "3028_136", "3028_137", "3028_138", "3028_139", "3028_140", "3028_141", "3028_142", "3028_143", "3028_144", "3028_145", "3028_146", "3028_147", "3028_148", "3028_149", "3028_150", "3028_151", "3028_152", "3028_153", "3028_154", "3028_155", "3028_156", "3028_157", "3028_158", "3028_159", "3028_160", "3028_161", "3028_162", "3028_163", "3028_164", "3028_165", "3028_166", "3028_167", "3028_168", "3028_169", "3028_170", "3028_171", "3028_172", "3028_173", "3028_174", "3028_175", "3028_176", "3028_177", "3028_178", "3028_179", "3028_180"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Are you ready? /", "Uh-huh. /", "She didn't announce that to you? /", "{F Oh, } [ I didn't, + I didn't ] quite hear all of it. /", "{F Oh, } I see. / That's fine. / {F Um, } I think, {F uh, } that's pleasurable for all of us, <laughter> if we choose the right restaurant <laughter>. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{D So, } what are your thoughts on dining out? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] really choose restaurants more for the quality of food than anything else. /", "Not for the price? /", "{D Well, } a little bit --", "Okay. /", "-- for the price, / {C but, } {F uh, } I think that as far as quality of food goes [ the m-, + some of the most ] expensive places I've been --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- had [ [ [ the w-, + the, ] + really the, ] +", "The be-, -/", "the worst ] quality of food. /", "Really? / Okay. /", "Really. / {F Um, } a lot of places that even [ don't look, + don't look ] like much. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ Some of the, + some of the ] best food I have ever had was [ [ out of a, + outside ] + {E or } inside of a ] place that we drove up / {C and } I was like, I'm not eating in there <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Are you nuts? / {C And, } {F uh, } we went in / {C and } [ it was the m-, + it was the most ] wonderful food. /", "My word, / it's like mama in the back kitchen, huh? /", "Yeah. /", "Oh. /", "I'm serious. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } [ a lot of, + {F uh, } one ] place that we went just recently --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } was to Atchafalaya. / No, / that's not right. /", "<Laughter>.", "That's not right. / That's not right. /", "Okay. /", "<<Asks someone in the background>> What's the name of that restaurant? / <<Person in the background replies>> (( Where at? )) . / <<Asks someone in the background again>> The Hari Krishna. / <<Person in the background relies again>> (( Oh. Kalachandji's )) . / Kalachandji's. / It's all vegetarian, / {C and } [ it, + it ] was just fabulous. / {E I mean, } my husband was aghast because I ate turnip greens and liked it. /", "Wow. / {C And } where was that at, near your, -/", "{F Um, } Kalachandji's. / [ It's, + {F uh, } it's ] a Hari Krishna run restaurant. /", "Where, / is it in Dallas? /", "Yes. /", "Is it in the phone book? /", "{F Uh, } I think so. / It should be. /", "Do you know how to spell it? /", "{F Uh, } it starts with a K. /", "Okay. /", "{D So } <laughter>.", "(( Kalli )) , K A L L I? /", "K A L A, I think, C H A N D. /", "Okay. /", "That should get you close enough [ to, + to ] be able to find it. / I think it's, {F uh, } probably listed in the restaurants, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh, / section, / yes, / uh-huh. /", "{C But } [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] just fabulous food. /", "What about fast foods? / Do you have a preference if you were going to,", "<Breathing>.", "eat a fast food? /", "{D Well, } we like Arby's.", "You do,", "As far as,", "like Arby's? /", "fast food goes. /", "See I don't like Arby's. /", "{F Oh, } really? / Why? /", "No, / because they use everything they can and make this into pressed whatever. / [ They use the, + they use the ] insides of the animals, heart and liver / {C and } [ they, + they ] form it, / {C and } they make it look like roast beef, / {C and } I said, no, / thank you. /", "{F Oh, } no, / no, / no. / Someone has been lying to you. / What they use is roast beef. /", "{D Well, } that's not what I heard,", "That's what, -/", "from [ one of, + somebody ] that was supposed to know what they were talking about. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I'm surprised. / My dad worked for Arby's for several years. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. /", "Unless somebody is trying to blackball them. /", "{D Well, } that's happened before. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } [ [ [ we like good s-, + {F uh, } w-, ] + we're, ] + we like ] Mexican food. /", "Okay. /", "And stuff like that. / {C And so, } {F um, } -/", "How about the health food, {F uh, } restaurants? {D Well, } like this one / {C but } it's probably not advertised as such, is it? / {C Or, } -/", "<Breathing> A health food? /", "Uh-huh. / Health food, {F uh, } restaurants that, -/", "[ Like, + like, ] - / name one <laughter>. /", "[ [ {D Well } -- +", "I'm not sure what you're talking about. /", "-- {D well, } ] like, {F um, } <lipsmack> {D well, } ] I can't really think of any off the top of my head right now because there's so few and far between. / {C But } [ they ought, + there are ] restaurants that cater to the people that are very health conscious. {D You know, } as far as their cholesterol levels and [ their, + their ] fat content and, {D you know, } the amount of calcium and so forth that are in each product / {C and } they list them. / Now there's one restaurant that does that / {C and } it's called Rodolfo's / over on Preston Road and Royal Lane I believe. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } they [ r-, + have ] very good food over there. /", "I don't guess I've ever been to anything like that / {C so, }", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "I really don't have anything to compare it to. /", "<Lipsmack> They do [ list, + {F um, } {D you know, } list ] the fat, /", "It would be good I think, /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } I don't know how expensive they are. / It sounds like that it would probably, -/", "{D Well, } it was pretty reasonable. / [ I, + it ] was around ten dollars for lunch. Okay, / [ wha-, + which ] is kind of high for lunch I guess. /", "For one person? /", "Yes. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "A bit <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } {C but, }", "<Sniffing>.", "{F um, } you were served by maitre d's [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } {F um, } men waiters. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] won't really be interested [ in going to, + in going ] there.", "{D Well, }", "Because,", "if you're looking for a nice, -/", "I feel like [ I'm, + I'm ] paying, {D you know, } five dollars for the food probably and five dollars for something that I could get along quite well without <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } I guess [ if you were having, + if you were trying ] to impress somebody [ w-, + like ] taking somebody that you hadn't seen for a long time and wanted to show them a good restaurant.", "Yeah. / [ Maybe, +", "It's a special occasion,", "maybe ] that. / Yeah. /", "type thing. / # Yeah. # /", "# Yeah. / # I could see that,", "Uh-huh. /", "then maybe. /", "{C And } now the Red Lobster I found is very nice at lunchtime. /", "Yeah, / I like [ the, +", "Because they're, -/", "the ] seafood [ that they, + when they ] had it, {D you know, } the broiled, -/", "{D Well, } they have lunch specials that - / [ you can't, + you can't ] beat that price, {F uh, } if you went to a cafeteria. /", "Yeah. / Probably that's true. / {C But } I know [ a lot of their, + a lot of their ] specials sometimes are fried things,", "{D Well, } [ I had the, +", "that you can't really get away from the fried, /", "I had a ] broiled chicken breast / {C and } it was excellent. / It was a marinated, broiled chicken breast / {C and } it was exce-, -/", "{D Now } why would you go to a seafood restaurant <laughter> to eat chicken? /", "{F Oh, } it was, /", "That's one of my husband's pet peeves. / He doesn't understand why somebody would go to a seafood place and eat either chicken or steak, {D you know. } /", "{D Well, } I've never had catfish either in a restaurant because I'm from the north / {C and } that was a no no. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{C And } I haven't gotten over that from the north. /", "{F Oh, } catfish is wonderful. /", "I know they say that,", "{F Oh, } really. /", "that is, / [ {C but } I'm, +", "Really. /", "<Lipsmack> {C but } they've ] got all these caution signs now on fish / {C and so } I kind of stay a-, -/", "Why? /", "Because of all the pollution in the lakes and [ the, +", "Oh. /", "everywhere. ] {E I mean } there isn't any safe haven anymore for fish. /", "{F Huh. } /", "[ I-, + {C and } ] especially, {F uh, } in Wisconsin and Michigan they say, no, buying of our fish. /", "That's too bad,", "I, -/", "because I'm probably not going to stop eating it <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } yeah. / {C So } [ yo-, + I ] am, <lipsmack> / {C and } [ the, + the ] best brand of chicken to buy is the, {F uh, } Pilgrim Pride because they don't use all these hormones to (( remote )) , {F uh, } unnatural growth in their products. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. /", "{C So } {E I mean, } we have to be on the lookout if we want to stay healthy. /", "That's true. /", "{C So } [ [ I'm, + I, ] + {D you know, } I, ] -/", "{F Oh, } on one hand I see that / {C and } on the other hand, {F uh, } my older sister --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- remembers when, {F uh, } at one point they were taking radioactive wastes --", "Yeah. /", "-- and storing them in tin barrels which [ i-, + I ] guess,", "Corrode. /", "had a half-life of, {F oh, } five years if they sit empty on dry land. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C So } they're putting radioactive waste in it which reduces it dramatically. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } they take these things that will rust / {C and } they throw them in the ocean which is going to speedup the process even more. /", "{D Well, } I'd like to get ahold of some engineers and knock their heads together if it would do any good. /", "Oh. / {C And } then they wouldn't think. / They were floating around / {C so } they shot holes in them to sink them. /", "{F Oh, } dear. /", "{C And } this is before I was born. /", "Wow. /", "{C So, } {E I mean } we're taking thirty years ago,", "Sure. /", "this happened, /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ who's, + {D you know, } the tuna is ] radioactive --", "That's right. / Everything we eat. /", "-- to a certain extent. /", "[ Everything, +", "You can't get away from it / {C so } I think,", "everything ] we eat should have a label on it <laughter>. /", "To some point, -/", "# Yeah. # /", "# yeah, / # {D you know. } {C So } [ there's, + {D you know, } there's ] some things I think [ [ we can av-, + we, ] + (( )) {D you know } we can't avoid ] for health purposes and some things that we just need to like, {D you know, } - / this is not in my control. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } -/", "{C So } [ I'm {C either } going to be, + I'm {C either } going to starve ] to death / {C or } I'm going to get over it and just go ahead and eat as healthily as I possibly can, {D you know. } /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } Becky, you know, even if you lived off your own land, that you would have to put caution signs, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RESTAURANTS", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF DINING OUT DO YOU ENJOY? WHAT THINGS DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A RESTAURANT THAT WOULD GET YOU TO GO BACK AGAIN? SEE WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER'S PREFERENCES ARE SIMILAR TO YOURS.", "talk_day": "06/07/1991", "from_caller": 1263, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1934, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1013, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1957, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3064_0", "3064_1", "3064_2", "3064_3", "3064_4", "3064_5", "3064_6", "3064_7", "3064_8", "3064_9", "3064_10", "3064_11", "3064_12", "3064_13", "3064_14", "3064_15", "3064_16", "3064_17", "3064_18", "3064_19", "3064_20", "3064_21", "3064_22", "3064_23", "3064_24", "3064_25", "3064_26", "3064_27", "3064_28", "3064_29", "3064_30", "3064_31", "3064_32", "3064_33", "3064_34", "3064_35", "3064_36", "3064_37", "3064_38", "3064_39", "3064_40", "3064_41", "3064_42", "3064_43", "3064_44", "3064_45", "3064_46", "3064_47", "3064_48", "3064_49", "3064_50", "3064_51", "3064_52", "3064_53", "3064_54", "3064_55", "3064_56", "3064_57", "3064_58", "3064_59", "3064_60", "3064_61", "3064_62", "3064_63", "3064_64", "3064_65", "3064_66", "3064_67", "3064_68", "3064_69", "3064_70", "3064_71", "3064_72", "3064_73", "3064_74", "3064_75", "3064_76", "3064_77", "3064_78", "3064_79", "3064_80", "3064_81", "3064_82", "3064_83", "3064_84", "3064_85", "3064_86", "3064_87", "3064_88", "3064_89", 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without {D like } a MasterCard or VISA. /", "Right. /", "{C And so } that's why I went ahead and got one. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It was a mistake <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } {D actually, } [ I, + I ] have a whole wallet full of credit cards. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't use them very often. / {F Um, } {F oh, } [ I may use, + I try to use ] at least one gasoline credit card a week, and try to use a different one, so that, <breathing> {D you know, } I [ have, + <breathing> keep ] those active. /", "Yeah. /", "I have a half a dozen department store credit cards, / {C and } [ I, + I'll ] use those if I need to run in and buy a dozen pair hose right quick --", "Yeah. /", "-- or something like that, / just enough to keep them active. / My biggies are the VISA, MasterCard and Discover. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } for the most part, I had used those for {D like, } {F uh, } charging airline tickets, <lipsmack> where [ I can pay for those, + {D you know, } you could --", "Yeah. /", "-- make the transaction ] over the telephone, / {C or } I fly Southwest a good little bit, which means I can just run that card through the machine. /", "That's right. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } it saves a lot time. / {C And } that's what I was using it for. / However, we [ had a, + had [ a, + a ] ] very pressing financial family crisis, which said you have no alternative, / you must have the money to do this with, / {C and } you do not have any other options -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } I charged all three of those cards up, / {C and } right now I am paying and praying. /", "<Lipsmack> I know how that goes -- /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "-- {C and } [ that's exactly what we've, + {E I mean } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I have to say I have ] been thankful for them, because there were times when --", "Uh-huh <<faint>>. /", "-- it was just like that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- when we had to have the money -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- we had no way around it -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } the only way to do it is go get, {D you know, } an advance --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- on a card -- /", "Uh-huh <<faint>>. /", "-- {C and so } {D like } you were paying for it, / {C but } --", "{D Well, } [ I never did, +", "-- it's one of those I'm glad it was there. /", "Right. / I never did ] use it for an advance. / Most of my charges were, {F uh, } medications. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "Didn't have cash for the medications <breathing> / {C or } [ it was, + {F uh, } the doctor would accept ] MasterCard or VISA. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, }", "<Lipsmack>.", "a lot of times you can get by using those for, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / different labs will --", "What, -/", "-- use those charge accounts for, -/", "Do you find now, though, that even some doctors won't? / I've found some doctors that say, {D you know, } - / I was so used to doctors or medical care places taking credit cards, / {C and } so many of them don't anymore. /", "Uh-huh <<faint>>. /", "{D So, } -/", "{D Well, } I have not, - / like I said, that was just one period in my life where that was critical. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't generally charge. / I say {D well, } I need a checkup in six months, / {C and } I kind of set that aside --", "Right. /", "-- and just pay for it. / I'm reimbursed on insurance anyway, / {C and } I can handle, {D you know, } paying for it and waiting two or three weeks. /", "Right. /", "Getting into a credit card fiasco is easy. /", "{F Oh, } it is <<whispering>>. /", "It is easy, / {C and } it's very difficult to get out. / I just cringe every month when I see those interest charges. /", "I know. /", "I say wow, / [ I, + I ] ought to go to the credit union and borrow the money and pay this off. / Big deal, / I'm saving two percent. /", "Right. / {C But, } {D you know, } the interest, even though it bothered me, it didn't used to bother me so much, because, of course, you could list it on a Schedule A / {C and } you got all your interest, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- towards your tax --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- deductions, / {C and } now they've messed that up to where it really is a financial burden to have to pay it. /", "Right. /", "[ [ {C And } + {C but } it, ] + {C but } it ] is easy to get into a credit card problem, / {C and } [ I, + I ] think about young people that think, {D you know, } - / there's kind of that feeling of hey, it's so neat, / I have my first credit card -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {C and ] } they just don't understand that you still have to be able to make the payments. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {C and } --", "{D You know. } /", "-- it's not just paying back what you've charged, / it's --", "That's right. /", "-- paying that and half again. /", "That's right. /", "{F Uh, } you send in, {F uh, } {F uh, } fifty dollars, / you're going to pay twenty, twenty-five in interest charges. /", "That's right. /", "You only get half of that paid for the principal, / {C so } I'm looking at three or four years before my balances are cleared on those charge accounts. /", "Right. /", "{D Now, } [ as the monthly payment, + {F uh, } {E I mean } as the monthly payment ] amount goes down, that will free up more cash where I can continue to make the larger payments. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } as long as I don't have a major disaster where I have to use it again, [ I can, + I can ] do that. /", "Right. /", "Meantime, though, I'm not building any reserves. /", "No, / {C and } that's frightening to me. /", "Anything that I could be put aside into savings is going for interest on those cards. /", "That's right. / That's frightening, too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ [ [ I, + I just, ] + I, ] + my husband ] is in business for himself -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I work for T I / {C but } he doesn't -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> [ [ we're, + {F uh, } I, ] + I've ] kind of got my fingers [ cr-, + crossed. ] / I've learned when you're in business for yourself, [ that, + that ] you don't count on something until it's happened --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } / {C but } [ he's got some, + {D you know, } it's those ] once in a lifetime cases, / {C and } after ten years he's got two of them -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they should pay through next month, / [ {C and, } + {C and ] } we're both just looking at each other every night going man, that will pay off {D like } both of our MasterCards, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } right, / right. /", "And, {D you know, } just in one lump, / {C because } that's the only way you can do it, is to have a big chunk of money -- /", "Uh-huh, / <<faint>> uh-huh. /", "-- {C or } it's like you say, / you pay forever. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And so } I'm really looking forward to that. /", "{D Well, } you {C either } need a big chunk of money / {C or } you need a large reserve --", "That's right. /", "-- so that if you do charge on that account, you can make a single lump sum payment. / {D Now, } those are very handy -- /", "Right. /", "-- if you have the reserves and you can make lump sum payments, sharp, good --", "Sure, / yeah. /", "-- no problem -- /", "I agree. /", "-- {C because } you're living on the other guy's money for a while. /", "That's right <laughter>. /", "{C But } I can promise you that those credit card companies are going to ride high on my money <laughter>. /", "I know / {C and, } -/", "{C And } it just irks me. / I say my gosh, I had to work three hours just to pay the interest on this, / {C and } I've got three cards. / I've lost a whole day of my life --", "I know. / You're like --", "-- to interest. /", "-- what am I working for today <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {C And } that just blows my mind. / [ I, + my ] house is paid for, / my car is paid for, / I've got some home improvements, / {C but } even the payment on that doesn't equal the payment on one of those credit cards. /", "It's incredible. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Boy, I wish I could say that my house and, - / {D well, } my car is paid for now. / It was wrecked three weeks ago, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] you see again --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the credit cards came in handy. / I had to have the money to pay rental car, pay this, pay that till the insurance company pays back. /", "That's right. / I think --", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "-- that is a good, healthy, safe use --", "Yeah. /", "-- of credit cards. /", "Because you know that's coming back to pay it off. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / {F Uh, } I went to a seminar, / they said don't ever use your credit card for consumable items. / You only use credit cards for investments. /", "Right. /", "I (( said )) for crying out loud, [ if I had the money to in-, + {D you know, } <laughter> --", "It's, -/", "-- if I could do some investing, ] you'd have to invest at better than twenty percent earnings in order --", "Sure. /", "-- to pay for the payments on the credit card. /", "That's right. /", "That doesn't make a bit of sense to me. / I thought --", "That's right. /", "-- God dang, where is his pencil? /", "{D Well, } the smart half was don't pay it for consumables, / [ don't, + {D you know, } if you can't afford to go to a restaurant and eat out and pay cash, don't ] put it on a credit card --", "That's right. /", "-- {D you know, } / [ {C and, } + {C and so } ] [ that, + that ] is the smart half. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] I can remember before we had kids, we did that a lot, / {C but } it was no biggie --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } because we could pay it off, / while after kids, and you're paying child care and other things, all of a sudden it's not so easy to pay off, / {C so } we cut that out real quick <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] [ I, + I ] do like having them there. / There is a bit of security in having the credit cards and knowing that in times of crisis, they are there to use -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } you have to have a very good sense of saving, [ and + or ] --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- common sense [ not, + not ] to --", "Uh-huh <<faint>>. /", "-- get yourself in trouble. /", "You also have to have that willingness to commit to that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because you're committing a good portion of your life and income when you do it. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CREDIT CARD USE", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CREDIT CARDS. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER MAKES USE OF CREDIT CARDS. HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO YOUR OWN?", "talk_day": "06/13/1991", "from_caller": 1264, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1943, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1005, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3383_0", "3383_1", "3383_2", "3383_3", "3383_4", "3383_5", "3383_6", "3383_7", "3383_8", "3383_9", "3383_10", "3383_11", "3383_12", "3383_13", "3383_14", "3383_15", "3383_16", "3383_17", "3383_18", "3383_19", "3383_20", "3383_21", "3383_22", "3383_23", "3383_24", "3383_25", "3383_26", "3383_27", "3383_28", "3383_29", "3383_30", "3383_31", "3383_32", "3383_33", "3383_34", "3383_35", "3383_36", "3383_37", "3383_38", "3383_39", "3383_40", "3383_41", "3383_42", "3383_43", "3383_44", "3383_45", "3383_46", "3383_47", "3383_48", "3383_49", "3383_50", "3383_51", "3383_52", "3383_53", "3383_54", "3383_55", "3383_56", "3383_57", "3383_58", "3383_59", "3383_60", "3383_61", "3383_62", "3383_63", "3383_64", "3383_65", "3383_66", "3383_67", "3383_68", "3383_69", "3383_70", "3383_71", "3383_72", "3383_73", "3383_74", "3383_75", "3383_76", "3383_77", "3383_78", "3383_79", "3383_80", "3383_81", "3383_82", "3383_83", "3383_84", "3383_85"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Seem to have the topic already on [ top of th-, + tip of your ] tongue there / {C so } why don't you go ahead and start. /", "Yeah. / Isn't [ the, + {F uh, } the ] subject auto repair,", "Yes, sir. /", "for tonight? / Yeah. / That's great. / The reason I say that is pretty timely because just tonight I went out and changed the oil in my car / {C and, }", "Okay. /", "that's something I like to do and, {F uh, } [ something I, + something I ] can do with now the sophisticated [ auto, +", "Right, / exactly. /", "cars ] we have today with all the computers and everything. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ It's, + {F uh, } {C and } there's ] not a whole lot you can do without the equipment and electronic analysis that needs to be done on a car, / {C but } I do like to get out and tinker with a car / {C and } it's something I can do still. / Do you enjoy working with your car? /", "I sure do. / [ I, + {F uh, } in fact, the last thing [ I have, + I've ] ] done [ I, + I ] don't even remember what it is. / I've had to have oil changes done myself because I live in an apartment complex,", "<Laughter>.", "where we are not allowed to,", "{F Oh, } dear. /", "work on our vehicle. / We can't even wash our vehicle, / {C so. } -/", "{F Oh, } that's too bad. /", "{F Uh, } {C but } the last thing I can remember doing wh-, - / I had a sixty-six Mustang, /", "Oh. /", "{C and } that was all right because like you said that was pre technology days, I guess. /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } you could do a lot of it yourself still, / {C and, } {F uh, } I didn't tinker too much with the engine. / [ It was, + it was ] in pretty good shape, / {C but } my main concern and what I enjoy doing [ was, + was ] the interior. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ it was, + it was ] pretty shelled, {F uh, } / {C but } it was fun. / It was taking [ the whole thing, + {D you know, } the whole interior ] apart and, {D you know, } ordering new carpeting and, {F uh, } -/", "{C And } did you install all that yourself? /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } [ that was, +", "{C And, } -/", "I bet that was ] a lot of fun. /", "[ It, + it ] was. / [ I, + my wife ] [ enjoyed, + {F uh, } she, {D you know, } helped out ] a little. / We sanded down [ the, + the ] insides of the door panels.", "Uh-huh. /", "And painted,", "Wow. /", "those and, -/", "Do you still have the car? /", "No, / I sold it. /", "{D Well, } that's too bad. / A sixty-seven [ Chev-, + {F uh, } Mustang ] is about the, {F uh, } [ top, + <noise> top ] year for the Mustang <laughter> car. /", "Yeah, / it was fun though. / It was fun. / [ I, + I ] really enjoyed it, / {C and } I was surprised [ at, + at, ] {F uh, } the availability of parts yet. /", "Yes. /", "{D You know, } [ you can, + you can ] still get factory original parts. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C But, } {F uh, } you pay a premium / {C but } you just don't get them. / [ I, + I ] didn't. / I went ahead and got, {D you know, } Japanese made duplicates or wherever they were made, / Canada. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } prefabs and all that stuff / {C but, } -/", "{D Well, } {D you know, } [ that's, + that's ] fine. / [ I, + I ] don't think that there would be, {F uh, } <breathing> {D you know, } [ a, + a ] quality difference. / I don't know. / [ You wouldn't, + you didn't ] notice the difference, did you? /", "{D Well, } {D actually } there was. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I had heard rumors that it was because they couldn't duplicate <throat_clearing> certain patterns, {F uh, } exactly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } {D like } [ the, + the ] glove box was just a [ little, +", "<Laughter>.", "little ] wider,", "{F Oh, } dear. /", "little harder to fit in, / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the carpeting, {F uh, } stretched a little too far. / I had to cut some of the sides down. /", "{F Oh, } dear. /", "But [ just, + just ] little things. / {D You know, } one of the screws [ on, + on ] the [ door regulat-, + {F uh, } window regulators ] / you could get [ three of the, + three of the ] four to lineup. / The fourth one you couldn't get to lineup no matter what you did. /", "{F Oh, }", "{D You know, } thin-, -/", "I bet that was frustrating, wasn't it? /", "{F Oh, } it was / {C but, }", "<Laughter>.", "the end result is after you put [ your, + your ] panels on, nobody sees that <laughter> you got one screw missing in [ your, + your ] window regulator anyway / {C and, }", "Right, / right. /", "[ [ it, + it runs. ] + It works ] just the same, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / [ that's, + that's ] true. / {D Well, } {D you know, } [ that, + that ] is something I really enjoy doing. {F Um, } working on our car too, / [ the, + {F uh, } I ] just changed my [ oil, + oil ] tonight / {C but, } {F uh, } I enjoy also working on things like the brakes / {C and, } {F uh, } in fact, just two weeks ago I helped my neighbor out on his brakes on his car. / {C And, } {F uh, } either if it's a drum [ or, + or ] disc brakes, I enjoy working on those kind of things. /", "Disc brakes don't seem to give me too much problem / {C but } [ I, + I ] honestly don't have the tools for the drum. / I know you got, {F uh, } certain spring lever that you got to have or [ some, + {F uh } --", "Yeah. / Spoons and, -/", "-- some ] spring pulley or something that you got to pull that spring back over onto that notch. /", "Yes, / you do <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } my dad has got all that / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ I, + I ] helped him when I was growing up, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } I don't have that stuff now, /", "Yeah. /", "because of the drum brakes I, {D you know, } don't have any choice but to take them in. /", "Yeah, / that's true. / {C And, } {D you know, } [ it, + it ] [ doesn't, + doesn't ] hurt every once in a while to have them done professionally too / {C because, } {F um, } I was helping my neighbor out / {C and } one of his drums needed to be resurfaced / {C and } I don't have, of course, the equipment to do that, /", "Sure. /", "{C so } he took it into a shop and had it [ resur-, + {F uh, } resurfaced ] [ and, + and ] fixed that way. / {C But, } yeah, / it is true, {F uh, } {D you know, } / I did have a sixty-four Ford truck that I wish I still had and loved to get inside that and tinker around with it and work with it,", "Uh-huh. /", "because you didn't have all the extra, extra stuff,", "<Laughter>.", "that's in there now. /", "I'll tell you what. / [ The other, + the nicest ] thing about them is, {F uh, } everything was standard. / You didn't have to worry about finding a metric anything. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } yeah. /", "Boy, I tell you. /", "{C And } {D you know, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AUTO REPAIRS", "prompt": "WHAT WAS THE LAST AUTO REPAIR YOU PERFORMED OR HAD DONE ON YOUR CAR? ARE THERE SOME TYPES OF REPAIRS OR MAINTENANCE TASKS YOU PREFER TO DO YOURSELF? DISCUSS YOUR EXPERIENCES IN THIS AREA WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "11/11/1991", "from_caller": 1420, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1966, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1425, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3521_0", "3521_1", "3521_2", "3521_3", "3521_4", "3521_5", "3521_6", "3521_7", "3521_8", "3521_9", "3521_10", "3521_11", "3521_12", "3521_13", "3521_14", "3521_15", "3521_16", "3521_17", "3521_18", "3521_19", "3521_20", "3521_21", "3521_22", "3521_23", "3521_24", "3521_25", "3521_26", "3521_27", "3521_28", "3521_29", "3521_30", "3521_31", "3521_32", "3521_33", "3521_34", "3521_35", "3521_36", "3521_37", "3521_38", "3521_39", "3521_40", "3521_41", "3521_42", "3521_43", "3521_44", "3521_45", "3521_46", "3521_47", "3521_48", "3521_49", "3521_50", "3521_51", "3521_52", "3521_53", "3521_54", "3521_55", "3521_56", "3521_57", "3521_58", "3521_59", "3521_60", "3521_61", "3521_62", "3521_63", "3521_64", "3521_65", "3521_66", "3521_67", "3521_68", "3521_69", "3521_70", "3521_71", "3521_72", "3521_73", "3521_74", "3521_75", "3521_76", "3521_77", "3521_78", "3521_79", "3521_80", "3521_81", "3521_82", "3521_83", "3521_84", "3521_85", "3521_86", "3521_87", "3521_88", "3521_89", "3521_90", "3521_91", "3521_92", "3521_93", "3521_94", "3521_95", "3521_96", "3521_97", "3521_98"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So, } [ a-, + are ] you a news person? /", "{F Uh, } I really am, / [ I enjoy, + I enjoy ] listening to the news and getting as much as I can. Although, {D you know, } I'm a full time student / {C and } [ I work full time, too, / {C so, } + {A {E or } not full time, / {C but } } I work quite a bit ] / [ {C and so } -- +", "Yes. /", "-- <Throat_clearing>, {C so } ] I mostly depend on the radio, {D you know, } on the way to work. / [ I like, + I like ] to listen to national public radio, {F uh, } all things considered. /", "Yes, / great show. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I like to listen to that and catch, {D you know, } - / [ [ I don't get, + I don't get a lot of, ] + {F uh, } sometimes I don't get ] the current events, {D you know. } Because that show kind of has feature stories that might not <breathing> <throat_clearing> directly deal with, {F uh, } {D you know, } some important issue on the day. / {C But, } -/", "Yeah, / [ {C so, } + {C so } ] [ the real, + the real ] current news and, the hard news --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ [ is, + is not, ] + there is not ] really enough of it there. /", "Right, / that's right, / yeah. /", "Yeah, / [ I've had, + I've had ] that frustration, too. / I --", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "-- end up switching stations from time to time. /", "Yeah, / [ [ you, + you li-, ] + you like ] N P R -s, {F uh, } programming? /", "{F Uh, } in general. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } I --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- watch a lot of C N N --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } and C SPAN. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ I, + I ] subscribe to three newspapers. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } I sort of can't get enough of this. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] [ I, + when I ] travel elsewhere, I'm often amazed at the local papers how little they have.", "[ [ H-, + h-, ] + h-, ] -/", "Of [ world, + world ] events --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- and national events. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{D Well, } [ in, + in ] Dallas, [ what are the, + what is the ] newspaper situation? /", "<Breathing> {D Well } <laughter>, [ [ we d-, + we, ] + we ] have [ a, + a ] big newspaper situation. / {F Uh, } <throat_clearing> {C because, } we used to have two newspapers up until, {F uh, } last Sunday / {C and } [ [ a, {F uh, } major, + {F uh, } a, ] + one of our major ] papers just closed down. / They closed shop, and said, {D well, } we can't put any more papers out, / we're done. /", "[ Was, + was ] that [ the, + the ] better paper / {C or } # (( )) , # -/", "# Yeah, / I thought so. / # [ It was a, + it was a ] more effective paper as far as I was concerned. / [ [ It, + it had, ] + {F uh, } <throat_clearing> {F uh, } it got ] to the news, {D you know, } and gave you the dirty facts pretty quick and easy.", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } which I like. / [ [ I don't, + I don't like to, ] + {D you know, } I like to ] save the editorial information or [ the + <throat_clearing>, the ] politically, {F uh, } weighted information, {D you know, } [ for the, + for a ] different section. / I like just to [ get to the, + {D you know, } find out ] what's happening --", "Yes. /", "-- pretty quick. / {C And } I feel that the other newspaper, {F uh, } - / [ the T-, + the DALLAS MORNING NEWS ] is the one that's still here. / The TIMES HERALD is the one that closed up <breathing> <throat_clearing>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ the, + the ] MORNING NEWS [ [ [ was, + was, ] + i-, ] + is ] okay, / {C but, } {D you know, } you have to wade through a lot of editorial garbage as far as I'm concerned. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } <breathing> many times it [ doesn't + <throat_clearing>, doesn't ] reflect my own opinion / {C and, } -/", "{C But } [ if you, + if you ] were to look at the front page of today's [ MORNING NEWS -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- MORNING TIMES {E rather, } ] [ [ w-, + would you, ] + would you ] see things about what is going on in Europe? /", "No, / no, / that's the problem. /", "Oh. /", "{C But, } [ [ y-, + {D you know, } you see, ] + you see ] Troy Aikman's knee surgery <laughter> on the front page, {D you know. } /", "Whoever Troy Aikman is. /", "Yeah, / [ a, + a ] quarterback [ for the Broncos + {E or } [ for the, + for the ] Cowboys. ] /", "Okay. /", "{F Uh, } [ [ you know, + you know, ] + you know ] what I mean -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- [ that, + there ] is, {F uh, } <throat_clearing> local news [ that, + {F uh, } that ] really a lot of times [ doesn't, + doesn't ] [ change, + change ] my life one way or the other. /", "Yeah. /", "<Sniffing> {C So, } {F uh, } -/", "I guess it's current events, but not the kind of current events that changes the world. /", "Right, / right, / yeah <laughter>. / Not something [ you'll, + you'll, ] {F uh, } be interested in ten years from now by any means.", "Yeah. /", "{D You know. } / [ How, + how ] about you? / {F Uh, } I guess in Washington, D C you guys have several papers that are [ pretty -- +", "Yes. /", "-- pretty ] effective --", "A lot of them. /", "-- don't you? /", "[ I, + I ] rather like the WASHINGTON POST. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } I also get the NEW YORK TIMES and the WALL STREET JOURNAL. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and, } {F uh, } each of them covers different things [ [ in, + in [ dif-, + dif-, ] -- ] +", "Right. /", "-- in different ways ] / {C and so } [ it's, + ] {D you know, } if I only looked at one of them I [ would have a different perspect-, + clearly would have a different perspective ] on the world. /", "Right, / yeah. / {F Uh, } [ I, + I ] have a question. / {F Uh, } [ does, + does ] the WALL STREET JOURNAL, {F uh, } - / [ I, + I've ] kind of gathered lately that, {F uh, } maybe their information is not just only related to business. / [ Is that, + is that ] a correct assumption? /", "[ That, + that ] is certainly true. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ they will, + they will ] have articles, - / {D like } a few days ago they had [ a, + a ] nice article on Einstein, {D you know } --", "Oh. /", "-- theory of relativity.", "Oh. /", "{D You know, } that started on the front page ran [ in, + into ] [ the full, + almost full ] page inside. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Now, } these are feature kind of articles. /", "Wow. /", "[ [ All the, + all the, ] + {F uh, } {D you know, } the ] bulk of the paper certainly is about business kinds of activities. /", "Right. /", "[ {C But, } + {C but } ] there is some very good other articles --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } you'll find [ in the, + in the ] JOURNAL. /", "Uh-huh. / Do you find that you're, {F uh, } <throat_clearing> {F uh, } disappointed or pleased with, {F uh, } {F uh, } the performance of {D like } network coverage of news? /", "{F Uh, } I wish it were in more depth. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } that doesn't mean to say longer, / just more facts would be nice. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } C N N [ [ [ has, + has, ] + {D you know, } was, ] + was ] pretty good during the war. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / definitely. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } they [ were, + {D you know, } sort of had ] a unique vantage point [ for, + for ] doing that reporting. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C So, } + {C but, } ] {D you know, } [ it's not, + it's never ] quite, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "12/12/1991", "from_caller": 1353, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1943, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1446, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1969, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3009_0", "3009_1", "3009_2", "3009_3", "3009_4", "3009_5", "3009_6", "3009_7", "3009_8", "3009_9", "3009_10", "3009_11", "3009_12", "3009_13", "3009_14", "3009_15", "3009_16", "3009_17", "3009_18", "3009_19", "3009_20", "3009_21", "3009_22", "3009_23", "3009_24", "3009_25", "3009_26", "3009_27", "3009_28", "3009_29", "3009_30", "3009_31", "3009_32", "3009_33", "3009_34", "3009_35", "3009_36", "3009_37", "3009_38", "3009_39", "3009_40", "3009_41", "3009_42", "3009_43", "3009_44", "3009_45", "3009_46", "3009_47", "3009_48", "3009_49", "3009_50", "3009_51", "3009_52", "3009_53", "3009_54", "3009_55", "3009_56", "3009_57", "3009_58", "3009_59", "3009_60", "3009_61", "3009_62", "3009_63", "3009_64", "3009_65", "3009_66", "3009_67", "3009_68", "3009_69", "3009_70", "3009_71", "3009_72", "3009_73", "3009_74", "3009_75", "3009_76", "3009_77", "3009_78", "3009_79", "3009_80", "3009_81", "3009_82", "3009_83", "3009_84", "3009_85"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Beep> Okay. /", "{D Well, } I take it since you selected this topic that you have children. /", "No, / I don't, /", "You don't? /", "{C but } I have nine younger brothers and sisters. /", "My goodness. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> {C So. } {D Well, } I have two daughters / {C and, } {F um, } [ they're past this, + they've been ] latchkey children for a while, / {C and } they're almost where I can start saying they're, {D you know, } young adults, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C so } I don't have to worry about child care too much anymore. / {F Um, } we're supposed to discuss what criteria we would ask,", "Uh-huh. /", "or expect. /", "I would assume [ it's, + {D you know, } if you were ] looking for a day-care center or something like that. -/", "{D Well, } if I were look-, -/", "{C Or } probably even baby-sitters would be the same thing. /", "Exactly. / Exactly. / {F Um, } I think [ my, + my ] top priority would be that it would be someone who would be responsible and someone that would actually like children. /", "Yes, / I would think someone older / {C and } I would want to know if they've had any past experience with children. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I think that varies. / I think a lot of your criteria vary with the age of your child. /", "Yes, / that's true also. /", "{F Um, } {D you know, } [ [ it's, + it's, ] + once they get to a certain age it's ] almost more important that it's someone that can entertain your child as opposed to someone who's, {D you know, } [ really, + really ] qualified --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- per se. / {F Um, } [ with a, + with a ] baby, definitely have to be someone who knows how to handle a baby and would know how to respond to an emergency. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } -/", "{D Well, } {F um, } I did a lot of baby-sitting when I was younger. / I'm twenty-two now / {C and } I did most of my baby-sitting when I was between the ages of thirteen and sixteen. / {C But, } {F um, } the only thing people ever asked me, - / {D well, } of course, they knew I came from a family with younger kids, / {C but } they really didn't ask me if I was used to children or not. / The only other thing they asked me is what I would expect in pay. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } {C and, } {F um, } I was pretty surprised because if I had a child and someone, {D you know, } [ I would want to know, + I personally would ask ] for people that that person has baby-sit for before. /", "{D Well, } [ [ I, + my experience, ] + I ] baby-sat a lot also [ at, + when ] I grew up / {C and, } {F um, } coming from, {D you know, } that background and the background as a parent now, I think the reason that people don't ask a whole lot of questions is [ a, + a ] lot of times baby-sitters, - / I know I did this with my children, / [ it's, + you get ] somebody where you kind of know the family already. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } that gives you so much basic knowledge that you don't ask a whole lot of questions. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C Becaus-, } + {C because } ] I had three younger brothers and sisters myself / {C so } [ they, + they ] thought, okay, / she knows [ how to, + how to ] treat children. /", "Yes. / {D Well, } {D see } [ when, {F um, } I first got my mai-, + my first baby-sitting job was ] pretty strange. / {F Um, } this lady saw us at church / {C and } [ she was a you-, + {D you know, } she was a younger ] lady. / She didn't really know my mom. / She knew my mom by name / {C and } that was it. / {C And, } {F um, } she knew that I was one of the oldest girls in my family / {C so } she just asked my mom if I could baby-sit. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } she really didn't know my name or anything, {D you know, } / I thought that was pretty strange. / {D You know, } {C and } she had two children. / One was still in diapers when I started baby-sitting. /", "Wow. /", "{C So, } {F um, } she pretty much, {D you know, } just assumed that I would know, {D you know, } how to handle them. / {D So, } [ I wa-, + {D you know, } I enjoy ] kids / {C and } I get along with them very well / {C so } there's no problem. / {C But, } {F uh, } with today's world and the kids today, {F uh, } [ there's no way, + I can't say ] that I would just ask someone, {D you know, } that I didn't know like that to baby-sit. /", "{F Oh, } I agree with you, / {C but } there again [ she, + {D you know, } she [ knew, + knew ] ] of your family, /", "Uh-huh, / that's true. /", "[ {C and } she, + {C and } she ] met in a safe setting, such as church. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } she was going on those two instincts. / Just the same I know myself, / I never, - / {C and } I was very very protective on who baby-sat my children. /", "{F Oh, } I would be too <laughter>. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] [ [ in + i-, ] + it ] really shocked me / {C because } just about six months ago someone came to my front door, rang the doorbell. / She had just moved in the neighborhood. / She had her daughter with her, / {C and } the daughter was, {F oh, } about a second grader. / {C And } she was actively looking for people who would baby-sit her child. /", "{F Oh, } my. /", "{C And } I thought, {D well } she doesn't know me or my children from anything. /", "Huh-uh. /", "{C And } [ it was, + I was ] almost more reluctant of letting my older children go baby-sit for her because I didn't know her --", "Uh-huh, / yes. /", "-- <Laughter> then she was reluctant of letting strangers into her house. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {E I mean } people are so different. /", "{F Oh, } I know. / {F Um, } {D well, } [ [ I real-, + I, ] + obviously you've ] never had to look for a day care or anything. /", "{D Well, } [ I did, + I did ] have, {F um, } [ my, + my ] child, {F uh, } in a day care for just a short time [ a-, + when ] my oldest was about two and a half -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I worked just a part-time job / {C and, } {F uh, } [ in, + in ] those situations, {F um, } what I did is [ I'd, + I went ] in / {C and, } {D you know, } I made (( a few )) phone calls, / I went in and visited. / I asked questions such as how they would discipline a child. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } that was a concern with me. / {F Um, } {D you know, } [ [ c-, + you, ] + you ] learn a lot by going in there / {C and } [ they e-, + they explain ] to you, {D you know, } what their day consists of and what their general rules are, / {C and, } {F um, } [ that's, + {D you know, } that's ] as much as I know. / You probably could get really good feedback from a lot of other working mothers --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } that have done this over and over again. /", "# {D Well, } # -/", "# {C But } I, - / # go ahead. /", "How did you stumble upon the day-care center? / Did you just look it up in a phone book / {C or } what was it? /", "{F Um, } [ [ I think lots of people, + I, ] + I think I ] went by location for one thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think most people do that. / I think you start out with the criteria of, {D you know, } do I know of anything / {C or } do I know anyone who has their child in a day care / {C and, } -/", "Yeah, / [ (( there is )) , + I would ] say most people would probably go by word of mouth. /", "Right. / Right. / {C And then, } {D you know, } {E I mean, } even at that you have to consider the logistics of it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } {E I mean, } you're not going to take your child south of town if you work north.", "Yes, / exactly. /", "[ Yo-, + even ] if that's the best one in the whole wide world <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } [ there, + there ] are just so many considerations. /", "Uh-huh. / Then again, did, {F um, } money come into play with it at all? /", "{F Oh, } money is always a factor in my life,", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> definitely. / [ I've never, + {D you know, } I've never ] had the luxury of not having that be a factor. {F Um, } even in something as important as day care. / I know if I didn't have that stipulation, I would have done things differently --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know. } / {F Um, } Montessori school would be something that I would have pursued, / {C but } that's always a little bit more expensive than what I could look at. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C and } I was very very fortunate in that I didn't have to do that on a full-time basis. /", "Yes. /", "[ [ {C So, } + {C and, } ] + {C and then } ] [ when you get, + {D you know, } when you get ] into the full-time basis day care, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHILD CARE", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT CRITERIA THE OTHER CALLER WOULD USE IN SELECTING CHILD CARE SERVICES FOR A PRESCHOOLER. IS IT EASY OR DIFFICULT TO FIND SUCH CARE?", "talk_day": "06/04/1991", "from_caller": 1120, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1204, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1951, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3046_0", "3046_1", "3046_2", "3046_3", "3046_4", "3046_5", "3046_6", "3046_7", "3046_8", "3046_9", "3046_10", "3046_11", "3046_12", "3046_13", "3046_14", "3046_15", "3046_16", "3046_17", "3046_18", "3046_19", "3046_20", "3046_21", "3046_22", "3046_23", "3046_24", "3046_25", "3046_26", "3046_27", "3046_28", "3046_29", "3046_30", "3046_31", "3046_32", "3046_33", "3046_34", "3046_35", "3046_36", "3046_37", "3046_38", "3046_39", "3046_40", "3046_41", "3046_42", "3046_43", "3046_44", "3046_45", "3046_46", "3046_47", "3046_48", "3046_49", "3046_50", "3046_51", "3046_52", "3046_53", "3046_54", "3046_55", "3046_56", "3046_57", "3046_58", "3046_59", "3046_60", "3046_61", "3046_62", "3046_63", "3046_64", "3046_65", "3046_66", "3046_67", "3046_68", "3046_69", "3046_70", "3046_71", "3046_72", "3046_73", "3046_74", "3046_75", "3046_76", "3046_77", "3046_78", "3046_79", "3046_80", "3046_81", "3046_82", "3046_83", "3046_84", "3046_85", "3046_86", "3046_87", "3046_88", "3046_89", 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/", "Yeah. / Probably most people you talk to do, {F huh? } /", "Most of them do. <laughter> / {D Now, } I don't have anybody that works for T I, / {C but, } {F uh } --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- my son works for a computer company, the National Institute of [ [ s-, + s-, ] + something, ] / I don't know what <laughter>. /", "I see, / well that's neat. /", "{D So, } I guess we're supposed to talk about foods today. /", "Yeah, / I guess you have to push one, though. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "Okay. /", "You ready? /", "Yeah. /", "Okay. / {F Uh, } foods like you would (( )) for a dinner party or something like that. /", "Yeah, / I guess so, / it may be interesting, because probably here in Texas, we may eat a little differently than you do up there <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I don't know, / my brother lives down (( East )) of us down there, / {C and } I don't think they ate all that much different <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } I think as long as you plan your basic foods, / course, for a dinner party, you fancy things up a little bit more. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } the thing that I found interesting, - / my husband and I lived up in Washington State for awhile -- /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } up there, of course they ate a lot of sea food,", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "and that kind of thing, / {C and } down here, sea food is pretty expensive, because,", "Right. /", "you have to ship it a long way to get it <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } it's not as good as if it's fresh. /", "Right, / [ [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {F uh, } {C and, } ] + {C but } ] here, we eat a lot of {D like } Mexican foods, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F um, } <lipsmack> up there there was [ no, + no ] place that we went tasted like real Mexican food to me. /", "Is that right? /", "Yeah, / it tasted like they were trying <noise> to do the best they could, / {C but } it just,", "Yeah, /", "didn't taste right. /", "{D well, } they probably were trying to do the best they could. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> {C and, } {F uh, } down here, we eat a lot more fried foods, I think. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Like } chicken fried steak,", "Uh-huh. /", "is a real big thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Up there, {F uh, } it was hardly ever heard of / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "we drink ice tea with every meal, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } up there hardly anyone drank ice tea <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {D well } they do in the summertime, / (( I think that )) --", "Really? /", "-- tea is big in the summertime mostly. /", "Yeah. /", "Of course, you have warmer weather most of the time. /", "Right. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / it never gets real cold. /", "Yeah. / {C So, } I, -/", "Yeah, / {C but } [ when, + when ] we have a dinner party around here, I think a lot of the time a Mexican menu is something real popular. /", "Is that right? /", "Yeah. / I know that, {F um, } I do a lot of planning with our church, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } a lot of the times when we get together, {D well } everybody will bring a Mexican dish / [ {C or. } +", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh /", "{C And } ] Italian food is real big too. /", "Uh-huh. / More like covered dishes for those type of dinners. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. / Yeah. /", "(( )) .", "How about you, / what is real popular up there? /", "{D Well, } I don't know, / just about anything <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / [ we, + we ] really, {F uh, } use most anything. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] think (( )) {D like } parties and that though are, - / {D well, } {D like } we had a dinner party [ here, + here ] not too long ago with a mystery dinner party <laughter>. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter> {C But, } basically, we [ tried, + {D you know, } included ] all the basic, {F uh, } foods that you are supposed to have in a meal (( )) . /", "Uh-huh. /", "Your, {F uh, } bread family and your, - / or least what it used to be the regular menu (( was followed and )) ,", "Uh-huh. /", "ham and bake potatoes, {F uh, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } something from [ each, + each ] area that you're supposed to choose from. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ [ we, + we, ] + we ] ourselves are into the wok cooking, / you know they been advertising that / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "we've really been enjoying those, {F uh, } meals. /", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "They have a lot of vegetable to them, / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh, / right. /", "they really are very good. /", "{F Oh, } yes. / [ I, + I ] love that kind of cooking. / [ My, + {F uh, } unfortunately, I ] am married to a man and have two children that eat about four things <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Is he a meat and potato person? /", "Right. / <laughter> They. /", "{D Well, } all our family [ is, + is ] gone. / They are out on their own. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh. }", "That probably makes it easier, / {C but. } -/", "[ It, + it's ] much different / {C and, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah. / We find ourselves eating a lot of macaroni and cheese / [ {C and, } + {F uh, }", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> (( {C and } ] of course )) , -/", "{D Well, } my husband didn't like that, / {C so } [ we, + us kids, ] - / we had five children / {C and } we ate that when [ he, + he ] wasn't going to be home for supper, /", "Right. /", "(( that's what we had )) <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } that's pretty much what we do, / if dad's not coming home, we have macaroni and cheese,", "Uh-huh. /", "or something. / {C But, } they like, {F uh, } spaghetti. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } that's one meal,", "{F Uh, } yeah. /", "I can fix / {C and } the whole family eats. / {C But, } {F uh, } there are several things that, - / {D well } as a matter of fact, I keep chicken nuggets handy all the time, because. -/", "{F Oh, } those always go good. /", "Yeah, / the children love them, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } they are real easy to cook / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "that way, whatever meat we have, if they don't like it, {D well, } - / {C and } my girls don't like beef, / I,", "{F Oh } really. /", "don't know, /", "{D Well } maybe.", "I guess, /", "that's good the [ way, + way ] the things are going. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / it could be, [ bec-, + they don't, ] - / I think it's the texture of it, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } it takes more chewing <laughter>. /", "Right. / <laughter> Children usually they like the ham and the hamburgers,", "Uh-huh. /", "and that, / {C and } it is easier to chew. /", "Right. / Right. / {C So } they're not too much into beef. /", "Uh-huh. /", "My husband and I eat more beef than we should, / {C but } at least we keep our chicken nuggets handy for them <laughter>. /", "Right. / <laughter> We don't really [ have, + {F uh, } {D you know, } entertain ] too much. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't know if you do or not, / {C but } [ we, + we ] don't a whole lot, / we're more, once in a while, but mostly family,", "Yeah. /", "(( )) activities. /", "{D Well, } most of the entertaining we do is church associated. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We have a real tiny little house, / we don't have room really,", "Uh-huh. /", "to have people here. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C But, } we do get together for [ wh-, + fellowships ] at our church, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } my husband and I do a lot of the planning in that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } -/", "{D Well } that's good. /", "Yeah, / it is / {C and } it's fun to, {F uh, } - / I like just having a pot luck meal where everyone brings their favorite dish. /", "Yeah, / we do a lot of that (( take )) ,", "Yeah. /", "things to church / {C and } our homemakers meet at the church also, / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "that's what we do [ mostly, +", "Yeah. /", "most ] of the time for that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } you don't really include any certain food groups, / you just bring,", "Right. /", "what you like <laughter>. /", "That's right <laughter>. /", "Sometimes you have all desserts, / sometimes,", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "you have all vegetables <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / that's true, <laughter> / that's the only problem with just letting you bring whatever,", "Yeah. /", "you, {F uh, } like best. /", "{C But, } it doesn't happen very often, / usually you get a pretty wide variety / (( {C and } [ you can, + you can ] )) ,", "Uh-huh. /", "have pretty good meals,", "Yeah. /", "from one of those. /", "Yeah. / I remember one time we had a progressive dinner. /", "{F Oh, } those are fun. /", "It's the only time that ever. - / Yeah / they are. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } it's the only time [ tha-, + ] I can remember that, - / I can't remember what food it was / [ I, + it ] might have been the main dish that hardly anyone showed up with. / Several people were supposed to bring,", "{F Uh, } uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } each, {D like, } {F uh, } [ a, + an ] appetizer,", "Uh-huh. /", "and a main dish and a dessert. / {C And } we had tons of desserts and tons of appetizers / [ {C and, } +", "(( {F Oh, } uh-huh / )) (( )) ,", "{C but } ] when we came to the [ main, + main ] dish plate,", "Oh. /", "there was only {D like } two or three <laughter>. /", "Was there enough to go around? <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } not really, / you know we all took real tiny little portions,", "Uh-huh. /", "and, {F uh, } were kind of angry with whoever it was, / we were not sure who didn't show up with the food <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / that's kind of irresponsible and does upset you, because they are grown adults usually <laughter>, /", "Yes. /", "{C and } you know they know better. /", "Right. /", "Even if they can't do it, they can always maybe get somebody else to (( cook )) . /", "Right. / [ {C Either, } + {C either } ] go ahead and fix your dish / {C or } call someone that can. /", "Right. / Right. /", "I know it. / {D Well, } that sounds neat, / I can't, {F uh, } believe you're so far away, / {C but } you sound so close. /", "<Laughter> They said that [ we could share, + we share, ]", "It sounds like you're here in Dallas. /", "a recipe / {C but, } I'm up at my daughter's, / I don't even have any of my recipes with me. /", "Oh. /", "(( {F Uh, } {D you know } )) , -/", "I don't know if I have anything handy, / [ we were just about, + we were getting ready ] to go swimming, /", "Oh. /", "{C and } we're waiting on my sister. /", "{F Oh, } great. /", "Cara, hold on just a second <<to another person in the room>> / As a matter of fact, my,", "They are ready to go. /", "little one is hollering <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } [ we probably, + have we ] talked long enough / I, -/", "I think it probably has been. /", "Okay, / {C so } I'll let, -/", "{D So, } I've enjoyed talking to you. /", "{F Oh, } same here. / You have a good day. /", "Thank you. / Thanks for calling. /", "Uh-huh. /", "# Bye-bye. # /", "# Bye-bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "06/11/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1098, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1957, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3310_0", "3310_1", "3310_2", "3310_3", "3310_4", "3310_5", "3310_6", "3310_7", "3310_8", "3310_9", "3310_10", "3310_11", "3310_12", "3310_13", "3310_14", "3310_15", "3310_16", "3310_17", "3310_18", "3310_19", "3310_20", "3310_21", "3310_22", "3310_23", "3310_24", "3310_25", "3310_26", "3310_27", "3310_28", "3310_29", "3310_30", "3310_31", "3310_32", "3310_33", "3310_34", "3310_35", "3310_36", "3310_37", "3310_38", "3310_39", "3310_40", "3310_41", "3310_42", "3310_43", "3310_44", "3310_45", "3310_46", "3310_47", "3310_48", "3310_49", "3310_50", "3310_51", "3310_52", "3310_53", "3310_54", "3310_55", "3310_56", "3310_57", "3310_58", "3310_59", "3310_60", "3310_61", "3310_62", "3310_63", "3310_64", "3310_65", "3310_66", "3310_67", "3310_68", "3310_69", "3310_70", "3310_71"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / Have you faced, {F uh, } elderly care yet, {F uh, } nursing home care for any of your parents? /", "Unfortunately, yes. / {F Uh, } in fact, tonight I had the dinner with, {F uh, } my three brothers and our wives / {C and } we were talking, {F uh, } / we had a <breathing> review with the nursing home staff. / My mother's in a nursing home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } we had a review today / {C and } a few things we had to do that <breathing>, are part of it that you don't really like, {D like, } {F uh } <breathing>, making decisions on living wills and --", "Yes. /", "-- extended care, that type of thing, / {C so, } yes, / I'm very familiar with it / {C and } it's not <laughter> something that is, {F uh, } {D you know, } / I never thought I'd have to go through this kind of experience. / {C But } I guess we all do. /", "I think sooner or later, {F uh, } / both my mother and my husband's mother, we had to end up putting in nursing homes / {C and } they were to the point that they only lived, both of them, about six weeks once they got in. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{C And, } uh-huh. / {C And } [ it's absolutely, + I ] believe that was one of the hardest things I ever did.", "Uh-huh. /", "In my life. / [ [ [ I, + that, ] + it just, ] + {D you know, } it's ] absolutely devastating. /", "Right. /", "What have you found in dealing with the nursing homes? /", "{D Well, } <breathing> [ they're not, + ] [ every, + all ] the horror stories you hear about them I think are true. /", "Yes <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } [ we've, + {D you know, } we've ] looked around / {C and, } my wife has looked [ at, + extensively at ] all the ones in the area <breathing>. / {C And } the one she is in now, {F uh, } there's a lot of drawbacks, a lot of things we don't like. / {C But, } {D again, } it's no different than every one. / And, {D you know, } the cost of it, the, three thousand dollars a month -- /", "{F Um, } uh-huh. /", "-- when you think about it, for what you're paying a hospital for --", "Yes. /", "-- [ almost the same, + {D well, } even not as much ] care. /", "Yes. /", "It's not that expensive, really. /", "No, / {F uh, } [ there, + {D well, } there's ] a little bit of difference [ in, + in ] the two between my mother and my mother-in-law. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } theirs both ran, - / {F oh, } I think my mother-in-law's was {D like } fifteen hundred / {C and } my mother's was two thousand. / [ Then, + ] this has been five years ago. / {C And, } {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } one of the things that, {D you know, } I had discovered is that if they knew that I came in there at all different hours, they got much better care than if, - / when I started out with my mother-in-law, because she was in there first, I --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- would go certain hours / {C and } they knew. / {C And } if I'd pop in unexpectedly, I discovered, {D you know, } [ they did a little bit, + they did better. ] /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{D You know, } uh-huh. / {C And, } {D you know, } a couple of times with my mother-in-law, I would catch something not being taken care of.", "Uh-huh. /", "And, {D you know, } would have to rate, / {C so } I got to where, I knew then when my mother was in [ that, + {D you know, } not to go ] the same time all the time.", "Yeah. /", "Because they would, - / {C and } when I was looking for the nursing homes, another thing that I learned, {F uh, } - / we had my mother all set to go into one / {C and } for some reason I just went back, and on my own went around the different floors. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } I saw areas that they had not shown me / {C and } they did not come across as well --", "{D Well, } I'll be darned. /", "-- as, {D you know, } what they had originally shown me, / {C so, } {F uh, } we did not put her in that one. / We put her in another one that [ I, + I ] went a couple of times --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- when they weren't expecting me and saw, and, {D you know, } was much, {F uh, } better pleased --", "Yeah. /", "-- with the situation. /", "Yeah, / [ you, + {D you know, } this ] is the whole point. / You've got, you've got to shop them. /", "Yes, / you do. /", "I know my mother's [ in now, + in ] a unit that's mainly Alzheimer's -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } we're convinced that she probably would be better off in a geriatric. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the fact that these people [ are + <breathing>, they're ] up and around, / {C but } [ [ they're, + they're, ] + it's ] reminds me too much of an asylum type [ s-, -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- situation. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it's very, very, -/", "Does your mother have Alzheimer's? /", "<Lipsmack> <breathing> She, - / {D well, } who knows. / They call it, {F uh, } dementia. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } we don't know. / [ I, + I ] mean she does not know us anymore -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } whether it's Alzheimer's or what it is --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- nobody really knows, / {C but } it's, basically the same. / {C And } her health is not that bad. / Although she has gone [ down, + downhill ] drastically since [ this, + this ] last, - / {D well, } she had been in a retirement community / {C and } somewhere in the back of her mind she had it that she would live with her children. / {D Well } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ [ she, + we, ] + we ] just did not have the capabilities [ to, + to ] take care of her. / [ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] [ she, + she ] has gone down steadily since she has been in, / {C and } she's been in the nursing home now for, <breathing> {F oh, } I would say about three months. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } -/", "Did she know that she was going to a nursing home? /", "I'm sorry? /", "Did she know that she was going to a nursing home? /", "She, - / no, / as far as she knew, she was going to a hospital.", "Uh-huh. /", "And that [ she could, + she could ] handle a hospital / {C and } we says, you know, mom, [ [ if you, + {D you know, } if [ you get a, + you get ] better, ] + {A you've got to have the care, the doctor insisted on it, } {D you know, } if you get better ] that you could come out. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "10/24/1991", "from_caller": 1415, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1939, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1379, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1933, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3363_0", "3363_1", "3363_2", "3363_3", "3363_4", "3363_5", "3363_6", "3363_7", "3363_8", "3363_9", "3363_10", "3363_11", "3363_12", "3363_13", "3363_14", "3363_15", "3363_16", "3363_17", "3363_18", "3363_19", "3363_20", "3363_21", "3363_22", "3363_23", "3363_24", "3363_25", "3363_26", "3363_27", "3363_28", "3363_29", "3363_30", "3363_31", "3363_32", "3363_33", "3363_34", "3363_35", "3363_36", "3363_37", "3363_38", "3363_39", "3363_40", "3363_41", "3363_42", "3363_43", "3363_44", "3363_45", "3363_46", "3363_47", "3363_48", "3363_49", "3363_50", "3363_51", "3363_52", "3363_53", "3363_54", "3363_55", "3363_56", "3363_57", "3363_58", "3363_59", "3363_60", "3363_61", "3363_62", "3363_63", "3363_64", "3363_65", "3363_66", "3363_67", "3363_68", "3363_69", "3363_70", "3363_71", "3363_72", "3363_73", "3363_74", "3363_75", "3363_76", "3363_77", "3363_78", "3363_79", "3363_80", "3363_81", "3363_82", "3363_83", "3363_84", "3363_85", "3363_86", "3363_87", "3363_88", "3363_89", "3363_90", "3363_91", "3363_92", "3363_93", "3363_94", "3363_95", "3363_96", "3363_97", "3363_98", "3363_99", "3363_100", "3363_101", "3363_102", "3363_103", "3363_104", "3363_105", "3363_106", "3363_107", "3363_108", "3363_109", "3363_110", "3363_111", "3363_112", "3363_113", "3363_114", "3363_115", "3363_116"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / what kind of car are you going to buy next? /", "{D Well, } one of the cars I'm thinking about buying next is, {F uh, } a nice, safe, small car, / {C but, } {F um, } {F uh, } the reason being, is we just purchased a van a little while ago because we have --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- a big family, / {C and } we use that to get back and forth and haul kids around and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- so forth, / {C and } we have another four door car that I drive to work, / {C and } I think it'd be more economical if I were able to (( )) a smaller car --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and, {F uh, } [ wouldn't be, + wouldn't ] cost much with gas. /", "That's true, / that's true. /", "[ What, + what ] are you looking at? /", "{D Well, } I'm really not looking at anything for a while, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } when you're driving down the road you see all these pretty new ones that are out, / {C and } you think, {F Oh, } {D well, } [ maybe, + maybe ] I would like a new car. /", "{F Oh, } yeah <laughter>. /", "{C But } I think I'll be driving mine about two or three more years anyway. /", "{F Oh, } yes, / {F oh, } yes. /", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "{D Well, } the cost of new cars recently are extremely outrageous for the -- -/", "Right, / they are. /", "-- (( )) . -/", "I sure do like the looks of that new [ Mit-, + Mitsubishi ] Diamante. /", "{F Oh, } yes, / {F oh, } yes. /", "That is a pretty car. /", "<Laughter> [ I'm, + {F uh, } I really like ] the looks also of the new Mazda --", "Uh-huh, / that's pretty, too. /", "-- that they have, / {C but } {F um, } [ I, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } [ the, + the ] costs of a new car and those new models are extremely out of our price range right now. /", "Yeah, / they get pretty expensive. /", "Yes, / they do. /", "The last one I bought, I bought a, {F uh, } - / {D well, } [ it's a, + it's ] a Town Car, / {C but } it was a demo, returned -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I got it with {D like, } {D you know, } I think it was {D like } fourteen thousand miles on it --", "Right. /", "-- and nearly ten thousand dollars [ of-, + less ] than what the list price was. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } you can't go wrong with that kind of opportunity. /", "{C So } I was really pleased to find that, / [ {C and } I + then, I ] bought it for cheaper, / I was looking at a Honda Accord, a brand new one -- /", "Yes. /", "-- {C and } I bought [ [ this, + {F uh, } the, ] + the ] Lincoln Town Car for just a little less money than what I was going to buy the new Honda Accord. /", "Wow. / {D Well, } you get a much bigger, better --", "{C And } the thing about it is --", "-- comfortable ride. /", "-- they give you [ that ten, {F uh, } +", "<Throat_clearing>.", "that hundred thousand ] [ mi-, + mile, ] five year warranty --", "Yes. /", "-- where it only costs you twenty-five dollars to have anything repaired. /", "{D Well, } that's fantastic. / That's real, real good. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } I have really been impressed. / I said, I probably never be able,", "<Laughter>.", "to find another one that I can afford, {D you know. } /", "No, / do you, -/", "{C But } I have loved this car better than anything I've ever driven, because you can go on the road and get there / {C and } you're not even tired. /", "Very comfortable, smooth ride, {F huh. } /", "{C And } it gets like twenty-six miles to the gallon on the road. /", "{F Oh, } it does? /", "It sure does. /", "[ That's, + that's ] unbelievable for that size of car. /", "[ I, + they ] kept telling me that, / {C and } I thought they're crazy, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C so } [ the week after I got it, + {D well, } {D actually } before I signed the papers on it, ] I took it over to Boozier City -- /", "Yes. /", "-- {C and } it did it. /", "Wow. / That's great. /", "{C But } it's, {F uh, } -/", "That's great. / That kind of gas mileage, {F uh, } [ we're, + we're ] kind of hoping for on our van. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } that's kind of what we've always been told, {D you know, } they'll do, / {C and then } we hope for it, / {C and } it never happens -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } [ it really, + it ] does get good gas mileage. /", "{D Well, } that's excellent. /", "Most of the time when I don't go anywhere I can drive it for {D like } three weeks [ from + to ] and from work, {D you know, } and then fill it up, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh. / [ [ Do you, + {F uh, } do, ] + does it, ] {F uh, } need a lot of repairs? / Is it a very reliable kind of car? /", "I haven't had anything, /", "<Laughter>.", "I've taken it in twice for {D like } just really minor things, / {C and } it cost me the twenty-five dollars. / [ The, + ] {F uh, } really something really silly when we first got it, / we couldn't get the light, - / they have all these lights in the car -- /", "Yes. /", "-- {C and } it has this fancy little light that gives you a reading light for the passengers in the back seat -- /", "Yes. /", "-- {C and } we couldn't get the light to turn off. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And } we kept trying, {D you know, } / {C and } we went out to dinner with some friends, / {C and } it stayed on all night, {D you know } --", "{F Oh } dear. /", "-- just shining right down on them, {D you know } -- /", "{F Oh } dear <laughter>. /", "-- {C and } we couldn't get it to turn off, / {C and } the next day my husband goes out there / {C and } he tries to get it off, / we turn the knob, {D you know, } in the front that's supposed to turn the --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- lights on and off / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- we turned everything we could, / {C and } he took it in, / {C and } they said, {D you know, } you just have to press the switch. / He says, I've pressed every switch in that car, / {C and } I can't get the light off, /", "<Laughter>.", "it's broken. /", "Yes. /", "{C So } they took it in and charged us the twenty-five dollars, / {C and } they called and told us though, that all you have to do is turn the off switch, / {C and } they showed us where the switch was. /", "They charged you twenty-five dollars just to tell you that, {F huh. } /", "[ They, + they ] thought there was really something wrong with it when he told them he had already done the switch. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh, } {C so } they probably went through the, -/", "{C But } [ he hadn't, + he hadn't ] done the right one. /", "I see <cough>. /", "{C And } it's right on the arm rest in the back -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we didn't know it was there. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And } the guy hit it with his arm when he got in the car -- /", "And found it right away. /", "-- <Laughter> {C and so } we thought, {D you know, } [ [ there, + there was, ] + it was ] broken. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } we've had just, {F uh, } - / I guess it's been in two times. / I've had it three years now. /", "Yes. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it's been in two, maybe three times. / {C But } it's just been real minor things. /", "{D Well, } I think that, {F uh, } you have an excellent deal then, / {C and } [ the, + the ] company is able probably to offer that kind of warranty on the car because they know it's so well built that they don't expect any kind of major repairs --", "That's right. /", "-- whereas with an awful lot of other lower quality cars you would be getting repairs after repair after repair -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } those companies wouldn't be able to afford that for that kind of extended warranty or warranty at all, / {C so. } -/", "That's right. / {C But } [ it's really, + it's been ] an enjoyable car. / Like I say, I'll probably never be able to have another one, because I think we bought it for about sixteen thousand, {D you know } -- /", "Yes <cough>. /", "-- {C and } I said, I'll never find another one for that price. /", "No, <cough> / not at all. /", "{C And } they keep going up, / {C so } I'll have to enjoy it, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BUYING A CAR", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU THINK YOU MIGHT BUY NEXT? WHAT SORTS OF THINGS WILL ENTER INTO YOUR DECISION? SEE IF YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND THE OTHER CALLER'S REQUIREMENTS ARE SIMILAR.", "talk_day": "11/06/1991", "from_caller": 1414, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1425, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3518_0", "3518_1", "3518_2", "3518_3", "3518_4", "3518_5", "3518_6", "3518_7", "3518_8", "3518_9", "3518_10", "3518_11", "3518_12", "3518_13", "3518_14", "3518_15", "3518_16", "3518_17", "3518_18", "3518_19", "3518_20", "3518_21", "3518_22", "3518_23", "3518_24", "3518_25", "3518_26", "3518_27", "3518_28", "3518_29", "3518_30", "3518_31", "3518_32", "3518_33", "3518_34", "3518_35", "3518_36", "3518_37", "3518_38", "3518_39", "3518_40", "3518_41", "3518_42", "3518_43", "3518_44", "3518_45", "3518_46", "3518_47", "3518_48", "3518_49", "3518_50", "3518_51", "3518_52", "3518_53", "3518_54", "3518_55", "3518_56", "3518_57", "3518_58", "3518_59", "3518_60", "3518_61", "3518_62", "3518_63", "3518_64", "3518_65"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay Brian. /", "Hi, / how you doing Kevin? /", "Fine, thanks <laughter>. /", "Good, / good, / glad to <noise> hear that. / I understand, -/", "Are you a total banner? /", "Total banner? /", "Yeah. /", "No, / [ I, + I ] believe that, {F uh, } the American public and I, as an individual and private citizen have a right [ to, + to ] bear arms and to have a gun as long as I, {F uh, } am responsible with it and protect the safety and welfare of my kids / [ and, + and ] so that they're not playing with it and so that they can't hurt themselves or anyone else playing with it. / I think that education with a gun [ is, + is ] critical and important. / {F Uh, } however, I do believe that, {F uh, } guns ought to be maintained [ and, + and ] controlled that you can't go out and just buy one off the corner and do whatever you want with it because people that are angry or have concerns or want to seek vengeance right away have easy access to guns / {C and } in the heat of the moment, they can go and do some damage that can hurt themselves and other people, / {C so } on a scale of one to ten, [ I, + I ] think I would rate myself [ as a, + in the ] six or seven or eight. /", "Okay. /", "{C But, } I think that there ought to be some control, / {C but } I still think that, {F uh, } individuals have a right. / How do you feel about it? /", "{D Well, } {D so, } let me make sure, / {D so } you think that, {F uh, } maybe a five day waiting period for handguns or that stuff would be legitimate? /", "{D Well, } I don't know if a five day waiting period would be legitimate. / {F Uh, } [ that, + {F uh, } that ] might cool down some tempers. / I think [ a, + a ] one day would be sufficient. / The reason I say that is there is an awful lot of people who go to gun shows / {C and } if you see an awful lot of exhibits and things and if you would like to purchase a gun, if that five day waiting period were in effect, you wouldn't be able to purchase one at that gun show. /", "{F Uh, } [ you just, + you ] would be able to buy it, / {C but } they'd just have to mail it to you, I suppose, {F huh. } /", "{D Well, } I don't think you can mail [ thing, + guns ] through the mail. / I don't know. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter>.", "Okay. /", "I think that's [ a, + against ] the law ever since Kennedy was assassinated <static>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "{C So, } how do you feel about guns? /", "Let's see, / I think that gun control has come up because there has been some crazies that killed people with guns / {C and } I think that's the problem that we need to address is why these people want to kill other people rather than the instrument they particularly used in the assault -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- whether, {D you know, } -/", "{D Well, } do you think that there will continue to always be crazies? /", "Sure. /", "Then, {F uh, } how do you propose that we prohibit those types of individuals from gaining access to guns? /", "{D Well, } we have some laws on the books that, {F uh, } don't allow convicted felons to purchase guns, if I understand correctly. / {C And, } {F uh, } I would agree, / [ a, + a ] short waiting period would be appropriate to, {F uh, } take care of the heat of the moment type things, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } I think banning semiautomatic twenty-two rifles is [ a, + a ] bit on the extreme side. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } a total ban on guns would just leave guns in the hands of criminals who don't care what the rules are anyway. /", "Okay. / [ Do you, + {F uh, } do you ] feel there is a need in the world today to have [ a, + an ] automatic handgun? /", "The only purpose for handguns is to shoot people, in my opinion. / [ O-, + {C or } ] you could do it just for fun, {D you know, } kind of like a game, / {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } I think that [ the, + the ] police, {F uh, } or law enforcement have a need because of the tight quarters they might find themselves, / {C but, } the public, I don't know. /", "I think that I should have a right to own a handgun. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Not a automatic, semiautomatic. /", "Yes, / not an Uzi <laughter>. /", "No, <laughter> / no. / {F Uh, } {C but } I think a person needs a way of defending themselves. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You saw Indiana Jones, / the guy came after him with that big knife. /", "Yes. /", "{C And } [ just, + ] he took care of it, /", "<Laughter>.", "just one shot. /", "Yes, / that's true, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } he, {F uh, } saved himself [ [ in the, + in the, ] + in the ] process also. /", "<Laughter> That's right. / {C So } how is work going? /", "Very fine, / very, -/", "They don't let you take guns to work, do they? /", "No, / [ they, +", "<Laughter>.", "[ That's, + {F uh, } that's ] ] prohibited where we work. / Although down here in Texas, {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- you do have a right [ to, + to ] wear and carry arms with you at all times. / [ [ That's still -- +", "[ Can they be, +", "-- that's still, ] + you can still ] do that down here. /", "Is it ] concealed, / {C or } does it have to, -/", "{F Oh, } you can't, / no, / it should not --", "Has to be on the hip? /", "-- be concealed. / It has to be on the hip <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Has to be in sight so [ that, + {F uh, } {D you know, } that ] you're not, {F uh, } a menace or --", "Can a s-, -/", "-- a problem to individuals. / How about where you live there in Utah? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "GUN CONTROL", "prompt": "DISCUSS GUN CONTROL. WHERE DO YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER STAND ON A SCALE FROM 1 TO 10", "talk_day": "12/11/1991", "from_caller": 1464, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1425, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3570_0", "3570_1", "3570_2", "3570_3", "3570_4", "3570_5", "3570_6", "3570_7", "3570_8", "3570_9", "3570_10", "3570_11", "3570_12", "3570_13", "3570_14", "3570_15", "3570_16", "3570_17", "3570_18", "3570_19", "3570_20", "3570_21", "3570_22", "3570_23", "3570_24", "3570_25", "3570_26", "3570_27", "3570_28", "3570_29", "3570_30", "3570_31", "3570_32", "3570_33", "3570_34", "3570_35", "3570_36", "3570_37", "3570_38", "3570_39", "3570_40", "3570_41", "3570_42", "3570_43", "3570_44", "3570_45", "3570_46", "3570_47", "3570_48", "3570_49", "3570_50", "3570_51", "3570_52", "3570_53", "3570_54", "3570_55", "3570_56", "3570_57", "3570_58", "3570_59", "3570_60", "3570_61", "3570_62", "3570_63", "3570_64"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, Howard, / what do you think of our space budget / {C and } should we go ahead [ and, + and ] keep exploring, / {C or } should we call a halt to it, / is it doing any good? /", "I think that the space program has done a lot of good for the country. / {D Now } I think [ what, + ] we made a major wrong turn when we went [ into the, + {F uh, } to the ] current generation of space craft, the reusable ones, like they are now --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because they have not proven as reliable as they should have, / {C and } I think some of the earlier approaches were [ much more, + {F uh, } much better ] in many ways. / However, {F uh, } {D you know, } we've gained an awful lot from the space program, all the way from remote monitoring to teflon to, {F uh, } some new space age materials, plastics and all that. / {C So } I think it's been a good investment. / {F Uh, } somebody was telling me the return was about twenty-five or thirty dollars for every dollar spent --", "{F Oh, } really. /", "-- which is amazing for any governmental financed --", "# {F Oh, } yes. # /", "-- # program. # /", "Wish our post office could do that <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I wish the post office would just stop raising our rates. /", "<Laughter> That's right. / I wish they'd just deliver stuff. /", "I think, though, [ that + now that ] we're finally starting to get over the fears and [ the, + {F uh, } {F oh, } {A I don't know, } the ] guilt that we had out of, {F uh, } Challenger, / I think maybe # we can # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- pick up and go on now. / {C But, } [ I, + I ] don't know. / I don't think we really have all of our act together yet as far as clear objectives. /", "# I agree. # /", "# The space # station's where we should go --", "# I agree. # /", "-- # at this # point. /", "Seems like that we've kind of gotten side tracked with putting all these different things up there to monitor / [ {C and, } + {D you know, } {D you know, } {C and } ] I'm in favor of, {D you know, } getting closer to seeing certain things, / {C but } I'd like to see them also [ go, + {D you know, } go ] back up there, see, {D you know, } what they can do. See about setting a space station up. / I'm all in favor of the space program, / {C and } I don't think we should stop, / {C and } I don't think we should cut the money. /", "{D Well, } where do you think we ought to go with it? /", "{F Uh. } /", "You talking about, {F uh, } {F uh, } a fully manned space station that we'll keep up there? /", "Yeah, / [ I would like, + I'd like ] to see that. / I'd like for us to really find out more about the actual universe and get up there and see what's going on, even if, {D you know, } there's no life up there or anything, {D you know. } / {C But } who knows. / {C And } I would like to see them do something like that. /", "# {D Well, } # -/", "# [ I, + # I ] hate to see them just, {D you know, } keep getting diverted off to spying on other nations and putting up defense things / {C and, } [ I think they, + I think they ] lose sight [ of, + of ] probably what they're supposed to be doing. /", "{D Well, } I think about half the nations now [ are, + are ] military related, are they not? /", "Yes, / yes. /", "{C And, } {F uh, }", "I believe they are. /", "It seems like [ it's + that ] high a percentage. /", "{D You know, } let's go back to our original thing with, {D you know, } our experiments and all [ the, + {D you know, } our ] actual exploring of space [ and, + and ] all that, / and, {D you know, } [ with, + with ] Russia, {F uh, } seemingly not going to be as big a threat. /", "{D Well, } it can't afford to <laughter>. /", "Huh-uh, {D you know. } / Have you gone out to, {F uh, } Fort Worth to see the [ space, + Soviet space ] exhibit? /", "No, / we were talking about that this weekend. / [ We, + it's ] only going to be there a couple of more # weeks. # /", "# Uh-huh, / # # uh-huh. # /", "# We need # to go. /", "We went, {F uh, } / we took our grandsons and went, {F uh, } the weekend before last, / {C and } it is marvelous. / {E I mean, } it's really neat how [ they, + they ] have done it. / They have done a beautiful job. /", "Have they? /", "{C And } they have a, {F uh, } scaled down model showing [ how they, {D you know, } fuel it, + {E or, } {D you know, } how [ they, + {F uh, } {F oh, } the fuel trucks ] ] and things run out there to it and how they, {F uh, } - / all the things that are against the actual [ space mission, + {F uh, } space ship, ] {D you know, } how they fall away from it, / and the loading of it -- /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "-- {C and then } it's actually, {D you know, } - / the smoke comes out like it's taking off. / It is really interesting. /", "{D Well, } maybe I need to run out there this weekend. /", "You really do. / [ It's, + it's ] well worth the time and effort. / We went, {F uh, } early on Sunday. / We got out there about, {F uh, } ten, ten thirty, / # {C and } the, # -/", "# {D Now } do # you have to have tickets ahead? / # Excuse me. # /", "# No, / we # bought tickets there, / {C and } if you have children, if you go to McDonald's, [ you co-, + they have ] coupons, or did have. / {D Now } they may be through with them now. / {C But, } {F uh, } buy one adult / {C and } one child gets in free. /", "{F Um, } I think both of my kids are too old for that -- /", "{F Oh, } okay, / # {F oh, } okay. # /", "-- # they're both, # {F uh, } -/", "You have teenagers or something. /", "Yes, / # yes. # /", "# Yes, / # / {D well } I had grandchildren <laughter> [ {C so, } three of them, + {C so } between their mother ] and their grandfather and I, - / {C because } their dad was at work / [ [ {C and, } {F uh, } +", "Did you, -/", "{C But, } ] + {C and } ] the boys loved it, {D you know, } / they really did like it. /", "It's very impressive, I'm sure. /", "Uh-huh, / it is, / {C and } I felt the, {F uh, } six year old [ would, {D you know, } + that he'd ] be kind of bored, / {C but } he wasn't. / Even the three year old enjoyed it -- /", "(( )) .", "-- {C because } they [ had one, + had one ] of those moon vehicles --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and had it so it looked like it was on the moon, and showed it moving around and stuff. / {C So } it was really neat. /", "{D Well, } {D see, } that's something else. / The Russians have had [ space stations, + manned [ stat-, + space stations ] ] for years now. / {D You know, } they had the # Merv # -- /", "# Uh-huh, / # uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } see we've yet to keep anyone up [ over -- +", "Right. /", "-- over ] a week or ten days. /", "{D Well, } in going through it, I got the impression that actually they were farther ahead, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION", "prompt": "WHAT DO WE GAIN FROM OUR SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION EFFORTS? SHOULD WE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE SPACE PROGRAM AT CURRENT LEVELS? YOU MIGHT ALSO DISCUSS WHETHER SPACE FLIGHT WILL EVER BECOME COMMONYOU", "talk_day": "12/16/1991", "from_caller": 1415, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1939, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1345, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3952_0", "3952_1", "3952_2", "3952_3", "3952_4", "3952_5", "3952_6", "3952_7", "3952_8", "3952_9", "3952_10", "3952_11", "3952_12", "3952_13", "3952_14", "3952_15", "3952_16", "3952_17", "3952_18", "3952_19", "3952_20", "3952_21", "3952_22", "3952_23", "3952_24", "3952_25", "3952_26", "3952_27", "3952_28", "3952_29", "3952_30", "3952_31", "3952_32", "3952_33", "3952_34", "3952_35", "3952_36", "3952_37", "3952_38", "3952_39", "3952_40", "3952_41", "3952_42", "3952_43", "3952_44", "3952_45", "3952_46", "3952_47", "3952_48", "3952_49", "3952_50", "3952_51", "3952_52", "3952_53", "3952_54", "3952_55", "3952_56", "3952_57", "3952_58", "3952_59", "3952_60", "3952_61", "3952_62", "3952_63", "3952_64", "3952_65", "3952_66", "3952_67", "3952_68", "3952_69", "3952_70", "3952_71", "3952_72", "3952_73", "3952_74", "3952_75", "3952_76", "3952_77", "3952_78", "3952_79", "3952_80", "3952_81", "3952_82", "3952_83"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I'm ready. /", "All right. /", "Do you exercise, {F uh, } during the day time --", "Oh. /", "-- or go to a gym or anything? /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] used to go to a gym, {F um, } last summer, / {C but } then I started school again, / [ {C so, } it's, + {F um, } {C so } I don't ] exercise as much as I'd like. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } [ I, + I ] do enjoy, {F um, } going to a gym and working out, / {C or } just {D like, } I do sit ups sometimes before I go to bed or when I wake up, / {C and } I ride a exercise bike a lot. / {C So. } -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } I try to do it at night before I go to bed. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } it's really weird, / {C because } I'll get down on the floor, / {C and } I'll holler and tell my cat Nikki, / I'll say, Nikki, I'm going to do my exercises,", "<Laughter>.", "now. / {C And } she can be upstairs in the bedroom, / {C and } I don't know. / She knows what I'm talking about. / {D You know, } pretty soon, here she comes. /", "(( )) .", "{C So, } I lay out there in the living room floor and do my exercises, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } I had a problem with my back, / {C so, } when I went to physical therapy --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they gave me some exercises for my back. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } I just try to keep that up, because it seems like if I don't, [ then, + then ] my back gives me a problem again. /", "Right. /", "{C So } I try to do it every night, / # {C and } {F uh. } # -/", "# {F Oh, } that's # good. /", "Yeah, / it seems like it's, {D you know, } - / I can tell when I do it and when I don't do it --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } / {C so } you know it's got to be good for you. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{C But, } {F um, } a long time ago I belonged to a gym -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } now I notice that [ this, + in this ] small city that I live in, they do have [ a, + a ] gym that just opened up here about a month ago. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } I was kind of thinking about joining it, / {C but } I haven't even gone down there and talked to them yet. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } it does really make you feel good, / {C and } I like to bicycle, too. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C So, } that gives you, {D you know, } lots of exercise. /", "Yeah, / it does. / Yeah. /", "{D So. } -/", "I enjoy that a lot. / I, {F um, } bike in the summer. / I belong to a biking club here in Kenosha. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F um, } we go [ on a, + ] {D like } fifty to a hundred miles every Sunday. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. /", "{C So } <laughter>, I try to keep up in the winter with the exercise bike, so, I, {D you know, } can be in shape (( )) . /", "Yeah, / otherwise you wouldn't be able to go very far, {F huh? } /", "No, / huh-uh. /", "<Laughter>.", "No, / I go with my dad. / He exercises a lot more than I do, though. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / # he's # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- always exercising. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } I'm not that energetic <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "I get lazy sometimes. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } like I say, I just do it at night, {D you know, } / {C and, } {F um. } -/", "Yeah. /", "[ [ Do you like + you try, ] + try ] to get my stomach muscles toned up. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that's what I like to do. /", "{D You know, } because, boy, they seem like they really get out of shape, / {C and } once you get out of shape it's hard to get back into shape --", "Uh-huh. / # Yeah. # /", "-- # {D you know. } / # {C So, } [ I've just been doing it, + I try to do it ] every night --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } / like I say, [ you just, + I'd rather ] do that than watch television anyhow --", "Oh. /", "-- {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Wow <laughter>. /", "{C So } it's just kind of nice, and especially when I have my cat that comes down and joins me. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that is neat <laughter>. /", "{D You know, } {D so. } {D Well, } I guess that's about all I can tell you about my exercising. / I wish I knew how to swim, / {C but } I don't, / {C so } I don't go swimming. /", "Yeah, / {F um, } I don't swim much, neither. /", "Uh-huh, / {C but } they do say that swimming is really, really good for you --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } for every part of your body. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } [ I wished I, + I wished I ] did know how to do that. / If they had a pool here in Patterson I'd probably, {D you know, } put my bathing suit on and go down there, / {C but } they don't have a pool in this small city, either. /", "{F Oh. } # {F Um. } # /", "# {D So. } # {D Well, } listen then, / it's been nice talking to you. /", "Yeah, / nice talking to you. /", "Okay then. /", "Okay. /", "Bye-bye. /", "{F Um, } bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "EXERCISE AND FITNESS", "prompt": "DO YOU DO ANY EXERCISE REGULARLY TO MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH OR FITNESS LEVEL? IF SOOR DO IT AS A TASK? COMPARE YOUR HABITS AND YOUR MOTIVES", "talk_day": "02/11/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1371, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3965_0", "3965_1", "3965_2", "3965_3", "3965_4", "3965_5", "3965_6", "3965_7", "3965_8", "3965_9", "3965_10", "3965_11", "3965_12", "3965_13", "3965_14", "3965_15", "3965_16", "3965_17", "3965_18", "3965_19", "3965_20", "3965_21", "3965_22", "3965_23", "3965_24", "3965_25", "3965_26", "3965_27", "3965_28", "3965_29", "3965_30", "3965_31", "3965_32", "3965_33", "3965_34", "3965_35", "3965_36", "3965_37", "3965_38", "3965_39", "3965_40", "3965_41", "3965_42", "3965_43", "3965_44", "3965_45", "3965_46", "3965_47", "3965_48", "3965_49", "3965_50", "3965_51", "3965_52", "3965_53", "3965_54", "3965_55", "3965_56", "3965_57", "3965_58", "3965_59", "3965_60", "3965_61", "3965_62", "3965_63", "3965_64", "3965_65", "3965_66", "3965_67", "3965_68", "3965_69", "3965_70", "3965_71", "3965_72", "3965_73", "3965_74", "3965_75", "3965_76", "3965_77", "3965_78", "3965_79", "3965_80", "3965_81", "3965_82", "3965_83", "3965_84", "3965_85", "3965_86", "3965_87", "3965_88", "3965_89", "3965_90", "3965_91", "3965_92", "3965_93", "3965_94", "3965_95", "3965_96", "3965_97", "3965_98", "3965_99", "3965_100", "3965_101", "3965_102", "3965_103", "3965_104", "3965_105", "3965_106", "3965_107", "3965_108", "3965_109", "3965_110", "3965_111", "3965_112", "3965_113", "3965_114", "3965_115", "3965_116", "3965_117", "3965_118", "3965_119", "3965_120", "3965_121", "3965_122", "3965_123"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "Okay. / Do you, {F uh, } do any woodworking? /", "I do, / {C and } I really love it. {F Um. } /", "{F Oh, } {F um, } what do you do, / for a hobby or for, -/", "Uh-huh, / I do it for a hobby -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I have my own equipment, / {C and } I have a jig saw and a scroll saw and, {F uh, } in the process of getting a router -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so, } I like to cut out my wood, and then tole paint on the items that I cut out. / What kind of things do you like to do with wood? /", "{D Well, } I'm not the one that cuts them out. / My husband cuts them out -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } he likes using the little band saws and jig saws --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- more than the stroll saw, because the stroll saw [ is, + is ] a lot slower -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then, } {F uh, } he's got a router, / {C but } now he wants a plunge router. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah. /", "{C But } {D anyhow, } he cuts them out, / {C and then } [ I, + I ] took a tole --", "Oh. /", "-- painting class --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to learn how to paint them right, # {D you know. } # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C And } what we want to do is, {D you know, } make them, and then maybe take them to these craft shows or --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- flea market things [ and s-, + and see ] if we can sell some of them. /", "Yes. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I really like it so far. /", "{F Oh, } that is fun. /", "{C And then } my neighbor had a little doll made out of wood -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } I took a pattern off of that, / {C and then } it's just a wooden doll with a painted face -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } [ you, + you ] make the dress for it, / {C and } you drill holes around the top of the head / {C and } [ you, + you ] stick in --", "Oh. /", "-- {F uh, } {D like } rope --", "Uh-huh, / the twine. /", "-- and tie ribbons around it. /", "Yeah, / those are # so cute. # /", "# It looked really # cute, {D you know. } / {C So } I've got a couple of those started. /", "They are really cute. /", "Yeah, / [ {C and then } + {F uh, } {C but } ] as far as wood work, that's all we've been doing right now. /", "{F Oh, } [ that is, + that sounds ] really fun. / (( )) {D well, } they have a really fancy boutique out here in Ogden, Utah -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I just got back from that today, / {C so } if you could get your projects into boutiques, {F oh, } they are wonderful. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You could make a lot of money from those. /", "What do you do? / I wonder how you, - / [ you just, + they buy them from you, ] / {C or } you just given them to them on consignment or something? /", "{F Uh, } apparently, / {D like } that boutique, {F um, } they take, {A {F oh } what was it, } twenty percent of the sell price. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You would put your sell price -- /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } {C and then } they would take twenty percent off of that --", "{F Um, } I see. /", "-- at the counter. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And so } then at the end of the boutique, which usually runs for a week, then they give you what you earned <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C So, } you have to decide what your price is going to be --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and then up it twenty percent so you can get what you need out of it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } if the customers are willing to pay it, then you get a profit. /", "{F Oh, } these little things are so cute, though, {D you know. } /", "They are. /", "# I. # -/", "# [ I, + # I ] have seen those. / Those are darling. /", "I went through some of the books down here at the craft shop, {D you know } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } there's a lots of little things you can get to cut out. / In fact, I just sent to Shop Smith --", "<Gasp> # Oh. # /", "-- # back in Ohio # for a rocking horse pattern. /", "{F Oh, } that's what I want, is a Shop Smith <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> # Yeah, / [ we, + {D well, } # --", "# That's my ul-. # -/", "-- Gene's ] got one of those too <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } does he? / {F Oh, } that's my ultimate dream <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / {D so } {D anyhow. } /", "{F Oh, } you're lucky. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } {F uh, } he's retired now -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I'm kind of semi retired. / My company went bankruptcy, / {C so } I'm drawing my pension from them, / {C but } I'm still looking for a part time --", "(( )) .", "-- job, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } he has all day long that --", "Oh. /", "-- he can, {D you know, } work on this stuff and [ do -- +", "How fun. /", "-- do ] cut outs like that,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{D you know. } / {C And } he's got [ a lot, + a lot ] of tools, /", "{F Oh, } how nice. <laughter> / # I'm jealous. # / Yes. /", "{C But, } {F um, } these little wooden things, they seem to sell really good. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I know a lot of people that have gotten them, {D you know. } / My next door neighbor, every time she sees something, she thinks it's so cute she wants to buy it, # {D you know } <laughter>. # /", "# Uh-huh. <laughter> / # Oh. /", "{C So, } I'm just hoping [ that, + {D you know, } that ] we can get some cut out and painted, {D you know, } before summer starts --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because we don't want to have garage sales or anything like that --", "No. /", "-- in the winter time, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "{D Well, } how is the market for things like that in California? / (( )) .", "[ It seems, + it seems ] like they go real good, # {D you know. } # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{E I mean, } the country, anyhow, out here -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I live out in the valley -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } country seems to be the in thing out here --", "Oh. /", "-- {D you know, } / everybody wants little country pieces. / {C So } anything that looks like it might be country # is what they want, {D you know. } # /", "# They just snap it right up, # {F huh. } /", "Yeah. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } this little rabbit that I made in, {F uh, } tole painting class, {D you know, } is {D like } a welcome. / [ It's got a, + it's going to have ] little wooden hearts holding it, in its hands --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and then welcome written on those little wooden hearts. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOODWORKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS WOODWORKING. IS IT A HOBBY FOR YOUY", "talk_day": "02/14/1992", "from_caller": 1481, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1514, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1959, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3016_0", "3016_1", "3016_2", "3016_3", "3016_4", "3016_5", "3016_6", "3016_7", "3016_8", "3016_9", "3016_10", "3016_11", "3016_12", "3016_13", "3016_14", "3016_15", "3016_16", "3016_17", "3016_18", "3016_19", "3016_20", "3016_21", "3016_22", "3016_23", "3016_24", "3016_25", "3016_26", "3016_27", "3016_28", "3016_29", "3016_30", "3016_31", "3016_32", "3016_33", "3016_34", "3016_35", "3016_36", "3016_37", "3016_38", "3016_39", "3016_40", "3016_41", "3016_42", "3016_43", "3016_44", "3016_45", "3016_46", "3016_47", "3016_48", "3016_49", "3016_50", "3016_51", "3016_52", "3016_53", "3016_54", "3016_55", "3016_56", "3016_57", "3016_58", "3016_59", "3016_60", "3016_61", "3016_62", "3016_63", "3016_64", "3016_65", "3016_66", "3016_67", "3016_68", "3016_69", "3016_70", "3016_71", "3016_72", "3016_73", "3016_74", "3016_75", "3016_76", "3016_77", "3016_78", "3016_79", "3016_80", "3016_81", "3016_82", "3016_83", "3016_84", "3016_85", "3016_86", "3016_87", "3016_88", "3016_89", "3016_90", "3016_91", "3016_92", "3016_93", "3016_94", "3016_95", "3016_96", "3016_97", "3016_98", "3016_99", "3016_100", "3016_101", "3016_102", "3016_103", "3016_104", "3016_105", "3016_106", "3016_107", "3016_108", "3016_109", "3016_110", "3016_111", "3016_112", "3016_113", "3016_114", "3016_115", "3016_116", "3016_117", "3016_118", "3016_119", "3016_120", "3016_121", "3016_122", "3016_123", "3016_124", "3016_125", "3016_126", "3016_127", "3016_128", "3016_129", "3016_130", "3016_131", "3016_132"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Do you have any? /", "I'm trying to think offhand / I can't think of anything, {D you know. } /", "[ I have, + I have ] one, /", "Okay. /", "(( )) {C and } it's a real pet peeve of mine. /", "<Laughter>.", "It seems [ I, + I ] do work during the day / {C and } when I'm home, {F uh, } {D you know } I'm either cooking or running doing,", "Uh-huh. /", "things or, {F uh, } laundry or stuff. / {C And } I hate when the phone rings and it turns out to be a telephone salesman. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{C And } it's real, - / the two pet peeves that, - / number one, I really feel that that's [ my private, + {D you know, } my own ] home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I ha-, - / {C and } if I want something, I will get it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I will go out and get it myself. / {C And } [ I will never, + I never ] buy anything from a telephone,", "{F Oh, } I wouldn't,", "salesperson. /", "either, / no. /", "{C So, } I really feel [ that it is a real invasion, + they're invading ] my time and my space --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- by, {D you know, } interfering in whatever I'm doing / fr-, - / {C and } I, - / it really bothers me. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } it's a little bit like junk mail [ but + ] except you can't, {D you know, } ignore it, {F uh, } quite as easily. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } [ I, + I ] try to be polite, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C but } at the same point, -/", "That doesn't always work. /", "{D Well, } I just say thank you very much for calling but I'm not interested, / {C and then } I hang up before they can say anything. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yes, / {C and } it works very well <laughter>. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{C Because } you don't hear, {D you know } how, - / they can say anything they want / it's just, - / {C but } I just feel that's [ my big thing on the invasion of, + my thing on invasion of ] privacy. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F um, } [ I have, + {F uh, } I sort of have ] a sort {D like } - / you can prevent yourself from getting junk mail by getting yourself off of mailing lists. / I wish that there were a way that you could, {F um, } [ get your tele-, + {D you know, } submit your telephone ] number to the phone company and have a penalty for anyone who calls you to sell things,", "Uh-huh, /", "from a busi-, -/", "{D well, } how do you get your name off the junk mailing list? /", "{F Uh, } [ [ [ you, + you, ] + you, ] + you ] do that by, {F uh, } {F um, } - / the postal service has some information which you fill out and they send, / it's for every company, / {E I mean } you can't do it for any compan-, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } {C but } you can then send it / {C and } they can pro-, - / they tell, - / that company is not allowed to sent [ it, + ] you any junk mail. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "If you get junk mail on a regular basis from any particular company you can, -/", "{F Oh, } I didn't even know that. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / you have to go to the post office and ask them for the form that you fill out [ to, + not to ] get, {D you know, } junk mail from specific companies. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C And } I wish there were something like that where you can call the telephone company -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } you could [ say that, + {F uh, } have ] [ your na-, + your number ] put in a registry. / {C And then } anyone making these calls have to check that registry for that area --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ and [ could not, + should, ] + and ] is not allowed under penalty of, {D you know, } being reported or something to call you. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } that would be one way of doing it. /", "I can't really think of anything that invades my privacy, / {C but } one of my pet peeves, {A you came up with the telephone } is, when you have an answering machine and they hang up before they leave a message. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I can't stand that. /", "<Laughter>.", "I think that is so stupid, {D you know, } / {C because, } -/", "{F Oh, } I'm guilty of that sometimes / {C because } I've called and there really wasn't any significant message / [ {C and } I, + {C and } I ] wasn't going to be available to be called back. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it was sort of like, {F oh, } the hell, / I'm not going to spend the time [ giving, +", "<Laughter>.", "leaving ] a message, / {C and, } {F uh, } I'll call later,", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> if I'm available. / The other thing [ that, + {F um, } that ] there is recourse to and that's another thing, is when [ you, + you ] use your credit card and then they ask for a telephone number. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } [ leg-, + legally ] {D now } they're not allowed, / they're n-, - / you do not have to give a telephone number. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yes. / {C And } I don't really like announcing in public -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } when you're sitting there, - / my telephone and I don't like the [ wa-, + way ] telephone numbers can be used. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We once had a situation where someone was using a credit card number of ours and he actually had our phone number, / {C but } it turned out (( it had to have been )) my husband's office phone number. / {C And, } {F uh, } [ we were able, + we weren't actually able ] to trace it, but we were able [ to, + to ] (( discard )) the charges. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C but } it was, -/", "I don't like how they a-, - / the, - / [ I, + I ] realize that this is your identification / {C but } I worked with someone that got hold of his,", "Uh-huh. /", "charge cards,", "Uh-huh. /", "and his social security number. /", "Yeah, / same with my husband. / It was the charge card and social security number. /", "{C And, } {D you know, } [ [ I don't, + I don't ] like, + I don't [ g-, + ever get ] ] anything over the phone because I don't want to give my social security number out. /", "{D Well, } you should never give the social security number. / {F Uh, } [ if + sometimes, if ] you charge, - / sometimes I charge theater tickets --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- over the phone. / {C And then, } {D you know, } because they pick them up at the box office we'll call. / {C But, } {F um, } that's the only thing I would ever have ever used it for the phone / {C and } that was because I initiated it. /", "Yes. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } occasionally I do order things from catalogs --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- over the phone. / {C But } again [ it's, + ] I initiate it not the company. / The other thing is though you do not have to, - / if you're buying something in a store [ and + [ they as-, + ] and ] you pay for it by charge and they ask you for your telephone number, you do not have to give it. / [ That is one, + that's ] a law that went into effect, {A I don't know } a year or two ago. /", "{F Oh, } I never even knew that. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } you can just say [ I'm sorry that yo-, + {F uh, } I'm ] not required to give that by law / {C and then } they won't, - / a lot of stores will still ask. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } the credit card company, {D you know, } accepts the charges. / {E I mean } it-, - / a rea-, - / the credit cards company's responsibility. -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } is there any,", "{C So } wha-, (( in this )) , -/", "{D like } pet peeves that you have that don't necessarily invade your privacy? /", "{F Um, } {D well, } [ this would, + this is ] limited to the privacy issue, the invasion of privacy. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I guess, {F uh, } [ that was my, + that's probably my ] biggest one in terms of invasion of privacy. For people outside the family, of course, / I've got little pet peeves, {D you know, } with my family. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> {D You know. } {C But } of course, th-, - / I guess that just comes [ with the, + {F uh, } with the ] territory with a family that <laughter> - / (( does a mother can do )) some privacy. -/", "<Laughter> I really,", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "can't think of any that would invade my privacy --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know. } /", "Nothing that you felt that, {D you know, } - / any experiences you've had at work? /", "No. / I, {D you know, } othe-, - / [ I, + I ] really can't say anything that would really bother me. /", "So many things I think over the years have been, {F um, } accepted, {E I mean } [ when you, + ] {F uh, } that are no longer done. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean } I can remember when I was very young, much younger and I applied for a job / they said, {D well, } [ d-, + ] (( aren't )) you planning to have children. / {D Well, } {E I mean, } that's none of their business. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And } + {C but } ] of course, {D now } by law they (( can't )) ask that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } {E I mean } there has been I think a lot [ to, + done to ] protect privacy. /", "Yeah, / especially between women and, -/", "How do you feel, -/ Uh-huh. / Yeah. /", "I-, - / i-, - / they've gotten a lot with, {F uh, } - / applications and stuff and aren't allowed to ask. -/", "That's right. /", "No, / {C because, } -/ I think it's for the better of {D like } i-, - / you mean {D like } for working and stuff? /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "No, / I don't because I think whenever, [ and + ] something like that - / they're looking out for everyone. / They're not, -/", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } I think it's more safety than anything else. /", "I feel that way too. / I sometimes feel [ th-, + ] {D you know, } sometimes individual rights including the right to privacy have to be sacrificed for a greater benefit. /", "Yeah. / {C Because } I know, -/", "{D You know, } for example airline pilots. - / {E I mean } I do want my pilot to be sober <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / {C Because } I know, - / I worked at a still mill in this summer. / {C And } I know,", "Uh-huh. /", "that, {F um, } I've covered for people that came in drunk, {D you know, } on the late shift or something, /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "[ {C and } it, + {C and } it's ] dangerous. / I don't even like having them around. / I kind of do their work for them because they make it more hazardous than what it is without them, {D you know. } /", "That's right. / Yeah, / I know i-, - / yeah, / [ I feel, + {D you know, } I think ] some of the people that oppose, {D you know, } mandatory drug testing for certain areas say, {D well, } it's not, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RIGHT TO PRIVACY", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT EVERYDAY OCCURRENCES THE OTHER CALLER CONSIDERS TO BE AN INTRUSION OF PRIVACY. WHAT CAN BE DONE TO PREVENT THEM? DO YOU AGREE OR DISAGREE?", "talk_day": "06/05/1991", "from_caller": 1105, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1944, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1120, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1969, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3352_0", "3352_1", "3352_2", "3352_3", "3352_4", "3352_5", "3352_6", "3352_7", "3352_8", "3352_9", "3352_10", "3352_11", "3352_12", "3352_13", "3352_14", "3352_15", "3352_16", "3352_17", "3352_18", "3352_19", "3352_20", "3352_21", "3352_22", "3352_23", "3352_24", "3352_25", "3352_26", "3352_27", "3352_28", "3352_29", "3352_30", "3352_31", "3352_32", "3352_33", "3352_34", "3352_35", "3352_36", "3352_37", "3352_38", "3352_39", "3352_40", "3352_41", "3352_42", "3352_43", "3352_44", "3352_45", "3352_46", "3352_47", "3352_48", "3352_49", "3352_50", "3352_51", "3352_52", "3352_53", "3352_54", "3352_55", "3352_56", "3352_57", "3352_58", "3352_59", "3352_60", "3352_61", "3352_62", "3352_63", "3352_64", "3352_65", "3352_66", "3352_67", "3352_68", "3352_69", "3352_70", "3352_71", "3352_72", "3352_73", "3352_74", "3352_75", "3352_76", "3352_77", "3352_78", "3352_79", "3352_80", "3352_81"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I've, {F uh, } <clicking> <<telephone>> - / are you there? /", "Yes, sir, / I'm right here. /", "All right <laughter>. / Okay, {F um, } / I'm in an area where, {F um, } we can, {F uh, } enjoy it year round, / {C so, } I've actually [ been, + {F uh, } {F uh, } been ] out within the past couple of weeks. / I'm mainly a freshwater fisherman. / How about yourself? /", "{D Well, } {D actually } I've done both kinds -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } I'm originally from the State of Virginia --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and, {F uh, } lived [ near, + near ] Virginia Beach where we could, {F uh, } surf cast and, {F uh } --", "[ Did you ev-, +", "-- catch a lot of things in the ocean there. /", "Did you ever ] do the James River? /", "I don't believe I have fished the James River. / There's a possibility, but that was so long ago <laughter> -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I moved here [ to, + to ] State College, {F uh, } in nineteen fifty-five -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } that has pretty well limited my fishing to fresh water -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we have a lot of, {F uh, } beautiful fresh water streams that come through [ thi-, + this ] area. / I'm in an area called Center County, which is in the very center of the State of Pennsylvania, /", "[ I've + <throat_clearing> I've ] been in that area / {C and } the trout fishing is supposed to be legendary. /", "The trout fishing is really, {F uh, } beautiful. / As I say, [ the, + the ] streams are, {F oh, } eight, ten, fifteen feet wide and so forth, / {C and, } {F uh, } [ you, + you ] stand on the edge and [ you, + you ] cast out and [ you, + you ] work, {F uh, } from your feet most of the time -- /", "Uh-huh, / for brookies. -/", "-- {C and then } [ there are, + there are ] a few lakes of course, close /", "Yeah, / what do you like, brookies or, {F uh, } rainbows / {C or, } -/", "I, - / wherever the area, - / whatever [ the + ] fish is the specialist in that area, [ I, + {F uh, } I ] enjoy fishing for it, / {C and } I try to, - / I haven't fished in several years --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I'll have to admit, but when I do fish, I do contact, {F uh, } some of the local specialists --", "Yeah. /", "-- so that I can then find out [ the, + {F uh, } the ] type of lures that they use and where they fish, and any unique, {F uh, } techniques that would help you. /", "Do you fly fish, or are those streams too small? /", "{F Uh, } no, / [ we, + we ] fly fish. /", "Yeah. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Throat_clearing> I used to do that a little when I lived up in New York, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- right now it's, {F uh, } {F uh, } bass and striped bass is the only thing that I go for down [ in Dal-, + in, {F uh, } Texas. ] /", "{F Oh, } that's a pretty big fish. /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / [ they're, + they've, ] {F uh, } - / the striped bass have accommodated themselves to the big fresh water lakes, / {C and } they're pretty exciting [ when they're, + when they're ] running. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's a salt water fish in fresh water, {F uh, } environment. /", "{D Well, } [ our, + our ] streams here are replanted with fish about every year --", "It's all put and take. /", "-- so that, {D well, } [ [ [ they, + they, ] + they, ] + {F uh, } they ] have a pretty good idea [ of, + of, ] {F uh, } what the number of fish are in these various locations, / [ {C and } -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] they [ have + <cough> have ] certain areas that they plant, {D you know, } a hundred here and a hundred there, / {C and } this is, of course, X number of weeks or months before fishing season opens / {C so, } -/", "What's the season? / April to [ Sep-, + October ] or something like that? /", "That sounds about right -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- uh-huh, / pretty close. /", "{F Uh } -- /", "{D You know. } -/", "-- what's a license cost? /", "{D Well, } as I say, it's been several years, / {C but } the licenses weren't that expensive, / I, - / seems to stick in my mind, five to seven dollars --", "Yeah. /", "-- is about all, from what I remember it. /", "Uh-huh. / It's about the same as Texas. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I have, {F oh, } probably a half a dozen different kinds of, {F uh, } fishing poles [ and, + and ] fly rods and so forth, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I had been so busy in my work in these last few years that I haven't had time to fish. / {C But } I'm going to be retiring at the end of December, / {C and } [ I, + I ] hope, {F uh, } the next fishing season, that I can sort of get back in and, {F uh, } enjoy that. / [ That, + that ] was a really enjoyable, {F uh, } thing for me to do. /", "{D Well, } I have all sons, so I think I'm probably going to be fishing for a long time <laughter>. /", "{F Huh, } I just have one son and [ he, + he ] lives out of the state now, rather, in the eastern corner of it, / {C so, } I don't think he has time to fish either <laughter>. /", "I caught the disease from my father, / {C and } I'm passing it on to my children. / It's really <laughter>, -/", "{F Oh, } is that right? /", "They love it, / yeah. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } [ [ I, + I, ] + the disease I ] caught was simply because, {F uh, } [ I, + I ] was in the Norfolk Portsmouth area, / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- people there, - / [ there's, + there's ] so much water around --", "Right. /", "-- that, [ you, + you're ] either boating or you're fishing -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I fairly enjoyed at that time. - / I have a small aluminum boat here --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that, {F uh, } - / when I go on one of the large lakes that we have here [ that + ] I enjoy fishing [ for, + for ] trout from that, /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } [ I don't, + I don't ] know about the lakes in central Pennsylvania. / Are there many? /", "<Throat_clearing> {D Well, } as I say, I'm in Center County. / [ There's, + {F um, } there're ] two different size lakes about, {D well, } five, six miles from State College. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Now } these aren't huge lakes from your point of view -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } they are probably fifteen, twenty acres maybe --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ which, + which ] here is a lot of water, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FISHING", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF FISHING THE OTHER CALLER ENJOYS. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT INTERESTS IN THE KIND OF FISHING YOU ENJOY?", "talk_day": "11/03/1991", "from_caller": 1190, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1402, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1924, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3527_0", "3527_1", "3527_2", "3527_3", "3527_4", "3527_5", "3527_6", "3527_7", "3527_8", "3527_9", "3527_10", "3527_11", "3527_12", "3527_13", "3527_14", "3527_15", "3527_16", "3527_17", "3527_18", "3527_19", "3527_20", "3527_21", "3527_22", "3527_23", "3527_24", "3527_25", "3527_26", "3527_27", "3527_28", "3527_29", "3527_30", "3527_31", "3527_32", "3527_33", "3527_34", "3527_35", "3527_36", "3527_37", "3527_38", "3527_39", "3527_40", "3527_41", "3527_42", "3527_43", "3527_44", "3527_45", "3527_46", "3527_47", "3527_48", "3527_49", "3527_50", "3527_51", "3527_52", "3527_53", "3527_54", "3527_55", "3527_56", "3527_57", "3527_58", "3527_59", "3527_60", "3527_61", "3527_62", "3527_63", "3527_64", "3527_65", "3527_66", "3527_67", "3527_68", "3527_69", "3527_70", "3527_71", "3527_72", "3527_73", "3527_74", "3527_75", "3527_76", "3527_77", "3527_78", "3527_79", "3527_80", "3527_81", "3527_82", "3527_83", "3527_84", "3527_85", "3527_86", "3527_87", "3527_88", "3527_89", "3527_90", "3527_91", "3527_92", "3527_93", "3527_94", "3527_95", "3527_96", "3527_97", "3527_98", "3527_99", "3527_100", "3527_101", "3527_102", "3527_103", "3527_104", "3527_105", "3527_106", "3527_107", "3527_108", "3527_109", "3527_110", "3527_111", "3527_112", "3527_113", "3527_114", "3527_115", "3527_116", "3527_117", "3527_118", "3527_119", "3527_120", "3527_121", "3527_122", "3527_123", "3527_124", "3527_125", "3527_126", "3527_127", "3527_128", "3527_129", "3527_130", "3527_131", "3527_132", "3527_133", "3527_134", "3527_135", "3527_136", "3527_137", "3527_138"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / [ do, + do ] you have a home, or apartment? /", "Uh-huh, / I have a home. /", "Okay, / do you have to do a lot of upkeep? /", "Not really, / we have a small backyard and small front yard -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } {F uh, } I do basically {D like } the shrubbery and the planting and the weeding / {C and } he mows the lawn because the lawn mower is too heavy <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "That's another story. /", "Okay <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> [ {C And, } {F uh, } + {C and, } {F uh, } ] I do the edging and stuff like that, / {C but, } {F uh, } it doesn't take us that long because [ our, + our ] yard is so small. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I try and do as much, {D you know } flowering as I can, and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that kind of stuff.", "Uh-huh. /", "The seasonal things. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> I think we have one of the nicest yards [ in the, + in the ] neighborhood <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } that's nice <laughter>. / I wish I could say that. /", "<Laughter>.", "Ours is pretty small, too, / {C but } [ it, + it ] takes about an hour with the two of us working --", "Yeah. /", "-- to, {D you know, } do the bushes and all of that sort of thing. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } the worst part is controlling the weeds.", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Which I hate because we don't like to use a lot of the chemicals and, because, {D like, } we have a dog [ and, + and, ] {D you know, } he's going to be out in the yard and who knows who he eats out there. /", "That's true. /", "{C But } we try not to use them but we end up using some anyway. / {F Uh } <lipsmack>, {F um, } what else. / I get to put out all the Christmas lights out there and all that,", "<Laughter>.", "sort of thing <laughter>. /", "I don't <laughter>. /", "No? /", "No, / he does that. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } [ if they, + if they ] go up - / {D like, } one year we --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- did the edge of the house --", "Yeah. /", "-- all the way up on the roof / {C and } [ I -- + -- I ] went up on the roof once and I'll never do it again <laughter>. / I decided I was afraid <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / Don't blame you <<very faint>>. /", "{C So } this year, he got lazy so I said, fine / I'll put some on the bushes. / {C And } that's about it, / that's all --", "Yeah. /", "-- it gets. /", "{F Huh, } okay, / we don't have that many bushes to put them on. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> [ our, + our ] yard is very, {F uh, } narrow -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } {C so } we have some bushes, but we don't have too many, / {C but } we have a nice tree in the front / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } we have [ people that, + an association that ] comes and mows everybody's front yard -- /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } they keep hitting [ it, + the tree ] with the lawn mower. /", "{F Oh, } no. /", "{D You know, } every time you do that, it, {F uh, } kind of kills the tree for a while. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } {C so } that's kind of stunt its growth for just a while until we get it back going again. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } we started mowing our own lawn -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C because } they were doing that. / {C And } {C so, } anyways I have a nice full tree now / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ we put + (( )) , we fill ] it with lights and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that kind of thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } -/", "{F Um. } /", "{C And } [ they would, + {F uh, } they ] also edged, - / [ when + ] they would edge [ in, + into ] the shrubbery <laughter> [ and -- + ] -- {F oh, } gosh, it was getting really bad, / {C so } we, -/", "{C But } you still have to pay for it, [ though, + even though ] they're not going to do it? /", "Yeah, / {C because } it's an association fee. /", "{F Oh, } is it real expensive? /", "Yes -- /", "{F Oh, } gosh. /", "-- it's {D like } seventy a month. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I don't like, - / [ I, + I ] just get really upset every time I make that check out. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } [ do, + do ] they do other things for you all? /", "They take care of the, {F uh, } landscape, / {C because } we live in a cul-de-sac / {C and } there is a island in the middle -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } they care of that / {C and } there is a pool and they take care of the pool -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {C and } ] there is a pond, / they take care of the pond in the park area and that kind of thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] you're basically paying, {F oh, } - / {C and } the sprinkler system that, - / that - / our yard doesn't have a sprinkler system, but the island does / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- certain sharing areas have sprinkler systems / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } {C so } that way if someone moves out, the entire neighborhood is mowed and watered and that kind of thing, {D you know. } /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So, } -/", "{C But } you knew when you moved in, you'd have to pay that, didn't you? /", "{D Well, } [ [ it, + it, ] + it ] went up what we pay. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{C And } that's the bad thing. / I just hope it doesn't go up any more / {C because } --", "Yeah. /", "-- we just can't afford it anymore. / I don't know what to do if you can't afford it <laughter>. /", "I don't know either. / That's interesting. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {C but, } they're, - / that's what they do. / They take care of basically the front yards [ and + ] --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- unless you don't want them to do it. /", "{D Now } do at a - / do things like plant bushes and trees? /", "They, - / [ o-, + only ] [ in, + {D like, } in ] the common areas and in the island. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C But } they don't do it in your yard. /", "{C So, } there is, {D like, } no restriction on what types of bushes you can have or anything like that? /", "Right, / uh-huh, / yeah, / {C so } we've added bushes [ and, + and ] shrubbery, too. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / when we moved into our house I just hated the bushes they had. / [ I, + I ] ripped most of them out and put them somewhere in the back. /", "I know. /", "{C And } put new ones out front. / {C But } that was a lot of work. /", "Yeah. /", "Took me a long time. /", "Yeah, / <barking> that's what we did when we first moved in, too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Just rearranged some things <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {C and [ then, + then ] } we put in a sprinkler system, / {C and, }", "Oh. /", "We won't go through that again, / I will pay someone <barking> to do it <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{F Oh, } it took so long. /", "Oh. /", "{C Because } <barking> my husband was, {D you know, } digging the trenches <barking> because he didn't want to get a trencher, {D you know, } / there is a machine that will --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- do it. / {C Because, } {D you know, } there is so many people that broke either their water main or their gas main doing it. / {C And } <barking> --", "Oh. /", "-- I guess that costs you an absolute fortune. /", "That's true, / {C so } gosh, / you did it manually. /", "By hand. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Oh, } gosh. /", "Yeah, / {C but } it works great now that we've got it. /", "I bet. /", "Yeah, / it's nice. /", "Yeah, / that's a good investment there. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } we needed to because we're having some foundation trouble, / {D you know, } you have to keep [ the, + the ] area moist --", "Oh. /", "-- around the house or it makes it worse, / {C so, } we had an incentive there --", "Oh. /", "-- to do that. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "GARDENING", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER DOES IN THE WAY OF LAWN AND GARDEN WORK.DOES THE OTHER CALL ENJOY DOING IT? COMPARE THIS TO YOUR OWN SITUATION.", "talk_day": "12/12/1991", "from_caller": 1349, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND", "to_caller": 1423, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2101_0", "2101_1", "2101_2", "2101_3", "2101_4", "2101_5", "2101_6", "2101_7", "2101_8", "2101_9", "2101_10", "2101_11", "2101_12", "2101_13", "2101_14", "2101_15", "2101_16", "2101_17", "2101_18", "2101_19", "2101_20", "2101_21", "2101_22", "2101_23", "2101_24", "2101_25", "2101_26", "2101_27", "2101_28", "2101_29", "2101_30", "2101_31", "2101_32", "2101_33", "2101_34", "2101_35", "2101_36", "2101_37", "2101_38", "2101_39", "2101_40", "2101_41", "2101_42", "2101_43", "2101_44", "2101_45", "2101_46", "2101_47", "2101_48", "2101_49", "2101_50", "2101_51", "2101_52", "2101_53", "2101_54", "2101_55", "2101_56", "2101_57", "2101_58", "2101_59", "2101_60", "2101_61", "2101_62", "2101_63", "2101_64", "2101_65", "2101_66", "2101_67", "2101_68", "2101_69", "2101_70", "2101_71", "2101_72", "2101_73", "2101_74", "2101_75", "2101_76", "2101_77", "2101_78", "2101_79", "2101_80", "2101_81", "2101_82", "2101_83", "2101_84", "2101_85", "2101_86", "2101_87", "2101_88", "2101_89", "2101_90", "2101_91", "2101_92", "2101_93", "2101_94", "2101_95", "2101_96", "2101_97", "2101_98", "2101_99", "2101_100", "2101_101", "2101_102", "2101_103", "2101_104", "2101_105", "2101_106", "2101_107", "2101_108", "2101_109", "2101_110", "2101_111"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } do you have any, {F uh, } television programs that you watch regularly? /", "{F Oh, } this is kind of tough. / I don't too often watch, {D you know, } shows that are on, on a regular bases. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't have a lot of time / {C and } I don't really like some of them to tell you the truth. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{E I mean } I don't thing they have any redeeming value. /", "No. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } {F oh, } I watch things like, {F uh, } SIXTY MINUTES,", "Uh-huh. /", "every week. / {F Uh, } ugh, / it's kind of tough to think of some of the others. Although, I do watch some of some of those frivolous things. / {F Uh, }", "<Laughter>.", "like on Thursday nights at nine o'clock when I get home from aerobics I will watch, {F uh, } KNOTS LANDING <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } you will? /", "Yeah, / just something like that for, {D you know, } {F uh, } end of the evening type of thing, -/", "Relax. /", "{C but, } {F uh. } How about you? /", "{D Well, } I watch, {F um, } - / I like news programs, like you mentioned, / {C and } sometimes I will watch, {F um, } {D like } the [ cable news, + network evening news ] program. /", "Yeah, / I don't get that so I don't have,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "that choice. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] like that. / [ I, + I ] watch that a couple of times a week, {F um, } / it comes on {D like } at nine o'clock,", "Uh-huh. /", "at night / {C and } I really don't have any {D like } situation comedies that I watch regularly. / [ I, + I ] have seen that, {F um, } MURPHY BROWN that comes on,", "Uh-huh. /", "Monday nights before / {C and } it's kind of cute, /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C and, } + {C but } ] I don't, -/", "{C But } there's a couple of those I've seen once in a while, /", "<Throat_clearing> Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } I can't think of the name of the one that has the, {F uh, } military, {F uh, } fellow. /", "{F Oh, } {C but, } -/", "{E I mean } he's playing a military part. / He's the husband of,", "Uh-huh. /", "the girl on DESIGNING WOMEN. /", "Right. / I know who you're talking about. / [ I haven't, + I have + ] seen it, I think, maybe once. /", "Yeah, / {D you know, } [ it wa-, + it was ] on one time when I saw it / {C and, } {D you know, } it, it's pretty cute. /", "<Laughter> (( I like that )) / {D Well, } [ I, + {F um, } I, ] - / we really don't watch too many programs regularly. / My children like some of the morning children's shows,", "Yeah. /", "when they're home. / They, {F um, } - / I just have one son who's in kindergarten / {C so } in the morning they will like to watch {D like, } {F um, } EUREKA'S CASTLE, it's called. / It's just like a SESAME STREET,", "Uh-huh. /", "show, / [ {C but } + <throat_clearing>, {C and } ] they watch a couple of shows like that, / {C but } I don't watch any daytime T V at all. /", "Yeah, / no / I don't, -/", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "I guess, {F uh, } there's some, {F uh, } things on Channel Thirteen that I watch pretty regularly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "On Saturdays they have, {F uh, } a variety of things, {F uh, } / {C and } a lot of times I record it and watch it some other time. / {C But, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "they have programs on, {F uh, } house repairs and,", "{F Um. } /", "how to build things / {C and, } {F um, } they have a calligraphy show, / {C and } I do calligraphy, so, I watch that. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. /", "{C And, } {F um, } they have a lot of cooking shows, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F oh, } {D you know, } I'll just short of have it on sometimes to just sort of pick up little tidbits from those. / I don't sit and watch them [ but, + but ] I enjoy some of it [ and + ] especially if I'm, {F uh, } cooking on a Saturday evening or something, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } one of those [ is on, it + ] kind of inspires me. /", "<Laughter> That sounds like a good idea. / I notice that, {F um, } since we moved here that [ we, + we ] did get the cable T V, / {C and } when the newspaper comes out on Sunday, I sometimes read through the movies that will be listed, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I record some. / {C And then, } {F uh, } we have just totally cut down, / {C and } we never go to {D like } a video tape rental anymore because there's always plenty of things that we can record [ and then, +", "Yeah. /", "and ] watch and then record over [ it, + ] something else. / [ {C And } + {C so } ] that's been really nice because if you decide one evening you would like to stay home and have a quiet evening and watch a movie then you have two or three saved. /", "Yeah, / we do some of that, /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "In fact, I probably am more interested in watching some of the movies that are on T V,", "Uh-huh. /", "than, {D you know, } other kinds of things. /", "{D Well, } that's probably what I watch most frequently besides {D like } news programs is the movies / {C and } they have a couple of channels that are {D like } nostalgic older movies,", "Yes. /", "that I have really enjoyed that I'm seeing for the first time <laughter>.", "Yeah. /", "Like the MARX BROTHERS <static> and things like that. /", "Yeah, / those are pretty good / [ I, + I ] like those old ones,", "Uh-huh. /", "much better than some of the new stuff. /", "</Static> Right. / [ {C And } + {C so } ] [ we, + we ] have really enjoyed that / {C and } it's really nice not to be running out. / Some of the video rentals can be expensive / {C and, } -/", "Yeah. / {C And, } boy, / the movie can be unbelievable. /", "Uh-huh, / right. / Going and paying six dollars for a ticket for one person at the theater or something. / {C So } we, - / I have, - / {C and } it's so convenient at home / {C and } you can do it anytime [ y-, + you ] take the notion. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And } + {C so, } ] I have really enjoyed that / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] there are, - / I do have friends that watch programs / {D like } they want to see a particular program and they are either home watching it or definitely recording it. / They have some programs that they won't miss. /", "Uh-huh, / I'm not that hung up to most things. /", "<Laughter>.", "{E I mean } if I miss something big deal <laughter>. /", "Yes. / {D Well, } {C and } things are repeated,", "Yeah. / That's true. /", "so often that {D you know } [ if, + if ] I have seen just a program once chances are it'll be that exact same show <laughter>.", "Yeah. /", "if I ever decide to tune it in again, /", "Yeah. /", "the only one I've ever seen and it'll be showing again. / Pretty funny. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } T V is something that we [ try [ an-, + ] to not, + {F um, } deliberately try ] not to get hung up on it,", "Yeah. /", "like you say. /", "We do too. / Too many other things to do and too much going on. /", "Uh-huh. / {C And } we don't want our kids [ to, + to ] grow up thinking that that's what you do with your,", "Right. /", "spare time. /", "Right. / I agree. /", "{C So } it's [ a little bit, + ] something that we try doing / {C and } [ there's, + there's ] a lot of good children's programs that [ you could watch + they could watch ] several hours every day. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } you could say, {F oh, } that's a good program for them because it's educational / {C but } still you want them to go out and do other things. / Even if they're,", "Right. /", "good programs you don't want them sitting there watching them. /", "Yeah. /", "Anyway. {D Well, } -/", "Okay. / {D Well, } we probably exhausted that, huh? /", "Yeah, / That was pretty good / [ I, + I ] like that / {C and, } {F um, } I guess it's time to go. /", "Okay. / I enjoyed talking to you. /", "Yes. / Nice to have spoken with you, too. /", "Okay. /", "Bye-bye. /", "Good-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1148, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1016, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1945, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
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/", "Uh-huh. /", "Okay. /", "Do you want to start? /", "{F Uh, } <lipsmack> {D well, } we're supposed to talk about vacations -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I'm trying to think of the ones that I've been on that I liked the most / {C and } <noise> probably the one I liked most was Hawaii <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } did you get to go to Hawaii? /", "Yes. /", "Yeah, / we went there for our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. / It's lovely, isn't it? /", "Yes. / We went, {F uh, } six months after we were married. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we just went to, {F uh, } two islands. /", "What islands did you go to? /", "We went to Oahu and Kauai. /", "Kauai, / uh-huh. / We went to Kauai, / {C and then } we also hit Maui, / {C and then, } of course, {F uh } -- -/", "The big one. /", "-- {F uh, } the big one, / uh-huh. /", "Oh. /", "With, {F uh, } the big one I thought was very commercialized. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / It was. -/", "{C But } the other two were just lovely. /", "Yes, / I enjoyed Kauai better, too. /", "Uh-huh, / it was quiet and restful, [ and, + and ] so beautiful. / It wasn't commercialized. /", "{F Oh, } it was rainy <laughter>. /", "Yeah / <laughter>, was it? /", "Rainy, / {C but, } {D you know, } we don't like to spend the money to go over there and sit on the beach anyway / {C so, } -/", "That's right. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } it wasn't real rainy. / We had [ s-, + a few ] showers, but, {F uh, } nothing that really got in the way with anything and just very brief ones / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] when, {F uh, } - / {D now } we went to Nassau / {C and } my husband liked it better than he did Hawaii. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Oh. /", "Yeah, / he really did. / I don't know why. / {D You know, } he didn't like Oahu at all <child>. / [ He thought -- +", "Uh-huh. / Oh. /", "Did you go there? /", "Uh-huh. /", "That was wonderful -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } we both enjoyed it --", "[ That was <child>. +", "-- very much. /", "That was ] nice, / uh-huh. / {D You know, } I've been to Nassau, too. /", "Have you? /", "I went on a cruise. /", "{F Oh, } neat. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and, } {F uh, } to tell you the truth, [ I, + I ] think I'd rather just go to the island. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } our son and daughter-in-law <child> [ just, + ] {F uh, } they got married last January and they won a cruise. / {C And } I know they didn't like it. / {D Now, } we have several friends that, {F uh, } have been on, and just love them. / {C But } James and I like, - / I don't know, / I think we would get bored on the boat all the time. /", "{D Well, } I, <breathing> got sick. /", "{F Oh, } did you? /", "Yeah, / I did the first night. / I went --", "Ooh. /", "-- with my sister --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- just, {F uh, } a couple years ago / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we both, the first night, just had to leave dinner. /", "{F Um. } /", "It was bad, / [ {C but, } + {C and then } ] after that [ it was, + it ] got better, / {C but } we just, - / it was a four day -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we were both ready to get off the boat. /", "Were you? /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } I think if we ever go, it will only be for a three day. / {D Now } we've been real lucky. / We've been to Europe twice. /", "{F Oh, } have you? /", "Yeah. / [ We went, + the first time we went ] to London, Europe and touched a little bit of Scotland <dishes>. / {C And } second time we went to Munich, Germany and were there a week, and loved <noise> Germany. /", "Oh. /", "It --", "Wow. /", "-- is just absolutely gorgeous --", "I'll bet it is. /", "-- with the mountains / {C and } we were there in the fall before the snows, {D you know, } started / {C and } it was wonderful. / [ [ It, + {F uh } --", "Oh. /", "-- it ] was just, + it was ] marvelous. / {C And } we would love to go back there / {C and } we'd love to go back to London. /", "You haven't been to Spain? /", "No -- /", "Oh. /", "-- have not been to Spain. /", "I was born there. /", "Were you? /", "Yes <laughter>. /", "How old were you when you left? /", "{F Uh, } just ten months. /", "{F Oh, } ten months, / uh-huh. /", "Yeah, / {C so, } -/", "Have you ever got to go back? /", "No, / no, / {C and } I would like to. /", "Would you? / [ My, + {F uh, } <lipsmack> my ] sister, - / we went with them to Germany / {C and, } {F uh, } she would like to go to Spain. / I'm not sure whether I would like to or not. /", "Huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I would like to go to Ireland. /", "Would you? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Now, } {D now } I don't know if I'd like to go there just from --", "{D Well, } the -- -/", "-- [ the -- +", "-- (( )) there is -- -/", "-- the ] problems. /", "-- uh-huh, / [ is, + is ] a little scary, / {C but } I would still like to see it. / I'd like to see, {F uh, } <noise> Italy. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "I would love to go there. /", "That would be nice. /", "{C And, } course, there is a lot of places in the United States I still want to [ come, + ] {D you know, } go to. /", "{D Now, } have you been to Yellowstone? /", "{F Uh, } /", "Yellowstone, /", "Yes, / yes. /", "Have you? /", "We have been there. / [ We, + I ] was there as a child and then we, we went to California and came back through Yellowstone with our kids. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they loved it. /", "{D Well, } /", "I was in Utah, in Salt Lake City when I was a, {F uh, } youngster. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {D you know, } I've touched on that. /", "Yeah, / {D now } I'm just about, {F oh, } a half hour, {F uh, } north of Salt Lake. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } it's at -- -/", "Yeah. /", "-- my husband works in Salt Lake, / {C so } -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- we're real close / {C and, } yeah, / we, -/", "{D Now } that's a pretty city. /", "Yes, / [ we, + we ] like it. /", "Very clean.", "Yeah. /", "{D You know. } /", "It is. /", "Utah is a pretty state from what I remember of it. /", "{D Well, } we kind of like it <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh / <laughter>.", "{D Well, } do you like to camp, those kind of trips? /", "We, - / no, / we used to <child>. / We used to camp a lot with our - /", "Uh-huh. / {F Oh, } you like the motels? /", "We like the motels, / yes <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {F oh, } {D well. } /", "[ We have, + we've ] gone past the camping stage. / We lived in <child> Chattanooga, Tennessee for two years. /", "{F Oh, } did you? /", "{C And } we did a lot of camping out there in the Smokeys / {C and } it was beautiful / {C and } our kids loved it and everything / {C and then } we moved to, {F uh, } <child> {F uh, } the Dallas area -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } it's hot down here / {C and } camping is not near as much fun. /", "Oh. /", "[ [ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C so, } ] + {C and then } ] the kids were getting older [ and, + and ] were involved in activities so the camping sort of went by the wayside.", "Huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } although our son loves to fish / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] our daughter and her husband are talking now about starting camping with their boys now that they have gotten older. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "VACATION SPOTS", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS TYPES OF VACATIONS AND TRIPS YOU ENJOY. FIND OUT WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER CAN INTEREST YOU IN A VACATION SPOT YOU HAVEN'T VISITED.", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1466, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1957, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1415, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1939, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2064_0", "2064_1", "2064_2", "2064_3", "2064_4", "2064_5", "2064_6", "2064_7", "2064_8", "2064_9", "2064_10", "2064_11", "2064_12", "2064_13", "2064_14", "2064_15", "2064_16", "2064_17", "2064_18", "2064_19", "2064_20", "2064_21", "2064_22", "2064_23", "2064_24", "2064_25", "2064_26", "2064_27", "2064_28", "2064_29", "2064_30", "2064_31", "2064_32", "2064_33", "2064_34", "2064_35", "2064_36", "2064_37", "2064_38", "2064_39", "2064_40", "2064_41", "2064_42", "2064_43", "2064_44", "2064_45", "2064_46", "2064_47", "2064_48", "2064_49", "2064_50", "2064_51", "2064_52", "2064_53", "2064_54", "2064_55", "2064_56", "2064_57", "2064_58", "2064_59", "2064_60", "2064_61", "2064_62", "2064_63", "2064_64", "2064_65", "2064_66", "2064_67", "2064_68", "2064_69", "2064_70", "2064_71", "2064_72", "2064_73", "2064_74", "2064_75", "2064_76", "2064_77", "2064_78", "2064_79", "2064_80", "2064_81", "2064_82", "2064_83", "2064_84", "2064_85", "2064_86", "2064_87", "2064_88", "2064_89", "2064_90", "2064_91", "2064_92", "2064_93", "2064_94", "2064_95", "2064_96", "2064_97", "2064_98", "2064_99", "2064_100", "2064_101", "2064_102", "2064_103", "2064_104", "2064_105", "2064_106", "2064_107", "2064_108", "2064_109", "2064_110", "2064_111", "2064_112", "2064_113", "2064_114", "2064_115", "2064_116", "2064_117", "2064_118", "2064_119", "2064_120", "2064_121", "2064_122", "2064_123", "2064_124", "2064_125", "2064_126", "2064_127", "2064_128", "2064_129", "2064_130", "2064_131", "2064_132", "2064_133", "2064_134", "2064_135", "2064_136", "2064_137"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } I am new to Texas, / {C so } I don't even know what the law is,", "Uh-huh? /", "in the state, / do you? /", "{D Well, } yes, / of course, we do have capital punishment. / {C And } we've, {D you know, } done away with our, quote, fair share number. /", "{F Oh, } that's right, / I think now, that I recall, reading about it in the paper. /", "Yes. /", "{F Um, } {D you know, } different things, - / is it restricted to certain crimes? / {C Or } just, -/", "Yes, / it's certain crimes, {F uh, } capital crimes, murder, of course, {F uh, } rape,", "Uh-huh. /", "this sort of thing. /", "{F Um. } {D Well. } -/", "It seems to be a disproportionate number of blacks, {D you know, } that get into the system. /", "Yes, / I know, / the one thing that I think is really sad about it, as I recall, from the articles that I've read, is that [ if, + if ] people who have been there, <throat_clearing> are going to be killed. {F Um, } there's people that come to the prisons and they're very violent / {C and, } they want, - / {E I mean } they're anxious for someone to be killed <child>. /", "Uh-huh. / Yes. /", "I just, - / I can't see that. /", "That happens on occasion, / it sure does, /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "maybe it just depends on, {D you know, } how closely the crime, {D you know, }", "Uh-huh. /", "has affected you personally. / {D You know, } I don't know, / {C or } a person personally. -/", "No. /", "I think I would be, {D you know, } - / [ I guess, + really if I had to say yes or no, I guess ] I would say, {D you know, } that I am in certain cases, in favor of the death penalty, / I don't know that it's a big deterrent really. / I don't know that it is. / I don't know how we'd ever find out, {D you know, } really whether it is or not. /", "{D Well, } there is so many chances for appeal, that it kee-, -/", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {F oh, } absolutely, / yeah, / it goes on for years and years, and costs hundreds of thousands of dollars, taxpayer money. /", "Ye-, / it's really sad. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't know, / I just think, {F um, } - / somehow I hoped that as a people we could be better [ than, + than, ] {F um, } expecting,", "Yes. /", "the feeling that it (( )) - / with, - / someone is calling for someone else to be killed, {D you know. } / Is really kind of bad <child>. /", "Yes / it is. / It's a tough, tough question. / It really is. / I suspect I would be, {F uh, } {D you know, } a lot more favor of it if, {D you know, } one of my children were, {D you know, } brutally killed, or something like that. / Like I say, I think it depends on how personally affected, {D you know, } you might be by it. /", "{C and } there really are criminals that are hard-core and,", "{F Oh, } absolutely. /", "repeat, (( )) and never have any chance for, -/", "[ Tha-, + that's ] right. /", "(( )) {F Oh, } I don't know, / is it, - / do you feel at all like, it's a religious issue? /", "Not with me personally. / It is with a lot of other people. /", "<Throat_clearing> Uh-huh. /", "It's [ not, + not ] to me personally, / no. /", "{F Um. } /", "No. /", "I don't know, / sometimes I feel, - / {E I mean } I do go to church and things. / I don't know how I would feel about it. / {C But } like you say, if it hit you personally,", "Uh-huh. /", "closer at home you would [ feel, +", "Yes. /", "feel ] differently. /", "[ That's a, + it's a ] tough, tough question, / it really is. /", "Do you think most states have that / or? <child>. -/", "Yes, / I think most states do have capital punishment. / Yes. / {C But, } I think the U S is one of the few countries that still do. /", "That still does it, / that's right. /", "Yes, / they're only, - / I was reading something about it the other day, / I (( )) think there was only {D like } six or eight countries in the world, that have capital punishment still. /", "Uh-huh. /", "A lot of them had to have [ el-, + elected ] not to do so. / {D Now } I don't know, what they do in place of it. / {D You know, } maybe it's life in prisonment or, {D you know, } something, / [ I don-, + I don't ] know how they handle it / {C bu-, } I was surprised to learn that so few countries have capital punishment. /", "Have that. - / {D Well, } {C and } it doesn't seem like very many people, {F uh, } are really, {E I mean, } - / there's a lot of people that are on death row.", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "But there's not very many people that actually, {F um. } do get killed. /", "Yes, / a lot of them do get their sentences commuted to something else. /", "Uh-huh. / {C So, } it seems like a of people live there, / {C and } then through appeals. -/", "Yes. /", "{C Because } I know they do frequently, - / {E I mean } they [ cover, + cover ] it pretty heavily on television and the newspaper. /", "Uh-huh. / Yes. /", "If it finally gets to that point. /", "Right, / the first appeal is automatic, / {C so } that delays it for a few years just right off the bat. /", "Yeah. /", "[ There's, + there's ] a lot of, {D you know, } last minute, {F uh, } <sniffing> things that happen cause a person not to,", "Uh-huh. /", "have to go through the whole thing. /", "Uh-huh. / {C So } is it, {F uh, } - / are we doing lethal injection now? /", "Yes, / uh-huh. / [ That's, + that's ] fairly recent, I don't know, how recent, but fairly recent, in the state of Texas. / Before that, it was, {F uh, } death by electrocution. /", "Uh-huh, / [ wh-, + which ] seems so awful. /", "Yes, / it certainly does. /", "{C So, } it's a little bit more humane, / I guess, it is, -/", "Yes, / it would almost have to be, I suppose. / [ If you, + if you ] had to chose, [ I guess I would, + I am sure I would ] take the lethal injection. /", "<Laughter> Yes, / the other one just seems so terrible. /", "Yes, / absolutely. /", "{F Um. } /", "[ It's a, + it's a ] tough question. / It really is. / I guess, if I had to say yes or no, I would say, {D you know, } yes. / [ I, + I ] would have to lean toward capital punishment, {D you know, } for certain crimes. /", "{D Well, } do you think that we do it because we want it to deter crime / {C or, } it's not because we don't want to pay for inmates to stay in prison? /", "No, / I don't think it's a monetary thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think, - / we hope that it will be, {D you know, } some sort of [ determ-, + deterrent ] or, you know, an eye for an eye type thing, or something like that. /", "{F Um. } /", "Some of the crimes are just so brutal and so, {D you know, } useless. / This may seem to be the best way out. / I don't know. /", "Yes. /", "Easiest way out maybe. / No, / I don't think it's a monetary thing. /", "{F Um. } {D Well, } {F um, } {C and } I notice that the crime (( rate )) was up in the Dallas area <throat_clearing>. / [ It's, +", "Yes, / especially the murder rate, its just gone crazy. /", "It's ] kind of been scary,", "Yes. /", "to think about it / [ {C and, } +", "Absolutely. /", "{C And } ] you're hoping there is something that will cut down on that. /", "Yes, / I wish I had the answer for that, / everybody does. /", "You hate to have the dubious honor of being, {D you know, } so high [ in the, +", "Yes, / it's nothing to be proud of, /", "in ] statistics, /", "certainly not. /", "{C But } I, {D you know, } - / we have been really fortunate / our family,", "Yes. /", "hasn't had any crime. /", "Yes, / {C so } have we been very, very fortunate. /", "{C And, } {C so } we don't, - / it's harder to think about the poor people that have suffered that way. /", "That's right. / Absolutely. /", "{C And } how they would expect,", "Uh-huh. /", "how they would hope, - / {E I mean } [ you, + you ] hear of people who have, {F um, } committed crimes, and then they get out of jail and they go, and they do the same thing again. /", "Absolutely. /", "{C And } you wonder why they can't just stop it. /", "Uh-huh. / That's right. /", "{C So, } maybe you would, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } still I would hate to be on the jury that sentenced someone. /", "{C So } would I, - / [ I + fortunately, I ] have never been in that circumstance, / I hope I never am, [ like, + like ] everybody else. /", "No, <laughter> / I know when, {F um, } - / [ we just, + we ] moved here, {F uh, } [ I + ] [ from the, + ] I got a [ summons, + jury summons, ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "just {D like } constantly, it seemed {D like, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } fortunately I had small children / {C and } I didn't have to go. /", "Right. /", "{C And } it's not that, / {E I mean, } I think everyone should have to serve on the jury, /", "Uh-huh. /", "it's just that, I didn't, - / I hate having to be in charge of someone else's life. /", "Sure, / [ it's, + it's ] a big responsibility, / it really is. /", "{C And } I would hate to have to hear any kind of case,", "Yes. /", "involving a violent crime or anything. /", "So would I. /", "That would be really awful. /", "Yes. / Absolutely. /", "{D Well, } anyway, I sure have enjoyed, {F uh, } talking to you about this. Although it has been difficult / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "[ It is, + it's ] a tough subject, / it really is. /", "I'd hate to decide it, but I [ guess, + {F uh, } guess ] it's important,", "Right. /", "that we decide as a people [ what, + what ] we're going to do. /", "That's right. /", "Anyway, {D well, } you have a good day. /", "{D Well, } thank you, / it's nice talking to you. /", "Thank you, / bye-bye. /", "Uh-huh. / Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT", "prompt": "COMPARE YOUR OPINIONS AND THOSE OF THE OTHER CALLER ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DO EITHER OF YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN CRIMES OR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW DO THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF YOUR STATE FIT WITH YOUR OPINIONS?", "talk_day": "03/08/1991", "from_caller": 1148, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1133, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1935, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3054_0", "3054_1", "3054_2", "3054_3", "3054_4", "3054_5", "3054_6", "3054_7", "3054_8", "3054_9", "3054_10", "3054_11", "3054_12", "3054_13", "3054_14", "3054_15", "3054_16", "3054_17", "3054_18", "3054_19", "3054_20", "3054_21", "3054_22", "3054_23", "3054_24", "3054_25", "3054_26", "3054_27", "3054_28", "3054_29", "3054_30", "3054_31", "3054_32", "3054_33", "3054_34", "3054_35", "3054_36", "3054_37", "3054_38", "3054_39", "3054_40", "3054_41", "3054_42", "3054_43", "3054_44", "3054_45", "3054_46", "3054_47", "3054_48", "3054_49", "3054_50", "3054_51", "3054_52", "3054_53", "3054_54", "3054_55", "3054_56", "3054_57", "3054_58", "3054_59", "3054_60", "3054_61", "3054_62", "3054_63", "3054_64", "3054_65", "3054_66", "3054_67", "3054_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay <noise> / wow, I don't know what that was. /", "What was that? /", "I don't know <laughter>. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } to, {F uh, } <throat_clearing> the Brazos River --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- near Dinosaur Valley State Park. -/", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Uh-huh, / {F uh, } we have not camped in any of those places, / in fact it has been a number of years since we have camped, / {C but } we used to go to Tyler State Park and, {F uh, } Daingerfield / {C and } in Texas that is where we camp basically. {F Uh, } /", "What are they like? /", "They are very nice. / Tyler is really, really a neat place to camp. / It has a nice little lake / {C and } it has some really wonderful, {F uh, } sights that are in the wooded areas. / {F Uh, } the facilities are quite nice / {C and } our children [ liked, + liked ] it quite well. / {C and } {D you know } they, - / we felt real safe with their being able to do what they would like to do there in the area. / {C And, } {F uh, } [ it was just, + it was just ] a really nice place to camp. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {D now } Daingerfield is, - / let's see, / I think that's a little bit [ [ mor-, + more ] east, + further east, ] [ and + and ] maybe south, if I am remembering where that is. / No, / I think it's a little bit further north, when I think about it. / At any rate [ it was, + it was ] very nice as well. / {C But } Tyler, we sort of got spoiled with, I think. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } we had lived in Michigan before we came here and, {F uh, } had done a lot of camping in Michigan, / I think the upper peninsula of Michigan, especially, - / {C and then } also, we had done some camping in Colorado, in the mountains, / {C so, } {F uh, } my parents were real avid campers (( )) / {C and } my husband's parents were really avid campers as well. / {C So } I guess we just kind of came by it naturally <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "Do you have a large tent / {C or, } -/", "<Sigh> <noise> Yeah, / it was a nine by twelve. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } how many does it sleep, {F uh, } comfortably? /", "{D Well, } there, {D well } supposedly, - / they always say it sleeps more than it does. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{C But } [ th-, + they, ] - / it would have slept three adults anyway. /", "Yeah, /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } sort of early on especially as our children got a little bit bigger, {F uh, } we invested in some stacking, {F uh, } cots, {D you know, } that were like [ bunk, + bunk ] beds, / {C but } they were [ cots, + fold up cots. ] / That really gave us a lot more [ space, + {F um, } floor space ] {C and, <sigh> so, } you did not have to be constantly getting things off the floor in order to walk around / {C and, } -/", "Right. /", "{F uh, } gave us a place to stack things during the day / {C so } that was real nice. / {C But, } {F uh, } we, {F uh, } - / {D like, } my in-laws also had a camper, or, {F uh, } a pop up tent, {D you know, } one of those trailer tops / {C and } those are really nice too. / A little more, {F uh, } luxurious, so to speak, <laughter> but not much <laughter>. /", "[ Di-, + do ] they have a kitchen in them? /", "Yes, / uh-huh. / It's really nice, / in fact, it even [ had, + had ] a little refrigerator, {F uh, } and the whole business. / It was quite nice in that respect. / <sigh> {F Uh, } {C and } everything was very convenient / {C and } you did not have [ to, + to ] be hauling things out of [ your, + the trunk of you ] car, /", "Trunk # of your car all time, right. # /", "# {C and } that was nice. # <sigh> / {C So, } {F uh, } do you have plans [ for, + for ] any other camping trips in the near future? /", "{F Uh, } [ maybe, + {F uh, } maybe ] back to Caddo, or,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } Purdis Creek. /", "Right. /", "{C Or, } I like Bob Sandlin too, / it's a new park. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } there is, {F uh, } not really camping, / {C but, } <throat_clearing> {F uh, } / what is it called, Cedar Hill. /", "Right. /", "Lake Joe Pool. /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "{C And } sometime, I like to go to Eisenhower up on Lake Texoma. /", "Yes, / yes, / I have been in that area. / That is a really pretty state park. / {F Uh, } just, - / we did not camp there, / {C but } we drove through it just one time when we were in that area / {C and } it's real lovely. / It's close to the lake and close to, - / I think it's close to the dam up there / {C so } [ it's, + it's ] really quite pretty. / {F Uh, } are you, {F um, } - / let's see what was, - / I was going to ask you something else. / {F Oh, } do you have a favorite among all those that you have been to? /", "{F Oh, } [ fr-, + from ] those three, - / [ just, + just, ] {F uh, } from when I have been an adult, I like Caddo the best. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. / {F Uh, } is it true that Caddo Lake is the only natural lake in the State of Texas? /", "Yeah, / that's right. /", "[ I, + I ] would, / I have never been there / {C and } I would love to see what it looks like <laughter>. /", "[ It's not, + it's not ] very deep. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they did build a dam on it, / {C but } it was there before they built the dam. / It has been there for a hundred years. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "Apparently, an earth quake caused it. /", "How interesting. /", "Yeah. /", "I guess I never heard the history of that. / {F Huh, } {D well, } that might be some place where my husband and I can go. / We are talking about starting camping again in the fall. / {F Um, } our children are both grown / [ {C and, } + {C and so, } ] it's just pretty much the two of us who do things. / {C And so, } {F uh, } we thought we might take some weekend trips and maybe that would be a good place [ to, + to ] go to and see what it looks like. /", "Yeah, / it's really nice. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And } [ I, + I ] don't know, / [ probably + spring is probably ] the busiest time anywhere # in Texas. # /", "# Is it? # / {F Uh, } yeah, / I think so. / Especially with, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / when the trees start blossoming out and everything it is really very pretty, /", "Right. /", "especially in East Texas, it's really nice. / {C So, } {F uh, } <sigh> {D well, } [ I, + {F um, } I ] have enjoyed talking with you. /", "It was nice talking to you. /", "{C And, } {F um, } have, {F uh, } some happy camping trips <laughter>. / Hope you get to those places you have talked about. /", "Yeah, / you too. /", "{D Well, } okay, / thanks. /", "Bye, /", "Uh-huh, / bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAMPING", "prompt": "FIND OUT FROM THE OTHER CALLER WHAT KIND OF CAMPING THEY HAVE DONE. HOW DOES IT COMPARE WITH YOUR OWN EXPERIENCES?", "talk_day": "06/11/1991", "from_caller": 1292, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1258, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3061_0", "3061_1", "3061_2", "3061_3", "3061_4", "3061_5", "3061_6", "3061_7", "3061_8", "3061_9", "3061_10", "3061_11", "3061_12", "3061_13", "3061_14", "3061_15", "3061_16", "3061_17", "3061_18", "3061_19", "3061_20", "3061_21", "3061_22", "3061_23", "3061_24", "3061_25", "3061_26", "3061_27", "3061_28", "3061_29", "3061_30", "3061_31", "3061_32", "3061_33", "3061_34", "3061_35", "3061_36", "3061_37", "3061_38", "3061_39", "3061_40", "3061_41", "3061_42", "3061_43", "3061_44", "3061_45", "3061_46", "3061_47", "3061_48", "3061_49", "3061_50", "3061_51", "3061_52", "3061_53", "3061_54", "3061_55", "3061_56", "3061_57", "3061_58", "3061_59", "3061_60", "3061_61", "3061_62", "3061_63", "3061_64", "3061_65", "3061_66", "3061_67", "3061_68", "3061_69", "3061_70", "3061_71", "3061_72", "3061_73", "3061_74", "3061_75", "3061_76", "3061_77", "3061_78", "3061_79", "3061_80", "3061_81", "3061_82", "3061_83", "3061_84", "3061_85", "3061_86", "3061_87", "3061_88", "3061_89", 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have cats / {C but } we do have a dog,", "Uh-huh. /", "who is an indoor dog, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } she is going to be thirteen this summer / {C so, } -/", "{F Oh, } is that right? / What kind of dog do you have? /", "{F Um, } she's, {F um, } a mix of [ [ Cockapoo, + Cock-, ] + Cocker ] Spaniel and Poodle. /", "{F Oh, } that's what ours is <laughter>. /", "Is that right? /", "Yes. /", "Isn't that interesting <Laughter>? /", "<Laughter>.", "What color is your dog? /", "White. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } ours is black, / {C so } <laughter>, -/", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "definitely different <laughter>. /", "I'll be darned. /", "Yes, / she's a female / {C and } [ she's, {F um, } been, + she's been ] [ a really, + a really ] good companion for me. / {F Um, }", "Uh-huh. /", "she's like a little shadow, {D you know, } kind of,", "Oh. /", "follows me around all the time, /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F um, } she's slowing down considerably. / She doesn't hear very well / {C and, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "she doesn't see very well / {C but } she's, -/", "{D Well, } that's to be expected at,", "Yeah, /", "their age. /", "at this age, I guess so. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F um, } she's been a good dog to have, / {C and } I don't know, / once she's gone, I'm not sure if I'll get another animal or not <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } everybody always says no more <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C But } [ I, + I ] think animals are really important in the family. / I, -/", "I agree, / yes. / {F Um, } did you get yours as a pet for your chil-, / do you have children? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / we,", "Uh-huh. /", "have five. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Oh. } {D Well, } I was wondering if you got your dog originally as a pet for them or just because you'd had dogs before / {C or, } -/", "{D Well, } [ we have had, + we had had, ] [ a, + a ] dog before. / She was fifteen when she died. /", "My goodness. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } this one, we bought by accident, /", "{F Uh. } /", "a farmer called us and wanted us to call [ the animal shelter to co-, + {E or } the dog catcher or somebody to come ] and get this puppy that,", "Uh-huh. /", "somebody, - / people drop things like that off,", "Yeah. /", "(( up )) <lipsmack> there, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I said, \"Gee, she sounds like a cute little dog.\" / I told the kids, \"Let's go look at her\" <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Go get her. / {C So } that's how we got her,", "Isn't that, -/", "quite by accident. /", "Yes. / {C So } that often happens that way. / {D Well, } we had, {F um, } intentionally, {F um, } planned to get a dog. / We had just moved into this house and, {F um, } decided to wait about a year and [ then went, +", "Uh-huh. /", "then we went ] out then, and found one, / she was in the litter, /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F um, } she was so cute because <laughter> all the other little puppies in that litter were just crazy. / {E I mean, } they were all over the place, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } she was real docile and,", "Oh. /", "came over and just kind of sat next to us, / {C and } I thought,", "Oh. /", "that's the dog for me <laughter>. /", "She picked us <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {C so } she, - / {C and } it, - / what was funny was that, {F um, } our daughter must have been, - / let's see, / she must (( have been )) about eight at the time, I guess, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F um, } she just loved this little dog,", "Oh. /", "to pieces / {C but } I think she loved her too much because the dog has never been real comfortable with her. / I think,", "Oh. /", "she was always a little bit leery of her. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Our son, on the other hand, who was about eleven at the time, was, {F um, } not very interested in pets, / {C but } as it turned out, he and this dog have gotten to be really good pals. /", "{F Oh, } for heaven's sake. /", "{C So } you just never know how that works out <laughter>. /", "No. / {C But } they say it's real important for children to have pets because, {F uh, } <lipsmack> {D well, } they can go and talk to them any time, /", "Uh-huh, / yes. /", "they want to and tell them anything they want to / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "nobody is going to, {D you know, } reprimand them or,", "That's right. /", "know their secrets / {C or } <laughter>, -/", "That, - / yes, / they're very,", "Yeah. /", "unjudgmental <laughter>. /", "Yes <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } dear <breathing>. /", "{C And } the nursing homes now, they're finding that it's real important to take a pet into a nursing home. /", "Yes, / [ I have been, + I have been ] reading and seeing about that on television. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } how, -/", "[ Our one, + our one ] nursing home in (( )) has one. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Permanent <laughter>. /", "Is that right? /", "[ He, + he ] kind of has free run of the place, {C and } there is [ some-, + {E or } somebody ] takes care of him. /", "Isn't that amazing? /", "{C But } he goes out (( )) people, / {C and } real nice dog, {F uh, } / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "Uh-huh, / yes. / It's funny how, {F um, } how pets can kind of, {F um, } {F oh, } take on a certain status in certain areas. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } {F um, } that made me think of, {F uh, } when our daughter was looking at colleges, we visited a campus in, {F um, } Saint Louis / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{F um, } there were several dogs on the campus / {C and, }", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{C and, } the, - / what was interesting about it was that they were very friendly, / {C but } they didn't appear to belong to anyone. / {C And, } {F um, }", "Oh. /", "I'm sure someone, {D you know, } fed them. / They were healthy,", "Yeah. /", "looking dogs. / {C But, } {F um, } our guide that day said that [ the la- + ] , one woman many, many years ago had given a huge sum of money [ to, + to ] the university, on the condition that there be, {F um, } dogs just kind of left to roam [ aro-, + around ] the campus.", "Is that right? /", "Which is the strangest thing I had ever heard <laughter>. /", "Yeah / because most campuses don't allow pets,", "I know. /", "{D you know, } / they just do not allow them. /", "Yes, / I know. /", "[ That's, + that's ] kind of great. /", "Yes, / it really was. / It was just a nice touch, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } it kind of made it seem more homey too <laughter>. /", "Yes, / yeah. /", "{C But, } {F um, } th-, - / I thought that was most unique. / {C And } it just, {D you know, } kind of goes along with what you were saying,", "Uh-huh. /", "about the dog having sort of free run of [ the, + the ] nursing home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C So, } + {F um, } {C but, } ] {F uh, } I, - / this is the only pet we've had sin-,", "{F Um. } /", "{D you know, } - / in all our years of marriage, {F um, } - / {C and } it's been, {F uh, } sort of a, a change for my husband because as [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] boy growing up, his father had dogs / {C but } they were always hunting dogs, /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C and so } they were never allowed in the house, {D you know, } /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "they were always kind of, -/", "Yeah, / we've ruined them <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / right. / <laughter> That's what he said. /", "They say (( )) ruined them <laughter>. /", "Yes. / {C So } having a pet was a little bit different for him. /", "{D Well, } we've had a lot of different pets. / [ We had, + the kids had ] rabbits for pets, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } we also raised them for food,", "Yeah, /", "at one time. /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "{C And } [ we've (( had it )) + . We've had ] a skunk for a pet.", "{F Oh, } my golly. /", "For more years than I want to think about <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "She was in the house <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } gosh. / Isn't that interesting? / I don't think I've ever talked to anyone who's actually had a skunk for a pet. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } [ do-, + don't ] ever get one for a pet. /", "<Laughter> Oh. /", "<Laughter> They're okay, / {C but } like she, {F uh, } - / they don't ever learn their name. /", "Oh. /", "{F Uh, } [ you can't, + you ] could never call her and she would come to you, /", "Yeah. /", "you had to go chase her down. /", "I'll be darned. / How interesting. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } their eyesight, they can't see very far either. / {C But, } -/", "Uh-huh. / I guess I've heard that, uh-huh. /", "They, - / [ be-, + before ] we got her, everybody said, \"Oh, they're just like a cat,\" {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } they're not <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{E I mean, } they use the litter box. / That's about it (( )) . /", "Isn't that interesting? / [ That's, + that's ] really something. / {F Um, } how long did you have that? /", "{F Oh, } {D my, } [ how, + how ] long? / <lipsmack> <sigh> Probably seven or eight years. /", "Goodness sake. /", "{C And } finally, my children are the ones (( who )) said, \"Mom, you've put up with that skunk long enough,\" / {C so, }", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> we moved her to the basement, / {C and } I don't think she was there a week till the men [ moved her, + ] [ buil-, + built ] her a pen outside <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. / Isn't that funny? /", "{C And } I thought, I put up with that all those years <laughter>. /", "Yes, / {C and } this is what it took finally <laughter>. /", "{C And, }", "That is, -/", "[ we've had, + we've had ] cats,", "Uh-huh. /", "(( stay )) in the house. /", "Yeah. / Uh-huh. /", "Different times. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } one of them ran off. / She ran off once, / {C or } he, I guess it was a male, he ran off twice, / {C and } the second time he never came back. /", "My goodness. /", "{C And } we would see him, {F uh, } several miles from our house, /", "Uh-huh. /", "he kind of moved into a woods down there. /", "I'll be. /", "{C And } he got huge down there. /", "<Lipsmack> My goodness. /", "He really grew / {C but } [ he, +", "[ That's in-, +", "he ] never came back. /", "That's interesting. ] / [ I, + I ] wouldn't picture a Siamese as being an outdoor cat. /", "{D Well, } he wasn't a whole lot. /", "Uh-huh. /", "He was in the house most the time, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but, } {F uh, } he did go out sometimes / {C and, } {F uh, } they ma-, - / it makes a much nicer cat if they're outside. /", "Is that right? /", "Yeah. / [ The, + the ] cats, - / my son has a cat, / {C and } the vet had told us they get strange,", "Uh-huh. /", "if they're kept in the house all the time. / {C And } their cat was not a friendly cat, / [ it was, +", "{D Well. } -/", "it was ] not a good, - / I don't know, / it got, - / it [ was just, + ] did get strange <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {C so } [ that + that ] was right. /", "{C And } since they've moved to where [ they are, + they ] let the cat out. -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it has improved the personality. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "06/13/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1292, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4078_0", "4078_1", "4078_2", "4078_3", "4078_4", "4078_5", "4078_6", "4078_7", "4078_8", "4078_9", "4078_10", "4078_11", "4078_12", "4078_13", "4078_14", "4078_15", "4078_16", "4078_17", "4078_18", "4078_19", "4078_20", "4078_21", "4078_22", "4078_23", "4078_24", "4078_25", "4078_26", "4078_27", "4078_28", "4078_29", "4078_30", "4078_31", "4078_32", "4078_33", "4078_34", "4078_35", "4078_36", "4078_37", "4078_38", "4078_39", "4078_40", "4078_41", "4078_42", "4078_43", "4078_44", "4078_45", "4078_46", "4078_47", "4078_48", "4078_49", "4078_50", "4078_51", "4078_52", "4078_53", "4078_54", "4078_55", "4078_56", "4078_57", "4078_58", "4078_59", "4078_60", "4078_61", "4078_62", "4078_63", "4078_64", "4078_65", "4078_66", "4078_67", "4078_68", "4078_69", "4078_70", "4078_71", "4078_72", "4078_73", "4078_74", "4078_75", "4078_76", "4078_77"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What do you do there in Lubbock as far as, {F uh, } recycling is concerned? /", "{D Well, } you know they actually started / {C and } I assumed it was T I wide, {F uh, } / [ they, + they ] started putting out at least recycling bins for the paper -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } I've {D you know } - / {C either } computer paper {C or } different types of paper. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I've had some ideas on how I think they could probably do it a little less expensively and <laughter> accomplish the same purpose, / {C but } [ I, + I ] guess I need to put it on paper and turn it in <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / # [ Wha-, + # --", "# {F Uh. } # /", "-- what ] would be more efficient about it. / [ Wha-, + what, ] -/", "{D Well, } [ the way they have, + {D you know, } they have ] boxes located at certain areas throughout a module, or down the hall # / {C or } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- a lot of people aren't going to get up, walk out of their offices and go there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } where I use to work we had what we called tree boxes. / That's just what we called them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they were recycled cardboard. / They were eight and a half by eleven / {C and } you set it by your desk and {D you know } as you got rid of a piece of paper you stuck it in there / {C and } when it filled up you called, {D you know } facilities whoever to come pick it up / {C and } they brought you another box. / {C So } not only is it, {D you know, } - / I think more people would take advantage of it and use it, {F uh, } / I think you save a lot of the cleaning service's time and effort and money that we are paying for them [ to, + to ] empty the trash cans and combine it and bundle it and things like that now when it could all be done in one step --", "Oh. /", "-- kind of type thing. /", "I see. /", "{D So, } -/", "Yeah, / [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] {F uh, } was going to say cause I know I have right here a trash can for trash and a trash can for for paper on it --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know } / {C and, } {F uh, } # [ [ if + # --", "# If. # -/", "-- if ] + [ I have a, + ] if ] [ I, + I ] printed up something that I don't need it, just chunk it [ in the, + in the ] paper. /", "Right, / {C but } somebody still has to collect all that --", "That's true. /", "-- and bundle it together / {C and } whereas if you had a box that pretty soon it got full, you close the box, it's already bundled, it's already done for you. /", "Certainly # that's a good idea. # /", "# {C So } you're # saving a lot of time and effort. / I just need to put it on paper and --", "Yeah. /", "-- I guess recommended it to somebody and see if they thinks it's feasible <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } what else do they do in the Dallas area? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } as far as T I is concerned, I'm not sure. / {F Uh, } {C and } I have heard, {D you know, } {F uh, } in residential situations. - / I live in a dorm / {C and } I have heard in residential situations, {F uh, } like in Plano --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } that they are doing, {F uh, } stuff like having recycle picked up --", "{F Um. } /", "-- where, {F uh, } [ the city, + ] {F uh, } I guess the sanitation department, {F uh, } as part of their responsibility picks up, {F uh, } the recycled items as well, {D you know, } the plastics and the paper <sniffing>, {F uh, } and aluminum / {C and, } {F uh, } the only responsibility [ of the, + of the, ] patron is to separate them / {C and then } [ the, + the, ] - / {F uh, } I guess the department takes them [ and + and ] does what they do with them / {C and } it doesn't cost the patron anything. / Doesn't really cost the, {F uh, } department. /", "Anything extra. /", "Right. / [ They don't pay, + they don't pay ] for the recycled items. /", "That sounds good. / There's, - / [ I, + I've ] been wanting to put like two of three bins {D like } right out my garage door where, {D you know, } from the kitchen [ where + ] you know you can throw cans in one or the glass in the other / {C or } [ the, + the ] even, {F uh, } - / <smack> there are areas that can recycle [ the, + the ] tin cans, like your --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } vegetable things come in / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } <smack> {C so } ] [ I, + I've ] not done that, / {C but } that's kind of what I want to set up [ so. + ] Because we do go through aluminum cans, {D you know. } / That's probably the one we use most. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } -/", "{D Well, } [ wh-, + what ] kind of services do you have there in Lubbock as far as, - / [ I, + I ] lived in Abilene for a, {F uh, } - / I went to school there at Abilene Christian / {C and } I, - / it was so hard to, {F uh, } - / # {D you know } if you # --", "# Find a place. # /", "-- you wanted to recycle you newspapers it was impossible. /", "<Smack> {D Well, } {F uh, } {F uh } [ they, + they ] do have facilities for recycling the newspapers, aluminum cans, those are the two major items. / {D You know, } we can take oil, like car oil, recycled oil to, - / they have, {F uh, } {F uh, } dump areas {D like } at the fire departments --", "{F Um. } /", "-- throughout town. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } I don't know that they yet have the facilities here to do the tin cans. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } I think they can do the plastics, like the liter bottles --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- things like that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } [ I, + I ] don't know. / I know for sure though they have the newspaper and the aluminum can and then the oil at the fire departments. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } -/", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "I do that <<very faint>> - / I think people are becoming more aware.", "Yeah. /", "{D You know } [ of, + of ] the waste / {C and } {D you know } [ I, + I ] like to see, {D you know, } - / you drive through Burger King now and the bags are recycled paper -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and } + {D you know, } {C so, } ] {D you know } I feel like people are more aware of it or becoming more aware of it. / {D You know, } maybe it's making an impact <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / Do you tend to buy more recycled items [ that, + ] if [ something, + ] {F uh, } the pack says recycled and something else doesn't? / Do, - / would you tend to chose the one that does / {C or, } -/", "I'm not as good about searching something out like that -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } if I am there and the choice is there --", "{F Um. } /", "-- I would probably take the recycled product. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {D you know, } that's just where I probably need to be a little more responsible, citizen wise, {D you know, } looking or searching those out because you figure if we as the citizens do that then the manufactures and producers will start packaging it that way. /", "Sure, / yeah. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {D you know, } they are getting away from the styrofoam, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECYCLING", "prompt": "WHAT IS BEING DONE IN YOUR COMMUNITY OR AREA ABOUT RECYCLING WASTE MATERIALS? DO YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO ENCOURAGE MORE RECYCLING OR ON WHAT OTHER MATERIALS SHOULD BE INCLUDED?", "talk_day": "03/07/1992", "from_caller": 1446, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1005, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2621_0", "2621_1", "2621_2", "2621_3", "2621_4", "2621_5", "2621_6", "2621_7", "2621_8", "2621_9", "2621_10", "2621_11", "2621_12", "2621_13", "2621_14", "2621_15", "2621_16", "2621_17", "2621_18", "2621_19", "2621_20", "2621_21", "2621_22", "2621_23", "2621_24", "2621_25", "2621_26", "2621_27", "2621_28", "2621_29", "2621_30", "2621_31", "2621_32", "2621_33", "2621_34", "2621_35", "2621_36", "2621_37", "2621_38", "2621_39", "2621_40", "2621_41", "2621_42", "2621_43", "2621_44", "2621_45", "2621_46", "2621_47", "2621_48", "2621_49", "2621_50", "2621_51", "2621_52", "2621_53", "2621_54", "2621_55", "2621_56", "2621_57", "2621_58", "2621_59", "2621_60", "2621_61", "2621_62", "2621_63", "2621_64", "2621_65", "2621_66", "2621_67", "2621_68", "2621_69", "2621_70", "2621_71", "2621_72", "2621_73", "2621_74", "2621_75", "2621_76", "2621_77", "2621_78", "2621_79", "2621_80", "2621_81", "2621_82", "2621_83", "2621_84", "2621_85", "2621_86", "2621_87", "2621_88", "2621_89", 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I'll tell you. /", "<Laughter>.", "He lives in the Dallas area now, as a matter of fact. /", "Does he really? /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } it's probably closer to Fort Worth, / {C but } [ it's, + it's ] in the same area. / He [ bought, + {F uh, } bought ] a big horse farm out in a little town called Roanoke, Texas. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } he pops up on the Dallas scene quite often. /", "<Laughter>.", "As a matter of fact, there was some talk about trying to get him involved with the team management in some sort of a coaching job. /", "{F Oh, } wo-, - / I wonder if he'd ever do that. /", "I don't know, / he'd be good at it. / He's such a motivator, [ he, + ]", "# Yes. # /", "# primarily, # {D you know, } with the quarterbacks. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# That # would be his specialty. / [ I wished, + I wished ] they could work something, / I really like him. / I really do. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } what about the Houston Oilers. / Do you like them? /", "Yeah, / okay, / I'd love to see Dallas and Houston play in a Super Bowl. / That would be really great. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That may not ever happen, / I don't know. /", "# <Breathing> <laughter>. #", "# {F Uh, } Houston # has had some wonderful talent, {D you know, } down through the years / {C and } in the earlier years they really had some super teams. /", "Uh-huh. / {C And } Warren Moon,", "# That's right. # /", "# [ is, + is ] # proving himself quite well right now. /", "He certainly is, / he's very good. /", "Uh-huh. /", "He's very good. /", "He's one of the few, {F uh, } Black quarterbacks that there are. /", "That's right. / Randall Cunningham was with Philadelphia, I guess last year, / {C but } he's no longer with the team. / <<Pause>> {C So, } you're right, / there are very few Black quarterbacks, or at least that are starting anyway. /", "Uh-huh. /", "How do you think the Steelers are going to do this year. / You have any idea. /", "I don't know, / I hope [ they, + they ] do better. / [ They, + they ] - / during the past couple of years they've been doing a little bit better. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ I think they still have a little, + I think they're ] still such [ a, + a ] young team I think they still have a little bit to go before they reach the potential,", "# Yeah. # /", "# <Throat_clearing> # that it did when ever Bradshaw was playing. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that was just such super team. /", "{C Or, } if they even reach that potential again, {D you know, } they may never reach that again. /", "Yeah. / {D Well } that's a tough, - / it would be tough to do, / it really would. /", "Uh-huh. /", "They have such a super team for years, that won what, four Super Bowls? /", "Yeah, / four in a row. /", "Four in a row. / I don't know if that could ever be duplicated again or not. /", "{F Oh, } I don't know. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# Shooting # for one for the thumb now is what they were saying. /", "That's right <laughter>. / {C And, } -/", "{C But } basically everyone that was on the team then is gone now, / {C so. } -/", "That's right. /", "I think Mike Webster was left / {C but } then [ he, + he ] just left. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "He may have been the last of the old guard, / I don't know. /", "Yeah, / I think he is, / I think he was. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / they had such a super team. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Have you been following the big draft that occurred yesterday? /", "<Throat_clearing> No, / I didn't. /", "I see. /", "Huh-uh. /", "There's quite a bit of activity now, / of course they had so many, {D you know, } nice, {F uh, } choices because their record was so lousy the last few years. / They picked up,", "# {F Uh. } # /", "# {D you # know, } quite a few of the, - / of course you never know. / The guys they pick, {D you know, } [ m-, + may ] never play a game. / You [ jus-, + ] never know, / [ it's, + it's ] a gamble, / it really is. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "They may get hurt, or, not be able to participate at that level, if {D you know, } -/", "{D Well } who would you say is your favorite player, or has ever been your favorite player? /", "Ever been? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Probably an old guy that played, probably before you were born <laughter>, /", "<Laughter>.", "his name was Sam Huff. / He used to play for the New York Giants. /", "Oh. /", "That was one of the toughest guys that I've ever seen in my life,", "# Really. # /", "# as # far as, {D you know, } dedication. / He just went all out every single play. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Of course, there have been some other great ones too, Dick Butkis, and Bradshaw, {D you know, } / there's been so many. /", "Yeah, / ye-, -/", "{C But } if I had to pick one, I would probably pick Sam Huff, as a matter of fact. /", "{F Oh, } {D you know, } that's really funny, {F um, } / {D well, } [ I, + I ] come from a large family / {C and, } [ the-, + there's ] quite a few boys / {C so } that's kind of how I got in with the football. / {C Either } watch that {C or } watch nothing. /", "That's right. /", "{C And, } {F um, } at one time I could name all the players on the Steelers, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {C but, } ] even when Bradshaw was playing, [ I, + I ] don't know, [ I, + I ] didn't particularly care for him, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I # thought he was kind of cocky or something. /", "# He is, / he is, # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "of course [ the-, + ] a quarterback has a big ego. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "[ They really d-, + they ] have to have, / they can't survive. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "They always think they can win, {D you know, } which is the way it should be. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Boy, he never gave up, I'll tell you. /", "Yeah / him and Franco Harris, / I really didn't care for the either two of them. /", "# Uh-huh, / uh-huh, # /", "# {E I mean } # they were good, / {C but, } I, {D you know, } you couldn't deny that. /", "# {F Oh } yeah. # /", "# {C But } [ I # didn't, + [ I thought, + ] {D you know, } {D well } I just didn't ] really care for either one of them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } today, <throat_clearing> my favorites out of those guys were probably, {F um, } Lambert,", "Uh-huh. /", "Ham,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and, # {F uh, } Stallworth and Swan. /", "Uh-huh, / absolutely, / I can't disagree with that. / They were super players, / they really were. /", "Uh-huh. /", "They really, -/", "[ [ [ I, + I, ] + I like, ] + {A not just with the Pittsburgh, } I like ] watching on Saturday afternoons when they'll have {D like } [ the plays + {E or } [ the, + the ] best plays ] [ from, +", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } from ] the week or something. /", "Yeah, / highlights, yeah. /", "Yeah, / I love watching that. / Then I like watching their bloopers too, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / that's kind of funny too, as a matter of fact <laughter>. / Some of them [ a, + a ] bit embarrassing. / Yeah, / {D well } they make mistakes too, I guess. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh, /", "# Absol-, # -/", "# it's # funny that more people don't get hurt.", "Absolutely. /", "{D You know, } especially, I would say the receivers,", "# Uh-huh, / oh they, #", "# when they're in # the air and they get tackled. /", "They take such a beating. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / it's funny some of their necks don't get broken. /", "Absolutely, / I don't know how they do it. / [ It's, + it ] must just take a hundred percent concentration, I guess, because they know they're going to get hit, / it's just a matter of how hard, {D you know, } or where. /", "Yeah. / An they have to be in ideal physical shape, basically. /", "{F Oh, } absolutely. / They look like sometimes they're just broken in two like a match stem. /", "<Throat_clearing> <laughter>.", "Gosh, what a beating, - / they really do take a beating, / they really do. /", "Yeah. / {D Well } what did you think of, {F um. } a couple years ago for the Bears, the Refrigerator. /", "I think he was just probably a passing phenomena, I think <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I don't know, / [ I, + ] [ I'm + ] knowing what, {D you know, } - / of course, Mike Ditka was in Dallas for years and years as coach, [ is knowing his, + ] {E or, } {D you know, } knowing of his temperament, I'm just surprised he ever, {D you know, } kept the guy around, / I really am. / [ He's such a, + he's ] about a half hot head anyway, such a temper. /", "{F Oh, } {D you know, } {C and } to me [ he does, + {F um, } {F oh, } he's ] just so big and fat, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# he # doesn't even look like he's in shape. / He's just so big, no one can move him. /", "That's right, yeah, / absolutely. / There's just so much mass there, I guess they just can't, - / I don't know, {D you know, } / I, - / [ probably + the guy is, {D you know, } probably ] physically strong. / I, {D you know, } - / obviously not very fast. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I guess it's just, like you say, a mass that nobody can seem [ t-, + to ] get out of the way. / As far as him scoring touch downs, {D you know, } I think that was kind of weird. /", "<Laughter>.", "I don't know, / Dallas has a guy, {F uh, } his name is Nate Newton, / {D now } he has a real weight problem too. / He fights it every single year, / {C but, } he manages to still keep playing, / {C but, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# he # has a terrible weight problem. /", "Wow. /", "They wa-, - / the coaches watch him all year long. / [ They, + they ] weigh him several times a year just to make sure he's not, {D you know, } completely out of control. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I guess most every team [ has so-, + has someone ] like that, / I don't, -/", "{F Oh, } yeah, / [ there's, + there ] are some really big guys playing in football. /", "Absolutely they get bigger and bigger, it seems every year. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I guess you have [ [ to + to, ] + {D you know, } to ] stay in the game I guess. /", "Yeah, / you would, uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } {D now } who, - / would you say that you have a fav-, - / {E I mean } other than Dallas, would you say that you have, {F uh, } a favorite quarterback. / {E I mean } the quarterback's seem to get most of [ the, + the ] attention, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / sure, / {D well, } [ you'd have to, {F uh, } + {E or } I would have to ] say, {D you know, } someone like Montana, I guess, who's done so well for so many years. /", "Yeah, / [ [ I re-, + I, ] + I ] enjoy watching him play. /", "Yeah, / his age is about to catch up with him though. /", "<Laughter>.", "He's no Spring chicken anymore. /", "# No, / {C but } he's still performing. # /", "# {C And } like you say Warren Moon's an excellent, / Warren Moon's an # excellent. - / {C But } he's very exciting to watch. /", "Yes he is, /", "# Uh-huh, / sure. # /", "# [ [ I, + I, ] + # I ] enjoy watching him also. /", "Uh-huh, / absolutely. /", "What about, {F uh, } Marino? /", "{F Uh, } I'm, - / obviously he's a very good quarterback, / [ I'd, + I ] never was, {D you know, } [ too, + ] [ a whole lot of, + ] a big fan, {D you know. } / Yeah, / he may, uh-huh. / Yes / he was, / I believe that's right at one point in time. / Ye-, - / {C but } he's a very young fellow. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah, / of course a quarterback can look so good [ if he's got a lot, + if he's got ] a good supporting cast, {D you know. } /", "# That's true, / that's true. # /", "# If not, he gets # beat to death like poor old Troy Aikman has the last couple of years anyway, / you kno-, - / we-, - / Dallas did better last year, / hopefully they'll do better this year. /", "<Talking> <<talking to someone else in the room>> {F Uh, } probably around twelve, uh-huh. / Yeah, / {F uh, } [ I didn't, + I don't ] know, / [ I, + I ] just think, {D you know } Marino will get better / {C and, } {F uh, } his team's not as good as what it was when he went to the Super Bowl,", "# That's right. # /", "# {D you know, } / # {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / Miami's had some down years, too. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } they all do, I guess, /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah / <laughter>. That's true, / ye-, - / {C and } with age comes,", "# Yeah, / with - / yeah, # /", "# {D you know, } - / [ the, + # the ] - / I'm sure arthritis sets in with them,", "{F Oh } yes, # very much so. # /", "# {D you know. } # /", "Hip injuries and things like that, yeah. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "Yeah, / [ that, + that ] forces a lot of the guys to get out of the game. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } they're so young, /", "# That's right. # /", "# {C but, } they're # retired, {D you know, } /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / I read [ some time, + ] {D well } not too long ago that the average, {F uh, } professional career only lasts seven years. / {C So } [ that's + when you think about it, that's ] really not a very long time, of course. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / {C but } then you think about how many have been in there longer than that. /", "{C But } if the average is seven years that means a lot of guys don't make it seven years, {D you know. } /", "<Throat_clearing> Yeah, / a lot of them would have to get out {D like } in just a couple. /", "that's ri-, -/", "Holy smokes, [ I didn't + ] <noise> that doesn't seem like very long. /", "[ That's, + that's ] a pretty short career on average. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Of course they play their, {D you know, } cards right and do some good investments, <door> [ they'll, + {D you know, } they'll ] do all right. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } a lot of them don't, unfortunately. /", "Yeah. / {F Um, } what do you think of the, {F uh, } L A Raiders, / used to [ the, + the ] Oakland? -/", "Yeah, / [ they, + they're ] always branded, {D you know, } as a bunch of outlaws / {C and, }", "# <Laughter>. #", "# [ if # their, + if their, ] {D you know, } arrest record [ won't let abl-, + won't let ] them play anywhere else, [ they seem to go to, + they seem to go to ] the Raiders. /", "# <Laughter>. #", "# {C But } # that just may be, {D you know, } perceived, - / {D you know } perception, - / I don't know. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# Al # Davis [ is, + he's ] a kind of strange character, [ strange, + strange ] looking guy. / Apparently he's kind of a wild guy, / I don't really know for sure. / They've had some excellent teams, though, obviously. /", "Yes, / they have. /", "I'm not sure they've yet decided where they want to play, / they keeping talk about, {D you know, } going, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FOOTBALL", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL. FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE PRO FOOTBALL TEAM AND WHERE IT'S HEADED THIS YEAR. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE CALLER'S PREDICTION?", "talk_day": "04/22/1991", "from_caller": 1133, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1120, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1969, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2675_0", "2675_1", "2675_2", "2675_3", "2675_4", "2675_5", "2675_6", "2675_7", "2675_8", "2675_9", "2675_10", "2675_11", "2675_12", "2675_13", "2675_14", "2675_15", "2675_16", "2675_17", "2675_18", "2675_19", "2675_20", "2675_21", "2675_22", "2675_23", "2675_24", "2675_25", "2675_26", "2675_27", "2675_28", "2675_29", "2675_30", "2675_31", "2675_32", "2675_33", "2675_34", "2675_35", "2675_36", "2675_37", "2675_38", "2675_39", "2675_40", "2675_41", "2675_42", "2675_43", "2675_44", "2675_45", "2675_46", "2675_47", "2675_48", "2675_49", "2675_50", "2675_51", "2675_52", "2675_53", "2675_54", "2675_55", "2675_56", "2675_57", "2675_58", "2675_59", "2675_60", "2675_61", "2675_62", "2675_63", "2675_64", "2675_65", "2675_66", "2675_67", "2675_68", "2675_69", "2675_70", "2675_71", "2675_72", "2675_73", "2675_74", "2675_75", "2675_76", "2675_77", "2675_78", "2675_79", "2675_80", "2675_81", "2675_82", "2675_83", "2675_84", "2675_85", "2675_86", "2675_87", "2675_88", "2675_89", "2675_90", "2675_91", "2675_92", "2675_93", "2675_94", "2675_95", "2675_96", "2675_97", "2675_98", "2675_99", "2675_100", "2675_101", "2675_102", "2675_103", "2675_104", "2675_105", "2675_106", "2675_107", "2675_108", "2675_109", "2675_110", "2675_111", "2675_112", "2675_113", "2675_114", "2675_115", "2675_116", "2675_117", "2675_118", "2675_119", "2675_120", "2675_121", "2675_122", "2675_123", "2675_124", "2675_125", "2675_126", "2675_127", "2675_128", "2675_129", "2675_130", "2675_131", "2675_132", "2675_133", "2675_134", "2675_135", "2675_136", "2675_137", "2675_138", "2675_139", "2675_140", "2675_141", "2675_142", "2675_143", "2675_144", "2675_145", "2675_146", "2675_147", "2675_148", "2675_149", "2675_150", "2675_151", "2675_152", "2675_153"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["There you go. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } Jean, the subject is jury trials / {C and } should the jury recommend, {F uh, } sentencing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Now } my personal opinion, - / I don't know. / {F Uh, } {F uh, } here lately it seems, - / {D well } up until a few years ago, I guess, there just too many liberals about and permitting too many, {F oh, } - / they just broaden the human rights [ to, + to ] cover just about [ ev-, + everybody, ] {C and } I don't think those guilty of committing capital crimes should be permitted to go spend a few years in jail and be turned lose on parole. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's just not right. /", "I think I agree with that very much. /", "{C And } therefore --", "I, - / do you, -/", "-- I think juries should be able to recommend sentencing. /", "Do you think a lot of people, when they are listening to a trial, put themselves in a position like that and say, I would never do something like that, / {C and } it's for them to believe that somebody else could do the things that have been done? /", "Yes, / very possibly. / So many of us have led sheltered lives --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that, {F uh, } when we [ go into a, + ] sit in on, a jury, - / I've never done it myself --", "I never have either. /", "-- unfortunately, / I wish I could have. / I've just never been called up. /", "My husband works as a police man, / {C so } I always assumed that that was why I was never called. /", "{D Well } {D now, } that's possible. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I was called up as an alternate once, / {C but } I --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- never made it to the jury. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } do they have such a thing now as a six man jury? /", "Not that I know of. /", "Somebody told me the other day that there is, (( )) what they call a six man jury, / {C and } I had never heard of such thing, / {C and } I wondered if it was true. /", "Uh-huh / <<pause>>. {F Uh, } I've never heard of it. /", "I never had either, / {C but } I just wondered. {F Uh, } - / another question was, [ should + a criminal case, should ] the jury be unanimous on their decision, / {C and } that I wasn't sure on either, whether it should be unanimous or not. /", "<Throat_clearing> <cough> {F Uh, } {D well, } there again, {F uh, } I suppose it should be. /", "That would mean they all would have to decide --", "Exactly. /", "-- one way or the other. /", "Is it guilt or innocence. / {C But } then again, so many times you get one or two holdouts, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it permits the criminal to get a retrial. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And } there, - / that's not too bad in this sense, because you might get someone in their that's a victim of circumstances -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {E I mean, } that's happened --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- and giving them another trial might give them additional time to, {F uh, } prove their innocence. /", "Bring some of these things out. /", "Yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We can't overlook the fact that there are innocent people that do get involved in jury trials. /", "{F Un, } apparently there are. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] - / since my husband worked as a policeman, I can't believe there are very many people that come to trial that [ have, + ] are not guilty of [ something + ] --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- some part of whatever they're accused of. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I have, + I still have ] a little bit of a problem with that. / {F Uh, } {C but, } I would suppose there are circumstances, you're in the wrong place at the right time, or know the wrong person at the right time. /", "{F Oh, } that's it, / {C and } you just might resemble somebody. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } out here in Texas we had [ [ a, + a, ] + a, ] great miscarriage of justice. / [ It was finally, + after nine years, it was finally, ] {F uh, } taken care of. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We had, - / a Black man was accused simply because he resembled --", "Oh.", "-- {F uh, } someone [ who stuc-, + who held ] up, a, Seven Eleven, I think it was. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And } even though he had witnesses that said that, {F uh, } he was at work, / {C and } he had all sorts of character witnesses and what not, /", "They still found him guilty? /", "They found him guilty. /", "When people said he was at work? /", "{D Well, } they said [ it w-, + ] [ this, + this ] happened during lunch time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } he could have [ disap-, + ] gotten away at lunch time --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and committed the robbery. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } after nine years, - / {D well } as a matter of fact they made a T V show about it, after nine years, they finally came up with evidence [ and proved, + ] to prove that he was innocent. /", "{F Oh, } for heaven's sake. / {C So } there's nine years of that man's life gone. /", "Exactly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Now } that just was not fair. /", "No, / huh-uh. /", "{D So. } -/", "Yeah, / I guess that's where a lot of the problem lies, / [ we're, + we ] bend over backwards protecting the guilty people, the one's that are on trial. /", "Yes. /", "[ {C And, } +", "Unfortunately, that's what happens. /", "{C And } ] we often forget about the one the injustice has been done [ to, + ] because I [ bet, + ] they still say our system is the best in the world. /", "{D Well, } [ it's not, the, + {F uh, } {F uh, } it's not the ] best system, / {C but } it's the best one in the world. /", "Yeah, / it's the best one that exists, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. / {C And } unfortunately, we just have to put up with a lot of things, / {C and } they try to solve them and everything, / {C but, } {F uh, } I don't know, / the Supreme Court, - / {D well, } [ [ I'm, + I'm, ] + I'm ] still rancled about their decision to permit burning of the flag. /", "{F Oh, } I think a lot of people are. / I think they've lost sight of some things that are very important to our country. /", "{D Well, } it, - / [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] First Amendment definitely says freedom of speech --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- not freedom of action. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {F uh, } {D well } that just rancles me / no, / I swear, if I ever saw somebody [ to, + ] {F uh, } burning a flag, [ I'd, + I'd ] try to kill them, I would. /", "<Laughter> That bad, {F huh. } / I wouldn't like it, / {C but } I don't know if I'd go that far. /", "{D Well, } I happen to be a flag freak. / [ I served, + I ] was in the service -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I was in Korea -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } {D well, } I saw what the red in the flag represents. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I think pride in our country and our flag is so important. / It's important in so many facets of our lives. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ I, + I ] feel like if [ they don't, + people don't ] like what our flag stands for, they're welcome to go some place else. /", "Yeah, / {D see } what they, -/", "There's nobody holding them here. /", "{D See } how they'd like it under another flag. /", "Right. / They'd soon be back, / I'm sure. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } Jean, we seem to be of the same opinions here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I hope they get something out of this. /", "Yeah, / I don't know about the judge making the decision, if that's, - / do you think that's good --", "{F Oh } --", "-- {D you know, } like if a jury, -/ Uh-huh. /", "{C but } I think the jury should be able to recommend, /", "Make a recommendation? /", "Yes. /", "Do they sometimes make a recommendation? /", "{F Oh, } yes, / yes. /", "That's what I was thinking [ they, + they ] sometimes do. /", "I don't know if that's a regular procedure or what. / {C But } I know I'm always hearing that, {F uh, } / {D well, } the jury came in with a guilty verdict / {C and } they recommended,", "# {C And } they recommend. # /", "# twenty years or # something. /", "Yeah. / {C And then } the judge has the final decision --", "Yes. /", "-- on what does really happen. Yeah. /", "Of course, {D now, } the jury may not be completely aware of all the ramifications of a sentence. /", "Uh-huh. /", "They may not know that if you give him twenty years he can get out in five. /", "{D Well, } I think that's where a lot of people think, boy they're getting put away for a long time, / {C but } actually, their chance, course, when, - / a lot of times when they come up for parole, they're denied. / It depends on --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } [ what they're, + what they'd ] been guilty of, and a lot of different things, I guess. /", "Yeah, / {C but } too many times [ they, + they ] are permitted to go out on parole / {C and, } -/", "Uh-huh. / A lot slip through the protective whatever they have to do. / {C And } there are bad ones that do slip back out and end up hurting somebody again. /", "Yes. / They just go out and repeat their crimes. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D Well } there, - / {D well, } they say after three offenses its automatically life in prison, / {C but } I think they ought to make it two offenses. /", "Uh-huh. / I always thought [ there was, + there was ] wrong, - / it seems sometimes that like somebody who is stealing a loaf of bread to feed his family got more jail sentence than somebody maybe that killed somebody. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It seemed like [ there, + sometimes there's ] not a good, - / the balance isn't right. / It doesn't make sense. /", "Yeah, / very true. / {D Well, } here again now, there is where race seems to rear its ugly head so frequently. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Race or nationality even. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "<<Pause>> {C But, } {F uh, } like you said, [ it's, + it's ] not the best system, / {C but } it's the best one we've got. /", "Yeah, / right. / {C So, } let's put up with it, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Improve it if we can, if we ever get a chance. /", "Sure enough. /", "{D So. } -/", "Jean, it's been awful nice talking to you. /", "{D Well, } it's been nice talking to you, Jack, / {C and } I hope you have a real good day and week. /", "{D Well } let's hope neither one of us ever has to run into this subject we were discussing. /", "<Laughter> I hope not. /", "Take care now. /", "You, too. /", "Bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "04/25/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1052, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1930, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3013_0", "3013_1", "3013_2", "3013_3", "3013_4", "3013_5", "3013_6", "3013_7", "3013_8", "3013_9", "3013_10", "3013_11", "3013_12", "3013_13", "3013_14", "3013_15", "3013_16", "3013_17", "3013_18", "3013_19", "3013_20", "3013_21", "3013_22", "3013_23", "3013_24", "3013_25", "3013_26", "3013_27", "3013_28", "3013_29", "3013_30", "3013_31", "3013_32", "3013_33", "3013_34", "3013_35", "3013_36", "3013_37", "3013_38", "3013_39", "3013_40", "3013_41", "3013_42", "3013_43", "3013_44", "3013_45", "3013_46", "3013_47", "3013_48", "3013_49", "3013_50", "3013_51", "3013_52", "3013_53", "3013_54", "3013_55", "3013_56", "3013_57", "3013_58", "3013_59", "3013_60", "3013_61", "3013_62", "3013_63", "3013_64", "3013_65", "3013_66", "3013_67", "3013_68", "3013_69", "3013_70", "3013_71", "3013_72", "3013_73", "3013_74", "3013_75", "3013_76", "3013_77", "3013_78", "3013_79", "3013_80", "3013_81", "3013_82", "3013_83", "3013_84", "3013_85", "3013_86", "3013_87", "3013_88", "3013_89", "3013_90", "3013_91", "3013_92", "3013_93", "3013_94", "3013_95", "3013_96", "3013_97", "3013_98", "3013_99", "3013_100", "3013_101", "3013_102", "3013_103", "3013_104", "3013_105", "3013_106", "3013_107", "3013_108", "3013_109", "3013_110", "3013_111", "3013_112", "3013_113", "3013_114", "3013_115", "3013_116", "3013_117", "3013_118", "3013_119", "3013_120", "3013_121", "3013_122", "3013_123", "3013_124", "3013_125", "3013_126", "3013_127", "3013_128", "3013_129", "3013_130", "3013_131", "3013_132", "3013_133", "3013_134", "3013_135", "3013_136", "3013_137", "3013_138", "3013_139", "3013_140", "3013_141", "3013_142", "3013_143", "3013_144", "3013_145", "3013_146", "3013_147", "3013_148", "3013_149", "3013_150", "3013_151", "3013_152", "3013_153", "3013_154"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["All right, / what type of things would you fix if you're having company come over? /", "{D Well, } I have a really great one that I make in the summertime because it's cool / {C and } [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] just really pretty easy. / It's pretty much dumping things in and stirring. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I like that. / {F Uh, } the only thing you have to do is cook the rice that goes [ in, + in ] it / {C and then } [ I, + you're ] supposed to do chicken, / {C but } I just use those little cans of chicken. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it makes it so much easier, / {C and so } you dump the rice, / you dump the chicken / {C and then } you put in fruit like pineapple and mandarin oranges and grape, / now grapes are the ones that you have to pull all that off, / {C but } I get my kids to do that, / {C so, } <laughter> -/", "Oh <laughter>. /", "[ I, + I ] don't have to do that. / [ {C And, } + {F um, } {C and } ] it really, - / {C and } you mix it all up with ye-, - / there's a little dressing that goes in it that you have to stir up, / {C but } it's so simple / {C and } it tastes really good because it's cool in the summertime. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / You serve it cold? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that sounds good. /", "Yeah, / it has to sit in the fridge over night, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] it's really good. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And } I like that one. /", "Yeah. / Usually when we entertain we do something really simple, because I like to visit with my company,", "Yeah. /", "and not be scurrying around in the kitchen, / {C so, }", "Exactly. /", "a lot of times, we'll barbecue / like, {F uh, } for Memorial Day we had some friends over / {C and } we just bought a brisket and marinated it overnight in one of those {D like } Adolph's meat marinate,", "Uh-huh. /", "and put it on the smoker and cooked it. /", "{F Oh, } that sounds good. /", "{C And } [ tha-, + ] it was real good. / You can buy a fairly cheap piece of meat that way / {C and then } people think they're eating steak or something <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah / <laughter>. {C And } these days that helps, doesn't it? /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "It really does. /", "I know what you mean. /", "I don't usually [ I + ] just pass on any recipe that's got more than five or six steps to it because I just know I'll never take the time to do it. /", "Now spaghetti's such an easy one. / {F Um, } I do that a lot. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I do spaghetti a lot. /", "Yeah, / it seems like most people like spaghetti. /", "Yeah, / I don't like to do that [ i-, + if ] it's [ ho-, + real hot ] though. /", "Yeah. /", "{C Because, } {F um, } I don't know, / I have a real thing about being hot [ in the, + in the ] summertime. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I guess. /", "{D Well } I think when you heat your kitchen up it really makes a big difference,", "Yeah. /", "in your whole house. /", "Yeah, / I think that's right. / {C And, } {F um, } we don't entertain that often, / {C but } when we do, I'm like you. I like it to be fast and easy.", "Uh-huh. /", "And something so that we can talk [ and not + --", "Yeah. /", "-- and not ] have to worry about being in the kitchen all the time. /", "Most, - / we don't entertain {D like } people from work or stuff [ e-, + ] often. / It's usually friends from church and stuff, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } it's usually kind of like, you want to come over, and they say {D well } what can we bring. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And so } it's real easy because you just make one or two things / {C and } everybody else brings something. /", "That's exactly like us, from our church, we just do it, / yeah. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "It's a lot more relaxing. / I don't know if I could take the pressure of having to [ m-, + ] {D you know, } put on this really fancy dinner for someone. /", "{D Well } you see all that on T V / {C and } I could never be that person. /", "Huh-uh. /", "[ It just, + {F uh, } I'm just ] not, - / {D well } [ I'm so, + I'm ] pretty laid back. /", "Yeah / w-, -/", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } {C so } [ I don't, + I know ] a lady in [ a, + ] my church / {C and, } {F uh, } she {D like } does her own bread and does her own stuff / {C and so } when she, {F um, } does food, she really goes all out / {C and } I don't know how she can do it and be calm <laughter>. /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "I guess, /", "Do you work? /", "No, / I don't. /", "Do you stay home with kids? /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "Yeah. / [ I, + I've ] been working, / we're going to have a baby this summer, / {C and } I'm not going to work anymore. /", "{F Oh, } how exciting. /", "Yeah. / {C So } hopefully, I think I'll enjoy cooking more, when I don't have to work all day. / I don't like to come home and stand in the kitchen and spend an hour fixing something and then have to clean it up / {C and } by then it's eight thirty or nine o'clock at night, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. / {D Well } I usually start about six [ [ and, + an, ] + and ] cook and then eat at seven.", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } [ co-, + cook ] at five and eat at six, rather. /", "Eat at six, yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C and, } {F uh, } my family and I, we're a sit down together family. /", "{F Oh, } that's good. /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / I don't like the run in and out part. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I like to be able to sit down after school and have them talk with me [ an, + and ] my husband about what's happened / {C and, }", "Yeah, / that's neat. /", "I think [ I, + ] that was ingrained in me during my family time at home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know } we could learn to talk about things / {C and } I think that's good. /", "Yeah, / that really is. / It keeps the family in touch with what's going on with each other. /", "Yeah. / I think, -/", "Right now we eat in front of the T V / {C but } since it's just the two of us, it's <laughter>, -/", "Yeah, / yeah / <laughter>. / {D Well } that happens to us sometimes too. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } sometimes if something, {F uh, } is on that they want to watch I leave it on, / {C but } we eat in the kitchen / {C and } their heads are always poking past the door. /", "Uh-huh, / <laughter> to see what's happening. /", "Yeah. / {D Anyway } food [ is, + is, ] {F uh, } a real life-style kind of thing / {C and } [ i-, + ] some people don't like to do this / {C but } I like to [ co-, + {F uh, } cook ] with my kids. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } if they're going to have other kids over then, then they help. / {C And } we make real simple things, {D you know, } those, {F oh, } - / [ I don-, + I don't ] know if you've ever made them, maybe not since you don't have kids yet, but those Jell-O, {F uh, } gelatin things you can pick up with your fingers, I can't think of what they call it. /", "{F Oh, } I've seen those in the magazines. /", "Yeah, / they're so simple. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } the kids love to do that. / {F Uh, } finger food [ is, + is ] a biggie with them. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] {D like, } now one thing I wish I could find [ a, + a ] better way to do are celery sticks and carrot sticks, because they love to do that / {C and } it's just really hard / {C and } if you have to work with a knife, I don't like that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } that's, {F uh, } - / they like to eat it, / {C but } it's a hard one to have [ to, + to ] prepare. /", "Yeah, /", "{C But } they like that with [ the, + the ] cool ranch dressing that goes along with that. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / yeah, / we like that. /", "Yeah. /", "[ That's good that, + that's a good ] way to get kids to eat vegetables too. /", "Yeah. / My son's getting to be [ a, + a ] real good cook / {C so, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Oh, } neat. /", "sometimes he fixes me breakfast <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } wow, that's great <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I like it, / I like it a lot. /", "How old is he? /", "He's eleven. /", "Eleven, / wow,", "Uh-huh. /", "that's good. /", "Yeah, / {C so } hi-, -/", "Do [ you cook breakfa-, + {D like } you cook a breakfast ] every morning / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } not every morning, {F uh, } / mostly during the summer it's hit and miss / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "we usually have {D like, } {F uh, } cold cereal or something like that. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } [ during the su-, + during wintertime ] when they're in school, {F um, } then I try to vary it so that we only eat that {D like } [ a twice a, + twice a ] week or something and then have {D like, } when it's really cold, I even cook oatmeal,", "Uh-huh. /", "Because I like oatmeal / {C and } [ the loo-, + ] they like it all right. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F um, } {C then } sometimes we do something, / it has to be fast because they're on their way to school, / we do {D like } Eggo waffles and stuff like that, / {C but. } -/", "{F Oh, } uh-huh, / yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C so, } I try to, {F uh, } - / {C and } sometimes we do eggs if I get up early enough to do that. / I used to do them in the microwave, / {C but } they don't like that. /", "{F Oh, } do they get rubbery, / {C or, } -/", "{F Um. } /", "I've never tried it. /", "[ It de-, + it depends. ] / If you let them cook too long --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- then they'll turn a little bit gray. / You can tell if they've gone to long because they'll turn a little bit gray / {C and } they will be a little harder, / {C and } I don't like that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } you have to just let it cook a little bit less than what it says in, if you have a microwave book, / {C but } you cook it a little bit less and then let it sit with [ a, + {D like } a ] plate over the top. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } let it steam. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And then, } + {C and then } ] stir it up. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Yeah, / [ {C an, } + {C and } ] that turns out okay. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } it's funny 'cause if I turn them out [ on to a di-, i-, + on to ] {D like } a plate, for them to take what they want, <child_talking> --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they don't know I've ever done it in a microwave. /", "<Laughter>.", "It's really funny, / it's very deceiving, {D you know, } 'cause if they see it with their eyes they go, {F uh, } I don't {D like } want that,", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "{D you know, } / {C and } yet if they don't ever see it, [ th-, + then ] it's like, {F oh } this tastes okay, {D you know, } / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. /", "{D Anyway. } -/", "We had, - / my grandmother used to do that to us with things like squash. / Everybody would say we don't like squash, we won't eat squash, / {C so } she would make these fancy casseroles and hide it in there, {D you know, } /", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "{C and then } we'd go, {F oh, } this is really good. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "06/05/1991", "from_caller": 1022, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1253, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3057_0", "3057_1", "3057_2", "3057_3", "3057_4", "3057_5", "3057_6", "3057_7", "3057_8", "3057_9", "3057_10", "3057_11", "3057_12", "3057_13", "3057_14", "3057_15", "3057_16", "3057_17", "3057_18", "3057_19", "3057_20", "3057_21", "3057_22", "3057_23", "3057_24", "3057_25", "3057_26", "3057_27", "3057_28", "3057_29", "3057_30", "3057_31", "3057_32", "3057_33", "3057_34", "3057_35", "3057_36", "3057_37", "3057_38", "3057_39", "3057_40", "3057_41", "3057_42", "3057_43", "3057_44", "3057_45", "3057_46", "3057_47", "3057_48", "3057_49", "3057_50", "3057_51", "3057_52", "3057_53", "3057_54", "3057_55", "3057_56", "3057_57", "3057_58", "3057_59", "3057_60", "3057_61", "3057_62", "3057_63", "3057_64", "3057_65", "3057_66", "3057_67", "3057_68", "3057_69", "3057_70", "3057_71", "3057_72", "3057_73", "3057_74", "3057_75", "3057_76", "3057_77", "3057_78", "3057_79", "3057_80", "3057_81", "3057_82", "3057_83", "3057_84", "3057_85", "3057_86", "3057_87", "3057_88", "3057_89", 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"Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Hi / you want to start first <laughter>? /", "Of course. / We are talking about the elderly and,", "Right. /", "{F uh, } whether or not [ we wo-, + we ] like nursing homes / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "as a matter of fact, I can tell you something about that. /", "You apparently have somebody there, in one. /", "No, / {D actually, } my grandmother owned and operated a nursing home for years / {C and } her mother, -/", "{F Oh, } you are kidding? /", "No, / she did. /", "Oh. /", "{C And then } my mother also owned and operated a nursing home,", "Uh-huh. /", "for years.", "I will be darned. /", "And then, {F uh, } went on back to school and became the director of nurses at a nursing home <sigh>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } my mother and my older sister both are geriatric nurses. /", "{F Oh, } for heaven's sake. /", "{C So, } I do know something <laughter> about that. /", "You are very, very much aware of what goes on. /", "Absolutely. /", "<Laughter> That is great. /", "{D Actually, } the motivation for Grandmother entering the business,", "Uh-huh. /", "was that her mother was very old,", "Uh-huh. /", "and couldn't seem to find companions. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "She was lonely. /", "Right. /", "{C And } she needed company,", "Right. /", "for her mother / {C and so she } opened a nursing home and initially started with eight ladies. /", "I will be darned. /", "{C And then, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] grew into a,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "very prosperous business from that point. / {F Uh, } then they, -/", "{D Now, } {D see } that is a nice attitude to go into. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } it seems like they must be waiting until it is a necessity -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } there is no chance of, {F uh, } good companionship or doing anything. /", "{D Well, } that is not really true, either, {F uh, } / I think that is a stigma [ and an I, +", "Uh-huh. /", "and an ] impression that has come from some few bad experiences. / {D You see, } those who had bad experiences talk about them. /", "{F Uh, } right, / right. /", "{C And } those who do not may write,", "Uh-huh. /", "a letter to the nursing home and say you did good, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } they do not talk a whole lot about that. /", "That is true. / {C But } what I mean is instead of maybe entering a nursing home,", "Uh-huh. /", "when you are still able to have good,", "Uh-huh. /", "relationships with,", "Uh-huh. /", "maybe other friends --", "Sure. / {D Well } now,", "-- they wait until they are, {D you know, } unable. /", "That is right. / {D Well, } that is because they wait until the children make those choices,", "Right. /", "they choose to not make those,", "Right, / right. /", "choices themselves. / However, my daughter-in-law <sigh> also is a nurse in a nursing home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } she works for one here in Dallas, which is more a retirement village than it is a nursing home. / {C And } [ these, + these, ] -/", "{F Uh, } uh-huh. /", "I love watching these elderly people come, they will come and tell her. {D \"Well } I am going for my,", "Uh-huh. /", "tennis lessons. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ would yo-, + would you, ] {D you know, } call down and have the van come around and take,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "us for our tennis lessons.\" / {C And } they are very active and very enthusiastic / {C and } they have,", "Uh-huh. /", "some excellent programs right there on site. /", "Yeah. /", "<Sigh> Their dining room looks like, {D you know, } Luby's Cafeteria. /", "Yeah. / That is great. /", "[ Or, + or ] one of the lovely cafeterias. / {C And } they have, {D you know, } pink linen napkins for their dinners.", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "And, <sigh> a well equipped library. /", "Yeah, / that sounds great. /", "{F Oh, } I am certainly very much for a nursing home / {C and } I think when [ the, + the ] parent gets old enough,", "Yeah. /", "to the extent where they just do not want to be bothered with keeping house,", "Uh-huh. /", "and with taking care of themselves,", "Uh-huh. /", "anymore. That is a wonderful alternative. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It is expensive. / It is costly. /", "{D See } if they [ could, + could ] get this idea across though, better than what it is,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you, know. } -/", "{D Well, } now my daddy's mother, {F uh, } lived in [ a, + a ] retirement village / {C and } she and her sister had side by side duplexes,", "Uh-huh. /", "one bedroom duplex. / <sigh> She still had her individuality, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } they were there close / {C and } they did have, {F uh, } {D you know, } the button that you could push the central office if you got into problems / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "there were lights that you could flip on and so forth. / {C And } they (( )) have security. -/", "Uh-huh. /", "No, / I am very much in favor, - / I have heard horror stories, /", "{F Oh, } {D well } you have that with anything. /", "I know that the elderly can easily be abused, /", "{F Oh } (( yeah )) . /", "{C but } I would be willing to bet they are far less abused in a nursing home than [ are, + they are ] in,", "In the homes, yeah. /", "homes of their own children. /", "{D Well, }", "Uh-huh. /", "we used our nursing home as, {F uh, } - / like when my sister was real bad before she died --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } we took her the last month and a half,", "Uh-huh. /", "into a nursing home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they were super with her. /", "Absolutely. /", "They were, {F uh, } /", "{D Well } now, my grandmother, - / of course all of my folks lived to be very old -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } my grandmother developed Hodgkin's Disease,", "Uh-huh. /", "when she was in her [ late eighties, +", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } late seventies, ] {E I mean. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Sigh> She went to the doctor, / she had surgery, / she got the treatments / {C and } during,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "the period of time that she was undergoing those treatments she was in a nursing home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "She got better, / she got well, / she got out and went dancing again. /", "{D Well, } a lot of people do that. / (( They )) ,", "Uh-huh. /", "(( left them )) temporally maybe they had a,", "That is right. /", "broken hip or something or, -/", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / I think it is a wonderful interim place, /", "Uh-huh. /", "it is a place that you do not have to struggle with hospital,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "problems <sigh> / {C and } yet it is not, {D you know, } - / you have, -/", "{C And } it can become home to them. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "[ It, +", "It certainly is. /", "It ] depends upon the individual. /", "It certainly does, / {C but, } {D you see, } we have had excellent experience with that. / {C And, } {F uh, } [ I, + I ] did not put my husband in a nursing home when he became ill, / {C but, }", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "I would not object to going to one. / [ I might, +", "Uh-huh. /", "I might ] like to be, <sigh> {F uh, } coherent enough to make my own choice. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "<Sigh> {F Uh, } I would not particularly think I would want my kids to say, {D \"well, } I think this is what I need for Mom\", and,", "This is (( )) - / {C and, } -/", "then dump me there. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } I would # like, # -/", "# There has to be # consideration taken on everything. /", "That is right. / Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / {C And } I think you would shop for a nursing home, just like you would shop for a church,", "Yeah. /", "or a doctor or anything else. /", "That is right, / you would look into it thoroughly and,", "Uh-huh, / sure. /", "[ do, + do ] the best job you could in choosing one. /", "Uh-huh. / When you get to the point where you are in trouble,", "Uh-huh. /", "and you have got to have that help, you are in no position to make those choices. /", "No / {C and } you do not have the time to look, / that is what,", "That is right. /", "I am saying, /", "Uh-huh. /", "most people will not even look at that until it becomes a necessity. /", "Absolutely. / I think that one of the best ways to do that is for families to realize they are going to be needing those facilities one day,", "Uh-huh. /", "and to actually get involved and participate on a community level with community service. / Go out to the nursing home, help guide some craft programs, perhaps, work on some <sigh> music programs, # whatever their talents are. #", "# Whatever their talents, # yeah. /", "And work with,", "Uh-huh. /", "those senior citizens. /", "Yeah, / I have a cousin who is, {F uh, } - / she had a son that was epileptic from birth, / {C and } he did fine,", "Uh-huh. /", "at home, / they lived on a farm, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } she made arrangements, so that when she was gone,", "Uh-huh. /", "she did not want [ [ her, + her children, ] + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- her other children ] burdened with his care. /", "That is right. /", "{C So } [ [ he, + they, ] + she ] has made arrangements that when [ she, + she ] was gone, that he would go into the nursing home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ he has, + {A I would say, } he ] adjusted very well / {C and, } {F uh, } [ [ he, + he, ] + he ] has been there quite a long time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } he don't know me usually <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } he goes wheeling down, {F uh, } the hall to bingo. / Somebody else, (( is helping )) him out,", "That is right. /", "{D you know, } /", "{F Uh. }", "{C and, } {F uh, } he has adjusted very well. /", "{D Well, } one of the things, I think that is most desirable for the elderly [ and that + ] is routine. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh } yes. / Yes. /", "Routine and,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } constancy. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh /", "{F Uh, } the only real problem with that in a nursing home is that the staff turns over. / <laughter> I do not think they pay,", "<Laughter>.", "the nursing home staff sufficiently,", "uh-huh. /", "[ to, + to ] get the dedication <sigh>,", "To keep them there, uh-huh. /", "that they have in some other profession, /", "True. /", "{C and } that is sad, because, I think the health profession is one of the most critical, /", "Yes. / {C But } (( )) ,", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "for some reason people resist, {F uh, } the fact that they should be paid as well as businesses and that type of thing, {D you know. } /", "That is right. /", "It seems to be a resistance. /", "Care for the elderly and care for the children,", "Uh-huh. /", "I cannot imagine a more costly and [ a more, +", "Uh-huh. /", "a more, ] {F uh, } better area to invest,", "Right, / right. /", "your money. /", "# {C But } there seems to be a resistance. # /", "# You are # preserving your heritage and your future there. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "<Sniffing>.", "{C So, } {F uh, } -/", "{C And, } as a matter of fact, I do not see why they do not have children's programs in nursing homes. /", "{D Well, } around here, we have some, {D you know, } the churches,", "Uh-huh. /", "take [ your, + the ] children / {C and, }", "Uh-huh. /", "I know our kids thoroughly, - / the children thoroughly enjoy, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "06/12/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1264, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3567_0", "3567_1", "3567_2", "3567_3", "3567_4", "3567_5", "3567_6", "3567_7", "3567_8", "3567_9", "3567_10", "3567_11", "3567_12", "3567_13", "3567_14", "3567_15", "3567_16", "3567_17", "3567_18", "3567_19", "3567_20", "3567_21", "3567_22", "3567_23", "3567_24", "3567_25", "3567_26", "3567_27", "3567_28", "3567_29", "3567_30", "3567_31", "3567_32", "3567_33", "3567_34", "3567_35", "3567_36", "3567_37", "3567_38", "3567_39", "3567_40", "3567_41", "3567_42", "3567_43", "3567_44", "3567_45", "3567_46", "3567_47", "3567_48", "3567_49", "3567_50", "3567_51", "3567_52", "3567_53", "3567_54", "3567_55", "3567_56", "3567_57", "3567_58", "3567_59", "3567_60", "3567_61", "3567_62", "3567_63", "3567_64", "3567_65", "3567_66", "3567_67", "3567_68", "3567_69", "3567_70", "3567_71", "3567_72", "3567_73", "3567_74", "3567_75", "3567_76", "3567_77", "3567_78", "3567_79", "3567_80"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / Scott, let's, {F uh, } talk about advice that we can offer a parent where the child is going to go to a university -- /", "Uh-huh. / Do you have any? /", "-- {C and, } -/", "Do you have any kids / {C or, } -/", "I have [ some, + {D yes, } some ] children. / I have three boys. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they're all quite young -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } we want to plan for their education / {C or } we're saving right now / {C and } we're getting bonds, [ [ and, + and, ] + {F uh, } and ] hopefully finances set aside so that they can choose a college that they want to. / How about yourself? / Do you have any kids? /", "No, / [ I'm in, + I'm in ] graduate school right now <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {C So } I imagine you've gone through the experience yourself of selecting [ your college + --", "Yeah. /", "-- your own college. ] /", "Yeah, / definitely. / In fact, I'm [ even going, + {F uh, } selecting ] again [ for, + for ] my P H D. / [ It's, + it's ] a close subject right now <laughter>. /", "Very good. /", "{F Uh, } /", "[ What, + {F uh, } what ] do you use as a basis to determine which college or university you go to? /", "{D Well } <throat_clearing>, [ I use, + {F uh, } {F uh, } {F uh, } I have used, ] {F uh, } several techniques depending on what, - / for undergraduate, [ [ I, + I, ] + {D you know, } my ] criteria were much different [ than + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- than ] {D like } for graduate school. / {F Uh, } [ when I, + when I ] wanted to go to an undergraduate institution, I was looking for something that was, {D you know, } rather small and easy to get around, {D you know. }", "Uh-huh. /", "<Throat_clearing> And [ what I would, + what I thought ] would be easy to get through. /", "Yeah / <laughter> what you thought, {F huh. } /", "Yeah / <laughter>. [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } my choice of graduate schools [ was, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } it changed a whole lot. / [ I, + I ] got to where [ I, + I ] wanted to, {F uh, } <inhaling> graduate [ with a little, + {D you know, } with a name ] behind me, rather than, {F uh } -- -/", "Just the degree itself. /", "-- yeah, / yeah. /", "{D Well, } [ [ that's a, + that's, ] + that's ] good, because I did quite a bit the same thing in my undergraduate work. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I wanted to get a school that was small enough, that was personable --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that you didn't have a lecture, {F uh, } hall with about fifteen other students competing for the professor's attention -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } {C but } [ you, + I ] felt that I got a pretty good, {F uh, } undergraduate, {F uh, } -/", "[ Where, + where ] did you go? /", "I went to Utah State University --", "Okay. /", "-- which is in Logan, Utah -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } the nice thing about it too is, I knew that I wanted to get into business and that their [ business, + College of Business, ] was accredited / {C and } {D well } known --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- at least there in the State of Utah --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and around the surrounding states and so forth. - / {C And so } [ I, + I ] feel like, number one, [ you ne-, + you also need ] to see what kind of name the, - / like you mentioned before, the name the college and university [ can, + can ] give you --", "Yeah. /", "-- and [ another thing that, + {F uh, } another reason why ] I chose that was [ the, + the ] finances. / I wanted to make sure that I would be able to afford it, that I wouldn't get through [ four, + three ] years of the undergraduate work [ and, + and ] have to leave. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {C so } I did a lot of talking with friends, with family --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- with, {F uh, } counselors at high school, and also read [ some, + some ] books [ on, + on ] the subject [ at the, + at the ] library. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it was kind of unusual because [ my, + my ] two older brothers and I all went to [ thr-, + three ] different universities, depending on what our choice was. / {C So. } -/", "Right. /", "<Laughter> Hopefully [ we, + we ] chose the one that was best for us, / {C and } [ I, + I ] felt very comfortable and good about that. / {C So. } -/", "Uh-huh. / [ [ Do you, + do you ] worry, + do you worry ] any about, {F uh, } {F uh, } being able, - / {E I mean, } obviously you've taken precautions, {D you know, } or measures to, {F uh, } try and pay for your children's education, / {C but } do you think that that's going to be enough? /", "I don't think so. /", "No. /", "<Laughter> I don't know. / [ The, + the ] way that tuition is increasing, {F um, } exponentially --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ [ it's, + it's, ] + <laughter> it's ] kind of hard to set aside money and have that money grow --", "Yeah. /", "-- at the same pace that the college tuition is increasing. /", "Yeah. /", "I, {F uh, } -/", "[ [ I, + all I, ] + all I ] can hope for is that I land a professorship at a nice heavy university. /", "<Laughter> And [ that, + that ] your children can use the benefits of --", "Yeah / <laughter>.", "-- that university. / {D Well, } that's an excellent idea, / that's an excellent idea. / One thing [ that, + {F uh, } that ] we did, {F uh, } and my parents, and our family, is that we weren't able to afford, {F um, } the kind of education that we all desired. / {C So } my parents stressed that we get excellent grades so that we apply and try for scholarships -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } scholarships were very beneficial in my case to help pay for my education, because my parents couldn't. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } what the scholarship could not supply I was able [ to, + to ] work for [ and + --", "Yeah. /", "-- and ] save [ [ and, + and, ] + and ] get. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Also, [ my, + my ] brother, {F um, } [ he's a, + he's a ] medical doctor right now. / He had to, {D you know, } - / once he got past his undergraduate and graduate degree, he had to take out some loans, / {C and } [ he's, + he's ] working to pay those off. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "{C So } [ I, + I ] think that [ the, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } once you get past, {F uh, } the initial stages of it, that there's different options you can use / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- the student loans [ are, + are ] good options. /", "Yeah, / [ that's what, + that's ] <throat_clearing> my biggest option right now. /", "Yeah / <laughter>. Yes, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] as you're well aware that tuition's not, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHOOSING A COLLEGE", "prompt": "WHAT ADVICE OR EXPERIENCE CAN YOU OFFER TO A PARENT ON HOW TO HELP A SON OR DAUGHTER CHOOSE A COLLEGE TO ATTEND?", "talk_day": "12/16/1991", "from_caller": 1425, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1446, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1969, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2623_0", "2623_1", "2623_2", "2623_3", "2623_4", "2623_5", "2623_6", "2623_7", "2623_8", "2623_9", "2623_10", "2623_11", "2623_12", "2623_13", "2623_14", "2623_15", "2623_16", "2623_17", "2623_18", "2623_19", "2623_20", "2623_21", "2623_22", "2623_23", "2623_24", "2623_25", "2623_26", "2623_27", "2623_28", "2623_29", "2623_30", "2623_31", "2623_32", "2623_33", "2623_34", "2623_35", "2623_36", "2623_37", "2623_38", "2623_39", "2623_40", "2623_41", "2623_42", "2623_43", "2623_44", "2623_45", "2623_46", "2623_47", "2623_48", "2623_49", "2623_50", "2623_51", "2623_52", "2623_53", "2623_54", "2623_55", "2623_56", "2623_57", "2623_58", "2623_59", "2623_60", "2623_61", "2623_62", "2623_63", "2623_64", "2623_65", "2623_66", "2623_67", "2623_68", "2623_69", "2623_70", "2623_71", "2623_72", "2623_73", "2623_74", "2623_75", "2623_76", "2623_77", "2623_78", "2623_79", "2623_80", "2623_81", "2623_82", "2623_83", "2623_84", "2623_85", "2623_86", "2623_87", "2623_88", "2623_89", 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"Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay <laughter>. / <breathing> I'll let you go ahead <laughter>. /", "Okay. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] have five children all together. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } my oldest two are already out and about in the world / {C and } I, {F uh, } have a set of twins that are fourteen -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } my youngest is twelve. /", "That's great. / I always thought it'd be great to have twins. /", "{F Uh, } yeah. / If you like doing everything twice <breathing>. /", "{D Well, } yeah / <laughter>.", "{F Uh, } at any rate, {F um, } my first two children, {F uh, } I didn't spend a whole lot of time with them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } <smack> and, {D you know, } was [ a, + a ] problem with having five children needing to work [ a, + {F uh, } a ] full-time job that,", "Uh-huh. /", "was more than a full-time job. / I,", "Uh-huh. /", "worked about fifty-one hours a week, because I [ worked every, + <breathing> worked eleven ] hours every Sunday. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {C so } I didn't get to spend as much time with them [ as I, + as I ] should have, as I really wanted to. /", "Your first ones you mean, it,", "Yeah. / The, -/", "was this way? /", "yeah, / the f-, - / {D well, } it was with all of them, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } it was, {F uh, } more an impact, I think, on the oldest two. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Because, } {F um, } <noise> {F oh, } about the time I got out of working that long hours was [ when the, + {F uh, } </noise> when the ] twins were about three years old. / {C And, } {F uh, } [ they never, + {D you know, } I don't think they ] noticed I wasn't around that much. /", "Oh. /", "{D You know, } with all the children around the house, it's,", "Right. /", "kind of hard to notice that Dad isn't around,", "<Laughter>.", "very much. / <noise> {F Um, } <smack> {C so, } what I've tried to do, {F uh, } now that I've, {F uh, } [ fi-, + ] - / went back to school and got my degree when I was thirty years old. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {C so, } {C then } I came out and was making as much money forty hours a week as I did fifty-one hours,", "Uh-huh. /", "a week. / {C So, } I've tried to spend more time with, {F uh, } the children since then. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } what I'm currently doing is, {F uh, } taking a lot of time. / I'm helping the kids more with their homework in the evenings. / {F Um, } we just started a thing where every other week we go to, {F uh, } movies. / There's a movie theater that offers dollar movies on Wednesday nights. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so, } every couple of weeks we will go to the movies because that's how often they change the,", "Uh-huh. /", "movies. / {C And, } it's working out pretty well. / {F Um, } we're spending more time together. / I feel like I'm a lot closer to the three that are still living at home than I ever was to the two that were living there before. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } in fact, I found that I'm a lot closer with, {F uh, } - / I have one son who's gone / {C and } I don't even know where he's at. /", "Huh. /", "{F Um, } he's taken off for parts unknown, /", "That's difficult. /", "{C but, } {F uh, } yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "A-, - / {C and, } {F uh, } my daughter [ is, + {F um, } <smack> has ] moved out of the house. / Her and I get along a lot better now that she's moved <laughter> out of the house <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh / <laughter>. It happens that way <laughter>. /", "{C And } {F uh, } {C so } [ [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's, ] + it's ] been difficult to try to find the time, / {C and } I think it's important that we do, because, {F uh, } <smack> I notice that, {F uh, } when I had spent two years down in Dallas, down there they all have [ a, + {F uh, } a ] me kind of attitude. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I noticed parents not spending time with their,", "Uh-huh. /", "children [ and, + and ] going out and doing things. / {C And, } {D you know, } I knew {D like } the kids next door were all into cocaine / {C and, }", "{F Um, } uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } it just, {D you know, } - / I saw the family falling apart down,", "Texas is,", "there. /", "much worst for the drugs. / {E I mean, } it was bad enough every place else, / {C but } drugs [ is, + in Texas, are ] extremely bad. /", "<Smack> Yeah. / {C And so, } I think it's kind of important [ that I, + that I, ] {D you know, } nurture the relationship I have with my children now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I'm doing my best --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to keep that up. /", "{D Well, } that's all you can do. /", "Yeah. / What's [ your, + been your ] experience? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] was going to ask, too, does your wife work? /", "{F Um, } she didn't up until the last, {F oh, } six months. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um. } /", "She just recently started working then. /", "<Smack> She just recently,", "Uh-huh. /", "started working. / {F Uh, } she worked a job until we moved to our new house / {C and, } {F uh, } she quit that job because it was too inconvenient. / {C And, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } she starts a new job tomorrow, which should take her out of the house about four days a week. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / Uh-huh. / {C So, } that sounds great. / <smack> {D Well, } {F uh, } <smack> we also have five children. /", "Huh. /", "{C And, } {C but } ours are all out of the nest <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So, } {F uh, } [ as, + ] when they were growing up, [ I, + probably we ] had a lot of similar things [ l-, + like ] you had, {D you know, } having the time. / When you have younger ones to take care of, you maybe sometimes do not take as much time for the older ones. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ we were, + we're ] very active, of course, at church, and, {F uh, } Boy Scouting, and Girl Scouts, Four H, {F uh, } / {C and } those activities helped a lot in,", "Uh-huh. /", "giving us things to do with the children. / {C And } {F uh, } we try to take a vacation with them every year, camping of some sort, something that wasn't expensive. / {C And, } {F uh, } our youngest is, {F uh, } expecting her first baby. / {C So, } [ they're, + they're ] all out and on their own. / <noise> They're, - / {C and } we have one to get married yet <laughter>. / {C And } they'll all be married. / {F Uh, } {C and } [ they're, + they're ] all doing pretty good. / They, {F uh, } - / (( T )) lives in Pittsburgh, you probably don't know where that is. /", "Certainly do. /", "Okay. / Two of our children live there. / {F Uh, } one, [ I, + like I ] said, lives [ near Maryl-, + [ in, + in ] around Maryland, ] D C. / He works right on the border of D C. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } one lives in Connecticut <<tape skips on Speaker A's section>> / {C and } our baby lives just a mile over the hill <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "so, we'll get to see her a little more than, {F uh, } what we do the other ones. /", "Yeah. / That sounds great. / [ I've, + I've ] noticed, {F uh, } another thing, {F um, } <smack> when I was younger my father was always working. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, }", "{C And, } -/", "they have to. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ he, + {F uh, } he ] worked a full-time job and a part-time job, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I never saw him. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } I didn't have much of a role model to go by.", "To go, to follow. /", "{D You,", "Uh-huh. /", "know, } to learn how to be [ a, + a ] father and,", "Uh-huh. /", "a parent, and that kind of thing, because,", "Yeah. /", "[ I, + I ] can't ever remember playing ball with my dad or,", "Uh-huh. /", "catch with my dad, or doing anything with my dad. /", "{C And } that does make a big difference. /", "Yeah. / {C And } it, - / if you don't have, - / I don't, - / I, - / it's my feeling that if you don't have a role model to follow --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- then it's kind of tough. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } everybody's not FATHER KNOWS BEST. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah, /", "[ That's, +", "{C but, } -/", "that's, ] - / {D well } none of us are. / Let's face it,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } we're not none of us like they [ pro-, + portray ] it on those shows. / {E I mean, }", "Yeah. /", "life's much more difficult than that. /", "Yeah. / {E I,", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "mean, } [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] capability to, {F uh, } create children doesn't necessarily mean you have the, {F uh, } the mental capacity to raise them <laughter>. /", "Right. / Right. /", "{C And, } -/", "{D Now, } our daughter, [ our, + ] {D well, } she's our second oldest, [ she has, + she's the ] only [ that, + ] other one that has children. / She has two boys. / {C And, } she works full time / {C and } I have mixed feelings about that. / She's able to do that / {C and } I don't know if she'd be happy to stay at home. / {C But, } yet, on the other hand, [ I, + I've ] got the mixed feelings that I think you should be at home with your children. / I'm kind of old fashioned, I guess, that way. /", "Yes. /", "{C But } [ they seem to, + they seem to ] give, {F uh, } quality time to those children when they are together. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] {C so, } [ it seems, + <noise> it seems ] for them that it works out all right. / {C So, } I don't know. / [ I, + I ] don't think I ever would have had what it would take to work full time and raise a family. /", "Yes. / [ It's, + it's ] not easy. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I've, + {F uh, } {D you know, } I've ] helped out extremely, {F uh, } - / {D well, } I can't say <noise> that, / {C but } I've helped out <laughter>,", "Uh-huh. /", "as best I could at home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ y-, + ] as you know, with five children it takes a lot of work. /", "Yes. / It does,", "[ Even,", "[ it, + it, ] - / yeah. /", "if, + even if ] someone's home all the time, there's still a lot of things that have to be done. /", "Yeah. / What line of work are you in now since you went to school /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } now I work for Texas Instruments. / [ {C So, } +", "okay. /", "{C so, } ] I'm in computers. /", "Okay. / A lot of the people [ I've, that's call-, + I've talked ] to work for, {F uh, } for the same. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C And so, } I've, {F uh, } - / prior to that [ I, + {F uh, } I ] worked in a food store. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } wor-, -/", "Which your income would be a lot better, now. / Yeah. /", "Yeah. / [ [ It, + {F uh, } it ] was, + {F uh, } it was ] [ a, + a ] smart move to make. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, }", "Uh-huh. /", "I was more intelligent than the position I was holding. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, }", "{C And } it's,", "it was, -/", "kind of a waste of a person. /", "<Breathing> Yes. / [ I, + I, ]", "You know. -/", "felt that it certainly was, / {E I mean, }", "Uh-huh. /", "I was smarter than most of the people that I was working for. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } every time something new came up, I was explaining it to them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } I,", "{C And } [ you, +", "had, -/", "you ] recognized this and,", "No <breathing>. /", "was able to, {D you know, }", "Yeah. / I, {F uh, } -/", "do something about it. /", "<Smack> Yeah. / I, {F uh, } started back to school. / In fact, I was going to school while I was working fifty-one hours a week / {C and } that's why I, - / {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- if you're working, if you're taking twelve credits at night and you're working fifty-one hours a week, there's not much time left to spend with, -/", "{D Well, } it puts a strain on everybody, your wife and your family. /", "Yeah / <breathing>.", "{C And, } the only thing you can remember is to <laughter> <<tape skips>> try and stay together as much as you can,", "<Laughter>.", "because it's very easy to, {F uh, } [ become, + ] go your own direction --", "Yeah / <breathing>.", "-- [ when you're s-, + when you're ] working so hard and going to school, too. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } [ it, + it ] all paid off. /", "{D Well, } that's wonderful. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {D you know, } I got my degree and got the better paying job, / [ {C and } + --", "Uh-huh . /", "-- {C and, } ] {F uh, } {D you know, } [ we, + I ] think as a family we're a lot better off. /", "Uh-huh. / It sounds to me like, {F uh, } you're doing well. / My husband's retired, / {C so, } {F uh, } he's been retired for three years now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. / That's quite a change. /", "<Breathing> Yeah, / {D well, } my goal is to try to retire by the time I'm fifty-five. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } he made it at fifty <laughter>. /", "Great. /", "<breathing> It was a magic number for him / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } he went at fifty, / {C and } he still works part time at other thing, {D you know, } same job as he was doing, only he's retired and doing it independently. /", "Uh-huh. /", "But, {F uh, } nevertheless retired. /", "{D Well, } I'm <<fade out>>. -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "04/22/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1117, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1950, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3346_0", "3346_1", "3346_2", "3346_3", "3346_4", "3346_5", "3346_6", "3346_7", "3346_8", "3346_9", "3346_10", "3346_11", "3346_12", "3346_13", "3346_14", "3346_15", "3346_16", "3346_17", "3346_18", "3346_19", "3346_20", "3346_21", "3346_22", "3346_23", "3346_24", "3346_25", "3346_26", "3346_27", "3346_28", "3346_29", "3346_30", "3346_31", "3346_32", "3346_33", "3346_34", "3346_35", "3346_36", "3346_37", "3346_38", "3346_39", "3346_40", "3346_41", "3346_42", "3346_43", "3346_44", "3346_45", "3346_46", "3346_47", "3346_48", "3346_49", "3346_50", "3346_51", "3346_52", "3346_53", "3346_54", "3346_55", "3346_56", "3346_57", "3346_58", "3346_59", "3346_60", "3346_61", "3346_62", "3346_63", "3346_64", "3346_65", "3346_66", "3346_67", "3346_68", "3346_69", "3346_70", "3346_71", "3346_72", "3346_73", "3346_74", "3346_75", "3346_76", "3346_77", "3346_78", "3346_79", "3346_80", "3346_81", "3346_82", "3346_83", "3346_84", "3346_85", "3346_86", "3346_87", "3346_88", "3346_89", "3346_90", "3346_91", "3346_92", "3346_93", "3346_94", "3346_95", "3346_96", "3346_97", "3346_98", "3346_99", "3346_100", "3346_101", "3346_102", "3346_103", "3346_104", "3346_105", "3346_106", "3346_107", "3346_108", "3346_109", "3346_110", "3346_111"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / you want to tell me first how you feel about --", "{D Well } --", "-- the proposal, /", "-- {F um, } [ I, + I ] just think the way that things are going that, {F um, } it would be good for young people to go ahead and [ have, + {F um, } dedicate ] themselves to at least something. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I know, {D like } the Mormon religion, {D you know, } they require two years of [ service, + {F uh, } missionary service ] -- /", "The boys -- /", "-- right, / the boys -- /", "-- not the girls, (( )) the boys. /", "-- yeah, / {C and, } {F um, } {C so, } {C but } I think it would be good for all young people --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } to be able [ to, + to ] do something like that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } so that, {F um, } {D you know, } {A I don't know, } I just feel it would be good for them to do that. /", "Uh-huh. / [ I, + I ] thought it would be good, too, / {C but } I did not think it would be good that they all do something like the Peace Corps --", "Yeah. /", "-- because not all young people would have, {F uh, } what it takes to go like that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because I think it takes a certain person [ to, + to ] be able to do something like that, / {C but } there's a lot of other public service things --", "{F Oh, } sure. /", "-- that could be done. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ even, + even ] in our home towns there's a lot of --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } public service things that they could do --", "Right. /", "-- {F uh, } {D you know, } drug rehabilitation [ and + --", "Right. /", "-- and ] alcohol [ and, + and ] just, {F uh, } helping old people, and, {F um, } {F uh, } {D you know, } helping cripple, just helping somebody else -- /", "Yes, / yeah. /", "-- {C and } I think that art of giving is something that, {F um, } we don't have very much any more. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / I think it would be that. / When they say this proposal, is this something that they're just suggesting, / {C or } are they actually, - / [ [ why, + why, ] + why ] did they call it a proposal, / that, -/", "{F Oh, } I think they just gave it a title -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } is this not something that's, {F um, } in legislation or --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in work some -- -/", "That's what I wondered. /", "-- yeah, / [ no, + no, ] / it's not, / it's [ just a, + just a ] topic, /", "It'd be good character builder. /", "I think so, too. / I think so, too. / {F Um, } {C because } there's so many, {F um, } kids who have, {F uh, } {D you know, } so much money and so much free time and, {F uh, } nothing to do, {F um, } and nothing to give their time to. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } they don't even have a direction to give [ their, + their ] time to, / {C so } I think --", "Right. /", "-- it would be really good for people [ to, + {F um, } to ] be able to give their time [ in, + in, ] {F uh, } some kind of public service, {F uh, } even in our government, {D you know, } as, {F uh, } aids to, {F uh, } {D you know, } Congress, {F uh, } people -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so, } {F um, } yeah, / [ it would be, + it'd be ] really good --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I think. /", "{D Well, } people that [ are, + {F um, } have ] received sentences in jail, [ they have, {F uh, } some of them are going out and doing, + {F uh, } they have to ] go out and do public service --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- activities --", "Right. /", "-- which to me [ is, + is ] good. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {F oh } yeah, / I agree with you. / This is something that, {F um, } {A like you say, } is it's character building --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } {D you know, } learning how [ to, + to ] give to others, and being less selfish / {C and, } -/", "{D Well, } I think sometimes it gives you a better picture of what some of the other people live like, {D you know, } [ what + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- what ] some of the other parts of the world are like or --", "Right. /", "-- even other parts of the neighborhood --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh, / yeah. /", "-- some of the people, how they live / {C or, } -/", "{F Oh, } I agree with you, / I agree with you, / {C and } I think, {F uh, } young people are so, {F um, } {F uh, } focused just on themselves and their activities, and whose going out with whom, et cetera --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that, {F uh, } {D you know, } to get a taste of what the real world is actually about --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- doing that public service would be great. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C because } that's one thing that's hard, with young people, [ you, + you ] can't tell them how things are -- /", "Right. /", "-- they have to see for themselves -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- now of course this might be after they've gone through their teen years, / I don't know what their thought is on what age that this should be done. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / I would think so, like right after, {F um, } high school --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } even if it was [ [ [ the, + the, ] + their, ] + {F um, } that ] summer right after high school --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } # three months, # /", "# Of course # they've already gone through the period of time where they need more direction --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } [ they, + their ] teenage years and that they really sometimes need a little better direction to go --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- and something, / course now Peace Corps, that couldn't be done of course, until they were done with school --", "Right, / right, / {D You know, } something [ that out, + that was ] [ outside of, + {F uh, } outside of ] school -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- yeah, / {C but, } yeah, / {D you know, } [ right, + right ] after you graduate from, {F um, } high school, because a lot of people are just, {F um, } {F uh, } {D Well } gee whiz, what do I do now --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- if they're not focused on going to college, / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } having [ that, + that, ] {F uh, } gung ho plan --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } that's, {D you know, } setting their life goals. /", "Kind of an in-between --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- time. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / {C so } to me, {D see } that would be [ [ the, + the, ] + {F uh, } the ] greatest time for, {F um, } {D you know, } teenagers [ to, + to ] do that, would be right after they graduated from high school. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } as for its being required <laughter> --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } [ we're just not, + we're not ] based [ on, + on ] that, {F uh } --", "Huh-uh. /", "-- type of a system. {F Um. } /", "No, / {C and } like I said, [ not, + now ] all young people should be able to do something, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- not all certainly would be geared to, even [ the, + the ] Mormon boys that go out, not all of them go, / {E I mean } --", "Right. /", "-- it's disaster if they don't go, / [ {C but } + --", "{F Oh, } right. /", "-- {C but } ] some of them are not, - / they're just not made to do that type of thing -- /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they just aren't able to do it. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C so, } {F um, } yeah, / it'd be good / {C but } like I said, requiring it would be, {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "UNIVERSAL PBLIC SERV", "prompt": "SEE HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT THE PROPOSAL THAT ALL YOUNG AMERICANS SHOULD SPEND A YEAR OR TWO DOING SOME KIND OF PUBLIC SERVICE", "talk_day": "11/02/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1112, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3332_0", "3332_1", "3332_2", "3332_3", "3332_4", "3332_5", "3332_6", "3332_7", "3332_8", "3332_9", "3332_10", "3332_11", "3332_12", "3332_13", "3332_14", "3332_15", "3332_16", "3332_17", "3332_18", "3332_19", "3332_20", "3332_21", "3332_22", "3332_23", "3332_24", "3332_25", "3332_26", "3332_27", "3332_28", "3332_29", "3332_30", "3332_31", "3332_32", "3332_33", "3332_34", "3332_35", "3332_36", "3332_37", "3332_38", "3332_39", "3332_40", "3332_41", "3332_42", "3332_43", "3332_44", "3332_45", "3332_46", "3332_47", "3332_48", "3332_49", "3332_50", "3332_51", "3332_52", "3332_53", "3332_54", "3332_55", "3332_56", "3332_57", "3332_58", "3332_59", "3332_60", "3332_61", "3332_62", "3332_63", "3332_64", "3332_65", "3332_66", "3332_67", "3332_68", "3332_69", "3332_70", "3332_71", "3332_72", "3332_73", "3332_74", "3332_75", "3332_76", "3332_77", "3332_78", "3332_79", "3332_80", "3332_81", "3332_82", "3332_83", "3332_84", "3332_85", "3332_86", "3332_87", "3332_88", "3332_89", "3332_90", "3332_91", "3332_92", "3332_93", "3332_94", "3332_95", "3332_96", "3332_97", "3332_98", "3332_99", "3332_100", "3332_101", "3332_102", "3332_103", "3332_104", "3332_105", "3332_106", "3332_107", "3332_108", "3332_109", "3332_110", "3332_111"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Doug, you want to start? <Laughter>. /", "Sure. /", "You don't use any credit cards, I don't imagine. /", "No. / Of course I use,", "<Laughter>.", "credit cards. / I have a couple of credit cards --", "Yeah. /", "-- and, {F uh, } use them. /", "Uh-huh, / do you use them a lot? /", "{F Oh, } we try not to. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We're on a pretty strict and tight budget. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We use the credit cards, however, when we're at a situation where we don't have either the cash or the checkbook handy. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Or } we use credit cards also, if we want to get an extended warranty on an item that we're purchasing. / [ {D So. } +", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that's an idea, / that's a thought, / uh-huh. /", "{D So, } ] yes, / {C and } basically we use it mainly when we're traveling --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or out of state [ or -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or ] somewhere where, {D you know, } [ they don't take local, + they don't take out of state ] checks -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } when we're traveling some. - / Do you use credit cards often? /", "My husband loves them <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } we do use them. / {F Uh, } we try not to, / {C but, } [ he, + he's ] one who believes in credit cards, / {C and } he uses them quite a bit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "He likes using them and then just pay at the end of the month <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / well --", "[ He, + he ] likes that, /", "-- [ that's, + that's ] a good thing, because lot of people don't pay at the end of the month -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they just pay the minimum required balance. /", "{C And } that's when you get into expenses. /", "Yes, / {C and } you get in over your head. /", "Right. /", "It'll, {F uh, } - / some people I know also try to use it as float --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- where they buy something now / {C and } say, {D well, } I'm going to buy this when it's good and on sale / {C and then } I can --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- go ahead and pay for it when I get my check at the end of the month / when I'm being paid. /", "Right. / {D Well, } sometimes you do come on bargains and that, / {C and } it's really useful. /", "That's true. /", "{C And } some places won't take, {D you know, } {D like } personal checks or cash, even -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } they would take a credit card. /", "Right. / [ How a-, + how are ] the laws in Pennsylvania, {F uh, } [ as, + as ] regard, {D well } not the laws, but the [ rates, + credit card rates ] in Pennsylvania? / For example down here, when you go up to a gas station --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- you get an extra charge for credit cards --", "Right. /", "-- than you would by paying for cash. / Are they the same there? /", "We, - / yeah, / we have the same thing up here, / {C so } we don't deal where they do that <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ We cha-, + {D you know, } we go ] to places where they don't charge extra. / Some of them charge five cents a gallon, even, / {D like } the gas stations more, -/", "That's pretty steep. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } we just try to avoid, {D you know, } the ones that do that, / we just don't, {F uh, } go there --", "Yes. /", "-- because there's enough other ones around that don't charge you anything / extra --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- {C because } {D actually, } to me, credit cards are the same as cash, / to me they are, anyway, /", "Yes, / because you make the deduction at the time of the purchase / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] so that --", "Right. /", "-- the end of the month or when you get your credit card bill --", "Right, / yeah. /", "-- are you saying that that way you're not left stranded --", "Yes. /", "-- and high and dry <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / right. /", "Very good. / [ You're, + you're ] one of the [ good, + I guess, good ] faithful shoppers that don't get into a problem when it comes to budgeting their money. /", "{D Well, } I can't say we never have. / Now we have, {D you know, } at times, made payments --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- <Laughter> on our things, / {C but } we try not to. / We try hard, /", "{D Well, } yeah, / {D well, } <throat_clearing> I see that as an advantage to a credit card, also -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that you [ can -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- can ] find yourselves in those situations and use a credit card [ to -- +", "Right. /", "-- to ] help yourself. /", "Right. /", "{C So } I think that there's a great advantage to a credit card in those situations. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / because sometimes, {F uh, } there's times when you [ may, + maybe ] couldn't take advantage of something -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } with a credit card you can. / {D So. } -/", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / {F Um, } do you have, {F uh, } multiple credit cards? /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C And } do you find that advantageous / {C or, } -/", "{D Well, } I think we're narrowing it down, {D actually. } / {F Uh, } {F uh, } like I said, my husband likes them, / {C and } we have quite a few, / {C but } [ we really get, + when you get ] down to the nitty gritty, there's probably three that we use --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- most of the time. /", "Right. / [ We're, + we're ] actually in the same boat. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We like to use three, {F uh, } basic credit cards. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That way we're not confused / {C and } we don't have an awful lot of expenses or surprises when it comes --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- the end of the month. / {C And, } do you find that you get an awful lot of credit card applications through the mail? /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "Once a week, / twice a <laughter> week, / {C or } three times a week. /", "{D Well, } it's not every week, / {C but } [ you, + you ] do get them. / They make it very readily available. /", "Yeah. /", "Almost too much so. / {C But } [ I re-, + I really ] don't like it the charges that, {D you know, } - / we try to [ limit, + look ] at that also, / what they charge per year --", "Right, / {D so } the annual fee. -/", "-- to use our money, {D you know } -- /", "Right, / right, /", "-- they're charging us to spend our money, / {C and, } [ I, + I'm ] not real crazy about that, / {C so } we try to look at that also. /", "Yes, / {D so } there is the basic annual fee for the credit card --", "Uh-huh, /", "-- plus they charge any where from seventeen to twenty-three percent --", "Right. /", "-- {F uh, } based upon what the state will allow, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CREDIT CARD USE", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CREDIT CARDS. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER MAKES USE OF CREDIT CARDS. HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO YOUR OWN?", "talk_day": "10/30/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1425, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3533_0", "3533_1", "3533_2", "3533_3", "3533_4", "3533_5", "3533_6", "3533_7", "3533_8", "3533_9", "3533_10", "3533_11", "3533_12", "3533_13", "3533_14", "3533_15", "3533_16", "3533_17", "3533_18", "3533_19", "3533_20", "3533_21", "3533_22", "3533_23", "3533_24", "3533_25", "3533_26", "3533_27", "3533_28", "3533_29", "3533_30", "3533_31", "3533_32", "3533_33", "3533_34", "3533_35", "3533_36", "3533_37", "3533_38", "3533_39", "3533_40", "3533_41", "3533_42", "3533_43", "3533_44", "3533_45", "3533_46", "3533_47", "3533_48", "3533_49", "3533_50", "3533_51", "3533_52", "3533_53", "3533_54", "3533_55", "3533_56", "3533_57", "3533_58", "3533_59", "3533_60", "3533_61", "3533_62", "3533_63", "3533_64", "3533_65", "3533_66", "3533_67", "3533_68", "3533_69", "3533_70", "3533_71", "3533_72", "3533_73", "3533_74", "3533_75", "3533_76", "3533_77", "3533_78", "3533_79", "3533_80", "3533_81", "3533_82", "3533_83", "3533_84", "3533_85", "3533_86", "3533_87", "3533_88", "3533_89", "3533_90", "3533_91", "3533_92"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / Miss Nancy, we should be in business now. /", "# Good. # /", "# Did # you hear the questions that the lady, {F uh, } brought up? /", "Yes. /", "Such as how much time, {D well, } - / I'll ask, / how much time do you spend with your children, / {C and } how many do you have? /", "We have two children, / they're both grown and married / {C and } [ with, + ] we have, {F uh, } - / our daughter has three sons, / {C so } we see them at least once a week, / {C and } we see our son and his wife <breathing> {F uh, } about every other week / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- we baby-sit quite frequently. / {C So } we're a fairly close-knit family. / We're together a lot on special days / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] of course, with the holidays and everything. -/", "{D Well, } you're very fortunate. / {F Uh, } [ my + <laughter> <breathing> my, ] {F uh, } - / I have two girls and a son, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And } # my oldest daughter lives in Amsterdam, Holland. /", "Oh. /", "# [ She <laughter>, # +", "# <Laughter>. #", "Her ] husband builds pianos, / {C so } it's kind of hard for us to visit with them, as much as I'd like to.", "{F Oh, } # yes. # /", "# Because # [ [ we've, + we, ] + one thing we ] do have together is we're both musicians. / I play in several symphony orchestras / {C and, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# she is # [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] concert, {F uh, } harpsichordist.", "Oh. /", "And travels around a good bit in Europe. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } her husband builds forte pianos, / which are harpsichord size # pianos. # /", "# Pianos, # uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } that's why they're over there. / {C And then } I have [ a, + a ] son who lives in, {F uh, } <lipsmack> Warrington, Pennsylvania. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I get to see him maybe once every three months. / {C So } [ I really, + ] we've lost, {D you know, } - / I'd like to have an everyday contact with children, {F uh, } as well as you do, for that matter, / {C and } [ my + (( young )) , my ] youngest daughter lives in New Jersey, / {C and so } # [ they, # +", "# {F Oh, } # you don't get to see any of # yours very often. # /", "# I ] don't hardly # get to see any of them. / She works in these, {F um, } <lipsmack> Trump type casinos, / she and her husband # both do. / [ They work, # -- +", "# Yes, / uh-huh. # /", "-- {F uh, } they're ] really both, {F um } <lipsmack> [ play, + people who play ] on stage -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } they're running lights right now and audio and (( that thing )) # for, #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "plays and things that go on. / {C But } anyhow <breathing> {F uh, } / [ what do you, + what activities do you ] do with your children when you are together? /", "{F Oh, } most the # time, # -/", "# <Cough>. #", "{D well, } right now it's football season, / {C and } our daughter is a big Cowboy fan, / as is our husband, / {C so, } my husband, - / {C so } she watches that / {C and } I play with the grandchildren <laughter>. /", "# <Laughter>. #", "# I enjoy the # grandchildren. / {C But, } {D now, } like last weekend, {F um, } there's the Soviet space exhibit is here in Dallas, / {C and } it ends,", "# Oh. # /", "# {F uh, } # in January, / {C so } she [ and, + and ] the three boys and my husband and I went over into Fort Worth to see the space exhibit / {C and } this # Sunday, # -/", "# The Soviet # space # exhibit? # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# My goodness. # /", "# Yeah /", "I am surprised they would bring anything over here. /", "{F Oh, } it's ] been here for quite, {F uh, } some time. / I think it came here in either September or October # / {C and, } #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "it's [ very interesting, + # very interesting, ] # /", "# I'll bet. # /", "{C and } it's been very well done <breathing>. / {F Uh, } {C and } [ this, + {F uh, } next ] Sunday they're coming over after the Cowboy game / {C and, } # {F uh, } #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{F uh, } we're going to go take the boys to see Christmas lights and go to a Santa's village. / [ {C And, } {F uh, } + {C then } ] when our son's over, we have a pool, / {C and } he and his wife come and a lot of their friends, / {C and } we have cookouts on Sunday # {F uh, } # /", "# {D Well, } # that sounds like you have # really, # --", "# {C And, } {F uh } # --", "-- wonderful activities that --", "-- [ we, + we ] do a lot [ with -- +", "-- keep you together. /", "-- with ] our kids, / {C and } [ we -- +", "Yeah. /", "-- we ] always have. / We've taken a lot of trips with our kids when they were younger. / {F Uh, } we're very family oriented. / [ We, + {F um, } # we ] like # being with our kids, / {C and } the kids seem to enjoy being with us, / {C and } their friends enjoy being with us. /", "Uh-huh. / *[[slash error, should be 'b']]", "{D So } [ which + that ] keeps us very, very young, with all these young people passing in and out and # eating, # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C and } # seems like I've, # -/", "# The only # problem is, it keeps you pretty busy, keeping everything going, / doesn't it? /", "{D Well, } it does # <laughter>. # /", "# <Laughter>. #", "I'm worried about Christmas. / Christmas Eve they all pass through, / {C and then } they all end up spending the night Christmas Eve night, so # that, #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "we open our presents on Christmas day <breathing> -- /", "Beautiful. /", "-- {C and } they go out to [ the other, + {D you know, } the in-laws ] in between some of this, / {C but } they're # all, #", "# Uh-huh. # /", "with us, / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C then } ] have Christmas dinner with us and then go to other in-laws and things, / {C so } we see a lot of them. / {C But } we enjoy Christmas Eve night, because they all start arriving by about eleven o'clock, / {C and } we open presents about five o'clock # Christmas, #", "# <Throat_clearing>. #", "morning, / [ {C and, } + {D you know, } [ {C and, } + {F uh, } # {C then, } # ] ]", "# Uh-huh. # /", "I go to the kitchen and cook, / {C and } my sister [ and, + and ] her husband are coming down, / {C so } there's going to be eleven of us # for Christmas. # /", "# That's great. # / There's a, - / the question now to ask, is it difficult to find time, / {C and } you seem to be making out all right. /", "Yeah. / Sometimes I'm a little exhausted # <laughter>. # /", "# <Laughter> {D Well, } tell me, / [ wh-, + # what ] do you think [ of, + {F uh, } of ] the current trends of how other people spend time with their children # and so forth? # /", "# {F Oh, } [ I, + # I ] think the trends are going back to spending more time with families. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think parents are definitely, {F uh, } spending more and more time. / I don't think they're leaving them with baby-sitters, {D you know. } / [ I think, + I think ] family quality time is becoming much more important than it was # there # --", "# Yes. # /", "-- for about, {F uh, } I don't know, eight or nine years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Seems like it went through a spell there where families weren't that big a deal. / Parents kind of went and did their thing, / kids did their thing. /", "{D Well, } that's - / # no, # / that's exactly what I was going to say. / [ Of, + of ] course, I find now that I spend more time with my grandchildren in --", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "-- detail. / I know more about them and watch their growth and how they improve [ and, + and ] learn much more so than my own kids. / [ When, + when ] your own children are growing up, you just take them for granted / {C and } you go ahead and do your thing / {C and, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "12/13/1991", "from_caller": 1402, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1924, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1415, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1939, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3004_0", "3004_1", "3004_2", "3004_3", "3004_4", "3004_5", "3004_6", "3004_7", "3004_8", "3004_9", "3004_10", "3004_11", "3004_12", "3004_13", "3004_14", "3004_15", "3004_16", "3004_17", "3004_18", "3004_19", "3004_20", "3004_21", "3004_22", "3004_23", "3004_24", "3004_25", "3004_26", "3004_27", "3004_28", "3004_29", "3004_30", "3004_31", "3004_32", "3004_33", "3004_34", "3004_35", "3004_36", "3004_37", "3004_38", "3004_39", "3004_40", "3004_41", "3004_42", "3004_43", "3004_44", "3004_45", "3004_46", "3004_47", "3004_48", "3004_49", "3004_50", "3004_51", "3004_52", "3004_53", "3004_54", "3004_55", "3004_56", "3004_57", "3004_58", "3004_59", "3004_60", "3004_61", "3004_62", "3004_63", "3004_64", "3004_65", "3004_66", "3004_67", "3004_68", "3004_69", "3004_70", "3004_71", "3004_72", "3004_73", "3004_74", "3004_75", "3004_76", "3004_77", "3004_78", "3004_79", "3004_80", "3004_81", "3004_82", "3004_83", "3004_84", "3004_85", "3004_86", "3004_87", "3004_88", "3004_89", "3004_90", "3004_91", "3004_92", "3004_93", "3004_94", "3004_95", "3004_96", "3004_97", "3004_98", "3004_99", "3004_100", "3004_101", "3004_102", "3004_103", "3004_104", "3004_105", "3004_106", "3004_107", "3004_108", "3004_109", "3004_110", "3004_111", "3004_112", "3004_113", "3004_114", "3004_115", "3004_116", "3004_117", "3004_118", "3004_119", "3004_120", "3004_121", "3004_122", "3004_123", "3004_124", "3004_125", "3004_126", "3004_127", "3004_128", "3004_129", "3004_130", "3004_131", "3004_132", "3004_133", "3004_134", "3004_135", "3004_136", "3004_137", "3004_138", "3004_139", "3004_140", "3004_141", "3004_142", "3004_143", "3004_144", "3004_145", "3004_146", "3004_147", "3004_148", "3004_149", "3004_150", "3004_151", "3004_152", "3004_153", "3004_154", "3004_155", "3004_156", "3004_157", "3004_158"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["All right. /", "{D Well, } she lives in Utah, / {C so. } -/", "{F Oh, } uh-huh, / uh-huh. / That's the way we always were. / We always lived away from our family and relatives while the kids were growing up. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } {D well, } I guess we're going to talk about children today. /", "Okay, / let's do i-, /", "{D So, } you ready? / <laughter> <beep> My children are all gone already. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ They're, + they're ] all out on their own. / {D So, } {F uh, } do you want to start first / [ [ yo-, + yo-, ] +", "Okay. /", "do you ] work? /", "No, / I don't, /", "Uh-huh. /", "I stay home most of the time / {C but } I know that it's very difficult [ to, + to ] find good help sometimes [ [ when + {C and } especially when your, ] + when you want your ] children to be taken care of. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } {D you know, } there's a, - / my neighbor she tends children though / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F um, } there's a big controversy whether they should have to, {F um, } have [ [ a, + a l-, ] + a ] law to have them certified [ or, + or ] not. /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F um, } {D you know, } there's pros and cons on both side of that -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C because } if they were, then you kind of know that they had to go through some kind of testing,", "Uh-huh. /", "or some kind of something to [ (( be on )) + ] , get an okay seal. /", "Yeah, / [ {C but } + {C yet } ] most of the problems we hear, - / of course, maybe that's what we hear about is from organized and approved day care centers. /", "<Baby> That's right. / That's right. /", "{C But } maybe we don't hear about the other ones though that could be. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } the individual incidence or something. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } {D now, } usually when I have someone tend, {F um, } - / my oldest tends for me now if I go somewhere / {C but, } -/", "Uh-huh, / how old,", "before, -/", "is your oldest? /", "He's almost a teenager <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } he's plenty big enough then <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / [ he's, + he's ] very good. / {F Um, } {C but, } {F um, } <lipsmack> before that [ I would, + I would ] use, {F uh, } kids from our church, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } they did a good job,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "for me. / {F Um, } {C but } I've never had to leave them {D like } in a day care center,", "Uh-huh. /", "or anything, / {C and } I've been very lucky just be able to stay home. /", "That's the way with me. / [ I, + I ] worked four years one time, / {C but } my last two children were, {F uh, } both entering high school age. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } they were, of course, gone while I was [ w-, + working ] / {C so } it wasn't a problem I saw, / {C and } I stayed home the rest of the time. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I, + {C so } I ] didn't have that problem either. / {D Now } [ I have, + I, ] - / my oldest daughter she has two children / {C and } they've been in day care, {F uh, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Baby_crying> she works full time. /", "Yeah, / that's hard. /", "[ It, + it's ] difficult / {C but } yet she's the type of person that, I don't know, if she'd be happy staying at home. /", "{D Well, } some people aren't. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "[ She, + she ] surprised me though. / She's done a lot of things that I never thought she would do, {D you know, } [ with, + <laughter> with ] the family because she was [ m-, + ] the one that said she was never getting married and never going to have any children. /", "{F Oh, } [ is that, + <laughter> is that ] right? <Laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {C So, } [ she is, + she spends ] a lot of quality time I think <noise> when she is [ with, + with ] the children. /", "I think that's really important. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ sh-, + they've ] used the day care most of the time. / They tried one once. / They had a lady come in. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ she, + she ] also had a small child she brought with her. / {C And } it did not work out. {F Uh, } at all <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ It, + she thought it ] was going to. / She was real excited because it was so much easier <noise> than taking the children out,", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "in the morning, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ [ I-, + th-, ] + the ] lady called / {C and } her baby wasn't very old at the time and said she was having trouble. / {C And } this baby [ is the, + <baby> is the ] [ most pleasant, + {F uh, } real pleasant ] baby easy to satisfy usually. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] she was having problems with her, / {C and so } she called and said things were okay, settled down and was all right. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{D Well, } my daughter decided to call them and check / {C and } things weren't okay <laughter>. /", "Oh. /", "[ Her, + her ] one son was watching the soapies / which she doesn't allow them to watch the soapies. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } the baby was in his crib with the door shut just screaming his heart out, /", "{F Oh, } dear. /", "{C and } the baby-sitter was in the kitchen with her baby. /", "<Lipsmack> Oh. /", "{C And so } that ended that,", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> episode, / {C and } she was most upset, {F uh, } over finding this. /", "Yeah, / I bet. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } [ she, + they ] kind of had decided that the day care was better. / There's, {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "more people involved, / more than one adult they, - / {C and } the age groups are separated <<very faint>>. /", "{D Well, } nannies have been an option, {F uh, } / {C but } I know that at day care they have more of [ a, + a ] routine like [ at-, + maybe in, ] {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "preschool would have where they have lessons and,", "Yes, /", "so forth,", "story time, {F uh, } /", "and so on. / Uh-huh. /", "{C and } [ the, + this ] one has been particularly nice. / [ It, + {F uh, } <lipsmack> it ] kept track of what they did, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } they would tell the parents what they did that day. / {D You know, } if they said anything or did anything. / {C So } it kind of [ [ ac-, + i-, ] + kept ] them, -/", "Gave you an idea of what your child,", "Yeah. /", "was progressing in or doing. /", "<Noise> [ I oft-, + I always ] thought that if you were checking into a day care, that you <baby> would be good to get references,", "# Yeah. # /", "# {F uh, } on # people that had been in that day care but was no longer there. /", "Yeah. / Yeah. /", "{C Because } they wouldn't have nothing to worry about saying, {D you know, } / if there was a problem [ they, + they ] would I think be more ready to tell you what it was. /", "{F Oh, } I think so, because if they were still there, {D you know } they might not, /", "They may not say anything. /", "Right, / right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ other than how else, + how do you judge other than ] from what others have, {F uh, } what you see, {F uh, } the cleanliness and that type of thing. /", "You can't really. / You can't really unless your child would be old enough to say something, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } usually they aren't at that age. /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. / (( {C But } )) it would be real difficult [ to pick + [ you, + {D you know, } ] to find ] one and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- decide. /", "{D Well, } I know [ I, + {F uh, } about three years ago [ I, + I ] ] tended some children.", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] wondered if I would have to be certified / {C or } whether they'd just bring them / [ {C and } -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] we got to where, {D well, } we were just friends / {C and so, }", "Uh-huh. /", "they said, no, don't do that, we'll just bring them. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And then } if there was a problem / {C and then } we'd sit down,", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "and talk about it / {C but } it never happened,", "Yeah. /", "to be a problem, /", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. /", "[ {C and, } + {C and so } ] things worked out okay, / {C and } their kids played with my kids / {C and } it worked out well. /", "[ I-, + it ] worked out good. / [ I'm going to, + I've decided I'm going to ] baby-sit my <baby> two granddaughters. /", "Oh. /", "(( Since they'll )) be going back at the end of the month. / {C And so, }", "That's great. /", "I'm going to give it a try. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] sell Avon and Stanley products, /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C and } I've got that worked out. / My husband, he's retired / {C so } he's going to deliver my products / {C so } I'll do my orders and that by phone. /", "{D Well, } that will be great. /", "{C So, } {F um, }", "Yeah. /", "I'll be able to keep that up a little bit. / {C But } [ I th-, +", "Yeah. /", "I think ] I'll enjoy (( doing )) , -/", "I bet you'll have some great experiences with them. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] think I'll enjoy. -/", "Yeah. /", "[ I, + I ] guess I kind of miss having a baby around <laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "A kid around or something <laughter>. /", "Sure, / why not. /", "Yeah. / Right. / That's right <laughter>. / {D Well, } they do say you enjoy them more, /", "That's right. /", "[ a some, + somebody ] said if they knew grandchildren where so much fun, they would have had them first <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } my husband's mother lives right over here, / {C and } she takes care of them sometimes,", "Uh-huh. /", "for me, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] just is a lovely lady, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I've always appreciated when she's sat with them. /", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. / My daughter,", "{C And, } -/", "always said she would not let me baby-sit because you do hear grandparents complaining --", "Oh <laughter>. /", "-- {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because they're stuck with their grandchildren so much. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } [ they're, + ] the ones that complain a lot are the first -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHILD CARE", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT CRITERIA THE OTHER CALLER WOULD USE IN SELECTING CHILD CARE SERVICES FOR A PRESCHOOLER. IS IT EASY OR DIFFICULT TO FIND SUCH CARE?", "talk_day": "06/04/1991", "from_caller": 1043, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1936, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1253, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}