{"turn_id": ["4036_0", "4036_1", "4036_2", "4036_3", "4036_4", "4036_5", "4036_6", "4036_7", "4036_8", "4036_9", "4036_10", "4036_11", "4036_12", "4036_13", "4036_14", "4036_15", "4036_16", "4036_17", "4036_18", "4036_19", "4036_20", "4036_21", "4036_22", "4036_23", "4036_24", "4036_25", "4036_26", "4036_27", "4036_28", "4036_29", "4036_30", "4036_31", "4036_32", "4036_33", "4036_34", "4036_35", "4036_36", "4036_37", "4036_38", "4036_39", "4036_40", "4036_41", "4036_42", "4036_43", "4036_44", "4036_45", "4036_46", "4036_47", "4036_48", "4036_49", "4036_50", "4036_51", "4036_52", "4036_53", "4036_54", "4036_55", "4036_56", "4036_57", "4036_58", "4036_59", "4036_60", "4036_61", "4036_62", "4036_63", "4036_64", "4036_65", "4036_66", "4036_67", "4036_68", "4036_69", "4036_70", "4036_71", "4036_72", "4036_73"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I think that, {F uh, } one, {F uh, } advantage of having, {F uh, } the unanimous verdict is that in a criminal case you want to make sure that you don't, {F uh, } convict someone who, {F uh, } really shouldn't be convicted. /", "Definitely. /", "{F Um, } {C and } I think that, {D you know, } a unanimous verdict, {F uh, } helps to ensure that. / I guess maybe one drawback of it is that if you have one juror who is very unreasonable in some way, that, {F uh, } you, {F uh, } would have a problem, {F uh, } {D you know, } that you wouldn't convict someone who maybe should be convicted. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Have you ever served on a jury before? /", "{F Uh, } I have twice. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "It was a pretty wild experience. /", "{F Uh, } what sorts of cases were they? /", "They were just, {D you know, } small time cases where, {F uh, } trailers and banks were involved, {D you know. } /", "{C So } were they criminal or civil? /", "They were civil. / # [ They weren't + # --", "# {F Oh, } okay. # /", "-- they weren't ] any criminal. /", "[ What, {F uh, } + what ] was the verdict? / [ Did the, + did the ] jury have trouble reaching a decision? /", "{F Uh, } the jury, [ it was, + {F uh, } {A let me see, } I think it was ] ten to one on the jury, because they only had to have eleven people -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C so } it was, - / they, - / {C and, } {F uh, } the one changed his vote at the end. /", "{C So } did it become? -/", "{C So } it became unanimous, {D you know, } after they turned it in -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and then } he changed his mind after they turned it in -- /", "{F Uh. } /", "-- {C but } it then became unanimous. /", "{F Uh. } {C But } since it was a civil case it really didn't matter, {D right? } / You just needed a majority? /", "Right. /", "[ What was, + what was ] the other case? / That was also civil? /", "[ The, + the ] other case was just traffic, / the, - / {C and, } {D you know, } it was seat belt law -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } [ it, + it ] didn't even hardly --", "{F Oh, } didn't really even count. /", "-- go through, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. / [ I'm, + I'm ] a college student / {C so } I haven't been, {D you know, } a jury eligible age for very long -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {F um, } {C and, } {F uh, } I did get one summons actually at one point, / {C but } I declined it which I'm able to do because I'm a student, because it was, {F uh, } a very bad time. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } you learn a lot going to the juries like that though. /", "Yeah, {E I mean, } [ [ I, + I ] really, + I would like ] [ to, + {F uh, } to ] do at some point, {F um, } / {C but, } [ I, + I ] haven't. / {F Uh, } [ one, + one ] thing that [ I, + I ] think [ is, + {F um, } {D you know, } maybe is ] a problem is, {F uh, } [ I, + I ] think that the criminal jury system works pretty well now, / {C but } I wonder if maybe in some civil cases it doesn't work as well. / # Especially sort of. # -/", "# I wouldn't think # that it does --", "[ How, + wha-, ] -/", "-- {E I mean, } [ [ from, + from ] my, + from what ] I experienced in them, / [ it didn't, + {D you know, } it didn't ] turn out the way I planned it, {E I mean, } the way that I would think that it would go. /", "{F Uh, } you thought it turned out pretty well? /", "Yeah, / {C but } [ it was, + {D you know, } it was, ] - / jury was unorganized / {C and } [ it was, + it [ was + just wasn't ] ] organized enough for me. /", "Yeah. /", "I'm not used to it not being organized, / {C and } I just assumed that it would have been. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } it was just kind of a zoo / {C and } the jurors just sort of, - / someone had to figure out what was going on? /", "That's about what it was. /", "{F Um. } That's interesting. / [ Did it, + did it ] work out pretty well in the end? / {E I mean, } did a couple of people sort of gradually, sort of assume, {F uh, } sort of a moderator role in the trial / {C or, } -/", "Yeah, / [ they, + {D well } they ] picked one person, / {C and then } he finally, {D you know, } moderated everything and made it turn out the way it should have. /", "{C So } [ it work-, + it did end up working ] out pretty well? /", "Yeah, / it ended up working all right. /", "The one thing I sometimes wonder about, {F um, } in civil cases is, {F uh, } whether, especially sort of in, {F uh, } maybe {D like } [ pro-, + product ] liability, or medical malpractice, where there's, {F um, } sort of a very technical decision to be made sometimes -- -/", "Yes. /", "-- {D you know, } it's not just a matter [ of, + {F um, } of, ] {D you know, } did this guy rip off this guy, / {C and } it's just a matter of interpreting a contract, / it's sort of a matter of, {F um, } {D you know, } sometimes getting into very technical issues, / {C and } I wonder [ [ if, + {F uh, } if there's really, ] + {F um, } if the system ] works adequately [ in, + in ] educating the jurors about, {F uh, } whatever, {F um, } {D you know, } issue is under discussion. /", "[ I, + I ] don't think that [ [ they, + they, ] + they ] educate them enough [ to, + to ] really know what's going on. /", "[ In, + in ] the case you were involved in, you said it was just sort of a bank matter of some kind. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah, / [ the, + the ] bank was suing them [ for, + {F uh, } ] because they went to get [ the, + the ] trailer --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ that, + which ] was, {F uh, } seemingly their property. /", "{F Uh. } /", "It was on his property. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } the deal was that he had, {F uh, } borrowed money from the bank to buy it, / {C and } --", "Right. /", "-- he hadn't made the payments. /", "{C So } they came to get it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } when they came to get it, {D well, } it was on the landlord's property / {C and } he wouldn't let them take it off. /", "{F Uh, } {C so } they were suing to get it back. /", "[ {C So, } + {C and } ] [ they are, + it was ] a double wide, / {C so } they'd already taken it apart. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C So } they left it there -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and then } when they came back to get it a couple of days later it had rained and got all in it. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C So } they were suing him for the money, / {C and, } {D you know, } there's no way they could because [ it, + it ] was the moving company, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1534, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND", "to_caller": 1505, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3902_0", "3902_1", "3902_2", "3902_3", "3902_4", "3902_5", "3902_6", "3902_7", "3902_8", "3902_9", "3902_10", "3902_11", "3902_12", "3902_13", "3902_14", "3902_15", "3902_16", "3902_17", "3902_18", "3902_19", "3902_20", "3902_21", "3902_22", "3902_23", "3902_24", "3902_25", "3902_26", "3902_27", "3902_28", "3902_29", "3902_30", "3902_31", "3902_32", "3902_33", "3902_34", "3902_35", "3902_36", "3902_37", "3902_38", "3902_39", "3902_40", "3902_41", "3902_42", "3902_43", "3902_44", "3902_45", "3902_46", "3902_47", "3902_48", "3902_49", "3902_50", "3902_51", "3902_52", "3902_53", "3902_54", "3902_55", "3902_56", "3902_57", "3902_58", "3902_59", "3902_60", "3902_61", "3902_62", "3902_63", "3902_64", "3902_65"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {D Well } why don't you start cause it said I was suppose to ask you what do you, -/", "Do you have any elderly relatives currently in an, {F uh, } nursing home now? /", "Yes, / I do. /", "Do you? / I have a grandmother. / She's a hundred and two. /", "{F Oh } my gosh. /", "She'll be a hundred and three in August. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we decide not to put her in a nursing home. / She lives with my mother and my father who also live here in town / {C and then } my sister takes care of her. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ She, + even though she ] is a hundred and two, she still has all of her faculties. /", "Right. /", "She still has her snap. / She takes care of her own business. / This is the first year that she has gotten weak and actually has to have a little walker, / {C but } with somebody that needs around the clock care, - / I have seen my family age. /", "Right. /", "I have seen them in the, - / she's been there ten years now. / {C And } I have seen them age twenty --", "Yeah. /", "-- in the time [ and, + and ] with the expense and everything, / [ I th-, + I still think ] it is worth it [ if you, + if you ] had a good nursing home / {C and } they needed some quality care, / I would --", "Right. /", "-- put someone in a nursing home. /", "My mother-in-law finally. / They had to make a family decision. / There's seven children in my husband's family / {C and } fortunately four of them live in the same home town / {C and } she has Alzheimer's. / It was getting where she was getting [ th-, + dangerous. ] {E I mean } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- letting strangers in and things like this, / {C but } they were very fortunate. / It's a small town / {C and } she happens to room with one of the doctor's mothers / {C and --", "{F Oh, } {D well } that's good. /", "-- then } she's got a lot of family there and that go and see her all of the time / {C but } she really doesn't. / Nobody thought she would adjust, / {C but } she has adjusted beautifully. /", "{F Oh, } that is great. /", "{C But } then I am also facing my father who is very sick / {C and } my mother and father reside in Colorado. / She's been taking care of him. / I don't know how much longer this can last / {C and } at that point because he requires round the clock. - / He can't do anything without her. / He doesn't know when to take his medicine / {C and } it's really sad / {C and } I have thought if something would happen to my mother for, {F uh, } - / my brothers are not interested in helping me / {C so } I would have to move him down here. / That way, - / I want to see the nursing home. If I have to put him into one. / {D You know, } where I can go see it. / [ I, + I'd ] be very uncomfortable with him being in Colorado. / # {C And, } # -/", "# {F Oh, } why # yeah. / I am sure you have got some really good nursing homes around Dallas. /", "Yes. / {C And } some of them are limited care too where people can do, {F uh, } - / {D like } they have apartment styles, / but that wouldn't work for him. / I think he is beyond that. / Where if you need help you can get it, / {C but } basically people kind of have a small apartment / {C and } doctors are available if they need them. /", "Uh-huh. / # [ I, + I ] # --", "# {C And } allows, # -/", "-- know a lady that lives in a place similar --", "Yeah. /", "-- to that in Austin. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } the only problem with these are that they are very expensive. / Of course, I guess all nursing homes there is / {C but, } -/", "{C And } the bad thing about it, before you can get any kind of government help, [ you just practically have, + {D well } you have ] to be a pauper. /", "Right. /", "[ It, + it ] takes every penny. / They want you to spend every dime you have --", "Yeah. /", "-- before the government will pay for [ your + your ] care. /", "Right. /", "{C And } that's the sad part about it. /", "Yeah. / I, {F uh, } - / yeah, / {C and } I think a lot of people who do it now. - / In Colorado it's interesting. / I talked to my mother. / They allow you sixty five thousand dollars and your car and your home. / {C And } my mother could make it on that. / What she probably would do is disburse the money to me / {C and then } I would send it back to her / {C so } that's what would happen. /", "Uh-huh. / I think that's what most people do. / You just have to give [ it, + everything ] away. /", "Yeah. / It's # unfortunate. # /", "# [ I, + I ] # work at a brokerage firm / {C and } I have seen so many people that just have to gift, {D you know, } their belongings --", "Right. /", "-- as much as they can each year in anticipation of having to move to a nursing home. /", "Yeah. / It's frightening. / {C And } I guess, {F uh, } I don't know how old you are. / I'm forty-six. / {D You know, } we're the generation moving into this / {C and } I don't know how our kids are going to take care of us.", "I can't imagine. /", "{D You know. } /", "I'm twenty-nine. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } everybody in my family has always had, - / we don't have any children. / Everybody that has, has them later in life. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } [ my, + my ] mother and my father are in their late sixties. / {C So, } {E I mean, } they're not <laughter> --", "Right. /", "-- that far away. /", "I also see on my generation a squeeze between looking to having to help my parents and still having to help my son because things are so rough out there job wise / {C and } he's still living at home / {C and } I don't know how he is ever going to get on his own the way things are. /", "{F Oh, } I know. /", "{C And so, } it's kind of, - / you feel squeezed in the middle of having both generations, / {C but } [ it, + something ] will have to change as more and more of us get older. / {F Uh, } luckily, if we could be like your grandmother, [ I, + {F uh } {D you know, } I ] would love to live to a hundred and two if I were okay. / # {C But } # --", "# It, - / {C but } yeah. # /", "-- you see these people in their seventies -- -/", "Most people aren't. /", "-- yeah, / most aren't. / That's the problem. /", "{C And } that's the bad thing. / I would hate to have lived so long. / She lived by herself. / My grandfather passed away before I was born so she lived by herself up until she was ninety, ninety-one.", "That's incredible. /", "And just did everything, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "02/03/1992", "from_caller": 1493, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1502, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2095_0", "2095_1", "2095_2", "2095_3", "2095_4", "2095_5", "2095_6", "2095_7", "2095_8", "2095_9", "2095_10", "2095_11", "2095_12", "2095_13", "2095_14", "2095_15", "2095_16", "2095_17", "2095_18", "2095_19", "2095_20", "2095_21", "2095_22", "2095_23", "2095_24", "2095_25", "2095_26", "2095_27", "2095_28", "2095_29", "2095_30", "2095_31", "2095_32", "2095_33", "2095_34", "2095_35", "2095_36", "2095_37", "2095_38", "2095_39", "2095_40", "2095_41", "2095_42", "2095_43", "2095_44", "2095_45", "2095_46", "2095_47", "2095_48", "2095_49", "2095_50", "2095_51", "2095_52", "2095_53", "2095_54", "2095_55", "2095_56", "2095_57", "2095_58", "2095_59", "2095_60"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["All right, have you lived in this area long? /", "No, / I've only been here a couple of years. /", "Okay. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } {F uh, } [ I've, + I've ] noticed that, {F uh, } this year it seems to have been a lot warmer than it has in the past. /", "Yeah, / [ [ [ it, + it, ] + it's, ] + it's ] a lot warmer, a lot drier too, because usually about this time of year, [ this, + ] {D you know, } you see a little bit more rain. / {E I mean } [ by, + by ] mid February, {E I mean, } we start getting a lot of rain. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D well } I remember last year, {E or the year before, }", "{C But } it, -/", "{F uh, } we had ice and snow, {F uh, } {F uh, } / terrible ice storm, {F uh, } around this time of the year. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } this year it's been so hot and, {F uh, } sunny / [ it, + it's ] really [ quite, + {F uh, } quite ] amazing. /", "Yeah, / unseasonable. / [ I used to, + my wife and I we used to ] live in San Antonio, couple years ago, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } [ it was, + it was ] I remember the first day of Spring, / it was so much ice that came down, later on [ that afte-, + that afternoon ] and evening, /", "{F Um. }", "[ it was just, + it was ] horrible. /", "Yes, / I was just talking to my son today, / he's up in Boston, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } it was twenty-nine there / {C and } it was, {D you know, } in the seventies out here / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "it was really, {F uh, } - / he really wished he could be here, rather than there. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } {F um, } I don't know / [ I, + I ] guess I'm just sort of acclimated to colder weather. /", "{F Oh } really. /", "{F Um, } [ I, + I ] like it warmer, / {E I mean } [ I like it, + {D you know, } I like it ] warm / {C but } it doesn't really matter. / {E I mean, } [ I'd, + I would ] much rather see it cool at this time of year anyway because it would mean a little bit more rain possibly / {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. / I have, {D you know, } - / [ I, + I, ] don-, - / I think it's really been delightful. / [ I come, + {F uh, } I've spent ] most of my time [ in, + in ] warm weather areas / {C and, } {F uh, } {F uh, } the ice and snow just doesn't, {F uh, } hold any allure for me at all. /", "{D Well } I spent three years in Germany, / {C so } I'm not too thrilled with the whole thing anyway <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } I got used to it, / it was really strange, / {E I mean, } [ [ [ when I, + when, ] + when, ] + when ] we came to San Antonio it was [ [ just like, + {F uh, } {D you know, } it just, ] + just ] swelter / {C and then } we got used to it / {C and then } we went up to Dallas / {C and } it was just, - / [ it's, + it's ] [ not, + not ] that it's just hot or dry, / it's just not very comfortable, / it just, -/", "Her-, - / do [ you, + you ] think San Antonio is more comfortable than Dallas. /", "Yeah, / a little bit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "You must, {D well, } {F uh, } - / it must be quite a bit hotter down there, isn't it? /", "Yeah, / <laughter> my wife and I, {A the last day we were in Florida, } we, [ my + visiting [ my, + {F uh, } my ] ] parents, and my brother and sister, / [ we were, + we were ] down there / {C and, } the last day, right before we left, [ we had to, + I had to ] ride with my sister / {C and } the air conditioning went out on the car <laughter>, /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C and, } [ [ we, + you, ] + you ] just get used to air conditioning all the time, /", "{F Oh } yes. /", "{C and } this, - / it was just, - / the humidity was like [ eighty plus, + eighty percent plus ] / {C and } it was just killing us. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / it's terrible. / Orlando is the only place I've ever been where I've seen the car sweat. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } that's really bad. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } <throat_clearing> {E I mean, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] guess I've been in some places, {D you know, } where the weather was just so mild, {D you know, } places like Monterey, California or,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } - / just, {D you know, } so mild, / {C and then } you've been to such extremes like San Angelo, Texas [ where you just, + where you walk ] outside and you sweat, / {D you know } you're sweating, /", "Yeah. /", "you look down at your arm, / {C but } you see the water leaving your arm, / it's so hot,", "{F Oh } wow, {F uh. } /", "you just feel it pulling away, bizarre. /", "I know [ [ I, + I tend to, ] + I tend to ] be able to get along with monotony in the weather when it's very temperate. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh } it doesn't, - / some people say, {F uh, } [ they, + they ] like to watch the changing of the seasons / {C but, } {F uh, } I'd rather, {D you know, } like southern California, {D you know, } have it kind of sunny and temperate all the time. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } it's kind of a luxury. /", "I tend to agree / {C but, } I don't know, / [ I, + I ] think, [ [ in, + in some, ] + in some ] respects it probably (( )) more tolerable. /", "Yeah, / {D well } I guess [ this, + the ] weather isn't as lively a topic [ as, + {F uh, } as ] some of the others we might have gotten. /", "No, / the other topics. / I got one topic, / they said talk about the Middle East situ-, <talking> {D well, } /", "<Laughter> I guess we're supposed to say good-bye or something, and think about what - / my daughter is here prodding me to say good-bye. / We messed up the conversation, anyway. /", "{D Well } <laughter> {E I mean } I've had some pretty bad, I guess some pretty controversial topics / {C so } it's just like {D well } that was my fault. / {C But then } the weather's {D like, } - / man, {E I mean, } it gets pretty mundane, / {E I mean } you can only talk [ about, + about ] the situation just so long. /", "Yeah, / I know, / weather's just not all that inspiring. / Okay, / {D well } it's nice talking to you. /", "Okay. /", "Bye-bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WEATHER CLIMATE", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE WEATHER. WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE IN YOUR AREA? HAS IT BEEN TYPICAL FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR? COMPARE IT WITH THE OTHER CALLER'S WEATHER.", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1169, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1221, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["4048_0", "4048_1", "4048_2", "4048_3", "4048_4", "4048_5", "4048_6", "4048_7", "4048_8", "4048_9", "4048_10", "4048_11", "4048_12", "4048_13", "4048_14", "4048_15", "4048_16", "4048_17", "4048_18", "4048_19", "4048_20", "4048_21", "4048_22", "4048_23", "4048_24", "4048_25", "4048_26", "4048_27", "4048_28", "4048_29", "4048_30", "4048_31", "4048_32", "4048_33", "4048_34", "4048_35", "4048_36", "4048_37", "4048_38", "4048_39", "4048_40", "4048_41", "4048_42", "4048_43", "4048_44", "4048_45", "4048_46", "4048_47", "4048_48", "4048_49", "4048_50", "4048_51", "4048_52", "4048_53", "4048_54", "4048_55", "4048_56", "4048_57", "4048_58", "4048_59", "4048_60", "4048_61", "4048_62", "4048_63", "4048_64", "4048_65", "4048_66", "4048_67", "4048_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["pretty good, / pretty good. / {D So } we're talking about drug testing in the work place, {F huh. } / *[[listen]]", "Drug testing in the work place. / {F Um. } I've been tested a few times, just before [ pre-, + ] [ drug + ] employment. / {C But } that's about it. / I've never had random drug testing. /", "Yeah, / we have random drug testing [ at, + in ] my business, / {C but } I've [ never been, + {F uh, } never had ] to do it. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / they started that about a year ago, / {C and } I think it's mostly for [ the, + the ] field people that, {D you know, } drive trucks and heavy machinery, that kind of stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ they, + they ] have done some testing around our office, mostly after lunch, looking for people [ drinking, + {F uh, } drinking ] beer and stuff at lunch time, / # at least that's. # -/", "# {F Oh, } they do with alcohol. # /", "Pardon? /", "They do it with alcohol? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ [ they, + they, ] + they'll ] check for alcohol. /", "{F Oh, } I thought it was just like marijuana or cocaine. /", "No, / [ once, + once ] you start doing that stuff, [ you sort of, + you're sort of ] stuck into, {F uh, } checking for [ the whole, + the whole ] thing. /", "{F Huh. } That's interesting. /", "Yeah, / it's a, -/", "What type of field of work are you in? /", "I'm in the oil business. /", "{F Oh, } in the oil business. /", "Yeah. /", "Okay, / {C and } you work in the office around. /", "Yeah, / I work in the office, / {C so, } {F uh, } it's [ pretty, + pretty ] safe environment. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah / {D see, } I work in the automotive air bag industry, where we make the safety bags --", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- for the cars, / {C and } we work around a lot of explosives. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } that sounds like kind of an important job to be, {F uh, } straight on. /", "Yeah, / {C so } that's, {D you know, } - / I'm all for it, because [ the, + {D well, } the ] type of environment I work in, {D you know, } they're working with explosives, / {C and so } they could blow up the whole, - / {D well, } they have safety features with each of the explosives they use, / {C but } still, it can be dangerous. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {D well, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] agree. / I think that, {F uh, } {D you know, } under certain circumstances, especially when you're working [ in, + in ] high risk, {F uh, } {F uh, } industries, where you can really hurt other people, [ that, + that ] you need to have that kind of stuff. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } / if it's, - / as long as it's not abused, {F uh, } {D you know, } random, {D you know, } - / as long as it's random, [ and, + and ] the individual's rights [ are, + {F uh, } are ] protected, I don't have that big a problem with it. /", "{D Now } do they fire them, or do they? -/", "{D Well, } {D see, } this is it, / this is where I start having my problems with my company. / I work for a private company, / [ {C and } + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] the policy is something like, {A see if I can [ re-, + state ] this correctly now. } If you turn yourself in as having a drug related problem, then you're eligible for company counseling. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } if they catch you, if you test positive for [ a, + a ] controlled substance, then you get fired. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C So, } [ it, + {D you know, } it's ] sort of one of these little catch twenty-twos. /", "{F Huh, } that's. - / I think our policy is that, - / all right, it's probably the same thing. / I'm not really sure what the <laughter>, -/", "Yeah, / really, / it's one of those things that you read once, / {C and then, } [ if you, + if you're ] not worried about it, you just forget about it <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> That's right. / {C But } I know, they do have counseling, and that they do give you a second chance, / {C but } I'm not sure [ if -- +", "Yeah. /", "-- if ] it's if you get caught or if you turn yourself in. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / our company's a little tougher on the second chance. / {E I mean, } [ if, + if ] they're going to give you the opportunity to turn yourself in, then they ought to, {D you know, } go out of the way, I think, a little bit more [ to, + {F uh, } to ] [ help you get, + help get you ] rehabilitated [ to, + {D you know, } to ] [ get + get ] back at your job. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ when you're not, + when you're ] a private company, the rules don't always apply. /", "{F Uh, } [ do you think it works very good with that random, + do you think it limits, ] -/", "{D Well, } [ it's, + it's ] hard for me [ to, + to ] evaluate it because everybody I work around is in an office environment / {C and, } {D you know, } it's not, - / I guess I [ ha-, + haven't ] run into anybody [ [ that's, + that's had a problem ] + [ that's, + that's ] been a problem. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C so } [ I gue-, + {D you know, } I guess ] it works, {F uh, } much [ like, + {F uh, } {D well, } {A shoot, } like ] any lottery, / {E I mean, } everybody's got an equal chance to get picked. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } I'd rather have that than, {D you know, } say {D well, } this week the A -s and B -s are going to be in / {C and } next week,", "<Laughter>.", "C -s and <laughter> D -s are going to come in <laughter>. /", "You could time it just right. /", "Yeah, / right, / right. /", "I know one employee, / I know, when I was working with, he had alcohol on his breath, / {C and } I'm not sure if our policy covers that or not. / That'd be just as dangerous. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } especially around, {F uh, } {D you know, } equipment, machinery and stuff. /", "{F Huh. } That's true. /", "{D You know, } [ I've, + I've ] gone out and [ had a, + had a ] beer at lunch time, but not to excess in any case <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / Do they give any limits on alcohol, / {C or } is it? -/", "{F Uh, } I don't remember, to tell you the truth. / I don't think they do. / {F Um, } {D well, } they must, / {E I mean, } gee whiz. / That just shows you how much I've been paying attention, / {C because } [ I, + I ] really don't know. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'll have to go into work tomorrow and ask <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Oh. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } you can take some of [ that, + that ] testing a little bit too far. / {F Uh, } there was a company in Houston [ that, + ] / they did, {F uh, } an unannounced drug sweep [ of the, + of their ] company -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F oh, } [ [ it was, + it was, ] + it was ] an unannounced sweep [ of, + of, ] - / it was not only drugs, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "DRUG TESTING", "prompt": "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF SOME COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TESTING EMPLOYEES OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES FOR DRUGS? IS RANDOM SPOT TESTING JUSTIFIED? WHAT LIMITS SHOULD THERE BE", "talk_day": "03/03/1992", "from_caller": 1516, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1471, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1952, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4060_0", "4060_1", "4060_2", "4060_3", "4060_4", "4060_5", "4060_6", "4060_7", "4060_8", "4060_9", "4060_10", "4060_11", "4060_12", "4060_13", "4060_14", "4060_15", "4060_16", "4060_17", "4060_18", "4060_19", "4060_20", "4060_21", "4060_22", "4060_23", "4060_24", "4060_25", "4060_26", "4060_27", "4060_28", "4060_29", "4060_30", "4060_31", "4060_32", "4060_33", "4060_34", "4060_35", "4060_36", "4060_37", "4060_38", "4060_39", "4060_40", "4060_41", "4060_42", "4060_43", "4060_44", "4060_45", "4060_46", "4060_47", "4060_48", "4060_49", "4060_50", "4060_51", "4060_52", "4060_53", "4060_54", "4060_55", "4060_56", "4060_57", "4060_58", "4060_59", "4060_60", "4060_61", "4060_62", "4060_63", "4060_64", "4060_65"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay Karen. / [ You-, + you're ] first. /", "Okay. / I was just going to say I think one of the biggest thing for me is room for advancement. {D You know, } not to get [ in, + {D like } in ] a dead end job. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } plus, for me, it's, {F uh, } {E I mean } {D like } medical and {D you know, } {F uh, } benefits and dental. /", "Okay. /", "They're also important. /", "Yeah. / I guess one of the differences I see is, {F uh, } working for a university, {F uh, } there is room for advancement, but not so much so, [ our + ] in, {F uh, } quite a highly unionized environment --", "{F Um. } /", "-- and then also in the administrative association / {C so } there is a progressive path, / {C but } <inhaling> not being in [ the + {D say } the ] commercial sector, the motivation isn't there for a lot of people --", "{F Um. } /", "-- {F uh, } {D like } # really, # -/", "# Are they # {D like } pretty much train for a specific job / {C and } that what I hired for and then [ I, + ] just very little variation from that. /", "Yeah, / somewhat that, / {C but then } also there just isn't the ability to in one sense have, {F uh, } a broader scope for rewarding people for their performances. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C so } that's in our situation where we are dealing with an institution, / {F uh, } it's a little more difficult to recognize an individual's performance -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I suppose that's maybe a disadvantage of being in a larger institution, <swallowing> perhaps somewhat even with the business, {F uh. } / {C But } I agree, {D you know, } the, {F uh, } medical benefits and those kinds of things are one of the big pluses of working for a large organization and also the, {F uh, } security aspect for long term employment, {F uh, } /", "{D Well, } {D you know } that's interesting though. / {C Because } I don't know if that's necessarily the case anymore. / I use to think that, {D you know, } after you work, - / you mean [ security, + job security? ] /", "Job security, / yes. /", "{F Uh, } that use to be I think a couple of years ago, / {C but } I don't know if it is so much anymore. / In fact, [ they, + we ] just had a lay off in what November, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } it wasn't necessarily, - / {E I mean, } {D you know, } some people had been there a long time. /", "<Inhaling> Yeah, / we are seeing that here as well. / {D Like } in some of the large oil companies. There has been massive lay offs. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {D so } [ I, + I ] think [ there + it's ] probably a major distinction between institutions and the corporate world --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in, {F uh, } institutions are slower to react both on the growth side and then also on the reduction side where the businesses, we need to cut back, that's what we do. /", "Uh-huh. / No # doubt # -- /", "# {C But, } # -/", "-- yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C and } institutionally, like here at the university, {F oh } if there is a cut back, {D well gee, } it's not [ where it necessarily + where it's needed, ] / it's where it's most expedient which,", "Expedient, / yeah / that's exactly it. / Yeah, / [ where the most dollar, + [ where, + where ] ] {D you know } it cuts back the most. /", "{D Well, } in one sense for us, it's where it makes the least noise which means # it's # --", "# Oh. # /", "-- often the lowest support type roles. /", "Oh. / {D See, } yeah. /", "{D So } we, -/", "Yeah. / I think that's one of the things too. / You get too many management people, {D you know. } /", "It's very easy. /", "Yeah / {C and } it's very easy for them to say, {F oh } this is the best way when they really aren't aware of what all it took to get the work done {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } they wonder why it doesn't get done in the same amount of time. <laughter> / {D Well, } those people aren't there anymore. /", "Right. / {C Because } it's support people that are # providing # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- the speed for it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Inhaling>.", "Yeah, / {C but, } - / {D so } what else do you think is important? /", "{D Well } the, {F uh, } - / that's maybe the majority of the importance, I guess. / Yeah, / {C because } my perspective is from an institution, <inhaling> / {F uh, } [ the, + there ] is not much incentive for innovativeness --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because the limitation for reward is very severe -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } if you're in the corporate world, I think there is considerable motivation for <noise> I guess [ in-, + innovation, ] / although [ he, + ] {D you know, } the more complex your structure the, {F uh, } less difficult it is to kind of carry some things through -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } I think [ there is, + {F uh, } <inhaling> it's ] a long term type of process where in a small organization [ it's, + ] {F uh, } things can happen much more quickly / {C and so } you can see the reward of the efforts. /", "I think probably in a small, - / yeah, / I was going to say [ more, + it's more ] personal for one thing. / You probably have a better team, {F uh, } cooperation, or team playing, atmosphere. /", "Right. /", "Probably, where as in a bigger corporation, I think you're just a number, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / You end up being your own person -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } if you do your job fine and if somebody else is messing it up, {D well } then that's their problem / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you # know } you really, # -/", "# whereas # {D yeah } in a smaller, - / I think you would be more willing to either help that person or help it get accomplished, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / Yeah. / It becomes the organization instead of person being {D you know } a part of the individual themselves. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "JOB BENEFITS", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS BESIDES SALARY IN A JOB WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION? HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE CURRENT BENEFITS OF YOUR JOB", "talk_day": "03/04/1992", "from_caller": 1552, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1500, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3351_0", "3351_1", "3351_2", "3351_3", "3351_4", "3351_5", "3351_6", "3351_7", "3351_8", "3351_9", "3351_10", "3351_11", "3351_12", "3351_13", "3351_14", "3351_15", "3351_16", "3351_17", "3351_18", "3351_19", "3351_20", "3351_21", "3351_22", "3351_23", "3351_24", "3351_25", "3351_26", "3351_27", "3351_28", "3351_29", "3351_30", "3351_31", "3351_32", "3351_33", "3351_34", "3351_35", "3351_36", "3351_37", "3351_38", "3351_39", "3351_40", "3351_41", "3351_42", "3351_43", "3351_44", "3351_45", "3351_46", "3351_47", "3351_48", "3351_49", "3351_50", "3351_51", "3351_52", "3351_53", "3351_54", "3351_55", "3351_56", "3351_57", "3351_58", "3351_59", "3351_60", "3351_61", "3351_62", "3351_63", "3351_64", "3351_65", "3351_66", "3351_67", "3351_68", "3351_69", "3351_70", "3351_71", "3351_72", "3351_73", "3351_74", "3351_75", "3351_76", "3351_77", "3351_78", "3351_79", "3351_80", "3351_81", "3351_82", "3351_83", "3351_84", "3351_85", "3351_86", "3351_87", "3351_88", "3351_89", "3351_90", "3351_91", "3351_92", "3351_93"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello, Lynn. /", "Yes. /", "Okay. / Do you have any pets? /", "Yes, / I have a dog and cat now. /", "{F Oh, } what are their names? /", "Tibby and Liberty. /", "Which is the dog and which is the cat? /", "Tibby is the dog / {C and } Liberty is the cat. /", "{F Uh, } wife and I, [ we have, + we have ] two cats. /", "Oh. /", "{F Uh, } one's real nice, / {C but } the other one is a, {D well, } - / she's pretty wild. /", "{F Oh } <laughter>. Ours are pretty calm. /", "Yeah, / are they, {F um, } just house pets? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah, / [ that's, + that's ] what ours are too. /", "Yeah. / Our cat we got from the pound [ the day bef-, + the night ] she was going to be put to sleep. / {C So } --", "{F Oh, } really. /", "-- that's why we call her Liberty. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that's a [ nice, + nice ] story. {F Um. } /", "Do you want to hear about my other animals I've had? /", "Sure, / sure. /", "I've had a skunk -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- I've had a Burmese python, / I've had rats, / I've had mice -- /", "Wow. /", "-- {F uh, } let's see, / I've had gerbils, / [ I have, + I had ] a son, {A he's now gone from the home, } that was an animal lover. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } at one point I had a snake, skunk, dog and cat running loose in the house. /", "Wow. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Um, } [ do + ] the skunk, {F uh, } was it kind of like a cat to have around the house? /", "Yes -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- it was litter trained -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } we had it perfumed -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } it was very aggressive. /", "Right. /", "{C But } [ all the, + all three ] of them, dog, cat and skunk, used to chase each other all through the house. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } the skunk. -/", "{C And } the only thing we have with the skunk, he was very, very protective of his territory --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- being the sofa and the blanket on the sofa. /", "{F Um. } /", "Nobody came near it when he was there. /", "Oh. / {F Uh, } [ I had, + I had ] a dog one time, / {C and, } {F uh, } he chased [ after a, + after a ] skunk and got sprayed -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C so } [ we had to, + we had to ] give him a [ tomato, + tomato ] juice bath, and, {F uh, } get him cleaned up, /", "Yeah, / [ they {F um, } + ours ] would still back up to the dog or cat when he got mad and try to perfume them, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the glands had been removed / {D so, } -/", "Right, / {C but } I suppose it was still in the instinct of them [ to + --", "Right. /", "-- to ] back up and get ready. / Yeah, / why, I don't know, / [ I, + I ] think they're kind of nice to have, / they're kind of, {D you know, } just relaxing [ to, + {E I don't know, } to ] pet and to, - / I don't know, / when they {D like } sit up on your lap and stuff like that, just kind of enjoyable to, {D you know, } have {D like, } / I don't know, / something giving you some affection as well. /", "Yeah, / [ I always said if I di-, +", "[ What, + what ] do you think? /", "{D Well, } I always said if I died ] I'd come back as a dog <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / Yeah. /", "That'd be the best way to be. /", "Yeah. / {F Um, } do you like big dogs [ or -- +", "{D Well } --", "-- or ] little dogs? /", "-- we had a German Shepherd / {C and } he had dysplasia -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } he had it for about three or four years where we just about had to lift him and carry him every place he went. /", "Really. /", "{D So, } when he died, we got a little one. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } our shepherd was almost thirteen years old, / {C and } it just, {D you know, } was almost cruel --", "Uh-huh -- /", "-- because, -/", "-- almost cruel for him [ to, + to ] walk. /", "Yeah, / [ he just, + he ] couldn't get up, / he couldn't walk, / {D so, } he was a hundred and twenty pounds, / {C so } it was a chore. /", "{F Wow, } yeah. /", "{C So } we said the next time around we'd get <laughter> something little that if --", "Sure. /", "-- something happened, it would be easier to carry. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } we've had three cats in our married life, / {C and } we've got a calico now. /", "Yeah, / we've got a calico cat too. /", "Do you? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ she's the, + she's the ] nice one. / [ We, + {F uh, } we ] used to live in an apartment / {C and } {D like, } our cats never went outside, / {C but, } {F um, } the neighbors used to let their dogs out, / {C and } our neighbors were, I don't know, kind of slimy, / {C and, } {F uh, } our cats wound up getting fleas, {F uh, } from the apartment that we were in -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C so, } [ we had to, + we had to ] flea bath them / {C and } [ it was, + {F uh, } it was ] an experience that they didn't enjoy at all. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } don't even talk to me, / [ I, + when I ] was single --", "Yeah. /", "-- I had gone away for the weekend, / {C and } my husband, {A then fianc3e, } was to keep my cat, / {C and } he let her out, / {C and } my house was loaded with fleas, / {E I mean, } you walked in / {C and } your legs were just black. /", "Really. /", "{C And } we had such a time, and never got the cat back. /", "Really. /", "Yeah, / I found it, {D you know, } in the street. /", "Oh. /", "I was a social worker at the time, and found it, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "11/03/1991", "from_caller": 1370, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1362, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3506_0", "3506_1", "3506_2", "3506_3", "3506_4", "3506_5", "3506_6", "3506_7", "3506_8", "3506_9", "3506_10", "3506_11", "3506_12", "3506_13", "3506_14", "3506_15", "3506_16", "3506_17", "3506_18", "3506_19", "3506_20", "3506_21", "3506_22", "3506_23", "3506_24", "3506_25", "3506_26", "3506_27", "3506_28", "3506_29", "3506_30", "3506_31", "3506_32", "3506_33", "3506_34", "3506_35", "3506_36", "3506_37", "3506_38", "3506_39", "3506_40", "3506_41", "3506_42", "3506_43", "3506_44", "3506_45", "3506_46", "3506_47", "3506_48", "3506_49", "3506_50", "3506_51", "3506_52", "3506_53", "3506_54", "3506_55", "3506_56", "3506_57", "3506_58", "3506_59", "3506_60", "3506_61", "3506_62", "3506_63", "3506_64", "3506_65", "3506_66", "3506_67", "3506_68", "3506_69", "3506_70", "3506_71", "3506_72", "3506_73", "3506_74", "3506_75", "3506_76", "3506_77"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Now is it Stacy? /", "Angie. /", "Angie, / I'm sorry. /", "Okay. /", "{D Well, } {D now, } {D so } if you were going to have a dinner party, what would you make? /", "{F Um, } let's see, / {F uh, } I like seafood. / {F Uh, } let's see, / {F uh, } shrimp, steamed [ she-, + {F uh, } shellfish ] with maybe herbs. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> spicy lobster with [ lem-, + linguini. ] /", "That sounds good. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Now } [ what is, + {F uh, } what is, ] {F uh, } the steamed shellfish you said? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } what would that be like, a clam or, {F uh, } -/", "Right. /", "Okay. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } I think hors d'oeuvres are good, too. / {F Uh, } {C and } that way, you can have a variety. {F Uh, } /", "{C So } if you have [ a, + a ] dinner party and you're going to serve, {F uh, } seafood for supper, what type of, {F uh, } hors d'oeuvres would you serve prior to the meal? /", "<Lipsmack> {F Uh, } /", "{D Like } cheeses or fruits or vegetables or, -/", "Yeah, / fresh vegetables would be good / {C or, } {F uh, } just, -/", "Probably not nachos and dip, {F huh? } /", "No. /", "<Laughter> {C And } [ would you, + {F uh, } would it ] be appropriate to, {F uh, } drink [ with the, + ] {F uh, } [ prior, + ] when you have the hors d'oeuvres? /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "Okay. / {C And then } when you serve the meal, what type of wine would you have [ [ with, + {F uh, } with the, ] + with ] seafood? /", "{F Oh, } all these hard questions <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } what, white wine? /", "That would be my guess. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } +", "I'm not really a drinker, / {C so } [ I'm not, + I don't ] know a lot about that. /", "{C And then, } ] {F uh, } {F uh, } dessert. / Something sweet? /", "{F Oh, } goodness. / {F Uh, } chocolate, something chocolate. / {F Uh } <laughter>, /", "You must like chocolate. /", "Yes. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } let's see. / Usually when we have a dinner party, [ I always, + I ] like to grill. /", "{F Oh, } you do? /", "{D So, } we might have some cocktails ahead of time and maybe [ some, + {F uh, } some ] dip, {F uh, } some cheese. / One of our favorites is, {F uh, } to take some, let's see Philadelphia cream cheese I think, {A is that what comes in --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- # those little blocks? } #", "Yeah. /", "And pour cocktail sauce over the top of it and then get these little canned shrimp and, {F uh, } wash them and cool them and then dump them in the, {F uh, } sauce and then take crackers / {C and then } you just dip the cracker in the sauce with the clams and the cream cheese / {C and } you have a real nice dip that goes good with a cocktail. / {C And then } I like to barbecue, {D like } steaks or pork chops. / {C And then } [ we have, {F uh, } s-, + {F oh, } lot of times we'll have ] baked potatoes with them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and a salad / {C and then, } {F uh, } I don't know what we usually have for dessert. / Cake sometimes, / {C but, } {F uh, } that's what we would do for a dinner party, I guess. /", "That sounds good, too. /", "{C But } [ [ that's, + I guess when you talk about dinner party, that's probably not, ] + {F uh, } that's more for {D like } ] when friends come --", "Traditional -- /", "-- over. /", "-- right? /", "Traditional, / yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "I wouldn't be the big, {F uh, } snotty kind. /", "[ I just started, +", "<Laughter>.", "I just really started, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } learning about that / {C and } I bought a Martha Stewart, / I don't know if you've heard of her. /", "Huh-uh. /", "Her cookbook / {C and } she talks about catering and, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ goes into, + goes into ] all that and the [ different types of, + {F uh, } <lipsmack> {F uh, } different types of ] parties, {D you know, } different types of foods. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } do you work [ in a, + {F uh, } in a ] setting where you, {F uh, } are in the food business? /", "{F Um, } my father owns a restaurant. /", "{F Oh, } [ in, + {F uh, }", "[ It's, + it's ] just [ a, {F uh, } c-, + a cafe, ] / {C so } it's not really anything, {D you know, } that I want to, - / it's not the same <laughter>. /", "Is it in ] Dallas? /", "{F Uh, } it's in Lewisville. /", "Okay, / all right. / {D So } you graduated from which high school? /", "Trinity. /", "Trinity, / okay. / {C And } that's a public school or private? /", "That's public. /", "{F Huh, } okay, / I have to get to know this area a little better, I guess. / {F Uh, } {D well, } is your father's cafe, {F uh, } one that you could cater out of? /", "No, / uh-huh, /*[[listen; mistranscription of 'uh-uh'?]] it's not. /", "{F Um, } {C and } he's not interested in letting his twenty-one year old daughter experiment with it probably. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh. } /", "{D Well, } let's see, / what else for catering. {F Uh, } /", "Let's see, / what about Hawaiian luau. /", "{F Oh, } that would be good. /", "Could have, {F uh, } {F uh, } fruits [ and, + and ] pineapple, {F uh, } / let's see, {F uh, } /", "{C And } you could actually go with, {F uh, } a chicken if you wanted to. /", "[ I think, + I think ] decorating your food is, {D you know, } really, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1454, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1970, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1405, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4028_0", "4028_1", "4028_2", "4028_3", "4028_4", "4028_5", "4028_6", "4028_7", "4028_8", "4028_9", "4028_10", "4028_11", "4028_12", "4028_13", "4028_14", "4028_15", "4028_16", "4028_17", "4028_18", "4028_19", "4028_20", "4028_21", "4028_22", "4028_23", "4028_24", "4028_25", "4028_26", "4028_27", "4028_28", "4028_29", "4028_30", "4028_31", "4028_32", "4028_33", "4028_34", "4028_35", "4028_36", "4028_37", "4028_38", "4028_39", "4028_40", "4028_41", "4028_42", "4028_43", "4028_44", "4028_45", "4028_46", "4028_47", "4028_48", "4028_49", "4028_50", "4028_51", "4028_52", "4028_53", "4028_54", "4028_55", "4028_56", "4028_57", "4028_58", "4028_59", "4028_60", "4028_61", "4028_62", "4028_63", "4028_64", "4028_65", "4028_66", "4028_67", "4028_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {F um, } I guess we're going to [ talk, + ] describe, {F uh, } job benefits, / {C and so } what do you think, next to salary do you rank, is the most important job benefits? /", "{F Uh, } I would say the medical, {F uh, } group insurance area --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as far as, {F uh, } covering medical costs for yourself or family members. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } {F um, } does your company have good benefits [ in that, + in that ] regard? /", "Yeah, / I think, - / I work for a public school [ system, + district ] -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] it's different than a company where most companies fund almost the entire thing, / where the school district does, {F um, } the employee must pick up a greater figure in the way of, {F uh, } costs. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C But } overall, {F um, } I've been pleased with it over the years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think the biggest frustration is because of the cost of insurance going up every year, our district has had to [ alter, + {F uh, } {D you know, } change ] companies, / {C or } now we're on a managed care thing, which has stressed a lot of people out --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- although it has not disturbed me any. /", "I see. /", "How about yourself? /", "{F Uh, } {D well } I'm, - / my medical coverage is with an H M O -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } {C so, } [ that's, + in my opinion, [ that's get-, + that's bordering ] ] on a health clinic, / {C but } it seems to be a good way to maintain costs and still provide a good amount of coverage. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{F Um. } /", "Our district did that for the ninety-one and the ninety [ school year, + {E or } calendar years, ] / {C and } I was in the H M O, / {C and, } {F um, } I was because [ my, + my ] same doctor, {D you know, } agreed to be in it for, {F uh, } - / they usually sign a contract or something -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } I did have surgery last summer / {C and } I paid ten dollars when I went to see him that first day, / {C and } I've never seen another bill, / {C so } [ I -- +", "Right. /", "-- I have ] to say it really works. / {C But, } again, I was fortunate because my doctor agreed to be in it. / {F Uh, } if you've been going to a doctor for, {D you know, } ten years or something and he elects not to join, it can be very stressful for --", "Yes. /", "-- {D you know, } those people. /", "That's right, / yeah, / [ I'm, + I'm ] fairly young myself, / I've only been, - / when I first started working which, - / three years ago is when I first got into full time employment -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } at that time I immediately joined the H M O, / {C and } I never really, - / {C so } the only doctor [ I, + I've ] kind of consistently had has been through the H M O, / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } for me it's worked out real good. /", "Right, / {C but } if you, {D you know, } have a family [ and, + and, ] {F um, } everybody's gone to different doctors, {F uh, } it is hard to give up somebody who you feel knows you and your body and [ your, + ] just has, {D you know, } all the medical history / {C and } you feel comfortable with it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I'm ] sure it would be very stressful / {C and, } my husband and I have just elected that if that happens, I will go and just pay. / You can continue to go to your own doctor -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } your benefits are not as, {D you know, } good, # / {D so, } {F uh. } # -/", "# Uh-huh. / Yeah, # / {F um, } {D like } [ you, + you ] mentioned you work for a school system. / I work for, {F uh, } Georgia Tech # in the # --", "# {F Oh, } all right. # /", "-- research branch, / {C and } I guess another one [ that, + that ] I rank up there high is the, {F uh, } kind of job flexibility and time off, {F um, } I enjoy as a benefit. /", "I do too. / Are you talking about {D like } Spring Break / {C and, } -/", "Right -- /", "Right. /", "-- yeah, / getting a lot of breaks --", "Right. /", "-- between quarters and that, and having a lot of vacation. /", "[ It, + it ] really, {F um, } - / I don't think most of our teachers, - / {D now } I'm not a teacher, / I am a secretarial executive assistant, / {C but } I don't think the teachers could stand the stress <laughter> [ all, + all ] year long --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- frankly. / It is just, Texas has really, {F um, } {D you know, } - / they want everybody educated, no matter what it costs, / {F uh, } {C and } [ it, + it ] would be just, - / we all look forward to, - / {D like } in two weeks we have Spring Break, / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I don't know who looks forward to it more, the students or <laughter> the teachers and the staff. /", "<Laughter> Right. /", "What do you do there? /", "{D Well, } {F um, } I'm not actually on the teaching faculty, / {C but } we have a large research organization associated with the university, / {C and } that's who I work with. /", "Okay. /", "{F Um, } {C and } we're given, {D you know, } a good bit of flexibility in what we do. / We can kind of pursue our own interests in terms of the research areas that we study. /", "{D Well, } that's good. / Yeah, / I would think that that type of employment, [ [ you're, + you're, ] + one day you might be ] really tuned in and the next day, {F oh, } a little luke warm or something -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } it's good that they allow you that. /", "Right. /", "It, {F um, } - / as I say, the schools, - / now we do have to work, {D you know, } the day, / {C but } we do get many days off, / {C and, } {F uh, } we all look forward to it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's the only reason I work there, is that my children now have [ graduated, + [ and + ] graduated ] from college / # {C but } at the # --", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "-- time, I worked there because my hours and days were the same as theirs -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I've just continued to, {F uh, } stay there # (( )). # /", "[ # Are there, # + are there ] any things [ that, + that ] you'd like to see changed in terms of [ the, + the ] benefits? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "JOB BENEFITS", "prompt": "WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER THE MOST IMPORTANT BENEFITS BESIDES SALARY IN A JOB WITH A LARGE ORGANIZATION? HOW SATISFIED ARE YOU WITH THE CURRENT BENEFITS OF YOUR JOB", "talk_day": "03/01/1992", "from_caller": 1532, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1442, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1937, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["4038_0", "4038_1", "4038_2", "4038_3", "4038_4", "4038_5", "4038_6", "4038_7", "4038_8", "4038_9", "4038_10", "4038_11", "4038_12", "4038_13", "4038_14", "4038_15", "4038_16", "4038_17", "4038_18", "4038_19", "4038_20", "4038_21", "4038_22", "4038_23", "4038_24", "4038_25", "4038_26", "4038_27", "4038_28", "4038_29", "4038_30", "4038_31", "4038_32", "4038_33", "4038_34", "4038_35", "4038_36", "4038_37", "4038_38", "4038_39", "4038_40", "4038_41", "4038_42", "4038_43", "4038_44", "4038_45", "4038_46", "4038_47", "4038_48", "4038_49", "4038_50", "4038_51", "4038_52", "4038_53", "4038_54", "4038_55", "4038_56", "4038_57", "4038_58", "4038_59", "4038_60", "4038_61", "4038_62", "4038_63", "4038_64", "4038_65", "4038_66", "4038_67", "4038_68"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I guess it took, - / {D so } I guess the recording has started now. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{D So, } have you ever served on a jury? /", "I served, / I was in the Air Force, and served on a court martial, {F uh, } board a couple of times, which is very similar to a jury. / A lot of the same rules apply. / Have you ever served on one? /", "Yeah, / I finally served on one last year. / I've, {F um, } been voting for years, / {C and } I couldn't figure out why I hadn't been called yet -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I finally was. / {C So } it was an interesting experience. / I was kind of boring. / *[[listen; should I be \"it\"]]", "Was it civil or criminal? /", "{F Uh, } [ [ it was, + {F uh } --", "A grand jury or, -/", "-- {F uh, } it was, ] + {F uh, } {D well, } {D let's see, } it was ] municipal court -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } it was a combination of, {F uh, } - / {C and } I was in the pool for a couple of weeks -- /", "I see. /", "-- {C so } it was a combination of criminal and civil, / {C and } they had, {F uh, } - / <inhaling> {D well } most of the time [ we, + we ] spent sitting around in the jury room and getting to know the other potential jurors -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then, } it was always exciting when we got called [ [ to, + to, ] + to ] go, because then we thought we might be able to do something else besides, {F uh, } just sit in the jury room. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } [ did, + did ] the judge, {F uh, } hand down sentences / {C or } did you folks do that? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / the judge did. / {F Uh, } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] had a hard time getting seated on a jury. / I kept getting, {F uh, } - / I'd be questioned, {F uh, } for empaneling the jury, / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they kept, {F uh, } dismissing me. /", "{F Um. } /", "Course they don't have to give a reason, / {C but } it's just --", "No. /", "-- whether the prosecutor or the defense attorney feels like, {D you know, } - / they want to get the best, {F uh, } mix for their case, / {C so } --", "[ That + --", "-- they ask all kinds of wild questions. /", "-- that's ] a science in itself. /", "Yeah, / {D well } I kept getting called up for drunk driving questions, / {C and } I think part of it was [ they didn't, + {F uh, } they didn't ] like the fact that I don't drink any more. / {D So. } -/", "Uh-huh, / I see. /", "<Laughter>.", "Because you'd probably be, {F uh, } too puritanical / {C and } -- -/", "Yeah, / that was --", "-- (( )).", "-- probably it, / {C although } in my case I might have been more, {F uh, } sympathetic with the person who got caught, / I don't know. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> {D So, } {F uh, } [ were, + were ] the, {F uh, } sentences that the judge handed out what you thought to be fair, / {C or } would, - / if you were deciding, do you think that they would have been different. /", "{D Well, } I was [ never there, + never there ] for any sentencing. / {F Uh, } I finally got empaneled on one case, {F uh, } on my next to the last day, / {C and, } {F uh, } we got into the, {F uh, } jury room to, {F uh, } decide the case, / {C and } there was one guy on the jury who announced to everybody that he didn't need to deliberate, because he'd already decided that the guy was, {F uh, } not guilty, / {C and } he would never vote for guilty. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C So, } {F uh, } they appointed me [ jury, + jury ] foreman / {C and } I, {F uh, } didn't think that, {F uh, } going in without deliberating allowed us to reach a verdict, / {C so } I told the judge that we [ weren't, + were ] unable to reach a verdict because we couldn't get one member of the jury to deliberate. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } the whole thing had to be tried over again. /", "Wow, / I bet that made him happy. /", "Yeah. / <laughter> Yeah, / [ it was, + {F uh, } it was ] funny. / The, {F uh, } - / [ [ I ju-, + I, ] + I ] don't know, / [ [ I, + {F uh, } I didn't, ] + {F uh, } {F uh, } I didn't ] like not being able to deliberate. /", "Right. /", "[ [ I, + {F uh, } I, ] + I ] wanted to vote guilty for the guy, / {C and } the other people were kind of mixed -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D so, } {F uh, } the guy had to go through the whole thing all over again. / Cost him a lot of money, / I'm sure. /", "Yeah. / {F Oh, } how many members were on the jury? / Was it a six or twelve member jury? /", "{F Uh, } it must have been six. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "That's kind of curious to me. / I didn't realize until the, {F uh, } Wayne Kennedy Smith trial, {F uh, } a few months ago that they had six member juries. / I thought that [ they, + ] {D you know, } it was always [ twelve, + twelve ] men tried and true, so to speak. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C But, } {F uh, } apparently for [ some, + some ] crimes, it's permissible to have six people sit in judgment. /", "{F Um. } /", "I know on a <breathing>, - / getting to this unanimous thing, whether, {D you know, } a jury should be unanimous [ or not, + or not, ] in a court martial case it doesn't require the jury to be unanimous. / It's a simple majority, {D you know, } rules. /", "Yeah. # / Well, let's # --", "# (( )). #", "-- see, / is it on, {F uh, } capital crimes that they have to be unanimous / {C and, } -/", "Probably on capital, / I don't know, / [ [ we weren't, + we, ] + we, ] - / the two that I were on had to do with drugs -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } we were, {F uh, } unanimous is acquitting the person, even though we [ in our, + in our, ] {F uh, } gut felt that the individuals were both guilty just [ because of the friends, + because of various things, ] / the government really failed to prove its case, / {C and, } {D you know, } being fair to the person, if the government doesn't prove its case, no matter how you feel, you have to go by what's offered as proof, / {C and } we had to acquit him in both cases. /", "{F Uh, } it was too circumstantial? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / it was, {D yeah, } in some of the critical things, like [ the off-, + special investigations, ] at one time in one of the cases had videotaped this person, / {C but } something happened to the camera and the tape and -- -/", "{F Um. } /", "-- all they could do was testify, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1539, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1938, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1546, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1952, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2593_0", "2593_1", "2593_2", "2593_3", "2593_4", "2593_5", "2593_6", "2593_7", "2593_8", "2593_9", "2593_10", "2593_11", "2593_12", "2593_13", "2593_14", "2593_15", "2593_16", "2593_17", "2593_18", "2593_19", "2593_20", "2593_21", "2593_22", "2593_23", "2593_24", "2593_25", "2593_26", "2593_27", "2593_28", "2593_29", "2593_30", "2593_31", "2593_32", "2593_33", "2593_34", "2593_35", "2593_36", "2593_37", "2593_38", "2593_39", "2593_40", "2593_41", "2593_42", "2593_43", "2593_44", "2593_45", "2593_46", "2593_47", "2593_48", "2593_49", "2593_50", "2593_51", "2593_52", "2593_53", "2593_54", "2593_55", "2593_56", "2593_57", "2593_58", "2593_59", "2593_60", "2593_61", "2593_62", "2593_63", "2593_64", "2593_65", "2593_66", "2593_67", "2593_68", "2593_69", "2593_70", "2593_71", "2593_72", "2593_73", "2593_74"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D So, } [ the, + the ] topic is hobbies <laughter>. /", "In your spare time. /", "Yeah. / Who has spare time <laughter>? /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Um, } I [ don't really, + don't really ] do any handicraft things like that. / [ I used to. + I used to ] do, {D like } salt ornaments and things. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } that was, {F oh, } good [ many, + many ] years ago / {C and } --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ [ I have, + I really, ] + my spare time ] - / I <noise> usually go do aerobics and read, / {C and } that's,", "# Yeah. # /", "# about # it <breathing>. /", "Yeah. / I understood that. / [ I'm, + <noise> {D you know, } I work ] full time / {C and } I have two kids <lipsmack> / {C so } my spare time usually </noise> involves something with the kids. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } hobbies, - / [ [ we, + I, ] + I ] can't really say that we have hobbies. / It's more like maybe <noise> projects or something on the weekend. / <noise> {D You know, } we like to [ go out + <<pause>>,", "# Yeah, # /", "# go # out, ] /", "family. / {D Well, } {D well, } that's what I meant by salt that [ we, + <noise> we ] did that like as a family, little ornaments and,", "Oh. / Uh-huh. /", "things like that, and just kind of really got into it. {D Like } during the Christmas season,", "Right. /", "making them up for other people and things like that. / {C But } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as far as, - / I've just never been very skilled at,", "# (( )). #", "# far, {D you # know, } needle,", "Uh-huh. /", "work </noise> ((cloths)). / {C And } the things I've tried to do just don't look very good <laughter>, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and, } -/", "[ I, + I ] guess mostly as far [ as, + as ] <noise> crafts go, I've done, {F um, } <lipsmack> some needlepoint. / I've done mostly cross stitching. / I used to, {F uh, } do {D like, } {F um, } - / one that I did for both kids are {D like, } {F oh, } <breathing> - / they're plaques <noise> with, {D you know, } different kind of animals / {C and then } you have their birth date on them, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and then } you have a little picture of them / {C and } you frame them and stuff, /", "Uh-huh. /", "but nothing steady. / Just when I get some spare time here and there I'll work on it, / {C but, } {D you know, } it's nothing <noise> that I,", "It's not,", "can really, -/", "like you sit and knit every night <laughter>. /", "No. / Not at all. /", "Yeah. / I don't even know how to knit / {C and } my mother used to knit, {D you know, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# all # the time / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I don't even know how to knit <laughter>, /", "<Laughter>.", "I'm like, that's a lost art from this family <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } {F um, } - / {C but, } it's not a very good topic / it feels like,", "# No. # /", "# if, # {D you know, } - / not when you're n-, - / neither one of us are really, - / [ I, + I ] have seen things I really like,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } that were done, especially like needlepoint. / Needlepoint,", "Yeah. /", "cushions and things. / {C But, } it just seems like there'd be so much time involved in it,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } [ and, + <noise> and ] that the petty point and things like that. - / [ It's like, + {A God, } [ it, + it ] seems like ] it's easier just to go out and buy it already # made <laughter>. # /", "# (( )) # I don't know <noise> [ what, + what, ] is, - / it's like there, - / {C but } here a lot of the </noise> country stuff is in, {D you know, } a lot of the woodwork, a lot of, {F uh, } stenciling. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {D you know, } you can go to [ any, + {D like } a ] flea market and stuff / {C and } there's just tons of stuff everywhere / {C and, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D you # know, } people just do it in their garage / {C and then } on weekends they go out and sell it / {C and } during the week they go back and do some more. /", "{C And } {D see, } they do that as their job. Whereas,", "# Right <noise>. # /", "# {D you know, } # for us it, - / {C and } they make it cheaper </noise> for us to buy <laughter>. /", "Yeah <noise>. / Definitely. /", "{D So, } - / [ {C but, } + {C and, } ] {E I mean, } I'm sure it must be relaxing to do things like that / {C because } I can remember when I used to do, {D you know, } [ those little salt, + those figurines ] and things. / [ It was, + it was ] relaxing, {D you know, } creative, / you felt very creative. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } it just was [ so [ time, + time, ]", "# Yeah. # /", "# involved, + # {D you know, } so much time involved ] <noise> and the different steps and things. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } # - / {C and, } # -/", "# Okay # </noise>. / {D Well, } [ I think, + I think ] we're okay. / I think we did <noise> ((the)) five minutes, / {C so } we don't have to keep talking about nothing anymore <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / # {D So, } # -/", "# Okay. # / {D Well, } thank you. /", "Okay. / I hope you have a good rest of your weekend. /", "Thanks. / # Bye-bye. # /", "# Okay. / # Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "04/13/1991", "from_caller": 1179, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1038, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "UNK"}}
{"turn_id": ["4049_0", "4049_1", "4049_2", "4049_3", "4049_4", "4049_5", "4049_6", "4049_7", "4049_8", "4049_9", "4049_10", "4049_11", "4049_12", "4049_13", "4049_14", "4049_15", "4049_16", "4049_17", "4049_18", "4049_19", "4049_20", "4049_21", "4049_22", "4049_23", "4049_24", "4049_25", "4049_26", "4049_27", "4049_28", "4049_29", "4049_30", "4049_31", "4049_32", "4049_33", "4049_34", "4049_35", "4049_36", "4049_37", "4049_38", "4049_39", "4049_40", "4049_41", "4049_42", "4049_43", "4049_44", "4049_45", "4049_46", "4049_47"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } {F uh, } I myself am not in favor of drug testing in the work place except [ [ in, + in [ specific, + {F uh, } very specific ] ] + in this, {F uh, } very specific ] examples such as, {F uh, } transportation workers, as in, {F uh, } air traffic controllers, bus drivers and that kind of thing. /", "{D Well. } -/", "{F Um, } I don't really <breathing> think that it's, {F uh, } too many, / I think it's a severe invasion of somebody's privacy to say, {D well, } we're going to look at your urine and then decide whether you're, {F uh, } {D you know, } worthy of working for us. / I really don't see that that's a [ very, + very ] valid, {F uh, } thing for a company to say, / {C and } [ I, + personally, I ] don't think I would work for somebody if they were going to reject me on the basis of what's inside my body. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } I guess I basically agree that, {F uh, } - / do you think it's okay for a company to reject somebody knowing that they'll take drugs? / {E I mean } suppose # they found out some other way? # /", "# {D Well, } [ [ I think, + I think ] # + [ we, + I ] think ] the problem here [ is, + is ] that [ a, + a ] drug test does not necessarily imply that someone is taking drugs or not taking drugs. /", "Yeah. /", "There's too many cases where it can, {D you know, } - / there can be false positive results, and [ that, + that ] sort of thing. / I don't think there's any definitive, {D you know, } - / okay this person is taking drugs, / {C so } we don't want him here. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } like I said, some industries, though, I think it'd be very necessary, / I wouldn't want any air traffic controllers high or anything like that when I'm flying in an airplane. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ [ I, + I just, ] + I ] find it to be pretty offensive [ that, + that ] it's such [ a, + a ] big deal. / {E I mean, } if your employer's not going to trust you / {C or, } {D you know, } it, - / [ I just, + I ] think it's a whole trust issue. / I just can't see it. /", "{C But, } have you ever been in a situation where [ you, + you ] were drug tested / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } yeah, / I have been. /", "Yeah. /", "[ # I. # +", "# I # once too, / {D so. } -/", "{E I mean, } I ] was very offended [ by, + by ] the whole process. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean } it's very humiliating, / {C and, } {E I mean, } I'm not speaking in favor of drugs or against drugs, / {C but } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] am totally against that sort of a, {F uh, } <noise> - / {E I mean } [ it's, + it's ] a pretty personal thing when somebody says I want to look at your urine before I'm going to talk to you. /", "Yeah. / I had it during a job interview, / {C and } I just thought it was dumb of the company, at a point where they were trying to convince me [ to, + to ] want to work for them --", "Right. /", "-- to do this, / {C and } I'm just like, {D well, } {F uh, } <laughter> I'm not even going to think much about it --", "Yeah. /", "-- if you're going to treat me with this much respect even before --", "Right. /", "-- you've gotten to know me. /", "Right. / [ That's, + that's ] basically my opinion on it, right there, is that it's just, {D you know, } - / [ I did, + [ I, + I ] was ] in the same sort of situation as, - / it was a job interview / {C and then } you had a physical, where you were drug tested, / {C and } it's, - / I just, - / {C and } I know people who have been drug tested and who have not, {D you know, } been hired by a corporation which, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / I really. - / The other side of it [ is, + is, ] besides its being an invasion of personal privacy, [ as in my, + ] it's my bodily fluid / {C and } I don't really want you to look at it, [ or -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or ] something pretty basic like that, / just to the fact that I don't know that it is a company's business to regulate what its employees are doing when they're not at work. / I mean, during the eight hours, during the day, when they're supposed to be there, I think they have every right to say [ this is, + these behaviors ] are acceptable and these are not, / {C but } when it enters into what they're doing when they're not at work, I find that to be fairly offensive also. /", "Yeah, / {D well } like you say, {E I mean, } if it's not a critical kind of job where someone could get hurt, then really [ what people ought to be doing, + {E I mean, } [ the, + the ] employer ought to be judging ] you on how well you do your work --", "Right. /", "-- rather than on these other factors. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {E I mean, } if you are doing drugs and it's causing a problem, then they'll notice it for other reasons. /", "That's exactly right. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } also I just think [ it, + it ] gets a lot, - / I'm a big, {F uh, } supporter of personal freedoms and personal privacies, / {C and } I think that it just moves down along a line [ that, + that ] I really would find bad [ if, + if ] most people went down that line into regulating employees' lives outside of work, {D you know, } / there's already talk of people, - / {D well, } we're not going to hire you if you smoke. /", "(( )).", "{D Well, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] can see how they can say in the work place [ we, + you ] don't want them to smoke, / {C but } when somebody leaves work, I don't think that it's the employer's right to regulate their life style at all. /", "{D Well, } do you think it's, should be illegal for an employer to do this / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } I really think it should be, except as I've mentioned twice now, in the specified industries --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ or, + or ] jobs, because there are certain things where it's just vital that a person is clear minded at all times. / {C And } other than that [ I think, + I do not think ] it should be allowable. / I think it should be illegal for them [ to, + to ] want to do that. / [ It should, + it's ] kind of the big brother syndrome, <laughter> / {E I mean, } I just, - / anything like that just kind of scares me. /", "I tend [ to, + to ] view it, - / even though I don't think I'd work for a company that did that, I sort of want to defend an employer's rights [ as opposed to an in-, + {F uh, } in addition to an individual's ] rights, / {C but } an employer, really, I think, has the right to hire someone on any basis they want to -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C and } if they say they don't want smokers, I sort of feel like an employer should have the right to decide whether they want to allow that. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } I don't really, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "DRUG TESTING", "prompt": "HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PRACTICE OF SOME COMPANIES OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES TESTING EMPLOYEES OR PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES FOR DRUGS? IS RANDOM SPOT TESTING JUSTIFIED? WHAT LIMITS SHOULD THERE BE", "talk_day": "03/03/1992", "from_caller": 1541, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1966, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1530, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1968, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2109_0", "2109_1", "2109_2", "2109_3", "2109_4", "2109_5", "2109_6", "2109_7", "2109_8", "2109_9", "2109_10", "2109_11", "2109_12", "2109_13", "2109_14", "2109_15", "2109_16", "2109_17", "2109_18", "2109_19", "2109_20", "2109_21", "2109_22", "2109_23", "2109_24", "2109_25", "2109_26", "2109_27", "2109_28", "2109_29", "2109_30", "2109_31", "2109_32", "2109_33", "2109_34", "2109_35", "2109_36", "2109_37", "2109_38", "2109_39", "2109_40", "2109_41", "2109_42", "2109_43", "2109_44", "2109_45", "2109_46", "2109_47", "2109_48", "2109_49", "2109_50", "2109_51", "2109_52", "2109_53", "2109_54", "2109_55", "2109_56", "2109_57", "2109_58", "2109_59", "2109_60", "2109_61", "2109_62", "2109_63", "2109_64", "2109_65", "2109_66", "2109_67", "2109_68", "2109_69", "2109_70", "2109_71", "2109_72", "2109_73", "2109_74", "2109_75", "2109_76", "2109_77", "2109_78", "2109_79", "2109_80", "2109_81", "2109_82", "2109_83", "2109_84", "2109_85", "2109_86", "2109_87", "2109_88", "2109_89", "2109_90", "2109_91", "2109_92"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, Mary. /", "Yes. /", "{F Um, } [ the, + {F uh, } the ] latest one I've seen, {F uh, } had to do with [ [ a, + {F uh, } {F uh, } the, ] + {F uh, } basically a ] manhunt, {F um, } / {C and } [ it was, + {F uh, } it was ] called MANHUNTER, actually. / {F Uh, } [ the, + {F uh, } the ] guy, {F uh, } apparently had [ a, + a, ] mental disfunction in which he needed to go out and just slay people. {F Uh, } just, {F uh, } kill them [ with, + with ] as much blood [ and, + and ] guts as possible. /", "{F Oh, } how awful <laughter>. /", "[ It <laughter> was true, + it was truly awful. ] / It was not one that I picked, / {C but, } {F uh, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] did show [ [ some, + some, ] + {F uh, } some ] interesting things about the F B I / {C because } [ they were + [ [ the, + the, ] + {F uh, } the ] characters [ trying, + trying ] to get him were ] F B I people / {C and, } {F uh, } {F uh, } [ of the, + of the ] few good things that were in it, it did show, {F uh, } a lot about the F B I. About the training, [ and, + and ] how they go through training and how they try [ to, + to ] develop, {F uh, } {F uh, } a mental picture of who they're looking for before they go out and do it and all the different ways they go about doing that. / {C And } [ it was, + {F uh, } {F uh, } it was ] pretty telling about [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] F B I and their procedures. /", "I wonder how truthful all of that was or whether there was fiction. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] imagine a lot of it had to be fictional just to keep the F B I, {F uh, } going, I guess. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } they keep it rather secretive, / yes <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{D Well } the most recent movie I saw, {F uh, } I'm afraid was, {F uh, } - / {D well } [ two, + two ] of them actually. / {F Uh, } the RAIN MAN was one. /", "{F Oh } that was great one. /", "Wasn't that fabulous, / [ and, +", "{F Oh, } I loved it. /", "and ] DRIVING MISS DAISY. /", "{D You know, } I haven't seen that one yet, / {C and } I need to go see it. /", "{F Oh, } you need to see that. /", "Yeah. /", "That is the most heart rendering story of relationships between two people.", "Uh-huh. /", "Two diametrically opposed people from the stand point that one was Jewish and one was black / {C and } this all took place in the South. /", "{F Oh } my. -/", "{C And, } {F uh, } normally never the twain shall meet. /", "You bet, especially in the South. /", "Yes, / right, / {C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] really was a fantastic movie. / The acting was phenomenal. /", "{D Well } [ as, it, + as I recall it ] got some Academy Awards, didn't it. /", "{F Oh } yes, / Jessica Tandy won best actress / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Oh } yeah, / that's right. / [ It, + it ] might have one best picture, too. /", "Yes / it did, / yes / it did. /", "Yeah. /", "Just as RAIN MAN, {F uh, } with Dustin Hoffman,", "That was, -/", "{F uh, } [ that, + that ] was tremendous and Tom Cruise. /", "yeah, / [ I, + I ] think it was more a lesson for Tom Cruise than anything else in terms [ of, + {F uh, } of ] how to act from Dustin Hoffman, / {C but, } {F uh. } -/", "Yes, / {F uh, } {F oh, } [ that was, + that was, ] {F uh, } what [ the, + much of the ] hype was that Tom Cruise learned so much from Dustin Hoffman. /", "Yeah, / it must have been great just being with him [ on, + on ] a daily basis and seeing how he prepares [ for his, + for his ] lines and all that stuff. /", "Yeah / {C and } a good bit of that was filmed right in Cincinnati.", "Oh. /", "Which is just forty-five miles [ from, + from ] [ where I am, + where I actually live ] in a suburb of Dayton. /", "[ Is, + is ] the Kmart there? <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } <laughter> we do have Kmart here, / you better believe it. / Isn't there a Kmart everywhere? /", "[ That was, + that was ] so funny, / he had to, - / {E or } was it Kmart. /", "Yes. /", "He had to buy his underwear at Kmart. /", "Right, / right / yeah. /", "That was hilarious. / [ [ [ [ The, + the, ] + I guess the, ] + the first, ] + the first, ] {F uh, } scene in that movie that really got my attention, {F uh, } concerning [ the, + the ] disease and all that was when he, {F uh, } dropped [ the, + the, ] {F uh, } the toothpicks, /", "{F Oh } yes. /", "{C and } he was able to count the number of toothpicks just by a mental image. /", "Yes, / yes. /", "Unbelievable. /", "{D Well, } {D you know } there are people, {F uh, } referred to as savants also,", "Yeah. /", "{F uh, } who can do most phenomenal things / {C and } everyone feels they are totally retarded. /", "Yeah, / {D wel-, } {C because } that's the way [ they, + they ] might seem outwardly, /", "That's right. /", "{C but, } boy there's a lots going on in there <laughter>. /", "It's amazing <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah / {C and } [ [ [ I, + the, ] + the, ] + I think ] [ the, + the ] best thing about RAINMAN was [ the, + {F uh, } the ] way that they put together [ the, + the ] real awfulness [ [ of the, + of the, ] + of the ] disease,", "Yes. /", "only, / [ {C an, } + {C and then } ] they balanced it with the wonderfulness of it, {D you know, } / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C and } ] you need [ to, + to ] work with it, {F uh, } {D you know, } certainly [ on, + on ] a daily basis but [ then ag-, + then again ] work with it toward a good end.", "Yes / {C and } the, -/", "[ Not, + not ] toward winning in Las Vegas, for example. /", "Right, / {D well } the warmth that developed between them / {C and } again it, I think was a picture of relationships. /", "Yeah. /", "Again the relationship, {F uh, } between the two, {F uh, } that, {F uh, } never would have occurred, {F uh, } by accident. /", "Right, / right. / [ I was, + {F uh, } I was ] so impressed with that movie / I saw it three times. /", "Did you. /", "[ I can, + I can ] [ se-, + tell ] you, {F oh, } so much about that movie, just because [ it, + it ] really [ rang, + {F uh, } rang ] a lot of [ my, + {F uh, } my ] personal background. / [ I, + I ] have [ a, + a ] brother myself [ that's, + that's ] older / {C and, } {F uh, } he's not, {D you know, } - / [ nothing, + nothing, ] of course, serious is wrong with him / [ {C but, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] we have gone through [ these, + these ] lapses [ of, + of ] a relationship,", "Yes. /", "[ somewhat, + sometimes, ] / {C and then, } {D you know, } {F uh, } [ [ for, + for, ] + for ] no real, {D you know, } direct reason, I guess, {F uh, } [ we, + we ] get into, {F uh, } {F uh, } a really good relationship for a while and then, {D you know, } back and forth / {C so } [ I, + I ] was really able [ to, + to ] relate to [ the, + the ] relationship aspect of the movie between the brothers. / That was neat. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } that's tremendous, / [ that, + it's ] good because it does make you think, about your own family. /", "Yeah, / a lot. /", "{C And } {D see } it did bring out a lot of thoughts between you and your brother. /", "Uh-huh. / No question, / [ [ [ he, + the, ] + he was, ] + he's ] one of these guys though that doesn't really like to go see movies like that. / He likes the bang them up and shoot them up things. /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } [ it, + it ] was like pulling teeth to go get him [ to, + to ] see it / {C but, } {F uh, } {F oh } boy. [ [ He was, + {F uh, } {F uh, } he, ] + he gave ] [ the, + the ] best response that I've heard him give of this type of movie for RAIN MAN. / {E I mean } he certainly didn't, - / he only saw it one time, / {C and } he didn't go back for more, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ he, + he ] said he enjoyed it / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] -/", "{D Well } he at least saw it one time <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] he really, - / I don't know, / [ he, + he's ] kind of a Dustin Hoffman fan anyway. / [ {C But } he wa-, + {C but } before he saw ] the movie he was {D like } disappointed that Dustin Hoffman would do this <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'm like, {F oh, } come on. /", "Just think of what a phenomenal actor Dustin Hoffman is. /", "Yeah. /", "He will do that, to research it and to be able to mimic a person, {F uh, } {F uh, } with the kinds of problems that he had. /", "And to make it believable. /", "Yes. /", "{E I mean } [ I was, + I was ] believing it, / I don't know about any body else / {C but } [ I was, + it was ] great. /", "{D Well, } I'm sure everybody that saw it was believing it right along with them. /", "He did great. /", "{D Well } it's just, {F uh, } been delightful talking with you. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / you take care up there / {C and, } {F uh, } let's hear it for the summertime. /", "Absolutely, / I'm ready for it, / {C but } they're predicting some more snow for our direction. /", "No, / {F oh } no. / {F Oh } {D well, } take care. /", "# Take care now. / Bye, bye. # /", "# Bye, bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1076, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1958, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1123, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3073_0", "3073_1", "3073_2", "3073_3", "3073_4", "3073_5", "3073_6", "3073_7", "3073_8", "3073_9", "3073_10", "3073_11", "3073_12", "3073_13", "3073_14", "3073_15", "3073_16", "3073_17", "3073_18", "3073_19", "3073_20", "3073_21", "3073_22", "3073_23", "3073_24", "3073_25", "3073_26", "3073_27", "3073_28", "3073_29", "3073_30", "3073_31", "3073_32", "3073_33", "3073_34", "3073_35", "3073_36", "3073_37", "3073_38", "3073_39", "3073_40", "3073_41", "3073_42", "3073_43", "3073_44", "3073_45", "3073_46", "3073_47", "3073_48", "3073_49", "3073_50", "3073_51", "3073_52", "3073_53", "3073_54", "3073_55", "3073_56", "3073_57", "3073_58", "3073_59", "3073_60", "3073_61", "3073_62", "3073_63", "3073_64", "3073_65", "3073_66", "3073_67", "3073_68", "3073_69", "3073_70", "3073_71", "3073_72", "3073_73", "3073_74", "3073_75", "3073_76", "3073_77", "3073_78", "3073_79", "3073_80", "3073_81", "3073_82", "3073_83", "3073_84", "3073_85", "3073_86", "3073_87", "3073_88", "3073_89", "3073_90", "3073_91", "3073_92", "3073_93", "3073_94", "3073_95", "3073_96", "3073_97", "3073_98", "3073_99", "3073_100", "3073_101", "3073_102", "3073_103", "3073_104", "3073_105", "3073_106", "3073_107", "3073_108", "3073_109", "3073_110", "3073_111", "3073_112", "3073_113", "3073_114", "3073_115", "3073_116", "3073_117", "3073_118", "3073_119", "3073_120", "3073_121", "3073_122", "3073_123", "3073_124", "3073_125", "3073_126"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I'm back on. /", "Okay. /", "{F Um, } you say you watch evenings mostly? /", "I watch evenings because I work all day. / I used to watch daytimes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } <<lipsmack>> mainly like ALL MY CHILDREN, that kind of thing. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } ... -/", "{C And then } sometimes OPRAH and sometimes DONAHUE, / {C but } now it's mainly evenings. /", "Do you have any that you like well enough that you tape them when you're not going to be there? /", "Yes. /", "Which ones? /", "I tape THIRTY SOMETHING,", "Oh. /", "and L A LAW. / Those are the two I like the best. /", "{F Oh, } two they're going to change. / {D Well, } one # they're taking, #", "# I know. / It's going # # to be history, I know. # /", "# off. # / I don't know what's going to ha-, - / yeah, / we like L A LAW. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We don't watch THIRTY SOMETHING, / {C but } that's kind of young for us. / My husband and I are grandparents. /", "{F Oh, } {D well. } {D Well } ... -/", "{C So } we don't watch, {F uh, } that type of show, / {C but } we like L A LAW. / We like,", "Uh-huh. /", "that. / We're just, - / I'm sorry they're breaking the team up, because we liked all the ones that were on there. /", "I know. / I'm amazed. /", "I'm not sure I like the new ones too much. /", "Huh-uh. / [ I'm surprised that, + I was surprised ] at the ending [ of, + ] {D you know, } with all the funny things happening <breathing> and different things. /", "I just wonder [ if, + if, ] {F uh, } they just want to go on to other projects and not be stuck in this show, since it's gone on for so long, / [ it looks like, +", "Uh-huh. /", "it looks like ] it might be one of these seven or eight year run things.", "Uh-huh. /", "Where you kind of can spend your whole career on one show. /", "I know. /", "Of course, I guess that's not bad. / Alan Alda did it on MASH. /", "I know. / Isn't that funny? /", "It hasn't hurt him at all. / {D So } [ do you, + do you ] mostly like [ this type of + {D like } a story type of ] thing that lasts an hour? /", "{F Oh, } I don't usually like stuff that continues. / That's why I'm surprised I like those two shows, because usually I like, {D you know, } stuff that just ends sort of, that [ you just, + you ] don't have to,", "In one hour, like QUANTUM LEAP. /", "have watched, {D you know. } /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah. / {E I mean, } you don't have to ... -/", "That's one of our favorites <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / You don't have to have watched it last week in order to follow, / {C so, }", "Right, / which they do at the beginning of the season,", "{D you know, } I usually don't like that. /", "to grab your attention.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } / that's always a bummer too. /", "I know. /", "Sometimes it's better just to tape record both of them and then watch it all in one. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ We, + we ] do that sometimes. / [ I, + I ] guess [ I'm, + I'm ] not into real heavy stuff. / L A LAW is about the heaviest thing I watch. / [ [ I, +", "Yeah. /", "I'll, ] + mostly I'm ] into it for relaxation, / {C so } I like things like GOLDEN GIRLS or CHEERS / {C or, } {F uh, } Monday night is real good with me, {D you know, } MAJOR DAD [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } NORTHERN EXPOSURE [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } - / {F oh, } what's that one with Burt Reynolds? / That type of show is [ what we -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- what, {F uh, } we ] watch. / We generally just stay on one channel [ all, + for all ] of Monday night, just to watch those. / Just some of the times they're continued, / {C but } mostly they're just little vignettes. / A new one we found we really like is that DINOSAURS. / Have you seen that? /", "Huh-uh. /", "[ [ That is, + it's, ] + it's ] really funny. / They use {D like } animated, - / it's not {D like } a cartoon, / {C but } it's {D like } dummies and things,", "Uh-huh. /", "that are used, / {C and, } {F uh, } it's really, {F um, } - / and robots probably. / {C But } there's always [ a, + a ] moral to each story. /", "{C And } what night is it on? /", "{D Well, } [ yo-, + we ] watched it, - / the times we've seen it, it's been {D like } on [ Satur-, + {E or, excuse me, } Friday ] night. / {F Uh, } {C but } it's, - / we've only seen it a couple of times. / {C But } [ it, + it's ] real, - / the first one we saw, {F um, } [ they were, + [ it, + it ] involved ] a tradition of when a [ per-, + person ] reaches seventy-five, / {C and } I can't remember what day they call it, / [ {C but, } + {C but, } ] {F uh, } the son-in-laws get to throw the mother-in-laws when they're seventy five over a cliff <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } great. /", "[ {D Anyway } <laughter>, +", "<Laughter>.", "{D Anyway, } ] [ it, + it ] goes on, {D you know, } / {C and } the son-in-law and mother-in-law are sniping at each other and all, / {C and then } when it comes time for him to throw her over, {D well, } [ the, + the ] teenaged son the night before tried to save her by hiding her. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } she said no, / you can't do, {D you know, } / he [ ran her out, + was running ] [ to hi-, + ] in a wheelchair to hide her, / {C and } she said, \"You can't do that.\" /", "{F Huh. } /", "\"This is tradition. / This is what old people are supposed to be, thrown over [ the, + the ] cliff.\" / {C And, } {F uh, } he said, \"I don't understand.\" / [ It's, + it's ] real funny that they give the teenagers [ the, + ] as the one that questions, {F uh, } [ the, + what's ] going on. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } in the end [ of, + ] {F uh, } the son-in-law, when he did get the mother-in-law up to the cliff, {F uh, } [ [ th-, + the so-, ] + the teenaged son ] throws himself in the way and says, \"No, you can't do it,\" [ and then, + and then, ] {F uh, } \"Oh, well, we've got to do it. It's tradition,\" / {C and } the son was, {D you know, } \"Why?\" / {C And so, }", "Uh-huh. /", "[ in, + in ] the end he doesn't throw her over, /", "{F Oh, } he doesn't. /", "{C and, } of course, the town thinks he's just terrible, because that has been tradition for hundreds of years and he's broken it. / {C And then } we saw one [ [ where this, + there was a teenage, ] + when a teenage ] boy comes into his manhood, / they call it the night of the howling,", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> or something like that, / {C and } they all go out and howl, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] the son refused to do it. / [ He, + he ] did, / he thought it was not ... -/", "{D So } he didn't go howl? /", "No, / he wouldn't go howl, / {C so } [ all the, + all the ] people that worked with the father ostracized him <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } how funny. /", "It is. / [ [ [ It, + it, ] + it's, ] + it's ] real interesting to watch the show, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ wh-, + the ] relationship between the family [ is, + is ] really [ now, +", "{F Huh. } /", "now ] the mother-in-law lives in the house with them. / {C So } it's, - / [ [ our, + our grandson, ] + our oldest grandson ] is the one [ that, + that ] got us to watching it. / {C But } [ it really is, +", "<Laughter>.", "it moves ] real fast. / It's [ a + ] real short, / {C and } there's always, like I say, a moral to it / {C and, } -/", "It's just a half hour, / {C or } is it hour? /", "{D Well, } half hour. /", "Oh. /", "[ That, + that's ] all there is to it. / [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } they ... -/", "There's not many half hour shows, / it seems like that, /", "Yeah, / [ [ [ it, + it, ] + they, ] + they're ] trying to liken [ the, + the ] father in there of the teenage son to {D like } JACKIE GLEASON SHOW.", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the way he talks to his mother-in-law and so forth, / {C and } I guess maybe there are some parts of that, / {C but } I didn't really see that in there. / {C But } what I've read about it, they talk about that. / {C But } anyway, [ we've, + we've ] enjoyed that, / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } I guess mostly [ I, + I ] like the news shows too, the news magazines, like SIXTY MINUTES or TWENTY,", "Yeah, / no, / I watch those if I, -/", "TWENTY or PRIME TIME LIVE or something like that, {D you know, } [ all, + all ] of those shows, if I can do it, / {C but } my husband likes to watch, {F um, } old movies, especially war movies, [ or, + or, ] {F uh, } sports, which I'm not, /", "{F Oh, } {D see, } I like sports. /", "No, / I don't. / {D Well, } [ [ I, + I ] do, + I like ] ice skating / {C and } I like, {F uh, } gymnastics,", "Uh-huh. /", "and some track and field, / {C but } [ I, + I, ] - / {C and } I'll watch snippets of baseball games / {C and } [ I, + I ] just don't have that much time to sit and watch the whole thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ I don't ever, + no matter what's on, I don't ever ] just sit and watch T V. / I'm usually {C either } doing dishes, / {C or } I may be sewing, / {C or, } {D you know, }", "I know. /", "I always have, [ or + ] letter writing, / {C or } I may be working around in the room somehow, / {C but } [ I don't, + I don't ] ever just sit and, - / [ I, + that's ] something that comes from your old age, {D you know. } /", "No, / I don't sit. /", "Idle hands are the devil's workshop <laughter>. /", "I know. / Who has time? / I don't have time to sit, I know. /", "No. / [ It's, + it's, ] {F uh, } -/", "That's why I don't get to watch that much. / {E I mean, } I,", "Right. /", "watch nine o'clock / I do okay, because the kids are all in bed, / {C but } before that, [ I really, + there's ] not much time. /", "Right. /", "{C Or } {D like } at six thirty I'll watch WHEEL OF FORTUNE or something like that. /", "Right, / {D well, } our, - / yeah, / [ if our gra-, + if our grandchildren ] are with us, [ that's, + they ] have to watch that. / We don't watch it unless they're here <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / No, / I like that. / No, / I'll watch,", "<<Faint>> {C But } they, {F uh, } -/", "game show kind of stuff / {C but, }", "[ It's, + it's, ] {F um, } {F oh, } - / {C and, } {D you know, } [ the, + the ] kids will get you started on stuff like AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS. /", "Yeah. /", "We've wound up sending in one. / That's something I didn't think that we'd ever do <laughter>. /", "Did you send one? /", "Yeah. / <laughter> My oldest grandson pulling his tooth. / [ [ He's, + he's, ] +", "How funny. /", "he wouldn't ] let us pull it, / {C and } {E I mean, } [ it, + it ] got to the point he was eating a pear here, / {C and } he bit into it, / {C and } it was just hanging by a thread. / [ {C And } I, + {C and } I'd ] tell him, {D you know, } it's getting ready to fall out, / {C and } he walked around the house with his [ fa-, + face ] down toward the floor and his mouth open, hoping it would ((fall out)), because he wouldn't let anybody pull it. /", "<Laughter>.", "And [ he wou-, + <laughter> he wound ] up pull, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "06/15/1991", "from_caller": 1285, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1939, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1293, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1953, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3315_0", "3315_1", "3315_2", "3315_3", "3315_4", "3315_5", "3315_6", "3315_7", "3315_8", "3315_9", "3315_10", "3315_11", "3315_12", "3315_13", "3315_14", "3315_15", "3315_16", "3315_17", "3315_18", "3315_19", "3315_20", "3315_21", "3315_22", "3315_23", "3315_24", "3315_25", "3315_26", "3315_27", "3315_28", "3315_29", "3315_30", "3315_31", "3315_32", "3315_33", "3315_34", "3315_35", "3315_36", "3315_37", "3315_38", "3315_39", "3315_40", "3315_41", "3315_42", "3315_43", "3315_44", "3315_45", "3315_46", "3315_47", "3315_48", "3315_49", "3315_50", "3315_51", "3315_52", "3315_53", "3315_54", "3315_55", "3315_56", "3315_57", "3315_58", "3315_59", "3315_60", "3315_61", "3315_62", "3315_63", "3315_64", "3315_65", "3315_66", "3315_67", "3315_68", "3315_69", "3315_70", "3315_71", "3315_72", "3315_73", "3315_74", "3315_75", "3315_76", "3315_77", "3315_78", "3315_79", "3315_80", "3315_81", "3315_82", "3315_83", "3315_84", "3315_85", "3315_86", "3315_87", "3315_88", "3315_89", "3315_90", "3315_91", "3315_92", "3315_93", "3315_94", "3315_95", "3315_96", "3315_97"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hello? /", "Hi. /", "Hi, / my name is Leslie. /", "Hi, / I'm Jennifer. /", "{C And } where are you from? /", "Pennsylvania. /", "{F Oh, } nice, / I'm from Dallas, Texas. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / {D so, } -/", "{F Oh, } that's neat. /", "{D Well, } did you understand [ what this was for, + {D you know, } what it was for, ] what we, -/", "{F Uh, } television shows? /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "Sure, / that sounds good. /", "Okay <noise>. / [ I, + I ] don't watch too many, / {C but } we can try it. /", "Okay. /", "Are you ready to start? /", "Sure am. /", "Okay, / just a minute <beep>. /", "Okay, / I guess we're recording now. /", "Yeah, / okay. /", "What are your favorite television shows? /", "{D Well, } I don't really watch too many T V shows other than, {F uh, } occasionally [ I'll, + I'll ] turn on DONAHUE because it comes on in the morning when I seem to be getting ready around here. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] [ if, + if ] there's no one else around, {D you know, } it's just me and I have a chance to listen to something, I'll turn that on, but, {F uh, } just [ for the, + <lipsmack> for the ] conversation factor, I think, / [ {C but, } + {C and then } ] I think I enjoy when I catch it, I don't even know what night it's on, but DESIGNING WOMEN sometimes, /", "{F Oh, } I love that show. /", "Yeah, / do you? <Laughter>. /", "Yes, / that is great. /", "Yeah, / it's fun. / {C And then } there's a new one that started out that I've caught [ occa-, + a couple of times ] called GOOD AND EVIL, I think. /", "{F Oh, } I heard they just canceled that. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "I read in today's paper they just canceled that show. /", "It is a real different one. / [ [ It's, + {F uh, } it's, ] + it's ] different. / I guess I watch it more out of the uniqueness of it and the time that it comes on more than the fact that I have to see it. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } -/", "Have you seen the show, [ it's, + it's ] new this year, called HOME FRONT? /", "No, / I haven't watched that. /", "{F Oh, } [ it's, + it's ] really good. / [ It's, + {F uh, } I think it's ] on {D like } Tuesday nights from ten to eleven -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it's set in post World War Two times / {C and } it's about how the servicemen come home and readjust to civilian life here and the changes everyone's going through. / It's really interesting. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "It's kind of like [ a s-, + a nighttime soap ] opera type thing. /", "Sounds neat. /", "[ [ It is, + it's a good, ] + it's really well ] written. /", "Yeah. / Is that on, [ what chan-, + what station? ] /", "<Lipsmack> {F Uh, } I don't even know, to tell you the truth <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / What other shows do you like? /", "{F Uh, } I prefer OPRAH WINFREY --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- to DONAHUE <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } she comes on later / {C and } I usually have kids around so I don't [ end, + end ] up --", "Oh. /", "-- watching that one is the only problem I have with it, I guess. /", "I did watch soap operas, / {C but } I work full-time now and can't catch those anymore.", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "Except when I'm home sick, / {C and } now when I watch them, I think, why did I ever watch those? /", "That's right <laughter>. /", "They're stupid <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } when I did watch them I was addicted to them every day. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } not anymore. /", "That can happen. / {C So } do you know of any other shows in the even, or something that you enjoy? /", "{F Oh, } {F uh, } tonight I'm looking forward to seeing GOLDEN GIRLS. /", "{F Oh, } that's always fun. /", "Yes, / I like that show. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } if I can stay up late enough, I like to catch SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE every now and then. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } right now we're watching a Penn State football game because that's where we live. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{D So } <laughter>, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "It's exciting, / we're winning, / {C so } that's really exciting. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I think, - / I also, course, like to catch the news during the evening hours -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } it's a little tough because that's when I'm usually making dinner and the kids are wanting to talk all at the same time. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So, } usually I don't get a whole lot of news watching in. /", "Yes, / we watch C N N in morning while we're getting ready --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for the day and eating breakfast. / We'll catch our news that way. / Watch the weather channel so that we know what the weather's going to be like. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {D So } what have you seen interesting on OPRAH WINFREY lately? /", "Lately, I haven't been catching it because of my work schedule. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } <<pause>> I can't remember the last time I saw it. / It's been a while. /", "Yeah, / <lipsmack> {D well, } I don't know if we've talked our full three <noise> minutes or not <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I don't know, / sometimes they come on [ and, + and ] say. /", "{F Oh, } that's right. /", "{D Well, } today on C N N they were talking about something like this about, {F uh, } learning to recognize voices and words and stuff and the research <noise> that's going on which is kind of what we're doing, helping them get a data base for words. /", "{F Um, } yeah. /", "It was really interesting. /", "It is interesting. / {D So, } -/", "Do you work for Texas Instruments? /", "No, / no, / just, {F uh, } doing this as a fund-raiser for our church. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. /", "Yeah, / {C so } it kind of makes it easy, {D you know, } to do a little something for it. /", "Sure, / {C because } [ we, + {F uh, } we've ] talked to a lot of people from Texas, it seems, / {C and } we thought, {D well, } maybe they work [ from, + for ] Dallas, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "10/26/1991", "from_caller": 1307, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1953, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1373, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3580_0", "3580_1", "3580_2", "3580_3", "3580_4", "3580_5", "3580_6", "3580_7", "3580_8", "3580_9", "3580_10", "3580_11", "3580_12", "3580_13", "3580_14", "3580_15", "3580_16", "3580_17", "3580_18", "3580_19", "3580_20", "3580_21", "3580_22", "3580_23", "3580_24", "3580_25", "3580_26", "3580_27", "3580_28", "3580_29", "3580_30", "3580_31", "3580_32", "3580_33", "3580_34", "3580_35", "3580_36", "3580_37", "3580_38", "3580_39", "3580_40", "3580_41", "3580_42", "3580_43", "3580_44", "3580_45", "3580_46", "3580_47", "3580_48", "3580_49", "3580_50", "3580_51", "3580_52", "3580_53", "3580_54", "3580_55", "3580_56", "3580_57", "3580_58", "3580_59", "3580_60", "3580_61", "3580_62", "3580_63", "3580_64", "3580_65", "3580_66", "3580_67", "3580_68", "3580_69", "3580_70", "3580_71", "3580_72", "3580_73", "3580_74", "3580_75", "3580_76", "3580_77", "3580_78", "3580_79", "3580_80", "3580_81", "3580_82", "3580_83", "3580_84", "3580_85", "3580_86", "3580_87", "3580_88", "3580_89", "3580_90", "3580_91", "3580_92", "3580_93", "3580_94", "3580_95", "3580_96", "3580_97", "3580_98", "3580_99", "3580_100"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } {D well, } {F uh, } to begin, / I guess, {F uh, } space is, {F uh, } real important, I think, / {C so } it's real vital to the future of not only our kids but every generation until the end of time, I guess. / {D So. } -/", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] agree -- /", "{F Uh. } /", "-- it's definitely new frontier stuff. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } - / {C but, } {F uh, } I'm not too up-to-date [ on the space, + on the space ] frontier, / {C but, } {F uh, } I guess they're [ going, + going ] pretty far into it now. / {F Um, } Star Wars is not too far <laughter> I don't think. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I ] worked on some of it at T I --", "{F Oh, } have you. /", "-- once upon a time. / Yeah. /", "{D So } what do you know about it. /", "{D Well, } actually [ [ I'm, + I, ] + I'm ] quite versed lately. / I get on a computer network all the time, / {C and } people are talking [ about, + about ] the current space program all the time. / They're talking about new rockets that they're designing now that, {D you know, } are just like science fiction, {D you know, } / it's like they,", "<Laughter>.", "take off, {D you know, } / {C and then } they land, [ with the, + with the, ] {D you know, } - / the afterburners are going, {D you know, } not like space shuttle landing, {D you know, } gliding down, but --", "Really. /", "-- straight down to the landing pad. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. /", "Yeah, / it's called V C X or something like that. / Also called Delta Clipper, which is a decent name for --", "Wow. /", "-- something like that. /", "{D Well, } I don't know. / [ You think you'd, + you think you'd, ] {F uh, } go up in space if you had a chance? /", "{F Oh, } yeah -- /", "Do you, /", "-- I think I would. / I think that'd be neat. /", "I think I would just sitting here talking about it, / {C but } if the time came, it'd be real nervous. /", "<Laughter>.", "I'd be scared, / scared me worse than Six Flags <laughter> roller coaster. / That'd be pretty hairy. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } I had [ a car, + {F uh, } {F uh, } a tire ] come off of a car, / {C so } {D you know, } [ I, + {D like } I ] know what it's like to <laughter>, -/", "<Laughter> Yeah, / imagine. /", "Depending on what was left of my technology to get me home <laughter>. /", "Right, / right. / {D So, } {D well, } I guess they're talking about people going to the moon and stuff, now, wherever.", "Yeah, / they're talking about doing that again, too. /", "And opening up those stations, whatever, filling them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't know if we'll ever see that up there. /", "{D Well } at least we're going to have a space station supposedly in the next few years. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / {C and } they're going to put, -/", "That's all <laughter> beyond my imagination really. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } science fiction books, / {E I mean, } you look at the Jetsons, {D you know, } cartoon show, and it's not too far fetched [ what, + what ] they all had in those cartoons, / {C so } you never know. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "Any of that stuff from the Jetsons, from that cartoon, that you would never imagine would [ come, + become ] possible, and now [ you, + we ] have a lot of those, / {D so, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } you never know [ what, + what ] may occur, / {C but } --", "Yeah. /", "-- as far as me seeing it, {D you know, }", "<Laughter>.", "I don't know <laughter>. / I don't know, / {C but } I think it's real vital important for the future, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- generations to come, / {D so. } -/", "Yeah, / I, {F uh, } - / [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] something definitely that, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / [ it's, + it's, ] {F uh, } got the extra little oomph of interest. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "I'm sure it'll draw a lot more interest too, once [ it becomes, + {D you know, } {D like } it's ] more possible, / {C but } --", "Yeah. /", "-- when they start showing the drawings and all that, I'm sure, {D you know, } when they, -/", "Yeah, / I wish, {F uh, } - / {D like, } {F uh, } Boeing or --", "Right. /", "-- McDonald Douglas or something like that was supposed to buy, {F uh, } a space shuttle sooner or later and just make it, {D you know, } purely commercial -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they'd go up, {D you know, } and do things / {C and, } -/", "{D So } did they scratch [ those, + {F uh, } that ] Star Wars deal, {D you know, } they one we was all worried about -- <+ the \"they\" in this sentence should probably be a \"the\"+>", "Oh. /", "-- Russia and all that? /", "No, / it's still probably going, / {C but } I don't know whether, [ [ it, + it, ] + research ] will go on. /", "Yeah, / {C but } the economy the way it is all over, they probably cut back [ on -- +", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- on ] that, because it's not, -/", "{D Well, } [ they're, + they're ] going to be cutting back so much on just, {D you know, } the number of troops we've got in Europe and the number --", "Right. /", "-- of troops we have here. /", "Yeah, / I know, / {C and then, } -/", "{C But, } {F uh, } Russia's still going to have missiles, / they're still going to be subs and things. /", "Yeah, / {C and } we don't know who's handling them now -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C so } that's a whole different story now. /", "Latest I heard it was just going to be [ Russia that, + Russia itself that ] was going to have them. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "At least [ that was, + {D you know, } that's ] what everybody says. / {F Oh, } yeah, / yeah, / we want only Russia to have them. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } now they're saying, Yeah, / yeah, / you're a republic, / you don't want those, / you don't want those. (( )). /", "Some crazy hit man over there {D so, }", "<Laughter>.", "with those little [ republican-, + republics ] or whatever / they splitting it all up now, / {C and } one of them [ crazy -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- crazy ] guys get a hold of it, / you never know. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } [ that, + the ] guy that's taken over for Gorbachev, [ he's supposed to be, + he's supposed to be ] on our side, isn't he. /", "<Laughter>.", "Pretty much. /", "One hopes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter>.", "I think we went through him though to get to Gorbachev on a lot of subjects / {D so, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } that way, <laughter> you can't never tell that. /", "Yeah. /", "Kiss some butt, / [ {C but, } +", "<Laughter>.", "{C but, } ] {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION", "prompt": "WHAT DO WE GAIN FROM OUR SPACE FLIGHT AND EXPLORATION EFFORTS? SHOULD WE CONTINUE TO SUPPORT THE SPACE PROGRAM AT CURRENT LEVELS? YOU MIGHT ALSO DISCUSS WHETHER SPACE FLIGHT WILL EVER BECOME COMMONYOU", "talk_day": "12/17/1991", "from_caller": 1451, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1325, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3917_0", "3917_1", "3917_2", "3917_3", "3917_4", "3917_5", "3917_6", "3917_7", "3917_8", "3917_9", "3917_10", "3917_11", "3917_12", "3917_13", "3917_14", "3917_15", "3917_16", "3917_17", "3917_18", "3917_19", "3917_20", "3917_21", "3917_22", "3917_23", "3917_24", "3917_25", "3917_26", "3917_27", "3917_28", "3917_29", "3917_30", "3917_31", "3917_32", "3917_33", "3917_34", "3917_35", "3917_36", "3917_37", "3917_38", "3917_39", "3917_40", "3917_41", "3917_42", "3917_43", "3917_44", "3917_45", "3917_46", "3917_47", "3917_48", "3917_49", "3917_50", "3917_51", "3917_52", "3917_53", "3917_54", "3917_55", "3917_56", "3917_57", "3917_58", "3917_59", "3917_60", "3917_61", "3917_62", "3917_63", "3917_64", "3917_65", "3917_66", "3917_67", "3917_68", "3917_69", "3917_70", "3917_71", "3917_72", "3917_73", "3917_74", "3917_75", "3917_76", "3917_77", "3917_78", "3917_79", "3917_80", "3917_81", "3917_82", "3917_83", "3917_84", "3917_85", "3917_86", "3917_87", "3917_88", "3917_89", "3917_90", "3917_91", "3917_92", "3917_93", "3917_94", "3917_95", "3917_96"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {F Uh, } do you want to go ahead / {C or, } -/", "{F Oh, } sure. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> {D well } <laughter>. I, {F uh, } went to school at Madison for two years / {C and } they are really big on women's rights.", "Uh-huh. /", "[ And, + and ] equal treatment. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } [ I, + I've ] seen a lot of {D like } rallies and things like that. / {C But, } {F uh, } I'm not that liberated. / I mean my mom is kind of old-fashioned, # {D you know. } # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{D So, } [ I, + {D you know, } you ] pick up some traits from her and stuff. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ I think it's, + I think it's ] interesting and better for women to see that there's [ more, + more ] of them doing men's fields. / I like to see that. / # {C And } # --", "# Right. # /", "-- I don't like to see women, {D you know, } {D like } waiting on men hand and foot / {C but, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] believe in {D like } sharing and doing things for each other. /", "I do too. / I like the idea. / I see a lot more, {F uh, } - / my children, I have five children / {C and } they're all married. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I love seeing the men help the women # so much. # /", "# Right. # /", "{C And } they both cooperate together on, - / I think it's great. /", "{F Oh, } me too <laughter>. / I hope that happens to me someday. # / {E I mean, } [ I, + I ] don't mind # --", "# (( )) <laughter>. #", "-- doing stuff. / {F Uh, } I have a boyfriend / {C and } I got to make him dinner and stuff / {C but, } {D you know, } [ I, + he'll ] help me do the dishes. / I don't want to, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- expect to help to clean up then # after (( )) <laughter>. / Yeah. # /", "# That's right. # / That's right. /", "Yeah. / # {D So } <laughter>. # -/", "# I've # always taught my men that. / They better clean up with their women and help them. / If they did that, {D you know. } -/", "Right. /", "{C And } [ they're, + they're ] good about it. / {C But } it is neat to see them all work together. / # {C And } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- a big thing that I see. [ All that, + ] [ most of the, + most of the ] women getting married now, {F uh, } [ go back, + have gone back to, ] {D you know, } - / [ they, + they stay ] at work or go back to work. # Or whatever. # /", "# Right. # /", "{C And } they're well educated. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I believe we'll see a lot more C E O -s in companies. / They're having a fit about how little there are. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } I think we'll see a lot more. Don't you? Of upper management?", "{F Oh, } yeah. / Uh-huh. /", "<Swallowing> Then we do now, even. /", "Right. /", "I think it'll escalate. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] I think black women now - / [ i-, + in fact ] I work at a high school. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ my + ] boss is a black woman and has only been there a couple of months and already promoted / {C and } she's very sharp. / {C And } I think that th-, - / and the ethnic thing [ will be, + {D you know, } is ] a good thing now. /", "{F Oh, } me too. /", "They're moving them up / {C and } they're sharp / {C and } they, - / {C so } you're going to see [ a lot, + a lot ] more of that in leadership I believe. /", "Yeah. / I like to see that. / I <clicking> think it's, {F uh, } really neat to see and all that educated minority, {F uh, } # person # --", "# Uh-huh. #", "-- who really knows what they're talking about. / {C And } --", "Right. /", "-- it's just too bad that some people, {D you know, } still look down on them just because of their color. {D You know. } /", "Right. / That's # ((a shame)). # /", "# Especially # black women. /", "Yes. /", "{D So. } -/", "Yeah. / {C But } they ((wouldn't)) know what they're doing. /", "Right. /", "{C But } I'm not big on subserving as far as # <laughter> # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- to the men at all. /", "# Right. # /", "# {C But } I # never have gone along with that, {D you know. } Even far back. / {C But } I was brought up pretty good in a home that, - / years ago my mother was that way. / The same. - / I, - / my bo-, - / ther-, {D you know, } - / some people say {F oh } the boys shouldn't have to do those jobs. The inside jobs. / {C But } we never were taught, - / they had to do as much as we did. / {C So } # that was good. # /", "# Right, / same here. # / Yeah. /", "{C So } [ that's, + I think that's ] good. To keep the equal as far [ as, + as, ] {F uh, } not, [ [ nex-, + nex-, ] + {F uh, } necessarily ] by sex type thing.", "Right. / # Same here. # /", "# {D You know. } # / You should be able to accomplish as much. / {C And } I think the, {F uh, } attitude is a lot better towards the parents raising the younger ones now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "You see a lot more of the mothers and all saying to the young girls, # {D you know } # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- you can do it. / # If he # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- can do it, you can do it type thing. /", "Exactly. / [ I, + I ] see more men, {F uh, } {D like } participating in {D like } the family things with children.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Like, } {D you know, } helping to take care of them more. [ And -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } doing the jobs equally, {D you know, } /", "Right. / What about politics on it? /", "Oh. /", "Do you think the political scene? -/", "I'm <laughter> not that big on politics. / I'm not <laughter> --", "Yeah. /", "-- that educated on it. / I'm, -/", "[ I'm real dis-, + I'm kind of disgusted ] this year because I don't see many women into the political scene / {C and } I really think we should have more --", "{F Oh, } yeah. / I agree with that. /", "-- political leaders in the women than we do [ up for, + and even for ] President and Vice President this year, / there's nobody again. / I think they're all scared out [ after tha-, + <laughter> after, ] {F uh, } <swallowing> - / {F oh, } what was the lady's name that ran a couple of, - / Fitz-, - / I forget her name now. /", "{F Oh, } # I don't know <static>. # /", "# {C But } you know # who I mean? /", "Yeah, / I know who you're talking # about. # /", "# Yeah. # / She took such a rough go of it. / {C And } [ they t-, + their tax ] deal and, -/", "Yeah. / At least she was strong to {D like } try it and # {D you know. } # /", "# Right. # / Right. /", "# {C So } that's good. # /", "# {C But } I wish # they would get some more on that. / I really was disappointed this year when I see any of the candidates talking that they're talking about. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> [ they, + I ] didn't see any of the women in there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } that disappoints me. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } right now I don't think we have too many. {F Uh, } [ th-, + in the ] forefront. / Schroeder's about the biggest one in Washington. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Congress woman. / {C And, } {F uh, } other th-, {F uh, } - / we really, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "02/05/1992", "from_caller": 1498, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1937, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1371, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3925_0", "3925_1", "3925_2", "3925_3", "3925_4", "3925_5", "3925_6", "3925_7", "3925_8", "3925_9", "3925_10", "3925_11", "3925_12", "3925_13", "3925_14", "3925_15", "3925_16", "3925_17", "3925_18", "3925_19", "3925_20", "3925_21", "3925_22", "3925_23", "3925_24", "3925_25", "3925_26", "3925_27", "3925_28", "3925_29", "3925_30", "3925_31", "3925_32", "3925_33", "3925_34", "3925_35", "3925_36", "3925_37", "3925_38", "3925_39", "3925_40", "3925_41", "3925_42", "3925_43", "3925_44", "3925_45", "3925_46", "3925_47", "3925_48", "3925_49", "3925_50", "3925_51", "3925_52", "3925_53", "3925_54", "3925_55", "3925_56", "3925_57", "3925_58", "3925_59", "3925_60", "3925_61", "3925_62", "3925_63", "3925_64", "3925_65", "3925_66"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / I think the first thing they said, - / I have written this down / {C so } it would, - / [ is it p-, + do you think it's possible ] to have honesty in government or an honest government? /", "Okay. / You're asking what my opinion about,", "# Yeah. # /", "# whether it's # possible <laughter> to have honesty in government. / {D Well, } I suspect that it is possible. / {F Uh, } I think it probably is more likely if you have a small government unit where everybody knows everybody. /", "Right. / That's a good point. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } other than that I think maybe it just depends on how you define honesty. /", "[ That's an int-, + {D you know, } that's interesting. ] / I had read something one time / {C and } it was just applying to governments in general, / it was written many years ago. / It said that it's impossible to have a completely honest system of government because people who choose government for their positions are power seekers. / {C And } I thought that was interesting. / It wasn't just talking about our government. / It was just government in general. From times past, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- on / {C and, } -/", "{C So } they're saying that government officials would tend to be power seekers. /", "Right. / {C And } that would be a next question to ask. / {C or } are they in there for their own gains, / {C and } personally I feel [ it's probably, + there's probably ] some of each. /", "Right. / Yeah. / {C But } I think maybe a lot of them, {F um, } - / say the more honest ones who are still looking out for themselves, it may be more matter of not what can I steal while in an office but how many friends can I make while,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I'm in office. # /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And, } # {D you know, } how good a name can I make for myself and so forth. / {C So } I guess it would be like anything else. /", "<<Very faint>> Yeah. /", "The president of General Motors probably has the same, -/", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } they talked, {F uh, } - / the other, let's see. - / Third question was how [ m-, + ] (( )) serving for their own gains do you think goes on, - / then they, - / that's hard to answ-, / [ I'm sure there's a lot. + {D But } I agree with you, there's a lot ] in business. / [ I think that's just, + I think that's ] very normal,", "# [ [ I think + I-, # ] +", "# that we # should not ex-, (( I think, )) - / I think we put too much on politicians. / We expect them <laughter> to only be there to serve us, {D you know. } /", "I think ] a little more honesty in the campaigns would be,", "# Yeah. # /", "# more to the # point. / If you knew what you were getting when you voted, {F uh, } -/", "That's a problem, isn't it? /", "Yeah. /", "It's interesting / {C because } I'm taking a Texas government class right now, / {C and } one of the things (( )) - / it's so easy to blame them to (( )) - / a lot of times I think it's our own fault. / They lie to us because we don't want to hear the truth. /", "# Yeah, / they say you, #", "# {C And } it, # -/", "get the government you deserve. /", "If they tell us the truth, we don't (( elect )) them [ and, + ]", "Uh-huh <throat_clearing>. /", "Especially with all this [ [ fron-, + co-, ] + stuff ] coming up here lately about people's past, / {C and } I don't know why anybody would want to get under that scrutiny anymore. /", "It's hard to imagine. /", "Because [ it's, +", "<Throat_clearing>.", "I think it's ] gotten just care-, {D well, } - / we're not talking about issues we're talking about somebody's personal life / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we're getting away from what we ought to be looking at <throat_clearing>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } it almost seems like in order to avoid, {F uh, } some of the scandal, you would have to have the kind of wife that you would only find, [ on, + say in ] the (( Bobsy )) twins or,", "# Right. # /", "# something # like that <laughter>. /", "{D You know, } I also think it would be funny if we could know everything about the people that were in there and throw them out. / I don't think there would be too many (( left )) <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {D So } you're taking a government course? /", "Uh-huh. /", "At what? / The university? /", "{F Uh, } at, {F uh, } it's T C J C. / [ Tex-, + Tarrant County Junior College. ] /", "Oh. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# Okay. # /", "{C And } [ it's really, + it's really ] enjoyable. / I like it. / {C And then } they also, {D you know, } [ ask can we eliminate, + do you think we could make laws to eliminate ] all corruption, / {C and } I don't think we can make laws to eliminate anything anyplace totally. /", "You can make laws against corruption <laughter>. /", "# Yeah, / {C but } that, #", "# {C But } that doesn't eliminate it, does it? # /", "doesn't mean, - / I don't think making laws will stop it. / {E I mean } I don't know how many laws you would have to have. / {E I mean, } -/ # No, / sure didn't, #", "# Milwaukee, did it? # /", "did it? /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So } no, / I think you can legislate / {C but } I think there's no way that you eliminate it all by legislating, / {C and } we would end up with so many more laws that, {D you know, } - / {E I mean } I just think that's human nature that you're going to have corruption in government, in business, personal life, {E I mean, } {D you know. } /", "<Throat_clearing> Actually, I think other countries may have it worse, {F uh, } / the Japanese government is always having [ a, + some ] kind of a scandal. /", "Right. /", "Usually involving the Prime Minister or people very close to him. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / I still believe I get very fed up with government sometimes / {C but } when I think about where I'd want to go, {D you know, } this is still the best / {C or } I can, -/", "Yeah, / I've been around to a few other countries / {C and } [ [ I, + {F uh, } I, ] + I ] have not found one yet that I would rather live in. / I think, {F uh, } -/", "Yeah. / Yeah, / {C at } its worst I think we've got the best. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "ETHICS IN GOVERNMENT", "prompt": "DO YOU THINK IT IS POSSIBLE TO HAVE AN HONEST GOVERNMENT? ARE MOST POLITICIANS IN GOVERNMENT MORE FOR PERSONAL GAIN OR PUBLIC SERVICE? HOW MUCH SELF-SERVING ACTIVITY DO YOU THINK GOES ON? IS IT POSSIBLE TO MAKEBEHAVIOR IN GOVERNMENT ILLEGAL?", "talk_day": "02/06/1992", "from_caller": 1493, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1468, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4019_0", "4019_1", "4019_2", "4019_3", "4019_4", "4019_5", "4019_6", "4019_7", "4019_8", "4019_9", "4019_10", "4019_11", "4019_12", "4019_13", "4019_14", "4019_15", "4019_16", "4019_17", "4019_18", "4019_19", "4019_20", "4019_21", "4019_22", "4019_23", "4019_24", "4019_25", "4019_26", "4019_27", "4019_28", "4019_29", "4019_30", "4019_31", "4019_32", "4019_33", "4019_34", "4019_35", "4019_36", "4019_37", "4019_38", "4019_39", "4019_40", "4019_41", "4019_42", "4019_43", "4019_44", "4019_45", "4019_46", "4019_47", "4019_48", "4019_49", "4019_50", "4019_51", "4019_52", "4019_53", "4019_54", "4019_55", "4019_56", "4019_57", "4019_58", "4019_59", "4019_60", "4019_61", "4019_62", "4019_63", "4019_64", "4019_65", "4019_66", "4019_67", "4019_68", "4019_69", "4019_70", "4019_71", "4019_72", "4019_73", "4019_74", "4019_75", "4019_76", "4019_77", "4019_78", "4019_79", "4019_80", "4019_81", "4019_82", "4019_83", "4019_84", "4019_85", "4019_86", "4019_87", "4019_88", "4019_89", "4019_90", "4019_91", "4019_92", "4019_93", "4019_94", "4019_95", "4019_96", "4019_97", "4019_98", "4019_99", "4019_100", "4019_101", "4019_102"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, {F um, } Chuck, do you have any pets # there at your home? # /", "# Yeah, I do. # /", "{C And } what kind do you have? /", "I've got a male Siamese about a year old here. / I live alone in an apartment, # [ and, + ] {F uh, } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- except for the cat. /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "How about you? /", "{D Well, } we have a cat, {F um, } / he's probably, {F oh, } a good two years old, big, old, fat and sassy tabby. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh. } {F Uh, } how's the disposition of your Siamese cat? /", "{D Well, } it's, {F uh, } {D you know } they're just, {F uh, } aggressive by nature -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } he's been neutered and declawed, # / {C so } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- he's an indoor cat, / {C so, } {F uh, } that kind of calms him down for the most part. /", "<Laughter>.", "How about yours? /", "{D Well, } yeah, / [ he's, + {F uh, } he has ] been really aggressive, {F uh, } especially towards my little girl, for --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- some reason. / He's, {F uh, } been so mean to her <laughter>. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] you say you've had him how long? /", "We've had him for about two years -- /", "Two years. /", "-- {C and } he was so mean to her, {F um, } right after we first got him. / {D So } we had him neutered, [ and, + and ] declawed, / {C and } now he bites her. / <laughter> He can't --", "{F Huh. } /", "-- scratch her any more, / he bites her. /", "Does he bite her enough to draw blood? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / he has a couple of times, / # {C so. } # -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C But } he's a very possessive cat. / [ He, + he ] loves my son, / it's his cat, / {C and } he's the only one that allows him to touch him {C or } pet him {C or } love him -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } he's so funny, / he just follows my son around just like a dog. /", "{F Huh. } /", "He won't even let my son shower. /", "Yeah. /", "He meows and wants to get in the bathroom / {C and, } while he showers, it's so hilarious. / {C So } he's quite a animal <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / boy, / I guess. / {D Well } as long as he doesn't get too aggressive. I guess with the daughter he's all right. /", "Yeah. /", "You wouldn't want him to carry her off or something. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ we, + we ] did, {F uh, } actually take him to the pound a couple of times, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because we just couldn't have him being --", "Sure. /", "-- so aggressive towards the girl, / {C but, } {F uh, } he seems to have mellowed out a little bit, / {C and } we do keep our daughter away from him. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "<Laughter> Were it not for my son, the cat would not be in this house <laughter>. /", "Is that the only pet that you have? /", "It is, / uh-huh. / [ We, + we ] tried a dog about four years ago, {C and } we ended up with, {F uh, } {F oh, } malamute and some other kind of mix. / Anyway [ it was, + it ended ] up being just a [ huge, + huge ] dog that ate us out of house and home. / {C So, } we gave him up and tried. /", "{D Well, } do you live, [ [ you, + you ] + ] in a house, or a place where you, {F uh, } -/", "Yes, / uh-huh, / we're in a house, / {C but } we're in a subdivision --", "I see. /", "-- where we really can't allow the dog, / we couldn't allow him to run free, / {C so, } he was just chained up all the time, / {C and } [ it was, # + it was ] # --", "# Sure. # /", "-- unfortunate. / {D So } have you tried any other pets? /", "No, / no. / [ I, + I ] live alone in an apartment, / {C and, } {F uh, } [ it's, + it's ] not that big that, {F uh } -- -/", "{F Oh } <laughter>. /", "-- although I've heard rabbits are pretty good -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {D you know, } I saw something on C N N or on cable here --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- a while ago that showed some people that had rabbits in apartments --", "{F Oh, } my word. /", "-- and in houses, / {C and } they apparently, {F uh, } - / especially when they're young when they bring them in -- -/", "{F Oh, } my word. /", "-- {F uh, } <laughter>. /", "{C And } do [ they, + they ] just paper train it or something? /", "I guess. /", "<Laughter>.", "I guess, / yeah, / {C and } I would imagine that they don't have many more than one to start with, either. /", "Yeah. / <laughter> {D Well, } rabbits are darling. / That would be fun if you could get them trained. / Otherwise they're pretty smelly <laughter>. /", "Yep, / that's right. /", "{F Oh. } /", "Did you see [ the, + the ] C N N, [ the, + the ] dog show, {F uh, } /", "Huh-uh, / [ we don't have C, + we don't have cable. ] /", "I see. / {D Well } they have, {F uh, } {F uh, } [ a Wesmin-, + they call it the Westminster ] Dog Show, {F uh, } <child_talking> / I think it's in New York City [ at the, + at the ] Gardens / there once a year live -- -/", "{F Oh. } /", "-- {C and } they had that on last week, / {C and } that's really # kind of something # --", "# {F Oh. } # /", "-- to watch, {F uh, } / it's on, I think, two or three nights for maybe an hour or two -- /", "Is that right? /", "-- {C and } some of the weirdest animals you ever # want to see in there. # /", "# {F Oh } <laughter>. # /", "Some of them are really beautiful, too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So. } -/", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I'd be, interesting to watch. /", "{D So } you live in Utah do you? /", "Yes, / uh-huh. / # Elton. # /", "# Goodness. # /", "We live <noise> out here [ by, + it's by ] Ogden. / It's north of Salt Lake City, Utah -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we really love it out here. / It's, {F uh, } kind of country. / [ We're, + we're ] only about ten minutes from Ogden. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } we're kind of country # but not too. # /", "# {D Well } # do you all work for T I, or for, -/", "No, / huh-uh. / Do you? /", "Yeah, / # yeah, / yeah. # /", "# {F Oh, } # {D well, } see, I'm getting so many calls to Texas. /", "This is the very first one [ I've, + I've ] talked to. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } great. / Yeah, / I've been doing it for about two weeks / {C and, } {F uh, } [ no my, +", "Uh-huh. /", "No my, ] -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "02/27/1992", "from_caller": 1514, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1529, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1934, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4033_0", "4033_1", "4033_2", "4033_3", "4033_4", "4033_5", "4033_6", "4033_7", "4033_8", "4033_9", "4033_10", "4033_11", "4033_12", "4033_13", "4033_14", "4033_15", "4033_16", "4033_17", "4033_18", "4033_19", "4033_20", "4033_21", "4033_22", "4033_23", "4033_24", "4033_25", "4033_26", "4033_27", "4033_28", "4033_29", "4033_30", "4033_31", "4033_32", "4033_33", "4033_34", "4033_35", "4033_36", "4033_37", "4033_38", "4033_39", "4033_40", "4033_41", "4033_42", "4033_43", "4033_44", "4033_45", "4033_46", "4033_47", "4033_48", "4033_49", "4033_50", "4033_51", "4033_52", "4033_53", "4033_54", "4033_55", "4033_56", "4033_57", "4033_58", "4033_59", "4033_60", "4033_61", "4033_62", "4033_63", "4033_64", "4033_65", "4033_66", "4033_67", "4033_68", "4033_69", "4033_70", "4033_71", "4033_72", "4033_73", "4033_74", "4033_75", "4033_76", "4033_77", "4033_78", "4033_79"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D So } how do you get most of your current event information? /", "{D Well, } (( )) , see I'm going to school right now, # / {C and, } {F uh, } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- while I'm working, [ I don't get a, + I don't get a ] chance to read the paper a lot, / {C and } I don't watch T V as much really either, because, {F uh, } my free time is kind of, - / {C and } I [ do, + {D like } [ to + ] do ] other stuff with it. /", "Right. /", "While I'm at work sometimes, [ I, + ] on the computer network --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } I read the news sometimes, / {C and } that's kind of helpful. /", "I would imagine going to college, though, your professors and different things, - / you keep up on what's going on. /", "That's true, / {E I mean, } my roommates and stuff, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- people around me talk about it. / {C And } the people I work with are pretty, {D you know, } [ up, + up-to-date ] on that kind of stuff, / {C so. } -/", "Right. / {D Well, } I'm a housewife, / I have three kids, # / {C and so } # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- {F um, } I get most of my information probably through just the news at six o'clock --", "Yeah. /", "-- and then, {F um, } talking with people and just hearing what's going on. # (( )) . # /", "# [ Do you watch, + # do you watch ] [ the network, + {D like } major network ] news, / {C or } do you watch {D like } --", "[ Just the # regular channel # -- +", "-- # the MACNEIL LEHRER HOUR? # /", "-- just channel eight. ] /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "That's our channel here / that's the, {F um, } eyewitness news. /", "Uh-huh. /", "# {D So. } # -/", "# {F Oh, } [ ch-, + # see channel, ] where I am channel eight's, {F um, } {D like } public T V, - / {C so } it's kind of different. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / # Yeah. # /", "# [ I think, # + I think ] the, {F uh, } - / I think a lot of the commentators on, {D like } the major networks, {D like } right, it's kind of appropriate right now because of the election stuff going on, / {C but, } {F um, } it seems that, {F um, } they kind of get to throw their opinions into how they, {D you know, } report on the news. /", "Right. / {C And } I think even in the elections, they choose who they're going to follow and who they're not, / {C and } basically --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } if a candidate can get them to follow, then the news will, {D you know, } kind of publicize his name. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "I don't think that the way I get the news is the right way to get it. / I think you get a very lopsided picture of what's going on. /", "Uh-huh, / because [ they can, + they can ] only report on, {E I mean, } - / they give each candidate perhaps, {D you know, } ten second blurbs in which [ to, + {D you know, } to ] say, [ you, + you ] just can't get a full picture of, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- their message unless you have time to sit down [ and r-, + and probably read ] something on it. /", "Right. / {C And } the news, too, it just doesn't, {F um, } cover that many stories, / {E I mean, } it just covers your basic, {D you know, } violent crimes --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ [ and, + {D you know, } and, ] + and ] your [ ca-, + catastrophes ] with weather and stuff, / {C but } other than that, you really don't know what's going on. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } I will read our current letters that come out on elections / {C and, } I guess I do read that, / {C and } I do study who's running in our area, / {C and } I do study what's going on in the economy. / It, {D you know, } - / {C and, } I guess I do read other magazines, {F um, } too, to get my information. /", "What kind of, see, - / I subscribe to {D like } SCIENCE NEWS, / {C and } [ that's, + that's ] real good because it gives {D like } a brief summary of, {C or } {D like } the updates, {D like } of what's going on in science without getting into a lot of detail that would, {D you know, } bog me down that I wouldn't know about -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C but } other than that I don't really read, / [ I don't, + I don't ] really subscribe to anything else. /", "I used to read every month a READER'S DIGEST -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F um, } now I guess I just have friends that clip articles / {C or } if I, {D you know, } am interested in something, {A of course, [ during the w-, + when we were in war, ] } I read up on that just a little in the newspaper --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- to find out what was going on. / {C But } a lot of the times, [ I, + {D you know, } I ] wish I had the time to read all the stories in the newspaper, / {C but } I just can't seem to find the time. /", "Yeah. /", "If they put it out in a video, or on <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "not a video but a cassette tape or something, where you could just listen to it --", "Yeah. /", "-- I would do that while I was doing other things. / {C But, } -/", "{D Well, } I remember back [ during the, + {F uh, } during the ] war, everyone here at work always had the radio or the T V on, because [ that, + they ] were going constantly with that stuff. /", "Right. /", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "<Throat_clearing> {D Well, } [ I, + {F um, } they ] even did a story on our news here in Texas on what people wanted to see more of, / {C and } people said that they wanted to see more on outside of Texas news. / {D You know, } we just don't want to hear every night all the killings that went on here in Dallas -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- that we want to hear what's going on with the economy, what's being done to help it, what's going on in other countries, what's, {D you know, } just # more information. # /", "# [ If they reported every, + # if they reported every ] violent crime in Atlanta [ it would take, + it would probably take ] the whole news hour <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> # Yeah. # /", "# {C But, } {F uh. } # -/", "{D Well, } I guess we'll get pretty good news coverage in a couple of years when you host the, {F uh, } summer olympics <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that's, - / [ they start, + already they're having ] {D like, } {F um, } - / in the newspaper they have a section, I think, every now and then, on the Olympics, {D you know, } / {C and } they've got {D like } a countdown, / it's like sixteen hundred days or something. /", "I know, we're trying to get tickets to it right now. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah. /", "That's going to be crazy that time of year here. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah. /", "I can't believe, {E I mean, } - / [ they're, + they're ] stretching out the Olympic news for that much coverage over, / I guess people want to hear about it. / Also big in the news right now is the Braves, because [ they're, + {F uh, } they're ] in, {D you know, } [ tr-, + spring training ] or whatever -- /", "Right, / right. /", "-- {C and } they did so well last year. /", "Yeah, / [ they spent a lot of time, + {A that's another thing, } they spend a long time ] on sports, / {C and } I think [ that, + {F um, } that's ] fine, I would like to see more time spent on other things. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But. } -/", "It seems like, - / I don't know, / they way they do the newscasts, I wish [ they, + they ] kind of separated it, {D you know, } / if you wanted to watch one thing you could turn to some channel for it / {C but } I don't have cable. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "03/02/1992", "from_caller": 1501, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1962, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1537, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1971, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["4074_0", "4074_1", "4074_2", "4074_3", "4074_4", "4074_5", "4074_6", "4074_7", "4074_8", "4074_9", "4074_10", "4074_11", "4074_12", "4074_13", "4074_14", "4074_15", "4074_16", "4074_17", "4074_18", "4074_19", "4074_20", "4074_21", "4074_22", "4074_23", "4074_24", "4074_25", "4074_26", "4074_27", "4074_28", "4074_29", "4074_30", "4074_31", "4074_32", "4074_33", "4074_34", "4074_35", "4074_36", "4074_37", "4074_38", "4074_39", "4074_40", "4074_41", "4074_42", "4074_43", "4074_44", "4074_45", "4074_46", "4074_47", "4074_48", "4074_49", "4074_50", "4074_51", "4074_52", "4074_53", "4074_54", "4074_55", "4074_56", "4074_57", "4074_58", "4074_59", "4074_60", "4074_61", "4074_62", "4074_63", "4074_64", "4074_65", "4074_66", "4074_67", "4074_68", "4074_69", "4074_70", "4074_71", "4074_72", "4074_73", "4074_74", "4074_75", "4074_76", "4074_77", "4074_78", "4074_79", "4074_80"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["-kay, Dave. / What kind of pets do you have? /", "{F Oh, } we have one rotten cat. /", "One rotten cat <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / it's my son's cat. /", "I heard a laugh in the background. /", "Yeah, / that's the boys. / <laughter> They know I don't like it. /", "<Laughter> Don't you like cats? /", "{D Well, } I like cats. / [ This, + this ] cat is a, {F uh, } <noise> more like a dog. /", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "Yeah / he's, {F uh, } a one owner. / He likes one boy in the family and that's about it <meow>. /", "That's odd. / How does he treat the <inhaling> other people? /", "<Breathing> Just, {F uh, } stays away or runs --", "Wow. /", "-- usually. / {C But } [ he follows, + he'll follow ] my oldest son around. / {D You know } when he is in the house, he will come up and he'll jump on his lap, / {C but } if anybody reaches over to pet him or whatever, he'll just kind of look at them like what are doing. /", "<Laughter> Did he raise him or something? /", "[ [ He's, + he, ] + we ] bought the cat for him / {C and so } he's, {F uh, } been the one that you know spent the most time with him. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } [ I, + I've ] never owned a cat like that. / I've had cats growing up all the time / {C and } <children_talking> {D you know } they are --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- usually either that way with everybody or friendly to everybody <children_talking>. /", "{F Huh, } that's # interesting. # /", "# {C So, } # it's a weird cat <laughter>. /", "{F Huh. } We have [ a, + a ] mutt. /", "A mutt. /", "{D Well, } [ we, + we ] named it Hooper because that's where we got it from. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } some lady, she, {F uh, } - / a lot of people, {F uh, } {F uh, } drop off [ abandoned, + abandoned ] pets at her house -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C and } she use to work for a [ veter-, + veterinarian ] / {C so } she would [ spay-, + {F uh, } neuter ] them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- give them all their shots <noise> / {C and } we saw an ad saying it was free, / {C so } we went down there and picked it up / {C and } it's been an excellent dog, / {C but } it's my first dog I've had / {C and } we got it because my wife stays here at home # alone # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- while I go to work / {C so } that's mostly why we got it. To keep her company while I am away at work. /", "{D So } [ [ that, + is that, ] + is that ] kind of your child right now? /", "{F Uh } yeah. / Right now # [ it, + it ] is. # /", "# You feel like. # <laughter>. /", "It's kind of good training. / {E I mean } we have been trying for kids, / {C but } --", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "-- right now we haven't had any, / {C but } it's pretty good training, I think really, keeps her on her toes <laughter>. /", "[ Have, + have ] you had dogs before? /", "{F Uh, } my brother has. / {F Uh, } we didn't do a lot with them. / {F Uh, } I never felt like it was mine or anything, / you couldn't do anything. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {E I mean, } that [ did, + did ] more responsibility. When its yours and not your brother's <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "{C But, } -/", "{D Well, } <noise> [ I just, + {F uh, } we've, ] {D you know } - / when I was growing up [ I had, + we always had ] a dog / {C and } we had mostly mutts, / {D well } not mutts, but mixes --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know } like one or two mix / {C and } those dogs always seem to be the best dogs. /", "That's what we found. / Ours is, {F uh, } {D like } a cockapoo. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think it's half cocker spaniel and half poodle. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } it's a really good dog. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't know, / they seem [ to be, + {E I mean, } listen ] better or something. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Is your cat a purebred? /", "No. / No, / it's just {F uh } an accident <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "From [ [ a frie-, + {F uh, } from my, ] + my son's friend ] down the street. / [ They're -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- their ] cat was an outside cat and just end up with some kittens / [ {C and } + <inhaling> {C so, } ] -/", "Would you ever want a dog in the family? /", "{F Uh, } [ we, + I ] would. / [ We, + {F uh, } we ] had a dog that was a, {F uh, } mix between an Alaska Malamute and a Labrador -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I should say a pup / {C and } he was just too big for our kids --", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "-- when we got him / {C and } [ we, + when we ] moved into our house that was the first thing we wanted to get [ was, + {F uh, } {D you know, } was ] a pet / {C and } it was a dog that we gotten / {C and } [ he was, + he was ] just too big. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the kids couldn't handle him / {C and } I was still going to school / {C and } my wife was working / {C and } I was working / {C and so } we just didn't have time to really train him / {C so } [ he was kind of jus-, + {D you know, } he was ] too big for the kids to handle, / {C so } he was just tied up to a post -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C so } we gave him to, {F uh, } - / I don't know if you've, - / there is a place out here, {F uh, } called Shorties Lane out here in Harrisville -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they have, {F uh, } - / I guess it's <noise> kind of an animal shelter / {C but } he just takes a few the animals in / {C and } some he destroys / {C and } some he keeps. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } we took him up there / {C and } he ended up keeping him. / {F Uh, } cause he has had him for six or seven years. / [ We, + we've, ] saw him just about a year ago / {C and, } {F uh, } I thought boy that sure looks like that pup we gave away -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } we asked him about it one day / {C and } he said yeah, / he's been the best dog I've ever had in my life -- /", "Wow. /", "-- just goes everywhere with him. / [ I, + he ] would have been a great, great dog. /", "He just needed a lot of time. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "03/05/1992", "from_caller": 1516, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1503, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2018_0", "2018_1", "2018_2", "2018_3", "2018_4", "2018_5", "2018_6", "2018_7", "2018_8", "2018_9", "2018_10", "2018_11", "2018_12", "2018_13", "2018_14", "2018_15", "2018_16", "2018_17", "2018_18", "2018_19", "2018_20", "2018_21", "2018_22", "2018_23", "2018_24", "2018_25", "2018_26", "2018_27", "2018_28", "2018_29", "2018_30", "2018_31", "2018_32", "2018_33", "2018_34", "2018_35", "2018_36", "2018_37", "2018_38", "2018_39", "2018_40", "2018_41", "2018_42", "2018_43", "2018_44", "2018_45", "2018_46", "2018_47", "2018_48", "2018_49", "2018_50", "2018_51", "2018_52", "2018_53", "2018_54", "2018_55", "2018_56", "2018_57", "2018_58", "2018_59", "2018_60", "2018_61", "2018_62", "2018_63", "2018_64", "2018_65", "2018_66", "2018_67", "2018_68", "2018_69", "2018_70", "2018_71", "2018_72", "2018_73", "2018_74", "2018_75", "2018_76", "2018_77", "2018_78", "2018_79", "2018_80", "2018_81", "2018_82", "2018_83", "2018_84", "2018_85", "2018_86", "2018_87", "2018_88", "2018_89", "2018_90", "2018_91", "2018_92", "2018_93", "2018_94", "2018_95", "2018_96", "2018_97", "2018_98", "2018_99", "2018_100", "2018_101", "2018_102", "2018_103", "2018_104", "2018_105", "2018_106", "2018_107", "2018_108", "2018_109", "2018_110", "2018_111", "2018_112", "2018_113", "2018_114", "2018_115", "2018_116"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Hello. /", "Hello, /", "Hi. /", "Hello / this is Lois. /", "Hi, / hi, / this is Lisa. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I called {D you know, } from [ [ that, + the, ] + the ] T I Data Base Calling Instructions. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / I got a call yesterday too. / This is a different subject though. /", "Yeah, / this is about changes in the women in the, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } there's really a lot, isn't there. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "I think there really is. /", "It's kind of an easy thing to talk about. /", "{F Oh, } I guess the work force would be the main, wouldn't it. /", "Yeah, {F uh, } / I think you have to push one / {C and then } we can start recording it. /", "Okay <tone>. / All right. /", "Okay. /", "Are you ready now? /", "Yes. /", "Okay, / like I said I guess it would be the work force, {D you know, } as far as changes in the generations. /", "Yes, / I know because, I know when my mother was [ a, + ] {D you know, } going into the work force there wasn't very many opportunities for her, I guess, / she's in her late forties. / You were expected to stay home and take care of the kids / {C and } I've never faced that at all. /", "{F Uh, } no, / I think [ no-, + now, ] you go to work when they're six weeks old,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } / {C and } you stay there. / {C And } I feel like the next generation, you'll probably just work right along with your husband, {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / uh-huh, / I think it's definitely gotten better. /", "{F Oh, } I do to, much. / {C And } it's just going to get better. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It really is. /", "{C Because } women are in every field now, / {E I mean } I can't think of a field that they're not involved in. /", "{F Oh, } I can't either, not a one. /", "{C And } I know at least in the medical field, it seems like they've come out with a lot further advances as far as female medications and things since women have gotten into the doctor field. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't think that men really took the time to work on that sort of thing. /", "Yeah, / even in Washington, {D you know, }", "Yeah. /", "there seems to be a lot more women involved. /", "Hopefully, the next generation, it won't even be an issue, / {E I mean } people will just look at you as a person and not as a man or a woman, /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "I think that would be the best goal. /", "{F Oh, } I do too, / just your qualifications / {C and } that would be it. /", "Uh-huh, / exactly, / not what color you are, how old you are, what your male or female. / That would be wonderful, / (( I guess )) it's kind of an ideal world though, {F huh } <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I kind of think, maybe in time, that, {D you know, } you'll go by social security numbers, {D you know, } /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } that way they can't say {D well } they picked a male over a female, female over a male, {D you know, } /", "Exactly, / or the way you look, / or the way you, {D you know, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "your age or anything. / I think that would be a wonderful way to do it. /", "I do to / just go by your social security number and then look at you qualifications [ that, + {D you know, } that ] you have. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and then, } -/", "{C And then } if you get it, {D you know } then, -/", "Uh-huh, / also, with, {F uh, } women in the work force they've gotten a lot more options as far as, {D you know, } what's it called, job sharing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Like } if you and another lady were to share the same full time job,", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "or, -/", "As a matter of fact, that's what I'm doing. /", "Is it. /", "Uh-huh, / it sure is. /", "That would be great. /", "It sure is. /", "{C Or, } a lot of women I know now and [ my, + {F uh, } one of my ] supervisors, when she went on L O A to have her baby, we hooked up, {F uh, } {F uh, } a terminal at her house / and [ she, + {D you know, } we ] could send her messages, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] she kept in touch like that,", "Oh. /", "and basically, just worked out of her house. / I would just take her the actual paperwork once, {F uh, } every week or two, / {C and } that worked out great too. /", "Yeah, / yeah / that is. /", "{C And } that's a real attractive option, if you have [ the, + the ] technology for it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "All it [ was, + was, ] {D you know, } - / {E I mean, } she just used a phone modem / {C and } [ she was + {D like } she was ] sitting in the office, / {C so } I think that's real nice too, to come up with different options. / Do you like the job sharing? /", "{F Oh, } I do, /", "Do you? /", "I really do, / I think it's great. /", "Do you work like half days, or half weeks or, -/", "{F Uh, } {D well } {D like, } one week she'll work three days and I'll work two / {C and } she'll work two, /", "{F Oh, } {F oh } that's great, /", "{C and } we just share off like that. /", "Uh-huh. / Do you get the full benefits? /", "Uh-huh, / yeah / we get the full benefits. /", "{F Oh, } that's wonderful. /", "{C But } we've just really got a wonderful system that we're working under. /", "Yeah, / especially with children, and so many things going on,", "Yeah. /", "that would be great. /", "It really is, / {C and } that way we're not really missing any thing out, {D you know, }", "Either way, -/", "of (( )) children, / uh-huh. /", "yeah, / you have your career and your home life, / {C and } that would be a nice way, especially if you have young children. /", "{F Oh, } it is, / it is, / {D well } both of ours is school age, / {C but } we don't want to miss any of those P T A -s and, {D you know, } all of that. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh, } no, / I think, - / yeah. / My son's just in day-care / {C but } even that they have extracurricular activities / {C and } the older they get the more that you're involved in that. /", "Uh-huh. / I think it's great, / I really, -/", "Yeah, /", "{C and } I look for more of that in the next generation. /", "I do too, especially as women get up in management [ and, + and ] can be in on those decision making, - / {D you know, } when that subject comes up they can say yes, / that would be wonderful. /", "Yes, / {F oh, } I do too. /", "Plus, I bet it [ cuts, + cuts ] down on your absenteeism because you've got two days off that you can do everything, / {C so } you don't have to, {D you know, } unless you're just really sick, or the child's sick. /", "Most of the time now, {D you know, } it's just the weekend, / {C or } just forget it. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh } yeah, / I have to plan way in advance, because, - / {C or, } what I've done is found {D like } doctors' and dentists' office with extended hours. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's been real helpful too, / {D like } my doctor stays open til nine in the evening. / {C So } that's real helpful, / {C so } you don't, {D you know, } have to do it during office hours, run out on your lunch hour. / I don't know how many times I've done that to do something,", "To do, / yeah. /", "post office or the bank or any kind of errand, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } I think we've really come a long way in that because, -/", "Uh-huh, / I guess I take it for granted, kind of, because, I just, - / it's always been that way. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I know, -/", "Yeah, / {C but } I can [ rem-, + remember ] back growing up, my mother, - / {E I mean } it was - / she always worked, / {C but } it wasn't that easy for her to just take off. /", "{F Oh } no, / I can remember my mother getting in trouble if, {D you know, } one of was sick, / {C and } I know she probably didn't make hardly anything, {D you know, } compared to the work that she did. /", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "I think there is still some discrimination there where [ as, + ] {D you know, } men and women work in the same job, / I think men get paid more, /", "{F Oh, } I do too. /", "{C but } I think that's improving. / It's such a slow process / it's frustrating, / {C but, }", "Yes, / yes. /", "you can see that it's wrong / {C and } you just want to make it right, / {C but } at least the wheels are moving forward. /", "They really are. /", "Yeah, / I think it's getting better, not worse. / {D Well, } I should probably get back to my job <laughter>. /", "I know, / <laughter> I know the feeling. /", "Call again. /", "Okay, / I sure will. / Bye-bye. /", "Okay, / bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "03/06/1991", "from_caller": 1000, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1954, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1044, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2061_0", "2061_1", "2061_2", "2061_3", "2061_4", "2061_5", "2061_6", "2061_7", "2061_8", "2061_9", "2061_10", "2061_11", "2061_12", "2061_13", "2061_14", "2061_15", "2061_16", "2061_17", "2061_18", "2061_19", "2061_20", "2061_21", "2061_22", "2061_23", "2061_24", "2061_25", "2061_26", "2061_27", "2061_28", "2061_29", "2061_30", "2061_31", "2061_32", "2061_33", "2061_34", "2061_35", "2061_36", "2061_37", "2061_38", "2061_39", "2061_40", "2061_41", "2061_42", "2061_43", "2061_44", "2061_45", "2061_46", "2061_47", "2061_48", "2061_49", "2061_50", "2061_51", "2061_52", "2061_53", "2061_54", "2061_55", "2061_56", "2061_57", "2061_58", "2061_59", "2061_60", "2061_61", "2061_62", "2061_63", "2061_64", "2061_65", "2061_66", "2061_67", "2061_68", "2061_69", "2061_70", "2061_71", "2061_72", "2061_73", "2061_74", "2061_75", "2061_76", "2061_77", "2061_78", "2061_79", "2061_80", "2061_81", "2061_82", "2061_83", "2061_84", "2061_85", "2061_86", "2061_87", "2061_88", "2061_89", "2061_90", "2061_91", "2061_92", "2061_93", "2061_94", "2061_95", "2061_96", "2061_97", "2061_98", "2061_99", "2061_100", "2061_101", "2061_102", "2061_103", "2061_104", "2061_105", "2061_106", "2061_107", "2061_108", "2061_109", "2061_110", "2061_111", "2061_112", "2061_113", "2061_114", "2061_115", "2061_116", "2061_117", "2061_118", "2061_119", "2061_120", "2061_121", "2061_122", "2061_123", "2061_124", "2061_125", "2061_126", "2061_127", "2061_128", "2061_129", "2061_130", "2061_131", "2061_132", "2061_133", "2061_134", "2061_135", "2061_136", "2061_137", "2061_138", "2061_139", "2061_140", "2061_141", "2061_142", "2061_143", "2061_144", "2061_145", "2061_146", "2061_147", "2061_148", "2061_149", "2061_150", "2061_151", "2061_152", "2061_153", "2061_154", "2061_155", "2061_156", "2061_157", "2061_158", "2061_159", "2061_160", "2061_161", "2061_162", "2061_163", "2061_164", "2061_165", "2061_166", "2061_167", "2061_168", "2061_169", "2061_170", "2061_171", "2061_172", "2061_173", 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/ My name is Nick. /", "Wait. / Let me turn off my stereo here </music>. /", "Sure <cough>. /", "{C Because } I've been, {D like, } waiting, {D like, } for about ten minutes to get connected to somebody. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. /", "Phew <<almost like a whistling sound>>. / # Man, I'm, # -/", "# Yeah. # / What time is it over th-, / [ are you, + are you ] in Dallas? /", "No, / no. / I'm in Detroit. / {C Or } not Detroit. I'm in, {F uh, } California. /", "Are you? /", "Yeah. / # (( I )) . # -/", "# Because # every time I got through, I went to Dallas, Texas. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. / I'm in North Carolina. /", "Oh. / {D Well, } you're on the, {F uh, } - / let's see, /", "On the other coast <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / twenty-one <<sounds like he is talking to someone other than speaker>>. / Yeah. / Shoot man, it's, what, midnight almost? /", "What? / Yeah, / yeah. / It's, {F uh, } - / I'm watching SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE here. /", "Yeah, / <laughter> okay. / All right. / {D Well } I guess we're supposed to talk, / what about / credit # card? # /", "# [ W-, # + wait. ] / [ [ Wh-, + what did, ] + [ how, + how ] did ] you get to know about the T I thing? /", "{F Oh, } one of my instructors, {F uh, } said that they were doing something like this / {C and. } -/", "[ Wha-, + what ] are you working on <breathing>? /", "[ A, + a ] Masters in, {F uh, } information systems. /", "Really. / I'm doing my Masters [ in, + in ] computer science and computer engineering. /", "Yeah? / Where at? /", "At North Carolina State University. /", "Hey. / How do you like it out there <clicking>? /", "{F Uh, } I don't. Because, {F uh, } I come from [ a lot, + a bigger ] city than this one / {C and } --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- # [ I, + I'm ] # in Raleigh # / {C and, } # -/", "# Oh. # / Raleigh Durham. / Yeah. /", "Yeah. / That area. / {C And } it's really small. / [ All, + all ] you have is like towns built around universities. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Like Chapel Hill? /", "Yeah. / {C So } [ it, + it's ] basically a bunch of small towns anyway. / Kind of quaint little towns # / {C but } they # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- don't have a whole lot there. /", "Where you at? /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } I'm in Monterey, California right now <barking>. / Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / [ {D So, } + {D so } ] {E I mean, } it's like [ this, + this ] town probably has {D like } two hundred and fifty thousand people / {C and } that's about it. /", "Two hundred fifty? /", "Yeah. /", "Okay. / [ [ It, + it's, ] + it's ] a lot bigger than Monterey is. / {C But } we're [ just, + {F uh, } just ] south of, {F uh, } San Jose and San Francisco. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And } it's only [ a couple of hours away + {E or } a hour away ] [ to a, + {D you know, } to a ] large city. /", "[ {D So, } + {D so } ] where do you go? / Do you go to Berkeley? /", "No, / no. / [ I go to the, + it's the ] naval postgraduate school out here. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / Because, {F uh, } I was looking [ at, + at ] the,", "<Cough>.", "doctorate degree in computer science center at Berkeley <sigh>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they're asking {D like } for a, {F uh, } G P A of like three point seven or # something # --", "# <Thumping> Uh-huh. # /", "-- like that. / {C And } {D like } they're looking {D like } for, {F uh, } G R E like ninety-nine percentile and # this and that. # /", "# Yeah. # /", "{C And } it's like, -/", "{D Well, } that's what they look for. / Whether or not they get it is hard to say <noise> <<sounds like a chair is drug across the floor>>. / *[[ spelling: \"dragged\", not \"drug\" in this case ]]", "<Swallowing> Yeah, / I know. / [ That's why, + that's why ] I didn't apply. / {E I mean, } [ it was {D like } -- +", "Yeah <talking>. /", "-- for me, it was {D like } ] practically impossible to get between {D like } ninety and,", "<Talking>.", "ninety-nine percentile [ on the, + on the ] # verbal part. # /", "# Yeah. / It's # pretty tough. / It's pretty tough </talking>. / I, - / {F uh, } let's face it, {D you know. } / {C And, } {D you know, } I, {D you know, } did the, {D you know, } - / as far as, - / I found it a lot of times with, regards to education, {D you know, } the school only takes you so far, {D you know. } / It's what you do.", "Yeah. /", "You know. / {C So, } {F uh, } I don't lose any [ sleep, + sleep ] over stuff like that. /", "{D So, } [ are, + are ] you going to go for your Doctorate? /", "Probably not. / {D See } I'm in the Navy. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } most of the Navy funds that I probably won't do it until I, - / if I do do it, it will be after I get out of the Navy. /", "When do you get out? /", "{F Oh, } probably be another twelve years. /", "{F Oh, } okay <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D you know } I like what # I'm doing right now. # /", "# [ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] what if # they pay for it? /", "Excuse me? /", "<Swallowing> What if they pay for? /", "If they pay for a P H D? /", "Yeah. /", "Nah, / they won't pay for it. / [ They've, + I think they have ] maybe two people a year go get, (( get )) their # P H D. # /", "# Because # [ I know, + I know ] a couple of people here that work for, {F uh, } <inhaling> the Army. # {F Uh, } # /", "# Yeah. # / They civilians or, {F uh, } military? /", "[ I think, + I think ] they're military. / # {C But, } {E I # --", "# Uh-huh <popping>. # /", "-- mean, } the guy is still in. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And, } # {F uh, } [ h-, + {F uh, } he ] works over in Maryland <swallowing>. /", "Uh-huh <talking>. /", "{C And so } he's doing his Masters here. / They gave him {D like } a scholarship {D like } for a year. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And } # he's doing it in {D like, } in a year and a summer. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } he's getting that / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Yeah. /", "-- they said {D like } they got a lot of benefits and that. / That's why you want to join. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C But, } {F uh, } # this guy, - / {E I mean } you can earn a lot more money / {C so } you say, - / I go why you still there if you can earn a lot more money, once you've get [ [ your, + your, ] + your ] Masters. /", "Uh-huh. /", "They go, {D well } they got a lot of benefits that would go with it / {C so. } -/", "{D Well, } [ a lot of times it's, + {D you know, } a lot of times it's ] not the money <barking> [ that keeps pe-, + that keeps people ] # (( in )) . # /", "# Yeah. # /", "[ They, + they ] like what they're doing. / [ They, + {D you know, } they ] feel good about what they're doing. / # That type of thing. / It's more <popping>, # -/", "# {C But } [ {E I mean, } + {E I mean, } ] you, - / the, - / # once you get your Masters, you can be earning [ between, + anywhere between ] {D like } thirty-seven, forty-five thousand a year. /", "Uh-huh <barking>. /", "[ {C And } -- +", "{F Oh, } easily, / # I'm sure. # /", "-- # {C and } ] that's # not what they're paying. /", "No. / {D Well, } it depends on what rank you are, # of course </barking>. # /", "# Yeah. / # Yeah, / I know <laughter>. /", "{E I mean, } like I say, [ [ if you're, + if you're, ] + {D you know, } if you're ] at an upper level in the rank category, {D you know, } you're probably pulling down close to seventy grand a year. /", "Yeah. / {C But } that's, {F uh, } -/", "Yeah. / Those are few and far between # though. # /", "# Yeah. # / # [ It's like, # +", "# <Laughter>. #", "it's like, ] {F uh, } in I B M. / In I B M, you can get certain points -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } everyone's a manager. / {C But } nobody can get one more point to become, {D you know, } {D like } whatever you need to earn # so much money. # /", "# Yeah. / Since # I imagine it's fairly # competitive. # /", "# Yeah. / # It's like, - / no / {E [ I, + I ] mean, } I B M is like, - / there's a joke about I B M which says, {D you know, } it's like, {F uh, } - / [ all, + all ] the major companies get into [ a, + a ] boating race, right? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so, } I B M says {D well } [ we have, + we have ] to have a team, right. /", "Uh-huh <noise>. /", "{C And then } they come in last / {C and } they have this whole team, {D you know, } analyze why they came in last right. Because the (( person )) asked for it. /", "Yeah. /", "Saying, - / he goes, {F uh, } the problem was that there were five people saying row, row, row and one person rowing, right. /", "# <Laughter>. #", "# {C So } he goes, # [ have you come up with a -lution, + {F uh, } have you come up with a solution? ] / They go, yeah, / change the rower # <laughter>. / {D You know, } it's like everyone's a, #", "# <Laughter>. #", "manager / {C but, } {D you know, } # it's like # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- [ only use + ] {D like } one person does the work / {C so. } -/", "Too many chiefs and # not enough Indians. # /", "# Yeah. / {D So. } # -/", "Yeah. / I don't know, / [ that can be, + [ that, + that ] can really slow ] you down. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } that's the way it works. / {E I mean, } [ that's, + that's ] why they're having problems. / {E I mean, } everyone's a manager / {C and, } -/", "I didn't realize that. /", "Yeah. / {E I mean, } [ it's like, + it's like ] the people that actually do the work there --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- are, {F uh, } very few. / {C And then } the other people just plan it, {D you know. } / [ It's like, + # it's like ] [ have you, + [ have # -- +", "# (( )) push paper around. # /", "-- have ] you ] ever seen the commercial {D like } for Federal Express [ where the, + with, {F uh, } the ] think tank?", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } / {D like } all these people are just [ standing, + sitting ] around, just going, {D you know, } {D like } what shall we do? / Has anybody thought of anything? /", "<Cough>.", "No. / {C And then } this guy from [ Federal, + Federal ] Express comes along. / They go what's that? This track which it's going around the world / {C and } they can tell you where your package is anywhere, any time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } it's {D like } the same thing with I B M. {D You know, } / {C so } they have this think tank. / {C And } they got to come up with ideas. / {C But, } {D see, } {F uh, } [ the, + the ] thing is, that I B M is so stabilized that # everybody will buy their stuff. # /", "# <Popping> Yeah. / # {F Oh, } yeah. / [ They've got a, + they've got basically [ a, + {F uh, } {D you know, } a ] ] lock on a lot of the market. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } a lot of times you figure, {D you know, } with the support that they provide, {D you know, } - / people generally go with that because they figure that [ the, + ] {D you know, } you probably won't get fired for getting I B M material. / Whereas if you try something different, [ they'll -- +", "{C And } it fails / {C and } # you're dead. # /", "-- # they'll ] say # yeah, / [ why didn't you buy, + # why didn't you try ] something more mainline. # /", "# Yeah. / {D Well } I B M # doesn't fire anybody. # / {C Because } # --", "# <Throat_clearing> No. # /", "-- {F uh, } what they do is [ they, + they ] put you in a different job.", "Uh-huh. /", "Which [ y-, + you ] actually are like sitting around not doing anything. / {C So } you quit. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{E I mean } that's their policy. / They never fire anybody unless you're caught doing something illegally. /", "Illegal or something # like that, / yeah. # /", "# Yeah, / {D like } # if you're stealing something or doing anything like that <swallowing>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } they won't let you off. / What they'll do is {D like } - / <sigh> suppose, {D you know, } {D like } you're a manager. / {C So } they'll # put # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- you into keeping up the paper, {D you know. } / It's like how much paper is going in? / {C And then } # you # --", "# Uh-huh. # /", "-- say that's not my job, / {C so } you quit. /", "{C So, } in other words, that's the way they # force # --", "# Right. # /", "-- people out <cough>. / That's why they can say, {D you know, } there's # no layoff # --", "# Right. # /", "-- policy. / {C But } [ it does-, + they don't ] really say that, {D you know, } / [ you're, + you're ] always going to have great # career # --", "# Right. # /", "-- conditions. / [ He-, + hey, ] that's kind # of sad. # /", "# No, / {C but } # {E I mean, } [ it's like, + it's like ] [ they, + they ] have just {D like } different policy. / I don't know. / My dad works for them / {C but } it's like I B M {D like } never in their commercials, they never put down any other company, {D you know. } / It's like --", "No. /", "-- they won't say, -/", "{D Well, } they're the standard right now. / {C Or } as far as that goes, {D you know, } people think of computers, they think of I B M a lot of times. / {C And } the main, -/", "Yeah. / {C Because } {D see } what happens is they have a good backup policy. /", "<Cough>.", "{C And } anybody can fix it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } that's what you're going to go for. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } {D you know, } [ [ that's, + that's a, ] + that's a ] big # thing. # /", "# [ {C And, } + # {C and, } ] {D you know, } it's like, for example, {D like } Leading Edge. / Have you ever heard of Leading Edge? /", "Yeah. / They are out of Korea right. /", "What? /", "Leading Edge. / Don't they pro-, -/", "[ They, + they ] made {D like, } {F uh, } small personal computers. /", "Yeah. / Small P C -s. / (( )) they're out of Korea right? /", "I don't know. / I don't know. / {C But } [ what they do is, + what they did, I don't know, is ] buy all the parts that I B M would throw away.", "Uh-huh. /", "And build an I B M P C with all the parts that I B M would throw away. /", "# {F Oh, } yeah <laughter>. # /", "# Yeah. # /", "<Cough>.", "(( )) for example, you test a chip. / It can't last seven years / {C but } it can last five. / I B M says let's throw it away. / Leading Edge will say we'll buy it from you. /", "Okay. /", "{C And so } that's, - / {E I mean, } they're still around I think. /", "Yeah. / [ I've seen, + {D well } I've seen ] them around # anyway. {D You know } (( )) . # /", "# <Clicking> <swallowing> {C So, } that's what they do. # / They buy [ all, + all ] the things that I B M throws away / [ {C and } they (( )) , + {C and } that's ] why they're so compatible.", "Uh-huh. /", "Because {E I mean } - / {C and } by the time you have computer for five years, you're going to throw it away anyway. # {D You know. } # /", "# Most people do. # / {C Or } they have to anyway. /", "{D Well, } {E I mean, } there's {D like, } {D well } - / in a way you realize, - / {E I mean, } [ one t-, + one of my teachers ] got this computer which, {D you know, } - / it's {D like, } {F uh, } voice, {F uh, } synthesizing stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } he got that. / He said, {D you know, } it's like, {F uh, } - / <swallowing> I was testing it / *[[ LISTEN to this sequence that begins here and ends with A.215 utt 11. I can't tell how much Speaker A is quoting, and how much he'she is directly addressing Speaker B.]] {C and } it was wonderful. / {C And then } when you tried to erase and correct, {D you know, } all the errors in your voice, it takes up all your memory. /", "# Wow. # /", "# {C And } I want more, # {D you know. } / {C And } it's like Jesus Christ, {D you know, } - / it's like why do you want more. / Because it's {D like } one second of recording. / {E I mean } you put into Wave -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } you want to correct the errors into Wave, / it takes so much, - / {E I mean, } it's like, - / of course it does. / {E I mean, } by the times it transforms into Wave by mark off model / {C and } you put it in there, / {C and } you want to correct those. / {C And then, } {D you know, } you're trying to make [ the, + the ] Wave smooth / {C so } you can approximately, - / of course it's going to take a lot. # / [ Imagine, + imagine # -- ]", "# It's amazing. / Yeah. # /", "-- what it is for us to make mark off models, {D you know. } / It's like, <laughter> Jesus Christ. -/", "{D Well, } [ when you get, + {D you know, } when you get ] right down to it, [ the, + {F uh, } the ] more they can do for you, [ [ the more, + {F uh, } {D like } {E I say, } the more, ] + the more ] memory they're going to # require. # /", "# Yeah. # / Yeah. /", "Yeah. / [ Both, + both ] in terms in Ram as well as, {F uh, } {D you know, } # standard # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- memory or [ disk mem-, + # disk base, ] / {C so. } # -/", "# {D Well, } like # they say, {D like } nobody can get enough, {D you know. } / It's like once you have # something, - / (( {C and } it's like )) # -- -/", "# {F Oh, } yeah. / You find out more, # /", "-- I was watching this program on T V yesterday. / In nineteen seventy-six --", "Yeah. /", "-- NASA came up with Three D graphics. / Right. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they were showing this {D like } [ Three D g-, + Three D graphics ] view of {D like, } -/", "Like the (( )) deal? /", "What? / # No, / no, / no. # /", "# Like a hologram? # /", "[ This is like, + # this is like # -- ]", "# With just graphics [ on, + on ] a, # -/", "-- video game stuff. / # Okay? # /", "# Okay <cough>. # /", "{C But } the only thing was, that it was just lines, / okay. / Like if you </breathing>, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CREDIT CARD USE", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CREDIT CARDS. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER MAKES USE OF CREDIT CARDS. HOW DO THEY COMPARE TO YOUR OWN?", "talk_day": "03/09/1991", "from_caller": 1167, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1969, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1021, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1957, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2093_0", "2093_1", "2093_2", "2093_3", "2093_4", "2093_5", "2093_6", "2093_7", "2093_8", "2093_9", "2093_10", "2093_11", "2093_12", "2093_13", "2093_14", "2093_15", "2093_16", "2093_17", "2093_18", "2093_19", "2093_20", "2093_21", "2093_22", "2093_23", "2093_24", "2093_25", "2093_26", "2093_27", "2093_28", "2093_29", "2093_30", "2093_31", "2093_32", "2093_33", "2093_34", "2093_35", "2093_36", "2093_37", "2093_38", "2093_39", "2093_40", "2093_41", "2093_42", "2093_43", "2093_44", "2093_45", "2093_46", "2093_47", "2093_48", "2093_49", "2093_50", "2093_51", "2093_52", "2093_53", "2093_54", "2093_55", "2093_56", "2093_57", "2093_58", "2093_59", "2093_60", "2093_61", "2093_62", "2093_63", "2093_64", "2093_65", "2093_66", "2093_67", "2093_68", "2093_69", "2093_70", "2093_71", "2093_72", "2093_73", "2093_74"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["I guess, {F um, } I'm going to school while I'm working at T I, / {C so } there's not a whole a lot of time that I've got, {F uh, } for hobbies it seems like lately. / {C But } one of the things that I do when I've got some spare time is I do some woodworking. / {C And } that, {F oh, } I guess, ranges anywhere from, {F uh, } carpentry work to, {F um, } {F um, } some types of furniture and, {F um, } {F oh, } I don't know what you would call them, knickknacks, I guess, stuff you hang on the wall to put a mirror on / {C and } I made some, {F um, } candle sconces that you hang on the ... -/", "Yeah, / I have quite a few of those that my uncle made. /", "There's something about working with wood [ that, + that ] I enjoy, that, - / I don't know if it's the saw dust or the mess you make or the smell of the wood / {C but, } -/", "<Laughter> As you know, I think it's more like the mess you make, isn't it? / You don't have to worry about cleaning it up. /", "Yeah, / because [ it's, + it's ] out there. / {D You know } I don't have to worry about getting stuff on the carpet except when I track in saw dust, / {C and } the wife gets kind of aggravated about that, / {C but } then, I get the opportunity to vacuum, / {C so } I guess I get some of both. / What are some of your things you like to do? /", "{D Well, } when I have time I do like to sew, / {F um, } I had been doing a lot of crocheting. / I make a lot of afghans or used to make a lot of them. /", "Yeah. /", "My mother was real heavy into crafts, / {C and } I would help her with whatever she happened to be doing, / {C and then, } she would go to these, {F uh, } arts and crafts shows and sell her needlework. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C So, } a lot of times I'd help her with that. / I haven't had much opportunity to work on any other craft stuff lately / we've been trying to start up a business and then trying to get my garden going. /", "Yeah, / it's a good time for gardening. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / it's been beautiful this last week / {C but, } -/", "I could do with a little less wind, / {C but } I think [ the, + the ] temperature has been pretty good so far for working outside. /", "Yeah. /", "Do you find you do most of [ your, + your, ] {F uh, } crocheting or your knit work around Christmas time? /", "I usually start in the fall. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } my husband says I do it, {D you know, } make afghans so I can keep my lap warm. /", "{D Well, } that's kind of what my wife says. / She enjoys doing it during the cold weather because she's always got something to cover [ her, + her ] legs and feet with while she is working on it. /", "Yeah. /", "I know it seems like, she, - / I think she made three this year one for, {F uh, } my father-in-law and then a couple of brothers and sisters. / {C So, } those things they take some time to make. /", "Yeah, / I found one that's real easy, / [ it's, + it's, ] {F um, } {F um, } {F um, } - / shoot, I can't even remember the name of it now, / {C but } you make it in strips. / {C And } it's real easy to do, / {C and } it's just that it doesn't keep your feet quite as warm because you do it in strips like that / {C but } it's, -/", "{D Well, } that's kind of like quilting. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "I think tha-, -- -/", "Mile a Minute. / That's the name of it. /", "-- Mile a Minute. /", "Mile a Minute. /", "{D Well, } I'm not sure what she does / [ I, + I, ] - / first thing that comes to mind is some kind of chain stitch because she starts and goes all the way across, {D you know, } back and forth until she winds up with this big piece [ of, + of ] afghan. / I guess that is your standard knitting, isn't it? /", "Yeah, / yeah. / Usually single crochet [ [ [ would, + is, ] + is ] + always starts ] it off. /", "Yeah, / I know, /", "If we have a problem with our connection and get disconnected some time or other, don't worry about it. / We have [ a, + a ] very small phone company down here. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And } <cough> my husband says that's called rinky-dink <laughter>. /", "Instead of call waiting or call anything else. /", "No, / no. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "We can't have that down here. / We get disconnected all the time. /", "{D Well, } I guess [ that's, + that's ] one way to end a conversation. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } it gets a little aggravating. / I've got kids all over the United States / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {D you know, } sometimes they get disconnected when I'm talking to them. /", "Yeah. / What, - / have you started your garden yet? /", "Yes. / We planted, {F um, } potatoes and onions and bell peppers. /", "{F Um, } boy. /", "{F Uh, } what else did I get in there, / and jalapeno peppers. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / always got to have those. /", "Yeah. /", "I think I had four, {F uh, } jalapeno plants last year. / I think one of them died, / {C but } [ [ [ I, + I've got, s-, ] + I've put them, ] + I chop them up and put them ] in jars and usually give them away because [ I, + there is no way that I ] can eat all of those / nobody else in the family likes them, / {C but } always got to the keep those planted. /", "Yeah, / {F oh, } my husband doesn't like them either, / {C but } I can always give them away. /", "{D Well, } that's kind of the way I am, {F um. } /", "# Besides they're fun to grow. # /", "# I planted, {F uh, } zucchini # last year. / {F Uh, } I planted four hills of them. / I think I had three or four seeds in each one of them, / {C and } those things just flat took over. / {F Um, } it wasn't until late, I guess in the summer, / maybe it was because it was too dry, / they finally started making zucchini, / {C and } I'm not sure when a good time to plant those is, if they should be planted early or later. / It seems like all I got was, -/", "Supposedly after the soil warms up. /", "I would think so, {F um, } / seems like [ these all, + they all ] went [ to, + {F uh, } to ] leaf, / {C and } it wasn't until late in the summer they started making fruit. / {C So, } I don't know if I, - / Mom would say you planted them in the wrong sign of the moon.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } / {C but } [ I don't, + I hadn't ] looked at a farmers almanac to find out when a good time for zucchini is. /", "<Laughter> [ I, + I ] doubt if zucchini is in there. /", "It may not be, / it may not be. /", "Probably the same time [ the, + the ] other squash is though. /", "You think they're later in the year? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh. } /", "About the same time that you plant okra because it's supposed to be warm. /", "{D Well, } that's true. / Most of the okra that is growing around higher [ is, + is, ] {F uh, } later okra. /", "Yeah. /", "# Well that's about, {F um, } # -/", "# We decided this year, # -/", "Go ahead. /", "I'm sorry, / go ahead. /", "{D Well, } I was just going to say, it's a little over six or seven minutes. / {C So } whenever you feel comfortable about concluding, {D well, } I'm, - / that would be fine. /", "{F Oh, } just any time. /", "{D Well, } all right. / I guess we'll call this one quits / [ {C an, } + {C and } ] # thanks for participating. # /", "# All right. / {D Well, } I've enjoyed talking to you. # /", "All right, / have a good time. /", "# Okay. / Bye. # /", "# Bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1069, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1008, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1939, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["2107_0", "2107_1", "2107_2", "2107_3", "2107_4", "2107_5", "2107_6", "2107_7", "2107_8", "2107_9", "2107_10", "2107_11", "2107_12", "2107_13", "2107_14", "2107_15", "2107_16", "2107_17", "2107_18", "2107_19", "2107_20", "2107_21", "2107_22", "2107_23", "2107_24", "2107_25", "2107_26", "2107_27", "2107_28", "2107_29", "2107_30", "2107_31", "2107_32", "2107_33", "2107_34", "2107_35", "2107_36", "2107_37", "2107_38", "2107_39", "2107_40", "2107_41", "2107_42", "2107_43", "2107_44", "2107_45", "2107_46", "2107_47", "2107_48", "2107_49", "2107_50", "2107_51", "2107_52", "2107_53", "2107_54", "2107_55", "2107_56", "2107_57", "2107_58", "2107_59", "2107_60", "2107_61", "2107_62", "2107_63", "2107_64", "2107_65", "2107_66", "2107_67", "2107_68", "2107_69", "2107_70", "2107_71", "2107_72", "2107_73", "2107_74", "2107_75", "2107_76", "2107_77", "2107_78", "2107_79", "2107_80", "2107_81", "2107_82", "2107_83", "2107_84", "2107_85", "2107_86", "2107_87", "2107_88", "2107_89", "2107_90", "2107_91", "2107_92", "2107_93", "2107_94", "2107_95", "2107_96", "2107_97", "2107_98", "2107_99", "2107_100", "2107_101", "2107_102", "2107_103", "2107_104", "2107_105", "2107_106", "2107_107", "2107_108", "2107_109", "2107_110", "2107_111", "2107_112", "2107_113", "2107_114", "2107_115", "2107_116", "2107_117", "2107_118", "2107_119", "2107_120", "2107_121", "2107_122", "2107_123", "2107_124", "2107_125", "2107_126", "2107_127", "2107_128", "2107_129", "2107_130", "2107_131", "2107_132", "2107_133", "2107_134", "2107_135", "2107_136", "2107_137", "2107_138", "2107_139", "2107_140", "2107_141", "2107_142", "2107_143", "2107_144", "2107_145", "2107_146", "2107_147", "2107_148", "2107_149", "2107_150", "2107_151", "2107_152", "2107_153", "2107_154", "2107_155", "2107_156", "2107_157", "2107_158", "2107_159", "2107_160", "2107_161", "2107_162", "2107_163", "2107_164", "2107_165", "2107_166", "2107_167", "2107_168", "2107_169", "2107_170", "2107_171", "2107_172", "2107_173", "2107_174", "2107_175", "2107_176", "2107_177", "2107_178", "2107_179", "2107_180", "2107_181"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["You said you have four cats? /", "Yes, / I have four cats. /", "How old are they? /", "{D Well } they range from, let's see about a year and a half to nine years old. /", "{F Oh } gosh. /", "Yes. /", "I haven't had my oldest one quite nine years, / I've had him probably five years. /", "{F Oh } okay, / you get so attached to them. /", "{F Oh } yes, / I love my cats. / I lost one, one time, {F uh, } /", "Oh. /", "the first one I got. / He jumped off the balcony actually, of a second story apartment. /", "{F Oh } no. /", "{C And } he'd never been outside, {D like, } {D you know, } by himself outside. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it started raining / {C and } I was hysterical. / [ I was, + I was, ] - / {E I mean, } you would have thought a child had died. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "I called everyone I knew, / I had every friend I knew in the apartment searching for this cat. /", "Yes, / I understand. /", "{C And } they laughed at me, / they thought that was so hysterical. /", "{F Oh } no, / I understand, / [ we, + {F uh, } we've ] gone through the same things with ours, / [ we've had, + {D you know, } they've been ] ill, / {E I mean } I take off work,", "{F Oh } yeah. /", "to take care of my cats, {D you know, } / my boss thinks I'm absolutely crazy. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And then } we had a baby / {C and } it's like, all right who comes first the cat or the baby. /", "The cat was here first / {C so } <laughter>. I know, / it's hard. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and then } ] when we go to sleep at night, {D you know, } it's like my husband and I have to try to get any space on the bed because we have all four of them up there with us. /", "{F Oh, } how funny. /", "It's like all right, whose corners is this one. /", "<Laughter> That's sweet, / I have the two, / the other two cats I have are outdoor cats. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } they didn't used to be actually, / {C but } they got kind of wild and weren't doing very well inside, / {C so } I put them outside once I got a house / {C and } they're doing great out there, / they love it. / {C But } [ the other one, + the first one ] I got he doesn't want anything to do with outside unless you're there. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "Other than that he gets scared to death. / If you shut that door he goes into hiding. /", "{F Oh } no. /", "I think it's from the time he jumped off the balcony <laughter>. /", "Yes, / uh-huh, / that's it <laughter>. /", "{C And } Lord knows what happened to him. / <laughter> He's probably been through all kinds of nightmares. /", "Right, / traumatized for life here. /", "Probably. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / we've, - / all four of ours are house cats. /", "Are they. /", "We started out [ with two, + with two ] outdoor cats / {C but } our neighbor decided he didn't like cats and shot one of them. /", "{F Oh } no. /", "{F Oh } {D well } he lived through it, / {F oh, } I couldn't believe it. / We went through {D like } twenty-two hundred dollars worth of vet bills. /", "{F Oh } my gosh. /", "[ The, + the ] cat almost died, / [ {C and } + {C but } ] he turned out to be such a wonderful cat, / {F oh } he loves life now. /", "{F Oh, } I imagine. /", "{C And } he's like {F oh, } thank you so much. /", "I wonder how many of his lives he missed, when that happened. /", "I know, / we wondered about that. / {C But, } {F uh, } {F oh } that was a traumatic experience for us too. /", "{F Oh, } I can imagine, / what did he shoot him with. /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } {F uh, } from what we can tell it was a pellet gun / {C and then } he started chasing him with a bull whip. /", "{F Oh } my gosh. / People are crazy. /", "{F Oh } yes, / absolutely nuts. / {C But, } {F uh, } luckily enough, {D you know, } we found the cat in time and, {F uh, } rushed him to the vet / {C and } it took us about six weeks of in and out of the vet and surgery / {C and, }", "{F Oh } Lord. /", "tod-, - / {E I mean } he started off as a stray / {C and then } we did all this for him <laughter>. /", "{F Oh } man. /", "{C But } {F oh, } he's been a wonderful cat. /", "I imagine. / They usually are after something like that happens to them. / It seems to mellow them or something. /", "{F Oh } yes. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ we wouldn't ha-, + we wouldn't have ] them, - / {E I mean, } I don't see us without pets, without cats. /", "No. /", "[ [ There's just, + {F uh, } there's this, ] + they just fill this ] void. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / [ I ke-, + I keep ] talking about getting rid of my outdoor cats because I feel like [ I don't, + I can't ] take care of them as well because they're outside, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } it worries me that one day one of them won't come back, /", "Yes. /", "{C and } I feel like they need a big home, a nice place where someone can have the time to play with them and things. / {C But } I can't give them up. /", "{F Oh } no. /", "[ I just, + I ] go hysterical when they don't come home. /", "Right / {C and } you worry about, {F oh, } who's taking care of them. /", "{F Oh, } {F oh } yeah, / {C and } every time you see one hit on the side of the road you say is that my cat. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } you go crazy thinking it might be yours. /", "Right, / {D well } I didn't realize my husband was such a sucker for animals until I brought one home one night. / [ [ We, + we-, ] + I ] had one [ [ that had, + we had, ] + we had ] to put to sleep he got so sick. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D well } I fell in love with this, {F uh, } it's a Chinchilla Persian,", "Ugh! /", "and, {F uh, } brought him home, / {C and } {F oh, } my husband just died. /", "Really. /", "It was like we can't take it back / [ you've got, + we've got ] to keep it now. /", "<Laughter> It's here now, / we have to keep it. / Yeah, / [ my, + my ] first one that I got, - / I had just moved away from home and got my own apartment. / It took me about two weeks to realize, that was real lonely. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh, / yes. /", "{C So } I found this one / {C and, } {F uh, } actually it was on a sign at Taco Bell drive-thru that said free kittens. /", "{F Oh } uh-huh. /", "{C And } I thought <beep> well that's interesting, / I'll call them. /", "Right. /", "{C And } he was the only one left / {C and } his mother had been killed coming back across the road to make sure she'd gotten all her kittens. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } he was the last one she carried across, {D you know, } / the whole big sad story. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } of course, I had to take him. / I felt so sorry for him after that. /", "Right, / right. /", "{C And } [ he is, + {F uh, } you can tell he was ] weaned too young because he'll nurse on your ears and your fingers. /", "{F Oh } no. /", "Yeah, / he, - / I asked the vet why he did that / {C and } he said he was probably weaned too young, which he was, because his mom was killed, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah. /", "{C But } he is the lovingest cat. / [ Everybody, + people who don't even like cats, ] like him. /", "Oh. /", "He never meows, / [ he, + he ] doesn't have any front claws, / I had him declawed, /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C but } he doesn't bite anybody / [ he's just, + he's just ] kind of there, real friendly and docile. /", "{F Oh } that's good. / {F Oh } we [ just, + {F uh, } just ] love them. / They, {F uh, } {D you know, } get to feeling so lovey and dovey / {C and } they'll come up {C and } just start kneading in our chest / {C and } it's like {F oh, } your claws need trimming. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh } yeah, / yeah, / [ we do, + we call ] that doing biscuits, /", "{F Oh } yes, / yes. /", "it looks like their kneading bread <laughter>. / *[[spelling \"their\" should be \"they're\"]]", "{F Oh } it just drives us nuts. /", "{F Oh, } I just love cats. / I like dogs, / they're okay, / [ I had, +", "{F Um, } yeah. /", "I had ] a dog when I lived at home / {C but } they're a lot more trouble than cats actually. /", "They really are. / The cats are so independent / {C and } they have so much more personality than a dog. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / they do. /", "[ {C And, } + {C but } ] {F oh, } they're so much fun to watch them play. /", "{F Oh } they are. / I love it, / it's so funny to get more than one cat together, because it brings out their personalities. /", "Yes. /", "{C And } they just act so funny. /", "{F Oh, } we've got, - / {D well } the two that were outside, they're like brothers, / {E I mean } I've never seen two cats so close. /", "Really. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } they, {F uh, } will get to playing chase through the house, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } it is hysterical, {E I mean } / {C and then } the other two cats will follow in pursuit. / It's like this train. /", "<Laughter> A train of cats running around. /", "{E I mean } it sounds like a train. / We have wooden floors / {C and so } it just sort of echoes through the house <laughter>. /", "{F Oh } how funny, / I can imagine. / Yeah, / I wouldn't give anything for my cats. / I love them to death. /", "{F Oh } no, / [ [ they're just, + [ they're, + they're ] just, ] + {F uh, } they're ] wonderful, {F uh. } /", "What are your cats' names. /", "{F Uh, } we have, {F uh, } Bonzo, Bear, Poindexter, and Felix. /", "{F Oh, } how sweet. /", "{C And } what do you have. /", "I have Xanadu and Precious, and Rascal. /", "Oh. /", "Precious and Rascal are brother and sister / {C and } they don't look a thing a like. / Nothing. / Precious is a medium hair yellow cat, /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "{C and } Rascal is a black and white short hair. /", "Nothing. /", "They don't look a thing a like, /", "Not a thing, goodness gracious. /", "{C and } they came from the same litter and everything. /", "We have, {F uh, } {F uh, } tortoise which is a black [ and, + and ] orange. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } she's so ugly. /", "<Laughter> So ugly she's cute, / right. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. / {E I mean } you can't help but love her. / [ She's, + she's ] the oldest one [ and, + but, ] {F uh, } very possessive. /", "Really. /", "{E I mean } it's like nobody messes with her mamma. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {E I mean, } it comes bedtime / {C and } she's right there. /", "Is she the oldest one? /", "<Talking> Yeah, / she's the oldest. / {C And } she, - / {D well } in fact I got her when I moved out of the house also. /", "Really. /", "{C And so } yeah, / it's, {F uh, } - / wouldn't have, - / {E I mean, } {F oh, } if something happens to her. /", "{F Oh } I know / it's like the end of the world. /", "<Noise> It will be. /", "I know that's how I am about Xanadu. /", "{F Oh, } goodness. / You get so attached to them. /", "{F Oh } definitely. /", "My mother has dogs / {C and } I'm like, no. /", "Yeah. /", "This is nothing like cats. /", "You can walk a dog / {C and } that's okay for weekend / {C but } cats are good all the time. /", "Right, / I'm so glad my husband is a cat person because if he was a dog person, no, it wouldn't have worked. /", "It wouldn't have, / no / that would be a problem <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh } that's one of the requirements I asked him. / I said, {D now } you do like cats, right. / We don't li-, -/", "Have you seen those, {F uh, } - / do you ever read COSMO. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "There was cartoon in COSMO about a year or two ago / {C and } it had this man sitting on a couch with his date / {C and } there were cats hanging all over him. Hanging on his clothes, {D you know, } / they had ripped him up / {C and } the couch was ripped up and down at the bottom / he said, of course I love cats. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } they were just all over him and sitting on his head, the whole nine yards. / It was so funny. /", "{F Oh } yeah, / {F oh, } the whole time I was pregnant they kept saying, are you getting rid of your cats, / are you getting rid of your cats. / You can't be pregnant and have cats. / I'm like, {F uh, } no, no, no. /", "<Laughter> Watch me. /", "Right, / the child will learn to like cats.", "Definitely. /", "and deal with them, / I'm sorry, / we are not getting rid of the cats. /", "{F Oh } I wouldn't either. / There'd be no way. /", "The whole family was so disappointed <laughter>. /", "{F Oh } really, <laughter> / {F oh } {D well. } -/", "Right. /", "That's life, / that's how life goes. /", "Right, {F uh, } / {C but } yes, / we [ just, + just ] love them to death. /", "I know, / I love mine too. / {D Well, } it's been nice talking to you. /", "{D Well } it was nice talking to you too, / I enjoyed it. /", "Me to. / Bye, / bye. /", "Bye, / bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1053, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1967, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1135, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3349_0", "3349_1", "3349_2", "3349_3", "3349_4", "3349_5", "3349_6", "3349_7", "3349_8", "3349_9", "3349_10", "3349_11", "3349_12", "3349_13", "3349_14", "3349_15", "3349_16", "3349_17", "3349_18", "3349_19", "3349_20", "3349_21", "3349_22", "3349_23", "3349_24", "3349_25", "3349_26", "3349_27", "3349_28", "3349_29", "3349_30", "3349_31", "3349_32", "3349_33", "3349_34", "3349_35", "3349_36", "3349_37", "3349_38", "3349_39", "3349_40", "3349_41", "3349_42", "3349_43", "3349_44", "3349_45", "3349_46", "3349_47", "3349_48", "3349_49", "3349_50", "3349_51", "3349_52", "3349_53", "3349_54", "3349_55", "3349_56", "3349_57", "3349_58", "3349_59", "3349_60", "3349_61", "3349_62", "3349_63", "3349_64", "3349_65", "3349_66", "3349_67", "3349_68", "3349_69", "3349_70", "3349_71", "3349_72", "3349_73", "3349_74", "3349_75", "3349_76", "3349_77", "3349_78"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } what are your hobbies? /", "{D Well, } actually my hobbies now are T shirt making. / I'm making T shirts and sweat shirts. / In fact that's what I was doing when you called. /", "{D Well, } that sounds interesting. / What kinds of, {F uh, } sweat shirts and T shirts do you make? /", "{F Um, } right now I'm making Christmas ones with poinsettias and bears and --", "Okay. /", "-- all that kind of thing. /", "Is that silk screening, or, -/", "{F Um, } no, / I'm, have material that I cut out, / {C and then } you, {F um, } - / there's this stuff called Wonder Under [ that you un-, + that you iron ] it on / {C and then } you iron that on the T shirt, {C and } you paint around it. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C So, } it's real fun. / I started doing it as [ a, + ] {F um, } just something fun to do, / {C and } now I'm selling them and pretty, -/", "{D Well, } how's it going? /", "Pretty good. / I just started last week, / {C and } I sold seven. / I [ didn't, + wasn't ] expecting that, / {C so, } -/", "{D Well, } that sounds great. /", "I guess in my spare time I'll be making T shirts <inhaling>. / {C So. } -/", "{D Well, } somebody has to do it, /", "That's right, {D you know. } /", "Give you a little Christmas money, any way. /", "That's correct. / {D Well, } what are your hobbies? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] kind of have hobby fads, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. /", "When I was growing up I [ was, + was ] into coin collecting, / {C and } that dropped off about the time I hit puberty, I guess, / {C and then, } my hobbies in high school went just to the sports. / Now my latest one is classic cars. / [ I've -- +", "{F Um. } /", "-- I had ] a sixty-six Mustang I was rebuilding. / Almost had it done, / {C and } I [ went on, + went ahead ] and sold it. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. /", "{C But } it was fun. / I really enjoyed it. /", "{D Well, } how'd you learn to do that --", "{F Oh, } you just, -/", "-- to fix them up? / You just get a book that tells you how to do it or what? /", "No, / you just kind of, - / all I did is, {F uh, } I bought the car / {C and then, } {F uh, } {D you know, } you can, - / I, {F uh, } was just in a supermarket / {C and } I seen [ a, + a ] magazine for, {D you know, } - / basically [ it, + it ] was called MUSTANG MAGAZINE / [ {C and } -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } ] I bought it / {C and } they had, {F uh, } some names, some companies that sold mustang parts, / {C and } I just started ordering some parts / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {D you know, } basically, {D you know, } [ I, + what I ] did was, I redid the whole interior. / I didn't do too much to the engine, because the engine was pretty good, but [ the, + the ] whole interior and then part of the exterior, / just kind of do it. /", "Where'd you get the car? /", "{D Well, } [ we lived, + we lived ] in South Dakota, / {C and } I bought it up there before I moved down here. /", "Wow. /", "{C So } [ it was, + it was ] kind of rusted out there, / there isn't too much rust on any vehicles down here. /", "{D Well, } that's true, / that's true. / {D Well } that sounds neat. /", "{D Well, } gee I guess there really isn't too much to talk about on hobbies. /", "Let's see. /", "[ That, + that ] about covers mine / {C and } T shirt making about covers yours. /", "{D Well, } let's see, / I've done other hobbies. / I'm a hobby person. / I've always done a lot of craft stuff. / I always have done needlepoint and cross stitch and all that, / {C and, } I collect dolls, / I have a huge collection of dolls which is still in New Mexico with my parents <laughter>. /", "In New Mexico? /", "Uh-huh, / from New Mexico. /", "Okay. /", "{D So. } Let's see, / what else? / I started collecting music boxes. / I guess that's a hobby. /", "Yeah / that is. /", "{D So. } -/", "That's interesting. / How many music boxes do you have? /", "Probably [ o-, + {F uh, } about ] twenty. /", "Do they all play different songs -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C or } do some of them play the same song? /", "[ They, + they ] all play different songs. /", "{D Well, } that's neat. / What's the most expensive one you bought? /", "The most expensive. / I don't know. / I've gotten all of them for gifts. / I don't -- -/", "{F Oh, } really. /", "-- (( )) bought a few of them. / I usually get them for Christmas gifts [ or, + and ] {D like } when people go, {D you know, } [ to, + on ] trips or something. /", "{D Well, } that's interesting. / It used to be tea spoons, was the thing. /", "That's true <laughter>. / I [ never collected those, + never collected those. ] /", "{D Well, } that's interesting, music boxes. /", "I have dolls from all over too. / That I started when I was a little girl, / {C and } I have a lot of dolls. /", "(( )) . /", "People would always bring them when they go to the countries, / [ {C and, } + {F um, } {C and } ] I did that when I went to Europe one summer. / I bought a doll everywhere we went <laughter>, / {C so. } -/", "Well how was Europe? /", "(( )) economy. / It was great, / it was quick. / [ I was in, + I was in ] high school, / {C and } I was in a tour, / {C and } we went all, <inhaling> - / [ it's kind of a, + it's kind of to ] establish better rapport with the different countries, / {C and, } {F um, } it was called People to People, / {C and } we'd stay in people's homes, / {C and then } we got to also tour big cities, / {C and } I really enjoyed it. /", "Was that in high school -- /", "Uh-huh -- /", "-- {C or } was that a college thing? /", "-- in was in high school. / {C So } I'd like to go back, because we had, {D you know, } - / everything was rushed -- /", "I bet. /", "-- everything was {D like } an hour or two hours at the Louvre, {D you know, } <laughter> things like that where you need the whole day, / [ {C but } -- +", "Right. /", "-- {C but } ] it really, -/", "That's where a camcorder would come in handy. /", "Exactly, / that's true. /", "{D Well } that sounds real neat. / {C So } [ you, + you ] haven't been back to Europe since then, huh? /", "No, / I always thought I would, / {C but } who knows now. / I got married and, maybe some day. / Maybe it's one of those retirement things <laughter>. /", "There you go. / {D Well, } does you husband, {F uh, } - / what does he think of your, {F uh, } T shirts and, -/", "{D Well, } he likes it all right. / He's been pretty good, because there's T shirt stuff all over the house. /", "Does he help out much / {C or, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "11/03/1991", "from_caller": 1420, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1966, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1301, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3514_0", "3514_1", "3514_2", "3514_3", "3514_4", "3514_5", "3514_6", "3514_7", "3514_8", "3514_9", "3514_10", "3514_11", "3514_12", "3514_13", "3514_14", "3514_15", "3514_16", "3514_17", "3514_18", "3514_19", "3514_20", "3514_21", "3514_22", "3514_23", "3514_24", "3514_25", "3514_26", "3514_27", "3514_28", "3514_29", "3514_30", "3514_31", "3514_32", "3514_33", "3514_34", "3514_35", "3514_36", "3514_37", "3514_38", "3514_39", "3514_40", "3514_41", "3514_42", "3514_43", "3514_44", "3514_45", "3514_46", "3514_47", "3514_48", "3514_49", "3514_50", "3514_51", "3514_52", "3514_53", "3514_54", "3514_55", "3514_56", "3514_57", "3514_58", "3514_59", "3514_60", "3514_61", "3514_62", "3514_63", "3514_64", "3514_65", "3514_66", "3514_67", "3514_68", "3514_69", "3514_70", "3514_71", "3514_72", "3514_73", "3514_74", "3514_75", "3514_76"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / we're supposed to talk about vacations. /", "Right, / {D so, } {F uh, } {D well, } {F uh, } what kind of vacations do you like? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } I haven't been to many places, / {C but } I have a opportunity to go to, {F uh, } Paris, France, {F uh, } [ with, + {F uh, } with ] my friend in April. / [ She is, + [ her, + {F uh, } her ] family, {D you know, } lives ] there, / {C and } she's only been there once. / Her grandmother lives there -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } [ I'm hoping to g-, + I'm praying I get to go. ] {F Uh, } /", "{F Oh, } that's great. /", "Yeah, / [ it's, + it will be ] probably the most exciting place I'll ever get to go. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Have you ever been to, {F uh, } {D like } New Mexico? /", "{F Uh, } no, actually. /", "Oh. /", "Why, # have you? # /", "# I was curious. # / I was just wondering what it was like. /", "{F Oh, } okay <laughter>. / No, {F uh, } / I have been to Europe once and to Haiti and, {F uh, } -/", "Tahiti? /", "Yeah. /", "Tahiti, / oh. /", "No, / no, / Haiti. /", "{F Oh, } Haiti. /", "Right. /", "Where is that? /", "[ It's, + {F uh, } {D well, } it's ] in the Caribbean / {C and } it's the western half of an island, / with the eastern half that's the Dominican Republic. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I was down there with a program from the college that I went to where we would just spend {D like } three months in a foreign country, most of them third world countries.", "Uh-huh. /", "And study the language and then do a little service project. /", "{F Um. } /", "<Throat_clearing> {D So, } yeah, / that turned out to be a really good experience for me. /", "{D So, } what did you do when you were in Europe? /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } {D see, } I went there when I was in high school, actually -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I mostly went to Germany and visited some friends of my family and, {F uh, } hung out with them, worked a bit on one of their farms and also went to a youth camp. /", "What did you do on the farm? /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } {F uh, } {D well, } not that much <laughter>. / # Just, {F uh, } # -/", "# Are you just # kind of sight, just kind of, {F uh, } -/", "Right, / {E I mean, } I wasn't a great asset to them or anything <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } I, {D you know, } drove a tractor, helped them weed beets and that sort of thing. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And, } {F uh, } yep, / {C and } I went to a youth camp that included working at an old people's home / {C and } that was pretty interesting. / {C And } while I was there I visited my aunt and uncle who were, {F uh, } staying for their vacation in France in Nantes, which is on the west coast, {D like } right across from England. /", "{F Um. } /", "{F Uh, } {D so, } {F uh, } where in France are you, /", "Paris. /", "Right, / Paris. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {F um, } how long do you plan to be going for? /", "{F Uh, } two weeks. / Last time she stayed two months, / {C but } we're only going to stay two weeks. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } -/", "Great. / {C And, } {F uh, } -/", "We're going to take a cooking class there, / {C so } that might be fun. /", "A what? /", "Cooking class, {D you know, } / French cooking. /", "{F Oh, } great. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } what else are you planning to do, if anything? /", "Museums, {D you know, } / go to museums and, -/", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, {F um, } /", "Do you go to museums in Europe? /", "{F Uh, } actually, no, / I don't think I went to any of them. / {F Uh, } the closest thing I did was go to some {D like, } {F uh, } restored castles and stuff. /", "{F Um. } /", "[ That, + there ] is some on that west coast of France / {C and } I went to a vineyard or two in Germany. /", "{F Um, } that's neat. /", "Yeah, / that was nice. / {F Uh, } {F um, } <noise> [ {C but, } + {C so, } ] {F uh, } -/", "Hey, / what about, - / have you ever been to Hawaii? /", "{F Uh, } no, / I haven't. /", "No? /", "Have you? /", "No. /", "Okay <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } {F uh, } {D well, } -/", "# I'm wanting to go there. # /", "# Where have you gone first? # /", "{F Oh, } [ g-, + where have I gone ] that's anywhere. /", "Yeah, / {E I mean, } -/", "{F Uh, } /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "VACATION SPOTS", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS TYPES OF VACATIONS AND TRIPS YOU ENJOY. FIND OUT WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER CAN INTEREST YOU IN A VACATION SPOT YOU HAVEN'T VISITED.", "talk_day": "12/11/1991", "from_caller": 1454, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1970, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1376, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1965, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3561_0", "3561_1", "3561_2", "3561_3", "3561_4", "3561_5", "3561_6", "3561_7", "3561_8", "3561_9", "3561_10", "3561_11", "3561_12", "3561_13", "3561_14", "3561_15", "3561_16", "3561_17", "3561_18", "3561_19", "3561_20", "3561_21", "3561_22", "3561_23", "3561_24", "3561_25", "3561_26", "3561_27", "3561_28", "3561_29", "3561_30", "3561_31", "3561_32", "3561_33", "3561_34", "3561_35", "3561_36", "3561_37", "3561_38", "3561_39", "3561_40", "3561_41", "3561_42", "3561_43", "3561_44", "3561_45"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["All right, / {D well. } -/", "{F Um, } short term, I don't think anything's going to be done about it --", "Right. /", "-- or probably should be done about it. /", "{F Uh, } are you saying you don't think anything should be done in the short term? /", "{F Uh, } the short term, the recession is [ getting, + getting ] top attention. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] think that you're absolutely right there. / The other thing is, is that we've got [ [ these, + {F um, } these, ] + all these ] bank defaults going on, [ and, + and ] savings and loan defaults, [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } -/", "{C And } that effectively adds to whether it's officially on the books or not. /", "Right. / Exactly. {F Um, } /", "{C And } that's got to be paid. /", "Exactly, / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {F uh, } {C so } ] this creates a pretty serious problem that's going to continue to be with us for a while to come. / {F Um, } I'm not really, {F uh, } sure that I even understand why the administration is proposing, for instance, tax reductions, because it seems to me that [ [ if, + if, ] + if ] they're talking about reducing, {F uh, } the tax that needs to be paid, or the tax that's currently being paid, then [ that can't, + it seems to me it can't ] possibly, {D you know, } help with [ the, + the ] deficit picture. /", "It can only hurt the deficit picture. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "{F Um, } {C and } [ the, + the ] severity of the deficit picture already limits the options available or limits the degree of tax cutting you can do without, {F uh, } bringing [ on, + on ] serious problems for the longer term. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "{C So } [ [ that, + that, ] + that's ] the current predicament. /", "Yeah, / it [ see-, + seems ] like [ it's, + it's ] a kind of a Catch Twenty-two. / {E I mean, } [ it's, + it's ] the, {F um, } - / my understanding is [ what they're try-, + [ what, + what ] supposedly they're trying ] to do by reducing taxes is to kind of jump start the economy, the idea being that if people have to pay less money in taxes, they'll have more money to spend, {F uh, } / {C and } if they have more money to spend, then that will be a spur to productivity, particularly commercial productivity, {F uh, } which in turn will generate revenue. / {C But } [ it, + it ] seems [ like, + like, ] {F uh, } it's sort of [ [ a, + {F uh, } a sp-, ] + an unending spiral, ] / {C and } [ [ it, + it, ] + it, ] {F uh, } - / [ I'm, + I'm ] not sure that there's any real genuine truth to [ the, + {F uh, } the ] idea [ [ that, + that, ] + {F uh, } that ] decreasing taxes, particularly the kinds that are being recommended bye-bye the Bush administration and things like capital gains taxes and so forth is going to, {F uh, } result in substantial amounts of money, {D you know, } for consumers to spend. / {C And, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / I'm not sure how I feel about paying on [ the quest, + the long term quests ] that tax cuts are worth at this point. / It's probably a judgment of how bad the recession is. /", "Yeah, / [ it, + {F uh, } it ] would seem to me that there are other things that the administration could do. /", "{D Well, } {D well, } first of all you look to the Fed to fight the recession --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as indeed it has, with interest rates. /", "Uh-huh. / I think that's been a positive development. / I think what that's done is [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] help keep inflation from, {F um, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } at the moment we're doing very well on inflation. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "That's the sort of upside to the deficit. /", "It's a sort of a piece of luck. /", "That's the upside to the recession. /", "Yeah, {F um. } / I don't know, / what kind of things do you think can be done [ [ in, + in, ] + {F uh, } in ] the long term? /", "(( )) {D Well, } can be done or will be done are two different things. / {F Um, } at various places to look [ for, + for ] cutting the budget, first of all I consider more defense cuts than are already planned --", "Sure. /", "-- depending on the world situation. / {C But } there are various other areas such [ as, + as ] farm subsidies that ought to be slashed. / {F Uh, } a lot of entitlement programs, like education aid, I think, {F uh, } they should put [ a, + in ] - / the Reagan administration took all such entitlements to the poor --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- but left them for the middle class, {F uh, } / in the longer term, {F uh, } [ [ we, + we, ] + we'd ] do well, I think [ to make, + to make, ] {F uh, } reductions there. / Also somewhat (( )) is to collect owed to the government from various loan programs that people have borrowed. /", "Right. / [ I think that, + I think [ that, + that ] ] I agree with you certainly in the second situation, / {C and } I think certain entitlements [ I, + I'm ] inclined to agree with you, too. / Education happens to be one place where I think that we would foolish to {F um, } {F uh, } -/", "A lot of education aid has gone to so-called trade schools --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- which are sort of not colleges / {C but } schools that teach you trades, {D you know, } beautician --", "{F Oh, } [ I see, + I see ] what you're saying. /", "-- {D well, } [ and + ] often exists only because of the federal programs that they can take people and tell them they can get loans for their full tuition, {F uh, } and the school gets paid off immediately, {F uh } -- /", "# [ {C And then } they # -- +", "-- # {C and then } they # don't provide very much education. /", "-- {C and then } the people ] default --", "Yes. /", "-- on the loans. / {D Well, } I would have to agree with you if there are circumstances like that, {F uh, } around, {F uh, } / {C and } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] can't confess to having any substantial knowledge of that sort of thing, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] taking what you're saying at face value, then I would have to agree with completely. /", "Yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FEDERAL BUDGET", "prompt": "WHAT SHORT AND LONG-TERM STEPS DO YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER THINK SHOULD BE TAKEN TO IMPROVE THE US BUDGET?", "talk_day": "12/16/1991", "from_caller": 1407, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1949, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1463, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3887_0", "3887_1", "3887_2", "3887_3", "3887_4", "3887_5", "3887_6", "3887_7", "3887_8", "3887_9", "3887_10", "3887_11", "3887_12", "3887_13", "3887_14", "3887_15", "3887_16", "3887_17", "3887_18", "3887_19", "3887_20", "3887_21", "3887_22", "3887_23", "3887_24", "3887_25", "3887_26", "3887_27", "3887_28", "3887_29", "3887_30", "3887_31", "3887_32", "3887_33", "3887_34", "3887_35", "3887_36", "3887_37", "3887_38", "3887_39", "3887_40", "3887_41", "3887_42", "3887_43", "3887_44", "3887_45", "3887_46", "3887_47", "3887_48", "3887_49", "3887_50", "3887_51", "3887_52", "3887_53", "3887_54", "3887_55", "3887_56", "3887_57"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well } I guess we're, {F uh, } forced [ to + finally, to do ] a lot about air pollution. / I hear that the major automobile manufacturers are looking at nonpolluting cars / {C and } low polluting fuels are being experimented with Ethanol and other types of fuels. /", "Yeah, / one of the things they asked me to ask you was where you thought the major source was coming from?", "[ I, + {D you know, } I ] assume,", "# Or sources. # /", "# that # the major sources are cars and factories. /", "# That's what, #", "# {C But } [ I, # +", "I would think. /", "I ] don't know for sure. / I just know that, {F um, } acid rain apparently is a big problem in Canada from, [ (( would )) + ] - / comes over the border from us. /", "Right. / Yeah, / I think the automobile definitely is an area and [ any, + any ] industry that burns, {D you know, } / {C and then } I don't know about chemical pollution. / I'm not real into that as far as how it affects the air. / I know we have a lot of chemical, the indoor type pollution. / They have offices that are too well insulated. / They found people are getting sick, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C but } I # don't know if that affects outside. / {D You know, } [ I, + I ] [ think, seems to + think, seems to ] me that's what they were asking about was outside / {C and } [ the thing I can, + the only thing I can ] think of would be cars and factories. /", "Yeah, / the smokestacks or the exhaust pipes. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } I guess there's been a lot of pressure to, {F um, } do away with the C F C's in these spray bottles which,", "# Right. # /", "# has # been a real problem. /", "Yeah, / [ that is, + {D well } that's ] destroying the ozone, isn't it? /", "(( Again )) [ I, + that's what I ] hear / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] there's this big debate apparently about whether [ the ozone, + there's a hole in the ozone ] or not / {C but } at last I heard it was, {F uh, } discovered that the hole was bigger than they thought,", "# Yeah, / that's wh-, # -/", "# initially. # /", "It's kind of scary. /", "{D Well, } it is scary / {C and } I think it will, {F uh, } continue to force us to clean up our act,", "# Yeah. # /", "# literally # and figuratively. / We've got to learn to manage without destroying the environment. /", "I think something too that you probably see in older states, all [ we, + we ] do it down here once in a while we will have a cold spell is where people will use their fireplaces. /", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I'm ] wondering whether it's going to get to the point where you can't,", "# I think it will. # /", "# do that. # / In Los Angeles they're apparently going to, - / they've passed laws that, for habit, <+ do you think this could possibly be prohibit? nothing elseseems to make any sense?? +> for example, people using, {F uh, } barbecues -- *[[listen for habit -> prohibit]]", "Uh-huh. /", "-- gasoline lawn mowers, {F um, } / {C and } it's really bad in places like Los Angeles, / {C and, }", "Right. /", "it's gotten bad in Denver / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } it's not too bad around here although you see it, {D you know, } more and more in the sky. / {C And } people in this country are really wedded to their, {F uh, } cars, /", "# Right. # /", "# {C and } our # economy seems to, - / {C and } this I think is one of the big problems, /", "Yeah. / In this area too since, {D you know, } in Texas we're so spread out, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# we have to drive # so far, / {C but } I know in Colorado I have witnessed that where [ it just, + {F uh, } it just ] stacks up [ at the + when the ] Rockies starts, / {C but } we're even getting it here. / We can [ drive into, + when we've been on vacation or something drive into ] Fort Worth or Dallas / {C and } you can tell it in the mornings too. / My husband likes to go out and jog / {C and } there's just a brown fog here / {C and } we don't even have any mountains that are,", "# Yeah. # /", "# holding it in. # / {C But } they also said that more dense the population and the more we crowd together, the worse it gets. /", "{D Well } that makes a lot of sense. / {E I mean } [ I, + I ] hadn't thought about it that way / {C but } [ it, + it, ] -/", "You don't have to have mountains that are stopping it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } they [ make, + {F uh, } making ] more and more high-rise buildings / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] yeah, / we can comment / {C and } we didn't see this a few years ago. /", "# No, / {C and } I think, # -/", "# It was pretty # clear here. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I think [ that, + that ] more and more it's becoming apparent to people that the earth, which includes all the people on it and everything that's going on it, [ is a, + is an ] organism of sorts,", "# Right. # /", "# and that # there is [ a, + a ] whole set of organic relationships that if we start to destroy one part of it, it's going to tell us about it, / {C and, } {F uh, } we're going to feel it, / {C and } I think it's going to be real interesting and particularly in light of what is obviously going to be a big structural change in the economy,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F uh, } in this # country, {F uh, } whether people are willing to get out of their cars, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C and } # in this country, {F uh, } [ the, + the ] solution [ that, + that ] people seem to think work are politically unacceptable. / For example,", "# Yeah. # /", "# taxing # people heavily for using their cars. / {C And, } {F uh, } I have a little sports car that I enjoy using / {C and } I know just like anybody else how much fun it is to drive / {C but } I think, {F uh, } we're going to have to make some fundamental changes / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ I'm, + I'm ] not sure how long it's going to take or what it's going to take because they keep saying that the economy is going to depend on how many cars and,", "# Yeah. # /", "# houses # we sell. /", "{C And } it's a shame too when you do see somebody driving a big car, just one person in that. / It's a lot of waste / {C but, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AIR POLLUTION", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS AIR POLLUTION. FIND OUT WHAT SUBSTANCES THE OTHER CALLER THINKS CONTRIBUTE THE MOST TO AIR POLLUTION TODAY. WHAT CAN INDIVIDUALS OR SOCIETY DO TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY?", "talk_day": "01/31/1992", "from_caller": 1493, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1945, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1490, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1950, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2060_0", "2060_1", "2060_2", "2060_3", "2060_4", "2060_5", "2060_6", "2060_7", "2060_8", "2060_9", "2060_10", "2060_11", "2060_12", "2060_13", "2060_14", "2060_15", "2060_16", "2060_17", "2060_18", "2060_19", "2060_20", "2060_21", "2060_22", "2060_23", "2060_24", "2060_25", "2060_26", "2060_27", "2060_28", "2060_29", "2060_30", "2060_31", "2060_32", "2060_33", "2060_34", "2060_35", "2060_36", "2060_37", "2060_38", "2060_39", "2060_40", "2060_41", "2060_42", "2060_43", "2060_44", "2060_45", "2060_46", "2060_47", "2060_48", "2060_49", "2060_50", "2060_51", "2060_52", "2060_53", "2060_54", "2060_55", "2060_56", "2060_57", "2060_58", "2060_59", "2060_60", "2060_61", "2060_62", "2060_63", "2060_64", "2060_65", "2060_66", "2060_67", "2060_68", "2060_69", "2060_70", "2060_71", "2060_72", "2060_73", "2060_74", "2060_75", "2060_76", "2060_77", "2060_78", "2060_79", "2060_80", "2060_81", "2060_82", "2060_83", "2060_84", "2060_85", "2060_86"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "The topic is to discuss the, {F uh, } sources where I receive news. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } for me that's mostly newspaper and radio, / I almost never watch television, as a matter of course / {C so, } I don't get news from television, / except during the war,", "Uh-huh. /", "I watched a lot of C N N because it was so good. /", "{D Well, } why was C N N the only, - / of course I think, Saddam Hussein only allowed C N N to broadcast it, / is that not true? /", "{F Um. } /", "It was unusual not to have the different sources, {D you know, } of news coverage. /", "Yeah. / {F Um, } I don't know. / I guess, {F uh, } I don't even know why I watched C N N. / I guess, I just wanted more news. / It's one of the few times I wanted more news than. -/", "Yeah, / {D well, } I know even if you watched A B C, N B C or the other, / {E I mean, } what's the other one, {F uh, } # C B S. # /", "# C B S. # /", "They all [ were, + were ] tapped into C N N. /", "Were they? /", "Uh-uh. /", "Yeah. /", "That's the only thing they broadcast / {C and } like you I listened to radio on my job at work. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } all this week they have been having [ this, + {F uh, } a ] discussion about that is [ why, + {F uh, } why ] C N N was - / {D well, } I listen to a Christian radio station. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they were saying that C N N is definitely a world, {F uh, } news service / {C and, } {F uh, } they, - / it was, - / you can't really be sure of the quality of what you've got, {D you know. } /", "{F Huh. } /", "{F Uh, } we had [ some, + {F uh, } some ] people from our church went to Israel, {F uh, } just for a, {F uh, } tour sort of thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I was watching on TV / [ they, + they ] broadcast this terrible riot / supposedly that was going on in Jerusalem, /", "Right. /", "{C and so } it really made me question as to [ what, + how ] do we know, {D you know, } {F uh, } if the news we're getting is any good. / {C So } <laughter>, -/", "Yeah, / I guess, the news just focuses on major events that probably,", "Yeah. /", "don't affect ninety-nine percent of the people who are right there when the news is being made. /", "Right, / right. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ I, + I'm ] from California / {C and } I can remember being [ in, + {F uh, } in ] these earthquakes / {C and, } {E I mean } [ they were, +", "Yeah. /", "they were ] very minor kinds of things from my point of view, and it seemed, {D you know, } from anyone else's point of view, / {C but } they get all blown up in the news. {F Um, } /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. / {D Well } [ I, + I ] find it depressing to watch our, - / specially TV, {D you know, } - / it's just, {F uh, } - / local news concentrates, on murders and things like that. / I'm from Dallas / {C and, } {F uh, } we have a lot of bad stuff, {F uh, } / it just really gets me depressed,", "Uh-huh. /", "even to watch it. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. /", "{C So } then, you wake up one morning / {C and } you are in war with somebody / you don't [ even, + <laughter> even ] know about it. /", "Right. /", "{D So. } -/", "{D Well, } what newspapers, {F uh, } do you read in Dallas? /", "{F Uh, } we have the DALLAS TIMES HERALD and the DALLAS MORNING NEWS, / {C but } [ I don't, + I don't ] read newspapers <laughter>. /", "Don't you? /", "Huh-uh. /", "How come? /", "Uh-huh. / I find it hard to, {F uh, } follow from one page to another. / It's just something I have never developed, {F uh, } an interest in. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } I live in kind of a bad area where if I have the paper delivered it's stolen before I can get out and get it <laughter>. /", "Gosh [ that's, + that sounds ] pretty bad to me. / {E I mean } who would steal a newspaper? /", "You would be surprised. /", "{F Huh? } /", "They just come by and pick them up even if it's just for the TV, {D you know } [ t-, + {F uh, } selections ] of the day. /", "I see. /", "I don't know. / It just wouldn't be there whenever I tried it. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } you're right, / who would steal a newspaper? / <<Ice in glass sound in background>> {C But, } they do. /", "Yeah. /", "What part of California are you from? /", "{F Uh, } from Los Angeles, <<pause>> / {C but } I live in Raleigh, North Carolina, right now, / that's where I am speaking to you from. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C But, } I grew up in L A. / I work out here. /", "{F Huh, } you work for T I? /", "No, / I don't. / I work for North Carolina State University. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I know some people at T I, / {C and } I have a couple of students who have graduated and gone to work for them. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } I'm in the computer business. /", "{D Well, } I, - / boy, current events is not a good subject for me. /", "{D Well. } -/", "I don't keep up with it that often. /", "Let's see, [ [ I've, + I've, ] + I've ] never done this before, / {E I mean } I've never. -/", "This is your first call? /", "This is my first call.", "<Laughter>.", "Because I just got my password. /", "{F Oh, } really. / Yeah. /", "{C So } I don't know, / are we suppose to, - / it seems to me it says you are suppose to talk for three minutes, / {C but } I think we've been talking for three minutes / {C and } nobody has interrupted. /", "Yeah, / {D well } [ I, + I ] got into a conversation last night with a lady / {C and } they interrupt at ten,", "I see. /", "minutes. / {C So } if we've done our three minutes.", "Uh-huh. /", "Let's just let the conversation end and say bye. /", "{D Well, } all right. / Nice talking to you. /", "Nice talking to you too. /", "All right, / bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "03/09/1991", "from_caller": 1152, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1947, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1056, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1948, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2604_0", "2604_1", "2604_2", "2604_3", "2604_4", "2604_5", "2604_6", "2604_7", "2604_8", "2604_9", "2604_10", "2604_11", "2604_12", "2604_13", "2604_14", "2604_15", "2604_16", "2604_17", "2604_18", "2604_19", "2604_20", "2604_21", "2604_22", "2604_23", "2604_24", "2604_25", "2604_26", "2604_27", "2604_28", "2604_29", "2604_30", "2604_31", "2604_32", "2604_33", "2604_34", "2604_35", "2604_36", "2604_37", "2604_38", "2604_39", "2604_40", "2604_41", "2604_42", "2604_43", "2604_44", "2604_45", "2604_46", "2604_47", "2604_48", "2604_49", "2604_50", "2604_51", "2604_52", "2604_53", "2604_54", "2604_55", "2604_56", "2604_57", "2604_58", "2604_59", "2604_60", "2604_61", "2604_62", "2604_63", "2604_64", "2604_65", "2604_66", "2604_67", "2604_68", "2604_69", "2604_70", "2604_71", "2604_72", "2604_73", "2604_74", "2604_75", "2604_76", "2604_77", "2604_78", "2604_79", "2604_80", "2604_81", "2604_82", "2604_83", "2604_84", "2604_85", "2604_86", "2604_87", "2604_88", "2604_89", "2604_90", "2604_91", "2604_92", "2604_93", "2604_94", "2604_95", "2604_96", "2604_97", "2604_98", "2604_99", "2604_100", "2604_101", "2604_102", "2604_103", "2604_104", "2604_105", "2604_106", "2604_107", "2604_108", "2604_109", "2604_110", "2604_111", "2604_112", "2604_113", "2604_114"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, {F um, } / yeah, / one year public service for everybody. / [ Is that, + that was ] it, right? <Laughter>. /", "Right. / {F Uh, } who wants to start this one? /", "Em-, - / I don't know, / [ I've been, + I've been ] sitting here thinking, / yeah, / because it [ was, + {D you know, } took ] a couple tries before I found somebody. / {D Well, } {D you know, } [ I'm + {D like, } I'm ] not really sure what I think about this. / {F Um, } {F uh, } {E I mean, } the first thing is, [ the + ] {F uh, } if it's going to be mandatory, it's got to be mandatory, / {E I mean, } everybody, not just {D like, } {D you know, } poor people and all that, {D you know. } But,", "Right, / right. /", "{D you know, } senators' sons and all that stuff too. / {E I mean, } everybody's got to do it. / {F Um, } I don't know, / [ it'd probably be, + it'd probably be ] good, / I just don't know if, {D you know, } I was eighteen or whatever, I'd want to be stuck doing it for a year or whatever. /", "I'm not sure I want an eighteen year old to make that kind of decision. / {F Uh, } {E I mean, } [ that, + that ] doesn't sound right. / {F Um, } I guess I see overall beneficial, [ if, + if ] we're going from that point of view. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um. } [ I-, + {D you know, } in ] the past, - / [ I don't know, + I don't know ] how old you are, / {C but } when I was, {F uh, } in high school, it was the beginning of Vietnam and so forth. / {C And } many of my peers were being drafted. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I could see that many of them had conscientious objections to war or whatever. / {C But } [ I, + I ] felt strongly then that even if they didn't feel like they could kill someone, or go into a military situation, that they could help the country in other ways. Be it cleaning out, {F uh, } lots, [ in, + in ] their neighborhood or,", "Uh-huh. /", "whatever kind of community or public service might be available. / {C And } I guess I see that [ as, + as ] not so much a demand [ but, + but ] a privilege. / [ [ It's, + it's kind of, ] + {F uh, } {F uh, }", "It is, {F uh, } /", "It's ] something, - / [ it's, + it's ] - / since we live here and we all benefit, rich, poor or in between, {F uh, } {A there are benefits even for those who have it the hardest. } I just see that as maybe a good idea. / I wouldn't mind doing it at forty-four. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } I find ways [ to, + to ] turn some of that back [ to, + to ] others. / {F Uh, } {C and } [ I, + I ] guess [ I, + I ] can't see that as being something to really object to. /", "{D Well, } I guess it would still depend on how, / {E I mean, } [ [ if, + if you're talking about any-, ] + if you're talking about something ] that's like [ a full time, + {D you know, } one year full time, ] {D you know, } this is what you do, {D you know. } / You're going to go [ and, + and ] fill pot holes [ and, + {D you know, } and, ] {D you know, } all that stuff. / {E I mean, } <sigh> [ I, + {D you know, } I ] don't know <sigh>. /", "I could see [ [ [ a, + a full, ] + a run-, ] + a gamut ] of different kinds of opportunities. / Things that need to be done,", "Uh-huh. /", "[ that wou-, + that could ] be done in an hour or two,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } a day, or several hours of the week. Like a half of a day on Saturday or something like that. In addition to what one does,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } besides that. / [ I, + I ] can't, imagine what kind of, {F uh, } {F uh, } bureaucracies we'd get into and expense having it be full time, / {F oh, } you're going to go to this camp / {C and } you're going to, {D you know, } - / {D like, } {F um, } back in the Depression, the C C C,", "Yeah. /", "it was needed, / it gave some folks some jobs, / {C and } we got some great public works out of it. / {C But, } {F um, } I don't see that as being necessary now. / I can see it being done, {F uh, } on a regular schedule. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } everybody has to put in so many hours of, {F uh, } public service in a given time, perhaps. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ I, + I ] guess I see all of us benefiting, / {C and } [ I, + I ] don't see it just relegated to the young. / {C But } [ I see, + [ I, + I ] see ] so much going on that, that's bad. / {C And } this would give them a chance to have some positive self-esteem. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Something that they turn,", "{D Well, } -/", "back. /", "{C and } also, {D you know, } [ you, + you ] feel more like, {D you know, } you're actually part of the community if you've done something,", "That's right. /", "in it. /", "You take pride in that, [ and, + and ] get [ some, + some ] positive feedback from those who benefit,", "Uh-huh. /", "besides yourself. / {C And } [ I, + I ] see it being most beneficial if it's in [ the neighborhood where + {E or, } {E or } at least the area where ] the person lives. /", "{F Uh, } definitely. /", "It might not be the same neighborhood, but the same city or county, because then [ you're, + you're ] coming in contact with it. / It's not as meaningful for me to go to Minnesota and do something up there that I'll never be able to see again, unless I happen to go on vacation,", "Right. /", "up there. /", "Yeah. /", "[ It's, + it almost needs ] to be something that has more impact for the individual, on going. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } as far as putting that into work, [ I don't want to, + <laughter> I don't want to ] deal [ with the, + with the ] heartache of, first of all, getting it started and figuring out how to do the logistics,", "{F Oh, } that would,", "of it. /", "be a nightmare. / {C And } [ just, + {E I mean, } just ] [ getting, + getting ] it going. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I, + I, ] see a lot of things like, {F uh, } scouting, {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "Boys Clubs, Girls Clubs, things like that, that kind of get into that citizenship, {F uh, } the {F uh, } looking after the environment sort of thing -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C And } I guess, I don't see, {F uh, } this being that different. But even more beneficial because it would be something that everybody participated in,", "Uh-huh. /", "and would take a turn in. /", "Uh-huh <<pause>>. / Yeah. /", "Do you have kids? /", "[ N-, + no, ] / not yet <laughter>. / In about six months we will <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D well } good. / [ Th-, + you'll ] have a little time think about that. / I guess, [ I, + I ] have, {F uh, } - / when I was teaching school I saw [ many, + so many ] kids that were at loose ends and that didn't really have a purpose. / {C And } I can see, {D you know, } [ some, + some ] really significant things coming out of it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I know you've got to get past [ that, + that ] grudge attitude that many have, / {C but } [ [ that's, + {F uh, } tha-, ] + that would be ] a part of selling it to the community. /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } parish or however the state was divided up. / {F Um, } I may, - / {D well } I don't know, / around here we have a number of community projects that folks just volunteer for. / Boy Scout troops or church groups or civic clubs will, {F uh, } police [ a, + {F uh } a ] couple of miles of the highway and kee-, - / {C and } [ I, + I've ] seen it in other states too. /", "Yeah. / They have,", "I don't know, /", "that here. {F Um, } /", "{F um, } /", "they've got, {F um, } in most of the states around here I think, {F uh. } - / {D You know, } down in North Carolina, there was a big controversy for a while, because [ they, + {F uh, } the ] local chapter of the K K K wanted [ to, + {F uh, }", "<Laughter>.", "{F uh, } to ] participate in it / [ {C and, } {F uh, }", "<Laughter>. {C and } there were those ] that said, No, / you can't do that, I'm sure. /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } [ it was, + it was ] interesting because that's an interesting question, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "Should these people be allowed to or not? / I think they finally decided not to because they figured that stretch of highway was going to get trashed <laughter>. /", "Oh. / {C And } I hadn't even thought about [ [ that, + {F uh, } the, ] + the ] other end of that. / [ That, + that's ] an interesting, {F uh, } situation. / I hadn't thought of that. / We had visited relatives in Virginia, not too long ago, / {C and } I thought I had seen, when we were traveling around the state, some similar signs up that indicated that certain sections were being policed and cleaned up / {C and, } -/", "Yeah. / I think Virginia's got it / {C and } I know Maryland does, / {C and } [ we just, + we ] went to Indianapolis last weekend, and back. / {C And, } {F um, } I'm pretty sure I saw, yeah, stuff in Ohio and [ Indi-, + Indiana ] about it and [ Pennsylvania, + maybe Pennsylvania, ] / I don't remember for sure now. /", "{C And } I don't know about your part of the country, / {C but, } {F uh, } down here in the last, {F oh, } year plus, {A [ I, + it ] was [ las-, + beginning with last ] year's Earth Day } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- There's just been more of a turn toward {F uh, } environmental concerns, / {C and } [ e-, + I ] work for Texas Instruments. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ they, + they've ] started some recycling campaigns that a year before that had been turned down because they said, {D Well, } it's not feasible, /", "Uh-huh. /", "it's not a good idea. / {C And, }", "Yeah. / [ {C And } + {C but } ] then they lost,", "[ I see that as being, +", "too much business <laughter>. /", "[ I, + I ] see that as being ] [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] change, {F uh, } for the positive. Kind of along the same line [ [ as, + as, ] + as ] the mandatory thing. / It's just, [ thing, + ] a part of everyone's consciousness. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } the thing about that is though, it's got a, - / {E I mean } because [ it was, + {E I mean } it was ] big, {A you remember, } {D like } in the early seventies and all that. / [ {C And, } + {D you know, } {C and then } ] it kind of just went out of vogue. / {C And } [ I, + I'm ] worried that [ [ it, + it might, ] + {D you know, } [ it'll, + [ it, + the same thing ] will ] ] happen. / It's like, {D you know, } environmentalism was really big for a couple of years / {C and then } people {D like, } {D well, } {D you know, } - / I'd [ ruther, + rather ] spend, {D you know, } fifty cents less [ [ on, + {F uh, } on, ] + on ] such and such, {D you know, } / {C and } even if it's not environmentally safe, who cares, {D you know. } /", "I'm sure the pendulum will swing the other way. / {F Uh, } there have been too many other things that it's done that for, just in my life. / {C And } if you look at history at all, you see that, {D you know, } {F uh, } we go from one side to the other on just about any subject,", "Yeah. /", "that [ you, + one ] might care to bring up. / {C But, } it is comforting to me to see, {F uh, } more concern about some of these things [ that, + that ] cost us money. / Especially when we have dwindling, {F uh, } resources such as oil that's burning out of control in the Persian Gulf, [ and, + and ] so forth. / [ Just, + just ] every little bit does, / it makes me feel better. / [ It, + it ] makes me feel like, {D well, } there may be something left for my children, my nieces and nephews and so forth. /", "{D Well, } yeah, {F uh. } / {D Well, } {F uh, } wouldn't, - / it's just probably a good thing that the oil's burning and [ may, + may, ] make some people realize that hey, {D you know, } this stuff runs out. /", "[ That's, + that's ] right, because, -/", "Of course, that's probably blasphemy for you to say, {F uh, } coming from where you are <laughter> in Texas. /", "{F Uh, } no, / <laughter> no, / because if, <laughter> we, - / what was it, seventy-four when we had [ the, + the ] [ last + last ] oil crisis? / {C And, } {F uh, } we started getting smart / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] we were looking all these alternative sources of the energy and so forth. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } as soon as the oil prices came back down, [ we, + ] the pendulum swang the other way. /", "Right. /", "{C And } we need those reminders. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } {C or } we'll suddenly be in the dark and say, {F Oh, } my goodness, now we don't have the ability to go on to some new technology. /", "Right. / {D Well, } my dad's [ in the, + in the ] solar energy business, / {C so, } {F uh, }", "Ah! /", "{D You know, } we're acutely aware of a lot of this. / {C But, } {D you know, } on the other hand, he voted for George Bush, / {C so } {F um, } <laughter> {D you know, } [ I, + I ] wonder sometimes if he knows what he's doing. /", "{D Well, } I thi-, {D you know, } - / just about anybody you could name, whether I voted for them or not,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } makes, {F um, } {F uh, } decisions that I just can't go along with. / {C But } that's why they're there and not me. / [ I don't want the, +", "Yeah. /", "I don't want the ] stress. /", "{D Well, } [ the, + the ] thing with Bush ... -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "UNIVERSAL PBLIC SERV", "prompt": "SEE HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT THE PROPOSAL THAT ALL YOUNG AMERICANS SHOULD SPEND A YEAR OR TWO DOING SOME KIND OF PUBLIC SERVICE", "talk_day": "04/14/1991", "from_caller": 1211, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1014, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1947, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["2611_0", "2611_1", "2611_2", "2611_3", "2611_4", "2611_5", "2611_6", "2611_7", "2611_8", "2611_9", "2611_10", "2611_11", "2611_12", "2611_13", "2611_14", "2611_15", "2611_16", "2611_17", "2611_18", "2611_19", "2611_20", "2611_21", "2611_22", "2611_23", "2611_24", "2611_25", "2611_26", "2611_27", "2611_28", "2611_29", "2611_30", "2611_31", "2611_32", "2611_33", "2611_34", "2611_35", "2611_36", "2611_37", "2611_38", "2611_39", "2611_40", "2611_41", "2611_42", "2611_43", "2611_44", "2611_45", "2611_46", "2611_47", "2611_48", "2611_49", "2611_50", "2611_51", "2611_52", "2611_53", "2611_54", "2611_55", "2611_56", "2611_57", "2611_58", "2611_59", "2611_60", "2611_61", "2611_62", "2611_63", "2611_64", "2611_65", "2611_66", "2611_67", "2611_68", "2611_69", "2611_70", "2611_71", "2611_72", "2611_73", "2611_74", "2611_75", "2611_76", "2611_77", "2611_78", "2611_79", "2611_80", "2611_81", "2611_82", "2611_83", "2611_84", "2611_85", "2611_86", "2611_87", "2611_88", "2611_89", "2611_90", "2611_91", "2611_92", "2611_93", "2611_94", "2611_95", "2611_96", "2611_97", "2611_98", "2611_99", "2611_100", "2611_101", "2611_102", "2611_103", "2611_104", "2611_105", "2611_106", "2611_107", "2611_108", "2611_109", "2611_110", "2611_111", "2611_112", "2611_113", "2611_114", "2611_115", "2611_116", "2611_117", "2611_118", "2611_119", "2611_120", "2611_121", "2611_122", "2611_123", "2611_124", "2611_125"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, {F uh, } / I was just trying to think about [ how I, + how I ] dress for work, {E you know, } / T I is a very casual atmosphere. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } what I usually do on the weekend [ is, + is ] lay out five outfits / {C and, } {F uh, } on Monday [ I, + I ] wear [ the, + the ] worst looking one <laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "Because it doesn't seem like people [ are really, + [ ar-, + {D you know, } are ] that ] alive on Monday, {D you know, } / {C so. } -/", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And # then } progressively through the week, [ I'll, + I'll ] wear nicer looking things / {C and then } on Friday most everybody wears [ jeans, + jeans and sweatshirts, ] or, {D you know, } jeans and blouses or something like that. / {F Uh, } {C but } mostly what I wear are skirts and blouses or, {D you know, } skirts and, {F uh, } pullover sweaters or, {F uh, } {D you know, } little two piece dress [ suit, + suits ] like, / {C but. } -/", "Yeah, {F uh, } / {D you know, } that's a good way to approach it. / I've never thought about, {F um, } - / I do plan my clothes a week in advance. / Actually, I plan them a month in advance. / I usually do a month at a time, / {C so } I don't repeat an outfit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F um, } I've never thought about wearing your worst outfit on Monday, because really no one's paying attention. / {C But } {D anyway, } {F um, } [ I really, + I ] don't work outside of school. / {F Um, } I work in the computer lab at school / {C so } I can just wear whatever I have on for school, / [ [ {C an, } + {C and, } ] + {F um, } {C and } ] really it's, - / I try to [ dre-, + dress ] presentable but very comfortable. /", "Right. /", "{D Like, } {F um, } in the warm weather it's always shorts and a t-shirt or a button up or something like that / {C and then } in the winter time it's jeans [ or, + or ] pants. / I usually, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / college is so casual, / you really don't want to dress up unless [ you, + you, ] {F uh, } have a job / {C and } you have to be there right after school or something like that, / {C so. } -/", "Right. / {D Like } where I work, [ it's, + it's ] pretty casual, {F uh, } / [ [ it's, + it's, ] + I guess it's ] more like [ a, + a ] college campus / also, {E I mean } there's [ hundre-, + {D you know, } hundreds ] of people work for T I. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } a lot of people [ just, + just ] wear jeans [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } sweats all the time / {C and } they dress up {D like } when customers are coming in,", "# <Laughter>. #", "# or, # {F uh, } when we have department meetings or something like that. / {C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } a lot of people like those that work in the legal department for [ their, + the ] real, {F uh, } higher ups,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# like # [ [ the + the, lawy-, ] + the T I lawyers, ] and, {F uh, } those that work for [ the, + the ] higher executives, those secretaries. [ They, + {F uh, } they ] really dress up all the time. /", "# Oh. # /", "# {C So } # there's a good combination in the hallways all the time, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "{D Well } that's good that they're so casual. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {E I # mean, } {F uh, } my brother works for T I / {C and } he's a [ computer programmer, + {E or } computer engineer. ] /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } whenever he was going to school, he was expecting to having to wear, {F uh, } a tie or a dress shirt everyday. / {C But, } {F uh, } he goes to work in his blue jeans, t-shirt,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # tennis shoes, / {C and } he just loves it. /", "{C And } that's very acceptable at T I. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# I # believe at I B M [ they, + they ] make you wear a blue suit and, {F uh, } some kind of colored shirt and a tie. /", "That's what I've heard. /", "Uh-huh, / [ I wo-, + I would ] hate to be in that atmosphere. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } {E I mean, } [ they, + they ] just moved into the new building, / he calls it the new building. / I don't know, / it's where all the executives are. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {F um, } {C and so } ] [ they were, + they were ] going to try to take their blue jean code with them and trying to get [ all the, + all the ] upper level to start wearing blue jeans. / {C But, } he just left for Italy today at four, /", "# Oh. # /", "# {C and } # he'll be over there until July first setting up some kind of computers for them. /", "I see. /", "[ Over in T, + {E I mean } for T I ] but over in Italy. /", "Yeah, / {F oh, } T I is everywhere. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / he was so excited about going. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } he didn't carry any ties or anything because [ he, + he ] just went over there with [ the + that ] attitude, {D well } if I don't take it then they won't make me wear it <laughter>. /", "# <Laughter> That's true, / that's a good idea. # /", "# Because, {F uh, } [ he just, + he ] didn't, {D you # know, } - / he's not really into all that. / He would wear it if he had to for his job and all / {C but, } {D you know, } [ if he had the preference, + {E I mean } [ his, + his ] preference ] is, {F um, } blue jeans and a t-shirt, / {C so. } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I think that's great about T I, / {C and } also, {F uh, } to get off the clothing, the smokers, {D you know, } how they have [ the, +", "# The, - / no, # /", "# the ] different # designated areas for smokers and stuff. /", "# Right. # /", "# I # think that's great. /", "Yeah, / {C and } if you happen to go into one of areas that is a [ smoke, + smoke ] area {C and } you don't smoke, you almost strangle. /", "{F Oh, } really. / Do you smoke? /", "<Laughter> So much smoke in the air. / Yeah, / [ areas, + the smoking area, ] {D you know, } it's closed in, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # [ if you don-, + if you don't ] smoke and you go in there, - / [ tha-, + everybody that ] goes in there smokes / {C so } it's full of smoke [ when, + when ] you go in there. / I used to smoke a long time ago. /", "# I think that's, {F um, } # -/", "# I used to burn # my clothes, talking about getting back to clothes <laughter>. / I used to burn my clothes with cigarettes. / That's one of the reason that I stopped <breathing>. /", "{D Well, } {F um, } [ y-, + you ] mentioned your daughter had graduated from college. / {D Well } when she was in high school did she always have to have all the new fashions / {C and, } {F uh? } -/", "Yeah, / [ she always had, + {F uh, } yeah, she always had ] to have a lot of clothes. /", "{D See } [ that's how, + that's how ] I am / {C but } my mamma was not raised like that / {C and so, } -/", "No, / [ I, + I ] wasn't either, / [ she, + my daughter, ] she's real good at finding sales though, {D you know. } /", "# {F Oh, } me to, / boy I have # --", "# [ [ Sh-, + she'll buy a lot of, # ] +", "-- to, hunt them down <laughter>. /", "[ sh-, + {D yeah, } she'll ] buy a lot ] clothes, at the end of seasons, {D you know, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and, # {F uh, } just have them for the next year. / {C And } [ she, + {D you know, } she ] finds all the outlets and all the discount places and, {F uh, } buys clothes. / {F Uh, } [ whe-, + {D you know, } when ] they were coming up, [ I, + I ] didn't sew, / {C but } now [ I've, + I've ] learned how to sew, / {C so } [ [ I'm, + {D well } I'm, ] + I'm ] still learning how, / [ {C but } I'm ge-, + {C and } I'm getting ] much better at it / {C and } [ I, +", "# That's great. # /", "# I'm ] going # to be able to make my own clothes. /", "I wanted to take a sewing class at school / {C but } I just haven't fit it into my schedule yet, / {C but } [ that, + {E I mean, } that ] can really benefit. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } that's something that I'd be [ very interested in, + very interested in ] learning. /", "Right, / because clothes [ are s-, + are really ] expensive.", "{F Uh, } they're outrageous! /", "{D You know, } / {F uh, } {F uh, } a little simple [ shell, + shell ] blouse, {D you know, } that you can make for about, say ten dollars [ [ at, + {D you know, } at, ] + at ] the most out of a decent fabric,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# boy, # runs you like twenty something dollars in the store. /", "# Yeah [ it's, # +", "# Just a # little shell to go under a suit, {D you know. } /", "it's ] marked up. / [ It is, + it is ] really outrageous / {C but, } {F uh, } {E I mean } {D like } whenever [ I, + I ] was growing up and all, my mom, - / I never understood this then, / {C but } I do now, / {C but } she never would buy me like the new designer jeans that had come out that were thirty dollars, / [ {C or, } +", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F um, } # {C or } ] she wouldn't buy me the fifty dollar tennis shoes and stuff like that / {C and } she always told me it was because I was still growing / {C and } she wasn't going to buy me something I was going to grow out of next week. /", "Right, / especially to pay that kind of money for it. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# I # have a friend who, {F uh, } - / [ she had a, + she had [ a ba-, + a little boy ] ] / {C and, } {F uh, } she used to dress him out of Neiman Marcus. / {E I mean, }", "# {F Oh } no <throat_clearing>. # /", "# she dressed him, # {F uh, } fabulously. / {C And then, } seems like every time she turned around he was outgrowing stuff. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And } # she finally learned that you just can not do this, {D you know. } / *[[can not -> cannot]] {C So } now she finds the basement sales [ and, + ] just like, {D you know, } everybody else. /", "That's the best way to shop. / {E I mean, } I always thought my mom was being mean to me / {C but } I look back at it now / {C and } my child is going to, - / {E I mean, } I'm going to raise mine the same way. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } I don't know, / [ I just, + they're just ] so outrageously priced, / it's just incredible. /", "# Yes, / {C and } you, # -/", "# I try to, # {F uh, } always catch the sales. /", "Right. /", "Always <laughter>. /", "{C And, } yeah, / {C and } you just have to keep buying them, {D you know. } / [ [ If you, + if you, ] + if you're ] not buying the most expensive clothes out there [ the, + the ] quality is really not that great, {D you know, } for the price that you pay. /", "Yeah, / [ it, + it ] depends on, {F um, } - / yeah, / [ there's, + there's ] always a reason why they're on sale <laughter>. /", "Right. /", "{C So } [ that, + that ] has a lot to do with it. /", "Right. /", "{C But, } {F um, } - / {D well, } -/", "{D Like } [ I bought, + I bought ] the most beautiful [ swe-, + {F uh, } sweater ] from, {F uh, } I believe it was Ross Dress For Less <laughter>. /", "# {F Uh. } # /", "# {C And } # [ it wa-, + it was ] really pretty, / [ it was just, + {D you know, } it was just ] [ plain, + a plain, ] {F uh, } [ ro-, + {D you know, } round, ] {F uh, } necked, {F uh, } [ sw-, + sweater. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ it had, + {D like, } it was ] embellished around [ the, + the ] top, {D you know, } / it had, {F uh, } [ leather, + leather ] designs {C and, } {F um, } some [ other, + other ] little things on it / {C and } I just thought it was so pretty / {C and } [ I go-, + I got ] it at a real good price, / I think maybe it was nine ninety-nine or something. /", "{F Oh, } that's great. /", "{C And } it was so pretty, / {C and } after I wore it a couple of times I realized [ why, + <laughter> why ] [ it was, +", "# Uh, oh. # /", "# it was ] # so cheap. / [ There was, + in the middle of the back of it, there was, ] - / it's like there, - / it had been slit / {C and } they had {D like } just sewed it back together,", "# {F Oh, } no. # /", "# right in # the middle of the back, {D you know, } / wasn't a seam or anything, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "{C And } that's why it was so cheap, although, [ it's not, + it's not ] really noticeable, <<muffled like she was moving the phone>> {F uh, } from the outside, / [ {C but, } +", "<Laughter>.", "{C but } ] still, [ it's, + {D you know, } it's ] really [ [ not, + not, ] + not ] a good quality. / {C And } then I was told by somebody that works for J C Penney's that, {F uh, } [ Ross, + Ross ] is just one of those places that [ sell, + sells ] seconds. /", "The defect. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {F um, } they don't really buy the first quality, / they buy the second. / {C And, } {F uh, } places like J C Penney's [ that + ] they'll reject the seconds, / they'll send them back every time. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C But } # places like Ross Dress For Less and, {F uh, } T J Max. -/", "T J Max does that, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# yeah # / we have a T J Max over here / {C and, } {F um, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CLOTHING AND DRESS", "prompt": "THE TOPIC IS CLOTHING. PLEASE FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER TYPICALLY DRESSES FOR WORK. HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM DAY TO DAY? HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM SEASON TO SEASON?", "talk_day": "04/14/1991", "from_caller": 1156, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1946, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1226, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2628_0", "2628_1", "2628_2", "2628_3", "2628_4", "2628_5", "2628_6", "2628_7", "2628_8", "2628_9", "2628_10", "2628_11", "2628_12", "2628_13", "2628_14", "2628_15", "2628_16", "2628_17", "2628_18", "2628_19", "2628_20", "2628_21", "2628_22", "2628_23", "2628_24", "2628_25", "2628_26", "2628_27", "2628_28", "2628_29", "2628_30", "2628_31", "2628_32", "2628_33", "2628_34", "2628_35", "2628_36", "2628_37", "2628_38", "2628_39", "2628_40", "2628_41", "2628_42", "2628_43", "2628_44", "2628_45", "2628_46", "2628_47", "2628_48", "2628_49", "2628_50", "2628_51", "2628_52", "2628_53", "2628_54", "2628_55", "2628_56", "2628_57", "2628_58", "2628_59", "2628_60", "2628_61", "2628_62", "2628_63", "2628_64", "2628_65", "2628_66", "2628_67", "2628_68", "2628_69", "2628_70", "2628_71", "2628_72", "2628_73", "2628_74", "2628_75", "2628_76", "2628_77", "2628_78", "2628_79", "2628_80", "2628_81", "2628_82", "2628_83", "2628_84", "2628_85", "2628_86", "2628_87", "2628_88", "2628_89", "2628_90", "2628_91", "2628_92", "2628_93", "2628_94", "2628_95", "2628_96", "2628_97", "2628_98", "2628_99", "2628_100", "2628_101", "2628_102", "2628_103", "2628_104", "2628_105", "2628_106", "2628_107", "2628_108", "2628_109", "2628_110", "2628_111", "2628_112", "2628_113", "2628_114", "2628_115", "2628_116", "2628_117", "2628_118", "2628_119", "2628_120", "2628_121", "2628_122", "2628_123", "2628_124", "2628_125", "2628_126", "2628_127", "2628_128", "2628_129", "2628_130", "2628_131"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / what do you think about it? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } the roles have definitely changed --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- in the last generation or so. / {F Um, } I think a lot of it has to do with women working. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / I do too. / I think it's going to, - / [ in, + {D like } in ] the future, I think all women are going to work. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } they may let you off for a day or two to have your baby, / {C but } that will be it, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C or } # either they'll have a computer at home and in the hospital where you [ can just, + {D you know, } just ] continue right on with your work. /", "[ Ye-, + <laughter> yeah. ] /", "{E I mean, } [ i-, + it ] really is coming to that because most women now days cannot afford the time that they could take off unless the company pays them. /", "# Right, / right. # /", "# They can't # even afford to take off, {D you know, } to have children it seems like. /", "[ {C And } it, + {C and } it ] seems, if you're going to have kids, {F uh, } that [ you are, + {D you know, } society has ] decided for you how many you can really have and make it. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C because } ] if you have, {D you know, } two, {D well, } if you go to work, you're, just working to pay for day care,", "# Right. # /", "# two # or three, {D you know, } {F um. } /", "{D Now, } I was real lucky because my husband had a good enough job where [ when my kids were, + {D you know, } when I had them and when they were small, ]", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# until # [ they got in junior high school, + my youngest got in junior high, ] I didn't have to work. /", "# {F Oh, } that is good. # /", "# {E I mean } I didn't # work, / [ I, + I ] needed to / {C but } I didn't. /", "Yeah, / [ Steve's, + Steve has ] a sister who has four. / She just had her fourth one in, {F uh, } March / {C and } she doesn't have to work either. / I don't know how they do it. / [ I don-, + I don't ] know how people do it with one, / {D you know, } {F um } obviousl-, -/", "<Laughter> Let me tell you, you go without a lot of things that you wo-, {D you know. } -/", "yeah, / obviously we don't have any / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] [ I don't, + I think ] that's part of the role reversal, is it's okay to get married and not have kids. /", "# {F Oh } yeah. # /", "# {C And } I # think [ for + society for ] such a long time said, {D well, } {D you know, } you're married, now you need to [ [ sa-, + have, ] + have ] your family / {C and } I don't think it's been until recently [ that, + that ] they had decided that two people was a family. /", "Right, / right. /", "# {D You know } {C and, } # -/", "# {D Well } it's getting # where [ you can't hardly afford, + if you're going to give your kids any kind of education and stuff you can't hardly afford ] to have over two. /", "# Right. # /", "# {C And } # {E I mean } it's hard with two, / {D now, } we, - / {F uh, } my youngest one, - / I have two, / I have a son and a daughter, / {C and } my youngest one is going to be graduating from college soon, /", "# Oh! # /", "# {C and } # if I had a third one,", "# Yea-, # /", "# I # just don't know where it would come from. /", "Yeah. /", "Because I work now, / I work full time / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } it, - / when you put them through college it just takes just about everything you got. /", "Yeah. /", "They get loans and grants and scholarships and stuff like that, / that helps out, / {C but } still, it cost a lot. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {E I mean, } just [ the, + {D you know, } the ] cost of living and loans don't pay for groceries and stuff. /", "Right, / {C and } cars and all their books, - / {C and } the books are outrageous.", "{F Oh, } I know, / I know. /", "{E I mean, } absolutely outrageous, / {C and } they're getting worse. / {F Uh, } my daughter brought home a book the other day that she was going to have to have for [ her, + one of her ] next classes / {C and } it was like ninety-six dollars. /", "# Gee <<whispered>>. # /", "# {C And } this # book is a little bitty skinny book. /", "Yeah. /", "I said my goodness, what is it, lined in gold, {D you know, } {F uh. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } [ it is, + it's ] getting worse, / {C and, } if I'd of probably had three or four children, I don't see how we could have made it, {D you know, } without me working. /", "{C But } [ that's, + that's ] probably because, {D you know, } if you had three, you, {D you know, } would say, if I'd of had four. / I guess it's always [ not, + not ] being able to picture one more, / {C but } in essence you probably would have worked out fine. /", "Right, / {C but } I think I would have had to work. /", "Yeah. /", "If I'd of had that many, I'd of had to work in order for my kids to, - / {D you know, } even though he brings in a real good living and everything, in order for me to keep up, I would have had to work. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } I think it's getting more and more like,", "# <Dishes>. #", "# when # you have one child now, that's it, {D you know, } / then you go to work / {C and } you work, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C because } # if you have two or three kids, by the, [ e-, + ] way the inflation's going I think a woman's always going to have to work / {C and } it's just going to be an accepted thing. / There isn't going to be any of this, {D you know, } very few people will ever stay home. /", "Yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] that's all right with me, because I don't want to stay home -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } I think I'm just part of [ tha-, + the ] new stuff, that is just, - / {D I don't know, } I think I would just go nuts sitting at home all day long. /", "{D Well } {D you know, } I can't imagine how I did, because now I work all the time, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C and, } # {F um, } {D well } I work all week, / {C and, } {F um, } I can't imagine how I stayed home. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } I think to myself, what did I do. / {C And } I think [ it just, + it revolutionized ] [ an, + where ] a woman thinks that a way, {D you know, } just like, - / {D now } my daughter, there's no way that she can imagine herself married at the age that she's at now <scratching>. / To her everything is, you've got to go through college, you've got to get a job, {D you know. } / {C And then } when everything's set up, then you look for somebody that you want to spend the rest of your life with, / {C but. }", "Right. /", "{E I mean } it is so far down the road, / [ where, + {D now } when ] I graduated high school,", "# [ That's, you did, + that's what you did. ] #", "# the thing, - / uh-huh, / {C and then } you got # married / {C and then } you had a family. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{E I mean } that's just the way it was, {D you know. } /", "Yeah <noise>. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } that's like when my mo-, - / I know when my mother's age it was always the kids and the family and <scratching> everything had to come first / {C and } the woman stayed home and took care of them, / {C an. } -/", "[ [ I, + {F uh, } I, ] + I ] like the way it is. /", "Yeah. /", "It's, {F uh, } being, - / {D see, } we're from Houston {C and } so it's not so hard for people, / {D you know, } you've been married three or so years / {C and } you don't have kids, {D well } it's okay, [ no-, + nobody ] does. / {C But } you come to a place like Belton, / {C and } th-, - / a lot of the kids here get married out of high school. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# It's # real small town, / {C and } i-, - / {C and } a lot of people in our su-, - / we're the only couple in our Sunday School class, except for one other couple, who are in their forties, / {C and } they can't have children, [ who + ] don't have children. / {C And } they can't imagine why we would want to have children. / *[[ I think the word might be \"wouldn't\", otherwise it doesn't make sense. ]] {C And, } I'm going {D well, } {D you know, } [ there's more to life, + {D you know, } there's life ] in there that's, -/", "# <Scratching>. #", "# {D you # know, } not everybody has to have kids, / {C and, } I'd rather spend the time with my husband than, {D you know, } spending time, - / {D here, } it's your turn, {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / {C but, } you know, that, {D now } even - / whenever I was coming up and everything - / {C and } we got married right out of high school, {D well } a year after I got out of high school <scratching>, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and, } # {F uh, } I didn't have kids for four and a half years / {C but } that was because I wanted to work / {C and } I wasn't ready for kids. /", "Yeah, / I think that's what it is, / I'm not either. /", "{C And, } everybody thought, {F oh, } my gosh, what is the matter with her, {D you know. } /", "They're probably going, {F oh, } I bet she can't get pregnant / <<using a false voice>>.", "Right, / {E I mean } they thought that it was terrible, {D you know, } / {C and then } when I'd tell them, {D you know, } {D well } I'm just not ready for children yet, / {F oh, } {C but } that, {D you know, } [ you better, + you better ] just get ready now. -/", "# Yeah. # /", "# {D Well } # you don't just get ready. / {C But } I was kind of odd because as a general rule the people that married during my time, they had kids within a year. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I just was not ready for kids. / I wanted to get out and work a little bit / {C and } I wanted to travel and stuff like that, which we did. / {C And, } {F uh, } kids didn't fit in right then, / {C but, } it's getting more and more like that where there's more and more couples / {C and, } {D really, } if you don't want the kids, then it's not the time to have, - / I don't care what anybody tells you. /", "Right. /", "{C And } I think that more and more the attitude's getting that [ a + ] way. / {C Because } that's like my daughter / now, she says that, {D you know, } maybe when she's thirty she might want a child then. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And, } # {F uh, } even though I'd like to have grandchildren, I can see her point. /", "Yeah, / Steve's mom [ finally, + {F uh, } finally ] [ s-, + {D you know, } said ] [ that, + that ] God will take care of us when it's our time. /", "Right. /", "[ She finally admitted, + {D you know, } she finally told ] me it's okay if you don't, / {C but } it took every nerve in her body to say that because she's from a very, very old fashioned family. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } she stayed home and raised her kids / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] she expected all of her kids to do that too, / {C and } their wives [ and + ] to be [ the, + the ] housewife and have dinner ready by five [ and, + and, ] {D you know, } be there at every beck and call - / {C and, } I was raised totally opposite <laughter>. / How we got together, I don't know, / [ {C but. } + {C Because } ] my mother had six girls, / {C and, } {D you know, } she worked too. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C And, } # I guess I just <<pause>> <barking> - / {C and } I saw how life was when she stayed home / {C and } it was rough, / it was hard, / {C and, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah, / {C and } it really is, / I know, / just like now, {D you know, } [ there's, + there's ] so much more now. / All my income goes for things like luxuries, / {E I mean, } it really does.", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# Accept # for what we give to my daughter, to, {D you know, } put her through college and stuff. / *[[ Spelling/usage: \"Accept\" should be \"Except\" ]] {C But } the rest of it - / we just buy things like boats, / {C or } we go on trips, [ or, {D you know, } just + ] --", "Right. /", "-- the more or less like entertainment stuff, / {C but. } -/", "# Yeah, / I think [ you've, + you've ] earned that though. # /", "# Yeah, / I feel like I have, {D you know, } # because {D well, } we're just a age now, / I'm not old / {C but, } I'm older. /", "<Whispering> Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I got to stay home with my kids, which I really wanted to do, / {C but } now I could not go back and do it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } {E I mean, } I did stuff / {C but, }", "# Right. # /", "# to # me it feels like I must have done nothing. / {C And } I think it's just the new way that people are thinking. /", "Yeah, / I think so. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "I think it would be neat [ if, + if ] they could incorporate into small and large businesses both a built in day cares where the children were there in the facility but not necessarily right there with you. /", "{D Well } {D you know } more and more of them are, / I don't know if it is up there where you are / {C but } where I am, [ the, + ] just {D like } all the hospitals,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# they're # getting day care. /", "Are they? /", "{C But } the reason they had to do this was because [ so many people, + {D you know, } so many women ] could not afford, - / like you said if you had four kids, or even if you had two kids, you would be paying all your salary to pay for those two kids to go. /", "Right. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } more and more of our hospitals, especially, over here are getting them / {C and } then some of the bigger companies, - / {C but } it's mainly the hospitals. /", "Yeah, / I don't know if the T I in Dallas does or not. / [ I know, + I know ] nobody around here does, it, / [ we're, + it's ] too small around here. /", "{F Oh } really. /", "Yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "04/22/1991", "from_caller": 1225, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1946, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1011, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3327_0", "3327_1", "3327_2", "3327_3", "3327_4", "3327_5", "3327_6", "3327_7", "3327_8", "3327_9", "3327_10", "3327_11", "3327_12", "3327_13", "3327_14", "3327_15", "3327_16", "3327_17", "3327_18", "3327_19", "3327_20", "3327_21", "3327_22", "3327_23", "3327_24", "3327_25", "3327_26", "3327_27", "3327_28", "3327_29", "3327_30", "3327_31", "3327_32", "3327_33", "3327_34", "3327_35", "3327_36", "3327_37", "3327_38", "3327_39", "3327_40", "3327_41", "3327_42", "3327_43", "3327_44", "3327_45", "3327_46", "3327_47", "3327_48", "3327_49", "3327_50", "3327_51", "3327_52", "3327_53", "3327_54", "3327_55", "3327_56", "3327_57", "3327_58", "3327_59", "3327_60", "3327_61", "3327_62", "3327_63", "3327_64", "3327_65", "3327_66", "3327_67", "3327_68", "3327_69", "3327_70"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, / is it Mike? /", "Yes. /", "Do you repair your own car? /", "I try to, whenever I can. / I've always been [ [ a, + a ] + <lipsmack>, I guess a ] product of a handyman father. /", "{D Well, } I tell you what, [ that's, + ] [ y-, + ] count your blessings because --", "Th-, -/", "-- {F uh, } it really is good when someone can do some --", "Yeah. /", "-- things to a car themselves. /", "Yeah. / There's, - / [ a-, + although ] I'll tell you, {D you know, } over the years the cars get more complicated. /", "{D Well, } that's why I don't do as much as I'd like. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "Because [ [ they are, + {E I mean } they've got, ] + they've gotten ] complicated haven't they? <Barking>. /", "Yes. / One of my first cars was a fifty-six Buick.", "Uh-huh. /", "Which, after awhile I could, {D you know, } take [ it + ] apart in my sleep if I needed to. /", "Is that right? /", "Yeah. / [ It, + it ] got to be pretty straightforward to understand / {C and, } now since then, {D you know, } the closer a car is to a fifty-six Buick, [ the, + the ] more I know about it. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And then } start getting into these Nissans and the like - / {C and } I just can't keep up. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] agree. / About all I ever, - / I never was too mechanically inclined, / {C but } I used to always change my own oil and do the points and plugs and, -/", "Yeah. /", "Course, they don't use, {F uh, } <noise> points anymore. /", "That's right <laughter>. /", "{C But, }", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } they do still use plugs. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D now } brakes, I've always done a lot of, {D you know, } changing brakes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Lipsmack> {C And } [ I used to do, + I could always do ] the alternator, {D you know, } and starter. /", "Yes. /", "I don't anymore, / {C but } I have [ on a lot, + a lot ] of times. /", "Yes, / I understand. / My last car repair actually had to do with brakes / {C and } it's one I did not do myself. / I took the car, my, - / I have a seventy-nine El Dorado, took it to be inspected -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } the parking brake failed. / {C So } I got under there and messed with [ [ the, + the ten-, ] + [ that, + {F uh, } that adjustment -- ] ]", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ to make, + to [ t-, + tighten ] ] it up / {C and } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that didn't do the trick / {C and then } I got there and tried to, -/", "It probably slipped loose, didn't it? /", "{D Well, } {D actually } that wasn't even eventually the problem. / [ [ I, + I did a lot of things that I, ] + I did everything that I ] could think to do. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } eventually I brought it up to [ a, + a ] place called Just Brakes -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it turns out that there's a, - / the parking brake [ i-, + in ] the rear, - / [ there's a, + there's ] disc brakes / {C and } the parking brake is a piston deal. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And } because the parking brake hadn't been used in so many years, the piston froze up. /", "{F Oh. } /", "{D So } they ended up having to pound it out. / {C And } one of them, they,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "were able to get running, {F uh, } kind of oiling it and playing with it / {C and } the other one [ they just, + it was just ] frozen solid, / {C so } I ended up having to buy one / {C and } [ altog-, + all total, ] it was just under two hundred dollars, believe it or not, to get all that done <laughter>. /", "Y-, - / {D well, } it really wasn't quite, [ s-, + as ] bad as you thought, [ was it, + was it? ] /", "[ Y-, + yeah, ] / actually, [ I, + I ] think it was a lot of money, / {C but } [ I, + I ] don't, like I s-, -/", "{D Well, } it was a lot of money, / {C but, } -/", "Yeah, / {C but, } I, - / it got to the point where I didn't know what was going on / {C so, } -/", "You had to have the help, didn't you? /", "That's right, / that's right. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } do you still do much work on them, then? /", "I do. / Th-, - / [ {D act-, } th-, + {D actually } that ] was just [ a, + [ at, + at ] ] the beginning of September / {C and, } whenever I can, I do try. / I - / <throat_clearing> [ {D a-, } + {D actually, } ] I'd say this. / [ I, + I've ] gotten to the point where I don't change the oil anymore. Only because, -/", "Disposal is a problem. /", "{D Well, } that is one problem, / {C but } also [ these, + {F uh, } these ] fast oil change places, you just can't beat them. /", "That's true. /", "For sixteen bucks [ they'll -- +", "That's true. /", "-- not only will ] they change the oil in ten minutes, and do [ a f-, + {D you know, } as good a ] job as I can do, but they'll, {F uh, } lube, too <noise>. /", "Right, / [ that, + that, ] - / [ I've, + I've ] quit doing that myself. /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And, } + {C but } ] one of the main reasons was the disposal of the oil, {D you know. } /", "Yep, / that's right. /", "<Lipsmack> [ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C but, } ] it, - / {C but, } no, / I guess, i-, - / that, - / {C and } the main reason that [ it's, + it's ] quick. -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AUTO REPAIRS", "prompt": "WHAT WAS THE LAST AUTO REPAIR YOU PERFORMED OR HAD DONE ON YOUR CAR? ARE THERE SOME TYPES OF REPAIRS OR MAINTENANCE TASKS YOU PREFER TO DO YOURSELF? DISCUSS YOUR EXPERIENCES IN THIS AREA WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "10/29/1991", "from_caller": 1413, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1095, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["3369_0", "3369_1", "3369_2", "3369_3", "3369_4", "3369_5", "3369_6", "3369_7", "3369_8", "3369_9", "3369_10", "3369_11", "3369_12", "3369_13", "3369_14", "3369_15", "3369_16", "3369_17", "3369_18", "3369_19", "3369_20", "3369_21", "3369_22", "3369_23", "3369_24", "3369_25", "3369_26", "3369_27", "3369_28", "3369_29", "3369_30", "3369_31", "3369_32", "3369_33", "3369_34", "3369_35", "3369_36", "3369_37", "3369_38", "3369_39", "3369_40", "3369_41", "3369_42", "3369_43", "3369_44", "3369_45", "3369_46", "3369_47", "3369_48", "3369_49", "3369_50", "3369_51", "3369_52", "3369_53", "3369_54", "3369_55", "3369_56", "3369_57", "3369_58", "3369_59", "3369_60", "3369_61", "3369_62", "3369_63", "3369_64", "3369_65", "3369_66", "3369_67", "3369_68", "3369_69", "3369_70", "3369_71", "3369_72", "3369_73"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } have you seen a new movie lately? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } I am a student / {C and } I have, {F uh, } been actually watching more movies on video,", "Uh-huh. /", "than being able to go out to see, {F uh, } movies [ at the store, + {E or } at the theater. ] / {F Uh, } [ I st-, + I want ] to see the FISHER KING [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } catch ROBIN HOOD. /", "Okay. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] haven't seen either one of those. / {F Uh, } [ what, + what ] are some of the shows that you have been able to rent though? /", "{F Uh, } let's see. / {F Uh, } I'm trying to just think of the ones that have come on. / {F Uh, } WHITE PALACE which I thought was [ over rated, + over hyped, ] {F um, } recently. / {D Well, } you're catching me [ at, + [ it, + ] {F uh, } {F uh, } at ] mind's end here. / What have you <laughter> seen recently? <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } maybe [ you, + {F uh, } you ] have seen DANCES WITH WOLVES. /", "Yes. /", "Okay. /", "Yes. /", "What did you think of that one? /", "Enjoyed that quite a bit. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "{F Um, } I thought [ [ the, + {F uh, } the cima-, ] + the cinematography ] was excellent. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the story was, - / {F uh, } though it tended to be a little one sided --", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } it was good. / {F Uh, } [ it was, + it was ] believable. /", "[ I, + {F uh, } I ] just moved down, in fact, from South Dakota [ in, + in ] June, / {C and } that's when the movie was filmed, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } [ we, + [ when, + when ] the movie came out, we ] went, - / {F uh, } my dad lives in the state capital, which is Pierre -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } it was filmed right outside of Pierre. / In fact, [ [ the buffalo, + the scene, ] + the big buffalo herd scene, ] [ that was, + that was ] a live scene. /", "Wow. /", "{F Uh, } there's a guy that has got [ a, + a ] buffalo farm, / {C and } he has got over ten thousand head of buffalo [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } [ we, + my dad ] has got a little plane, we flew over it all a-, looked at the buffalo, / it was really neat. / [ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] we are watching [ the, + the ] movie in the movie theater in Pierre -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } just every time I would start to get into the movie, and it was getting good --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- someone in the crowd would yell, hey, there's John Red Eagle, {D you know } / {C or, }", "<Laughter>.", "{D you know, } they'd start recognizing people. /", "[ They knew, + they knew ] the extras or the, -/", "Yeah. / {D So, } <laughter> [ I kind of, + I think ] I enjoyed it more [ when I, + when I ] watched it on video cassette than I did, {F uh, } in the movie theater because my attention would get diverted every time they'd say that. / I'd go [ {D now, } + {D now } ] which one could that be --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } / {C and } [ I'd, + I'd ] start trying to focus in on people instead [ of, + of ] picking up the overall, -/", "Scope. /", "Right. / Exactly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C So, } + {C but } ] [ I, + I ] thought it was a good film. / {C But } you are right, / [ I think, + I think ] it was very one sided. /", "[ It, + it ] was, / {C but } it's a side that hasn't been told. {F Uh, } as far as, {D you know, } telling it from, {D you know, } the Indians as the good guys and the, the white men as the bad guys. / [ I, + I ] really thought about, {F uh, } all [ the, + the ] westerns that we have seen for years and years, /", "Sure. /", "{C and } it's just, shoot the Indians, / {C and } they are always the savages. /", "Right. /", "{D So, } -/", "<Throat_clearing> In fact, I was watching WILD WILD WEST last night / {C and, }", "<Laughter>.", "it was a similar, {F uh, } situation with the Iroquois Indians attacking [ a, + an ] army fort. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C but } it was an interesting movie. / {F Uh, } have you seen PRETTY WOMAN? /", "Yes. /", "{D Now } I thought that was a good show. /", "Yeah. / [ That was, + that was ] a good movie. / {F Um, } it was just kind of a get away movie. /", "Yeah. /", "Kind of, -/", "[ It didn't, + {F uh, } it didn't ] have any real social bearing / [ {C or, } +", "<Laughter>.", "{F uh, } {C and } ] it wasn't really a comedy, / {C but } it was an enjoyable movie. / [ It was, + it was ] kind of like the STAR WARS --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ s-, + series, ] {D you know, } just something a little different,", "# Right. # /", "# yet # believable. /", "Yes. / You're bringing it, / I don't know, / [ I had a, + I sure did have a ] mind lock about the movies I've seen. / <laughter> {C But, } yeah, / I've seen PRETTY WOMAN and DANCES WITH WOLVES, / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Uh, } {D now } [ [ are you, + are you going to see, ] + {E or } [ do you, + are you ] ] much of a STAR TREK fan, / are you going to see this next one that's coming out? /", "{F Oh, } definitely. /", "Have you seen the rest? /", "Yes. /", "I think I've missed one. / I'm not sure, / {C but } I think I've missed one. /", "I actually went to the STAR TREK twenty fifth anniversary marathon that happened about a month ago, / {C and } they showed all five in a row. /", "Was that here in Dallas? /", "{F Oh, } they had it everywhere, / {F uh, } every major city had one theater that did it / {C and, } -/", "Okay. / {C Because } we had one here in Dallas. /", "Right, / {C and } they did it in Houston, / [ they did it, + {D well, } they did it ] everywhere. / {C And } [ it was, + it was ] really good to see all the movies and how the story developed, / {C and } the thing that I didn't realize is that if you watch the movies in a row, {F uh, } time wise they happen one after another --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and just [ no, + no ] time between them, / {C but } you can watch the characters develop, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "11/07/1991", "from_caller": 1420, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1966, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1355, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1968, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4079_0", "4079_1", "4079_2", "4079_3", "4079_4", "4079_5", "4079_6", "4079_7", "4079_8", "4079_9", "4079_10", "4079_11", "4079_12", "4079_13", "4079_14", "4079_15", "4079_16", "4079_17", "4079_18", "4079_19", "4079_20", "4079_21", "4079_22", "4079_23", "4079_24", "4079_25", "4079_26", "4079_27", "4079_28", "4079_29", "4079_30", "4079_31", "4079_32", "4079_33", "4079_34", "4079_35", "4079_36", "4079_37", "4079_38", "4079_39", "4079_40", "4079_41", "4079_42", "4079_43", "4079_44", "4079_45", "4079_46", "4079_47", "4079_48", "4079_49", "4079_50", "4079_51", "4079_52", "4079_53", "4079_54", "4079_55", "4079_56", "4079_57", "4079_58"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {D So } Frank, what, {F uh, } type of, {F uh, } budget do you or your family have? /", "<Music> {D Well, } {F uh } I don't know that we really have a budget. / I have a set amount [ that I, + that I ] save. / [ Actually, + {D well } actually ] there is [ a, + a ] way, - / budget our money apparently. - / The, - / {F uh, } my wife, {F uh, } [ has so much, + {F uh, } gets so much ] to do shopping with every couple of weeks / {C and, } {F uh, } we allot each of us so much money per week for our personal stuff, gas, and things like that / {C and } besides that [ I, + {F uh, } {D you know, } I ] have a set amount that I save every month. /", "Right. / That's, {F uh, } sounds like probably a tighter controlled budget than what I have <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I am single, / {C so. }", "Uh-huh. /", "I guess, I don't know if that's an excuse for not having a tight budget, / {C but } # I basically, # -/", "# Really don't # need to. /", "Right, / I don't need to. / <laughter> I am the only that I have to keep track of / {C so } it makes it a little bit easier. /", "That's right. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } also [ I, + {D you know, } I ] try to save a certain amount each month as well -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I [ try to, + try to ] have an idea of what my expenses are / {C and } I am pretty consistent from month to month -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } [ whenever, {F uh, } I need to, + {F uh, } whenever that changes ] I am pretty well aware of it without actually having to maintain a budget for it. /", "Right. / {D Well, } I found that, {F uh, } {D you know, } things, as I have gotten older, - / I am in my fifties now, / {C but } before we use [ [ to have, + to have ] + to have ] a very strict budget, / I had four kids / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know } we planned out how much we were going to spend for food and how much [ for, + for ] this and for that. / Kind of anticipate how much things were going to be. / {F Uh, } I guess one interesting aspect of the budgeting I do now is that [ I set aside, + {F uh, } I kind of fence off ] areas of my check book. / For instance, there are certain things that I know come up, {F uh, } every so often. / Every six months I have to pay car insurance. / {F Uh, } every six months I have to pay my taxes. / {C So } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I take a set amount. / I've got a money market account that I do a lot of {F uh, } {F uh, } saving in / {C and } I also have got a checking account besides that, / {C but, } what I do on my money market account, my taxes for instance which amount to an average of two hundred and twenty dollars a month. I will just take two hundred and twenty out / {C and } I put it in parenthesis. / I take it out of the right line total --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and put it in parenthesis in there and let it build up. / Every month I add two hundred and twenty dollars to it. / Then when the tax bill comes in I've got that much set aside. /", "Right. /", "{C And } I guess that's a way of budgeting. /", "Yeah. / That's, - / I guess I kind of do a similar thing. More, {F uh, } medium or longer range. / I just have a maybe a targeted amount that I will save for. / {D Like } I am, - / probably within a year I would like to buy a new car. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } I kind of have [ a, + an ] amount in my mind / {C and } I am making every effort [ to, + to ] [ sal-, + put ] a little bit away and increase the amount that I need for a down payment or whatever. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. / {F Uh, } <chiming> cars are definitely something that you have to figure into your budget. Not only for buying them, but for keeping them on the road too. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } we've got two cars. / My wife has a car / {C and } I like to drive pick up truck. / {C So, } we are on a schedule where I try every, {F uh, } three or four years [ to, + to ] buy a new one. / {C And } {D you know } I am constantly making car payments, / {C but } I figure that's got to be the story of my life {D anyway, } is making car payments. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {D you know, } I get one paid for / {C and, } {F uh, } actually I am saving up for another one besides / {C so } --", "{F Huh. }", "-- [ it's + {D you know, } it's ] kind of a never ending thing, / {C but } --", "Right. /", "-- [ you try to, + you try to ] schedule those things so that, {F uh, } [ you only, + you're not ] paying for two [ of + ] at the same time --", "Right. /", "-- I guess is what I am saying. /", "Have you thought about, {F uh, } leasing? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } I have thought about it, / {C but } leasing wouldn't, - / {D you know, } I don't use it for my business. /", "I see. /", "My wife uses hers just for pleasure / {C and } I use mine just to go back and forth to work --", "Right. /", "-- which is only ten miles away / {C so. } -/", "{C But } if you are rolling it over every three years,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "it might be advantageous to do that. /", "Yeah, / I guess. / {F Uh, } /", "{D You know, } typically, [ you, + if you ] purchase your own car you tend to make, {F uh, } the best returns after you pay it off. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Of course, the longer you keep it beyond that point, the more profitable it is to own it yourself. /", "Right. / Yeah, / you're right. / {F Uh, } I have, {F uh, } been know to keep trucks or cars for {F oh, } ten or twelve years, / {C but } I find that after about four years they kind of start going down hill / {C and } you got to put put stuff in them {D you know. } /", "That's right. / <laughter> Yeah, / mine's, {F uh, } seven years old / {C and } I think last year [ was, + that was ] a rough year for it. / I had a number of expenses <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I am hoping that most of them were just kind of, - / {F uh, } {D you know } the, - / as you get to a certain number of miles, you have to get everything replaced, brakes, shocks and all that. / {C So, } I just went through that whole set last year. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I hope that I only have a slow period before I do that again <laughter>. /", "Those things can really upset your budget [ when they, + when they ] come in. / {F Uh, } {D you know, } it's nice to have a little bit set aside [ for the, + for the ] unexpected shall we say.", "Right. /", "So that it doesn't, {F uh, } kill you all in one month. /", "Right. / What line of work are you in? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY FINANCE", "prompt": "DOES YOUR FAMILY KEEP A MONTHLY BUDGETCAN YOU GIVE A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROCEDURES", "talk_day": "03/07/1992", "from_caller": 1532, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1539, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1938, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2028_0", "2028_1", "2028_2", "2028_3", "2028_4", "2028_5", "2028_6", "2028_7", "2028_8", "2028_9", "2028_10", "2028_11", "2028_12", "2028_13", "2028_14", "2028_15", "2028_16", "2028_17", "2028_18", "2028_19", "2028_20", "2028_21", "2028_22", "2028_23", "2028_24", "2028_25", "2028_26", "2028_27", "2028_28", "2028_29", "2028_30", "2028_31", "2028_32", "2028_33", "2028_34", "2028_35", "2028_36", "2028_37", "2028_38", "2028_39", "2028_40", "2028_41", "2028_42", "2028_43", "2028_44", "2028_45", "2028_46", "2028_47", "2028_48", "2028_49", "2028_50", "2028_51", "2028_52", "2028_53", "2028_54", "2028_55", "2028_56", "2028_57", "2028_58", "2028_59", "2028_60", "2028_61", "2028_62", "2028_63", "2028_64", "2028_65", "2028_66", "2028_67", "2028_68", "2028_69", "2028_70", "2028_71", "2028_72", "2028_73", "2028_74", "2028_75", "2028_76", "2028_77", "2028_78", "2028_79", "2028_80", "2028_81", "2028_82", "2028_83", "2028_84", "2028_85", "2028_86", "2028_87", "2028_88", "2028_89", "2028_90", "2028_91", "2028_92", "2028_93", "2028_94", "2028_95", "2028_96", "2028_97", "2028_98", "2028_99", "2028_100", "2028_101", "2028_102", "2028_103", "2028_104", "2028_105", "2028_106", "2028_107", "2028_108", "2028_109", "2028_110", "2028_111", "2028_112", "2028_113", "2028_114", "2028_115", "2028_116", "2028_117", "2028_118", "2028_119", "2028_120", "2028_121", "2028_122", "2028_123", "2028_124", "2028_125", "2028_126", "2028_127", "2028_128", "2028_129", "2028_130", "2028_131", "2028_132", "2028_133", "2028_134", "2028_135", "2028_136", "2028_137", "2028_138", "2028_139", "2028_140", "2028_141", "2028_142", "2028_143", "2028_144", "2028_145", "2028_146"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, {F um. } / How has it been this week for you? /", "Weather-wise, or otherwise? /", "Weather-wise. /", "Weather-wise. / Damp, cold, warm <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } no, / damp. /", "[ We have, + we have ] gone through, what might be called the four seasons, {F uh, } in the last week. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We have had highs of seventy-two, lows in the twenties. /", "My goodness. / {D Well, } I don't even want to tell you what ours has been like then. /", "<Laughter>.", "It was ninety-six yesterday, /", "I heard about that. /", "<Laughter> {C and } we set a record yesterday. [ And, + ] {F uh, } very windy, / {C but } then today the wind has dropped off, and also, the temperature, [ so, + ] very cool, {F uh, } / I think right now it's like sixty-nine, /", "{F Um } <music>. /", "{C and } that's cool for u-, / {C or } it feels cool compared to yesterday, but very pleasant, / no rain in the last month, I don't think. / The ground's very dry / {C and } our yard work, everything is in bloom, / {C so } our yard work is pretty tough, the ground being dry, / {C but } I guess it also, {F uh, } brings about allergies, / we're having a lot of allergies down here right now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Everything blooming, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] the weather. -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I think a lot of people have contracted, {F uh, } spring fever too, / {D so. } Had a lot of people out at work, {D you know, } for fishing, [ [ and, + and ] + {F uh, }", "<Laughter>.", "and ] golfing, reasons and things like that. /", "The blue flu, /", "Yeah. /", "yeah, / the blue flu, or the white collar flu, depending on where you work, I guess. /", "Yes. /", "{F Oh, } [ we have had, + {F uh, } as I've said, we have had ] variable weather. {F Uh, } /", "{F Um. } /", "It has been untypically wet for this time of year, /", "{F Um. } /", "{C and, } also, we have a lot of green, {D you know, } / the grass has been growing / {C and } if you look outside, you would like to go out and mow your lawn,", "{F Uh. } /", "if you could go out and buy a new spark plug, or something along those lines, / {C but } fortunately it rains / {C and } you, {F uh, } do not have to go out and buy the spark plug,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know. } / {C But, } we've had an unusually, {F uh, } {F uh, } warm spring, / {C and, } {D well } I guess we're still in winter, / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "we have had no snow. /", "No snow? /", "[ To speak of, + to speak of. ] /", "{F Um. } /", "We usually average, {F oh, } anywhere from six to twelve inches during the winter / {C and } this year, as well as last year, we have had less than four inches total accumulation. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So, } it's been inordinately warm, {F uh, } here, [ for, + {F uh, } for ] this time of year. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So, } {F uh, } in that regard, it's fine, / {C but, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "I envy you your ninety-four degrees. /", "<Laughter>.", "I thought I heard this morning that in San Antonio it was in the nineties yesterday. /", "Yes, / yes / it is. / Down in the more southern and western areas. / {C And, } of course we are, {F um, } about two hours from the northern border, straight south, /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } very windy. / It's amazing to me / {C because } I have only lived in Dallas for three years, / {C and } I cannot believe that the wind blows all the time. /", "<Laughter>.", "It does, / [ I, + I ] - / very seldom, if any, - / I can't remember, {D you know, } a day that I walked out and the wind wasn't blowing. /", "Uh-huh / {D Well, } I spent six years in graduate school [ at, + in ] Indiana. In the flatlands, / {C and } it was that way every day. /", "{F Um. } /", "Rarely a day went by when the wind was less than fifteen or twenty miles an hour.", "{F Um. } /", "Summer and winter, / {C so, } that, {F uh, } - / [ you, + you ] became accustomed to it, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } otherwise [ w-, + as I said, we ] have had, {F uh, } a relatively mild winter,", "Uh-huh. /", "speaking for this area of the country. /", "{F Oh, } [ rea-, + ] where did you go to school in Indiana? /", "Purdue. /", "Purdue. / I have a brother that lives in, {F uh, } {F uh, } South Bend, Indiana. /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "{C And, } I had to always, - / I've lived there for eight years myself. / I'd always said I was going to go back to school and go to Notre Dame. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } I didn't. {F Uh. } /", "{D Well, } you are not from that area originally, I can tell. /", "No, / originally I'm from New Mexico. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "I was born in New Mexico / {C and } we lived in, {F uh, } South Bend for [ eighty, + eight ] years, and, {F uh, } then moved to, {F uh, } Tennessee {D actually. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } I thought I heard a little Tennessee in there somewhere. /", "<Laughter> Very much, / very much, / {C cause } [ I, + I ] spent thirteen years there.", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } then moved to Dallas about three years ago. / {C So, } -/", "Gee, / you've [ moved almost, + moved around as much as ] I have <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, {F uh, } / my father was in the Air Force, / {C so, } -/", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } I worked for the government, / {C so } [ I, + I ] moved, {F uh, } much more frequently than I had intended for sixteen years, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but, } {F uh, } I guess [ the, + {F uh, } this ] is my first conversation in this, {F uh, } {F uh, } series. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I ] received a call last night because of the, {F uh, } - / I had not received my, {F uh, } personal identification number. /", "Right. /", "{C So, } I had to call Jack Godfrey today to ask him what it was, because [ I, + I ] had to abort the call last evening because I couldn't get on the line. /", "Yeah <breathing>. /", "{D So, } {F uh, } is there any, - / I'm not sure how long we're supposed to talk. /", "[ It's, + {F um, } it's ] just as long as you want to. /", "{F Oh. } {F O-, } /", "{E I mean } it's just, {F uh, } as long as you want to, [ and + ] just, {D you know, } a reasonable lengthy conversation. / {F Uh, } do you work for Texas Instruments? /", "No, / I do not. / I work for G T E. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{C And, } [ I, {F uh, } of course, was, + I was ] sent [ a, + {F uh, } an ] application [ from, + {F uh, } from ] Jack. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I've known Jack for some time. / I'm in the speech processing business,", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "and have been for a number of years, / {C so } I was very much interested,", "Yeah. /", "[ in, + in ] being a speaker for this <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } [ I, + I ] work for Texas Instruments, / {C and, } {F uh, } [ I'm an a, + I'm an ] environmental engineer, /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } <static> they just published this internally, {D you know, } getting people involved. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } [ that, + that's ] really strange. / [ I, + I ] was wondering why we had somebody from Maryland though. / I was saying, God, do we have a TI in Maryland / {C or, } -/", "I'm sure you have a representative somewhere in the area.", "Uh-huh. /", "If just nothing more than a business representative or government services representative, / [ {C and, } + {F um, } {C but } ] [ I have, + {F uh, } I have ] been a speaker in other, {F uh, } similar type of activities. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } I know the reason [ why this is, + why [ the, + {F uh, } this ] is ] being gathered and the program and so forth, / {C so, } [ I was interested + as I said, I was interested ] in being a speaker. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We haven't talked much about the weather <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D well. } -/", "I know that's what we're supposed to do. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {D Well, } really [ it, + <static> {F uh, } the letter ] just says, {F um, } - / let's see, I can't, - / I was looking at it, / I was trying to find out speedy short cuts, / {C and } I always thought it's not necessary to measure your time, just to go ahead and enjoy the conversation, [ and, + and, ] end it when needed. / {C So. } -/", "Uh-huh. / In environmental engineering, {F uh, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "is that with regard to work place engineering, or just, {D you know, } [ environm-, + the work place environment ] / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } {D well, } it's actually, {F um, } waste water. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "[ Taking, + taking ] care of {F uh, } - / I'm actually in the air division, / {C and } we monitor, {F um, } <static> anything that comes out of a stack, or out of a building, / {C or, } {F um, } we do have customers that, {F um, } their concerns are in the work place / {C and } we take care of that, / {C but } (( )) ,", "Uh-huh. /", "within our department. We take care of everything. Waste water, {F uh, } solid waste, and recycling, [ and, + and ] air and <sigh>, -/", "{D Well, } I had - / [ [ my, + the, ] + the ] call last evening was supposed to be [ about, + {F uh, } concerning ] recycling <static>,", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "in the community. / The call I received, - / {C and so, } [ I had, + {F uh, } I had ] thought a little bit about it, {F um, }", "Uh-huh. /", "before hand. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C So, } I, <laughter> - / {C but } [ that, + that's ] interesting. / I have a, {F uh, } {F uh, } friend who is a planner.", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } a city planner. / {C And, } one of his, - / {C and } he models, {F uh, } city districts, and so forth,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } does computer modeling. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } one of the, {F uh, } - / he [ has inputs, + {E or } gets inputs ] from, {F uh, } an environmental engineer. (( )) . /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / [ we + {D actually, } our division ] is corporate wide, / {C and } we take care of just the Dallas area. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Of course we have several plants here, / {C but, } {F um, } we do air modeling also. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {D yeah, } I take care of all the air modeling, specifically for the Dallas area. / What we do, we have a weather station, that we get all of this information, {D you know, } temperature, wind speed, wind direction, / {C and, } {F uh, } we have a huge chemical data base. /", "{D Well, } that's interesting. /", "And, {F uh, } [ our, + <static> our ] chemical data base, so that we know every chemical on site / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F um, } its concentration, / {C and } [ if, + if ] anything ever happened, God forbid, {D you know, } a building explosion or something [ tha-, + ] we'd be able to track chemicals from that building with our weather station. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WEATHER CLIMATE", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE WEATHER. WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE IN YOUR AREA? HAS IT BEEN TYPICAL FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR? COMPARE IT WITH THE OTHER CALLER'S WEATHER.", "talk_day": "03/06/1991", "from_caller": 1086, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1101, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1939, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3038_0", "3038_1", "3038_2", "3038_3", "3038_4", "3038_5", "3038_6", "3038_7", "3038_8", "3038_9", "3038_10", "3038_11", "3038_12", "3038_13", "3038_14", "3038_15", "3038_16", "3038_17", "3038_18", "3038_19", "3038_20", "3038_21", "3038_22", "3038_23", "3038_24", "3038_25", "3038_26", "3038_27", "3038_28", "3038_29", "3038_30", "3038_31", "3038_32", "3038_33", "3038_34", "3038_35", "3038_36", "3038_37", "3038_38", "3038_39", "3038_40", "3038_41", "3038_42", "3038_43", "3038_44", "3038_45", "3038_46", "3038_47", "3038_48", "3038_49", "3038_50", "3038_51", "3038_52", "3038_53", "3038_54", "3038_55", "3038_56", "3038_57", "3038_58", "3038_59", "3038_60", "3038_61", "3038_62", "3038_63", "3038_64", "3038_65", "3038_66", "3038_67", "3038_68", "3038_69", "3038_70", "3038_71", "3038_72", "3038_73", "3038_74", "3038_75", "3038_76", "3038_77", "3038_78"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "Okay. /", "{D So } tell me about CHINA CRY. /", "Okay, / CHINA CRY was basically [ the, + the ] true story written by [ this, + this ] lady who [ had, + {F uh, } <lipsmack> was ] [ a native, + a native ] Chinese, {F uh, } {F uh, } who was raised by Christian parents. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ her, + her ] time frame was prior to the nineteen forty-nine revolution. /", "I see. /", "Although she, herself, had never really accepted Jesus or gone through any of the other, {F uh, } Christian, {F uh, } portions [ of, + of ] the faith, repentance, baptisms, et cetera, et cetera. She had always felt a very strong, {F uh, } leaning in this direction. / {C And } whenever the cultural revolution of nineteen forty-nine occurred and most churches were either banned or [ their, + all the ] clergy and so forth were killed [ or, + or ] imprisoned [ or, + and ] the property confiscated, she was safe because she had, {D you know, } not officially joined [ the, + the ] Christian movement. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Breathing> {D So } <lipsmack>, {D anyway, } [ she, + as she ] grew up towards maturity, her parents, {D well, } - / her dad was a doctor / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] he was [ rather + {D well, } {D you know, } rather ] well to do in the old regime / {C and } [ [ [ the, + the Chin-, ] + the commu-, ] + the communist Chinese ] didn't like this at all. / {D You know, } the bourgeoisie [ [ was, + was, ] + was ] [ definitely + ] out of, {F uh, } style, then. /", "Right. /", "Everybody was back to a commonality of one. / {C And so } they kept picking at him, picking [ at his, + at her ] mother and, {F uh, } finally, {F uh, } started picking on her.", "Uh-huh. /", "And getting her to, {D you know, } - / they were starting to, {F uh, } accuse her [ [ of, + of, ] + of, ] {F uh, } crimes and atrocities before [ the, + the ] revolution [ and, + and ] had her write her own story over and over and over. / {F Uh, } <breathing> {C and } [ the, + {F uh, } the ] major point of the movie was [ that, + that ] she had, {F uh, } married [ this, + this ] Chinese fellow and was with child when they started this mass court. / {D Now, } I think I'm leaving out a portion. / [ She gr-, + she went ] through college and graduated very high up in her class and had, {F uh, } gotten a job [ as, + as ] an instructor / {C and } they [ had her teaching, + {E or } were starting to have her teach ] history for the soldiers.", "Uh-huh. /", "When [ the, + they ] decided [ that, + that ] she needed to start recanting of all of her pre, {F uh, } <breathing> regime crimes as it were. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Throat_clearing> Being a child, {D you know. } - / {D So, } they kept on and on [ at, + at ] her, / {C and } in the meantime, she and her husband, {F uh, } [ were + [ [ ex-, + ex-, ] + were expecting ] ] [ a child, + their own child. ] / {C And, } {F uh, } [ the, + the ] people kept harassing her [ over, + {D you know, } over ] a period of months / {C and } finally they, {F uh, } carried her, {F uh, } out into the courtyard [ [ to, + to, ] + either really to ] shoot her or to go through the motions [ of, + of ] shooting her, {F uh, } [ with by firing, + {E or, } {D you know, } executing her by firing ] squad. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } the Lord just said no, / this is not going to happen even though this lady has not really, {D you know, } - / [ she's, + she's ] one of mine, / she is not going to die / {C and, } {F uh, } [ the, + the ] soldiers were blinded when they shot. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } [ she, + her ] life was spared. / {C And } [ this, + this ] frightened [ [ the, + the, ] + {F uh, } the ] commandant / {C and so } he called this kind of stuff off and just put her in the labor camp. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } {C and, } course, here's [ this, + this ] woman who is heavy with child dragging rocks around. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{D Well } [ she, + she ] put in for [ going, + going ] to, {F uh, } - / {C and } her husband had escaped to Hong Kong, {F uh, } / {C and then } she put in to go see him. / {C And } over time she, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / finally, through her perseverance and writing enough letters to enough different people embarrassed enough of [ the, + the ] middle, {F uh, } [ bureauc-, + bureaucracy ] that they finally let her go. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And, } of course, she had to walk. / {D You know, } [ they, + they ] stripped her of everything, practically besides [ the, + the ] clothes on her back. / [ [ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C so } she, ] + {C so } she ] went across the border to her husband [ and another, + and other ] child that they'd already had --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } to freedom. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } they knew that she wasn't going to come back, / {C but } {D yeah, } she did, years later when the, {F uh, } [ liberalization, {D you know, } in real life -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- liberalization of China ] happened, / {C and, } {F uh, } she was not persecuted or anything else like that. /", "{F Huh. } Interesting story. /", "Yes, / it was. / {F Uh, } very moving, too. /", "[ I, + {F uh, } I ] don't even remember seeing that advertised / {C and } it was probably here and gone fairly quickly. /", "{D Well, } it was within, {F oh, } ninety days. /", "{F Oh. } That recent. /", "Yeah. / No, / {E I mean } [ [ it's, + it was, ] + it was ] advertised over a period of about ninety days. /", "{F Oh, } I see what you mean. /", "{C But } it wasn't, - / {F uh, } they didn't have it in, {F uh, } too awfully many movie houses, / {C but } [ it was, + it was, ] in the, - / it had large, {F uh, } {F uh, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> press release. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } {F uh, } I guess [ what I, + what I ] saw most recently and luckily I saw it only a week ago <laughter> so I'd [ remember -- +", "Okay. /", "-- remember ] it well was, {F uh, } sort of light by comparison. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } my husband and I had this great desire to go see a comedy / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } we ended up going to see GREEN CARD. /", "GREEN CARD? /", "GREEN CARD. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } he chose it / {C and, } {F uh, } it's got this wonderful French actor who's, - / it was [ his, + {D like, } his, ] - / {C and } he's been a star in France and a wonderful actor who we've enjoyed for years, / {C but } he's never made an American film. / This was his American film debut -- /", "{F Oh, } I see, / uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } he speaks very broken English. / {C And } basically he played, {F uh, } a Frenchman who married an American girl, {F uh, } in a marriage of convenience --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- so that he could get his green card, which is what an alien needs to work in this country. /", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } because she could claim she was married, she could get, {F uh, } an apartment or a condominium in a very exclusive building in New York that had [ a garden, + [ [ an, + an, ] + an ] outside garden, ] which is very unusual there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } she was a horticulturist, / {C and } that was sort of her dream. /", "{F Oh, } I see, / uh-huh. /", "Of course, {D you know, } they got married / {C and } they never saw each other again. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ Except, + except ] fate through them together / *[[through -> threw]] {C and } the Immigration and [ national-, + Naturalization ] Service, {F uh, } started investigating. / {C So } they had to get back together and get their stories straight, /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> [ {C and, } + {C and } ] she was a very svelte, sophisticated urban New Yorker -- /", "{F Oh. } /", "-- {C and } he was [ a, + a ] poor Frenchman who had grown up [ on the, + on the ] streets and sort of pulled himself up by his bootstraps and claimed to be a composer, / {C but } there was no proof whatsoever <noise> that he really was. /", "Uh-huh. /", "He'd been working in a restaurant when they met. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Lipsmack> {C And, } {F uh, } they had to learn all about each other basically --", "Just then. /", "-- [ in a, + in a ] weekend. / {C And, } {F uh, } it was, - / you knew what was going to happen, of course.", "Uh-huh. /", "That they would fall in love. / {D Well, } they fell into like, at any rate / [ {C and } -- +", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] when they went to the query or inquisition or whatever, {F uh, } <lipsmack> they did perfectly / {C and then } he said something, because his English was so poor [ on, + for ] the most part, / [ he, + he ] was so proud of himself for giving [ ex-, + all the correct ] answers [ that, + that ] on the last one he said, {F oh, } I never remember that answer / {C and } that clued the investigator that he had memorized a series of answers. /", "Uh-huh. / Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "06/09/1991", "from_caller": 1266, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1947, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1001, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1940, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3324_0", "3324_1", "3324_2", "3324_3", "3324_4", "3324_5", "3324_6", "3324_7", "3324_8", "3324_9", "3324_10", "3324_11", "3324_12", "3324_13", "3324_14", "3324_15", "3324_16", "3324_17", "3324_18", "3324_19", "3324_20", "3324_21", "3324_22", "3324_23", "3324_24", "3324_25", "3324_26", "3324_27", "3324_28", "3324_29", "3324_30", "3324_31", "3324_32", "3324_33", "3324_34", "3324_35", "3324_36", "3324_37", "3324_38", "3324_39", "3324_40", "3324_41", "3324_42", "3324_43", "3324_44", "3324_45", "3324_46", "3324_47", "3324_48", "3324_49", "3324_50", "3324_51", "3324_52", "3324_53", "3324_54", "3324_55", "3324_56", "3324_57", "3324_58", "3324_59", "3324_60", "3324_61", "3324_62", "3324_63", "3324_64", "3324_65", "3324_66", "3324_67", "3324_68", "3324_69", "3324_70", "3324_71", "3324_72", "3324_73", "3324_74", "3324_75", "3324_76", "3324_77", "3324_78", "3324_79", "3324_80", "3324_81", "3324_82", "3324_83", "3324_84", "3324_85", "3324_86", "3324_87", "3324_88", "3324_89", "3324_90", "3324_91", "3324_92", "3324_93", "3324_94", "3324_95", "3324_96", "3324_97", "3324_98", "3324_99", "3324_100", "3324_101"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {D well, } just to let you know, I have, {F uh, } two, {F uh, } children of my own. / I've got two boys, {F uh, } one four year old {C and } one two years old, / {C so } I'm just starting out. /", "{F Oh, } yes <laughter>. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "I have two boys who are twenty-eight and twenty-four --", "Wow <laughter>. /", "-- and a daughter who is twelve. /", "Wow, / that's quite a spread <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yes. / Same husband, everything. /", "<Laughter> That's great. /", "{F Uh } <laughter>, {C but, } -/", "{D Well, } I guess, {F uh, } in one of the things [ that, + that ] I like to do with my boys [ when, + {F uh, } when ] I get home is, I like to try and spend a lot of time with them. / {D You know, } they're not very old, / {C so } they couldn't do a whole lot, yet. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } they like to, {F uh, } spend time with me. / We just, {F oh, } just do various things, nothing really. / They like to be outside as much as possible. /", "If it's not raining. /", "Right, {F uh, } /", "<Laughter>.", "{C but, } {D you know, } the weather's trying to turn now / {C so, } -/", "[ Are, + are ] you down here in Texas? /", "Yes, / [ [ I -- +", "{F Oh. } /", "-- I'm, ] + I'm ] in, {F uh, } Dallas. /", "Okay, / yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "You know what I meant with rain, {F huh } <laughter>. /", "Right, / right. /", "Oh. /", "Right. /", "Okay, {F uh } <breathing>, / what, -/", "Yeah, / what, {D w-, } {D well, } - / [ one of the things I've noticed is, + one of the trends [ I've, + I've ] noticed is ] that, {F uh, } it's always too easy to just plop your kids down in front of the T V and let them watch movies [ or, + <ringing> or ] play video games or something. /", "Yeah, / [ I + <laughter>, I ] have, - / can you hold <ringing> on just a sec-, -- /", "Sure. /", "-- I have to answer a business phone </ringing>. /", "Sure. /", "I hate to do it on this call. /", "That's okay. /", "Good morning, A R E, this is Arlene Lister <<answering another phone>> <noise>. / It was just a recorded message,", "<Laughter>.", "on our business phone anyway. / I'm sorry, / keep going. /", "No, / it's okay. / {F Uh, } <lipsmack> {C so } that was the thing that [ I, + I ] noticed that, I know a [ lot of people, + lot of friends ] that [ we have, + they have ] a tendency to do the same thing. / {C And } one of the things we try to do is we try to avoid doing that as much as possible.", "Uh-huh. /", "Although it really is very easy to do that type of thing. Just plop them down in front of the T V and let them be, {F uh, } entertained that way. /", "<Lipsmack> <breathing>.", "{C And, } {F uh, } seeing as you've got --", "Yeah. /", "-- some older children, [ I, + I'm ] wondering, how did you handle that,", "<Breathing>.", "when they were growing up? /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } [ there, + there ] was not nearly as much of it. / In fact, [ I, + I ] think things [ were, + were ] quite a bit different. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } when [ my, + my ] big kids [ were, + were ] little, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ [ ev-, + ev-, ] + all ] the mothers were home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } [ the, + the ] kids got up in the morning and ate breakfast and poked around / {C and then } when they felt like it, they went out to play, {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- when they [ were, + were ] little like that. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } <breathing> [ I, + I ] think it's gotten, {F uh, } very different. / When my second one was little, they were coming out with SESAME STREET --", "Right. /", "-- which he started watching / {C and, } other than that, {E I mean, } [ there was basically, + there was ] not educational T V / {C or } --", "{F Um. } /", "-- {F uh, } {D you know, } you got some cartoons / {C and } that was it, / {C but } [ they, + they ] were never that interested in it anyway. / [ They'd rather, + {E I mean, } they'd ] take their trucks out in the backyard <laughter>, {D you know -- }", "Right. /", "-- go out and play and stuff. / {C But, } <breathing> we always did, {F uh, } {F oh, } just, {D you know, } to the park for walks --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and to the zoo and museum. / We did a lot of stuff like that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ with, + {F uh, } <breathing> with ] our kids. / {C And, } course, when they got bigger, {F uh, } they were both quite into sports / [ {C and, } + {C and } -- ]", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } {C so } whatever, {D you know, } they would do, we'd go along with -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } <breathing>, {F uh, } a girl is very different <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "We have <breathing>, - / a girl would like you to spend time with her going shopping <laughter>. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{C So, } they're [ very, + very ] different, / {C but, } {F uh, } y-, - / kind of the same thing, our, {D you know, } - / she now, - / lot of time spent with her, - / she's so busy / is, {F uh } --", "Uh-huh <<faint>>. /", "-- {D you know, } going to, {D you know, } - / {D like } last night was a band concert -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } she plays on her school volleyball team and, {F uh, } stuff like that. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ we, + we ] still, {F uh, } {F oh, } like to pack up, {D you know, } just go someplace for the day --", "Right. /", "-- or, {F uh, } {D you know, } just stuff like that. / One of our older kids now is going to graduate school down at College Station -- /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. /", "-- {D so } that's, {F uh, } - / we go down there fairly often, {D you know, } for a weekend for, {D you know, } family get-togethers and stuff like that. /", "That's great. /", "{F Uh, } /", "That's great. / I know [ we'd, + I'd ] like to get into do more camping and outings and things. / {C And } I think we probably will soon as the boys get a little --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- bit older. / {C But, } {F uh, } {D you know, } for right now, they don't, {D you know, } - / just getting out in the front, and just being outside is good for them / {C because } they like --", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "-- just being outside. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] think, our kids just always dearly loved that, {D you know, } play bounce the ball, or --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- just, {F uh, } - / course, when our big ones were little, we lived up north, {D you know -- } /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } this time of the year [ [ it, + it, ] + the ] fun thing was to go out and swoosh around in the leaves <laughter>, {D you know. } /", "<Laughter> Right. /", "[ {C So, } +", "That's true, / you don't see many leaves around Dallas. /", "<Laughter> {D You know, } {C so } ] [ it's, + it's ] very different / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } {D you know, } [ we also, + come winter time we'd ] stick them on sleds. / {C And } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } we had a pond across the street / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] from little on, {D you know, } - / I'm, - / [ it's, + it's ] so different down here where [ y-, + you ] go take lessons to learn to ice skate or something. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D You know, } when our kids were little [ you, + you ] got them a pair of skates <laughter>. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "10/29/1991", "from_caller": 1424, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1958, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1377, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3495_0", "3495_1", "3495_2", "3495_3", "3495_4", "3495_5", "3495_6", "3495_7", "3495_8", "3495_9", "3495_10", "3495_11", "3495_12", "3495_13", "3495_14", "3495_15", "3495_16", "3495_17", "3495_18", "3495_19", "3495_20", "3495_21", "3495_22", "3495_23", "3495_24", "3495_25", "3495_26", "3495_27", "3495_28", "3495_29", "3495_30", "3495_31", "3495_32", "3495_33", "3495_34", "3495_35", "3495_36", "3495_37", "3495_38", "3495_39", "3495_40", "3495_41", "3495_42", "3495_43", "3495_44", "3495_45", "3495_46", "3495_47", "3495_48", "3495_49", "3495_50", "3495_51"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / what do you feel are some of the main problems? /", "{D Well, } [ I'm in a, + I'm in an ] urban area. / I'm in Dallas. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } we're finding that crime is going up very quickly and has become a major problem, {F uh, } even a more major problem. / {F Uh, } in Dallas, some of the major problems, {F uh, } - / drugs seems to be [ re-, + related ] to quite a bit of the crime we have now. / There is a lot of theft, a lot of assault dealing with, {F uh, } people trying to get money for drugs. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I think that's a national problem, though. /", "[ [ It, + it, ] + it's -- ]", "It's not unique, /", "-- pretty bad here, too. / We've had a lot of murders drug related and stuff.", "Yes. /", "In Durham, which is right next to Raleigh. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } now, we're pretty close to the golden triangle, aren't you? /", "Yeah, / [ that, + that ] - / Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill is the triangle. /", "Right, / research triangle --", "Right. /", "-- and all of that. / {C And, } {F uh, } I'm sure you have a lot of students there, {F uh, } and a lot of researchers / {C so } [ you, + you ] may have [ a, + {D you know, } perhaps a ] little better economic climate, / {C but, } in all your cities now, it seems like [ th-, + there ] is [ a, + a ] crowd that's really effected by this bill. /", "Yeah, / [ [ it's, + it's ] + really, it's, ] - / {C and } I've seen in more in Durham than I have in Raleigh [ [ or, + or -- ] +", "Really? /", "-- or ] Chapel Hill. / Chapel Hill is kind of [ a, + a ] ritzy city or whatever. / {E I mean, } it's kind of, - / [ I'm, + I'm ] sure there is problems with it, / {C but } it has a pretty low crime rate. [ Compare, + compared ] [ to, + to, ] Durham has probably got the worst. / They've had {D like } forty-eight murders since the beginning of the year. /", "Really? /", "{C And } over half of it has been drug related. /", "{F Um. } {D Well, } here, {F uh, } I'm not sure how many Dallas has had. / I've, {F uh, } - / Houston is averaging about two a week or three or four, / [ I, + I ] don't know. / [ A, + a ] number every week. -/", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } Dallas is having quite a few. / Seems like most of ours are occurring in late at night [ or, + or, ] like I say, drug related. / {F Uh, } I guess the other thing was that are causing a lot of the crime now is the decrease in values. / Seems like [ a, + a ] lot of people don't hold human life quite as high as perhaps they used to. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } I, -/", "{D Well, } that, - / [ {C and } the, + {C and } the ] economy is so bad / [ {C and, } +", "The economy is lousy <laughter>. /", "{C And so } ] many people have been laid off and stuff. / They've done special stories on the news, local news here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We had a lot of bank robberies and [ different, + lot of ] break ins and stuff. / I know, like a week or so ago, - / I live [ in a, + in a ] town house, which is, {D you know, } - / it's a pretty nice neighborhood / {C and } this lady was going to work, / she came home and everything in her house was total gone, light fixtures, everything. / {C And } nobody thought any different, / they just thought she was moving. / It was a moving man pulled right up to her house, broke in and stole everything she owned <laughter>. /", "Boy [ that really, + that really ] takes someone who is bold to do that. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] pretty bad <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } now, do you find that security is very good [ [ in, + in a, ] + in a ] town home? /", "{F Uh, } I would say so for the majority [ [ in, + in our, ] + in my ] little section of the neighborhood because there is always somebody at home -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we all know one another / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] on our one little section of the street we all know one another and know that we're not moving <laughter> and different things like that. /", "{D Well, } that, -/", "It's, - / [ [ I, + I'm, ] + I'm ] probably [ the, + one of the ] youngest people that live over here. /", "I see. /", "Most people [ are, + are, ] retired / [ [ {C or, } + {C or, } ] + {C or, } ] {D you know, } [ they're, + they're ] in their forties [ or, + or ] whatever. / [ {C So } + {C and } ] I'm in my twenties, / {C so } [ [ I, + I'm, ] + I'm ] out more than they are, / {C but } --", "Yeah. /", "-- they're at home at night, / {C so } I really don't worry about anything. /", "{D Well, } I think you hit on one point there is you know each other. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I'm, + I'm ] in a neighborhood where we try to keep up with everything. / {F Uh, } I am, {F oh, } about three blocks off a major road and, {F uh, } a couple of blocks off another road that kind of runs, - / I guess you would say the neighborhood road, it runs between the high school and [ the, + the ] commercial districts / {C and, } {F uh, } I'm over the northeast part of Dallas. / It's [ a, + in a ] nice neighborhood. / The houses here, {F uh, } before the recession were running two hundred thousand or so / {C and, } course, everything's down ten to twenty percent now. /", "Yeah, / {D see, } that's the same thing here. /", "{C But } we have, {F uh, } - / [ one, + one ] thing that effects us is we have apartments that are probably about a half mile away / {C and } now the economy is bad, / they have trouble keeping those full / {C so } they've dropped the, {F uh, } - / they're not nearly as selective as they used to be. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } course, that's kind of like a cancer in an apartment complex. / You start letting that happen and they go down / {C and then } before you know it you have drugs and a lot of other things / {C so, } {F uh, } I'm sure that aggravates it also. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } unemployment now in Dallas, or in Texas is up around six point, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CRIME", "prompt": "DISCUSS CRIME IN AMERICAN CITIES TODAY. WHAT ARE YOUR CONCERNS AND THE CONCERNS OF THE OTHER CALLER? WHAT STEPS CAN BE TAKEN TO REDUCE CRIME?", "talk_day": "12/09/1991", "from_caller": 1345, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1943, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1421, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3508_0", "3508_1", "3508_2", "3508_3", "3508_4", "3508_5", "3508_6", "3508_7", "3508_8", "3508_9", "3508_10", "3508_11", "3508_12", "3508_13", "3508_14", "3508_15", "3508_16", "3508_17", "3508_18", "3508_19", "3508_20", "3508_21", "3508_22", "3508_23", "3508_24", "3508_25", "3508_26", "3508_27", "3508_28", "3508_29", "3508_30", "3508_31", "3508_32", "3508_33", "3508_34", "3508_35", "3508_36", "3508_37", "3508_38", "3508_39", "3508_40", "3508_41", "3508_42", "3508_43", "3508_44", "3508_45", "3508_46", "3508_47", "3508_48", "3508_49", "3508_50", "3508_51", "3508_52", "3508_53", "3508_54", "3508_55", "3508_56", "3508_57", "3508_58", "3508_59", "3508_60", "3508_61", "3508_62", "3508_63", "3508_64", "3508_65", "3508_66", "3508_67", "3508_68", "3508_69", "3508_70", "3508_71", "3508_72", "3508_73", "3508_74", "3508_75", "3508_76", "3508_77", "3508_78", "3508_79", "3508_80", "3508_81", "3508_82", "3508_83", "3508_84", "3508_85", "3508_86", "3508_87", "3508_88", "3508_89", "3508_90", "3508_91", "3508_92", "3508_93", "3508_94", "3508_95", "3508_96", "3508_97", "3508_98", "3508_99", "3508_100", "3508_101", "3508_102", "3508_103", "3508_104", "3508_105", "3508_106", "3508_107", "3508_108", "3508_109", "3508_110", "3508_111", "3508_112", "3508_113", "3508_114", "3508_115", "3508_116", "3508_117", "3508_118", "3508_119", "3508_120", "3508_121", "3508_122", "3508_123", "3508_124"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["I guess we're supposed to talk about what's being done about recycling. /", "Yes. /", "{D Well, } lots, right? /", "Right <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Finally. /", "Really, / [ what, + what ] do you do, now? /", "{D Well, } we have saved our newspapers for years and years --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because the, {F uh, } Boy Scouts --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- our boys have been involved in have, {F uh, } had a huge recycling bin, <lipsmack> over at Resurrection Lutheran Church -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } <lipsmack> {C so } ] we've done that for quite some time, / {C but } since the price of paper has gone down - / {D like } it's about a fifth of what it used to be -- /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "-- {C so } the Boy Scout troop quit doing it when the City took it over. /", "Okay. /", "{D So } now we just put ours out for the City of Plano. / Do you live in Plano? /", "Yes, / I do. /", "Okay, / yeah. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I'm so glad when they brought out those recycling bins. /", "Right. /", "Have you had yours now? /", "Yes. /", "Yeah. /", "Although [ just, + just ] about a week ago some of my volunteer mothers that, {F uh, } work in the library for me said they hadn't gotten theirs. /", "{F Oh, } that's why I asked you. /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } not everyone got theirs right away. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And } [ I, + I ] was so relieved because I've been making a real concerted effort, [ make, + ] {D you know, } recycling the aluminum and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the newspapers and even got into plastic because Wal-Mart collected it. /", "Right, / yeah, / we used --", "{C And, } {F uh } -- -/", "-- to take ours there. /", "-- my garage was just getting overwhelmed. /", "<Laughter> I know. /", "{C And, } of course, I didn't go weekly, / {C so } it became quite a big --", "Right. /", "-- # thing, / {C and, } {F uh, } # -/", "# Right, / I'm really glad # they do it. / {F Uh, } yeah, / I do news, mostly newspapers and, {F uh, } plastic two liter diet Coke bottles <laughter>.", "Yes, / yeah. /", "And aluminum cans some, / {C but } I don't use as many of those. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I guess the ones that are hard to convince yourself to do are the ones [ that you have to really, + that are really dirty that you have ] to wash out <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I found out after washing out many a peanut butter jar that they're not a recycling number one or two. /", "{F Uh, } ha. /", "{F Uh, } ha, /", "Wasting all your time and effort and, # Putting it in there. # /", "# Thinking I was safe # in buying those jars as far as the environment was concerned. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> {D you know, } {C but } [ it, + it's ] not that hard now that I've got this --", "# Got your routine down. # /", "-- # system under control. # /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } I guess there are some places, {F uh, } in the north, in particular that, {F uh, } have a real definite way of encouraging you to recycle / {C because } [ they charge you, + let's see, they charge you ] for your garbage pick up by the weight. /", "{F Uh, } uh-huh. /", "{C So } if you recycle things, of course, then you don't have all that weight in there. /", "Yeah, / I do find that I don't have as much to throw away --", "Right. /", "-- because --", "That's right. /", "-- all the bulky things [ are, + are -- ]", "Yeah. /", "-- being tossed in --", "Yeah. /", "-- with the recycling. / {C And, } {F uh, } I don't know what they could do more of exactly around here right now other than, {F uh, } <lipsmack> - / what are some of the things they don't recycle. / {F Oh, } one thing I thought about the other day were batteries, / just everyday regular batteries.", "{F Um. } /", "Supposedly, {D you know, } leak [ and, + and ] contaminate --", "Right. /", "-- the landfills / {C and, } yet, what am I going to do when I have a couple double A batteries to toss out. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / right. /", "{C And } they don't take, -/", "Probably going to throw them in your trash <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / that's what happens / {C because, } -/", "{D Well, } there are places that take car batteries, / {C but } I wonder if they would take, -/", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } not that it would <laughter>, - / kind of a pain to, {D you know, } drive over somewhere special [ just for that, + for two ] little tiny batteries / {C but, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C but } I think the city one could possibly look into that or something. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{F Uh, } if they've got these bins for all the other little items, - / I'm sure if [ p-, + people ] will have batteries, {F uh, } {D you know, } quite often --", "Right, / that's true. /", "-- [ to, + to ] toss out. /", "{F Uh, } when I was home those few days around Thanksgiving and [ the, + {F uh, } the ] truck came by, {D well, } we all ran out to watch it because, {D you know, } we'd never <laughter> really seen it --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- pick up our stuff / {C and } one thing I thought was interesting was that the driver had something on his belt that he, {F uh, } scanned across the little bar code --", "Oh. /", "-- on our bin --", "{F Oh, } is that right? /", "-- as soon as he took the stuff / {C and } he just pulled this thing kind of out of his pocket and just, {D you know, } scanned it, / {D so } I don't know [ why, + what ] that was reading it for -- /", "{F Huh. } /", "-- {C but, } {F uh } -- -/", "# Registering our garbage <laughter>. # /", "-- # they must be trying to keep track of # , {D you know, } who is doing it, or what, I guess. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't know. / Another, -/", "Wouldn't it be nice if you could get a credit back at the end of the year <laughter>. /", "{F Ooh, } for those who are really cooperating. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Now, } that would encourage it. /", "{D Well, } except I know it would just not be cost effective. / They've already got all this money out on [ hiring, + {F uh, } getting the trucks and hiring ] people to work them. / I'm sure they couldn't afford --", "Sure. /", "-- that. / {C But } -- -/", "Sure. /", "-- {F uh, } /", "{C But } the garbage, {F uh, } - / {D now } there is just one garbage man that comes --", "Yeah. /", "-- on the truck instead of two. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{D So } that's interesting. / {F Uh, } also, slightly off the subject, but [ our, + our ] big green garbage thing got stolen. /", "{F Oh, } it did? /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Breathing> Gosh. /", "{C And } [ we c-, + <breathing> we called ] the City / {C and, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> [ they, + they ] brought us a new one / {C and } they did not charge us. / {C And } they said that between three and four hundred have been stolen. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. /", "Isn't that sad?", "It is sad. /", "{D You know. } / {C And } just, -/", "{D You know, } / they paid for those things anyway. /", "{F Oh, } {C and } they must be,", "{C Or, } our taxes do. /", "{D Yeah, } really expensive. / {E I mean, } of course, we were hoping [ we weren't, + we weren't ] going to have to pay for it, {D you know } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {E I mean, } what would somebody do with them. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECYCLING", "prompt": "WHAT IS BEING DONE IN YOUR COMMUNITY OR AREA ABOUT RECYCLING WASTE MATERIALS? DO YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO ENCOURAGE MORE RECYCLING OR ON WHAT OTHER MATERIALS SHOULD BE INCLUDED?", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1303, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1946, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1307, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1953, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3595_0", "3595_1", "3595_2", "3595_3", "3595_4", "3595_5", "3595_6", "3595_7", "3595_8", "3595_9", "3595_10", "3595_11", "3595_12", "3595_13", "3595_14", "3595_15", "3595_16", "3595_17", "3595_18", "3595_19", "3595_20", "3595_21", "3595_22", "3595_23", "3595_24", "3595_25", "3595_26", "3595_27", "3595_28", "3595_29", "3595_30", "3595_31", "3595_32", "3595_33", "3595_34", "3595_35", "3595_36", "3595_37", "3595_38", "3595_39", "3595_40", "3595_41", "3595_42", "3595_43", "3595_44", "3595_45", "3595_46", "3595_47", "3595_48", "3595_49", "3595_50", "3595_51", "3595_52", "3595_53", "3595_54", "3595_55", "3595_56", "3595_57", "3595_58", "3595_59", "3595_60", "3595_61", "3595_62", "3595_63", "3595_64", "3595_65", "3595_66", "3595_67", "3595_68", "3595_69", "3595_70", "3595_71", "3595_72", "3595_73", "3595_74", "3595_75", "3595_76", "3595_77", "3595_78", "3595_79", "3595_80", "3595_81", "3595_82", "3595_83", "3595_84", "3595_85", "3595_86", "3595_87", "3595_88", "3595_89", "3595_90", "3595_91", "3595_92", "3595_93", "3595_94", "3595_95", "3595_96", "3595_97", "3595_98", "3595_99", "3595_100", "3595_101", "3595_102", "3595_103", "3595_104", "3595_105", "3595_106", "3595_107", "3595_108", "3595_109", "3595_110", "3595_111"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Arlington, Texas - / {D now } since I got somebody from Arlington, Virginia one day <laughter>. -/", "Is that right? <Laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } I never thought about that, / {C but } there is an Arlington, / {D like } I had a call the other day from Birmingham, Michigan --", "Oh -- /", "-- {D you know, } / [ {C and } I was thinking -- +", "-- Birmingham. /", "-- {D yeah, } {C and } I was thinking ] - / the only Birmingham I could think of was Alabama. /", "Right. / It's funny how many names have been used, {F uh, } all over the country. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } tell me what kind of books have you read? /", "{D Well, } to tell you the truth, I've been going to college for the last four years / {C so } mainly,", "<Laughter>.", "text books. -/", "I was going to say, not fun kind, right? /", "No, {F um, } / {C but, } [ I, + I ] really tend to like biographies a lot, not necessarily always heavy ones -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {D you know, } sometimes biogr-, - / I just read one about Grace Kelley. / I love to read about real people. / To me, half the time it's more fascinating than some of these made up stories <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / it is, / {C because } {D you know } [ that's + it's ] really and truly --", "Yeah, / it happened. /", "-- a true thing. / {D You know, } I read one about Bob Hope that I liked. /", "Really? /", "Yeah, / that was real good. / I'm like you, / if it's not a heavy biography, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- I enjoy it. /", "I used to like to read about royalty a lot. / [ I, + when I ] was younger I read about every king and queen that lived, <laughter> I think, in Europe. / That was my thing for a while. /", "I was trying to think, {F uh, } - / I read [ a, + {F uh, } a ] novel that used the names of like Princess Di and Prince Phillip coming over here to be entertained and all, / {C and } there was a murder. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / it was some time ago. / Seems like it was THE SPY WENT DANCING, or something like that. /", "{F Oh, } it sounds like fun. /", "It was a lot of fun because they used these real names, {D you know. } /", "Wonder if it was by one of those famous writers, {D you know } / Margaret Truman Daniels writes a lot those. /", "Yeah, / in fact I believe it was / {C because, } -/", "Really? /", "Uh-huh. / I believe. /", "Sounds like something she would write. /", "Yeah, / I think it was by her, now + that you mention it, because someone had given it to me, / {C and } I thought, {D well, } this will be great, / {C and } it was. /", "Yeah, / I've heard that [ she's done real-, + {D you know, } her books are really ] interesting, / {C and } they always sell well. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } when you use real people like that, I think --", "Yeah, / brings it to life. /", "-- royalty, especially, {D you know. } -/", "I know, {F uh, } [ the Bri-, + some of the British ] people laugh at us because we're so enthralled with their <laughter> royalty. /", "Yeah, / {C but } {D you know, } that's like them being enthralled with our football and so forth, {D you know. } /", "I know, / our movie stars. /", "Our movie stars, / {C because } it's totally different concept to us. /", "{F Oh, } right. /", "[ I haven't, + I haven't ] had a chance to read a lot lately either. / I have read, {F uh, } mostly novels. / I went to visit my daughter in Florida -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C and } I took a novel with me, {F uh, } and read it at Thanksgiving time, / {C and, } {F uh, } it was, {F uh, } one of those generation novels, {D you know } -- /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "-- starts out when they're small and continues through generations -- /", "{F Oh, } I always like those. /", "-- {C and } I like that. /", "Have you ever read anything by Susan Howatch? /", "Yes, / I have. /", "Isn't she fabulous? /", "{F Oh, } she is wonderful. /", "{F Oh, } once you st-, - / I don't like to get one of her books / {C because, }", "<Laughter>.", "[ I, + I ] just live to read. / [ I'll, + I'll ] skip everything just to get back to the book <laughter>. /", "I stayed up one night, I think until two --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- in the morning finishing one of hers because [ I star-, + I could not put ] it down. /", "She's just a, - / I don't know, / [ does she, + how often does she ] come out with them. / I probably have missed the last few since I've been back in school. /", "{D Well, } no, / it seems like she doesn't write as often as, {F oh, } {D well, } like Danielle Steele and those silly things. / She writes the same thing. /", "{D Well, } [ she can, + she can ] turn them out overnight, I swear. /", "Yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they're the same silly things, / {E I mean, } if you've read one, I mean [ [ it's, +", "Yeah, / I've never read a whole one of hers, I don't think. /", "It, ] + it's ] practically the same thing over and over, {D you know. } /", "{C And } think how rich she is. /", "Yeah, / wouldn't I, {D you know, } - / I'm criticizing her, / {C and } wouldn't I like to have her money -- /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- {C because } they go from hardback to paperback / {C and } she has millions of them. /", "And then make movies out of some of them. /", "Uh-huh. / {D You know, } mini series and so forth, / {C and } it seems to me like Susan Howatch does not write as often. / I have not seen as many of hers. /", "{D Well, } hers are so involved, / {C and } they're [ so -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- such ] a higher intellectual level, because she quotes a lot, {D you know. } /", "I think she does a lot of research, too. /", "I do too, / {D so } she couldn't possibly turn them out like some of these popular --", "Huh-uh. /", "-- writers, / {C but } {F oh, } her books are just incredible. / I don't think they've ever made a movie, do you? /", "No, / I don't think so, / {C and } I've often wondered why, haven't you? /", "Yes -- /", "{D You know, } I, -/", "-- {D well, } no, {F uh, } / I really just thought about it now / {C but } there's just, -/", "Yeah. /", "Maybe it's because they take so much in. / I don't know. /", "Uh-huh. / Maybe they're just too involved for the average person to go and sit through them, {D you know. } /", "They're so big -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they're such, {D you know, } - / it would be like another GONE WITH THE WIND, I guess --", "Yeah. /", "-- another three hour movie <laughter>. /", "{C And } maybe that turns people off, / {C but } look at GONE WITH THE WIND, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } I know. / It's about one of my favorite movies. /", "{F Uh, } have you, {F uh, } gotten into SCARLETT yet? /", "No, / it had such a bad press, / I wasn't too (( )) . /", "Yeah, / that's exactly what I was going to say. / I was amazed, / {C because } I, - / in the beginning when it was [ on, + {D you know, } on ] route coming out --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I heard mixed publicity --", "Right. /", "-- kind of good and bad, / {C and then } when it came out, all I heard was just, {F oh, } how bad it was, that I didn't even want to get it. /", "Me, either. / Do you know anyone that's read it? /", "Huh-uh. /", "No, / I haven't heard of anybody that's read it, either. /", "No. /", "I think it was on the best-seller list, though --", "{D Well } --", "-- for a while. /", "-- it wouldn't surprise me, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BOOKS AND LITERATURE", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT BOOKS THE OTHER CALLER READS FOR ENJOYMENT OR SELF-IMPROVEMENT. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT INTERESTS IN BOOKS?", "talk_day": "12/19/1991", "from_caller": 1400, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1393, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1935, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3883_0", "3883_1", "3883_2", "3883_3", "3883_4", "3883_5", "3883_6", "3883_7", "3883_8", "3883_9", "3883_10", "3883_11", "3883_12", "3883_13", "3883_14", "3883_15", "3883_16", "3883_17", "3883_18", "3883_19", "3883_20", "3883_21", "3883_22", "3883_23", "3883_24", "3883_25", "3883_26", "3883_27", "3883_28", "3883_29", "3883_30", "3883_31", "3883_32", "3883_33", "3883_34", "3883_35", "3883_36", "3883_37", "3883_38", "3883_39", "3883_40", "3883_41", "3883_42", "3883_43", "3883_44", "3883_45", "3883_46", "3883_47", "3883_48", "3883_49", "3883_50", "3883_51", "3883_52", "3883_53", "3883_54", "3883_55", "3883_56", "3883_57", "3883_58", "3883_59", "3883_60", "3883_61", "3883_62", "3883_63", "3883_64", "3883_65", "3883_66", "3883_67", "3883_68", "3883_69", "3883_70", "3883_71", "3883_72", "3883_73", "3883_74", "3883_75"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {D So } how do you just figure (( )) , -/", "{D Well, } {D you know, } it depends upon our weather here. {D You know, } / today was a beautiful day / it was like, {F uh, } {F uh, } summer day. / It was seventy degrees / [ {C so } -- +", "Wow. /", "-- {C so } ] I dressed in, {F uh, } {F uh, } a light weight skirt, / it's a, {F uh, } ultra suede skirt and a blouse with a sweater, cardigan --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- over it. / Because I had some appointments at the office today, some interviews / {C and so } I had to dress up anyway / {C and then } I wore heels, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } when it rains a lot, which is has been doing here a lot lately, {F uh, } very often, {D you know, } wear, {F uh, } pants and boots --", "Oh. /", "-- {D you know. } / {D So } how do you dress? /", "{D Well, } {F um, } <lipsmack> I'm going to talk about when I was working as a teacher and when I # was <laughter> (( working )) at now. # /", "# Okay. # /", "{F Um, } when I was a teacher, {F um, } in Utah, I would generally wear, {F um, } dresses and heels and things like that, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # even when it, {F um, } rained and snowed I just braved it / {C and } I wore heels anyway <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "# {C And, } # -/", "# [ I, + # I ] can see, - / [ I, + I've ] been a teacher so has my daughter / {C and } I know that we very often wore heels despite the fact that,", "# I know, # /", "# it was tiring. # /", "it might kill you to go up and <laughter>,", "# That's right. # /", "# walk up to # the door / {C but } you're going to look nice for the kids <laughter>. /", "That's right / {C and } it always makes you feel like you're a bigger person than the kids, right? /", "{F Oh, } {F oh, } yeah. / {D Well, } I need all the height I can get <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I do too. / <laughter> {C So } to be taller than some of the boys in the [ bigger grades, +", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# {F uh, } older grades, ] I had # to wear heels. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / we too. {F Um, } / <lipsmack> if [ it was real-, + it looked really ] dangerous then I would wear boots / {C but then } I would change, {F um, } into heels,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# as soon as I got # to my desk. / {C So, } {F um, } -/", "Of course, we wear, {F uh, } an unlined boots, {D you know, } / it has a heel on it. / They're the kind of boots that I wear to work / {C and } we wear them, {D you know, } / they're a leather boot that you wear / {C and } as I said they have a regular heel on them, high heel. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } [ they wear them, + we wear them ] a lot with shirts and things. / {F Uh, } it's kind of a, <laughter> - / I can't say constant down here in Texas that you wear these boots. - / They're not a cowboy boot, / {C but } they're just a real pretty boot, / {C but } they keep your feet nice and toasty from the rain. /", "Oh. /", "As I have a private high school that I run here [ and so + ] when I'm interviewing a parent, of course I feel like I need to wear heels --", "<Laughter> Sure. / Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } and look like I'm a business <laughter> person.", "Uh-huh. / Yeah. /", "{D You know, } because the children will tease about where's your motorcycle,", "<Laughter> .", "if you wear boots too often, {D you know. } /", "{F Huh. } {D Well, } {F um, } -/", "Of course, you probably wear coats a lot. /", "Yeah, {F um, } / <lipsmack> the first two years I was in a room where they didn't heat it <laughter>. # / {C So } I did, # -/", "# {F Oh, } my goodness # / {C so } then you had to. /", "Yeah, / {C and then } the third year we, {F um, } got heating / {C so } it was nice <laughter>. /", "Yes. / Then things improved, right? /", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "{C But } of course, here we wear a light weight jacket a lot # {D you know, } {D you know, # } /", "# {F Oh, } that's # nice. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } that's very seldom / [ we, + it ] depends upon our winter. / We have a few days you might wear a [ coat, + winter coat, ] {D you know, } / {C but } most of the time you can wear a sweater / {C and } we just don't wear coats much. / We often laugh about even when it turns chilly. / We're wearing something lightweight or no jacket because we're so used to running around like that. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Oh. } Nice. / {D Well } <laughter>, -/", "It's really different. / <laughter> Let's put it that way. / Are you not teaching anymore? /", "{F Uh, } no, / [ we, + we ] moved to Iowa / {C and, } {F um, } I'm working at a day care right now. /", "I see. /", "{C And so } the way I dress is really different because I'm working in the nursery room with kids from six months to like twenty months. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } you don't wear heels anymore I'll bet. /", "Yeah, / I wear, {F uh, } tennis shoes,", "# Yeah, / uh-huh. # /", "# and # jeans and things that, {D you know, } are sort of, {F um, } -/", "# More practical. # /", "# not, # - / yes, / it doesn't matter if I have to wash it a hundred times or something. /", "When you were teaching, did you ever have, {F uh, } {F uh, } a blue jean day or anything like that? /", "Yeah, / {C but } I never wore jeans because, {F um, } I thought that was too casual <laughter>. /", "Yeah, {D well, } /", "# For, # -/", "# I know that # some of the schools they have, {F uh, } country western day or something like that one, {D you know, } or tacky day, / {C and } I always thought it [ was kind of out of, + got out of ] hand when the teachers looked real <laughter> tacky too. /", "Yeah, / really. /", "It's all right for the students, / they look tacky a lot / {C but } I didn't think teachers should, {D you know. } /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / that's how I feel too. /", "Yeah. / Do you like, {F uh, } {F uh, } Iowa? /", "{F Um, } <lipsmack> {F oh, } [ it, + there's ] some good things about it / {C but } I've seen. A lot of things I'm not used to yet, {F um, } /", "Where did you live before? /", "{F Um, } we lived in Utah before / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] I grew up in California. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that's quite a change from California to Utah, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CLOTHING AND DRESS", "prompt": "THE TOPIC IS CLOTHING. PLEASE FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER TYPICALLY DRESSES FOR WORK. HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM DAY TO DAY? HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM SEASON TO SEASON?", "talk_day": "01/30/1992", "from_caller": 1461, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1962, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1393, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1935, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3962_0", "3962_1", "3962_2", "3962_3", "3962_4", "3962_5", "3962_6", "3962_7", "3962_8", "3962_9", "3962_10", "3962_11", "3962_12", "3962_13", "3962_14", "3962_15", "3962_16", "3962_17", "3962_18", "3962_19", "3962_20", "3962_21", "3962_22", "3962_23", "3962_24", "3962_25", "3962_26", "3962_27", "3962_28", "3962_29", "3962_30", "3962_31", "3962_32", "3962_33", "3962_34", "3962_35", "3962_36", "3962_37", "3962_38", "3962_39", "3962_40", "3962_41", "3962_42", "3962_43", "3962_44", "3962_45", "3962_46", "3962_47", "3962_48", "3962_49", "3962_50", "3962_51", "3962_52", "3962_53", "3962_54", "3962_55", "3962_56", "3962_57", "3962_58", "3962_59", "3962_60", "3962_61", "3962_62", "3962_63", "3962_64", "3962_65", "3962_66", "3962_67", "3962_68", "3962_69", "3962_70", "3962_71", "3962_72", "3962_73", "3962_74", "3962_75", "3962_76", "3962_77", "3962_78", "3962_79", "3962_80", "3962_81", "3962_82", "3962_83"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } {F uh, } what is your favorite kind of music? /", "{D Well, } I have to say my favorite type of music would probably be, {F uh, } classical music. /", "{F Oh, } same here. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah. /", "What type of music do you like in the classical area, / {C or } what [ era <<mispronounced>> do you, + era do you ] like the most? /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } I guess I like a wide range. {F Uh, } everything [ from, + {F uh, } from ] Baroque through at least some modern music. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } my wife and I these days are especially into opera. / We've been sort of opera fans for a few years now. /", "{F Um, } do you go to the operas that they sing English or go to the ones that they sing other languages? /", "{D Well, } we, {F uh, } generally, - / the places we've gone they sing in the original languages. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Like the Dallas opera here normally does, I guess. /", "Uh-huh. / [ I, + I ] haven't gotten into that too much because, [ I, + {F uh, } if I ] don't know the story line and, {F um, } I don't speak the language, then I have difficult time, comprehending what's going on. /", "{D Well, } one thing that's helped us a lot is that, {F uh, } [ you, + {D you know, } you ] can buy a lot of these operas now on [ video casse-, + {F uh, } video tape -- ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } we have quite a collection of those, / {C and } you watch them at home, / {C and } they have subtitles, / {C so } [ you, + you ] figure out what's going on after a while, / {C and then } you can enjoy it in the, {F uh, } theater. /", "Oh. /", "{C But, } {D you know, } the, {F uh, } Dallas opera now has, {F uh, } super titles [ on, + on ] all their performances I think. /", "What is that? /", "{D Well, } [ they, + they ] give [ an, + {F uh, } an ] English translation [ on a, + on a ] screen up above the stage. /", "{F Oh, } I didn't know that. /", "Yeah. /", "That can help people like me. /", "<Throat_clearing> In fact, they even do that for operas [ sung, + sung ] in English, because it is hard to understand the words sometimes. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } I can understand that. / {C So, } I'd say,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Vivaldi is probably my favorite, {F uh, } composer. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I really like Vivaldi. / {F Uh, } he's, {F uh, } definitely [ one of the, + one of the ] top of that era. /", "Yeah. / I like Baroque music, /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "I like full body music, {F uh, } [ with the, + {F um, } {F um, } with ] brass and winds, woodwinds, instruments, # {D you know. } # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "Course I like, {F uh, } also string instruments, / {C and } I have two string instruments in my house. {F Uh, } instrument players, / both my sons play string instruments. / One plays the cello / {C and } the other one plays the viola. /", "Oh <throat_clearing>. /", "{C So, } I get to go to at least four or five concerts a year <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / [ How, + how ] old are they? /", "One is thirteen and one is eleven. /", "{C So } they're doing this in school, or what? /", "Yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yes (( )) . /", "{D Well, } you've got half a string quartet there. /", "Yeah. / We're on our way. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {F um, } I try to enjoy all of it. /", "{D Well, } since you seem to like, {F uh, } Italian music, have you ever, {F uh, } gotten into Gabrielli or anybody there in that era, the, {F uh, } period right before, actually before Vivaldi, I guess? /", "{F Um, } a little bit, / {C but, } {F um, } a lot of the, {F um, } music I don't know about, {F uh, } as far as the titles, / {C and } I have to listen to it, [ and -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and ] figure out,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "what I'm listening to. - / {F Um, } I do belong to a Musical Heritage Society. /", "{F Oh, } yes, / uh-huh. /", "Do you belong to that? /", "No, / I don't, / {C but } I think I know what it is. / Isn't that a, {F uh, } {F uh, } {D see, } - / can't you get records through that or something, recordings? /", "You can get recordings. / {F Uh, } they know have them on compact disc [ [ or -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or, ] + {F uh, } or ] cassettes or L P -s, / {C and, } {F uh, } [ they do their, + they do ] a lot of original recordings themselves. /", "Yes, / yeah, / I think, {F uh. } /", "{C But } [ they also, + {F uh, } they also, ] {F uh, } go to the different composers, or the different, I guess, - / what do you call them <inhaling> the guys that orchestrate --", "{F Uh. } /", "-- [ the con-, + the conductors. ] /", "{F Uh, } yes, / right <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / They go to conductors, {F uh, } / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they actually have them perform the music, / {C and } they record it. /", "{C So, } they're actually commissioned performances. /", "Sure. / A lot of them are. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Or } they will [ kno-, +", "<Throat_clearing>.", "find ] out when they're performing, / {C and } they will, {F uh, } record the music at that time. / {C And so, } {F uh, } it is, {F uh, } {F uh, } high quality grade music, / {C and, } of course, now [ they're getting, + they also have ] a jazz section, / {C and } they also have a, {F uh, } more contemporary and American --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } composer section. /", "{D Well, } I had [ go-, + heard good ] things about the, {F uh, } Music Heritage Society, / {C but } if I get involved in one of those things, I end up spending all my money [ on -- +", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "-- on ] music. /", "{D Well, } you can control it. /", "I [ almost, + {F uh, } almost, ] {F uh, } bankrupted myself out of college as a freshman when I got into the Columbia Record Club many years ago. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / my roommate signed me up. / He got a bonus record, / {C and } I got a lot of bills <laughter>. /", "I see. /", "{C So } we have to watch that. /", "{D Well, } that's good. /", "{F Uh, } do you play any instrument yourself? /", "Yes, / [ I, + I ] play guitar [ and, + and ] early years played saxophone. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MUSIC", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS MUSIC. CAN YOU FIND MUSICIANSOR TYPES OF MUSIC THAT BOTH YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER LIKE?", "talk_day": "02/13/1992", "from_caller": 1468, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1943, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1457, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1954, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4004_0", "4004_1", "4004_2", "4004_3", "4004_4", "4004_5", "4004_6", "4004_7", "4004_8", "4004_9", "4004_10", "4004_11", "4004_12", "4004_13", "4004_14", "4004_15", "4004_16", "4004_17", "4004_18", "4004_19", "4004_20", "4004_21", "4004_22", "4004_23", "4004_24", "4004_25", "4004_26", "4004_27", "4004_28", "4004_29", "4004_30", "4004_31", "4004_32", "4004_33", "4004_34", "4004_35", "4004_36", "4004_37", "4004_38", "4004_39", "4004_40", "4004_41", "4004_42", "4004_43", "4004_44", "4004_45", "4004_46", "4004_47", "4004_48", "4004_49", "4004_50", "4004_51", "4004_52", "4004_53", "4004_54"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["How do you feel about the Viet Nam war? /", "{F Huh, } {D well, } {F um, } {D you know, } I guess it's pretty deep feelings, {F uh, } / I just, {F uh, } went back and rented, {F uh, } the movie, what is it, GOOD MORNING VIET NAM -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah, / I saw that as well. /", "Got [ that, + ] {F uh, } {F uh, } some insight there, [ to, + to ] kind of help me put together the feelings. / I really appreciated [ the, + the ] whole, {F uh, } English class where [ the, + {F uh, } the, ] {F uh, } fellow just wouldn't do it, {D you know, } / the guy's [ gouging, + gouging ] your eyes out, / what are you going to do? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } what for him to finish me off <laughter>. -/", "<Laughter>.", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ it, + it ] was, {F uh, } good to remember [ [ the, + {F uh, } that, ] + that ] kind of Asian philosophy --", "Uh-huh. / # {D Well, } were # --", "-- # that, {F uh. } # -/", "-- you ever in Viet Nam / {C or, } -/", "No, / no, / I was kind of an in-between, {F uh, } finally drew a high draft number, / {C and } you? /", "{F Um, } I was much too young, / I was born in sixty-seven, / {C so. } -/", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{F Um, } {D you know, } [ both my, + {D well, } both my ] brothers were, {F um, } draft age, / {C but } neither of them wound up going over, which, I think they were very happy for. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + personally, {F uh, } {D you know, } {F uh, } I ] just went in limbo. / I had a passport and was ready to go --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ or + ] {F um, } out of the country or --", "Yeah. /", "-- join special forces, either one. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } I just didn't know. / {C So, } {F uh. } -/", "{D Well, } {F um, } {C so } {D well } [ do you, + do you ] feel that it was worth what we did over there? /", "{F Um, } yeah, / just a second. /", "Okay. /", "<Talking> Okay. / Sure, / {D now. } {D Well, } Mark, {F um, } what was that again? /", "{F Um, } [ do you think, + {E I mean, } do you think, ] [ our invest-, + the investment ] in lives and money was worth it? /", "No, / [ not, + not ] really. /", "I totally agree with that. # {F Um. } # /", "# {F Um. } # /", "[ What, + what ] effects do you think it's had on our country? /", "Downside. {F Um, } {F uh, } {D well, } / the (( )) says we should, {F uh, } go into the grief [ that, + that's ] there / {C and, } {D you know, } (( )) presidents have always avoided that --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as a country. / {C So } it's pretty serious, really, {D you know, } / lot of things that aren't being addressed. -/", "Uh-huh. / I think (( )) {D you know, } that's pretty typical [ that, + ] of the [ entire, + entire ] involvement over [ that, + {D you know, } that ] nothing was really addressed, / [ [ it was-, + it wasn't, ] + {D you know, } it was never ] - / [ we, + we ] announced that we were going to war, / it was such a gradual and subtle, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ thi-, + {F um, } {D you know } increasement ] [ of, + of ] force that. /", "Gulf of Tonkin, {F uh, } resolution - / {C and } was it a dolphin or a torpedo. / <laughter> You remember that? /", "I vaguely remember [ [ we, + {F um, } we had a, ] + we had a, ] {F um, } spy ship torpedoed or something. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ only + only ] it was foggy / {C and } finally President Johnson said, {D well, } they're weren't really sure whether it was a dolphin or a torpedo. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "Isn't that something? /", "Uh-huh. {F Um, } / {C so, } {F um, } [ [ do, + do, ] + do ] you think that {D like, } {F uh, } {F um, } for example {D like } [ in, + in ] this past war, in the Persian Gulf war --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ [ that, + {F uh, } that ] + you see, it ] seemed to me [ that, + that ] Bush was [ going, + going ] to extraordinary lengths to, {F um, } {D you know, } prepare the country for war. /", "Hey Mark --", "Yeah. /", "-- I've got to go, {F um. } /", "Okay. /", "We'll see you. / I guess our five minutes are up according to me. / Are they to you? /", "{F Uh, } I wasn't really keeping count. / {C But } I guess, / good-bye. /", "Yeah, / okay, / bye-bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "VIETNAM WAR", "prompt": "TRY TO FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S VIEWS ARE ON THE VIETNAM WAR. WAS IT JUSTIFIED? WAS IT WORTH THE COST IN DOLLARS AND LIVES?", "talk_day": "02/24/1992", "from_caller": 1531, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1967, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1527, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2039_0", "2039_1", "2039_2", "2039_3", "2039_4", "2039_5", "2039_6", "2039_7", "2039_8", "2039_9", "2039_10", "2039_11", "2039_12", "2039_13", "2039_14", "2039_15", "2039_16", "2039_17", "2039_18", "2039_19", "2039_20", "2039_21", "2039_22", "2039_23", "2039_24", "2039_25", "2039_26", "2039_27", "2039_28", "2039_29", "2039_30", "2039_31", "2039_32", "2039_33", "2039_34", "2039_35", "2039_36", "2039_37", "2039_38", "2039_39", "2039_40", "2039_41", "2039_42", "2039_43", "2039_44", "2039_45", "2039_46", "2039_47", "2039_48", "2039_49", "2039_50", "2039_51", "2039_52", "2039_53", "2039_54", "2039_55", "2039_56", "2039_57", "2039_58", "2039_59", "2039_60", "2039_61", "2039_62", "2039_63", "2039_64", "2039_65", "2039_66", "2039_67", "2039_68", "2039_69", "2039_70", "2039_71", "2039_72", "2039_73", "2039_74", "2039_75", "2039_76", "2039_77", "2039_78", "2039_79", "2039_80", "2039_81", "2039_82", "2039_83", "2039_84", "2039_85", "2039_86", "2039_87", "2039_88", "2039_89", "2039_90", "2039_91", "2039_92", "2039_93", "2039_94", "2039_95", "2039_96", "2039_97", "2039_98", "2039_99", "2039_100", "2039_101", "2039_102", "2039_103", "2039_104", "2039_105", "2039_106", "2039_107", "2039_108", "2039_109", "2039_110", "2039_111", "2039_112", "2039_113", "2039_114", "2039_115", "2039_116", "2039_117", "2039_118", "2039_119", "2039_120", "2039_121", "2039_122", "2039_123", "2039_124", "2039_125", "2039_126", "2039_127", "2039_128", "2039_129", "2039_130", "2039_131", "2039_132", "2039_133", "2039_134", "2039_135", "2039_136"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay, {F uh, } / my favorite show is MASTERPIECE THEATRE / {C and } it has been for a long time / {C but } I feel almost ashamed to say that to anybody now because I have never met anybody who likes it. / Do you by any chance? /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "You do! /", "Yes, / very much. /", "{D Well, } wouldn't you know <laughter>. /", "As a matter of fact, I prefer public television. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I [ have, + particularly enjoy ] the English comedies,", "Yeah, /", "and the English mysteries. /", "Yeah, / I watch mysteries too. / Is that what you're referring to? /", "Yes. /", "Okay, / yeah. / That is good. / I like, {F uh, } - / do you read? /", "Vociferously. /", "Okay, / {D well } that's the reason why I like both of those programs is because they're kind of based on books. /", "Yes. /", "{C And, } the plots are more, {F um, } challenging, {D you know, } than the sitcoms of regular T V. /", "{D Well, } unfortunately for us at least here in the United States, [ we, + the only access we ] have to that of course is public television. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I'm, + I'm ] not a great television watcher in any respect / {C but, } {F uh, } the watching, - / what I do watch is, {F uh, } usually news and whatever is on public television. / Any kind of, - / I also {F uh, } am very fond of great performances,", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "in that regard. /", "Me too. /", "{C But, } {F uh } -/", "Did you stay up late and catch this RED DWARF? /", "No <sigh>, /", "{F Oh, } that was a scream. /", "no, / no / as a matter of fact, {F uh, } Turner Broadcasting,", "Uh-huh, /", "has been {F uh, } broadcasting all of the James Bond movies,", "Really. /", "every night this week, / {C so } I have concentrated on watching James Bond movies,", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> this week <laughter>. /", "I used to like him too, / he was my hero. / In fact, I like Sean Connery to this day. /", "{D Well, } they're showing {F uh, } LIVE AND LET DIE at this moment, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and, } it is the first appearance of Roger Moore as double oh seven. /", "Yeah. /", "{D So, } -/", "{F Oh, } he can never cut it <laughter>. /", "No, / no / that's true. / I was just thinking that today, he did,", "<Laughter>.", "{D well, } in some of the later movies he looks very effeminate,", "Yeah, /", "in his early movies. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / he does. /", "Whereas, {F uh, } Sean Connery has maintained the, {F uh, } {A how would you, } {F uh, } ruddy look, /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. / I liked his accent too. / {C And, } he can even be in movies that are not, {F uh, } {F uh, } sexually oriented, / {C and } he still comes off great. /", "{D Well, } {D you know } [ he was, + {A when was it, last year or year before last, } he was ] voted the sexiest actor in movies,", "He is. /", "or something. /", "Yeah, / he had my vote double <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {E I mean } the man is sixty-two years old. /", "I don't care <laughter>. /", "[ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] otherwise {D you know } we, - / {F uh, } with P B S and so forth. - / {C And } [ I, +", "Yeah. /", "I ] particularly enjoy, I don't know whether you've had a chance to watch it on P B S but {F uh, } the series, {F uh, } YES MINISTER? /", "{F Oh, } what's that about? /", "That was about [ a, + the ] Interior Minister, / it was a comedy, /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "the Interior Minister [ of, + in ] England,", "Uh-huh. /", "with the permanent secretary,", "Right. /", "and bureaucracy and all that. /", "Right, / [ I, + I've ] seen it several times. / It's a scream, / {C but } I have to go to bed, / I have to get up [ and, + and ] work the next morning. /", "<Laughter>.", "I wish they'd put those, - / that's why I say, did you stay up late to watch this RED DWARF. / It came on after DOCTOR WHO,", "Uh-huh. /", "on Saturday nights, here at least. / {C And } it should, - / of course I li- - / really it was, - / I don't think they should show it during prime time, / {C but } still,", "Yeah. /", "it was funny. /", "Yeah, / I know. / {D Well } [ [ I, + I, ] + I'm ] not much of a television watcher. / [ I, + I ] read as I said,", "Uh-huh. /", "[ and, + ] {F uh, } quite a bit. / I read about two or three novels a week,", "Yeah. /", "in addition to all the technical stuff. / [ What, + what ] do you do? / What kind of work do you do? /", "I'm a Payroll Clerk. / Just an accounting clerk. /", "At T I? /", "No, {F uh, } / I have a friend who works for T I / {C and } I work for a tire service,", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "here in, - / I'm from Dallas. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } the last two people who have called, both worked for T I / {C and } I just wondered. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / it could be T I -ers, I think, probably are participating more than anybody else, / {C but } I needed the money. / <laughter> This is five bucks here. /", "I think that's something we all ca-, -/", "Yeah, / really. / Do you work for T I? /", "No, / no, / I work for G T E.", "Really? /", "In Maryland, / yes. /", "How did you hear, - / {F oh } we're not even supposed to be talking about this though, are we? /", "I guess not. /", "<Laughter>.", "How did I hear about it? / {D Well } I work, {D you know, } - / they are gathering a data base for voice processing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } that's my field of work also. /", "Oh! /", "{C So } [ I, + I ] know the people at T I who are doing this / {C and } I heard about it, / {C so } I called them and asked if I could participate. {C And, } {F uh, }", "Oh. /", "{D You know } send in the forms et cetera and {F uh } so forth. /", "Right. /", "We could go back to television shows. <laughter> /", "<laughter> {D Well, } {D you know, } speaking of public TV, have you caught any of this series on the Bible? /", "Yes, / I have. /", "I've heard [ that it's really against the, + {D well } {E I mean } that it's coming out with ] the idea that the Bible's not true. /", "{D Well, } no. / That's, {F uh, } - / you could interpret it that way. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } [ I, + I ] think what they are trying to say, is that there is a great deal of historical truth, / {C but } the interpretation that actually got into the writing of the Bible itself is probably <sigh> {F uh, } after the what, {F uh, } [ was + is ] it the King James Version when the committee [ did it, + <cough> wrote the translation, ] that so much was lost in the translation, particularly since most of the translations were in Greek. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } for example. In Greek there are seven different words for love. /", "Right. /", "Okay, / {C so } you can have, - / there's one word for love of your brother, one word for love of your wife, one word for, {D you know, } {F uh, } love of your father, and that sort of thing. / {C So, } [ in, + ] as to those types of interpretations, {F uh, } really made a difference in how one might interpret the Bible now, and what it's at. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } that's, {D you know, } - / you can look at it as though they are saying it's not true, / {C but } there's too much historical fact involved just from [ the + {F uh, } the ] histories that [ are, + were ] developed around that time, that are available.", "Yeah. /", "To deny that, at least the majority of it is true. / {C So, } {D you know, } it depends on how you look at it. /", "Yeah. /", "You can look at it, {D you know, } - / if you want to say that it's proven that it isn't true, then you can very much look at it that way. /", "I guess if you're looking for that, you're, -/", "Yeah, / {D well, }", "that, {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } you can interpret [ that the, + [ what + ] the ] T V show, in the same way that you can interpret the Bible. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } -/", "Really. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ as, + as ] far as that goes, [ I, + we ] at least agree on what we enjoy. /", "Yeah, / that's right. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I don't know if [ there is, + there is ] a time limit on this,", "Yeah. /", "{C so, } {F uh. } -/", "Surely we've made it. /", "I think so too. / Let's just, - / it's been very pleasant talking to you, /", "It was very nice talking to you. /", "{C and } have a good evening. /", "You too. /", "Good night! /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "03/07/1991", "from_caller": 1152, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1947, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1101, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1939, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2094_0", "2094_1", "2094_2", "2094_3", "2094_4", "2094_5", "2094_6", "2094_7", "2094_8", "2094_9", "2094_10", "2094_11", "2094_12", "2094_13", "2094_14", "2094_15", "2094_16", "2094_17", "2094_18", "2094_19", "2094_20", "2094_21", "2094_22", "2094_23", "2094_24", "2094_25", "2094_26", "2094_27", "2094_28", "2094_29", "2094_30", "2094_31", "2094_32", "2094_33", "2094_34", "2094_35", "2094_36", "2094_37", "2094_38", "2094_39", "2094_40", "2094_41", "2094_42", "2094_43", "2094_44", "2094_45", "2094_46", "2094_47", "2094_48", "2094_49", "2094_50", "2094_51", "2094_52", "2094_53", "2094_54", "2094_55", "2094_56", "2094_57", "2094_58", "2094_59", "2094_60", "2094_61", "2094_62", "2094_63", "2094_64", "2094_65", "2094_66", "2094_67", "2094_68", "2094_69", "2094_70", "2094_71", "2094_72", "2094_73", "2094_74", "2094_75", "2094_76", "2094_77", "2094_78", "2094_79", "2094_80", "2094_81", "2094_82", "2094_83", "2094_84", "2094_85"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } Robert [ what do you, {F uh, } think, + what substances do you think ] are the most, {F uh, } likely causes of air pollution? /", "{F Um, } gee, / I don't, {E I mean, } - / [ I, + I ] guess it's the stuff that comes out of automobile exhaust, {D you know, } / they say in the paper nitrous oxides and ozone and all that. /", "Right. /", "{D So, } I believe them / {C but } I'm not a chemist. /", "<Laughter> [ Do you, + {F uh, } do you ] think that those are bigger contributors than things like [ ai-, + acid ] rain and some of the pollutants that come from, {F uh, } industrial areas, factories and so on? /", "I don't really know, {F um, } / I grew up in Los Angeles and have felt like I was victimized by air pollution. /", "I was going to say, - / [ [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you, + {C so } you ] understand smog <laughter>. /", "I understand it very well / {C and } in fact I was a private pilot there, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I can remember [ very + ] [ etched, + etched ] clearly in my mind, {F uh, } flying and coming up above the smog layer at about three thousand feet and looking back down [ and, + and ] really being unbelieving at,", "Wow. /", "what looked like a, {F uh, } - / it just looked liked peanut butter. /", "My word. /", "Thick and brown and so on. /", "{C And } that was, a few years ago? /", "This was quite a few years ago. / This was in the nineteen sixties. /", "[ I, + I ] wonder if it's any better now.", "People say that it is somewhat better. /", "Because [ they, + {F uh, } California ] has such strict rules,", "Right. /", "{F um, } about emissions and so on. / {F Um, } [ I, + I ] don't know if you [ he-, + [ re-, + ] heard ] about the, {F uh, } recent legislation in, {F uh, } Colorado, {F uh, } against a power company, {F uh, } that's actually on Indian land, I believe, / {C but, } {F uh, } it has been ruled against, {F uh, } regarding air pollution because they think that it's causing terrible smog over the Grand Canyon.", "{F Um. } /", "And, {F um, } particularly in the winter months. / {C So } they, - / it was, {F uh, } a landmark case because it's unusual to, {F um, } - / I can, - / [ they, + they ] were talking about shutting it down, [ or + ] if it didn't comply and so on. /", "{D So } did it burn coal? /", "I don't know that, / the information is one of those wire services kind of [ news, + pieces of news, ] {D you know, } / {C so } it's hard, / I never did see the full story, / {C so } I don't know. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } they said [ that, + that ] it really caused so much smog over, {F uh, } the Grand Canyon in the winter months that they couldn't do the, {F uh, } piloting, {F uh, } {D you know, } the helicopter trips and that sort of thing.", "{F Um. } /", "Which would be horrible,", "Yeah. /", "because [ the, + there's ] nothing, / {E I mean } that's such a spectacle. / It would be a shame to ruin it. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } what do you think individuals could do, or society could do to alleviate this problem. /", "{F Uh, } [ I don't, + {F uh, } I don't ] know whether we could do a whole lot as individuals. {F Uh, } maybe just take good care of our cars,", "Right. /", "and make sure we keep our pollution devices clean and all that sort of thing. {F Um, } / apart from that, [ I, + I ] don't know what we can do as individuals. / What do you think we can do? /", "Uh-huh, / you think, it's [ more, + more ] to society. / {D Well } I guess I kind of agree there. / I, {F uh, } - / on an individual basis there isn't a lot we can do about a lot of things / {C but } if we are concerned about it then we certainly can, {F uh, } force, {F uh, } government, {F uh, } that we elect to deal more seriously with it. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I do think that we have a responsibility there. / I must admit I'm not always real politically active / {C but } I do think that, {F um, } Congress has backed down much too much on some of the air pollution standards. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } it's brought the, - / they, {F uh, } really listen to - / [ the, + the, ] {F uh, } lobbyist {C and, } {F uh, } the car manufacturing companies [ have, + {F uh, } {D you know, } have ] really pushed, / (( they )) , - / all those [ re-, + restrictions ] are really too hard, / [ we can't, + we can't ] quite make that go / {C and } they don't - / {C and then } we still live with air pollution. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } {C so } I suspect that that's one thing [ that, + that ] as individuals, we can do, make our voices known, perhaps to our legislators. / {C But, } {F um, } as a society, I think we can do more / {C and } that's probably how we ought to do it. {F Uh, } [ individ-, + being individually responsible ] [ as, {F uh, } gro-, + in order to be group responsible. ] /", "Yeah, / I guess [ I'm, + I'm ] to the point where I'm cynical enough that I really don't believe anything will happen [ unless, + unless ] there's something economically justifiable about it. /", "Right. /", "{C And } in the case of air pollution, it simply might turn out at some point down the road, to be so costly to have to live with air pollution in terms of health problems,", "Uh-huh. /", "and everything else that we'll spend the money that's necessary [ to, + {F uh, } to ] get rid of the source of it. /", "I suspect [ that the pub-, + ] that there's going to have to be a lot of pressure, {F uh, } come to bear on the companies that deal with it / {C and } probably the only way that can happen is for, {F um, } governments to realize that they have to pay if companies don't. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I don't know how long [ that, + that ] will take. /", "People also have to realize they can't have their cake and eat it. / {C So, } if you don't want to burn coal for power,", "Sure. /", "how about [ nucle-, + nuclear ] energy. / {D Well } we don't want that either. /", "Exactly, / yeah, / right. /", "How about investing in the sun. / {D Well } nobody wants to pay twenty-five cents a kilowatt hour, I don't think. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } I probably wouldn't mind if it really came down to it. /", "{D Well } it's just the same thing with [ the car, + {F uh, } {F uh, } the gasoline, ] / now is a wonderful time to smack a fifty cent a gallon tax on gasoline,", "{F Oh } yes, / yes, / yes. /", "so that we don't, {F uh, } run into the kind of problems we recently had / {C and } yet the government is not going to do that because people are too dependent / {C and } [ they don't want, + they don't want ] to pay for it. / {C So } instead, we spend billions of dollars going to war. /", "Yes. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } wha-, - / however, it might have had other causes. / Certainly oil was a big factor. /", "{F Oh } certainly, / yes. /", "{F Um, } {C and } I think that's probably going to happen [ with, + with ] such things as air pollution,", "Yeah. /", "[ when we, + when we ] [ se-, + get serious ] [ about cleaning, + about our motors ] in our automobiles [ then, + {F uh, } then ] maybe, {D you know, } we'll have a little bit of help. {F Um, } {F uh, } / do you have any air pollution in your area? /", "There's not really a lot here in Raleigh. / {F Uh, } once in a while we'll get some, {F uh, } / I think it kind of washes down [ from, + {F uh, } from ] your area Linda <laughter>. /", "{F Oh } no. <laughter> /", "[ That's what they, + that's what they, ] -/", "You're talking about [ from, + from ] [ the, + {F uh, } the ] [ middle, + middle ] states,", "Yeah. /", "[ that, + that ] have more factories and so on. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / that's what they say / {C but } [ [ it's + it's not, ] + it's not ] very usual / {C and } certainly we don't have the eye stinging variety that you get in the big cities. /", "Yeah, / we really don't have that either. / [ Although I think I can tell a difference in, + I lived in this area for about twenty-five years and I think I can tell a difference in ] the comfort level, {F uh, } particularly in the summer. {F Uh, } {D you know, } when it gets hot,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "and you have, [ the, + that ] kind of a pressure from the pockets of air, {F uh, } usually they say caused by exhaust. /", "Yeah. /", "It seems to me that I'm more uncomfortable / {C and, } {D you know, } my eyes sting more and so on and so on. / {C So } I suspect that [ it's, + it's ] an ever growing problem. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well } I suspect that we've probably covered everything that we need to here. /", "Right, / I think,", "It was nice talking to you. /", "we've given them about seven minutes according to my watch / {C and } I enjoyed the conversation. /", "So did I. / Bye, bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AIR POLLUTION", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS AIR POLLUTION. FIND OUT WHAT SUBSTANCES THE OTHER CALLER THINKS CONTRIBUTE THE MOST TO AIR POLLUTION TODAY. WHAT CAN INDIVIDUALS OR SOCIETY DO TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY?", "talk_day": "03/10/1991", "from_caller": 1072, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1056, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1948, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2102_0", "2102_1", "2102_2", "2102_3", "2102_4", "2102_5", "2102_6", "2102_7", "2102_8", "2102_9", "2102_10", "2102_11", "2102_12", "2102_13", "2102_14", "2102_15", "2102_16", "2102_17", "2102_18", "2102_19", "2102_20", "2102_21", "2102_22", "2102_23", "2102_24", "2102_25", "2102_26", "2102_27", "2102_28", "2102_29", "2102_30", "2102_31", "2102_32", "2102_33", "2102_34", "2102_35", "2102_36", "2102_37", "2102_38", "2102_39", "2102_40", "2102_41", "2102_42", "2102_43", "2102_44", "2102_45", "2102_46", "2102_47", "2102_48", "2102_49", "2102_50", "2102_51", "2102_52", "2102_53", "2102_54", "2102_55", "2102_56", "2102_57", "2102_58", "2102_59", "2102_60", "2102_61", "2102_62", "2102_63", "2102_64", "2102_65", "2102_66", "2102_67", "2102_68", "2102_69", "2102_70", "2102_71", "2102_72", "2102_73", "2102_74", "2102_75", "2102_76", "2102_77", "2102_78", "2102_79", "2102_80", "2102_81", "2102_82", "2102_83", "2102_84", "2102_85", "2102_86", "2102_87", "2102_88", "2102_89", "2102_90", "2102_91", "2102_92", "2102_93", "2102_94", "2102_95", "2102_96", "2102_97", "2102_98", "2102_99", "2102_100", "2102_101", "2102_102", "2102_103", "2102_104", "2102_105", "2102_106", "2102_107", "2102_108", "2102_109", "2102_110", "2102_111", "2102_112", "2102_113", "2102_114", "2102_115", "2102_116", "2102_117", "2102_118", "2102_119", "2102_120", "2102_121", "2102_122", "2102_123", "2102_124", "2102_125", "2102_126", "2102_127", "2102_128", "2102_129", "2102_130", "2102_131"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {D well, } my favorite, probably, all time T V show is STAR TREK. / {C And } I would (( )) it like that, - / [ I, + I ] like the adventure of it.", "Uh-huh <throat_clearing>. /", "And the idea [ that, + that ] we would survive long enough to get to that point and be able to do these fantastic things in space. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } I {D like } the, - / they have a new one now. / The STAR TREK THE NEXT GENERATION.", "Right <throat_clearing>. /", "Which it's an all new cast, but kind of the same idea, going out to new places [ and, + and ] doing new things and finding out about different people, / {C and } [ I've, + I've ] always liked that show probably the very best. /", "Uh-huh. / I think I've actually seen a number of STAR TREKS, one way or another over the years. {F Uh, } although I never watched it regularly. / I'm certainly acquainted with [ the character -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the characters. ] / {C And then } I've seen some of the STAR TREK movies. /", "Yeah, / those, - / the movies are good too. /", "<Cough>.", "{C And } [ I, + I ] guess [ all, + most ] of the shows I like are, are kind of along the same line because they're all adventure <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ When I, + when I ] started thinking about this, [ that + ] those are some of my favorite shows, MCGYVER, because [ it's, + it's ] only one person there, [ more than, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } instead of a cast --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- of people, / {C but } he's always going out and inventing new things out of scrap, and grabbing what he can and, {D you know, } pieces of baling wire [ and, + and ] a few tires and all of a sudden he's got a hang glider / {C and } <laughter>, -/", "I don't think [ I, + I've ] even heard of that show. /", "You haven't? /", "It's called MCGYVER? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ what is, + what is ] he? /", "He's like a semigovernment type agent. Who [ goes out then to, + {F uh, } works for ] the Phoenix Foundation, supposedly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ h-, + his ] big thing is that he can take [ pieces of, + little bits ] and pieces of string and baling wire and turn them into fantastic different things. / He took a car battery and some wire and two washers one time and made a welder. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Laughter> {C So } [ he, + he ] does all kinds of strange things like that. /", "{F Oh, } great. / Boeing ought to hire him and give him a junkyard,", "Yeah. /", "and see if he could build a Seven Forty-Seven out of it. /", "<Laughter> See what we can come up with. / Do you like the, {F uh, } news shows, TWENTY TWENTY, SIXTY MINUTES, those kind of things? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } I used to watch SIXTY MINUTES as a matter of fact, / [ {C and } + {F uh, } {C and } ] I used to like the show very much. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } unfortunately I find getting rid of your T V set, you do throw out [ some, + some ] of the baby,", "Some of the --", "with the bath water. /", "-- little things, / yeah. /", "{C And } {F uh, } I just decided I had to do that. I think, in part because it was easy for me to become addicted to it, / {E I mean } I could just sit mindlessly in front of a T V set for hours. /", "{F Uh. } /", "{C And } I just realized, I was sort of like an alcoholic, / if I didn't get the booze out of the house, I was going to drink. /", "Oh. /", "{D So. } -/", "I guess I haven't ever had any trouble with that. / [ I have more or less, + I have my favorite shows ] / {C and } I usually make time in my day or my week, {D you know, } to watch those. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } for the most part, [ I try, + I have small kids and I try ] and keep it on just a minimum amount of time, really when they're up. /", "Yeah, / yeah. <<Clears throat>> /", "{C Because } they're, - / I guess [ [ that, + that, ] + that ] falls (( )) , - / {C and } one of my other favorite shows is SESAME STREET because of the kids. / I like that real well. /", "Right, / {D well, } when my kids were little, I did have a T V set / {C and } I did watch a lot of SESAME STREET and a lot of ELECTRIC COMPANY, as well. /", "I don't think they have that on anymore. /", "{D Well } that would be a shame. /", "I haven't seen the ELECTRIC COMPANY in a long time. / [ I, + I ] remember it when I was younger [ of, + ] {D you know, } catching it on P B S, / {C but, } {F uh, } I don't think they show, - / it must be in, - / maybe it's in, - / if it was in repeats, - / {C but } they're not making new ones. /", "Huh. /", "I haven't seen it in a long time. / {C But } SESAME STREET is still really good. /", "Yeah. / How about MISTER ROGERS, / is he still around? /", "Yes. / Yeah. / They still show MISTER ROGERS. / I don't think he's making new ones, / {C but } they repeat all the old ones. /", "I see. / I see. /", "{C So } that's still a real good show too. / I, - / that one tends to come on earlier in the day than I want to turn the T V on <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "SESAME STREET comes on from {D like } nine to ten, which is a good time / {C and } everybody is up and had breakfast and dressed and ready to go, / {C so } it's - / the timing [ of, + of ] it is good, besides (( the amo-, )) what's on. /", "Right. / I figure your children are preschool? /", "Yes, / I have two little ones. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } they like that. /", "Yeah, / I seem to remember those shows being on in the afternoon. /", "They come on both. / They come on {D like } from nine to ten and then from, {F uh, } five to six. /", "Uh-huh, / okay. /", "They just repeat --", "Okay. /", "-- over again. Which is also, - / [ that's + ] another thing that's <laughter> good about it, / when it comes on right in the dinner hour. I [ f-, + can feel ] {D like } I can let them sit in front of the T V and watch, / {C and } they're watching something worthwhile, while I can make dinner and do things I need to do --", "Yeah. /", "-- without them under foot. /", "Yeah, / [ little, + with little ] kids the T V set really is a, {E I mean } - / I used it as a pacifier. /", "Yeah. /", "I'm not sure it was that great for my children, / {C but } they turned out okay, / {C so. } -/", "{F Uh, } it didn't hurt them any. /", "<Breathing> Yeah. /", "Some shows are good for, - / I think [ some shows, + some, ] - / STAR TREK, I, - / for the imagination of it all. - / The idea, [ I, + I ] think that's one of the things I like about STAR TREK. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ is, + is ] the, - / even in for kids watching some of it can be a little violent sometimes and stuff. / I don't let my little ones watch it, / {C but } the imagination of, look what we can do, {D you know, } in the future, [ this is, + perhaps, this will be ] possible.", "Yeah. /", "That kind of thing. -/", "Yeah. /", "Okay, / {D well, } I think we've covered most of my favorite T V shows. /", "{D Well, } I'm trying to think if I ever even had a favorite one at one time, {F uh. } /", "Let's see, how about, {F uh, } MAN FROM UNCLE? /", "I do seem to reme-, - / is that the one where [ they, + {F uh, } he ] always got [ this, + this ] tape recording that self-destructed? /", "That's MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. /", "{F Uh, } MISSION, - / that's right, / MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. / Yeah, / I used to watch that. / In fact, I can still remember a couple of those. / They were, - / I thought those were very good. /", "Yeah, / they always have, - / [ I've, + I've ] seen some of them on repeats. /", "Yeah. /", "That {F uh, } - / they always had a good plot. /", "{F Huh. } /", "It kind of kept you guessing [ on, + on, ] {F uh, } what was going to happen next <laughter>. /", "Right. / Right. / You, -/", "How they're going get out of their latest scrape. /", "Yeah, / I do remember that. / {C And, } {F uh, } I remember as a kid my parents watching the ED SULLIVAN Show. / That was really the big deal in our household, # was the ED SULLIVAN SHOW. # /", "# {F Oh, } yeah, / every Saturday night? # /", "Yeah, / [ I gu-, + I guess ] it was a Saturday night, / {C and } I went to see the movie THE DOORS a couple of days ago, / {C and } they had this scene, {F uh, } [ that por-, + portraying ] THE DOORS' appearance on the ED SULLIVAN SHOW. /", "{F Huh. } /", "They even had somebody portraying Ed Sullivan, / {C and } it was very, very funny. /", "<Laughter>.", "I think it was the funniest part [ of the, + of that ] movie. /", "{F Um. } /", "{D Well, } I don't know, / was there any, - / I remember the MILTON BERLE SHOW even, / [ I was, +", "Ye-, / I'm not old enough to recall that one <laughter>. /", "I was, ] - / {D well } I guess, I have to admit that I am <laughter>. /", "My T V viewing started sort of mid-sixties, / {C so. } -/", "I see. /", "[ My folks didn't, + my folks, ] - / I'm not even sure if we had one when I was really little. / That may be why, bu-, - / they probably didn't have a T V until I got to be, {D you know, } grade school or so. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } the shows that I like now, they wouldn't let me watch. / I had to catch them all on repeats. / Like STAR TREK, they thought that was much too violent for small children. / {C So } <laughter>, -/", "{F Huh. } /", "<Laughter> [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] ended up watching a lot of these things on, {D you know, } repeats in the afternoons or something. /", "Yeah. / [ That's, + that's ] interesting. / {F Uh, } I think it's interesting that parents think that their small children learn violence from TV, / people were just as violent before T V was invented, maybe even more so. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } I guess [ that's, + that's ] a different topic / isn't it? <laughter>. /", "Probably so <laughter>. / {D Well, } I think [ that's about, + {F uh, } that's about ] covered it for me, / {C so } I think I'll say good-bye / {C and } we'll # talk another time perhaps <static>. # /", "# Yeah. / {D Well, } it was nice talking to you. / # [ Tell me, + tell me ] where you're calling from. /", "I'm calling from Garland, Texas. /", "Garland, Texas. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# All right. # / I'm in # Nor-, # -/", "# Where # are you from? /", "I'm in Raleigh, North Carolina. /", "{F Oh, } my goodness. / I didn't know they did it long distance. /", "Yeah, / [ I think they're [ doing it, + trying to do it, ] + {C or } I hope they're trying to do it ] all over the country, because they need to collect all kinds of [ different -- +", "Yes. /", "-- different ] dialects. /", "{D Well, } it was nice talking to you <static>. /", "Same here. /", "Bye-bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1138, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1056, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1948, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2113_0", "2113_1", "2113_2", "2113_3", "2113_4", "2113_5", "2113_6", "2113_7", "2113_8", "2113_9", "2113_10", "2113_11", "2113_12", "2113_13", "2113_14", "2113_15", "2113_16", "2113_17", "2113_18", "2113_19", "2113_20", "2113_21", "2113_22", "2113_23", "2113_24", "2113_25", "2113_26", "2113_27", "2113_28", "2113_29", "2113_30", "2113_31", "2113_32", "2113_33", "2113_34", "2113_35", "2113_36", "2113_37", "2113_38", "2113_39", "2113_40", "2113_41", "2113_42", "2113_43", "2113_44", "2113_45", "2113_46", "2113_47", "2113_48", "2113_49", "2113_50", "2113_51", "2113_52", "2113_53", "2113_54", "2113_55", "2113_56", "2113_57", "2113_58", "2113_59", "2113_60", "2113_61", "2113_62", "2113_63", "2113_64", "2113_65", "2113_66", "2113_67", "2113_68", "2113_69", "2113_70", "2113_71", "2113_72", "2113_73", "2113_74", "2113_75", "2113_76", "2113_77", "2113_78", "2113_79", "2113_80", "2113_81", "2113_82", "2113_83", "2113_84", "2113_85", "2113_86", "2113_87", "2113_88", "2113_89", "2113_90", "2113_91", "2113_92", "2113_93", "2113_94", "2113_95", "2113_96", "2113_97", "2113_98"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } the last movie that I saw, - / [ I, + I ] don't go to that many / {C so } I'll just have to talk about the ones that I went to see, / {C but, }", "Okay. /", "{F uh, } it was AWAKENINGS with, {F uh, } Robin Williams and, {F uh, } Peter DeNiro. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "Have you seen it. /", "No / unfortunately I haven't, / I heard it's really good, / {C but. } -/", "It is. / I just have to take my hat off to Peter DeNiro. /", "Uh-huh. /", "He is one of the best actors I've ever seen. / It's, - / there's a point where, - / [ the, + {F uh, } the ] show is about these, {F uh, } catatonic type people that, - / this doctor discovers a drug that brings them back to [ the, + the ] living, more or less, / {C but } it wears off. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } the way it wears off is he goes through all these spastic, {D you know, } {F uh, } - / it starts off with like a tic, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and then } it gets to where he can't, {D you know, } control his movements at all. / {C And } it was just so realistic. / The way, {D you know, } you have to just keep reminding yourself that he's an actor. /", "Uh-huh. / What does, {F uh, } - / is - / [ Robby, + Robin ] Williams, does he have a funny part in it? /", "No, / it was [ very serious, + very se-, ] -/", "{F Oh } how does he do serious. /", "He's good, / [ he's, + he's ] talented, / boy, he is. /", "I've only seen him in funny stuff / {C and so. } -/", "I know, / me too. / {C But, } {F uh, } {D well, } what was that show, {F um, } <barking> [ Gar-, + {F uh, } Garf-, ] - / I want to say Garfield / {C but } that wasn't it. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } [ GARP, + THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. ] /", "Yeah, / THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP. / He wasn't always funny in that show, was he. /", "I didn't [ read, + see ] [ the, + the ] movie, / I read the book / {C but } I, -/", "I did too. / That's why I was thinking it couldn't be just a totally funny part </barking>. /", "Yeah, / in fact, it got some pretty serious deep parts in it / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / right. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well } what have you seen? /", "I think the last movie that we went out to see was DANCES WITH WOLVES. /", "{F Oh, } I saw it. /", "Good, / we've both seen one <laughter>. / Did you cry through it? /", "Yes, / the whole way <laughter>. /", "It was telling a friend, [ I, + I ] said, I only cried twice, / {C but } each was about half an hour long, / {D so. } -/", "<Laughter> Where did you cry. /", "{F Um, } let's see, / [ when I, + each time that I ] thought that the Indians were going to get killed, I cried. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I cried the first time when [ the, + {F um, } the ] wagon man got killed, when they attacked him. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I think from there on, all the way through the movie. - / Let's see what else did it. {F Um, } what other parts. / I can't remember any of the other parts right off now. /", "I cried when the horse got killed and when the wolf got killed <laughter>. /", "We-, - / I don't remember when the horse got killed. /", "{F Oh, } th-, - / when he was riding back to the settlement and they shot his horse out from under him. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C And then } [ he, + {F uh, } the next day he ] looked out there and saw those buzzards, {D you know } <barking>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } that horse has been such a pal to him,", "Yeah. /", "when he was alone. / You can tell I'm an animal lover, / you can hear my dog </barking>. /", "<Laughter> Unfortunately we don't have any animals, / {C so, } {F uh. } -/", "Yeah. / It was a beautiful story, / it really was. /", "It, - / there was a lot of pretty scenery, too, in that movie. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "What did you think about the buffalo scenes. /", "{F Oh, } I thought it was awful,", "That was, /", "and so graphic, /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean } I hadn't even imagined it, {D you know. } / I think we all heard the story of the slaughter of the buffalo. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I had a friend who had fixed some, {F uh, } [ chili, + buffalo chili ] [ and, + ] about a week before went to see the movie. /", "{F Oh, } {F oh. } /", "Of course they raise them now, {D you know, } to eat. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / it's not, -/", "{C But } [ she, + we ] were both feeling so guilty about enjoying this chili after seeing that. /", "Uh-huh, / {D well } at least you know that it wasn't same situation that the buffalo died in. /", "No / it wasn't <laughter>. /", "{F Um, } I thought the scenes when the buffalos running, though, were beautiful, / {D like } that was great. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C And } there were so many of them. / I didn't know that, that many buffaloes alive, much less in one place. /", "Yeah, / really. /", "{D So } that was pretty. /", "{C And } to think about how it just changed the whole landscape, {D you know, } you could follow [ this, + this ] beaten down path, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } it sounded like thunder and earthquakes and that sort of thing. /", "I wonder how they kept up with them, though, / it seemed like the buffaloes were moving so fast. /", "I know. /", "I guess they graze, though, / that wouldn't (( be a )) problem. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {F Uh, } have you seen any of the behind the scenes, {F uh, } [ of, + of ] that movie. /", "No, / huh-uh. /", "It was, - / they tried to keep it, {D you know, } as very close to real. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean } {D like } Kevin Costner did all of his own scenes / {C and, } {F uh, } they had to teach a wolf how [ to, + to ] howl. /", "Oh. /", "That's the, part they had trouble finding was wolves <barking>. /", "I guess they're just not domesticated, / [ {C or, } + {C or, } ] -/", "Yeah, / what, - / they just don't howl that much anymore. / I could bring them in with my dogs and set a siren off / {C and } that's all they'd have to do <laughter>. / Yeah. /", "{D Well } that's funny. /", "{D Well, } I think we've made it. /", "{F Oh } is that five minutes, / is that, -/", "I don't know, / is it five or three. /", "Okay, {F oh, } / I'm not sure. /", "I'm not either. /", "Okay, / {D well } I think [ [ we're, + we're, ] + we've ] done okay, though. /", "Okay, / me too. /", "{D Well } thank you for calling. /", "{D Well } thank you. /", "{C And } I hope you enjoy some more good movies late-, /", "Yeah, / you too. /", "Bye, bye. /", "Bye, bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "03/11/1991", "from_caller": 1152, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1947, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1026, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1957, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2676_0", "2676_1", "2676_2", "2676_3", "2676_4", "2676_5", "2676_6", "2676_7", "2676_8", "2676_9", "2676_10", "2676_11", "2676_12", "2676_13", "2676_14", "2676_15", "2676_16", "2676_17", "2676_18", "2676_19", "2676_20", "2676_21", "2676_22", "2676_23", "2676_24", "2676_25", "2676_26", "2676_27", "2676_28", "2676_29", "2676_30", "2676_31", "2676_32", "2676_33", "2676_34", "2676_35", "2676_36", "2676_37", "2676_38", "2676_39", "2676_40", "2676_41", "2676_42", "2676_43", "2676_44", "2676_45", "2676_46", "2676_47", "2676_48", "2676_49", "2676_50", "2676_51", "2676_52", "2676_53", "2676_54", "2676_55", "2676_56", "2676_57", "2676_58", "2676_59", "2676_60", "2676_61", "2676_62", "2676_63", "2676_64", "2676_65", "2676_66", "2676_67", "2676_68", "2676_69", "2676_70", "2676_71", "2676_72", "2676_73", "2676_74", "2676_75", "2676_76", "2676_77", "2676_78", "2676_79", "2676_80", "2676_81", "2676_82", "2676_83", "2676_84", "2676_85", "2676_86", "2676_87", "2676_88", "2676_89", 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"Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Do you live in Plano or work in Plano, or both? /", "Both. /", "Both, / are you a T I -er? /", "Yes. /", "Are you at work right now? /", "Uh-huh. /", "So am I. / In [ building, + which building? ] /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } are you Summit or are you, {F uh, }", "# [ [ I'm, + I'm, ] + #", "# Spring Creek? # /", "I'm ] Spring Creek. /", "{F Oh } this is fun. / What building are you in? /", "I'm building, {F uh, } one. /", "{F Oh, } I'm building two. / At least we found something different <laughter>. / That's, - / I've never had a call, /", "Not like that. / Neither have I. /", "No, / isn't that funny? / I usually get some place, - / I got a woman in New Jersey the last time I called, I think. /", "Right. / That's funny. /", "That is funny. / {C So, } -/", "{C So } [ how's the build-, + how's the weather in building ] two? /", "The weather in building two is cold <laughter> / it's been cold. / It's been cold in the building. / Outside the building it's not bad. / Typical [ T I, + {E or } T I, ] / listen I got me doing it. / Typical Texas Spring. / Are you a native to Texas? /", "No, / no, / [ I'm, + I'm ] a transplant. /", "From? /", "From California. /", "{C So } what do you think of the Texas weather? /", "Not as nice as California <laughter>. /", "How long have you been here? /", "{F Oh, } five years now. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "I've been here long [ en-, + ] pretty long. / {C So. } -/", "[ [ You, + you, ] + you ] know about August then. /", "Yes, / {F oh, } I've been through five of those <laughter>. /", "Okay, / there's no surprises left. /", "Right, / right. / A lot of people try to leave the state for a couple of weeks in August, for, {D you know, } - / if they're going to go out of state for vacation --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that's the time to go. /", "Good idea. /", "<Laughter>.", "Real good idea. /", "Yeah, / we went up to Wyoming this last, {F uh, } Summer during that time. / {C And } it was like {D you know, } eighty degrees up there. / It was beautiful. / Nice to get out of Texas for a while. /", "We went to Alaska. /", "{D Well, } [ that's, + that's ] [ the even, + even ] farther away. /", "That is really nice. / It is so cool, you wear a jacket, {D you know. } /", "Even in the Summer time, {F huh. } /", "Yeah, / or keep one handy.", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "Because [ it's, + it ] rains a lot in Alaska. /", "Is that right? /", "{F Uh, } it, - / they call it their liquid gold. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C But } it, {D you know, } - / you get sunshine, / {C and } it's lovely, / {C and then } it rains just enough to keep everything nice --", "Green. /", "-- and moist and very green.", "{F Um. } /", "And blooming. / {F Oh } my goodness, it's pretty. /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } Texas isn't bad. /", "No, / no. /", "Not in the Spring. /", "Right. / I have to think every year to try to remember [ what it was, + what's it supposed ] to like this time of year. /", "Spring is nice. /", "Yeah. / Because March we usually get a lot of rain, in March, {D you know. } / It'll seem the news, the Harold Taft, {D you know, } on the local news. /", "Right. /", "March we typically get a lot of rain, / {C and } we've had this many inches, / {C and, } {D you know, } we're right on target, {D you know, } / {C and } just seem like we were getting a lot of rain in March, / {C but } I -- -/", "{F Oh, } [ we always -- +", "-- it's hard to remember twelve months ago what it was like. /", "-- we always ] do though. /", "Yeah -- /", "{F uh, } it, -/", "-- [ I wish, + I just wish ] it wouldn't come all at once <laughter>. /", "That's right, / {C and -- -- then } we get all that heat. / Right. /", "{D Well, } it's just that, {D you know, } / when it rains, it rains. / In California you get these nice, lovely rains, {D you know, } nothing really [ down-, + {D you know, } like downpours ] like you have here. /", "<Laughter>.", "The other day we had some hail, the biggest hail I've ever seen in Texas. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / I live in Garland. /", "{F Oh, } you got into that bad stuff. /", "Yeah. / We got hail the size of marbles. / {E I mean, } just so noisy hitting the house / {C and } the glass on the windows. / It didn't break anything, / {C but } we went out there afterwards / {C and } there's ice balls the size of marbles all over our lawn. /", "Isn't that strange. /", "I know, I, - / you pick them up, {D you know, } / {C and } they're perfectly round. / {C And } I go, {D gee, } how did they form, {D you know, } so perfect like that. /", "I think that's one of the [ strange, + strange ] things, / {C and } you very seldom see it though. /", "Right, / right. / I've seen hail, {D you know, } / {C but } usually the size, {D you know, } of, {F uh, } [ tiny, + tiny ] pebbles. / {D You know, } really small, {D you know. } / {C But } this was, {F uh, } really large. /", "{C So } [ it had come, + it's a drop of water that had come ] through quite a few rain clouds apparently. / Is that correct? /", "{F Uh, } I don't know how hail is formed --", "[ I think, + I think ] --", "-- to tell you the truth. /", "-- that's, -/", "You don't think it's cold enough, {D you know } to, -/", "It's not on the ground, / {C but } --", "Right, / must be. /", "-- in the clouds it is. /", "I guess, / {C and then, } I think, {D you know, } all that falling would warm it up and melt it, / {C but } maybe that's what rounds it, {A I don't know. } {C But, } tumbling. /", "I was dumb. / I was in, {F um, } Florida for a week on business. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I had called back to the house. / I stayed the weekend, / {C and } I called back to the house. / My housekeeper was baby-sitting my cats and dogs, <noise> <<high pitched trill>> said something to the effect of, now we've made the national news, don't get upset, and don't worry, / it's in Garland where all the bad weather is. / I said, Okay, {D you know } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I watched the news, / {C and } I thought, ha ha, that's Garland, that's not Plano, / I don't have anything to worry about. / I was on the plane heading back to Dallas before it dawned on me, stupid, you own property in Garland <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Felt so dumb. /", "{F Um. } /", "Finally I got home and found out my property was okay. /", "Yeah. /", "There was no problem with it. / {C But } I guess you just tend to think [ of, + of ] where your house is --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know, } and nothing else. /", "Right, / {C and } close to that, what's called Duck Creek that runs through part of Garland, that's the part that always seems to get hardest hit when [ there's, + there's ] the hard rain. /", "{F Oh, } {F oh, } I see. /", "The creek overflows / {C and } [ a lot of houses, + a lot of houses ] around that creek seem [ to, + to ] get flooded -- /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "-- the streets and stuff around that area,", "# [ The house, + that house, ] #", "# get a lot of # flooding. /", "that I bought is close to a Firewheel golf course. /", "Okay. /", "Just going to be blocks off of that new highway one ninety that's going through. /", "Right. / That's where I live, close to that. /", "{F Oh } really. /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } {F uh, } not quite, / I don't live in that Firewheel division. / {C But } I live close by there --", "Is that a nice area? /", "-- in [ north, + far north ] Garland. / Yeah / they're supposed to, - / it's getting built up, {D you know, } with more [ new, + new ] shopping centers and things. {D You know, } / it's a fairly new area. / Yeah / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } <<pause>> {C and } ] they're supposed to be building a mall somewhere close [ [ by, + by the next, ] + by ] ninety-three or ninety-four or something, / a brand new mall --", "{D Well, } -/", "-- not too far away from that area, / {C so. } -/", "[ The house that -- +", "It'd be nice. /", "-- the house that ] I bought was really, really nice. /", "Uh-huh, / in the Firewheel Estates there, whatever. /", "Yes, / yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Really, really nice home, very pretty. {F Uh. } /", "Uh-huh. / {C But } you're not living there right now. /", "No, / I'm going to lease it. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "[ It's, + it's ] investment property. /", "I see. /", "{C But } [ it is really, + it's a very ] nice place. / {F Uh, } [ I, + I ] would cheerfully live there. / Of course it's not my home, / {C and } I've lived in my home [ in, + ] {D well, } almost ten years, / {C and, } {D you know, } I've got everything just exactly like I want it. /", "Right. /", "{C But } if I were to live some place else, it certainly meets my standards. / It's a nice house. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / that's a nice area. / Is it on the golf course? /", "No, / it's not, / it's off the golf course, / {C and } I'll be honest with you, / I'm going to have to get a map to figure out exactly where is the golf course versus where my house is. /", "Is that right. /", "{C But } it's in the estates that adjoin it. /", "Yeah, / right, / right. / {D Well } that's a nice area. /", "Yes, / it is. /", "That really is a nice area. / When they get that highway finished, you can hop on that and get anywhere you need to go --", "Yeah, / [ that one nine -- +", "-- fairly quick. /", "-- that one ninety ] is just going to be the [ [ mo-, + the outer-, ] + outermost ] loop around. /", "Right, / another belt line, just, {F uh, } farther out. /", "Right, / just continue to do that. /", "Right, / right, / right. /", "Where are you from in California? /", "Southern California. /", "San Diego? /", "I've lived in San Diego for six years when I was [ a ki-, + ] younger, and L A area, / {C and } my parents live in Anaheim right now. / Lived up north of Los Angeles in Thousand Oaks area, where the Cowboys have their training camp, or used to anyway. /", "I've been through all of that. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } there is an area beyond Thousand Oaks, north of Los Angeles that is really an eerie, strange looking area -- -- with boulders, / I won-, - / they're not really hills, / they're more like just huge boulders with very little vegetation. /", "Huh. / I'm not familiar with what, / is it along the coast [ or -- +", "{F Uh. }", "-- or ] inland. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } it may be a little bit more inland. / That is one of the strangest areas I have ever seen. /", "{F Um. } /", "{F Uh, } I had to go up to T I on business --", "Out there, / uh-huh. /", "-- a couple years ago -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we went up that coastline, / {C and } I was just amazed how unusual that looks. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Here, hang on just a second, / I've got a Los Angeles map. / Let me just quick <<pause>>. -/", "Yeah, /", "(( )) valley. / Yes -- /", "Okay, / I know where that is. /", "-- beyond Thousand Oaks. /", "I know where (( )) Valley is, / I've been out there before, / sure. /", "You don't think that's strange looking. /", "I didn't notice anything strange, I guess --", "{F Oh, } okay -- /", "-- about it. /", "-- [ maybe, + maybe ] I'm used to Texas. /", "Maybe Texas the way, -/", "The elevation is extremely high. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's got curving roads on it, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] the, - / it's just a strange landscape, / there's very little vegetation. /", "Huh. / [ I didn't, + I don't ] remember seeing that part of it. / I know (( )) Valley, / yeah, / it's just a suburb of L A. /", "Right. / It's a, -/", "{C And } they've built some new highways out to that area, and things, lately. / People can get in and out of L A easier. /", "Maybe it's a place I went to, / it was far extreme, thought we'd never find the place. /", "{F Huh. } /", "It was interesting.", "Yeah, / sounds interesting. /", "Because we went out the Ventura highway to Thousand Oaks and on up --", "Right. /", "-- through that way. /", "Right, / right. / [ I, + I ] know exactly (( )) that area. / It's a nice area out there. / I love Thousand Oaks. / {F Uh, } Texas, I don't know, / [ thing, + things, ] - / you just have less a variety, I guess. / [ I think, + I don't think ] it's quite as green, {D you know. } / It's green with all the trees and things out here / {C but } it's just, -/", "{F Oh, } it's green sometime. /", "Yeah, / {C but } it's just, {D you know, } - / I don't know. /", "{D Well, } it doesn't stay green, {D you know } -- /", "Right. /", "-- the really, - / {C and } in all honesty, - / I know this sounds like a Texas story, / all honesty, you haven't seen the hottest of summers if you've only been here five years. / We haven't had a --", "Yeah -- /", "-- really bad one, /", "-- I missed that one of eighty or eighty-two or eighty-one --", "Oh. /", "-- that had the heat wave. /", "It may be eighty-two, because we bought our house in eighty-one / {C and } we built a pool in eighty-two, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WEATHER CLIMATE", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE WEATHER. WHAT HAS IT BEEN LIKE IN YOUR AREA? HAS IT BEEN TYPICAL FOR THIS TIME OF YEAR? COMPARE IT WITH THE OTHER CALLER'S WEATHER.", "talk_day": "04/25/1991", "from_caller": 1031, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1092, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3364_0", "3364_1", "3364_2", "3364_3", "3364_4", "3364_5", "3364_6", "3364_7", "3364_8", "3364_9", "3364_10", "3364_11", "3364_12", "3364_13", "3364_14", "3364_15", "3364_16", "3364_17", "3364_18", "3364_19", "3364_20", "3364_21", "3364_22", "3364_23", "3364_24", "3364_25", "3364_26", "3364_27", "3364_28", "3364_29", "3364_30", "3364_31", "3364_32", "3364_33", "3364_34", "3364_35", "3364_36", "3364_37", "3364_38", "3364_39", "3364_40", "3364_41", "3364_42", "3364_43", "3364_44", "3364_45", "3364_46", "3364_47", "3364_48", "3364_49", "3364_50", "3364_51", "3364_52", "3364_53", "3364_54", "3364_55", "3364_56", "3364_57", "3364_58", "3364_59", "3364_60", "3364_61", "3364_62", "3364_63", "3364_64", "3364_65", "3364_66", "3364_67", "3364_68", "3364_69", "3364_70", "3364_71", "3364_72", "3364_73", "3364_74", "3364_75", "3364_76", "3364_77", "3364_78", "3364_79", "3364_80", "3364_81", "3364_82", "3364_83", "3364_84", "3364_85", "3364_86", "3364_87", "3364_88", "3364_89", "3364_90", "3364_91"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What's your favorite T V show? /", "{F Oh. } {D You know, } I used to like ST. ELSEWHERE. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's one of my old favorites. / {F Um, } {C and } that's, - / I'm being beeped, / {C so } I'll just ignore it. / {F Um, } {C and } {D now, } [ I, + I ] did like THIRTY SOMETHING -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F oh, } yes, / my daughter says NINE OH TWO ONE OH. / We like that one. /", "Yeah, / that's one of my favorites. /", "Good, / {C and } how old are you? /", "I'm twenty-eight. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } you're little bit younger than I am, / {C but } yeah, / I think if my seventeen year old, my fourteen year old, my other two children like it, / I'm over forty, / {C and } I like it. / I think it's wonderful. /", "Yeah, / it's a good show. / I like MURPHY BROWN and DESIGNING WOMEN, too. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } yeah, / {D now } {D see, } [ I, + we ] are so busy with, all of our kids are in sports, / {C and } I hardly ever watch T V, / {C but } that's one [ that, + that ] we watch. / {C And then } Sunday nights we watch, {F uh, } LIFE GOES ON. /", "Yeah, / I like that, / [ that's, + that's ] a good show, too. /", "Very good. / Did you see the one on Sunday? /", "Yes, / it was a, {F uh, } {F uh } - / I did miss that Sunday, / no / I didn't. /", "That one kid that Becca likes --", "Yeah, / it's a good episode. /", "-- he has AIDS. /", "Yeah, / [ the, + the ] new character on there did. /", "Right, / right. / All the way to North Carolina. / What time is it there? /", "{F Uh, } it is twenty minutes to nine. /", "{F Oh, } my gosh. / {D See, } I'm twenty minutes to six here <laughter>. /", "Three hours difference. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / Okay. / What else do you like? /", "{F Uh, } let's see, I like a lot of different shows. / Let's see, {F um, } I like MURDER, SHE WROTE. / [ That's, + that's, ] -/", "{F Oh, } [ I never, + I never ] watched that ever in my entire life. /", "{C And } MATLOCK is another good one I watch. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } then during daytimes [ I like, + I like ] ALL MY CHILDREN. /", "A small bowl will be plenty. / {F Oh, } that's mine. / That's the only one I watch whenever I, {F oh, } - / a small bowl will be better <talking> because it's pretty fattening. / Talk to my daughter. / {F Um, } {F um, } /", "ALL MY CHILDREN, / I've watched that for about twelve years. /", "Yeah, / [ I've, + I'm ] sure I watched it for more than that probably. / Twenty something. / I used to watch GENERAL HOSPITAL when I was a teenager because I, -/", "I quit watching GENERAL HOSPITAL when Leslie got killed. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } that was a long time ago. / I used to watch it, [ was + ] in high school and college --", "Right. /", "-- when Laura's mother got killed. / She was my favorite character on there. /", "<Laughter>.", "I just, - / I read the reason [ she got, + ] [ they, + they ] killed her off was because they couldn't settle a contract, / {C and } I said, {D well, } if they're going to do that to her, I won't watch it. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } that's great. / {D Well, } I do like ALL MY CHILDREN, / [ {C and } I, + {C and } I ] like it, {D you know, } I don't know. / I just, - / I like the people on it, I guess, {D you know. } /", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I ] like it. / I just wish they'd bring some of the old characters back. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } Tad's going to come back, I bet, do you think? /", "Yeah, / I'm sure he will. /", "He'll come back, show up at just the right moment. /", "I kind of wish that, {F uh, } Nina would come back [ because she -- +", "Oh. /", "-- because ] the story, {D you know, } - / just for a brief visit or whatever, because it never has been resolved with Palmer remarrying, and everything, -/", "Yeah, / {D like } Daisy, pops in once in a while, / {C and, } I forgot about Nina and Cliff, right. /", "Yeah, / Cliff's on THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS now. /", "{F Oh, } he is. / {C So } he's out for good. /", "Yeah, / he's out for good. /", "Did they marry? /", "{F Uh } -- /", "Nina and Cliff? /", "-- that's how they left the show, but not in real life. /", "{F Um. } /", "Now she's married to some guy in New York, / {C and } she's happily married / {C and } that's the reason she left the show. / I guess she wanted a private life. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / {F oh, } {D see } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] watch it maybe twice a month, / {C so, } I don't watch it everyday like I did when I had babies. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } [ I, + I ] watch. /", "{C Because } I play lots of tennis / {C and } I'm gone a lot, / {C so, } I don't get to watch, /", "I watch it everyday, religiously. / I videotape it when I have to miss it. /", "{F Oh, } no kidding. /", "Yeah. /", "[ I use to be, + I used to be ] like that <laughter>. /", "I'm that way about a lot of different shows. / I'm that way about MURPHY BROWN, DESIGNING WOMEN. /", "{D Now } [ isn't DESIGNING WOMEN, + don't they ] have a new chick on there [ instead of the, + instead of ] what's her name? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / there's two new characters on there. / There's, {F um, } {F uh, } Jan Hooks from SATURDAY NIGHT LIFE. / I don't know if you know her or not. /", "Huh-uh. / That's a show I like. /", "[ {C And then, } + {C and then, } ] {F uh, } <lipsmack>, {F uh, } the blond headed girl that used to be on NEWHART. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, {F oh. } /", "I don't like her on it, / I never have liked her, / {C so. } -/", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] just know which one she is. / I don't, {D you know. } -/", "She's taken the Suzanne's part, / {C and then } Jan Hooks has taken Charlene's part. /", "Charlene was Delta Burke? /", "Charlene was Jean Smart, the blond headed. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / {D well, } {D see, } I never watch that one either. / I really don't watch a whole lot of T V, just, {D you know, } on Sunday nights, / LIFE GOES ON comes on about the time that we eat dinner, / {C and } my whole family's home, because I don't allow the kids out on Sunday night --", "Yeah. /", "-- {D you know, } because they've got to go to bed and go to school the next day, / {C and so } [ we, + we ] sit around and eat popcorn / {C and, } {F oh, } then we watch AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS. / Those are always pretty cute. /", "{D Well, } MURDER, SHE WROTE comes on opposite of that, / {C and so, } -/", "{F Oh, } {C so } you don't watch that one --", "Yeah / [ I -- +", "-- instead of, -/", "-- I ] pick nights pretty much so on T V that I watch different networks, / {C but } --", "Sure. /", "-- BEVERLY HILLS NINE OH TWO ONE OH, [ I, + I ] watch it religiously. /", "Yeah, / we like that real well. /", "It, - / be sure to watch it tomorrow night --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because somebody's getting killed on it. /", "I know. / The kids already know who it is, / I don't know who it is, though, /", "Who is it? / Ask them <laughter>. /", "Let me ask Nicole. / <<Speaking to someone in room>> Nicole. -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TV PROGRAMS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE TV SHOWS ARE AND WHY. ARE YOUR INTERESTS SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT?", "talk_day": "11/06/1991", "from_caller": 1419, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1949, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1421, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3367_0", "3367_1", "3367_2", "3367_3", "3367_4", "3367_5", "3367_6", "3367_7", "3367_8", "3367_9", "3367_10", "3367_11", "3367_12", "3367_13", "3367_14", "3367_15", "3367_16", "3367_17", "3367_18", "3367_19", "3367_20", "3367_21", "3367_22", "3367_23", "3367_24", "3367_25", "3367_26", "3367_27", "3367_28", "3367_29", "3367_30", "3367_31", "3367_32", "3367_33", "3367_34", "3367_35", "3367_36", "3367_37", "3367_38", "3367_39", "3367_40", "3367_41", "3367_42", "3367_43", "3367_44", "3367_45", "3367_46", "3367_47", "3367_48", "3367_49", "3367_50", "3367_51", "3367_52", "3367_53", "3367_54", "3367_55", "3367_56", "3367_57", "3367_58", "3367_59", "3367_60", "3367_61", "3367_62", "3367_63"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["What? / Do you want to start? /", "{F Uh, } <laughter> [ you hit, + you hit, ] {F uh, } - / it doesn't matter. / {F Um, } we're discussing the capital punishment, I believe. /", "Right. / You are right. / Yeah. / [ I, + I ] suppose I should have, /", "{F Uh, } which - / I [ am, + am ] pro capital punishment except that I don't like the way it's done. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } yeah, / {F uh, } [ I, + {F uh, } I ] guess, [ I, + I ] hate to see anyone die, {F uh } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } I guess these people that go around [ and, + and ] kill children and women and everything else without any remorse, {F uh, } I don't think they deserve [ to, + to ] live and be supported by us the rest of their lives. /", "[ I, + I ] agree. / [ I, + I'm, ] - / capital - / [ the, + the, ] - / capital punishment is necessary [ in, + in ] many cases / {C but, } {F uh, } the, - / it's not a deterrent, {F um, } or our jails would not be so full. / There wouldn't be so many people in Death Row. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think it needs to be something, {F uh, } {F uh, } a throwback to where they did a, {F uh, } public execution where it's visible. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } something, {D you know, } not gruesome / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] something more where people know that [ it, + it ] was a deterrent and it was equal for all people. / If you committed a certain crime, you were going to receive a death penalty / {C and } it was going to happen to you. /", "Yeah. /", "No stays of execution. / [ No, + no ] loopholes, / no, -/", "{D Well, } {C and } [ even, + even ] that I don't really know if that would help. / I think a lot of these people do it, {F uh, } mainly because of, of T V / {C and, } a-, -/", "Notoriety. /", "the double reason [ ma-, + ] [ they, + they ] see it being done on T V and also the fact [ of, + of ] notoriety. / {E I mean, } they become well known. / They are almost [ like, + like ] a big star. /", "[ Ye-, + yes, ] / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] [ they, + they ] know that their chances of actually receiving the death penalty are minimal. /", "Yeah. /", "They know that they will probably be out in ten to twelve years. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That they are going to write a book. / They are going to go on talk shows / they're goin-, - / [ [ that, + that, ] + that's ] a reward --", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } for a (( heinous )) crime rather than, {F uh, } having them pay the penalty which is forfeiture of their life. /", "Right. /", "[ In, + in ] complete, {F uh, } - / (( )) of any notoriety. -/", "Yeah. / {D Well, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] think if they went according to, {F uh, } the BIBLE where it does say,", "Uh-huh. /", "an eye for an eye,", "Right. /", "a tooth for a tooth, a life for a life, / {F uh, } you take a life you give yours. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } that's for sure. / {F Uh, } there's exceptions to the rule / {E I mean } [ if, + if ] it's an accidental taking then, {F uh, } you look at that / {C but, } {D you know, } most of these people that down right go right [ and, + and ] do it out of pure pleasure --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } I don't, {F uh, } like to see that. / I guess also the fact that they say it's not a deterrent, - / it is a deterrent [ in the, + in the ] sense that that person will never do it again <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } yes, / they will. /", "[ [ Not, +", "It, -/", "not, ] + not ] if he's killed he can't,", "{F Oh, } (( )) , /", "do it again. /", "{D well, } that's correct, / yes. / [ Ye-, + ] [ if, + if ] he indeed receives --", "The death penalty. /", "-- the death penalty and [ it is, + it is ] executed. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. / [ {C But, } + {C but } ] [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] chances are not great that that will happen. /", "Right. /", "{C But } there's a greater chance that he'll be back out on the streets in twelve years. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. / {D Well, } [ I, + I ] guess I'm also looking at beyond even that. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] guess I been thinking about it / {C and } I don't have a definite opinion / {C but, } {F uh, } repeat, {F uh, } crimes --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } maybe not [ the, + the ] more mild ones but, {D you know, } [ a + ] more severe ones especially [ on, + on ] armed robbery and stuff where they been taking from elderly people,", "Uh-huh. /", "and not just taking the money but beating them half to death. /", "That's right. /", "Just for pleasure too / {C and } --", "Yes. /", "-- I guess you've got to look at something like that. / Do they deserve to, {F uh, } remain on this earth too? /", "{D Why, } <sigh> {D you know, } [ [ y-, + y-, ] + you ] could carry it to that [ if, + {F uh, } if ] they are a repeat offender / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] you know that as soon as you let them out on the streets they are going to do this. / Unfortunately the way our system of jurisprudence is set up, {F um, } you only receive the death penalty for capital crimes, /", "Right. /", "(( {C and } of course )) {F uh, } of battery or assault or, that is not a capital crime {D see. } / [ You, + you ] wouldn't be able to under our system. /", "Right. /", "{D Now } China and a few other countries have a little different view of that. / {F Um, } you get caught with dope there and you die, period. /", "Yeah. / Uh-huh. /", "[ There is, + there is ] [ no, + no ] appeals. / There is no, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT", "prompt": "COMPARE YOUR OPINIONS AND THOSE OF THE OTHER CALLER ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DO EITHER OF YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN CRIMES OR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW DO THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF YOUR STATE FIT WITH YOUR OPINIONS?", "talk_day": "11/07/1991", "from_caller": 1426, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1952, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1350, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1939, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3503_0", "3503_1", "3503_2", "3503_3", "3503_4", "3503_5", "3503_6", "3503_7", "3503_8", "3503_9", "3503_10", "3503_11", "3503_12", "3503_13", "3503_14", "3503_15", "3503_16", "3503_17", "3503_18", "3503_19", "3503_20", "3503_21", "3503_22", "3503_23", "3503_24", "3503_25", "3503_26", "3503_27", "3503_28", "3503_29", "3503_30", "3503_31", "3503_32", "3503_33", "3503_34", "3503_35", "3503_36", "3503_37", "3503_38", "3503_39", "3503_40", "3503_41", "3503_42", "3503_43", "3503_44", "3503_45", "3503_46", "3503_47", "3503_48", "3503_49", "3503_50", "3503_51", "3503_52", "3503_53", "3503_54", "3503_55", "3503_56", "3503_57", "3503_58", "3503_59", "3503_60", "3503_61", "3503_62", "3503_63", "3503_64", "3503_65", "3503_66", "3503_67", "3503_68", "3503_69", "3503_70", "3503_71", "3503_72", "3503_73", "3503_74", "3503_75", "3503_76", "3503_77", "3503_78", "3503_79", "3503_80", "3503_81", "3503_82", "3503_83", "3503_84", "3503_85", "3503_86", "3503_87", "3503_88", "3503_89", "3503_90", "3503_91", "3503_92", "3503_93", "3503_94", "3503_95", "3503_96", "3503_97", "3503_98", "3503_99", "3503_100", "3503_101", "3503_102", "3503_103", "3503_104", "3503_105", "3503_106", "3503_107", "3503_108", "3503_109", "3503_110", "3503_111", "3503_112"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } how do you feel about capital punishment? /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } [ I, + I ] just last Friday got off a capital murder case. /", "{F Oh, } you did? /", "Yeah, / I was on the jury. {F Uh, } /", "Wow. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Which is funny because I got called last night - / {C and } the topic was, {F uh, } something about juries <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } really <laughter>? /", "Yeah, / {C so } I am just hitting it right. / {F Uh, } how do I feel about it? / [ I, + I ] don't know. / {D Well, } I guess it is right in certain cases. {F Uh, } /", "Yeah. /", "Becau-, - / {D well, } the one I was just on, I don't, - / I was an alternate on the case, / {C so } I don't know what was decided. /", "Right. /", "They are probably still in deliberations on it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } what I found out, - / [ once, + once ] I was declared an alternate and I was dismissed, we met with the judge, the two alternates did. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } <noise> he went on to tell us how they happened to catch this guy / {C and } I remember hearing about it. / It was about a year ago. / {F Uh, } [ he was, + he was ] involved in [ another one, + another ] capital murder the very next month / {C and } he was caught just, - / [ they, + they ] drove up, / the police drove up just as he fired the [ g-, + gun ] and killed the guy. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "{C So } he was caught / {C and, } {F uh, } it's interesting because the county I live in, - / I'm not in Dallas county, / [ I'm, + I'm ] pretty far north of Dallas. /", "Okay. /", "{F Uh, } county I live [ in, + in ] the past ten years only had [ t-, + two ] capital murders. /", "Wow. /", "{C And } last year there were six / {C and } this guy is indicted on three of them. /", "Really? /", "Yeah, / {C so } --", "Wow <laughter>. /", "-- you have to wonder <laughter>, {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / {D well, } the cases like that, they --", "Yeah. /", "-- should, - / {E I mean, } if he's going to be drastic, somebody has to be drastic back. /", "Yeah, / although, {D you know, } it's not really revenge because it doesn't mean anything to him. / {D You know, } [ he, + he ] has no concept of what he has done. /", "Really? /", "He just, {D well, } - / from what I can tell. {E I mean, } I didn't talk to the guy or anything, / {C but } --", "Right. /", "-- {E I mean, } he doesn't seem to have any regard for [ anythi-, + ] anybody's life including his own. /", "Wow. /", "{C So, } [ it's, + it's ] kind of strange that, {D you know, } -/", "Uh-huh. / [ No, + no ] remorse whatsoever, {F huh. } /", "No, / huh-uh. /", "{D Well, } I guess in cases like [ that, + ] {D you know, } where the guy would, obviously, go out and do it again --", "Yeah. /", "-- {E I mean, } you've got to do something. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } it's funny because when, {D you know, } they interview you before you go on the jury --", "Right. /", "-- [ and + ] for capital murder, I was interviewed by four attorneys for about five hours. /", "Wow. /", "{C And } I, - / the, - / I was the, I think the ninety eighth person <laughter> they'd interviewed. /", "You're kidding. /", "{C But, } {D you know } at the time when the guy kept saying could you ever convict someone / {C and } do you think you'd ever know beyond a doubt / {C and } I said I can't imagine, / I said if I knew beyond a doubt or if I felt beyond a doubt that he had done it, yeah, / I guess I could convict him, / {C but } I can't imagine you ever making me that sure of something. /", "Right. /", "{C But } they really did. / [ It was, + it was ] --", "Really? /", "-- really amazing. /", "{D Well, } I guess if the police came out and saw him fire the gun, -/", "{D Well, } that was a subsequent case that we didn't know about.", "{F Oh, } really? /", "And those jurors don't know about. / {C But } this particular case, {E I mean, } they had a complete confession from the guy --", "Okay. /", "-- with a lot of things [ that, + that ] the police hadn't released / {C so } no one else would have known. /", "Oh. /", "[ It was, + it was ] really pretty interesting. /", "Wow. / What, -/", "Educational. /", "I guess cases like that, I don't see why they wouldn't bring in the new evidence from the other case. /", "{D Well, } [ they can't, + they can, ] I think in the punishment phase --", "Okay. /", "-- but not in the guilt or innocence because [ he hasn't been, + he hasn't been ] found guilty of it. /", "Of that crime -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C but } he was found guilty of anoth-, / okay. /", "Right, / {C so } <laughter> --", "That works. /", "-- {D you know, } [ it's, + [ although, + ] it's ] not going to take much --", "Right. /", "-- to prove that. / {C So, } -/", "{D Well, } they pushing the death penalty? /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / this guy is up for the death penalty. /", "Wow. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } in Texas [ there is, + there is ] a couple of questions you have to ask, {F uh, } in the punishment phase. / {F Uh, } for example, was the guy provoked and was the response reasonable given the provocation <noise>. / {C And } there is a number of questions / {C and } just depending on whether you say yes or no, {F uh, } [ you, + you ] can give him capital punishment / {C and } if you're up to the point where if he still qualifies for capital punishment, <noise> then you can look at mitigating circumstances. /", "Okay. / {C So, } -/", "{C So } there is a lot of outs, / {C but } the only result is, otherwise he gets life in prison. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I'm really kind of against life in prison anyway --", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "-- because it costs so dog gone much. /", "Right, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] to me, {E I mean, } you take away a person's freedom, you've taken away most of their life. /", "That's true. / {E I mean, } if you're going to put him in prison for life --", "Yeah, / {C but, } -/", "-- with no chance for parole, -/", "{C But then } you have to look at reality. / {E I mean, } I think, {D you know, } normally [ they, + they ] may get out / {C so, } -/", "That's true. /", "{C But } what is it worth? / I don't know. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Personally <laughter> I don't know which I would pick if I had a choice for myself. /", "That's true. / {E I mean, } I don't know whether I'd stay in prison or not / {C or, } -/", "Yeah, / {D so, } you said you're from Mississippi? /", "Yes, ma'am. /", "{C And } do they have the death penalty there? /", "Yes, / they do. / I, - / they've had [ a, + a ] number of cases here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } not a whole lot, / {D well, } Jackson, I heard just the other day had their sixty-first murder this year. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It was like last {D like } year they had forty-nine / {C so } that's going up. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } yeah, / they have a death penalty. / I hear of one every now and then. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I visited the prison up here --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ and, + ] at Parchman / {C and } I've been, - / I haven't, - / they won't let you on death row, / {C but } they'll let you look down the hall. / You can't see any prisoners / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] it's kind of a weird feeling. / I've been -- -/ -- they took us around on a tour, {D you know, } / <noise> {C and } I [ went, + got ] to walk in the gas chamber -- /", "Ooh. /", "-- {C and } it is kind of a weird feeling knowing you're sitting there saying, {D like, } people have died here. /", "That's right. /", "{C But } I guess, just going up there and seeing the surroundings and stuff, the people up there, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CAPITAL PUNISHMENT", "prompt": "COMPARE YOUR OPINIONS AND THOSE OF THE OTHER CALLER ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. DO EITHER OF YOU THINK IT SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO CERTAIN CRIMES OR CIRCUMSTANCES? HOW DO THE POLICIES AND PRACTICES OF YOUR STATE FIT WITH YOUR OPINIONS?", "talk_day": "12/10/1991", "from_caller": 1428, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1971, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1349, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1965, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3513_0", "3513_1", "3513_2", "3513_3", "3513_4", "3513_5", "3513_6", "3513_7", "3513_8", "3513_9", "3513_10", "3513_11", "3513_12", "3513_13", "3513_14", "3513_15", "3513_16", "3513_17", "3513_18", "3513_19", "3513_20", "3513_21", "3513_22", "3513_23", "3513_24", "3513_25", "3513_26", "3513_27", "3513_28", "3513_29", "3513_30", "3513_31", "3513_32", "3513_33", "3513_34", "3513_35", "3513_36", "3513_37", "3513_38", "3513_39", "3513_40", "3513_41", "3513_42", "3513_43", "3513_44", "3513_45", "3513_46", "3513_47", "3513_48", "3513_49", "3513_50", "3513_51", "3513_52", "3513_53", "3513_54", "3513_55", "3513_56", "3513_57", "3513_58", "3513_59", "3513_60", "3513_61", "3513_62", "3513_63", "3513_64", "3513_65", "3513_66", "3513_67", "3513_68", "3513_69", "3513_70", "3513_71", "3513_72", "3513_73", "3513_74", "3513_75", "3513_76", "3513_77", "3513_78", "3513_79", "3513_80", "3513_81", "3513_82", "3513_83", "3513_84", "3513_85", "3513_86", "3513_87", "3513_88", "3513_89", "3513_90", "3513_91", "3513_92", "3513_93", "3513_94", "3513_95", "3513_96", "3513_97", "3513_98", "3513_99", "3513_100", "3513_101", "3513_102", "3513_103", "3513_104", "3513_105", "3513_106"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } {F uh, } let's see, / what type of car do I want? / {D Well, } I'd like to have a Corvette. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "<Laughter> {C But } my, {F uh, } weekly wages don't <laughter> apply for me to have that kind of car, / {C so } -- -/", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } I'm engaged to get married / {C so, } I'll more likely get a car for economic reasons. /", "Right. /", "Yeah, / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C so, } ] {F uh, } to drive back and forth to work is all I'll need a car for pretty much. / {C And } we have a truck, / {C so } probably a economic size car or, {F uh, } -/", "What kind of a car do you have now? /", "Right now I have a eighty-seven Cavalier. / It's a piece of <laughter>, -/", "<Laughter> My car is really old, too, / {C because, } {F uh, } I drive out of town a lot of the weekends -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I would like my next car to have good gas mileage. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } same here, {F uh, } / {D you know, } a nice car, American made - / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ a, + a ] nice car, {C but } not too expensive, - / {C because, } {F uh, } I couldn't afford {D like } a brand new {D like } Lamborghini <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "I hardly drive, /", "{C But } while we're talking, - / right <laughter>. /", "While we're talking, my next car, I'd like to be sporty and, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- nice, / {C but, } {D you know, } it's expensive / {C and then } insurance is really high for that, too / {C so, }", "{F Oh, } I know. /", "Something [ with a, + ] that's not too sporty because of insurance, then - / <laughter>. /", "Right, / that insurance does come into play. / I forgot about that. /", "Yeah. /", "What kind of insurance do you have up there / {C or } is it real high up there? /", "{F Uh, } no / mine just got lowered because I just turned twenty-one / {C and, } {F uh, } I'm not sure really how much I pay. / I just, - / my mom's helping me out, {D you know, } because [ I'm a college, + I'm in college ] / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] I just give her the money <laughter> --", "Right. /", "-- and take her word for it <laughter>. /", "Right, / {E I mean } that insurance is high dollars. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / it is, / {C so, } -/", "{C But, } -/", "{C And } the more expensive the car, the higher it is / {C so, }", "Right, / yeah. /", "Unless I win the lottery, I won't be driving,", "<Laughter>.", "anything too expensive. /", "Right. /", "I don't plan on buying a car for many, many years <laughter> / {C so, } -/", "Right, / yeah. /", "I have to make this one last as long as I can. /", "What's everybody drive up there? /", "{F Uh, } in Kenosha? <Laughter>. /", "{E I mean } in Wisconsin, they drive them little --", "{F Oh, } it just is, -/", "-- four wheelers or four wheel drive / {C or, } do you all need four wheel drives up there because of snow and everything? /", "Yeah, / [ we, + we ] have a Jeep with four wheel drive [ because, + {F uh, } because ] of the snow, you mean / {C or, } -/", "Right, / it never snows down here, / {C so, } -/", "<Laughter> {D Well, } we don't have any snow here now. /", "Really? /", "It all melted. / Yeah, / there is no snow at all. /", "We haven't had snow yet. / We usually only get {D like } once a year or so. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Kind of strange to you all, {F huh? } /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah, / it is. /", "Because, how, - / it's like seventy degrees here right now. /", "{F Oh, } don't tell me that <laughter>. /", "Yep, / [ how, + how ] cold is it there? /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } it's been warm, / it's in the forties. /", "Really? /", "Yeah, / {C and } [ that's, + that's ] really warm. /", "Huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } it's supposed to rain tomorrow / {C so } we, - / I've only seen snow once this year. / {C And } it was really bad / {C and then } it all melted {D like } within the week. /", "Really? /", "{C And } now there is no snow, / {C so, } -/", "Huh. / {C But, } {F um, } {D so } [ what, + what ] is your dream car? /", "{F Uh, } I haven't really thought about it. / I'm not too big on cars. / {E I mean, } I don't know the names and stuff, / {C but } if I were to go to a car lot and {D like } look at them --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- <Laughter> I would pick out one that, {D you know } <laughter> looked really nice. /", "What's your favorite color? /", "{F Uh, } for a car? /", "Yeah. /", "Probably blue.", "Blue? /", "{D Like } if it, {D you know, } was just an average, middle class car. / {C But } if I were to get a sports car, maybe white or red <laughter>. /", "Right <laughter>, / right. /", "<Cough> Yeah. /", "{D So, } what kind of car do you drive right now? /", "{F Uh, } it's a Sky Hawk Buick. /", "Really? /", "Eighty-three, / I think. /", "Really? /", "Yeah, / {F uh, } like eighty-two thousand miles. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. /", "Oh. /", "I'm afraid it's not going to last me <laughter> that long / {C and } I hope it does, though. /", "Yeah. /", "It's a two door. / [ I like, + I like ] smaller cars. / They're, - / I find them more comfortable to drive. /", "Right, / does everybody have their windows tinted up there? /", "{F Uh, } no, / I don't see too many cars tinted. /", "Everybody has tinted down here. /", "{F Oh, } I'm sure, / yeah. / [ I could, + I could ] see why. /", "{D So, } you been down here before? /", "Yep. /", "Really? /", "{F Uh, } /", "Did you like it? /", "It was busy <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / it's different --", "Yeah, /", "-- I bet, {F huh. } /", "It was nice. / I remember, {F uh, } swimming on Easter day / {C and } it was {D like } really cold up here, / {C but } --", "Right <laughter>. /", "-- came back with a little tan, / {C so } that was nice <laughter>. /", "It's {D like, } {D you know, } - / everybody freaks out when it sn-, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BUYING A CAR", "prompt": "WHAT KIND OF CAR DO YOU THINK YOU MIGHT BUY NEXT? WHAT SORTS OF THINGS WILL ENTER INTO YOUR DECISION? SEE IF YOUR REQUIREMENTS AND THE OTHER CALLER'S REQUIREMENTS ARE SIMILAR.", "talk_day": "12/11/1991", "from_caller": 1451, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1371, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3526_0", "3526_1", "3526_2", "3526_3", "3526_4", "3526_5", "3526_6", "3526_7", "3526_8", "3526_9", "3526_10", "3526_11", "3526_12", "3526_13", "3526_14", "3526_15", "3526_16", "3526_17", "3526_18", "3526_19", "3526_20", "3526_21", "3526_22", "3526_23", "3526_24", "3526_25", "3526_26", "3526_27", "3526_28", "3526_29", "3526_30", "3526_31", "3526_32", "3526_33", "3526_34", "3526_35", "3526_36", "3526_37", "3526_38", "3526_39", "3526_40", "3526_41", "3526_42", "3526_43", "3526_44", "3526_45", "3526_46", "3526_47", "3526_48", "3526_49", "3526_50", "3526_51", "3526_52", "3526_53", "3526_54", "3526_55", "3526_56", "3526_57", "3526_58", "3526_59", "3526_60", "3526_61", "3526_62", "3526_63", "3526_64", "3526_65", "3526_66", "3526_67", "3526_68", "3526_69", "3526_70", "3526_71", "3526_72", "3526_73", "3526_74", "3526_75", "3526_76", "3526_77", "3526_78", "3526_79", "3526_80", "3526_81", "3526_82", "3526_83", "3526_84", "3526_85", "3526_86", "3526_87", "3526_88", "3526_89", "3526_90", "3526_91", "3526_92", "3526_93", "3526_94", "3526_95", "3526_96", "3526_97", "3526_98", "3526_99", "3526_100", "3526_101", "3526_102", "3526_103"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, / {D well, } I guess, - / [ w-, + which ] one have you got right now? / {C Or, } -/", "{D Well, } I, {F uh, } - / couple of them, / I, at the moment, use an A S T two eighty-six / {C and } I got a leading edge / {C and } I got a American one and had a I B M one, / {C but } - / <laughter>,", "<Laughter> [ My, + my, ] - / just a couple. /", "What do you have <laughter>? /", "{F Uh, } I've got an Omega / {C and } I've got a, {F uh, } generic three eighty, or four eighty-six machine. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "Yeah, / it's very, very generic. /", "What did you do, put it together? /", "Yeah, / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } upgraded it and put things in there and dibbled and dabbled / {C and } --", "{D Well, } that's, -/", "-- [ [ now, + now it's, ] + now it's ] a fast machine <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "That's all I got to say for it. /", "Yeah. / What do you use it for? /", "<Noise> Huh? /", "What do you use it for? /", "{F Uh, } work, / {F uh, } I'm a contract programmer. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? / What kind of programs do you, -/", "{F Uh, } anything <laughter>. /", "Okay, / {E I mean } {D like } business programs / {C or, }", "{F Uh, } I've done business programming, [ scien-, + {D you know, } scientific ] applications like, {D you know, } petroleum science stuff and,", "Man. /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } test equipment / {C and } [ I did the, + [ I, + I ] did one ] that was, the demonstration of a [ touch, + touch ] screen for a company that sells, {F uh, } touch screens. / It was kind of fun. /", "Uh-huh, /", "Put a little bitty portable computer in there and a plasma display.", "Huh. /", "And make it look like things like, {F uh, } {D you know, } attack simulators [ and + (( )) , and ] --", "{D Well, } that's, -/", "-- all sorts of little things you'd want to put your finger on the screen for. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } that sounds interesting. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Matter of fact, {F uh, } I guess [ you do, + {F uh, } you get ] a lot of graphics in there, I imagine, {F huh. } /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / definitely. /", "That's where the speed helps out. /", "{F Uh, } yeah, / unfortunately the little portable P C that was plugged on the back was only a seven and a half megahertz, [ eighty, + eighty-six. ] / It's {D like } slow <<dragged out the word>>. /", "Yep, / [ that will, + that will, ]", "<Laughter>.", "slow you up <laughter>. /", "Huh? /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] do, {F uh, } {F uh, } programming for C N C turret presses and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } cat cam system type things / {C and, } {F uh, } really need a faster system. / {F Uh, } I got a new line that [ I, + I ] sell metal fabricating equipment, and cat cam systems, and tooling, et cetera. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } /", "I know a guy that upgrades, {F uh, } for a reasonable cost. /", "Who is that? /", "<Breathing> {F Uh, } his name is T Q or something like that. / {C And } my notebook is somewhere around here <groan>. / See if I can make my telephone cord stretch far enough. /", "I've tried to do is get this outfit to --", "{F Uh, } he's, {F uh, } up in, -/", "-- give me one <laughter>. /", "Huh? /", "That's how I got my other ones by selling their product for them. / They not only give me a demonstrator, but the hardware as well as the software. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And } as they, +", "{F Oh, } that works. /", "{C And } as they ] go to the next one I just keep the, - / <laughter> that's why I have so many different levels of P C -s around at the moment. /", "{F Uh, } here it is. / A T S Computers. /", "A T S? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } where are they at? /", "{F Uh, } do you know where, {F uh, } Custer is? /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Okay, / he's, {F uh, } {F uh, } south of Renner [ on, + on ] Custer. / {C And } there is a little bitty mall that looks kind of like, [ or, + ] strip kind of center. /", "In Richardson there. /", "{F Huh? } /", "In Richardson? /", "Uh-huh. /", "I know where you mean. / There is a Mobil and all that kind of s-, {F uh, } on that one corner, / that's about Lookout there, I think, isn't it. /", "Right, / [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] just south of there. /", "Yeah. /", "It's a little place, looks like a castle. /", "Yeah. /", "Kind of, {F uh, } little guy in there. / [ He, + <throat_clearing> he, ] {F uh, } gives reasonable prices. /", "Oh. /", "{D Like } [ I, + I ] traded my, {F uh, } three eighty-six for the four eighty-six for about six hundred. /", "Really? / {D Well, } that's a good deal. /", "Yeah, / it was pretty reasonable. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } {F uh, } he, - / {C and } he does a good job / {C and } [ [ he, + [ s-, + ] he, ] + he, ] {F uh, } guarantees everything he sells. /", "{F Uh, } there is a lot, / you ever go by Lucky Computer there? /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "I used to, / when I was putting shop floor computers together for guys, I'd go and get their units and put them together and go and interface the stuff with our systems. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Haven't been doing much of that for the last year or so. / {C So } [ I, + I ] don't know where those guys are at these days. / {C But } I, (( )) , -/", "{F Uh, } [ they, + they're ] up there in that mall. {F Uh, } just below Campbell.", "Yeah. /", "Or that [ strip, + strip, ] center. /", "Yeah. /", "They're still doing business. Big business, apparently. /", "<Laughter> I tell you, those prices have just, unbelievably come down. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh, } yeah, / I was amazed I was able to get this four eighty-six for six hundred even with a trade in, / {D you know, } it's like, wow <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "That works, / I'll go do that <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I, -/", "{C And } boy that thing screams now. /", "Yeah, / I was kind of surprised how rapidly they bypassed,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "the three eighty-six. / That wasn't alive for but maybe two years. /", "Uh-huh. / {D Well, } I thought was funny that they kept pushing the three eighty-six S X even though [ the, + the ] price difference is about ten dollars. /", "Is that right? / That's it? /", "Yeah, / [ it, + when it ] comes on the manufacturing floor it's about ten bucks. /", "I'll be darned. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Huh, } {D well, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "COMPUTERS", "prompt": "FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLERS' PREFERENCE AND LEVEL OF INTEREST IN PERSONAL COMPUTERS. HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO YOUR INTEREST AND PREFERENCE?", "talk_day": "12/12/1991", "from_caller": 1378, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1325, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3565_0", "3565_1", "3565_2", "3565_3", "3565_4", "3565_5", "3565_6", "3565_7", "3565_8", "3565_9", "3565_10", "3565_11", "3565_12", "3565_13", "3565_14", "3565_15", "3565_16", "3565_17", "3565_18", "3565_19", "3565_20", "3565_21", "3565_22", "3565_23", "3565_24", "3565_25", "3565_26", "3565_27", "3565_28", "3565_29", "3565_30", "3565_31", "3565_32", "3565_33", "3565_34", "3565_35", "3565_36", "3565_37", "3565_38", "3565_39", "3565_40", "3565_41", "3565_42", "3565_43", "3565_44", "3565_45", "3565_46", "3565_47", "3565_48", "3565_49", "3565_50", "3565_51", "3565_52", "3565_53", "3565_54", "3565_55", "3565_56", "3565_57", "3565_58", "3565_59", "3565_60", "3565_61", "3565_62", "3565_63", "3565_64", "3565_65", "3565_66", "3565_67", "3565_68", "3565_69", "3565_70", "3565_71", "3565_72", "3565_73", "3565_74", "3565_75", "3565_76", "3565_77", "3565_78", "3565_79", "3565_80", "3565_81", "3565_82", "3565_83", "3565_84", "3565_85", "3565_86", "3565_87", "3565_88", "3565_89", "3565_90", "3565_91", "3565_92", "3565_93", "3565_94", "3565_95", "3565_96", "3565_97", "3565_98", "3565_99", "3565_100", "3565_101"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["you've done. -/", "Our most recent series of projects I guess, [ was, + inside was, ] {F uh, } we remodeled a bathroom recently. /", "{D Well, } how did it go? /", "{D Well, } it went pretty well, {F uh, } other than the fact that we encountered some, {F uh, } problems that you run across in older homes with plumbing, which one thing led to another, / {C and } eventually we ended up replacing all the pipes from the sink clear back to the main drain.", "{D Gee, } like starting over, # I guess. # /", "# Which meant you # needed to take the wall out and start all over. /", "{F Uh. } /", "It wasn't one of those, <child_talking> - / it started out as a Sunday project -- /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "-- {C and } [ by, + by ] the next Sunday <child_talking> it was done. / It wasn't a one dayer. / Believe me. /", "Boy, that sounds like, {F uh, } - / course, {F uh, } I don't know, / once you get it done, then you probably won't have that problem again. /", "Yeah, / it's good for another thirty years. /", "{F Um, } you've got an older house? /", "Yes. /", "They are built a little bit more sturdy than <noise>, -/", "{D Well, } that's the thing that surprised me, because once I got into the plumbing --", "Right. /", "-- everything in there was copper, / {C and } it was all soldered. /", "{F Oh, } is that right. /", "That's what drove me bananas, because, {D you know, } I'm going to the hardware store saying give me plastic pipe [ and -- +", "Yes. /", "-- and ] cement -- -- to fit them together / {C and } nothing wanted to go, / {C so } it was like I had to go all the way back to the main drain and start all over. /", "{C And } just start at square one. /", "Really. /", "{F Uh. } /", "That was an all day job, just to get it plumbed. /", "{D Well, } {C and then } if you do it wrong <laughter>. -/", "[ Fortunately, + I was very fortunate, ] {F uh, } in the fact that, {F uh, } when I made the installation of the sink and everything bolted up and we # turned the water on # --", "# Everything went all right. # /", "-- nothing leaked, / everything worked. / {C And } I just said, that's marvelous. / I appreciate it. /", "That's the type of thing you cross your fingers and are glad when that happens. /", "{D Well, } I expected something to leak, {D you know } --", "Right. /", "-- left a fitting loose, or --", "Yes. /", "-- didn't use teflon tape on one of them or something like that. /", "Right. /", "{C But } it all came together, / {C so } [ I, + I ] felt pretty fortunate about that. /", "All worked out all right, {F huh. } /", "How about you? /", "[ {D Well, } + {F um, } {D well } ] probably the last thing I did was, {F uh, } paint and wallpaper kids room -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I learned to, - / I used the wrong kind of paint. / This [ wasn't, + ] must have not been a very good quality, because it just hasn't stood up very well. /", "What kind of paint? /", "It was a latex [ paint, + paint, ] / it was flat -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I wonder if maybe I should have used a gloss. / {F Uh, } {C but } they say you ought to use your gloss mainly in your -- -- kitchens, and things like that. /", "Yeah, / that, and semigloss for trim work, and usually flat for walls. /", "Yeah, / {C but } I think maybe, {F uh, } - / I don't know if it was just the. -/", "Was it not washable paint? /", "{D Well, } [ it, + it ] is a latex paint, / {C but } it just kind of [ is, + is, ] - / [ {C so, } + {D you know, } {C so } ] [ it's supposed to wash, + you're supposed to be able to wash ] it -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- <Child_yelling> {C but } it, {F um, } just looks dingy. / I don't know how else to explain it. /", "What color is it? /", "It's pink. /", "Pink, / okay. /", "It's kind of got, {F uh, } {F oh, } just kind of a worn look to it. / I don't know even how to say, - / <child_yelling> just didn't turn out quite as nice as I would have liked / {C but, } -/", "Did you, {F uh, } require more than one can of paint? /", "[ I, + we ] <child_yelling> put two coats on it, / {C and } it's a small room, / {C but } I think it only took one, {F uh, } can. /", "You didn't have to mix paint then, right. /", "No. /", "Okay. /", "We did, {F uh, } {F oh, } - / you do mix the color as far as you start with, {F uh, } white / {C and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- then } they add the color. /", "Yeah. /", "You know what I'm saying / {C but, } -/", "Yeah. / {C But } you only had one can of paint that you --", "Yes. /", "-- did the entire room with. /", "Right. / {C And then } I wall papered a couple of walls, / {C and, } {F uh. } -/", "How'd that go? /", "{D Well, } that was the first time I've ever wallpapered, / # {C and, } {F uh, } # -/", "# Kind of fun, isn't it. # /", "<Laughter> That's an education in itself. /", "Really. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } the dye lots, {F uh, } must have been a little bit different from, - / first of all it takes quite a few rolls, even a small room, if you're trying to match a design. /", "Repeating patterns is what you have to check for --", "Yes. /", "-- [ when you, + when you ] buy your paper. /", "That's what I needed, / {C and } I didn't think about that. / I got a Mickey Mouse print is <laughter> what I got. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And so } a lot is wasted. /", "Normally it will tell you on the roll how often a pattern repeats. /", "{C So } you know how. - / {D See, } I didn't even think to look for that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } the, - / one of them was just a [ different color, + different color ] pink, is what it ended up being. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And } (( )) . -/", "When you did your papering did you start in the middle of the wall? /", "No / I didn't. /", "{C Or } did you start at the edge? /", "Is that how you're supposed to do? / I started at one edge and went over, / then you had to cut around the closet --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and cut around a window -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "I've had my best luck in papering when I start in the middle of a wall, / {C and } I'll start with a plumb line.", "{C And } start right there. -/", "And start in the middle of the wall, [ and, + and ] go from there, and go all the way around the room. /", "Do you seem to get it straighter, / is that the advantage, / {C or } what's the, -/", "{D Well, } [ you, + you, ] -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOME REPAIRS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE LAST HOME REPAIR OR REMODELING PROJECT THE OTHER CALLERUNDERTOOK. HOW SUCCESSFUL WAS IT? HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO YOUR OWN EXPERIENCE?", "talk_day": "12/16/1991", "from_caller": 1455, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1383, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1947, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4026_0", "4026_1", "4026_2", "4026_3", "4026_4", "4026_5", "4026_6", "4026_7", "4026_8", "4026_9", "4026_10", "4026_11", "4026_12", "4026_13", "4026_14", "4026_15", "4026_16", "4026_17", "4026_18", "4026_19", "4026_20", "4026_21", "4026_22", "4026_23", "4026_24", "4026_25", "4026_26", "4026_27", "4026_28", "4026_29", "4026_30", "4026_31", "4026_32", "4026_33", "4026_34", "4026_35", "4026_36", "4026_37", "4026_38", "4026_39", "4026_40", "4026_41", "4026_42", "4026_43", "4026_44", "4026_45", "4026_46", "4026_47", "4026_48", "4026_49", "4026_50", "4026_51", "4026_52", "4026_53"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D So. } How's your products been? /", "{F Um, } I really haven't had, {F uh, } too many problems. / {F Uh, } seems to me that everything that I buy goes bad just after the warranty runs out. /", "<Laughter> I hear that one. / Have you had any lately go out? /", "Yeah, / I've had a dryer, an ice maker, a microwave, all three, / {C and } they, - / unfortunately I bought them all three at the same time, when I bought my new house, / {C and, } {F uh, } I really don't have any recourse, / {C so } I had to call and have them all repaired and that. /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "Yeah, / it was a hassle. /", "{C So } you didn't get anything, / even, [ all the, + all the ] warranties were out? /", "Yeah, / the warranty on the refrigerator, {F uh, } - / the i-, - / the refrigerator warranty's still good, / {C but } the ice maker itself, passed its three years, / {C and } it was three years and two months. /", "<Laughter> You're kidding. /", "No. /", "Yeah, / we just moved into a new house, too, / {C so } we had to buy all those, too. /", "{F Uh, } watch out. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / the only thing I've had problems with is, {F um, } - / I buy a lot of wood working equipment through the mail -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I bought this paint stripper where they advertise <throat_clearing> that it's nontoxic and such, / {C and } when you get the product it ends up being toxic and all these warnings. / {C So. } -/", "{F Um. } /", "I didn't return it because it'd probably cost me more than, - / I just ended up using it. / {C But, } that's about the only thing I've had gone wrong. / {C But. } -/", "I usually have pretty good luck with appliances, / {C but } I just, {F uh, } - / it was within two days that all three of these stopped working, / {C and } [ the + --", "That's incredible. /", "-- the ] ice maker [ was, + {F uh, } had ] to have a new pump, / {C and } the, {F uh, } microwave had to have, {F uh, } some kind of something I can't even pronounce, /", "<Laughter>.", "{C and } they, {F uh, } - / the dryer had to have a new heating element, / {C so } it was [ about, + almost ] three hundred dollars for all three of them. /", "{C And } they all went out at the same time? /", "{F Uh, } within # two days of each other. # /", "# {C Or } two days. / # Wow. /", "I was, - / it wasn't a good week. / I was pretty mad. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ {C And + {C plus } ] the place that I'd bought them all had gone out of business, / {C so } [ even if I, + I think even if I ] [ had, + {F uh, } had ] kept the warranty, the service agreements were with the companies [ that, + that ] manufactured, / {C but } still they were through that retailer, / {C so } I don't know if I could have taken it to another retailer or not. /", "Wow, / it's frustrating. /", "{C But } I didn't have to worry about all that, because they weren't under warranty. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C So. } It was a call to the local appliance dealer --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- who came out and fixed them all, / {C but, } I, - / the only other things that I've ever had trouble with, {F uh, } - / I seem to have a real bad trouble with electric hair dryers, blow dryers. /", "Uh-huh, / they go out a lot? /", "Yeah, / I've had two or three of those go out. / One was under warranty, / {C and } the other two weren't, / {C but, } I just, - / other than that, {D you know, } T V -s and things like that, I haven't ever had any trouble with. / I don't think products are getting much better though. /", "Yeah. / {D See } I'm in the manufacturing (( )) - / home from work - / {C and } make, {F um, } automotive air bags, the safety air bags. -/", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah. /", "That's interesting. /", "At Morton International, - / {C and, } I thin-, - / {D well, } [ it's, + it's ] changed a lot with the manufacturing environment. / We test everything after each assembly process, / {C and so } our testing is pretty thorough, / {C but. } -/", "[ Do you, + do you ] test each individual one -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C or } do you just test, - / {D like } if you've got ten, you test one, / {C and } by the test results of the one you assume that the other nine are okay? /", "{F Um, } the tests that, - / {D well, } we test every one electrically. / We don't, - / I think they test four or five a day, actually exploding the air bags -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C and, } + {C but } ] we do test [ after, + ] during the assembly [ project, + product, ] {F um, } after we assemble each part of the inflator or what explodes the bag, we check to make sure it's there after we install it, / {C so, } each assembly process has an inspection right after it's done, / {C and then } we do electrical tests on them during the process, / {C so. } -/", "{D Well, } that's something I've never had to use, / [ it's never, + I've never ] been involved in an automobile accident, / {C so, } luckily that's a product that I haven't had to test. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. /", "{C But } I think it's a great idea. / [ I'm, + I'm, ] - / seems like all the good logical ideas take forever to come about / {C but } that. -/", "{D Well, } they do [ the, + all the ] testing that we have to do through the government, / it's incredible how much testing they have to do. /", "{F Oh, } I'm sure they want to be thorough before they. - / {C But, } {F uh, } even, - / {D you know, } I don't mind spending the extra money on the car --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ if, + {D you know, } even if ] they pass [ the savings, + the cost ] onto the consumer, because it just seems like a real worthwhile thing. / I'm not a real big seat belt, - / my, {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CONSUMER GOODS", "prompt": "FIND OUT FROM THE OTHER CALLER WHETHER THEY HAVE HAD TO RETURN A PRODUCT THEY BOUGHT RECENTLY. ARE CONSUMER GOODS GENERALLY GETTING BETTER OR WORSE IN QUALITY?", "talk_day": "02/28/1992", "from_caller": 1516, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1422, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["4071_0", "4071_1", "4071_2", "4071_3", "4071_4", "4071_5", "4071_6", "4071_7", "4071_8", "4071_9", "4071_10", "4071_11", "4071_12", "4071_13", "4071_14", "4071_15", "4071_16", "4071_17", "4071_18", "4071_19", "4071_20", "4071_21", "4071_22", "4071_23", "4071_24", "4071_25", "4071_26", "4071_27", "4071_28", "4071_29", "4071_30", "4071_31", "4071_32", "4071_33", "4071_34", "4071_35", "4071_36", "4071_37", "4071_38", "4071_39", "4071_40", "4071_41", "4071_42", "4071_43", "4071_44", "4071_45", "4071_46", "4071_47", "4071_48", "4071_49", "4071_50", "4071_51", "4071_52", "4071_53", "4071_54", "4071_55", "4071_56", "4071_57", "4071_58", "4071_59", "4071_60", "4071_61", "4071_62", "4071_63", "4071_64"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well } Jackie, {F uh, } on taxes, [ I, + I ] guess I would have to say, [ that I, + that my ] opinion is that I do think Americans are paying too much in taxes. / {F Uh, } what's your feeling about that? /", "I agree. / I think taxes are high. /", "Right, / {F uh, } where you live do you have a state income tax and a sales tax both? /", "{F Oh, } yes. / Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } uh-huh. / In New Hampshire we have, {F uh, } {F uh, } [ no, + no, ] what we call broad base taxes. / No income tax and no sales tax. /", "Huh. /", "{F Uh, } we tax business, {F uh, } eight percent, / businesses are taxed eight percent / {C and } we have what we call the five B s. {F Uh, } [ th-, + ] for our taxes. Booze, {F uh, } butts, cigarettes, beds, {F uh, } hotel room tax --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- bellies, a meal tax and bets, gambling. /", "Oh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } we do have a very low tax rate, / {C but } {D you know, } combined with the federal income tax. I think that Americans generally do pay too much in taxes / {C and } (( )) . -/", "Right. / Yeah, / [ I, + I ] agree / {C and } I, (( )) think it's about the time of the year when you just start getting, - / {D well } if you do get money back from <throat_clearing> {D like } jobs, - / I'm still a student --", "Uh-huh <<very faint>>. /", "-- {C so, } {F uh, } I only work part time, / {C so } [ I, + I ] get a check back / # {C so } # -- -/", "# {D Well } # that's nice. /", "-- [ from, + from ] taxes # - / {C but, } # -/", "# [ Nice, + # nice ] to get a refund. /", "Yeah <laughter>. / It is, / {C but } <laughter> it's not much. <laughter> / {C So. } -/", "Uh-huh. / Do you think that, {F uh, } for whatever taxes we do pay that, {F uh, } we are getting value for it? /", "No. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } [ my, + my ] opinion of taxes is that we just send money to Washington or to the state / {C and } they say they are going to send some back, / [ it's like giving yourself a tra-, + it's like one arm giving the other a transfusion. ] /", "Yeah. /", "You know what I mean? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } [ it, + it ] really, {F uh, } - / I should say one arm giving another arm a transfusion through a leaky tube # [ because, # +", "# Yeah. # / There you go <laughter>. /", "{D Right } because, ] {F uh, } there's an old saying in amongst taxes and politicians that there's a fly paper effect / {C and } that is that money tends to stick where it lands first / {C and } when you send it to Washington or send it to your state capitol, {F uh, } a lot of it stays there and not that much comes back to you. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "<Cough>.", "I don't know. / I, - / don't seem like they are doing much with it, / (( )) {E I mean } there's plans there / {C and } now that they are voting and people, {D you know, } getting into (( )) drug and that stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "They have nice plans / [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C but, } ] <laughter> they don't always work / {C and then } {D you know } they try to raise taxes more / {C and } I don't what happens with <laughter> all the money because if their plans don't work, - / {D you know, } {C but } taxes get raise / {C so. } I don't know. / I'm not really into politics, {F uh } -- /", "That it, -/", "-- I don't really understand it -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } it's just {D you know } <laughter>, -/", "{D Well, } [ it does it, + it does ] seem that the more taxes that are raised the more the politicians spend. / {F Uh, } it's almost like they will spend as much as [ the, + ] they're allowed to collect. {D You know. } /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } there is an interesting proposal that's been going around now for a few years of having a flat tax. {F Uh, } ten percent or thirteen percent. / There would be no figuring. / {E I mean } you would take your income tax, - / you would have a certain amount, - / {E I mean } you would take you total salary -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- those who made under a certain amount wouldn't owe any taxes, / {C and then } there would be a set amount for however many [ people, + {D you know, } dependent ] you have, / {C and } you would just pay a flat tax. No exemptions, no deductions or anything else [ after + {D you know, } after ] you figure up who's in your family. /", "Right. / Huh. /", "{C And } that would eliminate a lot of the bureaucracy in the I R S / {C and } it would eliminate all these loop holes that the fat cats get away with. /", "Yeah. / The could be nice <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "Huh. /", "[ I, + I'd ] like to see something like that. / I think it would be fairer / {C and } it would put [ a, + {D you know, } a ] lot of the tax attorneys our of business / {C and } I am sure they will fight it tooth and nail, / {C but } I really think a flat tax would be a lot fairer for all Americans. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{E I mean } it doesn't seem right that somebody that makes twenty-five or thirty thousand dollars pays four or five thousand dollars in taxes while somebody that makes two hundred and fifty thousand dollars might pay nothing in taxes. /", "Right, / huh. /", "It doesn't seem fair to me. /", "Yeah, / it isn't, / there is not much out there that is fair, / that's for sure. /", "Right. /", "Huh. / I will agree to that. /", "I think your taxes in Wisconsin are pretty high. [ [ I, + I, ] + if I ] am not mistaken, aren't they? {E I --", "{F Uh, } /", "-- mean } for your state. / [ What is, + do you know what ] your state income tax rate is? /", "{F Um, } no -- /", "Twenty percent? /", "-- [ I, + I ] have no idea, / I just. - / My dad does it all for me <laughter>. /", "[ Just, + you just ] pay it, {F huh } <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> I use, -/", "[ You're like, + you're like ] my daughter who is in college down in Massachusetts / {C and, } {F uh, } she works as a waitress / {C and } she is attending college full time also -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } she sends her taxes to me / {C and } I figure them up. / She really has no idea. / She gets a refund check / {C and, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TAXES", "prompt": "TALK ABOUT WHETHER AMERICANSY", "talk_day": "03/05/1992", "from_caller": 1539, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1938, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1371, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1970, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["4072_0", "4072_1", "4072_2", "4072_3", "4072_4", "4072_5", "4072_6", "4072_7", "4072_8", "4072_9", "4072_10", "4072_11", "4072_12", "4072_13", "4072_14", "4072_15", "4072_16", "4072_17", "4072_18", "4072_19", "4072_20", "4072_21", "4072_22", "4072_23", "4072_24", "4072_25", "4072_26", "4072_27", "4072_28", "4072_29", "4072_30", "4072_31", "4072_32", "4072_33", "4072_34", "4072_35", "4072_36", "4072_37", "4072_38", "4072_39", "4072_40", "4072_41", "4072_42", "4072_43", "4072_44", "4072_45", "4072_46", "4072_47", "4072_48", "4072_49", "4072_50", "4072_51", "4072_52", "4072_53", "4072_54", "4072_55", "4072_56", "4072_57", "4072_58", "4072_59", "4072_60", "4072_61", "4072_62", "4072_63", "4072_64", "4072_65", "4072_66", "4072_67", "4072_68", "4072_69", "4072_70", "4072_71", "4072_72", "4072_73", "4072_74", "4072_75", "4072_76", "4072_77"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / How do you keep up with current events? /", "{F Um, } {D well } {D actually, } usually, {F uh, } in the mornings I am getting ready to either go to work, {F uh, } / usually catch the news in the morning. /", "Yeah, / what what channel do you watch or what station? /", "{F Uh, } N B C. /", "That's the one I watch. / I usually keep up with T V. / I don't, - / I am a student / {C so } I really don't have much time to {D like } read the newspapers and stuff -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } I get a lot of stuff through the grapevine which [ is + really isn't ] --", "Yeah. /", "-- too great sometimes <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I usually tend to just, {D you know, } rely on, {D you know, } T V, {F uh, } again, {D you know, } just through the grapevine [ just, + just ] to know {D like, } {D you know } {D like } what today's stories are / {C and } I usually {D like } go out an buy a newspaper if {D you know } I'm interested in any particular one. /", "Yeah. / The radio doesn't really have much news sometimes. / The stations I listen to are just mainly music. /", "Yeah, / I think you pretty much have to listen to all news station to get any news at all. /", "Yeah. / Do you think that T V is, {F uh, } pretty accurate. / {E I mean } sometimes do you think it gets pretty commercialized / {C or, } -/", "{D Well, } what I really don't like about T V, especially local news as compared to {D like } national news is just, {F uh, } [ it seems, + it seems ] like everything is very spoon feed / {C and } {D you know } [ it's, + it's ] more like the news shows [ is now + is now ] {D you know } an entertainment show like a sitcom --", "Yeah. /", "-- or like the news, because they would always have {D like } the wonderful investigative reports, {D you know, } is your kid's bus driver smoking crack,", "<Laughter>.", "on the way to school, {D you know? } /", "Yeah, / it's - / they mainly go with {D like } popular topics --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- just not {D like } basic news. /", "Yeah. / [ Also, + also ] I have the observation [ of, + {F uh, } with ] the press [ is + ] that, {D like } [ any + any ] stories that I had any first hand knowledge of that I see in the press, {D you know, } which only happened {D like } ten times in my life --", "Huh. /", "-- {D you know } first thing {D you know } for [ anything of + {D you know } [ or + ] anything that ] actually [ had, + had ] more than just a blurb about it. [ That + ] the press has managed to just mess up some aspect of the story -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- it's something wrong. /", "Going, - / [ they're, + looks like they're ] going more for ratings <noise> than for --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know } actual news. / I think, {D you know } [ the + <popping> probably the ] best source of just plain journalism would be newspapers -- /", "<Tapping> Uh-huh. /", "-- they typically have a better. - / I am from a small town too here in Texas --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ and so + ] that [ then + ] {D like } local news is really who grew the biggest tomato / {C and, } -/", "Yeah, / the farm report. /", "Yeah, / farm report and oil reports. /", "<Laughter>.", "That's [ pretty + <tapping> pretty ] sad / or who killed who. /", "Uh-huh. / <tapping> Also I have found that newspapers probably aren't as bad as television (( )) . / Read the story and just found it so incredibly watered down / {C and, } -/", "Yeah. / {D Well, } [ in, + {F uh, } in ] Dallas, I don't know if you heard about the killing where the guy drove into Luby's / {C and } the story was, {F uh, } -/", "Was that {D like } he started shooting [ people, + people ] in this cafeteria or something? /", "Yeah. / {C And } the news covered it --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D right, } {D you know, } hours after it happened / {C and } they were taping people who were crying who <noise> --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- had everything / {C and then } like three days later this, {F uh, } local news station was using as as their promo --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to promote themselves. / I just thought [ that was really + # that's ] kind of cold, # /", "# {F Oh } yeah, / I # have seen that happen lots of times. / {D You know, } {F uh, } Channel X gives you the best coverage <noise> / {D you know } we were on the scene with our team players / {C and, } -/", "Yeah / {C and } it was just, - / they were showing {D like } these dead people -- /", "Uh-huh <<very faint>>. /", "-- {C and } they were showing people crying -- /", "Uh-huh <<very faint>>. /", "-- {E I mean } just taking advantage of {D you know. } -/", "Uh-huh. / # They are trying to get # the, {D you know, } most emotional response for, -/", "Yeah, / it didn't seem like there was much coverage of the story, / {C but } just the play on people's emotions <noise>. / It's just gotten so, - / {E I mean, } somewhere [ there's, + ] it's lost a lot of the quality that they use to have like in Walter Cronkite that if {D you know } -- -/", "Yeah <tapping>. /", "-- {C and } everything. -/", "Yeah, / yeah. / {D You know, } I've pretty much stopped watching local news totally {D you know } -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } <noise> {D you know } even the national news I just find it to be {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- very watered down, / very, -/", "What did you think of the coverage of the war? /", "{F Uh, } [ I fou-, + I found ] it very one sided. /", "Did you? /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } [ it, + it ] just seemed to lack any sort of debate. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } not saying [ that we shou-, + that we actually should ] have been there or shouldn't have been there, / {C but } it just seemed like, {D you know. } -/", "They kept just showing, {D you know, } how great we were doing / {C and } it never really showed [ what actually -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- the damage that really ] happened that's -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- a lot of times {D like } the news coverage showed all [ the, + {D you know, } the ] guys who didn't get hurt coming home and all the big parties -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } they kind of {D you know, } - / if they were going to show that why didn't they show the guys who --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know } got really hurt and everything. /", "Yeah, / {C and } I really think that {D you know } in the involvement that the press states, {D you know } [ that + ] [ the + the ] military basically sets the press, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "03/05/1992", "from_caller": 1522, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1968, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1531, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1967, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2008_0", "2008_1", "2008_2", "2008_3", "2008_4", "2008_5", "2008_6", "2008_7", "2008_8", "2008_9", "2008_10", "2008_11", "2008_12", "2008_13", "2008_14", "2008_15", "2008_16", "2008_17", "2008_18", "2008_19", "2008_20", "2008_21", "2008_22", "2008_23", "2008_24", "2008_25", "2008_26", "2008_27", "2008_28", "2008_29", "2008_30", "2008_31", "2008_32", "2008_33", "2008_34", "2008_35", "2008_36", "2008_37", "2008_38", "2008_39", "2008_40", "2008_41", "2008_42", "2008_43", "2008_44", "2008_45", "2008_46", "2008_47", "2008_48", "2008_49", "2008_50", "2008_51", "2008_52", "2008_53", "2008_54", "2008_55", "2008_56", "2008_57", "2008_58", "2008_59", "2008_60", "2008_61", "2008_62", "2008_63", "2008_64", "2008_65", "2008_66", "2008_67", "2008_68", "2008_69", "2008_70", "2008_71", "2008_72", "2008_73", "2008_74", "2008_75", "2008_76", "2008_77", "2008_78", "2008_79", "2008_80", "2008_81", "2008_82", "2008_83", "2008_84", "2008_85"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Hi, Cynthia. / What did you wear to work today? /", "{F Um, } let's see. / What did I wear to work today? / {F Um, } {D actually } I wore corduroy shorts with a white blouse, {F um, } and flat shoes. /", "{C So, } can you dress pretty casually? /", "{F Um, } [ on occasion. +", "Yeah. /", "On occasion. ] / {F Um, } I do vary. / {F Um, } {D you know, } I wear suits, / I wear skirts and sweaters. / On occasion I can wear jeans. / {F Um, } how about you? /", "{D Well, } I, {F um, } run a business out of my home. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } I tend to get up in the morning, put on,", "Yes. /", "sweats, {F um, }", "Uh-huh. /", "do whatever I want to do with the kids, then whenever I have a meeting with a client, I'll put a suit on.", "Uh-huh. /", "And then come home and get back into regular clothes again <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / {F Um, } {D you know, } there's [ real no, + no real ] dress code where I work. / {F Um, } you see people wearing, {D you know, } all different attire. / I, {F um, } don't like to wear heels, that really tires me out. / I work in a big building. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } I predominantly wear flat shoes. / {F Um, } {D you know, } in the winter I wear sweaters, / in summer [ I, + {D you know, } I ] like one piece dresses, short sleeves, things like that. /", "I've recently, {F um, } tried to update my wardrobe, trying to put suits together that I can interchange, the,", "Right. /", "jackets and the blouses and all that a lot. /", "Right. /", "That's helped me a lot with having, - / I can only have [ a, + a ] limited wardrobe, since I'm only,", "Uh-huh. /", "working part-time right now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C but } still, it gives it some variety.", "Uh-huh. /", "Add different blouses and scarves and belts and things like that. /", "Right, / right, / accessories, / uh-huh. /", "What about your casual wear? / Do you like to wear jeans most of the time? /", "{F Um, } yeah / mostly. / {E I mean, } at home I predominantly wear <<speaker laughs while saying remainder of statement>> sweatpants and things like that,", "Yeah. /", "also. /", "It's nice you can wear shorts, especially on a day like today when it's so hot. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ they're, + {F um, } {D you know, } they're ] like Ber-, -/", "Dress shorts. /", "yeah, / they're like black corduroy [ Ber-, + Bermuda ] shorts. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } sometimes I wear a blazer with them, / {C and } I get really a lot of compliments on them. / {F Um, } where I work is predominantly male. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } {D you know, } they, - / their attire is always the same, {D you know. } Suits or slacks,", "<Laughter>.", "{D you know, } jeans, whatever. /", "(( Yeah, / {C but } )) , -/", "[ {C And, } + {F um, } {C but } ] I'm really the only woman, I guess, at work that does that, / {C but } seems to work for me <breathing> <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> (( Yeah, / {C but } )) . -/", "In fact, [ I just bought, + [ I, + I ] just got ] a new outfit as a gift that, {F um, } - / it's one of those skorts, / {D you know, } th-, - / it's shorts but it looks like a skirt. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } I think that'll be good for work, too. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / It'll be comfortable. /", "Yeah. / Yeah. / {C So, } -/", "I guess down here, {F uh, } - / we just recently moved to Texas, / {C so } my wardrobe has changed quite a bit. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } we moved from Colorado where, - / {C and } I have a closet full of sweaters. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That, -/", "{D Well, } {D see, } I live in Virginia. /", "You live in Virginia, now? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Oh, } that's interesting. /", "Yeah. / Yeah. / {C So, } I'm, - / {D you know, } {D like } right now, today was in about, {D you know, } the fifties. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F um, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] do wear a lot of sweaters and things like sweater dresses. /", "Yeah. / I'd like to be able to wear those here. / Today it's eighty-eight degrees. /", "{F Oh, } my <laughter>. /", "{D So } <laughter>, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "Needless to say, my sweaters have been hung in the closet for quite a while now <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Today was, {F uh, } definitely a shorts day around here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Yeah, / we're still pretty much, {D you know, } in winter, as far as that goes here. /", "This is pretty [ un-, + unseasonal, ] / {C but, } {F uh, } at least, we, - / {D you know, } [ [ it, + it, ] + it ] feels good, / it gets, {F uh, } - / everybody doesn't have cabin fever today. / It's nice to get,", "Uh-huh. /", "out and about. /", "Uh-huh. / I guess we've discussed everything there is about clothing <laughter>. /", "Okay. /", "<Laughter>.", "Sounds good. /", "Okay? /", "It was nice talking to you. /", "Okay, / it was nice talking to you, also. /", "Bye-bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CLOTHING AND DRESS", "prompt": "THE TOPIC IS CLOTHING. PLEASE FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER TYPICALLY DRESSES FOR WORK. HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM DAY TO DAY? HOW MUCH VARIATION IS THERE FROM SEASON TO SEASON?", "talk_day": "03/05/1991", "from_caller": 1176, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1057, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2020_0", "2020_1", "2020_2", "2020_3", "2020_4", "2020_5", "2020_6", "2020_7", "2020_8", "2020_9", "2020_10", "2020_11", "2020_12", "2020_13", "2020_14", "2020_15", "2020_16", "2020_17", "2020_18", "2020_19", "2020_20", "2020_21", "2020_22", "2020_23", "2020_24", "2020_25", "2020_26", "2020_27", "2020_28", "2020_29", "2020_30", "2020_31", "2020_32", "2020_33", "2020_34", "2020_35", "2020_36", "2020_37", "2020_38", "2020_39", "2020_40", "2020_41", "2020_42", "2020_43", "2020_44", "2020_45", "2020_46", "2020_47", "2020_48", "2020_49", "2020_50", "2020_51", "2020_52", "2020_53", "2020_54", "2020_55", "2020_56", "2020_57", "2020_58", "2020_59", "2020_60", "2020_61", "2020_62", "2020_63", "2020_64", "2020_65", "2020_66", "2020_67", "2020_68", "2020_69", "2020_70", "2020_71", "2020_72", "2020_73", "2020_74", "2020_75", "2020_76", "2020_77", "2020_78", "2020_79", "2020_80", "2020_81", "2020_82", "2020_83", "2020_84", "2020_85", "2020_86", "2020_87", "2020_88", "2020_89", "2020_90", "2020_91", "2020_92", "2020_93", "2020_94", "2020_95", "2020_96", "2020_97", "2020_98", "2020_99", "2020_100", "2020_101", "2020_102", "2020_103", "2020_104", "2020_105", "2020_106", "2020_107", "2020_108", "2020_109", "2020_110", "2020_111", "2020_112", "2020_113", "2020_114", "2020_115", "2020_116", "2020_117", "2020_118", "2020_119", "2020_120", "2020_121", "2020_122", "2020_123", "2020_124", "2020_125", "2020_126", "2020_127", "2020_128", "2020_129", "2020_130", "2020_131", "2020_132", "2020_133", "2020_134"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Hi. /", "Hi, / {F um, } okay / [ [ what, + {D now, } {F uh, } what ] particularly, + particularly what ] kind of music do you like? /", "{D Well, } I mostly listen to popular music. / I, {F uh, } listen to it all the time [ in, + in ] my car, / {C so, } [ I, + I ] tend to be one of those people who switches stations a lot because I don't like commercials. / {C But, }", "Yeah. /", "{F uh, } I find myself listening to popular music, / {C and, } {F uh, } quite honestly, I, I have some little children / {C and } I, unfortunately, found myself listening to a lot of nursery rhyme music here lately, / {C but } that's not by my choice. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "How about you? /", "{D Well, } {F um, } <laughter> [ I don't have that, + I don't have that ] <<both are laughing>>, experience to share <laughter>. /", "Lucky you. /", "[ [ I, + I do, ] + I do ] listen to a lot of, - / {D you know, } [ I do, + I switch ] the stations a lot because I don't have a cassette player in my car. /", "{F Um, } {F um. } Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } however, [ [ I, + I do, ] + I do ] like a lot of different forms of music / {C so } I switch quite often. / {F Um, } I think I like, - / [ I, + I'm ] really particular about the type of music that I listen to. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } the, {F uh, } - / there's such a wide selection, / [ I think I like a lot, + I like a little bit of a lot of ] different types of music. / {D You know, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] like music [ that is, + that I feel ] - / if it is performed correctly or if it's done right, or if the version is done right, I like it <laughter>, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but, } [ if, + if ] it's not, then I won't. / [ I, + I ] really don't, -/", "How do you feel about rap music? /", "Rap. /", "It seems to be so popular these days. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } [ I, + I ] don't really have anything against rap music. / I, - / the one thing I do object to about rap music [ is, + is ] when it becomes militant,", "Uh-huh. /", "or, if it's, {F uh, } violence oriented. /", "Right. /", "[ I, + I ] have strong objections to that. / {F Um, } {D actually } I listen to, - / one time I remember, this was back when, even, {F uh, } - / I would say about ten or fifteen years ago I, -/", "When it was really just starting. /", "Yeah, / right / when it was just starting,", "Yeah. /", "I heard what was called talking blues,", "Uh-huh. /", "which actually is rap. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it was about, - / [ [ the, + the piece of music, ] + the piece of music ] was [ about, + I think about ] forty or fifty years old. / {C And, } it was incredible, {E I mean, } the parallel, {D you know, } between it and rap. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F um, } [ you, + you ] listen a lot, - / [ if you, + if you ] hear a lot of old gospel, {F uh, } {F uh, } especially {D well, } the black gospel. / {D You know, } [ you will, + {D you know, } you can ] really pick it up. {E I mean, } /", "Yeah, / you really. - / It seemed to be influenced by a lot of different music. / A lot of times you'll hear songs that {D you know, } they're not original,", "Yeah. /", "but have been put to a rap kind of a rhythm. / {C And, } {F uh, } [ sounds, + it sounds ] so much different / {C and } yet, [ I, + I ] have a much younger sister who listens to a lot of rap music / {C and, } {F uh, } she thinks its pretty funny how often I know all of the words to songs that she's listening to, / {C and } yet,", "Yeah. /", "she thought they were brand new,", "Yeah. /", "original pieces. /", "[ [ [ they, + they do, ] + they do copy versions, ] + they do cover versions ] [ of, + of, ] {D you know, } {D like } standards, I guess you could call it. /", "That's right. /", "<Laughter> I think it's kind of absurd, {D you know, } the fact that, {D you know, } [ they don't really, + they don't really ] give, {D you know, } the original artist, or the original composer,", "No. /", "the credit that is really due to them. /", "Yeah, / I guess there was even [ a, + a ] bit of ruckus caused by the M C Hammer, who's really, {D you know, } /", "Yeah. /", "seems to be the hot one [ of, + of ] today. / He used, {F um, } WILD THING. / Do you remember [ that, + that ] song. /", "Yeah. /", "he used, {F um, } - / I can't remember who the artist was on that. /", "Jimi Hendrix was the original. /", "Who? /", "Jimi Hendrix was the original. / He wrote <noise>, -/", "Was it, - / {D well, } [ ma-, + maybe ] it wasn't that one. / {C Because, } [ it was a living, + it was a living ] person that [ I'm, + I'm ] thinking of [ that, +", "Okay. /", "{F um, } that ] said, \"You know, hey that, those are my words.\" / {C And, } {F uh, } I guess that [ they, + [ because + ] they ] hadn't originally gotten, {F um, } permission,", "Uh-huh. /", "from him to use it. / {C And, } [ he, + he ] since then [ has, + has ] amended that, and paid them his royalties every time [ the, + the ] song goes on / {C but, } -/", "Yeah. / I don't know / [ it may have, + it may have ] been somebody else, because [ I think, + I think ] that even Jimi Hendrix did it, / I think that was a cov-, - / {D you know, } come to think of it, I think that was a cover version of, {D like } a John Lee Hooker song, or something, /", "Maybe so. / [ I, +", "{E I mean } it was just like, - / it was really old. /", "I, ] can't think. /", "{E I mean } [ I, + I, ] - / [ there are a lot, + there are so many ] different songs, / {E I mean } {D like } the whole thing about cover versions a lot of times. {E I mean } I've heard some songs [ that, + that ] I just thought were horrendous cover versions of, - / I'm like, {D you know, } [ I, + I ] don't want to listen to this.", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> Because {D you know, } you think of the original is {D like, } - / {D you know, } {F oh, } that was really great. / That was [ a, + {D you know, } a ] really good piece of work, / {C and then } when you hear the cover it's like, {D you know, } God, what are they doing. /", "Right. / They destroyed it. /", "<Laughter> [ I, + I ] think a good one was, {F um, } - / there was a Peter Frampton song, /", "{F Oh, } yeah! /", "{C and, then } the cover version, [ I think, + {E I mean, } I thought, ] [ was absolutely, + it was pitiful. ] /", "[ I, + I ] remember seeing the video of it on M T V, / {C and } I thought it was hideous. /", "Yeah. / I did too. /", "It was, - / ugh, I didn't like that either. /", "Yeah, / {C but } {D you know, } whatever became of Peter Frampton. / {E I mean, } there was nothing, - / he was a phenomenon, / {E I me-, } there was no reason for him to really come into, {D you know, } great stardom or anything. /", "I remember, I saw him in a concert, when I was, -/", "Yeah. / Yeah, / [ I think, + I think ] it, -/", "I think it was in high school. /", "Yeah, / I think that probably what did it for him was the fact that he was a good stage performer. /", "Uh-huh. / He was very good. / I remember I saw him in a huge stadium in, {F uh, } Philadelphia. / It was in J F K Stadium, if I can remember. /", "{F Oh } man. /", "Hundreds of thousands of people is what it seemed like. /", "Yeah. / [ I've, + I ] graduated back in seventy-nine, / {C so, } -/", "{F Um, } {F um. } Uh-huh. /", "[ {C but, } + {C but } ] I've really, - / [ I, + I ] loved, - / {E I mean, } [ I was, + I was ] really into the album oriented music, even then, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C so } I was really familiar [ with a lot, + with a lot ] [ of, + of ] the A O R type music. / {F Um, } the album oriented like [ the, + ] {F uh, } James Taylor,", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "and, [ the, + {F uh, } the ] Beatles, / {C and } {D you know, } {E I mean, } a lot of people they go, they're better than the Beatles, / {C and } I'm like, {D you know, }", "<Laughter>.", "you don't know what you're talking about. /", "No <laughter>. /", "{E I mean, } the comparison made between New Kids On The Block with the Beatles <laughter>. It was just, -/", "You can only laugh <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / you just sort of, - / {D you know, } {D well } I guess I can just humor them, {D you know } <laughter>. At this point. /", "Right / <laughter> {D well, } they, - / I guess our age is showing when, [ we, + we ] think that. /", "Yeah, / {C but } {D well, } {D you know, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I've ] liked a lot of the new music. / I think, {F um, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{F um, } when - / I saw some promise, {D you know, } [ with, + with ] a lot of the new wave, [ when it, + when it ] came out, {F uh, }", "Yeah. /", "back in the mid and early eighties. / {C And then, } {F um, } I don't know / music [ is kind of in a weird, + it's in a very weird ] position right now. / I think that, - / {E I mean, } I like, {D you know, } [ things + ] {D like } to hear, {D you know, } what they call world music. Which is, {D you know, } using all these natural forms of music / {C and, } -/", "Like Paul Simon. / Like, -/", "Yeah, / yeah, / Paul Simon. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } really that's not world music. / {C But, } [ what, + what ] Paul Simon's doing, I think [ [ is, + is, ] + is ] great because he's, {D you know } [ [ I think, + I think ] that + ] using, {A I guess what they call it is eclectic, } {D you know. }", "Yeah. /", "drawing from a lot of different sources and making, {D you know, } a synthesis of a new type of music. {F Um, } /", "What do you mean by world music? /", "{D Well, } world music is, {F um, } - / [ a lot of the, + a lot of ] [ where they, + where they ] make music that they adapt [ [ to a, + to another kind of, ] + to another type of ] listener. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } for example, let's say you're taking {D like } an original Brazilian form of music [ and, + ] with a certain style, / {C and then } you try to make it a little bit more listenable for, let's say another audience, let's say a North American. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, then } when they hear it, [ [ it, + it's a really, ] + it's ] another form of music, and,", "{F Um. } /", "{D you know, } sort of, {F um, } trying to draw out the best sources. / [ The, + the ] best of every type of music. /", "Right. /", "Because, {E I mean, } there are some, {E I mean, } - / [ I, + I ] li-, - / there are some, {D you know, } types of heavy metal that I really like, / [ {C but, } + {C but } ] [ I wouldn't, + I wouldn't ] say that [ I, + I ] completely like heavy metal. /", "No. /", "[ I, + I ] think, - / {D you know, } {C and } it's the same way with, - / {D you know, } world music takes the forms that have really been, {F um, } - / I guess, I - / {D you know, } [ the best example + {E or, } {D you know, } the cream of the crop, ] I guess you could say, - / [ {C and then, } + {C and then } ] taking [ those, + those ] qualities, and then applying, in the styles, [ that are really, + {F um, } that are ] extremely enjoyable, and then taking, -/", "{C So } then it becomes a kind of music [ of, + of ] its own, so to speak, / {C or, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah, / it becomes a kind of music of its own. / {E I mean, } when you listen to it, it's {F um, } {F uh, } - / I think that they don't use, elec-, - / some of it, - / it's, - / they use electronic and acoustic interchangeably, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C so, } {D you know, } {D well } a lot of the stuff you hear coming from South Africa now, and from West Africa, that's considered world music, because it's not particularly using certain types of folk styles. /", "Right. /", "{C But, } [ they're, + they're ] trying to make it somewhat more modern. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] - / [ a good, + another good ] example was I heard Miles Davis, / {C and } Miles Davis worked with Robbie Shoncar,", "Uh-huh. /", "if you can believe it, {E I mean, } /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "<Static> <laughter> {D You know, } he's a jazz performer, / {C and then } he's playing with Robbie Shoncar, / [ who's a very good, + he's a very good arranger. ] / {F Uh, } arrangement to, {F uh, } - / we're going to have to get off. /", "The, - / are they trying to (( )) , -/", "I don't know. / {C But, } {F uh, } -/", "(( )) We've talked our five minutes though. /", "Yeah, / okay, / {C but, } {E I mean, } when I heard his album, I heard it and it was just incredible. /", "I've been listening to that a lot lately. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] listened - / {C and, } I heard, - / {D you know, } you hear this guitar, / {C and then } you hear the muted trumpet. / I - / me, - / {C and } you never would think [ that they, + that they ] can actually play together / {C but, } -/", "{F Oh } yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MUSIC", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS MUSIC. CAN YOU FIND MUSICIANSOR TYPES OF MUSIC THAT BOTH YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER LIKE?", "talk_day": "03/06/1991", "from_caller": 1176, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1169, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1961, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2073_0", "2073_1", "2073_2", "2073_3", "2073_4", "2073_5", "2073_6", "2073_7", "2073_8", "2073_9", "2073_10", "2073_11", "2073_12", "2073_13", "2073_14", "2073_15", "2073_16", "2073_17", "2073_18", "2073_19", "2073_20", "2073_21", "2073_22", "2073_23", "2073_24", "2073_25", "2073_26", "2073_27", "2073_28", "2073_29", "2073_30", "2073_31", "2073_32", "2073_33", "2073_34", "2073_35", "2073_36", "2073_37", "2073_38", "2073_39", "2073_40", "2073_41", "2073_42", "2073_43", "2073_44", "2073_45", "2073_46", "2073_47", "2073_48", "2073_49", "2073_50", "2073_51", "2073_52", "2073_53", "2073_54", "2073_55", "2073_56", "2073_57", "2073_58", "2073_59", "2073_60", "2073_61", "2073_62", "2073_63", "2073_64", "2073_65", "2073_66", "2073_67", "2073_68", "2073_69", "2073_70", "2073_71", "2073_72", "2073_73", "2073_74", "2073_75", "2073_76", "2073_77", "2073_78", "2073_79", "2073_80", "2073_81", "2073_82", "2073_83", "2073_84", "2073_85", "2073_86", "2073_87", "2073_88", "2073_89", "2073_90", "2073_91", "2073_92", "2073_93", "2073_94", "2073_95", "2073_96", "2073_97", "2073_98", "2073_99", "2073_100", "2073_101", "2073_102", "2073_103", "2073_104", "2073_105", "2073_106", "2073_107"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I don't know, / which end do we push / {C but } okay, /", "Okay, / {D well, } {F um, } let's see, / [ I, + I ] think there's a lot of people that don't vote because they don't really think [ their, + their, ] {F uh, } opinion is going to be heard / {C and, } {D you know, } there's such a small voice and such a huge number of people in the United States / {C and } that, {D you know, } - / their, [ yo-, + ] vote's not going to make that much difference / {C and } whether you vote for one person or the other person, the issues is [ what, + {D you know, } what ] you believe in, / {C and } that person is going to have a lot of, {F uh, } - / since there's so many issues, this one person can believe a lot of different ways on,", "Right, / yeah. /", "all of them / {C so, } it would be really difficult to have that one [ pers-, + perfect person ] that believed exactly what you believed. /", "That's true, / {D you know, } a lot of people, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / I think [ the, + that ] it ends up the people that, {F uh, } vote every time, {F uh, } elections come around are more [ [ the, + the ] + [ polly, + ] {F uh, } the ] party type followers, the guys that, {F uh, } {D you know, } follow the party lines, {D you know, } / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "they, {D you know, } just go in / {C and } if they're Republican they [ vo-, + vote ] Republican every year, {D you know, } / {C and, } {F uh, } the people that are independent, {D you know, } are the ones that [ don't, + {F uh, } don't ] really, {F uh, } show up every year because they can't seem [ to, + to ] decide which are the good aspects and which are the bad aspects of a candidate. /", "Right, / yeah, /", "Yeah. /", "that's good. /", "Ye-, - / I always thought - / [ it was + ] back when Anderson was running, I was hoping that things would change and he'd actually get elected and party politics would start going down the tubes, / {C but, } {F um } <baby_crying>,", "Yeah. /", "that didn't work. /", "Yeah, / there's, {F uh, } a lot of extremes on the parties, too, with [ the + {D you know, } the ] real, {F uh, } far side of the Democrats / they're real liberal now [ and + ] to where probably fifty or a hundred years ago, {F um, } the Democrat party being liberal like they are now, {D you know, } would never be thought of, / it would be the other way that the Republicans were real liberal minded as far as {D like, } {F uh, } moral standings and those kinds of things. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } -/", "Yeah, / yeah, / that's, {F uh, } - / [ {C and then, } + {C and then } ] people always get upset about it, too, because, {D you know, } every year [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] politicians are the ones that are usually pushing for more people to vote, /", "Uh-huh <<very faint>>. /", "[ they, + they ] each think that, {F uh, } if more people vote, they'll get more votes, {F huh? } /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "I'm always amazed [ at + ] [ that, + that ] each candidate thinks it's going to be the people that come out that will vote for him, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. / [ That's, + that's ] true. / I think in, {F uh, } the Texas governor elections, I think more people turned out to vote against somebody than for somebody, this time. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } that, {F uh, } - / (( )) I know that there's certain issues that can really motivate people because we live in a [ [ pr-, + pr-, ] + predominately ] Catholic type area, /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{C and } when things start, {F uh, } - / [ when, + when ] abortion comes on the issues and people just get all [ insp-, + inspired, ] {D you know, } -/", "Right. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } still on the other hand we're also, {F uh, } - / this particular community is a Catholic community / {C but, } {F uh, } {F uh, } down in D C [ where, + where ] things are a little bit different, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ it's, + it's ] women's rights [ and + [ the, + ] and ] that sort of movement, / {C and so } it's, {F uh, } quite the opposite, / {C so } elections start getting very, {F uh, } - / the elections where they have that topic seem to be a little bit better attended than some of the other ones. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / that's true that the different places in America that, {F uh, } {D you know, } different issues would be a lot more important than (( {D say } in )) another place. /", "<Baby_talking> Yeah, / I can understand [ why, + why ] some of [ the, + the ] rural areas, the voter turnout isn't as much because it does seem sometimes {D like } the lobbyists in D C are {D like } controlling things for [ the, + the ] Midwest, /", "Uh-huh <<very faint>>. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } it doesn't matter who they put in office, they're going to fall subject to, {F uh, } the pressure that the lobbyists can put, /", "Right. / Yeah, / {C and } it's, {F uh, } real true that, {F uh, } {D you know, } they'll say one thing,", "<Baby_talking>.", "to get elected, / {C and then } once they do get elected, they don't have the power or the authority or the willingness to do those things that they promised, {D you know, } beforehand. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } maybe it just wasn't possible at all in the first place, {D you know, } like the no new taxes thing. / {D You know, } that's, {F uh, } - / with the economy going the way it is and everything, that was nearly ridiculous --", "Yeah <baby_talking>. /", "-- thing to, even try to do. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I don't think he's going to have to worry about that next year. / I think he can probably raise taxes and still get elected. /", "Right <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } /", "Right, / after the war. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That really, {F uh, } -/", "Unfortunately that will probably even drop lower, the voters turndown, (( )) even more because more Democrats will think that they don't have a shot / {C so } they won't even bother turning out. /", "{F Uh, } that's true, / yeah. /", "They'll just say, {F oh, } {D well, } {D you know, } the Republicans have this election / we'll see you in four years. /", "Right. / Yeah. /", "(( )) hope some of the local, - / {D well } that's what [ they, + they ] keep saying that it seems like people with old-fashioned values are the ones that aren't turning out [ at the, + at the ] booths, / [ they, + they ] say that these older voters that, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ they, + they ] feel like the kids are running [ the, + the ] country / {C so } [ they, + they ] don't come out, turn out to vote / {C and } they're the ones that, {F uh, } {D you know, } really know what's going on, have the experience and seen, {D you know, } how politicians can, {D you know, } screwup or what ever. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } I know, my grandmother hasn't voted in years. /", "Right, / that's, - / {D you know, } neither has mine as a matter of fact. / {C And, } {F uh, } <barking>, that's true, / [ they, + I think they ] look at it as, {D well } everybody, the majority of the people think this way, when that's not necessarily true,", "<Baby_talking>.", "because, {D you know, } that's what the media says. / {D Well, } the majority believes this way / {C so, } {F uh, } they don't even bother turning out to vote to express their, {F uh, } opinions. / {C So } [ that's, + that's ] true. /", "Yeah, / wonder if they're going to take into account (( )) this computerized conversation that there's little children, {D you know, } bouncing in your knee,", "<Laughter>.", "the whole time your talking <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / Do you hear the dogs in the background here? /", "No, / I can't hear them. /", "Okay, / they're, - / the children <barking> next door just opened the fence / {C and } they went off. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "Yeah. / {C But } {D anyway, } that's, - / I guess we've, {F uh, } talked long enough / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Yeah </Baby_talking>. /", "that was sort of interesting. / What part of the country are you from? /", "{F Uh, } Washington, D C, /", "Are you really? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Wow. / This is, - / I'm [ in, + from, ] - / this is Dallas where I'm at. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "The outskirts of Dallas. /", "{D Well, } I figured (( with Texas Instruments )) they'd probably have a few, {F uh, } Texans on the line now and then. /", "Yeah, / [ do, + do ] you work for T I in any way? /", "No, / huh-uh. /", "Wow, / [ how did you, + how did they ] get you? /", "{F Um, } [ they + (( )) , they ] went through engineering companies, /", "Oh. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } we're communications. / [ I, + I ] work in a communications company. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / right. / I work for T I / {C so, } we saw it on the, {F uh, } T News one day / {C and } I thought, {D wow, } that might be interesting. /", "Yeah. / (( )) sort of different. /", "Yeah. /", "They called me at, {F uh, } ten o'clock one night, / that was very strange. /", "Yeah. /", "I guess they were doing (( )) Eastern Standard Time. / I was like, - / I don't know how long it takes whether it takes five minutes or twenty minutes. /", "<Barking> Yeah, / Central Standard Time is what they're doing it by. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. / I still haven't figured out what the zero through six days which day is which yet / {C but, }", "<Laughter>.", "I didn't study it that hard / {C so } maybe I'll figure it out. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {D anyway, } it was nice to talk to you and, {F uh, } sort of meet you, / {C and, }", "Okay. /", "that was an interesting topic. /", "Yeah. / Okay, / {D well, } if your ever in, {F uh, } D C, come look up Wayne (( Sherman )) , you'll say {F oh, } yeah, talked to that guy. /", "Okay. / [ I'm, + I'm ] Kyle Hunt,", "(( )) Oh. /", "too, if you ever come [ to, + to ] Dallas area. /", "Okay. /", "We live right by the airport. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / yeah, / so do we. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "Yeah, / right next to Dulles. /", "Yeah. /", "{D All right, } I'll talk to you later <baby_crying>. /", "Okay. /", "Bye-bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "ELECTIONS AND VOTING", "prompt": "WHY DO YOU THINK THAT ONLY ABOUT HALF OF ELIGIBLE VOTERS IN AMERICA TAKE PART IN NATIONAL ELECTIONS", "talk_day": "03/08/1991", "from_caller": 1047, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1963, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1174, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1962, "to_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED"}}
{"turn_id": ["2120_0", "2120_1", "2120_2", "2120_3", "2120_4", "2120_5", "2120_6", "2120_7", "2120_8", "2120_9", "2120_10", "2120_11", "2120_12", "2120_13", "2120_14", "2120_15", "2120_16", "2120_17", "2120_18", "2120_19", "2120_20"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Back by that. -/", "The, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / {D you know } there are so many ramifications to this entire thing of [ woman, +", "Uh-huh. /", "how women ] have changed, / {F uh, } look at them, / in England,", "Uh-huh. /", "Margaret Thatcher was prime minister, {F uh, } (( Indira Ghandi )) , {F uh, } in India, / so many, {F uh, } women are heads of state / {C and } [ [ I, + {D you know, } we, ] + we ] keep saying {F oh } yes, we feel some day a woman will be president. / {C But, } {F uh, } I have some question, whether or not they will ever really get around to that. / I think we'll have a black president [ b-, + before ] we have a women president. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I don't know whether that's bad or good, / it's just a point that I have observed that we, -/", "Yeah, / [ I, + I, ] - / yeah, / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] truly believe [ that, + that ] before [ that, + that ] we have to address the [ racial, + racial ] issues in the United States,", "Yes. /", "before we can go anywhere. /", "Right. /", "{F Um, } {C because } [ it is so, + {D you know, } it's, ] - /", "{F Uh, } oh. /", "Hello. /", "{F Uh, } {F oh, } I think, [ we're, + we're ] supposed to hang up. /", "Yeah, / {D well } it wasn't the matter of wealth, / it was the matter that they were not wealthy,", "Yes. /", "that made them equal. / {D Well, } I'll talk to you later, /", "All right. / Thank you. / # Bye, bye. # /", "# Okay. / Bye-bye. # /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "WOMEN'S ROLES", "prompt": "DISCUSS THE CHANGES IN THE ROLES OF WOMEN IN AMERICAN SOCIETY OVER THE PAST GENERATION OR TWO. WHICH CHANGES HAVE BEEN THE MOST SIGNIFICANT? DO YOU HAVE AN OPINION ON WHAT FURTHER CHANGES WILL TAKE PLACE OVER THE NEXT GENERATION?", "talk_day": "03/12/1991", "from_caller": 1123, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1956, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1169, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1961, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2598_0", "2598_1", "2598_2", "2598_3", "2598_4", "2598_5", "2598_6", "2598_7", "2598_8", "2598_9", "2598_10", "2598_11", "2598_12", "2598_13", "2598_14", "2598_15", "2598_16", "2598_17", "2598_18", "2598_19", "2598_20", "2598_21", "2598_22", "2598_23", "2598_24", "2598_25", "2598_26", "2598_27", "2598_28", "2598_29", "2598_30", "2598_31", "2598_32", "2598_33", "2598_34", "2598_35", "2598_36", "2598_37", "2598_38", "2598_39", "2598_40", "2598_41", "2598_42", "2598_43", "2598_44", "2598_45", "2598_46", "2598_47", "2598_48", "2598_49", "2598_50", "2598_51", "2598_52", "2598_53", "2598_54", "2598_55", "2598_56", "2598_57", "2598_58", "2598_59", "2598_60", "2598_61", "2598_62", "2598_63", "2598_64", "2598_65", "2598_66", "2598_67", "2598_68", "2598_69", "2598_70", "2598_71", "2598_72", "2598_73", "2598_74", "2598_75", "2598_76", "2598_77", "2598_78", "2598_79", "2598_80", "2598_81", "2598_82", "2598_83", "2598_84", "2598_85", "2598_86", "2598_87", "2598_88", "2598_89", "2598_90", "2598_91", "2598_92", "2598_93", "2598_94", "2598_95", "2598_96", "2598_97", "2598_98", "2598_99", "2598_100", "2598_101", "2598_102", "2598_103", "2598_104", "2598_105", "2598_106", "2598_107", "2598_108", "2598_109", "2598_110", "2598_111", "2598_112", "2598_113", "2598_114", "2598_115", "2598_116", "2598_117", "2598_118", "2598_119", "2598_120", "2598_121", "2598_122", "2598_123", "2598_124", "2598_125", "2598_126", "2598_127", "2598_128", "2598_129", "2598_130", "2598_131", "2598_132", "2598_133", "2598_134", "2598_135", "2598_136", "2598_137", "2598_138", "2598_139", "2598_140", "2598_141", "2598_142", "2598_143", "2598_144", "2598_145", "2598_146", "2598_147", "2598_148", "2598_149", "2598_150", "2598_151", "2598_152", "2598_153", "2598_154", "2598_155", "2598_156", "2598_157", "2598_158", "2598_159", "2598_160", "2598_161", "2598_162", "2598_163", "2598_164", "2598_165", "2598_166", "2598_167", "2598_168", "2598_169", "2598_170", "2598_171", "2598_172", "2598_173", "2598_174", "2598_175", "2598_176", "2598_177", "2598_178"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Do you want to start? / G-, -/", "Yeah, / I'm trying to think what I've seen lately. / {E I me-, } we-, - / {D well } we just finished watching, {F uh, } TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES on tape, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "Did you watch DANCES WITH WOLVES, / did you <static> see the movie? /", "Yeah, / [ we, + we've ] seen that, / yeah. /", "Did you like it? /", "Yeah, / it was great, / have you seen it? /", "I thought it was very well done. /", "Yeah, / I, {F um, } -/", "How about GHOST? /", "[ We, + we ] saw, an, we liked it / {C but, } {D you know, } I didn't think it was as good as all the, {F uh, } hype was about it. /", "Right, / I feel the same way about that too. / It was okay. /", "Yeah, / I don-, - / [ I, + I ] couldn't see it worth getting a nomination for, {F uh, } best picture. /", "No, / no. / {C And, } {F uh, } wh-, - / let's see, {F uh, } / the most recent ones that I've seen are those two, GHOST and, {F uh, } DANCES WITH WOLVES, / {C but } I rent, {F uh, } {F uh, } videos, / do you? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C and so } we just, -/", "[ You, + you ] watch many? /", "{F Uh, } [ it depends, + {F um, } {D you know, } it depends ] on wh-, -/", "Do you like the classics like, {F uh, } GONE WITH THE WIND and, {F uh, } {D you know } the older movies. /", "I'd like to see those, / [ I keep, + {D you know, } {F um, } {D you know, } there's like three movies that [ I, + I ] keep ] telling myself that I should see [ one of these, + ] {D you know, } some day that I haven't seen, {D you know, } [ that, + that ] are classics, {D you know. } / {C Because } I've never seen CITIZEN KANE, /", "# Yeah, / that was good. # /", "# {C and } [ never seen, + I've # never seen ] CASABLANCA and never seen GONE WITH THE WIND. /", "I think I've seen most of Humphrey Bogart's movies, but, [ in, + in, ] {D you know } a long time ago, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and, } # {F uh, } {D like } the MALTESE FALCON and all those, {F uh, } {F uh, } /", "{F Oh, } [ I, + I ] def-, - / we saw part of THE AFRICAN QUEEN [ on, + on ] T V a couple of years ago, /", "# Yeah, / that was good, / yeah. # /", "# {C and } [ [ I've, + I've alwa-, ] + I've ] # been wanting to see all of it / {C but } [ we just, + {D you know, } we ] walk into the video store / {C and } we're like {D well } why don't we go see this now <laughter>, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / yeah, / it's true. /", "{C But, } {F um, } I think-, - / one of the movies we saw recently, we saw, {F uh, } MISERY. /", "{F Oh, } I didn't see that one. /", "That was good, {F um, } /", "# Really. # /", "# {F oh, } # it was great. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C And } it, - / you think, {D you know, } [ for a Stephen, + ] {D you know, } [ it + ] because it was by Stephen King it would be really gory / {C but } there's only one, - / {D well } there's a couple scenes, [ at, + at ] the end [ there's, + there is, ] {D you know } some blood and everything / {C and } there's one really bad scene where [ it's, + ] {E I mean, } there's not blood but it's pretty graphic <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } [ it's, + {F um, } it's ] a really good movie, {F um. } /", "Really, / is that the one where, {F uh, } the guy gets captured by that women? /", "# Yeah, / yeah, # /", "# Okay, / yeah. # /", "he's a writer / {C and, } {F um, } she's his biggest fan / {C and } she's also <laughter>,", "# Yeah, / right. # /", "# [ a little, + # a little ] on the nutso side. /", "Uh-huh. / Did you see PACIFIC HEIGHTS? /", "No, / we haven't, {F um, } /", "I saw that one, / that one wasn't that great either. /", "{F Oh, } it wasn't? /", "{D Well } I didn't think so, / no. /", "Oka-, / [ I, + I ] got, - / I heard {D like } mixed reviews, {F um, } of that, / we s-, -/", "How about SILENCE OF THE LAMBS? /", "[ That's, + that's ] on our list of things to see <laughter>. /", "I know, / [ I, + I ] wanted to see, - / [ I, + I ] was curious if you had seen it / {C and } that, {F uh, } -/", "N-, - / our big thing is, {F um, } - / {D you know, } [ mo-, + movie ] prices up here / I think it's like six bucks now in the theaters, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# (( )) # {D you know. } {C So } it's like, - / {D you know, } a lot of things we try to catch {D like } at the dollar theater or matinees / {C and then } a lot of other stuff we just wait until it comes out on tape. /", "That's us too, / yeah, / yeah / true. / I know, it's too bad that they've gotten so expensive. /", "Ye-, - / {D well } one movie we saw in the last couple of months that we really enjoyed was, {F uh, } EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / have you seen that? /", "No. /", "{F Oh, } it was great <laughter>. /", "Really. /", "Yeah / it was, -/", "I thought it was kind of maybe for kids more, than ad-, -/", "No, / no, / [ it's, + {F um, } it's ] an odd film / {C and } it's really interesting that, - / I like the director a lot, {F um, } a guy named Tim Burton. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Did you ever see the movie BEETLEJUICE? /", "{F Uh, } part of it, / [ I, +", "# {F Oh, } ok-, # /", "# I ] never # really watched the whole thing. /", "{F Oh, } se-, - / yeah, / {D well } [ if you, + if you ] liked BEETLEJUICE you'll probably like EDWARD SCISSORHANDS, / if you didn't like BEETLEJUICE you'll probably won't like EDWARD SCISSORHANDS. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah, / it's, {F um, } - / Burton's kind of, {F uh, } e-, - / he's, a very [ odd, + odd ] man / {C but } he's, - / I think he's very interesting / {C and, } {F uh, } I liked those two movies of his a lot. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# He # did BATMAN also, which, {D you know } <breathing> <laughter>. -/", "Yeah, / that was pretty good, though, {D really. } /", "It was good, / {C but } {E I mean, } he was, {F um, } -/", "When you think of what it takes to make some of those kind of movies, {D you know. } -/", "Yeah. /", "You see it for, {F uh, } {D you know } a couple of hours or an hour / {C and } it really, - / there's a lot in it when you look at the scenery and the cars,", "# {F Oh, } yeah, {F oh. } # /", "# and all the # different stuff like that, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "Whose your favorite actress or actor? /", "{F Um, } don't really know, / I like Costner a lot / {C but, } {F uh, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ I'm # a big, + I'm a big ] baseball fan / {C so, } {D you know, } after BULL DURHAM and FIELD OF DREAMS, {D you know, } -/", "Yeah. /", "# {F Um, } although, {D you know, } # -/", "# That was good, / # I saw that movie too. / That was very good. /", "Which one? /", "FIELD OF DREAMS. /", "Yeah, / FIELD OF DREAMS was good, / {F um, } {C and, } [ I, + I ] think, I liked the other movies he's done. / NO WAY OUT was really good / {C and, } -/", "# {F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. # /", "# did you ever # see SILVERADO? /", "SILVERADO, / {F uh, } [ who, + who ] was that with? /", "{F Um, } let's see. / Danny Glover, Scott Glen, Kevin Kline, {F um, } Brian (( Dennehy )) , Jeff Goldblum's in. / {F Uh, } John (( Kreas )) is in it if you don't blink. /", "That, - / the nam-, - / [ the, + the ] title sounds familiar, / I'm trying to thi-, -/", "[ It was, + it was ] a big western, / {E I mean, } I think Roseanne (( Arquett )) was in it too, another one that if you blink you'd miss her. / {F Uh, } it was, - / {C and } I think it was {D like } a three hour movie or two and a half hours, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] it was one of those ones that could have been four hours if they hadn't cut a lot out. /", "# {F Oh, } really. # /", "# {F Um, } {C but } # [ it was, + it was ] really good <laughter>. {F Um, } /", "[ I, + I ] might have seen part of that because the name sounds familiar although [ I wo-, + I would ] remember, I think in, with him in it. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# How # about REVENGE, / did you see that with him? /", "No, / I didn't, / is that any good? /", "With, {F uh, } Anthony Quinn. / I thought it was, / I like everything he's done so far. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{D You know, } it's, {F uh, } one of those movies that it's not a great movie / {C but } it was okay. /", "Yeah, / we were in the video store today / {C and } somebody was recommending it to somebody. / {D You know } [ the, + the ] people who run the video store was recommending it to somebody else. /", "Yeah / [ it was, + it was ] not a bad movie. /", "{F Huh, } {D well, } I'll have to catch it one of these days. / You sa-, - / [ you, + you ] said you seen NO WAY OUT? /", "Yeah, / that was excellent. /", "Yeah, / that was very good. / {F Um, } he was in THE UNTOUCHABLES, too. /", "{D Now } that's another one I wanted to see. / Tha-, - / in fact, that was advertised not too long ago. /", "Yeah, / it was on, {F um, } -/", "# Cable? # /", "# no, / # it was on one of the networks, I think last weekend.", "Okay, / I know I saw, # {D yeah, } something about it. # /", "# {F Uh, } or two weeks # ago. / Yeah, / [ I, + {F um, } I ] wish, {E [ I, + I ] mean } I'd seen it [ when, + when, ] {D you know, } it was originally in the theaters / {C and, } {F um, } [ I saw it, + {D you know, } I saw ] part of it again. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {E I # mean } [ I like, + {D you know, } I like ] Costner, / I like Sean Connery, / {C and, } {F uh, } [ there's this one, + there's this one ] actor, / it's really silly that I enjoy him a lot / {C but } [ I, + I've ] really enjoyed him in everything I've seen him in, a guy named Charles Martin Smith. /", "I don't know him. /", "{F Um, } you've probably seen him / {C and } just, an, - / {D you know, } {F oh, } that's who the guy is. /", "<Laughter>.", "Do you remember, - / did you ever see AMERICAN GRAFFITI? /", "No, / [ I, + I ] don't think so. /", "Oh. / Did you ever see the movie STAR MAN. /", "Yes. /", "Okay, / in STAR MAN, he was the guy chasing after, {F um, } Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen, or Nancy Allen. /", "Okay, / okay. /", "{D You know, } w-, - / short nerdy guy with glasses. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "[ He's, + he's ] just, - / [ I, + I ] don't know why but he's always a lot of fun in every movie he's in. / He was in the UNTOUCHABLES. / He was the accountant <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {F oh } I know who you mean. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# He # was in, {F uh, } {F uh, } HONEY DON'T SHRINK THE KIDS, wasn't he? /", "No, / no, / you're thinking of Rick Moranis. / He looks like Rick Moranis / {C but } he's not <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / <laughter> se-, - / all right, / yeah, / that's the one I was thinking of. / {C But } [ I have, + I've ] seen quite a few movies, / [ I, + I ] enjoy them. / I think that, {F uh, } [ it's, + it's ] kind of {D like, } {F uh, } good entertainment.", "Yeah. /", "[ An, + {F uh, } an ] escape type of thing. /", "Yeah. /", "How about some of the ads, / do you go by the ads when you look at them, or the reviews? / Do they influence you a lot. /", "{F Uh, } a little of, - / e-, - / e-, - / a review usually won't make me go see a movie I hadn't already wanted to see. /", "Yeah. / Did you see GOODFELLAS? /", "No, / it's o-, {F uh, } - / I want to see it. /", "[ That wa-, + that was ] pretty good. / {F Um, } {C and, } -/", "{F Um, } we want to see GODFATHER PART THREE also / {C but } [ my, + my ] girlfriend's seen part one and part two although she saw them years ago, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C but } # I've never seen either [ [ of the first, + {D you know, } of the, ] + of the ] GODFATHER movies / {C so, } we're probably going to {D like } rent those some time and then try to see GODFATHER PART THREE somewhere. /", "I was just going to say, [ th-, + ] you should see those, [ fi-, + {F uh, } first ] if you can. /", "Yeah. /", "[ If y-, + if you ] read the book it's, {F uh, } even better. / The book was excellent. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / I haven't,", "# Yeah. # /", "# never # read it. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } I was a little disappointed in the third on-, - / it's GODFATHER THREE. / It was not bad / {C but, } I expected more, I think. /", "Uh-huh. / We just rented, {F um, } a couple weeks ago, a movie called THE FRESHMAN, / with, {F um, } - / it's got Matthew Broderick in it and, {F um, } {F uh, } Marlon Brando. / {C And } Brando {D like } does a parody of the character he played in THE GODFATHER. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "{F Um, } yeah, / [ it's, + it's ] one of the reasons why, {D you know } THE GODFATHER's been on our minds lately. / {F Um, } {C but, } {F uh, }", "# <Throat_clearing>. #", "# there's # a bunch of scenes [ from, + {F uh, } {F uh, } from ] THE GODFATHER that's used because Matthew Broderick's going to film school. / {C And, } {F uh, } in his classes [ they're using, + [ there's a bun-, + ] they're running ] a bunch of scenes from THE GODFATHER / {C and then } he's running into Marlon Brando who is playing, {D you know, } [ this Maf-, + {D you know } this, {F uh, } organized crime ] head. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } [ [ it's + {F um, } it was, ] + it was ] a fun movie. / {F Uh. } /", "{C or, } {F uh, } -/", "I liked RAINMAN, / [ I thought, + I thought ] it was interesting that he was doing som-, -/", "{F Oh, } yeah, / that was good, / I liked RAINMAN, too. /", "Yeah, / {D well } I'm, - / being from Baltimore, of course, I'm a big Barry Levinson fan since, {F uh, } [ [ he, + he's, ] + {D you know, } he's ] done a bunch of Baltimore movies. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } n-, - / Barry Levinson did, {F um, } DINER and TINMAN, and AVALON which are all set in Baltimore. /", "Yeah, / they sound familiar. / I probably saw parts of those. / {D You know, } a lot of times [ I'll wa-, + I'll start watching ] a movie / {C and } I'm tired / {C and } it, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# next # thing you know, [ it's, + it's ] - / especially if there's commercial in it <laughter>. -/", "# Ye-, - / we-, # -/", "# {C and then } # the titles might sound familiar / {C but } I really don't know what they're all about. /", "Ye-, - / of the three of those, DINER's probably the best. / {E I mean, } [ they're, + they're ] all pretty good, / {C but } DINER is really worth seeing. /", "Is that the one set in the fifties, or sixties. /", "{F Uh, } late fifties, / yeah. /", "Late fifties, / yeah, / I think I saw that one. /", "Okay / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "How about Meryl Streep, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "04/13/1991", "from_caller": 1211, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1042, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1938, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2599_0", "2599_1", "2599_2", "2599_3", "2599_4", "2599_5", "2599_6", "2599_7", "2599_8", "2599_9", "2599_10", "2599_11", "2599_12", "2599_13", "2599_14", "2599_15", "2599_16", "2599_17", "2599_18", "2599_19", "2599_20", "2599_21", "2599_22", "2599_23", "2599_24", "2599_25", "2599_26", "2599_27", "2599_28", "2599_29", "2599_30", "2599_31", "2599_32", "2599_33", "2599_34", "2599_35", "2599_36", "2599_37", "2599_38", "2599_39", "2599_40", "2599_41", "2599_42", "2599_43", "2599_44", "2599_45", "2599_46", "2599_47", "2599_48", "2599_49", "2599_50", "2599_51", "2599_52", "2599_53", "2599_54", "2599_55", "2599_56", "2599_57", "2599_58", "2599_59", "2599_60", "2599_61", "2599_62", "2599_63", "2599_64", "2599_65", "2599_66", "2599_67", "2599_68", "2599_69", "2599_70", "2599_71", "2599_72", "2599_73", "2599_74", "2599_75"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } I don't know, / I'm not a real, {F uh, } great football follower, / I guess, there are two basic teams that I seem to follow every year. / One is the Dallas Cowboys / {C and } the other is the Oklahoma Sooners. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "{F Uh, } being a native Okie, [ I + {F uh, } I ] like to keep up with what the homeboys are doing. {F Uh. } /", "I see, / {C so } you make it, {F uh, } to that Longhorns Sooners game? /", "No. /", "Every year. /", "No, / it's funny. / {F Uh, } I got out and got my bachelor's degree in {F uh, } seventy-three and, {F uh, } never went to a game there and have never gone to a game since. /", "How about that. /", "{C But } I always enjoyed watching them, / I just - / growing up in Oklahoma, there it was always the home team, kind of like Dallas is around here. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And } there's always been an interest there. /", "{D Well, } it's kind of same for me, / I grew up in southern New Jersey / {C and } the local team was Philadelphia. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } they were {D like } thirty miles right up the river / {C and } I'm still pretty much an Eagle fan, I guess. /", "I guess you keep those things you grew up with. / I worked in, {F uh, } Missouri for a while / {C and, } {F uh, } I was probably the only one in the room several times when we were watching football on T V when the Cowboys were playing the Saint Louis Cardinals / {C and } I was rooting for the Cowboys. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } they were kind of closer to home [ when, + when ] I struck up with them. / I really don't know what's going to take place with the Cowboys this year. / Everybody keeps talking about the reconstruction they're going through and new players and how next year is going to be even bigger and better than the previous year. / In a way that happened this past season, / {C and } I think that's quite a bit of optimism around here that still there's a chance that maybe, {F uh, } these guys are right, maybe they will come through [ and, + and ] do something this year. / I look for it to be a pretty good year. /", "Boy [ they, + {F uh, } they ] sure did have a big turn around from a couple of years ago. /", "They did, / {F uh, } they got rid of a lot of familiar names and got a lot of names in that we [ weren't, + weren't ] familiar with. / Some of them turned out to be pretty good players, / {F uh, } some of them didn't / {C and } {D you know } maybe the stuff that, {F uh, } Jerry Jones is talking about the construction and redefining the team and maybe the effort might be starting to pay off. / At least we hope it will. /", "Yeah, / [ I'm, + I ] keep waiting for the Eagles to get over the hump. / They make it to the playoffs it seems for the last few years / {C but } they just have done absolutely nothing when they got there <laughter>. / {C And } {D you know, } they've got a lot of the tools to do it, / {C but } {D doggone } if they can't just put it together, {F uh, } {D you know, } - / they have got the quarterback there in Randal Cunningham, who's just, {D you know, } phenomenal, / {C but, } [ he, + he's ] too streaky it seems. /", "Yeah, / {C but } they have always been a really strong team. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C and } without a whole lot of big name players. / They have got a few anchors on offense and defense / {C and } {D you know } [ they, + they've ] managed with those guys / {C and } I don't know. /", "Once the pressure gets turned on [ they, + they ] seem to loose it. /", "I guess, yeah. /", "{D See } that's the typical trait of the Dallas Cowboys.", "Yeah. /", "And the Oklahoma Sooners. / It's funny, over the years. /", "I guess since Staubach left, they haven't been able to,", "# [ It's. # +", "# keep # it going. /", "It's ] been [ a rough tow, + a rough road to hoe ] ever since he left. / I don't know why it's so hard to find, {F uh, } a good quarterback these days. /", "{D Well, } [ that, + that ] says a lot [ for the, + for his ] ability, though I think.", "{D Well, } yeah. /", "For Staubach's, {E I mean. } /", "{D You know, } he was one of the few who come through in history that can really perform, / {F uh, } we hope, - / every team hopes their current quarterback is going to pull them through. / In a way Aikman has done some of that. / {C But, } {F uh, } the guy winds up getting hurt every other game. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] tell you, it's difficult in that guy's position coming into that because there, he was just so highly touted by the press and everybody expected so many big things, {D you know. } /", "Yeah, / they did. / They put a lot of pressure on him from the outside and from the inside. / {F Uh, } it's funny watching [ them, + them ] play, / he's probably like a lot of quarterbacks, {F uh, } / when the pressure is really on when it's down to the last few minutes of the game for the season is when the guys seem to really do their best. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I haven't quite figured that out, / if they figure they have got it won or if there's no real hurry because the first three quarters or, {F uh, } [ if, + {F uh, } if ] something happens that that adrenalin starts flowing. They say, hey, we got to do something now. And then start playing the game the way the game should be played toward the last few minutes. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } I don't know / I'm looking for a good year. / I guess we're always looking for a good year. /", "{D So, } obviously though, do you think they're going to do anything in the playoffs to make it to the Super Bowl this year / {C or } [ who do you, + who do you ] like to do that this year? /", "{F Uh, } no / I don't think the Cowboys have got a chance. / I think they will probably win one or two more games than they did this year, / {C and } they'll get close to it. / They'll probably get everybody's hopes up and blow it toward the end. /", "<Laughter> {C So } who's going to beat them? / Who are they going to blow it to? /", "{F Uh, } that's a good question. / {F Uh, } I'm figuring [ either one + either ] the Eagles or possibly San Francisco / I'm not real sure. /", "Boy, they'd some big changes, speaking of them. /", "They did. / {C So, } I don't know how these changes are going to help or hinder the team, sometimes it brings in new motivation / {C and } all you can do is get out of the way because here they come. /", "Yeah. / I'm sure, {D you know, } my sentimental favorite would have to be Philadelphia, / {C but } [ I, + I ] sure am scared of them Giants <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } that's true. /", "Those guys are tough. /", "They are tough / {C and } they're big, / they're mean / {C and } they are going to come right through you if you don't do something. /", "Yeah. / [ That, + that ] sure was a fun Super Bowl to watch this year. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "{E I mean, } I wasn't pulling for either team. /", "No, / no. /", "{C But } that was just a good football game. /", "{C And } it's funny, / {D you know. } You like to pull for the underdog / {C and } for a long time I was pulling for Denver. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } Marino makes me just crazy mad sometimes, because of some of the stupid stuff he does, / {C but } he's a good quarterback. / He's got a good arm, / sometimes it's too good because he throws too hard. /", "L A you mean? /", "{E I mean } L A, / sorry. /", "<Laughter> Boy, speaking of Denver, on another subject, I've been up there {D like } five times in the last three, four weeks. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "Yeah / we've been trying get this new D N B two thousand printer up and running. /", "Has it been, {F uh, } snowing up there? /", "{F Oh, } {D boy } I was just up there, / I just got back last night around eleven thirty or so, / {C and } it was about seven inches of snow on the ground. /", "Wow. /", "{C And } it snowed all day. /", "{D Well, } that will make the skiers happy. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. / [ If, + if ] - / it snowed that much in Denver {D you know } / they got that much up in the mountains, {D you know, } just west of there. /", "{F Oh, } you bet. / {F Oh, } yeah, / up around the Keystone and Copper Mountain, those guys will love that. / {D Well, } good to talk to you. /", "Yeah, / enjoyed it Bob. /", "You guys have a good time, keep those printers coming. /", "Hey, / we'll do it. /", "All right, / bye. /", "Bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FOOTBALL", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS PROFESSIONAL FOOTBALL. FIND OUT THE OTHER CALLER'S FAVORITE PRO FOOTBALL TEAM AND WHERE IT'S HEADED THIS YEAR. DO YOU AGREE WITH THE CALLER'S PREDICTION?", "talk_day": "04/13/1991", "from_caller": 1069, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1950, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1090, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2602_0", "2602_1", "2602_2", "2602_3", "2602_4", "2602_5", "2602_6", "2602_7", "2602_8", "2602_9", "2602_10", "2602_11", "2602_12", "2602_13", "2602_14", "2602_15", "2602_16", "2602_17", "2602_18", "2602_19", "2602_20", "2602_21", "2602_22", "2602_23", "2602_24", "2602_25", "2602_26", "2602_27", "2602_28", "2602_29", "2602_30", "2602_31", "2602_32", "2602_33", "2602_34", "2602_35", "2602_36", "2602_37", "2602_38", "2602_39", "2602_40", "2602_41", "2602_42", "2602_43", "2602_44", "2602_45", "2602_46", "2602_47", "2602_48", "2602_49", "2602_50", "2602_51", "2602_52", "2602_53", "2602_54", "2602_55", "2602_56", "2602_57", "2602_58", "2602_59", "2602_60"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Go ahead. /", "Okay, / do I [ still can-, + still [ can + ] ] feel that the Soviet Union, as such, is still a threat to the civilized western world? / Absolutely. / {C And } my reasons are based upon not only [ from + ] [ what I read in the newspapers, + what I see on the newspapers, ] but up against some of the, fun and exciting things I ran into during my six years as a soldier in the Fifth Special Forces Group. /", "{F Um. } Okay. / I guess I don't see them as much of a threat as they used to be, / {C but } I think just the instability of the country right now is, # sort of scary. # /", "# {D Well, } that's what # makes it a powder keg. / The, {F um, } - / I'll go back in time a little bit, to about eighty-one,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# when # my first real involvement with the military started. / {F Um, } naturally we were at the time, - / the Soviet Union was considered to be the big military power and the big threat. / {C So } we got [ lots, + quite a bit ] of information as well as indoctrination on Soviet tactics and weapons. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I went to Lebanon in eighty-three, before the marines ever got there, with the U N Peace Keeping Force. [ And + ] with the training I received prior to going there, with captured weapons we kept running up against. / [ These weren't, + these weren't ] Chinese made copies. / These were Soviet made, top of the line, fresh out of the box, A K forty-sevens.", "{F Um, } uh-huh. /", "As well as a lot of the explosives we were running into. / In Granada, in October, twenty-fifth, eighty-three, we invaded the place. / Sure there were Cuban soldiers there, / {C but } there was also a bunch of Russian advisors that were damn good shots. / The team I was with, we jumped in on the western tip [ of, + of ] the island down on Point Salinas. / {C And } for every Cuban there was at least five Russian advisors. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } they were all shooting state of the art Soviet weapons. / In eighty-four, I was down in Central America, as an advisor to the Honduran Army. / Again we were running up against Cubans quite a bit, plus Soviet advisors. / {C And } the equipment we were capturing and taking from the Nicaraguans, was brand new, out of the crate, Soviet made material. / Do I consider them a threat? / Absolutely. / They have a university in Moscow called the Patrice de Lamumba University. / About like A and M or U T, where they're teachings subjects like that, they're teaching terrorism. / Some of the people we went up against in Lebanon were graduates from that place. / {C And } let me tell you, they are nothing nice to go up against. /", "{F Huh. } /", "I'm surprised during this Iraqi crisis we didn't have more incidents than they did. / These guys are top of the line. / [ When they, + when they ] graduate from there, they can pull terrorist actions anywhere in the free world. / {C And } they are very, very good at what they do. / {C So } until I see the entire, quote, old guard [ of the Soviet military, + of the Soviet government ] completely roll over and disappear, preferably buried, I still consider them a threat. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Their military is different from ours, to where there are extremist [ gen-, + generals ] that actually control tens and thousands of troops. / That - / irregardless of what Soviet policy is, they're going to do what the general tells them. /", "Yeah. / I guess that's what concerns me the most. Is [ they're, + they're ] so unstable that somebody like that could make, {F uh, } decisions that would jeopardize a lot of people. /", "{D Well, } it's [ in-, + interesting ] watching the different Soviet states, Albania, Lithuania, doing their little revolts down there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Each one of those sectors has got a Soviet general over the troops that are there. / So far they haven't run into the real psychos yet. / There's probably five or six, which would be an equivalent of our joint chiefs of staffs, that are in positions over some of these Soviet states. / If uprisings [ hap-, + happen ] in their sectors, [ it is, + it's ] going to be a total blood bath. /", "Yeah, / it looks like it's come close to that as it is. /", "{D Actually, } they're showing remarkable restraint. / They get real nasty, the (( hyundee )) helicopters come out / {C and } they, would level entire areas. / Okay, / you're from the Dallas area, right? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Okay, / {D you know, } basically the size of, {F uh, } the area around Richardson? /", "Yeah. /", "You put five Soviet (( hyundee )) helicopters in the air, they can level the entire area / {C and } there won't be anything left alive. / {C And } they can do that in about four minutes. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } they've got entire squadrons of those just standing by. / They used them in Afghanistan, did [ re-, + remarkably ] well considering the terrain they were flying in. / {C But } on a highly populated area, like some of the Soviet cities would be, with the weaponry that's attached on those things, there is no place to hide. / If the bombs don't get you, if the bullets don't get you, [ then, + then ] the nerve gas definitely will get you. / The only drawback on that little piece of machinery is they only got five minutes of air time. / They drink that much fuel. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Were you, - / have you, - / I take it you haven't spent any time in the military? /", "No, / I haven't. /", "As a civilian that's never been attached to any form of the military, / I know a lot of this stuff that I was involved in, never did make the newspapers. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C But, } # during that same time frame, didn't you get some feeling, that, {E I mean, } they're getting all these weapons and stuff? / Didn't it bug you a little bit why they kept coming up with all this stuff? /", "You mean [ in the, + in the ] most recent conflict? /", "In any of them since eighty-one. /", "{F Oh. } Yeah, / definitely. / [ [ I, + I'm, ] + I'm ] a little bit shocked to what the U S has done in terms of selling to Iraq <laughter> in the past ten to fifteen years. / Yeah, / I think [ we, + we ] kind of shoot ourselves in the foot that way too. / It's bad enough that the Soviets do it. /", "It all boils down to, whether it's our side, their side, / it's a matter of money,", "# {F Um. } # /", "# to # a certain extent. /", "Uh-huh. /", "The deal the Iraqis have with the Russians was for oil. /", "Yeah. / It's scary to know that they're supplying that many people with weapons. Especially when it's to the south of us. /", "{F Uh, } the ones to the south are more regional conflict. / They're not really that worried about invading north. / They're more interested in, - / they've got a screwed up situation, I'll give them that. From Mexico all the way down into [ Cen-, + Central ] and South America. / The situation down there is weird / {C and } it's very screwed up. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Inflation is out of this world / {C and } the governments, which our government has technically supported for years, are corrupt as all get out. / {C And } generally the people,", "# <Cough>. #", "# are # getting screwed, / {C and } they're tired of it, / {C and } they're willing to try anything to get out from under it, even if that means going to communism. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I think Russia is getting to the point where [ they're, + they're ] about to do something to get out of communism. / I guess I'd would like to see somebody like Yeltsin to get more power. / I think Gorbachev has about had his day. /", "Unfortunately, Yeltsin's got too many connections with the old guard. / That's the only drawback that I see with the entire thing. /", "Yeah. /", "Gorbachev has made his attempt / {C and } he's had his problems with some of the old guard himself. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeltsin's in tight with the old guard. / {C So } it may be trying to choose between the lesser of two evils,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# at # this point. /", "True <<long pause>>. / I don't know, / I sure wouldn't turn my back on them. /", "You mean, - / I understand when [ they pulled the troops out of, + {F uh, } {E or } they reduced the number of troops in ] Europe after the Berlin Wall went down, / I thought that was great. / {C But } by no means do I endorse or approve pulling everybody out. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It may be a much reduced force than what we used to have over there. / {C But } you still better have the key players in place, if something does go down. Even if it's a regional conflict. / If United States is going to flex its muscle and be the super power that it is, not only does [ it, + it ] [ can + ] talk the talk, but it's got to be able to walk the walk. / It's got to have the stuff to [ back it, + back up ] what it's saying. / If you've only got a token force there, you can't hold your ground. /", "At least they're learning a little bit from history. / {E I mean, } {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "SOVIET UNION", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHETHER OR NOT THE OTHER CALLER CONSIDERS THE SOVIET UNION A THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES. TAKE AN OPPOSING VIEW IN YOUR DISCUSSION WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "04/13/1991", "from_caller": 1232, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1958, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1122, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 9, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2648_0", "2648_1", "2648_2", "2648_3", "2648_4", "2648_5", "2648_6", "2648_7", "2648_8", "2648_9", "2648_10", "2648_11", "2648_12", "2648_13", "2648_14", "2648_15", "2648_16", "2648_17", "2648_18", "2648_19", "2648_20", "2648_21", "2648_22", "2648_23", "2648_24", "2648_25", "2648_26", "2648_27", "2648_28", "2648_29", "2648_30", "2648_31", "2648_32", "2648_33", "2648_34", "2648_35", "2648_36", "2648_37", "2648_38", "2648_39", "2648_40", "2648_41", "2648_42", "2648_43", "2648_44", "2648_45", "2648_46", "2648_47", "2648_48", "2648_49", "2648_50", "2648_51", "2648_52", "2648_53", "2648_54", "2648_55", "2648_56", "2648_57", "2648_58", "2648_59", "2648_60", "2648_61", "2648_62", "2648_63", "2648_64", "2648_65", "2648_66", "2648_67", "2648_68", "2648_69", "2648_70", "2648_71", "2648_72", "2648_73", "2648_74", "2648_75", "2648_76", "2648_77", "2648_78", "2648_79", "2648_80", "2648_81", "2648_82", "2648_83", "2648_84", "2648_85", "2648_86", "2648_87", "2648_88", "2648_89", "2648_90", "2648_91", "2648_92", "2648_93", "2648_94", "2648_95", "2648_96", "2648_97", "2648_98", "2648_99", "2648_100", "2648_101", "2648_102", "2648_103", "2648_104", "2648_105", "2648_106", "2648_107", "2648_108", "2648_109", "2648_110", "2648_111", "2648_112", "2648_113", "2648_114", "2648_115", "2648_116", "2648_117", "2648_118", "2648_119", "2648_120", "2648_121", "2648_122", "2648_123", "2648_124", "2648_125", "2648_126", "2648_127", "2648_128", "2648_129", "2648_130", "2648_131", "2648_132", "2648_133", "2648_134", "2648_135", "2648_136", "2648_137", "2648_138"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{C So, } {D well, } this is an appropriate topic the day after Earth Day, / {C so. } -/", "Right. /", "{F Um, } {D well, } what do you think is, {F uh, } [ the pollutants, + the main pollutants ] in the air? /", "I have trouble with the chemical plants and things like that [ I just, + {F uh, } I ] think they put off so much / {C and } they're not regulated enough. /", "Yeah, / (( {D well } )) , that's me too. / After, {F um, } - / on channel thirteen, {F uh, } they had [ some, + some ] programs the day before, / {C and } I'm not sure that about yesterday, we didn't really watch it too much yesterday, / {C but } the day before they had a lot of programs about the environment and, {D you know, } how we're affecting the Earth and things by what we do,", "Uh-huh. /", "as the people / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they mentioned sulfur and carbon dioxide a lot, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } that actually, {F um, } as our population increases and, {D you know, } [ [ [ our, + of course, our, ] + our cars, ] + {D you know, } our number of cars ] increase per the population, that's the problem. But also like you said the industry pollution / {C and, } {D you know, } [ their reg-, + their regulation ] that's placed on them [ is, + {E I mean, } it's ] better than it used to be / {C but } it's incredible that [ [ they still don't have, + {D you know, } they don't, ] + they're not made ] to regulate the amount of pollutants that they put into the air. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } [ I, + I ] just, - / I can't (( stand that )) / {C and } I know for a fact that they get away with a lot that, - / {D you know, } they're supposed to be regulated because [ [ we have a, + we have a ] plant, + I don't know about T I but we have [ a plant, + {F uh, } a Pillsbury plant, ] ]", "Uh-huh. /", "[ in, + in ] a town adjacent to ours, / {C and } I know people that work there that, - / of course, you wouldn't think Pillsbury would put out certain chemicals, /", "No. /", "{C but } they put out toxic chemicals there just in some of [ the, + ] {F um, } what they do, {F uh, } to, {F uh, } make their dough and [ st-, + ] to,", "Really? /", "clean out the flour and stuff like that, / yeah, /", "{F Huh. } /", "{E I mean, } it's incredible. / {C And, } {F um, } they said that [ they're, + {D you know, } they have ] a little creek that runs by them / {C and } some of the people that work there have told me that when they have inspectors coming they, {D you know, } shut down everything / {C and } they clean up their act, but on a normal basis [ that they're, + that they're ] dumping things,", "Oh. /", "that they're not supposed to be dumping, / {C and } I'm like, if they're getting away with it,", "Right. /", "can you imagine, / [ that's a, + that's a ] Pillsbury plant / I can't imagine plants, -/", "I wouldn't have thought that Pillsbury [ [ could, + would, the, ] + {E I mean, } {E or } even had ] chem-, + {D you know, } {D well, } - / those chemicals (( would )) not, -/", "Yeah, / they have chemicals that they use to refine their flours with and stuff,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know } [ to, + to ] break the flours down / {C and then } [ they, + they ] also do testing there, / {C and } I don't, - / {D you know, } [ wh-, + when ] you consider, {D you know, } it's probably not radioactive / {C but } toxic [ can be, + can be ] anything that's [ cr-, + ] {F uh, } classified that can damage the Earth. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{C So, } there could be a lot of things that they could put, {D you know, } that chemical wise that they use to, {F uh, } that they are testing with,", "Right, / {D you know, } like [ in, +", "that they're dumping. / Yeah. /", "In ] packaging / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } just goodness. -/", "Yeah, / I don't think they do the packaging at this plant, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } [ they do, + they do ] a lot of research / {C and } [ they do, + {F um, } they [ do, + do ] ] a lot of the refining up there / {C or, } -/", "Yeah. /", "I'm not really, - / what's it called when you do flour, - / I'm not, -/", "{F Uh, } only thing I can think is bleaching / {C but, } {E I mean, } [ I, +", "Yeah. /", "I ] don't know [ what's, + ] how they do the flour. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F um, } [ we, + we're ] on the southwest side of Houston / we don't have that much as far as, {F uh, } (( aiming in )) the plants over on this, {F uh, } the [ we-, + ] east side does. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We've got Imperial sugar / [ {C but, } + {F uh, } {C and } ] [ they're, + {D you know, } they're ] right there on the creek also / {C and, } {F uh, } they've been there for years. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "{C But, } / {E I mean, } you think about [ it, + it, ] {D you know, } / it's probably a lot easier to detect things that go into the ground than it is maybe to just, - / I'm not really sure / {C but } I would think it would be easier to detect those things because you could detect them down [ strean-, + {E or } stream ] or such, /", "Yeah. /", "{C or } [ you can, + you can, ] {D you know, } do, {F uh, } testing on the ground itself at that point, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } when they pollute into the air [ and you've got, + {D you know, } and you've got ] movement through the air, it's going to move a lot of that off. / {C So, } I don't see, {D you know, } how they can do some of the te-, - / unless it just hangs there like in places where it's a lot of pollution, {D you know, } like in Los Angeles [ or, + or ] the bigger cities where [ it, + it ] tends to get stuck there, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "you know, that you have a lot more particles in the air,", "Right, / yeah. /", "{D you know, } [ [ [ per, + per, ] + {F uh, } per ] + particles ] in the surrounding community because it's not moved away, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but, } {F um, } -/", "I know that, / I worry every now and then, / we're still on a well water, / we're not on city water, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I think, {D well, } what if somebody's dumped something back there in the, and no one knows about it and, {D you know, } it sinked in through the ground and all that, /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I know out in some, - / I'm not sure, / I can't remember the name of the county / [ it's, + it's ] where Stillwater is or,", "Yeah. /", "sweet, - / no / I'm not sure, / I know it, / I think it's, {F uh, } - / I know we have a piece property there, / it's called Dublin, /", "Uh-huh. /", "it's in Dublin, Texas. / I'm not really sure what the county, - / it's Stephen, / no / Stephenville. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / okay. /", "Okay, / where Stephenville's at,", "Uh-huh. /", "they've had a lot of problems because they've, {F um, } introduced a lot of dairies there, /", "Yeah. /", "{C so, } they have a lot of cattle in the area, / {E I mean, } [ they've got {D like } [ [ per, + per, ] + [ ya-, + ] {F uh, } per ] lot, - / {D you know, } they've got {D like } a lot of head of cattle because dairies they don't [ th-, + th-, ] - / it's not like it was a big ranch where they let the cow roam around free, /", "Right, / uh-huh. /", "they've got to have them there to be able to milk them. / {C And } they, - / {C and } I read in this article, {A I couldn't believe it, } where, {D you know, } {D like, } one cow [ produces, + {D like, } a day, produces ] like a hundred or so pounds of manure. /", "Oh. /", "One cow, / I was like, my God, / {C and } they, - / {C and } this thing says [ that, + that, ] {D you know, } [ it-, + ] people think, {D well, } cow manure is good for fertilizer / {C but } when you get that much manure it says it becomes a real problem because [ it's not, + it's not ] - / when, {D you know, } you buy cow manure at the store they've added stuff to it / {C and } they've added humus and stuff that,", "Uh-huh. /", "breaks it down, / [ [ {C and, } + {C and } ] this, + {C and } this ] article said that they've got a real problem that, {F um, } you've got toxins [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } bacteria in the manure that is, - / what it's doing is it's going through, {F uh, } / they don't have a very deep, {F um, } o-, - / {D you know, } [ their water, +", "Uh-huh. -/", "their natural water, ] {F uh, } / I forget what that's called with, {D you know, } - / it's {D like } a [ spring, + spring ] water, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } it's below the surface / it's not very far down, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } all this stuff is seeping through to the water, /", "Oh. /", "{C and } [ they're + {D like, } they're ] afraid that, {D you know, } within a certain amount of years, [ that it's, + ] [ their wa-, + they're water ] in that town will be totally polluted, /", "It will. /", "{C and } they won't be able to have any drinking water because they will have, {F um, } [ polluted, + completely polluted, ] so that [ they're, + {D you know, } there's ] too many toxins and bacterial growth, /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / {C and } the gr-, -/", "{C and } I'm like my God, {D you know, }", "Right. /", "[ just from that one, + {D you know, } just from them ] introducing dairy farms,", "Right. /", "in that one county. /", "Yeah, / {C and } [ the, + the ] ground will filter some of it but not all of it. /", "No, / not when you figure, - / I didn't realize [ a cow, + one cow ] produces that much manure / {C and } [ they were talking {D like, }", "These are (( well fed )) . /", "thousands of cows, {D you know, } +", "These are, -/", "they were talking thousands cows ] in one little tiny area. / You, -/", "Good grief, these are well fed cows, {F uh, } <laughter>, /", "{D Well, } they are evidently. / {C But, } {F um, } {E I mean, } [ ev-, + evidently ] a normal cow produces that much too, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } they're just so spread out on ranches and stuff that it's not, {D you know, } a problem, /", "Right. /", "{C but } when they get them in these tiny little areas, {D you know, } [ and + ] they've got a real big problem, / {C and } [ they, + they ] said [ that, + that ] what they were doing was scraping it with bulldozers and stuff, and taking it to,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } these {D like } ponds that they had to filter it with, - / {C but } the ponds because they've had so much rain in the past few years, they just,", "Yeah. /", "overflow / {C and } they overflow into [ the, + the ] creeks and stuff in the area. / {C So, } that just creates, - / {D you know, } [ there, + there's, ] - / {C and, } {F oh, } it was just disgusting / it said the creeks will foam. /", "Oh. /", "[ People, + people ] stand outside their houses and [ their, + ] watch the creeks foam brown and all, /", "{F Oh, } {D now } that's bad. /", "{C and } I'm just like, {F oh, } my gosh, / {C and } the smell is really bad they sa-, -/", "{F Oh, } <laughter>, I was going to say, the air pollution alone there just from a hundred pounds of cow manure was going to be bad. /", "Yeah, / {C but } [ I, + I ] don't know / it really frightens me though as far as [ the, + ] [ when you think about the, + {D you know, } thinking of ] just air pollution itself / [ {C and then, } + {C and, } ] channel thirteen they're really, {F um, } emphasizing the problem with acid rain, {D you know, } /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ if we, + if we ] keep putting that stuff into the air [ and, + and, ] {D you know, } if we keep creating the problem and not doing anything about it [ that + ] it's really going to be a problem for, {F um, } [ just [ the, + the ] Earth, + {D you know, } what the Earth ] is receiving back, {D you know, }", "Yeah. /", "because how can you tell where it's going to come down at. /", "Right, / right. / {C And then } cutting the trees, {D you know, } that bothers me. /", "Yeah. /", "As far as, {D you know } the -/", "The rain forest and all. /", "yes, / {F uh, } we've been wanting to, / {D well, } not me - / {C but, } {F uh, } it's been [ recommend-, + {E or } suggested ] that we cut a few of the trees down here, / I'm like, no, / {D you know, } (( )) for what's cut down here, {D you know, } more will be cut down someplace else / {C and } it will just take that longer to grow back, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } trees help so that, {F uh, } - / <<very faint>>, I don't, -/", "{D Well, } they do because, what is it, carbon dioxide,", "Uh-huh. /", "they use that where we can't synthesize it / {C and } they're synthesizing it for us. /", "Right, / right, / (( believe me )) it's just so much better. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } yeah, / I knew, - / I think there's lots [ that be, + that could be ] done [ to, + to ] improve how things are done now. /", "Yeah, / I think we just have to, - / I don't know personally, {D you know, } / I suppose, {D you know, } if you just make sure your car [ is, +", "Uh-huh. /", "is ] working properly / {C and } yo-, - / {D you know, } they're suppos-, - / nowadays they have the emission controls on them / {C but, } {F uh, } I think [ the only, + the main ] thing is just keep on [ the, legis-, + your legislator's ] back, {D you know, } as far as, - / seems like they've only just really started as far as the environment saying,", "Uh-huh. /", "okay, we're really going to get involved / [ it, + it's ] really becoming a problem. / By the year two thousand there will, - / [ what, + what ] are we going to have, - / what kind of results are we going to have for the environment. /", "Right. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] what will we ... -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AIR POLLUTION", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS AIR POLLUTION. FIND OUT WHAT SUBSTANCES THE OTHER CALLER THINKS CONTRIBUTE THE MOST TO AIR POLLUTION TODAY. WHAT CAN INDIVIDUALS OR SOCIETY DO TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY?", "talk_day": "04/23/1991", "from_caller": 1179, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1135, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2657_0", "2657_1", "2657_2", "2657_3", "2657_4", "2657_5", "2657_6", "2657_7", "2657_8", "2657_9", "2657_10", "2657_11", "2657_12", "2657_13", "2657_14", "2657_15", "2657_16", "2657_17", "2657_18", "2657_19", "2657_20", "2657_21", "2657_22", "2657_23", "2657_24", "2657_25", "2657_26", "2657_27", "2657_28", "2657_29", "2657_30", "2657_31", "2657_32", "2657_33", "2657_34", "2657_35", "2657_36", "2657_37", "2657_38", "2657_39", "2657_40", "2657_41", "2657_42", "2657_43", "2657_44", "2657_45", "2657_46", "2657_47", "2657_48", "2657_49", "2657_50", "2657_51", "2657_52", "2657_53", "2657_54", "2657_55", "2657_56", "2657_57", "2657_58", "2657_59", "2657_60", "2657_61", "2657_62", "2657_63", "2657_64", "2657_65", "2657_66", "2657_67", "2657_68", "2657_69", "2657_70", "2657_71", "2657_72", "2657_73", "2657_74", "2657_75", "2657_76", "2657_77", "2657_78", "2657_79", "2657_80", "2657_81", "2657_82", "2657_83", "2657_84", "2657_85", "2657_86", "2657_87", "2657_88", "2657_89", "2657_90", "2657_91", "2657_92", "2657_93", "2657_94", "2657_95", "2657_96", "2657_97", "2657_98", "2657_99", "2657_100", "2657_101", "2657_102", "2657_103", "2657_104", "2657_105", "2657_106", "2657_107", "2657_108", "2657_109", "2657_110", "2657_111", "2657_112", "2657_113", "2657_114", "2657_115", "2657_116"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Huh? / Okay. /", "I don't know how much I know about this subject <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I don't know if I know anything or not, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } [ I've, + I've ] got some opinions on it. /", "Okay. / Go ahead. /", "{D See } those type of people [ that, + that ] have the most opinions, ones that don't know anything <laughter>. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } I've had teenagers / {C and } I now have grandchildren that are teenagers, / {C and } I don't know that it might do them a little bit of good to see the world from a different perspective. / {F Uh, } I think this \"me\" generation has gone far too far. / {C And } the young people are overly impressed. / {C And } I think it wouldn't hurt them to step back from themselves just slightly and see things from a [ m-, + far more ] disadvantaged viewpoint. /", "That's true. /", "{F Uh, } I personally know nothing about the Peace Corps though. /", "{F Um, } me either. / [ I, + I ] went to college and then started working and then got married / {C and, } -/", "{C But } they have, - / I read somewhere, - / {C and } [ I'm, + I'm ] out on a limb here, some type of college, {F uh, } volunteer work for teachers, that they are straight out of college / {C and } they do one year of volunteer work teaching in the, {F uh, } lower income brackets of the United States. / Have you ever heard about that one? /", "No, / I haven't, / I know that, {F uh, } my sister, - / I have a twin sister / {C and } when they graduated she went to, {F uh, } teach in a small town down in south Texas / {C and } I know, that {D like } if you have college notes, if you teach in a lower income bracket where they don't pay as much and they cancel part of your, {D you know, } your college note or whatever. -/", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Uh-huh. / If it's {D like, } {D you know, } really [ a, + {D you know, } a ] lower paying job, {D you know, } where in a small town you don't obviously you don't need as much as far as [ to, + {D you know, } to ] live. -/", "{C And } this is money that she's borrowed to form her college education? /", "Yeah, / she only taught there one year / {C but } I, -/", "{C But } she got credits for it? /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's very interesting. /", "{C And, } {F um, } I think it would be, - / I know that also one of my cousins who, {F uh, } he is in {D like } the therapy type (( thing )) / {C and } he was, {F um, } - / some group paid part of his college income / {C but then } he was required to go back and work for a certain number of years in this town at, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / {E I mean, } it's a nursing home or something like that. /", "Huh. /", "{C So, } {D you know, } if, - / I think that's a good way [ for people to, + {D you know, } maybe get people to ] come back to these small towns to work by helping people that normally might not be able to go to college and get the type of degree they want. /", "Yeah, / I think that is an excellent program, / I really do. / I like that. / {C And } [ it's, + it's ] beneficial to the small towns too because,", "Yeah. /", "they [ really, + really ] [ have, + have ] a disadvantage that we wouldn't understand because we're in the Metroplex. /", "As far as [ ge-, + {D yeah, } getting ] doctors and all that stuff, yeah. /", "Right, / {D you know, } [ if, + if ] we had some really major health problem that required a specialist, we could find one it wouldn't be convenient, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } we could find one. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We wouldn't have to drive and spend the night someplace or something like that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } [ I, + I ] can see the advantage to that one. / The Peace Corps itself is really [ a, + ] {F uh, } dying out, isn't it? /", "I really don't know that much about it, / {D you know, } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] think of the Peace Corps, {D you know, } more like the sixties and that kind of stuff when, -/", "It's still in existence. /", "Yeah. / {C And } don't they go into other countries and stuff? /", "I want to believe they go into other countries and teach them how to do things like farm,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F uh, } dig their own wells, set up,", "Things that make the, - / yeah. /", "their schools. /", "Make them more self-supporting? /", "Yes. / They, -/", "Yeah. /", "It's not a program to teach them to use the American money, it's a program to teach them to be more self-reliant. /", "Right. / Yeah. /", "{C And, } yes, / you're right, / I think it's a sixties program. / I think it was one of Kennedy's hot points that he, - / that was his big deal. /", "{C But } it definitely would give a lot of the kids now that have everything given to them that they want to see what it's like if you don't have all the money and can't have what you want when you want it. -/", "Right. / Right. / {F Um, } <<pause>>, I think [ I, + I've ] singled out my grandchildren / [ {C and } + {C but } ] {D actually } [ they're, + they're ] pretty good,", "Uh-huh. /", "along those lines as compared to what I have seen from other people's children and grandchildren, mine aren't really that bad, / {C but } at the same time I think it would do them a world of good. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } there's a, -/", "[ I don't, + I don't ] know that you could require everyone [ to,", "Mandatory just [ like, +", "do that for, + {D yeah, }", "like ] the draft. /", "to do it for ] a whole year,", "No. /", "or two years or something like that, / I don't know that that would work if,", "Every time you, -/", "somebody's, [ was, + ] didn't really want to be there and didn't have, -/", "They could buy their way out. /", "Yeah, / {E I mean, } there would be loopholes just like there is in anything else <laughter>. /", "Right, / {D you know, } [ they, + they'd ] figure a way around that one in a heartbeat. / {C But, } <<pause>>, I'm wondering if there's another issue here, / {C and } maybe this is why this has died out. / Can you go into, - / {C and } this wasn't the question / {C but } [ it's, + it ] may be the more of the issue versus should young adults, - / can they go in there and can anyone go [ into, + {D well, } out of ] - / the (( Kurdish )) community is a little bit extreme at this time, / {C but } {D say, } I think Bangladesh would have been a good example or [ some, + some ] really desperate situation / {C and } teach them to farm {C and } teach them - / {C and } it doesn't do any good. /", "Yeah. /", "I don't know that it does. / [ I, + I, ]", "Yeah. /", "don't know that, {F um, } if you step back from the current issue and look at it more intellectually, there are forever over, as long as we know there are races of people that are dropping out. / {D You know, } we're losing certain,", "Uh-huh. /", "races of people. / There are people now that are obsolete point and fact [ just, + just ] like endangered species of animals, so there are (( quote )) tribes of people,", "Uh-huh. /", "that are endangered or obsolete. / {C And } I'm just wondering if you're fighting a natural process there of being (( winnowed )) out. / There's a German word for it that's elegant, / {C but } I never can remember what it was, / {F uh, } [ {C but, } + {C but } ] [ that they're, + they're ] being (( winnowed )) because [ they're, + ] where they are they're not adapted to their environment essentially. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{F Um, } {C and } one of the quick examples is the Aborigines. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } when we were in Australia, <<pause>>, {F uh, } - / sad little things. {F Uh, } I felt sorry for them. Because their society isn't there anymore, / {C and } their (( belief )) system and [ [ a-, + all ] their structured of theirs, + all the structures of their ] society are gone, essentially. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } they're just kind of more like a side show than anything else / {C and } that's sad. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } I don't think there's any way [ you could go, + {F uh, } the Peace Corps could go ] in and rescue those people, / {C and } I don't think you could have done it fifty or a hundred years ago either. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } [ I, + I'm ] wondering if the Peace Corps is,", "{D Well, } -/", "really an effective tool. /", "Down here with the Peace Corps we're talking about all these people that aren't even in our own country when there's enough people here that I think probably need help and,", "Good point. /", "could be helped. /", "We've got enough [ without lea-, + without ] a passport / there's plenty. /", "Yeah. /", "Yes. / I think we ought to worry about our own species. /", "{C And } maybe rather than just, require somebody to join {D like } the Peace Corps for a year maybe {D like, } {F um, } during college, {D you know, } maybe have some kind of course where they'd be required to do some kind of community service type work, and help people in that area or people in the United States. /", "I wonder now in, - / {C and } I've been out of school too long to answer this, / {C but } I wonder if there aren't some sociology courses. /", "There probably are, {D you know, } / for - / {C but } I'm sure, - / that's probably like people that do that [ are, + are ] the people that are going to go into social work and stuff / {C but } I think that it wouldn't really be half bad for everybody not to do something, {D you know, } and realize it's everybody's responsibility to, {F um, } help these people, {D you know, } / {C and } no-, - / I'm not saying just give them money - / {C but, } {E I mean, } {C because } they have to be taught to be, -/", "That's the last thing you want,", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "to do. /", "{E I mean, } I know that's what my father-in-law was talking about, {D you know, } when you give these people money / {C or, } <breathing>, what was it / they were bringing up points asking as far as whether they need to give, {F um, } more money to these people, / {E I mean, } {C and } that's not really the answer, (( {E I mean } )) , because if they're alcoholics they'll just go out and spend,", "Yeah, / that's exactly it. /", "it on, {D you know, } booze or something like that, / {C but. } -/", "They're not going to take that money you give them and go try to figure out a way to dry out with it. / {D Now } come on, let's be realistic, /", "Yeah. /", "that's just not realistic. /", "Or, {D you know, } to find a job where they can learn how to support themselves, /", "Right. /", "{E I mean, } I guess we're getting kind of off the subject, <laughter>, here, / {C but. } -/", "No, / we're not I don't think. / I think,", "Yeah, / {E I mean } it's, -/", "that's more realistic than [ goin-, + ] making them go in the Peace Corps. /", "True. / Yeah. /", "I think that's a lot more realistic. / {F Uh, } [ I, + I ] think that we should be spending more time / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] again I don't think [ the, + the ] Peace Corps [ is, + is ] as successful now simply because [ it's not. + It doesn't ] fit the circumstance anymore. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } we've got plenty, / in fact, we've got far too many. / You're in, {F uh, } what [ r-, + ] Flower Mound? /", "Flower Mound, / yeah. / {C So, } we're a little [ fa-, + {D you know, } farther ] removed from {D like } Dallas and some of the areas where they probably have more of the homeless and that type of thing. /", "I was, - / that's exactly what I was going to ask you. / [ [ Have you ever, + have, ] + have ] you been downtown recent-, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "UNIVERSAL PBLIC SERV", "prompt": "SEE HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT THE PROPOSAL THAT ALL YOUNG AMERICANS SHOULD SPEND A YEAR OR TWO DOING SOME KIND OF PUBLIC SERVICE", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1031, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1094, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2672_0", "2672_1", "2672_2", "2672_3", "2672_4", "2672_5", "2672_6", "2672_7", "2672_8", "2672_9", "2672_10", "2672_11", "2672_12", "2672_13", "2672_14", "2672_15", "2672_16", "2672_17", "2672_18", "2672_19", "2672_20", "2672_21", "2672_22", "2672_23", "2672_24", "2672_25", "2672_26", "2672_27", "2672_28", "2672_29", "2672_30", "2672_31", "2672_32", "2672_33", "2672_34", "2672_35", "2672_36", "2672_37", "2672_38", "2672_39", "2672_40", "2672_41", "2672_42", "2672_43", "2672_44", "2672_45", "2672_46", "2672_47", "2672_48", "2672_49", "2672_50", "2672_51", "2672_52", "2672_53", "2672_54", "2672_55", "2672_56", "2672_57", "2672_58", "2672_59", "2672_60", "2672_61", "2672_62", "2672_63", "2672_64", "2672_65", "2672_66", "2672_67", "2672_68", "2672_69", "2672_70", "2672_71", "2672_72", "2672_73", "2672_74", "2672_75", "2672_76", "2672_77", "2672_78", "2672_79", "2672_80", "2672_81", "2672_82", "2672_83", "2672_84", "2672_85", "2672_86", "2672_87", "2672_88", "2672_89", "2672_90", "2672_91", "2672_92", "2672_93", "2672_94", "2672_95", "2672_96", "2672_97", "2672_98", "2672_99", "2672_100", "2672_101", "2672_102", "2672_103", "2672_104", "2672_105"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Start. /", "What kind of recycling programs do you have in Rowlett? /", "{F Um, } th-, - / {D well } right now they've got a, kind of a central location off of the main highway, / {C and } they've got some great big bins there for newspaper, {F um, } plastic, {F um, } I think three bins for glass, white, green, and [ whatev-, + whatever ] other combination there is. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] I think they've got [ a comp-, + ] {F uh, } some kind of container for aluminum. /", "Plano's doing real good on that. / [ They have, + {F uh, } they ] start off putting out great big huge garbage cans.", "Uh-huh. /", "Which we're supposed to put all our week's garbage into it, / {C and } of course it doesn't fit right now. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } now we start in May, breaking it down, / {C and } they're picking it all up. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } they're going to by, - / {C and } we have to separate our papers, and our glass, / {C and then, } {F uh, } they have one day for, {D like, } {F um, } {F oh, } everything you picked up from your yard, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # we put that in disposable bags, / {C and } they pick that up on Monday. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } it's really great. / [ I, + I'm ] [ really going head, + {D you know, } completely for it, ] / I think it's marvelous. /", "{D Well, } that's good. / {D Well, } Rowlett had [ sent, + sent ] out a survey, not too long ago, {F um, } in terms in how many people were interested in having [ a, + a ] pick up, I guess, on the days they do trash or something like that. / {C And } apparently a lot of people responded to it [ favorl-, + favorably, ] because they're going to do it. / I don't know [ how, + how ] soon they're going to do it, or how organized it's going to be, / {C but } [ they're, + they're ] supposed to initiate that [ some-, + sometime ] in the next couple of months. /", "{D Well, } does your, {F uh, } - / where you work, do they also have aluminum cans pickups and things like that? /", "{F Um, } I've never noticed that. / We don't have [ a, + a ] whole lot, because we're in a hospital setting, / {C so } most of the things we have are through our cafeteria. {F Um, } /", "{D Well, } down in the cafeteria do they have any place where you can put your, {D you know, } pop cans, and things like that? /", "{F Um, } no. / [ There's, + there's ] only one pop machine / {C and } it's not accessible to the cafeteria now, / {C so, } {F uh, } mainly what they serve in there is juice and coffee and tea. /", "<Laughter> {C So } you don't have much choice there. /", "No <laughter>. / [ Not, + not ] really. /", "{D Well } I work at, {F uh, } J C Penny / {C and } last week they brought, - / they have a sign up that says for one full week --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- you bring in your old wire hangers / {C and } they're going to recycle them. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } it's getting people clean out their closets and such. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } {D like, } the week before that, they said go through your cupboards and any food that is still good, bring it in / {C and } they brought it down to the shelters. / {C And, } they have, one, two, they have three, I think, that I know of --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- for cans for people have pop, / {C and } they put them right near where they have the time cards. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } it works great. / {C And } they have one in the room where the <clicking> snack machines are too. /", "That's good. /", "{C So } they're really going at it, / {C and } I think it's marvelous because, -/", "Yeah. / [ I, + I ] guess Rowlett's done a lot for the size town it is. /", "{D Well, } -/", "{C And } I think they're trying [ to, + to ] make some changes. / [ I, + I ] noticed at the library or someplace this past, {F uh, } month, month and a half ago, they were having a speaker, {F um, } talk about doing lawn work and, [ h-, + how ] important it is [ to, + to ] cut your lawn without a bag. Just to kind of mulch it,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# rather # than bag it up, because of [ a-, + all ] [ the + the ] grass that's being bagged and being hauled away by the garbage trucks and stuff, / {C and } it's, {F uh, } I guess a lot more [ e-, + ecological ] to just mow the grass and let it work its way back into the soil. /", "{D Well, } did you watch the program the other night on, {F um, } was it SAVE AMERICA? /", "I saw part of that. /", "It was good. / The only thing I [ g-, + ] thought, {F um, } that I haven't been trying, is when I, {D you know, } go to take a shower, to save the water,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # to put it on my plants. Which I had never thought about before. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } I've already gone to, - / {F oh } I started years ago, I guess, not years ago, - / {C but, } yeah / I would say five years ago, turning off [ my fountain, + {E I mean } my water ] faucet,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# in # the sink when I brush my teeth. / {C But } I didn't realize that was the biggest waste of water. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# That # was surprising to me. /", "{F Um. } /", "I missed that question, totally, {E I mean } really bad. / I'm trying to think, / I didn't miss too many, / I can't remember what my score was, / {C but } I did exceeding well. / I was surprised. / {C But } I didn't realize that our garbage isn't being decomposed. / That was a shocker to me. /", "Yeah, / {D well } there are a lot of things that aren't, / (( I'm )) , - / that's, {F uh, } one of the things I wonder about, / {F uh, } one of the questions was, do you think more should be done, or something else. / [ I, + I ] wonder about some of the [ prod-, + products ] that they don't take, like some of the plastics and things that they don't take. {F Uh, } [ why, + why ] they couldn't do more recycling with those. /", "{D Well, } I was in, {F uh, } Bizmart the other day, / {C and, } what I don't understand is there is recycled paper in there, / {C and } it cost more than regular paper. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C And } it was only, I think, {F uh, } forty cents more, {D you know, } fifty cents more, / {C but, }", "Yeah. /", "It upset me to realize [ that, hey, the recycling + that they're going through the expense of recycling, ] / {C but } people aren't buying it, / {C so } the cost of it is higher. /", "True. / Yeah, / I noticed that about things like - / [ I s-, + I seen ] a lot of adds recently for organic fertilizers [ and, + and ] lawn additives and that type of thing, / {C but } the cost [ is, + is ] {D like, } double or sometimes triple,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# [ what + ] # the regular [ things you, + fertilizers and things you ] buy. / {C So, } in, in terms of that, - / it's, - / {D you know, } {C and, } for the environment [ [ it's, + it's, ] + there's ] a good reason to do it, / {C but } the cost is kind of prohibitive. /", "{D Now, } {D see } that's recycling, {D you know, } / companies that do at least go into it, / I'd like to see subsidy by the government or something, or tax-wise or something, heavily enough to where they could get their prices lower than regular. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } that people would use this stuff [ re-, + ] over again. /", "Yeah, / it's a good idea. /", "It's like when he was saying, {F uh, } which one was recyclable, which was reusable, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } the recycle ones are better to use, / {C but } lots of times you don't even see the signs on the bottles. /", "Yeah, / true. /", "{C And } if we're going to really do something, they ought to put that stuff out bigger for people to see it. / I had to put my bifocals on to see it <laughter>. /", "{F Um. } /", "That's hard when you're in a grocery store and you're short anyway. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter> You have to get enough nerve to ask somebody to take something off the top shelf. / You haven't got enough nerve to say {D well, } put it back, / it's not recyclable. /", "[ I, + I'd ] heard something stranger, / talk about bottles the other day [ on, {F uh, } + on ] the radio station, {A I think it's K L T Y. } They were talking about the, - / I think it's in Canada they're using, {F oh, } recyclable milk jugs, plastic milk jugs,", "Uh-huh. /", "as [ a, + a ] reinforcement for roads.", "{F Oh, } really? /", "For road repairs. / {C And } apparently [ they, + they ] don't break down very easily, / {C and, }", "Oh. /", "they don't expand [ or, + or ] contract when the weather changes, / {C and } <laughter> this is kind of an unusual use for that type of thing. /", "{D You know } they're, - / along that same line, they said they were using, {F um, } - / what is, oh, I know, - / it was toilets. {A You know, the old ones? }", "Uh-huh. /", "Smashing them up, because [ they're, + ] that stuff there is great [ for, + in ] road work. /", "Huh. /", "{C And } I thought, {D well, } that's good. / {C And then } I saw recycling on tires between, {F uh, } - / {D well, } hoses were being used,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and, } # {F uh, } {F uh, } soaker hoses, made out of old tires. /", "Yeah. /", "What else, - / something else was made out of old tires, / I was trying to remember what it was. {F Oh, } I can't think of it now. / {C But } [ I was, + I was ] trying to get my, {F uh, } kids, {D you know, } to see different things that we could come up with for recycling purposes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } just anything, to, {D you know, } recycle rather than keep throwing it away, / {C but } my biggest problem is, I take the bags out of the store, buy the bags to bring the back, / {C and then } I forget to bring them in the store. /", "Yeah. /", "I'm forever going back out to my car to pick up my bags to bring them and take my garbage back out. / I wish they'd really push this recycling bit, because [ I never realized, + I really didn't realize ] how much stuff I actually throw away. /", "{D Well, } I think [ the, + the ] more people are aware of it, [ the, + the ] more they'll do. / I think that's just the biggest problem is keeping it [ in, + in ] front of the public so they understand how serious the problem is, and how important it is to do that. /", "{D You know } what I'd like to see a little more. - / I don't have any little tiny kids, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } if they get the little tiny kids saving it now,", "Yeah. /", "in five years, when they get bigger, it'll work a little bit more, too. /", "True. /", "{C Because } it's, - / we've all got to do it right now. / I just, - / I really amazed to find out that, [ what is it, + ] eighty per cent are filled now, [ in, + in ] garbage fills. / In five years we're supposed to be at max. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't think I can keep my own garbage. / {E I mean, } I might not have that much, / {C but } I wouldn't, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECYCLING", "prompt": "WHAT IS BEING DONE IN YOUR COMMUNITY OR AREA ABOUT RECYCLING WASTE MATERIALS? DO YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO ENCOURAGE MORE RECYCLING OR ON WHAT OTHER MATERIALS SHOULD BE INCLUDED?", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1232, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1958, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1155, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3023_0", "3023_1", "3023_2", "3023_3", "3023_4", "3023_5", "3023_6", "3023_7", "3023_8", "3023_9", "3023_10", "3023_11", "3023_12", "3023_13", "3023_14", "3023_15", "3023_16", "3023_17", "3023_18", "3023_19", "3023_20", "3023_21", "3023_22", "3023_23", "3023_24", "3023_25", "3023_26", "3023_27", "3023_28", "3023_29", "3023_30", "3023_31", "3023_32", "3023_33", "3023_34", "3023_35", "3023_36", "3023_37", "3023_38", "3023_39", "3023_40", "3023_41", "3023_42", "3023_43", "3023_44", "3023_45", "3023_46", "3023_47", "3023_48", "3023_49", "3023_50", "3023_51", "3023_52", "3023_53", "3023_54", "3023_55", "3023_56", "3023_57", "3023_58", "3023_59", "3023_60", "3023_61", "3023_62", "3023_63", "3023_64", "3023_65", "3023_66", "3023_67", "3023_68", "3023_69", "3023_70", "3023_71", "3023_72", "3023_73", "3023_74", "3023_75", "3023_76", "3023_77", "3023_78"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["I have, {F uh, } - / [ I, + {D well, } I ] used to have the opinion [ that there + [ wa-, + ] that there ] really was not any more crime in America, in the cities, {D anyway, } than there was in previous centuries, {F uh, } before, {F uh, } - / simply because. - / The reason there seems to be so much was the fact that the police now had advanced, {F uh, } reporting methods, with computers and other devices. /", "Compile more statistics. /", "That's right, / {C and } those statistics <throat_clearing> in turn got them bigger budgets. /", "Uh-huh. /", "However, I have been persuaded, lately, I guess, simply by the, {F uh, } overwhelming data that seems to be available that there is indeed a lot more violent crime. /", "More especially where you are. / Are you,", "{D Well, } yeah. /", "in Washington D C or Washington state? /", "No, / [ I am in, + I am in ] Washington D C. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / I was going to say, -/", "{D Actually } it, - / {D you know, } I do a lot of business here, / {C and } I come here quite often / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] that again [ is a, + is a ] sort of media perception there's some absolutely lovely and marvelous and peaceful areas in Washington.", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Regardless of the racial makeup, / {C but } [ it's, + it's ] real, {F uh, } - / there's pockets of violence that is so violent that they, {F uh, } -/", "It just really grabs your attention. /", "Yeah. /", "It just makes the whole place seem like that. /", "Right. / {D Now } just to focus on that a minute, I guess, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / when, {F uh, } <sigh> previous secretary of, {F uh, } educa-, Bennett, I think his name was,", "Yeah. /", "became the drug czar, {F uh, } for, {F uh, } President Bush, he was going to focus [ on it, + on ] this area and do something about it / {C and } I see that even he was met [ [ without, + with, ] + with ] little success, even though [ the entire, + ] I guess [ [ a, + a ] + quite a ] bit of money and other, {F uh, } planning efforts went into that. /", "[ What do you, + what do you ] think is causing all this, /", "{D Well, } -/", "{C because, } it seems that there - / even though - / crime, though I think it is increasing in number, it sure does seem to be increasing in intensity,", "Yes. /", "and violence too. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] have three theories about it, (( {D you know, } three things. )) / I have one theory, / {C and } it's (( brought to us )) by two things. / One [ I, + I ] believe that this is a function of, {F uh, } the violence that young people see on television and the movies. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } I am not just talking about, {D you know, } {F uh, } role models [ of gu-, + of tough guys ] and gangsters and things like that, / [ I am not even, + I am not even ] convinced that maybe things like football, hockey [ and, [ [ [ th-, + th-, ] + the, ] + {D you know, } the, ] + and ] even baseball games now where [ the, + ] everything is settled with a fight. {D You know, } [ the, + the ] immediate need to <inhaling> show some sort of violence to settle [ th-, + the ] argument. - / [ {C And, } + {C and then } ] [ I, + I ] am an advocate of hand gun control to some degree, / {C so } I think that particularly - / [ I, + I ] was reading the other day about, {F uh, } Corpus Christi, Texas which has [ the + (( )) the ] highest, - / I think it's Corpus Christi, that had the highest rates per hand gun death in America -- -- {F uh, } per capita. /", "Yeah, / [ I was, + I have ] not seen that, / {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "{E I mean } the Saturday night special stuff / {C so, } -/", "Yeah. /", "<Inhaling> [ That, + that's ] what I think about it, / that's some of the things I think about it, / {C plus } <<sounds like drop out>> I do not know, / [ what are your views? /", "{D Well, } yeah, / I tend to agree with you with, {D you know, } - / it seems anymore, {F uh, } a movie can not be considered good unless there's just [ some, + some ] sort of violence,", "Yes. /", "or something in it. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] along with that, {D you know, } - / {C and then } you start making a movie and <inhaling> [ it has no, + ] there's no call for something violent, / [ {C but, } + {C so } ] they just throw something in there just to say they have it <laughter>. /", "Exac-, - / {D well } [ [ that's, + that's, ] + that's ] the impression I get, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "[ {C And } I, + {C and } I ] imagine that [ it's, + (( )) {D you know, } it ] just feeds upon itself when we have this sort of violence in society, / people want to, - / it conditions people to it / {C and, } {F uh, } you have to amp-, - / it has to be even, {F uh, } magnified [ to + to ] attract people's attention. I guess,", "Yeah, / you become callous. /", "to have them spend money on something like that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I am sure that it does form role models [ for young, + for young ] men and young women / {C and, } -/", "Yeah. /", "{F uh, } {E I mean } [ I, + I, ] read now where we are, {D you know, } - / [ women are arr-, + young women are arrested ] fighting with knives [ over, + over ] [ whatever. +", "{F Um. } /", "(( )) whatever ] reason, which is kind of unheard of when I was young. / {D Now, } I do not want to sound like an old fart, / {C but, } <Laughter> that's what - / seems that those things [ happened befor-, + ] did not happen in that manner before television. / {C And } [ [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] + I ] have to think [ that, + that ] it has some influence on it. / {C But, } -/", "I listened to a radio talk show today at lunch time --", "Yeah. /", "I do not know if you listen to him or not, /", "No. /", "he's on A M, / {C but, } [ ther-, + there's ] a fellow that had called in and was lamenting about the, - / there was an interview done on the assistant chief of police for Los Angeles, the guy under Gates, /", "{F Oh, } yes. /", "{C and } they were just really coming down on him because of [ some of the things he was, + just some of the things ] that he believed in, some of his morals. / For instance, {F uh, } they asked him if he spanked his kids, / {C and } he said \"You bet, I believe in discipline\". / {C And } people, [ [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] + I ] guess they [ confus-, + confused ] discipline with punishment. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know. } -/", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } just, - / it seems anymore that, {F uh, } [ if, + if ] you have, {D you know, } this type of a moral stance, that people come down on you. / It's like, {D you know, } hey, everybody has to be free to do their own thing. / {C And } I disagree, / {C and } I think that's really contributing to this high rate of crime. /", "Yes, / yes. / {D Well, } {E I mean, } [ I, + I ] guess what I wanted to say {A and I stopped, {F uh, } I do not know, I got diverted, } was [ that, + that, ] {F uh, } [ there's so mu-, + there's so much ] of a return [ from pris-, + to prison ] that the rehabilitation programs seem to be a failure. / <inhaling> [ {C And, } + {C and } ] that is not emphasized. / I recognize [ there's, + there's ] over crowding problems / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] since we have decided to put everybody in jail that commits a crime now, [ that + ] that's complicated the entire process. /", "Yeah. /", "What I also think that, - / I guess it's the reflection of the society [ where, + where ] we have so much more mobility and less attachment to, {F uh, } - / {D you know, } it does not seem to be any responsibility to the community [ where you, + where you ] live / {C or. } I do not mean [ respons-, + ] attachment and responsibility, / I guess I mean any sort of, -/", "{D Well, } nobody feels responsibility to do something. / It's like, {F oh } boy, I wish they would stop doing that. /", "Yes, / that's right. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# Yeah # / [ I, + I ] do not know how that's, - / I do not think it's done by, {F uh, } - / the changes come simply by statutory nature. / I do not know what it really will take <laughter>. /", "{F Um. } /", "</Laughter> {C And, } I do not know if I have solutions, [ except, + except ] to, - / {D you know, } I am sort of [ [ a, + a, ] + an ] advocate [ [ [ of, + of, ] + {F uh, } of letting people, ] + of having ] free speech / {C and } I guess to curb, {F uh, } - / [ television, + {F uh, } the violence on television ] and in the movies would be contrary to my beliefs in that. /", "Yeah. /", "However, there does seem to be a, - / right now in verbalizing, - / it does seem to be a higher need for something of that sort. /", "Yeah, / {C and then } how many, -/", "{C And } the sacrifice is not that great. /", "How many studies have to be done to show that there is a link between,", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } what you see and how yo-, - / {E I mean, } what you see affects how you think and therefore what you do. /", "Yes, / yes, / [ I think, + I think ] that's correct. /", "{C And, } <throat_clearing> yes / {C but, } {D you know, } as soon as you start, {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } [ Texas has, + {F uh, } Texas [ has, + {F uh, } has ] ] always struck me, - / {E I mean } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] have lived in and out of Texas, both in the service and, {F uh, } {F uh, } short business stints. / {C And } it seems to me they are a [ pretty, + pretty ] tough law and order state, / {C but } (( that's a, )) - / {C but } yet that does not seem to have effected the amount of violent right in the state. / Just citing that, {D you know. } -/", "Yeah, / {F uh, } unfortunately you have got a lot of the, <inhaling> {F uh, } - / [ some, + {D well } a lot ] of it can be contributed to [ th-, + the ] racial differences, {E I mean, } just that we are so close,", "Yeah. /", "to the border with Mexico, / we have got a lot of that influence. /", "Yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CRIME", "prompt": "DISCUSS CRIME IN AMERICAN CITIES TODAY. WHAT ARE YOUR CONCERNS AND THE CONCERNS OF THE OTHER CALLER? WHAT STEPS CAN BE TAKEN TO REDUCE CRIME?", "talk_day": "06/06/1991", "from_caller": 1257, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1933, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1090, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3069_0", "3069_1", "3069_2", "3069_3", "3069_4", "3069_5", "3069_6", "3069_7", "3069_8", "3069_9", "3069_10", "3069_11", "3069_12", "3069_13", "3069_14", "3069_15", "3069_16", "3069_17", "3069_18", "3069_19", "3069_20", "3069_21", "3069_22", "3069_23", "3069_24", "3069_25", "3069_26", "3069_27", "3069_28", "3069_29", "3069_30", "3069_31", "3069_32", "3069_33", "3069_34", "3069_35", "3069_36", "3069_37", "3069_38", "3069_39", "3069_40", "3069_41", "3069_42", "3069_43", "3069_44", "3069_45", "3069_46", "3069_47", "3069_48", "3069_49", "3069_50", "3069_51", "3069_52", "3069_53", "3069_54", "3069_55", "3069_56", "3069_57", "3069_58", "3069_59", "3069_60", "3069_61", "3069_62", "3069_63", "3069_64", "3069_65", "3069_66", "3069_67", "3069_68", "3069_69", "3069_70", "3069_71", "3069_72", "3069_73", "3069_74", "3069_75", "3069_76", "3069_77", "3069_78", "3069_79", "3069_80", "3069_81", "3069_82", "3069_83", "3069_84", "3069_85", "3069_86", "3069_87", "3069_88", "3069_89", "3069_90", "3069_91", "3069_92", "3069_93", "3069_94", "3069_95", "3069_96", "3069_97", "3069_98", "3069_99", "3069_100", "3069_101", "3069_102", "3069_103", "3069_104", "3069_105", "3069_106", "3069_107", "3069_108", "3069_109", "3069_110", "3069_111", "3069_112", "3069_113", "3069_114", "3069_115", "3069_116", "3069_117", "3069_118", "3069_119", "3069_120", "3069_121", "3069_122", "3069_123", "3069_124", "3069_125", "3069_126", "3069_127", "3069_128", "3069_129", "3069_130", "3069_131", "3069_132", "3069_133", "3069_134", "3069_135", "3069_136", "3069_137", "3069_138", "3069_139", "3069_140", "3069_141", "3069_142", "3069_143", "3069_144", "3069_145", "3069_146", "3069_147", "3069_148", "3069_149", "3069_150", "3069_151", "3069_152", "3069_153", "3069_154", "3069_155", "3069_156", "3069_157", "3069_158", "3069_159", "3069_160", "3069_161", "3069_162", "3069_163", "3069_164", "3069_165", "3069_166", "3069_167", "3069_168", "3069_169", "3069_170", "3069_171", "3069_172", "3069_173", 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"Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Yeah. / Yes, / [ I talked with, + {F um, } I talked with ] people from Richardson and Plano / {C and, } {F uh, } the first three days, - / {C and then } yesterday I talked with someone [ with, + ] from Pennsylvania, / {C so, } -/", "# Yeah, / {C because, } # -/", "# it's the, # -/", "I've only made, - / this is only my third call. /", "Oh. /", "[ I, + I ] tried to make calls two different days / {C and } I couldn't get through. /", "{F Oh, } I know. / Sometimes I just - / I'm, in, - / it just takes a very long time / {C so, } -/", "Does it? / Yeah, / I've been trying to, {D you know, } do that, / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] sometimes I just can't wait that long, /", "# Yeah, / I know. # /", "# {C so } I just # hang up.", "{D Well. } /", "Because it keeps going through the thing over and over again. /", "This is hilarious <laughter>. /", "{C But } I knew as soon as I heard your voice, / I thought, [ Kathy's, + it's Kathy ] (( Kester )) <laughter>. /", "</Laughter> {F Oh. } {D Well, } tell me, what books have you read lately? <Laughter>. /", "{D Well, } let's see, / [ I, + {F um, } <lipsmack> {D gosh, } I ] can't even think. / I haven't read any, / {C and } you're such a reader, I know that / {C and } I, -/", "{D Well, } I don't read all that much for enjoyment. / {E I mean, } I read a lot for school, / {C but } {D gee, } I just don't have much time for enjoyment reading <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / [ The, + the ] last book I picked up was a book by Judy Bloom, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # [ it was, + {F um, } it was ] called, {F um, } SMART WOMEN, I think.", "{F Um. } /", "{F Um, } or something like that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } [ it was, + it was ] kind of, - / I really didn't like it at all. /", "{F Huh. } /", "[ It was, + it was ] written back in the early eighties. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C And } it was all [ this, + this, ] {F um, } divorced woman syndrome --", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "-- of the, {F um, } - / it was almost like [ a, + a ] pre-AIDS scare kind of thing. /", "Interesting. /", "It was really an interesting, - / {C because } [ I, + I ] right away looked at when it was copyrighted.", "Uh-huh. /", "Because I could tell by the theme [ of + ] almost when it was written. /", "Yes, / yes, / yeah. / Uh-huh. /", "And, {F um, } <lipsmack> {D you know, } a lot of <laughter> hanky-panky,", "# Yeah. # /", "# going # on. /", "Yeah. / That kind of was, {F um, } kind of a pop psychology time for [ wh-, + when ] a lot of books like that were coming out, I think. /", "That's right. /", "{C And so } that makes real sense, that that's, {F um, } when it was written. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{F Um, } I [ haven't, + wasn't ] really aware that she had written anything for, {F um, } adults. / I was always,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# just # more aware of her jer-, {D you know, } - / for her young people, her books. -/ *[[one utt?]]", "Yeah, / {C and } she's more famous for that, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } she has been writing for adults also, /", "I'll be darned. /", "{C and so } I thought {D hey, } I'll just try this, {D you know, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# and # see what it was like. / It was very, {F um, } - / <lipsmack> the style was very conversational. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Lipsmack> You would have lots of conversations between people --", "Yeah. /", "-- rather than any description. /", "Right, / yeah, / yeah. /", "You know how that is, / {C and } {F um, } -/", "Yeah. / I wonder if she's written anything really recently, if she's got anything [ printed, + in print. ] /", "Yeah, / she has, / {C because } [ I, + I ] remember seeing a new book by her --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that was out, / {C and } I think [ it was a, + it was an ] adult book. /", "I'll be darned. /", "{D So } {D anyway, } -/", "Yeah. /", "{C but } that's the last thing [ I, + I've ] read, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# {C and, } # {F um, } -/", "{D Well, } it's, - / I'm trying to think the last actual book I read that wasn't, - / let's see, I think I read, {F oh, } - / when I was [ on vacation, {F um, } between semester break and summer, + {D you know, } on semester break between spring and summer ] -- -/", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } I went to my mother's, / I read a book that I [ have, + should have ] read when I was probably in high school. / I read, {F um, } JANE EYRE. /", "<Gasp> I, -/", "<Breathing> No, / wait a minute, / wait a minute, / wait a minute. / JANE EYRE? / No, / no, / no, / no, / it wasn't JANE EYRE. /", "WUTHERING HEIGHTS? /", "No, / it was, {F um, } {F uh, } PRIDE AND PREJUDICE,", "# {F Oh, } yeah, # /", "# by Jane # Austen. /", "by Jane Austen, / yes. /", "That's what it was, / yes. /", "Yes. /", "{C And, } {F um, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] didn't know what to expect, except I had heard [ that, + that ] Jane Austen was such a wonderful novelist, / {C and } <breathing> she really was good. / {E I mean, } I [ was, + was ] very much impressed with the way her plot was put together so,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# intricately # / [ {C and, } + {F um, } {C and, } ] {D you know, } I just, - / {C but } [ I, + as I say, I ] was pretty much ashamed that I hadn't read something before then. /", "Yeah. / Because [ [ I, + I think I was, ] + I think ] I read it in college, # or # had to [ write it, + read it ] in high school or college, / {C but } I don't remember it. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And then } when Jennie had to read it at Gettysburg --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ and + ] [ I got her the, + I got ] her someone, - / I think it was, {F um, } {F oh, } some actress reading it. /", "{F Oh, } how interesting. /", "{D You know, } they had an abridged version of it on tape. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And so } I got that for her, / {C and } she loved doing that. /", "{F Oh, } I'll bet, / yeah. /", "{C But } I remember that was the book. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } {D now } [ I, + {E I mean, } I ] think it's around here somewhere, /", "# (( Right )) / I wouldn't be, #", "# I'm just going to # have to put it,", "surprised, / yeah. /", "in the car sometimes and listen to it. /", "Sure. / {F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C But, } {F um, } -/", "{D Well, } I read that, / {C and then } I'm trying to think, {F um, } - / usually I try [ to, + to ] find something long <breathing> that,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# I'm # going to, - / when - / [ if, + if ] I have long periods of time, like Christmas vacation, or, {D you know, } when I know I'm not going to be doing anything for a while, {F um, } /", "Yeah. / {F Oh, } that's what I do too. /", "Yeah, / {C and } that's about it, because otherwise I'm reading so much for school. / [ I'm, + {F um, } I ] have just started reading a book. / {D Actually, } it's for school, / {C but } it's for, {F um, } - / there's [ a, + a ] literary jour-, - / {D well, } not a literary journal, - / [ it's a, + <breathing> it's ] kind of a journal [ of, + of ] the history of ideas [ that's, + that's ] starting to be published, {F um, } from U T D. / The first issue doesn't come out until next year, / {C but, } {F um, } -/", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# I'm doing # some reviews of books, [ just to, + ] [ what, + ] to sort of recommend [ to + ] [ wh-, + whether ] or not a full-scale review should be done for the journal, /", "# {F Oh, } how neat. # /", "# {C and } I've, - / yeah, / # it's really neat because these are brand new books / {C and } [ I,", "# {F Oh, } great. # /", "# just got # a, + I got [ a, + [ th-, + this ] ] ] one, / {F um, } most of the stuff is on, {F uh, } literary criticism and philosophy,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# and # religion and all that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "This one is on Johann Sebastian Bach, / {C and } it's [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] biography,", "# {F Oh, } great. # /", "# that is # really interesting, /", "{F Oh, } that's fascinating. /", "{E I mean, } [ it, + it's ] fascinating, / it really is. /", "Oh. /", "{F Um, } {C but } it's so long, / [ I, + I ] don't really have the time to read the whole thing, / {C but } I think,", "# Yeah. # /", "# eventually # I'll go back to it. / {C But } [ it's, +", "# Yeah. # /", "# it ] # was written, - / {E I mean } [ the, + the ] copyright is nineteen ninety-one, / {C so } it's a brand new book. /", "{F Oh, } it's a brand new book. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "{F Oh, } [ that, + that ] would be wonderful --", "Yeah, /", "-- # to read something like that. # /", "# {C and } [ he really, + this man really ] # shed some light on, {F um, } <lipsmack> some,", "# Yeah. # /", "# aspects # [ of + <breathing> of ] Bach's genius [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C and, } ] + {D you know, } the, [ and + ] more sociological things, {D you know, } like [ the, + the ] idea [ that, + <breathing> {F um, } that ] [ music, + ] to be a musician was as much, {F um, } of a family occupation as anything. / {E I mean, } {D you know, } [ that was -- +", "Yes. /", "-- it was ] families had just loads of musicians <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } they just went from generation,", "# Yeah. # /", "# probably # to generation,", "# that's right. # /", "# just [ with # these, + with these ] all passing it from one to the other. /", "Yes, / uh-huh, / {C and, } {F um, } -/", "Yeah, / that's the way it was, I'm sure back then. /", "Yeah. / {C So, } {F uh, } -/", "# Yeah. / {F Oh, } that's interesting. # /", "# it was just really # interesting, / if [ that's, + {D you know, } that's ] kind of what, - / {C but } I have to - / <breathing> not only [ am, + am ] I [ re-, + reading ] it to decide whether or not it should be reviewed, but also, {F um, } because the board of advisers for this, {F um, } journal <breathing> [ doesn't have, + right now doesn't have ] a really respected name, {F um, } who's [ a, + {F uh, } a ] scholar [ on, + on ] music, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# <Breathing> # {F um, } {C and } I'm supposed to decide whether I think this man might be a worthy person to be [ a, + ] {D you know, } in that position on the board / {C so, } -/", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# I don't # know if I want to take that responsibility or not, / [ {C but } + <laughter>.", "{D Wow, } that's rough. /", "{C But } ] at least I,", "# That's real rough. # /", "# can tell them # what I think, / {C so, } {F um, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# it's # real interesting. / Yeah, / it is. /", "Because [ I think our, + I think my ] alma mater, {F um, } Gettysburg, I think they were just starting a magazine -- *[[sd]]", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that was similar to that. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "I think that's probably [ a, + sort of a ] thing to do --", "Yes <breathing>. /", "-- in small colleges, /", "# Yeah, # /", "# {C but, } # {F um, } -/", "that it, - / {D you know, } [ you see, + you see ] a lot of small colleges doing things,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# like # that, / right, / uh-huh, /", "# Yeah. # /", "# because # it attracts really [ a, + a ] lot people's interest. / That's one way, - / it's really good public relations for small schools, /", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# I think # so <breathing>. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } another one of my projects this summer [ [ is, + {A actually it's part of my research assistantship, } is, ] + {F um, } <breathing> it's ] helping a professor, {F uh, } compile a bunch of translations [ of, + of ] various poems <breathing> for a book that he's writing, / {C and --", "Oh. /", "-- <Breathing> so } I'm learning the names, if not the actual contents, of a lot of different poems and <breathing> a lot of French people. /", "{D Now, } translations, what do you mean, translations [ of, + of, ] -/", "{F Um, } {D well, } [ where, + where, ] for instance, {F um, } a Baudelaire poem that was written,", "# Yeah. # /", "# in # the French and then has been translated into English by,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# various # people. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C And } the translations are all so different from one another. /", "All different. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Oh, } that's interesting. /", "{C So } it's multiple translations of single works / [ {C and, } + <breathing> {C and } ] that's [ right now, + right now ] pretty much what I'm doing as far as, {F um, } - / my work, is just kind of compiling,", "# Gosh. # /", "# all # that for him. / {C So, } -/", "That's great. /", "It's real interesting. /", "Boy, you really lift me up to a different, -/ # <Laughter> # {E I mean, } here [ I, + I'm ] dealing with, {F uh, } # cleaning # the stove / {C and, } -/ # {D You know, } [ I'm + <laughter>, #", "# There are days when # I would [ be + (( prefer ] )) ,", "# I ] wish I were dealing with Baudelaire. # /", "# really doing that <laughter>. # /", "That would be nice. /", "</Laughter> I don't know if I've told you, / {C but, } {F um, } this is not on the subject, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "BOOKS AND LITERATURE", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT BOOKS THE OTHER CALLER READS FOR ENJOYMENT OR SELF-IMPROVEMENT. DO YOU HAVE SIMILAR OR DIFFERENT INTERESTS IN BOOKS?", "talk_day": "06/14/1991", "from_caller": 1292, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1291, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1945, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["3313_0", "3313_1", "3313_2", "3313_3", "3313_4", "3313_5", "3313_6", "3313_7", "3313_8", "3313_9", "3313_10", "3313_11", "3313_12", "3313_13", "3313_14", "3313_15", "3313_16", "3313_17", "3313_18", "3313_19", "3313_20", "3313_21", "3313_22", "3313_23", "3313_24", "3313_25", "3313_26", "3313_27", "3313_28", "3313_29", "3313_30", "3313_31", "3313_32", "3313_33", "3313_34", "3313_35", "3313_36", "3313_37", "3313_38", "3313_39", "3313_40", "3313_41", "3313_42", "3313_43", "3313_44", "3313_45", "3313_46", "3313_47", "3313_48", "3313_49", "3313_50", "3313_51", "3313_52", "3313_53", "3313_54", "3313_55"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Breathing> Jeri? /", "Yes. /", "We're supposed to discuss crime in the United States and what can be done with it. /", "That's a [ rather, + rather ] broad topic <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> They're usually pretty broad anyway. /", "Yeah. /", "Where do you live? /", "{F Uh, } we live in Plano. /", "Okay, / {D so, } that's a, -/", "{F Uh, } {C and } where you are? /", "I'm in Richardson, / {C so } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- when I heard the topic I was thinking of the thing down at, {F uh, } Maceo High School --", "Right. /", "-- in Dallas. /", "Right, / that is so frightening. /", "It is, {D you know, } /", "{F Uh, } do you have children in school? /", "No, / mine are already in college now, / {C so } --", "Yeah. /", "-- I don't have to, - / at least when they were in high school, it was beginning but not like the rampages. /", "{D Well, } I have, - / my oldest is his first year in high school / {C so } we have all this [ to, + to ] look forward to, / {C and } it is really frightening, {F uh, } to think that you can't even <breathing> send them to school in safety. / {E I mean, } certainly, {D you know, } you can't just turn them loose in the middle of Dallas, / {C but, } {D you know, } <breathing> when you can't even, send them on their normal activities in safety, [ it, + it's ] really frightening. /", "That's true. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } <breathing> I really, {D you know, } - / they're coming down on the principal, / {C but } I really don't know <breathing> what they can do. / {E I mean, } it's just in so much of society with the violence / {C and } the kids having access to weapons and drugs / {C and } [ I, + I ] really don't know [ what, + what ] can be done. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ I just, + I just ] don't understand [ how, + {A of course, in my little world, } how ] guns could be so available. /", "{D Well } <breathing>, I don't either, / {C but } apparently they just really are. / {F Uh } <lipsmack>, {E I mean, } to me, in Plano you would think that would be [ about, + {D you know, } about ] as innocent as you could get [ for + <breathing>, for ] being in [ a, + a ] large <breathing> area. / {C But, } {D you know, } my son comes home and tells me that, {D you know, } he hears kids talk about having guns / {C and } <breathing>, {F uh, } someone came to his football practice about two weeks ago with a gun. /", "{F Oh, } my heavens. /", "{C And, } {E I mean, } it just scared me to death / {C and, } {D you know, } they called the police / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] nothing happened, / {C but } my goodness <laughter>, {D you know, } [ it, + it ] could have easily. /", "{D Well, } maybe that's the answer to crime is getting <noise> more prosecution. /", "Maybe so. /", "{D You know, } {C because } I don't, - / now [ I, + somehow I ] feel we're living in an impartial society as far as people seeing something happen, {D you know, } across the street, or seeing someone get mugged, or unfortunately, raped, / {C and } people don't do anything. /", "Yeah. /", "A woman was raped in Richardson, I read in the paper {F oh, } about a two weeks ago now. / {C And } all the neighbors said they heard her yelling for help. /", "{F Oh, } no. /", "{C But } [ nobody, + nobody ] did anything. /", "I just can't imagine that. /", "{D You know, } {E I mean } they heard someone calling for help. / Nobody even called the police to say, {D you know, } I hear a strange screaming -- /", "Right. /", "-- I'm afraid, {D you know, } if you, - / I don't blame people with today's society about going out to help themselves. /", "Right, / {D well, } I can see, {D you know, } especially if you heard screams from a house or something, not going over there maybe, because, {D you know, } it could be dangerous, / {C but } certainly I can't understand not calling the police. /", "Yeah. /", "I, -/", "I just, {D you know, } - / [ it's, + it's ] really <noise> frightening that [ we're not, + we're trying ] to live in our own little cocoons / {C and } probably one of the best things we could do for crime is to participate ourselves in its prevention. /", "Right. / {D Well } [ I, + I ] think you're right there. / I guess people just kind of keep their noses pointed in their own business, / {C but } I think that's real dangerous / {C and, } {F uh, } I don't know. / I try to tell my kids [ just, + just ] kind of be aware of what's around them, {D you know } / {C and } <breathing>, if you see a situation that looks like it could be trouble, just <breathing> get out of it or call for help, whichever. /", "Yes. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "Yeah, / {D well, } {D you know, } the call for help is what scares me now because [ it, + it just, ] - / I don't know, / people just don't, - / I don't know, / I can't say they don't care, because people just have to care about another person. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } it's that not getting involved, that impersonal society, I think we live in today. /", "<Breathing> {D Well, } maybe this thing [ with + <breathing>, with ] the child at school, maybe that will <lipsmack> make people think a bit more {C and, } {D you know, } take some steps [ to, + to ] correct it. / I don't know, / [ it's, + it ] really [ is, + is ] frightening. /", "Yeah <<very faint>>. /", "I, {F uh, } -/", "Let me ask you, / getting back to your son's football practice because it really sort of astonished me that police aren't doing, - / he didn't have a license for the gun, correct? /", "I don't know. / {E I mean, } I don't know the details. / This was not a child that was on the team. / It was someone that, {F uh, } [ show-, + {D you know, } just kind of showed ] up at the field. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } it was [ a, + a ] student age person, / {C but } I'm not even, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CRIME", "prompt": "DISCUSS CRIME IN AMERICAN CITIES TODAY. WHAT ARE YOUR CONCERNS AND THE CONCERNS OF THE OTHER CALLER? WHAT STEPS CAN BE TAKEN TO REDUCE CRIME?", "talk_day": "10/26/1991", "from_caller": 1362, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1410, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3338_0", "3338_1", "3338_2", "3338_3", "3338_4", "3338_5", "3338_6", "3338_7", "3338_8", "3338_9", "3338_10", "3338_11", "3338_12", "3338_13", "3338_14", "3338_15", "3338_16", "3338_17", "3338_18", "3338_19", "3338_20", "3338_21", "3338_22", "3338_23", "3338_24", "3338_25", "3338_26", "3338_27", "3338_28", "3338_29", "3338_30", "3338_31", "3338_32", "3338_33", "3338_34", "3338_35", "3338_36", "3338_37", "3338_38", "3338_39", "3338_40", "3338_41", "3338_42", "3338_43", "3338_44", "3338_45", "3338_46", "3338_47", "3338_48", "3338_49", "3338_50", "3338_51", "3338_52", "3338_53", "3338_54", "3338_55", "3338_56", "3338_57", "3338_58", "3338_59", "3338_60", "3338_61", "3338_62", "3338_63", "3338_64", "3338_65", "3338_66", "3338_67", "3338_68", "3338_69", "3338_70", "3338_71", "3338_72", "3338_73", "3338_74", "3338_75", "3338_76", "3338_77", "3338_78", "3338_79", "3338_80", "3338_81", "3338_82", "3338_83", "3338_84", "3338_85", "3338_86", "3338_87", "3338_88", "3338_89", "3338_90", "3338_91", "3338_92", "3338_93", "3338_94", "3338_95", "3338_96", "3338_97", "3338_98", "3338_99", "3338_100", "3338_101", "3338_102", "3338_103", "3338_104", "3338_105", "3338_106", "3338_107", "3338_108", "3338_109", "3338_110", "3338_111", "3338_112"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Tell me what you like to do. /", "{D Well, } <laughter> [ I, + I ] collect antique tools, {F uh, } for one thing, [ I + {D well, } I'm ] sort of in an antique business, / {C but } it's a little --", "Oh. /", "-- [ sideline, + part time ] thing. /", "Uh-huh, / wonderful. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I'm building [ a, + a ] log house at a farm that I have in East Texas, which is --", "Oh. /", "-- a hundred miles from here. /", "Wonderful. /", "Yeah, / it's really neat. / {C And, } {F uh, } {F uh, } course I've been working on it for five years, / {C but, } {D you know, } -/", "{F Oh, } {C but } how wonderful. / Are you close to getting it done? /", "Yeah, / yeah, / it's getting real close to -- -/", "Oh. /", "-- {D you know, } of course there's still a lot of work to be done, / {C and then } when you get it completely, {D you know, } the shell finished, {F uh, } you still have a lot of stuff to do inside, / {C but, } {F uh, } -/", "Are you going to move your whole family over there then? /", "No, / actually, {F uh, } I'm not even sure, / I may, / I'll probably always have a place here in Richardson or Dallas <noise>. /", "Uh-huh, / kind of your getaway place. /", "Yeah, / escape. / {C But } it's beautiful, / [ it's, + {D you know, } it's ] Eastern Hardwood, {F uh, } forest, / there are a lot of pine trees, / {C but } it's mostly oaks / {C and } (( )) . -/", "{F Oh, } how beautiful, / {C and } it's pretty flat there? /", "{D Well, } it's kind of, hilly, / {C but, } it's, {D you know, } low hills, / it's not, {F uh, } -/", "{D See, } I've only been to Texas once. / I have two sisters in Texas now, {F um, } one in Austin, one in Dallas, / {C and } the one in Dallas is the one that got me to doing this -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I thought Austin was beautiful -- /", "You, -/", "-- I liked the hills --", "Yeah, / in Aus-, -/", "-- and the trees, /", "Yeah, / it's really different because [ that's kind of the, + {D you know, } that's the ] chalk hills down there,", "# {F Oh, } {C and } you've always, #", "# [ lime-, + limestone ] hills, # /", "lived in Texas, have you? /", "Yeah, / except for time in service. /", "Uh-huh. / Born and raised Texan, {F huh. } /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } I had never been there, / that's pretty neat. / My sisters both seem to like it pretty well. / My brother-in-law works for the University, {F um, } in Dallas. /", "[ Wh-, +", "He's admissions director. /", "[ At, + at ] which ] one? /", "{F Uh. } University of Texas in Dallas. /", "{F Oh, } okay -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- it's just north of me here. /", "Yeah, / {D well } [ that's, + he's ] got a job there / {C and } this is his first year, / {C so, } it's been a real interesting thing for them <laughter>. /", "That's great. /", "{C But } they seem to like it okay. / I think they're too far away from me, / {C but } --", "{D Well, } yeah, /", "-- maybe some day they can get closer, / we'll see. /", "Pretty good trip. / {C So } [ what do you, + what kind of hobbies are you ] in? /", "{D Well, } I'm mother of four, / {C so } basically I'm just,", "<Laughter>.", "real busy with my kids right now in sports, / {C and } we have a little Halloween talent show tonight, / {C and, } <inhaling> I substitute at the schools part-time. /", "{F Oh, } that's great. /", "{D Well, } I am a travel agent at heart, / {C and } my hobby is just, - / I love traveling [ and, + and ] being involved of that and finding out more, {F uh, } / {C but, } it's real hard to work in the summers and holidays and weekends when you have four children and a husband, / {C so } --", "No, kidding. /", "-- I reluctantly gave that career up and am just substituting at the school, / {C so } I've been librarian all this week, which has been real interesting, / {C and } I'm enjoying it. / I'm around my kids /", "That's pretty easy substituting isn't it? /", "yeah, /", "<Laughter>.", "it's great, / it's great, / {C and } what else do I do, / I do lots of cross stitching when I have time -- /", "Ooh. /", "-- {C and } I enter things in our little state fair, / {C and } that's pretty fun. /", "That's great. /", "{D Well, } {C but, } actually my hobbies [ is + mostly is ] my sports. Tennis, / I play tennis. /", "{F Ooh, } I love tennis too -- /", "Ooh, / do you? /", "-- {C and } I [ ski, + ski, ] / do you ski? /", "Yes, / we snow ski. / We snow ski at Mount Bachelor mostly --", "{F Uh, } that's great. /", "-- in Oregon, / have you ever been there? /", "No, {F uh, } /", "Wonderful place. /", "I've skied in Colorado / {C and } --", "Ooh. /", "-- we usually go to New Mexico because it's a little cheaper, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. / Where in Colorado? /", "I've been to Telluride which is on the west side --", "Yes, / yes. /", "-- and, {F uh, } Copper, / Copper is kind of my favorite up there.", "Really. /", "Breckenridge --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and Keystone. / I guess those are the only places I've skied up there. /", "I would love, - / I can hardly wait to get --", "Me, too. /", "-- up there. /", "[ You guys, + are you guys ] getting snow? /", "We, - / it is snowing right now. / We're to get one to three inches tonight. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } gee, /", "(( )) . -/", "I heard Aspen got three feet. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {D well } [ we're, + we are ] on the dry side of the mountains. / Seattle is only about two and a half hours, / {C so } of course I'm a real Seahawks fan -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } going over that pass is just a real nightmare. /", "I can imagine, my lord. /", "[ [ {C And, } + {F um, } {C so, } ] + {C and } ] we're on the colder side, / they're on the rainy side, / we're on the snowy side / {C and, } {F um, } [ we, + we ] ski. / [ My, + my ] children all ski -- /", "{F Oh, } super. /", "-- {C and } [ we've, + we have ] been to Whistler in Canada, which is just a marvelous place, / Whistler and Black Home <<spelled phonetically>> is in Canada, / {C and then } we've gone to Sun Valley several times, / that's [ a, + just a ] great place. But [ no Colora-, + not in Colorado ] / [ since I was in college, + since I went to school, ] -/", "What about Utah? /", "Haven't been there, / I keep hearing these marvelous things --", "Yeah, / haven't either. /", "-- about Deer Valley and, - / {F um, } <<speaks to child>> {A don't, Adam, } <<resumes talking to B>> {F um } --", "Always want to go to [ Canada + --", "-- (( )) City, -/", "-- Canada ] to Banff or somewhere like that <laughter>. /", "{F Ooh, } yes. / {C And } your kids all ski? /", "{F Uh, } not all of them <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ My, + my ] kids are all grown. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } my youngest son is a skier. /", "Really, / that's great. / {D Well, } my boys are at the point where they scare their mommy to death. /", "Uh-huh. /", "When they're skiing they're fearless, / {C and } they go off, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOBBIES AND CRAFTS", "prompt": "WHAT HOBBIES DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR SPARE TIME? DO THEY INCLUDE ANY HANDICRAFTSWOODWORKING?", "talk_day": "10/31/1991", "from_caller": 1419, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1949, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1343, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1933, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3343_0", "3343_1", "3343_2", "3343_3", "3343_4", "3343_5", "3343_6", "3343_7", "3343_8", "3343_9", "3343_10", "3343_11", "3343_12", "3343_13", "3343_14", "3343_15", "3343_16", "3343_17", "3343_18", "3343_19", "3343_20", "3343_21", "3343_22", "3343_23", "3343_24", "3343_25", "3343_26", "3343_27", "3343_28", "3343_29", "3343_30", "3343_31", "3343_32", "3343_33", "3343_34", "3343_35", "3343_36", "3343_37", "3343_38", "3343_39", "3343_40", "3343_41", "3343_42", "3343_43", "3343_44", "3343_45", "3343_46", "3343_47", "3343_48", "3343_49", "3343_50", "3343_51", "3343_52", "3343_53", "3343_54", "3343_55", "3343_56", "3343_57", "3343_58", "3343_59", "3343_60", "3343_61", "3343_62", "3343_63", "3343_64", "3343_65", "3343_66", "3343_67"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / When they first said the subject, my mind went kind of blank. / I thought, {D Gee, } I haven't taken anything back for a long time. /", "{D Well, } I haven't either, {F uh, } / [ I, + I ] hate returning things. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } [ I, + I ] have a friend who, if she likes something, isn't sure what size somebody might need, will buy it in every color and size and, {D you know, } take everything back again <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "[ It's, + {D you know, } it's ] a game to her, / {C but } [ I, + I ] do not like to do that <laughter>. / I consider it kind of [ a, + a ] waste of my time. / {C And so } I'm usually, {F uh, } pretty careful when I shop -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I also, {D you know, } usually [ have, + have ] checked over things, {D you know, } if it's like an appliance or something to make sure, {F uh, } it has the features in it that I want. /", "Right. /", "<Child_whining> Now we've had one lately, {F um, } {F oh, } [ a, + {F uh, } a ] </child_whining> Dustbuster Plus --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that we bought, / {C and } we've had it for a while, / {C but } all of a sudden it just wasn't working, / {C and } it looks like there's a part missing from it. / My husband opened it up and whatever, / {C and } of course we don't have the receipt any more, / {C so } we can't take it back <laughter>. /", "Of course, / <laughter> uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } I think a lot of goods are made not to last real long -- /", "Right -- /", "-- {F uh, } /", "-- right, / just to get you by five years / {C and then } you'll throw it away rather than have it fixed -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- [ We're, + we're ] a wasteful society, for sure. /", "{D Well, } that's true, / {C and } lot of times though, [ it is, + it costs ] so much to get something fixed --", "Right. /", "-- that you almost <breathing> are just as well off buying another one --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know, } if it's, -/", "{C And } you usually get what you pay for. / We bought some walkie-talkies a couple of years ago for Christmas, / {C and } they were {D like } ten dollars, / {C and } we expected them <laughter> to work nice for the little kids, / {C and } they didn't work --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- worth anything <laughter>. / {D So } we took those back, / {C and } that's about that / all that <laughter> were taken back in ages. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / I think a lot of times, if you get a brand name --", "Yeah. /", "-- {F uh, } {D you know, } if it's [ a, + a ] good brand, - / [ [ I, + you, ] + I ] think [ there's, + there ] can be a lemon in anything --", "Right. /", "-- but, {F uh, } I think more often than not, / [ you, + you ] pretty well know what you're getting ahead of time, / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know, } if you buy a good one, you shouldn't have [ any, + {D you know, } too ] much of a problem with it, / {E I mean, } [ we, + we ] had a car once that we tried to have declared a lemon under the lemon law --", "{F Oh, } really. /", "-- which is --", "It's hard. /", "-- extremely difficult to do. / We never could get it <laughter> declared a lemon, / {C and } the car would go / {C and, } without any warning whatsoever, you could be going down the freeway at sixty / {C and } it would stop -- /", "{F Oh, } wow. /", "-- {C and } I, - / there was just, - / {D you know, } {C and, } {F oh, } we went round and round with the manufacturer [ and, + and ] everything, / {C and } they got it finally semifixed, / {C but } it was such a hassle -- /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } it just pertained to that <laughter>. /", "-- yeah, / yeah / [ it, + it ] really is, {F uh, } / {C but, } gee, <laughter> [ this is, + of all the topics I have had, {A I'm doing this thing, } this is ] kind of the strangest one. /", "<Laughter> [ I, + at first I ] thought of food, {D you know, } because that's [ what, + mainly what ] I buy, / it seems like, / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } I still don't have [ any, + anything ] to do there, / [ {C but, } +", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } ] [ I, + I ] think, too, a lot of people don't buy their warranties either because they know that when it's that old they're going to buy a new one, / {C so. } -/", "{D Well, } I think that's true, / {C and } [ I, + {F uh, } now we ] generally don't buy a warranty, because you think, {D you know, } at least for the first couple of years, nothing should go wrong with it. /", "Yeah, / my husband is really good at fixing things, too, / {C so } he usually, be able to fix anything that's minor, / [ {C and } + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } ] that has saved us <laughter> thousands of dollars, {D you know, } from (( )) to mechanic to --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- anything like that -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ {C but, } + {C but, } ] it was interesting to, / I don't know if they're making them better or not, / [ I, + it's ] hard to say. / [ Some, + I think they more ] of their parts plastic, which, {D you know, } makes things break easier, - / {C but } I think the technology is better. /", "[ Ye-, + I ] think technology is better, / [ I'm, + I'm ] not sure. / I think --", "About quality. /", "-- you've got a good point with the plastic and that. / I don't think necessarily that, things are being made better --", "Right. /", "-- {F uh, } {D you know, } / [ I, + I, ] - / everything is so automated, {F uh, } / {C and } things can be made without, <laughter> I think --", "Yeah, /", "-- a human hand ever touching it, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- an awful lot of things, / {C and } I think that certainly makes a difference [ from, + back from ] the time when somebody handcrafted something and, {D you know, } had some pride in it. /", "Right. / {D Well, } people aren't willing to pay those prices very often, {D so, } {D you know, } for a handcrafted something, / {C so } -- -/", "{D Well, } yeah, / [ that's -- +", "-- {C so. } -/", "-- that's ] true. /", "{C So, } if we get [ what we + <laughter> what we ] deserve <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ I, + I ] do, {F uh, } {D you know, } craft work and sell <child_crying> stuff at shows / [ {C and } that, + {C and } {F uh, } {F uh, } {D you know, } [ [ it's, + it's, ] + it's ] ] a real eye-opener as far as, {D you know, } why people charge what they do to, {D you know. } /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CONSUMER GOODS", "prompt": "FIND OUT FROM THE OTHER CALLER WHETHER THEY HAVE HAD TO RETURN A PRODUCT THEY BOUGHT RECENTLY. ARE CONSUMER GOODS GENERALLY GETTING BETTER OR WORSE IN QUALITY?", "talk_day": "11/01/1991", "from_caller": 1412, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1377, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3345_0", "3345_1", "3345_2", "3345_3", "3345_4", "3345_5", "3345_6", "3345_7", "3345_8", "3345_9", "3345_10", "3345_11", "3345_12", "3345_13", "3345_14", "3345_15", "3345_16", "3345_17", "3345_18", "3345_19", "3345_20", "3345_21", "3345_22", "3345_23", "3345_24", "3345_25", "3345_26", "3345_27", "3345_28", "3345_29", "3345_30", "3345_31", "3345_32", "3345_33", "3345_34", "3345_35", "3345_36", "3345_37", "3345_38", "3345_39", "3345_40", "3345_41", "3345_42", "3345_43", "3345_44", "3345_45", "3345_46", "3345_47", "3345_48", "3345_49", "3345_50", "3345_51", "3345_52", "3345_53", "3345_54", "3345_55", "3345_56", "3345_57", "3345_58", "3345_59", "3345_60", "3345_61", "3345_62", "3345_63", "3345_64", "3345_65", "3345_66", "3345_67", "3345_68", "3345_69", "3345_70", "3345_71", "3345_72", "3345_73", "3345_74", "3345_75", "3345_76", "3345_77", "3345_78", "3345_79", "3345_80", "3345_81", "3345_82", "3345_83", "3345_84", "3345_85", "3345_86", "3345_87", "3345_88", "3345_89", "3345_90", "3345_91", "3345_92", "3345_93", "3345_94", "3345_95", "3345_96", "3345_97", "3345_98", "3345_99", "3345_100", "3345_101", "3345_102", "3345_103", "3345_104", "3345_105", "3345_106", "3345_107", "3345_108", "3345_109", "3345_110", "3345_111"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } you keep up with current events? /", "{F Um, } somewhat. / Yeah, / somewhat -- /", "Not, -/", "-- not as well as I would like to probably -- /", "Is that right? /", "-- {C but } that's the way it goes. /", "Yeah, / [ where, + whereabouts ] in Pennsylvania. /", "What? /", "Where in Pennsylvania? /", "{F Um, } State College, / I go to Penn State. /", "{F Oh, } do you, / {D well, } great. /", "Yep. /", "How's, {F uh, } - / {D well } no, / we're not supposed to talk about that. / We're supposed to talk about current events. /", "Right, / exactly, {F uh. } /", "{D Well, } I'm a current event junkie. / {C So } [ [ I, + I ] watch, + I try to watch ] the news, / {C and } I read the newspaper, / {C and } I like to read TIME magazine and PEOPLE magazine to keep up with what's going on in the world. /", "I see. /", "(( )) . -/", "{D Well, } what particularly are you interested in? /", "{D Well, } I just, pretty, {F uh, } little, {D you know, } about everything. - / [ {C And, } not -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } again not ] everything, / {C but } {D you know, } I like to know pretty well what's happening. / Political things don't interest me a great deal, except I do like to stay informed enough to, feel like I halfway vote intelligently, {D you know } -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } other than that, {F uh, } I just, {D you know, } - / just the events that happen around the world interest me.", "Yeah. /", "Stay in touch with it and [ know, + feel like I know ] what's going on. / Now I have to say all three of my children, <laughter> none of them are too interested in current events. /", "<Laughter> I see. /", "{C But } I always have been -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I stay up with it. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ how do you, + how do you, ] {F uh, } stay aware of most of the current events. {F Uh, } newspaper?", "{F Um } --", "T V news, or what? /", "-- {F uh, } {D well, } some of both. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I read, + I read ] the newspapers sometimes -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I watch C N N, that sort of thing --", "Right. /", "-- occasionally -- /", "Yeah, / that's good. /", "-- {C and } I read magazines, and such. /", "{D Well, } you stay up with it pretty well, then. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / {E I mean, } [ not, + not ] that badly --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- anyway, / {C so } [ I am, + I am ] interested in what's going on, / {C and } I'm particularly interested in certain things of course, like all the news about Haiti recently --", "Uh-huh, / yes, / uh-huh. /", "-- because I've been down there -- /", "{F Oh, } you've been there -- /", "-- {C and, } yeah. /", "-- {D well, } you would be interested in it then. /", "Right, / exactly. /", "Yeah, {F uh, } / I follow it, {D you know, } / I don't just read everything about it, / {C but } I'm always aware of what's going on like that -- /", "Yep, /", "-- [ {C and, } + {F uh, } {C because } ] [ it is, + it's ] interesting -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } I don't know, / I feel sorry for those people down there, / they've just been so terribly mistreated for so [ many, + many ] years, {D you know. }", "That's true. /", "{E I mean, }", "They've never really had a good leader, /", "(( through )) Papa Doc, / {E I mean } he was --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- a terrible tyrant -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I think it's been better since he died, / {C but } it's still been bad -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } even that priest that was in control there for a while that they overthrew, {F uh, } / I've read some things about him that [ he was, + he wasn't ] too good himself. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "Yeah, / he was [ pretty, + pretty ] much a, - / he didn't mind having people bumped off for certain things, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, }", "I see. /", "It's, one of the reasons the U S [ wasn't so, + {D you know, } didn't do ] more than they did at the time --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because they weren't all that excited about him, although he's probably better than a lot of them, / [ {C but, } + {F uh, } {C but } ] then again, who, {D you know, } - / those people are so used to it / I guess it's the only thing that works. /", "Yeah, / {C so } what do you think about the quality of news coverage in America? /", "I think it's pretty darned good, / I think we're lucky to have as good a coverage as we have -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I really do. / {D Now, } [ I, + they ] sometimes they jump on it [ [ and, + and, ] + and ] go a little to the extreme, / the media does, / [ {C but, } + {F uh, } {C but, } ] that's kind of understandable, because, {D you know, } of course if you watch it [ more, + more ] than once a day, {E I mean, } it's the same thing over and over and over and over, / {C and } I listen to the radio -- /", "Right, / right. /", "-- {C so } [ I, + you ] hear so much, / you get a little tired of it, / {C but } then again, so many people you got to understand only catch it once a day, maybe -- /", "Yep. /", "-- {C but } I think the quality of [ our, + {F uh, } our ] news is just, {F uh, } I don't believe it could be better -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I really don't. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } {D you know, } I think [ it probably could be, + it always could be ] better, / {C but } I,", "I # don't think so. # /", "# would agree that # it's pretty good. /", "I don't think our news could be better. /", "Yeah. /", "{E [ I, + I ] mean, } {E I mean, } what else could they do to make it better. /", "{F Um. } /", "I don't see anything that they could do. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } I think that, {F um, } - / I don't know. /", "{D Well, } you always --", "<Laughter> The, {F um, } -/", "-- want to think everything can be improved upon -- /", "Right. /", "-- I understand what you're saying, /", "Right, / I think that, /", "{C But } by trial and error over the years, I think they got it about as good as they're going to get it. /", "{D Well, } that may be so, / yeah. /", "{F Uh } --", "I think that --", "-- nothing is perfect. /", "-- I'm not always satisfied with [ how dig they deep into the + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- how deep they dig into ] things and such. /", "{D Well, } that's true, / I understand what you're saying, / {C and then } again, I understand why they can't dig too much deeper, / that's why we have C N N. /", "Right. /", "C N N has the time, since that's all they do is news --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to dig deeper. /", "Right. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "11/02/1991", "from_caller": 1413, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1376, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1965, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3375_0", "3375_1", "3375_2", "3375_3", "3375_4", "3375_5", "3375_6", "3375_7", "3375_8", "3375_9", "3375_10", "3375_11", "3375_12", "3375_13", "3375_14", "3375_15", "3375_16", "3375_17", "3375_18", "3375_19", "3375_20", "3375_21", "3375_22", "3375_23", "3375_24", "3375_25", "3375_26", "3375_27", "3375_28", "3375_29", "3375_30", "3375_31", "3375_32", "3375_33", "3375_34", "3375_35", "3375_36", "3375_37", "3375_38", "3375_39", "3375_40", "3375_41", "3375_42", "3375_43", "3375_44", "3375_45", "3375_46", "3375_47", "3375_48", "3375_49", "3375_50", "3375_51"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Child_talking> {F Uh, } {D well, } [ I, + I ] guess it's a subject I haven't thought too much about. / {F Uh, } I don't know if there's so much wrong with the public schools, {F uh, } as much as,", "<Noise> <<sounds like a printer>>.", "we're expecting too much out of them. /", "{F Uh, } that might be a lot to do with it. / I know a lot of it here in my state, - / I'm from Mississippi, / I'm not sure where you're from. /", "Minnesota, # Wisconsin. # /", "# Minnesota, / # okay. / {D Well } a lot of it in Mississippi here has got to do with funding. /", "Yeah. /", "Problems with our educational system, a lot of it's due to money. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they're trying to spend money where we don't have it / {C and } there's a lot of things we need that we just can't afford. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } [ it's, + it is ] getting very expensive to run schools, / {C so. } -/", "{D Well } it is. /", "They've got computers now that you got to train on. / # There's just # --", "# Right. # /", "-- so much, {F uh, } more and less money to do it with. /", "That's true. / {C And } a [ lot of it, + lot of it ] has to do with, {F uh, } salaries too, # speaking # --", "# Right. # /", "-- of money. /", "Yeah. /", "Cause if you can't pay the right people, {D you know, } [ they're not to be able to do, + they're [ not, + not ] going to get ] the people that can do a good job. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] guess that in, {F uh, } - / talking on a lot of the things as far as the discipline in the schools, [ I, + I ] think they're expecting schools to discipline the kids / {C and, } {F uh, } I think it should go right back to the parents.", "Right. /", "If you don't train your kids right then <laughter>. /", "Right. / I feel the same way. / A lot has to do with how the kids were raised at home. /", "Right, / yeah. /", "{C And then } when the kids get to school, they try to take away a lot of things that they can do to discipline the kids. / {E I mean, } they've so severely limited / what disciplinary action you can do. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / [ I, + I ] know when I, {F uh, } <child> was going to school it wasn't uncommon for a teacher to strike a student that was misbehaving. /", "Exactly. / Right. /", "{E I mean } they do that now / {C and } they could probably lose their job <laughter>. /", "Lose their job and big lawsuit and all that. /", "Yeah, / yeah <noise>. /", "I feel that's got a lot to do with it. / People aren't as afraid of misbehaving as they used to be. /", "Right, / right. / Yeah <child_talking>. / It seems (( that'd )) be a subject that [ I, + I ] don't have much to say on # <laughter>. # /", "# Really. # / [ We, + we've ] talked some about it in my state because we've had a lot of, {F uh, } prob-, - / our governor that just got thrown out of office was trying to be real big on education / {C but } he wasn't. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } a lot of his problems had to do with money mostly. / I know [ a lot, + a lot of, ] - / if you have more money it's just logical that you can provide a better school system. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } unfortunately, there's not many places to get that money. /", "Yeah </child_talking>. /", "Then if you don't have qualified teachers in the different (( )) , - / I know one of my physics professors at college has addressed this. / That most of the teachers at the elementary and high school level aren't scientists, / they're teachers. / {C And } they may not know a lot about <talking> what they're teaching. / Where they may have just had a teaching major and then had some social studies courses / {C and } they're trying to teach social studies. / {C And } they don't know a lot about that </talking>. /", "Right. /", "Where maybe a physics professor, - / [ he, + my ] professor was a physics professor / {C and } he said a lot of teachers teaching physics today have no background of physics at the high school level. / {C So } therefore, they're teaching from a teacher's point of view and not from a physicist point of view. / {C And } that causes a lot of trouble. /", "Right. / Yeah. / I don't know, / [ [ e-, + e-, ] + maybe ] they should sit back [ and, + and ] kind of, {F uh, } decide on where the money's best spent. / I know in a lot of cases, {F uh, } different districts like to have nice fancy schools. /", "Right. /", "{C And } maybe they should be a little more, {F uh, } {F uh, } concerned with paying the right people to teach [ and, + and ] be, {F uh, } satisfied with maybe a little older school. /", "Exactly. / {C Because, } {E I mean, } here in the town I went to high school, / [ one of the, + {A there were four high schools in my county, } one of the ] high schools was blown away by a tornado. / {C So } when they rebuilt that school, they had [ a, + a ] top of the line, high tech school there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } the other schools were built back in maybe the fifties or early sixties / {C and then } when, {F uh, } the evaluation committees came through, they praised the school that had been rebuilt while they were down grading all these other ones. Telling them what they needed to do to fix up this building / [ [ [ {C and } this + {C and } this ] + {C and } this ] + {C and so } it ] kind of would make you think that we'd all be better off if all the schools were blown away by tornadoes and we had to rebuild them. /", "<Laughter> Yeah. / Yeah. / {D Well } [ I, + I ] know, {F uh, } where I came from. We didn't have a very, {F uh, } rich community / {C and, } {F uh, } high school that I went to was very old / {C and, } {F uh, } as far as I know, it's still there. / They've [ e-, + expanded ] on it / {C but } they've never built a new one / {C and } it's probably fifty, sixty years old [ or, + or ] better / {C and } --", "Right. /", "-- I don't foresee them, {F uh, } building a new one for a long time because they can't afford it. /", "Exactly </noise>. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PUBLIC EDUCATION", "prompt": "DISCUSS WITH THE OTHER CALLER WHETHER THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS TODAYY", "talk_day": "11/08/1991", "from_caller": 1426, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1952, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1428, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1971, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3983_0", "3983_1", "3983_2", "3983_3", "3983_4", "3983_5", "3983_6", "3983_7", "3983_8", "3983_9", "3983_10", "3983_11", "3983_12", "3983_13", "3983_14", "3983_15", "3983_16", "3983_17", "3983_18", "3983_19", "3983_20", "3983_21", "3983_22", "3983_23", "3983_24", "3983_25", "3983_26", "3983_27", "3983_28", "3983_29", "3983_30", "3983_31", "3983_32", "3983_33", "3983_34", "3983_35", "3983_36", "3983_37", "3983_38", "3983_39", "3983_40", "3983_41", "3983_42", "3983_43", "3983_44", "3983_45", "3983_46", "3983_47", "3983_48", "3983_49", "3983_50", "3983_51", "3983_52", "3983_53", "3983_54", "3983_55", "3983_56", "3983_57", "3983_58", "3983_59", "3983_60", "3983_61", "3983_62", "3983_63", "3983_64", "3983_65", "3983_66", "3983_67", "3983_68", "3983_69", "3983_70", "3983_71", "3983_72", "3983_73", "3983_74", "3983_75", "3983_76", "3983_77", "3983_78", "3983_79", "3983_80", "3983_81", "3983_82", "3983_83", "3983_84", "3983_85", "3983_86", "3983_87", "3983_88", "3983_89", "3983_90", "3983_91", "3983_92"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {F Um, } what type of magazines do you have? /", "We take several at home. / [ I, + I ] take, {F um, } SKIING MAGAZINE, / {C and } I take, {F uh, } DISCOVER magazine, and also, {F uh, } C D AND STEREO REVIEW --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, I think --", "{F Oh, } (( )) . /", "-- and BOYS LIFE <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } good. / That's a good one, I like to get <laughter>. / {F Um, } {C so } I take it that you like to ski. / [ Do you, + do you, ] {F um, } receive a lot of information on skiing through the SKI MAGAZINE? /", "I presume that I do. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } I suppose that puts me on some mailing lists and so forth, because I do get things --", "Oh. /", "-- from ski associations and things, {F uh, } [ at, + during ] the year. /", "{F Oh, } {F uh, } {C and } do you receive discounts and things like that, / do you think - / {C or, } -/", "<Breathing> {F Uh, } not so much that, I, {F uh, } more likely to see those at a ski show or something, / {C but } --", "Oh. /", "-- {F um, } <smack> <<sound made with mouth>> I just enjoy reading about the resorts and where you can go [ and, +", "<Throat_clearing>.", "and ] new equipment that's come out and so forth. / Some fashions --", "Oh. /", "-- are always in there too. /", "Uh-huh. / {D So } would this vacation you're taking, - / did you receive information from your skiing magazine? /", "Probably not. / {F Uh, } we already knew we wanted to take one, / {C and } we just started looking around. / I may have referred to a couple of them, / {C but } we went to the ski show and looked at all of the --", "Oh. /", "-- resort information, picked up a lot of brochures --", "Oh. /", "-- and just decided to go to Crested Butte. / We haven't been there before. /", "{F Um, } that sounds nice. /", "Kind of away from the crowd --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- is why we chose that one. / It's --", "Oh. /", "-- supposedly low lift lines. / {C But } I haven't skied Utah yet, / {C but } I want to. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } you need to come out <laughter>. /", "I'd like to go to Sundance and Park City --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and some of those. / I understand Deer Valley is nice, too. /", "Deer Valley, / uh-huh. / Yeah, / they are, - / it's wonderful snow <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } how about you, / [ what, + what ] magazines do you have at home? /", "{F Uh, } I am currently taking DECORATIVE WOODWORKING, and, {F uh, } COUNTRY LIVING, / {C and, } let's see, we do have NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, / {C and then } we have some church magazines, / {C but } I really enjoy the DECORATIVE WOODWORKING. / I'm heavy into woodworking and tole painting and things like that, / {C so } --", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "-- the DECORATIVE WOODWORKING has just been a great, great help. /", "Does it have, {F uh, } articles on how to do things --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- as well as equipment that you can buy and so forth? /", "Uh-huh, / [ they do have, + {F uh, } mostly they have, ] {F uh, } the ads on the equipment, / {C but } the whole magazine is just filled with, {F uh, } pictures and projects that you can make yourself, / {C and then } it has all of the patterns and instructions that you would need to make a wood project, [ and, + and ] then how to paint it with the tole paintings, / {C and so, } it's really a fun one. / I like that. /", "{D Well, } that's good. / It's good to get use out of one. /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "<Throat_clearing> I'm not sure that, {F um, } in the case of NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, - / {E I mean, } I read it, / {C but then } they just sort of gather dust for a --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- long period of time, / {C but then } eventually there'll be a school project or something where my son will need to refer back through forty-eight back issues to find --", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "-- {D you know, } France or something or whatever it is --", "Yeah. /", "-- he's looking for. /", "Yes. / [ I've, + I've ] noticed that, too, / {C but } they have been nice to have around. / Every once in a while they come in handy <throat_clearing>. /", "I used to take SMITHSONIAN --", "Oh. /", "-- too, / I liked that magazine -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } [ it was, + I was, ] just found myself not ever getting around to reading it. /", "Oh. {F Uh. } /", "You get so many coming in, / {C and } by the time the next round comes in I'm still not through reading <laughter> the first round. /", "{F Oh, } that. /", "{F Oh, } SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN comes to our house, too, I forgot, / {C and } that's --", "Oh. /", "-- mostly my son's, / [ {C but } -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } ] I do read it, too. /", "{F Oh, } {D well } that sounds like. -/", "{C And } he takes [ GAMES MAGAZINE -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- GAME MAGAZINE, ] which has puzzles and things --", "Oh. /", "-- that he likes to solve, {D you know, } crosswords and various logic puzzles and things like that -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- he likes to try that, / {C so. } He [ does, + {F uh, } <throat_clearing> does ] get to be a lot of paper though, / after a while <laughter> --", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "-- if you don't keep them weeded out, they almost take over. /", "[ They do, + they can do ] that. / I found that they've been fun for my little girls, / they're five and four years old, / {C and } # they like to go through / {C and, } # -/", "# {F Oh, } yeah, / they're just kind of # getting started now. /", "Uh-huh. <laughter> They like to cut the pictures out and paste them on, / {C and so } we've found good use for those. /", "Mine is a senior in high school, / {C so } [ he's, + we're ] kind of at the end of that trail. /", "Oh. /", "You're just --", "Oh. /", "-- sort of beginning --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to think about first grade. /", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah, / it's fun. / {D Well, } I do have a boy in junior high, too, / {C so } -- -/", "{F Oh, } okay, / {C so } you got a little bit of a gap there between, -/", "-- {C so } we're kind of running the gamut <laughter>. / Yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MAGAZINES", "prompt": "DO YOU HAVE MAGAZINES THAT YOU SUBSCRIBE TO OR READ ON A REGULAR BASIS? WHAT DO YOU LIKE OR DISLIKE ABOUT MAGAZINES", "talk_day": "02/19/1992", "from_caller": 1514, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1459, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1947, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3993_0", "3993_1", "3993_2", "3993_3", "3993_4", "3993_5", "3993_6", "3993_7", "3993_8", "3993_9", "3993_10", "3993_11", "3993_12", "3993_13", "3993_14", "3993_15", "3993_16", "3993_17", "3993_18", "3993_19", "3993_20", "3993_21", "3993_22", "3993_23", "3993_24", "3993_25", "3993_26", "3993_27", "3993_28", "3993_29", "3993_30", "3993_31", "3993_32", "3993_33", "3993_34", "3993_35", "3993_36", "3993_37", "3993_38", "3993_39", "3993_40", "3993_41", "3993_42", "3993_43", "3993_44", "3993_45", "3993_46", "3993_47", "3993_48", "3993_49", "3993_50", "3993_51", "3993_52", "3993_53", "3993_54", "3993_55", "3993_56", "3993_57", "3993_58", "3993_59", "3993_60", "3993_61", "3993_62", "3993_63", "3993_64", "3993_65", "3993_66", "3993_67", "3993_68", "3993_69", "3993_70", "3993_71", "3993_72", "3993_73", "3993_74", "3993_75", "3993_76", "3993_77", "3993_78", "3993_79", "3993_80", "3993_81", "3993_82", "3993_83", "3993_84", "3993_85", "3993_86", "3993_87", "3993_88", "3993_89", "3993_90", "3993_91", "3993_92", "3993_93", "3993_94", "3993_95", "3993_96", "3993_97", "3993_98", "3993_99", "3993_100", "3993_101", "3993_102", "3993_103", "3993_104", "3993_105", "3993_106", "3993_107", "3993_108", "3993_109"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay <laughter>, / [ what, + ] do you do artistic painting? /", "{F Uh, } I do tole painting. /", "{F Oh, } you do? /", "Uh-huh, / I really love the tole painting. / {F Uh, } I haven't done any of the oil or watercolor. / I would like to learn that someday, / {C but } right now my passion is tole painting <laughter>. /", "Do you do a lot of it? /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I ] took one class about, I guess three or four years ago / {C and } I've done a little, {F uh, } /", "Oh. /", "{C But } it takes a lot of time <laughter>. /", "It does, / it is real time consuming / {C and, } -/", "[ D-, + do ] you sell your projects? /", "{F Uh, } <breathing> mostly I have just given them away as gifts. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } I've done, {F uh, } perpetual calendars and <inhaling> cookie jar lids and, {F oh, } on and on, {D you know, } just things like that, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } I would eventually like to make enough to sell and quit my job / <laughter>.", "<Laughter> Where do you work at? /", "I just work at Stop and Shop out there [ in, + in ] Ogden / {C so, } -/", "{D Now } do you ever send any of your stuff to the boutique? /", "No, / <breathing> I've wanted to do that, {F uh, } but [ just haven't, + just haven't ] mass produced enough to do that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D So, } I have five children of my own, / {C so } it's -- -/", "<Laughter> That keeps you busy. /", "-- [ they, + they ] keep me busy / {C and } tole painting is just [ a, + ] {D you know, } something I do in my spare time / {C so } <laughter>, -/", "Uh-huh. / Have you tried any of the, - / {D well, } do you cut out your own projects? /", "Yes, / uh-huh, / I have my own saws / {C and so } I really enjoy doing that. /", "{F Huh. } Do you, {F uh, } ever spray your projects with [ the, + {E I mean } a ] base coat first / {C or } do you brush it on? /", "I brush it on, / yeah, / I haven't tried [ a, + a ] spray varnish. / I use just a wood sealer. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "I just bought a spray gun, one of those [ [ airless, + {F uh, } not airless, ] + high volume, low pressure ] spray guns. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. /", "{C And } I do a lot of woodworking / {C and } --", "Do you? /", "-- that's what I bought it for. /", "Oh. /", "{C But } I haven't used it yet. /", "{F Oh, } {D well } [ that's + that 'ud ] probably give you a smoother finish, wouldn't it? /", "Yeah. /", "Oh. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Now } what type of woodworking do you do? /", "{F Uh, } fine furniture. /", "{F Oh } --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- # do you? # /", "That's why I [ brought, + bought ] the sprayer --", "Oh. /", "-- is to finish my projects. / That's my [ worst, + <inhaling> worst ] part of my woodworking. / I get so sick of making <laughter>, /", "{F Oh, } <laughter> {C but } it's hard to finish it, {F huh. } /", "Yeah, / {C but } spraying does put on a nicer finish. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that is interesting. / {D So, } what kind of equipment do you have? /", "For woodworking? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } let me see, / table saw, scroll saw, band saw, lathe, routers, / {C and } -t's about it. /", "{D Boy, } it sounds like you're really into it. / That is nice. /", "Yeah, / it is. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + I ] just have a scroll saw and a jig saw / {C and } I am really anxious to get a band saw and a router <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / the band saw is really nice. / I have an Inca. / I don't know if you've ever heard of those. /", "Oh. /", "{C But } it's nice to have the right equipment. /", "Yeah, / [ that is, + that makes ] it easier, doesn't it? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D Well, } have you sold any of your furniture / {C or } --", "{F Uh } -- /", "-- just, -/", "-- not, - / mostly I do like you do, give it away as gifts. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, }", "Yeah. /", "Making my own furniture. /", "{F Oh, } that's interesting. / [ Do you, + {F uh, } did you ] take classes to learn how to do that? /", "{F Uh, } just in junior high -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } I just kept on through high school and then <inhaling> got my own equipment, kept up with that. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } yours is mostly just a hobby, too, then. /", "Yeah. /", "Oh. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well, } that is interesting. / {F Oh, } [ I would, + I really would ] love to go take a class in woodworking and learn how to. / I don't know if I necessarily want to do furniture, / {C but } mostly, {F uh, } just --", "{D Like } --", "-- do more, -/", "-- the shelves and, -/", "Uh-huh, / the woodworking. /", "For your --", "{F Uh, } /", "-- <Throat_clearing> tole painting. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Yeah, / {C so, } it's fun <<very faint>>. /", "Good. / {D Well } <breathing>, I guess I'll let you go now. /", "{D Well, } they come on, / we're supposed to talk until they come on and --", "{F Oh, } they do? /", "-- tell us <laughter>. /", "Okay, / {C so } this is my first one. / You're probably a veteran <laughter> --", "Yeah. /", "-- at this. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } [ it has, + it has ] been really fun. / I've enjoyed this. {F Uh, } / like I say, I've made a couple of calls to Texas, and --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- just talked to all different kinds of people / {C so } I think you'll enjoy doing it. /", "# Yeah. # /", "# It's fun. # /", "Sounds fun. / Where do you buy your tole painting paints at around here? /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } there's a shop in Roy that I really love. / {F Uh, } {C and } it's there by the, Copper Mill restaurant, used to be the Hayloft. /", "I am not famil-, - / {D well, } we live in (( Roy )) / , {C but, } we haven-, - / is it on nineteen hundred? /", "Uh-huh. / {F Uh, } let's see, / I'm trying to think of the name. /", "I know where fifty-six hundred south is. /", "<Breathing> {F Uh, } I don't right off. /", "<Laughter> Is that Ben Franklin (( then )) ? /", "Ben Franklin, / okay. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PAINTING", "prompt": "HAVE YOU DONE ANY PAINTING PROJECTS RECENTLYY", "talk_day": "02/21/1992", "from_caller": 1516, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1514, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1959, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["4051_0", "4051_1", "4051_2", "4051_3", "4051_4", "4051_5", "4051_6", "4051_7", "4051_8", "4051_9", "4051_10", "4051_11", "4051_12", "4051_13", "4051_14", "4051_15", "4051_16", "4051_17", "4051_18", "4051_19", "4051_20", "4051_21", "4051_22", "4051_23", "4051_24", "4051_25", "4051_26", "4051_27", "4051_28", "4051_29", "4051_30", "4051_31", "4051_32", "4051_33", "4051_34", "4051_35", "4051_36", "4051_37", "4051_38", "4051_39", "4051_40", "4051_41", "4051_42", "4051_43"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / you want to start? /", "Yeah, / I might as well. / {F Uh, } one of the things I'm very concerned about the air pollution, is [ [ [ the, + {F uh, } this, ] + this, ] + the ] ozone layer, {F uh, } {F uh, } issue. / {F Uh, } I used to own a heating and air conditioning business and handled lots of [ fre-, + different types of freons, ] / {C and } that, {F uh, } rather bothers me that, {F uh, } I was [ in, + in ] effect, {F uh, } contributing to the delinquency of [ the, + the ] environment, so to speak. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / that's stuff we never even thought about three years ago. /", "Right, / right, / {C and } one of the reasons they fixed up the freons eleven, twelve and thirteen, [ [ in, + in, ] + in ] that area was because they were inexpensive, / {F uh, } they could be made, {F uh, } {D you know, } inexpensive and lots of it, {F uh, } / {C and } in that, [ and + ] its properties were great, {F uh, } with, {F uh, } the machinery, didn't have to have lots of expensive machinery to, {F uh, } get your heating and cooling cycles to work. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So. } -/", "Have they stopped that practice now? /", "{D Well, } course there's [ a, + a ] <laughter> tremendous number of [ refrigerators and fre-, + {E excuse me, } refrigerators and freezers, ] both commercial and residential, {F uh, } utilizing freon twelve, / {C and } of course, the new cars, I guess starting with [ ni-, + nineteen ] ninety-three will not have freon twelve in their systems. / {C But, } {F uh, } there's, {D you know, } the ton of after market machines, and et cetera, et cetera. /", "<Throat_clearing> Yeah. /", "{C And } that's got me very, {D you know, } highly concerned that, {F uh, } <breathing> that's going to be quite a while before we can, {F uh, }", "<Throat_clearing>.", "undo this. / Now, that could spawn several good industries and help,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "pull us out of this recession, / {C but } you got to have people that can [ make, + {D you know, } earn ] a salary to pay for this conversion. / [ {C So, } + {C so } ] I see us in [ a kind, + somewhat of a ] catch twenty-two [ unless we, + unless the ] banks or industry and [ or + ] the government go together [ and, + and ] come up with a way to, {F uh, } have us as a part of the unemployed society be able to be gainfully employed again converting all this freon twelve stuff into the new nonpolluting, {F uh, } compound. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C Because } as I say, [ there's a, + there's a ] tremen-, - / {D well, } how many, {F uh, } {F uh, } families own a refrigerator, / {C and then } do, you know, that number, [ and then + ] how many [ a, + a ] freezer separate from --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and how many people, especially here in Texas, own cars and trucks with air conditioning. /", "Yeah <laughter>, / yeah. /", "{E I mean, } [ this is, + [ there, + there ] are ] people [ that, + that ] [ make it, + have ] a thriving business, {F uh, } that do nothing but heating and air conditioning [ on, + on ] automobiles and trucks, / {C and, } {F uh, } the only reason I didn't, {F uh, } get into that more, when I [ was, + had ] my little business, was because, {F uh, } most of your, {F uh, } air conditioning [ [ in, + in, ] + on ] vehicles tend to be greasy and dirty to the N-th degree -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } <laughter> {E I mean, } -/", "<Laughter>.", "{C so, } {F uh, } <child> <cough> that's why I [ stayed in, + stayed more [ towar-, + towards, ] ] {F uh, } {F uh, } - / {C and } that's a [ pollut-, + polluting ] type deal too, is the excessive, {F um, } {D you know, } {F uh, } petroleum products in your engine bay and so forth, and the dirt and grit and those two mixed together [ with, + with ] water [ and, + ] {F uh, } <noise> <<sounds like knocking on a door>> really [ make, + {F uh, } make ] a mess. /", "{F Um, } yeah, / yeah, / I hate to see a car going down the street, or even a truck or bus for that matter, that's putting out a lot of dark --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- smoke, / {C and } I know there's a lot of pollutants we can't even see coming out of --", "Right. /", "-- cars, / {C but } [ that, + that ] particular bothers me. /", "{D Well, } [ [ most, + most, ] + most ] of the time when you see [ bus, + {F uh, } {D you know, } the busses ] with the diesel --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ that's, + {F uh, } those ] are carbon particles, and carbon dioxide and water vapor, {F uh, } / {C because } [ when you, + when diesel ] is burned it's it, - / {D you know } diesel fuel is burned [ in a, + in the ] diesel engine / it's burned so completely, that you don't have any, {F uh, } nitrous oxides, {F uh, } or oxides of nitrogen, {F uh, } to, {F uh, } form --", "{F Oh. } /", "-- [ because of, + by virtue of ] the very combustion process of the diesel engine, because diesel oil [ is, + {F uh, } <laughter> is ] not very volatile.", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } where gasoline, if you leave a little pail of gasoline out before long it's gone. /", "Yeah. /", "Diesel is going to be around, because it doesn't evaporate easily, / {C and } it's got, - / {D well, } {D you know, } its latent heat is high, / {C but } it's slow burning [ at, + at, ] {F uh, } normal pressures. / That's why your diesel engines have such high compression ratios --", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "-- [ as the, + as the ] air is heated, {D you know, } by virtue of the compression process to {D like } one to nineteen or nineteen to one --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- ratio -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } if the car sucks in, {F uh, } fifty degrees, -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "AIR POLLUTION", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS AIR POLLUTION. FIND OUT WHAT SUBSTANCES THE OTHER CALLER THINKS CONTRIBUTE THE MOST TO AIR POLLUTION TODAY. WHAT CAN INDIVIDUALS OR SOCIETY DO TO IMPROVE AIR QUALITY?", "talk_day": "03/03/1992", "from_caller": 1307, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1953, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1001, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1940, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["4064_0", "4064_1", "4064_2", "4064_3", "4064_4", "4064_5", "4064_6", "4064_7", "4064_8", "4064_9", "4064_10", "4064_11", "4064_12", "4064_13", "4064_14", "4064_15", "4064_16", "4064_17", "4064_18", "4064_19", "4064_20", "4064_21", "4064_22", "4064_23", "4064_24", "4064_25", "4064_26", "4064_27", "4064_28", "4064_29", "4064_30", "4064_31", "4064_32", "4064_33", "4064_34", "4064_35", "4064_36", "4064_37", "4064_38", "4064_39", "4064_40", "4064_41", "4064_42", "4064_43", "4064_44", "4064_45", "4064_46", "4064_47", "4064_48", "4064_49", "4064_50", "4064_51", "4064_52", "4064_53", "4064_54", "4064_55", "4064_56", "4064_57", "4064_58", "4064_59", "4064_60", "4064_61", "4064_62", "4064_63", "4064_64", "4064_65", "4064_66", "4064_67", "4064_68", "4064_69", "4064_70", "4064_71", "4064_72"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } how do you feel about trial by jury? /", "I feel very uncomfortable with trials by juries recently. {F Uh, } /", "In what way? /", "In that it seems to me that they are swayed more by emotion than, {F uh, } by evidence that's presented. / I have, {F uh, } very little regard for the law <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "presently practiced. /", "{F Oh, } [ do, + do ] you feel they are swayed more toward, are you talking about with criminal or civil suits? /", "I was thinking primarily criminal cases. /", "{D So, } do you think that, {E I mean } [ the + the ] stereotypical bleeding heart juries --", "Yes. /", "-- where they feel sorry. /", "Uh-huh. / That's a concern of mine. / {F Uh, } I would feel more comfortable in many cases I think with judges. {F Uh, } {D you know, } doing the sentencing. /", "Uh-huh. / <<very faint>> [ The other thing, + the only thing ] that really bothers me about that is I think {D you know, } that a judge can be <noise> - / [ I, + I ] like the idea of juries of your peers --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } in that [ [ you, + you, ] + you ] get [ more + personally more ] than one person [ making the, + making a ] decision. / {C And } second of all, you get a wide variety of background / {C so } that, -/", "Yeah, / my question I guess are they really your peers? /", "Uh-huh. / # I'd # --", "# {F Uh } # <<very faint>>,", "-- agree with that. / That's definitely a problem. /", "{F Uh, } too often I think they are not -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } [ when you, + when you are ] selecting a jury and you are doing it partially [ if, + if ] not entirely on the basis of which color representation you have --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know that } is a matter of concern to me too. / {F Uh, } I think that, {F uh, } in such cases, {F uh, } they are not really looking for unbiased people, but rather for biased. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } now I happen to know several judges / {C and } there is one that I would feel uncomfortable but has [ me-, + ] doing sentencing without the jury <laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter> I would feel a little bit uneasy about -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } the other two I feel, {F uh, } would give either {D you know, } the plaintiff or for the defendant the the full benefit of the law. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I guess that's what I am concerned with. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / I, guess [ I, + I ] definitely agree with you, / {C but } [ sin-, + ] the - / {D well, } what I don't like about, {F uh, } [ sentence, + the jury doing the sentencing ] --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in that I think it becomes a lot less, - / [ the, + the ] same crime gets unequal sentences. /", "This is very true. /", "[ I, + {F uh, } I ] think there is more of an ability [ of + {D you know, } {D you know } for ] selecting [ a jury, + two different juries ] that would most of the time come up with [ the same idea, + {F uh, } the same idea ] versus {D you know } whether he is guilty --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or innocent -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } [ I think, + I think ] there would be a large variation [ in, + in ] trying to gage [ the + the ] severity of the crime and an appropriate punishment and have [ that + that ] measure stick across the board. /", "Yeah / {C and } you do see such uneven sentencing --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } evidence of it in the newspapers and such, {E I mean } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- where, {F uh, } it would appear the crimes were very similar / {C but } one individual got twenty-five years / {C and } the other one was sentenced to life. / {C So, } -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } /", "Of course a lot of that's also the ability [ of, + of ] the defendant to, {F uh, } get a good lawyer. /", "Isn't that the truth <laughter>? /", "Uh-huh. /", "There are times when [ is it, + {F uh, } / {A {F oh } goodness, my mind has gone blank } it's, ] {F uh, } Othello. / You know where he says kill all the lawyers <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Every now and then one is tempted to see [ what, + what. ] /", "Yeah, / I agree <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {C But, } [ I, + it's taken me ] a long time to understand that, {F uh, } lawyers are concerned with the law and not with justice --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ as we think of, + {D you know, } [ as, + as ] --", "Uh-huh <noise>. /", "-- novices tend to think ] that, {F uh, } attorneys care about justice. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / [ I, + I ] agree with it / yeah. / They will admit to you that they [ can-, + don't ] have the benefit of being able [ [ to + {D you know, } of, ] + of, ] [ letting, + allowing ] themselves to believe their clients that are guilty -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it's more of the game plan of how do they convince the judge or jury through argument. /", "{C And } --", "That the <<very faint>>, -/", "-- they are very effective too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } even, - / I have been involved, {F uh, } just [ sli-, + slightly ] in a case where I know the person is guilty -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } his attorneys gotten him off. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } the city has dropped their charges against him because [ their, + the ] attorney has presented enough evidence of doubt to convince the judge. / {C So } I don't know <laughter> <noise>. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } this is a little bit of the subject, / {C but } [ one, + one ] thing that I really dislike, {F uh, } also [ that's, + that's ] new [ is the, {F uh, } + is that ] I have heard that there are federal sentences, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TRIAL BY JURY", "prompt": "DISCUSS POSSIBLE CHANGES IN THE WAY TRIALS BY JURY ARE CONDUCTED. FOR EXAMPLE", "talk_day": "03/04/1992", "from_caller": 1531, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1967, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1397, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1930, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2022_0", "2022_1", "2022_2", "2022_3", "2022_4", "2022_5", "2022_6", "2022_7", "2022_8", "2022_9", "2022_10", "2022_11", "2022_12", "2022_13", "2022_14", "2022_15", "2022_16", "2022_17", "2022_18", "2022_19", "2022_20", "2022_21", "2022_22", "2022_23", "2022_24", "2022_25", "2022_26", "2022_27", "2022_28", "2022_29", "2022_30", "2022_31", "2022_32", "2022_33", "2022_34", "2022_35", "2022_36", "2022_37", "2022_38", "2022_39", "2022_40", "2022_41", "2022_42", "2022_43", "2022_44", "2022_45", "2022_46", "2022_47", "2022_48", "2022_49", "2022_50", "2022_51", "2022_52", "2022_53", "2022_54", "2022_55", "2022_56", "2022_57", "2022_58", "2022_59", "2022_60", "2022_61"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {C so, } {F um, } - / yes / [ we do keep, + {F uh, } {D well } we started out keeping ] a budget about two years, ago, / we have a computer, here at the house, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I made a Lotus spreadsheet and went through the year using all of [ our, + our ] checkbook to figure out what we spent each time and whether we were over or under for each month / {C and then } basically since then what I've done [ is, + is ] keep track of it through the checkbook / {C so } that based on [ whatever we've got coming in, + the check coming in, ] <child_talking> then how much I'm spending each half of the month and then trying to also spe-, - / because our house payment is once a month, / that's [ our, + our ] biggest, {F uh, } expense / {C so } I take half of that amount out of my checkbook [ each, + with each ] paycheck,", "Uh-huh. /", "even thought it's really still there,", "Uh-huh. /", "so that I can keep, {F uh, } {F uh, } good balance,", "A running total. /", "a running total, {D yeah } through the month, /", "Yeah. /", "What do you all do? /", "{F Uh, } [ we've, + we've, ] {F uh, } taken how much we have, {D you know, } write down how much we have coming in each month / {C and then, } {F uh, } we've, - / at the beginning of the year we sat down and determined how much we could spend. / We [ sat dow-, + made up ] different accounts {D like, } {D you know, } / we've set a budget for each, {D you know, } household expenses, or food, and clothing and entertainment and then [ our, + our ] own fun money and just stuff like that / {C and then } we write down [ each, + each ] time we spend something, we write down in a book / {C and } at the end of the month we tally it up to see how close we, {D you know } - / [ we, + we ] try to stay within a certain budget, / {C so. } -/", "[ Is it, + is it ] hard to keep track of it / {C or } does it work out pretty well? /", "{F Um, } [ it takes some, + it takes some ] dedication to do it, / {C but } [ it, + it ] works out real well, / {C so. } -/", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] you're staying within your budget and [ keep-, + ]", "Uh-huh. /", "everything is working pretty good. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ I stay wi-, + I have to stay within ] it, / {C so } I, {D you know, } - / {C and then } we have that, {D you know, } - / [ if you can't stay, + if something comes up and you can't stay ] within it then we have, {F uh, } {D you know, } a budget for, {D you know, } {D like } we call our slush fund or something / {C and } some-, an unexpected comes up, then [ you're not, + {D you know, } you don't ] feel it so strapped. /", "You don't have to go out and borrow it somewhere and do that. /", "Right, / yeah, / {C because } [ we don't, + {D you know, } we don't ] charge anything that we can't pay off by the end of the month. /", "That's a good choice, / [ we've been trying, + we're trying ] to, {F uh, } do that this year. / We've budgeted the money that [ we used to spend, + we were spending ] on a (( CODA )) account with T I and then money we were also buying stock with for that year, / we've taken that this year,", "<<Talking to someone else in the room>> You've got paper under your table. /", "and said we're going to pay off all of our credit cards / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "we have, {F uh, } another loan with the bank, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and so } we hope by the end of this year,", "To be out of that. /", "that by doing that we'll be free,", "Free. /", "and clear. /", "Yeah, / the only thing we have, it to pay off [ is our, + is a ] automobile loan and our house payment, / {C and } that's the only thing we ever, -/", "That's good to be in that kind of shape. /", "We try to stay out of debt <child>. /", "What are you all trying to do long term. /", "{F Huh. } {F Oh } it's long term. / We just, - / [ he ha-, + {D you know, } his ] retirement plan and then to (( CODA )) and stuff like that, that's all we, - / {C and } {D you know, } we just have our life insurance for right now. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } we don't have any long term, {D you know, } in stocks, or anything like that right now, / {C so. } -/", "Yeah, / mostly what [ [ we're doing, + we've worked, ] + we've done ] the, {F uh, } (( CODA )) account with T I where [ they, + we ] put in so much a month, / [ {C and then } they, + {A or so much a pay check } {C and then } they ] match it. /", "Yeah, / that's what we're doing. /", "{C So } [ that's, + that's ] worked out pretty good / {C and then, } I used to work for T I / {C and } I have, - / when I retired from there, or left, I took the money [ I + that I ] had in mine and put it in an I R A / {C and } [ we had an out, + we had an ] existing I R A / {C so } [ we have, + both of us have ] some money in an I R A that we're also trying to figure, - / [ to, put it, + we're putting it ] in C D's right now, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and then } we're # also looking at it in possibly getting a mutual fund. # /", "# Yeah, / when ever we get enough saved # we stick it in a C D for a while / [ {C and, then, } + {F uh, } {D you know } {C and then } ] [ when, + if ] we need it we wait until [ it, + it's ] expired / [ {C and then } + {C so, } ] -/", "Yeah. / The other thing that we've done, [ that, + that ] was really nice to see, we had one of the financial companies, {F um, } / [ han-, + {F uh, } John Hancock ] company came out / {C and } their agent did a long term analysis based on salary and, {F uh, } [ what we were pla-, + [ what, + what ] our, {F uh, } goals were ] on a long term budget in terms of retirement, kids college, paying off the house, buying a different house,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F um, } special thing, buying land and building our own house / {C and } they did an analysis for us based on what we were putting in and the time frame that we wanted to look at,", "Uh-huh. /", "and then gave us [ a good idea back, + {D you know, } some good information back ] on whether or not we were going to achieve those goals,", "or not, / yeah. /", "[ and, + or ] not, and what we needed to do so that we could achieve them and the money we could put in at what time. /", "Uh-huh. / That sounds interesting, / we've never done any-, - / we have, - / {D you know, } [ just our, + our ] life insurance guy has come out, {D you know, } / {C and } he's [ set up, + {F uh, } {D you know, } determined ] how much [ we need to, + {D you know, } we need if ] something were to happen. /", "Yeah, / [ that, + that's ] the other financial thing I guess that we've done is with our life insurance is, since I'm at home now [ is, + is ] figuring out, {F uh, } what we would need if something happened to my husband, or what he would need if something happened to me, / that's [ a, + a ] big thing to think about. /", "Right, / yeah, {D you know, } / if, I would sell the, {D you know, } - / if, [ he, + ] something would happen to him, I wouldn't stay in Texas, / I would, {F uh, } sell the house and move back home, {D you know, } to my home town, / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } I wouldn't stay here in Texas, / {C so } {D you know, } I don't know what he would do. /", "Okay, / I guess that's most of my, {F um, } financial plans right now. /", "Yeah / mine too. /", "[ Is, + is ] there anything you'd like to add? /", "No, / that's about all for mine. /", "{D Well } it's been nice talking to you. /", "Nice talking to you too. /", "Bye, bye </baby>. /", "Bye, bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY FINANCE", "prompt": "DOES YOUR FAMILY KEEP A MONTHLY BUDGETCAN YOU GIVE A GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF YOUR PROCEDURES", "talk_day": "03/06/1991", "from_caller": 1138, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1961, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1107, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1961, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2587_0", "2587_1", "2587_2", "2587_3", "2587_4", "2587_5", "2587_6", "2587_7", "2587_8", "2587_9", "2587_10", "2587_11", "2587_12", "2587_13", "2587_14", "2587_15", "2587_16", "2587_17", "2587_18", "2587_19", "2587_20", "2587_21", "2587_22", "2587_23", "2587_24", "2587_25", "2587_26", "2587_27", "2587_28", "2587_29", "2587_30", "2587_31", "2587_32", "2587_33", "2587_34", "2587_35", "2587_36", "2587_37", "2587_38", "2587_39", "2587_40", "2587_41", "2587_42", "2587_43", "2587_44", "2587_45", "2587_46", "2587_47", "2587_48", "2587_49", "2587_50", "2587_51", "2587_52", "2587_53", "2587_54", "2587_55", "2587_56", "2587_57", "2587_58", "2587_59", "2587_60", "2587_61", "2587_62", "2587_63", "2587_64", "2587_65", "2587_66", "2587_67", "2587_68", "2587_69", "2587_70", "2587_71", "2587_72", "2587_73", "2587_74", "2587_75", "2587_76", "2587_77", "2587_78", "2587_79", "2587_80", "2587_81", "2587_82", "2587_83", "2587_84", "2587_85", "2587_86", "2587_87", "2587_88", "2587_89", "2587_90", "2587_91", "2587_92", "2587_93", "2587_94", "2587_95", "2587_96", "2587_97", "2587_98", "2587_99", "2587_100", "2587_101", "2587_102", "2587_103", "2587_104", "2587_105", "2587_106", "2587_107", "2587_108", "2587_109", "2587_110", "2587_111", "2587_112", "2587_113", "2587_114", "2587_115", "2587_116", "2587_117", "2587_118", "2587_119", "2587_120", "2587_121", "2587_122"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Go ahead. /", "{F Oh, } {F um, } {F uh, } I usually don't get to [ hea-, + hear ] any of the current events probably until about the ten o'clock news. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } being, {F uh, } - / {E I mean, } by the time you get off work, go by and pick up the, {F uh, } baby from the baby sitter, it's, {D you know, } after six / {C and } by the time everything is settled in, / it's ten o'clock before I can catch up on anything. /", "Yeah, / I guess that's the way I am too. / [ I, + sometimes I ] hear some things [ on, + on ] the radio. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh } yeah. /", "I only get the newspaper on the weekends / {C so } <sigh>, -/", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / {F Oh, } I don't even have, [ ge-, + ] time to read the newspaper except in passing, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } I'll look over my husband's shoulder and see what's going on. /", "[ I, +", "# {C But, } {F uh, } # -/", "# I ] guess # occasionally I'll hear someone at work say something though. /", "Yeah. / We have, {F uh, } a news thing on the computer [ that, + {F uh, } that ] [ I'll, + I'll ] try to look at every day. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ it, + it's ] pretty much headline news. /", "Yeah. /", "Which isn't, {D you know, } pretty much what we [ loo-, + look ] for anyway. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh. } [ I, + ] do you think that the quality of [ [ the, + {F uh, } the, ] + {D you know, } the ] news events that you get are, - / what do you think about it? /", "{D Well } [ I, + I ] guess it's pretty good. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] like the Dallas area, -/", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # [ I, + I ] guess when you're in a big metropolitan area like this, / there's, I guess, a lot of pressure in that business to,", "# Yeah. # /", "# borderline # at that. /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } there's a lot of competition in the media. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } sometimes I think it too much trying to figure out who's going to get the best headlines. And that they'll run a topic into the ground. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh. } {D You know, } they try to play public's opinion. Which I think is awful, because it usually works. /", "Uh-huh, / true. / I'll bet that was the case of [ the, + the ] war in the Middle East. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. / That, - / {F uh, } [ l-, + lots ] of new, {F uh, } newsmen were created during that / {C so, } it will be interesting to see what happens. /", "Uh-huh, / true. / Trying to think what else [ is, +", "<Laughter>.", "<Laughter>.", "# Right. # /", "# is ] # current. /", "{F Uh, } {F uh, } /", "{D Well, } {F um, } I don't know what to say <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{F Uh, } that's a bad one, / they, {F uh, } - / looks like we're going to have an income tax in Texas, /", "Yeah, / I hate to see that, / {C but } [ [ [ it's, + {F uh, } i-, ] + that, ] + {D you know, } if what it's ] going to take, - / {D well, } {D you know, } we can deduct that from [ our income tax, + our federal income tax. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C But, } + {F uh, } {D you know, } {C but } ] we need good schools. / {F Uh, } we're more involved in that now. / {C And, } [ [ [ I, + I, ] + I, ] + I ] think it's better for everybody if we had better schools. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{D So, } -/", "I would think they could find a better way to fund it though, / {C but } they haven't for, -/", "No. / {D You know, } I wish they could have gotten a lottery. /", "{D Well, } they're struggling with it. /", "Yeah. / I think, {D you know, } the lottery could have helped, with that. / {E I mean, } it wouldn't have been as painful as what we would've paid in state income tax. / {E I mean, } <laughter> probably would have paid the same amount / {C but, } {D you know, } it's not the idea of your paying, {F uh, } income tax. /", "Uh-huh. / True. /", "{D So, } -/", "[ I, + I'm ] not sure there's a positive solution for that. /", "No. / It'll be interesting to see what happens. /", "Trying to think what else is current. /", "[ I, + {D you know, } I ] haven't seen the news <laughter> in a couple of days. / {C So } it, {F uh, } - / I'm a little behind on things. /", "{D Well, } the other thing I can think of is, {F uh, } what is still going on in Iraq --", "Yes, / [ that's, + that's ] sad. /", "-- and the Kurd refugees. /", "Yeah. / [ They, + {F uh, } {D yeah, } they ] had to choose between the better of the [ two, + two ] bad situations, / {C and, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {F uh, } # I don't know what I've would have done in the situation. /", "Yeah, / it begins to make you wonder why we didn't go ahead and go on in and,", "# Yeah. # /", "# finish # the job while we were in there. /", "Right. / {C But } I understand why Bush, {D you know, } doesn't want to go in [ and, + and ] {F uh, } take sides. / {E I mean, } {C because } that would definitely look like another Korea, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and } # he'd have all these people jumping down his back, even though I'd agree with it. / I think he [ ought to, + should've ] gone in there and blew them away. /", "Seems to have helped him though,", "# Yeah, [ [ it, + it, # ] +", "# popularity wise. # /", "it ] did a lot. / He did a real good job I believe. / I have, {F uh, } in-laws that live in Saudi Arabia that stayed there during all of it too. /", "{F Hm. } /", "[ It, + {F uh, } it, ] {F uh, } {D you know, } - / [ we, + {C so } we ] kept very much abreast of what was going on. /", "Yeah. / [ [ Were, + were ] they + in any of the areas where they, ]", "# Yeah, / they were [ on # +", "# some of the Scuds? # /", "[ the, + the, ] [ ne-, + near, ] ] {F uh, } Dahran.", "{F Um. } /", "[ On the, +", "# Um-hum. # /", "# on # the ] [ wes-, + east ] coast. /", "Yeah. /", "They were just north of it.", "{F Um. } /", "Probably about a hundred fifty miles, hundred miles from {F uh, } the Kuwaiti border. / {F Uh, } {C and } they stayed active was [ the, + {F uh, } the ] military there. Taking supplies out to them in the desert. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ It was, + it was ] a new situation. /", "Yeah. / I'll bet. /", "I don't really have much more to say <laughter>. /", "I don't know anything else that's current other than the weather / {C and, } -/", "You're right, / {C and } [ that's, + that's ] awful in Texas <laughter>. /", "[ Have, + have ] you all been getting rain storms down there? /", "We got some awful rain, {F uh, } the other morning. / {C And } today's just been real drizzly. /", "[ We did, + we did ] last night. {F Uh, } some real massive thunderstorms. /", "Yeah. /", "Apparently, [ I, + I ] don't know if it was just the strong winds or some small tornadoes up this way too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Caused some damage. /", "It did? /", "We may get some more tonight. /", "{F Oh, } {D well. } [ We, + we've ] just got slight chances of rain. / {C But, } {F uh, } [ we had the, + we had the ] hard thunderstorms the other morning. / Course while everybody was getting ready to go to work. Making nice traffic jams. / {C So } <<faintly>>, -/", "Uh-huh. / {D Well } [ the, + the ] ground here is so flat, / {C and } it's all saturated now, /", "# Oh <<faintly>>. # /", "# we're getting # some flooding. /", "Right, / {F uh, } when was it, last week, we had all the rain? / {C But, } {F uh, } - / [ we, + I think we ] had about eight inches. /", "{F Hm. } /", "It was between six and eight inches here where we are. /", "Goodness. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ it, + ] you walk out on the ground, - / {E I mean } you, - / {E I mean, } it's awful. / It's just so soggy. /", "Yeah. / It's a lot more humid down that way. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "In fact, miserable. /", "{D Well, } today [ it was, + {E I mean, } the air was ] just so sticky, so damp. /", "Yeah, / I think there were places around downtown Fort Worth last night they got three inches in a real short period of time, like an hour or so just,", "# Goodness. # /", "# a # bunch. / {D Well, } I guess that's it <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Right. / {D Well } it's, /", "That's about as much as we can do with current events. /", "Right. / {D Well, } it was nice talking to you. /", "Good talking to you, Michelle. /", "All right. / Bye-bye. /", "Bye-bye. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "NEWS MEDIA", "prompt": "DISCUSS HOW YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER KEEP UP ON CURRENT EVENTS. DO YOU GET MOST OF YOUR NEWS FROM TVOR PEOPLE YOU KNOW? ARE YOU SATISFIED WITH THE QUALITY OF COVERAGE?", "talk_day": "04/12/1991", "from_caller": 1232, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1958, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1135, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2589_0", "2589_1", "2589_2", "2589_3", "2589_4", "2589_5", "2589_6", "2589_7", "2589_8", "2589_9", "2589_10", "2589_11", "2589_12", "2589_13", "2589_14", "2589_15", "2589_16", "2589_17", "2589_18", "2589_19", "2589_20", "2589_21", "2589_22", "2589_23", "2589_24", "2589_25", "2589_26", "2589_27", "2589_28", "2589_29", "2589_30", "2589_31", "2589_32", "2589_33", "2589_34", "2589_35", "2589_36", "2589_37", "2589_38", "2589_39", "2589_40", "2589_41", "2589_42", "2589_43", "2589_44", "2589_45", "2589_46", "2589_47", "2589_48", "2589_49", "2589_50", "2589_51", "2589_52", "2589_53", "2589_54", "2589_55", "2589_56", "2589_57", "2589_58", "2589_59", "2589_60", "2589_61", "2589_62", "2589_63", "2589_64", "2589_65", "2589_66"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "The public school systems, {D well } everybody's [ kno-, + has known ] they've needed renovation for years, but never really had a clear direction on which way to go with it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "The first direction that [ I can see, + {E or } [ I wish, + I would love ] to see ] them go with. / Kids learn at different rates / {C and } for too long they've kind of lumped everybody together. / You'd learn at this rate / {C and } that's the only way it's going to happen. /", "Yeah. / That's true <laughter>. /", "You've got some kids that'll pick up on it in the first three minutes you're talking about it, / {C and } [ the re-, + the other ] fifty-seven minutes you've been talking about a subject, you've bored them. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / [ that's, + that's ] very true. / {F Um, } <sigh> I guess I can relate to that, because I have two kids that are opposites like that. / <laughter> {F Uh, } one picks up real quick / {C and } the other one doesn't. / {C And } you're right, they do get bored, {F uh, } really fast, if they already know what you're talking about. / What do you propose that they do? / [ What, + what ] is your suggestions? /", "The educators need to be a little bit more open minded as well as innovative in dealing with, {F uh, } the various students to get the maximum potential out of the person. /", "Uh-huh. / Out of each child. /", "Out of each child. /", "Each individual child. /", "Some kids are going to be great with mechanical stuff. / Other kids are going to be really into math, / some are really going to be heavy into reading. /", "Right. /", "Instead of pushing the scales too far either direction, {E I mean } it's great to be well rounded and [ hav-, + be ] exposed to all this stuff. /", "Yeah. / That's, -/", "{C But } why not hit the points the kid's really interested in? / {C Because } if he's interested, he's going to study it, / {C and } he's going to learn it, / {C and } he's going to remember it. /", "That's true. / [ The only, + I think the only ] thing that they would argue about that, is that, {D you know, } every child needs to learn every subject. / {E I mean, } [ that's, + that might be ] the only thing. / {C But, } {E I mean, } [ I, + I ] definitely agree with you. {F Uh, } /", "They need exposure to every subject. / They don't need to be masters of it, /", "Right, / right. / That's true. {F Uh, } /", "Everything I learned about ancient Rome [ ha-, + has ] not helped me anywhere in,", "<Laughter>.", "my adult life. /", "Yes, / I definitely agree. / <laughter> There's no doubt about that. / <laughter> [ [ [ I, + {F uh, } I, ] + {E I mean, } ] + I ] can relate to that because [ I'm, + I'm ] going to college right now, / {C and } I feel like, {E I mean, } I'm taking this history class. / {C And, } {E I mean, } it's so boring, / {C and } I just hate it. / <laughter> {C And } I think, why do they make us take this stuff? / {E I mean, } what does this have to do with getting, {D you know, } a computer science degree or whatever, {D you know? } / <laughter>.", "[ What, + what ] type of history class is it that you're having to take? /", "{F Uh, } American History. / We have to take, {F um, } {D like } this is like early seventeen hundreds through, I don't know, I think like mid eighteen hundreds. / {C And then } we have to take another one that's mid eighteen hundreds on up, to basically present. /", "{D Well, } the early ones they could actually combine [ two, + two, ]", "Yeah. /", "levels of it, the one from seventeen hundred til say, the end of the Civil War. / Combine that into one. And then from eighteen sixty-five to present, / {C and } make that your second step because,", "Yeah. / [ That's, + {D well } that's, ]", "[ To a point, +", "basically what they're doing. /", "to a point ] [ the bottom, + {D you know, } the early parts ] of it, you're giving the foundations of the nation / [ {C and, } + {C but } ] even then they're skimming over, / they're [ very, tri-, + almost trivial ] with it. /", "Yeah, / {F oh, } yes. / Definitely, / I agree. / Yeah, / there's, -/", "{D You know, } {E I mean, } if they really wanted to get to the meat of the matter, {E I mean, } [ there's, + they make ] all these people out to be, {F oh, } - / they were great men, / {C and } they're the father of the country and all this. / He had just as much dirt on him as anybody else. /", "<Laughter>.", "If not more. / The man was not a saint. /", "Yeah. / That's true, / yeah. / {D Any way, } [ this, + this, ] {F um, } school system thing, - / [ I, + I ] tell you, I saw something on the news, {F oh, } I don't know, maybe <sigh> two weeks ago. / {C And } they were talking about, - / I don't know where you're from, / {C but } I'm from the Dallas area. / {C And } they were talking about the Plano school system, that, they had one school that, {F uh, } if the students did something wrong, {E I mean, } whether it was behavioral or, {F uh, } {D you know, } they weren't learning properly or something. They took these students and put them basically in a closet. With no windows. / They had, [ a, + a ] table, {E or } not a table, but a desk in this closet, / {C and } they had to sit in there by themselves. / {D Well, } parents were getting really angry about this, because they said, Why is my child being put in this closet. / {D Well, } how is that helping my child, {D you know. } / {C And, } {F uh, } [ the, + the ] thing, {D you know, } - / they said, {D Well, } we're giving them isolation time / {C and } this helps them to think. / <laughter> {C But } a lot of kids, - / {E I mean, } if a child has, {F uh, } claustrophobia, {E I mean, } that's just going to terrify him, {D you know } / {C and, } -/", "[ If, + if ] the isolation concept really works that good, why are our prisons overcrowded? /", "<Laughter> {F Uh, } that's true. / <laughter> That's true. / {C But, } no, / {E I mean, } they were, {F uh, } {E I mean, } - / I definitely agree with parents. / I think that is a very wrong way to handle, {F uh, } disciplining a child. / Putting them in, {E I mean, } [ [ they were, + they were call-, ] + they called ] them their quiet rooms or their isolation rooms. / They didn't call them closets. / {C But } they showed these rooms [ on, + {F uh, } {D you know, } on ] the news / {C and, } {E I mean, } they looked like a closet to me. {D You know, } with a desk in it, [ a + ] real small. / {C But } they said that one of the solutions they came up with was to take the doors off of these isolation rooms. / I said, [ {D now } what good does thi-, + {E I mean, } how is this helping? ] / {E I mean, } either way. <laughter> {D You know, } [ I, + I ] definitely had to disagree with that. / I think [ that is, + that's ] not the way to [ handle a child, + {D you know, } discipline a child ] by putting him in a closet <laughter>. /", "[ [ Th-, + the ] + as a part of the ] revamping of the entire education system on that lev-, the public school system I want to see changed too. / When I was [ br-, + brought ] up, if you crossed the line and you broke a rule bad enough, you were going to get spanked. /", "Right. /", "{D Well, } then the extreme came in, / {C and } now we can no longer,", "Right. /", "spank them, / {C so } we now isolate them. /", "Yep. / {F Uh } <<faintly>>, /", "Okay, / we've swung the pendulum both ways. / Let's find a middle ground. / [ Instead of, + ] there has to be some sort of discipline, / {C and } there has to be some sort of punishment.", "Right. /", "Short of physically isolating the child, and short of physically hitting the child. /", "{D Well, } -/", "Let's put him into a situation where, {D okay, } you crossed the line, you broke the rule, you're going to have to pay for it. /", "Right. /", "{C But, } it's going to tax you physically. /", "Uh-huh. / [ I, + I ] don't, -/", "[ Have th-, + {E I mean, } [ in-, + instead ] [ ha-, + have ] them ] pick up around the school yard, have them weed a flower bed somewhere on the school yar-. Do something to beautify the school property. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{C But } you cut, {D you know, } - / [ the, + the ] kid's having to give up his, quote, play time to pay his debt for what he did wrong. /", "{D Well, } -/", "{C But } he's seeing something constructive come out of it. /", "{F um, } I have to, - / I think [ one of the positive things, + {E I mean, } one of the things ] that can come out of, {F uh, } is not just [ di-, + discipline, ] okay? / {C But, } okay, / for instance, one of the things they do at, {F uh, } my kids school, {F uh, } they have what they call, {F uh, } caught being good slips. / {C And } when the kids are in halls and stuff, and if they're being really good, {E I mean, } just being excellent, they're not, {D you know, } cutting up and so on. / They're just standing in line, doing whatever they are supposed to, / they get one of these caught being good slips. / {C And then, } when they collect them at the end of each week, they get to go to this little, what they call their caught being good store, / {C and then } they get to spend these like money. / {D Well, } {D see, } to me, that's positive reinforcement, is [ much better, + much better ] than trying to find ways to discipline kids, because they're going to be good and try and earn those things, {D you know, } to get the positive part of it. / {E I mean, } they'd [ ra-, + much rather ] go in the store and buy something than be spanked. / {C So, } they're definitely going to work towards being good, {D you know, } rather than trying to act up and be bad, {D you know. } /", "I think that not only applies inside the public school system, but in society itself. / [ We've been too long, + there's been too much ] negative reinforcement. / How much, [ da-, + ] like, the caught being good slips. - / How about, just the John Q citizen out there on the street? /", "Yeah, / {D well } that's true. <laughter> [ I think, + I think, ] really though, / {E I mean, } that's one thing that, {E I mean, } my kids definitely get spanked when [ they need + they need ] to be spanked. / {C But } I really do try to use positive, {F uh, } reinforcement with them at home, also. / {C And } it really helps. / {C And } {E I mean, } [ they, + they ] don't get spanked very often, / {C but } [ they, + they ] do when they deserve it, {D you know. } / {C But, } {F uh, } I don't think any kid should be exempt from being spanked. / <laughter> {E I mean, } [ I, + I ] think I wouldn't mind if a teacher spanked my child. / {C But, } {D you know, } that's just my personal opinion, / {C and } that's not going to, - / {E I mean, } I don't think that law will ever change. / They are never going to let [ a, + a ] teacher spank a child again. / {C But } I don't think, - / {E I mean, } some kids don't get don't get spanked at home / {C and } some kids need to be spanked at home. / <laughter> {E I mean, } don't you think? /", "I, [ [ m-, + m-, ] + most ] wholeheartedly agree. /", "<Laughter> {C But } I don't know. /", "{E I mean, } there's a point of over kill, / {C but } somewhere [ in, + ] you've got to find an even line. /", "Right, / right. / {D Well, } there's so many parents that say, you can deal with a child without spanking them. Which is true, you can. / {C But } there are times when a child needs to be spanked. / {E I mean, } they do things that they need that. /", "Need that shock effect, where they equate the shock of being spanked with the actions they did to get spanked. /", "Right. <<Tape ends with no further conversation.>> /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PUBLIC EDUCATION", "prompt": "DISCUSS WITH THE OTHER CALLER WHETHER THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS TODAYY", "talk_day": "04/12/1991", "from_caller": 1093, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1122, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 9, "to_caller_birth_year": 1964, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2603_0", "2603_1", "2603_2", "2603_3", "2603_4", "2603_5", "2603_6", "2603_7", "2603_8", "2603_9", "2603_10", "2603_11", "2603_12", "2603_13", "2603_14", "2603_15", "2603_16", "2603_17", "2603_18", "2603_19", "2603_20", "2603_21", "2603_22", "2603_23", "2603_24", "2603_25", "2603_26", "2603_27", "2603_28", "2603_29", "2603_30", "2603_31", "2603_32", "2603_33", "2603_34", "2603_35", "2603_36", "2603_37", "2603_38", "2603_39", "2603_40", "2603_41", "2603_42", "2603_43", "2603_44", "2603_45", "2603_46", "2603_47", "2603_48", "2603_49", "2603_50", "2603_51", "2603_52", "2603_53", "2603_54", "2603_55", "2603_56", "2603_57", "2603_58", "2603_59", "2603_60", "2603_61", "2603_62", "2603_63", "2603_64", "2603_65", "2603_66", "2603_67", "2603_68", "2603_69", "2603_70", "2603_71", "2603_72", "2603_73", "2603_74", "2603_75", "2603_76", "2603_77", "2603_78", "2603_79", "2603_80", "2603_81", "2603_82", "2603_83", "2603_84", "2603_85", "2603_86", "2603_87", "2603_88", "2603_89", "2603_90", "2603_91", "2603_92", "2603_93", "2603_94", "2603_95", "2603_96", "2603_97", "2603_98", "2603_99", "2603_100", "2603_101", "2603_102", "2603_103", "2603_104", "2603_105", "2603_106", "2603_107", "2603_108", "2603_109", "2603_110", "2603_111", "2603_112", "2603_113", "2603_114", "2603_115", "2603_116", "2603_117", "2603_118", "2603_119", "2603_120", "2603_121", "2603_122", "2603_123", "2603_124", "2603_125", "2603_126", "2603_127", "2603_128", "2603_129", "2603_130", "2603_131", "2603_132", "2603_133", "2603_134", "2603_135", "2603_136", "2603_137", "2603_138", "2603_139", "2603_140", "2603_141", "2603_142", "2603_143", "2603_144", "2603_145", "2603_146", "2603_147", "2603_148", "2603_149", "2603_150", "2603_151", "2603_152", "2603_153", "2603_154"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Okay. / {F Um, } [ I guess what, + I guess my ] <laughter> task. - / <Laughter> I usually ride my bike. / I have, {F uh, } a stationary bike and, {F uh, } a regular bike. / {C And } when I can, I like to ride my regular bike outside, because it's so much nicer. / <Laughter> The stationary bike [ is, + is ] so, {F uh, }", "# Boring. # /", "# boring. # / <Laughter> {C But } I have head phones, / [ {C and } I, + {C plus } I ] have it, {F uh, } in the living room / {C so } I either watch T V,", "<Bird_squawk>.", "or we have a fish tank, / {C so } I watch the fish, {D you know. } <Laughter> Whatever I can do to keep myself occupied. / <Laughter> [ If, + ] I like to have the T V on, because that usually keeps me, {F um, } more occupied. / It kind of takes the time away / {C and } I don't realize, [ really, + <noise> that's really ] the only time I ever watch T V, is when I'm on the bike. / [ {C But, } + {C and then } ] usually after I'm done riding the bike, just to cool myself down, I usually take a walk, {D you know, } / {C and } that just kind of [ gets myself, + {F uh, } gets me, ] {D you know, } to where I'm not quite as tired I guess. / <Laughter> {C But } it's definitely a task. /", "You think so? /", "I can't say that I really enjoy it. / <Laughter> I wish that I did enjoy it more, / {C but } I do it because I have to not because I want to <laughter>. /", "I bought a stationary bike, / {C but } I find that if I sit <bird_squawk> on that seat too long, it hurts. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{C And } I haven't figured how to get that soft, / {C and } I tried even tying a pillow to it. / {C But } two years ago, [ I joined, + {D well, } {A it's not quite two years, it's almost two years, } I joined ] the Cosmopolitan Lady here in Plano. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I love it. /", "Really? /", "I just love it. /", "{C So } is it just women that go there? /", "Yeah. / It's totally women. /", "{D See, } I think that's what's my biggest problem with going to [ a place, + {F uh, } [ a, + a ] health club. ] / {C Because } I don't feel like having a bunch of other people watch me exercise. / <Laughter> {D You know, } {C so } I have tried to just do stuff at home / {C and, } {F uh, } I just feel conscious about it. / {E I mean, } I'm not big, {D you know, } or anything, / {C but } I still don't like other people watching <laughter> me. /", "I like to be able to sweat, have my hair a mess.", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, }", "<Laughter>.", "feel that, okay fine, if my bathing suit slips a little bit I don't have to be conscious --", "Right. /", "-- of it being a little bit too low. / {C And } [ I, + my ] bathing suit's just one piece, / {C so } there's no big deal all the way around, / {C but } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I don't have to be conscious of what I'm doing or how I'm doing it. / {C And } [ [ [ it's, + {F uh, } {F oh, } it's just, ] + I don't know, it's, ] + it's ] a total free relaxation. / {C Because, } hey, you can do what you want. / You're a female, / {C and } no one is staring at anybody else or worrying about what anything else is doing. /", "That's what, -/", "{C And } they've got such fantastic equipment in there. /", "Really? / [ That's, +", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "that's ] great. / # How, # -/", "# {C And } I # love the water aerobics. / I love the water aerobics. /", "Do they have a pool / {C or } what is, -/", "{F Oh, } yeah. / They've got a nice one. /", "{F Huh. } /", "They have two types of water aerobics. / They call it aqua exercise, I guess is what they call it. /", "I've heard that that's really good for you to do. /", "It pushes you because you're pushing against the water --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- in itself. / {C So } it is like double strenuous. / {C But } you're not being double strenuous on your own body. / {C Because } you're pushing it yourself. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } you're doing it yourself. /", "{C So } you don't really feel like you're really working that hard, do you? /", "Huh-uh. /", "When you're in the water? /", "Huh-uh. / <Laughter> The only thing that I ever felt was, every time I stop and start going again, because I end up getting two jobs once in a while. / I end up having to quit for a while. / {C But } I get blisters on my toes on the bottom # because, #", "# {F Oh, } wow. # <Laughter>. /", "I really jump a lot. /", "{D Well, } that's funny, / I never would have thought of that. /", "{D Well, } a lot of people wear those little, {F uh, } terry cloth with rubber soles on the bottom. Especially around the pool. / {C So } they just --", "# [ Like wat-, # +", "-- # wear them # right into the pool. /", "Are they water ] shoes? / Is that, -/", "Yeah. / They're just little terry cloth things you wear for house slippers with --", "{F Oh, } okay, / okay. /", "-- rubber, {D you know, } soles,", "Okay, / okay. /", "so that, {D you know, } - / no big deal one way or the other. /", "{F Huh, } that's really # funny <laughter>. # /", "# {C But, } # I never think about it until after you go there for about a week, your toes, you start getting blisters anyway. / {C So } no big deal. /", "{F Huh, } <laughter> that's, -/", "{C But } it's fun. /", "{C So, } how often do find yourself going? / {F Um, } [ on a, + if you're doing it on a ] regular basis, how often do you go? /", "I try to make it at least three times a week. /", "Yeah. / That's really, -/", "For a while I was doing it every day. Just,", "Really? /", "going, {F uh, } five days a week. /", "I wish that I could make myself exercise every day. / {C But } I do force myself to do it at least three times a week. Which I don't feel like is enough, / {C but } [ [ i-, + it's, ] + it's ] at least something. / <Laughter> {D You know, } [ it, + it, ] - / [ I just force, + I have to force ] myself to do it, like I said, because to me, I really don't enjoy it. / {C But } I know that I have to do it. / {E I mean } [ it's just, + [ it's, + it's ] ] not a question of whether I want <laughter> to, {D you know. } /", "{D Well, } -/", "{C But, } -/", "When I was working up at, {F uh, } The Summit,", "Uh-huh. /", "here in Plano, I'd leave there, / {C and } I'd be at the swimming pool by four o'clock.", "{F Oh, } that's, -/", "{F Oh, } {D actually } about four thirty because they start at five to six, / {C so } I was there by four thirty, every night. / {C And } the only thing that ever bothered me was my hair getting wet. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Because } no matter what I did or how I did it, I invariably got myself wet. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } the water only comes up basically [ to your, + anywhere from your waist to your, ] {F oh, } chest, I'd say. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So } {E I mean, } it's your choice where you want to go, / {C but, }", "# Did you ever, # -/", "# I enjoyed it # higher. /", "{D Well, } I'm sorry <laughter>. /", "That's okay. /", "{F Uh, } did you ever go to Texins at all when you were working for T I? / Did you --", "# [ I have a, # +", "-- # ever try that? # /", "I have a ] bad back, <<pause>> / {C so } I'm very limited what I # do. # /", "# {F Oh, } # okay. /", "It's like I can walk, / {C but } if I walk for more than fifteen minutes it's going to bother # me. # /", "# {F Um. } # /", "Especially when you're on cement or anything that's hard, # / it will bother me. # /", "# Then that would, / # yeah. /", "it will bother me. /", "I guess then the water aerobics would be probably the best thing for you, wouldn't it? /", "{D Well, } [ that, + what pushed me that ] way though, [ was + basically was ] the fact that when I went in there, is wasn't for the water aerobics. / I went in there strictly to strengthen my back muscles. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } she said, {D Hey, } go for the swimming pool. / She says you get just as much if you did the aerobics on the floor. / She says in fact you get more. /", "Wow. /", "I said, okay, because I'm not a swimmer. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I like water. / I'm not scared of it. / {C But } I couldn't, / I guess I could swim across the pool, / {C but } I'm no swimmer per se. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } I found that this worked really well. / {C And } I came out of there / {C and } I saw my stomach going down well. /", "Oh. /", "I dropped, {F oh, } I'd say almost twenty pounds.", "Wow. /", "Just by watching what I ate. / {C And } they fix you up with a diet, which worked real good. /", "What if you're already on one? / {E I mean, } -/", "What? / A diet? /", "Yeah. / {E I mean, } when you go in there, they wouldn't make you do theirs. Would they? /", "{F Oh, } no, / they have nothing to do with that. /", "Okay. /", "{D See } [ I joined, + {F uh, } when this one down here opened up, I joined ] as a V I P. / {C And } the V I P [ gives you, + {F uh, } {F oh, } <lipsmack> gives you ] [ a diet, + a computerized diet. ] / {C And } they go over all your health and all your history, / {C and } they show you [ how, + everything to do, and how ] to do it, and the whole nine yards. / {C So } it became part of the package, / {C so } I went through it. / # It worked out well. # /", "# {C But } they have packages # where they just offer the exercise program. / Is that what you're saying? /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / You can just go in there and join just like anywhere else too. /", "I see, / # okay. # /", "# I just # went and took the, because they were offering it as an opening benefit, / {C so } [ it was, + it's ] less than what you pay now for going in there,", "{F Um. } /", "after all this time. / {C So } it's like when I got laid off, / I went back in there, and start all over again because it had been a while since I'd done it. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C So } I get all the same treatment again. / {C So } it's kind of nice. /", "Wow. / # That's, # -/", "# Like I # said, I like it. / I like the heat. / I like the, - / I jump out of the swimming pool, / {C and } I go into the hot tub. /", "Oh <laughter>. /", "{C And } I love it. /", "Yeah. / That would be really nice <laughter>. /", "{C Because } [ I have n-, + I have never, ] - / let me reword that, / I think I have gone home maybe once or twice slightly sore. / {C But } that's because of my physical condition and nothing to do what they did. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's, - / I knew I was pushing too far. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } usually, when I go into the hot tub before I go swimming, or when I come out, I'm totally relaxed when I go home. / It's no big deal. /", "{C So } you really do enjoy your exercise then, since your, -/", "It's fun. / It's fun. / {F Uh, } I've gotten on the bike. / {C And } they've got, {F uh, } the stepping bike, where you step. /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C And } I've # enjoyed that, watching how well I can walk up and down stairs. /", "That's, {D you # know, } - / [ I wanted, + #", "# {C But } most of # the others to me are very dull. /", "I wanted ] to get one of those steppers when I bought the bike, / {C but } I got talked into the bike instead. / {C And } I don't know, <laughter> / I really wanted a stepper. / I'm considering maybe even buying one of those too. / {C But } I'm not sure if I'll get benefit out of both of them. / {E I mean, } I don't know if it would really do any good having both of them. / Which one do you feel is better, since you use them both? /", "<Lipsmack> <<Pause>> {F Um, } I get bored very easily. / {F Uh, } the one nice thing about the bicycle is you just sit. / Like you said, you can sit and do it, and watch the T V and not even really be conscious of what you are doing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "With the stepper, you are conscious of what you are doing because you're basically watching each step as it gets harder and down. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C So } you have a [ little, + {D you know, } little, ] - / you can program the one at Cosmopolitan Lady so,", "Uh-huh. /", "to what your gear is. / {F Uh, } I, - / it would depend upon which one you want. / I think now that I've had the bicycle, / I would go to the stepper. / {C But } if I were you, I would go apply to either a health club or one of the others and use it for a while. / {C Because } you can buy a month's membership.", "{F Oh, } really? /", "And see what you feel is best for you. /", "{F Um. } /", "{C Because } it all depends, {D you know, } for everyone their own what they want to do. / {C Because } I jump on the bike here at home. / Mine has [ its, + {D see, } the ] handle bars go up and down, /", "Uh-hum. /", "{C so } I can sit there and read and listen to music, like what you said, / {C and } it has no effect on me. / {C So } {E I mean, } it's boring </bird_squawk>. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "EXERCISE AND FITNESS", "prompt": "DO YOU DO ANY EXERCISE REGULARLY TO MAINTAIN YOUR HEALTH OR FITNESS LEVEL? IF SOOR DO IT AS A TASK? COMPARE YOUR HABITS AND YOUR MOTIVES", "talk_day": "04/14/1991", "from_caller": 1093, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1960, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1155, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1941, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["2608_0", "2608_1", "2608_2", "2608_3", "2608_4", "2608_5", "2608_6", "2608_7", "2608_8", "2608_9", "2608_10", "2608_11", "2608_12", "2608_13", "2608_14", "2608_15", "2608_16", "2608_17", "2608_18", "2608_19", "2608_20", "2608_21", "2608_22", "2608_23", "2608_24", "2608_25", "2608_26", "2608_27", "2608_28", "2608_29", "2608_30", "2608_31", "2608_32", "2608_33", "2608_34", "2608_35", "2608_36", "2608_37", "2608_38", "2608_39", "2608_40", "2608_41", "2608_42", "2608_43", "2608_44", "2608_45", "2608_46", "2608_47", "2608_48", "2608_49", "2608_50", "2608_51", "2608_52", "2608_53", "2608_54", "2608_55", "2608_56", "2608_57", "2608_58", "2608_59", "2608_60", "2608_61", "2608_62", "2608_63", "2608_64", "2608_65", "2608_66", "2608_67", "2608_68", "2608_69", "2608_70", "2608_71", "2608_72", "2608_73", "2608_74", "2608_75", "2608_76", "2608_77", "2608_78", "2608_79", "2608_80", "2608_81", "2608_82", "2608_83", "2608_84", "2608_85", "2608_86", "2608_87", "2608_88", "2608_89", 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/", "{C And then } I have a cauliflower that I would cook, garlic bread, green salad, tea, / {C and } we'd have a lemon pie for dessert. /", "{F Oh, } it sounds fantastic. /", "Yes. / {C And } what's really neat about it is, the shrimp is cooked in [ [ your, + {F uh, } {D like } your ] rice steamer, +", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# your rice # cooker. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F um, } you place the shrimp [ in the, + in the ] rice steamer, / {C and } you put a bay leaf and put some, {F uh, } red pepper over it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Now, you can {C either } use, {D you know, } the kind that comes in the little can / {C or } you can just get some, {D you know, } regular red peppers. /", "Is it cayenne pepper, you mean? /", "Cayenne? /", "Yes. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } you put a little bit of that over it. / Now if you use the dried kind?", "Yes. /", "Then you would only use two of them. / {C And } you put that in there, / {C and then } you pour two bottles of beer over it. /", "{C And } how much shrimp would you use? /", "Two pounds. /", "Two pounds, / okay. /", "That's the jumbo shrimp in the shells. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "Leave the shells on them so they won't just roll up. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } you pour the beer over the top of it, / {C and } you cover it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } you only cook it until the mixture begins to boil,", "# Okay. # /", "# and # the shrimp turn pink. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Then you remove it, / {C and } you put it on a platter. / {C And then } you serve it with melted butter. / {C And, } {F uh, } I usually put garlic powder in mine. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{C And } they can just dip it, / {C and } they shell it as they eat it. /", "Sure. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } then [ the mi-, + {F uh, } the cauliflower, ] you,", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# cook # that in the microwave. / {C And } what you do is, you just, {F uh, } wash it, / {C and } you core it.", "Uh-huh. /", "[ And + ] in [ a + {D like } a, ] {F oh, } {A what do you call it? } {D Like } Pyrex or something like that, kind --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- of bowl that would go in the microwave. /", "A glass dish. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } it's got to have one that has a cover on it. /", "Okay, / uh-huh. /", "{C And } you, {F uh, } put about two tablespoons of, {F uh, } water into this bowl, and about an eighth a teaspoon of salt. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } you just set your cauliflower in there, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {C and # then } you cook it for seven minutes on high. / {C And } you rotate it one time. /", "{C And } [ it's, + are you ] cooking the whole head --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- at one time? /", "[ Y-, +", "Okay. /", "{F Uh, } when you ] core it, you be real careful so you won't knock your flowers off. /", "I see. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } you just set it in there, / {C and } you microwave it on high for seven minutes, / {C and } you turn it one time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } while that's cooking, I take [ mayonnaise, + about a cup of mayonnaise, ] and a teaspoon of mustard, and some garlic powder, / {C and } I mix it all together. / {C And } I shred up some just regular white cheese. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } after that's cooked, you take it out and pour this on top of it, / {C and then } you sprinkle the cheese on top of that. / {C And } you cook it for another three minutes on high, {D you know, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# just # mainly to melt the cheese and everything, and let all the seasoning melt into it. / {C And, }", "# Yeah. # /", "# it's # done. /", "{F Oh, } that sounds fantastic. /", "It is good. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } [ it, + it ] looks, - / {E I mean, } [ what you can do then, see is, + {D like } what I usually do is, ] I'll {D like } sit the cauliflower in the middle, / {C and then } I put the, {F uh, } shrimp around the outside of it,", "# {F Um, } {F um. } # /", "# {D you know, } # on my platter. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then } I have a green salad that I put around the outside of that. / {C And, } {D you know, } you have all the different seasonings and stuff, / {C and then } I just fix little individual cups for them. / {C And } they have the,", "# Sure. # /", "# garlic # bread, / {C and } it makes it a real nice looking,", "# {C And } it's # --", "# {D you know. } # /", "-- not much work. /", "Huh-uh, / huh-uh. / {C But } it --", "That sounds, -/", "-- looks like it, {D you know } <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Yeah, / real-, -/", "You look like you went to a whole bunch, -/", "I bet it tastes good too. /", "Right. / {C And, } {F uh, } usually I cut those little cherry tomatoes up,", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# and put # some color into it, {D you know, } / {C and } I'll lay those on top of my salad, {D you know, } to make it look nice and things like that. /", "{D Now, } how many could you serve? /", "Okay. / {F Uh, } it usually serves six. /", "Yeah. / [ O-, + okay. ] / I figured about that. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Oh, } that's good. / See out here, we have so many, {F uh, } ethnic people. / We have Italians, / {C and } we have Portuguese, / {C and } we have Russians and Polish. / {C And } it depends, out here, {D like } the type of people you're going to entertain, {D you know? } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } it's hard, {F uh, } / [ you, + you ] just have to pick something, for [ the, + the ] group that you're going to entertain for that particular time. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } they're big on finger food here, too. {D You know, } chicken wings and, {F uh, } ribs, and that kind of stuff.", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } barbecue and, {F uh, } cooking out in the yard, [ it, ya-, + ] {D you know, } when it's nice. Barbecue outside, chicken and that kind of stuff. /", "Yeah. / Have you ever had crawfish? /", "{F Uh, } no, / {C but } I have had shrimp. /", "{F Oh. } You ought to try some crawfish. / They are good. / {C But } {D see, } that's one good thing about living down here is, usually anybody that comes over, {D you know, } even if it's like, out of town guests and stuff, they want our cooking. /", "{F Oh, } of course. /", "{D You know, }", "# That's, # -/", "# they # want it from down here. /", "Yeah. /", "{C Because, } just like now, especially crawfish, it is starting to move out, {D you know, } / {C and } more and more people are beginning to find out how good it is. /", "Really? /", "{C But, } -/", "Is it like shrimp? /", "{F Uh, } it's similar. / Uh-huh. /", "It's similar. /", "Yeah. / It's not --", "Ch-, -/", "-- exactly. / {E I mean, } it's got a taste of its own, {D you know, } / {C but } [ it is, +", "# {F Oh, } it does? # /", "# it is ] similar # to, because you only eat the,", "# Does, #", "# tails # of it. /", "it look like a lobster? /", "{F Um, } it looks more like a crab. /", "{F Oh, } it looks more like a crab. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Oh. /", "{C But, } -/", "Are they thin, long --", "No. /", "-- or wide? /", "{F Um, } [ let me think of, + <sigh> I can't even think of ] what you, - / I guess [ if, + ] [ it, + {F uh, } it ] looks [ like, + more like ] a cross between, {F uh, } a crab [ and, + {F uh, } and ] a lobster. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C Because } it's small like that / {C and } it's got the pinchers like a crab. / {C But, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# {D you # know, } [ it's, + it's ] similar to a lobster too, because the tail has got the little pleats in it, like a,", "# {F Oh, } yeah. # /", "# lobster would. # /", "Yep. /", "{C And } we call them mud bugs <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Oh <laughter>. /", "{C But, } {E I mean, } they're fantastic tasting. / They are so good. / Everybody, - / [ it's, + it's ] the season for them right now. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] where did you say you were from? /", "Louisiana. /", "Louisiana. / {F Oh, } {D well, } do you do cajun cooking? /", "{F Oh, } yeah. /", "{F Oh, } I love, {F uh, } blackened, {D you know, } {F uh, } [ the, + the ] fish and the chicken and that kind of stuff. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Oh! } We have a few places up here that do that. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } if ever I see it on the menu, I always get it. /", "Yes. /", "It is so good <laughter>. /", "{D You know, } /", "{D Now } how do they do the blackened? /", "[ You buy it, + you buy it ] as a seasoning. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } do you have to have a certain skillet,", "# Huh-uh. # /", "# or # something? /", "Huh-uh. /", "No? /", "I cook mine, {D well, } do you have [ a, + {F uh, } {D like } a ] black iron skillet? /", "I did have. / I don't have it now. / {C But } I have mostly Teflon. /", "{F Oh, } okay. / {D Well, }", "# You now, - / {C but, } # -/", "# I guess you # could cook it [ in, + in ] that too, / {C but } I don't know. / {D You know, } I never have. / I use, {F uh, } {F uh, } the black iron skillet to cook mine. /", "[ Do-, + does ] it have to get extremely hot? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } [ [ it really, + it's ] not, + [ [ it, + it, ] + it ] doesn't ] burn or anything like that. / The blackening is really the seasoning. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } [ there is, +", "# {F Oh, } {F oh, } #", "# [ it's, + it's, ] # ]", "I see. /", "a blackening seasoning. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } {E I mean, } that is a seasoning. / [ That's really, + it's ] not like you would have to cook it for an extreme amount of time, or something like that, to get it, /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C Because, } [ it's called, + {F uh, } what it's called ] is, Blackening Magic. / {C And } it, it comes in a bottle, / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Oh. /", "{D Well, } I'm trying to see. / It's got [ a, + a ] picture of Dom De Luise on it. /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Oh. / {D Now } [ would, + you would ] cook it for the same amount of time as you would, prepare it any other time? /", "Right. /", "Is that what you're saying? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / {C Because, }", "# {C But, } # -/", "# I # could have the, {F uh, } chicken on the skewers, with, {F uh, } {F uh, } blackened seasoning. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F oh, } that is so good. Delicious. /", "Yeah. / {C But } [ you do have to have it, + {D you know, } you do have to have it ] hot when you cook it. {E I mean, }", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# your # pan. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It does have to be really hot, {D you know, } when you put it in. / {C But } it's not like it's burned, / {C and } [ it, + ] [ what it, + what blackens it, ] is the seasoning. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } it is so good. / Oh! <Laughter>. /", "It is. / [ I, + I ] love it. /", "Yeah. /", "[ [ I, + I, ] + in fact I ] was in Texas for a little while. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I liked, {F uh, } the barbecues and the Mexican food. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I have a passion for all that type of different tastes. / {C Because } I have been brought up mostly Italian American food. / {C Because } my, {F uh, } parents are Italian and Portuguese. / {C So } we cook a lot of pasta, and, {F uh, } gravies, and pizzas, and, {D you know, } roasts, and that kind of thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "That's why I enjoy going to restaurants and [ have, + {D you know, } trying ] different things. /", "{D Well, } have you ever thought about coming to Louisiana, {D you know, } to visit? /", "I would love to. /", "Yeah. / You ought,", "# I, # -/", "# to # come down. / {F Um, } you don't even have to go all the way to New Orleans, {D you know, } if you want to really get some good food. /", "Really? /", "{E I mean, } you don't have to go that far south. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } of course, the further south you go, the better the food is, as far as I'm concerned. /", "Is that right? /", "{C And } fact is, we're going to take a vacation this year. / We're going to go to New Orleans, again. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } we're only going down there for the food, though <laughter>. /", "{D Now, } [ wher-, + where ] do you go when you go there? {F Uh, } right on Basin Street and those places? /", "{F Uh, } yeah. / We go to [ the, + the ] French Quarters and stuff like that. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I have some friends that live down there. / {C And so, } usually [ we go to, + we don't go to ] the tourist ones. /", "Oh. /", "We go to the ones that they tell us to go to, {D you know. } /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C And } we went to this one, / it was called The Back Porch. / {C And, } {F uh, } they were cooking the stuff, {D you know, } while [ we were, + we went ] on this boat ride. / {C And } then we came back and ate, out on this, it was like a back porch <laughter>. / {C And, } {F uh, }", "# {F Oh, } that's nice. # /", "# usually if you # can find somebody, - / <ringing> <<telephone in background>> Of course now, when you go down there, {D you know, } {E I mean, } they've got just, - / there's no where you can miss. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I have never gone to a restaurant, and not just been so full, / it's unreal. /", "Really? /", "{E I mean, } it's so good. / The seasoning [ they, + ] it's just unreal. /", "{C And } don't they make a lot of, {F um, } - / I'm trying to think what they call their soup. / I don't know. /", "Gumbo. /", "Yeah, / jumbo. /", "No, gumbo. /", "Gumbo, /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "# right. # /", "Right. /", "[ [ Is, + is, ] + is ] that with seafood? /", "Uh-huh. / You can even make it with chicken or you can make it with seafood. /", "{F Oh, } you can? /", "Uh-huh. /", "That looks good too. / I've seen [ them d-, + the chefs on T V do ] that? /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } {F oh, } it looks delicious. /", "{C And } I'll tell you what. /", "{D See } we do, {F um, } {F uh, } a thing, we call it a sea bake. / <<Sound fading>> [ You, + {F uh, } you ] take clams, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECIPES/FOOD/COOKING", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS FOOD AND COOKING. WHAT FOODS WOULD YOU INCLUDE IN THE MENU FOR A DINNER PARTY? SHARE THE RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE FOODS WITH THE OTHER CALLER.", "talk_day": "04/14/1991", "from_caller": 1225, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 1, "from_caller_birth_year": 1946, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN", "to_caller": 1042, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 1, "to_caller_birth_year": 1938, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["2641_0", "2641_1", "2641_2", "2641_3", "2641_4", "2641_5", "2641_6", "2641_7", "2641_8", "2641_9", "2641_10", "2641_11", "2641_12", "2641_13", "2641_14", "2641_15", "2641_16", "2641_17", "2641_18", "2641_19", "2641_20", "2641_21", "2641_22", "2641_23", "2641_24", "2641_25", "2641_26", "2641_27", "2641_28", "2641_29", "2641_30", "2641_31", "2641_32", "2641_33", "2641_34", "2641_35", "2641_36", "2641_37", "2641_38", "2641_39", "2641_40", "2641_41", "2641_42", "2641_43", "2641_44", "2641_45", "2641_46", "2641_47", "2641_48", "2641_49", "2641_50", "2641_51", "2641_52", "2641_53", "2641_54", "2641_55", "2641_56", "2641_57", "2641_58", "2641_59", "2641_60", "2641_61", "2641_62", "2641_63", "2641_64", "2641_65", "2641_66", "2641_67", "2641_68", "2641_69", "2641_70", "2641_71", "2641_72", "2641_73", "2641_74", "2641_75", "2641_76", "2641_77", "2641_78", "2641_79", "2641_80", "2641_81", "2641_82", "2641_83", "2641_84", "2641_85", "2641_86", "2641_87", "2641_88", "2641_89", "2641_90", "2641_91", "2641_92", "2641_93", "2641_94", "2641_95", "2641_96", "2641_97", "2641_98", "2641_99", "2641_100", "2641_101", "2641_102", "2641_103", "2641_104", "2641_105", "2641_106", "2641_107", "2641_108", "2641_109", "2641_110", "2641_111", "2641_112", "2641_113", "2641_114", "2641_115", "2641_116", "2641_117", "2641_118", "2641_119", "2641_120", "2641_121", "2641_122", "2641_123", "2641_124", "2641_125", "2641_126", "2641_127", "2641_128", "2641_129", "2641_130", "2641_131", "2641_132", "2641_133", "2641_134", "2641_135", "2641_136", "2641_137", "2641_138", "2641_139", "2641_140", "2641_141", "2641_142", "2641_143", "2641_144", "2641_145", "2641_146", "2641_147", "2641_148", "2641_149", "2641_150", "2641_151", "2641_152", "2641_153", "2641_154", "2641_155", "2641_156", "2641_157", "2641_158", "2641_159", "2641_160", "2641_161", "2641_162", "2641_163", "2641_164", "2641_165", "2641_166", "2641_167", "2641_168", "2641_169", "2641_170", "2641_171"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {D well, } you, -/", "Do you have any pets? /", "{F Um, } we got two cats. /", "Two cats. /", "Yeah, / {C and, } {F uh, } {F um, } - / yeah, / [ we had cat, + {D you know, } my family had cats ] when we were growing up the whole time until my Mom developed an allergies, /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "{C so, } {E I mean, } [ I'm used, + I'm used ] to having cats around, / I like them. /", "Yeah, / I like having [ [ ca-, + cats around ] + {E or } pets around ] in general / [ I, + I ] favor dogs over cats actually / {C but, } -/", "{F Oh, } {D see, } [ I'm not, + {F uh, } I'm not ] a dog person at all <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } [ I'm, + I'm ] a dog person. / I had, - / I guess it depends on what you had when he were a kid, right? <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / probably, / I was allergic to dogs when I was a kid,", "Uh-huh. /", "in fact, / I may still be, / {F um, } we, -/", "{C But } not cats. /", "(( That )) , {F um, } - / I wonder sometimes <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C but } [ we, + {F um, } we ] house sat for [ a, + {F um, } [ my, + {F um, } my ] ] wife's boss a couple weeks ago / {C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } he has a dog and everything, / [ we were, + {D you know, } we were ] sitting the dog and everything / {C and, } {F uh, } I felt like just miserable all weekend / {C and } it really didn't dawn on me until Sunday, / it was like, hey, maybe you're still allergic to the dog. / It was like, {F oh, } that could be it. /", "The thing I don't like about dogs sometimes is that the house will just reek,", "Yeah. /", "of the dogs, (( and constantly )) . /", "{D Well, } dogs are real high maintenances, / you got to take them for walks / {C and } you've got to pay a lot, {D you know, } / you need to pay attention to cats and everything / {C but } it's not quite the same thing. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{F Um, } {C and, } {F um, } {F um, } {D you know, } [ it's, + it's ] just nice that [ cats, + {D you know, } cats, ] {D yeah, } you don't have to let them outside, (( {D you know, } / all )) cats are indoor cats, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C so, } {D you know, } [ they're not, + [ [ yo-, + w-, ] + you're ] ] not worried about them running all-around the neighborhood / {C and, } {D you know, } [ [ they, + {D you know, } they, ] + they ] make their mess in the cat pan which is, -/", "Limited. /", "yeah, / [ it's, + {D you know, } it's ] a pain to clean / {C but, } {D you know, } we used to, - / {E I mean, } they got great stuff out now for cleaning cats' (( pans )) . / They didn't, -/", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{D Well, } [ when I was, + {D you know, } when I was ] growing up I had a clean the cat pan all the time, / {C and } I hated it because I had to carry everything upstairs [ and, + {D you know, } and ] use this thing to, {D you know, } [ scoop the, + take the ] stuff out and put it in the toilet and everything / it was really terrible. / {C But } now [ they have {D like } this, + you get these ] liners,", "Uh-huh. /", "that is garbage bags, {D you know, } / [ {C and } you, + {C and } you, ] {D you know } the, -/", "{F Oh, } that sounds so easy, what I did, /", "Yeah, / the cats do it in there, / you pull it and take it out and throw it away, / {C and } that's it, <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / I housesat (( from )) cats for a friend of mine which she was finishing up her thesis, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } what we used to do was just put, {F um, } newspaper on the bottom and then put cat litter / {C and then } I would just take the whole thing to the garbage can and dump the whole thing. /", "Same idea <laughter>. /", "Then I would do it, {D you know, } everyday or two days so I would clean that pan very, very rarely, /", "Everyday? /", "{C and so } it wasn't so bad. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / I see. /", "(( )) two cats and (( just as easy )) - / it just never started smelling, / I would put just a little bit of cat litter in there,", "Uh-huh. /", "because if I put a lot, one of the cats would have been, - / <laughter>, all of her animals that she ever had were adopted. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I that true, / yeah. / Yeah, / [ she's even got, + she's got ] one dog now and the two cats / {C and } her dog there [ is, + is ] basically a reject, / somebody had bought him,", "Uh-huh. /", "and wanted him. / It was her ex boyfriend and, {D you know, } just was not mature enough to keep the dog, didn't realize how much work it was / {C and } now,", "Uh-huh. /", "she's stuck with it. / {C And } she's just so kindhearted that she just takes all the animals / {C but } I think that for me, {D well, } my husband just has completely nixed the idea of having a dog or a cat <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C because } that's all there is to it. / {C So, } {D you know, } -/", "{C So, } you don't have anything right now? /", "No, / we don't have anything right now. /", "{F Oh, } except the kid, / (( {F huh, } that's )) , -/", "{F Oh, } right, <laughter>, / now we have a kid / {C but } he was, {E no, } completely against having a dog or cat, / he said, [ they're much, + they're as much ] work as a kid, / {C and } they're harder to get rid of for the weekend, <laughter>. / {C And, } -/", "{F Uh, } [ I don't, + I don't ] know because the cats pretty much, {F um, } - / yeah, / we can leave them for a weekend as long as we put plenty of food out, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F um, } {F uh, } it's not a big deal really, / {E I mean } [ they're, + they're ] happier when we're around / {C but, } {D you know, } [ they, + they're ] pretty much okay by themselves, / {F um, } {C and } [ I don't, + {D you know, } we couldn't ] do that with a dog. /", "That's, {F uh, } {D yeah, } really true. / {C But } {D like } [ the friends, + other friends ] of mine have cats, / they have four of them, / {C and } if they go away, [ they have, + they hire ] a pet sitter to come in twice a day and pet them and things like that / {C and } their cats, {D you know, } they're so used to the attention, that if they don't get it, they get really upset, /", "(( {D Well } )) , [ that's, +", "{C and, } {D you know, } they sort of cause trouble around the house and things like that. /", "That's, ] {F um, } pampering [ the, + the ] petals <laughter>. /", "[ I, + I ] [ tried to have, + {F um, } <laughter>, figured something having, ] (( )) - / {C so } I tried to have a goldfish, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F um, } I killed that one within a very short amount of time. /", "(( {C But } )) they're not that much fun, {D you know, } / you can't take them for a walk, / you can't, {D you know, } - / [ they, + [ they don't, + they can't ] ] fetch, {D you know, } /", "Right. /", "[ they ca-, + they can't ] do anything, / {C so } I've never, - / I think we had fish [ sh-, + ] when I was a kid / {C but } I don't, -/", "My brother had fish when I was a kid / I remember that, / {C and } one of his fish jumped out of the, {F um, } {D gosh, } {A what do you call it, } fish tank. And fried itself, <laughter>, on the radiator behind the dresser. / I'll never forget that / {C because } I remember my brother,", "Oh. /", "he came home and he counted the fish / {C and } one of the fish was missing / {C and } they couldn't find it anyplace, / they couldn't figure out what had happened / {C and then } they found it fried on, <laughter>, the radiator behind. /", "Oh. /", "(( )) it was not gross, / I didn't see it / {C but, } {F um, }", "Oh. /", "(( )) got them. - / Trying to remember we had a dog for a while, / {C and } I don't know if we got rid of the dog / {C because } my brother was allergic to it, / my brother had asthma and some allergies which I think he's outgrown now, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C but } because of that we didn't have very many pets afterwards / {C and then } he had fish. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } you, - / [ they're, + like you say, they're ] not the most exciting pet to have. /", "No, / it's like, - / [ I just, + I ] don't know, / [ I, + I ] just never understood [ why, + what ] the attraction, - / {E I mean, } [ they're, + {D you know, } they're ] pretty and everything / {C but } I've just never [ s-, + seen [ the attraction of having fish. / It's not as much fun. /", "{D Well, } a friend of mine had, {F um, } an eel, /", "<Breathing>, an eel? /", "{C and then } he had a, {F um, } - / I forget what type of fish it was, / it was one of these fish that [ [ i-, + it ] would eat, + it ate ] a big other fish and things like that. / (( There would be sort of )) (( moby )) fish in a tank. /", "{F Oh, } now we really get sick <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / {C and } it, - / [ I, + I ] couldn't see having fish like that. /", "Yeah. /", "I could see [ (( some )) + having, maybe some ] of the tropical fish, that are really, really pretty / {C but, } -/", "{D Like, } (( I remember )) a friend of mine at work telling me that at his frat in college that they had a tank of piranha,", "Uh-huh. /", "and, {F uh, } {D you know, } used to drop mice in (( )) / [ this is not, + these aren't ] cats, <laughter>, {D you know, } /", "Yeah. /", "this is gross. /", "Yeah, / no, / that would be, - / what did they do, everyone come around and watch them. /", "Yep. /", "{E I mean, } I guess that's fine if you have a mouse problem at your frat house,", "Yeah, / {D well, } -/", "and (( your things )) destroyed the mice. / {C But, } -/", "Yeah, / {D well, } a cat will do the same trick <laughter>. /", "(( Let's see )) , / I had a pet rat, <laughter>, for a while, /", "<Breathing>.", "{C and } it was a live rat, / {C and, } {F um, } this woman just offered (( it to me )) while I was [ in, + in ] graduate school / {C and, }", "[ (( I had a friend )) in col-, +", "she was actually a very fun pet. /", "I had a friend in college ] who [ had a, + {F um, } had a ] pet rat for a while. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } I forget how she got it, / {C but } [ it was, + {F um, } it was ] the same kind of a deal / I think she got it, - / I think she was a psych major / {C and } she got it from the psych department. /", "(( Yeah )) , / mine had been [ [ a, + a, ] + a ] - / how did this work, / a mill rat had been bought / and the people in the lab one day called in my friend and said, {D you know, } this rat is acting really strange I think he's sick, / {C and } she said, I don't think he's sick, I think she's pregnant, <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> Whoops <laughter>. /", "{C And } they had (( misclassed )) the sex of (( )) (( back there )) - / {C and so, } {F um, } she asked me if I want [ to, + ] (( one of those )) babies, / {C and } I took the baby / {C and } I got her when she was, {D you know, } just this tiniest little thing like,", "Uh-huh. /", "half the price of a mouse, / {C and then } she grew to be, {D you know, } - / I had pictures of her when she would sit on my hand / {C and then } she grew to be pretty big,", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } {D like } a pound or something / I don't know how much, / {C and } I had her for over two years / {C and } she was very affectionate. / She would, {D you know, } crawl on me / {C and } she would sit like on my neck or my shoulder while I was working,", "Uh-huh. /", "and things like that. {D Yeah, } much more than you would think. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {E I mean, } {D you know, } if you get them young and everything before they go, kind of (( nuts, - / {C so } )) . -/", "Yeah / {C and, } -/", "Yeah, / rats are not my favorite animals in the world, / {C but } I could see getting one from birth and everything. /", "Yeah, / [ I, + ] sort of weird for me to have had one too / {C but } there, - / it was a convenient little pet to have because it stayed in its cage / {C and, } {D you know, } it was [ easy. +", "Yeah. /", "Easy ] to take care of / [ {C and } + {C but, } ] -/", "Yeah, / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] have friends with hamsters and gerbils / {C and } [ they, + they ] tell me the same thing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I just, - / again it gets into (( vivant )) much fun, <laughter>, {D you know } what, I guess they can be. / I, -/", "{D Actually } it was more fun than you would think. {D Yeah, } starting from the beginning / {C but, } {F um, } - / yeah, / we [ live, + also live ] in the city now, {D actually } in Manhattan. /", "Okay. /", "{C And so } it's almost impossible to, - / it's not fair to a pet to have a pet here,", "Right. /", "or [ certainly, + certainly ] not a dog, / {E I mean, } people do, /", "{F Oh } people, -/", "{C but } it's not, -/", "I don't, {F oh, } / {C plus, } {E I mean, } the pooper scooper (( one )) New York, - / (( {C so, } {D you know } )) . -/", "{F Oh, } yeah, / you see all [ these people, + {D yeah, } these stately people, ] and well dressed people out walking their dogs with their plastic bag or their piece of paper for them, / it's really kind of funny. /", "Yeah, (( {F uh } )) , / I was living in northern Jersey when that (( law )) came through, remember hearing all about it, /", "Uh-huh. /", "we were wondering if [ they, + {F uh, } they ] had any special law for the horses in Central Park. /", "Right, / no, / they don't. / (( I should make you )) , -/", "Of course, not. /", "they have, {F um, } the bags behind them / {C but } I think they're actually supposed to,", "(( Hit )) the bags. /", "(( )) [ keep them, + {D yeah, } keep them ] clean / {C but, } {F oh, } gosh, I can't even walk by Central Park (( {D yeah } )) when summertime, / just the smell is so bad <laughter>,", "{F Oh, } {D God, } [ I can't, +", "of the horses. /", "Haven't ] been up there, / last time I was there was fall so probably wasn't that bad <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } it's not that long ago. / (( It was )) ,", "Not this past fall / {C but } {E I mean } fall,", "{F Oh, } twelve times, of the year. /", "a few years, - / {E I mean, } [ [ it w-, + it was ] in the, + {D yeah, } it was almost ] {D like } October of eighty-five, /", "Uh-huh. /", "I think was the last time I was [ up, + up ] there and at Center Park. /", "Yeah. /", "{F Um, } I had a friend who went to Colombia / {C and } I used to go up and visit her. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um, } {C so, } -/", "Yeah, / that's not too far from were we live, / [ do you have, + you said you had ] two cats, / [ are they, + {F um, } just what you call it, are they ] breed cats or anything / {C or } are they just, -/", "No, / they're just mutts, /", "Uh-huh. /", "yeah, / my wife got them from, {F uh, } {F um, } friend of hers at work and everything, {D you know, } {D you know, } as kittens, /", "<<Very faint>> Uh-huh. /", "{C and } [ it was before, + {E I mean, } this was before ] we even met. / {F Um, } she's had them for a couple years. / {C And } {F um, } {D you know, } they're really cute, / [ they're, + they're ] sisters, /", "Uh-huh. /", "one of them is a lot bigger than the other one / {C and, } <laughter>, she pushes the other one away from the food. / Apparently [ w-, + I ] don't know all the details / {C but } they were born around Christmas because one of them is named Tinsel / {C and } the other one is named Holly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } the scr-, -/", "They're both females? /", "[ both, + {D yeah, } both ] females,", "Uh-huh. /", "they're both spayed,", "Uh-huh. /", "{F um, } or whatever it is, neutered, {D you know, } <throat_clearing>, {F um, } / {C and } [ they're, + they're ] both declawed at least on [ the, + the ] front claws. /", "Uh-huh. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PETS", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT KIND OF PETS THE OTHER CALLER HAS", "talk_day": "04/23/1991", "from_caller": 1211, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1964, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1235, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1957, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NYC"}}
{"turn_id": ["2669_0", "2669_1", "2669_2", "2669_3", "2669_4", "2669_5", "2669_6", "2669_7", "2669_8", "2669_9", "2669_10", "2669_11", "2669_12", "2669_13", "2669_14", "2669_15", "2669_16", "2669_17", "2669_18", "2669_19", "2669_20", "2669_21", "2669_22", "2669_23", "2669_24", "2669_25", "2669_26", "2669_27", "2669_28", "2669_29", "2669_30", "2669_31", "2669_32", "2669_33", "2669_34", "2669_35", "2669_36", "2669_37", "2669_38", "2669_39", "2669_40", "2669_41", "2669_42", "2669_43", "2669_44", "2669_45", "2669_46", "2669_47", "2669_48", "2669_49", "2669_50", "2669_51", "2669_52", "2669_53", "2669_54", "2669_55", "2669_56", "2669_57", "2669_58", "2669_59", "2669_60", "2669_61", "2669_62", "2669_63", "2669_64", "2669_65", "2669_66", "2669_67", "2669_68", "2669_69", "2669_70", "2669_71", "2669_72", "2669_73", "2669_74", "2669_75", "2669_76", "2669_77", "2669_78", "2669_79", "2669_80", "2669_81", "2669_82", "2669_83", "2669_84", "2669_85", "2669_86", "2669_87", "2669_88", "2669_89", 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should they do it? / Why didn't it work last time? /", "{C And } why didn't it work last time? <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } I'm all for it. /", "Yeah, / {D well, } [ I, + I ] am too. / I wish, {F uh, } it had started a long time ago, is the problem, because we're so wound up [ in the + --", "Yeah. /", "-- in the ] system that we've got that, {D you know, } trying to convert over, / {C and } I guess, [ what'd they try, + they tried ] what'd the call it, soft conversion and hard conversion -- -/", "Yeah, / they tried the, -/", "-- one of them is where you just take whatever's already standard / {C and } you give it some sort of a weird metric number like six point two eight seven instead of six millimeter. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / direct conversion. /", "[ I, + I ] don't know. {F Uh. } /", "I think they [ [ just ought to, + {D you know, } start, ] + {F uh, } just go ] all the way on new products introduced or whatever, {D you know, } start your packaging, go to liters instead of quarts, / {C and } {D you know, } people if they have to are going to learn to think that way. /", "{D Well } [ don't most of them, + doesn't just ] about everything now have both metric and English. /", "They do, / {C but } things are generally packaged in the English sized packages, {D you know. } / You buy a quart of milk, / {C and } sure it [ has, + has ] the metric equivalent written on there, / {C but } it still a quart. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "{C But } if they started putting it in liters, [ liter + ] of oil, and {D you know, } liters of gasoline, people are going to learn to think in metric. / As long as you can still buy a product in the English units, that's how you're going to think of it. /", "I kind of remember back when gas prices started up, {D you know, } pretty dramatically when they started getting toward a dollar a gallon range, / somebody had, {F uh, } / I believe it was Exxon -- /", "It figures. /", "-- we were living in Lubbock at the time, / they started marketing it in liters, / {C and } it was only {D like } twenty-nine and thirty cents a liter. / {C So } they could put this sign out front that said, {D you know, } thirty-nine cents a liter. /", "Right. /", "{C And } nobody had any idea what a liter was, / {C so, } {F uh. } -/", "[ That, + that's ] the problem. /", "When we finally out that liters was about a quart, there's about four liters in a gallon / {C so } you can figure out what you're actually paying for it. /", "Right. / It's kind of hard for me to believe that this day and age, - / I don't know, / when I was growing up, we were talking metric system in school.", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } [ not, + not ] at first, / {C but } by the time I was in fifth or sixth grade anyway. /", "Yeah. / Oh. /", "I would expect people with any kind of buying power [ over the age, + {D you know, } under the age ] of thirty or so, to have some idea what it is, anyway. / A liter's about a quart. /", "[ The, + {F uh, } I think maybe there's where the ] problem came in, {D you know. } / We've tried to, instead of learning, / it's kind of like learning a language, {D you know, } / when you learn one from the other, you always end up in this conversion thing all the time. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } you, - / it's almost like, {F uh, } - / course this country isn't a dictatorship, / {C but, } {D you know, } it's like somebody said, {D okay } as of such and such a date, {D you know, } anybody caught talking in the English, {D you know, }", "<Laughter>.", "will be shot or something like that, {D you know. } / {C But, } {F uh, } -/", "{D Well, } thing is, it's a [ global, + global ] market place these days, / {C and, } {D you know, } we're like, {D what, } one of two backwards countries in the world, as far as, -/", "Yeah, / I read that, what Uganda and, -/", "Something. / I don't remember what the other one is / {C but, } -/", "There's one or two others that just, -/", "It's just time I think [ for, + for ] us to go over. / {C Because } all you end up doing is if you're in business or you're in any kind of international <<pause>>, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "I don't, {D you know, } - / I work for T I, / we're all around the world, / you have to --", "[ Yeah, {F uh, } I, +", "-- perform this conversion anyway. /", "Yeah, I ] do, too. /", "{C And. } -/", "{C And } one of the things that we've run into a problem, - / course you're familiar [ with the T I drawing, {D well, } + with any drawing ] system --", "Right. / Mils and microns. /", "-- [ you end up with, + you end up with ] things [ in inches + --", "Right. /", "-- in parts of inches, ] {D you know, } half, fourth, {D you know, } this sort of thing. /", "Right. /", "{C And then } you end up with a decimal, where you start getting into mils, and that sort of thing. /", "Right. /", "{C And then } some of them are done in, {D you know, } purely metric. /", "Yeah, / I remember that stink came around in the design area a few years back when it was all overseas designs were in microns / {C and } ours were in mils. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } it got to, {D you know, } - / somewhere down the line they went standardized, / they went microns, / {C but, } {F uh, } [ you just, + {D you know, } you ] end up with all kinds of problems with converting your designs. /", "Yeah. / {F Oh, } I can imagine. /", "{D So. } -/", "[ The, + {F uh, } the ] one that, {F uh, } {F uh, } - / have you ever lived in a country where they use metric. /", "No. /", "I was with T I in El Salvador for a while, / {C and } I had to get used to, {D you know, } purely metric system down there, because they didn't understand anything else. / {D You know, } if you start talking about miles, they'd look at you like, what. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } I had a little bit of experience with it, / {C and } also I noticed in Canada [ they, + {F uh, } you ] drop a quarter, fifty cents, whatever, in a coke machine up there, / {C and } you get this funny looking coke, {D you know, } / it's in a can [ that's + that's ] taller but not as big around. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } I guess that's some -- -/", "About half a liter. /", "-- it's not a liter, / it's like a half a liter or something like that. / It's a strange looking can. / {C But } my daughter in law's from Panama, / {C and } [ she has, + they have had ] Americans down there for so long, {D you know, } that they're kind of into both systems, / {C but, } {F uh, } she gets real confused on distances / {C and } temperature is the big thing --", "Yeah. /", "-- the Centigrade --", "I would have [ more problem + --", "-- for which she says Celsius. /", "-- more problem ] with the temperature, except that, {D you know, } working in engineering, we do everything in Centigrade, or Celsius. /", "{D Well, } I had kind of gotten used to centigrade temperature, {D you know, } / if it's between zero and ten, it's cold, / {C and } if it's ten and twenty it's not too bad, / if it's between twenty and thirty it's pretty warm, /", "# It's getting warm, right. # /", "# if it's more than # thirty it's just hotter than all get out. / [ {C So, } + {C but, } ] {F uh. } The big problem is not having [ the, + {F uh, } the ] resolution [ between temperature, + {D you know, } between a hundred, ] if you're talking about a hundred degrees or what, thirty, zero, {D you know } thirty four degrees, whatever that is. / {D You know, } you don't get all the little differences -- /", "Yeah, / it's about. -/", "-- {D you know, } the differences between seventy and seventy-two or seventy-five degrees isn't much, / {C but } the difference thirty and thirty-five degrees is, quite a bit. /", "Is about twice as much, what it works out to. /", "Yeah, / five <laughter>. /", "One point eight times as many --", "Yeah, / something like that. /", "-- points. / Yeah, / {C so. } [ I, + I ] think as long as people have a choice, they're going to stick with the American way. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } until we [ have to, + have to ] learn to think that way, we won't. /", "Yeah. / Though we call it the English system, / {C but } I'm not sure what they do in England now. / [ They're, + they're ] on metric, aren't they? /", "Yeah, / for the most part, I think so. /", "Yeah, / except they've got a, - / {D now, } {D okay, } we run into some problems once, / I remember, they've got a nut and bolts system called Wentworth. / {C And } this thing [ was, + was ] even different than, {D you know, } S A E standards and stuff. / {C So, } -/", "Right. /", "[ This, + this, ] ca-, - / okay, / my dad bought one of these little Nash Metropolitans here [ a few years ba-, + quite a few years back, ] / {C and } the thing had a Austin Heeley type engine, {D you know, } / it was Austin motors engine and running gear. /", "Right. /", "{C And } the body was built by Nash, / {C or } who, {D you know, } - / [ Ameri-, + that was even before American ] Motors, / {C but } Nash, essentially, in the U S somewhere. - / {C And } that thing had the darndest combination of metric and Wentworth and, {F uh, } S A E. / He ended up with about three sets of tools --", "He just get one more (( )) . /", "-- in order to work on that fool thing. / {C Because } I think the Wentworth and the S A E bolt sizes were the same, / {C but } the threads were different, / {C and, } {F uh } --", "{F Oh, } that would be a mess. /", "-- it was a total mess. / {C And } on my Chevy van that's a couple of years old. / Part of it's built in Canada. / Matter of fact, the thing is, I always say it's built off shore, <laughter> {D you know, } because it was assembled in Canada. / The only thing that was in it [ was + built in the U S was ] the, {F uh, } differential, / {C and } it was built in Buffalo, New York. / {C But } it's got the hardest combination of, {F uh, } metric / {C and, } most of the body parts seem to be metric, / {C and } most of the engine parts seem to be S A E, / {C so. } It's just crazy. /", "Right. / It just gets bad, / {D now, } [ you got to, + you got to ] have one, and not mix them up. /", "Yeah. /", "{C Because } you're never going to get to [ one, + one ] system if you still [ got a, + got a ] mix. / {C And } of course, here [ that, + that ] would involve changing road signs all across the country, {D you know, } miles per hour to kilometers per hour, and the whole nine yards. / Kind of hard to do gradually. /", "I thought maybe they would convert to, {F uh, } metric back when they went to the fifty-five mile an hour speed limit, because what is it --", "Yeah. /", "-- fifty-six or fifty-seven's [ a hundred, + {F uh, } [ qua-, + ] a hundred ] kilometers, / {C and } {D you know } -- -/", "{D Hell, } you'd have people doing a hundred miles an hour. /", "-- yeah, / you'd have, / hundreds on the sign looks lot better than fifty five, / you'd have people going, {A you're right, } a hundred miles an hour. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, so. } I don't know, / I'd kind of, - / {C and } the other thing, too, is, {D you know, } between here and El Paso's, what, five hundred miles, / {C but } it's almost eight hundred kilometers, {D you know. } / That'd sure seems like a long way. /", "Yeah, / {C but } [ they'd need, + they'd seem ] to be ticking off faster, too. /", "Yeah, / I guess that's it. /", "Every road sign you come to, is like, {D well } I don't know it that far. /", "{D Well } they converted all the road signs to fifty-five miles an hour, {D you know, } / they could've converted it to metric just about as easy. /", "Yeah, / I think they, - / you got the problem with all your cars are still, - / yeah, / you still got cars on the road that don't have both. /", "Yeah. /", "At that time, {D anyway, } that was still when things were, - / the metric system was still not, -/", "Not all that common. /", "{D You know, } now cars, they have both. / Sooner or later they'll start putting the miles on the inside and the kilometers in big numbers so people start thinking that way. /", "I know the only other place that I was ever at where they really had it mixed [ was, + was ] in Panama, where's a lot of the road signs and everything are [ in, + in ] miles per hour / {C and } some are in kilometers. / {C And } you got to know where you are --", "Yeah. /", "-- because anything that was the old canal zone is going to be miles per hour, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "METRIC SYSTEM", "prompt": "DO YOU THINK THE UNITED STATES SHOULD ADOPT THE METRIC SYSTEM? WHY DO YOU THINK THE LAST EFFORT TO ADOPT IT FAILED? WHAT WOULD HAVE TO BE DONE DIFFERENTLY TO GUARANTEE SUCCESS?", "talk_day": "04/24/1991", "from_caller": 1140, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1941, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1059, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3020_0", "3020_1", "3020_2", "3020_3", "3020_4", "3020_5", "3020_6", "3020_7", "3020_8", "3020_9", "3020_10", "3020_11", "3020_12", "3020_13", "3020_14", "3020_15", "3020_16", "3020_17", "3020_18", "3020_19", "3020_20", "3020_21", "3020_22", "3020_23", "3020_24", "3020_25", "3020_26", "3020_27", "3020_28", "3020_29", "3020_30", "3020_31", "3020_32", "3020_33", "3020_34", "3020_35", "3020_36", "3020_37", "3020_38", "3020_39", "3020_40", "3020_41", "3020_42", "3020_43", "3020_44", "3020_45", "3020_46", "3020_47", "3020_48", "3020_49", "3020_50", "3020_51", "3020_52", "3020_53", "3020_54", "3020_55", "3020_56", "3020_57", "3020_58", "3020_59", "3020_60", "3020_61", "3020_62", "3020_63", "3020_64", "3020_65", "3020_66", "3020_67", "3020_68", "3020_69", "3020_70", "3020_71", "3020_72", "3020_73", "3020_74", "3020_75", "3020_76", "3020_77", "3020_78", "3020_79", "3020_80", "3020_81", "3020_82", "3020_83", "3020_84", "3020_85", "3020_86", "3020_87", "3020_88", "3020_89", "3020_90", "3020_91", "3020_92", "3020_93", "3020_94", "3020_95", "3020_96", "3020_97", "3020_98", "3020_99", "3020_100", "3020_101", "3020_102", "3020_103", "3020_104", "3020_105", "3020_106", "3020_107", "3020_108", "3020_109", "3020_110", "3020_111", "3020_112", "3020_113", "3020_114", "3020_115", "3020_116", "3020_117", "3020_118", "3020_119", "3020_120", "3020_121", "3020_122", "3020_123", "3020_124", "3020_125", "3020_126", "3020_127", "3020_128", "3020_129", "3020_130", "3020_131", "3020_132", "3020_133", "3020_134", "3020_135", "3020_136", "3020_137", "3020_138", "3020_139", "3020_140", "3020_141", "3020_142", "3020_143", "3020_144", "3020_145", "3020_146", "3020_147", "3020_148", "3020_149", "3020_150", "3020_151", "3020_152", "3020_153", "3020_154", "3020_155", "3020_156", "3020_157", "3020_158", "3020_159", "3020_160", "3020_161", "3020_162", "3020_163", "3020_164", "3020_165", "3020_166"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["<Beep>. {D So } where was your last vacation? <laughter>. /", "{F Uh, } {D actually } my last vacation was in Connecticut. / {F Uh, } we went home to visit family. / Before that we were in Hawaii. /", "{F Oh, } [ [ I, + I'd, ] + {D well } actually I did ] visit Hawaii once / {C but } I never made it off of Oahu,", "Oh. /", "which I've heard is not the nicest of the islands. /", "It wasn't actually. / It, - / [ w-, + when ] we were in [ Oah-, + Oahu, ] {F uh, } I couldn't wait to get off <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "[ We, + we ] took a cruise / {C and } we went to four different islands / {C and } it was [ a + ] really nice, / Kauai was nice and Maui was nice. / [ We had, + we had ] a great time. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We were there for ten days. /", "{F Oh } that's, - / wow. / Yeah. /", "Yeah, / yes. / {C So } where have you been? /", "{F Oh } [ I've be-, + <laughter> I've been ] lots of places. / My last vacation was actually in Morocco I guess / # [ we, + ] (( that one would count )) , # /", "# Morocco. / # Really. /", "{F Uh, } that was about a year and a half ago, / {C and, } -/", "No kidding. / {C An-, } [ what, + what, ] did you just decide to go there / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } {D well } my husband is French / {C and } we were living in France at the time -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we decided that [ I, + I've ] never been to Africa / {C and } I needed to get that continent (( since )) I <laughter>,", "<Laughter>.", "hadn't been there yet. / {C And } [ [ it, + it's, ] + {D actually } it's ] a fairly common vacation place for French people to go / {C and } they speak French / [ {C and, } +", "Uh-huh. /", "{C so, } ] {F uh, } {D you know, } (( in that sense )) is just a little bit easier / {C and } it just seemed like it would be a fun place to go. / [ {C And, } +", "Yeah. / {F Oh } I'm sure it was wonderful. /", "{C So } ] [ we, + we ] didn't really have enough time. / We had about, a little bit less than two weeks. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } as always, [ it don-, + it seems ] a bit, {F uh, } rushed. / We do a lot of traveling around. / We rented a car and drove pretty much everywhere. /", "Was it hot? /", "No, / in fact some of the days we froze. / It was, -/", "Really? /", "{D well } we were there in the winter.", "Uh-huh. /", "In [ Jan-, + {F uh, } January ] or February, I don't remember which, /", "Uh-huh. / I was born in Saudi Arabia / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "when my father worked there [ we, + they ] used to travel quite a bit, all around {D you know, }", "Uh-huh. /", "[ in, + in ] Europe and whatnot, / {C but } I was very young / {C so } I don't remember that / {C and, }", "[ At wha-, + [ at, + <cough> {E excuse me, } at ] what ] age did you, -/", "I was three when we moved back here. /", "{F Oh, } that's too bad / {C because, } -/", "{C So } I don't remember / {C but } we have all these wonderful pictures of all these great places that they have been <laughter>, /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "{C and } that [ I + was when I ] was a baby / [ {C but } + {C so, } ]", "<Throat_clearing>.", "Morocco I think would be wonderful / {C because } [ [ that's, + {D you know, } that's, ] + that ] area of the world I think would be great. /", "Yeah. / It was a very interesting vacation. / The only thing I didn't like was in some of the more touristy areas --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } {F um, } [ the, + it ] would just be besieged by people wanting to be your guide / {C and } [ you, + ] there were some places,", "Yeah. /", "where people, defini-, - / there would be kids there that were excellent at ripping you off, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } we had nothing taken because we knew / {C and } we had things in inside pockets and [ in, + {D you know, } in ] jacket underneath a coat type of thing. /", "Really. /", "{C But, } -/", "[ We, + we ] found that in Jamaica. / It was the same way,", "Uh-huh. /", "that people would come up and [ try and sell you, + {D well } try and sell ] drugs and things like that / {C but } [ they, + they ] were so destitute / {C and } I guess [ they, + they ] make all their money on tourism / [ {C and, } + {C and } ] they would come up and ask you, {D you know, } [ if, + if ] you want to buy different things / {C and } really, after awhile it really gets annoying, /", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } [ it, + it's ] a little scary too when they're coming up and they're all over you. /", "[ The, + the ] worst place was in Marrakech -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } the other cities it wasn't nearly as bad / {C and } a couple of them it was, what we did in some of the other cities / {C and } they tell you to do that is to hire a local guide -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it doesn't matter who it is / {C and } they keep everyone else away from you. /", "{F Oh } really. /", "{C And } it's worth it / {C and } it's like ten dollars a day or something / {C and } its worth it just to keep everyone else away from badgering you -- /", "Really. /", "-- {C and } you feel stupid doing that / {C but } we did it, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } we were much happier, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } you also get in to see things that you might not get into --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- if you were alone, {F uh, } /", "{D Well } that's great. / Where else have you been? /", "{F Uh } <laughter>, /", "{D Well } you lived in France, /", "Yes. /", "{C so } you've been all through Europe. /", "No / {D actually } I haven't been # all through Europe, #", "# No. # /", "like I haven't been to Italy yet. /", "Really. /", "{F Uh, } we're going to go for a conference in September / {C and so, } hopefully, we'll get to travel a little bit too. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } my more exciting spots have been, - / I've been to the Galapagos Islands. /", "Really? /", "Uh-huh, / that was one of the most # wonderful vacations I've ever had. # /", "# Lots of wildlife {F huh? } / # Yeah. /", "Yes. / If you like wildlife, it's a fabulous vacation. /", "Uh-huh. /", "If you don't like wildlife it's probably not of interest <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But } [ it, + that ] was really, really fabulous / {C and } just the photos I have of it and gosh, incredible and be so close, /", "Now when was that, when were you there? /", "{F Um, } August, eighty-eight. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then, } {D actually, } after there I went to {F um, } Hawaii, / a lot of my travel has been sort of based around conferences or business meetings -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so, } I went to Hawaii and then to Australia --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and # Japan and China, # /", "# Did you go on the Barrier # Re-, - / did you see the Great Barrier Reef [ and, + # and ] go snorkeling? # /", "# [ [ I, + I, ] + # {D actually } I ] didn't go diving. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I'm ] a diver / {C and so, }", "{F Oh } diving. /", "[ that's, + that's ] actually been another of my favorite vacations has been taking little diving trips -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but, } {F uh, } - / no / I didn't get to the Great Barrier Reef. / I drove from Sidney down to Melbourne and over to [ Au-, + Adelaide. ] /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous. / The coastline was just incredible. / It's huge. /", "Is it really? /", "Australia. / Yeah. /", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } -/", "Did you have shrimp? / I've seen in, {D you know, } - / [ they, + they ] show all this wonderful seafood [ and, + and ] great big prawns, {D you know } the big shrimp / {C and, } -/", "I don't remember if I had shrimp. /", "No? / Didn't have shrimp there {F huh } <laughter>? /", "I don't think so. /", "I remember food <laughter>. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } I like that too. / {C But, } {F uh, } in fact I didn't eat out that much there because I was traveling by myself in a car, / it would have been, I think, much more fun to do it {D like } in the van,", "Uh-huh. /", "with a bunch of people. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Oh } you're adventurous. / You went by yourself. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Really. /", "{C And } I was by myself in China too. /", "Really? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Oh } wow. /", "China was a little bit more, {F uh, } of a challenge. / {C But, } [ it, + it ] wasn't more of a challenge in a sense because I hired a guide all the time, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and so } I never, {D you know, } got out by myself, or not much, /", "Uh-huh. / Was it very expensive? /", "No, / {D actually } I paid about either a thousand dollars or a little bit, - / no / maybe it was about a thousand dollars, maybe a little bit less, / I don't really remember, for ten days including all my meals, a guide, a car, the airfare / [ {C and, } +", "You're kidding! / # No kidding! # /", "# (( )) {C but } ] this is from Hong Kong, # /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C because } I was already in Hong Kong / [ {C and, } + {F um, } {C but } ] it only cost you about a thousand dollars to go there / {C and } I went to Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu / {C and } {D actually } then I took a train up from Shanghai to a little, Quingdao I think is the name of it. / It's a little, {F uh, } sort of getaway retreat village not far from Shanghai. / It's just a train ride. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } that, - / I had [ two internal, + [ one, + ] {D yeah, } two internal ] plane flights and a couple of other things. / It was really, -/", "All for a thousand dollars? /", "Uh-huh. /", "Wow! # / That really surprises me. # /", "# Around a thousand. # /", "I guess I relate it [ to, + to ] Japan where things are very expensive, # aren't they? # /", "# {F Oh, } [ Japa-, + Japan's ] # ridiculous. /", "Yeah. / Yeah. /", "{C And } [ I stayed, + I didn't stay ] in the top of the line hotels / {C but } I stayed in, - / they were all completely clean, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {D you know, } they were newly built / {C and } they were sort of the lower end of the top of the line, hotels,", "Uh-huh. /", "because they said you can't stay in the cheap stuff. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / {C and } you don't want to stay in the [ [ very, + very, ] + very ] exclusive,", "Right. /", "because you don't really even get a flavor of the country if you're, -/", "Right. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / Wow. /", "{F Uh, } {C but } - / yeah, / that was, - / [ tha-, + I highly recommend that ] way to go. / If you're ever interested in going the route, I dealt with this woman, / her name was Rita at China Tours in Boston <laughter>. /", "{F Oh } really. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } {C and } a friend of mine who had gone for a business trip to China / {C and } she just gave me this woman's name to contact / {C and } it would really be fun, I think ideally with like two couples because you have a car and a driver --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and a guide / {C and then, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "VACATION SPOTS", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS TYPES OF VACATIONS AND TRIPS YOU ENJOY. FIND OUT WHETHER THE OTHER CALLER CAN INTEREST YOU IN A VACATION SPOT YOU HAVEN'T VISITED.", "talk_day": "06/06/1991", "from_caller": 1235, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1957, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NYC", "to_caller": 1281, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3021_0", "3021_1", "3021_2", "3021_3", "3021_4", "3021_5", "3021_6", "3021_7", "3021_8", "3021_9", "3021_10", "3021_11", "3021_12", "3021_13", "3021_14", "3021_15", "3021_16", "3021_17", "3021_18", "3021_19", "3021_20", "3021_21", "3021_22", "3021_23", "3021_24", "3021_25", "3021_26", "3021_27", "3021_28", "3021_29", "3021_30", "3021_31", "3021_32", "3021_33", "3021_34", "3021_35", "3021_36", "3021_37", "3021_38", "3021_39", "3021_40", "3021_41", "3021_42", "3021_43", "3021_44", "3021_45", "3021_46", "3021_47", "3021_48", "3021_49", "3021_50", "3021_51", "3021_52", "3021_53", "3021_54", "3021_55", "3021_56", "3021_57", "3021_58", "3021_59", "3021_60", "3021_61", "3021_62", "3021_63", "3021_64", "3021_65", "3021_66", "3021_67", "3021_68", "3021_69", "3021_70", "3021_71", "3021_72", "3021_73", "3021_74", "3021_75", "3021_76", "3021_77", "3021_78", "3021_79", "3021_80", "3021_81", "3021_82", "3021_83", "3021_84", "3021_85", "3021_86", "3021_87", "3021_88", "3021_89", "3021_90", "3021_91", "3021_92", "3021_93", "3021_94", "3021_95", "3021_96", "3021_97", "3021_98", "3021_99", "3021_100", "3021_101", "3021_102", "3021_103", "3021_104", "3021_105", "3021_106", "3021_107", "3021_108", "3021_109", "3021_110", "3021_111", "3021_112", "3021_113", "3021_114", "3021_115", "3021_116", "3021_117", "3021_118", "3021_119", "3021_120", "3021_121", "3021_122", "3021_123", "3021_124", "3021_125", "3021_126", "3021_127", "3021_128", "3021_129", "3021_130", "3021_131", "3021_132", "3021_133", "3021_134", "3021_135"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well } I grew up out in the country and, {F uh, } was used to having, {F uh, } guns around the place / {C and, } {F uh, }", "Uh-huh. /", "I'm, {F uh, } not for gun control,", "Uh-huh. /", "in the strictest sense of the, {F uh, } word. /", "[ I, + I ] think I'm kind of bent towards middle liberal of the bridge myself. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } I have quite a collection myself / {C and, } {D you know, } I'm a good hunter / {C and } I started hunting when I was twelve years old. / <talking> Of course, my parents made me take hunters safety classes / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "{D you know, } I don't want to see them ban guns completely / {C but } I don't want them to completely turn loose of their controls either / {C so, } -/", "Yeah. / {D Well } [ I, + I ] feel that its, {F uh, } - / I think [ the + ] what was National Rifle Association, {F uh, } had this bumper sticker a few years back [ if, + {F uh, } about if ] you outlaw guns, / only outlaws will have guns then. /", "I believe that. /", "{C And } I believe that too because the person that is wanting to,", "</Talking>.", "commit a crime is going to find a way to get [ [ a gum, + a gu-, ] + a gun, ] a knife, [ a, + a ] rock,", "Yeah. /", "a stick, whatever it is, to commit a crime with, /", "Yeah. /", "{C and } it's the honest citizens like ourselves that are responsible about use of guns, {F uh, } / we can handle it / {C but } there's an element that can't. /", "Yeah / {C and } [ it's, + {D you know, } it's ] got to the point now where even [ our, + our ] police departments and our D E A agents and everything have to carry automatic weapons / {C because } everybody that's in drug [ trafet-, + trafficking ] has got them. /", "They have got them outgunned. /", "{D You know. } Yeah. / # {C So. } # -/", "# There was [ a + # an ] article in the paper just this week where I think it's, {F uh, } one of the gun companies, I can't remember which, was developing a [ ten metal, + ten millimeter ] automatic pistol for the F B I --", "{F Um. } /", "-- which would give them additional firepower. / It had, held {D like } a fifteen shot clip,", "Yeah <sniffing>. /", "which, {F uh, } [ would be able, th-, + they would be able ] to put down anything that came at them, /", "Yeah, / # that would be, # -/", "# {C but } you # figure you got some drug guy out there that's got an Uzi machine gun, {F uh, }", "Yeah, / that's, -/", "a thirty-eight, {F uh, } / Smith and Wesson revolver isn't going to do you much good. /", "No / it's sure not. / Huh-uh. /", "Yeah. / I have lived in, {F uh, } Illinois at one time / {C and } [ they, + they ] passed a, {F uh, } it wasn't really gun control / {C but } it was, you had to register as a gun owner, / you didn't have to list your guns, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } you had to have this card, / it was like a driver's license card that you had to have it in order to buy ammunition -- /", "{F Um. } /", "-- {C and } that was the first, {F uh, } - / this was twenty years ago. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } they had that so that they were trying to control it a little bit # in that respect. # /", "# {D See } [ in California they, # +", "Pardon? /", "In California they ] make you register when you buy ammunition. /", "Yeah. / Uh-huh. /", "You have to sign a, {D you know, } - / they take your name and driver's license number, [ hunter, + hunting ] license number and all that good stuff,", "Yeah. /", "before you can buy any big ammunition.", "Yeah. /", "<Talking> Especially for handguns, /", "Yeah. /", "{D now } rifles aren't too bad, / {C but, } {D you know, } any kind of handgun at all,", "<Throat_clearing>.", "if it will fit in a handgun and a rifle you would still have to buy it,", "Yeah. /", "or sign up for it, / {C so. } -/", "We lived in Tennessee for awhile / {C and } I bought a pistol there / {C and } there was a fifteen day waiting period. / You had to fill out an application and,", "Uh-huh. /", "go down to the sheriff's office and get fingerprinted / {C and,", "Gee. /", "then } you had fifteen days while they checked to see if you had any kind of criminal record before that you could pick up the gun you were purchasing. /", "{D Gee, } that's not a bad idea. /", "No, / I think that, {F uh, } {D you know, } [ a, + a ] waiting period, {F uh, }", "Yeah. /", "can make a difference / {C but } again it's going to be the law abiding citizen that's going to comply with that. /", "Yeah, / yeah / it is. /", "{C So } [ there's, # + I don't, #", "# No. # /", "think there's ] any way to control the criminal element as far as guns is concerned because, -/", "[ Th-, + the ] only way they could do it I think, would be to stiffen the penalties on anybody using a gun. /", "Right, / right. /", "{D You know, } I think if we kind of stiffen them up a little bit, course, [ i-, + ] - / [ I, + I ] feel kind of weird about that anyway, / I think if somebody shoots somebody, they ought to be shot. /", "Yeah, / I'm, -/", "{D So. } -/", "<Laughter> [ We, + we're ] getting into capital punishment now <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / <laughter> {C but, } {D you know. } -/", "{C But } [ I, + I ] agree with you there that, {F uh, } -/", "It would definitely be gun control <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / [ [ The, + {F uh, } the, ] + again the ] purpose of gun control is to control how it is being used --", "Yeah. /", "-- is what the purpose should be. /", "Yeah. /", "It's not to keep people from buying a gun that need one for a specific purpose, legal purpose --", "Yeah. /", "-- but to keep the guy that's illegal from getting his hands on one. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } I'm in favor of keeping [ the, + the ] illegal guy from getting one in his hands / {C but, }", "Myself. /", "the legal person or lawful person should not be penalized because there is the criminal element. /", "Yeah. / {D Well } {C and } [ the-, + they're ] actually a necessity in life, # {D you know. } # /", "# {F Oh } yes. # /", "They're not, {D you know, } / not everybody needs a gun / {C but } sooner or later I need one. / {D You know, } whether I'm out hunting or {D you know, } - / I'm never had to protect my life or, -/", "Yeah. /", "{D well } I did in the service but [ not, + {D you know, } not ] on the street / {C so } I don't really need one [ in the, + in the ] (( aspects )) , /", "<Talking> You don't have to carry one in your car [ or your, + {F uh, }", "No, / huh-uh. /", "<Laughter> or your ] pocket all the time. / Yeah. /", "No. / {C So } [ mine are, + {D you know, } I use mine ] for recreation, /", "Yeah. /", "I don't, / {C and } I enjoyed my guns. /", "Yeah. /", "I have a good time with them / {C so, } -/", "{D Well } I know what, {F uh, } - / I took my kids out and taught them out, how to shoot a gun. / My wife the same thing, {F uh, } she knows how to shoot any weapon that we have [ no-, + not ] that I have an arsenal or anything, /", "Yeah. /", "{C but } we have several guns around the house <breathing> / one of these days my grandkids probably. -/", "Probably. / Yeah. /", "{C But } I think it's, {F uh, } - / you got to [ have, + have ] the [ pl-, + ] - / living in Dallas there's not that many places to go shoot / {C but, }", "No, / huh-uh. /", "{F uh, } still I think they ought to know how to use one and that it's not just a toy and that [ when, + ] it's not like on T V when someone gets shot, {F uh, } they get back up. / If someone gets shot with a,", "Yeah. /", "real gun they don't get back up. /", "Yeah. / I had to explain that to my, - / I've got a six year old now / {C and } he, {D you know, } - / I have a fifteen year old and a seventeen year old, {D well } / they understand now. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know } I've taken time to teach them / {C and } {D now } the young boy wants to know / {C and, } {D you know, } {D like } I told him, you're a little bit young for a gun. Let me go out here and, {D you know, } we would start with the B B gun deal, {D you know, } /", "Yeah. /", "{C so } he started with the B B gun and shot a couple of holes in a couple of windows / {C and } I took it away from him, / I said now,", "<Laughter>.", "{D you know, } {C so } he's learning the hard way / {C but } at least it was a B B gun not a twenty-two or a four ten or something / {C so, } -/", "I remember I had an old uncle up by Tulsa, Oklahoma that took me out and, {F uh, } showed me. / [ [ This was, + it was not my, ] + it was ] my mother's uncle, / this was a gentleman in his sixties, /", "{F Um. } /", "{C and } he took me out with him and, {F uh, } single shot twenty-two,", "Uh-huh. /", "and taught me how to shoot. / We went squirrel hunting / [ {C and, } +", "All right. /", "{C and, } ] {F uh, } he taught me how to shoot, {F uh, } a old single shot twenty-two / {C and, } I was probably about twelve at the time, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I thought that was the neatest thing / {C and, }", "Yeah. /", "of course Uncle Sam [ took me out, + took me ] hunting with him / {C and } he let me shoot and showed me how. /", "All right. / I think there is a lot of responsibility on any of us gun owners to make sure that whoever is around us is at least safe and knows how to use one. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } I don't want to get out there deer hunting and have some guy blow me away, / {C so. } -/", "{F Oh, } <laughter> yeah. <sniffing> / {D Well } that's about all I, - / we agreed pretty well on this I think. /", "Yeah, / I think so. /", "Okay. / {D Well } it's been real nice talking with you. /", "All right, / # have a good one. # /", "# Okay, / bye. # /", "Bye-bye </talking>. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "GUN CONTROL", "prompt": "DISCUSS GUN CONTROL. WHERE DO YOU AND THE OTHER CALLER STAND ON A SCALE FROM 1 TO 10", "talk_day": "06/06/1991", "from_caller": 1279, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1935, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1108, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1950, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3047_0", "3047_1", "3047_2", "3047_3", "3047_4", "3047_5", "3047_6", "3047_7", "3047_8", "3047_9", "3047_10", "3047_11", "3047_12", "3047_13", "3047_14", "3047_15", "3047_16", "3047_17", "3047_18", "3047_19", "3047_20", "3047_21", "3047_22", "3047_23", "3047_24", "3047_25", "3047_26", "3047_27", "3047_28", "3047_29", "3047_30", "3047_31", "3047_32", "3047_33", "3047_34", "3047_35", "3047_36", "3047_37", "3047_38", "3047_39", "3047_40", "3047_41", "3047_42", "3047_43", "3047_44", "3047_45", "3047_46", "3047_47", "3047_48", "3047_49", "3047_50", "3047_51", "3047_52", "3047_53", "3047_54", "3047_55", "3047_56", "3047_57", "3047_58", "3047_59", "3047_60", "3047_61", "3047_62", "3047_63", "3047_64", "3047_65", "3047_66", "3047_67", "3047_68", "3047_69", "3047_70", "3047_71", "3047_72", "3047_73", "3047_74", "3047_75", "3047_76", "3047_77", "3047_78", "3047_79", "3047_80", "3047_81", "3047_82", "3047_83", "3047_84", "3047_85", "3047_86", "3047_87", "3047_88", "3047_89", "3047_90", "3047_91", "3047_92", "3047_93", "3047_94", "3047_95", "3047_96", "3047_97", "3047_98", "3047_99", "3047_100", "3047_101", "3047_102", "3047_103", "3047_104", "3047_105", "3047_106", "3047_107", "3047_108", "3047_109", "3047_110", "3047_111", "3047_112", "3047_113", "3047_114", "3047_115", "3047_116", "3047_117", "3047_118", "3047_119", "3047_120", "3047_121", "3047_122", "3047_123", "3047_124", "3047_125", "3047_126", "3047_127", "3047_128", "3047_129", "3047_130", "3047_131", "3047_132", "3047_133", "3047_134", "3047_135", "3047_136", "3047_137", "3047_138", "3047_139", "3047_140", "3047_141", "3047_142", "3047_143", "3047_144", "3047_145", "3047_146", "3047_147", "3047_148", "3047_149", "3047_150", "3047_151", "3047_152", "3047_153", "3047_154", "3047_155", "3047_156"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["Do you have children? /", "{F Uh, } yes, / yes, / I have a daughter. /", "Do you. /", "Yeah. /", "How old is she? /", "She's only about, {F uh, } {F uh, } a little less than two years old. /", "{F Uh, } <laughter> I guess you have not reached the stage where you need to, {F uh, } promote a college or anything, {F huh. } /", "No. /", "<Laughter> I've got one that's seven and one that's three, / {C so, } [ we, + {F uh, } we ] started saving, / {C but } that's all. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "{D So, } [ [ do you, + is there, ] + are you ] planning to, {D like, } encourage your children to go to a particular school? /", "<Sigh> {F Uh, } <sigh>, no, {F uh, } {F um, } / no particular school. / {F Uh, } I think that's really a decision [ th-, + # that, ] # -/", "# That # you are going to let them make. /", "They, - / {D well, } help them make in terms of, {D you know, } what [ they are, + they are ] --", "Right. /", "-- wanting to do. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } [ that, + that's ] a big influence, I think and,", "Yeah, / yeah. /", "{D You know } [ what, + not only what ] you can afford, but [ what, + what's ] going to be best for them --", "Right. /", "-- in terms of what their career goals are. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } {D you know, } you need to go to a school that handles whatever it is you want to do. /", "Yeah. / Where did you go to school? /", "{F Uh, } University of Mississippi. /", "Oh. / Was that local or, {F uh, } -/", "{F Uh, } {D well, } [ it was, + <sigh> {D well, } it was ] within the state. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } [ it, + it ] was not necessarily local, it was, -/", "Yeah. / {C But } [ I, + ] {E I mean, } so what's, (( )) , -/", "What's the criterion for choosing to go there? /", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } {D well, } at the time, I was, {F uh, } thinking of going pre med -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } in the state, {F uh, } they had the best pre med {F uh, } curriculum for the, {F uh, } state institutions. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It was choice between there and, {F uh, } a private college --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that, {F uh, } was a bit more expensive. /", "Yeah. /", "At the time, <sigh> we really could not afford it / {C so } --", "Yeah. /", "-- I ended up going there although it was quite a drive away for me. / It, - / {F uh, } I enjoyed it. /", "{D So } [ you, + did you ] commute everyday then / {C or, } -/", "No. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "No, / no, / it was a six hour drive. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / when you said it was [ quite a, + quite a ] way away, I did not know [ it + that ] meant you had to drive like an hour / {C or, } -/", "(( )) (( )) [ I was, + {F uh, } it was ] like another world. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Basically, [ it was a, + {D no } it was a, ] - / did not get home that often, {D you know, } / {C and } at that age --", "Yeah. /", "-- [ it's, + {F uh, } it's ] [ kind of, + kind of ] difficult sometimes. /", "Yeah. /", "Especially, if you have not been away a lot --", "Yeah. /", "-- that extended <sigh>. /", "{D So, } did you go there, {D like, } straight out of high school? /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah. / {F Uh, } {D see } I did not get my degree until later on, / {C so } I just finished mine a couple of years ago. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } {D you know, } I guess, {D you know, } when you have to do it that way, it [ makes, + makes ] your choices a lot easier / {C but, } -/", "{F Uh, } that's true. / Yeah, / [ that, + that's ] like, {D you know, } when I went on to get [ my, + my ] master's --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- [ I, {F uh, } basically was, + {D you know, } it was where I was ] at the time. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } I was not going to try to pick and go somewhere else --", "Right, / right. /", "-- because I was pretty much settled / {C and } I was trying to work. / [ {C But, } + {F uh, } {C so } ] when you are first going to school [ that, + ] you kind of have the luxury of being able to --", "Exactly. /", "-- have some latitude in choosing the place to go. /", "Yeah. / [ Wh-, + which ] group do you work in in T I? /", "{F Um, } {F uh, } the computer science center. /", "{F Oh, } {F uh, } where is that at? /", "{F Uh, } north building. /", "I see. / How long do you work for T I? /", "{F Uh, } about three years. /", "Did you work somewhere else, / {D like } sounds like you got your master's before here / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } yeah, / I have, {F uh, } {F uh, } / no / {D actually, } {E I mean } I came straight from school to here. /", "I see. /", "{D So, } cause this was the [ first, + first ] real job after getting my degree. /", "Uh-huh. / After your master's or after your, -/", "After my master's. /", "I see. /", "My undergraduate degree was [ not in, + not in ] what my master's was. /", "I see. /", "{C So } I made a career change --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- basically. /", "I see. / {D Well, } let's see <laughter> / I, have not (( )) {D you know, } - / there's a lot of pluses and minuses for different schools, {D you know, } just like you said. / {F Uh, } depending on what they want to specialize in and what you can afford, different things like that, / {C so } [ I, + I ] have not --", "Yeah. /", "-- really made up my mind, {D you know, } whether to encourage them to go different places / {C or, } -/", "(( One day )) I would like to, {F uh, } {D you know, } the, {F uh, } - / [ I, + I ] like the school where I went. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } {C and } I would not hesitate at all [ to, + to ] encourage her to go [ there + --", "Right. /", "-- there ] if she wanted to. /", "Right. /", "{C Or } the school where I got my master's at, [ which, + which ] was a different school. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I liked it almost as well. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C but, } {F uh, } {D you know, } that, I'm not going to hold them to that --", "Right. /", "-- just because I went there. / I, {D you know, } think that's <sigh> -- -/", "Yeah. /", "-- If they want to, that's fine, but --", "Yeah. /", "-- otherwise not. <sigh> Although I [ ca-, + {F uh, } would ] get quite a break on, on tuition <laughter>. /", "{F Um, } because you went there. /", "Yeah, / {C because } they, {F uh, } allow for, {F uh, } {F uh, } tuition, {F uh, } break for out of state students --", "{F Um. } /", "-- who children of alumnae. /", "I didn't know that. /", "{D Well } certain schools do it. /", "Yeah. /", "This school does. / {C So, } {F uh, }", "{F Huh. } /", "[ It's, + it (( )) ] , - / [ I, + I ] was involved in some, {F uh, } {F oh, } alumnae recruiting, {F uh, } here in town, {F uh, } recently, {F uh, } {D well } last year <sigh>. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } it was kind of fun, because you are [ trying [ to + <sigh> to, ] + trying to ] get people interested in your school, {D you know. } /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } they were, - / this was a college night [ at a, + at a ] high school in Richardson. / {C And } it was, -/", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } there were a bunch of kids, {D you know, } {C and } a bunch of schools. / There were a hundred schools, probably there --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- all competing for the same kids. /", "Uh-huh. /", "It's kind of interesting [ [ to, + to, ] + to ] talk up, {D you know, } your,", "Yeah, / your # own school, # /", "# school # / {C And, } I was surprised by the number of kids that [ came, + came ] by and had heard of, {D you know, } our school.", "Uh-huh. /", "[ And, + and ] were interested in it. /", "{F Um. } /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } we, {F uh, } (( )) - / situations like that, you don't realize, {D you know, } until you start thinking about it, the kinds of (( )) advantages you school may have over others. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so, } [ I, + I ] was [ real, + real ] pleased with that. / That worked out so well. /", "Yeah. / {D So } did you drum up any interest (( then )) /", "I think so. / I don't know offhand / {C but, } {F uh, } it seemed like there were quite a few --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- kids that were definitely interested in going there. / <sigh> # {C So, } [ there, # +", "# {C And } that, # -/", "There ] was one mother who, {F uh, } came by right, even, before we started, [ who, + who ] obviously was, {F uh, } very interested in getting [ her, + her ] daughter in [ or, + or ] having gotten her daughter in or something / {C and } she was wanting some more information. / {C But } [ she was, + [ her, + her ] daughter was, ] {F uh, } [ [ [ a, + a, ] + [ [ ma-, + ma-, ] + dru-, ] a ] majorette or something. +", "Uh-huh. /", "{D You know, } a baton twirler or something ] -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } [ she was + <laughter> she was, ] letting us know [ she, + ] (( )) [ how, + how ] good her daughter was. /", "<Laughter>. -/", "She had [ cards printed up, {D actually } --", "{F Oh, } really. /", "-- describing, + {D you know, } business cards describing ] her daughter's, {F uh, } {D you know, } she had won several different twirling awards, and all # this, # /", "# Uh-huh. # /", "{C and } she [ was, + had ] these business cards she was passing out / {C and } it was <sigh> quite a production. / <laughter> I think some parents go a little bit overboard. /", "Yeah / it sounds like it. /", "<breathing> Yes. <exhaling> /", "{D Well } {D you know } I think Richardson is probably {D you know } one of the places that would definitely -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CHOOSING A COLLEGE", "prompt": "WHAT ADVICE OR EXPERIENCE CAN YOU OFFER TO A PARENT ON HOW TO HELP A SON OR DAUGHTER CHOOSE A COLLEGE TO ATTEND?", "talk_day": "06/11/1991", "from_caller": 1171, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1956, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1278, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 0, "to_caller_birth_year": 1956, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3052_0", "3052_1", "3052_2", "3052_3", "3052_4", "3052_5", "3052_6", "3052_7", "3052_8", "3052_9", "3052_10", "3052_11", "3052_12", "3052_13", "3052_14", "3052_15", "3052_16", "3052_17", "3052_18", "3052_19", "3052_20", "3052_21", "3052_22", "3052_23", "3052_24", "3052_25", "3052_26", "3052_27", "3052_28", "3052_29", "3052_30", "3052_31", "3052_32", "3052_33", "3052_34", "3052_35", "3052_36", "3052_37", "3052_38", "3052_39", "3052_40", "3052_41", "3052_42", "3052_43", "3052_44", "3052_45", "3052_46", "3052_47", "3052_48", "3052_49", "3052_50", "3052_51", "3052_52", "3052_53", "3052_54", "3052_55", "3052_56", "3052_57", "3052_58", "3052_59", "3052_60", "3052_61", "3052_62", "3052_63", "3052_64", "3052_65", "3052_66", "3052_67", "3052_68", "3052_69", "3052_70", "3052_71", "3052_72", "3052_73", "3052_74", "3052_75", "3052_76", "3052_77", "3052_78", "3052_79", "3052_80", "3052_81", "3052_82", "3052_83", "3052_84", "3052_85", "3052_86", "3052_87"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {D well } the topic is selecting care for the elderly. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I don't have elderly parents, yet but not that far in the distant future. / What about yourself? /", "{D Well, } my parents are both in their seventies. / [ My, + my ] mother and stepfather, and my father and stepmother are all in their seventies. / {C And, } my, {F uh, } {F uh, } father and stepmother are not in very good health. / {C So } this is something that is, -/", "A concern of yours right now. /", "Yes, / it is. /", "[ Are, + are ] they living independently, right now? /", "Yes, / they are. /", "Oh. /", "They are. /", "Have you looked at any homes for them or talked to them about that? /", "Not for them, [ my, + my ] mother and stepfather [ have, + have, ] {F uh, } set up an arrangement where they have a large home and, {F uh, } two of my sisters [ and, + and ] their families, one of them's husband and then all the children are living in this home. / Its got a lot of <laughter> bedrooms and bathrooms / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } they all share the same kitchen and dining room and den and kitchen. / [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } [ my father bought this, + {F uh, } my stepfather bought this ] thinking of a time when one or the other of them might need care / {C and } they felt like that would be their alternative to a nursing home. /", "{F Oh, } that sounds the ultimate. /", "[ Unless, + unless ] they were so ill that they needed nursing care that could not be given in the home. /", "{D Well, } even at that point, most care can be given [ at, + in ] the home. / <noise> That sound like just an excellent solution. / You must feel real good about that. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] felt good about it because that's my personal feeling also. / [ I, + {F uh, } I ] read a lot / {C and then } I know people [ th-, + then ] have visited nursing homes and, {F uh, } have had great, grandparents in the nursing homes / {C and } it was not a happy situation [ for, + for ] any of them. / [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } we have a very active nursing home here in Plano [ that, + that ] has, {F uh, } activities going all the time / {C and } they have, {F uh, } - / even the people that are wheelchair bound [ and, + and ] really [ are, + are ] [ ti-, ti-, + ] incapacitated.", "Uh-huh. /", "Go and, {F uh, } participate in olympics / {C and } they make their crafts and sell them at a big fair that's held annually at a big mall here <laughter>. /", "Right. /", "{D You know, } [ th-, + {C so } there ] are [ a lot of, + a lot ] of activities going on all the time / {C and } this is a nursing home, / it's not a senior citizens home. / {C So } that the people are really, {F uh, } -/", "Really in need of a nursing home. /", "Right. / # They need, #", "# Right, / # uh-huh. /", "the nursing care, / [ [ {C and, } + {C and, } ] + {C but } ] it's a very expensive solution. /", "{D Well, } it's, {D you know, } / I think we just, {D you know, } listen to, [ is + ] the fact that there are good solutions both inside and outside of nursing homes. / It's just a matter of finding,", "Right. /", "a good home. /", "Right. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and then, } ] of course, there is always the problem of being [ able, + able ] to afford either of those solutions. /", "Right. / Uh-huh. /", "{C And } that, I think is what is scary, / {C and } I also feel that that's where some of the bad images of nursing homes come from. Is when people have to put people in a nursing homes / {C and } they really can not afford the best. /", "Right. / {C And } that's right, [ I, + {D well } I ] took my husband one night to an emergency room when he was in an emergency situation / {C and, } {F uh, } they brought in a very elderly man from a nursing home who [ had, + had, ] {F uh, } apparently inhaled some chicken he was eating. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } he [ had + apparently had ] not been in the home too long, just a week or so, / {C but } when [ they, + the family ] came in to see him, they had not been made aware, / I was in the room when the emergency technicians brought him in from the ambulance / {C and } I overheard their conversation. / {C And } when the family walked in, his wife and daughter and son-in-law, they were not even aware of what had happened. /", "{F Oh, } goodness. /", "{C So, } I told them he strangled on some chicken / {C and, } {F uh, } [ they said, + [ [ the, + the ] woman, + the wife ] said ] he was not even supposed to be eating any food like that that would require chewing or,", "Oh. /", "so, {D you know, } / {C and } I thought <sigh>, -/", "What a shame, / they put him in the home so that he could be cared for -- /", "Right. / Right. /", "-- {C and then } # they could have done that well at home. # /", "# {C And then } she was # upset, / he had on two different shoes, one of which was not even his. / He had on a pair,", "Oh. /", "of slacks, / {C and } the wife said \"these are not his slacks\" / {C and } she said \"I just took two pair over yesterday for him (( that were )) clean.\" / {C And, } -/", "You hear these stories,", "Right. /", "all the time. /", "Right. / {D Well, } [ I, + ] this was just something that [ I # was, # +", "# You happened, # -/", "I witnessed ] to. /", "Right. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } at no point did anybody from the nursing home come in. / {C And } we were there in the same room with the man for a half hour <laughter>. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, } with just a curtain, of course, between us [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } -/", "Right. /", "[ th-, + they ] [ re-, + revived ] the man and cleared out his airway and so forth, / {C and } he was definitely, - / just by looking at him and the way he acted, you could tell he was in need [ of, + of ] nursing home care, / {C but } the family were all talking about, {F uh, } putting him in another home. / They said he will not go back --", "{D Well, } good. /", "-- to that one. /", "Good, / I'm glad they have a solution.", "I'm glad they the option. -/", "To do that, / yes. / # I know. # /", "# [ I, + I ] would hate # to be in a position where that was all I could afford / {C and } [ there were not, + there was no ] choice. /", "Exactly. / [ My, + {F uh, } my ] ex-husband's grandmother had been in a nursing home now for, {F oh, } it must be seven, eight years, / [ {C and, } + # {F uh, } {C and, } ] {F uh, } #", "# {F Oh, } my. # /", "It's just [ her, + her ] condition [ deteriorated, + deteriorated ] instantly upon getting into that home. /", "{F Um. } /", "As the situation is so sad because it just takes all the dignity away [ from, +", "Uh-huh. / # Uh-huh. # /", "# from ] people # who have been independent all their lives. / {D Like } this was a really neat vital woman / {C and } you get in a nursing home / {C and } the first thing that happens you have to share [ your, + your ] whole living space,", "Right. /", "with someone that you have never known before in your # life. # /", "# Right. # /", "{C And } (( oh )) [ I, + I ] do not know what the answer is, / {C but } I do know that there are some wonderful places out there / {C and } [ it, + I think it ] does, - / a lot of it goes down to just money.", "That's right. /", "And family support, / {F uh, } if you, {D you know, } have family that, {F uh, } # you can live with. # /", "# Visits everyday. # /", "Right. /", "Right. /", "Right. / [ I, + I ] really, - / I think the way of selecting a nursing home would be similar to the way you would select child care, {D you know. } / You would do your research / {C and } you would go # visit. # /", "# Visit, / # right. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } hopefully, [ they would have, + they would have ] it so that you could go there anytime. /", "Right. /", "{C Because } if you could not go there anytime, then that would make you,", "Suspicious. /", "a little bit su-, - / right. /", "{D You know, [ [ [ I, + I, ] + my, ] + I ] remember [ my, + my ] grandmother many years ago when she was in a nursing home before she died / {C and } I guess there was not a name for what she had at that time, / {C but } I guess Alzheimer's would come as close as anything, / she really was not aware of what she was doing. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ I ca-, + I can ] remember she had several strokes / {C and } the nursing home was right next to a hospital / {C and } they would rush her to the hospital and revive her and just bring her back to the nursing home in a couple of days. / {C And } [ [ it was, + she was, ] + it was ] just like keeping something. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "CARE OF THE ELDERLY", "prompt": "PLEASE DISCUSS CARE OF THE ELDERLY. FIND OUT HOW THE OTHER CALLER FEELS ABOUT SENDING AN ELDERLY FAMILY MEMBER TO A NURSING HOME. WHAT SHOULD ONE KNOW ABOUT THE NURSING HOME ENVIRONMENT WHEN MAKING THIS DECISION?", "talk_day": "06/11/1991", "from_caller": 1285, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1939, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1204, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1951, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3062_0", "3062_1", "3062_2", "3062_3", "3062_4", "3062_5", "3062_6", "3062_7", "3062_8", "3062_9", "3062_10", "3062_11", "3062_12", "3062_13", "3062_14", "3062_15", "3062_16", "3062_17", "3062_18", "3062_19", "3062_20", "3062_21", "3062_22", "3062_23", "3062_24", "3062_25", "3062_26", "3062_27", "3062_28", "3062_29", "3062_30", "3062_31", "3062_32", "3062_33", "3062_34", "3062_35", "3062_36", "3062_37", "3062_38", "3062_39", "3062_40", "3062_41", "3062_42", "3062_43", "3062_44", "3062_45", "3062_46", "3062_47", "3062_48", "3062_49", "3062_50", "3062_51", "3062_52", "3062_53", "3062_54", "3062_55", "3062_56", "3062_57", "3062_58", "3062_59", "3062_60", "3062_61", "3062_62", "3062_63", "3062_64", "3062_65", "3062_66", "3062_67", "3062_68", "3062_69", "3062_70", "3062_71", "3062_72", "3062_73", "3062_74", "3062_75", "3062_76", "3062_77", "3062_78", "3062_79", "3062_80", "3062_81", "3062_82", "3062_83", "3062_84", "3062_85", "3062_86", "3062_87", "3062_88", "3062_89", "3062_90", "3062_91", "3062_92", "3062_93", "3062_94", "3062_95", "3062_96", "3062_97", "3062_98", "3062_99", "3062_100", "3062_101", "3062_102", "3062_103", "3062_104", "3062_105", "3062_106", "3062_107", "3062_108", "3062_109", "3062_110", "3062_111", "3062_112", "3062_113", "3062_114", "3062_115", "3062_116", "3062_117", "3062_118", "3062_119", "3062_120", "3062_121", "3062_122", "3062_123", "3062_124", "3062_125", "3062_126", "3062_127", "3062_128", "3062_129", "3062_130", "3062_131", "3062_132", "3062_133", "3062_134", "3062_135", "3062_136", "3062_137", "3062_138", "3062_139"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["<Tone> {D Well, } we've talked a little bit about the Plano school system. / {F Um, } [ I, + I ] really have been pleased with Plano. / I have a child who, {F uh, } - / my son is learning disabled, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and, } {F uh, } I thank God every day that I have the resources that we have tapped into. /", "{D Now, } is he the elementary school? /", "He's in elementary school. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } he's not severely learning disabled. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } {D you know, } [ he just, +", "{C But } he is being helped. /", "He's ] being helped. / [ He, + he ] was in resource from second grade till fourth grade in math, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } they recently released him from,", "{F Oh, } great. /", "resource, which [ I'm, + I was ] thrilled, / I really was. / [ I, + I ] just thought that was so neat, that they got him over that hump. / {C And, } {F um, } he's in the Herman Method of Reading. / I don't know if you're,", "No, / that's something new to me. / I'm, -/", "familiar with that. / It is something new, / {C and } basically what they do is they start right from the beginning relearning the sounds of letters. /", "<<Faint>> Oh. /", "{F Um, } /", "I think I read about that in the paper. /", "It's wonderful. /", "Doctor Haggard [ is, + is ] heading that up. /", "Yes, / {C and } it's wonderful. / He didn't have a problem with reading. / As a matter of fact, he's reading on level. / The problem was his spelling. / {C And, }", "Uh-huh. /", "{D you know, } [ in, + in ] watching the way he has struggled, / it's interesting, because I'm convinced I have the same learning disability, or had,", "Oh. /", "that was ignored. / {C And, } -/", "Right, / {C so } [ you worked, + you learned ] how to solve your problems on your own. /", "That's right. / [ {C And, } + {C and so } ] [ it's, + {D you know, } it's ] not an intelligence problem. / It's just a problem with learning. /", "[ Has, + has ] he had this since kindergarten, / {C or } is this something that maybe learning phonetics, / {C and then } he just didn't learn the right way? /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } it's funny. / [ When, + {F um, } when ] he was in first grade, he had trouble [ with, + with ] spelling, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } I would say to the teacher, <lipsmack> {D you know, } it's amazing. / He will be able to, - / you'll say to him, spell cat, / {C and, } {D you know, } he'll say C A T, / {C and then } he would go to write it, / {C and } he would write C O T. /", "Okay. /", "{C And } I kept saying to the teacher, something is wrong here. / Something is wrong here. /", "You're [ right, + right. ] /", "{C And } the teacher kept saying, {F oh, } he has a May birthday. / He's just immature. /", "Right. /", "<Breathing> {D Well, } second grade it was, - / I will, - / these teachers as far as I'm concerned are absolute saints, because in second grade, it was about the second week of school, I went up there, / {C and } [ I, + I ] requested a conference [ and, + ]", "Good, / good, /", "because all year long they kept telling me I was crazy. /", "that's great for parents to be involved. /", "{D Well, } I was, / [ {C and } I, + {C and } I ] went up there the second week of school / {C and } I said, {D you know, } something is wrong, / {C and } thank God [ the li-, + the head ] teacher, the team leader, was a special education major. /", "{F Oh, } how great. /", "[ It was, + it was ] / {C and, }", "{C So } [ she, + she ] was able to zero in. /", "She had picked it up, / yep, /", "Oh. /", "she had already picked it up. / {C And } she said, {D you know, } [ we, + we ] were going to call you if you hadn't called us. / We think there's a learning disability / {C and } we think he needs to be tested immediately, because, {D you know, } once the first report card comes in, they,", "{F Huh. } /", "have all these people being tested, / {C and } she said, I think we can get him real fast. /", "Uh-huh, / <<faint>> uh-huh. /", "{C And } sure enough, they tested him / {C and, } {D you know, } he qualified [ for, + for ] the help, / {C and } it's been great, / [ {C and } I, + {C and } I ] thank God I'm here, because [ I, + I ] know I have a sister who has the other extreme. / She has [ a, + a ] child in Connecticut who is extremely gifted, / {C and } because of the cutbacks in the economy --", "Right. /", "-- they have nothing for her. /", "{F Oh, } no. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and } ] to me that's the same thing. / [ It's, + it's ] like having a child who has a learning disability that's being ignored,", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "this poor gifted child is being ignored. /", "Right, / {C but } that's something that parents, I think, are able to help the gifted child in the home more than they could help the learning disabled child. /", "That's true. /", "{D So, } {C because, }", "That's true. /", "that's something you can do by just enrichment types of things in the home -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } learning disability, unless you are schooled in the types of things and ways to help a child like that, then it makes it real difficult -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } [ this is, + this to me is ] the benefit I see in public schools --", "Yes. /", "-- is [ that, + that, ] {F uh, } you do have government money to fund,", "Right. /", "the kinds of programs --", "Right. /", "-- that these students need, / {C and } I'm not sure that the private schools or parochial schools address that problem,", "<Breathing>.", "they test kids before they take them, /", "Exactly, / {C and, }", "{C and } if they're a behavior problem, they're out. /", "They don't take them, / that's right. /", "That, / [ {C and, } + {C and, } ]", "Right. /", "{F uh, } this is kind of a rejection type of thing, /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C and, } + {C and } ] we get it even at our level [ in, + in, ] - / I work a nine ten school, / {C and } we get students that come in that have been kicked out of the, {F uh, } parochial [ and pub-, + and, {F uh, } private ] schools -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and, } {F uh, } they come in / {C and } their attitude is, \"I'm a bad boy,\" and proceed to <laughter> prove it. /", "Really, / really. /", "{C So } [ I, + I ] really hate that for them. / [ I, + I, ]", "Yeah. /", "would rather they not have that attitude, / {C but } <breathing> that's, -/", "{D Well, } when comparing test scores, - / I know recently I was in a discussion / {C and } they were comparing test scores between private schools and public schools, /", "Right. /", "{C and } that was one of the points that I made, is that you're not comparing apples to apples. /", "That's right. /", "{D You know, } you can't say, {F um, } {D you know, } I know Steven probably would not be accepted because he has a learning disability [ and, + ]", "Uh-huh. /", "into a private school. [ And, + ] {F um, } [ which is, + which is ] too bad. / {C But } on the other hand, [ I, + I ] can't necessarily blame them,", "No. /", "{D you know, } [ they, + they ] are a private school / {C and } they,", "That's right, /", "can do whatever they want. /", "they can be selective, / right. /", "{C And } [ they ca-, + they, ] - / that's right, / they have the ability to be selective. / {C But } you can't say then, {D well, } public schools [ are, + are ] not as good. /", "Right. /", "Perhaps they are, because [ they're, + they're, ] -/", "If you choose the select top group out of the public schools and tested them, and then compared them [ to the pri-, + to the private ] school group, then I think you would have a more equitable --", "You're right. /", "-- way. / {C And } I have a problem when they compare the kids in Japan or Germany to the kids here. / [ [ In, + in, ] + in, ] {F uh, } [ ho-, + honesty, ] the kids in Japan [ are, + they have ] to try out to even get into, to which kindergarten they're going to get into, /", "{F Oh, } really? /", "{C and then } after, {F uh, } - / {C and } [ if, + if ] you only, - / [ the, + ] in fact, they've had cases in the past where parents have committed suicide because their child has not gotten into the top kindergarten, which means they probably won't get into the top elementary [ and, + and ] high school, /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C and } if they don't, [ then af-, + ] when they reach a certain age, [ they just, + ] that's the end of their schooling. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ {C And, } + {C and, } ] {F uh, } they don't ever really go on. / It's only their top ones that go on, like ours do. /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "[ [ {C And, } + {C and, } ] + {F uh, } {C so } ] [ that, + that ] creates a problem. / [ {C And, } +", "Yeah. /", "{C and } ] you can't compare, because they go so many more hours. / The other thing is that the priority in the family is that child's education,", "Right, /", "and is that child. /", "{D well, } you see that with the foreigners that come here. /", "That's right. /", "{F Um, } [ I, + I ] was talking to somebody recently or read somewhere [ where they, + where they ] said that, {D you know, } these children, [ they, + they ] had to be the best, / {C and } they put off all social life, all everything,", "That's right, / that's right. /", "{D you know. } / {D Well, } is that good? / Yes, / the child is very bright, / {C but } on the other hand, I feel like my children, who are kind of middle of the road, [ have, +", "Better coping skills. /", "are ] more rounded, {D you know. } /", "Yes. /", "Sure, / sure, / I think it's real important to have friends. / I think it's real important to play sports. / I think it's real important to be part of a team. /", "Right. /", "{C And so } that's why I said, their childhood is extremely different from mine. / We didn't do all that --", "Right. /", "-- {D you know. } / <laughter> We certainly didn't carpool and run the way I do. {F Um, } /", "{D Well, } {C and } [ you don't, + you don't ] see the parents, {F uh, } encouraging those students to get on athletic teams or,", "No. /", "drill teams or band, /", "Right, / right. /", "it's strictly stick to the educational, / {C and } it's interesting to see them as they get older, {F uh, } then that is the type of adult they are. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Um. } /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "PUBLIC EDUCATION", "prompt": "DISCUSS WITH THE OTHER CALLER WHETHER THERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUSLY WRONG WITH OUR PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEMS TODAYY", "talk_day": "06/13/1991", "from_caller": 1285, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1939, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1281, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1955, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3360_0", "3360_1", "3360_2", "3360_3", "3360_4", "3360_5", "3360_6", "3360_7", "3360_8", "3360_9", "3360_10", "3360_11", "3360_12", "3360_13", "3360_14", "3360_15", "3360_16", "3360_17", "3360_18", "3360_19", "3360_20", "3360_21", "3360_22", "3360_23", "3360_24", "3360_25", "3360_26", "3360_27", "3360_28", "3360_29", "3360_30", "3360_31", "3360_32", "3360_33", "3360_34"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{F Uh, } I guess my personal opinion, [ I, + I ] don't mind paying taxes necessarily. / [ I, + I ] just sometimes wonder if our money is being used in the best way. /", "Right. /", "{F Uh, } sometimes when I hear [ [ what, + what ] they're, + [ even what, + even what ] the politicians are ] making, {D you know, } when they're getting a hundred and fifty thousand plus benefits and that, {F uh, } I think that's just a bit too much to be paying them, {F uh, } / {C and } that's all tax money. / When you figure out how many politicians and each one getting that much, it's just billions of dollars / that's, I think is just being thrown away. /", "Right, / right. / {C And then } when you read about that they're spending all the money on, {D you know, } these studies that have no relevance whatsoever, that kind of ticks you off, too. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ somebody, + somebody ] was telling me the other day that they heard some senator say that what we're paying, it's not that we mind paying taxes, it's that we're paying too much for a lousy government. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] tend to agree with that <laughter>. /", "Yeah. /", "I'm not really into what they're doing --", "Yeah. /", "-- per se, / {C and } I think there's just [ too many, + too many ] levels of bureaucracy. / I think it [ can be, + can be ] managed by [ less, + {F uh, } less ] levels. /", "Yeah, / yeah. / {D Well, } I know any time [ there's, + there's ] a big, {F uh, } budget cut, {D you know, } / I work with the state, / {C and } any time [ there's, + there is ] a budget cut or crunches, it's always the small guy [ that, + that ] gets hurt. /", "Right. /", "It's never [ the, + {F uh, } the ] person that's making a hundred thousand there. / It's always the person that's making the least amount, / [ {C and } -- +", "Right. /", "-- {F uh, } {C and } ] sometimes we're running around there. / I see [ these, + these, ] {F uh, } supervisors running around, {F uh, } having meetings. / [ I, + I ] really don't know what they do. /", "Right. /", "I sometimes wonder, [ are, + are ] they really doing anything, / {C or, } -/", "Right, / {D well, } I think we're going to see a streamlining in the government. / [ I just, + ] {D you know, } - / [ [ I, + I ] don't know what kind of, + {F uh, } I don't know [ what, + what ] level, ] or [ what, + how ] long it will take for, {D you know, } [ our country to start, + the public in general to start ] saying, Hey, this is too much. We're not going to pay any more. {D You know, } we're not going to pay for this, / {C and } you're out, {D you know. } / I think we're starting to see it a little bit now, / {C but } I think, {F uh, } I don't know [ what, + what ] kind of input we're going to get from the public and how they're going to go about doing it. / {C Because } [ I think, + I think ] we're just getting taxed way too much. /", "Yeah. /", "{E I mean, } right now we're getting taxed [ probably, + probably ] around thirty-five percent, or more. / {C And } [ [ that's, + that's, {D you know, } ] + that's ] me not making a whole lot of money. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } they got so many hidden taxes, that it's really hard to figure out how much you are paying, because, go to a grocery store, something like that, and you're paying a little tax here / {C and } you -- -/", "Right. /", "-- {C so. } - / Gas, I don't know about you guys, / {C but } there's probably at least about twenty-five [ to, + to ] thirty cents of different taxes [ on, + on ] our gas. /", "Right. /", "{C And } you don't realize, /", "Yeah, / we got a sales tax. / Our sales tax is like eight percent, / {C and } I don't know what our gas tax is. / I think it's somewhere around <child_talking> twenty five cents a gallon. /", "Yeah. /", "{C So. } {E I mean, } they're hitting us up, / {C and } they may not raise it, {D you know, } federally as much one year, / {C but } then they'll raise it somewhere in the state or the sales tax or property tax or whatever. / It's just, {E I mean, } you can see that your money is just not <laughter> going that far. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I know [ they say + like with Reagan, they say ] no new taxes, / {C but } they changed the, {F uh, } deductions on you, / {C and } that just raises your taxes, {D you know, } they just get it a different way -- /", "Right. /", "-- {C so, } {E I mean, } to me, it did, {F uh, } raise my taxes. /", "Right, / {D well, } {E I mean, } you <child_talking> could tell [ just by, + just by ] how much money you have left over, / {C and } all of a sudden, I don't know <breathing>, [ it's just, + it's ] eating me alive. /", "Yeah, / I heard someone say that, {F uh, } if they would just, something about with [ the, + {F uh, } the ] defense budget, all that extra money they're throwing back, if they cut back by so much percentage, it could throw back about six hundred dollars, on an average, six hundred dollars, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TAXES", "prompt": "TALK ABOUT WHETHER AMERICANSY", "talk_day": "11/05/1991", "from_caller": 1426, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1952, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1360, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1963, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3362_0", "3362_1", "3362_2", "3362_3", "3362_4", "3362_5", "3362_6", "3362_7", "3362_8", "3362_9", "3362_10", "3362_11", "3362_12", "3362_13", "3362_14", "3362_15", "3362_16", "3362_17", "3362_18", "3362_19", "3362_20", "3362_21", "3362_22", "3362_23", "3362_24", "3362_25", "3362_26", "3362_27", "3362_28", "3362_29", "3362_30", "3362_31", "3362_32", "3362_33", "3362_34", "3362_35", "3362_36", "3362_37", "3362_38", "3362_39", "3362_40", "3362_41", "3362_42", "3362_43", "3362_44", "3362_45", "3362_46", "3362_47", "3362_48", "3362_49", "3362_50", "3362_51", "3362_52", "3362_53", "3362_54", "3362_55", "3362_56", "3362_57", "3362_58", "3362_59"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / I'll let you start this time. /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } how much do you like lawn and garden work? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } even though it's totally out of [ my, + {F uh, } my ] degree training, I've been working [ as, + as, ] in the horticultural aspect, {D so } --", "Oh. /", "-- the last, I don't know, fifteen, twenty years, {D so } --", "{F Oh, } for goodness sakes. /", "-- {F Uh, } I'm, -/", "What do you do? /", "{D Well, } I work for the state [ as, + as ] a grounds keeper. /", "Uh-huh, / {D well, } that's interesting. / {F Um, } {C so, } at this time of the year are you doing much garden work? <Laughter>. /", "<Laughter> No, / mostly snow removal,", "<Laughter>.", "which we've had a lot of, / {C but, } {F uh, } I don't know, / [ I, + I ] guess, {F uh, } growing up on the farm [ and, + and ] that, [ I, + I've ] always had a big interest, {F uh. } /", "Right. /", "[ I have a, + {F uh, } when I have an ] area to do, [ I, + I ] always had a big garden --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and enjoy working on lawns [ and, + and ] everything. /", "{D Well } <throat_clearing>, I love to work outside, really, / {C and } I enjoy flowers and stuff. / I don't do a whole lot of it, {F um, } at this exact point in my life, {F um, } because I have two teenage boys, / {C and so } they do [ all the lawn -- +", "<Laughter> Okay. /", "-- all the lawn ] care <laughter>, / {C but } I still take care of the, {D you know, } flower beds and things like that. /", "<Throat_clearing>.", "I was even planning to go out and to, {F uh, } dig up some hibiscus plants that will not make it through the winter here, but, {D you know, } were planted in the ground since last spring -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I was going to dig them up for a friend and for some starters for me, / {C and } lo and behold, about five days ago, we had a freeze down to about, {F oh, } twenty-three degrees or something -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C so } the [ hibi-, + --", "{F Oh, } that's terrible. / Twenty-three de-, -/", "-- hibiscus ] plants no longer exist <laughter>. / {C And } I really feel bad about it, / it's a plant that we've had for probably twenty-five years that these --", "Yeah. /", "-- were cuttings off of, {D you know. } /", "Yeah. /", "{C So, } they're all gone at this point. / Gardening in Texas is really interesting, though. / I grew up in Illinois -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and, } {F um, } <throat_clearing> Texas is just so hot in the summer and so dry, / why, {D you know, } everyone that lives in town and has yards practically has [ land-, + ] {F uh, } <lipsmack> watering system. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And so } with that, why, our lawns do stay, {F um, } {D you know, } pretty nice all summer, if you water. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But } in the winter, we have Bermuda grass -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } in the winter it turns as brown as a grocery sack -- /", "Right, / yeah. /", "-- [ {C and } <cough>, + {C and } ] I just think it's ugly <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "When I go back home to my parents in Illinois in the winter, {D you know, } [ and + ] their grass is fairly green. /", "Uh-huh. / Yeah, / that's [ one, + one ] aspect of a lot of those grasses, they go dormant. / I think the Saint Augustine and, {F uh, } Centipede grass is another one you have quite a bit of down there -- /", "Uh-huh, / uh-huh. /", "-- yeah, / those two. /", "Yeah. / Some people have, I think it's fescue --", "Yeah. /", "-- that stays green all winter, / {C but } they really have a heck of a time keeping it going in the middle of the summer. / They have to water an incredible amount. / {C But, } {F um, } [ those law-, + those lawns ] look nice during the winter, / {C but, } {D you know, } they almost stick out like [ a, + I guess not a ] sore thumb, a pretty thumb. / {C But, } {D you know, } when you look at the neighborhoods [ and + ] they're all brown except the one, {D you know, } / it's sort of like, {D well, } <laughter>. -/", "{D Well, } I know my folks live, {F uh, } in Arizona there, / {C and, } {F uh, } {D you know, } they just grow rocks /", "<Laughter>. Right. /", "{C So. } I know I was in, {F uh, } Houston when I was working for a company once, / {C and } we were taking care of lawns out there, / {C and, } {F uh, } that particular year they had just tons of rain, {D you know, } / it was raining continuously. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then, } I know with all that moisture, a lot of the lawns get a lot of disease problems. /", "Yes, / that's true. / Yeah, / Houston is [ a lot, + {F um, } a lot ] wetter [ than, + than ] [ Dallas, + Dallas ] area, / that's where Plano is, / [ {C and, } + {F um, } <lipsmack> {C and } ] [ just + humidity --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {D you know, } just ] all the time, it's an awfully lot more humid. /", "[ Are, + are ] you, {F uh, } able to get, {F uh, } sometimes a double crops [ of, + of ] certain things in your garden? /", "Yes, / uh-huh, / I think people do. / Yeah. / I don't have a vegetable garden, / [ haven't for, + I guess I never have ] here, actually, / [ {C but, } + {F um, } {C but, } ] yes, / uh-huh, / we have Neil Sperry talks on the radio, /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "GARDENING", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER DOES IN THE WAY OF LAWN AND GARDEN WORK.DOES THE OTHER CALL ENJOY DOING IT? COMPARE THIS TO YOUR OWN SITUATION.", "talk_day": "11/06/1991", "from_caller": 1426, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1952, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1303, "to_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1946, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3491_0", "3491_1", "3491_2", "3491_3", "3491_4", "3491_5", "3491_6", "3491_7", "3491_8", "3491_9", "3491_10", "3491_11", "3491_12", "3491_13", "3491_14", "3491_15", "3491_16", "3491_17", "3491_18", "3491_19", "3491_20", "3491_21", "3491_22", "3491_23", "3491_24", "3491_25", "3491_26", "3491_27", "3491_28", "3491_29", "3491_30", "3491_31", "3491_32", "3491_33", "3491_34", "3491_35", "3491_36", "3491_37", "3491_38", "3491_39", "3491_40", "3491_41", "3491_42", "3491_43", "3491_44", "3491_45", "3491_46", "3491_47", "3491_48", "3491_49", "3491_50", "3491_51", "3491_52", "3491_53", "3491_54", "3491_55", "3491_56", "3491_57", "3491_58", "3491_59", "3491_60", "3491_61", "3491_62", "3491_63", "3491_64", "3491_65", "3491_66", "3491_67", "3491_68", "3491_69", "3491_70", "3491_71", "3491_72", "3491_73", "3491_74", "3491_75", "3491_76", "3491_77", "3491_78", "3491_79", "3491_80", "3491_81", "3491_82", "3491_83", "3491_84", "3491_85", "3491_86", "3491_87", "3491_88", "3491_89", "3491_90", "3491_91", "3491_92", "3491_93", "3491_94", "3491_95", "3491_96", "3491_97", "3491_98", "3491_99", "3491_100", "3491_101", "3491_102", "3491_103", "3491_104", "3491_105", "3491_106", "3491_107", "3491_108", "3491_109"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } let me see, / what have you seen lately? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } CITY SLICKERS, and STAR TREK FIVE. /", "FIVE? /", "Yeah <laughter>, / yeah. /", "Y-, - / [ only, + only ] five? /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "I thought I'd better see that one before I go and see six. /", "<Throat_clearing> {D Well, } no, / didn't need to. /", "No, / I found that out <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "How about yourself? /", "I just saw the latest one. /", "How is it? /", "It was fantastic. /", "{F Oh, } I can't wait. /", "Yeah, / it's, - / the lines in there were just perfect. / {E I mean, } it was classic TREK. /", "{D Now, } does the old STAR TREK guys meet the new guys? /", "No, / huh-uh. /", "No, / it's just the old guys still. /", "Yeah, / it was just a rumor that that would happen this time. / However, the rumor [ is, + is ] that it will [ happen next, + happen next ] time / {C so, } -/", "You know, that I read in [ PEOPLE or somewhere, + {E no, } it was U S A TODAY ] -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that they said they weren't going to do anymore. / That was it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } -/", "Yeah, / {F uh, } except that the rumor [ is, + is ] that they still might, / {C but } it may not include the entire crew / {C and } it will be a next generation meets this generation <throat_clearing>. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{D So, } -/", "I'm not sure what the difference in light years between the new generation and [ the, + the ] old guys was. /", "I think it's a hundred years. /", "{F Huh. } /", "Somewhere in that range. / Considering that Spock was on [ an, + ] {F uh, } {D you know, } couple weeks ago --", "{F Oh, } that's right. /", "-- and that [ the, + the ] very first episode of NEXT GENERATION, they had McCoy. /", "Is that right? / He was --", "{C And, } -/", "-- a doctor --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- still? /", "Yeah, / {D well, } {D you know, } he was rear admiral, whatever, {D you know, } / {C and } he just kind of hobbled down the halls real slow. / Vulcans age a lot better <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } yeah, / he didn't look too bad, did he? /", "No, / huh-uh. / Matter of fact, he looks just as about as old and the, {F uh, } NEXT GENERATION as he does in the latest STAR TREK <laughter>. / Imagine that. /", "Yeah, / that's amazing. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } did they have some pretty good special effects? /", "<Throat_clearing> {F Oh, } excellent, excellent special effects. / {C But } I think the script was, {D you know, } just incredible compared to the last one. /", "Yeah, / [ FIVE was, + the script was ] bad, bad, bad <laughter>. /", "{D Well, } you know why? /", "No, / I don't. / Why? /", "{F Uh, } William Shatner wrote it. /", "{F Oh, } is that right? /", "{C And } even worse, he directed it. /", "{F Uh, } /", "<Laughter>.", "[ L-, + Leonard, ] [ s-, + ] Nimoy, he does a lot better. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / [ he, + in fact, {F uh, } he ] didn't direct this one. / He produced this one <throat_clearing>. / {C But } he directed the one before, {F uh, } I think STAR TREK FOUR, something like that. /", "[ IN SEARCH OF SPOCK, + {E or, } {E no, } JOURNEY HOME, ] I think that was. /", "Yeah, / uh-huh. /", "[ Are, + you're ] a real life Trekkie? /", "L-, - / I think so <laughter>. /", "I really like them. / [ I, + I ] wouldn't go so far as being a Trekkie, / {C but } -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F uh, } /", "{D Well, } I've gone to, {D you know, } one for real live Trek Convention / {C but, } -/", "{F Oh, } really? /", "Yeah, / I saw James Doohan, {D you know, } the guy that plays, {F uh, } Scotty. /", "{F Huh, } did you get to talk to him? /", "No <laughter>. /", "It was --", "Not in a crowd like that. /", "-- crowded. /", "Huh-uh. /", "No. /", "It was like, {F uh, } want an autograph, want to stand in line for about four hours. /", "Yeah. /", "<Laughter>.", "Wow. /", "<Throat_clearing> It was a pretty crowded place. /", "{F Huh. } They have some good management principals in this NEW GENERATION. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah, / I, - / [ it's, + it's ] kind of funny. / I, {F uh, } was reading in, {F uh, } a book. {F Uh, } trying to think, - / I can't quite remember the name of the book, / {C but } [ it was, + it was ] saying don't do STAR TREK management style. / {C And } they were referring to, {D you know, } Captain Kirk, / every time he left the Enterprise, everything went to hell. /", "Oh. /", "<Laughter> {C And } nothing got righted until he got back up on the ship <laughter>. /", "Right, / {C so } he kind of was a cowboy type, too. /", "Uh-huh /", "Made all the decisions / {C but, } {F uh, } Jean Luke does more of [ a, + a, ]", "<Throat_clearing>.", "committee type of management. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / {F uh, } it's definitely a lot better <laughter>. A lot more realistic really. /", "What other movies have you seen? /", "{F Uh, } saw THE ADDAMS FAMILY last week. /", "{F Oh, } how was that? /", "<Throat_clearing> It was pretty good. / {F Uh, } there were a few things different than the old series, / {C but } [ on the, + on the ] whole, it was pretty similar. And, <breathing> a lot of fun. /", "Lots of little funny spots, {F huh. } /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / yeah. /", "Did they have Thing / {C and, } -/", "{F Oh, } yes, / in fact, Thing has a [ big, + much bigger ] role than he does in the series. / {E I mean, } {D you know, } there is lots of areas where Thing saves the day. /", "Really? /", "{C And } he runs around a lot. /", "How did, - / I've always wondered how he gets around. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } just finger hopping. /", "{C But } he's in a box, right? /", "<Laughter> No, / no, / no, / in fact, it's funny. / He never [ did, + does ] come in out of a box, I don't think. / Yeah, / he was just kind of walking around. /", "Didn't he used to? /", "Not really. / He was always --", "Oh. /", "-- in the box before. /", "{F Oh, } [ that's, + {D yeah, } that's, ] okay. /", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / that's what I was thinking. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "MOVIES", "prompt": "FIND OUT WHAT THE OTHER CALLER THOUGHT ABOUT THE LAST FEW MOVIES THEY SAW. WHAT MOVIES HAVE YOU SEEN LATELY?", "talk_day": "12/09/1991", "from_caller": 1464, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1325, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1960, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3515_0", "3515_1", "3515_2", "3515_3", "3515_4", "3515_5", "3515_6", "3515_7", "3515_8", "3515_9", "3515_10", "3515_11", "3515_12", "3515_13", "3515_14", "3515_15", "3515_16", "3515_17", "3515_18", "3515_19", "3515_20", "3515_21", "3515_22", "3515_23", "3515_24", "3515_25", "3515_26", "3515_27", "3515_28", "3515_29", "3515_30", "3515_31", "3515_32", "3515_33", "3515_34", "3515_35", "3515_36", "3515_37", "3515_38", "3515_39", "3515_40", "3515_41", "3515_42", "3515_43", "3515_44", "3515_45", "3515_46", "3515_47", "3515_48", "3515_49", "3515_50", "3515_51", "3515_52", "3515_53", "3515_54", "3515_55", "3515_56", "3515_57", "3515_58", "3515_59", "3515_60", "3515_61", "3515_62", "3515_63", "3515_64", "3515_65", "3515_66", "3515_67", "3515_68", "3515_69", "3515_70", "3515_71", "3515_72", "3515_73", "3515_74", "3515_75", "3515_76", "3515_77", "3515_78", "3515_79", "3515_80"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } do you do any recycling? /", "{F Uh, } we do here. / {F Uh, } {D see, } what do we recycle? / [ We, + they ] recycle, - / they have bins -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and } they also have centers where you can take aluminum cans and, {F uh, } plastic bottles / {C and } I think that's all they have. /", "Oh. /", "What about you guys? /", "{D Well, } we, {F uh, } - / there is a lot of things that you can recycle down here, although the only thing I guess I wind up recycling religiously is, {F uh, } aluminum cans. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } [ we've got a, + we've got a ] couple of different [ things, + {F uh, } places, ] {F uh, } / they're like unattended aluminum can smashers <laughter>. / {C And } you can go up there [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } redeem, / we've got one that gives you {D like } a penny a can, / {C so } if you, -/", "Really? /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "For smashed cans? /", "{D Well, } {D actually, } you have to [ give, + put ] them in there unsmashed. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } when you do that [ it, + it ] basically crushes them and then drops a penny down a little shoot. /", "{F Oh, } [ can you, + can you ] hold on for just a minute? /", "Sure. /", "I'm going to try pressing one again to make sure --", "Okay. /", "-- that I pressed it hard enough because, {D okay, } just succeed <beep>. /", "Okay? /", "{F Oh, } okay, / {D well, } [ I guess, + I guess, ] /", "{D Well, } [ I heard it that, + I heard it that time ] <laughter>. /", "Yeah <laughter>. / Okay, / {D well, } anyways, you guys only get a penny a can. / {D Well, } when you buy {D like, } {F uh, } canned drinks and stuff like that, do they charge you for the deposit? /", "{F Uh, } no, / you probably get charged like a nickel --", "Yeah. /", "-- or something like that. /", "Exactly / {C and so } it's like they charge you for the deposit, / {C so } when you turn in the cans unsmashed, you're just, {D like, } reimbursed. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "Type of thing. /", "Okay, / no, / they don't charge us that extra nickel. /", "That's sort of nice, though <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / [ it, + it ] really is. / Really what happens is we just get a penny a can back [ off the, + off the ] price, if you want to think of it that way. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C So } when we get {D like, } {F uh, } {F uh, } a twelve pack, then that's {D like } twelve cents back. /", "Yeah, / {C so } you guys can actually get ahead <laughter>. /", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } they have sort of {D like, } {F uh, } things that [ you c-, + you're not ] {D like } reimbursed for or paid for. / {D Like } we can recycle, {F uh, } clear glass, brown glass, green glass.", "Yeah. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } milk jugs and, {F uh, } newspapers, {D you know, } / everyone does newspapers. /", "Yeah, / yeah, / everybody does newspapers. /", "{C But, } [ that, + that ] kind of stuff. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But } [ they, + they ] said they can't be smashed or else, {F uh, } / it doesn't fit in their little containers / {C and } they're not reimbursed by [ the, + the ] people who are over them or something. /", "{D Well, } shoot, maybe what we ought to do is start sending unsmashed, {F uh, } Pepsi cans and whatever --", "Yeah <laughter>. /", "-- up there <laughter>. /", "Exactly, / yeah, / send it to this address, / no <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "{C But, } {F uh, } <lipsmack> let's see, / they said that, [ how, + ways, ] can encourage recycling, {F uh, } /", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I ] tell you [ what, + what ] really works, {F uh, } at least down here is, [ if there is, + if there is ] [ some, e-, + even some ] money basically to take care of the gas to recycle it, {A you know what I mean, } then people tend to do it. {F Uh, } /", "Yeah, / that's, -/", "In other words, taking care of the environment [ is, + is ] all well and good -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } if it's going to cost you to take care of the environment, they're not quite as, {F uh } --", "As likely to do it. /", "-- likely to do it --", "Yeah. /", "-- as [ if, + {F uh, } if ] you get something back for it. {D You know. } /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "[ {C And, } + {F uh, } {C so, } ] {D you know, } if there are some energy savings or if there is some significant savings, anything that they can pass on to the consumer, {D you know, } it kind of reminds me of using an A T M card, {D you know, } to get money --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- or doing your banking. /", "Yeah. /", "{D You know, } if it's free, people will use it, / if it costs them something, then they're not as likely to use it. /", "Yeah, / exactly. /", "You know. / {C But, } {F uh, } I know we had a problem down here with, {F uh, } [ oil, + people taking oil ] out of their cars --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and just putting it down [ [ the d-, + {D you know, } the s-, ] + the drain sewer. ] /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, {F uh, } all that, because there was, - / apparently a lot of people, {D you know, } every time they change the oil, / they just dump all [ the res-, + ] their old oil down there. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Now they're starting to recycle that stuff. /", "{F Oh, } that's good. / {F Uh, } another thing I thought of, I guess, to recycle would be like clothes, because {E I mean } everybody gets rid of their clothes sometime or other. / {C And } <throat_clearing> one way that we do it sort of [ in, + in ] Iowa is that we can take some of our clothes to the consignment shops. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } that way, {D you know, } you don't get near enough [ as, + as ] much as you bought it for, / {C but } [ you, + you ] got the use out of it / {C and } what you're going to basically donate to a Goodwill or whatever, anyways, you can get a little bit of money for. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And so } --", "Yeah. /", "-- that's something that I've never, - / [ I, + [ we're, + we're ] ] new to Iowa / {C so } <noise> that's something that I hadn't, {D you know, } looked into before. / {C But } that's one way to sort of get money and still recycle, I guess. /", "Yeah, / I know a lot of places, they, {F uh, } {F uh, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"B": "Speaker_1", "A": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "RECYCLING", "prompt": "WHAT IS BEING DONE IN YOUR COMMUNITY OR AREA ABOUT RECYCLING WASTE MATERIALS? DO YOU THINK MORE SHOULD BE DONE? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS ON HOW TO ENCOURAGE MORE RECYCLING OR ON WHAT OTHER MATERIALS SHOULD BE INCLUDED?", "talk_day": "12/11/1991", "from_caller": 1461, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1962, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1168, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1949, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3517_0", "3517_1", "3517_2", "3517_3", "3517_4", "3517_5", "3517_6", "3517_7", "3517_8", "3517_9", "3517_10", "3517_11", "3517_12", "3517_13", "3517_14", "3517_15", "3517_16", "3517_17", "3517_18", "3517_19", "3517_20", "3517_21", "3517_22", "3517_23", "3517_24", "3517_25", "3517_26", "3517_27", "3517_28", "3517_29", "3517_30", "3517_31", "3517_32", "3517_33", "3517_34", "3517_35", "3517_36", "3517_37", "3517_38", "3517_39", "3517_40", "3517_41", "3517_42", "3517_43", "3517_44", "3517_45", "3517_46", "3517_47", "3517_48", "3517_49", "3517_50", "3517_51", "3517_52", "3517_53", "3517_54", "3517_55", "3517_56", "3517_57", "3517_58", "3517_59", "3517_60", "3517_61", "3517_62", "3517_63", "3517_64", "3517_65", "3517_66", "3517_67", "3517_68", "3517_69", "3517_70", "3517_71", "3517_72", "3517_73", "3517_74", "3517_75", "3517_76", "3517_77", "3517_78", "3517_79", "3517_80", "3517_81", "3517_82", "3517_83"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. /", "Okay, / I guess we're ready to start. / {D Well, } I guess, [ what part of t-, + what part of the ] country do you live in? /", "I'm in Dallas, Texas. /", "{F Oh, } okay. /", "What about yourself? /", "{D Well, } I'm also in Dallas. /", "Okay. /", "The reason that I ask is the two conversations I've had, have been out of state. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } have you always lived here in Dallas / {C and, } -/", "No, / I've lived here for almost five years now. /", "I see. /", "{C And } I'm a, {F uh, } - / before that I was at school in Rochester, New York / {C and } I'm originally from Boston. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } you are seeing quite a different climate and quite a different neighborhood. /", "That's right, / {C but } I like it. /", "You probably have enjoyed getting away from the snow. /", "{D Well, } I missed it at first, / {C but } now I go back there / {C and } I'm a real wimp about the cold <laughter>. / {C So } --", "Yeah. /", "-- I like it here. / It's nice. /", "{D Well, } that's good. / [ I, + I ] have lived in Texas essentially all my life. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Around in Texas / {C and, } {F uh, } I have traveled up in the northeast and around and have enjoyed it. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } I don't know, / I'm not sure I would want to take on those winters. / I'm --", "I know. /", "-- getting older and, {F uh, } not sure that's something I want to do. /", "<Laughter>.", "I live, {F uh, } over in the Lake Highlands area if you're familiar with that. /", "{F Uh, } tell me where that is, {F uh, } /", "Okay. /", "[ I, +", "{F Uh, } you, -/", "I ] probably do know, / {C but } I don't know it by that name. /", "This is pretty well where L B J and Audelia, Skillman --", "Okay. /", "-- cross. /", "Sure. /", "We're just north of, {F uh, } White Rock Lake. /", "{F Oh, } okay, / yeah, / I know that area. / That's a nice area. /", "{D Well, } we have some very nice [ hou-, + homes ] here in this area. / {F Uh, } my particular, - / I guess they want us to describe the area, / {C so, } {F uh } -- -- my particular area, the homes run anywhere from about sixty-five, eighty thousand dollars on up to probably half a million. /", "{F Oh, } <laughter> that's quite a range. /", "Yes, / {F uh, } the homes that were here earlier were smaller. / Now they've gotten larger and larger [ as, + as ] they have developed the land. / {C And, } of course, it's pretty static right now / {C and } all the values over here have dropped off because of the economy. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah. /", "How about you? /", "{D Well, } [ [ I am, + {F uh, } I'm, ] + gosh, I'm ] barely in Dallas. / I'm just north of Addison Airport --", "Okay. /", "-- up on the tollway. /", "Okay. /", "{C And, } I guess we have a similar situation. / {E I mean, } we've got houses two streets away that are probably around seventy, eighty thousand -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } we've got Bent Tree right across the street / {C so } [ I don't + --", "Okay. /", "-- I don't ] even know how high those go, / {C but } some of those are pretty big. /", "Yes, / those are over a million. /", "Yeah <laughter>. / {C So, } [ it's, + that's ] the strange thing about, I guess, Dallas because back where I'm from, you wouldn't have that sort of a variation at all. / They'd all be pretty similar to one another within [ a, + a ] couple miles. / {C So, } -/", "{D Well, } we have suffered from real lack of land use planning in Dallas. /", "Yeah. /", "Not as bad as Houston, / {C but, } exactly what you're describing is what happens all over. /", "Uh-huh, / yeah, / I've noticed that. /", "<Breathing> {D Well, } now, do you live in [ a, + a ] [ home, + {E or } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- zero lot home, ] / {C or, } -/", "{F Uh, } we've got a house, / let's see, / we moved in about four years ago / {C and } [ it was, + it had previously been ] unoccupied, / {C but } it had existed for three years. /", "Okay. /", "This is a whole block of homes that, {F uh, } a builder built all of them / {C and, } I guess [ he, + he ] did some crazy thing to get some extra money from the bank and then ran away,", "<Laughter>.", "type of deal <laughter>. / {C So } the whole block was all foreclosed. /", "Oh. /", "{C And, so, } some were vacant for quite a while before [ they, + {D you know, } they ] finally sold them because there were so many. /", "{D Well, } [ your, + was your ] house in good shape, / was it damaged? /", "Yes, / no, / the only thing that we were worried about was the air conditioner because they'd have it just running constantly with the doors and windows open <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } it was? /", "{C But, } - / yeah. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } [ we just, + {D you know, } we ] bargained to get an extra warrantee on that. /", "I see. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } [ we're really, + we haven't had ] any problems / {C and, } {D you know, } we had originally thought we'd have to get a fix up special or something because being from the northeast we figured we couldn't afford anything. / {C But } the prices are much lower here / {C and } this was definitely not a fix up special, / {C but } I'll tell you, / it takes all my time <laughter>. /", "<Laughter>.", "Between, we put in our own sprinkler system / {C and } I just finished repainting the exterior and, {D you know, } making drapes and buying furniture, / it's just a money pit. Really is. /", "Yes, / I am -- -- familiar with that. / [ I, + where I ] live is a house that's seventeen years old when I bought it. / {C And } we bought it from someone who was in it, / {C but } before they had it, I found out after I had been in the house, [ it, + it ] had sat empty for the better part of a year. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } I'm not sure what happened, / {C but } I do know the folks that we bought it from had done virtually no maintenance [ for, + for ] about four years. /", "{F Oh, } no. /", "[ [ I, + I, ] + I ] found a lot of things, / {C but, } -/"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOUSES", "prompt": "FIND OUT ABOUT THE OTHER CALLER'S HOME. IS IT A TYPICAL HOME FOR THE AREA? HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO YOUR HOME?", "talk_day": "12/11/1991", "from_caller": 1349, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 3, "from_caller_birth_year": 1965, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NEW ENGLAND", "to_caller": 1345, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1943, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3524_0", "3524_1", "3524_2", "3524_3", "3524_4", "3524_5", "3524_6", "3524_7", "3524_8", "3524_9", "3524_10", "3524_11", "3524_12", "3524_13", "3524_14", "3524_15", "3524_16", "3524_17", "3524_18", "3524_19", "3524_20", "3524_21", "3524_22", "3524_23", "3524_24", "3524_25", "3524_26", "3524_27", "3524_28", "3524_29", "3524_30", "3524_31", "3524_32", "3524_33", "3524_34", "3524_35", "3524_36", "3524_37", "3524_38", "3524_39", "3524_40", "3524_41", "3524_42", "3524_43", "3524_44", "3524_45", "3524_46", "3524_47", "3524_48", "3524_49", "3524_50", "3524_51", "3524_52", "3524_53", "3524_54", "3524_55", "3524_56", "3524_57", "3524_58", "3524_59", "3524_60", "3524_61", "3524_62", "3524_63", "3524_64", "3524_65", "3524_66", "3524_67", "3524_68", "3524_69", "3524_70", "3524_71", "3524_72", "3524_73", "3524_74", "3524_75", "3524_76", "3524_77", "3524_78", "3524_79", "3524_80", "3524_81", "3524_82", "3524_83", "3524_84", "3524_85", "3524_86", "3524_87", "3524_88", "3524_89", "3524_90", "3524_91", "3524_92", "3524_93", "3524_94", "3524_95", "3524_96", "3524_97", "3524_98", "3524_99", "3524_100", "3524_101", "3524_102", "3524_103", "3524_104", "3524_105", "3524_106", "3524_107", "3524_108", "3524_109", "3524_110", "3524_111", "3524_112", "3524_113", "3524_114", "3524_115", "3524_116", "3524_117", "3524_118", "3524_119", "3524_120", "3524_121", "3524_122", "3524_123", "3524_124", "3524_125", "3524_126", "3524_127", "3524_128", "3524_129", "3524_130", "3524_131", "3524_132", "3524_133", "3524_134", "3524_135", "3524_136", "3524_137", "3524_138", "3524_139", "3524_140", "3524_141", "3524_142", "3524_143", "3524_144", "3524_145", "3524_146", "3524_147", "3524_148", "3524_149"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["I say Arlington, Texas now because I talked one night to somebody in Arlington, Virginia. /", "{F Oh, } my, / yeah. / {D Well, } and Plano, Texas rather than Plano, Illinois. /", "{F Oh, } do they have one? /", "Yes, / they do. /", "{F Oh, } I didn't know that. /", "<Laughter>.", "{D Well, } I learned something already <laughter>. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } let's see, / the three questions are what, {F uh, } -/", "How much time do you spend with your children? /", "Very little.", "Oh <laughter>. /", "Because they're grown. /", "What? /", "They're grown and gone. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / {D well, } mine is, {F uh, } down at U T Austin at college / {C and } the other one is in high school. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C So } you do spend less time then? /", "Yeah -- /", "C-, -/", "-- {C because } [ they don't want to know, + they almost don't want to know ] us. /", "<Laughter> They want to be with their friends. / How old are your kids? / Are they married or what? /", "{F Uh, } yes, / I have, {F uh, } two married, [ two almo-, + {C and then } two almost ] married / {C and } the other two, I'm not sure. / {D Well, }", "<Laughter>.", "[ [ Two s-, + two, ] + two, ] {F uh, } {F uh, } for sure are single. /", "{F Oh, } <laughter> {D boy, } you have a lot of kids. /", "Yeah, / [ we have, + between the spouse and myself we have ] six. /", "{F Oh, } {D well, } that's kind of nice, though. / [ You + --", "{C Because } I came with a split family / {C and } --", "-- you ] shouldn't be --", "-- she had, -/", "-- lonesome on a holiday, {F huh? } /", "{D Well, } no, / there is so much of them are gone / {C and } they're doing their own things / [ {C and } -- +", "{D Well, } that's true. /", "-- {C and } ] a lot of times [ they, + they've ] got, {D you know, } {F uh } <breathing>, when the holidays, -/", "They have to see their other parent, I guess --", "Yeah -- /", "-- too. /", "-- {C and } sometimes they want to do their own thing, / {C so } --", "I know. /", "-- sometimes it's just spouse and me. / [ {C And, } + {C and } ] you know what? /", "What? /", "Sometimes that's okay. /", "I know <laughter>. /", "{C Because, } -/", "That's what my mother said one time. /", "{D You know, } right, / {C because } who says that they just must got to come over to see us all the time --", "Right. /", "-- for the holidays. /", "No, / that's true, / {C and } if they force them to, {D you know } --", "Yeah. /", "-- that's not good either. /", "That becomes a drudgery /", "{D Well, } do they all live in the area? /", "[ n-, got, + of the six, we've got ] four around here. /", "Uh-huh, / {F oh, } wow. /", "{F Uh, } {D you know, } {D well, } we're talking like north Texas. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And then, } one is in [ Vermont, + {F uh, } [ [ [ Montpe-, + Mont-, ] + Montpelier ] + --", "Golly. /", "-- Montpelier, ] Vermont ] / {C and } the other one is in Everett, Washington. /", "How did they end up so far away? /", "<Laughter> {D Well, } [ that is, + that's, ] [ [ the, + the, ] + my ] little pair.", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } my second marriage. / {F Uh, } {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "Those are the youngest ones? /", "Yeah, / {D well, } the s-, - / [ [ [ the, + the, ] + the, ] + the ] fourth and fifth child [ [ of the + --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- of the, ] + of the, ] {F uh, } six are the two that are scattered like that. /", "{D Boy, } [ that's, + those are ] a long way. /", "{C And, }", "How, -/", "{D Well, } they wanted to go, {F uh, } / J R, [ [ [ my, + my, ] + my ] last son -- +", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {E or } my middle son, ] {E excuse me, } fell in love with Washington state -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } [ [ the, + the, ] + the, ] third daughter fell in love with, {F uh, } {F uh, } # Vermont. # /", "# Vermont. # /", "{C So, } -/", "{C So } they wanted to make their homes there. /", "Yeah, / that's where they've gone to make their homes. /", "My goodness. / [ Are they, + are those ] two married? /", "No. /", "They, {F uh, } just working up there or going to school or what? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } let's see, / yeah, / I guess you'd say J R is working, [ going to s-, + ] trying to go to school. /", "Uh-huh. /", "I wish to God he would go back. /", "<Laughter> {F Oh, } they do.", "Yeah. /", "Especially [ if they, + if they're ] meant to, I think. /", "{D Well, } I certainly hope so. /", "{E I mean, } I've got a daughter that's a sophomore at U T / {C and } [ I'm, + I'm ] going to U T A right now myself / {C so } <laughter> --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- it's never too late. /", "{D Well, } [ it's, + {F oh, } I agree it's ] never too late. /", "Right. /", "{C And, } -/", "Especially in some of these schools around here, I think they have about twenty percent older students. /", "Yeah, / {C and } when you're saying older, we're talking fifty up. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / I've seen some people that are really quite up there <laughter> {D you know } --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- they look like in their very late sixties / {C and } I say --", "{F Oh, } my, / uh-huh. /", "-- that's great, why not, {D you know. } /", "Yes, / why not because that's [ a, + a ] lot of times, {D well, } it's, - / I believe that, {F uh, } we in that category, - / {C and } I'm not in that category quite yet -- /", "No. /", "-- {C but, } we are seasoned minds. /", "{F Oh, } yeah, / you're really ready to learn finally. /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "{E I mean, } I don't know why I even went to college when I was seventeen. /", "Yeah, / it was, -/", "It was a complete waste of money. /", "Yeah, / settle down, - / we know what we're wanting [ to, + to, ] {F uh, } study / {C and, } {F uh } --", "Right, / right. / We, -/", "-- we know our limitations. /", "Right / {C and, } {F uh, } -/", "{C And } we don't try to burn the candle at both ends and in --", "No. /", "-- the middle altogether. /", "We don't go out drinking beer till three and try to go to class in the morning <laughter>. /", "At seven, / yeah. /", "[ We're past, + {D yeah, } we're past ] that age <laughter>. /", "Yes, / [ we're, + we're ] smarter now. /", "We know what we can do <laughter>. /", "Yeah, / right, / {F uh, } {C so } let's see. / {C So } mine I don't spend a whole lot of time because they're not here. /", "Uh-huh. /", "<Lipsmack> {C And so } [ the second question, + forgot what the second question, ] /", "What was it, {F uh, } / [ h-, + what ] do the trends in families / {C and } do we approve what other,", "<Breathing>.", "families do. /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } the trends in the families were to spread apart, do your own thing. /", "That's right. /", "{C But } [ I have seen -- +", "# A change? # /", "-- # lately, # {D yes, } [ I am seeing, +", "I was going to say the same thing. /", "I'm seeing a ] ] change that, {D whoops, } government can't do it, / schools are --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- not able to -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } between a person's religion, {F uh, } [ their, + their ] faith in their maker --", "Right. /", "-- [ w-, + ] [ whether, + {D you know, } {F uh, } whether ] you're Christian or Jewish --", "# Right. # /", "-- # or # whatever, {F uh, } - / {C and } the family -- -/", "# Are going to have to solve some of the problem, {F huh. } # /", "-- # those are the two [ [ that can, # + that, ] + that have ] the wherewithal / {C and, } of course, Judeo-Christianity, {F uh, } and of the Jewish folks, too, believe that the family unit is the one that was given the, {F uh, } {F uh, } mission by the Lord --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- to do this very thing. / {C So } when another group [ of, + of, ] {F uh, } people step in, try to do it, [ they're, + they're ] tromping on our territory, so to speak, / {C so } -- -/", "Oh. /", "-- I firmly believe that, {F uh, } /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "12/12/1991", "from_caller": 1400, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1942, "from_caller_dialect_area": "MIXED", "to_caller": 1001, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1940, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}
{"turn_id": ["3541_0", "3541_1", "3541_2", "3541_3", "3541_4", "3541_5", "3541_6", "3541_7", "3541_8", "3541_9", "3541_10", "3541_11", "3541_12", "3541_13", "3541_14", "3541_15", "3541_16", "3541_17", "3541_18", "3541_19", "3541_20", "3541_21", "3541_22", "3541_23", "3541_24", "3541_25", "3541_26", "3541_27", "3541_28", "3541_29", "3541_30", "3541_31", "3541_32", "3541_33", "3541_34", "3541_35"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay. / You think you're getting your money's worth? /", "{F Uh, } never # <laughter>. # /", "# <Laughter>. #", "{F Uh, } the only thing [ I'm, + I'm ] thankful of is that we don't have to pay any income tax [ in, + in ] Texas. /", "{D Well, } that's probably the next year's agenda. /", "Yeah. / Boy, I tell you what, / I sure hope they don't pass something like that. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / They're finding a way to tax you every time you turn around, / {C and } [ I, + I ] think one way or the other, we're going to pay for the bureaucracy, I guess. / {F Uh, } it's one area that is really, [ I, + I ] think hurting the economy more than anything. / I think the taxes [ have just, + every time you turn around [ they, + they ] have ] taking more bite out of the dollars that are available for spending for any kind of products, / {C and } [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] think that is probably as big a item fueling the recession as anything right now. /", "{D Well, } [ I, + I ] tell you, {F um, } / I remember every time, it seems like, we turned around, they're adding another nickel or --", "That's right. /", "-- a few more cents onto the price of gasoline. /", "That's right. /", "{C And } {D actually, } that one, [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] taxes on gasoline [ don't, + don't ] bug me as much as, {F uh, } {F uh, } what are we, eight and a quarter percent sales tax? /", "Yep, / that's right. /", "{C And } every time you go to buy anything now, {F uh, } - / even, {D you know, } [ they, + they ] tax food. / That's the one that really kind of bothers me. /", "{D Well, } I think [ that, + {F uh, } that ] the problem with the sales tax, of course, is it's an unfair tax across the board, {F uh, } as far as ability to pay, which [ [ a-, + allegedly, ] + allegedly ] taxes are supposed to be directed towards. / {C But, } {F uh, } now people with the lowest income pay a hundred percent almost of, {D you know, } taxes on everything they buy, and where people that make, {D you know, } two hundred, three hundred thousand dollars a year, certainly a portion of that, they aren't going to be paying taxes on, {D you know. } / {C And, } {F uh, } that's the unfair [ equity, + inequities ] of sales tax as a main source of revenue, / {C but } I don't think it is anymore, not in Texas anyway. /", "{F Oh, } I got you, because people that, {F uh, } don't make very much money wind up spending it all. /", "That's right, / # that's right. # /", "# Yeah, / # whatever they spent it on, they have to pay tax on. /", "That's right, / that's right. / {C And } that's the unfairness of the thing, / {C but, } {F uh, } I think taxes <laughter> generally are unfair / {C so } <laughter>, -/", "[ Wha-, + what ] do you think of that new luxury car tax, anything over ten [ thou-, + or thirty thousand ] dollars? /", "{D Well, } {D you know, } like other things, if they don't affect you, you don't worry about them too much. /", "# <Laughter>. #", "# <Laughter> # I have trouble buying a twenty thousand dollar car still, / {C so } it doesn't, - / [ I, + I ] think, {F uh, } {D you know, } generally the prices of cars have gotten out of line, which is, {F uh, } # {D you know. } # -/", "# {F Oh, } sure. # /", "{C And, } {F uh, } I guess if people got thirty, forty thousand bucks to spend on a car, {F uh, } that's their prerogative, {D you know } <laughter>. / [ [ I, + I, ] + I ] don't have a whole of sympathy (( on that )) . / [ You, + maybe you ] buy that, {D you know, } / {C and } I don't mean to be # knocking, {F uh, } # -/", "# No, / # {F uh, } no, / I haven't, / {C but } [ [ it, + it ] + to me it ] seems really interesting that they come along and add another ten percent tax, {F uh, } on top of it. / {C And } there's an awful lot of cars that cost more than thirty thousand. /", "Yeah, / there are, / there are. / {C And } the idea of that kind of taxation is to have people think twice on putting their money into that, I guess, {D you know, } unless they really want it, buy something that, {D you know, } - / more, {D well, } [ it, + it's ] just like having taxes on, or exemptions for kids, {D you know. } / It's a way of increasing the population, [ that, + that ] was one of the initial ideas of, {D you know, } giving exemptions on kids, [ on, + on ] federal taxes. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And } where you exempt things, like, {F uh, } {F uh, } one of the best things I heard on taxes to stimulate the economy, someone, brilliant deductor, probably Lloyd Bentsen, said that all, {D you know, } if they gave back the deductions on credit cards on your federal taxes --", "Right. /", "-- people would probably be, {D you know, } spending more money using their credit cards. /", "Right. /", "{D Now, } I don't know if that's true or not, / {C but } if you look on all interest things, not just credit cards, but on your cars and, {D you know, } [ a-, + any ] kind of interest that you're paying, from a personal point of view, that might make certain sense in stimulating consumer purchasers. /", "Sure. /", "{C So } that's a lot of the games that politicians play on where they want to go, {D you know, } tax things that they don't, {D you know, } to a degree, {D well, } like booze, {D you know, } / example, they keep raising the taxes on booze, / it gets to the point, {D you know, } it makes drunks sober, {D you know } # <laughter>. / They quit buying it. # /", "# <Laughter> # {D Well, } [ what, + what ] about the taxes on cigarettes? /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "TAXES", "prompt": "TALK ABOUT WHETHER AMERICANSY", "talk_day": "12/14/1991", "from_caller": 1378, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1940, "from_caller_dialect_area": "NORTHERN", "to_caller": 1168, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1949, "to_caller_dialect_area": "NORTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["3584_0", "3584_1", "3584_2", "3584_3", "3584_4", "3584_5", "3584_6", "3584_7", "3584_8", "3584_9", "3584_10", "3584_11", "3584_12", "3584_13", "3584_14", "3584_15", "3584_16", "3584_17", "3584_18", "3584_19", "3584_20", "3584_21", "3584_22", "3584_23", "3584_24", "3584_25", "3584_26", "3584_27", "3584_28", "3584_29", "3584_30", "3584_31", "3584_32", "3584_33", "3584_34", "3584_35", "3584_36", "3584_37", "3584_38", "3584_39", "3584_40", "3584_41", "3584_42", "3584_43", "3584_44", "3584_45", "3584_46", "3584_47", "3584_48", "3584_49", "3584_50", "3584_51", "3584_52", "3584_53", "3584_54", "3584_55", "3584_56", "3584_57", "3584_58", "3584_59", "3584_60", "3584_61", "3584_62", "3584_63", "3584_64", "3584_65", "3584_66", "3584_67", "3584_68", "3584_69", "3584_70", "3584_71", "3584_72", "3584_73", "3584_74", "3584_75", "3584_76", "3584_77", "3584_78", "3584_79", "3584_80", "3584_81", "3584_82", "3584_83", "3584_84", "3584_85", "3584_86", "3584_87", "3584_88", "3584_89", "3584_90", "3584_91", "3584_92", "3584_93", "3584_94", "3584_95", "3584_96", "3584_97", "3584_98", "3584_99", "3584_100", "3584_101", "3584_102", "3584_103", "3584_104", "3584_105", "3584_106", "3584_107", "3584_108", "3584_109", "3584_110", "3584_111", "3584_112", "3584_113", "3584_114", "3584_115", "3584_116", "3584_117", "3584_118", "3584_119", "3584_120", "3584_121"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["{D Well, } tell me about your home. /", "Okay. / {F Uh, } right now we're living in, - / {D well } it's me, my wife and, {F uh, } two young boys. / {C And, } {F uh, } right now we're in [ a, + {F uh, } I guess it's either a ] zero lot line or a garden home.", "Uh-huh. /", "Which you might call it. / {C So } we don't have [ a, + a ] big yard. {F Uh, } / {C but, } {F uh, } when my wife and I first moved in, it was just the two of us. / {C So } it was enough. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{F Uh, } {C and } it's, {F uh, } I guess what they call a story and a half. / {C Because } it's not a full two story.", "Yeah. /", "Where, {D you know, } everything on top is on bottom. / {C So, } it's got real high ceilings on half the house / {C and } the other half is just standard sized ceilings. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And, } {F uh, } it's about a five year old house now. /", "It sounds nice. /", "It's, {F uh, } pretty nice. / Unfortunately, the builder who built it went out of business already <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah? /", "Yeah. / It was a, - / Landmark is the one who built it. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } {D you know, } these guys that gambled high --", "Yeah. /", "-- lost big {D you know. } /", "That's true. /", "{C And, } {F uh } --", "Exactly what happened to them. /", "-- I'm insulating myself from that problem. / I'm building my own house. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. /", "{C And } as I look out the window of my trailer, I can envision all the insulation that's going up <clicking> today <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } really. /", "Yeah. /", "Are you doing it yourself? /", "Yeah. /", "Wow. /", "I used to be a builder. /", "{F Oh, } that's nice. /", "{C And } I retired about five years ago # and # --", "# {F Oh, } I # see. /", "-- started college. /", "{F Huh. } /", "{C And } now I'm a college educated builder # (( )) <laughter>. / There's still no work, {D you know. } # /", "# <Laughter> # # Yeah. # /", "# {C So, } {F uh, } # {D you know, } I decided this summer that, {F uh, } {D you know, } we had enough credit on the credit cards to buy the materials / {C so } I did. /", "That's great. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } see [ [ the, + the, ] + the ] state has a law that says you cannot borrow the money to build your own home. /", "R-, - / is that so? / # I didn't know that. # /", "# You can borrow the # money to pay somebody else to build your house / {C but } you can't borrow the money to build your own. /", "{D Well } that sounds kind of dumb. /", "<Static> {D Well, } it's to protect [ the, + the ] banks from guys that say {D yeah } I want to build my own house and go out a build a spec home -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and then } it doesn't sell / {C and then } the # bank's # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- holding the bag. /", "Yeah. /", "{D Well. } -/", "{F Huh. } /", "[ As, + as ] you know, anything that involves the government [ is, + works ] half as well as it's supposed to # costs three times as much. Right? # /", "# <Laughter> # That's right <laughter>. /", "Hence the savings and loan problem we have. /", "Yeah, / that's true. /", "{C But, } {F uh, } {D you know, } my home is, {F uh, } fairly simple. / It's designed to be added on to. /", "Uh-huh. / That's good. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I figure it's just me and my wife / {C but, } {D you know, } I like to do stuff with my hands and whatnot, / {C so } # I want # --", "# Yeah. # /", "-- to have a shop. /", "How big a lot do you got it on? /", "Ten acres. /", "Wow. / That's nice. / That's real nice. /", "{D Well, } yeah. / It's really nice too because I can't see my nearest neighbor. / He's on the other side of a hill. /", "Oh. /", "{C And } my second nearest neighbor is a dot on the horizon. /", "<Laughter>.", "Seriously. /", "God. / That's pretty good. /", "{D Well, } in the winter time, I can [ see, + see ] another guy / {C but, } {D you know, } [ he's + ] -- -/", "Uh-huh. /", "-- I can just make out his place, {D you know. }", "Yeah. /", "I've got a thirty mile view to the east and about ten miles to the north. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } -/", "{F Oh, } that's pretty good. /", "Yeah. / {D Well, } I took a lot of time in choosing this site <clicking> --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- because [ the, + the ] house has no heating or air conditioning. /", "{F Oh, } [ [ you, + you, ] + you ] don't plan on putting [ any, + any ] of that in? /", "{D Well, } it's got [ a, + a ] very small furnace. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C And } [ a, + {F uh, } we'll use a ] wood burning stove as well. /", "Yeah. /", "{C But, } in the house itself, I've been working inside, {D you know, } [ these, + [ lo-, + ] these ] many months -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I have not had to use the heat. /", "Wow. /", "{C Because } it's all geothermal. /", "Yeah. / That's pretty good. /", "{C And } with all the, - / see I've got, - / on the south side is all glass. / {D Well, } as much as I could get in it, {D you know. }", "Yeah. /", "{C And, } {F uh, } the east side is glass. / I've got one, two, three, four, five, <<very faint>> six windows in the east side on forty-eight feet. / {C So } it's almost all glass. /", "Wow. /", "{C And, } # {F uh, } # -/", "# My # wife would love that <laughter>. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / {E I mean, } # {D you know. } #", "# She loves # lots of windows. /", "There's no place in the house where you can stand and not see four windows. /", "<Laughter> That's great. /", "{C So, } {F uh, } -/", "Is it a single story? /", "{D Well, } not really. / [ It's, + {F uh, } it's ] on the side of a hill. /", "{F Oh, } I see. /", "{C So } the first, {D you know, } - / [ [ the, + the, ] + the, ] - / what I call residential level --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- at the side that's in the hill is about four feet deep. /", "{F Um, } I see. /", "{C And } the side that's on [ the, + {F uh, } the ] other side is about six feet high. /", "Oh. /", "{C So } I've got a pretty good grade there. /", "Yeah. /", "{C And then } when I put the verandas [ whi-, + which ] will be twelve feet out all the way around on the north, south and east sides --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- that will define the shop. /", "<Noise> Yeah, / that's kind of [ like, + like ] a Victorian style? /", "Exactly. /", "Yeah. / [ I, + I've ] always liked that. / The, - / {D you know, } [ I, + we ] don't have much yard / {C but } I built a small deck in the back. /", "Uh-huh. /", "{C But, } {D you know, } [ I, + I ] see these magazines where, {D you know, } dig [ your, + your ] own deck. /", "Uh-huh. /", "[ I, + I ] kind of wish I had them, those size property [ and, + and, ] {F uh, } one with a grade on it so I can build a real nice deck. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "HOUSES", "prompt": "FIND OUT ABOUT THE OTHER CALLER'S HOME. IS IT A TYPICAL HOME FOR THE AREA? HOW DOES IT COMPARE TO YOUR HOME?", "talk_day": "12/18/1991", "from_caller": 1051, "from_caller_sex": "MALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1954, "from_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND", "to_caller": 1424, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 2, "to_caller_birth_year": 1958, "to_caller_dialect_area": "SOUTH MIDLAND"}}
{"turn_id": ["4013_0", "4013_1", "4013_2", "4013_3", "4013_4", "4013_5", "4013_6", "4013_7", "4013_8", "4013_9", "4013_10", "4013_11", "4013_12", "4013_13", "4013_14", "4013_15", "4013_16", "4013_17", "4013_18", "4013_19", "4013_20", "4013_21", "4013_22", "4013_23", "4013_24", "4013_25", "4013_26", "4013_27", "4013_28", "4013_29", "4013_30", "4013_31", "4013_32", "4013_33", "4013_34", "4013_35", "4013_36", "4013_37", "4013_38", "4013_39", "4013_40", "4013_41", "4013_42", "4013_43", "4013_44", "4013_45", "4013_46", "4013_47", "4013_48", "4013_49", "4013_50", "4013_51", "4013_52", "4013_53", "4013_54", "4013_55", "4013_56", "4013_57", "4013_58", "4013_59", "4013_60", "4013_61", "4013_62", "4013_63", "4013_64", "4013_65", "4013_66", "4013_67", "4013_68", "4013_69", "4013_70", "4013_71", "4013_72", "4013_73", "4013_74", "4013_75", "4013_76", "4013_77", "4013_78", "4013_79", "4013_80", "4013_81", "4013_82", "4013_83", "4013_84", "4013_85", "4013_86", "4013_87", "4013_88", "4013_89", "4013_90", "4013_91", "4013_92", "4013_93"], "speaker_role": ["Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2", "Speaker_1", "Speaker_2"], "utterance": ["Okay, / {C so } you have eight children. / {F Um, } what type of things do you do as a family to spend time together. /", "{F Oh, } we spend a lot of time outdoors jogging, bicycling, {F uh, } going to the park, {F um, } some time watching V C R --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- movies --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {F um, } generally cheap things <laughter>. /", "Uh-huh. / <laughter> Yeah, / we know how that goes. / {F Uh, } with lots of kids you don't have lots of money for recreation. /", "That's right. /", "{D Well, } that's fun. / {C So, } {F um, } let's see, {F uh, } / some of the things we do together as a family, we like to play games a lot, / {C and } you may think this is funny, / {C but } one of our funnest games we like to play together is hide and seek, / {C and } <laughter> we just have a hoot playing hide and seek when it's dark --", "Yeah. /", "-- in our house, / {C and } that is so fun. / The kids just get a crack out of that. / {F Um, } [ we like, + we do like ] to go to the park, too [ you, + {F uh, } like your ] family. / {F Um, } we don't do a lot of vacationing. / Have you taken a lot of vacations together / {C or, } -/", "Most of our vacations are to go and see Grandma and Grandpa. /", "Uh-huh, / {C and } whe-, -/", "We get an occasional one or two day thing -- /", "Oh. /", "-- {C but } most of them are going and seeing Grandma and Grandpa. /", "{F Oh, } now where do they live? /", "In Arizona. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } that's a bit of a drive for you there. /", "Yes. /", "{F Oh, } {C so } you like to go there for the holidays / {C and. } -/", "{F Oh, } we don't go very often for holidays. / Generally we try to get all of our kids back home for the holidays --", "Uh-huh. /", "-- and let Grandma and Grandpa come and visit us. /", "{F Oh, } uh-huh. / {F Uh, } what are the ages of your kids then? /", "They range from twenty-four to five. /", "{F Oh, } yeah. / {C So } you have some in the nest and some out, # {F huh. } # /", "# That's right. # /", "<Laughter>.", "How old are your children? /", "We have, - / ours start at twelve / {C and then } they go down to four. /", "I think the hardest thing for us [ has been, + is ] to find [ ac-, + {D you know, } leisure time activities ] that all of our kids can enjoy together --", "I bet, / yeah. /", "-- with the age span that we have, {D you know, } / {D like } the older kids love playing board games and that kind of thing -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C but } the young kids don't understand it -- /", "Yes, / uh-huh. /", "-- {C and so } they get real frustrated when we try to do that, / {C and. } -/", "Yes, / {C and then } if you want to play something on the little kids' level, then the older kids get real bored, / {C and } they want to do something else. / {C So. } -/", "Yeah. /", "Yeah, / [ I can, + I can ] relate to that. / {F Um, } do you feel that the current trend in families spending time together is a positive one or a negative one? /", "I think it's improving, actually. /", "Uh-huh. /", "We had an interesting experience the other day. / [ We, + we ] have pretty much [ a, + a ] routine that we spend, / we don't have our kids play with other kids on Sunday -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } we just kind of keep them at home -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } our next door neighbor, {F uh, } - / we were at a soccer game Saturday, / {C and } our next door neighbor was there, / {C and } somebody came up and asked if their daughter could spend Saturday night at their house -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } she said, no, Sunday's our family day <laughter> -- /", "Uh-huh <laughter>. /", "-- {C and } we keep our kids at home so we can spend time with them. /", "That's good. /", "{C And } I think those kinds of things are happening a lot where we are right now. /", "{F Oh, } good. /", "I think it's gone to one extreme where the families were just running all different direction -- /", "Uh-huh. /", "-- {C and } I think more people are interested in spending time with their kids now. /", "I think so, / {C and } I feel [ like, + {D you know, } like ] President [ Bush, + Bush ] has mentioned quite often, that we are trying to become a kinder and gentler nation, / {C and } it does begin with the families at home -- /", "Yeah. /", "-- {C and so } [ I, + I'm ] a firm believer in that, too. /", "I think a lot of people are panicked, how kids are turning out and how things are going for kids and realizing they've got to start doing something. / {C So. } -/", "Yes, / [ that's, + that's ] true. / {D Well, } we see that a lot out here in Utah, / {C and, } {F um, } [ hopefully, + hopefully ] it's going to spread, {F huh. } (( )) . /", "Utah's a lot better <laughter> than Texas. /", "<Laughter> Oh. / {F Um, } do you have a lot of large families out there in Texas, / {C or. } -/", "Very few. /", "Very few. / You feel like you're in the minority? /", "{F Oh, } definitely. /", "<Laughter>.", "When we tell people how many kids we have they look at us like we didn't have good sense. /", "{F Oh, } dear <laughter>. /", "{C But, } {F uh. } -/", "{D Well, } out here in Utah, five is about [ the + --", "Average. /", "-- the ] average, / yeah. /", "My wife and I were in Utah until --", "Oh. /", "-- I guess we were about twenty-four. /", "Uh-huh. /", "Never been back, since then, / {C but, }", "Oh. /", "We have kids up there now, / {C so } we get up occasionally. /", "Oh. / {F Oh, } I have some relatives out there in Texas, / in fact my mom's out there in Texas right now, in Dallas, spending a month with her cousins, on their ranch, / {C and. } -/", "[ Where, + where ] in Dallas? /", "{D Well, } {F uh, } no, / I'm trying, Aberdeen? /", "{F Huh. } /", "[ Is, + is ] that close to Dallas? /", "I don't have any idea. / I've never --", "Oh. /", "-- heard of it. / Must be a --", "Don't you. /", "-- little town. /", "[ It's, + I guess it's ] out there, clear out. / They have a ranch that has like five hundred acres, / {C and, } -/", "Yeah. /"], "caller_speaker_map": {"A": "Speaker_1", "B": "Speaker_2"}, "other_features": {"topic_description": "FAMILY LIFE", "prompt": "IF YOU HAVE CHILDRENY", "talk_day": "02/25/1992", "from_caller": 1514, "from_caller_sex": "FEMALE", "from_caller_education": 2, "from_caller_birth_year": 1959, "from_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN", "to_caller": 1390, "to_caller_sex": "MALE", "to_caller_education": 3, "to_caller_birth_year": 1942, "to_caller_dialect_area": "WESTERN"}}