str1 = 'Hello' str2 = "there" bob = str1 + str2 print(bob) str3 = '123' x = int(str3) + 1 print(x) name = input('Enter: ') print(name) apple = input('Enter: ') x = int(apple) - 10 print(x) fruit = 'banana' letter = fruit[1] print(letter) x = 3 w = fruit[x - 1] print(w) x = len(fruit) print(x) index = 0 while index < len(fruit): letter = fruit[index] print(index, letter) index = index + 1 for letter in fruit: print(letter) word = 'banana' count = 0 for letter in word: if letter == 'a': count = count + 1 print(count) # slicing string s = 'Monty Python' print(s[0:4]) print(s[6:7]) print(s[6:20]) print(s[:2]) print(s[8:]) print(s[:]) # sring concatenation a = 'Hello' b = a + 'There' print(b) c = a + ' ' + 'There' print(c) # using in as a logical operator fruit = 'banana' print('n' in fruit) print('m' in fruit) print('nan' in fruit) if 'a' in fruit: print('Found it!') # string comparison if word == 'banana': print('All right, bananas.') if word < 'banana': print('Your word, ' + word + ', comes before banana.') elif word > 'banana': print('Your word,' + word + ', comes after banana.') else: print('All right, bananas.') # string library print('A' < 'z') greet = 'Hello Bob' zap = greet.lower() print(zap) print(greet) print('Hi There'.lower()) print(dir(str)) # searching string fruit = 'banana' pos = fruit.find('na') print(pos) print(fruit.find('an')) aa = fruit.find('z') print(aa) # search and replace greet = 'Hello Bob' nstr = greet.replace('Bob', 'Jane') print(nstr) nstr = greet.replace('o', 'X') print(nstr) # stripping whitespace greet = ' Hello Bob ' print(greet.lstrip(),'!') print(greet.rstrip()) print(greet.strip()) # prefixes line = 'Please have a nice day' print(line.startswith('Please')) print(line.startswith('please')) # parsing and extracting data = 'From Sat Jan 5 09:14:16 2008' atpos = data.find('@') print(atpos) sppos = data.find(' ',atpos) print(sppos) host = data[atpos+1:sppos] print(host)
# Chapter 5 n = 5 while n > 0: print(n) n = n - 1 print('Blastoff!') print(n) while True: line = input('> ') if line == 'done': break print(line) print('Done!') while True: line = input('> ') if line[0] == '#': continue if line == 'done': break print(line) print('Done!') for i in range(5,0,-1): print(i) print('Blastoff!') friends = ['Joseph', 'Glenn', 'Sally'] for friend in friends: print('Happy New Year',friend) print('Done!') largest_to_far = -1 print('Before', largest_to_far) for the_num in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: if the_num > largest_to_far: largest_to_far = the_num print(largest_to_far, the_num) print('After', largest_to_far) # counting loop zork = 0 print('Before', zork) for thing in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: zork = zork + 1 print(zork, thing) print('After', zork) # summing loop zork = 0 print('Before', zork) for thing in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: zork = zork + thing print(zork, thing) print('After', zork) # finding tje average in loop count = 0 sum = 0 print('Before', count, sum) for i in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: count = count + 1 sum = sum + i print(count, sum, i) avg = sum / count print('After',count, sum, avg) # filtering in a loop print('Before') for i in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: if i > 20: print('Large number', i) print('After') # search using a boolean variable found = False print('Before', found) for i in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: if i == 3: found = True print(found, i) break print(found, i) print('After', found) # how to find the smallest value smallest_so_far = None for i in [9, 41, 12, 3, 74, 15]: if smallest_so_far is None: smallest_so_far = i elif i < smallest_so_far: smallest_so_far = i print(smallest_so_far, i) print('After', smallest_so_far)
fname = input('Enter a file name: ') ofname = open(r"C:/Users/User/PycharmProjects/Python_for_EveryOne/"+fname) for line in ofname: line = line.rstrip().upper() print(line) fname = input('Enter a file name: ') ofname = open(r"C:/Users/User/PycharmProjects/Python_for_EveryOne/"+fname) count = 0 sum = 0 for line in ofname: line = line.rstrip() if line.startswith('X-DSPAM-Confidence:'): count = count + 1 a = float(line[20:]) sum = sum + a print('Average spam confidence:', sum/count) fname = input('Enter a file name: ') try: ofname = open(r"C:/Users/User/PycharmProjects/Python_for_EveryOne/"+fname) count = 0 for line in ofname: if line.startswith('Subject:'): count = count + 1 print('There were', count, 'subject lines in',fname) except: if '.' in fname: print('File cannot be opened:', fname) else: print(fname.upper(),"TO YOU - You have been punk'd")
''' Created on Dec 27, 2012 @author: Nguyen Huu Hiep ''' #!/usr/bin/python # File: # Author: VItalii Vanovschi # Desc: This program demonstrates parallel computations with pp module # It calculates the sum of prime numbers below a given integer in parallel # Parallel Python Software: import math, sys, time def isprime(n): """Returns True if n is prime and False otherwise""" if not isinstance(n, int): raise TypeError("argument passed to is_prime is not of 'int' type") if n < 2: return False if n == 2: return True max = int(math.ceil(math.sqrt(n))) i = 2 while i <= max: if n % i == 0: return False i += 1 return True def sum_primes(n): """Calculates sum of all primes below given integer n""" return sum([x for x in xrange(2, n) if isprime(x)]) ######## start_time = time.time() result = sum_primes(100) print "Sum of primes below 100 is", result inputs = (100000, 100100, 100200, 100300, 100400, 100500, 100600, 100700) for input in inputs: result = sum_primes(input) print "Sum of primes below", input, "is", result print "Time elapsed: ", time.time() - start_time, "s"
# Description : Sanjay loves chocolates. He goes to a shop to buy his favourite chocolate. There he notices there is an # offer going on, upon bringing 3 wrappers of the same chocolate, you will get new chocolate for free. If Sanjay has # m Rupees. How many chocolates will he be able to eat if each chocolate costs c Rupees? # take input here inp = input() m_list = inp.split(",") m = int(m_list[0]) c = int(m_list[1]) no_choc = m // c no_wrapper = m // c while no_wrapper // 3 != 0: no_choc = no_choc + no_wrapper // 3 no_wrapper = no_wrapper // 3 + no_wrapper % 3 print(no_choc) # start writing your code here # dont forget to print the number of chocolates Sanjay can eat
# Description # Given an integer, print whether it is Even or Odd. # Take input on your own num = input() # start writing your code from here if int(num) % 2 == 0: print("Even") else: print("Odd")
# Description: Finding the average of the data and comparing it with other values is often encountered while analysing # the data. Here you will do the same thing. The data will be provided to you in a list. You will also be given a # number check. You will return whether the number check is above average or no. # # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Input: # A list with two elements: # The first element will be the list of data of integers and # The second element will be an integer check. # # Output: # True if check is above average and False otherwise # Take input here # we will take input using ast sys import ast from functools import reduce input_str = input() input_list = ast.literal_eval(input_str) # Remember how we took input in the Alarm clock Question in previous Session? # Lets see if you can finish taking input on your own data = input_list[0] check = input_list[1] s = 0 # start writing your code to find if check is above average of data s = int(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, data)) avg = s / len(data) print(check > avg)
n=int(input()) sum=0 digits = [int(x) for x in str(n)] #print(digits) for i in range(len(digits)): sum+=(digits[i]**3) #print(i,sum) #print(sum) if(sum==n): print("True") else: print("False")
""" Functions for presenting the state of the game visually. """ from typing import List from solutions.requirements_group_1_solution.board import Board, Cell def render_board(board: Board) -> str: """ Build a visual representation of the state of the board, with the contents of the cells being their marks or, if they are empty, their number id. :param board: the board object. :return: an ASCII art-style representation of the board. """ cells_by_position = board.cells_by_position rendered_board = _render_divider_row(column_count=board.column_count) for row in cells_by_position: rendered_board += "\n" + (_render_cell_row(row)) rendered_board += "\n" + (_render_divider_row(column_count=board.column_count)) return rendered_board def _render_cell_row(row: List[Cell]) -> str: return "|" + "".join([f" {_render_cell(cell)} |" for cell in row]) def _render_cell(cell: Cell) -> str: return cell.number_id if cell.is_empty else cell.contents def _render_divider_row(column_count: int) -> str: return "-" + "-" * (column_count * 4)
''' @ auther Sr+''' import math class Distance(): '''Some methods to compute the distance''' def compute_EUC_2D(node1, node2): '''EUC_2D distance''' node1_x, node1_y = node1.get_coordinate() node2_x, node2_y = node2.get_coordinate() distance_x = abs(node1_x-node2_x) distance_y = abs(node1_y-node2_y) distance = math.sqrt(distance_x**2+distance_y**2) return round(distance) def compute_Manhattan_2D(node1, node2): '''Manhattan_2D distance''' node1_x, node1_y = node1.get_coordinate() node2_x, node2_y = node2.get_coordinate() distance_x = abs(node1_x-node2_x) distance_y = abs(node1_y-node2_y) distance = distance_x+distance_y return round(distance) def compute_Maximum_2D(node1, node2): '''Maximum_2D distance''' node1_x, node1_y = node1.get_coordinate() node2_x, node2_y = node2.get_coordinate() distance_x = abs(node1_x-node2_x) distance_y = abs(node1_y-node2_y) distance = max(round(distance_x), round(distance_y)) return distance def compute_Geographical(node1, node2): '''Geographical distance''' node1_x, node1_y = node1.get_coordinate() node2_x, node2_y = node2.get_coordinate() PI = 3.141592 deg1_x = round(node1_x) min1_x = node1_x - deg1_x latitude1_x = PI * (deg1_x + 5.0 * min1_x / 3.0) / 180.0 deg1_y = round(node1_y) min1_y = node1_y - deg1_y longitude1_y = PI * (deg1_y + 5.0 * min1_y / 3.0) / 180.0 deg2_x = round(node2_x) min2_x = node2_x - deg2_x latitude2_x = PI * (deg2_x + 5.0 * min2_x / 3.0) / 180.0 deg2_y = round(node2_y) min2_y = node2_y - deg2_y longitude2_y = PI * (deg2_y + 5.0 * min2_y / 3.0) / 180.0 RRR = 6378.388 q1 = math.acos(longitude1_y-longitude2_y) q2 = math.acos(latitude1_x-latitude2_x) q3 = math.acos(latitude1_x+latitude2_x) distance = int(RRR * math.acos(0.5*((1.0+q1)*q2 - (1.0-q1)*q3)) + 1.0) return distance def compute_Pseudo_Euc_2D(node1, node2): '''Pseudo_Euc_2D distance''' node1_x, node1_y = node1.get_coordinate() node2_x, node2_y = node2.get_coordinate() xd = node1_x - node2_x yd = node1_y - node2_y rij = math.sqrt((xd**2 + yd**2)/10.0) tij = round(rij) if tij < rij: dij = tij + 1 else: dij = tij return dij
# coding: utf-8 from random import randint first_names = ["Valentin", "Melanie", "Mathilde"] last_names = ["Bark", "Four", "Quick"] def get_random_name(names): random_index = randint(0, 2) return names[random_index] print(get_random_name(first_names)) freelancer = { "first_name": get_random_name(first_names), "last_name": get_random_name(last_names) } generate_freelancer_requested = input( 'Voulez vous générer un freelance ? [Y/n]') or 'Y' if generate_freelancer_requested not in ['y', 'n']: print("La commande n'existe pas") if generate_freelancer_requested == "y": print(freelancer) elif generate_freelancer_requested == "n": print("On ne te connais pas") else: print('Commande inconnu')
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # На основе вашего кода из решения lesson_004/ сделать функцию-фабрику, # которая возвращает функции рисования треугольника, четырехугольника, пятиугольника и т.д. # # Функция рисования должна принимать параметры # - точка начала рисования # - угол наклона # - длина стороны # # Функция-фабрика должна принимать параметр n - количество сторон. import simple_draw as sd def get_polygon(n): def draw_shape(point, angle, length): v_first = sd.get_vector(start_point=point, angle=angle, length=length, width=3) sd.line(v_first.start_point, v_first.end_point, width=3) v_next = v_first for i in range(n - 1): if i != n - 2: v_next = sd.get_vector(start_point=v_next.end_point, angle=angle + (360 / n) * (i + 1), length=length, width=3) sd.line(v_next.start_point, v_next.end_point, width=3) else: sd.line(v_next.end_point, v_first.start_point, width=3) return draw_shape draw_triangle = get_polygon(n=8) draw_triangle(point=sd.get_point(200, 200), angle=13, length=100) sd.pause()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Составить список всех живущих на районе и Вывести на консоль через запятую # Формат вывода: На районе живут ... # подсказка: для вывода элементов списка через запятую можно использовать функцию строки .join() # import district.central_street.house1.room1 as cs_h1_r1 import district.central_street.house1.room2 as cs_h1_r2 import district.central_street.house2.room1 as cs_h2_r1 import district.central_street.house2.room2 from district.soviet_street.house1.room1 import folks as people_of_ss_h1_r1 from district.soviet_street.house1.room2 import folks from district.soviet_street.house2 import room1 razdelitel = ', ' people = [] for person in cs_h1_r1.folks: people.append(person) for person in cs_h1_r2.folks: people.append(person) for person in cs_h2_r1.folks: people.append(person) for person in district.central_street.house2.room2.folks: people.append(person) for person in people_of_ss_h1_r1: people.append(person) for person in folks: people.append(person) for person in room1.folks: people.append(person) new_str = razdelitel.join(people) print("На районе живут:", new_str)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import simple_draw as sd sd.resolution = (1000,600) # нарисовать ветку дерева из точки (300, 5) вертикально вверх длиной 100 point_0 = sd.get_point(300, 5) # написать цикл рисования ветвей с постоянным уменьшением длины на 25% и отклонением на 30 градусов angle_0 = 90 length_0 = 200 delta = 30 next_angle = angle_0 next_length = length_0 next_point = point_0 # сделать функцию branch рекурсивной # def branch(point, angle, length, delta): if length < 1: return v1 = sd.get_vector(start_point=point, angle=angle, length=length, width=3) v1.draw() next_point = v1.end_point next_angle = angle - delta next_length = length * .75 branch(point=next_point, angle=next_angle, length=next_length, delta=delta) for delta in range(0, 51, 10): branch(point=point_0, angle=90, length=150, delta=delta) for delta in range(-50, 1, 10): branch(point=point_0, angle=90, length=150, delta=delta) sd.pause()
# #!/bin/python3 import math import os import random import re import sys if __name__ == '__main__': nm = input().split() n = int(nm[0]) m = int(nm[1]) arr = [] for _ in range(n): arr.append(input()) k = int(input()) sortedarray=sorted(arr,key=lambda x:int(x.split()[k])) for x in sortedarray: print(x)
# # Enter your code here. Read input from STDIN. Print output to STDOUT stamps = set() for _ in range(int(input())): stamps.add(input()) print(len(stamps))
import re from collections import Counter word_list = [] file = 'sample_text.txt' #Read file Words = open(file, 'r').read() #Removing delimiter and replace with space for char in '\xe2\x80\x93-.,\n\"\'!': Words=Words.replace(char,' ') Words = Words.lower() #Split the words word_list = Words.split() #Find how much the words on the txt files numWords = len(word_list) print '1. Jumlah kata pada text adalah : ', numWords, 'kata\n' #Count words using Counter module count = Counter(word_list).most_common() #Find how much a word would appear in text print '2. Jumlah kemunculan tiap kata dari teks adalah :\n', count, '\n' #Rearrange the position of key and value to value in front of key d = {} for word in word_list: d[word] = d.get(word, 0) + 1 word_freq=[] for key, value in d.items(): word_freq.append((value, key)) word_freq.sort(reverse=True) #Find how much words would appear only once once = [] for value, key in d.items(): if key == 1: once.append((value, key)) print '3. Jumlah kata yang muncul satu kali adalah :\n', once, '\n' #Find words that most appear print '4. Kata yang paling banyak muncul adalah :\n', max(word_freq), '\n' #Find words that less appear print '5. Kata yang paling sedikit muncul adalah :\n', min(word_freq), '\n'
''' Displays DeAnza's food court menu and produces a bill with the correct orders for students and staff. ''' #initialize variables food_1 = 0 food_2 = 0 food_3 = 0 food_4 = 0 food_5 = 0 flag = True item = ("") staff = ("") exit_loop = False def display_menu(): print("DEANZA COLLEGE FOOD COURT MENU:") print("1. DeAnza Burger - $5.25") print("2. Bacon Cheese - $5.75") print("3. Mushroom Swiss - $5.95") print("4. Western Burger - $5.95") print("5. Don Cali Burger - $5.95") print("6. Exit") #check if item is between 1 and 5, only then ask for quantity def get_inputs(): global food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, staff, exit_loop while not exit_loop: item = input("Enter food:\n").strip() #check if item is between 1 and 5, only then ask for quantity if int(item) > 0 and int(item) < 6: try: quantity = input("Enter quantity: ").strip() #only when quantity is a positive value, it'll go into loop try: if int(quantity) > 0: if item == '1': food_1 += quantity elif item == '2': food_2 += quantity elif item == '3': food_3 += quantity elif item == '4': food_4 += quantity elif item == '5': food_5 += quantity else: print("Invalid quantity, try again.") except: print("Invalid entry. Try order again.") except: break else: if item == '6': exit_loop = True else: print("Invalid entry, try again.") #asking whether staff or student if (food_1 > 0 or food_2 > 0 or food_3 > 0 or food_4 > 0 or food_5 > 0): while flag: staff = input("Are you a student or a staff:").strip().lower() if staff == 'student': break elif staff == 'staff': break else: print('Invalid entry') return food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, staff def compute_bill(food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, staff): total_after_tax = 0 tax = 0 #total for student (default) total = (food_1 * 5.25) + (food_2 * 5.75) + (food_3 * 5.95) + (food_4 * 5.95) + (food_5 * 5.95) if staff == 'staff': #factor in tax for staff tax = total * 0.09 total_after_tax = total + tax return total, tax, total_after_tax def print_bill(food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, total, tax, total_after_tax): print("\nDEANZA COLLEGE ORDER BILL:") print("Quantity of food item(s)") print("DeAnza Burger: ", food_1) print("Bacon Cheese: ", food_2) print("Mushroom Swiss: ", food_3) print("Western Burger: ", food_4) print("Don Cali Burger:", food_5) print("------------------------------------") print("Food item(s) and cost") print("DeAnza Burger: ", food_1 * 5.25) print("Bacon Cheese: ", food_2 * 5.75) print("Mushroom Swiss: ", food_3 * 5.95) print("Western Burger: ", food_4 * 5.95) print("Don Cali Burger:", food_5 * 5.95) print("------------------------------------") print("Total before tax:", round(total,2)) print("------------------------------------") print("Tax amount:", round(tax,2)) print("------------------------------------") print("Total price after tax:", round(total_after_tax,2)) def main(): #python debugger #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() display_menu() food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, staff = get_inputs() total, tax, total_after_tax = compute_bill(food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, staff) print_bill(food_1, food_2, food_3, food_4, food_5, total, tax, total_after_tax) main()
from random import randint # generate a number from 1~10 answer = randint(1, 10) while True: try: # input from user guess = int(input('Guess a number 1~10: ')) # check that input is a number if 0 < guess < 11: # check if input is a right guess if guess == answer: print('Correct, you are a genius!') break else: print('Hey, are you insane! I said 1~10') except ValueError: print('Please enter number')
import nltk from nltk.corpus import stopwords # Filter out stopwords, such as 'the', 'or', 'and' import pandas as pd import config import matplotlib.pyplot as plt artists = config.artists df1 = pd.DataFrame(columns=('artist', 'words')) df2 = pd.DataFrame(columns=('artist', 'lexicalrichness')) i=0 for artist in artists: f = open('lyrics/' + artist + '-cleaned', 'rb') all_words = '' num_words = 0 raw_text = '' for sentence in f.readlines(): this_sentence = sentence.decode('utf-8') raw_text += this_sentence num_words_this = len(this_sentence.split(" ")) num_words += num_words_this words = raw_text.split(" ") filtered_words = [word for word in words if word not in stopwords.words('english') and len(word) > 1 and word not in ['na', 'la']] # remove the stopwords df1.loc[i] = (artist, num_words) a = len(set(filtered_words)) b = len(words) df2.loc[i] = (artist, (a / float(b)) * 100) i+=1'artist', y='words', title='Number of Words for each Artist');'artist', y='lexicalrichness', title='Lexical richness of each Artist');
import turtle def drawSnowFlakes(depth, length): if depth == 0: return for i in range(6): turtle.forward(length) drawSnowFlakes(depth - 1, length/3) turtle.back(length) turtle.right(60) def main(): depth = int(input('Enter depth: ')) drawSnowFlakes(depth, 100) input('Close the graphic window when done.') turtle.mainloop() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#Condition and statement a = 300 b = 400 c = 150 # if b > a: # print("b is greater than a") # elif a == b: # print("a and b are equal") # else: # print("a is greater than b") #If only one of statement to excute, we can put togather # if a == b: print("YEAHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!") # print("b is greater than a") if b > a else print("a is greater than b") #or print("b is greater than a") if b > a else print("a and b are equal") if a == b else print("a is greater than b") # if a > b and c > a: # print("Both condtions are true!!!!!") # if a > b or c > a: # print("one of the condtions are true!!!!!") fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"] # for x in fruits: # print(x) # # for x in "apple": # print(x) # # for x in fruits: # print(x) # if x == "banana": # break # # for x in fruits: # if x == "banana": # break # print(x) # for x in fruits[0:2]:# Specify the range in the list # print(x) #With continue statement, we can skip the iteration and go next # for x in fruits: # if x == "banana": # continue # print(x) #Specify the range fruits2 = ["apple", "banana", "cherry", "berry", "melon", "grape"] # for x in range(4): # 0 - 3 # print(x) # # for x in range(2, 9): # 2 - 8 # print(x) # # for x in range(2, 30, 3): #Specify the increment value by adding a third parameter
#coding:utf-8 """ 给定一个按非递减顺序排序的整数数组 A,返回每个数字的平方组成的新数组,要求也按非递减顺序排序。   示例 1: 输入:[-4,-1,0,3,10] 输出:[0,1,9,16,100] 示例 2: 输入:[-7,-3,2,3,11] 输出:[4,9,9,49,121]   提示: 1 <= A.length <= 10000 -10000 <= A[i] <= 10000 A 已按非递减顺序排序。 来源:力扣(LeetCode) 链接: 著作权归领扣网络所有。商业转载请联系官方授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 """ class Solution(object): def sortedSquares(self, A): """ :type A: List[int] :rtype: List[int] """ return sorted([i*i for i in A]) s = Solution() A = [-4,-1,0,3,10] print(s.sortedSquares(A))
#coding:utf-8 """ 给定一个整数数组 A,对于每个整数 A[i],我们可以选择任意 x 满足 -K <= x <= K,并将 x 加到 A[i] 中。 在此过程之后,我们得到一些数组 B。 返回 B 的最大值和 B 的最小值之间可能存在的最小差值。   示例 1: 输入:A = [1], K = 0 输出:0 解释:B = [1] 示例 2: 输入:A = [0,10], K = 2 输出:6 解释:B = [2,8] 示例 3: 输入:A = [1,3,6], K = 3 输出:0 解释:B = [3,3,3] 或 B = [4,4,4]   提示: 1 <= A.length <= 10000 0 <= A[i] <= 10000 0 <= K <= 10000 来源:力扣(LeetCode) 链接: 著作权归领扣网络所有。商业转载请联系官方授权,非商业转载请注明出处。给定一个整数数组 A,对于每个整数 A[i],我们可以选择任意 x 满足 -K <= x <= K,并将 x 加到 A[i] 中。 在此过程之后,我们得到一些数组 B。 返回 B 的最大值和 B 的最小值之间可能存在的最小差值。   示例 1: 输入:A = [1], K = 0 输出:0 解释:B = [1] 示例 2: 输入:A = [0,10], K = 2 输出:6 解释:B = [2,8] 示例 3: 输入:A = [1,3,6], K = 3 输出:0 解释:B = [3,3,3] 或 B = [4,4,4]   提示: 1 <= A.length <= 10000 0 <= A[i] <= 10000 0 <= K <= 10000 来源:力扣(LeetCode) 链接: 著作权归领扣网络所有。商业转载请联系官方授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 """ class Solution(object): def smallestRangeI(self, A, K): """ :type A: List[int] :type K: int :rtype: int """ A.sort() return max(A[-1]-A[0]-2*K,0) s = Solution() A = [1] k = 0 print(s.smallestRangeI(A,k))
#coding:utf-8 """ 在大小为 2N 的数组 A 中有 N+1 个不同的元素,其中有一个元素重复了 N 次。 返回重复了 N 次的那个元素。   示例 1: 输入:[1,2,3,3] 输出:3 示例 2: 输入:[2,1,2,5,3,2] 输出:2 示例 3: 输入:[5,1,5,2,5,3,5,4] 输出:5   提示: 4 <= A.length <= 10000 0 <= A[i] < 10000 A.length 为偶数 来源:力扣(LeetCode) 链接: 著作权归领扣网络所有。商业转载请联系官方授权,非商业转载请注明出处。 """ class Solution(object): def repeatedNTimes(self, A): """ :type A: List[int] :rtype: int """ for a in A: if A.count(a) > 1: return a s = Solution() A = [1,2,3,3] print(s.repeatedNTimes(A))
def drop_first_last(grades): first,*middle,last = grades return sum(middle) / len(middle) gra = (100,99,89,70,56) print(drop_first_last(gra)) line = 'nobody:*:-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false' uname,*fields,homedir,sh = line.split(":") print(uname,fields,homedir,sh) uname,*_,homedir,sh = line.split(":") print(uname,homedir,sh) # 实现递归算法 def sumlist(items): header,*tail = items if tail: return header + sumlist(tail) else: return header print(sum([1,10,7,4,5,9]))
import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw """ True/False convergence test """ def test_convergeance(c, maxiter): n = 0 # count iterations z = c while (abs(z) <= 2 and n < maxiter): z = z * z + c n += 1 if (abs(z) > 2): # catch diverging z on n=maxiter return False return True """ Num iterations convergeance function """ def iterations_to_convergeance(c, maxiter): n = 0 z = c while (abs(z) <= 2 and n < maxiter): z = z * z + c n += 1 return n """ loop over all complex vals given bounds """ def mset_from_bounds(maxiter, width, height, xstart, xend, ystart, yend, mystart, myheight): arr = np.empty((width, myheight), dtype=int) for i in range(0, width): for j in range(mystart, (mystart + myheight)): re = xstart + (i / width) * (xend - xstart) im = ystart + (j / height) * (yend - ystart) c = complex(re, im) color = iterations_to_convergeance(c, maxiter) col = j - mystart arr[i, col] = color return arr """ given an array of pixel val, draw image ideas on how to map iterations to color via HSV from: """ def draw_array(arr, width, height, maxiter): image ='HSV', (width, height), (0, 0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) h = arr.shape[0] w = arr.shape[1] for i in range(w): for j in range(h): color = arr[i, j] hue = int(255 * color / maxiter) sat = 255 value = 255 if color < maxiter else 0 draw.point([i, j], (hue, sat, value)) image.convert('RGB') """ original BW drawing of arr """ def draw_array_bw(arr, width, height, maxiter): image ='RGB', (width, height), (0, 0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) h = arr.shape[0] w = arr.shape[1] for i in range(w): for j in range(h): color = arr[i, j] if color < maxiter: color = 255 else: color = 0 draw.point([i, j], (color, color, color)) """ takes a list of tuples as args, (proc_num, resultsArr) sorts on process number, concats arrays to draw """ def process_result_pairs(resultPairs, width, height, maxiter): resultPairs = sorted(resultPairs, key=lambda x: x[0]) # sort pairs by process number resultArrays = [] for res in resultPairs: # array of just result arrays resultArrays.append(res[1]) resultsTuple = tuple(resultArrays) finalArray = np.concatenate((resultsTuple), axis=1) #draw_array_bw(finalArray, width, height, maxiter) draw_array(finalArray, width, height, maxiter)
def spaceerror(): for i in statements.keys(): for j in statements[i][0]: x=len(j) j=j.strip() y=len(j) if(x!=y): print("More than one spaces for separating different elements of an instruction at line "+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) def checkr(): #function to check if any variable is defined after a non var instruction is given i=0 while(statements[i][0][0]=="var"): i=i+1 for j in range(i,len(statements)): if(statements[j][0][0]=="var"): print("variable decleration after an instruction at line "+str(statements[j][1])) exit(0) def error(): b = None for i in statements.keys(): b = error1(statements[i]) if (b == None): continue else: return b return False def error1(l): if (l[0][0] != "var" and l[0][0] not in op.keys()): print("Typo in instruction in line "+str(l[1])) return True elif ((l[0][0] == 'jmp' or l[0][0] == 'jlt' or l[0][0] == 'jgt' or l[0][0] == 'je') and ( l[0][1] in v.keys() or (l[0][1] in reg.keys() and l[0][1] !="FLAGS"))): print("Illegal memory address "+str(l[1])) return True # to check errors in A type instructions elif (l[0][0] == "add" or l[0][0] == "sub" or l[0][0] == "mul" or l[0][0] == "xor" or l[0][0] == "or" or l[0][0] == "and"): if (len(l[0]) != 4): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True if(l[0][1]=="FLAGS"): print("Illegal use of flags register at line "+str(l[1])) return True elif (l[0][1] not in reg.keys() or l[0][2] not in reg.keys() or l[0][3] not in reg.keys()): print("Typos in register name in line "+str(l[1])) return True # to check errors in both mov type instructions elif(l[0][0]=="mov"): if (len(l[0]) != 3): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True if (l[0][1] == "FLAGS"): print("Illegal use of flags register at line "+str(l[1])) return True elif(l[0][2][0:1]=="R"): if(l[0][2] not in reg.keys()): print("Invalid register name in line "+str(l[1])) return True elif(l[0][2][0:1]=="$"): if (int(l[0][2][1:],10)<0 and int(l[0][2][1:],10)>255): print("Invalid immidiete in line "+str(l[1])) return True # to check errors in B type instructions elif ( l[0][0] == "rs" or l[0][0] == "ls"): if (len(l[0]) != 3): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True if (l[0][1] == "FLAGS" or l[0][2]=="FLAGS"): print("Illegal use of flags register") return True elif (l[0][1] not in reg.keys()): print("Typos in register name "+str(l[1])) return True elif (l[0][2] not in reg.keys() and l[0][2] not in v.keys()): print("invalid register/variable name/immidiete in line "+str(l[1])) # to check errors in C type instructions elif (l[0][0] == "div" or l[0][0] == "not" or l[0][0] == "cmp"+str(l[1])): if (len(l[0]) != 3): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True if(l[0][0]=="not" and l[0][1]=="FLAGS"): print("Illegal use of flags register") return True elif (l[0][2] not in reg.keys()): print("Typos in register name in line "+str(l[1])) return True elif (l[0][1] not in reg.keys()): print("Typo in register name in line "+str(l[1])) # to check errors in D type instructions elif (l[0][0] == "ld" or l[0][0] == "st"): if (len(l[0]) != 3): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True if (l[0][1] not in reg.keys()): print("Typo in register name in line "+str(l[1])) return True if(l[0][0]=="ld" and l[0][1]=="FLAGS"): print("Illegal use of flags register") return True if l[0][2] not in v.keys(): print("Typo in memory address in line "+str(l[1])) return True # to check errors in E type instructions elif (l[0][0] == "jmp" or l[0][0] == "jlt" or l[0][0] == "jgt" or l[0][0] == "je"): if (len(l[0]) != 2): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True if l[0][1] not in labels.keys(): print("Typo in memory address in line "+str(l[1])) return True # to check errors in F type instructions elif (l[0][0] == "hlt"): if (len(l[0]) != 1): print("Wrong syntax used for instructions in line "+str(l[1])) return True def convert1(a): # convert integer to 16 bit binary bnr = bin(a).replace('0b', '') x = bnr[::-1] while len(x) < 16: x += '0' bnr = x[::-1] return bnr def convert(a): # convert integer to 8 bit binary bnr = bin(a).replace('0b', '') x = bnr[::-1] while len(x) < 8: x += '0' bnr = x[::-1] return bnr def mov1(l): s = "00010" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + convert(int(l[2][1:])) return s def mov2(l): s = "0001100000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] return s def add(l): s = "0000000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] s = s + reg[l[3]][0] return s def sub(l): s = "0000100" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] s = s + reg[l[3]][0] return s def mul(l): s = "0011000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] s = s + reg[l[3]][0] return s def div(l): s = "0011100000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] return s def left_shift(l): s = "01001" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + convert(int(l[2][1:])) return s def right_shift(l): s = "01000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + convert(int(l[2][1:])) return s def xor_fnc(l): s = "0101000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] s = s + reg[l[3]][0] return s def or_fnc(l): s = "0101100" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] s = s + reg[l[3]][0] return s def and_fnc(l): s = "0110000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] s = s + reg[l[3]][0] return s def not_fnc(l): s = "0110100" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] return s def load(l): s = "00100" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + v[l[2]][0] return s def store(l): s = "00101" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + v[l[2]][0] return s def compare(l): s = "0111000000" s = s + reg[l[1]][0] s = s + reg[l[2]][0] return s def jump_uncond(l): s = "01111000" s = s + labels[l[1]] return s def jump_if_less(l): s = "10000000" s = s + labels[l[1]] return s def jump_if_greater(l): s = "10001000" s = s + labels[l[1]] return s def jump_if_equal(l): s = "10010000" s = s + labels[l[1]] return s def halt(l): return "1001100000000000" # the raise error line was used so that we can raise error during binary creation but then we handled the error generation using aa different fucntion def main(line): if (line[0][0] in op.keys()): if (line[0][0] == 'mov'): if (line[0][2] in reg.keys()): ret.append(mov2(line[0])) else: ret.append(mov1(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "add"): ret.append(add(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "sub"): ret.append(sub(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "mul"): ret.append(mul(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "div"): ret.append(div(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "ld"): ret.append(load(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "st"): ret.append(store(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "rs"): ret.append(right_shift(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "ls"): ret.append(left_shift(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "or"): ret.append(or_fnc(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "xor"): ret.append(xor_fnc(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "and"): ret.append(and_fnc(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "not"): ret.append(not_fnc(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "cmp"): ret.append(compare(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "jmp"): ret.append(jump_uncond(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "jlt"): ret.append(jump_if_less(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "jgt"): ret.append(jump_if_greater(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "je"): ret.append(jump_if_equal(line[0])) elif (line[0][0] == "hlt"): ret.append(halt(line[0])) else: # raise error pass #ret list is for storing the final binary output ret = [] #statements dictionary is storing our input keys are line numbers (starting from 0 and are in base 10) # values are a 2d list storing #[ [<instuction in list format after splitting thee string >],line number of this instruction] statements = {} #op dictionary contains all our instructions as keys and values as their op codes op = {"add": '00000', "sub": '00000', "mov": '0001100000', "ld": '00000', "st": '00000', "mul": '00000', "div": '00000', "rs": '00000', "ls": '00000', "xor": '00000', "or": '00000', "and": '00000', "not": '00000', "cmp": '00000', "jmp": '00000', "jlt": '00000', "jgt": '00000', "je": '00000', "hlt": '00000'} #v dictionary to store keys as variable names and values as memory addresses v = {} #reg dictionary stores the register name as key and value is #a list containing binary representation of register and the value contained in it''' reg = {'R0': ['000', 0], 'R1': ['001', 0], 'R2': ['010', 0], 'R3': ['011', 0], 'R4': ['100', 0], 'R5': ['101', 0], 'R6': ['110', 0], 'FLAGS': ['111', 0]} #var is counting number of lines in our input var = 0 #labels dictionary is for storing labels as keys and values are addresses labels = {} #to check if reserved words are used in variable and label name reserved=["add","sub","mul","div","jmp","jgt","jlt","je","cpm","ld","st","not","xor","or","and","ls","rs","mov","hlt","R0","R1","R2","R3","R4","R5","R6","FLAGS","var",] # to check if anything other than alphanumeric and _ is used in variable and label names vname="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_" # loop to take input from user(will end when the inout is completed while (1): try: line = input() line=line.strip() if (line != ""): if (line.split(" ")[0] != "hlt" and (len(line.split(" ")) == 1)): print("Invalid Instruction at line "+str(var+1)) exit(0) statements[var] = [line.split(" "), var] var += 1 except EOFError: break # storing variable addresses and removing labels after storing the label addresss in labels dictionary for i in statements.keys(): if (statements[i][0][0] == 'var'): if (len(statements[i][0]) == 1): print("Invalid Instruction at line "+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) if(statements[i][0][1] in reserved): print("Reserved words cannot be used as variable names line no =>"+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) for k in statements[i][0][1]: if(k not in vname): print("invalid literal in variable names at line "+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) v[statements[i][0][1]] = 0 elif (statements[i][0][0][-1:] == ':'): if (statements[i][0][0][:-1] in labels): print("Two labels with same name -> Invalid Instruction at line "+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) if(statements[i][0][0][:-1] in reserved): print("Reserved words cannot be used as label names line number =>"+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) for k in statements[i][0][0][:-1]: if(k not in vname): print("invalid literal in label names at line "+str(statements[i][1])) exit(0) # binary conversion labels[statements[i][0][0][:-1]] = convert(int(i) - len(v)) del statements[i][0][0] #assinging addresses to variables k = 0 for i in v.keys(): # binary v[i] = [convert(len(statements) - len(v) + k), ""] k += 1 # checking for more than one halt statement spaceerror() # functio to check if multiple spaces are entered checkr() # to check if variables are decleared after an instruction of some opcode is given for i in statements.keys(): if (statements[i][0][0] == "hlt" and statements[i][1] != len(statements) - 1): print("More than one hlt statement at line "+str(statements[i][1])+"\n") exit(0) if(len(statements)<256 and statements[len(statements)-1][0][0]!="hlt"): print("Missing halt statement") exit(0) if (error()): #if any arror then we exit and do not print anything anymore exit() # if no error found binary file creation starts and then printing it else: sk = 0 while (len(v) + sk in statements.keys()): main(statements[len(v) + sk]) sk += 1 # Printing the binary file for i in range(len(ret)): print(ret[i])
print ("Test Equality and Relational Operators") number1 = input("Enter first number:") number1 = int(number1) number2 = input("Enter second number:") number2 = int(number2) if number1 == number2 : print("%d is equal to %d" % (number1, number2)) if number1 != number2 : print("%d is not equal to %d" % (number1, number2)) if number1 < number2 : print("%d is less than %d" % (number1, number2)) if number1 > number2 : print("%d is greater than %d" % (number1, number2)) if number1 <= number2 : print("%d is less than or equal %d" % (number1, number2)) if number1 >= number2 : print("%d is greater than or equal %d" % (number1, number2))
/sprint-challenge - answers/
import random from random import randint, sample, uniform from acme import Product import math adjectives = ['Awesome', 'Shiny', 'Impressive', 'Portable', 'Improved'] nouns = ['Anvil', 'Catapult', 'Disguise', 'Mousetrap', '???'] def generate_products(num_products=30): ''' generate a given number of products (default 30), randomly, and return them as a list ''' products = [] adjectives_sample = random.sample(adjectives, 1) nouns_sample = random.sample(nouns, 1) name = f'{adjectives_sample} {nouns_sample}' price = random.randint(5, 100) weight = random.randint(5, 100) flammability = random.uniform(0.0, 2.5) prod = Product( name=name, price=price, weight=weight, flammability=flammability ) products_list = [, prod.price, prod.weight, prod.flammability] products.append(products_list * num_products) return products def inventory_report(products): ''' takes a list of products, and prints a "nice" summary ''' for name in products: count = [] if name not in count: count.append(name) num_unique_products = len(count) return num_unique_products unique_products = num_unique_products average_price = sum(products.price)/len(products.price) average_weight = sum(products.weight)/len(products.weight) average_flammability = sum(products.flammability)/len(products.flammability) print('ACME CORPORATION OFFICIAL INVENTORY REPORT') print(f'Unique product names: {unique_products}') print(f'Average Price: {average_price}') print(f'Average Weight: {average_weight}') print(f'Average Flammability: {average_flammability}') if __name__ == '__main__': inventory_report(generate_products())
def isPalindrome(x): """ :type x: int :rtype: bool """ def split(word): return [char for char in word] if x < 0: return False digitarray = split(str(x)) xstring = str(x) if len(digitarray)%2 == 0: b = int((len(digitarray)/2) - 1) right = "" left = xstring[0:b+1] i = len(digitarray) - 1 while i > b: right += digitarray[i] i -= 1 if right == left: return True return False else: mid = int(len(digitarray)/2) right = "" left = xstring[0:mid] j = len(digitarray) - 1 while j > mid: right += digitarray[j] j -= 1 if right == left: return True return False print(isPalindrome(120021))
def unos_stringa(ciljana_provera): ''' Provera namenjena pravilnom unosu imena i prezimena novih korisnika. ''' provera = False while not provera: string_za_proveru = input("Molimo unesite " + ciljana_provera + " novog korisnika: ") pom_prom = string_za_proveru.split() if len(pom_prom) != 1: print("Unesite samo " + ciljana_provera + ".") provera = False continue else: provera = True if not string_za_proveru.isalpha(): print(ciljana_provera.capitalize() + " ne sme sadrzati brojeve.") provera = False else: provera = True return string_za_proveru def unos_broja(tekst = "Vas izbor: "): ''' Funkcija za proveru unosa broja. Uglavnom koriscena za navigaciju kroz menije. ''' while True: try: unos = int(input(tekst)) return unos except ValueError: print("Molimo unesite odgovarajuci broj.") def provera_poklapanja(unos, tekst_za_unos, lokacija_pretrage): ''' Funkcija za proveru postojanja unetog podatka u vec postojecim podacima. ''' pom_prom = True while pom_prom: pretraga = input(tekst_za_unos) pom_prom = False for i in lokacija_pretrage: if pretraga in i[unos]: print(unos.capitalize().replace("_", " ") + " je nemoguce upotrebiti. Molimo pokusajte sa drugim unosom.") pom_prom = True break return pretraga
def bubblesort(data): print('原始資料為:') listprint(data) for i in range(len(data)-1,-1,-1): for j in range(i): if data[j]>data[j+1]: data[j],data[j+1]=data[j+1],data[j] print('排序結果為:') listprint(data) def listprint(data): for j in range(len(data)): print('%3d'%data[j],end=' ') print() data=[16,25,39,27,12,8,45,63,1] bubblesort(data)
/Fabio 2b/Questão
#7. As Organizações Tabajara resolveram dar um aumento de salário aos seus colaboradores e lhe #contrataram para desenvolver o programa que calculará os reajustes. Escreva um algoritmo que leia o #salário de um colaborador e o reajuste segundo o seguinte critério, baseado no salário atual: #o salários até R$ 280,00 (incluindo) : aumento de 20% #o salários entre R$ 280,00 e R$ 700,00 : aumento de 15% #o salários entre R$ 700,00 e R$ 1500,00 : aumento de 10% #o salários de R$ 1500,00 em diante : aumento de 5% Após o aumento ser realizado, informe na tela: #· o salário antes do reajuste; #· o percentual de aumento aplicado; #· o valor do aumento; #· o novo salário, após o aumento. #entradas salario = float(input("Digite o salário do colaborador: ")) if salario <= 280: novo_salario = salario + (salario * .2) print(f'O salario antes do reajuste é {salario}') print('O percentual de aumento foi de 20%') print(f'O aumento foi de {novo_salario - salario}') print(f'O novo salario é: {novo_salario}') elif salario > 280 and salario <= 700: novo_salario = salario + (salario * .15) print(f'O salario antes do reajuste é {salario}') print('O percentual de aumento foi de 15%') print(f'O aumento foi de {novo_salario - salario}') print(f'O novo salario é: {novo_salario}') elif salario > 700 and salario <= 1500: novo_salario = salario + (salario * .10) print(f'O salario antes do reajuste é {salario}') print('O percentual de aumento foi de 10%') print(f'O aumento foi de {novo_salario - salario}') print(f'O novo salario é: {novo_salario}') elif salario > 1500: novo_salario = salario + (salario * .05) print(f'O salario antes do reajuste é {salario}') print('O percentual de aumento foi de 5%') print(f'O aumento foi de {novo_salario - salario}') print(f'O novo salario é: {novo_salario}')
def main(): arquivo = [] menu = tela_inicial() opcao = int(input(menu)) while opcao != 0: if opcao == 1: listacel = cadastrar() arquivo.append(listacel) elif opcao == 2: lista = listar(arquivo) print(lista) elif opcao == 3: print("Voce selecionou a busca por celulares cadastrados!") a = str(input("Digite uma palavra chave: ")) for a in arquivo[0]["marca"] == True: print(a) else: print(""" Essa opção não é válida! ________________________ """) input("Precione enter e continue a execução. . . ") opcao = int(input(menu)) def tela_inicial(): menu = "<<<<<<<<<< App Celular >>>>>>>>>>\n" print() menu += '1 - Cadastre um novo modelo de celular\n' menu += '2 - Lista todos os modelos cadastrados\n' menu += '3 - Fazer busca nos celulares cadastrados\n' menu += '0 - para sair\n' menu += 'Digite sua opção: ' return menu def cadastrar(): listacell = {} print() print("Voce selecionou cadastro de novos celulares!") print() marca = str(input("Digite a fabricante do dispositivo: ")) modelo = str(input("Digite o modelo do dispositivo: ")) tela = str(input("Digite o tamaho da tela do dispositivo: ")) valor = float(input("Digite quanto custa o dispositivo: ")) listacell["Marca"] = marca listacell["Modelo"] = modelo listacell["Tela"] = tela listacell["Valor"] = valor #arquivo.append(listacell) print("Dados gravados com sucesso!") return listacell def listar(tamanho): print() print("Foram localizados", len(tamanho), "cadastros!") print() print("<<<<<Mostrando lista de dispositivos cadastrados>>>>>") print() for i in tamanho: print(i) print() main()
num = int(input("Digite a quantidade de números que você pretende digitar: ")) v = [-1] * num v2 = [] par = 0 impar = 0 pos = 0 neg = 0 for i in range(len(v)): for i in range(len(v2): v[i] = int(input("valor: ?")) if v[i] % 2 == 0 and v[i] >=0: #v2[i] = v[i]*2 pos+=1 par +=1 v2[i] = v[i]*ArithmeticError if v[i] % 2 == 0 and v[i] <0: neg+=1 par +=1 if v[i] % 2 != 0 and v[i] >=0: pos+=1 impar +=1 if v[i] % 2 != 0 and v[i] <0: neg+=1 impar +=1 print(v) print(v2) print(par, "números pares") print(impar," números impares") print(pos, "números positivos") print(neg, "numeros negativos")
/Fabio 2a/Questão
#4. Leia 1 (um) número de 2 (dois) dígitos, verifique e escreva se o algarismo da dezena é igual ou diferente #do algarismo da unidade. #entradas a = int(input("Digite um número inteiro de 2 algarismos: ")) num1 = a // 10 num2 = a % 10 if num1 == num2: print("Os algarismos são iguais.") else: print("Os algarismos são diferentes!")
/Fabio 2b/Questão
#13. Faça 5 perguntas para uma pessoa sobre um crime. As perguntas são: #a) "Telefonou para a vítima ?" #b) "Esteve no local do crime ?" #c) "Mora perto da vítima ?" #d) "Devia para a vítima ?" #e) "Já trabalhou com a vítima ?" #O algoritmo deve no final emitir uma classificação sobre a participação da pessoa no crime. Se a pessoa #responder positivamente a 2 questões ela deve ser classificada como "Suspeita", entre 3 e 4 como #"Cúmplice" e 5 como "Assassino". Caso contrário, ele será classificado como "Inocente". #entradas contador = 0 pergunta1 = str(input("Telefonou para a vítima ? ")) pergunta2 = str(input("Esteve no local do crime ? ")) pergunta3 = str(input("Mora perto da vítima ? ")) pergunta4 = str(input("Devia para a vítima ? ")) pergunta5 = str(input("Já trabalhou com a vítima ? ")) if pergunta1 == "s" and pergunta2 == "s" and pergunta3 == "s" and pergunta4 == "s" and pergunta5 == "s": print("Assassino") elif pergunta1 == "s" and pergunta2 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta2 == "s" and pergunta3 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta1 == "s" and pergunta3 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta3 == "s" and pergunta4 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta4 == "s" and pergunta5 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta3 == "s" and pergunta5 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta1 == "s" and pergunta5 == "s": print("Suspeita") elif pergunta1 == "s" and pergunta4 == "s": print("Suspeita")
/semana 4 Exploração de
#Exploração de marte palavra = str(input("Digite a palavra: ")) con = 0 qtdpalvras = con / 3 for i in palavra: con +=1 print("A quantidade de palavras recebidas foi: ", con/3, "palavras")
/Fabio 2a/Questão
#3. Leia 3 (três) números, verifique e escreva o maior entre os números lidos. a = float(input("Digite o primeiro valor: ")) b = float(input("Digite o segundo valor: ")) c = float(input("Digite o terceiro valor: ")) if a > b and a > c: print(f'O numero {a} é maior') if a < b and b > c: print(f'O numero {b} é maior') if a < c and b < c: print(f'O número {c} é maior')
# function to sort a list using selction sort def selectionSort(a): n = len(a) for i in range(n): for j in range(i + 1, n): if a[j] < a[i]: a[j], a[i] = a[i], a[j] # print(a) return a x = [5, 2, 6, 7, 2, 1, 0, 3] print(selectionSort(x))
import pygame WIDTH = 640 HEIGHT = 480 FPS = 30 BLACK = (0, 0, 0) GREEN = (0, 255, 0) BLUE = (0, 0, 255) WHITE = (255, 255, 255) counter = 0 class Square(pygame.sprite.Sprite): def __init__(self, x, y, size, mass, velocity, color): self.mass = mass self.velocity = velocity pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) self.image = pygame.Surface((size, size)) self.image.fill(color) self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.bottomleft = (x, y) def update(self): self.rect.x += self.velocity # initialisers pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT)) pygame.display.set_caption("Block Collision Demo") clock = pygame.time.Clock() font_name = pygame.font.match_font('arial') # group all the sprites together to make updating the game easier all_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group() square1 = Square(300, HEIGHT, 50, 1, 0, GREEN) square2 = Square(400, HEIGHT, 100, 100, -1, BLUE) wall = Square(-2000, HEIGHT, 2000, 0, 0, BLACK) all_sprites.add(square1) all_sprites.add(square2) def is_wall(square): return square.mass == 0 def do_collision(body1, body2): x_initial_velocity = body1.velocity y_initial_velocity = body2.velocity body1.velocity = ((float(body1.mass - body2.mass) / float(body1.mass + body2.mass)) * x_initial_velocity) + ( (float(2 * body2.mass) / float(body1.mass + body2.mass)) * y_initial_velocity) body2.velocity = ((float(2 * body1.mass) / float(body1.mass + body2.mass)) * x_initial_velocity) + ( (float(body2.mass - body1.mass) / float(body1.mass + body2.mass)) * y_initial_velocity) # TO FINISH def check_collisions(*args): bodies = args global counter for x in range(len(bodies)): # SQUARES COLLISION for y in range(x + 1, len(bodies)): # LEFT if bodies[x].rect.bottomleft[0] + bodies[x].velocity <= bodies[y].rect.bottomright[0] and \ bodies[y].rect.bottomleft[0] <= bodies[x].rect.bottomleft[0] + bodies[x].velocity: while bodies[x].rect.bottomleft >= bodies[y].rect.bottomright: bodies[x].rect.bottomleft = (bodies[x].rect.bottomleft[0] - 1, HEIGHT) if is_wall(bodies[y]): bodies[x].velocity *= -1 counter = counter + 1 print(counter) print(bodies[x].velocity) break else: do_collision(bodies[x], bodies[y]) counter = counter + 1 print(bodies[y].velocity) print(bodies[x].velocity) break # RIGHT if bodies[x].rect.bottomright[0] + bodies[x].velocity >= bodies[y].rect.bottomleft[0] and \ bodies[y].rect.bottomright[0] >= bodies[x].rect.bottomright[0] + bodies[x].velocity: while bodies[x].rect.bottomright <= bodies[y].rect.bottomleft: bodies[x].rect.bottomleft = (bodies[x].rect.bottomleft[0] + 1, HEIGHT) if is_wall(bodies[y]): bodies[x].velocity *= -1 counter = counter + 1 break else: do_collision(bodies[x], bodies[y]) counter = counter + 1 print(counter) print(bodies[y].velocity) print(bodies[x].velocity) break def draw_text(surf, text, size, x, y): font = pygame.font.Font(font_name, size) text_surface = font.render(text, True, WHITE) #creates surface for python to render pixels onto to write text, true is for pixellation (aliasing) text_rect = text_surface.get_rect() #figures out the rectangle size and shape fo the surface text_rect.midtop = (x, y) surf.blit(text_surface, text_rect) #takes the text surface and blits it onto the screen # Game Loop running = True while running: # keep loop running at right time clock.tick(FPS) # Process inputs for event in pygame.event.get(): # check for closing the window if event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False check_collisions(square1, square2, wall) # Update all_sprites.update() # Draw events screen.fill(BLACK) all_sprites.draw(screen) draw_text(screen, "Collisions: " + str(counter), 36, 500, 30) # Flip comes after drawing everything pygame.display.flip() pygame.quit()
import math input_a=input("Give me the first side of the triangle:") input_b=input("Give me the second side of the triangle:") input_c=input("Give me the third side of the triangle:") r= (float(input_a)+ float (input_b)+ float (input_c))*(-float (input_a)+ float (input_b)+ float (input_c))*(float (input_a)- float (input_b)+ float (input_c))*( float (input_a)+ float (input_b)- float (input_c)) A= (1/4)* math.sqrt(r) print("The triangle's area is:", A)
import math a = input("Enter the value for a, not 0!:") b = input("Enter the value for b:") c = input("Enter the value for c:") d= (float(b)**2-4*float (a)* float (c)) if (float (d) >=0): x1= (-float(b)+math.sqrt(d)) / (2*float (a)) x2= (-float(b)- math.sqrt(d)) / (2*float (a)) if (x1==x2): print("The equation has a double solution: ", x1) else: print("The first solution is:", x1) print("The second solution is:", x2) else: print("This equation has no real-valued solutions.")
from __future__ import print_function # In order to use the print() function in python 2.X import numpy as np import math DEBUG = False def printMatrix(M, str1, str2): P = [] for i in range(len(M)+1): P.append([]) for j in range(len(M[0])+1): P[i].append('') for i in range(2, len(P[0])): P[0][i] = str2[i-2] for i in range(2, len(P)): P[i][0] = str1[i-2] for i in range(1, len(P)): for j in range(1, len(P[i])): P[i][j] = M[i-1][j-1] for i in range(len(P)): print() for j in range(len(P[0])): if i == 0 and j ==0: print(" ", end="") if i == 1 and j ==0: print(" ", end="") if len(str(P[i][j])) > 0 and str(P[i][j])[0] != '-': print(" ", end="") if len(str(P[i][j])) == 1: print(" ", end="") print(P[i][j], end=" ") print() print() def match(): return 1 def mismatch(a, b): return -1 def indel(): return -1 def compare(a,b): if a == b: return match() else: return mismatch(a, b) def getDistanceDictionaryFromFile(file): ''' Open a dist file and construct the proper dictionary ''' f=open(file, "r") contents = # delete the comments if there is if contents.rfind('#') != -1: contents = contents[contents.rfind('#'):] M = contents.split("\n") # Find how many spaces there is at the begining d = 0 for i in range(len(M[0])): if M[i] != ' ': d = i+1 break if M[0][0] == "#": del M[0] alpha = M[0][d:].split(" ")[1:] dist = {} for i in range(1, len(M)-1): dist[M[i][0]] = M[i][3:].replace(" ", " ") for key in dist: temp = dist[key].split(" ") dist[key] = {} for i in range(len(alpha)): # In order to have integers in the dict dist[key][alpha[i]] = int(temp[i]) return dist def getDist(a, b, matrix = "Linear", bonus=5, malus=-3, dist = ''): if matrix == "Linear": return (a==b)*bonus + (not a==b)*malus else: return dist[a][b] def myNeedleman(str1, str2, matrix='atiam-fpa_alpha.dist', gap_open=-5, gap_extend=-5, bonus=5, malus=-3): dist = {} if matrix != "Linear": # We get the distance dictionary from the file try: dist = getDistanceDictionaryFromFile(matrix) except FileNotFoundError : try: # If the one provided is not found we use the default one dist = getDistanceDictionaryFromFile('atiam-fpa_alpha.dist') except FileNotFoundError : raise FileNotFoundError("No dist file was found.") print("The dist file you provided (", matrix,") was not found, we will use the default one.") # Initialize matrix M = np.ones((len(str1)+1, len(str2)+1)) M[0][0] = 0 M[0][1] = gap_open M[1][0] = gap_open for i in range(2, len(M[0])): M[0][i] = M[0][i-1] + gap_extend for i in range(2, len(M)): M[i][0] = M[i-1][0] + gap_extend for i in range(1, len(M)): for j in range(1, len(M[i])): # in order to see if we already opened a gap if i > 1: top_opened = (M[i-1][j] == M[i-2][j] + gap_extend) or (M[i-1][j] == M[i-2][j] + (gap_open)) or \ (M[i-1][j] == M[i-1][j-1] + gap_extend) or (M[i-1][j] == M[i-1][j-1] + (gap_open)) else: top_opened = (M[i-1][j] == M[i-1][j-1] + gap_extend) or (M[i-1][j] == M[i-1][j-1] + (gap_open)) if j > 1: left_opened = (M[i][j-1] == M[i][j-2] + gap_extend) or (M[i][j-1] == M[i][j-2] + (gap_open)) or \ (M[i][j-1] == M[i-1][j-1] + gap_extend) or (M[i][j-1] == M[i-1][j-1] + (gap_open)) else: left_opened = (M[i][j-1] == M[i-1][j-1] + gap_extend) or (M[i][j-1] == M[i-1][j-1] + (gap_open)) # Filling matrix with the recursive formula M[i][j] = max(M[i-1][j] + top_opened*gap_extend + (not top_opened)*gap_open, \ M[i][j-1] + left_opened*gap_extend + (not left_opened)*gap_open, \ M[i-1][j-1] + getDist(str1[i-1], str2[j-1], matrix =matrix, dist = dist)) if DEBUG: print("Position:", i,j,'__',str2[j-1], "vs", str1[i-1], ": max", M[i-1][j] + top_opened*gap_extend + (not top_opened)*gap_open, \ M[i][j-1] + left_opened*gap_extend + (not left_opened)*gap_open, (M[i-1][j-1]) + dist[str1[i-1]][str2[j-1]],\ "=", max(M[i-1][j] + top_opened*gap_extend + (not top_opened)*gap_open, M[i][j-1] + left_opened*gap_extend + (not left_opened)*gap_open, M[i-1][j-1]) + getDist(str1[i-1], str2[j-1], matrix =matrix, dist = dist)) if DEBUG: printMatrix(M, str1, str2) # We construct the alignement from the matrix i,j = (len(M)-1, len(M[0])-1) retA = "" retB = "" posA = len(str1) -1 posB = len(str2) -1 while (i,j) != (0, 0): if M[i][j] == M[i][j-1] + gap_extend or M[i][j] == M[i][j-1] + gap_open : retB = str2[posB] + retB posB -= 1 retA = '-' + retA j -= 1 elif M[i][j] == M[i-1][j] + gap_extend or M[i][j] == M[i-1][j] + gap_open: retA = str1[posA] + retA posA -= 1 retB = '-' + retB i -= 1 elif M[i][j] == M[i-1][j-1] + getDist(str1[i-1], str2[j-1], matrix =matrix, dist = dist): retA = str1[posA] + retA posA -= 1 retB = str2[posB] + retB posB -= 1 i -= 1 j -= 1 else: return (str1, str2, 0) if DEBUG: print(retA) print(retB) print("SCORE:", int(M[-1][-1])) return (retA, retB, int(M[-1][-1])) # in order to improve computation def checkFirstSimilarities(a, b): dic1 = {} for elem in a+b: dic1[elem] = 0 for elem in a: dic1[elem] += 1 dic2 = {} for elem in a+b: dic2[elem] = 0 for elem in b: dic2[elem] += 1 similarity = 0 for elem in dic1: similarity += (dic1[elem] - dic2[elem])**2 similarity = float(similarity) / min(len(a), len(b)) return similarity def musicNameDist(a, b): # We define all atom that are the same Table = [["n", "number", "numero", "num", "no.","no"], \ ["1", "un", "one", "premier"], \ ["2", "deux", "two", "second"], \ ["3", "trois", "three", "toisieme"], \ ["4", "quatre", "four", "quatrieme"], \ ["5", "cinq", "five", "cinquieme"], \ ["6", "six", "six", "sixieme"], \ ["7", "sept", "seven", "septieme"], \ ["8", "huit", "eight", "huitieme"], \ ["9", "neuf", "nine", "neuvieme"], \ ["10", "dix", "ten", "dixieme"], \ ["11", "onze", "eleven", "onzieme"], \ ["12", "douze", "twelve", "douzieme"], \ ["13", "treize", "thirteen", "treizieme"], \ ["14", "quatorze", "fourteen", "quatorzieme"], \ ["15", "quize", "fiveteen", "quinzieme"], \ ["16", "seize", "sixteen", "seizieme"], \ ["17", "dix-sept", "seventeen", "dix-spetieme"], \ ["18", "dix-hui", "eighteen", "dix-huitieme"], \ ["19", "dix-neuf", "nineteen", "dix-neuvieme"], \ ["20", "vingt", "twenty", "vingtieme"], \ ["mineur", "minor", "mino"], \ ["majeur", "major", "majo"], \ ["c", "do", "ut"],\ ["c#", "do diese", "do#"], \ ["d", "re"], \ ["d#", "re diese", "re#"], \ ["e", "mi"], \ ["f", "fa"], \ ["f#", "fa dise", "fa#"], \ ["g", "sol"], \ ["g#", "sol diese", "sol#"], \ ["a", "la"], \ ["a#", "la diese", "la#"], \ ["b", "si"], \ ["bb", "si bemol", "sib"], \ ["eb", "mi bemol", "mib"], \ ["ab", "la bemol", "lab"], \ ["db", "re bemol", "reb"], \ ["gb", "sol bemol", "solb"], \ ["cb", "do bemol", "dob"], \ ["fb", "fa bemol", "fab"]] # For digit we have to be clear equal or not equal if a.isdigit(): if b.isdigit() and int(a) == int(b): return 1 else: return 0 if b.isdigit(): if a.isdigit() and int(a) == int(b): return 1 else: return 0 # if we see a match in the table return 1 for elem in Table: if a in elem: if b in elem: return 1 # else we rely on Needleman for the taping mistakes if len(a)>0 and len(b)>0 and abs(len(a)-len(b))<3 and checkFirstSimilarities(a, b) < 0.5 and \ myNeedleman(a, b, matrix= "Linear", gap_extend=-2, gap_open=-2)[2] > 0.9*min(len(a), len(b))*5 - 0.4*min(len(a), len(b)): return 1 return 0 def musicNameMatching(name1, name2): # we process the replacement for the flat and sharp and put the names in lower case # Sharp name1 = name1.replace("#", " diese").lower() name2 = name2.replace("#", " diese").lower() # Flat flat = [ ["bb", "si bemol", "sib"], \ ["eb", "mi bemol", "mib"], \ ["ab", "la bemol", "lab"], \ ["db", "re bemol", "reb"], \ ["gb", "sol bemol", "solb"], \ ["cb", "do bemol", "dob"], \ ["fb", "fa bemol", "fab"]] for elem in flat: name1 = name1.replace(elem[0], elem[1]).replace(elem[2], elem[1]) name2 = name2.replace(elem[0], elem[1]).replace(elem[2], elem[1]) # we split the names and replace some sybols name1 = name1.replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("_", " ").replace(".", " ").split(" ") name2 = name2.replace("(","").replace(")","").replace("_", " ").replace(".", " ").split(" ") temp = [] for elem in name1: if elem != "": temp.append(elem) name1 = temp temp = [] for elem in name2: if elem != "": temp.append(elem) name2 = temp # Case catalog Bach-Werke-Verzeichnis for i in range(len(name1)-1): if name1[i] == "bwv": name1 = ["bwv "+ name1[i+1]] break for i in range(len(name2)-1): if name2[i] == "bwv": name2 = ["bwv "+ name2[i+1]] break # Case catalog Kochel for i in range(len(name1)-1): if name1[i] == "kv": name1 = ["kv "+ name1[i+1]] break for i in range(len(name2)-1): if name2[i] == "kv": name2 = ["kv "+ name2[i+1]] break score = 0 # We assume that there is no missing word for word in name1: for word2 in name2: if musicNameDist(word, word2) == 1: score += 1 break if score >= min(len(name1), len(name2)): return True return False def getListRepresentation(dic): L = [] for key in dic: L.append(dic[key]) return L def compareList(a, b): if len(a) != len(b): return False for i in range(len(a)): if str(list(a[i])) != str(list(b[i])): return False break return True def compareMidiFiles(a, b): a = getListRepresentation(a) b = getListRepresentation(b) tobreak = False k = 0 # 2 loops in order to detect if the voices are not in the same order in the dictionary for elem1 in a: for elem2 in b: if compareList(elem1, elem2): k +=1 break if k >= len(a): return True return False def get_start_time(el,measure_offset,quantization): if (el.offset is not None) and (el.measureNumber in measure_offset): return int(math.ceil(((measure_offset[el.measureNumber] or 0) + el.offset)*quantization)) # Else, no time defined for this element and the functino return None def get_end_time(el,measure_offset,quantization): if (el.offset is not None) and (el.measureNumber in measure_offset): return int(math.ceil(((measure_offset[el.measureNumber] or 0) + el.offset + el.duration.quarterLength)*quantization)) # Else, no time defined for this element and the functino return None def get_pianoroll_part(part,quantization): # Get the measure offsets measure_offset = {None:0} for el in part.recurse(classFilter=('Measure')): measure_offset[el.measureNumber] = el.offset # Get the duration of the part duration_max = 0 for el in part.recurse(classFilter=('Note','Rest')): t_end = get_end_time(el,measure_offset,quantization) if(t_end>duration_max): duration_max=t_end # Get the pitch and offset+duration piano_roll_part = np.zeros((128,int(math.ceil(duration_max)))) for this_note in part.recurse(classFilter=('Note')): note_start = get_start_time(this_note,measure_offset,quantization) note_end = get_end_time(this_note,measure_offset,quantization) piano_roll_part[this_note.midi,note_start:note_end] = 1 return piano_roll_part def quantify(piece, quantization): all_parts = {} k = 0 for part in try: track_name = part[0].bestName() except AttributeError: track_name = str(k) cur_part = get_pianoroll_part(part, quantization); if (cur_part.shape[1] > 0): all_parts[track_name] = cur_part; k +=1 return all_parts def getMinDuration(p): minDuration = 10.0 for n in p.flat.notes: if n.duration.quarterLength < minDuration and n.duration.quarterLength > 0: minDuration = n.duration.quarterLength return minDuration ''' The alforithm compute the meaned quadratic loss between a non quantized and a quantized representation of the piece More the error is worth is the file ''' def getQuality(p): # we quantisize with two different levels (a super-large one and a smaller depends on the smallest duration) q1 = 1/getMinDuration(p) q2 = 512 quantified = quantify(p, q1) unquantified = quantify(p, q2) L_q = [] L_u = [] # we store position of all notes in a list for key in quantified: for elem in quantified[key]: rest = True for t in range(len(elem)): if elem[t] != 0: if rest: L_q.append(t/q1) rest = False else: rest = True for key in unquantified: for elem in unquantified[key]: rest = True for t in range(len(elem)): if elem[t] != 0: if rest: L_u.append(t/q2) rest = False else: rest = True # In order to be sure that we have all notes in the right order L_q.sort() L_u.sort() ERROR = 0 # We add 1 in order to not sqare number less than 1 for i in range(len(L_q)): ERROR += (L_q[i]- L_u[i] + 1)**2 ERROR = ERROR / len(L_u) -1 return ERROR def printAlign(s1, s2, size = 70): for i in range(len(s1)//size): for e in range(size): print(s1[i*size+e], end="") print() for e in range(size): print(s2[i*size+e], end="") print("\n") def alignMidi(p1, p2): p1 = quantify(p1, 16) p2 = quantify(p2, 16) keylist1 = p1.keys() keylist2 = p2.keys() P1 = [] P2 = [] for part in range(min(len(keylist1), len(keylist2))): P1.append([]) P2.append([]) for i in range(len(p1[keylist1[part]])): if "".join(p1[keylist1[part]][i].astype(int).astype(str)) == "".join(p2[keylist2[part]][i].astype(int).astype(str)): P1[part].append("".join(p1[keylist1[part]][i].astype(int).astype(str))) P2[part].append("".join(p1[keylist1[part]][i].astype(int).astype(str))) else: N = myNeedleman("".join(p1[keylist1[part]][i].astype(int).astype(str)), "".join(p2[keylist2[part]][i].astype(int).astype(str)), matrix="Linear", gap_open=-4, gap_extend=-2) P1[part].append(N[0]) P2[part].append(N[1]) for i in range(len(P1)): print("New Part: \n") for j in range(len(P1[i])): print("New Slice: \n") printAlign(P1[i][j], P2[i][j])
# passing a dictonary as a argument def cheeseshop(kind , *arguments ,**keywords): print("I would like to have " , kind , "?") print("Sorry ! OUT OF STOCK OF" , kind ) for arg in arguments : # *name must occur before **name print(arg) print('-'*50) for kw in keywords: # its a dictonary that is passed as a argument print(kw , ":" , keywords[kw]) cheeseshop('pasta' , "its funny " , "its very funny " , "It really very funy" , shopkeeper="Depak", client="anay" , amount="0$")
import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="A program that plays FizzBuzz") parser.add_argument("-target", metavar="-t", type=int, default=100, help="The number to play up to") parser.add_argument("-fizz", metavar="-f", type=int, default=3, help="The number to print Fizz on") parser.add_argument("-buzz", metavar="-b", type=int, default=5, help="The number to print Buzz on") def FizzBuzz(target_number=100, fizz=3, buzz=5): for i in range(target_number): output = "" #This is what the function will return if i % fizz == 0: #If a multiple of Fizz, add "Fizz" to output output += "Fizz" if i % buzz == 0: #If a multiple of Buzz, add "Buzz" to output output += "Buzz" if output == "": #If neither Fizz nor Buzz is in the output, print number instead output += str(i) print(output) # if target_number and fizz and buzz: args = parser.parse_args() FizzBuzz(, args.fizz,
# Write a function: # def solution(A) # that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer # (greater than 0) # that does not occur in A. # For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4, 1, 2], the function should return 5. # Given A = [1, 2, 3], the function should return 4. # Given A = [−1, −3], the function should return 1. # Write an efficient algorithm for the following assumptions: # N is an integer within the range [1..100,000]; # each element of array A is an integer within the range # [−1,000,000..1,000,000]. # Copyright 2009–2020 by Codility Limited. All Rights Reserved. # Unauthorized copying, publication or disclosure prohibited. # you can write to stdout for debugging purposes, e.g. # print("this is a debug message") import EPAM_SampleFunc as instEPAM make = "BMW" model = "M3" color = "red" my_car = instEPAM.Car(make, model, color) print (my_car.model)
import binascii, struct def snmp_hex2str(type, value): """ Helper func to convert various types of hex-strings, determined by length """ # Remove any surrounding quotes if value[0]=='"' and value[-1]=='"': # '"AB'" -> 'AB' _hexstr = value[1:-1] else: _hexstr = value _hexstrl = len(_hexstr) if _hexstrl==18: # Return cleanly formatted MAC address, no conversion nescessary type = "MacAddress" value = '%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s' % tuple(_hexstr.split()) elif _hexstrl==12 or _hexstrl==4: ## Convert octal IpAddress # example input: 'C0 A8 01 01 ' or 'DV8W' # C0 = 192 # A8 = 168 # 01 = 1 # 01 = 1 type = "IpAddress" if _hexstrl==4: # Convert ascii-alike strings value = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % tuple((ord(char) for char in _hexstr)) else: # Convert hex strings value = '%d.%d.%d.%d' % tuple((ord(binascii.unhexlify(part)) for part in _hexstr.split())) elif _hexstrl==33: ## Convert DateAndTime # example input: '07 DF 0C 0E 16 15 09 00 2D 05 00 ' # 07 DF = year # 0C = month # 0E = day # 16 = hour # 15 = minutes # 09 = seconds # 00 = deci-seconds # 2D = direction from UTC ('+'/'-'), e.g. chr(45)==str('-') # 05 = hours from UTC # 00 = minutes from UTC type = "DateAndTime" # given above example, unhexlify "07DF" (b'\x07\xdf') then unpack as big-endian unsigned short (2015) year = struct.unpack('>H', binascii.unhexlify("".join(_hexstr.split()[:2])))[0] (month, day, hour, minute, second, decisecond, utcdir, utchour, utcminute) = (ord(binascii.unhexlify(part)) for part in _hexstr.split()[2:]) # zero padded hour, minute, second value = '%d-%d-%d,%0#2d:%0#2d:%0#2d.%d,%s%s:%s' % ( year, month, day, hour, minute, second, decisecond, chr(utcdir), utchour, utcminute) return (type, value)
puuvilja_list = ['pirn', 'kirss', 'ploom'] print(puuvilja_list[0]) puuvilja_list.insert(3,'apelsin') print(puuvilja_list[3]) #print(puuvilja_list) puuvilja_list[2] = 'õun' print(puuvilja_list) if "õun" in puuvilja_list: print("Jah, 'õun' on listis") print(len(puuvilja_list)) del puuvilja_list[0] print(puuvilja_list) puuvilja_list.reverse() print(puuvilja_list) puuvilja_list.sort() print(puuvilja_list)
esimene = float(input("Sisesta kolmnurga esimene külg: ")) teine = float(input("Sisesta kolmnurga teine külg: ")) kolmas = float(input("Sisesta kolmnurga kolmas külg: ")) #kaks lühemat külge peavad kokku andma kõige pikema külje: list = [esimene, teine, kolmas] if (max(list)) == esimene and teine + kolmas >= (max(list)) or (max(list)) == teine and esimene + kolmas >= (max(list)) or (max(list)) == kolmas and teine + esimene >= (max(list)): if esimene == teine and esimene == kolmas: print("Tegemist on võrdkülgse kolmnurgaga") elif esimene == teine or esimene == kolmas or teine == kolmas: print("Tegemist on võrdhaarse kolmnurgaga") else: print("Tegemist on erikülgse kolmnurgaga") else: print("Kolmnurka ei saa eksisteerida")
def input_matrix(): # function to take matrix as input row1=int(input("\nEnter no of rows in Matrix : ")) col1=int(input("Enter no of column in Matrix : ")) matrix=[[0]*col1]*row1 for i in range(row1): ls=list(map(int,input().split())) while(len(ls)!=col1): print("Enter",i+1,"th row again: ") ls=list(map(int,input().split())) matrix[i]=ls return matrix def upper_triangular(matrix): #function to check whether the matrix is upper triangular or not for i in range(1,len(matrix)): for j in range(0,i): if matrix[i][j]!=0: return False return True def addition_of_matrix(matrix_a,matrix_b): #function to calculate the summation of two matrix matrix=[] for i in range(len(matrix_a)): tam=[] for j in range(len(matrix_a[0])): tam.append(matrix_a[i][j]+matrix_b[i][j]) matrix.append(tam) return matrix def product_of_matrix(matrix_a,matrix_b): #function to calculate the product of two matrix (if possible) result=[] for i in range(len(matrix_a)): te=[] for j in range(len(matrix_b[0])): res=0 for k in range(len(matrix_b)): res += matrix_a[i][k] * matrix_b[k][j] te.append(res) result.append(te) return result def transpose_of_matrix(matrix): #function to calculate the transpose of the matrix temp=[] for i in range (len(matrix[0])): t=[] for j in range (len(matrix)): t.append(matrix[j][i]) temp.append(t) return temp def mini(array): #function to find the minimum of the array minimum=array[0] indx=0 for i in range(len(array)): if(minimum>array[i]): indx=i minimum=array[i] return minimum,indx def saddle_point(matrix): #function to calculate saddle point if any exist for i in range(len(matrix)): minu,idx=mini(matrix[i]) for j in range(len(matrix)): if(matrix[j][idx]>minu): ans=False break else: ans=True if(ans): return i,idx return -1,-1 def diagonal_sum(matrix): #function to calculate the diagonal sum (both principle and other diagonal sum) principal=0 other=0 for i in range(len(matrix)): principal+=matrix[i][i] other+=matrix[i][len(matrix)-1-i] return principal,other def check_magic_square(matrix,val): #function to check whether matrix is magic square or not for i in range(len(matrix)): row_sum=0 col_sum=0 for j in range(len(matrix)): row_sum+=matrix[i][j] col_sum+=matrix[j][i] if(matrix[i][j]<1 or matrix[i][j]>(len(matrix)*len(matrix))): return False if(row_sum!=val or col_sum!=val): return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': #input 2 matrix matrix_1=input_matrix() matrix_2=input_matrix() #diagonal sum of Matrix 1 if(len(matrix_1)!=len(matrix_1[0])): print("\nSum of Diagonals cannot be calculated as it is not square matrix") else: princi_dia_1,other_dia_1=diagonal_sum(matrix_1) print("\nSum of Principle Diagonal of Matrix 1 is",princi_dia_1," and sum of Other Diagonal of Matrix 1 is",other_dia_1) #diagonal sum of Matrix 2 if(len(matrix_2)!=len(matrix_2[0])): print("\nSum of Diagonals cannot be calculated as it is not square matrix") else: princi_dia_2,other_dia_2=diagonal_sum(matrix_2) print("\nSum of Principle Diagonal of Matrix 1 is",princi_dia_2," and sum of Other Diagonal of Matrix 2 is",other_dia_2) # addition of two matrix if(len(matrix_1)!=len(matrix_2) or len(matrix_1[0])!=len(matrix_2[0])): print("\nThe given two matrix cannot be added as they dont have same no of rows or same no of column") else: sum_of_mat1_and_mat2=addition_of_matrix(matrix_1,matrix_2) print("\nMatrix formed by addition of Matrix 1 and Matrix 2 is:") for i in sum_of_mat1_and_mat2: print(i) #product of matrix 1 and matrix 2 if(len(matrix_1[0])==len(matrix_2)): mat=product_of_matrix(matrix_1,matrix_2) print("\nMatrix produced by product of Given Matrix is : ") for i in mat: print(i) else: print("\nGiven Matrix cannot be multipied") #transpose of Matrix 1 trans_mat_1=transpose_of_matrix(matrix_1) print("\nTranspose of amtrix 1 is : ") for i in trans_mat_1: print(i) #transpose of Matrix 2 trans_mat_2=transpose_of_matrix(matrix_2) print("\nTranspose of matrix 2 is : ") for i in trans_mat_2: print(i) # matrix 1 is upper triangular of not if(len(matrix_1)==len(matrix_1[0]) and upper_triangular(matrix_1)): print("\nMatrix 1 is upper traingular matrix") else: print("\nMatrix 1 is not upper triangular matrix") # matrix 2 is upper triangular or not if(len(matrix_2)==len(matrix_2[0]) and upper_triangular(matrix_2)): print("\nMatrix 2 is upper traingular matrix") else: print("\nMatrix 2 is not upper triangular matrix") #check matrix 1 is magic square or not if(len(matrix_1)==len(matrix_1[0]) and princi_dia_1==other_dia_1 and check_magic_square(matrix_1,princi_dia_1)): print("\nWOW!! Matrix 1 is Magic square!!") else: print("\nMatrix 1 is not Magic square!!") #check matrix 2 is magic square or not if(len(matrix_2)==len(matrix_2[0]) and princi_dia_2==other_dia_2 and check_magic_square(matrix_2,princi_dia_2)): print("\nWOW!! Matrix 2 is Magic square!!") else: print("\nMatrix 2 is not Magic square!!") #find saddle point if exist in matrix 1 i_co,j_co=saddle_point(matrix_1) if(i_co>=0 and j_co>=0): print("\nSaddle point is at position",i_co+1,j_co+1,"of matrix 1(where count start with 1)") else: print("\nSaddle point does not exist in matrix 1") #find saddle point if exist in matrix 2 i_co1,j_co2=saddle_point(matrix_2) if(i_co1>=0 and j_co2>=0): print("\nSaddle point is at position",i_co1+1,j_co2+1,"of matrix 2(where count start with 1)") else: print("\nSaddle point does not exist in matrix 2")
import turtle turtle.shape('turtle') c=12 x=0 a=100 n=360 b=180-n/c while x<c: turtle.forward(a) turtle.stamp() turtle.left(180) turtle.forward(a) turtle.left(b) x +=1
import unittest import math class TargetCalculator: def count(self, x): return x - math.floor(x/3) - math.floor(x/5) + 2*math.floor(x/15) class TargetCalculatorTest(unittest.TestCase): def test_example_testcase(self): TC = TargetCalculator() self.assertEqual(TC.count(15), 9) def test_my_testcase0(self): TC = TargetCalculator() self.assertEqual(TC.count(0), 0) def test_my_testcase1(self): TC = TargetCalculator() self.assertEqual(TC.count(13), 7) def test_my_testcase2(self): TC = TargetCalculator() self.assertEqual(TC.count(199), 120) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()
def PUSH(l): ll = savelist.l ll.append(l) savelist(ll) return ll def POP(): ll = savelist.l if not(l.__len__() == 0): ll.pop() savelist(ll) return ll else: print("Can't Pop, No Items in the list.") def PEEK(n): ll = savelist.l return print("Value at ",n," : ",ll[n]) def TRAVESE(): ll = savelist.l return ll def savelist(ll): savelist.l = ll l = [] savelist(l) while(True): print("===============================\nLIST =>\n",savelist.l,"\n=============================") print("1.PUSH\n2.POP\n3.PEEK\n4.TRAVERSE\n5.QUIT") inp = int(input("Choose(1,2,3,4) :")) if(inp == 1): bid = input("Enter id :") bn = input("Enter name :") ba = input("Enter author :") bp = input("Enter publisher :") bprice = input("Enter price :") l = [bid,bn,ba,bp,bprice] lpushed = PUSH(l) if (inp==2): lpop = POP() print(lpop) if (inp ==3): n = int(input("Enter index :")) PEEK(n) if (inp==4): print(TRAVESE()) if (inp==5): quit()
class Perro: #molde de obejetos def __init__(self, nombre, raza, color, edad): self.nombre = nombre self.raza = raza self.color = color self.edad = edad self.otro = otra_persona #metodos def saludar(self): print('Hola {nombre}, cómo estás? '.format(nombre=self.nombre)) def saludar_a_otra_persona(self): print('Hola {nombre}! muy bien y tú {otro} ? '.format(nombre=self.nombre, otro=self.otra_persona.nombre)) #OBJETOS Lua = Perro('Lua', 'chihuahua', 'beige', 3) Lazaro = Perro('Lazaro', 'labrador', 'miel', 5) """ Lua.saludar() Lazaro.saludar_a_otra_persona() """ Lua.saludar_a_otra_persona(Lazaro) Lazaro.saludar_a_otra_persona(Lua)
import random def scores(num): for i in range(0,num): random_num = random.randrange(60,101,1) if random_num >= 60: if random_num >= 70: if random_num >= 80: if random_num >= 90: print 'Score: ' + str(random_num) + '; Your grade is A.' else: print 'Score: ' + str(random_num) + '; Your grade is B.' else: print 'Score: ' + str(random_num) + '; Your grade is C.' else: print 'Score: ' + str(random_num) + '; Your grade is D.' print 'End of program. Bye!' scores(10)
class ListNode: def __init__(self, x): self.val = x = None def oddEvenList(head): # write code here odd = True cur = head head2 = ListNode(-1) cur2 = head2 last = None final = None while cur: print(cur.val) if odd: if not or not final = cur last = cur cur = odd = False else: print('last', last.val) = = cur cur2 = temp = cur cur = = None odd = True = print(final.val) return head head = ListNode(2) head2 = ListNode(3) head3 = ListNode(4) head4 = ListNode(5) head5 = ListNode(6) = head2 = head3 = head4 = head5 ret = oddEvenList(head) print( ) print(ret.val) print( print(
import turtle turtle.color('purple') #设置画笔颜色 turtle.pensize(2) #设置画笔宽度 turtle.speed(5) #设置画笔移动速度 t=turtle.Screen() def draw(turtle, length): if length>0: #边长大于0递归,画到最中心停止 turtle.forward(length) turtle.left(90) #每次画线后,画笔左转90度 draw(turtle,length-4) #利用递归再次画线,设置离上一圈的画线距离 draw(turtle,200) #设置第一圈的边长 t.exitonclick() #使turtle对象进入等待模式,点击清理退出运行
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: module3 # Purpose: # # Author: Swadhyaya # # Created: 17/12/2016 # Copyright: (c) Swadhyaya 2016 # Licence: <your licence> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def count_palindromes( S): l= len(S) count=0 for i in range(0,l): left= i; right=i; while(left>=0 and right<l): print "\n*",S[left:right+1], "-",S[right:left-1:-1], if len(S[left:right+1])==1 or (S[left:right+1] == S[right:left-1:-1]): count=count+1 print 1, left=left-1 right=right+1 left2= i; right2=i+1; while(left2>=0 and right2<l): print "\n**",S[left2:right2+1], S[right2:left2-1:-1], if S[left2:right2+1] == S[right2:left2-1:-1]: count=count+1 print 1, left2=left2-1 right2=right2+1 return count def main(): count_palindromes("wowpurerocks") s= "worldr" print "999",s[4:0:-1] if __name__ == '__main__': main()
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Name: module11 # Purpose: # # Author: Swadhyaya # # Created: 25/12/2016 # Copyright: (c) Swadhyaya 2016 # Licence: <your licence> #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def merge2(arr1,arr2): res=[] l1= len(arr1)-1; l2= len(arr2)-1 i=0; j=0; while i<=l1 and j<=l2: if arr1[i]<=arr2[j]: res.append(arr1[i]) i=i+1 else: res.append(arr2[j]) j=j+1 if i>l1: return res+arr2[j:l2+1] return res+arr1[i:l1+1 ] def main(): arr1=[-3,1,3,6,7,7,11,11,12] arr2=[0,2,2,3,4,5,8,11,11,11,21,22,23,24,34] print arr1,arr2 print sorted(arr1+arr2) print merge2(arr1,arr2) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
def exercise_one(search_number): """ В упорядоченном по возрастанию массиве целых чисел найти определенный элемент (указать его индекс) или сообщить, что такого элемента нет. Задание 3. Страница 63. :param search_number: искомое число :return: индекс искомого числа """ list_of_numbers = [5, 1, 12, 15, 2, 9, 21, 45, 33, 30] list_of_numbers.sort() print(f"Массив чисел: {list_of_numbers}") for i in range(len(list_of_numbers)): if search_number == list_of_numbers[i]: print(f"Индекс числа {search_number} равен {i}") exercise_one(15)
# generate numbers according to the rules def input_data(): while True: try: num = int(input("Enter an integer greater than or equal to 0: ")) if num >= 0: return num break else: print("Wrong input. Try again please") print() except ValueError: print("Input value shall be an integer, not decimal or string") print() def generate(number): my_string = "0123456789" convert_number = str(number) result = "" for i in range(len(convert_number)): my_string = my_string.replace(convert_number[i],"") #print(my_string) for i in range(len(my_string)): if my_string[i] > convert_number: result = my_string[i] + my_string[0] * (len(convert_number) - 1) break else: if my_string[0] != "0": result = my_string[0] * (len(convert_number) + 1) else: result = my_string[1] + my_string[0] * len(convert_number) return result def again(): print() answer = input("Do you want to play again? (Y/N): ").upper().strip() if answer == "Y" or answer == "YES": return True else: print("Bye! See you next time!!!") exit() if __name__ == '__main__': while True: print("Please enter the index of the number that you want to display") index = input_data() count = 0 string = "" while True: print(f"{generate(string)}", end = " ") string = generate(string) if count == index: break else: count = count + 1 print("\n----------------------------------\n") again()
def print_int(max_int): i = 0 while (i < max_int): print(i) i = i + 1 print_int(3) def power(x,p): i = 0 temp = 1 while(i < p): temp = temp * x i = i + 1 return temp print(power(3,4))
import random def programm_title(): print("**************************") print("*GB/Python/Lesson6/MEDIUM*") print("**************************") class Person: def __init__(self, name="Person"): = name = 100 self.damage = 25 self.armor = 10 self.greetings() def attack(self, player2): = - self._calculate_attack_power(player2) print("{} наносит удар... У игрока {} осталось {} единиц жизни!".format(,, def _calculate_attack_power(self, player2): return round(self.damage / player2.armor) def greetings(self): print("Игрок {} готов к бою!".format( class Player(Person): def __init__(self, name="Player"): super().__init__(name) class Enemy(Person): def __init__(self, name="Enemy"): super().__init__(name) class GamePlay: def __init__(self, player1, player2): self.first_turn, self.second_turn = self._check_first_turn(player1, player2) print("Первым ходит игрок {}".format( self.main_block(self.first_turn, self.second_turn) def _check_first_turn(self, player1, player2): if random.randint(0, 1) == 0: return player1, player2 else: return player2, player1 def main_block(self, player1, player2): current_turn = while True: if <= 0: print("\nВы храбро погибли от рук {}! А ведь у него осталось всего лишь {} единиц жизни...".format(, break if <= 0: print("\n{}, Вы выиграли! У вас осталось {} единиц жизни".format(, break if current_turn == player1.attack(player2) current_turn = else: player2.attack(player1) current_turn = programm_title() player = Player("Рыцарь-88") enemy = Enemy("Гоблин-69") player.damage = 300 print("{} нашёл крутой мечь! Теперь его урон равен {} единиц".format(, player.damage)) enemy.armor = 50 print("{} одевает шлем варваров! Защита персонажа увелечина до {} единиц".format(, enemy.armor)) new_game = GamePlay(player, enemy)
""" pymysql使用流程: 1. 创建数据库连接 db = pymsql.connect(host = 'localhost',port = 3306,user='root',password='123456',database='yege',charset='utf8') 2. 创建游标,返回对象(用于执行数据库语句命令) cur=db.cursor() 3. 执行sql语句 cur.execute(sql,list[])、cur.executemany(sql,[(元组)]) 4. 获取查询结果集: cur.fetchone()获取结果集的第一条数据,查到返回一个元组 cur.fetchmany(n)获取前n条查找到的记录,返回结果为元组嵌套((记录1),(记录2)) cur.fetchall()获取所有查找到的结果,返回元组 提交到数据库执行 db.commit() 回滚,用于commit()出错回复到原来的数据状态 db.rollback() 5. 关闭游标对象 cur.close() 6. 关闭连接 db.close() 练习1: 从终端用input输入一个学生姓名,查看该学生的成绩 """ import pymysql db = pymysql.connect(host = "localhost", port = 3306, user="root", password='1234', database="yege", charset="utf8") cur = db.cursor() l = [ ("qiaoshang1",22,'w',99), ("xiaoming",43,'w',87), ("pp",29,'m',69), ] # 写 # sql = "insert into cls(name,age,sex,score) values (%s,%s,%s,%s);" # 查 sql = "select * from cls where name like 'qiaoshang%';" cur.execute(sql) print(cur.fetchmany(2)) # try: # cur.executemany(sql,l) # db.commit() # except: # db.rollback() cur.close() db.close()
""" 手雷爆炸,伤害玩家生命(血量减少,闪现红屏),伤害敌人得生命(血量减少,头顶爆字) 要求: 可能还增加其他事物,但是布恩那个修改手雷代码 体会: 封装:分 继承:隔 多态:做 """ class Granade: """ 手雷 """ def explode(self,target): if isinstance(target,AttackTarget): target.damage() class AttackTarget(): """ 攻击目标 """ def damage(self): pass class Player(AttackTarget): def damage(self): print("扣血") print("闪现红屏") class Enemy(AttackTarget): def damage(self): print("扣血") print("头顶爆血") g01 = Granade() p01 = Player() e01 = Enemy() g01.explode(e01)
""" 使用Thread子类创建进程 """ import threading import time class SubThread(threading.Thread): def run(self): for i in range(3): time.sleep(1) msg = "子线程" + + "执行,i=" + str(i) print(msg) if __name__ == "__main__": print("------主进程开始-------") t1 = SubThread() t2 = SubThread() t1.start() t2.start() t1.join() t2.join() print("------主进程结束-------")
#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Thu Nov 2 09:49:04 2017 @author: hupeipei8090 """ def is_leaf_years(year): if year%400==0 or year%4==0 and year%100!=0: True else: False def get_num_of_days_in_month(year,month): if month in [1,3,5,7,8,10,12]: return 31 elif month in [4,6,9,11]: return 30 elif is_leaf_years(year): return 29 else: return 28 def get_total_num_of_days(year,month): days=0 for year in range(1800,year): if is_leaf_years(year): days+=366 else: days+=365 for month in range(1,month): days+=get_num_of_days_in_month(year,month) return days def get_start_day(year,month): return 3+get_total_num_of_days(year,month)%7 month_dict = {1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March', 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June', 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September', 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December'} def get_month_name(month): print month_dict[month]#字典调用 def print_month_title(year,month): print" %s %s"%(year,get_month_name(month)) print"-"*35 print" Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat " def print_month_body(year,month): #''''' #打印日历正文 #格式说明:空两个空格,每天的长度为5 #需要注意的是print加逗号会多一个空格 #''' i = get_start_day(year, month) if i != 7: print ' ', # 打印行首的两个空格 print ' ' * i, # 从星期几开始则空i几个空格 for j in range(1, get_num_of_days_in_month(year, month)+1): print '%4d' %j, # 宽度控制,4+1=5,j这个数占4个字符。 i += 1 if i % 7 == 0: # i用于计数和换行 print ' ' # 每换行一次行首继续空格 if __name__=='__main__': year = int(raw_input('Please input target year:') ) month = int(raw_input('Please input target month:') ) print_month_title(year, month) print_month_body(year, month)
num = int(input()) for i in range(num*2): for j in range(num): if j%2 == i%2: print('*',end='') else: print(' ',end='') print()
def divisorsum(): n = int(input()) while(n!=-1): div = [] for i in range(1, n): if not n%i: div.append(i) if sum(div) == n: print(f'{n} = ' + ' + '.join(map(str, div))) else: print(f'{n} is NOT perfect.') n = int(input()) if __name__ == "__main__": divisorsum()
import sys from collections import defaultdict def solution(clothes): result = 1 clothes_dict = defaultdict(list) for c in clothes: clothes_dict[c[1]].append(c[0]) for _, cd in clothes_dict.items(): result *= len(cd)+1 return result-1 if __name__ == '__main__': num_clothes = int(input()) clothes = [] for _ in range(num_clothes): clothes.append(sys.stdin.readline().split()) print(solution(clothes))
class Board: def __init__(self, moles): self.board = [] * 6 for i in range(0, 6): self.board.append([0] * 6) for mole in moles: column = (mole - 1) % 4 row = (mole - 1) // 4 self.board[row + 1][column + 1] = 1 def print(self): for row in range(4, 0, -1): for column in range(1,5): print(self.board[row][column], end="", flush=True) print() def whack(self, mole): column = (mole - 1) % 4 row = (mole - 1) // 4 # Center self.board[row + 1][column + 1] = (self.board[row + 1][column + 1] + 1) % 2 # Top and bottom for i in range(-1, 2): self.board[row + 1 + i][column + 1] = (self.board[row + 1 + i][column + 1] + 1) % 2 # Sides for i in range(-1, 2): self.board[row + 1][column + 1 + i] = (self.board[row + 1][column + 1 + i] + 1) % 2 def check(self): for row in range(1, 5): for column in range(1, 5): if self.board[row][column] == 1: return False return True def is_there_mole(self, position): column = ((position - 1) % 4) + 1 row = ((position - 1) // 4) + 1 if self.board[row][column] == 1: return True return False def dfs_search(board, limiter): if limiter == 0: return False, [] for hole in range(1, 17): if board.is_there_mole(hole): board.whack(hole) if board.check(): return True, [hole] state, solution = dfs_search(board, limiter - 1) if state == True: solution = [hole] + solution return state, solution board.whack(hole) return False, [] def bfs_search(board, limiter, visited=[]): if limiter == 0: return False, [] for hole in range(1, 17): # check for mole if board.is_there_mole(hole): # checking is hole already visited if hole not in visited: visited.append(hole) board.whack(hole) # checking if board is clear if board.check(): return True, [hole] # un-whacking hole to get to original board board.whack(hole) # if all the holes are visited then move to the next layer # calling up recursively state, solution = bfs_search(board, limiter - 1) if state == True: solution = [hole] + solution return state, solution return False, [] #state, solution = dfs_search(board, 5) #print(solution) moles= [5,1,3,9] board = Board(moles) state, solution = dfs_search(board, 5) print(solution) board = Board(moles) board.print() for whack in solution: print() board.whack(whack) board.print()
class gameObject(): def __init__(self, c, xpos, ypos, velocity): self.c = c self.xpos = xpos self.ypos = ypos self.vel = velocity class Basket(gameObject): # using inheritance for the object # drawing the basket def display(self): stroke(self.c) fill(self.c) rect(self.xpos , height - 10, 80, 10) rect(self.xpos , height - 20, 10, 15) rect( self.xpos + 70 , height - 20, 10, 15) def move(self): # moving with wrap around effect (may change later) if keyPressed: if keyCode == RIGHT: self.xpos = (self.xpos + (10 * self.vel)) % width if keyCode == LEFT: self.xpos = (self.xpos - (10 * self.vel)) % width def intersect(self, bally,ballx): #checking to see if the basket and ball intersect if height - 20 <= bally <= height : if self.xpos < ballx < self.xpos + 70: return True return False return False class Ball(gameObject): def __init__(self, c, xpos, ypos, velocity): gameObject.__init__(self, c, xpos, ypos, velocity) #using the super class so that I still inherit the game object self.create() def display(self): fill (self.c) noStroke() ellipse (self.xpos,self.ypos,20,20) def fall (self): self.ypos = self.ypos + self.vel def create (self): self.ypos = random(-1000,-200) self.xpos = random(width) def check(self): if height - 10 <= self.ypos <= height: self.create() return True return False def xposition(self): return self.xpos def yposition(self): return self.ypos class Score(): def __init__(self): self.score = 0 def addScore(self): self.score += 1 class Life(): def __init__(self): self.lives = 5 self.back = 255 def removeLife(self): if self.lives > 1: self.lives = self.lives - 1 return False elif self.lives == 1: self.back = 0 self.lives = 0 else: return True def gameOver(self): if self.lives == 0: return True return False basket = Basket(color(0), 0, 100, 2) score = Score() life = Life() balls = [] def setup(): size(450,400) frameRate(30) for i in range(int(random(1,3))): balls.append(Ball(color(255, 0, 0), 100, 100, 5) ) def draw(): background(life.back) textSize(12) fill(0) text('score:',20,30) text(score.score,20,50) text('lives Left:',100,30) text(life.lives,100,50) if life.gameOver(): fill(255) textSize(60) textAlign(CENTER, BOTTOM) text("Game over", 0.5*width, 0.5*height) del balls[:] for ball in balls: ball.display() ball.fall() if basket.intersect(ball.yposition(),ball.xposition()): #Every time a ball is caught a new ball is added to the array ball.create() score.addScore() balls.append(Ball(color(random(255),random(255),random(255)), 100, 100, random(5,10))) if ball.check(): life.removeLife() basket.move() basket.display()
print("Title of program: Exam Prep bot") print() while True: description = input("Exams are coming, how do you feel?") list_of_words = description.split() feelings_list = [] encouragement_list = [] counter = 0 for each_word in list_of_words: if each_word == "stressed": feelings_list.append("stressed") encouragement_list.append("you should take sufficient breaks and relax, some stress is good but too much is unhealthy") counter += 1 if each_word == "confident": feelings_list.append("confident") encouragement_list.append("you can do it, continue working hard and you will make it") counter += 1 if each_word == "tired": feelings_list.append("tired") encouragement_list.append("you are stronger than you think, take a break and continue your good work") counter += 1 if counter == 0: output = "Sorry I don't really understand. Please use different words?" elif counter == 1: output = "It seems that you are feeling quite " + feelings_list[0] + ". However, do know that "+ encouragement_list[0] + "! Hope you feel better :)" else: feelings = "" for i in range(len(feelings_list)-1): feelings += feelings_list[i] + ", " feelings += "and " + feelings_list[-1] encouragement = "" for j in range(len(encouragement_list)-1): encouragement += encouragement_list[i] + ", " encouragement += "and " + encouragement_list[-1] output = "It seems that you are feeling quite " + feelings + ". Please always remember "+ encouragement + "! Hope you feel better :)" print() print(output) print()
print("Baca Tulis File") print("Menulis Sebuah Teks Nama Ane Ke Txt Ngeh") f = open("ngeh.txt", "w") f.write("Aji Gelar Prayogo\n") f.write("1700018016") f.close() print("Mengakhiri Fungsi Tulis File") print() print("Membaca File Ngeh.txt") f = open("ngeh.txt", "r") for baris in f.readlines(): print(baris) #The readlines() method returns a list containing each line in the file as a list item print()
import random print("Program Untuk Menampilkan Angka Sembarang") print("Batas = 20") print("Pembatas = 50") for x in range(20): print (random.randint(1,10)) print
print "Program Untuk Membuat Suatu Kondisi Sekaligus Meneima Inputan" print "Apa Tipe Gender Anda : " a = raw_input("L/P : ") if a == "L" or a == "l" : print "Anda Laki-Laki" elif a == "P" or a == "p" : print "Anda Perempuan" else : print "Inputan Tidak Sesuai" print "Bentuk Logika" print " " print "Apakah Anda Siap Belajar Python?" b = raw_input("y/t : ") percaya = b =="y" if percaya : print "Anda Siap Menjadi Programmers" else : print "Anda Belum Siap Menjadi Programmers"
finisher = ["aji", "gelar", "pray"] first_two = finisher[1:3] print(first_two) """ Kepotong Sebelah Kiri 1: --> gelar, pray 2: --> pray 3: --> Memotong Dari Sebelah Kanan :1 --> aji :2 --> aji, gelar :3 --> aji, gelar, pray 1:3 -->gelar, pray """
print("Contoh Program Untuk Penggunaan While") print("Batas = 20") a=0 while a<=20: a = a+1 print(a)
# Uses python3 import sys class Graph: """ Class representing directed graph defined with the help of adjacency list. """ def __init__(self, adj, n): """ Initialization. :param adj: list of adjacency :param n: number of vertices """ self.adj = adj self.size = n self.clock = 1 = [0 for _ in range(n)] self.visited = [0 for _ in range(n)] def previsit(self): self.clock += 1 def postvisit(self, v):[v] = self.clock self.clock += 1 def explore(self, v): self.visited[v] = 1 self.previsit() for u in self.adj[v]: if not self.visited[u]: self.explore(u) self.postvisit(v) def deepFirstSearch(self): """ Visits all nodes and marks their post visit indexes. Fills list post[]. """ for v in range(self.size): if not self.visited[v]: self.explore(v) def acyclic(self): """ Checks whether graph has edge in that post visit index of source vertex is less than its end vertex post index. If such edge exists than graph is not acyclic. :return: 1 if there is cycle, 0 in other case. """ self.deepFirstSearch() for v in range(self.size): for u in self.adj[v]: if[v] <[u]: return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': """ Input sample: 4 4 // number of vertices n and number of edges m, 1 <= n, m <= 1000 1 2 // edge from vertex 1 to vertex 2 4 1 2 3 3 1 Output: 1 // cycle exists: 3 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 """ input = data = list(map(int, input.split())) n, m = data[0:2] data = data[2:] edges = list(zip(data[0:(2 * m):2], data[1:(2 * m):2])) adj = [[] for _ in range(n)] for (a, b) in edges: adj[a - 1].append(b - 1) graph = Graph(adj, n) print(graph.acyclic())
f = open("surf.txt") #maior = 0 notas = [] for linha in f: nome, pontos = linha.split() notas.append(float(pontos)) #if float(pontos) > maior: #maior = float(pontos) f.close() #print(maior) notas.sort(reverse = True) print("1º - {}\n2º - {}\n3º - {}".format(notas[0],notas[1],notas[2]))
#imprimir pares de 0 ao digitado sem o if n = int(input("Digite um número: ")) x = 0 while x <= n: print(x, end = " ") x += 2
def ordenada(lista): b = sorted(lista) print(lista) print(b) if b == lista: return True #print("Iguais") else: return False #print("Diferente")
from random import randint secreta = randint(1, 100) while True: chute = int(input("Chute:")) if chute == secreta: print("parabéns, vc acertou o número {}".format(secreta)) break else: print("Alto" if chute > secreta else "Baixo") print("Fim do jogo")
#ler uma palavra e trocar as vogais por "*" i = 0 troca = "" palavra = input("Palavra: ") j = input("Letra: ") t = input("trocar por: ") while i < len(palavra): if palavra[i] in str(j): troca += t else: troca += palavra[i] i += 1 print("Nova: {}\nAntiga:{}".format(troca,palavra))
import fun_Tempo def calcVel(k): return k/8 i = 1 while i != 0: n = int(input("Velocidade contratada[(zero) para sair]: ")) t = (float(input("Tamanho do arquivo em MegaBytes: "))) segundos = t / calcVel(n) fun_Tempo.calcTempo(segundos) print("Velocidade máxima de Download {} MB/s\n".format(calcVel(n))) i = n #comentário de modificação nesse 1 arquivo
''' usuário informa o tamanho em metros quadrados a ser pintado Cada litro de tinta pinta 3 metros quadrados e a tinta é vendida em latas de 18 litros, que custam R$ 80,00 devolver para o usuário o numero de latas necessárias e o preço total. Somente são vendidas nº inteiro de latas ''' m = float(input("Metros²: ")) if m % 54 != 0:#1 lata tem 18 litros que pintam o total de 54 metros latas = int(m / 54) + 1 else: latas = m / 54 valor = latas * 80 print("{} Latas custando R$ {:.2f}".format(latas,valor))
n = int(input("digite a largura: ")) j = int(input("digite a altura: ")) x = 1 while x <= j: print("#", end="") coluna = 0 while coluna < (n - 2): if x == 1 or x == j: print("#", end="") else: print(end=" ") coluna = coluna + 1 print("#") x = x + 1
#!/usr/bin/python3 T=int(input("Enter the inputs:")) for i in range(1,T+1): RR,CR,RB=input("<required run> <current run> <remaining balls> :").split(" ") RR,CR=[int(RR),int(CR)] RB=int(RB) balls_played=300-RB current_run_rate=(CR/balls_played)*6 current_run_rate=round(current_run_rate,2) print("current run rate:",current_run_rate) required_run_rate=(((RR+1)-CR)/RB)*6 required_run_rate=round(required_run_rate,2) print("required run rate :",required_run_rate)
import json from collections import defaultdict def combine_databases(databases, compared_keys, equality_functions, database_names): ''' @param databases: a list of dicts, where each dict's values should be dictionaries mapping headers to individual data points. For example, [db1, db2] with db1 = {'1': , '2': {'name': 'bar'}} @param compared_keys: a list of lists of corresponding keys to compare. For example, [['name', 'db_name']] would match solely based on comparing the 'name' column of db1 and the 'db_name' column of db2 @param database_names: corresponding names to assign to each database @param equality_functions: binary equality testing functions for each corresponding index of compared_keys, each should return a boolean @return: a combined dict of all the data, using the primary key of the first database as the primary key for the result. For example, with database_names = ['db1', 'db2'], data = {'1': {'db1': {'name': 'foo'}, 'db2': {'db_name': 'Foo'}}, '2': {'db1': {'name': 'bar'}, 'db2': {'db_name': 'Baz'}} Note: all comparisons are done to the first database ''' n = len(databases) if not n: return dict() result = defaultdict(dict) for (key, data) in databases[0].items(): result[key][database_names[0]] = data for (db_keys, equal) in zip(compared_keys, equality_functions): for base_name in databases[0].keys(): base_value = databases[0][base_name][db_keys[0]] for i in range(1,n): for (name, data) in databases[i].items(): test_value = data[db_keys[i]] if equal(base_value, test_value): result[base_name][database_names[i]] = data return result # for name in databases[0].keys(): # result[name] = {db_name: dict() for db_name in database_names} if __name__ == '__main__': db1 = {'A': {'name': 'A', 'id': 1}, 'B': {'name': 'B', 'id': 2}} db2 = {'Ark': {'name2': 'Ark', 'desc': 'I like Noah'}, 'Boo': {'name2': 'Boo', 'desc': 'I like to scare Noah'}} combined = combine_databases( databases=[db1, db2], compared_keys=[['name', 'name2']], equality_functions=[lambda x,y: x[0]==y[0]], database_names=['DB1', 'DB2']) print(combined)
""" Dictionaries Key-values pairs dict literals (bracket to bracket) {'key': 'value' } [ array: list of strings ] Immutable value (int, float, string, tuple) List and dicts cannot be keys """ product_to_price = {'apple': 1.0, "pear": 1.5, "grapes": 0.75} print(product_to_price['apple']) # print(product_to_price[1.0]) #can only access a dictionary through key not value. #update dictionary product_to_price['apple'] = 300 print(product_to_price['apple']) # add to the dictionary product_to_price['avocado'] = 5000 print(product_to_price['avocado']) #checking if key exist if 'apple' in product_to_price: print('apple ' + str(product_to_price['apple'])) #merge dictionaries product_to_price.update({'banana': 0.25}) print(product_to_price) #list of all the keys, values, and items print(list(product_to_price.keys())) print(list(product_to_price.values())) print(list(product_to_price.items())) #order dict print(sorted(product_to_price.keys())) names_and_colors = [('alice', "red"), ('david', 'green')] new_dict = dict(names_and_colors) print(new_dict)
""" Convert a given number into its english representation. For example: 67 becomes 'sixty-seven'. Handle numbers from 0-99. Hint: you can use modulus to extract the ones and tens digit. x = 67 tens_digit = x//10 ones_digit = x%10 Hint 2: use the digit as an index for a list of strings. """ noindex = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] tens = [" ", " ", "twenty", "thirty", "forty", "fifty", "sixty", "seventy", "eighty", "ninety"] teens = ["ten", "eleven", "twelve", "thirteen", "forteen", "fifthteen", "sixteen", "seventeen", "eighteen", "nineteen"] ones = [" ","one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine"] hundreds = [" ", "one hundred and ", "two hundred and ", "three hundred and ", "four hundred and ", "five hundred and", "six hundred and ", "seven hundred and ", "eight hundred and ", "nine hundred and "] user_input = int(input("Enter a number ")) def eng(): if user_input > 9 and user_input < 20: teen_digit = user_input%10 x = noindex.index(teen_digit) teen = teens[x] print (teen) elif user_input == 0: print("zero") elif user_input > 0 and user_input < 100: tens_digit = user_input//10 x = noindex.index(tens_digit) ten = tens[x] ones_digit = user_input%10 x = noindex.index(ones_digit) one = ones[x] print (ten + one) elif user_input > 99 and user_input < 1000: hundred_index = user_input//100 x = noindex.index(hundred_index) hundred = hundreds[x] tens_digit = (user_input%100)//10 x = noindex.index(tens_digit) ten = tens[x] ones_digit = (user_input%100)%10 x = noindex.index(ones_digit) one = ones[x] print (hundred + ten + one) eng()
''' def my_add(num_1, num_2): a_sum = num_1 + num_2 return a_sum sum = my_add(5, 6) #the contract between the users and the function print(sum) ''' """ #variables x = 5 print (x) greeting = "hello" print (greeting) bool = 5 > 10 print (bool) """ ''' # my_string = "ThIs Is A StRiNG" # print(my_string.lower()) # def my_add(num_1, num_2): # a_sum = num_1 + num_2 # return a_sum # sum = my_add(5, 6) #the contract between the users and the function # print(sum) ''' # my_string = "ThIs Is A StRiNG" # print(my_string.lower()) # x = 5 # y = x # y += 2 #this is the same as saying y = y + 2 # print (x) # print (y) # name = input ('what is your name? ') # print(f'hello {name}') x = 'a string' user_input = input (' enter something pretty: ') print(x + " is not a " + user_input) print(f'{x} is not a {user_input')
import csv #version 1 # phonebook = [] # with open('lab23.csv') as file: # read = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter=',') # for row in read: # phonebook.append(row) # print(phonebook) #version2 """Create a record: ask the user for each attribute, add a new contact to your contact list with the attributes that the user entered.""" # phonebook = [] # while True: # name = input("Enter your name. ") # fav_fruit = input("Enter your your favorite fruit. ") # fav_color = input("Enter your your favorite color. ") # phonebook.append({ # 'name': name, # 'fav fruit': fav_fruit, # 'fav color': fav_color}) # with open('lab23.csv', 'a') as csv_file: # writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delimiter = ',') # row = [name,fav_fruit,fav_color] # writer.writerow(row) # cont = input("Want to add another? Y/N ") # if cont != "Y": # break # print(phonebook) """Retrieve a record: ask the user for the contact's name, find the user with the given name, and display their information""" # phonebook = [] # with open('lab23.csv') as file: # read = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter=',') # for row in read: # phonebook.append(row) # print(phonebook) # user_input = input("Please enter the name of the person you would information of. ").lower() # for row in phonebook: # if row['name'] == user_input: # print(row) """Update a record: ask the user for the contact's name, then for which attribute of the user they'd like to update and the value of the attribute they'd like to set.""" # phonebook = [] # with open('lab23.csv') as file: # read = csv.DictReader(file, delimiter=',') # for row in read: # phonebook.append(row) # print(phonebook) # user_input = input("Please enter the name of the person you would information of. ").lower() # for i in phonebook: # if i['name'] == user_input: # print(i) # break # att = input("Which attribute would you like to update? (name, fav fruit, fav color) ") # change = input("What would you like to update it to? ") # if att == "name": # i["name"] = change # print (i) # elif att == "fav fruit": # i["fav fruit"] = change # print (i) # elif att == "fav color": # i['fav color'] = change # print (i) # else: # print("Try again") """ Delete a record: ask the user for the contact's name, remove the contact with the given name from the contact list. """ # phonebook = list() # user_input = input("Please enter the name of the person you would like to delete ").lower() # with open('lab23.csv', 'r') as file: # read = csv.reader(file) # for row in read: # phonebook.append(row) # for i in row: # if i == user_input: # phonebook.remove(row) # with open('lab23.csv', 'w') as writeFile: # writer = csv.writer(writeFile) # writer.writerows(phonebook)
# x = 5 # y = 5 # print(x is y) # print(id(x)) #returns ID of an object # truthy falsey # empty lists, strings, None is a falsey value x = [] y = [1,2,3] i = "" j = "qwerty" z = None if x: print(x) if y: print(y) # [1,2,3] if i: print(i) if j: print(j) # qwerty if z: print(z) # my_flag = True while my_flag: #will always run if the conditio is true. print("hey there ") user_input = input("do you want to say hi again?") if user_input == 'n': my_flag = False my_list = [1,2,3,4,5,6] for item in my list: if item == 4: continue print(item) x = 7 y = 34 z = 9 print(6 < y < 100)
""" peaks - Returns the indices of peaks. A peak has a lower number on both the left and the right. valleys - Returns the indices of 'valleys'. A valley is a number with a higher number on both the left and the right. peaks_and_valleys - uses the above two functions to compile a single list of the peaks and valleys in order of appearance in the original data. # """ data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9] noindex= [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20] def peaks(): length = len(data) middle_index = length//2 first_half = data[:middle_index] second_half = data[middle_index:] # peak = first_half.index('P') peak = data.index(max(first_half)) peak_2 = data.index(max(second_half)) print(f"The index of the peak on the left is {peak}") print(f"The index of the peak on the right is {peak_2}") # peaks() def valleys(): valleys = [] for i in noindex[1:]: if data[i] <= data[i-1] and data[i] <= data[i+1]: valleys.append(i) # return valleys print(f"The indices of the valleys are {valleys}") # valleys() def peaks_and_valleys(): peaks() valleys() peaks_and_valleys() def p_v(): for i in data: print ("x" * i) p_v() #jon's ex: """ def get_data(): data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 6, 5, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7, 6, 7, 8, 9] return data def get_valleys(data): valleys = [] index_list = list(range(len(data))) for i in index_list: if (i-1) in index_list and (i+1) in index_list: # makes the index start at 1 so the indexing is not out of range? if data[i] <= data[i-1] and data[i] <= data[i+1]: valleys.append(i) return valleys def get_peaks(data): peaks = [] index_list = list(range(len(data))) for i in index_list: if (i-1) in index_list and (i+1) in index_list: if data[i] >= data [i-1] and data [i] >= data [i+1]: peaks.append(i) return peaks """
def power(x,n): if n == 0: return 1 else: return x * power(x,n-1) print power(2,3) print power(2,5) print power(3,4)
score = input('Enter your score:') if score >= 85: print 'Good' elif score < 60: print 'xxxxx' else: print 'OK'
names = ['zhang','wang','zhao','li'] ages = [12,46,32,19] zip(names,ages) #for name,age in zip(names,ages): # print name,'-----',age