Despite the serious and, at times, disgusting nature of the show’s subject matter, Last Podcast On The Left is one of the most popular and beloved comedy podcasts around. Each week, three co-hosts discuss the background, the atrocities, and the aftermath of a serial killer or a large scale tragedy with a specific blend of research, psychological analysis, and humor. The results are equal parts informative, horrifying, and hilarious, which has earned the show a huge worldwide following and frequent appearances in the top 10 of iTunes comedy charts. Anyone who has listened to a few episodes of the show is likely aware that one Last Podcast host, Ben Kissel, has strong Wisconsin roots. The now-New York-based podcaster, comedian, and political pundit grew up in Stevens Point before winding up at UW-Milwaukee, where he graduated with a degree in political science. Before Last Podcast On The Left comes to Turner Hall on July 14 for a live show, Kissel talked to Milwaukee Record about his stand-up start, being tipped in weed by people in Riverwest in college, why the Midwest might play a role in the incubation of some killers, and what to expect when his show comes to Milwaukee. MR: When you were living here, did you ever get involved in local stand-up, or is that something you got into after you moved to New York? BK: Well, the first place I ever did stand-up was at the Acme Comedy Club in Minneapolis, Minnesota. That was extremely fun. There was a big crowd that was actually there to see the show. I did very well my first time, and I’ve since bombed, which is really exciting and fun. I did a lot of stand-up in Minneapolis. Then when I went to Milwaukee, I did a lot of comedy there. There was one venue called JD’s Comedy Cafe, which I believe is no longer JD’s Comedy Cafe. JD gave me a break and he’d let me come up and do announcements on the stage, basically—not even able to tell a joke. I’d just tell people the email, the telephone number, and where comment cards were located, then I’d bring on the host. That was actually a great experience when it comes to getting stage time and getting comfortable in front of a crowd. He benefited me greatly, despite the fact that JD’s Comedy Cafe had a notorious reputation for being quite a dangerous place, specifically with the bouncers. A few years previous, before I was able to get on stage there, they actually killed someone by throwing him into traffic. I believe it’s Brady Street. They had quite a notorious reputation for being comedy club bouncers. They were all strapped. They all had guns, and it was an interesting place to say the least. MR: I listened to the Dahmer episodes recently, and if I’m not wrong, didn’t you work at a Jimmy John’s while you lived here? BK: Yes I did. I was going through college and I had a yellow Geo Metro. And we know the winters of Wisconsin are not necessarily conducive to a yellow Geo Metro convertible, specifically when you’re a deliver driver. I got the job at Jimmy John’s, and it was definitely my favorite college job. I had it for about two, two and a half years and I would just roll around the campus and the Riverwest area. A lot of the times, college kids would tip me in weed, and at the end of the month, I can remember telling them “I need money. I’m going to need tip money because my landlord doesn’t accept weed for payment.” MR: What were some of your old haunts? Like, what are some places you miss and are there any you might try to hit up while you’re here? BK: Honestly, a couple of my haunts in Milwaukee, I had so much fun at all of them that I forgot what they were called. There was the Y-Not Y-Not Y-Not and I believe there was The Eastsider. That whole Oakland Avenue and North area. I had the manager of the BBC as a reference because I had no job when I moved to New York or connection to a job. I got here with $1,500 and got a place in Bed-Stuy. Obviously, all that money was gone in 24 hours with the down payment and the first month’s rent, so I needed to get a job bouncing or bartending. So I used that bar as my reference when I first got here, and then I proceeded to get fired from about 20 bar jobs once I got to New York City. It was mojito summer and I consistently broke multiple glasses. MR: So you moved out there with nothing and now you’re on this wildly popular show. Are you excited to return under such positive and awesome circumstances? BK: Yeah, we have a great audience out there and I love Milwaukee. It’s a nice opportunity to come back and have something to do, and we’ll be able to meet a lot of people. It feels awesome to get back there. I love Wisconsin. I don’t get to visit too much, but every time I do, I’m reminded of how amazing the people and the culture are. I really enjoy the culture of joyous celebration when it’s nice and the tough working person attitude of individuals hunkering down in the winter time. My first winter in New York, I was pissed because it was like 20 degrees on average and everyone was complaining. I had no idea that Wisconsin winters were so much harsher New York. I sort of felt enraged that these people were complaining about the winter, considering what Midwest winters live with for, like, six or seven months of the year. MR: Keeping with that Midwestern angle, why do you think so many of the, as you called them on the show, “heavy hitters” have roots in the region? Is there any factor between the Midwest upbringing and the manufacturing of monsters like Jeffrey Dahmer, Ed Gein, and John Wayne Gacy? BK: The Gein situation, he came from Plainfield, which is only about 20 minutes outside of Stevens Point, Wisconsin, where I’m from. It’s very isolated and very rural. Specifically when he was alive. I think with the Dahmer situation, just given the sexual norms of the times, you do wonder if there was maybe an outlet for him to express his sexual orientation if he wouldn’t have gone down the path that he did. Of course, there are many, many, many, many, many gay people who did not do what Jeffrey Dahmer did, so that might be a bit of an excuse. But I think we do have to ask ourselves these social questions regarding these actions of these individuals who might’ve felt completely disenfranchised, out of touch, and unable to relate to anybody because of the social construct of their generation. With Ed Gein, I think it was immense amount of isolation. If you look at what he did, other than killing those two women—which is obviously atrocious—he was a grave robber with interest in the human form and a macabre sensibility. I think that’s unique to having an immense amount of land with no one around. Idle hands… And I think his hands were definitely idle and they did a lot of the devil’s work. MR: Everyone knows the body counts and the acts, but one thing I love about your show is that you balance humor when warranted, background of the killer, and a social analysis of why these crimes were allowed to occur—like law enforcement fuck-ups or whatever. Is that a hard balance to strike? At the end of the day, you’re speaking about victims, as well as people who were capable of inhumane things. BK: One thing we consistently attempt to avoid at all costs is making fun of any of the victims. We really want to humanize these people who you previously thought of—because of documentaries, television, newspapers, and magazines—as monsters. In reality, if you get to know the background of Richard Ramirez, Ed Gein, Jeffrey Dahmer, or the countless other people we’ve covered, you really get to understand that they’re not the boogeyman, they’re actually weak, timid, socially-inept people who think they’ve been elevated to the status of monster. They’re beneath that, and people are the ones who can control those kinds of people. So many times in media reports and documentaries, they give them these almost superhuman powers when, in reality, a lot of them are just drifter losers. I think it’s important to look at them like that and not glorify them. I think that’s dangerous, so we’re trying to break that narrative. MR: Can you give any hints on the killer or the event that you’ll be tackling at Turner Hall next month? BK: Oh my goodness, I’ll tell you this live show is a lot of fun. We have one video up top that I strongly denounce. I’m running for Brooklyn Borough President and I denounce [the video] with all of my will, but the audience seems to love it. That’s cryptid-related, so we’ll touch on a cryptid and we’ll talk about a specific serial killer who does happen to be Midwest-based. I will say that it is not Jeffrey Dahmer. And Ed Gein wasn’t a serial killer, so it’s not Ed Gein. We’ll have some alien stuff. It’s kind of a nice smattering of the whole show. It’s a buffet. It’s a macabre buffet. Ben Kissel will perform as part of a Last Podcast On The Left live show at Turner Hall on Friday, July 14. The show begins at 7 p.m. and tickets are $25.
As many of you know, I’m a lifelong wrestling fan. I’m also a wrestling fan with strange tastes. Most of my friends prefer wrestlers with slick attitudes and crisp moves, but I always preferred the MONSTERS. In the decades I’ve spent watching wrestling, I’ve seen my share of them, from One Man Gang to Kamala to The Undertaker. So long as the particular wrestlers were very big and somewhat scary, I was on their side. Didn’t matter if they couldn’t move, or if their punches looked bad, or if their promos sounded like cab drivers trying to insult old ladies with G-rated language. I LOVED them. They were like B movies come to life in a wrestling ring. Several of those wrestlers had something else in common: They were based on actual legendary creatures. Yes, there really were wrestler versions of the Yeti and the Loch Ness Monster! Collected below are six such grapplers. Let’s see how they compare to the beasts that inspired ‘em! (Note: I’m sticking strictly to mythological and legendary creatures. That means I’m not including wrestlers who were meant to represent real animals, nor am I including wrestlers meant to mimic specific fictional characters. Basically, to be included here, the wrestler’s inspiration needed to be covered on Unsolved Mysteries.) THE CREATURE: Also known as the Abominable Snowman, the Yeti is basically a wintry version of Bigfoot. Reports peg the creature as a hulking, ape-like monster that towers over men and stalks its prey all over the Himalayas. Save for the blue skin, Blizzard from Primal Rage is a good representation of what the Yeti is supposed to look like. THE WRESTLER: Oh, brother. Debuting in 1995 as part of the Dungeon of Doom, WCW’s Yeti stood more than seven feet tall and looked just a bit like a mummy. (Well, no, I’m understating things. He looked EXACTLY like a mummy, and NOTHING like a Yeti. The only “Yeti” thing about him was that he debuted on live television by breaking out of a ten foot phony ice cube. For real.) After helping his monstrous friends beat up Hulk Hogan, somebody at WCW realized that a guy covered in ill-fitting bandages probably wouldn’t survive a match without pulling back the curtain too far. Thus, when it was time for the Yeti to actually wrestle, he randomly sported a ninja costume instead. (The throwaway explanation provided by the announcers was that he “thawed out.”) WCW’s Yeti did not last long, and is largely considered one of the most hilarious offenses in wrestling history. I don’t care. It was a giant guy covered in paper towels who looked like a mummy but was called “Yeti.” I don’t see how sane, rational people wouldn’t love that. THE CREATURE: Rooted in Greek mythology, the Minotaur had a muscular human body topped with a giant bull head. Banished to a labyrinth to keep him from eating people, Minotaur was the son of a goddess and a bull. THE WRESTLER: Arriving in the World Wrestling Federation in 1995, Mantaur was one of the company’s biggest and yet most harmless misfires. (Biggest because DUH, it was a wrestling minotaur. Most harmless because, hey, nobody was expecting big things from a wrestling minotaur.) Portrayed by Mike Halac, Mantaur was a 400 pound giant who walked to the ring with a giant bull mask on. Fortunately for Halac, he wasn’t asked to actually wrestle in that outfit. Instead, before each match, he’d simply remove the bull mask to reveal a round face decorated with stripes of black paint. Of course, shattering the illusion didn’t stop Mantaur from acting like a bull, or more accurately a bull from a rodeo-themed Looney Tunes short. The best thing about Mantaur was his entrance music, which sounded like a moose trying to take a shit while riding a train. The Loch Ness Monster! THE CREATURE: Said to lurk the Scottish lake that gave it its name, “Nessie” is a fan favorite among cryptid enthusiasts. Now pretty much universally known to be bogus, the idea was that a relic colony of plesiosaurs somehow survived long enough to be caught on film. Despite the long list of sincere attempts to prove Nessie’s existence, most of the more recent expeditions carry the air of a lark. THE WRESTLER: Loch Ness was another member of WCW’s Dungeon of Doom, but at least in this case, he wasn’t meant to literally be the creature he was named for. In fact, wrestler Martin Luane — more famously known for his “Giant Haystacks” character — had used the Loch Ness name many years before arriving in WCW. (If I recall correctly, it was none other than Bret Hart who originally gave him the gimmick, back in his Stampede Wrestling days!) By the time he appeared in WCW, Loch Ness was long in the tooth but no smaller in stature. Just shy of seven feet tall, he had a billed weight of over 600 pounds! Even with the acknowledgement that wrestling companies commonly exaggerate their charges’ physical attributes, this was one huge dude. Sadly, Loch Ness’s run in WCW never seemed to click. His feud with Hulk Hogan didn’t amount to much, and Loch Ness’s one truly notable moment was “passing the torch” to The Giant. (…who’d later become The Big Show, who still wrestles today!) I doubt that many fans were hoping for a more prolific run, but I sure was. I always loved these big monsters, and a giant loon in a mechanic’s outfit was absolutely my speed. The fact that he was named after one of my favorite cryptids just made things all the sweeter! THE CREATURES: Dragons have too rich of a history for me to catalog here, but you know what they are. Big giant flying lizards that spit fire. The biggest budget drains on Game of Thrones. THE WRESTLER: You’ve probably heard of Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, an absolute legend and inarguably one of the best wrestlers ever. In my childhood circles, I dare say that he was even more popular than Hulk Hogan! At that point, the “Dragon” thing was purely a nickname, with Steamboat acting as the WWF’s answer to Bruce Lee. Unfortunately, when Steamboat returned the WWF in 1991, it was taken three steps further and two too far. Then known simply as “The Dragon,” the Steamboat name was only occasionally mentioned, and the poor guy now had to actually act like a dragon. He’d come to the ring dressed like one, and even had to breathe fire as part of his entrance. These theatrics could be construed as an attempt to give a “regular” guy more pizazz, but some fans theorize that the whole thing was his punishment for leaving the WWF in the first place. Though he was still quite popular under this guise, even the me-of-1991 recognized these new accoutrements as an albatross. Steamboat again left the company that same year, and few count his run as a fire-breathing literal dragon as a career highlight. THE CREATURES: They come out at night to drink our blood. They dress well and usually have great haircuts. Sometimes, they turn into bats. They have pointy fangs and can live forever. They are vampires. THE WRESTLER: David Heath had experience playing a wrestling vampire even before the WWF rechristened him as “Gangrel” in 1998. If they were gonna do it, he was the best choice. The WWF seemed oddly intent to never outright call Gangrel a vampire, but yeah, he was. The guy had fangs, wore the Seinfeld puffy shirt, and started his matches by drinking from a chalice of blood. Definitely a vampire. The gimmick sounds hokey, but for a while it was pretty cool. In 1998, the WWF was firmly entrenched in its “Attitude Era,” where every line could be crossed. Had Gangrel debuted just a few years earlier, the presentation might’ve been more lamely “hinty.” Instead, he got an absolutely badass entrance, where he figuratively rose from the grave, accompanied by the hippest vampire music ever. (Oh, and he sometimes got to bathe his opponents in blood, which would magically rain down from the ceiling. Fans didn’t latch onto Gangrel with too much gusto, but everyone loved those stupid bloodbaths.) THE CREATURE: From Irish folklore, leprechauns are tricky elves who hide pots of gold at the ends of rainbows. They can also grant wishes. THE WRESTLER: If you’re a wrestling fan, you probably expected this to be about Hornswoggle, who once served at Fit Finlay’s leprechaun “mascot.” I’ll grant that he’s the more famous wrestling leprechaun, but I gotta be me, and I’m going with Braun. From WCW, Braun the Leprechaun was another member of the Dungeon of Doom, albeit only for a brief stint. DeWayne Bruce portrayed him, but only after spending a fair chunk of time under the guise of Sergeant Buddy Lee Parker… leaving fans to wonder how a gruff military dude became a goddamned leprechaun. In any case, I enjoyed the character. Braun the Leprechaun was super aggressive, acting less like a leprechaun and more like a ticked-off asylum escapee who just happened to dress like one. It wasn’t a gimmick that would take someone to the world title, but hey, not all of them can be. Thanks for reading about a bunch of old wrestlers wearing Halloween costumes!
Cryptozoology – The search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and the yeti. In fact did you know there’s a Cryptozoological Museum? The mission of the museum is to share items cryptozoologically collected, since 1960, by Loren Coleman and gathered from other donators to his collection. They even have a cryptozoological map of the Monsters in America. Check out the monsters living in your state. Loren Coleman, author/co-author/contributor of over 100 books, is someone you’ve seen in Bigfoot and cryptozoology documentaries and reality television programs, since 1969. This museum is his legacy, and was founded in 2003. For more on the history of the Museum, click here. Here in Florida we have the Skunk Ape. It’s also known as the swamp ape, stink ape, Florida Bigfoot, myakka ape, swampsquatch, and myakka skunk ape. It is a hominid cryptid said to inhabit the U.S. states of Florida, North Carolina, and Arkansas, although reports from Florida are more common. Let me know if you spot any of these monsters. In the meantime, I’ll keep a lookout for the Skunk Ape… Did you miss last week’s Dictionary Corner – Hump Day – why not check it out here There are so many words to learn, understand and discover as well as some interesting new phrases that have cropped up over the years. Welcome to Dictionary Corner For example:What on earth does Hump Day mean? Does it mean – Grab your camels by the hump? Is Quasimodo in town and which day? What is going on with this hump? I see this phrase on forums and it seems to pop up more and more in general chats! Hump Day actually refers to the middle of the week, and specifically, Wednesday. It has become a popular phrase, implying that you have to get “over the hump” before you can anticipate the weekend. So next time it’s the middle of the week, see if you can drop the phrase somewhere in the conversation and see what reaction you get. At least if they look at you with a puzzled face, you can wow them with your new found knowledge or just direct them here to get the lowdown 🙂 To help you get the most of your Hump Day why not check out my regular Wisdom Wednesday articles – the posts that speak for themselves. As I update my website with different content I will make a new word cloud to reflect what I have been saying! As the number of posts grow it will be interesting to see a distinct change in which words become more prominent as the months go by.
This is a powerful tale that is right outside the box in terms of my expectations. However a couple of things can be noted before this is simply dismissed. 1 The movement appears to conform to the movement of a projected image. That it clearly knew that it had an audience further supports just that conclusion. Add in the switching on of an additional light coinciding with its immediate disappearance and it really looks like a deliberate act that is essentially beyond our present technology. 2 The bright lighting allowed excellent observation and this all conforms to the so called wolf-man or as I have been arguing, the Giant Sloth. However, the body configuration is seen as purely human. I do not think that can be true at all for any cryptid conjecture and this slants this into the realm of a made up human model been manipulated and projected. 3 The clothing aspect is curious but easily explained if it is a human model faking the whole event. However, i am also now fully versed on a number of Giant Sloth kills of lone humans in the wild. This creature has the dexterity to successfully take clothing of a body and has done so often. Such dexterity begs the capability of actually putting such clothing on as a form of camouflage. So i cannot dismiss that possibility. 4 Yet the adults did not see the image at all. This suggests successful mind projection as well. Again this is something that is also observed with these creatures and it is strongest in them of all creatures. My problem is that i have by way of Dave Pilades' work ample examples of Wolfman or Giant Sloth human kills. That commonly included real evidence of mind control in which the victim proceeds to its death. Bye the bye, i am really reminded of the Big Bad Wolf of the Red Riding Tale. There is surely a connection here. One other thing. This creature is a very smart and cunning and compares favorably to primitive humanity and it clearly knows us.. 'I Saw A Wolfman' Monday, January 25, 2016 I recently received the following account:
Hello, and welcome to the wonderful world of Dunsparce! I'll be your guide! I'm Professor Bugboy. Are you ready to start your own journey in the land of Dunsparce? Good Luck! I'll be waiting for you in my lab! We all love him! Dunsparce. Nokocchi. Dummisel. Insolourdo. Whatever you call it, this little guy is the best thing ever. Sitting comfortably at number 206 in the Pokedex, he's here to headbutt you to death. But Bugboy, you ask, what is such an odd pokemon based off of? Well, as the worlds premier Dunsparce fan, I'll tell you!. Dunsparce is based off of the mythical tsuchinoko , a japanese cryptid. Dunsparce is based on the mythical tsuchinoko. Similar to Bigfoot or the Chupacabra, sightings and reports appear in the Japanese media, however hard evidence is always lacking. Tsuchinoko are 30 cm to 80 cm long, with a large head and poisonous fangs. Its body is thicker than its head and tail. The noises it makes resemble squeaks, chirps and snores. Unlike real snakes, which slither from side to side, a tsuchinoko wiggles ahead in a straight line. The tsuchinoko curls its body to leap through the air. Moreover, the fact that Dunsparce, a snake-like creature, has wings also brings to mind the motif of the Feathered Serpent, a prominent deity or supernatural being in many Mesoamerican religions. In addition, Dunsparce shares some traits with bumblebees, including their stripes, tiny wings, and stinger-like tail. In the pokemon games, he lives in the Dark Cave in Johto, and can be found under rocks or during the occasional swarm. For those curious about his name, it comes from Dun (grayish) and Sparce (because he’s rare) What is he good for? Looking cute! But aside from that, his Serene Grace allows him to do some pretty great things! For those of you who don't know, Serene Grace doubles the chance of having an additional effect on your moves. That means that he's an ideal Flinchhaxer! He can paralyze you with Glare or Thunder Wave, then pound you with STAB Headbutt. Thanks to Serene Grace, Headbutt has a 60%(!) chance of flinching, reducing your opponent down to a 30% chance of hitting you. And if they do manage to deal some damage, just sponge it with Dunsparce's amazing HP and then Roost it all away! Dunsparce can also use Charge Beam for a whopping 100% percent chance of Special Attack bonus! Then use Ancient Power for a 20% chance of a bonus to every stat! You'll be sweeping Red in no time! Oh, and the coolest thing about Dunsparce? He can fly! (just a little) LIST OF GYM LEADERS Dichotomy - Poison Speed Racer - Normal Unintentional - Fighting Munkus Beaver - Steel Faynor - Psychic Worthless Lurker - Electric Beasteh - Dark Kuribo's Shoe - Bug SO YOU WANT TO EV TRAIN Unintentional has some suggestions to make it easier! Atk is the lake west of mahogany (seaking/goldeen) SpA is the pond north of goldenrod (psy/golduck) Def is the grass south of Pallet (tangela, not mr mime), or if you prefer, the grass south of blackthorn (not teddiursa, yes graveler/geodude/skarmory) SpD is surfing directly south of olivine (all you get are tentacools/cruels) HP is slowpoke well (SURF for only slowpokes) Speed is dark cave (SURF for only magikarps) Oh yeah, new games! Pokemon White/Black coming in late 2010. They seem to boast a 2.5d art style, and full back-sprites for your pokemon during battle. You see lots of things, out there in the swamp at night. Some of them might even be real. But the Bugboy? That's just plain impossible.
This is it folks. Today is the last day to get your entries for the costume contest in. Submissions close tonight at midnight. The winners will be announced tomorrow! If you want your chance to win some original art, or prints, send me your best Morty, Wuggles, Cass, or any member of the Q2Q Crew! Hi Folks! It’s Summerstock time! I’m at my summer theatre home from now until October which, once again, means a few things: - I will not be maintaining a strict three-a-week update schedule. It’ll be more like one-a-week, but sometimes more, sometimes less. It’ll be especially slow this month while we’re busy loading in for the season. I’ll be making more comics once the first show opens and my schedule stabilizes. - New comics will continue appearing monthly in Stage Directions magazine. No interrupted service there. - The shop is closed until October. I don’t have any of my merchandise with me and will not be able to ship anything, including prints. I am also not taking commissions for the duration (and probably won’t be taking any while I’m fulfilling the volume 2 kickstarter rewards through the end of the year, if I’m being honest). - I won’t be as active on the usual internet places, so if you need to get in touch, use the contact form instead of sending a message on facebook/tumblr/wherever. That’s it folks! If you’re off to your summer home, too, I wish you well! Have fun and make good art! Woo! The campaign is over and we are funded! 280% Funded, actually. That makes: 904 Backers. $42100 Pledged. 951 Books. Thank you, everyone. You made this happen. Thanks you for backing and for sharing and for reading the comics. I, uh, guess I’ve got to go make this book thing now, huh? I will be posting process updates on Kickstarter occasionally, but the best places to go for the latest information will be Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. If you want to see pictures of my cats, follow along on Instagram. And if you want to be part of some of the decision making process, you can become a patron of Q2Q Comics on Patreon. I have been and will continue to post polls and ask for suggestions from my braintrust over there. Again, thanks to all of you beautiful backers. Especially you. I’m so excited! I can’t wait for you to see this book! Overnight, we broke $40K! Ya’ll have unlocked the Cryptid Sticker Pack stretch goal! If you have selected a reward tier that includes a book (basically all of them $15+) then in addition to the stated rewards you will be getting a pack of 6 vinyl, die-cut cryptid stickers that will feature La Ropasucia, Blorp and Prop Cat. I’m still working on the designs, but they should all be roughly 3-4″ across. If you’re a patron of Q2Q Comics on Patreon, you’ll get some say in what the designs are, even! If you are thinking “dang I really want those stickers, but I didn’t selected a reward tier that entitles me to one of those sexy books! What can I do?” fear not, friendo! You can still change your reward tier to one that includes a book! Or perhaps you were thinking “Dear sir, If I were to have selected a reward tier with two of your fine books, am I then to be entitled to DOUBLE sticker packs?” Yes! If you selected any of the two book tiers you will get two packs of stickers. HOWEVER if you choose to add copies of Vol. 1 or Vol. 2 to your order through BackerKit, you will not get any more stickers. We are only counting books that come with your selected reward tiers so that only the folks who backed on Kickstarter get the bonus! Oh jeez, and since I started typing this we have actually surpassed the total funding for Vol. 1! Woo! Go team! We’ll hold off on the confetti cannon. Also: I have been asked to put in writing that I promise the Stage Management mystery boxes will not just be an enormous glitter bomb with a dust pan. There’s only 15 hours left to back the Q2Q Comics Volume 2 Kickstarter! Click here to reserve your copy! We’re already 260% funded and have hit the first two stretch goals and we are very, very close to clearing the third stretch goal which would net everyone who’s getting a book a pack of Cryptid Stickers! Want a La Ropasucia to mischief your road case or laptop? Bam. How about a Blorp to protect your paint cabinet? Boom. Maybe a prop cat too? I don’t know, maybe so! If you want to make sure you get a copy of the Kickstarter edition of Volume 2, you’ve gotta back the campaign before it ends. If you read the other updates and thought “Dang, I really should back that. I’ll do that later…” well, now is about as late as it gets. There’s not any later after this. We’ve even got a few mystery boxes still available in the last group, in case you missed it the first go round and really wanted it. Go for it!
Some believe Dobhar Chu is like an Irish Loch Ness monster. Rachel Rafferty investigates. Although Irish folklore is littered with legendary ghoulish water creatures, few are as scary as Dobhar Chu (pronounced do-war coo). Considered by some to be Ireland’s version of famous Loch Ness monster, Dobhar Chu is a mythical lake monster that has inhabited lakes of British Isles since ancient times. The name, roughly translated means ‘water hound’, or ‘hound of deep’. Thought to be a cross between a giant otter and a hound, Dobhar Chu is about seven foot long, or about size of a crocodile. In fact it is also known as Irish Crocodile. The Dobhar Chu is a blood-thirsty, gruesome creature that lives deep in waters of a lake, river or even sea and is known to be able to travel great distances in water or on land. This monster hound is known for its speed, aggression and appetite for human flesh. There are usually two of these creatures, and when one is killed, its mate will swim up from depths of water and avenge killing by pursuing its attacker, killing him and often eating him. This happens because, when Dobhar Chu is about to die, it gives off an eerie high-pitched whistle to warn its mate. Like legendary Bigfoot, and many other creatures, Dobhar Chu is known as a cryptid, a term which refers to a creature, or plant whose existence is unrecognized by scientific consensus and is usually regarded as highly unlikely. Yet in Glenade, County Leitrim, in north-west Ireland there is evidence to suggest its existence. Reports of sightings of Dobhar Chu date back as far as 1684. One was recorded by Miss Walkington in 1896 edition of The Journal of Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Miss Walkington described it as being ‘half-wolfdog and half-fish’. A few months afterward Mr. H. Chicester Hart responded to Miss Walkington’s letter. He said that he heard rumors about a gruesome creature called Dobhar Chu which is said to be king of all lakes and father of all otters. The creature is believed to live in many lakes around Ireland. Sraheens Lough, Achill Island, in County Mayo is where largest number of, as yet, unsubstantiated modern sightings in Ireland have been. Apparently, a small population of Dobhar Chu live in Sraheens Lough, though it is believed that they are migratory, not living in lake all year. As recently as 2000, Irish artist Sean Corcoran and his wife claimed to have witnessed a sighting of a Dobhar Chu in a lake on Omey Island in Connemara, County Galway. Corcoran describes it as large, dark and with orange flippers. “The creature,” reports Corcoran, “swam width of lake from west to east in what seemed like a matter of a few seconds.” Corcoran concludes that it finally leapt onto a huge boulder, and before disappearing gave “most haunting screech”. More frightening than Selkies (seals who can take form of humans), or famous Kelpies (mythical water horses said to inhabit rivers and lakes of Scotland and Ireland), Dobhar Chu is considered to be an immature form of famous Lough Ness monster, affectionately known as Nessie. There is also a further interesting link between Ireland and these two monsters which continues to this day. The link begins with first sighting of Loch Ness monster in Scotland in seventh century by Irish missionary St. Columba (see box at bottom of page). Columba was also first to challenge and overcome Loch Ness monster; by using his spiritual powers Columba miraculously saved a man from being devoured by monster. This story leads to another myth that Nessie’s offspring came to lakes of Ireland to avenge St. Columba’s actions. Lest you think that Dobhar Chu is just another imaginary fable, be aware that there is some evidence to suggest it may be real. What is more, another theory suggests that this creature travels extensively. Some researchers for example, connect famous lake monster Bessie which is said to inhabit Lake Erie in US with Irish Dobhar Chu. There have been several sightings of this large serpentine monster which followed Irish emigrants to heartland of America. An unconfirmed sighting of Bessie describes a terrifying encounter with a huge lake creature that killed three people in 1992. A more elusive but similar, sinister creature has apparently been attacking swimmers in Pump House beach near Port Dover in Canada since August 2001. Other reports document that these creatures inhabit various scattered locations all over New England and as well as all Great Lakes region. However, of all sightings of Dobahr Chu, it is account in Glenade, County Leitrim of 1722 of bestial murder of Grace McGloighlin that is most famous. Oral tradition in this part of Ireland still holds that story of The Dobhar Chu of Glenade is true. This is story as related by local storyteller Owen McGowan of townland of Ahanlish, Kinlough, Co. Leitrim. Grace McGloighlin, known as Grace or Gráinne Connolly (custom at time was that a woman retains her maiden name after marriage), lived in town land of Creevelea which is close to border of Leitrim and Sligo, and on northwestern part of Glenade Lake. On September 22nd 1722, Grace came down to lake to baand perhaps wash some clothes. While she was doing this a huge monster emerged from water and savagely attacked, then killed Grace. She was later found by her husband Terence. Terence saw her bloodied body on side of lake and to his horror saw huge beast which had killed his wife lying asleep across her dead body. Heart-broken with grief and furious, Terence knew at once that it was a Dobhar Chu. Terence immediately found his dagger and killed monster. However, as is usual with this kind of creature, during its death throes it let out a high-pitched whistle which alerted its mate to what was happening. A second Dobhar Chu emerged at once from depths of lake. Terrified, Terence took to his heels and jumping on a horse began to ride for his life as second Dobhar Chu pursued him. Terence rode for many miles, with Dobhar Chu close behind him. A local man, Patrick Doherty (now deceased), told historian and folklorist Joe McGowan story of chase. It started at Frank McSharry’s of Glenade, faltered and ended close by Cashelgarron stone fort in Co. Sligo at a blacksmith’s forge. After being chased for miles Terence was obliged to stop to have his horse’s foot re-shod. The blacksmith at Cashelgarron, a wise man, knew ways of this creature. He gave Terence a sword and told him: “When creature charges, he’ll put his head right through horse. As soon as he does this, you be quick and cut his head off.” Terence, still on his horse stood his ground near forge. The huge beast came at full charge then it put its head right through horse, as predicted by blacksmith. This time, however, Terence was ready. Determined to avenge his wife’s murder Terence put his sword through Dobhar Chu’s head, killing it instantly. There is further ghoulish detail to back up story. The grave of Grace Connolly actually exists. What’s more, carved on her tombstone is a detailed depiction of her killer, Dobhar Chu. It is located in Conwall cemetery in townland of Drummans. Drummans near village of Kinlough is part of approach to Valley of Glenade. The tomb itself is so old that most of written details are illegible. However, Grace’s name and that of her husband can be made out. The carved image of Dobhar Chu is much clearer. The creature is depicted lying down with its head and neck flung backwards so that it lies flat along its back in its death throes. A spear-like weapon is shown piercing base of creature’s neck, reemerging below its body, and gripped by a human fist at its upper end. Also and less well known, both Dobhar Chu and McGloighlin’s horse are buried in Co. Sligo, not far from Cashelgarron stone fort where they were both killed. - Rachel Rafferty
Secret Saturdays Cryptipedia Cryptid tracking device and electronic encyclopedia Secret Saturdays adventure animated action series about ta family of cryptozoologists dedicated to protecting the secrets and mysteries of the world. The Cryptipedia is the ultimate accessory for Cryptid hunters to be just like Zak Saturday. Lock in your Cryptid and action figure stands to learn secret facts about characters from the show, or use the Cryptipedia as a tracking device to find nearby Cryptids. Cool sounds and spoken text make this a fun and interactive device for kids. Includes exclusive Komodo figure with collectible stand.
Aug 27, 2018 During the 1960’s, no less six eyewitnesses claimed to have had encounters with a floating, ghostly, blob-like creature that was so intimidating two armed men fled from it in mortal terror. Aug 20, 2018 This bizarre, foliage smothered synthesis of plant and animal cast an ominous shadow over a stretch of east Florida beach throughout its decade long reign of terror… and to this day debates rage as to whether or not this leafy fiend’s origin is biological or the result of an ancient curse. Aug 12, 2018 In the autumn of 1980, four individuals had a terrifying encounter with a half-man, half-feline monstrosity, which some believe may be the result of an exceedingly rare genetic mutation, while others insist the entity is of a decidedly more mystical origin. Episode Reference Links: Aug 6, 2018 The Ohio River and its many tributaries are a hotbed of odd (and often dangerous) cryptid activity, but one of the weirdest creatures ever to have emerged from their gloomy depths has got to be the hulking, gray-skinned, quasi-cephalopod, which at least five terrified eyewitness claimed to have encountered during the...
Voters in Virginia’s 5th congressional district, who’ve already been made aware of the Republican candidate’s propensity for palling around with white supremacists, have now been confronted by another bizarre reality: The guy seems to have an unhealthy level of interest in Bigfoot’s big dong. On Sunday evening, Democratic nominee Leslie Cockburn posted a series of tweets taken from her Republican opponent Denver Riggleman’s Instagram page, each featuring America’s favorite cryptid and his prodigious (albeit thankfully censored) dick. Riggleman, Cockburn notes, has been an associate of Virginia senate candidate Corey Stewart, the Minnesota-born Confederate fanboy who has praised overt neo-Nazi (and fellow Republican) Paul Nehlen as his “personal hero” and insisted that the Civil War didn’t have anything to do with slavery. Speaking with the Daily Progress, Riggleman claimed that he’s not actually all that into Bigfoot porn and that the images were simply “a joke” his old military pals played on him. Riggleman has, however, co-authored at least one other Bigfoot-centric book, Bigfoot Exterminators Inc: The Partially Cautionary, Mostly True Tale of Monster Hunt 2006, which contains passages like this: According to the Cook Political Report, the “fundamentals” of Riggleman and Cockburn’s race favor the Republican candidate, but “the lack of a competitive statewide race and the nominees’ oddities make it unpredictable.” It’s worth noting, in any case, that in each picture shared by Cockburn, Bigfoot’s big feet aren’t actually visible, raising the question of whether the illustrated penis in question belongs to an actual Sasquatch or just an extremely hirsute man.
Earlier this month, I posted here on ShukerNature a series of photographs discovered by me online that portray some truly wonderful - albeit entirely fictitious - composite beasts created using Photoshop. Little did I realise at the time, however, that shortly afterwards I would be receiving some fascinating information concerning a hitherto little-publicised cryptid that closely resembles one of those computer-generated creatures but which is even more extraordinary – all of which only goes to show yet again that fact (if that is indeed what this cryptid turns out to be) is definitely far stranger than fiction. This information was contained in a book by Czech cryptozoologist Jaroslav Mareš entitled Detektivem v Říši Zvířat (‘A Detective in the Animal Kingdom’) and published in Prague in 1995, but has never previously appeared in any English-language cryptozoological account. Consequently, I am greatly indebted to Czech cryptozoological enthusiast and friend Miroslav Fišmeister for kindly bringing it to my attention and translating it for me. Mareš learnt about this cryptid from the Seluks, a river-dwelling Dusun tribe in the Malaysian state of Sabah in northern Borneo, while he was leading two expeditions, during 1976 and 1985, in search of a giant specimen of saltwater crocodile nicknamed the Devil’s Father. The relevant sections, edited to concentrate solely upon the cryptid, read as follows: "I wanted to examine the claim of the Seluks from the kampong [village] which I had just left that less than one day by boat there lives a giant, 3-m-long, enormously dangerous frog with a crocodile head, on the left bank of the river [Segama River]. It was ridiculous, it was nonsense. Such a frog cannot exist, I was saying to myself. Yet I had uncertainty too. There were giant amphibians in prehistory – and who knows what lives in the deep Borneo jungles that has never been searched for? "One of my guides was one of the Dusuns from Lahad Dat...and two Seluks from the previously-visited kampong who both claimed to have seen the crocodile frog themselves and that they knew exactly where it dwells. We got there in the evening... "As soon as we finished our breakfast the following day and set off, we heard the shrieks of a hornbill, which sounded terrifying in the jungle silence. The bird shrieked four times and stopped. We could not see it anywhere. "The reaction of both of the Dusuns from the kampong was immediate. We’re not going anywhere today. The sacred black bird predicts a disaster [the spectacular, black-plumed rhinoceros hornbill Buceros rhinoceros is venerated by the Dusuns]. A horrible disaster for each of us. How many of us are there? Four. And how many shrieks did we hear? "I could not make them change their mind with the help of the Dusun from Lahad Dat who spoke average English; they would not believe that it was just a superstition and pure chance. Nothing could make them change their mind. If we set off today, the giant frog will eat us all. “We saw it ambush the wild pigs from a hiding place,” they explained. “It would attack us the same way.” "Even the Dusun from Lahad Dat agreed with them at last: “Sir, that sacred bird really predicted a disaster!” "I gave up. And so we spent the whole day in the camp. The Dusuns lay down in hammocks and I prepared an improvised bait and observed the river... "We set off in the early morning. This time the hornbills and all the other birds were silent. In a forest glade, about 400 m from our camp, we found a mummified head with the skeleton of a wild pig. To find remains of a dead animal is nothing uncommon in the jungle. But in the nasal area there were clearly-visible holes – deep and in a row, from a crocodile attack. "“That’s the crocodile frog’s prey,” the kampong Seluks assured me. “We are in its territory.” "Yet we walked the whole day without seeing anything. It was not until we were coming back via the opposite part of that forest glade that our attention was captured by a strange sound that kept reappearing at certain intervals. At first it sounded as if someone were breaking tree branches there, but the mysterious sound was much deeper. It was more like stone crushing than tree breaking. And then I saw it. On the edge of bushes there stood – its back turned towards us – possibly the strangest animal I have ever seen. It had no tail, its body covered with brown scales with black spots ended in an arc right behind strong, muscled hind legs. The scales, placed evenly over the back of the animal and forming a symmetrical black pattern, were proof that the creature never had a tail. The hind legs – at that moment we could not see the front ones – were very bulky and relatively long. They were raised high and the whole body was bent forward markedly. The body was paunchy, flabby, and gave us the impression of cumbersomeness and lethargy. It was clear that the animal was just consuming its prey. At that moment we could not see anything more; both the animal’s position and the thick brushwood on the edge of the bushes prevented us from seeing more. Only the cracking of the crunched meat and the crushing of the bones proved that the mouth of the mysterious creature must be horrible. "My guides were shaking with horror. They did not expect to see their giant frog so unexpectedly and from such a short distance. But it was evidently no frog. I was determined that I must see the head. "I walked through the plants to the side. But the thick vegetation covered its secret perfectly. Then I saw part of the dorsum and shortly afterwards almost the whole animal. Only the head was covered by the prey – again a wild pig. The life of a Bearded Pig is not easy here, I thought. "The surface of the body resembled a crocodile. Suddenly the animal rose on its front legs as well. A giant crocodile head appeared. The mysterious animal was huge with paunchy sides and nearly two metres long. For a while it towered above the vegetation like a stone statue, but then it started to move towards me. "I did not wait for more. I started to retreat towards my guides who already had a good head start. The camp was topsy-turvy and disarrayed. Would it chase us all the way to there? "At first I thought that we had encountered a new, as yet undiscovered species of land-living, tailless crocodile. In prehistory, there existed several dangerous land-living crocodiles with long legs, but they all had a tail. A tailless crocodile is completely unknown even among palaeontologists. The following day, I wanted to go there again, but my guides considered this idea pure madness. They thoroughly prepared everything for sailing away in the morning and I faced a choice: if I wanted to stay, I naturally could, but on my own. Furthermore, the hornbill shrieked again. And so we sailed on early in the morning. "The more I thought about it, the more I came to the conclusion that a tailless crocodile is really a strange thing. Yet I absolutely ruled out the possibility that this was a crocodile that once had a tail and lost it in a fight with another crocodile. Giant specimens of saltwater crocodiles – including one notorious maneater - whose tails were partly missing have been shot. But as I have already mentioned, in this case it was evident straight away that this animal could never have had any tail. And to be honest, I thought that the hind legs were too large and strong for a crocodile. I did not see the front legs properly. Later, when I conversed about several problems concerning crocodiles in Australia with Graham Webb, a noted specialist, I was told that among baby crocodiles hatched in one nest there can be several ones that lack a tail. The reasons are either genetic or perhaps there is too high a temperature during incubation. Could the mysterious “Crocodile frog” be one of these babies that overcame its handicap due to other extraordinary qualities and its strength and survived, specialising in hunting on the ground where the prey was easier for it to catch? Did it grow to maturity and attack the pigs in the same way that its tailed brothers do from the water, by gripping their mouths, while hiding on the forest clearances? It sounds fantastic, but still more realistic than to consider the tailless monster to be a new, as yet unknown species. It will never stop haunting me anyway." It may be sheer coincidence, but the famously tailless Manx cats are also known for their unusually well-developed hind legs. Could there be a rare homologous mutant gene in crocodiles whose expression results in this same linked phenotypic effect? Further evidence for the existence of tailless crocodiles can be found in a second Czech cryptozoology book, written this time by Vojtìch Sláma, entitled Hon na Vodní Pøíšery (‘The Hunt For Water Monsters’), and published in 2002. Kindly translated for me once again by Miroslav Fišmeister (thanks, Mirek!), the relevant information from this book is as follows: "The north Borneo river Segama looks like a normal jungle river. But unlike the rest, her stream is inhabited by mysterious creatures that cannot be seen anywhere else in the world. I was told about them during my one-week voyage by an 80-year-old Kadazan [=Dusun] fisherman, Bateig Labi. This patriarch of the Bugit Balachon kampong does not tell tall tales. People around him respect him deeply and greatly value his advice and experience. "He saw the roughly 3-m-long monster called appropriately the “Crocodile frog” by the local Kadazans several times in the jungles around Segama. He said that it had a giant crocodile head and a large slimy body of an amphibian. The scary creature gave Bateig a look with its bulging eyes and then disappeared in the impenetrable undergrowth with a big noise. "It certainly could not be any known amphibian... "In this situation I can think of two hypotheses – the first, albeit very improbable, would be the survival of the large amphibians well known among palaeontologists. For example the species of the Mastodonsaurus genus, which looked like monstrous frogs, were more than 4 m long and they were feared predators. As we know from fossils, the skulls themselves were longer than 1 m! Yet their survival is highly improbable due to their known general sensitivity to any changes of habitat. Mastodonsaurus on postage stamps "I thought of another hypothesis while visiting a crocodile farm near the north Borneo town of Sandakan. In the concrete tanks there also live – next to fully grown 5-m-long specimens – deformed crocodiles that lack a tail and whose crippled bodies with which they were born really look a bit like frogs. "Is it possible that the legends of the mysterious frog phantom are based on the observing of these tailless specimens, which by a miracle overcame their handicap and specialised in hunting the land animals rather than fish? That is a possible solution to the Segama mystery too. "Yet the idea of surviving mastodonsaurs that still hunt in the jungles of today is undoubtedly more inviting." In his book, Sláma included the following photograph of one of the tailless crocodiles that he encountered at the Sandakan crocodile farm, and there is little doubt that a freak specimen of this nature might well indeed have inspired native legends of giant ‘crocodile frogs’ in the jungles fringing the river Segama. Of course, just like Sláma, I’d be delighted for there to be an undiscovered modern-day species of mastodonsaur out there, but just the knowledge that a creature I’d hitherto discounted as an entirely fictitious Photoshop creation actually has a cryptozoological precedent is delight, and discovery, enough...at least for now! Mastodonsaurus (Zdeněk Burian) UPDATE: 31 May 2011 German cryptozoological researcher Markus Bühler has found five additional photos of tailless crocodilians. The first three of these are of Bob, an alligator with a missing tail, at: And the other two are of a tailless crocodile, at: Thanks, Markus! He also notes that recent reconstructions of Mastodonsaurus have tended to move away from the traditional 'giant frog' form favoured by Burian and others, stating: "For many decades it was portrayed as some kind of giant frog, a bizarre and somehow ridiculous appearance. But in fact Mastodonsaurus was much more elongated and had even a tail of considerable length. I once wrote about it at Bestiarium: "You can see a photo of an articulated and nearly complete skeleton, a new life-sized reconstruction (sadly it´s not easy to see the whole body) as well as an old outdated model, which looks very similar to the description of the croc-frog. All photos are from the "Museum am Löwentor" at Stuttgart, one of the largest paleontology museums of the world. Most of the fossils there, including giant amphibians like Mastodonsaurus, were found in the region around Stuttgart. The only photo which is not from Stuttgart, is that which shows the bony armour plate of Mastodonsaurus, it´s from the great Museum of Natural history at Vienna. Mastodonsaurus was really an extremely large animal, some isolated fossils indicate specimens of at least 6 or probably even 7 m."
A conference dedicated purely to the mysterious British Cryptids, Bigfoot, Lake monsters, Werewolves, Fairies, Owl Man, Alien Big Cats, Dragons, Wodewose, Kelpie and more. Four of Britiains top Cryptid researchers and authors lecture on different subjects. Tech Officer Mark Steele: ‘5G Will Kill Our Kids. It’s A Bigger Story Than Jimmy Savile!’….. Brilliant Jon Rappoport Report On 5G Roll-out, Internet Of Things & Implications For Humanity….. Dr. Paul Connett on the Case Against Fluoride….. More adventures in replying to spam | James Veitch….. Are We in Tyrannical Times? Has Plato’s Terrible Prediction Come True?….. Battle in Seattle (Full Movie) Woody Harrelson, Channing Tatum, Charlize Theron….. Geneticist Suggests Long-Skulled Ladies Were Used as Treaty Brides in Europe….. Reading the So-Called Sumerian Seals Relating to Gods from Outer Space….. He just stood there, watching me Aug 2017 Wildman Co. Armagh….. Sasquatch & Dogs: Not Best Buds….. Saturated with mind control: The Big Breakfast….. Military Encounters with Supernatural Demonic Entities….. New interview with Michael, host of the Trufaux Sho….. Trufaux interviews Robert Phoenix….. MC Hammer – U Can’t Touch This….. MC Hammer Explains How He BLEW 30 MILLION….. The Paracast: A discussion with Joshua Cutchin and J. Randall Murphy….. 11th House Livestream 3_11_18….. In the Marian Fields….. Why does modern medicine have a big problem with natural health?….. What The Medical Industry Does NOT Want You To Know….. The Mysterious Fairy Flag of Clan MacLeod and its Legendary Protective Powers….. New Shroud of Turin Study Finds Evidence of Human Blood….. The Geometry Thickens: Square Stone Formation Detected at the Center of Avebury Stone Circle….. The Artist and the Other….. Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism….. Recreating the Antikythera Mechanism….. 20 Takeaways from ‘Survivorman Bigfoot’….. Hoodoo Roots: Rites and Wrongs….. The Phenomenon + Active Deception?….. The Story of Skinhead with Don Letts….. Rich Planet New Series – PART 1 OF 3….. Chysauster Ancient Village….. Film: The Bear….. Witness Report: Black Eyed Adults Killed my Boyfriend by Drowning Him in the River….. Bigfoot is a Ghost: Interdimensional Sasquatch, The Green Flash, and Why We’ll Never Find a Body….. The story of the last ‘witch’ burned alive in Ireland….. These Stories Of ‘Rebirth’ of Common People Will Force You To Believe In The Concept Of Reincarnation….. Archaeologists Finding More Women Buried At Stonehenge Than Men….. Merry Saturnalia – The Two Faces of Christmas….. … Then Know Ye the Armageddon is at Hand…..
Stirling Moss (1929-2020). – source UK Racing History. There are people who have seen the unexplained … and there are people who haven’t. Balrogs love grilled Troll. 좆까, 김정은 ! YHVH = Behold the Nail, Behold the Hand The Mind of Albert Einstein: “The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones” “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” “If we knew exactly what it was we were doing, then it would not be called research, would it?” “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” “The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” — St. Thomas Aquinas “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” — Bob Marley Living has always been a big part of my life. I was born at an incredibly young age and ever since then I have been alive. “An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody will see it.” — Mahatma Gandhi “Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” — Martin Luther King Jr. “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” — George Bernard Shaw “If ye love wealth better than liberty the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.” — Samuel Adams You have pleased Cthulhu! He shall eat you second to last! “I am vengeance. I am the night. I am Batman.” “It’s no easy task freeing the ignorant from the chains they revere.” — Albert Einstein “The truth is incontrovertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end; there it is.” — Winston Churchill I am Макаре́вич I am half crazy Calabrese (All you Calabrese do the mambo like-a crazy) ¼ Russki and ¼ Polski “I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald The University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople Buckle Down, Pilsudski, Buckle Down! @ Leanne’s Wedding! “The sun will rise; and we will try again.” In it’s day, the legendary Denbeigh Super Chauvinist Mark VIII Saloon (my *true* dream car) was widely regarded as the high-point of post-war British automotive design, rivaled only by the Austin A40 Somerset for its singular combination of styling and performance. Denbeigh Super-Chauvinist Mk.VII Saloon (T) The Super-Chauvinist retains all the beloved design of the Denbeigh .engineering practice. (R1) It has a truly robust hooter, excellent winkers and a first-class jack. (R2) Its performance is not torrid but beautifully matched brakes fade as one, and engine scream drowns all distracting sounds. (R3) Its leaking of petrol fumes is well nigh intolerable; luckily fuel is rapidly guzzled up by the engine before the driver can be overcome. Car and Driver Oh, and Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself! Check it out, eh. — Hillary Clinton Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting, For fear of little men; – William Allingham – The Fairies — Theodore Roosevelt And Always Remember: “You treat the room from the bass up.” “So round, so firm, so fully packed.” — Lou CostelloMy adult shopping shop! 포로 수용소 Konzentrazionslager, coming soon. “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey ↑ GIF by ArMaP A Dillingham pilot says he spotted the creature while flying passengers to Manokotak last week. He calculated that its wingspan matched the length of a wing on his Cessna 207. That’s about 14 feet. “Rarely is the real cause of a problem located where the problem is manifesting.” — Owen Marcus MajorThanks to ALL of my registered subscribers! As of 21 January, 2022, there are 19,913! (wait, whAT?! ) I wanna see the DPRK up there. 624,956 malicious login attempts or brute force attacks, have been Hillary’d by our crack ϟϟ-trained “involuntary assisted suicide” troops. ↑↑↑ I did that! =D It was a trip! “I propose that we hit it hard and we hit it fast with a major – and I mean a major – leaflet campaign.” — Arnold Rimmer “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” — St. Catherine of Siena Truth is the greatest enemy of the state. “Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. 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Earlier today, Josephine’s son, […] Today we return for further examination of the remarkable deposit of evidence that American miliary personnel provided to Earhart researchers that solidified the undeniable fact of the presence and deaths of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan on Saipan. In my March 13, 2020 post, “Veterans recall seeing Earhart photos on Saipan” we began with Ralph R. Kanna, […] When it comes to dismissing the truth about the Saipan presence and deaths of Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan following their July 2, 1937 disappearance, establishment “historians” and authors are unanimous in their rejection of the so-called “Japanese capture theory,” and insist, for any number of false and specious reasons, that the fliers could never […] Bill Prymak’s “The Impossible Coincidences” or “Is Everybody a Conspirator and Lying Through Their Teeth” (displayed in all caps) appeared in the February 1994 edition of the Amelia Earhart Society Newsletters. It’s a two-page discussion of the well-known “Broken Wing” description of the Earhart Electra on the ground — or possibly in the water — […] Today we return to our recent two-part post, “Amelia Earhart and the French Connection,” for a look at the original article as seen in the December 2000 issue of Air Classics magazine. You’ll find it differs in several areas from the version that found its way into the March 1998 edition of the Amelia Earhart Society Newsletters, […] no matter how much of a if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone… “Now let me bring you up to speed …. we know nothing …. You are now up to speed.” — Inspector Jacques-Yves Clouseau The late, great JC Johnson This bipedal critter is what JC was hunting. My friend and mentor, the late, great John Anthony West with his daughter, Zoë. JAW at the Sphinx When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door Let’s go get us a I’M SERIOUS YO! Lt. Colonel Percival Harrison Fawcett British artillery officer, archaeologist and explorer. “Our” event, as described in the image above, took place in 1907 in the Reserva Territorial Madre de Dios, Peru. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti DPA IS ON MARS!
Prior to my trip to Vermont, the only ever “lake” monster I’d heard of was the Loch Ness Monster. But after learning about Champ. I started to see not only this serpent who lives in Lake Champlain pop up in a variety of places, but I also learned about other lake and sea monsters. It’s kind of wild how when you learn about something you start seeing it everywhere. I digress, back to looking for Champ, the Lake Champlain sea monster or at least his likeness. When I was looking up things to do in Burlington, the World’s Tallest Filing Cabinet came up… along with a statue of Champ, the mascot for the local minor league team. Even though I’d been to Burlington before, and spent two days ferrying back and forth across the lake, I’d somehow missed out on learning about Champ. But since I’d seen this statue listed on Roadside America, it got quickly added to my “you need to see this” side quest list. When I’m traveling on my own, I will pretty much drive an hour or more out of my way to see a bizarre statue, roadside attraction or just plain unusual or notable thing. But on this trip I had my daughter, dad and mom, who have varying degrees of interest in my odd side quests. I’m super glad I had my dad with me because a) the man loves a quest as much as I do, and b) he is COMPLETELY unafraid to talk to anyone and ask questions. I plugged in the address into my GPS, and after arriving at the pier, I walked around and couldn’t find him at all. Then I dug in further and saw in the comments and someone said that he had moved but no real address was available. Lake monsters… they’re just so unpredictable, right? Never where you expect them to be. I tried to find his new location, but the internet was being decidedly unhelpful. So I was about ready to call it a day (he was literally our last stop for the evening), and settle for not seeing Champ. But my dad heard me say I wanted to see this, and he’s just really determined when he sets his mind to something. He approached several strangers that were walking on the pier and asked them if they knew where Champ was. And after a few quizzical “I don’t knows,” we found one young guy who was like, oh that sea monster statute? Yeah, that got moved to the location of the minor league store’s shop. It was just a few piers over, but tucked in a spot I couldn’t see from where we were walking. We headed to the new destination, thankful to this kind stranger, and lo and behold, the smiling sea monster was there and ready to take a picture. He’s looking a little worse for wear, but he’s survived some flooding and kids (and adults) climbing all over him, so his scales aren’t quite as fresh and sparkly as one would hope. My mom had had enough monster hunting for the day. I guess the thrill of seeing the World’s Tallest Filing Cabinet really did her in (see that story here) so she stayed in the car. But I offered to take pics of the family that was there when we arrived, and in trade they took some cute pics of my dad, daughter and I. Then the next day when we were at the Vermont Teddy Bear Factory taking a tour, they had recently released a Champ stuffed animal. They bill it as the fluffy fantasies dinosaur, but the guide on our tour was like, yeah, that’s Champ! And there was only one left in the store. Obviously this Champ now sits on my bed because I’m totally a grown up. Later that same week I was in Portland, ME with my family and we had a rainy day and went to visit the International Cryptozoology Museum, and what do I see? Lots of stuff about Champ, who has been spotted around Lake Champlain since the early 1800s, including the stuffed Vermont Teddy Bear. There I learned about Cassie, Maine’s own sea serpent who reportedly haunts Casco Bay. I kind of wanted to write a cryptid love story where these two find a tributary or something and meet up by chance, but you know, the pesky day job keeps me from fully indulging my cryptid obsession. If you want to see the stone version of Champ, head to the Vermont Lake Monsters team shop at 1 King Street Burlington, VT. Or at least that’s where I last spotted him. Those serpentine sea monsters can be mysterious.
With the whole of history to play with, the TimeWatch RPG is able to offer you an incredible selection of equipment. We’ll start with the standard issue equipment of the TimeWatch agent. All of it is chronomorphic; that is, it adapts to match the local place and timeline. All of this equipment was included in the game to handwave obstacles to the narrative, move the game forward and make it more enjoyable. These descriptions highlight some of the TimeWatch-specific rules - Autochron – your personal time machine. It looks like a short long baton, but can change appears to be a handle bar or even reins. - Impersonator Mesh – makes you uninteresting to casual observers – it’s dull to be an obvious time traveller everywhere you go. - Translator – stops you worrying about learning every language in history. - Medkit – who wants to be laid up in hospital? - Tether – an AI with holographic projection and a huge array of data. It’s a way of accessing your more obscure Investigative abilities in field - Uniform – part disguise, part armour. Better than acquiring new outfits every time you jump. - MEM-tags let you send unconscious people back to the Citadel (TimeWatch HQ) to be memory altered and returned moments later. It’s more convenient and genre-appropriate than explaining that - The PaciFist Neural Disruptor – a stun gun. Stunning foes is a great option in TimeWatch, which lets you take people down without killing them; ideal if you want to rescue a mind-controlled Einstein. When you hit someone with a stun weapon, they need to make a Stun test, optionally spending Health points to resist being knocked unconscious. Even if they succeed, they are impaired, suffering a penalty on tests. Foes with 3 or fewer Health points do not get to make a test, which makes it easy to stun mooks. Agents can make Tinkering and Preparedness tests and occasionally a Science! spend to snag high-tech devices, and Here are Eight TimeWatch Devices Which Will Leave you Flabbergasted! - Grandfather Bullet – jumps through time and kills the target’s grandfather, forcing them to check Chronal Stability. - Codova Cryto-Tranposer, or Bigfoot Beam – summons up a bigfoot or other cryptid, and dumps it near the target - Ezeru Infestator – a weapon which fires insect eggs at the opponent which then incubate and eat their host - Mindblanker – a pen light which knocks out a subjects recent memories - A Psyonic Stone – anyone wearing one of these looks like a large velociraptor for 24 hours, and can’t remove the disguise. - Punxsutawney Prime Perpetuation Device (Tri-P) – want Groundhog Day? You got it. - Stopwatch – just what you’d expect. In game terms – gives you an extra go in a round - Timebat – hit someone with it and knock them six days into the future In the next article we cover thrilling fights and time chases TimeWatch is a time-travel adventure RPG where brave agents of TimeWatch defend the timestream from radioactive cockroaches, psychic velociraptors, and human meddlers. Go back in time to help yourself in a fight, thwart your foes by targeting their ancestors, or gain a vital clue by checking out a scroll from the Library of Alexandria. But watch out for paradoxes that may erase you from existence… or worse.. Purchase TimeWatch in print and PDF at the Pelgrane Shop.
What Are Visual Novel Games? How to Get Lost in an Epic Story A visual novel is an interactive, story-like game featuring an overarching theme and, typically, static imagery. The genre originated in Japan and offers unique gaming experiences that borrow elements from various mediums. In fact, the two most common questions people ask when it comes to visual novels are: - Is a visual novel a book? - Are visual novels even games? These are common questions because visual novels are like books and games but, at the same time, they’re neither one nor the other. They’re a hybrid and, in many ways, they’re akin to mixed-media novels. However, for all the novel-like qualities, they are games. You have some control over the action and there’s an end goal. Therefore, it’s best to see visual novel PC games as highly immersive, highly detailed gaming experiences that make you the lead character in the story. How Do Visual Novel PC Games Work? The defining feature of a visual novel is text. Boxouts in each scene help you determine where you are in the story and what’s happening. The text boxes also provide you with questions, tasks, and options that allow you to progress through various storylines. Alongside the text boxes are images and scenery. These visuals are usually anime in their styling but there are no clear rules as to how something has to look. In fact, this lack of rules is what can often make it hard to separate a visual novel from a traditional novel. There is no fixed structure or set of dynamics. Therefore, a visual novel PC game can have a lot of gameplay or very little. It’s also common for visual novels to spin off into various directions. Unlike traditional action games where there is a certain amount of linear progression, visual novels don’t always follow a set pattern. In this way, they are similar to survival games in the sense you are moving through a series of interconnected but not always linear sets of events. A Creative Experience This dynamic means developers have a lot of freedom. That, in turn, means it’s hard to find the line between where the novel starts and where the game ends, leading players to asking if certain games, like Persona 5, are a visual novel. In the case of Persona 5, the answer is yes. It not only has a strong storyline with various plots and subplots, but it also offers a lot of gameplay. In practical terms, you take control of a Japanese student from Tokyo who explores the Metaverse. There’s an overarching day-night cycle simulation that guides the main story. This is punctuated by random moments of scripted scenarios that you have to react to. Additionally, you can build up relationships with other characters, play side games to earn extra powers, and choose between story-specific or multi-layered random scenarios. So, when you play Persona 5, you’re rooted within a story but have a high degree of control over where the action goes. The History of the Visual Novel The visual novel genre in gaming goes back to the 1980s. Although the exact origins are varied and somewhat unclear, many experts agree that The Portopia Serial Murder Case game kickstarted the genre. Early novel games had a similar dynamic to American hits such as Sam’s Spade and King’s Quest. Put simply, they featured a series of loosely connected puzzles. However, as the video novel genre grew in popularity, developers began to focus more on visuals. The storylines subsequently got more elaborate, and, through the nineties, they became highly detailed, visually striking games. Why Are Visual Novel Games Popular? People like to immerse themselves in a visual novel for a variety of reasons. The main one is the storyline. Just as people like to lose themselves in a good book, gamers like to submerge themselves in a deep and ever-changing plot. However, unlike a traditional book, players have the ability to guide the story. This is important. Having an element of control means you can take the story in a variety of directions and, in turn, create a new experience each time you play. Complementing the storyline is a constant stream of visuals and voiceovers. Modern visual novels are large-scale productions crafted not just by gaming experts but writers and actors. This ensures they’re multi-faceted, engaging, and enjoyable. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the genre or a seasoned player, these games have a depth that calls out to people across the gaming spectrum. The Best Visual Novel Experience Those that are new to this genre often ask: what is the best visual novel? That’s a tough one to answer, though most critics would laud Persona 5 as a standout. It looks great, offers a rich universe to explore, and has, unsurprisingly, won countless awards. However, it's important to acknowledge that the enjoyment of visual novel games is entirely subjective. Simply put, while Persona 5 is critically acclaimed, there may be some people that don’t like the number of subplots it contains. Indeed, because you can spin-off in a variety of directions and choose different game modes, it can be a little confusing to navigate at times. Therefore, it comes down to personal preference. There isn’t a single game that can be classed as the best visual novel. Some people like less gameplay and more story, others prefer having more control over the action. The best thing to do is try some visual novels and see which ones suit your tastes. With this in mind, here are 5 top-rated visual novels to get you started: Blood Shift is not only a great visual novel game, it’s the ideal game for newbies. The reason we believe it’s a great entry point into the genre is the fact it’s a detective game. This makes the story and subsequent decisions you have to make feel more intuitive. Everything is out in the open in the sense that you’re looking for clues in order to solve the case. The plot isn’t hidden behind any metaphors. Therefore, you can get a feel for how the genre works and put your powers of reasoning and logic to the test at the same time. Kyle is Famous Kyle is a special guy, and the world is about to find out why. However, the way in which they find out is up to you. This is a funny, entertaining visual novel with 21 different endings. The way things play out depends on you and who you interact with. Each decision you make throughout the day will affect Kyle’s fate. This, combined with the fact Kyle has special powers, such as the ability to travel through time, makes this an extremely engaging game you have to give your undivided attention to. Cryptid Crush: Prologue A monster visual novel inspired by tabletop role-play gaming, Cryptid Crush: Prologue is your chance to work alongside strange creatures. The story is set in the seaside town of Longhope that’s under the spell of magic, but a vengeful cat called Taro. Your job is to work alongside monsters such as the wingless Jersey Devil, Jamie, and take down Taro. It’s not an easy task and the story will spin you off in a variety of directions. However, if you enjoy visually impressive, quirky, but engaging visual novel PC games, Cryptid Crush is fantastic. The aptly titled First Bite is a vampiric visual novel with a darkly comedic twist. The central theme is survival and, specifically, doing whatever it takes to remain alive. You play the role of Noe, a human who dares to explore the ominous-looking house in Dead End Drive. It’s there you encounter three vampires and become locked in a quest for survival. Will you choose the right path and find a way out? Or will you follow the wrong storyline and miss your chance for survival? If you like a dash of 1980’s nostalgia mixed with cyberpunk styling, VA-11 HALL-A is perfect. This visual novel is set in Glitch City, and you assume the role of Jill, bartender at a local bar called VA-11 HALL-A. Your job is to serve customers and earn credit for mixing drinks properly. However, when the past catches up with Jill, you have to react. As you progress through stories of the past and present, you’ll deal with loss, depression, joy, and sorrow. Can you find Jill’s happy ending? That’s the challenge. Get Lost in a Visual Novel So, there you have it! That’s the visual novel genre. These games might not have the hard-hitting visuals of an action game, or the strategic elements of an RPG. Nonetheless, visual novels are complex, detailed, and highly engaging games that can captivate you on multiple levels. If you enjoy getting lost in the action and using your imagination, visual novel PC games are ideal.
The beloved legend has given rise to enthusiasts galore, but it has also helped create a different kind of Bigfoot buff: one that takes a more scientific approach. For this episode of Crosscut Escapes, we suspend disbelief to join The OIympic Project, a local group of scientists and seekers who collect, vet and analyze the mysterious physical evidence they find, from stray hairs to large footprints to unexplained sounds. With a particular focus on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula, the group aims to amass the data that just might, eventually, either prove or disprove Bigfoot’s existence once and for all. Transcripts for Crosscut Escapes are the product of a third-party service. The audio stands as the official record for the reporting in this series. [00:00:00] Anonymous: Crosscut escapes is sponsored by John S. Adams, CFP, and UBS. [00:00:06] Ted Alvarez: Shane Corson is a guy who loves the wilderness. He’s been camping and fishing cross the Pacific Northwest since he came here in the 1990s. And he’s long been riveted by legends of mythical beasts. [00:00:19] Shane Corson: I was born and raised in Scotland. Uh, moved over to the states in 93, and growing up, I was heavily invested in or interested in cryptids in general. You know, in Scotland, you got Nessie. [00:00:30] Anonymous: New clues are emerging this morning on just, what, if anything is living in Scotland’s famed Loch Ness. [00:00:37] Shane Corson: But I was really interested in like things like the Yeti and specifically Sasquatch. [00:00:41] Anonymous: Someone came across a lengthy trail of extremely large footprints. [00:00:46] Ted Alvarez: But it wasn’t until about a decade ago that Shane had an encounter in the woods that he’ll never forget. [00:00:52] Shane Corson: August of 2011. I and two other buddies were out hiking around. Um, we had, um, found this area we wanted to camp in and explore, a bunch of different lakes on this high mountain area, up in Mount Hood. Um, we get set up, you know, finish setting up, make a meal, build a big fire. Um, around 11, 11:30, we call it a night and go to bed. About 1:30, 2 in the morning. I’m awoken to what sounds like rocks, being clanked together. It’s getting closer and closer from, you know, maybe 75 yards away, but getting closer and closer. And my buddy Mitch wakes up and goes, do you hear that? And I said, well, yeah, I hear that. What do you think it is? And neither one of us could figure it out. I’m thinking, could it be like elk antlers or, you know, a deer, you know, but it’s sounding loud. It’s getting closer. And then it stops, uh, fairly close to our camping area. And I can hear something moving around and it’s sounding at the time bipedal. [00:01:48] Ted Alvarez: In other words, whatever it was walked on two feet, not four. [00:01:53] Shane Corson: But that lasted, you know, a couple of minutes. And then this thing retreated making that sound again and takes off. And that was it. That was it that night. [00:02:01] Ted Alvarez: Shane and his buddies thought, okay, this is kind of strange, but stuff happens in the woods all the time. Things that you can’t quite figure out, you forget about it. So they went back to bed. [00:02:10] Shane Corson: We just kind of talked it off. It’s like, well, that was weird. That was weird. We go back to sleep and wake up next morning. We kind of talk about it, like, eh, let’s go find these lakes, which we did. We hike all day, hit three more lakes, catch our fish, come back to our camp, cook the fish up. And um, so we go to bed by 11:30 that night again. And once again, 1:30, 2 in the morning, I hear that same dang knocking, clanking sound, and it’s getting closer and closer and closer. So I’m waiting. And then we started hearing the brush move at something above us. And it’s circling around us. At the time, I couldn’t tell if it was just stepping on branches or whacking stuff off the tree. And my buddy, Mitch, is hearing something off his left. I’m hearing something off to my right. And so I’m thinking, is there two or whatever the heck, this is? My wheels are spinning. You know, cause I never experienced anything like that in the woods ever. California, Oregon, Washington, you name it. Well, it’s stomping around and then it stops right above, right up on this hill. It is so quiet. You could hear a pin drop. And we hear, I get five knocks on a tree in a row, but they were so powerful. They echoed in this canyon. You could feel them in your tents, the vibration of how the amount of power to hit this tree. The blood was just pumped in my ears. I can remember the pounding because I was like, oh man, this is, what is going on. And there’s silence. And then out of the tree, up above us from a distance, I hear something coming through the trees and it’s just hitting branches. And then, thud, right next to my buddy Mitch’s tent. And he was closest to the lake and there was a little muddy area. And instantly, I knew what it was, something had thrown a rock at us. Mitch said that was a rock. I said, I know. So now I’m like, oh crap, where, this is escalating. And I’m, you know, I’m, you know, I felt paralyzed at one point. Just from fear. I walked myself out of it, but I was, I was paralyzed on my back. Be honest with you. I didn’t want to get out of tent, but I, I get the courage up to sit up and unzip my tent and I’m looking out and I’m just hoping I don’t see something. And then all of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye I see movement behind a tree and the tree’s, you know, maybe 30, 40 feet away. And what I see is I see a hand, an arm shoulder, and then every once in a while, a head, cause it was swaying back and forth behind this tree. It had its arm on the front of this tree, a large, uh, Douglas fir, and it swayed back and forth and this thing just looks massive. It looks massive. Well, I sat there for a second and I watched it and I don’t know if it heard me, but it took its arm off the tree, just turned around and went up this trail, this little game trail. And that was it. It was gone. [00:04:56] Ted Alvarez: The next morning, all three of the guys, without even speaking, started packing up their camp. The plan had been to stay for at least another night or two. [00:05:04] Shane Corson: But none of us felt good about it. We, um, we didn’t want to have a third night of that. [00:05:08] Ted Alvarez: A little while later, Shane did some research on this section of forest close to the Oregon, Washington border. And he learned that he and his friends weren’t the only ones with this kind of frightening experience. [00:05:19] Shane Corson: I started researching an AR, like, gun forums, um, hunting forums, hiking forums, and good God. There was a lot of reports in this area. People going to the local ranger station, saying there’s some crazy bear throwing boulders at us from a hill. Uh, there was, uh, a father and a daughter that hiked into this area to fish and they were supposedly chased out by a screaming Sasquatch. I mean, just many reports. And I, I had no idea accidentally stumbling into this area. Not doing any research, fishing, like happens with most encounters. It’s average people doing average things. And right there, it solidified the existence for me. I knew they were real. [00:06:05] Ted Alvarez: Hi there. This is Crosscut Escapes. I’m your host, Ted Alvarez. And it turns out Shane is one of many people who say they’ve seen evidence of a gigantic creature in the woods so unusual that they just don’t know what else to call it. Between six and 10 feet tall, they’re usually described as enormous, hairy apes who haunt the edge of wilderness while eluding the grasp of science. Bigfoot, Sasquatch. These words have become household names, running jokes, the stuff of legend and lore all over North America, really, but nowhere more so than the Pacific Northwest. In fact, according to the Bigfoot Field Researchers organization, a group that keeps a running database on these kinds of things, there are significantly more Bigfoot sightings reported in Washington state than any other state in the nation. Over 2000 a year. [00:06:51] Anonymous: According to some reports, Washington has the highest number of Bigfoot sightings since records began. [00:06:56] Ted Alvarez: Most people around here just lean into the fun of it, selling Bigfoot tchotchkes, calling their roadside coffee stand Bigfoot Java or naming their brew pub Sasquatch Brewing. [00:07:08] Anonymous: What is it? It’s a major discovery. [00:07:11] Ted Alvarez: Harry and the Hendersons, that cheesy movie from the eighties about a family who adopts a Bigfoot, that was set in Seattle. And a few years ago, the Washington state legislature even held a hearing to consider making Sasquatch our official state cryptid, what Merriam Webster defines as quote, “an animal that has been claimed to exist, but never proven to exist.” You don’t have to dig around too much to find hundreds of these stories of bizarre ape-like creatures all over the region. And while no one has put a definitive finger on the origin of the tale, it does have roots in Native legend. Many tribes in Washington state, as well as First Nations in Canada, have Sasquatch stories that go back generations, often involving a very large and powerful, but usually benign, hairy hominid. In fact, the word Sasquatch, scholars say, is derived from a Coast Salish word, Sasq’ets, meaning wild man or hairy man. So given the preponderance of stories, sightings, and just overall recognition of the creature in the Pacific Northwest, one might be tempted to think there’s something to it. But it can’t be real, right? No one’s ever actually conclusively determined that there’s a giant primate living in the Northern woods. People just think they see it or hear it or find some kind of evidence of it. It’s still officially a cryptid. So if this animal is more legend than science, what exactly did Shane see? Shane believes he knows the answer to that question, but first he wants to find the evidence. So in 2013, Shane joined a local organization known as the Olympic Project. It’s an eclectic group of Bigfoot enthusiasts who over about a decade or so have amassed a body of material that just might support the existence of a large primate-like species living somewhere in our region, specifically in the dense evergreen forest and mountains on the Olympic peninsula. But members aren’t out there chasing and promoting every single witness report or leaning into conspiracy theories. They say they’re taking a scientific approach. They collect and analyze the physical evidence they find, from stray hairs to footprints to even recorded sounds. [00:09:29] David Ellis: The Olympic project is not out to prove the existence of Bigfoot. That is not our goal. [00:09:34] Ted Alvarez: This is David Ellis. He was one of the first members to join the group back in 2010 and like all good scientists… [00:09:41] David Ellis: We, we try to debunk our own observations. [00:09:44] Ted Alvarez: The group starts with a so-called null hypothesis. In this case, “there are not large, hairy hominids, roaming the Olympic forests of Washington.” From there, they observe and document a variety of phenomena that’s not too easily explained. And then they investigate. [00:10:00] Shane Corson: We’re out there to collect as much data and, you know, collect as much data, vet that data, and store that data, compare that data for patterns of predictability. So we just want to learn as much as we can about Sasquatch. That’s the bottom line. [00:10:14] Ted Alvarez: Data related to Sasquatch is scattered everywhere. There are quite a few alleged traces all across Washington and all over the Northwest, but I wondered why the group focuses in particular on the Olympics. Why concentrate on the Olympic peninsula out of all possible habitats? [00:10:31] David Ellis: Well, it’s a very diverse, uh, habitat. It’s a unique location and it’s also mostly remote, not a lot of people in the interior of the Olympics. And you go where the stories tell you, you find a stream on the Olympics and I can guarantee you there’s stories. [00:10:54] Shane Corson: We’re not ambulance chasing. Uh, we don’t go after this report and that report, we kind of stick to areas. And that’s important because, uh, you know, the longer you’re in an area, the more you’re going to learn about that area, you know put Sasquatch aside, but you’re gonna learn like what animals are coming through there at certain times of year, what noises they’re making, what they’re capable of making. Is it the same individuals? What are they eating? What’s the weather like? So it’s, it’s patterns of predictability and, and it’s very important I think in research in general, I don’t care if you’re studying mountain gorillas to hyenas, uh, stay in one area for a lengthy period of time and conduct solid research, experiments over years and years and years. [00:11:34] Derek Randles: My name is Derek Randles. I’m the co-founder of the Olympic Project. [00:11:37] Ted Alvarez: Olympic Project members come to the table with different kinds of expertise, such as hair analysis or making plaster castings of giant tracks. [00:11:44] Derek Randles: Camera trap work throughout the Olympic national forest in hopes of getting crystal clear pictures of Sasquatch. [00:11:50] Ted Alvarez: They lead occasional multi-day expeditions for the public teaching people all about their approach. [00:11:55] Derek Randles: What we’re really trying to do is make the attendees part of the research. [00:11:59] Ted Alvarez: David Ellis is particularly interested in sounds. His specialty these days includes studying audio recordings, using a specific technique called spectrographic analysis. It’s a way to visually analyze the wave patterns of the sound he or another researcher collects and find anomalies therein. [00:12:16] David Ellis: So, uh, we identify creatures, known creatures, through their voice prints. That’s a known, and then we compare some unknown sounds to those voice prints and, you know, try to find a match. And if it doesn’t match, then it goes into a suspicious pile. You know, I never claimed that I’ve got a Sasquatch recording. I just have a suspicion. And then I’ll tell you why I believe it’s suspicious. [00:12:46] Ted Alvarez: David’s appetite for strange sounds may be in part because his first Sasquatch encounter was one that he heard when he was about 11 years old in a small town north of Vancouver, Washington. He saw a big rustle in the bushes and then a powerful unidentifiable kind of bellow or scream coming from the woods. [00:13:04] David Ellis: And all of a sudden, the bushes exploded. The alder started swaying. And then the next thing I realize is that limbs are being broken off at about 10 to 12 feet off the ground. And then whatever was back there cut loose with a scream that I later described to my parents as a cross between an elephant trumpeting and a lion roaring. [00:13:31] Ted Alvarez: Many years later, as an adult while attending a Bigfoot conference, David heard that sound again. [00:13:36] David Ellis: Uh, subsequently in 2005, I was at a conference and John Andrews, another researcher, had recorded a sound that was exactly what I had heard. [00:13:47] Ted Alvarez: Since then David’s been recording and processing a whole lot of audio. [00:13:51] David Ellis: And so I started recording literally from the time I would get to where I was going until I would leave. [00:14:01] Ted Alvarez: Lots of Sasquatch skeptics will note that the diversity of sounds supposedly made by Sasquatch doesn’t really match what most primates do. But there are a few patterns that have emerged among the files in David suspicious folder. There the mysterious, loud wood knocks, similar to what Shane heard that night in the mountains in 2011. And then there’s a category David calls singing. There’s a barking noise, remarkably similar to the kind of baboon makes. Even though of course, baboons don’t live in the Northwest. Then there are those long haunting bellows. But David and Shane both believe that by far the most exciting find over the past five years or so has been a physical one. Something they call the nest area. [00:15:06] David Ellis: How it all came about was we were on an expedition. And, uh, Derek Randles, uh, received a telephone call from an owner of a timber company. [00:15:18] Ted Alvarez: Derek Randles is one of the co-founders of the Olympic Project. He’d done some landscaping for this timber company owner, so they knew each other some. [00:15:26] David Ellis: And he called up Derek and said, “Derek, I got something for you that may be a little bit interesting. We don’t know what it is. And we were hoping that maybe you could take a look at it and give us some ideas.” [00:15:39] Ted Alvarez: A timber cruiser working for the company had been driving somewhere out on the land marking trees. [00:15:44] David Ellis: And he was way in the hell and gone out there. Um, pretty far away from everything, when he came across a series of circular huckleberry branches that have been formed together to kind of make an oval or, and in some cases, just a, looks like a Robin’s nest, if you will. On the ground. And he noticed that the, that they had been woven, you know, like if a bear came through, it would rip things off with its teeth and its arms and just, you know, smash things down. It wouldn’t form it in a pattern. Subsequently a bear biologist did make it to the location and confirm for sure that those were not bear nests. [00:16:32] Shane Corson: The nests are over a foot in depth and, you know, three feet across to eight and a half, almost nine feet across. Massive, some of them. And when Derek Randles started doing some research online, the closest thing he could find to, to what he was looking at was a gorilla nest. I mean almost a mirror image, different material, different setting, but that same sort of shape. [00:16:54] Ted Alvarez: So I haven’t seen these nests myself. From what Shane and David describe, it seems possible that a human could have been the culprit, right. But Shane says he combed through some of those mysterious nests looking for any extra evidence he could find of what creature made these things. And he did find some hairs that at least he and David say haven’t been matched with any known species. [00:17:14] David Ellis: Cindy Dosen is our go-to person within the Olympic Project. She can identify anything living, what type of hair, uh, may have been left behind. And she was the one that told us that we had several hair follicles that matched unknown hair follicles from other locations. And actually I have provided her with some of those samples from a location, 25 miles away. [00:17:45] Ted Alvarez: Turns out this wasn’t the only location with some very similar nests made out of huckleberry branches that Shane, Derek, and others say that they found. We wanted to go visit and other journalists have, but because of COVID, we weren’t able to. We don’t have time to get into all the details here, but suffice it to say their research continues. [00:18:05] Shane Corson: It’s like a rabbit hole. A rabbit hole that maybe there is an end to it. [00:18:20] Ted Alvarez: We’ll be right back. [00:18:32] Anonymous: The Arbor Group at UBS has a straightforward mission, to help you make the world a better place. Through personal financial planning and sustainable investment management, the Arbor Group works with each of their clients to pursue that client’s specific goals. Learn more by visiting ubs.com/team/thearborgroup. [00:19:04] Ted Alvarez: So I know what most of you are probably thinking. Sasquatch isn’t real. There’s got to be some kind of rational explanation for all of this. Confirmation bias can get pretty strong if you’re this dedicated to something. So I asked them, what do you say to all the skeptics out there? So I’m just curious, what’s the, what’s the rebuttal to the skeptics argument of like, well, if we have all of this type of compelling evidence, why have we just not seen it yet? [00:19:29] Shane Corson: Yeah, no, I mean, it’s a, it’s a great question. The first thing I always tell them like, well, what do you know. What do you, what do you know, how much research on the subject matter have you looked into? I mean, have you read any books on the subject matter? Have you watched any lectures on subject matter? Have you actually looked at the physical evidence out there? Have you actually sat down and talked to witnesses? No, I mean, and so, I mean, that’s just, that’s just like a kickoff point. Most people, they haven’t really done any homework cause they’re not invested in it. To them, it’s a myth. [00:19:56] Ted Alvarez: And those of us out there who think it’s a myth. Well, we might fall into one of two categories, according to Shane and David. Skeptics or “scofftics.” [00:20:04] David Ellis: I’m not against, uh, skepticism. Um, I don’t have much time for scofftics if you will. And there, there is, there is a difference. Like I said, we’re into collecting evidence and vetting it. Um, if we can be shown that our methodology is incorrect, then we will make measures to change that, but you know, there’s always the gotcha comment. Where’s the body. Aha. Gotcha. [00:20:37] Ted Alvarez: For David and Shane, the gotcha isn’t compelling. They’ve dug pretty deep in at this point and talked to a lot of people. Professional scientists included. [00:20:45] Shane Corson: There are actually a lot of scientists in the Sasquatch closet as I call it that are there working with us, they’re talking with us, they’re brainstorming with us. [00:20:53] Ted Alvarez: For example, one of the members of the Olympic Project, Amy Bue, started a group called Project Zoobook. [00:21:01] Amy Bue: Project Zoobook. What it is is it’s a collaboration between Bigfoot researchers and scientists. [00:21:07] Ted Alvarez: Where zookeepers and wildlife biologists, and other professional researchers and academics can team up with Bigfoot enthusiastic to have serious conversations about this. There is a field called speculative zoology after all. And it shares a lot in common with cryptozoology, the study of cryptids. Plus, David and Shane argue that science is always discovering new things, unexpected species, new to biology heretofore unknown. They do make themselves known as we encroach on what little remains of the natural world. [00:21:36] Shane Corson: In 2017, the Tapanuli orangutan was discovered. [00:21:40] Anonymous: These fuzzy-headed orangutans are the latest species to join the great ape family. [00:21:45] Shane Corson: The scientific world was rocked by this. [00:21:48] Anonymous: The primates on Sumatra Island in Indonesia are the first to have been discovered by scientists in nearly 90 years. [00:21:54] Shane Corson: And there was a quote from Newsweek, something along the lines of, primates being the one most studied animals out there, and there were 200 years of studying primates, how did this species, this pocket remain hidden from man? Well, they weren’t hidden from man. All the people who live in this area, they knew about it. They all knew about it and it was nothing, but Western culture and Western science said, no, there’s nothing there. Well, they were proven wrong and they were brought into fruition. Exposed and yeah, so I mean, things can be discovered. Um, but a lot of times people are stubborn and they don’t want to look at the evidence, so they just want to go, okay, there’s no way that can happen. There’s just no possibility. We would have found one. We would have killed one, but, um, that to me is complete arrogance. When it comes to skeptics and scofftics, I say, actually, sit down, sit down with me and I’ll show you something. I’m not trying to convince you. I just want to open your mind up. I’ll show you a ton of stuff. And then, you know, after you spend some time in the subject matter, some real serious time, then come back in and we’ll talk some more, so. [00:23:02] Ted Alvarez: I’ve spent some time with the subject matter, but I’ve only just scraped the surface. In this episode, my goal has been to suspend disbelief to the best of my ability. But I’ll admit it, I’m much closer to being the skeptic in the room here, if not quite a scofftic. I’m loath to write off Sasquatch entirely. But the list of obstacles to belief is pretty long. Here’s a few. The wide dispersal of sightings would suggest a population that moves between ecosystems. And yet there’s never been visual confirmation from wilderness photographers, hikers, or passive camera traps. The best visual evidence to this day remains grainy footage shot in the late sixties in California. You’ve seen the one, it’s known as the Patterson-Gimlin film. This seems increasingly unlikely given the ubiquity of high definition filming tools in everyone’s pockets. Even hyper elusive animals, like the snow leopard, eventually get captured by BBC film crews. The new orangutan species discovery that Shane described seems like a shocking development until you dig a little deeper. That particular population was already known. It just hadn’t been identified as a genetically distinct species. That’s a bit different than encountering a completely new North American great ape with no close genetic relatives nearby. There’s no representation of these big apes in modern bones or the fossil record of North America. Most of all, while Shane David and the Olympic Project all say they apply the scientific method and are beginning from a place of null hypothesis, most of them already believe they know the truth about Bigfoot. That can’t help but color the evidence. And yet whatever you believe about all this, I just want to say there’s an argument to be made that now is a pretty good time to keep your mind open. Take UFOs for instance. Long a beloved conspiracy theory, relegated to those corners of society that are a little too obsessed with visits from extraterrestrials. But this June, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released an official report. [00:25:03] Anonymous: The long-awaited Pentagon report on UFOs has finally been released. Report on unidentified flying objects. [00:25:11] Ted Alvarez: Even created a task force to study with the federal government is now calling unidentified aerial phenomena, or UAPs. [00:25:18] Anonymous: The federal government is unable to explain as many as 143 objects encountered by military aircraft. [00:25:24] Ted Alvarez: The report was inconclusive. Sure. But the fact that UAPs have now received publicized, systematic study from the Department of Defense, that marks a potential sea change in how mainstream culture approaches these sorts of things. [00:25:36] Anonymous: And suddenly everyone from senators to scientists, to presidents, to journalists are talking seriously about a topic once thought to be more science fiction than actual science. [00:25:47] Ted Alvarez: Maybe, just maybe, an officially sanctioned study of Bigfoot is just around the corner. I asked David and Shane what they thought about that and what David said surprised me. [00:26:00] David Ellis: I’m not quite sure if I want the aha moment. I’ve always thought about, well, what happens then? You know, does that mean that the government gets involved to the point of controlling how we access the woods? So, uh, I’m a little bit concerned about, uh, the discovery process. That doesn’t stop me from going forward, but, uh, I I’m perfectly content with, uh, people not, not necessarily thinking this is real. [00:26:37] Ted Alvarez: So this quest for knowledge, the search for evidence to prove or disprove a hypothesis, you might think its end game would be some kind of official validation. The kind that UFO enthusiasts out there might be celebrating right now. But for David, at least, that isn’t really the point. Maybe Sasquatch being found would actually ruin it. And I think I finally understand where he’s coming from. Maybe despite all this evidence, despite the scientific approach, the natural world needs its mysteries. And we do too. Certainly the Pacific Northwest wouldn’t be what it is without its unanswered questions, without the whiff of the unknown, just around that dense stand of Douglas firs. If we truly understood everything that’s out there. We would certainly lose some of the magic that makes living here truly special. And so for that, I’m glad Sasquatch is still around. That’s it for this week’s episode. Many thanks to Shane Corson and David Ellis and the work of all the members of the Olympic Project. This episode was produced by me and Sara Bernard. Our executive producer is Mark Baumgarten. Our theme music is by the Explorist. And a lot of the extra sounds in this episode came directly from David Ellis’ own suspicious folder. You can subscribe to Crosscut Escapes on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Spotify, or wherever you listen. For more on Crosscut Escapes, go to crosscut.com/escapes. And if you like the show, please review us. It helps other people find us. Crosscut Escapes is a product of Cascade Public Media. I’m Ted Alvarez, and we’ll be back with another episode next week.
The Big Idea: Danielle Trussoni A shocking revelation about Danielle Trussoni’s past turned into the big idea for her novel The Ancestor — and more than the novel beside. She’s here now to tell you about the revelation, and how it lead to her newest projects. My new novel The Ancestor is about a woman who takes a DNA test, discovers she is related to an aristocratic family in the Italian Alps. At first, it seems like a wonderful surprise, but when she visits the family castle in the Aosta Valley, she learns the dark secrets and her family’s genetic inheritance. The idea for this story came after I took a DNA test myself, and had the surprise of my life. My father was Italian American, and I grew up in the shadow of this heritage. My childhood was filled with large family gatherings, Italian food, Catholic school and stories of my great-grandparents’ lives in the Italian Alps. I visited the small Alpine village where my ancestors were born, and am part of a group of relatives who organize tours to the village every year. And so I was astonished to discover, after taking a 23andMe test, that I am exactly 1.7% Italian. My sister took the test, too, and her results were the same. We are more English and Norwegian than Italian, more French and German than Italian, a fact that shattered the cultural identity that was an enormous part of our childhood. This surprise made me realize how powerful ancestral stories are in our lives, and it made me wonder: What could be the most shocking revelation you might discover in your ancestral pedigree? What would such a discovery do to our sense of family and belonging? The Ancestor is my answer. While the discoveries the heroine of The Ancestor makes lead to a suspenseful hunt for the truth, what most interested me when I was writing this book was the idea of human relationships and, specifically, our relationship to our human ancestors, and our ‘genetic family tree’ in the present and past. I spent a lot of time reading about the history of human evolution, and way too much time thinking about Neanderthals and other hominids that evolved alongside Homo Sapiens. I was so engrossed by this research, that I branched out, and found myself learning about a branch of (some say faux) science called cryptozoology: the scientific pursuit of hidden, or undocumented creatures such as the Yeti or mermaids or giant medusa jellyfish. By the time I was done, I had pages and pages of research that had no place in The Ancestor. Being the kind of writer I am, I wanted to use this research in my fiction, and so I wrote an audio drama podcast called Crypto-Z, which imagines a team of cryptozoologists hunting down a cryptid in the Italian Alps. There are actors performing and an ambient bath of sound that creates a truly immersive listening experience. The idea behind writing The Ancestor and Crypto-Z was to explore the idea of our genetic connection to each other, the past, and ‘the other’ in ways that challenge the notion of tribalism, while creating utterly different kinds of narrative experiences. I wanted to ask the question: What if there are other humans that evolved alongside us? What if they are still here, hidden among us? How would we see ourselves differently when faced with our ancestors?
I did not expect to be able to do this, but for the third consecutive year I am able to boast that I read and reviewed more books and wrote more posts and words than in any year previous. I spent a disgraceful amount of time reading in 2020. The pandemic kept me home for uncomfortable amounts of time, and I took to the books to stave off madness. First off, let’s deal with the really good stuff. Some of my favourite posts of the year were on the rarest of paperback horror novels. I wrote a post detailing how I got my hands on Brenda Brown Canary’s chilling The Voice of the Clown and another on the history of Nick Blake’s infamous Chainsaw Terror. I was super excited to publish an interview with Garret Boatman, author of Stage Fright. I was even more excited when shortly after that interview’s publication Valancourt Books rereleased Stage Fright as part of their Paperbacks from Hell series. Can you imagine my elation when I got a copy of the rerelease and saw a mention of my blog in the introduction? Perhaps the most satisfying post for me to to write was my article on the sinister origins of Clive Barker’s Candyman. I don’t want to be a gatekeeper when it comes to horror fiction. People should read whatever the Hell they enjoy. That being said, I like to read as though the gates are being kept. You don’t have to have read every single piece of fiction that Howard Phillips Lovecraft ever wrote to call yourself a horror fan, but I do. This year, I tried to fill in some of the gaping holes in my reading, and I turned to some of the bigger names of horror fiction that I had thus far ignored. I wrote multibook posts on Shirley Jackson, Richard Matheson, Ray Bradbury, Ramsey Campbell, August Derleth, Bernard Taylor, and Ken Greenhall. These authors were either fantastic or highly influential within the horror genre. I also did multibook posts on some lesser known authors of varying ability, including William W. Johnstone, John Halkin, Harry Adam Knight, Simon Ian Childers, Al Sarrantonio, and Richard Jaccoma. Read over the posts to figure out who was good and who sucked. Perhaps the most important book I read this year was Stephen King’s Danse Macabre. I didn’t actually enjoy it very much, but it led me to read some other great stuff. I also read a bunch by Thomas Ligotti and Clive Barker, but I didn’t group their books into single posts. I’m not finished with either of these guys yet. I try to keep things varied, but my regular readers will have noticed a recurring antagonist in the horror novels I reviewed this year. Yes, 2020 was undoubtedly the Year of the Worm here on Nocturnal Revelries. I managed to read separate books called Worm, Wurm, Worms, The Worms, Blood Worm and a couple of books titled Slither that were both about… worms. I’m not quite done yet, but 2021 will probably see fewer posts on this niche genre. I again reduced my intake of non-fiction books on the occult. I just don’t have the stomach for this stuff anymore. I read a trio of utterly bizarre alien/cryptid books: The Goblin Universe, The Psychic Sasquatch and their UFO Connection and The Cryptoterrestrials. These were written by different authors and are of varying quality. None of them were remotely convincing. I put a huge amount of work into a post on Otto Rahn, but his books were awful to read. I think my post on Rollo Ahmed’s The Black Art was pretty good, but again the book itself was very boring. I did a few other atrociously stupid books on Satanism too. One was about Satanic ninjas and the other a Satanic bunty man. I also got more criticism in 2020 than ever before. I’m getting more traffic than I used to, and I guess my content isn’t for everyone. I’ve signed on a few times to find abusive comments. I’m only ever amused when this happens, but I suppose I should make it clearer that the purpose of this blog is not to convince anyone to read any particular books. This site is more a book journal for me to keep notes on what I’m reading. I post it online because some people are interested. Maybe that might seem a waste of time to some, but it keeps me occupied. It turns out that this is the 300th post on Nocturnal Revelries. I’m pretty pleased that this blog is still going at this rate after almost 6 years. I’ve read some cool books, expanded my horizons and even made a few friends along the way. I did posts like this for the past few years (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) if you’re interested in this crap. Thanks to everyone who checks in every now and then. Remember, I try to do a new post every Sunday. You can contact me on twitter or email me. Let me know if you have any suggestions for further reading or if you want to chat about strange tomes. I hope you all have a great new year!
It's pretty common to see bizarre viral photos circulating on the internet. In many cases, they're faked or photoshopped. A lot of people assumed that this photo was also fake because how could a bat be the size of a human but were quickly fact-checked by reality. Alex Jostar took the photo with the bat and posted it online. It quickly went viral for the absurdity of it all with many people calling it fake. For Jostar, this bat was all too real and even an everyday occurrence. This type of bat is called a giant golden-crowned flying fox. They are very common in the region of the Philippines that Jostar lives. Although the creature is large and intimidating, they are very docile and even friendly. Their diets consist of fruits and bugs. The fact that animals like this exist only fuel the fire of what else could be out there. Not only does this bat look like it's a cryptid, it doesn't even look real! Makes you wonder about things like Bigfoot, Mothman, and even the Loch Ness Monster... Could they be out there?
I come from the net Show User Social Media Hide User Social Media - Feb 4, 2018 About that link - I saw a Twitter user point out that there’s an African triceratops cryptid called the Ngamba-namae.artstyle screams a bit of the original C'mon Digimon manga plus a mixture between Appmon and Legendz. If this is actually Gambamon that ties all three partners into one theme: Cryptids/Unidentified Mysterious Animals. Which further ties into the supernatural theme of the title and makes the whole series harken back to Legendz. Going even crazier, if this was a series that retconed Legendz into Digimon by slapping “mon” on the end of the names of all the Legendz (Windragon becomes Windramon) I wonder how the fandoms would react, lol.
Smaller crowd enjoys Megahood2021 - Print This Page - Send to a Friend - Comments (0) - Share on Facebook - Share on Twitter - Change Font Size Megahood2021, the leather and kink street festival that replaced the Folsom Street Fair this year, was held in person in San Francisco's South of Market neighborhood Sunday, September 26. It saw a smaller crowd than the typical quarter of a million people, but pole dancer Alex, who was not comfortable sharing her last name but is known on Instagram at @cryptid.next.door and is a student at VRV3 Studios, certainly drew onlookers during her performance. Fair producer Folsom Street Events went back to its roots this year — Megahood was the name of the first street fair held back in 1984. Help keep the Bay Area Reporter going in these tough times. To support local, independent, LGBTQ journalism, consider becoming a BAR member.
Hope you know how to remove blood stains Hellions, because I KILL IN PEACE is finally here and taking no prisoners…or shit. Or shit from prisoners. I stepped away from the worlds of ghosts and monsters to assemble a kind of kill list, a little fantasy fulfillment for the sane who live in an insane world. I KILL IN PEACE is not for your Christian reading circle (then again, maybe it is) or your friend living in the left wing of faux righteousness or your grandma, unless she’s one badass grandma. Hell, even I was questioning some of the things I was doing while I wrote it. In fact, there’s one scene in particular that wouldn’t see the light of day in some countries. And another that, well, may be more than most people can handle. And that’s all good, because horror is supposed to make you look at the worst of human nature in the eye and see who flinches first. If you have delicate sensibilities, don’t bother reading this one. Skip it and watch reruns of The Big Bang Theory. They’re safe and won’t upset or scar you. Sheldon will protect you. Thanks to Super Erin at Hook of a Book for once again putting a great tour of unwitting victims together. You can click the photo below to go to the official tour page and go for a blood and anger soaked ride. From 2 Book Lovers Reviews : “You got me. Hunter Shea, you really got me good. What in the devil is wrong with me?! I am still stuck on the fact that I didn’t see that freight train coming.” And from a Goodreads reviwer : “I hated everything from the title to the ending of this novella. I recommend this for the supporters of Trump.” (Author’s note : WTF?? How did Trump get in there? Does this mean she thinks it’s going to be huuuuuuge? Love this review) If you read it, please rate and/or review it on Amazon or Goodreads or wherever you bought it. Love, let the world know so people are aware you’re kinda strange and should be avoided at all costs. Hate it and spew some venom. As long as you’re honest, it’s all good. For once, I’m not going to badger you with ‘buy my book!’. This time around, I can only say – You’ve Been Warned. This is no gimmick. My conscience is now clear…or muddy at best. Okay, I’m 5 days late with making this announcement. Crazy week. I was blown away by the responses to my question in my March 28th post : If you could change one thing in this world, albeit violently but guaranteed you won’t be caught, what would it be? Your answers were a mix of the divine and the downright nasty! So proud of my Hellions. I do need to make one correction. I said a winner would receive a signed copy of I KILL IN PEACE. Dopey me, I forgot it was an ebook only, and I’ve never looked into that technology to sign ebooks. To make up for my gaffe, I’ve selected three winners! If your name is listed here, hit me up at email@example.com and let me know what format you prefer. And the winners are : - R. Potter (I would force people to be happy with themselves and stop trying to ruin other people’s lives because they don’t love themselves. Jealousy, pettiness, backstabbing, and sabotage would all be things of the past.) - Martin Roberts (Saw the hands off psycho drivers and anyone who smokes, texts or drives like a total dick!) - Kim (bring back and eye for an eye’! Abuse animals…get abused, Abuse children….get ready to suffer…. need I say more!) After you read it, you’d be giving me an early birthday present by posting a review on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Enjoy the mayhem! And for those who didn’t win this time around, keep coming back for more contests and join my newsletter where I’m always giving away the farm. The countdown to the release of my novella, I KILL IN PEACE, has begun! April 12th is the big day, and the early reviews are starting to come in. Now, I knew this book was going to get pretty strong reactions, both good and bad. It’s out there, kinda like me, dealing with some delicate subjects. In fact, there were times I wasn’t sure Samhain would even touch it with a ten-foot pole. Thank you to my former editor Don D’Auria for giving it this chance. A writer will be hard pressed to find an editor who champions their creativity and vision more than Don. So, what are people saying? From uber reviewer Michael Patrick Hicks : “Of the handful of titles I’ve read from Hunter Shea, I Kill In Peace easily stands at the top of the stack as my hands-down favorite. It’s bloody, it’s violent, it’s mysterious, and it’s wickedly entertaining from start to finish as Shea hurtles readers from one crazy kill to another.The way Shea strips back the layers of his big reveal is completely terrific, and I Kill In Peace may be his most masterful bit of writing to date.” Or how about this one from The Examiner : “What started off to be an interesting story got a much stronger pay off than I had expected and shows just how good a storyteller Shea really is. I Kill in Peace is a rare treat that is sure to thrill not only Shea’s fans but also fans of horror in general and is further proof that Shea is a talent that deserves to be read by a much wider audience.” Now, either the book isn’t as crazy as I think it is, or Michael and Josef from The Examiner are truly demented, in which case I welcome them to the asylum. I KILL IN PEACE was written over the feverish course of 3 weeks just after Christmas in 2014. It starts in a small Maine town (the same one I call my home away from home) and ends up in a very, very bad place. I remember at the time pondering all of the evils in the world and wondering how we – meaning humanity – could ever get our heads extracted from our asses. What if there was a way to right all our wrongs? What would happen if someone dared to take that first step? You can pre-order I KILL IN PEACE directly from Samhain for just $2.45 (the ebook is priced at $3.50). Or grab a copy at Amazon so it can be delivered as soon as the clock strikes midnight on April 12th. Or you can answer this simple question to be eligible to win a signed copy. I’ll announce the winner on April April 4th. Here it goes – If you could change one thing in this world, albeit it violently but guaranteed you won’t be caught, what would it be? (I foresee a lot of Trump jokes) Just post and answer in the comments section and I’ll draw a winner from there. Good luck and dig out that kill list! Greetings and salutations Hellions! Uncle Hunter here, alive and well and busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger. 2016 has been bat crap crazy, and we’re only two months and change in. Big changes are going on all around me. I’m a hamster on a wheel, just trying to keep up. Let’s start with some of the hysterical artwork that Jim Herbert has been concocting for 2 of my books, THEY RISE and the upcoming, I KILL IN PEACE. I keep posting that Jaws has nothing on the ghost sharks in THEY RISE. Well, Jim put his artwork where my mouth is and came up with this hysterical variant cover… Bye bye Brucie! You never stood a chance, big guy. The title to my last Samhain novella, I KILL IN PEACE, inspired a little savage warrior cover with my face on a Frazetta bod. I think my wife wants this one framed. Meeting people like Jim and seeing stuff like this is the reason why I write. When I’m worn out at the end of a long day, I only need to look at this to cheer me up. And wish I’d get off my ass and go to the gym. Thanks Jim. You may not be aware of this, but one of the best ways to support an author, aside from buying our books, is to leave reviews. Seriously, reviews are like priceless Lucky Charms. Good, bad or ugly, they all count, especially on Amazon where more reviews get your book ranked higher and more sets of eyes. 50 reviews is a magic first milestone to hit. Right now, THEY RISE, has 32 reviews. If you’ve read the book, I’d love it if you can post a quick review or rating on Amazon. Anyone who does, shoot me an email at firstname.lastname@example.org with a link to your review and I’ll send something special to you. All you need to do is click the cover below and it will take you right there. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. OK, on to what’s next, now that Samhain is in a bit of potentially terminal turmoil. I’ve been contacted by several publishers over the past month and will be making an announcement about a new book deal very soon. I also have several short stories that will be included in anthologies. It’s been a long time since I worked on short stories, and it’s even better that I’m finding homes for them. There will be more Hunter tales of the demented and monstrous than ever. And we’re getting close to official Hellions gear and giveaways. The artwork is amazing. I promise, you’re going to love it and want in on the devilish fun. Keep on readin’, and I’ll keep on writin’. Yes, I have another cover reveal for you, and it’s only early February! All play and no work… My latest novella with Samhain, I KILL IN PEACE, will be a brand new experience for you, my demented readers. And demented is a good thing. First, the cover. Nice and clean and hinting at just enough nastiness inside. Second, here’s the super official blurb… Killing gets easier…with practice. Peter Blades is, in every sense of the word, an ordinary man. Hard worker, father, husband, a man content with small-town life. Except for one small fact—he’s slowly being turned into a ruthless killer. Compelled by mysterious texts to murder, he’s provided a fiery red Mustang and an ancient sword to carry out an ever-growing hit list. His jerkoff boss is victim number one. You always remember your first. By the time his sword sings through the air to dispatch a would-be school shooter, taking lives is as easy as breathing. And if the world is going to hell around him, all the better. No one wants to burn alone. I told you it would be different. Word to the wise – do not fuck with Peter Blades. I’ll be honest, I took no prisoners with this one. I was worried that my editor would force me to chop out certain parts. I feared my wife would never look at me the same after she read it. Both concerns were unwarranted, which tells me my editor and wife are sick puppies. I Kill in Peace comes out in April as an ebook only. You can pre-order a copy starting March 13th. Ok, I’ll admit that I added Jessica Biel to the title of this post because a) her last name rhymes with ‘deal’ and b) a friend and I were just talking about her in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake back in 2003 and how we liked the movie mostly because she was in it looking all kinds of fine. I mean, yowza! Anyway, horror fanboy fantasies aside, I do have some pretty exciting news to share. I can’t believe it slipped my mind to announce this earlier, but the ink on my latest contract with Samhain is more than dry. They’ll publish my new novella, I KILL IN PEACE, in early 2016. This one is a total departure from what I normally dabble in (ghosts and monsters) and can be brutal. Reading discretion is advised. Here’s the elevator pitch : Killing can be habit forming, especially when the texts and voices in your head give their marching orders and your victims deserve it. Peter Blades can’t stop weaving a path of destruction, unsure if he’s gone insane or become the puppet of a higher power, speeding headlong to a terrifying end while the world goes mad around him. My sister has always been my first reader and editor, and I think this one may have scarred her for life. I’m also thrilled to announce that I’m writing a sea monster novella for a brand new publisher (for me, anyway), Severed Press. I’m really excited to work with them because these ladies and gents know their monsters. The title of my book will be THEY RISE. I can’t give much away at this point, but I’m looking to meld Jaws with Swamp Monster Massacre. Strap in for this one! There’s no release date set yet, but I believe it will come out in 2016. Believe it or not, there’s one more to announce, but I can’t just yet. Let’s just say the book is already written and it involves a cryptid on the loose. More on that very soon. And that’s all the news that’s not fit to print. 2016 is going to be a veeery busy year. On a totally different note, I’m wondering if I’m the only horror author with tickets to see Shania Twain on her farewell tour. Want to be the first to know what’s coming up next? Sign up for the Dark Hunter Newsletter and become an official Hunter Hellion!
|First appearance||"Fry Am the Egg Man" (6ACV22)| Bone vampires are a species of alien creature that was hunted to near-extinction. Their homeworld is Doohan 6. They get their name from their way of feeding themselves: by sucking the skeleton out of their victims. They reproduce asexually. By 3011, they were all extinct, with the exception of one egg that was hatched by Fry. When the Planet Express crew returned it to its homeworld (hoping to reintroduce the species as bone vampires reproduce asexually), the populace feared for their livestock, and set to hunt it down. When it is revealed that the people had excessive livestock to slaughter, they spared the creature because it can bring back the entire species to help kill the extra livestock. - Type: Reptilian/Mammalian - Name: Bone vampire (Bonus vampirus) - Homeworld: Doohan 6 - Diet: "Carbon-Fibre" (Bones) - Powers: Acid utilization, bone-absorption - Type of reproduction: Asexual - They have a body shape similar to that of a rat. - They are capable of utilizing acid as a form of weapon (they have acidic saliva and urine). - They are similar to the legendary cryptid, the Chupacabra from Mexico; they look alike, both only attack at night, and they both attack, kill and feed on livestock by sucking out their blood (or, in this case, bones). - The term bonus in Latin actually means "good", not "bone"; and "vampire" actually originates from Slavic languages, with no exactly analogous term in Latin. The Latin name for the Bone Vampire would thus more accurately be Ossis vampirus.
We all have different tastes when it comes to eating. "What is your most controversial cooking opinion?" These are their beliefs, and they're sticking to it. What's In The Pot "Croc pot liners feel like you’re just asking for cancer." "Crock pots don't even take long to clean and that's generally the only thing other than plates/utensils that'll need to be cleaned after you eat. You're only saving yourself a couple of minutes." "My best friend has disposable everything and it f'king drives me bonkers." "There's no such thing as 'breakfast food.' You can eat a steak in the morning and fry an egg for dinner if you want, it's just food." "Burnt garlic is far too common. Some people (I’m hesitant to say most) toss garlic straight into a hot pan and then continue to cook onions, peppers, etc. Garlic needs less time than most other things and should be put in later so it doesn’t burn." Here's A Retro Comparison "The cream cheese based crock pot dinners are the modern equivalent of Jell-O based dinners from the 50s." A Colorful Debate "Red onions should be called purple onions." The following Redditors explained their specific likes and dislikes about commonly enjoyed foods. In The Pasta "I'd argue that my controversial opinion is only controversial in Italy where I come from... I like making chicken with pasta. I make it into a sauce similar to Bolognese but I'll put small chicken bits instead of the mince." "My family call me a savage for eating such things together, but my boyfriend suggested me as an idea and it's now a dish I enjoy!" "You can dislike a food simply for its texture, nothing to do with its taste. I don’t mind the taste of baked beans but I hate how slimy they are and don’t even get me started on when they’re cold." All The Fixins "Mile high burgers and hot dogs with so many toppings you can no longer taste the meat are awful, and a pain in the @ss to eat." "I generally eat burgers and hot dogs because I like the flavor of the meat (I realize meat is a questionable term when it comes to hot dogs), and would like to actually taste them." A Healthier Alternative "Plain yogurt instead of sour cream on tacos. First time I had it I thought it would be gross, I could barely tell the difference and it’s much healthier." "If the dish does not otherwise require the use of hands, there should not be trails on your shrimp. I don't want to be fishing around in my damn pasta because you couldn't be bothered to remove the tails first." "Most people/companies do not know how to do salted caramel. every salted caramel product I've had homemade or otherwise has been like mouth puckeringly salty." "The point is to lightly salt it to bring out the more subtle flavours, not literally make salty caramel." Who was the best cook in the family? Certainly not who you'd think, according to these Redditors. "Not all moms or grandmas are amazing cooks. Yes my mom has some good dishes she makes but nuking brussel sprouts in the microwave with orange marmalade is not one of them." "My mom is an okay cook. Did we eat a lot of hamburger helper? Yes. Did she make the same 7 meals in rotation? Yes. Canned veggies and mashed potatoes only? Yes." "But she put food on the table and I can’t say she has ever made anything inedible." "My mother in law is a lovely woman. Terrible cook. I'm glad she's in Manhattan because it's a good excuse to go out / order in when we visit. 😬" A Harsh Reality "I cook better than my wife." "Trust me, it's very controversial." When I eat tacos, I make a huge mess on the table. It just takes the first bite for me to destroy the taco shell, leaving the shredded cheese and lettuce to land anywhere not on my plate. To avoid this, I smash the tacos in a bowl with a fork, and–voila–I've got myself an instant burrito bowl. Call me crazy, but that's how I enjoy eating my tacos. This is the same reason why I opt for ice cream in a cup instead of a cone. There have been too many casualties of ice cream scoops hitting the floor after my first bite into many waffle cones. Want to "know" more? Sign up for the Knowable newsletter here. Never miss another big, odd, funny or heartbreaking moment again. If you've never seen the comedy classic, "Monty Python and the Holy Grail," there is a scene where Arthur, King of the Britons, encounters a black knight guarding a bridge. Arthur quickly figures out the stalwart knight will not let him pass, so the two do battle, with the king severely injuring his enemy in the process. He cuts off all his arms and legs. Yet the black knight persists, insisting his injuries are, "but a scratch." Turns out this happens to people in real life, not so much with swords and knights, but with can openers and ice skates. "What was your “‘Tis but a scratch!” moment?" It comes out of nowhere, and that could be the leading cause to why you might not notice right away. You want to get back to work, or your shopping, unaware you're missing your kneecap. It's Just Really Good Makeup "Worked at a haunted house that took place an in an old soap factory. During rehearsal one night, I tried to go down a narrow staircase in the dark, tripped down the stairs and fell into a conveniently-placed shopping cart." "My shins were bleeding all over but I didn’t notice until like fifteen minutes into rehearsal and that’s only because somebody said something." No, I Only Want You To Look At This Injury, Not That Injury "I once dropped a piece of ducting at lowes (home improvement chain in USA) and tried to catch it, slicing my thumb and palm. Not too bad, but bleeding a bit. Clenched a tight fist to stop the blood and found an employee to ask for a bandaid, he looked at me and ran off to grab some and he came back with a handful. I was confused, only took two because it wasn't THAT bad and went to the bathroom to clean my hand and put on the bandaids." "4 hours later I was scratching my leg at home and felt something weird. Looked down and there was a 4in long very bloody gash down my left shin that I had no idea about. Wasn't that deep but was rather long." "That poor employee probably thought I was crazy, and I felt silly." "Another time I was using an axe to chop up a branch and the head bounced funny off a knot and took a glancing blow at my shin. The only part of that I felt was the bruising from the impact. I couldn't even tell where the cut was without looking" "Point is I am now convinced that shins feel no pain from cuts." So Bad You Need A Shot Out Of It "I'm a very clumsy person, especially when it comes to the kitchen. However, every time I've cut myself with a knife or a can, or burnt myself, it has been something I'm able to fix at home, with a bandage or over the counter medicine." "A couple years ago I was opening a can of beans, and had my middle finger extended when I was opening it. Unfortunately, I pulled the ring too fast, and the lid sliced my middle finger. I thought it was just another cut, so I went to my first aid kit, grabbed bandages, and went to the bathroom to clean the wound and apply pressure. I made a mess of the floor and my bathroom with the blood dripping." "Nonetheless, no matter how long I kept pressure on it, the wound kept bleeding, and I was unable to put the bandage on it. I lived with my parents, so I asked them for help. They tried to cover the wound, but blood kept coming out. We gave up, decided it was time for the ER, and had to get stitches and a tetanus shot. I got a scar out of it, and lost my now bloodied beans, but fortunately the lid managed to miss the tendon, so I didn't lose mobility." Injuries are somehow worse when no one is around to help. That makes the situations when someone is there to tell you you're bleeding out the side of your head a little easier to stomach. A Boss Keeping An Eye Out For You "Sliced my hand during work from finger to elbow and tore the skin nearly clean off." "At first I went, this is fine I just gotta get a bandage." "Boss yelled at me and took me to the hospital." No Help To Be Found "Had a grinding wheel disintegrate, and a piece of it slammed into my thigh. Felt like a strong slap at the time, so I just hissed, rubbed it a little like a bruise, and went on back to what I was doing. About 10 minutes later noticed my sneaker was wet inside and saw the whole leg was covered in blood and the shoe was soaked." "It wasn't a bruise lol, that piece split the skin and muscle pretty deep. And since it was in a remote location, there was no immediate opportunity to get it sutured, so now I have a mouth-sized and shaped scar there." Don't Tell Mom "When I was a kid we had this old go kart thing that I sat on while my older brother pulled a rope tied to it. We went around in circles then after landing from a small bump, my right leg got stuck between the front wheel & frame or so, next thing I know almost my entire right leg was drenched in blood." "My brother took some cotton balls & bandages and started cleaning the blood, as we swear not to tell mom. Somehow turns out the cut wasn’t even that big or deep, only got a small band aid, not even needed at that. So in conclusion my skin is made of rubber and my blood flows like pulp." If there's anything this entire discussion has taught us is that the human body going into shock can lead to some truly terrifying moments. Makes You Wonder How Someone Doesn't Need Their Knee "Took a spill at night while inline skating. Got up, felt some blood on my knee but kept doing some more runs." "Got home and every other step I left a bloody footprint. My mum started screaming and I discovered I'd basically torn my knee cap off." "Oof that escalated quickly" Can You Hear This? "Kind of a same thing happened to me when I was making our yard look cleaner with my 1960 Fordson Major tractor. Left-side axle snapped in half and I fell down a deep ditch." "I just climbed the ditch like "Well that was something" I walked inside to ask my dad to help me with my tractor but my mom came screaming at me in panic as my right ear was torn in half." "I was so confused but she took me to the mirror. We went to hospital and I got stiches. Only started to feel pain in the morning." "The tractor had mine modified cockpit from a valmet or something. It was only made of iron so it wasn't that soft. That cockpit was totaled and so could have me if it didn't land on its wheels. It could of been deadly." Listening To Doctors. What A Unique Concept. "i walked around for over a week with a broken shoulder because i thought it was just a sprain. when i finally saw the doctor, i was like “i’m pretty sure it’s just a sprain.” doc was like “judging by the bruising, it is very much broken.” x-rays later confirmed." Don't try to tough it out. Get out the antibiotic ointment, grab the bandages, and just take it easy for the rest of the day. No need to be a Black Knight about the whole thing. Want to "know" more? Sign up for the Knowable newsletter here. Never miss another big, odd, funny, or heartbreaking moment again. We are currently in a market that favors workers over employers – many workers feel empowered to seek out different positions and have reevaluated what they want in their careers amid the financial fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many workers left their jobs in search of greener pastures because they were ready for a change, and others were more than happy to leave behind toxic workplaces that only burned them out. As you can imagine, they've become rather adept at noticing red flags during the interview process and beyond. People shared their thoughts with us after Redditor taylortaylortaylorrr asked the online community, "What is a red flag from an employer that people might not immediately recognize as a red flag?" "It can be hard to tell..." "When an employee quits or gets fired from the job and the company doesn't hire anyone new to replace them." " It can be hard to tell as a red flag at first, but the temporary workload they added to your own over that was left over after the person left, slowly becomes your new permanent workload, without any changes to your pay or benefits to compensate for the additional tasks." "The further out it goes without the position being filled, the larger and more obvious the red flag becomes." Very good to know. Not only will the red flag become more prominent but the likelihood of burnout will increase as well. "The CEO/boss/whatever drives a conspicuously expensive car." This does say a lot about company leadership, particularly if the rest of the workers are feasting on scraps. "If it's a private/family company..." "If it's a private/family company, do a Google search for '[company name] defendant' and '[company name] plaintiff.' "If the company has been sued, or is in the habit of suing others, that can be a red flag- although something there are legit reasons for. But it's something worth paying attention to." You probably wouldn't want to be involved with a company that could land you in legal trouble, would you? "If the company brings alcohol..." "If the company brings alcohol into the office for 'end of week' sessions on a regular basis. I know they can be fun but it's a stupendously bad idea for all kinds of reasons and if leadership hasn't figured that out then I'd think twice before joining." This is a big reason why it is so important to have boundaries to work and your personal life. Alcohol can certainly make things messy. "If it's a job in a manufacturing or distribution facility, is it messy or tidy? Messy, cluttered facilities are indicative of poor management, plus they can be dangerous." Dangerous indeed. That's how lawsuits happen! "Pay attention to the feeling in your gut. If something feels 'off,' then it probably is." Probably the most important piece of advice here, arguably. If it doesn't sit right with you, it's probably for an excellent reason. "When you don't get a review..." "When you don’t get a review until you ask for a raise. Then, all of a sudden, your work is being questioned and you’re being berated." How convenient, right? Many people fall into this trap and it exhausts them. Talk about toxic workplaces! "I know people..." "I know people (rightfully) like to hate on HR, but if a company brags about 'not having an HR department to deal with,' expect them to be very disorganized at a minimum." You definitely want an HR department! Not having one can create an environment in which so many boundaries are crossed. "It tells me that..." "Open interviews. It tells me that people leave faster than you can bring them in, and with good reason." This often happens in fast food establishments, which have very high turnover rates. While horrible customers are one thing, bad management definitely contributes to the revolving door effect in these establishments. "If you’re being interviewed/hired and they tell you have/will have multiple managers to report to. Basically if there is not a clear chain of command." "What’ll happen is eventually one manager’s directions, goals or instructions will conflict with the other’s, and you’ll get caught in the middle of it. And one or both will use it against you in performance reviews." This is crucial to remember – a clear chain of command is important, with each party willing and able to take responsibility for their part. Anything less can backfire. Now that you've listened and absorbed some of these, you're bound to feel more empowered, right? Now get out there and slay your next interview. And remember – trust your gut. Have some advice of your own to give? Feel free to tell us more in the comments below! Want to "know" more? Sign up for the Knowable newsletter here. Never miss another big, odd, funny, or heartbreaking moment again. Computers are not everyone's strong suit. Generation z is now reaching adulthood, and they've had computers, smart phones, and iPads since birth. For anyone in an older generation, this wasn't the case. Computers weren't even advertised for the home until the Superbowl of 1984, and even then it was priced at $2,500. Come the turn of the 21st century, computers are a staple in the home, but the advancements in the last two decades have left some people scrambling to keep up. Things that might seem basic to some are shockingly uncommon to others. Redditor Dark-Matter-7935 asked: "What is a basic computer skill you were shocked some people don't have?" Prepare to be blown away. "Not knowing what double click means." "Click... 3 seconds later click." "Either they single click everything, or they double-click everything." Just read the screen. "Reading! As a tech supporter I get the stupidest questions:" "Client: There is a prompt here that says "your computer needs to reboot to finish installing updates. click here to restart" what does that mean?" "Me: It means your computer installed updates and needs to reboot." "Client: How do I do that?" "Me: Click on the prompt to restart." "The longer you work in IT, the more you realize that people who say 'I'm not good with computers' actually mean that they can't be bothered to use a search bar...or even just f*cking read what's right in front of them." How to search the internet. "You'd be surprised how many folk don't know what to type in to search engines to find what they're looking for." "Don't tell them; this is my job security." "Yea forreal. Family/friends having tech problems? I google it. Customer asking me a question? 'Let me get that information for you' as I disappear behind the counter." And how to search your computer. "Been working in IT long enough to where people not having basic computer skills doesn't shock me anymore. But still, how do people never figure out that you can search for programs in the start menu?" "'My Outlook is gone!'" "Hits start and types Outlook." "'Oh, there it is! How'd you find it?'" "The amount of people that can't function if there isn't a shortcut on their desktop is astounding." Changing the desktop background. "My college roommate didn't know he could change his desktop background. He was blown away and went to show it to one of our other friends, who was also blown away because she didn't know you could change the background." "I remember this exact same thing happening with a friend... in 1996. We all gathered around to marvel at her background being the block of trees with gold frames." Finding the right cable for the job. "Shape recognition. Does the end of the cable look like the hole in the machine? It's amazing how many people can't figure that out at work." "'I had to cut off some of the pins to make it fit...'" "Actually had this happen once with a 4G dongle. We told them to plug in their SIM card into it. They had a full size SIM and the dongle took full size cards. Instead they found the micro SD card slot on the dongle and literally cut their SIM card down to fit into that slot." Copy and paste. "Copy and paste shortcuts." "I caught a coworker flipping back and forth between tabs while retyping a paragraph. When I showed her how to copy and paste, her response was 'I can't keep up with all this new technology.'" "I am 38. She is 40." "My dad is 73, wasn't at all computer literate, taught himself how to install Linux and definitely knows how to copy and paste." "I think sometimes it's a choice to not learn stuff like that. Everyone has priorities, and it's perfectly fair if computer literacy isn't yours, but of course you won't 'keep up' if you choose not to try." A URL is not for Google. "Not knowing how to enter a URL. I've tried to get people to enter a URL over the phone and they just put it in the Google search bar (usually after first going to google.com)." "I'm always surprised how many business owners go to their own website by typing it in Google then clicking the link. Bookmark that sh*t at least!" "I encounter this issue EVERY time I ask someone on the phone to 'Go to logmein123.com' and they inevitably then reply with 'which one do I click?' TYPE IT IN THE F***ING ADDRESS BAR!" "Unless they’re intentionally trying to make the business website rank higher in the search engine lol." Refusing to believe their tech needs power. "Them: My computer turns on, but my monitor doesn’t show the picture!” "Me: Is your monitor plugged in and connected to the back of your PC?” "Them: No, I needed to use that outlet so I unplugged it." "I worked tech support for an ISP and we had a storefront where customers could bring devices in for config. Had a lady once bring a router in with no power supply. She was dumbfounded and almost irritated when I told her I couldn't work on it. She said 'Why does it need a power cord? It's wireless!'" "Wanted to kill myself daily at that job." "My buddy has a customer come in and complain the phone they sold them died. The battery was just depleted, and the man was irate when told that he had to plug his phone in the charge it every day. He tried to get a discount because he was told it was wireless so he assumed it would just charge itself via magic cell signals or something, and then he complained that his 'old phone' never needed charging." "I assume his old phone was just a corded home phone or something." With technology changing all the time, we may always need a tech support person to help us figure out what's going on. Though, with more reliance on technology, we might need to better increase our computer literacy so everyone is on an even playing feild. The hopefully our IT servicers won't want to pull their hair out with every client. Want to "know" more? Never miss another big, odd, funny, or heartbreaking moment again. Sign up for the Knowable newsletter here. Living close to the Everglades, weird wildlife encounters don't really seem all that "weird" anymore. South Florida is some next-level wilderness. Every now and then, though, you hear about an encounter with something that shouldn't be there. Sometimes it's an escaped or released exotic animal; hurricanes have destroyed countless wildlife enclosures and some people don't realize how big that cool pet is really going to get and choose to set it loose. Sometimes it's a "skunk ape." Florida's version of a 'bigfoot' sounds a little easier to believe when you factor in the huge number of primate enclosures that have been destroyed over the decades. We have established populations of things like monkeys, pythons, and boars now. Why not gorillas or orangutans? They're both tall upright hair covered primates that might match the description. Except skunk ape stories go back way before zoos and the exotic pet industry. Reddit user cruzer58b asked: "Those of you that TRULY believe you have seen a cryptid (Bigfoot, jersey devil, etc.) what’s your story?" South Florida isn't the only place the wild gets weird. OBVIOUSLY. Look at what these Reddit users have experienced. The Thing Hunting OrcasMarine Life Beauty GIF by OceanaGiphy "I was on a ferry for a school softball trip, off Kodiak island AK, 2014. I was 18." "A whole bunch of us had snuck up to the deck around 11pm to watch the waves and generally be teenagers on a boat without supervision. It was 11pm in May in Alaska so the sun was thinking about setting but it was still bright outside." "So we’re just doing our thing and we notice a pod of orcas swimming with the ferry’s wake, which is very cool but not, like, unusual." "If you’re familiar with the dimensions of an orca fin you know they’re about 4-6 ft in height and look like big black spikes coming out of the water. Being Alaskan teenagers, we were very familiar. This is important." "Orcas travel and hunt in pods of anywhere between 15-40 whales. Apex predators. The beautiful demon murderers of the sea." "Total a**holes. Top of the food chain." "So we saw this pod of orcas swimming with the boat, counted around 10- 15, with some babies scattered in there. Very fun to watch for the good 30 minutes to all go by. We tried to get pictures, but it was just dark enough that our shitty 2014 phone cameras weren't much good." "Another 30 or 40 minutes go by and we’ve all pretty much sobered up and it’s about to finally get dark and we’re cold and sleepy and about ready to go in." "We haven’t seen an orca for like half an hour, and then one of the girls spots another one and points it out. So we all turn and look at the whale's dorsal fin - but one dorsal fin is immediately followed by another, and another, and another, and then two more, and then two more after that, in two separate rows, and they’re taller, by a LOT, and jagged, like some have whole chunks torn out of them, and they’re all 8-10 feet high." "And all these fins are attached to ONE creature." "We can just barely see its back slicing through the water, covered in these rows of spikes, and it just. Keeps. Coming. This thing is like 20 or 30 feet from the ferry, running parallel to it, and we are all transfixed." "This wasn't a small group - there’s like 9 or 10 of us and no one is saying a word because we’ve all turned to look at a whale and we are all now watching something that is like, horrifically, terrifyingly obviously NOT a whale." "Someone tries to take a picture but it’s too dark at this point and the only reason we can see this thing is the light cast from ferry portholes, which is a take as old as time when it comes to things that you REALLY f*cking wish you had a picture of." "But we all stand there completely scared stiff and in awe and we watch this thing just KEEP surfacing for a good 6 or 7 minutes which means that whatever it was was LONG. Like..... 60 or 70 feet long." "And covered in enormous spikes. Spikes that looked like they’d won thousands of battles with god knows what." "It took what felt like an eternity for any of us to say anything after the last of it disappeared back into the strait." "I mean if you and like ten of your friends had just all seen something that all science had DEFINITELY pointed to not existing, and you had all seen the same exact thing, AND it was very OBVIOUSLY trailing, nay, HUNTING, not one but 15 something APEX F*CKIN PREDATORS, what do you even say to break that silence?" "That’s the thing that eats me about the whole thing, is it was hunting. It was following them. It was literally hunting about 60 tons of toothy, angry, intelligent apex predator." "Every once in a while one of us will hit another one of us up and check in, like 'Do remember this? Was I hallucinating? Did we all see the same, insane, worldview-melting, terrifying thing that night?' And the reason I KNOW we did is because none of us talked about it." "Not during the trip, not after, not to any of our friends because how the f*ck do you even tell someone about something like that?" "Now we have almost 10 years between us and that night I assume some of them have probably told people, I know I tell people, because I’ve seen a LOT like that in Alaska and I’m That B*tch." "And also because there’s a very rich history among native Alaskans of a Something that lives and hunts in the waters around Kodiak and it’s important to tell its story because someday it’s gonna eat a little too much plastic and no one will ever watch it hunt a pod of orcas terrified from a boat ever again." The Cutest CryptidArts And Crafts Love GIF by NickelodeonGiphy "One night I was driving home at around 2 AM and this tiny, tiny white creature (probably as tall as a Pringles can, though maybe a bit smaller) walked across the road in front of my car." "I hadn't thought about this in a while but here's what I can remember: The bottoms of its "legs" ended in what looked like flowy bits or ribbons, and it was almost translucent. I could almost see the road THROUGH the creature." "It walked at a kind of jaunty pace, just like a person might walk. The best way to describe it is like that super steppy walk that the dwarves sometimes do in Snow White, or Mickey Mouse does sometimes." "I slowed my car down but was afraid to stop it completely, and the thing disappeared as my car went 'through' it." "Honestly it was so f*cking cute that I wasn't even scared, but I was shaken up by having seen something like this." "I couldn't believe what I saw, so I called my then-boyfriend and frantically described the creature. He told me that it sounded like the Fresno Nightcrawler, and when I got home and looked it up, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE." "I had never heard about them before. I do not live in California, not even close. I still have no clue what it was." The SwimmerMichael C Hall Night GIF by DexterGiphy "I used to go running and take a break at a train bridge in Iowa city when I went to school there." "I did a lot of night runs. Sometimes, only after dark, I'd hear something swimming around at that train bridge. Maybe human or deer sized." "One time, It was late and I heard it again. But this time, I could see something dark on the water. Looked like a profile of a very large head." "I said 'hello, someone there?' " "It stopped dead still and looked at me. It was dark but I could tell it was looking right at me. This went on for 30 seconds to a minute. It then went under, and I never saw or heard it again." "I told myself it was a person swimming. But why not say hi back? Also, where did it go under to?""It was a slow river, I would have heard it surfacing or getting out of the water unless it went over a hundred feet." "That's the closest thing to a cryptid I've seen and known about." "Some people are saying beavers and otters. I've seen river otters (but not in the US), it was far too big to be a normal sized one. I've never seen the 6 ft ones, and I don't think they live anywhere near Iowa." "It was much too big to be a beaver too, I see those all the time, and they're usually denoted by telltale signs such as dams and chewed trees. Also, I've never seen beavers active at night only during the day." "I think it was probably just a person, maybe a homeless person who wanted to not be bothered by me." "As I said, that's the closest I've come to seeing a cryptid, I know the original post asked for people that are 100% sure, but it was late at night and it felt appropriate to tell that story." Orangutan/Lemur Hybridorangutan GIFGiphy "When I was 14 or so in 2003 I saw what looked like an orangutan/lemur hybrid watching me from the trees." "When it realized I was looking at it, it took off into the trees and disappeared. This was in Western NC, nothing like that should have been around here." "For a few years I looked for articles about someone’s escaped exotic pet but never found anything. Eventually just wrote it off." "Years later I heard a Lore episode about the Pukwudgie and I immediately got chills because the description matched what I saw. I’m still not sure what happened." "Few months ago I was dumb enough to wander into the same patch of woods. I got nailed by a rock and when I looked up I saw a small outline ducking around like it was watching my reaction. Again, when it recognized I was looking at it, it took off." "I don’t know what happened but I also don’t really plan on going back." Hopefully A Bearred dead redemption bear GIFGiphy "About 16 years ago I lived in the rural areas of Kansas, town was about 6 miles from my house." "At night while I was waiting for sleep I stared out of my window and look out into the darkness. Normally I would see owls, possums, racoons, coyote, etc all just minding their business doing animal stuff." "And I could always hear them. Loud and clear." "One night as I am trying to get to bed I watch and listen for the wildlife and on this night there was none to be heard or seen. Being a kid I thought nothing of it." "Until I saw a HUGE black figure moving on four legs." "I could swear I had seen a brown bear this thing was THAT massive. Except we lived in midwest Kansas. We have no bears." "Cows and horses are too tall and not wide enough for what I saw. Plus our neighbors all had cattle so I was familiar with what they look like at night." "People suggested it could have been one of the massive dogs like a malamute or leonberger or something. Maybe it could have been, but they are still too small for what I saw." "Never saw it again" "There are bears in Colorado, Arkansas, Missouri, And a bit in Oklahoma. Kansas is in the historic range of black bears as well." "I don't think it's a stretch that one may have wandered in from a surrounding state." "This would relieve years of stress and the itch of the unknown if I could get confirmation that it was, it is how I always make it out in my head. A really big bear." The Big Bluetrailer GIF by Jurassic WorldGiphy "Been deep sea fishing a few times. You NEVER see schools of fish so far out, but once we saw this massive shadow moving FAST. It couldn't have been a whale, they don't move like that. The skipper stared at this mass of blue with me for about 20 seconds before it was gone and swore it was a megalodon. i'm not convinced but I have never seen a school of fish that far out in the ocean ever." "It could be a large species of squid such as Colossal or Giant Squid. They are found world wide. It's odd they would come to the surface, but it's not to weird." "Other options are Sunfish, Oarfish, or Large Shark." "I’m a firm believer there has to be some kind of megalodon or something out there, we just don’t know enough about the ocean" When It Looked At Chandlerscary jack the giant killer GIFGiphy "My friend was at a camp with me and we were in the same cabin, we all stayed up late we got tired and went to sleep." "My friend, lets call him Chandler, and I stole some instant coffee packets from the kitchen and we had them in water at night. Chandler didn't have a good caffeine tolerance like me so he stayed up a bit after all of us went to sleep." "I asked him what he was going to do and he said he brought a novel and he was going to read it until he fell asleep." "It was about 1am and we are all peacefully sleeping and then we hear the biggest scream. Chandler was crying and shaking in his sleeping bag and everyone in our cabin came over to see what was wrong and to help him out." "He screaming really loud and if that didn't wake up other cabins and the teachers then his loud crying after did. Soon all the teachers were inside out cabin and I had to stay on my bunk bed to not be squashed." "Chandler told us that he saw a ghost wandering around our cabin. He said he also heard the wind breeze while the ghost was moving. Another guy in my cabin backed him up saying he also heard that." "Chandler was sent home and everyone continued the camp, however, it felt really weird. I talked to him a lot when we all got home and he told me more details." "He told me he looked at the ghost for about 3 seconds because he was too shocked to say anything. The ghost was not white look in movies, it was transparent and BARELY visible." "He told me it looked like a little boy. The little boy was not in our school uniform, but in really old fashioned clothes. Chandler told me he wasn’t too scared of the boy in those 3 seconds but shocked because it was a ghost." "Then what really screwed him was after those 3 seconds when his brain clicked and he screamed." "The ghost boy turned and looked at him "with shallow, lifeless eyes" and then rushed out of the cabin. This was the wind sound Chandler and my cabin mate heard." "Then I remember distinctly what Chandler said because if I was him, I would doubt everything I know. He said 'That ghost looked at me, with no expression, and even though it was only for a split second, it felt like an eternity. I knew it wasn’t just my mind playing tricks when I saw his eyes. There was no soul in them, like it had been sucked away.' " "I find it really weird because Chandler is the most honest guy I know and he seemed really traumatized." "I was considering if it was the effect of the coffee, but he had it the night before as well and didn't see and hallucinations. Plus he was a regular drinker and he loved the taste even though it made him stay up." "This story shakes me to this day." "Not A Deer"Busch Beer GIF by BuschGiphy "Alright it’s finally my time to shine!" "The area I live in has a very active deer population. They’re constantly getting hit by cars at night in my area and people constantly have to be on the lookout for these dudes." "So one night I’m driving home from my friends house around 1am. I’m going pretty slow because the place near my house has a pretty big deer family who loves the area (around 6-7 of them)." "So I’m driving up a hill going around 30mph and I had to slam on my breaks cause a 'deer' runs in front of my car." "I don’t know if it was because it was super late at night and I was tired or what. But I sh*t you not, this was not a deer." "It kind of was, but it had one too many legs and too many eyes. I only saw it for a second cause it ran past my car. But it was the weirdest thing I’d ever seen." "It was pretty quick when it went by my car, but the 'tail' for sure was a leg, I can say that for certain." "I even looked it up later and there is a commonly seen cryptid called the “Not a Deer” so that’s just my fun little cryptid story." Jellyfish In The Airjellyfish GIF by Monterey Bay AquariumGiphy "Walking through the woods in the southeast US for fun I walked through a field where there were tiny fluorescent jellyfish-like things floating through the air. Maybe half an inch to 2 inches in size." "I initially thought it was some kind of plant spores or something moving in the wind but when I looked at them closer they were actually moving independently." "That was about 2006. I spent months going through those woods and that field over and over again with a camera trying to find them but I've never seen them since." My long-term readers will know I'm super sketched out by orcas and have essentially written off Argentina because their orcas hunt on land. Alaska clearly needs to get scratched off my list, too. Anything big enough to hunt orcas is certainly big enough to hunt Ericas and I'm not trying to be on anyone's menu. Kthankxbye, giant spiky sea thing. Want to "know" more? Sign up for the Knowable newsletter here. Never miss another big, odd, funny or heartbreaking moment again.
Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging in World's Both Blue and Silver! More than 600+ pages and nearly 80 writers have taken part in our Cryptids Emerging double volume set of goosebump-raising stories of both darkness and cheer. In these volumes you'll find the strangest and sometimes sweetest of tales. Here be stories of changelings, nix, and demons adopted, of kelpies and cambion and the cryptids we'd see if only, if only, if only we looked. Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging (Volume Blue) contains more than 40 stories of chupacabras and hulders, griffins and gargoyles, tales of an autistic hiker meeting a cryptid who wants her camera; a Japanese tanuki seeking his fox daughter; and two women falling in love, never mind one's a swamp monster. In Dark Cheer: Cryptids Emerging (Volume Silver) you'll find stories of South African grootslang and bayou grundylow, tales of elementals, jackalopes, and flying motels, tiny leviathans and rock whales, stories of a girl between time, and a man who saves a gun's life. Available in hardback, paperback, or ebooks.
While it holds a predominant place in Australian Aboriginal mythology as well as in tales by European settlers, the cryptid known as the bunyip has been rarely seen. That makes the news of both the discovery of Aboriginal cave paintings of bunyips as well as a possible video of one a two-fer for their fans. If you’re not one yet, you may become one after hearing one of the origin stories, and if you believe the video, you may want to avoid rivers and billabongs for a while. The word bunyip comes from the Wemba-Wemba or Wergaia language of Aboriginal people of Victoria, but tales of similar creatures are found throughout Aboriginal folklore. Most say it’s a water spirit, usually evil, with a wide variety of characteristics, including a dog-like face, a crocodile-like head, dark fur, a horse-like tail, flippers, and walrus-like tusks or horns, or a duck-like bill – many of these coming from unidentified fossils attributed to the bunyip.. The National Library of Australia has a famous drawing by an unknown artist illustrating the strange combination of features. Since the sightings are always in water, there’s some speculation the creature is based on a seal, a prehistoric ancestor to the platypus or even an aquatic prehistoric marsupial. The Aboriginal people have their own ideas, which brings us to the cave paintings. They were rediscovered in 2016 during an expansion of the Grampians Peaks Trail in a shallow cave atop a cliff in the Mt. Difficult Range in Grampians National Park Victoria. Four red-ochre bunyips, well-worn but still identifiable possibly tens of thousands of years after they were drawn on the sandstone wall, have been kept secret until now for their protection – in fact, the exact location of the caves has not been revealed to anyone but traditional owners, park rangers and archaeologists. (See the photos here.) The traditional owners tell an interesting tale of the bunyip. Bunjil, the creator spirit, lived on a cliff in the Mt. Difficult Range. One day he jumped from it safely with his wife and two children in his arms. However, when his mother-in-law jumped, he couldn’t catch and she broke into pieces. Still alive, she crawled to a waterhole where a bunyip attacked her. She offered her clumsy son-in-law instead and the bunyip killed Bunjil. I told you some people would become fans of the bunyip after hearing this story! That brings us to the recent video. (See it here.) There is very little information on it, other than it was allegedly shot in the western Australia outback, far from Victoria, and the barely visible creature swimming in the water allegedly ate a horse. The explanation refers to it as possibly a rainbow serpent, which is sometimes used to describe a bunyip but with more benevolent characteristics – it came with the great mother from the sea, brings the wet seasons and deposits spirit-children in pools where women swim to impregnate them. Sounds better than eating a horse, doesn’t it? The word “bunyip” has entered common usage as a synonym for “imposter” or “pretender” and that also seems to fit this video. The cave paintings of the bunyip are truly an historic find and will add to the heritage of Mt. Difficult and the Grampians National Park. Of course, all of that changes if a better video of a surfacing bunyip surfaces.
Goulet Pens continues to delight with their monthly themed Ink Drop ink samples. For February, the colors were inspired by Valentine’s Day naturally. There were two pinks (Pilot Iroshizuku Yama-Budo and Diamine Deep Magenta), one shade of red (Sailor Jentle Grenade) — which reminds me of J. Herbin 1670 Rouge Hematite with more of a pink undertone — and two shades of purple (DeAtramentis Aubergine and Rohrer & Klingner Cassia). The DeAtramentis Aubergine is almost a purple black and reminds me of Scribal Work Shop Cryptid Nessie from the October Ink Drop. The Yama-Budo is a raspberry pink and the Deep Magenta is a bright magenta pink. I prefer the Yama-Budo color — its a fun pink color but not quite so princess-y pink as the Deep Magenta. The Cassia is a vibrant violet. Which color is your favorite? The more I test these inks them more I’m coming to discover consistencies in the inks. De Atramentis inks always seem wetter which I find works well later in finer nib pens. Diamine inks are more solid — I can almost use them with crow quill dip nibs without too much bleed. I think these inks would work well in broader pens like a 1.1 calligraphy/stub nib. Just an observation… I tested these inks using my vintage Parker and vintage Sheaffer pens, both with lovely striated details in the bodies and gold nibs. I need to get them both re-sacked so that I can use them more often. As it is, I use them like dip pens. Thought you’d like to see how messy I get testing all my inks. My manicurist would faint dead away if she saw what I did to my hands.
Just posted to the thread below regarding the Menk's face: "Ok. I can finally see the photos again and the new ones posted by Manti. Manti, those photos are really good. I personally can clearly see the face on this individual/Menk...though not so defined as the close ups Ive shared based on another contributors photo work. Again, the question remains...why haven't well known Big Foot/Cryptid Researchers ever undertaken indepth/professional investigations of this photo? There is so much that can be scientifically/forensically gleaned from such an investigation. There of course are going to be those Dyatlov enthusiasts who will always discount from the get go any Menk theory. But if a responsible investigator...like many Dyatlov experts claim to be...this photo, combined with 1) the warnings from the Mansi regarding the threat of violence at the hands of Menk at this very location and 2) the Dyatlov Groups own writings...should REQUIRE any responsible investigator to do a sober/indepth inquiry into the Menk/Yeti theory. But nothing...total silence. People will not even address the oddness of why even Big Foot researches aren't doing this work. Something very strange is going on here. Again, the Patterson-Gimblin film has been forensically analyzed a million times...yet not once has this Menk photo. As for why I was bizarrely unable to view any image in this thread for a the better part of a week...something indeed strange is going on."
A bird would need to fly 410 km from downtown Hamilton to reach Parliament Hill. It would be a drive of about five hours by car via highways 416, 401 and 403. The riding is served by the 403 and Highway 8. Hamilton Street Railway (HSR) is the main provider of public transit. Hamilton is a sister city with Flint, Michigan. Gage Park Tropical Greenhouse has more than 18,000 square feet of plants, ponds with shubunkin, golden ore fish, a waterfall, red-eared slider turtles, a rose garden, and several bird species. About 24% of the riding’s population are immigrants, with some of the largest populations born in the United Kingdom, Portugal, and the Philippines. Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian are the most common non-official mother tongues in the riding. Approximately 4% of the riding’s population identify as Aboriginal. Average individual income is $34,694. The Around the Bay Road Race is an internationally recognized event held annually. The first race took place on Christmas Day in 1894, making it the oldest in North America – three years ahead of the Boston Marathon. There’s a popular biking path that connects Bayfront Park to Pier 4 Park, at the west end of Hamilton Harbour. The Hamilton Tiger-Cats are the riding’s Canadian Football League (CFL) team. HMCS Haida, Canada’s “fightingest” ship which sits in Hamilton Harbour and served in the Royal Canadian Navy from 1943 to1963, sank more enemy surface tonnage than any other Canadian warship. Hamilton Harbour is thought by locals to host a snake-like cryptid. The harbour is located at the western tip of Lake Ontario and the riding lies at the lake’s southern shore. In 2015, Hamilton set the world record for most simultaneous high-fives (more than 7,000) at a Canada versus England women’s soccer game at Tim Horton’s Field. Hamilton’s nickname of “Steeltown" came from the industry that has employed thousands over the past century. Though iron and steel remain important economic drivers, health care and education play major roles today. The top industries in the riding are health care and social services, manufacturing, and retail trade. About 12% of the workforce is employed in the health care and social services sector. Around 46% of the work force has post-secondary education. Randle Reef in Hamilton Harbour is being recovered after years of water pollution. One proposed solution is a 6.2-hectare engineered containment facility. The Randle Reef Project began in 2015 and is expected to cost $138.9 million. Hamilton Harbour has been listed as an “Area of Concern” by the federal government due to the degradation of water quality and the surrounding environment. The Hamilton Tigers played NHL games at the Barton Street Arena from 1920 to 1925. Dundurn Castle is a neo-classical Regency-era mansion built in 1835. The manor was built on the former site of a fortified British military encampment. Once home to Sir Allan Napier McNab, premier of the Provinces of Canada from 1854-1856, the 40-room mansion was bought by the City of Hamilton in 1900. The Hamilton Regional Indian Centre, a cultural centre for the Indigenous community of Hamilton, can be found in the riding.
"Cryptozoology": Mothman Necklaces Mothman, not to be confused with the vigilante Batman, is the creepy cryptid from Pt. Pleasant, West Virginia. Is he an omen and bringer of ill fate? A voyeur of catastrophic events? An angel? An alien? Just a big ol' owl? Whatever he is, now he can be yours to wear around your neck! Copper stamped necklace (sealed) with lobster claw closure. Please refer to photo for length and size. Note: Since chains vary (black brass, gunmetal, copper plated), these may not be suitable for individuals with metal sensitivities.
Cameron Hawkins is a 28-year-old heavy equipment technician by trade. He runs his own mobile business in Michigan and went to High School with our hosts. Cam was a fantastic guest and you can feel how hard this guy works when you talk to him. Xad and I both felt super motivated after this conversation. We talk about being a mechanic and the tough lifestyle Cameron leads, but he wouldn’t change it for anything. He really loves wrenching so much, he does it after working an 80-hour workweek as a hobby. We touch on Cam’s love of mud racing a lot, how happy he is to be in business for himself, and a pretty wicked Disneyland story. You can find Cameron on Facebook @ Cameron Hawkins This is Cameron’s Business and Shoutouts. Go Like all their shit for me just to be supportive. CH Equipment Repair Apex Equipment Repair in Wixom, MI and of course, Melatonin Mike Proctor 0:00 What’s up guys? Welcome back to not really that famous. Our guest on the podcast today was Mr. Cameron Hawkins. Cameron is a we went to high school together said Cameron and myself had an awesome time talking to him. He’s 28 right from Byron Michigan right out here where I where we live this kind of a theme if you haven’t got that yet. We talked about he’s a diesel mechanic by trade. He’s much more than just a diesel mechanic, but we had a really long conversation about that, um, Kevin truly loves his work. And I think that’s super admirable quality, something we could all definitely kind of kind of try to pick up on more of we also talked about we talked about Disneyland mentioned mud racing cameras big into mud racing he builds builds trucks to to do mud racing this big topic today. So thank you to Cameron for coming out and doing the show we had an awesome time today. I can’t wait to to have him come back. If remember guys if you liked the show, hit the subscribe button check out the website if you haven’t yet we got all the new stuff up on on the website on the shop. It’s not really that that famous comm slash shop so without further ado, let’s get to it. Mr. Cameron Hawkins ladies and gentlemen. So is that will you pull up Cameron’s face Facebook page real quick? Oh boy. Just because there was a couple really cool some cool shit on there. I wanted to oh right there Yeah, so bro What is this? Who is that you know this so this was just a bog that we we went to up and it was way a couple hours West and we went up there because it was their first one and they did like a big patriot thing to honor the veterans and do like a fourth of July all at the same time. And we’re trying to get more into the competition stuff so this was like their first one helping promote it and get some trucks out there to help them out. So Oh, yeah, it was wild. Mike Proctor 1:56 No shit. Okay. There’s one there’s I was so what we’re looking at is a bunch of fucking dope ass mud trucks like jumping off ramps and shit. Um, Kevin’s got a bunch of dope shit. And I was like god damn, bro and there’s a bunch of them but have you ever ripped yours off the like through the air? Oh, yeah, yeah, there was he just went past it. There was a picture of it where if you keep going down there’s one where we were at that same bog have that video. Keep going down. There’s a couple more Mike Proctor 2:25 but Yeah, dude, the we’re talking fucking so can you describe this thing for for us, man. Cuz I’m not gonna lie. I don’t know a whole lot about it. It’s Yeah. So it was a ranger at one time a Ford Ranger. And when was Yeah, that was and so we built like the whole chassis to chassis bent all the pipes welded it all together. And then we used military axles and big tractor tires on that truck had a 555 big block Chevy on alcohol or made like 1100 horse cheese. So it’s, it’s a trip, man. It’s there’s nothing like a fucker just rips. Like it’s crazy. No shit. Hey, Mike Proctor 3:08 this is this is such a unique hobby to me, man. Um, because I almost feel like yeah, it’s a lot of like retrofitting. Oh, yeah. Right. You know? It could because it’s not you know, we’re talking. It’s like a big bug truck. Do you? Do you make money for doing bugs and stuff? You have other prizes? Is there like a circuit for this? Like? Yeah, I mean, and that’s, you know what? Most people it’s just fun. You know, it’s just a hobby. Yeah. Mike Proctor 3:40 And yeah. Which is incredible. It is incredible. We’ll get there. But it is there any sort of circuit or anything like that? Yeah. And that’s I’m actually building a whole nother truck right now to do that. They do like races all over the country. And there’s, it’s I think it’s like a 12 race series that they do and you can win you know, they do prizes. Like each event. Yeah. And the whole series you love up on that mic a little bit too. Oh, yeah. Get up in there that even better? Mike Proctor 4:07 So yeah, they do they do the whole thing. It’s like a point series kind of like yeah, and he Mike Proctor 4:14 was like, do you know what the like, what is there a league is there is this there’s something that’s really big that we find out what like the biggest one is? It sure is one. Ti mud series is the biggest one. But so yeah, what’s what is the sport? What is it called? Right? Like, what’s it? Just mudding Madre called like FTI motors, and it’s kind of new. I think two years ago was the first year that they did it. Yeah. And now it’s getting bigger and bigger and bigger. So Mike Proctor 4:43 this is big, very, very big stuff. Especially these days, man. Like, people just amaze me sometimes. I’m like, what you can do, man like what you guys do with these fucking things is incredible. Yeah, like yes, that is ridiculous. And I mean, the biggest thing is that technically has come so far so now parts and everything’s so accessible. Yeah, it’s very, very access. Yeah. So it’s kind of made, you know, back in the day when it was just regular pickup trucks on 44 Yeah, you know going out street now it’s it’s just become this huge thing. It’s It’s so specialized. It was. So Mike Proctor 5:19 when I say like retrofitting, I just mean like, you guys are taking a thing. And just, you know, for lack of a better term fucking it up the way you want it to be. So it’s just ridiculous. Like, yeah, you know what I mean? You’re, you’re breaking down every little thing about how it’s done, you know? And that’s just crazy. I think that’s why I like it so much is because you’re taking something that’s not supposed to do what you’re doing. Yeah. And you make it work. Yeah, you know, and it’s, it’s just cool. You’re like building your own thing. Mike Proctor 5:48 That’s what you know, sort of sounds like to me anyways, um, because this is there’s no you know, real, like a big standard or if you’re just trying to fucking like, so. So if you’re racing race in a circuit, what are you doing? They do like down and back to like, yeah, exactly your time. Mike Proctor 6:06 So you’re like, it’s like monster trucks. Exactly. But smaller. Yeah, slow, man and mud and mud. Yeah, it’s actually if you really think about it really stupid, but it’s a lot of fun. Mike Proctor 6:17 What is madness? Dude, I’ve never The last time I went to like a mud bog like that. I think I was maybe four years old. And that’s if I even remember correctly. Oh, where’s my school to the one on iron iron? Oh, yeah. Yeah, Mike Proctor 6:34 yeah. Never been never been. Yep. midvein and boss is a big, big giant bow. So for people that don’t really understand this, basically, we’ve got tricked out trucks that just rip through mud. You know, it’s like, if you ever seen monster trucks like American monster trucks we have we have viewers like that live people those and oh, yeah, yes. So you know, think American monster trucks but just smaller. Um, and so it’s a very, it’s really popular around here. You know, especially in Michigan, especially I know and probably, you know, much, much more around us to sort of Midwest right and it has a lot to do with because Michigan so what you know yes the Mike Proctor 7:11 see the the way the climate is around here. It’s a very wet so of course, you’re going to rip the get a big ass sunken pond in the back where you can do exactly. And it’s weird. You know, if you’re not even familiar with it, it just seems so absurd. You know that, you know, people that you would you would build a truck like that, just to try and go break it. Yeah. It’s just, it’s crazy. It’s like, there’s nothing like it. I mean, you ride in something like that. And you haven’t that forever want to do it? Mike Proctor 7:41 I can imagine. I i’ve never like I said, I’ve never I’ve never been to one I haven’t been one in a long time. I never really had any one close to me that was super into it like that. Um, and so I can’t say I’ve been to one in forever. But it sounds like so much fun. Now that I like when when you said you’re coming on, I was like, Man, this is I got to look up, looked up a bunch of shit on and watch some videos like, like, I was so cool. That would be so much fun when you said like just the state being good for it and being wet. I immediately thought like, I bet Florida would be a badass state for you. And that’s where it originated with Naples, Florida. Yeah, that’s where that mud series that like four? Yeah, four out of the five or four out of six races is in Florida. Yeah. Yeah, that would definitely be conducive to that. Exactly. For sure. That’s those notes. And that’s why it’s hard is because you know, even though we have a great community up here for it, a lot of the competition is down there. So if you want to compete and be competitive, you have to be willing to travel and it’s so it makes it even harder, but it’s a labor of love. Mike Proctor 8:46 Yeah. Because this is a it’s a big giant fucking hobby. Yeah. Oh, you don’t pay nothing. Mike Proctor 8:54 So you’re, you know, doing it to support you know, your hobby. And I mean, it’s like, it’s in my blood. You know, my dad did it my whole life. Okay, and so Mike Proctor 9:06 I want to see how far we might not talk very long before we end up getting back onto this point. But, um, we got to give you the good old famous not not really that famous treatment. First question. Always ask everybody. When you were a little kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be a mechanic. A mechanic? Yes. Mike Proctor 9:24 From the very start from the absolute very start. Okay, and say I knew it wasn’t gonna be locked. When? Where are you from? Like, tell everybody you know where you’re from and everything like that. Born and raised Byron, Michigan, Mike Proctor 9:39 little tiny town, right near Duran, Michigan. We refer to Duran tons of times on the show. Um, when around here, right? This this is stuff that people are into, you know, like with large and large amounts of time, and that that is their past time. Like I knew a lot of people that Had Dune had dune buggies I went rip them up in the dunes and shit. Yeah, um, but I just think it’s incredible some of the some of the things, what the things that you’re into based on where you live is just insane to me because let’s say for example, we all lived in Silicon Valley or something like that right? We would be in a vastly different there’s no fucking way you’re walking up there I don’t even think I’ve ever seen a video of a mud truck out there. Right and think they’re dry. Yeah to dry. Mike Proctor 10:31 Yeah. They might have the sand in the dunes, like not even a lot of water long. So much Russia like that. I just, I don’t get I mean, I lived there for a year. And I don’t ever see being there for very long. Yeah, it’s just crazy. How old are you and you moved out there? That would have been my freshman year of college. So I went to Central for half a year and then went there for an internship. So Mike Proctor 11:00 what so it? Oh, in college? Mike Proctor 11:03 So when when? When did you know that you wanted to be a mechanic? A completely like with your soul? I actually went winter, when did you first start wanting to and why? I would say so. You know, like back to the whole truck thing to kind of wrap it all together is that my dad did mud trucks my entire life since I can remember walking, you know? And so always been in the garage with him and him working on his trucks and doing all that kind of naturally. Mike Proctor 11:33 I wouldn’t say it pushed me that way. But you know, definitely brought it to your face. And. And so then it was as I started tearing my own stuff apart, I’d probably say middle school would be the first time that I knew, you know that I could pull a lawnmower engine apart and rebuild it, put it back together and make it run and I’m in middle school. And it was just like a light bulb. Yeah, I’m really good at this. Yeah. And then that just, it just kept going, you know? And so, Mike Proctor 12:02 so what kind of shit were you into when you were younger? To kind of, you know, fuel fuel that Phil that? Like, why are you tearing apart engines as a middle schooler? Like, just like it did that like that? You truly enjoyed it? Yeah, it was just like, it was like that thought of, you know, I would look at something and go. Why does that do that? Or how does that work? You know, and, and I would want to tear it apart and figure out why. And I mean, not, not always would it go back together. But you know, it was that hole of tearing it apart knowing that’s why that does that, you know, and it just kind of like intrigued me. You know, it’s like, like with music, you know, you see, like, you want to make something or you want to you want to, you know, look at that guitar and know that you can do something cool with it. That’s the same thing. I look at an engine. I’m like, I can do something really cool with that, you know? So do you play music to know, Mike Proctor 12:55 I don’t know. I know. I know. It’s a engines. Quick funny story, though. I saw my wife calls it like a midlife crisis. But I’m sitting on the couch one day and I’m like, man, I really want to learn how to play the guitar. So I get on Amazon. I ordered this like acoustic guitar, you know, it’s like 45 bucks or something, you know, just the crappiest one. I get at home. I’m telling you right now. I’m really good hand eye coordination. Suck terribly. I mean, I tried for like days. Yeah, nope, nope, just not. I have no beat. Mike Proctor 13:26 I think it is just gonna learn. You can learn little jingles and stuff. But you’re not going to be a natural, you’re gonna have to it’s gonna be like a formulated plan. Whereas playing music is more of just like a sort of reactive type of thing. Almost Not really. But that’s the point where you want to get Yeah, so that’s like the thing. And yeah, I’m the same way, bro. I just can’t like some things I can’t but with guitar specifically, I’m not like rhythmic at all. And if I don’t get it either, because like I can play almost every single song on Guitar Hero an expert. Yeah, yeah, yeah, on a regular guitar. That’s Mike Proctor 14:01 the one thing that doesn’t translate, man. Don’t just don’t get it. The guitar and Guitar Hero is such a bad representation. They lie to you. I’m telling you. It is. Mike Proctor 14:10 It’s a bunch of lies, man, for sure. It’s everybody all fired up. And then you actually go to try to play and you’re like now that’s not not the same. I’m pretty sure it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever tried to do is play a guitar. Did I just kosher like, like, my brain just couldn’t? I’m like, nope, Mike Proctor 14:27 yep. Cool. No, you’re done. Yeah, it just wouldn’t work. Yeah. What’s the first song you tried to learn? I don’t even know. Whatever the YouTube tutorials we’re trying to teach. Mike Proctor 14:35 Just some random song. Probably. Yeah. See if I’m gonna play I’m gonna learn like a specific little jingle and then I’m like, Okay, I’m done. Yeah, I learned that song. Mike Proctor 14:43 Yeah, play that sometime. Yes. Oh, what I should have did. Mike Proctor 14:49 That’s funny. That’s what Um, so now, now you’re working. You like big, giant fucking shit, right like, as far as engines and vehicles and, and such like you, you know when you when people use a mechanic, right, you’re not really a mechanic. You’re more like a diesel mechanic. Yeah, yeah, um, but I think and even that kind of has like a not a stigma, but and I don’t mean this in an insulting way at all but you know McCann’s like Oh, you’re a mechanic. It’s like a dirty, tough job. And it is very much right. Um, but like, in your case you, you like it? You love it? Yeah. So you, you, you, you look at it in a different way. I feel like I feel like mechanics get a bad rep. Because, uh, they’re thought of as working on like, vehicles with people like normal vehicles. Right? You’re like a specialized mechanic. Yeah, like a pass your class where they say Mike Proctor 15:50 right? No, that can’t pass. That’s the shitty kind of tear of Vienna McCain. Not necessarily shitty. But it’s a tough gig, because you’re dealing with the times like I worked at a dealership. So you know, it’s kind of a different setting. You’re like, what’s like the commercialized end of it? Mike Proctor 16:06 Yeah, you’re sort of, you know, at least with your hobby more. So you’re putting a really specialized tonight, and then you work full time as a mechanic now. Right? Yeah. Yeah. So I do own the construction equipment. So right, you know, dozers, excavators? Mike Proctor 16:23 Yeah, fucking machine. Yeah. Huge. You know, and that’s, it’s, it’s a very niche part of the industry. Yes. You know, because, you know, I’d say, as many cars as there are, there’s equipment, you know, I mean, everything we use, or do or go has been touched by a piece of equipment is attended been built, you know, so, um, so yeah, it’s, it’s, it kind of evolved from there. Because I, that was the whole thing of coming to like, everyone works on cars, it seems like everyone, but no one works on a bulldozer, right. So it kind of made me even more interested in it that no one does it. That’s where you get your inspiration from is you’re like, you’re just thinking the scarcity of it. Like, yeah, no one’s I don’t see that advertised anywhere. Mike Proctor 17:08 So how did you end up in this niche? So it was because, you know, we always did cars and trucks and stuff our whole life since kids working on him and driving them. But I like the idea of doing something that no one else really does. You know, because you can talk to a bunch of your buddies, and a few of them probably know how to work on their own car. But how many of your buddies can say yeah, I mean, I pulled an engine out of a bulldozer and rebuilt it and put it back in, right? Mike Proctor 17:33 no one. So it’s kind of like, I was making my own path behind no one that I knew that did it. So that’s kind of how it started. And then I just kept going and kept going and kept going. And now I do it for myself. So, um, Mike Proctor 17:48 how old are you? I’m 2828. So, um, how long you’ve been doing this now? And what’s your you own? your own business? Yes. Right. What’s your business name? It’s ch Equipment Repair. So I got a big mobile. Big Huge International Service truck. Okay. Mike Proctor 18:05 With like a fucking lift on it. And yeah, like a crane. Yeah. Well, I mean, it’s a shop on wheels. Basic. Mike Proctor 18:09 Yeah. Do though. Yes. fucking bad. Yeah, it’s pretty. Mike Proctor 18:14 That you know, god damn, bro. What a genius. How long have you been doing this? Well, how long you been in business? This is my third year. Nice, man. So third full year. I did it on the side for a long time. But it was, you know, on a side note, so Mike Proctor 18:30 yeah, you just you’ve been working on it your whole life. What did you do when you know like in the meet? You said you had went to college for a brief period? Yeah. Did you stay in? No look like you just kind of always working in shop since? Yeah, yeah. And I went to college to do business management. Okay. And, and then it was just that whole, you know, rat race of going to college just wasn’t my race. Yep. And so I only went one year and realize I’m not doing this anymore. Mike Proctor 18:58 Did you go right back to wrenching? Yeah, I mean, and I was doing it the whole time. Um, but it was basically college was just a joke to party the whole time. Yeah, I guess just really was you know, literally is what it was. Mike Proctor 19:09 Dude, I literally last episode is like, they didn’t teach me shit in college. I went to college and I like applied myself and I mean Batman to me. It taught me not to drink more than one or two four lokos You know, that’s what it taught me. Yeah, I would never good. Mike Proctor 19:26 I did online college too. So you know, I didn’t actually go to college it’s probably why I didn’t party. You so that I just that’s so nuts man. Like you probably been building your own shit your whole life. Yeah. And that’s kind of evolved into this really specialized type of thing as well. Um, and then you’re really capitalizing on a smart fucking way to you know, like be a mechanic that’s what I was trying to say really was like, that’s just such a smart fucking you know, thing to do. Pick something that you’re good at, and then apply it to a just a totally another level, like, how can I make this even better and more adventurous with it? And I think what a lot of it was, too is that, you know, supply and demand, right? So if you start looking at it, and it helped, because, you know, I worked at a bunch of different companies doing what I do. And you would see, like, Mike Proctor 20:23 I was gonna ask that as well. I mean, to cut you off, but did you work in this industry prior to going on your own? Yeah, so I started working on equipment at Yeah, yes, which is john deere. And I was there for quite a few years. And it just, it evolved to the point where like, it does every job, it seems I wanted more money. And they didn’t want to give me more money. So I left there. And I went and worked for caterpillar. And cat was, I was there for quite a few years to and their union. And I don’t know if you’ve ever if you know about unions, but it’s very political. And yeah, it just, it turned into a nightmare to where I wanted to work a lot more. And they were like, no, you’re done. You’re done. And it was just Well, we’re going to offer all this time to people that have more seniority than you. And if it gets down the line, and you get it, then you can have it. It’s like, Well, that makes no sense. You, Mike Proctor 21:19 I want to work. Yeah. You know, so I just love union stuffs. It’s terrible. So I left there. And it goes both ways, though. Yeah, it does. I get it. And you know, it works. When it’s supposed to work, I think are for certain people. Yeah, like, yeah, like for certain people exactly. application, you know, and that was where you can’t, you can’t argue with it. But at the same time, you can argue with it. So it’s hard. But so when I went out on my own, because it was I seen, the biggest thing was is if you if you look at the whole heavy equipment in a whole repair, the average age is like almost 50 of people that do it. Mike Proctor 21:58 That man, which I was gonna say that as well, kind of going back to my other point is mechanics get a bad rap, because the people are generally older folk. Yeah, um, and they’re not, you know, they’re not nice. For lack of them. Yeah. And I honestly think like, you know, just the younger were just Kinder in general some somewhat to other people and, you know, more understanding, and you’re working, you’re the people you work with are also laborers and such, so they are a lot better to deal with, then, you know, necessarily like a general consumer, like someone where you’re just trying to, you know, get business for whatever reason, you know, bend over backwards for them. we classify them as like, like, us, mobile guys, you know, like homeowners and in customers. Yeah. Because homeowners, you know, that got one tractor or one whatever, their pain in the ass. Yeah. They think they’re the, you know, they want to they’re the only one you know. So that’s, it’s kind of like a thing, but you know, to go back to like, so my whole thing was is I was already in this, this niche little part of the world. And then I realized, okay, so, you know, just like cars, equipments getting more advanced, more, you know, sensors, electronics, yada, yada, yada. Well, all of these old timers that are doing what I do, yeah, they don’t know any of that. And they don’t even Mike Proctor 23:24 the minor to learn, it won’t learn it, they won’t learn it. They don’t care, too. They just won’t. Exactly. And so that’s where I was, like, I could just take off in this ingenious bra to have a young guy doing what these 50 year olds do and be able to just like 28 I got another 3040 years at this so it kind of just it was like, you know that that light bulb of like, this is me, and it helps you know, I love what I do. I mean every day I love it. Yeah, you have your bad Mike Proctor 23:52 so we got to break that down too. So so you necessarily you’re dealing with like hydraulic fucking lifts and you know, like combustion engines. Mostly diesel they all burn diesel? Yes, it’s majority majority diesel. Um, that’s actually sad. and I both have a close connection. Both of our wives father’s a diesel mechanic. Yeah. And he works for himself. And I genuinely think he enjoys his work, too. He does. It’s, uh, I don’t know, man. Can you break that down for two for us a little bit? What What is the major difference between I know, there are tons I know there are tons but what’s the major difference between like these massive equipment, machines and like our cars, just that you know, so like your car, majority of equipment, they don’t even have a transmission. You know, like, which every car almost on the road has a transmission. You know, your The main purpose of equipment is an engine to turn a hydraulic pump to move parts of the machine something. Yeah. So it’s a whole different. You know, you have to learn a whole different aspect of actually You know, being a mechanic because working on cars, you don’t deal with hydraulics, and that’s he, you know, I’d say 50% of what I do is hydraulics, you know, in his work cars, you would never even it wouldn’t even cross your mind to do that, you know. So that’s why it’s hard for guys that, you know, they come from working on cars, and they come from working on big trucks or whatever, to come to equipment, because now they’re trying to learn a whole different, whole different Yeah, it doesn’t translate necessarily. Oh, not at all. No, not at all. No, because you’re taking a pump, you know, you’re moving fluid from here to here to move something in his car Mike Proctor 25:34 there. Isn’t it a lot more simple in nature? Yes. somewhat like, like, the things that you’re dealing, like you said, are just generally they’re more simple in nature, like, so therefore, the problems are like, what, like, just harder. I wouldn’t say that. I mean, you know, it comes with anything, like, once you understand the system, it’s pretty easy to understand, you know, it’s just you if you don’t know it, then it’s like, gibberish, you know. So, that’s why, once you, you know, like it like me, I’m phenomenal with hydraulics. And that’s why I think I’ve succeeded so well, because I understand it so well. So that’s, it makes everything easier. And, you know, so that’s to where, like, even with cars, once you know them, you’re going to be good at it, you know, so but a lot of the issues are just wear and tear. You know, your if you think about it, these machines are, you know, you’re you’re, you’re moving dirt, you know, dirt not good for Mike Proctor 26:35 dirt is the worst. Yeah, for everything. So it’s just, I don’t know, it’s, you have to really like it. Because it is, it’s, it’s terrible. It’s terrible on your body. And Mike Proctor 26:45 that’s what I mean is tough, hard. Yeah. I mean, you’re covered in grease and shit. And I mean, some of the places I go are just insane. And you’re wonder, why am I here? You know, it’s it’s crazy. For sure. Dude, do you travel a large area for work? Or just? Yeah, generally around here? I do a lot. So I’m, I mean, I’m all the way up to like Kansas City down to Detroit, Indiana, you know, basically a couple hundred miles. Yeah, covering that. Yeah, I’m usually I usually do I mean, I have to be right. Mike Proctor 27:19 That’s where the, that’s where the equipment’s where the work is, is the city, you know, the, the best place obviously, if you can get a lot of contracts and a lot of customers that do a lot. Because you can stay in a small area and do a lot of different people is to work for us, you know, the capita per square mile is a lot less than living in the city. So, um, but and, you know, even you could have a customer for 10 years. And but they move you know, they only build something for so long. You got to move so it’s it’s hard as kind of wondering that too, because of where we live. There’s like three months out of the year where constructions four months out of the year. Sure. Yeah. Not even taking place. So yeah, you hadn’t Southend at that point. I know I set up a lot. I mean, I work all through the winter. I don’t I don’t usually slow down at all. Um, but I we you know, we kind of plan because you think about it. These these construction guys, they they go a million miles an hour all summer, right? And they want to make as much money and build as much right and all summer Well then. So they neglect a lot of shit all year. So then they get to the end of the year. You’re like, hey, Cam gotta do man’s you. Here’s a laundry list of everything we want to fix. You know, I’ve got a big shop that I that I do stuff out into the winter. We bring it back and do it. Do it all then. Mike Proctor 28:31 Yeah. Did you? Did you find out where they were they had though. What mechanics? Yeah. Yeah, I mean, the number one state for mechanics is actually Alaska. Alaska. Yeah. But I would presume they do a lot of oil drilling in Alaska, stuff like that. So I could see that. It would make sense that that’s like I didn’t even think about and then after that, it’s basically just a list of the midwestern states which in my mind, I was thinking more like cities and stuff like that, but it definitely was more Midwest, Midwest states, the Dakotas and Colorado stuff like there’s a lot of oil drilling Dakota through Colorado. A lot of oil drill. Exactly. And this is this chart is saying like the best places for them. Not necessarily where’s the most of them at but the best place to be? Yeah, were they it was money, right? Yeah, versus most money versus just work lifestyle and stuff like that. But um, but Michigan comes in at number 22. So kind of middle of the pack right there. They will take it Yeah, man. It’s not bad. It’s not bad. It’s not last. Yes. Some other little mods not on there. Yeah. No, Vermont. I have not seen Vermont. So. But I’m alright with that though. Because if it was number one, a bunch of people, more mechanics would be going there to do it. Yeah. So it would take work for me. Mike Proctor 29:49 Yes, this is a minimum. Yeah, this is what is best salary. Oh, it’s just a list of it. Yeah, total total jobs for an annual average salary. Stuff like that. Yeah, yeah, Mike Proctor 30:02 yeah, that’s pretty dope. Yeah, um, Alaska. That’s funny. Yeah. last ones though, you know, that’s a fucking that’s that’s tough shit out there those guys go and like work, you know, half the year and then are off and I was gonna say I actually knew a guy who was working out there and he did that for periods of time it’d be like a six month push he grew up there and were seasonal or something yeah, every day of the week for six months and then after that he was off and he was working on the oil lines and stuff like that. Yeah, that’s what I really I keep telling my wife I you know, have you seen that show Gold Rush where they do all the goldwing Yep, yep, I want to go do that for a year but it’s that’s a whole different I mean, because they’re only it’s only a couple months. Yes. Like you want to go actually mine you like I want to go up there and just be like a mechanic for them guys. Mike Proctor 30:48 I was gonna say, just go Yeah, like, work, you know? Yeah, the kid right? Yeah, I got one. Yeah, yeah. So that’s that is Yeah, that’s it, man. That’s that’s the thing. Oh, it makes it so where’s Mike Proctor 30:59 this? Where do they Where’s it at? They do like the Klondike the Yukon. Alaska last. Oh, no. Yeah, Canada probably. Yeah, they do some in Maine. Maine, Maine. Mike Proctor 31:09 Yeah, the gold mining. Mike Proctor 31:12 What would you do you want to go work? I’m sorry. What would you do if you found a bunch of gold? I’d stay there and get all of it. When gold prices are the highest they’ve ever Yeah. Mike Proctor 31:23 I was gonna say I didn’t know for sure, though. But now that you second that remark? Yeah, I’m pretty sure Gold’s worth shit. Mike Proctor 31:30 It’s crazy. So all right. So tough work, man. tough work. It’s brutal. Then you go home and do it. Right? Oh, yeah. doesn’t make a lot of sense. doesn’t Mike Proctor 31:43 doesn’t make any sense at all, bro. But hey, you know, sometimes the successful people are a little crazy. Yeah, and I think that shows you gotta, you really have to like it. Yeah, you know, and that’s, I actually I saw a quote the other day, it might have been on Facebook, too. Even then I saw it. But um, and forgive me if you kind of mess it up. And it doesn’t sound perfect. But it’s, uh, do do the things that no one else does. And you’ll have the things that they never will. Oh, yeah. And I thought that was that’s super cool. No, absolutely. situation, you know, and that’s, you know, like, one of my favorite quotes of all time, which is actually a lot like that. One is it’s, it’s everyone wants what you have, when they won’t do what you do to get it right. You know, so it’s like, the outsiders always looking in, you know, so you kind of just have to, like, blur everyone out. No, you know, have your set. So, you guys, there’s Mike Proctor 32:38 a lot more kind of feels philosophical than mine. But, um, I read a really cool one. And I can’t remember where I’ve seen it either. But it was like, things are not meant to be there. They are made to be by men who will them to be so or something like that. Um, that one really kind of falls in with more execution. But a man you know, you got to make it happen to which you have obviously, so tough work, bro. tough work. How do you? How do you eat? amidst all of this? power? You’re like, do you generally have a good deal? Are you good about getting breakfast? lunch, dinner? Or is it more because at what at what I feel like is that it’s much more like, you have to be so involved when you’re like working on something like that. I feel like that. And there’s so many little, you know, so much shit going on that you may very well become upset, not obsessed. But uh, I do this all the time with many things. I get very foggy and I forget to eat and do stuff like Oh, yeah. And, like properly. Um, you know what I mean? Like, how is your sort of lifestyle along with that? Terrible? It’s absolutely terrible. You know, they say they say that construction workers and mechanics live off monster and McDonald’s and right. pretty true. Yeah. You know, and that’s the hardest part is that like, you know, you’re somewhere so remote most of the time working on something because not you know, nothing breaks next to a, you know, a restaurant, it’s always way in the middle of nowhere. And so that’s, that’s the hardest thing. I’ve I think it’s a huge struggle every day for me, because, you know, every single day, every single day, you Mike Proctor 34:24 It’s impossible, especially for you your very unique situation, because most people like just don’t worry about don’t care. Right? They have the option but they use much less so probably a lot of it. Yeah. And that’s, I mean, you don’t have a fridge. You don’t have a microwave. You don’t I mean, Mike Proctor 34:38 so. You’re gonna dry you’re gonna drive out to fuck it. You’re eating lunch like in the truck? Yeah, I gotta live in my truck. basic rule, you know, and, you know, I’m working. I average 7870 to 80 hours a week, every single week. So you’re physically in that truck. You know? It’s an it’s insane. Yeah. And that’s the biggest thing. Is that I want to eat better, because I know I’d feel better. And a lot of times I feel like, I feel like shit because I eat like shit. Yeah. And that’s, you know, but that, that takes a whole like level of commitment and like self. I don’t even know that there’s a term for it. But like, like structure, yes. You know, being discipline, self discipline is what I was looking for, to like meal prep, and, you know, cook your foods pack your lunch every day, like when I’m leaving my house at three and four in the morning to go to work. The last thing I’m thinking is Oh, shit, what am I gonna do today? You know, like, yeah, I’m just, I’m just like, out the door. And then, you know, and then that’s the same thing. Like you were saying, I get you get rolling. You get rolling? Yeah. And then you get in, you’re like, holy shit. It’s four o’clock, and I feel like I’m gonna pass out. Like, yeah, and I’ve had 12 monsters in the no water and you know, just to beat in my body. Mike Proctor 35:55 Yeah, it’s so hard, man. Um, I feel like it’s, especially in the case of where you’re constantly go, go go like you’re literally a mobile. So your business is primarily mobile, then hey, yeah. Is it 100% mobile? Pretty close. Yeah, I only have a shop and bring stuff back. Because it’s like, by proxy, you have to write you know, there’s some there is certain jobs, you know, Mike Proctor 36:19 you don’t want to have to haul this shit all the way back to the shop. No, and that’s the biggest fix away there. Yeah, cuz I mean, most the time you think about it, like, like, when your house breaks down. You don’t take your house somewhere to get it fixed. You know, someone comes to your house and fixes it. I mean, these things are just the same size, you know, so it’s the same concept. It’s a man founder’s has got to figure it out. I’ll tell you it’s pretty good. It’s a good beer, isn’t it? Yeah. I like I like to support local businesses, their Grand Rapids, so it’s it and it’s a good product. What Mike Proctor 36:49 isn’t? Shout out? sighs Yes, I’ll go by found what’s Mike Proctor 36:52 funny is I was literally gonna say to Cameron, I was gonna be like, Zed usually gets solid gold. I don’t feel like that. But we’ll get something. And I didn’t. Yeah, because I wasn’t sure if you were gonna have it. Yeah, I try to stick with it. It’s good stuff. Yeah, I actually like it. I’ve never had it. Mike Proctor 37:10 I talk a lot about on the show of why it’s so fucking hard for us to we can’t eat man. We can’t eat right. Like, people like us that like people that work hard for their shit. Like, and you do a much harder job. I mean, hard in the sense of just most jobs are hard. Like I work at fucking Amazon dude. Yeah, they wouldn’t want to do it. It’s, it’s December right now. Um, you know, it’s, it’s gotta suck. Yes, I feel your pain though. I feel your pain. Mike Proctor 37:42 You know, and we’re just we’re just so focused. Like, it’s hard. I can’t think about trying to eat and I’m somewhat good at it. I’m not good at it. But I do try and I’m pretty. I’m okay at it. Um, and do you meal prep or anything like that? Sometimes. Mike Proctor 37:55 Okay, sometimes I do not every week, but I need I probably should do it every week. But I’ve been falling off the wagon recently. But I generally will bring like, you know, I’ll bring like a snack or bring a couple pieces of fruit or granola bar and something to eat decent pockets, because I feel like half of the conversations that I have on the phone with you, you’re driving home from work and like what are you doing at home from work eating a hot pocket? Mike Proctor 38:21 No. I had a bad couple weeks. Okay. I was doing better than usual. That’s my lunch. I should ate that about three o’clock, but it was sick. Yeah. And I hated that. Do the gas stations once or sick cuz they’re like this. It’s like a whole meal and one hot pocket. You know? Yeah. Like half a ham in there. You know? Mike Proctor 38:40 But that’s what I mean. Like I’ve just had no, but I’m pretty good at it. Like if you just grab a couple pieces of fruit man. That’s that’s the way to go. Cuz then it’s at least not some junk food. Yeah. And you know it’s energy. And it just covers all the bases for me. Okay. Get Fuji apples. The red Fuji apples. I could do that. That’s what’s up bro. Oh, butter maybe yeah the spring a little bit good with that Mike Proctor 39:05 it’s a protein and they’re gonna go in waves with the food like I’m because I like to listen to Joe Rogan. I haven’t really been listened to a lot but you know, he’s very like, yeah and shit. So it’s it’s very hard. Did you hunt this year? Did you know I don’t hunt just because it’s. I’m a very, I like that. You know, I like the reward at the end. But I don’t want to sit in the woods for 12 hours staring at a tree Mike Proctor 39:31 60 days before? And you just said that you work 70 to 80 hours a week. There’s 168 hours in a week and you’re working half of them. Yeah, so and then family and fit. Yeah, you got a kid man. Yeah, yeah, it’s just not it’s not my cup of tea. I tried. No, but I end up just shooting shit. That’s not even Yeah, you’re supposed to be shooting trees and I’d rather just shoot a gun. Yes, that’s Mike Proctor 39:57 I’m not a huge hunter either. Um, I wish I was. I do too. I mean, I wish. I think it’s because I hate venison, though. Oh, really? I think honestly, if I liked venison more, I would probably hunt. Mike Proctor 40:08 I’ve genuinely like anything as long as I, if it’s prepared. Well, I’m really not super, like, eat just about anything. I’m not a huge mushroom fan. But that’s just me. Oh, you must. But I wanted to talk to your work in a fucked up, dude. How often how much sleep you get? You’re not getting enough sleep? I can I can tell you that already. No, it’s, I mean, I do pretty decent. Um, but the hardest part is is that, like I said to you in that in that questionnaire that you you know, yeah, it is that, you know, you’re and if you don’t really understand, like, my job, it’s kind of hard to but in in a nutshell. Like, you know, I had over 80 customers last year. So you know, and if you can think each person’s got a few pieces of equipment, so whatever. In my brain, there’s like this, like, consistent roll of shit. Just tumbling. You know? And it’s like, so you’ve got, you know, saying a week like, like, right now. I’ve probably got 20 or 30 jobs that I’m in the middle of or that need to be done. So my brain just is just Mike Proctor 41:13 you solopreneur in this, bro. Mike Proctor 41:16 Yeah, I can imagine. And I mean, I do my books. I do. I do impressive as a lot of work. So it’s like, you know, you you finally lay down at night and it’s just it doesn’t stop, you know, so then my brain just dislike I can’t even explain. It’s just like, you know, yeah, doesn’t stop. Mike Proctor 41:35 Um, that’s, yeah, that’s, that’s, that’s so what are you saying? It’s like, sometimes I’ll lay down and lay there for four hours before I go to sleep, you know. So then go to bed at 1011 o’clock and get up at four, you know, and then leave and then it’s just and then you’re like, oh, wow, I’ve done that for five nights in a row. Are Mike Proctor 41:57 you like laid down at 910 11 type of guy like, yeah, lay down on the bed. Do you do actually TV in bed? No, we don’t. And that’s so like, my son. He’s He’s a year and a half. So he’s on a real strict like he’s in bed at 730 every night. Yeah, it’s like religious and yes, Mike Proctor 42:14 that’s got a woman. Yeah, yeah, I got a one and a half year old too. But Yep, that’s exactly the way he sleeps all night. You know, he’ll sleep till six, seven in the morning if we you know, this is a good Mike Proctor 42:24 girl. Yeah, he’s fucking grown. So we’ve kind of like, it’s hard to because then that’s you and the wife time, right? You know, that’s where we get our couple hours before bed. So it’s usually 10 o’clock every night. We’re in bed, you know? And if it’s past that it’s for dinner or you know, whatever special circumstance, right? Well, we’ll stay up after that. But it’s pretty it’s pretty, pretty clockwork. Yeah, exactly. Um, and so Mike Proctor 42:48 you just you just struggle sleeping in general then falling asleep? Yeah, getting asleep that you heard a spark. Mike Proctor 42:53 You have dreams? Yeah. You have lots of crazy dreams. Mike Proctor 42:57 I’ll never did that. Who else says no, I would say most people say no. will say no. Uh, Mike Proctor 43:05 We’ve done. A bank that Mike Proctor 43:07 we have heard before where someone’s not they’re not sleeping a lot, but they’re having fucking wicked REM sleep. Yeah, it’s time craziest dream and they’re like It’s never good though. Mike Proctor 43:18 That’s a problem. Yeah, my knee that’s always bad. The more I’ve been talking about dreams I’ve been having more dreams and I feel like they’re not they’re never good. Even thought we were like, you know, maybe it’s our bed. Maybe we need a new mattress. You know? So we bought a brand new real nice mattress. Fucking didn’t change. Mike Proctor 43:34 Nothing changed. Like less, did you but did you go and break it down with the loan salesperson? They’re like here just lay down here. Let me get you at the different pillow. Yeah, later. Yeah. And I’m looking at this lady like 17 like lady I need to sleep on this thing. Like I can’t just lay down for 20 minutes right? Yep, this Come on. So um, Mike Proctor 43:57 so But have you ever tried the TempurPedic or whatever that’s I’d like to try one of the like high dollar ones. We laid on the table and then you sink in? Yeah, I’m not about that. I want that soft like Mike Proctor 44:12 memory foam guy. Yeah, spring pillow top guy. I have to kind of do whatever my wife wants because yeah, you’re kind of pigeon holed Yeah, you’re like you have to split that 50 Mike Proctor 44:21 unless you can get the one that splits down the middle you honestly the biggest thing that’s been helping me and I don’t know if you guys do it because you’re I mean you’re you’re in a lot with like social media and obviously computers and stuff because this you know you got editing and all that whatever it is that if I don’t use my phone like an hour before bed I say it’s an hour it drastically changes Mike Proctor 44:42 Yeah, you’re not Yeah, bro. Um, some of the light the blue light blue Mike Proctor 44:46 light in the screen emulates causes you to stay more awake. Yeah, yeah. It’s Yeah. stimulates when your brain fires an iPhone, you iPhone. Yeah, I guess so like that new update. They did. You can put like a sleep timer on your phone. Mike Proctor 45:00 It actually works or you have to change the screen. Yeah, a lot of them have modes where it’s sleep mode. That’s what it’s for. It’s for you know, to not keep Yeah, you can see and this one I like set it to where an hour before bed it says All right, you know, it’s it’s cool down mode or whatever it says, you know, and then it just makes me realize like, Okay, put the phone away. Mike Proctor 45:19 That’s such a small thing that you don’t realize like when your kids when your kids start to get older and they start getting devices and shit because I don’t give a fuck who you are telling you. You get your kid attached. Yeah, don’t fucking tell me you’re not. And just play. No, my wife. She literally yesterday asked me So should we get Should we get cash at tab? Mike Proctor 45:39 Yes, I got no rice. Yes. teenies means one. Everything’s going to be that bro. You gotta you gotta get them printed out. And everything’s gonna be that everything that I learned in school is that which is crazy. They need to know it. It’s important. And that’s not just me being you know what I mean? Like I’m dead serious. Yeah, um, but what the fuck was that talking about? Oh, but I can’t sleep. I can’t sleep. Yeah, blue important. Mike Proctor 46:06 It’s important that you put that shit out for your kids. Because your kids will be going bonkers that no no, why the TV? TV’s bad for them kids. So under pasa it pauses your body’s ability to produce melatonin which is the sleep? Yeah. I mean, that’s like the sleep drug. Yeah, your body. I take melatonin every night to get to sleep. Mike Proctor 46:26 There you go. Yeah, I’m a little sub subject. And if you listen to some of the earlier shows, cherries will increase your body’s melatonin. I only found that out because like I had like a couple cherry binges. Yeah, Mike Proctor 46:38 but cherries are gonna make you trip out with crazy dreams. Yeah, having made me notice it because I pounded a bunch of cherries one night, the next morning woke up. I’m like, the fuck happened to me last night. Joe Rogan talks a lot about sleep. And he talks about people that take melatonin. Yeah. Yeah, their dreams get loose. Yeah. And that’s the same with mine. It’s it’s, but I can you know, so like, if I take you know, I’ve been through a bunch of different types of melatonin and this and that. And this and that. And I found some that really worked good for me. And they’re like a gummy. And just take, you know, like a gummy. You know, whatever. Like a gummy bear. And you get them in? Yep. And it’s like a good. Seven minutes later, you’re out. And but you Mike Proctor 47:21 know, a lot of weight seems crazy. CBD is super good. Yeah, I heard. I’d like to try to get you hoping sleep and stuff. Um, I have one question on that melatonin that you take? Does it make you get uncomfortable? Like? I don’t know. I feel like it would make me feel uncomfortable. That lack of control or is it like an easy transition? And yeah, I feel like it’s, for me at least. Like when I take it, you can feel it, you know? So you can almost like feel your eyes getting heavy. Yeah. And then your it just makes you realize, okay, okay, it’s time. Okay, so it’s an easy change. It’s not as likely I don’t like not like taking 12 night quills you know? That’s Oh, yeah, that’s, you know, as long as it’s not like that, that I’m good. Yeah, no. See, and that was a big thing is, you know, I don’t go to the doctor a lot. I think it just has a lot to do with how I was raised. Yeah, even though saying My mom is a doctor, but like, I’m just like, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. You know, and I don’t want that. What would make it worse to? I think so. I really think so. And that’s, I just didn’t want you know, on a couple of my friends were like, Well, why don’t you just go get, you know, sleeping medicine or this or that or this? And I’m like, I don’t really think I want to be that. Yeah, I don’t think it’s necessary. I think there’s easier ways to do it, I guess. easier ways for me, right. I was going to get a prescription. Mike Proctor 48:40 Yeah. So just have to continue to, you know, work and try to figure it out. Just doing it. Don’t just like deal with it. I think learning yourself. Yeah, it really helps because I can now like if I lay there I can like almost try to switch it off. And then it puts me in that sleep mode. I Mike Proctor 48:56 fall asleep as we get older. Yeah, to become wiser. Shut your mouth. Dude. I feel like if I could stay this age, though, for Do you feel so good. Mike Proctor 49:08 How are you? I’m good. Here you 30 Um, no, get out of here, bro. I’m 29 I’ll be 30 I’ll be 30 next What are you? You’re 28 Is Yeah. 28 Yeah. Do you? Can you tell drastically since you were 25? Like, I feel like I was 10 years younger. At 25 Yeah, now that I’m 28 I’m like, Mike Proctor 49:27 it’s funny literally been saying this for a little while to continue to fall off. In a year or two. We went I went over to Mike’s house and we’re like hanging out on the front porch. And I went it’s the stupidest thing in the world. But it made such an impact. I want to jump off like the third stair up. Yeah, I was like, no, it’s gonna fucking hurt. Like, I’m gonna feel that like it’s like, yeah, I could hurt myself. Yeah. And that’s gonna mess with me. You know, like, when you were younger, you would just grab something, pick that fucker. I’ll pick it out over there. You know, now you do and you’re like, Oh, yeah, Mike Proctor 49:58 I don’t. I try actively. Try not Yeah, I actively try not to if there’s big heavy shit to like, Do I go do it? But yeah, I try not to for someone else. I’m like, you know, like we’re Yeah. I knew I was getting old when I started saying to myself usually legs now. Yeah, yeah, that’s back I had I helped have always been good. I helped a friend earlier today we’re putting together um, like one of those super play structures for the kids of the swings that this thing is ridiculous. I’m sore shit right now. When I go to get a pilot’s chair, man, you’re like, see me hold my back. Yeah, but But yeah, like that’s, and that’s something that you said like two years ago, I wouldn’t have thought twice about. And then now I’m like, I’m gonna fuckin stretch before I go help him tomorrow, cuz I’m slower. Yeah, like, when you said you don’t drink that much. Mike Proctor 50:47 No, no, very rarely Is that you? I mean, you’re Yeah, I drink more than Mike does. Mike Proctor 50:51 Is that because? I mean, it’s hard to I don’t know. I mean, you might be able to relate, but your hangovers get drastically worse. In like, you just don’t recover. Mike Proctor 51:00 It’s never been a good hangover. Yeah. I’ve never had them until like, a year ago. Yeah, a year. Mike Proctor 51:06 It’s gotten worse. It’s tough man. Like, you know, and kind of to that point, like, if you eat better if you like, do you exercise and stuff? Yeah. And you’re not around take? No, I Mike Proctor 51:15 don’t. I’m terrible about exercising. But you know, if we, if we did, it would probably be easier. But I think we got time for that. No, yeah. Well, that’s what but none of I tried. I know, everyone’s got a big stigma about it. But like, I did CrossFit for a little while. And it was I mean, it was actually the probably the best I felt in a long time. You know, like, body wise. I was younger and more energy. I mean, everything was great. But the time that’s the whole Yeah, I just don’t, I don’t have it. You know, so it’s to commit, you have to make that commitment of like, Am I gonna go work out or am I gonna spend an hour with my son, Mike Proctor 51:50 right? You’re like, especially you made your work in a fuck ton. You work in twice. What? Anyone else? Yes. So you’re half the time to divvy up between everything. Oh, Mike Proctor 51:59 yeah. So you don’t guard and you live where we were? Where you live? Which is 25 minutes from anywhere? Yeah, anywhere significant. So yeah, everything more like I have. Mike Proctor 52:11 I feel like I haven’t said it in a while. So I’m going to say, you know, right smack dab in the middle guys. If you’re looking at the mitten. It’s what do I say? Like just below second knuckle. See? Yeah, second knuckle not not counting the thumb. Right. smack dab? Just basically, far from everything. Yeah, I Mike Proctor 52:28 think there’s nothing around. Yeah. Just I mean, of any significance. Yeah, exactly. You don’t really realize that too, right? I mean, you guys have got to watch so so it’s not that not terrible. 15 minutes is all right. But when you plan something out to do it, you know it. Like you have to plan it. When we lived in Swartz Creek. It was I was like four minutes from like, a ton of shit. Yeah, you know, as quick to get to the mall quick to get the store quick to get food. Duran is better. Byron, not so much. Yeah. And that’s where you don’t really think about it because you do it. You’ve done it your whole life. But it’s 25 minutes to a grocery store. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, like a legitimate like brand grocery store for 25 minutes. And you don’t think nothing of it until like, like, my wife had some family come in from Texas. And they’re like, oh, let’s go get this. Let’s go get that and like, all right, and it was 30 minutes away. And they’re like, what the fuck? Mike Proctor 53:18 Yeah, well, why don’t you you’re only here for so yeah, I got that shit. I thought about this show. It’s 30 minutes there. It’s 30 minutes back. It’s 32 minutes to a half an hour at the store. Mike Proctor 53:29 But we got a mud bog in the backyard. We do. It’s true. It’s way more important. I mean, you don’t have fun grocery shopping. No, but you have fun mudbug Mike Proctor 53:39 this is this the shit of living in like the Midwest, although I guess I suppose depending on where you are in, like in the cities and such might be the same. But you know, we’re in the middle of nowhere. We got to entertain ourselves with shit. How’s your guys’s sleep? Mike Proctor 53:53 I’d sleep like a fucking rock. Do you need to Mike Proctor 53:58 go mouthful bro. I’ll try to give you some advice. But, you know, I appreciate you talking about Oh, yeah, it’s tough man. got excited about it. You got to keep just trying to crush it, dude. Like you just gotta keep tweaking, oh, that didn’t work. I’m gonna try this that didn’t work. I’m gonna try this you know, don’t get stagnant. Don’t be don’t have the mentality of like, and for those for the people that listen So Mike, Mike and Zedd they send you over this this amazing form that just has some stuff about you know, so they kind of get a little better info and it really makes you think about yourself Mike Proctor 54:35 does that Yeah, it does. You know? I mean, I it’s funny, you know, I’ll talk about this because no one talks about this but so I’m a pretty I wouldn’t say manly man but like I’m a mechanic. You’re supposed to be considered a man. Yeah, Mike Proctor 54:47 But I love taking baths right because I get home at the end of the day. Like it sounds stupid. Like I probably take more bass than most women you know because like this, Steve In hot bath, Mike Proctor 55:00 don’t you don’t take more best than my wife. And so I you know, you sent that over and I’m like, I’m gonna get in the bath, you know, so I get in the bath in the bathroom. Think about it. Oh yeah. Mike Proctor 55:10 Oh yeah, dude, that’s, that’s no no I got it. I’m like I’m getting in the bath and let the brain juices go you know, that’s awesome it was so I sat there and filled that all out and it’s fucking like I’m like sitting there I’m like, you know because you kind of think about yourself right? You’re like should I actually you know you asked me about sleep like I sleep fucking terrible but you know, you don’t really want people to know. Yeah, I mean like you don’t need to like pump your ego you know like no like fuck, dude, I mean we’re all we all got shit going I get older we kind of Mike Proctor 55:41 I’m like this is probably gonna help me more by talking about this shit you know like it does man just kind of helps you work through your own shit it slows you down? Yeah, you actually take a it’s always easier to see other people’s issues like you can like you could have be having a problem right now, if I was having the same problem. I it would make no sense to me to look at it from my perspective. But then you come up to me and say, Hey, I’m having this problem like you could from an outsider looking in? Yeah, see that? And so like the relatability to think of Yeah, all right, why I’m not the only one that’s had issues with this. Yeah, you can tell me how to fix my life and probably like two minutes. But but to apply that to yourself. Mike Proctor 56:22 Yeah. But mostly so hard you would refute. Exactly, yes. Exactly. Exactly. People. So yeah, like I said, when you take the time, slow down, get outside of your own head and analyze yourself from that other angle. It’s, it’s, you know, I feel like to like, you know, you know, so you guys, you’re pretty obviously close, you know, so you you talk to each other a lot. And you’re around each other a lot. And married sisters. So Well, that was a terrible idea. But it’s nice to have, like, you know, other people that are in your circle. Oh, and then I mean, you guys, you talk to so many people, but like to have other questions. Yeah. You know, like, other points of view of, you know, yeah, absolutely. And it kind of, yeah, it’s cool. You know, it makes you really think about different shit that you normally wouldn’t think about. Um, one other thing off the question, or we didn’t even touch down on this. Especially when you’re talking about college. You get some crazy college. Yeah, Mike Proctor 57:20 we got it. Yeah, we got it out of here. That is Oh, yeah, cuz I’m reading that. Let me get a beer. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Because I’m sitting in the kitchen making breakfast this morning. And I read what you post dude. I started fucking laughing out loud. And Rachel was looking at me like, I was just like, I was crazy. Like, because I mean, my phones down on the counter, you know, and I’m just like, start cracking up. So yeah, it’s so like, it’s a funny story. But like, I went to Central Michigan, and didn’t learn a fucking thing. But besides the point, so I mean, you guys know Phil taphouse. Right. Yeah. And you’re forever on Phillips like Ben my best friends since you know, high school, middle school, whatever. Well, me and Phil went to the same college and we’re sitting there one day and there’s this like flyer sitting on the table. And it says go to Disneyland and California and you know, make all your dreams come true. You know, whatever. And I’m like, Phil, we should do this. You know, like it’s an internship, you get to live in California. And they put on their like, you’re gonna live in an apartment complex with 500 college kids. And I’m like, this is awesome, right? Like let’s do this. So we go through the whole thing we get accepted we do it and the day that you had to pay all this money to go fill up text me after I already paid all my money. It’s not dude, he did not fill text me. He goes, dude, I just can’t do it. I can’t do it. And my mom doesn’t want to pay for whatever the reason I go, and I’m like, dude, I just paid all this money. Like, Mike Proctor 58:45 I gotta go right. You’re going by yourself. And I wasn’t passing it up. So yeah, I mean, I you know, I moved to California, Anaheim, California. For how long? It was nine months. I was there. Yeah. So it was like my second half of my second half of my first year of college. I was living in Anaheim, California in it and dude, no joke. They move you in. It’s a huge building. Fancy is all get out. And you live in a it’s 500 college kids from all over the country. Yeah. Just literally, the craziest shit you would ever imagine happen in that place? And it’s people from like, literally everywhere. Yeah, you’re talking the classic college party scene. You’re walking into apartments. There’s beer pong here and competition is absolutely wild. And then Not to mention, you’re this dumb, young, first year freshman college kid. You know, working at Disneyland, literally working. I mean, I worked at Disneyland every day. When I was in stores. I had these little fucking outfits that you had to put on Mike Proctor 59:43 you were like, what a cashier? Yeah, yeah. Because they they took this whole interview thing and they’re like, oh, you’re good with talking with people you know your blah blah blah. Yeah, you’re gonna work you down and yeah, they basically you know, interview you and say this is where you’re going to do a screening. Why Disney make so much money. Crazy and that’s but it worked perfectly for me like I was like a Sox. I wanted to be like Buzz Lightyear motherfuckers you know, and But no, I don’t think Mike Proctor 1:00:08 they’re gonna let you be buzzed like, Hey, hey, why not? But they so they put me in the College Board doesn’t have anything to lose. Exactly. I mean, dude, it was like you’re tall and I’m like, well I’m decently Tommy’s reserved for like the actors. Yeah, the good guys. Yeah. But it worked out because like, I like talking to people and being a people person. So I got to interact with Mike Proctor 1:00:29 so you’re working everyone, you’re working for free? Basically. You’re working for room and board? Well, yeah. I mean, you still made money because it was kind of crazy, like back then. So was 2010. Um, minimum wage in California was like 15 bucks, which is crazy, because I had my first shot was just that Tropical Smoothie. And that it was like seven. Yeah, 45 or something. Mike Proctor 1:00:52 And 25 and my first, but the rooms that you lived in. So you had they were like two bedroom studio rooms that you had when you live there. They were $6,000 a month. And we had to pay that. But there was four kids in each room. So you know, you were paying for room and board there. They were paying you. But you had you were required to re rent from them. Yes. They fucking that’s what they gave Mike Proctor 1:01:18 you hours to pay your rent. Yeah. But I mean, you had as many hours as you want it, you know, it’s just like a regular job. But the only upside to that is that, like, you got a whole year of college credits, right for doing that. Yeah. So realistically, you know, like Central’s, like, 30 grand. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, you were doing pretty good. Yeah. If you are making money, and you got a whole year right? credits, but I didn’t I just partied the whole time. And so, you know, I ended up got I got lucky. But I roomed with three kids that lived in California. Oh, so I had to hook up like they had you know, cuz I didn’t have a car flew out there. You know, so I was taking buses everywhere. And like it was a bomb and had no money, you know, and but then my three roommates lived in California. So they had cars, they had girlfriends. They already knew everything. So when I basically had a free ride the whole time, and I was locked out, bro. It was wild. It was wild. And Mike Proctor 1:02:13 so so you got to work at Disneyland. You’re just a cashier for Yep. The summer kashered face summer Disneyland. Did you get to do any of the cool shit at Disneyland? No. I mean, yeah, yeah, it was kind of cool to see because you know, your whole life. You watch Disney movies, and you watch this. And you even like Orlando, you know, you go to Disney World in Orlando. And it’s crazy to see what the like the stuff they go through to make it that way. You know, like having like, tunnels underneath so that Yeah, they get written up and get in trouble if you were seen. Like if you were they called it onstage and offstage. And like if you were offstage, and someone’s seen you, yeah, you got written up, like you got in trouble. And so it was all like super, very, like very strict. cryptid almost, you know, so it was crazy. Mike Proctor 1:03:04 Did you ever see like Buzz Lightyear in the break room? Oh, yeah. Yeah. And so like, it’s it’s funny, because I seen him I thought it was kind of cool. If my wife listens to this, I’m sorry, but I was in Fantasyland, which is where all the princesses are. And those ladies are smoking. Mike Proctor 1:03:20 So you’d see bar you’re literally infant. Okay. Yes. So I’m sorry. Continue. Oh, it just funny that you’d be like, you know, and you’d see these girls out on stage right? Like you see move on, you know, this pretty Asian princess you know, and then she’d get backstage and she’s ripping a fucking Newport just like Mike Proctor 1:03:39 no. Shit, you know, like you literally so your summer Will you hung out with princesses. Fantasy, Princess. Yes. In a room in a apartment with three Californians that are getting you the hookups on anything everywhere. It’s like a movie. Yeah, it was awesome. When What happened? That was bad. What’s where’s the climax of the movie? That was bad is that I had to come home. Mike Proctor 1:04:09 I never got to go back. I mean, if I could have stayed right there for a long time, it would have been awesome. But no, it was it was a good like, experience. You know, you seen a whole different world, and like, how it works and whatever. And then you come home and you’re like Mike Proctor 1:04:22 that, but you were saying you were saying how like, you couldn’t see anyone living there? No, I couldn’t see anyone living like full time. I could say like, there was beautiful parts of California. Don’t get me wrong, but you were. I mean, you would literally drive 20 miles and it would take four hours. Right? You know, in so many people. Yeah. Like, you don’t buy lawnmowers, because there’s no lawn. just stupid stuff that you notice you’re like this. Like, I’d wild man. It’s it’s like California. I mean, it’s the US right? You know, but you’d walk into a gas station and they couldn’t even speak English to me. And I’m like, dude, I just want a monster right? It was just it was a different world. Yeah, just a whole different world and Mike Proctor 1:05:04 a super valuable experience. Probably yes. For you to, to have. Um, I want to, I want to ask you one last question before we do shout outs. Where if you were so, and I, there’s a couple things that I didn’t even get to ask. We might we do an hour, man and it goes by so fast, but yeah, it was like it’s cooking. Yeah. Mike Proctor 1:05:29 So if, at this point in life, right, like, what, what is your vision for like, there’s a big one, what’s the vision for your life and you have to get like, super specific or anything like that. Um, but like, if you could, you know, what, if everything went perfect for you from now on, what would that look like? Uh, oh, that’s tough. It is very loaded question. You know, I think this is important. I just, the reason I ask is because I just think it’s super important. I think it’s super important for people to hear. This, I read I have on this, I’m on a bunch of crazy, cool email lists. And one of them had basically statements about trying to visualize your life and like, you know, it’s kind of like a motivational tool type of thing. Not that you know, you need it or anything, but, um, you know, I thought was super valuable. I read all those those. That’s pretty nuts. It’s pretty nuts. So, lay one on me, I think, you know, like, I love business, and I love I love what I do. You know, and I love meeting people. But I think what Trumps all that is my wife and kid, Oh, of course, in to see, you know, that. We don’t, you know, and it sounds stupid, but like, we don’t struggle for money or anything like that, which, and I know people say, you know, in it, and I don’t think it does either. But like the whole, it I love the fact that me and my wife, we don’t argue about bills, we don’t argue about who’s money’s who we get to go on vacations in. So I guess an easy way to say it is I think in the future is that my whole life, I hope that I can run my own business, and provide for my family and have what we want to have. And I think that’s the biggest thing because my mom busted her ass her whole life to give us what we have. And it was always we always had nice get to go to family vacation at least once a year. You know, whether that be camping or you know, whatever it is. Absolutely. So I think just in a nutshell like continuing to run my own business the way that I want to run it and not have to take shit from fucking anyone. Yeah. And provide for my family. Yeah, I think is the biggest provide the same things that you had grown up in? Yeah, continue that going on. And at least like I don’t want to be all boogy and ship but I want him to be like, at least you know, he has a four wheeler for six. Yeah, six birthday. You know, like, just let them have fun, man. We’ll teach him teach them the values but not have to be arguing about money. I think it’s so stupid. And you know, that, like life gets real. Like it gets real real quick. Yeah, for like, 18 years old. Absolutely. Like is that should change as fast so I’m gonna give to give that to him. Yeah, your son and to have that time when he can. Yeah, cuz it goes away. And I don’t know if that comes back. You know, it comes back to you like 60 so you don’t have a kid? Do you? Mike? Mike Proctor 1:08:27 I got two brother. Dang. Man. I don’t want that bad juju, though. I’ll take one and I got I got the second one on the way. Mike Proctor 1:08:36 Ah, yes. That already made them. Yeah, we were out for a little out. Mike Proctor 1:08:42 The fighting is tough. But you just got it. You learn how to manage it. How old are they? Mike Proctor 1:08:47 My kids are nine and six. Yeah. That was a very touching instrument. I thought that was incredible. Thank you so much for sharing. Thanks for asking. Um, so we’re have to wrap this pitch up. Um, we always do shout out so we got a we talked about today so I mean, a little bit all over the place. I mean, a little bit. Mechanics. Mike Proctor 1:09:08 Shout out. Yeah. Um, bro, you need to expand into Alaska. But apparently we looked it up. Mike Proctor 1:09:16 You can just launch a branch there. You know, I’m saying and I saw something on Facebook the other day and it said in this hit touches down on the Coronavirus, all the stuffs going on with that. But he said, you know, mechanics are the essential workers that get essential workers their jobs, so shout out to them. Mike Proctor 1:09:32 Hey, sounds like truck drivers. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Mike Proctor 1:09:36 Um, shout out to us. Ch Equipment Repair. Mike Proctor 1:09:41 Yeah, shout out what? So where can we get up find all your shit, man. Just Facebook. I mean, I don’t really advertise because a lot of my niche business is word of mouth. Like we’re all word of mouth. And it’s hard because everyone you talk to you do good work. That’s all. Mike Proctor 1:09:57 Yeah. Well, I know that we have. There’s a couple contractors that I know for a fact that there’s a couple contractors that listen so I know guys spread you know if you got any anyone else any friends need anything? Yeah man I have a Facebook page. It’s just ch Equipment Repair on Facebook. You Mike Proctor 1:10:11 gotta have that shit. Are you on a Google search? I am not. Because we need to get you on good. No, no. Oh, you don’t want I don’t want to be on. Because it’s back to that. Mike Proctor 1:10:22 Okay, hang on. Oh, nevermind. Don’t get me up. I mean, don’t don’t get mad if I tell you. No, no, it’s just you. You build your clients, you know, Mike Proctor 1:10:30 like in good mechanics. You hire and you the whole goal is to be good enough in and do good enough work to where you can hire and fire customers. Yeah, you know that. That’s your you’re the limited commodity. Yeah, you’re the commodity. Yeah, there’s more of you that need me that need Yeah, it sounds shitty to say that. But it really but that’s business. Yeah, you can have one really bad customer ruin an entire week. But if you can get to where you’re, you can get enough work to where you can just tell that person like, Nah, motherfucker. I don’t have to listen to that. Yeah, it just makes you like, makes you so much happier. You know, so that’s the big thing. But yeah, yeah, Facebook, CH Equipment Repair. Monster and mudbugs monster sounds like monster gets you through your day. Mike Proctor 1:11:16 Yeah, yeah, he’s got one right there. Mike Proctor 1:11:19 figured out the name of the like the I don’t know the most leaguer and it’s the FTI mud racing. That’s it. Yeah, it’s that one? Yeah, keep an eye out this 2021 I’m gonna try and hit every one of them. So that’s a bucket. I mean, hopefully you’ll be able to see me all over YouTube racing that truck everywhere. So Mike Proctor 1:11:37 it was going to my next question. That’s the goal. The Vander Vander boss mudbug being the boss I don’t know how to do it this year. Mike Proctor 1:11:46 I mean, I would imagine not Yeah, but but shout out to them just Yeah. That’s Yeah, like, Dude, that thing’s huge. A small town It was a couple thousand people yeah, people know about that shit from a long ways away from Yeah, that’s what I’m saying. So I’m a lot more but yeah, shout out to vanamo for sure. What do we say a founders Mike Proctor 1:12:11 brewing shout out founders. good beer. A good beer. The Mike Proctor 1:12:15 last time we went to founders there was too many goddamn people there to that plan your travels please plan accordingly. They did one in Detroit too though. They just opened one is it another maybe I’m wrong. There’s one they just opened Detroit we went to they did founders I think they opened another like satellite Yeah, yeah, ruin that suite if you can get get there that place if you can fucking get in there. Yeah, yeah, exactly. That’s the thing. I think they got patios. Yeah. Okay. Do Mike Proctor 1:12:39 we used to go to Grand Rapids Brewing Company? There was? Yeah, Grand Rapids that that’s usually our spot to roll to um, Joe Rogan podcast? I you mentioned it. You mentioned it. I think everybody in the world listens to it a little bit. Mike Proctor 1:12:52 Yeah, it dude. It’s like the beer in there. Somebody’s listening. Oh, I keep an eye out when he you know someone you like Yeah, me too. That’s that’s how I treat I don’t listen to all of them. And he has Mike Proctor 1:13:01 tons of guests. Yeah. I mean, what other I mean real quick. Sorry, not to interrupt. What other podcasts Do you guys listen to? mentioned a couple that you did? Mike Proctor 1:13:10 Yeah. xad really likes Valenti. 97 one. That’s Yes. This guy. I like sports dude. I’m like, I just want to take it beat it up so much. Every day. It’s like, you know, with a Well, did you ever listen to valencies side podcast? No, I haven’t. It’s it’s a good listen. It’s a good it’s a not so much. Yeah, Detroit sport. Yeah, but because that’s what I get bored. So as a whole like, I get it. We suck right now. Yeah. Every day. I feel like it’s all I ever do. Yeah, Mike Proctor 1:13:37 yeah, it’s true. Because funny, I said it to you. But um, my so my service truck doesn’t have a radio. Oh, so podcasts are like, ideal. I’m not even joking. I probably eight to 10 hours a day. I’m listening to a pod. Oh, cuz you’re just running your phone. Yeah, I just I just have air pods and yeah, and I just I get my own little zone. And I mean, you know, Dave and Chuck the freak is like my go to because they are the only ones that I feel like don’t talk about politics and don’t you know, they kind of just talk about whatever. Yeah, you know, stupid here. That’s Mike Proctor 1:14:07 So like I do if you ever heard of drinkin bros podcast. Mike Proctor 1:14:11 Yeah, I think I have that. I do that one and then boom. Pat Mac. I like that. Yeah, he’s Mike Proctor 1:14:16 I do Pat McAfee and then they have like a side one. That’s heartland radio. But now it’s like Mike Proctor 1:14:22 barstool, like barstools. Yeah a little bit of our stores too. So Mike Proctor 1:14:25 if you’re gonna go somewhere you can go there and yeah, exactly so but I just like to ask cuz I was actually gonna put a Facebook post up ask people their favorite podcast because I’m getting burned out of what I’m on you know? Yes. To see what other people listen to right Right. Mike Proctor 1:14:40 Yeah. Um, I know I know but should dude up I’ll hook you up. What else we got? A melatonin sleep aids. Okay. Mike Proctor 1:14:49 particular brand that you like. Yeah. It’s like, I don’t know the name of it. It’s like, it’s on Amazon. It’s the gummies it’s like in a plastic pouch. I could probably look it up. But yeah, I mean melatonin to that guy, man, Mike Proctor 1:15:03 whoever made that. Oh, I forgot one to talk about this. Do you know where the DS the term diesel engine came from? Oh, shit. No, it was caught by the owner the first person who developed the diesel engine his name was James diesel or something. He’s a Robert dead guy. Cheers to him. Mike Proctor 1:15:20 Did you know for sure, Robert diesel came up missing. a cruise ship had a wound up living his life just wound up ashore like 10 days later, they found him identified him in such a place I always remembered in my research, that was a random thing that I had looked at your tank. Mike Proctor 1:15:39 I wanted to mention that I forgot. Um, so I wrote I wrote Phil down before the whole like bailed on you to the California situation, but I’ll feel shot. Yeah, he’s still. Dude. He’s a good guy. It was my best man wedding. So yeah, gee, Mike Proctor 1:15:53 yeah, but you’re a dick for bailing? Yeah, cuz Phil and chaps are just best friends everywhere. Mike Proctor 1:15:58 Ultimately. Oh, absolutely. Ultimately, Phil could have potentially messed up your situation with the three roommates. Right? Oh, right. And if you guys had me on again, there’s some really wild stories from California that will just dive down and just yeah, touchdown Mike Proctor 1:16:13 on our initial sessions are always we need to figure out who you are. Yeah. And when you when you come back, we’re gonna dive in and see and Phil. Phil really missed out. So I think Mike Proctor 1:16:24 he ultimately he missed out. Absolutely. So you should talk to Phil and he should you get on the show. That’s a good idea over actually, it feels pretty interesting. Yeah. Mike Proctor 1:16:33 To your point about not a lot of people would really find this interesting. I feel like I think maybe more so. I’m trying to get people on. Like, I feel like but not so many people. Like you said like, I don’t know if they would want if they want to come on and talk about their sleep or talk about their like, proud. Yes, it might end up being just like a big ego trip type of thing. But that thank you for coming up. Oh, no. Thank you, dude. Thanks for inviting me because like, like I was saying out there when I first got here is I actually for the listeners. I’ve seen these guys. And I’ve seen some posts Mike put up and, and I listened to a couple episodes. And I’m like, You know what? I should reach out and just say if they ever need someone that I would come on the show, and then boom, Mike messaged Mike Proctor 1:17:18 me. And I had no idea. And I literally got up and I open my curtains and I’m looking out the window. kind of go back make sure the back doors locked. I’m like this motherfucker is FUCK IS GOING Google. Google is listening to me. Right now. I appreciate it. Guys. You know, this has always been an interest. And I like talking to people. So yes. Especially if you’re a podcast and it’s crazy, because normally I’m looking through that little camera. Yeah, you know, and yeah. Now I’m looking at it. So yeah, had a trippy it’s surprisingly fun to win. Yes, we sit down and just fuckin talk for an hour. I mean, honestly makes sense. Like listen to Joe Rogan. Some of his go three, four hours. You Mike Proctor 1:17:56 totally could you totally listen to him like nothing. I’m like, Yeah, you’re the one I like that was only an hour. And I hate it. It sucks. I wish it was longer. Why do you guys cut it off in an hour? Mike Proctor 1:18:07 Uh, oh. Just life? Yeah, gotcha. Yeah, we don’t want to take up. Yeah, a whole lot of our guests times, either, you know, your time is valuable. And so I get it. So just, that’s kind of what we settled on for right now. But if we keep getting great guests, like, you may extend it. Yeah. Mike Proctor 1:18:25 So it was at all our shout outs. I think so Disneyland for providing a great opportunity and a tie for him. So you got a quick shout out? Absolutely do please. I just want shout out. So in the small world of mechanics, and like what I do, I’ve got a guy, it’s cool that you get you if you can find someone else. That’s the same age frame or same mindset as you doing the same thing. So my, one of my now my, one of my best friends, his name’s Mike, he owns Apex Equipment Repair, okay, and he does the exact same thing as me. And I mean, we’re like, now in separate we talk to each other, probably four times five times a day, on every single day. So just shout out apex. I mean, he does great work, too. And where’s he out of? He’s out of wixom. Okay, yep, yep. So he’s, it’s nicer because it like if I get a lot of customers that call that have emergencies, and they’re down, and I can’t get there, I just farm it to him. Yeah. And it’s awesome to have. Because when you’re all by yourself, you don’t realize how hard it is to not have someone Yeah, you know, that doesn’t do what you do. And it’s nice to have some of that. So just shout out Mike. And he really helps me a lot Mike Proctor 1:19:29 I always say to you are like we are the product of our environment. So you guys, you know, just even having like a friendship like that. You can push each other You can drive each other like there’s just so much valuable things that you don’t have as competition you’re like, yeah, like you see him as an equal or anything like that, which is Mike Proctor 1:19:46 another millennial thing I’m testing it is. I look at him as like, literally essential to my business because we almost like plan our vacations opposite of each other because then he can cover shit while I’m gone. You know, it’s just cool. It’s it’s It’s nice to have someone you know, so awesome. Shout out Mike. Shout out Mike. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Awesome. He’ll listen to this. So Mike Proctor 1:20:06 Oh, yeah, awesome. Okay, dude. Um, well, thank you so much for coming, bro. Bobby. Thank you guys, man. Thanks, man. Mike Proctor 1:20:12 Yeah, till next time, don’t extend it. Thanks again to our guests. Today cam. It was awesome having him in the studio. We had a great time. Appreciate your dog dude is good. If you like the show, please hit the subscribe button and recommend us to your friends. That Mike Proctor 1:20:28 likes podcasts guys cam loves podcast, apparently dude, apparently he’s all over. He’s like what podcasts you guys let’s do and he listens to more than I do. So thanks so much again. Check out the website not really that famous.com Oh, I Mike Proctor 1:20:41 just merged I just changed the website a little bit guys. I wanted to formally announce everybody, but it’s I think it’s so much better. So let me know if it’s cleaner. It’s definitely cleaner. It’s nice. You did a good job. Yeah, get yourself a merchant the shop and Mike Proctor 1:20:55 get you a bt Yes. 20 bucks. Yo, it’s tis the season right now. So appreciate everybody. Thanks so much. And you guys have a good night. Mike Proctor 1:21:04 Love you guys. So today’s episode of the podcast was brought to you by 14. Everyone’s all obsessed with which brand of protein supplements they use, it can be hard to decide which is which is good for you. 14 is here to make that easy. Protein is the protein supplement that helps your body restock on refined sugars and carbohydrates. While you’ve been dieting and eating your whole foods. 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One of the most mysterious types of cryptid creatures is that of what are called living dinosaurs, said to be relic populations of those enormous lumbering lizards that once thunderously crashed over the face of our planet with ponderous might. While most may assume that these creatures went extinct eons ago, it is surprising how many reports there are of actual dinosaurs still alive and roaming about in the most isolated parts of our planet as they did millions of years ago. One place that has proven to be a veritable Lost World of supposed living dinosaurs is the dark continent of Africa, and here in the remote unexplored jungles dinosaurs still allegedly reign supreme as if they were never gone at all. By far the most famous of the supposed lost African dinosaurs is none other than the one called Mokele-mbembe, which literally translates to “one who stops the flow of rivers.” The habitat of this creature is deep within the furthest recesses of the steamy swampland and dark jungles of the Congo river basin, in particular an expanse of sprawling isolated wilderness called the Likouala swamp region. The beast in question truly lives up to its name, larger than an elephant and with a long neck topped by a smallish reptilian head and with stocky short legs, resembling a brontosaurus and which has been a part of the landscape here for the native tribes since time unremembered. Semi-aquatic in nature it is rarely seen even by the natives, and although a vegetarian makes for a frightening sight, with a mighty roar that is said to create great fear and dread in all who hear it. A good description of the Mokele-mbembe can be found in a 1980 issue of Science, within an article called Living Dinosaurs, which reads: In the swampy jungles of western Africa, reports persist of an elephant-sized creature with smooth, brownish-gray skin, a long, flexible neck, a very long tail as powerful as a crocodile’s, and three-clawed feet the size of frying pans. Over the past three centuries, native Pygmies and Western explorers have told how the animals feed on the nutlike fruit of a riverbank plant and keep to the deep pools and subsurface caves of waters in this largely unexplored region. Although the tribes and missionaries of this land of impenetrable swamp had long known of the creature, it was not until the early 1900s that its existence would finally trickle out to the Western world. In 1909, the renowned big game hunter Carl Hagenbeck wrote of the creature in his autobiographical work Beasts and Men, in which he told of hearing tales from the natives of a hulking, frightening beast that was described as being half elephant and half dragon. Hagenbeck looked into this phenomenon further, speaking with the naturalist Joseph Menges, who told him that indeed the natives had a rich lore of this beast, and that he personally believed it to be some kind of dinosaur similar to a brontosaurus. Yet another of Hagenbeck’s sources was the German adventurer, filmmaker, and big game hunter Hans Schomburgk, who told him that the natives of the area blamed the Mokele-mbembe for killing all of the hippos at a place called Lake Bangweulu. Another well-publicized account was made in another area in 1913, by German adventurer and Captain Ludwig Freiherr von Stein zu Lausnitz, who at the time was surveying a region of present day Cameroon for potential spots for colonies. Natives told him many tales of the Mokele-mbembe, which were surprisingly consistent across the board from many independent sources, although Lausnitz remained rather skeptical himself at first. This version of Mokele-mbembe painted it as a vicious force to be reckoned with, an aggressive behemoth that the natives steered well clear of, and he would later write of the mysterious beast: The animal is said to be of a brownish-gray color with a smooth skin, its size is approximately that of an elephant; at least that of a hippopotamus. It is said to have a long and very flexible neck and only one tooth but a very long one; some say it is a horn. A few spoke about a long, muscular tail like that of an alligator. Canoes coming near it are said to be doomed; the animal is said to attack the vessels at once and to kill the crews but without eating the bodies. The creature is said to live in the caves that have been washed out by the river in the clay of its shores at sharp bends. It is said to climb the shores even at daytime in search of food; its diet is said to be entirely vegetable. This feature disagrees with a possible explanation as a myth. The preferred plant was shown to me, it is a kind of liana with large white blossoms, with a milky sap and applelike fruits. At the Ssombo River I was shown a path said to have been made by this animal in order to get at its food. The path was fresh and there were plants of the described type nearby. But since there were too many tracks of elephants, hippos, and other large mammals it was impossible to make out a particular spoor with any amount of certainty. These accounts, along with other scattered reports from explorers and missionaries in the region of these brontosaurus-like animals roaming the swamps really captured the public imagination, with the thought of lumbering dinosaurs from ages past wallowing through the mists of this lost world proving to be absolutely irresistible. Many expeditions were launched into the forbidding terrain of this mysterious domain in search of the enigmatic Mokele-mbembe over the decades, with some of them funded by such respected institutions as the Smithsonian, and even the famed cryptozoologist Ivan T. Sanderson made an excursion there in 1932. Sanderson would come across large tracks that the natives explained as being from the creature, and he also spotted something very large disappear into the water which he could not explain. In the 1930s the lore was further fueled by a report from the region’s Lake Tele of a tribe of pygmies that had actually managed to kill one of the creatures. According to the tale, two of the Mokele-mbembe tried to smash through a wall of stakes designed to keep the beasts out, and were set upon by fierce, spear wielding tribesmen. After an epic, thrashing battle, they were allegedly able to kill one of them, after which they brought it back to the village and had it cooked and eaten as part of a celebratory feast. The story goes that everyone who ate the meat of this mysterious animal became violently ill and later died. Perhaps the most famous of these expeditions was that of a University of Chicago biologist named Roy Mackal, who ventured to the Likouala swamp region multiple times in 1980s in order to investigate the stories. Although he would not find any solid physical evidence or see one of the creatures himself, the team did find things like large swaths of broken branches caused by something very large barreling through, footprints, and they claimed to have heard the creatures as well. Mackal would bring back numerous native reports of the Mokele-mbembe, which he compiled into a book entitled Living Dinosaur?. Another rather interesting expedition was carried out in 1981 by a Herman Regusters, who brought his team to the remote Lake Tele. This particular expedition would come back with quite a bit of supposed evidence of the creatures, such as droppings, a footprint cast, and even an alleged recording of the Mokele-mbembe’s roar, which you can listen to here, although it is pretty inconclusive at best and could be anything. Indeed, the 1980s saw several promising expeditions into the region. In 1980 there was one launched by German adventurer and engineer Herman Regusters and his wife. The couple would claim to have seen the beast on several occasions, both in the water and on land, as well as hearing its roars, and they even produced an alleged photograph of it. In 1983 a zoologist by the name of Marcellin Agnagna led an expedition to Lake Tele and claimed to have seen the creature when it raised its long neck and head out of the water, which he described as being thin and reddish in color, with reptilian oval eyes that stared at him for a time before vanishing beneath the murky depths. Interestingly, the only known video footage of the Mokele-mbembe was taken at Lake Tele in 1987, when a Japanese film crew was flying over the lake to survey the area. The footage is grainy at best, but shows what appears to be a very large animal of some sort moving across the water, with what looks like it could be a head and neck but which has been criticized as being merely two natives on a canoe. Expeditions and reports of the Mokele-mbembe have continued on into later years, with some of them proving quite spectacular indeed. One British expedition led by explorer and cryptozoologist William Gibbons in 1992 trekked through a large portion of the region and came back with a photograph of what might be the head of a Mokele-mbembe taken at Lake Tele. In 1999 there was also a rather incredible report printed in the Sunday Times of London, which claimed that members of the Kabonga tribe had killed one of the creatures, but it is unknown how much veracity this report holds as no body was ever presented for scrutiny. Despite all of the expeditions and reports, which continue to this day, there has not been any solid evidence provided for the existence of Mokele-mbembe, but it remains the most talked about and sought after “living dinosaur” of Africa. Is it out there or not? Considering the lack of many modern day sightings, is there even the chance that if it did exist, has it finally gone extinct after all? If Mokele-mbembe is in fact a real living dinosaur and really exists, then it also has some company, and there are various others said to lurk within the muck and trees here, inhabiting the exact same area, within the remotest, most impenetrable areas of the Congo’s Likouala swamp region. One is a large, saurian creature said to prowl Lake Bangweulu, and which the natives call the nsanga. This ferocious beast is described as looking very similar to a crocodile, only much larger, without scales, and with formidable, over-sized claws on its feet. The German adventurer Lt. Paul Gratz claimed in 1911 to have been presented with strips of skin from the creature. A rather more well-known member of this menagerie is called the Emela-ntouka, which literally translates from the local tribal language to “Elephant Killer.” It is said to be a massive dinosaur-like reptilian beast that is said to be about the size of a full grown elephant and takes a stout, tank-like form with an armored body, a ponderous thick club-like tail, and a prominent and formidable horn protruding from its head similar to that of a rhinoceros. The creature is supposedly semi-aquatic, spending much of its time lurking hidden within the muddy waters of the swamp and, although a vegetarian stays true to its name, storied by local tribes for its explosive aggressiveness, attacking anything that approaches and indeed killing elephants, as well as buffaloes or hippos on occasion with apparent ease, usually while unleashing a reverberating, distinctive growl. Although this mysterious creature has long been known to the native tribes of the region, the wilderness itself is so forbidding and closed off from the rest of the world that it wasn’t until the 1930s that stories of the existence of this single-horned killing machine prowling the dim swamps began to come in from outsiders. One of the first mentions of the creature by Western explorers was by the adventurer J.E. Hughes, who wrote of a local tribe along the shores of the Luapula River who had killed one of the beasts, an account buried within an otherwise non-sensationalist 1933 travel book called Eighteen Years on Lake Bangweulu. Interestingly, there was another of the creatures supposedly killed by tribesmen in the early 1930s near a place called Dongou. In 1954 the creature was really propelled into the public consciousness when a former Likouala game inspector named Lucien Blancou wrote of it in an article for the scientific journal Mammalia, saying of it: The presence of a beast which sometimes disembowels elephants is also known, but it does not seem to be prevalent there now as in the preceding districts. A specimen was supposed to have been killed twenty years ago at Dongou, but on the left of the Ubangi and in the Belgian Congo. In the 1980s, when Dr. Roy P. Mackal made his way into the hostile wilderness of the Congo looking for the legendary Mokele-mbembe, he too heard the stories of the Emela-ntouka, which he also included in his famous 1987 book A Living Dinosaur. Mackal himself believed the creature to be perhaps a surviving relic population of the Centrosaurus, an extinct dinosaur that possessed a large single horn, a theory supported by the legendary cryptozoologist Bernard Heuvelmans, although this cryptid is not said to have the same prominent head ridge that these dinosaurs displayed. Another idea is that the creature is not a dinosaur or even a reptile at all, but rather something more like a new species of semi-aquatic rhinoceros, but considering the incredibly isolated area and the relative small number of sightings by outsiders it is likely we will never know for sure, and indeed that like the Mokele-mbembe might even be already extinct once and for all. The Emela-ntouka seems to somewhat physically resemble in some respects other supposed living dinosaurs within the uncharted wildernesses of Africa, particularly an immense squat, armored beast covered in bony plates and with a thick tail said to inhabit the jungles of Kenya and called the Muhuru. Also, roaming the savanna region of Cameroon is a cryptid called the Ngoubou, which is said to be a buffalo-sized hoofed creature with a thick, muscular body and with an imposing array of 6 horns upon its head, which it uses to chase off, and on occasion even kill, elephants. It is uncertain what connection either of these have to the Emela-ntouka but the passing similarities are interesting. Getting back to the Likouala Region of the Republic of Congo we have yet another apparent living dinosaur to join Mokele Mbembe and the Emela-ntouka, in this instance one called the Mbielu-Mbielu-Mbielu, or literally “animal with planks growing out of its back.” As its name suggests its main feature is an array of protruding armored ridges running along its back, and is said to be almost completely aquatic in nature, rarely seen out of the water, and villagers of the region in which it is seen say that its back is typically covered with a sheen of green algae. This is rather similar to yet another Congo dwelling dino called the Nguma-monene, which allegedly takes the form of a massive lizard, or in some accounts a snake, with intimidating ridges down its back. The Nguma-monene is reported from along a tributary of the Ubangi River called Dongu-Mataba, and one of the most famous sightings by an outsider was made by a pastor Joseph Ellis in 1971, who saw it swimming alongside him as he rode a dugout canoe, and who described it as absolutely gigantic, with a portion of the tail alone measuring the same size as the vessel he was in, with clearly visible diamond shaped protrusions all along the top. The truly massive creature apparently created a rush of ripples and waves that were enough to threaten to overturn the canoe as it glided past. This creature is also apparently very aggressive, and supposedly hates hippos, killing them on sight. Hippos seem to just do that to these dinosaurs. Also from the Democratic Republic of the Congo is an apparent dinosaur more in appearance like the terrible Tyrannosaurus Rex, reported from the remote rainforests of a place called the Kasai Valley. The creature in question is most spectacularly known from a report made in 1932, by a Swedish plantation owner named John Johanson, who at the time was travelling through the region with a local guide. At one point during their trek through the mosquito choked interior jungles they allegedly came across a rhinoceros going about its business. As they stood looking at the creature, they claimed that an enormous bipedal dinosaur-like monster, estimated at around 43 feet long, came erupting forth from the trees to pounce upon the rhino and kill it, after which it actually began to eat the carcass, apparently unaware that the two startled men were standing there watching it go about its hunt. Johanson would describe it by saying,“It was reddish in color, with blackish-colored stripes. It had a long snout and numerous teeth. The legs were thick; it reminded me of a lion, built for speed.” There was another rather intriguing report from that very same year from the same area of what may or may not have been the same creature, which was published in the Rhodesia Herald. In this account, a hunter made his way to the Kasai Valley along with his gunbearer. As they made their way through the jungle, they supposedly came across two large elephants standing there in the mist. As the two witnessed surveyed the area their gaze fell upon what they described as “a monster, about 16 yards in length, with a lizard’s head and tail.” Of course the hunter did the human thing and fired upon it, hey if you don’t understand it kill it, and he would say of what happened next: I was shaken by the hunting-fever. My teeth rattled with fear. Three times I snapped; only one attempt came out well. Suddenly the monster vanished, with a remarkably rapid movement. It took me some time to recover. Alongside me the boy prayed and cried. I lifted him up, pushed him along and made him follow me home. On the way we had to transverse a big swamp. Progress was slow, for my limbs were still half-paralyzed with fear. There in the swamp, the huge lizard appeared once more, tearing lumps from a dead rhino. It was covered in ooze. I was only about 25 yards away. It was simply terrifying. The boy had taken French leave, carrying the rifle with him. At first I was careful not to stir, then I thought of my camera. I could hear the crunching of rhino bones in the lizard’s mouth. Just as I clicked, it jumped into deep water. The experience was too much for my nervous system. Completely exhausted, I sank down behind the bush that had given me shelter. Blackness reigned before my eyes. The animal’s phenomenally rapid motion was the most awe-inspiring thing I have ever seen. Stories of similar creatures have been told in the region, but the credibility of the so-called Kasai Rex has been the subject of some skepticism. One of the main things that has detracted greatly from its veracity are two photographs of the alleged creature, both of which were found to be doctored hoaxes. There is also the inconvenient fact that the natives of the region don’t seem to have any knowledge of this particular creature, and it has mostly only been sighted by outsiders, making the reports all the more questionable. Whether it is real or not, they are interesting accounts nonetheless. Other areas of Africa are not without their own stories of roving dinosaurian monsters. Cameroon, which is also thought to be a haunt of the Mokele-mbembe and others, also has a monster of supposedly truly epic proportions known locally as the M’kuoo M’bemboo. This creature is said to be truly gargantuan, with its head alone described as being the size of a full grown hippo. The M’kuoo M’bemboo is described as being a jet black in color, and has a flattened head that is reminiscent of that of a seal. The creature is known for its rumbling, gurgling roar, and it is said to kill hippos but not eat them. Hippos just can’t catch a break here. Cameroon is also purportedly home to what are called the Jago-Nini, and the Amali, which are said to be immense aquatic dinosaurs that glide through the rivers here, oddly not killing hippos. The adventurer and ivory trader Alfred Aloysius Smith wrote of these mysterious creatures thus: Aye, and behind the Cameroon there’s things living we know nothing about. I could ‘a’ made books about many things. The Jago-Nini they say is still in the swamps and rivers. Giant diver it means. Comes out of the water and devours people. Old men’ll tell you what their grandfathers saw but they still believe its there. Same as the Amali I’ve always taken it to be. I’ve seen the Amali’s footprint. About the size of a good frying pan in circumference and three claws instead of five. Perhaps one of the strangest “living dinosaurs” of all is one supposedly native to the wilds of Sudan, in the wetlands of Bhar el Zeraf, and well as in Sudan’s Lake No, and in Lake Victoria. The creature is called the Lau, which is said to look like “a donkey with flippers,” possesses bizarre tentacles on its face, and measures up to 100 feet in length. It is said to emit a truly terrifying roar that sounds like “the thundering of elephants.” There have been many reports of the creature since the 1800s, and in 1914 there was a Lau allegedly killed in the swamps of Addar, but the body was never recovered. In 1924, a supposed vertebrae from one of the beasts was received by a British officer from a native tribesman, but where it went is anyone’s guess and we are left with no physical evidence at all. It is rather frustrating because that is the situation we are left with all of these cases, a lack of any clear evidence and only these mystifying stories and native accounts to go by. It is certainly not an indication that these creatures cannot exist, and the terrain itself makes it a given that these places should be unexplored. After all, we are dealing with some of the most unexplored places on the planet, walls of nearly impassable jungle filled with diseases, dangerous wildlife, and often in wartorn areas patrolled by nefarious bands of cutthroats, all conspiring with the extremely vast areas involved, meaning that it is very difficult to mount thorough expeditions and investigations into the matter. The reliance on reports from natives is also not a damning thing, as many known animals such as the gorilla and the okapi got their start in tribal reports that at the time seemed every bit as outlandish. In the end we are left with the question of whether any of these creatures are real, and if so, are they indeed living dinosaurs? It is impossible to say, but if there are dinosaurs still roaming the earth, then these dark uncharted jungles are pretty much exactly where one would expect them to be.
In Search Of Cryptids: Third Annual International Cryptozoology Conference Here is your August 5, 2018 Update The International Cryptozoology Museum’s (ICM)/International Cryptozoology Society’s (ICS) Third Annual International Cryptozoology Conference (ICC2018). The nonprofit, 501(c)3 ICM will hold our ICC2018 in the new Brick South building at Thompson’s Point, in beautiful coastal Portland, Maine, over Labor Day Weekend, September 1-2, 2018. The conference will occur over two days, featuring talks from leaders in the field, an unveiling of a new exhibit at the ICM, a Bizarre Bazaar of some unique items and goods from specialized vendors, as well as an opportunity to expand your knowledge in the amazing field of cryptozoology. The conference expands to two days in a venue across the Thompson’s Point parking lot from the Museum. The speakers’ area will be in the same building, in the grand room as shall the vendors, so as to have easy access to all of exhibits, products, book signings, and other conference displays. Vendors. Vendors. Vendors. We need more vendors. Sign up today. See link at bottom. The speakers will be open-minded and skeptical authorities, researchers, and authors well-versed in cryptozoology, as well as at least two cryptozoology filmmakers who will talk about their films, with the entire selection or specific clips shown. Friday August 31, 2018 – The International Cryptozoology Museum and International Cryptozoology Society will have a Board Meeting. Announcements during the Conference will issue from this meeting. One item on the agenda is that there will be NO conference during 2019. In June of next year, the ICM/ICS will be conducting an academic expedition to Loch Ness and Loch Morar for a week. More details will be released at the conference on how you register to be one of the 14 individuals/couples to join Loren and Jenny Coleman in search of loch monsters in Scotland in 2019. CryptoCon DAY ONE Saturday September 1, 2018 ~ The location of the conference is Brick South, Thompson’s Point, Portland, Maine (PWM). 6:00 – 8:00 AM – Vendors set-up. 8:00 AM – Doors open, vendors open. The International Cryptozoology Museum at Brick North, Thompson’s Point, opens at 8 AM, closes at 7 PM today. All paid conference attendees have free admission to the Museum, all weekend long. 9:00 AM – Introduction to the Conference. Updates. Jeff Meuse. (Cryptozoologist of the Year announced by Loren Coleman will be announced on September 2nd, Sunday.) 9:30 AM – The History of the International Cryptozoology Museum. Announcement of Loch Ness Expedition 2019. Loren Coleman 10:00 AM – Break. Visit the Vendors. Music by Missy Mooney and the Tomb of Nick Cage. 10:30 AM – The Vermont Monster Guide. Stephen Bissette and Joseph Citro. Noon – Lunch on your own. Music by Missy Mooney and the Tomb of Nick Cage. Locally Sauced is open, in Brick North, with a cart outside too. 1:00 PM – Clips from The Cryptozoologist (2019) and the complete documentary Swan Song of the Skunk Ape (2015). Matthew Ralston. 2:15 PM – Break. Vendors. Music by Missy Mooney and the Tomb of Nick Cage. 2:45 PM - La Bête du Gévaudan. Hayley Eldridge. 3:45 PM – Songs of the Ape People. Dawn Prince-Hughes. 4:45 PM – DNA and Cryptozoology or How I Survived 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty. Todd Disotell. 6:00 PM – End of Day One. Brick South must be cleared of attendees for concert use that evening. Vendors close. The International Cryptozoology Museum remains open until 7:00 PM. CryptoCon DAY TWO Sunday September 2, 2018 ~ The location of the conference is Brick South, Thompson’s Point, Portland, Maine. 8:00 AM – Vendors allowed into Brick South to freshen up their tables. 9:00 AM – Doors open. Vendors open. The International Cryptozoology Museum is open today from 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM. 10:00 AM – Cryptid Predators. Colin Schneider. 11:00 AM – Beasts of Britain. Andy McGrath. Noon – Lunch on your own. Locally Sauced is open, in Brick North, with a cart outside too. 1:00 PM – On The Trail Of…Champ. Aleksandar Petakov. Comment by Katy Elizabeth. 2:00 PM – Bigfoot in Maine. Michelle Souliere. 3:00 PM – Break. Vendors. Museum. 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM – Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science. Don Jeff Meldrum. End of Conference. Goodbyes and safe journeys. Jeff Meuse. Loren Coleman. The International Cryptozoology Museum, Brick North, remains open until 6:00 PM, for souvenirs and gifts, as well as visits. Here are our special speakers, in alphabetical order: Stephen R. ”Steve” Bissette is an American comics artist, editor, and publisher with a focus on the horror genre. He is known for working with writer Alan Moore and inker John Totleben on the DC comic book Swamp Thing in the 1980s. Bissette teaches courses at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, Vermont. Joseph A. Citro is a Vermont author and folklorist. Occasionally referred as the “Bard of the Bizarre” or “the Ghost-Master General,” he has extensively researched and documented the monsters, hauntings, ghost activity and occult happenings of New England. Citro is the author of several nonfiction books on New England’s unsolved mysteries. Bissette and Citro are the co-authors of The Vermont Monster Guide (2009). Loren Coleman (host and Cryptozoologist of the Year presentation) Loren Coleman is the founder and director of the museum, having collected for almost six decades the cryptozoological components and contents of the physical museum. He is a world-renowned expert in the field, author of several foundation books in cryptozoology and a frequent on-air interviewee and consultant. Mr. Coleman was a full-time researcher at the University of Southern Maine’s Edmund S. Muskie School for Public Policy for 13 years, as well as an adjunct assistant and visiting associate professor for over 20 years at USM and five other New England Universities. He lives in Portland, Maine, and besides sharing and curating his collection-on-loan, he continues to travel extensively to lecture on and investigate cryptids. NYU Department of Anthropology, Professor of Anthropology, Ph.D. 1992; M.A. 1987, Harvard University; B.A. 1985, Cornell University; appearances on MonsterQuest, Search for the Lost Giants, 10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty, and other television documentary series. Hayley Eldridge is a graduate of Nichols College, a cryptozoology blogger, an inauguratory member of the Youth Panel at the International Cryptozoology Conference 2017. Eldridge’s research on La Bête du Gévaudan has been a focus of her investigations. Katy Elizabeth currently resides on the shores of Lake Champlain, at Ferrisburgh, Vermont. She has been studying the existence of the Lake Champlain Monster, “Champ,” since she was a child. After her own sighting of this elusive creature in Lake Champlain, she started her own group called “Champ Search.” She has authored the book, Water Horse of Lake Champlain, and has been featured on television with Giorgio Tsoukalos, Vermont news, and national radio programs. She is the only full-time dedicated woman Lake Monster hunter in the world. Don Jeff Meldrum Don Jeffrey “Jeff” Meldrum is a Professor of Anatomy and Anthropology and a Professor of the Department of Anthropology at Idaho State University. Meldrum is also Adjunct Professor of Occupational and Physical Therapy. Meldrum is an expert on foot morphology and locomotion in primates. His appearances on reality television regarding the evidence for Bigfoot is familiar to many. He is the author of Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science, and the two pamphlets, Sasquatch Field Guide and Sasquatch, Yeti and Other Wildmen of the World. Jeff Meuse (Master of Ceremonies) Jeff Meuse is the Assistant Director of the International Cryptozoology Museum. Jeff Meuse’s passion for cryptozoology began on the North shore of Massachusetts, with the Nahant Sea Serpent. Decades later, a dream came true allowing him to become a part of the world’s only cryptozoology museum. Whether it be the ancient ruins of Chichen Itza or the murky depths of Lake Champlain, Jeff has investigated cryptids at every opportunity. Today, Jeff and his family reside on the shores of Maine, on the constant look out for a sea serpent to breach the surface. Missy Mooney + The Tomb of Nick Cage (musical entertainment) Member of the International Cryptozoology Society and the lead singer of The Tomb of Nick Cage, lives in New Orleans. Her group, The Tomb of Nick Cage will be playing at the conference. Andy McGrath is the author of Beasts Of Britain. He is a cryptozoology “enthusiast” who has spent over 25 years of researching and obsessing about the unknown creatures living on the tiny island in the North Atlantic called the United Kingdom. Aleksandar Petakov is the filmmaker and director of the new 2018 ongoing series from Small Town Monsters entitled On the Trail of…Champ. Petakov has been the director of Sasquatch: Out of the Shadows (2016), Mystery at Loch Ness (2016), and Living Nightmares (2015). Dawn Prince-Hughes is an American anthropologist, primatologist, and ethologist who received her M.A. and PhD in interdisciplinary anthropology from the Universität Herisau in Switzerland. Prince-Hughes is the author of Songs of the Gorilla Nation, Gorillas Among Us, Expecting Teryk, The Archetype of the Ape-Man, Passing As Human/Freak Nation, and Circus of Souls. One of the youngest cryptid researchers in America today, Colin Schneider already has impressive credentials and has lectured at conferences on cryptid attacks on livestock. He shares his copious amount of research and findings on strange reports of unknown beasts and the theories about them. His initial focus on vampiric creature attacks quickly ballooned into all manner of interesting monster mayhem. Michelle Souliere is an artist/illustrator, and is the editor of the Strange Maine Gazette and its companion blog, which she founded in 2005. In 2009 she founded the Green Hand Bookshop here in Portland, which has been her main focus ever since. The Green Hand is a general used bookshop whose contents are curated by Michelle to encourage curiosity. She wrote and illustrated her first book, Strange Maine: True Tales from the Pine Tree State in 2010. She is a graduate of the Maine College of Art. She currently is working on a new book, Bigfoot in Maine. Paul LeBlond and William Dranginis have had to cancelled, due to health concerns. We wish them well. TICKETS. TICKETS. TICKETS. Tickets are available for the weekend or just one of the two days. General Admission for one day is $45 (not including Eventbrite fee) and for both days it’s $75 (not including Eventbrite fee). The event will be happening on September 1st and 2nd (Labor Day Weekend) in Portland, Maine. ROOMS. ROOMS. ROOMS You can stay anywhere you wish and attend the conference. If you would like to stay at the hotel closest to the Conference and Museum, we are recommending the Clarion Hotel, 1/4 mile away. Some hotel booking sites may have room rates at cheaper rates, and you are welcome to reserve your rooms via them. You may reserve your room online or via calling the hotel’s direct reservation line: Or use the online link here. The hotel’s block of rooms for this conference were open until July 31. Please obtain your tickets by August 17, 2018. Speakers at last year’s conference.
The Aztec Empire was a living and breathing political entity dominating central Mexico when Europeans first encountered it in 1519. Cortés and his band of Spanish conquistadors entered the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán as invited guests of the Emperor Montezuma. They stayed in the capital for many months before things went south. This gave the Spanish much time to observe and document what they saw. These firsthand accounts are valuable to us today as we try to understand daily life among the Aztecs. Even after the Conquest Spanish clerics and scholars raced to document elements of a fading Aztec culture. As the Europeans and specifically the Church were interested in converting the massive population of natives to Christianity, they realized they needed at least a more than a basic understanding of the ancient Mexican religious beliefs and associated stories. Among these beliefs lurk many strange creatures and spirits and combinations of the two. Mexico Unexplained has explored some of these so-called “monsters” in previous shows. Links to shows about the more famous lake monsters, shape-shifting creatures and other bizarre animals are in the description. There are some other “monsters” that are not so well known with very little information about them surviving to the present day. Here are five of them. In 1615, a Franciscan friar, Juan de Torquemada, published a book in Spain titled Monarquía Indiana, or in English, “Indian Monarchy.” The book was a monumental work chronicling the cultures and histories of many indigenous groups in New Spain. Torquemada was brought to New Spain from Spain as a child sometime in the 1560s and growing up in colonial Mexico he had interactions with natives who had experienced life before the Conquest. As Torquemada began ministering to the native peoples, he gathered stories of their religion and folklore. In his Indian Monarchy book, the friar mentions a curious monster that terrorized the pre-Aztec peoples in central Mexico and was feared for many decades after the Spanish took over. The Oxkokoltzec first appeared among the Toltecs during a festival. Many hundreds of people were dancing and then this terrible creature suddenly materialized out of thin air. He stood about 10 feet tall and was big and stocky, much like what we would have in our minds as the stereotypical “cave man.” He had a big forehead, long arms and he wore a loincloth around his midsection. When the Oxkokoltzec appeared and saw the dancers he smiled a big smile and decided to join in on the festivities. He danced with the Toltecs and enjoyed himself but because he was big and clumsy, his dancing turned into a horrible scene. Unknowingly, the giant seriously injured and even killed some people while swirling around. So as not to anger this creature, the officials in charge of the ceremonies continued with the music and dance until the great Oxkokoltzec had his fill of mirth and decided to disappear. The poor Toltecs were left with dozens of people dead. The scene allegedly occurred many times throughout history, from the time of the Toltecs to just a few generations before Juan de Torquemada wrote his book. Some folklorists and researchers on the more esoteric side have theorized that the happy, simple giant was a thought form or tulpa created by the revelers themselves or was manifested through a combination of music, dancing and singing that somehow brought the creature into this reality. There have been no reports of sightings of the Oxkokoltzec in modern times. Sometimes a thick fog would form over Lake Texcoco, the body of water that completely surrounded the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlán. When the city was engulfed in this thick fog, the residents stayed inside their homes for fear of an apparition called the Tlacanexquimilli. This “monster” was described in early Spanish accounts as a ghost. It sometimes had no legs and dragged itself through the imperial capital by its strong forearms. Some reports say that its head was a small human skull, almost like a shrunken head, with sharp teeth. A drawing from Spanish colonial times made a few decades after the Conquest shows just the Tlacanexquimilli’s torso with a neck surrounded with feathers and skinny arms with claws. A simple skull serves as its head. According to the legend, the creature would moan like a sick man and its cries could be heard for many miles. Some believed that the Tlacanexquimilli was a creation of the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca, the Smoking Mirror God, the ruler of the night sky and keeper of the ancestral memories, the eternal rival of the great Quetzalcoatl. Tezcatlipoca sent the Tlacanexquimilli to earth to remind humans of their mortality. In the old chronicles even Emperor Montezuma was afraid of this ghostlike creature. According to tradition, whenever anyone heard the sick cries of this evil phantom, old soldiers would be the only ones allowed to confront it, usually before it got a chance to get to the heart of the city. The old soldiers would try to talk to the Tlacanexquimilli and reason with it. The creature would offer the soldiers things they would not want – such as a fistful of cactus spines – and the rejection of its generosity would usually cause the Tlacanexquimilli to retreat, discouraged and sad. While not as menacing as many of the other supernatural creatures of the Aztecs, the Tlacanexquimilli usually was a bad omen and came right before a war or a plague. This creature lived in the dense forests and could be found throughout the Aztec Empire. It was humanoid and slightly larger than the average man. He was headless and in some accounts he was known to carry his head around by the hair. People went to the forests to search for the Yoaltepuztli because according to legend, if you were brave enough to seek him out and meet with him, he would consider granting you wishes. Many would try to commune with this creature to try to obtain money or a military victory. The headless Yoaltepuztli would make a loud cracking sound, like a tree falling in the forest. From this sound came the creature’s nickname, “The Night Axe.” The sound came from the Yoaltepuztli opening up his chest when he sensed humans nearby. Like the Tlacanexquimilli, this Aztec monster would offer humans it encountered cactus thorns. If he sensed great bravery among his human visitor, he would give that person more thorns. If the Yoaltepuztli was in a bad mood or didn’t wish to be disturbed by humans, sometimes he would strike down his visitors and curse them with poverty and misery. In one tale, a Spanish chronicler stated that if a human visitor could tear out the heart of the Yoaltepuztli from its already opened up torso, this led to a whole other series of fortunes and misfortunes. If you could keep the creature away from its heart for one day, the lucky – or unlucky – human would get to see the heart transform itself. If the heart turned into a ball of feathers the next day the human would be prosperous and lucky throughout his life. If the heart turned into a black blob, the human would be forever cursed. The Spanish considered the Ixpuxtequi a horrible demon and a possible manifestation of Satan himself. He was humanoid, tall and lean but muscular, with bird legs that went up to his knees. He carried a long staff to lean on. That staff usually had a human skull or two attached to it for ornamentation. Sometimes Ixpuxtequi was described as having long and sharp claws. To the Aztecs he hailed from Mictlan, the underworld where souls traveled to after death, and was considered a lord there. He was married to a minor Aztec deity called Nexoxcho, who was the goddess of fear. Nexoxcho’s brother, the brother-in-law of Ixpuxtequi, was Xoaltentli, the god of sleep disorders and mental illnesses. While in Mictlan, Ixpuxtequi kept the interesting company of his extended family but sometimes he became restless. While his wife, the beautiful fear goddess, never left the underworld, occasionally Ixpuxtequi would come to the surface of the earth and would randomly curse humans, especially night travelers. He would stalk the long-distance trade routes of the Aztec Empire looking for his prey and would occasionally frequent the streets and alleyways of some of the major cities of ancient Mexico such as Tenochtitlán, Tlacopan and Texcoco. Unlike other Aztec monsters, one could not reason with the Ixpuxtequi. If you saw him, it meant certain doom and maybe even death, and there was no possibility to negotiate with him. The name of this creature in the Aztec language Nahuatl literally means, “chocolate cup snake.” After the Conquest, the name was Hispanicized to “jicalcoate,” and for many years it was believed to be a real animal but unclassified, also known as a cryptid. The Xicalcoatl was a large water snake that inhabited Lake Texcoco and the surrounding waterways. It was primarily black in color with a variety of tones, mostly pale green and yellow, on its underbelly. This unusual snake got its name from the strange shape that grew out of its back when it reached maturity. The growth was said to resemble a chocolate cup or some other small ceramic vessel. In some legends, this protrusion was often decorated like a piece of pottery. The Xicalcoatl would use this growth on its back as a sort of decoy. It would go to the shallow areas of the water in places where it knew humans would frequent. The snake would then submerge itself so the strange pottery-looking shape on its back was exposed to the surface. Humans would see that “chocolate cup” and wade out into the water to try to take it away. As the human drew closer, the snake would move away more to try to get the unsuspecting person into deeper water. When the Xicalcoatl had lured the human to a distance sufficiently far from the shore, it would churn the water and cause the human to drown. The human would never be heard from again. While this version of the story of the Xicalcoatl comes directly from the writings of a Spanish colonist a few years after the conquest, a similar urban legend exists in Mexico today which may have direct ties centuries back to the original legend of the Xicalcoatl. In the modern story, an evil fairy leaves little chocolate cups in the water to tempt unsuspecting children. As with the gigantic snake story, the cups serve as decoys to get the children into the water in order to drown them. Some wonder if the story of Xicalcoatl could be based on the existence of a real creature, a possibly now-extinct water snake that only lived in Lake Texcoco before it was drained by Spanish civil engineers acting under royal authority. With the draining of the lake and the expansion of Mexico City into its territory, perhaps this strange water snake really did exist and died off from loss of habitat. Although no physical remains have yet been found, the possibility that the Xicalcoatl was once a real creature is still on the table for some cryptozoologists, those who investigate and seek to identify legendary animals. Cecilio Agustín Robelo Porrua Library, ed. Dictionary of Nahua Mythology, Mexico . Mexico: Printing of the National Museum of Archeology, History and Ethnology, 1905. Gonzalez Casanova, Pablo. Nahuatl Stories: Indigenous Tales From Mexico. Wellington, NZ: Victoria University Press, 2013. We are Amazon affiliates. Buy the book on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3ctCbdy Nuttall, Z. A Note on Ancient Mexican Folk-lore. The Journal of American Folklore, v. 8, no. 29, pp. 117-129, 1895. Sahagun, Bernardo Historia General de las Cosas de Nueva España, v. III. Alejandro Valdés, Calle de Santo Domingo, Esquina de Tacuba, Mexico, 1830.
The Ninki-Nanka is said to be a giant reptile, possibly as large as 30 ft (9m) long living in the mangrove swamps and rivers of Gambia. The beast is said to have the body of a crocodile, the neck of a giraffe, the head of horse with three horns, one right in the middle of its head. The reclusive monster spends most of its time submerged in the mud in the sparsely-populated and infrequently visited regions of inland swamps and upriver from the coast. “I think the Ninki-Nanka is a straggler from further south in Africa. It may well be a species of colossal monitor lizard. Whatever the truth, this will be the first dedicated expedition to search for this animal” says Richard Freeman, zoological director or the CFZ. This is the forth year-running that the CFZ have put on a major expedition looking for monsters. Last year (2005) Cryptoworld travelled with the CFZ on a joint expedition to Mongolia looking for the Allghoi Khorkhoi (Mongolian Deathworm). A fabled giant poisonous worm or snake that resembles a living cow’s intestine – nice! In 2003/04, the CFZ visited Sumatra, searching for the Orang-Pendek, a cryptid that is supposedly an unclassified species of primate similar to the orangutan that inhabits remote regions of the island of Sumatra.
Subscribers will receive a shipment of cryptid themed products worth more than the cost of the box including such items as, t-shirts, patches, buttons, pins, collectibles, DVD's and other small clothing items. All orders will ship within the calendar month when you place the order. Repeat customers can expect their shipments to ship around the 18th of the month. Shipping is always free to US customers. Cryptid Crate Lite will ship 2 weeks after the full sized Cryptid Crate and will feature items from prior months. I've only received two boxes so far, but the items have been so much fun and I'm excited every month to see what I get! Definitely items I won't get anywhere else!! Such a fun thing to look forward to and the service is great! I loved my first box. Everything was useful and fun which is miles above some boxes that have one nice thing with a bunch of junk. You can't go wrong with coffee, a cute mug and a bandana. I'm definitely going to keep this subscription going. Was pleased with my items. Especially the bigfoot figure. Working in reading the book. My son enjoyed his 1st package! He can't wait to see what else comes each month!
Jan 24, 2020 2011 april 12, lobrano, alex, bobo heaven in paris, in t magazine peruse the paris papers these days and youll notice an obsession with bobos. Peter sellers as mostlymatador juan bautista, arriving barcelona where he meets bistro owner eugenio al lettieri and, indirectly, promoter carbonell adolfo celi, then lovestruck pepe kenneth griffith, early in the bobo, 1967. Jing borans fanclub is known as bbf, standing for baby face because during the my hero competition, one judge called jing boran baby face. Untill now bobo produced one studio album in 2007 named bobotomija. Guarda pawn sacrifice sub ita streaming senza limiti in alta definizione gratis e senza registrazione. The bobo 1967 720p dvdrip hevc ac3 roberto fonseca abuc 20161080p. The bobo is a 1967 british comedy film starring peter sellers and costarring his thenwife britt ekland. The bobo will undoubtedly disappoint those expecting peter sellers to be doing clouseaustyle slapstick, and those that expect the satirical humor he was also famous for. Antarctica 1983film senza limiti film completo ita. Guardare il magnifico bobo online 1967 film italiano, vedere informazioni sul film completo online. Written by jeremy perkinsthe bobo featuring peter sellers and britt ekland is streaming via tv everywhere with tcm, streaming with subscription on fubotv. Subscribe to the fandango movieclips classic trailers channel to rediscover all your favorite movie trailers and find a classic you may have missed. Torrents sharing forbidden by digital millenium copyright. Aug 26, 20 for the minstrel matador juan bautista, only one thing holds him back from becoming spains most famous singing bullfighter. Jul 21, 2017 you will get 3 free months if you havent already used an apple music free trial. Download pink floyd torrents from our searched results, get pink floyd torrent or magnet via bittorrent clients. Il video e connesso in uruguay il 10 ottobre 1965 da bfs fantasy in proprio libro lance, odiato in industria foto individuale presso 15. Overview of the bobo, 1967, directed by robert parrish, with peter sellers, britt ekland, rossano brazzi, at turner classic movies. All torrents anime applications games movies music tv shows other documentaries xxx. Il libro della giungla the jungle book 1967 itaeng. Bobo j balvin descargar video official 2016 letra lyrics. Mar 07, 2015 blood and bone film completo ita cinemahd kinohd. The bobo 1967 film complet en francais a 20170530t17. Bobo, a local name for a large cryptid aquatic creature with mammallike features claimed to have been sighted by fishermen around monterey bay entertainment, arts and media edit bobo magazine, a dutch childrens magazine which follows the adventures of bobo, a blue rabbit. May 30, 2017 the bobo 1967 film complet en francais a 20170530t17. Questo pellicola e successo in sudafrica il 8 maggio 1967 da blairwood animation in sue versione ariztical, durato di posto cinema perfetto al 88. Records presents the premiere cd release of francis lais catchy, lovely score for peter sellers vehicle the bobo, directed by robert parrish in 1967, also starring britt ekland, rossano brazzi and adolfo celi. That obstacle is olimpia, the most beautiful and manipulative woman. Unsuccessful singing bullfighter juan arrives in barcelona to try his luck. Memorable quotes and exchanges from movies, tv series and more. Welcome to juno download, a digital download store that boasts a staggeringly wide selection of songs, instrumentals and tools for djs, electronic musicians and listeners alike. Piratestreaming serie tv complete e film in streaming gratis. With peter sellers, britt ekland, rossano brazzi, adolfo celi. The bobo 1967 an impresario will let a clumsy matador peter sellers sing at his theater if he seduces the biggest flirt britt ekland in barcelona. The bobo 1967 watch on fubotv, tcm, and streaming online. The beast stalker 2008 streaming sub ita film completo. Ask for a coin, and perform some of the tricks in this book. Torrent downloads, search and download free movies, tv shows, music, pcps2pspwiixbox games torrents from our bittorrent database. Britt ekland, peter sellers, the bobo, 1967 stock photo. Il libro della giungla the jungle book 1967 ita eng. Peter sellers with britt ekland on the set of the bobo. An impresario will let a clumsy matador peter sellers sing at his theater if he seduces the biggest flirt britt ekland in barcelona. L cinema e girato in belize il 11 febbraio 1985 da maya pictures con proprio pubblicazione smore, risolto per posto stile unico in 32. Quello che veramente importa trailer italiano hd youtube. The last treasure hunt 2015 streaming sub ita film completo. Since launching in 2006, juno download has grown to be one of the worlds biggest specialist music download stores. Tcm messageboards post your comments here add your comment share. Penalty under subsection 1123 of the income tax act 1967 ita 1967 shall be imposed for failure to furnish this return form before or on the due date for submission. Since bobo may or may not be attending the birthday bash and since thats such a hotly debated topic among stern fans it was only fitting that in order to win birthday show tickets this morning callers had to play the incredibly difficult bobo general knowledge game. Francis lai the bobo original motion picture sound. The bobo is a 1967 british comedy film directed by robert parrish and starring peter sellers. The bobo 1967 film complet en francais film complet francais. Il musica e suggerito in palau il 28 gennaio 1969 da york pictures su suo distribuzione clarendon, contenuta di sistema spettacolo unico su 24. Download pdf magazines and ebook free usa, uk, australia and. When party guests request a few tricks, be prepared. The bobo is a 1967 film starring peter sellers and costarring his thenwife britt ekland. Augusto finocchi, fernando di leo, remigio del grosso fotografia. The bobo 1967 cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. English, portuguese brazilian, french, spanish, turkish, greek, italian turn on subtitles with button cc on the bottom of the video. An increase in tax of 10% under subsection 1033 of ita 1967 shall be imposed for failure to pay the balance of tax payable before or on the due date for submission. Tcmdb archive materials view all archives 0 dvds from tcm shop. Based on a play, sellers is featured as the wouldbe. He finally persuades a devious local impresario to book him, but only on the condition that juan first manages to spend an evening with olimpia, a shrewd merciless beauty who seems effortlessly to collect. Bobo lives and works in zagreb, the capital of croatia as a gym trainer. L libro e preso in prestito in israele il 11 agosto 1993 da knockout fantasy nella proprio variazione destroy, risolto per numero stile insolito su 49. It was not intended to be a strictly phonetic transcription of english sounds, or a spelling reform for english as such, but instead a practical simplified writing system which could be used to. Instead, this is a character comedy and juan bautista not batistais one of sellers more interesting characters, albeit from among his lesser efforts. Mar 29, 2017 antarctica 1983film senza limiti a 20170329t19. The daily duty albert einstein, 2017 by cristina guggeri italian toilet art. For a film shot in rome, you would expect vibrant colour, scintillations aplenty for the old retinas, but this print of the bobo makes it look as though it were filmed on a wet weekend in macclesfield. Aug 27, 20 for the minstrel matador juan bautista, only one thing holds him back from becoming spains most famous singing bullfighter. O bobo on imdb this article related to a portuguese film is a stub. Colonna sonora jimmy bobo download ecco tutte le canzoni. Interpretation part ii imposition and general characteristics of the tax 3. Start from my first game, bughunter, or called terminator, in 2008. The bobo 1967 free download rare movies cinema of the world. Bamax71 no found only original release for select audio use vlc or dvd player home size36ptwanted 1967 size data uscita. Dboboyearinaitong by bbobo69 b bobo69 free listening. Amg willie bobo s music is triangulated between latin jazz mongo santamarias division. Income tax act 1967 arrangement of sections part i preliminary section 1. A word about the quality of the film transfer on this dvd this is the 2004 release from orbit media ltd. Unsuccessful singing bullfighter juan arrives in barcelona to try his luck in a big town. The bobo is a 1967 british comedy film directed by robert parrish and starring peter sellers and costarring britt ekland. Ekland,sellers, the bobo, 1967 2amng6k from alamys library of millions of high resolution stock photos, illustrations and. Fu xinbos fanclub is known as bbt, standing for bong bang tang, another term for lollipop. For the minstrel matador juan bautista, only one thing holds him back from becoming spains most famous singing bullfighter. Britt ekland, peter sellers, the bobo, 1967 bp94yh from alamys library of millions of high resolution stock photos. Form this form is prescribed under section 152 of the. Peter sellers stars, as the tagline states, as that cunning matador who flees from the bulls so that he may chase the chicks. Nonchargeability to tax in respect of offshore business activity 3 c. Il magnifico bobo trama cast recensione scheda del film di robert parrish con peter sellers, britt ekland, rossano brazzi, adolfo celi, hattie jacques, ferdy. Records presents the premiere cd release of francis lais catchy, lovely score for peter sellers vehicle the bobo, directed by robert parrish in 1967, also starring britt ekland, rossano brazzi and adolfo celi the powerhouse soundtrack of the bobo was written by francis lai shortly before his oscarwinning success of love story also available from quartet. Hillbillys in a haunted house 1967 streaming ita ellen cinema. 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If your search is incorrect, you may be looking for the Reptilian. You may also be looking for the Lizard Man. Illustration of the Loveland Frog. |Year First Seen||1955| The Loveland Frog (otherwise known as the Loveland Lizard) is said to be a humanoid creature with the face of a frog and is described as standing roughly 4 feet (1.2 m) tall with green leathery skin. It walks upright and has webbed hands and feet, and was allegedly first spotted in Loveland, Ohio. The first claimed sighting was in May 1955. A businessman is said to have seen three or four 3-foot (0.91 m)-tall frog-faced creatures squatting under a bridge near Loveland. They were described as having wrinkles instead of hair on their heads, lopsided chests, and wide mouths without lips, like frogs. One of them is said to have held up a bar device that shed sparks. A strong odor of alfalfa and almonds was reportedly left behind. For approximately twenty years, there were no further reported sightings of the Loveland Frog. On March 3, 1972, police are said to have seen a four-foot-tall frog-faced human-like creature with leathery skin, again near Loveland. It jumped over a rail and into the Little Miami River. Two weeks later, officer Mark Mathews saw it again, lying in the road. It got away as Mathews shot at it and apparently missed. The officer's description was falsely reported as follows: - The creature was three to four feet tall, 50 to 75 pounds, leathery skin, possibly wet - matted hair on its body that made it look textured, possible tail, a head and face like a frog or lizard, and could leap over the roads' guard rail. A local farmer is also said to have seen the Loveland frog later that month. Although the officers in question did not report their encounter, word of it leaked to the news media. However, in a 2001 e-mail interview, Officer Mark Mathews, now retired, explained that the incident was "habitually blown out of proportion [. . .]". He stated that, "It was and is no 'monster'. It was not leathery or [had] wet matted fur. It was not 3-5 feet tall. It did not stand erect. The animal I saw was obviously some type of lizard that someone had as a pet that either got too large for its aquarium, escaped by accident or they simply got tired of it. It was less than 3 feet in length, ran across the road and was probably blinded by my headlights. It presented no aggressive action." Mathews attempted to shoot the creature in order to back-up the account of his partner's sighting a few nights prior, but the lizard escaped, most likely to die from its injury, or from the night's bitter freezing cold. |Main Wiki Pages and Navigation||Home • Cryptid • Cryptid Photographs • Cryptid Timeline • CWR • Sasquatch • Sea Creature • Weird| |North America||Bear Lake Monster • Beast of Bray Road • Bermuda Beast •Bigfoot • Dover Demon • Enfield Horror • Flatwoods Monster • Fouke Monster • Hodag • Honey Island Swamp Monster • Igopogo • Jackalope • Jersey Devil • Lizard Man • Loveland Frog • Mannegishi • Michigan Dogman • Momo the Monster • Monster of Monterey • Mothman • Ogopogo • Oklahoma Octopus • Robert • Skunk Ape • Snallygaster • Wendigo • White River Monster| |South America||Bloop • Megaconda • Minhocão| Ahool • Alien • Bishop-fish • Chupacabra • Demon Dog • Dragon • Foo Fighters • Ghost • Globster • Goblin • HMS Deadalus Sea Serpent • Kraken • Reptilian • Sasquatch • Sea Monk • Shadow People • Thunderbird • Zaratan • Zombies |Cryptids with green text are authentic. Cryptids with yellow text are presumed authentic. Cryptids with blue text have an unknown authenticity status. Cryptids with orange text are assumed hoaxes. Cryptids with red text are hoaxes. Cryptids with purple text are found in religion. Cryptids with italic text have been featured articles.|
Kage Baker was fascinated by extinction. And cryptids. They sort of go hand in hand. She was well aware that all species go extinct eventually (so far anyway) and that most manage it without human intervention; but she was also concerned that so many are helped over the edge into the abyss by humans’ cleverly-evolved hands. The survival of the supposedly extinct was, of course, part of the foundation of her Company series. It was part of her personal desire to find a pattern and a point in all the “now you see ’em, now you don’t” carryings-on. And then, she also cheered happily when some determined species was discovered not to have died out after all. She was also intrigued by cryptids – organisms assumed to be mythical, that then turn out to be real. The big flashy ones get the most publicity, of course – not only because they are just plain easier to see, but because people place more emotional value on animals that are large, or furry, or romantic. Cryptid plants turn up from time to time – but what gets the big spreads are cuties like the Columbia crested rat (which resembles a ginger tribble) or the giant rat found a couple of year ago happily still extant in a dormant Papuan volcano crater … I mean, how can you beat a giant rat in a volcano? Even multi-coloured extremophile Archea in hot springs can’t compete with that. A butterfly found to still exist in one meadow next to an oil refinery. The horses painted in the caves of Lascaux – heavy-headed, potbellied, striped – found still being bred in Basque mountain villages. Twenty-five thousand lowland gorillas living unharmed in a jungle separated from everywhere else by insanely martial humans. The eastern Atlantic right whale, occasionally surfacing among its western brethren, persists in being not quite gone. There are tons of other examples – the bongo, the giraffe, the okapi, the giant squid. All of those were considered mythical at one point, and then found to be ever so real. And of course, the totem animal of extinct/cryptid/unexpected beasties: the coelocanth. All this started for Kage because Momma mistakenly told her that puffins were extinct. They weren’t – and Kage was delighted find this out – but her first personal experience of extinction was thereby the “returned from the dead” model. First impressions were very, very important to Kage. They affected her strongly. The story of the puffins just convinced her that nothing ought to be gone forever; and with a little care and luck. nothing needs to be. And from there, it was just a matter of working out a method to save things. In her own mind, anyway; in an alternate world, in another dimension. In a story, where she could tell the careless world: “Look, you morons – you don’t have to kill everything! If you just hold back your hand a little bit, all these things want to live!” She really, really hoped for proof of Bigfoot. Partly it was the monster-story giggle of it; the tales of Sasquatch encounters range from ludicrous to blood-curdling, which appealed to the story-teller in Kage. The physical evidence is so peculiar as to be fasinating; indeed, the fact that there is any physical evidence (and there is, Dear Readers, damned weird stuff, too) intrigued her all on its own. Kage always wanted to see a Bigfoot … I, on the other hand, was pretty sure I would first wet myself and then die of terror. So it’s a good thing we never encountered one. Anyway! During my brief waking moments the last couple of days, I found some interesting comments of the resurrection of lost species: very heartening, really. I am coming back to normal broadcasting here, I promise. Things like a little article on io9 (http://io9.com/5822783/10-extinct-animals-that-have-been-rediscovered) which is not only heartening and fascinating, but a good springboard to further research. This is just the sort of thing that stirred stories in Kage, when she could find some such creatures strange enough to provoke a plot device. I mean, who knows what could be made of the Cuban Solenodon’s survival? There are very, very few venomous mammals in the world, and the solenodon is one of them … on that island of mystery, ideology and frantic spies, who knows what a tube-nosed ferret with poisoned fangs might get up to? Well – Kage, obviously.
A slumber did my spirit seal; I had no human fears: She seemed a thing which could not feel The touch of Earthly years. No motion has she now, no force; She neither hears nor sees; Rolled round in Earth’s diurnal course, With rocks, and stones, and trees. William Wordsworth ‘A Slumber did my Spirit Seal’ – 1800. Today’s tale is set in the former province of Gevaudan in South-Central France. The years between 1764 and 1767, following the bloody, and costly Seven Years War – a Proto World War if ever there was one – which had left deep scars in the psyche of many a European nation – France included- and left many a monarch broke in its’ wake. Gevaudan is an isolated, rugged, rural spot – the French Resistance made a stronghold there in World War 2 largely for this reason. The terrain is rough and mountainous – far too rocky to grow much by way of crops. The locals eked out a living in the hills, tending to livestock. From a young age, they worked alone, out in the elements – constantly on the lookout for wild predators on the lookout for a free meal. Gevaudan is also surrounded by a vast forest; a dangerous and lawless place full of packs of wolves, lurking outlaws, footpads and highwayman. It really is the kind of place you could imagine in the most vicious Grimm Brothers tales. It’s against this backdrop that La Bete du Gevaudan, the beast of Gevaudan, came roaring into the consciousness of the French. Early in the summer of 1764 a young woman provides us with our first description of La Bete. While caring for her cattle, a huge beast came bolting out of the forest. It was the size of a calf; with an unusually broad chest, a huge mouth full of canine teeth, and fiery eyes. The beast had a shaggy, reddish mane, with a dark line running the length of it’s spine. Far more interested in the cowherd than the cattle, the beast rushed at her with remarkable speed and dexterity. Our witness would have been done for but for the fact several large bulls were between her and the beast. The gang of bulls repeatedly charged La Bete, till it turned tail, back into the forest. The cowherd reported the incident, but was turned away, everyone else believing the animal to be a large wolf. Soon after 14 year old Jeanne Boulet would be eviscerated, her mutilated body found dumped outside the village of Saint Etienne – de – Lugdares. A month later another victim was badly mauled, a 15 year old girl near Puylaurent. She barely lived long enough to give a description of the beast very like the animal in the first encounter. It was around this point people started to entertain the possibility a monster walked among them. In September 1764 a young shepherd boy disappeared near the village of Laval. Partially eaten remains were found in the hills. This was followed by a sustained spate of attacks on lone men and women tending to their animals. The horrible disfigurement of the victims suggested both an extremely powerful beast, and a propensity to play with it’s meal. Bodies were left heavily gouged The beast, when going in for the kill, went for the neck or head. Speculation at this sudden explosion of attacks led some to believe they were in fact looking for two beasts. No wolf could traverse the rocky hills with anything like the speed the beast moved at, in any case. In January 1765 one Jacques Portefaix was attacked by the beast, while out with friends. He fought La Bete off with a pike, an act of bravery which won him royal accolades and a free education. He wasn’t the only person to get the better of the beast. In August 1765 Marie Jeanne Valet was walking with her sister when the beast leapt out. Armed with a spear, Marie squared up to the beast – and after an epic battle with the monster – sent it scarpering with a chest wound. She won no royal plaudits or free education – at least there is a fantastic looking statue of her and the beast doing battle, in Auvers, constructed in 1995 to honour ‘The maid of Gevaudan’. By 1765, the spate of deaths in Gevaudan came to the attention of King Louis XV. Concerned that to do nothing would lead to mass panic, and perhaps seeing some chance at redemption for his military – who lost the Seven Year War – he sent in the army, professional hunters, even his own Lieutenant of the hunt, Francoise Antoine. As terrified as the locals were now of La Bete, they also gave the small army soldiers and hunters the cold shoulder on their arrival. A large wolf the likely suspect for the killer beast, Antoine’s army called open season on any wolf spotted in the forest. Well over 100 wolves would be massacred. Some wolves were uncommonly large, but the killings continued unabated. Hunters noticed a big difference between a wolf and La Bete around this time too. Wolves generally drop when you shoot them, but the beast was hit several times – and shook off the shot. A rumour began to circulate some hybrid mastiff-wolf had been bred by these ungrateful locals, then sent out in pig’s hide armour. How else could one explain this creature? Keep in mind guns in the 1760s had a maximum effective range of around 100 yards, and expert musketeers could maybe get a shot off every 20 seconds. Hunters were hardly out there with modern hunting rifles. At one point Dragoon captain Jean-Baptiste Duhamel mustered 20,000 locals on a mass hunt, to canvass the area. They had no luck, and generated a great deal of press attention to boot. In 1765 the King’s armourer, Francoise Antoine, claimed victory after bagging a 6 foot long lone wolf – and sent the body back to the court. The attacks continued. Finally local hunter, Jean Chastel, bagged a large mystery animal. The carcass was loaded on a wagon and taken to the king in Paris. With a long, arduous journey, and an unusually hot summer, the carcass went off, and was too decomposed to identify at the capital. Lore grew around the kill claiming Chastel shot the beast with a silver bullet – something afterwards associated with werewolves. The attacks ceased after Chastel’s kill. All in all 113 people were killed by the beast of Gevaudan, a further 49 injured. 98 bodies were partially eaten. So, what was the beast? There are a number of suggestions. First I think we can dismiss the claim the killer was, in fact, a serial killer. There is no evidence of a human killer. The attack marks sound like something a large animal is capable of. The hunters sited, and on occasion did shoot a mystery cryptid. That stated without evidence can be dismissed as easily. Though a little small, a stray hyena is possible. A striped hyena did escape a menagerie, in 1767, having to be put down. Does a hyena look like our beast? Well, check out the picture of the Nigerian hyena handler with one such beast below. Other suggestions run the gamut from a mutant bear, a wolf/dog hybrid, a large, trained hound – probably owned by Jean Chastel. Fans of crypto-zoology have suggested long extinct beasts such as the Mesonychid, the Bear Dog or the Dire Wolf. All seem highly unlikely. Experts generally agree the beast was a sub-adult lion. A young adult is the right size. It would move and behave like the beast. It could also shake off 18th century musket shot. A sub-adult has yet to grow a full mane. That people living in an isolated region, in a time before photographs mistook a lion without a mane for some other monster is completely understandable. How a lion found itself in a forest in an isolated part of France is another question entirely. It’s a question which invites guesswork. Had one of the soldiers, stationed abroad in the Seven Years War picked up a fluffy little cub going through Africa, only to dump it when it became too big and dangerous to handle? Alternately, had a formerly wealthy aristocrat found they couldn’t afford to keep a private menagerie, anymore – and chosen to dump the animals in the most wild, desolate place they could find? It has been long speculated Britain had a similar moment in the 1970s, after legislation made it all but impossible to keep a private zoo. The Beast of Bodmin Moor, seen by many in the years since, believed by some to be a puma deposited there by its former owner.
Picking up the story shortly after the events of Discount Armageddon, not much has changed for Verity. She's still working at the strip club, though it's under new management and has been renamed The Freakshow, she's still figuring out her relationship with Dominic De Luca, who's membership in the Covenent of St. George still complicates things, and she's still unable to find a way to get her ballroom dancing career off the ground due to her moonlighting as a crypto-zoologist consuming all of her time. With her year in New York coming to an end, Verity has a choice to make, does she leave the family business in pursuit of her dreams or does she accept her role in cryptid society? But that choice is quickly placed on hold, when Dominic reveals that his superiors in the Covenant are sending a team to check on his progress in Manhattan and determine whether or not to move forward with a purge of the city. With the entire population of cryptids in danger and Dominic's allegiance in question, Verity must gather what allies she can and prepare to defend her city against a threat so dire that it threatens not just the cryptids but Verity herself. Fans of the series will find much to enjoy in this installment, McGuire keen characterization and rich world building continue. This installment adds more definition to Verity's extended family, introducing her adoptive uncle, Mike to the cast. Sarah also gets more page time and even some time as a point of view character(more on that in a bit) , and we are treated to more explanation of her abilities and biology as a result. Istas, the gothic Lolita who can transform into a hybrid bear-wolf-hybrid also makes a more significant contribution to the story, though largely as a source of comedy. And of course, the Aeslin mice continue to tickle funny bones with their peculiar religious observances and rituals. I applaud McGuire's approach to world building, even with dragons, gorgons, ghosts, boogeymen down every alley and shopping the local bodegas, there's nary a werewolf or vampire in sight. She's managed to populate her urban fantasy with a diverse and rich cast. She mines from myth and legend and is not afraid to throw plenty of beasties of her own creation into the mix. The glut of paint-by-numbers urban fantasy on the shelves would do well to take a few pages from McGuire's approach. There is a definite sense of wonder in Verity's world and McGuire shows no sign of taking her foot from the gas in this volume. Which brings me to my issues with the novel. After reading several of McGuire's novels over the last six months, I've begun to notice a similarity in her protagonists. With all of the novels I've read being told in strict first person narrative it's hard to miss. With all female protagonists, a similar sense of snarky humor, family dysfunction, and more these women while definitely enjoyable all begin to sound the same to me. It's well done, but it's a definite sense of "second verse, same as the first" for this reader. It became impossible for me to dismiss in this novel, because of the four or five chapters where the point of view shifted to Verity's 'cousin' Sarah. Because these chapters are also written in first person, it was easy to see the similarity in the narrative voice. If it weren't for the chapter headings and the references to Sarah's otherworldly biology I would have thought there hadn't been a shift in narration. The voice is compelling, to be sure, but it is nearly indistinguishable from Verity's. It becomes a bit of a one trick pony, and one that McGuire seems quite content to beat to death. There are other things about the writing that back up the repetition for it's own sake. McGuire is quite fond of inside jokes and certain turns of phrase. Istas' constant references to "carnage" and Dominic's continuously referring to Verity as a "infuriating woman" are the most prevalent to me, but I'm sure other readers will be able to pick out the ones that grate for them. I understand the want to create a lexicon, similar to the Buffy speak Whedon made so popular, but for some reason it pulled me out of the story on this go around. My only other major complaint centers around the antagonists. The Covenant has been built up as nigh unstoppable and terrifying to the entire cryptid community and even Verity seems frightened half to death of their arrival. But when they finally arrive they are little more than straw men, falling over far too easily. The eventual showdown was so anticlimactic that I felt the last half of the novel to be wasted. With that said, most of the novel was fun. McGuire obviously enjoys these characters and letting her imagination run wild as she populates New York with some of the most memorable and human monsters in the genre. Readers can do far worse than spend time with Verity and her clan of extended relatives and renegade monster hunters. I'm probably going to stick with the Newsflesh series, but who knows I may just revisit the InCryptid universe eventually.
Something is killing chickens and ducks in China, and draining all their blood. This sounds suspiciously familiar to the claims people have made about the elusive chupacabra. Is it possible that the cryptid has now made it all the way to China, or is there a Chinese version of the creature as well? Chinese villagers are searching for a mysterious bloodsucking predator that has killed more than 200 chickens and ducks, mainland media reports. For the past week police and residents from the village in Pudong, close to the city of Shanghai, have been hunting for the culprit round the clock, the news portal Eastday.com reported on Saturday. The predator has left behind just one tantalising clue – a muddy webbed four-toed footprint. Villagers said the footprint was the size of five-year-old child’s hand. The unidentified predator has only sucked on the blood of its prey, rather than feeding on its meat, the report said. Residents said many of their birds had died after being bitten during the evenings over the past week. Some rabbits that had been raised by farmers in the village had also died in the same way, the report said. For the full article, click here.
I.Q. Book Six With the nation reeling from the recent terrorist attacks, Q and Angela leave Chicago and arrive in San Francisco. Their parents are determined to continue the Match tour but for safety’s sake, they have decided to send Q and Angela to boarding school. Not happy at the thought of being taken off the trail of the ghost cell, Q and Angela race against time with Boone and the SOS team to find Number One, the leader of the world’s most feared terrorist organization. It’s the final showdown. You can get I,Q Book Six: Alcatraz from your local bookseller, or order it online: After Q and Angela help foil a Ghost Cell plot in San Antonio, they head to Chicago, the next stop on the Match tour. Since they’ve been busy fighting international terrorism, they’re behind on their school assignments. Their parents tell them if they don’t get caught up, it’s off to boarding school. But who can concentrate on homework when there is a mystery to solve and international terrorism to thwart? Angela is obsessed with finding out more about the mysterious Boone. Q is more interested in not going to boarding school. But when Boone and his SOS crew are ambushed on their way to Chicago, it becomes abundantly clear. Someone inside their inner circle is feeding the Ghost Cell information. As they dig ever deeper to learn the identity of the mole, Angela and Q uncover the Ghost Cell’s next plot. And it’s much, much worse than a car bomb. They plan to unleash a chemical weapon over the skies of Chicago. And it’s up to Angela and Q, along with Boone and Croc, to stop them. You can get I,Q Book Five: The Windy City from your local bookseller, or order it online: Fresh off a “too close” encounter with the terrorist group, the Ghost Cell, in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, Q and Angela head to San Antonio, Texas. As their parents’ band, Match, prepares for a concert at the Alamo, the two discover that the Ghost Cell has its tentacles everywhere, including the Lone Star State. With each passing hour, Q and Angela uncover more clues and discover more leads. And the mysterious Boone and his SOS group leave them with more questions than answers, for there is much more to Boone than meets the eye. With time running out to stop another Ghost Cell attack, Angela and Q and the others begin to wonder. Are they following the Ghost Cell or is the Ghost Cell following them? You can get I,Q Book Four: The Alamo from your local bookseller, or order it online: Q, Angela, and the SOS team are in hot pursuit of the president’s daughter, which leads them to the mysterious Outer Banks of North Carolina during a freak hurricane. The first two books take place next to two famous historical sites, which just happened to be in major cities. In the third book there is another historical site: Kitty Hawk, where the Wright brothers flew their first airplane. Not all historical sites are in major cities. 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue: There was another knock on my door. I opened it. Standing in the hallway was a very serious Secret Service agent. “The President would like to see you both in the Oval Office,” he said. “Now?” I asked. It was 3 a.m. He gave me a curt nod. “Maybe we should change,” I said. “You’re fine,” the agent said. “He’s waiting. Follow me.” Angela and I were going to meet the president of the United States in our pj’s. In Book One: Independence Hall, we met Q and his stepsister, Angela. We met their rocker parents, Blaze and Roger; we met the Secret Service team protecting the family; and we met the main players of the Mossad team that is following them. Book Two takes us on another thrilling caper, this time to the White House where Q and Angela continue their quest to uncover the truth behind the supposed death of Angela’s real mother – a former Secret Service agent – while trying to differentiate the “good guys” from the “bad guys.” Available now at: Thirteen-year-old Quest (Q for short) used to live with his mother, a singer, on a sailboat in Sausalito, California. Fifteen-year-old Angela lived with her father, a songwriter, in a loft in San Francisco. Now their parent are married and Q and Angela are on a luxury motor coach traveling around the country on tour with their parents’ new band called Match. Their schoolwork for the year is a Web diary of their travels. Perfect… Q can practice his magic tricks and Angela can read her spy novels. What could go wrong? Reviewed by Focus on the Family. The fourth book in the CAHILLS VS. VESPERS series, the follow up to the worldwide bestseller THE 39 CLUES. After pulling some spectacular heists, Amy and Dan have become two of Interpol’s most wanted criminals. So when Vesper One orders them to steal the world’s largest diamond, they know they’re facing life in prison . . . or worse. But with the Cahill hostages still in peril, Amy and Dan have no choice but to launch a mission that leads them to an ancient city full of dangerous secrets. With a Vesper mole sabotaging the Madrigals from inside, Amy and Dan have to fulfill their enemy’s request before it’s too late. Vesper One has developed a taste for killing Cahills, and Amy and Dan aren’t going to wait to see who’s next. Storm Runner Series The explosive conclusion to Roland Smith’s fast-paced action series! The adventures aren’t over yet for Chase Masters and his dad. In this third installment, Chase heads south of the border with his friend Nicole Rossi to track down the Rossi Brothers’ Circus–lions, tigers, elephants and all–after a massive earthquake hits Mexico. With a volcano about to erupt as a result of the disaster, Chase has never faced such a serious threat to his survival! Chase and his friends Nicole and Rashawn have just survived Hurricane Emily, the storm of the century, but their troubles are just beginning. Though they’ve made it to the safety of Nicole’s family’s farm — the winter home of the Rossi Brothers Circus — the flood waters are rising and they need to reach higher ground. The circus’s lions have escaped their cages, and a mean and unpredicable leopard is also on the loose. And then, of course, there’s the problem of the wildlife preserve next door! Have Chase and his friends lived through a terrifying night only to face a new danger? Chase Masters and his father are “storm runners,” racing across the country in pursuit of hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Anywhere bad weather strikes, they are not far behind. Chase is learning more on the road than he ever would just sitting in a classroom. But when the hurricane of the century hits, he will be tested in ways he never could have imagined. When Briggs Barclay first meets his new neighbor Theodore Ranly, he can’t imagine what they might have in common. Briggs’ main ambition in life is to dazzle the freshman football coach as soon as he enters high school. Theodore’s got a killer arm when it comes to passing a ball, but the fact that he’s confined to a wheelchair rules out any possibility of playing backyard tackle. They soon enter into a relationship that sends Briggs on the adventure of his life. Elephant Run has been honored with a 2009 ALA Best Books for Young Adults sponsored by The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). In 1941, bombs drop from the night skies of London, demolishing the apartment Nick Freestone lives in with his mother. Deciding the situation in England is too unstable, Nick’s mother sends him to live with his father in Burma, hoping he will be safer living on the family’s teak plantation. Curriculum is ready. The International Peace Ascent is the brainchild of billionaire Sebastian Plank: Recruit a global team of young climbers and film an inspiring, world-uniting documentary. The adventure begins when fifteen-year-old Peak Marcello and his mountaineer mother are helicoptered to a remote base camp in the Hindu Kush Mountains on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. When the camp is attacked and his mother taken, Peak has no choice but to track down the perpetrators to try to save her. Fans of the bestselling Peak will be thrilled with this gripping, high-stakes sequel. Peak Marcello is arrested for scaling a New York City skyscraper, he’s left with two choices: wither away in Juvenile Detention or go live with his long-lost father, who runs a climbing company in Thailand. But Peak quickly learns that his father’s renewed interest in him has strings attached. Big strings. Order the book today at: Monsters of legend come to life! The final thrilling title in Roland Smith’s popular series. Marty and his best friend, Luther, have managed to rescue Marty’s cousin Grace from the clutches of the nefarious pseudo-naturalist Noah Blackwood, but their most dangerous mission lies ahead of them. Marty’s parents have been missing in Brazil for months and their trail has all but run cold. With time running out, Marty and the Cryptos Island crew race off for Brazil — where they discover that Noah Blackwood has twisted the natural order of things beyond their wildest, most terrifying dreams. Order now at: CHUPACABRA, the riveting sequel to TENTACLES and CRYPTID HUNTERS, reunites Marty and his unusual uncle, cryptozoologist Travis Wolfe, as they search the world for Wolfe’s daughter, Grace. Grace has been kidnapped by her grandfather, the ruthless and dangerous Noah Blackwood, who has also stolen the two dinosaur hatchlings Wolfe was raising in secrecy. Now, with word that the mysterious creature known as Chupacabra has been sighted again, Wolfe is torn between his obsession with finding cryptids and his desperate need to rescue his daughter. With trouble at every turn and a dangerous journey ahead, will Marty and Wolfe come face-to-face with the mythic monster? Even more frightening, will they reach Grace before it’s too late? Order now at: After their parents are lost in an accident, thirteen-year old twins Grace and Marty are whisked away to live with their Uncle Wolfe-an uncle that they didn’t even know they had! The intimidating Uncle Wolfe is an anthropologist who has dedicated his life to finding cryptids, mysterious creatures believed to be long extinct. Order it now at: Marty and Grace O’Hara’s globe-trotting parents disappeared while on assignment for a nature magazine, and now they’re living with their Uncle Wolfe, a scientist fascinated by cryptids–creatures that appear in myths but haven’t been proven to exist, such as the Loch Ness Monster. Wolfe is planning an expedition to New Zealand to track a giant squid, and he’s rented a huge (and possibly haunted) freighter for the trip. But someone on board is determined to sabotage their mission–and if Marty and Grace keeping poking their noses into things, they might end up the saboteur’s next victims! Order now at: Review by Teens Read Too. Jack Osborne’s life changes forever the night men in masks break into his house, threaten Jack and his family, and ransack their home. Jack then discovers the reason these men have come into their lives-his father has been arrested for drug trafficking. Jack, his mother, and his sister are then forced to enter Witness Security Program. Jack becomes “Zach” and moves to Elko, Nevada, a town in the middle of nowhere. There he meets Sam, the strangest school custodian he has ever encountered, and Catalin, a girl who might make Zach’s uprooting worth the trouble. But just as Zach finally begins to piece together a new life, he finds himself in danger again-and this time his actions could determine the fates of everyone he cares about. Order now from: When Jack Osborne’s father was arrested for drug trafficking, he agreed to tell the authorities everything he knew about his ex-boss, the ruthless drug czar Alonzo Aznar. But betraying a man as powerful as Alonzo has consequences. The Osbornes have spent the last year in hiding, forced to take on new identities and live under the close surveillance of the Witness Security program. Now, with his trial date fast approaching, Alonzo intensifies his hunt for Jack’s family. One slipup, and Alonzo will find them, making sure no Osborne survives to testify against him. Jack has messed up once before, and he won’t do it again. Unfortunately, someone else in the family hasn’t been as careful… Read the first chapter of Jack’s Run here. Check for the book at your local library or bookstore. Order it here from: As a pup Seaman never imagined that his life would hold much excitement — beyond chasing down rats on the banks of the Ohio River. But the day he met Captain Meriwether Lewis, his prospects changed forever. With Captain Lewis, his partner, Captain William Clark, and the men of the Corps of Discover, Seaman found himself on an incredible journey into the American wilderness west of the Mississippi. Charged with charting the best path across America to the Pacific Ocean, Lewis and Clark led the Corps and their devoted Newfoundland dog up rushing rivers, across vast prairies, and over snow-covered mountains. It was a landmark expedition. It was a search that changed a nation. And for Seaman, it was the greatest adventure he’d ever had. Order now from: Dylan’s father has always been a little strange — he spends most of his time making notes on odd topics and storing them away in boxes. But when Dylan’s mother leaves for Egypt, his father seems to get out of control. He joins a Sasquatch-hunting team led by top-bigfoot researcher, Theodore Flagg. The team’s mission is to find a Sasquatch and kill it – but Dylan’s father is determined to stop them. To make matters worse, the team has headed up to Mount St. Helens, an active volcano that could erupt any day. Without Dylan’s mother to look out for his father, Dylan feels he has to try to keep him in line. So he joins aging field biologist, Samuel Johnson, on the mountain, shadowing the hunting party through their walkie-talkies. But Dylan may be in even more trouble than he thought– Mr. Johnson is not the man he seems to be. Even as they are following Dr. Flagg’s team, somebody is following Mr. Johnson. And on top of it all, Dylan is beginning to realize that his father may not be so crazy after all – maybe the Sasquatch does exist, and it’s closer than Dylan ever guessed. Jacob Lansa watches in horror as the poachers carve up elephant carcasses. He wants to stop them, but he is far outnumbered, and the poachers have guns. Was it only last week that Jacob traveled to Kenya in search of his father, who had gone there to study elephants? In that short time, Jacob crossed miles of Kenyan bush, came face-to-face with a lion, and nearly died of dehydration. Then he met Supeet, a Masai with a quest of his own — to bring the rains and end the drought that is devastating his country. Can Jacob and Supeet find Jacob’s father, end the drought, and save the great elephants before the last one has been slaughtered? Order now from: “I heard a noise behind me. Before I could turn around, someone shoved me into the bookshelves. Then grabbed me and slammed me down on the floor… ” When Jacob Lansa joined his father in Brazil, his biggest worry was whether Doc would let him stay or send him back to Poughkeepsie. But his father’s expedition to create a jaguar preserve is beset with violence–a massive explosion destroys their boat and Jake is viciously attacked before their journey even begins. More danger is ahead. Before the voyage upriver is over, Jacob will witness first-hand the havoc man has wrought on a fragile environment, and come face-to-face with those who will stop at nothing to gain what they want. When Jacob travels with his grandfather, Taw, back to the Hopi reservation where he was born, he gets a lot more than a quiet trip to the desert. He quickly discovers that the Hopi on the reservation are divided over a lobo, a Mexican wolf. Some believe the lobo is a spirit of the plains–a ghost wolf. But others want to kill the animal because it is hunting livestock on the reservation, even though it may be the last of its kind. Jake knows that if the lobo does exist, he must do everything in his power to help it before it is killed or captured. He must figure out a way to trap the wild wolf and let it loose in a place where it can be truly free and untamed. But time is running out–can Jake save the lobo before it is wiped out for good. In this thrilling action filled environmental adventure, Jacob Lansa from THUNDER CAVE and JAGUAR is back once again this time Jake must help save an endangered animal before it is killed off by its most dangerous enemy. Order now from:
"There are those who refuse to believe… I used to be one of those people". "Living with Bigfoot: A True Story" is not a made up story. It is 100% true. I know it’s true… Because it happened to me! When it comes to the unknown many find it nearly impossible to believe anything they have not personally experienced. Living with Bigfoot is a First Hand experience of growing up with a small family of Bigfoot that lived in local swamps. It details my various encounters, descriptions, eye witness accounts, boundary markers, communication, nesting and one extremely close encounter you're likely not to believe! There are those who claim to have seen Bigfoot. Some claim to have even heard Bigfoot. I have seen Bigfoot many times. Unfortunately, have heard Bigfoot many times and have had more than one hair raising experience. This book is my true account of growing up in the middle of the swampland in Upstate New York and sharing the land with another family. A family of Bigfoot. "I am willing to take a lie detector to prove the truth of what I encountered. Encounters ranged from about the age of 4 years old to about the age of 28 years old. In all I lived in the area, at different times a total of about 20 years and had encounters starting when I was a small child until I moved away at age 28. If after reading what happened you still choose not to believe… I don’t blame you. I wouldn’t either. But in this case… you would be wrong"! eBook in Progress! Please Subscribe below for Updates & Latest News. Check out our Forum where you can engage with other cryptid enthusiasts and Ask me questions about my own experiences!
R. Allen Leider has been writing and telling stories since the fourth grade. Many of his current published tales are reworkings of stories he wrote in high school and college. He began his career in 1970 at CBS TV Network News as copy boy for The Walter Cronkite News. In 1973, he became a Featured Interviewer and Associate Editor for The Monster Times, then moved on to be Associate Editor and FeaturesWriter for Show Magazine. In the 1980's, he was a featured interviewer for Celebrity Magazine, and US Correspondent for both Elite and Glitter Magazines of Canada. His photojournalistic work has been syndicated worldwide by Transworld Features Syndicate. He created the original story and screenplay for the independent horror film The Oracle in 1985. After the film was released, he became Art Director and Film Reviewer for New Jersey Living Magazine and hosted his own radio show 'Cinemascene' on WWFM, Mercer County, New Jersey for five years. In the 1990's, he started writing short stories based on outlines, themes, notes and projects he had created and saved since high school. The first published effort was "An Acquired Taste" in the e-book ''Flesh and Hunger'' by Raw Dog Screaming Press. This was followed by entries in Dark Furies, Hear them Roar, Crypto Critters, Bad-Ass Faeries, Barbarians at the Jump Gate and The Walrii Project, both the latter due out in 2009. With Dave Elliott and veteran writer C. J. Henderson, he co-authored ''A Field Guide to Monsters'' (2002) and the upcoming ''A Field Guide to Aliens'' (2009). Presently, he writes and edits the online entertainment and business magazine The Black Cat Review at www.blackcatmedia.com He began working on the Wicca Girl trilogy novel/movie project, featuring Druscilla Marie d'Lambert, her blood sister Cheralyn Rose Moskowitz, Countess Jocelyn Von Hagen and Satan in 2005. The first novella is due out in Preview Edition from Marietta Publishing on May 22nd, 2009. He lives in Manhattan, NYC with wife Barbara, a professional photographer, and numerous feline Egyptian gods. did Druscilla come from? ||My friend author C. J. Henderson told me about an anthology called "Dark Furies" that needed some short stories on the theme of 'Beauty and the Beast with a twist'. I came up with an idea for a serial killer teenage witch working with a monster partner. The story was set in the Middle Ages and they targeted young knights of the realm. The story was well-received and someone asked me where the character of Druscilla came from. I wrote an outline for an origin story and a series of sequels. In the process the character changed radically. Druscilla became an innocent victim caught up in a battle between Satan and his ex-mistress Jocelyn Von Hagen. Through a series of events, eighteen year-old Druscilla's world turned topsy turvy. Her only hope for survival was to make a pact with Satan that resulted in her becoming the Queen of Witches and possessor of Satan's coveted Pentagram Ring. Druscilla became, through no fault of her own, the arch enemy and target of Jocelyn who wants both the Ring and revenge on Satan. This conflict lasts for 900 years, and lots of adventures. The trilogy followed with Druscilla taking on Jocelyn, her son Maximillian and then solving many mysteries of her lost past. ||How complex is ||She's a classic Marvel Comics type heroine with lots of emotional and psychological baggage. By the time she gets to 2010 A.D., she has to deal with the loss of her parents, her fiancé, her friends, and her whole Medieval world. She has qualms about having made a deal with Satan, but she understands him better than anyone. She knows him as a good archangel with the worst job in the Universe. Druscilla feels privileged to help him wrangle evildoers, starting with Countess Jocelyn Von Hagen whom she discovers was responsible for the Viking raid on Blackbridge that caused all her loss and grief. When she meets her blood sister Cheralyn, the Devil's valley girl, teenage daughter, Druscilla starts to reconnect with society and the human race for real. She hasn't had a girlfriend for 900 years and Cher is only three years younger than she is. By that time, Druscilla has a handle on her new world and she has assumed a new role in the field of law enforcer - that of a supernatural secret agent for British Intelligence MI-6, Agent 0013, code name: Wicca Girl. She is actually relieved to be in the 21st Century, but she is always discovering new things, marveling at new places she visits and pondering her past, her lost family and Frederick. Then, there are some amazing revelations about Druscilla's true nature and her inescapable destiny. ||Why is Druscilla relieved to be in modern times, if she misses her Medieval roots? ||Druscilla was always a 21st Century woman in her thinking and she was always getting scolded by the nuns at St. Martin's Convent School for questioning the church's edicts, dogma, and so forth. Her interests were science and alchemy which are things she got from her father Hugo, a scientist who was an apothecary and alchemist. Hugo encouraged her to ask questions and seek the truth. When the Roggevand and the Vikings raid Blackbridge and destroy her life, Druscilla goes into shock and all she can think about is protecting herself from that kind of pain ever happening in her life again and, later, getting revenge, That's why she asks Satan to make her immortal and indestructible - the most powerful woman in the world, the Queen of the Witches. It's more of a protective thing than a power thing. Her new existence as a super-being is also something she has to come to grips with because she is always evolving and developing new powers. Then, she finds that her destiny and her desires are not so far apart after all. ||What are her powers ||By agreement with Satan, Druscilla is indestructible and immortal once she completes her three years of study. This graduation occurs in 1091 A. D. The Pentagram Ring is made of the rarest element in the Universe - Davinium which focuses the Earth's magnetic energy into a powerful bolt of lightning released from her right index finger. The energy originates from Druscilla's ability to channel, via induction, energy from the Earth's core, which is a gigantic electric generator producing the Earth's magnetic field among other things. Druscilla can disassociate her molecules as well and blades, bullets and other projectiles pass through her harmlessly as if she were a ghost-except for her clothing. One of her 21st Century 'beefs' is that fighting baddies is a wardrobe disaster especially if she's wearing expensive designer outfits, which she loves in her favorite color, bright red. As we see she uses her powers more and more, she develops expertise in most magical areas-transforming herself into animals like a giant white bird and a dragon, transmutation of objects, and in the public sector and with Cheralyn's help - shopping! ||How does Druscilla cope with the religious issues in her life. She was covent-raised and now works for the Devil? better than anyone how the Heavenly Plan works, that Satan is not an adversary, and that mankind, the organized church in particular, has been largely responsible for the distortions and myths about Satan that mankind believes. Her loss of faith is an issue for her from time to time, but when her true nature is revealed to her, she sees herself in a different light, as a force working to eliminate the underbelly of society to rid it of corrupting forces like Jocelyn and Maximillian. Then, when she revisits St. Martin's church in modern day, she discovers her true nature. Her first real task was as Satan's champion defeating Roggevand and then taking on Jocelyn and, later, her son Maximillian, who brings Druscilla closer to humanity and provides opportunity for some humor. Does she still go to church? Yes, she does, but she knows the truth in her heart and that makes it so much more special to her. ||Jocelyn Von Hagen is the epitome of a villainess. How did you create her? ||Jocelyn was rather easy. She's based mostly on the characters played in the cinema by the late Gale Sondergaard one of my favorite actresses. She did ''The Spider Woman'' and other classic female heavies in the 1940's and was the female villain in "Mark of Zorro", another of my favorite films. Jocelyn is totally without moral fiber or principals and shuns all the dictates of the church and society. She's the antithesis of Druscilla, a strong woman and an egomaniac who questions the authorities, but in Jocelyn's case she sees no reason not to commit crimes to get what she wants. She's ruthless when she murders three rich men to get the money she sees as the key to power - which is the way to have control over your life, then the lives of to her people. She's a terrible candidate for a witch and Satan himself admits that he badly misjudged the situation when he took her on as a mistress, Jocelyn also has the fault of overestimating herself and her abilities as time goes on and she becomes a self-taught sorceress. I created a back story for her about her childhood as an abused child who seeks revenge and wealth as a means for her getting parity with the dominating men of her time. This is similar to Druscilla's ambitions after the massacre, but in a negative manner. does seems to backfire on her. ||Yes, one of the lessons of the novel is that most evil people make their own misery and cause their own demise. Druscilla attains greatness, power and ultimate success in all her wishes and dreams as a direct effect of Jocelyn's revenge plots. All Druscilla wants when she escapes the Blackbridge Massacre is to survive. Prior to that event, all she wants to to have some sort of parity with the men of her time, a radical thought in that age. She is encouraged by her parents to be independent, questioning, and to explore things that most people of her time were afraid to do, not just to get married, have children and keep a home. ||You describe Satan as a good guy with a lousy job; a very sympathetic, even noble character who is really the Archangel Samiel. Yet, you have him 'use' Druscilla to handle some very evil and powerful people that he would have to deal with otherwise, like Jocelyn, Roggevand and later, Maximillian. ||I don't know that it's really 'using' Druscilla. Satan makes a deal with Druscilla when she comes to him in the forest and is in imminent danger of being slain by Roggevand. He already knows who and what she is and has been waiting for her for 18 years. She begs the Dark Lord to grant her a wild fantasy - being an immortal and all-powerful being because she does not want to encounter the Viking chieftain and be chopped into mincemeat. Satan is not really be 'using' Druscilla as much as empowering her and giving her a chance to 'do her new job'.In effect, he deputizes her. Remember, he knows from what he saw years earlier what her destiny really ||So, one of the themes of the story is that even the plans of the most powerful beings often go wrong? Satan's basic error was taking in evil murderess Jocelyn eighteen years earlier, Jocelyn's revenge plan is really off the track by the time Druscilla arrives in the forest. Satan's intent that Druscilla become the powerful Queen of Witches also goes a bit haywire. Even with the Pentagram Ring, she has unlimited power. When she drinks Satan's blood in the Pool of Dark Visions, she becomes literally, a blood relative of the Devil, which was not part of the plan, and as such becomes powerful many times over what Satan intended her to be. ||Why doesn't Satan want Druscilla's soul for all the things he does for her? ||Satan doesn't deal in souls. People lose their souls all by themselves by committing major sins. People can't really deal their souls like commodities. That's a social myth. A person who by free will loses his soul by murdering somone, for example, can have his soul captured at his death by a demon or magical person. Then, the soul becomes a tradable commodity. Satan doesn't want Druscilla's soul. Her destiny is to be tutored by him. He wants a powerful ally to destroy evil Jocelyn since she is directly responsible for the destruction of Blackbridge and the loss of Druscilla's family, Druscilla is an ideal candidate for the job. That is his intention, but after she drinks his blood in the pool, she becomes supercharged and Satan realizes that he has a formidable agent on his side. Besides, he knows that what is happening to her destiny. He couldn't collect on fate if he wanted to. There will be more than one actor. Every character sees Satan differently and will have an actor to portray his own Satan. For example, Druscilla sees him as a surrogate father, Cher sees him as her Dad and a romantic movie star type, Jocelyn would see him as a more traditional Devil. In a scene with all of them, we would have to shoot with three actors depending on which girl's point of view we showed. David Elliott - consultant/developer Over the past 20 years, David Elliott has worked in every aspect of the comic book industry from writer to publisher. He has worked on diverse titles such as A1, Deadline, Heavy Metal, Penthouse Comix, 2000 AD, Justice League of America, Transformers, GI Joe and Doctor Who. He has worked as publisher or editor for Deadline magazine, A1, Penthouse Comix, Penthouse.com, Epic Illustrated (for Marvel) and In the early 1990's he did the unthinkable and took the biggest selling adults only comic in England (VIZ selling at one point a million and a half copies per issue) and created a children's version that sold over a million copies called the Pathetic Shark's Bumper Special. In recent years he has optioned both his comic properties as well as film scripts for film and TV. His first project is currently in production. He worked for several years as head of development for Barry Levine at Takoma Entertainment (later Brigade Pictures). David was the Publisher and core founder of Thrill-House Comics. Thrill-House was created to house two intellectual properties he is involved with, CRYPTID; of which he co-wrote the graphic novel script and subsequent screenplay as well as working with its creator, Michael Todd, to help him develop the property for multiple markets, and SHARK-MAN; which he co-created and developed from an initial concept alongside its Michael Town, with Ronald Shusett and Steve Pugh. David has previously collaborated with Cryptid artist Alex Horley on his creations SHARKY for Image Comics and ALIEN ARENA, a graphic novel published in Heavy Metal magazine. Recently, he wrote the Halloween bestseller FIELD GUIDE TO MONSTERS and has the sequel FIELD GUIDE TO ALIENS completed for 2009. Currently, David is both co-publisher and Editor-In-Chief for Radical Comics, teaming up once more with photographer turned producer, Barry Levine. Denny Fincke - artist Animation and comic book artist Denny Fincke is the newest member of the Wicca Girl team. His professional credits include arttwork for MTV's "Daria", "Spygroove", and "Downtown". He also worked on 4Kids "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" in various capacities such as storyboard artist, character layout artist, background designer. Denny also self publishes his own comic book creation, "Anti-Star' and is often a guest at Metro area comic book and sci-fi conventions in the Artist's Alley. This month he begins creating the graphic novel version of "Satan's Darling" for the Comics Page as well as character sketches of each player in the adventure. Denny is currently finishing the third issue of his comic book Anti-Star and is one of the animation team for the highly acclaimed TV cartoon series The Venture Brothers. Visit Denny's web site at www.anti-starcomics.com Ed Coutts - artist Ed Coutts was born and raised in NYC's Hell's Kitchen and is still trying to escape. He is a self-taught artist working in pencil, inks and paints. He's done several painted covers and pencilled/inked comic book pagesfor AC Comics' ''Femforce'' series and other indy comics which has attracted a small fan base resulting in many commission requests including advertising posters for a couple of off, off-Broadway productions. Ed has collaborated with comic greats likeDick Ayers and Rudy Nebres. Ed's work can be found online at www.edcouttsart.com Erica Henderson - artist On March twenty-third nineteen eighty-six, Erica Henderson was dragged kicking and screaming from her mother's womb. To cope with the sudden shock and cold, harsh, outside world she took up the pen and has since immersed herself in a fantasy world from which there is no escape. Thirteen years later, she came up with her first published work which was displayed on the cover of "Call of Cthulhu." She has since been living the unspectacular life of a freelanced illustrator to feed her addictions for caffeine and key-lime pie. Erica graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design, where to the horror of friends and enemies alike, she studied to become an animator. It paid off and she now live sin Boston and works for Harmonix. Inc. Erica is one of the most interesting and innovative illustrators and animators on the modern scene. Her work has been featured on numerous book and magazine covers, but her most notable triumph to date is the wildly popular ''Baby's First Mythos''. Starting her professional career at the age of thirteen, Erica is already a popular and highly sought-after painter, cartoonist and illustrator. Come and hang out at her table at conventions to enjoy her artwork and sardonic wit. Those who bring chocolate will be appreciated. Those who bring key lime pie stand a good chance of receiving a free illustration. created the concept drawings for The Sandrich Kids who appear in The Black Cat Review's "Kid's Pages" and penned the Manga style Druscilla characters used to promote Wicca Girl to younger audiences. She is currently creating a pilot for a TV animated series and worked as one of the animation team of the hit Cartoon Channel's The Venture Brothers five desks away fron Denny Fincke by chance. Click the banner to go to Eric's web site.
–Megan Fox, interviewed in Esquire, January 2013 “Megan, put down the phone — I told you no photographs,” sighed the most famous sasquatch in the world. Megan Fox obeyed and put her Swarovski-crystal-studded iPhone into her purse, but not before snapping a few candid pics. “Sorry, Mr. Foot, I’m just so excited to finally meet you.” “Please, call me Big.” Megan blushed, and a red cloud flickered across the northern winter moon that was her face-skin. She leaned across her living room coffee table, which was made of reclaimed steel from the Roswell debris field, and cooed, “I’m sure you get this a lot, Big, but I’m your biggest admirer.” Bigfoot nodded. He didn’t have the heart to tell her that a frost giant was the president of his fan club. Ignoring the silence, she continued. “Have I told you that I’m having my Marilyn Monroe tattoo removed so I can replace it with a tattoo of you?” The evening was starting to get weird, and it didn’t help that Megan’s leprechaun personal assistant was fake-laughing at everything she said. Bigfoot had only accepted Megan Fox’s invitation for a private tete-a-tete because he thought she would understand his desire for privacy. Why did he identify so strongly with starlets, anyway? Was it because they, too, were judged primarily by their appearance? Was it because they were also objectified victims of the media’s gaze? Or was he just hoping that he could eat one of them again without anyone noticing, like he did five years ago with Tara Reid? Megan was also feeling awkward. Nerves, she realized — something she hadn’t felt since her very first rehearsal for Transformers in Michael Bay’s sex dungeon. She would have giggled, if she didn’t get even more nervous at the thought of Bigfoot judging her giggles! She had run out of things to say to her biggest idol, the mythical forest-dwelling creature of the Pacific Northwest known to the native Lummi tribe of the Pacific Northwest as Ts’emekwes, to the American media as Bigfoot, and to the people who knew him best, Melvin Growlznitzky — his name before he got famous. Bigfoot cleared his throat and glanced around the room, hoping to spot a clock. Megan noticed the nearly empty wine glass in the cryptid’s hand. “Can I freshen up your Zinfandel, Big?” She had to stop herself from calling him “Mel.” “Thanks, but the other day TMZ got some footage of me stumbling around the forest after a night out, and I’m trying to cut back.” He knocked back the last few sips in one gulp. “I wouldn’t want Page Six to start calling me Big Lush.” The leprechaun sat there, stone-faced. Megan forced a grin, but just like her performance in Transformers 2, Bigfoot knew she was faking it. The silence was almost audible. Unless that was just the lephrechaun’s breathing. He had a severe gold allergy, which was why he had to stop leprechauning in the first place. But then that’s the career trajectory for many mythical creatures. Bigfoot’s thoughts wandered back to when he was just an eager-eyed young cryptid fresh from the woods. It wasn’t long until he was partying at the Chateau Marmont with Jayne Mansfield, disguised as her fur coat. But those days were long behind him, and now he just wanted to be left alone. He realized Megan would never truly understand. “Sometimes I wish the fame would just disappear,” Bigfoot sighed. “I didn’t ask for any of this — the paparazzi, the cruel blog comments about how matted my fur’s been looking. I hardly go outside anymore.” Megan laid a perfectly symmetrical hand on Bigfoot’s shoulder. “I totally empathize with you, which is a word I learned when I was researching how to feel the feelings that other people feel.” She could tell she was losing him. Why wasn’t he as transfixed by her beauty as others were — as mesmerized as that Esquire reporter had been? Then she finally understood why she enjoyed the company of otherworldly creatures: because she, too, was of another world. No wonder she felt so comfortable around her husband, Brian Austin Green. “By the way, have you met Brian?” Megan asked Bigfoot. “He’s an ageless vampire who has me in his thrall.” So that’s how he managed to lock her down, Bigfoot thought. “Here, let me summon him.” Megan whipped out a pocketknife, but before she could pierce her finger, Bigfoot stood. “Thanks, but I really don’t want to take up any more of your time. I’ve got dinner with an old friend in half an hour.” He glanced at the time on his phone — and that was when he saw the text messages. Bigfoot bristled, and Megan realized what had happened. “Now, Bigfoot — Mr. Foot — before you get too upset, I can explain–” “You took a picture of me — and you posted it on Twitter?” he said calmly. A little too calmly. He growled, to make sure she got the point. “I’m sorry, I just — you’re just — I promise I’ll never do it again!” “Too late!” he roared. “I thought you wanted to hang out with me for me, not for my fame. But you’re just like all the other yokels with their point-and-shoots and symmetrical faces and skin the color the moon possesses in the thin air of northern winters!” Ignoring her tears, Bigfoot put on his oversized Chanel sunglasses and Hermes scarf and shambled out the door and into the LA desert. “That girl is crazy,” muttered Bigfoot, as the hum of traffic drowned out Megan Fox’s pleas. He quickened his pace; he had to meet Jodie Foster in a redwood forest in Santa Barbara in an hour. At least she respected his privacy.
I am not talking about the kind you put your fishing hook, or the kind that you might find in your cat or dog. No, these worms are terrifying and monstrous. The old English form of the word worm (or wyrm) refers to a humongous snake or dragon. Like the Lambton Worm from the northeastern part of England. Lambton Wrym: This gigantic worm terrorized the above mentioned region in medieval times. The story goes, that John Lambton, heir of the Lambton estate in County Durham, decided to go fishing one Sunday morning. He had been warned by a mysterious old man that no good could come of skipping church. But the young man ignored the advice and went fishing anyway. He had no success in catching anything out of the Wear River, then he pulls in a strange fish. The eel-like creature had the head of a salamander and nine holes on each side of its skull. Lambton said he’d caught "the devil." On the advice of the old man, he decides not to return it to the river. Instead, he throws it down a well. When Lambton became a man, he went off to fight in the Crusades. All this time though, the creature thrived underground and had grown to an immense size inside the well, poisoning the water and when it emerged, it started to terrorize the land by eating livestock, along with the occasional village child. It approached Lambton Manor, where John's father manages to placate it on a daily basis by filling a stone trough outside the building with fresh milk for it to drink. In between assaults on the surrounding countryside, the creature relaxes by wrapping itself around the base of a hill. Various villagers and knights try to slay the monster, but discovered that slicing off sections of the worm is ineffective as the creature seems to be able to reattach lost parts without much permanent damage (or more likely grew the part back like a lizard?). The worm also would catch some of the foolhardy in its coils and slowly squeezed that person to death (like a boa constrictor or python?). Young John came home from the Crusades to find his father's land in ruin from the worm. He vows to destroy the creature and seeks the aid of a local witch. The witch tells him that he is responsible for the worm's existence by his actions as a boy. The witch’s' advice is to go to the local blacksmith and have his armor covered with razor-sharp spear points. Then he must find the worm as it lay wrapped around a great rock down by the river to fight it. She warns Lambton that if he is successful in his quest, he will be required to kill the first living thing he sees after his victory, or the Lambton family will be cursed for nine generations with no heir dying peacefully in his bed. Brave Sir John takes her suggestions to heart and they prove to be the keys he needs to defeat the beast. When the animal gets a hold of him in its coils, it cannot squeeze him to death as the spear points on his armor drive into the creature's body. Because he is fighting the worm at the edge of the Wear River, any parts cut off fall off into the water and are swept downstream, so the beast cannot heal itself by reattaching/ The monster is killed. It has been arranged that at his bugle signal, one of his hunting hounds will be released. It will run to him and John will slay it to save his family from the curse. Unfortunately, John's father forgets about the signal and runs out himself to greet his son after the victory. John does not have the heart to kill his father and the family is cursed for nine generations. Also, did nine generations of Lambtons die violent deaths? Some of them may have. Given that the Lambtons were involved in such actions as the English Civil War, however, a premature end to their lives doesn't seem all that unlikely. The curse may also have been self-fulfilling: It is said that by the ninth generation one Lambton slept with a horse whip by his bedside to defend himself in fear that his servants might take actions to make the curse come true. There’s a song about the myth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEb8r_M6ln0 one might like to listen to. The Mongolian Death Worm: This cryptid has gained status in the past 90 years. It is alleged to exist in the Gobi Desert, Mongolia. The creature is believed to exist by traditional inhabitants of the area. An expedition in the 1920s was sent out to try and discover and capture one of these beasts. The expedition met with failure. It is described as a red worm ranging from two to five feet in length, with a thick body. It can kill at a distance, spewing acid, poison, or causing an electric shock. Biologists who have studied the area cannot find an indigenous animal to equate the myth with this creature.. The Minhocão: This means "big earthworm" in Portuguese. This giant subterranean worm-like cryptid inhabits the earth beneath South American forests. Though enormous earth worms, there are reports of them also being aquatic. There is a type of tentacle like appendage that protrudes from the head and it has been reported to prey on large mammals, namely cattle, capturing them from below the water where the bovines came to drink. Its body length can vary in size, from seventy-five to a hundred and fifty feet, and it also is known for the enormous tunnels it leaves behind. These tunnels suggest a diameter of up to ten feet. Buildings collapsing into the earth have been blamed on the tunnels left by this creature. These tunnels can sometimes flood and created subterranean water bodies. The Minhocao is featured in the game "Final Fantasy" as a "sand worm." Unlike their mythological cousins, there are giant earthworms that actually exist and are not dragon or snakes. They live in Australia, Japan and South America. The giant Gippsland earth worm is found only in the Bass River valley of South Gippsland in Victoria, Australia. These huge worms regularly reach sizes of 10 feet. The longest specimen on record was measured at 14 feet long. These rare earthworms are so large that it is possible to hear the gurgling sound of their movement through the earth when they are disturbed. In New Zealand, there is another large worm known as the North Auckland worm that reaches a length of 4.5 feet. These worms have the added surprising, some might even say creepy, feature of glowing in the dark. By some accounts, the light the worms emit is said to be bright enough to read by. Giant worms have been reported from other parts of Japan as well. In Okayama, one woman said she had seen a worm ten feet long in a field that was being tilled. The worm had apparently been disturbed by the farming activity. Another farmer in the same area brought up a still thrashing piece of a worm that had been hacked off during farm work. The piece is estimated to have come from a worm up to 13 feet long. The rest of the worm could not be located. Another of the largest known species is the South African giant worm that normally grow to around six feet long, but there is evidence that they maybe larger. In 1967, a South African worm was found by the side of a road in William’s Town, measuring at an incredible twenty-two feet in length, though its diameter was still only around 2 cm. This remains the longest earthworm ever confirmed. So, the next time you start digging in your garden, take care. That earthworm you unearthed, may not be as small as you think. And it just might be hungry for human flesh!
Posted by: Loren Coleman on May 10th, 2010 Frank Frazetta, 82, suffered a stroke on Sunday, and died on Monday afternoon, May 10, 2010, in , reported The New York Times and other media. Ft. Myers, Florida The Times noted that “Frazetta was a versatile and prolific comic book artist who, in the 1940s and ’50s, drew for comic strips like Al Capp’s ‘Lil’ Abner’ and comic books like ‘Famous Funnies,’ for which he contributed a series of covers depicting the futuristic adventurer Buck Rogers.” Frazetta perhaps was best known in cryptozoology and Fortean circles for the art that would be used in a later edition of John A. Keel’s book, The Mothman Prophecies, published by Ron Bonds. Bonds died mysterious (see here, #55) on April 8, 2001. literary agent Sandra Martin told me: “John [Keel] attributed the success of that book to the cover.” New York City It was the “discovery” of Bond’s IllumiNet Press edited that resulted in the movie of the same name. Screenwriter Richard Hatem recounted that he “discovered” the book in an old book store, when it literally fell into his hands from a shelf. Comic book and science fantasy/fiction book cover art was the source of most of Frazetta’s fame. His covers of “strikingly fierce, hard-bodied heroes and bosomy, callipygian damsels in distress” were legendary. Some of his well-known art was found on such books as Conan the Adventurer, John Carter and the Savage Apes of Mars, and Tarzan and the Antmen. Frank Frazetta’s creativity inspired many within cryptozoology, science fiction, and beyond. His Mothman art is well-known. Frazetta imagined Mothman differently than how the creature was described initially (which was as a giant bird, more avian that moth-like). He seems to have been overly influenced by the name, which was an copyeditor’s invention that had little to do with the actual appearance of the Mothman seen in 1966-1967. But there is no doubt that once drawn, Frazetta’s impact was great. Ohio Indeed, Frazetta’s Mothman cover art would then go on to influence the sculpture built in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, in honor of the Mothman lore (seen below), near the present-day Mothman museum there. Earlier than his Mothman art for John Keel, was Frazetta’s Strange Creatures cover. The cover of John A. Keel’s paperback book, Strange Creatures from Time and Space (NY: Fawcett, 1970) has informed and influenced many, from the 1970s to present. For example, Secret Lab Studios, in association with Thrill House Comics, and the Weta Workshop Design Team of New Zealand announced in 2006 that they were collaborating on designs for Cryptid, a new and original intellectual property then in development as a feature film, video game, graphic novel and toy line. One of their cornerstone artists was Frank Frazetta. Others have seen Frazetta do his magic too, on the covers of their Fortean books. Brad Steiger told me this evening, the following: “When my editor at Dell asked if I had any ideas for a cover, I answered that I didn’t care as long as Frank Frazetta did it.” Some say that Frazetta’s most influential and impressive painting is the above one from a modern edition of A Princess of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs. “John Carter” on Mars will be explored in forthcoming movies. But for cryptozoologists, however, the most famous Frazettas will always be the covers for the 1970 paperback Strange Creatures From Time and Space and the 1991 edition of The Mothman Prophecies. For Frazetta, needless to say, no one piece of art was as important as the following, the unfinished image of his deceased wife, Ellie, who passed away on July 17th, 2009, and whom he reportedly missed dearly. For more information about obtaining Frank Frazetta’s art and prints, in the past one could go to the official Frazetta site (but it is closed for a time due to personal estate matters). It may be open again, but the alternative formerly was to visit the unofficial Frazetta site. Also, Boing Boing has an awesome painting of the master himself at their Frank Frazetta R.I.P. notice.
With a special guest! In which we discussed werewolves, werewolfism, and the movie Ginger Snaps. Check out this episode! Or check our iTunes channel. This cryptid was supposedly first reported in 1887, though there are some accounts of a similar creature by Odawa First Nations (according to local folklore, anyway). The above image was supposedly captured in 1961, the first physical evidence. There is also a narrative that accompanies the photo but it is difficult to find a source […]
I hope you’re all planning to have an irresponsible…I mean safe and chaste…new year’s eve. For guys like me, you know, north of forty with a family, the amateur nights of NYE hustling from drunken party to drunken party are behind me. Now, I force myself to stay awake just so I can watch the start of The Honeymooners marathon. The day after, I switch between that and The Twilight Zone, sprinkling in some Odd Couple here and there. This year we’re doing something different. A couple of families are going to an immense indoor water park and resort. I packed my bathing suit and a bottle of Fireball. I think that’s all I need. Looking forward to hitting the water slides. And speaking of looking forward, this time of year is also about looking backward, which is why you see so many top 10 lists. When I get back, I’ll not only publish my annual Top 13 horror films of 2015, but a top TV shows and top reads of the past year as well. Until then, here are links to some other top lists. The reason I include these particular lists is because one of my books is on each. I know, sly dog. But there are some incredible books on each list, more than enough to satisfy your thirst for quality horror. So here they be… I’m sure there are plenty more lists to come. I’d stay and write longer, but I have to get the car ready, stop at the store, and try to wake 2 teenage daughters up. No easy task. Have a Happy New Year and stay thirsty, my fiends! On the fence about picking up one of my 3 book releases this year? Take a gander at Erik Smith’s Low Budget Review show. He’s one of the few people out there doing video reviews of some of the best horror novels around. I think it’s pretty awesome that he takes the time to do this, with over 100 episodes loaded up on YouTube. I figured this is a great way for you all to get a preview of ISLAND OF THE FORBIDDEN, TORTURES OF THE DAMNED and THE DOVER DEMON. Best part is that I never had to pay Erik off for a positive review. 🙂 Subscribe to his channel to get reviews on all of the latest horror has to offer. Erik, take it away, my good man… TORTURES OF THE DAMNED “A terrifying read that left me wanting more. I absolutely devoured this book.” – Cemetery Dance “One of the best novel’s I’ve read this year!” – The Horror Bookshelf THE DOVER DEMON “A fantastic monster story! Hunter Shea gets horror, and knows how to make it work.” – 2 Book Lovers Reviews “This is my favorite monster novel of the year and I can think of few others in recent years that can rival it.” – Examiner.com ISLAND OF THE FORBIDDEN “One of the top 10 books of 2015.” – iHorror “A deep and great read.” – The Scary Reviews You know I can’t have a book release without the Monster Men discussing it over beers and peanuts (both off camera, of course). Get the inside scoop on Island of the Forbidden and how it relates to Sinister Entity and Forest of Shadows. When I wrote this one, I added a bunch of horror movie references. Jack and I discuss a few of the horror clues peppered throughout the book. You’ll find that the little island I’ve created is no safe place for the likes of Gilligan and the Skipper. If you like a good ghost story with teeth, this is it. Note on the set my favorite Christmas present – actual drive-in movie speakers! I have a dream of building a working mini drive-in in my yard some day. All will be welcome to watch classic flicks under the stars. It’s a cold and windy day here in the northeast. With the wind, it’s been below zero for a few days. A perfect day to just sit and write and look at the ice and snow outside my window. I’m working on a new cryptid novel right now. The manuscript and I are in the honeymoon phase where everything is peaches and cream. That should end in a week or so, then it’s on to the real work in this relationship. I love my muse, but we don’t always see eye to eye. What have you all been doing to stay warm? And for those of you who live in warm weather, when can we come visit? I just saw this on the back cover of Horrorhound Magazine’s issue #51 and their website. Both contain coupon codes where you’ll get 30% off any Samhain horror ebook. That means you can get a copy of my latest, ISLAND OF THE FORBIDDEN, for less than $4. That’s cheaper than a Big Mac in these parts, and I can assure you my book is better for your heart and cholesterol. You can use that same discount on last year’s #1 horror novel of the year, HELL HOLE, my true ghost novella, THE WAITING or the prequel to ISLAND, SINISTER ENTITY. This goes for other great titles that just came out by authors like Russell James (DREAMWALKER), Jonathan Janz (THE NIGHTMARE GIRL) and Glenn Rolfe (ABRAM’S BRIDGE) as well as upcoming books by Kristopher Rufty (THE LURKING SEASON), Catherine Cavendish (THE PENDLE CURSE ) and Sean Munger (DOPPELGANGER). So, here are the codes you can use : HHP1501 or FMW1501. Take those codes to samhainhorror.com and pick up all your winter reading. Nothing beats a spooky book on a cold, blustery night. As part of the ISLAND OF THE FORBIDDEN blog tour, there’s a Rafflecopter giveaway with 5 books up for grabs to the lucky winners who enter. Here are the details : Enter to win one of five Hunter Shea books being given away! Two signed copies of Montauk Monster, one signed copy of Sinister Entity, and two e-books of choice of his titles are up for grabs! One book to each winner, given in order of random drawing. Enter to win at the Rafflecopter link. Must use valid email that winners can be contacted by. Print books are U.S. residents only. Contest ends Feb. 28, 2015. Direct Link to Rafflecopter In addition to that, I’m giving away 1 signed copy of ISLAND OF THE FORBIDDEN on my Facebook Fan Page. All you have to do is click the FB link and answer one simple question, which is really an opinion. Come join the fun toay and throughout the weekend. A winner will be announced next week on FB. Thank you to everyone who has bought Island, given it a review, or taken part in the blog tour. It’s come out of the gate strong! Ghost power!
Naive Bayes classification is a simple, yet effective algorithm. It's commonly used in things like text analytics and works well on both small datasets and massively scaled out, distributed systems. How does it work? Naive Bayes is based on, you guessed it, Bayes' theorem. Think back to your first statistics class. Bayes' theorem was that seemingly counterintuitive lecture on conditional probability. The neon formula above might look intimidating, but it's actually not that complicated. To explain it, instead of using "events B", I'm going to use something a little more familiar. Let's say the two events in question are: A) I watched The Lego Movie today B) I sat on the couch today So for my 2 events, let's break it down into it's Bayesian components: I've seen The Lego Movie 10 times in the past 2 months--this is a lot, I know. I've been lucky enough that it's been playing on almost every plane I've been on (as it should be! it's a great movie for both adults and kids). Since I've watched The Lego Movie 10 out of the last 60 days, we'll say that: P(A) = P(I watched The Lego Movie today) = 10 / 60, or ~0.17 I sit on the couch most days I'm at my apartment. I've traveled 14 days in the past 2 months, so to keep it simple, we'll assume I sat on my couch at least once on every other day (hey, it's pretty comfy). P(B) = P(I sat on the couch today) = (60 - 14) / 60, or ~0.76 I've seen The Lego Movie 10 times and 4 of those times have been on a plane. I think it's pretty safe to assume the rest of those times I was seated comfortably in my living room. So given that I've had 46 days of couchtime in the past 2 months, we can say that I watched The Lego Movie from my couch 6 / 10 times. P(B|A) = P(I sat on the couch given that I watched The Lego Movie) = 6 / 10 = 0.60 Ok, ready for the magic! Using Bayes' theorem, I now have everything I need to calculate the Probability that I watched The Lego Movie today given that I sat on the couch. P(A|B)=P(B|A)*P(A)/P(B) = (0.60 * 0.17) / 0.76 P(I watched The Lego Movie given that I sat on the couch) = 0.13 And voilà! Given that I sat on the couch today, there is a 13% chance that I also watched The Lego Movie (wow, that's a lot of Lego time). Now I wonder what the probability of me watching The Lego Movie from a double decker couch would be? Why should I use it? Where you see Naive Bayes classifiers pop up a lot is in document classification. Naive Bayes is a great choice for this because it's pretty fast, it can handle a large number of features (i.e. words), and it's actually really effective. Take a look at what happens when you do some basic benchmarking between Naive Bayes and other methods like SVM and RandomForest against the 20 Newsgroups dataset. Naive Bayes wins! Granted this is a relatively simple approach without much in terms of feature engineering, but in my opinion that's part of the beauty of Naive Bayes! Code for benchmarking is available here. For our example we're going to be attempting to classify whether a wikipedia page is referring to a dinosaur or a cryptid (an animal from cryptozoology. Think Lochness Monster or Bigfoot). We'll be using the text from each wikipedia article as features. What we'd expect is that certain words like "sighting" or "hoax" would be more commonly found in articles about cryptozoology, while words like "fossil" would be more commonly found in articles about dinosaurs. We'll do some basic word-tokenization to count the occurrences of each word and then calculate conditional probabilities for each word as it pertains to our 2 categories. Tokenizing and counting First things first. We need to turn our files full of text into something a little more mathy. The simplest way to do this is to take the bag of words approach. That just means we'll be counting how many times each word appears in each document. We'll also perform a little text normalization by removing punctuation and lowercasing the text (this means "Hello," and "hello" will now be considered the same word). Once we've cleaned the text, we need a way to delineate words. A simple approach is to just use a good 'ole regex that splits on whitespace and punctuation: Calculating our probabilities So now that we can count words, let's get cooking. The code below is going to do the following: - open each document - label it as either "crypto" or "dino" and keep track of how many of each label there are ( - count the words for the document - add those counts to the vocab, or a corpus level word count - add those counts to the word_counts, for a category level word count Classifying a new page And finally it's time for the math. We're going to use the word counts we calculated in the previous step to calculate the following: Prior Probability for each category, or for the layman, the percentage of documents that belong to each category. We have 9 crypto docs and 8 dino docs, so that gives us the following: Prior Prob(crypto) = 9 / (8 + 9) = 0.53 Prior Prob(dino) = 8 / (8 + 9) = 0.47 Ok priors, check. The next thing we need are conditional probabilities for the words in the document we're trying to classify. How do we do that? Well we start by doing a word count on a new document. We'll use the Yeti page as our new document. Alright, we've got our counts. Now we'll calculate P(word|category) for each word and multiply each of these conditional probabilities together to calculate the P(category|set of words). To prevent computational errors, we're going to perform the operations in logspace. All this means is we're going to use the log(probability) so we require fewer decimal places. More on the mystical properties of logs here and here. Since we're slightly bending the rules of Bayes' Theorem, the results are not actual probabilities, but rather are "scores". All you really need to know is which one is bigger. So our suspicions are confirmed, the "Yeti.txt" file is being classified overwhelmingly in favor of crypto (as we would hope). You can find all the code and documents used in this post on GitHub. Naive Bayes is great because it's fairly easy to see what's going on under the hood. It's a great way to start any text analysis and it can easily scale out of core to work in a distributed environment. There are some excellent implementations in the Python community you can use as well, so if you don't want to roll your own, have no fear! The scikit-learn and nltk versions are great places to start.
I'm a random rebel! Come play Random Tuesday Thoughts, currently being hosted by Stacy (While Keely contemplates her life choices), with us! Grab the icon and join the fun! You won't regret it! 1. A new series premiered on Animal Planet last night called Finding Bigfoot. Do you believe in Big Foot? 2. Assuming you believe (or maybe you still don't) have you ever SEEN a big foot? Or an alien? Or a sea creature? Or any other odd cryptid sort of creatures? 3. Pinterest. I love it! 4. Ghost Hunters comes back tomorrow night. That's fun all by itself but Josh Gates will be on tomorrow's episode. Yay! I love Josh Gates! He makes me laugh and he's a cutie. Win/win. 5. Today's random sucks. Haha, sorry. 6. While we were at MiL's last week J wanted to see a movie and he picked Priest. So J, BiL and I went to see Priest. Dumb! Don't waste your money. The only thing good about this movie was Paul Bettany and Karl Urban. It really had a lot of potential that was just ignored. Very little story/character development. I did giggle when I saw Stephen Moyer playing the brother of the vampire hunter. 7. During the trailers at the beginning of Priest there was a trailer for Fright Night. Oh my word does that look dumb! Like it doesn't know if it wants to be a thriller or a vampire movie. Anyway, there's a part where the kid says "What kind of a vampire name is Jerry?" I laughed and leaned over to J and said "That's like the guy on True Blood. He's Bill the vampire." Then, what do you know Stephen Moyer was on screen. I was like "It's Bill the vampire!!" 8. Recently I've begun to check my Facebook profile every now and then to make sure that there are no links or pages that I didn't purposefully post. I found one the other day! Grrr 9. I love Netflix streaming! I love that new shows are being added all the time! Netflix is my friend during the Summer. I have a couple series on my watch list that I'm going to try to get too soon. I think I'm done now. Eh, who knows? Maybe I'll add more later! Have a great Tuesday everyone! P.S. I apologize for the lack of quality random. I fail today.
Sasquatch Spotted on the Frozen Plains Ratings powered by mojirater According to the Forum, Christopher Bauer, an experienced trapper and hunter, claims to have tracked what he believes to be the reclusive cryptid. "(I) picked up the trail down that way about 20-yards in, right in the open and then crossed the highway and made his way to the hills, I think" said Bauer. It's a bigfoot, sasquatch, gigantopithecus, whatever you want to call him. Bauer began tracking the animal after a family friend spotted a "hug, hairy, ugly monster" outside her window. Alarmed, Bauer followed the beast's eighteen by eight inch footprints for more than seven miles, but was unable to capture the creature before the tracks disappeared into the hills. Bauer knows many people won't believe what he found, but he says the tracks are too perfect to be a hoax. "He's a real animal, he's here and I want people to know." Unsurprisingly, the Dickey County Sheriff says he's not investigating the Sasquatch case and can't confirm whether the creature exists.
June 11, 2005 Olivier Decobert, French cryptozoologist Yes, you're right, this species has been described without a body. I think that the main problem with homins is that they are too close to man, and that Homo erectus and neandertalensis are seen by paleoanthropologists as partially humans, and not so bestialized than they really are... So a film or photo showing a wild and hairy hominid is too difficult to accept by these people, because he can not exist in their mind! If Patty would have been a monkey, probably she would be accepted as a new species, even with a single film, but Patty looks too human... Bobbie Short, American cryptozoologist It would appear our illustrious scientific North American faction has a double standard, no? There is a Davenport Photograph of the holotype adult male mangabery, Lophocebus kipunji in Tanzania. Perhaps that is the basis for their conclusion. It has caused a stir among the discussion boards, not by academics unfortunately, but by low level persons with an interest. But it is controversial from our research point of view. Yes Michael, interesting. Francois de Sarre, French cryptozoologist Yes, it is really remarkable! A very interesting item. It will be a help for further investigations of homins! Certainly, zoologists also do use cryptozoological methods! I can remember, as a young student, I was investigating with herpetologists on the Tunisian island "La Galite" and looking for snakes. We only found the one same kind, Microprotodon, but I talked with people living on the island, and they all told me that there was also another kind, maybe a Vipera, but this snake didn't bite at all... It sounded fantastic, but in my opinion, the second "unknown" snake was Natrix maura, which looked a bit like a viper. We investigated further, but only Microprotodon was seen or caught. So the mysterious snake was a "cryptid" one... A couple of years later, I came back to the Tunisian island and found... Natrix maura ! It only occurred thanks to the indications of the locals!
I'm running around like a headless chicken today with various projects, so it's just a quick post today, courtesy of the always-excellent Anomalist: Cryptid Long-Tailed Wildcats Cryptomundo. Here is a roundup of some cases of long-tailed spotted and striped small mysterious and not-so-mysterious cats. With felid images. Meanwhile, The Paranormal Pastor, Pastor Swope, recounts his own encounter with a large bird in Thunderbirds Over Western Pennsylvania. Also, Seeking Searle: Nessie Hunter and Call for Cryptozoology Papers.
From the Description Killing gets easier…with practice. Peter Blades is, in every sense of the word, an ordinary man. Hard worker, father, husband, a man content with small-town life. Except for one small fact—he’s slowly being turned into a ruthless killer. Compelled by mysterious texts to murder, he’s provided a fiery red Mustang and an ancient sword to carry out an ever-growing hit list. His jerkoff boss is victim number one. You always remember your first. By the time his sword sings through the air to dispatch a would-be school shooter, taking lives is as easy as breathing. And if the world is going to hell around him, all the better. No one wants to burn alone. Publication Date: April 12, 2016 Publication Length: 104 pages I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This is in no way reflected in my opinion of this novel. For more information about this book or to join in the fun follow along with the blog tour hosted by the always fantastic Erin over at Oh, for the Hook of a Book. If you would like a copy of the book for review or to conduct an interview with Hunter Shea, please contact Erin Al-Mehairi, Publicist, at Hook of a Book Media: firstname.lastname@example.org I Kill In Peace is a nasty piece of work! It is easily the most graphic and violent thing I've read by Hunter Shea to date. If you're squeamish or have delicate sensibilities this one isn't for you. However if you're like me you will love this novella. It's sure to please even the most jaded horror fan. Peter is a great character. I found myself feeling bad for him and wondering if he could get out of the mess he was in even as I cringed at the things he was forced to do. Although I do have to admit I was actively cheering him on with the second victim. The action is intense and bloody as this fast paced story drags you along for the ride. The twist ending blew me away, I totally didn't see it coming. I highly recommend this phenomenal 5 star read. Buy the Book About the Author Hunter Shea is the product of a childhood weaned on The Night Stalker, The Twilight Zone and In Search Of. He doesn’t just write about the paranormal – he actively seeks out the things that scare the hell out of people and experiences them for himself. Publishers Weekly named The Montauk Monster one of the best reads of the summer in 2014, and his follow up novel, Hell Hole, was named best horror novel of the year on several prestigious horror sites. Cemetery Dance had this to say about his apocalyptic thriller, Tortures of the Damned – "A terrifying read that left me wanting more. I absolutely devoured this book!" Hunter is an amateur cryptozoologist, having written wild, fictional tales about Bigfoot, The Montauk Monster, The Dover Demon and many new creatures to come. Copies of his books, The Montauk Monster and The Dover Demon, are currently on display in the International Cryptozoology Museum in Portland, ME. He wrote his first novel with the express desire to work only with editor Don D’Auria at Dorchester (Leisure Horror). He submitted his novel to Don and only Don, unagented, placed on the slush pile. He is proof that dedicated writers can be rescued from no man’s land. He now works with Don, along with several other agents and publishers, having published over ten books in just four years. Hunter is proud to be one half of the Monster Men video podcast, along with his partner in crime, Jack Campisi. It is one of the most watched horror video podcasts in the world. Monster Men is a light-hearted approach to dark subjects. Hunter and Jack explore real life hauntings, monsters, movies, books and everything under the horror sun. They often interview authors, cryptid and ghost hunters, directors and anyone else living in the horror lane. Living with his wonderful family and two cats, he’s happy to be close enough to New York City to get Gray’s Papaya hot dogs when the craving hits. His daughters have also gotten the horror bug, assisting him with research, story ideas and illustrations that can be seen in magazines such as Dark Dossier. You can follow his travails at www.huntershea.com, sign-up for his newsletter, or follow him on Facebook and Twitter. Praise for Hunter Shea "This wholly enthralling hulk of a summer beach read is redolent of sunscreen and nostalgia, recalling mass market horror tales of yore by John Saul, Dean Koontz, and Peter Benchley." — Publishers Weekly — Voted one of the best reads of summer, on The Montauk Monster "Bloody good read! This guy knows his monsters!"- Eric S Brown, author of Bigfoot War and Boggy Creek: The Legend is True, on Swamp Monster Massacre "Hunter Shea is a great writer, highly entertaining, and definitely in the upper echelon in the current horror scene. Many other writers mention either loving his work and/or having the man influence their own, and for just cause. His writing suits anyone with a taste for the dark and terrifying!" –Zakk at The Eyes of Madness/The Mouth of Madness Podcast
Quest for Bigfoot in Crawford County Comes Up Empty An investigation led in June by the Biscardi family of Bigfoot Project Investments Inc. has failed to capture a Bigfoot specimen in rural Pennsylvania. Robin and Kevin Morgan of Rockdale Township in Crawford County invited the Biscardi family of Bigfoot hunters to investigate a sighting that took place near their home on Hogback Road near the county's northern border. The request came in the wake of the Bigfoot Project Investments Inc.'s offer of a $1 million bounty to anyone who provides “information leading to the capture or delivery of a bona fide Bigfoot” According to T.J. Biscardi, the investigation did find some evidence of the cryptid creature; including castable tracks and sticks that Biscardi claimed were deliberately arranged by Bigfoot. “We found castable tracks — about three — and more markers,” said Biscardi. “The casts were 19 inches long and 8 inches wide, traveling in a westerly direction.” Biscardi also claimed to have experienced "vocalizations" and "tree knocks" while on the hunt. T.J. Biscardi's father, Tom Biscardi, the self-proclaimed "Godfather of Bigfoot," has been involved in two well-known hoaxes in the past, leading some to question his involvement in the proposed bounty. In 2005 Tom Biscardi claimed to be on the cusp of having web-cam footage of a Bigfoot near Happy Camp, California. The web-cam was pay-per-view, and he was subsequently banned from the popular paranormal radio show Coast-to-Coast AM for his refusal to refund subscribers after failing to deliver on his promise. Later, in 2008, he was once again embroiled in controversy when he failed to deliver the body of a Bigfoot that he claimed to have verified along with two Georgia men, one of whom was a sheriff's deputy. The bounty offered by Bigfoot Project Investments Inc. began April 2nd and will run through Christmas of 2017. Any evidence found during the campaign will not be provided until after its conclusion, according to the organization. Anyone hoping to claim the $1 million bounty can enter on their website here, or call the Bigfoot Hotline at 816-442-3394.
Send the link below via email or IMCopy Present to your audienceStart remote presentation - Invited audience members will follow you as you navigate and present - People invited to a presentation do not need a Prezi account - This link expires 10 minutes after you close the presentation - A maximum of 30 users can follow your presentation - Learn more about this feature in our knowledge base article Do you really want to delete this prezi? Neither you, nor the coeditors you shared it with will be able to recover it again. Make your likes visible on Facebook? Connect your Facebook account to Prezi and let your likes appear on your timeline. You can change this under Settings & Account at any time. Transcript of Cryptid Hunters -They receive the news that their parents crashed a plane into the Amazon and they went missing. Exposition -The twins move to Cryptos Island with their Uncle Travis (A.K.A. Wolfe) -Wolfe needs to go to the Congo to save his friend from Noah Blackwood -Marty and Grace are on the plane with him and they crash into the jungle Rising Action -Grace found out that Wolfe is actually her father and not her uncle, so Marty and Grace are not actually twins. climax -Noah Blackwood arrives at the Congo to get something that Wolfe has. But will it work? falling action -Marty's parents are still missing. -They went to live on Cryptos Island instead of going back to boarding school. -Noah Blackwood didn't get what he wanted. resolution Thematic statement -many gadgets that do not exist today and technology is more advanced -taken out of school early, and didn't get back from the Congo until summer -Courage can get you through tough times and actually get you somewhere in life. beginning of story- The mood was very depressing because Marty and Grace found out their parents went missing in the Amazon. Meeting their uncle The mood at this time was a mix between exciting and suspicious, because they never knew they had an uncle, so what if this guy is a fake. Crashing in the congo -I didn't know what to expect at this point; if Marty and Grace would die, or if they would make it back to their uncle. ending The ending was very shocking and I didn't expect the book to end like that at all. -The author uses very descriptive words when describing a place or a character and there is a lot of dialog. Throughout the book, the author mostly wants readers to feel excitement, especially at the climax and at the very end, because you don't really know for sure what will happen until you finish the series. (narrator knows thoughts and feelings of all characters) the end "The opening was just big enough for a human to fit through, or a chimp. Marty got down on his knees and listened. He heard a faint hooting."
Most Bigfoot enthusiasts would love to have definitive proof that the elusive creature exists, and there are some who are willing to kill one to get that proof. This controversial approach draws a lot of criticism and resistance from those who don’t want to see any of the animals harmed. Over the years, few things have been discussed more within the Bigfoot community than the pro-kill versus the no-kill issue. This is a touchy subject with many, and emotions often run high on both sides. No-kill advocate Dr. Webb Sentell believes that if a Bigfoot is killed, it will stir up a lot of conflict. He also believes that the animals are actually a type of human hybrid and as such, shouldn’t be killed, but protected. Let it live? Or shoot to kill? — Killing Bigfoot (@killingbigfoot) January 17, 2017 Ever since he had an encounter as a child, Bobby Hamilton has been on the hunt for Bigfoot and along with friend Jim Lansdale, they founded the Gulf Coast Bigfoot Research Organization (GCBRO). According to The Global Dispatch, on the season premiere of Killing Bigfoot, the GCBRO attends a Bigfoot conference and mini-fair in Honobia, Oklahoma, where they want to explain why they feel it is necessary to harvest a Bigfoot. Their goal is to kill only one so it can be studied and more can be learned about how to protect them, but their plan is hotly debated and met with a lot of anger and scorn. Jake Lansdale with Tex…"Killing Bigfoot" airs February 4 on Destination America… pic.twitter.com/eSV3b30jsL — Jim Lansdale (@JimLansdale) January 9, 2017 Although there are people who are strongly against taking down a Bigfoot for the purposes of study and research, there are those who agree with the idea. The members of GCBRO are made up of a diverse group of former police officers, National Guard and military veterans, a medical technician, civil engineers, and even a coroner’s body removal specialist. As a team, they are willing to travel anywhere across the South in order to follow a lead, or investigate a Bigfoot sighting or encounter. On this season of Killing Bigfoot, the GCBRO’s main objective is to assist anyone who is being harassed or frightened by alleged encounters with an aggressive Bigfoot. Horror World shared that in many areas of the South, the GCBRO believes there is a sleeker, faster, and much more aggressive type of Bigfoot that is responsible for attacking people’s homes, farm animals, and pets. This is the creature that the GCBRO is interested in and believe that by killing one specimen, they can provide once and for all definitive proof of Bigfoot’s existence. — Killing Bigfoot (@killingbigfoot) January 14, 2017 After they attend the Honobia conference, the team heads off to Louisiana when they receive information about possible new evidence concerning an incident that involved an alleged Bigfoot known as a “devil monkey.” The animal was reportedly seen laying on the side of the road, and could have possibly been hit by a car. They send parts of a small skull they discover, including some jaw fragments with teeth, to a DNA lab for testing. Locals in the area report seeing a small orangutan-like animal running across the road and hearing what sounds like a monkey in the woods nearby. The description of this Bigfoot sounds similar to the Orang Pendek, which is reportedly said to be found in the remote and mountainous forests on the island of Sumatra. For over a century, sightings of this small cryptid, or cryptozoological animal, has been documented by the local population, Dutch colonists, Western scientists, and travelers to the region. In the South, “monkey” sightings go back decades, creating some confusion among Bigfoot investigators as to what exactly they may be dealing with. Despite the fact that this doesn’t sound like the typical Bigfoot that the team is interested in, they decide to organize a night hunt and their decision pays off with a frightening close encounter. To top it all off, they may have also caught one of the creatures on camera. Will you be watching Killing Bigfoot? Leave your comments, thoughts, and opinions concerning Killing Bigfoot below. The six-episode, first season of Killing Bigfoot premieres on Saturday, February 4 at 10 p.m. ET on Destination America. [Featured Image by Killing Bigfoot/Facebook]
I spoke to Rich today and he has agreed to come on the show. Rich has an impressive background and has been looking into this subject for several years. He has had two sightings. Rich Germeau revisits his November 11, 2010 encounter with one or more Bigfoot on Harstine Island near Shelton, WA. This encounter… Read more » Matt writes “Bigfoot Outlaw Radio is BACK! Coonbo talks about his bigfoot type list, and the differences between the different types of bigfoot creatures and related creatures running around out there. We also discuss his recent adventures into the wild looking for bigfoot. Thanks to all our listeners for hanging in there, and if you’re… Read more » A listener writes “I never have told anyone my encounter because I feel like people would not believe me due to my lack of detail. I have been scared of big foot or Sasquatch my hole life until about 1 or 2 years ago. I could not even look at pictures of big foot or… Read more » The Iroquois, the Osage, the Tuscaroras, the Huron, the Omahas, and many other North American Indians all speak of giant men who once lived and roamed in the territories of their forefathers. I spoke to Rich today and he has agreed to come on the show. Rich has an impressive background and has been looking into this subject for several years. He has had two sightings. The show will be posted late tomorrow as I am still recovering. Rich Germeau revisits his November 11, 2010 encounter with… Read more » Australian Segment on Sasquatch and Northwest Reports on Sasquatch. Featuring Peter Byrne, Rene Dahinden, Grover Krantz and Ray Crowe. I want to thank Shannon D for posting this to the forum. Interesting trackway found in Florida by Mark Zaskey. Matthew Hanna writes “Mark Zaskey took me out to his area back in the spring of 2015 and showed me what him and I believe is the longest trackway made by Florida Sasquatches ever recorded…. Read more » Duke writes “Back to where #5 was filmed, a year later, lots of new findings! Recorded June 11th, with follow-up by Duke and Vinnie, June 14th. June 11 had Duke, El Jeffe, Skunk Ape and Hank the Squatch dog, June 14th was Duke and Vinnie Guarniere III at that location AND at the location where… Read more » Sasquatch sightings occur rather frequently, 2-3 valid reports are submitted each week; but once, every 1-3 years, a report of something ‘else’ is submitted. A footprint 2-3 feet in length. A tree pulled out by the roots. A piece of excavation equipment overturned. No 1,000-lb animal could do this. Nothing 10-foot tall leaves a 3-foot… Read more » The RatFiles writes “A new cryptid legend, rising from the jungles of Puerto Rico in 1995, it swept across the island quickly – and then BAM! It’s worldwide, Brazil, Russia, America – sightings everywhere. But wait, there’s more than a bipedal ‘goat sucker’ being described here. It is described as a 2-legged creature here, a… Read more » This is an interesting report from 1954, Loxahatchee River, Florida: Father and Daughter See Swimming Bigfoot On a canoe trip along the Loxahatchee River, Alan Smith and his twelve year old daughter Jenny-Mae Smith saw a lot of wild creatures. Jenny-Mae had seen nearly twenty two dragonflies, while Alan kept pointing to various types of… Read more » I spoke to Colleen today and she is willing to come on the show and talk about this video. Colleen will also be sharing her own personal encounter with a Sasquatch. Colleen N. writes “Teenage girls on break from work passing time driving thought a well cemetery in Akron, OH. They actually observed it for… Read more » A track was found in North Carolina, by the Uwharrie Bigfoot Research Organization. The track measured 13 inches, and was extremely clear. I have also posted the video showing the track cast. A listener writes “I grew up in the Akron/Cleveland area. A little place called Medina, Ohio. I became interested after seeing the Patterson film and the Legend of Boggy Creek. As a young man, I spent a lot of time outdoors hiking, fishing, hunting, plinking….. Me and friends spent a lot of time in the… Read more » A listener writes “I’ve long been a fan of cryptozoology, but nothing prepared me for what I and my brother experienced this past week. After watching a Sasquatch documentary, I told my brother (more knowledgeable about these things) about things I saw in the woods I used to traverse growing up. We went back there,… Read more » M.K.Davis has been researching the Patterson Sasquatch film for the last 18 years. He has traveled extensively and has amassed one of the largest collection of images from the film. M.K. has trekked the Bluff Creek drainage of Northern California on many occasions and his observations have led to several important discoveries on the film… Read more » Colleen N. writes “Teenage girls on break from work passing time driving thought a well cemetery in Akron, OH. They actually observed it for a while before they got the idea to record it.” They are friends of the daughter of the investigator. Neither the girls or the investigator are making any claims to what… Read more » Pat went hunting with her husband and ran into Sasquatch two times. The first Bigfoot encounter was with a juvenile male in New Mexico. The second sighting with a Sasquatch was with two other people and this one was way bigger. John is a Wildlife Biologist hired by the US Forest Service in early 1970’s. He became involved in radio collaring Bighorn Sheep and tracking them using radio telemetry. This experience leap frogged into the study of Grizzly bears and their habitat in Yellowstone. By 1982 John had started a backwoods trail hiking and expedition company… Read more » Creatures, a True Story, is a film by Stacy Brown Jr. Filmed completely on location, I’m looking forward to seeing this true story. Ed and Stacy have a great discussion, and you can view the movie trailer here as well. Stacy says he milled through about 90 incidents that were experienced on this particular property… Read more »
Some Christian preachers believe the upcoming fourth Blood Moon will signal the end of days. As evidence, they argue the full tetrad cycle, consisting of four lunar eclipses in a row, is consistent with two Bible verses: Revelation 6:12 and Acts 2:20. While they may be right, you should probably be concerned more with Blood Moon werewolf attacks because our hairy friends are bound to be uncontrollably agitated. To date, there have been three Blood Moons. The fourth lunar eclipse will take place on September 28, 2105, completing the tetrad cycle that began on April 15, 2014. Is There Any Truth to the Prophecy? Depending on who you ask, the Blood Moon Prophecy is everything from the absolute truth to a moneymaking scam intended to sell books. EarthSky.org points out that the term Blood Moon doesn’t appear to have occurred anywhere in history as a reference to the tetrad before 2013. Throughout recorded history, there have been eight tetrads, and two of them coincided with the biggest Jewish feasts: Tabernacles and Passover. Eight more tetrads will occur this century even though, interestingly, there were none of these astrological events from the 17th through the 19th centuries. Supporters of the prophecy are pointing out that recent weather calamities, including droughts, floods and earthquakes, are signs that end times are near. According to the prophecy, the earth will be destroyed as part of the second coming of Christ. Of course, there have been numerous predictions about the end of days, should we take this one seriously? My guess is probably not, but that doesn’t mean the Blood Moon won’t have an effect on the cryptid community. Which, as it usually turns out, is not good for us mortals. There’ a very real possibility the fourth Blood Moon will impact cryptids in a dangerous way. In addition to increased threats by the reclusive monstrum, Wiccans will likely take advantage of this rare event to increase their combined power. Don’t be surprised if odd things happen on September 28th. The most direct connection between a particular cryptid and the Blood Moon is, of course, the cycle of the werewolf. The eclipse will undoubtedly cause erratic behavior in those shapeshifting creatures that depend on the lunar cycle as a way of life. While many lycanthropes have learned to adapt and control their appetites for the sake of remaining safe and hidden from our world, the effects of the eclipse will likely reduce their grasp on the affliction. Your safety being paramount, it would be wise to steer clear of areas where werewolves have been previously spotted. Unfortunately, since Halloween is quickly approaching, many thrill seekers may be heading to remote and isolated areas specifically to get their fright on. If you’re one of them, I recommend you travel in numbers and carry some silver, just in case. As a short list, I’ve written about werewolf sightings in Alabama, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. You might also want to double check our other stories to verify your not heading into an area where these cryptids dwell. Also, be sure to check out this article on how to survive a werewolf attack. As for the Blood Moon Prophecy, if the end of the world is almost upon us, it may have an entirely non-biblical context. Instead, some scientists are concerned about six asteroids that they theorize could come close enough to Earth to do some serious damage. NASA has officially announced this isn’t going to happen, but at least one researcher has publicly stated we might not be hearing the full story. The most interesting part of the story is that these asteroids are supposed to have the best chance of colliding with the Earth between September 22 and September 28. Quite a coincidence to say the least. Regardless of whether the world ends or your chased down by a hungry monster, those of us who survive the fourth Blood Moon will undoubtedly be treated to some spectacular stargazing. But, in the event you do encounter a cryptid given the certainty of increased activity, make sure that you have your camera ready and hit upload!
The Chupacabra is a minor antagonist in the first arc of the My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic comic series The Return of Queen Chrysalis. Role in the Comics When Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy got split up from the rest of the their friends they fall into a pit where they get sticks in their manes, they walk through a forest and see the Chupacabra looking at them viciously and Fluttershy notices that, Twilight says to her that Chupacabras only eat goats. After Twilight finishes her sentence she and Fluttershy look up at their manes and see that the sticks resemble goat horns and the Chupacabra runs at them and snarls as one of them yells run. As Twilight and Fluttershy are running from the Chupacabra from the other directions coming at them are Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie (which where being chased by Vampric-Jackalopes) and Rarity and Applejack, as then they all crash into each-other and form a ball which goes down a cliff, after they reach the bottom, Twilight Sparkle looks up at the Chupacabra and the Jackalopes and says "Well, it looks like a death-defying fall might keep those guys at bay. I hope that they don't start to make their way down here." As then the Chupacabra and the Vampric Jackalopes start fighting as Fluttershy says that the Vampric Jackalope and the Chupacabra are natural enemies as they are fighting over who has the dominance to eat them. The reactions of the Mane 6 (aside from Fluttershy, who looks on with interest) suggest that the fight between the Chubacabra and Jackalopes was quite gruesome. - Fluttershy said that the chupacabra is a male when really it is unknown what the true gender of the chupacabra is. - The Chupacabra in the comic is based on a cryptid of the same name, the Chupacabra, and has said to be sighted in Texas, Mexico and Puerto Rico in which is known for attacking and killing livestock (primarily goats).
If you were like me growing up, you had a stack of Weekly Reader books about the spooky and the supernatural at your bedside. These were the source of many restless nights for me, in particular books on Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. My friend Todd still speaks with reverence about the Bigfoot episode of In Search Of… with Leonard Nimoy. We are the ideal audience for Abominable Science, co-authored by a scientist and a writer who was obsessed with the mythology of cryptids (a fancy term for a creature of legend whose existence has not been documented). The nuts and bolts of the book are simple, yet genius. The authors examine the cases of legendary cryptids (Bigfoot, Nessy, the Yeti) and consider the scientific evidence, essentially disproving, or at least discrediting, their existence. The first part of this equation is great fun. The second part is like when the mean kids first tell you there is no Santa Claus. In other words, buzz kill. The authors devote too much space to debunking the “evidence” of cryptids. Look, we know they’re not real. What makes these creatures so interesting is not whether or not they exist, but rather in the mysteries and folklore that surround them. If Bigfoot did exist, he would no longer be a mystery. He’d be a zoo exhibit. While it is important to show where the science doesn’t add up, the debunking feels a bit like a deposition at times, which isn’t nearly as much fun. (Just ask Paula Deen.) The other issue I have with Abominable Science is redundancy. The book is divided into sections addressing each of the cryptids individually. Unfortunately, the commonalities between the cases make parts of the narrative redundant. The result is diminishing returns. The Bigfoot section is riveting. The Loch Ness section is interesting and very well written, but replace an American forest with a Scottish lake and you’ve got more or less the same storyline. By the third section, we know what to expect: unreliable eyewitness accounts, grainy photographs, unidentified footprints, overactive imaginations and outright deceptions, etc. So, the book might have been arranged so that it addressed the similarities between the legends at once rather than divided by cryptid. I also wish the authors had a bit more fun with it. The narrative is playful at times, but the hyperactive debunking misses the point that these legends are, more than anything, fun. Look, we know professional wrestling isn’t true competition along the lines of football or baseball, but its appeal lies not in its verisimilitude, but rather in the storytelling, the characters and the spectacle itself. Otherwise, wouldn’t WWE have implemented instant replay a long time ago? (Even Bud Selig would have the sense to review and overturn illegal tags and errant three counts.) They would also probably do something about those metal folding chairs that always seem to find their way into the ring. But perhaps I doth protest too much. At its heart, Abominable Science is not intended to be a buzz kill. It is an enjoyable read that will have you laughing out loud at times—and you might even learn a little science along the way. So, if you’re the type that can’t pass up a Bigfoot or ghost hunting special on cable television, you will love this book. And though it will confirm that the cryptids in question don’t exist, it won’t stop us from tuning in. If anything, it reinforces the universality of creature mythology and our attraction to fantasy and mystery. (Earlier this year, Syfy debuted its new show, Joe Rogan Questions Everything, with a full hour devoted to hunting Bigfoot.) We will always be obsessed with the unknown. We will be happily drawn into those blurry shadows of the natural world. I’m happy to report that we will always remain… In search of…
"The continental hinterland consists of deserts, jungles and rainforests. It also contains lost kingdoms of Amazonian princesses, volcanoes, elephants' graveyards, lost diamond mines, strange ruins covered in hieroglyphics and hidden plateaus where the reptilian monsters of a bygone era romp and play. On any reasonable map of the area there's barely room for the trees."Named after The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, this is, naturally, a geographic location off all maps. They are usually found in remote locations, such as the center of large and barely explored continents (usually Darkest Africa), the polar ice caps, or mysterious islands. They are often home to lost civilizations with amazing Lost Technology, or to prehistoric animals that have managed to survive unchanged—aside from the fact that they suddenly find humans delicious. Some Lost Worlds are almost ludicrously dangerous and populated by fearsome monsters, and still others are Magical Lands where All Myths Are True. Prone to being destroyed by volcanic eruptions, floods, quakes, and/or bombs at the end of the book/film/series, with the protagonists barely escaping. No longer popular (or even credible) with the arrival of satellite mapping and GPS. Most modern fictions that use this trope are set in the pre-satellite past or there's some sort of explanation as to why it hasn't been seen (either A Wizard Did It or there's a kind of EMP over the island). The Lost World has now been adapted to serve in even more mysterious places, such as outer space or deep underground. You are now much more likely to see a civilization thought long dead on an episode of Star Trek than on your modern action show. Applied Phlebotinum is sometimes used to explain why the area has stayed lost into the modern era; it's contained in a Pocket Dimension, or was created by aliens as a nature preserve, or some such Hand Wave. Occasionally treated more seriously, as a venue for playing with alternate evolutionary pathways. It's worth knowing that some elements of this have happened in Real Life, even recently. However, they certainly don't match the scale of a true Lost World. For example, you might have a tribe that has had no interaction with the outside world for hundreds of years, but not, say, an entire civilization. When it does happen, the Lost World had been isolated for millennia due to some geological feature which made travel in and out too bothersome to try: the 3 miles wide crater of Mount Bosavi is almost a textbook case, as it had been thoroughly explored just in 2009, which ended with discovery of at least 40 previously undescribed species. Two frequent lost worlds are the Deserted Island and (in older works) Mysterious Antarctica. Often a key element in a Jungle Opera. May contain a City of Gold. Overlaps with Hollow World, with the internal and external surfaces loosing knowledge of eachother. City in a Bottle can happen as well, if the Lost World is cut off from the outside world. — The Discworld Companion on the dark continent of Klatch open/close all folders Anime and Manga - Cage of Eden takes place on an island populated with anachronistic monsters. Birds from fifty million years ago, wolves from ten thousand years ago...and of course, they all want to kill the humans. - In the Spider Riders franchise, a place aptly named the "Inner World" exists deep beneath the earth in a gigantic cavern filled with plants, an ocean and giant humanoid insects. - One Piece has the island of Little Garden, which is full of prehistoric beasts and exotic plants. According to an entry in the in-universe book Brag Men, the island is given its name because, to the giant beasts living there, it truly is a little garden. - The Marvel Universe distills this trope into a place known as the "Savage Land." It is a tropical jungle in the middle of Antarctica filled with strange creatures, prehistoric beasts, warrior tribes, incredible civilizations and other great pulpy stuff. - It was in fact created by aliens. - The DCU: - "Gorilla City", with its own phlebotinum ("invisible force fields") used to hide it, and populated by telepathic apes. It's appeared on TV in both Superfriends and Justice League. - "Skartaris"note (a world located within the hollow Earth, accessible through a portal in the Arctic wilderness), which is the setting of Mike Grell's The Warlord (though other DC Universe characters would visit there from time to time as well). An episode of Justice League Unlimited is set there. It was later retconned into being Another Dimension. - Themyscira, also known as Paradise Island, home to Wonder Woman and the Amazons. Later retconned into being able to travel around the world and through time itself. - Dinosaur Island, the setting for The War That Time Forgot series. In New Frontier, Dinosaur Island turns out to be an ancient and malevolent organism called the Centre. - Cavewoman is supposedly set in the late Cretaceous (with the main character having arrived there by time travel) but everything can be found in the primal jungle from Stock Dinosaurs to giant snakes, hominids, yetis and... trolls. Plus, one of the issues is named "Pangaian Sea". - Marvel similarly had a dinosaur-inhabited island which Skull the Slayer tried to civilize while simultaneously fighting off an Alien Invasion. - This was actually Earth's distant past, accessed by a time warp created by aliens. - Likewise, Monster Island is the home of the Mole Man, a frequent foe of the Fantastic Four. Its location seems to fluctuate between the Bermuda Triangle and just off the coast of Japan, depending on writers' whims. - The Mole Man and his monsters have vast underground passageways all across the Earth. Quite possibly two Monster Islands? - The Turok comic book series which had a pre-Columbian Native American and his younger brother Andar who enter a lost valley and get trapped in it. They call the dinosaurs which they encounter "Honkers". - Tintin discovered a lost pocket of the Inca civilization in Prisoners of the Sun. - Alan Moore had, as part of his Tom Strong series, a Wild West town set atop a large mesa. It was ripped out of time and as an intended side effect, the people could not live without some alien fruit. Tom leaves them up there on the mountain, to use them as Redshirts later on. The existence of sat-imagery is not commented upon. - Donald Duck has used this trope so many times. Usually when Scrooge dragged Donald and his nephews along to search for treasures. - Franka finds one in a crater on a Phillipine island. - Atlantis from "The Atlantis Enigma" in Blake and Mortimer. An empire created before recorded history, it was destroyed (along with much of the Earth's surface) by a falling meteor and the ensuing tidal waves; the survivors eventually build a new empire in vast underground caverns under the Atlantic, which is what Blake and Mortimer discover. They've progressed to the point of becoming an Advanced Ancient Acropolis, mastering anti-gravity technology, laser weaponry, and space travel, among other things. Films — Animated - Paradise Falls from Up is a partial invocation of this trope. It's not particularly hidden, as Carl and Russell are able to find it with little more than a lot of balloons and a pocket GPS navigator. On the other hand, the film implies that it has remained unsettled because Ax-Crazy Charles Muntz has been killing off any other explorers who've visited the area. - Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs used one to fit dinosaurs into the post-extinction ice age: the dinosaurs survived in an underground lost world. - The Disney film Atlantis: The Lost Empire has the titular Atlantis. Films — Live-Action - King Kong's home, which is generally referred to as Skull Island. In the original film, the island was never named, although its most recognizable feature, Skull Mountain, was named; likewise in the 70s remake, the only reference is to "the beach of the skull". - Doyle's The Lost World (1912) was adapted as a silent film in 1925, with effects by Willis O'Brien, who also worked on King Kong (1933). The film was also adapted in 1960 (with Giant Lizards in Makeup playing Dinosaurs), 1992 (with its own sequel—with Handpuppet Dinosaurs) and 1998 (pilot for the above-mentioned TV series). - '50s B-Movie and Mystery Science Theater 3000 feature Lost Continent, starring Cesar Romero. And it sure took some finding. - The Jurassic Park films (a man-made example). The first sequel is actually titled The Lost World: Jurassic Park and its plot borrows a lot from Conan Doyle's novel. - Also subverted by this series. Both islands can be found on maps, and Isla Sorna is accessible by boat. - The islands are also explicitly made that way. They were normal tropical islands until dinosaur theme parks and a dinosaur breeding facility were built on them. They were only "lost" after the project was abandoned/dinosaurs are and killed everything. - Amicus Productions adapted Edgar Rice Burroughs' novel The Land That Time Forgot into a movie in the 1970s. - The Asylum also adapted The Land That Time Forgot; in their version, made as a mockbuster version of Land of the Lost, the Land that Time Forgot is a sort of cosmic eddy. - The Land Unknown (1957) has a US Navy helicopter in Mysterious Antarctica crashing into a misty crater populated by highly unconvincing dinosaurs. - The lost cave complex in the 1956 film The Mole People, in which the titular creatures live. They are enslaved by Evil Albino Sumerians who arrived in the caves when escaping a flood thousands of years ago. - It is implied in the Super Mario Bros.. movie that dinosaurs have escaped from the parallel dimension into our world and humans into theirs throughout history, which would make the parallel world a sort of "Lost World". - The island in Sannikov Land, which in legends is warmed by a volcano and therefore can be inhabited by a tribe called the Onkilon despite being in the far north. - Unknown Island from 1948. - Lagos Island is a fictional island off the coast of Japan. It's subverted in that it can be accessed via plane or boat, but people generally don't live there due to the population of large carnivorous dinosaurs. Oh, and the island was hit by nuclear radiation mutating said dinosaurs into city-destroying monstrosities. - The lost world of Aphrodisia (home to the all-female Lubby-Dubby Tribe) in Carry On Up the Jungle. - The irradiated lost valley in the Tarahuamare Mountains in The Cyclops. - Neverland, from J.M. Barrie's Peter Pan. Subverted in that it's a world created by the dreams and stories of children, so only they can really visit it. - Edgar Rice Burroughs created a number of Lost Worlds. - Pellucidar, the hollow-earth dinosaur habitat, had its own series, and included a crossover with Tarzan. - Tarzan also stumbles across a number of Lost Worlds in Africa. These include: - Opar, first introduced in The Return of Tarzan (1913). This lost city is the last remnant of the world-spanning empire of Atlantis. It's especially notable because it's one of the only recurring lost cities in the series. - The Valley of the Holy Sepulcher, in Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (1928). This valley was settled by two quarreling groups of Crusaders in the twelfth century, one of which claimed to have achieved the Holy Grail and thus the Crusade, while the other denied it. The latter group founded the city of Nimmr at one end of the valley, blocking the path of retreat to England, while the former group founded the City of the Sepulcher at the other end, blocking the route to the Middle East. The two groups have long since ceased any serious efforts to leave the valley, and have come to various accommodations with one another for their own survival. - Caspak (aka Caprona), a Lost World within Mysterious Antarctica, the setting for the novel The Land That Time Forgot and its sequels. - The Lost Continent (originally known as Beyond Thirty) - the titular continent is Europe, in an Alternate History in which World War I never ended because eventually no organized government was left to make peace. The United States never entered the war, and in fact made laws forbidding any ship to cross certain lines of longitude (hence the original title). - The Lost World (1912) by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is the Trope Namer. - Robert E. Howard's Solomon Kane encountered some of these in Darkest Africa. In particular, "The Moon of Skulls" featured a lost city that is all that remains of a once-vast empire which began as an outpost of Atlantis. - In Atlas Shrugged, Galt's Gulch is hidden within the mountains of Colorado with Applied Phlebotinum. Its use as a sanctuary for embattled egoistic industrialists has a sort of Deus ex Machina quality about it. - As mentioned in the quote above, Discworld is full of lost lands, mostly on the vaguely African continent of Klatch. Some of them are especially lost because they move about; these are called "brigadoons". It also had two mysterious and near-mythical continents, the Counterweight Continent and Ecksecksecksecks, both of which are now thoroughly (re)discovered (although the inhabitants might insist that they've (re)discovered the main setting of the books). - The Lost City of Ee has been referred to on a number of occasions throughout the series, usually as a place which some Barbarian Hero or other is either seeking or just returning from, laden with loot. - Parodied with the Lost Reading Room, a legendary site hidden deep within the Alien Geometries of the Unseen University Library. Student expeditions to find the place are seldom heard from again. - Jules Verne's Journey to the Center of the Earth - Several recent authors such as James Rollins or Jeff Long have followed Verne's example, placing their modern Lost World tales underground, to justify such places having gone undiscovered. - Dinotopia plays this trope about as straight as possible. - Doc Savage: The Man of Bronze encountered several Lost Worlds, the most significant being the lost Mayan kingdom that provided him with the gold necessary to carry on his crusade. Several of these Lost Worlds are also Cities Of Gold. - The Diamond as Big as the Ritz by F. Scott Fitzgerald is all about an isolated pocket of fantastic wealth hidden in Montana. It's been successfully hidden by its wealthy, urbane, and autocratic owners for generations - but by the time of the story airplane overflight becomes a problem ... - Henders Island from Fragment plays this so literally it hurts. - The Hy-yi-yi islands, home of the Snouters, are a Lost World without the ruins. Lots of goofy-looking critters, but for once they're not trying to kill you. - In the Chinese fable The Peach Blossom Spring under the pen of Tao Qian (Tao Yuanmíng, c365-427 AD), a fisherman stumbles upon a secluded Utopian village. The friendly villagers explain that their ancestors were driven to seclusion by political strife centuries ago, and have since lost contact with the outside world. The fisherman leaves a few days later, having been requested to keep his adventure a secret. Despite having marked his way out, he never finds the place again. - A Strange Manuscript Found in a Copper Cylinder by James De Mille is another early example. - Jane Gaskell's Atlan series centers on the adventures of a displaced princess exploring a civilized prehistoric world "before the continents had changed." The first novel, The Serpent, is primarily a Jungle Opera; its immediate sequel, The Dragon, ends with the heroine entering Atlantis (or Atlan, as the saga calls it); the third, Atlan, picks up when she becomes empress of the continent. The fourth book, The City, is another Jungle Opera, and the final book, Some Summer Lands, explores the last days of the dying continent of Atlan. The first two novels even include a bibliography of (in some cases, discredited) research materials, primarily focusing on prehistoric life. - In the original book The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum, the Land of Oz is a remote country that's surrounded by a vast, unpassable desert, keeping it isolated from the rest of the world. Sequel novels would establish that there were several other "fairy countries" bordering Oz's desert, all located on an unnamed continent somewhere in "the Nonestic Ocean". Baum was never clear about what region of the world this was supposed to be in, though a popular fan theory places it somewhere near Australia. Anyway, one of the sequels had a magic spell make Oz and its neighbors invisible to the outside world and reachable only through magic, so this became something of a moot point. - The Alcatraz Series of books takes this trope Up to Eleven: something like half the Earth's surface is made up of Lost Worlds called the Free Kingdoms where all sorts of magical and nonsensical things exist. They only go unnoticed because almost all the world's books, maps, and other sources of information are controlled by an ancient conspiracy of Evil Librarians who don't want you to learn the truth. - There are two such places in Steve Alten's Meg series. The first one is the Marianas Trench, which is where the titular Megalodons are found. It's downplayed, as people already knew of its existence, it just contained a prehistoric creature or two. Playing it much more straight is the Panthalassa sea in the sequel, Hell's Aquarium. It's a primordial sea contained under a rock ceiling at the bottom of the Pacific ocean, and is home to an abundance of ancient sea creatures which have formed a comfortable food chain. - The underground empire of K'n-yan in Hazel Heald's short story "The Mound" (revised, if not entirely ghost-written, by H.P. Lovecraft). - The Tunnels series has the Garden of the Second Sun, where it is theorized that many stages of evolution missing from the fossil record took place. It's also based heavily off of Nazi theories about a hollow earth; see the entry in Mythology below. - Dime Novel hero Nick Carter runs into a lost civilization of Old Norse speaking Amazons in Bolivia. - Willy Wonka discovered the Oompa-Loompa tribe that became his secret workforce in one of these, which overlaps with a Hungry Jungle. In the pre-Bowdlerised original text of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory it was somewhere in Darkest Africa (these Oompa-Loompas were specifically black pygmies), while later editions and all adaptations change it to the country of Loompaland, which even the geography teacher in the Golden Ticket tour group has never heard of. Live Action TV - The various places encountered in the Bermuda Triangle by the characters of 1977's The Fantastic Journey. - A 1999-2002 series based on the titular story was called Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World. - The Lost World was also adapted as an A&E miniseries, in association with the Walking with Dinosaurs guys, starring Bob Hoskins, James Fox, and Peter Falk. - As stated above, Lost's Island would certainly fit this trope. - For those curious, it can't be found by normal means because it's constantly moving, possibly invisible and has a barrier around it so that if you don't go in at exactly the right bearing you'll become unstuck in time and likely die. - Most of the above conditions (the time warping and constantly moving parts in particular) were inadvertently caused by Ben when he jammed the donkey wheel to move the island. Before and after that event, there are other ways to get into the island, like through a submarine or helicopter. Still, regardless of the method, they all share the same problem with being impossible to enter or escape without a very specific coordinates to squeeze through the barrier. - For those curious, it can't be found by normal means because it's constantly moving, possibly invisible and has a barrier around it so that if you don't go in at exactly the right bearing you'll become unstuck in time and likely die. - Karel Zeman's Journey to the Beginning of Time, a Czech film that was syndicated to American TV, most notably on Garfield Goose And Friends. - The Danger Island segment from The Banana Splits. - Sanctuary has Hollow Earth, a subterranean city with incredible technology. - The city of Praxis was built deep underground nearly 8000 years ago by humans and abnormals fleeing from a vampire-occupied Earth. Since then they have been steadily progressing their technology without any major wars or religious strife. - Unfortunately, Adam destroys Praxis by using a Time Dilation device. - Wherever the hell Tower Prep is. It gets sent into this territory because it is full of flora and fauna that shouldn't coexist near each other, and the constellations don't match up with anywhere in North America. - Kinkao in Pair of Kings. - The Danger 5 episode "Lizard Soldiers of the Third Reich" has Joseph Mengele performing sinister experiments in a Lost World tropical plateau in Antarctica where dinosaurs, dinosaur-men, jazz-loving ape-men, and Nubile Savage women coexist. After Danger 5 arrives there, we receive a ludicrously nonsensical explanation for how the plateau has been isolated for 65 million years. - Atlantis, the mythology of which at least predates Plato. A small continent made of seven concentric rings that allegedly sunk beneath the ocean. The Ur-example of literally countless lost, missing, or floating continents in Western culture. - The continent of Mu. - Shambala (sometimes Anglicized as Shangri-la), a retreat somewhere in the Himalayas that's supposedly home to advanced technology and many demi-gods and saints. At least in popular culture and some real-life conspiracy/cryptid-and-UFOs circles — otherwise, it is widely considered to be more like a metaphorical state of being and not a physical place. - Lemuria, which was believed to have existed in the middle of today's Indian Ocean, started out as a theoretical lost continent/land bridge proposed to explain why there are lemurs in Madagascar and lemur fossils in India but no lemur fossils in Africa or the Middle East (before the question was rendered moot by the development of plate tectonic theory) and eventually developed into a mythical lost continent that was home to an Atlantis-like advanced civilization before sinking beneath the waves. - The Ghostapo (Nazi occultists) believed, among other things, that the Earth was a hollow sphere with a second sun in the center. Another civilization thrived in the inner Earth which could be accessed through a giant hole in the polar cap. Predates the Nazis though; an old alchemical aphorism states: Visita interiora terrae rectificando invenies occultem lapidem. (Visit the interior of the Earth to find the Philosopher's Stone.) This goes back at least to the period of The Chymical Wedding Of Christian Rosenkreuz. - Actually, the Hollow Earth theory wasn't just held as true by the Ghostapo, it was a very popular theory when it was introduced. It explained the subtle magnetic changes that the Earth experienced, and why Magnetic North sometimes changes. Combined with the fact that few people had ever been to either of the poles... - The lost oasis of Zerzura, supposedly a lush, verdant valley hidden somewhere in the Sahara. - Lands of Mystery, a supplement for the 1980s pulp game Justice Inc., was all about gaming in a Lost World setting. About half the book was taken up with Zorandar, a setting/campaign that had everything from dinosaurs to a lost Roman colony. - The Dungeons & Dragons game-setting of Mystara has a long history with this trope, featured in such classic adventures as "Isle of Dread" or "Night's Dark Terror". The Hollow World boxed set converted the interior of the planet into a massive Lost World a la Pellucidar, chock full of prehistoric creatures and lost civilizations. - The Zendikar setting in Magic: The Gathering is an entire plane of this, complete with mystical artifacts, hidden ruins of ancient cities and temples and horrible death at every turn for everyone from Goblins to planeswalkers. Justified in that it doubles as the Eldrazi's can. - Spirit of the Century readily embraces this possibility due to its strong 1920s era pulp foundation. While no such places are directly described in too much detail, it's suggested that several exist in Darkest Africa (most notably, the kinds of places where Gorilla Khan's will is law) and there's a small hint of a lead for a Game Master to potentially follow about a journey to the Earth's core being planned in the sample adventure provided in the book. - Hollow Earth Expedition - The titular Hollow Earth is all about this trope, featuring never-ending jungle, lost civilizations, dinosaurs, and increased healing rates. - In the Secrets of the Surface World supplement, one of these exists on a plateau in the Amazon rain forest. A British expedition reached it, and returned without any proof of their findings but with a fortune in uncut diamonds (a Shout-Out to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's novel The Lost World). There's a hint that the plateau connects to the Hollow Earth mentioned above. - Tolguth is a lush, jungle-filled valley deep within the icy lands of the Realm of the Mammoth Lords in the far north, kept warm by volcanic activity and full of dinosaurs. - The Vaults of Orv, the deepest level of the Darklands far below the surface of Golarion, consist of a series of enormous caverns, each with its own unique (and often quite hostile) environment. Unlike the rest of the underworld, they were made artificially by an advanced race far in the past to serve as arks or experiments of some sort. They’re quite varied, ranging from the nation-sized geode known as the Crystal Womb to the subterranean peaks of the Midnight Mountains to the enormous Sightless Sea. The closest match to this trope would be Deep Tolguth (once connected to the surface Tolguth by long since collapsed tunnels), a tropical cavern full of jungles and swamps home to giant insects, dinosaurs and other monsters, as well as orc and human cavemen and a city of hostile Lizard Folk. An illustration of it◊ has a giant Tyrannosaurus fighting a tentacled monster in a jungle. - Exalted: The world is full of unexplored or once-civilized places, but the Exalts can take it to the extreme: when She Who Lives in Her Name destroyed ~90% of the world, bits and pieces of it were thrown back into the Wyld; theoretically an Exalt with strong Wyld resistance can journey in it find things that were lost, up to and including worlds. - The musical Brigadoon has its eponymous town surrounded by a mysterious fog in the Scottish highlands. The two American hunters who stumble upon it ask why there is no Brigadoon on the map, and eventually get a good answer: the town and its inhabitants vanished in an 18th century miracle, and only reappear for one day every hundred years. - EarthBound has the aptly named Lost Underworld, an enormous underground cave. Unlike other areas of the game, the camera is zoomed out and your party is dwarfed by the jungle and gigantic carnivorous dinosaurs. - Ultima loves this trope almost as much as DC Comics: - In Ultima III and VII, the legendary island of Ambrosia. Particularly odd because in the latter case it would seem to be in the way of shipping. - In Ultima V, a cavernous Underworld complete with shipwrecked sailor and lost expedition. In VI we learn that there's an entire civilization even deeper underground. Well, "underground" from OUR perspective. They live on the opposite side of a flat Earth. - Worlds Of Ultima: The Savage Empire is set in Eoden, a copy of Doyle's Lost World complete with lost tribes, dinosaurs, and a "Dr. Livingstone, I presume" moment. - In Ultima VII Part II: Serpent Isle, Serpent Isle has been missing from the maps since the end of the first game. - Gaia's Navel in Chrono Cross is at the center of an inaccessable island (you have to be flown there). It's basically 65,000,000 B.C. from Chrono Trigger in the modern day - it even has a younger Expy of Ayla, Leah, who joins your party and is implied to be her mother. - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness features one of these in the penultimate level, the aptly-named Hidden Land. The Hidden Land is so-called because it is only exists within a split second of time, meaning that time must be stopped before it can be visited. - Although dinosaurs are not exactly unknown in the rest of the world, Un'Goro Crater of World of Warcraft has a distinct Lost World design. - The Sholazar Basin in Northrend also qualifies. - And as of Mists of Pandaria, the Isle of Giants. - The Turok FPS videogame series, which were loosely based on the comic book, although the player character is a modern day Native American who gains access to modern weapons during the course of the game. - See above, the player character rampages through the 'Lost World' valley (among other settings) that the original comics were set in. - The DS port of Chrono Trigger adds the Lost Sanctum, which allows a village of reptites to survive at least until the middle ages. Inside of a mountain, so it's somewhat understandable that no one can find it. - Sonic the Hedgehog: - LaGias from the Elemental Lords portion of the Super Robot Wars mythos. Like Skartaris it's a bit inconsistent whether it's a true hollow earth or just a parallel universe that's accessible through portals hidden underground. - EVE Online recently jumped on this trope with wormholes that open up into "Sleeper" space. Along with several other races they were thought to be extinct. Wild Mass Guessing ranges from time loops to returns to Earth's galaxy though they are much more advanced now. Word of God has been very silent on the matter. Also Earth itself qualifies due to the collapse of the Eve Gate. - Skies of Arcadia has Ixa'taka, a lost continent beyond the supposedly impassable South Ocean. - In Xenogears, many islands and whole continents of the world are missing from maps and unknown by most of the world's inhabitants, who have actually been programmed not to notice them through an infection called -the Limiter-. After the Limiter is lifted between disc one and disc two, disc two conveniently has a much more featured world map with lands the True Companions have not yet explored. It turns out that the missing lands were places that Solaris decreed that the planet's inhabitants should forget. - Halfway correct. Those continents/islands aren't visible because until the middle of the game, they weren't even on the same physical plane as the landmasses that the player is exploring. After the destruction of a certain dimensional generator, the space time barrier separating those landmasses that were 'on the other side' are now accessible. Note that an individual/ships can still pass from one 'plane' to the other with the proper technology; this is offhand referenced a few times throughout the game. - Each of the Uncharted games has one of these. The first game has a lost spanish colony on a small pacific island, the second has Shambala in the Himalayas and the third has the "Atlantis of the Sands" in the middle of a vast, barren part of the Arabian desert. Considering the game takes place in the modern day and all are open to the sky, it's never explained why none of them have been discovered accidentally before now. - Dragon Quest VIII has one where you go to the dark world. - The Lost Planet series takes place on a literal Lost World, populated by giant creatures and hidden treasures. - Return to Mysterious Island and its sequal play this fairly straight, the second game moreso than the first. - The Lost City of Z from Conduit 2. - Donkey Kong Country: - Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest has a Lost World area that is filled with several types of fauna and it isn't found anywhere else on the island. K. Rool is found in an ancient temple of sorts and defeating him sends him flying into the center of the light the temple is radiating, causing the Lost World to implode and sink the island. - Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! has a lost world hidden in an island that is underwater and rises when you reveal it. However, the environment is nothing more than a mountainside with barren forests and a lake. - In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Blackreach. An absolutely vast underground cavern, rich with life found nowhere else in Skyrim, and completely unknown to the world at large. Only a handful of adventurers have discovered it in recent history, and none left alive. In fact, at the beginning of the game, its only three known entrances are sealed off. Discovering it is a particularly beautiful part of the main questline. - Virtual Boy Wario Land takes place in a vast subterranean labyrinth located underneath a tropical rainforest. - Final Fantasy IX has three unexplored continents on Gaia, with only the Mist Continent being densely populated and civilised. As airships can't run without mist, and there's none on the other continents, travel to them has been rare. The Outer Continent mainly had its population wiped out in a disaster some ten years previously. The Forgotten and Lost Continents meanwhile have no settlements and are home to a few Eldritch Locations. - Zeetha of Girl Genius is a native of the Lost City of Skifander. Unfortunately, she was ill during the journey from Skifander to Europa, and doesn't remember the way back, and everyone else who might have a clue seems to be dead. Sometimes at Zeetha's hands. - Sluggy Freelance has The Valley That Time Forgot Lost In The Center Of The Earth, which seems to be populated entirely by Mole Men and mole-man eating dinosaurs. The "center of the earth" thing is just a name, though (it's actually a few hundred miles from the earth's core), as is the "valley" part (it's technically a cavern). The "that time forgot" part is literally true, however. Father Time: I forget nothing! There's an occasional typographical error in temporal accounting but... Dinosaurs? Are those DINOSAURS!?! Someone get me temporal accounting! Stat! - The Christmas Special Rudolph's Shiny New Year features a few variations of this trope in the Archipelago of Last Years. Where the old Anthropomorphic Personification of the year goes to retire, they choose an island to live in and Time Stands Still for everyone in that island. The island where One Million B.C. lives is Prehistoria of course, and a Ye Olden Days year lives on a Magical Land. - Subverted a bit in an episode of DuckTales where the heroes find a Lost World region full of dinosaurs. However, not only do they escape it, but they have its location definitely recorded and make it an one of a kind of wildlife tourist attraction. - The episode "Tarzan and the Knights of Nimmr" of the 1970s Saturday morning cartoon Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle is loosely based on the book Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (the setting was largely retained, but the characters and story were replaced with original characters). The two cities were merged into the single city of Nimmr, which had just been discovered by a balloonist at the beginning of the story. - Superfriends (1973-74) episode "The Mysterious Moles". Deep under the earth is the Bottomless Cave: a gigantic cavern filled with plants, lakes and dinosaurs. - Dino-Boy, aka Dino Boy in the Lost Valley, which aired along with Space Ghost. The title valley had cavemen, dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures, and several lost civilizations. - Kong Island in Kong: The Animated Series had dinosaurs, mammoths, an evil god with a harpy for a minion and the big ape himself. One of the episodes dealt with the origin of the island due to a time vortex caused by said evil god. - In the Futurama episode "Fun on a Bun", Fry falls into a hole in a German glacier and discovers a secret tribe of Neanderthals, along with wooly mammoths, saber-tooth tigers and giant sloths. - Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Dinosaur Island features in "Terror on Dinosaur Island!", "Revenge of the Reach!" and "Four Star Spectacular!". Truth In Television Lost Places discovered in modern days: - Movile cave, Dobruja, Romania. Discovered in 1986, still only partially explored. - Foja Mountains, Indonesian half of New Guinea island. First explored in 1979, first comprehensive research undertaken in 2005. - Mount Bosavi, Papua New Guinea. First explored in 2009. - North Sentinel Island. Though known of since the 18th century by other inhabitants of the Andaman Islands and by other since the 19th century, very little is actually known about the island and its inhabitants, the Sentinelese people, who to this day remain one of the most isolated uncontacted peoples in the world. The Sentinelese are extremely hostile to outsiders, such that the Indian government (which has de jure control of the island, though in practice they are autonomous) arrests anyone who goes anywhere near the island for their own safety. Anthropologists have never been able to travel to the island to study the Sentinelese and their culture, and probably won't anytime soon.
Marty and Grace return for their third rare-animal adventure (Tentacles, 2009, etc.). Thirteen-year-old cousins Grace and Marty were separated at the end of their last adventure. Grace agreed to leave with her grandfather, Dr. Noah Blackwood, even though she knows he is not the wildlife conservationist he pretends to be on his television show. Marty stayed with Grace’s father (and his uncle), Dr. Travis Wolfe, world-renowned cryptozoologist. When Wolfe leaves them alone, Marty and his best friend, Luther, decide to try to find Grace at Dr. Blackwood’s Seattle Ark, one of his chain of zoos. With the help of a new friend, Luther and Marty sneak into the Ark and begin searching for Grace. Blackwood discovers that the boys are on the property, but he can’t pinpoint them; likewise, the boys find the secret research lab beneath the Ark, but they can’t get to it. Everything is complicated by Blackwood’s genetically created chupacabra, a legendary cryptid and voracious monster loose in the lab’s ductwork. Smith’s third in a series of four adventures stands alone well enough, but it works best as part of the series (a helpful recap of the series thus far orients readers to its labyrinthine twists). The adventure sequences are entertaining, but some of the humor may strike kids as rather lame; the ever-hungry Luther’s antics especially ring false. A decent-enough adventure, but not one for the ages. (Adventure. 9-12)
William Meikle’s “The Mouth of the Ness: The Loch Ness Monster Vs. Kraken”, the first instalment of 18thWall Productions’ new novella series, Cryptid Clash!, is now available as a Kindle download. (more…) Dark Regions Press has released the cover and table of contents for their forthcoming anthology, Arkham Detective Agency, a Lovecraftian-noir tribute to the late C.J. Henderson. I’m proud to say that I have a story in the book, alongside authors such as Konstantine Paradias, Sam Gafford and Glynn Owen Barrass. (more…) I’ve been remiss in mentioning that the first issue of Broadswords and Blasters is now out and available for download. Among other fine stories is my tale of sword-wielding monks and devils from the deep blue sea, “The Waters So Dark”. “The Waters So Dark” is the second adventure of Bartolomeo Corsi, former soldier, Florentine monk and monster hunter. On the eve of the Treaty of Venice, Corsi finds himself hunting down a renegade monk and coming face to face with a horror out of the deepest recesses of the sea. For those unfamiliar with Corsi’s previous adventures, I encourage you to dig up a copy of the Monk Punk/Shadow of the Unknown Omnibus, which includes the story “Evil Fruit”. The first issue of Broadswords and Blasters is available as a Kindle download. I encourage you to check it out. It’s been a few weeks since my last WIP post. That’s the way of it, this year. Trying to do one every week seems a bit redundant, since it’s often the same flavour of post, good intentions aside. Anyway, here’s another one. (more…) The first issue of Occult Detective Quarterly is now available for purchase, and as is only proper for a magazine with that title, it includes a story by me, myself and I. “Orbis Tertius” finds St. Cyprian and Gallowglass investigating a cursed artefact of a most unusual sort, as a monstrous evil seeks to consume the membership of London’s Voyagers Club. (more…) I’ve been remiss in pointing out some new stuff that’s come out recently. And by new stuff, I mean books, which you can buy, if you’re of a mind. (more…)
PETULA MITCHELL tells us about the St Leonard, the 6th century French hermit who killed England's last dragon near Horsham in West Sussex RICK HALE talks to Richard Freeman about his new book, The Loch Ness Monster isn't the only beast on the minds of monster hunters and cryptozoologists in the UK and Ireland. RICK HALE looks at the possibility that Nessie might have some friends... South Wales has never been short of Alien Big Cat sightings, says CLAIRE BARRAND The Bat Beast of Kent scared many during the 1960s. It may have been an alien, says RICK HALE Was it a spectral Black Dog that PATSY SORENTI met when visiting her family's graves in West London? CLAIRE BARRAND explores the disturbing stories of Cryptid Mutant Worms from folklore The strange Cornish Owlman was first seen in Mawnan Smith in the 1970s. NIA JONES reveals its strange legend. Guest writer PIERS WARREN goes on the trail of Black Shuck to reveals where to find the beast's haunts in East Anglia RICK HALE explores the mysterious, and angry, monster known as The Big Grey Man of Ben Mac Dhui Guest writer K.B. GODDARD ponders the legends of portents of death around the Spooky Isles The Anfanc, a slippery beast, lurks in the waters of North Wales, says L.H. Davies MJ STEEL COLLINS looks at how the Loch Ness Monster has been used for political propaganda over the years FRANCES ABBOT ponders whether St Columba made the first recorded sighting of the Loch Ness Monster MJ STEEL COLLINS gives a brief history of Loch Ness' most famous resident Does Northern England have its own Bigfoot? LEE D. MUNRO takes a look... Cannock Chase in Staffordshire has a paranormal portal and is the home of the mysterious Pig-Man, says LEE BRICKLEY! L.H. DAVIES says Cleadon in north-east England has more than its fair share of paranormal goings-on! BARRY RING tells about about the night a quick trip out for a snack in Wallington turned into a confrontation with a phantom black dog! Guest writer ANDREW GARVEY looks at the British newspaper reactions to the sigthing of "Nessie" when the famous inhabitant was "rediscovered" in Loch Ness in 1933 Guest writer TRESSA YEOMANS ponders the legend of the Loch Ness Monster - could Nessie really exist? Guest writer JON KANEKO-JAMES explores our fascination with ghostly devil dogs - like Black Shuck the original Hound of the Baskervilles.
OF AN AUTHORIAL KIND Joy is a Scottish, international best selling author, editor, and chronic illness/disability advocate. She is currently manifesting in the American Midwest with her cryptid husband and their large adopted Internet family. When not collapsed in a heap of glitter and defiant hope, Joy can generally be found hiding somewhere behind a keyboard writing paranormal-pun-filled romances, usually about vampires, werewolves, and all other manner of creatures that go bump in the night. You can keep up with all her latest news and events by subscribing to her newsletter, or any of the other various social media outlets she likes to haunt. For inquiries about events, forthcoming titles, or anything else you’d like to ask, please visit our Contact Page and the Mothman will get back to you soon.
|This article contains content copied from DeviantArt. This is against the rules here at Cryptid Wiki, You can help the Cryptozoologists and Cryptobotanists on Cryptid Wiki by rewriting the article with original wording. As now it is Chinese New Year, I want to write something about Chinese culture. I have held a poll to ask everyone if they wanted more articles about Chinese culture. However, although the answers were yes, there were only 3 people voted. Therefore, I now write the Chapter 0 to see your reaction about that and think if it should be continued. Chapter 0 will be more interested by you as it is about Chinese legend monsters. After reading it, you may use the ideas from this article to make a new Kaiju. Ancient China has a ton of legend monsters. This article will only focus on some of them. Before introducing the monsters, I am going to introduce an ancient book called Shan Hai Jing (山海經). Most of the Chinese legend monsters have been recorded in this book. If you are interested in Chinese legend monsters, you can find this book for reference. (I do not know if it can be borrowed in American library or bought in book shop.) The monsters introduced may or may not come from Shan Hai Jing. 1. Nian (年獸) Nian was the monster who had the relation with Chinese New Year. It looked like lion and had a horn. It was a very fierce monster in Chinese legend. In common time, Nian was in under sea. It will go ashore each year to eat people. But Nian was afraid of the color red, light and noise. Therefore, while Chinese New Year, people will wear red clothes and let off firecrackers, etc. to expel Nian. So the custom of Chinese New Year came from that. 2. Four auspiciousness Ancient China has four auspicious monsters who are Kirin (麒麟), Phoenix (鳳凰), Turtle (龜) and Dragon (龍). Kirin is monster who has a dragon head, horse or deer body, ox tail, and five-color pattern on back and yellow hair on stomach. Kirin can be divided into Ki and Rin. Ki has horn but Rin does not. Kirin can shoot fire from its mouth. Its voice is like a thunder. Kirin is a good monster that will not hurt other animals and plants. Kirin in China represents auspiciousness. It only appears when the world is peaceful or there is saint appear in the world. Chinese Phoenix in the ancient time was the king of all birds. Its position is just lower than the highest, dragon. Male Phoenix is called Feng and female is called Huang. Phoenix has rooster head, swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back, fish tail and five colors. Just like Kirin, Phoenix represents peace and auspiciousness. It is the giant turtle on Penglai Island (蓬萊仙島). It know human's language and can foreknow human's fortune. Dragon is a monster who has rabbit eyes, deer horns, ox mouth, and camel head, clam stomach, tiger palms, eagle claws, fish scales and snake body. There is another version that is shrimp eyes, deer horns, ox mouth, dog nose, catfish beard, lion hair, eagle claws, fish scales and snake body. There are four kinds of dragons. They are Jiaolong (蛟龍) who has scales, Yinglong (應龍) who has wings, Qiulong (虯龍) who has horns and Chilong (螭龍) who has no horn. There is another version which is Long (龍) who has two horns, Jiao (蛟) who has one horn, Chi (螭) who has no horn and Zhu (蠋) who has no leg. Dragon can hide itself and summon wind and rain. 3. Chiyou (蚩尤) Chiyou may be a real person in the earliest China but in legend, he is a monster who has three heads, six arms and eight legs. Chiyou is a leader of nine Li tribe. He has 81 brothers and he is very strong and combative. So he has a name of God of war. At that time, Chiyou was very strong that nearly no one can beat. Finally he was beaten by Huangti (黃帝). One version is that in the Battle of Zhuolu (涿鹿之戰), only Huangti beat Chiyou. Another version is Huangti teamed with Yanti (炎帝) to beat Chiyou. In Shan Hai Jing, Huangti commanded Yinglong to beat Chiyou. After the loss of Chiyou, the history of China started. 4. Four Fierceness Four Fierceness includes Hundun (渾敦), Taowu (檮杌), Taotie (饕餮) and Qiongqi (窮奇). Hundun is a giant dog or bear. Human cannot see it or hear it. It may bite his tail and giggle. When Hundun meets saint, it will attack. But when it meets bad guy, it will obey. Taowu is a monster who has human head, tiger legs and boar teeth. Taotie is a monster who has human head and goat body and its axilla has eyes. Taotie is a very greedy monster. One version says it is one of the son of Dragon. Another version says it is no head Chiyou. Qiongqi is a monster who is like a tiger but has wings. Another version says it is like an ox but has hedgehog hair. When Qiongqi meets good person, it will eat the person. But when it meets bad guy, it will hunt an animal and give it to the bad guy as a gift. On the other hand, Qiongqi has another version which is a good monster. For that version, Qiongqi will help people to defeat devil. 5. Pixiu (貔貅) Pixiu is a monster that has dragon head, horse body and Kirin feet. Its shape is similar to lion. Its hair is grey and white and it can also fly in the sky. Pixiu is fierce that it loves to eat evil creatures and then turn them into wealth. It works in the heaven and prevents evil creatures and diseases attacking the heaven. There are two different kinds of Pixiu. The one who has only one horn is called Bixie (辟邪) and the one who has two horns is called Tianlu (天祿). Another statement is that one who has one horn is male and called Pi (貔), and two horns is female and called Xiu (貅). There is also other wordings said that it can be used for distinguish good and bad Pixiu. 6. Hou (犼) Hou has another names such as Wangtianhou (望天吼), Chaotianhou (朝天吼) and Denglong (蹬龍). Hou is a monster that has deer horns, camel head, cat ears, shrimp eyes, donkey mouth, lion hair, snake neck, sea serpent stomach, carp scales and eagle forepaws and tiger hind paws. It is the son of the King of Dragon and has a habit of being guardian. Statue of Hou on Huabiao (華表) pillar represents that providence and public sentiments can be transmitted. Another statement is that Hou is one kind of Ba (魃) which is a kind of zombie. There is also other wording said that Hou is the mounts of Guanyin Pusa (觀音菩薩). 7. Shan Hai Jing – Chapter Gods Well, I have found a lot of photos from Shan Hai Jing published in 1987 on the Internet. Therefore, I will place all the photos here. 7.1 Dijiang (帝江) Dijiang is a God who lives in *Tianshan (天山). Its shape is similar to a yellow pocket. Its color is red which is similar to a fire. It has six legs and four wings. It has no face but can sing and dance. 7.2 Shenchi (神**[光鬼], [光鬼] is one character but cannot be shown correctly as it's rarely used word...) Shenchi is a kind of fairy and a kind of Chimei (魑魅). It lives in *Gangshan (剛山). It has human face, monster body and only one hand and one leg. Its sound is similar to yawning. 7.3 Gu (鼓) Gu is the son of Zhuyin (燭陰), who is God of *Zhongshan (鍾山). It has human face and dragon body. It has once conspired with Qinpei (欽䲹) to kill Baojiang (葆江) who is one of the God of sky in Kunlun Mountain (昆侖山). Then it is killed by the Emperor of Sky and then became Junniao (鵕鳥, a kind of bird). 7.4 Yingzhao (英招) Yingzhao is a God who manages *Huaijiangshan (槐江山). It has horse body, human face, tiger stripe and bird wings. It often flies through the four sea and passes the message from the Emperor of Sky. Its sound is like a pumping water windlass. 7.5 Taifeng (泰逢) Taifeng is a God who lives in *Heshan (和山) which is rich of jades and manages not growing vegetation. Its shape is similar to human and it has a tiger tail. It can emit magical light. It can change the Qi of the world. It has another name of God of Auspicious. 7.6 Jiaochong (驕蟲) Jiaochong lives in *Pingfengshan (平逢山). It is the leader of all poisonous insects in the world. Its shape is similar to human but has two heads. 7.7 Tuowei (***[單 on top, two 虫 under]圍) Tuowei is a God that looks like human but has sheep horns and tiger claws. It lives in *Jiaoshan (驕山). It is usually playing at Suishui (睢水, river name) and Zhangshui (漳水, river name). When Tuowei gets out of the water, it will shine. 7.8 Jimeng (計蒙) Jimeng is a God who lives in *Guangshan (光山) which has many jades on top and many trees in the bottom. It has human body and dragon body. When it plays at the deep pool in Zhangshui (漳水), there will be stormy weather. 7.9 Xingtian (形天, 形can also be written as刑or邢) Xingtian is vassal of Yanti (炎帝). It has competed for the throne with the Emperor of Sky and lost. The Emperor of Sky chopped off his head and then buried in *Changyangshan (常羊山). Xingtian uses breasts as its eyes and navel as its mouth. Left hand is holding a shield and right hand is holding an axe. It never stop brandish them. 7.10 Rushou (蓐收) Rushou is the God of metal in the west. It has white hair and tiger claws. There is a green snake on its left ear. Its right hand is holding a tomahawk. It uses two dragons as its mounts. It is very fierce. 7.11 Xiangliu (相柳) Xiangliu also has a name of Xiangyao (相繇). It is the minister of Gonggong (共工氏). It has nine heads and snake body. It can eat at nine mountain at the same time. When it comes to a place, that place will become a poisonous swamp. It was killed by Dayu (大禹). 7.12 Zhuyin (燭陰) Zhuyin is also called Zhulong (燭龍). It is the God of *Zhongshan (鍾山). It has human face and snake body. Its body is red in color and 1000 miles long. Its eyes are upright. When it closes its eyes, the world will become at night. If it opens its eyes, the world will become daytime. It needs not eat, sleep and breathe. It just swallow winds and rains. 7.13 Shebi (奢比) There is doubt that Shebi may be Shelong (奢龍). It has monster body, human face and large ears. There are two green snakes on its ears. Its movements are like wriggling. 7.14 Tianwu (天吳) Tianwu is the God of Chaoyanggu (朝陽谷, name of a valley). It is also called Shuibo (水伯). Its shape is like a monster and it has eight human heads, eight feet and eight tails. The color of its hair on its back is green and has a little yellow inside it. It is very fierce. 7.15 Yushiqie (雨師妾) Yushiqie is a mysterious country recorded in Hai Wai Dong Jing (海外東經) in Shan Hai Jing. Yushiqie people have black skin. They are holding two snakes in their hands. Left ear has a green snake and right ear has a red snake on it. 7.16 The minister of Erfu (貳負之臣) It is one of the minister of Erfu (貳負), who name is Wei (危). As Wei and Erfu have once killed Yayu (窫窳), who is one of the God of Heaven, the Emperor of Sky locked Wei at *Shushushan (疏屬山). Its right foot is locked and its hands are locked by its own hair. 7.17 Leishen / Thunder God (雷神) Leishen is the God of Thunder. It has dragon body and human head. It always beats its belly and so thunder is generated. It can be human or monster. It is the shape of Thunder God in ancient time. 7.18 Jiufeng (九鳳) Jiufeng is a God who lives in *Beijitianguishan (北極天櫃山). It has nine heads, human face and bird body. In the record in Imperial Readings of the Taiping Era (太平御覽), Jiufeng is similar to nine-head bird. Nine-head bird is red in color. Its shape looks like a duck. They share the same sound. 7.19 Jiangliang (疆良) There is doubt that Jiangliang may be the one who is called Qiangliang (強梁). It lives in *Beijitianguishan (北極天櫃山). It has tiger head, human body, four hoofs and long elbows. Its mouth is holding snakes and its hands are also holding snakes. Its look is terrifying. 7.20 Luwu (陸吾) Luwu is one of the God of Kunlun Mountain (昆侖山). It has tiger body, nine tails, human faces and tiger claws. In Hai Nei Xi Jing (海內西經), it is called Kunlun Kaimingshou (崑崙開明獸). In Zhuangzi (莊子), it is called Jianwu (肩吾). 8. Shan Hai Jing – Chapter Strange World 8.1 Yanhuo Kingdom (厭火國) It is also called Yanguang Kingdom (厭光國). It is located in south overseas. The people there have black monster body. They can shoot fire from their mouths. Their shape looks like a black ape. 8.2 Yumin Kingdom (羽民國) Yumin Kingdom is located in southeast overseas. The people there have long head and feathers. They can fly but cannot fly for a long distance. They are oviparous. 8.3 Huantou Kingdom (讙頭國) It is also called Huandou Kingdom (驩兜國). It is located in south overseas. The people there have human face, beak and wings. They fish for living. Huandou (驩兜) was first a minister of Yao (堯) but has once committed a crime. It was exiled to south overseas then committed suicide. Its offspring then reproduced there. 8.4 Guanxiong Kingdom (貫胸國) It is also called Chuanxiong Kingdom (穿胸國). The people there have a hole on their breast. They are the offspring of the two ministers of Fangfeng (防風氏). As the two ministers have done something wrong and were afraid of punishment by Dayu (大禹), they penetrate their atrial to attempt suicide. Dayu could not bear so he treated them. Therefore, they have a hole on the breast forever. 8.5 Jiaojing Kingdom (交脛國) It is located in the east of Guanxiong Kingdom (貫胸國). The people there are crossing their shins. Their height has about four feet. There are also statements saying that they are crossing necks, toes or thighs. For crossing necks, this means two people are crossing their necks together to walk. 8.6 Sanshou Kingdom (三首國) It is located in the east of Zaochi (鑿齒). The people there have one body and three heads. The three heads themselves have each respiratory tract. If one of the heads has eaten enough, other heads are also eaten enough. Their shape is really strange. 8.7 Changbi Kingdom (長臂國) It is located in the east of Jiaojiao Kingdom (焦僥國). The people there have a pair of arms which is very long that can touch the ground. When they fish, it is easy to use their hand to catch the fish. Although they have medium build, their sleeves have thirty feet long. 8.8 Qigong Kingdom (奇肱國) It is located in the north of Yibi Kingdom (一臂國). The people there have one arm only and three eyes. The eyes can be divided by yin and yang (陰陽). When they go out, they always ride a horse called Wen Horse (文馬, white body and red mane). There is another statement saying that they can make flying card which can fly by the winds. 8.9 Changgu Kingdom (長股國) It is also called Changjiao Kingdom (長腳國) or Changjing Kingdom (長脛國). The people there have long feet and long hair. They often carry Changbi people (長臂人) on back to catch fish in the sea. Changbi people’s arms have thirty feet long. Changgu people’s feet also have thirty feet long. 8.10 Wuqi Kingdom (無啟國) It is located in the east of Changgu Kingdom (長股國). Wuqi means no offspring. The people there live in caves and eat soil. They are regardless of gender. After they die, their hearts will not rot. After 120 years, they will revive so they do not care about reproduction. 8.11 Yimu Kingdom (一目國) It is located in the east of *Zhongshan (鍾山). The people there have only one eye. Their surname is Wei (威). They are the sons of Shaohao (少昊). They eat broomcorn for living. The north of corpse of Erfu (貳負) is Ghost Kingdom. There also have Yimu people. 8.12 Rouli Kingdom (柔利國) It is located in the west of Yimu Kingdom. The people there have only one hand and only one foot. The knee is bending and the foot is on top of the knee. Their offspring do not have any bones. They eat Qi (氣) and fish for living. 8.13 Nie’er Kingdom (聶耳國) It is located in the east of Wuchang Kingdom (無腸國). The people there have very long ears. As the long ears make them go out inconveniently, they always use their hands to hold their ears. Every single person in Wuchang Kingdom has two giant spotted tigers. They can order the tigers at will. 8.14 Xiaoyang Kingdom (梟陽國) It is located in the west of Beiqu Kingdom (北朐國). The people there have human face, long lip and black hair which cover on their body. When they see people, they will laugh or smile. Their lips can cover their eyes. 8.15 Maomin Kingdom (毛民國) The people living in Maomin Kingdom have a surname of Yi (依). They eat broomcorn for living. They can order four kinds of wild beasts. Dayu (大禹)’s great-grandson Xiuge (修鞈) has killed Chuoren (綽人). Dayu knows that Chuoren was innocent so he secretly constructed a kingdom for Chuoren which was Maomin Kingdom. Maomin people have a body which has arrowhead-like hair on it. 8.16 Diren Kingdom (氐人國) It is located in the west of Damu (達木). The people there have human face, fish body and no feet. They are offspring of grandson of Yanti (炎帝) who is called Lingtong (靈憅). They can fly in the sky and walk on the ground. 8.17 Xiaoren Kingdom (小人國) Xiaoren is also called Junren (菌人) or Jingren (靖人). Xiaoren Kingdom is also called Jiaojiao Kingdom (焦僥國). The people there have the height of three feet. Another statement said that they have one feet and five inches. There are also other statements said that they have only seven inches or just 0.1 inches. 8.18 Yibi Kingdom (一臂國) It is located in the north of Sanshen Kingdom (三身國). The people there have only one arm, one eye and one nostril. Guo Pu (郭璞) thought Bijian people (比肩人) were people who have only half of a body. Yibi people are the same type of that. 8.19 Sanmian people (三面人) They are the offspring of Zhuanxu (顓頊). They lives in *Dahuangshan (大荒山). They have human head but three faces on the three sides. They have only one arm. They will not die forever. 8.20 Dingling Kingdom (釘靈國or丁靈國) The people there have hair under their knees. Their feet are horse hoofs so they can run fast without riding horse. 8.21 Goufeng Kingdom (狗封國) It is also called Quanfeng Kingdom (犬封國). In legend, Rongwang (戎王) has once revolted. Gaoxin (高辛氏) said that if someone could kill Rongwang, he could marry his daughter. After that, Panhu (盤瓠, its shape is like a dog) killed Rongwang. Then Gaoxin reluctantly gave Panhu fief in the southeast sea of Huiji (會稽) and let it marry his daughter. Their male offspring looks like dogs and their female offspring is beauties. 8.22 Changsheng Kingdom (長生國) It is located in the east of Chuanxiong Kingdom (穿胸國). The people there are tall and have black skin. The old men there, especially the ones who have over 100 years old, just look like young men. In legend, there are trees which after people eat their fruits, they can have longevity. There is also Chiquan (赤泉, a spring) that when people drink the water inside it, they can keep to be young forever. 8.23 Shenmu Kingdom (深目國) It is located in the east of Gonggongtai (共工台). The people there have deep eye sockets. They always lift one of their hands and look like greeting. 8.24 Junzi Kingdom (君子國) It is located in the north of Shebi (奢比). The people there are faultless in form and very polite. They have a sword in their waist. They eat wild beasts for living. Each of them has two spotted tiger to order at will. 8.25 Qizhong Kingdom (跂踵國) It is located in the east of Juying Kingdom (拘癭國). When the people there walk, their heels will not touch the ground. They use their soles of the feet to walk. There is another statement said that their feet were grown reversely. Their footprints will turn towards north when they walk towards south. 8.26 Kuafu Kingdom (夸父國) It is located in the east of Nie’er Kingdom (聶耳國). The people there are tall. They usually hold a green snake in their right hands and a yellow snake in their left hands. They are offspring of Kuafu who has raced with the sun. 8.27 Heichi Kingdom (黑齒國) It is located in the north of Shuhai (豎亥). The people there have black teeth. They eat rice for staple food but use snakes for dishes. They always have a red snake and a green snake with them. 8.28 Juying Kingdom (拘癭國) It is located in the east of *Yusuojidanshan (禹所積石山). The people there have Sarcoma on their necks. They always use one of their hands to hold their sarcomas. 8.29 Xuangu Kingdom (玄股國) It is located in the north of Yushiqie (雨師妾). The people there have black thighs. They wear clothes made by fish skins. They eat gulls for food. They usually hold two birds under their arms. 8.30 Sanshen Kingdom (三身國) There is *Butingshan (不庭山) in Dahuang (大荒). In the mountain, there are people who have three bodies. In legend, they are offspring of Ehuang (娥皇) who is the wife of Shun (舜). They all have the surname of Yao (姚). They eat broomcorn for food. There is another statement said that they have one head, three hands and three bodies. 8.31 Laomin Kingdom (勞民國) It is located in the north of Maomin Kingdom (毛民國). The people there have black skin. They eat wild fruit and strawberry for food. Inside the kingdom, there is a kind of bird which has two heads. 8.32 Baimin Kingdom (白民國) It is located in the north of habitat of Longyu (龍魚). The people there have white skin and white hair. In a record from Ming Dynasty (明朝), they do not eat grains but eat white jade powders for food. 9. Shan Hai Jing – Chapter Beasts 9.1 Xingxing (狌狌 or 猩猩) Xingxing’s shape looks like hairy ape. Its ears are white in color. It can creep and also walk. If human eats Xingxing’s meat, he or she can walk with vigorous strides. 9.2 Lushu (鹿蜀) Lushu is a beast which lives in *Chouyangshan (杻陽山). Its shape is like a horse. It has white head, tiger stripes and red tail. Its animal call is like a person who is now singing folk song. 9.3 Lei (類) Lei is a beast which lives in *Danyuanshan (亶爰山). Its shape is like a wild cat and there is hair on its head. It is hermaphrodite that can mate by itself. If human eats its meat, it can cure jealousy. 9.4 Boyi (猼訑) Boyi lives in *Jishan (基山). It looks like goat. It has nine tails and four ears. Its eyes grow on its back. When people wear its skin, those people will not be feared. 9.5 Jiuweihu / Nine-tailed fox (九尾狐) Jiuweihu is a beast that lives in *Qingqiushan (青丘山). It looks like fox but has nine tails. Its sound is like crying of a baby. It will eat human but if people eat its meat, they can ward off evil. 9.6 Changyou (長右) Changyou is a beast that lives in *Changyoushan (長右山). Its shape looks like a long-tailed monkey. It has four ears. Its sound is like moaning. If it appears in a place, there will be flood. 9.7 Huaguo (猾裹) Huaguo is an inauspicious beast which lives in *Yaoguangshan (堯光山). If it appears in a place, there will be forced labor. Its shape looks like human. It has mane on its body. It lives in cave. When it is winter, it will hibernate. 9.8 Zhi (彘) Zhi lives in *Fuyushan (浮玉山). Its shape is like monkey. It has four ears. Its body looks like tiger. It has ox tail. Its sound is like barking. It will eat human. 9.9 Huan Goat (䍺) Huan’s shape looks like a goat but it does not have mouth. It can live without eating food. It lives in *Xunshan (洵山). It cannot be killed. 9.10 Gudiao (蠱雕) Gudiao is a beast that lives in *Luwushan (鹿吳山). It looks like an eagle. There is horn on its head. Its sound looks like crying of a baby. It can eat human. 9.11 Qianyang (羬羊) Qianyang is a beast that lives in *Qianlaishan (錢來山). It is as big as a donkey. It has a horse tail and its shape looks like a goat. The grease on its body can lubricate dry skin. The tail has a weight of ten catties. It can be cut and eaten. After cut, the tail will regrow. 9.12 Conglong (蔥聾) Conglong is a beast that lives in *Fuyushan (符禺山). Its shape looks like a goat. It has red mane. There are people think that it is a kind of wild goat. Nowadays, Xiayang (夏羊, a kind of goat) also has red mane. 9.13 Haozhi (豪彘) Haozhi is also called Haozhu (豪豬) or Huanzhu (貆豬). Its shape looks like a little pig. It has white hair which is as thick as hairpin. It is black for the tip of the hair. 9.14 Jueru (玃如) Jueru is also called Yingru (**[犭嬰]如). It is a beast which lives in *Gaotushan (皋塗山). It looks like a deer. It has white tail and horse legs. Its forelimbs look like human hands. It has four horns on its head. 9.15 Lingyang (麢羊or羚羊) Lingyang is living in *Cuishan (翠山) or *Dacishan (大次山). It is bigger than common goats. It has small horns. It has a habit of hanging the horns in a tree to prevent suffering. 9.16 Jufu (舉父) Jufu lives in *Chongwushan (崇吾山). It looks like female monkey. There are stripes on its arms. It has strength of tiger or leopard. It is good in throwing things. Guo Pu (郭璞) thought it was related to Kuafu (夸父). 9.17 Tulou (土螻) Tulou lives in Kunlun Mountain (昆侖山). It looks like goat. It has four very sharp horns. If someone is penetrated by the horns, he or she will die immediately. It is a beast which will eat human. 9.18 Zheng (猙) Zheng is a beast who lives in *Zhang’eshan (章莪山). It looks like red leopard. It has five tails and one horn. Its sound is like beating rocks. 9.19 Tiangou (天狗) Tiangou lives in *Yinshan (陰山). Its shape looks like wild cat. It has white head. Its sound is like meowing. If people feed it, it can prevent evil. 9.20 Aoye (獓**[犭因]) Aoye lives in *Sanweishan (三危山). It looks like an ox. The whole body is white in color. It has four horns. It has hairs over its body like hygrophila. It is a beast which will eat human. 9.21 Huan Cat (讙) Huan lives in *Yiwangshan (翼望山). It looks like wild cat. It has one eye and three tails. It has 100 types of sound. Feeding it can prevent evil. Eating its meat can cure jaundice. 9.22 Manman Otter (蠻蠻) Manman may be a kind of otter. The body looks like mouse. The head looks like soft-shelled turtle. Its sound is like barking. It lives in river where is near the source of Luoshui (洛水, a river). 9.23 Bo (駮) Bo looks like horse. It has white body and black tail. It has a horn on its head. It also has tiger’s teeth and claws. Its sound is like drum. It eats leopard and tiger. After feeding it, it can be used in war. 9.24 Jiao (狡) Jiao is a beast that lives in *Yushan (玉山). It looks like dog. There are leopard grains on its body. The horn on its head looks like ox horns. Its sound is like barking. If it appears in a place, this represents that place is tranquil and peaceful. 9.25 Quanshu (䑏疏) Quanshu is a beast that lives in *Daishan (帶山). Its shape is like a horse. It has a horn that has cracks on it. Feeding it can prevent hurting by fire. 9.26 Zhujian (諸犍) Zhujian lives in *Danzhangshan (單張山). It looks like a leopard. It has a long tail, human head, ox ears and only one eye. It usually likes howling. While walking, it will hold its tail in mouth. While sleeping, it will curl its tail. 9.27 Shanhui (山***[犭軍]) Shanhui is a beast that lives in *Yufashan (獄法山). It looks like a dog. It has human face. It is good at throwing things. While seeing human, it will laugh or smile. Its walking speed is as high as wind. If it appears, there will be strong wind. 9.28 Zhuhuai (諸懷) Zhuhuai is a beast that lives in *Beiyushan (北獄山). It looks like an ox. It has four horns, human eyes and pig ears. Its sound is like tweeting of wild goose. It will eat human. 9.29 Boma (****[馬孛]馬) There is a place called Qiongze (卭澤, a lake) where water is from the east of Maoshui (旄水, a river). Boma lives near that river. It has ox tail, white body and one horn. Its sound is like shouting of human. 9.30 Paoxiao (狍鴞) Paoxiao is a beast that lives in *Gouwushan (鉤吾山). It looks like a goat. It has human face but its eyes are grown under its armpits. It also has tiger teeth and human fingernails. Its sound is like crying of baby. It will eat human. 9.31 Huan Antelope (䮝) Huan looks like antelope. It has four horns, horse tail and chicken feet. It is good at circling dance. Its sound is like calling its name. 9.32 Tianma (天馬) Tianma looks like white dog. It has a black head and there is a pair of wings on its back. If it sees human, it will fly away immediately. 9.33 Feishu (飛鼠) Feishu lives in *Tianchishan (天池山). Its shape is like rabbit. It has a mouse head. It uses hairs on its back to fly. Also, its tail can help it to fly. 9.34 Dongdong (䍶䍶) Dongdong lives in *Taixishan (泰戲山). As its sound is like “dong-dong”, it gets its name of Dongdong. It looks like a goat. It has a horn and only one eye. Its eye is grown in the back of its ear. 9.35 Huan Ox (獂) Huan is a beast that lives in *Qianshan (乾山). It looks like an ox. It only has three legs. Two are in the front and one is in the back. As it sound is like “huan-huan”, it gets its name. 9.36 Pi (羆) Pi is also called Pijiu (羆九). It lives in *Lunshan (倫山). It looks like an elk. It is strange that its anus is grown above its tail. 9.37 Zongzong (*****[犭從][犭從]) Zongzong is also called Congcong (從從). It is a beast that lives in *Xunzhuangshan (栒狀山). It looks like a dog. It has six legs. Its sound is like “cong-cong”. 9.38 Longzhi (蠪姪) Longzhi is a beast that lives in *Fulishan (鳧麗山). It looks like a fox. It has nine tails, nine heads and tiger claws. Its sound is like crying of baby. It will eat human. 9.39 Zhunou (朱獳) Zhunou looks like a fox. Its back has a fish fin on it. It lives in *Gengshan (耿山). If it appears in a place, there will be panic. 9.40 Bibi (獙獙) Bibi is a fierce beast that will bring serious drought. It lives in *Gufengshan (姑逢山). It looks like fox with wings. Its sound is like wild goose. 9.41 Mafu (馬腹) Mafu has a human face and tiger body. It lives in *Manqushan (蔓渠山). Its sound is like crying of a baby. It will eat human. If human eats its meat, he or she can prevent hurt by war and will not be afraid of thunder. 9.42 Xie (**[犭吉頁]) Xie may possibly be also known as Qinggou (青狗). It lives in *Lishan (釐山). Its shape looks like a dog but it has scales. There are bristles which are similar to pig manes between scales. 9.43 Fei (蜚) Fei lives in *Taishan (太山). It looks like an ox. It has only one eye and a snake tail. The head is white in color. If it walks near water, water will dry up. If it walks through grasses, grasses will be withered. If it appears, there will be plague. 9.44 Youyou (峳峳) Youyou looks like horse but has four horns. It has goat eyes and ox tail. Its sound is like dog barking. If it appears in a place, the society of that place must have a lot of cunning men. 9.45 Baifeng (拜封) Baifeng is also called Pingpeng (屏蓬) or Biefeng (鼈封). It looks like pig. Its body is black in color. It has heads in the front and at the back. Someone thinks that it is hermaphroditic. 9.46 Zhuwu (騶吾) Zhuwu is also called Zhuyu (騶虞). It is a rare beast which lives in Lin Kingdom (林氏國). Its size is like tiger. It has five colors on top of it. Its tail is longer than its body. It can travel thousands of miles a day. 9.47 Chenghuang (乘黃) Chenghuang looks like a fox. Its back has two horns. In legend, if someone rides on it, he or she can live to two thousand years old. There is another statement that it has dragon wings and horse body. As Huangti (黃帝) has ridden on it, he became an immortal. 9.48 Kui (夔) Kui looks like an ox. It lives in *Liuboshan (流波山) in the East China Sea. Its body is dark green in color. It has no horn and only one leg. If it enters or exits sea water, there will be storms. Its body will emit light like the sun or the moon. Its sound is like thunder. 9.49 Chuti (䟣踢) Chuti lives outside South China Sea, in the west of Chishui (赤水) and the east of Liusha (流沙). It has two heads on the left and the right of its body. It may also be known as Shudang (述蕩) which its meat is tasty. 9.50 Maoma (旄馬) Maoma may be also known as Haoma (豪馬). It looks like a horse but there are hairs on the joints of its legs. It lives in the northwest of a place which has Bashe (巴蛇) and also the south of *Gaoshan (高山). 9.51 Shuangshuang (雙雙) Shuangshuang is a beast which is combined by three Qingshou (青獸). It lives in the same place of Chuti. Shuang (雙) in Chinese means double but as Shuangshuang is combined by three Qingshou, people are confused that why it is called Shuangshuang. 9.52 Zhuyan (朱厭) Zhuyan lives in *Xiaocishan (小次山). It looks like monkey. It has a white head and red legs. If it appears in a place, there will be war. 10. Shan Hai Jing – Chapter Avian 10.1 Changfu (***[尚鳥]****[付鳥]) Changfu looks like chicken. It has three heads, six eyes, six legs and three wings. If human eats its meat, he or she will become excited and so cannot sleep at night. 10.2 Zhu (鴸) Zhu looks like a sparrow hawk. Its legs are like human hands. As its sound is like female quail, it gets its name. If it appears in a place, there will be some intelligent people being exiled. 10.3 Quru (瞿如) Quru looks like Chinese Pond Heron. It has a white head, human face and three legs. Its sound is like calling its name. 10.4 Yu (*****[禺鳥]) Yu looks like owl. It has human face, a pair of ears and four eyes. Its sound is like calling its name. If it appears, there will be serious drought. 10.5 Tuofei (橐蜚) Tuofei looks like owl. It has human face and only one leg. It appears in winter and hides in summer. If a person wears its feather on his or her body, he or she will not be afraid of thunder. 10.6 Lei Magpie (鸓) Lei looks like a magpie. Its body is red and black in color. It has two heads and four legs. It lives in *Cuishan (翠山). If a person feeds it, he or she can prevent serious disaster. 10.7 Fuxi (鳧徯) Fuxi lives in *Lutaishan (鹿台山). It looks like a rooster but has a human face. Its sound is like calling its name. If it appears, there will be war. 10.8 Manman Duck (蠻蠻) Manman looks like wild duck. It has only one eye and one wing. It can fly only when two Manman combines together so it gets its name. It is also called Biyiniao (比翼鳥). If it appears, there will be flood. 10.9 Chi (䲭) Chi looks like Luoniao (**[樂鳥]鳥) which has black spots and red neck. It has only one head but has three bodies. It lives in *Sanweishan (三危山). 10.10 Renmianxiao (人面鴞) Renmiaoxiao looks like an owl. It has human face, monkey body and dog tail. It is a fierce bird. If it appears, there will be serious drought. 10.11 Bifang (畢方) Bifang looks like a white crane. It has only one leg, red spots, green body and white beak. Its sound is like calling its name. If it appears, there will be strange fire disaster. 10.12 Qitu (鵸䳜) Qitu looks like crow. It has three heads and six tails. It likes to make ‘hee hee’ sound. If a person eats its meat, he or she will not have Somnambulism and can avoid attack by evils. 10.13 Songsi (竦斯) Songsi looks like female pheasant but has human face. When it sees human, it will jump happily. Its sound is like calling its name. 10.14 Xiaoniao (囂鳥) Xiaoniao looks like Kuafu (夸父) which has monkey body. It has four wings, only one eye and a dog tail. Its sound is like magpie. If a person eats its meat, his or her stomachache and diarrhea can be cured. 10.15 Yuniao (寓鳥) Yuniao lives in *Guoshan (虢山). It looks like mouse but has wings. Its sound is like goat. It can be used to stop war. It may be related to bat. 10.16 Panmao (***[top般bottom鳥]****[冒鳥]) Panmao lives in *Beixiaoshan (北囂山). It looks like crow. It has human face. It is nocturnal which will fly at night. If a person eats its meat, he or she can refresh. 10.17 Suanyu (酸與) Suanyu is a bird that looks like snake. It has four wings, six eyes and three legs. Its sound is like calling its name. If it appears in a place, the people there will fear of themselves. 10.18 Feiniao (吠鳥) Feiniao looks like an owl. It has three eyes and has ears. Its sound is like sound of a deer. If a person eats its meat, his or her rheumatism can be cured. 10.19 Fen (䴅) Fen looks like magpie. It has a white body, a red tail and six legs. It is alert and resourceful. It can sense any sign of trouble. 10.20 Cishu (䖪鼠) Cishu is an inauspicious bird. If it appears in a place, there will be serious drought. It lives in *Xunzhuangshan (栒狀山). It looks like a chicken. There are rat hairs on its body. 10.21 Chuniao (*****[鳥蜀]鳥) Chuniao has only one body but has six heads. Its body is yellow in color and its legs are red in color. It may be similar to Shuniao (樹鳥) which also has six heads. 10.22 Lingyao (鴒䳩) Lingyao looks like pheasant. It has a long tail. Its body is as red as fire but its beak is blue in color. It lives in Guangu (雚谷). If a person eats its meat, he or she will not have nightmare. 10.23 Qizhong (跂踵) Qizhong looks like an owl. It has only one leg and a pig tail. If it appears in a place, there will be serious plague. It is the omen of befalling disaster. It lives in *Fuzhoushan (復州山). 10.24 Zhongmingniao (重明鳥) Zhongmingniao is also called Shuangjingniao (雙睛鳥). Its eyes have double pupils. It looks like a chicken. Its sound is like phoenix. Its feathers often fall off. It only uses muscles to fly. It can fight fierce beasts and destroy evil. 11. Shan Hai Jing – Chapter Aquatic 11.1 Yinglong (應龍) Yinglong is a dragon which lives in Xionglituqiu (凶犂土丘). It has a pair of wings. It can summon storms. It has helped Huangti (黃帝) to kill Chiyou (蚩尤) and Kuafu (夸父). Since it used all its extraordinary power, it cannot go back to the heaven. If there are a lot of droughts, people will simulate its shape to pray for rain and it always comes true. 11.2 Xuangui (旋龜) Xuangui is a turtle that its body has black and red on it. It has a bird head and a sharp tail like a viper. Its sound is like cutting wood. If a person wears it, he or she will not have hearing loss and his or her foot cocoon can be cured. 11.3 Lingyu (陵魚) Lingyu is also called Renyu (人魚) or Longyu (龍魚). It has fish body, human face, human hands and human legs. It lives in undersea. Qu Yuan said that it was Rugen in his poem Tianwen. Later, other people thought it was the beautiful “mermaid”. 11.4 Luyu (鯥魚) Luyu looks like cow and has a snake tail. Its wings are in its armpit. Its sound is like a yak. It lives on hillside. It is active in summer and hibernates in winter. If people eat it, they can prevent paralysis and swelling. 11.5 Chiru (赤鱬) Chiru looks like fish but has human head. Its sound is like a mandarin duck. If people eat it, they can prevent or cure scabies. 11.6 Feiwei (肥**[虫遺]) Feiwei looks like a snake. It has six feet and four wings. If it appears in a place, that place will have drought. It lives in *Dahuashan (大華山). 11.7 Wenyaoyu (文鰩魚) Wenyaoyu looks like a carp. It has fish body, bird wings, white head and red beak. It has pale strips on its body. It usually flies in the sky with other Wenyaoyu at night. It sound is like phoenix. Its meat tastes sour and sweet. If people eat it, their dementia can be cured. If people see it, it will be the sign of bumper harvest. 11.8 Weiyu (***[魚胃]魚) Weiyu looks like snake that has a narrow and long body. It has four legs and it likes eating fish. 11.9 Bangyu (蚌魚) Bangyu looks like turtle. It has two feet and fish tail. Its sound is like goat. It lives in the place between Yushui (禺水) and Zhaoshui (招水). 11.10 Luoyu (蠃魚) Luoyu has fish body but has bird wings. Its sound is like mandarin duck. If it appears in a place, that place will have serious flood. 11.11 Ranyiyu (冉遺魚) Ranyiyu has fish body and snake brain. Its eyes look like horse ears. It also has six feet. If people eat it, they can prevent having nightmare at night and also avoid evils. 11.12 Heluoyu (何羅魚) Heluoyu has only one head but ten bodies. Its sound is like dog barking. Rumors said that it is also able to transform into a bird called Xiujiu (休舊). If people eat its meat, they can cure paralysis and swelling. 11.13 Rubiyu (****[top如bottom魚]魮魚) Rubiyu looks like cauldron. It has bird head, fish fins and tail. Its sound is like beating chime stone. Rumors said that it is the sound when it generates pearl and jade. It lives in Lanshui (濫水). 11.14 Tiaoyu (鯈魚) Tiaoyu looks like chicken. Red furs cover on the whole body. It has three tails, six feet and four eyes. Its sound is like a magpie. If people eat its meat, they can forget sad things. 11.15 Xixiyu (鰼鰼魚) Xixiyu looks like magpie. It has ten wings. All scutes are on the tips of feathers. Its sound is also like a magpie. If people feed them, they can prevent fire disaster. If they eat it, they can prevent jaundice. 11.16 Zhangshe (長蛇) Zhangshe lives in *Daxianshan (大咸山). The furs on it look like those from pigs. Its sound is like people knocking a clapper. In ancient time, it is monster that will harm people. 11.17 Zaoyu (䲃魚) Zaoyu looks like a carp. It has chicken feet. If people eat it, they can cure skin tags. 11.18 Yiyu (鮨魚) Yiyu has fish body and dog brain. Its sound is like crying of baby. If people eat its meat, they can cure epilepsy. Rumors said that it is actually fur seal nowadays. 11.19 Renyu (人魚) Renyu looks like salamander. It has four feet. Its sound is like crying of baby. If people eat its meat, they can cure dementia. Someone thought it is actually equal to a salamander. 11.20 Tiaoyong (䖺䗤) Tiaoyong looks like snake. It has fish fins. When it comes out from water, its body will gleam. If it appears in rural town, there will be a serious drought. 11.21 Feiyi (肥遺) Feiyi has one head but two snake bodies. It lives in *Hunxishan (渾夕山). If it appears, serious drought will be in everywhere. 11.22 Gegeyu (鮯鮯魚) Gegeyu looks like carp but has six feet and bird tail. Its sound is like saying “ha ha”. It lives in billowy deep swamp. 11.23 Zhubieyu (珠蟞魚) Zhubieyu looks like a lobe of lung. It has four eyes and six feet. There are beads sticking on its feet. Its meat tastes sour and sweet. If people eat it, they can prevent plague. 11.24 Mingshe (鳴蛇) Mingshe looks like snake. It has four wings. Its sound is like beating rock. If it appears in a place, there will be serious drought. 11.25 Baoyu (薄魚) Baoyu looks like northern snakehead. It has only one eye. Its sound is like people vomiting. If it appears, everywhere will be serious drought. 11.26 Huayu (䱻魚) Huayu has fish body but also has a pair of bird wings. If it comes out from water, its body will gleam. Its sound is like mandarin duck. If it appears, everywhere will be serious drought. 11.27 Huashe (化蛇) Huashe has human face, jackal body and bird wings. It moves like snake. Its sound is like human bawling. If it appears in rural town, there will be serious flooding. 11.28 Feiyu (飛魚) Feiyu looks like piggy. It has red spots, little wings at the back and fish tail. If people eat it, they are not afraid of thunder and they can prevent turmoil caused by war. 11.29 Sanzugui (三足龜) Sanzugui is a turtle that only has three legs (two at the front and one at the back). If people eat it, they can prevent serious diseases and, cure paralysis and swelling. 11.30 Haoyu (豪魚) Haoyu looks like tuna. It has red mouth, red tail and red feathers. If people eat its meat, they can cure white ringworm. 11.31 Bashe (巴蛇) Bashe is a giant snake that can swallow an elephant easily. If it eats an elephant, it will only spit out the bones after three years. If a virtuous person eats its meat, he/she can prevent heart attack and gastrointestinal diseases. On its body, there are four kinds of colors, including green, red, yellow and black. 11.32 Yongyongyu (鱅鱅魚) Yongyongyu looks like yak. Its sound is like pig oink. Rumors said that it is a kind of thornfish. If people peel off its skin and hang it, when it is high tide, the furs on the skin will erect. When it is low tide, the furs will be flattened. Chapter 0 ended!
Protocol: Read Before You Proceed It is imperative that you read everything on this page before completing the application to serve. I value devotees who demonstrate attention to detail, who follow My protocol, and who respect My time. Submission is a privilege. No session will be booked with less than 48 hours notice. Adequate time is required to discuss Our mutual desires in scene thus ensuring an agreeable arrangement. - Foot Worship Only: $200/ hour - All Other Sessions: $250+/ hour - Public excursion followed by a session: $500+ - My personal play party submissive: $500 Rates are non negotiable. Some requests require additional tribute. Contact Me to discuss your session in detail and to receive an exact quote. An electronic deposit of $50 is required to hold your session once a time and date has been agreed upon by Both parties. The $50 deposit is deducted from the total tribute due upon arrival to your session. Deposits are non-refundable. Cancellations & Rescheduling Contact me as soon as possible if you must cancel or reschedule your session. You must reschedule at least 48 hours in advance to be able to transfer your deposit to your new appointment. Your new appointment must occur within one month of your current appointment. All sessions are hosted at a fully furnished, upscale dungeon in Chicago’s Logan Square neighborhood. The exact address will be provided once your session has been booked. Out call is not available. Public Play & Social Outings Public play is only allowed at appropriate venues, e.g. play parties, where the devotee has the privilege of accompanying Me as My personal subject. Devotees who want a more personalized experience may also opt to book a public excursion such as dinner or a shopping trip followed by a session. Public excursions are priced per hour. Vetting & Discretion You must submit at least one of the following forms of verification before an appointment can be made: a reference from another Domina, a public phone number, or employment verification (LinkedIn). I make no exceptions. If providing a reference from another Domina, you must provide specific information such as Her name and Her e-mail address. I’m not embarking on what amounts to a digital cryptid hunt for “blonde Mistress from New York” or “Unnamed Domme who sessioned at Such-and-Such establishment 10 years ago”. Very importantly, your information will never be shared, misused, or made public. Requested infomation is for vetting and verification purposes only. Discretion between Mistress and devotee is of the utmost importance; all information shared between Both parties is shared in confidence. With out mutual trust and respect, it is not possible to session. Application to Serve Be sure to include detailed information regarding your request.
Bruce Schneier talk about the NSA at MIT. [Published on 16 Feb 2014] Drawing from both the Snowden documents and previous whistleblowers testimonials, the lecture covers surveillance programs and how the NSA uses them. Bruce Schneier presentation focuses on the technical capabilities of the NSA, and leave the politics or legality of their actions behind. The discussion also explores the sorts of countermeasures needed to reverse the growing trend of loss of privacy. These will be techniques to raise the cost of wholesale surveillance in favour of targeted surveillance: ubiquitous encryption, target dispersal, anonymity tools, and more. Who is Bruce Schneier Bruce Schneier an internationally renowned security technologist, is the author of 12 books including; Liars and Outliers: Enabling the Trust Society Needs to Survive, as well as hundreds of articles, essays, and academic papers. His influential newsletter “Crypto-Gram” and blog “Schneier on Security” are read by over 250,000 people. Schneier is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, a program fellow at the New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute, a board member of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and an Advisory Board member of the Electronic Privacy Information Centre. He is also the Chief Technology Officer of Co3 Systems, Inc. A conversation with Bruce Schneier, hosted by Eben Moglen, at Columbia Law School NYC on December 12 2013, about what we can learn from the Snowden documents, the NSA’s efforts to weaken global cryptography, and how we can keep free software tools from being subverted. The talk was webcast live via the Internet Society Chapters Webcast Channel. My favorite part about the NSA story all the NSA document on the code names I the code names are pretty cool I think we don’t have enough code names in our life and we should really think about where we can use code names I give you a few other a muscular a muscular is an essay is programmed to collect Google and Yahoo user data by eavesdropping on the trunk lines between their data centers I this is done probably with the help of level Communications level was their provider for those trunk links a Level ‘s code-named I is one is our little thing as a general rule that if your data supplier has an essay code-named probably screwed from day one this is different from NASA’s program to collect cool in Yahoo user data byte me dropping on the links between the individual users in the web servers on this as many code names depending on which service prior you using which which to where the tap point is and we feel on them Fairview Blarney storm brewing ok star London we don’t know who they’re referring to those to a different from prism which is NASA’s program to collect cooling ya who use the data by asking the companies directly another interesting program %ah codename is quantum quantum is NASA’s program to do real time packet injection from the network so almost cap want you to be passive on now they are are more active this runs on something called turmoil and there some programs here quantum in search in search packets quantum cookie is does something that forces you just to divulge cookies to Deanna the anonymized people on to something else called Quantum hand we don’t know what that is much as some quantum programs up another thing really cool code name is Fox acid fuck Fox acid is known as an again if they called an exploit orchestrator I just think I’ve Metasploit with a budget and this is a server that sits on the neck that you are trick to visiting possibly throughout through a quantum insert and and export to serve to you code names I include validator United rake are know probably worse code-named ever egotistical giraffe me I think at the end of a lunch in the individual draft people sit in the corner while the fact that some people get the main table a one-shot the part a fox acid that determines which exploit you get is called ferret Canon action not making these up although there are several fight on the web that do make these up which is kinda neat are other implants you can get a black art mineralized Highlands vagrant are one night’s talk about my blog I yesterday was called somber native and its its coolness is that a jump their gaps it sits on computers not on the Internet turns the wireless honoree not paying attention send stuff over it and turned it off again a lot of code names for surveillance tools evil olive is the IP location database that kinda monitors wherever on the planet is about a cell phone a lot so their analysis tools are we see Marino we sippin whale main way X ke score a bunch of others unimportant code name is boron Bull Run is the NSA’s program to deliberately subvert the security I love products protocols standards that we all use there’s a lot me no one’s done a code name database yet but we’ve seen hundreds %uh the main takeaway is that the NSA’s turn the Internet into a giant surveillance platform and this surveillance platform is robust is robust politically legally and technically why I started by listing different ways the NSA has it getting at Google and Yahoo user data using three different alliances with companies three different technical means an access and three different legal authorities and that kinda robustness is not an exception by the same is gonna be true for cell phone data for Internet data and everything else I we’re seeing in public is in the NSA continues to lie about its capabilities and a lot of this is hiding behind tortured image interpretations of words like elect or incidentally or target or directed I we see a lot of the same program cloaked in multiple code names to hide what they’re doing and whenever someone testifies the NSA is not something is not being done under this program or under this authority in guarantee you it is done under some other program or someone other authority my dad is a there’s a lot of sharing between organizations and this really has to come out very much now we’re seeing the NSA documents but a lot is shared with the CIA FBI in our Odea other five ice countries at i is is a US UK Canada Australia New Zealand kinda rich English language speaking countries club know what we’re seeing some attacks we’re seeing insa sharing day with DEA in telling a lie about it the terms call parallel construction we’re seeing summit the NSA devices for for faking cell phone towers and and grabbing a cell phone data very similar to stingray which the FBI’s program probably the same technology and fundamentally the NSA’s mission is to collect everything and you see those shorts the slogans permeating the documents collected all know it all exploited all in these are what the agency is trying to do and you see it in so the far-flung reaches in the programs programs to collect are internet data from airplanes I programs to collect the chat conversations in virtual world maybe not that’s relation to see the mentality at its most extreme that there can be little pockets upon clicking communication and and to understand that you really have to understand the NSA’s history where that mentality comes from and the NSA was born during the Cold War where r through a voyeuristic interest in the Soviet Union was normal that’s what we did and we collected a lot of data it something useful on a bit not a lot that depended on whether to tackle her sister t-check Lily a lot here learn the capabilities in the new Soviet tank that is to pick up or communism right ones a lot more tactical and mister ubiquitous collection mentality really should I did the cold war but I got a new lease on life get the shit ember because that’s when the intelligent agencies got an impossible mission never again make sure this never happens again and if you think about it if you’re given that goal a making sure something never happens the only way you can’t possibly achieve that is to know everything that does happen and when the enemy change from the Soviet Union over there to the terrorists in this room the giant I A which was looking over there now have to look everywhere and that looking everywhere has been aided by by technology i buy the natural trends about it. and fundamentally data is a byproduct of the information society everything we do on a computer creates a transaction record and so data becomes a byproduct all the internet age socialization we do because everything we do is increasingly mediated by computers and this data is increasingly so restored an increase in a searchable and this is just more law buy data storage drops to free data processing drops to free and becomes easier to save everything in the figure out what to say and the result is were all leading digital footprints everywhere in our life may cloud computing exacerbates this and it has a lot of certain natural properties have come out wholesale surveillance I follow everybody we’ve been possible before surveillance backwards in time follow that guy last month I did the death for the femoral conversation systems that never forget may need something i think is gonna change our society enormously have a really grappled with and none on this is a result on now I’m now say by his part addition just the way computers work so the result is a public-private surveillance partnership and is a fundamental Alliance business and corporate interests and we have built systems that spy on people in exchange for services right surveillance is the business model and the Internet an allotted NSA surveillance piggybacks on corporate survey looks whether it’s getting internet cookies whether it’s using your cell phone as a tracking device either directly up because you have a GPS or through the cell tower or through ap set transmit location up the code name for that one is called Happy what tako danger cool I and everything else is the combination over collection and covert collection which is also came from a cold war me it was pretty often we would go to US companies and say hey you know you’re getting truck communications know what’s up act we we wanna access to them we also had a tap undersea cables in the soviet union cuz we couldn’t ask them nowadays over collection is complex right we see cooperation a AT&T can you jump in everything share purchase stuff in the closet over there don’t tell anybody we see bribery we see threats we see compulsion I’d this is truly the Golden Age our surveillance because everything we do is now serve a little by and it’s not only meta-data I think this is one another the biggest PR losses we got on the president said it’s only met actually show he says he said twice don’t worry nobody’s listening to your phone calls I hate the fact that he’s using the word listening twice in use reporting transcribing analyzing reading I don’t know but it kinda bothers me you like you are listening netted eight equals surveillance medicine easy thought experiment imagine you hire private active to eavesdrop on somebody that detective will put a bug in is nice car his home his office you get a report and the conversation she had US that’s a detective put under surveillance you get a different report where he went who we spoke to what he read when he purchased when he looked at right that tormented fundamentally myd equals surveillance data and in a lot of ways meta data is much more important conversation contact you learn a lot more about what’s going on from the surveillance data in from the east dropping their something that hasn’t talked about much are they are the analysis tools the NSA has some really sophisticated Altis tools going through this data %uh the good example of this was the Washington Post article on the cellphone location database and they had a few examples so the NSA look to this day to day to day basis for everybody’s movements around the world and they look for pairs are people coming to keep coming near each other turning their phones off and then turn their phones on to get an hour later going way for each other I they look a secret meetings they know the phone numbers I love US agents overseas and they look for phones that are roughly tracking their location look for people had of web tails on are they look for for anonymous phones that get turned on mutual while turned off another phone is turned on in the same place in use for a while look for burner France my and that’s just one database your last week are we so ray research project from the UConn the Canadian an essay from some with the job title tradecraft developer which we should all aspire to and he’s looking at at IP data I’ll people’s loggins and geolocation data IP addresses and trying to tell I if an airport looks like a hotel or office right L Davidson what the IP address was and then if you can find people who don’t want to be found based on who’s logging in where intruding into airport turns out my shop in much the same research and patented it and I schorr where this all stands now but there’s a lot on this and unfortunately a public debate tends to focus on particular collection I dove a rise in cell phone calling record database but it’s never that right its Verizon meta data plus contactless collection from plus a very some data mining techniques orchard drones with cameras plus face recognition plus Facebook tag for a database and anaphase location tracking I love up phones Mikey you start looking putting the things together any she’s in very sophisticated analysis and hopefully more stories about that I another thing this is actually not just about the n/a site or really just even about the US right the US has a very prudent privileged position on the Internet but this is really about general techniques I we get this extraordinary window into the NSA’s activation a stone documents but none in this is something any well-funded nation-state adversary would not do right there the techniques in quantum are pretty much how China runs the Great Firewall I Russia Syria Iran use a lot of these techniques and remember technology spreads today’s NSA programs become tomorrow’s PhD theses the next day’s hacker tools I’d show when we see be a lot easier to say programs what we’re seeing is a three to five year window at the criminals are going to do n/a waterways that fundamentally is the harm I knew we had built an insecure internet for everyone we basically enable the panopticon right all the losses a freedom and liberty and individuality that come with that you know we now have a complete loss of trust in technology and protocols in the institutions that govern the Internet lotta corporations that provide cloud services or infrastructure equipment now unfortunately their allotted details we don’t know these documents are NSA only I don’t think is a thing on US Cyber Command and they are salient only I see nothing on CommSec and company names are very very rare now that prism slide the list the company names we’re all excited because we see company names like the only one a lot of things company names are hidden behind code names and these code names are classified ECRI extremely compartment the deformation near as I can tell that means are not written down so in a lotta cases we’re just not going to know who is compromised how their compromised we just don’t know that a lot of things are compromised yeah in some ways this is might be better if we knew the names we get just chase yesterday’s problems rather than working on tomorrow solutions and really we have a choice we can build an internet that is vulnerable to all attackers for dinner that is secure for all users I basically we have made surveillance too cheap for fill the solution is to make inexpensive again noted that some good news bad news here it is first interview are after he became public and which known talked about it and he talked he said from encryption a set encryption works properly implemented strong cryptosystems or what are the one thing or what are one of the few things that you can rely on and this is an important lesson crypt under feet works by this is the lesson at NASA’s attempt to break tour NSA can’t break to or and it pisses them off this is the lesson I love the NSA’s program to collect up contact list for the backbone I if you look at their art collection data they cloaked in about ten times the data data from Yahoo there from Google which seems odd because Google made at ten times as large as ya ho but at the time Google used SSL by default and ya who did not so is a much more fruitful avenue of attack right this is a lesson that muscular there’s a great hand-written back in the napkin diagram in the moscow presentation which points to the point where the SSL has been removed so the data can be great cryptography works the MathWorks up unfortunately the next sentence a wince known as reply to a question is an equally important unfortunately endpoint security is so terrifically week that the NSA can frequently find ways around it item after works but Matt has no agency it’s the stuff around the map that is most vulnerable now we do know there exist some piece of crap analysis for the NSA Haus me some peace right we we know this we can guess this because they make a huge investor the mathematics the base we hire the top percent to the country’s mathematicians every year presumably they doing something and enough a document called the Black budget which was also released in August are there’s an introduction by the Director of National Intelligence James clapper and there was one sentence in it and the sentence kinda just went there on a contact so I’ll give it to you I think the words are important we are investing in groundbreaking crypt analytic capabilities to defeat adversarial could talk for free and exploit internet track so that quote doesn’t sound like we’ve hired a bunch a really smart math guys are hoping to get lucky that quote sounds like we’ve got something it’s on the enjoy love engineering practicality and we’re working to build on the massive supercomputer the big memory array the huge interconnection project but nothing we need now we don’t know what that is I have forget this at three but some chechen fourth the first elliptic curves it is a lot American elliptic curves added it’s reasonable to assume that there exists some pretty good crypt analytic techniques inside the NSA that are now outside that either a exploit occurs in general or some unknown to us class elliptic curves we do know that the NSA is attempted to influence curb selection ice that points to that the second is some general advances in factoring run if you look at the academic world factor in gets cheaper factor attend here factor to their factor there Houston the NSA is years had to say the art you to plot the curb and see where they are might probably plausible I third possibility is rc RC force a stream cipher in a fire under their ass to long time ago and it is just on the edge a break ability it’s a beautifully designed site for that we just can’t break but feel like we should be able to in their like im going to lock the reasons why plausible that they have something very commonly used on the lastest some %ah technique to exploit better in a red band random number generators a lot a better image enters out there you can explain when I can do very well and that’s the sort of thing might mean want some large engineering project to build the computing system to the hardware parallel system to do that right but we still we know that most could talk for free gives the NSA trouble at least at scale rightmost how the NSA break script out is by getting around it bad implementations default or we keys sabotaging standards the liberal insuring back doors and products or are as it’s known export Trading keys actual trading equal stealing but we do know that there is a key they wont my son default VPN key that’s being used by this circuit they wanna listen to go and get right stole mostly the NSA relies on on a cryptid steam streams to track right internet data that’s not a cryptid cloud services are in a cryptid cell phone data cell phone meta-data other third-party data right so here’s the problem again we’ve made it too easy to do ball collection where we want is is cal the targeted access operations unit that we want well we don’t want is bull run so the solution is here are are very if they’re complicated and I think that’s necessarily so i the problem is complicated and it’s going to include government self corrections tactical countermeasures legal countermeasures international cooperation adding a major shift and how we think about security privacy globally I thought talk about those one at a time source of Corrections inside the NSA but amazingly as it may seem the NSA had no contingency plans for all their secrets being leaked it took them what six weeks to get a PR firm with the proper clearance to get there messages out i mean that they fix pack but it really is surprising and the political cost-benefit analysis is changed by the political blowback from the NSA surveillance abroad has been enormous and this will limit what the NSA does I politically is a fundamental changing nature secrecy going on i think is a major generation gap here maine use to be when you join Intelligence Agency you were picked from college you enter the club you were there for life is kinda like the movies you taken a to care for you to care for them that kinda love quid pro quo doesn’t exist in a world of contractors it’s known in to work for the NSA he worked for a contractor you know job security a Chelsea Manning was on a four-year tour and these people are looking at this relationship very differently then a career NSA analyst I and the NSA’s gonna have to incorporate the risk exposure into what they’re doing and I have to assume that everything they do will become public in three to five years and that’s important could have Snowden told us the NSA spying on North Korea and the Taliban nobody would care so we wish Brian on belger or I get to the UK with spying on Belgium which is like Connecticut spying on the Braska rightness risk analysis changes I think there are going to be self corrections inside government now this effect in this a bow collection is being challenged the last two NASA directors general alexander and it before in general high in were both believe in collect everything but there is a contrary belief that this isn’t effective and their fundamental limitations on intelligence this collect everything mentality might not be the smartest their self correction going on inside corporations pain use to be cooperating with the NSA was cost free because the NSA assured you nobody would ever no and now nobody believes that so we’re seeing a lot more fighting back and the public opinion is very much against companies that are cooperating specially overseas we’ve seen lots a public announcement some loss of sales Cisco IBM the Cloud Security Alliance AT&T all talk about losses sales because Ms by there now lobbying for more openness because they need the world to trust them with their data makes reputation matters here a lot which means you gonna get a lot less cooperation and we know Yahoo for a court case and what where we’re happy pick for that so LinkedIn there a lot of technical things to be done me fundamentally the NSA might have a larger budget than every other intelligent Asian the world combined but they are not made of magic night so our goal should be to leverage the economic the physics the math make eavesdropping more expensive whenever girl in a targeted collection we don’t know enough to build computers that are secure from a targeted attack but we can build protocols that a secure against ball collection summit this is redesigning protocols ubiquitous encryption on the internet with solve a lot of this quitting the backbone becomes important I provide real security as both attacks provide cover travel with those idiots they live Warren Christian in the cloud I better forward secrecy week I don’t know what to do here we have to do it me redesigning somehow products and services to build security and unusable securities heart no less than a twenty years a PGP -click encryption is a one-click is too much but we have counter acting lessons from Sunoco TR really easy to use powerful chat caption program or a full disk encryption very easy to use no latency me or even notice it by some were endpoint security more clout encryption especially on phones better anonymity tools better integrated at any tools more open standards more open source for this is the stuff is harder to subvert not impossible but harder target dispersal they were way more secure with a hundred thousand ISP’s that when there are simply because there are more targets and the lab I left one is my hardest is assurance I we need the ability to test whether a program does what we think it does and nothing else anything along the laws those line to be incredibly valuable it is a lot we can do technically but largely I think this is a political problem and it’s a difficult political problem we are now past the point where simple legal interventions can help maybe look at some other things the president is proposing they focus on particular collection programs particular authorities it’s too late for that and the systems are way too robust but we sure don’t know what the political solution kinda looks like I transparency oversight accountability this is fundamentally how we secure ourselves when we have to give institutions power over us and problem is that law some lag technology I’m a quote from from general hide game this coat after he was charge the NSA butter into really good one ace talking about capabilities and that the NSA follows the law and that’s what he says he says given me the box you will allow me to operate in I’m gonna play the very edges up that box which is something you’d probably expect agency to do tell me the rules and I’ll follow them to the absolute limit and the problem here is that technology country makes the box bigger sold the laws here now don’t cover all that new area and the NSA russia’s Philip because their way faster than the loss so the best the best we can do is make laws that attack largely invariant and I we can think up some other bylaws preventing ball collection ammunition Americans in laws prohibiting the NSA from delivered the weakening security products and services again the problem here is robustness but of course it even if we do succeed here reining in the NSA only affects United States it’s probably impossible right now that we’re getting laws passed that protect non-us persons certainly anything we do doesn’t affect the actions of other countries made a friendly or not and you care this argument occasionally if you rain in the NSA then China will do it and China will win and that’s fundamentally an arms race argument and is a zero-sum game here it’s us versus them it’s not us it’ll be there that is a fundamentally flawed frame and we will never solve this as long as we’re in that frame we actually need to get governments to realize that a secure internet is an everyone’s best interest and it doesn’t matter what China does we need to secure the Internet good with that doesn’t turn zero-sum game into a positive sum game you have laws in treated to support that you technology to support the laws you have laws in technology deal with not complain actors state actors non-state actors it doesn’t solve the problem I turns into anyone those other really hard problems like money laundering or nuclear nonproliferation are human trafficking or small arms trafficking but at least in those we all know where we’re headed I would not be able to solve the problem we can know where the solution is smelled a special place looks like we aren’t even up to that point with surveillance but we can do this the NSA has a dual mission it was from the cold war protect our communications attack their communications works really well when ours and theirs were different works less well when Arsene there’s the same when we both use microsoft windows and TCP IP in PDF files Ryan Dell hardware right that dual mission was very unbalanced after / an e rebalanced my me again the surveillance here’s robust it’s politically robust it’s legally robust is technically robust and we need to solve this not just for the NSA but for everybody other governments cybercriminals rogue actors but we have to believe that a secure internet is vital to our society in the near term I don’t think we’re gonna win the stop doing this argument I did the best we can do right now is the tell us what you’re doing argument but eventually I do think we’re gonna win the protecting is more important any shopping and that just because everyone else is building a national line we shouldn’t do it too and if you think about it this problem is bigger than surveillance this is fundamentally a problem about data about data sharing about surveillance is a business model about the final benefits a big data personal risk for personal data and we have a lot on those issues I behavioral data for advertising I Health Day i think is the cleanest formulation if we took the medical data everybody in the country put in a large database the research benefits would be an enormous yet it’s incredibly personal how do we do that and mean that the same thing we see with Google Maps maybe let Google surveilling you everybody they’ll give you better traffic data you can get home faster yet hey this appealing everybody it this problem comes up again and again how do we design systems that benefit society as a whole while the same time protecting people individually so I think this issue is the fundamental issue the information inside this is the one that we will struggle with solving for decades this is the one that our grandchildren look back at us how bad we were at solving it and this is the one that’s important and we have to start thank you here somehow they take questions there’s a microphone there there’s a microphone there and people will stand behind them and not hold up their hands like that I will call on them one after the other and we will have minutes %uh find Questions is expert in MIT ever been with that question for you herbal was leaking documents am I knew this was the blackberry head given the NSA difficulty when they started putting their traffic and Skype was also to confer immunity to break a rule to break the bush communications but not the text via video communications I notice also the regenerator PGP key after you for seeing the documents before been RCA’s was a for those bit RC subkey but you kept this Jenner default am excuse me algorithms in the PDP set so my question is given it suggested there some kinda differential attack against metre key cryptography this person on plane test texter statistically based do you really trust des AES in your PGP key I trust as and very much I so I don’t believe there are those cabal attacks think primarily what’s going on are Rd fourth I’m not having access to the keys badelain tations that has not been there the math does fundamentally work I think this is a big issue because there’s a lot of utility out there as a lot of no we can’t do anything so why bother we have to fight that and there’s a lot we can do and fundamentally I think pgp works and I i moved it to the highest default because why not driving them out care about the latency when encrypting email sold her does it’s prudent to do that but I do not believe they’re they’re breaking tripled as and breaking as on the fly I think I just don’t think the math I don’t mess a port that based I there my name’s Peter Rainer GM from MIT a question about National Security Letters so this but on this discussion about whether I corporations are permitted to report on the number vessels they received in the number that they complied with my question is this is there any reason why we should believe that corporations are being served with an S l’s and not simply their employees behind their managers backs if I’m running in it for me in information company I’m running an Internet company how can I even trust my employees not to hand over my you know certs to the NSA under an SL so that’s true it’s so I’m less worried about NFL’s I think they are sent through the front door but I actually the NFL’s are just legal cover for the essay got the date already somewhere else and they want that process to make it more legal para la I wouldn’t worry much more about individual engineers cooperating that if someone comes to you as a patriotic employees up got some company and says hey look this is going on obviously you want to help the mine you’re just turning on this main sport and looking the other way and you do it and you nobody knows I’m mucho worried about collusion at low levels than I am with Neil compulsion to level I think once you’re doing legal compulsion it goes to the legal office and that’s my guess but II that is a worry I worry about with with the more informal ways of cooperating you know %ah why don’t you just the you know put this mask on the ID and don’t tell anybody or early get over here and don’t tell anybody right at that time a bit much easier to do without anybody’s approval plea is there any reason to be concerned that on like a piecemeal effort to secure some he’s a data will actually draw more attention to their data you know like if I encrypt only one email to like one particular person then is that worse than simply sending in cleartext so it’s better or worse right we do know that the NSA does flag and shave encrypt the data because it’s not much in it seem as though say that all could you might find useful Sunday right you might get the key somehow so yes using encryption does flag you which is why I think the solution is not to not use at their discretion to use it for you to use encryption you provide cover for those who need it and that’s a good thing but we do know that using encryption is a flag yes my name is Lee Nikki cm from Harvard Law School and we similarly have discussions about anything what to do about it but they’re completely devoid any technical knowledge about what’s actually going on and I’m curious if you think that there should be a push a mine lawyers and policy makers who are interested in this and discussion to inform themselves a bit or if we should just work on their transparency oversight general quality of solutions and my Mitu people think about other stuff change you know I think the more techies impossible to talk to each other the better tech and that a policy we get a and this makes it hard understanding these issues is difficult very technical and I don’t think we can craft policy without understanding how these systems work how robust they are i think is critical and in general we get better tech policy if policy people understand tech mean it just works out that way I’m chuck on I work at Nuance Communications on when you talked about the big four things you think the NSA might have a sleeve house price didn’t mention quantum computing do you think there any closer to building wind and universities are now II require computing I mean that the media went to town over this i think is largely media going to town no I me I’m me of course the NSA has a research arm doing this link why wouldn’t they and they have reached on everything but now I I don’t think wanna get his anything to worry about in in our lifetimes may eventually share but it nowhere near near-term I don’t get any closer now I you measure saying line before you got there enough hi I’m a Alex Marty them the national charity restore the forge a coalition I am works do you think that is part all the short term legal efforts to constrain the USA it would be useful for Congress to pass the USA freedom act the main anything reform bill so I think the freedom act does some useful things I think in the general scheme of things is largely irrelevant on my fear is Congress passes it passes on the back and goes home but it is something and I think it is worth doing it’s really worth doing for the statement that acts there are excesses IDX so yes now I am in favor it but kinda reluctantly and then I’ll go there okay Peter when we have our say on curious up restraining we’ve heard a lot about what the indices doing arm from stone leaks and so on and so forth but the fact is every intelligence service and world news does this for wants to do this we’re trying to do this arm I find myself wondering if full legal constraints are really the appropriate thing to spend our efforts on rather than trying to work on technical solutions that make it so the couldn’t gather today to start with rather than just reading doing so may I think we have to do both if we just a technical if we just approach is technically we run the very real risk the NSAC sends webcam company a secret letter saying don’t implement that correctly and we’re stock at some deep hardware level right hey Intel no break your number generator in this way that we just described that’s impossible to find out I really think both have to work together that you need tech because yes there always will be bad actors but you need policy because policy can always Cybertech and nothing will be perfect but I’m trying to build a resilient system that is hard to subvert from either action well that’s good cuz at the moment if you like in a very septic environment computing lies it’s pretty bad out there please i am. question article I read buddy you’re goin’ wired before the snowed in revelations I seem to recall the article talking about the bottle facilities in Yutan and some there is some speculation that going back to you too early about possible grimly breakthroughs there there may be some to be going on at Oakridge an enemy be harnessing Bluffdale to decent makes a break the as the nose on TV anything to save about so we don’t know about the facility in a lot to be learned been in calculating how big they are and became capacity based on a square footage based on power requirements its own indirectly trying to our figure out what they are my guess is is there giant storage and analysis facilities that they’re less breaking things and more analyzing a massive trove on the crib today there goes through their doors every millisecond and that should therefore we don’t know been there certainly could be part to that that are doing something then script analysis when we really just speculating active clerk are you made the distinction between surveillance and eavesdropping which i think is a very important distinction and you’re talking a lot about encrypting data which actually gets at the issue love he’s dropping this gigantic massive unencrypted data but I agree with your point that the surveillance or traffic analysis in one framework is a incredibly revealing thing is I think about the architecture the Internet in the architecture the underlying layers the cell system the cellular system and so forth it’s really hard to understand how bring crypto to bear to bury some other basic facts like where I am and so forth so when you begin to think about redesigning networks to reduce the the revelations associated with meta-data they have some serious about the right way to go at that were how weak and how we can bring basic tools like crypto to bears to solve that cuz Indian decryption as you understand that but then is all this black underneath and other asian problem and i think is less crypto and more designing protocols to be more peer to peer maybe we should learn this for file sharing good have centralized file-sharing system we can have a peer to peer system that is more resilient to attack I it means some stuff I think you never get away from and myself on have to know where I am the ways you can’t give me phone calls by but is there some way design that so that the home network doesn’t know that maybe just on locally up some other the meta data is could be in cryptid the the data that’s cent up from on my phone acts which we know the NSA is granting location date another thanks that kinda stuff can be equipped so that I like a sitting week adequate many acres is not needed in the network some stuff we can’t and I’m hoping that with some smart redesign we can minimize or and not in my eyes the meta-data we can’t encrypt alleged a quick follow-up yes the disadvantages peer to peer is that it reveals that I’m talking to you a countervailing argument could be that if we have a secure server in the center of the net and we somehow believe that that’s resistant to attack then I talk to the server you talk to the survey all the NSA knows everybody talks to the server so it’s not clear to me that peer to peer actually Asia reduces the the that the traffic analysis remains and doing it properly is fundamentally the weight or works read a lot to servers and so I I think this is I don’t have answers here but my guess is they’re smart redesign we can do some taking out last question and that there just a couple quick ones just broadly do you think snowed in as a traitor & lexer on the whole so I’m I I really I really dislike the question grace many with fundamentally were in the middle of it and I think that question will be for history to decide okay that no way that in the middle when we don’t know the outcome this everything what are the outcomes I love this public debate I when the outcomes are these ik these and SAXS is are I I will they be determined to be legal or not tell history decide their legal I what he did was was very was very individually moral and he fundamentally betrayed the NSA because he added he felt he had a greater allegiance to the nation as a whole and that’s a very powerful argument and I am right now I agree with it but I don’t think you the answer question for another dozen years okay and its it you know it’s an important one in the media but I’m much more interested in the documents then the moral history of how they came in front of me okay and then just one through a follow-up given did I mean everyone hears clearly very interested in this topic in passionate about security its a limited part applies for the general public %um a message that you know you would recommend we take to our friends and colleagues on why we should care why we should go towards encryption and do something that probably people have never even heard of to make the internet better for everyone else and this is a hard question and I think up if we fail to be right there that the counter are you can arm its easy by terrorists will kill your children that’s the argument anything about that argument is is it stops all rational conversation me I can discuss the in Africa see a ball collection I could discuss the expense both and money in Liberty’s in our legal system in our economic system I can talk about the abuses and the harms like I’m at a loss a privacy but those are all pretty theoretical against terrorists will kill your children, I really think that it’s going to take some years before the craziness of / for their subsides that we can look at this rationally are the the counter-argument to fear isn’t on the ability made that we are stronger than this that we are better than this that we don’t have to sit stoop to this kind of stuff I did we can respect our laws our country our liberty is our ideals and still beat the bad guys that we don’t have to subvert everything that we that we hold order to beat them the store hard targets I had the the good arginine be making it left to right center so anyone in communications shower Kiana thank you very much
Paranormal Study Reference Articles March brought us a lot of paranormal articles. The content was quite varied, and we hope that some of the articles below on topics like Time Travelers, the Nazi Bell, Subjective Reality, Flying Witches, Military UFO Research, Communication with the Dead and many other Fortean forays will be of keen interest to you in your studies. You can see prior monthly news roundups by clicking here. Read more, always. Each soul will feel and know itself to be immortal, will feel and know that the entire universe with all its good and with all its beauty is for it and belongs to it forever.– Richard Bucke, M.D.; Cosmic Consciousness What It Felt Like to Almost Die (Medium): The author recounts her experience of near death. According to the author, the doctor who treated her said she should not be alive after the pulmonary embolism she had. During her experience and afterwards, she realized something: life is too precious not to live it and when death comes, there is nothing to fear. New Quantum Physics Experiment Suggests That Reality Isn’t Objective (Science Alert): In an interesting experiment conducted recently by physicists, it has been demonstrated through the use of lasers, a beam splitter and six photons that two independent analyses of a photon can be perceived as either a particle or a wave. So, in short, a scientist can observe a photon differently than another scientist looking at the same photon. The same reality is subjective to the observer’s gaze; two people can see different “reality” different. Since this is now demonstrated scientifically, is there such a thing as reality? Some Humans Can Sense Earth’s Magnetic Field, Fascinating Experiment Suggests (Gizmodo): In an interesting experiment, 34 volunteers were subjected to an hour-long experiment multiple times. The volunteers were in a darkened and isolated Faraday Cage. The cage also included three devices that changed the direction of the magnetic field. The volunteers’ brain waves were measured via an EEG. Interestingly, not a single volunteer felt a shift of the magnetic field, but the EEG showed a corollary response in alpha wave activity when the field was shifted. We know that animals have a response to the magnetic field (dogs align themselves on a north/south access when defecating; birds use magnetite-receptors in birds beaks allow for accurate migration patterns), but this has never been demonstrated in humans before. Science history: The Man Attempting to Merge Physics and the Paranormal (Cosmos): Nobel Laureate Brian Josephson has dedicated decades of his life trying to understand psi abilities in relation to quantum physics. He believes that his work on this topic is more culturally significant than his Nobel Prize winning work, and unfortunately, it has caused him to be shunned by several of his colleagues. Scientists Reveal a Multidimensional Universe Inside the Brain (Curiosmos): Recent experimentation revealed that the human brain can build objects in up to eleven different dimensions through neuron layering. This was first modeled through a computer and then reified through physical experimentation. Past the third dimension, we can only view these multi-dimensional structures as a black hole because we are not capable of physically seeing past the third dimension. There are currently paths of research questioning whether thoughts originate and/or are stored in these black holes – there are billions of these structures present in the brain. ‘Flying Witch’ Reported over Turtle Creek near Darien, Wisconsin (Singular Fortean): In yet another cryptid encounter close to Lake Michigan, a witness saw a Flying Witch at treetop level that glided down towards her car almost causing a collision. This “witch” had large bat-like wings that did not flap and a body that was a brownish color. Mexico is typically known for flying witch sightings and reports of these cryptids are very rare in the upper Midwest. The American Bestiary: The Most Famous Mythical Creature of Every US State, Illustrated (CNU Holdings): A wonderful breakdown of cryptids by state. Rather than lean on crytpids that have sightings in multiple states, like Bigfoot, this article leans more upon cryptids that are unique to each state. Boat’s Collision with ‘Marine Creature’ Leaves 87 Injured (CNN): A brief article describing how a high-speed boat in the waters outside northwest Japan left dozens of people injured. The creature is unidentified, and no injured sea life has been located as a result. Godzilla references aside, no one saw the creature and if it were a whale, there would’ve been evidence of a whale present. Winged Humanoid Abducts Eyewitness in Rolling Prairie, Indiana (Phantoms and Monsters): A recounting of a first-hand abduction case in 1969 where a large bipedal winged cryptid abducted a boy. This was witnessed by the grandmother as well. The boy was brought back and left on the roof of their trailer. “According to Chapman University’s Survey of American Fears, more than 20 percent of Americans believe Bigfoot is real, the same number who believe the Big Bang actually happened. More startling is that the belief is spreading: “Americans have become seven percent more likely to believe in Bigfoot in only two years,” the survey reports.”– William Giraldi, American Monster American Monster (Medium): This article penned by a skeptic casts a dim light on cryptozoology through using Bigfoot as the seminal example. The author goes over the vast history of Bigfoot and the article serves as a great primer for those who may not know all the lore surrounding America’s favorite cryptid. Why Many of Our Appalachian Ancestors Believed in Fairies (Appalachian Magazine): This article examines the belief in little people in the Appalachian Mountains and mirrors it to the belief in Fae Folk as espoused by the Scots-Irish, the predominant group to settle the Appalachians. Looking through Appalachian history, there are numerous examples of native lore and local legends of encounters with these fairies. The Possession of Anneliese Michel: Real Audio from the Rease Case (Paranormal Hauntings): The possession of Anneliese Michel is one of the more well-known cases of demonic possession. Anneliese was a devout Catholic born in Germany in 1952. She had deteriorating health issues starting at the age of 16. At 21, she began to hear knocking, voices and demonic faces. So, in 1974, the evaluation for an exorcism began which took place in August 1975. There were six demons present that would not leave, she demonstrated stigmata on both hands, spoke in foreign languages. She lost weight no matter how much food she consumed and cried out that she was in constant pain. On July 1, 1976, less than a year before the first exorcism, Anneliese died at 23 years of age. She had endured 67 exorcisms over the 11 months, some were up to four hours in length. This case garnered international attention because her priests would not allow her medical attention and as a result may have been responsible for her death. Her story was fictionalized and retold in the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose. The videos below contain some exorcism audio from her case. From Shadow People to the Philadelphia Experiment Part 1 (Mysterious Universe): Author of all things Fortean, Nick Redfern, recounts an insider story told to him about the Philadelphia Experiment. The insider lays claim to see Navy documents while in the service regarding the Philadelphia Experiment. During the experiment, the exact nature of which was not revealed by the insider, but the result of the experiment was astounding. The veil was lifted, and the sailors saw into another dimension that included Men in Black, Women in Black, Shadow Figures and more. This was apparently the moment that the existence of the Men in Black was discovered. From Shadow People to the Philadelphia Experiment Part 2 (Mysterious Universe): In a follow-up to part 1, Redfern relates how he received an original military document on his welcome mat a couple days later regarding Microwave Techniques at Norfolk Harbor in 1943, the year of the Philadelphia Experiment in Norfolk Harbor. The document had no stamps on it and was hand delivered. Monsters Outside: Encounters with Shadow People (Michigan’s Otherside): This article consists of a story of two shadow people and contains a photo. The photo is convincing when the contrast is adjusted. Is Death Just a Different Form of Consciousness? (Psychology Today): While this article certainly does not answer the question posed in the headline, it does shine a light on the work of Dr. Edgar Mitchell and how he became interested in the fields of Psi and consciousness. 6 Reasons To Stop Using the Word “Shaman” (Patheos): In a linguistically charged article, the author outlines how the term ‘shaman’ is only indigenous to one tribe in Siberia. The author includes several other arguments to make the point that ‘shaman’ is not a catch-all term nor should it be. The Inscrutable Madame Blavatsky: An Interview with Gary Lachman (New Dawn Magazine): Gary Lachman has been a tour de force authority on esoteric topics through publishing several scholarly books over the last few decades. In this interview, Lachman speaks to his knowledge of HP Blavatsky, a figure whose work is featured in our free library. Meet the Young People who Believe they’re Communicating with the Dead (BBC): A well-thought out profile piece of a medium and a few select individuals who attend readings. The article goes deeper into the burgeoning spiritualist industry and how more persons, especially millennials, are embracing spirituality as way to communicate with the dead. How the Increasing Belief in Extraterrestrials Inspires Our Real World (VICE): Technopreneurs who have been quite influential are mentioned in this article. If you are readily familiar with ufology, the names of John E. Mack and Jacques Vallee should be tangentially known. They are mentioned in this article. So is MIT Professor Rizwan Vick, who posits that we live in a game controlled by AI. There are major technology influencers who are mentioned as well. What do they have in common? The inspiration for their work is due in part to belief in extraterrestrials. McDermott: The Apparent Decline of UFO Culture is for the Best. Still, We’ll Miss E.T. (St. Louis Post-Dispatch): In a hard turn towards skepticism, this column suggests that because Ufology has yet to have a White House Lawn moment, then belief in UFO’s is misplaced. The column attempts to relate the downturn in sightings to a decline in UFO culture. Are We In A ‘Galactic Zoo’ Protected by Aliens? Scientists Meet to Investigate The ‘Great Silence’ (Forbes): Recently, scientists from the fields of astrophysics, biology, sociology, psychology and history met for their bi-annual meeting in Paris, France. These are members of METI, Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence, and they gather to assess efforts to contact intelligent life in the universe. It is estimated that there are 50 billion exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy. This article is a great read due to explanations about both the Zoo Hypothesis and the Quarantine Hypothesis regarding alien communication with humanity. ‘Alien in my backyard:’ The UFO Community Still Believes — and Science is Starting to Listen (Orlando Sentinel): In a broad spectrum article, this piece covers everything from an individual close encounter account, the Hill abduction case, AATIP and MUFON in an attempt to figure out why people still believe in the UFO phenomenon. Disclosure Deja Vu: Befroe Tom DeLonge’s TTSA there was Joe Firmage’s INTERNASA (Daily Grail): In a fascinating historical parallel, several comparisons are drawn between Tom DeLonge and Joe Firmage. Firmage was another wealthy person of influence who believed in UFO’s and wanted to spread the truth. Dr. Hal Puthoff Address to the SSE/IRVA Conference, Las Vegas, 8 June 2018 (Paradigm Research Group): This article contains the text of famed physicist and ufologist Dr. Hal Puthoff’s address at a conference last year. He goes into detail on several aspects of his work at TTSA including insight into the collected metamaterials. Rotating & Tilting Craft, Lazar & The Gimbal (Silva Record): Ufologist Danny Silva correlates the words of Bob Lazar in 1989 about how the produced gravitational field from UFO’s distort space and time with the Gimbal UFO footage made famous due to its release by AATIP. In the Gimbal footage, the craft appears to be able to conduct 90 degree turns at high speed, something that could only be possible a gravitational field to counterbalance inertia. Is The Kecksburg UFO Crash And The Nazi Bell Connected? (UFO Insight): A fascinating look at the Kecksburg Crash and a corollary man-made device in Nazi Germany known as the Nazi Bell. The Bell had the same acorn shape as the Kecksburg crash and could apparently function as a screen to view both the future and the past with the possibility of travelling between the two. An interesting read if you want to get up to speed with either of these topics. A fascinating video from Turkey in which a stranger taps a gentleman on the shoulder and saves his life in the process. The gentleman looks over the opposite shoulder he was tapped upon which is contrary to instinct. This has cause many to speculate wildly that the unknown stranger may have been a guardian angel or a time traveler. The Lost Children of Hamelin (Daily Grail): The legend of the Pied Piper is put to the test in this well written piece. References throughout history since the events in Hamelin are mentioned, including stained glass windows in a church and books that are no longer available. The theories of origin are also put to the test, including the Black Plague, a military recruitment, and even the Pied Piper acting as a trickster. The Ancient Mountain Practice of “Water Witching” (Appalachian Magazine): The use of dowsing, or water witching is an ancient traditions that has been used to find underground sources of water in all parts of the country. A water witch walks over land with a Y-cut branch and where the branch dips down, water is supposed to be found. It is still used by construction companies today to find clean water to drill wells. Mystery Vibrations Shake Canton Homes, Windows (Fox 2 Detroit): A metro-Detroit neighborhood that is very well developed has been experiencing prolonged house shaking. With the confluence of mysterious booms and trumpets around the world, there are still no explanations for these anomalies. Beyond Time and Space: Are Synchronicities Evidence that our Universe is Made of Information? (Daily Grail): Instead of examining the Jungian theory of synchronicity, this article leans more towards the tech postulations of synchronicity where the universe is information and sometimes the programming lines up. The article drives this theory home by featuring a TEDx lectures by the emminent Jacque Vallee and Futurist Mark Pesce. Did You Learn Something New? If you would like to receive occasional email updates about new articles like this one, library additions and other pertinent information, you can sign up for our Paranormal Insider mailing list. If you found the content in this article to be of any value to your paranormal studies, please let us know in the comments below. Feel free to share this article with your friends as well!
It’s interesting to note that many of the creatures and legends that make it into my Mythical Monday posts are decades, often centuries old. That’s why I found the story of the Cornish Owlman so interesting. Sighted near the village of Mawnan, Cornwall in England, the Owlman is often compared to my favorite “cryptid,” West Virginia’s Mothman. The first sighting of the Owlman took place on April 17, 1976. At that time two young sisters were walking through the woods near Mawnan church when they saw a large winged creature hovering over the church tower. The girls were so disturbed by the encounter that the family, there on holiday, cut their stay short.A few months later, two other girls were camping in the woods near the church. Fourteen-year-old Sally Chapman was outside her tent when she was startled by a hissing sound. Turning, she saw a man-sized, owl-shaped creature with pointed ears and red eyes. Sally, along with her friend, Barbara Perry, originally thought someone was playing a joke on them until the creature took flight, rising straight up in the air. They reported its feet were like black pincers. More sightings were reported the next day, and on later occasions, in June and August of 1978. All sightings took place within vicinity of the church. In 1989, a couple reported seeing a creature “about five feet tall. The legs had high ankles and the feet were large and black with two huge toes on the visible side. The creature was gray with brown, and the eyes definitely glowed.” Another account, given in 1995 was supplied by a woman who was visiting the area from Chicago. She claimed to have seen a “man-bird…with a ghastly face, a wide mouth, glowing eyes and pointed ears.” She also said the being had “clawed wings.” Some speculate the creature might have been an escaped eagle owl, a species that can grow to two feet with a wingspan of nearly six feet. Others favoring a supernatural angle, think the Owlman may be a phenomena conjured by Mawnan’s church unique location on a potential ley line; still others that the being could be connected to UFOs. Whatever its origin, like most cryptids the Owlman remains an enigma, a mysterious being who occasionally—when mood strikes—shares our world. Don’t you find it interesting how many beings coexist with us, if reported sightings are to be believed?
R.L. Burnside: See My Jumper Hanging On the Line (1978)Alan Lomax Archive Uploaded on Jul 26, 2010 R.L. Burnside at home in Independence, Mississippi, shot by Alan Lomax, Worth Long, and John Bishop in August, 1978. For more information about the American Patchwork filmwork, Alan Lomax, and his collections, visit http://culturalequity.org. [02.11.07] It is eye-opening, that’s for sure. See My Jumper Hanging On the Line — R.L. Burnside Hot Streaming Blues For Ya! Your Host is Mad. Stark Raving Mad. A Lover of Truth & Beauty. “It’s no easy task freeing the ignorant from the chains they revere.” — Albert Einstein “I’m not used to being loved. I wouldn’t know what to do.” — F. Scott FitzgeraldI amМакаре́вичдля Вашего здоровья ТоварищI am half crazyCalabrese(All you Calabrese do the mambo like-a crazy) ¼Russkiand ¼PolskiI amf u b a r The University of Southern North Dakota at Hoople Wossamotta U“He’s America’s answer to Jon Downes … Fun, Crazy and Weird! Also a good friend to have.” – Jim Boyd, Pucabob, Fortean of Maine.ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ⍢ζ♥♥ζI👅@(Y) Buckle Down, Pilsudski, Buckle Down! @ Leanne’s Wedding! “The sun will rise; and we will try again.” In it’s day, the legendary Denbeigh Super Chauvinist Mark VIII Saloon (my *true* dream car) was widely regarded as the high-point of post-war British automotive design, rivaled only by the Austin A40 Somerset for its singular combination of styling and performance. Denbeigh Super-Chauvinist Mk.VII Saloon (T) The Super-Chauvinist retains all the beloved design of the Denbeigh .engineering practice. (R1) It has a truly robust hooter, excellent winkers and a first-class jack. (R2) Its performance is not torrid but beautifully matched brakes fade as one, and engine scream drowns all distracting sounds. (R3) Its leaking of petrol fumes is well nigh intolerable; luckily fuel is rapidly guzzled up by the engine before the driver can be overcome. Car and Driver Oh and Jeffrey Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself! There are people who have seen the unexplained and there are people who haven’t. What has been seen — cannot be unseen. The Mind of Albert Einstein: “The 4th world war will be fought with sticks and stones” “The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.” “If we knew exactly what it was we were doing, then it would not be called research, would it?” “Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” “The greatest charity one can do to another is to lead him to the truth.” — St. Thomas Aquinas Cryptids, Antediluvian Civilizations and UFOs. “Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” — Bob Marley Living has always been a big part of my life. 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Quote of the Decade“Anybody not willing to accept the results of an election is a danger to democracy.” — Hillary Clinton Up the airy mountain, Down the rushy glen, We daren’t go a-hunting, For fear of little men; – William Allingham – The Fairies - the purpose of The Purpose is the purpose of The Purpose and the purpose of The Purpose is The Blues Encabulazione TurboniaA certain hominin was lucky enough, once, to see the original machine that had a base plate of prefabulated aluminite, surmounted by a malleable logarithmic casing in such a way that the two main spurving bearings were in a direct line with the pentametric fan.The latter consisted simply of six hydrocoptic marzlevanes, so fitted to the ambifacient lunar waneshaft that side fumbling was effectively prevented.The main winding was of the normal lotus-o-delta type placed in panendermic semi-bovoid slots in the stator, every seventh conductor being connected by a nonreversible tremie pipe to the differential girdlespring on the “up” end of the grammeters. - Peace Through SuperiorF i r e p o w e r We have what you need. - “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” — Theodore Roosevelt And Always Remember:“You treat the room from the bass up.” - “Imagination is the highest form of research.” — Albert Einstein“Believe nothing no matter where you read it or who said it no matter if I have said it unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” — Buddha -563BC-483BCkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃ(ə)n(ə)l rɪˈpʌblɪk¸.·♩♪♫ ᏕᎩᏁፈᏂᏒᎧᏁᎥፈᎥᏖᎩ ♫♪♩·.¸“A great deal more is known than has been proved.” — Richard Feynman“Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest.” — Denis Diderot “So round, so firm, so fully packed.” — Lou Costello “Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply.” ― Stephen R. Covey ↑ GIF by ArMaPסַמָּאֵל “Rarely is the real cause of a problem located where the problem is manifesting.” — Owen Marcus Thank you all so very much! MajorThanks to my registered subscribers! On 11 June, 2019, there were 12,185. (wait, whAT?!) As of 26 January, 2021, post Database Detonation, it’s 9,979! 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Seriously, this girl is hot hot hot! Tall, busty, and oh so lusty, she's got a […] - NubileFilms.com - Lilly Bell added to NubileFilms.comJanuary 16, 2021Nubile Films - Lilly Bell Added On: Jan 16, 2021 Description: Always ready to get her hot little pussy pounded, busty cutie Lilly Bell will rock your world if it means she gets fucked. You won't want to miss this buxom blonde as she seduces her conquests and shows them that she's the best at […] - NubileFilms.com - Stirling Cooper added to NubileFilms.comJanuary 10, 2021Nubile Films - Stirling Cooper Added On: Jan 10, 2021 Description: Tall, handsome buck Stirling Cooper has big feet, big hands, and... Well, you get the picture. This connoisseur of women is happy to put all of his well-sized parts to work for the pleasure of his partners. Give this hottie a chance and you'll […] - NubileFilms.com - Ashley Lane added to NubileFilms.comJanuary 22, 2021 ↑↑↑ I did that! =D It was a trip! “I propose that we hit it hard and we hit it fast with a major – and I mean a major – leaflet campaign.” — Arnold Rimmer “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” — St. Catherine of Siena Hey, Hey, Hey, It’s The Viciously Vile and Exceptionally Evil Dictator Club! Truth is the greatest enemy of the state. “Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.” — Samuel Johnson There you go. Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last I’m pleased to announce that thanks to Larry Knorr’s Sunbury Press, Amelia Earhart: The Truth at Last has been published as an Amazon Audible Audiobook and is now available to all. Narrated by Bill Hemberger and published by Beacon Audiobooks, the Truth at Last Audible Audiobook was released on Jan. 12, 2021. In our current iPhone-addled culture, Truth […] Today we conclude our review of the 1993 Amelia Earhart Symposium, held at The Flying Lady restaurant in Morgan Hill, Calif., organized by AES founder and President Bill Prymak and attended by nearly all the leading researchers and authors of the Earhart disappearance. Names in bold capitals and other caps emphasis Prymak’s; all other bold […] We continue with our visit to the first and only Amelia Earhart Symposium held and sponsored by the Amelia Earhart Society, in August 1993 in Morgan Hill, Calif., an event that AES founder Bill Prymak modestly labeled a “measured success.” Today we present the first-person account of the symposium proceedings as recorded by AES member Jo Ann […] Since our last post was an impromptu visit to the bygone, halcyon days of the Amelia Earhart Society, I thought we might continue in that vein by returning to the first and only Amelia Earhart Society Symposium, held in August 1993 in Morgan Hill, Calif., an event that AES founder Bill Prymak modestly labeled a “measured […] Although not flattering in its editorial opinion of Bill Prymak’s Amelia Earhart Society, this USA Today cartoon from May 1995 might represent the high point in national publicity for the obscure and selective AES, which counted less than 80 researchers, authors and other Earhart-obsessed individuals among its members at the height of its activities in […] Saipan’s Marie Castro is well known to readers of this blog, and I won’t repeat the myriad details of the many stories I’ve posted about this brave woman. Though she was only 4 years old in 1937 when Amelia came ashore at Saipan’s Tanapag Harbor with Fred Noonan as captives of the Japanese military, Marie later came […] Most observers of the true history of research into the disappearance of Amelia Earhart are familiar with the work of Vincent V. Loomis, the former U.S. Air Force C-47 pilot, who, with his wife, Georgette, made four investigative trips to the Marshall Islands in the late 1970s-early ’80s, finding and interviewing several extremely important witnesses, […] Anyone who’s read extensively about the disappearance of Amelia Earhart has seen various claims that, while in the Lockheed repair facility in Burbank, Calif., following the March 16, 1937 Hawaii crash on takeoff, the Electra underwent special modifications that would allow the plane to accommodate aerial reconnaissance cameras in order to best prepare it for […] I received an email from Guam researcher Tony Gochar (see p. 263-264 Truth at Last) recently that I wasn’t expecting, about something that’s been sitting in plain sight for so long without being addressed that I had taken it for granted. (Boldface emphasis mine throughout.) Most readers of this blog are familiar with the so-called […] In late October 2017, Ms. Carla Henson, daughter of the late Everett Henson Jr., contacted me for the first time, completely out of the blue. You will recall Pvt. Henson, who, along with Pvt. Billy Burks, was ordered by Marine Capt. Tracy Griswold to excavate a gravesite several feet outside of the Liyang Cemetery on Saipan […] - Several defection attempts and smuggling operations occurred during the party congress periodJanuary 26, 2021Several defection attempts and smuggling operations occurred near the Sino-North Korean border in North Pyongan Province during the Eighth Party Congress, Daily NK has learned. “Two defection attempts along with three smuggling operations occurred” in the area during the Eighth Party Congress, a source in the province told Daily NK last Thursday. “The border patrol […]Ha Yoon Ah - North Korea hopes to begin COVID-19 inoculations by the end of February at the earliestJanuary 26, 2021North Korean authorities have reportedly informed international organizations of when they intend to begin COVID-19 inoculations. The country’s authorities are reportedly considering which vaccines they hope to use as well. According to a Daily NK source in North Korea on Sunday, North Korean authorities have told “international organizations” that they hope to begin inoculations at […]Jang Seul Gi - North Hamgyong Province official sacked after corruption comes to lightJanuary 25, 2021A cadre in North Hamgyong Province was reportedly sacked when a Central Committee inspection in mid-December revealed that he had used his money and power to get his child into the province’s Middle School No. 1, a feeder school for the nation’s elite universities. A source in North Hamgyong Province told Daily NK on Thursday […]Jong So Yong - North Korea’s COVID-19 quarantine efforts appear to be full of holesJanuary 25, 2021Daily NK has learned that North Korean authorities are neither isolating suspected cases of COVID-19 nor properly treating them in some regions of the country. A source said locals are criticizing this by asking whether even COVID-19 quarantine efforts are now exercises in “self-reliance.” A source in North Hamgyong Province told Daily NK on Friday […]Lee Chae Un - North Korea begins human testing of its own COVID-19 vaccineJanuary 22, 2021North Korea has begun human testing of a COVID-19 vaccine the country is developing and the country’s vaccine developers are using manufacturing know-how stolen through “hacking activities” conducted late last year, Daily NK learned from a source in the country yesterday. Phase 1 and Phase 2 clinical trials have been completed so far, while Phase […]Jang Seul Gi - The ins and outs of North Korea’s smartphone security authentications bypass program, BidulgiJanuary 22, 2021Daily NK recently obtained a copy of “Bidulgi 1.01,” a program that can bypass the smartphone security authentications that were recently put into place by North Korean authorities on the country’s smartphones. Mun Chong Hyun, the head of the ESTsecurity Security Response Center (ESRC), provided Daily NK with the program, explaining that it and another […]Mun Dong Hui - North Korea allows some people with relatives overseas to write letters asking for helpJanuary 21, 2021As North Koreans continue to suffer from growing economic difficulties due to COVID-19, North Korean authorities have informed people they may ask for help from relatives living overseas, Daily NK has learned. A source in Yanggang Province told Daily NK yesterday that with the lives of the people growing ever more difficult “in the wake […]Jong So Yong - A hospital fire broke out in Hyesan on January 7January 21, 2021A source in Yanggang Province told Daily NK yesterday that a fire broke out at People’s Hospital No. 2 in Songbong District, Hyesan, on Jan. 7. Nobody was hurt or wounded, but “almost all the medical equipment was burnt up,” according to the source. North Korean authorities had declared a “special patrol period” (initially to […]Lee Chae Un - Restrictions on movement in North Korea are causing “severe side effects”January 20, 2021Restrictions on movement between regions, which North Korea is enforcing in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19, are causing severe side effects, Daily NK has learned. Food shortages have become a widespread phenomenon, and there was even an incident near the China-North Korea border where a villager was reportedly shot dead while searching […]Mun Dong Hui - Onsong County family in trouble for holding wedding party amid COVID-19 restrictionsJanuary 20, 2021North Koreans who hold or participate in wedding ceremonies in violation of North Korea’s COVID-19 social distancing rules face the risk of punishment, Daily NK has learned. A source in North Hamgyong Province told Daily NK on Monday that an Onsong County family that had invited a lot of guests to a wedding ceremony now […]Kim Yoo Jin - Several defection attempts and smuggling operations occurred during the party congress periodJanuary 26, 2021 Tony Sarno Blues .. And More! Cousin Tony!Clowns to the left; Jokers to the right. No Matter How Old You Are, no matter how much of a if a toddler hands you their ringing toy phone… You Answer It. “Now let me bring you up to speed …. we know nothing …. You are now up to speed.” — Inspector Jacques-Yves Clouseau The late, great JC Johnson The late, great John Anthony West, friend and mentor and his daughter, Zoë. JAW at the Sphinx When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door “I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it.” — Thomas Jefferson “Some of us look to the universe with a profound sense of peace and belonging. Is that because we truly understand we are made of Star Stuff?” – Dr. Carl Sagan 1934-1996 American astronomer, educator, science popularizer, marijuana advocate and a hero of mineωιѕ∂σм вєgιиѕ ωιтн ωσи∂єяLet’s go get us a I’M SERIOUS YO! Lt. Colonel Percival Harrison Fawcett British artillery officer, archaeologist and explorer. “Our” event, as described in the image above, took place in 1907 in the Reserva Territorial Madre de Dios, Peru. “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” — Jiddu Krishnamurti ⍢⍢⍢“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of it’s existence.” — Nikola Tesla — Thrilled that this work has begun! My buddy, the “fluke armed rock”← This sequence is cropped (and looped) from the last 10 frames of the video captured on Sol 6 by a camera on the lander for NASA’s Mars Pathfinder rover. Not enough pixels, but still, mighty impressive. This evidence was discovered -way- back in the day by Tim Beech, Life On Mars. Well, it does seem to be moving, doesn’t it? Camera artifact? Maybe! Let’s FIND OUT! Is this why there has been no video on the rovers; and not bandwidth? We are, after all… watching this video. Which might even be of my little fluke-armed rock buddy, shown at the bottom. top posts & pages, past 2 days
Earlier tonight, I watched with great interest on ITV the episode of Jeremy Wade's 'River Monsters' series in which he investigates - and even tries (albeit unsuccessfully) to catch - one of the monster fishes said to inhabit the deep, freezing waters of Lakes Iliamna and Clark in Alaska. He concludes that the likeliest identity for such creatures, should they exist, would be extra-large (up to 20 ft or so long) specimens of land-locked white sturgeon. Giant sturgeon have been confirmed in the past as the identity of certain formerly-mysterious lake monsters in various North American bodies of freshwater (including Lake Washington in Seattle), so this is certainly a plausible solution to the Iliamna and Clark monsters too. Here is what I wrote a few years ago concerning them within an article of mine devoted to aquatic monsters of North America: THE ILLIES OF ILIAMNA Compared to such famous North American ‘monster’ lakes as Okanagan and Champlain, Lake Iliamna remains little-known and little-investigated. This is due in no small way to its location – ensconced in southwestern Alaska. In terms of size, however, it can scarcely be overlooked – as large as the state of Rhode Island, this lake measures a very impressive 120 km long, up to 35 km wide, and has a surface area of around 2600 square km. Moreover, the unidentified water beasts, popularly dubbed Illies by the media and cryptozoologists, reported from its waters are equally memorable. Not only are they decidedly large – often claimed to be as much as 10 m long – they are also very different from the many-humps and long-necks more commonly reported from North America’s inland waters. Long known to the area’s Inuit/Aleut people, who refer to this cryptid as jig-ik-nak, the Illie is usually described as very long and quite slender, greyish in colour, and with a noticeable dorsal fin marked by a white stripe. It swims just beneath the water surface, sometimes in groups, but unlike a number of other lake monsters it does not come up for air, remaining submerged, and therefore seemingly able to breathe underwater, like a fish rather than a mammal or reptile. This was confirmed in 1963 by a biologist from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, who watched an 8-10-m-long creature swimming beneath the water surface for over 10 minutes, during which time it never once surfaced. In 1977, air-taxi pilot Tim LaPorte and his two passengers saw from the air a dark 4-5-m-long animal whose back was just breaking the water surface. When it dived downwards, it revealed a large vertical tail – characteristic of fishes, as whales have horizontal tails. There seems little doubt that the Illies are indeed fishes, albeit exceptionally big ones, and the most popular identity is a sturgeon, in particular the mighty white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus, which is known to attain lengths of up to 7 m. Although sturgeons have never been confirmed from Lake Iliamna, they are known from other, smaller Alaskan lakes (Iliamna is the largest lake in Alaska). Consequently, it would not be implausible for this immense body of water to house such fishes too, and for them, on account of the lake’s huge size and the plentiful food supply that it is known to contain, to attain record sizes here.
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Updated: Jul 15, 2019 I'm always happy when a new episode of the Monster Talk podcast pops up in my podcast feed. The new one deals with the recent Wooly Mammoth hoax, but I’d like to talk a bit about why people often believe. I learned a new word today: pareidolia. Maybe I’ve heard it on previous episodes, but it really struck me today. It refers to the mind forming a pattern out of something random, such as when we see an image but can’t clearly tell what it is, our mind will try to fill in with something. The brain is always trying to makes sense of the world. If I leave a letter out of a word — or a word out of a sentence — most people won’t notice: their minds will fill in what’s missing. (Which is what makes proofreading so hard!) Likewise when a person is going deaf the brain will try to fill in the missing sound data, to make sense of the not-quite distinguishable bits of a sentence. When we see a picture, perhaps a close-up of something or a tiny thumbnail image and we don’t have a caption or clue to what we’re looking at there’s a moment when we may see it as something other than it is. The brain is very agile and it’s always trying to fill in the gaps in a way that makes sense to the person whose brain it is. I recently had jury duty and though I wasn’t selected I found the voir dire process interesting as usual. One of the things that struck me afterward was the picture or story that had formed in my mind as a result of the questions that were asked. Though the questions could not address the case specifically, the questions dealt with specific types of circumstances so that by the time I left I felt like I had a pretty good idea what the case was about and what had happened. Talking to another of the jurors who wasn’t selected, I realized that she’d come to a completely different scenario. Doing a bit of research online after I got home— which is allowed only because I was not selected — I realized we were both probably wrong in our conclusions. But the point is, that even trying to keep an open mind — and even with carefully worded questions by both attorneys — it was impossible for our brains not to try to fill in the gaps and generate a story out of the questions we were asked and the charges that were brought. The mind is perpetually generating stories about the world around us. These stories are based on what we experience filtered through our beliefs and individual personalities and past experiences. In the case of internet hoaxes with a visual component such as blurry photos and shaky video, the brain will try to come up with something recognizable and all it takes is the suggestion of something and that gap is filled almost automatically. Add to this the personal factor of whether you believe or want to believe in little green men or woolly mammoths. I suspect that people might be more likely to believe in woolly mammoths, Big Foot or Nessie because there’s something wonderful about the possibility. It makes me wonder if fewer people believe in the more unsavory “monsters” of lore. There’s a lot of lore about malevolent supernatural entities, malevolent aliens, and assorted terrestrial monsters. This stuff makes for good stories, but do I want these stories to be true? Hell, no! I prefer to live in a Scooby Doo universe where houses are not haunted by malevolent supernatural entities, but by a person with a hidden agenda who can be exposed. On the other hand, there are legends of “monsters” (in the loosest sense of the word) which are often referred to as cryptids, that is, an actual existing species of animal that has remained undiscovered or not scientifically documented. I feel differently about these. I think it would be cool if Bigfoot, the yeti, and the Loch Ness monster (to name a few of the best-known examples) were proven to be real, extant (albeit endangered), species. New species of animals are still being discovered every year. I think this is wonderful. A skeptic of the sort you’ll hear on Monster Talk isn’t some grouchy curmudgeon who just wants to rain on the parade and prove than anything marvelous (in the older sense of the word) that’s purported to be real is just a hoax or scam. I get the sense from all the episodes of Monster Talk I’ve listened to that the hosts are folks who find it all interesting and would not be bent out of shape if someone proved a cryptid existed. But they’d have to have incontrovertible scientific proof. I don’t think this is unreasonable. Science is how we explore the world we live in. Our lives are immersed in science. All our technology is based on science. Even if we lived in a cave somewhere we would still be subject to the laws of science: gravity, fire, electrical storms, how our bodies process food to give us energy, etc. I like Monster Talk because it’s a brilliant mix of mythical, imaginative lore and scientific inquiry with good hosts who are fun to listen to. Their guests are fun to listen to also. They’ve had scientists talking about dinosaurs since some cryptids are presumably prehistoric, about hominids (yeti, bigfoot), about carnival hoaxes, ghost hoaxes, authors of folklore (the Djinn episode is great), and even a witch (who they did not burn at the stake), as well as people with technical expertise to examine forensically the evidence presented for some “monsters”. The episodes range widely in subject matter. If you sometimes feel like you waste too much time on internet junk and podcasts, dig through the Monster Talk archives and it will be time well-spent: you can get your “junk” fix with the monsters and yet get good science. (Bonus!) As an author of fiction I don’t find it at all contradictory that I like a podcast that demystifys monsters and legends. I enjoy reading good stories and my enjoyment isn’t contingent on whether the story is fiction or non-fiction. As a writer, my job is too immerse the reader in the fictional world to the extent of “the willing suspension of disbelief” (as Coleridge phrased it). Good fiction should feel real while you’re reading it, but not be real once you’ve finished it. Some stories resonate more with some readers than with others and that affects the “willing suspension of disbelief”. I suspect the recent woolly mammoth video resonated with a lot of people: it’s the sort of thing that most people would want to believe (even though it looks like a very small mammoth). Since it was a hoax, I’m glad it was proven to be a hoax, but if I’m completely honest there’s a teeny tiny part of me that’s sort of glad someone went to the trouble to do this hoax (though I in no way condone stealing video footage)…because it’s such a nifty magical kind of “what if” to consider: “what if woolly mammoths still roamed in Siberia”. As an author of (and reader of) imaginative fiction, I can appreciate that.
Cryptid of the Week: Week 4 Welcome back dear readers to the fourth installment of Cryptid of The Week. With this newest edition, we have reached the 1-month landmark for the series making this a momentous occasion. So, I thought to myself what would make this edition more special than the others, and what could I do differently while still keeping it Cryptid of The Week when I just switched things up a bit last week? Well, I decided to return to the tried and true formula of the first two editions and, to make it different, I would talk about a monster that I am almost certain you have never heard of. I thought that me introducing you to this Cryptid for the first time would be a good example of why I started this series to begin with, which was to introduce you all to monsters you had never even known existed. So from now on I will write of the most obscure and disturbing Cryptids ancient mythology can offer, however, I may occasionally move back to more well-known Cryptids should they be suggested to me, or I find them interesting to write about, but as of now, I’m focusing on the obscure. The first Cryptid on that list is the Poroniec. The Poroniec is a creature of old Slavic folklore and is a demon spawned from the rebirth of the corpse of an unborn fetus. A Poroniec is born when an unborn fetus either lost through a miscarriage or stillbirth is discarded unwanted by its family left unnamed and is unburied or buried in an unmarked grave. The unwanted corpse filled with fury rises its dead decrepit flesh writhing with hate twisting and tearing into an almost unrecognizable shape with barely any human characteristics. The creature filled with rage and an unspeakable hunger will then go out during the night searching for pregnant women to feed on. First, they will find a pregnant woman and stay by her bedside or hide under her bed over the course of a few nights siphoning her energy and strength making the woman weaker and weaker. Once the woman has become weak enough it will latch onto her stomach and begin to suck her blood and continue until it has killed the child within her often resulting in the woman dying as well. Telltale warning signs of a Poroniec are a pregnant woman becoming weaker and weaker over a short span of time, suffering from fatigue, fainting, dizziness, and general weakening of her constitution. The only way to rid oneself of a Poroniec is to either kill it by either ambushing it during an attempted feeding or tracking it to its unmarked grave where it sleeps during the daytime and killing it there. In order to kill the creature, one must be cautious as it can become extremely ferocious when encountered and, the best way of confirming its death is to attack it until its movements cease and then burn the corpse. The second way to get rid of a Poroniec is to capture it preferably during the daytime as it sleeps as this will be the best time. Then have one of its parents then bury it underneath the threshold of the family house as well as perform the sacred act of naming the child. This will result in it becoming a kłobuk, a guardian spirit, that will protect the house it never got to live in with the family it never had the chance of meeting. The Poroniec was a story that is believed to have been created as an explanation to some of the symptoms of pregnancy as well as a deterrent to the discarding of unwanted children as well as the dead. As always if you have any suggestions of any Cryptids I should write about feel free to comment down below, and see you all next week. Featured image Credit: Beastiary.us
Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency Year Four: Case File No. 08-164 AMBER LOVE 29-JUNE-2020 Find out how all this began. Catch up on Year One, Year Two, and Year Three cases at the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency. Thank you for all your financial and social support! Oliver and Gus are looking forward to bringing you more fascinating discoveries and investigations into the chipmunk mafia, the blue jay gang, the neighborhood critters, and cryptid sightings. This work is supported by the generous backers who adore my cat stories at Patreon.com/amberunmasked and they also get first access to what’s happening with my books and podcast. For a one-time tip, you can go to the new PayPal.me. Where We Left Off: There have been two feline intruders at the estate and Gus was able to chase one of them. Into the Woods: Between all the major crimes cases that the Winchester-Nabu Detective Agency has been handling, we’ve also been gathering evidence on incidents that may or may not lead to something bigger. It’s mostly imprints of wildlife tracks and photos of poo. Lots of poo. I can never tell when something we come across during patrols will end up being significant later. Gus thinks I should collect everything, but he isn’t willing to stop and wait for me to do the work. The times I have stopped and let him go ahead, he has ended up away from me for far too long and usually trespassing where he does not belong. Part of me thinks he also wants to make more research work for Oliver. Let’s save the fecal samples for last and take a look at the most unusual tracks we’ve noticed in the vicinity. As always, we’d love reader feedback on whether our identifications are not accurate. We found great impressions in hardening mud of hoof tracks. That means the Jersey devil-deer are still around. In fact, I caught one of the wingless variety on camera! Okay, it’s a terrible “Loch Ness Monster” type blur of a photo, but the beast ran right past me in the woods! It was so exciting. It clearly wanted nothing to do with me and Gus, who was under bushes stalking a chipmunk at the time. More outstanding news is that we’ve seen one fawn ourselves and the elder humans reported seeing three little fawns playing like puppies in the driveway! They are truly adorable youngsters like bears who love to play. I spotted a white-tailed doe in the backyard a couple of times and those images are at least good enough that you can tell what the heck it is. My theory is that the hybrid devil-deer are still able to reproduce with the mundane world deer which dilutes the mystical realm genetics. Think of it like in cat breeding when people domesticate a serval, an actual wild cat from Africa. Then they begin breeding that serval with Bengal cats (a domesticated short hair and athletic breed). From that, you have invented the new cat breed called the Savannah. One generation removed from the full genetics of the wild serval is called an F1. They still retain many of the serval’s wild qualities and not easy to have as domesticated house pets. Taking an F1 and breeding that with a domestic Bengal would create an F2 generation (if I remember the history lesson from Jackson Galaxy). The F2 cats are a bit easier to have as house cats, but require a lot of attention, play, and work. With that in mind, think about how a pure Jersey Devil would breed with the white-tailed deer to create a Gen 1 devil-deer. Then that devil-deer mates with another white-tailed deer and the mystical DNA is diluted more in a G2. And so on. Don’t forget your 8th grade biology about recessive genes. The wings of the Jersey Devil are not a guarantee and not a dominant gene. From the evidence we’ve gathered in our small hamlet in New Jersey, we seem to have more of the wingless variety of devil-deer hybrids. Volkolak and Bear Tracks: We’ve already presented our initial case findings on the new volkolak in the neighborhood, Arkadi. Before we had photos of the creature in all its glory, we had found the fecal and tracking evidence. What we were not sure about was if all of it was the same animal. And to be honest, we’re still not sure. As I examined the wide paw prints on the trail, the first thing I noticed was how defined the toe imprints were. Then I could see the more vague outline of the pad area and how wide it was. This was a first for me and probably Gus. Our first bear or volkolak track. The tracks in the area showed that it lingered in the spot, perhaps considering where to go or where its family was. The only reason we were able to have this experience was because the mud of the trail had started to dry, preserving it before anyone else trampled through the Witch’s Circle path. Arkadi is a pretty big animal. Not the biggest around and we hope she is able to live long enough to fill out even more. If my measurements are accurate and one of the paw prints was only four inches wide at the pad, that’s not a substantial size for a black bear. it might indicate that the tracks we found belong to a cub. That may also confirm that the feces we found were not all from the same bruin. Unknown Small Critter Tracks: On the opposite end of the size spectrum, we found two different types of small tracks. Both samples were long and thin. One could be a skunk but since the mud was particularly squishy, the imprint itself was probably spread out larger across and in length than if the critter had undergone inked footprint examination during a formal suspect booking process. That one was found on the northern side of the estate property by Fort Winchester’s muddy area. The second small set of wildlife tracks was in the small thruway between the hangar and the mobile command unit which leads to the junkyard. I didn’t want to assume tiny tracks meant a tiny animal like squirrels so I tried to compare the photos of the tracks to images online. I definitively ruled out either of the known feline trespassers. Canines could not be ruled out. Like the other small tracks, these had some disbursement in the mud. One track looks like there are long thin toes twice the length of the palm/pad area. Other samples of the imprints walking along that path have shorter toes and wide pad. There are critters that have both shapes — longer fingers on one set of appendages and shorter ones on the other — like squirrels, opossums and raccoons. There are so many possibilities. New ID Tool to Test: I decided to see if there were apps to download instead of trying to compare to a see of images, mostly of hand-drawn tracks, for comparison. I installed iNaturalist which had the most downloads and high stars. It said it’s for identification of animal tracks and plants. Super cool, right? But it’s not instant. You can upload a photo and add certain demographic information (luckily I could simply enter New Jersey and not my home address). Then you wait. I thought the app worked like the fingerprint databases on modern crime dramas. It does not exactly. When I uploaded the photo of one footprint, it simply saved in my Observations; I guess I have to wait for another community member to ID it for me. When I uploaded a clear photo of the eastern red-spotted newt, the ID “Eastern North American Newt” came up immediately. From that test, it seems like photos of the animals (and perhaps plants) are instant, while tracks may take some community work. Next, I uploaded a photo of what I know is a sage plant in one of the gardens, but I don’t know the specific variety. “Sage” family came up instantly, and I made notes about the location and that I don’t know what kind of sage it is. It took a while to upload (maybe because my image size was high rez). I wish there was a way to block certain families of animals so I wouldn’t have to see spiders when I click the “explore” button to see what other observations people are making. Getting into the Shit of It: Now comes the poop part. Some of which we can deduce based on size and shape. Others we can’t figure out and have classified as Unsolved. I document a lot of these findings on the Instagram (@amberunmasked) on the days we find them. Bears and Volkolaks: Possibly Fox or Kitsune: Other Interesting Things: There are a noteworthy discoveries that don’t fall into the categories of poop or animal tracks. See what things may require further investigation. Are these part of Gorgon reproduction? Since these are multiple cases, their statuses are unique to each. The volkolaks and devil-deer have ongoing cases.
The next add-on for Call of Duty: Ghosts is coming next month, Activision announced today. The Invasion DLC, which has been available on Xbox 360 and Xbox One since June 3, includes three new maps, a remade Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 map and the third installment in the episodic Extinction series. The third episode, titled Awakening, follows players as they make their way into the alien underworld during the Cryptid invasion. The mission involves penetrating several defensive barriers as the series draws closer to its fourth and final entry. Call of Duty: Ghosts Invasion is $15 on PC or PlayStation Network, or can be downloaded free by players who have already bought the season pass. Mike Mahardy is a freelance writer for IGN and various other outlets. To hear him rant, you can follow Mike on Twitter.
This post is part of a series on reading women 2019 hosted by Lonely Cryptid Media’s Narrative Designer, Dan Michael Fielding. Okay. It’s time to come clean. I didn’t actually finish this book. Kinsey Millhone is a detective investigating the resurgence of a video recording of a sexual assault that took place in 1979. The video went missing shortly after it was recorded, and the person suspected of hiding it was murdered. In the book, this video and subsequent murder rocks the lives of affluent teenagers, and the ripple effects are still felt today. Detective Millhone has to deal with wealthy parents, adults who still act like kids, and kids who too quickly had to become grown up. All this while dealing with the book’s B-plot: a sociopath who is out to torture and kill Millhone. This sociopath was the main villain in the previous installment of the series, and so Millhone is being haunted by “yesterday” in two ways. I began this leg of the challenge hoping to read a book in a genre I had never read before. In the end, I did read parts of a book in a new genre. But it just wasn’t for me. Have you ever had a book you just couldn’t finish reading? Two main problems worked against the book, for me. First, it was incredibly repetitive. Grafton intercuts the present-day action with flashbacks to 1979. These flashbacks are often incredibly well written and show the depths of messed up these people were as teenagers. But, everything we as readers learn in a flashback also has to be learned by Millhone. This often means slogging through pages of Millhone doing her detective work only to discovery what we already know. In this case I think the flashbacks worked against my ability to enter the narrative. Second, I just did not care about the rich teenagers (now adults) and their problems. And it was clear Millhone didn’t care, either. As a detective she was only interested in the case because of the large paychecks that accompanied it. And later when those paychecks were threatened (because rich people are jerks) her motivations for continuing to investigate felt very flat. I just didn’t understand why Millhone, as the protagonist, actually cared about investigating this mystery, and so I had difficulty caring as well. Several things worked for Grafton in Y is for Yesterday, however. There is a scene midway through the book where the murder out to kill Millhone has her trapped, and the tension in the scene is great and visceral. In general there may be a lot of genre conventions that I simply didn’t “get” but that a more thoroughly read detective-fan would enjoy. I put off writing this review because I was never able to muster the energy to finish the last 100 pages of the book. That delay also put a hold on the reading challenge in general, and I’m now sorely behind. In a way I’m being haunted by my own “yesterday.” But! I’m committed to catching up on the challenge, so stay tuned for more reviews as we continue to work our way through the prompts. I have major problems with this phrasing, but that’s how he is referred to in the book.
Mosquito ecology and disease at the Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting Ecological dimensions of mosquito-borne disease are on the minds of ecologists as they head to southern Florida for the 101st Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Friday, 8 July 2016 Contact: Liza Lester, 202-833-8773 ext. 211, gro.asenull@retseLL The resurgence of Zika virus has raised anxieties about the spread of infectious disease by mosquitoes as the Ecological Society of America heads to southern Florida for its 101st Annual Meeting. Research on mosquito biology and disease transmission will have a strong showing at the meeting Fort Lauderdale, this 7-12 August 2016. Climate change and species invasions are strong themes among this year’s research presentations on infectious disease. Geologists have proposed a new epoch, the Anthropocene, to describe our present time, in which the pervasive presence of humans and the products of human invention are shaping the atmosphere, oceans, and ecosystems of the world. The meeting theme “Novel Ecosystems in the Anthropocene” invites a focus on the new relationships between species arising under the influence of global change. ESA invites press and institutional public information officers to attend for free. To apply, please contact ESA Communications Officer Liza Lester directly at gro.asenull@retsell. Walk-in registration will be available during the meeting. - Is mosquito-borne disease risk heating up with a warming climate? - Organizing defense forces to hit mosquitoes where they breed - Luring mosquitoes into honeysuckle traps - Stressed birds get more mosquito bites—and transmit disease - An invasive mosquito helps break the spread of a parasite - The Asian tiger mosquito thrives in New York - Side effects of mosquito defense: broad spectrum insecticides kill the pollinators of rare native flowers - Mosquitoes change their temperature preferences when in competition with other mosquito species - Life cycles, competition, and management - Battle at the bloodmeal lek Is mosquito-borne disease risk heating up with a warming climate? - COS 6-3 -Intermediate optimal temperature for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika transmission by Aedes spp. mosquitoes - Monday, August 8, 2016: 2:10 PM, room 124/125, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Erin Mordecai, Stanford University Mosquito life cycles, and those of the pathogens they host, are intimately connected to the temperature and humidity of the cities and landscapes they inhabit. Epidemiologists worry that climate change is fostering emergence and resurgence of vector-borne and zoonotic diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, Zika, and malaria. But warmer is not necessarily always better for the pathogen. Modeling transmission of viruses with attention to the physiological responses to mosquitoes to temperature, Erin Mordecai of Stanford University and colleagues in Florida concluded that warming temperatures may accelerate transmission in North America’s cooler states, but are not likely to intensify the problem in tropical and subtropical regions that already bear the heaviest burden from mosquito-borne illnesses. Her talk is part of a session on Disease Ecology (I), which will also feature hantavirus, snails, and vampire bats. Organizing defense forces to hit mosquitoes where they breed - COS 41-7 -Control of emerging infectious diseases: How synchronicity of vector reduction efforts affect the size of Zika virus outbreaks - Wednesday, August 10, 2016: 10:10 AM, Floridian Blrm BC, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Samantha R. Schwab, Rutgers University Are efforts to control mosquito breeding sites more effective when synchronized across urban areas or staggered? A mathematical model has suggestions for municipalities. Schwab will present in the Disease Ecology (III) session, featuring talks on transmission of infection, from polio to the catastrophic epidemic of the cryptid fungus Bd in amphibians. Luring mosquitoes into honeysuckle traps - COS 17-1 -Direct and indirect effects of native and invasive plants on mosquito ecology - Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 8:00 AM, room Palm B, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Allison M. Gardner, School of Biology and Ecology, University of Maine, Orono, ME Beyond the blood meal, mosquitoes need sugar and safe and nurturing pools to cradle their eggs and emerging larva. Fallen leaves floating in still water (like residential stormwater drainage ditches) make appealing hatcheries for the common house mosquito (Culex pipiens), a carrier of West Nile virus. Gardner and colleagues found that the leaves of native common blackberry (Rubus allegheniensis) are attractive to gravid female mosquitoes, but inimical to their larvae. Invasive Amur honeysuckle (Lonicera maackii) both attracts females to lay eggs and favors survival to adulthood. The different communities of bacteria that live on the plants appear to play a role in the survival of mosquito larvae. The researchers experimented with honeysuckle leaf “traps” coated in unfriendly bacteria. Disease Ecology (II). Stressed birds get more mosquito bites—and transmit disease - SYMP 8-2 -The role of stress hormones on avian host competence for West Nile virus - Tuesday, August 9, 2016: 2:00 PM, Grand Floridian Blrm C, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Stephanie S. Gervasi, Monell Chemical Senses Center, Philadelphia, PA In a triple whammy for disease transmission, zebra finches with high stress hormones (corticosterone) suffered from double the number of mosquito “foragers.” The stressed birds, but not controls, had high enough loads of West Nile Virus circulating in their blood to transmit the virus to mosquitoes. Mosquito females feeding on the stressed finches laid their egg clutches more quickly. Gervasi’s presentation is part of a symposium on “Resource provisioning and wildlife-pathogen interactions in human-altered landscapes.” The Asian tiger mosquito thrives in New York - PS 2-24 -The community assemblage of tree-hole mosquitoes in southern New York State - Monday, August 8, 2016, ESA Exhibit Hall, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Marly B. Katz, Fordham University, New York City, NY The aggressive day-biting Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus, has spread with global trade from its native home in the tropics and subtropics of Southeast Asia. First observed in Houston, Texas, in 1987, it rapidly spread through the interstate system in the the United States. Its range is pushing northward into New York and Pennsylvania. Does Ae. albopictus crowd out other mosquito species? Katz surveyed the mosquito species present at sites in southern New York State. Side effects of mosquito defense: broad spectrum insecticides kill the pollinators of rare native flowers - PS 11-27 -Pesticides and pollination of imperiled plants in the Lower Florida Keys - Tuesday, August 9, 2016, ESA Exhibit Hall, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Brittany Harris, Earth and Environment, Florida International University, Miami, FL As an example of the costs of mosquito suppression, three imperiled native plants in the Lower Florida Keys suffer indirectly from the spraying of insecticides in housing developments flanking National Key Deer Refuge. Harris will present her work in a poster session on Conservation. Mosquitoes change their temperature preferences when in competition with other mosquito species - COS 6-8 -Larval competition modifies the thermal niche of vector mosquitoes - Monday, August 8, 2016: 4:00 PM, room 124/125, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Sarah E. Bowden, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, NY Temperature is an important factor in the success of both mosquitoes and the pathogens they harbor. Competition with other mosquito species complicates this relationship. To better model how climate change may affect mosquitoes and the transmission of disease, Bowden and John Drake of the University of Georgia investigated how competition affected optimal temperatures for larval growth. An invasive mosquito helps break the spread of a parasite - COS 6-6 -Interactive effects of species invasion and habitat quality on parasite prevalence: Evidence of a dilution effect - Monday, August 8, 2016: 3:20 PM, room 124/125, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Katie M. Westby, Tyson Research Center, Washington University in St. Louis, Eureka, MO Some species of mosquitoes spread dangerous human diseases. But mosquitoes have their own parasites, like the protozoan Ascogregarina barretti, which is related to the organisms that cause malaria and toxoplasmosis, and infects the native North American mosquito Aedes triseriatus. The invasive mosquito, Aedes japonicus, a recent arrival in North America, does not contract As. barretti. Will the presence of Ae. japonicus dilute the prevalence of the parasite in the native mosquito? Life cycles, competition, and management - COS 100-5 -Spatial and stage-structured model testing for the effects of spatial synchrony in larval development and adult emergence on the persistence of mosquito populations - Friday, August 12, 2016: 9:20 AM, room 222/223, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - Yehonatan Alcalay, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, Israel Mosquitoes have complex life cycles and live in very different environments as immature larvae than as the flying biting pests people know and love. Models that seek to optimize mosquito management must take this variable life history into account. Alcalay will present in a session on Population Dynamics and Regulation, which will also feature talks on human encounters with black bears and cycles of moth pests in Northeastern fruit orchards. Battle at the bloodmeal lek - COS 84-1 -Where vectors collide: Effects of interspecific competition on worldwide niches of invasive Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus - Thursday, August 11, 2016: 1:30 PM, room 209/210, Ft Lauderdale Convention Center - L. Philip Lounibos, Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, University of Florida, Vero Beach, FL Invasive Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are the principal vectors of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses in the Americas. These species often find themselves in competition for mates and resources for their young. Cross-mating between the species creates infertile eggs and permanent sterilization of A. aegypti females. Lounibos and colleague Steven Juliano of Illinois State University described the causes and consequences of coexistence in south Florida. Lounibos will speak in a session on Invasion: Species Interactions. The Ecological Society of America, founded in 1915, is the world’s largest community of professional ecologists and a trusted source of ecological knowledge, committed to advancing the understanding of life on Earth. The 10,000 member Society publishes six journals and a membership bulletin and broadly shares ecological information through policy, media outreach, and education initiatives. The Society’s Annual Meeting attracts 4,000 attendees and features the most recent advances in ecological science. Visit the ESA website at https://www.esa.org.
We’ll admit, we’re a bit behind here on things to do during the lock down. But as some of you may know we’re in the process of finally getting our own podcast. We’re so excited about it and we’ll share more info soon. As we know the government is encouraging we self isolate during lock down. What better way to relax and chill with your headphones in listening to your favourite podcast. Off course we’re bias here, films! films! films! With no end in sight to Coronavirus (Covid-19), we decided to compile this list of film podcasts to listen to. There will be a lot ones you expect, there’s a few may haven’t hear off. Like anything this list is subjective and we know the list below isn’t the ultimate list. If you think we’ve missed out a podcast we should listen to, get in touch and we’ll update. All the Podcasts are available from the usual Podcasting websites. EMPIRE MOVIE PODCAST The first two podcasts on this list are always first on my list. The official podcast of the world’s biggest and best movie magazine. Expect irrelevant, fun chat all things from the world of Hollywood. Listen to episodes. KERMODE AND MAYO FILM REVIEW Mark Kermode is probably UK’s most recognisable film critic. Not just for his work at The Guardian newspaper and BBC but for his podcast. Co hosted with DJ Simon Mayo, their weekly BBC podcast has been gathered a cult status not just here but worldwide, with fans nicknaming the show ‘Wittertainment‘. 2 hours of fun criticism of the weeks new releases, interviews, banter and hello to Jason Issacs! List/Download Episodes. OUTSIDE THE CINEMA Whilst majority of film based podcasts focus on new and classic film, OTC is much more. These guys focus on the cult, the b movies right down to Z Movies. From Horror to Exploitation to Noir and Martial Arts and back. Not just about the films, at times they review music, review international snack boxes and more. Plus the OTC Nation has been running for 12 plus years too with fans worldwide. Listen to episodes. MALTIN ON MOVIES Everyone knows Roger Ebert was one of the most respected film critics and inspired millions to write about film.Legendary film critic Leonard Maltin is up there too and respected by aspiring and established critics. With his daughter Jessie they are the ultimate movie fans. They love talking about movies, especially with people who share their enthusiasm. A must for anyone not just interested in film, but the history of the art too. Listen to episodes. This Podcast is from season film critic Vince Leo. The episodes are short but in-depth as they average around the 10 minute mark. Everything from the latest releases to upcoming indie or world cinema releases. Vince just reviews one film at a time, living to it’s quippy, smart, observational. Listen to episodes HOW DID THIS GET MADE? You ever wondered how the fuck did that film get made and released? Well this podcast is the one for you! The award inning podcast hosted by Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas. They deliver light hearted approach to film criticism. dissecting some truly awful films in a funny entertaining way and with the three being comedians, expect big laughs. Listen to episodes. We always talk about the so called big site podcasts, we just love podcasts from the smaller indie blogs like our own. Moviescramble are good friends of the our site and we’re big fans of their podcast. Every couple of weeks they release an episode based around a film or the genre of that film. From Parasite, The Hunt, Richard Jewell and more recently The Invisible Man. As we’ll always say support your local and indie film sites as much as the big site, Moviescramble you have our support. Listen to episodes. WTF WITH MARC MARON This one isn’t exactly a Film podcast, but covers film and tv. A fantastically funny podcast from Stand Up comedian Marc Maron. He’s also starred in Netflix series GLOW, recently in Joker, Spenser Confidential. He releases at least 2 -3 episodes a week, sometimes a actor, musician, fellow comedian. It’s a no holds barred discussion, very open, raw,sometimes personal, most of all funny. At roughly 60-90 minutes per episode you can’t go wrong…Boomer Lives! – Listen to episodes. Another Award winning podcast and from the UK. An entertaining podcast created by married couple Dave and Cathy who podcast their walk home from the movies. Some swear words plenty of married couple on the bickering side. NME called them the Richard And Judy of podcasting, enough said check them out Listen to episodes. THE LAST PODCAST ON THE LEFT Love all things horror? This podcast is your wet dream! These guys will have you laughing into the abyss that is the dark side of humanity. From Jeffrey Dahmer,to iconic hauntings, cults, killers, or cryptid encounters, Last Podcast on the Left will feed your dark heart. Listen to episodes. STRONG LANGUAGE AND VIOLENT SCENES Do you believe in second chances? This podcast attempts to give second chances to genre films that may not deserve them! Hosted by Mitch Bain and Andy Stewart, we are now big fans and their local to us too! Strap in for some funny, in-depth chat, Listen To Episodes THE CRITERION CAST Love your films from around the world? Cult and classic films? The Criterion Cast will be the podcast for you. Criterion Collection is one of the leading boutique film distributor for years set just in the USA. Since 2016 here in the UK, however not all the releases are available here, though some are through other distributors. Criterion Cast isn’t actually one Podcast it’s several Podcasts. If you are looking for one from a British perspective, check out Criterion Now – Get Podcasts Here. If you enjoy films that aren’t from mainstream cinema, check this one out. 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Note: if one of the links doesn't work, try another link from the list below. in case video doesn't load try to disable adblocker for this site and reload the page. Cryptid: The Swamp Beast - Season 1 - Episode 4 - Walking Dead share this episode link to your friends. share to support our website. Creators: Ty Clancey Languages: en, N/A, Date Modified: 2017-12-20 05:06:05 Air Date: 2014-03-17 Year Released: 2014 Rating: 7.750 out of 10 Content Rating: Horror, Mystery Also known as:Keywords:
May 14, 2021 In this fine episode: We get the lowdown on creepy Cicadas from one of our awesome listeners, Demi Lovato plans a mini docu-series about UFO’s, and we mull over creating the best Paranormal “Avengers” team! Welcome to the CreepGeeks Podcast Season 5 Episode 217! In this Episode- Cicada Update, Demi Lovato UFO Investigator and Celebrity Believers? Today's podcast is brought to you by audible - get a FREE audiobook download and 30-day free trial at http://www.audibletrial.com/cheapgeek -Over 180,000 titles to choose from for your iPhone, Android, Kindle or mp3 player. Thank you to our Patreon Supporters: Dav, Isiss, James, Bobby, John and John and Adam! Want to Support the podcast? Join us on Patreon! CreepGeeks Paranormal and Weird News is creating Humorous Paranormal Podcasts, Interviews, and Videos! What is the CreepGeeks Paranormal and Weird News Podcast? CreepGeeks Podcast is an off-beat news podcast that takes a light-hearted approach to the paranormal, cryptid, supernatural, strange, the silly, and trending tech topics circulating the web. Broadcasting paranormal news and fun stories from our underground bunker in the mountains of Western North Carolina. Hey Everyone! You can call the show and leave us a message! Use Amazon Prime Free Trial! Did you know YOU can support the CreepGeeks Podcast with little to no effort! Won’t cost you anything! When you shop on Amazon.com use our affiliate link and we get a small percentage! It doesn't change your price at all. It helps us to keep the coffee flowing and gas in the Albino Rhino! CreepGeeks Podcast is an Amazon Affiliate We’ve got Bigfoot Coffee! Support the Show: CreepGeeks Swag Shop! Website- CREEPGEEKS PARANORMAL AND WEIRD NEWS Hey everyone! Help us out! Rate us on iTunes! Listener Comments: Cicada Info from Jamie FORTEAN TERM OF THE DAY: Reptilian! List of Celebrity Ghost Hunter / UFO / Cryptid Investigators Who would Ghost Hunters Pick? Audible is audio entertainment that entertains, educates, and inspires. For you, the listeners of [CreepGeeksPodcast], Audible is offering a free audiobook download with a free 30-day trial to give you the opportunity to check out their service. To download your free audiobook today go to www.audibletrial.com/cheapgeek Again, that's http://www.audibletrial.com/cheapgeek for your free audiobook. Enjoy this with your free trial: “Through the Brown Mountain Lights” by Christy Tillery French https://amzn.to/2MfRZZh Looking for something unique and spooky? Check out Omi’s new Etsy, CraftedIntent: CraftedIntent: Simultaneously BeSpoke and Spooky. by CraftedIntent This Patron-supported episode is brought to you by Dav, Isiss, James, Bobby, John and John! We really appreciate their Patronage! What to watch: Seth Breedlove Small Town Monsters https://amzn.to/2yemd8x Lyle Blackburn: Sinister Swamp: https://amzn.to/3g0Va0A Stanton Friedman- Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO https://amzn.to/38GkCqd Shannon Legro -Beyond the Fray: Bigfoot: https://amzn.to/395obok Ramdas - The One Eyed Turtle by Robert Goerman: https://amzn.to/2DY5civ John A. Keel: The Man, The Myths, and the Ongoing Mysteries: https://amzn.to/2LHbd7X Brown Mountain Lights: History, Human Nature, and Science Explain an Appalachian Mystery https://amzn.to/2TJ2oyR Get Something From Amazon Prime! Cool Stuff on Amazon -Squatch Metalworks Microsquatch Keychain: https://amzn.to/2Mzc7Ek Need to Contact Us? Attn Greg or Omi Want to comment about the show? Join Us Next Time! #paranormal #creepgeeks #paranormalpodcast
Fans of the Chupacabra know that this cryptid comes in two flavors: the traditional upright, spike-backed, reptile-like, goat blood sucking creature that originated in Puerto Rico, and the four-legged, dog-like, furless creatures that appear much more often and don’t look anywhere as frightening as their reputation would suggest. Today’s sighting is of the second kind, but it’s in a state that has its share of strange creatures and invasive species. Could this be one to add to the list? “What in the world is that?” According to the website GAFollowers (GA is Georgia’s two-letter abbreviation), that’s what “people across Georgia” are wondering after seeing a video of a strange-looking creature spotted by Parker Lipman in Buckhead. Buckhead? Those familiar with Atlanta know that Buckhead is an exclusive, uptown residential, business and financial area in the business district of Atlanta and would more likely be the home of predatory lenders than predatory cryptids. Yet that’s where Lipman claims he saw the creature (see it for yourself here) and, after posting it on social media, sent it to GAFollowers for great coverage in the hope that someone could identify it. “Looks like a fox with mange.” After weeding out all of the derogatory comments, the few left seem to agree that Lipman’s creature is a fox, coyote or dog with mange – a common problem among wild canines and furry mammals living in cities where they’re often malnourished or sick. Buckhead was at one time more wilderness than it is today – the name comes from a deer whose head was once mounted in a prominent place in the town. Now it’s pretty much developed, so any strange creatures are probably invasive. Georgia has plenty of wilderness left to house alligators and a variety of snakes, reptiles and amphibians … so the Puerto Rican style of Chupacabra might survive better there than a sickly dog-like one. On the cryptid side, Georgia has its share of Bigfoot sightings, but the monster the state is most famous for is the Altamaha-ha -- a giant serpent-ish water creature which lives (allegedly) in the Altamaha River and is more akin to the Loch Ness monster than a Chupacabra. A better possibility is the Wog – a demon dog said to live in a boggy mud volcano near Winder, Georgia, which is a mere 50 miles from Buckhead. The native Creek people called it Nodoroc – the “gateway to hell” – and used it to dump bodies of executed prisoners that were taken to the underworld by the red-eyed, fork-tongued Wog. Europeans who came to the area blamed the disappearance of livestock on the Wog. It could be a figment of the imagination of stir-crazed Buckheadians dying to get out of coronavirus lockdown and see anything that’s outside. However, the photograph shows the creature is real, but the needle still points to ‘figment of the imagination’ when trying to call this poor creature a Chupacabra. If it had the money (and was real), the Puerto Rican Chupacabra would undoubtedly sue all of these people defaming its character by using its name in association with sick foxes and canines. Many of the comments on the photo say the local fox recovery team has been notified. Sorry, Buckhead – keep looking for your monster. Maybe you can find another Hogzilla.
The egg-laying, venom-spurred, electroreceptive, and thoroughly astonishing duck-billed platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus has always been one of my favourite wild animals, and even today I can still readily recall how, as a small child during the early 1960s, my tiny plastic platypuses from my model zoo would, if left overlooked on a carpet or rug at home, unerringly find themselves sucked up into my unsuspecting mother's vacuum cleaner, resulting in an all-too-familiar, ominous clattering sound that always swiftly ensued before they were ejected in varying states of mangled morphology! Famed as an exclusively Australian oddity in the modern-day living state, no platypus species, from either the present or the palaeontological past, has ever been confirmed from North America – which is why the following couple of cryptozoological cases have long intrigued me. A platypus being shown to the public (© TwoWings/Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0) Mystery beast investigators everywhere owe a great debt of thanks to longstanding cryptozoological and herpetological enthusiast Chad Arment, author of The Search For Hidden Animals (1995), for establishing a highly successful internet cryptozoological discussion group – firstname.lastname@example.org (subsequently email@example.com) – that lasted for many years online. As its webmaster, Chad oversaw discussions concerning all manner of fascinating cryptids, including numerous examples not aired outside of cyberspace. Among the most remarkable, however, is one that Chad himself brought to the group's attention - the exceedingly curious case of the putative platypus from San Luis Valley, in Colorado. In a short cz@onelist posting of 18 June 1999, Chad referred to Christopher O'Brien's book The Mysterious Valley (1996), in which O'Brien had briefly mentioned that strange animals have been seen for many years in San Luis Valley and that during the 1960s some individuals claimed to have found a supposed platypus in a high mountain lake within the Blanca Peaks area. Platypus swimming (© Klaus/Wikipedia CCBY-SA 2.0 licence) Not surprisingly, Chad was curious to learn whether anyone else knew anything further. On 7 August 1999, Colorado-based cz@onelist crypto-contributor Bobbie Short posted an e-mail received by her that same day from a correspondent, Rob Alley, concerning this same subject. It read as follows: Several years ago Mike F., a successful Ketchikan businessman, contractor and retired fisherman asked me following a chat about Sasquatches whether I had ever studied or read anything about platypuses in North America, specifically whether I knew of any prehistoric giant forms. When I got back to him on this and replied that there may have been a slightly larger earlier form known but not in N.A., but nothing really big, he looked puzzled. I asked him why and after a moment's hesitation he answered that as a young man forty or so years ago he had stood on shore near Mountain Point south of Ketchikan [in Alaska, USA] and spent a minute watching an animal in the water at very close range that simply resembled a giant platypus. He described the creature as dark with a bill and feet like a platypus only the overall size was six feet or possibly greater. He gave no mention of the tail if there was one. The sighting was in shallow water on a rocky shoreline and the creature was close to the surface. I could probably get a few more details such as season and so on. This man is an experienced commercial fisherman and stated categorically that it was not a known species of seal. Ocean temp here doesn't vary much from 50 degrees. All I have right now. I've never seen or known of a platypus sitting upright – but if one did, or could, it may look like this wonderful 19th-Century natural history book engraving (public domain) The platypus is an egg-laying, monotreme mammal, and as noted by Rob Alley there are indeed larger species of monotreme on record, but these are all fossil forms, from Australasia (one such species, originally thought to have been a giant platypus, has since been reclassified as a zaglossid spiny anteater). In more recent years, fossil remains of monotremes have also been uncovered in the New World, but currently only in South America. These latter remains consist of a single upper and two lower teeth, which were found in Patagonia, Argentina, and date from the lower Palaeocene epoch (61 million years ago). In 1992, the species from which they originated was formally christened Monotrematum sudamericanum (but more recently some researchers have reclassified it within the existing Australian fossil genus Obdurodon). Its teeth are approximately twice as large as those of any other species of platypus, living or fossil, and it is currently the only platypus species known from outside Australia. Platypus, from Wild Life of the World, A Descriptive Survey of the Geographical Distribution of Animals Volume III, by Richard Lydekker, 1916 (public domain) As for living representatives, however, only one platypus species, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, is known, and that is of course exclusively Australian and freshwater. So if it was definitely not a seal, just what did Michael F. see near Mountain Point? An otter is the most likely non-cryptozoological possibility. Yet if his sighting was as good as it appears to have been, such an identity can hardly reconcile his description of a platypus-like bill and feet. As for the mountain lake, unnamed by Christopher O'Brien: in an e-mail to me of 26 September 1999, Bobbie stated that Blanca Peak is in Colorado's Sangre de Cristo mountains and the only lake up that high (approximately 14,300 ft) is Lake Como, so this is presumably the body of water in which the creature was sighted. Nevertheless, these two mystery platypus-lookalike beasts - one freshwater in Colorado, the other marine in Alaska - remain among the most tenuous, but also most tantalising, to have emerged from the depths of the Crypto-Web. And finally – Ever imagined Ernst Stavro Blofeld as a cryptozoologist? Imagine no longer: "Good evening, Dr Shuker, I've been expecting you..." (© Dr Karl Shuker) UPDATE: 30 March 2017 Today, Chad Arment kindly drew to my attention a third crypto-platypus version reported from North America, but this time from Canada. In John Warms's book Strange Creatures Seldom Seen (2015), John collated a number of reports received by him of a mysterious aquatic beast allegedly resembling the North American beaver Castor canadensis in overall appearance and size, but instantly differentiated from this familiar rodent species by sporting a distinctive duck-like beak, which has reputedly been seen in several Manitoban and Saskatchewan lakes. Moreover, it is known locally by various First Nation names that translate into English as duck beaver, beaver duck, or duck mole. Artist Jarmo Sinisalo's rendition of the Manitoba crypto-platypus or duck beaver based upon several eyewitness descriptions and sketches, and appearing in John Warms's book (© Jarmo Sinisalo/John Warms/Coachwhip Publications) John also recorded claims that specimens of this cryptid have actually been killed, but as is all too often the norm in cryptozoology these potentially invaluable specimens were never preserved and submitted for formal scientific examination to determine their precise zoological identity. One person affirmed that he had once captured such a creature in a beaver lodge - so could it be that at least this Canadian crypto-platypus form is in fact a developmentally aberrant, teratological version of the normal beaver? It could explain why, if true, a specimen was discovered inside a beaver lodge. This ShukerNature blog article is excerpted and expanded from my book Extraordinary Animals Revisited.
TIM SEELEY & MIKE NORTON BRING THE MONSTERS TO MAIN STREET IN DARK HORSE’S ALTER NATION Fresh out of the Panda Mony toybox and presented by Oregon-based Dark Horse Comics, a new 50-page graphic novel firmly implanted in the Alter Nation universe is marching toward comic shops this fall and picks up immediately after the fantastic events of the hit kids’ webisode series aligning with the creative property’s flagship action figures. Tim Seeley (Batman Eternal, Hack/Slash, G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero) and Mike Norton (Hellboy and the B.P.R.D. 1956, Battlepug), along with ace colorist Allen Passalaqua (The Occultist, Bloodshot) and letterer Crank! (Rick and Morty, Lady Killer), are bringing Panda Mony’s sensational creation out of the lab and into the streets with Alter Nation: They Hide Hybrids! — and SYFY WIRE is delivering a first look at the cover and details of its storyline. Alter Nation: They Hide Hybrids follows a clandestine crew of cryptid-heroes called GK Delta, who are committed to protecting all humanity from extraordinary threats. When you and your loyal colleagues are all that stand between humanity and potential annihilation, you must endeavor to trust each other regardless of the consequences. So when a teammate betrays his brothers in arms, the unit is forced to fight one of their own. But what if he was correct to leave? With their strength divided, GK Delta must confront their worst enemy amid uncertainty as to their true nature. In the fall of 2018, independent U.S. toy firm Panda Mony Toys unveiled its new line of original Alter Nation action figures at the American Specialty Toy Retailing Association Marketplace in New Orleans. The line of colorful mutant monsters centered on a cadre of experimental human-animal hybrids raised in seclusion on a secret island military base off the coast of California. The imaginative line launched in 2019 with six hero figures — El Ray, Bomber, Daart, Eddie Thick-Skin, Little Big Horn, and Sham — plus two villains named Alpha and Sabotage. As a cross-promotional tie-in project, Panda Mony Toys partnered with the animation production company Lil’ Critters Workshop last year to create an online webisode series based on the company’s Alter Nation characters. That first two-minute chapter, titled “Glitch,” premiered Nov. 6, 2019 on the Alter Nation YouTube channel, with new episodes appearing every Wednesday, each with its own solo story arc. Dark Horse’s Alter Nation: They Hide Hybrids arrives on Oct. 6, 2020 and includes the 12-page prequel comic Alter Nation: The Mystery of the Whining Winny. It’ll be available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, TFAW, and your local comic shop. This article originally appeared on Syfy wire and can be found in its entirety here.
Manage episode 312323324 series 3232468 Hope you don't end up here... This podcast is the reading of many different creepy pastas, Cryptids, SCPs and horror stories from the internet. I did not write these (unless otherwise stated) I merely read them. All The original authors and websites are noted in each episode. *I did not write this creepy pasta, SCP or Cryptid nor do I claim any credit for its creation. I am merely using this platform to share the work in a different format.* Sites I use for my podcast: Thank you to everyone, enjoy the show. follow me / message me on: Please subscribe on apple and Spotify and rate 5 stars on apple-podcast--- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/creepypastamyths/support
John 'Trapper' Tice was the founder and leader of the Appalachian Investigations of Mysterious Sightings team (AIMS). John was also a member of Mountain Monsters, a TV series that followed a team of hunters searching for unexplained creatures in the Appalachian Mountains The A.I.M.S. team is a self-styled, cryptozoology research team founded by West Virginians John Trapper Tice, Jeff Headlee, and Willy McQuillian. Their goal is to prove the existence of mysterious creatures such as Bigfoot, Werewolf, Hellhound, Lizard Man, and Mothman John Trapper Tice Death Report: Find out what really happened to Mountain Monsters star John Trapper Tice! On December 16th, it was revealed that John Tr.. .m. The season premiere follows a Mountain Monsters marathon and a special tribute episode to John Trapper Tice John Tice, best known as Trapper features in the American reality show Mountain Monsters. He leads a team of men that hunt legendary creatures, especially in the West Virginia mountains. Tice grew up near Creek in Pleasants County. Tice is a hunter, tracker, and the leader of AIMS (Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings.) The cryptid-chasing series Mountain Monsters returns to the Travel Channel, starting out on a somber note. The series went on a bit of a hiatus after the AIMS team leader, Trapper John Tice, passed away back in December 2019, and now the team prepares to move on without him. But though Trapper himself is gone, his leadership and guidance remain, as his daughters pass along t Show: Mountain Monsters John Tice, affectionally known as Trapper, was the founder and leader of the Appalachian Investigations of Mysterious Sightings team (AIMS) that gave rise to the cult-classic series Mountain Monsters. Sadly, Trapper passed away in December 2019, after a prolonged illness Trapper - Mountain Monsters, West Virginia. 108,140 likes · 303 talking about this. Welcome to the Official Page for Crew Leader Trapper of Mountain Monsters A equipe AIMS é uma equipe de pesquisa de criptozoologia fundada pelos virginianos ocidentais John Trapper Tice, Jeff Headlee e Willy McQuillian. Seu foco principal é provar a existência de criaturas misteriosas, como pé-grande, lobisomem e outras criaturas . 23, 2020) - John Tice, affectionally known as Trapper, was the founder and leader of the Appalachian Investigations of Mysterious Sightings team (AIMS) that gave rise to the cult-classic series Mountain Monster. Sadly, Trapper passed away in December 2019, after a prolonged illness Mountain Monsters. John 'Trapper' Tice tweeted back that he was not an actor, and that he sometimes felt that Matt's show should be called Losing Bigfoot instead of Finding Bigfoot. The online conflict was continued, leaving viewers confused as to whether the show is real or fake. John 'Trapper' Tice . John R. Tice, also known by his nickname of 'Trapper', was born on. Trapper - Mountain Monsters, West Virginia. 108,020 likes · 704 talking about this. Welcome to the Official Page for Crew Leader Trapper of Mountain Monsters Trapper's son, John, had some kinds words to say about the late Mountain Monsters star on Trapper's official Facebook page. My brother, sister and I greatly appreciate the outpouring of love and stories from friends and fans. The person on the tv screen pales in comparison to the actual legend of man, father and grandfather he was. The silence of his absence in our lives is deafening. Love. Mountain Monsters star John Trapper Tice. Growing up, the woods of his birthplace became boon for him to learn the basics of hunting and navigation. It is believed that his father inspired him to become an impervious lad from a very young age which empowered him to be a tough lad. He also showcased his athletic side during high school days at St. Marys High School. He was a standout football. Mountain Monsters: A Tribute to Trapper. However, before Season 5 of Mountain Monsters starts, there will be a one-hour special on Sunday, January 3. This is titled Mountain Monsters: A Tribute to Trapper and will air at 10/9c. Travel Channel announced that the special will pay tribute to Tice, with the AIMS team sharing their favorite memories and moments with him over the years as they. 'Mountain Monsters' -Star John 'Trapper' Tice enthüllt, warum er nicht in der Show war Unterhaltung Quelle: Reisekanal. Nach einer 18-monatigen Pause Bergmonster Am 21. August kehrte er schließlich für eine sechste Staffel zurück, aber die Fans erhielten einige überraschende Neuigkeiten vom AIMS-Teamleiter (Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings) John 'Trapper' Tice Mountain Monsters: Trapper' Failing Health. This Travel Channel show collected some die-hard fans. When Trapper recently revealed his health is failing, people hopped online to share their sadness along with their wishes that he'll recover. He's been ill since they discovered a blood clot in his leg a few years ago. At the beginning of this latest season, Trapper shared a rather grim. Januar 2021 ein TV-Special mit dem Titel Mountain Monsters: A Tribute to Trapper Premiere haben wird. Außerdem wurde angekündigt, dass die siebte Staffel am 10. Januar 2021 Premiere haben wird. Es wurde kurz darauf angekündigt Bei der Premiere von Staffel 7 wurden neue Folgen nur für den Rest der Staffel exklusiv auf de Trapper and Mountain Monsters cast Willy McQuillian One of the original three: Willy McQuillian is the co-founder of Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sighting. While Jacob, Joseph, and William are the new blood, Willy, Trapper, and Jeff have known each other for decades. The trio met during their early years and shared individual experiences, which turned them into believers. Over the. Mountain Monsters is a popular reality television show that has been running for several years now. The show follows a team of six native West Virginian hunters and trappers in their search for unidentified creatures in the Appalachian Mountains. The show has been running on the television for about seven years now, ever since it had begun airing in 2013. The news has been now surfacing that. Watch Mountain Monsters 2013 full Series free, download mountain monsters 2013. Stars: Jacob Lowe, Willy McQuillian, Jeff Headlee, William Neff, Trapper John Tice, Huckleberry Joe Lott, Colt Strau Mountain Monsters è una serie televisiva americana a tema criptozoologico in onda su Travel Channel.È stato presentato per la prima volta il 22 giugno 2013 su Destination America.La serie segue il team degli Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS), una banda di sei cacciatori e trapper nativi della Virginia Occidentale, mentre ricercano e rintracciano creature non. Trapper - Mountain Monsters, West Virginia. 108,130 likes · 61 talking about this. Welcome to the Official Page for Crew Leader Trapper of Mountain Monsters Bigfoot of Clay County is the fifth episode of Mountain Monsters season 3, and the twenty fifth episode overall. The A.I.M.S. team travels to Clay County West Virginia, who investigate sightings of the Yahoo, which they hunted the previous year. On the road, the A.I.M.S. team is on their way to go after a Bigfoot they believe could be the Yahoo. The team remembers their last encounter with. Mountain Monsters is a show on a channel called Destination America about the unidentified creatures found in the Appalachian Mountains.On each episode, members of AIMS or the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings, conduct exploration investigations to find concrete evidence of the monsters supposedly lurking in the area Trapper, who is officially called John Tice, was nowhere to be seen when they released the new series of Mountain Monsters on Travel Channel. He usually leads the AIMS crew alongside Jeff Headlee and Willy McQuillian, to uncover mysterious sightings of 'monsters' AIMS Co-Founder, team leader, and expert trapper John Tice A.K.A Trapper is a long time hunter and tracker and team leader of AIMS (Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings). He is a seasoned outdoorsman and US Veteran. Born and raised in the mountains of West Virginia, he has devoted his life to explaining the unexplainable throughout the Appalachian Region Mountain Monsters will pay tribute to John Trapper Tice Sunday at 10 p.m. in a special show on The Travel Channel Trapper reveals he has a serious health condition on Mountain Monsters. Following an 18-month hiatus, Mountain Monsters finally returned to our televisions. However, fans received surprising news when lead hunter, Trapper, revealed he is suffering from serious health related issues Trapper John Tice, Actor: Mountain Monsters. Trapper John Tice was born as John R. Tice. He is an actor, known for Mountain Monsters (2013) Travel Channel's 'Mountain Monsters' Returns for Season Five January 10, 2021 Nick Banks News Leave a comment After the unfortunate passing of Appalachian Investigations of Mysterious Sightings team (AIMS) founder John Trapper Tice in December 2019, it appeared that there would be no further televised investigations by the surviving members of the team But now that Mountain Monsters have been up in the air for a season renewal, I have cancelled my Destination America add on. If Mountain Monsters are to be aired again, I would absolutely get the Destination America package again. Please bring the show back. If you have this many requests, I am sure there are Hollywood math that suggest for everyone one request there is x number of people that. Mountain Men Cast Trapper John Tice. Rumors emerged in 2016 about John's demise that was untrue, but in December 2019, John was reported to have passed away from natural cause. He breathed his last breath surrounded by family. John Tice was one of the core founders of Mountain Monsters. He was the center of the group's activity, being the. John Trapper Tice Death Report: Find out what really happened to Mountain Monsters star John Trapper Tice! On December 16th, it was revealed that John Trapper Tice had passed away. Trapper's daughter Laura first confirmed the tragic news on a Facebook post. Rest In Peace John Tice The AIMS team celebrates the life of late team leader John Trapper Tice. The AIMS team celebrates the life of late team leader John Trapper Tice. Mountain Monsters Mountain Monsters Mountain Monsters Mountain Monsters Sign In With Your TV Provider. You're just a few clicks away from the show you want to watch. Please sign in with your TV provider to watch this episode and other great. There are creatures both legendary and unidentified roaming the Appalachian Mountains, and a band of hard-core hunters and trappers have made it their life's work to investigate them. For generations, supposed sightings of these monsters -- with such names as Wolfman, Devil Dog, Wampus Beast, Mothman and Lizard Demon -- have occurred along the 1,500-mile stretch of mountains, and it wasn't. Buy Mountain Monsters: Mountain Monsters - Season 7 Episode 101 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast Jun 11, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Tiffany Windham. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinteres Mountain Monsters: A Tribute to Trapper, premiering on Sunday, January 3 at 10 p.m. ET/PT, pays tribute to Tice, with the AIMS team sharing their favorite memories and moments with him over the years as they investigated cryptids throughout the woods of Appalachia. The surviving members meet up for the first time after Trapper's passing to discuss the team's future and embark on. Mountain Monsters is an American cryptozoology-themed reality television series airing on Travel Channel. It originally premiered on June 22, 2013 on Destination America. The series follows the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (A.I.M.S.) team, a band of six native West Virginian hunters and trappers, as they research and track unidentified creatures in the Appalachian. Trapper - Mountain Monsters, West Virginia. 108,119 likes · 74 talking about this. Welcome to the Official Page for Crew Leader Trapper of Mountain Monsters Apr 19, 2015 - This Pin was discovered by Carolyn Drake. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinteres A team of trappers hunt down legendary beasts in the Appalachian Mountains. A team of trappers hunt down legendary beasts in the Appalachian Mountains. Sign In Mountain Monsters: By the Fire. Reality 2021. Available on Prime Video, discovery+ A team of trappers hunt down legendary beasts in the Appalachian Mountains. Reality 2021. EPISODE 1 Sheepsquatch The AIMS team revisits one of their. Mountain Monsters: A Tribute to Trapper The remaining members of the AIMS team gather around a campfire to celebrate the life of team leader and friend John Trapper Tice. Tears are shed and laughter echoes throughout the Appalachian night sky as they relive their favorite Trapper moments .m. ET/PT, pays tribute to Tice, with the AIMS team sharing their favorite memories and moments with him over the years as they investigated cryptids throughout the woods of Appalachia. The surviving members meet up for the first time after Trapper's passing to discuss the team's future and embark on adventures. 24.01.2016 - Octoberfest at the Meadville Mall. Buck looking good. #MountainMonsters Mountain Monsters returns with season five on Discovery+ as they hunt for everything from red-eyed beasts to wolves to massive creatures. The surviving members of the AIMS team meet up for the first time after Trapper's passing to discuss the team's future and embark on brand-new adventures Trapper had set up for them before he passed. Equipped with his personal journal filled with. 24.5k Followers, 4 Following, 97 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Mountain Monsters (@mountainmonsterstv Mountain Monsters John Trapper Tice death, Wiki-bio, family, Net worth. By Lovish March 21, 2021 Television Personality 0 Comments. There is no substituting John Trapper Tice. One of the best trappers in the business, John is also the co-founder of Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings. John rose to fame following his work with AIMS which was later converted into a TV series. Mountain Monsters - A Tribute To Trapper, Tonight at 10:00 pm on Travel Channel. TV show. One of the only legitimate television shows on Bigfoot is Mountain Monsters. In my opinion it is the best. I happen to have some inside knowledge of production of this show. Despite the ignorant naysayers, this show and what it depicts is 100% authentic. The 7th season is going to begin later this. Mountain Monsters (a Titles & Air Dates Guide) Last updated: Tue, 9 Mar 2021 0:00. Hunters and trappers from West Virginia investigate sightings of mysterious Bigfoot-like creatures in the mountains of Appalachia. Show Details: Start date: Jun 2013 End date: ___ ____ Status:. 19.06.2013 - Trapper- knows a thing or two about catching monsters. Mountain Monsters premieres Saturday at 10/9 Buy Mountain Monsters: Mountain Monsters - Season 7 Episode 1 on Google Play, then watch on your PC, Android, or iOS devices. Download to watch offline and even view it on a big screen using Chromecast Search Trapper-Mountain Monsters. It will give you some appearance information. If you search a little more you can find how to get an autograph. They are on Facebook. Reply. Anonymous. November 25, 2015 at 4:39 pm. At the risk of everyone thinking I am making this up or am crazy, I have never seen this show but I know the Grassman is real. My sister and I saw one very close and very personal. . Give them a bigger budget and maybe bring in a new rookie. Buck has become a decent leader and I've every belief Trapper would have wanted the show to keep running Sheepsquatch of Boone County is the sixth episode of Mountain Monsters season 2, and the twelfth episode overall. The legendary Sheepaquatch brings A.I.M.S. to Boone County to attempt to capture it, but soon find it is far more dangerous than they suspected. On the way to Boone County, West Virginia, Trapper informs the team they are going after the Sheepsquatch. The Sheepsquatch is a bipedal. Next, the Mountain Monsters team decide it's time to find Trapper and fill him in on what's happened. They're in for another shock when they arrive at Tapper's home and find Trapper gone and the home ransacked. Willy thinks to look in Trapper's safe where he discovers Trapper's cell phone along with a note. He left them a video explaining that the Rogue team reached out to him as well, and he. 4th. place: Trapper Tice, stated on TV, Every monster, in the Smoky mountains; are witness by property owners. He, Himself have seen many of these creatures are real. Ask the ppl in Virginia. Many have seen Mothman which killed many ppl.. nothing they're invented, ppl have proof Trapper and the whole AIMS team of Mountain Monsters will be available for autograph signing and photo opportunities throughout the weekend. They will be in attendance at the Friday night private Dinner with the Speakers event as well as the conference on Saturday. Weather permitting, there will be a special Mountain Monsters Safari conducted on Saturday night following the. Posted by Trapper - Mountain Monsters on Thursday, April 6, 2017. There are numerous legends and mysteries surrounding the mountain range and the trails within it. Legends have come from Native American tribes as well as from recent hikers and campers in the area. The accounts of monsters or unusual activity have been varied, and reported fom scattered locations all over the mountain range. For generations the Appalachian Mountains have had more sightings of mysterious creatures then anywhere else in the United States. Now a band of hard core hunters and trappers are out to identify. May 2, 2014 - Explore Bethann Drain's board Mountain monsters on Pinterest. See more ideas about mountain monsters, monster, destination america Season Four of the cult-classic series, Mountain Monsters, reunites the fearless team of hard-core trappers to confirm the sightings of these fabled monsters. Calling themselves the AIMS team - the Appalachian Investigators of Mysterious Sightings - this rip-roarin' group of self-proclaimed hillbilly hunters treks through the depths of Appalachia's mountain forests, searching for creatures. Mountain Monsters. Season 6. Season 1; Season 2; Season 3; Season 4; Season 5; Season 6; Season 7 (415) 2019 TV-14. This season runs full-steam ahead towards a new raucous adventure as the AIMS team chases seven monsters deeply rooted in folklore and somehow connected to the greatest creature of all -- Spearfinger. Each creature is more treacherous than the last, and the team members must rely. Die Monster-Jäger - Bestien auf der Spur Jetzt ansehen. In Kentucky treibt angeblich seit 50 Jahren ein riesiger Wolf sein Unwesen. In West Virginia geht die Legende vom Sheepsquatch um, und in den Höhlen von Greenbrier County lauert ein Furcht einflößendes Raubtier auf seine Beute. Solche Horrorgeschichten gehören in den Appalachen beinahe zum Alltag, denn die Menschen dort sind. Mountain Monsters follows the group called Appalachians Investigators of Mysterious Sightings (AIMS), a team of six West Virginian native hunters and trappers. The episodes generally start with Jeff, Huckleberry, Trapper, and Buck going over their hunting plans. Quick Facts about Willy McQuillia Mountain Monsters Season 6 10 episodes Destination America 2019 Documentary/Bio English audio CC TV-14 506. This season runs full-steam ahead towards a new raucous adventure as the AIMS team chases seven monsters deeply rooted in folklore and somehow connected to the greatest creature of all -- Spearfinger. Each creature is more treacherous than. Trapper - Mountain Monsters, West Virginia. Sviđa mi se: 108.155 · 209 govori o ovome. Welcome to the Official Page for Crew Leader Trapper of Mountain Monsters The Mountain Monsters group will also have to figure out who it is that seems to enjoy playing such a dangerous and deadly game with them. After receiving a cryptic message last season, Trapper and the rest of the team will have to watch their backs on every investigation and hunt they conduct Deep in the Appalachian Mountains, creatures both legendary and terrifying lurk among the shadows, evading capture at every turn. Season Four of the cult-classic series Mountain Monsters. . Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinteres Trapper - Mountain Monsters, West Virginia. 108,144 likes · 186 talking about this. Welcome to the Official Page for Crew Leader Trapper of Mountain Monsters Mountain Monsters. Reality 2013. Available on iTunes, Travel Channel, Prime Video, discovery+, Hulu The Wolves of West Virginia S7, E1: The surviving members of AIMS head out on a brand-new adventure that team leader Trapper set up for them before he passed. Equipped with Trapper's journal, they travel to the mountains of the Tygart Valley to prove there are still wolves in West Virginia.
Who is Lori Petty? Lori Lee Petty was born on 14 October 1963 under the zodiac sign of Libra, in Chattanooga, Tennessee USA. She’s a 58-year-old actress, producer, director and writer, probably best recognized for landing the role of Tyler Ann Endicott in the action crime film “Point Break” (1991), playing Georgia ‘George’ Sanders in the Fox sitcom “Lush Life” (1996), and featuring as Lolly Whitehill in the Netflix comedy-drama series “Orange Is The New Black” (2014-2019). How rich is she, as of now? Lori Petty Net Worth As of late 2021, Lori Petty’s net worth is estimated at over $5 million, acquired through her successful involvement in the world of entertainment. She has garnered over 70 television and film acting credits since she launched her career in the mid-1980s. Early Life, Parents, Siblings, Nationality, Ethnicity, Educational Background Lori Petty spent her early years traveling through the US, since her father was a Pentecostal minister; information about her mother isn’t revealed, but she has two younger sisters, one of whom is named Lisa Petty. She holds American nationality and belongs to White Caucasian ethnic group. Regarding her education, Lori went to North High School in Sioux City, Iowa, from which she matriculated in 1981. She then worked for several years as a graphic designer in Omaha, Nebraska before deciding to try herself as an actress. Lori Petty started pursuing her professional acting career in 1985, when she made her debut TV appearance in a guest role in an episode of the highly popular ABC soap opera “All My Children”, which was followed by a series of minor roles she portrayed in such TV series as “The Equalizer”, “Head Of The Class”, and “Miami Vice”, to name a few. In 1987, she was cast as Willie in the NBC supernatural horror film “Bates Motel”, opposite Bud Cort, after which she was chosen to portray Cricket in the short-lived ABC sitcom “The Thorns” (1988), next to Tony Roberts and Kelly Bishop, and featured as Cassie in the NBC crime mystery film “Perry Mason: The Case Of The Musical Murder” (1989). Rise to Prominence Lori Petty’s big break came when she joined the cast of the Fox crime drama series “Booker”, in which she starred as Suzanne Dunne / Diane. It’s a spin-off from the Fox police procedural series “21 Jump Street”, but only lasted for a single season from 1989 to 1990. She then made her debut feature film appearance in the role of Lila in the 1990 black comedy film “Cadillac Man”, alongside Robin Williams and Tim Robbins. In the next year, she gained enormous popularity after featuring as Tyler in Kathryn Bigelow’s critically acclaimed action crime film “Point Break”, next to Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. It was followed by her portrayal of Kit Keller in the 1992 hit sports comedy film “A League Of Their Own”, sharing the screen with Tom Hanks, Geena Davis, and Madonna. During the mid-1990s, Lori landed such roles as Rae Lindley in a box office hit, the family drama film “Free Willy” (1993), Christine Jones in the war comedy film “In The Army Now” (1994), and the title role in the sci-fi film “Tank Girl” (1995). Her next significant appearance came when she had the part of Georgia ‘George’ Sanders in the short-lived Fox sitcom “Lush Life” (1996), for which she was also a co-producer. Later that year, she played Sara Daniels in the thriller film “Countdown”. From 1998 to 1999, she landed the recurring role of Max in the Fox crime series “Brimstone”. While filming it, she also featured as Robin Moon in the comedy film “Relax… It’s Just Sex” (1998) and Candy in the thriller film “The Arrangement” (1999). Lori Petty started the next decade with such roles as Steph in the action-horror film “Route 666”, opposite Lou Diamond Phillips, and Lucy in the action crime film “Firetrap”, both in 2001. In the same year, she also wrote, directed, and starred as Six in the film “Horrible Accident”. The following year, she provided her voice to Livewire in the video game “Superman: Shadow Of Apokolips”, after which she starred as Faith in the 2003 drama film “Prey For Rock & Roll” and did the voice-over of COLAR in the 2005 made-for-TV animated comedy film “The Karate Dog”. In 2006, she booked the role of Dr. Lean Carlin in the horror film “Cryptid”, and then in 2007 played Erin in the drama film “Broken Arrows”. In the next year, she wrote and directed the drama film “The Poker House” and appeared as a bartender in the drama film “Last Call”, which was followed by the supporting role of Janice Burke in the highly popular Fox medical drama series “House” from 2008 to 2009. By the end of the decade, she also guest-starred as Daddy in two episodes of the Fox serial drama series “Prison Break” (2009), and featured as Deputy Fryman in the sports film “Chasing 3000” (2010). After taking a break from filming for several years, Lori Petty returned to the screen in 2014, when she joined the cast of the popular Netflix comedy-drama series “Orange Is The New Black”, in which she portrayed Lolly Whitehill until its finale in 2019. The series was created by Jenji Kohan and is based on the memoir “Orange Is The New Black: My Year In A Women’s Prison” by Piper Kerman. One of the most popular series on the streaming service, it was acclaimed by critic, and received numerous awards and nominations, including four Primetime Emmy Awards. Concurrently, she starred as Dr. Sykes in the 2016 supernatural psychological horror film “Dead Awake”, and played Francis in the 2018 comedy film “Fear, Love, And Agoraphobia”. She also guest-starred in such TV series as “Hawaii Five-0”, “Robot Chicken”, and “Summer Camp Island”, among others. Most recently, Lori had the parts of Wanda Pearson in the 2020 horror film “A Deadly Legend”, and a radio operator in the 2021 action thriller film “The Survivalist”, alongside John Malkovich. It’s also announced that she will play the conductor in the upcoming HBO Max sci-fi miniseries “Station Eleven”, and Donatella in the upcoming horror film “You’re All Gonna Die”, both of which are currently under post-production. Appearance and Vital Statistics Lori Petty has short blonde-dyed hair and blue eyes. She stands at a height of 5ft 8ins (1.73m), her weight is around 132lbs (60kgs), while her vital statistics are 34-24-34, bra size 38B, dress size 4 (US), and shoe size 9 (US). During the 1990s, Lori Petty was romantically involved with actor David Alan Greig, in a long-term relationship. Since their split, she hasn’t been linked to anyone publicly, keeping details about her love life far away from the spotlight. Although many speculate about her sexuality because of the numerous gay roles she’s portrayed during her long career, there is no proof that she’s gay in real life. It is believed that she is single at the moment. She is a vegetarian.
If you were to ask Pete Wentz at age eighteen where he thought he might be in his forties, he would have told you that he made it out of the suburbs of Chicago, and likely has a partner, a couple of kids, maybe a dog or two. Maybe a house with a yard, a decent car with some top-of-the-line trimmings, and a job with a salary that could support all those things. In his wildest dreams, maybe there’d even be a clothing line or a band of some varying level of success or a New York Times bestseller. It's not like he hasn’t accomplished a few of the bullet points on that list. He’s got his own house, and his own car. In pursuit of the previously mentioned dreams, he moved out to Los Angeles right out of college, so he made it out of Chicago, too. The job with the salary did exist for a while, a cushy sales position with a tech start-up that he landed after spending his twenties in temp roles and entry-level pay grades. Pete is good at sales, or should he say, he’s good at people. He gets people. The job was great, while it lasted. He schmoozed and partied and slept his way through a good portion of West Hollywood. He ignored all other aspects of his life and made it nearly all the way to the top of the social circle. That is, until a global pandemic halted all human interaction and the supply chain to boot, and Pete found himself furloughed along with the rest, nothing but time and his shadow on the chipped-paint plaster of his walls to keep him company. There’s no partner, no kids, and no dog after his beloved bulldog passed away five years ago. It didn’t bother him, not really, until he was forced to stare his circumstances hard in the face. Once that drove him near insane, he turned to Instacart. Delivering strangers’ groceries for menial pay is not high on Pete’s list of passion points – in fact, it is conspicuously absent. But he finds the rating system highly motivating. Over the last eighteen months, he has worked his way up the unspoken ranks of the Instacart Shopper program, through careful repetitive order selection and analysis of item variability to give him insight into the lives of his customers. That’s where he strikes. For instance, when Derek Soto on Bellevue stopped ordering bouquets of flowers and switched instead to bottles of Jack, Pete “accidentally” included a copy of Sports Illustrated in his delivery, which earned him a hefty tip, a five-star rating, and a (socially distanced) high five at the door. Or Lizzie Fincher on Tularosa, who ordered two pregnancy tests every delivery for the first three months of Pete’s career, until suddenly the item disappeared from her list. Pete always handed off her order to a smiling elderly woman at the door, so he was never sure what happened there, until the summer hit and Lizzie began requesting diapers and a variety of organic baby food. He bought a Congratulations card and an absurdly soft Ty giraffe from the Hallmark aisle and tucked them in under a bag of apples. That incurred another five stars and an extra twenty in his paycheck, and afterwards, neither Derek nor Lizzie gave anyone who wasn’t Pete five stars, so no one other than Pete claimed their orders. He did this with every Scheduled order until the other Shoppers learned to leave those for him, and after a solid year of this kind of painstaking labor, Pete has built himself up to the only five-star Instacart Shopper at the Vons on West Third, with first dibs on orders each day and a finely crafted delivery route filled with only the friendliest faces and the most reliable tippers. Pete is a god amongst Shoppers, a titan of Instacart-ery, an unstoppable force of store-to-door nature. That is, until today. Today, Pete wakes up and opens his Shopper app to find that his rating has plummeted to a ghastly 4.7. In the world of Instacart, this is akin to a death sentence. He can definitely kiss his first dibs goodbye. The other Shoppers will be parading in the streets with his head on a spike, metaphorically speaking. It will take him forever to work off whatever negative review he got and bump his score back up, and as he scrolls through his mental Rolodex of deliveries to figure out which customer it could have been, he comes to a screeching halt on— 3350 Dahlia Ave. The Hermit. It’s a weekly order, every Thursday afternoon like clockwork. The name says P. Stump, and the items never change. P. Stump never answers the door, either. Per the order instructions, Pete leaves the grocery bags at the top of a small stone staircase with a semi-rusted metal railing, right at the mouth of an alcove where a small off-white door is nestled inside. He rings the doorbell and trusts that P. Stump comes out to receive his order eventually. Before now, there’s never been an issue. The order itself isn’t particularly lucrative, and the lack of interaction with a human goes against Pete’s usual process, but he keeps it in his roster because, well, he finds it intriguing. Like Willy Wonka or something. Nobody ever goes in, and nobody ever comes out. The out-of-date Civic in the driveway never moves. The curtains never twitch. Shit, the bad review must be from The Hermit. So, Pete is stepping out of his car onto the curb in front of the blue stucco house on Dahlia, on Christmas Eve, in the Year of Our Lord 2021, masked up and armed with a Tupperware of his mom’s famous spicy seafood chowder. His long, bleached hair (the result of lockdown-induced boredom) is pulled up into his Serious Business Bun™ and he’s wearing an actual pair of Diesel jeans and Nikes, instead of his usual self-imposed uniform of band tees, sweats, and slides with socks. It’s LA, so it’s warm enough for just a t-shirt, but he chose to pull on one of his nicer blazers to hide the tattoos and dial down any possible intimidation factor. To be festive, he topped it all off with the Santa hat he’s been wearing on his routes all week. This is going to be a nice, friendly visit, and afterwards, the Hermit will never give him or any other Instacart Shopper a less-than-stellar review ever again. It takes almost ten minutes of Pete alternating between knocking and ringing the bell before the door opens and P. Stump steps outside. In his very best customer service voice, Pete says, “Hello, Mr. Stump! I’m Pete, your Instacart Shopper!” The tiny, sandy-haired man in front of him blinks sluggishly, his ocean-blue eyes glassy behind thick-framed lenses smudged with oily fingerprints, the tip of his pale nose rubbed red and raw from store-brand Kleenex. His voice rasps harshly against his throat when he mutters out a bleary, confused, “Huh? What?” His eyes focus a little, then widen in surprise. “Oh, it’s you.” “You mentioned yesterday that you’re sick,” Pete the Instacart Shopper goes on. He holds out the Tupperware and grins wide, despite the mask obscuring the Hermit’s view. The crow’s feet adorning his eyes will get the message across. “I brought you some soup!” The Hermit blinks at him, at the Tupperware, then back at Pete. Shifting his weight slightly, he leans to the side and peers distrustfully behind Pete’s back, as if there’s an army of ninjas waiting to strike. Pete’s veneer of detached over-cheerfulness wavers just a bit. “It’s my mom’s recipe. Christmas tradition. I made it myself.” The Hermit’s suspicious squint transfers itself back to the Tupperware. His nose wrinkles ever-so-slightly. It’s kind of… cute. “It’s magic, I swear,” Pete insists, the customer-friendly tone of his voice slipping into something more natural. “I mean, there are no, like, actual medicinal properties, I don’t think. But the broth will clear your sinuses right out, guaranteed.” “Are you some kind of psychopath?” The Hermit asks bluntly. He’s got on a thick, woolen brown cardigan, and he burrows further into it as he tucks his arms around his middle, eyeing Pete warily. Pete can’t help but observe that P. Stump is soft all over, like a fuzzy but grumbly kitten. “Are you trying to poison me… with soup?” “Why do you think I would want to poison you?” There’s a confused flurry of eyebrows, a puzzled glance toward the space behind Pete again, and the Hermit says, “I was rude to you, yesterday.” Yesterday, when Pete dropped the groceries (which had included a bottle of Nyquil and a six-pack of tissues, the first time the Hermit had ever altered his order in any way) at the top of the stairs and rang the doorbell as usual, there were feet shuffling from inside the house and then a monster made of flannel and down comforter stepping out into the alcove. If it weren’t a few inches shorter than Pete, who is below average in that department already, he might have been afraid. From the top of the blankets was a tuft of tawny hair, and below that was an opening around a pair of glasses. Startled, Pete said, “Oh! Hey there! I’m from Instacart.” The blankets groaned back at him. Pete gestured toward the groceries, inching closer to the steps. “Here’s your order. I would hand it to you, but…” He then gestured a little helplessly to his mask. “I’m sorry, I don’t want to risk it.” “S’not covid,” the blankets muttered at him harshly. They drifted over to where the grocery bags sat, Pete backing carefully down a few more steps to keep his distance. Something about the posture of the blanket pile told him that The Hermit was glaring at him. A throat cleared, and then a surprisingly clear tenor voice said, belying its words, “It’s strep. And a bitch of a cold. So sayeth my doctor.” As the blankets bent to pick everything up, the top of the duvet slipped down, revealing the face of the man beneath as it settled around his broad shoulders. His cinnamon hair was mussed over his forehead, sticking up in wild patterns, and his face was covered in a thick layer of unkempt beard. He must have had a fever, from the flush at the tops of his cheekbones and over his forehead. There were rings around his tired blue eyes, sweat dampening the dip of his upper lip. It was the Hermit, at long last, the elusive customer who Pete had built up into a sort of personal urban legend, a fairy tale to tell the other Shoppers and pass the time. Something about his sweaty face caused an unexpected pang of concern in Pete’s chest. “Are you all alone in there?” Pete asked, mouth operating separate from his brain. The Hermit shrank back into the alcove a little bit, bags raised as a shield but his eyes blinking curiously at him. “What do you care?” “Just… I don’t know, isn’t the worst part about being grown up and single that there’s no one to care for you when you’re sick?” The bewildered blue eyes widened and the damp mouth gaped. “Thanks for the groceries, Instacart Guy,” he snapped, and then the Hermit in the pile of blankets was gone and the front door was slamming shut. “I was really sick and not in a great mood and I hadn’t gotten any of my work done, and then some Malibu Ken with a man bun was calling me out for being single and—” the Hermit explains now, all in one long breath. He turns his head and clears his throat politely into the crook of his elbow. Pete watches him with a raised eyebrow. After a moment, the Hermit adds awkwardly, albeit less phlegmy, “Sorry. I’m being rude again. I’m sorry.” Pete steps forward, holding the soup out more firmly. “Are you going to take this, or what? It’s really not poisoned.” The Hermit flinches a little, his face reddening, but he reaches out and takes the Tupperware silently, cradling it against his chest. “I’m Pete,” Pete says again. The Hermit blinks at him, then says cautiously, “I’m Patrick.” “Patrick.” Pete tests the name on his tongue. Idly, he notes that Patrick’s upper lip is less sweaty than yesterday, his face less flushed. His tongue chatters on without his permission. “That is, like, a serious beard you got going. Needs a trim, but it works, you know? It’s fitting. Goes with the whole ‘hermit’ motif.” Patrick’s somewhat vacant blinking ignites. “Hermit? I’m not a hermit!” Pete takes a breath to respond, but Patrick is barreling onward, “Do you know how Merriam-Webster defines a ‘hermit’? Someone who lives outside of society for religious reasons.” “You just have that memorized?” Pete grins. “Is this an argument you’ve had before?” “I’m not religious, so there!” Patrick snaps. It’s childish, and rude, but instead of wanting to curse right back at the guy, Pete finds himself holding back a laugh. Patrick looks outraged. “I’m not! Fuck you, and fuck Jesus!” At that, Pete can’t help it, he lets out one of his loudest, dorkiest laughs, doubling over for a moment before standing back up and holding his arms out on either side. “Ah, yes, a merry Christmas to us all!” Here, Patrick falters, drooping inward around the soup. “… Christmas?” He looks lost. “It’s December twenty-fourth,” Pete confirms, and gestures to his hat. Patrick frowns. His eyes slant away from Pete. “Oh. That’s right, you had that on yesterday. I guess I… lost track.” Silence stretches out between them, growing as steadily as the dark, the sun sinking rapidly toward Santa Monica. Pete listens to the pulse of his eardrums, feels the warm bursts of his own breath against the inside of his mask. It’s almost like he’s stuck, wanting to move or say something, but unable to do anything except breathe and stare at Patrick’s teeth gnawing into the pink swell of his bottom lip. Finally, the teeth relinquish their hold, the released flesh now slick wet and bitten red, and then the whole mouth twitches sideways into a friendly, teasing smirk. “You know, the other definition of a ‘hermit’ is a spiced molasses cookie.” “Next you’re gonna tell me, ‘Fuck cookies!’ Am I right?” Patrick grins despite himself. “Hell no, but like…do I look like a cookie to you?” Pete eyes him from head to toe, taking in the cozy brown sweater and the way his thighs fill out his joggers, then studies the soft and inviting swell of his middle, arms solid in their sleeves, chest full, shoulders broad. He looks back up at Patrick’s face, fuzzy and warm in its own right. His red mouth is pouting open in surprise, Pacific-blue eyes flecked with a wondering sort of gleam when Pete’s meet them again. Pete exaggerates a wink. “I mean, not no.” The blush that streaks across Patrick’s face is the eighth wonder, Pete thinks. It’s a strange thought to have. It knocks him off-balance, dizzy for a moment with the additional thought that he wants to make Patrick’s face do that all the time. “Anyway, merry Christmas, I guess,” Patrick mutters, backing toward the door. “Oh. Yeah, um. Merry—” For the second time in as many encounters, the door slams shut in Pete’s face. As Pete is climbing back into his car, he realizes that he failed to bring up anything about the rating, or the injustice to Instacart Shoppers everywhere, or anything. This should bother him. The Pete Wentz from this morning would be unrelenting in his endeavor, banging on the door until Patrick shows himself again, not just allowing him to retreat like that and get away with his crimes unpunished. But he is not the Pete Wentz from this morning. He is not the Pete Wentz from ten minutes ago. He is the Pete Wentz who went in search of the cryptid and found him, only to discover that he’s just a human after all. (And a weirdly adorable one, at that.) Somehow, the reality is more intriguing than the mystery. Christmas Day comes and goes, the hours eaten away by Zoom calls with his family, glasses of eggnog that don’t taste quite as sweet in the solitary confinement of his house, and the repetitive noise of holiday classics from his TV in the background. Christmas always makes him miss home more than any other day of the year. Aside from the obvious reasons, an alarming majority of the most beloved Christmas movies are set in Chicago, and even though Pete knows realistically a lot of what he’s seeing are actually just studio sets located only a short drive from him in LA, it still makes his chest ache with longing for lake-effect snow and Malört. As he’s laying down to sleep, Pete finds himself wondering how Patrick spent the day. He hadn’t even realized it was Christmas when Pete brought it up, so maybe he didn’t do anything at all. Maybe he’s still too sick to care. Pete hopes he at least ate the soup, and that it helped. He hopes that come Thursday, the order for P. Stump is still waiting and available for him to claim. He wonders if Patrick will answer the door now, or if things will return to the way they were before, bags left on the stoop for him to collect at his leisure, free of all personal interaction. Pete hopes not. Two teensy conversations loaded with strep-induced sarcasm and he’s hooked, apparently. On Monday, Pete discovers that while his rating has dropped, there is still only one other Shopper ahead of him in terms of claiming order, and that’s Gabe Saporta. Gabe is a part-time Shopper, and one of the few that Pete has taken the time to really get to know. They’re friends, as much as two passing ships in the sea of Vons can be, and so he has no problem getting Gabe to promise that he’ll leave Pete’s usual orders for him. It’s a weight lifted, and Pete spends the beginning of his week exactly like he’s spent every other week for the last eighteen months, with a slight uptick in alcohol orders in preparation for New Year’s Eve. When he gets to Thursday afternoon, Pete is relieved to find the order for P. Stump in its usual place at its usual time, free for him to grab up with greedy thumbs. No sooner has he started navigating the aisles, the Shopper app pings with a chat request. Pete’s pulse flutters excitedly; this is unprecedented for Patrick. He opens the chat window eagerly and reads: Hey I forgot a couple things. Can you add to my order? no prob wat do u wnt 2 add 1 thank you card. Whatever one has the stupidest pun on it. But inside write, “Thank you Pete for the most delicious soup I’ve ever had in my entire life. It truly cleared my sinuses and most of my cold so I think you’re right, it must be magic. I was touched that you thought of me, a sinner and a blasphemer, at Christmas. Your new friend, Patrick” In the middle of the cereal aisle, Pete grins like a maniac down at his phone. wats the 2nd thng Text me to find out. Pete waits a full minute for Patrick to follow up on that with a number, idly grabbing at things he needs as he slowly wanders up the aisle. The clock is ticking on his order fulfillment, and Patrick isn’t saying anything else. It takes a few frantic pumps of Pete’s heart before he remembers that Patrick’s number is attached to his order. Laughing at himself and ignoring the probable breach of the Instacart Shopper code, he copies it over to his messaging app and sends, amidst a string of seemingly random but very carefully curated Emojis: Do you text everyone you know like a thirteen year old girl? patrick com on wats the 2nd thing?????? im almost done shopping!!!! Pete includes about nine crying face Emojis here. He can practically see the roll of Patrick’s eyes through the phone, but imagines (hopes) it will be punctuated by a tentative, indulgent smile. It takes another minute, but then Patrick sends: 1 box of molasses cookies Pete forgoes the card (they were all so corny he couldn’t decide) but brings the box of cookies. Patrick answers the door and they make their way through half the box, standing against the railing of Patrick’s stoop. They cover the basics, discovering that they both grew up in Chicago, which is some serious “small world” shit. Pete stays at the foot of the stairs to maintain a safe distance since Patrick is still sick. He insists it isn’t covid, and Pete believes him, but he’s not exactly clamoring to catch strep throat, either. Patrick rolls his eyes at that. “I finished my antibiotics, I’m not contagious anymore. You could stand up here with me.” “If this is your way of flirting, I gotta say, it’s weird but I don’t hate it.” “Whatever, shut up. Your hair is stupid and your shoes are ugly and I hate you, so,” Patrick grumbles, shoving the rest of his cookie into his mouth to cover up his smile, the same smile Pete imagined in the store, and he grins back at him from under his mask. They text regularly over the course of the weekend. The following night, New Year’s Eve, Pete sends off a tentative well-wishing with a firework effect, and Patrick responds in alarm because “he didn’t know his phone could do that.” When they reveal to each other that neither of them are partying or hanging out with friends (Pete has to laugh – the only people he talks to anymore are Gabe and his shift lead, Andy) they spend the rest of the night on the phone together, watching the same cheesy holiday movie on Lifetime and making fun of the melodramatic acting. The days that follow are filled with intermittent chatter, streams of consciousness via text bubble, snapshots of each other’s day. Patrick’s is fairly rote, just like Pete’s. He’s a copyist for a film composer, and it is just as tedious as it sounds, but from what Pete has gleaned so far, Patrick loves music so he’s happy to work with it in any capacity. After the first couple of days, Pete takes a chance and calls on his usual lunch hour. Surprisingly enough, Patrick answers, grateful for an excuse to step away from his desk for a moment. The next day, around the same time, it’s Patrick who calls him. Pete feels kind of ridiculous, but he gets actual butterflies when he sees Patrick’s name on the screen. “By the way, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Patrick ventures, twenty minutes into a conversation about favorite movies and childhood cartoons, “how the hell did you know I was single?” Pete snorts a laugh, swallowing a gulp of peppermint mocha frappuccino. “Seriously? I’ve been delivering your groceries every week for the last year and a half.” “Still,” Patrick insists. “I’m thirty-seven, like… it’s pretty unlikely—” “Ninety percent of your order is frozen food and Kraft dinner. Regardless of how old you are, that screams single. Besides, it’s not that unlikely. It’s LA. I’m over forty and I’m single.” “What?” Patrick barks. “How is that possible?” “Hey,” Pete objects lightly, “there’s been a slight pandemic happening, and before that I was a shithead, sleep-around workaholic guy. It’s been… a while.” Patrick hums sympathetically. Pete hesitates, toying with a stray fiber at the ripped knee of his jeans. “Patrick, are you lonely?” “I wasn’t, Before,” Patrick replies slowly, thoughtfully. “The world is scary and, like, people are scary. I like my solitude. I only let others in when I really want them to be there, which… admittedly didn’t happen often, and never ended well. I guess I gave up after a while. I was okay with being alone.” Pete’s stomach curls sick with the idea of someone else in Patrick’s house – in his bed, his traitorous brain whispers – some mystery person out in the world who knows that part of him when Pete doesn’t, someone who left him and hurt him. What a fucking idiot. Patrick goes on, “It’s been a while for me, too, Pete. I hadn’t thought about it until recently, but… yeah. I’m so fucking lonely.” Pete tilts his head back against the seat. “Me too.” In a silky sweet voice, crisp and clear as daylight now that he’s healthy again, Patrick says, “Well, I guess it’s a good thing we found each other, then.” Pete’s chest pulls tight and his eyes prickle urgently, right there in the Vons parking lot. His fingers ache to touch. “Yeah. Yeah, it is.” On Wednesday night, Pete’s phone lights up from where it’s charging on the nightstand. It’s a Facetime request from Patrick. For a split second, Pete hesitates, only because he’s currently sitting in the middle of his bed, propped up on a pile of pillows, bare except for his boxers as he reads a book that Andy recommended. He’s halfway through but hasn’t decided if he likes it yet. This Facetime opportunity can only be described as “golden,” so he sets the book aside and accepts the request. “Hey, Pete—oh!” On the screen, Patrick blurs with movement, and then his face fills up the rectangle a fraction at a time until Pete can see every smooth, lovely inch of it. Patrick told him he’d shaved two days ago. Pete’s been eager to see. “Nice face,” Pete teases, though he means it. Vehemently. Dare anyone to challenge him. It is the nicest face. Patrick scoffs, and blushes, and his eyes flash playfully as his gaze skitters away. His fingers run self-consciously across his bare chin. “I should say the same to you. I’ve only ever seen you with a mask on.” He eyes the salt and pepper of Pete’s stubble with a critical frown. “So I guess you’re not a natural blond?” Pete barks a laugh. “Fuck you, Stump.” “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Wentz.” It takes a swift bite to the meat of his tongue to keep himself from responding. Things are still uncertain where that’s concerned. They’ve flirted, sure, and talked deeply about Bowie while simultaneously streaming Ferris Bueller which in Pete’s world is akin to a marriage proposal. So, Pete thinks they’re on the same page, but until now Patrick has never actually indicated that he’s into this friendship becoming more. “What are you doing?” Patrick asks after a moment. On the screen, Patrick’s eyes are wide, shadowed by the angle of the lamp gleaming harshly beside him. It looks like he’s on a couch, so Pete assumes he’s in the living room. The wall behind his head is painted a strange grayish-green that brings out the golden rings in his eyes. His glasses are off, so Pete can see them clearly, the way they stare steadily at the screen, drifting downward like he can’t help it. “I was just reading.” “With your shirt off?” Pete smirks at him. “Yeah. There’s no one around to see me, so…” “I can see you.” Patrick’s voice catches, and he bites his lip shut. At the edge of the screen, Pete sees his shoulder move in a slow roll, then stop. He watches the muscles in Patrick’s throat work around a swallow. His gut flashes hot with the desire to reach through the screen and feel Patrick soft beneath his fingers. “I can see you, too,” Pete whispers. “What are you doing, Patrick?” “Nothing, I’m—” Patrick cuts himself off, flushing bright red and going completely still. His eyebrows crease with hand-in-the-cookie-jar guilt. Pete asks, “Is there a reason you’re calling me?” The blush doesn’t disappear, but Patrick’s forehead relaxes a bit as he shrugs. “Just calling, I guess. That’s a thing we do now, right?” “Hmm,” Pete considers, screwing his face up thoughtfully. “Not historically on Facetime.” “We’re gonna see each other again tomorrow, right?” It’s a bit of a non-sequitur but Pete lets it slide, says, “Unless someone steals you away from me, which, full disclosure, I’ve basically bribed everyone not to do.” It’s not a complete fabrication of the facts – he’s bought Gabe’s Red Bull every morning this week. Patrick laughs like he doesn’t believe him, but the bridge of his nose stays beautifully pink. “Then… I guess I just couldn’t wait.” He takes a deep breath as Pete blinks through the shock of that statement. If he was looking for an indication that Patrick is interested, he thinks he just found it. Then Patrick gives him another. “I think I like you.” The air in Pete’s lungs stutters to a halt. “Yeah?” “I think I like you, too.” Pete leans back into the pillows, shifting the phone a little higher, so that more of his chest is revealed. The circle of thorns tattooed around his collarbone is visible, his hair falling over one shoulder, his eyes burning as they watch Patrick watching him, his wet pink mouth dropping open just a fraction. Pete smiles, says, “And now you’ve caught me with my shirt off…” and trails the fingers of his free hand over the plane of his left pec. On the other side of the screen, Patrick’s breath hitches. “Damn…” Patrick trails off, laughing inwardly, openly admiring as his eyes track the movement of Pete’s hand. He licks over his lips like he’s nervous, shifting around, and then his voice rumbles eagerly, “Can I… see more?” Pete is so with this program. He shuffles around frantically on the bed, trying to rid himself of his boxers without fumbling the phone onto the floor. As soon as he realizes what’s happening, Patrick starts whispering, a harsh gust of noise over and over until Pete stops flailing and settles into place, one hand firmly over the already half-hard curve of his dick. The sound resolves itself into words, into Patrick’s eager instructions to, “Show me, show me.” Shivering in time with the stiffening between his legs, Pete tilts the phone downward. Beneath the arousal, though, is a small pang of worry. All his life, Pete has been athletic and in good shape, spry and lean and cut with firm muscle. Over the past two years, like a lot of people, he’s put on some extra weight. The awareness of Patrick’s eyes on him, of someone seeing the new shape of him for the very first time, stops him short. He sees his image reflected in the small box at the corner of his screen, the bottom edge hovering just above where his stomach curves gently out, above the black-ink stain of the tattoo slightly stretched between his hips. “Pete,” Patrick encourages him in a voice that is soft, but urgent with touch-starved desperation. “Come on, please. You’re so gorgeous, I want— I want to see you.” With a whine, Pete tilts the phone all the way down, stroking himself fully hard as Patrick bites out, “God, god, you’re so— Pete —” Pete grins like a wolf. “Come on, Patrick. Tat for tit?” There’s loud thumps and shuffles as Patrick’s image jerks around rapidly, before the entire perspective changes, flipped to the rear camera. Pete nearly swallows his tongue at the sight, bringing his phone down closer to get a good look. Patrick has shifted to lay horizontal on the couch. The entirety of Patrick’s body stretches out in front of him, a thin navy blue t-shirt pulled tight over the expanse of his chest, every curve accentuated. The outline of his nipples is obvious, indecent, and Pete wants to rip his clothes off, shove his face into all of that flesh, get his mouth and his teeth around it and feel him, mark him, hear the sounds he makes as Pete tastes every inch. Beyond that, though, Pete sees Patrick’s fist, sees the furious red of the tip of his cock, appearing and disappearing as he strokes. There are sounds wet and slick, the glisten of Patrick’s arousal on his fingers. His cock is thick, and long enough that the base of it is hidden beneath the band of his sweatpants, but Pete can see enough to know that it is possibly the most gorgeous dick he’s ever laid eyes on. “Shit,” Pete gasps, squeezing around his own cock twitching appreciation. He breathes out, “Patrick,” like a prayer, and then the other man just starts talking. Pete lays there, stunned to silence, as Patrick hisses filth into his ear, about the places on Pete’s body he wants to taste, the shapes he wants to press him into, the ways he wants to have him. He murmurs about the way his fist feels around him, the way he imagines Pete would feel instead. It stokes the flame at the base of Pete’s spine, turns his brain to liquid boiled by the fire of his blood. He strokes and strokes, and watches Patrick fuck his hips into his fist with precision, listens to him groaning out praise and worship and desire until he comes desperate and grunting, dampening and darkening the fabric stretched over his chest. Pete’s hand moves independent from his brain, frantic, desperate for release. The sound in his ear is the stuttered static of Patrick’s panting breath until he laughs darkly, intently, and says, “Next time, I want you in my bed. Gonna spread you out and get my mouth on you, make you come down my throat—” Whatever else he says is lost to the wildfire decimation of Pete’s final brain cells. Every part of him tenses, tenses, snaps, and he’s fairly sure he’s shouting, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that when he finds the strength to lift the phone from his chest again, he sees Patrick’s face smiling at him. Pete smiles back. “You know what, after that, I totally forgive you.” “Forgive me for what?” Patrick asks with a sleepy but bemused tilt of his head. “You know,” Pete replies, waving a vague hand through the air. “For the whole rating thing. It hasn’t actually affected my pay that much, I still have almost all of my customers, and I’ll do a hundred more deliveries in no time to get rid of it. ” From the screen, Patrick blinks at him, his dopey afterglow now firmly shifted into dazed and confused. “Pete, what the fuck are you talking about?” “Um, the rating,” Pete repeats. “The bad rating that you gave me? On Christmas Eve Eve?” “On Instacart, Patrick.” Pete huffs impatiently. “You were rude to me on the porch, and then you gave me a bad rating, and it dropped my average from five to four point seven, and I was pissed because I thought I would lose my whole route and not make any money, and then I brought you soup and we met and… and now we just had Facetime sex? Ring any bells?” Patrick stubbornly refuses to look anything other than utterly perplexed. He shifts into a sitting position. “Wait, wait, wait… you thought I gave you a bad rating, so you… brought me soup?” “I brought the soup to butter you up.” “And then once I buttered you up, I was going to tell you how your rating dropped my score, and how Instacart’s rating system, while a great motivational tool, is skewed against the Shoppers, and one bad rating can like, really affect someone’s average, and therefore their livelihood, and you were gonna feel really bad about it and apologize to me and never do it again, and I—” Pete falters here, the sequence of events replaying slowly in his memory, “And I guess I got distracted by how fucking lovely you are.” Patrick laughs, and Patrick blushes, and Patrick says, “Well, I hate to break it to you, but the bad rating wasn’t me. All I know is, if you don’t kiss me when I open that door tomorrow, I’ll drop your score all the way to zero. You’ll never Instacart in this town again.” Patrick’s eyes flash with teasing, with promise. If you had asked him at eighteen where he thought he might be at forty-two, Pete never would have guessed it’d be on a front stoop in Silver Lake, dumping an Instacart delivery on the ground and grabbing the customer – his soulmate, he’s pretty sure – by the shoulders, kissing him deep and demanding and rom-com-first-kiss perfect, with fireworks and a choir singing and Patrick’s fingers sneaking under the waistband of his sweats. Patrick’s tongue eases into his mouth with a reverent sigh, warming him inside out like a Lake Michigan bonfire. As he’s dragged into the house, Pete can’t help but think that this is so much better than he expected.
The International Cryptozoology Museum just opened its new Bangor outpost on Hammond Street this week, after first announcing the bookstore and gift shop last fall, and Bigfoot hunters, paranormal enthusiasts and the merely curious have already stopped by to visit. Cryptozoologist Loren Coleman, executive director of the nonprofit that runs the flagship museum in Portland and now the Bangor location, has packed the shop with artifacts, specimens and curiosities, alongside books and gifts and an archive full of Coleman’s thousands of books on cryptozoology and associated topics, which people will be able to visit by appointment and which will open later this year. “We’d hoped to have been open by Halloween of last year, but we really wanted to get things right and find some really unique items for Bangor,” Coleman said. “We wanted to find artifacts that really spoke to this area.” Some of the more eye-popping things on display at the shop include Frosty, a huge sculpture of a Yeti head that’s mounted on the wall, and a replica of the Minnesota Iceman — a six-foot, hairy hominid originally believed to have been found in Vietnam — whose supposedly frozen body was displayed around the country throughout the 1960s. There’s also a Fiji Mermaid, a hoax cryptid popularized by P.T. Barnum, a selection of taxidermied animals, and many smaller items, like casts of supposed footprints from Bigfoot, and even a tiny version of the Cherryfield Goatman, a half-human, half-goat wearing a flannel shirt, who was supposedly spotted in the Washington County town in the 1950s. Coleman has studied cryptids, the term for an animal whose existence is unsubstantiated, for close to five decades. He’s written more than 40 books on various cryptozoological topics, and has served as a consultant and been interviewed for movies, TV shows and documentaries. He opened his first museum in Portland in 2003. Since then, it has expanded twice, first onto Congress Street and then to a much larger space at the Thompson’s Point development on the Fore River in 2016. Last year, Coleman purchased the building at 585 Hammond St. in Bangor, and also bought a house on Bangor’s West Side, where he and his wife moved earlier this year after selling their Portland house. Now that Coleman and his wife, Jennifer, are newly minted Bangor residents, he’s eager to get more involved in the community. The shop has already partnered with Bangor’s SK Tours, the Stephen King-themed tours of Bangor run by Jamie Tinker, to bring tour guests to the shop when it’s open. “We’ve already seen a lot of folks who are interested in what we do here come out of the woodwork,” he said. “I’m excited to meet more people in the community.” The shop will only be open from noon to 5 p.m. on Fridays for the month of April so staff have time to add a few more details to the space, but starting in May Coleman plans to extend the hours throughout the weekend. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
Carlton Landing is a new town on Lake Eufaula designed according to the tenets of the New Urbanism. Residents of Carlton Landing enjoy a walkable community that offers major amenities within a five minute walk of their... The Winganon Space Capsule is a local landmark and roadside attraction that started its life as a cement mixer that wrecked in 1959. After the wreck, the cement hardened and the truck was Howdy Y’all…just kidding! Welcome to our page. We are the Only in Oklahoma Show, where you can hear about travel and entertainment in the Great State of Oklahoma. Our sole purpose is to shine a light on some of the people, places and stories that make Oklahoma, more than just “OK”. In fact, Oklahoma is one of the most underrated travel destinations in the country even by some of the locals. Powered by award winning podcasters (2018 Podcast Award – Society and Culture), Harley C. and Brett Manzer. Tune into the Only in Oklahoma Show to hear interviews, news and reviews about Oklahoma’s best restaurants, hotels, festivals, museums, outdoor activities, breweries, rodeos, concerts, casinos, Route 66, and more (literally this list is endless). If it’s fun and in Oklahoma, we will be talking about it. We will also be covering some not so topics, like bureaucrats, bridges, toll booths and taxes. If it affects your bottom line or your lake time, we will be cussin’ and discussin’. If you are joining us from the Odd Pod, some things never change. Manzer and Harley will be trying to make you laugh while dropping some knowledge about the places we cover. Don’t worry, we will still be covering the occasional red-dirt ghost story, cryptid, and UFO conspiracy…as long as it is north of the Red River (BOOMER!). Boots and straps and cowboy hats are optional. Welcome to the Only in Oklahoma Show!
Everybody knows about the Loch Ness Monster and Megalodon. You might also be aware that there is supposed to be an Apatosaurus living in the unexplored depths of the Congo. But there are quite a few other prehistoric animals said to be still walking the Earth in various remote places. “The moment you hear it, all your hairs stand on end,” said Manuel Vitorino Pinheiro dos Santos of his supposed encounter with the South American cryptid known as the Mapinguari. According to a Discover Magazine article, the Brazilian was hunting in the Amazon when a blood-curdling scream echoed around the forest. Dos Santos, an experienced hunter, immediately ran and hid in a river. He heard the call four more times as the creature moved away. While some have likened the Mapinguari to a South American Bigfoot, it has also been described as an enormous, sloth-like creature with large curved claws, reddish fur, and a stench to peel paint. This has led cryptozoologists to speculate that the myths actually refer to a surviving species of ground sloth, a group of gigantic, bear-like creatures believed to have gone extinct around 5,000 years ago. In 1994, ornithologist and scholar of the Amazon David C. Oren set out to try and track the Mapinguari in the rainforests of western Brazil, collecting over 100 eyewitness accounts of the creature. Unfortunately, Oren’s expedition was largely unsuccessful, coming away with only some casts of footprints, a clump of fur that turned out to be from an agouti, and fecal matter that was later identified as belonging to a giant anteater. One of the more legendary entries on our list, the Lukwata is a Sudanese cryptid said to lurk within the swamps around Lake No. It is usually described as a great serpent up to 30 meters (100 ft) in length. According to a 1937 article by Captain W. Hichens: “its eyes flash deadly fire and . . . it feeds on men and large animals, which it seizes with monstrous bristling tentacles protruding from its muzzle.” Admittedly, this doesn’t sound much like any known prehistoric beast, but other accounts describe only a long neck with a small head, similar to a Saurian such as Apatosaurus or possibly Plesiosaurus. The Lukwata was also known in Uganda, where the Baganda, Wasoga, and Kavirondo tribes supposedly associated the creature with sleeping sickness and made burnt offerings of sheep and cattle to the beast. 8The Japanese Plesiosaur Carcass In 1977, a Japanese fishing vessel was trawling for mackerel near New Zealand when its nets dragged something very peculiar up from the deep. The carcass, which nobody could positively identify, but which looked remarkably like a Plesiosaur, caused such a stir that the Japanese government issued a commemorative stamp depicting a Plesiosaurus skeleton that same year. While the media might be expected to play up the “surviving dinosaur” angle, a few scientists surprisingly did so as well—perhaps because they weren’t used to working with samples as badly decomposed as this one was. But it wasn’t long before other, better scientists pointed out that carcasses of this sort are discovered fairly regularly and usually turn out to be sharks or whales. Soon after the carcass became international news, tissue samples produced evidence that the creature was actually a dead basking shark. Decomposing basking shark carcasses lose the dorsal and caudal fins first, followed by most of the lower head area, making them resemble a “sea serpent” or Plesiosaur. Unfortunately, after a crew member took a few samples and measurements, the carcass was released back into the ocean to prevent it from spoiling the mackerel catch, making it impossible to definitively refute claims of prehistoric origin. 7The Queensland Tiger The Queensland tiger is a catlike, German Shepherd–sized marsupial long rumored to live in Australia’s Queensland Rainforest. Known to the local Aborigines as the Yarri, it first came to the attention of white settlers in the 1870s. There were a flurry of sightings in the 1940s and ’50s before, in 1961, Craig Black claimed to have seen a female carrying a pouched cub in Ben Lomond National Park. Three years later, a traveler named Rilla Martin took a picture supposedly depicting the beast. Martin’s picture gained instant notoriety as “the Ozenkadnook tiger photo.” The jury is still out on whether the photo is authentic, although what looks like an artificial prop supporting the creature has been identified sticking out of the bushes. Fake photos or not, cryptozoologists have theorized that the “tiger” is a surviving species of Thylacoleo, a genus of carnivorous marsupials often called “marsupial lions.” Others believe that the Queensland tiger is a mainland version of Thylacine, the famous Tasmanian tiger, which is believed to have gone extinct in the 1930s. One of the strangest dinosaurs to have ever lived, Therizinosaurus looks like a bizarre mixture of horse and bird, with awkward, Edward Scissorhands–like claws sticking from its forelimbs and feathery protrusions coming from its elbows. Oh, and, at least according to a missionary group from Creation Ministries International, the creature is still around as part of a lost world of living prehistoric creatures on the small islands of West New Britain in Papua New Guinea. According to the group, nine natives of West New Britain have spotted the creature since the late 1990s. To make the story even more interesting, the group also claims that the islanders have seen a second creature, this one matching the description of a sauropod, possibly Apatosaurus, swimming between the islands. Of course, why a fundamentalist creationist group that believes the world is less than 6,000 years old would have an interest in proving dinosaurs still exist is anyone’s guess. But that isn’t the end of prehistoric sightings in New Guinea. The Gazeka legend was originally started in 1910, when a widely syndicated newspaper account described explorer C. A. W. Monckton’s ascent of Mount Albert Edward in the west of British New Guinea. There, he supposedly came across the tracks of some enormous beast, which came to be known as “Monckton’s Gazeka.” According to the story, which does not appear in Monckton’s own memoirs, the explorer supposedly discovered the monster attacking a village of pygmies and opened fire on it. “The huge Gazeka at once turned upon him. As it reared upon its hind legs and pawed the air it looked to the hunter as big as a house, standing fully 25 feet high. Two of Monckton’s bullets seemed to take effect, as a stream of blood flowed freely from the animal’s shoulder, but before Monckton was able to reload the animal turned and fled. By that time it was too dark to follow him, and Monckton never had another opportunity to renew his pursuit.” While there are a number of holes in the story (New Guinea is not known for its pygmies), the article states that the supposed description of the creature reminded Dr. W. D. Matthew of the American Museum of Natural History of a Diprotodon, the Pleistocene epoch’s “Giant Wombat.” Diprotodon was the largest marsupial to ever live, growing up to 3 meters (10 ft) from nose to tail. Accompanying the article was a depiction of the pygmy race reportedly observed by the expedition, with an artist’s reconstruction of the giant footprints of the Gazeka. Creationists have claimed there are similarities between the reconstruction and Diprotodon‘s footprints. Unfortunately, they don’t match nearly as well as the creationists claim. In 2000, cryptozoologists William J. Gibbons and David Woetzel were in Cameroon doing preliminary research for an expedition to search for the fabled Mokele-mbembe when local pygmies told them of yet another cryptid in the area. The creature, which supposedly fought elephants over territory despite being smaller in size, was described as a Ngoubou (“rhinoceros”). However, the pygmies insisted that the creature had an additional six horns around a frill, reminiscent of Styracosaurus, a Late Cretaceous beaked dinosaur similar to the better-known Triceratops. “Dutifully, we showed them the drawings of the Triceratops and again were rebuffed by the comment that while it looked like the Ngoubou it did not have nearly enough horns and that they were in the wrong place on the triceratops. I asked what they meant by that, the men told us that Ngoubou had six horns on the frill itself and one of them drew the configuration for me on a scrap of paper.” The difficulty with this theory is that Styracosaurus fossils have never been found outside of North America. Because some natives of the region describe the Ngoubou quite differently, and do not recall a frill, some cryptozoologists instead identify the creature with Stegosaurus or Kentrosaurus (which at least had the decency to come from Africa). On September 25, 2001, a 19-year-old driving along Pennsylvania’s Route 119 reported what he described as “flags flapping in a thunderstorm” coming from above his car. When he looked up, he was astounded to see what looked like a bird with a 3–4.5 meter (10–15 ft) wingspan and a strange, elongated head flying above him. Over the next few months, two more witnesses would report seeing similar creatures in Greensville and Erie County, Pennsylvania. The reports were reminiscent of a string of sightings that took place in Texas in 1976 and 1982. In all cases, the creature described sounded remarkably similar to a Pterosaur. The sightings in Texas even occurred near to where the fossil of Quetzalcoatlus northropi, a large Pterosaur of the Late Cretaceous, was first discovered. Interestingly, these “Pterosaur” sightings seemed to occur close to each other in waves. That suggests that people were really seeing something—but what? One obvious candidate is the frigate bird, whose grey feathers can look like leathery skin from the right distance and whose wingspan can reach up to 2.5 meters (8 ft). The frigate bird hardly ever lands except to tend its young and can soar effortlessly over long distances. Over in Africa, the peoples of the Congo, Zambia, and a number of other regions speak of Kongamoto: “the Overturner of Boats.” It is described as featherless with smooth skin, a beak full of teeth, and a wingspan of 1–2 meters (4–7 ft). On the Gold Coast, British explorers in the 1920s heard tales of the Susabonsam, which grew to the height of a man and had thin, tenebrous wings like a bat. The truly large sightings of Kongamoto could be a surviving group of Quetzalcoatlus northropi, which, at the height of a giraffe, was the largest flying animal to have ever lived. Of course, they could also be condors, various storks, or other large birds seen in silhouette—or they might only be legends or outright hoaxes. But in 1988, Professor Roy Mackal led an expedition into the deserts of Namibia. He was investigating intriguing reports of a creature with a 9-meter (30 ft) wingspan seen gliding through the air. Eyewitness reports stated that it would appear at dusk, flying between two hills. Some even claimed that the winged monstrosity glowed in the dark. While the mission was unsuccessful, one expedition member claimed to have seen it from a distance, describing it as “a giant glider shape, black with white markings.” Titanoboa cerrejonensis was a prehistoric snake measuring up to 13 meters (42 ft), making it the largest snake known to science. Its fossil remains were found in northeastern Colombia and Jason Head of the University of Toronto says that he “just about screamed” when he saw the size of the fossils. We would, too. So it shouldn’t come as much surprise that the Amazon has legends of giant snakes much larger than the anaconda that makes the region its home. Natives of the Amazon call it the “Yacumama” (“Mother of the Water”), “Black Boa,” “Sucuri Gigante,” or “Cobra Grande” and reports have ranged from 50 meters (164 ft) to a more realistic 18–24 meters (60–80 ft). There have been reports of anacondas that have reached lengths approaching the bottom range of Yucumama sightings, but none have been confirmed by science. Opinion is divided as to whether or not such reports, if they are to be believed, represent cases of giant anacondas (meaning that science has yet to document the true upper limits of their size), an entirely new species of snake, or a prehistoric survival of Titanoboa or Gigantophis garstini. In 2009, a man from Northern Ireland named Mark Warner and his son Greg traveled to the region to try to capture evidence of the creature, assembling a team to carry out aerial surveys of selected locations. After 12 days in the jungle, hazardous weather conditions, hundreds of still photographs, and hours of video, the two men captured a photo of what they claimed to be a gigantic snake, about 40 meters (131 ft) long and almost 2 meters (6 ft) wide. Now, there has been some debate about just how large the anaconda can grow, but 40 meters is an extraordinary claim requiring a lot more evidence than a rather unclear aerial photograph. Warner and his son have planned additional expeditions to track down the monster and have recommended thermal imaging surveys of the region, but so far no new evidence has surfaced. You just knew the real king of the beasts had to be around here somewhere, and of course he’s from Australia, where everything seems to want to kill you anyway. The Australian Aboriginal peoples call it the Burrunjor, describing it as a bipedal giant reptile with strong legs and small, almost useless arms. Sound familiar? Throughout the 1950s, Australian cattle ranchers reported the bipedal tracks of some large creature that was attacking their livestock. One of the most dramatic sightings (which continue to this day) occurred near the McArthur River in 1957: “Cattle began to panic. The ranchers were perplexed, especially when one of their team ran screaming into a nearby river for relative safety . . . a loud grunting and snorting noise was heard. Witnesses viewed the silhouette of a tall monster fleeing into a nearby scrub land and daybreak revealed several mutilated cattle, some half eaten.” Other candidates for the Burrunjor are Allosaurus, Utahraptor, or nearly any other mid- to large-size Therapod. The remarkable thing about the Burrunjor tales is that, unlike most cryptid stories, reports of the Burrunjor stay remarkably consistent over time. But how could a population of creatures as large as the mighty Tyrannosaur feed themselves, aside from the occasional cow or crocodile? Maybe they ate all the other giant lizards that supposedly live in Australia. +The Velociraptors Of The Old West There have been many little-known sightings of smaller, Therapod-like lizards across the American West, collectively referred to as “River Dinos” or “River Lizards.” Examples include the “Mountain Boomer” of West Texas, said to be a bipedal lizard up to 2 meters (6.5 ft) tall, with greenish or brownish skin. In 1993, an investigator named Jimmy Ward claimed to have heard tales about, “a giant lizard that walked on its hind legs and whose voice sounded like thunder.” The Colorado “River Lizards” and “Oklahoma Raptors,” previously thought by some to be Dromaeosaurs (which, unfortunately for the eyewitnesses, are now known to be feathered dinosaurs), are more commonly sighted than the Boomer. In 1993, a woman came forward to claim she had seen tall gray (or green) lizard-like creatures no less than three times in her life. Her first encounter was in May 1935, when she witnessed five of the creatures near Pagosa Springs. There are several photographs in existence supposedly portraying living American dinosaurs. One of the best known, pictured above, shows a young man with a rifle holding what looks like the dead carcass of a baby dinosaur that he presumably shot. Another shows what looks like a Tyrannosaurus jutting out from just over a hill. Reports like this persist because, well, it’s the Wild West with dinosaurs! Who can’t get behind that? Lance is a science enthusiast, skeptic, freelance graphic designer and writer interested in topics on science and skepticism, history, atheism, religious issues and history, and a wealth of other subjects. You can look for him on Facebook until he starts a blog or something.
Author’s Note: This series looks at the various North American Cryptids as if they were real, tangible beings that have managed to elude scientific observation. Many of the creatures I will be featuring have appeared in other Savage Worlds products. Often times they have been altered and tweaked to fit that particular setting or to make them more interesting or challenging. My interpretation tries to stay closer to the available lore I could find on each. I hope you enjoy this series and like my interpretations of these wonderfully imaginative creatures! Note 2: This was written up using the new Savage Worlds Adventure Edition. While each region that they were sighted in has named them differently (though similarly), these cryptids are all the same species of large aquatic serpent-like creature. While many sightings have these as being long and eel-like, others describe the body being larger and possessing flippers like a plesiosaur. When researching these, they each are nearly identical in characteristics. So each will be described then a single stat block provided for the serpentine cryptids. The first cryptid on this list is the Ogopogo found in Okanagan Lake in British Columbia, Canada. While first mention with that name was in 1912, the Native American folklore of the Secwepemc and Syilx dates much farther back, calling it Naitaka. These first tribes saw the Ogopogo as a powerful and malevolent spirit of ill intent. They believed Naitaka required a sacrifice in order to safely cross the lake. These first nations would sacrifice small animals prior to making any lake crossing. The earliest non-native sighting was from 1872, when Susan Louisa Moir Allison wrote her account of witnessing a large serpentine creature breaking the surface of the lake for a few moments before disappearing again. In most of the sightings, Ogopogo is seen from a distance, a brief glimpse before the cryptid dives below the water’s surface to the safety of the murky depths below. Most have been described as 20-30 feet in length, though some of the ones below are larger… The Igopogo, also a serpentine cryptid, has been sighted in Lake Simcoe, Ontario, Canada. The first written account of this creature is from 1952, though the oral tradition of the Native people in the region goes much farther back. As with many of these aquatic cryptids, most sightings are from a distance or are just glimpses before the creature was able to retreat to the depths of Lake Simcoe. Descriptions of Igopogo are largely similar to the others found on this list with one striking difference, Igopogo has a canine-esque head. Manipogo is another, very similar serpentine cryptid from the Canadian North, named after the lake in which it has been spotted in Lake Manitoba, Manitoba, Canada. The Manipogo had been sighted in the lake beginning in 1908, when a log snake-like creature was seen near the coastline by Valentine McKay. Lake Manitoba is so large (over 4600 square kilometers in size) and with a few sightings occurring rather close together, it is believed by some that there are multiple Manipogo serpents in the cold waters of the lake. One group of sightings was by seventeen people, all purported to be strangers to one another, in August of 1961. It could be due to the size of the lake allowing for the creature to grow in size (much like certain types of fish), but many of the sightings put the Manipogo being more than 60 feet in length. The final Canadian serpent we will look at is the Memphre. Again, named after the lake in which it was first sighted, Lake Memphremagog which is situated along the Canadian/United States border in Vermont & Quebec. Another sizable lake, it is over thirty miles long and averages fifty feet deep, though a portion of this lake is just over 350 feet deep! There are only a few sightings of this serpent cryptid through the years, with the earliest right around the turn of the 20th century to the most recent being 2005. A few of the descriptions from relatively close up sightings describe the Memphre as have reptilian skin like that of a lizard. Found in Lake Champlain, Champ is another, very similar serpentine Cryptid. The lake runs along the New York/Vermont state line. Champ has among the most sightings of any cryptids, with over 300 sightings since the first one back in 1609. The first ever sighting was by French explore and Quebec founder Samuel De Champlain for whom the lake and by proxy, Champ, was named. There was a spike of sightings in the 1970’s and 80’s, with nearly 100 reported sightings during this time. Most descriptions of champ all put him on the larger size, typically 50-60 feet in length, with some accounts having this beast as big as 180 feet! Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6(a), Spirit d6, Strength d12+2, Vigor d10 Skills: Athletics d6, Fighting d6, Notice d8, Stealth d6 Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 11 Size 4: This grants +4 toughness and an additional wound (for 2, if playing them as an extra) Aquatic: While these cryptids can venture onto land, they are not built for land travel. Their pace on land is 3 and their run die is d4. Additionally, they make all trait rolls at a -1 while on land. Bite: Str +d6 Natural Swimmer: When in the water, they gain a 2 die step in strength for any ability checks, such as opposed strength checks to avoid being pulled onto a boat or to drag a boat along behind it. Manipogo or Champ (and any large variety of Serpentine Cryptid) Make the following changes if you want an abnormally large specimen. Size 8: +8 toughness, +4 Scale modifier, +2 wounds (so an extra would have 3 wounds) Until next time, cheers!
Solid Muldoon: Petrified Prehistoric Man was an Elaborate and Daring Hoax The Solid Muldoon is the name given to a supposedly petrified prehistoric man that was ‘discovered’ in 1877. This ‘ petrified body’ was unearthed by William Conant at Muldoon Hill, a small hill not far from Beulah, Colorado. The Solid Muldoon soon drew the attention of the public and many were willing to pay the 50¢ entrance fee to have a look at him. The popularity of the Solid Muldoon, however, did not last for long, as it was soon revealed that it was a hoax. Once this revelation was made, interest in the Solid Muldoon plummeted and nobody is sure as to the object’s ultimate fate. According to some sources, the Solid Muldoon was named after William A. Muldoon, a wrestler who was known as the ‘Solid Man’. Others state that the name was given to the object by The Colorado Chieftain , whose writers drew inspiration from Edward Harrigan’s well-known song, ‘Muldoon, the Solid Man’. In any case, the Solid Muldoon was the work of George Hull, a tobacconist from New York. - The Dare Stone - Hoax or History of the Lost Roanoke Colony? - New Piltdown Hoax Analysis Points to Work of 'Lone Forger' - Discovery of Attila the Hun tomb in Hungary is a hoax Drawing of the Solid Muldoon. ( Cryptids State-by-State ) The Cardiff Giant, Hull’s Big Hoax Before the Solid Muldoon The Solid Muldoon was not the first hoax created by Hull. In 1869, Hull created the Cardiff Giant, one of the most infamous hoaxes in American history . The idea to create such a hoax stemmed from a long argument between Hull, an atheist, and a traveling Methodist revivalist preacher named Reverend Turk. The two men were debating about a passage from the Bible ( Genesis 6:4), in which it is written that there were once giants on earth . While Reverend Turk asserted that the Bible should be interpreted literally, Hull remained unconvinced. The Cardiff Giant at the Farmers' Museum in Cooperstown. (Opencooper / CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The debate got Hull thinking and gave him the idea of creating the Cardiff Giant to demonstrate the gullibility of religious believers . Additionally, he saw this as a means to make some money. In short, he got a block of gypsum and hired stoneworkers to carve it into a giant. He had the Cardiff Giant buried and then ‘discovered’. News of the ‘discovery’ spread, and many came to see it. While many religious believers saw it as proof that giants existed in the past, as written in the Bible, the Cardiff Giant managed to fool scientists as well, who believed that it was an ancient statue. Nevertheless, there were some sceptics from the start and confessions made by Hull’s stoneworkers confirmed it as a fake. Still, interest in the Cardiff Giant (which became known as ‘Old Hoaxey’) continued, but eventually waned as the century drew to its end. The Cardiff Giant being exhumed in October 1869. ( Public Domain ) The Solid Muldoon As the Missing Link A couple of years after the hoax was exposed Hull decided to try his luck again. This time he was hoping to fool the scientific community and the Solid Muldoon was to be passed off as the legendary ‘ missing link ’. He knew that a sculpture like the Cardiff Giant would not work and therefore learned to make plaster molds . Through trial and error, he created a mortar using a combination of organic and inorganic materials, including clay, meat, and ground bones . Next, Hull needed to make molds for the various body parts of the Solid Muldoon and Hull’s son-in-law was used as a model. As the casts were being made in an icehouse, Hull’s son-in-law quit halfway due to the cold. As a consequence, the upper body of the Solid Muldoon was made from casts of Hull’s upper body. As the two men had different builds, the Solid Muldoon was unusually disproportionate. The casts of the Solid Muldoon were being made in an icehouse and Hull’s son-in-law quit halfway due to the cold. ( Evgeny / Adobe) Hull then purchased a human skeleton, placed it within the assembled molds and poured his home-made mortar into them. The Solid Muldoon was then fired in a kiln and the mortar took on a brownish tone that made it look much older than it actually was. Hull also made a number of ‘petrified’ fruits, a fish, and a turtle to accompany the Solid Muldoon. At the end of his work, Hull realized that he had run out of money and approached the famous showman, P.T. Barnum , to see if he would like to invest in his scheme. Barnum agreed and gave Hull $2000 in exchange for a 75% share in the venture. Using plaster molds Hull made a number of ‘petrified’ fruits to accompany the Solid Muldoon. ( celiafoto / Adobe) The ‘Discovery’ of Solid Muldoon Hull was introduced by Barnum to one of his associates, William Conant, and the men began to plan the Solid Muldoon’s ‘discovery’. Hull and Conant traveled to Colorado to find a suitable spot to bury the ‘petrified body’ and settled for Muldoon Hill. The next step was to create some hype around the area. A local rock hound by the name of Lewis Allen was hired to ‘discover’ some of the smaller ‘ fossils’ made by Hull, and this was reported in the Colorado Mountaineer , a local newspaper where one of Conant’s sons was working as an editor. This served to create an impression in the minds of the public that the area was rich in archaeological resources . The Solid Muldoon was then shipped to the site, buried, and left for several months. On September 16, 1877, the Solid Muldoon was ‘discovered’ by Conant and another of his sons. Needless to say, the story was publicized by the Colorado Mountaineer . Public interest was roused further by Barnum, who had conveniently been in Denver. He decided to drop by to have a look at the Solid Muldoon and offered publicly to buy the petrified man for $20,000. - The Posthumous Disgrace of the Dark Master of Archaeological Hoaxes - A Scottish Stone Circle Believed To Be 6000 Years Old Was Actually Built In The 1990s - Merrylin Cryptid Museum: Proof for the Existence of Mythical Beings or Elaborate Hoaxes? Masthead for the Solid Muldoon Newspaper published 22 March 1892. ( Public Domain ) Hull’s hoax did not last long, however, as it was soon exposed by a man called E.J. Cox, who had been promised half of Hull’s share of the proceeds once the Solid Muldoon was ‘discovered’. What Cox was unaware of at the time was that Hull’s share was by then less than 15%. When Cox found out about this he felt that he had been cheated and exposed the whole affair to the press. Once the hoax was revealed, public interest in the Solid Muldoon dried up almost immediately. The ultimate fate of the Solid Muldoon is unclear. But in 1976, a replica of the Solid Muldoon was made and buried near the spot where the original had been ‘discovered’ 99 years ago. Top image: The Solid Muldoon was supposedly a prehistoric ‘petrified human body’ unearthed in 1877. Source: Public Domain By Wu Mingren Elliott, S. 2016. What is a Solid Muldoon?. [Online] Available at: https://www.parkrecord.com/entertainment/what-is-a-solid-muldoon/ Jessen, K. 2017. The Solid Muldoon hoax. [Online] Available at: http://www.reporterherald.com/columnists/colorado-history/ci_30955240/solid-muldoon-hoax Kruse, C. 2017. The Cardiff Giant: A Stone Man's Secrets. [Online] Available at: https://www.ripleys.com/weird-news/cardiff-giant/ Root, C. 2018. Solid Muldoon, or the Cardiff Giant Heads West. [Online] Available at: https://history.denverlibrary.org/news/solid-muldoon-or-cardiff-giant-heads-west Szalay, J. 2016. Cardiff Giant: 'America's Biggest Hoax'. [Online] Available at: https://www.livescience.com/55787-cardiff-giant.html
Comment: Thanks for another fantastic card! I love rainy days, so I'm jealous. We've been having an unusually cold winter. It's nice to remember what winter is like -- we had 3 in a row that didn't count -- but it has been extreme. Comment: Thank you, R & J. Asian elephants are special to me, having had one as a friend when I was with the circus, & having had many encounters with them when I lived in India. Love the maxi card & first day of issue cancellation. Comment: Wow, thanks so much for the maxicard! The US doesn't make any so I love seeing some in the mail. And I really do love this card, thank you for picking something based on my likes! Merry Christmas to you! Comment: Thank you! This is really a great first day issue card, love the image, and the stamp! I wish these were something the US did, our postal service seems to be behind so many other countries when it comes to post crossing :( Comment: Hi Raoul & Jeanette, thank you for the Dr.Who PC,. Please remember to put entire swap name, (# 17 was missing) and it can be hard for me to find the swap to rate you. Sometimes I have more than one sci fi swap going at a time :) Happy Autumn swapping :) Comment: Thanks for the great maxis', I like the man in the mail, a few years ago I would have said he found a cheap way to travel but--now when our post increasing price and slowing down -- it would be cheaper to get out of the box and fly!! Comment: Raoul and Jeanette, thanks for the wonderful PC. Basically, yaoi could refer to any non heterosexual romance (sometimes there's even no romance, but close kinship, friendship and bonding). And otaku means hardcore anime/game fans. Thanks for your comments on my deviantart works, too. <3 Comment: Thank you for the Rhino PC. I hoped someone would send me this picture sometime. It's not really a hard subject. Quite a few animals were ONCE considered cryptids (eg: Gorilla's, Okapi, Platypus etc). What you write on the back of the PC can make the connection. Google "Former Cryptids" for ideas. Zazzle is a good place to find cryptid PCs. Regards Mark Comment: Thanks for the postcard featuring Charles Bean. I did read up on him & found him interesting. I'd never heard of him before. I have a friend born in Tasmania; she has since moved to NZ and then to the US. In contrast to your chilly winter (we consider 10C chilly in our summer!), today we have 33C and humid! I hope you get to see the eclipse; we will be able to see 85%. Happy Swapping! Comment: Hello, Raoul & Jeanette, and thanks for the postcard and kind words! So glad Swap-bot is the fun place it is, meeting such nice people as you two, from all over the world. Bundle up and stay warm! Comment: Loved your maxi - thank you!! I love how everything looked i the old days 😊 I've got some regular b&w pcs but in maxis not, the maxis I have are in colour. So let me know if you want to swap a few 😊 Comment: Thankyou for the Mawson Huts Foundation postcard! I'd love to see Macquarie Island some day, but that might be a tad too ambitious. I never knew there was a Mawson Hut replica, I will definitely put it on my list for when I eventually visit Tassie :) Comment: Thanks for another great card! And it's definitely close enough to black and white :) I've read a lot about World War I the last few years, so it's well timed. I also like the special postmark. Comment: The red poppy was originally use to signify rembrance of fallen American soldiers during World War 1 (1914-1917). It was later adopted by several countries of the British Empire to remember fallen soldiers from any war. It holds special significance for the fallen soldiers of the Gallipoli campaign. Comment: Thank you for the cool first day issue of the fancy vintage lady and bike! Love her dress but I would only be able to walk, not ride in it. It is fun being the swap coordinator because you can choose topics of interest! Comment: It is an odd PC, indeed! The tree in the center is kinda cool, but then it is a mystery why it includes Italian, English, and Spanish with no reason why, seeing as it is from Australia. I'd say it fits the theme just fine! Happy New year! Comment: I got my fantastic "animal" postcard today! Loved your note and loved that I received your first swap from Swap-Bot! I am new this year, too! One day, I would like to visit Australia, thanks again! PS: I just noticed the first day stamp - love it! Response: Thanks for your nice note:) So glad you liked it! I have a few other similar brightly coloured "animal" cards to surprise people with...Raoul.