think hope reality longtime democrat harvard law professor allen dershowitz rip senator diane feinstein make accusation obstruction justice president trump go reason nothing claim feinstein potus commit crime dershowitz compare trump crimes past presidents conclude trump clear detail crimes nixon clinton clearly commit say within constitutional power trump fire former fbi director jam comey charge president obstruction justice exercise constitutional power alandersh fox friends foxandfriends december 2017 simply know talk dershowitz senator diane feinstein claim president trump obstruct justice.this woman another one need go get rich washington probably retire pull office kick scream lucrative business diane sure want see end push envelope politically know delusional liberal base approve reelection truth integrity win people every time democrat dershowitz slap feinstein effort say trump guilty obstruction know talk video
donald trump administration find new ways look foolish daily basis trump staff will pick slack whenever boss behave like big enough idiot.on friday trump act assistant administrator asia gloria steele make sure humiliate america trump administration leave uncomfortably speechless simple question climate change question ask rep. gerry connolly d-va want know climate change anything rise sea level reference massive flood bangladesh connolly ask steele could fact third entire sovereign nation bangladesh water could anything know warm climate like incompetent people staff trump administration steele know damn thing position steele obviously unprepared answer real question matter could smile let mouth hang open leave clueless speechless absolutely inappropriate response simple straightforward question steele could turn steele take boss completely ignorant trump call climate change hoax many time even blame chinese responsible creation trump denial facts evidence climate change dangerous make unite state one three countries oppose paris climate agreement stupidity trump administration major threats future climate clear answer planet need watch steele go completely mute feature image via alex wong/getty image trump official get ask simple question global warm response unbelievable video
day one donald trump failure presidency perfectly clear former reality television star think king expect america roll whatever hell want unfortunately unworthy potus presidency pan lot differently imagine send another great big ck unite states.trump voter fraud conspiracy deal major blow suffer humiliate defeat every single state america refuse give voter data trump demand accord washington post rare display bipartisanship officials nearly every state say partially fully refuse comply president trump vote commission encounter criticism opposition issue sweep request voter data nationwide even resistance center trump members commission broad responses state indicate strong widespread belief local officials manage elections white house request volumes information go far right america whole unite agree trump want unconstitutional illegal make move protect americans private data extremely embarrass trump also reveal administration increasingly lazy sloppy even bother look see request voter data legal state law unlike trump incompetent team majority america reckless will bow complete idiot go book yet another one trump failures defeat check balance think could overrun dictator-style leadership way go america feature image via draw angerer getty image every state america turn trump major ck potus detail
faux black cash victim status simply take white guilt far investigative blogger accuse shaun king key figure black live matter movement mislead media icon oprah winfrey pretend biracial order qualify oprah scholarship historically black morehouse college blogger say king white lie ethnicity years king high-profile campaigner police brutality justice correspondent liberal daily kos website tell rebel magazine 2012 biracial magazine report son caucasian mother african-american father also describe mix black family twitter.king lionise press praise hero civil right social activism write extensively childhood terrorise decades old racial tensions claim focus constant abuse resident rednecks school yet recent weeks rumour circulate ethnicity 1995 police incident report list shaun king ethnicity white blogger vicki pate assemble forensic account shaun king background family tree blog re-newsit publish findings.she claim king entirely white say birth certificate breitbart since independently acquire kentucky office vital statistics name white man father king case echo rachel dolezal civil right activist washington claim biracial fact caucasian origin dolezal continue insist identify black despite parent reveal entirely white.if pate right shaun king often use black white photograph online rather colour image may mislead african-american hero winfrey apply accept oprah scholarship historically black morehouse college oprah scholarships give exclusively black daily kos diary king refer brother write oprah winfrey pay way morehouse leadership scholarship receive college degree today five hundred brothers exact story shaun king biography attract attention bloggers journalists thank several bizarre inconsistencies public claim often struggle ask recall basic facts life instance august 2014 king write twitter father three black girls six months early claim father course possible family tragedy responsible inconsistency unexplained change biographical detail one-off october 2009 king claim endure four spinal surgeries february 2010 number surgeries shrink three also confusion allege car crash may may turn explosive new racial allegations late string controversies surround shaun king july 21 conservative blog report account brutal racially-motivated beat 1995 least two report describe kentucky first hate crime match police report case king 35 relate story hate crime blog recent self-help book seemingly bolster credibility activist self-help guru write daily caller chuck ross king say attack dozen racist redneck students official record show altercation involve one student king claim suffer brutal beat leave cling life police report characterize king injuries minor ross reported.this month detail emerge king account match police report eyewitness account journalists notice king public claim square reality.remarkably king publication daily kos list staff writer run provocatively title blog post july year something fishy shaun king post allege people ask question king time link early daily caller report know right-wing publication something prevent instantly dismiss article see number people daily kos complain shaun play fast loose truth write contributor burt miles start dig internet find lot information true make concern shaun motives action could reflect badly site use smear black live matter movement miles continue anything kind organize smear campaign smear campaign involve many different sit publications individuals around time breitbart contact vicki pate investigate king claim several years pate provide key document appear show king two white parent lie public race picture shaun king leave mother brother leave via renewsitone birth certificate list parent naomi kay fleming jeffery wayne king birth date september 17 1979 versailles kentucky king already tell journalists mother white remain pate determine whether father white too.king always claim father black king father jeffery white say pate point man bear 11 november 1955 campbell kentucky subject multiple arrest include motor drug offences birth date would make 23 time shaun king birth age give shaun birth certificate.the jeffery wayne king whose name date birth concord shaun king birth certificate picture 2007 police mug shoot various document give name jeffery jeffrey wayne king name common variants one another king snr date birth place residence record jeffrey king king allege father claim past black top king brother jason picture bottom pate say definitively link man picture mugshots shaun king via shaun brother kentucky air guard russ king also clearly caucasian finally public record show one wayne king 2015 shaun king fin account grow black suffer discrimination raise rural kentucky tell blog generation progress actually pretty rough african americans face lot racism discrimination grow never really experience overt racism high school claim put weird position huge group students call rednecks hat reason king must know give interview late 2015 vicki pate track family history continue deliver craftily-worded answer interview question give impression person color victim hate crimes.neither true say pate tell breitbart last night king never deny accusations shaun king deny story anyone else far know say whenever mention twitter simply block whoever ask report harassment reply one person say haters gon na hate suspend twitter pose question via breitbart news photos second fake black activist emerge blacklivesmatter organizer claim terrorize decades old racial tensions
really andrew new york really stand racism al sharpton one great race agitators time resident new york one barack obama general race war spend eight years orchestrate white house al sharpton behind massive march new york city organizers hold bull horn call death police officer selective outrage al sharpton one frequent visitors white house could forget infamous beer summit former president barack obama host prof henry gate prominent black scholar sgt jam crowley white police sergeant beers white house rise garden actually photo-op obama pretend work towards goal defuse racial tension america.and though last years race agitate high office land never happen governor andrew cuomo join leftist mob attempt erase american history foolishly believe democrats see party remove confederate statues perhaps americans forget democrat party fact party fight hard keep slavery alive ridiculous tweet governor andrew cuomo robert e. lee stonewall jackson remove cuny hall great americans new york stand racism andrew cuomo nygovcuomo august 17 2017sean davis co-founder federalist quickly school leftist governor history behind name state new york new york name head british slave-trading monopoly https // sean davis seanmdav august 17 2017the duke york main shareholder director company royal adventurers trade africa establish time restoration english monarchy 1660. shareholders company combination stuart royal family along number wealthy london merchants company establish london monopoly english slave trade create slave port west coast africa british-produced goods exchange africans transport slave colonies caribbean 1664 duke york admiral navy annex dutch colony new amsterdam rename new york honour duke take new york one first action new authority grant colony port privilege right use warehouse ship engage slave trade i.e ship own company royal adventurers trade africa duke large shareholder.previously dutch west india company african slave new amsterdam live know half-freedom say dutch right limit independence however stuart british rule become chattel slave i.e perceive personal property slave owners way different previous slave-systems slavery use labour emerge consolidate capitalism though worth note urban slave new york never accept complete servitude endure rural counterparts.president trump take twitter morning denounce decisions make leftists position authority erase history great nation sad see history culture great country rip apart removal beautiful statues monuments .. donald j. trump realdonaldtrump august 17 2017 ca n't change history learn robert lee stonewall jackson 's next washington jefferson foolish also donald j. trump realdonaldtrump august 17 2017 beauty take cities towns park greatly miss never able comparably replace donald j. trump realdonaldtrump august 17 2017 oops ny gov cuomo announce statues confederate general remove ny stand racism …ignores state name owner african slave trade company
kabul leak memo staff member afghan president ashraf ghani office week set storm criticism accusations note lay bare systematic favoritism ghani pashtun ethnic group undated memo appointments administrative office president aop appear show job award eye keep control hand pashtuns give appearance diversity leak cause severe embarrassment ghani fragile government long face criticism favor pashtuns traditionally powerful among patchwork different ethnic group afghanistan include tajiks hazaras uzbeks leak may well tip iceberg write amrullah saleh former head national directorate security close chief executive abdullah abdullah mainly tajik jamiat-i-islami party post facebook saleh say memo show clique consolidate power soft purge involve indirect intimidation fake identities marginalization others memo senior staff member aop initially share limit number people message platform apparently mistake find way daily newspaper etilaat roz week tajiks uzbeks work completely us appoint symbolically people think every ethnicity represent say another point mention official say good person bring hazaras appoint top position look pashtuns fluent languages official post memo message platform resign aop issue statement say personal document send one staff represent overall policy office shah hussain mortazawi spokesman ghani also reject memo say place ethnic discrimination government however set storm angry comment social media influential figure like saleh another former intelligence chief rahmatullah nabil highlight simmer resentments within government camp less year parliamentary elections due july administration ghani head painstakingly put together dispute elections 2014 main opponent abdullah claim victory amid accusations massive cheat side u.s.-brokered power share deal leave ghani president abdullah alongside chief executive start government beset dispute appointments carve ethnic line leak memo fuel accusations ethnic bias afghan government
washington u.s. senator john mccain undergo treatment military hospital outside washington side effect cancer therapy office say tuesday mccain 81 diagnose brain cancer summer return work soon possible statement office say senator mccain currently receive treatment walter reed medical center normal side effect ongoing cancer therapy statement say senator mccain look forward return work soon possible mccain arizona republican run unsuccessfully president 2008 find aggressive form brain tumor glioblastoma surgery july blood clot leave eye receive chemotherapy radiation treatment washington area continue work senate miss senate vote week critical vote republican tax overhaul expect senate early next week mccain absence would make difficult impossible republicans pass bill mccain re-elected sixth senate term last year senator mccain treat side effect cancer therapy
throughout campaign trump repeatedly tell anyone could brainwash u.s. win anything anymore supposedly use perennial powerhouse entire world like duke north carolina arizona perennial powerhouses ncaa basketball fall status win anything like number game use word use able tell world would would t. trump promise work class would change bring job back make us prosperous job would never disappear everyone would beg trade us could tiny slice awesomeness.whether trump actually know truth anyone guess focus win tell suffer work class particularly blue-collar workers whose job disappear reason job go give much countries deserve largesse whatever convince half country 45 percent tariff want import goods china 35 percent tariff goods mexico keep company outsource manufacturing.and people buy ones hurt bad trump actual trade policies.the economist point massive problem trump rhetoric single chart free trade agreements two countries 20 20 countries represent third import goods yes also represent half export goods image via economistexport one major drivers economy dear mr. trump conveniently forget part equation rail china mexico everyone chart dark blue side represent trade due nafta awful lot export mexico canada addition import quite equal also disparate horrible disadvantage trump claim nafta millions american job actually depend heavily nafta remain far china yeah seem big disadvantage however actually balance pretty well factor trade countries china rap us way trump claim short look import versus export get rob nearly rate trump would us believe listen talk import foreign goods export nothing true yes trade agreements would destroy american job way claim problem attitude though false also show trump protectionist policies destroy american export thus american jobs.that turn destroy american work class class believe trump save job dignity evil horrible liberal democrats want assassinate wish people know look t. virtually kill blindly staunch defense trump either educate liberal elites anyway shun import export yes imagine countries decide stop accept products retaliation accept without huge penalty attach export would fall drastically thousands americans would lose job even trump one-by-one coercion company look outsource.seriously trump seem understand fuck president get listen people think amaze business genius everyone else jealous something.he listen anyone already know everything words.if start trade war trade policies would actually implement work class claim protect die even horribly painful death countries retaliate us unfair trade tactics.the global economy far complex trump idiotic entitle hypocritical privilege rich family friends understand implement protectionist policies bring back millions lose manufacture job give world finger work way never work way hop congress understand destroy us trade refuse put action.featured image draw angerer via getty image trump annhililate work class pretend protect proof
islamabad pakistan oust prime minister nawaz sharif return home thursday face trial anti-corruption case call political revenge opposition leaders term accountability rich powerful sharif london wife undergo cancer treatment due appear court friday allegations link london properties family own charge could see former premier jail ally sharif serve prime minister twice topple military coup 1999 call proceed political vendetta hint intervention elements powerful army sharif 67 denounce process interview wednesday london fly home case national accountability bureau highly bogus fake link corruption tell geo tv compare process charge lay general pervez musharraf seize power 1999. kickback misappropriation national exchequer add supreme court disqualify sharif office july unreported source annual income 10,000 salary former premier deny ever receive high court also order national accountability bureau nab investigate conduct trial sharif family wide finance include london properties sharif maintain control rule pakistan muslim league-nawaz pml-n party elect close ally shahid khaqi abbasi prime minister sharif disqualify also face trial nab court sharif daughter maryam husband muhammad safdar plead guilty allegations stem panama paper leak 2016 appear show maryam two brothers own offshore hold company register british virgin islands use buy upscale flats london supreme court-appointed investigatory panel deem family wealth match income accuse maryam brothers sign forge document obscure ownership company use buy properties supreme court order nab investigation trial conclude within six months would probably bring verdict general elections due next year maryam sharif increasingly play prominent role pml-n see father political heir week however two party insiders say leadership decide shahbaz sharif former premier brother likely party candidate prime minister next year oust pakistani prime minister nawaz sharif return face trial
sunlight best disinfectant think get enough evidence come corrupt fbi agents take upon try destroy trump.the daily caller report south carolina rep. trey gowdy say tuesday fbi agent peter strzok anti-trump text message show unprecedented level bias rarely see fbi particular ask cryptic message strzok send aug. 2016 fbi lawyer lisa page refer insurance policy appear refer fbi investigation trump campaign want believe path throw consideration andy office way trump get elect afraid take risk like insurance policy unlikely event die 40 read aug. 15 2016 text message middle major investigations say strzok add thank god go want know hell get first place say amen trey gowdy peter strzok bias trump wan na know hell get
netflix inc nflx.o share hit all-time high friday goldman sachs brokerages raise price target world big online-streaming company cite ability raise fee without scar away customers home house card narcos spend heavily new show acquire right tv series look lure people away traditional cable tv help fund spend stick point company critics netflix say would raise price two three main subscription plan content remain primary driver subscriber growth engagement price power come goldman analyst heath terry write note netflix schedule report third-quarter earn monday although quarter reflect recent price increase take effect november goldman expect company report add net 1.1 million u.s. 4.3 million international subscribers third quarter partly drive new show ozark number subscribers wall street closely watch gauge company growth goldman estimate analysts average expect 810,000 u.s. 3.69 million international subscriber additions accord factset believe upward revisions consensus estimate ultimately drive outperformance terry say goldman buy rat stock boost price target 235 200 median price target netflix stock 208 move 22 percent roughly three months show wall street grow bullishness netflix share rise all-time high 200.82 friday jump 58 percent far year jpmorgan analyst doug anmuth low estimate net subscriber additions fourth quarter 255,000 6.7 million due modest uptick churn say fee increase clearly positive netflix anmuth raise netflix price target friday 225 210 everybody board netflix aggressive spend however thing keep us sideline ... company continue burn cash say michael scanlon portfolio manager manulife asset management add netflix many deep-pocketed competitors netflix expect spend billion year billion 2018 produce original show movies stay ahead amzn.o prime video service hulu early week hulu bid others u.s. right us company expect spend 2.5 billion 2017 buy movies tv show right also walt disney co dis.n say august stop provide new movies netflix 2019 launch stream service hulu drop price cheap plan package first year subscription days netflix raise price company last disclose size subscriber base may 2016 12 million pay customers accord variety netflix nearly 104 million members june 30. analysts expect netflix report third-quarter adjust profit 32 cents per share revenue 30 percent 2.97 billion accord thomson reuters i/b/e/s wall street raise target netflix cite price increase
washington/tegucigalpa unite state wednesday follow mexico signal honduran president juan orlando hernandez heavily dispute presidential election last month lend weight legitimacy spite ongoing opposition protest honduran electoral tribunal weekend declare u.s. ally hernandez winner nov. 26 election spite widespread misgive count turn favor incumbent suddenly halt opposition ahead violent protest break honduras vote organization american state oas urge country hold new elections resolve dispute proposal however reject senior honduran officials hernandez rival salvador nasralla travel washington week urge unite state recognize vote senior u.s. state department official say government evidence would alter result point ... see anything alter final result official tell reporters say washington may wait make definitive judgment case opposition present additional evidence fraud election mexico tuesday congratulate hernandez declare victor mexico step follow recognition hernandez colombia guatemala strengthen incumbent hand could tilt countries favor mexican statement review indicate call new election pretty dramatic outcome case say official speak condition anonymity washington may hold make final judgment end five-day period opposition produce evidence contest result official add say u.s. deputy assistant secretary state meet nasralla accuse hernandez steal election new allegations fraud evidence present us think go work quickly get definitive u.s. statement add mexican statement go strong influence whether think move forward sooner mexicans seem pretty certain statement hernandez wednesday name new head arm force rene orlando ponce quickly indicate local radio solve impasse would honduras alone go accept interference beyond honduran law say u.s. follow mexico back dispute honduran vote result
ankara turkey want open new border gate iraq cooperation central government baghdad shut exist gate response last week kurdish independence referendum prime minister binali yildirim say propose open new ovakoy gate west currently use habur gate baghdad expect support happy discuss iraqi prime minister haider al-abadi yildirim tell reporters say time visit baghdad work progress yildirim also say want boost cooperation central iraqi government economy defense security political issue turkey close iraq border air space open new gate baghdad
washington trump administration make cost-sharing payments insurance company obamacare august white house spokesman say wednesday announcement little quell long-term concern insurance market president donald trump republican repeatedly threaten stop payments make directly insurance company help cover out-of-pocket medical expense low-income americans enrol individual healthcare plan affordable care act aca payments estimate amount billion 2017. center medicare medicaid service also say wednesday two counties project insurer 2018 sell plan individual market create former democratic president barack obama healthcare policy 40 early year announcements could bring short-term stability insurance market long-term outlook uncertain say cynthia cox policy researcher associate director nonprofit kaiser family foundation past several months trump republicans lawmakers control chamber congress regularly point number expect so-called bare counties 2018 argue bill repeal replace obamacare insurers still unsure whether republicans try repeal replace law return september recess whether trump administration permanently make insurer payments also know whether administration enforce requirement aca americans buy health insurance else pay fine unclear whether federal government play role provide incentives insurers offer plan bare counties many risk anthem inc one large remain obamacare insurers par back offer several state say cox state officials insurance commissioners work provide incentives centene corp fill many gap health plan work hard insurance commissioners state leaders ensure americans buy coverage options affordable possible say kristine grow spokeswoman insurer lobby group america health insurance plan demonstration commitment nonpartisan congressional budget office tuesday estimate health insurance premiums many customers obamacare individual insurance market would 20 percent high 2018 trump stop insurer payments trump make august cost-sharing payments health insurers
obama unconstitutional government overreach allow run rampant dc way long new sheriff town new sheriff leadership newly embolden congress miraculously find spine congressional lawmakers review final rule issue president obama december stomp second amendment right social security beneficiaries.according national rifle association institute legislative action obama social security rule qualify ssi disability insurance recipients mental defectives therefore incapable legally own firearms.the rule allow affect file petition restoration second amendment right yet tens thousands legal gun owners must prove possession firearms would harm public safety public interest even though government never establish try establish contrary nra-ila executive director chris cox praise congress decision wednesday statement congress decision review obama administration back-door gun grab significant step forward restore fundamental constitutional right many law-abiding gun owners write nra fight unconstitutional government overreach since first discuss look forward swift congressional action overturn via daily caller congress deal knock-out punch obama back door gun grab…gun owners cheer
washington russian government-backed hackers steal highly classify u.s. cyber secrets 2015 national security agency contractor put information home computer two newspapers report thursday report first wall street journal cite unidentified source theft include information penetrate foreign computer network protect cyber attack likely view one significant security breach date late story washington post say employee work nsa tailor access operations unit elite hackers fire 2015. nsa decline comment cite agency policy never comment affiliate personnel issue reuters able independently verify report confirm hack would mark late series breach classify data secretive intelligence agency include 2013 leak data classify u.s. surveillance program contractor edward snowden another contractor harold martin await trial charge take classify nsa material home washington post report martin involve newly disclose case republican u.s. senator ben sasse member senate arm service committee say statement respond journal report true detail alarm nsa need get head sand solve contractor problem sasse say russia clear adversary cyberspace afford self-inflicted injuries tensions already high washington u.s. allegations surge hack american target russians include target state election agencies hack democratic party computers bid sway outcome 2016 presidential election favor republican donald trump cite unidentified source journal post also report contractor use antivirus software moscow-based kaspersky lab company whose products ban u.s. government network last month suspicions help kremlin conduct espionage kaspersky lab strongly deny allegations russian government officials could use flaw kaspersky software hack machine question security experts tell reuters could also intercept traffic machine kaspersky computers kaspersky say statement thursday find catch middle geopolitical fight kaspersky lab provide evidence substantiate company involvement allege incident report wall street journal say unfortunate news coverage unproven claim continue perpetuate accusations company department homeland security sept. 13 ban kaspersky products federal network u.s. senate approve bill ban use federal government cite concern company may pawn kremlin pose national security risk jam lewis cyber expert washington-based center strategic international study say report breach sound credible though firsthand information transpire baffle part able get stuff build use kaspersky despite work lewis say say intelligence agencies consider kaspersky products source risk years democratic senator jeanne shaheen lead call congress purge kaspersky lab products government network thursday call trump administration declassify information threats pose kaspersky lab disservice public national security continue withhold information shaheen say statement russian hackers steal u.s. cyber secrets nsa media report
washington republican presidential candidate donald trump say unite state decrease amount spend north atlantic treaty organization pay disproportionately much frankly different world originally conceive idea trump say interview cnn reconsider keep nato maybe pay lot less toward nato say trump say u.s. spend less nato
matter many time president trump show man people man honor man principle media refuse cover truth story every tv every news publication come expect stories like usually bury anti-trump media help us spread heartwarming story president trump respond injure police officer victim motorcycle accident task protect president trip indianapolis.initial report say trump call officer flight back washington indianapolis metropolitan police tweet thursday president delay flight.the official twitter indianapolis metropolitan police department share video officer reaction president trump call break thank potus delay wheel speak injure officer turner thankyou tweet read break thank potus delay wheel speak injure officer turner thankyou impd impdnews september 28 2017robert turner police officer indianapolis break ankle fall interstate 70. photographer capture officer grind uniform ripped.police release cellphone video turner hospital take call president wear neck brace laugh appear good spirits.the white house initially say trump call flight back washington check officer condition thank service fox news watch officer crash motorcycle escort trump motorcade get unexpected call president…here trump say make smile
washington president barack obama visit cuba late month affect cancellation tentative plan secretary state john kerry visit island nation human right talk beforehand white house say friday top u.s. diplomat tell congressional hear feb. 23 might cuba dialogue human right president schedule trip march 21-22. officials say thursday kerry visit cancel amid concern cuba human right record white house say friday kerry decision would affect obama visit kerry would travel cuba president obama trip cuba affect cancellation tentative kerry visit white house
washington vote iraq minority kurds independence blow unite state spend years billions dollars live thousands troop try hold iraq together former u.s. officials policy experts say diplomatic drive forestall monday referendum fail persuade kurdish leaders unite state close middle eastern ally likely see fresh proof diminish american power say kurds rule semi-autonomous region within iraq since 2003 u.s.-led invasion topple saddam hussein consider result historic step generations-old quest state major setback say jam jeffrey former u.s. ambassador iraq senior fellow washington institute near east policy rob us argument u.s. keep iraq unite result unite state could find hard stop predominantly shi ite muslim iran fill vacuum leave islamic state defeat shi ite militias ally iraq syria elsewhere say moreover vote give kurdish leaders mandate negotiate independence region 8.3 million threaten ignite strife could hind u.s.-backed efforts stabilize iraq eliminate remnants islamic state isis similar group see considerable risk say u.s. official speak condition anonymity grave danger conflict dispute oil-rich city kirkuk ethnically mix kurdish-held areas pit iraqi troop iran-backed shi ite militias peshmerga kurdistan regional government krg u.s.-trained paramilitary force bloodletting could foreclose trump administration hop promote negotiations baghdad krg avert kurdish declaration independence say keep eye ball state department spokeswoman heather nauert say tuesday kind division right could potentially hurt iraq conflict also could halt u.s.-backed operations return home sunnis displace battle reclaim nearly caliphate islamic state declare 2014. still hopeful get people talk stuff rather something drastic say second u.s. official also request anonymity referendum condemn neighbor turkey iran fear embolden independence demand kurdish populations ankara tehran trade partner landlocked iraqi kurdistan threaten retaliation fuel fear could intervene militarily expectations u.s. say would recognize vote could use tie iraqi kurds persuade krg president masoud barzani cancel referendum exchange guarantee talk baghdad u.s. protect iraqi kurds rebel hussein 1991 gulf war americans midwife iraqi kurdistan say robert ford retire u.s. diplomat middle east institute think tank serve deputy ambassador iraq kurds move ahead vote sign american credibility much less use u.s. bid stop referendum fail experts say part age barzani see fulfil aspirations independent kurdish state legacy moreover say peter galbraith former u.s. diplomat tie kurdish leaders trump administration mistakenly think barzani could weather backlash cancel referendum white house demand 10 days hold astonishingly inept diplomatic initiative ever see galbraith say former ambassador jeffrey say administration also fail account iran grow influence one thing push kurds direction fear iraq come domination iran shi ite militias say underlie problem iraq shi ite party baghdad want share power sunni arabs kurds kurdish independence vote damage u.s. efforts preserve unify iraq
donald trump speech propose extreme vet immigrants use ideological test completely rip shred retire navy adm. jam stavridis.during tuesday morning interview msnbc morning joe stavridis say trump address lack specifics beef type speech refer trump promise would work closely nato counterterrorism stavridis say think make reasonable stab hey ought try take international action kind say good dog nato trump also claim monday deserve credit convince nato finally take terrorism seriously since create new division focus terror threats response criticisms lack action regard terroristic threats stavridis quick call bullsh ridiculous notion continue stomp trump speech grind know nato counter-terrorism division forever stavridis continue really lack speech anything inter-agency government would work together use intelligence use cyber private/public communication strategic communication strategic communication hear hate muslims watch retire navy adm. jam stavridis shred trump terrorism speech feature image via video screen capture former nato commander rip trump terrorism speech shred video
washington u.s. democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton june raise 68.5 million campaign democratic party campaign say friday total raise 40.5 million bring election warchest additional 28 million raise democratic national committee state party across country clinton raise 68.5 million june campaign
microphone guy work apprentice come forward tell world donald trump often refer cking monkey accord buzzfeed news sound engineer white want story hear without name release apparently trump quite monster many others include women sexually harassed.he tell buzzfeed micing honestly abusive humiliate experience fifteen years sound engineer treat like human fact several time trump would refer cking monkey trump would say woah woah woah fuck monkey well gon na let fuck monkey touch unless wash hand would monitor trump assistant make sure go wash hands.he also tell buzzfeed trump keep call cking monkey mic everyone ben affleck ren zellweger never ever career run something like apparently work pretty much one bad gigs town monster many many people include several women would sexually harass listen trump release access hollywood tap easy believe.trump person allow anywhere near oval office racist misogynistic egomaniac seem short temper none require experience leader free world.something tell stories come get close election day hopefully ice cake make sure never ever elect president.featured photo amanda edwards/getty image bombshell trump call apprentice sound guy ing monkey detail
politics nasty business late spat prove politics really color much party belong sense many prominent black american democrats consider ben carson traitor cause.recently president trump opponents begin intensify attack african-american republican hud secretary ben carson democratic congresswoman maxine water recently come threaten carson jumaane williams democrat new york city council member 45th district accuse carson support white supremacist view truth accusations racially-motivated political witch-hunt watch support 21wire subscribe become member black politicians increase attack ben carson accuse support white supremacists
washington pastor mark burn prominent supporter republican presidential nominee donald trump apologize tuesday send tweet show cartoon image democratic nominee hillary clinton blackface burn african-american frequently one warmup speakers trump rally send tweet monday bolster trump campaign contention clinton pander black vote ignore community elect nov. ways pander african americans cartoon image say tweet emerge time trump try broaden appeal african-american voters say want create job make black neighborhoods safe people walk street without get shoot burn begin take fire tweet delete apologize image message sorry offensive blackface image hillaryclinton stand message black use dems vote burn say trump booster apologize clinton 'blackface tweet
washington u.s. government set new agency background check employees contractors white house say friday massive breach u.s. government file expose personal data millions people last year part sweep overhaul obama administration say establish national background investigations bureau replace office personnel management opm federal investigative service fis currently conduct year million background investigations score federal agencies move stiff rebuke fis opm come last year disclosure hack opm computers expose name address social security number sensitive information roughly 22 million current former federal employees contractors well applicants federal job individuals list background check form unlike fis new agency information systems handle defense department make even central washington effort bolster cyber defenses constant intrusion attempt hackers foreign nationals white house give timeline implement change say would begin year seek 95 million upcoming fiscal 2017 budget information technology development accord white house fact sheet transition team develop plan migrate exist function fis continue provide investigative service u.s. director national intelligence jam clapper write blog opm website officials privately blame opm data breach china though security researchers officials say evidence beijing maliciously use data trove hack prompt several congressional committees investigate whether opm negligent cyber security practice opm director katherine archuleta resign last july government intensify broad push improve cyber defenses modernize systems clearly yet admiral mike rogers head national security agency say cyber security event washington week ask u.s. preparedness hack damage do cyber attack add go get bad get good opm large backlog security clearance file prompt rely outside contractors assistance one keypoint government solutions take bulk federal background check competitor usis hack keypoint own veritas capital late suffer breach network comment immediately available keypoint caci international inc caci.n another contractor involve background check usis file bankruptcy protection last year brian kaveney head security clearance practice armstrong teasdale law firm say new agency expect take 8,800 investigators work fis include 2,300 government workers 6,500 contractors defense department opm respond ask government still rely support contractors representative jason chaffetz republican chairman house representatives panel look issue say friday announcement fell short protect information core competency opm chaffetz say statement today announcement seem aim solve perception problem rather tackle reform need fix break security clearance process white house turn pentagon u.s. background check shake-up
sochi russia israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu tell russian president vladimir putin wednesday israel prepare act unilaterally prevent expand iranian military presence syria russia intervene civil war behalf syrian president bashar al-assad 2015 join de facto alliance iranian force lebanese hezbollah shi ite muslim militias help damascus beat back islamic state sunni muslim insurgent group israel fear eventual assad victory could leave iran permanent garrison syria extend threat pose neighbor lebanon iranian-backed hezbollah meet putin black sea resort sochi netanyahu say iran fight cement arc influence gulf mediterranean iran already well way control iraq yemen large extent already practice control lebanon netanyahu tell putin forget single minute iran threaten every day annihilate israel netanyahu say israel oppose iran continue entrenchment syria sure defend mean threat putin part meet reporters access address netanyahu remark iran role syria threat take unilateral military action unite nations russian u.n. ambassador vassily nebenzia tell reporters de-escalation zone establish syria iran guarantor alongside turkey russia real progress way end tragic war know position israel towards iran think iran syria play constructive role say nebenzia netanyahu advisers privately say focus keep iranian force away israeli-controlled golan heights syrian side fall partial truce broke russia unite state recent weeks parallel lobby moscow israel try persuade washington iran guerrilla partner islamic state pose great common threat region bring shi ites sunni sphere surely many serious implications regard refugees new terrorist act netanyahu tell israeli reporters three-hour meet sixth putin since september 2015. want prevent war good raise alarm early order stop deterioration meet netanyahu due fly back israel talk u.s. peace envoys jar kushner jason greenblatt dina powell middle east tour russia far show forbearance toward israel set military hotline prevent warplanes anti-aircraft units clash accidentally syria israel air force say last week strike suspect hezbollah arm shipments around 100 time syria civil war rarely draw retaliation apparently without russian interference russian diplomats argue moscow stake syria deter iran hezbollah open new front israel take israeli interest syria account alexander petrovich shein russia ambassador israel tell channel one television tuesday russia foreign force would stay zeev elkin israeli cabinet minister join netanyahu sochi say radio interview talk putin doubt meet lead practical step elkin elaborate netanyahu putin israel may act curb iran 's clout syria
people right understand elect say wikileaks founder julian assange add information comprise variety different type document different type institutions associate election campaign quite unexpected angle quite interest even entertain watch start est via infowars break live wikileaks announcement hillary could swing election…live announcement 3am est
donald trump entire image base around idea winner idea support reality trump legacy fail businesses venture still jar see reaction lose voters wisconsin choose ted cruz trump primary wednesday night past trump lose ugly.his campaign issue bizarre unhinge press release media result call favor cruz donald j. trump withstand onslaught establishment yet lyin ted cruz governor wisconsin many conservative talk radio show host entire party apparatus behind propel anti-trump super pac spend countless millions dollars false advertise mr. trump coordinate super pac illegal totally control ted cruz bad puppet trojan horse use party boss attempt steal nomination mr. trump total confidence mr. trump go win new york hold substantial lead poll beyond mr. trump candidate secure delegate need win republican nomination ultimately defeat hillary clinton whomever democratic nominee order make america great again.completely top factually inaccurate fail make sense hallmarks trump campaign far show republican establishment bigwigs argue strategies take convention poll regularly show lose double digits hillary clinton bernie sanders poll mason dixon even show trump single-digit lead clinton blood red mississippi.but release show trump go let campaign snuff quietly lose go loud primal scream gop bigwigs go hear it.featured image via flickr donald trump statement lose wisconsin insane even
republicans continue reveal true color openly complain release american prisoners iran president obama use late diplomatic success teach critics lesson effective leadership really look like.obama deliberately wait talk hostage exchange american prisoners iran safe upon news swap success unite nations certify iran uphold end landmark nuclear disarmament deal white house hold press conference quickly turn teachable moment irresponsibly advocate war diplomacy good day see possible strong american diplomacy obama say white house yesterday mark milestone prevent iran obtain nuclear weapon note important achieve historic progress diplomacy without resort another war middle east yet somebody might want tell republican party victory like without single shoot fire consider good thing friends fox friends practically despondent tell audience american prisoners iran come home.a good day america bad one fox.obama negotiations massive blow narrative.for years republicans insist way get iran listen unite state threats war infamously republican sen. john mccain run president platform bomb bomb bomb iran even certain conservatives regret able send troop another middle eastern conflict war tough addiction kick.nobody know much republicans want war president obama box war-mongers years comment take dig say war answer.citing cool tensions iran obama point smart patient discipline approach world yield result america do big things work together obama say lead world make safe secure stop listen think threaten violence make us look tough america try approach decades situation iran deteriorate change recent months overstated.the nuclear talk bring sense normalcy relations u.s. iran top officials country somewhat regular communication obama emphasize u.s. continue deep concern iran destabilize action middle east threats israel also open prospect tehran work cooperatively rest worth note want war iran represent small minority americas mostly republican politicians fox news host coincidence mccain bomb iran campaign strategy contribute absolutely smoke obama smart patient discipline one election also big secret americans tire send young kid die intractable war middle east war iraq afghanistan finally wind gop seem eager embark new one.if accomplish america goals neutralize iran nuclear program avoid war goal country deal represent massive success country bloodthirsty probably sting little obama clearly sorry youtube https // v=xabl2aeaycc feature image via white house victorious obama school gop war-mongers breakthrough iran base smart diplomacy video
atlantic city new jersey judge friday reject bid governor chris christie administration freeze spend cash-strapped atlantic city governor argue need protect tax revenues city school superior court judge julio mendez decline order city stop spend divert little remain cash school district nearly insolvent seaside gamble hub could find back court state sue monday side due back april 19 unless city make april 15 payment district reach deal payments christie move one several monday add atlantic city woes kick week escalate mudslinging perhaps bad far city recent financial crisis christie call mayor guardian liar day moody investors service downgrade atlantic city credit rat deep junk territory borgata casino hotel spa right appeal four years property tax judge mendez separate case find city violate 88.2 million settlement agreement fail pay christie state senate leaders want state takeover city operations say local officials do enough cut expense casino industry suffer competition neighbor state guardian call plan fascist dictatorship state assembly leaders thursday advance alternate rescue package soft takeover provision city expect shut friday run cash week nine public sector unions agree convert monthly payroll schedule give city breathe room quarterly tax payments arrive may christie say city paycheck-to-paycheck budget leave school break school district able operate receive roughly million month owe city assistant attorney general dan dryzga tell court friday city say payment due april 15 school operate vacuum without police fire service say robert tarver attorney represent city atlantic city budget state oversight since 2011. guardian say remit payments school schedule lay state new jersey 's christie lose bid freeze atlantic city spend
washington president barack obama say interview broadcast monday unite state provide support iraq military move take back territory islamic state expect city mosul retake eventually see iraqis will fight gain grind let make sure provide support obama say interview cbs news u.s. officials announce baghdad monday unite state deploy 200 additional troop mostly advisers iraqi troop advance toward mosul large iraqi city still islamic state control increase raise authorize u.s. troop level iraq 4,087 include special operations personnel logistics workers troop temporary rotations fight obama say provide train provide special force back gain intelligence work coalitions see continually tighten noose islamic state expectation end year create condition whereby mosul eventually fall obama say obama u.s. give support iraq fight islamic state
children greet capitol step communist state wisconsin protestors sing hate songs sign read republicans walker rape molest women girls.appleton wis. frequent capitol build madison assume capitol singers group protest governor scott walker song fade away.i learn recently however line censor sitcom last man stand say clintons like shingle think go pop back receive email recently listener radio show chaperon field trip daughter 4th grade class horizons elementary school appleton take state capitol late may story share simply stun everyone field trip capitol eat lunch capitol step time group people protest walker act 10 sing hate songs hold sign say republicans walker rape molest women girls.another parent point daughter teacher sing think need find actually sing bunch students listen record cell phone happen realize sing terrible hate songs walker sign way teacher hold piece paper word sing kid way back start chant walker suck mean things stop ask know say ask three time one boys speak say mr. niquette also daughter teacher.feeling inappropriate confront teacher front children parent contact school see behavior violate school policy end email exchange teacher scott niquette scott issue go sing people field trip.did see sign hold guess saw word read sheet hold understand children saw sing scott video sing hate walker song.when kid walk back hill chant hate speech toward walker stop ask answer obvious someone influence live thing influence children trust lead cry loud scott sign way inappropriate talk molest children rap show olympian chutzpah niquette plead ignorance response respect capitol singers join lunch break simply enjoy sing currently active member church choir honestly see notice sign regard molest children rap women enter circle singers assure certainly would immediately leave join simply enjoy sing respect teach also take seriously take great offense accusations visit classroom numerous occasion sit lessons see hear stick objectives leave politics out.he resist join group scott walker haters public suppose trust keep politics classroom see sign say unclear lyric sing sheet reach horizons principal karen brice initially tell hear incident frankly find hard believe tell would look days late call back say school officials investigate determine whether district policy violated.then classic line niquette email response parent retrospect however think save sing capitol singers time capitol accord good reduce opportunities misunderstanding.via eag news parent furious 4th grade class join hateful protestors teacher chant capitol step governor walker suck
bernie sanders supporters uproar democratic national committee rule primaries specifically use superdelegates superdelegate someone choose party represent interest give state unpledged mean able vote whoever choose convention bernie sanders supporters especially bernie bust crowd pledge stay home vote trump hillary get nomination decide use superdelegates circumvent democratic process make impossible anyone establishment democratic candidate win.let put perspective real quick rnc rule force nominate donald trump.superdelegates act best interest party candidate 2008 learn first-hand superdelegates make break candidacy name hillary clinton expect nominee start primary season clinton find face-to-face come barack obama whose candidacy truly flourish half state primaries gain popularity become clear right choice america succeed dubya corrupt superdelegates task secure best interest party begin switch support obama ultimately nominate quorum call convention floor none hillary clinton.that way things work bernie bust may upset independent voters get walk democratic primary vote really anyone fault know party rule primaries general elections nominate process control party make mistake bernie sanders lead look like go pull ahead superdelegates would shift support make sure nominee someone register voters party want support.when clinton face exact scenario 2008 write letter superdelegates party one last plea support arguments include things like poll good gop spend years argue progressive cause ultimately qualify execute office president dear ___________ stake election high two war abroad economy crisis home many families struggle across america need new leadership never point yet nominee last vote cast june neither senator obama secure nomination automatic delegate like help choose party nominee would like tell believe strong candidate senator mccain would best president commander chief.voters every state make clear want hear count part historic race reach end primary season 17 million people support effort become democratic nominee people ever vote potential nominee history party past two weeks alone record number voters participate west virginia kentucky primaries 40 35 point margins victory clear even voters repeatedly tell race give give either.after seven years feel invisible bush administration americans seek president strong experience ready take tough challenge serve commander chief end war iraq turn economy around want president share core beliefs country future get go every day care families pay bill try put something away future.we simply afford another four eight years wilderness everywhere go people come grip hand arm urge keep run continue race believe best prepare lead country president best prepare put together broad coalition voters break lock republicans electoral map beat senator mccain november.recent poll election result show clear trend ahead state critical victory past two elections ohio pennsylvania west virginia beyond result recent primaries battleground state show strong support regions demographics democrats need take back white house also currently ahead senator mccain gallup national track poll senator obama behind nearly independent analyse show strong position win electoral college primarily lead senator mccain florida ohio enclose detail analysis recent electoral poll information hope take time review addition primaries finish expect lead popular vote delegate earn primaries ultimately point primary process pick strong nominee one would best president commander chief great support members party likely win november hope consider strength coalition back also people cast vote me.i race men women meet wake every day work hard make difference families people deserve shoot american dream chance save college home retirement afford quality health care families fill gas tank buy groceries little leave month.i race women nineties tell bear women could vote want live see woman white house women energize first time vote first time little girls little boys whose parent lift onto shoulder rally whisper ears see anything want first woman ever position believe responsibility them.finally race believe stay race help unite democratic party believe senator obama make case democrats chance make voice hear everyone likely rally around end commit unify party senator obama share much great differences matter win nomination everything bring us together move us forward.but point neither us cross finish line hope time remain think hard candidate best chance lead party victory november hope consider result recent primaries tell us mindset voters key battleground state hope think broad win coalition voters build important hope think ready stand stage senator mccain fight deep principles party lead country forward new century.the letter follow 11 page statistics show even though behind race end support superdelegates give obama clear bernie sanders supporter would love see last melee primaries go way big win california couple state chance bernie become best choice party time realistically try woo superdelegates away clinton hillary hang secure nomination us care future country put full support behind her.featured image nbc newswire/getty image hillary write letter superdelegates 2008 bernie fan may find interest
donald trump tell audience fresno california friday drought california absurd claim trump make campaign event trump imply water shortage california create government environmentalists go solve water problem water problem insane ridiculous take water shove sea trump tell crowd make mostly california farmers understand drought turn water ocean california state drought half decade 2015 drought less severe previous years though claim drought imply california water shortage problem solely cause poor water management systems ridiculous.trump point towards efforts keep delta smelt three-inch fish trump refer speech go extinct example environmentalists big-bad-government steal water away farmers water redirect last-ditch attempt save species complete extinction idea major impact farmers nothing flimsy talk point.trump pander california farmers try get legislation pass build new water infrastructure would help farmers probably due fact trump choose ludicrous fashion personally surprise trump spend much time try win voters california state certain vote blue watch event full.featured image via video screenshot trump drought california offer conspiracy theory instead video
unhinge democrat protesters converge phoenix rally disrupt create chaos president trump speech several instance police officer attack video go viral watch protester kick tear gas away receive rubber bullet groin nice shoot phoenix trump protester ignore police order get shoot pepper ball escort away breaking911 breaking911 august 23 2017the protesters beat police van protestors beat police van arrest protestors inside susanna black susannabnews august 23 2017antifa attack trump supporters leave rally antifa lunge us leave phoenixrally even punch black trump supporter face nazi democrats trump youngdems4trump august 23 2017gang sign flash behind reporter jeff flake alt-left thug flash gang sign behind foxbusiness reporter jeffflock outside potus trump rally jim hoft gatewaypundit august 23 2017 alt-left attack phoenix police…karma hit back hurt video
gift-wrapped package address u.s. treasury secretary steven mnuchin home posh los angeles neighborhood suspect bomb instead fill horse manure police tell local media package find saturday even next-door neighbor driveway bel air los angeles police department tell los angeles time knbc television nbc affiliate los angeles package also include christmas card negative comment president donald trump new u.s. tax law sign trump last week reuters could reach lapd officials comment sunday lapd bomb squad x-ray package open find horse manure inside police tell local media aerial footage knbc show officer investigate large box wrap paper dump large amount late identify manure open card include inside mnuchin knbc say home package discover former goldman sachs group inc executive hollywood film financier road bel air close two hours knbc report u.s. secret service also investigate incident accord tv station treasury secretary mnuchin send gift-wrapped box horse manure report
washington president donald trump consider new order replace soon-to-expire travel ban people six muslim-majority countries would tailor country-by-country basis protect unite state attack u.s. officials say friday current ban people iran libya somalia sudan syria yemen due expire sunday trump give recommendations elaine duke act homeland security secretary yet make decision detail new order officials tell reporters miles taylor counselor duke say recommend trump action tough tailor include travel restrictions enhance screen certain countries taylor decline say many countries would target include status six countries cover current ban white house spokesman raj shah say get decision-making next step presidential proclamation set new policy decline say would come include whether trump would act exist ban expire american civil liberties union right group mount one legal challenge march order express skepticism trump forthcoming action look trump administration third try make good unconstitutional campaign promise ban muslims unite state aclu executive director anthony romero say trump six-nation travel ban lay march executive order block federal court allow go effect limit u.s. supreme court june recommendations trump weigh would restrictions u.s. entry differ nation base cooperation american security mandate threat unite state believe country present variables taylor say specify nature restrictions say impose could lift condition change legal question whether exist ban discriminate muslims violation u.s. constitution low court previously rule argue supreme court oct. 10. officials decline say propose change policy could affect upcoming supreme court case march travel ban early january one target six countries well iraq controversial action take trump since assume office january critics call policy unlawful muslim ban accuse republican president discriminate muslims violation constitutional guarantee religious liberty equal protection law break exist u.s. immigration law stoke religious hatred trump promise radical islamic terrorism eradicate write twitter sept. 15 travel ban unite state far large tough specific-but stupidly would politically correct expire ban block entry unite state people six countries 90 days lock aspire refugees 120 days give trump administration time conduct worldwide review u.s. vet procedures foreign visitors exist refugee ban expire oct. 24. taylor say american officials july notify every foreign government requirements minimum cooperation unite state need validate traveler identities ensure represent national security threat countries give 50 days respond people countries meet requirements may allow enter unite state may face travel restrictions taylor say countries meet requirements agree work toward meet taylor add end day countries still unable bad yet deliberately unwilling comply new baseline lay taylor say trump promise candidate impose total complete shutdown muslims enter unite state say soon-to-expire ban need protect unite state terrorism need know come country taylor say able validate identities able confirm foreign partner information suggest individuals may represent threat unite state trump january march order quickly block federal court expect new restrictions might hard challenge product worldwide review process examine vet procedures foreign countries legal experts say trump mull new order replace travel ban decision yet
member house intelligence committee accuse obama administration launder 1.7 billion u.s. taxpayer dollars iran complicate network include new york federal reserve several european bank accord conversations source new information obtain lawmaker view washington free beaconnew disclosures make treasury department rep. mike pompeo r. kan. house intelligence committee member show initial 400 million cash payment iran wire federal reserve bank new york frbny convert u.s. dollars swiss francs move account swiss national bank accord copy communication obtain exclusively free beacon.once money transfer swiss bank frbny withdraw fund account swiss franc banknotes u.s. government physically transport geneva personally oversee handover agent iran central bank accord document look white house make every corner executive branch complicit cover extent payments iran source say congress already aggressively look payments involve state treasury energy departments justice department already know top officials justice object strongly ransom deal overrule congress want know happen read wfb add dirty money launder obama 1.7 billion iran ransom payment
apparently germans interest become another sweden wordless anti-islamist hymn knock chart-buster adele top chart germany.a wordless hymn anti-islamic group pegida call together strong knock pop diva adele top amazon single chart.the song available buy amazon since december 21st among top 100 best sell single four days.german media pick songs emerge success tuesday still number 26 chart die welt report despite widespread ridicule hymn contain word sell well.since leap overtake adele hit single hello also jump successful german record artists robin schulz sido knock place three four respectively.on youtube hymn also clock 100,000 view far however commentaries underneath ridicule banality.a pegida activist put video german anti-islamist protester hymn peggy sound germainsam sind wir stark via local h/t gateway pundit german residents fight back anti-islamic song word knock adele top spot
flashback bill clinton sexual relations woman video
donald trump recently say grade first 100 days ridiculous standard jake tapper point trump set standard campaign.when mitt romney run president 2012 quickly make name serial flip-flopper well donald trump flip-flop even more.throughout 2016 campaign trump make lot promise would get do first 100 days even go far present 100 days action plan list americans could expect accomplish period.but first 100 days wind trump realize total failure quickly post tweet design make sound like first 100 days standard big matter much accomplish ridiculous standard first 100 days lot include s.c. media kill donald j. trump realdonaldtrump april 21 2017trump even release list so-called historic accomplishments make appear like do great things since take white house.jake tapper impress take four minutes take trump monday night.the cnn host begin inform trump record low approval rat point single major piece legislation sign despite republicans control congress historically low approval rat zero piece major legislation sign law president trump empirically disappoint first 100 days perhaps reason recently tweet ridiculous standard first 100 days indeed trump often brag whine media tell truth him.tapper demonstrate trump hypocrisy show clip repeatedly brag much would get do first 100 days word trump hold standard claim ridiculous change tune marker conceit promote 100-day action plan tapper continue really surprise president trump often herald flexibility tapper go hit trump flip-flop position campaign like say nato obsolete turn around admit nato obsolete come face face nato officials time trump dismiss unemployment rate phony percent campaign brag number first job report come presidency.then healthcare trump brag would easy deal campaign promise americans would get cheap healthcare admit complicate fail repeal popular affordable care act.trump also fail cripple syrian air base order bomb botch raid yemen leave soldier american girl many civilians dead two immigration ban block court government shutdown loom trump refuse budge fund useless border end tapper also hit trump complain executive order campaign sign 25 within first 100 days president since world war ii fact trump pace sign executive order president obama trump also pace take vacation days spend taxpayer dollars vacation days play round video via youtube.donald trump loser one word best sum trump disastrously embarrass first three months office.featured image screenshot watch jake tapper humiliate trump sad truth pathetic first 100 days
philadelphia seek re-election u.s. senate seat november pennsylvania pat toomey make unusual claim sole republican nationwide run endorsement top u.s. gun control advocate gabby giffords michael bloomberg pair endorsements could give first-term senator edge democratic challenger katie mcginty former environmental official white house pennsylvania governor office race one handful close contest nov. could determine whether republicans currently 54-46 majority maintain control senate candidates target educate moderate voters particularly philadelphia suburbs many may turn rhetoric republican presidential candidate donald trump accord political analysts pennsylvania mcginty call support gun control measure strong toomey work hard dismiss endorsements giffords bloomberg tout endorsement pennsylvania anti-gun violence group giffords consider hero many gun control advocate democratic former u.s. congresswoman arizona survive shoot 2011 assassination attempt become activist gun restrictions bloomberg billionaire former new york city mayor consider run presidency year since leave office focus much energy gun control mcginty call toomey commitment gun safety paper thin note republican incumbent receive rat influential national rifle association gun right lobby group first senate run 2010. issue gun right potent nation right keep bear arm enshrine constitution second amendment nra oppose candidates support gun control efforts include restrict type firearms people expand background check require gun buyers many republicans side nra many democrats support gun control opinion poll show toomey race virtually tie even democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton lead trump several percentage point state vote democratic past six presidential contest start 1992. pennsylvania home rural communities hunt popular pastime big cities include philadelphia pittsburgh crime gun violence major concern shift attitudes gun state embolden party pennsylvania distance nra stance oppose almost effort restrict gun right state law mandate background check private handgun sales already go beyond federal law say terry madonna director franklin marshall college poll lancaster pennsylvania pennsylvania substantial hunt fish culture madonna say hunters oppose that toomey position gun set apart republican u.s. senate counterparts try attract moderate keep conservative voters column telephone interview toomey say giffords bloomberg endorsements recognize hard thing politically also emphasize belief gun owners share position strong second amendment supporter toomey say see contradiction support insist background check people get right second amendment dangerous criminals dangerously mentally ill terrorists deny firearm way can giffords also endorse illinois senator mark kirk another republican run re-election though bloomberg weigh race email mcginty tell reuters toomey moderate come gun violence time side gun lobby instead right keep communities safe mcginty say pat toomey completely run away legislation expand background check since fail pass senate three years ago toomey make headline 2013 follow elementary school massacre newtown connecticut democratic senator joe manchin west virginia introduce legislation expand background check gun buyers nationwide legislation fiercely oppose nra fail senate toomey gain praise democrats buck majority party vote similar bill mass shoot last year san bernardino california support republican-backed legislation congress year follow orlando nightclub shoot restrict access firearms people official terrorism watch list mcginty back strict democratic-backed version none measure pass mcginty call toomey gun control position weak favor sweep restrictions ban military-style assault weapons high-capacity ammunition clip toomey oppose recent television ad mcginty use clip toomey tell voters summer perfect record nra nra yet release rat issue endorsement race toomey call mcginty political opportunist point support giffords bloomberg idea somehow get wrong katie mcginty opponent right laughable say story correct senator mark kirk home state illinois ohio 15th paragraph pennsylvania senate race unfamiliar battle line gun right
washington president donald trump former campaign manager paul manafort violate court gag order help edit opinion piece political work ukraine defense lawyer kevin down say court file thursday file come prosecutors work special counsel robert mueller early week say could long agree lenient bail term manafort discover work colleague tie russian intelligence agencies ghost-write opinion piece cast political work favorable light down say thursday file client involve edit piece ensure accuracy would prejudice case ultimately publish ukrainian newspaper american one manafort 's work draft op-ed violate gag order defense lawyer
tegucigalpa honduran center-left candidate salvador nasralla say sunday clear fraud bitterly contest nov. 26 presidential election head washington meet u.s. officials nasralla comment make video post facebook follow decision nation electoral tribunal declare conservative president juan orlando hernandez official winner vote announcement spark call renew street protest nasralla say meet plan u.s. state department organization american state honduran presidential candidate nasralla say election mar fraud
tyra trump let rip bias media tell everyone stop listen lie report trump spread word do media us media must unite fight back tyra trumpvotes august 10 2016 tyra trump hammer media bias trump video
watch barack obama identify leader black live matter terror group video movement like black live matter always gon na folks say things stupid imprudent think hold well-meaning activists right thing peacefully protest responsible everything utter protest site would say everyone concern police shoot racial bias criminal justice system maintain truthful serious respectful tone go help mobilize american society bring real change ultimate objective speak like true leader radical disruptive chaotic movement legitimate issue raise data evidence back concern express protesters.was barack refer data maybe refer data love see barack data since every legitimate data see clearly show white gun kill police black gun obama warn cop recognize black live matter police organizations acknowledge problem…that go ultimately make job cop lot safe video
beijing china unite state create miracle company world two large economies sign deal worth 253.4 billion past two days china commerce minister zhong say brief thursday truly miracle say zhong second day u.s. president donald trump state visit china china u.s. create 'miracle 253.4 billion dealmaking zhong
moscow russian president vladimir putin turkish president tayyip erdogan discuss upcoming meet astana process syrian conflict kazakh capital late october kremlin say saturday phone conversation putin erdogan talk joint efforts within astana process include creation de-escalation zone syria coordination towards resolve syria situation kremlin say statement astana talk broke russia turkey iran mid-september three countries agree post observers edge de-escalation zone northern syria idlib region largely control islamist militants putin erdogan also say agreements reach russia turkey ankara late september successfully implement particularly trade economic relations overall conversation business-like constructive direct strengthen bilateral cooperation interaction regional agenda kremlin say russian-turkish trade relationship affect dispute supply turkish tomatoes russia moscow yet fully restore dispute add risk russian grain trade turkey russia large market turkish tomato producers say week allow purchase 50,000 tonnes turkish tomatoes four turkish producers dec. 1. announcement come several days turkey second large buyer russian wheat say impose requirement additional approval russian agriculture supply turkish authorities kremlin say putin erdogan discuss syria phone call
gop thing porn 2016 sen. todd weiler introduce legislation ask state recognize porn create public health hazard republicans think cool idea well 2017 florida lawmaker file similar proposal bust favoriting porn tweet could say get ted cruzed.just days ago state rep. ross spano file bill declare pornography public health crisis florida twitter account appear like pornographic tweet.according orlando weekly republican list like twitter typically football clip bible verse gop-related content evil islam nestle like list tweet jan. goddess lesbian twitter account feature video clip adult entertainment company reality kings day spano like biblical quote-tweet franklin graham sure watch lesbians sexy-time front camera.screenshot matter least except bill spano fill hr157 orlando weekly note incredibly harsh adult content leave like porn tweet nine months appear delete franklin graham like tweet still though.the bill contrary research state recent research indicate pornography potentially biologically addictive result user consume increasingly shock material satisfy addiction add pornography detrimental effect families link reluctance enter marriage dissatisfaction marriage marital infidelity spano say horny twitter.obviously long social media history facebook twitter instagram since first elect 2012. thorough examination account easy see since go back notify rectify problem look occur first addition reference prior statement believe take focus fact direct correlation pornography host societal problems include human traffic exploitation children sex slavery domestic violence.sure spano must spano guy twitter account password sound legit image via youtube screen capture anti-porn gop florida lawmaker catch porning twitter
early today president trump tweet alabama senate race republican candidate senate judge roy moore target leave ever since gop primary race september less conservative candidate luther strange.the last thing need alabama u.s. senate schumer/pelosi puppet weak crime weak border bad military great vet bad 2nd amendment want raise tax sky jones would disaster donald j. trump realdonaldtrump november 26 2017since first day take office hear phony democrat excuse lose election russia russia russia despite economy boom possibly do 10 month president make america great donald j. trump realdonaldtrump november 26 2017unfortunately democrats attempt destroy character roy moore attempt paint sexual predator teenage girls continue fall apart roy moore team come demand high school yearbook use evidence one moore accusers look forgery experts discover signature match roy moore two different color ink use signature stepson woman use many say forge roy moore signature yearbook also come say stepmother lie encounter several decades ago roy moore even high-profile leftist media-whore lawyer gloria allred represent accuser yearbook appear go hide meanwhile poll show roy moore ahead anywhere 5-15 point leave shameful attempt steal election popular conservative candidate alabama quickly fall president trump endorse roy moore leave appear give ship sunday abc week network analyst cokie roberts say president donald trump support alabama gop u.s. senate hopeful roy moore hard defeat moore december 12 special election.roberts say go alabama do plenty roy moore moore put ads clearly get endorsement president trump without endorsement president trump primary think endorsement president trump hard defeat general election breitbart news cokieroberts tell thisweekabc roy moore clearly endorsement pres trump without endorsement primary think endorsement `` go hard defeat `` abc news politics abcpolitics november 26 2017 lol democrat cheerleader cokie roberts deliver devastate news abc comrades go hard defeat roy moore trump endorsement video
tune alternate current radio network acr another live broadcast boiler room start 6:00 pm pst 8:00 pm cst 9:00 pm est special broadcast join us uncensored uninterruptible talk radio custom-made barfly philosophers misguide moralists masochists street corner evangelists media-maniacs savants political animals otherwise lovable rascals.join acr host hesher spore along andy nowicki host nameless podcast jay dyer jay analysis stewart howe acr regular infidelpharaoh 94th episode boiler room water kid put plant bed get favorite mead horn ready drop deep boiler room acr brain-trust tonight gang discuss myriad trump protest anti-fa violence pro-trump supporters weapons mass migration travel ban executive order.please like share program visit donate page get involve direct download episode 95reference link boiler room 95 weapons mass penetration
would great former run mate senator john mccain would make retirement home like former alaska governor sarah palin put luxury arizona mansion market 2.5million.the six-bedroom estate boast private heat swim pool spa locate acres equestrian ground scottsdalethe luxury home offer six half bathrooms one include huge circular tub opulent surroundingsthe six-bedroom estate boast private heat swim pool spa light sport court even wine cellar locate acres equestrian ground scottsdale behind private gate entrance 7971sq ft home showcases include 6.5 bathrooms six car garage offer stun mountain view virtually every room.built santa barbara/tuscan spanish style home decorate match dark wood fixtures marble style tilesthe room offer plenty space entertain whether family friends even next political campaignbehind private gate entrance brick home porch surround cacti vegetation match arizona surroundingsthe 2008 gop vice presidential candidate buy property 2011 1.7 million.the colorful basketball court also use sport tennis use late night thank set floodlightsthe two-story house six bedrooms six-and-a-half bathrooms plenty indoor outdoor space entertain inside home finish high standard luxury fittings fireplaces chandeliers soar ceilings media theater via daily mail wow sarah palin stun az vacation home go market photos
unite nations employee bust rob four manhattan bank lunch hour authorities said.only weeks ago anti-trump un worker warn facebook dubious character betray us would reveal name late see post .abdullahi shuaibu 53 pick cop monday hit two count robbery two count attempt robbery crimes commit two-month spree.abdullah shuaibu linkedin account state live new york currently employ un communications specialist .a photo shuaibu facebook page show stand un general assembly president morgens lykketoft abdullah shuaibu facebook page include several anti-trump post like one hilariously refer new yorker one america prestigious magazines lol guy work un hold bank lunch hours concern private conversation trump another guy bus shuaibu claim racism trump card post four bank within walk distance un headquarter first ave. near e. 42nd st. nigeria native work journalist african news agency police said.authorities lead thief retire police officer work facility recognize shuaibu surveillance image previously release first incident shuaibu walk santander bank madison ave. near e. 43rd st. feb. 27 tell teller gun bank employee comply hand shuaibu unknown sum money.he hit two bank month march first strike bank america third ave. near e. 47th st. 13th successful rob santander bank third ave. e. 63rd st. 27th.police arrest late day return un read nypon march 28th warn facebook friends dubious character betray us name mention late hmmm interest time anti-trump communications specialist un arrest nyc rob bank lunch
washington u.s. director national intelligence decline comment thursday ask whether russia responsible hack democratic party democratic party organizations share information unite state americans last year half sir rather respond top head event would probably best leave classify session jam clapper tell house intelligence committee hear u.s. spy chief decline comment whether russia share info americans hack
beirut hezbollah leader sayyed hassan nasrallah say friday israeli war lebanon unlikely warn israel exploit current political crisis lebanon lebanese prime minister saad al-hariri resign speech saudi arabia saturday yet return lebanon televise address nasrallah say believe hariri detain riyadh hezbollah leader say israeli war lebanon unlikely
hanoi vietnamese police arrest dissident accuse attempt overthrow government communist state official website say wednesday bring least 17 number dissidents arrest year tran thi xuan 41 arrest northern province ha tinh tuesday website give detail allege crime reuters unable contact clear whether lawyer despite sweep economic reform grow openness social change communist party tolerate little criticism crackdown dissent follow change rule party hierarchy early last year give great influence security establishment vietnam arrest dissident attempt overthrow government
washington white house say friday material use nbc report allege russian hack influence 2016 u.s. election leak white house president-elect donald trump say early friday would ask congressional committees investigate nbc receipt top secret information certainly feel confident say material leak public white house white house spokesman josh earnest tell reporters daily brief white house say leak material use nbc report
investigation las vegas massacre stephen paddock keep get strange since shoot massacre take live 59 injure hundreds others las vegas rt 91 country music festival see several timeline change lockdown las vegas coroner office strange protection around security guard mandalay bay casino resort include arm guard script appearance ellen show like well-known mass shooters stephen paddock hard drive miss abc news laptop computer recover las vegas hotel room stephen paddock launch deadly mass shoot u.s. history miss hard drive deprive investigators potential key source information kill maim many people abc news learned.paddock believe remove hard drive fatally shoot miss device yet recover source tell abc news.investigators dig paddock background also learn purchase software design erase file hard drive without hard drive examine impossible know ever use software one source said.the absence substantial digital clue leave investigators struggle piece together trigger paddock kill 58 innocent concertgoers injure 500 others oct. 1.did paddock remove hard drive something story connection evidence remove laptops cell phone suspect well-known mass shoot case america accord abc news dismiss curious evidence casual coincidence 2007 virginia tech shooter cho seung huiremoved hard drive computer dispose cell phone shortly massacre authorities even search pond miss digital media devices never recovered.the 2008 northern illinois shooter steven kazmierczak remove sim card phone hard drive laptop neither 2012 sandy hook shooter adam lanza remove hard drive computer smash hammer screwdriver abc news report las vegas massacre suspect hard drive miss laptop
washington fbi director jam comey apple inc aapl.o senior vice president general counsel bruce sewell testify march congressional hear encryption issue u.s. house representatives judiciary committee say statement thursday hear come amid dispute tech giant government unlock iphone use one san bernardino california shooters fbi director apple general counsel testify march house panel
georgia marshall enough white privilege performance art masquerade patriotic revolt tyranny something something evil gub mint ever since bundy terrorists seize wildlife refuge harney county entire county seriously piss presumption idiots speak residents unlike bundy cosplayers residents harney grow up work hard build work relationship government progress make community compare sh go years ago could stand talk manager tell crowd grant lot progress come marshall point organization call high desert partnership already work damn hard residents harney county poster child ranch community environmental community government community exclaim ever anybody put together refuge plan god damn nation hell happen happen harney county grownups behave like local government work push compromise talk keep push things start get good hand entitle self-important little shit like ammon bundy pull gun holler freedumb demand every whim cater especially get awesome video georgia take bundy morons behind woodshed shellac seem odd group anti-government jackasses would show oregon make demand community belong crazy bundy boys originally roll town hammond family serve full sentence crimes hammonds say holy crap yahoos us please let us serve time peace bundy boneheads suddenly find without cause wealthy entitle white people default waaaaahhhh government oppress us demand give free stuff right-wing murika rich white people get everything screw everyone else.i hope georgia residents harney get wish bundy-free county live live way want way group wannabe martyr cheap knockoff revolutionaries say should.featured image via screencap piss hell oregon rancher furious bundy militia home video
washington u.s. president donald trump likely face question executive order restrict travel unite state meet ceos major u.s. company white house friday company whose chief executives expect attend meet president business advisory panel include jpmorgan chase co jpm.n general motor co gm.n blackstone group lp bx.n ibm corp ibm.n uber technologies inc uber.ul walt disney co dis.n two officials brief meet say wednesday activists already pressure ceos raise concern travel restrictions meet come end another turbulent week trump administration trump order last friday bar travel unite state people seven muslim-majority countries touch public protest stir unease among employees many big u.s. company ceos face difficult choices either criticize trump move time try win white house support tax trade policies remain silent take heat consumers employees dismay order trump administration say travel ban aim strengthen national security backlash measure knock wind post-inaugural stock market rally although major index rebound wednesday trump executive order put 120-day halt u.s. refugee program bar syrian refugees indefinitely impose 90-day suspension people iran iraq libya somalia sudan syria yemen along protest prompt legal challenge unite state draw criticism several lead u.s. company among critics uber ceo travis kalanick write email employees saturday ban impact many innocent people issue raise come friday go washington president trump first business advisory group meet trump kick two-hour meet address last 10-15 minutes follow stephen schwarzman billionaire founder private equity group blackstone bx.n chair panel assemble trump request four topics discuss regulatory relief women work force tax trade infrastructure two three people talk briefly subject help shape administration think accord person familiar matter investors say ceos would mindful trump penchant rebuke company publicly give recent history call publicly something ceos room ceos absolutely mindful avoid say jim russell vice president bahl gaynor inc oversee 17 billion own share several company attend friday meet sure pick fight carefully articulate carefully clear 19 members president strategic policy forum would attend friday meet members include ceos tesla inc tsla.o wal-mart store inc wmt.n boeing co ba.n tesla founder elon musk say week travel order modify would seek consensus among members advisory council ford motor co f.n executive chairman bill ford jr. ceo mark field also criticize travel measure gm decline take position wednesday group religious investors human right group activists urge members business advisory panel speak travel restrictions meet trump joint letter corporate leaders group say trump order undermine respect human right live workers families u.s. beyond disrupt economic activity company operations letter sign dozens people include representatives firm focus socially-responsible invest like calvert research management domini impact investments others include representatives international corporate accountability roundtable institute human right business interfaith center corporate responsibility company critical trump immigration order include netflix inc nflx.o apple inc aapl.o inc amzn.o none form part business advisory panel trump likely face question travel ban meet ceos
washington president donald trump wednesday order construction u.s.-mexican border wall punishment cities shield illegal immigrants mull restore cia secret detention program launch broad divisive plan reshape u.s. immigration national security policy draft executive order see reuters trump expect sign come days would block entry refugees war-torn syria suspend entry immigrants muslim-majority middle eastern african countries syria sudan somalia iraq iran libya yemen permanent rule study less week presidency trump move aggressively put stamp range policies include step gut healthcare system devise predecessor make clear president turn toward moderate position take candidate directives wednesday signal tough action toward roughly 11 million illegal immigrants already unite state latin america already threaten deport move critics call slight integrity american democracy trump also say wednesday would seek major investigation believe voter fraud november election despite overwhelm consensus among state officials election experts politicians rare unite state go restore rule law unite state trump tell audience include relatives people kill illegal immigrants department homeland security sign two executive order directives order construction multibillion-dollar wall along roughly 2,000-mile 3,200-km u.s.-mexico border move strip federal fund sanctuary state cities harbor illegal immigrants expand force american immigration agents plan prompt outcry immigrant advocate democratic lawmakers say trump jeopardize right freedoms millions people treat mexico enemy ally soil america historic reputation welcome place immigrants strip border wall political theater expense civil liberties say christian ramirez director southern border communities coalition immigrant advocacy group national security policy border communities among safe nation patrol tens thousands heavily arm poorly train unaccountable agents put live risk turn communities de facto military zone ramirez say white house say wall would stem flow drug crime illegal immigration unite state middle crisis southern border unprecedented surge illegal migrants central america harm mexico unite state trump say add nation without border nation immigration crackdown spark fear among so-called dreamers whose parent bring unite state illegally receive temporary deportation relief work permit president barack obama trump say dreamers fear deportation worry trump tell abc news interview broadcast wednesday .. great people do good job far less worry say add come policy next period four weeks house representatives speaker paul ryan also say dreamers worry focus physical security border focus come us harm terrorist state things like tell msnbc trump also expect order review could lead bring back cia program hold terrorism suspect secret overseas black site prisons interrogation techniques often condemn torture use former republican president george w. bush administration two u.s. officials say trump action could test relations mexico wall plan infuriate mexicans trump policies include demand north american free trade agreement mexico canada renegotiate scrap put mexico government defensive trump mexican president enrique pena nieto due meet next week pena nieto say wednesday night regret disapprove push trump build new wall along border officials cities new york los angeles chicago philadelphia boston denver washington san francisco seattle offer form protection illegal immigrants billions dollars federal aid cities often govern democrats could risk trump move abc news interview trump say construction wall would start within months plan start immediately mexico would pay back unite state 100 percent cost mexican officials say pay wall white house say trump goal get wall start quickly possible use exist government fund work republican-led congress appropriations trump make crack illegal immigration key element presidential campaign supporters rally often chant build wall cost nature extent wall remain unclear trump last year put cost probably billion although estimate high say wall would span 1,000 miles 1,600 km terrain border trump directives would end practice know critics catch release authorities apprehend illegal immigrants u.s. territory immediately detain deport directives also include hire 5,000 u.s. customs border protection agents use apprehend people seek slip across border triple number u.s. immigration customs enforcement agents use arrest deport immigrants live unite state illegally also create detention space illegal immigrants along southern border make easy detain deport intent proposals regard refugees immigrants seven muslim-majority nations head islamist violence unite state draft directive immigration also suspend u.s. refugee program four months determine whether permanent change system need trump move ahead wall put stamp u.s. immigration security policy
hear much talk leave work help foreigners assimilate yet prominent imam call segregation muslims host nation okay shaykh say rageah bear somalia late 80s move north america rageah bachelor islamic study master shari ah several post years include founder masjid huda montreal masjid aya maryland advisor muslim youth magazine member aqsa association.he also founder muslim magazine al aqsa association serve chaplain university calgary southern alberta institute technology sait serve imam abu hurairah mosque toronto chairman journey faith conference instructor almaghrib sermon deliver abu hurairah centre toronto video upload youtube february 2009 imam rageah call canadian muslims unite translate demography political economic power necessary make government allow muslims implement islamic law sharia communities change foreign policy.rageah speak favour follow example sikh neighbourhood edmonton alberta bring muslim community live together one area authorities able make decision without approval muslims.he urge muslims hire muslim workers buy products service muslim-owned businesses avoid advertise media outlets own kafir mean unbeliever infidel way maintain canadian muslims strengthen live accord islam.the follow transcript segment rageah sermon four five hundred thousand muslims create powerful lobby canada number muslims create one strong muslim business toronto put resources put resources together work together ummah muslim nation change lot muslims scatter city people live brampton people live mississauga people live whitby people live richmond hill imagine get together one area city edmonton sikh sikh live one neighbourhood nothing change do without approval may well benefit system unity lot change lot change foreign policy country change muslims think even need help need help call muslim need help muslim community brothers masjid mosque right come magazine newspaper call ummah time ummah time ummah time advertise businesses muslim businesses ummah need never advertise kafir unbeliever infidel go hear advertisements give 680 news 5,000 muslim brothers 50 80 100 think twice unless work together day need truck driver know find truck drivers day need cab number muslim cab ok pick wan see doctor muslim doctor want hire someone muslim worker strengthen way way exist society live accord islam sharia islamic law government toronto ontario give us break say deal internal affairs base sharia islamic law go say people ismailis ahmadis even muslims would speak behalf muslims say keep quiet see watch happen result say never allow rule internal affairs base shariah brothers faith anything happen muslim community city toronto anything do five hundred thousand muslims great number large number lot work together let ummah nation take children islamic school take vehicle muslim own business buy vehicle make sure muslim business car dealer sell cars want anything ask individual muslim look muslim sure find muslim sure find muslim field allah raise stand islam muslims humiliate infidels polytheists via creep sharia toronto imam want muslims business muslims work together implement sharia law
donald trump point know spew crazy statements interview time donald somehow manage outdo attempt defend batsh insane lies.asked claim president obama put tapp wire trump tower donald explain article say happen random word salady string word trump throw together support one impressively moronic sarah palin seem like genius comparison look article say happen take look go news conference devin nunes news conference mean know unable see meet news conference talk surveillance quote mean surveillance various things new york time front-page story actually reduce take take word wiretapping title first story front page paper wiretapping lot information learn lot information may learn next come period time see happen look predict lot things take little bite time headline front page new york time wiretapped data use inquiry trump aid headline drop headline never saw morning drop headline use another headline without word wiretap mean wiretap wiretapped data use inquiry change probably like change title take wiretap word devin nunes indeed news conference attempt push trump lie point many donald associate catch perfectly legal incidental collection fbi agencies look foreign suspect nunes prominent member trump transition team also completely skip tell fellow russia investigators development run directly mr. 45 information.though nunes previously say evidence obama tap trump wire donald take incidental collection information term admit understand proof correct dastardly president obama well get information new information get members let see surveillance obama administration follow november election wow come ah come trump also tell time prove right wacky claim three million undocumented immigrants vote opponent swing popular vote hillary clinton favor despite completely false nature trump allegations say form committee may three million serious problem ask completely unfounded claim thousands muslims celebrate streets new jersey 9/11 trump claim washington post claim dispute literally everyone sense.trump even defend blatantly incorrect claim ted cruz father help kill jfk say newspaper stop lie well newspaper like ted cruz friend mine newspaper say refer newspaper ted cruz article refer newspaper story picture ted cruz father lee harvey oswald breakfast fact accord donald responsible lie someone else make numerous false claim elsewhere simply repeat say apologize quote newspaper like quote judge day judge napolitano quote judge napolitano like quote bret baier mean bret baier mention word wiretap deny whatever know watch bret baier use term lot respect judge napolitano say three source tell things would make right know go since quote highly respect people highly respect television network perhaps insane interview conduct president unite state read whole thing here.featured image via getty image chip somodevilla trump time interview batsh cking insane thing ever see
21st century wire ask shout apple ceo tim cook publicly reject unprecedented us federal court order would force company decrypt iphone link one san bernardino shooters move would vast comment share read encryption news 21st century wire encryption file shout poll apple give fbi backdoor access iphones
moscow russia regret israel decision pull unite nations cultural agency unesco russian foreign ministry say friday say israel follow bad example unite state russia regret israeli pullout unesco
bill clinton west virginia miners believe climate change cost job video
vfw strongsville ohio right exercise freedom turn tv cleveland brown think ban think two play game stand flag national anthem strongsville oh vfw get cleveland brown anthem protest continue reverberate region residents take side on-field activism.on thursday vfw commander tim zvoncheck post message facebook page inform public strongsville post would long air game sundays.zvoncheck message read tonight ask membership post vfw 3345 think cleveland brown players kneel national anthem coach staff back decision suspect boo nearly tear roof effective immediately vfw post 3345 long televise cleveland brown game never support person organization disgrace flag anthem fight many brothers sisters die formal apology organization publicize utter disregard america cease veterans great country stand love brown love flag god bless america damn think differently respectourflag group brown players protest national anthem prior monday night preseason game new york giants.the sign outside vfw hall fantastic read clevland19 ohio vfw ban nfl cleveland brown view anthem protest like browns…we love flag
geneva 33,000 migrants die sea try reach european shore since 2000 make mediterranean far world deadly border unite nations migration agency say friday record arrivals 2014 2016 european union deal turkey stop arrivals greece block migrants inside libya coast greatly reduce flow international organization migration iom say professor philippe fargues european university institute florence author report say figure probably underestimate actual scale human tragedy report state least 33,761 migrants report die go miss mediterranean year 2000 2017. number june 30 iom jorge galindo tell geneva news brief conclude europe mediterranean border far world deadly say far year 161,000 migrants refugees arrive europe sea 75 percent land italy rest greece cyprus spain accord iom figure nearly 3,000 others dead miss say shut short less dangerous rout open long dangerous rout thus increase likelihood die sea fargues say report say cooperation turkey stem irregular flow replicate libya main country departure migrants smuggle along central route however approach morally reprehensible likely unsuccessful give context extremely poor governance instability political fragmentation libya though sea arrivals italy almost third year week surge rescue attempt cross friday libya eu-backed coastguard intercept 600 mainly sub-saharan african migrants include many women children total five boat leave coast east libyan capital tripoli coast guard officials say wednesday thursday italy coast guard say 1,600 migrants rescue nearly 20 vessels central mediterranean libya u.n.-backed government say thursday investigate report african migrants sell slave promise bring perpetrators justice footage broadcast cnn appear show african migrants trade libya spark international outcry protest europe africa mediterranean `` far world 's deadly border `` migrants iom
secret love lose donald trump media however new report regard son-in-law jar kushner try manipulate press cover trump campaign good light downright disturb accord hill kushner offer good access campaign exchange pro-trump news pieces.the first attempt control message way do ask sinclair broadcast outfit own local station nationwide anchor refrain comment trump rally statements interview air footage rally interview instead flat light possible kushner reveal tactic speak new york city business people trade trump team would cooperative friendly fairness seem sinclair broadcast efforts noble likely anyone highly manipulative team trump would likely fine campaign would ever make demand sinclair vice president scott livingston say deal promise give candidates opportunity voice position share position viewers certainly present opportunity mr. trump could clearly state position key issue commitment viewers go beyond podium beyond rhetoric track truth tell truth typically miss political coverage okay fair enough seem livingston underestimate trump campaign respect journalists tolerate voice critical trump refuse cooperate media outlets explicitly pro-trump attitude never apparent happen trump team try get cnn trump supporters include famously heat political panel debate request jar kushner well cnn jeff zucker shoot request trump people become increasingly difficult network deal with.cnn refusal kowtow request seem irritate kushner much stop talk network new york business meet one person room say kushner cnn remark keep go around time trump start call cnn clinton news network trash twitter.this bode well free press first amendment general trump administration clearly people want control message message good pro-trump else likely breitbart trump propaganda arm slowly surely sow distrust press explicitly flat supportive already head start supporters trust anything say trump himself.welcome banana republic america go rough four years.featured image via draw angerer/getty image report team trump try bribe network pro-trump coverage detail
moscow russian president vladimir putin say wednesday complete victory achieve islamic state militants bank euphrates river syria comment release kremlin putin say military operation area finish focus would switch political process would eventually involve presidential parliamentary elections putin specify whether refer end military operations whole syria areas around euphrates valley russia military intervention syria civil war 2015 turn tide conflict favor moscow ally syrian president bashar al-assad rebel group fight oust western governments right group allege russian air strike kill civilians allegation moscow deny two hours ago russian defense minister report operations eastern western bank euphrates complete total rout terrorists putin say naturally could still pocket resistance overall military work stage territory complete repeat total rout terrorists say need ... move undoubtedly next stage start political process putin also say important establish congress syrian people propose peace conference russia offer host would lead preparation new constitution presidential parliamentary elections big prolong task say putin declare `` complete victory `` bank euphrates syria
washington/spring tx unite state make exception american company include oil major exxon mobil corp seek drill areas prohibit u.s. sanction russia treasury secretary steven mnuchin say friday unusually direct statement serve clarify unite state would maintain tough stance sanction moscow consultation president donald j. trump treasury department issue waivers u.s. company include exxon authorize drill prohibit current russian sanction mnuchin say statement unite state european union impose economic sanction russia annexation crimea region 2014 role conflict eastern ukraine sanction force exxon world large publicly trade oil producer wind drill russia arctic 2014 understand statement today secretary mnuchin consultation president trump exxon spokesman alan jeffers say exxon ask receive 2015 2016 waivers operate joint venture russian oil producer rosneft russia european union sanction keep european oil company operate russia point annoyance exxon wall street journal report week exxon recent months apply treasury department waiver drill rosneft jeffers say exxon apply waivers treasury since trump take office request would draw attention exxon former chief executive rex tillerson u.s. secretary state leadership exxon lobby congress russia sanction tillerson oppose sanction russia 2014 say would ineffective u.s. lawmakers investigate possible tie trump campaign aid moscow republicans congress well u.s. ally europe anxious sign trump administration might ease sanction impose russia confirmation hear january tillerson say never personally lobby sanction aware exxon mobil directly late acknowledge speak former u.s. treasury secretary jack lew regard gap american european sanction russia tillerson pledge recuse end year matter involve exxon mobil unless authorize participate also early may sell exxon mobil stock u.s. company frequently file license applications treasury department ask permission undertake activities would otherwise bar sanction u.s. government weigh application base national security interest law factor refusal unlikely affect exxon mobil bottom line able operate russia several years hind growth potential treasury almost never comment publicly license applications mnuchin statement likely serve clarify u.s. stance sanction russia time american ally look clue u.s. policy observers say good regulatory perspective provide clarity u.s. company also great foreign policy perspective edward fishman fellow atlantic council think tank former state department official obama administration say mnuchin statement uncertainty future sanction scar ally encourage russia prolong aggression ukraine u.s. give exxon permission drill russia
watch president trump hammer senator mccain weak senator flake arizona rally also throw support behind dr. kelli ward ap arizona republican sen. jeff flake re-election race become case study gop convulsions among establishment furious base angry donors.after buck donald trump state president flake bottom poll yet republicans look like may stick hard-core conservative challenger fear could win primary lose general election.a white house search candidate replace former state sen. kelli ward primary appear hit wall conservatives want turn arizona late example trump train outsider take member gop establishment people fool think jeff flake anything walk dead member unite state senate say andy surabian whose great america alliance back ward see survive primary see survive general number add add surabian work white house adviser steve bannon president top strategist.despite discontent among republicans ward bannon meet last week conservative conference colorado spring encourage campaign accord republican official speak condition anonymity disclose previously unreported private meeting.ward unsuccessfully challenge arizona senior senator john mccain last year election lose primary wide margin flake would face vulnerable candidate moment gop establishment defensive face simmer anti-incumbent mood heighten republicans failure make good seven years promise scrap barack obama health care law.flake danger become late victim voter wrath yet rather make effort soothe pro-trump gop voters dare take kick campaign anti-trump manifesto conscience conservative book bemoan party failure stand trump last year presidential race pretend emperor naked flake wrote.trump turn lash flake twitter call toxic praise ward white house officials say little chance trump change heart support flake one official speak condition anonymity disclose private deliberations say trump irritate flake public criticism trump see senator attempt use critique president gain attention.nevertheless flake 54 insist get race primary aug. 29 win update arizona anti-trump rino senator get bad news
know conservatives constantly scream fake news every time see something like interest problem share news demonstrably fake give profess distaste it.this trump nazi laura ingraham website look like type sentence notice anything guess photo claim five straight miles trump fan bang doors barely halfway fill venue cap 5,000 people correct good job get cookie go image event serve traditional pick conservatives want lie donald trump crowd size right 2016 cleveland cavaliers victory parade fun fact like almost everything else attract people trump inauguration .this first time ingraham act like embarrassment human race 2016 capture cpac give nazi salute photo trump appear back 'd forget one laura ingraham give nazi salute 's long https // smiley smiley_yearwood august 18 2017it important remember pass reality stupid part america recently virginia republican party share news article claim rosa park daughter praise trump civil right hero example rosa park children stop idiot followers share hundreds times.conservatives easy mock days reason wonder keep tell us way win stop call racists make fun hilarious stupidity.featured image via screengrab trump supporter laura ingraham fail fake photo trump sh tty rally crowd
ever since presidential campaign donald trump prove loose cannon one control trump administration know good try reign hop might able restrain election perhaps would handle behavior good instead abandon disgraceful moment trump russia scandal explode need team ever white house trump incriminate twitter rant try control trump various ways keep schedule tight feed pro-trump news let trump whatever hell want make even bad abandon man baby white house lawyers also wit end one control trump become impossible defend continue make scandals worse.gabriel sherman state basically seal deal trump go team ever successful keep level-headed deliberately take hand approach doom lawyers possibly compete amount damage tweet trump put every week prove world one take good man trump absolute nightmare legal team repeatedly sabotage efforts mend one surprise trump administration go entire staff make incompetent people stand trump know administration dysfunctional day one prove unable reach trump convince shut best option trump leave devices attorneys even know go save anymore.featured image via win mcnamee getty image white house give try control trump lawyers ready quit tweet
washington u.s. labor department take first step toward possible derailment dilution controversial rule retirement advice begin re-examine directive president donald trump accord notice make public wednesday department propose 60-day delay fiduciary rule require retirement advisers put interest clients ahead slat take effect april 10 trump ask department review rule one time impact investors industry analysts consumer group agree could first multiple delay department begin comprehensive review obama-era regulation trump february issue executive order direct department review rule 60-day delay relatively short undertake type economic legal analysis contemplate suggest go 60-day delay likely go string delay say micah hauptman consumer federation america propose delay calm effect marketplace hang limbo ahead april 10 effective date say denise valentine senior analyst aite group advise financial service industry regulatory issue along kind know rule likely amend think kill valentine say public 15 days publication propose delay federal register thursday comment delay labor department formalize also 45-day window submit comment information relate aspects trump memorandum u.s. chamber commerce sue kill rule wednesday praise propose delay former president barack obama administration finalize rule last year say move help americans save retirement critics financial service industry say rule would limit ability advisers service clients afford pay financial advice must use products carry commission indirect cost trump issue executive order white house spokesman sean spic call rule solution search problem brief ahead sign move draw fire democrats critics say show republican white house align wall street middle-income americans industry group however praise delay propose wednesday securities industry financial market association say would allow new administration opportunity review rule impact investors market ubs wealth management americas morgan stanley well fargo co.n decline comment bank america immediately respond request comment labor dept propose delay new rule financial advisers
might never suspect beautiful washington state one large number white supremacist group america gorgeous relatively quiet blue state right fall color lakes bike lanes farmer market hate see deep south rural midwest really anywhere unite fact northwest part northwest surprise number alt-right adherents consider rural much area seattle canada nobody surprise many trump supporters seem catalyst many people neck woods one time relatively self-policing permission president bigots listen donald trump conversation move white nationalism subtext almost bigotry make american get flag waver last month local paper cover local murder least peripherally connect alt-right really shock now-adult son attend number rally freeway corridor live strong presence richard spencer wannabes milo yiannopoulos sycophants every single one fold face know lane davis 33-year-old guy live doors mom old house saw store street bum smoke outside safeway once.i touch guy hand.image via facebookhe kill dad samish island island actually island river cross farmland drive get think white supremacists way samish island anyway think niece wed grandpa funeral hold samish island community center think herons red-tailed hawk hang field think mom sometimes trump supporter bigot stab anyone like lane davis did.davis work milo little go online name seattle4truth post reddit youtube channel late super-mega-extremely-far-right website ralph retort link get google thing really link begin last paragraph pretty in-depth profile various exploit daily beast get hand 911 call mother make fateful day.but incomplete small place personal judge sign davis probable cause affidavit man give custody son friends friends lane davis friends guarantee without texting ask saleswoman use sell furniture know lane davis personally possibly house tell little place live casually hand smoke eventual murderer geography wildlife near murderer live want go back word bold letter paragraph ago.before donald trump white nationalists racists skinheads klan members generally hateful people around might say something racist public maybe trespass sign deep-woods properties 20 miles skagit river maybe sport iii prius repellent stickers giant truck smokestacks tune blast creosote every time leave kill dad call nazi try kick house get sick bullshit.heck lane davis even first murderer ever know use play kid dude kill another guy party back early 90 s. guy time teens know go end prison disturb morbid violent.lane davis racist donald trump come along.featured image via screen capture alt-right trump lover lose sh kill dad call nazi
tune alternate current radio network acr another live broadcast boiler room start 6:00 pm pst 8:00 pm cst 9:00 pm est special broadcast join us uncensored uninterruptible talk radio custom-made barfly philosophers misguide moralists masochists street corner evangelists media-maniacs savants political animals otherwise lovable rascals.join acr host hesher spore along jay dyer andy nowicki daniel spaulding soul east 84th episode boiler room dim light dawn headphones indulge post-election special broadcast boiler room crew week go examine media backlash discreditedmedia rip mainstream media oppose trump presidency announce release jay dyer first book much more.please like share program visit donate page get involve boiler room polictally correct zone listen show player enjoy listen boiler room 84 discredit media strike back spreaker.reference link boiler room ep 84 discredit media strike back
brasscheck tva lot people go vote donald trump november tens millions maybe enough elect president.if understand clear may self-defeating put man like office happen put millions people situation nothing lose establishment ed tens millions americans payback time glad show hillary indict take ticket months ago.the republican democratic party reveal cesspools mainstream news media show pay shill operation.editors note follow audio clip take michael moore recent film trumpland ironically moore film mean last-ditch pro-clinton project turn ultra-liberal enemy donald trump deliver best explanation trump political phenomenon moore set make anti-trump film clip accidentally go viral become key rally cry trump movement perhaps moore regret inadvertent outburst honesty listen support 21wire subscribe become member moore millions americans vote trump
drone hit airplane land quebec city airport week first time unman fly object collide commercial aircraft canada transport minister marc garneau say sunday injuries report incident happen thursday jean lesage international airport involve plane belong quebec-based skyjet aviation extremely relieve aircraft sustain minor damage able land safely garneau say statement six passengers two crew members board airplane time collision accord local news media report drone allow within 5.5 km 3.4 miles canadian airports helipads seaplane base operators put aircraft risk face steep fin jail time canadian law drone usage soar north america europe china raise privacy concern fear collisions commercial jet prompt unite nations aviation agency back creation single global drone registry 1,596 drone incidents report transport canada far year 131 deem aviation safety concern november 2016 canadian airliner 54 passengers board swerve avoid unman fly object near toronto slightly injure two cabin crew drone hit commercial airliner canada injuries
washington u.s. president donald trump say wednesday would anything enrich insurance company strengthen opposition deal republican democratic senators stabilize obamacare restore subsidies health insurers republican senator lamar alexander reach agreement democratic senator patty murray say early trump completely engineer proposal go see bipartisan lamar alexander work hard side something happen fine anything enrich insurance company trump tell reporters ask deal right insurance company enrich enrich obamacare like nothing anybody ever see say healthcare deal trump say 'enrich insurance company
washington house representatives republican leaders say tuesday still intend repeal replace obamacare white house-backed bill fail get enough support collapse last week fact conference resolve ever repeal law encourage go stop get do say house majority leader kevin mccarthy close meet house speaker paul ryan tell reporters would give timeline new attempt pass healthcare legislation want get right republicans obamacare repeal 'we 're go get do
dakar/bamenda cameroon troop attack helicopters open fire protesters height separatist rally english-speaking areas cameroon weekend kill wound people witness right group say army dismiss report source five towns completely false say helicopters use surveillance use air attack would mark major escalation government crackdown separatist protest rumble anglophone district central african oil producer almost year thousands take streets towns across northwest southwest regions sunday oct. call independence country french-speaking majority right group say start collect report ensue violence areas border nigeria week progress eight people towns bamenda buea ndu tombel kumbo tell reuters police soldier move stop protest areas low-flying attack helicopters fire tear gas live round crowd etienne ndage 31-year-old journalist savannah frontier radio northwest tea-plantation town ndu say saw helicopters fire around pm local time kill two protesters 1,000-strong march gain momentum fire like war film tell reuters hilary manjong private secretary local member parliament ndu say witness share similar account army spokesman didier badjeck dismiss account report helicopters fire protestors completely false helicopters conduct surveillance say government early week say 10 people die sunday include five prison fire may link protest governor southwest region bernard okalia bilai tell cameroon tribune newspaper article publish tuesday protesters ambush soldier kumba force open fire self defense amnesty international tell reuters thursday 20 people kill oct. 2. demonstrations begin nearly year ago anglophone lawyers teachers protest work french say show wide marginalization english-speaking minority protest gain support increasingly call cameroon five million english speakers get country rally also become lightning rod opposition president paul biya 35-year rule campaigners call protest sunday anniversary anglophone cameroon independence britain southwest town tombel resident speak condition anonymity tell reuters military helicopter come low town center wind gusts throw man motorbike first helicopter fire teargas disperse crowd open fire resident say normally fire rubber bullets could tell sound real add outside buea police grind helicopter open fire protestors run bush bypass military checkpoint say louis anuchem 35-year-old taxi driver buea helicopter come close grind add hear gunshots bullets come tree tell reuters demonstrations police go door-to-door towns round young men women residents say soldier come neighborhood break home carry boys away say lanya joel 21-year-old kumba resident scar away right group southern cameroon public affairs committee say report 12 year-old girl shoot security force helicopter town kumbo bamenda provincial episcopal conference anglophone christian bishops say statement week disturb report christians ... arrest maim simply shoot death helicopters helene mekem say son shoot dead security force outside home kumba sunday even though involve protest kill innocent ones tell reuters cameroon army helicopters shoot separatist protesters witness
four employees oklahoma department veterans affairs facility resign resident maggot-infested wind die care.vietnam veteran owen reese peterson 73 initially come talihina veterans center infection end sepsis die oct. 3.sepsis potentially life-threatening complication infection damage internal organs cause fail.peterson apparently facility weeks time frame gruesome discovery maggots death unclear succumb result parasites executive director myles deering tell tulsa world succumb result sepsis physician assistant three nurse include director nurse resign wake investigation say shane faulkner spokesman odva four choose resign termination process begin faulkner say wnd obama flood america illegal alien muslim refugees veteran va care die maggot-infested wind
new york time conservative columnist david brook absolutely amaze years sit republicans wag scorch earth campaign democrats constitution basic human decency suddenly lament toxic level discourse america democrats ascendant republicans teeter total collapse say work together would bad america brook set stage describe get call anti-politics upset past generation see rise group people politics group best exemplify tea party exclusive right want elect people political experience want outsiders delegitimize compromise deal-making will trample customs rule give legitimacy legislative decision-making help gain power guess refer bernie sanders supporters left-wing version think group leave even remotely fit description bernie washington 30 something years hardly inexperienced outsider followers may like rebel cred want get office sole purpose bring government grind halt brook create false equivalency order absolve responsibility create antipolitics.he go describe antipolitics people extremists compromise increasingly damage process govern essentially gop years brook give ideological cover wreck country brook especially put trump despite enable rise first far column usual right wing shift blame patently incapable accept responsibility action get plaintive wail sanity answer trump politics acknowledge people exist take pleasure difference hammer workable arrangements harold laski put shall make basis state consent disagreement therein shall ensure deep harmony sure sound reasonable time sudden epiphany coincidental see republicans spend last 30+ years polarize country point two side work together republicans control white house chamber congress supreme court exactly want spend years ignore democrats whatever want spend obama presidency break system could stop agenda become party antipolitics.but november republicans go crush ballot box trump go go lose badly go cost republicans senate comfortable margin small number house seat governorships control several state legislatures oh supreme court go tilt leave next 30 years put final nail coffin republican voter suppression scheme thing keep republicans power many part decades hate hope die burn hell compromise surrender burn unless get 100 want stop play rule winner take edge lose everything republicans want play nice noooooope fuck republicans get kick sand face demand share ice cream drop sorry mr. brook chance blow sit let party turn american politics polarize blood sport fault lose mood give time day much less concessions go put little box undo damage policies work since 80s unions go grow strength minimum wage become live wage workers right restore women right restore minorities victims drug war minorities anyway wall street still make billions able crash economy voter suppression laws repeal extreme gerrymander end happen without input paint corner work democrat ground primaried far right happen years even 8. decades damage take decades clean go happen nothing stop it.karl rove boast permanent republican majority democrats would utterly powerless bold claim permanent democratic majority republicans grow weak weak stop appeal white racists meantime gon na take mr. brook sit scream impotent rage mean unfair leave become ha ha ha fuck you.featured image via right-wing columnist officially beg democrats kiss make control republicans
washington u.s. senate republican leader mitch mcconnell say friday republicans enough vote pass tax overhaul bill senate vote mcconnell say republican senator jeff flake hold support legislation say support bill republican senator susan collins another holdout say deal reach include unspecified property tax deduction amendment republican tax bill republicans vote pass tax bill senate mcconnell
washington u.s. senate confirm president donald trump pick run environmental protection agency friday objections democrats environmentalists worry gut agency administration ready executive order ease regulation drillers miners installation scott pruitt sue agency intend lead dozen time oklahoma attorney general reinforce expectations side political divide america cede position leader global fight climate change senators vote 52-46 approve pruitt swear late friday afternoon white house one republican senator susan collins maine vote two democrats energy-producing state joe manchin west virginia heidi heitkamp north dakota vote confirmation doubt scott return epa core objectives say republican senator jam inhofe also oklahoma add agency guilty federal overreach unlawful rule make duplicative red tape president barack obama presidency nomination pruitt sue epa dozen time behalf oil-producing state doubt science climate change upset many former current agency employees nearly 800 former epa staff urge senate reject pruitt letter week say show interest enforce environmental laws early month 30 current employees epa regional office chicago join protest pruitt hold green group trump likely issue executive order soon next week reshape epa source say republican president promise kill obama clean power plan currently hold court aim slash carbon emissions coal natural gas fire power plant trump also want give state authority environmental issue strike federal regulations drill technologies get rid obama rule seek clarify epa jurisdiction stream rivers conservatives warmly welcome pruitt confirmation far long epa act overzealous manner ignore separation power role state right property owners say nick loris economist heritage foundation democratic senator ben cardin however say concern administration enforce emissions cut outline clean power plan would increase u.s. pollution harm country leadership international efforts curb climate change opponents pruitt also protest tie energy industry republicans majority senate democrats speak thursday night friday morning senate floor try extend debate pruitt late february 3,000 email energy company likely reveal judge oklahoma judge rule week pruitt turn email office energy company tuesday watchdog group center media democracy sue release judge review perhaps hold back email release court clerk say democratic senate leader chuck schumer tell reporters majority leader senator mitch mcconnell move strap blinders fellow republicans wait release pruitt email environmentalists decry approval believe climate science belong epa say may boeve head environmentalist group climate doubter pruitt take epa rein trump target regulations
washington top republican congress wednesday defend border-adjustable tax provision criticism president-elect donald trump warn u.s. job company continue move abroad unless controversial measure include tax reform representative kevin brady chairman house representatives tax-writing committee produce proposal say reform measure tax import export remain part discussions republican lawmakers trump presidential transition team absolutely confident move provision forward brady say interview cnbc without america continue incentives job manufacture leave country none us want that brady already face mount criticism import-dependent industries oppose measure speak day wall street journal publish trump interview republican president-elect unexpectedly brand border adjustment complicate anytime hear border adjustment love trump tell newspaper usually mean go get adjust bad deal trump comment surprise business lobbyists believe would support provision way increase number u.s. blue-collar job response goldman sachs low 30 percent 20 percent subjective probability border adjustment would adopt part tax reform legislative package trump appear step back criticism interview publish wednesday news website axios say border adjustability still table without border adjustment lawmakers could scale back house republican good way tax reform blueprint measure would raise trillion revenues 10 years accord independent analysts loss would limit size tax cut jeopardize relate provision end taxation foreign profit u.s. corporations advocate say border adjustment would encourage company establish manufacture plant american soil would make u.s. export sales tax-exempt prevent company deduct cost import taxable income top trump lieutenant fail name border adjustment way entice foreign company unite state senate confirmation hear wilbur ross trump nominee commerce secretary say instead low corporate tax rate probably big single tool could use republican defend border-adjustment tax trump criticism
washington pentagon inspector general launch investigation whether michael flynn u.s. president donald trump former national security adviser accept money foreign entities without require approval accord letter release house democrats thursday new probe compound legal problems flynn face take hundreds thousands dollars state-run russia today rt television network firm own turkish businessman former defense intelligence agency dia director retire army lieutenant general 2014. senior lawmakers say week flynn likely break law fail request receive permission accept 45,000 speak 2015 rt gala dinner sit russian president vladimir putin substantiate failure would violate regulations root constitution bar current retire military officer accept emoluments foreign power letter say white house spokesman sean spic tell reporters thursday inspector general probe appropriate think wrongdoing department inspector general look say spic say flynn undergo security review name trump first national security adviser would rerun background check someone head defense intelligence agency maintain high-level security clearance say however former senior white house official familiar ethics security clearance issue say administration former president barack obama white house counsel office always conduct background investigations candidates senior white house job even already hold security clearances review include questionnaires interview would include issue whether candidate drug problems hire prostitute personal financial problems former official say flynn also subject congressional probe russian interference 2016 presidential election u.s. intelligence agencies say intend sway vote favor trump republican candidate democratic rival hillary clinton russia deny allegation defense department inspector general investigate whether flynn fail obtain require approval prior receive emolument foreign government accord april 11 letter release democrats house oversight government reform committee substantiate failure would violate military regulations apply constitutional provision bar current retire officer accept emoluments foreign power letter say representative elijah cummings house committee top democrat release defense department document thursday show dia find evidence flynn request permission accept foreign fund despite 2014 warn take payments one document redact version letter dia send committee april say agency find record refer relate ltg lieutenant general flynn receipt money foreign source flynn attorney robert kelner say statement cummings mischaracterized dia letter say partially redact section confirm flynn give pentagon information document thumb drive rt event materials include document flynn use speakers bureau event say kelner add former national security adviser also brief pentagon moscow visit call dia release unredacted letter detail brief kelner statement however address issue whether flynn request receive permission accept foreign government payments separately committee republican chairman representative jason chaffetz ask act army secretary final determination whether flynn violate law accept foreign payments accord letter release office thursday addition look rt fund house committee scrutinize flynn work last year foreign agent hire promote turkish government view netherlands-based company own turkish businessman company pay flynn now-defunct firm flynn intel group total 530,000 begin august trump campaign top foreign policy adviser flynn register foreign agent justice department march weeks resign trump national security adviser follow failure disclose contact sergei kislyak russia ambassador unite state trump take office pentagon probe trump 's ex-adviser flynn foreign payments
fox news host megyn kelly shut liberal guest blister thursday night exchange president barack obama silence senseless kill kate steinle san francisco tourist area.kelly observe president will speak trayvon martin michael brown freddie gray kill noticeably silent steinle kill illegal immigrant deport five time seven felony convictions ask repeatedly week speak case white house spokesman josh earnest decline weigh refer folks department homeland security kelly say stark contrast saw michael brown kill ferguson missouri man know attack police officer time death liberal talk show host richard fowler make ridiculous claim woman would alive today congress pass immigration reform legislation stop stop stop answer question please kelly say give answer excuse pick choose victims want highlight apparently victim deem worthy political consultant marc thiessen ask fowler explain statement obama support sanctuary cities illegal immigrants fowler veer leave field bring lack immigration reform place blame republican lawmakers act immigration reform dodge support say richard kelly shoot back stop keep make assertions dance sideline say president support sanctuary city policies base base fact comprehensive immigration reform would need sanctuary cities fowler repeat pretty sure white house would tell thing tonight via breitbart news obama ignore murder illegal alien sanctuary city never see megyn kelly mad
interview make kelly unpopular fox news fan actually lead boycott accord variety sunday night megyn kelly draw 6.1 million viewers p.m. time slot behind 60 minutes 6.6 million viewers news program lose handily abc broadcast nba finals game matchup cleveland cavaliers golden state warriors draw average around 15.5 million viewers.overall nbc finish third night total viewers average 4.7 million second demo average 1.0 rating.kelly former fox news star depart nbc january promote high-profile interview russian president vladimir putin help kick sunday night show.critical reception interview mix though exchange kelly putin could fairly describe contentious kelly ask whether putin might compromise information u.s. president donald trump russian president ask lose sense breitbart full kelly interview vladmir putin wow rat anti-trumper megyn kelly debut show nbc…and pretty bad
bite transcript discussion via cbs john dickerson president obama give advice helpful think wow really donald trump well nice difficulties matter know word less important deeds saw happen surveillance everybody saw happen surveillance john dickerson difficulties president donald trump think well saw happen surveillance think inappropriate way john dickerson mean sir president donald trump figure yourself.john dickerson well reason ask say call sick bad .president donald trump look figure nice word relationship `` word less important deeds `` president trump `` relationship `` former president obama whthismorning cbs morning cbsthismorning may 2017john dickerson every president make oval office do make president donald trump well lot things incredible flag include american flag different room always push around enough room say beautiful base flag army navy marine corps mean beautiful beautiful coast guard flag here.and say well let see look oval office flag picture thomas jefferson put picture andrew jackson put say campaign campaign tend mirror lot actually lot work much much different look previously president trump cbs morning relationship barack obama video
raleigh n.c. democrat hillary clinton seek tuesday keep republican rival donald trump defensive day first u.s. presidential debate accusations sexist racist tax dodger trump suggest would hit hard next time bring husband infidelity new york real estate mogul find another controversy fresh insult weight former beauty pageant winner clinton try keep momentum forceful debate performance tell reporters debate trump make charge claim demonstrably untrue offer opinions think lot people would find offensive off-putting part trump speak rally battleground state florida tuesday say debate issue issue secretary clinton defend terrible status quo lay plan bring job security prosperity back american people monday night face-off clinton decades experience public life trump famous television personality run office first time attract record audience u.s. presidential debate nielsen data show 84 million people watch debate u.s. television top 80.6 million viewers jimmy carter-ronald reagan tv presidential debate 1980. trump praise attack clinton debate marital infidelity husband former president bill clinton say may take attack line go forward two debate schedule oct. st. louis oct. 19 las vegas ahead nov. election may hit hard certain ways really ease want hurt anybody feel trump say interview fox news program fox friends add clinton criticize treatment women hold back say go hit husband women decide daughter room clinton brush trump vow say run campaign however choose add real point temperament fitness qualification hold important hard job world trump still marry first wife ivana trump high-profile affair marla maples become second wife eventually divorce maples marry third current wife melania trump interview fox news trump seek deflect criticism debate performance say debate moderator holt nbc news ask unfair question give bad microphone want believe conspiracy theories course much low crackle trump say microphone clinton speak reporters campaign plane say anyone complain microphone good night clinton 68 excoriate trump 70 debate hofstra university hempstead new york call women pig slobs dog trump level new highly personal criticism tuesday toward venezuelan-born beauty queen alicia machado 1996 miss universe title u.s. citizen winner gain massive amount weight say trump former owner miss universe pageants real problem real problem attitude real problem her clinton first woman win presidential nomination major u.s. political party seem pique trump bring debate trump insult women mention machado name clinton say trump call miss piggy also miss housekeep latina clinton former u.s. senator secretary state step criticism trump refuse release tax return presidential candidates do decades say debate pay federal income tax make smart actually brag game system get pay fair share tax fact think strong probability pay federal tax lot years say campaign rally raleigh north carolina pivotal state election probably pay penny support troop vet school healthcare system trump hold campaign event miami little havana aim shore support among hispanic voters campaign say tuesday raise 18 million since debate trump early complain issue clinton 2009-2013 tenure secretary state address monday night include topics use private computer server government email deadly attack benghazi libya clinton foundation charity one heat exchange clinton accuse trump promulgate racist lie question citizenship barack obama first black u.s. president say bear unite state obama lend support clinton bid become successor tweet tuesday proud hillaryclinton vision command last night debate show ready next potus washington post cite clinton campaign source report would endorse john warner former republican u.s. senator virginia navy secretary newspaper say would appear event virginia wednesday clinton run mate tim kaine arizona republic editorial board also endorse clinton first time newspaper 126-year history back democrat president clinton seek keep trump defensive presidential debate
donald trump desperate effort make people ignore fact russia help win election run contrary american value van jones rip it.during panel discussion cnn sunday trump reaction russian interference political process jones chime sear takedown baffle anybody function brain stem jones begin honest indeed cia 17 intelligence agencies along fbi agree russia launch cyber attack political institutions one goals help trump beat hillary vladimir putin puppet white house next four years refuse condemn russia would acknowledge illegitimate yes presidents try say nice things russians jones continue face active attack country true past presidents make attempt friendly toward russia trump intelligence community conclude russia commit espionage act war country trump defend russia instead cyber war real war jones explain active attack country president-elect find say wrong need stop jones point trump respond personally partisan attack demonstrate unwillingness respond patriot attack nation sacred election infrastructure attack country jones say conclusion think everybody sit try pretend normal normal dangerous video via youtube.donald trump recently demand china return unite state navy drone seize south china sea upset attack democracy perpetrate russia unacceptable trump unfit president.featured image via screenshot watch van jones take trump woodshed unpatriotic response russia hack
kellyanne conway serve senior adviser donald trump connoisseur alternative facts word lie much even believe call liar freak conway offensive today president alma mat call repeatedly try sell falsehoods american people truth.trinity washington university president patricia mcguire blast conway lie blog title lie truth must tell say conway part team think nothing shape spread skein lie mean secure power presidential counselor kellyanne conway trinity class 1989 play large role facilitate manipulation facts encourage grave injustice perpetrate trump administration war immigrants among many issue one president trump primary spokespersons almost daily figure cable news show mcguire write people admire staunch advocacy client position others applaud fact first woman manage successful presidential campaign fact true many president trump statements advocacy behalf often variance truth ms. conway invent now-infamous phrase alternative fact defend trump claim size crowd inauguration thinly-veiled autocratic scheme try claim trump inauguration draw big crowd history fact small side continue ms. conway part team think nothing shape spread skein lie mean secure power perhaps bowl green massacre comment truly mistake claim repeat canard three different occasion explanation travel ban executive order clearly discriminate muslims necessary washington post inform conway mcguire comment take well true form lash slam mcguire wise word also fellow alumni disappointment president university lift trinity graduate casual relationship truth conway say whine mcguire even courtesy call email ask mean give occasion without address fact run around make truth go along include bowl green massacre never happen conway add give school lot money years money good note apparently write check mean one allow call spout lie defend demagogue sound totally legit.featured image via mark wilson/getty image kellyanne conway lash alma mat blast liar
mazar-i-sharif afghanistan germany defense minister say tuesday want boost german presence afghanistan first public indication berlin could accept u.s. call soldier help reverse territorial gain taliban insurgents germany currently 980 soldier station hindu kush mountains part nato mission train afghan security force second big national contingent unite state soldier especially trainers tell enough trainers could significantly good protective components security personnel defence minister ursula von leyen say visit northern afghan city mazar-i-sharif von leyen add german parliament would approve additional deployments minister member chancellor angela merkel conservatives say hop retain job new coalition government currently negotiate merkel hop forge another grand coalition center-left social democrats spd like one lead germany past four years spd generally cautious defense spend send german troop abroad u.s. president donald trump august authorize increase u.s. troop train afghan security force carry counter-terrorism operations hop reverse gain taliban insurgents compel agree peace talk monday von leyen criticize rapid reduction force since nato-led international security assistance force isaf wind afghanistan 2014 call longer-term commitment hindu kush mountains peak isaf mission around 150,000 foreign soldier deploy hindu kush around 17,000 10,000 americans germany increase upper limit afghanistan mandate 980 soldier 850 2016 time unite state countries reduce force von leyen call negotiations afghan government taliban say afghan security force could apply pressure taliban ready negotiate lead success long-term add germany could send soldier afghanistan defense minister
ankara turkish president tayyip erdogan say friday death hundreds rohingya myanmar past week constitute genocide aim muslim communities region nearly 400 people die fight rock myanmar northwest week new official data show make probably deadly bout violence engulf country rohingya muslim minority decades genocide remain silent towards ... look away genocide carry veil democracy also part massacre erdogan say rule ak party eid al-adha celebrations istanbul army say conduct clearance operations extremist terrorists protect civilians erdogan root political islam long strive take position leadership among world muslim community say turkey moral responsibility take stand events myanmar around 38,000 rohingya cross bangladesh myanmar unite nations source say week rohingya insurgents attack police post army base rakhine state prompt clash military counteroffensive erdogan say issue would discuss detail world leaders convene unite nations general assembly sept. 12 new york turkey 's erdogan call kill rohingya myanmar genocide
time white house leak like sieve new white house communications director anthony scaramucci flatly say sunday go fire future leakers watch strong weak leak smug john dickerson ask scaramucci president donald trump tweet day early ability grant pardon scaramucci say leak conversation leak unprofessional injurious government possibly felonious do absolutely nothing wrong need pardon anybody scaramucci say like fact two-minute conversation oval office study people run leak happen leakers watch dickerson ask go get fire scaramucci said.scaramucci say would hold staff meet monday make clear anyone want stay leak private conversations press strong weak leak say guy want keep leak guy get together make decision team go stop leak go keep leak go fire everybody scaramucci wh leak go keep leak go fire everybody video
students north carolina high school let donald trump influence get way much last week build wall box block mcdowell high school common area put photo instagram say build wall first apparent homage donald trump border wall idea.worse build wall supervision teacher people teacher know symbolize discourage students instead students get supervision racist prank understandably upset latino classmates.they want put trump sticker least someone gut tell picture wall share students4trump instagram account mcdowell high school students get award best studentsfortrump senior prank build wall students4trump trump2016 trump maga studentsfortrump makeamericagreatagain trump trumptraina photo post students trump students4trump jun 2016 2:50pm pdttrump chant wall along mexican border nonstop since announce candidacy year ago extremely racist latinos u.s. fact tweet anti-trump protesters get violent san jose rally mostly illegals many thugs attack peaceful trump supporters san jose illegals burn american flag laugh police donald j. trump realdonaldtrump june 2016one wonder know chance assume latinos support illegally.these kid take page straight book know otherwise want put trump sticker students go face disciplinary action either likely prank tell racist behavior tolerate society teach nothing value.trump would proud kid sickening.featured image elijah nouvelage/getty image nc students pull racist prank classmates straight trump book