mexico city tear flow lady carmen saint joseph parrish thursday night families two dead children kill powerful earthquake topple school block away inter ash crush victims 7-year-old eduardo diaz 8-year-old francisco quintero two 286 people report kill quake mexico deadly 32 years tell 17 dead come parish worship lady carmen roman catholic church near enrique rebsamen school nineteen children six adults die collapse school one earthquake emblematic tragedies family friends lean mass outside mexicans thousands millions find another way combat sadness come aid total strangers offer time earthquake recovery volunteer overwhelm 50 collapse build sit mexico city many bear food water others offer pair hand go work good deeds help lift spirit grieve families say father genaro chavez priest lady carmen first faith secondly tremendous solidarity people show mexico gather focus place right chavez say back step church fill palates bottle water foodstuffs block away school hundreds rescuers labor odds find survivors 48 hours quake many police army personnel others average citizens show hard hat human chain take rubble disaster site team men haul heavy beam laminate steel prop weaken structure volunteer include doctor psychologists trash-sweepers sandwich-carriers one man hand chocolates anyone path express desire help mexico hour need makeshift medical station grass median close street doctor physical therapists tend rescue workers injure job patch send back work physical therapist jose juan galvan apply ultrasound treatment back doctor injure move patient day next doctor white coat tap knee man hard hat treat send back action galvan say psychologists fabiola jimenez paulina bustos come aid parent teachers rescue workers deal emotional trauma counsel three father show thursday one lose daughter son rescue bustos say normal parent return scene hop find children belong recreate final moments tragedy confuse shock mourn bustos say part process less lionize trash sweepers also donate time group six sit curb eat sandwich take break haul away barrel litter lot trash say ana ramirez say group convince boss allow clean staff report rescue site instead regular job mexico need us mexicans respond faith charity hope fade quake survivors
male two maldivians suspect link islamic state militants plan carry suicide attack country capital government officials say wednesday two 20s detention since september officials ask charge criminal court police investigation find affiliate plan carry attack male adam thaufeeq spokesman prosecutor general office tell reuters decline elaborate specific location time plan attack male city two square mile island population 150,000 one densely populate cities world maldives authorities make several arrest september unite kingdom update maldives travel advisory say militants likely carry attack country officials also tell reuters authorities detain two maldivians turkey en route syria join fighters september significant number radicalised maldives youths enlist fight islamic state middle east president abdulla yameen government bring new laws arrest maldivians join group maldives investigation allege two suspect plan suicide attack capital
leave community organizer chief bully nuns commit live help poor country contraception mandateif obama rule apply nuns apply tens millions live unite state illegally pope francis pay short visit little sisters poor community washington d.c. wednesday support court case contraception mandate vatican spokesman short visit program father federico lombardi director holy see press office say even press conference papal visit nation capital sign obviously support court case affirmed.the sisters file lawsuit obama administration 2012 mandate employers provide insurance coverage birth control sterilizations drug cause abortions employee health plan sisters maintain provide coverage would violate religious beliefs.even obama administration modify rule accommodation object organizations sisters hold revise rule would force violate consciences.the majority three-judge panel tenth circuit court appeal rule july little sisters poor establish mandate substantial burden free exercise religion thus rule still abide mandate.the papal visit official schedule pope francis washington d.c. visit include wednesday visit white house midday prayer service u.s. bishops st. matthew cathedral canonization mass st. junipero serra basilica national shrine immaculate little addition program think important mean fr lombardi said.he add visit connect word pope say support position bishops unite state speech president obama also speech bishops pope francis president obama white house call religious freedom one america precious possessions hearken u.s. bishops defense religious freedom call vigilant precisely good citizens preserve defend freedom everything would threaten compromise response news visit sisters archbishop joseph kurtz louisville president u.s. bishops conference say please hear visit know last thing little sisters poor want sue somebody want sue court insist simply want serve people poor elderly want way conflict beliefs.via catholic news agency pope make visit nuns obama regime sue conform obamacare contraception mandate
two examples pro-cuba sentiment lefty media travel cuba new thing among pseudo-cool useful idiots sanders note many board eager get island spoil capitalism cuba see many americans anxious get change passenger sedrick tydus quip want get burger king show sanders laugh repeat line burger king show obama administration grant full roster concessions exchange nothing communist regime bombard hype cuba travel kardashians even get mix-ugh romanticize poverty crumb architecture cuba pretty sicken people see past slick promotions see suffer people cuba first .chris tarrant extreme railway journey episode slow train guantanamo bay problem tarrant love commie cuba railway break go 15 mph.nbc reporter giddy excitement aboard cruise cuba pinch-me moment sure anything change cuba even though lefty media would like think sanders note many board eager get island spoil capitalism cuba see many americans anxious get change passenger sedrick tydus quip want get burger king show sanders laugh repeat line burger king show via faustasblog unreal pro-cuba travel pbs nbc cuba much go proudly communist… video
u.s. auto safety advocacy group center auto safety appoint official track record federal government consumer protection agencies new executive director industry body say tuesday jason levine spend six years u.s. consumer product safety commission administration former president barack obama succeed clarence ditlow die november last year levine also serve federal election commission u.s. department health human service center auto safety found 1970 consumer right advocate ralph nader consumers union u.s. auto safety advocacy group name obama-era official top post
anti-trump rally rag across america make sense obama soros prey anger many americans feel right trump win accord social media post komo-tv source multiple people shoot wednesday seattle protest election least five people reportedly shoot say critical injuries.seattle asst chief say lone suspect crowd near watch anti-trump protest argument sort develop one people argument step away fire back crowd person people least wound believe innocent bystanders wait bus one man seriously injure four injuries believe low extremities.victim update five people shoot take harborview medical center seattle hospital spokeswoman susan gregg tell associate press two men one woman critical condition two men serious condition wednesday night late wednesday gregg say condition woman upgrade serious.authorities scene within 60 second police ems stag street due protests.the suspect still large bear armsseattle wa report shoot victims report w/critical injuries mci declare break https // https // alertpage inc. alertpage november 10 2016live periscope anti-trump protest take streets downtown seattle komonews https // komo news komonews november 10 2016here craig list ad send us look hillary supporters join protesters join nyc break people shoot anti-trump protest…all critical condition video
texas federal judge appoint obama reject 2011 texas voter id law state legislators mean discriminate minority voters.tucker carlson interview one lawyers involve case reason beyond flaw people discriminate legal voters nation activist judge assume minorities discriminate find reason bias racist court appeal even come back statement evidence use judge relevant u.s. district judge nelva gonzales ramos make rule 2014 force appeal fifth circuit issue stay order supreme court step allow texas use voter id law.but last july fifth u.s. circuit court appeal new orleans ask judge re-examine decision since judge find evidence use judge relevant two side reach deal 2016 election allow voter sign declaration swear reasonable difficulty prevent obtain one accept form photo identification ramos go back draw board come conclusion.the texas tribune report weigh evidence come conclusion accord monday rule decision identify call smoke gun show intent discriminate cite state long history discrimination virtually unprecedented radical departures normal practice fast-tracking 2011 bill legislature legislation unduly strict term lawmakers shift rationales pass law say need crack voter fraud court hold evidence find infirm tip scale ramos write civil right group others sue state offer evidence establish discriminatory purpose least one substantial motivate factor behind passage sb 14 added.the law require voter use one seven form identification vote voter use driver license conceal handgun license military id passport state-issued personal id card.democrats civil right activists claim republican legislators depart procedural norms pass law include classify emergency legislation cut debate short bypass ordinary committee process chamber republican officials include governor greg abbott insist law stop voter id strengthen integrity elections.from new york time say law aim prevent voter fraud departures normal legislative process make prevent democratic lawmakers manipulate procedural rule thwart passage maintain opponents turn evidence legislator intend discriminate black hispanics.texas lawmakers announce respond choose appeal news report republican texas attorney general ken paxton immediately react rule although state could appeal one paxton top deputies appear suggest would happen testify lawmakers rule come brantley starr deputy first assistant attorney general acknowledge texas could drag back preclearance note little precedent possible belief multiple instance discriminatory purpose say tucker carlson shock lawyer delusion rejection voter id law texas video
rome/palermo death sicilian mafia boss salvatore toto riina friday mark end cosa nostra crime group unlikely allow one man power ever top magistrate former mobster say 87-year-old riina die hospital parma northern italian city serve 26 life sentence murder commit 1969 1992. end riina end cosa nostra chief magistrate sicily capital palermo francesco lo voi tell reuters remain understand whether men cosa nostra seek direct successor new organizational structure lo voi say gaspare mutolo admit strangle 20 people agree mutolo 77 turn state witness early 1990s age 51 become key witness dozens mafia case share jail cell riina 1960s become trust bodyguard driver afterward mutolo still wear balaclava hide identity cameras felt pity hear former friend cell mate die say friend help even save life saw little bite father figure mutolo tell foreign reporters rome riina death change little sicily say palermo still mafia back-room deal several recent case show mob still extort business owners island still seek win lucrative public contract back-room deal corrupt politicians bureaucrats imagine politics without mafia mutolo say future cosa nostra without riina whose brutality undermine trustworthiness organization drive mafiosi like mutolo hand state uncertain calabrian mob know ndrangheta turncoats take drug rout dominate cosa nostra calabrians major importers cocaine south america europe north america even politicians wary deal sicilian mob mutolo say cosa nostra 1980s mainly turncoats mutolo say calabresi take trust cosa nostra always military-like structure riina single boss boss power divvied territory local boss meet together so-called commission discuss strategy settle dispute riina make dictator cosa nostra give cosa nostra see charismatic leader necessity future lo voi say return decentralization operations decision make riina take boss dead mafia live magistrate mobster say
washington u.s. state department say sunday watch developments dispute region kirkuk concern report confrontation iraqi government force clash kurdish peshmerga monitor situation kirkuk closely concern report confrontation state department official say engage party iraq de-escalate tension iraqi government early say force take control vast areas kirkuk region include oilfields west city early hours monday iraqi state tv say however kurdistan regional government dispute assertions u.s. state department say 'very concern report kirkuk confrontation
london angel underground station close authorities respond security alert outside station transport london say tweet wednesday london 's angel underground station close due security alert
hollywood producer kingpin mega-democrat party donor harvey weinstein abusive sexual predator behavior shin light hollywood process shin even bright light hypocrisy democrat party media ally leftist media force discuss democrats turn blind eye decades criminal sexual assault bill clinton give pass wife hillary enable threaten victims remain silent.four days ago hard-left msnbc host chris hay make stun admission hypocrisy democrat party long overdue real reckon allegations bill clinton sweep carpet victims gross cynical hypocrtical right 's `` bill clinton `` stuff 's also true democrats center leave overdue real reckon allegations chris hay chrislhayes november 10 2017yesterday atlantic come damn article blame fake feminism movement leave well democrat party allow double standard exist come blindly protect defend clinton sexual misconduct allegations.yet let us forget sex crimes young strong bill clinton credibly accuse 1990s juanita broaddrick report volunteer one gubernatorial campaign arrange meet hotel coffee shop last minute change location room hotel say violently rap say fight clinton throughout rape leave bloody different arkansas hotel catch sight minor state employee name paula jones jones say send couple state troopers invite suite expose penis tell kiss kathleen willey say meet oval office personal professional advice grope rub erect penis push hand pattern behavior include allege violent assault women involve far credible evidence many notorious accusations come light past five weeks clinton leave swift pitiless justice today accuse men experience rather rescue surprise force machine feminism movement ossify partisan operation will eager let friend sisterhood enjoy little droit de seigneur.the atlantic go point op-ed so-called champion women right gloria steinem slut-shamed bash women dare come forward accuse bill clinton rape form criminal sexual assault.the notorious 1998 new york time op-ed gloria steinem must surely stand one regret public action life slut-shamed victim-blamed age-shamed urge compassion gratitude man women accused.called feminists clinton question write march 1998 paula jones harassment claim work way court print seven days kathleen willey blockbuster 60 minutes interview ed bradley various allegations true write steinem bill clinton candidate sex addiction therapy mind credible accusations willey note old enough monica lewinsky mother write fatal sentence invalidate new understand workplace sexual harassment moral legal wrong even allegations true president guilty sexual harassment accuse make gross dumb reckless pass supporter low point life push away say never happen word president clinton take answer steinem say true paula jones crimes pass broaddrick leave steinem reveal combination john bobby kennedy feminist movement fair-haired girl bare-knuckle fixer widespread liberal response sex-crime accusations bill clinton find natural consequence 20 years late behavior harvey weinstein stay loudly publicly extravagantly side signal leftist cause want privacy offices hotel room mood country change time old monuments come men lose career things women long time ago.when dozen women step forward accuse leon wieseltier serial decades-long pattern workplace sexual harassment say waste reckon textbook wieseltier insincere promise perfectly choose word democratic party need make reckon way protect bill clinton party need come term fact enrapture brilliant big dog president stun string progressive accomplishments abandon central principles party wrong side history consequences yet expedience reason make public account possible politics moral behavior coexist grave wrong need acknowledge weinstein mark halperin louis c. k. rest hold accountable former president party many americans desperately need rise gloria steinem several years write op-ed sham bill victims help celebrate hillary birthday honor woman threaten women bravely step forward expose sexually abusive husband bill clinton.grant j. kidney video post twitter really show slow necessary admission leftist media bear responsibility sham bill clinton victims simply believe give kind credibility would harm democrat party behold fake news cnn admit bill clinton rapist attorney general jeff sessions must launch immediate criminal probe dirty deal clinton foundation well sexually pervert past former president bill clinton grant j. kidney grantjkidney november 14 2017who forget media attack donald trump bring allegations sexual abuse bill clinton abusers debate hillary media apologize president trump come conclusion guilty democrat party hide decades sexual abuse criticize trump defend bill hillary victims anyone wonder gloria steinem change heart significant time reflect defense clinton crime family slut-shaming bill innocent victims need wonder anymore october 20 2017 gloria steinem announce ward hillary clinton would first recipient wonder woman award women media center co-founded feminist gloria steinem tell us give late democratic presidential candidate first wonder woman award extraordinary accomplishments public service like wonder woman seem superhuman strength resilience courage say group reference famous comic tv character hillary clinton action inspire protect women men every continent say steinem battle negative force help maintain fragile peace negotiate skill behalf country peace-seekers everywhere handle grace grit determination integrity humor fortitude remain steadfast feminist advocate activist sister tireless leader revolution award women media center declare hillary clinton wonder woman washington examiner leftist media expose democrat party ignore rape allegations bill clinton give hillary pass threaten victims
president barack obama first lady michelle obama host reception black history month east room white house thursday michelle barack obama time circus time justice scalia video
one great mysteries universe try figure make people otherwise may seem rational like support donald trump president appear fox news actor scott baio let us support real estate mogul others well although seem emerge set 1940s mob theme movie.when ask like trump baio say like trump bs understand talk whomever democrat nominee gon na beat crap em need instead crap beat us like policy proposals policy proposals map pretty much everything except hatred muslims damn border wall.after ask people want trump say well think thing trump typical republican sort put label guy love media stigmatize republican brand smart cozy guy unique refresh excite love hear talk excite guy first refresh really secondly media stigmatize republican brand hat every minority group lgbt community women right poor blame media report like blame guy call 911 fire set nah work way.baio clearly like trump also clearly understand anything speaks.check interview scottbaio whomever democrat nominee djt go beat crap https // // fox news foxnews may 14 2016featured image via video screen capture scott baio emerge 1940s mob film tell fox news want trump video
yeah put federal government charge entire police force sound like great idea al wait al call black police force next know name fairness rev al sharpton call national police legislation akin civil right act morning kickoff national action network annual convention arrest white south carolina police officer murder shoot unarm black man must national policy national law police mr. sharpton say go state state get national law protect people continue question mr. sharpton comment come heel multiple instance police kill unarm men color around country meet applause crowd dais pack elect officials include mayor bill de blasio congressman charles rangel attorney general eric schneiderman city comptroller scott stringer state comptroller thomas dinapolithe convention kickoff feature ribbon cut lawmakers come hours announce last night north charleston s.c. police officer michael t. slager would charge murder death walter scott see widely publicize video run away mr. slager officer shoot man back repeatedly video offer markedly different story one mr. slager first offer scott steal taser leave fear sharpton praise city mayor police chief bring charge say nation rely judgement local officials commend justice system hop mayor right city police chief say one policy national mr. sharpton late note comparatively small town officials brave police leaders big cities vocal belief new york city police daniel pantaleo charge crime death unarm black staten island man eric garner grand jury decline indict mr. pantaleo spur protest throughout city.that death capture widely publish video though footage lead charge mr. sharpton say today national legislation focus cameras well accountability compare fight police reform civil right struggle note activists try fix discrimination individual state cities fight national civil right act national vote right act time country national police mr. sharpton said.after ribbon cut mr. de blasio whose first year office dominate effort reform police-community relations garner death subsequent city hall feud police union leadership say agree kind national standard set broad point make think way make analogy vote right act right one get figure create right relationship police community mr. de blasio tell reporters vast majority police job well want work closely community obviously community residents want work closely police create national standard say page relationship mr. de blasio mr. sharpton fodder woes police unions last year take umbrage mr. sharpton seat next mayor police commissioner bill bratton city hall round table dismiss mr. sharpton divisive poll late show voters like approach either mr. sharpton union leaders rank-and-file officer late turn back mr. de blasio funeral two slay mr. sharpton offer full-throated defense relationship mayor say base political power long history work together cite mr. de blasio support issue like wage increase silent march stop question frisk election march us candidates t. begrudge us know somebody always know trench us mr. sharpton say say never ask favor back room deal access policy change nothing back room want want everything front via observer obama racism czar reverend al sharpton call federal police force
guadalupe mexico/tornillo texas president donald trump plan end policy catch release illegal immigrants catch free pending hear could hit wall immigrant advocate warn one plan build mexican border ok mr trump want release show go hold show build say ruben garcia director annunciation house roman catholic charity el paso texas give shelter migrant families garcia group receive 400 migrants release u.s. immigration customs enforcement monday wednesday day trump announce tough measure curb illegal immigration release want catch release detention center enough space say garcia underscore one potential problem end practice catch release almost half immigrants apprehend u.s. officials central american families children tiny number detention space available categories immigrants trump announce plan increase number family detention center establish take time could face legal challenge legal experts immigration say reuters review u.s. customs border patrol data show accelerate trend central american families hand border release await deportation decision asylum request last three months 2016 number people almost families children hand agents along u.s.-mexican border rise quarter versus period year cbp data show agents apprehend total 136,670 people cross mexican border high number since 2008 48 percent unaccompanied children families children nearly 45,000 parent children apprehend october-december quarter border currently bed around 3,300 people category immigrants mostly karnes dilley detention center texas accord ice data 2016. families central america immediately turn around send back mexico lack space detention center parent children mean almost migrants mostly flee poverty violence honduras guatemala el salvador fit electronic ankle bracelet give court date release many end request asylum process take five years resolve immigration lawyers say even without request asylum take years deport families unite state bunged-up immigration court trump could expand policy practice former president barack obama use military base temporarily house immigrants fort bliss base el paso house thousands children since september example could also explore ways refit exist facilities help handle flood families build detention center like karnes dilley take long also typically face legal challenge civil right lawyers concern live condition trump could also seek expand obama program aim increase number central american asylum seekers make initial claim home country long term could ask mexico let immigrants make asylum claim although tie two countries seriously fray trump vow force mexico pay wall southern u.s. border garcia shelter director acknowledge trump finally successful open thousands detention space families would slow number come word would spread probability lock put plane become much high garcia say central americans usually deport unite state flight back home countries number turn-ins hand u.s. authorities high around mcallen texas jump particularly noticeable el paso sector border mexico 60 percent immigrants apprehend october december children families years quiet spot immigration map el paso saw 5,200 families apprehend period nearly three time many compare period year ago 1,972 double number unaccompanied children u.s border patrol agent jose romero observe trend first-hand along tall rust-colored fence punctuate rural border cross stretch 40 miles 65 km el paso beyond tornillo texas lot traffic see right family group ... come across look agent right away turn romero say call change past people try sneak undetected want apprehend fence finish 2010 end abruptly near pecan orchards irrigation ditch texan side across rio grande mexico drug war-torn valle de juarez cotton-farming region litter burned-out home last february mexican president enrique pena nieto obama secretary commerce penny pritzker open major new border cross tornillo texan side guadalupe mexican side hop boost trade countries november truck traffic still light across bridge instead ice open temporary hold center 500 place white tent asphalt u.s. side bridge help process surge number migrant families apprehend u.s. officials surround area trump 's plan halt 'catch release migrants could hit wall
aware donald trump racist rhetoric one young intelligent articulate student understand media time sensationalize everything decide see attend trump rally find surprise trump followers racist jam patterson whose high school assignment volunteer trump campaign part student-based civics activity perfectly analyze trump phenomenon exemplify racists afraid baseline campaign make america white speak fundamentalist christian white middle class americans feel like power take even though false accusation feel like minorities make stride lose power youtube https // v=bh8vgkqquna patterson also stun see many people actually support donald trump say scary part trump campaign everyday people people work people school people hold resentments african american scary talk somebody hate skin color patterson say concern nice people pretend yet favor trump racist policies policies come minority populations specifically muslims mexicans friendly normal people back mind openly advocate trump policies inherently exclusive people look like however make way crowd patterson say pretense friendliness go away could feel hostility would bump various members crowd hostile look would attempt excuse many people crowd look walk describe feel would isolation remind patterson make feel like african american country difference trump followers normalize make fine.the effective response trump racist army minorities continue march toward self-empowerment education activism young man excellent example effective counter punch racists feature image wikimedia commons one thing scar trump racist followers video
donald trump pretend list celebrities want ticket inauguration say reject them.trump team desperately look big star find perform inauguration ceremony january 20th nobody want ruin career reputation appear shit-show.trump even reportedly offer large sum money ambassadorships exchange someone agree sell soul trump claim list celebrities beg ticket inauguration.the so-called list celebrities want tixs inauguration look hillary nothing want people donald j. trump realdonaldtrump december 23 2016yep trump pathetically try appeal people claim list celebrities line attend reject support hillary would rather people contradictory trump effort get list talent perform inauguration plus trump clearly try soothe ego.well twitter something say realdonaldtrump dude bitch next years 2. see matty granger reverendmatty december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump thing believe jay willis farragutwest december 23 2016god pathetic realdonaldtrump https // charles johnson green_footballs december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump baby keep toss around vague self-aggrandizing claim people might start think full baloney be kalb bessbell december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump know real celebrity would catch dead cheer need okay angel be kalb bessbell december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump spread disinformation accept fact high-profile individuals want attend inauguration ron pragides mrp december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump need stay twitter pal deem important half world crumble around us clueless jeremy pond jeremypond december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump hope david blaine perform make disappear tony posnanski tonyposnanski december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump scott baio c+ celeb sir want go tony posnanski tonyposnanski december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump speak people million less vote hillary gabe ort tusk81 december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump literally nobody want tix inauguration marlow stern marlownyc december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump next president extreme pettiness would highly amuse simon hedlin simonhedlin december 23 2016 realdonaldtrump need lie okay one want come party mean us friends jon bershad jonbershad december 23 2016seriously bet trump stand front mirror every day tell everybody like ego incredibly fragile make shit boost really pathetic.featured image chip somodevilla/getty image trump embarrass pathetic twitter post yet get burn
president trump approval rat continue fall embarrass ans unprecedented level new poll come show dismal number support towards hateful unconstitutional executive orders.according gallup poll majority american public unfavorable view towards trump controversial order include ban immigration refuge seven majority-muslim poll find poll also find president trump approval rat 43 disapproval rat stand 52 percent net negative point 41 percent independent voters approve trump performance president along 83 percent republicans.almost half america believe trump act fast first days office.simply put trump still hat american public controversial executive action people seem like republicans vote still one-sixth gop seem like gallup analysis conclude trump enjoy type honeymoon american public accord predecessors first weeks office trump initial job approval rat low gallup history majority americans continue disapprove job president go back dwight eisenhower majority disapproval first several months office majority americans similar fashion disapprove several high-visibility executive action trump take within first 10 days white house.this polarization opinion likely reflect trump style action take also prevail political environment today.the thing trump care people feel number get good good part two years embarrassingly low mid forties .featured image via win mcnamee/getty image poll majority americans hate trump unconstitutional executive order
peters dead description obama foreign policy failures obama still underestimate putin chase unicorns focus global warm middle east russia.https // v=fxrqjmxm8_u col. ralph peters obama refusal live reality chase unicorns
brussels britain guarantee right yet unborn children join eu parent brexit accept eu judge rule right accord draft european parliament resolution see reuters thursday document draft monday vote next week eu summit may launch talk future eu-uk free trade pact also support british prime minister theresa may call agreement brussels british citizens eu able live freely member state brexit though eu official say would negotiate late resolution prepare basis agreement may sign monday objections ally northern ireland force postponement due concern plan keep regulatory alignment province eu ensure harden border island ireland also lay demand legislature must approve treaty include limit british benefit future agreement insistence london continue abide european human right convention also insist britain automatically adopt new eu legislation pass lose vote transition period march 2019. draft make mention point discussion monday talk interrupt would end supervision eu citizens right european court justice certain number years two eu source say compromise 10 years midway british offer five eu demand 15 years appear likely solution one eu source say compromise may present two years transition period plus eight years may insist ecj hold sway britain european parliament make court involvement one priorities safeguard position million citizens eu state live britain parliamentary resolution draft five party hold vast majority chamber note british agreement detail honour financial commitments bloc avoid hard irish border two three condition eu want sufficient progress toward divorce deal launch negotiations may want free trade pact go detail citizens right notably issue london resist lawmakers demand include core family members persons durable relationship currently reside outside britain shall protect withdrawal agreement also case children bear future outside britain london grant citizens automatic right bring foreign spouses seek apply eu citizens brexit also want deny right british residence children bear abroad brexit britain also accord draft accept eu citizens export exportable benefit define eu legislation country leave european union accept competence ecj relation interpretation withdrawal treaty citizens right guarantee declaratory light touch proportionate procedure consist single form per family resolution state go way address lawmakers complaints cost hundreds euros could incur families make several declarations lawmakers still press procedure free five months negotiation may largely give way eu demand one sign potential concession parliamentary resolution state british citizens live eu state brexit day march 29 2019 retain right ... reside move freely whole eu however eu official familiar negotiations say brussels yet confirm point negotiate 27 member state next phase talk britons would guarantee eu right already remain live eu state brexit set demand new phase negotiations launch dec. 15 summit may confirm offer parliament stress transition period three years avoid cliff edge scenario depend deal whole divorce package would mean britain bind eu structure long say rule trade negotiations british contributions eu security economic benefit britain say latter could good membership eu eea whose members include norway iceland free trade agreement market access service big part british export notably finance always subject exclusions reservations exceptions security defence cooperation would subject eu rule data protection resolution add reflect concern among lawmakers britain seek exception return share recognise prowess intelligence seek meet end-of-the-week eu deadline deal divorce term order give eu state time summit agree offer open trade talk may plan present tweak proposals irish border come day irish prime minister say miss senior eu officials say could february return issue raise concern businesses start switch investment britain delay eu officials believe could put may weak position jeopardy throw new doubt process senior official closely involve talk say however member state include power couple germany france seem mood ease demand britain ensure quick accord exclusive eu parliament detail uk concessions right
three things certain world death tax trump golf every weekend today feature three way.two days ago trump spend around 90 million tax dollars bomb empty airbase syria symbolic attack little stop syrian government ability bomb citizens bombers reportedly back use airstrip hours late effect inflame already high tensions unite state supporters syrian regime russia cover death tax trump move onto golf.the fact would go vacation days create international crisis painfully obvious protesters plan trump motorcade spot route golf course florida sign come greet accord reporters rid trump stuff trump saw put rest notion aware much country despise him.pool motorcade pass `` group dozen protesters w/ sign read `` resign `` `` loser `` `` impeach trump `` outside golf course `` kyle griffin kylegriffin1 april 2017it clear yet whether trump plan lie golf out do previous weeks rough count trump golf around 15 time since become president 11 weeks ago many vacation do secret staff cover claim meet inevitably picture trump golf attire hit link turn online expose shameless administration is.the fact protesters certain trump golf even commit america possible war syria incredibly dishearten plan day around assumption powerful person country slip golf shoe every single weekend hilariously criticism clearly level one trump big defenders sean 2013 hannity hypocritically slam obama play golf syrian civil war.the war syria rag far hannity complain one trump 15 golf out odd undermine hannity complaint trump spend much time golf spend quarter obama total cost travel expense first 11 weeks end first year cost american taxpayer 100 obama 's travel expense 97m eight years trump 23m 10 wks https // brandon pope tv bpopetv april 2017featured image via ian macnicol/getty image everyone know trump would golf protesters totally ready show
conservatives claim voter id necessary catch illegal voters turn ones create fake ids use election day.trump supporters take trump call monitor poll place seriously create fake id badge order infiltrate poll locations across country intimidate voters interrogate confuse film illegal.but trump deplorables droves help right-wing group know vote protectors group affiliate top trump ally roger stone give people ability intimidate voters election day literally teach create fake badge design give access voters inside outside poll place citizens cast votes.according huffington post stone group create official-looking id badge volunteer wear volunteer plan videotape voters conduct fake exit poll efforts election experts say risk intimidate confuse voters least group plan huffington post ask stone tuesday controversial trump ally long know bare-knuckled political tactics say key proposals group websites without knowledge assure huffpost would operate within confine election fact huffpo confront stone evidence kinds tactics pursue website acknowledge vote protectors bad idea order take campaign legal center deputy director danielle lang call tactics clear voter intimidation scheme inherently intimidate invasion privacy tell huffpo reference videotape live stream internet amplify potentially intimidate aspect violate sense security privacy people right enjoy poll objectively intimidate voters unlawful matter indeed exactly donald trump call upon supporters repeatedly claim election rig turn right election rig conservatives try rig favor trump.earlier week wisconsin city clerk green bay get catch try intentionally prevent college students vote argue email wisconsin ethics commission extra poll place open near university wisconsin-green bay merely hear students lean democrat read statutes read site may designate afford advantage political party republican appoint clerk kris teske write uwgb poll location students residents election day feel ask site early vote encourage students vote benefit city whole hear say students lean toward democrats democrat speak chief staff others city hall agree budget wise go happen would like know thoughts argument benefit democrats trump supporters try rig election voter intimidation tactics use hypocritical methods use voter suppression tactics well.and likely go cause lot election day chaos voters prepare stand right vote matter trump deplorables try keep exercise it.featured image draw angerer/getty image bust trump supporters get catch create fake badge intimidate voters poll place
examples empty mostly empty nfl stand across america today stand appear mostly empty atlanta falcon v. minnesota vikings game nfl fan call big game week twitter.lots empty seat big game nfl week brian handke brianhandke december 2017here another shoot empty seat atlanta vs. minnesota game atlanta caption `` empty seat 30 empty could tix expensive fan want pay psl `` https // empty seat galore emptyseatspics december 2017it appear though jacksonville fan find something good watch indiana vs. jacksonville matchup.pic via indiana talk head indvsjax rt cliffwish8 available jag playoff push repeat empty seat galore emptyseatspics december 2017here close empty seat jacksonville jag ghost battle4duval december 2017meanwhile back midwest lot empty seat find week chicago soldier field usually sell venue empty seat soldier field look like lions game two weeks ago adam jahns adamjahns december 2017here close empty seat upper deck bear game lot empty seat upper deck today bear zack pearson zack_pearson december 2017the north end zone look good good amount empty seat north end zone jeff dickerson dickersonespn december 2017i know goat smell bad 49ers bear media deck emptyseatspics prof. goat profgoat december 2017the buffalo bill play ne patriots 2017 superbowl championship team former nfl fan seem care enough show watch game lot empty seat come see bill play patriots today emptyseatspics darin weeks darinjweeks december 2017 week 13 nfl hell continue lot empty seat big game nfl week
tune alternate current radio network acr another live broadcast boiler room tonight 6:00 pm pst 8:00 pm cst 9:00 pm est special broadcast join us uncensored uninterruptible talk radio custom-made bar fly philosophers misguide moralists masochists street corner evangelists media-maniacs savants political animals otherwise lovable rascals.join acr host hesher spore along side jay dyer jays analysis andy nowicki nameless podcast randy acr 21wire contributor rest boiler gang hundred thirty eighth episode boiler room turn tune hang acr brain-trust weeks boil down analysis usual gnash teeth political animals social reject club.on episode boiler room acr brain-trust barstool discussion charlie manson serial killers lsd hippie culture cults dave mcgowan bitcoin value skyrocket end download episode 138 please like share program visit donate page get involve reference link consideration research charlie manson serial killers lsd hippie culture cults bitcoin explosion boiler room ep 138
president-elect donald trump nominate republican u.s. representative mick mulvaney director white house office management budget senior transition official say friday follow list republican trump selections top job administration post national security adviser white house chief staff white house director national economic council white house strategist require senate confirmation sessions 69 first u.s. senator endorse trump presidential bid close ally since son country store owner alabama senator former federal prosecutor long take tough stance illegal immigration oppose path citizenship undocumented immigrants u.s. representative pompeo 52 third-term congressman kansas serve house representatives intelligence committee oversee cia national security agency cyber security retire army officer harvard law school graduate pompeo support u.s. government sweep collection americans communications data want scrap nuclear deal iran ross 79 head private equity firm w.l ross co. net worth peg forbes 2.9 billion staunch supporter trump economic adviser ross help shape trump campaign view trade policy blame north american free trade agreement canada mexico go force 1994 2001 entry china world trade organization cause massive u.s. factory job losses mattis retire marine general know tough talk distrust iran battlefield experience iraq afghanistan former leader central command oversee u.s. military operations middle east south asia mattis 66 know many u.s. force nickname mad dog rebuke say 2005 fun shoot people devos 58 billionaire republican donor former chair michigan republican party advocate privatization education chair american federation children push state level vouchers families use send children private school expansion charter school perry 66 add list oil drill advocate skeptical climate change pick senior position trump cabinet selections worry environmentalists cheer oil gas industry eager expansion perry also briefly run 2016 presidential race would confirm senate head energy department responsible u.s. energy policy oversee nation nuclear weapons program environmental protection agency administrator scott pruitt ardent opponent president barack obama measure stem climate change oklahoma attorney general pruitt 48 enrage environmental activists fit president-elect promise cut agency back eliminate regulation say stifle oil gas drill pruitt become top state prosecutor oklahoma extensive oil reserve 2011 challenge epa multiple time since u.s. representative price 62 orthopedic surgeon head house budget committee representative georgia since 2005 price criticize obamacare champion plan tax credit expand health save account lawsuit reform replace oppose abortion final leadership role kelly 45-year career head u.s. southern command responsible u.s. military activities relationships latin america caribbean 66-year-old retire marine general differ obama key issue warn vulnerabilities along unite state southern border mexico carson 65 retire neurosurgeon drop republican presidential nominate race march throw support trump popular writer speaker conservative circle carson previously indicate reluctance take position incoming administration lack experience federal government carson first african-american pick cabinet spot trump zinke 55 first-term republican representative member house subcommittee natural resources vote legislation would weaken environmental safeguard public land take stances favor coal fossil fuel suffer obama administration league conservation voters rank lawmakers environmental record give zinke extremely low lifetime score percent puzder chief executive officer cke restaurants inc run carl jr. hardee fast-food chain vociferous critic government regulation workplace national labor relations board puzder 66 argue high minimum wag would hurt workers force restaurants close praise benefit automation appointment likely antagonize organize labor cohn 56 president chief operate officer investment bank goldman sachs widely consider heir apparent lloyd blankfein ceo wall street firm trump hammer goldman blankfein presidential campaign release television ad call blankfein part global power structure rob america work class retire lieutenant general flynn 57 early trump supporter serve vice chairman transition team begin army career 1981 deploy afghanistan iraq flynn become head defense intelligence agency 2012 president barack obama retire year early expect accord media report become fierce critic obama foreign policy u.s. representative mick mulvaney 49 south carolina republican fiscal conservative outspoken critic former house representatives speaker john boehner resign 2015 amid opposition fellow republicans members house freedom caucus mulvaney first elect congress 2010. tillerson 64 spend entire career exxon mobil corp rise serve chairman ceo 2006. civil engineer train texan join world large energy company 1975 lead several operations unite state well yemen thailand russia exxon chief executive maintain close tie moscow oppose u.s. sanction russia incursion crimea mcmahon 68 co-founder former chief executive professional wrestle franchise wwe base stamford connecticut run unsuccessfully republican u.s. senate seat connecticut 2010 2012 early supporter trump presidential campaign chao 63 labor secretary president george w. bush eight years first asian-american woman hold cabinet position director ingersoll rand news corp vulcan materials company marry u.s. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell republican kentucky mnuchin 53 successful private equity investor hedge fund manager hollywood financier spend 17 years goldman sachs leave 2002. assemble investor group buy fail california mortgage lender 2009 rebranded onewest bank build southern california large bank house advocacy group criticize bank foreclosure practice accuse quick foreclose struggle homeowners haley 44 republican governor south carolina since 2011 little experience foreign policy federal government daughter indian immigrants lead successful push last year remove confederate battle flag ground south carolina state capitol kill nine black churchgoers charleston white gunman recently re-elected serve republican national committee chairman priebus give party post join trump white house low-key washington operative could help forge tie congress advance trump agenda 44-year-old steadfast supporter trump presidential campaign even party fracture amid choice chief white house strategist senior counselor steve bannon former head conservative website breitbart news come aboard trump campaign chairman august rabble-rousing conservative media figure help shift breitbart forum alt-right loose confederation reject mainstream politics include neo-nazis white supremacists anti-semites hire signal trump dedication operate outside norms washington white house chief staff bannon 63 serve trump gatekeeper agenda-setter factbox trump fill top job administration
republican presidential hopeful texas senator ted cruz earn nickname lyin ted reason rush clean tarnish image anytime soon.proving completely worthy know least-liked goper cruz mingle voters pie pan restaurant evansville weekend lie face hour cruz meet take photos voters clearly try prove lucifer former house speaker john boehner recently suggested.during meet-and-greet one issue cruz speak obamacare cruz say top two legislative agenda items get repeal obamacare pass simple flat tax abolish irs everything go smoothly cruz toward end visit old couple introduce cruz scott disable man wheelchair although conversation muffle clear man concern affordable care act repeal state people like would able get health insurance concern completely valid even current house speaker paul ryan say put people pre-existing condition high-risk pool would make healthcare unaffordable many americans cruz begin respond say doubt need provide care man interrupt never do never do nobody cruz heartless ever reply straight-up lie tell millions lose health care time millions cruz refer policies meet obamacare standards actually straighten false gop talk point right turn people lose insurance offer replacements fall line aca instead course cruz go bother watch cruz lie disable man face fee unfortunately cut man confront cruz could point scott say well make difference people man refer 16.9 million americans affordable health insurance thank affordable care act repeal obamacare huge disservice americans shame cruz attitude toward concern give ck feature image screenshot disable man confront ted cruz lie obamacare video
president trump speak state banquet visit japan tell hilarious story first meet japanese prime minister shinzo abe election one example many asia trip president trump succeed diplomacy become close world leaders visit even though bias media cover trip success many ways story begin 3:50 point president trump asia trip success video testament friendly relations japan u.s.our previous report japanese pm potus japan pm flip backwards japan prime minister something discreetly even president trump saw believe prime minister say round golf visit president donald trump good chance relax discuss difficult issue also opportunity display nimble gymnastics accord japan tv tokyo television network fly helicopter kasumigaseki country club sunday capture highly anticipate informal happen broadcast video show player identify prime minister shinzo abe try repeatedly hit ball steep bunker finally make shoot trump begin walk away abe run side bunker catch 63-year-old prime minister step onto grass slip make backward flip sand quickly stand pick cap.trump apparently never notice flip walk away back abe attendant rake sand also continue work.tabloid magazines raise question whether two leaders really talk game popular nikkan gendai say little conversation abe often fall behind trump reportedly spend much time chat third player renowned japanese pro hideki matsuyama read sfgate president trump make room erupt laughter hilarious story state banquet japan video
jeh johnson suppose enforce border security do looong time waaay 11 million illegals country thank obama open border policy deep trouble good please try wake neighbor give info invasion america happen full force since obama go office department homeland security secretary jeh johnson tell audience today illegal alien go away effect us citizens.the nation top immigration officer say 11 million undocumented alien unite state go away effect citizens add deport administration want unpleasant.jeh johnson secretary homeland security tell harvard university students week administration focus plan integrate illegals america despite policy tie court.johnson say plan front row supreme court april 18 case discussed.but meantime make case illegals estimate much high 15.7 million center immigration study essentially become american proof go school license drive even practice law california consider treason skip 25:00 mark comment illegals get use obama dhs secretary say illegals effect us citizens video
donald trump drag us war north korea could without help important ally region.south korea critical ally since country sit north korea south korea serve base troop strike launch kim jong-uu would provide logistical military support.defeating north korea require strong ally cooperation trump may ruin twitter tantrum sunday morning.first trump take shoot china tweet amount tell accuse south korea appease north korea threaten war north korea.north korea conduct major nuclear test word action continue hostile dangerous unite state .. donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 2017 .. north korea rogue nation become great threat embarrassment china try help little success donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 2017south korea find tell talk appeasement north korea work understand one thing donald j. trump realdonaldtrump september 2017trump attack south korea come day instruct staff prepare withdraw south korea trade deal another move antagonize one close ally time need recap china warn trump attack north korea antagonize south korea.america run ally asia donald trump terrible leader think bully work good diplomacy cooperation americans good get ready nuclear war trump go start one.featured image via sean rayford/getty image trump stupidly attack major u.s. ally threaten north korea war
listen people great lou dobbs get know important election one statement key 2016 election everybody good understand video
manila u.s. president donald trump leave philippines tuesday without attend annual east asia summit due delay schedule program meet trump tell reporters air force one deliver prepare remark lunch leaders instead secretary state rex tillerson would attend tuesday summit place senior white house official say add event run late meet manila approximately 90 minutes behind schedule trump skip east asia leaders summit send tillerson instead
bonn germany saudi arabia corruption investigations link individuals hind investments kingdom energy minister say thursday khalid al falih say crackdown way overdue would also impact plan float share oil giant saudi aramco everybody understand limit domestic affair government simply clean house say sideline u.n. climate conference bonn germany saudi arabia future king tighten grip power anti-corruption purge arrest royals minister investors include billionaire alwaleed bin talal one kingdom prominent businessmen move prince mohammed bin salman saudi political business elite also target head national guard prince miteb bin abdullah detain replace minister powerful national guard prince khaled bin ayyaf energy minister say many foreign investors business saudi arabia decades tell see corruption interactions saudi government saudi entities crackdown impact foreign direct investment impact whatsoever kingdom openness capital flow wide open investment environment add saudi arabia plan float around percent aramco initial public offer ipo centerpiece vision 2030 wide-ranging reform plan diversify saudi economy beyond oil falih say decision yet make list would make upcoming meet organization petroleum export countries vienna end month decide fate global oil production cut falih say extension beyond march 2018 expiry need rebalance oil market opec ten oil producers lead russia agree last year curb production 1.8 million barrel per day get rid oversupply market saudi crackdown hit investments energy minister falih
washington u.s. representative jim clyburn south carolina democrat house prominent african-american leader endorse democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton friday nbc news report thursday endorsement come ahead feb. 27 democratic primary south carolina half voters expect african-americans report eric beech edit eric walsh article fund part sap independently create reuters editorial staff sap editorial involvement creation production prominent south carolina congressman endorse hillary clinton nbc news
oslo russian helicopter go coast svalbard thursday still locate 90 minutes go sea norway rescue service tell independent broadcaster tv2 helicopter crew five three passengers russian-sounding name say leader rescue operation coordination tear hongset russian helicopter miss coast svalbard rescue service
unite nations/seoul u.n. security council unanimously impose new sanction north korea friday recent intercontinental ballistic missile test seek limit access refine petroleum products crude oil earn workers abroad u.n. resolution seek ban nearly 90 percent refine petroleum export north korea cap 500,000 barrel year last-minute change demand repatriation north koreans work abroad within 24 months instead 12 months first propose u.s.-drafted resolution also cap crude oil supply north korea million barrel year commit council reductions conduct another nuclear test launch another icbm north korea nov. 29 say successfully test new icbm put u.s. mainland within range nuclear weapons tension rise north korea nuclear missile program pursue defiance years u.n. security council resolutions bellicose rhetoric come pyongyang white house november north korea demand halt call brutal sanction say round impose sixth powerful nuclear test sept. constitute genocide u.s. diplomats make clear seek diplomatic solution propose new tough sanction resolution ratchet pressure north korean leader kim jong un send unambiguous message pyongyang defiance invite punishments isolation nikki haley u.s. ambassador unite nations say 15-0 vote north korean mission unite nations immediately respond request comment wu haitao china deputy u.n. ambassador say tensions korean peninsula risk spiral control repeat beijing call talk china foreign ministry say hop party would implement resolution urge side exercise restraint also reiterate call call dual suspension proposal unite state south korea stop major military exercise exchange north korea halt weapons program south korea welcome sanction call north immediately cease reckless provocations take path dialogue denuclearization north korea regularly threaten destroy south korea unite state japan say weapons necessary counter u.s. aggression unite state station 28,500 troop south legacy 1950-53 korean war friday north korea call u.s. president donald trump recently release national security strategy late attempt stifle country turn entire korean peninsula outpost american hegemony speak security council vote analysts say new sanction could major effect north economy cap oil would devastate north korea haulage industry north koreans use generators home productive activities state-owned enterprises say peter ward columnist nk news website track north korea force repatriation overseas workers would also cut vital source foreign currency say china supply north korea oil back successive round u.n. sanction resist past u.s. call cut fuel supply neighbor john park director korea work group harvard kennedy school say important manage expectations sanction could take years full impact north make progress weapons program pace measure weeks months game plan use sanction last non-military policy tool induce north korea return denuclearization table may quickly find washington prioritize military options park say move curb chinese fuel export north korea may limit impact china national petroleum corp cnpet.ul suspend diesel gasoline sales northern neighbor june concern would get pay business slow since zero shipments diesel gasoline fuel china october russia quietly boost economic support north korea year last week russian deputy foreign minister igor morgulov say moscow ready sign sanction would strangle country economically bid choke north korea external source fund resolution also seek ban north korean export food products machinery electrical equipment earth stone wood vessels also ban export north korea industrial equipment machinery transport vehicles industrial metal well subject 15 north koreans ministry people arm force global asset freeze travel ban resolution seek allow countries seize inspect freeze vessel believe carry ban cargo involve prohibit activities even sanction economic effect clear whether would push pyongyang negotiate stop weapons development say kim sung-han former south korean vice foreign minister numerous ... sanction north korea past 25 years say almost none work effectively halt regime military nuclear ambition u.n. security council impose new sanction north korea missile test
istanbul turkey vakifbank say friday never interest involvement whatsoever process mention u.s. trial turkish bank executive accuse help launder money iran vakifbank always act compliance laws relate legislations show utmost care diligence act accordance laws relate legislations bank say statement istanbul stock exchange turkish-iranian gold trader reza zarrab testify unite state thursday two turkish authorize vakifbank another lender move fund iran share vakifbank 1.6 percent early trade istanbul turkey 's vakifbank deny involvement process mention u.s. lawsuit
know government regulations would keep bernie marcus start home depot today new businesses across america strangle faceless bureaucrats politicians erroneously believe government good bernie marcushome depot founder former jeb bush-backer bernie marcus endorse republican presidential candidate donald trump say fate nation hang send white house hillary clinton write real clear politics lead businessman say new businesses across america strangle faceless bureaucrats politicians erroneously believe government good genuinely believe start home depot today would fail hurdle government especially current administration place front small business owners writes.obama-style government add drive over-regulation over-taxation over-litigation over-spending thus kill small businesses create majority new job america politicians like obama clinton aid media academia peddle dangerous sentiment government provide americans good private sector false likely nexus trump massively popular slogan make america great saw first hand donald trump say man make america great cut red tape change course country americans choice abundantly clear want four years president obama vote hillary clinton want take country new direction vote donald trump also issue warn republicans refuse back party designate nominee make mistake republicans refuse stand behind party nominee elect clinton whether cast ballot message nevertrump crowd enough already donald trump presumptive nominee time get wish change social media hashtag hillarygop via breitbart home depot founder stand donald trump
usa todayhavana wheel air force one touch jose marti international airport first time ever 4:19 p.m. sunday kick history-making presidential visit break decades tense relations communist single-runway airport cia bomb 1960s whose broken-down russian-built airplanes colorful antiquate terminals give testimony impact 50 years u.s. sanction diplomatic isolation.but descend stairway umbrella president obama greet warmly tarmac cuban foreign minister bruno rodriguez present first lady michelle obama daughters flower small crowd gather review stand cheer subdue 84-degree drizzle.cuba ministry foreign affairs announce sunday 974 reporters 202 news outlets 50 countries havana cover obama trip continue story usa todayread cuba news 21st century wire cuba file president obama arrive cuba
even reason believe good thing hillary clinton formulate u.s. foreign policy footage libya recently release show young men sub-saharan africa auction farm workers slave market yes slave market horrible eight hundred say auctioneer 900 1,000 1,100 sell 1,200 libyan dinars equivalent 800 use car piece land item furniture merchandise two human unidentified men sell grainy cell phone video obtain cnn nigerian appear twenties wear pale shirt sweatpants.he offer sale one group big strong boys farm work accord auctioneer remain camera hand rest proprietorially man shoulder visible brief clip see footage slave auction cnn work verify authenticity travel libya investigate further.carrying conceal cameras property outside capital tripoli last month witness dozen people go hammer space six seven minutes anybody need digger digger big strong man dig salesman dress camouflage gear say bid bid buyers raise hand price rise 500 550 600 650 within minutes men utterly resign fate hand new master get point bbc report back may libya beset chaos since nato-backed force overthrow long-serving ruler col. moammar gadhafi october 2011. behind overthrow none then-secretary state hillary break hillary it.bush 43 deal gadhafi accord dictator abandon weapons mass destruction return get depose obama hillary renege deal result creation isis/al qaeda terrorist wonderland country neutralize flood largely unassimilable refugees europe america become establish international mind untrustworthy dictators unlikely follow gadhafi lead give nuclear/biological weapons program peaceably black african slavery.on positive side give hillary chance laugh merrily let loose zinger libyans import slave south sahara chaos middle east hillary.via moonbattery hillary own clinton bring black african slavery libya video
u.s. supreme court monday uphold federal disclosure rule political advertise reject appeal denver-based libertarian think tank want run ad without force divulge major donors denver-based independence institute sue federal election commission argue law require disclosure violate free speech right u.s. constitution first amendment supreme court affirm low court rule last year favor commission late decade-long series case bring conservatives aim roll back federal campaign finance restrictions independence institute support case influential republican conservative voice include republican senate majority leader mitch mcconnell judicial watch legal activist group well u.s. chamber commerce business group institute ahead 2014 congressional elections seek run radio advertisement increase prison cost tell listeners urge colorado u.s. senators support sentence reform ad mention senator name lead election trigger provision 2002 campaign finance statute know mccain-feingold law require institute file election commission disclose donors support ad law enact combat explosion know soft money campaign so-called sham issue advertisements cloak partisan advocacy discussions public policy though supreme court allow unlimited campaign spend corporations unions landmark 2010 decision citizens unite federal election commission case court also uphold disclosure requirements campaign ads federal election commission say century federal law require organizations influence elections disclose information fund source principle uphold citizens unite rule independence institute sue federal court washington bid keep name donors secret argue propose ad focus sentence reform senators consider senator re-election campaign last october three-judge panel federal court rule group say would impossible distinguish genuine issue ads reference candidates campaign-style ads openly promote disparage candidate u.s. top court reject challenge political ad disclosure rule
one thing certain come donald trump presidency fail miserably approval rat reflect exactly accord gallup daily trump approval rat plummet 34 61 country disapprove job trump doing.via gallupwhat good way make least look like good job appear help people texas hurricane harvey course could go help appear bring along quite press team perhaps even video production team record video watch president trump load man pickup truck supply houston https // nbc news nbcnews september 2017don surprise come days see pr video come trump twitter fee show good work trump people texas course people fall fall schtick however clear try rebound dismal approval rat continue sink fast pretty sad go great lengths make look like good job could know actually good job unlikely pending ongoing investigations russian meddle 2016 election feature image via video screen capture become obvious trump film pr video hurricane shelter visit video
ted cruz proudly announce late endorsement presidential bid come pastor mike bickle founder director international house prayer kansas city bickle figure well know attack sex-marriage call sign end time also blame jews holocaust youtube https // v=2he_aor2jbe 2011 speech bickle suggest millions jews exterminate holocaust accept god gift jesus christ quote jeremiah 16:16 bible explain hitler murder millions jews say lord say go give 20 million chance respond fishermen give grace say respond grace go raise hunters famous hunter recent history man name adolf hitler get anti-semitic guy statement blame jews holocaust also justify jews accept jesus deserve die.bickle also say come end days jews put prison death camp say do 2/3rds jewish population destroy hell accept jesus thus murder accept jesus jews murder continue rejection jesus.ted cruz excite endorsement genocidal bickle say prayer lord change life alter family story grateful mike dedication call generation young people prayer spiritual commitment heidi grateful prayers support support mike many people faith fight good fight finish course keep faith cruz bickle ilk ideology come religion come surprise us cruz would proud endorsement bickle statements anti-semitic also genocidal actually believe jews exterminate believe jesus whatever mean justify holocaust also justify future one millions so-called christians.featured image via wikimedia commons ted cruz accept endorsement pastor say god send hitler kill jews video
follow statements post verify twitter account u.s. president donald trump realdonaldtrump potus opinions express reuters edit statements confirm accuracy realdonaldtrump call full restoration democracy political freedoms venezuela want happen soon 0018 edt usaatunga unga 0047 edt big day unite nations many good things tricky ones happen great team big speech 10:00 a.m. 0721 edt us great strength patience force defend ally choice totally destroy noko 1322 edt president unite state america always put americafirst unga full remark 1509 edt god bless people mexico city 1605 edt great honor speak countries world unite nations usaatunga unga 1804 edt true question un ... 2119 edt puerto rico hit hard new monster hurricane careful hearts you- help 2223 edt great important day unite nations.met leaders many nations agree much state speech 2231 edt nice thank 2233 edt sadden see bad rat emmys last night bad ever smart people deplorables 2241 edt -- source link factbox trump twitter september 19 venezuela north korea u.n. mexico
prague britain negotiate exit european union within two-year framework envisage foreign secretary boris johnson say monday comfortably two years johnson tell reporters meet czech counterpart lubomir zaoralek prague brexit 'comfortably negotiate two years johnson
absolutely doubt republican frontrunner donald trump would unmitigated disaster elect serve president literally nothing good day pass get bad lately violence rally forefront conversations republican primaries especially last week much brutality actually commit trump name well new interactive map call trump hate map show lot violence result bombastic rhetoric.since last september america voice track instance trump staff supporters assault harass immigrants latinos imagine special brand xenophobia racism cause lot white nationalists feel comfortable hate others turn drumpf rally witness firsthand insane fanboys girls act violence extend farther events supporters hurt random people streets well.america voice write see proof past weeks trump xenophobic rhetoric push fellow candidates right immigration become know trump effect go beyond political world inject everyday life one incident latino two muslim students kansas attack man yell racial slur warn donald trump go president punch one them.his hate even extend elementary school mother fairfax county virginia post facebook say third-grade son taunt school two classmates apparently children spew nonsense immigrants hear trump say.those two many incidents organization find billionaire liken great unifier clearly nothing divisive asshole absolutely destroy country elect country would probably look like 1960s race riot place thankfully little chance man ever sit oval office map prove important ever democrats put differences aside primary unite behind whoever candidate is.check trump hate map feature image via screenshot interactive trump hate map prove dangerous america
reasonable americans expect never expect unbiased justice serve eric holder skirt friday msnbc morning joe bloomberg politics mark halperin cite senior justice department official say attorney general loretta lynch recuse investigation presumptive democratic presidential nominee hillary clinton use private email secretary state critics call lynch hold private meet husband former president bill clinton early week.halperin also say source anticipate lynch admit meet mistake.just markhalperin sr. justice dept official atty general 's intention along https // morning joe morning_joe july 2016 senior justice department official play anything new halperin say say attorney general intention along let career people decide quote recuse step aside expect attorney general say mistake meet bill clinton privately 20 30 minutes breitbartmeanwhile washington post report attorney general loretta e. lynch support recommendations prosecutors others lead probe use private email server hillary clinton time secretary state justice department official said.lynch statement expect late friday gather colorado underscore intense sensitivity surround fbi justice investigations past use exclusive email server presumptive democratic presidential promise abide recommendations lynch would directly address worry clinton critics others obama administration appointee could ultimately overrule investigators.her expect statement reflect apparent desire reinforce by-the-book approach clinton case already play dominant role republican attack campaign trail.lynch plan make comment late friday appearance washington post editorial writer jonathan capehart aspen ideas festival colorado obama gal pal loretta lynch recuse crook hillary criminal investigation…despite private meet hillary impeach husband
hell donald trump talk threat jail opponent elect lackluster explanation claim walk around sexually assault women get away rich many many things say virtually ensure hillary clinton next president unite state talk video clip post twitter appear show trump well see yourself.what exactly trump try hillary answer question debate josh jordan numbersmuncher october 10 2016yes few-second clip trump saunter behind clinton eye direct toward rear-end abruptly lift head upward well apparently take brief look ass woman curb-stomping poll american history -style except nazis side november.sure could another explanation maybe saw penny think pick realize pennies currency poor ball lint former secretary state back consider pick want explain touch abruptly best letch might think seem bite far-fetched must another explanation yeah well feel daughter onstage cover pretty well republican national convention guy inspire garage band name everywhere phrase grab em pussy watch trump feel daughter ck point vote november need help decide vote go one go court election allege rape 13-year-old girl.featured image via screengrab trump bust check clinton ass debate video
last check harvest sell body part america illegal perhaps abortion industry sort special exception since kill baby important service americans gruesome viral video show plan parenthood medical officer talk undercover actors pose biotech entrepreneurs prospect buy fetal body part name one company pop several time context sell abort fetal tissue dr. deborah nucatola see hear discuss ongoing relationship company call stemexpress work middleman plan parenthood affiliate research institute use body part scientific experimentation.the video provide pro-life group center medical progress purport show actual online order form stemexpress buyers order part want age gestation.the pull menu show brain heart heart vein arteries attach lungs liver liver thymus spleen large intestine order form allow buyer choose gestational age baby abort four weeks upward.stemexpress five-year old privately hold for-profit business locate placerville california describe multi-million dollar company supply human blood tissue products primary cells clinical specimens biomedical researchers company say offer large variety raw material industry well fresh fix cryopreserved human primary cells stemexpress call company kind procure tissue isolate cells researchers individual need labs human tissue products range fetal adult healthy diseased also collect bone marrow leukapheresis isolation stemexpress promise partner get high quality sample need focus research wonder something apparently illegal go openly david daleiden center medical progress tell breitbart news kermit gosnell effect simply lack interest enforce kind law abortion video nucatola hear talk price specimens would range 30 100 expect plan parenthood claim charge merely service include profit daleiden tell breitbart news extra service company like stemexpress facility harvest organs order walk even ship charges.daleiden say practice go around country especially hard prosecute california political power abortion industry.the buy sell human body part illegal u.s. criminal code though company charge expense question become multi-million dollar for-profit company buy fetal body part sell make profit.repeated call stemexpress comment go unreturned company website crash sometime today.via breitbart news wow company buy abort baby part plan parenthood website drop menu choices like heart liver vein arteries lungs etc
thousands starbucks customers cut gold card boycott favorite coffee spot starbucks ceo howard schultz stick foot mouth defend immigration unvetted muslims terror hotbed nations us schultz hammer social media offer hire syrian immigrants americans prove point inclusive is.well appear though arrogant leftist ceo starbucks do howard schultz tweet starbucks account know good bigotry hatred senseless violence people white stand howard schultz `` know 're good bigotry hatred senseless violence people white stand howard schultz starbucks coffee starbucks august 16 2017who howard exactly call racists bigots actually commit violence pro-trump pro-freedom speech rally across america maybe guy maybe refer white guy punch black guy support president hold american flag oops never mind black guy punch white tell us howard want customers know violence people white responses schultz ignorant offensive tweet provoke howard shultz violence anyone stand anything less inclusive bigotry anna-may smith annamaysmith1 august 17 2017 `` people white stand imply white blame specific group backpeddaling michael wouldabeen august 17 2017violence white okay one care white trash white live n't matter say howard schultz captain skywarn n0jaa august 17 2017 wow starbucks ceo accuse white commit senseless violence people white …and get destroy social media
thursday night saw three remain candidates gop 2016 presidential nomination try woo high roll donors swanky 1,000 per plate dinner grand hyatt hotel manhattan particular endeavor go well creepy texas senator ted cruz fact downright humiliate see seem cruz new york value comment gop debate try slam donald trump come back bite ass many people many let comment go happen quite debate ago trump make sure new yorkers dinner remember clear bell trump speak first remind crowd shamelessly use 9/11 bolster donors pride city well slam cruz dark moments city show world best term bravery heart soul america value need make america great bring america together heal america wound detriment cruz last candidate go stage social media site twitter light photos videos appal lack attention people pay speak people chat walk around play cell phone everything listen cruz speak buzzfeed reporter rosie gray event tweet legitimately loud people talk eat ignore cruz speak daily beast olivia nuzzi tweet sort painful watch someone speak passionately crowd even notice kill onstage picture attendee pay attention cruz surf web phone nuzzi go say nobody care washington post philip rucker tweet reaction nygop dinner cruz embarrass cruz guests folks walk around chat w/ speak shots tweet complete video reaction nygop dinner cruz embarrass cruz guests folks walk around chat w/ speak philip rucker philiprucker april 15 2016 olivianuzzi bluizk81 journalist never use `` sort `` ever `` sort `` painful kinda itty-bitty lotta slang lazy tom lynch yzest5121 april 15 2016cruz speak background nobody care olivia nuzzi olivianuzzi april 15 2016it 's legitimately loud people talk eat ignore cruz speak rosie gray rosiegray april 15 2016 scene cruz speak nyc gop gala vaughn hillyard vaughnhillyard april 15 2016to get idea hard hear cruz ny gop dinner betsy klein betsy_klein april 15 2016let suffice say look like ted cruz give hope might win new york gop primary seriously proof nobody care him.featured image via spencer platt/getty image nobody care watch ted cruz humiliate shun swanky ny gop fundraiser tweet
mexico city mire allegations corruption mexico rule institutional revolutionary party pri throw weight behind untainted outsider bid clean image hang presidency elections next july never member party former finance minister pri presidential hopeful jose antonio meade face delicate balance act persuade undecided voters cut graft without alienate grassroots support need win prove tough job awkward symbiosis limit meade ability play strengths pri grandees hope overcome accusations embezzlement fraud vote buy plague party president enrique pena nieto reliant pri machinery deliver vote meade must wrap party banner distance campaign failures outgo government also represent rock hard place say andres rozental former deputy mexican foreign minister pena nieto constitutionally bar re-election centrist pri formally elect candidate feb. 18. however party line behind meade hold various cabinet post across two oppose administrations announce run late last month meade technocrat sharp command minutiae economy launch campaign pri candidacy straw sombrero festoon red green streamers poor southern town san juan chamula dec. 14. meade acknowledge pena nieto speech call secure mexico detail policies directly address corruption like president say graft must attack strengthen institutions subsequent out rally pri faithful continue frame vision general term prompt expressions dismay supporters typical pri campaign say one pro-meade lawmaker shake head speak condition anonymity poll show meade plenty work survey poll firm parametria publish dec. 19 put 11 percentage point behind leftist front-runner andres manuel lopez obrador former mexico city mayor spend years rail corruption inequality another survey pollster mitofsky show month 57.4 percent voters reject pri nearly seven point october 17 point party december 2011 point previous campaign pri lead 17 point one five voters reject party accord mitofsky data serve cabinet almost seven years run meade sell irreproachably honest safe pair hand economy paint lopez obrador conservative rival ricardo anaya risky bet mexico stability however time government leave 48-year-old problematic legacy defend gang violence worsen past couple years murder hit record high 2017 l1n1on0eq meanwhile economy grow barely percent annually less half rate government first target inflation near 16-year high peso depreciate 34 percent dollar pena nieto study pew research center september identify crime corruption top concern mexicans standard-bearer unpopular government meade present compel solutions problems rival say one senior official back one government big mistake see damage corruption could reputation say official also speak condition anonymity official say believe meade policies could become clear formally invest pri candidate meade campaign reply request comment another government official closely follow campaign say meade could recognize fail pri could expect attack party take pri core vote grant official say pri governors lawmakers pena nieto face allegations corruption could suicidal meade push tough line graft say juan pardinas general director mexican institute competitiveness think tank could take strong stance corruption pri candidate ask like take strong stance racism ku klux klan rally mexico presidential hopeful hem rule party legacy
cnn anchor lemon get snarky report republican karen handel win georgia 6th district make claim pretty much big deal funny democrats spend 50 million dollars go election downplay make excuse loss lemon homework donald trump 6th district slim margins 2016 election huge win republicans https // v=-hrjs0qwecilemon say interest break news republican win georgia break news way happen fact david close least appear poll result well result actually really close ask say state affairs especially trump mandate donald trump keep support stay democrats look necessarily loss get close maybe hope midterms democrat delusion continue cnn anchor lemon republican win georgia break news video
make mistake ted cruz horrible get admire ability stick convictions terrible terrible convictions ted cruz lot things rag homophobe christofascist man think right tell women body something read book write people cking clue sun go night greasy pervert spend college days creep around girls dorm bathrobe man whose family seem disgust rest us coward.on wednesday cruz march right stage astonish republicans something previously unheard-of break free ever slightly hive mind seem absorb right time respectable reason course believe strongly god want president would completely destroy endorse hitler trump.cruz spout familiar rhetoric hear seemingly endless line right-wing automatons vomit verbal dysentery feel like eternity us addict info one thing miss hear rest endorsement sure cruz go far endorse donald trump ridiculous wall stop short throw full weight behind donald encourage conservatives vote conscience.these word cause vapid paint fume-huffing republican base erupt chorus boo demonstrate care acknowledge respective consciences.trump crowd turn cruz graham moomaw gmoomaw july 21 2016yes terrible scene almost something black mirror dreadfully surreal moment offer one small glimmer happiness distract rather depress image thousands republicans boo idea conscience look trump family faces.buzzfeed jon passantino post photo twitter trump family cruz speak ugly.the look trump face watch cruz speech jon passantino passantino july 21 2016others crowd react negatively amid roar enrage crowd heidi cruz escort away safety trump rabid fan turn angry ken cuccinelli escort heidi cruz trump supporters yell graham moomaw gmoomaw july 21 2016it may ted cruz commit political suicide selfish reason keep one last shred dignity leave cruz responsibility take stand donald trump sure method simply refusal endorse rest us opportunity head poll november say sort hate donald trump sure vote blue election day mean time enjoy look trump family face cherish remember see november.featured image via screengrab trump family expressions ted cruz rnc speech priceless
donald trump even take office yet republicans already launch full-scale war women rights.emboldened think trump appoint anti-choice judge supreme court ohio republicans tack amendment child abuse bill ban abortion six weeks conception.known fetal heartbeat measure amendment would extreme anti-abortion law nation governor john kasich sign it.most women even know pregnant time six weeks pass mean would force carry unwanted pregnancies term include women rap since amendment include exemption rape incest.ohio senate president keith fab say party make move donald trump election new president new supreme court appointees change dynamic consensus caucus move forward fab said.if trump able replace decease justice antonin scalia supreme court much would change alive since scalia anti-choice however trump get replace liberal like ruth bad ginsburg could tip scale pave way rule destroy roe v. wade rule abortion constitutional 7-2 margin addition fetal heartbeat portion amendment doctor would imprison perform abortion six weeks also fly face supreme court decision roe bar state outlaw abortion fetal viability around 22 24 weeks pregnancy.donald trump already disaster women right reproductive health even take office yet bet red state go embolden election well see fetal heartbeat bill bad next four years.featured image eduardo munoz alvarez/getty image trump embolden ohio republicans ban abortion six weeks conception
washington propose border tax house representatives kill thursday bring relief retailers large importers whose profit face threats remove hurdle keep negotiations long-promised republican overhaul u.s. tax code advance border adjustment tax part broad reform tax code push house republican leaders mean discourage company manufacture products overseas import unite state sale instead produce goods u.s. tax would generate roughly trillion revenue allow tax-code writers slash corporate tax rate without increase nation deficit remove controversial provision could make easy pass tax legislation likely narrow scope could become law suggest republicans likely implement simple rate cut accomplish sweep tax reform scale last major overhaul 1986 move territorial tax system company would pay tax profit earn unite state without new source revenue make difficult republicans make tax code change permanent deficit-neutral republicans look use rule would require passage tax bill simple majority mean would need democratic vote rule restrict create long-term deficits bill deficit-neutral tax cut would likely carry expiration date group six republican negotiators work tax reform thursday announce agreement target corporate rate cut signal tax lobbyists say show continue divisions among republicans closely watch rate corporate profit currently tax 35 percent president donald trump want slash 15 percent say promote business spend economic growth job creation debate pro-growth benefit border adjustability appreciate many unknowns associate decide set policy aside order advance tax reform big six republican tax negotiators say joint statement large retailers importers lobby aggressively border tax proposal include coalition include automakers like toyota 7203.t store like target tgt.n autozone azo.n best buy bby.n retailers argue border tax would drastically increase consumer price hit low- middle-class households big six comprise treasury secretary steve mnuchin gary cohn head national economic council represent trump house speaker paul ryan senate majority leader mitch mcconnell head two tax-writing committees congress senator orrin hatch representative kevin brady addition kill border tax group offer vague goals detail say remain commit increase expense corporations allow write cost new equipment quickly return profit hold american company overseas know repatriation low tax rate current 35 percent statement offer specific goals target personal income tax code always agreement tax relief american families heart plan big six say trump vow finish tax overhaul end year republicans leaders congress hopeful current debate repeal replace obamacare senate complete quickly allow congress turn attention tax code u.s. chamber commerce praise announcement progress toward ultimate goal overhaul code please satisfy get outcome say neil bradley head policy business group republicans kill border tax focus corporate rate cut
washington unite state tuesday condemn slay maltese journalist daphne caruana galizia say fbi respond malta request assistance investigate car bomb attack kill state department spokeswoman heather nauert say unite state condemn appal violence take place strong term call cowardly attack reporter dedicate fight corruption respond quickly prime minister request assistance government malta malta police force contact fbi investigation fbi provide specific assistance say nauert call thorough transparent independent probe u.s. condemn kill malta journalist say fbi assist probe
washington u.s. house representatives speaker paul ryan respond remark republican presidential candidate donald trump say sunday say muslim fall army captain humayun khan make ultimate sacrifice country sacrifice khizr ghazala khan always honor period ryan say statement house speaker ryan khan family sacrifice honor
washington white house economic adviser gary cohn remain post white house official say thursday speculation early day cohn possible departure rattle u.s. stock market dollar gary intend remain position nec national economic council director white house nothing change white house official say wall street investors also concern u.s. president donald trump refusal back initial reaction demonstrations charlottesville virginia would damage prospect economic agenda include tax reform key u.s. equity index 0.6 percent percent dollar touch high well day peak cohn speculation gary focus responsibilities white house official say decline comment whether president cohn speak cohn reaction happen week cohn decision remain come amid mount speculation top officials may look exit strategy wake grow backlash trump response saturday violence charlottesville trump say tuesday anti-racist demonstrators responsible violence neo-nazis white supremacists instigate protest remark spark rebuke fellow republicans top corporate executives close ally even supporters include vice president stand president fallout also lead disband two ceo advisory panel grow number chief executives nation large company resign week protest president response corporate executives presidential councils also issue strong statements denounce racism bigotry cohn leave top job goldman sachs group inc gs.n take white house position serve administration point man tax reform infrastructure priorities departure would see setback plan trump increasingly combative relationship congress exacerbate late tweet target senators party could restrain progress reform even republicans control white house senate house representatives one wall street executive ask name note cohn serve moderate influence white house often see divide among various camp steve bannon white house senior adviser close tie far-right group say interview publish wednesday constantly butt head cohn issue trade china fight fight every day bannon tell american prospect liberal-leaning political magazine trump adviser cohn remain talk swirl white house departures
tire support company care less future nation tire give job people break laws enter country vet un come state department sponsor program dime take stand stop support saw article wall street journal morning gush wonderful international rescue committee give loan refugees start businesses go talk industries need cheap immigrant labor want scream.four meat giants change face rural america cargill one cheap labor money meet globalist ceo cargill david maclennan davos one key players change rural towns america work us state department refugee contractors bring large number somali post amarillo tx enormous social economic tension cargill originally responsible overload help un/us state department refugee resettlement contractors city.last week cargill cave cair demand dispute prayer break time plant ft. morgan important feature new blog american resistance 2016 showcase enemy want responsible mass migration america become household name list products find cargill website swift pork productslist beef productslist chicken productslist additional food productshere map show cargill facilities across north america work election 2016 want identify elect officials pocket big meat expose refugee resettlement humanitarianism globalists greedy industries want improve bottom line social economic condition towns cities damn via refugee resettlement watch international company lure refugees illegals america…do buy meat
moscow russian president vladimir putin spokesman confirm wednesday receive email january last year adviser donald trump moscow real estate project say neither reply discuss putin washington post report week michael cohen one trump close business advisers email dmitry peskov putin spokesman seek help advance stall trump tower development project moscow trump run become president time peskov answer question matter conference call reporters wednesday say see email among many others say receive every day respond request kind thing deal job kremlin spokesman confirm among mass e-mail e-mail mr. michael cohen really happen say peskov say cohen write certain russian company certain people want build skyscraper moscow want help make stall project reality peskov say request topic respond fell outside job description react question business theme job leave matter without response say peskov say kremlin receive similar request subject raise subject cohen original email putin discuss hundreds thousands various request different countries get president putin say peskov kremlin say get trump adviser email tower project ignore
equinox los angeles one swanky gyms america celebrities like chloe kardashian mickey rourke renee zellweger sean comb see exit apparently okay accept exorbitant fee gym members long support current president donald j. trump.on facebook page equinox make secret fact transgenders welcome dc location members pay 200 300 initiation fee 160 250 monthly rat rave gym amenities include class teach former olympians spa treatments.equinox gym make pretty clear however one facebook post tolerate people beliefs actually tell facebook users narrow mind need apply hmmm .so ask member leave support president narrow mind watch video one sweet conservative voice social media jesse lee peterson tell story treat equinox gym los angeles video cut part jesse head story definitely worth listen conservatives specifically conservative trump supporters attack leftist bully everywhere need stand strong stick together never important time stand grind unafraid allow leave bully us submission attack bully harass management equinox los angeles support trump attack bully harass management equinox los angeles support trump 's happen https // jesse lee peterson jlptalk august 11 2017 black man claim kick swanky la gym support president trump…watch jesse peterson tell incredible story
taipei taiwan assure unite state intention cause trouble taiwan strait self-ruled island envoy summit asia-pacific leaders say monday comment jam soong come tell reporters vietnamese city danang weekend good exchange u.s. president donald trump secretary state rex tillerson informal moments summit events want create trouble taiwan strait lead u.s. china japan observers think troublemaker whole world hope taiwan troublemaker soong say response question interactions trump tillerson hope use peaceful mean solve relevant problems soong also say natural interaction chinese president xi jinping relations beijing taipei nosedive since president tsai ing-wen elect last year china believe want formal independence taiwan red line beijing part tsai say want maintain peace china defend taiwan democracy security china suspend regular dialogue mechanism taiwan since tsai come power step military exercise around island also increase diplomatic pressure win another two island dwindle number diplomatic ally soong chairman china-friendly people first party emphasize summit tsai repeatedly talk seek peaceful relations stability china month xi tell trump beijing taiwan important sensitive issue sino-u.s. tie taiwan tell u.s. want cause trouble taiwan strait
word deem offensive offensive white racist punishment give people matter color skin love know thoughts this.a high school baseball player lose scholarship cal state overhear use term nigger meanwhile college basketball player keep scholarship overhear use word live white one black.the leftist explanation acceptable black call socially unacceptable epithets make little sense make much sense blacklivesmatter meme create handful black deaths hand white people meanwhile thousands black black deaths garner similar sloganeering.white progressives declare okay black use epithets likely way epithet use proxy keep black psychologically under-classed hand ostensibly clean read iotw white baseball player lose scholarship use word black basketball player
know people wonder michael flynn turn well wall street journal confirm trump former national security advisor agree testify congress exchange one little thing full immunity prosecution.just news break associate mr. flynn one trump stooge devin nunes source specious secretly-gathered information allege trump investigation leader find middle-of-the-night rendezvous white house ground news break flynn ready talk mike flynn president donald trump former national security adviser tell federal bureau investigation congressional officials investigate trump campaign potential tie russia will interview exchange grant immunity prosecution accord officials knowledge adviser mr. trump presidential campaign late one mr. trump top aid white house mr. flynn privy sensitive foreign-policy deliberations new administration directly involve discussions possible lift sanction russia impose obama seem like mr. flynn naughty russians whatever information something consider much high value course yet know secrets flynn currently keep trump administration collusion russia seem safe assume news donald want get out.naturally internet love new development michael flynn probably stay away ledges balconies pie shop back seat cars swim pool bridge taco truck wil wheaton wilw march 30 2017flynn ask deal get interest danielm.potter potteronpoltics march 30 2017 costareports 've get right michael flynn go david wildstein russiagate kathleen martin ruralfabulous march 30 2017 lawrence look like trump administration die flynn cut deal nana nana nana nana hey hey hey goodbye .. coral anderson coralanderson20 march 30 2017 realdonaldtrump flynn flip family go prison lockup mar-a-lago outhouseatty march 30 2017this dark day trump administration good one rest us want rid bloat tangerine manchurian couch potato currently live white house.featured image via getty image chip somodevilla break michael flynn agree testify russia exchange immunity trump cked detail
havana association cuban businesswomen ask meet republican senator marco rubio florida explain impact country nascent private sector roll back detente u.s. relations rubio cuban-american politician advocate contact policy communist-run island advise president donald trump cuba policy welcome reversal obama administration efforts rapprochement current situation us worry would like share personal histories perspective cuba association represent women small businesses say letter rubio last month entrepreneurs take advantage economic open president raul castro build businesses say take americans visit cuba 2015 wake detente say businesses implode would like rubio bear unite state never cuba visit caribbean island witness impact u.s. policy want invite part team come learn cuba cubans businesses say niuris higueras owner atelier restaurant havana say business 60 percent year ago association say rubio office respond letter would continue seek meet office respond request comment rubio welcome trump announcement june would reverse former president barack obama policies cuba democracy restore say month new restrictions business travel go far enough entrepreneurs say speak much cuba private sector employ 600,000 island 11 million people begin lot cancellations president trump june make statement end obama policy say nidialys acosta run business rent vintage u.s. automobile nastalgicar people say scar uncertain julia de la rosa run 10 room bed breakfast say rentals 20 percent october expect decline new u.s. regulations individual travel kick month new rule limit individual travel make group visit onerous ban americans business patronize 180 cuban military-run businesses products ask anything simply take us opportunity keep work de la rosa say cuban businesswomen seek rubio meet u.s. policy bite
first time woman color feature coin portray lady liberty 100 225th anniversary gold coin commemorate found u.s. mint reflection cultural ethnic diversity unite state honestly damn time absolutely gorgeous new coin treasury mint officials unveil 2017 american liberty high relief gold coin https // usmint225 ustreasury unite state mint usmint january 12 2017of course conservatives see way busy cry big crocodile tear social media dare pretend anyone white people actually represent freedom nbcnews nbcblk .great social justice revisionist history institution sham deplor poomanchu kvncormier january 13 2017 kyle_espinola mad_jamaican nbcnews nbcblk matter destroy traditions merit appease people lack deplor poomanchu kvncormier january 13 2017 jannapropaganda westernnews4 realalexjones infowars collectors demand black lady liberty think another pc move jack burton jack_burton_10 january 13 2017. next cross dress half cast tranny appease pc ladyliberty kjv faithfulwordkjv january 13 2017 freedomchords michelle woman currency realalexjones infowars dominique roy dcory1964 january 13 2017 dcory1964 realalexjones infowars true lady liberty ladyboy dictator jerry mansfield freedomchords january 13 2017 lady liberty pc bullshit least patriotic group americans lol brandon brandonva420 january 13 2017 abc fake symbolism nothing improve live black white libtards discuss circle jerk fred fredicook january 13 2017 brasshonkey001 erik_l1965 abc newschannelnine lady liberty white like white create idea liberty soldier europe crusadereurope january 13 2017 abc newschannelnine another part shoot obama disgraceful erik larson erik_l1965 january 13 2017 nbcnightlynews meaningless statue liberty clearly white woman gross sjw pander obama treasury ray witts raymond_newgen january 13 2017 nbcnightlynews food stamp america look like s.h.g._nackt shg_nackt january 13 2017 foxnews foxnewsinsider could put ebt card steve steverinoc january 13 2017 tuscon_valdez nytimes coin baby dadies jam taylor americabirdcall january 13 2017 nytimes next muslim woman face cover ridiculous honda driver hondadriver13 january 13 2017call lady liberty wish everyone know slave lady liberty always white jesus always white nytimes dilligaf naicirtcele january 13 2017 nytimes pocket smell like afrosheen cheap weed regular white joe regularwhitejoe january 13 2017 ap wouldnt pay dime prove obama racist drg drg9766 january 13 2017 ap discrimination white people obama administration continue deplorabletony armas tarmas55 january 13 2017 tvmiller ap back black people value good time admiral theranthrope theranthrope january 13 2017lady liberty base libertas roman goddess freedom statue liberty model french sculptor mother likewise base depictions lady liberty conservatives mean must remain white obviously.except lady liberty idea actual person depict george washington black man bill washington real person white american ideal liberty encompass represent diversity america lady liberty symbol.this coin first series u.s. mint include asian woman native american woman hispanic woman lady liberty well cue crocodile tear whiny racist conservatives.featured image via embed tweet unite state mint new lady liberty black woman conservatives absolutely lose sh tweet
u.s. senate intelligence committee ask son president donald trump former national security adviser provide document testimony part panel probe russian meddle 2016 u.s. election source familiar congressional matter tell reuters michael g. flynn close aide father former u.s. army general michael flynn 58 fire trump three weeks white house job february come scrutiny foreign contact son manage father schedule accompany trip work flynn intel group consultancy include one moscow 2015 event elder flynn sit next russian president vladimir putin russia repeatedly deny conclusions u.s. intelligence agencies moscow interfere presidential campaign help republican trump hack democratic party email spread propaganda online barry coburn lawyer young flynn 34 decline comment senate committee request report early nbc news panel could issue subpoena young flynn although could invoke fifth amendment constitutional protection self-incrimination comply elder flynn also ask panel provide information testify source close flynn say turn document intelligence committees senate u.s. house representatives source familiar congressional investigation say senate committee satisfy want obtain evidence source also confirm senate panel issue subpoena former trump campaign foreign policy adviser carter page page decline committee request voluntarily turn record relate contact russians page tell reuters email tuesday cooperate everyone d.c. might want help interest help country get end witch hunt page say touch circulation dossier produce former british spy christopher steele purport link trump advisers russia senate committee seek speak steele also investigate whether collusion then-candidate trump campaign moscow officials trump deny collusion associate call fake news flynn consultancy business activities scrutiny congressional federal investigators mainly lobby work turkish businessman various congressional panel spar steele report outline russian financial personal link trump campaign associate senate press ex-trump aide 's son document russia probe source
cairo diplomats qatar four state boycott exchange heat word arab league meet tuesday tensions flare qatar minister state foreign affairs sultan bin saad al-muraikhi discuss boycott open speech despite gulf dispute agenda call gulf monarchy critics rabid dog even animals spar send savagely muraikhi say refer thousands camels leave strand border qatar saudi arabia border close saudi arabia uae egypt bahrain cut diplomatic trade link qatar june suspend air ship rout world big exporter liquefy natural gas home region big u.s. military base nations say doha support regional foe iran islamists qatar deny charge call economic boycott siege aim neuter independent foreign policy say promote peaceful regional reform fight terrorism kuwait try mediate dispute speech muraikhi refer iran honourable country say tie warm neighbor since blockade response ahmed al-qattan saudi arabia envoy arab league say congratulations iran soon god will regret exchange descend row muraikhi qattan tell quiet muraikhi say saudi arabia look depose emir qatar replace foreign minister sheikh mohammed bin abdulrahman al-thani help negotiate entry qatari pilgrims attend annual haj pilgrimage saudi arabia improper thing say kingdom saudi arabia never resort cheap methods want change regime must also know kingdom anything want god will qattan say egyptian foreign minister sameh shoukry say muraikhi comment unacceptable know qatar historic support terrorism provide extremist factions money syria yemen libya egypt lead death many egypt sons shoukry say qatar back muslim brotherhood government egypt overthrow military 2013. arab state demand qatar sever link brotherhood group deem terrorist ideological sectarian qatar neighbor trade barb arab league boycott
stories governments remove citizens home apartments european nations replace migrants need government subsidize house become common obama regime set ball motion fair share house social engineer legislators able stop insanity displace citizens receive house subsidies government favor refugees illegal alien live flat 16 years german woman force move make way refugees build new shelter expensive 51 year-old nurse help asylum seekers past shock news.bettina halbey live alone small town nieheim receive letter landlord local municipality start september die welt newspaper report thursday completely shock even begin find word describe city treat halbey tell german publication go lot difficulties recently get notice like kick teeth halbey may 2016 find new place live along dog cat three-story build rent 90 sq/m flat turn accommodation refugees seek make germany new home.the mayor nieheim rainer vidal population 6,000 defend decision send nurse pack say convert build would cheap option new residential unit 30 refugees nieheim would cost 30,000 33,600 solution cost nothing tell die welt.over half population germany live rent accommodation country laws defend right tenant normally private individual terminate term contract personal use municipality move flat legal entity process legally highly questionable ulrich ropertz spokesman german tenant federation tell telegraph via rt news germany kick residents make way refugees nurse shock kick flat 16 years
rome syrian conflict need resolve negotiations involve government opposition force russia unite nations italian prime minister paolo gentiloni say italy foreign minister early give back u.s. air strike syrian airfield friday say suitable response syrian aggression deterrent use chemical weapons leader bashar al-assad gentiloni whose country hold rotate presidency group seven industrialize nations tell reporters limit strike see stage process military escalation conflict syria must resolve negotiation include force regime opposition oversee u.n. decisive constructive role russia gentiloni say add recently speak leaders france germany position share italy say u.n. russia must central negotiate solution syria
washington u.s. senate republicans release text draft healthcare bill thursday senate majority leader mitch mcconnell say tuesday go lay discussion draft thursday morning mcconnell tell reporters add senate bill take different approach healthcare legislation pass house representatives last month mcconnell say hop assessment cost impact proposal congressional budget office come days senate 's mcconnell draft healthcare bill expect thursday
chicago u.s. house republican tax bill release thursday would put end tax-exempt debt issuance state local governments array health care education economic development finance take municipal market participants surprise propose elimination low-cost fund private activity bond many 3.8 trillion u.s. municipal market expect would raise nearly 39 billion federal government next nine years accord summary legislation come quite shock say barbara thompson executive director national council state house agencies note assurances congress private activity bond issuance would retain thompson say would devastate country production affordable house bill increase borrow cost harm ability state local governments build maintain infrastructure need critical health education port airports low-income house sandy maclennan president national association bond lawyers say statement non-profit hospitals major issuers tax-free bond fund capital project would also hit many communities tax-exempt finance private activity bond key maintain vital hospital service tom nickel executive vice president american hospital association say statement hospital access tax-exempt finance limit eliminate hospitals ability make investments new technologies renovations future challenge also chop block advance refund bond issuers u.s. municipal bond market use take advantage low interest rat outstanding bond call current-law advance refund bond provide state local governments incentives issue two set federally subsidize debt finance activity house bill summary state tax-credit bond never really catch investors would repeal federal tax credit exist bond would remain place bond issue professional sport facilities would subject federal taxation bill alternative minimum tax would end legislation tax apply earn small percentage muni bond sell issuers airports house authorities substantial private-activity components deal proposals sure thing bill long legislative process ahead change expect could vote law bill gale co-director urban-brookings tax policy center say likelihood final bill include elimination private activity bond high hard get support enormous number revenue raisers every one politically go hard gale say republican tax bill seek elimination municipal debt
look like one good reason elect paul ryan next speaker house best news hear week .. moderate wing gop concern house coalesce behind rep. paul ryan r-wi someone like speaker pragmatic members caucus retire national journal report monday de pend ing shake may see main street mem bers tire sarah cham ber lie chief op er ing fin cial ficer republic main street part ner ship support moderate gop lawmakers tell national journal hop ing ry an-type eat come huge mess sit ting two vocal gop critics conservative hardliners roil house leadership suggest national journal think retirement weigh members mind even currently consider step lot put hold ways people de cid ing run run rep. pete king r-ny tell national journal say personally consider retire cause give likewise rep. charlie dent r-pa say pre par ing run ning reelec tion right see hap pen next two months go ing pretty intense dent say via talk point memo great news house gop moderate threaten may see main street mem­bers rino re­tire get paul ryan speaker
donald trump piss new york time mistake bite ass.on tuesday morning trump attack newspaper falsely refer fail post link opinion piece write person cancel subscription snowflake handle honest coverage trump.the fail nytimes would much good honest https // donald j. trump realdonaldtrump march 28 2017trump continue tirade time wednesday morning refer newspaper fail falsely claim paper apologize subscribers.remember fail nytimes apologize subscribers right election coverage wrong bad donald j. trump realdonaldtrump march 29 2017trump whine administration cover media know truth hurts.if people great country could see viciously inaccurately administration cover certain media donald j. trump realdonaldtrump march 29 2017trump likely refer letter address subscribers write publisher arthur sulzberger jr. acknowledge newspaper underestimate trump amount support among conservatives.of course new york time get wrong multiple news outlets across media get wrong maybe right never know since russia interfere election trump behalf fbi director jam comey drop october surprise hillary clinton damage campaign despite new evidence worthless trump lose popular vote three million vote squeak one narrow electoral college win american history.anyway nowhere letter sulzberger apologize coverage time reporters journalist provide election trump bud scandals.that new york time fire back trump two hours tweet wednesday morning slam lie .. realdonaldtrump false apologize stand coverage thank millions subscribers support journalism nytco communications nytimescomm march 29 2017in fact new york time enjoy surge subscriptions ever since election day 170,000 new signups single trump take white house new york time continue enjoy surge readers subscribe get news donald trump desperately want read.the new york time dig deep trump russia scandal last months report damn next time trump bitch new york time know tell truth him.featured image david becker/getty image new york time fire back trump brutal fact-check twitter
tegucigalpa honduran president juan orlando hernandez hold lead main opposition rival partial recount dispute nov. 26 presidential vote spark political crisis website electoral tribunal show monday hernandez 42.98 percent vote tv star salvador nasralla 41.39 percent 99.96 percent vote tally accord tribunal website head tribunal david matamoros yet declare outright winner tell reporters party could still file legal challenge tribunal could still consider wide recount say would announcements late monday early last week nasralla former sportscaster game show host appear set upset victory hernandez gain five point lead half vote tally count suddenly halt day sporadic vote count start lean favor incumbent honduran electoral website show president 1.59 percent point ahead
trigger warn liberal school badass campus cop offend video may cause spike blood pressure two university south alabama students confront campus police wednesday one student cite cause alarm wear empty holster week empty holster protest students conceal carry alabama demonstrate students defenseless campus d.j parten president students conceal carry tell campus reform along fellow club member kenneth tews parten also promote upcoming screen movie take joke three campus police officer approach table demand footage obtain campus reform show one police officer ask search students exercise right refuse another officer become aggravate warn find something charge remain uncooperative threat eventually carry parten.the school website state weapons prohibit university house build park lot university property add include limit bullets ball bear bullets bullet ball pellets firearms gun knives paintball gun air gun hunt bow archery bow swords martial arts weapons replicas weapons toy water gun prohibit parton protest nothing policy even imply allow wear empty holster particularly since way draw attention school no-gun policy make headway intractable officer insist empty holster represent potential safety hazard imply existence firearm whose whereabouts could ascertain holster parten ask officer turn identification yeah somebody call officer reply matter-of-factly know no-weapons policy still want push uh protest parten submit short pause evidently catch off-guard notion empty holster might violate policy get permission wear officer query need permission wear parten reply confidently need permission university wear holster ask undisguised incredulity.standing rhetorical grind officer simply shrug challenge say no-weapons policy weapon understand officer concede take dean students gon na write disciplinary sic put attitude understand assume confrontational demeanor officer turn parten state gon na ask one time weapon parten tell home late video though first officer call parten others step away acknowledge neither students technically do anything wrong request safety well mine compliant future officer respond report possible weapon rule law explain get call think somebody might gun polite cooperative start difficult look like carry something friend hand pocket kind laugh ask take forget put little fold knife clip outside pocket parton tews counter least respect holsters reason officer call first place engage public display explicitly bill empty holster protest via campus reform badass campus cop cite students wear empty holster college ban water gun video
new york donald trump lose social media dominance first time republican presidential debate candidates make eighth show saturday night new hampshire instead many twitter take mock contender senator marco rubio come heavy attack saturday rival new jersey governor chris christie also saw big bump share social conversation end night trump followers still receive large share mention twitter inc twtr.n 33 percent compare rubio 20 percent ted cruz u.s. senator texas come third 15 percent twitter say hour debate rubio tweet candidate social media platform mark first time candidate trump come top within time frame overall rubio receive 10 mention per minute twitter last republican debate jan. 28 accord social media analytics firm zoomph three days new hampshire primary nov. election many mention negative rubio become target continue repeat many line campaign stump speech marco thing say rival chris christie governor new jersey president unite state governor state memorize 30-second speech talk great america end solve one problem one person moment measure twitter one top social moments night actress mia farrow miafarrow tweet rubio keep say thing marco rubio glitch rubioglitch account also emerge gain nearly 1,200 followers saturday night parody rubio robot tweet spanish english rubio also bad performance yet millennials popular message app yik yak 44 percent disapproval rat contrast ohio governor john kasich best performance millennials earn 41.4 approval rat maintain large share conversation yik yak debate also big night social media christie rarely top contender social mention accord brandwatch social media analytics firm second high percentage positive social mention 61.5 percent compare trump 62.5 percent tyler freeman tyfreem tweet gopdebate chris christie underrate candidate whole campaign finally stand tonight one best performances report anjali athavaley edit leela de kretser mary milliken sap sponsor content independently create reuters editorial staff fund part sap otherwise role coverage rubio christie kasich get debate traction social media
tuesday night one lone city richmond california unanimously vote impeach donald trump hope first unfortunately president oddly appropriate say richmond city councilmember jael myrick.councilmember gayle mclaughlin spearhead resolution call congress investigate president business hold something critics believe ground impeachment voice say country right speak course cities impeach president congress one resident mention actually voice gop control congress people stupid enough think congress impeach trump say richmond resident mark wassberg.another resident answer lot politicians will go record go say richmond resident ellen faden grass root bernie say start grass root source abc newshere video richmond may first city formally yes toothlessly endorse impeachment movement gain momentum among voters far nearly quarter million people sign petition impeachment tip iceberg petition well.whether happen still see trump already violate oath office profit presidency already violate emoluments clause constitution state leaders accept large gift foreign state might several examples damn fact years deny trademark plaster name china trademark suddenly approve last week.richmond fortunate situation congressperson two senators democratic might take gentle urge cities constituents get ball roll certainly start impeachment pence want.featured image joe raedle via getty image city unanimously vote impeach trump hop cities soon follow video
oklahoma city oklahoma supreme court rule cigarette tax pass late legislative session unconstitutional thursday morning.the tax expect bring 200 million revenue state budget tack extra 1.50 per pack cigarettes budget plan pass assume tax would hold.the tax originally pass deadline revenue raise bill republican lawmakers try eke fee tax would require three-fourths majority pass justices thursday rule fund raise could use non-smoking relate program bill could go regulatory fee.the state week seek rehear rule mary fallin issue response supreme court rule disappoint hear supreme court strike smoke cessation fee certainly respect justices authority discuss legislative leaders party need address 215 million shortfall create department human service department mental health substance abuse service oklahoma health care authority three agencies receive bulk money generate cessation fee.these agencies people serve sustain kind cut occur find solution belief come special session address minority leader scott inman release follow statement rule governor fallin republican legislators fail oklahoma caucus sound every alarm bell could stop happen yet urge governor fallin call special session republican leaders come together sen. spark draft truly bipartisan constitutional budget plan help restore reinvest rebuild oklahoma.with state agencies face budget cut even rule wait time work budget agreement special session legislature come together put plan place save precious time taxpayer dollars fix mess fail leadership put us fail policies cut tax wealthy well-connected.this cigarette tax band-aid put gap wind budget hole school 4-day weeks hospitals close public safety crisis cigarettes cheap republican policies benefit donors fail us.for entire story news oklahoma supreme court rule punish smokers cigarette tax unconstitutional …lawmakers force fill shock hole state budget
chicago democrats face years work focus kitchen table economic issue several election cycle want regain grind lose republicans chicago mayor rahm emanuel say wednesday democratic mayor nation third large city also say republican president donald trump legal political trouble give democrats chance regain large slice 1,000 seat democrats lose congress state legislatures since 2008. democrats control cities republicans dominate rural areas battle fight among swing suburban voters add go do singular election emanuel tell reuters wide-ranging exclusive interview real crux question party call kitchen table economics emanuel say home ownership affordable college job security retirement save health care key issue say chicago face fiscal problems untamed street violence since emanuel first elect mayor 2011. release 2015 dashcam video show chicago police officer fatally shoot unarm teenager lead street protest hurt mayor stand voters black live matter sue city wednesday seek force emanuel agree federal oversight propose police reform emanuel say justice department president trump participate wish different justice department emanuel say instead focus police body cameras train hire new cop supervisory roles add emanuel cite improvements leadership public transportation particular eighty-five percent people city happy public transportation system new york think could get 85 people let alone 85 percent say cite not-yet-published data annual ridership survey chicago transit authority emanuel blame illinois republican governor bruce rauner gridlock put state credit rat near junk status help bring chicago public school brink insolvency fundamental flaw inability find way say yes emanuel say rauner spokeswoman eleni demertzis say mayor democratic house speaker michael madigan blame state budget stalemate say every turn national politics emanuel position play role leader democratic party efforts recover 2016 electoral defeat serve white house adviser president barack obama president bill clinton lead 2006 mid-term campaign return democrats majority congress 38 percent approval rat may reuters/ipsos poll trump unpopularity figure dominant issue 2018 mid-term elections emanuel say decline predict whether trump finish term parlor game right say democrats must focus swing suburbs win elections chicago mayor say
berlin military solution unite state dispute north korea german chancellor angela merkel say friday add war word two countries wrong approach see military solution conflict merkel tell reporters berlin see need endure work u.n. security council ... well tight cooperation countries involve especially u.s. china germany intensively involve non-military solutions merkel say escalation rhetoric wrong answer merkel see military solution u.s. dispute north korea
oct. story correct para 18 show person attend concert likely kim yo jong hyonhee shin soyoung kim seoul promotion north korean leader kim jong un 28-year-old sister country top decision-making body sign strengthen position draw important people close center power experts officials say kim yo jong name alternate member politburo within rule workers party korea opaque all-powerful party organ top state affairs decide north official media say sunday make second woman patriarchal north korea join exclusive club kim kyong hui hold powerful roles brother kim jong il rule country since female kim jong un likely see threat challenge leadership say moon hong-sik research fellow institute national security strategy say go blood thick water kim jong un think kim yo jong trust unlike aunt promote politburo 2012 serve three decades party kim yo jong rise power unprecedented pace kim kyong hui see since husband jang song thaek regard no.2 leader pyongyang execute 2013. south korea spy agency believe seclude place near pyongyang undergo treatment unidentified disease accord august brief parliament jang wife relatives fall kim jong un favor kim jong un estrange half-brother kim jong nam kill toxic nerve agent malaysian airport february two women trial murder south korean u.s. officials believe kim jong un regime behind kim jong nam live exile macau criticize family dynastic rule brother issue stand order execution accord south korean lawmakers smartly dress kim yo jong hair usually pull back ponytail mostly see black suit black-heeled shoe make first debut state media december 2011 see stand tearfully next kim jong un funeral father since kim make several appearances brother giggle concert rid white horse smile receive flower behalf state function youth bubbly personality see state media stark contrast usually glum general age party cadres follow kim jong un official duties previously occasionally appear background young heiress move front center media photos recently assist brother numerous high-profile state events massive military parade april mark 105th birth anniversary found father kim il sing see rush behind pillars bring paperwork brother prepare give address month stand alongside unveil ceremony construction project pyongyang march 2016 accompany kim jong un field guidance nuclear scientists claim successful miniaturization nuclear warheads kim yo jong official inclusion 30-strong exclusive club north korea chief policy makers mean role within regime expand cheong seong-chang senior fellow sejong institute south seoul apart age little know kim yo jong february 2011 south korean tv station kbs show woman identify kim yo jong brother kim jong chol enjoy eric clapton concert singapore however reuters review picture show likely different person three reportedly go school switzerland full blood siblings bear kim jong il fourth partner ko yong hui kim jong chol old kim jong il sons involve politics lead quiet life pyongyang play guitar band accord thae yong ho north korea former deputy ambassador london defect south 2014 kim yo jong make vice director workers party propaganda agitation department handle ideological message media arts culture position lead u.s. treasury department blacklist along six north korean officials january severe human right abuse censorship conceal regime inhumane oppressive behavior last year south korea former spy chief say kim yo jong see abuse power punish propaganda department executives minor mistake north korean state media photo january 2015 spot wear ring fourth finger visit child care center south korean intelligence officials say kim might wed schoolmate prestigious kim il sing university confirmation whether indeed marry north korea 's 'princess one secretive state 's top policy makers
washington u.s. department justice lawsuit aim stop inc buy movie tv show provider time warner inc hear district court judge richard leon accord court file tuesday leon nominate court president george w. bush strange high-profile case 1990s work house representatives panel look iran-contra affair whitewater controversy new judge assign u.s. lawsuit t-time warner deal
washington republican u.s. senator susan collins say monday would vote sweep tax overhaul party leaders hope push congress week ensure passage despite seemingly universal opposition democrats first major overhaul tax code since 1986 legislation provide tax relief work families encourage creation job right america spur economic growth benefit americans say remark senate floor republican senator collins say vote tax bill
geneva switzerland send tunisian couple include brother presume knife attacker marseille train station france back home country security reason swiss federal police say tuesday early tuesday source close investigation say police detain two tunisians sunday want connection attack oct. assailant shoot dead french soldier kill two young women swiss say expel two tunisians link marseille attacker
probably untypical muslim taxpayer support family government make decision open border anyone care come support regardless size family age wife many case multiple wive hard turn government spigot politicians denmark condemn asylum seeker policy allow daham al hasan rake thousands benefit huge family reunited.the 47-year-old flee war-torn syria two years ago wife eight children arrive denmark.the unemployed migrant claim sick work grant family reunification remain 12 children two wive still syria.the migrant also say pain overwhelm could learn danish yet.the approval see danish taxpayer fork 214,128 danish kroners 21,883 child support family year.outraged officials raise concern policy suggest syrian man exploit country welfare system.integration spokesperson conservatives naser khader say highly problematic syrian refugee allow call sick avoid work learn danish support 20 children politician add possible someone intend work give vast sum call denmark implement upper limit number children person claim contributions for.shader say need save right man contribute grant hundreds thousands child support via express uk muslim migrant sick work wife kid government dole want import 2nd wife 12 kid
time want get computer walk apartment find cave woods live human race inevitably wipe read creation scientist expert scientific bat-shit insane theory stonehenge build two miles road decide would easy sit home wait end meantime torment follow televangelist jim bakker invite dr. dennis lindsay program wednesday discuss lindsay late discovery realm creation science truth behind stonehenge.hold hat stonehenge turn build giants create satan.lindsay tell bakker giants tool devil seek destroy israel destroy god creation whole plan redemption contaminate human race yes deliberately inflict permanent brain damage never get brain cells back go dead burn time.after make eye bleed occur creationists hate human achievement idea primitive humans could accomplish wonder stonehenge pyramid egypt infuriate especially occur independent christianity bible-humping freak startlingly low opinion humanity would prefer believe giants demons responsible instead human ingenuity genius.oh get bite muslim-bashing course refer mosque temple mount one holy sit islam squat hut stop douche go way rag dickhead imbecilic video via right wing watch upside entire story make want listen might giants that.featured image via screen capture satanic giants build stonehenge thing creationists video
keep eye anita moncreif knowledge power democrat party bad nightmare leave friends leftists parent leftists hang around people get view folks see tv present guy see racist angry people every time get chance image push tv try find one crazy tea party person try get say something make sure play black station see say okay people nut expect find kind support right everything anita moncreif believe true leave change take job acorn quickly discover democrat party really look interest black community low income neighborhoods begin understand would anything include break law grow democrat party make decision expose quickly find mainstream media go length keep truth criminal leave american amaze story decades death saul alinsky vision become reality barack obama hillary clinton acorn black live matter alinsky alive death four decades community organizing.anita ask help conservatives make movie reality need help build momentum film.please consider give whatever today click donate 10 20 whatever afford independent fund big funders organizations back us yet need need start shoot reach goal allow us begin shoot footage two party conventions buy us time raise awareness raise production administrative promotional budget much-needed film.we go communicate audience footage release film debut also communicate successes challenge along way together change way film produce promoted.the american leave right need see film decide go here.if necessary fund raise kickstarter account fund unlocked.eight years expose acorn immerse train speak examine effectiveness grassroots side aisle felt journey many truths tell finally ready offer movement eye view legacy alinsky rise grassroots movements across nation huge effort expensive stake high please chip 15 50 500 fund efforts film dnc rnc conventions next weeks.donate children alinsky phase together great things possibility documentary film fund ordinary people determine implement change major step toward illustrate bottom-up change done.your friend anita moncriefhere part ii anita amaze story grow believe black could support democrats…until take job acorn watch incredible story woman take obama leftist machine video
already know donald trump conceited might bring fragile ego worrisome habit whole new level.with inauguration days away many people work diligently prepare nation capitol event include limit get port-a-potties designate locations.well one passerby catch something camera post twitter image worker take blue painter tape put name port-a-potty company name company johns washington dc staple event even president obama image name company cover port-a-johns capitol `` `` 's johns tap guess avoid confusion tim krepp timkrepp january 13 2017according associate press workers prepare inauguration jan. 20 tap name company johns long supply portable restrooms major outdoor events nation capital.virginia-based johns call washington area top provider portable toilet rentals name apparently strike close home organizers inauguration donald john trump.workers place blue tape company name dozens portable restrooms instal near capitol inauguration right look though confirm trump cover name port-a-potty bear strike resemblance name heaven forbid port-a-potty inauguration day bear name new potus.the funny part kind obvious attention bring company name one likely notice everyone well do trump.featured photo draw angerer/getty image trump freak port-a-potties inauguration dumb reason image
tokyo japanese cosmetics firm apologize sign ban entry chinese people post one outlets highlight linger hostility foreign visitors japan strive extend shopping-driven tourism boom pola unit pola orbis hold inc say saturday image inappropriate poster share chinese social media sit friday without specify content location offend item photos sign handwritten japanese say entry chinese people prohibit shop window trend chinese taiwanese social media sunday pola around 4,600 store across japan apologize cause unpleasant feel inconvenience many people say remove sign soon confirm facts suspend operations store implement strict punishment say statement post top homepage japanese chinese pola mea culpa come japan look boost chinese-powered inbound tourism boom ahead 2020 tokyo olympics policy champion prime minister shinzo abe government japan weigh loose visa rule tourists china source tell reuters early year look widen tourism boom lend support consumer spend 23.8 million visit japan year october set course annual record visitors china no.1 source climb 13 percent year early 6.2 million period government data show many chinese tourists take advantage weak yen easy entry rule visit japan shop spree dub explosive buy cosmetics among popular items chinese shoppers pola incident first time year japanese firm offend china tokyo-based hotel real estate developer apa group come fire year book place hotels contain essay deny 1937 massacre japanese troop chinese city nanjing follow street protest call boycott chain china tourism administration apa june temporarily remove book hotels host athletes sport event say would 2020 olympics japanese cosmetics maker pola say sorry racist poster
11 tuesday morning fbi director jam comey announce fbi would recommend democratic presumptive nominee hillary clinton charge crime relation mishandle government email secretary state.comey first spend several minutes explain fbi carefully comprehensively go multiple servers clinton use time state department fbi go email provide well email receive people contact even reconstruct many delete personal email could hard drive think super cool scenes hollywood movies hackers recover delete email except really long tedious process.a lot people pray hop fbi would find smoke gun minutes seem like comey announce find email classify information secret level confidential level secret high classification confidential .however comey also explain absolutely evidence email delete attempt cover anything even explain process lawyers would unintentionally delete email turn may sound like defend clinton simply explain process lead fbi conclusions criminal action taken.comey also explain direct evidence hillary servers hack definitely risk way know hack way system set might sound like split hairs important distinction proper precautions take would easy definitively know something happened.comey go tear state department new one extremely careless handle classify material finally get fbi recommendation system prosecutors make decisions whether charge appropriate base evident fbi help collect although normally make public recommendation prosecutors frequently make recommendations engage productive conversation prosecutors resolution may appropriate give evidence case give importance matter think unusual transparency order.although evidence potential violations statutes regard handle classify information judgement reasonable prosecutor would bring case.comey also say find case would support bring criminal charge facts necessarily end saga hillary email department justice could still decide press charge anyway although unclear would hope accomplish give lack evidence likely outcome donald trump lose best chance defeat hillary weeks bellow fix one remember drama eric thayer/getty image fbi announce result investigation hillary clinton
bangkok european union resume political contact level thailand foreign affairs council say monday put relations hold follow 2014 coup thai military move come thailand prime minister prayuth chan-ocha announce october general election would take place november 2018 precise date junta give many delay since 2014 coup government however yet end political ban would allow political party campaign ahead vote eu thailand third trade partner china japan thailand eu third-largest trade partner association southeast asian nations asean thailand export goods worth 19.6 billion 23.11 billion eu 2015 accord european commission council decide resume political contact level thailand order facilitate meaningful dialogue issue mutual importance include human right fundamental freedoms road towards democracy eu foreign affairs council say statement june 2014 eu say would keep relations thailand review put hold sign partnership cooperation agreement pca aim close economic political tie thailand express concern freedom expression country call swift return democracy sign pca talk eu-thailand free trade agreement fta could resume democratically elect civilian government new constitution statement say unite state also downgrade tie thailand follow coup scale back joint military exercise among things accord european commission eu export goods worth 13.4 billion 15.80 billion thailand 2015 include machinery transport equipment 0.8480 euros eu resume political contact 'at level thailand statement
course put america first totally foreign concept man occupy high office nation obama appear even temporarily give game golf order spend every last second final term form alliances communist leaders shut american company like coal industry promise bankrupt destroy basic right afford us us constitution absolutely regard would anyone expect obama protect american business without something boston globe report u.s.-based shoe manufacturer new balance come hard trans pacific partnership trade deal odd thing though boston company go quiet tpp last year apparently know new balance officials say one big reason tell department defense would give serious consideration contract outfit recruit athletic shoes.but order place new balance officials say pentagon intentionally delay balance revive fight trade deal would part gradually phase tariff shoe make vietnam loss tariff company say would make import cheap jeopardize factory job new england.tariffs shoe steep new balance one handful shoe company still manufacture shoe unite state though 75 percent shoe make abroad company leaders appear disagree now-broken deal underhanded quid pro quo deal rob demartini ceo new balance tell wmtw want compete big piece business confident win matt lebretton vp public affairs company tell globe swallow poison pill tpp could chance bid contract assure would top-down approach department defense agree either support remain neutral tpp chance department defense buy shoe make usa slim none obama president fight come result statutory requirement know berry amendment place restrictions items use members arm force manufacture new balance hop u.s.-made shoe could put end exemption import athletic shoe dod allow recent years via weekly standard obama pressure u.s. shoe company keep mouth shut…but deal off…and gloves
jan. 31 story 11th paragraph correct show two iranian plaintiffs man woman two men scott malone dan levine boston/san francisco legal challenge president donald trump first move immigration spread tuesday three state sue executive order ban travel unite state citizens seven majority-muslim countries massachusetts new york virginia washington state join legal battle travel ban white house deem necessary improve national security challenge contend order violate u.s. constitution guarantee religious freedom san francisco become first u.s. city sue challenge trump directive withhold federal money u.s. cities adopt sanctuary policies toward undocumented immigrants local officials argue help local police make immigrants will report crimes legal maneuver late act defiance executive order sign trump last week spark wave protest major u.s. cities thousands people decry new president action discriminatory policies line campaign promise republican businessman-turned-politician trump vow build wall mexican border stop illegal immigration take hard-line step prevent terrorist attack unite state restrictions seven muslim-majority countries new limit refugees support many americans 49 percent respondents reuters poll conduct monday tuesday say agree order 41 percent disagree massachusetts contend restrictions run afoul establishment clause 1st amendment u.s. constitution prohibit religious preference bottom violation constitution massachusetts attorney general maura healey say order halt travel people passports iran iraq libya somalia sudan syria yemen 90 days order also bar resettlement refugees 120 days indefinitely ban syrian refugees discriminate people religion discriminate people country origin healey say boston press conference flank leaders tech healthcare education sectors say order could limit ability attract retain highly educate workers massachusetts back lawsuit file weekend boston federal court two iranian men teach university massachusetts dartmouth federal judge block government expel men country halt enforcement order seven days follow similar limit move four state attorneys general new york virginia also say state join similar lawsuits file respective federal court challenge ban speak students colleges universities unable return virginia virginia attorney general mark herring tell reporters action take lightly one take confidence legal analysis monday liberal-leaning washington state become first u.s. state attorney general initiate lawsuit trump challenge travel ban multiple foreign nationals also file lawsuits challenge ban include one file colorado tuesday libyan college student two file chicago include one behalf iranian father three children live illinois protest trump executive action continue tuesday several cities crowd several thousand demonstrators gather federal courthouse minneapolis chant hey hey ho ho muslim ban get go dozens protesters chant slogan los angeles international airport 400 demonstrators gather downtown miami protest travel ban trump crackdown sanctuary cities san francisco city attorney dennis herrera file suit trump order threaten cut fund cities sanctuary policies move could stop flow billions dollars major u.s. population center include new york los angeles chicago allow implement executive order would make communities less safe would make residents less prosperous would split families apart herrera say sanctuary cities adopt policies limit cooperation refuse comply u.s. immigration customs enforcement detainer request advocate policies say beyond help police crime report make undocumented immigrants will serve witness fear contact law enforcement lead deportation san francisco massachusetts action contend trump order question violate 10th amendment u.s. constitution state power grant federal government fall state michael hethmon senior counsel conservative immigration reform law institute washington call san francisco lawsuit silly political gesture note prior federal court decisions make clear u.s. government prohibit policy essentially impede legitimate federal program challenge trump 's immigration order spread u.s. state
u.s. president donald trump interview several top prospect post chair federal reserve nomination could come within weeks term current chair janet yellen end february 2018. yellen meet trump job thursday graphic next chair federal reserve click face choice two continuity candidates yellen governor jerome powell clutch outsiders include gary cohn currently top economic advisor former feed governor kevin warsh stanford university economics professor john taylor short profile candidates gary cohn 57 director national economic council experience longtime goldman sachs employee president chief operate officer wall street bank 2006 2017. education bachelor degree business american university policy position cohn current job director nec give little reason comment monetary policy worry past feed constrain action central bank try keep currencies weak word wake tomorrow every central bank world raise interest rat percent world would much good place pros candidacy practitioner understand financial market time feed attempt unwind bond portfolio buy 2008 financial crisis trust white house many congressional republicans give cohn high-profile role trump administration con candidacy formal economics background time feed lean ever econometric model decipher mix signal inflation employment data decades-long career goldman sachs personal fortune worth least 260 million could raise eyebrows come confirmation senate members side see investment bank symbol financial industry excess criticism trump wake charlottesville virginia protest jerome powell 64 federal reserve governor experience lawyer investment banker partner private equity firm carlyle group 1997-2005 senior treasury official george h.w bush feed governor since 2012 appoint president obama education bachelor degree politics princeton university law degree georgetown university policy position powell never dissent feed line yellen support slowly raise interest rat long economy continue grow inflation expect rise advocate ease aspects dodd-frank regulations discuss ways revise volcker rule word committee patient raise rat patience pay dividends ... would view appropriate continue gradually raise rat pros candidacy uncontroversial pick position could compromise replace yellen provide continuity republican currently board governors already help guide economy recovery would likely get bipartisan support congress familiarity market financial regulation may consider plus con candidacy current feed member identify centrist wing republican party may provide enough change trump decide replace yellen expertise less formal economics market financial regulation may seem much overlap new vice chair supervision randal quarles john taylor 70 senior fellow stanford university hoover institution experience undersecretary treasury international affairs george w. bush administration 2001 2005 member council economic advisers presidents jimmy carter george h. w. bush education phd economics stanford university policy position developer eponymous taylor rule set interest rat taylor feel feed transition rules-based policy order make decision-making predictable-transparent-accountable word important basic understand monetary policy strategy fomc require adopt explain monetary strategy compare strategy monetary policy rule transparent way pros candidacy train economist whose elegantly simple research 1990s transform debate central bank set rat support among key capitol hill republicans feel feed much discretion well know central bank circle even ideas universally support con candidacy long-term member central bank academic cliques trump may want disrupt advocacy rule-based policy may land thud institution thrive consensus judgment break yellen current policy framework could disrupt market taylor insist broad reform kevin warsh 47 visit fellow stanford university hoover institution experience feed governor 2006 2011 economic adviser president george w. bush 2002 2006 lawyer morgan stanley seven years education bachelor degree public policy stanford university law degree harvard university policy position warsh feel feed try fine-tune economy argue policymakers much discretion feel feed aim inflation percent effectively low inflation target word accept feed newfound conviction low neutral equilibrium real short-term interest rate fix feature future monetary policy ... central bank academic community engage fundamental rethink feed strategy tool governance communications pros candidacy former banker several years former feed chair ben bernanke right-hand man financial market familiarity wall street wife jane lauder warsh daughter cosmetics magnate ron lauder longtime friend trump serve president economic advisory council disband con candidacy may see hawkish president call low interest rate person academic economist like yellen bernanke still maintain u.s. monetary policy need full makeover worry inflation even 2008 financial crisis hit quit feed second round bond-buying possible black mark judgment give success quantitative ease program even quit feed bond buy never dissent fomc decisions janet yellen 71 federal reserve chair experience also serve feed governor president san francisco feed feed vice chair 2010 2014 education phd economics yale university policy position yellen steer feed towards gradual rate increase slow reduction balance sheet dependent evidence continue economic recovery argue post-crisis financial regulation make economy stable without sacrifice growth word colleagues may misjudge strength labor market ... even fundamental force drive inflation ... policy formulate face significant uncertainties view strengthen case gradual pace adjustments pros candidacy career feed system four years head earn trust market show shift policy without major disruption grow economy low unemployment strong stock market make case continuity trump say publicly feel good job con candidacy could see democratic holdover president may want put stamp feed feel core regulations approve financial crisis remain intact possible friction administration deregulatory bend republican leaders want feed less discretion monetary policy idea yellen resist factbox trump pick lead federal reserve
socialism work guess venezuela get memo toilet paper food yes come socialist hellhole venezuela product shortages become severe hotels country ask guests bring toilet paper soap local tourism industry spokesman say wednesday extreme situation say xinia camacho owner 20-room boutique hotel foothills sierra nevada national park year toilet paper soap kind milk coffee sugar tell guests come prepare montilla say big hotels circumvent product shortages buy toilet paper basic supply black market smugglers charge 6-times regular price small family-run hotels always afford pay steep price mean sometimes make without camacho say refuse buy toilet paper black market principle black market pay 110 bolivares 0.50 roll toilet paper usually cost 17 bolivares 0.08 supermarket camacho tell fusion want participate corruption black market four hours day line toilet paper supermarket recently venezuelan officials stop people transport essential goods across country effort stem flow contraband camacho guests could potentially toilet paper confiscate even make hotel shortages queue black market official theft blame cia yes venezuela truly achieve socialism.but never understand toilet paper hard make toilet paper understand socialist economy trouble produce decent cars computers toilet paper soap match sure say try communism sahara get shortage sand still shortage paper seem like real cato toilet paper socialism final stag venezuela byotp
professor olga cox teach human sexuality orange coast college tell class december election donald trump act terrorism despite cox recently nominate select fellow faculty members professor year award.according students orange coast college tradition recipient annual professor year award keynote speaker school graduation ceremony year act terrorism professor cox say class december regard president trump election one frighten things people life continue people commit assault among us strange country come attack sense mean american things stand make painful video capture professor olga cox disgust remark comment videotape occ student caleb neil suspend school allegedly unlawfully record indignant professor school retract punishment face backlash.the selection professor year award make committee consist faculty staff administrators base rubric take account multiple factor include teach service campus community involvement despite nationwide negative attention condemnation community wake incidents committee recommend professor cox choice receive professor year occ administration accept committee nomination.doug bennett executive director college advancement occ confirm red alert politics email professor cox nomination professor year award decline accept member campus community nominate professor cox award committee select rubric award make decline say bennett red alert politics professor call election president trump act terrorism choose professor year video
1999 video jesse jackson praise donald trump contribution black community award lifetime achievement award african americans difference years behind name make wfb speak crowd minister march justice rev jesse jackson suggest president trump worry gain citizenship heaven trump say must able speak language english qualify job skill jackson say monday jesus would qualify come trump country would qualify get jesus kingdom difficult understand jackson video mumble much commentary translation see quote minister march justice spearhead rev al sharpton feature minister various traditions unite oppose trump administration event take place 54th anniversary martin luther king jr. march washington jackson shy away use religious language judge president.after judge trump ability enter heaven quote part passage gospel matthew jesus say tell followers final notorious shake artist jesse jackson really one decide give admittance heaven 2006 government watchdog judicial watch release report reveal new detail intimidation shakedown tactics jesse jackson rainbow push coalition.wnd report jesse jackson expose claim jackson extortionist use influence civil right leader essentially blackmail wealthy corporations absurd discrimination threats include group say incriminate admissions jackson make oath trial among tactics highlight report jackson lobby federal communications commission block company seek government approval merge donate money rainbow push.jackson publicly chastise toyota run ad jackson deem racist toyota pull ad jackson threaten boycott automaker force launch 7.8 million diversity program jackson instal one friends j.l armstrong management position toyota determine organizations would receive 700 million contract award toyota.minority businesses pay jackson trade bureau fee help extort lucrative contract corporations trial jackson compare trade bureau noah ark claim minority businesses organizations inside ark survive judicial watch bring lawsuit jackson son jonathan jackson rainbow push coalition behalf rev jesse lee peterson black minister founder los angeles-based brotherhood organization new destiny.peterson write book title scam take jackson task one america self-appointed black leaders recall entire black race country take national vote elect jesse jackson al sharpton louis farrakhan naacp california congresswoman maxine water congressional black caucus liberal black preachers leaders peterson write yet seize mantle leadership claim speak black nation another expose jackson kenneth timmerman book shakedown expose real jesse jackson go back several decades include ordination reverend describe two three year process earn title timmerman say jesse jackson get ordain two months martin luther king shoot essentially political ordination shotgun ordination go long procedure license preach far could determine go church ordain go two-year process never submit authority church never church accountable one timmerman assert jackson things help black community jesse jackson help first lol shakedown artist jesse jackson tell crowd president trump would qualify get jesus kingdom video
washington republican presidential candidate chris christie dismiss puppet former mentor jeb bush call fit serve up-and-coming republican marco rubio become man beat next week new hampshire primary rubio unexpectedly strong third-place show monday iowa caucus make target rival republican candidates focus campaign new england state first-in-the-nation primary christie new jersey governor former florida governor jeb bush ohio governor john kasich hope strong show new hampshire boost flag campaign become republican nominee nov. election replace democratic president barack obama christie say thursday would race lose rubio new hampshire kasich tell audiences would go back ohio get smoke u.s. senator ted cruz iowa caucus strong evangelical christian credentials expect less appeal voters new hampshire real estate mogul donald trump second-place show iowa raise question well popularity survive vote booth christie one rubio fierce critics week call first-term u.s. senator florida boy bubble day iowa vote continue personal vein attack thursday control candidate see race handlers handle time christie say fox news need take control atmosphere believe control hillary clinton fall say clinton former secretary state battle u.s. senator bernie sanders vermont democratic nomination bush whose establishment republican credentials guarantee public support also turn former protege wednesday take full-page ad lead new hampshire newspaper union-leader attack rubio ready serve commander chief nearly every political leader florida stature know marco jeb record join us endorse governor bush ad read rubio garner significant endorsements since monday include u.s. senator tim scott south carolina hold primary month u.s. representative matt salmon arizona co-founder conservative house freedom caucus additional report susan heavey edit andrea ricci sap sponsor content independently create reuters editorial staff fund part sap otherwise role coverage rubio attack new hampshire primary race heat
palm beach fla./washington u.s. president donald trump consider issue new executive order ban citizens certain countries travel unite state initial attempt clamp immigration refugees snarl halt amid political judicial chaos trump announce possibility brand new order could issue soon monday tuesday surprise talk reporters aboard air force one late friday japanese premier head estate florida weekend signal possible new tack come day appeal court san francisco uphold court rule last week temporarily suspend trump original jan. 27 executive order ban travel seven majority-muslim countries trump give detail new ban consider might rewrite original order explicitly exclude green card holders permanent residents say congressional aide familiar matter ask identify could alleviate concern express court new order however could allow trump critics declare victory argue force change course first major policy president whether trump issue new order administration may still pursue case court original order still review 9th u.s. circuit court appeal white house chief staff reince priebus tell reporters late friday take case supreme court remain possibility another white house official say early day administration plan escalate dispute every single court option table include appeal ninth circuit decision tro temporary restrain order supreme court include fight case merit priebus say addition pursue executive order right expect enact soon protect americans terrorism trump original order call national security measure mean head attack islamist militants bar people iran iraq libya somalia sudan syria yemen enter 90 days refugees 120 days except refugees syria ban indefinitely abrupt implementation order plunge immigration system chaos spark wave criticism target countries western ally america lead corporations especially technology firm federal judge seattle suspend order last friday legality challenge washington state elicit barrage angry twitter message trump judge court system rule uphold appeal court san francisco thursday raise question trump next step official familiar trump plan say order rewrite among involve would likely white house aide stephen miller involve draft original order well officials national security council justice department department homeland security clear new order trump would immediately put travel ban back place file lawsuits include state washington would succeed ask judge another hold trump issue new order still likely face legal challenge opponents could ask court let amend complaints say alexander reinert professor yeshiva university cardozo school law new york air force one trump address san francisco court fight say win battle unfortunate part take time statutorily ... need speed reason security matter could move forward next week unidentified judge 9th circuit friday request court 25 full-time judge vote whether temporary block trump travel ban rehear 11-judge panel know en banc review accord court order 9th circuit ask side file brief thursday separate case friday justice department lawyers argue federal court alexandria virginia preliminary injunction would put long hold trump executive order seattle court rule focus solely visa holders judge leonie brinkema ask administration evidence threat pose citizens seven countries aboard flight trump wife melania daughter ivanka son-in-law jar kushner japanese prime minister shinzo abe wife akie trump land even go mar-a-lago estate palm beach trump weigh revise travel ban supreme court test still possible