commentsin this paper xrd and xps were employed to analyze the surface topographical and phase transformation of monolithic zirconia four brands of zirconia zenostar zr upcera st cercon ht and diazir st mm were ground and polished using one of four systems the komet kit eve kit toboom kit or shofu kit it was found that the eve polishing regimen produced the best polishing effect while tob kit resulted in the roughest surface morphology the atomic percentages of yttrium in the specimens of cercon before and after polishing were the highest this work is interesting however there are some thesis lacks valid evidence therefore i recommend resubmit your manuscript after addressing the comments belowthe grammar of the paper needs to be polished and the logic and coherence of
the submitted article by ms gamrotwrzol and colleagues falls within the scope of the journal as it serves to better understand the fluid dynamics effects of glottal enlargement surgery on the breathing of patients with bilateral vocal fold paralysis the scientific question of the paper to determine the effectiveness of arytenoidectomy with posterior cordectomy by means of fluid dynamic simulation is clinically highly relevant and will be of interest to the readershipwith patients included the number of cases is high compared to comparable published studies given the rarity of these surgeries and definitely sufficient for the studythe work is ethical sound all methods used are presented in such a way that they can be reproduced by any scientist and the results have been correctly evaluated and statistically assessedthe
in this manuscript the authors analyzed the physical properties and slope stability of a channel project case through triaxial rheological experiment and numerical study the structure about this manuscript is generally good information the approach is convincing and promising results of this study provide some valuable insights into the mechanical behavior of red slope rocks i think this paper can be considered to further publication after addressing the comments below abstract whose abstract is not concise enough please refine it the sentences in abstract the stream is generally safe and stable and the loose rock and soil mass on the local slope slides which this be caused by the longterm weathering and softening of the red and soft side it is that the conclusion is uncertain and not
abstract has to revised for each view what is the reason for using edm given in section add the definition of gra and please bring out a new table for starting expected and experimental results for comparison in the work anova can be discussed with references as it not be a general result
there has been a growth in ai application research and development the authors have applied and investigated application effects of mechatronics technology in intelligent manufacturing and intelligent control system for three different technologies namely the cloud computing manufacturing technology iot enabled manufacturing technology as well as artificial intelligence enabled manufacturing technologiesai techniques like support vector machine decision tree knearest neighbor naive bias as well as random forest classifiers are also applied to compare the effectiveness of the intelligent manufacturing system the literature and writing quality of the manuscript is satisfactory but some minor changes are required to make this manuscript to match the standards of the journal of big stature like hindawi publications i recommend that this paper is minor revision
this paper through the efforts of doctors and nurses combined with the corresponding nursing mode has brought security for the elderly in their later life and touched on the key issues of social concern so it is a solid thesis articleas for the discussion of the abstract part it is best to modify the way of discussion in the followup and reduce the use of subheadings so that the narration will be more smoothwhat is the cost of this care model and whether the patients family can afford it for this model for the elderly without children whether they can afford itit is important to further standardize the format and the data availability format at the end of the article is significantly different from the rest of the
this study again uses stft for timefrequency analysis to obtain the frequencyhopping orchestral sound signal spectrogram and on this basis a threshold correction link is added to measure the accuracy a frequencyhopping orchestral sound signal parameter estimation combined with the literature cited in this study this study has good research results and the research result has certain academic significance here are my specific comments this study uses the method of designing an adaptive system to solve the problem of noise fluctuation and what is the core idea in the secondary configuration step the secondary location method is used to detect the effect and filter out of strong acoustic or timbre signal segment which is lacking in this study on obtaining the initial threshold compare the obtained initial threshold
this paper studies an interesting topic and falls within the scope of the journal however this paper needs a major revision before publication my commentsthe literature review is insufficient and needs to be further improved and updated some of the latest relevant papers should be cited such as channel structure and pricing in a dualchannel closedloop supply chain with government subsidy international journal of production economics pricing and safety investment decisions in food supply chains with government subsidy journal of food quality sustainable supply chain management considering technology investments and government intervention transportation research part e logistics and transportation review the authors claim to study poverty alleviation and farmers problems but the models and analysis lack these characteristicsthis paper does not make a substantial contribution i suggest that
the format of the references should be in a unified fashionthe introduction to the design of the experiments should be made clearer in table do the bullet and the shell mean the same thing
manuscript have been written in a well concise manner and is a novel topic of study however it was found that the study has been previously published uploaded to preprint server need to check with editorial teamminor english edits are requiredalso authors can elaborate the abstract more so that aim of study can be defined
in this paper an edgecomputing based energy storage management method is proposed the idea is novel and interesting the simulation results also show the effectiveness of the proposed method the followings are some suggestions for authors some quantitative results should be presented in the abstract in paragraph in introduction the word computing is redundant the authors should delete it the current energy storage management strategies have been well introduced however the edgecomputing based energy storage management methods or some energy storage management methods with decentralized frameworks in some literatures have not been discussed by authors such asi peng yang wei guo guanghua wu cong wang kai zhang ran zhang edge computing and hswitchingbased networked control for frequency control in multimicrogrids with time delays wireless communications and mobile computing
remote sensors observe earths physical chemical and biological processes satellite highcontent image for remote sensing is standard explain how remote sensing data benefits meteorology mineral mining climate prediction and land surveys how remote sensing for mineral prospecting as an emerging area works how images related to unaltered hyperspectral sensor works for the same what preparation is needed before analyzing satellite images how preprocessing phases include atmospheric correction image registration geometric correction and masking what are the main types of mis what is eis in the management information system what are the four types of information systems which of the four significant types of information systems tps mis dss or ess do you think is the most valuable to an organization explain the approaches to mis development of an
thanks for inviting me to review the manuscript entitled growth differentiation factor prevents sepsisinduced acute lung injury in mice by dong et al in this manuscript the authors investigated the role and mechanism of gdf in lpsinduced inflammation oxidative stress and ali they found that gdf was downregulated in ali and gdf treatment significantly prevented lpsinduced ali and the mechanism was related to stingampk pathway overall the manuscript is elegant with novelty and wellwritten data supported the findings and conclusions i have some minor comment the structure of compound c should be disclosed otherwise the data with cc should be removed from the manuscript what is sod activity sod sod or other a conclusion figure demonstrating the pathways in which gdf modulates lpsinduced ali would make the conclusion
economic growth and environmental protection are consistent in objectives and interact with each other therefore while economic growth is required attention should also be paid to the coordination of environmental protection the purpose of this paper is to design a new environmental and economic coordination prediction model based on neural network integration and big data analysis this idea is very good but there are some problems in other aspects of the article that need attentionaat present the sustained economic growth still depends on the high input of resources to a great extent the high consumption and emission of resources not only aggravate the shortage of resources but also cause environmental pollution and ecological damage the paper focuses on the new environmental economy but the data research is not
this is a wellwritten paper containing interesting results which deserve publication for the benefit of the reader however a number of points need to be clarified and certain statements require further justification there are given below about section of introduction this part involves the introduction of foreign related technology which can be discussed in sections try to set the problem discussed in this paper in more clear write one section to define the problem for the graphs in the article please further upgrade their picture quality using figure as an example furthermore the tables in the article need to be further standardized such as the blank spaces in the table need to be filled with horizontal bars whether this method has a real therapeutic effect on women patients
the present study effects of improving sleep quality in the third trimester on the incidence of postpartum depression in primiparas is interesting nevertheless some minor concerns may be raised to improve further this manuscript before it published too many english mistakes are existed in the manuscript the grammar need to be corrected thoroughly in the manuscript inclusion criteria over years of age weeks of gestation primipara no depressive symptoms in the prenatal depression patient health questionnaire puerperae with good compliance and hospitalization for more than week voluntarily signed the trial weeks of gestation primipara is that two or one criteria in results part tables need to be referenced in the results in tables some words may be capitalized such as sleep quality sleep quality please check it carefully
news reports in media of an important role in bringing about the analysis of people this work also gives use of the digital news presented in small gdelt dataset for a full page duration the topic is very interesting however these are some defects which should be noted as follows the main contributions of the paper should be introduced clearly this is clear that the background of the paper is not presented very well the format is not designed well please adjust them
the content and structure of this paper are pretty logical and well organized with very clear goals but i have the following minor issues that need to be addressed by the authors before i can publish it what situation is critical to make the rule objective and please explain it in your paper please analyze the role and significance of various sensory information in motion control after testing the wireless sensing network of this system it can be seen that the maximum communication distance between nodes is m since the working environment of the system is relatively homogeneous it is blocked by fewer interfering factors and obstacles the transmission distance is shorter and the functional stability of the system is more substantial so that it can meet the
this paper demonstrated that gubenxiezhuo decoction can significantly reduce inflammation oxidative stress and kidney injury and improve intestinal flora distribution and body weight gubenxiezhuo decoction significantly reduced kidney injury by inhibiting inflammatory response oxidative stress and intestinal virulence gene expression this study was the first attempt which illustrated that colon dialysis with gubenxiezhuo decoction alleviated kidney injury via suppressing inflammatory response oxidative stress and inhibiting the expressions of intestinal virulence genes in dn patients and dn ratsthere are some spelling mistakes and grammar errors in the manuscript authors should check the paper carefully and correct them accordinglywas this study approved by the animal ethical committee authors should specify this important thing in the revised manuscript the authors should cite the literature for specific methods of colon dialysisthe sample
the authors did e good work in this paper its completely ready for publication but a few small improvements can make it more impactful and clean put a workflow diagram for the understanding of readers easily few figures are very congested if possible make them separated
reviewerthis study to compare the efficacy and safety between csi therapy and acupotomy apcsi therapy guided by anatomical palpation technique in trigger fingers treatment this paper finds the apcsi treatment was superior to csi alone with regards to success rate and functional outcomes ap combined with csi is regarded as a useful therapy to speed recovery of trigger finger with sever catching and locking symptom and would not increase posttreatment pain ap guided by anatomical palpation technique is a safe reliable timesaving and costeffective outpatient treatment for the trigger finger my advice to the author is as follows comment there are many figures in this study and it is recommended that the authors confirm that all of them are cited in the textcomment there are many grammatical issues
in the course of the study the robust optimization method is beautifully utilized to deal with the uncertainties above international supply chain the authors need to make some minor revisions to the paper the abstract should be improved and reorganized them discuss the overall aims methods findings and conclusion of the study sample words the abbreviations should be extended at first use then you are free to use the abbreviated version clsc the previous contributions of the study should be presented at the end of the introduction the subject of the single parameter should be clarified in the methodology you should describe how you performed the investigation modeling what measures and tools is involved the references should be updated since the results are specific and not overgeneralized
the purpose of this paper is to study the evolution of computer network information security supervision strategies through big data technology and to analyze the network information security supervision mode by using network security algorithms the logic of the article is clear but it needs major changes the details are as followsst in the abstract part of this article the description of network information security is very accurate but the method used is only a brief summary and the method used is not described please modify itnd this article has a clear introduction to the innovation points but there are few innovation points in it and the innovation points of the full text are not well summarized please reviserd this article describes the computer network information security supervision
comments the ways you start and explain different problem statement for its solution be good the methods and study session was good for proposed solution the result and discussion session was discussed well available small sample size of data performance quality is good minor issuessample nature of data ie in order of attributes access structure attributes number of system attributes and its time with cost should increase and compare with existing methodsexperiments with more samples are need to steadily strengthen citations need to verify within background section limitation need to clearly mention reference section need to verify with journal format
dear editor and authorsthis manuscript explores to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among the northern taiwanese indigenous population and to investigate the association between metabolic syndrome and liver enzyme especially serum alanine transaminase alt this manuscript is clearly written the authors provided a sound background for their investigation then used sound statistical methods in this investigation in this study the overall prevalence of metabolic syndrome was high in an indigenous population in northern taiwan and higher serum alt levels was associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome i suggested this manuscript should be accepted for publication in evidencebased complementary and alternative medicine after minor revision however there are some concerns that should be addressedcommentsmajor comment what is the participation rate only then can we know if
this paper develops a model based on convolutional neural network cnn and puts forward the following problemsa the keyword high school basketball teaching is wrong cnn suggests using the full nameb the paper mentioned massive open online courses many times what are its characteristicsc the multiplier sign in the n x n grid in the introduction is wrongd the introduction introduces a lot about the revolutionary neural network and does not mention college basketball teaching whye the research results of this paper do not mention the college basketball teaching mode and the author is suggested to modify it carefully
in the paper the authors proposed a cf algorithm based pca and binary kmeans clustering to alleviate the data sparsity problem the whole structure of the paper is reasonable and clear however there are a few key limitationsconcernsit is suggested to introduce some recent work in cf within three yearsthe authors should make some technical comparison between previous works and this work which can make this paper contribution more clearthe symbols and formulas in the paper are blurredthe authors should also introduce the baseline algorithms in the experimentsadditional experiments on the data set with different sparsity may help the authors to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm
the text is wellwritten however the writers employed a lot of acronyms in several sections for better comprehension it is encouraged that authors write entire words rather than truncated variantsconclusion requires serious attention kindly mention the out coming of proposed research in the conclusion part kindly conclude this section in a more effective mannerthe paper should be more original with a description of how it is more unique and useful for future researchfigure legends should be below the figures and top of the tables also check the formatting of the paper before processing this articlecite some recent works regarding this study highlight some major contributions of the paper and also add paper organization
this paper aims to study on dynamic optimal control of football spin angle based on the internet of things and machine learning technology this paper analyzes the calculation results of the rotation angle of england by four decision tree algorithms namely id algorithm c algorithm cart algorithm and iq algorithm through simulation experiments and explores the decision tree algorithm had the highest execution order and best accuracy but there are still some areas that need to have improveda in the abstract part the relevant role of the internet of things is often explained in as global development status and influence of the internet of things and the importance of the internet of things technology all of these need to be supplemented with relevant explanationsb at the end of
this paper takes a commodity sales prediction method based on the weighted combination of cnnbilstm the bilstm network model of lstm performs the next prediction and weights the prediction results of the two models to finally obtain the prediction result the experimental results show that the prediction mean can reach and compared with several different baseline models each evaluation parameter has better performanceas to this paper the reviewer has the following comments in a beginning of this paper several authors give the best review on the parameter selection this is difficult for the readers to understand the introduction of this paper should react carefully clarified by the authors the authors should show excellent results and give some more explanation on the bilstm network structure some simpler explanations should
the article under review aims to systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of moxibustion as an adjuvant treatment or used alone against this however the result showed that he efficacy and safety of moxibustion for asthma in humans still have not been proven here are some commentsthere is few included books and the quality of included literatures is low however the use of moxibustion for reactive asthma sounds slightly unbelievable because asthma sufferers may dislike the aromatic smell of moxa oil which then therefore trigger asthma attacks there are several tcm treatments to treat asthma why this study is focusing on moxibustion moxibustion treatment with antiasthmatic drugs or moxibustion alone vs antiasthmatic drugs are antiasthmatic drugs the same there are two diagnostic criteria of asthma in this article
the study proposes the combination for knn and svm to construct a fraud prediction model for corporate financial statements the work of this paper is clear and logical however there is still a little problem that needs to be improved in section the main innovations and importance of which paper was given however the mission stated this study is not presented in section there are four theories of financial fraud this paper briefly introduces these four theories however it is suggested to solve the problems existing in these four theories in order to demonstrate the advantages of machine learning technology in the application of financial fraud in section this paper deletes indicators with missing values greater than and fills in the missing symbols in the remaining data some
nasopharyngeal cancer is a type of head o neck cancer it starts in the nasopharynx the upper part of the throat behind the nose and near the base of skull nasopharyngeal detachment is a common and serious disease in otolaryngology an author chose a very important science problem to study this study innovatively described a prediction method for npc in radiotherapy relying on the beam channel gan model and addressed the differences of different datasets of radiotherapy techniques it was found by the authors that the prediction method for npc in radiotherapy based on the bcgan not only reduces the amount used data for the training set but also accelerates the generation of the treatments in general this is a highly novel research work the researchers also used
the study of personality right is of great theoretical and practical significance this paper summarizes the results and objectives of the experiment in the abstract what are the relevant research contentsthis paper only uses two documents can you add a document related to datafor the sake of brevity of the article please delete the relevant explanations with right of memorial right of residential tranquility right of image etcthe civil law is a law that regulates the relationship between the rights and obligations of equal civil subjects in a country the act of public power of a country is not regulated by the civil law so the subject of obligations that the civil legal personality rights point to is an equal private person this paper distinguishes between personality and
based on a multisource data fusion framework constructed by seabed geomorphology this paper draws a conclusion through experimental research that both bicubic spline interpolation and tension spline interpolation need to subsample datadense areas which will lead to the loss of detail information in highresolution data in the gridding process all water depth values in the original map are standard water depth and rms values of dem data set are calculated after interpolation the research content of this article is realistic and operable and the topic selection belongs to the social hot issue now some suggestions are put forward for this article please refer to the revisiona please explain what the function of formula in the article isb please explain what data we can get in figure of the
the research purpose in the abstract is not consistent with the title of the article and the overall article there is no relevant content about the distribution of bacteria in the title and the overall content of the article it is suggested to modify itthe result part in the abstract is not concise enough it is suggested to present the main research results according to the research purpose and resultsthe conclusion part of the abstract does not summarize the results of the whole study well and it is suggested to modify itit is recommended to use italics for p valuethe description of patients inclusion criteria is not detailed enough and some of them seem to be confused with the diagnostic criteria of tuberculosisthe selection of statistical analysis methods
based on the research of tourist impression perception in tourism management of network big data text reviews this paper concludes that the impression perception system of network big data can get the impression perception of tourists more comprehensively and intuitively find the tourism factors affecting tourist evaluation from highfrequency vocabulary the full text is rich in content and clear in structure it is suggested that the questions raised be revised and the revised article can be considered for acceptanceathe background of the introduction needs to be described in more detail to increase the readability of the research background bwhat is the meaning of formula to formula the article needs to give some explanation cwhat are the variables of equations to the variables should be explained dalthough the formula
in this paper the authors have introduced the innovative concept of complex pythagorean fuzzy soft relations by using the cartesian product of two complex pythagorean fuzzy soft sets they investigated many ideas related to this concept and compared it with the previous ones the topic is interesting and presented well but the paper needs some improvement before acceptance i suggest the following revisions the abstract should be improved carefully by mentioning the main obtained results the quality of the english language should be improved carefully to enhance readability for example write kumar and bajaj evaluated instead of kumar and bajaj evaluate also write yager proposesd instead of yager proposes specify the motivations in the introduction section please check the computations given in example investigate the limitations of the
please follow the following commentsathe introduction section is missing in this paper the introduction section must be added in the paperbin the conclusion section i urge that the authors explain the unclear terminologycadd some lines about the keywords headings multidisciplinary collaborationdcould you define the selfmanagement behavior scaleethe papers layout is missing in the first section please improve the layout of the articles introduction sectionfbecause the table contains multiple errors i am unable to satisfy the results section please calculate the result add it to the table and improve the result section as neededgwhat is the rule in figure of this paper figure is unimportant in this study in my opinion figure should be thoroughly explainedhcorrect the sentence when it comes to education levels the patients with one below
financial crisis as the most obvious manifestation of enterprise crisis affects the development of an enterprise with the strengthening of the trend of economic globalization and the impact of the epidemic once a financial crisis occurs in most companies it is very likely to turn into a financial crisis this also means that the issue of corporate financial crisis early warning has become a hot issue how to improve the accuracy of financial crisis early warning so that enterprises can make better prevention is the focus of peoples attention the article conducts research and analysis on this and the ideas put forward have reference value but still have shortcomings the article mentioned that traditional financial early warning methods are not so applicable in todays complex social environment can
comments to the author the research of this article mainly focuses on effects of sufentanil combined with ropivacaine for labor analgesia on labor and blood pressure in patients with hypertensive disorders of pregnancy the research found that sufentanil plus ropivacaine for labor analgesia in patients with gestational hypertensive disorders yielded promising clinical efficacy with little impact on the stage of labor and blood pressure synthetically it has certain significance the review comments are as follows pages in order to make the motivation and background of the study clearer the author needs to add more background introduction in the introduction pages lines why do you choose this research topic references to relevant studies are recommended pages lines please describe the grouping strategy for this clinical trial and the specific
this paper considers the cyclical analysis of the supply chain economy problem the result used a model based on deep learning so far that i considered the result of any paper is meaningful i think the structure of the paper should be modified eg the section of contribution should be placed in the introduction the code of the experiment should stay opened if possible moreover there are some typos in the paper i think the author should proofread the paper especially for the publication of articles commas and space in a word i think the paper can be published i know it is better to add the page shape and line numbers in every manuscript and the right to the citations and references here are some minor typos
the article entitled using econometrics of complex values to model real production systems is an interesting study note there are several minor issues should be correctedmajor points all the utterances in the abstract should be the concluding sentences on which summary of the abstract not the descriptive sentences our economic model consists of reality that enables us only observe comprehend and forecast economic phenomena the goal of a model is to reduce a complicated realworld situation and its fundamental elements a database if welldesigned can help the analyst gain a better knowledge of the issue and any difficulties that may arise can been deleted please re code the references in this article for example their first reference is and in and in addition please show more than references
microvibration in the workshop caused by the excitation from the road traffic and the production equipment cannot be ignored the measured vibrations can not only guide the work through vibration environment assessment in the stage of road design and planning but also can validate possible numerical models for predicting road trafficinduced vibrationsthis paper took some reference value and there exist several issues for its authors to consider in the first part of the introduction the authors only reviewed the previous research results and should add the research ideas methods etc of this paper at the end is the data format right by check it the capitalization if the units should be unified such as s s to s english should stay polished again there are many mistakes in
this paper proposed a personalized travel route recommendation algorithm based on atsdgru the work of the paper is correct however there are some comments to improve the quality of the paper which are given as follows i the current abstract is not up to standard a normative abstract consists of four parts purpose method result and conclusionii the introduction tense is too long it should be divided into two separate chapters introduction and related workiii where does the hours in section come fromiv the introduction section does not give a clear overview of the proposed methodv some academic terms need to be given their full names when they appear for the first time for example gruvi examine the parameters in the formulas carefully and supplement the necessary descriptions
the present work is based on the predictive analysis of various preprocessing techniques in brain tumour detectionthis manuscript has the potential to be accepted but some important points need to be fixed before further processabstract part has to be revised to specify the need for preprocessing methodsin section please provide the importance of mri images by comparison with medical analysis technologiesin fig implementation specified is not cleared provide with the necessary explanation fig illustrates training and testing but in the manuscript there is no suitable descriptionin section the concept of hyperparameter tuning is not explained properly illustrated with the necessary explanationsection has to be revisited to provide an elaboration on the use of the downsampling processelaborate with a detailed description of the use of zeropadding applied with rotation
the research topic seems novel and i appreciate the authors understand however i have a few suggestions for improvement certain section headers are too long reduce them eg construction of a refined management model for kidney transplant patients based on the internet in many places authors have not properly used references with long sentencesphrases there is a need to identify the research problem from all studies at the end of section related issues i am unable to find the problem statementhypothesis for which the study is based all figs have low resolution plz improve the visibility which theoretical basis is used as refinement management quality evaluation criteria proper limitations and research directions are required how the questionnaire is designed distributed and collected material is analyzed
the article mainly analyzes the economic risk identification evaluation and control based on the support vector machine algorithm the overall structural logic is very good but there are still shortcomingsa the article is about the problems that need to be improved in the application of support vector machines in economic risk identification so what problems can be briefly describedb the advantages of the vector machine method mentioned in the text are not all reflected in the following text and the text believes that the appropriate part can be appropriately selected to explain without all of itc this article has repeatedly stated that the use of the support vector machine algorithm for the identification assessment and control of economic risks may lead to unexpected breakthroughs but it does not
this paper proposes to apply the communication network algorithm to the nondestructive testing this method is very novel in the formula there are some things that need to be correcteda the electronic nose is a simulation of the visual experience of smell and can be used to simulate the human sense of smell an electronic nose is an electronic instrument consisting of a partially selective chemical sensor array and a suitable pattern detection system the related concept of electronic nose technology should be addedb about the development for application requirements of sensor technology microelectronics and other applications the volume of the electronic nose information getting smaller and smaller and the cost is not greatly reduced the sensor technology should be explainedc gprs is the abbreviation of general
this study analyzed the imaging and pathological characteristics of cg and proposed a relatively specific marker which provided a new basis for the preoperative differential diagnosis of choroidal glioma this is an elaborate study and the results are very interesting the following are the minor revisions the abstract needs to summarize the full text concisely including the purpose method results and conclusions some unnecessary contents in the abstract of this paper can be deleted it is suggested to carefully modify and refine the main contents of the article at the end of the introduction please provide the overall structure of the research and the main contents of all meetings which will help readers better understand the article please explain what is hematoxylin eosin he staining why are they
this research proposed a physical education quality evaluation model based on the generalized multisupport vector machine classification algorithm as a solution to the challenges that currently exist in the process of evaluating the level of quality present in collegelevel physical education classes initially a system of evaluation indices for the quality of physical education instruction in the classroom is constructed taking into consideration numerous variables of the existing situation which variables why generalized multisupport vector machine was selected to the task of creating an evaluation model for the quality of physical education classroom instruction define the assembled data set about the quality of physical education instruction in colleges and universities briefly explain the classification indicators which were used to evaluate the quality of instructiontoo many long lines are
the english grammar used in the article has to be improved the main motivations and contributions of this work have to be discussed in detail the related works can be summarized in a table some of the recent works on education such as the following can be discussed resource search method of mobile intelligent education system based on distributed hash table design of resource matching model of intelligent education system based on machine learning the results obtained have to be compared with recent state of the art the limitations and future scope of this work have to be discussed
oin preposition the writers used several unfamiliar symbols please replace the unknown symbolsoit is vital again you define the scope of you research from the start your introduction must begin with a thorough explanation of the topicothe affiliation is written under another abstract part in the manuscript please move it above the abstract section this format is not appropriate for journalsoyou can use the research onion to help you define the numerous components of the technique which may become wellstructured please include a conclusion and recommendations based on the findings of your investigationoyou can change each name of the keywords and information into the keywordsoi approach to the authors please use the simple language in the a new variety of estimators which ameliorate the ppjse sectionoequation is quite
the motivation is well presented the novelty of written manuscript is sufficient or is claimed well the writing is acceptable that are many grammatical errors through entire writing manuscript organization and presentation is not good the presented method is clear a lot of key works are missing more references are needed authors are advised to add more content to this paper in order to enhance the value that the work
this paper was written very well and has a good opportunity to be published in this great journal after addressing the following concerns in the first round abstract has fivesection and you should follow the best practices in your area i encourage you to add more detail about your core contributions in the abstract please also mention the novelties in the abstract the keywords are not standard long paragraphs please bring some facts and figures in the introduction to support the ideas especially from wwwstatistacom literature review is very short and old now we are in you have not covered the knowledge edge please clarify the contribution of the paper according to the research gap many recent papers in the area can be added to the literature review
idiopathic scoliosis is is the most common structural scoliosis abnormal osteogenic differentiation of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells bmscs is one of the causes of is the regulation mechanism of osteogenic differentiation of bmscs in is needs further study the comments are as followsi i would find the work currently focuses on idiopathic scoliosis and the mirp part should be extended and enhanced for example in section v the bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells is needed to show the effectiveness of the proposed schemeii in section ii the review on the related work is fine however the difference between the existing schemes and the proposed scheme is not so clear and the essential reasons of the proposed framework need to be clearly stated in detail iii in section
the manuscript i reviewed is focusing on exploration of the protective effect of panax notoginseng saponin on brain injury panax notoginseng saponin is an abstracted material from botany in this manuscript the authors discovered this material could strongly activate the culbwntcatenin cascade i have several questions which needs the authors to addressin the introduction section the description of the bloodbrain barrier was too simple the author should emphasize the biological pathological role of this barrier in the development of brain injuryin all the figures better use the dot plots rather than bar plots to summarize the statistical results since dot plots would bring more information than bar plotsin the discussion section the limitation of this study is not convincible the author should put more effect and think about
this paper designed a lightweight attention shift graph convolutional network the shallow architecture for multistream early fusion not only makes full use of feature information but also distinctly decreases the complexity of the model the structure of this manuscript is concise and well organized however there are several concerns after reading the manuscriptthe authors should consider the following concerns in section introduction this section does not cite enough previous work only two references cannot well explain the complexity and low accuracy of the current bone recognition network in section shift graph convolution in this part the explanation of fig is not detailed enough the significance of this paper is not expound sufficiently the author need to highlight this papers innovative contributions the table format in your paper is
health oriented urban space design so that residents can enjoy healthy space conditions has naturally become a topic of concern for urban designers the theoretical research of healthy city system is an important basis for guiding the planning and construction of healthy city at present there are some problems in the theoretical research of healthy cities in china such as the lack of systematic and consistent analysis framework the lag of attribute research and so on this paper has some innovation but it still needs to be modifiedathis paper focuses on interpreting the dual attributes of healthy cities from the perspective of public health and puts forward measures to promote the development of healthy cities from the aspects of policy industry culture science and technology and spatial form
please follow for following commentsathe introduction section being missing in this paper the introduction section must be added in the paperbin the conclusion section i urge that the authors explain the unclear terminologycadd some lines about the keywords headings multidisciplinary collaborationdcould you define data selfmanagement behavior scaleethe papers layout is missing after the first section please improve the layout of the articles introduction sectionfbecause the table contains multiple errors i am unable to satisfy the results section please calculate the result add it to the table and improve the result section as neededgwhat is the rule in figure of a figure is unimportant in this study in the opinion it should be thoroughly evaluated the sentence when it adds to education levels the patients with one below
title development of ecosustainable silicareinforced natural hybrid polymer composites for automotive applicationsreviewer comments introduction part of the manuscript is vague rewrite it include few recent articles on this topic i suggest the authors to refer i httpsdoiorgpc ii httpsdoiorg iii httpsdoiorgpc and iv httpsdoiorgpc first give the complete description of the materials used in section include the original images of the composite fabrication process in experimental section figures are not necessary and this can be explained through text what are the major observations from sem images data presented in table is taken from literature how this can be applicable for your experimental conditions there are huge typo and grammatical errors are there this to be corrected
introduction section needs substantial revision with a focus on proper motivation and research gap literature review section should include most recent studies in the relevant field all sections headers should follow a standard template required for an academic article ie abstract introduction literature review material and methods results and discussion and conclusion and future work in literature review the authors stated for sentiment analysis filtration of objective reviews is unnecessary but filtration of spam reviews will also increase the accuracy of sentiment analysis are the authors sure that only objective reviews should be considered what about subjective reviews many customer reviews are expected to be subjective as it is based on their own experience i think the authors should use better terminologies like real review or something the
we segmented ultrasound images each image includes edge display and binary display of segmentation results preprocess these ultrasound images first and then do interactive segmentation what are the advantages of the interactive graph model method in this articleformat problem in the paper all references should be cited in the main text of the paper expressed in the form of the author is requested to make corrections in the revised manuscriptin the authors first draft the picture of the paper occupies too much space causing the layout of the entire page to be disordered please place the picture horizontally or choose other picturesi ask the author to briefly explain the meaning of all characters in the formula including subscripts and subscriptswhat is the meaning of the indicator in cv
manuscript is interesting but the authors used mainly in silico studies to prove the potential xiaoling pellets treating cerebral ischemic stroke to this the authors should do required changes to make a manuscript acceptablemore information in introduction about cerebral ischemic stroke is needed what is its incidence what factor contribute to the risk of cerebral ischemic stroke what are the current treatment options include recent studies for all these pointsrelated to huoluo xiaoling pellets what authors decided to do study on these pellets are there any background studies to strengthen the rationale of the study authors should provide strong evidence from literaturethere are many typing errors authors should check a manuscript careful and correct other linguistic errorsdiscussion can be improved results to be discussed in the appendix of
this paper combines electronic imaging technology with surgery in this paper literature search induction and metaanalysis were used to study laparoscopic combined with mesocolon surgery the scheme is quite complete but there are still some small problems i hope the author can correct itelectronic intelligent images usually refer to threedimensional virtual graphics formed by computer through color compensation what does the authors electronic intelligent image mainly includeit is written in the article that the combination of medical imaging and surgical diagnosis and treatment can effectively improve the postoperative rehabilitation effect and quality of life of patients so what are the main characteristics of the authors surgical treatment planthe article writes the root node is the entire microarray data set the data of each tester is the sample to
the title of the thesis is basically consistent with the information of the thesis the structure is complete the language is relatively fluent and there are no major grammatical errors the problem is that there are too many citations in the full text and too little selfanalysis it is hoped that on the basis of this paper the materials can be analyzed and summarized to draw selfconclusions the lack of common methodologies and standards across china and chinese provinces has led to significant differences in application areas and a lack of interoperability between established platforms or systems what were the consequences of these issues this research has important implications not only for users but also for service providers what does it mean for app developers clustering is the
this paper focuses on clinical observation and pathogenesis of radiculopathy of cervical spondylosis treated with tuotian style training combined with hulisan acupoint sticking the novelty of this paper is enough some minor revisions are suggestedthe author should add more literature reviews about cervical curvature what is the existing method of measuring cervical curvature the conclusion of this paper is missingplease add equations about the measurement for the sample and when logistic regression is applied the author should present the whole method flow in a figurethe author should visualize the most important correlation that affects the results
the paper discussed the analysis of combined detection of color doppler ultrasonography and serum ca tps and tk in clinical diagnosis of breast cancer patients it is interesting and the result may give some hints to subsequent clinical practitioners however the manuscript also has the following problemsthere are some problems with the language of this article and please polish it the auc is mentioned in the abstract can you give a concise description of the method used to calculate it there are only three keywords at present can you add to much has been written in this area and the researcher is required to state the need for this study in the introduction also the current status and advantages and disadvantages of breast cancer detection are not described
the paper discusses a critical problem and it is handled very well by the authors but still many corrections and modifications are needed i have listed those corrections pabstract the word melfrequency cepstral coefficients mfcc should be replaced by melfrequency cepstral coefficients mfcc the same error in keywords alsop abstract the sentence the most challenging aspect of this work was based on the data is very general which data is challengingp introduction paragraph in the phrase chronic inflammatory response the word reply is not suitable please use the proper technical term eg replyp literature review paragraph in the sentence according to the journal several studies the word journal does not seem suitable please checkp literature paragraph the sentence in this paper we present an imf coefficientbased technique using
in this article authors describe the effects of creatine phosphate on inflammatory factors myocardial enzymes and myocardial injury in children with myocarditis further suggestions need to address by authors the text should be corrected for all grammatical mistakes spelling mistakes and sentence construction the authors should provide detailed data regarding patient and tumorrelated features of patients included in the study all available features should be reported and displayed in tables and these features should be compared according to appropriate statistics across the two randomized groupsin the statistical analysis please specify whether the ttest is paired or unpaired paired or unpairedi think it is better to combine the abcd of each figure into one figurethe figure legends should be included in the manuscriptthe p values of the figures should
in the journal effects of mindfulnessbased stress reduction for breast cancer patients with postoperative chemotherapy an observational pilot study the participants demonstrated mbsr therapy can significantly improve the anxiety and depression of patients with breast cancer in the early stage of postoperative chemotherapy this is well written all clear paper and have clinical significance some there are some questions need to be settled to further improve the data special commands should have continuous attentionmajor pointthe author only described there were difference in the scores of physiological status in the results part however this was totally inaccuratethe author used breast cancer patients and women within two groups hospital in the mbsr group received treatment while patients in the control group were conducting routine nursing i was wondering whether these
i have some major commentsin method details please i suggest the author have a flow chart summarized and visualized the study design on treatment therapyin method section please combine the inclusion by exclusion criteria so as to avoid short paragraph please brief introduce the diagnosis criteria of jakvf genepositive myeloproliferative disorders and provide a table of diagnostic and exclusion criteria if necessarythe subtitle in section methods and guidelines observation should consider a more appropriate expressionplease introduced the administration of hydroxyurea and ruxolitinib this detail all specify an relation between the dose of ruxolitinib and platelet count it was positive related or negative related with platelet count did the dose change during the therapy if the patients plt count too did the dose change if the patients showed problems
the paper titled chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia preconditioning ameliorates acute hypoxiainduced neuronal impairment in the rat hippocampus through preventing oxidative stress and apoptosis this result or conclusion is supportive and helpful to the enrichment of literature depository the followings are my comments to highlight the innovation of this paper and the relevant data and information are novel the authors should add some references to support their viewpoints in the section of abstract oxidative stress should be added as a key word in the discussion section the author should clearly point out the shortcomings or deficiencies of the paper and which aspects need to be improved in the future in the section of materials and methods the authors should mention more knowledge on hematoxylin and eosin staining bioinformatics is
the author proposes a dbnmcpr model optimization method based on deep belief classification under the mooc environment which is mainly based on the efficient feature abstraction and feature extraction capabilities of deep belief technology fully excavate learners interests and preferences for course resources and build a dbnmcpr model to test the optimization effect of course resource allocation from the test results it can be seen that when the number of iterations reaches about the rmse of dbnmcpr trained with the training dataset without learner feature vector is while the rmse of dbnmcpr trained with the dataset with learner feature vector is the rmse of dbnmcpr with full eigenvectors is lower than that of dbnmcpr without learner eigenvectors it is fully proved that the learner feature vector has a
this paper analyzes the influence of multiple parameters on the inherent characteristics of main drive system of cold rolling mill under different conditions while this paper provides some useful research results i would recommend it for journal publication with major revisions some comments are given below it is recommended that the author introduce some more reference in the introduction in addition the object of this study is about the cold rolling mill but there are much about hot rolling mill reference in the introduction which can not reflect the research progress of cold rolling mill vibration the contributions of the paper are not clear in the introduction and should be better addressed what intention do you want to show in fig removing it does not seem to affect
create some changes to the future perspective of the nurses role in the gi and endoscopy section please improve the abstract section to make them easily understandable correct the following sentence furthermore the centers for disease control predicts that by the number of colonoscopy events will outnumber the number of endoscopists available add the novelty of your work in the introduction section refernces and are not correctly cited please check them please enhance the concluding section language i ascertained a variety of grammatical errors during this paper please correct them the abstract section need to honestly be improved with a few sentences delivered in a clean and succinct manner the forms of references are inconsistent maintain a regular reference style the textual content does now no longer cite
body mass index an important indicator reflecting the distribution and content of body fat has been found to be related to the occurrence and development of endometriosis to investigate the relationship between body mass index and serum biomarkers ems and in vitro fertilizationembryo transplantation ivfet outcomes is of great significance for the clinical treatment of ems the results of this study showed that the body mass index was associated with changes in serum adiponectin ca and ca in patients with endometriosis and had an adverse effect on the ivfet outcome in patients with endometriosis this study is more innovative than previous studies however the following problems remain please supplement the purpose of this study at the end of the preface please include references to treatment indications for ems
in this paper a suitable hexagonal grid is selected to construct the reference map and the grid model error and matching localization error are smaller compared with the quadrilateral grid and finally an efficient cpugpu hybrid parallel scheme is proposed considering the problem of low efficiency in constructing the marine hexagonal grid gravity gradient reference map there are some issues that need to be considered by the authors the sources of eqs and cited in the paper need to be indicated and the meaning of each letter is not given in some cases where the equations and in the paper originate from needs to be indicated and the computational principles need to be written in some detail the gravity variation characteristics of the navigation region seriously affect the
the literature is too old and needs to be thoroughly updated some of the latest literature needs to be cited and analyzed such as buyonlineanddeliverfromstore strategy for a dualchannel supply chain considering retailers location advantage transportation research part e logistics and transportation review inventory and pricing decisions for a dualchannel supply chain with deteriorating products operational research preorderonline pickupinstore strategy for a dualchannel retailer transportation research part elogistics and transportation review channel structure and pricing in a dualchannel closedloop supply chain with government subsidy international journal of production economics what is the bops the bops only appears once in the title of the paper but never again in the body of the manuscript i suggest the authors delete bops from the title in addition the authors also need
it can be seen from this paper that the pathogenesis of extraventricular contraction is mainly driven by the ectopic pacemaker and the excitation across the body caused by the excitation below this central node in the early stage which incidence is very high which seriously affects the quality longer life of patients and is also one of the risk factors for sudden cardiac death the analysis remained very detailed but there are still critical problems in the paperthe abstract should focus on reflecting what is new in the literature and the points that the author has placed special effort on on reflecting useful information that the reader needs and on deleting what has become common knowledge in the following areaas the beginning of the paper the introduction briefly
this paper takes the main investment targets of securities funds as the analysis object and uses the theory and method of machine learning to systematically study the fund investment based on market timing and industry rotation the logic of the system articles is clear but it needs major changes the details are as followsst the investment decisionmaking committee will review the companys mediumterm investment goals asset allocation plans for major categories investment decisionmaking suggestions submitted by the investment research department investment strategy reports submitted by fund managers and determine investment performance benchmarks how the company will control investment decisions please explain in detail in conjunction with the content of the articlend on the basis of listening to the risk management work report of the risk control specialist evaluate
in this article the authors explored the changes of microstructure of bone and studied the roles of curcumin treatment in proximal tibia of a mouse model of nafld over time by in vivo highresolution microct the author demonstrated that changes in the inflammatory cytokines tnf and il and alt may be essential in the bone microstructural and bmd changes during the second hit stage of nafld and the bone microstructural and bmd changes during the progressive stage in nafld were related to igf and igfbp changes besides the author found that curcumin treatment reduced lipid accumulation and slowed the progression of pathological changes and prevented deterioration of trabecular bone structure by reducing alt and the inflammatory cytokines tnf and il and regulating the igf and igfbp levels during
the incumbent approach is to acquire the fixed point by miscellaneous functions by using a fresh repetitive method the subject of the article and the way of writing it are very good also and novelty of the text is good or new i for publishing the article with the preceding minor revises the introduction might be improved by new related works some punctuation marks such as commas and points needs be made throughout the text the text needs a final check for punctuation
the article entitled analysis of coronary angiography combined with ffr and clopidogrel using interventional treatment of coronary heart syndrome is an interesting study however there are several minor issues should hold correctedmajor points pictures and tables in the article can be placed at the end of the abstract if there is significant difference between the data it shall be indicated with the article needs a separate conclusionminor points please ensure that the format of the full text is consistent such be whether the initial letter of the subtitle properly capitalized and whether there are spaces about the paragraph the results of the abstract is too long for example of all members were men as were women and the mean age was years standard derivation sd years is unk
in this paper the authors established a diagnostic model of gbm based on transcriptome data of patients using rf and ann algorithm and carried on the full experiment the method proposed is novel innovative and have good practical value this paper is a good research paper in medical image field however i still have some problems about their work my comments are as followsa the english of the manuscript must be improved before resubmissionb there is a lack of explanation of random forest algorithm in the manuscriptc the authors should include more recent relevant references in the literature surveyd the list of references is close but not completely correct before submitting a revision the authors should be sure of proper and formatted stylee description style material like this
this paper proposes anlotinib for the treatment of proc then concludes developing antitumor activity for patients with proc for this is extremely interesting idea i think our paper should be accepted but need major revision the details will be showed below in fact an introduction about related work is not enough especially for cases related cases in clinical should be analyzed more deeply the paper is littered with poor handwriting and confusing notation font choices and poor presentation the paper requires spellchecking in fig the author can add a description of the shortterm effectiveness in this paper the authors use just one sentence to summarize results in section what is the effectiveness of different subgroups i think the author should add some ideas about it it is difficult
what are the characteristics of the engineering model what is the purpose of the study what practical problems does the model solvewhat is the key to realize project cost control by using analytic hierarchy processthe subjective expression of national position in the text needs to be modified and deleted international publications can only use the third personwhat are the key factors identification of project cost control based on ahp at the beginning of section the identification and optimization of key factors of project cost control in section are not describedthe conclusion part is not combined with the characteristic information of project cost control for fusion processing and analysis this part needs outstanding contributions
please follow my commentsthe literature has to constantly strongly updated with some relevant and recent papers focused on the fields dealt with in the manuscriptthe conclusion section should be greatly enhancedmaintain a uniform reference stylemake a few changes to the abstract of the paperin the introduction section explain your works motivation and significant contributionscorrect the following sentence however most of the current reports belong to retrospective study and personal experience sharing and there are been no standard operating procedures therefore the selected consumables and technical papers are not uniformcite all of the key figures and brief papers presentation questions in some areas however please make it identicaltables and are clear make several changes
the author stated that the potential influencing elements for software size are constructed and use embedded feature selection xgbregressor to filter them to produce the system of indices so you should include the concept of the xgbregressor in a few lines why are the bidirectional encoder representations from transformers vital to label the statements to get the predicted entities as well as the encoded vectors what are the functions of the ner and re as two separate tasks in the pipeline model and what are the features involved in the process the author is suggested to deliver supplementary data about the softmax activation function in the probability of functional point entities how does the graph neural network help to encode the current node by aggregating information from neighbouring
to investigate the effect of medical care visit combined with emotional nursing on the quality of life and emotion of patients with malignant lymphoma it is found as the combination of medical group worker and emotional nurse can effectively improve the quality of life and sleep of patients with malignant lymphoma reduce adverse emotions and benefit the prognosis and clinical treatment of patients it is of great significance to the prognosis of patients please revise the following questions before publicationplease pay attention to the format by the results table table no description other than words should be included please unify the data format in app there is no mention of previous research in app preface no previous research on the significance of nursing for patients and malignant tumorsthese
this paper is focused on detecting changes in cea and progrp levels in balf of patients with peripheral lung cancer and their relationship with ct signs but there are some problems in the paper the content of the abstract is too cumbersome and takes up too much space please revise it so that the abstract looks concise and clear it is mentioned in the article that peripheral lung cancer is easy to be ignored by clinicians and patients due to the late onset of clinical symptoms and the small size of early tumors which makes it difficult to diagnose thus delaying the best treatment time and affecting the therapeutic effect please ask the author to revise the section headings in the text finally in the discussion it is
the authors revealed that the green and lightgreen modules were enriched in plant hormone signal transduction starch metabolism sucrose metabolism and cell formation the conclusion secton should be move to the last section the abstract should be reorganized in the conclusion section it is better to indicate your future work the discussion section is too long please remove some unrelated discussion in section the following statement is not very clear the patterns associated with gene expression clustering the shapes of the expression curves at different stages were analyzed recorded for multiple continuous samples were analyzed to understand the mechanism of regulation associated with the core genes that affected the growth of the plants in the presence of chloride ions and were involved with the physiological and biochemical process
this paper needs revision to be accepted for publication the abstract needs to be reframed because it contains some items that belong in the introduction not in the abstract the abstract needs to be more specific and detailed the section outlines the proposed method the main problem the obtained results and the benchmark test and comparative methods i suggest the authors carefully read and improve the readability of this paper alongside the language table healthcare scheduling in optimization context a review needs more previous studies to evaluate check the mathematical notation especially for the proposed method for example equations and there is the need to check the grammars using an english native proofreader conclusion and dissolution appear too long almost like an introduction it should be reduced future
this manuscript is current scientific interest and the authors evaluate the difference between continuous nursing intervention under the guidance of health belief model and routine nursing intervention in patients with preventive colostomy statistics section comments are as follows patients who met the inclusion criteria of preventive enterostomy were randomly selected into observation group into control group when was the study finished and the time of follow up should be added the baseline variables of the two groups were supposed to be described in the abstract there was no significant difference in sex age tumor stage tumor location and quality level between the two groups p table key this study was reviewed by the hospital ethics committee what did the comparable mean continuous nursing based on hbm starts again
the authors have carried out a study to explore the evolution characteristics of mininginduced stress near the coal seam thickness change band and its effects on coal and gas burst there are a few revisions that the authors should make before the paper is published these revisions are presented in the comments belowcomment the authors should make sure all acronyms are written in full the first instance they are introduced for instance the acronym flacd in the abstract section should be written in fullcomment authors should ensure that all the keywords listed are part of the main text the keyword safety engineering is not in the main text and should be deleted comment it is not clear what the term engineering background in title for the methodology means
the paper developed a new theoretical solution for the expansion of over consolidated clay the research capacity of the manuscript is substantial the original writing is relatively quick and the necessary verification of the new theoretical solution is carried out in general this paper highly innovative logical and interesting the following comments may help to support main work of the authors in the section of introduction the authors should make a necessary summary and induction of the current research status and then lead to the research content of this article in line whats original meaning of casm also in line whats the nature of cptu as to section why this case was selected whats the consideration the conclusion part is relatively simple and the percentage is come
reviewer this manuscripts target problem is quite interesting structurally applicable butseveral comments are provided method of revision abstract section needs some modifications the background of study should be provided in a couple of sentences in the beginning with this review with a concluding statement and its length should not exceed words please check your paper according to the template carefullyespecially pay much attention to your article the figures and tables it should be noted that this manuscript needs careful editing by persons with expertise in technical english editing pay particular attention to english grammar spelling and sentence development so that the goals and results of the study are clear to the readers so i requests that the author modify the article again the title continues to be capitalized
this paper addresses the current problems in modern sales analysis and proposes a deep learningbased approach to solve key problems for sales forecasting it uses two different neural network models fully connected neural network and total neural network to process structured data and power series data respectively to transform deep neural network for feature representation and then output the results the book is worth researching but the quality of the paper needs to be improvedthe abstract should be written beyond one paragraphsome errors in punctuation use commas and semicolons or other punctuations might be followed by a blank space the first letter of the word should be capitalized the literature review lacks analysis literature should be added and further analysedthe introduction and contribution should be combined not written
artificial intelligence has experienced great development in recent years and it represents an emerging technology that will completely change the way people live the purpose of this research is to make artificial intelligence technology effective in the field of education and create value for the intelligent development of education under the interactive design concept of science games according to the psychological physiological and behavioral characteristics of childrens development the design process of preschool childrens science games is divided into five parts by using vr concept in view of the present situation and existing problems of scientific literacy training in preschool education ar technology in ai is used to construct vrbased interactive scientific game model for children through empirical analysis it is found that the model can improve the
in this paper the authors propose an attributebased searchable encryption scheme that supports partial policy hiding multikeyword search and outsourced decryption functionsin the proposed scheme all attributes are divided into the required and optional types the authors should explicitly explain the difference between these two types of attributes in addtion they should also explain how these two types of attributes are handled by the proposed schemethe paper should be checked carefully and thoroughly there are too many gramma errors and other mistakes