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Stochastic Langevin Differential Inclusions with Applications to Machine Learning
Stochastic differential equations of Langevin-diffusion form have received significant recent, thanks to their foundational role in both Bayesian sampling algorithms and optimization in machine learning. In the latter, they serve as a conceptual model of the stochastic gradient flow in training over-parametrized models. However, the literature typically assumes smoothness of the potential, whose gradient is the drift term. Nevertheless, there are many problems, for which the potential function is not continuously differentiable, and hence the drift is not Lipschitz-continuous everywhere. This is exemplified by robust losses and Rectified Linear Units in regression problems. In this paper, we show some foundational results regarding the flow and asymptotic properties of Langevin-type Stochastic Differential Inclusions under assumptions appropriate to the machine-learning settings. In particular, we show strong existence of the solution, as well as asymptotic minimization of the canonical Free Energy Functional.
Explanatory causal effects for model agnostic explanations
This paper studies the problem of estimating the contributions of features to the prediction of a specific instance by a machine learning model and the overall contribution of a feature to the model. The causal effect of a feature (variable) on the predicted outcome reflects the contribution of the feature to a prediction very well. A challenge is that most existing causal effects cannot be estimated from data without a known causal graph. In this paper, we define an explanatory causal effect based on a hypothetical ideal experiment. The definition brings several benefits to model agnostic explanations. First, explanations are transparent and have causal meanings. Second, the explanatory causal effect estimation can be data driven. Third, the causal effects provide both a local explanation for a specific prediction and a global explanation showing the overall importance of a feature in a predictive model. We further propose a method using individual and combined variables based on explanatory causal effects for explanations. We show the definition and the method work with experiments on some real-world data sets.
Low-Rank Mirror-Prox for Nonsmooth and Low-Rank Matrix Optimization Problems
Low-rank and nonsmooth matrix optimization problems capture many fundamental tasks in statistics and machine learning. While significant progress has been made in recent years in developing efficient methods for \textit{smooth} low-rank optimization problems that avoid maintaining high-rank matrices and computing expensive high-rank SVDs, advances for nonsmooth problems have been slow paced. In this paper we consider standard convex relaxations for such problems. Mainly, we prove that under a \textit{strict complementarity} condition and under the relatively mild assumption that the nonsmooth objective can be written as a maximum of smooth functions, approximated variants of two popular \textit{mirror-prox} methods: the Euclidean \textit{extragradient method} and mirror-prox with \textit{matrix exponentiated gradient updates}, when initialized with a "warm-start", converge to an optimal solution with rate $O(1/t)$, while requiring only two \textit{low-rank} SVDs per iteration. Moreover, for the extragradient method we also consider relaxed versions of strict complementarity which yield a trade-off between the rank of the SVDs required and the radius of the ball in which we need to initialize the method. We support our theoretical results with empirical experiments on several nonsmooth low-rank matrix recovery tasks, demonstrating both the plausibility of the strict complementarity assumption, and the efficient convergence of our proposed low-rank mirror-prox variants.
Utilizing Expert Features for Contrastive Learning of Time-Series Representations
We present an approach that incorporates expert knowledge for time-series representation learning. Our method employs expert features to replace the commonly used data transformations in previous contrastive learning approaches. We do this since time-series data frequently stems from the industrial or medical field where expert features are often available from domain experts, while transformations are generally elusive for time-series data. We start by proposing two properties that useful time-series representations should fulfill and show that current representation learning approaches do not ensure these properties. We therefore devise ExpCLR, a novel contrastive learning approach built on an objective that utilizes expert features to encourage both properties for the learned representation. Finally, we demonstrate on three real-world time-series datasets that ExpCLR surpasses several state-of-the-art methods for both unsupervised and semi-supervised representation learning.
Quantum Approximation of Normalized Schatten Norms and Applications to Learning
Efficient measures to determine similarity of quantum states, such as the fidelity metric, have been widely studied. In this paper, we address the problem of defining a similarity measure for quantum operations that can be \textit{efficiently estimated}. Given two quantum operations, $U_1$ and $U_2$, represented in their circuit forms, we first develop a quantum sampling circuit to estimate the normalized Schatten 2-norm of their difference ($\| U_1-U_2 \|_{S_2}$) with precision $\epsilon$, using only one clean qubit and one classical random variable. We prove a Poly$(\frac{1}{\epsilon})$ upper bound on the sample complexity, which is independent of the size of the quantum system. We then show that such a similarity metric is directly related to a functional definition of similarity of unitary operations using the conventional fidelity metric of quantum states ($F$): If $\| U_1-U_2 \|_{S_2}$ is sufficiently small (e.g. $ \leq \frac{\epsilon}{1+\sqrt{2(1/\delta - 1)}}$) then the fidelity of states obtained by processing the same randomly and uniformly picked pure state, $|\psi \rangle$, is as high as needed ($F({U}_1 |\psi \rangle, {U}_2 |\psi \rangle)\geq 1-\epsilon$) with probability exceeding $1-\delta$. We provide example applications of this efficient similarity metric estimation framework to quantum circuit learning tasks, such as finding the square root of a given unitary operation.
CGAR: Critic Guided Action Redistribution in Reinforcement Leaning
Training a game-playing reinforcement learning agent requires multiple interactions with the environment. Ignorant random exploration may cause a waste of time and resources. It's essential to alleviate such waste. As discussed in this paper, under the settings of the off-policy actor critic algorithms, we demonstrate that the critic can bring more expected discounted rewards than or at least equal to the actor. Thus, the Q value predicted by the critic is a better signal to redistribute the action originally sampled from the policy distribution predicted by the actor. This paper introduces the novel Critic Guided Action Redistribution (CGAR) algorithm and tests it on the OpenAI MuJoCo tasks. The experimental results demonstrate that our method improves the sample efficiency and achieves state-of-the-art performance. Our code can be found at https://github.com/tairanhuang/CGAR.
Gradual Domain Adaptation via Normalizing Flows
Conventional domain adaptation methods do not work well when a large gap exists between the source and the target domain. Gradual domain adaptation is one of the approaches to address the problem by leveraging the intermediate domain, which gradually shifts from the source to the target domain. The previous work assumed that the number of the intermediate domains is large and the distance of the adjacent domains is small; hence, the gradual domain adaptation algorithm by self-training with unlabeled datasets was applicable. In practice, however, gradual self-training will fail because the number of the intermediate domains is limited, and the distance of the adjacent domains is large. We propose using normalizing flows to mitigate this problem while maintaining the framework of unsupervised domain adaptation. We generate pseudo intermediate domains from normalizing flows and then use them for gradual domain adaptation. We evaluate our method by experiments with real-world datasets and confirm that our proposed method mitigates the above explained problem and improves the classification performance.
Nearly Minimax Optimal Reinforcement Learning with Linear Function Approximation
We study reinforcement learning with linear function approximation where the transition probability and reward functions are linear with respect to a feature mapping $\boldsymbol{\phi}(s,a)$. Specifically, we consider the episodic inhomogeneous linear Markov Decision Process (MDP), and propose a novel computation-efficient algorithm, LSVI-UCB$^+$, which achieves an $\widetilde{O}(Hd\sqrt{T})$ regret bound where $H$ is the episode length, $d$ is the feature dimension, and $T$ is the number of steps. LSVI-UCB$^+$ builds on weighted ridge regression and upper confidence value iteration with a Bernstein-type exploration bonus. Our statistical results are obtained with novel analytical tools, including a new Bernstein self-normalized bound with conservatism on elliptical potentials, and refined analysis of the correction term. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first minimax optimal algorithm for linear MDPs up to logarithmic factors, which closes the $\sqrt{Hd}$ gap between the best known upper bound of $\widetilde{O}(\sqrt{H^3d^3T})$ in \cite{jin2020provably} and lower bound of $\Omega(Hd\sqrt{T})$ for linear MDPs.
On Pre-Training for Federated Learning
In most of the literature on federated learning (FL), neural networks are initialized with random weights. In this paper, we present an empirical study on the effect of pre-training on FL. Specifically, we aim to investigate if pre-training can alleviate the drastic accuracy drop when clients' decentralized data are non-IID. We focus on FedAvg, the fundamental and most widely used FL algorithm. We found that pre-training does largely close the gap between FedAvg and centralized learning under non-IID data, but this does not come from alleviating the well-known model drifting problem in FedAvg's local training. Instead, how pre-training helps FedAvg is by making FedAvg's global aggregation more stable. When pre-training using real data is not feasible for FL, we propose a novel approach to pre-train with synthetic data. On various image datasets (including one for segmentation), our approach with synthetic pre-training leads to a notable gain, essentially a critical step toward scaling up federated learning for real-world applications.
Patient Aware Active Learning for Fine-Grained OCT Classification
This paper considers making active learning more sensible from a medical perspective. In practice, a disease manifests itself in different forms across patient cohorts. Existing frameworks have primarily used mathematical constructs to engineer uncertainty or diversity-based methods for selecting the most informative samples. However, such algorithms do not present themselves naturally as usable by the medical community and healthcare providers. Thus, their deployment in clinical settings is very limited, if any. For this purpose, we propose a framework that incorporates clinical insights into the sample selection process of active learning that can be incorporated with existing algorithms. Our medically interpretable active learning framework captures diverse disease manifestations from patients to improve generalization performance of OCT classification. After comprehensive experiments, we report that incorporating patient insights within the active learning framework yields performance that matches or surpasses five commonly used paradigms on two architectures with a dataset having imbalanced patient distributions. Also, the framework integrates within existing medical practices and thus can be used by healthcare providers.
A Framework for Understanding Model Extraction Attack and Defense
The privacy of machine learning models has become a significant concern in many emerging Machine-Learning-as-a-Service applications, where prediction services based on well-trained models are offered to users via pay-per-query. The lack of a defense mechanism can impose a high risk on the privacy of the server's model since an adversary could efficiently steal the model by querying only a few `good' data points. The interplay between a server's defense and an adversary's attack inevitably leads to an arms race dilemma, as commonly seen in Adversarial Machine Learning. To study the fundamental tradeoffs between model utility from a benign user's view and privacy from an adversary's view, we develop new metrics to quantify such tradeoffs, analyze their theoretical properties, and develop an optimization problem to understand the optimal adversarial attack and defense strategies. The developed concepts and theory match the empirical findings on the `equilibrium' between privacy and utility. In terms of optimization, the key ingredient that enables our results is a unified representation of the attack-defense problem as a min-max bi-level problem. The developed results will be demonstrated by examples and experiments.
RetroGraph: Retrosynthetic Planning with Graph Search
Retrosynthetic planning, which aims to find a reaction pathway to synthesize a target molecule, plays an important role in chemistry and drug discovery. This task is usually modeled as a search problem. Recently, data-driven methods have attracted many research interests and shown promising results for retrosynthetic planning. We observe that the same intermediate molecules are visited many times in the searching process, and they are usually independently treated in previous tree-based methods (e.g., AND-OR tree search, Monte Carlo tree search). Such redundancies make the search process inefficient. We propose a graph-based search policy that eliminates the redundant explorations of any intermediate molecules. As searching over a graph is more complicated than over a tree, we further adopt a graph neural network to guide the search over graphs. Meanwhile, our method can search a batch of targets together in the graph and remove the inter-target duplication in the tree-based search methods. Experimental results on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Especially on the widely used USPTO benchmark, we improve the search success rate to 99.47%, advancing previous state-of-the-art performance for 2.6 points.
Predicting the Geoeffectiveness of CMEs Using Machine Learning
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) are the most geoeffective space weather phenomena, being associated with large geomagnetic storms, having the potential to cause disturbances to telecommunication, satellite network disruptions, power grid damages and failures. Thus, considering these storms' potential effects on human activities, accurate forecasts of the geoeffectiveness of CMEs are paramount. This work focuses on experimenting with different machine learning methods trained on white-light coronagraph datasets of close to sun CMEs, to estimate whether such a newly erupting ejection has the potential to induce geomagnetic activity. We developed binary classification models using logistic regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines, feed forward artificial neural networks, as well as ensemble models. At this time, we limited our forecast to exclusively use solar onset parameters, to ensure extended warning times. We discuss the main challenges of this task, namely the extreme imbalance between the number of geoeffective and ineffective events in our dataset, along with their numerous similarities and the limited number of available variables. We show that even in such conditions, adequate hit rates can be achieved with these models.
Modular Conformal Calibration
Uncertainty estimates must be calibrated (i.e., accurate) and sharp (i.e., informative) in order to be useful. This has motivated a variety of methods for recalibration, which use held-out data to turn an uncalibrated model into a calibrated model. However, the applicability of existing methods is limited due to their assumption that the original model is also a probabilistic model. We introduce a versatile class of algorithms for recalibration in regression that we call Modular Conformal Calibration (MCC). This framework allows one to transform any regression model into a calibrated probabilistic model. The modular design of MCC allows us to make simple adjustments to existing algorithms that enable well-behaved distribution predictions. We also provide finite-sample calibration guarantees for MCC algorithms. Our framework recovers isotonic recalibration, conformal calibration, and conformal interval prediction, implying that our theoretical results apply to those methods as well. Finally, we conduct an empirical study of MCC on 17 regression datasets. Our results show that new algorithms designed in our framework achieve near-perfect calibration and improve sharpness relative to existing methods.
InfoAT: Improving Adversarial Training Using the Information Bottleneck Principle
Adversarial training (AT) has shown excellent high performance in defending against adversarial examples. Recent studies demonstrate that examples are not equally important to the final robustness of models during AT, that is, the so-called hard examples that can be attacked easily exhibit more influence than robust examples on the final robustness. Therefore, guaranteeing the robustness of hard examples is crucial for improving the final robustness of the model. However, defining effective heuristics to search for hard examples is still difficult. In this article, inspired by the information bottleneck (IB) principle, we uncover that an example with high mutual information of the input and its associated latent representation is more likely to be attacked. Based on this observation, we propose a novel and effective adversarial training method (InfoAT). InfoAT is encouraged to find examples with high mutual information and exploit them efficiently to improve the final robustness of models. Experimental results show that InfoAT achieves the best robustness among different datasets and models in comparison with several state-of-the-art methods.
Content Popularity Prediction Based on Quantized Federated Bayesian Learning in Fog Radio Access Networks
In this paper, we investigate the content popularity prediction problem in cache-enabled fog radio access networks (F-RANs). In order to predict the content popularity with high accuracy and low complexity, we propose a Gaussian process based regressor to model the content request pattern. Firstly, the relationship between content features and popularity is captured by our proposed model. Then, we utilize Bayesian learning to train the model parameters, which is robust to overfitting. However, Bayesian methods are usually unable to find a closed-form expression of the posterior distribution. To tackle this issue, we apply a stochastic variance reduced gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (SVRG-HMC) method to approximate the posterior distribution. To utilize the computing resources of other fog access points (F-APs) and to reduce the communications overhead, we propose a quantized federated learning (FL) framework combining with Bayesian learning. The quantized federated Bayesian learning framework allows each F-AP to send gradients to the cloud server after quantizing and encoding. It can achieve a tradeoff between prediction accuracy and communications overhead effectively. Simulation results show that the performance of our proposed policy outperforms the existing policies.
pyKT: A Python Library to Benchmark Deep Learning based Knowledge Tracing Models
Knowledge tracing (KT) is the task of using students' historical learning interaction data to model their knowledge mastery over time so as to make predictions on their future interaction performance. Recently, remarkable progress has been made of using various deep learning techniques to solve the KT problem. However, the success behind deep learning based knowledge tracing (DLKT) approaches is still left somewhat mysterious and proper measurement and analysis of these DLKT approaches remain a challenge. First, data preprocessing procedures in existing works are often private and/or custom, which limits experimental standardization. Furthermore, existing DLKT studies often differ in terms of the evaluation protocol and are far away real-world educational contexts. To address these problems, we introduce a comprehensive python based benchmark platform, \textsc{pyKT}, to guarantee valid comparisons across DLKT methods via thorough evaluations. The \textsc{pyKT} library consists of a standardized set of integrated data preprocessing procedures on 7 popular datasets across different domains, and 10 frequently compared DLKT model implementations for transparent experiments. Results from our fine-grained and rigorous empirical KT studies yield a set of observations and suggestions for effective DLKT, e.g., wrong evaluation setting may cause label leakage that generally leads to performance inflation; and the improvement of many DLKT approaches is minimal compared to the very first DLKT model proposed by Piech et al. \cite{piech2015deep}. We have open sourced \textsc{pyKT} and our experimental results at \url{https://pykt.org/}. We welcome contributions from other research groups and practitioners.
Efficient Adaptive Federated Optimization of Federated Learning for IoT
The proliferation of the Internet of Things (IoT) and widespread use of devices with sensing, computing, and communication capabilities have motivated intelligent applications empowered by artificial intelligence. The classical artificial intelligence algorithms require centralized data collection and processing which are challenging in realistic intelligent IoT applications due to growing data privacy concerns and distributed datasets. Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a distributed privacy-preserving learning framework that enables IoT devices to train global model through sharing model parameters. However, inefficiency due to frequent parameters transmissions significantly reduce FL performance. Existing acceleration algorithms consist of two main type including local update considering trade-offs between communication and computation and parameter compression considering trade-offs between communication and precision. Jointly considering these two trade-offs and adaptively balancing their impacts on convergence have remained unresolved. To solve the problem, this paper proposes a novel efficient adaptive federated optimization (EAFO) algorithm to improve efficiency of FL, which minimizes the learning error via jointly considering two variables including local update and parameter compression and enables FL to adaptively adjust the two variables and balance trade-offs among computation, communication and precision. The experiment results illustrate that comparing with state-of-the-art algorithms, the proposed EAFO can achieve higher accuracies faster.
Context matters for fairness -- a case study on the effect of spatial distribution shifts
With the ever growing involvement of data-driven AI-based decision making technologies in our daily social lives, the fairness of these systems is becoming a crucial phenomenon. However, an important and often challenging aspect in utilizing such systems is to distinguish validity for the range of their application especially under distribution shifts, i.e., when a model is deployed on data with different distribution than the training set. In this paper, we present a case study on the newly released American Census datasets, a reconstruction of the popular Adult dataset, to illustrate the importance of context for fairness and show how remarkably can spatial distribution shifts affect predictive- and fairness-related performance of a model. The problem persists for fairness-aware learning models with the effects of context-specific fairness interventions differing across the states and different population groups. Our study suggests that robustness to distribution shifts is necessary before deploying a model to another context.
Shilling Black-box Recommender Systems by Learning to Generate Fake User Profiles
Due to the pivotal role of Recommender Systems (RS) in guiding customers towards the purchase, there is a natural motivation for unscrupulous parties to spoof RS for profits. In this paper, we study Shilling Attack where an adversarial party injects a number of fake user profiles for improper purposes. Conventional Shilling Attack approaches lack attack transferability (i.e., attacks are not effective on some victim RS models) and/or attack invisibility (i.e., injected profiles can be easily detected). To overcome these issues, we present Leg-UP, a novel attack model based on the Generative Adversarial Network. Leg-UP learns user behavior patterns from real users in the sampled ``templates'' and constructs fake user profiles. To simulate real users, the generator in Leg-UP directly outputs discrete ratings. To enhance attack transferability, the parameters of the generator are optimized by maximizing the attack performance on a surrogate RS model. To improve attack invisibility, Leg-UP adopts a discriminator to guide the generator to generate undetectable fake user profiles. Experiments on benchmarks have shown that Leg-UP exceeds state-of-the-art Shilling Attack methods on a wide range of victim RS models. The source code of our work is available at: https://github.com/XMUDM/ShillingAttack.
Recursive Reinforcement Learning
Recursion is the fundamental paradigm to finitely describe potentially infinite objects. As state-of-the-art reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms cannot directly reason about recursion, they must rely on the practitioner's ingenuity in designing a suitable "flat" representation of the environment. The resulting manual feature constructions and approximations are cumbersome and error-prone; their lack of transparency hampers scalability. To overcome these challenges, we develop RL algorithms capable of computing optimal policies in environments described as a collection of Markov decision processes (MDPs) that can recursively invoke one another. Each constituent MDP is characterized by several entry and exit points that correspond to input and output values of these invocations. These recursive MDPs (or RMDPs) are expressively equivalent to probabilistic pushdown systems (with call-stack playing the role of the pushdown stack), and can model probabilistic programs with recursive procedural calls. We introduce Recursive Q-learning -- a model-free RL algorithm for RMDPs -- and prove that it converges for finite, single-exit and deterministic multi-exit RMDPs under mild assumptions.
On a class of geodesically convex optimization problems solved via Euclidean MM methods
We study geodesically convex (g-convex) problems that can be written as a difference of Euclidean convex functions. This structure arises in several optimization problems in statistics and machine learning, e.g., for matrix scaling, M-estimators for covariances, and Brascamp-Lieb inequalities. Our work offers efficient algorithms that on the one hand exploit g-convexity to ensure global optimality along with guarantees on iteration complexity. On the other hand, the split structure permits us to develop Euclidean Majorization-Minorization algorithms that help us bypass the need to compute expensive Riemannian operations such as exponential maps and parallel transport. We illustrate our results by specializing them to a few concrete optimization problems that have been previously studied in the machine learning literature. Ultimately, we hope our work helps motivate the broader search for mixed Euclidean-Riemannian optimization algorithms.
Functional Nonlinear Learning
Using representations of functional data can be more convenient and beneficial in subsequent statistical models than direct observations. These representations, in a lower-dimensional space, extract and compress information from individual curves. The existing representation learning approaches in functional data analysis usually use linear mapping in parallel to those from multivariate analysis, e.g., functional principal component analysis (FPCA). However, functions, as infinite-dimensional objects, sometimes have nonlinear structures that cannot be uncovered by linear mapping. Linear methods will be more overwhelmed given multivariate functional data. For that matter, this paper proposes a functional nonlinear learning (FunNoL) method to sufficiently represent multivariate functional data in a lower-dimensional feature space. Furthermore, we merge a classification model for enriching the ability of representations in predicting curve labels. Hence, representations from FunNoL can be used for both curve reconstruction and classification. Additionally, we have endowed the proposed model with the ability to address the missing observation problem as well as to further denoise observations. The resulting representations are robust to observations that are locally disturbed by uncontrollable random noises. We apply the proposed FunNoL method to several real data sets and show that FunNoL can achieve better classifications than FPCA, especially in the multivariate functional data setting. Simulation studies have shown that FunNoL provides satisfactory curve classification and reconstruction regardless of data sparsity.
Input-agnostic Certified Group Fairness via Gaussian Parameter Smoothing
Only recently, researchers attempt to provide classification algorithms with provable group fairness guarantees. Most of these algorithms suffer from harassment caused by the requirement that the training and deployment data follow the same distribution. This paper proposes an input-agnostic certified group fairness algorithm, FairSmooth, for improving the fairness of classification models while maintaining the remarkable prediction accuracy. A Gaussian parameter smoothing method is developed to transform base classifiers into their smooth versions. An optimal individual smooth classifier is learnt for each group with only the data regarding the group and an overall smooth classifier for all groups is generated by averaging the parameters of all the individual smooth ones. By leveraging the theory of nonlinear functional analysis, the smooth classifiers are reformulated as output functions of a Nemytskii operator. Theoretical analysis is conducted to derive that the Nemytskii operator is smooth and induces a Frechet differentiable smooth manifold. We theoretically demonstrate that the smooth manifold has a global Lipschitz constant that is independent of the domain of the input data, which derives the input-agnostic certified group fairness.
Consistency of Neural Networks with Regularization
Neural networks have attracted a lot of attention due to its success in applications such as natural language processing and computer vision. For large scale data, due to the tremendous number of parameters in neural networks, overfitting is an issue in training neural networks. To avoid overfitting, one common approach is to penalize the parameters especially the weights in neural networks. Although neural networks has demonstrated its advantages in many applications, the theoretical foundation of penalized neural networks has not been well-established. Our goal of this paper is to propose the general framework of neural networks with regularization and prove its consistency. Under certain conditions, the estimated neural network will converge to true underlying function as the sample size increases. The method of sieves and the theory on minimal neural networks are used to overcome the issue of unidentifiability for the parameters. Two types of activation functions: hyperbolic tangent function(Tanh) and rectified linear unit(ReLU) have been taken into consideration. Simulations have been conducted to verify the validation of theorem of consistency.
FINGER: Fast Inference for Graph-based Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
Approximate K-Nearest Neighbor Search (AKNNS) has now become ubiquitous in modern applications, for example, as a fast search procedure with two tower deep learning models. Graph-based methods for AKNNS in particular have received great attention due to their superior performance. These methods rely on greedy graph search to traverse the data points as embedding vectors in a database. Under this greedy search scheme, we make a key observation: many distance computations do not influence search updates so these computations can be approximated without hurting performance. As a result, we propose FINGER, a fast inference method to achieve efficient graph search. FINGER approximates the distance function by estimating angles between neighboring residual vectors with low-rank bases and distribution matching. The approximated distance can be used to bypass unnecessary computations, which leads to faster searches. Empirically, accelerating a popular graph-based method named HNSW by FINGER is shown to outperform existing graph-based methods by 20%-60% across different benchmark datasets.
The ArtBench Dataset: Benchmarking Generative Models with Artworks
We introduce ArtBench-10, the first class-balanced, high-quality, cleanly annotated, and standardized dataset for benchmarking artwork generation. It comprises 60,000 images of artwork from 10 distinctive artistic styles, with 5,000 training images and 1,000 testing images per style. ArtBench-10 has several advantages over previous artwork datasets. Firstly, it is class-balanced while most previous artwork datasets suffer from the long tail class distributions. Secondly, the images are of high quality with clean annotations. Thirdly, ArtBench-10 is created with standardized data collection, annotation, filtering, and preprocessing procedures. We provide three versions of the dataset with different resolutions ($32\times32$, $256\times256$, and original image size), formatted in a way that is easy to be incorporated by popular machine learning frameworks. We also conduct extensive benchmarking experiments using representative image synthesis models with ArtBench-10 and present in-depth analysis. The dataset is available at https://github.com/liaopeiyuan/artbench under a Fair Use license.
Curious Exploration via Structured World Models Yields Zero-Shot Object Manipulation
It has been a long-standing dream to design artificial agents that explore their environment efficiently via intrinsic motivation, similar to how children perform curious free play. Despite recent advances in intrinsically motivated reinforcement learning (RL), sample-efficient exploration in object manipulation scenarios remains a significant challenge as most of the relevant information lies in the sparse agent-object and object-object interactions. In this paper, we propose to use structured world models to incorporate relational inductive biases in the control loop to achieve sample-efficient and interaction-rich exploration in compositional multi-object environments. By planning for future novelty inside structured world models, our method generates free-play behavior that starts to interact with objects early on and develops more complex behavior over time. Instead of using models only to compute intrinsic rewards, as commonly done, our method showcases that the self-reinforcing cycle between good models and good exploration also opens up another avenue: zero-shot generalization to downstream tasks via model-based planning. After the entirely intrinsic task-agnostic exploration phase, our method solves challenging downstream tasks such as stacking, flipping, pick & place, and throwing that generalizes to unseen numbers and arrangements of objects without any additional training.
Program Targeting with Machine Learning and Mobile Phone Data: Evidence from an Anti-Poverty Intervention in Afghanistan
Can mobile phone data improve program targeting? By combining rich survey data from a "big push" anti-poverty program in Afghanistan with detailed mobile phone logs from program beneficiaries, we study the extent to which machine learning methods can accurately differentiate ultra-poor households eligible for program benefits from ineligible households. We show that machine learning methods leveraging mobile phone data can identify ultra-poor households nearly as accurately as survey-based measures of consumption and wealth; and that combining survey-based measures with mobile phone data produces classifications more accurate than those based on a single data source.
Learning Representations for Control with Hierarchical Forward Models
Learning control from pixels is difficult for reinforcement learning (RL) agents because representation learning and policy learning are intertwined. Previous approaches remedy this issue with auxiliary representation learning tasks, but they either do not consider the temporal aspect of the problem or only consider single-step transitions. Instead, we propose Hierarchical $k$-Step Latent (HKSL), an auxiliary task that learns representations via a hierarchy of forward models that operate at varying magnitudes of step skipping while also learning to communicate between levels in the hierarchy. We evaluate HKSL in a suite of 30 robotic control tasks and find that HKSL either reaches higher episodic returns or converges to maximum performance more quickly than several current baselines. Also, we find that levels in HKSL's hierarchy can learn to specialize in long- or short-term consequences of agent actions, thereby providing the downstream control policy with more informative representations. Finally, we determine that communication channels between hierarchy levels organize information based on both sides of the communication process, which improves sample efficiency.
Bi-stochastically normalized graph Laplacian: convergence to manifold Laplacian and robustness to outlier noise
Bi-stochastic normalization of kernelized graph affinity matrix provides an alternative normalization scheme for graph Laplacian methods in graph-based data analysis and can be computed efficiently by Sinkhorn-Knopp (SK) iterations in practice. This paper proves the convergence of the bi-stochastically normalized graph Laplacian to manifold (weighted-)Laplacian with rates when $n$ data points are i.i.d. sampled from a general $d$-dimensional manifold embedded in a possibly high-dimensional space. Under certain joint limit of $n \to \infty$ and kernel bandwidth $\epsilon \to 0$, the point-wise convergence rate of the graph Laplacian operator (under 2-norm) is proved to be $ O( n^{-1/(d/2+3)})$ at finite large $n$ up to log factors, achieved at the scaling of $\epsilon \sim n^{-1/(d/2+3)} $. When the manifold data are corrupted by outlier noise, we theoretically prove the graph Laplacian point-wise consistency which matches the rate for clean manifold data up to an additional error term proportional to the boundedness of mutual inner-products of the noise vectors. Our analysis suggests that, under the setting being considered in this paper, not exact bi-stochastic normalization but an approximate one will achieve the same consistency rate. Motivated by the analysis, we propose an approximate and constrained matrix scaling problem that can be solved by SK iterations with early termination, and apply to simulated manifold data both clean and with outlier noise. Numerical experiments support our theoretical results and show the robustness of bi-stochastically normalized graph Laplacian to outlier noise.
GACT: Activation Compressed Training for General Architectures
Training large neural network (NN) models requires extensive memory resources, and Activation Compressed Training (ACT) is a promising approach to reduce training memory footprint. This paper presents GACT, an ACT framework to support a broad range of machine learning tasks for generic NN architectures with limited domain knowledge. By analyzing a linearized version of ACT's approximate gradient, we prove the convergence of GACT without prior knowledge on operator type or model architecture. To make training stable, we propose an algorithm that decides the compression ratio for each tensor by estimating its impact on the gradient at run time. We implement GACT as a PyTorch library that readily applies to any NN architecture. GACT reduces the activation memory for convolutional NNs, transformers, and graph NNs by up to 8.1x, enabling training with a 4.2x to 24.7x larger batch size, with negligible accuracy loss.
Projection-free Constrained Stochastic Nonconvex Optimization with State-dependent Markov Data
We study a projection-free conditional gradient-type algorithm for constrained nonconvex stochastic optimization problems with Markovian data. In particular, we focus on the case when the transition kernel of the Markov chain is state-dependent. Such stochastic optimization problems arise in various machine learning problems including strategic classification and reinforcement learning. For this problem, we establish that the number of calls to the stochastic first-order oracle and the linear minimization oracle to obtain an appropriately defined $\epsilon$-stationary point, are of the order $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon^{2.5})$ and $\mathcal{O}(1/\epsilon^{5.5})$ respectively. We also empirically demonstrate the performance of our algorithm on the problem of strategic classification with neural networks.
Synthetic Data-Based Simulators for Recommender Systems: A Survey
This survey aims at providing a comprehensive overview of the recent trends in the field of modeling and simulation (M&S) of interactions between users and recommender systems and applications of the M&S to the performance improvement of industrial recommender engines. We start with the motivation behind the development of frameworks implementing the simulations -- simulators -- and the usage of them for training and testing recommender systems of different types (including Reinforcement Learning ones). Furthermore, we provide a new consistent classification of existing simulators based on their functionality, approbation, and industrial effectiveness and moreover make a summary of the simulators found in the research literature. Besides other things, we discuss the building blocks of simulators: methods for synthetic data (user, item, user-item responses) generation, methods for what-if experimental analysis, methods and datasets used for simulation quality evaluation (including the methods that monitor and/or close possible simulation-to-reality gaps), and methods for summarization of experimental simulation results. Finally, this survey considers emerging topics and open problems in the field.
Optimistic Linear Support and Successor Features as a Basis for Optimal Policy Transfer
In many real-world applications, reinforcement learning (RL) agents might have to solve multiple tasks, each one typically modeled via a reward function. If reward functions are expressed linearly, and the agent has previously learned a set of policies for different tasks, successor features (SFs) can be exploited to combine such policies and identify reasonable solutions for new problems. However, the identified solutions are not guaranteed to be optimal. We introduce a novel algorithm that addresses this limitation. It allows RL agents to combine existing policies and directly identify optimal policies for arbitrary new problems, without requiring any further interactions with the environment. We first show (under mild assumptions) that the transfer learning problem tackled by SFs is equivalent to the problem of learning to optimize multiple objectives in RL. We then introduce an SF-based extension of the Optimistic Linear Support algorithm to learn a set of policies whose SFs form a convex coverage set. We prove that policies in this set can be combined via generalized policy improvement to construct optimal behaviors for any new linearly-expressible tasks, without requiring any additional training samples. We empirically show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art competing algorithms both in discrete and continuous domains under value function approximation.
Community Recovery in the Geometric Block Model
To capture inherent geometric features of many community detection problems, we propose to use a new random graph model of communities that we call a \emph{Geometric Block Model}. The geometric block model builds on the \emph{random geometric graphs} (Gilbert, 1961), one of the basic models of random graphs for spatial networks, in the same way that the well-studied stochastic block model builds on the Erd\H{o}s-R\'{en}yi random graphs. It is also a natural extension of random community models inspired by the recent theoretical and practical advancements in community detection. To analyze the geometric block model, we first provide new connectivity results for \emph{random annulus graphs} which are generalizations of random geometric graphs. The connectivity properties of geometric graphs have been studied since their introduction, and analyzing them has been difficult due to correlated edge formation. We then use the connectivity results of random annulus graphs to provide necessary and sufficient conditions for efficient recovery of communities for the geometric block model. We show that a simple triangle-counting algorithm to detect communities in the geometric block model is near-optimal. For this we consider two regimes of graph density. In the regime where the average degree of the graph grows logarithmically with number of vertices, we show that our algorithm performs extremely well, both theoretically and practically. In contrast, the triangle-counting algorithm is far from being optimum for the stochastic block model in the logarithmic degree regime. We also look at the regime where the average degree of the graph grows linearly with the number of vertices $n$, and hence to store the graph one needs $\Theta(n^2)$ memory. We show that our algorithm needs to store only $O(n \log n)$ edges in this regime to recover the latent communities.
Latent Policies for Adversarial Imitation Learning
This paper considers learning robot locomotion and manipulation tasks from expert demonstrations. Generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) trains a discriminator that distinguishes expert from agent transitions, and in turn use a reward defined by the discriminator output to optimize a policy generator for the agent. This generative adversarial training approach is very powerful but depends on a delicate balance between the discriminator and the generator training. In high-dimensional problems, the discriminator training may easily overfit or exploit associations with task-irrelevant features for transition classification. A key insight of this work is that performing imitation learning in a suitable latent task space makes the training process stable, even in challenging high-dimensional problems. We use an action encoder-decoder model to obtain a low-dimensional latent action space and train a LAtent Policy using Adversarial imitation Learning (LAPAL). The encoder-decoder model can be trained offline from state-action pairs to obtain a task-agnostic latent action representation or online, simultaneously with the discriminator and generator training, to obtain a task-aware latent action representation. We demonstrate that LAPAL training is stable, with near-monotonic performance improvement, and achieves expert performance in most locomotion and manipulation tasks, while a GAIL baseline converges slower and does not achieve expert performance in high-dimensional environments.
Neural Implicit Manifold Learning for Topology-Aware Generative Modelling
Natural data observed in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is often constrained to an $m$-dimensional manifold $\mathcal{M}$, where $m < n$. Current generative models represent this manifold by mapping an $m$-dimensional latent variable through a neural network $f_\theta: \mathbb{R}^m \to \mathbb{R}^n$. Such procedures, which we call pushforward models, incur a straightforward limitation: manifolds cannot in general be represented with a single parameterization, meaning that attempts to do so will incur either computational instability or the inability to learn probability densities within the manifold. To remedy this problem, we propose to model $\mathcal{M}$ as a neural implicit manifold: the set of zeros of a neural network. To learn the data distribution within $\mathcal{M}$, we introduce constrained energy-based models, which use a constrained variant of Langevin dynamics to train and sample within the learned manifold. The resulting model can be manipulated with an arithmetic of manifolds which allows practitioners to take unions and intersections of model manifolds. In experiments on synthetic and natural data, we show that constrained EBMs can learn manifold-supported distributions with complex topologies more accurately than pushforward models.
Langevin Monte Carlo for Contextual Bandits
We study the efficiency of Thompson sampling for contextual bandits. Existing Thompson sampling-based algorithms need to construct a Laplace approximation (i.e., a Gaussian distribution) of the posterior distribution, which is inefficient to sample in high dimensional applications for general covariance matrices. Moreover, the Gaussian approximation may not be a good surrogate for the posterior distribution for general reward generating functions. We propose an efficient posterior sampling algorithm, viz., Langevin Monte Carlo Thompson Sampling (LMC-TS), that uses Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to directly sample from the posterior distribution in contextual bandits. Our method is computationally efficient since it only needs to perform noisy gradient descent updates without constructing the Laplace approximation of the posterior distribution. We prove that the proposed algorithm achieves the same sublinear regret bound as the best Thompson sampling algorithms for a special case of contextual bandits, viz., linear contextual bandits. We conduct experiments on both synthetic data and real-world datasets on different contextual bandit models, which demonstrates that directly sampling from the posterior is both computationally efficient and competitive in performance.
Behavior Transformers: Cloning $k$ modes with one stone
While behavior learning has made impressive progress in recent times, it lags behind computer vision and natural language processing due to its inability to leverage large, human-generated datasets. Human behaviors have wide variance, multiple modes, and human demonstrations typically do not come with reward labels. These properties limit the applicability of current methods in Offline RL and Behavioral Cloning to learn from large, pre-collected datasets. In this work, we present Behavior Transformer (BeT), a new technique to model unlabeled demonstration data with multiple modes. BeT retrofits standard transformer architectures with action discretization coupled with a multi-task action correction inspired by offset prediction in object detection. This allows us to leverage the multi-modal modeling ability of modern transformers to predict multi-modal continuous actions. We experimentally evaluate BeT on a variety of robotic manipulation and self-driving behavior datasets. We show that BeT significantly improves over prior state-of-the-art work on solving demonstrated tasks while capturing the major modes present in the pre-collected datasets. Finally, through an extensive ablation study, we analyze the importance of every crucial component in BeT. Videos of behavior generated by BeT are available at https://notmahi.github.io/bet
GEMv2: Multilingual NLG Benchmarking in a Single Line of Code
Evaluation in machine learning is usually informed by past choices, for example which datasets or metrics to use. This standardization enables the comparison on equal footing using leaderboards, but the evaluation choices become sub-optimal as better alternatives arise. This problem is especially pertinent in natural language generation which requires ever-improving suites of datasets, metrics, and human evaluation to make definitive claims. To make following best model evaluation practices easier, we introduce GEMv2. The new version of the Generation, Evaluation, and Metrics Benchmark introduces a modular infrastructure for dataset, model, and metric developers to benefit from each others work. GEMv2 supports 40 documented datasets in 51 languages. Models for all datasets can be evaluated online and our interactive data card creation and rendering tools make it easier to add new datasets to the living benchmark.
Provable Acceleration of Heavy Ball beyond Quadratics for a Class of Polyak-Łojasiewicz Functions when the Non-Convexity is Averaged-Out
Heavy Ball (HB) nowadays is one of the most popular momentum methods in non-convex optimization. It has been widely observed that incorporating the Heavy Ball dynamic in gradient-based methods accelerates the training process of modern machine learning models. However, the progress on establishing its theoretical foundation of acceleration is apparently far behind its empirical success. Existing provable acceleration results are of the quadratic or close-to-quadratic functions, as the current techniques of showing HB's acceleration are limited to the case when the Hessian is fixed. In this work, we develop some new techniques that help show acceleration beyond quadratics, which is achieved by analyzing how the change of the Hessian at two consecutive time points affects the convergence speed. Based on our technical results, a class of Polyak-\L{}ojasiewicz (PL) optimization problems for which provable acceleration can be achieved via HB is identified. Moreover, our analysis demonstrates a benefit of adaptively setting the momentum parameter.
Concentration inequalities and optimal number of layers for stochastic deep neural networks
We state concentration and martingale inequalities for the output of the hidden layers of a stochastic deep neural network (SDNN), as well as for the output of the whole SDNN. These results allow us to introduce an expected classifier (EC), and to give probabilistic upper bound for the classification error of the EC. We also state the optimal number of layers for the SDNN via an optimal stopping procedure. We apply our analysis to a stochastic version of a feedforward neural network with ReLU activation function.
FedorAS: Federated Architecture Search under system heterogeneity
Federated learning (FL) has recently gained considerable attention due to its ability to use decentralised data while preserving privacy. However, it also poses additional challenges related to the heterogeneity of the participating devices, both in terms of their computational capabilities and contributed data. Meanwhile, Neural Architecture Search (NAS) has been successfully used with centralised datasets, producing state-of-the-art results in constrained (hardware-aware) and unconstrained settings. However, even the most recent work laying at the intersection of NAS and FL assumes homogeneous compute environment with datacenter-grade hardware and does not address the issues of working with constrained, heterogeneous devices. As a result, practical usage of NAS in a federated setting remains an open problem that we address in our work. We design our system, FedorAS, to discover and train promising architectures when dealing with devices of varying capabilities holding non-IID distributed data, and present empirical evidence of its effectiveness across different settings. Specifically, we evaluate FedorAS across datasets spanning three different modalities (vision, speech, text) and show its better performance compared to state-of-the-art federated solutions, while maintaining resource efficiency.
Correct and Certify: A New Approach to Self-Supervised 3D-Object Perception
We consider an object pose estimation and model fitting problem, where - given a partial point cloud of an object - the goal is to estimate the object pose by fitting a CAD model to the sensor data. We solve this problem by combining (i) a semantic keypoint-based pose estimation model, (ii) a novel self-supervised training approach, and (iii) a certification procedure, that not only verifies whether the output produced by the model is correct or not, but also flags uniqueness of the produced solution. The semantic keypoint detector model is initially trained in simulation and does not perform well on real-data due to the domain gap. Our self-supervised training procedure uses a corrector and a certification module to improve the detector. The corrector module corrects the detected keypoints to compensate for the domain gap, and is implemented as a declarative layer, for which we develop a simple differentiation rule. The certification module declares whether the corrected output produced by the model is certifiable (i.e. correct) or not. At each iteration, the approach optimizes over the loss induced only by the certifiable input-output pairs. As training progresses, we see that the fraction of outputs that are certifiable increases, eventually reaching near $100\%$ in many cases. We also introduce the notion of strong certifiability wherein the model can determine if the predicted object model fit is unique or not. The detected semantic keypoints help us implement this in the forward pass. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of the corrector, the certification, and the proposed self-supervised training using the ShapeNet and YCB datasets, and show the proposed approach achieves performance comparable to fully supervised baselines while not requiring pose or keypoint supervision on real data.
VisFIS: Visual Feature Importance Supervision with Right-for-the-Right-Reason Objectives
Many past works aim to improve visual reasoning in models by supervising feature importance (estimated by model explanation techniques) with human annotations such as highlights of important image regions. However, recent work has shown that performance gains from feature importance (FI) supervision for Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks persist even with random supervision, suggesting that these methods do not meaningfully align model FI with human FI. In this paper, we show that model FI supervision can meaningfully improve VQA model accuracy as well as performance on several Right-for-the-Right-Reason (RRR) metrics by optimizing for four key model objectives: (1) accurate predictions given limited but sufficient information (Sufficiency); (2) max-entropy predictions given no important information (Uncertainty); (3) invariance of predictions to changes in unimportant features (Invariance); and (4) alignment between model FI explanations and human FI explanations (Plausibility). Our best performing method, Visual Feature Importance Supervision (VisFIS), outperforms strong baselines on benchmark VQA datasets in terms of both in-distribution and out-of-distribution accuracy. While past work suggests that the mechanism for improved accuracy is through improved explanation plausibility, we show that this relationship depends crucially on explanation faithfulness (whether explanations truly represent the model's internal reasoning). Predictions are more accurate when explanations are plausible and faithful, and not when they are plausible but not faithful. Lastly, we show that, surprisingly, RRR metrics are not predictive of out-of-distribution model accuracy when controlling for a model's in-distribution accuracy, which calls into question the value of these metrics for evaluating model reasoning. All supporting code is available at https://github.com/zfying/visfis
Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithms for Socially Fair $k$-Clustering
We study approximation algorithms for the socially fair $(\ell_p, k)$-clustering problem with $m$ groups, whose special cases include the socially fair $k$-median ($p=1$) and socially fair $k$-means ($p=2$) problems. We present (1) a polynomial-time $(5+2\sqrt{6})^p$-approximation with at most $k+m$ centers (2) a $(5+2\sqrt{6}+\epsilon)^p$-approximation with $k$ centers in time $n^{2^{O(p)}\cdot m^2}$, and (3) a $(15+6\sqrt{6})^p$ approximation with $k$ centers in time $k^{m}\cdot\text{poly}(n)$. The first result is obtained via a refinement of the iterative rounding method using a sequence of linear programs. The latter two results are obtained by converting a solution with up to $k+m$ centers to one with $k$ centers using sparsification methods for (2) and via an exhaustive search for (3). We also compare the performance of our algorithms with existing bicriteria algorithms as well as exactly $k$ center approximation algorithms on benchmark datasets, and find that our algorithms also outperform existing methods in practice.
Multi-Agent Car Parking using Reinforcement Learning
As the industry of autonomous driving grows, so does the potential interaction of groups of autonomous cars. Combined with the advancement of Artificial Intelligence and simulation, such groups can be simulated, and safety-critical models can be learned controlling the cars within. This study applies reinforcement learning to the problem of multi-agent car parking, where groups of cars aim to efficiently park themselves, while remaining safe and rational. Utilising robust tools and machine learning frameworks, we design and implement a flexible car parking environment in the form of a Markov decision process with independent learners, exploiting multi-agent communication. We implement a suite of tools to perform experiments at scale, obtaining models parking up to 7 cars with over a 98.1% success rate, significantly beating existing single-agent models. We also obtain several results relating to competitive and collaborative behaviours exhibited by the cars in our environment, with varying densities and levels of communication. Notably, we discover a form of collaboration that cannot arise without competition, and a 'leaky' form of collaboration whereby agents collaborate without sufficient state. Such work has numerous potential applications in the autonomous driving and fleet management industries, and provides several useful techniques and benchmarks for the application of reinforcement learning to multi-agent car parking.
General Univariate Estimation-of-Distribution Algorithms
We propose a general formulation of a univariate estimation-of-distribution algorithm (EDA). It naturally incorporates the three classic univariate EDAs \emph{compact genetic algorithm}, \emph{univariate marginal distribution algorithm} and \emph{population-based incremental learning} as well as the \emph{max-min ant system} with iteration-best update. Our unified description of the existing algorithms allows a unified analysis of these; we demonstrate this by providing an analysis of genetic drift that immediately gives the existing results proven separately for the four algorithms named above. Our general model also includes EDAs that are more efficient than the existing ones and these may not be difficult to find as we demonstrate for the OneMax and LeadingOnes benchmarks.
Learning Optimal Treatment Strategies for Sepsis Using Offline Reinforcement Learning in Continuous Space
Sepsis is a leading cause of death in the ICU. It is a disease requiring complex interventions in a short period of time, but its optimal treatment strategy remains uncertain. Evidence suggests that the practices of currently used treatment strategies are problematic and may cause harm to patients. To address this decision problem, we propose a new medical decision model based on historical data to help clinicians recommend the best reference option for real-time treatment. Our model combines offline reinforcement learning with deep reinforcement learning to address the problem that traditional reinforcement learning in healthcare cannot interact with the environment, enabling our model to make decisions in a continuous state-action space. We demonstrate that, on average, the treatments recommended by the model are more valuable and reliable than those recommended by clinicians. In a large validation dataset, we found that patients whose actual doses from clinicians matched the AI's decisions had the lowest mortality rates. Our model provides personalized, clinically interpretable treatment decisions for sepsis that can improve patient care.
Independent evaluation of state-of-the-art deep networks for mammography
Deep neural models have shown remarkable performance in image recognition tasks, whenever large datasets of labeled images are available. The largest datasets in radiology are available for screening mammography. Recent reports, including in high impact journals, document performance of deep models at or above that of trained radiologists. What is not yet known is whether performance of these trained models is robust and replicates across datasets. Here we evaluate performance of five published state-of-the-art models on four publicly available mammography datasets. The limited size of public datasets precludes retraining the model and so we are limited to evaluate those models that have been made available with pre-trained parameters. Where test data was available, we replicated published results. However, the trained models performed poorly on out-of-sample data, except when based on all four standard views of a mammographic exam. We conclude that future progress will depend on a concerted effort to make more diverse and larger mammography datasets publicly available. Meanwhile, results that are not accompanied by a release of trained models for independent validation should be judged cautiously.
Towards Unsupervised Content Disentanglement in Sentence Representations via Syntactic Roles
Linking neural representations to linguistic factors is crucial in order to build and analyze NLP models interpretable by humans. Among these factors, syntactic roles (e.g. subjects, direct objects,$\dots$) and their realizations are essential markers since they can be understood as a decomposition of predicative structures and thus the meaning of sentences. Starting from a deep probabilistic generative model with attention, we measure the interaction between latent variables and realizations of syntactic roles and show that it is possible to obtain, without supervision, representations of sentences where different syntactic roles correspond to clearly identified different latent variables. The probabilistic model we propose is an Attention-Driven Variational Autoencoder (ADVAE). Drawing inspiration from Transformer-based machine translation models, ADVAEs enable the analysis of the interactions between latent variables and input tokens through attention. We also develop an evaluation protocol to measure disentanglement with regard to the realizations of syntactic roles. This protocol is based on attention maxima for the encoder and on latent variable perturbations for the decoder. Our experiments on raw English text from the SNLI dataset show that $\textit{i)}$ disentanglement of syntactic roles can be induced without supervision, $\textit{ii)}$ ADVAE separates syntactic roles better than classical sequence VAEs and Transformer VAEs, $\textit{iii)}$ realizations of syntactic roles can be separately modified in sentences by mere intervention on the associated latent variables. Our work constitutes a first step towards unsupervised controllable content generation. The code for our work is publicly available.
Active Learning with Safety Constraints
Active learning methods have shown great promise in reducing the number of samples necessary for learning. As automated learning systems are adopted into real-time, real-world decision-making pipelines, it is increasingly important that such algorithms are designed with safety in mind. In this work we investigate the complexity of learning the best safe decision in interactive environments. We reduce this problem to a constrained linear bandits problem, where our goal is to find the best arm satisfying certain (unknown) safety constraints. We propose an adaptive experimental design-based algorithm, which we show efficiently trades off between the difficulty of showing an arm is unsafe vs suboptimal. To our knowledge, our results are the first on best-arm identification in linear bandits with safety constraints. In practice, we demonstrate that this approach performs well on synthetic and real world datasets.
On the Role of Spatial, Spectral, and Temporal Processing for DNN-based Non-linear Multi-channel Speech Enhancement
Employing deep neural networks (DNNs) to directly learn filters for multi-channel speech enhancement has potentially two key advantages over a traditional approach combining a linear spatial filter with an independent tempo-spectral post-filter: 1) non-linear spatial filtering allows to overcome potential restrictions originating from a linear processing model and 2) joint processing of spatial and tempo-spectral information allows to exploit interdependencies between different sources of information. A variety of DNN-based non-linear filters have been proposed recently, for which good enhancement performance is reported. However, little is known about the internal mechanisms which turns network architecture design into a game of chance. Therefore, in this paper, we perform experiments to better understand the internal processing of spatial, spectral and temporal information by DNN-based non-linear filters. On the one hand, our experiments in a difficult speech extraction scenario confirm the importance of non-linear spatial filtering, which outperforms an oracle linear spatial filter by 0.24 POLQA score. On the other hand, we demonstrate that joint processing results in a large performance gap of 0.4 POLQA score between network architectures exploiting spectral versus temporal information besides spatial information.
Optimal transport meets noisy label robust loss and MixUp regularization for domain adaptation
It is common in computer vision to be confronted with domain shift: images which have the same class but different acquisition conditions. In domain adaptation (DA), one wants to classify unlabeled target images using source labeled images. Unfortunately, deep neural networks trained on a source training set perform poorly on target images which do not belong to the training domain. One strategy to improve these performances is to align the source and target image distributions in an embedded space using optimal transport (OT). However OT can cause negative transfer, i.e. aligning samples with different labels, which leads to overfitting especially in the presence of label shift between domains. In this work, we mitigate negative alignment by explaining it as a noisy label assignment to target images. We then mitigate its effect by appropriate regularization. We propose to couple the MixUp regularization \citep{zhang2018mixup} with a loss that is robust to noisy labels in order to improve domain adaptation performance. We show in an extensive ablation study that a combination of the two techniques is critical to achieve improved performance. Finally, we evaluate our method, called \textsc{mixunbot}, on several benchmarks and real-world DA problems.
Cold Posteriors through PAC-Bayes
We investigate the cold posterior effect through the lens of PAC-Bayes generalization bounds. We argue that in the non-asymptotic setting, when the number of training samples is (relatively) small, discussions of the cold posterior effect should take into account that approximate Bayesian inference does not readily provide guarantees of performance on out-of-sample data. Instead, out-of-sample error is better described through a generalization bound. In this context, we explore the connections between the ELBO objective from variational inference and the PAC-Bayes objectives. We note that, while the ELBO and PAC-Bayes objectives are similar, the latter objectives naturally contain a temperature parameter $\lambda$ which is not restricted to be $\lambda=1$. For both regression and classification tasks, in the case of isotropic Laplace approximations to the posterior, we show how this PAC-Bayesian interpretation of the temperature parameter captures the cold posterior effect.
Neural Inverse Transform Sampler
Any explicit functional representation $f$ of a density is hampered by two main obstacles when we wish to use it as a generative model: designing $f$ so that sampling is fast, and estimating $Z = \int f$ so that $Z^{-1}f$ integrates to 1. This becomes increasingly complicated as $f$ itself becomes complicated. In this paper, we show that when modeling one-dimensional conditional densities with a neural network, $Z$ can be exactly and efficiently computed by letting the network represent the cumulative distribution function of a target density, and applying a generalized fundamental theorem of calculus. We also derive a fast algorithm for sampling from the resulting representation by the inverse transform method. By extending these principles to higher dimensions, we introduce the \textbf{Neural Inverse Transform Sampler (NITS)}, a novel deep learning framework for modeling and sampling from general, multidimensional, compactly-supported probability densities. NITS is a highly expressive density estimator that boasts end-to-end differentiability, fast sampling, and exact and cheap likelihood evaluation. We demonstrate the applicability of NITS by applying it to realistic, high-dimensional density estimation tasks: likelihood-based generative modeling on the CIFAR-10 dataset, and density estimation on the UCI suite of benchmark datasets, where NITS produces compelling results rivaling or surpassing the state of the art.
Ordered Subgraph Aggregation Networks
Numerous subgraph-enhanced graph neural networks (GNNs) have emerged recently, provably boosting the expressive power of standard (message-passing) GNNs. However, there is a limited understanding of how these approaches relate to each other and to the Weisfeiler--Leman hierarchy. Moreover, current approaches either use all subgraphs of a given size, sample them uniformly at random, or use hand-crafted heuristics instead of learning to select subgraphs in a data-driven manner. Here, we offer a unified way to study such architectures by introducing a theoretical framework and extending the known expressivity results of subgraph-enhanced GNNs. Concretely, we show that increasing subgraph size always increases the expressive power and develop a better understanding of their limitations by relating them to the established $k\text{-}\mathsf{WL}$ hierarchy. In addition, we explore different approaches for learning to sample subgraphs using recent methods for backpropagating through complex discrete probability distributions. Empirically, we study the predictive performance of different subgraph-enhanced GNNs, showing that our data-driven architectures increase prediction accuracy on standard benchmark datasets compared to non-data-driven subgraph-enhanced graph neural networks while reducing computation time.
Sharing pattern submodels for prediction with missing values
Missing values are unavoidable in many applications of machine learning and present a challenge both during training and at test time. When variables are missing in recurring patterns, fitting separate pattern submodels have been proposed as a solution. However, independent models do not make efficient use of all available data. Conversely, fitting a shared model to the full data set typically relies on imputation which may be suboptimal when missingness depends on unobserved factors. We propose an alternative approach, called sharing pattern submodels, which make predictions that are a) robust to missing values at test time, b) maintains or improves the predictive power of pattern submodels, and c) has a short description enabling improved interpretability. We identify cases where sharing is provably optimal, even when missingness itself is predictive and when the prediction target depends on unobserved variables. Classification and regression experiments on synthetic data and two healthcare data sets demonstrate that our models achieve a favorable trade-off between pattern specialization and information sharing.
Then and Now: Quantifying the Longitudinal Validity of Self-Disclosed Depression Diagnoses
Self-disclosed mental health diagnoses, which serve as ground truth annotations of mental health status in the absence of clinical measures, underpin the conclusions behind most computational studies of mental health language from the last decade. However, psychiatric conditions are dynamic; a prior depression diagnosis may no longer be indicative of an individual's mental health, either due to treatment or other mitigating factors. We ask: to what extent are self-disclosures of mental health diagnoses actually relevant over time? We analyze recent activity from individuals who disclosed a depression diagnosis on social media over five years ago and, in turn, acquire a new understanding of how presentations of mental health status on social media manifest longitudinally. We also provide expanded evidence for the presence of personality-related biases in datasets curated using self-disclosed diagnoses. Our findings motivate three practical recommendations for improving mental health datasets curated using self-disclosed diagnoses: 1) Annotate diagnosis dates and psychiatric comorbidities; 2) Sample control groups using propensity score matching; 3) Identify and remove spurious correlations introduced by selection bias.
reStructured Pre-training
In this work, we try to decipher the internal connection of NLP technology development in the past decades, searching for essence, which rewards us with a (potential) new learning paradigm for NLP tasks, dubbed as reStructured Pre-training (RST). In such a paradigm, the role of data will be re-emphasized, and model pre-training and fine-tuning of downstream tasks are viewed as a process of data storing and accessing. Based on that, we operationalize the simple principle that a good storage mechanism should not only have the ability to cache a large amount of data but also consider the ease of access. We achieve this by pre-training models over restructured data that consist of a variety of valuable information instead of raw data after overcoming several engineering challenges. Experimentally, RST models not only surpass strong competitors (e.g., T0) on 52/55 popular datasets from a variety of NLP tasks, but also achieve superior performance in National College Entrance Examination - English (Gaokao-English),the most authoritative examination in China. Specifically, the proposed system Qin achieves 40 points higher than the average scores made by students and 15 points higher than GPT3 with 1/16 parameters. In particular, Qin gets a high score of 138.5 (the full mark is 150) in the 2018 English exam (national paper III). We have released the Gaokao Benchmark with an online submission platform. In addition, we test our model in the 2022 College Entrance Examination English that happened a few days ago (2022.06.08), and it gets a total score of 134 (v.s. GPT3's 108).
Discussion of `Multiscale Fisher's Independence Test for Multivariate Dependence'
We discuss how MultiFIT, the Multiscale Fisher's Independence Test for Multivariate Dependence proposed by Gorsky and Ma (2022), compares to existing linear-time kernel tests based on the Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion (HSIC). We highlight the fact that the levels of the kernel tests at any finite sample size can be controlled exactly, as it is the case with the level of MultiFIT. In our experiments, we observe some of the performance limitations of MultiFIT in terms of test power.
Understanding and Extending Subgraph GNNs by Rethinking Their Symmetries
Subgraph GNNs are a recent class of expressive Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) which model graphs as collections of subgraphs. So far, the design space of possible Subgraph GNN architectures as well as their basic theoretical properties are still largely unexplored. In this paper, we study the most prominent form of subgraph methods, which employs node-based subgraph selection policies such as ego-networks or node marking and deletion. We address two central questions: (1) What is the upper-bound of the expressive power of these methods? and (2) What is the family of equivariant message passing layers on these sets of subgraphs?. Our first step in answering these questions is a novel symmetry analysis which shows that modelling the symmetries of node-based subgraph collections requires a significantly smaller symmetry group than the one adopted in previous works. This analysis is then used to establish a link between Subgraph GNNs and Invariant Graph Networks (IGNs). We answer the questions above by first bounding the expressive power of subgraph methods by 3-WL, and then proposing a general family of message-passing layers for subgraph methods that generalises all previous node-based Subgraph GNNs. Finally, we design a novel Subgraph GNN dubbed SUN, which theoretically unifies previous architectures while providing better empirical performance on multiple benchmarks.
Variational Causal Dynamics: Discovering Modular World Models from Interventions
Latent world models allow agents to reason about complex environments with high-dimensional observations. However, adapting to new environments and effectively leveraging previous knowledge remain significant challenges. We present variational causal dynamics (VCD), a structured world model that exploits the invariance of causal mechanisms across environments to achieve fast and modular adaptation. By causally factorising a transition model, VCD is able to identify reusable components across different environments. This is achieved by combining causal discovery and variational inference to learn a latent representation and transition model jointly in an unsupervised manner. Specifically, we optimise the evidence lower bound jointly over a representation model and a transition model structured as a causal graphical model. In evaluations on simulated environments with state and image observations, we show that VCD is able to successfully identify causal variables, and to discover consistent causal structures across different environments. Moreover, given a small number of observations in a previously unseen, intervened environment, VCD is able to identify the sparse changes in the dynamics and to adapt efficiently. In doing so, VCD significantly extends the capabilities of the current state-of-the-art in latent world models while also comparing favourably in terms of prediction accuracy.
tntorch: Tensor Network Learning with PyTorch
We present tntorch, a tensor learning framework that supports multiple decompositions (including Candecomp/Parafac, Tucker, and Tensor Train) under a unified interface. With our library, the user can learn and handle low-rank tensors with automatic differentiation, seamless GPU support, and the convenience of PyTorch's API. Besides decomposition algorithms, tntorch implements differentiable tensor algebra, rank truncation, cross-approximation, batch processing, comprehensive tensor arithmetics, and more.
Explanation-based Counterfactual Retraining(XCR): A Calibration Method for Black-box Models
With the rapid development of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI), a long line of past work has shown concerns about the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) problem in perturbation-based post-hoc XAI models and explanations are socially misaligned. We explore the limitations of post-hoc explanation methods that use approximators to mimic the behavior of black-box models. Then we propose eXplanation-based Counterfactual Retraining (XCR), which extracts feature importance fastly. XCR applies the explanations generated by the XAI model as counterfactual input to retrain the black-box model to address OOD and social misalignment problems. Evaluation of popular image datasets shows that XCR can improve model performance when only retaining 12.5% of the most crucial features without changing the black-box model structure. Furthermore, the evaluation of the benchmark of corruption datasets shows that the XCR is very helpful for improving model robustness and positively impacts the calibration of OOD problems. Even though not calibrated in the validation set like some OOD calibration methods, the corrupted data metric outperforms existing methods. Our method also beats current OOD calibration methods on the OOD calibration metric if calibration on the validation set is applied.
A view of mini-batch SGD via generating functions: conditions of convergence, phase transitions, benefit from negative momenta
Mini-batch SGD with momentum is a fundamental algorithm for learning large predictive models. In this paper we develop a new analytic framework to analyze mini-batch SGD for linear models at different momenta and sizes of batches. Our key idea is to describe the loss value sequence in terms of its generating function, which can be written in a compact form assuming a diagonal approximation for the second moments of model weights. By analyzing this generating function, we deduce various conclusions on the convergence conditions, phase structure of the model, and optimal learning settings. As a few examples, we show that 1) the optimization trajectory can generally switch from the "signal-dominated" to the "noise-dominated" phase, at a time scale that can be predicted analytically; 2) in the "signal-dominated" (but not the "noise-dominated") phase it is favorable to choose a large effective learning rate, however its value must be limited for any finite batch size to avoid divergence; 3) optimal convergence rate can be achieved at a negative momentum. We verify our theoretical predictions by extensive experiments with MNIST and synthetic problems, and find a good quantitative agreement.
Near-optimal control of dynamical systems with neural ordinary differential equations
Optimal control problems naturally arise in many scientific applications where one wishes to steer a dynamical system from a certain initial state $\mathbf{x}_0$ to a desired target state $\mathbf{x}^*$ in finite time $T$. Recent advances in deep learning and neural network-based optimization have contributed to the development of methods that can help solve control problems involving high-dimensional dynamical systems. In particular, the framework of neural ordinary differential equations (neural ODEs) provides an efficient means to iteratively approximate continuous time control functions associated with analytically intractable and computationally demanding control tasks. Although neural ODE controllers have shown great potential in solving complex control problems, the understanding of the effects of hyperparameters such as network structure and optimizers on learning performance is still very limited. Our work aims at addressing some of these knowledge gaps to conduct efficient hyperparameter optimization. To this end, we first analyze how truncated and non-truncated backpropagation through time affect runtime performance and the ability of neural networks to learn optimal control functions. Using analytical and numerical methods, we then study the role of parameter initializations, optimizers, and neural-network architecture. Finally, we connect our results to the ability of neural ODE controllers to implicitly regularize control energy.
Beyond RMSE: Do machine-learned models of road user interaction produce human-like behavior?
Autonomous vehicles use a variety of sensors and machine-learned models to predict the behavior of surrounding road users. Most of the machine-learned models in the literature focus on quantitative error metrics like the root mean square error (RMSE) to learn and report their models' capabilities. This focus on quantitative error metrics tends to ignore the more important behavioral aspect of the models, raising the question of whether these models really predict human-like behavior. Thus, we propose to analyze the output of machine-learned models much like we would analyze human data in conventional behavioral research. We introduce quantitative metrics to demonstrate presence of three different behavioral phenomena in a naturalistic highway driving dataset: 1) The kinematics-dependence of who passes a merging point first 2) Lane change by an on-highway vehicle to accommodate an on-ramp vehicle 3) Lane changes by vehicles on the highway to avoid lead vehicle conflicts. Then, we analyze the behavior of three machine-learned models using the same metrics. Even though the models' RMSE value differed, all the models captured the kinematic-dependent merging behavior but struggled at varying degrees to capture the more nuanced courtesy lane change and highway lane change behavior. Additionally, the collision aversion analysis during lane changes showed that the models struggled to capture the physical aspect of human driving: leaving adequate gap between the vehicles. Thus, our analysis highlighted the inadequacy of simple quantitative metrics and the need to take a broader behavioral perspective when analyzing machine-learned models of human driving predictions.
OpenXAI: Towards a Transparent Evaluation of Model Explanations
While several types of post hoc explanation methods (e.g., feature attribution methods) have been proposed in recent literature, there is little to no work on systematically benchmarking these methods in an efficient and transparent manner. Here, we introduce OpenXAI, a comprehensive and extensible open source framework for evaluating and benchmarking post hoc explanation methods. OpenXAI comprises of the following key components: (i) a flexible synthetic data generator and a collection of diverse real-world datasets, pre-trained models, and state-of-the-art feature attribution methods, (ii) open-source implementations of twenty-two quantitative metrics for evaluating faithfulness, stability (robustness), and fairness of explanation methods, and (iii) the first ever public XAI leaderboards to benchmark explanations. OpenXAI is easily extensible, as users can readily evaluate custom explanation methods and incorporate them into our leaderboards. Overall, OpenXAI provides an automated end-to-end pipeline that not only simplifies and standardizes the evaluation of post hoc explanation methods, but also promotes transparency and reproducibility in benchmarking these methods. OpenXAI datasets and data loaders, implementations of state-of-the-art explanation methods and evaluation metrics, as well as leaderboards are publicly available at https://open-xai.github.io/.
Descent Steps of a Relation-Aware Energy Produce Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks
Heterogeneous graph neural networks (GNNs) achieve strong performance on node classification tasks in a semi-supervised learning setting. However, as in the simpler homogeneous GNN case, message-passing-based heterogeneous GNNs may struggle to balance between resisting the oversmoothing occuring in deep models and capturing long-range dependencies graph structured data. Moreover, the complexity of this trade-off is compounded in the heterogeneous graph case due to the disparate heterophily relationships between nodes of different types. To address these issues, we proposed a novel heterogeneous GNN architecture in which layers are derived from optimization steps that descend a novel relation-aware energy function. The corresponding minimizer is fully differentiable with respect to the energy function parameters, such that bilevel optimization can be applied to effectively learn a functional form whose minimum provides optimal node representations for subsequent classification tasks. In particular, this methodology allows us to model diverse heterophily relationships between different node types while avoiding oversmoothing effects. Experimental results on 8 heterogeneous graph benchmarks demonstrates that our proposed method can achieve competitive node classification accuracy.
Noisy $\ell^{0}$-Sparse Subspace Clustering on Dimensionality Reduced Data
Sparse subspace clustering methods with sparsity induced by $\ell^{0}$-norm, such as $\ell^{0}$-Sparse Subspace Clustering ($\ell^{0}$-SSC)~\citep{YangFJYH16-L0SSC-ijcv}, are demonstrated to be more effective than its $\ell^{1}$ counterpart such as Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSC)~\citep{ElhamifarV13}. However, the theoretical analysis of $\ell^{0}$-SSC is restricted to clean data that lie exactly in subspaces. Real data often suffer from noise and they may lie close to subspaces. In this paper, we show that an optimal solution to the optimization problem of noisy $\ell^{0}$-SSC achieves subspace detection property (SDP), a key element with which data from different subspaces are separated, under deterministic and semi-random model. Our results provide theoretical guarantee on the correctness of noisy $\ell^{0}$-SSC in terms of SDP on noisy data for the first time, which reveals the advantage of noisy $\ell^{0}$-SSC in terms of much less restrictive condition on subspace affinity. In order to improve the efficiency of noisy $\ell^{0}$-SSC, we propose Noisy-DR-$\ell^{0}$-SSC which provably recovers the subspaces on dimensionality reduced data. Noisy-DR-$\ell^{0}$-SSC first projects the data onto a lower dimensional space by random projection, then performs noisy $\ell^{0}$-SSC on the projected data for improved efficiency. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of Noisy-DR-$\ell^{0}$-SSC.
AlphaMLDigger: A Novel Machine Learning Solution to Explore Excess Return on Investment
How to quickly and automatically mine effective information and serve investment decisions has attracted more and more attention from academia and industry. And new challenges have been raised with the global pandemic. This paper proposes a two-phase AlphaMLDigger that effectively finds excessive returns in the highly fluctuated market. In phase 1, a deep sequential NLP model is proposed to transfer blogs on Sina Microblog to market sentiment. In phase 2, the predicted market sentiment is combined with social network indicator features and stock market history features to predict the stock movements with different Machine Learning models and optimizers. The results show that our AlphaMLDigger achieves higher accuracy in the test set than previous works and is robust to the negative impact of COVID-19 to some extent.
Answer Fast: Accelerating BERT on the Tensor Streaming Processor
Transformers have become a predominant machine learning workload, they are not only the de-facto standard for natural language processing tasks, but they are also being deployed in other domains such as vision and speech recognition. Many of the transformer-based applications are real-time systems such as machine translation and web search. These real time systems often come with strict end-to-end inference latency requirements. Unfortunately, while the majority of the transformer computation comes from matrix multiplications, transformers also include several non-linear components that tend to become the bottleneck during an inference. In this work, we accelerate the inference of BERT models on the tensor streaming processor. By carefully fusing all the nonlinear components with the matrix multiplication components, we are able to efficiently utilize the on-chip matrix multiplication units resulting in a deterministic tail latency of 130 $\mu$s for a batch-1 inference through BERT-base, which is 6X faster than the current state-of-the-art.
Surgical-VQA: Visual Question Answering in Surgical Scenes using Transformer
Visual question answering (VQA) in surgery is largely unexplored. Expert surgeons are scarce and are often overloaded with clinical and academic workloads. This overload often limits their time answering questionnaires from patients, medical students or junior residents related to surgical procedures. At times, students and junior residents also refrain from asking too many questions during classes to reduce disruption. While computer-aided simulators and recording of past surgical procedures have been made available for them to observe and improve their skills, they still hugely rely on medical experts to answer their questions. Having a Surgical-VQA system as a reliable 'second opinion' could act as a backup and ease the load on the medical experts in answering these questions. The lack of annotated medical data and the presence of domain-specific terms has limited the exploration of VQA for surgical procedures. In this work, we design a Surgical-VQA task that answers questionnaires on surgical procedures based on the surgical scene. Extending the MICCAI endoscopic vision challenge 2018 dataset and workflow recognition dataset further, we introduce two Surgical-VQA datasets with classification and sentence-based answers. To perform Surgical-VQA, we employ vision-text transformers models. We further introduce a residual MLP-based VisualBert encoder model that enforces interaction between visual and text tokens, improving performance in classification-based answering. Furthermore, we study the influence of the number of input image patches and temporal visual features on the model performance in both classification and sentence-based answering.
Dynamic Restrained Uncertainty Weighting Loss for Multitask Learning of Vocal Expression
We propose a novel Dynamic Restrained Uncertainty Weighting Loss to experimentally handle the problem of balancing the contributions of multiple tasks on the ICML ExVo 2022 Challenge. The multitask aims to recognize expressed emotions and demographic traits from vocal bursts jointly. Our strategy combines the advantages of Uncertainty Weight and Dynamic Weight Average, by extending weights with a restraint term to make the learning process more explainable. We use a lightweight multi-exit CNN architecture to implement our proposed loss approach. The experimental H-Mean score (0.394) shows a substantial improvement over the baseline H-Mean score (0.335).
Automated GI tract segmentation using deep learning
The job of Radiation oncologists is to deliver x-ray beams pointed toward the tumor and at the same time avoid the stomach and intestines. With MR-Linacs (magnetic resonance imaging and linear accelerator systems), oncologists can visualize the position of the tumor and allow for precise dose according to tumor cell presence which can vary from day to day. The current job of outlining the position of the stomach and intestines to adjust the X-ray beams direction for the dose delivery to the tumor while avoiding the organs. This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process that can easily prolong treatments from 15 minutes to an hour a day unless deep learning methods can automate the segmentation process. This paper discusses an automated segmentation process using deep learning to make this process faster and allow more patients to get effective treatment.
KeyCLD: Learning Constrained Lagrangian Dynamics in Keypoint Coordinates from Images
We present KeyCLD, a framework to learn Lagrangian dynamics from images. Learned keypoints represent semantic landmarks in images and can directly represent state dynamics. Interpreting this state as Cartesian coordinates coupled with explicit holonomic constraints, allows expressing the dynamics with a constrained Lagrangian. Our method explicitly models kinetic and potential energy, thus allowing energy based control. We are the first to demonstrate learning of Lagrangian dynamics from images on the dm_control pendulum, cartpole and acrobot environments. This is a step forward towards learning Lagrangian dynamics from real-world images, since previous work in literature was only applied to minimalistic images with monochromatic shapes on empty backgrounds. Please refer to our project page for code and additional results: https://rdaems.github.io/keycld/
ROSE: A RObust and SEcure DNN Watermarking
Protecting the Intellectual Property rights of DNN models is of primary importance prior to their deployment. So far, the proposed methods either necessitate changes to internal model parameters or the machine learning pipeline, or they fail to meet both the security and robustness requirements. This paper proposes a lightweight, robust, and secure black-box DNN watermarking protocol that takes advantage of cryptographic one-way functions as well as the injection of in-task key image-label pairs during the training process. These pairs are later used to prove DNN model ownership during testing. The main feature is that the value of the proof and its security are measurable. The extensive experiments watermarking image classification models for various datasets as well as exposing them to a variety of attacks, show that it provides protection while maintaining an adequate level of security and robustness.
Agent-based Graph Neural Networks
We present a novel graph neural network we call AgentNet, which is designed specifically for graph-level tasks. AgentNet is inspired by sublinear algorithms, featuring a computational complexity that is independent of the graph size. The architecture of AgentNet differs fundamentally from the architectures of known graph neural networks. In AgentNet, some trained \textit{neural agents} intelligently walk the graph, and then collectively decide on the output. We provide an extensive theoretical analysis of AgentNet: We show that the agents can learn to systematically explore their neighborhood and that AgentNet can distinguish some structures that are even indistinguishable by 3-WL. Moreover, AgentNet is able to separate any two graphs which are sufficiently different in terms of subgraphs. We confirm these theoretical results with synthetic experiments on hard-to-distinguish graphs and real-world graph classification tasks. In both cases, we compare favorably not only to standard GNNs but also to computationally more expensive GNN extensions.
Auto-Encoding Adversarial Imitation Learning
Reinforcement learning (RL) provides a powerful framework for decision-making, but its application in practice often requires a carefully designed reward function. Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL) sheds light on automatic policy acquisition without access to the reward signal from the environment. In this work, we propose Auto-Encoding Adversarial Imitation Learning (AEAIL), a robust and scalable AIL framework. To induce expert policies from demonstrations, AEAIL utilizes the reconstruction error of an auto-encoder as a reward signal, which provides more information for optimizing policies than the prior discriminator-based ones. Subsequently, we use the derived objective functions to train the auto-encoder and the agent policy. Experiments show that our AEAIL performs superior compared to state-of-the-art methods in the MuJoCo environments. More importantly, AEAIL shows much better robustness when the expert demonstrations are noisy. Specifically, our method achieves $16.4\%$ and $47.2\%$ relative improvement overall compared to the best baseline FAIRL and PWIL on clean and noisy expert data, respectively. Video results, open-source code and dataset are available in https://sites.google.com/view/auto-encoding-imitation.
A Simple Baseline for Domain Adaptation in End to End ASR Systems Using Synthetic Data
Automatic Speech Recognition(ASR) has been dominated by deep learning-based end-to-end speech recognition models. These approaches require large amounts of labeled data in the form of audio-text pairs. Moreover, these models are more susceptible to domain shift as compared to traditional models. It is common practice to train generic ASR models and then adapt them to target domains using comparatively smaller data sets. We consider a more extreme case of domain adaptation where text-only corpus is available. In this work, we propose a simple baseline technique for domain adaptation in end-to-end speech recognition models. We convert the text-only corpus to audio data using single speaker Text to Speech (TTS) engine. The parallel data in the target domain is then used to fine-tune the final dense layer of generic ASR models. We show that single speaker synthetic TTS data coupled with final dense layer only fine-tuning provides reasonable improvements in word error rates. We use text data from address and e-commerce search domains to show the effectiveness of our low-cost baseline approach on CTC and attention-based models.
A Systematic Comparison of Phonetic Aware Techniques for Speech Enhancement
Speech enhancement has seen great improvement in recent years using end-to-end neural networks. However, most models are agnostic to the spoken phonetic content. Recently, several studies suggested phonetic-aware speech enhancement, mostly using perceptual supervision. Yet, injecting phonetic features during model optimization can take additional forms (e.g., model conditioning). In this paper, we conduct a systematic comparison between different methods of incorporating phonetic information in a speech enhancement model. By conducting a series of controlled experiments, we observe the influence of different phonetic content models as well as various feature-injection techniques on enhancement performance, considering both causal and non-causal models. Specifically, we evaluate three settings for injecting phonetic information, namely: i) feature conditioning; ii) perceptual supervision; and iii) regularization. Phonetic features are obtained using an intermediate layer of either a supervised pre-trained Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model or by using a pre-trained Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) model. We further observe the effect of choosing different embedding layers on performance, considering both manual and learned configurations. Results suggest that using a SSL model as phonetic features outperforms the ASR one in most cases. Interestingly, the conditioning setting performs best among the evaluated configurations.
Neural Networks as Paths through the Space of Representations
Deep neural networks implement a sequence of layer-by-layer operations that are each relatively easy to understand, but the resulting overall computation is generally difficult to understand. We develop a simple idea for interpreting the layer-by-layer construction of useful representations: the role of each layer is to reformat information to reduce the "distance" to the target outputs. We formalize this intuitive idea of "distance" by leveraging recent work on metric representational similarity, and show how it leads to a rich space of geometric concepts. With this framework, the layer-wise computation implemented by a deep neural network can be viewed as a path in a high-dimensional representation space. We develop tools to characterize the geometry of these in terms of distances, angles, and geodesics. We then ask three sets of questions of residual networks trained on CIFAR-10: (1) how straight are paths, and how does each layer contribute towards the target? (2) how do these properties emerge over training? and (3) how similar are the paths taken by wider versus deeper networks? We conclude by sketching additional ways that this kind of representational geometry can be used to understand and interpret network training, or to prescriptively improve network architectures to suit a task.
Graph Neural Networks as Gradient Flows
Dynamical systems minimizing an energy are ubiquitous in geometry and physics. We propose a gradient flow framework for GNNs where the equations follow the direction of steepest descent of a learnable energy. This approach allows to explain the GNN evolution from a multi-particle perspective as learning attractive and repulsive forces in feature space via the positive and negative eigenvalues of a symmetric "channel-mixing" matrix. We perform spectral analysis of the solutions and conclude that gradient flow graph convolutional models can induce a dynamics dominated by the graph high frequencies which is desirable for heterophilic datasets. We also describe structural constraints on common GNN architectures allowing to interpret them as gradient flows. We perform thorough ablation studies corroborating our theoretical analysis and show competitive performance of simple and lightweight models on real-world homophilic and heterophilic datasets.
Traffic Congestion Prediction Using Machine Learning Techniques
The prediction of traffic congestion can serve a crucial role in making future decisions. Although many studies have been conducted regarding congestion, most of these could not cover all the important factors (e.g., weather conditions). We proposed a prediction model for traffic congestion that can predict congestion based on day, time and several weather data (e.g., temperature, humidity). To evaluate our model, it has been tested against the traffic data of New Delhi. With this model, congestion of a road can be predicted one week ahead with an average RMSE of 1.12. Therefore, this model can be used to take preventive measure beforehand.
Diagnostic Tool for Out-of-Sample Model Evaluation
Assessment of model fitness is an important step in many problems. Models are typically fitted to training data by minimizing a loss function, such as the squared-error or negative log-likelihood, and it is natural to desire low losses on future data. This letter considers the use of a test data set to characterize the out-of-sample losses of a model. We propose a simple model diagnostic tool that provides finite-sample guarantees under weak assumptions. The tool is computationally efficient and can be interpreted as an empirical quantile. Several numerical experiments are presented to show how the proposed method quantifies the impact of distribution shifts, aids the analysis of regression, and enables model selection as well as hyper-parameter tuning.
Multi-task twin support vector machine with Universum data
Multi-task learning (MTL) has emerged as a promising topic of machine learning in recent years, aiming to enhance the performance of numerous related learning tasks by exploiting beneficial information. During the training phase, most of the existing multi-task learning models concentrate entirely on the target task data and ignore the non-target task data contained in the target tasks. To address this issue, Universum data, that do not correspond to any class of a classification problem, may be used as prior knowledge in the training model. This study looks at the challenge of multi-task learning using Universum data to employ non-target task data, which leads to better performance. It proposes a multi-task twin support vector machine with Universum data (UMTSVM) and provides two approaches to its solution. The first approach takes into account the dual formulation of UMTSVM and tries to solve a quadratic programming problem. The second approach formulates a least-squares version of UMTSVM and refers to it as LS-UMTSVM to further increase the generalization performance. The solution of the two primal problems in LS-UMTSVM is simplified to solving just two systems of linear equations, resulting in an incredibly simple and quick approach. Numerical experiments on several popular multi-task data sets and medical data sets demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods.
Defect Prediction Using Stylistic Metrics
Defect prediction is one of the most popular research topics due to its potential to minimize software quality assurance efforts. Existing approaches have examined defect prediction from various perspectives such as complexity and developer metrics. However, none of these consider programming style for defect prediction. This paper aims at analyzing the impact of stylistic metrics on both within-project and crossproject defect prediction. For prediction, 4 widely used machine learning algorithms namely Naive Bayes, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree and Logistic Regression are used. The experiment is conducted on 14 releases of 5 popular, open source projects. F1, Precision and Recall are inspected to evaluate the results. Results reveal that stylistic metrics are a good predictor of defects.
POGEMA: Partially Observable Grid Environment for Multiple Agents
We introduce POGEMA (https://github.com/AIRI-Institute/pogema) a sandbox for challenging partially observable multi-agent pathfinding (PO-MAPF) problems . This is a grid-based environment that was specifically designed to be a flexible, tunable and scalable benchmark. It can be tailored to a variety of PO-MAPF, which can serve as an excellent testing ground for planning and learning methods, and their combination, which will allow us to move towards filling the gap between AI planning and learning.
List-Decodable Covariance Estimation
We give the first polynomial time algorithm for \emph{list-decodable covariance estimation}. For any $\alpha > 0$, our algorithm takes input a sample $Y \subseteq \mathbb{R}^d$ of size $n\geq d^{\mathsf{poly}(1/\alpha)}$ obtained by adversarially corrupting an $(1-\alpha)n$ points in an i.i.d. sample $X$ of size $n$ from the Gaussian distribution with unknown mean $\mu_*$ and covariance $\Sigma_*$. In $n^{\mathsf{poly}(1/\alpha)}$ time, it outputs a constant-size list of $k = k(\alpha)= (1/\alpha)^{\mathsf{poly}(1/\alpha)}$ candidate parameters that, with high probability, contains a $(\hat{\mu},\hat{\Sigma})$ such that the total variation distance $TV(\mathcal{N}(\mu_*,\Sigma_*),\mathcal{N}(\hat{\mu},\hat{\Sigma}))<1-O_{\alpha}(1)$. This is the statistically strongest notion of distance and implies multiplicative spectral and relative Frobenius distance approximation for parameters with dimension independent error. Our algorithm works more generally for $(1-\alpha)$-corruptions of any distribution $D$ that possesses low-degree sum-of-squares certificates of two natural analytic properties: 1) anti-concentration of one-dimensional marginals and 2) hypercontractivity of degree 2 polynomials. Prior to our work, the only known results for estimating covariance in the list-decodable setting were for the special cases of list-decodable linear regression and subspace recovery due to Karmarkar, Klivans, and Kothari (2019), Raghavendra and Yau (2019 and 2020) and Bakshi and Kothari (2020). These results need superpolynomial time for obtaining any subconstant error in the underlying dimension. Our result implies the first polynomial-time \emph{exact} algorithm for list-decodable linear regression and subspace recovery that allows, in particular, to obtain $2^{-\mathsf{poly}(d)}$ error in polynomial-time. Our result also implies an improved algorithm for clustering non-spherical mixtures.
Information Geometry of Dropout Training
Dropout is one of the most popular regularization techniques in neural network training. Because of its power and simplicity of idea, dropout has been analyzed extensively and many variants have been proposed. In this paper, several properties of dropout are discussed in a unified manner from the viewpoint of information geometry. We showed that dropout flattens the model manifold and that their regularization performance depends on the amount of the curvature. Then, we showed that dropout essentially corresponds to a regularization that depends on the Fisher information, and support this result from numerical experiments. Such a theoretical analysis of the technique from a different perspective is expected to greatly assist in the understanding of neural networks, which are still in their infancy.
A Study on the Evaluation of Generative Models
Implicit generative models, which do not return likelihood values, such as generative adversarial networks and diffusion models, have become prevalent in recent years. While it is true that these models have shown remarkable results, evaluating their performance is challenging. This issue is of vital importance to push research forward and identify meaningful gains from random noise. Currently, heuristic metrics such as the Inception score (IS) and Frechet Inception Distance (FID) are the most common evaluation metrics, but what they measure is not entirely clear. Additionally, there are questions regarding how meaningful their score actually is. In this work, we study the evaluation metrics of generative models by generating a high-quality synthetic dataset on which we can estimate classical metrics for comparison. Our study shows that while FID and IS do correlate to several f-divergences, their ranking of close models can vary considerably making them problematic when used for fain-grained comparison. We further used this experimental setting to study which evaluation metric best correlates with our probabilistic metrics. Lastly, we look into the base features used for metrics such as FID.
Optimally Weighted Ensembles of Regression Models: Exact Weight Optimization and Applications
Automated model selection is often proposed to users to choose which machine learning model (or method) to apply to a given regression task. In this paper, we show that combining different regression models can yield better results than selecting a single ('best') regression model, and outline an efficient method that obtains optimally weighted convex linear combination from a heterogeneous set of regression models. More specifically, in this paper, a heuristic weight optimization, used in a preceding conference paper, is replaced by an exact optimization algorithm using convex quadratic programming. We prove convexity of the quadratic programming formulation for the straightforward formulation and for a formulation with weighted data points. The novel weight optimization is not only (more) exact but also more efficient. The methods we develop in this paper are implemented and made available via github-open source. They can be executed on commonly available hardware and offer a transparent and easy to interpret interface. The results indicate that the approach outperforms model selection methods on a range of data sets, including data sets with mixed variable type from drug discovery applications.
FairGrad: Fairness Aware Gradient Descent
We tackle the problem of group fairness in classification, where the objective is to learn models that do not unjustly discriminate against subgroups of the population. Most existing approaches are limited to simple binary tasks or involve difficult to implement training mechanisms. This reduces their practical applicability. In this paper, we propose FairGrad, a method to enforce fairness based on a reweighting scheme that iteratively learns group specific weights based on whether they are advantaged or not. FairGrad is easy to implement and can accommodate various standard fairness definitions. Furthermore, we show that it is comparable to standard baselines over various datasets including ones used in natural language processing and computer vision.
AI-based software for lung nodule detection in chest X-rays -- Time for a second reader approach?
Objectives: To compare artificial intelligence (AI) as a second reader in detecting lung nodules on chest X-rays (CXR) versus radiologists of two binational institutions, and to evaluate AI performance when using two different modes: automated versus assisted (additional remote radiologist review). Methods: The CXR public database (n = 247) of the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology with various types and sizes of lung nodules was analyzed. Eight radiologists evaluated the CXR images with regard to the presence of lung nodules and nodule conspicuity. After radiologist review, the AI software processed and flagged the CXR with the highest probability of missed nodules. The calculated accuracy metrics were the area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, false negative case number (FN), and the effect of different AI modes (automated/assisted) on the accuracy of nodule detection. Results: For radiologists, the average AUC value was 0.77 $\pm$ 0.07, while the average FN was 52.63 $\pm$ 17.53 (all studies) and 32 $\pm$ 11.59 (studies containing a nodule of malignant etiology = 32% rate of missed malignant nodules). Both AI modes -- automated and assisted -- produced an average increase in sensitivity (by 14% and 12%) and of F1-score (5% and 6%) and a decrease in specificity (by 10% and 3%, respectively). Conclusions: Both AI modes flagged the pulmonary nodules missed by radiologists in a significant number of cases. AI as a second reader has a high potential to improve diagnostic accuracy and radiology workflow. AI might detect certain pulmonary nodules earlier than radiologists, with a potentially significant impact on patient outcomes.
Influence of uncertainty estimation techniques on false-positive reduction in liver lesion detection
Deep learning techniques show success in detecting objects in medical images, but still suffer from false-positive predictions that may hinder accurate diagnosis. The estimated uncertainty of the neural network output has been used to flag incorrect predictions. We study the role played by features computed from neural network uncertainty estimates and shape-based features computed from binary predictions in reducing false positives in liver lesion detection by developing a classification-based post-processing step for different uncertainty estimation methods. We demonstrate an improvement in the lesion detection performance of the neural network (with respect to F1-score) for all uncertainty estimation methods on two datasets, comprising abdominal MR and CT images respectively. We show that features computed from neural network uncertainty estimates tend not to contribute much toward reducing false positives. Our results show that factors like class imbalance (true over false positive ratio) and shape-based features extracted from uncertainty maps play an important role in distinguishing false positive from true positive predictions
SpA-Former: Transformer image shadow detection and removal via spatial attention
In this paper, we propose an end-to-end SpA-Former to recover a shadow-free image from a single shaded image. Unlike traditional methods that require two steps for shadow detection and then shadow removal, the SpA-Former unifies these steps into one, which is a one-stage network capable of directly learning the mapping function between shadows and no shadows, it does not require a separate shadow detection. Thus, SpA-former is adaptable to real image de-shadowing for shadows projected on different semantic regions. SpA-Former consists of transformer layer and a series of joint Fourier transform residual blocks and two-wheel joint spatial attention. The network in this paper is able to handle the task while achieving a very fast processing efficiency. Our code is relased on https://github.com/ zhangbaijin/Spatial-Transformer-shadow-removal
S2TNet: Spatio-Temporal Transformer Networks for Trajectory Prediction in Autonomous Driving
To safely and rationally participate in dense and heterogeneous traffic, autonomous vehicles require to sufficiently analyze the motion patterns of surrounding traffic-agents and accurately predict their future trajectories. This is challenging because the trajectories of traffic-agents are not only influenced by the traffic-agents themselves but also by spatial interaction with each other. Previous methods usually rely on the sequential step-by-step processing of Long Short-Term Memory networks (LSTMs) and merely extract the interactions between spatial neighbors for single type traffic-agents. We propose the Spatio-Temporal Transformer Networks (S2TNet), which models the spatio-temporal interactions by spatio-temporal Transformer and deals with the temporel sequences by temporal Transformer. We input additional category, shape and heading information into our networks to handle the heterogeneity of traffic-agents. The proposed methods outperforms state-of-the-art methods on ApolloScape Trajectory dataset by more than 7\% on both the weighted sum of Average and Final Displacement Error. Our code is available at https://github.com/chenghuang66/s2tnet.
How to Combine Variational Bayesian Networks in Federated Learning
Federated Learning enables multiple data centers to train a central model collaboratively without exposing any confidential data. Even though deterministic models are capable of performing high prediction accuracy, their lack of calibration and capability to quantify uncertainty is problematic for safety-critical applications. Different from deterministic models, probabilistic models such as Bayesian neural networks are relatively well-calibrated and able to quantify uncertainty alongside their competitive prediction accuracy. Both of the approaches appear in the federated learning framework; however, the aggregation scheme of deterministic models cannot be directly applied to probabilistic models since weights correspond to distributions instead of point estimates. In this work, we study the effects of various aggregation schemes for variational Bayesian neural networks. With empirical results on three image classification datasets, we observe that the degree of spread for an aggregated distribution is a significant factor in the learning process. Hence, we present an investigation on the question of how to combine variational Bayesian networks in federated learning, while providing benchmarks for different aggregation settings.