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Optical Flow Regularization of Implicit Neural Representations for Video Frame Interpolation
Recent works have shown the ability of Implicit Neural Representations (INR) to carry meaningful representations of signal derivatives. In this work, we leverage this property to perform Video Frame Interpolation (VFI) by explicitly constraining the derivatives of the INR to satisfy the optical flow constraint equation. We achieve state of the art VFI on limited motion ranges using only a target video and its optical flow, without learning the interpolation operator from additional training data. We further show that constraining the INR derivatives not only allows to better interpolate intermediate frames but also improves the ability of narrow networks to fit the observed frames, which suggests potential applications to video compression and INR optimization.
KiloNeuS: Implicit Neural Representations with Real-Time Global Illumination
The latest trends in inverse rendering techniques for reconstruction use neural networks to learn 3D representations as neural fields. NeRF-based techniques fit multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to a set of training images to estimate a radiance field which can then be rendered from any virtual camera by means of volume rendering algorithms. Major drawbacks of these representations are the lack of well-defined surfaces and non-interactive rendering times, as wide and deep MLPs must be queried millions of times per single frame. These limitations have recently been singularly overcome, but managing to accomplish this simultaneously opens up new use cases. We present KiloNeuS, a new neural object representation that can be rendered in path-traced scenes at interactive frame rates. KiloNeuS enables the simulation of realistic light interactions between neural and classic primitives in shared scenes, and it demonstrably performs in real-time with plenty of room for future optimizations and extensions.
Guided Diffusion Model for Adversarial Purification from Random Noise
In this paper, we propose a novel guided diffusion purification approach to provide a strong defense against adversarial attacks. Our model achieves 89.62% robust accuracy under PGD-L_inf attack (eps = 8/255) on the CIFAR-10 dataset. We first explore the essential correlations between unguided diffusion models and randomized smoothing, enabling us to apply the models to certified robustness. The empirical results show that our models outperform randomized smoothing by 5% when the certified L2 radius r is larger than 0.5.
Decentralized Gossip-Based Stochastic Bilevel Optimization over Communication Networks
Bilevel optimization have gained growing interests, with numerous applications found in meta learning, minimax games, reinforcement learning, and nested composition optimization. This paper studies the problem of distributed bilevel optimization over a network where agents can only communicate with neighbors, including examples from multi-task, multi-agent learning and federated learning. In this paper, we propose a gossip-based distributed bilevel learning algorithm that allows networked agents to solve both the inner and outer optimization problems in a single timescale and share information via network propagation. We show that our algorithm enjoys the $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{K \epsilon^2})$ per-agent sample complexity for general nonconvex bilevel optimization and $\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{K \epsilon})$ for strongly convex objective, achieving a speedup that scales linearly with the network size. The sample complexities are optimal in both $\epsilon$ and $K$. We test our algorithm on the examples of hyperparameter tuning and decentralized reinforcement learning. Simulated experiments confirmed that our algorithm achieves the state-of-the-art training efficiency and test accuracy.
Bregman Power k-Means for Clustering Exponential Family Data
Recent progress in center-based clustering algorithms combats poor local minima by implicit annealing, using a family of generalized means. These methods are variations of Lloyd's celebrated $k$-means algorithm, and are most appropriate for spherical clusters such as those arising from Gaussian data. In this paper, we bridge these algorithmic advances to classical work on hard clustering under Bregman divergences, which enjoy a bijection to exponential family distributions and are thus well-suited for clustering objects arising from a breadth of data generating mechanisms. The elegant properties of Bregman divergences allow us to maintain closed form updates in a simple and transparent algorithm, and moreover lead to new theoretical arguments for establishing finite sample bounds that relax the bounded support assumption made in the existing state of the art. Additionally, we consider thorough empirical analyses on simulated experiments and a case study on rainfall data, finding that the proposed method outperforms existing peer methods in a variety of non-Gaussian data settings.
Robust Universal Adversarial Perturbations
Universal Adversarial Perturbations (UAPs) are imperceptible, image-agnostic vectors that cause deep neural networks (DNNs) to misclassify inputs from a data distribution with high probability. Existing methods do not create UAPs robust to transformations, thereby limiting their applicability as a real-world attacks. In this work, we introduce a new concept and formulation of robust universal adversarial perturbations. Based on our formulation, we build a novel, iterative algorithm that leverages probabilistic robustness bounds for generating UAPs robust against transformations generated by composing arbitrary sub-differentiable transformation functions. We perform an extensive evaluation on the popular CIFAR-10 and ILSVRC 2012 datasets measuring robustness under human-interpretable semantic transformations, such as rotation, contrast changes, etc, that are common in the real-world. Our results show that our generated UAPs are significantly more robust than those from baselines.
Play It Cool: Dynamic Shifting Prevents Thermal Throttling
Machine learning (ML) has entered the mobile era where an enormous number of ML models are deployed on edge devices. However, running common ML models on edge devices continuously may generate excessive heat from the computation, forcing the device to "slow down" to prevent overheating, a phenomenon called thermal throttling. This paper studies the impact of thermal throttling on mobile phones: when it occurs, the CPU clock frequency is reduced, and the model inference latency may increase dramatically. This unpleasant inconsistent behavior has a substantial negative effect on user experience, but it has been overlooked for a long time. To counter thermal throttling, we propose to utilize dynamic networks with shared weights and dynamically shift between large and small ML models seamlessly according to their thermal profile, i.e., shifting to a small model when the system is about to throttle. With the proposed dynamic shifting, the application runs consistently without experiencing CPU clock frequency degradation and latency increase. In addition, we also study the resulting accuracy when dynamic shifting is deployed and show that our approach provides a reasonable trade-off between model latency and model accuracy.
DaisyRec 2.0: Benchmarking Recommendation for Rigorous Evaluation
Recently, one critical issue looms large in the field of recommender systems -- there are no effective benchmarks for rigorous evaluation -- which consequently leads to unreproducible evaluation and unfair comparison. We, therefore, conduct studies from the perspectives of practical theory and experiments, aiming at benchmarking recommendation for rigorous evaluation. Regarding the theoretical study, a series of hyper-factors affecting recommendation performance throughout the whole evaluation chain are systematically summarized and analyzed via an exhaustive review on 141 papers published at eight top-tier conferences within 2017-2020. We then classify them into model-independent and model-dependent hyper-factors, and different modes of rigorous evaluation are defined and discussed in-depth accordingly. For the experimental study, we release DaisyRec 2.0 library by integrating these hyper-factors to perform rigorous evaluation, whereby a holistic empirical study is conducted to unveil the impacts of different hyper-factors on recommendation performance. Supported by the theoretical and experimental studies, we finally create benchmarks for rigorous evaluation by proposing standardized procedures and providing performance of ten state-of-the-arts across six evaluation metrics on six datasets as a reference for later study. Overall, our work sheds light on the issues in recommendation evaluation, provides potential solutions for rigorous evaluation, and lays foundation for further investigation.
Quantization Robust Federated Learning for Efficient Inference on Heterogeneous Devices
Federated Learning (FL) is a machine learning paradigm to distributively learn machine learning models from decentralized data that remains on-device. Despite the success of standard Federated optimization methods, such as Federated Averaging (FedAvg) in FL, the energy demands and hardware induced constraints for on-device learning have not been considered sufficiently in the literature. Specifically, an essential demand for on-device learning is to enable trained models to be quantized to various bit-widths based on the energy needs and heterogeneous hardware designs across the federation. In this work, we introduce multiple variants of federated averaging algorithm that train neural networks robust to quantization. Such networks can be quantized to various bit-widths with only limited reduction in full precision model accuracy. We perform extensive experiments on standard FL benchmarks to evaluate our proposed FedAvg variants for quantization robustness and provide a convergence analysis for our Quantization-Aware variants in FL. Our results demonstrate that integrating quantization robustness results in FL models that are significantly more robust to different bit-widths during quantized on-device inference.
Learning Debiased Classifier with Biased Committee
Neural networks are prone to be biased towards spurious correlations between classes and latent attributes exhibited in a major portion of training data, which ruins their generalization capability. This paper proposes a new method for training debiased classifiers with no spurious attribute label. The key idea of the method is to employ a committee of classifiers as an auxiliary module that identifies bias-conflicting data, i.e., data without spurious correlations, and assigns large weights to them when training the main classifier. The committee is learned as a bootstrapped ensemble so that a majority of its classifiers are biased as well as being diverse, and intentionally fail to predict classes of bias-conflicting data accordingly. The consensus within the committee on prediction difficulty thus provides a reliable cue for identifying and weighting bias-conflicting data. Moreover, the committee is also trained with knowledge transferred from the main classifier so that it gradually becomes debiased along with the main classifier and emphasizes more difficult data as training progresses. On five real-world datasets, our method outperforms existing methods using no spurious attribute label like ours and even surpasses those relying on bias labels occasionally.
Learning Distribution Grid Topologies: A Tutorial
Unveiling feeder topologies from data is of paramount importance to advance situational awareness and proper utilization of smart resources in power distribution grids. This tutorial summarizes, contrasts, and establishes useful links between recent works on topology identification and detection schemes that have been proposed for power distribution grids.% under different regimes of measurement type, observability, and sampling. The primary focus is to highlight methods that overcome the limited availability of measurement devices in distribution grids, while enhancing topology estimates using conservation laws of power-flow physics and structural properties of feeders. Grid data from phasor measurement units or smart meters can be collected either passively in the traditional way, or actively, upon actuating grid resources and measuring the feeder's voltage response. Analytical claims on feeder identifiability and detectability are reviewed under disparate meter placement scenarios. Such topology learning claims can be attained exactly or approximately so via algorithmic solutions with various levels of computational complexity, ranging from least-squares fits to convex optimization problems, and from polynomial-time searches over graphs to mixed-integer programs. This tutorial aspires to provide researchers and engineers with knowledge of the current state-of-the-art in tractable distribution grid learning and insights into future directions of work.
Robust Bayesian Recourse
Algorithmic recourse aims to recommend an informative feedback to overturn an unfavorable machine learning decision. We introduce in this paper the Bayesian recourse, a model-agnostic recourse that minimizes the posterior probability odds ratio. Further, we present its min-max robust counterpart with the goal of hedging against future changes in the machine learning model parameters. The robust counterpart explicitly takes into account possible perturbations of the data in a Gaussian mixture ambiguity set prescribed using the optimal transport (Wasserstein) distance. We show that the resulting worst-case objective function can be decomposed into solving a series of two-dimensional optimization subproblems, and the min-max recourse finding problem is thus amenable to a gradient descent algorithm. Contrary to existing methods for generating robust recourses, the robust Bayesian recourse does not require a linear approximation step. The numerical experiment demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed robust Bayesian recourse facing model shifts. Our code is available at https://github.com/VinAIResearch/robust-bayesian-recourse.
Few-shot Long-Tailed Bird Audio Recognition
It is easier to hear birds than see them. However, they still play an essential role in nature and are excellent indicators of deteriorating environmental quality and pollution. Recent advances in Deep Neural Networks allow us to process audio data to detect and classify birds. This technology can assist researchers in monitoring bird populations and biodiversity. We propose a sound detection and classification pipeline to analyze complex soundscape recordings and identify birdcalls in the background. Our method learns from weak labels and few data and acoustically recognizes the bird species. Our solution achieved 18th place of 807 teams at the BirdCLEF 2022 Challenge hosted on Kaggle.
Efficient Interdependent Systems Recovery Modeling with DeepONets
Modeling the recovery of interdependent critical infrastructure is a key component of quantifying and optimizing societal resilience to disruptive events. However, simulating the recovery of large-scale interdependent systems under random disruptive events is computationally expensive. Therefore, we propose the application of Deep Operator Networks (DeepONets) in this paper to accelerate the recovery modeling of interdependent systems. DeepONets are ML architectures which identify mathematical operators from data. The form of governing equations DeepONets identify and the governing equation of interdependent systems recovery model are similar. Therefore, we hypothesize that DeepONets can efficiently model the interdependent systems recovery with little training data. We applied DeepONets to a simple case of four interdependent systems with sixteen states. DeepONets, overall, performed satisfactorily in predicting the recovery of these interdependent systems for out of training sample data when compared to reference results.
Fighting Fire with Fire: Avoiding DNN Shortcuts through Priming
Across applications spanning supervised classification and sequential control, deep learning has been reported to find "shortcut" solutions that fail catastrophically under minor changes in the data distribution. In this paper, we show empirically that DNNs can be coaxed to avoid poor shortcuts by providing an additional "priming" feature computed from key input features, usually a coarse output estimate. Priming relies on approximate domain knowledge of these task-relevant key input features, which is often easy to obtain in practical settings. For example, one might prioritize recent frames over past frames in a video input for visual imitation learning, or salient foreground over background pixels for image classification. On NICO image classification, MuJoCo continuous control, and CARLA autonomous driving, our priming strategy works significantly better than several popular state-of-the-art approaches for feature selection and data augmentation. We connect these empirical findings to recent theoretical results on DNN optimization, and argue theoretically that priming distracts the optimizer away from poor shortcuts by creating better, simpler shortcuts.
FedBC: Calibrating Global and Local Models via Federated Learning Beyond Consensus
In federated learning (FL), the objective of collaboratively learning a global model through aggregation of model updates across devices tends to oppose the goal of personalization via local information. In this work, we calibrate this tradeoff in a quantitative manner through a multi-criterion optimization-based framework, which we cast as a constrained program: the objective for a device is its local objective, which it seeks to minimize while satisfying nonlinear constraints that quantify the proximity between the local and the global model. By considering the Lagrangian relaxation of this problem, we develop an algorithm that allows each node to minimize its local component of Lagrangian through queries to a first-order gradient oracle. Then, the server executes Lagrange multiplier ascent steps followed by a Lagrange multiplier-weighted averaging step. We call this instantiation of the primal-dual method Federated Learning Beyond Consensus ($\texttt{FedBC}$). Theoretically, we establish that $\texttt{FedBC}$ converges to a first-order stationary point at rates that matches the state of the art, up to an additional error term that depends on the tolerance parameter that arises due to the proximity constraints. Overall, the analysis is a novel characterization of primal-dual methods applied to non-convex saddle point problems with nonlinear constraints. Finally, we demonstrate that $\texttt{FedBC}$ balances the global and local model test accuracy metrics across a suite of datasets (Synthetic, MNIST, CIFAR-10, Shakespeare), achieving competitive performance with the state of the art.
Jointist: Joint Learning for Multi-instrument Transcription and Its Applications
In this paper, we introduce Jointist, an instrument-aware multi-instrument framework that is capable of transcribing, recognizing, and separating multiple musical instruments from an audio clip. Jointist consists of the instrument recognition module that conditions the other modules: the transcription module that outputs instrument-specific piano rolls, and the source separation module that utilizes instrument information and transcription results. The instrument conditioning is designed for an explicit multi-instrument functionality while the connection between the transcription and source separation modules is for better transcription performance. Our challenging problem formulation makes the model highly useful in the real world given that modern popular music typically consists of multiple instruments. However, its novelty necessitates a new perspective on how to evaluate such a model. During the experiment, we assess the model from various aspects, providing a new evaluation perspective for multi-instrument transcription. We also argue that transcription models can be utilized as a preprocessing module for other music analysis tasks. In the experiment on several downstream tasks, the symbolic representation provided by our transcription model turned out to be helpful to spectrograms in solving downbeat detection, chord recognition, and key estimation.
Automated Cancer Subtyping via Vector Quantization Mutual Information Maximization
Cancer subtyping is crucial for understanding the nature of tumors and providing suitable therapy. However, existing labelling methods are medically controversial, and have driven the process of subtyping away from teaching signals. Moreover, cancer genetic expression profiles are high-dimensional, scarce, and have complicated dependence, thereby posing a serious challenge to existing subtyping models for outputting sensible clustering. In this study, we propose a novel clustering method for exploiting genetic expression profiles and distinguishing subtypes in an unsupervised manner. The proposed method adaptively learns categorical correspondence from latent representations of expression profiles to the subtypes output by the model. By maximizing the problem -- agnostic mutual information between input expression profiles and output subtypes, our method can automatically decide a suitable number of subtypes. Through experiments, we demonstrate that our proposed method can refine existing controversial labels, and, by further medical analysis, this refinement is proven to have a high correlation with cancer survival rates.
Imitation Learning for Generalizable Self-driving Policy with Sim-to-real Transfer
Imitation Learning uses the demonstrations of an expert to uncover the optimal policy and it is suitable for real-world robotics tasks as well. In this case, however, the training of the agent is carried out in a simulation environment due to safety, economic and time constraints. Later, the agent is applied in the real-life domain using sim-to-real methods. In this paper, we apply Imitation Learning methods that solve a robotics task in a simulated environment and use transfer learning to apply these solutions in the real-world environment. Our task is set in the Duckietown environment, where the robotic agent has to follow the right lane based on the input images of a single forward-facing camera. We present three Imitation Learning and two sim-to-real methods capable of achieving this task. A detailed comparison is provided on these techniques to highlight their advantages and disadvantages.
Multi-Resolution, Multi-Horizon Distributed Solar PV Power Forecasting with Forecast Combinations
Distributed, small-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are being installed at a rapidly increasing rate. This can cause major impacts on distribution networks and energy markets. As a result, there is a significant need for improved forecasting of the power generation of these systems at different time resolutions and horizons. However, the performance of forecasting models depends on the resolution and horizon. Forecast combinations (ensembles), that combine the forecasts of multiple models into a single forecast may be robust in such cases. Therefore, in this paper, we provide comparisons and insights into the performance of five state-of-the-art forecast models and existing forecast combinations at multiple resolutions and horizons. We propose a forecast combination approach based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) that will enable a forecaster to produce accurate forecasts for the task at hand by weighting the forecasts produced by individual models. Furthermore, we compare the performance of the proposed combination approach with existing forecast combination approaches. A comprehensive evaluation is conducted using a real-world residential PV power data set measured at 25 houses located in three locations in the United States. The results across four different resolutions and four different horizons show that the PSO-based forecast combination approach outperforms the use of any individual forecast model and other forecast combination counterparts, with an average Mean Absolute Scaled Error reduction by 3.81% compared to the best performing individual model. Our approach enables a solar forecaster to produce accurate forecasts for their application regardless of the forecast resolution or horizon.
Scaling Autoregressive Models for Content-Rich Text-to-Image Generation
We present the Pathways Autoregressive Text-to-Image (Parti) model, which generates high-fidelity photorealistic images and supports content-rich synthesis involving complex compositions and world knowledge. Parti treats text-to-image generation as a sequence-to-sequence modeling problem, akin to machine translation, with sequences of image tokens as the target outputs rather than text tokens in another language. This strategy can naturally tap into the rich body of prior work on large language models, which have seen continued advances in capabilities and performance through scaling data and model sizes. Our approach is simple: First, Parti uses a Transformer-based image tokenizer, ViT-VQGAN, to encode images as sequences of discrete tokens. Second, we achieve consistent quality improvements by scaling the encoder-decoder Transformer model up to 20B parameters, with a new state-of-the-art zero-shot FID score of 7.23 and finetuned FID score of 3.22 on MS-COCO. Our detailed analysis on Localized Narratives as well as PartiPrompts (P2), a new holistic benchmark of over 1600 English prompts, demonstrate the effectiveness of Parti across a wide variety of categories and difficulty aspects. We also explore and highlight limitations of our models in order to define and exemplify key areas of focus for further improvements. See https://parti.research.google/ for high-resolution images.
Generative Pretraining for Black-Box Optimization
Many problems in science and engineering involve optimizing an expensive black-box function over a high-dimensional space. For such black-box optimization (BBO) problems, we typically assume a small budget for online function evaluations, but also often have access to a fixed, offline dataset for pretraining. Prior approaches seek to utilize the offline data to approximate the function or its inverse but are not sufficiently accurate far from the data distribution. We propose Black-box Optimization Transformer (BOOMER), a generative framework for pretraining black-box optimizers using offline datasets. In BOOMER, we train an autoregressive model to imitate trajectory runs of implicit black-box function optimizers. Since these trajectories are unavailable by default, we develop a simple randomized heuristic to synthesize trajectories by sorting random points from offline data. We show theoretically that this heuristic induces trajectories that mimic transitions from diverse low-fidelity (exploration) to high-fidelity (exploitation) samples. Further, we introduce mechanisms to control the rate at which a trajectory transitions from exploration to exploitation, and use it to generalize outside the offline data at test-time. Empirically, we instantiate BOOMER using a casually masked Transformer and evaluate it on Design-Bench, where we rank the best on average, outperforming state-of-the-art baselines.
Federated Latent Class Regression for Hierarchical Data
Federated Learning (FL) allows a number of agents to participate in training a global machine learning model without disclosing locally stored data. Compared to traditional distributed learning, the heterogeneity (non-IID) of the agents slows down the convergence in FL. Furthermore, many datasets, being too noisy or too small, are easily overfitted by complex models, such as deep neural networks. Here, we consider the problem of using FL regression on noisy, hierarchical and tabular datasets in which user distributions are significantly different. Inspired by Latent Class Regression (LCR), we propose a novel probabilistic model, Hierarchical Latent Class Regression (HLCR), and its extension to Federated Learning, FEDHLCR. FEDHLCR consists of a mixture of linear regression models, allowing better accuracy than simple linear regression, while at the same time maintaining its analytical properties and avoiding overfitting. Our inference algorithm, being derived from Bayesian theory, provides strong convergence guarantees and good robustness to overfitting. Experimental results show that FEDHLCR offers fast convergence even in non-IID datasets.
Efficient and effective training of language and graph neural network models
Can we combine heterogenous graph structure with text to learn high-quality semantic and behavioural representations? Graph neural networks (GNN)s encode numerical node attributes and graph structure to achieve impressive performance in a variety of supervised learning tasks. Current GNN approaches are challenged by textual features, which typically need to be encoded to a numerical vector before provided to the GNN that may incur some information loss. In this paper, we put forth an efficient and effective framework termed language model GNN (LM-GNN) to jointly train large-scale language models and graph neural networks. The effectiveness in our framework is achieved by applying stage-wise fine-tuning of the BERT model first with heterogenous graph information and then with a GNN model. Several system and design optimizations are proposed to enable scalable and efficient training. LM-GNN accommodates node and edge classification as well as link prediction tasks. We evaluate the LM-GNN framework in different datasets performance and showcase the effectiveness of the proposed approach. LM-GNN provides competitive results in an Amazon query-purchase-product application.
On the Statistical Efficiency of Reward-Free Exploration in Non-Linear RL
We study reward-free reinforcement learning (RL) under general non-linear function approximation, and establish sample efficiency and hardness results under various standard structural assumptions. On the positive side, we propose the RFOLIVE (Reward-Free OLIVE) algorithm for sample-efficient reward-free exploration under minimal structural assumptions, which covers the previously studied settings of linear MDPs (Jin et al., 2020b), linear completeness (Zanette et al., 2020b) and low-rank MDPs with unknown representation (Modi et al., 2021). Our analyses indicate that the explorability or reachability assumptions, previously made for the latter two settings, are not necessary statistically for reward-free exploration. On the negative side, we provide a statistical hardness result for both reward-free and reward-aware exploration under linear completeness assumptions when the underlying features are unknown, showing an exponential separation between low-rank and linear completeness settings.
On the Limitations of Elo: Real-World Games, are Transitive, not Additive
Real-world competitive games, such as chess, go, or StarCraft II, rely on Elo models to measure the strength of their players. Since these games are not fully transitive, using Elo implicitly assumes they have a strong transitive component that can correctly be identified and extracted. In this study, we investigate the challenge of identifying the strength of the transitive component in games. First, we show that Elo models can fail to extract this transitive component, even in elementary transitive games. Then, based on this observation, we propose an extension of the Elo score: we end up with a disc ranking system that assigns each player two scores, which we refer to as skill and consistency. Finally, we propose an empirical validation on payoff matrices coming from real-world games played by bots and humans.
BiometricBlender: Ultra-high dimensional, multi-class synthetic data generator to imitate biometric feature space
The lack of freely available (real-life or synthetic) high or ultra-high dimensional, multi-class datasets may hamper the rapidly growing research on feature screening, especially in the field of biometrics, where the usage of such datasets is common. This paper reports a Python package called BiometricBlender, which is an ultra-high dimensional, multi-class synthetic data generator to benchmark a wide range of feature screening methods. During the data generation process, the overall usefulness and the intercorrelations of blended features can be controlled by the user, thus the synthetic feature space is able to imitate the key properties of a real biometric dataset.
Derivative-Informed Neural Operator: An Efficient Framework for High-Dimensional Parametric Derivative Learning
Neural operators have gained significant attention recently due to their ability to approximate high-dimensional parametric maps between function spaces. At present, only parametric function approximation has been addressed in the neural operator literature. In this work we investigate incorporating parametric derivative information in neural operator training; this information can improve function approximations, additionally it can be used to improve the approximation of the derivative with respect to the parameter, which is often the key to scalable solution of high-dimensional outer-loop problems (e.g. Bayesian inverse problems). Parametric Jacobian information is formally intractable to incorporate due to its high-dimensionality, to address this concern we propose strategies based on reduced SVD, randomized sketching and the use of reduced basis surrogates. All of these strategies only require only $O(r)$ Jacobian actions to construct sample Jacobian data, and allow us to reduce the linear algebra and memory costs associated with the Jacobian training from the product of the input and output dimensions down to $O(r^2)$, where $r$ is the dimensionality associated with the dimension reduction technique. Numerical results for parametric PDE problems demonstrate that the addition of derivative information to the training problem can significantly improve the parametric map approximation, particularly given few data. When Jacobian actions are inexpensive compared to the parametric map, this information can be economically substituted for parametric map data. Additionally we show that Jacobian error approximations improve significantly with the introduction of Jacobian training data. This result opens the door to the use of derivative-informed neural operators (DINOs) in outer-loop algorithms where they can amortize the additional training data cost via repeated evaluations.
Quantum-Enhanced Selection Operators for Evolutionary Algorithms
Genetic algorithms have unique properties which are useful when applied to black box optimization. Using selection, crossover, and mutation operators, candidate solutions may be obtained without the need to calculate a gradient. In this work, we study results obtained from using quantum-enhanced operators within the selection mechanism of a genetic algorithm. Our approach frames the selection process as a minimization of a binary quadratic model with which we encode fitness and distance between members of a population, and we leverage a quantum annealing system to sample low energy solutions for the selection mechanism. We benchmark these quantum-enhanced algorithms against classical algorithms over various black-box objective functions, including the OneMax function, and functions from the IOHProfiler library for black-box optimization. We observe a performance gain in average number of generations to convergence for the quantum-enhanced elitist selection operator in comparison to classical on the OneMax function. We also find that the quantum-enhanced selection operator with non-elitist selection outperform benchmarks on functions with fitness perturbation from the IOHProfiler library. Additionally, we find that in the case of elitist selection, the quantum-enhanced operators outperform classical benchmarks on functions with varying degrees of dummy variables and neutrality.
Imitate then Transcend: Multi-Agent Optimal Execution with Dual-Window Denoise PPO
A novel framework for solving the optimal execution and placement problems using reinforcement learning (RL) with imitation was proposed. The RL agents trained from the proposed framework consistently outperformed the industry benchmark time-weighted average price (TWAP) strategy in execution cost and showed great generalization across out-of-sample trading dates and tickers. The impressive performance was achieved from three aspects. First, our RL network architecture called Dual-window Denoise PPO enabled efficient learning in a noisy market environment. Second, a reward scheme with imitation learning was designed, and a comprehensive set of market features was studied. Third, our flexible action formulation allowed the RL agent to tackle optimal execution and placement collectively resulting in better performance than solving individual problems separately. The RL agent's performance was evaluated in our multi-agent realistic historical limit order book simulator in which price impact was accurately assessed. In addition, ablation studies were also performed, confirming the superiority of our framework.
Sharp Constants in Uniformity Testing via the Huber Statistic
Uniformity testing is one of the most well-studied problems in property testing, with many known test statistics, including ones based on counting collisions, singletons, and the empirical TV distance. It is known that the optimal sample complexity to distinguish the uniform distribution on $m$ elements from any $\epsilon$-far distribution with $1-\delta$ probability is $n = \Theta\left(\frac{\sqrt{m \log (1/\delta)}}{\epsilon^2} + \frac{\log (1/\delta)}{\epsilon^2}\right)$, which is achieved by the empirical TV tester. Yet in simulation, these theoretical analyses are misleading: in many cases, they do not correctly rank order the performance of existing testers, even in an asymptotic regime of all parameters tending to $0$ or $\infty$. We explain this discrepancy by studying the \emph{constant factors} required by the algorithms. We show that the collisions tester achieves a sharp maximal constant in the number of standard deviations of separation between uniform and non-uniform inputs. We then introduce a new tester based on the Huber loss, and show that it not only matches this separation, but also has tails corresponding to a Gaussian with this separation. This leads to a sample complexity of $(1 + o(1))\frac{\sqrt{m \log (1/\delta)}}{\epsilon^2}$ in the regime where this term is dominant, unlike all other existing testers.
Predicting Team Performance with Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks
This paper presents a new approach for predicting team performance from the behavioral traces of a set of agents. This spatiotemporal forecasting problem is very relevant to sports analytics challenges such as coaching and opponent modeling. We demonstrate that our proposed model, Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks (ST-GCN), outperforms other classification techniques at predicting game score from a short segment of player movement and game features. Our proposed architecture uses a graph convolutional network to capture the spatial relationships between team members and Gated Recurrent Units to analyze dynamic motion information. An ablative evaluation was performed to demonstrate the contributions of different aspects of our architecture.
Physics-informed machine learning with differentiable programming for heterogeneous underground reservoir pressure management
Avoiding over-pressurization in subsurface reservoirs is critical for applications like CO2 sequestration and wastewater injection. Managing the pressures by controlling injection/extraction are challenging because of complex heterogeneity in the subsurface. The heterogeneity typically requires high-fidelity physics-based models to make predictions on CO$_2$ fate. Furthermore, characterizing the heterogeneity accurately is fraught with parametric uncertainty. Accounting for both, heterogeneity and uncertainty, makes this a computationally-intensive problem challenging for current reservoir simulators. To tackle this, we use differentiable programming with a full-physics model and machine learning to determine the fluid extraction rates that prevent over-pressurization at critical reservoir locations. We use DPFEHM framework, which has trustworthy physics based on the standard two-point flux finite volume discretization and is also automatically differentiable like machine learning models. Our physics-informed machine learning framework uses convolutional neural networks to learn an appropriate extraction rate based on the permeability field. We also perform a hyperparameter search to improve the model's accuracy. Training and testing scenarios are executed to evaluate the feasibility of using physics-informed machine learning to manage reservoir pressures. We constructed and tested a sufficiently accurate simulator that is 400000 times faster than the underlying physics-based simulator, allowing for near real-time analysis and robust uncertainty quantification.
Meta Reinforcement Learning with Finite Training Tasks -- a Density Estimation Approach
In meta reinforcement learning (meta RL), an agent learns from a set of training tasks how to quickly solve a new task, drawn from the same task distribution. The optimal meta RL policy, a.k.a. the Bayes-optimal behavior, is well defined, and guarantees optimal reward in expectation, taken with respect to the task distribution. The question we explore in this work is how many training tasks are required to guarantee approximately optimal behavior with high probability. Recent work provided the first such PAC analysis for a model-free setting, where a history-dependent policy was learned from the training tasks. In this work, we propose a different approach: directly learn the task distribution, using density estimation techniques, and then train a policy on the learned task distribution. We show that our approach leads to bounds that depend on the dimension of the task distribution. In particular, in settings where the task distribution lies in a low-dimensional manifold, we extend our analysis to use dimensionality reduction techniques and account for such structure, obtaining significantly better bounds than previous work, which strictly depend on the number of states and actions. The key of our approach is the regularization implied by the kernel density estimation method. We further demonstrate that this regularization is useful in practice, when `plugged in' the state-of-the-art VariBAD meta RL algorithm.
Beyond Uniform Lipschitz Condition in Differentially Private Optimization
Most prior convergence results on differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) are derived under the simplistic assumption of uniform Lipschitzness, i.e., the per-sample gradients are uniformly bounded. This assumption is unrealistic in many problems, e.g., linear regression with Gaussian data. We relax uniform Lipschitzness by instead assuming that the per-sample gradients have \textit{sample-dependent} upper bounds, i.e., per-sample Lipschitz constants, which themselves may be unbounded. We derive new convergence results for DP-SGD on both convex and nonconvex functions when the per-sample Lipschitz constants have bounded moments. Furthermore, we provide principled guidance on choosing the clip norm in DP-SGD for convex settings satisfying our relaxed version of Lipschitzness, without making distributional assumptions on the Lipschitz constants. We verify the effectiveness of our recommendation via experiments on benchmarking datasets.
Using cognitive psychology to understand GPT-3
We study GPT-3, a recent large language model, using tools from cognitive psychology. More specifically, we assess GPT-3's decision-making, information search, deliberation, and causal reasoning abilities on a battery of canonical experiments from the literature. We find that much of GPT-3's behavior is impressive: it solves vignette-based tasks similarly or better than human subjects, is able to make decent decisions from descriptions, outperforms humans in a multi-armed bandit task, and shows signatures of model-based reinforcement learning. Yet we also find that small perturbations to vignette-based tasks can lead GPT-3 vastly astray, that it shows no signatures of directed exploration, and that it fails miserably in a causal reasoning task. These results enrich our understanding of current large language models and pave the way for future investigations using tools from cognitive psychology to study increasingly capable and opaque artificial agents.
TraSE: Towards Tackling Authorial Style from a Cognitive Science Perspective
Stylistic analysis of text is a key task in research areas ranging from authorship attribution to forensic analysis and personality profiling. The existing approaches for stylistic analysis are plagued by issues like topic influence, lack of discriminability for large number of authors and the requirement for large amounts of diverse data. In this paper, the source of these issues are identified along with the necessity for a cognitive perspective on authorial style in addressing them. A novel feature representation, called Trajectory-based Style Estimation (TraSE), is introduced to support this purpose. Authorship attribution experiments with over 27,000 authors and 1.4 million samples in a cross-domain scenario resulted in 90% attribution accuracy suggesting that the feature representation is immune to such negative influences and an excellent candidate for stylistic analysis. Finally, a qualitative analysis is performed on TraSE using physical human characteristics, like age, to validate its claim on capturing cognitive traits.
Multi-Omic Data Integration and Feature Selection for Survival-based Patient Stratification via Supervised Concrete Autoencoders
Cancer is a complex disease with significant social and economic impact. Advancements in high-throughput molecular assays and the reduced cost for performing high-quality multi-omics measurements have fuelled insights through machine learning . Previous studies have shown promise on using multiple omic layers to predict survival and stratify cancer patients. In this paper, we developed a Supervised Autoencoder (SAE) model for survival-based multi-omic integration which improves upon previous work, and report a Concrete Supervised Autoencoder model (CSAE), which uses feature selection to jointly reconstruct the input features as well as predict survival. Our experiments show that our models outperform or are on par with some of the most commonly used baselines, while either providing a better survival separation (SAE) or being more interpretable (CSAE). We also perform a feature selection stability analysis on our models and notice that there is a power-law relationship with features which are commonly associated with survival. The code for this project is available at: https://github.com/phcavelar/coxae
TiCo: Transformation Invariance and Covariance Contrast for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
We present Transformation Invariance and Covariance Contrast (TiCo) for self-supervised visual representation learning. Similar to other recent self-supervised learning methods, our method is based on maximizing the agreement among embeddings of different distorted versions of the same image, which pushes the encoder to produce transformation invariant representations. To avoid the trivial solution where the encoder generates constant vectors, we regularize the covariance matrix of the embeddings from different images by penalizing low rank solutions. By jointly minimizing the transformation invariance loss and covariance contrast loss, we get an encoder that is able to produce useful representations for downstream tasks. We analyze our method and show that it can be viewed as a variant of MoCo with an implicit memory bank of unlimited size at no extra memory cost. This makes our method perform better than alternative methods when using small batch sizes. TiCo can also be seen as a modification of Barlow Twins. By connecting the contrastive and redundancy-reduction methods together, TiCo gives us new insights into how joint embedding methods work.
Performance Prediction Under Dataset Shift
ML models deployed in production often have to face unknown domain changes, fundamentally different from their training settings. Performance prediction models carry out the crucial task of measuring the impact of these changes on model performance. We study the generalization capabilities of various performance prediction models to new domains by learning on generated synthetic perturbations. Empirical validation on a benchmark of ten tabular datasets shows that models based upon state-of-the-art shift detection metrics are not expressive enough to generalize to unseen domains, while Error Predictors bring a consistent improvement in performance prediction under shift. We additionally propose a natural and effortless uncertainty estimation of the predicted accuracy that ensures reliable use of performance predictors. Our implementation is available at https: //github.com/dataiku-research/performance_prediction_under_shift.
Epicasting: An Ensemble Wavelet Neural Network (EWNet) for Forecasting Epidemics
Infectious diseases remain among the top contributors to human illness and death worldwide, among which many diseases produce epidemic waves of infection. The unavailability of specific drugs and ready-to-use vaccines to prevent most of these epidemics makes the situation worse. These force public health officials, health care providers, and policymakers to rely on early warning systems generated by reliable and accurate forecasts of epidemics. Accurate forecasts of epidemics can assist stakeholders in tailoring countermeasures, such as vaccination campaigns, staff scheduling, and resource allocation, to the situation at hand, which could translate to reductions in the impact of a disease. Unfortunately, most of these past epidemics (e.g., dengue, malaria, hepatitis, influenza, and most recent, Covid-19) exhibit nonlinear and non-stationary characteristics due to their spreading fluctuations based on seasonal-dependent variability and the nature of these epidemics. We analyze a wide variety of epidemic time series datasets using a maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) based autoregressive neural network and call it EWNet. MODWT techniques effectively characterize non-stationary behavior and seasonal dependencies in the epidemic time series and improve the forecasting scheme of the autoregressive neural network in the proposed ensemble wavelet network framework. From a nonlinear time series viewpoint, we explore the asymptotic stationarity of the proposed EWNet model to show the asymptotic behavior of the associated Markov Chain. We also theoretically investigate the effect of learning stability and the choice of hidden neurons in the proposed EWNet model. From a practical perspective, we compare our proposed EWNet framework with several statistical, machine learning, and deep learning models that have been previously used for epidemic forecasting.
A consistent and flexible framework for deep matrix factorizations
Deep matrix factorizations (deep MFs) are recent unsupervised data mining techniques inspired by constrained low-rank approximations. They aim to extract complex hierarchies of features within high-dimensional datasets. Most of the loss functions proposed in the literature to evaluate the quality of deep MF models and the underlying optimization frameworks are not consistent because different losses are used at different layers. In this paper, we introduce two meaningful loss functions for deep MF and present a generic framework to solve the corresponding optimization problems. We illustrate the effectiveness of this approach through the integration of various constraints and regularizations, such as sparsity, nonnegativity and minimum-volume. The models are successfully applied on both synthetic and real data, namely for hyperspectral unmixing and extraction of facial features.
Multi-level Domain Adaptation for Lane Detection
We focus on bridging domain discrepancy in lane detection among different scenarios to greatly reduce extra annotation and re-training costs for autonomous driving. Critical factors hinder the performance improvement of cross-domain lane detection that conventional methods only focus on pixel-wise loss while ignoring shape and position priors of lanes. To address the issue, we propose the Multi-level Domain Adaptation (MLDA) framework, a new perspective to handle cross-domain lane detection at three complementary semantic levels of pixel, instance and category. Specifically, at pixel level, we propose to apply cross-class confidence constraints in self-training to tackle the imbalanced confidence distribution of lane and background. At instance level, we go beyond pixels to treat segmented lanes as instances and facilitate discriminative features in target domain with triplet learning, which effectively rebuilds the semantic context of lanes and contributes to alleviating the feature confusion. At category level, we propose an adaptive inter-domain embedding module to utilize the position prior of lanes during adaptation. In two challenging datasets, ie TuSimple and CULane, our approach improves lane detection performance by a large margin with gains of 8.8% on accuracy and 7.4% on F1-score respectively, compared with state-of-the-art domain adaptation algorithms.
Towards OOD Detection in Graph Classification from Uncertainty Estimation Perspective
The problem of out-of-distribution detection for graph classification is far from being solved. The existing models tend to be overconfident about OOD examples or completely ignore the detection task. In this work, we consider this problem from the uncertainty estimation perspective and perform the comparison of several recently proposed methods. In our experiment, we find that there is no universal approach for OOD detection, and it is important to consider both graph representations and predictive categorical distribution.
Learning Continuous Rotation Canonicalization with Radial Beam Sampling
Nearly all state of the art vision models are sensitive to image rotations. Existing methods often compensate for missing inductive biases by using augmented training data to learn pseudo-invariances. Alongside the resource demanding data inflation process, predictions often poorly generalize. The inductive biases inherent to convolutional neural networks allow for translation equivariance through kernels acting parallely to the horizontal and vertical axes of the pixel grid. This inductive bias, however, does not allow for rotation equivariance. We propose a radial beam sampling strategy along with radial kernels operating on these beams to inherently incorporate center-rotation covariance. Together with an angle distance loss, we present a radial beam-based image canonicalization model, short BIC. Our model allows for maximal continuous angle regression and canonicalizes arbitrary center-rotated input images. As a pre-processing model, this enables rotation-invariant vision pipelines with model-agnostic rotation-sensitive downstream predictions. We show that our end-to-end trained angle regressor is able to predict continuous rotation angles on several vision datasets, i.e. FashionMNIST, CIFAR10, COIL100, and LFW.
Differentially Private Maximal Information Coefficients
The Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC) is a powerful statistic to identify dependencies between variables. However, it may be applied to sensitive data, and publishing it could leak private information. As a solution, we present algorithms to approximate MIC in a way that provides differential privacy. We show that the natural application of the classic Laplace mechanism yields insufficient accuracy. We therefore introduce the MICr statistic, which is a new MIC approximation that is more compatible with differential privacy. We prove MICr is a consistent estimator for MIC, and we provide two differentially private versions of it. We perform experiments on a variety of real and synthetic datasets. The results show that the private MICr statistics significantly outperform direct application of the Laplace mechanism. Moreover, experiments on real-world datasets show accuracy that is usable when the sample size is at least moderately large.
Learning Neuro-Symbolic Skills for Bilevel Planning
Decision-making is challenging in robotics environments with continuous object-centric states, continuous actions, long horizons, and sparse feedback. Hierarchical approaches, such as task and motion planning (TAMP), address these challenges by decomposing decision-making into two or more levels of abstraction. In a setting where demonstrations and symbolic predicates are given, prior work has shown how to learn symbolic operators and neural samplers for TAMP with manually designed parameterized policies. Our main contribution is a method for learning parameterized polices in combination with operators and samplers. These components are packaged into modular neuro-symbolic skills and sequenced together with search-then-sample TAMP to solve new tasks. In experiments in four robotics domains, we show that our approach -- bilevel planning with neuro-symbolic skills -- can solve a wide range of tasks with varying initial states, goals, and objects, outperforming six baselines and ablations. Video: https://youtu.be/PbFZP8rPuGg Code: https://tinyurl.com/skill-learning
ConTraNet: A single end-to-end hybrid network for EEG-based and EMG-based human machine interfaces
Objective: Electroencephalography (EEG) and electromyography (EMG) are two non-invasive bio-signals, which are widely used in human machine interface (HMI) technologies (EEG-HMI and EMG-HMI paradigm) for the rehabilitation of physically disabled people. Successful decoding of EEG and EMG signals into respective control command is a pivotal step in the rehabilitation process. Recently, several Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) based architectures are proposed that directly map the raw time-series signal into decision space and the process of meaningful features extraction and classification are performed simultaneously. However, these networks are tailored to the learn the expected characteristics of the given bio-signal and are limited to single paradigm. In this work, we addressed the question that can we build a single architecture which is able to learn distinct features from different HMI paradigms and still successfully classify them. Approach: In this work, we introduce a single hybrid model called ConTraNet, which is based on CNN and Transformer architectures that is equally useful for EEG-HMI and EMG-HMI paradigms. ConTraNet uses CNN block to introduce inductive bias in the model and learn local dependencies, whereas the Transformer block uses the self-attention mechanism to learn the long-range dependencies in the signal, which are crucial for the classification of EEG and EMG signals. Main results: We evaluated and compared the ConTraNet with state-of-the-art methods on three publicly available datasets which belong to EEG-HMI and EMG-HMI paradigms. ConTraNet outperformed its counterparts in all the different category tasks (2-class, 3-class, 4-class, and 10-class decoding tasks). Significance: The results suggest that ConTraNet is robust to learn distinct features from different HMI paradigms and generalizes well as compared to the current state of the art algorithms.
On the Maximum Hessian Eigenvalue and Generalization
The mechanisms by which certain training interventions, such as increasing learning rates and applying batch normalization, improve the generalization of deep networks remains a mystery. Prior works have speculated that "flatter" solutions generalize better than "sharper" solutions to unseen data, motivating several metrics for measuring flatness (particularly $\lambda_{max}$, the largest eigenvalue of the Hessian of the loss); and algorithms, such as Sharpness-Aware Minimization (SAM) [1], that directly optimize for flatness. Other works question the link between $\lambda_{max}$ and generalization. In this paper, we present findings that call $\lambda_{max}$'s influence on generalization further into question. We show that: (1) while larger learning rates reduce $\lambda_{max}$ for all batch sizes, generalization benefits sometimes vanish at larger batch sizes; (2) by scaling batch size and learning rate simultaneously, we can change $\lambda_{max}$ without affecting generalization; (3) while SAM produces smaller $\lambda_{max}$ for all batch sizes, generalization benefits (also) vanish with larger batch sizes; (4) for dropout, excessively high dropout probabilities can degrade generalization, even as they promote smaller $\lambda_{max}$; and (5) while batch-normalization does not consistently produce smaller $\lambda_{max}$, it nevertheless confers generalization benefits. While our experiments affirm the generalization benefits of large learning rates and SAM for minibatch SGD, the GD-SGD discrepancy demonstrates limits to $\lambda_{max}$'s ability to explain generalization in neural networks.
Sparse Kernel Gaussian Processes through Iterative Charted Refinement (ICR)
Gaussian Processes (GPs) are highly expressive, probabilistic models. A major limitation is their computational complexity. Naively, exact GP inference requires $\mathcal{O}(N^3)$ computations with $N$ denoting the number of modeled points. Current approaches to overcome this limitation either rely on sparse, structured or stochastic representations of data or kernel respectively and usually involve nested optimizations to evaluate a GP. We present a new, generative method named Iterative Charted Refinement (ICR) to model GPs on nearly arbitrarily spaced points in $\mathcal{O}(N)$ time for decaying kernels without nested optimizations. ICR represents long- as well as short-range correlations by combining views of the modeled locations at varying resolutions with a user-provided coordinate chart. In our experiment with points whose spacings vary over two orders of magnitude, ICR's accuracy is comparable to state-of-the-art GP methods. ICR outperforms existing methods in terms of computational speed by one order of magnitude on the CPU and GPU and has already been successfully applied to model a GP with $122$ billion parameters.
Robust SDE-Based Variational Formulations for Solving Linear PDEs via Deep Learning
The combination of Monte Carlo methods and deep learning has recently led to efficient algorithms for solving partial differential equations (PDEs) in high dimensions. Related learning problems are often stated as variational formulations based on associated stochastic differential equations (SDEs), which allow the minimization of corresponding losses using gradient-based optimization methods. In respective numerical implementations it is therefore crucial to rely on adequate gradient estimators that exhibit low variance in order to reach convergence accurately and swiftly. In this article, we rigorously investigate corresponding numerical aspects that appear in the context of linear Kolmogorov PDEs. In particular, we systematically compare existing deep learning approaches and provide theoretical explanations for their performances. Subsequently, we suggest novel methods that can be shown to be more robust both theoretically and numerically, leading to substantial performance improvements.
D-CIPHER: Discovery of Closed-form PDEs
Closed-form differential equations, including partial differential equations and higher-order ordinary differential equations, are one of the most important tools used by scientists to model and better understand natural phenomena. Discovering these equations directly from data is challenging because it requires modeling relationships between various derivatives that are not observed in the data (\textit{equation-data mismatch}) and it involves searching across a huge space of possible equations. Current approaches make strong assumptions about the form of the equation and thus fail to discover many well-known systems. Moreover, many of them resolve the equation-data mismatch by estimating the derivatives, which makes them inadequate for noisy and infrequently sampled systems. To this end, we propose D-CIPHER, which is robust to measurement artifacts and can uncover a new and very general class of differential equations. We further design a novel optimization procedure, CoLLie, to help D-CIPHER search through this class efficiently. Finally, we demonstrate empirically that it can discover many well-known equations that are beyond the capabilities of current methods.
Nimble GNN Embedding with Tensor-Train Decomposition
This paper describes a new method for representing embedding tables of graph neural networks (GNNs) more compactly via tensor-train (TT) decomposition. We consider the scenario where (a) the graph data that lack node features, thereby requiring the learning of embeddings during training; and (b) we wish to exploit GPU platforms, where smaller tables are needed to reduce host-to-GPU communication even for large-memory GPUs. The use of TT enables a compact parameterization of the embedding, rendering it small enough to fit entirely on modern GPUs even for massive graphs. When combined with judicious schemes for initialization and hierarchical graph partitioning, this approach can reduce the size of node embedding vectors by 1,659 times to 81,362 times on large publicly available benchmark datasets, achieving comparable or better accuracy and significant speedups on multi-GPU systems. In some cases, our model without explicit node features on input can even match the accuracy of models that use node features.
Gradient-Enhanced Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Power Systems Operational Support
The application of deep learning methods to speed up the resolution of challenging power flow problems has recently shown very encouraging results. However, power system dynamics are not snap-shot, steady-state operations. These dynamics must be considered to ensure that the optimal solutions provided by these models adhere to practical dynamical constraints, avoiding frequency fluctuations and grid instabilities. Unfortunately, dynamic system models based on ordinary or partial differential equations are frequently unsuitable for direct application in control or state estimates due to their high computational costs. To address these challenges, this paper introduces a machine learning method to approximate the behavior of power systems dynamics in near real time. The proposed framework is based on gradient-enhanced physics-informed neural networks (gPINNs) and encodes the underlying physical laws governing power systems. A key characteristic of the proposed gPINN is its ability to train without the need of generating expensive training data. The paper illustrates the potential of the proposed approach in both forward and inverse problems in a single-machine infinite bus system for predicting rotor angles and frequency, and uncertain parameters such as inertia and damping to showcase its potential for a range of power systems applications.
Solving Constrained Variational Inequalities via an Interior Point Method
We develop an interior-point approach to solve constrained variational inequality (cVI) problems. Inspired by the efficacy of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method in the single-objective context, we generalize ADMM to derive a first-order method for cVIs, that we refer to as ADMM-based interior point method for constrained VIs (ACVI). We provide convergence guarantees for ACVI in two general classes of problems: (i) when the operator is $\xi$-monotone, and (ii) when it is monotone, the constraints are active and the game is not purely rotational. When the operator is in addition L-Lipschitz for the latter case, we match known lower bounds on rates for the gap function of $\mathcal{O}(1/\sqrt{K})$ and $\mathcal{O}(1/K)$ for the last and average iterate, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first presentation of a first-order interior-point method for the general cVI problem that has a global convergence guarantee. Moreover, unlike previous work in this setting, ACVI provides a means to solve cVIs when the constraints are nontrivial. Empirical analyses demonstrate clear advantages of ACVI over common first-order methods. In particular, (i) cyclical behavior is notably reduced as our methods approach the solution from the analytic center, and (ii) unlike projection-based methods that oscillate when near a constraint, ACVI efficiently handles the constraints.
Controllability of Coarsely Measured Networked Linear Dynamical Systems (Extended Version)
We consider the controllability of large-scale linear networked dynamical systems when complete knowledge of network structure is unavailable and knowledge is limited to coarse summaries. We provide conditions under which average controllability of the fine-scale system can be well approximated by average controllability of the (synthesized, reduced-order) coarse-scale system. To this end, we require knowledge of some inherent parametric structure of the fine-scale network that makes this type of approximation possible. Therefore, we assume that the underlying fine-scale network is generated by the stochastic block model (SBM) -- often studied in community detection. We then provide an algorithm that directly estimates the average controllability of the fine-scale system using a coarse summary of SBM. Our analysis indicates the necessity of underlying structure (e.g., in-built communities) to be able to quantify accurately the controllability from coarsely characterized networked dynamics. We also compare our method to that of the reduced-order method and highlight the regimes where both can outperform each other. Finally, we provide simulations to confirm our theoretical results for different scalings of network size and density, and the parameter that captures how much community-structure is retained in the coarse summary.
Ensembling over Classifiers: a Bias-Variance Perspective
Ensembles are a straightforward, remarkably effective method for improving the accuracy,calibration, and robustness of models on classification tasks; yet, the reasons that underlie their success remain an active area of research. We build upon the extension to the bias-variance decomposition by Pfau (2013) in order to gain crucial insights into the behavior of ensembles of classifiers. Introducing a dual reparameterization of the bias-variance tradeoff, we first derive generalized laws of total expectation and variance for nonsymmetric losses typical of classification tasks. Comparing conditional and bootstrap bias/variance estimates, we then show that conditional estimates necessarily incur an irreducible error. Next, we show that ensembling in dual space reduces the variance and leaves the bias unchanged, whereas standard ensembling can arbitrarily affect the bias. Empirically, standard ensembling reducesthe bias, leading us to hypothesize that ensembles of classifiers may perform well in part because of this unexpected reduction.We conclude by an empirical analysis of recent deep learning methods that ensemble over hyperparameters, revealing that these techniques indeed favor bias reduction. This suggests that, contrary to classical wisdom, targeting bias reduction may be a promising direction for classifier ensembles.
sqSGD: Locally Private and Communication Efficient Federated Learning
Federated learning (FL) is a technique that trains machine learning models from decentralized data sources. We study FL under local notions of privacy constraints, which provides strong protection against sensitive data disclosures via obfuscating the data before leaving the client. We identify two major concerns in designing practical privacy-preserving FL algorithms: communication efficiency and high-dimensional compatibility. We then develop a gradient-based learning algorithm called \emph{sqSGD} (selective quantized stochastic gradient descent) that addresses both concerns. The proposed algorithm is based on a novel privacy-preserving quantization scheme that uses a constant number of bits per dimension per client. Then we improve the base algorithm in three ways: first, we apply a gradient subsampling strategy that simultaneously offers better training performance and smaller communication costs under a fixed privacy budget. Secondly, we utilize randomized rotation as a preprocessing step to reduce quantization error. Thirdly, an adaptive gradient norm upper bound shrinkage strategy is adopted to improve accuracy and stabilize training. Finally, the practicality of the proposed framework is demonstrated on benchmark datasets. Experiment results show that sqSGD successfully learns large models like LeNet and ResNet with local privacy constraints. In addition, with fixed privacy and communication level, the performance of sqSGD significantly dominates that of various baseline algorithms.
EnvPool: A Highly Parallel Reinforcement Learning Environment Execution Engine
There has been significant progress in developing reinforcement learning (RL) training systems. Past works such as IMPALA, Apex, Seed RL, Sample Factory, and others aim to improve the system's overall throughput. In this paper, we try to address a common bottleneck in the RL training system, i.e., parallel environment execution, which is often the slowest part of the whole system but receives little attention. With a curated design for paralleling RL environments, we have improved the RL environment simulation speed across different hardware setups, ranging from a laptop, and a modest workstation, to a high-end machine like NVIDIA DGX-A100. On a high-end machine, EnvPool achieves 1 million frames per second for the environment execution on Atari environments and 3 million frames per second on MuJoCo environments. When running on a laptop, the speed of EnvPool is 2.8 times of the Python subprocess. Moreover, great compatibility with existing RL training libraries has been demonstrated in the open-sourced community, including CleanRL, rl_games, DeepMind Acme, etc. Finally, EnvPool allows researchers to iterate their ideas at a much faster pace and has the great potential to become the de facto RL environment execution engine. Example runs show that it takes only 5 minutes to train Atari Pong and MuJoCo Ant, both on a laptop. EnvPool has already been open-sourced at https://github.com/sail-sg/envpool.
Scaling up Kernels in 3D CNNs
Recent advances in 2D CNNs and vision transformers (ViTs) reveal that large kernels are essential for enough receptive fields and high performance. Inspired by this literature, we examine the feasibility and challenges of 3D large-kernel designs. We demonstrate that applying large convolutional kernels in 3D CNNs has more difficulties in both performance and efficiency. Existing techniques that work well in 2D CNNs are ineffective in 3D networks, including the popular depth-wise convolutions. To overcome these obstacles, we present the spatial-wise group convolution and its large-kernel module (SW-LK block). It avoids the optimization and efficiency issues of naive 3D large kernels. Our large-kernel 3D CNN network, i.e., LargeKernel3D, yields non-trivial improvements on various 3D tasks, including semantic segmentation and object detection. Notably, it achieves 73.9% mIoU on the ScanNetv2 semantic segmentation and 72.8% NDS nuScenes object detection benchmarks, ranking 1st on the nuScenes LIDAR leaderboard. It is further boosted to 74.2% NDS with a simple multi-modal fusion. LargeKernel3D attains comparable or superior results than its CNN and transformer counterparts. For the first time, we show that large kernels are feasible and essential for 3D networks.
Uncertainty Quantification for Competency Assessment of Autonomous Agents
For safe and reliable deployment in the real world, autonomous agents must elicit appropriate levels of trust from human users. One method to build trust is to have agents assess and communicate their own competencies for performing given tasks. Competency depends on the uncertainties affecting the agent, making accurate uncertainty quantification vital for competency assessment. In this work, we show how ensembles of deep generative models can be used to quantify the agent's aleatoric and epistemic uncertainties when forecasting task outcomes as part of competency assessment.
On the effectiveness of persistent homology
Persistent homology (PH) is one of the most popular methods in Topological Data Analysis. While PH has been used in many different types of applications, the reasons behind its success remain elusive. In particular, it is not known for which classes of problems it is most effective, or to what extent it can detect geometric or topological features. The goal of this work is to identify some types of problems on which PH performs well or even better than other methods in data analysis. We consider three fundamental shape-analysis tasks: the detection of the number of holes, curvature and convexity from 2D and 3D point clouds sampled from shapes. Experiments demonstrate that PH is successful in these tasks, outperforming several baselines, including PointNet, an architecture inspired precisely by the properties of point clouds. In addition, we observe that PH remains effective for limited computational resources and limited training data, as well as out-of-distribution test data, including various data transformations and noise.
(Certified!!) Adversarial Robustness for Free!
In this paper we show how to achieve state-of-the-art certified adversarial robustness to 2-norm bounded perturbations by relying exclusively on off-the-shelf pretrained models. To do so, we instantiate the denoised smoothing approach of Salman et al. by combining a pretrained denoising diffusion probabilistic model and a standard high-accuracy classifier. This allows us to certify 71% accuracy on ImageNet under adversarial perturbations constrained to be within a 2-norm of 0.5, an improvement of 14 percentage points over the prior certified SoTA using any approach, or an improvement of 30 percentage points over denoised smoothing. We obtain these results using only pretrained diffusion models and image classifiers, without requiring any fine tuning or retraining of model parameters.
Faster Diffusion Cardiac MRI with Deep Learning-based breath hold reduction
Diffusion Tensor Cardiac Magnetic Resonance (DT-CMR) enables us to probe the microstructural arrangement of cardiomyocytes within the myocardium in vivo and non-invasively, which no other imaging modality allows. This innovative technology could revolutionise the ability to perform cardiac clinical diagnosis, risk stratification, prognosis and therapy follow-up. However, DT-CMR is currently inefficient with over six minutes needed to acquire a single 2D static image. Therefore, DT-CMR is currently confined to research but not used clinically. We propose to reduce the number of repetitions needed to produce DT-CMR datasets and subsequently de-noise them, decreasing the acquisition time by a linear factor while maintaining acceptable image quality. Our proposed approach, based on Generative Adversarial Networks, Vision Transformers, and Ensemble Learning, performs significantly and considerably better than previous proposed approaches, bringing single breath-hold DT-CMR closer to reality.
Rethinking Symbolic Regression Datasets and Benchmarks for Scientific Discovery
This paper revisits datasets and evaluation criteria for Symbolic Regression, a task of expressing given data using mathematical equations, specifically focused on its potential for scientific discovery. Focused on a set of formulas used in the existing datasets based on Feynman Lectures on Physics, we recreate 120 datasets to discuss the performance of symbolic regression for scientific discovery (SRSD). For each of the 120 SRSD datasets, we carefully review the properties of the formula and its variables to design reasonably realistic sampling range of values so that our new SRSD datasets can be used for evaluating the potential of SRSD such as whether or not an SR method con (re)discover physical laws from such datasets. As an evaluation metric, we also propose to use normalized edit distances between a predicted equation and the ground-truth equation trees. While existing metrics are either binary or errors between the target values and an SR model's predicted values for a given input, normalized edit distances evaluate a sort of similarity between the ground-truth and predicted equation trees. We have conducted experiments on our new SRSD datasets using five state-of-the-art SR methods in SRBench and a simple baseline based on a recent Transformer architecture. The results show that we provide a more realistic performance evaluation and open up a new machine learning-based approach for scientific discovery. Our datasets and code repository are publicly available.
EpiGRAF: Rethinking training of 3D GANs
A very recent trend in generative modeling is building 3D-aware generators from 2D image collections. To induce the 3D bias, such models typically rely on volumetric rendering, which is expensive to employ at high resolutions. During the past months, there appeared more than 10 works that address this scaling issue by training a separate 2D decoder to upsample a low-resolution image (or a feature tensor) produced from a pure 3D generator. But this solution comes at a cost: not only does it break multi-view consistency (i.e. shape and texture change when the camera moves), but it also learns the geometry in a low fidelity. In this work, we show that it is possible to obtain a high-resolution 3D generator with SotA image quality by following a completely different route of simply training the model patch-wise. We revisit and improve this optimization scheme in two ways. First, we design a location- and scale-aware discriminator to work on patches of different proportions and spatial positions. Second, we modify the patch sampling strategy based on an annealed beta distribution to stabilize training and accelerate the convergence. The resulted model, named EpiGRAF, is an efficient, high-resolution, pure 3D generator, and we test it on four datasets (two introduced in this work) at $256^2$ and $512^2$ resolutions. It obtains state-of-the-art image quality, high-fidelity geometry and trains ${\approx} 2.5 \times$ faster than the upsampler-based counterparts. Project website: https://universome.github.io/epigraf.
Lyapunov Density Models: Constraining Distribution Shift in Learning-Based Control
Learned models and policies can generalize effectively when evaluated within the distribution of the training data, but can produce unpredictable and erroneous outputs on out-of-distribution inputs. In order to avoid distribution shift when deploying learning-based control algorithms, we seek a mechanism to constrain the agent to states and actions that resemble those that it was trained on. In control theory, Lyapunov stability and control-invariant sets allow us to make guarantees about controllers that stabilize the system around specific states, while in machine learning, density models allow us to estimate the training data distribution. Can we combine these two concepts, producing learning-based control algorithms that constrain the system to in-distribution states using only in-distribution actions? In this work, we propose to do this by combining concepts from Lyapunov stability and density estimation, introducing Lyapunov density models: a generalization of control Lyapunov functions and density models that provides guarantees on an agent's ability to stay in-distribution over its entire trajectory.
Learning to Estimate and Refine Fluid Motion with Physical Dynamics
Extracting information on fluid motion directly from images is challenging. Fluid flow represents a complex dynamic system governed by the Navier-Stokes equations. General optical flow methods are typically designed for rigid body motion, and thus struggle if applied to fluid motion estimation directly. Further, optical flow methods only focus on two consecutive frames without utilising historical temporal information, while the fluid motion (velocity field) can be considered a continuous trajectory constrained by time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs). This discrepancy has the potential to induce physically inconsistent estimations. Here we propose an unsupervised learning based prediction-correction scheme for fluid flow estimation. An estimate is first given by a PDE-constrained optical flow predictor, which is then refined by a physical based corrector. The proposed approach outperforms optical flow methods and shows competitive results compared to existing supervised learning based methods on a benchmark dataset. Furthermore, the proposed approach can generalize to complex real-world fluid scenarios where ground truth information is effectively unknowable. Finally, experiments demonstrate that the physical corrector can refine flow estimates by mimicking the operator splitting method commonly utilised in fluid dynamical simulation.
Policy learning with asymmetric utilities
Data-driven decision making plays an important role even in high stakes settings like medicine and public policy. Learning optimal policies from observed data requires a careful formulation of the utility function whose expected value is maximized across a population. Although researchers typically use utilities that depend on observed outcomes alone, in many settings the decision maker's utility function is more properly characterized by the joint set of potential outcomes under all actions. For example, the Hippocratic principle to ``do no harm'' implies that the cost of causing death to a patient who would otherwise survive without treatment is greater than the cost of forgoing life-saving treatment. We consider optimal policy learning with asymmetric utility functions of this form. We show that asymmetric utilities lead to an unidentifiable social welfare function, and so we first partially identify it. Drawing on statistical decision theory, we then derive minimax decision rules by minimizing the maximum regret relative to alternative policies. We show that one can learn minimax decision rules from observed data by solving intermediate classification problems. We also establish that the finite sample regret of this procedure is bounded by the mis-classification rate of these intermediate classifiers. We apply this conceptual framework and methodology to the decision about whether or not to use right heart catheterization for patients with possible pulmonary hypertension.
Survival Kernets: Scalable and Interpretable Deep Kernel Survival Analysis with an Accuracy Guarantee
Kernel survival analysis models estimate individual survival distributions with the help of a kernel function, which measures the similarity between any two data points. Such a kernel function can be learned using deep kernel survival models. In this paper, we present a new deep kernel survival model called a survival kernet, which scales to large datasets in a manner that is amenable to model interpretation and also theoretical analysis. Specifically, the training data are partitioned into clusters based on a recently developed training set compression scheme for classification and regression called kernel netting that we extend to the survival analysis setting. At test-time, each data point is represented as a weighted combination of these clusters, and each such cluster can be visualized. For a special case of survival kernets, we establish a finite-sample error bound on predicted survival distributions that is, up to a log factor, optimal. Whereas scalability at test time is achieved using the aforementioned kernel netting compression strategy, scalability during training is achieved by a warm-start procedure based on tree ensembles such as XGBoost and a heuristic approach to accelerating neural architecture search. On three standard survival analysis datasets of varying sizes (up to roughly 3 million data points), we show that survival kernets are highly competitive with the best of baselines tested in terms of concordance index. Our code is available at: https://github.com/georgehc/survival-kernets
The Privacy Onion Effect: Memorization is Relative
Machine learning models trained on private datasets have been shown to leak their private data. While recent work has found that the average data point is rarely leaked, the outlier samples are frequently subject to memorization and, consequently, privacy leakage. We demonstrate and analyse an Onion Effect of memorization: removing the "layer" of outlier points that are most vulnerable to a privacy attack exposes a new layer of previously-safe points to the same attack. We perform several experiments to study this effect, and understand why it occurs. The existence of this effect has various consequences. For example, it suggests that proposals to defend against memorization without training with rigorous privacy guarantees are unlikely to be effective. Further, it suggests that privacy-enhancing technologies such as machine unlearning could actually harm the privacy of other users.
The Digital Twin Landscape at the Crossroads of Predictive Maintenance, Machine Learning and Physics Based Modeling
The concept of a digital twin has exploded in popularity over the past decade, yet confusion around its plurality of definitions, its novelty as a new technology, and its practical applicability still exists, all despite numerous reviews, surveys, and press releases. The history of the term digital twin is explored, as well as its initial context in the fields of product life cycle management, asset maintenance, and equipment fleet management, operations, and planning. A definition for a minimally viable framework to utilize a digital twin is also provided based on seven essential elements. A brief tour through DT applications and industries where DT methods are employed is also outlined. The application of a digital twin framework is highlighted in the field of predictive maintenance, and its extensions utilizing machine learning and physics based modeling. Employing the combination of machine learning and physics based modeling to form hybrid digital twin frameworks, may synergistically alleviate the shortcomings of each method when used in isolation. Key challenges of implementing digital twin models in practice are additionally discussed. As digital twin technology experiences rapid growth and as it matures, its great promise to substantially enhance tools and solutions for intelligent upkeep of complex equipment, are expected to materialize.
Shifted Compression Framework: Generalizations and Improvements
Communication is one of the key bottlenecks in the distributed training of large-scale machine learning models, and lossy compression of exchanged information, such as stochastic gradients or models, is one of the most effective instruments to alleviate this issue. Among the most studied compression techniques is the class of unbiased compression operators with variance bounded by a multiple of the square norm of the vector we wish to compress. By design, this variance may remain high, and only diminishes if the input vector approaches zero. However, unless the model being trained is overparameterized, there is no a-priori reason for the vectors we wish to compress to approach zero during the iterations of classical methods such as distributed compressed {\sf SGD}, which has adverse effects on the convergence speed. Due to this issue, several more elaborate and seemingly very different algorithms have been proposed recently, with the goal of circumventing this issue. These methods are based on the idea of compressing the {\em difference} between the vector we would normally wish to compress and some auxiliary vector which changes throughout the iterative process. In this work we take a step back, and develop a unified framework for studying such methods, conceptually, and theoretically. Our framework incorporates methods compressing both gradients and models, using unbiased and biased compressors, and sheds light on the construction of the auxiliary vectors. Furthermore, our general framework can lead to the improvement of several existing algorithms, and can produce new algorithms. Finally, we performed several numerical experiments which illustrate and support our theoretical findings.
Winning the Lottery Ahead of Time: Efficient Early Network Pruning
Pruning, the task of sparsifying deep neural networks, received increasing attention recently. Although state-of-the-art pruning methods extract highly sparse models, they neglect two main challenges: (1) the process of finding these sparse models is often very expensive; (2) unstructured pruning does not provide benefits in terms of GPU memory, training time, or carbon emissions. We propose Early Compression via Gradient Flow Preservation (EarlyCroP), which efficiently extracts state-of-the-art sparse models before or early in training addressing challenge (1), and can be applied in a structured manner addressing challenge (2). This enables us to train sparse networks on commodity GPUs whose dense versions would be too large, thereby saving costs and reducing hardware requirements. We empirically show that EarlyCroP outperforms a rich set of baselines for many tasks (incl. classification, regression) and domains (incl. computer vision, natural language processing, and reinforcment learning). EarlyCroP leads to accuracy comparable to dense training while outperforming pruning baselines.
Robust Task Representations for Offline Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Contrastive Learning
We study offline meta-reinforcement learning, a practical reinforcement learning paradigm that learns from offline data to adapt to new tasks. The distribution of offline data is determined jointly by the behavior policy and the task. Existing offline meta-reinforcement learning algorithms cannot distinguish these factors, making task representations unstable to the change of behavior policies. To address this problem, we propose a contrastive learning framework for task representations that are robust to the distribution mismatch of behavior policies in training and test. We design a bi-level encoder structure, use mutual information maximization to formalize task representation learning, derive a contrastive learning objective, and introduce several approaches to approximate the true distribution of negative pairs. Experiments on a variety of offline meta-reinforcement learning benchmarks demonstrate the advantages of our method over prior methods, especially on the generalization to out-of-distribution behavior policies. The code is available at https://github.com/PKU-AI-Edge/CORRO.
Model Joins: Enabling Analytics Over Joins of Absent Big Tables
This work is motivated by two key facts. First, it is highly desirable to be able to learn and perform knowledge discovery and analytics (LKD) tasks without the need to access raw-data tables. This may be due to organizations finding it increasingly frustrating and costly to manage and maintain ever-growing tables, or for privacy reasons. Hence, compact models can be developed from the raw data and used instead of the tables. Second, oftentimes, LKD tasks are to be performed on a (potentially very large) table which is itself the result of joining separate (potentially very large) relational tables. But how can one do this, when the individual to-be-joined tables are absent? Here, we pose the following fundamental questions: Q1: How can one "join models" of (absent/deleted) tables or "join models with other tables" in a way that enables LKD as if it were performed on the join of the actual raw tables? Q2: What are appropriate models to use per table? Q3: As the model join would be an approximation of the actual data join, how can one evaluate the quality of the model join result? This work puts forth a framework, Model Join, addressing these challenges. The framework integrates and joins the per-table models of the absent tables and generates a uniform and independent sample that is a high-quality approximation of a uniform and independent sample of the actual raw-data join. The approximation stems from the models, but not from the Model Join framework. The sample obtained by the Model Join can be used to perform LKD downstream tasks, such as approximate query processing, classification, clustering, regression, association rule mining, visualization, and so on. To our knowledge, this is the first work with this agenda and solutions. Detailed experiments with TPC-DS data and synthetic data showcase Model Join's usefulness.
Plug and Play Counterfactual Text Generation for Model Robustness
Generating counterfactual test-cases is an important backbone for testing NLP models and making them as robust and reliable as traditional software. In generating the test-cases, a desired property is the ability to control the test-case generation in a flexible manner to test for a large variety of failure cases and to explain and repair them in a targeted manner. In this direction, significant progress has been made in the prior works by manually writing rules for generating controlled counterfactuals. However, this approach requires heavy manual supervision and lacks the flexibility to easily introduce new controls. Motivated by the impressive flexibility of the plug-and-play approach of PPLM, we propose bringing the framework of plug-and-play to counterfactual test case generation task. We introduce CASPer, a plug-and-play counterfactual generation framework to generate test cases that satisfy goal attributes on demand. Our plug-and-play model can steer the test case generation process given any attribute model without requiring attribute-specific training of the model. In experiments, we show that CASPer effectively generates counterfactual text that follow the steering provided by an attribute model while also being fluent, diverse and preserving the original content. We also show that the generated counterfactuals from CASPer can be used for augmenting the training data and thereby fixing and making the test model more robust.
A Single-Timescale Analysis For Stochastic Approximation With Multiple Coupled Sequences
Stochastic approximation (SA) with multiple coupled sequences has found broad applications in machine learning such as bilevel learning and reinforcement learning (RL). In this paper, we study the finite-time convergence of nonlinear SA with multiple coupled sequences. Different from existing multi-timescale analysis, we seek for scenarios where a fine-grained analysis can provide the tight performance guarantee for multi-sequence single-timescale SA (STSA). At the heart of our analysis is the smoothness property of the fixed points in multi-sequence SA that holds in many applications. When all sequences have strongly monotone increments, we establish the iteration complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1})$ to achieve $\epsilon$-accuracy, which improves the existing $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-1.5})$ complexity for two coupled sequences. When all but the main sequence have strongly monotone increments, we establish the iteration complexity of $\mathcal{O}(\epsilon^{-2})$. The merit of our results lies in that applying them to stochastic bilevel and compositional optimization problems, as well as RL problems leads to either relaxed assumptions or improvements over their existing performance guarantees.
CoCoPIE XGen: A Full-Stack AI-Oriented Optimizing Framework
There is a growing demand for shifting the delivery of AI capability from data centers on the cloud to edge or end devices, exemplified by the fast emerging real-time AI-based apps running on smartphones, AR/VR devices, autonomous vehicles, and various IoT devices. The shift has however been seriously hampered by the large growing gap between DNN computing demands and the computing power on edge or end devices. This article presents the design of XGen, an optimizing framework for DNN designed to bridge the gap. XGen takes cross-cutting co-design as its first-order consideration. Its full-stack AI-oriented optimizations consist of a number of innovative optimizations at every layer of the DNN software stack, all designed in a cooperative manner. The unique technology makes XGen able to optimize various DNNs, including those with an extreme depth (e.g., BERT, GPT, other transformers), and generate code that runs several times faster than those from existing DNN frameworks, while delivering the same level of accuracy.
An Efficient Industrial Federated Learning Framework for AIoT: A Face Recognition Application
Recently, the artificial intelligence of things (AIoT) has been gaining increasing attention, with an intriguing vision of providing highly intelligent services through the network connection of things, leading to an advanced AI-driven ecology. However, recent regulatory restrictions on data privacy preclude uploading sensitive local data to data centers and utilizing them in a centralized approach. Directly applying federated learning algorithms in this scenario could hardly meet the industrial requirements of both efficiency and accuracy. Therefore, we propose an efficient industrial federated learning framework for AIoT in terms of a face recognition application. Specifically, we propose to utilize the concept of transfer learning to speed up federated training on devices and further present a novel design of a private projector that helps protect shared gradients without incurring additional memory consumption or computational cost. Empirical studies on a private Asian face dataset show that our approach can achieve high recognition accuracy in only 20 communication rounds, demonstrating its effectiveness in prediction and its efficiency in training.
WrapperFL: A Model Agnostic Plug-in for Industrial Federated Learning
Federated learning, as a privacy-preserving collaborative machine learning paradigm, has been gaining more and more attention in the industry. With the huge rise in demand, there have been many federated learning platforms that allow federated participants to set up and build a federated model from scratch. However, exiting platforms are highly intrusive, complicated, and hard to integrate with built machine learning models. For many real-world businesses that already have mature serving models, existing federated learning platforms have high entry barriers and development costs. This paper presents a simple yet practical federated learning plug-in inspired by ensemble learning, dubbed WrapperFL, allowing participants to build/join a federated system with existing models at minimal costs. The WrapperFL works in a plug-and-play way by simply attaching to the input and output interfaces of an existing model, without the need of re-development, significantly reducing the overhead of manpower and resources. We verify our proposed method on diverse tasks under heterogeneous data distributions and heterogeneous models. The experimental results demonstrate that WrapperFL can be successfully applied to a wide range of applications under practical settings and improves the local model with federated learning at a low cost.
Neural Moving Horizon Estimation for Robust Flight Control
Estimating and reacting to external disturbances is crucial for robust flight control of quadrotors. Existing estimators typically require significant tuning for a specific flight scenario or training with extensive ground-truth disturbance data to achieve satisfactory performance. In this paper, we propose a neural moving horizon estimator (NeuroMHE) that can automatically tune the MHE parameters modeled by a neural network and adapt to different flight scenarios. We achieve this by deriving the analytical gradients of the MHE estimates with respect to the tuning parameters, which enable a seamless embedding of an MHE as a learnable layer into the neural network for highly effective learning. Most interestingly, we show that the gradients can be obtained efficiently from a Kalman filter in a recursive form. Moreover, we develop a model-based policy gradient algorithm to train NeuroMHE directly from the trajectory tracking error without the need for the ground-truth disturbance data. The effectiveness of NeuroMHE is verified extensively via both simulations and physical experiments on a quadrotor in various challenging flights. Notably, NeuroMHE outperforms the state-of-the-art estimator with force estimation error reductions of up to $49.4\%$ by using only a $2.5\%$ amount of the neural network parameters. The proposed method is general and can be applied to robust adaptive control for other robotic systems.
Generative Modelling With Inverse Heat Dissipation
While diffusion models have shown great success in image generation, their noise-inverting generative process does not explicitly consider the structure of images, such as their inherent multi-scale nature. Inspired by diffusion models and the desirability of coarse-to-fine modelling, we propose a new model that generates images through iteratively inverting the heat equation, a PDE that locally erases fine-scale information when run over the 2D plane of the image. In our novel methodology, the solution of the forward heat equation is interpreted as a variational approximation in a directed graphical model. We demonstrate promising image quality and point out emergent qualitative properties not seen in diffusion models, such as disentanglement of overall colour and shape in images and aspects of neural network interpretability. Spectral analysis on natural images positions our model as a type of dual to diffusion models and reveals implicit inductive biases in them.
TabText: a Systematic Approach to Aggregate Knowledge Across Tabular Data Structures
Processing and analyzing tabular data in a productive and efficient way is essential for building successful applications of machine learning in fields such as healthcare. However, the lack of a unified framework for representing and standardizing tabular information poses a significant challenge to researchers and professionals alike. In this work, we present TabText, a methodology that leverages the unstructured data format of language to encode tabular data from different table structures and time periods efficiently and accurately. We show using two healthcare datasets and four prediction tasks that features extracted via TabText outperform those extracted with traditional processing methods by 2-5%. Furthermore, we analyze the sensitivity of our framework against different choices for sentence representations of missing values, meta information and language descriptiveness, and provide insights into winning strategies that improve performance.
An Energy and Carbon Footprint Analysis of Distributed and Federated Learning
Classical and centralized Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods require moving data from producers (sensors, machines) to energy hungry data centers, raising environmental concerns due to computational and communication resource demands, while violating privacy. Emerging alternatives to mitigate such high energy costs propose to efficiently distribute, or federate, the learning tasks across devices, which are typically low-power. This paper proposes a novel framework for the analysis of energy and carbon footprints in distributed and federated learning (FL). The proposed framework quantifies both the energy footprints and the carbon equivalent emissions for vanilla FL methods and consensus-based fully decentralized approaches. We discuss optimal bounds and operational points that support green FL designs and underpin their sustainability assessment. Two case studies from emerging 5G industry verticals are analyzed: these quantify the environmental footprints of continual and reinforcement learning setups, where the training process is repeated periodically for continuous improvements. For all cases, sustainability of distributed learning relies on the fulfillment of specific requirements on communication efficiency and learner population size. Energy and test accuracy should be also traded off considering the model and the data footprints for the targeted industrial applications.
Supervised learning of random quantum circuits via scalable neural networks
Predicting the output of quantum circuits is a hard computational task that plays a pivotal role in the development of universal quantum computers. Here we investigate the supervised learning of output expectation values of random quantum circuits. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are trained to predict single-qubit and two-qubit expectation values using databases of classically simulated circuits. These circuits are represented via an appropriately designed one-hot encoding of the constituent gates. The prediction accuracy for previously unseen circuits is analyzed, also making comparisons with small-scale quantum computers available from the free IBM Quantum program. The CNNs often outperform the quantum devices, depending on the circuit depth, on the network depth, and on the training set size. Notably, our CNNs are designed to be scalable. This allows us exploiting transfer learning and performing extrapolations to circuits larger than those included in the training set. These CNNs also demonstrate remarkable resilience against noise, namely, they remain accurate even when trained on (simulated) expectation values averaged over very few measurements.
Machine Learning Prescriptive Canvas for Optimizing Business Outcomes
Data science has the potential to improve business in a variety of verticals. While the lion's share of data science projects uses a predictive approach, to drive improvements these predictions should become decisions. However, such a two-step approach is not only sub-optimal but might even degrade performance and fail the project. The alternative is to follow a prescriptive framing, where actions are "first citizens" so that the model produces a policy that prescribes an action to take, rather than predicting an outcome. In this paper, we explain why the prescriptive approach is important and provide a step-by-step methodology: the Prescriptive Canvas. The latter aims to improve framing and communication across the project stakeholders including project and data science managers towards a successful business impact.
Marginal Tail-Adaptive Normalizing Flows
Learning the tail behavior of a distribution is a notoriously difficult problem. By definition, the number of samples from the tail is small, and deep generative models, such as normalizing flows, tend to concentrate on learning the body of the distribution. In this paper, we focus on improving the ability of normalizing flows to correctly capture the tail behavior and, thus, form more accurate models. We prove that the marginal tailedness of an autoregressive flow can be controlled via the tailedness of the marginals of its base distribution. This theoretical insight leads us to a novel type of flows based on flexible base distributions and data-driven linear layers. An empirical analysis shows that the proposed method improves on the accuracy -- especially on the tails of the distribution -- and is able to generate heavy-tailed data. We demonstrate its application on a weather and climate example, in which capturing the tail behavior is essential.
Dynamic Reserve Price Design for Lazada Sponsored Search
In ecommerce platform, users will be less likely to use organic search if sponsored search shows them unexpected advertising items, which will be a hidden cost for the platform. In order to incorporate the hidden cost into auction mechanism which helps create positive growth for the platform, we turn to a reserve price design to decide whether we sell the traffic, as well as build healthy relationships between revenue and user experience. We propose a dynamic reserve price design framework to sell traffic more efficiently with minimal cost of user experience while keeping long term incentives to the advertisers to reveal their valuations truthfully. A distributed algorithm is also proposed to compute the reserve price with billion scale data in the production environment. Experiments with offline evaluations and online AB testing demonstrate that it is a simple and efficient method to be suitably used in industrial production. It has already been fully deployed in the production of Lazada sponsored search.
Algorithmic Gaussianization through Sketching: Converting Data into Sub-gaussian Random Designs
Algorithmic Gaussianization is a phenomenon that can arise when using randomized sketching or sampling methods to produce smaller representations of large datasets: For certain tasks, these sketched representations have been observed to exhibit many robust performance characteristics that are known to occur when a data sample comes from a sub-gaussian random design, which is a powerful statistical model of data distributions. However, this phenomenon has only been studied for specific tasks and metrics, or by relying on computationally expensive methods. We address this by providing an algorithmic framework for gaussianizing data distributions via averaging, proving that it is possible to efficiently construct data sketches that are nearly indistinguishable (in terms of total variation distance) from sub-gaussian random designs. In particular, relying on a recently introduced sketching technique called Leverage Score Sparsified (LESS) embeddings, we show that one can construct an $n\times d$ sketch of an $N\times d$ matrix $A$, where $n\ll N$, that is nearly indistinguishable from a sub-gaussian design, in time $O(\text{nnz}(A)\log N + nd^2)$, where $\text{nnz}(A)$ is the number of non-zero entries in $A$. As a consequence, strong statistical guarantees and precise asymptotics available for the estimators produced from sub-gaussian designs (e.g., for least squares and Lasso regression, covariance estimation, low-rank approximation, etc.) can be straightforwardly adapted to our sketching framework. We illustrate this with a new approximation guarantee for sketched least squares, among other examples.
muBoost: An Effective Method for Solving Indic Multilingual Text Classification Problem
Text Classification is an integral part of many Natural Language Processing tasks such as sarcasm detection, sentiment analysis and many more such applications. Many e-commerce websites, social-media/entertainment platforms use such models to enhance user-experience to generate traffic and thus, revenue on their platforms. In this paper, we are presenting our solution to Multilingual Abusive Comment Identification Problem on Moj, an Indian video-sharing social networking service, powered by ShareChat. The problem dealt with detecting abusive comments, in 13 regional Indic languages such as Hindi, Telugu, Kannada etc., on the videos on Moj platform. Our solution utilizes the novel muBoost, an ensemble of CatBoost classifier models and Multilingual Representations for Indian Languages (MURIL) model, to produce SOTA performance on Indic text classification tasks. We were able to achieve a mean F1-score of 89.286 on the test data, an improvement over baseline MURIL model with a F1-score of 87.48.
Interpretable Deep Causal Learning for Moderation Effects
In this extended abstract paper, we address the problem of interpretability and targeted regularization in causal machine learning models. In particular, we focus on the problem of estimating individual causal/treatment effects under observed confounders, which can be controlled for and moderate the effect of the treatment on the outcome of interest. Black-box ML models adjusted for the causal setting perform generally well in this task, but they lack interpretable output identifying the main drivers of treatment heterogeneity and their functional relationship. We propose a novel deep counterfactual learning architecture for estimating individual treatment effects that can simultaneously: i) convey targeted regularization on, and produce quantify uncertainty around the quantity of interest (i.e., the Conditional Average Treatment Effect); ii) disentangle baseline prognostic and moderating effects of the covariates and output interpretable score functions describing their relationship with the outcome. Finally, we demonstrate the use of the method via a simple simulated experiment.
R2-AD2: Detecting Anomalies by Analysing the Raw Gradient
Neural networks follow a gradient-based learning scheme, adapting their mapping parameters by back-propagating the output loss. Samples unlike the ones seen during training cause a different gradient distribution. Based on this intuition, we design a novel semi-supervised anomaly detection method called R2-AD2. By analysing the temporal distribution of the gradient over multiple training steps, we reliably detect point anomalies in strict semi-supervised settings. Instead of domain dependent features, we input the raw gradient caused by the sample under test to an end-to-end recurrent neural network architecture. R2-AD2 works in a purely data-driven way, thus is readily applicable in a variety of important use cases of anomaly detection.
Incorporating Voice Instructions in Model-Based Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving Cars
This paper presents a novel approach that supports natural language voice instructions to guide deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms when training self-driving cars. DRL methods are popular approaches for autonomous vehicle (AV) agents. However, most existing methods are sample- and time-inefficient and lack a natural communication channel with the human expert. In this paper, how new human drivers learn from human coaches motivates us to study new ways of human-in-the-loop learning and a more natural and approachable training interface for the agents. We propose incorporating natural language voice instructions (NLI) in model-based deep reinforcement learning to train self-driving cars. We evaluate the proposed method together with a few state-of-the-art DRL methods in the CARLA simulator. The results show that NLI can help ease the training process and significantly boost the agents' learning speed.
World of Bugs: A Platform for Automated Bug Detection in 3D Video Games
We present World of Bugs (WOB), an open platform that aims to support Automated Bug Detection (ABD) research in video games. We discuss some open problems in ABD and how they relate to the platform's design, arguing that learning-based solutions are required if further progress is to be made. The platform's key feature is a growing collection of common video game bugs that may be used for training and evaluating ABD approaches.
Riemannian data-dependent randomized smoothing for neural networks certification
Certification of neural networks is an important and challenging problem that has been attracting the attention of the machine learning community since few years. In this paper, we focus on randomized smoothing (RS) which is considered as the state-of-the-art method to obtain certifiably robust neural networks. In particular, a new data-dependent RS technique called ANCER introduced recently can be used to certify ellipses with orthogonal axis near each input data of the neural network. In this work, we remark that ANCER is not invariant under rotation of input data and propose a new rotationally-invariant formulation of it which can certify ellipses without constraints on their axis. Our approach called Riemannian Data Dependant Randomized Smoothing (RDDRS) relies on information geometry techniques on the manifold of covariance matrices and can certify bigger regions than ANCER based on our experiments on the MNIST dataset.
Asymmetric Learned Image Compression with Multi-Scale Residual Block, Importance Map, and Post-Quantization Filtering
Recently, deep learning-based image compression has made signifcant progresses, and has achieved better ratedistortion (R-D) performance than the latest traditional method, H.266/VVC, in both subjective metric and the more challenging objective metric. However, a major problem is that many leading learned schemes cannot maintain a good trade-off between performance and complexity. In this paper, we propose an effcient and effective image coding framework, which achieves similar R-D performance with lower complexity than the state of the art. First, we develop an improved multi-scale residual block (MSRB) that can expand the receptive feld and is easier to obtain global information. It can further capture and reduce the spatial correlation of the latent representations. Second, a more advanced importance map network is introduced to adaptively allocate bits to different regions of the image. Third, we apply a 2D post-quantization flter (PQF) to reduce the quantization error, motivated by the Sample Adaptive Offset (SAO) flter in video coding. Moreover, We fnd that the complexity of encoder and decoder have different effects on image compression performance. Based on this observation, we design an asymmetric paradigm, in which the encoder employs three stages of MSRBs to improve the learning capacity, whereas the decoder only needs one stage of MSRB to yield satisfactory reconstruction, thereby reducing the decoding complexity without sacrifcing performance. Experimental results show that compared to the state-of-the-art method, the encoding and decoding time of the proposed method are about 17 times faster, and the R-D performance is only reduced by less than 1% on both Kodak and Tecnick datasets, which is still better than H.266/VVC(4:4:4) and other recent learning-based methods. Our source code is publicly available at https://github.com/fengyurenpingsheng.
The Integration of Machine Learning into Automated Test Generation: A Systematic Literature Review
Context: Machine learning (ML) may enable effective automated test generation. Objective: We characterize emerging research, examining testing practices, researcher goals, ML techniques applied, evaluation, and challenges. Methods: We perform a systematic literature review on a sample of 97 publications. Results: ML generates input for system, GUI, unit, performance, and combinatorial testing or improves the performance of existing generation methods. ML is also used to generate test verdicts, property-based, and expected output oracles. Supervised learning - often based on neural networks - and reinforcement learning - often based on Q-learning - are common, and some publications also employ unsupervised or semi-supervised learning. (Semi-/Un-)Supervised approaches are evaluated using both traditional testing metrics and ML-related metrics (e.g., accuracy), while reinforcement learning is often evaluated using testing metrics tied to the reward function. Conclusion: Work-to-date shows great promise, but there are open challenges regarding training data, retraining, scalability, evaluation complexity, ML algorithms employed - and how they are applied - benchmarks, and replicability. Our findings can serve as a roadmap and inspiration for researchers in this field.
Supermodular f-divergences and bounds on lossy compression and generalization error with mutual f-information
In this paper, we introduce super-modular $\mf$-divergences and provide three applications for them: (i) we introduce Sanov's upper bound on the tail probability of sum of independent random variables based on super-modular $\mf$-divergence and show that our generalized Sanov's bound strictly improves over ordinary one, (ii) we consider the lossy compression problem which studies the set of achievable rates for a given distortion and code length. We extend the rate-distortion function using mutual $\mf$-information and provide new and strictly better bounds on achievable rates in the finite blocklength regime using super-modular $\mf$-divergences, and (iii) we provide a connection between the generalization error of algorithms with bounded input/output mutual $\mf$-information and a generalized rate-distortion problem. This connection allows us to bound the generalization error of learning algorithms using lower bounds on the rate-distortion function. Our bound is based on a new lower bound on the rate-distortion function that (for some examples) strictly improves over previously best-known bounds. Moreover, super-modular $\mf$-divergences are utilized to reduce the dimension of the problem and obtain single-letter bounds.
Personalized Subgraph Federated Learning
In real-world scenarios, subgraphs of a larger global graph may be distributed across multiple devices or institutions, and only locally accessible due to privacy restrictions, although there may be links between them. Recently proposed subgraph Federated Learning (FL) methods deal with those missing links across private local subgraphs while distributively training Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on them. However, they have overlooked the inevitable heterogeneity among subgraphs, caused by subgraphs comprising different parts of a global graph. For example, a subgraph may belong to one of the communities within the larger global graph. A naive subgraph FL in such a case will collapse incompatible knowledge from local GNN models trained on heterogeneous graph distributions. To overcome such a limitation, we introduce a new subgraph FL problem, personalized subgraph FL, which focuses on the joint improvement of the interrelated local GNN models rather than learning a single global GNN model, and propose a novel framework, FEDerated Personalized sUBgraph learning (FED-PUB), to tackle it. A crucial challenge in personalized subgraph FL is that the server does not know which subgraph each client has. FED-PUB thus utilizes functional embeddings of the local GNNs using random graphs as inputs to compute similarities between them, and use them to perform weighted averaging for server-side aggregation. Further, it learns a personalized sparse mask at each client to select and update only the subgraph-relevant subset of the aggregated parameters. We validate FED-PUB for its subgraph FL performance on six datasets, considering both non-overlapping and overlapping subgraphs, on which ours largely outperforms relevant baselines.