1 value
Write a sentence not in English.
Durch "ipayment" werden Ihre Kreditkartendaten in unserem Shop verschlüsselt übertragen und per Kreditkarten-Online-Clearing direkt geprüft und gebucht. Das bedeutet für Sie höchste Sicherheit gegen Kartenmissbrauch!
Now, if we can do more, we will do more, but the idea is to do four to six interviews, we’ll be making a first attempt to apply it. Translate to French
Bon, si on est capable d'en faire plus, on va en faire plus, là, mais l'idée, c'est entre quatre et six, là, on va faire une première tentative d'application.
Q: Ordre du jour provisoire de la 5999e séance du Conseil de sécurité... English? A: [Provisional agenda for the 5999th meeting of the Security Council] Q: 44 (4e suppl), et de toute modification qui pourrait être apportée de temps à autre.... English? A: [44 (4th Suppl.), as the same may be amended from time to time.] Q: Je vous remercie.... English? A:
[Thank you.]
Question: Auf seinem Prototyp des S-Works Epic übernahm "Susi" in der ersten Runde die Führung und schaute nicht mehr zurück. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Andi Wittmann from Germany showed technically very difficult combos on the most tricky parts of the track and won the Oakley Sick-O-Award. Question: Wacker Biotech zeichnet sich insbesondere durch seine proprietären Technologien aus, die den Bedürfnissen des Marktes nach kostengünstiger Produktion und höchster Qualität Rechnung tragen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Above all, Wacker Biotech offers proprietary technologies that satisfy market needs for cost-efficient and high-quality production. Question: Im holländischen klassischen Rundfunk hat Aukeline van Hoytema in einer ihrer ‘cd top 10’-Sendungen sie platziert zwischen Placido Domingo, Emma Kirkby , Kiri te Kanawa und Jessye Norman. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: She has given recitals with pianists as Phillis Ferwerda, Grada Visser, Eva Becker and Tomás V ⁇ ek (Prague) in places as Amsterdam, London, Cologne and Berne. She has sung as a soloist with professional orchestras from the Netherlands ( Het Gelders Orkest , Florilegium Musicum , and others), Germany, Romania and Bulgaria. Question: Damals ist auf einen ⁇ nderungsantrag im Ausschuß verzichtet worden, weil der deutsche Text der Originaltext ist - die Sprache des Berichterstatters -. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
At the time the committee decided not to table an amendment because the German text is the original version, as drafted by the rapporteur.
question: Annual funds mobilized for the integrated programmes increased from $23.7 million in 1999 to $32.4 million in 2000. --> French. answer: Le financement mobilisé annuellement pour les programmes intégrés est passé de 23,7 millions en 1999 à 32,4 millions en 2000. Some text: Pour sa part, le MPO n’essaie plus de tout faire seul. Translate to English. Translation: For our part, DFO is no longer trying to do it all ourselves. Q: ⁇ s'il est établi que l'utilisation du droit de marque par le titulaire, compte tenu du système de commercialisation appliqué par celui-ci, contribuerait à cloisonner artificiellement les marchés entre États membres; Could you please translate this to English? A: ⁇ it is established that the use of the trade mark right by the proprietor, having regard to the marketing system which he has adopted, will contribute to the artificial partitioning of the markets between Member States; Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Bien que le Myanmar ne soit pas un État partie à la Convention d'Ottawa, ma délégation respecte la position des États qui en sont parties. [Q]: "These lessons, enlivened by the gayest mirth, are quite delightful, they melt the timid respect of love." --> French? [A]: Dans des transports qu ⁇ il faut vaincre, ils versent quelquefois ensemble des larmes plus pures que la rosée du ciel, et ces douces larmes font l ⁇ enchantement de leur vie: ils sont dans le plus charmant délire qu ⁇ aient jamais éprouvé des âmes humaines. question: On 25 November 2005 the Council adopted Joint Action 2005/889/CFSP establishing a European Union Border Assistance Mission for the Rafah Crossing Point (EU BAM Rafah) (1) for a period of 12 months. --> French. answer:
Le 25 novembre 2005, le Conseil a arrêté l'action commune 2005/889/PESC établissant une mission de l'Union européenne d'assistance à la frontière au point de passage de Rafah (EU BAM Rafah) (1) pour une période de douze mois.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: En Finlande, alors que nous débattons aujourd'hui de la question des réductions de l'aide accordée au Sud du pays au titre de l'article 141 du traité d'adhésion, la foi de la population rurale en l'Union européenne est très fragile. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Le plus petit des grands châteaux, Monument Historique (1620), le Château des Grotteaux a été rénové et offre des chambres au château, meublées à l'ancienne mais avec le confort moderne ainsi qu'une table d'hôtes raffinée de cuisine du marché, tous les soirs. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Le cadre de ces discussions a été défini pendant la 111e réunion du Comité des Ministres, où ceux-ci ont décidé de tenir un troisième Sommet dans le cadre d’une architecture européenne en évolution. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
En examinant les résultats de la vérification de l'ASFC réalisée dans le cadre des Comptes publics du Canada, le Bureau du vérificateur général du Canada (BVG) compte sur les travaux de la Direction de la vérification interne de l'ASFC pour surveiller les activités touchant la démarcation de l'encaisse à la fin de l'exercice. -+-+-+-
Write a sentence not in English.
• Mentionnez la contribution de tout laboratoire ayant participé au projet.
Translate to French: Also takes note with appreciation of the report of the independent expert on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism (E/CN.4/2005/103); Answer: Prend également note avec intérêt du rapport de l'expert indépendant sur la protection des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales dans la lutte antiterroriste (E/CN.4/2005/103); IN: French: Canada’s New Government is committed to work with the province towards the shared goal of a strong Newfoundland and Labrador within a strong Canada." OUT: Le nouveau gouvernement du Canada est déterminé à travailler avec la province à la réalisation de notre objectif commun, de bâtir un Terre Neuve-et-Labrador fort dans un Canada solide. question: Between 1871 and 1910, most First Nations in Manitoba signed the numbered treaties with Canada. --> French. answer: Entre 1871 et 1910, la plupart des Premières nations du Manitoba ont conclu un traité numéroté avec le Canada. Some text: ⁇ ⁇ ter tout vêtement contaminé et tout équipement de protection contaminé après usage. Translate to English. Translation: For dangerous goods with multiple risks and for mixed loads, each applicable entry shall be observed. Q: g) Faciliter le transfert des technologies de l'information et de la communication, en particulier vers les pays en développement, et soutenir les initiatives visant à renforcer les capacités et à mettre au point des documents; Could you please translate this to English? A: (g) Facilitate the transfer of information and communication technologies, in particular to developing countries, and support efforts towards capacity-building and production of content; Translate to French: These restrictions require refugees to reside within a reception area or refugee settlement. Answer:
Ces restrictions exigent que les réfugiés résident dans une zone d'accueil ou dans les zones d'installation qui leur sont réservées.
La DBT ne contient aucune disposition spécifique établissant la relation avec la directive en matière de responsabilité du fait des produits défectueux. Translate to English
The LVD has no specific provision setting out the relationship with the Product Liability Directive.
Q: "Under CanCopy's agreements signed with users of copyright materials - schools, colleges, universities, libraries, corporations, copyshops, federal and provincial governments and their departments - it collects fees and then distributes them to its writers, visual artists and publishers." to French **** A: En vertu des accords conclus avec les utilisateurs d' ⁇ uvres protégées par des droits d'auteur - écoles, collèges, universités, bibliothèques, compagnies, copie-services, ministères fédéraux et provinciaux - CanCopy collecte les droits puis les distribue aux écrivains, aux artistes en arts visuels et aux éditeurs. Q: "2.4.3 Federal/Provincial/Territorial Collaboration - National Prescription Drug Utilization Information System As expenditures on pharmaceuticals continue to increase faster than other components of health care, federal, provincial and territorial (F/P/T) governments are seeking to address a number of pharmaceutical issues, including drug costs, utilization and efficiency of resource allocation." to French **** A: 2.4.3 Collaboration fédérale-provinciale-territoriale - Système d'information national sur l'utilisation des médicaments d'ordonnance Le rôle des produits pharmaceutiques à l'intérieur du régime de soins de santé ne cesse de prendre de l'importance et les gouvernements fédéral, provinciaux et territoriaux (F-P-T) doivent de plus en plus composer avec différents enjeux, entre autres aux niveaux des coûts des médicaments, de l'utilisation des médicaments faite et de l'efficience des ressources dont ils disposent. Q: "The transformation that Paraguay has undergone since the establishment of democracy is a fundamental one that goes right to the core of the country's institutional structure, the mass communications media, and the behaviour and attitudes of individuals, who are strategic players in the political process, although Paraguayan institutions are subject to certain problems that act as constraints on the country's democratic governance." to French **** A: La transformation observée au Paraguay depuis l'instauration du système démocratique revêt une dimension fondamentale dans la structure institutionnelle et les moyens de communication de masse ainsi que dans les comportements et attitudes des acteurs stratégiques au sein du processus politique, bien que les institutions paraguayennes souffrent de quelques problèmes qui gênent la gouvernance démocratique du pays. Q: "Mean lengths of stay were significantly longer for women than men in all three periods." to French **** A:
Le séjour moyen des femmes était sensiblement plus long que celui des hommes à chacune des périodes étudiées.
L'essentiel est que certaines violations, comme l'agression et le génocide sont un tel affront à la communauté internationale dans son ensemble qu'il convient de les distinguer d'autres violations - tout comme les lois de la guerre distinguent entre « violations » et « violations graves » de ces règles. Which language is this?
Translate "The answer was that, as there were 17% tariff barriers, they were imported from Hong Kong." to French?
La réponse est qu'à cause de barrières tarifaires de 17%, ils étaient importés de Hong Kong.
Q: Ce financement doit être maintenu, en particulier du fait que les effets des crises actuelles pourraient continuer à se faire sentir à l'avenir, particulièrement dans les pays en développement. Could you please translate this to English? A: That financing must be maintained, in particular because the effects of the current crises would continue to be felt in the future, in the developing countries especially. Q: En outre, la ville de Lindsay fait valoir que le CN a refusé d'offrir un bon service à de nombreuses entreprises locales, ce qui a entraîné une sous-utilisation du chemin de fer. Could you please translate this to English? A: Apart from this, the Town of Lindsay raised the issue that many local industries were denied proper service by CN thereby creating an under utilization of the railway. Q: En outre, il complète et renforce les programmes d'activités portant sur l'énergie inscrits au budget ordinaire ou financés par des fonds extrabudgétaires. Could you please translate this to English? A: It also complements and reinforces the regular and extrabudgetary programmes in energy. Q: Le(s) groupe(s) d’envoi est/sont vivement invité(s) à effectuer une visite préparatoire auprès du groupe d’accueil. Could you please translate this to English? A:
The preparation phase should furthermore enhance the participants’ involvement in the Activity and prepare them for intercultural encounters with other young people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Translate the following sentence to French: (a) In operative paragraph 1, after the date “30 June 2006”, the word “and” was added and the phrase “and 62/___ of ___ June 2008” was deleted;
a) Au paragraphe 1 du dispositif, après la date « 30 juin 2006 », le mot « et » a été ajouté, et le membre de phrase « et 62/__ du __ juin 2008 » a été supprimé;
Q: Translate "For more information on a Godparent program for a GAC Child, click on Godparent program on our home page." to German? A: Wer sich für die Übernahme einer Patenschaft interessiert, kann sich unter Patenschaften von Kindern hier auf unserer HP nähere Infos einholen. Q: Translate "There were few of us who, at the beginning, had believed that the final outcome would be so close to our starting position." to German? A: Nur wenige von uns haben geglaubt, dass das Endresultat so dicht an unserer Ausgangsposition liegen würde. Q: Translate "Here as well frank is negotiating about further steps." to German? A:
Auch hier sind weitere Verhandlungen im Gange.
Translate the following sentence to French: [Original: Arabic] [20 May 2009]
[Original : arabe] [20 mai 2009]
[Q]: "If this is unsuccessful, a final effort is made to resolve the problem by cloning the PCR product and screening 10 to 12 clones per person." --> French? [A]: Entre-temps, les échantillons et les données épidémiologiques continuent d’être envoyés à l’Agence de santé publique du Canada en provenance des provinces participantes, et les résultats de ces analyses seront présentés dans des rapports ultérieurs. [Q]: "• User-friendly, streamlined, "selfserve" administrative services" --> French? [A]: • Services administratifs « libres », conviviaux et simplifiés [Q]: "CN also moves grain and grain products to major export facilities on the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico." --> French? [A]:
Enfin, le CN transporte des céréales et des produits céréaliers aux grandes installations d’exportation du Mississippi et du golfe du Mexique.
Translate to French: Question 65: With reference to article 3, paragraph 8 (a) and annex IX, paragraph 9, please provide details of whether emission reductions of 40 per cent have been achieved in your country for existing slurry stores (construction commenced on or before 17 May 2006) on large pig and poultry farms (2,000 fattening pigs, or 750 sows or 40,000 poultry).
Question 65: Article 3, paragraphe 8 a), et annexe IX, paragraphe 9: Indiquer si votre pays est parvenu à une réduction des émissions de 40 % pour les enceintes de stockage du lisier existantes (dont la construction a commencé avant ou le 17 mai 2006) dans les grandes exploitations porcines et avicoles (2 000 porcs d'engraissement, 750 truies ou 40 000 volailles).
How is "Farmers’ markets, wood stoves, solar panels, and Agway farm-supply stores are the new focus of aspirational dreams for people who not long ago were high on boundless credit, consuming luxury brands scaled down for the middle class, and fantasizing about the kind of life on display in glossy magazines." said in German? Bauernmärkte, Holzöfen, Solarpaneele sowie Märkte für Haus und Garten stehen neuerdings im Mittelpunkt der Träume jener Menschen, die vor nicht allzu langer Zeit auf unbeschränktem Kredit lebten, auf die Mittelschicht zugeschnittene Luxusmarken kauften und von einem Leben fantasierten, wie sie es in den Hochglanzmagazinen vorgeführt bekamen. Q: Translate "Take a moment to read, or download, here our actual Meeting & Conference Brochure." to German? A: Hier können Sie sich unsere Tagungs- & Konferenzbroschüre anschauen. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Was tun wir mit Ihren persönlichen Informationen? Q: Translate "We have talked in broad terms of the importance of this report and the importance of the global effects it might have." to German? Yes: Wir haben allgemein über die Bedeutung dieses Berichts und über die Bedeutung seiner möglichen globalen Auswirkungen gesprochen. [Q]: Für die abschließende Bearbeitung von sekundär verpackten Artikeln wie Flaschenpacks, Trays, Kartons oder Beutel hat AmbaFlex eine Reihe von Spiralförderern, um sie effizient zu den Palettierabteilungen zu befördern. Translate this to English? [A]: For the end of line handling of secondary packed items such as bottle packs, trays, cartons or bags, AmbaFlex has a range of spiral elevators to convey them efficiently to palletizing departments. How is "First of all, settling the dispute with Switzerland and setting up a pricing system, which will encourage the use of pollution control equipment." said in German?
Zunächst muß der Streit mit der Schweiz beigelegt und ein Abgabensystem erarbeitet werden, das schadstoffarme Fahrzeuge begünstigt.
What is a shorter version of this: former nba all-star ralph sampson pleaded not guilty monday to charges that he lied about his finances to obtain court-appointed counsel in a federal child support case . Summary:
ex-nba all-star sampson pleads not guilty to perjury charges
Cu ajutorul unei legislaţii de acest gen, producătorii noştri vor deveni lideri mondiali în tehnologia de care avem atât de urgent nevoie. In English? xxxxx Legislation such as this will ensure our manufacturers become world leaders in the technology we so urgently need. Să vedem ce forme vor lua atunci propunerile. In English? xxxxx Let us see what shape the proposals take then. Observ în text referinţa făcută la necesitatea "unei propuneri legislative care va putea să includă sau să fie completată de o clarificare a exercitării drepturilor fundamentale în contextul libertăţilor economice ale pieţei unice”. In English? xxxxx
I note there the reference to the need for 'a legislative proposal which is likely to include or be supplemented by a clarification of the exercise of fundamental rights in the context of the economic freedoms of the internal market'.
Write a sentence not in English.
Ces pratiques comprennent le recyclage et l’achat d’ampoules électriques économiques sur le plan de l’énergie, ainsi qu’une consommation modérée de papier et de fournitures de bureau.
Some text: Décisions Translate to English. Translation: Decisions Q: Déclaration du Président Could you please translate this to English? A: Statement by the Chairman Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: L’équipe du Programme a commencé à fournir son aide dès qu’elle a établi, avec son partenaire sud-africain, une orientation administrative, sans exiger du partenaire un investissement initial, en particulier en ce qui a trait au temps consacré à ces questions. [Q]: "Indicators have been developed for each question." --> French? [A]: Des indicateurs ont été créés pour chaque question. Q: "Caretaker reveals that tenant’s cheque has bounced" to French **** A: Un concierge divulgue le fait que le chèque d’un locataire était sans provision Q: "When Al Lucas asked me to deliver today's lecture, I jumped at the opportunity." to French **** A:
Quand Al Lucas m'a invité à donner l'exposé d'aujourd'hui, j'ai sauté sur l'occasion.
[Q]: "They also identified the need to avoid highly abstract terminology in favour of plain language and identification of practical implications - given that the target readership for the ultimate strategy document is bound to be diverse." --> French? [A]: Ils soulignent également le besoin d'utiliser un langage simple plutôt qu'une terminologie complexe et de déterminer les conséquences pratiques, étant donné que le public visé par la version définitive du document sera grandement diversifié. [Q]: "* "Research Institution" is displayed only when it is different from "Institution Paid"." --> French? [A]: Outcomes in a cohort assembled antenatally CAMPBELL, Shelagh D University of Alberta Developmental regulation of mitosis by wee 1 and myt 1 kinases [Q]: "Young Offenders Penal sanctions may not be imposed on a person under 14 years of age who infringes the criminal law." --> French? [A]:
Assistance publique Les enfants confiés à l’assistance publique peuvent être remis à des parents nourriciers ou placés dans un foyer.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Le souci de la santé publique des Européens ne devrait-il pas évidemment prévaloir sur les vieilles connivences idéologiques qui inspirent encore à certains de nos collègues une autocensure regrettable? -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: The Annabel Chong Story par The Documentary Channel. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Accueille également avec satisfaction les travaux du Comité et sa pratique consistant à formuler des observations finales après l'examen des rapports et reconnaît l'importance de la procédure des communications individuelles relatives aux États qui ont fait une déclaration en vertu de l'article 22 de la Convention, de même que la pratique qui consiste à enquêter sur les cas où il y a des raisons de penser que la torture est systématiquement pratiquée dans le territoire relevant de la juridiction de tel ou tel État partie, et demande instamment aux États parties de prendre en compte les conclusions et recommandations du Comité ainsi que ses constatations concernant les communications individuelles; -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
Si aucune information n’est disponible, un calendrier d’études est créé et doit être achevé pendant l’étape du plan d’action. -+-+-+-
⁇ мир ⁇ те и ⁇ ора ⁇ о ⁇ а ⁇ те тело свое, ⁇ то ⁇ , ⁇ ро ⁇ оведу ⁇ дру ⁇ им, самому не остат ⁇ с ⁇ недосто ⁇ н ⁇ м. In English? xxxxx "Keep under your body, lest, after having preached to others, yourself should be a castaway." How is "Nevertheless, as the Attorney General conceded on their behalf at the public hearing, there is "a significant risk" that the applicant would be so convicted ." said in Russian? ⁇ ем не менее, как ⁇ ри ⁇ нал ⁇ енерал ⁇ н ⁇ атторне ⁇ от имени ⁇ равител ⁇ ства в ⁇ оде ⁇ у ⁇ ли ⁇ но ⁇ о слу ⁇ ани ⁇ , имеетс ⁇ " ⁇ на ⁇ ител ⁇ н ⁇ риск" то ⁇ о, ⁇ то ⁇ а ⁇ вител ⁇ ⁇ удет ⁇ ри ⁇ нан виновн ⁇ м в таком ⁇ ресту ⁇ лении. Q: Translate "Monument Kadarchy is located on the hill opposite the airport on the outskirts of Kyzyl in the south, near Arzhaan "Tos-Bulak"." to Russian? A: ⁇ ам ⁇ тник " ⁇ адар ⁇ " на ⁇ одитс ⁇ на ⁇ оре на ⁇ ротив а ⁇ ро ⁇ орта, на в ⁇ е ⁇ де и ⁇ ⁇ ла в ⁇ ном на ⁇ равлении, в ⁇ ли ⁇ и ар ⁇ аана " ⁇ ос- ⁇ улак". input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: ⁇ екотор ⁇ е с ⁇ е ⁇ иал ⁇ н ⁇ е ⁇ редло ⁇ ени ⁇ , рекламн ⁇ е меро ⁇ ри ⁇ ти ⁇ или услу ⁇ и в рамка ⁇ ⁇ ро ⁇ рамм ⁇ мо ⁇ ут ⁇ т ⁇ досту ⁇ н ⁇ тол ⁇ ко дл ⁇ о ⁇ ределенно ⁇ кате ⁇ ории у ⁇ астников или дл ⁇ у ⁇ астников и ⁇ о ⁇ ределенн ⁇ стран или ре ⁇ ионов. Q: Translate "The theme of the songs come to be a combination of Sex and Rock & Roll to which we are accustomed, but maybe the songs are a bit lackluster than usual due to a rather mediocre production." to Russian? Yes: ⁇ ема ⁇ есни ⁇ ри ⁇ ел, ⁇ то ⁇ ⁇ му со ⁇ етание ⁇ екс и ⁇ ок и Roll, к которо ⁇ м ⁇ ⁇ рив ⁇ кли, но, во ⁇ мо ⁇ но, ⁇ есни немно ⁇ о тускл ⁇ м, ⁇ ем о ⁇ но и ⁇ - ⁇ а вес ⁇ ма ⁇ осредственно ⁇ ⁇ рои ⁇ водства. Q: Translate "We tried to make lyrics as correct as possible, however if you have any corrections for A Juxtaposition Of Action And Reason lyrics, please feel free to submit them to us." to Russian? Yes:
⁇ так ⁇ е мо ⁇ ете ска ⁇ ат ⁇ ⁇ еревод текста ⁇ есни Belvedere A Juxtaposition Of Action And Reason ⁇ дес ⁇ . ⁇ стараемс ⁇ сделат ⁇ так, ⁇ то ⁇ слова ⁇ есни A Juxtaposition Of Action And Reason ⁇ ли наи ⁇ олее то ⁇ н ⁇ ми, ⁇ о ⁇ тому если у вас ест ⁇ какие-то корректировки текста, ⁇ о ⁇ алу ⁇ ста от ⁇ равл ⁇ те и ⁇ нам.
Q: Translate "Particularly as far as the latter are concerned, it would be useful if the Commission and the Council could avoid presenting Parliament with in the future, and involve it at an earlier stage of proceedings." to German? A: Gerade in Bezug auf Letzteres wäre es für Kommission und Rat hilfreich, von dem bisherigen -Ansatz loszukommen und das Europäische Parlament in einer früheren Phase einzubinden. Q: Translate "On 11 October 2004, the Council again expressed its grave concern over the plight of the medical workers and asked Libya to consider the release of the medical staff on the basis of a re-examination of the existing evidence." to German? A: Am 11. Oktober 2004 bekundete der Rat erneut seine tiefe Besorgnis angesichts der Not des medizinischen Personals und ersuchte Libyen, die Freilassung dieser Mitarbeiter auf der Grundlage einer nochmaligen Prüfung der Beweislage zu erwägen. Q: Translate "This is why we need to build a solid partnership with Russia based on mutual trust." to German? A:
Daher müssen wir eine solide, auf gegenseitigem Vertrauen basierende Partnerschaft mit Russland aufbauen.
Some text: n’appuyant financièrement que les longs métrages d’au moins huit points sur l’échelle du BCPAC ou les coproductions découlant d’accords internationaux, a contribué à l’augmentation du contenu créatif canadien. Translate to English. Translation: The CFFF, by providing funding only to feature films with at least eight CAVCO points or those that are treaty co-productions, has contributed to the increase in Canadian creative content. Q: Amener les autorités à appuyer le Plan et sa mise en ⁇ uvre. Could you please translate this to English? A: To secure political support for the NIP and its implementation. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Monsieur le Président, Madame la Commissaire, chers collègues, le Tadjikistan n' est pas uniquement le plus pauvre des États de l' ex­URSS, c' est également celui qui, au cours des cinq dernières années, a le plus souffert du chaos engendré par les luttes tribales, avant que celles-ci ne finissent par dégénérer en guerre civile. [Q]: "Anyone with information regarding Roberta’s disappearance is asked to contact:" --> French? [A]: Si vous avez des informations sur la disparition de Roberta, veuillez les communiquer : Q: " ⁇ Year 2000 Emission Inventory Update (British Columbia)" to French **** A: ⁇ Year 2000 Emission Inventory Update (Colombie-Britannique) Q: "EAMAU Ecole Africaine des Métiers d'Architecture et Urbanisme [African School of Architecture and Urban Planning]" to French **** A:
EAMAU : École Africaine des Métiers d'Architecture et Urbanisme.
Write a sentence not in English.
Le Conseil approuve la demande de NewTel Communications Inc. (en son nom et au nom de Maritime Tel & Tel Limited et de NBTel Inc.) visant à inclure de l'équipement additionnel afin de fournir une connectivité gigabit au réseau ethernet entre St. John's et Halifax et St. John's et Corner Brook.
With regard to agenda item 9, the Asian Group welcomed UNIDO's initiatives to develop agro-processing and strengthen linkages between agriculture, industry and markets. Translate to French
S'agissant du point 9 de l'ordre du jour, le Groupe des États d'Asie salue les initiatives que mène l'ONUDI pour développer la transformation de produits agricoles et renforcer les liens entre agriculture, industrie et marchés.
We save lives and we protect the marine environment. Translate to French
Nous sauvons des vies et protégeons le milieu marin.
question: Speeches - 2008 The Honourable Josée Verner Speaking Notes for The Honourable Josée Verner Minister of Canadian Heritage, Status of Women and Official Languages at the announcement of funding for the Corporation de la Salle de spectacle de Sept- ⁇ les --> French. answer: Discours - 2008 L'honorable Josée Verner Notes pour une allocution prononcée par l'honorable Josée Verner ministre du Patrimoine canadien, de la Condition féminine et des Langues officielles ⁇ lâ€TMoccasion de lâ€TMannonce de contribution ⁇ la Corporation de la Salle de spectacle de Sept- ⁇ les Some text: ASIE-PACIFIQUE La conjoncture commence à donner des signes d'essoufflement dans la région Asie-Pacifique, ce qui abaissera la croissance à un taux de 4,4 % l'année prochaine. Translate to English. Translation: ASIA-PACIFIC Economic conditions are beginning to weaken in the Asia-Pacific region, leading to a decline in growth to 4.4 per cent next year. Q: L'exclusion sociale et la discrimination raciale entraînent des disparités notables en matière d'emploi, d'accès aux services de santé et d'éducation. Could you please translate this to English? A: Social exclusion and racial discrimination had engendered significant disparities in employment, health and education. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: On appréciera mieux la richesse de l'arsenal en répartissant les armes qu'il contient en catégories. [Q]: "Given the long time lag between investment promotion and new investment, intermediate results are a key gauge of performance." --> French? [A]: Étant donné le long délai entre la promotion de l'investissement et le nouvel investissement, les résultats intermédiaires constituent un indicateur de rendement clé. question: It is estimated that tourism may contribute up to 5.3 per cent of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, with transport accounting for 90 per cent of this total; Development of tourism facilities in sensitive environments, leading to physical degradation of land, damage to habitats and loss of biodiversity and destruction of natural landscapes. --> French. answer:
Selon les estimations, le tourisme serait à l'origine de 5,3 % des émissions mondiales anthropiques de gaz à effet de serre, les transports représentant à eux seuls 90 % de ce total; L'implantation d'infrastructures touristiques dans des environnements vulnérables, qui entraîne une dégradation physique des terres, des atteintes aux habitats, une perte de biodiversité, et une destruction des paysages naturels.
Text: have you noticed all the fashion excitement over brown ? the magazines call it rich and nutty but we who have fallen for this before know that you ca n't get too committed to one fashion color because one season 's espresso is another season 's mud . Summary: neutral about any color but cognac Text: secretary of state colin powell acknowledged thursday that the bush administration miscalculated the strength of insurgents in iraq but said the united states would ⁇ not become faint of heart '' in enforcing its iraq policy . Summary: powell acknowledges administration miscalculated strength of iraqi insurgency Text: a former prime minister will head a new institute promoting private enterprise and business links between the united states and southeast asia , the institute announced wednesday . Summary: former prime minister to head u.s.-thai development body Text: china plans to develop nontoxic , pollution-free , high-performance , low-cost and powerful thrust carrier rockets of the new generation in the coming five years , according to a white paper released on thursday . Summary:
china to develop powerful carrier rockets of new generation
The new contract extends the guarantee that his annual pay and bonus will be at least $ 2.4 million a year . The contract sets his annual base salary at $ 1.4 million and his target bonus at a minimum of $ 1 million . Do the above sentences mean the same thing?
Question: Sie haben diese Informationen vor den anderen verheimlicht, und trotzdem sitzen wir alle im gleichen Boot. Und von diesen Dingen sind viele Menschen betroffen. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: They concealed this information from the others, and yet we are all in the same boat, and such things affect many people. Question: Parameter einzustellen, veranlasst Anaconda zum Verhängen einer Größenbeschränkung der Swap Partition (?). Could you please translate this to English? Answer: parameter at the same time makes anaconda impose a restriction on the maximum size of the swap partition. Question: Heute wissen wir bereits im Parlament, dass viele Länder es nicht schaffen werden, diesbezügliche Gesetze rechtzeitig zu verabschieden. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: Today, in Parliament, we know already that many countries will not manage to pass laws about this in time. Question: Wir brauchen einen Vorschlag des Rates für die Vermittlung am 24. November. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
A Council proposal for conciliation on 24 November is required.
Problem: A public fight this week between the CIA and the Democratic head of the Senate Intelligence Committee is the latest act in a years-long drama over waterboarding. It involves substantive issues such as CIA spying on Congress and the power of the legislative branch to oversee the executive branch. At the core, the matter focuses on how much history to reveal about the way America detained and interrogated terror suspects in response to the 9/11 al Qaeda attacks. Here are answers to some of the basic questions about the dispute: 1)What is all the yelling about? More than five years after President Barack Obama ended the controversial interrogation program started during the George W. Bush administration, security chiefs and politicians are still battling over how much official information should be made public. However, Obama said he would not weigh in on the explosive accusation that the Answer: CIA overreached and spied on the Senate. Problem: (CNN) -- Fox News' Bob Beckel believes that I, as an American-Muslim, should have fewer constitutional rights simply because of my religious faith. Beckel, the so-called "liberal" on Fox News, made this point on his show this week while discussing the horrific terror attack on the Kenyan shopping mall. Beckel opined that Muslims should not be allowed to build any more houses of worship in America, "until you stand up and denounce what's happened in the name of your prophet." Sorry Bob, you're dead wrong. If you would take a moment to read our amazing U.S. Constitution, you would perhaps understand the rights we are all guaranteed as Americans, such as freedom of religion. This is not the first time Answer: Beckel has spewed this type of hateful garbage. Problem: Treatment: The Professional Footballers’ Association of Ireland has said Ched Evans is 'being treated like the Guildford Four' in an article which describes the convicted rapist's crime as 'alleged' The Professional Footballers’ Association of Ireland has said Ched Evans is 'being treated like the Guildford Four' in a statement which also describes the convicted rapist's crime as 'alleged'. An article written by the union's solicitor and published on its official website claims the former Wales international could be innocent, and that even if guilty, he deserves a chance of redemption. Lawyer Stuart Gilhooly also refers to Evans’ crime as alleged despite the fact he was found guilty in court and served half of a five-year jail sentence. Answer: Guildford Four died in prison in 1980, still protesting his innocence, and never saw his son freed. Problem: Washington (CNN) -- Once again, a swelling chorus is calling on Germany to finally take action. "Start the engines, Angela," reads the colorful headline of a piece whose authors seem to assume that Chancellor Merkel commands the horsepower to save the euro, save the British and American recoveries, and -- as a throw-in -- save the Obama presidency. If only the Germans showed more leadership and found it in them to roll out "decisive policies," argues Harvard historian Charles Maier, the everlasting eurocrisis could be ended. It is true that Germany is the pivot in the euro game. Nothing happens if Germany does not consent. But the reverse is not true. If Germany wants something, it does not necessarily happen. That's where the problem of German leadership starts. Answer:
Germany may be a reluctant leader, but its followers are even more reluctant.
Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Il offre aux juges de la Cour des services d’établissement ordonné et efficace du rôle des audiences. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: La Commission s'est déclarée satisfaite de l'assistance fournie au titre du Fonds d'affectation spéciale en vue de renforcer la participation des membres de pays en développement aux réunions de la Commission juridique et technique et de la Commission des finances. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Au plus tard quatre ans après l'entrée en vigueur de la présente directive, les dispositions concernant tous les services couverts par la présente directive sont harmonisées. -+-+-+- Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence:
De la même manière, les boulonneuses, dans lesquelles les marchandises en cause sont utilisées, ne constituent pas non plus des machines d'extraction pour l'extraction des minéraux directement au front de taille. -+-+-+-
Question: Article:Simon Dutton, from Bolton, Greater Manchester, is alleged to have been part of a plot to smuggle cocaine worth ⁇ £1.6m into the United Kingdom. The 39-year-old faces drug importation and supply charges, as well as being accused of money laundering. The National Crime Agency (NCA) said he was detained on a European Arrest Warrant in Thessaloniki on Sunday Extradition proceedings are expected to commence shortly. The arrest is related to a September 2009 raid on a cocaine factory in Stockport, Greater Manchester, the NCA said. Summarize the main points of that article. Answer: One of Britain's "most wanted" suspected criminals has been arrested in Greece. Question: Article:Gilmour recorded Rattle That Lock with The Liberty Choir, a rehabilitation project that includes former Wandsworth Prison inmates and local singers. The rock legend said the choir gives prisoners "real hope and optimism". His son Charlie did time in Wandsworth in south London in 2011 after being arrested at a tuition fees protest. He spent four months in jail after being convicted of violent disorder for his part in the 2010 protest, where he swung from a flag on the Cenotaph and threw a bin at a royal convoy. David Gilmour told BBC News: "Charlie's experience was something that has impacted on us and has made us more aware of the prison system and what could and should be done to improve it. "We're just helping out by being part of this initiative, which will hopefully spread." The Liberty Choir, run by vocal coach MJ Paranzino and writer Ginny Dougary, takes members of the South London Choir into Wandsworth Prison for weekly sessions with serving inmates. They also run regular sessions outside jail, where former offenders can join members of the South London Choir. Seven of these former inmates were part of the 30-strong choir that sang on Rattle That Lock. Gilmour and wife Polly Samson have also donated money to allow The Liberty Choir to expand to other jails. Why did you get involved with The Liberty Choir? David Gilmour: It's wonderful, seeing all these guys singing in the prison along with people from the South London Choir. They are close to the end of their sentences, and they then have a place outside prison where they feel part of the community, and that's very good for them, to feel valued. Did Charlie's experiences make you want to get involved? Yes, we got to see how the system worked and there's a lot wrong with the system, but there are many other initiatives that people are taking into their own hands within prisons and for prisoners. This one, with the dual thing of doing it inside prison and on the outside as well, is a different step that we think is very good. You went into Wandsworth on Tuesday - what did you do? We joined a regular session where 20-something prisoners and about 20 people from the choir outside get to sing along and are taught. MJ is a brilliant teacher. They come week in, week out, and there's a waiting list inside prison because the room available is small. The maximum number they can get in is about 20, but there are many, many more who want to take part. What have the current or former prisoners said about the choir? I've had conversations with some of the guys in the prison and some who have recently been released, and they all think it's a fantastic programme and are very keen for it to be widened and spread to other prisons. It gives them real hope and optimism that they don't just come out of prison into a vacuum and the same temptations. This gives them at least one night a week with something to do where they feel valued, and they can join in with something artistic that is uplifting. Is the song Rattle That Lock about prison? No, it's just something to encourage people to step out and stand up for themselves and not be apathetic. Will you continue your relationship with the choir? Yes, Polly and I are both founder supporters. We give money to them. We have a charitable foundation that supports all sorts of things. This is one of them, and we are very keen that this should continue and expand. We both intend to go back into Wandsworth and maybe other places if they open their doors to this sort of thing in the future. David Gilmour's single Rattle That Lock is out now and his solo album of the same name is out on 18 September. Summarize the main points of that article. Answer: Pink Floyd guitarist David Gilmour has revealed that his new single features former inmates from the prison where his son served time. Question: Article:The study, at the Institute of Cancer Research in London, took place on 49 men with untreatable cancer. The drug, olaparib, had low overall success, but slowed tumour growth in 88% of patients with specific DNA mutations. Cancer Research UK said the trial was exciting. The future of cancer medicine is treating cancers by their mutated DNA rather than what part of the body they are in. The breast cancer drug Herceptin is already used only in patients with specific mutations. Olaparib targets mutations that change the way DNA is repaired. The trial results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed the drug worked in 14 out of 16 men with such mutations. Levels of Prostate Specific Antigen, which is produced by tumours, was more than halved and there were also significant falls in the number of prostate cancer cells detected in the blood and in the size of secondary tumours. Patients responded to the drug for between six months and nearly a year and a half. One of the researchers, Dr Joaquin Mateo, told the BBC News website: "It is very promising. "Those entering the trial had an expected survival of 10 to 12 months and we have many patients on the drug for longer than a year." Prostate cancer is the fifth most deadly type of cancer in men. However, a larger clinical trial is needed before doctors can say if the drug extends life expectancy. Dr Mateo added: "This is the first drug that targets specific genetically defined populations and we are going to see more and more of these coming in the next few years." The advantage of targeted drugs is they can be given only to those patients who will respond, which both saves money and spares patients unnecessary side effects. Some of the patients in the study were born with mutated DNA repair genes while in others the mutation developed inside the tumour. Professor Johann de Bono, the head of drug development at the Institute of Cancer Research said: "Our trial marks a significant step forward in the treatment of prostate cancer. "I hope it won't be long before we are using olaparib in the clinic to treat prostate cancer." However, the drugs watchdog in England - the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - has already rejected olaparib for ovarian cancer on grounds - at ⁇ £4,000 a month - of cost. Cancer Research UK's Dr Aine McCarthy added: "This trial is exciting because it could offer a new way to treat prostate cancer by targeting genetic mistakes in cancers that have spread. "The hope is that this approach could help save many more lives in the future." Follow James on Twitter. Summarize the main points of that article. Answer:
The first drug that targets precise genetic mutations in prostate cancer has been shown to be effective in a "milestone" trial by UK scientists.
[Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "The 3rd runway at Ardmore Airport (New Zealand) is made of Poaceae which belongs to the order of Poales and Commenilids.Poaceae belongs to the division of flowering plants and classed in the Monocotyledon." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]: Ardmore Airport (New Zealand) 3RD_RUNWAY_SURFACE_TYPE Poaceae Poaceae ORDER Poales Poaceae CLASS Monocotyledon Poaceae DIVISION Flowering plant Poaceae ORDER Commelinids [Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "Alimentum is an Indian eatery offering mid-priced cuisine located near the river. Adults only please." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]: Alimentum food Indian Alimentum area riverside Alimentum familyFriendly no [Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "Ayam Penyet is a dish from Malaysia and Indonesia. The main ingredients are squeezed or smashed fried chicken served with sambal." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]: Ayam penyet REGION Malaysia Ayam penyet INGREDIENT Fried chicken Ayam penyet MAIN_INGREDIENTS "Squeezed" or "smashed" fried chicken served with sambal Ayam penyet COUNTRY Indonesia [Question]: What concepts are described in the following sentence? "A.S Roma ground is Stadio Olimpico and has 70634 members." Return the answer as pairs of triples. [Tripleset]:
A.S. Roma GROUND Stadio Olimpico A.S. Roma NUMBER_OF_MEMBERS 70634
[Q]: "This Drilling Deposit shall be in the amount of $1,000,000.00 and in a form acceptable to the Department." --> French? [A]: Le montant du dépôt de forage est d un million de dollars (1 000 000,00 $) et la forme doit en être acceptable au ministère. [Q]: "The Delegation stated that, while the 1991 Draft was a good starting point, the United States of America preferred that any attachment to the language of that Draft or to the laws of the United States of America, the European Patent Convention, Japan or any other system throughout the world be abandoned in favor of adopting new language that was plain, precise, neutral with respect to other systems as well as to technology, and direct in order to express the concepts for which there appeared to be common ground." --> French? [A]: La délégation a déclaré que, si le projet de 1991 constitue un bon point de départ, les États ⁇ Unis d’Amérique préfèrent que l’on renonce à s’attacher au libellé de ce projet ou aux lois des États ⁇ Unis d’Amérique, à la Convention sur le brevet européen, au système japonais ou à tout autre système au monde, pour adopter plutôt un nouveau libellé à la fois simple, précis, neutre à l’égard des autres systèmes et de la technologie, et direct de façon à bien rendre les concepts sur lesquels il semble y avoir identité de vues. [Q]: "The Belgians form henceforth the 4th Troop (i.e. Company) of 10th Army Commando (a 'Commando' being a battalion-equivalent of four 'Troops') which also includes units of French, Dutch, Norwegian and Polish troops." --> French? [A]:
Le 1er Bataillon quitte WALTON HALL pour s'installer dans un nouveau cantonnement sous tente à PENNYBONT.
How is "However, the concessions made by the EU and the Latin American banana producers must not cause the general situation of the ACP countries to be forgotten." said in Finnish? EU:n ja Latinalaisen Amerikan banaanintuottajien tekemät myönnytykset eivät kuitenkaan saa johtaa siihen, että AKT-maiden yleinen tilanne unohtuu. Q: Translate "A good example so far includes the active inclusion framework, the benchmarking exercise on child poverty and the monitoring of the social impact of the crisis." to Finnish? A: Tähän mennessä hyviä esimerkkejä ovat olleet muun muassa aktiivisen osallistamisen kehys, lasten köyhyyttä koskeva vertailuanalyysi sekä kriisin sosiaalisten vaikutusten seuranta. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: Sen sijaan, että tartuttaisiin mahdollisuuteen keskustella kurdien edustajien kanssa ja käynnistää vuoropuhelu, sillä kuten turkkilaiset, mekin vastustamme terrorismia, DTP-puoluekin pyritään kieltämään. Q: Translate "No one anywhere has experience of implementing a body of legislation like this, and we should be aware from the outset that only practical experience will reveal whether our assumptions are right or wrong." to Finnish? Yes: Tällaisen lainsäädännön täytäntöönpanosta ei ole kokemusta missään päin maailmaa, ja on oltava alusta lähtien selvillä siitä, että ainoastaan käytännön kokemus paljastaa, ovatko oletuksemme oikeita vai vääriä. [Q]: Me parlamenttina emme sitä halua. Translate this to English? [A]: We here in Parliament want to avoid this. How is "This is an important point with regard to the fight against trafficking in human beings, which feeds off the fact that some foreign nationals in the European Union are on the margins of, or excluded from, society." said in Finnish?
Tämä seikka on tärkeä nimenomaan, kun ajatellaan ihmiskauppaa, joka perustuu joidenkin Euroopan unionin alueella oleskelevien, yhteiskunnan ulkopuolelle jääneiden henkilöiden kurjaan tilanteeseen.
Write a sentence not in English.
Les évaluateurs ont recommandé d’en fixer comme mécanisme de rationnement, pour remplacer en partie le rationnement du budget du PDME au moyen de limites imposées à la taille des sociétés.
Drilling a release well finally did the job of stopping the flow of oil. Translate to Russian
⁇ ро ⁇ уренна ⁇ в ⁇ ускна ⁇ сква ⁇ ина в ⁇ олнила сво ⁇ ра ⁇ оту и остановила ⁇ оток не ⁇ ти.
Translate "After all, they achieved what they wanted in defiance of enormous international pressure, and even succeeded in transferring nuclear technology to Syria several years ago without being punished." to French?
Après tout, malgré le caractère provocateur de leur attitude au regard des énormes pressions internationales, ils sont arrivés à leur fin, et sont même parvenus à transférer leur technologie nucléaire en Syrie il y a quelques années sans qu’aucune sanction ne leur soit infligée en retour.
IN: French: While seeking to strengthen the laws and norms for protection, humanitarian agencies have been witnesses in the past year to serious violations of human rights in most of the countries in which they seek to deliver humanitarian assistance. OUT: Malgré leurs efforts visant à renforcer les lois et les normes en matière de protection, les organismes à vocation humanitaire ont au cours de l'année écoulée été témoins de graves violations des droits de l'homme dans la plupart des pays où ils apportent une aide humanitaire. IN: French: The fishery is restricted to the harvest of males with a shell (carapace) width of 95 mm or larger. OUT: Seuls peuvent être pêchés les mâles ayant une largeur de carapace d'au moins 95 mm. IN: French: KINA’ ; OUT: KINA»; IN: French: When the sponsor is not a corporation, check N/A for not applicable. OUT:
Si le r ⁇ pondant n'est pas une soci ⁇ t ⁇ , cochez la case S/O (sans objet).
Malheureusement, le Comité n'a pas suivi cette pratique. Which language is this?
La stratégie proposée permettrait de regrouper cinq services informatiques sur deux sites (voir par. 88). Could you please translate this to English?
The proposed strategy would enable the consolidation of five existing ICT facilities into two (see para.
Translate to French: Stresses the importance of a meaningful and constructive dialogue between staff and management, in particular on human resources-related issues, and calls upon both parties to intensify efforts to overcome differences and to resume the consultative process;
Insiste sur l'importance d'un véritable dialogue constructif entre le personnel et l'Administration, en particulier sur les questions relatives aux ressources humaines, et demande aux deux parties de redoubler d'efforts pour surmonter leurs divergences et reprendre les consultations ;
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @KhloeKardashian Morning Khloe... NO slackin' today... lets get on that cardio machine...1 2- 3 input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: @cassiebroadway What is that link? I'm at work (on my phone) and it isn't working. input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet:
@ekgekg Whenever I take a nap I always feel more tired than before.
Some text: Processus de Validation de Référentiels – Questionnaire novembre 2005 Translate to English. Translation: Reference description validation process – Questionnaire November 2005 Some text: Le prix par mois durant l’année, un dépot de 2 mois, l’eau et l’électricitée et la mise en mer une fois par jour est incluse. Translate to English. Translation: All prices are per month (with two months deposit to be paid initially) and include water, electricity and one launch per day. Some text: Super musique dommage quil ne soit pas trés connue car c un super groupe ! Translate to English. Translation:
Bien mieux que KYO, qui tournait en rond!!!!!!
Q: Visitors parking at three West Midlands hospitals run by Heart of England Foundation Trust say the hike came without warning. The new £10 tariff is for stays of more than six hours and up to 24 hours. The trust said users would benefit from a reduction in charges for stays of up to two hours. Read more Birmingham and the Black Country stories here "The highest percentage of visitors" parked at the hospitals for up to two hours, the trust said. That figure, it added, amounted to 57.7%. In 2016, the trust topped the national league for charges, collecting £4,841,108 across the year. Car park users have criticised the move, with one saying her first reaction was "God, have I got to get a mortgage"? Others called the increase "disgraceful" and "extortionate". The changes came into effect on Tuesday. Under the new fees, a 30-minute stay is free, with stays of up to two hours costing £3, up to four hours costing £5, up to six hours costing £7, and up to 24 hours costing £10. The day before, there was again no charge for the first 30 minutes and a £2.75 charge for a stay of up to an hour. Other fees worked out as £3.75 for up to two hours, £4.75 for a stay of up to four hours, and £5.75 for a stay of up to 24 hours. A spokesperson said the changes were the trust's first since 2013 and it did not profit from car parking charges, with income redeployed to "fund capital projects, utility costs, security and a car parking management service". He added discounts were available to those visiting the hospitals for more than one day, with free car park use to those in receipt of income-related benefits. The hospitals affected are Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull. A: A hospital trust's long-stay car parking charge has almost doubled overnight - costing visitors £10 instead of £5.75. Q: McCormack hit a post in the first half before putting the hosts in front when he slotted in his 20th of the season from Dembele's pinpoint cut-back. Josh Murphy levelled superbly for the Dons when he coolly lobbed over Marcus Bettinelli from Alex Revell's flick. But Fulham won it when Dembele swept in after McCormack teed him up. Slovisa Jokanovic's side remain 21st despite their victory following Rotherham's 2-1 win over Leeds - the Millers' fifth in six matches. The Dons still occupy the final Championship relegation place and are now four points from safety with just seven games of the season to go. Fulham's success was no more than they deserved, but they were frustrated in the first half as Cody Cropper made fine saves to deny Tom Cairney and Dembele. The Dons keeper later thwarted McCormack and Dembele in the space of 30 seconds after the break, but was powerless to keep out the latter's winner, his 14th goal of the season. Fulham boss Slavisa Jokanovic: Media playback is not supported on this device "It's the end of the run without any wins, in front of us are seven cup finals. We are not safe with this three points today. "I can be satisfied with many things today, with the way my team played, but it's not time for a holiday. "We have a job in front of us. In three days' time we have another cup final in front of us. "We made one mistake and I believe we can avoid this situation where MK Dons scored their goal." MK Dons boss Karl Robinson: "The officials cost us, his goal was onside - they know that, they understand that and they know they made an error. "At 1-1 it's a big decision. It's a bitter pill to take. A draw would have been a fair result on the balance of the game. "I don't think we deserved to win here, but I don't think they deserved to win either. But we've been beat and we have to take it on the chin." A: Moussa Dembele and Ross McCormack inspired Fulham's first win in seven games to ease their relegation worries and increase those of visitors MK Dons. Q: The attack happened near Balloch Road in Balloch at about 22:45 on Sunday 11 September last year. The man in the image is described as white, in his 20s, about 5ft 7in tall, of slim build with short dark hair and riding a red Firefox bicycle. He was wearing a long-sleeved grey top and a short-sleeved black top. Police Scotland said he was also wearing black lycra shorts, black Sondico socks, grey Nike trainers and was carrying a black rucksack. Officers have urged anyone who recognises the man to contact them. A: Police have released a CCTV image of a cyclist they want to trace following a serious assault on a young woman in West Dunbartonshire. Q: The webpage is being used by the German firm's US rival Merck & Co. Merck KGaA said that the social network "is an important marketing device [and] the page is of great value", adding that since its competitor was benefiting from the move "time is of the essence." A Facebook spokeswoman said: "We are looking into it." Merck KGaA said it had entered into an agreement with Facebook for the exclusive rights to in March 2010. The German firm said a number of its employees had been subsequently assigned administrative rights to the page. However, Merck KGaA said that when it had checked the site on 11 October this year it had discovered it had lost control of the page, and that content on the site now belonged to Merck & Co. The two drugmakers both stem from the same firm set up by a pharmacy owner in the German city of Darmstadt in 1668. The business was split in two after World War I as part of the reparations package imposed on Germany. Merck KGaA's lawyer, Robert Horowitz said he had sent a letter and a series of emails to various Facebook staff asking to discuss what had happened to the webpage. However, he said the respondents "either did not understand the problem... [or were] intentionally giving unresponsive answers". Mr Horowitz said that when he had requested a telephone conversation, one of Facebook's staff "incredibly replied that 'no-one is available for a call at this time'". Merck KGaA has since filed a petition with the- Supreme Court of the State of New York. "We took legal action versus Facebook to ask for information why a website we thought we owned isn't ours anymore," Dr Gangolf Schrimpf, a spokesman for Merck KGaA, told the BBC. "We are just trying to learn what happened." However, the court filing notes that: "Merck is considering causes of action for breach of conduct, tortious interference with contract, tortious interference with prospective business advantage, and/or conversion." Merck KGaA stressed that it had not taken any action against its US counterpart at this stage. Facebook was unwilling to make a comment beyond saying that it was looking into the case. Branding experts say the case reflects a growing belief that social networks can offer firms a better way of reaching their customers than through their own websites. "Company communication departments have realised that many of the people they want to reach and influence are already on Facebook," said Simon Myers, from the consultancy Figtree Network. "As corporate content becomes more tailored and engaging, social media sites such as Facebook represent a brighter future of greater customer dialogue and interaction than the current corporate website with static content and pictures of people shaking hands." A:
The German drugmaker Merck KGaA has begun legal action against Facebook after discovering what its lawyer described as the "the apparent takeover of its Facebook page".
How is "Donald William Kerst" said in Russian?
⁇ ерст, ⁇ онал ⁇ д ⁇ ил ⁇ м
Translate the following sentence to Finnish: There are many countries which are seriously concerned.
Tämä asia koskettaa vakavasti monia maita.
question: premier romano prodi on wednesday won a parliamentary vote seen as crucial for his center-left government 's survival , after days of tensions over the tax police , italian news agencies reported . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: italian wins vote in the senate as prodi survives another test question: exports of freshwater prawn from bangladesh to the european union countries resumed monday after nearly seven months ' suspension , an industry insider said sunday . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: bangladesh resumes freshwater prawn export to europe question: oil prices rose on thursday to their highest level in three weeks , supported by strong economic data in the united states and a cold snap in europe . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary: hot us data cold europe weather lift oil prices question: as growing numbers of people know , cruising the streets and alleys of cyberspace is fun , fascinating and even useful . Write a brief summary in a sentence or so. summary:
avoid these gaffes in cyberspace
How is "While this is true in that areas like public administration reform will touch all sectors, the Russia program will not undertake further programs in natural resource development, energy, transportation, housing, telecommunications or education, to name a few." said in French?
C'est sans doute le cas en ce sens que des domaines comme la réforme de l'administration publique touchent tous les secteurs d'activité, mais nous n'entreprendrons pas de nouveaux programmes dans bien d'autres domaines – développement des ressources naturelles, énergie, transports, logement, télécommunications ou éducation, pour n'en nommer que quelques-uns.
Die Europäische Union muss sich insgesamt vergewissern, dass so umfassend wie möglich informiert wird, um die bestehenden Befürchtungen insbesondere hinsichtlich der Preisstabilität zu zerstreuen, und wir müssen gemeinsam bemüht sein, alle technischen Fragen präzise und konkret zu regeln. Which language is this?
Le volet Aérospatiale et défense de PTC encourage et appuie la conception et la mise en application des technologies essentielles au renforcement de ce double secteur. Translate to English.
The Aerospace and Defence component of Technology Partnerships Canada encourages and supports the development and application of technologies essential for the strengthening of these sectors.
Il peut s’agir notamment de la dégradation des terres et de l’eau, de la surexploitation de la faune et des ressources aquatiques, du déboisement intensif, du drainage des terres, ou du changement climatique. Which language is this?
Q: "The nuclear test demonstrates the urgency of achieving the entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty." to French **** A: L'essai nucléaire démontre qu'il est urgent de parvenir à l'entrée en vigueur du Traité d'interdiction complète des essais. Q: "The highest quality and best performing DVD and Interactual® Content playback possible on your PC." to French **** A: Inclut toute la puissance de Toast® 10 Titanium , plus la création de vidéo Blu-ray et quatre applications audio et photo primées. Q: "If you have an urge to conquer summits and devour descents, you will want to discover the whole Three Valleys ski area. Our advisors are here to help you plan a route suited to your level – whether you want a relaxing or demanding day out, a gentle trip or full day excursion." to French **** A: L’hôtesse du PIC est à votre disposition pour vous accueillir. Q: "There will be informal consultations under the chairmanship of Mr. Dharmansjah Djumala (Indonesia), Vice-Chair-man of the Second Committee, on draft resolutions A/C.2/ 56/L.10 (item 98), A/C.2/56/L.11 (item 98 (a)), A/C.2/56/ L.12 (item 98 (b)), A/C.2/56/L.9 (item 98 (d)) and A/C.2/56/ L.8 (item 98 (g)), on Monday, 5 November 2001, in Conference Room 6, following the adjournment of the 23rd meeting of the Second Committee." to French **** A:
Consultations officieuses Des consultations officieuses, sous la conduite de M. Dharmansjah Djumala (Indonésie), Vice-Président de la Deuxième Commission, auront lieu sur les projets de résolution A/C.2/56/L.10 (point 98), A/C.2/56/L.11 (sous-point 98 a)), A/C.2/56/L.12 (sous-point 98 (b)), A/C.2/56/L.9 (sous-point 98 d)) et A/C.2/56/L.8 (sous-point 98 g)), le lundi 5 novembre 2001 dans la salle de conférence 6, dans l'après-midi, à l'issue de la 23e séance de la Deuxième Commission. TROISI ⁇ ME COMMISSION
[Q]: Niinpä Belgian varapääministeri Durantin sanon tämän kaikella kunnioituksella häntä kohtaan keskusteluun osallistuminen on minusta jokseenkin riittämätön ele, sillä hänen toimialansa on liikenne, eikä sota, ja hän saa varmasti luettavakseen tekstin, jonka laatimiseen puhemiehistö on paneutunut toden teolla. Translate this to English? [A]: Well then, I am frankly disappointed by the presence, with all due respect to her, of the Belgian Deputy Prime Minister, Mrs Durant, whose remit is transport, not war, and though she will, I am sure, have a dramatic speech from the Presidency to read out to us. [Q]: Meidän olisi kuitenkin vain toteutettava tämä vuosien keskustelun jälkeen! Translate this to English? [A]: Only, after all these years of talk, we should finally implement it! [Q]: Tiedän hyvin Kosovon historiallisen merkityksen serbialaisille. Translate this to English? [A]:
I am very conscious of Kosovo's historical importance for the Serbian people.
IN: French: It allows you to project yourself into the future, to fulfill or even transcend your capabilities. OUT: Elle permet de se projeter dans l’avenir, d’aller au bout de ses capacités et même de les transcender. IN: French: Article 2. OUT: Article 2 IN: French: To keep pace with the demands of our changing environment, we need to understand the challenges we face and continually evolve as an organization. OUT: Pour répondre aux exigences liées à notre environnement en pleine mutation, il nous faut bien comprendre les défis auxquels nous devons faire face et évoluer sans cesse en tant qu'organisation. IN: French: He arrived at the skull, not the legs. OUT:
⁇ sa surprise, c’est le crâne qu’il a dégagé, non les pattes.
[Q]: "Then, choose the type of PHP regex function you want to test." --> French? [A]: Ensuite, choisissez le type de fonction PHP que vous souhaitez utiliser. Q: "According to reports by human rights organisations, there had been a sudden rise in 2003 and 2004 in the number of cases of persecution of persons who had lodged applications with the Court, in the form of threats, harassment, detention, enforced disappearances and killings." to French **** A: Selon des rapports d’organisations internationales des droits de l’homme, il y aurait eu une augmentation brusque, en 2003 et 2004, des cas de persécution des personnes qui forment des requêtes devant la Cour, se traduisant par des menaces, harcèlements, détentions, disparitions forcées et meurtres. Translate to French: I started my carrier as a structural engineer with specific application to vibration analysis and associated methodology for car companies in France in 2001. Answer: Anglais professionnel courant Informatique : utilisation courante des logiciels Word, Excel, Publisher et PowerPoint, AUTOCAD, Winexpo, GSM et notions d’IN DESIGN De Sept. IN: French: "The increased noise and human traffic would adversely affect the ecological integrity of the area." "...such infrastructure would only serve increased human use in summer - defeating the purpose of restoring the North of TCH wildlife corridor." OUT: » « ... une telle infrastructure ne ferait qu’accroître l’activité humaine en été - ce qui va à l’encontre du but qui consiste à rétablir le corridor faunique au nord de la Transcanadienne. question: The provisions of its article 1 oblige States to abolish certain institutions and practices analogous to slavery, which is referred to as “servile status”. These include: --> French. answer: Les dispositions de son article premier obligent les États à abolir certaines institutions et pratiques analogues à l'esclavage, désigné par l'expression «condition servile», et notamment: [Q]: "Crucially, the requirement of human rights accountability extends to both the public and private health sectors." --> French? [A]:
En matière de droits de l'homme, il est crucial que le principe de responsabilisation soit appliqué à la fois dans le secteur public et le secteur privé.
Q: Veiller à l’excellence des services offerts à la population canadienne afin d’assurer le développement durable et l’utilisation sécuritaire des eaux du Canada. En vertu d’une telle vision, le MPO joue un rôle important sur le plan de l’intendance en plus d’aider le Canada à prêcher par l’exemple dans le domaine du développement durable et des opérations à l’échelle mondiale. Could you please translate this to English? A: Due to timelines associated with the release of a new Strategic Plan and the Departmental Assessment and Alignment Project (DAAP) for DFO, it was decided that only a Progress Report on the 2001-2003 Strategy would be produced in 2004, rather than a full scale strategy. Question: Write a sentence not in English. Sentence: Contre Toute Agression Conjugale (C-TA-C) : [Q]: "She could not remember the month that this occurred." --> French? [A]: Elle ne se rappelait pas quel mois c'était. Q: "The notes taken by Selection Board members clearly indicated that the appellant’s answers did not meet the requirements of the position." to French **** A: En consultant les notes prises par les membres du Comité de sélection, il apparaît clairement que les réponses de l’appelant ne pouvaient satisfaire aux critères établis pour le poste. Translate to French: ACRDP funding would continue to remain visible as a separate entity due to industry contribution to DFO projects. Answer: Le financement du PCRDA continuerait d’être visible à titre d’entité distincte émanant de la contribution de l’industrie aux projets du MPO. Q: Inscrivez-vous à la zone réservée du site pour recevoir les actualisations, les news, les promotions, envoyer des postes dans le forum et profiter de tous les services qui seront activés pour le paris sportifs, casino, poker. Could you please translate this to English? A:
Visit also the "bookmaker" section where you'll find a list of bookmakers.
How is "Is it really so easy to dismiss out of hand as unreconstructed nationalists those Serbs who ask: why was Franjo Tudjman (the former president of Croatia) never indicted?" said in Russian?
⁇ де ⁇ ствител ⁇ ности о ⁇ ен ⁇ ⁇ росто, как не восстановленн ⁇ м на ⁇ ионалистам, в ⁇ устит ⁇ и ⁇ рук те ⁇ сер ⁇ ов, котор ⁇ е с ⁇ ра ⁇ ива ⁇ т: ⁇ о ⁇ ему нико ⁇ да не ⁇ ло ⁇ ред ⁇ влено о ⁇ винение ⁇ ран ⁇ о ⁇ уд ⁇ ману (Franjo Tudjman) ( ⁇ в ⁇ ему ⁇ ре ⁇ иденту ⁇ орватии)?
Q: "Mining is still extremely important in the provincial economy, although recent years through the 1980s and early 1990s have been less prosperous ones for the industry as downturns occurred in the international market for one major metal after another." to French **** A: Les mines ont toujours joué un rôle majeur dans l'économie de la province, même si cette industrie a connu des jours sombres dans les années 1980 et le début des années 1990, au moment où le marché international enregistre une baisse dans tous les secteurs miniers. Translate to French: [...] Drzewiecki is the romantic artist, more poet than craftsman.[... Answer: Ce jeune musicien, c'est Stanis ⁇ aw Drzewiecki, un garçon de 10 ans, dont nous allons suivre avec grande attention la brillante carri ⁇ re. Il a joué des mazurkas avec une grande subtilité, en rendant parfaitement les rubato de Chopin. IN: French: Public awareness campaigns have been launched in several countries to draw attention to the labour market issues related to ageing and to support the aforementioned measures towards increasing retirement age (DNK, FIN, ROU, SWE, CAN, ISR, USA). OUT: Des campagnes de sensibilisation ont été lancées dans plusieurs pays pour appeler l'attention sur les problèmes de marché du travail liés au vieillissement et appuyer les mesures susmentionnées concernant le relèvement de l'âge du départ en retraite. question: During the period, 30 crew members and passengers were reportedly killed, 94 were injured and 113 were taken hostage. --> French. answer: Pendant la période considérée, 30 membres d'équipage et passagers auraient été tués, 94 blessés et 113 pris en otage. Some text: En effet, les deux paliers de gouvernement voulaient adopter une approche conjointe pour mettre à l’essai de nouveaux moyens d’améliorer l’efficacité des mesures visant à promouvoir une population active qualifiée et à accroître l’accès à la formation et aux emplois en Saskatchewan. Translate to English. Translation: The agreement grew out of an interest by both orders of government in taking a joint approach to trying new ways of improving the effectiveness of efforts to develop a skilled labour force and increase access to training and jobs in Saskatchewan. Some text: Nous savons que 26 millions d’euros sont gaspillés à cause du mauvais fonctionnement des services d’interprétation. Translate to English. Translation:
We know that EUR 26 million are squandered because of incorrect use of interpreting services.
Translate to French: 235) points out, Only with transparency, accountability, and legitimacy can international institutions like the IMF hope to reconcile each country’s political and economic objectives with the international community’s wider interests, including the provision of global public goods like financial stability and market efficiency.
C’est la raison pour laquelle des reunions intergouvernemen ⁇ tales telles que le Sommet de la Terre des Nations Unies a Rio de Janeiro, ⁇ en 1992, suscitent un tel interet chez les entreprises et les organisations ⁇ ⁇ de la societe civile.
question: Teacher asked me this: Solve -53*y + 56 - 374 = 0 for y. ++++++++++ answer: -6 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 124*s + 867 + 44 + 453 = 0 for s. ++++++++++ answer: -11 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 1820 = -183*w + 285*w - 322 for w. ++++++++++ answer: 21 question: Teacher asked me this: Solve 7*c - 18*c + 573 = 243 for c. ++++++++++ answer:
test: ⁇ днако така ⁇ о ⁇ ера ⁇ и ⁇ не соответствует ⁇ акону. English? translation: ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ ⁇ . test: ⁇ оскол ⁇ ку в 1996 ⁇ оду кни ⁇ и ⁇ алун ⁇ ун ⁇ ли ⁇ а ⁇ ре ⁇ ен ⁇ в ⁇ итае и ⁇ осударственн ⁇ е средства массово ⁇ ин ⁇ орма ⁇ ии на ⁇ али кам ⁇ ани ⁇ , ⁇ оро ⁇ а ⁇ у ⁇ ⁇ алун ⁇ ун; English? translation: Whereas in 1996, Falun Gong books were banned in China and state media began a campaign criticizing Falun Gong; test: ⁇ е ⁇ ствител ⁇ но, в ⁇ а ⁇ ри ⁇ е нали ⁇ о некотор ⁇ е и ⁇ услови ⁇ , нео ⁇ одим ⁇ дл ⁇ на ⁇ ала ⁇ ро ⁇ есса ре ⁇ ионал ⁇ но ⁇ инте ⁇ ра ⁇ ии, но тре ⁇ уетс ⁇ нов ⁇ ⁇ од ⁇ од. English? translation: Indeed, some of the conditions necessary to launch a regional integration process are present in the Maghreb, but a new approach is needed. test: ⁇ ласс, ⁇ или ⁇ English? translation:
Philip Glass
Q: Finalement, une capacité administrative souvent limitée représente un autre obstacle pour la mise en ⁇ uvre d’une stratégie de conciliation.... English? A: [Finally, an often limited administrative capability is another obstacle to the implementation of a reconciliation strategy.] Q: Bien que la photopériode semble influencer le moment de la reproduction chez les visons mâles, les femelles ajustent le moment de la reproduction de manière à ce que la période d'allaitement coincide avec la disponibilité des carcasses de saumons.... English? A: [Although male mink seemed to respond to photoperiodism in initiating reproduction, timing of reproduction in female mink was shifted so that lactation coincided with the availability of carcasses of Pacific salmon.] Q: Dans ses observations liminaires, Mme Theresa Hitchens, du Center for Defense Information, a fait ressortir qu'il était encore temps d'empêcher l'avènement des armes spatiales par la prévention de leur implantation et la surveillance de l'espace.... English? A:
[Opening remarks made by Theresa Hitchens from the Center for Defense Information underlined that there is still time for an international effort to block the advent of space weapons, through prevention and space surveillance.]
[Q]: "Submitting an application . 9." --> French? [A]: Présentation de la demande . 9. [Q]: "License re-instatement should be linked to successful completion of the appropriate alcohol rehabilitation programme." --> French? [A]: Seuls les conducteurs ayant suivi avec succès le programme de réadaptation auraient à nouveau le droit de conduire. [Q]: "Both agree that strategies must be developed to address these problems." --> French? [A]:
Des deux côtés on s'accorde sur la nécessité de mettre au point des stratégies pour améliorer cette situation.
Write a sentence not in English.
Les dispositions similaires d'autres instruments avaient été interprétées à tort comme autorisant le renvoi immédiat au droit applicable conformément aux règles de conflit de lois de l'État du for pour l'interprétation d'une convention, sans qu'il soit tenu compte des règles de conflit figurant dans cette convention (voir A/CN.9/527, par.
What is a shorter version of this: an egyptian envoy on thursday urged the palestinians to lead the way toward ending more than three years of violence with israel , saying he is hopeful that israel will respond favorably to such moves .
egyptian official urges palestinians to lead cease-fire efforts
Vielen Dank. Which language is this?
We call on the leaders of Afghanistan to place peace and the political stability of their country at the centre of all calculations, overcome divisions, renounce violence and advance dialogue and cooperation in the common interests of the country. Translate to French.
Nous demandons aux dirigeants de l'Afghanistan de placer la paix et la stabilité politique de leur pays au centre de leurs calculs, de surmonter leurs divisions, de renoncer à la violence et de faire progresser le dialogue et la coopération dans l'intérêt collectif du pays.
[Q]: Die Anlage befindet sich im Zentrum von Playa de Las Américas, unweit von Restaurants, Bars und Einkaufsmöglichkeiten gelegen. Der Strand Troya liegt nur 800 m und die Bucht Las Vistas 700 m vom Hotel entfernt. Translate this to English? [A]: The Apartments California are situated in the centre of Playa de Las Américas, in a peaceful garden area, but only a short distance from the great selection of bars, restaurants, shops and all types of amenities offered in Playa deLas Américas. [Q]: In dieser Basilika, in der die Reliquien des Apostels Bartholomäus aufbewahrt sind und die sterblichen Überreste des Hl. Adalbert verehrt werden, erklingt das beredte Zeugnis derer, die nicht nur im 20. Jahrhundert, sondern schon seit Beginn der Kirche die Liebe gelebt und im Martyrium ihr Leben für Christus hingegeben haben. Translate this to English? [A]: In this basilica, where the relics of the Apostle Bartholomew are kept, where the remains of St. Adalbert are worshipped, we hear the echo of the eloquent witness of those people who lived with love, not only in the 20th century, but since the very beginning of the Church, offering in martyrdom their life to Christ. [Q]: Freilich werden diese Initiativen trotz des enormen Potenzials sie nichts bringen, wenn sie nicht als ausgewogen wahrgenommen werden. Translate this to English? [A]:
Despite the tremendous potential of these initiatives, they will be for naught if they are not perceived as being fair.
Question: Sprijin proiectul de regulament stabilit cu statele membre, pe baza căruia va fi introdusă o interdicţie a comerţului cu produse derivate din foci. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: I endorse the draft regulation which has been agreed with the Member States, on the grounds of which a ban on the trade in seal products will be introduced. Question: Poziţia cetăţenilor este complet diferită. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: The position of the citizens is completely different. Question: Este întotdeauna amuzant să-l asculţi pe dl Farage. Could you please translate this to English? Answer: It is always amusing to listen to Mr Farage. Question: "Problema este închisă – au fost confirmate 29 de partide şi iniţiative politice. Could you please translate this to English? Answer:
"The issue is closed -- 29 political parties and initiatives are certified.
Question: who plays the head maester in game of thrones? Answer: Julian Glover Question: when did dolly parton release i will always love you? Answer: in 1974 Question: who wrote brother love's traveling salvation show? Answer:
Neil Diamond
Some text: Enfin on a calculé le moment de la transition électronique en fonction de l'angle internucléaire et on combine cette information avec les fonctions d'onde décrites plus haut afin de décrire la distribution d'intensité de ce systeme électronique; on obtient un maximum d'intensité pour v2′ = 4 dans le mode de déformation de PH2 ce qui est en accord avec les valeurs observées; on prédit que ce maximum sera associé au v2′ = 6 dans le cas de PD2. Translate to English. Translation: Finally the electronic transition moment is calculated as a function of the internuclear angle and this information is combined with the above vibrational wavefunctions to describe the intensity distribution in this electronic system; a maximum intensity is obtained for v2′ = 4 in the bending mode for PH2, in agreement with the observed findings, and is predicted to occur for v2′ = 6 in PD2. Some text: Non seulement s’attarde-t-on peu à l’amour dans les traités sur la famille, mais plusieurs théories contemporaines sont centrées sur l’intérêt de soi. Translate to English. Translation: Not only is there little mention of love in family theory, but many contemporary theories focus on self-interest. Some text: La situation concernant l'Iraq (31 mai 2005; 21 janvier 2008). Translate to English. Translation:
The situation concerning Iraq (31 May 2005; 21 January 2008).
⁇ тел ⁇ на ⁇ одитс ⁇ все ⁇ о в 100 метра ⁇ от ⁇ л ⁇ а, р ⁇ дом с лесом и ⁇ унктом ⁇ роката велоси ⁇ едов, а так ⁇ е в 4 км от ⁇ ентра ⁇ рмал ⁇ . In English? xxxxx The hotel is situated within 100 metres of the beach, near the forest and a bicycle rental, and 4 km away from the centre of Jurmala. How is "The lovely room overlooking the canal." said in Russian? the superior rooms were large, position was great, staff friendly. Cute Hotel. Q: Translate "Restaurant, Bar, 24-Hour Front Desk, Newspapers, Garden, Terrace, Non-Smoking Rooms, Express Check-In/Check-Out, Chapel/Shrine, Heating, Design Hotel, Luggage Storage, Gay Friendly, All Public and Private spaces non-smoking." to Russian? A: ⁇ есторан, ⁇ ар, ⁇ ру ⁇ лосуто ⁇ н ⁇ отдел ре ⁇ истра ⁇ ии и о ⁇ слу ⁇ ивани ⁇ ⁇ осте ⁇ , ⁇ оставка ⁇ ресс ⁇ , ⁇ ад, ⁇ ерраса, ⁇ омера дл ⁇ некур ⁇ и ⁇ , ⁇ кс ⁇ ресс ре ⁇ истра ⁇ и ⁇ ⁇ ае ⁇ да/от ⁇ е ⁇ да, ⁇ ерков ⁇ / ⁇ рам, ⁇ то ⁇ ление, ⁇ и ⁇ а ⁇ н-отел ⁇ , ⁇ амера ⁇ ранени ⁇ ⁇ а ⁇ а ⁇ а, Gay Friendly, ⁇ урение на все ⁇ территории отел ⁇ и в номера ⁇ ⁇ а ⁇ ре ⁇ ено . input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: ⁇ ерса Q: Translate "When spring came they all left."" to Russian? Yes: ⁇ о ⁇ да настала весна, все уе ⁇ али". Q: Translate "Biryukov P.N. Russian Legislation on Extradition of Criminals: Problems and Perspectives // Moscow Journal of International Law." to Russian? Yes:
⁇ ир ⁇ ков ⁇ . ⁇ . ⁇ осси ⁇ ское ⁇ аконодател ⁇ ство о в ⁇ да ⁇ е ⁇ ресту ⁇ ников: ⁇ ро ⁇ лем ⁇ и ⁇ ерс ⁇ ектив ⁇ // ⁇ осковски ⁇ ⁇ урнал ме ⁇ дународно ⁇ о ⁇ рава.
What is the sentiment of the following tweet? Tweet:@billyraycyrus I hope you have an AWESOME time sir! Please protect Noah! Red Bull is PROVEN bad for kids!! she shouldnt drink it Sir.
Ils manifestent depuis deux jours leur refus clair et net de voir la Grande-Bretagne et l'Espagne essayer de déterminer l'avenir de Gibraltar sans s'en remettre aux souhaits de la population. Translate to English
Two days ago, they manifested their clear and unambiguous rejection of attempts by Great Britain and Spain to decide the fate of Gibraltar without listening to the people.