Hello, welcome to NETVN channel You have a broken screen android phone, you can turn it into an ip camera and access it from anywhere. Currently I have a Samsung android phone with a broken screen To make it an ip camera I install BabyCam app for it This app is made for parents to monitor their young children from afar, but you can use it to turn a phone into a security camera. This app is made for parents to monitor their young children from afar, but you can use it to turn a phone into a security camera. It not only captures videos, but also records sounds or plays music for children After installing the BabyCam app you open it up It will ask to access camera and microphone of android phone And this is the address for you to remotely access the camera of your android phone But it is only accessible within your local network In the next part of the video I will show you how to access your android phone's camera over the internet On a Windows 11 PC I open any web browser and access the camera of the target phone using ip address and port 8080 On a Windows 11 PC I open any web browser and access the camera of the target phone using ip address and port 8080 So from my Windows computer I can access the camera of my android phone So from my Windows computer I can access the camera of my android phone So from my Windows computer I can access the camera of my android phone Also you can take a photo or save a video if you want As mentioned I want to access my android phone via internet so I use a vpn service called tailscale As mentioned I want to access my android phone via internet so I use a vpn service called tailscale You just need to sign up for a free account to create a virtual private network with tailscale I created a new tailscale account with my Gmail account Then I downloaded the vpn client and installed it on my Windows 11 computer The tailscale client helps Windows 11 computers connect to a virtual private network Windows 11 computers join a virtual private network with a Gmail account So the Windows computer has successfully joined the vpn network Back to the broken screen android phone You set up this phone to join the vpn network by installing the Tailscale application While waiting for the app to install, you can check out the t-shirt designs below the video and choose one for yourself Or click like and subscribe to the channel After I finished installing the Tailscale app, I logged in using the same account on my Windows computer So both android phone and Windows computer share the same virtual private network And this is the ip address of the android phone, so I have completed the virtual private network setup Now I open BabyCam app on my android phone You will see two ip addresses appear on the BabyCam application and you can access it from within the local network or access over the internet using a virtual private network You will see two ip addresses appear on the BabyCam application and you can access it from within the local network or access over the internet using a virtual private network And here is the ip address and port you use for remote access using vpn You can use port 8080 or 6060 Back on my Windows computer I copied and pasted the android phone's ip address assigned by the vpn network to access the ip camera over the internet Back on my Windows computer I copied and pasted the android phone's ip address assigned by the vpn network to access the ip camera over the internet With tailscale virtual private network you can access to android phone over internet And here is the result, I turned my broken screen android phone into ip camera and access from anywhere You can also access this camera ip from another phone Here I add an iphone to this virtual private network for remote access to ip camera This iphone has tailscale application installed and has joined the same virtual private network as the android ip camera This iphone has tailscale application installed and has joined the same virtual private network as the android ip camera From my iphone I access the camera ip using tailscale virtua
in this video we're going to start the CUDA  software infinite algebra one free worksheet   using the quadratic formula and this is going to  be using the quadratic formula to solve quadratic   equations quickly let's go over the quadratic  formula well we know that a quadratic equation   is in the form of ax squared plus BX plus C and  when that's equal to 0 we can use the quadratic   formula to solve for our variable X and now here's  the quadratic formula for solving for x x equals   the opposite of B so negative B plus or minus  the square root of B squared minus 4 times a   times C so that's the square root of the quantity  B squared minus 4ac all over 2 times a so again   the opposite of B plus or minus the square root of  b squared minus 4ac all over 2a and it's important   to note that because this is plus or minus the  majority of the time we will get two separate   answers when solving for x so knowing this let's  look at number one and number one our variable is   M but we can say that a is equal to one since one  times M squared equals M Squared B is a negative   five since the five is subtracted and C is a  negative 14 since the 14 is subtracted we're   adding B X and adding C so if we're subtracting  B and subtracting C then they're going to be   negative in our formula now we're just going to  plug in and solve so M is our variable so that's   going to be equal to the opposite of B so the  opposite of negative 5 plus or minus the square   root of B squared negative 5 squared minus 4 times  a which is 1 times C which is negative 14 all over   2 times a which is 2 times 1 now I'm going to  simplify this so we have the opposite of negative   five and the opposite of a negative is a positive  so we'll have 5 plus or minus the square root of   negative 5 squared is negative 5 times negative 5  which is 25 and we're subtracting 4 times a times   C so 4 times 1 times negative 14 is going to be  negative 56 but if we're subtracting a negative   56 that's the same as adding a positive 56 and  that's all over 2 times 1 which is 2 simplifying   further we'll have 5 plus or minus the square  root of 25 plus 56 which is the square root of   81 and that's all over 2 simplifying even further  we'll have 5 plus or minus the square root of 81   is 9 and that's all over positive 2 so we'll  have 5 plus 9 over 2 and 5 minus 9 over 2 so   let me write out each of those solutions and then  we'll simplify them individually so we have 5 plus   9 over 2 and we also have 5 minus 9 over 2 5 plus  9 over 2 is going to be 14 over 2 5 minus 9 over   2 is going to be negative 4 over 2 14 divided  by 2 is 7 and negative 4 over 2 is a negative   2 so you can see that 7 and negative 2 are my  solutions for number 1 and I'll write them in   set notation so in order to solve this M equals  7 and M equals negative 2 when we plug in 7 and   negative 2 in for M we will get 0 when the math  is worked out so let's continue on to number two   and number two a is a positive one B is going to  be a negative 4 and that's the B in our formula   not the B within our quadratic equation and then C  is a positive 4 so remember the opposite of B plus   or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac  see all over two times a if that gets confusing   refer back to your formula but a helpful hint is  that whenever you're writing it out just say it   to yourself all in one step the opposite of B  plus or minus the square root of the quantity   b squared minus 4ac all over 2a and just each  time you say it it'll help with remembering it   so we have the opposite of B so the opposite  of negative 4 plus or minus the square root   of the quantity B squared so negative 4 squared  minus 4 times a so 4 times 1 times C which is 4   all over 2 times a 2 times 1 so the opposite of  negative 4 is positive 4 and we'll have plus or   minus the square root negative 4 squared is  16 minus 4 times 1 times 4 is 16 and that's   all over 2 times 1 which is 2 now simplifying  further we'll have 4 plus or minus the square   root of 16 minus 16 is 0 all over 2 but note that  the
Hello everyone. This is Pedro Mustard. And it's time for a needy song. This one is called: 'By Your Side'. And it goes like this... You tell me you're horny, and then you tell me you're sorry. It's ok, you know, dear. I'll be here 'till our hug breaks. 'Cuz I, I do love you, and I truly need you. Guess that's all I know. Yes. that's all we know. Inside of every smile, inside of every tear I drop you know that I'll be there, giving my whole heart. Inside of every smile, inside of every blink of my eyes. I'll be better if you show me love once in a while. Oh, love Oh, love Oh, lo-ove! Of course I'm the stupid. Well, of course I'm the blind! I give the purest love to the unkindest one. It would be really good, it would be celestial... If you could only know what I really want in life: Your hugs and love words with the most amazing kiss at night. Your breathe and arms against my neck and all the bed sheets around. Your pretty lips pronouncing words like 'I love you so bad!'. Your will to be here, loving the ---- that never lets you down. My heart. My heart! Don't you really wanna make me feel alright these days and nights? Don't you really wanna take me higher than the skies and clouds? Don't you really wanna make me feel a bit ashamed sometimes? Come on. Make me feel! Don't you really wanna make me feel alright these days and nights? Don't you really wanna take me higher than the skies and clouds? Don't you really wanna make me feel ashamed sometimes? Don't you really wanna keep me by your side?! Oh, love Oh, love! Honey... I'm so tired of singing your 'Larala larala la-la'.
Top 31 University from all over the world has  joined the USM (United States of Mars) Metaverse. Radio Caca USM wants to return the Metaverse to  people by partnering with University students. 1. Cambridge University 2. University of Southern California 3 The University of Texas at Austin 4. University of California San Diego Top 31 University from all over the world has  joined the USM (United States of Mars) Metaverse. Radio Caca USM wants to return the Metaverse to  people by partnering with University students. 1. Cambridge University 2. University of Southern California 3 The University of Texas at Austin 4. University of California San Diego Top 31 University from all over the world has  joined the USM (United States of Mars) Metaverse. Radio Caca USM wants to return the Metaverse to  people by partnering with University students. 1. Cambridge University 2. University of Southern California 3 The University of Texas at Austin 4. University of California San Diego 5. University of California Irvine 6. Istanbul Technical University 7. Middle East Technical University (METU) 8. The London School of  Economics and Political Science   9. University College London  10. Imperial College London 11. Bilkent University 12. Silpakorn University (ICT) 13 Rangsit University (DIT) 5. University of California Irvine 6. Istanbul Technical University 7. Middle East Technical University (METU) 8. The London School of  Economics and Political Science   9. University College London  10. Imperial College London 11. Bilkent University 12. Silpakorn University (ICT) 13 Rangsit University (DIT) 5. University of California Irvine 6. Istanbul Technical University 7. Middle East Technical University (METU) 8. The London School of  Economics and Political Science   9. University College London  10. Imperial College London 11. Bilkent University 12. Silpakorn University (ICT) 13 Rangsit University (DIT) 14 King Mongkut’s University  of Technology Thonburi   15. Princeton Blockchain Society 16. Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society) 17. University of Nigeria 18 National Institute of Technology  + India Institutes of Technology   19. Hacettepe University 14 King Mongkut’s University  of Technology Thonburi   15. Princeton Blockchain Society 16. Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society) 17. University of Nigeria 18 National Institute of Technology  + India Institutes of Technology   19. Hacettepe University 14 King Mongkut’s University  of Technology Thonburi   15. Princeton Blockchain Society 16. Kasetsart University (KU Blockchain Society) 17. University of Nigeria 18 National Institute of Technology  + India Institutes of Technology   19. Hacettepe University 20. Purdue University 21. Çankaya University 22. Arizona State University 23. Dhurakij Pundit University 24. Uludag University 25. Nnamdi Azikiwe University   26 University of Benin 20. Purdue University 21. Çankaya University 22. Arizona State University 23. Dhurakij Pundit University 24. Uludag University 25. Nnamdi Azikiwe University   26 University of Benin 20. Purdue University 21. Çankaya University 22. Arizona State University 23. Dhurakij Pundit University 24. Uludag University 25. Nnamdi Azikiwe University   26 University of Benin dedicated exclusively to academic research  and aimed at promoting science and knowledge,   uniting research in the physical world with  research and development in the metaverse.The   University Hall will be open at Kiss State (Land ID: 393332).   The new space in the metaverse is already  born with a partnership with the largest   public university in Latin America Universidade  de São Paulo (USP) and 30 other universities. This is the first space dedicated to universities  in a metaverse. Here they can explore the full   potential of the metaverse and Web 3 and conduct  research into different fields of science   and human knowledge that can help transform  society. In addition, they can meet with   dedicated exclusively to academic research  and aimed at promoting science and knowledge,   uniting research in the physical world with  researc
Look at you. -Winterfell is yours. -Winterfell is yours, your Grace. And soon the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause. I used to think you were the cleverest man alive. I’m going to put a prince in your belly. She has a keen sense of poetic justice. -We could stay a thousand years. -We should have stayed in that cave. As you wish, my lady. You’d be my lady. I offered to let him retain his lands and titles if he bent the knee. You are not my queen. He refused. -You will have to kill me too. -You are the future of your house. Your brother stood with your father. -I gave them a choice. -Your grace. -Dracarys. -She executed my father and brother. Would you have done it? Now’s the time. -I’m not King in the North anymore. -I’m not talking about King in the North I’m talking about the King of the bloody Seven Kingdoms. Your mother was Lyanna Stark. And your father was Rhaegar Targaryen. I’ll kill every Targaryen I’ll put my hands on. -I brought two armies home with me, two dragons. -And a Targaryen queen. I’m defending our family. So is she. -I’m her family too. -Don’t forget that. -If she can’t respect me… -You gave up your crown to save your people. Did you bend the knee to save the North… -…or because you love her? -Would she do the same? We’ll get there before the dead. The wall has fallen. The dead march south. -What our you doing out here? -Waiting, for an old friend.
Aj na mainu taal ve sajjna (Don’t ignore me today dear) Chal tu mere naal ve sajjna (Come with me dear) Chal tu mere naal ve sajjna (Come with me dear) Hae aj na mainu taal ve sajjna (Don’t ignore me today dear) Chal tu mere naal ve sajjna (Come with me dear) Teriyan jacketa lakh diya (Your jacket costs lakh) Mere kol iko 1 shawl ve (I have only one shawl) Kade tareef vi nahi karda (You never praised me) Kithe aune jane ho gaye (Where you go ) Mein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old) Mein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old) Na na na na Sab suit purane ho gaye ( All my suits gone old) Mein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old) Jach ke rehn nu keeda naiyo dil karda(Who will not want to look gorgeous) Lad hi payenga lagda jad tu bill bharda (When you pay the bill it seems like you will get in an argument) Jach ke rehn nu keeda naiyo dil karda( Who will not want to look gorgeous) Lad hi payenga lagda jad tu bill bharda (When you pay the bill it seems like you will get in an argument) Je kahe ta bhaar ghatadu mein vi (If you want I will loose my weight) Adhe paise pa du mein vi (Even I will pay half of the bill) Adhe paise pa du mein vi (Even I will pay half of the bill) Kite mein aida na ho ja (Might be i would look like) Jiwe hon niyaane ho gaye (I gave birth to a child) Mein tainu sohni ki lagna( How I will look beautiful to you) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old) Mein tainu sohni ki lagna (How I will look beautiful to you) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old) Jo jo laina mein laike dae mall ch tu (Whatever I want you have to buy for me from the mall) Ghatt lai laega 2 jeena koi na saal ch tu (There is nothing wrong if you buy 2 jeans lesser in this year) Jo jo laina mein laike dae mall ch tu (Whatever I want you have to buy for me from the mall) Ghatt lai laega 2 jeena koi na saal ch tu (There is nothing wrong if you buy 2 jeans lesser in this year) Dil vich pehla he chaa boht ne (I have all the wills in my heart already) Nale agge viah boht ne (Even in future there are lots of weddings) Nale agge viah boht ne (Even in future there are lots of weddings) Babbu aida nahi chalna (Nothing will work like that babbu) Ji hun assi siyane ho gaye (Yes we are mature) Par tu edda hi sohni ae( But you look beautiful like that) Caahe sab suit purane hogaye (Even all your suits are old) Jedhe merzi leh lai tu (Whatever you wanna to buy) Hun ta hit na gaane hogaye (Because all my songs are hit now) Mein tainu sohni ki lagna(How I will look beautiful to you) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old) Sab suit purane ho gaye (All my suits gone old)
Qasim Bhai! How many kilos of chicken have you taken? We take 1.5 kg of chicken for 1 pot. We add 250 to 350 grams of potatoes. Add 1 tbsp Ginger, Garlic paste Add 1/2 Half tbsp of Turmeric Add 1 tbsp of Red Chilli Flakes Add 1 tbsp of Red Chilli Powder Add 1/2 tbsp of Black Pepper Powder Add 2 tbsp of Garam Masala (Ground Spices) Add 1.5 tbsp of Salt Add 3 tbsp of White Vinegar Add 1 mug (350 ml) of Normal Water Mix it well. Add spices and leave for 1 hour. Add 1/2 tbsp of Food Color These all are beef pot? 4 of beef, 4 of mutton and 4 of chicken pots. Add 1 tbsp of Garam Masala Add 2 tbsp of Essence (Kewra) Add 1 Tomato into small pieces. Add 2 Small Green Chillies (cut into small piece) Add 3 Green Chilies Add 4 tbsp of Fried Onions Add Coriander and Mint (cut into small piece) It's good that you add proper spices. these are not readymade (market) masalas, we make it by ourself. All spices are imported and high quality. we have secret formula of our masala we never take it from market. we use high quality ingredients and masala, even rice, meat and other things we use hight quality for making our matka biryani in few minutes this biryani will be ready to serve. then you will know the color and looks of matka biryani and you enjoy it inshaAllah. everyone gives us a great response when they eat our special matka biryani. Alhamdulillah! They put 1 kg of rice in 1 pot. First, they add 25% boiled rice. they add 2 layers of rice first layer 25% cook and second layer almost done rice layer This rice is 25% boiled. and then we add almost done boiled rice. 2nd layer of rice (full boiled rice) Add Cooking Oil Add 100 grams of cooking oil. Cover it properly with foil paper. Add Coriander and Fried Onions (for presentation)
It's like you got superpowers Turn my minutes into hours You got more than 20-20, babe Made of glass the way you see through me You know me better than I do Can't seem to keep nothing from you How you touch my soul from the outside? Permeate my ego and my pride I wanna love me (ooh) The way that you love me (ooh) Ooh, for all of my pretty And all of my ugly too Ooh, for all of my pretty And all of my ugly too I'd love to see me from your point of view I wanna trust me (trust me) The way that you trust me (trust me) Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do I'd love to see me from your point of view I couldn't believe it or see it for myself Boy, I be impatient, but now I'm out here Fallin', fallin', frozen, slowly Fallin', got me right I won't keep you waitin' (waitin') All my baggage fadin' safely (my baggage fadin') And if my eyes deceive me Won't let them stray too far away, I I wanna love me (ooh) The way that you love me (ooh) Ooh, for all of my pretty And all of my ugly too I'd love to see me from your point of view I wanna trust me, ooh (trust me) The way that you trust me, baby (trust me) 'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do I'd love to see me from your point of view (oh) Yeah
what is in my heart today if you ask i can tell. I don't want gold or diamonds don't want diamonds or pearls. what good does it do to me? i don't want a mansion or car. don't want horse or car. these are only for name give me our heart in exchange for your heart. no no no no no no man. no business in love lying!! if you lie crow will bite be scared of the black crow i will go to my paternal home and you will be watching. lying, crow will bite you the crow will bite you be scared of the black crow i will go to maternal home and you will be watching i will go to my house and you'll be watching the people with good hearts will take the bride away they will take her away take her away the good hearts will take her away the people will stay watching the people will be left watching they will take her away they will take her waya away away this village and house don't come here again this village and this house don't come here again now i am going to my husband that you have no one here you have no one here these colorful memories on the favor of your crying now i am going to my maternal home that you don't have anyone here you don't have anyone you have no one here be careful oh beauties look i am here be careful oh beauties look i am here the lover of beauty the smell of beauty my features are related to beauty hey hey be careful oh beauties look i am here why are you here? because you invited me if you are here help with the work no no no please you smile first why are you here? no you smile first why are you here?! i got out with the car (music) i got out with the car on the road on the streets there came a turn i left my heart there there came a turn i left my heart there god knows when we past amritsar who knows when did Lahore came i left my heart there a turn came and i left my heart there i left my heart there (music) music you are standing quietly there's something definitely this is the first meeting the first meeting. first meeting the first meeting first meeting the first meeting. you're standing quietly there's definitely something this is the first meeting, the first meeting, the first this is the first first meeting the marriage procession of my king will come the night will be colorful but i will dance but i will dance the marriage procession will come the night will be colorful but i will dance but i will dance the wedding procession will come... today the news of our love is on everyone's lips really? everyone knows and is informed about it. so what??! our love is on everyone's mouth bye bye! everyone knows and is informed about it. oooooooooo lover this is true everyone says i gave you my heart (music) oh beloved!! oh beloved this is true everyone says i gave you my heart (music music) i tell them you took my heart i tell them you took my heart whenever your hair blows whenever your hair blows the hearts of the widows is eager the hearts of the widows get eager get eager oh my beloved oh when you have such white faces ho when such white faces then how do the eyes not slip? how do the eyes not slip my beloved (snaps) oh people of hearts my hearts is eager to hear eager to hear admit your love admit your love (music) say you love me say you have love with love we have each other with love there's world with love there's the world say you have love admit your love (repeating) music this is a weird world where does it start and end? which paths are these? you don't understand and nor do i you are lucky that you the light of someone's life you are so close to someone that you're faraway from everyone this is a weird world humming no one knows what will happen here tomorrow life is a beautiful voyage we don't know what will happen tommorow you came close and smiled you came close and smiled you don't know the dreams you showed me now my heart doesn't sleep what should i do? something happens what should i do something happens? (thunder) put your henna on keep your wedding procession decorated put yo
- [Voiceover] All right, so grammarians, I want to talk to you about the difference between subject and object pronouns, but before we do that, let's start off with a little primer on what subjects and objects actually are, Just generally for our grammatical purposes. In grammar, the subject is the part of the sentence or clause that does a thing. The subject does a thing. The object, on the other hand, is the thing that is acted on, has stuff done to it, so the object has stuff done to it. The subject acts, the object is acted upon, let's give an example. In the sentence, Reina wrote an e-mail, the subject of the sentence, the doer of the thing is Reina, right, as the subject. The thing she is doing is writing an e-mail, so Reina wrote an e-mail. E-mail is the object of the verb wrote. It is the object of the sentence. Now, there are cases when a sentence doesn't have an object. For example, we could just say Reina wrote. It doesn't have an object, it's just Reina's the subject, and then there is no object. This is what we call intransitive usage, but you don't need to write that down or anything. Now, understanding the relationship between e-mail and Reina enables you to understand how subject and object pronouns are used. When we're subbing out these nouns for pronouns, we can figure out which ones we have to use, because pronouns have different forms depending on whether or not they are subjects or objects. Reina is a girl's name, and if we know that Reina is a girl, we can refer to her as either she or her. These are two of the feminine pronouns. One of these is a subject, and one of them is an object. She is the subject form, and her is the object form. If we wanted to rewrite this sentence, speaking of Reina, we would say, she wrote an e-mail. Not, her wrote an e-mail, you see. Because her is the object pronoun, and therefore is the thing that, the object pronoun has stuff done to it, as opposed to the doer of things. She is the subject form, it's the doer. For e-mail it's easy, this just becomes it in all cases. The subject form, and the object form are the same. Let's do a couple more examples just to shore this up so you see what I mean. I give her a present. Right now, I is the subject, her is the object. Subject, object, but what if we switched it? What would it look like then? Well it wouldn't be her give I a present, because since we're switching the subject and the object, we're gonna be switching the pronouns that we use too, so it would be, she gave me a present. Now, she is the subject form of her, and me is the subject, is the object form, excuse me, me is the object form of I. Get a little period in there. Same thing with they and he. They showed him a guitar. Why not? They is the subject, and him is the object. Let's give it the old switcheroo. He showed them a guitar. Now, we do the switcheroo, him becomes he, so we go from the object form which is him to the subject from which is he, and then they, the subject form becomes them, the object form. Now when it comes to you and it, you're in luck, because the subject and object forms of these are the same, so subject equals object, with you and it. I could say you give it a present just as easily as I could say it gives you a present. I didn't realize I changed this to the past tense. She gives me a present. There we go, that's better. That's the difference between a subject and an object pronoun. You can learn anything. David out.
in this video we have given that log base  7 of log base 5 of square root of X plus 5   plus square root of X is equal to 0  and we have to find the value of X   so if we have log base X of Y is equal  to a then Y will be equal to X power a and we have log base 7 of this so  log base 5 of square root of X plus 5   plus square root of X will be equal  to 7 power 0 and it is log base 5   of square root of X plus 5 plus square  root of X is equal to and 7 power 0 is 1   and again square root of X plus 5 plus  square root of X will be equal to 5 power 1 and square root of X plus 5 plus square  root of X is equal to 5 power 1 is 5   and square root of X plus 5 will be  equal to 5 minus square root of X   and if we square it both side  then square root of X plus 5   whole square will be equal to 5  minus square root of X whole square and it is X plus 5 is equal to 25 plus X minus  2 times 5 times root X will be 10 root X   and X will get cancelled and we will get 10 root X is equal to 25 minus 5   will be 20 and root X will be  equal to 2 and X will be equal to 4 so X is equal to 4.
Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with CommentaryUncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary Uncharted 4 A Thief's End 4K 60fps Gameplay on PS 5 Part#1 Walkthrough in Urdu/Hindi with Commentary
- For what you do now and what you decide now at this age, may well determine which way your life shall go. And the question is, whether you have a proper, a solid, and a sound blueprint. And I wanna suggest some of the things that should be in your life's blueprint. Number one in your life's blueprint should be a deep belief in your own dignity, your own worth, and your own somebodiness. Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you are nobody. Always feel that you count. Always feel that you have worth. And always feel that your life has ultimate significance. Secondly, in your life's blueprint you must have as a basic principle the determination to achieve excellence in your various fields of endeavor. You're gonna be deciding as the days and the years unfold, what you will do in life, what your life's work will be. Once you discover what it will be set out to do it and to do it well. Be a bush if you can't be a tree. If you can't be a highway, just be a trail. If you can't be the sun, be a star. For it isn't by size that you win or you fail. Be the best of whatever you are. (audience applauds) And finally, in your life's blueprint must be a commitment to the eternal principles of beauty, love, and justice. While life for none of us has been a crystal stair we must keep moving, we must keep going. If you can't fly, run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But by all means keep moving. (audience applauds) (instrumental music)
- [Voiceover] Let's say someone walks up to you on the street and says to you, 50 divided by five, 50 divided by five is equal to blank, is equal to blank. How can you think about this as a multiplication problem? Well, whatever blank is, whatever blank is, if you multiply it by five, if you multiply by five, you should get 50. You should get 50. You should get 50. So one way of thinking about it, you could say "what times five is 50?" Well, 10 times five is 50. 10 times five is 50, so 50 divided by five is going to be 10. Hopefully you see the relationship here. If 50 divided by five is 10, then 10 times five is 50. 10 times five is 50. And you could do it the other way around. What is 50 divided by 10 going to be? 50 divided by 10, well that's going to be equal to five. 50 divided by 10 is going to be equal to five. How do I know that? Well, five times 10, five times 10, five times 10, is equal to 50. Is equal to 50. So let's keep thinking about this. If someone walked up to you in the street again, and said blank, blank, divided by, divided by two, blank divided by two is equal to, is equal to nine. How would you figure out what blank is? Something divided by two is equal to nine. Well, one way to think about it, and if we just follow here, if you said 50 divided by five is 10, you could say 10 times five is 50, so right over here we could say well, nine times two, nine times two, must be equal to blank. Must be equal to our blank. Well we know what nine times two is, that is 18, so this must be 18. 18 divided by two is nine. And that's really describing how 18, two, and nine relate to each other. Two nines is 18, or nine twos is 18, or if I were to divide 18 into two groups, each group would have nine. Or if I were to divide into groups of two, you would have nine groups. Any way you look at it, 18 divided by two is nine, nine times two is 18. Let's do one more of these. So, someone walks up to you on the street, and tells you, and tells you that 12 divided by, divided by blank, 12 divided by blank is equal to three. Is equal to three. What is blank going to be? Well one way to think about this is three times blank is going to be equal to 12. Three times blank, three times this unknown number, is going to be equal to 12. And three times what is equal to 12? Well three times four is equal to 12, so 12 divided by four is equal to three.
C CT CT CT r CT ra CT rat CT rati CT ratio CT ratio CT ratio a CT ratio an CT ratio and CT ratio and CT ratio and p CT ratio and po CT ratio and pol CT ratio and pola CT ratio and polar CT ratio and polari CT ratio and polarit CT ratio and polarity CT ratio and polarity CT ratio and polarity t CT ratio and polarity te CT ratio and polarity tes CT ratio and polarity test CT ratio and polarity test CT ratio and polarity test w CT ratio and polarity test wi CT ratio and polarity test wit CT ratio and polarity test with CT ratio and polarity test with CT ratio and polarity test with c CT ratio and polarity test with cu CT ratio and polarity test with cur CT ratio and polarity test with curr CT ratio and polarity test with curre CT ratio and polarity test with curren CT ratio and polarity test with current CT ratio and polarity test with current CT ratio and polarity test with current m CT ratio and polarity test with current me CT ratio and polarity test with current met CT ratio and polarity test with current meth CT ratio and polarity test with current metho CT ratio and polarity test with current method CT ratio and polarity test with current method: CT ratio and polarity test with current method: To perform a ratio and polarity test you should use “Ratio and Polarity Test (With Current)” tab. In this tab, turns ratio, polarity and phase deviation between “CT” primary and secondary is performed where “AC” current is injected and the secondary current is measured through “Input9”. To perform this test, you need to enter the current and time of the test in “State Setting”, in “I test” and “State Time” fields respectively. Before initiating the test some points must be considered. The first point is that the current limit is “128” amps while the “Binary/Analog Input9” limit is “500” milliamps. But since in sometimes the “CT” secondary current exceeds “500” milliamps which damages the “Input9”, “Icalc” is limited to “450” milliamps. This means that you can increase the primary as much as that “Icalc” does not exceed “450” milliamps. The second point is that if the route resistance is too high and the device is not able to provide the needed “Burden”, to perform the test you should decrease the resistance. To do so, you can parallel “4” pieces of wire. The third point is that if even by using “4” pieces of wire the problem is not solved, you need to decrease the current. Note that the test current must be based on the standard because the software uses it to assess the test. The table made in this section is the basic standard for test assessment where the allowed turns ratio error and phase deviation are specified in percent and “minute” for classes of protection and measurements “CTs”. In turns ratio section, the allowed error for different percentages of nominal current and in the “phase” section allowed error is specified in minute. For example, for a “Measuring CT” with the class of “0.5”, in “5” percent of the nominal current, “1.5” percent turns ratio and “90” minutes of phase deviation error are allowed. But for “Protection”CTs mode, the maximum error is determined independently from the primary current. For example, for a “Protection CT” with the accuracy class of “10P10”, the maximum allowed turns ratio error is “3” percent and there is no limitation mentioned for phase deviation. After entering the information in “State Setting”, you should set the wiring according to the picture. In this wiring ,short circuit “Ia1”, “Ib1”, “Ia2” and “Ib2” together and “Ia3”, “Ib3”, “Ia4” and “Ib4” together and then according to the picture, connect a wire to “Ia1” and “Ib4” phases after passing it through the “CT”. To measure the secondary current, connect “Input9” to “S1” and “S2”. After wiring, for “CT Protection 500/1”, “10” percent of the nominal current which equals “50” amps and “1” seconds as time are entered and the test runs after “Init Test” is pressed. You can view the “States” created by the software in “Table View”. If “At Calibration State” is checked, in the first state (with zero current), the secondary is me
Uh, excuse me. l don't think there's anything wrong with the action on this piano. # Well, l heard about the fella you've been dancin' with # # All over the neighborhood # # So why didn't you ask me, baby # # Or didn't you think l could # # Well, l know that the bugaloo is outta sight # # But the shing-a-ling's the thing tonight # # But if that was you and me out there, baby # # l would have shown you how to do it right # - # Do it right # - # Uh-huh # # Do it right # - # Do it right # - # Do it right # # Do it right # # ___ # # Twistin' # # Shake it, shake it shake it, shake it, baby # # Here we go, loop-dee-loop # # Shake it up, baby # # Here we go, loop-dee-la # # Bend over, let me see you shake a tail feather # # Bend over, let me see you shake a tail feather # # Come on, let me see you shake a tail feather # # Come on, let me see you shake a tail feather # # ___ # # Come on Come on, baby # # Come on # # Yeah, come on, baby # # All right Do the twist # # Do the fly # # Ow, do the swim # [ Ray Laughing ] # And do the bird # # Ahh, do the ierk # # Ahh, do the monkey # # H-Hey, Watusi # # And, uh what about the frug # # Do the mashed potato # # What about the bugaloo # # Oww, the Bony Maronie # # Come on Let's do the twist # # Ahh, twistin' # # Shake it, shake it shake it, shake it, baby # # Twistin', shake it, shake it shake it, shake it, baby # # Ohh, twistin' # # Shake it, shake it, shake it shake it, baby, oww ## [ Cheering ] - Okay, man, we'll take these axes. - Naturally. And, as usual, l gotta take an l.O.U.
- Whereas to move the orange dot to the number that equals five times 1/3. Alright, so one way to think about it, we just have to move 1/3 five times. So let's do it once, so that's going to be 1/3, you do it twice, you get to 2/3, you do it three times, you get to 3/3, four times, you get to 4/3, five times, you get to 5/3. Five times 1/3 is gonna be 5/3. Or you could say five 1/3, which is the same thing as 5/3, hopefully that makes some sense. Let's do some more examples here. So let's say we need to figure out, so let's see, it says move the orange dot to the number that equals two times 4/3. Alright, so one times 4/3 is just gonna get us to 4/3, and then if we have another 4/3, we're gonna add 4/3 to that, so we're gonna move another 4/3 to the right. So 4/3 plus 4/3 would get us to 8/3. 8/3, I'm having trouble moving this, 8/3. So one times 4/3 is just 4/3, and then two times 4/3 is 8/3. And notice that's the same thing as two times four, which is eight, over three, 8/3. Let's do one more of these. So, move the orange dot to the number that equals three times 3/2. So this is gonna be 0/2, that's just zero, so you could do that as zero times 3/2. One times 3/2, well that will just get us to 3/2. Two times 3/2, we'll add another 3/2, so that'll get us to 6/2. And then three times 3/2, we'll add another 3/2, that gets us to 9/2, and we're done.
[MUSIC] When you're want to do something that's new. And it seems really, really hard to do. You feel like quitting. You feel you're through. Well I have some advice for you. Don't give up. Keep on trying. You're gonna make it, I ain't lying. Don't give up. Don't ever quit. Try and try and you can do it. Don't give up. Yeah. If you want to catch a ball, but you're having no luck at all. The ball hits your head, it hits your nose, it hits your belly, your chin and toes. Well, try and try, and try again, keep on trying. And soon then, you'll put your hands out in the air. You'll catch that ball, yes, this I swear. Don't give up. Keep on going. You're on a boat, so keep on rowing. Don't give up, don't ever stop. Just try and try and you'll come out on top. Don't give up. [MUSIC] You got yourself new roller skates, you put them on and you feel great. Stand up but then you fall. Don't think you can skate at all. You get back up and then you trip. You skip and tip and slip and flip. Well try and try and try some more. As soon you're skating cross the floor. Dont give up, keep on moving. You're gonna get there, just keep on grooving. Don't give up, don't pack it in. Try and try and you will win. Don't give up. No, no, no, no, don't give up. No, no, no, no, don't give up. No, no, no, no, don't give up. No, no, don't give up.
Assalam u Alaikum.welcome to student cooking!. Today we are making vegetable macaroni recipe Note down the ingredients of veg macaroni .MACARONI = 400 GRAM/2 CUP .SALT = 1/2 TSP .OIL = 1 TBSP PEAS = 1 CUP BOIL WITH 1 TSP SALT .CABBAGE SMALL = 1 OR 1 CUP .CARROT = 2 OR 3 . SPRING ONION = 3 .TOMATOES = 2 MEDIUM .CAPSICUM = 2 MEDIUM .GINGER PASTE = 1 TBSP .GARLIC PASTE = 1 TBSP .SOY SAUCE = 1 TBSP .CHILI SAUCE = 1 TBSP .VINEGAR = 1 TBSP .OIL = 1/4 CUP .BLACK PEPPER POWDER = 1 TSP .GREEN CHILIES = 2 - 3 (CHOP) .CRUSHED RED PEPPER = 1 TSP .SALT = 1 TSP (OR TO TASTE) Lets start are cooking with BISMILLAH HIR RAHMAN NIR RAHEEM!. for boiling the macaroni,take any vessel add 4 or 5 cups of water. and allow the water to simmer.cover the vessel so that water starts boiling quickly. now water has started boiling: add 1/ tsp salt and 1 tbsp oil into it .mix it we have taken 2 cups or 400 grams macaroni now place the macaroni in boiling water and cook 7 to 8 minutes and keep stirring the macaroni at regular intervals so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan . now check the macaroni as well . macaroni has puffed up and you can press it to check for softness now macaroni is aptly boiled now turn off the flame and drain the water from macaroni strain the macaroni and remove the extra water now we'll start making the macaroni preheat a pan .add oil into it when oil is slightly hot.add ginger and garlic paste into it . mix it and saute for while now add chop tomatoes and saute for while add spring onion and saute with tomatoes for while now add carrot ,salt ,black pepper ,crushed red chili and chop green chilies into it mix it and saute on high flame. sauce add into the last saute until carrot cook properly saute 3 to 4 minutes now add more vegetable capsicum,peas,cabbage and sauce soy sauce.chili sauce and vinegar now mix it and saute on high flame now add boiled macaroni and mix well after mixing all the ingredients check salt and pepper into it mix all ingredients really well and cook for 2 minutes now turn off the flame vegetable macaroni is ready ,take it out in a platter yummy and tasty vegetable macaroni is ready we have prepared it with lots of vegetable and its tastes scrumptious try this yummy veg macaroni recipe and give your feedback in comment section and please subscribe to my channel student cooking and like , share our recipes and don't forget to follow my instagram ,facebook account remember me in your prayers .takecare ALLAH HAFIZ!.
please stay tuned after the program for the  exciting bonus video nothing but steam trains everyone have your tickets ready  please of course here they come   clickety-clack down the track it's time for  lots and lots of really big steaming trains lots and lots of big steam trains some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trains over the bridge and down the line past  the station in a railroad sign over some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trains traveling fast and traveling slow  traveling high and traveling low   hear that big steam russell blow  watch them come and watch them some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trees   some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trains ah um and oh so been working on the railroad just to pass the  time away and you hear the whistle blowing   rise up so early in the morning your won't you blow dino i've been working on the on the railroad just to pass the time away can't you hear the  whistleblower rise up so early in the morning blue blue blue won't you blow your home yes foreign run so so on a hot summer day many years  ago when my great-grandpappy was   feeling old he'd sit in his  rocker and he'd begin to with his sing voice he would  tell the tale of going full   throttle down that rusty rail back in  the good old days when steam was king you can see her coming from miles away engine   pounding as the cabin swayed as she grew closer  to you you could hear her brass bell ring what was coming everybody knew where  the smoke would rise and the whistle   blew back in the good old days when steam was came how long for the days when he could feel  the rumble of the injunaid of iron and steel   back and forth he could feel those boxcars swing then he closed his eyes and began to  smile as his thoughts drifted back   just for a while back to the  good old days when steam was came back to the good old days when steam was killed back to the good old days when steam was so so so she'll be coming round the  mountain when she comes she'll be you can hear you can hear we she'll be plowing through the snow when she comes station when she comes she will stop she will stop in the water she'll mountains so thank you oh yes so yes the clouds move in and it starts to i'd like to hang around and play in the snow  but there's trains out there with places to go but it's not too good for the   i railway really hard both night and day  throwing that snow right out of the way got the flowers clean up the snow i blow that snow right off to the side  so the track is clear and the train goes clean up that snow so that's   hmm so so do so so so so so so so so so um uh so so so i so so so so ah my ah so good so do this so do so so so so so so so oh so here from the trains on down the track  past the house in the railroad chat   big pup smoke coming out the  staff here those cars going lots and lots of big steam trains some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trains over the bridge and down the line past the station  in a railroad sign over the hills and through some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trains traveling fast and traveling slow  traveling high and traveling low   hear that big steam russell blow  watch them come and watch them go some old things just never change  like lots of really big steam trains old things just never change like  lots of really big steam trains so so ah so so oh uh uh so so oh uh uh so so oh so so so foreign so foreign so so so channel trump me so so so you so foreign so okay so so uh foreign
it's like you're a drug it's like you're a demon I can't face down It's like I'm stuck It's like I'm running from you all the time And I know I let you have all the power It's like the only company I seek is misery all around. It's like you're a leech sucking the life from me It's like I can't breath without you inside of me And I know I let you have all the power And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time It's like I can't breath It's like I can't see anything Nothing but you I'm addicted to you It's like I can't think without you interrupting me In my thoughts, In my dreams You've taken over me It's like I'm not me It's like I'm not me It's like I'm lost It's like I'm giving up slowly It's like you're a ghost that's hunting me. Leave me alone! And I know these voices in my head are mine alone And I know I'll never change my ways If I don't give you up now It's like I can't breath It's like I can't see anything Nothing but you I'm addicted to you It's like I can't think without you interrupting me In my thoughts, in my dreams You've taken over me It's like I'm not me It's like I'm not me I'm hooked on you I need I fix, I can't take it Just one more hit, I promise I can deal with it. I'll handle it, quit it just one more time and that's it Just a little bit more to get me through this I'm hooked on you I need I fix, I can't take it Just one more hit, I promise I can deal with it. I'll handle it, quit it just one more time and that's it Just a little bit more to get me through this It's like I can't breath It's like I can't see anything Nothing but you I'm addicted to you It's like I can't think without you interrupting me In my thougths, in my dreams You've taken over me It's like I'm not me It's like I'm not me It's like an addiction...
this is kathy this is kathy please come in mission opera has only one objective mission opera has only one objective bring the arks and their revolutionary bring the arks and their revolutionary bring the arks and their revolutionary technology back home what do you expect to find on mars what do you expect to find on mars i'll see you soon i'll see you soon i'll see you soon kathy why did you want to come on this kathy why did you want to come on this kathy why did you want to come on this mission so badly t-minus two minutes to mission so badly t-minus two minutes to mission so badly t-minus two minutes to cruise stage separation everybody copy cruise stage separation everybody copy cruise stage separation everybody copy copy copy copy start and burn i know i can do this i know i can do this [Music] [Music] [Music] how does it come to this having good intentions isn't hard kathy having good intentions isn't hard kathy the hard part is knowing the difference the hard part is knowing the difference the hard part is knowing the difference between what's right between what's right between what's right and what's wrong we have to leave i will not risk we have to leave i will not risk the success of this mission please stay strong do all of that please stay strong do all of that how do you stay
When the Sun was a God And the dragons were protecting Asgards, White mountains were proudly standing In the far north of Midgard. In the far north of Midgard. White rivers were flowing from the mountains, And were feeding white stones with milk. The white mountains were holding the skies, And were protecting white flammable Alatyr. And were protecting white flammable Alatyr. Alatyr was holding the eternal tree, A prophetic bird was living on that tree, The white stone throne was located under that tree. Zorya was reigning there in the glare of the flame. Ra-river was flowing under Alatyr, And Zorya-maiden was bathing in that river. Young Mesyats god at nights was hiding her From Aspid covering with stars. To Four Winds, To Stribog sons, I’m whispering – I’m Mertsana-Zarya. I’m whispering, I’m praying, I’m calling Khors. Save me, dispel the darkness. Roll out the Gold-Kolovrat fire. To Four Winds, To Stribog sons, I’m whispering – I’m Mertsana-Zarya. I’m whispering, I’m praying, I’m calling Khors. Save me, dispel the darkness. Roll out the Gold-Kolovrat fire. From the blue Svarga to the sky Khors was propelling the fiery wheel, Asgards were praised. Our protection is Solstice. Our strength is white flammable Alatyr! To Four Winds, To Stribog sons, I’m whispering – I’m Mertsana-Zarya. I’m whispering, I’m praying, I’m calling Khors. Save me, dispel the darkness. Roll out the Gold-Kolovrat fire.
sir welcome to the third lecture on association rule binding we have seen the apriori algorithm what i do in apriori algorithm is to reduce the number of candidate item sets using the apriori principal so if you recollect the steps of finding the association rule so what we do is that first we suppose there are m number of or d number of items we will try all possible item sets ah in x and y and see if their combination x y is frequent that means they appear more than means of fraction of total transactions and once we identify the frequent item sets next step will do the rule generation so if you recollect that the ah the all possible item sets for example if we have five items a b c d e can be arranged in a lattice like this and if we dont do any intelligent thing what you have to do is that check whether each of this combinations how many times they appear in the total number of transactions and then threshold them based on the means up and tell them to be what the a priori principle says is that if some item set a b is not frequent then none of your super sets a b c a b d a b a b c d a b c can be frequent so for example if milk and butter themselves are not frequent milk butter sugar three cannot be frequent ok if two are not frequent three cannot be frequent they obviously three will appear in less number of transactions than just two so this principle we use to prune them we ah just ah can remove among the candidates and evaluate for the rest so this was used in the apriori algorithm what were what we do is that go down this way from the lattice we go down this way from the lattice take the single item sets which are frequent then from the single item sets combine to produce frequent two item sets and from the two produce three item sets so how do you produce two from three you see that suppose a e and a d they are frequent you can join these two if they differ if they differ by or if they have if they differ by only one so here d and e are differed so if we join them you get a d e so a d and a e if we join we take we get a d e ok so what we do in the apriori principal is that from k frequent item sets we produce k plus one sized frequent item sets how by joining two items which are sharing some of the items except one so a b c and a b d we these are three item sets delta they will join to produce a four item set a b c d a b c a b d joins to produce a b d so let me write down so if i have if a b c is frequent and a b d is frequent i can join them they are frequent i can join them to produce a b c d as candidate frequent note that it may be frequent it may not be frequent so to actually take if it is frequent i have to again go through this transactions but if a b c is not frequent suppose c d e is not frequent not frequent then definitely a c d is also not frequent not frequent ok if something is not frequent its superset cannot be frequent all right so this way from three item sets i produce four item sets item set from three item sets i produce four item sets ok of size three and size four so this way you go on doing doing and checking now it may turn out that a b c d itself is not frequent a b c d itself a b c are frequent a b d are frequent a b c d is not frequent then definitely a b c d e cannot be frequent ok this way we go on all right so now let us come to the next part let us come to the next part about rule generation so we now have some item sets which are known to be frequent what we want to do is that now split them into left and right halfs so i know say a b c d is frequent ok say for example a b c d is frequent so what are the rules i can produce form a b c d i can produce a b c associated with d i can produce a b associated to it c d i can produce a associated with b c d ok so now using this frequent item set i test but now whether testing whether the rules are frequent i need to test no longer the support criteria because support they are already highly supported they are frequent frequent item sets i need to test the confidence criteria what is the confidence criteria that means the fraction of t
i wake up every morning and running to the way of balcony  because i won't miss you to see how beautyful you are  your shine make me feel free  and give me so much energy to make my day  the way you love me i love you more then ever i breathe and i feel the breathe because of you i sing a song and the way i sing you make it feel and when i feel i rise i rise your feeling is amazing makes me understand and it makes me want to lose with you but i know that with you i am not lost i believe and i enjoy every moment that i saw and what i am going to see  it's because of you and your kindness day by day you surprise me because day by day i live for you the love with you is eternal what i receive everyday from you its special the love with you is eternal and the love with you its special my walk thru your shadow there are many to see me  and i see them too my run thru your soul  its given life to me again and again your beauty your wealth  your power your wisdom your acquaintance your stranger  your talent your effort I take it far away because I feel with you  i rise i rise your caress your passion  and your guidance to another mastery your steps i follow i avail on self of i have so much amusement that you make bring to life your philosophy your art your testimony your credence your liability your prosper and you are the earth and so I return to you with the  confidence of living with you  because I love you and for your caress  i rise
hello everyone. welcome to Jenny daily Life. Today, I bring you see factory workers breakfast for less than $1. a bowl of Nom Banhjok ( chicken and fish gravy) is for 3000 riel=$0.75 for each. aunty sells rice, fried fishes, chicken, pickles, salty duck eggs, fried foods and sour soups. fried catfish 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375. fried chicken 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375. fried dried fishes. fried food 1 plastic bag is for 1500 riel=$0.375. fried noodle ( Kuyteav Chhar) 1 bowl is for 2000 riel=$0.50. fried noodle ( Kuyteav Chhar) . fried short noodle 1 box is for 2000 riel=$0.50. fried chicken eggs. fried chili. husband and wife sells pork rice. chicken rice, and fried foods. cucumber and carrot pickled. a box of pork rice is for 2500 riel=$0.625. rice. fried pork. fried chicken eggs. fried chicken and ginger with rice 1 box is for 2500 riel=$0.625. pork rice mixed fried fried chicken and ginger 1 box is for 2500 riel=$0.625. grilled banana sticky rice 1 piece is for 1000 riel=$0.25. dessert 1 small box is for 1000 riel=$0.25. she sell pork porridge and fried fried 1 bowl/box is for 2000 riel=$0.50 for each. mom and kids selling pork rice, soups, and rice. aunty sells fried fishes, fried foods, soups, and rice. salty duck eggs 1 piece is for 1000 riel=$0.25. fried fishes 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0375. Cambodian snacks 1 piece is for 500 riel=$0.125. she sells pork rice, fried foods, soups, and rice. pork rice 1 box is for 2500 riel=$0.625. braised pork with duck eggs. mom and son selling breakfast. fried chicken 1 small piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375. fried fishes 1 piece is for 1500 riel=$0.375. aunty selling sweet drink and desserts. a plastic of dessert is for 500 riel=$0.125. they come to buy breakfast before they go to work. hope you guys enjoy watching.
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Iss duniya ki ik khoobi hai... Yeh Duniya saari jhuti hai... Haan ismein aati tu bhi hai.... Yeh duniya saari jhuti hai... Iss duniya ki ik khoobi hai... Yeh Duniya saari jhuti hai... Haan ismein aati tu bhi hai.... Yeh Duniya saari jhuti hai... Everybody is a lier yahan sach bikta bazaron mein... Khanjar peeche maarne ko apne hain kataaron mein... Darr hai lagta ab toh mehfilon mein mujhko yaaron mein... Hum toote he sahi hain kum se kum milein sitaaron mein... Ab jaan bhi de chahe koi hota na yakeen... Mai woh bann gya hu jismein mera raazi na zameer... Haan mai bura hu ab tum mere bas aana na kareeb... Iss dil ke hisse jodne mein darta hai HAKEEM... Aati dua bhi na kaam, Har koshish hai nakaam... Duniya leti na ilzaam, Tabhi yun he hum badnaam.... Sehma andar se yeh, Bikhra bikhra toota sa insaan.... My real side died, Jisse duniya hai anjaan... Sau ni paata raaton mein bas badlu karwatein.... Sapne aate kum khayal aate hain bure... Rang badalti duniya ki aag mein hum jale... Ab rehna ni angaaron mein lo dua deke hum chale... Iss duniya ki ik khoobi hai... Yeh Duniya saari jhuti hai... Haan ismein aati tu bhi hai.... Yeh Duniya saari jhuti hai... Kin ke liye apne armaanon ko maara maine...? Inke liye thukraya saara zamana maine...!! Zamana hua fir inhein qubool, Toh huzoor issi gum mein ab hum hain akele thehre... :)
Hello Viewers ,today i'm going to show you how to configure Ai-Thinker A7 GPS module I'm showing you A7 module This is USB power point. give 1A DC input. This is sim card case This is PWR(power) pin This is 5 volt output pin This is UTXD( data transfer from A7) pin This is URXD ( data receive from Arduino ) pin I'm going to insert sim card. this 5v pin and this PWR pin will be connected. I'm going to connect those two pins. This connection for turning on A7 module. I'm going to conect UTXD & URXD pin Yellow wire for UTXD & Green wire for URXD This is arduino Uno 0 & 1 are RX & TX pin URXD( A7 ) pin connects with 1(Arduino,TX) pin UTXD( A7 ) pin connects with 0(Arduino,RX) pin GND pin of A7 GND pin of arduino GND pin of A7 & GND pin of arduino connect together This is 5v 1A mobile charger I will power up A7 mobule by this charger Im going to connect USB male port to A7 female port Now A7 module powered up Red LED gives power up signal This is Arduino usb connector. It used to power up arduino module and Load codes. Now arduino connect with my laptop through USB. Before giving load command you must unplug all pin connection Otherwise arduino will not be loaded This is arduino IDE I have written calling code Verifying this code Now loading this code to Arduino Again plug in RX & TX pin with UTXD & URXD pin UTXD( A7 ) pin connects with 0(Arduino,RX) pin URXD( A7 ) pin connects with 1(Arduino,TX) pin Check buad rate & Open Serial monitor All AT command are printed in serial monitor. a phone call is coming to my mobile from A7 module Now i will test SMS demo code So Before giving load command you must unplug all pin connection Giving Load command This is SMS test code Again plug in RX & TX pin with UTXD & URXD pin UTXD( A7 ) pin connect with 0(Arduino,RX) pin URXD( A7 ) pin connect with 1(Arduino,TX) pin Check buad rate & Open Serial monitor All AT command are printed in serial monitor. a SMS is coming to my mobile from A7 module See , phone notification light blinking Upps!! Phone is locked :) SMS received by phone Now Im going to show GPS data receive demo So Before giving load command you must unplug all pin connection Im going to Load GPS data receive code Change URXD , UTXD connection URXD( A7 ) pin connects with 11(Arduino) pin UTXD( A7 ) pin connects with 10(Arduino) pin Keep A7 module in open sky place Don't forget to change buad rate to 115200 Open Serial monitor All AT command are printed in serial monitor. It takes comparatively long time to receive data And something Arrive All info of your place added in long string Clean sky needed to get frequent data If you are not getting any data, use signal amplifier antenna . I have given that link bellow Data coming All code file link given billow Thank you for watching
(cheering) (In Da Club instrumental) - Now you wild out. Say it, say it. - [Audience Members] Now you wild out. - The topic is hairstyles. - [Audience Members] Now you wild out. Now you wild out. - You got the sew-in braids. You got the sew-in braids. You got the sew-in braids. - [Red Team] Now you wild out. - Big ass head. You got a big ass head. - [Black Team] You got a big ass head. Now you wild out. - You had a perm. You had a perm. You had a perm. - [Red Team] Now you wild out. - I sho' did. I sho' did. I sho' did. [Black Team] Now you wild out. (bleep) - [Red Team] Now you wild out. (bell rings) Now you wild out. - Your topic is plastic surgery. - Your girl got a fake ass. She got a fake ass. She got a fake ass. Now you wild out. - But I paid for it though. But I paid for it. (cheering) - [Audience] Now you wild out. - You went to Dr. Miami. You went to Dr. Miami. You went to Dr. Miami. Now you wild out. - He gotta good price. He has a good price. He has a good price. Now you wild out. - Derek need liposuction. He need liposuction. [Conceited] He need liposuction. Now you wild out. - He probably do. He probably do. He probably do. Now you wild out. (cheering) (bell rings) (clapping) - The topic is being rich. - [Asian Rapper] Okay, okay. - [Black Team] Now you wild out. - Shine my shoes bitch. Shine my shoes bitch. Shine my shoes bitch. Now you wild out. - You want a latte. You want a latte. You want a latte. Now you wild out. - I'm Nick Cannon. I'm Nick Cannon. I'm Nick Cannon. Now you wild out. - I own this. I own this. I own this. Now you wild out. (fumbles) (bing) (cheering) - The topic is graduation. - I (bleep) my teacher today. I (bleep) my teacher today. I (bleep) my teacher today. Now you wild out. - You didn't make it. You didn't make it. You didn't make it. Now you wild out. - I put my (mumbles) on the desk. I slap my (mumbles) on the desk. I slap my (mumbles) on the desk. I slap my (mumbles) on the desk. (mocking sound) - [Black Team] Now you wild out. (random sound) - [Red Team] Now you wild out (random sounds) - Whoop-de-scoop. Whoop-de-scoop. Whoop-de-boop. Now you wild out. - You stupid. (bell rings) You stupid. (bell ringing) (horn blows) (clapping and cheering)
Open up Aranyaka Quest Item & head to the location based on the picture Head to the mailbox at Vanarana & interact with it After the dialogue, open up Aranayaka Quest Item to look for clues Teleport to Apam Woods waypoint & head to the treasure location based on the picture Open back Aranayaka Quest Item to look for next location Eleminate the Eremites at the cave entrance Head to the treasure location based on the picture Teleport to Mawtiyima Forest South-West waypoint & keep head west towards treasure location Teleport to Mawtiyima Forest North-East waypoint & head east towards treasure location Teleport to Gandharva Ville Statue Of The Seven & head north towards treasure location Teleport to Vimara Village North Waypoint & head south-east towards treasure location Teleport to Devantaka Mountain South-West Waypoint & keep head west towards treasure location Teleport back to Vanarana, exit the dream state & head back towards the mailbox Open Aranayaka Quest Item to find the final clue Teleport to Vanarana South-West Waypoint & Clear up the Withering Zone Head to the upper platform & find the "Mushroom" Play the "Tune" to unlock the path Head inside the path to triggered a cutscene After the cutscene, the quest will be complete & Chapter VI will have a green mark That's all for now guys, Thank you for watching
Great blue city in the sky makes me wonder what it's like to die escape the madness escape the pain through the thunder through the rain. Death of angels death of saints not up there though in that mystic place amidst the mountains in the sand a fitting place for this wonderland. Eras passing by and by in this ageless city in the sky situating confiscating meditating alienating. Peace be with you or so it seems follow your heart follow your dreams pick up the pieces off the floor build a glider and go ahead and soar. Great blue city in the sky makes me wonder what it's like to fly escape the madness escape the pain through the thunder through the rain. )}] harmonica )}] (music) One for the money two for the show if you're not ready there won't be a show so keep to the wind and stick to the stars if you keep dreaming you're sure to go far. Wizards and witches they'll change the game, but what can you do, you're stuck with your name, so put all your woes and your troubles in a cup hold your nose and drink it up. Great blue city in the sky makes me wonder what it's like to die escape the madness escape the pain through the thunder through the rain. )}] instrumental outro
*Soothing music plays as the chef puts down a cutting board made of the finest wood available, Bamboo— or is it Oak– no wait, maybe Maple?* *The chef cleans the cutting board made of the finest wood available* splish sploosh *shake shake shake* *The chef grabs a knife as it makes a satisfying 'shing'* *The chef begins to cut the finest peppers known to man on the cutting board made of the finest wood available* *Bell Pepper cutting sound* *Bell pepper cutting ASMR* *The chef turns on the stove* *The chef places a marvellous pan on the stove* *The chef melts some butter in preparation of frying the finest peppers* *The chef puts water in a pot to boil the spaghetti (without sauce, of course)* *The chef prepares to boil the pot that will cook the spaghetti (Again, without sauce)* *The chef grabs the finest peppers available from the cutting board made from the finest wood available- sans gloves, because gloves are for plebs- and deposits them into the pan* *silent admiration to the sexy sound of sizzling veggies* *The chef sautés the finest peppers available that were chopped on the cutting board made of the finest wood available, in the pan* *fwoomp* *The chef continues to sauté the finest peppers available that were chopped on the cutting board made of the finest wood available, in the pan* *another fwoomp* *The chef cooks broccoli along with the peppers but did not show the preparation of the broccoli for the sake of suspense* *sexy sizzle noises continue* *The chef opens the lid of the pot that will be used to cook the spaghetti (again, sans sauce)* *The chef puts the finest spaghetti available in the pot* *The chef tries to open a bottle of the finest champagne available* *Flawless execution* *the chef places a wine glass down because champagne flutes are too small* *The chef fills the glass with the finest champagne available* *oops* *the chef removes the spaghetti from the heat and strains it* *shake shake shake* *the chef places the spaghetti on a plate made with the finest material available* *the chef arranges the broccoli and the finest peppers available that were chopped on the cutting board made of the finest wood available beside the spaghetti* *The chef awkwardly removes the fallen piece of broccoli, the candle and the champagne glass, as she suddenly decided to drink a tankard of water* *The chef licks her lips, ready to taste the wonderful meal* *the chef enjoys her meal, and the accompanying background music* *the chef enjoys a piece of broccoli* *the chef congratulates herself on a meal well cooked* *jazz hands* *the chef thinks about having more spaghetti, but then stops herself after realising how good the broccoli is* *the chef has more broccoli* *pieces of broccoli fall out of the chefs mouth, but the chef does not mind* *the chef licks the broccoli* *the chef plays with the spaghetti as she tries to get some more broccoli* *the chef spots the spaghetti and eats it* *the chef tries some peppers* *the chef brushes herself* *the chef eats more spaghetti* *the chef picks up the plate to grab any food under it* *the chef licks a pepper* *the chef licks the entire plate* *the chef eats some more spaghetti* *the chef conducts some sort of spell* *the chef scratches her ear* *the chef gives a thumbs-up. the chef approves of the meal!* *the chef smiles as she gives another thumbs up! she really enjoyed the meal! hooray!* *the chef approves very much.* *the chef has a few more bites* the chef is satisfied with his work
2022 Ranking #197 Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa 2022 Ranking #197 Sapienza University of Rome 2022 Ranking #197 University of Hohenheim 2022 Ranking #197 University of Geneva 2022 Ranking #197 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg 2022 Ranking #196 Medical University of Graz 2022 Ranking #193 Texas A&M University 2022 Ranking #193 Queensland University of Technology 2022 Ranking #193 University of Barcelona 2022 Ranking #192 Macquarie University 2022 Ranking #190 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey 2022 Ranking #190 King Abdulaziz University 2022 Ranking #189 Cardiff University 2022 Ranking #185 Technical University of Denmark 2022 Ranking #185 Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) 2022 Ranking #185 University of Leicester 2022 Ranking #185 University of Gothenburg 2022 Ranking #183 University of Notre Dame 2022 Ranking #183 University of Cape Town 2022 Ranking #182 University of East Anglia 2022 Ranking #181 Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2022 Ranking #180 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 2022 Ranking #178 Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) 2022 Ranking #178 University of Liverpool 2022 Ranking #176 Stockholm University 2022 Ranking #176 University of Lausanne 2022 Ranking #172 Tufts University 2022 Ranking #172 TU Dresden 2022 Ranking #172 University of Cologne 2022 Ranking #172 University of Bologna 2022 Ranking #170 University of Canberra 2022 Ranking #170 Autonomous University of Barcelona 2022 Ranking #169 University of York 2022 Ranking #168 Northeastern University 2022 Ranking #167 Indiana University 2022 Ranking #166 Bielefeld University 2022 Ranking #165 University of Würzburg 2022 Ranking #162 Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) 2022 Ranking #162 University of Ottawa 2022 Ranking #162 Durham University 2022 Ranking #158 Université Catholique de Louvain 2022 Ranking #158 Lomonosov Moscow State University 2022 Ranking #158 University of Colorado Boulder 2022 Ranking #158 University of Aberdeen 2022 Ranking #157 Wuhan University 2022 Ranking #156 Pompeu Fabra University 2022 Ranking #155 Université de Paris 2022 Ranking #154 University of Florida 2022 Ranking #151 Yonsei University (Seoul campus) 2022 Ranking #151 University of Sussex 2022 Ranking #151 City University of Hong Kong 2022 Ranking #150 University of Arizona 2022 Ranking #146 Ulm University 2022 Ranking #146 Trinity College Dublin 2022 Ranking #146 Newcastle University 2022 Ranking #146 University of Mannheim 2022 Ranking #143 University of Technology Sydney 2022 Ranking #143 University of Exeter 2022 Ranking #143 University of Antwerp 2022 Ranking #142 University of Rochester 2022 Ranking #141 University of Nottingham 2022 Ranking #140 University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh campus 2022 Ranking #139 Technical University of Berlin 2022 Ranking #137 University of Vienna 2022 Ranking #137 University of Auckland 2022 Ranking #136 Rice University 2022 Ranking #132 The University of Western Australia 2022 Ranking #132 Radboud University Nijmegen 2022 Ranking #132 University of Hamburg 2022 Ranking #132 Arizona State University (Tempe) 2022 Ranking #131 Uppsala University 2022 Ranking #130 Georgetown University 2022 Ranking #127 University of Virginia (Main campus) 2022 Ranking #127 Maastricht University 2022 Ranking #127 University of Leeds 2022 Ranking #126 Case Western Reserve University 2022 Ranking #125 University of Alberta 2022 Ranking #124 University of Southampton 2022 Ranking #122 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 2022 Ranking #122 Lancaster University 2022 Ranking #119 Penn State (Main campus) 2022 Ranking #119 University of Oslo 2022 Ranking #119 University of Göttingen 2022 Ranking #117 Queen Mary University of London 2022 Ranking #117 Université Paris-Saclay 2022 Ranking #116 Lund University 2022 Ranking #115 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2022 Ranking #113 Vanderbilt University 2022 Ranking #113 National Taiwan University (NTU) 2022 Ranking #112 University of Bonn 2022 Ranking #111 University of Adelaide 2022 Ranking #110 University of Sheffield 2022 Ranking #108 RWTH Aa
{\an8}You, you will pay for what you've done and {\an8}I pray that God sends angels to visit vengeance upon you. {\an8}But none of us will harm a hair on your filthy, murderous heads. {\an8}But God will crush you, crush you. {\an8}You will be destroyed not us. {\an8}Our will break you. {\an8}God breaks Bill Gates. {\an8}Yeah. {\an8}Yeah. {\an8}You understand that? {\an8}You will be visited by the spirit of God. {\an8}God descends the Angel of death and he sends the Angel of Death with wrath. {\an8}You will never suppress us, you will never stop us, {\an8}you will never take our birthright. {\an8}Now that I've said that to Satan and his minions, let us move to the news. {\an8}>> Cocaine is a hell of a drug. {\an8}Let's put up something my Producer cooked up here. {\an8}Let's put it up. {\an8}Yeah, there it is. {\an8}Alex Jones has all of the charisma of a WWE Entertainment wrestler. {\an8}100%. {\an8}Do I even need to provide commentary on how silly he sounded. {\an8}I get it. {\an8}You're anti Bill Gates, alright? {\an8}I don't have a whole lot of love for Bill Gates. {\an8}He's a mixed bag. {\an8}But damn. {\an8}I need you to lighten up on that commentary sir. {\an8}[LAUGH] Adrian thought so Alex jones. {\an8}>> Maybe he's trying to work his way into a new career path working in wrestling, {\an8}given that he's what bankrupt now, so to speak or at least his info wars is so {\an8}I wouldn't be surprised, but he shows you that he is absolutely ridiculous. {\an8}He stays ridiculous and it's really sad because there are so {\an8}many people who see him as a source or as an authority. {\an8}And it just makes me wonder what do those people see? {\an8}I don't see it.
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady Built it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay Built it up with wood and clay, my fair lady Wood and clay will wash away Wash away, wash away Wood and clay will wash away, my fair lady Built it up with bricks and stones, bricks and stones, bricks and stones Built it up with bricks and stones, my fair lady Bricks and stones will not stay, will not stay, will not stay Bricks and stones will not stay, My fair lady Built it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel Built it up with iron and steel, my fair lady Iron and steel will rust and bend, Rust and bend, rust and bend, Iron and steel will rust and bend, My fair lady Built it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold, Built it up with silver and gold, my fair lady London Bridge didn’t fall down, didn’t fall down, didn’t fall down, London Bridge didn’t fall down, my fair lady London Bridge is falling down, Falling down, falling down London Bridge is falling down, My fair lady Built it up with wood and clay, Wood and clay, wood and clay Built it up with wood and clay, My fair lady Wood and clay will wash away Wash away, wash away Wood and clay will wash away, My fair lady Built it up with bricks and stones, Bricks and stones, bricks and stones Built it up with bricks and stones, My fair lady Bricks and stones will not stay, Will not stay, will not stay Bricks and stones will not stay, My fair lady Built it up with iron and steel, Iron and steel, iron and steel Built it up with iron and steel, My fair lady Iron and steel will rust and bend, Rust and bend, rust and bend, Iron and steel will rust and bend, My fair lady Built it up with silver and gold, Silver and gold, silver and gold Built it up with silver and gold, My fair lady London Bridge didn’t fall down, Didn’t fall down, didn’t fall down London Bridge didn’t fall down, My fair lady
This is what we gonna create. Moving, rotating, and scalling object by touch the screen Intro Welcome to Maballo NET in this session we will learn how to moving, rotating and scalling object by touching the screen on smartphone lets open up our Augmented Reality project click Asset Store Menu type "lean touch" on input search field then Enter scoliing down, then click the Lean Touch click Import click Import Button now we have a new Folder called LeanTouch open that folder then open Scripts folder on the Hierarchy please right click on your mouse then click CreateEmpty to create new Empty Object drag the LeanTouch.cs to the GameObject that we just created back to lean touch folder change the view to List view by draging the scroll botton to the left open the Example folder then scroll down open the Image Target drag the SimpleMove.cs to 3D object (not Image Target) then drag SimpleRotateScale.cs to 3D object now we see the scripts already attached to the 3D object Click File menu then click Build&Setting. Swich to Android platform make sure you already swich the platform to Android platform click Player Setting Change the Company Name change the Identifier Name you can also change the icon of apk after we finish setting up the PlayerSetting, we click the Build button change the name of apk to what ever you want then click save button after the Build finished. Open the directory send the apk to your smartphone then installing it i will send the apk using Air Droid i will mirroring my smartphone on my Laptop my smartphone was mirrored on my laptop lets installing the apk install the apk installing processing open the application open the Image Target you can see the object was poped up on the Image Target scalling the object by two finggers on your smartphone rotating the object by two finggers on you smarphone move the object using one fingger by dragging to other place Please subscribe to watch updated videos from Maballo NET Thanks for watching :)
Put your apron on, wash your hands Let’s get out some pots and pans Cups, plates and a wooden spoon Tap, tap, tap, a little cooking tune Cos cooking in the kitchen is so much fun We’re cooking dinner for everyone We’re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake So many yummy things we can make Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Stir it, stir it, mix mix mix! Let’s mix up a bowl of goo With a little bit of water and flour too Stir it up until it’s nice and thick Then put it in the oven for one minute... Yay! Cos cooking in the kitchen is so much fun We’re cooking dinner for everyone We’re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake So many yummy things we can make Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Stir it, stir it, mix mix mix Roll some dough with a rolling pin Let’s make cookies for all our friends Stars, squares and circles too Cutting out shapes for me and you Cos cooking in the kitchen is so much fun We’re cooking dinner for everyone We’re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake So many yummy things we can make Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Stir it, stir it, mix mix mix Stir it, stir it - cooking in the kitchen Mix it, mix it - cooking in the kitchen Whisk it, whisk it - cooking in the kitchen Roll it, roll it - cooking in the kitchen Cooking in the kitchen is so much fun We’re cooking dinner for everyone We’re cooking in the kitchen, baking a cake So many yummy things we can make Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Cook cook cook - cooking in the kitchen Stir it, stir it, mix mix mix And when we’re done, we wash up and put everything away So all our cooking things are ready for our next cooking day Cook! Cook! Cooking in the kitchen Cook! Cook! Cooking in the kitchen Cook! Cook! Cooking in the kitchen!
You want to go bananas? It's time for some monkey business! Let's dance! In the jungle, climbing a tree (Climbing a tree, climbing a tree) Looking for some food to eat (Food to eat, food to eat) Gotta swing from vine to vine (I think I see a banana!) Let's grab it and peel it back (Peel it back, peel it back) Take a bite, that's good! It makes me wanna... (Make me wanna wanna wanna) Dance like a monkey! Dance like a monkey! Dance like a monkey! Okay, now let's dance like some different primates! Come on! Scratch your fur like a chimpanzee (Chimpanzee, ch-ch-chimpanzee) Hop around like a lemur (Boing b-b-boing boing b-b-boing boing) Beat your chest like gorilla (oohuh, oohuh, oohuh, Uh! Uh! Uh!) Swing your arms like orangutan (Orangutan, orangutan) But if you wanna go crazy, let's eat a banana (Make me wanna wanna wanna) Dance like a monkey! Dance like a monkey! Dance like a monkey When I eat a banana, I really wanna dance underneath a cabana When I eat a banana, I really wanna dance, I really wanna When I eat a banana, I really wanna dance while I wear a bandana When I eat a banana, I really wanna dance, I really wanna Dance like a monkey! Dance like a monkey! When I eat a banana, I really wanna dance underneath a cabana When I eat a banana, I really wanna dance, I really wanna... Dance like a monkey!
We didn't come here to play King Kong! Rockstar! Oh Yeah Yeah Okumchorla (Miracle) ye ye If you put your body on me I put my money on you I put the dollar on you girlll If you put your body on me Then I put my money on you I put my dollar on you girlll Oh girl you're looking so amazing For you I think I'm going crazy Oh girl your body so amazing And I don't wanna leave your sight Girlll... If you put your body on me I put my money on you I put the dollar on you girlll.. If you put your body on me I put my money on you I put the dollar on you girlll... I go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle) Chorla Chorla ee ee ee Okumchorla (Miracle) I go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle) Chorla Chorla Okumchorla (Miracle) ee ee You make I fall in love My heart is all for you I go show you money money money Keep being you, don't change My cars dey outside I go show you money money money Oh girl you're looking so amazing For you I think I'm going crazy Oh girl your body so amazing And I don't want to leave your sight Girlll... If you put your body on me I put my money on you I put the dollar on you girlll.. If you put your body on me I put my money on you I put the dollar on you girlll.. I go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle) Chorla chorla ee ee ee Okumchorlaa (Miracle) I go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle) Chorla Chorla Okumchorla (Miracle) ee ee If you put your body on body on I go put my money on money on I go put my dollar on dollar on you Oh yeah yeah If you put your body on body on I go put my money on money on I go put my dollar on dollar on you I go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle) Chorla chorla ee ee Okumchorla (Miracle) I go make you see that Okumchorla (Miracle) Chorla Chorla Okumchorla (Miracle) ee ee Okumchorla (Miracle) ee ee Rockstar Made It
Hi everybody, in this video we show how you can edit the TV Programmes on WebOS4.0 or 4.5. We will show how to change the order of the programmes, how to change a programme number, how you can skip programmes, and how you can lock a programme with a password. To do this, go to All settings, Programmes select Programme Manager, and then Edit All Programmes. Here you can see the list with the TV programmes, after you have done the tuning with your Antenna, Cable, or Satellite connection. The list is ordered from left to right, top to bottom. How to change the order of the programmes To change the order of the programmes, select one or more programmes in the list and then select Move. Then use your magic remote to move the programmes to another position. Use the scroll wheel to move up and down in the list. Then press the scroll wheel to put the programmes on the new position. Now, we can see that the programmes are on the new position. How to change the programme number To change the programme number, select a programme, then select Edit Programme Number, and then enter the new number. Now, we can now go to the programme directly, by pressing the new number. Be aware that when you have done the Programme Tuning and you selected a pre-configured operator, it might not be possible to change the programmes position or number. In that case, check out our other video about how to create a TV Programmes Favourite List. How to skip programmes To skip programmes, select one or more programmes in the list and select Skip. When we now go through the programme list, these programmes are skipped. Also, the skipped programmes wil not be shown when you press the list button on the Magic Remote. To restore skipped programmes, select one or more programmes, and then select Restore. How to lock programmes To lock a programme, select the programme in the list and select Lock. Enter the current password. By default the password is 0000. When you use this function for the first time, the TV will ask you to switch on the safety function. Select Yes. To change the password, go to All Settings, Safety, and then select Reset Password. First enter the current password. Then enter the new password and again to confirm the new password. Now, when I go to a locked programme, I have to click the scroll wheel, and then enter the password before I can watch the programme. This is how you can edit the TV Programmes. For more help, check out the other videos on our YouTube channel, or contact your local LG helpdesk.
J. Matthew Register: Hi! There, folks! Today we are going to talk about eigenvalues and eigenvectors, now eigenvalues and eigenvectors. J. Matthew Register: They can be some of the most difficult to understand things, but sometimes folks find it the easiest to understand things. we're going to hopefully explain it in a way where it is the easiest to understand things. But we shall see. J. Matthew Register: here's just a brief overview of what they're about, though. eigenvalues and eigenvectors are used to identify and classify equilibrium values in different systems. positive eigenvalues means. The system is unstable leading to populations. Exploding in chaotic ways. J. Matthew Register: Well, negative eigenvalues mean the system is stable, so the populations are going to be approaching some particular value. J. Matthew Register: You can also get complex valued eigenvalues, which would mean that the system is either stable or unstable. but that it's going to fluctuate wildly as it approaches or escapes equilibrium. J. Matthew Register: eigenvalues are a very major topic when we're talking about dynamics. We can use them to understand how a system is functioning. J. Matthew Register: and before we actually calculate them and determine what they are, let's do a quick overview of what vectors and vector fields are. J. Matthew Register: And so we know that a vector is something which has a direction and a magnitude that's really the defining characteristic. So you have a direction. You have a magnitude. J. Matthew Register: a vector field such as something down here is where we have a large number of vectors, all in some coordinate system. J. Matthew Register: Now, the interesting thing is, a matrix can be thought of J. Matthew Register: as a way to transform one vector into another vector J. Matthew Register: that's going to be the big thing J. Matthew Register: and let's actually go to the whiteboard to show how that would work. J. Matthew Register: And so here we see a 2 by 2 matrix, and this matrix is being multiplied by a vector and it gives us a new vector so we start with V. One we end with V 2 J. Matthew Register: we could put any vector in here, and this matrix is going to transform this vector into some other. Vector J. Matthew Register: I think the only one that would stay. The same is probably going to be 0 0. But there might be others. J. Matthew Register: and that's kind of what the idea of the eigenvalue and eigenvector are. J. Matthew Register: If we look at this particular example J. Matthew Register: with this matrix, a. J. Matthew Register: When we multiply by V one. J. Matthew Register: our V 2 is a scalar multiple of our V one. J. Matthew Register: These 2 vectors are going in the exact same direction. J. Matthew Register: and it's easy to see if you were to just graph them out this. One's gonna be going 3 over and 5 up. J. Matthew Register: This is going to be going 7 times that amount, but it's still going to be going in the proportion of 3 over and 5 up. J. Matthew Register: and we can even see that here J. Matthew Register: where we factored the 7 out. J. Matthew Register: And so here we have our matrix. A. J. Matthew Register: We have a vector J. Matthew Register: and it's equal to a scalar multiple of that exact same vector J. Matthew Register: This is what the eigenvalue and eigenvector are all about. J. Matthew Register: The eigenvector is this vector here? And so the 3 5 in this case would be our eigenvector. J. Matthew Register: the 7. The scalar is considered our eigenvalue J. Matthew Register: now as mentioned, depending on what the eigenvalue is. J. Matthew Register: This system could be growing and growing and growing. It could be shrinking and shrinking and shrinking. It could be taking things and making them negative. J. Matthew Register: But we could also get some things where we have complex numbers involved, and that gets a little bit more interesting. J. Matthew Register: for now let's just focus on the real case. J. Matthew Register: And so we use this notation, the Greek letter to s
Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. In this video, I'll analyze Tanxugueiras with the song "Desidia". It's a new post on your channel, so I'm already very anxious to know how this song and video are. so I'm already very anxious to know how this song and video are. They always do an amazing job both audio and image. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer. multi-instrumentalist, producer and composer. Therefore, I will do an analysis on the vocal behavior, musical arrangements and musical production. Therefore, whenever I deem it necessary I will make my observations. First of all, follow me on other platforms and social networks. Soon I will be streaming on another platform, a purple platform. Soon I will be streaming on another platform, a purple platform. So feel free to follow me there. And I will be very happy and very grateful for it. The message has been passed and we go to the most important thing, let's analyze Tanxugueiras. It's very different. It is a very different production. And when I talk about being different, obviously, I mean the visual production. Because the song is still in its intro, but I already consider it very different. This is very difficult. This couple... Are they dancers? Because, what they do is awesome body art. Because, what they do is awesome body art. Look at this sound. It always starts in a very minimalist way. It always starts in a very minimalist way. It is not a rule but many songs of Tanxugueiras, Always start with a very minimalist environment in terms of instruments. Always start with a very minimalist environment in terms of instruments. It's always very evident and the highlight is really their voice, It's always very evident and the highlight is really their voice, They are incredible singers and have wonderful voices. But always the musical atmosphere is wrapped with a very mysterious atmosphere. But always the musical atmosphere is wrapped with a very mysterious atmosphere. But always the musical atmosphere is wrapped with a very mysterious atmosphere. This work of art is amazing. Very different. And it is very, very, very difficult. Now the music is booming and more musical elements are being added to the song. The bass has a very different sound. Sometimes I have the feeling that the bass sounds electronically. Sometimes I have the feeling that the bass sounds electronically. because there is something ringing along with it that I can't necessarily identify what it is. But this video is very beautiful. And the Tanxugueiras invest a lot in visual production, which is... And the Tanxugueiras invest a lot in visual production, which is... And the Tanxugueiras invest a lot in visual production, which is... They are always true works of art. It's an electronic drum kit. There's a loudness with the bass here, with the use of synthesizers that are added to the sound, to the elements that are being worked on here in this song. But it's always a feature... The tanxugueiras have the habit of always adding electronic elements. The tanxugueiras have the habit of always adding electronic elements. And that makes the sound really different. I realize that the movements made by these people who are doing this body work, the movements made by these people who are doing this body work, seems... doesn't seem, there was certainly a lot of preparation and rehearsal for this, because sometimes they are in different environments, but the movements complement each other. They perform the same movement in different environments and in the edition of this video, They perform the same movement in different environments and in the edition of this video, it is a continuous movement. It is an amazing work of art. Incredible. Is very pretty. It is an amazing work of art. Incredible. Is very pretty. Look at this pulsing battery... It's very, very cool. Is a feeling... The aesthetic way the instruments work, in this song, The aesthetic way the instruments work, in this song, always gives a feeling of great strength. 'Cause this pulsing bass drum, these pulsing drums
Hello little Scientist! Welcome to ALLEN IntelliBrain. In this video, we are going to learn about the process of data representation and its interpretation in a visual format using the pie chart and we are going to have a lot of fun while learning with an interesting Intelli activity. You will need the following material from your Intelli Smart Box to perform the activity. Take out the Pie Chart Base Tray, the Pie Chart Ring, the Data Sections the Pie Chart Activity Tag, 5 Category Tags and 12 Wooden Locks from your Pie Chart Kit and the Data Handling Cards from your Intelli Smart Box. Place the Pie Chart Base Tray and the Pie Chart Ring on a table or a flat surface. Observe the Pie Chart Base Tray, that it has, slits along the edge. Also, take the Pie Chart Ring and observe that it also has the similar slits. Place the Pie Chart Ring on the Pie Chart Base Tray, such that, all the slits on the Pie Chart Base Tray and the Pie Chart Ring match with one another and insert Wooden Locks from below into each of the slits, just like this. And now, fix the Pie Chart Activity Tag by inserting it in the Wooden Lock near to the 4 Wooden Locks that are closer to one another as compared to the other Wooden Locks. Now, it's time to draw out the data which is provided to us in the form of Data Handling Cards. Take out all the Cards from the Data Handling Cards box. Shuffle the deck of Cards, thoroughly and then draw out 20 Data Cards and keep the rest of the Cards aside. These 20 Cards is your data in hand. Then, arrange data Cards in 5 category-wise stacks. It is easier to do by matching the colours. The red Cards are of the category, Scientist. The green Cards are of the category, Sportsperson. The blue Cards are of the category, Businessman. The orange Cards are of the category, Astronaut. And, the yellow Cards are of the category, Mathematician. The next step is to pick out the Data Sections to represent the data in hand. We will scale 1 big Data Section to represent 2 Cards of a category and 1 small Data Section to represent 1 Card of a category. The yellow Data Sections will be used to represent the Cards of the category, Mathematician. The orange Data Sections will be used to represent the Cards of the category, Astronaut. The red Data Sections will be used to represent the Cards of the category, Scientist. The blue Data Sections will be used to represent the Cards of the category, Businessman. And, the green Data Sections will be used to represent the Cards of the category, Sportsperson. Let's see how many Cards we have for each of the 5 categories. We have 2 Cards of the category, Scientist. 2 Cards of the category, Sportsperson. 4 Cards of the category, Businessman. 5 Cards of the category, Astronaut. And, 7 Cards of the category, Mathematician. We need to place the Data Sections for each of the 5 categories, one by one, in ascending order, of the number of Cards of each category. To represent 2 Cards of the category, Scientist, we will use one big red Data Section. We will start from left side of the Activity Tag. We will use 1 big green Data Section and place it next to the red Data Section. 1 big green Data Section represents 2 Cards of the category, Sportsperson. To represent 4 Cards of the category, Businessman, we will need 2 big blue Sections and we will place them next to the green Section. 2 big blue Data Sections represent 4 Cards of the category, Businessman. To represent 5 Cards of the category, Astronaut, we will need 2 big orange Sections and 1 small orange Section. Place them next to the blue Data Sections. 2 big and 1 small orange Data Sections represent 5 Cards of the category, Astronaut. To represent 7 Mathematician Cards, we will need 3 big yellow Sections and 1 small yellow Section and we will place them next to the orange Data Sections. 3 big and 1 small yellow coloured Data Sections of the category, Mathematician represents, 7 Cards of the category. Now, we shall attach the category tags along the side of the Section representing the category. Fix the Mathematician Category Tag into the Wooden L
Entrepreneurship to me is a way to think. Entrepreneurship is understanding what are the relevant questions in each discipline are that you have to solve in order to make a business work, or to make a business opportunity happen. So, when you think like an entrepreneur, you know how to speak to the accountants, you know how to speak to the marketers, you know how to speak to the financial people, you know how to speak to the HR people; you're solving all those problems with them. You're relying on subject matter experts, but you're driving the conversation because you know what re the important questions you need the answers to. Well I think that's equally valuable in management. That's frankly my approach to being Dean. Being Dean really involves lots of different constituencies. Obviously, there's the students who are here, and the faculty are here, and the administration who is here. But it's also about all the alumni who've been here, it's also about all the prospective students we'd like to come here, it's about their parents, it's about the employers we hope our students will ultimately work for. So there's lots of different constituencies you have to be able to talk to, you have to know what's important to them, you have to be able to problem-solve with them in all those different areas of concern. So I think having an entrepreneurial mindset is critical to really problem solving in almost any job.
Bartender, gimme another shot And this time not one Let there be two I want to scream until I lose my voice Because life is too short Life is only one And I owe nothing to anyone Do you like how I move A new game With you I dare Ah ah, here we live without fear Ah ah, here we live without fear With you I dare Ah ah, here we live without fear What are you going to do if I get you If I curl up with you Ah, if I get you Ah, ah, if I get you Delicious if you try me, you’ll get addicted You like how I look at you with malice I'll lose myself with you like Alice That I'm naughty is not news, no I don't live in secret My life has no script I just live in the moment There’s no time for laments I don't live in secret My life has no script I just live in the moment Ah, ah, here we live without fear Ah ah, here we live without fear With you I dare Ah, ah, here we live without fear I don't care what so-and-so did With people who are not worth the same as me There are levels and levels I want someone for this night that doesn't end Break, break the rules If you can take this woman who doesn't conform It could be, it could be that I give you another night But I don't promise you, no I don't live in secret My life has no script I just live in the moment No time for laments I don't live in secret My life has no script I just live in the moment Ah, ah, here we live without fear Ah, ah, here we live without fear With you I dare Ah, ah, here we live without fear Jowny DJ Luian Mambo Kingz Anitta, Anitta Hear this Hear this Anitta
RMP Boys Bamb basa Come on it's Fifa's Cup Yeah Yeah It's Brazil's Match Yeah Yeah 25th is the date Yeah Yeah It's Our Team Match Yeah Yeah Lyari is Beautiful more more Lyari have a crowd more more Brazil is for lyari especial especial Lyari is decor Forword the ball pass pass Brazil came to the field I sacrifice for my team Will not go to Qatar field Will watch the match in My Baghdad Thiago Silva lit the fire There is a lot of rush in the Brazil match They hold the ball and pass This match is very special today Neymar scores a goal goal Drum will be played at lyari My dear you will get a faul faul My dear you will get a Red faul Qatar's field will be decorated Festival From Greiez to Mañe Who will be the first ? Go away from the keeper I would go alone like Messi De Maria will goal from mid Feiled is very tight when there's De Paul Decorated Lyari with excitement in veins Zidane would take the faul if he agreed Come on, it's the FIFA Cup yeah yeah Brazil has a match yeah yeah 25th is the date yeah yeah Our team has a match yeah yeah Lyari is very beautiful more more Lyari is very busy more more Brazil for Lyari Especial Especial Forward the ball pass pass On 25th I will be in a suit studs(football shoes) I also be wearing in my feet boot boot The ground will be full of smoke smoke When Neymar will shoot shoot Football is the glory of Lyari You better know this Neymar is the glory of Bamb basa He is giving goal after goal 1,2,3 Come on my bro Do the kit and wear The Boots The emphasis is on the free kick Noise on Try His feet, his feet Ball is in goal in the blink of an eye The heart says to tear the veil and go there When it came out with his move We don't care about his loss We are big fans of Portugal We are big fans of Portugal Come on, it's the FIFA Cup yeah yeah Brazil has a match yeah yeah 25th is the date yeah yeah Our team has a match yeah yeah Lyari is very beautiful more more Lyari is very busy more more Brazil for Lyari Especial Especial Forward the ball pass pass
Run and tell your mummy The streets go ra pa pum pum Ra pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum It's coming from the Gully It's coming from the city slum slums City slum slums City slum slums Sadak zabaani, chai mein paani, haath mein kaarigaari Naka ab khaali, bhaari thaali, sar pe zimmedaari Ek hi toh maalik baaki kuch din waale karamchaari Kaayeka beef, tu is rap khel mein shakahaari Bahut jaali Yeh rapper famous hue deke gaali - lambi gaadi Asliyat mein inki jebein khaali - kalakaari Maas lega humse brahmachaari - kar savaari Apni wohi gully, wohi chaali Kitni naari, kitni chaabi, note tere kitni saari, Nahi aane wale kaam tere maiyat pe - swayam se Jhoot na tu bol payega Apne aad fassa kharcha phokat mein tu khayega Run and tell your mummy The streets go ra pa pum pum Ra pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum It's coming from the Gully It's coming from the city slum slums City slum slums City slum slums Raja Kumari I go harder than anybody Daughter of the King American Dream Phir bhi dil mein Hindustani So don't misunderstand me I do it for the people Yes I do it for my family, mainly I'm gonna get it, I'm with it I make it run run I'm gonna get it I'm in it, until it's done done They tried to stop me Don't make the same mistake They tried to copy But they can't take my place Cuz oh God! All eyes on the underdog Go hard No time for you none at all Whole squad Four tires on the Boulevard Running through the streets at dark Flowing like the Ganga (Gangotri!) Run and tell your mummy The streets go ra pa pum pum Ra pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum It's coming from the Gully It's coming from the city slum slums City slum slums City slum slums Ja ke pooch-Ja ke pooch Apne baare mein Gully Gang is the sound of the slums From LA to Bombay Know we coming, know we coming Know we coming up! Ja ke pooch-Ja ke pooch Apne baare mein Gully Gang is the sound of the slums From LA to Bombay Know we coming, know we coming Run and tell your mummy The streets go ra pa pum pum Ra pa pum pum , Ra pa pum pum It's coming from the Gully It's coming from the city slum slums City slum slums City slum slums
I didn't hear you leave I wonder how am I still here And I don't want to move a thing it might changes my memory Oh I am what I am I'll do what I want But I can't hide I won't go, I won't sleep I can't breathe until you're resting here with me I won't leave, I can't hide I cannot be until you're resting here with me I don't wanna call my friends they might wake me from this dream And I can't leave this bed, Risk forgetting all that's been Oh I am what I am I'll do what I want but i can't hide I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here with me I won't leave, I can't hide I cannot be, until you're resting here I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here I won't leave I can't hide I cannot be until you're resting here with me oh i am what i am I'll do what I want But I can't hide I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here with me I won't leave I can't hide I cannot be, until you're resting here I won't go I won't sleep I can't breathe Until you're resting here with me I won't leave I can't hide I cannot be until you're resting here with me
Over mountains, from the high The gray-winged eagle flies... Those wide wings can't be broken, That flight can't be stopped! Those wide wings can't be broken, That flight can't be stopped! We will all rush to the top, With the sunshine in the eyes... By the eagle's solar flight, The leader gives us the true sight. By the eagle's solar flight, The leader gives us the true sight. Let the land rejoice in singing In this winged joyful time!.. Word of Stalin is with us, Stalin's will is among us! Word of Stalin is with us, Stalin's will is among us! To us, dark waters are obeyed, Fields lie down at our feet, Our factories are built up, Our land is modernized! Our factories are built up, Our land is modernized! Forward, like one regiment, Bolsheviks' power goes, In the eagle flight of Stalin The wise leader leads all of us. In the eagle flight of Stalin The wise leader leads all of us. And with charming scarlet lights, The new time shines to us... Word of Stalin is with us, Stalin's will is among us! Word of Stalin is with us, Stalin's will is among us!
Russians and Chinese - brothers forever! Strengthening the unity of peoples and races! The simple man squares his shoulders. With a song, the simple man walks. Friendship forever in our hearts! In our hearts! In our hearts! Moscow - Beijing! Moscow - Beijing! Go, go, forward people! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! From the Volga, the Yangtze's voice is heard. The Chinese see the radiance of the Kremlin. We aren't afraid of a military storm, the will of the people is stronger than storms! Our victory is celebrated worldwide! Celebrated worldwide! Celebrated worldwide! Moscow - Beijing! Moscow - Beijing! Go, go, forward people! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! In the world there is no stronger bond! In our columns - the jubilant May! The Soviet Union marches forward, the mighty Soviet Union, alongside marches the New China! New China! New China! Moscow - Beijing! Moscow - Beijing! Go, go, forward people! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! Russians and Chinese - brothers forever! Strengthening the unity of peoples and races! The simple man squares his shoulders. With a song, the simple man walks. Friendship forever in our hearts! (in our hearts) (in our hearts) Moscow - Beijing! Moscow - Beijing! Go, go, forward people! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom! For bright labor, for lasting peace, under the banner of freedom!
Hey brah, how we doin' man? All right. It's been a while, man, life's so rad! This band's my favorite, man, don't you love them? Yeah. Aw man, you want a beer? All right. Aw man, hell brah, this is the best, man I'm so glad we're all back together and stuff. This is great, man! Yeah. Hey, did you know about the party after the show? Yeah. Aw man, it's gonna be the best, I'm so stoked! Take it easy, brah! W here I come from isn't all that great Wh ere I come from isn't all that great Whe re I come from isn't all that great Wher e I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I c ome from isn't all that great Where I co me from isn't all that great Where I com e from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come f rom isn't all that great Where I come fr om isn't all that great Where I come fro m isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from i sn't all that great Where I come from is n't all that great Where I come from isn 't all that great Where I come from isn' t all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't a ll that great Where I come from isn't al l that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all t hat great Where I come from isn't all th at great Where I come from isn't all tha t great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that g reat Where I come from isn't all that gr eat Where I come from isn't all that gre at Where I come from isn't all that grea t Where I come from isn't all that great Where I come from isn't all that great M y automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My a utomobile is a piece of crap My au tomobile is a piece of crap My aut omobile is a piece of crap My auto mobile is a piece of crap My autom obile is a piece of crap My automo bile is a piece of crap My automob ile is a piece of crap My automobi le is a piece of crap My automobil e is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile i s a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a p iece of crap My automobile is a pi ece of crap My automobile is a pie ce of crap My automobile is a piec e of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece o f crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of c rap My automobile is a piece of cr ap My automobile is a piece of cra p My automobile is a piece of crap My automobile is a piece of crap M y fashion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fashion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fashion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My f ashion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fa shion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fas hion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fash ion sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fashi on sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fashio n sense is a little wack and my friends are just as screwy as me My fashion sense is a little wack and my friends are jus
hi guys happy new year let's look at the 118 elements of the periodic table to start with hydrogen and this atomic number is 1 and the symbol is h hydrogen has a number of two the symbol is 18. the atomic number basically goes up and um i will keep on saying uh the name of chemical elements since the atomic number keeps the numbers so count to 181 something beryllium be born b carbon c nitrogen n oxygen oh magnesium mg aluminum ao silicon s9 phosphorus sph by the way p sulfur s and the f is not ph is f 1 Hydrogen H - Atomic number 2 Helium He - Symbol 3 Lithium Li - Atomic Mass 4 Beryllium Be - Electronegativity 5 Boron B - Density 6 Carbon C - Melting point 7 Nitrogen N - Boiling point 8 Oxygen O - Vanderwaals radius 9 Fluorine F - Year of discovery 10 Neon Ne - Inventor surname 11 Sodium Na - Elements in earthcrust 12 Magnesium Mg - Elements in human body 13 Aluminum Al - Covalenz radius 14 Silicon Si - Ionization energy 15 Phosphorus P For chemistry students and teachers: The tabular chart on the right is arranged by Atomic number. The first chemical element is Hydrogen and the last is Ununoctium. Please note that the elements do not show their natural relation towards each other as in the Periodic system. There you can find the metals, semi-conductor(s), non-metal(s), inert noble gas(ses), Halogens, Lanthanoides, Actinoids (rare earth elements) and transition metals. 16 Sulfur S 17 Chlorine Cl 18 Argon Ar 19 Potassium K 20 Calcium Ca 21 Scandium Sc 22 Titanium Ti 23 Vanadium V 24 Chromium Cr 25 Manganese Mn 26 Iron Fe 27 Cobalt Co 28 Nickel Ni 29 Copper Cu 30 Zinc Zn 31 Gallium Ga 32 Germanium Ge 33 Arsenic As 34 Selenium Se 35 Bromine Br 36 Krypton Kr 37 Rubidium Rb 38 Strontium Sr 39 Yttrium Y 40 Zirconium Zr 41 Niobium Nb 42 Molybdenum Mo 43 Technetium Tc 44 Ruthenium Ru 45 Rhodium Rh 46 Palladium Pd 47 Silver Ag 48 Cadmium Cd 49 Indium In 50 Tin Sn 51 Antimony Sb 52 Tellurium Te 53 Iodine I 54 Xenon Xe 55 Cesium Cs 56 Barium Ba 57 Lanthanum La 58 Cerium Ce 59 Praseodymium Pr 60 Neodymium Nd 61 Promethium Pm 62 Samarium Sm 63 Europium Eu 64 Gadolinium Gd 65 Terbium Tb 66 Dysprosium Dy 67 Holmium Ho 68 Erbium Er 69 Thulium Tm 70 Ytterbium Yb 71 Lutetium Lu 72 Hafnium Hf 73 Tantalum Ta 74 Tungsten W 75 Rhenium Re 76 Osmium Os 77 Iridium Ir 78 Platinum Pt 79 Gold Au 80 Mercury Hg 81 Thallium Tl 82 Lead Pb 83 Bismuth Bi 84 Polonium Po 85 Astatine At 86 Radon Rn 87 Francium Fr 88 Radium Ra 89 Actinium Ac 90 Thorium Th 91 Protactinium Pa 92 Uranium U 93 Neptunium Np 94 Plutonium Pu 95 Americium Am 96 Curium Cm 97 Berkelium Bk 98 Californium Cf 99 Einsteinium Es 100 Fermium Fm 101 Mendelevium Md 102 Nobelium No 103 Lawrencium Lr 104 Rutherfordium Rf 105 Dubnium Db 106 Seaborgium Sg 107 Bohrium Bh 108 Hassium Hs 109 Meitnerium Mt 110 Darmstadtium Ds 111 Roentgenium Rg 112 Copernicium Cn 113 Nihonium Nh 114 Flerovium Fl 115 Moscovium Mc 116 Livermorium Lv 117 Tennessine Ts 118 Oganesson Og HAPPY 2022 NEW YEAR!
[MUSIC - KIDD KENN, "OLD TOWN ROAD"] Yeah, I'm going to take my horse to the old town road. I'm going to ride till I can't no more. I'm going to take my horse to the old town road. I'm going to ride till I can't no more. I got the horses in the back. Horse tack is attached. Hat is matte black. Got the boots that's black to match. Riding on a horse. You can whip your Porsche. I been in the valley. You ain't been up off that porch, now. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Riding on the tractor. Lean all in my bladder. Cheated on my baby. You can go and ask her. My life is a movie. Bull riding and boobies. Cowboy hat from Gucci. Wrangler on my booty. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Can't nobody tell me nothing. Can't nobody tell me nothing. I'm going to take my horse to the old town road. I'm going to ride til I can't no more. I'm going to take my horse to the old town road. I'm going to ride till I can no more. I got the--
Home in bed or out at night Don't think twice Just don't think twice Make a choice, one you won't regret This is your life This is still your life Never gone get away, never gone get away Never gone break their chains Watching me patiently, watching me patiently Watching me take the blame Never gone get away, never gone get away Never gone break the chains I'm running out of options, and they know Oh woah, oh oh, woah oh, oh I'm tired of holding on Oh woah, oh oh, woah oh, oh Hear me when I say Don't blame it on the kids Don't blame it on the kids, kids Don't blame it on the kids Don't blame it on the kids, kids Come out, where your pretty faces hiding Come out I don't see no point in lying No doubt, you have questions I can answer But first come out with your hands up Come out, where your pretty faces hiding Come out I don't see no point in lying No doubt, you have questions I can answer But first come out with your hands up Don't blame it on the kids Don't blame it on the kids, kids Don't blame it on the kids Don't blame it on the kids, kids Don't blame it on the kids Don't blame it on the kids, kids Any moment I'll have you begging Don't turn your back Oh, can't you see that I'm untamable? I'm unmistakable? I’m hearing it all, I’m hearing it in my head Whisperin, they’re whispering again Hearing it all, they see me as a threat Pushing me, keep pushing to the edge You keep calling me a psycho Got it in my head careful what you said Think you might be right though You made me a psycho Psycho You keep calling me a psycho Thought that I was scared, But I came prepared Think you might be right though You made me a psycho A psycho Why you think I move in silence Cause I know that your friends don’t like me And I don’t really take that lightly, the hates a drug and I think It might be A little bit addictive As the days go by I keep getting twisted We’re all a bunch of misfits But the loudest voices don’t fucking listen How do you expect me to care when the loves all gone and the trust aint there How do you expect me to feel when the truth aint true and the real aint real How do you believe this will go if there’s no more high and we just get low I really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain I really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain I really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain How do you expect me to care when the loves all gone and the trust aint there How do you expect me to feel when the truth aint true and the real aint real How do you believe this will go if there’s no more high and we just get low I really tried to be a hero but I think ill be a Super Villain Drenched in weak and hurtful lies Full of hate and self despise Way too often leave myself so high & dry Always willing, never able Living out another fable Fighting with myself I don’t know why... no I make my worth a synonym With everything I've never been And everything I’m never gonna be Wanna show you what I got, got, got Wanna see me at the top, top, top But I’m bringing me down, bringing me down Bringing me down, bringing me down Got, got, got Wanna see me at the top, top, top But I’m bringing me down, bringing me down Yeah.. That’s the story of my life That’s the story of my life That’s the story of my life
Why is conventional current incorrect?  Conventional current is current flowing from positive to negative. However, the flow of electrons is actually, negative to positive. This is why it’s called electricity, the flow of electrons. If conventional current is true, then it’s the positively charged protons that are oscillating around the nucleus. But in an atom, it’s only the negatively charged electrons that are oscillating around the nucleus not the protons. If conventional current is true then it should be called ‘protricity’ instead of electricity, since conventional current is from positive to negative, meaning that protons with positive charge are the ones that are flowing towards the negatively charged electrons. Both conventional current and the flow of electrons cannot be correct at the same time. One of the currents don’t move at all, and since it’s the electrons that are moving and oscillating around the nucleus, it’s the electrons that are flowing along with the stationary positively charged protons, not the other way around, leaving conventional current to be incorrect.
Job Whose tools are these? artist artist Where do you work at? I work in a studio. studio Whose tools are these? carpenter carpenter Where do you work at? I work in a carpenter’s shop. carpenter’s shop Whose tools are these? cook cook Where do you work at? I work in a restaurant. restaurant Whose tools are these? doctor doctor Where do you work at? I work in a hospital. hospital Whose tools are these? engineer engineer Where do you work at? I work in a factory. factory Whose tools are these? farmer farmer Where do you work at? I work in a farm. farm Whose tools are these? firefighter firefighter Where do you work at? I work in a fire station. fire station Whose tools are these? hairdresser hairdresser Where do you work at? I work in a salon. salon Whose tools are these? pilot pilot Where do you work at? I work in an airplane. airplane Whose tools are these? police officer police officer Where do you work at? I work in a police station. police station Whose tools are these? scientist scientist Where do you work at? I work in a science lab. science lab Whose tools are these? singer singer Where do you work at? I work in a broadcasting station. broadcasting station Whose tools are these? teacher teacher Where do you work at? I work in a school. school Whose tools are these? vet vet Where do you work at? I work in an animal hospital. animal hospital
[Music] [Music] opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini [Music] opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini [Music] opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini [Music] opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini [Music] opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini [Music] opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini opening softening letting the water carry me opening spiraling shakti kundalini [Music] new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new energy new moon new me i am planting my seas new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new me i am planting my seeds new moon new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seeds me i am planting my seeds new new me new energy new moon new me i am planting my seed's new moon new me new energy [Music] sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go [Music] sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go [Music] sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it close and when you're ready let it go sit with your pain cradle it close lean in and listen take it slow sit with your pain cradle it glows and when you're ready let it go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] bless this heart of mine bless my body and mid holy is your essence loving is your presence may we repattern and honor the sacred [Music] bless this heart of mine bless my body and mind holy is your essence loving is your presence may we repattern and honor the sacred [Music] [Music] [Music] bless this heart of mine bless my body and mind holy is your essence loving is your presence may we repattern and honor the sacred [Music] bless this heart of mine bless my body and mind holy is your essence loving is your presence may we repattern and the sacred [Music] [Music] so [Music] bless this heart of a mine bless my body and mind holy is your essence loving is your presence may we repattern and honor the sacred [Music] bless this heart of mine bless my body and mind holy is your essence loving is your presence may we repattern and honor the sacred [Music] [Music] full moon glow i am bright and beautiful full moon glow i am brave and i am bold full moon glow i am bright and beautiful full moon glow i am brave and i'm bold [Music] full moon glow i am bright and beautiful full moon glow i am brave and i'm bold full moon gl
In my eyes indisposed in disguises noone knows hides the face Lies the snake and the sun in my disgrace boiling heat, summer stench 'neath the black, the sky looks dead call my name through the cream and I'll hear you scream again Black hole sun, won't you come and wash away the rain black hole sun, won't you come, won't you come, won't you come stuttering, cold and damp steal the warm wind tired friend times are gone for honest men sometimes far too long for snakes in my shoes, walking sleep in my soul I pray to keep heaven sent, hell away noone sings like you anymore black hole sun, won't you come bah bah bum bah, wash away the rain black hole sun, won't you come, won't you come won't you come, whoa ah oh hang my head, drown my fears 'til you all just disappear black hole sun, won't you come and wash away the rain black hole sun, won't you come, won't you come black hole sun, won't you come, and wash away the rain black hole sun, won't you come black hole sun, black hole sun, won't you come black hole sun, black hole sun, won't you come black hole sun, black hole sun, won't you come, oh yeah oh yeah
stressful stressful meaning causing mental or emotional stress causing mental or emotional stress my job is getting more and more stressful my job is getting more and more stressful leverage leverage meaning use something to maximum advantage use something to maximum advantage her wealth gives her enormous  leverage in social circles her wealth gives her enormous  leverage in social circles temporary temporary meaning lasting for only a limited  period of time not permanent lasting for only a limited  period of time not permanent i'm living with my parents but it's only temporary i'm living with my parents but it's only temporary divine divine meaning very pleasing delightful very pleasing delightful we had an absolutely divine time in switzerland we had an absolutely divine time in switzerland float float meaning rest or move on or near the  surface of a liquid without sinking rest or move on or near the  surface of a liquid without sinking the logs float down the river the logs float down the river hopefully hopefully meaning in a hopeful manner in a hopeful manner hopefully i'll be back home by ten o'clock hopefully i'll be back home by 10 o'clock romance romance meaning a feeling of excitement and  mystery associated with love a feeling of excitement and  mystery associated with love after a whirlwind romance the couple  announced their engagement in july after a whirlwind romance the couple  announced their engagement in july precaution precaution meaning a measure taken in advance to  prevent something dangerous   unpleasant or inconvenient from happening a measure taken in advance to prevent   something dangerous unpleasant  or inconvenient from happening he took the precaution of  locking his door when he went out he took the precaution of  locking his door when he went out ambiguous ambiguous meaning open to more than one interpretation  not having one obvious meaning open to more than one interpretation  not having one obvious meaning his reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous his reply to my question was somewhat ambiguous pretend pretend meaning behave so as to make it appear that  something is the case when in fact it is not behave so as to make it appear that  something is the case when in fact it is not i'm tired of having to pretend all the time i'm tired of having to pretend all the time tantrum tantrum meaning an uncontrolled outburst of anger and  frustration typically in a young child an uncontrolled outburst of anger and  frustration typically in a young child she throws a tantrum when she  can't have the toy she wants she throws a tantrum when she  can't have the toy she wants mindless mindless meaning acting or done without justification  and with no concern for the consequences acting or done without justification  and with no concern for the consequences it seems that the attack was  a mindless act of violence it seems that the attack was  a mindless act of violence fragment fragment meaning a small part broken off or  separated from something a small part broken off or  separated from something i overheard a fragment of their conversation i overheard a fragment of their conversation procedure procedure meaning an established or official way of doing something an established or official way of doing something there is a set procedure  for making formal complaints there is a set procedure  for making formal complaints interpret interpret meaning explain the meaning of information or actions explain the meaning of information or actions different people might  interpret events differently different people might  interpret events differently sent sent meaning a distinct smell especially one that is pleasant a distinct smell especially one that is pleasant the air was filled with the scent of roses the air was filled with the scent of roses assert assert meaning state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully i really must assert myself more in meetings i really must assert myself more in meetings credible credible meaning able to be believed c
alright well * 12 alright well this alright we'll just all right well the sky alright well this time alright well this alright well this time, wait for the alright well this time, wait for the bald all right well this time, wait for the bald all right well this time, wait for the bald hey all right well this time, wait for the bald are all right well this time, wait for the bald hair all right well this time, wait for the bald Harris all right well this time, wait for the bald Harrah's all right well this time, wait for the bald heritage all right well this time, wait for the bald hair of my all right well this time, wait for the bald Harold Lee all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so. all right well this time, wait for the bald Harold Lee Soto all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so tough all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so talk to all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so tough if all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so talk to Joe all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so talk to all right well this time, wait for the bald apparently so talk to John all right well this time, wait for the bald Harold Lee so talk to John do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do okay do do do do do do do do do do okay he do do do do do do do do do do okay here do do do do do do do do do do okay do do do do do do do do do do okay here do do do do do do do do do do okay here we do do do do do do do do do do okay here we go do do do do do do do do do do okay here we go food has do do do do do do do do do do okay here we go food has lapsed do do do do do do do do do do okay here we go food has lapsed forbidden do do do do do do do do do do okay here we go Buddhas laps forbidden okay here we go Buddhas laps forbidden yeah okay here we go Buddhas laps forbidden yep OSHA how should oh shit strip oship oh shit oh shit stop oh shit stop the oh shit stop. oh shit stop double oh shit stop oh shit BB oh shit stop double bow oh shit DoubleDown oh shit stop double bounce oh shit stop double bouncing oh shit stop double oh shit stop double bouncing oh shit stop double bouncing okay oh shit stop double bouncing okay I can oh shit stop double bouncing okay biking oh shit stop double bouncing okay hiking boot stop double bouncing okay hiking boots stop double bouncing okay hiking boot stop double bouncing okay biking buttigieg stop double bouncing okay biking Buddha juggle stop double bouncing okay biking Buddha juggalo stop double bouncing okay biking Buddha jugular stop double bouncing okay biking Buddha jugglers stop double bouncing okay biking stop double bouncing okay biking Buddha stop double bouncing okay biking Buddha jugglers stop double bouncing okay Viking Buddha jugglers Viking Buddha jugglers hey Viking Buddha jugglers he Viking Buddha jugglers he thought Viking Buddha jugglers he fell Viking Buddha jugglers he thought I Viking Buddha jugglers he fell off Viking Buddha jugglers he thought I was Viking Buddha jugglers he Viking Buddha jugglers hate that level Viking Buddha jugglers hate that level I'm Viking Buddha jugglers hate that level Viking Buddha jugglers hate that level okay Viking Buddha jugglers hate that level Viking Buddha jugglers hate that level okay hate that level okay hate that level okay the only hate that level okay the only guy hate that level okay I only got hate that level okay I only get back hate that level okay I only get better hate that level okay I only hate that level okay I only get hate that level okay I only get better I only get better I'm I only get better call me I only get better Honda Honda Honda still Honda still no Honda still knows Honda still no sir Honda still no sign Honda still Honda still no Honda stil
3 AM, I'm awakened By a sweet By a sweet summer rain Distant howling Distant howling of a passing Southbound coal train Was I dreaming Or was there someone just lying here Beside me in this bed Am I hearing things Or in the next room Did a long forgotten music box just start playing And I know It's a sin putting words in the mouths of the dead And I know It's a crime to weave your wishes into what they said And I know Only fools venture where them spirits tread 'Cause I know Every word, every sound bouncing 'round my head Is just static on the radio Is just static on the radio (Static on the radio) Static on the radio Static on the radio (Static on the radio) (Static on the radio) (Static on the radio) Everything I think I know is just static on the radio (Static on the radio) (Static on the radio) Everything I think I know is just static on the radio Midnight rendezvous Midnight rendezvous with a pretty girl Wearing a torn and tear-stained gown Like a ghost ship she appeared from nowhere On a lonely highway and flagged me down I gave her a lift downtown to the Greyhound station Under the flicker of the neon light She kissed me goodbye And in the mirror of her eyes I saw my own reflection And I know The blind will sometimes lead the blind And I know Through shadowlands and troubled times And I know Forsaking love we see it's a sign And I know Of truths forever hid behind Static on the radio Static on the radio (Static on the radio) Static on the radio Static on the radio (Static on the radio) (Static on the radio) (Static on the radio) Everything I think I know is just static on the radio (Static on the radio) (Static on the radio) Everything I think I know is just static on the radio Now there's a church house About a stone's throw down From this place where I've been staying It's Sunday morning And I'm sittin' in my truck Listening to my neighbor sing Ten years ago Ten years ago, I might have joined in But don't time change those inclined To think less of what is written Than what's wrote Than what's wrote between the lines? 'Cause I know Dreams are for those who are asleep in bed And I know It's a sin putting words in the mouths of the dead 'Cause I know For all my ruminations I can't change a thing Still I hope There's others out there that are listening To the static on the radio To the static on the radio (Static on the radio) Static on the radio Static on the radio (Everything I think I know is just static on the radio) Static on the radio Static on the radio (Ain't praying for miracles) Static on the radio (I'm just down on my knees) Static on the radio Static on the radio (Listening for the song behind) Static on the radio (Everything I think I know) Static on the radio Static on the radio (Everything I think I know) Static on the radio (Everything I think I know is just static on the radio) Static on the radio (Everything I think I know) Static on the radio (Everything I think I know is just static on the radio)
English Singsing house This is my house! house house There are roofs, windows and a door. The roof is red. roof roof There are many windows in my house. window window The door is large. door door Look! There is a beautiful garden. garden garden The car is parked in the garage. garage garage This is the living room. living room living room There are a television, sofas, and a bookshelf. There is a soft carpet on the floor. carpet carpet sofa sofa bookshelf bookshelf television television This is the kitchen. kitchen kitchen There are a stove, a refrigerator, and a table. There are dishes, spoons, forks, and knives on the table. stove stove refrigerator refrigerator dish dish spoon spoon fork fork knife knife This is the bathroom. bathroom bathroom There are a tub, a toilet, and a sink. There are some soap and towels, too. toilet toilet tub tub sink sink soap soap towel towel This is my bedroom. bedroom bedroom There are a bed, a blanket and a pillow. bed bed blanket pillow review
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Chicken Pulao Recipe Fennel seeds 25 gram and Coriander 25 gram crushed Total 50 gram Cumin Seeds 100 gram Green Cardamom 10 Gram and black cardamom 10 gram Clove 10 gram and Black pepper 10 gram Star Anise 10 gram Cinnamon stick 10 gram Bay leaf 4 to 5 Salt as per your taste Ginger and garlic paste 100 gram and green chili paste 100 gram Put all spices in a deg 500 ml cooking oil 1.5 liter water Tomato 500 gram Yogurt 500 gram Turn on flame and cook on high flame for 3 to 4 minutes Chicken 7 kg and cook on medium to high flame for 3 to 4 minutes Cook on low flame for 6 to 7 minutes Mint 5 bunch Fennel Seeds and coriander Seeds crushed 3 to 4 tablespoon Cumin Seeds 3 to 4 tablespoon Red crushed chili 4 to 5 tablespoon Green chili 10 to 15 500 gram fried onion Add Boiled Rice 3.5 kg ( 50 to 60 percent done ) Add Boiled Rice 3.5 Kg which was done 70 to 80 percent Turn on flame high cook for 2 to 3 minutes then Add half Liter Boiled Rice Water Cook on low flame for 10 to 12 minutes
Alright, welcome everyone, I am absolutely thrilled today absolutely thrilled today to be hosted. Doctors. most mostly Hoffman and error mostly Hoffman and areas, oily. mostly Hoffman and areas, oily. further their new book. , hidden games the surprise , hidden games the surprising power of game theory to explain it it power of game theory to explain irrational human behavior. So very quickly mostly So very quickly mostly hoffman, is a very quickly mostly hoffman, is very quickly mostly hoffman, is a Currently. a Currently. tly a research scientists science tly a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for evolutionary biology, as evolutionary biology, as well as a lecturer in harvard's department of Economics and his research focuses on. using using game theory to decide for the game theory to decide for the that shape our behavior areas that shape our behavior. Eric zero le is a research associate at MIT Sloan School of Management, and he collaborates Management, and he collaborates with governments nonprofits and companies to apply the lessons from game Theory and research and behavioral science. into our into altruism toward altruism toward addressing real world. Challenges with me today Challenges with me today, co hosting Challenges with me today, co hosting is Nicola worry, honey, who is the pI of the social evolution of behavioral lab it. evolution of behavioral lab it. evolution of behavioral lab it. at UCL. She wears at UCL. She, where she is professor in evolution of behavior, Royal Society university. research rch Fellow and fellow of the Fellow and fellow of the Royal society. She's also the author of a She's also the author of an excellent recent book on Cooperation the social instinct have cooperation shape the world. So today we are So, today we normally would start with. fork formal presentation. for me from Russia and areas, but from Russia and areas, but honestly this plenty of those floating around the internet. So what we thought we do is actually kind of dive in with. h informal fires informal fireside chat. that sound good to everybody. All right, so. , this book is excellent. It is , this book is excellent. It is the result of years of thinking and. challenge challenging and integration across and integration across disciplines. The way I see it, it's kind of an way I see it, it's kind of an attempt to. rationalize the rash rationalize the irrational by bringing in the missing pieces, but bringing in the missing pieces, but most areas would you like to kind of give us a. quick quick overview of what you were trying to do in this book. Sure. We are We are interested in We are interested in why people We are interested in why people do the very weird things do the very weird things that they do. Lie, so We think wow that's. kind of of ugly or why. do. some people give lots of some people give lots of people give to charity. but when they do that but when they do that they do it in this weird way where it in this weird way where they'll give it to charities like habitat for humanity that. at do a nice thing they build at do a nice thing they build houses, but they do it by flying piece do it by flying people all the way across the world to way across the world, to a place where they could probably have used the funds from the have used the funds from the flight ticket. to build more to build more housing by hiring to build more housing by hiring local people who actually know how to build houses. We look at things like We look at things like, why do we We look at things like why do people feud we have these great example. mples throughout history from Shane mples throughout history from Shakespeare and not from shakespeare, real life as well of families that will enter into of families that will enter into decades long. fuse that will decimate the fuse that will decimate the family. Hatfields and McCoys of United States for instance where States for instance where. they see they seem driven to they seem driven to have seem driven to avenge wrong. seem driven to av
I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths Achilles and his gold Hercules and his gifts Spiderman's control And Batman with his fists And clearly I don't see myself upon that list But she said, where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? 'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to Somebody I can kiss I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Oh, I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Oh, I want something just like this music... Oh, I want something just like this I've been reading books of old The legends and the myths The testaments they told The moon, and its eclipse And Superman unrolls A suit before he lifts But I'm not the kind of person that it fits She said, where'd you wanna go? How much you wanna risk? I'm not looking for somebody with some superhuman gifts Some superhero Some fairytale bliss Just something I can turn to Somebody I can miss I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo I want something just like this Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo Doo-doo-doo I want something just like this music... I want something just like this
The seasons English vocabulary There are four seasons. The names of the seasons in English are: winter winter spring spring summer summer autumn autumn Autumn has another name... fall fall Fall is used in American English. Autumn is used in British English. The letter N at the end of autumn is not pronounced. It is silent. autumn autumn What are the names of the seasons in English again? winter spring summer autumn Sometimes autumn is called fall. Let's look at some typical English vocabulary associated with each season. winter vocabulary cold days cold days snow snow rain rain umbrella umbrella gloves gloves scarf scarf skiing skiing hot drinks hot drinks spring vocabulary warm days warm days flowers flowers butterflies butterflies nest nest rainbow rainbow gardening gardening allergies allergies baby animals baby animals summer vocabulary hot days hot days beach beach vacation vacation camping camping ice cream ice cream sunglasses sunglasses sunscreen sunscreen swimming pool swimming pool autumn vocabulary or fall vocabulary cool days cool days leaves fall leaves fall wind wind harvest harvest rake rake acorns acorns clouds clouds pumpkins pumpkins We use the preposition IN before a season. The order is: IN + season Look at these example sentences. People go to the beach in summer. It rains a lot in winter. There are many flowers in spring. Leaves fall from the trees in autumn. So the seasons are: spring, summer ,autumn or fall, and winter. Answer these questions: What season is it now? You can respond It is (beep) in my country right now. For example: It is summer in New Zealand right now. Another question: What is your favorite season? Why? My favorite season is (beep) because... and your reason. For example: My favorite season is spring because it is not too hot and not too cold. Write your answers in the comments section. I hope you found this English lesson about the seasons useful. If you did, click like and subscribe to our channel so you know when we create new videos to help you improve your English. Have an awesome day!
Spirit Communication: echovox "yes," "Nicole," "hello," "angels," "light..." "Robin..." "yes," "start," "hello," "very good," "Nicole Gaspard?" "Robin..." "up," "yeah," "love Misty...Nicole," "Misty?" "Peter," "grave, or brave?" "Eva," "Gaspard," "F---it," "spirit?" "3...?" "yes," "Marcus?" "echo..." "that's me?" "yes," "angel," "bad?" "good," "there's Eva or evil?" "danger," "yes," "sad," "Rob," "yes?" "Pittsburg?" "yes," "mother?" "love facebook?" "Becky..." "yes," "...Becky," "?" "Mel Gibson?" "Elvis," "facebook," "yes," "Phillip," "practice," "facebook...again," "its different..." "text me?" "candy," "David," "Twizzlers..." "something about facebook?" "yes," "too bright," "uncle," "candy," "f---this," "apricots," "yes," "I'm thirty, or thirsty?" "?" "from...?" "Brazil?" "Nicole..." "4 of you," "yes," "Ester?" "demon..." "bad spirit," "monster?" "Nicole," "I was there?" "yeah," "Ester..." "human spirit?" "?" "it raped...?" "bath or back?"I also saw a bath tub in my dream. "facebook..." "yeah..." "Misty?" "yes," "Misty," "Long Beach?..." "?" "angel watch us?" "Nicole Gaspard?" "bye..."
I wish I had money like Jake Paul Driving my lambo around the town I wish I was famous like Jake Paul Hearing my name being thrown around Sixteen million subs and counting Rollies, houses, stats are rising I am the YouTube messiah! I am the YouTube messiah! I am the YouTube messiah! I am the YouTube messiah! I wish I had money like Jake Paul Driving my lambo around the town I wish I was famous like Jake Paul Hearing my name being thrown around Jake Paul! Jake Paul! Money, money like Jake Paul Jake Paul! Jake Paul! Famous like Jake Paul Jake Paul! Jake Paul! Money, money like Jake Paul Jake Paul! Jake Paul! Famous like Jake Paul Bounce! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that merch! Buy that fucking merch! I wish I had money like Jake Paul Driving my lambo around the town I wish I was famous like Jake Paul Hearing my name being thrown around Jake Paul! Jake Paul!
A cute carrot. I peel a carrot for abc juice. I also peel a red beet for abc juice. I've already peeled them all off(?) I will wash my hands and come back. I cut my carrot hair. I cut a carrot into small pieces. I cut the carrot into small pieces again. I put these in the steamer. I peel the unpeeled of a red beet. I cut a red beet in half. I cut a red beet in half again. I cut these into small pieces so that they grind well into a blender. I put these in the steamer. I also cut the apple for abc juice in half. I cut out the seeds that I can't eat apples. I actually like abc juice because it tastes like apples. And I also put milk in glass containers. I stir these things. I cover the glass containers too. I put these glass containers in a yogurt maker. I will heat them up for about 10 hours. I will eat red pepper paste sujebi for lunch today. In fact, I had to add only medium wheat flour, but I didn't have enough, so I mixed some strong wheat flour. I pour 150ml of water. I mix it until it is kneaded well. I'm done with the dough and I'll cover it with plastic wrap and ripen it for 30 minutes. I peel the carrot for the sujebi broth. I shred a carrot. I cut the chopped carrots into two equal parts to make it easier to eat. I slice the bisected zucchini. I spread the sliced zucchini overlapping and chop it. I also chop an onion. I scoop out the brothed anchovies and kelp with a scoop net. I put the cut vegetables in the pot. I mince a piece of garlic. One spoon of minced garlic. One spoon of red pepper powder. A spoon of red pepper paste. One spoon of soy sauce. I add a little water to the seasoning and mix it. I put the seasoning in the pot. I cut the aged sujebi dough into a pot. I cut the green onion into small pieces. I put the finished sujebi in a bowl. I also had lunch with my grandmother. I ate lunch on a cold day, so I felt more delicious. I enjoyed my lunch this time, too. I will eat braised potatoes with chicken breast this evening. I cut potatoes in half. I cut potatoes into bite-sized pieces. A lap of cooking oil. I put the potatoes that I cut in the frying pan. I also add the onions that I cut and stir-fry them. 300ml of water (based on 3 potatoes). 3 spoons of soy sauce. (I added 2 spoons of soy sauce and one more spoon because it was bland) A spoon of oyster sauce. One spoon of oligosaccharide. I cut a pack of chicken breast in a frying pan. I will make anchovy rice balls to eat with braised potatoes. I chop the pickled radish for kimbap in the refrigerator. A bit of sesame oil. I add stir-fried anchovies with pumpkin seeds and mix all. My grandmother and I can't eat spicy food, so we eat non-spicy peppers. I remove the red pepper seeds and slice the red pepper thinly. I sterilize the glass container for beet pickle. I bought a lot of beets to make abc juice so I will make pickles. I cut beets vertically into small pieces. I cut my hand while cutting the beat so I put on plastic glove. I put the sliced beets in a sterilized glass container. Vinegar 150ml (based on 2 beets) A little bit of stevia powder(You can replace it with sugar.) I mix the ingredients. 400ml of water. I pour vinegar water into a glass container. I put the lid on the beet pickle and I will store it in the refrigerator. I'm going to eat beet pickles with spaghetti tomorrow. The yogurt I made during the day is finally made. I put cloth on a sieve and pour yogurt over it. And I tie the cloth tightly. I put heavy objects on top of a tied cloth. a lot of milk serum in yogurt came out! When I woke up in the morning, a lot of milk serum in yogurt came out overnight. I untie the cloth. I leave only enough Greek yogurt in a glass container. Strawberries I remove the strawberry stems and put it in the water. I rinse strawberries in water a few times. I finally rinsed all the strawberries. I cut strawberries and put them on a yogurt bowl containing Greek yogurt.
Set fire to your hair Poke a stick at a grizzly bear Eat medicine that's out of date Use your private parts as piranha bait Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Invite a psycho-killer inside Scratch a drug dealers brand new ride Take your helmet off in outer space Use your clothes dryer as a hiding place Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Keep a rattlesnake as a pet Sell both your kidneys on the Internet Teach yourself how to fly Eat a two-week-old unrefrigerated pie Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dumb ways to die So many dumb ways to die Dress up like a moose during hunting season Disturb a nest of wasps for no good reason Stand on the edge of a train station platform Drive around the boom gates at a level crossing Run across the tracks between the platforms They may not rhyme but they're quite possibly The dumbest ways to die The dumbest ways to die The dumbest ways to die So many dumb So many dumb ways to die
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foreign if you are a religious person or atheist  who believes in a god then when you reason with   atheist you mostly come up with a question  that who created God like when you reason with   them that the God created this universe they will  always ask then who created God and that question   is not a new question it has been asked by many  atheists over the centuries even Richard Dawkins   revealed atheist has asked this question in his  book The God's delusion now what is the answer to   this question and how can a Muslim answer this  question stay tuned till the end to find out so Richard Dawkins a major proponent of Atheism  in his book The God Delusion when arguing about   designer design in his fourth chapter writes that  and I quote the designer hypothesis immediately   raises the larger problem of who designed  the designer in other parts it's basically   a restatement of who created God now let's break  it down this question so when a question is asked   it has to satisfied two criterias number one it  should have possible answers and number two that   it should not self contradict itself now in this  question The Entity that is referred to is gold   so what is code exactly in Islam because I  am Muslim I am giving this response from a   Muslim perspective in Islam God is defined as  in chapter number 112 of Quran as Bismillah and translation is say that he is Allah only  unique is not dependent upon anyone and everything   else is dependent upon him he begets not nor is he  begotten and there is nothing like unto him so in   this definition of Court God is basically a thing  that is uncreated he isn't created by anyone else now if you apply this to the question the question  basically becomes who created the uncreated   see the contradiction created the  uncreated it does not both logically   follow hence the question falls down it  is an oxymoron a nonsensical question   if you want more examples I'll give you some  for example can you have a squared Circle   a figure that is both square and circle at the  same time you cannot have that because a circle   has no sides and square has four sides similarly  can you have a married Bachelor a person who is   married and Bachelor at the same time you cannot  have those because those are contradictions   now when you apply this the same logic to  gourd can you create the uncreated being   see the error the contradiction in the  question makes the question nonsensical   and that basically that question is not a valid  question anymore it's a contradictory claim and in   nature according to the law of non-currediction  contradictions cannot exist in reality   hence the question who created God is basically  a nonsensical question and there's nothing so   profound about it it's basically an illogical and  irrational question to ask even in the first place   and similarly questions like can go create a rogue  that he cannot lift in that question also you are   basically saying can the all-powerful  not be all powerful at the same time   there's a contradiction the question  this question cannot be answered it's   the same as me saying can I try calculate  the length of the fourth side of a triangle   you cannot have the force type of triangle  because a triangle by definition has only   three sides similarly Gold by definition  is a necessary being that it's uncreated   to ask the question who created God is basically  asking who created the necessary being which by   definition is uncreated it's nonsensical  wasalam and I'll see you guys next time
The fundamental laws that govern the universe speak to us only in the language of mathematics. The key to understanding this language is calculus. Calculus allows us to see the true beauty of nature. Calculus makes the predictions of modern physics possible. The variable Y represents distance in space. The variable X represents moments in time. The purple line represents the relationship between space and time. This line shows what the distance in space is for every moment in time. Let us focus on what happens during just one unit of time. The distance traveled in one unit of time is what we call speed. The speed is represented by the green rectangles. Suppose we add the areas of all the rectangles together. The areas all these rectangles add up to the distance travelled. Now let us consider a different scenario. Again, consider what happens during one unit of time. Again, the speed is the distance traveled in one unit of time. As before, let’s add all the rectangles together. As before, the areas add up to the distance traveled. Up till now, we have only been dealing with cases where objects move without changing speed. Now let’s consider a case where we change speed and sometimes move backwards. Again, the speed can be represented by a group of rectangles. This graph shows that the speed is no longer constant. Every moment in time now consists of a different speed. A negative speed is represented by yellow rectangles. A negative speed means that the object is moving backwards. Let us once again add the areas of all the rectangles together. The yellow rectangles have a negative area, and cancel out the green rectangles. The area that is left once again represents the distance traveled. Let us change the graph for the speed of the object. Before, the graph of distance versus time consisted of sharp corners. Now the graph of time versus distance is much smoother. Now the graph is a smooth continuous curve. Let us once again add all the rectangles together. No matter what kind of graph we have, the rectangles will always add up to the distance traveled. This is the fundamental theorem of calculus. Consider a very small increment of time which we will call “dx.” Consider the distance traveled during this time, which we will call “dy.” The speed is the distance traveled divided by the time taken, which is “dy” divided by “dx.” We can therefore re-label the speed as “dy” divided by “dx”, and we refer to it as the derivative of y with respect to x. If we extend this white line, then “dy” divided by “dx” will be the line’s slope. For every moment of time, “dy” divided by “dx” is the slope of the extended white line. As the slope increases, “dy” divided by “dx” increases. When the white line is horizontal, the slope is zero. When the object moves backwards, the slope is negative. Let us again consider the situation where we had large step increases in speed. The purple line will now no longer be smooth, and will again have sharp corners. Each time we pass a sharp corner, the slope changes abruptly, and this is why “dy” divided by “dx” changes abruptly. Now let us return to the case where the speed changes smoothly. Let us give a new name to “dy” divided by “dx”. Let us call it f(x). For every value of x, we have a corresponding value of f(x). For the yellow rectangles, f(x) is negative. The distance traveled during a very small moment of time is the speed multiplied by the time, which is “dy” divided by “dx” multiplied by “dx.” Since “dy” divided by “dx” is called f(x), another way to write down the distance traveled during this moment of time is f(x) multiplied by “dx”. This equation, f(x) multiplied by “dx”, also happens to be the area of the rectangle representing what happens during this moment of time. The area of the rectangle is length multiplied by width, which is f(x) multiplied by “dx.” Therefore, the area of this rectangle is exactly equal to the distance traveled during this moment in time. The area of the entire graph is the sum of all the individual rectangles. Therefore, the area of the entire graph is the sum of
At first glance, the laws of electromagnetism appear to violate Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, which states that it is not possible to tell if you are moving or if you are standing still. According to Maxwell’s Laws of Electromagnetism, two particles with the same charge moving in the same direction will exert an attractive magnetic force on each other. This occurs only for moving charged particles, and not for stationary charged particles. From Sarah’s point of view, the two charged particles are moving, and they will exert an attractive magnetic force on each other. From Adam’s point of view, the two charged particles are standing still, and there is no magnetic field and no magnetic force. How is it possible to reconcile the two views? Although Adam and Sarah will disagree about if there is a magnetic field present, they will both agree that there are electric fields present. All charged particles create electric fields, regardless of if they are moving. Adam and Sarah will agree that the electric fields cause the two particles to repel each other due to the fact that the two particles have the same charge. In addition to the repulsive electric force, Sarah will also see the attractive magnetic force. Sarah will see the repulsive electric force as stronger than the attractive magnetic force. Therefore, she will still see the two particle move away from each other, but she will see them move away from each other slower than they would if there was no magnetic field present. But, Sarah will not be able to use this as evidence to convince Adam that he is moving. This is because Sarah will see Adam’s clock running slower than her own. When Adam uses his clock to determine how fast the particles are moving away from each other, he concludes that it is at exactly the rate as if there was no magnetic field present. Hence, all of Adam’s observations remain consistent with his belief that there is no magnetic field present and his belief that he is standing still. Einstein’s Theory of Relativity has therefore not been violated. But let us try to violate Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in a slightly more clever way by introducing gravity into the picture. Suppose we prepare two charged spheres such that their electric repulsion is exactly balanced by their gravitational attraction. Adam will see that the forces are balanced and that the distance between the two spheres is neither increasing nor decreasing. As a result, Sarah must also see that the distance between the two spheres is neither increasing nor decreasing. But, how is it possible for Sarah to see all the forces balance when she also believes that there is an additional magnetic force present, which does not exist for Adam? The answer is that there is a magnetic analogy to gravity. The gravitational field that we normally think of around an object with mass is analogous to the “electric” field around an object with charge. We can also think of a new type gravitational field created by a “moving” mass that is analogous to the “magnetic” field created by a moving charge. Just as in the case of magnetism, this new type of gravitational field would exert an apparent force perpendicular to the direction of the field and perpendicular to the direction of motion. Just as in the case of magnetism, this new type of gravitational field would exert an apparent force perpendicular to the direction of the field and perpendicular to the direction of motion. As a result, in the case of our last example, Sarah will see all the apparent forces exactly cancel each other out, and she will see that the two spheres do not move toward or away from each other. Adam and Sarah will disagree about whether or not this new type of gravitational field is present, just as they will disagree about whether or not there is a magnetic field present. But this is OK, since we can’t actually observe these fields directly, but only their effects on objects. When observing the behavior of objects, there is no way for Adam and Sarah to determine which of them is moving, and which of them is standing still
Fibonacci retracements are like a scale or ruler. Unlike a linear scale, Fibonacci retracements are like the Fibonacci numbers, where you get the next number by adding the previous two numbers, i.e 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13 and so on. It is more like a snowball gathering volume as it rolls on. Forex price movements are also believed to gather volume and momentum as it moves on. Hence you need a reference high and low to use Fibonacci retracements, which are the 0 and 100 levels. A minute, day, week or a month can be your reference scale to measure future price levels. Fibonacci retracements use Fibonacci ratios rather than the Fibonacci numbers. Adding the prefix %$ to the Fibonacci ratios will display the prices at those levels. You have the option to change the properties of the Fibonacci retracements. You can change the color of the fibo, you can add word descriptions. You can also check the ray option, where the lines extend to the right side of the chart. Accuracy depends mostly on the positions of the 0 and 100 levels and the direction of the trend.
They said I needed something in my life Said I was doing dumb shit all the time. 'Cause broken dreams won't pay your bills at all. I heard it was the wrong things I get right. I'm blamin' all the monsters in my mind. With stories from outside this prison walls. 'Cause even if we are hopeless We know that this will hurt. Tomorrow is just a blur That they can't control. Believers Let's raise a toast. Enjoy the show. Yeah, believers So incomplete... Yet all we need Believers Let's raise a toast Enjoy the show They said I wanna come, but I'm terrified Headed for the sun but I'm scared of heights So you and me go fallin' through the dark (no, no) You told me to be someone that I like Instead of being someone in their eyes Your battle scars make you look like a star 'Cause even if we're hopeless We know that this will hurt. Tomorrow is just a blur That they can't control Believers Let's raise a toast Enjoy the show Yeah, believers So incomplete Yeah, all we need. (We are) Believers Let's raise a toast Enjoy the show I want you to know that, believer They can't control it, believer. I want you to know that, believer They can't control it (they can't) I want you to know that, believer They can't control it, believer. I want you to know that, believer They can't control it. No way they can control it. No, they can't control it, ooh, ooh Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum You're like the mist in the morning You're a moment, body warming I can't resist where you're going Make me an ocean, overflowing Sweet dreams of your love Keeping me up, can't get enough Sweet dreams of your touch Do what you want, just keep it up To the rhythm of the beat Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba To the rhythm of the beat Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum Waves, as they're rolling As they're growing, can't control 'em Caught in a haze up on the ceiling You got me feeling, I must be dreaming Sweet dreams of your love Keeping me up, can't get enough Sweet dreams of your touch Do what you want, just keep it up To the rhythm of the beat Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum To the rhythm of the beat Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba To the rhythm of the beat Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum (Beat, beat, beat, to the beat) Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Beat, ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba To the rhythm of the beat Ba-ba-ba-da-bum Ba-ba-ba-da-bum To the rhythm of the...
Hi guys welcome back to my youtube channel if  you are new here welcome to my channel my name is   Stephen in today's video i'm going to be sharing  with you guys my new clients onboarding process   i'm talking about the process after the clients  have agreed to work with you are you about getting   the contract signed invoicing getting paid and  also how you can get all the information you   need to complete the project from your client this  is the process that i'm talking about i'm going to   show you guys how i do it this is by no means the  best way of doing it out there i know that a lot   of you guys have different ways of doing this and  some people will also disagree with the way i do   it and that's fine i'm going to show you guys how  i do this maybe you can learn one or two things   and i also appreciate if you guys can let me know  how you go about the client's onboarding process   in your web design business if you can let me know  in the comment section below if you already have   a wall of doing this let me know in the comment  section below maybe i can learn one or two things   you never know well let's go ahead and get started  so i can show you guys how i do this the tools   that i use the softwares that i use and why i use  them i have five simple steps that i follow every   time i'm going through a new client onboarding  process so i'm going to list all the steps for you   guys and then we're going to go through each step  one after the other so my first step is contract   second one is invoicing and then the third one is  collecting client information and then the fourth   step is setting objectives and expectations and  then the final step is the welcome email that i   usually send out to all my clients so now that we  have all these five steps let's go ahead and get   started with the number one step so the number one  step is contract this is very very very important   this is why is my number one i know some people  will maybe do invoicing first but i like to do the   contract first before i go to invoicing because  contract is very very important i know you want to   get paid i know that you want to get your money as  fast as possible you want to jump to that invoice   and get that money that's fine but you need  to make sure that you have a contract it   doesn't matter the client you're working with  it doesn't matter if it's a friend a relative   or a family member as long as there is kind of  agreement and they have to pay you for the job   always make sure that you have a contract it  can be a hard copy or maybe electronic copy   as long as both of you will be able to sign the  contract you'll sign and be like okay this is the   agreement you sign here and then your client  also signed that you guys had that agreement   then that's all you need as long as you have that  then you can move forward to the next step which   is invoicing but before we move to the next step  i'll show you guys the tools that i used to use   and the software that i'm currently using so  right here is the tool that i use this is the   agile project management software this software  is very very powerful because this will allow you   to do pretty much anything that you can think of  about your clients about your project everything   in one place before i started using agile project  management i used to use fresh proposals which is   this one right here this is what i used to use to  send client contract the pricing is not that bad   but i don't use this anymore because you can  do everything right inside this software right   here so the reason why i like to use agile project  management system is because it will help you to   keep everything in one place instead of jumping  around from one software to another you great   contract here you create an invoice here because  when i used to use fresh proposal and then i have   to go to web accounting to send my invoicing or  i'll just use like another invoicing software   well right now you can do everything right inside  here everything is all together everything is i
Luca Guazzotto: Hello, and welcome to lecture Thirteenth of the plasma business course. Luca Guazzotto: Today we're going to pick up Luca Guazzotto: from where we left Luca Guazzotto: at the end of a lecture 12, and up in particular what we were working on was Luca Guazzotto: what we call the pressure gradient force. Luca Guazzotto: Let me pull that writing for you. Luca Guazzotto: and we were evaluating the loss of pressure. or rather loss of momentum from the particles on the right Luca Guazzotto: of our fluid element. Luca Guazzotto: And we're talking about electrons. So i'm going to refer to them all Luca Guazzotto: either select ones or particles in general. And we're looking at the electron that are coming in and out Luca Guazzotto: of our fluid element Luca Guazzotto: at Luca Guazzotto: N0 0n the right side of the fluid. I don't mind. Luca Guazzotto: So here is what we're doing. Electron centering Luca Guazzotto: and exiting Luca Guazzotto: the fluid element Luca Guazzotto: x plus delta x over 2 Luca Guazzotto: would have time done. Oh, what Luca Guazzotto: and Luca Guazzotto: what we got by summing over the various types of particles is that Luca Guazzotto: dot Luca Guazzotto: loss of momentum is given by this integral Luca Guazzotto: for all value of Wx Luca Guazzotto: of Luca Guazzotto: and a Times, W. Luca Guazzotto: Times, Wx. Times. The distribution function of the electrons calculated in our Luca Guazzotto: W. And T. Luca Guazzotto: Where the integral is in Dw. Luca Guazzotto: As a reminder. we define Luca Guazzotto: 3 different velocities Luca Guazzotto: in in the system or in our description of the plasma Luca Guazzotto: that are no particular order. The Luca Guazzotto: particle velocity Luca Guazzotto: we'd expect Luca Guazzotto: through the lab frame Luca Guazzotto: the Luca Guazzotto: fluid element. Velocity. Luca Guazzotto: Again, we could spec for the love frame. Luca Guazzotto: and that difference Luca Guazzotto: between the 2. Luca Guazzotto: We called the first one. Luca Guazzotto: V, Luca Guazzotto: the second one you some e. Luca Guazzotto: and the third one is W. Luca Guazzotto: Where you some e Luca Guazzotto: is the average of the by definition. Luca Guazzotto: the average velocity with which the particles in our Luca Guazzotto: fluid element or moving Luca Guazzotto: and okay Luca Guazzotto: by the finish on the average value of that is going to be 0. Luca Guazzotto: Okay. Luca Guazzotto: and of the reminder. Luca Guazzotto: We need to calculate this integral. Luca Guazzotto: Now. Luca Guazzotto: in order to calculate that integral, we need to know the distribution function. Luca Guazzotto: If Luca Guazzotto: we don't well. then there is no way to move any further. But we can Luca Guazzotto: make a simplifying assumption that is going to give us some results. Luca Guazzotto: and that assumption is that the distribution function is a Maxwellian in W. Luca Guazzotto: Let's see what that means. Luca Guazzotto: but it's gonna be faster than trying to ride the symbol. Luca Guazzotto: I's pretty tried. Luca Guazzotto: Wow. Distribution. Okay. Luca Guazzotto: Function is Luca Guazzotto: Maxwellian Luca Guazzotto: in W. Luca Guazzotto: This means. Luca Guazzotto: and i'll let you think about it. If this is not obvious that the distribution function Luca Guazzotto: he's. Luca Guazzotto: If we wanted in in terms Luca Guazzotto: of the the particle velocity. Luca Guazzotto: then that distribution function is going to be a shift in Maxwell. Luca Guazzotto: In other words, the distribution function is an Australian in the frame of reference that's moving with the average velocity on the particles. Luca Guazzotto: and in that frame of reference, the Luca Guazzotto: and definition. Luca Guazzotto: And therefore I can make coded transformation and go back to the lab frame and find out what the Max what? Yeah. What Luca Guazzotto: my distribution function looks like, and that's signal to be a Maxwellian, but a shift in Maxwell Luca Guazzotto: not going to go any further in this. Luca Guazzotto: but what Luca
Captions by: SplatTaco Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' I got the homis in my bag (Yeah) Have you heard of that? (Yeah) Homis made of steel, from Korea, they the be-e-est Ridin' to the farm (Huh) Grabbin' all the corn (Huh) We gon' get yo' money with my homi in your backyard Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the Seoul town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more Captions by SplatTaco Like and subscribe to MakeUMove! Also my Birthday (SplatTaco) Is on July 31st!
01- Traditional Peruvian dish- Pollo Saltado by TravelPod member eknoll 02- Our hotel in Nazca by TravelPod member eknoll 03- Our plane for the flight over the Nazca Lines by TravelPod member eknoll 04- The Nazca Line area from the plane by TravelPod member eknoll 05- Nazca Lines-The Whale by TravelPod member eknoll 06- The Nazca Lines-The astronaut by TravelPod member eknoll 07- The Nazca Lines-The dog by TravelPod member eknoll 08- The Nazca Lines-The monkey by TravelPod member eknoll 09- View from the plane by TravelPod member eknoll 10- Views from the plane by TravelPod member eknoll 11-Nazca Lines-The Condor by TravelPod member eknoll 12-Nazca Lines- The Spider by TravelPod member eknoll 14- Nazca Lines- The Hummingbird by TravelPod member eknoll 15- Chickens in a market by TravelPod member eknoll 16- Plaza De Armas in Nazca by TravelPod member eknoll 17- Mummy of a child sacrifice by TravelPod member eknoll 18- Nazcan Mummy by TravelPod member eknoll 19- Nazcan mummy in a burial site by TravelPod member eknoll 20- Nazca skulls and bones by TravelPod member eknoll 21- Nazca skulls and bomes by TravelPod member eknoll 23- The area around the cemetery by TravelPod member eknoll
Welcome to abacus tutorial. Abacus or soroban is a calculating device, used to do basic calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in a simple, fast and easy way. This is a software version of abacus. In this video I am going to show how the number representation is done in abacus. Abacus is a mechanical calculating device. The structure of abacus is as in the image. A frame, beams and beads. One set of beads on the top row. And four each at the bottom one. The beads at the bottom is called earth beads. Heaven beads are the ones on the top row. Value for each heaven bead is five. And the value for each earth bead is one. The right most beam is for representing units, the next one for tens, hundreds and so on. Set and reset mode. Heaven bead is set when is moved down, and reset when it is moved up. Earth bead is set when is moved up, and reset when it is moved down. set five set six set seven clear eight nine maximum single digit representation two digit numbers, that is from 10 to 99 ten twenty thirty ninety 7:52 eleven 8:08 nineteen 08:30 Sixty three 08:45 hundred 09:00 Four hundred 09:03 five hundred 09:16 five hundred and thirty 09:33 five hundred and thirty eight 9:50 thousend 10:03 Ten thousand 10:12 hundred thousand 10:23 hundred thousand and five 10:50 hundred thousand and fourty five 11:00 hundred thousand three forty five 11:20 five hundred [move heaven bead down] This is the way to represent numbers in an abacus. Earth beads have value one and the heaven beads value us five. Move heaven bead down to set and move earth bead up to set. Move heaven bead up to reset and move earth bead down to reset.
Hi everyone welcome to shsirclasses today in this video we have to represent   3 minus root 3 on a number line in  easy way so let's start the video so first of all we have to draw  here a number line so now first   drawing here a line of any length and taking Arrow  mark on both side now taking here number zero   next we have to mark the numbers on the line  so taking any length by compass and marking   the numbers on the line by this way and the  length of the compass is one unit length okay   so now here minus 1 1 2 3 4. now roughly  discussing here some important calculation so we   have to represent 3 minus root 3 on number line  so here 3 so from 0 to 3 this is 3 unit length   now we have to subtract root 3 okay so first we  have to represent root through root 2 then root 3.   so first roughly discussing about root 2 so  now roughly drawing here a right angle triangle   ABC and this is 90 degree now if you take the base  equal to one unit and the perpendicular equal to   one unit then the hypotenuse we have to find  out this so we know that by Pythagoras Theorem   so AC equal to root over BC square plus a b square  okay so now root over this is 1 so 1 square plus   this one also one so one square so root over  one plus one so this is root 2 unit length   now applying this concept between two two three  and the length between two and three is one   unit so taking point B now we have to draw a 90  degree angle on the point B by using Compass by   this way so taking any length and drawing Arc  by this way and putting the compass here and   taking same length and cut here and putting the  composite here and cut here and drawing a Arc here   again with save length and putting the  composite here and cut here so now joining   the slide to get here a 90 degree angle so  this is 90 degree angle okay now taking one   unit length between any two number and putting  the compass on the point here and cut here   so taking Point here C and this is one unit  length and this is also one unit length   now joining a and C so from this we  can say that this is root 2 unit length   now we have to represent root 3. so first  roughly drawing here a right angle triangle p q r   and this is 90 degree angle now taking the base  equal to root 2 unit and the perpendicular equal   to one unit then the hypotenuse VR equal  to by Pythagoras Theorem we can write   PR equal to root over basis Square so this  is root 2 square and this is one square   so this is 2 and here one so this is total root  3 unit okay so applying this concept on the line   AC and this is root 2 unit length and now we have  to draw a 90 degree angle on the point C by using   Compass so taking any length and drawing an arc  by this way and putting the compass here and   taking same length and cut here and putting the  compass here and cut here and drawing a Arc here   and putting the compass here and cut here now  joining this line to get a 90 degree angle on the   point C so we got a 90 degree angle here so this  is 90 degree now taking one unit length between 0   to 1 so this is one unit length and putting the  compass here and cut here so taking Point here   D And CD equal to one unit length now joining  a and d so from this we can say that a d equal   to root 3 unit length now taking the length a d  equal to root 3 by using Compass by this way and   drawing a Arc through the point D which made the  number line here at a point so taking Point here   so this is taking Point p and this is obviously  3 minus root 3 on number line so therefore   distance sorry op so op equal to we  can write first o a and subtracting a p   then this is o p o a equal to 3 and AP  equal to root 3 unit so this is 3 minus   root 3 unit so that's all thanks for watching  if this video is helpful to you then please
Hello... A PID controller can turn something like a basic heater into a precisely controlled device It uses a sensor to measure what's going on and then turns the heat on and off depending on the temperature it sees Holding the value around a chosen set point We made a PID controller using Micropython on a Raspberry Pi Pico It's connected to a relay switch that's attached to a power socket So it can be used with any device that doesn't mind being turned on and off a lot In the example we use it for cooking The temperatures chosen using the dial and the target temperature and actual temperature are shown on the screen If you want to make one you'll need... A Raspberry Pi Pico A screen Temperature sensor Rotary encoder and a relay switch As usual all the code and instructions are on our GitHub repository Link in the description Here it has been tested....and then making a burger [dial turning sound] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [hairdryer turning on & off] [dial turning sound]
When you add you put together When you add you get the sum It's taking 2 or more numbers And getting a greater one Adding is called addition When you subtract you take away When you subtract you get the difference It's taking one number from another and always getting less Subtracting is called subtraction Let's try an adding problem I think you can solve If you have 3 pencils 3 And you add 2 more pencils 2 How many pencils do you have all together? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 3 + 2 = 5 Let's try another adding problem, I think you can do it If you have 2 dogs 2 And you add 2 more dogs 2 How many dogs do you have all together ? 1, 2, 3, 4  2 + 2= 4 Let's try a subtracting problem I think you can solve If you have 4 balls 4 And you subtract 2 balls 2 How many balls do you have left? 1, 2 4 - 2 = 2 Let's try another subtracting problem Think, you can do it If you have 6 apples 6 And you subtract 3 apples 3 How many apples do you have left?  1, 2, 3 6 - 3 = 3 Now listen to this cool rule about number 0  When you add or subtract 0 the number doesn't change When you add or subtract 0 the number stays the same When you add you put together When you add you get the sum It's taking 2 or more numbers And getting a greater one Adding is called addition When you subtract you take away When you subtract you get the difference It's taking one number from another and always getting less Subtracting is called subtraction
[A friend visits the protagonist and a casual conversation goes on...] Protagonist: Sit I will show you a magic trick. Protagonist asks the friend to select a card without revealing it to him. The friend selected "King of Spades". [Without seeing the card, the protagonist shuffles the card deck along with the selected card.] Protagonist: In which row your card is in? [ Friend points the row] [Protagonist mixes the cards and place them again in rows] Protagonist: In which row your card is in? [ Friend points the row] [Protagonist mixes the cards and place them again in rows] Protagonist: In which row your card is in? [ Friend points the row] [Protagonist picks all the cards] [Protagonist places all the cards as groups of 3 as they face the ground. ] Protagonist: There are 7 sets now. Select any 4 sets. Protagonist: Select any 2 sets among the 4 available sets. Protagonist: Select any set among the 2 available sets. Protagonist: Select any card among the 3 available cards. Protagonist: Is this the card you selected? Friend: Correct !!!? [King of Spades] [ Friend is flabbergasted! ] [ The friend again visits the protagonist and requests him to reveal the magic trick. ] [ Protagonist agreed to reveal the magic trick. ] Protagonist: Do you know mathematics? You studied 3 tables? Protagonist: Totally we need unique 21 cards for this magic trick. Protagonist: Ask your friend to select any card from the deck of 21 cards. Protagonist: Without seeing the card put it back in the deck and shuffle. Protagonist: Divide the cards as a group of 7 - So totally 3 groups. Protagonist: After dividing, ask your friend in which row the selected card is. Protagonist: Keep the selected row in middle. Others 2 rows at top and bottom and place the cards again as 3 rows such as 7 cards in each row. Protagonist: Now we are again dividing that selected row of 7 cards by 3 - that is 2+3+2 Protagonist: Top 7 and bottom 7 cards are also got divided but they are not important for us. Protagonist: Now we ask friend to select the row again. Protagonist: Now the selected card contains 2 or 3 cards from the earlier selected row. Protagonist: Now by repeat the earlier step of taking all the cards, by keeping the selected row in middle. Protagonist: This ordering is important while taking the cards! Protagonist: Now the selected cards are getting divided by 3 again. Protagonist: Now we get the selected cards from previous step placed in each row. Protagonist: Now the selected row's middle card (any of the 4th card in a row) is the selected card. Protagonist: Again collect the cards in a same fashion - that is selected row in middle. Protagonist: Turn the cards and place them as groups of 3 cards. Protagonist: Due to our earlier steps, the selected card should have came to the 11th position automatically. Protagonist: We should remember the group with that 11th card. [Here after just the usual magic trick based on deception] Protagonist: Now ask friend to select the groups. Protagonist: Reject the selected groups if the 11th card is not part of them. Protagonist: Reject the remaining groups if the 11th card is part of the selected group. Protagonist: Finally we have only the last group with the 11th card. Protagonist: Ask friend to select any 1 among the three cards. Protagonist: Mostly everyone selects the middle card. Protagonist: Reveal that middle card - that should be the selected card! [ Friend is happy now ] Our Protagonist performs this magic trick using the 3 tables which we studied in primary schooling. Like this magic trick, there are many interesting applications of mathematics in our lives. We will dedicate these kind of awareness videos in our channel. Until then, stay curious! Kindly provide your support through your Likes, Comments and Subscribe! Thank you!
Fold and unfold Turn over Fold and unfold Turn over Fold and unfold Turn over Fold corners to center Turn over Fold corners to center Turn over Fold corners to center Turn over Fold to center both sides Fold and unfold Fold to center both sides Fold and unfold Fold to center both sides Fold and unfold Fold and unfold diagonal Fold and unfold diagonal Fold and unfold diagonal Fold the bisector on the diagonal Unfold Fold the bisector on the diagonal Unfold Fold the bisector on the diagonal Unfold Fold corners to center Fold corners to center Fold corners to center Squash folds Squash folds Squash folds Fold the bisector to the center Fold and unfold Fold the bisector to the center Fold and unfold Fold the bisector to the center Fold and unfold Squash folds Squash folds Squash folds those are the tusks of the elephant those are the tusks of the elephant those are the tusks of the elephant Mountain fold Turn over Pull out the legs Mountain fold Turn over Pull out the legs Mountain fold Turn over Pull out the legs Squash folds Squash folds Squash folds Slide the head Slide the head Slide the head Repeat behind Repeat behind Repeat behind Repeat behind Reverse fold Repeat behind Reverse fold Repeat behind Reverse fold Double-rabbit-ear fold Double-rabbit-ear fold Double-rabbit-ear fold Double-rabbit-ear fold Double-rabbit-ear fold Double-rabbit-ear fold Crimp and reverse-fold Crimp and reverse-fold Crimp and reverse-fold Curl the tusks Curl the tusks Curl the tusks Shape the legs Shape the legs Shape the legs Completed model Completed model Completed model
Hello, welcome to NETVN channel In this video I will show you how to build a private vpn server that does not need port forwarding on the router and also does not need dynamic domain name service. In this video I will show you how to build a private vpn server that does not need port forwarding on the router and also does not need dynamic domain name service. To do that I prepare an old laptop and turn it into a vpn server I will install Ubuntu server operating system on this computer You need to make sure the target computer is connected to the internet First you go to the Ubuntu homepage and download the server installation version I use an 8GB USB stick to create the Ubuntu server installer Next I used the rufus tool to create a bootable installation USB stick With rufus tool you can easily create a bootable installer After obtaining the installer, you plug it into the target computer In the BIOS or UEFI you set the computer to boot from the USB stick Next are the steps to install Ubuntu server operating system on the target computer You will be asked to set the language, keyboard You will be asked to set the language, keyboard You don't need to set up a static ip address for the target computer because you don't need to forward the port on the router So I set the target computer to use the dynamic ip address allocated from the router While installing the operating system you are asked to create an administrator account, create a new one and write it down to access this computer over the network While installing the operating system you are asked to create an administrator account, create a new one and write it down to access this computer over the network Make sure to enable OpenSSH server when installing Ubuntu Server operating system Here you remove the installation USB stick from the target computer and press Enter key to restart the computer Target computer has ip address Thus I have completed the installation of Ubuntu Server OS for the target laptop Next I use a Windows 11 computer to access the target computer over the network If you don't know the ip address of the target computer you can use ip address scanner software to find it. I will use it for remote access over the network using ssh You use the admin account created when installing the Ubuntu server operating system and the ip address of the target computer for remote access over the network using ssh You use the admin account created when installing the Ubuntu server operating system and the ip address of the target computer for remote access over the network using ssh To build my own vpn server without port forwarding on the router I use zerotier You just need to register for a free account, which is enough for your personal needs This is my network identifier, clients will connect to this network using this network identifier This is my network identifier, clients will connect to this network using this network identifier Zerotier allows you to route between a physical network and a virtual private network so that remote network devices can access local resources over the internet. Zerotier allows you to route between a physical network and a virtual private network so that remote network devices can access local resources over the internet. And here are the instructions from the Zerotier homepage Next I will use this to turn the target computer into a vpn server without port forwarding on the router You will install zerotier to the target computer To install zerotier on Ubuntu server operating system, just copy this command and paste it into the command window as above To install zerotier on Ubuntu server operating system, just copy this command and paste it into the command window as above Zerotier has been successfully installed on the target computer Next I set up this computer to join the vpn network I just created This is the command for this computer to join the vpn network named netvn You copy and paste the network identifier to complete the command Join vpn network successfully Next you allow this computer to join the vpn netwo
If your ghost pulls you apart Just let me love you when your heart is tired Oh love, there's no need to hide And I feel so helpless inside I see those tears in your eyes From the sidelines Been waiting on the sidelines Just forget about this mess Just roll up a cigarette I don't know what came by me They've been there for weeks Packed your bags at midnight Cold hands, red eyes You can't forget about this mess Can't hide the secrets And if they could, they’d say But these walls don’t talk But I see through your white lies When you whisper, I'm alright Just let me love you when your heart is tired Just let me love you, just let me love you Just let me love you when your heart is tired Just let me love you, just let me love you Just let me love you when your heart is tired My love, there's no need to hide And it feels like you've lost who you are Just let me love you when your heart is tired Just let me love you, just let me love you Just let me love you when your heart is tired Just let me love you, just let me love you Just let me love you when your heart is tired My love, there's no need to hide And it feels like you've lost who you are If your ghost pulls you apart Just let me love you when your heart is tired Oh love, there's no need to hide And I feel so helpless inside I see those tears in your eyes From the sidelines I'm waiting on the sidelines
Hey, it's Delilah Did you hear I left the city? I've not been there since the day you left I know it's such a pity Sorry to Run away without dropping a clue Away from you Hey it's Delilah I'm so sorry for the silence Couldn't take another day Because your absence was so violent Just in case You ask why I left with no trace It was a mistake Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me What you do to me Hey it's Delilah I know the years have done you well I heard your music took you farther than We could ever really tell You have it good You have the life you knew would Your word was good Hey it's Delilah I've got so much on my chest I hope you understand this since i left there's Nothing but regret but it's my fault No text no note not one phone call I wrecked it all. Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me I know a thousand miles is far Even with planes and trains and cars So I wrote 'cause i had so much to say My friends they all make fun of me Because i can't move on you see When it was my own choice to walk away Remember when you used to say Delilah if you were to stray My world would never ever be the same And I'm to blame Hey it's Delilah I hope you're good and you don't miss me Hope you're thriving and in love again and your musics making history Yes I do Just know that I'll always love you You can do whatever you want to Love from Delilah, here's to you This one's for you Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me Oh it's what you do to me What you do to me Woah, Woah, Woah Woah, woah, Woah, Woah Hmmm
They say we're young and we don't know We won't find out until we grow Well I don't know if all that's true Cause you got me, and baby I got you Babe I got you babe, I got you babe They say our love won't pay the rent Before it's earned, our money's all been spent I guess that's so, we don't have a pot But at least I'm sure of all the things we got Babe I got you babe, I got you babe I got flowers in the spring, I got you to wear my ring And when I'm sad, you're a clown And if I get scared, you're always around So let them say your hair's too long Cause I don't care, with you I can't go wrong Then put your little hand in mine There ain't no hill or mountain we can't climb Babe I got you babe, I got you babe I got you to hold my hand I got you to understand I got you to walk with me I got you to talk with me I got you to kiss goodnight I got you to hold me tight I got you, I won't let go I got you to love me so I got you babe I got you babe I got you babe I got you babe I got you babe
[music plays] Mother Goose Club Playhouse Five Little Monkeys Hi Mother Goose Club would you like to sing "Five Little Monkeys" with me? Awesome. Get your five fingers ready to jump like five monkeys. [music plays] Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Four little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” One little monkey jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Great job. [music plays] Five little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Four little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Three little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Two little monkeys jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” One little monkey jumping on the bed, one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “No more monkeys jumping on the bed!” Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. one fell off and bumped his head. Mama called the doctor and the doctor said, “Put those monkeys back to bed!” [music plays] [music plays] Mother Goose Club Playhouse [music plays]
in this video we have given that integral  of 4e power x plus 6e power minus x by 9e   power x minus 4e power minus x dx is equal  to Ax plus B log 9e power 2x minus 4 plus C   then we have to find the values of A, B and C so  we have integral of this thing is equal to this   that means differentiation of Ax plus B log 9e power 2x minus 4 plus C will  be equal to 4e power x plus 6e power minus x   by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x  because if we have given integration of A dx   is equal to B then we can write  differentiation of B is equal to A and differentiation of Ax will be A plus  differentiation of B log 9e power 2x minus 4   will be B is constant and 1 by 9e power 2x minus  4 and differentiation of 9e power 2x minus 4   will be 9 times e power 2x and differentiation of  2x will be 2 and C is constant so differentiation   of C will be 0 that is equal to 4e power x plus 6e  power minus x by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x and it is A plus and 9 times 2 is 18 B e power  2x by 9e power 2x minus 4 is equal to 4e power x   plus 6e power minus x by 9e  power x minus 4e power minus x and here we have 9e power x minus 4e power  minus x and here we have 9e power 2x minus 4   so it is A plus and if we divide numerator and  denominator by e power x then we will get 18B   and e power 2x by e power x will be  e power x by 9 times and e power 2x   by e power x will be e power x minus 4  by e power x will be 4e power minus x   that is equal to 4e power x plus 6e power  minus x by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x 9e power x minus 4e   power minus x will be lcm and we will get  A times 9e power x minus 4e power minus x   plus 18Be power x is equal to 4e power x plus 6e  power minus x by 9e power x minus 4e power minus x   and this will be equal to 9A plus 18B times  e power x minus 4A times e power minus x   by 9e power x minus 4e power  minus x is equal to 4e power x   plus 6e power minus x by 9e power  x minus 4e power minus x and here the denominator is same e power x is also same and e power minus x  is also same so we can equate 9A plus 18B   and 4 and also we can equate minus 4A and 6 and  from here we can get A is equal to minus 6 by 4   or A is equal to minus 3 by 2 and here we get 9  times A is minus 3 by 2 plus 18B is equal to 4   and we can get 18B is equal to 4  plus 9 times 3 by 2 will be 27 by 2 and it is 18B is equal to   8 plus 27 by 2 or 18B will  be equal to 8 plus 27 is 35   by 2 or B will be equal to 35 by 2 times 18 is 36 so we get A is equal to minus  3 by 2, B is equal to 35 by 36   and the equation is independent  of C, so C it can have any real value these are the values of A, B and C
welcome to the session of our course and here in the last class we have defined the partial differential equation we have live we have ah looked into the various you know types of equations linear non linear homogeneous non homogeneous order of equation and we have looked into detail the different types of boundary conditions one will encounter now in this class will be looking into the classification how you will be doing the classification or category categorization of the partial differential equations now let us look into the classifications classification of equations in most of the engineering applications one will be dealing with the three independent variables x one x two and x three now typically we will be dealing with the second order equations in most of the cases so that can be written in general as summation of I is equal to one to three summation of j is equal to one to three a I j del square u del x I del x j is equal to r x one x two x three del u del x one del u del x two del u del x three in general so all the typical the secondary equations can be represented in this particular form now let us look into the ah ah let us write the details on the left hand side what is that nothing but the coefficients will expand the summation series and we will be writing down the all coefficients of ah you know order two terms so any partial differentials that will be of order two that will be recast in this form particular form and one can just open up the summation on the left hand side and can get the all the terms containing the order two so let us do that so if you if you do that I just open out the left hand side left hand side of this equation so I is equal to one to three so it will be a I one del square u del x I del x one plus a I two del square u del x I del x two plus a I three del square u del x I del x three now I open out so I opened up the first summation over j next I will be opening up the first summation over I if I do that this will be a I one a one one del square u del x one square plus a one two del square u del x one del x two plus a one three del square u del x one del x three next term will be a one two del square u del x two del x one plus a two two del square u del x two square plus a two three del square u del x two del x three the third term will be a one three del square u del x three del x one plus a three two del square u del x three del x two plus a three three del square u del x three square so we open up both the summation terms over I and over j and we have obtained the nine terms now nine terms of order two of the partial differential equation now let us write down the coefficient matrix of this nine terms if you write down the coefficient matrix so a becomes the coefficient matrix the coefficient matrix will be nothing but a one one a one two a one three a two one a two two a two three a three one a three two a three three so we formulate the coefficient matrix for various ah for for different terms that those will be appearing in the order two terms in the partial differential equation now we will be evaluating the eigenvalues of this matrix and by looking into the values and sign of the eigenvalues we can classify the oh which ah the the partial differential equation we are dealing with now if so we we evaluate the eigenvalues of of the coefficient matrix of a evaluate eigenvalues of coefficient matrix a now if all eigenvalues are positive or all eigenvalues are negative are negative then the partial differential equation we are dealing with is the elliptic partial differential equation if some eigenvalues are positive and some are negative that means there is a ah eigenvalues which are some mix mixture of positive and negative numbers so this is known as the hyperbolic partial differential equation if at least one eigenvalue is zero then it's called a parabolic then say parabolic ok so will be ah by looking into the coefficient matrix of the order two terms in in a three variable problem we can get the with with get the coefficient matrix by evaluating the eigenvalues of th
Since the dawn of time, war has raged between the plants and the zombies. You must pick a side… Yeah, we get it! Come on down to Neighborville Come on down to Neighborville We love it here and we know you will Come down to Neighborville We got Acorn Which is not corn it couldn’t be corn so let me see corn Corn, he’s a cereal grain And really great for poppin' with butter, it’s insane Zombies, Zombies Better watch out Kickin’ down the door tryn’ to get in your house Wheelin through the ‘hood on rollerskates Looking for brains all over the place Yes, she’s looking all over the place for your brain Watch her disappear while we sing the refrain Ready. Set. GOAT. Everybody sing the chorus Come on down to Neighborville Now just the Zombie Grunt, grunt, grunt That Zombie has a beautiful voice That Zombie is the King of Pop That Zombie has a beautiful voice Peas shooting peas, hitting zombies in the knees It's a battle in the streets using Photosynthesis Punch a zombie in the teeth with super-sonic speed A ninja mushroom? Please! Classic P’s versus Zees Now we’re runnin’ Now we’re running through the trees and we’re crushing enemies and no one ever leaves So pardon our language, don’t mean to be crass Our town’s the best town, let’s go kick some grass Come on down to Neighborville Come on down to Neighborville We love it here and we know you will Come down to Neighborville Come on down to Neighborville Come on down to Neighborville Come on down to Neighborville NEIGH - BA - VILLE Grunt, grunt, grunt That Zombie has a beautiful voice
Langdon White: Alright, hopefully everything's working out. Langdon White: So foolishly well, I had to drive this morning to take my daughter to a doctor's appointment I foolishly drove up here, thinking that you know the. Langdon White: parking lot that was labeled as a Bu FLEX permit parking lot i'd be able to park it, but I was wrong so that was my adventure for today, this is why I don't drive normally. Langdon White: But here we go. Langdon White: So we're talking about models in a B testing today. Langdon White: No announcements per se. Langdon White: But let's start off with talking about models so a model, the set of assumptions about data and data science many models involve assumptions about assays and evolve randomness like chance models. Langdon White: and basically what it comes down to is does the model fit the data, so how many people here have heard the term model when we talk about data science like this. Langdon White: All right, can you tell me like some context in which you've heard it. Langdon White: So way of visualizing data, I would say it's. Langdon White: it's kind of more the root of that, like the visualization is something you apply on top of the model. Langdon White: So the model is really the thing that does the work I think these days you most commonly hear it in terms of machine learning. Langdon White: So many here have heard of machine learning. Langdon White: Alright, so let's be good, so if the machine learning is kind of exactly what it sounds like it's when the computer learn something. Langdon White: And by we use the term learning in this context, very loosely so that maybe they're learning by doing some math to do some sort of predictions, but it can also mean learning as. Langdon White: they're doing they're putting ideas together and we're not quite sure how they're doing that and then spitting out predictive results, so it kind of runs the whole gamut. Langdon White: Right so but anything that we're we're trying to figure out like how something works, we can call a mob okay. Langdon White: All right, so an assessment is again kind of like what it sounds like. Langdon White: Basically, this is how we define is the model doing what it claims to be okay, which is you know, easy to actually modeling the data, and so we use some sort of assessment to figure out whether or not that model is in fact modeling the data. Langdon White: Sometimes, and this is actually kind of where why stress, like the compliment stuff is sometimes you actually can assess it by looking at the inverse of what you really care about. Langdon White: Sometimes it's easier to prove the inverse than it is to prove the thing you're actually looking for we'll talk about that more some more we'll talk about that more later. Langdon White: Alright, so but model is all about sorry I kind of skipped over this, but a model is kind of all about being able to take a set of data and then making a prediction that is in line with, or at least close to what we would find if we actually observed it. Langdon White: Alright, so our first example, talks about jury selection and. Langdon White: The first thing I want to explain is what a jury is okay so. Langdon White: If you grew up in the US, you are probably familiar with this concept but, basically, I mean there are there are juries worldwide as well, but at the way the American justice system works is you know, in a particular way. Langdon White: And so, in the US, what we have is a jury, which is the group of people who actually decide a case okay so. Langdon White: You have a lawyer, on one side, you have a lawyer, on the other side, and you have a judge who's making sure everybody follows the rules. Langdon White: But the two lawyers are trying to argue the case, but ultimately in not all cases, but some kinds of court cases a jury is who actually makes the decision. Langdon White: A jury is made up of what are referred to as lay people or people who don't have any experience with often the topic at hand, like whatever is being decided on. Langdon White: And also don't h
Hello Friends, this is the intro of how the prisoners escape from the prison plane The prison plane stands at the airport and waits for the prisoners Police officers put the prisoners on the bus The prison bus goes to the airport The prison bus comes in to the plane Prisoners board a plane with police officers The aircraft is approaching the runway The police guard the prisoners The plane starts to take off 1 day ago, the partner of the prisoners quietly enters the plane in order to rescue them the next day This worker is going to free the prisoners right now He removes the handcuffs from the prisoners They take parachutes and plan to jump out of the plane and meet on the ground Airplane door opens, crew jumps with parachutes The plane starts to lose altitude because no one is driving and the autopilot is disabled The prisoners are flying in the air The plane is approaching the ground Prisoners open their parachutes Plane crash on the ground The prisoners met on the ground Prisoners sneak to the farm car One of them gets into the car while the others watch the farmer and the dog Prisoners get in the car too The car tries to leave, but it skids on the spot The dog and the farmer notice the prisoners and try to stop them But the prisoners manage to get out of the pit and drive away from the farmer Prisoners arrive at their destination to discuss their future plans, because the police can find them at any time Evening has come, they are warming themselves by the fire and talking Thanks for the watching, friends!
Peacock squid (Taonius sp.) | Size: 66 cm (26 in.) mantle length | Depth: 300–1,700 m (1,000–5,600 ft.) Psychedelic jelly (Crossota millsae) | Size: 2.8 cm (about 1 in) across | Depth: below 1,000 m (3,300 ft.) Blob sculpin (Psychrolutes phrictus) | Size: 70 cm (26 in.) | Depth: 800–2,800 m (2,600–9,200 ft.) Midwater octopus (Japetella diaphana) | Size: to 16 cm (6 in.) | Depth: 800–1,450 m (2,600–4,800 ft.) Black seadevil anglerfish (Melanocetus johnsonii) | Size: 6 cm (2 in.) | Depth: 100–4,500 m (330–14,800 ft.) Spiny dreamer anglerfish (Oneirodes acanthias) | Size: 20 cm (8 in.) | Depth: 500–1,200 m (1,600–3,900 ft.) Swimming sea cucumber (Enypniastes sp.) | Size: 25 cm (10 in.) | Depth: 500–7,000 m (1,600–23,000 ft.) Smalleye snipe eel (Avocettina bowersii) | Size: 52 cm (10 in.) | Depth: 90–2,700 m (300–8,900 ft.) Blue shark (Prionace glauca) | Size: 3.8 m (12.5 ft.) | Depth: Surface to 350 m (1,150 ft.) Silky jelly (Colobonema sericeum) | Size: 4.5 cm (1.8 in.) across | Depth: 200–700 m (660–2,300 ft.) Strawberry squid (Histioteuthis heteropsis) | Size: 13 cm (5 in.) mantle length | Depth: 300–800 m (1,000–2,600 ft.) Crystal amphipod (Cystisoma magna) | Size: 14 cm (6 in.) | Depth: 200–1,500 m (660–4,900 ft.) Cross jelly (Mitrocoma cellularia) | Size: to 9 cm / 3.5 in | Depth: to 100 m / 328 ft Midwater jelly (Chiarella centripetalis) | Size: 1.5 cm (0.5 in.) across | Depth: surface to 800 m (2,600 ft.) Peacock squid (Taonius sp.) | Size: 66 cm (26 in.) mantle length | Depth: 300–1,700 m (1,000–5,600 ft.) Vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) | Size: 30 cm / 12 in | Depth: 600–900 m (2,000–3,000 ft) Rattail fishes (Genus: Coryphaenoides) | Size: ~30 cm / ~12 in | Depth: 200-4,000 m / 600-13,100 ft Bathyal squid (Bathyteuthis sp.) | Size: 7.5 cm (3 in.) mantle length | Depth: 100–4,200 m (330–13,800 ft.) Swordtail squid (Chiroteuthis calyx) | Size: 10 cm (4 in.) mantle length | Depth: 100–800 m (330–2,600 ft.) Owlfishes (Family: Bathylagidae) | Depth: 100–1,500 m (330–4,900 ft.) Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas) eating armhook squid (Gonatus sp.) Helmet jelly (Periphylla periphylla) eating market squid (Doryteuthis opalescens) Black-eyed squid (Gonatus onyx) eating stout owlfish (Pseudobathylagus milleri) Rattail fish (Family: Macrouridae) eating squid Black-eyed squid eating another black-eyed squid (Gonatus onyx) Swarthy snaketooth (Chiasmodon subniger) | Size: 3 cm (1 in.) | Depth: 200–4,600 m (660–15,100 ft.) Giant whipnose anglerfish (Gigantactis gargantua) | Size: 41 cm (16 in.) | Depth: 500–1,500 m (1,600–4,900 ft.) Pacific viperfish (Chauliodus macouni) | Size: 30 cm (12 in.) | Depth: 200–1,500 m (660–4,900 ft.) Pacific blackdragon (Idiacanthus antrostomus) | Size: 38 cm (15 in.) | Depth: 300–700 m (1,000–2,300 ft.) Longnose chimaera (Harriotta raleighana) Size: 1.2 m / 3.9 ft | Depth: 500–2,600 m (1,600–8,500 ft) Feather star (Family: Crinoidea) Midwater bristle worm (Flota sp.) | Size: 10 cm (4 in.) | Depth: 2,000–4,000 m Threadfin snailfish (Careproctus longifilis) | Size: to 16.2 cm / to 6.4 in | Depth: to 3675 m / 12,057 ft Pointy-nosed blue chimaera (Hydrolagus trolli) | Size: 1.2 m (3.9 ft.) | Depth: 600–1,700 m (2,000–5,600 ft.) Rabbit-eared comb jelly (Kiyohimea usagi) | Size: 28 cm (11 in.) | Depth: 200–300 m (660–1,000 ft.) Bomber worm (Swima fulgida) | Size: 3 cm (1 in.) | Depth: 3,200–3,600 m (10,500–11,800 ft.) Panda bear sea angel (Notobranchaea macdonaldi) | Size: 1 cm (0.5 in.) | Depth: 200–1,700 m (660–5,600 ft.) Red balloon jelly (Deepstaria reticulum) | Size: 75 cm (30 in.) across | Depth: 600–1,900 m (2,000–6,200 ft.) Barreleye (Macropinna microstoma) | Size: 15 cm (6 in.) | Depth: 600–800 m (2,000–2,600 ft.)
Give it up for Naughty by Nature! Hip Hop Hooray! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! You drew a picture of my morning But you couldn't make my day (Hey!) I'm rockin' and you're yawning But you never look my way (Hey!) I'm licking down your darlin' In every single way (Hey!) Your funny flow is foreign And a green card's on the way This ain't got shit to do with shampoo, but watch your head n shoulder Brother older bold enough to fold ya, yo I told ya A raid afraid of what I made and played it, plus a funky fit So save your flips and tricks for that music and the monkey bit Triggers from the Grilltown Illtown Some ask how it feels now The deal is that we're real so we're still 'round Don't lamp with a freestyle phantom, ain't trying to be handsome Shrinking what you're thinking cause I'm vamping I live and die for Hip Hop This is Hip Hop for today I give props to hip-hop so Hip Hop hooray, hey, ho Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hip Hop Hooray! Ho! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! You heard a lot about a brother gaining mo' ground Being low down I do the showdown with any little ho round, no! I wanna know who you're believing, through your funny reasons Even when I'm sleeping you think I'm cheatin' You said, "I know you, Mr. O.P.P. man Yo PP man, won't only see me man" You should've known when I ain't hit it and step That I was wit' it a bit not to consider the rep, heck! I did your partner cause she's hot as a baker Cause I'm Naughty by Nature, not cause I hate ya! You put your heart in a part of a part that spreads apart And forgot that I forgave when you had a spark You try to act like something really big is missing Even though my name's graffiti Written on Ya Kitten I love black women always and disrespect ain't the way Let's start a family today Hip Hop Hooray! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hip Hop Hooray! ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hip Hop Hip Hip Hop Hip Hip Hop Hooray! There's many hungry Hip Hoppers one reason Hip Hop's tip-top today Swerve what ya heard cause I ain't bailing no hay Ain't chopping no crops, but still growing every day Here's a thunder sound from the wonders found From the underground town down the hill Feel how Illtown drown smiles to frowns Snatchin' crowns from clowns beat downs are found Don't know me don't come around Tippy tippy (pause) tippy tippy (pause) Sometimes creepin' up I eat em up Your styles are older than Lou Rawls Peace to this one and that one and them That way I shout out and I didn't miss one friend Fools get foolish, neither them or Parker Lewis knew us You could have crews with shoes and can't step to us Some kitties purr, now call me sir too Looking for her crew Any trick that diss gets a curfew I put on projects for boots, step through troops and leave proof My problem solver's name is Mook I'm hitting woodies in a hoody Peace to Josette, Jobete, Jo-Jo, Genae, and every hood G That's right, my fight is ill Peace goes to L.O.N.S. and Quest, Nice & Smooth & Cypress Hill I live and die for Hip Hop This is Hip Hop of today I give props to Hip Hop so Hip Hop hooray, hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hip Hop Hooray! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Hey! Ho! Smooth it out now