- [Voiceover] In a previous video we used the quotient rule in order to find the derivatives of tangent of x and cotangnet of x. And what I what to do in this video is to keep going and find the derivatives of secant of x and cosecant of x. So let's start with secant of x. The derivative with respect to x of secant of x. Well, secant of x is the same thing as so we're going to find the derivative with respect to x of secant of x is the same thing as one over, one over the cosine of x. And that's just the definition of secant. And there's multiple ways you could do this. When you learn the chain rule, that actually might be a more natural thing to use to evaluate the derivative here. But we know the quotient rule, so we will apply the quotient rule here. And it's no coincidence that you get to the same answer. The quotient rule actually can be derived based on the chain rule and the product rule. But I won't keep going into that. Let's just apply the quotient rule right over here. So this derivative is going to be equal to, it's going to be equal to the derivative of the top. Well, what's the derivative of one with respect to x? Well, that's just zero. Times the function on the bottom. So, times cosine of x. Cosine of x. Minus, minus the function on the top. Well, that's just one. Times the derivative on the bottom. Well, the derivative on the bottom is, the derivative of cosine of x is negative sine of x. So we could put the sine of x there. But it's negative sine of x, so you have a minus and it'll be a negative, so we can just make that a positive. And then all of that over the function on the bottom squared. So, cosine of x, squared. And so zero times cosine of x, that is just zero. And so all we are left with is sine of x over cosine of x squared. And there's multiple ways that you could rewrite this if you like. You could say that this is same thing as sine of x over cosine of x times one over cosine of x. And of course this is tangent of x, times secant of x. Secant of x. So you could say derivative of secant of x is sine of x over cosine-squared of x. Or it is tangent of x times the secant of x. So now let's do cosecant. So the derivative with respect to x of cosecant of x. Well, that's the same thing as the derivative with respect to x of one over sine of x. Cosecant is one over sine of x. I remember that because you think it's cosecant. Maybe it's the reciprocal of cosine, but it's not. It's the opposite of what you would expect. Cosine's reciprocal isn't cosecant, it is secant. Once again, opposite of what you would expect. That starts with an s, this starts with a c. That starts with a c, that starts with an s. It's just way it happened to be defined. But anyway, let's just evaluate this. Once again, we'll do the quotient rule, but you could also do this using the chain rule. So it's going to be the derivative of the expression on top, which is zero, times the expression on the bottom, which is sine of x. Sine of x. Minus the expression on top, which is just one. Times the derivative of the expression on the bottom, which is cosine of x. All of that over the expression on the bottom squared. Sine-squared of x. That's zero. So we get negative cosine of x over sine-squared of x. So that's one way to think about it. Or if you like, you could do this, the same thing we did over here, this is the same thing as negative cosine of x over sine of x, times one over sine of x. And this is negative cotangent of x. Negative cotangent of x, times, maybe I'll write it this way, times one over sine of x is cosecant of x. Cosecant of x. So, which ever one you find more useful.
Our technician is wearing the static-free wristband. We turn off the phone. We unscrew the 2 screws at the bottom. We heat the sticky corners of the screen with a hot air gun. We measure the screen temperature with a thermal thermometer. We spray a special solution for easy removal of the screen. We remove the screen with the help of a pick. We unscrew the screws that fix the connector shielding metal. We unscrew the connector protective metal. We unscrew the battery connector. We unscrew the screws securing the bracket. We remove the bracket. We dismantle the screen. We unscrew the sim card slot. We unscrew the screws that fix the camera shield metal. We remove the camera protective metal. We disassemble the camera. We disassemble the motherboard connection connectors. We unscrew the screws that secure the motherboard. We carefully disassemble the main board. We unscrew the screws that secure the inner earpiece speaker assembly. We disassemble the internal headphone speaker. We dismantle the front camera. We are cleaning our desk. We assemble the disassembled parts in order. iPhone 13 Pro Max case replacement is carried out successfully.
Tommy: Alright, Tubbo. Tubbo: Let's do this. Sam: Best of luck. Tommy: Thank you, everybody. Tommy: And I'll see you all when I get home Tubbo: When 'we' get home! Tommy: ... Tommy: When we get home. Tubbo: Wha- Tommy: Oh. Wait. Tubbo: You-- This is where you-- Tommy: Ok Tubbo: When you get home you're gonna sacrifice me. Tubbo: Uh. Tommy. Tommy: What? Tommy: I got it! I got it! Tubbo: You got it?! Tubbo: Tommy? Tommy! He's killing me! Dream: Tommy. Tommy: ... Tommy: Where? Where? Dream: He's gonna die. Tommy: What do you mean he's killing you? Dream: Tommy, he's gonna die! Tubbo: He's gonna kill me. I'm gonna die, Tommy! Dream: HE'S GONNA DIE TOMMY Tubbo: Dream, please! Dream: Make your decision. Dream: Tubbo dies. Dream: Or you give me the disk. Dream: If I can control Dream: The things that people are attached to Dream: Then I can control the server again. Dream: Because this isn't Tommy SMP, or Tubbo SMP! It's Dream SMP, right!? Dream: So I can control... Dream: The server Tommy: What am I without you? Tubbo: Yourself? Tommy: Tubbo. Tommy: Even though for this entire server. Tommy: I've always regarded you as my.. Tommy: As my sidekick. Tommy: But really, Tubbo. Tommy: I was your side kick. Tommy: Please don't go. Dream: Punz? Punz: I'm sorry, Dream. Punz: But you should've paid me more. Tubbo: Wha-- What? Tommy: You came! Tommy: Tubbo. Tommy: Tubbo! Over, Tubbo! Tommy: Behind! Behind! Behind! Dream: Hey? Hey! Hey!! HEY!! Sapnap: Dream. Sapnap: Step away from them. Tommy: You know what? You son of a bitch. You told me everything! Tommy: You said-- Dream: Listen. Tommy: No, no. I've done all the listening I need to do now. Tommy: Have you got any last words? Dream: Tommy, you don't need to kill me. Dream: Tommy, we were friends. Dream: Tommy, we were friends! Tommy: Dream. Dream: ... Tommy: Dream, you meant nothing to me. Dream: Ok, wait. Stop, stop, stop! Dream: Listen! Tommy: This is it. Dream: Wait! Tommy: The Axe of Peace Dream: WAIT!! Dream: Tommy, I can bring people back to life. Tommy: The Axe of Pea-- Dream: Listen Tommy: AYE?! Tommy: Dream, you just lie. There is no reason to-- Dream: Tommy! If I die, then death is permanent! Dream: Tommy! If I die, then death is permanent! Dream: I-If I die, then Wilbur's dead forever. Tommy: Wilbur. Tommy: Hello? Wilbur: Hello. Have you missed me? Wilbur: I'm proud. Tommy: Fu-- huh hh Tubbo: You really-- Tubbo: Yeah, that was-- Tommy: WHAT DID WE-- Tubbo: Dream SMP Season 3!! BABYY!! Tubbo: WOOOOOOOO Tommy: do we-- Tommy: He better not be fuckin' back.
okay! so? it's pretty simple there's your councils or your hosts of heaven yep! your hosts of heaven here's your Father the Trinity your mother's the Father which is also up here just as the father's up there the air! air is given birth to by the Trinity the mother the father and the son mmm? the council's of heaven around the outside 12 councils of heaven 12 heavenly you know! choices on the divine dial that we call the Mazzaroth or the fucking zodiac the host Jesus is the host of heaven the Lord of Hosts is God so! the Lord of hosts from the host of heaven and there's the host of heaven that Jesus leads because he's commander of hosts because his the Word of God so? God and the Word of God which is God which is the Son which is! nine to three which is six ok? it's everything it's the whole works the head on the platter! that's what it is it's talking to heads talking heads you know! yep head on the platter and your 12 councils and your councils on high from the outside in heaven and in earth in the center your councils and how we get around the fucking shop you know? and work the place and it's all about a friday you know! the day you fry on friday the 13th you know? and! Christ the 13th the 12 and the center the head John Christ the father and the one? you know! the father and the son are one so? is fucking John and Jesus they are one! one's not the father and ones not the son but? they are one! you know? and that's your head and fry day and Friday the 13th just so happens to be what! the day Apophis comes down and fries us? heh! coincidence? you cathode rays you know! Templars and Masons and fucking people playing stupid games at the moment you know? yeah! obviously which they ode to their ray? you know! they? and their ode to Satan or their owed to Osiris or! their owed to ray? their ray of light you know! the cath and Catholics you know? I am the fucking you know! pressure cooker think of it like that? I am the furnace yes! and this furnace see's this shit going on and? water comes down from on high down the chimney you know! the chimney comes down the chimney and out my face to cool everybody down while the fucking furnace is blazing and it needs to be a certain temperature otherwise things get too hot or too fucking cool? you know! and things don't work so you need water flushing through there to keep the fucking furnace all in good go you know? so fucking yeah! water comes down the fucking chimney and out the face of it when it gets too friggin hot and that's just the way God works isn't it you know? it's the Ark of the Covenant! you get cast down you get cast down by the fucking shit that's coming down in the fucking umbilical cord to town you know? you get cast down because you know! it's true information and it leaves you fucking sitting there wondering what the fuck's? going on! because it's just how the fuck does this shit work well? it's in front of you is it not! they've hidden it from you! and yous are all stupid and it is everywhere you look I mean? there's nowhere you don't look that! this shit does not fucking reveal to you? it's fucking all in front of you! they talk to yous? to you! as they talk to themselves you know? their sorcerers and they hide the council's and the host of heaven from you and use them all against ya! and fucking play your stupid heads on this earth I mean? is that not what they do their greater and the lesser light they laugh at you that's what they do! the fire from above and the fire from below the fire in the furnace and the fire of the mother's belly you know? that it took! takes the fire of the um? phallic to get into the belly and then the belly keeps the fire going and you know! it's all about nurturement and then gives it water in the fire in the oven to keep it fucking hot you know? it's! the mothers above just as the father's below and it's the umbilical cord but what's in between is what? it's just what we're made in is it not! it's the same friggen thing as in the sky the mother and the father yeah? are one! and the mothers on high and the father's down low and the father's up high and the mothers down low that's just the way it is! and? their hermaphrodite and her! dite deity you know? you get it yes! it's hmm? all the same shit and! like I said a ring for a ring it's simple as that you give a woman a ring? because you want their ring! it's a ring for a ring oh? I want to marry you here's a ring! can I have your ring on? for the rest of my life I mean! jeez I mean? do the math! are yous stupid or something? instead you think it's this! fucking? big fucking oh! yeah la-dee-da farce and yous all deserve fucking pink ribbons! and fucking white dresses? and big fucking cakes! like? you're fucking you know! and yous are all so fucked in the head that it is just so fucking ridiculous hehe? you're insane! yes? your! completely fucking insane it's all about? you insane! people being fucking insane in the first place and the fire and the water and the fucking earth that gives birth to everything like the alchemy and the Illuminati and the Illuminari cause the Illuminati are the Falcon and the Illuminari are the Owl the Falcon and the fucking Lion! are one and the same thing so? this fucking whole thing about fucking Ford! and Falcon? is a farce they're both the same thing! they both represent the Sun I mean? the Illuminari is the owl! the owl tells the fucking you know! tells Isis to go to the fucking scorpion you know? the owl mmm! the owl tells fucking Isis to go to the scorpion why? the Illuminari the Moon tells! fucking Isis to go to the scorpion I mean? for fuck's sake! it's all about the Illuminari were the wiser ones! hmm? were they not! the moon worshippers were the wiser ones they got it right! even though they weren't that wise? they knew wisdom! when it fucking confronted them and they looked at it in the fucking eye and said yep? and you're my mate and I'm taking you for life mmm! isn't that right? heh! yeah it's what it's all about isn't it the church? so! I don't know? what you people are all up to! but? fuck! catch up will ya
Assalam U Alikum Today I will talk about What is Microbiology Microbiology is the branch of science which deals with the study of microorganisms. What is Microorganism? Microorganism is also called microbe Microorganisms are so small in size that can only be seen with a microscope. Branches of Microbiology: 1. Bacteriology: The study of Bacteria. 2. Virology: The study of Viruses. 3. Immunology: The study of Immune system. 4. Mycology: The study of Fungus. 5. Parasitology: The study of Parasites. 6. Phycology: The study of Algae. Other Branches of Microbiology are: 1. Industrial Microbiology 2. Soil Microbiology 3. Microbial Ecology 4. Microbial Physiology 5. Astromicrobiology 6. Cellular Microbiology 7. Pharmaceutical Microbiology 8. Medical Microbiology 9. Food Microbiology 10. Agriculture Microbiology 11. Microbial Biotechnology Diagnostic Methods Used in Microbiology: 1. Culture and Biochemical Tests 2. Serological Tests 3. Microscopic Examination of Samples 4. PCR Test 5. Nucleic Acid Probes 6. Different Staining Techniques
- Hi, in this quick tip, I'm going to try to provide a reasonably brief answer to a question that a number of people have sent me and it's on the question of modulation. What does modulation mean? It means changing key from one key to another key and the people asking questions are asking how do we do that or people have said "Well, I've tried to change key in a piece that I've written "and actually, it doesn't sound very good "because there's a kind of, sort of big, bumpy moment "when we suddenly go from one key to another," and it possibly sounds a little bit like a driver trying to change gear without using the clutch and if you're a driver, you'll know what that does. Anyway, let's have a quick look at how to modulate, how to change key. I've written a short piece on the board there, it's eight bars long, two phrases, we're in the key of D major and the first phrase is in D major and the second phrase modulates to A major. So, how do I do that? Well, if you want to have a really smooth modulation, that effectively uses that musical clutch very nicely, you have to use something called a pivot chord. Now, what is a pivot chord? A pivot chord is a chord that's common to the key that you're leaving and to the key that you're joining. So, we're going from D major to A major and what you'll find is that there are some chords in D major that also come in A major, which is quite useful. So, here's a scale of D major. And if I put chords on all those notes by taking the bottom notes in each case of the scale and adding the third and the fifth note above it, I get these chords. That's what we call chord I or a chord of D, chord II or a chord of E minor, chord III or a chord of F-sharp minor, chord IV or a chord of G, chord V or a chord of A, chord VI or a chord of B minor, chord VII or a C-sharp diminished, and then I come back to chord I again, which is that chord of D. Now, if I go through the scale of A major. I can also put chords in the same way so here's A major, here's the first chord, the second, the third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh and then I come back to the first. Now, if I look at some of those chords in A major, I'll discover they're also chords in D major. So, if I look at chord I in A major, which is the chord of A, well, that's also chord V in the scale of D. So, in other words, this could be a pivot chord because it belongs to both the keys. If I look at chord II in A major, which is a chord of B minor, well, that's also in the scale of D major because in D major, that's a chord VI. If I look at chord III in A major, well, that doesn't come in D major, mainly because it's got a G-sharp and there's no G-sharp in D major so that could not be a pivot chord. This one, chord IV, which is a chord of D major, is also chord I in D major so it's IV in A major, it's I in D major so that would be a good pivot chord. Chord V in A major is no good to us because it's got a G-sharp in it so that's not a chord in D major. Chord VI in A major or a chord of F-sharp minor, well, that's also in D major, it's chord III. Chord VII in A major, that's not going to work, again because it's got a G-sharp in it. So, you see, some of these chords are not common to the two keys so you could not use those as pivot chords but there are quite a few chords that are common to the two keys, so you could use any of those as pivot chords. So, what I've done in this case, I've started writing in D major and I've put the chord numbers underneath in the key of D and I've put these chords in the middle, if you'd prefer to read it that way and then, from this point onwards, all the chords are in A major because we've modulated to the new key but this is the chosen pivot chord because this chord is chord I in D major, it's a D chord, D, F-sharp and it would have A in it to complete the chord but that chord, D, F-sharp, A, is chord I in D major but it's also chord IV in A major. So, I like to think of a pivot chord as like passing through a door, I'm in this room, I want to go to the next room, I can't walk through the wall, I can't just appear in the next room, I have to go through the door. The door connects this room with the next room, the door is kind of like the pivot chord. So, this is our musical door, this pivot chord, I'm choosing a chord that belongs to this key and belongs to that key and this is the moment at which I walk through the door and therefore, it's going to sound perfectly smooth, we're not going to get any bumps, we're not going to be changing from one key to another without using the clutch because we've used a pivot chord. If we just fly into the new key without using a pivot chord, that's when it's going to bump. So, what does all this sound like, well, let me just play you from the beginning, this is what we've got on the board. Here's the pivot chord. So, you can hear that I've started in the key of D, I've finished in the key of A, and really the modulation wasn't a bumpy corner at all because I used that pivot chord. So, that's how you do it, you decide which key you're starting in, you decide which key you want to go to, then you look for the possible pivot chords and you decide which one you're going to use and to the left of the pivot chord, you're in the original key, to the right of the pivot chord, you're in the new key. Well, there's a lot more that one could say about modulation and about using all these chords and if you want to know more about that, then have a look at the advanced theory package that we've made at Music Matters, which really covers all this in a lot more detail but at least, in this film, you can see how to modulate. Have fun with it.
Well, come on, let's find that house we bought. House they bought? In Beverly Hills? Whoa, wait a minute, hold it! How could a bunch of hillbillies possibly buy a mansion like this? Let's take them back to their home and see how this whole thing started. Kid, you gotta do something about that young'un of yours. How'd that happen? Fighting with a bobcat. Get hurt? I reckon so. It went limping off on three legs. I swear, I don't know what I'm gonna do about that girl. Well, the first thing to do is to get her into a dress. She's getting too big to be wearing man's duds. Looky here, she's done popped the buttons off of her shirt again. Well, honey, make yourself proud with the shoulders thrown back. It ain't her fault. It's the man's fault. I'm not gonna let him get away with it. I'm gonna get him.
We Wish You The Merriest,The Merriest, The Merriest, The Merriest New Year We Wish You The Merriest The Merriest The Merriest Yes The Merriest We Wish You The Merriest The Merriest The Merriest You'll Cheer We Wish You The Happiest The Happiest The Happiest Yes The Happiest We Wish You The Happiest The Happiest... The Happiest New Year May Your Dreams Be Filled with Happiness Happiness and Friendliness for All May Your Heart be filled with Cheerfulness Happiness and Cheerfulness for All We Wish You The Happiest The Happiest...The Happiest Yes The Happiest We Wish you the Merriest The Merriest The Merriest you'll Cheer And the Happiness New Year We Wish You the Merriest The Merriest The Merriest Oh Yes the Merriest We Wish you the Merriest The Merriest The Merriest The Merriest You'll Cheer We Wish You the Happiest The Happiest The Happiest Yes The Happiest We Wish you the Happiest the Happiest the Happiest New Year May Your Dream be filled with Happiness Happiness and Friendliness for all May your heart be filled with cheerfulness With Happiness and Cheerfulness and Friendliness for all We Wish you the Happiest the Happiest the Happiest yes the Happiest We wish you the Merriest the Merriest the Merriest you'll cheer And the Happiest and Friendliest and the Cheeriest And the Merriest new year Friendliest Cheerios merry merry Merriest New Year
*V See Yoona * Artist Zone *So Cutieee* The JYP family will do the finale for the 2nd part. Dahyun, tell us the highlight of the performance There's going to be a hit songs medley where you can Yeah because of you! Like a Hip hop music video... Can we do stuff that people do Hip hop music videos? [Traumatized] Artist Zone Wow You're out of control We have to get in the mood before we start filming You think you can do this? TEAM Trouble look confident You guys should change your team name! V: Oh, he is asleep. Wake up wake up! This song will wake your dormant love cells A smooth start with the parts that they have practiced so many times! Moonbyul: Heyne's Love Cells! Music! ALL: Start! JH: (Singing Mamamoo's You're the best) V: Next, we have April's Tsi...Tinker Bell! Music! *BTS Reaction to Blackpink Best Dance Female* *Sope so funny :))* *Wow, she is so sexy* *shy*
HIT 1, CRITIC 0 HIT 2, CRITIC 0 HIT 3, CRITIC 0 HIT 4, CRITIC 0 HIT 5, CRITIC 0 HIT 5, CRITIC 1 HIT 6, CRITIC 1 HIT 7, CRITIC 1 8 1 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 12 2 12 3 13 3 upps he may take some little damage 14 3 15 3 16 3 17 3 18 3 19 3 20 3 21 3 22 3 23 3 23 4 24 4 25 4 26 4 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 4 31 4 32 4 33 4 34 4 35 4 36 4 37 4 38 4 39 4 40 normal hits and 4 critical = 48 normal hits to kill behemoth - AA weapon Now testing Two shot crossbow. Two shot is little harder to count. There is one normal shot and second about 20% the first one. Second issue is that its harder to hit both shots and sometimes critics double the lower amount hit But after all, You will see is there are significant differences between TS and AA I have 110 bolts. 0 full hit 1 half hit 0 critical 0 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 1 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 2 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 3 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 4 full hit 2 half hit 0 critical 4 full hit 2 half hit 1 critical 4 full hit 2 half hit 2 critical 5 full hit 2 half hit 2 critical 5 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 6 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 7 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 8 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 9 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 10 full hit 3 half hit 2 critical 10 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 11 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 12 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 13 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 14 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 15 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 16 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 17 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 18 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 19 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 20 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 21 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 22 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 23 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 24 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 25 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 26 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 27 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 28 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 29 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 30 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 31 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 32 full hit 4 half hit 2 critical 32 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 33 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 34 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 35 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 36 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 37 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 38 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 39 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 40 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical 41 full hit 5 half hit 2 critical finally 41 full hits 5 half hits and 2 critical = something about 47 full hits Behemoth HP 3700 Damage resistance 150 conlusion 48 shots AA = something about 47 TS shots. (TS are harder to hit but have similar damage if hit)
[Epic Intro] [Guitar] mmmmhm nonono yaaaaaaa Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more im gonna my horse to the old town road im gonna (Kio) ride 'til I can't no more I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin'. Yeah I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna (Kio) ride 'til I can't no more I got the [Guitar] nono take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road, I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that are black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor, Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie Bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride I got the Such good video Thanks, Eclipse
Voiceover:Which numbers are greater than six? Select all that apply. We see six here on the number line, so the numbers that are greater than six are going to be the ones that are to the right of six on the number line. We see that we're increasing beyond six as we go to the right. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Seven is greater than six, eight is greater than six, nine is greater than six, and 10 is greater than six, and we could keep going. 11 is greater than six, and 12, and on and on and on. Which of these are greater than six? Well we see 10 is to the right, is on the right hand side of six, eight is also to the right of six but four is to the left of six. Four is less than six. These are the two numbers that are greater than, the two choices that are greater than six. Which numbers are less than six? Well that's all of these numbers right over here. The numbers to the left of six. Nine is definitely not less than six but four is. Notice four is to the left of six and three is even more to the left of six, so four and three are definitely less than six. When every day life when you're thinking of well if you have four things, or you have three things you have less than someone who has six things. In every day life if you have 10 bananas, you have a greater number of bananas than someone who has six bananas.
door radiator window plug chair table television lamp curtains door handle stairs mirror toaster sink tap cup plate fireplace toilet toothbrush bathtub sponge ironing board clock hairdryer stool fridge microwave knife fork spoon glass rolling pin bottle opener pillow towel bed toothpaste safety pin washing machine dishwasher laptop vacuum cleaner headphones feather duster bucket rubber gloves mop light bulb electric fan torch cushion wallet purse handbag key scissors ruler pen light switch suitcase plant bin bag brush rug hairbrush toilet roll soap comb shower wardrobe duvet telephone jeans socks belt shirt dress sunglasses ladder hammer screwdriver saw desk ashtray earrings ring bracelet fire extinguisher scales first aid kit plaster painkillers lipstick teddy bear apron chopping board grater whisk bowl
Christopher Carbone: This is Question number ten of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: We want to sketch the graph of a function F that is defined on the real numbers and continuous except for the State discontinuities. A jump discontinuity at five, and it will moveable discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: That's why. Christopher Carbone: So? Christopher Carbone: What has that graph going to look like Christopher Carbone: the other things that we need to have are the jump, discontinuity and a removable discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: So everything else Christopher Carbone: arms. Christopher Carbone: Now the climate Christopher Carbone: and X and Y. Christopher Carbone: So we need some type of discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: Um, Christopher Carbone: we need that jump discontinued. You have five, and it will move a boat discontinuity at three, Christopher Carbone: so i'm just going to put some open silk on three. Christopher Carbone: We have a function doing something, but both we let's just draw something like this, Christopher Carbone: all right. Well, we have open circle on the line going throughout down there. But we do need that jump discontinuity at five. So let's put a point, let's say, here, Christopher Carbone: and Let's continue this graph up to that five. Christopher Carbone: Then have an open circle. That's a down here at five, and the function that's it, is going down that direction. Christopher Carbone: We would have our movable discontinuity here at three Christopher Carbone: turtle Christopher Carbone: movable discontinuity Christopher Carbone: at three, and over here we have a jump. Discontinuity. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.
Rock 'N Learn! A, apple, a-a-apple A, alligator, a-a-alligator a-a-a B, bug, b-b-bug B, ball, b-b-ball b-b-b C, cat, c-c-cat C, cake, c-c-cake c-c-c D, dog, d-d-dog D, duck, d-d-duck d-d-d E, egg, e-e-egg E, elf, e-e-elf e-e-e F, fork, f-f-fork F, food, f-f-food f-f-f G, girl, g-g-girl G, guitar, g-g-guitar g-g-g H, hat, h-h-hat H, hamster, h-h-hamster h-h-h I, insect, i-i-insect I, iguana, i-i-iguana i-i-i J, jet, j-j-jet J, joker, j-j-joker j-j-j K, kid, kuh-kuh-kid K, king, kuh-kuh-king kuh-kuh-kuh L, lion, l-l-lion L, log, l-l-log l-l-l M, man, m-m-man M, monkey, m-m-monkey m-m-m N, nut, n-n-nut N, nest, n-n-nest n-n-n O, olives, o-o-olives O, octopus, o-o-octopus o-o-o P, pig, p-p-pig P, pool, p-p-pool p-p-p Q, quilt, qu-qu-quilt Q, queen, qu-qu-queen qu-qu-qu R, rocket, r-r-rocket R, raccoon, r-r-racoon r-r-r S, sailor, s-s-sailor S, sun, s-s-sun s-s-s T, tiger, t-t-tiger T, tent, t-t-tent t-t-t U, up, u-u-up U, umbrella, u-u-umbrella u-u-u V, van, v-v-van V, vegetable, v-v-vegetable v-v-v W, wagon, w-w-wagon W, water, w-w-water w-w-w X, fox, cks, cks, cks X, box, cks, cks, cks cks-cks-cks Y, yarn, y-y-yarn Y, yak, y-y-yak y-y-y Z, zebra, z-z-zipper Z, zipper, z-z-zipper z-z-z
Rachel, in the wake of the Weinstein scandal and the #me too campaign, I believe you wanted to pick up on the confusion surrounding what actually constitutes sexual harrassment. Yes, that's right Nish. Or should I say: stop sexually harrassing me, Nish! Because even talking to a woman is now completely off limits. Isn't that right Nish? No! No, it's not Nish, but it's fun to pretend to be confused about that, isn't it? In the light of recent revelations many men are feeling very worried about their own behaviour and feeling a little bit threatened as well which makes me so sad. 'Well done, feminism.' says Martin in The Telegraph. 'Now men are afraid to help women at work' 'Well done, feminism.' says Martin in The Telefgraph. 'Now men are afraid to help women at work' Well Nish, as ever The Daily Mail provides a very good barometer of the British public, with this headline which actually happened: 'Is hugging still okay?' In the wake of the Weinstein sexual assault accusations, men ask: 'What is acceptable to women and society now?' Sociologist Carol-Ann Peterson says in the article: 'Men do need to recognize that a sudden arm round the shoulder or a pat on the butt isn't the innocuous gesture some might have thought.' Oh Nish, it's an absolute minefield! What could possibly be wrong with spanking a colleague? Or the prospect of a sudden arm grabbing you from the shadows? Hang on. Are these real headlines? They're real Nish. They're genuine headlines. Welcome to the world. Nish, if you would. Please come and join me and let's see if we together can sort this mess out. It's absolutely impossible to see where the line is, so I've come up with a series of visual aids to help you at home through this difficult time. So, the first one. The biggest question is: 'What is sexual harassment?' Okay. Well, let me first say. Very nice use of the Comic Sans font there, Rachel. Thank you, Nisham. If you're laughing, you're learning. Let's start at the start. So, first thing's first. 'Can I complement a woman?' Yes! You can say something like: 'Hello, you look well!'. That's fine. But you can't holler: 'Nice whaps!' from a car. Not anymore. Sorry, Nish. Eh, what do you mean: 'Sorry Nish'? "Allright be the good old days" Okay. Is it okay to give a woman flowers? Yes. Yes! You're right Nish, as long as you don't put your penis in there. It's tricky, isn't it? Is it okay to give a cheery hello to a lady? Yes! Of course it is. But not if you're hiding under her bed. Not according to the PC brigade. (political correctness) Now, Nish. Take a look at the screen. And I'd like you to tell me Nish: do you think, in your view, that is this sexual harassment? 'Hi Jan, can I borrow your stapler?' Eh, No! He has got an erection, Nish. Having reviewed this picture and the angle he is standing at, I now see that I was naive to think he was not fully erect. Very good Nish. Although, in truth it's impossible to tell, his arm is directly in the way. Ehm, let's assume that this one is fine. But what about this one, Nish? 'Jan, please come to the server room and wank me off.' I'm going to say that's a definite 'not okay'. Yes, Nish. You got one right. So, Nish... I'm going to do now some harassment role play with you. Okay. I'm immediately uncomfortable. Nish, don't worry. You're a non-threatening beta male, whose absolutely tailor-made for the friend zone. So, Nish. Imagine we're in a normal pub situation and we're friends like we are, in a way. How would you great me normally in a pub? Well, we were friends so I would just give you a hug. Exactly, so give me a hug now. But now hold that for a little bit too long So you know what that feels like, Nish. Does that feel right or wrong? It's feeling more and more wrong by the second. Yes, that's right Nish. If it feels wrong, it is wrong. Sometimes a simple greeting like a hug can be harassment if one of the participants is obviously using it for their own weird gratification. Hugging is absolutely fine, Nish. But is blood suddenly moving to the groin area? If it is then it's a bad hug. And is it Nish? Is it? Eh, no. There's no blood flowing anywhere. Okay, wonderful! Thank you for your help. Thank you. "Don't look at the script, Nish". "It'll be fine, Nish". "You'll be able to wing it on the night". "Of course we wouldn't do anything to make you feel uncomfortable". Welcome to womanhood. So, I'm afraid that life is going to get harder now that we're not allowed to sexually harass anyone, of course it is. But, if you do stick to my handy guide we will manage to walk that terribly fine line between being a decent person and a complete wanker. Good luck to you. Ladies and gentlemen: Rachel Parris.
Lon don I'll be missing you London All the dreams, I'm leaving you Make me feel so blue, but I know this is right believe me London I'll be missing you London But hey, can we ever say goodbye When there's so much of you in me London I'm going home Ten years of joy, love and freedom You gave me like a mother would to her son But I know you're coming, you're coming And now you must be wondering Why now? What they all keep asking But who's ever understood why our dreams only rise overseas All year around you're surprising We never know what you're hiding And then it comes, energizing, a bright idea keeps me breathing Keeps me breathing Oh keeps me breathing London, I'm going home Ten years of joy, love and freedom You gave me like a mother would to her son But I know you're coming, you're coming with me Every time I would arrive at your station, I'd smell your perfume and it's like... pfhh... I'm alive again! I can do anything. I'm a child and the world's a playground. You kept lifting me up with no expectations. London, you're selfless. You leave your people changed. Your awakeness awakes them. Oh you're so young, and you'll always be. If I keep hanging out with you in my thirties I might run into some troubles you know that? I wonder what I'll miss the most about you... Is it your contagious energy, your multicultural skin, or just how you shine under the rain? You're special London, very special. From your hipster markets to your converted warehouses, from your corporate pride to your psychedelic gigs, from your dusty vintage shops to your tasteless looking pubs, your dry humour, your wandering foxes, your great street performers, your shitfaced customers, your wild geese to your crazy art performances. You're a bit mental London you know that? I mean, you're a little deranged. But I guess that's kinda what we like about you. You're life London, that's what you are. You're that messy life. London I'm going home but you are coming you're coming with me
Christopher Carbone: This is question number twenty-nine Christopher Carbone: of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: We want to find y prime and y double prime for y is equal to the sine of X squared. Christopher Carbone: So for this we are going to do. U. Is equal to x squared, Christopher Carbone: which means, do you Christopher Carbone: is equal to two X. Christopher Carbone: So with that band side. Why, then, is equal to the sign of you, Christopher Carbone: and which means Y. Prime is the cosine Christopher Carbone: of you, do you? Christopher Carbone: That is equal to the cosine of X squared Christopher Carbone: Time's two ox, Christopher Carbone: or to everybody that's slightly nicer but Christopher Carbone: cosine so twox times the cosine of x squared Christopher Carbone: so now Christopher Carbone: we could be right Christopher Carbone: again now, using Christopher Carbone: you. Separate this Christopher Carbone: um if we were to y, then use Christopher Carbone: the fact of Christopher Carbone: um Christopher Carbone: you to again be the x squared, Christopher Carbone: and do you to be two ox? Christopher Carbone: It? Can we write y prime to be two x times the cosine of you Christopher Carbone: for this product rule? We're going to a A, B, two x A prime is two. Christopher Carbone: B is equal to the cosine of you, Christopher Carbone: and B. Prime is equal to negative sign Christopher Carbone: of you. Christopher Carbone: So the second derivative of y Christopher Carbone: it is going to be equal to Christopher Carbone: kill apps Christopher Carbone: times, the negative sign of you Christopher Carbone: do you Christopher Carbone: plus two times the cosine of you, Christopher Carbone: and this is twox times the negative sign Christopher Carbone: of X squared Christopher Carbone: times two outs Christopher Carbone: ah plus two Christopher Carbone: times the cosine of x squared, Christopher Carbone: and this makes Christopher Carbone: negative. Four x squared Christopher Carbone: times the sine Christopher Carbone: of X squared. Christopher Carbone: What's to Christopher Carbone: that? Was the cosine of X squared. Christopher Carbone: Thank you.
Jars line the walls of a dark little room festering contents in yellow and black. The stench of the rot and the fizz in the air such an unspeakable scene to behold. A collection of parts rotting in their jars. Eyes and tongues and hearts floating in their jars. I have spent all my life collecting, preserving the flesh. To satiate my needs I must. Another jar has burst contents drip down the wall. The ever growing thirst licking the chunks as they fall. I have spent all my life collecting, persevering the flesh. To satiate my needs I must. Compulsive dissection of people to eat curated selection of meat. Lining the walls in their bubbling jars fermenting as forbidden sweets. Another body on my table soon to be in jars. You know soon you will join them dissected and fermented. Another body on my table soon to be in jars. You know soon you will join them dissected and fermented. Dissected and fermented.
[music] See these eyes so green I can stare for a thousand years Colder than the moon Well, you been so long Feel my blood enrage It's just the fear of losing you Don't you know my name Well, you been so long I've been putting out fire, putting out fire Been putting out fire with gasoline [music] See these eyes so red Red like a jungle that is burning bright Those who feel me near They close the blinds and change their minds Just this pulsing night A plague I call a heartbeat Just be still with me You wouldn't believe what I've been through Been so long [music] I've been putting out fire, putting out fire I've been putting out fire with gasoline I've been putting out a fire in me Been putting out, putting out fire [music] I've been putting out fire
He wants social security for everybody. And this is a quote: "As much as unemployment blows, so do jobs. What if people didn't have to work to survive?" Is this a joke?! Uh, no. I mean, it isn't. This is actually how a lot of millennials think, and this is how the Occupy the Wall Street movement thinks. This is a group of people who graduated with degrees in lesbian dance theory And then were surprised when they didn't get a six figures pay check out of college. THUG THUG LIFE Ben I wanna start with you. Is it your impression that in the court of public opinion that Israel has somehow taken more of a heat during this seven day then Hamas has? There's no question. I mean, Hamas is a terrorist group, and people [inaudible - for me] understood Hamas to be a terrorist group. Israel thinks that allies, like CNN, has been turn into the villain in this particular scenario And the moral equivalency has been drown between the two groups.
- I have done that. - You've literally done exactly this. - This is what we do every day. - We do this all the time. - (laughs) - He can never find me. - That's you. That's literally you. - (chuckling) Oh, that's funny. - The only thing that's missing is, like, the cat snuggled up with you under the blanket. That is Stephanie. - That's cute. Definitely goals. - That's goals? - That's cute, yeah. - When you hide from your spouse... - Yeah. - ...for 45 minutes? - "Hello!" - (FBE) Goals or no? - Relationship Goals. - I think that's cute. - I say it's goals. - Yeah. - Sure. - 100% goals. - Goals. - I say goals, 'cause it's realistic. - (both) Not goals. - Aww. - Not goals. If this was goals, he would have gone to that couch straight away. - Yeah. Okay, I'm with you on that one. - I'm gonna say yes just 'cause it was funny and cute. - And I differ, because that's health hazard number two for me. - (laughs) - What if you never wake up? - Oh, I know them! I know them! - We know this, yeah. - Oh my god! - These are really goals. - Aww. They're really cute. - We've actually tried this photo before. It was cute. - I appreciate that they're always holding hands. That's really nice. - Right? That's very nice. - I've seen ones where it shows the other perspective, and the guy's just like... - Like this, (chuckling) yeah. He's getting dragged. It's beautiful, but... I wouldn't want to drag you around the world. - Yeah. Also-- - I'd want you to be right by my side. - Aw. - Aww. - I'm gonna say goals on this one. - Yeah. - This is-- yeah. 'Cause not only are they beautiful photos, but they travel the world. - I like that a lot. - Goals. - Relationship Goals. - Professional Relationship Goals. - (chuckles) - I'm gonna say goals. - Goals. - Yeah. - World travel goals, not Relationship Goals. - Yeah, travel goals. Yeah. - This is Relationship Goals. This is really awesome. - 100%. - Yeah. - 100% Relationship Goals. - That's Relationship Goals. - That is goals, and also they got a cover of a magazine out of one of their pictures. So ultimate goals. - "My grandma is in the hospital, but it's their 57th anniversary. (affectionately) So he showed up in a tux to surprise her with flowers." - This is super goals. - (squealing) This is so goals! - Oh my gosh. That's really cute. - Aww! That's so sweet. - That's really cute. - Oh, that's adorable. - So many goals. - If you say no, then you're just a heartless bastard. - All the goals. - I love old people. - It's just, hands down, goals. - If they smell good. - Why am I tearing up? - You're tearing up? - That's so cute. Yeah. - Uggh! - This isn't the Try Not to Cry Challenge. - This is so sweet! - That is definitely Relationship Goals. - That is Relationship Goals. - I think it's... - Not goals. - Goals. - Oh, goals. Whoa. - What? - This is totally, totally Relationship Goals. - Yeah. - As a child of several divorces, I think this is beautiful. - Yeah, I think that's the sweetest one we've seen. - Any time I see an old couple, it's goals automatically. - Really though. - It's like the ultimate goals. - Those are goals. - You don't even do that now. - No. It's true, I don't. - As you get older, as life kind of wears on you, as health problems arise, things like that, still staying strong and still being able to have that youthful, fun-loving connection is the greatest goal of all. - Yeah. - "Honey, I'm pregnant. It's yours." - "April Fools! Haha, OMG, I got you so hard!" - "Dave... you're male. I'm male. We are literally two gay men." - Oh my god! That is so us! Oh, that's cute. - Aww, that's cute. - Oh my god. Okay, that's cute. (both clap and laugh) - That's awesome! - She actually pranked me with a positive pregnancy test... - As a joke, because I thought he didn't want to have kids. - I didn't know I wanted to have kids. - Until that moment. - And then I started crying from happiness. But... - And then we had a baby. - Yeah. It gave me that fire. - Relationship Goals, yes. - Goals. - That's goals. - Yeah, I think that's goals. I mean-- - I guess. - I think this is hilarious. - This is cute. - I love funny things. - We can relate. - Yeah. It's also just so dumb. - Yeah. - So it's goals. - I'm going goals. - This is not goals. This is cute. This is very cute... - Don't listen to him. It's goals. - ...but not goals. - It's goals. Love lasts a long time. Humor far longer. - Yeah. - Right? The reason we get along so much is we hate most of the same people, and we can make each other laugh. Of course there's love in a lot of other stuff. (music and chatter) - Oh, the slow dance. - Where's this going? - They're gonna break out into the "Triller" dance. - I want to go with goals. - That's cute, now. Goals. - I mean, yeah, she's dancing, and she's pregnant. But... But does she do the "Thriller"? - (laughs heartily) - Yeah, it was goals. - Beyond Relationship Goals. Parenting goals. Pregnant goals. Dance goals. Everything goals. - (FBE) So here's the aftermath of that last video. - Ohh. - Aww. - Oh. - There you go. - Aw, that's so cute. - That is so sweet. - That's really cute. - I love it. So cute. - Are you gonna cry? - Yeah, no. - (whispering) Cry. - (FBE) So for you guys, is that last picture a relationship goal for you? - Yeah. - I think... someday. - It is. - Yeah. Right? - Yeah. - Oh, in the future. - Yeah. Not now. - Give him some years. - Not right now. - Yeah. - That was adorable. - I think it's Relationship Goals for everyone. That one's pretty universal. - Oh yeah. - Yes. - A million times, yeah. Best thing. - Yeah. Best thing ever. - When you have a baby, that's a long-term commitment. That's saying that, "You are so important to me that I want to raise another human being with you." - I'm gonna say goals but not necessarily ours. - Since when do we not want to have babies?
[Music] [Applause] And as we live in the 21st-century there is only one thing and one thing that we realize and that is there is only one problem and the problem is that what makes our society is also what destroys it. Society in the 21st century is being eaten away by its own self and it is not long that humanity will come knocking on the doorway and all of us will have very little to show for. People ask me, hey is there a way out of it? I'll tell you what i tell them. Maybe with Kindness. If we are all a little kinder. But hey then ask yourself what kind of a world will you create. If that were to be the case would you dare to imagine? There was a man who once told me that if you ever stare at an abyss for long The Abyss would stare back at you [Music]
Nederlandsy Quakerahonge-jay I think, yeah. Whatever she said! Suejan Stevens Sufjan Stevens Sufageeden Stevens I like that you added another syllable to that Beautiful Swavoski. No! No. Swarovski. Schwawoski Swarovski Nailed it. Schwarzkopf It's incorrect, it is pronounced Swazzo and it's the most glamorous jewellery you can get, thank you very much. Bon Iver Bon Aye-ver And such eloquence French tinge a little bit French Sadie? Well that's easy, that's Sade Sha-day Sadie Sade Stop trying to be trendy Nederlands Kookerande Neder-landse Koytehondajay Woooah, Nederlandse Ke-la-la-la-la la la la la Nederlands Cookahonda Nay-der-lun-des Koi-ken-hordenge It's actually Koi-Ker Hoohn-Jah Is it? Oh man, I'm gonna give you a clap for that. Gif? I think it's jif. Gif. You look confident Gif, is it jif? Oh no, it's jif. No, incorrect. Jif. Oh, this is very controversial. It's a jif though. Yeah It started off as a jif. Gif? It's jif. It's not jif! Gif. No it's gif. Rita Ora's told me. No l think it's gif. I'm pretty sure it's gif. Am l right? Am l right?
Oh, oh-oh Oh Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road (Kio, Kio) I got the horses in the back Horse tack is attached Hat is matte black Got the boots that's black to match Ridin' on a horse, ha You can whip your Porsche I been in the valley You ain't been up off that porch, now Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Ridin' on a tractor Lean all in my bladder Cheated on my baby You can go and ask her My life is a movie Bull ridin' and boobies Cowboy hat from Gucci Wrangler on my booty Can't nobody tell me nothin' You can't tell me nothin' Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road Hat down, cross town, livin' like a rock star Spent a lot of money on my brand new guitar Baby's got a habit: diamond rings and Fendi sports bras Ridin' down Rodeo in my Maserati sports car Got no stress, I've been through all that I'm like a Marlboro Man so I kick on back Wish I could roll on back to that old town road I wanna ride 'til I can't no more Yeah, I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road I'm gonna ride 'til I can't no more I'm gonna take my horse to the old town road
I wanna tell you how over and over Real love feels like walkin' on water I wanna tell you we'll be here forever Real feels like walkin' on water Real love feels walkin' on water Real love feels like walkin' on love feels like walkin' on water love feels walkin' on Real love like walkin' on water Real love like walkin' water Real love like walkin' Real love feels like walkin' water Real love like walkin' on water 16 00:00:29,80 --> 00:00:29,200 Real love feels walkin' on water love feels walkin' on water Real love feels like on water Real love like on water love like on water Real like on water Real like water Real love feels like walkin' on water Some things never end, it's you Right beside me You always will remember Ooh Ooh (You'll never forget) You never will forget her Ooh I wanna tell you how over and over Real love feels like walkin' on water I wanna tell you we'll be here forever 45 00:02:33,80 --> 00:02:33,200 Real love feels like walkin' on water Some things never end, it's you Right beside me #WalkingOnWater
The only question you need to ask yourself while studying the third law is. What happens when two objects interact with each other? What happens when you place an object on the table? The object exerts a force on the table. And the subject exert an upward force on the object. There are two forces that result from this interaction. A force on the table and a force on the object. The magnitudes of the two forces are the same, but the directions are opposite. These forces are called as action and reaction forces. The force exerted by the object on the table was an action force. And the force exerted by the table on the object is the reaction force. What we saw here is nothing but a display of the Newton's third law of motion. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. That's how simple the third law is. It means that when two objects interact there is a force on each object. The magnitude of force on the first object, equals the magnitude of force on the second one. And what about the direction? The direction of force on the first object is opposite to the direction of force on the second one. Let's talk about more examples. While a frog is swimming it pushes the water back. and the water pushes its body forward. Now let me ask you a question. Say a bird is flying upwards, will the Newton's third law apply here? Sometimes the third law is not so obvious. You'd probably say that the bird is the only object here, and there is no second object. But that's not correct! The wings of the bird push the air downwards, and the air pushes the bird upwards. Action and reaction forces make it possible for birds to fly. We take one last example to understand something very interesting about the third law. What happens when a gun is fired? You're right it exert the forward force on the bullet. And the bullet exerts an equal and opposite reaction force on the gun. And this exists in recoil of the gun. A perfect example of Newton's third law! But hold on, if the force exerted by the gun on the bullet is the same as the force exerted by the bullet on the gun, then why doesn't the gun recoil with the same acceleration as the bullet? The gun recoils, yes, but it doesn't recoil at the same acceleration at the bullet, right? Same magnitude of forces but different accelerations. Why do you think this happens? Okay, so if your concept of the second law of motion was clear, you wouldn't really be surprised with this. The second law of motion says that the force is the product of the object's mass and acceleration. Or the acceleration of the object is equal to the force over its mass. What does this tell us? Yes, if the mass is more then the acceleration will be less. In this example the mass of the gun is much more than that of the bullet. Hence, the acceleration of the rifle is lesser than that of the bullet. If you're in a boat and step out of it onto the land there are two forces involved. You pushing the boat behind and the boat pushing you forward. And that's why you see the boat go behind when you go forward. Now let's say a sailor jumps off a huge ship. The sailor does apply a force on the ship and the ship also applies a force on the sailor. But do you think the ship will accelerate as much as the sailor? Not really and I think you know why.
radiologic technologists perform examinations that produce images for radiologists to interpret the public no would have as x-rays and that is what they are and we teach students how to perform examinations where patients are positioned and the correct technical factors are made so that you have an x-ray for a doctor to look at radiologic technologist could work in a hospital could work in a doctor's office could work in an urgent care center could work as a travel tech which means they would travel to different parts of the country or the world even where they may be needed where there's a shortage of radiographers or they can also bring x-rays to like nursing homes where the patients can't leave they'll bring in a x-ray unit and take x-rays there so there's lots of different environments so if someone was interested in this particular field of diagnostic imaging those people who are interested in working in healthcare number one really enjoy working with patients but also enjoy working with technology who enjoy fast pace environments where things are not necessarily a typical nine-to-five day you have to be patient patient with the patient's especially with your peers you have to be tolerant because not everyone is like you obviously you have to be able to listen and then know when to not talk you have to be able to work in the team you have to be very independent when you need to be one of the core values that are required in this is to critically think because not one patient's gonna be the same not one situations that will be the same and you're gonna have to deal with it on your toes you're taught one way to take an image but maybe the patient can't do that but you still have to get the image so you need good critical thinking skills [Music] students become radiologic technologists by enrolling in a program such as the ones that we have here at Montgomery College is a two-year program it's pretty intense basically you have to put everything off to get in this program it's it's a challenging program but it's rewarding when I got in the program I was like this is great like you know you get to help people like whether it's most laudable and to me and it's nothing like the laureate like that it requires a lot of clinical hours as well as didactic or classroom courses that prepare you to take a national registry after you take the national registry you can be hired as a radiologic technologist anywhere in the country for a first-year radiologic technology student they'll come to classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and then they'll go to their clinical sites Tuesdays and Thursdays as the student progresses to become a second year student they will have classes on Tuesday and clinicals on Monday Wednesdays and Fridays their second summer with us they are in clinicals every day for nine weeks I did my clinical rotations at Holy Cross Hospital here in Silver Spring as well as Georgetown Hospital as far as my clinical rotations I went to Holy Cross Silver Spring and then I went to holy cross in Germantown I went to a Children's Hospital for a month and I went to Georgetown University Hospital for my second clinical experience was very good they're very familiar with us they actually and the hairier for Montgomery College they hold you to a certain standard the worksites did know that montgomery college students were well-rounded students not only in book wise but with patient care and they did exceed that so I definitely know that that helped me the radiologic technology students get 1560 hours of clinical time so when they complete this program they're very well trained and the site's know this this is why they like to hire our students our graduates because they know the number of hours that they have actually seen them work when a student graduates from the program then they sit for the american Registry radiologic technologists or as known as the AR T national certification after they passed that and this program has a hundred percent first-time pass rate for the past seven or eight years we're very proud of that but actually past that then they go ahead and depending on the state they decide to work in they do have to apply for a license so if you wanted to work in the state of Maryland you would apply for a license when she became registered as an AR RT certified radiographer what's really exciting about the field of radiologic technology is foundationally allows a radiographer to go in many directions if they want to stay in diagnostic imaging they can cross train and CT and MRI and they don't go back to school for that most of the it's the clinicals are taught on the job and you might take a few courses on your own to pass the registry but it's not a dedicated two-year program so you can move in that direction or you can go administrative Lee and become an administrator go on and get you a four-year degree in Healthcare Administration or you go into education which is what I did so it's a really great starting point of a good career that is sustainable for many many years Montgomery College program I believe helped me because not only did it does it have a good reputation but it was a stepping stone for me as a student to be able to get land a good job it's rewarding jobs the job Security's there you get to learn it's you're always learning something you're always advancing your there's always room for improvement there's always room for promotions there's always room to divert it into a different you know areas in the medical field so if I did it I think anyone else can
Under the SU(5) transformations, the quarks and leptons are supposed to transform into each other, or, the quarks and leptons are supposed to furnish representations of SU(5). What are the dimensions of some representations of SU(5)? Recall that the dimension of the representation is simply the number of entities belonging to that representation. The defining representation is five-dimensional. We construct larger representations by gluing representations together. Let us, then, glue two defining representations. We imagine gluing a circle and a square together. The circle and the square are to be colored with one of five possible colors. Since we have five color choices for the circle and five choices for the square, we have 5 x 5 = 25 combinations or entities. These entities are to be divided into the so-called even and odd combinations. Let us look at the odd combinations. In order for the combination not to vanish, we must use different colors for the circle and the square. There are five choices of color for the circle. For each of these choices, we have four choices of color for the square. It appears that we have 5 x 4 = 20 combinations, but we must divide by 2 to avoid counting twice. So altogether we have 20 / 2 = 10 odd combinations. We have a ten-dimensional representation. The quarks and leptons would fit exactly into the five-dimensional and the ten-dimensional representations of SU(5).
The sun shines on beautiful people, like Locatelli. He heard it. You heard it! My dream is to have a dream. - My dream is to have a dream. - Well done. - If you say it slowly, I'll get it. - Right, your go. - Don't show him! - No one said anything! - With great power comes great responsibility. - Turn it down a little bit. - So... - Look at me. With great power comes great responsibility. What? Look at me! I didn't get a thing. Try it again. He's taking the ****! With great power comes great responsibility. Ah, with great power comes great responsibility. Fifth time lucky! You were saying it really quickly. Should I go? I play the guitar out of tune. - I don't know. - I play the guitar... - Thunder? - No. - I play... - Come on, help me. - Your? - I play! I play! - I play... - the guitar... - out of tune. - the guitar...? - out of tune! Yes, it's true. The last time I played, it was out of tune. You buy dinner for the whole team. - That means you, not me. - No you, I had to repeat it. Let me turn that over. - You post too many selfies. - Sorry? You post too many selfies. You get slapped too much. - You post... - You? - post... - You lay... - too many... - selfies. You post too many selfies. - Well done! - You get slapped too much! I've got butterflies in my tummy. I'm buying Bernardeschi in the fantasy football market. - Go again. - I'm buying... I'm buying... - Hit? - I'm buying... - I'm buying Bernardeschi... - in the market... - in fantasy football. - in the fantasy football market. I'm buying Bernardeschi in my fantasy football team. No, in the fantasy football market. - What? - in the fantasy football market. I'm buying Bernardeschi in the fantasy football market. That's it! I've got the last one. Red sky at night, sailors' delight. - Ah, red sky at night, sailors' delight. - Yes! Bye everyone. We had a lot of fun. We send our love. Tell us in the comments who else you'd like to see here. - Bye.
I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on It's coming on Yeah... Ha Ha! Finally someone let me out of my cage Now, time for me is nothing cause I'm counting no age Now I couldn't be there Now you shouldn't be scared I'm good at repairs And I'm under each snare Intangible Bet you didn't think so I command you to Panoramic view Look I'll make it all manageable Pick and choose Sit and lose All you different crews Chicks and dudes Who you think is really kickin' tunes? Picture you gettin' down in a picture tube Like you lit the fuse You think it's fictional? Mystical? Maybe Spiritual Hero who appears in you to clear your view when you're too crazy Lifeless To those the definition for what life is Priceless To you because I put you on the high shit You like it? Gun smokin' righteous with one toke You're psychic among those Possess you with one go I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on It's coming on The essence the basics Without did you make it Allow me to make this Child-like in nature Rhythm You have it or you don't that's a fallacy I'm in them Every sprouting tree Every child of peace Every cloud and sea You see with your eyes I see destruction and demise Corruption in disguise From this fuckin' enterprise Now I'm sucked into your lies Through Russel, not his muscles but percussion he provides For me as a guide Y'all can see me now 'cause you don't see with your eye You perceive with your mind That's the inner So I'mma stick around with Russ and be a mentor Bust a few rhymes so motherfuckers remember where the thought is I brought all this So you can survive when law is lawless Feelings, sensations that you thought was dead No squealing, remember that it's all in your head I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long The future is coming on I ain't happy, I'm feeling glad I got sunshine in a bag I'm useless but not for long My future is coming on It's coming on My future
Living things grow Living things have cells Living things need air Living things need nutrients Living things need water Living things reproduce Now I'll say some living things You show me how they go A cheetah is a living thing Show me how it goes Run, run, run fast A flower is a living thing Grow, grow, grow strong An eagle is a living thing Show me how it goes Fly, fly, fly so high An Eagle is a living thing Living things grow Living things have cells Living things need air Living things need nutrients Living things need water Living things reproduce Now I'll say some living things You show me how they go A turtle is a living thing Show me how it goes Paddle, paddle, paddle, glide A frog is a living thing Hop, hop, hop up A snake is a living thing Show me how it goes Slither, slither, slither smooth Living things grow Living things have cells Living things need air Living things need nutrients Living things need water Living things reproduce Now look all around each day And see the living things
Never thought I would find Oh, oh, I never thought I would find you Oh babe I know you're not really kind But if you wanna stay the night By night I mean Lay up, in my bed, holding your neck Leaving prints, it's your turn, do your worst I am not the one to cave in first I, hold you dearly I, feel you near me I, need this something I, need your something I wanna be the one that you could love in the night Come to me whenever shit ain't right Let me hold you through the weather when the sun don't shine Grey skies don't mind sticking by my side Hit my line I'll pull up at the sound of the tone In 10 minutes I'll be walking up to your front door You don't ever have to be alone I know you got a little something I've been looking for, babe Oh my God, shawty only listens to me on her iPod Said she wanted nothing but left, now she's upset And left me feeling stupid to defy odds Tell me where to go, 'cause I don't really know no more Me and you were a concept behind closed door And now I'm making a mess over some shit that you said Felt like it never would end and now I'm not yours Never thought I would find Oh, oh, I never thought I would find you Oh babe I know you're not really kind But if you wanna stay the night By night I mean Lay up, in my bed, holding your neck Leaving prints, it's your turn, do your worst I am not the one to cave in first I, hold you dearly I, feel you near me I, need this something I, need your something And I been feeling like the pieces from the petals never fall like they say Hitting Gepetto for the strings you strung me up 'cause you could Said I had a heart made of gold more like a heart made of wood You cracked and split it into pieces burnt and ashed it for good Came in from the East side worried 'bout your pride and your needs Letting me slide up and down the block in the streets There ain't no sad love hitting K I for the D But imagine you ain't never went and told me peace I need your something tonight You're giving me those sweet eyes And your lips look so good when they're wrapped on my neck You're singing sweet lullabies Your fingers crossed up with mine Laying down on my chest as we think of the rest Never thought I would find Oh, oh, I never thought I would find you Oh babe I know you're not really kind But if you wanna stay the night By night I mean Lay up, in my bed, holding your neck Leaving prints, it's your turn, do your worst I am not the one to cave in first I, hold you dearly I, feel you near me I, need this something I, need your something
Hello music people. Welcome to another video on this channel. And in this video I am going to do an analysis of Angeline Jordan with the song "My Funny Valentine". I don't know this song I know Angelina Jordan, she is a great singer. We have many videos with her. Feel free to visit our channel. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter. And in this video I'm going to do an analysis on their vocal behavior, how the instruments work, the aesthetics of music. Therefore, I will make my observations whenever I consider it necessary. But first of all, if you are not subscribed to the channel, subscribe, turn on notifications, click like and share this video. Leave more suggestions for other reactions. and technical analysis for Angelina Jordan. The message was passed and Let's go to the most important. Let's analyze Angelina Jordan. See the dynamic she manages to put into her voice because, works a lot with the use of the mixed voice. She works a lot with her voice projection. in the region of the mask but also with the projection of the chest. And with that she manages to insert textures and shows a lot of dynamics to interpret this song. And it's an amazing dynamic. See how she has a subtlety to project her voice. But the most interesting thing about this song, it's the fact that he knows how to work with the control he has over his voice. And she has incredible control. It's very interesting to realize that she has this control being such a young person, and have control of your voice. This shows that she knows the range of her voice, the limits of her range, what she can do with her voice... This is incredible. Again, the highlight is in relation to the dynamics that she inserts in her interpretation. See how he manages to project falsetto. She makes a very interesting use of falsetto as a vocal embellishment. And she can connect this falsetto... She displaces this falsetto in another region of her voice, and it does so very easily. And she uses incredible dynamics. I think, the big highlight in their performance in performing this song so far, be the dynamic that she manages to insert very easily in his voice. And it's an amazing performance. She does a wonderful job with the vibrato. She does an amazing job with the vibrato. This is fascinating. It's a beautiful interpretation, this is wonderful. But look how she injects a lot of dynamics into her voice in high and low regions. She can also work with the volume of her voice. The way your voice projects and she takes that power away from her voice in an incredible way. She is very flexible to perform this type of articulation of her voice. She changes her voice in very fast regions in a short period of time. And it's all done in a very subtle way. There is not a very strong change in relation to this. And this is amazing. It's a wonderful performance. This is cute. Here is a slight nasal projection. It is very fast and short. And all this greatly enriches his interpretation. The use of falsetto, the use of vibrato, the nasal region of your voice... They are used as incredible ornaments. It's a wonderful performance. See how wonderful this keyboard instrument is. This makes his acting very sophisticated. It is a very strong influence that she has from jazz music. In this way, she interprets the song, inserting that incredible influence of jazz. Jazz is a very direct way of singing. There is no work with many embellishments. But he manages to insert these embellishments in a fantastic way. This shows her great growth as a singer. Because this shows that she improves with each performance. Every time we hear a song from her... Look how hard she works... She does an amazing job with her voice. See the dynamic she uses and how she uses the volume of her voice to increase her performance. There are many embellishments in his voice and interpretation and all these ornaments greatly enrich his performance. And they are embellishments used in a very clever way. Look what an amazing use of falsetto. Amazing. The melisma was sensational, fantastic. An exciting interpretation of Angelina Jordan. She is a fantastic singer with an amazing interpretation and great artistic maturation of your voice. It was a fantastic performance. Amazing. The dynamics, the articulation that she makes with her voice, the ornaments used here were all fantastic and wonderful. An incredible performance. another fantastic performance of this incredible singer who is Angelina Jordan. Amazing. It was fantastic and I lack adjectives to praise this amazing singer. But this is the technical analysis of the reaction of this video. Therefore, If you want more technical analysis and reactions from Angelina Jordan, subscribe to our channel, activate the notification, like and share this video. I end here. I hope you liked this video and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.
Poncho: We're gonna do this. I want to promote you for your fight against Jake Paul or his other little b***h brother. Poncho: I know you beat both of their a** Chavez Jr: I'm gonna beat Jake Paul's A** Poncho: All the people watching this, send this to those Bit***s Poncho: Make the fight! I'm confident that you beat both of them Chavez Jr: Don't be confident, I assure you I will beat Jake Paul's A**! Chavez Jr: Yeah but they're not hearing me. They want to charge more, they keep forgetting I'm the boxer Poncho: F what they're charging! if you beat any of those two, you're stock goes all the way up! Poncho: Let's make sure the fight happens! Chavez Jr: I want the winner take all, when I fight Jake Paul. Winner takes all the money! Chavez Jr: We're risking our life's in the ring Chavez Jr: I want the promoter to take a lower percentage Chavez Jr: It's gonna be great business for everyone! Poncho: great business! you both are showmen! Poncho: You already messed around too much! the fight is gonna be good! Chavez Jr: What you mean by, I messed around too much? dude those are all lies. Poncho: The point I'm trying to make is you're gonna F-Up Jake Paul Chavez Jr: look, I'll get prepared but If I don't focus on Boxing it shows. Chavez Jr: I need to focus on Boxing! Chavez Jr: I'm super focused! I'm happy this happened to me. Chavez Jr: This motivates me! Chavez Jr: Canelo beat me because he was much faster. Poncho: But Canelo can take punches! Chavez Jr: I can take it and dish it out too. Especially in my weight Poncho: You're in Canelo's weight right now Chavez Jr: If canelo fights me in the weight he's gonna fight Makabu (200) its a very difficult fight for him Chavez. Jr: Canelo is very fast, and he's very active right now! Poncho: I much rather see you in the ring with Jake Paul Chavez Jr: Jake Paul is Garbage! I'm gonna knock him out! Poncho: Beat his a** in two rounds. Poncho: Well let's promote this fight with you against Jake Paul
1) Hit him once. 2) Hit him twice. 3) Where did this guy go? 4) He's one shot. 5) Can you ready up? 6) Can I build? Can I build!? 7) Are you lagging? 8) He's on me. He's on me! He's on me!!!!! Wow, man! 9) I would've killed him if it wasn't for the lag. 10) Stop taking my loot! 11) Are they taking Tilted out? 12) If I kill him, then it's my loot. 13) They're not taking Tilted out? 14) North north. Left to right. Left to right! 15) Do you have a mic? 16) Do you speak English? 17) Got a guy northeast moving right to left. 18) Let's go factories. 19) Kobe! 20) Let's go Snobby Shores. 21) Those guys were definitely on PC. 22) Let's go Flush. 23) He's over there. 24) Where is there? Where is there!? 25) That's not my trap. That's not my trap! 26) How many squad wins you got? 27) Dark Voyager east. 28) How many solo wins you got? 29) We got a John Wick west. 30) How did I miss that shot? 31) Who's mic is that? Bro, turn your mic off! 32) Ohhh! Cozy campfire. 33) Game end him. Game end him! 34) Guys, don't forget I got a launchpad. 35) This is the best emote in the game. 36) I gotta go to the bathroom real quick. Hold on. I'll be back. I'll be back! 37) Ohhhh, a vending machine! 38) Am I still alive? 39) I'm not spending that much metal. 40) Is your friend online? Yeah, we need one more. 41) Circle is closing in. We gotta move. 42) You want me to back out? I'll back out. 43) I'm low on mats. 44) No, no. Play it out. Play it out 45) Need a revive. 46) You have any medium ammo? 47) You got any shotgun ammo? 48) You got any heavy ammo? 49) Anyone have rockets? 50) What am I stuck on? 51) Oh my gosh. I got lasered! He didn't miss me once! 52) Double pump is so OP. 53) Double pump is back, baby! 54) I forgot I had a launchpad. 55) Pump-tac is the new meta. 56) Double pump is the new meta. 57) Pump-smg is the new meta 58) Who is this guy? You know this guy? 59) Got any heals? 60) Any bandages? 61) Any shields? 62) PUBG is trash! 63) Is that you near me? That's not you!? 64) Let's go Prison. 65) Let's go Greasy. 66) Let's go Retail Row. 67) My controller just died. 68) My DPI just changed. 69) I need some wood. 70) This kid is bad. Let's push him. 71) Ninja's playing with Drake again. Must be nice. 72) What do you mean? 73) This game doo-doo. 74) They talk about my snipes. 75) What a phenomenal gaming experience. 76) Rocket ride me. Rocket ride me! 77) I can hold med kits. I can hold med kits. 78) What tier are you? 79) I can hold minis. 80) The store is trash today. 81) He's pushing you. You don't have time to heal. 82) Got a team rotating. 83) What's your EPIC name? 84) How does anyone even play on mobile? 85) There we go! Let's go! 86) I'm a beast! Clip that! 87) Ohhhh!!! Golden scar! 88) My team is trash. 89) He's gonna finish me. He's gonna finish me! 90) Forget it. We're going Tilted. 91) Top 10 situation 92) Every time I take the half shield... ...I find minis. 93) Nine damage!? 94) They need to bring Blitz back. 95) How much health did he have left? 96) I cannot believe I just took fall damage. 97) I got a mini for you. 98) This my last game. Let's make it a good one. Ahhhh, AHHHHHH!!! Oh my gosh! 99) I hate this game! Dang man! I was so close. 100) Alright, one more. One more. Ready up. I'm a grown man.
[DS9 theme music] [serious music] [from a distance] Bashir: Miles! [getting closer] Bashir: Miles! Bashir: Miles! Bashir: Fancy a drink? O'Brien: I can't... O'Brien: Keiko and the kids are waiting on me for dinner. O'Brien: Next Thursday... O'Brien: Book a holosuite... O'Brien: They're going to Bajor... [slowly] O'Brien: Next Thursday... [slowly] O'Brien: They're going to Bajor... Kira: Hi Julian. Bashir: Hi. Are you going to Vick's? [awkwardly] Kira: Yes... Bashir: Mind if I join? [awkwardly] Odo: Uhhh.... [slowly] Bashir: Mind if I join? Odo: Actually... Odo: We were... Odo: ... looking forward to spending an evening alone Bashir: Oh... Right.... [slowly] Odo: Alone... Bashir: Right... Bashir: ... well have a great time! Bashir: I understand! [softly] Bashir: I understand! [softly again] Bashir: I understand! [echoing] Bashir: I understand! [echoing] O'Brien: I can't. [echoing] Odo: Looking forward to spending an evening alone. [ship horn] [sustained ship horn] [DS9 theme music] Computer: Transfer of data is complete.
I'm trying to hold my breath Let it stay this way Can't let this moment end You set off a dream with me Getting louder now Can you hear it echoing? Take my hand Will you share this with me? 'Cause darling without you All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll For me Never, never Never, for me Never enough For me All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it'll For me Never, never Never, for me Never enough For me Hey Hollens Family <3 I really hope you enjoy this song I think it is absolutely beautiful one This entire soundtrack is literaly my favorite i heard in over a decade I plan to do almost all this song expecialy sense you have request almost all of this as you can see Thank you so much guys for the support Those who are my patron on patreon You guys mean everything I can't say that enough I love you, i appreciate you Keep sending request down below I wanna know, do you like the guys version of the song ( ME ME :D ) Or if you like the original female version Or more importantly, my wife version Sinse this is a little bit of a " I told you i can try do this " 'Cause she told me that i couldn't So i wanna know which one you like more As a friendly reminder of the fact that my wife and i are competitive but love each other to death <3 I love you, check out my wife version, i think is over there And if you like to watch like 9 hours of my stuff, you can click on the links and watch the playlist Love you guys , i will se you really soon, and keep requesting down below , bye ! Subtitles by the community
you, you can be mean And I, I'll drink all the time 'Cause we're lovers, and that is a fact Yes we're lovers, and that is that Though nothing will keep us together We can beat them, for ever and ever Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day I, I wish you could swim Like the dolphins, like dolphins can swim Though nothing, nothing will drive them away We can beat them, for ever and ever Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day I, I will be king And you, you will be my queen Though nothing, nothing will keep us together We can beat them, for ever and ever Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day I, I can remember (I remember) Standing, by the wall (by the wall) And the guns, shot above our heads (over our heads) And we kissed, as though nothing could fall (nothing could fall) And the shame, was on the other side Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever We can be Heroes Just for one day We can be Heroes Just for one day We're nothing, you know will gonna happen Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay We can be Heroes just for one day Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, just for one day Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh-oh-ohh, We can be Heroes just for one day
Hip- Hop Tooty Ta Remix! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty ta ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! Tongue out! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! Tongue out! Eyes shut! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta Thumbs up! Elbows back! Feet apart! Knees together! Bottoms up! Tongue out! Eyes shut! Turn around! A Tooty Ta, a Tooty Ta A Tooty Ta ta
20cm x 20cm Fold and unfold along the diagonals Fold the edges to the crease and unfold Valley-fold vertically and unfold Note the reference points Fold the top corner down Mountain-fold in half Valley-fold Valley-fold at angle bisector Squash-fold Fold and unfold the corners Petal-fold Unfold everything except the top triangle Fold the top edge down to the horizontal crease Bring the top corner down Fold and unfold the corners to the reference points Fold and unfold the side corners to the corner on the middle. Crease only where indicated Fold the bottom corner up Note the reference points Valley-fold and unfold Fold the top corner down Make a rabbit ear fold Fold and unfold Squash-fold Mountain-fold the corner behind Crimp-fold using the existing creases Fold as shown on the existing creases Squash-fold Petal-fold Bring the point up while folding on the existing creases as shown Bring the right corner to the top Release the trapped paper Repeat on the left side Fold a corner to the right Fold at angle bisectors Bring the corner to the top again while folding at the creases you just made Bring the edge to the center and swivel-fold Fold the point down Bring the corner to the left side Bring the corner up while making a pleat Fold and unfold Reverse-fold Reverse-fold and line up the edges as shown Reverse-fold to the left Reverse-fold bringing the point up Fold the corner down Reverse-fold twice each corner to make the fingers Fold to the reference point while folding the edge to the center Fold it up Bring the top of the vertical crease to the right The model will not lie flat The existing creases will be aligned 00:21:54.000,00:00:00.000 Fold the flap down and flatten the model Fold two points down Reverse-fold the points to the sides Fold the corners inside Fold the top down Fold the corner down (there are no reference points) Fold a layer down to make the eyes Fold the point up Fold the edge a little to make the mouth Mountain-fold the corners Fold the tip to make the nose Fold the little corners if you can Make a rabbit ear fold Outside reverse-fold to make the staff Valley-fold Fold as shown to make the robe Mountain-fold the bottom to make the base Shape the ears Push the top of the head Yoda finished! Optionally you can change the color of the staff or point it up as a lightsaber
In this video, we will show you how to lock down your crown jewel data on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Arm-based AWS Graviton2 using Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall provides data-at-rest encryption by running as a storage proxy in between client applications and storage layer Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall is deployed on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 on Arm-based AWS Graviton2 Create a directory to be secured by Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Access Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall Web Management Console Create encryption key Choose post-quantum cryptography (PQC) algorithm and signature hash Configure physical storage Select local for physical storage type and enter storage path Configure Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage Select fuse for mode and input the mount path Choose the newly configured physical storage Select privacy for protection type Choose the PQC encryption key Configure cryptographic cipher Start Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage services Confirm Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage is mounted as configured Any file/data stored via Bloombase StoreSafe Intelligent Storage Firewall virtual storage will be seamlessly encrypted and stored securely at the backend storage protected by PQC cipher
We are gonna learn how to solve a quadratic equation with the quadratic formula. So, when would you use the quadratic formula? When --- it's very specific... It has to be... it's: a x ^2 + b x + c = 0 'a' is the x squared coefficient... 'b' is the x coefficient... x to the one I should say... and 'c' is the x to the zero coefficient... and it [the equation] has to equal zero... what is the quadratic formula? well, it is... minus 'b', plus or minus the square root of 'b' squared, minus four 'a' 'c', all divided by two 'a' So, we want to solve what x is when this equation equals zero... Let's try a sample problem... It's gonna to be very easy... you won't have to put it in quadratic form... So, our problem is: two x squared, minus x, minus six... equals zero. So... the 'a'... is... 'a' coefficient is: two. The 'b' coefficient is: negative one. The 'c' coefficient is: negative six... Alright... So, minus 'b'... so it would be: negative one, plus or minus square root of negative one squared, minus four 'a' (which is: two) 'c' (which is: negative six). All divided by two times 'a' (which is: two). So it'd be, of course, one plus or minus square root of one... minus... a negative... 48, all divided by... four... plus or minus square root: one plus 48, all divided by four... one plus or minus square root of 49, all divided by four... one plus or minus seven over four... and then... first one, let's use the plus... one plus seven over four, which is: eight over four, which is: two... and the other one is: one minus seven over four, which is: negative six over four, which is... to simplify it would be: negative two times three over two times two... ...which of course equals: negative three over two. x equals: two OR negative three over two [boxes answer] well... this should be an 'x equals' just so that - so that you know [points to the start of the solution and writes 'x equals' before the equation steps for clarity] I just wanted to make a note about something... if your quadratic equation is not in this form [points to the quadratic form]... ...then you'll have to rearrange it so that it is in this form [points to the quadratic form]
Hello music friends, welcome to another video on our channel. And in this video we are going to analyze Mahmood and Blanco with the song "Brividi". I apologize if I mispronounced any of these names. But anyway I'm going to do analysis of this song. And what I can add about the music I will do with my observations. For those who don't know, I'm a heavy metal singer, multi-instrumentalist, producer, and songwriter. Therefore, I will make an analysis of the performance of these two singers. But first of all, if you are not a subscriber, please subscribe to our channel, turn on notifications, like and share this video, so that the channel reaches more people and grows. The message has been conveyed and now we are going to look at Mahmood and Blanco. I found his voice, a voice with a darker tone. I dare say I don't get the feeling that he is a singer in the highest region of the male voice, in this case, as a tenor. So, I say, it sounds like a baritone to my ears. Of course it's the first time I hear him sing. I would need to hear your voice giving interviews, singing other songs, with him talking and talking in his natural voice, have a greater perception and certainty about it. But he sounds like a baritone to me because he has a heavier voice. This dynamic that he inserts in his interpretation is very cool. It is a dynamic that I confess I remember rap singers, singers who sing hip hop, trap... It reminds me to be a very similar dynamic. I don't know this singer, it's the first I hear him. I'm finding it wonderful, with incredible behavior and vocal posture. Incredible. It's a fantastic performance. I must make an observation. When you sing with another person, It's not just you singing alone, there is a greater difficulty. Because it must be in the same key, it doesn't necessarily have to be the same octave. Because each voice has a particularity. The other singer who started singing sounds like a tenor to me. So it's in some different octave region which is the same note. The two must be on the same note to be in unison. It is a very beautiful performance. You have to have a preparation and here they show that they are well prepared for it. At some point I felt a slight inconsistency in the voice, but this is a normal thing to happen. And now a battery is added. And when this battery is inserted, it is strategically inserted precisely to create more impact on the listener. And it was presented in a very well designed way, also because it gives a differential in the atmosphere of the music. This is very well done. Why are you using falsetto... This falsetto... In falsetto the vocal cords are more tense and when you remove this tension, stop doing the falsetto, the vocal cords open and there is more vibration. Therefore, they are in a position to open their voice more and it is incredible. And in no way is there a mismatch. It's perfect. Again I have the feeling that they are rap singers. I'm really a bit confused here. Because I don't know these singers and I have the impression that they somehow lead in this direction. They show a lot of mastery in the melodic way of inserting their voice. But also to have a different posture with something more rhyming and more spoken. And in the background there is the sound of violins. Therefore, it is one more element that is introduced in the song. It was a fantastic performance. I was really surprised by the way they performed this song. It is very difficult to sing on the same note with another person. But the arrangement is also something that allows them to introduce a dynamic into the voice. Something that is not standardized to be just this melodic factor. Therefore, they manage to work very well in this much talked about way of singing. I was surprised and thought it was fantastic. An incredible performance. It seems that they are two Italian singers and I did not know them. And I was very happy and I am very glad to have followed this performance. But anyway, this was the analysis of this video. For more analysis of Mahmood and Blanco, subscribe to our channel, leave your suggestion in the comments, It will be a pleasure to meet so many talented artists on our channel. We have reached the end, I hope you enjoyed this video, and see you in the next review. Goodbye then.
Kissey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Kissey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Kissey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Shuru kiya meine as a Music Director, Aaj mere yaar dost bade bade Actor Waise Bollywood mein aati roj Picturein, But superhit picturon ka Yo Yo X-factor Yeh mein nhi kehta wo khud yahi mante,Koyle ki khan mein heere ko pehchante Middleclass boy aaj Super star hai, Charter mein ghume wo chaar badi car hain Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Bete Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Million dollars I don't give a damn, Kudiyan shudiyan I don't give a damn Badi hai soch meri bade hai plans, Jo kuch bhi hun aaj bcoz of my fans Jo bhi mein bola woh karke dikhaunga, Mere liye dua karo Grammy le ayunga Kasam Bajrang Bali ki, Desi ghi ki boondi sakarr-pare batwaunga Jis Din - Jis Din, Jis Din - Jis Din, Jis Din mein Grammy le ayunga Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Bete Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Pehla gana suna mene jab "A$$ like that",Khud se kiya tha sawal Golu who the dam is that Raat bhar woh gana kano mein bajaya,Tab kahi jake muje thoda samaj aya Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Jay Z, Eazy E, Bollywood mein nhi Hip-Hop mein tha jee Hip-Hop ki samaj mere DNA mein thi, I am feeling so high baby so stress free Chocolate na hoti to phir socho kesa hota,Bournvita na hota toh phir doodh ka kya hota Socho Honey Singh hi agar paida hua na hota,Toh phir music industry ka revolution hi nhi hota Mein ulti t-shirt dalu baby meri marzi, Mein gaoon ya na gaoon baby meri marzi High jean wala natak-shatak mujse nhi hota,7 din na nahau baby meri marzi Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop, Bete Issey Kehte hain Hip-Hop Hip-Hop
I think I'm in trouble, I can't see the end I call you my lover, you call me your friend I keep it a secret, yeah even from you I call you my lover, oh what can I do? I've been lonely baby, I I've been hangin' on the line Been hangin' on the line And if you love me baby Don't, don't, don't hang up this time Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it I think we're overthinking it Used to be perfect, that we could be free To do what we wanted, you do it to me We only just started, don't say it's the end So call me your lover, don't call me your friend I've been lonely baby, I I've been hangin' on the line Been hangin' on the line And if you love me baby Don't, don't, don't hang up this time 'Cause you know Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it I think we're overthinking it Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it Don't think it over Oh Body language will do the trick If you stay with me tonight, then we'll talk it over That's the danger, you're missing it I just think we're overthinking it I think we're overthinking it
yeah you're the laughingstock of the fucking world I mean for fuck's sake eh I could not be any more fucking on top of this mountain and you are the laughingstock of the fucking world you're like a woman's magazine your like the fucking latest episode of vogue or woman's day yeah all feminism and fucking bullshit tit for fuckin tat I mean it proves how fucking crazy bitches are in this fucking world women are fucked in the fucking head and this whole fucking charade show of the media and Hillary Clinton's just proving it right at the same time people with their head's screwed on the whole fucking the whole of the Western civilization's getting divided yeah! divided all those dumb bitches those ugly fucking dumb bitches you know those ugly fucking women that fucking are obviously ugly cuz they have to go out and get their nails done their hair fucking done you know they need all these body products for their fucking body and they need to get Botox and facial fucking you know huh reconstruction's and you know they need to get liposuction and all this ohh everything under the Sun yeah everything that they fucken every time they do that shit just proves that they are one hundred percent fuckin ugly ugly fucking dumb bitches right and the only reason they think like that is because of the fucking bullshit that they're following in the fucking media right now and buying into I mean for fuck's sake and we've got dickheads going oh this and that trying to up the fucking anti fucking Donald Trump is kicking your fucking ass that's right and I'll tell you this America you've got fucking forgiveness or you've got fucking wrath all right you choose fucking Hillary the people haven't repented you choose Trump and Trump gets in the people have repented do you not understand this this is your chance this is your chance not to fucking fall this is your chance to fucking rise up out of the fucking ashes that you find yourselves in like saying oh there's no fucking fraud in your ballots I mean why the fuck has the UN been fucking overseeing the American fucking you know? ballots since 2012 why is the UN running the American elections because the UN runs America and they've run America since 2012 for fuck's sake just like the beast was released out of the fucking pit in 2012 ISIS was released out of the fucking pit that's what this is all about its all about fucking ISIS all right it's all about their little fucking plan to suck in you fucking idiots and divide and conquer your fucking minds like fucking a bunch of fucking cunts to put it fucking plainly yeah and how do they divide your fucking minds well it's quite fucking simple and I've gone over it and I'm gonna repeat myself just for you fuck head's all right you fuckin idiots out there this is how they divide your mind all right yeah the Spirit hovered over the void spoke then everything was created right yeah isn't that right? yeah! well what about this huh everything came from nothing the Spirit a spirit a ghost a Holy ghost a spirit a spirit a ghost everything came from nothing uh ok Spirit hovered over the void oh we need a fucking black hole to survive in this universe don't we? eh that's science yeah oh the Spirit the Nothing hovered over the void a black hole Nothing hovered over a void a black hole Nothing hovered over a void a black hole Spoke! everything's vibration the world is vibration the planets are held in their positions by vibration everything that's color is vibration right Spoke and everything was created so God's first begotten was his Word which is Jesus Christ and by the word everything was created doesn't that sound like fucking science I mean for fuck's sake and yous all go on about fucking CERN I told you what fucking CERN was about fucking years ago the light shines in the darkness and the darkness comprehends it fucking not what the fuck do you think they're looking for huh you turn a light on in the darkness what happens to the darkness the darkness flees so how does the fuckin Darkness not comprehend the fucking light the light has to be hidden right its fucking hidden light amen amen means fucking hidden hidden every time you say Amen your saying the hidden one the hidden fucking God Amen Rah the hidden fucking light the fucking dark matter that fuckin CERN is looking for and that's how they divide your fucking minds you're fucking stupid the whole lot of yous and I've fucking had it way past here with the fucking lot of yous right I have fucking done what I've done because of the fucking legit reasons in this fucking world unlike the majority of you fucking preaching fucking arse dicks out there who fucking have a gerbil up your fucking holes all right yeah! that's all you're fucking worth is repeating fucking wank and you'll go and you'll fucking get that gerbil going inside of you and your fucking what hmm what you're tickling ears with your fucking little fucking wank yeah nah you know you have to go through fucking loss all this information has been revealed to me to me a fucking lone right and nobody else in this fucking world has fucking exposed what I've exposed because I'm fucking original why am I fucking original why the fuck am I original cuz nobody's taught me I don't go to fucking churches right I never been to fucking church since I got kicked out of fucking sunday school for blaming the fucking teacher right blaming the teacher for being fucking wrong I fucking questioned her she couldn't take it and she fucking left and I was kicked out a day after that and why was I at sunday school because my fucking father was working and I was pawned off my whole childhood to fucking nannies and fucking sunday schools and fucking anywhere that I could fucking go so he could go off and live his life and forget about my fucking mother right told you about my bereavement why I am like I am hmm what happens to five-year-olds huh I was fucking four my mother died when I had just turned fucking five it was her fucking dying wish to fucking see my fifth fucking birthday all right my earliest memory as a fucking child right my earliest memory my only fucking memory as a fucking child right when my mother was fucking alive is this I woke up to flashing lights I was in my bunk and I saw the flashing lights my mother had already gone through all of her bullshit she had a broken back she was shitting in a fucking wheelchair and all that fucking jive that was all fucking happening before I was used to that but I woke up in a fucking bunk with flashing lights right I've got taken out of the bunk saw the ambulance go away got told that i was going to fucking go to my neighbor's house my neighbors took me up the road to their fucking house i watched the fucking ambulance go away all right my dad went off to the fucking Hospital with the ambulance and I went to my neighbor's house who was a good fucking Christian and he fucking looked after us for a few hours because just before bedtime for I was laying in bed and I remember fucking laying in bed for hours I heard the fucking phone ring and around that same time I fucking knew my mother had fucking died and the phone fucking rang and I heard them saying that fucking blah blah blah to my father and I knew he was coming to pick us up then they came in five minutes after the call got me back up out of bed and fucking waited with me until my fucking father got there my father got there picked up me and my friggin sister right and took us to the fucking Hospital I went and I fucking looked at my mother's dead body I looked at my mother's dead body up and down and I sprinkled fucking rose petals all over her fucking corpse you understand this is as a five fucking year old you don't know fucking shit your whole fucking community of fucking assholes don't know fucking shit right then after that I remember clearly being at the fucking funeral seeing the open fucking casket watching it go down a fucking hole and descend into the fucking bottom of the church only to go down in to the church and watch the fucking casket get fucking dragged by a fucking conveyor belt into a fucking oven all at the age of fucking five you don't know fucking shit you don't know fucking God and you don't know fucking anything till you are fucking dealt long suffering in life and all you fucking majority of fucking swine out there that have never fucking been dealt long suffering at all in their life don't know fucking shit and I'm the fucking proof and I don't want any of your fucking minds I don't want any of your fucking time I am fucking much better than that and I've always fucking known it right I am the best person qualified to do what I fucking do on the internet and people have fucking put me down and stopped me and tried to shut me up from the fucking very beginning when I'm the most honest and sincere person fucking doing it if you go into fucking google you go into YouTube type in Sqorpio1980 it has not shown up since 2010 they have covered this shit up I told you everything was going to fucking happen huh the year of the dragon was 2012 what the fuck do you think got released out of the fucking pit ISIS it's a fuckin America's scam to take out fucking King David's Kingdom in Syria right and it's got nothing to do with Judah Judah will pay for her sins for as it is written she is a fucking whore and she's whoring it off with America and all those other fucking nations as we fucking sit here and speak and your fucking chances tomorrow America are fucking Hillary or Trump I mean do the math World War or fucking destroy ISIS that's pretty fucking simple regardless of this tit for tat fucking bullshit and everyone's got an opinion but they're fucking opinions are wrong two fucking choices 2008 I told you fucking recession depression War I told you World War one World War two World War three Turkey what the fuck do you think's going on you either fucking help me or you fucking get out of my fucking way and I'm powerful more powerful than yous will ever fucking know
jump to 3:55
Hello friends! Welcome to Gate Smashers. In this video, we are going to discuss how CSP problems are solved. What algorithm do we use to solve CSP problems? I am going to explain it with a very important and interesting example. Watch this video till the end. Please like my video and please subscribe to my channel if you have not done it yet. And please press the bell button to get all the latest notifications. Let's start. CSP, the algorithm that is used to solve problems, that is called a backtracking algorithm. We use the backtracking method. You may think that we also use backtracking in depth-first search. Yes, it's the same as the backtracking that we use in depth-first tracking. But in this, we use intelligent backtracking. What's intelligent backtracking? How do we do backtracking intelligently? That will be clear to you by an example. We have taken constraint graph for an example. Constraint graph means? We have taken the graph and we have to do colouring on it. First, let me tell you that this graph is variable. In the last video, I explained how to represent the constraint satisfaction problem. I have already explained the basics in the last video. If you haven't watched it, the link is in the description box. Do check out that video. Because we have explained the basics of CSP. The set of variables I have is 1, 2, 3, 4, which are the nodes/vertex of this graph. Secondly, we have domain. In domain, we have red, green, and blue. I have to give a color to each vertex. But the color can be any of these 3 colors for 1, 2, 3, or 4. But, the third thing, which is important, is constraint. What's constraint? The color of the neighbour node/vertex must be different. Their color must not be the same. How have I represented it? 1 not equal to 2. The colors of 1 & 2, 1 & 3, and 1 & 4 will not be the same. Because all 3 are the neighbours of 1. 2 will not be equal to 1. Yes. 2 will not be equal to 4. Yes. There is no problem with 2 and 3 because 2 and 3 are not neighbours. Similarly, 4 must not be equal to 1. 4 is equal to 2 and 3. I have written all the constraints here. This way, we represent the constraint satisfaction problem. Now, let's talk about how to start it. Generally, in the state space, with the initial node,... Let's say I gave red color to the first one. Or I can give green to the first one. Or I can give blue to the first one. Based on that, we take the search/state space forward. Here we are using intelligent backtracking method to solve CSP. I am going to explain you in a simple way. I have these 1, 2, 3, and 4 vertexes. Write down the initial domain first. What does initial domain mean? Which color you can give to 1 initially? You can give it any of the 3 colors. I am writing RGB. It means that you can give any color from red, blue, and green. Initially, you can give any of the three colors to 2, 3, and 4. Let's say, I chose to give red color to 1. If I am giving red color to 1, I will write that 1 is of red color. Let's talk about 2. If 1 has red color, 2, 3, and 4 cannot have red color. 2 colors will come out of the domain. We will not write the red color here. Because if you write 'red' here, the constraint will be violated. We have to satisfy the constraint. This is our problem. We have given the red color to 1. For the rest of the three, we have the green-blue domain. Here, let's say, I gave green to 2. If I give green to 2, we have already fixed red for 1, I have done green for 2. Now see, what are the colors left for 3? For 3, I have green. If you give red to 1, I searched green for 2, if I select green, can we give green to 3? Yes, we can give green to 3 because these are not neighbours. Can you give blue to 3? Yes, we can give it blue because we have not given blue to any of them yet. If we talk about 4, you cannot give red and green to 4 because 2 and 4 are neighbours. So, only one is left for 4, and that is blue. This is known as legal. I had these three as initials. But now, blue is the legal color for 4. Green and blue are legal for 3. Now, let's say, I gave blue to 3. I gave blue to 3. I had already fixed red. I have fixed green for 2. For 3, I selected blue. If I selected blue color for 3, can we give blue to 4? No. But by default, the blue color is left for 4. Can I give blue color to this? No, I cannot because my constraint will be violated. So here, I have an empty value. There is no legal color left. And if no legal color is left, your problem will not be solved. But to solve the problem, you will have to use backtracking. While backtracking, where will we go? We will go where the conflict has occurred. This is the meaning of 'intelligent.' How does the normal DFS work? Let's say, I have this normal tree. In that tree, I have different nodes. Let's say, I am stuck here in the normal DFS. We will go to the recent/previous node. If I have a move here, we will go further. If I don't have any move, we will go back. If I have move here, we will go further. Otherwise, we will backtrack. This way, we are backtracking one by one. But, if a problem is occurring here, we will directly go back to the point due to which the conflict has occurred. So, this is time efficient. This is actually time efficient because we are directly going to where the conflict is occurring. Now we will try to resolve the conflict. The conflict occurring when we gave blue color to 3. Because I had two colors for 3, green and blue. When I gave blue color to it, the problem arose. To resolve this problem, I will have to backtrack. While backtracking, I fixed the green color for 3. If I fix the green color for 3, what do I have left for 3? I have given the green color. What is left for 4? The blue color was there for 4 already. I wrote it here as it is. I have given the green color to 3. And I have given blue to 4. From the point of view of graph coloring, red for 1, green, green, blue. Fine? No neighbours have the same color. This way, we solve these problems related to the CSP. Remember that the intelligent backtracking method that we used here, which is different from the previous backtracking method using DFS. In that, we move one by one. Here, we will go to the point directly where the conflict has occurred. So, it is time efficient. Second, if we use heuristic here, let's say, if I use heuristic here, let's say, I have a graph like this. In this graph, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I have this star graph. I have two colors. Red green, red green, red green, red green, red green, and red green for this too. How many nodes are there? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. How many possibilities are there? 2 raised to power 6, i. e. 32 assignments I can give. Red green for this, red green for this, if I give like this, without heuristic, or with uninformed search or normal state space, I have 32 possibilities according to the normal case. But, if I use heuristic here, give the color first to those whose degree/dependency is the highest. Whose dependency/degree is the highest? The degree of this vertex is the highest because it is connected to 5 vertexes. If I fix the red color to this, in this case, if I fix the red color to this, how many possibilities I am left with for the rest of the five? Only one possibility is left. Give green color to all. I brought it to only 5 possibilities from 32. You give green color to all five of these. If we use heuristic here and define it in an intelligent way, we are time-efficient and we can also solve problems faster. This is all about how CSP problems are actually solved and how the algorithm works. Thank you!
I wanna hold 'em like they do in Texas, please Fold 'em, let 'em hit me, raise it, baby, stay with me (I love it) Love game intuition, play the cards with spades to start And after he's been hooked I'll play the one that's on his heart I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be (hey) A little gamblin' is fun when you're with me (I love it) Russian roulette is not the same without a gun And baby, when it's love, if it's not rough, it isn't fun (fun) I'll get him hot, show him what I've got Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face (mum-mum-mum-mah) I won't tell you that I love you, kiss or hug you 'Cause I'm bluffin' with my muffin I'm not lying, I'm just stunnin' with my love-glue-gunnin' Just like a chick in the casino Take your bank before I pay you out I promise this, promise this Check this hand 'cause I'm marvelous Can't read my, can't read my No, he can't read my poker face (She's got me like nobody) P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face P-p-p-poker face, p-p-poker face (mum-mum-mum-mah)
Fibonacci Alpha Variant 1. This is a method that involves adjusting your wager. 2. There are 14 levels of wager: 1st level is the base wager, 2nd level is 1 time the base wager, 3rd level is 2 times the base wager, 4th level is 3 times the base wager, 5th level is 5 times the base wager, 6th level is 8 times the base wager, 7th level is 13 times the base wager, 8th level is 21 times the base wager, 9th level is 34 times the base wager, 10th level is 55 times the base wager, 11th level is 89 times the base wager, 12th level is 144 times the base wager, 13th level is 233 times the base wager, 14th level is 377 times the base wager. 3. For illustration, if your 1st level is 25 (i.e. base wager), then your 2nd level will be 25 (i.e. 1 time the base wager), 3rd level will be 50 (i.e. 2 times the base wager), 4th level will be 75 (i.e. 3 times the base wager), 5th level will be 125 (i.e. 5 times the base wager), 6th level will be 200 (i.e. 8 times the base wager), 7th level will be 325 (i.e. 13 times the base wager), 8th level will be 525 (i.e. 21 times the base wager) , 9th level will be 850 (i.e. 34 times the base wager), 10th level will be 1375 (i.e. 55 times the base wager), 11th level will be 2225 (i.e. 89 times the base wager), 12th level will be 3600 (i.e. 144 times the base wager), 13th level will be 5825 (i.e. 233 times the base wager), 14th level will be 9425 (i.e. 377 times the base wager). 4. Write down the wager of each level for keep tracking. For example, 25-25-50-75-125-200-325-525-850-1375-2225-3600-5825-9425. 5. If you win, proceed to use the next level wager amount for the next bet. For example, if you bet 25 (i.e. 1st level) and win, then your wager will be 25 (i.e. 2nd level) for the next bet, if you bet 25 and win, then your wager will be 50 (i.e. 3rd level) for the next bet, if you bet 50 and win, then your wager will be 75 (i.e. 4th level) for the next bet, and so forth. 6. Every time you lose, return using the second latest level wager amount for the next bet. For example, if you lose at level 10 wager, return using level 8 wager for the next bet. If you lose at level 8 wager, return using level 6 wager for the next bet. 7. Please stop if you lost 40 times your base wager from your initial capital. For example, if your base wager is 25, please stop when you lost 1000 from your initial capital. 8. Know the maximum bet limit before using this method and make sure it is possible to execute the 14th level wager. 9. You do not have to make the same bet every time. To put in perspective, you do not have to keep betting the colour black until you get a hit. 10. You do not have to bet immediately after the earlier bet, you can stop for a few turns before placing your next wager. Start demo start with betting 25 on black colour won 25, betting 25 on black colour won 25, betting 50 on black colour won 50, betting 75 on black colour won 75, betting 125 on black colour lost 125, betting 50 on black colour lost 50, betting 25 on black colour Thanks for watching
Today i am here in Gangnam to do something that i always had in my mind since 2 years. Since I was not confident about my eyes, i have been doing a lot of researches on internet and finally i chose this clinic in Gangnam. When i came out from the Exit 12 of Gangnam station, and kept walking for about 100 meters, i was able to see this huge blue building. WOW~ It looks like there are at least 10 floors. This is the entrance. Finally arrived. So hot... Hi, i am here for the plastic surgery. I just arrived the clinic. Now i am going to the 5th floor to get ready for the surgery. So nervous... Time to take the elevator to upstairs. There are so may people waiting. I am on my way to get changed. I have changed to surgical suit! Feeling so nervous right now... now i am here for washing my face and gargling. First, i need to clean my face with this cleasing foam. Then disinfect my mouth with this mouthwash. Photoshooting Now i am in the consultation room and waiting for doctor to do the last consultation before surgery. He will draw some lines on my eyelids and i will go for the surgery afterwards. I prefer wide eyelids. Doctor is designing for me. Doctor is drawing lines for me. He is measuring the width again and again! He is really professional and careeful~ I have just finished the consultation with my doctor and he drew these lines for me. After surgery, the line will be like this. I will be in the surgical room soon. Feeling so nervous right now.. At the same time, i am also very looking forward to the after surgery result. I just came out from the surgical room, and i was doing ice pack in recovery room for 20 minutes. Now my eyes are still bruised and swollen. But i can feel the lines are exact what i wanted. I can`t wait to see the final result. Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
how to write an article in WordPress so in this video I'm gonna tell you so without any further Ado so let's go to the screen so as you can see now we are on a screen you can see this is the WordPress this is the WordPress pay that you can create your article so so next click last so let's get started so this is the page so you can add your title for your article and there are several option over here but this is the main page that you can start writing your article by adding the title so now I am so first you need to write your write your content and write your content title your description in in a notepad then you need to then you need to set your title name and you need to organize your text in your formatting so there are several of you can format like a bold text or anything and there are and you need you can also you can also optimize your title by your tag your SEO so these are the several options but first I am so I'm gonna tell you basic understanding how you can start writing an article now you need to copy your content and paste it in your WordPress page now you can optimize your text or buy selecting your text whether you you can resize your text size you can board you can edit your text so here it is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign
[22:48:35] shimmerfairy: ( [22:48:45] perciacalos: The dream is dead [22:49:05] exiledcat: did you try blowing in it? i think that was the go-to solution for vhs stuff [22:49:16] shimmerfairy: Which VCR failed? The nice one or the most bog-standard-looking thing? [22:49:50] noisecrush: tim are you the admin of the geocities Twitch community too [22:52:13] mabusgaming: Energy drink it is! lmao [22:52:27] shimmerfairy: If you really loved Tim you'd stay up as long as it takes! Kapppa [22:52:29] bananaburger: huehuehue [22:52:35] mabusgaming: lol [22:54:23] bananaburger: anything interesting going on tim? [22:55:24] atomicagent: timOh [22:55:41] ludwich7: No oregon trail tonight? [22:56:03] exiledcat: you should buy some jorts to make your life more upbeat [22:56:35] noisecrush: d [22:59:27] atomicagent: Why do I always want to watch Super Milk-Chan when seeing Tim play this? [23:02:08] wryght: oh man its a tim chill stream [23:02:37] gashapon: Hello Tim [23:04:19] yaakov22: nooo [23:04:23] fusxfaranto: timMinus [23:04:26] fusxfaranto: lmao [23:04:28] pete5506: Nice, a real game [23:04:30] theaxel11: timMinus timMinus [23:04:31] joltb: timMinus [23:04:33] rintezuka1: oh [23:04:34] bananaburger: why do you do this to yourself [23:04:44] plasticleg: depression, the game [23:04:44] fusxfaranto: this is how you know tim really hates himself tonight [23:04:45] nbtl: Whoa, diagonals [23:05:06] nbtl: When is a 3D version of these games coming out? [23:05:14] noisecrush: tim, are you ever going to play puyo tetris again? [23:05:43] wryght: puyo x columns crossover game [23:05:45] seibbi: Wait is Tim trying to mix it up tonight [23:05:53] noisecrush: puyo columns would be cool [23:06:22] plasticleg: do you have any words of encouragement to help me find the will to pick zelda back up [23:06:33] noisecrush: you can do it! [23:06:38] plasticleg: im convinced [23:06:44] noisecrush: we all believe in you [23:06:50] plasticleg: now youve gone too far [23:06:57] noisecrush: ok only I believe in you [23:07:38] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hello timbles and timbuktuvians [23:07:43] pimanrules: It seems like a hard game to get back in to [23:07:46] seibbi: I think I played this before [23:07:48] plasticleg: i only spent maybe 2 hours into it and havnt touched it since. [23:07:53] pimanrules: the hero's path thing might help, though [23:09:25] seibbi: I like it [23:09:25] wqtraz: well it's a falling blocks game that isn't puyo [23:09:30] wqtraz: of course it's bad [23:09:48] wqtraz: not to say tetris is bad but you get what i mean [23:10:15] seibbi: I like the sounds and music in this game [23:10:29] seibbi: It makes me feel nostalgic [23:10:36] noisecrush: this game has a great soundtrack [23:10:36] wqtraz: it sounds sega [23:11:18] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: did you see the evo puyo tet footage of the guy 3v1-ing as tetris [23:11:29] wqtraz: whoa [23:11:32] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: if u hate on tetris again he will come to your house and t spin until you dier [23:11:39] willster132: Omigod its timm [23:11:54] wqtraz: the best ppt players play tetris, don't they? [23:12:07] noisecrush: most of 'em [23:12:08] jmleleven: unfortunately [23:13:21] wqtraz: so are l-spins and j-spins [23:13:28] willster132: also holy shit that play is good [23:13:31] wqtraz: L-spins [23:13:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: watch player-2 [23:13:42] wqtraz: s-spins and z-spins are fake news [23:13:52] willster132: The poeople in chat spamming RAID BOSS LUL [23:13:58] wqtraz: lmao [23:14:51] willster132: triple t spin ok [23:14:58] willster132: tim go play a real game like PPT [23:15:02] willster132: im hype now [23:15:05] willster132: you need to satisfy me [23:15:21] wqtraz: >real game [23:15:28] wqtraz: jk [23:15:42] daybreakz: Holy shit the AI plays so fast [23:15:49] daybreakz: Oh he slowed down [23:16:00] wqtraz: why does this game look so much like puyo [23:16:05] seibbi: Is this one a mimic? Or just someone hiding in a chest? [23:16:12] wqtraz: was it developed by the same studio/tema? [23:16:15] wqtraz: team* [23:16:15] willster132: >Un necissary I spin just because [23:16:17] willster132: K [23:17:39] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: "The tetris player is at a disadvantage" [23:17:43] perciacalos: You could do a line spin in tetris this WHOLE TIME?! [23:17:50] willster132: Was about to say [23:17:55] willster132: They are spamming that hard [23:18:05] dannyboyoo0: This is Columns on the Genesis but the game was first made in 1989. I dont know when it became vs [23:18:08] willster132: #Give Puyos Hard Drop [23:18:16] elagabaluscaesar: is this the cs:go major? [23:18:44] willster132: Lol evo moment T [23:19:03] dannyboyoo0: But it came before puyo thats for sure [23:19:11] brimthrown: why is it called collumns when rows and diagonals count as well? [23:20:03] followthetraincj: jesus this is scary [23:20:10] brimthrown: oh no a sentient sperm cell [23:20:15] gonchon22: how could this be [23:20:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hahahah someone said they were playing puyo/tet swap and every time it was tetris first he would kill them before it even got to puyo [23:20:44] wqtraz: lmao [23:21:04] wqtraz: just shows how far tetris skills goes [23:21:17] willster132: 50% chance for you lose [23:21:18] followthetraincj: yeah get out ghost [23:21:30] dreamleaking: what does flashy block do [23:21:32] brimthrown: you see the guy that did that granmaster rank tetris where it stops even showing you the blocks? [23:21:33] wqtraz: smol ghost boy gets bodied [23:21:35] willster132: I always though that if the first game in a 3 game set started puyos the next round should be tetris [23:21:37] willster132: And vice versa [23:21:43] willster132: 3rd round random again [23:21:48] willster132: ATM I think its 100% random [23:21:55] wqtraz: i saw the tetris thing [23:21:57] wqtraz: that's insane [23:22:04] brimthrown: i was amazed [23:22:10] followthetraincj: i didn't see it [23:22:14] wqtraz: you need some serious muscle memory/skill [23:22:15] followthetraincj: what would i search [23:22:23] willster132: >3 rows left before top out [23:22:25] brimthrown: tetris grandmaster invisible [23:22:26] wqtraz: rip tim [23:22:28] willster132: >Stacking for T spins [23:23:34] brimthrown: [23:23:43] gashapon: Are you actually having fun Tim? [23:23:46] brimthrown: this is where i saw it, its time stamped so u dont have to watch the rest of it [23:23:47] willster132: He got gm a few months after that [23:23:57] daybreakz: Tetris Grandmaster 1 is so fun [23:24:01] followthetraincj: wow. that's insane [23:24:03] willster132: I got to watch it on twitch live Kreygismo [23:24:14] daybreakz: I can only get to about 600 but man does it make you feel good when you push your gains [23:24:42] anonymousv8: t spin master [23:24:59] mabusgaming: YEAH [23:25:02] followthetraincj: get rekt ghost [23:25:02] mabusgaming: Fuk that ghost up! [23:25:10] brimthrown: ( [23:25:15] followthetraincj: omg it's a jeckin cober [23:25:23] followthetraincj: heckin* [23:26:19] blondrobin: I am so glad to know that I will always have Tim playing Columns, because this game is unbeatably bad [23:26:29] brimthrown: i love the character animations in this game [23:26:35] brimthrown: delightfully janky [23:26:48] wqtraz: it reminds me of puyo's layout but worse [23:27:01] followthetraincj: the pieces look like the crappy off brand candy you get from machines [23:27:08] squidmochi: when are you gonna play a good game [23:27:23] blondrobin: Tim will play a good game for a few minutes before returning to Columns [23:27:56] followthetraincj: what does a snake need with a ring [23:28:05] followthetraincj: you don't even have fingers [23:28:06] wqtraz: is that candy crush :^) [23:28:10] daybreakz: Is My Summer Car really a good game though? [23:28:21] daybreakz: Or just a good venue to watch trainwrecks? [23:29:36] willster132: All cealr [23:29:51] daybreakz: Honestly I was so happy you finally got it moving [23:29:54] blondrobin: It's also true that my summer car is *also* a good venue to watch trainwrecks [23:29:57] daybreakz: I was overjoyed for you Tim [23:30:12] blondrobin: I was watching the vod but unfortunately got distracted when you drove your ruined wreck into a lake [23:30:30] blondrobin: and spent like an hour failing to push it out [23:30:33] uncreativeusernamesp: hey TIm [23:30:33] followthetraincj: yeah when the car drove it was like [23:30:37] followthetraincj: so awesome lol it felt so good [23:30:57] followthetraincj: yeah cry snake [23:30:59] followthetraincj: cry [23:31:03] wqtraz: gg [23:31:24] wqtraz: god that enormous eye [23:31:49] seibbi: It's eye is so distracting [23:32:10] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: that's how my eye feels when my allergies are acting up [23:32:43] seibbi: Same [23:32:48] thunderclaw5: fuck why did i watch logan, i knew i was going to cry and i did it anyways [23:32:51] silentslider24: hi [23:34:04] chrisxii: why did his eyeball have an eyelid ON it? [23:34:07] wqtraz: logan was a good movie [23:34:16] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: yours doesnt.? [23:34:23] wqtraz: Your does? [23:34:29] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: ?... [23:34:30] wqtraz: yours* damn it [23:34:33] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i ask the questions here [23:34:39] wqtraz: I am the one who asks [23:34:59] wqtraz: I don't have any eyelids, I moisturise my eyes by pouring water into them [23:35:00] koolman9921: Tim hows your day? Miserable? Good to hear [23:35:23] wqtraz: my eyes, that is [23:36:10] followthetraincj: i lost two umbrellas to a pool today [23:36:23] blondrobin: @koolman9921 tim is playing columns, so by definition he's not having a good time [23:36:25] wqtraz: rip umbrellas [23:36:26] thunderclaw5: tim i found 2 other surprise tycoon games, so ill send them w/ ultimate ride. you might get more use out of them than i will [23:36:35] followthetraincj: rip indeed [23:36:36] blondrobin: actually i dunno, maybe tim secretly loves this game [23:37:08] koolman9921: Tim doesnt want to face it that he secretly loves columns [23:37:10] wqtraz: I seriously doubt that blondrobin [23:37:20] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: am i a bad person for joining caesar's legion on my first FONV playthrough [23:37:28] wqtraz: what's fonv [23:37:28] seibbi: No [23:37:34] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: my friend told me that i am the worst type of person [23:37:38] uncreativeusernamesp: Fallout New Vegas [23:37:44] wqtraz: fol oot new veggies [23:37:44] followthetraincj: he's kind of a dick but whatever [23:37:46] followthetraincj: it's a video game [23:37:53] cyo__: So what's makes the enemy columns go up [23:37:59] wqtraz: big combos [23:38:08] wqtraz: oh god his eye keeps changing spots [23:38:14] wqtraz: that looks so uncomfortable [23:40:23] thunderclaw5: oh dear [23:40:25] blondrobin: tim is cheating! ...thank goodness, we might eventually see the end of columns [23:40:27] seibbi: Did you shower with it [23:40:37] followthetraincj: uh i showered until i was done [23:40:43] followthetraincj: then i escorted him out with a cup [23:40:49] thunderclaw5: lmao [23:41:04] wqtraz: scorpions are cute when they aren't deadly [23:41:10] wqtraz: which is good [23:41:11] followthetraincj: yeah i like them [23:41:13] ninjapikmin: rekt [23:41:14] blondrobin: not all scorpions are even poisonous [23:41:17] blondrobin: iirc [23:41:21] thunderclaw5: yup [23:41:22] followthetraincj: and they eat bugs that are annoying [23:41:23] not123username: Scorpions look cool on UV [23:41:25] 1995eclipse: scorpions are chill most of the times too [23:41:29] ironklad2001: how are they getting in? [23:41:37] thunderclaw5: the bigger the pinchers the less venomous they are [23:41:39] followthetraincj: so i just move them out of places that might cause problems [23:41:39] bobbob2238: scorpions are just sharp spiders [23:41:55] followthetraincj: uh in my bathroom i imagine they're entering through the vent in the ceiling [23:42:03] followthetraincj: otherwise i figure the doors, somehow [23:42:04] ironklad2001: oh ok [23:42:07] followthetraincj: same way any insect gets in [23:42:08] thunderclaw5: if they have big pinchers they catch food with the pinchers primarily [23:42:17] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: hey google can scorpions use doors [23:42:29] thunderclaw5: if they have small pinchers they primarily catch food with their tails (aka venom most of the time) [23:42:34] saturn0s: Good morning [23:43:14] followthetraincj: we usually check the house with a flashlight that makes them glow [23:43:17] blondrobin: "The common-or-garden scorpion is capable of using doors. as an additional piece of trivia, the same species of scorpion is able to experience hate on a level humans cannot comprehend and coordinate plans to eliminate humanity over millenia" [23:43:19] followthetraincj: but i guess we missed one [23:43:29] blondrobin: that sounds cute [23:45:21] not123username: So tomorrow? [23:45:25] blondrobin: tim I feel like you should use the garbage eraser function more [23:45:26] mabusgaming: You got this tim! [23:45:33] thunderclaw5: LMAO [23:45:35] blondrobin: you usually drown in your own useless blocks more than lose to the enemy [23:45:41] followthetraincj: beat that scorpion! [23:45:48] wqtraz: all blocks are useless in columns [23:45:51] ehtna: tim when did columns become your favourite puzzle game? [23:45:55] seibbi: The orange gems look like fruit gushers [23:45:56] kitty49: Hi Tim and chat o/ [23:46:04] wqtraz: they all look like cheap gummies [23:46:41] followthetraincj: heyo [23:46:50] wqtraz: hi Kitty49 [23:47:10] thunderclaw5: do a save state when you're at one win so you dont have to get 2 wins [23:47:13] robbybobbybaby: hmmm [23:47:19] followthetraincj: wisdom [23:47:22] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: tim will never get good if he cheats [23:47:27] thunderclaw5: too late [23:47:40] blondrobin: @PUT_NAKED_JULIA_IN_UMVC3 are you implying you can, in fact "get good" at columns [23:47:43] not123username: Tim is not cheating, those are for safety reasons [23:47:56] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i was until i realized my error [23:48:04] wqtraz: There is no way to get good in columns [23:48:11] wqtraz: you can only be as good as the game [23:48:14] wqtraz: which is not very much [23:48:20] blondrobin: columns seems way more random and unhelpful than say puyo [23:48:30] wqtraz: puyo master race [23:48:54] followthetraincj: spooky [23:49:03] jmleleven: why is a witch inside of this pyramid [23:49:08] jmleleven: this isn't puyo [23:49:09] followthetraincj: look [23:49:10] hillaryclickbait: @StereotoneTim Did you know you're my favourite streamer? [23:49:12] followthetraincj: you don't know her life [23:49:17] seibbi: I was about to ask that too [23:49:18] gonchon22: its a sand-witch [23:49:24] jmleleven: end me [23:49:26] seibbi: Random ass pyramid witch [23:49:29] gonchon22: thank you [23:49:46] followthetraincj: is that magical energy [23:49:46] blondrobin: @jmleleven if it was puyo, the witch would have more than ten strands of noodle-hair [23:49:47] followthetraincj: or sweat [23:49:50] followthetraincj: coming off her [23:50:06] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: sorry if you don't like her virgin brazilian braids then feel free to buy her some new ones [23:50:39] blondrobin: the new hat dlc: buy hats... for your enemies [23:50:45] seibbi: I feel like this pyramid was filled with Halloween props that just came to life for no reason [23:51:32] gamecynic: Gonna chill here for a bit cause I don't want to bed yet [23:52:07] seibbi: Fall asleep to the soothing sound of columns [23:52:09] blondrobin: the witch cast HADOUKEN [23:52:41] gamecynic: I can never sleep with sound going on. Unless I've been up for about 24 hours [23:52:47] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: the witch stole bones from a graveyard for her hadouken [23:52:58] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: how can you support her [23:53:02] mabusgaming: I find I sleep better with twitch open lol [23:53:10] mabusgaming: When it's dead silent it's weird [23:53:19] blondrobin: aren't we technically robbing a graveyard [23:53:19] ststephen2458: @StereotoneTim you get that game yet you ordered [23:53:19] seibbi: I can never sleep [23:53:24] mabusgaming: koolCLAP koolCLAP koolCLAP [23:53:33] blondrobin: since we came into this burial chamber and are looting all its chests [23:53:46] ehtna: oh wow boss music [23:53:49] seibbi: You can't defeat ME [23:53:51] mabusgaming: This JAM [23:54:01] gamecynic: I need absolute silence when sleeping or... Well I just don't sleep [23:54:07] seibbi: this mummy is buff [23:55:31] gamecynic: SilentoneTim [23:56:02] seibbi: When it loses it just goes into the proposing pose [23:56:19] blondrobin: tim needs to focus to defeat such a serious, critical foe as "a sweaty humanoid shape that could be a mummy, or maybe just an iron michelin man" [23:57:29] seibbi: The mummy's neutral pose makes it look like its about to start dancing any second [23:58:05] blondrobin: if you tilt the COLUMNS 3 cartridge and put it to old J-pop... [23:58:08] princessragna: I don't understand how he kept pushing you up [23:58:24] dart133: ever see pictures of the old michelin man? its the stuff of nightmares [23:58:25] ehtna: hear that sound? its the sound of tim unironically enjoying columns [23:58:55] seibbi: I believe in you, tim [23:58:57] preposterousmindgames: this mummy is a cheater [23:59:01] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i am the old michelin man [23:59:05] preposterousmindgames: he went to gamefaqs for the faqs [23:59:14] ninjapikmin: timDinero [23:59:48] jencis0: hello Columns community! [23:59:52] princessragna: That two combo didn't do anything? [23:59:53] blondrobin: I like how mummy says "you can't possibly beat me!" and then is surprised and confused when you can't beat them [00:00:24] seibbi: The mummy just has high hopes for us [00:01:30] gamecynic: Tim. Column better pls [00:01:32] jencis0: how? [00:01:33] wryght: this mummy is ruthless [00:01:52] seibbi: Everybody, lend Tim your power [00:01:58] ehtna: are you saying columns is more complicated than puyo? [00:02:22] theeyesofsyn92: Hey Tim and Chat timOx / [00:02:29] mabusgaming: If only you had the hot anime babe don't give a shit shirt [00:02:30] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: if complicated, convoluted, confusing, and confounding are synonyms then yes [00:02:39] preposterousmindgames: take my Quan Tim! atpQuan atpQuan atpQuan [00:02:53] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: take my who [00:03:14] willster132: oh no [00:03:14] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: wait how [00:03:17] mabusgaming: Looool [00:03:18] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: which [00:03:20] dart133: oh boy [00:03:21] perciacalos: Yeah how? [00:03:33] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i fuckin want one [00:03:43] dangdatsgood: What is it? [00:03:56] toemanjon11: how's it going stream [00:03:56] gamecynic: I doubt I would be good at columns [00:04:03] sailorgalaxy: hi tim, when's the next main stream? [00:04:16] seibbi: Never [00:04:21] perciacalos: Tim doesnt stream [00:04:22] dangdatsgood: This is the main stream [00:04:23] sailorgalaxy: makes sense [00:04:31] ehtna: next full moon [00:04:40] perciacalos: Thats too soon [00:04:46] willster132: its a terrible game anyway [00:04:57] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: play puyo pop fever [00:04:59] hillaryclickbait: when's geocities [00:05:04] rintezuka1: back to a good game! [00:05:11] gamecynic: Tim escapes games that he's bad at by playing games where he can dominate [00:05:19] seibbi: We're home [00:05:33] hillaryclickbait: oh boy the red background on this hurts my eyes [00:05:51] jencis0: how are you all tonight? [00:06:17] wertye3: man that was beautiful [00:06:17] mag_launcher: shulululululu [00:06:22] theeyesofsyn92: Not terribly jEncis0, yourself? [00:06:42] wryght: hopefully this channel gets partner soon so we can get Ayyy and Hiyaaa as emotes [00:06:44] seibbi: I'm doing good, my surgery wounds are healing and I'm feeling alright [00:06:51] diggleshut: well [00:06:55] jencis0: confused, but tomorrow will be a good day (: (today was pretty nice too) [00:06:56] diggleshut: I kinda can't believe I actually went to the gym at 11pm [00:06:58] diggleshut: but I did [00:07:17] wertye3: @Seibbi what surgery did you have? [00:07:17] jencis0: ( : [00:07:35] ethernetseeds: ( : [00:08:02] seibbi: Well, it was basically a surgery where they put an implant in my ankle, and messed with my calf muscles to let off stress to my tendon [00:08:16] seibbi: It took 6 weeks of being in casts and splints [00:08:51] seibbi: The scars gonna look cool [00:09:02] gamecynic: Were you a runner? [00:09:40] seibbi: I could've been if my Achilles' tendons weren't messed up [00:09:50] gamecynic: Close enough [00:09:51] seibbi: My other tendon managed to rupture [00:09:54] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: i wish i had cool scars for the ladie's to mire [00:09:56] seibbi: Lol [00:10:04] mag_launcher: ~ :D ~ [00:10:27] gamecynic: I got a scar on my eye. It was not admired by ladies or men [00:10:40] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: was? [00:10:44] jencis0: what about cats? [00:11:06] drifter_tv: yatta [00:11:17] seibbi: nani [00:11:25] gamecynic: Cats did not care. I guess the scar is pretty hard to notice unless you're looking for it at this point [00:11:55] wqtraz: gyogyogyo [00:12:02] sobeman1: tim [00:12:23] seibbi: How come when you beat the fish, it shows the fish part cooked but not the human limbs [00:14:10] seibbi: God I wish that was me [00:14:24] jencis0: hue hue hue [00:14:24] gamecynic: At least you don't have to fight an elephant [00:14:36] fusxfaranto: puyos are slimes [00:14:41] fusxfaranto: think dragon quest [00:15:08] jmleleven: that was very close [00:15:08] kitty49: Makes sense muh3 [00:15:38] reusablebox: She gulps like a goldfish [00:15:49] seibbi: Me too [00:15:53] put_naked_julia_in_umvc3: be nice to puyos they have feelies
This is T Spawn. This area is called Second Mid. There is Mid Balcony. This is called Bridge. And these 2 houses are called T Apps. This area is called T Ramp. This is Bottom Mid, This is Mid and that is Top Mid. OK Poly from the future here, I forgot to mention that this is called Mexico or Underpass aswell. This area is called Banana. This is sometimes called Wood. And that is called Car, because on the old Inferno, this used to be a Car. This is called Halfwall. This is called Sandbags. This area is called CT all the way there. This is called First Oranges. That is called Second. That is called Newbox, and that is Pillar. Back there is Emo or Dark. And obviously this whole area is B Site. This is coffins. And this area is Ruins. This is Church. Now we are going through CT Spawn. This is called Library. This is Arch. This area is called Long. Now this is Top Mid. This is called Boiler because a boiler is here. This is called Quad. Now this is Mid Balcony, and this whole Area is called Apps or Apartments. Now this is Balcony. Now when we jump down to here its called Mini Pit. And the rest of the area here is called Pit. That area is called Short. This is Graveyard. This whole area is called A Site, and this is Default. And this area is called Moto, because a motorcycle is there. And that is Cubby.
This is how to configure static routing for using IPv6. Start to configure R1. Enter the configuration terminal. Set the R1 with IPv6 unicast routing protocol. Assign the IP address to interface s0/0/0. No shutdown. Assign the IP address to interface g0/0. Assign the IP address for local link to interface g0/0. Start to configure R2. Enter the configuration terminal. Set the R2 with IPv6 unicast routing protocol. Assign the IP address to interface s0/0/0. No shutdown. Assign the IP address for local link to interface g0/0. Assign the IP address to interface g0/0. Assign the IP address for local link to interface g0/1. Assign the IP address to interface g0/1. No shutdown. Next, insert static routing command for R1. Network = 2001:DB8:B:1::/64, next hop = 2001:DB8:A:B::2. Network = 2001:DB8:B:2::/64, next hop = 2001:DB8:A:B::2. Insert static routing command for R2. Network = 2001:DB8:A:1::/64, next hop = 2001:DB8:A:B::1. Set Auto Config for L1. Set Auto Config for PC1. Set Auto Config for L2. All right! Let's ping!!! All ping was successful. DONE. Thanks for watching :)
- I make breakfast for all my pretty foes And my boyfriend look like DiCaprio I could strike a pose for ya poster, bro Get the angle right though Way too much of me, that's an overload Robitussin' flow, that's an overdose Die again to grow, that's the antidote That's a miracle, that's the answer ho Apple in my throat, serpent on the road Way too sensitive, and my hands are cold Need a petticoat Feel like Comic Sans overused for that paper by the gram Freddie I'm a killer queen You lather me in kerosene I think I need a quarantine 'cause I'm a walking Halloween I read it in the prophecy I need an antihistamine Allergic to an evergreen and I'm a fuckin' Pharisee Yeah Yeah, that's the answer ho Robitussin' flow - I don't care too much, I don't cry a lot Interviewer wonder if I'm high or not Need a honest bitch 'cause I lie a lot She ain't ginger but she got a fire crotch Can we turn this up to a higher notch? They don't wanna dance, they just tryna to mosh (yeah) Let her fuck somebody else, 'cause I'd like to watch It's icy hot Ayy I'm fucked up in the back of a Jeep Bad chick at the wheel and the passenger seat (ooh) Ain't nobody with me got a bachelor's degree (nope) You can skip me when you passing the weed 'Cause I enjoy the dreams that I have when I'm sleep (yup) Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets (yup) When they see me out now, they ask if it's me (yup) And I say.. - Yeah, yeah - And I'm back in the city - Yeah - Back, back in the city - Back in the city - Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets - That's the answer ho Yeah - And I'm back, back in the city - Yeah Robitussin' flow - Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets - And I see in 5D like I'm Ed, Edd, and Eddy I got the hot pot running, I'm a little unsteady I told my grandmama I'll be back when it's ready, but I'm a liar Tie the band on me and the polygraph goes haywire Polymath, polyglot, Polly wants a cracker But I just (popping sound effect) like a lip smacker Ethereum, got up and I hit the ceiling, Got up out the water feeling' Feelin' like Popeye yeah, Feelin' like, feelin' like Popeye, yeah Mm, fuck Whole Foods 'cause I be feelin' like Popeyes yeah Uh, Freddie I'm a killer queen, you lather me in kerosene I think I need a quarantine 'cause I'm a walking Halloween I read it in the prophecy, I need an antihistamine Allergic to an evergreen, and I'm a fuckin' Pharisee - Yeah, yeah - And I'm back in the city - Yeah - Back, back in the city Yeah - Back in the city, and I'm back in the streets - That's the answer ho Yeah - And I'm back, back in the city - Robitussin flow Yeah (back in the city) Yeah
Now Dave wants to communicate with Alice without anyone being able to know they're communicating, and we have a set of routers. These are like our friends in the example of the envelopes. Let's say I know about five routers. We'll call them R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5. The routers are all connected. They can all talk to each other. They can all talk to Alice, and they can all talk to me. We're assuming we have a fully connected network here. I haven't drawn all the connections, because that would get kind of messy. We'll assume we have a fully-connected network here, and we don't need to have a physically fully-connected network. There could be other nodes in between these. We're assuming we have secure channels between each of the routers, and we can set up those channels using TLS, so we have these secure channels between all of the routers and between all the participants, including myself and Alice. We'll select some random sequence of the routers. Each of these i values is one of the values that identifies a router, and I want to send a message into this network. Let's assume for now that the last router that I select is R4. I want it to be the case that R4 sends the final message to Alice that Alice can read. The question is what message should R4 receive? The answers are encrypted with Alice's public key. The message to Alice in clear concatenated with the message-- this is the message Dave wants to send to Alice encrypted using the public key of R4. Encrypted using the public key of R4, the message to Alice concatenated with the message encrypted with Alice's public key. Encrypted using the private key of Bob, the message to Alice concatenated with the message encrypted with the public key of R4. Or the message to Alice concatenated with the message encrypted with the public key of Alice all encrypted with the public key of Bob.
Drink energy drinks Lyrics, Music & Arrangement: fumito_fumizuki Vocal: KAITO Again, I'm in a dire situation the day before the deadline I rely on "it" because it was unplanned (Monster) Caffeine (Monster) Citric acid (Monster) Arginine (Monster) Carnitine (Monster) Ginseng (Monster) Guarana extract (Monster) Let's start (Drink energy drinks) I have something I want to do (Drink energy drinks) to get rid of drowsiness (Drink energy drinks) Fight against myself (Drink energy drinks) Given the wings A new video game has been released so I have no choice but to play it all at once The savepoint is far so I will only play it for another hour (Monster) Stress (Monster) release (Monster) Immersion (Monster) I'm absorbed (Monster) Full of vitality (Monster) Awakening (Monster) Let's start (Drink energy drinks) I have something I want to do (Drink energy drinks) to get rid of drowsiness (Drink energy drinks) Fight against myself (Drink energy drinks) Given the wings (Drink energy drinks) I have something I want to do (Drink energy drinks) to get rid of drowsiness (Drink energy drinks) Fight against myself (Drink energy drinks) Given the wings (Eat vegetables) Lyrics, Music & Arrangement: fumito_fumizuki Vocal: KAITO Energy drinks are delicious
Welcome to Calisthenic Movement. My name is Alex. And in today's video, I will show you how to start training for the planche, as a beginner. The hardest part in the beginning is to get into the tucked planche position. Once you're able to hold the tucked planche for a bit, you can go on with training the usual progressions. Beside the tucked planche there are the following progressions. The Advanced Tucked Planche. The One Leg Planche. The Straddle Planche. And the Full Planche. We recommend you to the able to hold a progression for at least 30 seconds, before you go on to the next progression. In this video, we are focusing on how you can achieve the ability to hold the tucked planche progression and strengthening. Before you start with the planche training, you will need a minimal basic strength. If you can do more than 30 narrow push-ups, 20 dips and 60 seconds handstand on the wall, you can start with the regularly planche training. To be able to reach the tucked planche position it's very important that you concentrate on completely straight arms every time you train. Imagine how you push your shoulder blades forward and push with straight arms against the ground. In this way you stabilize your shoulder joints and activate the muscles that are necessary to hold a planche one day. All right. Let's go to the exercises. A good exercise to start is the Planche Lean. With that you can get closer to the right position step by step. The more you lean forward, the harder this exercise gets. Now your shoulder girdle gets more load, because the shoulder is not right above the wrist but it's placed in front of them. The Frog-stand and the Advanced Frog-stand are some more good exercises for the beginning. When doing the Frog-stand, your inner thighs are placed onto the elbows, and arms might be bent slightly. When you do the advanced Frog-stand, your arms have to be straight, and you lean your knees against your lower arms. The next exercise is the Straddle-sit. Here you're also allowed to rest your inner thighs on the arms a bit. As soon as you feel comfortable in this position, you can start trying to lean forward with your upper body and release your thighs from your arms. Another in this time dynamic exercise is the Tucked Planche Swings. Here you go to the tucked planche position by swingings likely into it. When your body gets used to that, you try to eliminate the swing step by step. And perform the movements slower and slower, and more controlled. Finally we show you another exercise from the hand-stand. This exercise is similar to a planche lean. You are in a handstand position with your belly facing the wall and start walking forwards in your hands. When you reach a certain point, you start leaning forward and hold the position. Lean only as much forward as you are able to hold this position for a few seconds. And avoid to fall down after seconds. Integrate 1 - 2 of those exercises into your training to reach a tucked planche. We recommend you to train those exercise at least 3 times a week. Thank you for watching this video. We are happy about your subscriptions and likes. If you have questions, just leave the comment below.
Our topic for today is Simple Distillation. The process of heating a liquid mixture to form vapor and then cooling that vapor to get a liquid is called simple distillation. Distillation is used to purify a liquid by separating the components of a liquid mixture. The process of heating a liquid mixture to form vapor and then cooling that vapor to get a liquid is called simple distillation. Distillation is used to purify a liquid by separating the components of a liquid mixture. Let us perform an activity to understand Simple Distillation. Take a mixture of acetone and water in a distillation flask. Put a thermometer in it. Connect the flask to a water condenser. Let us perform an activity to understand Simple Distillation. Take a mixture of acetone and water in a distillation flask. Put a thermometer in it. Connect the flask to a water condenser. The condenser has cold water running through its jacket to keep the temperature cool. Keep a beaker at the outlet of the condenser. Heat the mixture, keeping an eye on the thermometer. When temperature hits 56 degrees celsius, acetone starts to vaporize. The condenser has cold water running through its jacket to keep the temperature cool. Keep a beaker at the outlet of the condenser. Heat the mixture, keeping an eye on the thermometer. When temperature hits 56 degrees celsius, acetone starts to vaporize. These vapors condense in the water condenser. The condensed acetone gets collected in the beaker. When all the acetone vaporizes, water is left in the flask, acetone is collected in the beaker. In this way, acetone and water get separated by simple distillation. These vapors condense in the water condenser. The condensed acetone gets collected in the beaker. When all the acetone vaporizes, water is left in the flask, acetone is collected in the beaker. In this way, acetone and water get separated by simple distillation. Boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. Boiling point of acetone is 56 degrees celsius. As there is sufficient difference between their boiling points, these components can be separated by simple distillation. Simple distillation does not work properly when difference between 2 boiling points is less than 25 degrees celsius. This is because the components do not get separated and purified completely. If we repeat this process multiple times, we will be able to separate these 2 components. However, as this is very time consuming, a special type of distillation called fractional distillation is used. Boiling point of water is 100 degrees celsius. Boiling point of acetone is 56 degrees celsius. As there is sufficient difference between their boiling points, these components can be separated by simple distillation. Simple distillation does not work properly when difference between 2 boiling points is less than 25 degrees celsius. This is because the components do not get separated and purified completely. If we repeat this process multiple times, we will be able to separate these 2 components. However, as this is very time consuming, a special type of distillation called fractional distillation is used.
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The world science fiction masterpiece "dragon egg". By Robert fward. This is a probe ship from outside the ecliptic. It has been in service for 20 years. After humans sent it into space. It first sailed five astronomical units to Jupiter. After Jupiter. It doesn't photograph and travel to other planets like the exploration ships of the past. It's just below Jupiter's south pole. Then they burst out of the orbit plane formed by the planets in the solar system. Wait for the spacecraft to climb out of the ecliptic. Its sensors see a new image of the sun. The influence of magnetic field produced by sunspots in the mid latitude region of the sun is weakened. New effects dominate the picture. In the early days of the mission, exploration spacecraft outside the ecliptic kept sending back data. Many well funded scientific groups have thoroughly studied the data. The collected information shows that the sun changes abnormally:. It swallowed too many tiny black holes. Scientists have found the strength of the solar polar magnetic field. There is periodic fluctuation of polar law. 74. There is periodic fluctuation of polar law. Of course, there are many variables in the solar magnetosphere. Every sunspot is an important source of change. And (sunspots) are too strong in the mid latitudes of the sun. Everything is controlled by them. Later, exploration spacecraft from the ecliptic came to the top of the sun. Long term data sampling. Only then did people discover the highly regular and precise changes in radio flow. It is interpreted as the periodic change of the solar magnetosphere. The final conclusion may be that there are four clusters of dense matter in the interior of the sun. Most of them are micro black holes in the initial stage of formation. They revolve around each other deep in the sun. Eating the internal organs of the sun interferes with the normal fusion balance of the sun. The impact of black holes on the sun will become very serious in millions of years. But now they only occasionally create a glacial century. So the sun is not a reliable source of energy in the long run. Human beings can realize this, but at present there is no way to do it. One of the two communications transmitters on the spacecraft's satellite is still functioning properly. Three more experiments are continuing. One of them is the low frequency radio test. Now the output data of the spacecraft is spread out on the table. A determined graduate student is flipping down the data. At the moment, what is being analyzed is the information sent back by low-frequency radio. 1221.51. At the moment, what is being analyzed is the information sent back by low-frequency radio. She pulled the long paper tape onto the table. It was found that the slowly changing sinusoidal image on the paper became blurred. She said to herself, "Damn it! It's a mess again.". The graduate student's name is Jacqueline Cano. She did her dissertation under Professor swarinsky. But she's had some trouble recently. Because she doesn't have enough money for her research. But the more troubling thing is. When she does data analysis with a computer. There is quite a lot of noise like confusion. The topic of her paper is to find a periodic variable in that complex pattern. So there are five or more black holes in the sun. If she can't, she has to prove that there are really only four black holes in the sun. After a few days Jacqueline fell asleep because she was too tired at work. She dreamed of becoming a spaceship. Flying through empty space. Under her is the whole open solar system. Her brain is strictly trained in astronomy. It's easy to put the planets in the right place. She was sprawling and spinning slowly. She thought to herself: it is exactly the same as the low frequency radio outstretched by the ecliptic spacecraft. She focused on the north pole of the sun. Although the sun is very bright, her eyes don't feel any strain at all. She looks for changes on the surface of the sun. But I didn't see anything. But the limbs gradually detect the weak pulse, double pulse, three pulse. This is a complex radio signal generated by the black hole's orbit, she said. Her body kept turning and soon she could not see the sun. But the limbs still feel the pulse, and it's strengthening. "Confused!" she woke up, rubbing her numb arm. I couldn't help but chuckle and say: my mind is full of papers. It's so good to be able to become a spaceship by myself. For the rest of the time. Previous dreams come back to mind. She is very familiar with the operational characteristics of the spacecraft. But one thing is really strange. She is back to the sun, not face to the sun when the dream is messy. She found the analysis tape printed by the previous computers. Add double peaks and protuberances up and down - repeat twice. Add two peaks and protuberances up and down - repeat twice. And then the mess. Jacquelina unconsciously repeated the pattern on the paper. Suddenly stop, she exclaimed, chaos is cyclical!. It could have been caused by a spaceship. Its signal transmitter peaks for hours every day. But that's not likely. And from the last few months to the present, the confusion is gradually increasing. She decided to go to her tutor and apply for some more money. By the way, report the latest situation to the teacher. The reason for the noise is eliminated. And because it's changing places over time. It's enough to say that the sun doesn't make the mess. She was almost certain. Only one of the ship's four antennae received the mess. She excitedly told her tutor. As long as the engineer can switch the data acquisition mode. Let each antenna work in turn (independently). Before she finished, Professor swarinsky turned her down. Pay deep space networks to point their antennas at specific spacecraft. It's expensive enough to accept an hour of scheduled data dumps. Do you know how much it costs to send orders to the spacecraft?. The professor finally gave her a little money. Jacquelina quit the office. Now that she has money in her account, the computer is happy to see her again. She used a computer to send instructions to the spaceship. A thorough analysis of the mess was made. She found some problems and hurried to find the professor. It's not random noise. Because there is evidence that it occurs in a period of 199 milliseconds. Or five cycles per second, very regular. The oscillations between the one hundred ninety-nine second pulse and the one hertz data sampling rate. We can get the beat frequency of 200 seconds. But the fluctuation frequency is not 200 seconds, because it's here. Scientific data is interrupted by engineering. Now jacquelina has confirmed. For a long time, the reason of the influence on the solar exploration activity. Right here!. Professor swarinsky found that it has all the features of pulsars. It's just that the known pulsars are not at any frequency. The professor finally gave Jacqueline more financial support. Jacquelina found Donald, the jet propulsion experimental engineer. Donald manages the deep space network throughout the lab. Jacquelina needs his help. They gave orders to the ship. After repeated experiments, the parameters were changed and the data were sorted out. Finally, we found the pulsar. And this pulsar is only 2300 astronomical units away from the earth!. That's one thirteenth of a light year!. A star so close? Donald asked. Then we should have seen them move in the sky. No, the pulsar is a rotating neutron star. The diameter of the neutron star is only about 20 kilometers. Even if it's very hot, the light-emitting area is too small. We have to look right at where we are with a large telescope. Donald asked: if this pulsar is really so close. So why didn't radio astronomers find it?. Jacquelina replied. The radiation of a neutron star is a beam from a magnetic pole. You have to be in the direction of the beam to see the pulse. The spacecraft is 200 astronomical units above the ecliptic. It happens to be in the path of the beam. So the spacecraft can receive pulses and we can't see them. It's on the northern sky, but not where we thought it would be. Because neutron stars are too close. So there is a five degree error between the angle of the spacecraft from it and the angle of the earth from it. And the reason it hasn't been found is because it's right next to the constellation of Dracula, lambda. The fourth-class star on the tail of the constellation Dracula. In that bright light. It takes a good telescope to see the neutron star. A few days later, jacquelina's paper was ready. Published on the astrophysical information network. Before long, China's new telescope was in the air. A faint light spot was found and named "dragon egg". Astrophysics, an authoritative Chinese Journal, published the report. Soon someone was staring at the night sky. Want to capture the figure of "dragon egg". It's in vain, of course, but it's right behind the tail of Dracula. It's like an egg just laid. On weekends, Donald and jacquelina sat on the lawn of the observatory and chatted. For the first time in months, she was so relaxed. Her thesis has been completed and received unanimous appreciation from the scientific community all over the world. I wonder if human beings will have the chance to visit the dragon eggs. At its speed, it will leave the solar system in a few hundred years. I wish I could go, but most of us can only rely on our grandchildren. Donald replied: maybe not as long as you think. P. Donald replied: maybe not as long as you think. There are new discoveries about monopoles. They used the first monopoles. More monopoles have been made in large electromagnetic accelerators. Some of them have been used to make deuterium gas fusion reactions. The results of fusion excited the engineers at JPL. They have already begun to design fusion rockets for starships. Maybe in a few decades. One of our children is likely to overlook it from the track of the dragon egg. Thirty years later, the interstellar ark, St. George. Pierre Cano Nevin, chief scientist of the dragon egg exploration team. In front of the science deck console. Controlling the activity of the asteroid belt. Although the star is still far away from him. Pierre said to himself. In my heart, it is still my mother's star. Pierre thought of his childhood. On the lawn in the morning, he is beside his father. To see the first StarCraft. Leave the earth for space. To explore the neutron star his mother found. Since then, the exploration of the universe has planted seeds in his young mind. Now Pierre is close to exploring the planet. With unprecedented technology and confidence. We will embark on the journey of neutron star exploration. And what kind of answer will be waiting in front. The story begins.
The Lion King Start with the final color down PAPER: Kraft paper 30 x 30 cm. Fold and unfold. Fold the corners to the center and unfold. Mark the middle point along the line connecting the circled points. Fold the bottom corner to the mark. Unfold. Fold down the corner at the mark. Unfold. Fold the top comer down to the mark. Unfold. Fold the crease lines onto the next ones and unfold. Repeat the previous step, but do so with all the relevant crease lines. Fold the top corner to the circled point and unfold. Fold the side corners to the center and unfold, but only mark the middle point. Fold the side corners to the marks, again only marking in the middle, Unfold. Fold the side corners to the furthest marks and unfold. Fold at the middle point of the two crease lines, right and left. Unfold. Fold along the lines connecting the circled points. Unfold. Fold the edges to the crease lines. Unfold. Pleat fold putting the two crease lines onto each other. Fold at the middle of the two crease lines and unfold, right and left. Fold along the line connecting the circled points, Unfold. Fold along the lines connecting the circled points. Unfold. Fold in the middle of the two crease lines and unfold, right and left. Fold the bottom corner to the circled point. Unfold. Fold so that the two I circled points will be on top of each other. Unfold. Fold the top comer to the circled point and unfold. Fold in the middle of the two crease lines and unfold, right and left. Pleat and assemble using the crease lines. Fold the edges down and rabbit-ear the top comer. Redirect the flap by pleat folding using the crease lines. Fold the corner in half and let the flap lay flat. Inside reverse fold. Unfold the layers. Fold the edge up using the crease lines. Repeat on the left. Mountain fold along the crease line. Pull out the hidden layers. Pleat. Fold the side corners in using the crease lines. Fold edge to edge. Fold along the crease line. Push this area in and pleat in the lower part. The layer behind will be heading left. It is exactly the same folded, just with a kraft paper 50 x 50 cm. Open the layers and flatten. Do a series of inside reverse folds. Mountain fold the corner. Repeat behind. Fold the flaps to the other side. Repeat behind. Pull out the hidden flap. Inside reverse fold the four layers inside. Open the layer and look inside. Keep the head three dimensional. Open and squash. Fold the flap along the crease line. Fold edge to edge and unfold. Fold so that the circled points will reach the edge. Fold along the line connecting the circled points and swivel. Fold up the flap. Repeat on the lower part. Continue in part 2
[Evans] So here's the idea of how to do this. We're going to start by selecting some secret, and then we're going to compute the hash of that secret, and then we're going to do that again. We're going to compute the hash that we got for the first time as the input, and we're going to keep computing hashes here. This could be done anywhere. I've written it on the server side. The important point at the end of this-- so what Alice gets is the hash of s, the hash of the hash of s, the hash of the hash of the hash of s and so forth. Of course, if she just has s, she could compute all of these herself. The server only stores 1 thing. The only thing the server stores is the last value in this hash chain. So let's suppose we did this 100 times. This is the value the server would store, and that's the only value stored by the server. So now the protocol to log in will be Alice will send the 99th value in this hash chain. So what the server will do is compute the hash of p, check if it's equal to the stored value x. If it is, it will allow Alice to log in and will also update the value of x. The new value of x will be the value Alice sent as p. So that's how the first login works. Now the question is, the next time Alice logs in, what does she need to send? Here's the choices. Different number of times of doing the hash starting from the secret s.
We're not in love We share no stories Just something in your eyes Don't be afraid The shadows know me Let's leave the world behind Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall in to the dark side Give into the dark side Beneath the sky As black as diamonds We're running out of time Don't wait for truth To come and blind us Let's just believe their lies Believe it, I see it I know that you can feel it No secrets worth keeping So fool me like I'm dreaming Take me through the night Fall in to the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall in to the dark side Give into the dark side Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall in to the dark side
I can count, you can count, we can count together Practice your counting everyday And you'll count so much better Count to 100 Count proud Count out loud Check it out kids I'm DJ Count Count by 1's to 100 now 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 I can count, you can count We can count together Practice your counting everyday And you'll count so much better Count to 100 Count proud Count out loud 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 Count with DJ Count He is super cool Sing his song and count with him At home or in your school Count with DJ Count He is super cool Sing his song and count with him At home or in your school I can count, you can count, we can count together Practice your counting everyday And you'll count so much better
[Dave] Welcome back for Unit 2! I hope everyone is getting confidence in the things you learned in unit 1. We're going to continue to build on those in this unit as well as in rest of the course. Our main goal for this unit is to make the web crawler, instead of just finding one link in the page, to find all the links on a page, so that we can follow these links and collect more and more pages on the web. To do that we need two big new concepts in computer science. The first is procedures. Procedures are a way to package code so that we can reuse it more easily. The second is control. We need a way to be able to make decisions, and to do repetition, to find all those links on a page. What we saw at the end of Unit 1 was a way to extract the first URL from a web page-- that's great--we could find the first target. But if we want to build a good crawler, we don't just care about the first one, we care about all of the links on the page. We need to extract all of those links-- figure out where all of those links point to-- so we'll find many more pages to crawl than just the first one. So, that's the goal for this class as far as building a web browser. To do that, we're going to learn two really big ideas in computer science. The first is about procedures, and that's a way to package up code so we can use it in a much more useful way than we could before. The second is about control. Control structures will give us a way to keep going to find all the links on a page. So, let's remember the code we had at the end of Unit 1. We solved this problem of extracting the first URL from the page-- we assumed the page was initialized to the contents of some web page. We initialized the variable "start_link" to the result of invoking "find" on "page," passing in the start of the link tag. Then, we initialized the variable "start_quote" to the result of finding, in the page, the first quote following that link tag. Then, we initialized the variable "end_quote" to the result of invoking "find" on "page," to find the first quote following the start quote. And, then, we assigned to the variable "url"-- extracting from the page-- from the character after the "start_quote," to the character just before the "end_quote," we could print out that URL. This worked to find the first URL on the page. If we wanted to find the second one, we could do it all again. We could say, now we want to advance so we're only looking at the rest of the page. We could do that by updating the variable "page," assigning to it the result of the rest of the page, starting from "end_quote"-- and, remember, when there's a blank after the colon that means select from this position, to the very end-- and then we can do all the same stuff. We'll do "start_link" again; ... we'll do "start_quote" again; ... Now we've got code that's going to print out the first URL-- keep going, updating the variable "page"-- and then doing the exact same thing-- printing out the second URL. If we wanted to print out the first three, we could do it again... So now, we've got code to print out the first three URL's on the page-- let's scroll all the way up--so you've got-- print out the first one--keep going-- print out the second one--keep going-- so this can go on forever. The reason we have computers is to save humans from doing lots of tedious work. We don't want to make humans do lots of tedious work-- certainly, typing this out, over and over again, would be really tedious, and it wouldn't really even work that well. We have pages with hundreds of links, but there are other pages with only one or two links. So, it wouldn't make sense to copy this hundreds of times. There's always going to be some web page that has more links than we have copies of it-- and any page that has fewer copies, we're going to run into problems because we're not going to be finding any of those links. So, our goal today is to solve all of those problems.
Hello. Before I start the video, I will talk about a few important details. One of the most important factors for making latte art is milk foam. The first latte you see was prepared with the right steam milk. Second, with the wrongly prepared steam milk, you can see the difference. If you're still having trouble preparing milk froth, you should watch my video on how to make steam milk. You can find the video link in the description section. Before we start with milk, let's practice with water. When we first start pouring the milk, we should adjust the distance between the glass and the milk pitcher. If it is far, the cream layer will not form, but if it is too close, the surface of the coffee is covered with milk. In the after stage, we should keep the milk pitcher and the glass as close as possible. Do this with the glass half full so it's easier to make latte art. Let's train with water to get your hand used to it, let's pour the water quickly and slowly. This study will allow you to pour milk more controlled while making latte art. Another important point is your wrist movement. While pouring the milk, try to move the milk pitcher by moving your wrist, not with your arm. Thus, you can pour the milk in a more controlled way. In order to make latte art, the tip of your milk pitcher and the glass must be very close to each other. For this, you should give the glass a little slope. Thus, the milk cream will be able to take shape on the coffee. Let's look at the angles in the different patterns. The inclination of the glass is almost the same, although there are different pouring points. Let's look at another angle for a different pattern. 1-) Mix the steam milk and espresso 2-) Tilt the cup. 3-) Increase the flow rate and create the pattern. 4-) Decrease the pouring speed, raise the milk jug and pull it forward. Let's take a closer look at how to make a heart. Step 1: Stir the steam milk and coffee from the appropriate distance. Step 2: Stop pouring the milk. Step 3: Bring the milk pitcher close to the glass and start pouring the milk quickly from the nearest side. Step 4: Once the heart shape starts to form, reduce the pouring speed, lift the milk pitcher and draw a straight line. Bring the milk pitcher closer to the glass. Increase pouring speed. Once the shape starts to form, reduce the pouring speed. Lift the milk pitcher and draw a straight line. Let's examine the latte art Tulip construction in detail. Step 1: Stir the steam milk and coffee from the appropriate distance and stop pouring the milk. Step 2: Bring the milk jug close to the glass and pour a small amount quickly into the back of the glass. Step 3 : Repeat the same process slightly in front of the previous point. Step 4 : Repeat the same process slightly in front of the previous point. Step 5: Repeat the same process on the front of the glass, create a heart shape, decrease the pouring speed, lift the milk pot and draw a straight line. 1. quick pour and stop. 2. quick pour and stop. 3. quick pour and stop. 4. Pouring, reduce speed, raise the milk pot and draw a straight line. Let's take a closer look at making Rosetta. Step 1: Stir the milk foam and coffee from the appropriate distance. Step 2: Start pouring the milk quickly to the back of the glass. Step 3: Once the milk cream starts to appear on the surface, gently shake the milk pot in the same spot with a flick of the wrist. Step 4 : Continue to shake the milk pitcher and slowly pull it back, reduce the pouring speed, raise it and draw a straight line. Bring the milk pitcher closer to the cup. Shake gently. Pour fast . Pull back slowly. Decrease pour speed, lift and draw a straight line. Do not forget to tilt the cup while doing all these operations. The closer the milk pitcher is to the cup, the easier it will be to make latte art. I hope I was helpful.
(see the description for complete project information) (see the description for complete project information) So as you saw, we were actually able to make our (see the description for complete project information) wheel move with the correct electromagnetic pulses, (see the description for complete project information) and we had a great circuit inside of a nice, (see the description for complete project information) modern, awesome car. (see the description for complete project information) Unfortunately, we could not pulse our electromagnet (see the description for complete project information) correctly because we didn't know how fast to do it, (see the description for complete project information) so the magnets just lined themselves up and froze; it (see the description for complete project information) didn't really work well as a propulsion system. (see the description for complete project information) So right now, our car might be better off as a (see the description for complete project information) braking system rather than a propulsion system, (see the description for complete project information) but hopefully, in the near future, we will be able to (see the description for complete project information) develop some of our issues. (see the description for complete project information) Maybe someday you will see a magnetic-propelled car (see the description for complete project information) out in the streets. (Made by us.) (Hopefully.)
aoa welcom to fatherhood series my wife has participated in contest announced by Nestle Cerelac my wife has participated in the contest announced by Nestle Cerelac They have launched their natures selection series having three different flavors ummm first of all we had to bought cerelac in order to participate in that contest let me show you Nestle Cerelav Natures Selection when I went out in search of this pack I got to know that No one had got it , it was not available on daraz online store I am sharing BTS with you in this video That we have sent them Yesterday here starts the story , I was in search of that specific product then finally a distributor guided me that He has seen the same product at shalimar near store Bait-ul-Mukaram Masjid They have got it So I went and bought it so thank you Shalimar So I went and bought it so thank you Shalimar for providing me that Its basically out of stock everywhere and having availability issues watch more Cerelac Advertisement Voice Over Like , subscribe and share my channel
we're mining stone we're building castles we're taking to the skies we're not afraid 'cause there's no limit we build with sand and ice take me to the mine right into the dark side where spiders hide and ores shine bright I see it, let's dig it while it's still safe to do it let go of the fear and take me to the dark mine take me to the dark mine take a tool and come inside come on let's mine cubic stones tonight we craft tonight big swords of diamond enchanting them with smite we build tomorrow armors of iron preparing for the fight we're building, we're fighting this is how we play this game we're coding, we're crafting there's fun in every frame take me to the mine right into the dark side where spiders hide and ores shine bright I see it, let's dig it while it's still safe to do it let go of the fear and take me to the dark mine take me to the dark mine take a tool and come inside come on let's mine cubic stones tonight (dark mine) take me to the mine right into the dark side where spiders hide and ores shine bright I see it, let's dig it while it's still safe to do it let go of the fear and take me to the dark mine
I think I'm drowning, asphyxiated I wanna break this spell that you've created Your something beautiful, a contradiction I wanna play the game, I want the friction You will be the death of me Yeah, you will be the death of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it And our time is running out You can't push it underground You can't stop it screaming out I wanted freedom, bound and restricted I tried to give you up, but I'm addicted Now that you know I'm trapped, sense of elation You'd never dream of breaking this fixation You will squeeze the life out of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it And our time is running out You can't push it underground You can't stop it screaming out How did it come to this? Ooh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Ooh, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah Yeah, you will suck the life out of me Bury it I won't let you bury it I won't let you smother it I won't let you murder it And our time is running out You can't push it underground You can't stop it screaming out How did it come to this? Ooh, yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah-yeah Ooh, yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah, yeah
i thank god for everything Mind on my murder Sky is getting red Body getting cold Losing hella blood Lord please save my soul If I have to die Don't know where ill go I don't wanna die I'm only ten years old My mama cried Yellow tape around my body it's a homicide And he told me it was accidental, by surprise Ambulances everywhere and i just pray that I survive Cuz baby it's a homicide Ooh a homicide He just shot me and I dropped down to the floor He said I caught him by surprise I caught him by surprise He was shell shocked and he claimed he didn't know I grabbed his hand cuz I was terrified said I was scared to die He just watched my blood spill out and die slow I looked him right inside the eye He looked inside my eye Asked him would i survive he shook his head no Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, huh, murder, huh Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, ayy, murder, hey Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, hey, murder, huh Mind on my murder, hey, mind on my murder yellow tape around my body its a homicide never thought my day one friend would be the one to take my life and he aint even shoot me once this n**** shot me twice and i dropped down to the floor and i had tear drops in my eyes never would have thought a home invasion would have costed me my life all i wanted was a mouth full of gold and my neck and wrist with ice but now i just got murdered while i go in paradise just sing this chorus with me twice Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, huh, murder, huh Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, ayy, murder, hey Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, hey, murder, huh Mind on my murder, hey, mind on my murder Fuck with it then and your life will get ended Fuck do you know about Melly the menace Glock-26 and that bitch is extended Glock-27, bitch I'm really with it Catch that fuck nigga, hit him with the semi You know my young niggas really ain't friendly Ball like tarantula, flip like a spatula Suck on that bitch, I want blood like I'm Dracula Whoa whoa, suck on it slow, fuck that lil bitch on the floor You know it's Melly the menace, the clip is extended You fuck with me, life will get ended We go in your mouth like a dentist We walk through the entrance, bitch give me the bag, run it up Your bitches wanna have fun with us She wanna tote on a gun with us She smokin' dick, yeah that ho smokin' angel dust Top That a n**** get, they gon' top it, yeah Pull up on a n**** with a Glock-ock bitch I don't give no fuck about shot, shit I don't give no F-U-X about her Pull up on a n****, it's a fuckin' M-1 Free my n**** trill, he just caught an M-1 Cause baby it's a homicide, oh a homicide He just shot me and I dropped down to the floor he said I caught him by surprise, I caught him by surprise He was shell-shocked and he claimed he didn't know I grabbed his hand 'cause I was terrified, said I was scared to die He just watched my blood spill out and die slow I looked him right inside the eyes, he look inside my eyes Asked him would I survive? he shook his head no Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, huh, murder, huh Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, ayy, murder, hey Mind on my murder, yeah, murder, hey, murder, huh Mind on my murder, hey, mind on my murder
Oh, oh, I'm gonna use every heartbeat Oh, oh, today not tomorrow Oh, oh, I'm gonna disobey Oh, oh, far from the shallows Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Headlights, headlights, headlights Oh, oh, I got a taste of the good life Oh, oh, I'm never letting go Oh, I'm a cat, gotta use all my nine lives Whoa-oh, I'm gonna do it all And oh, I'm tipping on the edge And oh, I don't wanna be scared And oh, don't you pull a breath And oh, just take me all the way Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Blinded by, blinded by headlights Running in, running in headlights Light me up, light me up, headlights Baby, I'm all about headlights Headlights, headlights, headlights Oh, oh, I got a taste of the good life Oh, oh, I'm never letting go
Christopher Carbone: For question. Number 9 of our final exam review for the short answer questions. Christopher Carbone: I have. The number of books in a small library increases at a rate Christopher Carbone: according to the function. B prime of t is equal to 164 Christopher Carbone: times E. To the 400 T. Christopher Carbone: Where t is measured in years after the library opens Christopher Carbone: we want to find out how many books well the library have. One year. Christopher Carbone: One year after opening. Christopher Carbone: This is the integral from 0 to one Christopher Carbone: of 164 Christopher Carbone: times E. Christopher Carbone: To the 4 hundredths Christopher Carbone: T. Christopher Carbone: Dt Christopher Carbone: and this would be Christopher Carbone: 164 Christopher Carbone: divided by 0 point 0 4 times a to the 0 point 0 4 Christopher Carbone: t. Christopher Carbone: and that is 4,100 Christopher Carbone: times e to the 0 point 0 4 t Christopher Carbone: evaluate between 0 and one. Christopher Carbone: so that becomes Christopher Carbone: 4,100 times e Christopher Carbone: to the 0 point 0 4 times one power Christopher Carbone: minus 4,100 Christopher Carbone: times e to the 0 point, 0 4 times 0, Christopher Carbone: and that gives us rounded to be 167 Christopher Carbone: based upon a whole number Christopher Carbone: since. Again, can't we have a functional amount of a book? Christopher Carbone: So after one year of opening. Christopher Carbone: the library will have Christopher Carbone: 167 bucks. Christopher Carbone: and then, finally number 10. The rate of change in a person's body temperature with respect to the dosage of X milligrams of a drug is given by d prime of X is equal to 5, divided by X plus 2. Christopher Carbone: One milligram raises the temperature by 3 and a half. Christopher Carbone: Celsius. We want to find the function giving the total temperature change. Christopher Carbone: So this is the integral Christopher Carbone: 5, divided by X plus 2 Christopher Carbone: Dx. Christopher Carbone: based on our formulas. This is 5 times the natural algorithm of the absolute value of x plus 2, plus c. Christopher Carbone: To get that value of C, Christopher Carbone: we put in 3 point. 5 Christopher Carbone: is equal to 5 Christopher Carbone: times the natural logarithm of the absolute value of one plus 2, Christopher Carbone: plus c Christopher Carbone: Subtracting over this 5 times the natural log of the most 3, Christopher Carbone: we would get a value of C to be negative land into 2 decimal places, negative, 1 point, 9, 9. Christopher Carbone: So the function that we would get for this would be d of x Christopher Carbone: is equal to 5 Christopher Carbone: times the natural log of them Christopher Carbone: of the absolute value of x plus 2 Christopher Carbone: minus 1.9 9. Christopher Carbone: Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you.
Ignas Vasiliauskas DJ Lp. - I Love Techno, Tech-House music 2018. Ignas Vasiliauskas DJ Lp. - I Love Techno, Tech-House music 2018. Lithuania, Vilnius.
There's a shadow just behind me Shrouding every step I take Making every promise empty Pointing every finger at me Waiting like a stalking butler Who upon the finger rests Murder now the path of must we Just because the son has come Jesus, won't you fucking whistle Something but the past and done ? Something but the past and done? Why can't we not be sober? Just want to start this over And why can't we drink forever ? I just want to start this over I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave I will work to elevate you Just enough to bring you down Mother Mary, won't you whisper ? Something but what's past and done Something but the past and done Why can't we not be sober ? I just want to start this over And why can't we sleep forever ? Why? I am just a worthless liar I am just an imbecile I will only complicate you Trust in me and fall as well I will find a center in you I will chew it up and leave Trust me Why can't we not be sober ? I just want to start things over And why can't we sleep forever ? I just want to start this over Why ? I want what I want
I think, though. I think, though the It was, okay It was , , okay It was, , okay. , okay, what's up It was, , okay, what's up? Hey! My is Hey? My is cool. 6, But okay But okay. But see But see. , yeah. You know , you know, basically, there is ically, hey, guys , you know, basically , Let's see, that Let's see, that is, Let's see, that is, we In Benita . Got so what I so what Mexico? They allow them Mexico they allow them in do rain no needle land and in Chad Lab consists Somebody. They said they might body. It's a demographic so what I'm It's a demographic so what I'm in in. Okay. And it's public account public a initial abandoned ndoned They They'll you They'll what What was politicos? Okay? And the 2. So then So the that's good the that's good. And this. King. King, I that pretty minute that pretty many of questions estion. Kay Kay Unoklynik, is about about On documentary cumento cumento ho, but ho! 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They They see this What is okay? They see this. Yeah, a, a. , a, a , a, a I've been to that. Yeah, a, a I've been to that And oh. oh, okay. okay, is right. Carlos Carlos, payroll. Okay? People. Hello Oh! Okay, Okay, so and get people Okay, so and get people to yeah. Okay, so and get people to no simple So So. So you know this Well, let's say let's see if Kayona, the last condition is contact see if wait Well, no, let's see if okay Well, no, let's see if okay. That question is is K, That question is K. What we said . That's it What? We said, okay, no. DC, What we said, okay, a group What What? We said, okay, Locan What? We said, okay, Locan. O sisapro mintendo, no bye Mintendo! No, my always goodise my, always kenos kenos my always kenos guaranteesa entry entre call me entre call me yes, okay, no entre call me yes, okay, no. 6, Please. He might finish. Yes. h. Yes, Yes, to possess more. Oh, best more. You'll miss Yeah Well, no. Good. Well, no! Well, no, yeah. Make it pasta. 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Get done. Yes. Okay Okay, so Okay, so. Yeah. Yeah. Get done. Yes. Okay. So So a at Newland , yeah and Hello So a and So a? And yeah. So a and yeah, exactly. Hey. Yes, the same Okay. They don't They don't need to see that , and at , and it'll and it'll be be They see, they In a Laplace. Have a phone. had a phone, and it is also the also the Martin Luther King E. Lo! Gas The The Martin Luther, King App The Martin Luther King . Hello . Hey? Don't . Yeah The Martin Luther King. Yeah. r The Martin Luther King Noonka Noon comma Noon comma Zoom Phone call Noon comma Zoom Phone call like Phone , hey Okay. Because Yeah. Much. Yes Yeah. Much. Yes. Questions! Oh. Let me know. Is e know. Is colony cocaine correct know, is, okay. Okay. Okay. e know is yes, know is yes, Kay, Hi, finale in this course. Okay Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. This point. 8 8 have it To see what Yeah. So. See. Okay. Yeah. Is it It's funny. Okay. Like this We. We? So no, yeah, they must. But I mean Parameters must paramet a a Bye. Bye, it's super cool cameras Bye, it's super cool cameras. Jupiter. Will be nature, then Would be nature Deployment I need a movie we didn't I need a movie. We will be by I need a movie. We will be don't. Maybe we have. don't. Maybe we have. Yeah, if they portrait portal disk streaming, screaming screaming, as you know. know. O Oh! Oh, we see! Oh, Oh, see! And so Let me see Okay. Hello! See. Okay. Let me. Okay, let me tell you. ll Okay, let me tell you. But Okay, let me tell you, it's also attendant attending attending. Hey! It. Exactly. Is that Exactly Exactly. Is that the xactly is that the you Exactly is that the you guys? Okay. does it. Let's implement that No, no, schedule may not No no schedule. No no schedule in Latvia. can't meet it. No, they don't meet not No, my my Okay. Thank you. Celanta . You see . Okay Thank you. Celanta. Okay. Thank you, Celanta. Thank you. Bye, bye. Okay. Shame. Yeah, yes Shame. Yeah, yes, it is. Shame. Yeah, yes, it is no. Yeah, they must. y must tap Yeah, they must tap in. No, not tap on a scenario. I want to keep Last year. I was. Nice Oh, no! Hey! Go ahead! Oh no! Oh, no, not mobile! Oh, no. Okay. Oh Oh no! no no, no, no! I guess you know Oh, no! No! No! No! No! No! Hey! Please. Yeah Please Please! No, no, no, no. Yeah. No. Get the money. No, don't see It's so Total maintainment. Total, maintain Yeah. Okay. I would have to With This This wonderful. This wonderful? No, and this is Okay. After that A second. I love What was that Thank you A second. Thank you. That's it. For Jupiter's. Okay. Okay, to tip with this product this in the comments and neutral Willyton , or . Sounds good Okay. See I See I call See. I call hey? You know. See, I call fatal Get that. Okay Okay. And so now now, like they are getting, is this one it it it puts on, I think it it's at an idea an again notice. This second Mandel porting This is kind of case . Nope . Okay, okay. okay, what is it? Study it? Study for more. Donald Study for more. Donald Trump r more, Donald Trump, do you know more, Donald Trump, do you know me, Soia? We're not . Yeah okay We're not. Oh, no, I don't think think this is it this is it this time is it this time? Oh, about Obama Awesome. No. No nico No No. Nico, yeah. They they want to jump from no. Kennel so those people Kennel Kennel, so Elizabeth. Chicken. Yeah. Everybody. I mean I I know. As soon as Port K Port Port Kapoor, Kelvin horizon Port Kapoor, Kelvin horizon. now the Nca. Is a person right here Ncaa. Is a persona. He command doesn't look look. They don't Port Capitol, Port Capitol, according to Capitol, according to Vida, push busted busted thing in the primary level , kiss her to you you. Post by the But I think that's No mass folks to contact No mass folks to see . Don't No mass folks to see don't see No mass folks to see don't see. No, no. Okay. So, just No, I can. You No, I can. You get complete. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yes. Okay. Yes. Yes, if they will stand fatal Yes, if they will stand okay , I Yes, if they will stand. I was. It was , okay. See It was, okay. See? It was. I see It was. I see you know was. I see you know me, my keynote See. It's gonna
We know that all the plants synthesize their food by themselves. The plant synthesize their food by the process of photosynthesis. But they cannot utilize all this food at once so they store it in the form of starch. So, if you want to see that the plant has photosynthesized we can check this with the presence of starch. So, now let's do some experiments starch. So now let's do some experiments to see the presence of starch in the plants. So, in these experiments, we will use plants. So in these experiments, we will use iodine solution to confirm the presence of starch as this iodine solution turns blue-black in the presence of starch. Now let's start the experiment, pluck a leaf from the plant with variegated leaves. Now, what are these variegated leaves? The variegated leaves have green and non green parts. The green parts contain chlorophyll and so they photosynthesize and they have starch in them, while the non green part do not have. Now boil this variegated leaf in water for 40 to 60 seconds. This will stop all the ongoing chemical reactions. Then dip this leaf in boiling ethanol for some time and this will ethenol for some time and this will remove all the color of the leaves. Then wash the leaves with water and put iodine solution over it. What will you observe? You will see that all the green parts of the plant are stained blue black as they contain starch in them while the non green parts are left unstained. In other words, we can say that the green parts of the plants photosynthesized and they could do so because of the presence of chlorophyll pigments in them, while the non green plants, they do not have chlorophyll pigment so they could not photosynthesize. Let's do one more experiment to see if you got the gist of photosynthesis. In this experiment also, we will use iodine solution to test the presence of starch.We will take two potted plants and label them as plant one and plan two. Now keep these plants in dark for three days ,this will remove all the starch present in the leaves. Then we will invert the glass jars over these plants. We will keep potassium hydroxide in the jar which contains plant one, potassium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide. Now we will seal both the jars and make them airtight and will keep them in sunlight for three hours. After three hours we will test the presence of starch in the leaves of both of the plants. Let's see what happens? Here, we can see that plant one does not contain starch while plant two confirms the presence of starch in it. Can you tell me why? Let me explain ,now the plant one which contains potassium hydroxide in it could not utilize carbon dioxide present inside the glass jar as pottasium hydroxide absorbs carbon dioxide and so the plant could not photosynthesize. While plant two as it does not have potassium hydroxide in it, it utilized potassium hydroxide in it it utilized the whole carbon dioxide present inside the glass jar and so it photosynthesized and confirmed the presence of starch in it. So, in these experiments we saw that it. So in these experiments we saw that chlorophyll and carbon dioxide are essential for photosynthesis.
[music throughout] ON-SCREEN: Close-up of an Exoplanet Travel Bureau rocket as it lifts off. ON-SCREEN: A fictional spacecraft approaches the Moon, which is peppered with lights from settlements on the surface. ON-SCREEN: A parent and child watch from their home on Mars as a rocket lifts off in the distance. ON-SCREEN: Medium shot of an observatory floating among the clouds of Venus. People can be seen milling about and taking in the view. ON-SCREEN: A small spacecraft approaches Enceladus from afar. The family on the ship excitedly watches the moon's geysers as they erupt. ON-SCREEN: A space kayaker paddles in the oceans of Titan, with Saturn filling the background. ON-SCREEN: A daring skydiver falls toward exoplanet HD 40307 g. ON-SCREEN: A space tourist stands on the surface of exoplanet Kepler-16b. The planet's twin suns cast a double shadow on the ground. ON-SCREEN: Passengers, towed by floating balloons and protected by a clear bubble, observe the lava surface of exoplanet 55 Cancri e. ON-SCREEN: A fictional spacecraft passes by exoplanet GJ 367 d, a world that could potentially contain liquid water. ON-SCREEN TEXT: Where will you explore? ON-SCREEN TEXT: Start your journey. ON-SCREEN TEXT: ON-SCREEN: NASA logo
Yeah Yeah When I walk on by I smell like shit and I come in fly I pimp to the beat in front the garbage on the street YEAAH This is how I roll, paper pag pants out of control You can find me in the glory hole lean into the wall for a quick free blow Girl look at my body! I eat trash Please give me some money When I walk in the spot This is what they see An old dirty man that drinks his own pee Got a disaster in my pants and I ain`t scared to show it Show it show it show it I`m sexy and I`m homeless When I`m at the mall I`m in the bathroom trying to clean my balls When I`m at the beach I`m in the bombay trying to tie my chicks This is how I roll I got a carbon box that I call home I keep a semen in the jar, baby, don`t be jelous No shoes no shirt cause I`m fucking homeless Girl look at my body! I eat trash Please give me some money When i walk at the spot This is what they see An old dirty man that drinks his own pee Got a disaster in my pants and I ain`t scared to show it I`m sexy and I`m homeless
Officer KD6 -3.7. Let's begin. Ready? Yes, sir Recite your baseline. A blood black nothingness began to spin A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem. Fuck off, skinjob And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played. Cells. cells Have you ever been in an institution? Cells. Do they keep you in a Cell? Cells When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells. cells Interlinked. What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked. Do they teach you how to feel, finger to finger?Interlinked. Do you long for having your heart interlinked? Interlinked. Interlinked. Do you dream about being interlinked? What's it like to hold your child in your arms interlinked? Do you feel that there's a part of you that's missing, interlinked? Interlinked. Within cells interlinked Why didn't you say that three times:-within cells interlinked -within cells interlinked We're done Constant K. You can pick up your bonus Thank you sir Cells -Cells Have you ever been in an institution. Cells When you're not performing your duties, do they keep you in a little box? Cells. Interlinked. what It like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked -Interlinked Within cells interlinked -Within cells interlinked Dreadfully -Dreadfully What's it like to be filled with dread? Dreadfully Do you like being separated from other people? Distinct -Distinct Dreadfully distinct -Dreadfully distinct Dark -Dark Within cells interlinked -Within cells interlinked Withing one stem -Withing one stem And dreadfully distinct -And dreadfully distinct Against the dark -Against the dark A tall white fountain played - A tall white fountain played You're not even close to baseline
Neural networks can be used in a large variety of problem areas, including machine translation. Today, let's take a look at one important concept that will help lay the foundations for understanding neural networks: mathematical functions. Each neural network represents a particular function. For each input, the network calculates an output value. Let's take a look at one particular function. This function accepts as input a letter of the English alphabet. The job of this function is to categorize each letter as either a vowel or as a consonant. In this example, our function is denoted by f. Inside the parentheses, the input to function f is denoted as x. After function f calculates an output value for a particular input x, we denote that output as y. Eventually, we might want to build a neural network that implements this function. Given such a neural network, we could provide the network with an input that represents one of the letters in the English alphabet. Given this input, the neural network would calculate an output value. For each possible input, a function must calculate an output. Our function is designed to map from English letters to either consonant or vowel. The set of possible input values is called the domain. Here, the domain is the set of lowercase English letters. The set of possible output values is called the range. Here, the range is the set {consonant, vowel}. Given the English letter "a", our function should return the value "vowel" Given the English letter "b", our function should return the value "consonant" Our function should return the value "vowel" when the input to the function is "a", "e", "i", "o" or "u" On the other hand, our function should return the value "consonant" when the input to the function is "b", "c", "d", "f", "g", "h", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "v", "w", "x", "y", or "z" One way to implement a function is by using a general-purpose programming language. Here is example code using the Swift programming language that implements the function from the previous page. This code defines an enumeration called EnglishLetter that defines the domain of the function, an enumeration called SpeechSound that defines the range of the function, and a function called f that maps each item from the domain to exactly one value from the range. This code checks to see if x is the English letter "a" or the English letter "e" or the English letter "i" or the English letter "o" or the English letter "u". If x is any of these values, the function returns the value "vowel". Otherwise, the function returns the value "consonant". In order to represent this same function using a neural network, we will need to use a much different technique. Instead of writing code like this using a general purpose programming language, we will design a special kind of connected graph with weighted edges. We will discuss the details of that process in another video. This presentation was created and narrated by Lane Schwartz. You are free to reproduce and adapt this work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Our topic for today is Laws of Reflection. Consider this ray of light which strikes a mirror. This ray of light is called the incident ray. Consider this ray of light which strikes a mirror. The point at which the incident ray strikes the mirror is called the point of incidence. Draw a line perpendicular to the mirror through the point of incidence. This line is called Normal. The angle which the incident ray makes with the normal is called the angle of incidence. The point at which the incident ray strikes the mirror is called the point of incidence. Draw a line perpendicular to the mirror through the point of incidence. This line is called Normal. The angle which the incident ray makes with the normal is called the angle of incidence. When the incident ray strikes the mirror, it will bounce off the mirror. The ray which bounces off is called the reflected ray. The angle which the reflected ray makes with the normal is called angle of reflection. Let us learn the 2 laws of reflection. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. If the angle of incidence is 30 degrees, then the angle of reflection will also be 30 degrees. Remember that, these angles are always measured from the normal, not from the mirror. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane. Let us learn the 2 laws of reflection. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection. If the angle of incidence is 30 degrees, then the angle of reflection will also be 30 degrees. Remember that, these angles are always measured from the normal, not from the mirror. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane.
welcome to flyaero tech you tube channel. please subscribe and click the bell icon. if you click the bell icon, you will get notification when I post a new video. ok today I am going to talk about the angle of wing. so angling the wing up or down spanwise from root to tip can help to resolve various design issues, such as stability and control in flight. first one is dihedral. The tip are higher than the root. ok tips are higher than the root. so this is the aircraft fuselage. and this is the root. and this is the tip. so wing tip is higher than the root. so the shape will be like this V shape. This is called dihedral. so mostly passenger aircraft using this type of wings. ok , the second one is anhedral. The tip are lower than the root. just like opposite dihedral. use to reduce stability where some other feature results in too much stability. so this is the fuselage. this is the wing tip and this is the root. so wing tip is lower than the root. so the shape is like this. just opposite of dihedral . that is why it is called anhedral. opposite V . ok . mainly this type of aircrafts using for heavy transport, like cargo aircraft. ok, the next one is Gull wing. sharp dihedral on the wing root section. little or non on the main section. so this is the fuselage, this is the root section. root section is dihedral. so this type of wings are called gull wing. gull wing, right. mostly this type of aircraft using for sea landing. sea landing airplane. like this. the wing is higher. so water will not disturb the wing. ok, this is called gull wing. The next one is inverted gull wing. Anhedral on the root section. dihedral on the main section. opposite of gull wing may be used to reduce the length of wing mounted undercarriage legs while allowing raised fuselage. ok, this is inverted gull wing. this is the fuselage. wing root is anhedral and then dihedral. ok this is look like W. ok this type of aircraft's wing are called inverted gull wing. this mostly reducing undercarriage length. no need to fix the long undercarriage like this, this one need long undercarriage. but this one is short undercarriage. so that is the main purpose. and this type of aircraft used for battle fled in past. ok now we know that dihedral, anhedral, gull wing and inverter gull wing. when seen from the front of the aircraft , you can see the shape of the wing like this. this is dihedral, this is anhedral, this is gull wing and this is inverter gull wing. now we will watch a video about some aircrafts with this type of wing angles. ok this is dihedral wing shape. this is a aircraft with dihedral wing. this also same dihedral wing. and this aircraft also with dihedral wing. this is anhedral wing. the shape of anhedral .this a aircraft with anhedral wing. this is also with anhedral wing. this is the largest aircraft in the world, AN225. This is gull wing aircraft. sea landing aircraft. this is gull wing. this is a inverted gull wing aircraft. this is inverted gull wing aircraft. and this is also inverted gull wing aircraft.
We're not in love We share no stories Just something in your eyes Don't be afraid The shadows know me Let's leave the world behind Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall into the dark side Give into the dark side Beneath the sky As black as diamonds We're running out of time (Time, time) Don't wait for truth To come and blind us Let's just believe their lies Believe it I see it I know that you can feel it No secrets worth keeping So fool me like I'm dreaming Take me through the night Fall into the dark side We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall into the dark side Give into the dark side Take me through the night We don't need the light We'll live on the dark side I see it Let's feel it While we're still young and fearless Let go of the light Fall into the dark side
F/X2 (1991) Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 7 (1991) Eagle Eye (2008) No Way Out (1987) Taken (2008) Underworld (2003) CSI: NY: Season 1, Episode 10 (2004) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) Blade Runner (1982) Taken (2008) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) CSI: Miami: Season 1, Episode 9 (2002) Eagle Eye (2008) Patriot Games (1992) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) Taken (2008) Battlestar Galactica: Season 1, Episode 7 (2005) Alias: Season 3, Episode 21 (2004) NCIS: Season 2, Episode 6 (2004) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Alias: Season 4, Episode 9 (2005) 24: Season 3, Episode 5 (2003) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 2, Episode 15 (2002) CSI: Miami: Season 1, Episode 21 (2003) 24: Season 4, Episode 5 (2005) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 2, Episode 15 (2002) Alias: Season 3, Episode 21 (2004) Eagle Eye (2008) Battlestar Galactica: Season 1, Episode 7 (2005) NCIS: Season 2, Episode 6 (2004) CSI: Miami: Season 1, Episode 9 (2002) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Enemy of the State (1998) 24: Season 4, Episode 23 (2005) 24: Season 4, Episode 7 (2005) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 7, Episode 7 (2005) Alias: Season 3, Episode 21 (2004) Alias: Season 2, Episode 12 (2003) Alias: Season 5, Episode 2 (2005) Alias: Season 3, Episode 17 (2004) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Enemy of the State (1998) The Pink Panther (2006) Blade Runner (1982) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) 24: Season 4, Episode 7 (2005) Alias: Season 2, Episode 12 (2003) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 4, Episode 15 (2004) Enemy of the State (1998) Law and Order: Special Victims Unit: Season 1, Episode 10 (2000) Numb3rs: Season 2, Episode 8 (2005) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) MI-5: Season 3, Episode 3 (2004) No Way Out (1987) CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Season 2, Episode 15 (2002) Numb3rs: Season 2, Episode 8 (2005) MacGyver: Season 4, Episode 5 (1988) Star Trek: The Next Generation: Season 5, Episode 7 (1991) Enemy of the State (1998) Patriot Games (1992) Stargate (1994)
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Place dark oak planks by referring to the layout image. Place the second layer's blocks on the first layer. Place spruce planks at the light blue part. Third layer. Make sure that the bottom and top are always symmetrical. I brought the bottom of the ship I have just built to the ocean. The third layer meets the water surface. Fourth layer. Fifth layer. Sixth layer. Seventh layer. Eighth layer. Fill inside of the eighth layer with oak planks. It's finished up to the 8th layer. Smooth the line by attaching the upside-down stairs at the right angle parts. Do it all over the ship like so. The line works are complete. I'll show you below the surface. Attach the upside-down stairs to the front. I'm going to make the back of the ship now. Ninth layer. Tenth layer. Eleventh layer. Twelfth layer. Thirteenth layer. Fourteenth layer. Fifteenth layer. Last Sixteenth layer. Smooth the line with stairs and slabs. Make the other side the same. I'm going to make the front of the ship now. Ninth layer. Tenth layer. Eleventh layer. Twelfth layer. Last Thirteenth layer. Connect the front and back with slabs. Smooth the line with stairs. Place 3 more blocks at the front. Attach the upside-down stairs at the top layer and the right angle part. I'll make the shape of the front part. Place dark oak planks at both sides. Place upside-down stairs. Replace the spruce planks with dark oak planks. Attach upside-down stairs at the right angle part of the back as well. I'll make a hinged rudder. Fill the empty space with dark oak fences. The hinged rudder is complete. I'll make a level on the deck. Build the walls with spruce planks. Fill the floor with oak slabs. Place dark oak fences. Make one more level. Make a level on the front deck as well. Place stairs on the front deck. Fill the empty space with oak planks. I'll make three masts on deck. Use Oak logs. Make a hole by 6x3 size on the floor. Fill the empty space with oak trapdoors. Build the main mast in the center. Make a mizzenmast the same as the foremast. The three masts are complete. Let's make sails with white wools. Place wools diagonally. Place wools all the way to the other side along the shape. I'll make the sails a little more detailed. Check out the switch spots of the blocks. Switch 3 blocks. Leave 5 blocks. Switch 2 blocks. Leave 4 blocks. Switch 5 blocks. Leave 2 blocks. Switch 7 blocks. Check out the back and front. Make the other three corners in the same way. It looks more real now. Make a sail along the shape. Switch 2 blocks. Switch 1 blocks. Leave 4 blocks. Switch 3 blocks. Leave 3 blocks. Switch 4 blocks. Back shape. Front shape. Make the rest of the corners in the same way. Make a crow's nest on the top of the mast. I'll Attach wools just for a while. Place trapdoors on the wools. Make a flagpole with a wall and fences. Make a flag with white wools. Make the shape freely. Let's make the front sail. Make the sail along the shape. Switch 2 blocks. Switch 1 block. Leave 4 blocks. Switch 4 blocks. Leave 3 blocks. Switch 5 blocks. Back shape. Front shape. Skip repetition part. Switch 1 block. Switch 1 block, Leave 2 blocks, Switch 3 blocks. Make a flagpole with a wall and fences. Make a flag with white wools. Make a mizzenmast's sails the same as the foremast's sails. The sails are complete. I'll make a bowsprit in front of the ship. Use dark oak slabs. Never mind the length. I'm gonna make ropes shape that connects the masts and the hull. I'm using the spruce fence. Connect the masts. I'll make windows on the side. Make a hole every three blocks. Place a fence and a trapdoor. Make a small window with stairs. Add details with stone bricks walls. I'll put the checkered pattern on the hull. If you don't want to, skip this part! Here is the completed checkered pattern. Of course, I made the other side the same. I'll decorate the deck now. Make a light. Make a table as well. Place barrels by the walls. I'll make this room into a storage room. Build walls with oak planks. Decorate it with a smithing table, barrels, and etc. Place upside-down stairs around the bottom of the mainmast. Set up the lights in front of the stairs. Set up the ladder all the way to the crow's nest. Replace one block with a trapdoor. It's the mizzenmast. I'll make this area into officer's cabins. Set up the walls with spruce planks. Make a table as well. We have two rooms now. Make a table and a chair. Make the next room the same as this room. I'll make a stairway that connects to the downstairs. Make the same to the other side. Here is the inside. I'll store the supplies on the floor. Place barrels and chests freely. Fill the floor with spruce slabs. Make the mainmast to the bottom. I'll make this area into the regular crew area. Divide the area with oak planks. We have several rooms now. Here is the front of the ship. Let's make doorways. Set up the lights and make drawers as well. Set up the light between the doors. Decorate the stairway area. Decorate the crew's cabins. I'll make this room into a storage room. Place the barrels and chests freely. Remove the middle of the aisle's floor. Place trapdoors in the empty space. I'll make this room into a dining room. Just place the blocks naturally! I'll decorate the back of the deck. Make a helm. Set up the light as well. Lastly, Let's make the captain's cabin! Make a carpet with red wools. Make a table with spruce. Make a captain's chair. Make drawers with looms. I'll make more windows. How was the Medieval Ship today? Share your thoughts in the comments below! It will help me make better videos. If you enjoyed this video, Please Like and Subscribe! Thanks for watching! :D
Christopher Carbone: This is Question number twenty, one of our calculus review. Christopher Carbone: We want to differentiate the function f of y as you go to one over y squared minus three, divided by y to the fourth Christopher Carbone: times y plus nine y cubed. Christopher Carbone: Well, you can multiply this through and simplify it a little bit Christopher Carbone: before taking the derivative I'm going to do the product rule for this one. Christopher Carbone: Let me just first rewrite this first term just with negative exponents, wide to the negative second Christopher Carbone: minus three wides, the negative fourth Christopher Carbone: times y was none y-cubed. Christopher Carbone: So we are going to let F. Christopher Carbone: B. Why it's the negative second Christopher Carbone: minus three. Christopher Carbone: Why, to the negative force, Christopher Carbone: which means out of relatives, Christopher Carbone: it's going to be negative two times y it's the negative third. Christopher Carbone: This would then be plus Christopher Carbone: twelve wide to the negative fifth, Christopher Carbone: and we're going to it. G be y Christopher Carbone: plus nine y cubed, Christopher Carbone: and the derivative of G would be one plus twenty, seven y squared, Christopher Carbone: so i'll pop this into the Christopher Carbone: who add up to all Christopher Carbone: It's formula. Christopher Carbone: We're going to have y to the negative second, minus three y to the negative. Fourth times Christopher Carbone: one plus twenty, seven y squared. Christopher Carbone: Who was Christopher Carbone: This will be negative? Two y to the negative third power, Christopher Carbone: plus twelve wides. The negative fifth power Christopher Carbone: times y was nine y cubed, Christopher Carbone: multiplying everything through. Christopher Carbone: This would be a wide to the negative. Second, the Christopher Carbone: plus twenty-seven Christopher Carbone: minus three y to the negative fourth Christopher Carbone: minus eighty. One y. Christopher Carbone: It's the negative second Christopher Carbone: manus, Christopher Carbone: two y to the negative second Christopher Carbone: minus eighteen Christopher Carbone: plus twelve y to the negative fourth, Christopher Carbone: plus one hundred and eight Christopher Carbone: times y to the negative second power, Christopher Carbone: and then, combining like terms, Christopher Carbone: we get twenty, six times y it's the negative second, Christopher Carbone: plus nine times y to the negative fourth Christopher Carbone: plus nine. Christopher Carbone: And so now we're writing with positive exponents. We would Christopher Carbone: for this nine, divided by Y to the fourth, Christopher Carbone: plus twenty six divided by y squared Christopher Carbone: plus night.
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[DUCKIE SQUEAKING] ERNIE: There's a brand new dance and it's got a reggae beat. You do it in the bath while you wash your hands and feet. Get in the tub. Hold your duckie in your lap. Tap your toes while you scrub in the water from the tap. ALL: And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber rubber duck, duck. ERNIE: Come on everybody try. ALL: Do de rubber duck! ERNIE: Don't be left high and dry. Yeah, do de rubber duck! As you keep on getting wetter, do de rubber duck, you'll be feeling so much better. Do de rubber duck! You'll be left without a care when you do de rubber duck. And you can even wash your hair, while you do de rubber duck. It will have a healthy sheen if you do de rubber duck! Yeah, you'll be squeaky clean when you do de rubber duck. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. TELLY: Don't get soap in your eyes. ALL: When you do de rubber duck. TELLY: Cause that will make you cry. ALL: When you do de rubber duck. OSCAR: Hey, all your grouches sing. ALL: Now do de rubber duck. OSCAR: Yeah, make the bathtub ring. ALL: Do de rubber duck! KERMIT: Everybody knows-- ALL: --how to do de rubber duck. KERMIT: Scrub your flippers and your toes. ALL: Do de rubber duck! COUNT: And while you wash away your troubles-- COUNT: --don't forget to count the bubbles, 1, 2, 3, 4. ALL: Duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. BIFF: All around the woild-- ALL: They do de rubber duck-- BIFF: --whenever folks get soiled. ALL: They do de rubber duck! GUY SMILEY: Watch them splishin' and a spashin'. ALL: Do de rubber duck! GUY SMILEY: It's the very latest fashion. GLADYS: Take at least one bath a day. ALL: Do de rubber duck! GLADYS: And remove those gems away. HOOTS THE OWL: Come and be a bathtime bopper. ALL: Do de rubber duck! HOOTS THE OWL: Don't pull out the stopper. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber rubber duck. One more time! And do de duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck, duck, rubber duck, rubber duck, duck. ERNIE: Where'd everybody go? [DUCKIE SQUEAKING]
Christmas Tree with Star PAPER: dollar bill or a paper: 15.6 x 6.6 cm. Begin with the desired side down. Place the star end on top. Fold sides in on creases. Align all edges. Set folds. Mountain fold each flap in half, unfold. Fold midpoint of edge to point. Fold edges to center. Flatten to set folds. Mountain fold each flap in half, unfold. Fold midpoint of edge to point. Fold corner point of flap up. Push on edge to flatten section on creases. Fold edges to center. Unfold flaps. Fold point of top flap down. Fold edge to crease. Turn model over and fold edge only to crease. Open and lift layer. Fold layer up on crease just enough to align point of flap on crease. Flatten to set all folds. Open and lift layer. Fold layer up on crease just enough to align point of flap on crease. Open layer. Lift point to fold edge to edge as far up as possible. Realign point on side of crease. Flatten to set remaining folds. Open layer. Lift point to fold edge to edge as far up as possible. Realign point on side of crease. Unfold flap. Turn model over. Keep flap aligned. Mountain fold section behind. Crease as shown. Unfold flap completely. Repeat steps on right. Fold edges in on creases, as you fold section up on crease. Flatten to set folds. Fold flap down on crease. Fold edges in. Push to flatten overlapping section symmetrically. Fold model in half. Fold model in half. Open sides at a wide angle, forming a triangular base at bottom end. Adjust base flaps if necessary to stand tree. The finished model. Open sides at a wide angle, forming a triangular base at bottom end.
blekjek in your arena tired looking for gf since a long time got heartbroken have done sacrifice but never got the attention that's why fakboy appear i'm just her punching bag when u bored, u leave me and say goodbye c'mon get up and remove all the wounds don't be depressed by her let's finish up go the revenge used to be hurt fakgirl seducing a lot of guys begin from reply instastory i got baper but suddenly she has gone sucks! dare to bother BLEKJEK u got broken heart it's time to the revenge u made me lyke mamang grab u find up a rich guy to replace me c'mon get up and remove all the wounds don't be depressed by her let's finish up go the revenge used to be hurt u say only texting with me but kinda full of shit seducing a lot of guys finish up I am not your clown go the revenge let's finish up
I've been asking myself for a long time: why in our time, in the 21st century, do they continue to shoot anti-utopias where totalitarian states are depicted? After all, there is no Soviet Union and fascist Germany, and these films are produced primarily for Americans. Who should the audience associate with the enemy depicted in the film? Against whom should you direct your hatred? One of the answers to this question can be found by linking the year of release of these films to current political events. Note: Several films were released in the early 2000s: EQUILibrium, Vendetta, Island. Thanks to the hint in Equilibrium (footage of Saddam Hussein), we can link their release to the U.S. campaign against Saddam Hussein's regime. Then a series of dystopias was released in 2012-2014: Hunger Games (2012), Oblivion (2013), Elysium (2013), Divergent (2014), Dedicated (2014). By analogy, we can assume that their output is connected with the events of the Arab Spring and the war in Syria. But, as usual, we will dig deeper and find out how the content of these films stems from the most philosophical paradigm in which Western society lives. As we remember, the postmodern paradigm is based on the denial of any hierarchies and, as a consequence, the dismantling of any power structures in any sphere of life - from family to state. Perceiving the world through the prism of this paradigm, we begin to consider any vertical structures as something unjust and oppressive. Nowadays, any teenager knows that it is necessary to fight the system and get rid of stereotypes imposed by society. It seems self-evident to us, but it is the self-evidence of a belief that indicates that it is part of an unconscious paradigm that forms our judgments and beliefs. That is, the very idea of fighting the system and liberation from social stereotypes is imposed on us by the system itself and by the society itself, or rather by the paradigm of postmodernity in which our society exists. According to this paradigm, the individual should, at the most, be freed from external influences and put his or her personal, individual will above any general will. [ads] Thus, the postmodern paradigm forms the idea of fighting against vertical structures in our consciousness. As for the dystopia films, they primarily focus on the struggle against such a social structure as the state. As for the antiutopic films, they primarily focus on the struggle against such a social structure as the state. Let us recall how the state is depicted in the film "Equilibrium" (2003). The power in the country belongs to the council called Tetragrammaton. This name is a reference to Jewish and Kabbalistic traditions, where tetragrammaton is the four-letter name of God. At the top of the council hierarchy we have clerics, which literally means priests. The emblem of a tetragrammaton consists of four letters T forming a cross that creates in viewer association with Christianity. To it obvious visual analogy with style of the Third Reich is added. Thus, references to symbols of traditional religions are placed in a context of fascist aesthetics that should cause the spectator to have a negative attitude to traditional religions. That is, there is a fallout in the direction of the religious picture of the world with its vertical from the material to the spiritual. At the head of the council is a leader who is called the Father, and the mission of the main character is very ambiguous: to kill the father. As we can see, the image of the state in Equilibrium combines several aspects: social institution, a religious institution and a patriarchal structure - the main components of traditional society. Accordingly, the hero's feat can be considered as the overthrow of God's power, the overthrow of state power and the overthrow of patriarchy. Changing the existing order must inevitably be accompanied by violence, and it is justified in the film by the fact that the current order is also built on violence. the system that produces such films encourages violence. And in the struggle for human rights, this system is ready to sacrifice the lives of others. The idea of demounting of the state is not new. According to Olga Chetverikova, plans to transfer state functions to private corporations have been under way since the early 1970s. But with the advent of digital technologies and the Internet, these plans began to be actively implemented. It is clear that demounting will be painless if people want to abolish the state themselves. And to do this, they need to be morally prepared. In 2005 Waczowski's film "V for vendetta" was released. In vendetta, also, the top of the government is occupied by religious conservatives, whose leader is shown as a hysterical fanatic. The signs of state power also reproduce the aesthetics of the Third Reich, and the state symbols are also close to the Christian one. All statesmen are shown in a bad light. Members of the government are suspected of releasing the virus to their own citizens in order to give them a life-saving vaccine and thus win the power struggle. State power is accused of serious crimes against its people, and a terrorist hero is needed to uncover these crimes Such a hero-terrorist is V., who wants to blow up the parliament building. Parliament is the supreme legislative body of the state, so the Parliament building is a symbol of the state itself. Thus, the creators of the film tell the viewer in almost direct text that the state must be destroyed. "The building is a symbol, as well as its explosion." During the film, the viewer feels sympathy for the main characters and their revolutionary ideas, as well as hatred for the state that suppresses human freedom. The funny thing about this story is that the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, which is offered to the viewer as a symbol of the struggle for social justice, was actually a reactionary act, an attempt to restore shaken feudalism and Catholicism. In other words, it was an attempt to return to traditional values. But the substitution of meanings is one of the tricks of postmodernism. It does not matter to the postmodern what the real purpose of the 1605 conspirators was. The only thing that matters is the very fact of the attempt to overthrow the king, the destruction of the power vertical. Also, by the way, the meaning of fireworks turns over. On November 5, England traditionally celebrates the failure of the Gunpowder Plot, fireworks are launched during the celebration and the stuffed man Guy Fawkes is burned. While the film celebrates the victory of an anonymous conspirator who blew up the Parliament building. In the course of the film, the viewer is instructed to profane the role of the state and government: "People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." Viewers are told that both religion and the state have lost their significance for the people: "Our country needs hope, not dead symbols" Postmodern, destroying symbols, does not offer anything concrete in return, only hope. The main thing is to destroy what is there. "Vendetta" also justifies violence for the sake of social justice. "Violence can be used for good" Ironically, the footage of the explosion of the Parliament building is accompanied by the music of Tchaikovsky - overture "1812", where the anthem "God Save the Tsar" sounds. The liberal revolution is carried out under the anthem of the authoritarian monarchy. And meanwhile, the viewer, taking the revolutionary pathos of the film for a clean coin, does not even realize that perhaps the creators of the film just troll him. Quite in the spirit of postmodernism. As we can see, the culture of postmodernism gives rise to a new type of hero - a fighter with the system, a terrorist. And in the dystopian films it is specifically pointed out that the "system" is nothing but the state. The traditional hero's task was to preserve the integrity and established order in society and the state, i.e. to fight the forces of chaos so that the lower spheres could act in accordance with the higher ones. Any enemy in the traditional consciousness is associated with chaos, which seeks to invade the territory of a well-organized and strictly ordered world. The classic hero must conquer the forces of chaos, subordinate it to the highest reasonable principles. Must fight with the inferior, in favor of the higher. The hero of the postmodern, on the contrary, is a representative of chaos. And his mission is to fight against the order that restricts the freedom of the individual, and thus, in itself, is injustice. But of course, in the films the situation will be shown in such a way that there is no doubt about the correctness of the hero's actions. Nevertheless, the typical pattern will be the same: the hero fights not with foreigners or foreigners, but with the people of his own nation who have a higher status. In 2012, the first part of the film "Hunger Games" is released, which shows the dystopian state of Panem, formed after the war in the United States. The capital of Panem is called the Capitol. As you know, in the U.S., the Capitol is the seat of Congress, the U.S. legislative body, and thus again a fantastic location is associated with a real object, symbolizing a real state. The inhabitants of the Capitol are the aristocracy, which lives at the expense of the labor of the population of 12 districts. Certainly, aristocrats are shown by idlers spending their lives in luxury and entertainment. So the stereotype which is typical for outlook of the people who have long ago forgotten about an authentic role of aristocracy is reproduced once again. In fact, the message of the film is a call to overthrow the ruling class, a call to revolution, and it seems completely unclear why the capitalist system would dig under itself, making such films. However, this obscurity is dispelled by the fact that Western European civilization, firstly, seeks globalization and the abolition of states, Secondly, it uses the concept of human rights as an excuse to interfere in the internal affairs of other States. Thus, the overthrow of the ruling power by the people of any country will be in the hands of globalists. Kitness Everdin, as a typical postmodern hero, fights with the established order for the sake of a situation of complete uncertainty, which a postmodern man calls hope. "What do you feel? - Hope" Such a hero is constantly acting on personal arbitrariness, based on what seems right at any given moment. In the film there are many episodes, where the main character does not obey his direct superiority, and acts at his own discretion. Not only the non-recognition of any subordination, but also the demoralization of the team - that's what the hero of postmodernity brings with him. In 2013, the film "Oblivion" was released, where the conflict of the oppressed and the oppressors was transferred to the cosmic and metaphysical plane (detailed analysis of the film is on the channel). was transferred to the cosmic and metaphysical plane (there is detailed analysis of the film on the channel). The main character here also destroys the symbolic vertical, at the top of which is the alien conqueror, symbolizing, firstly, God, and secondly, the top of power in an authoritarian state. This is evidenced by the references to the French bourgeois revolution in the film (the book "The Tale of Two Cities" by Ch. Dickens). Unfortunately, ordinary viewers, so to speak, the "proletariat", seized by the shown picture of the revolutionary overthrow of the oppressors, naively think that the creators of the film are on their side, on the side of the "proletariat". And no one thinks that the purpose of the bourgeois revolution to which the reference is made is to remove obstacles to the development of capitalism. That is, in fact, the bourgeois revolution is the dismantling of an authoritarian state for the sake of promoting business interests. And it turns out that the creators of the film, through their references, speak quite directly about their interests in spreading the capitalist system. Professor Valentin Katasonov, a well-known Russian finance specialist, writes the following "At the first stage (after the bourgeois revolutions were committed), moneylenders became real "masters of money", as they received exclusive rights to the emission of money (this is the main goal of bourgeois revolutions). "At the second stage, banks completely usurp the functions of the state. "In order to speed up the process of dismantling the state, a variety of liberal ideas and theories are used, which are actively imposed on society through the system of mass media, education, and culture. This process is facilitated by films, like those we have considered, where the role of the state is diminished. All of the above is also confirmed by the fact that in recent years, media people have increasingly begun to talk about the need to abolish the state and national borders; about the abandonment of national identity. Alexander Bard, founder of Army of Lovers: "Today the nation is dead." It is amazing how easily Germany, which created the greatest culture, gave up its achievements. Sadhguru, who was invited by Herman Gref to the Economic Forum. It is interesting how two seemingly opposite worldviews reveal a point of identity: extreme individualism in postmodernism and the desire to abandon individuality in Hinduism have converged in a joint pathos of destruction of borders and dissolution in boundless nothing. Vadim Demchog, creator of Mr. Freeman "The state is a service." A postmodern man does not want to serve anyone, but wants to be served, so he wants to reduce everything to services, and the state to turn it into a brand. This video should be completed by revealing the meaning of the state. But for the sake of brevity, I will limit myself to the following analogy. For a living organism, the loss of integrity and disintegration into separate parts means death. A healthy body and those parts of it that have not yet been affected by the disease strive to preserve its integrity.
Long before dinosaurs existed, sharks roamed the waters. Few other species on Earth inspire so much respect ...and fear. Crusin' underwater, and they have these huge muscles, huge muscles. and so they see this thing kind of moving. They can see you in pitch blackness (blackness). And hear your heart pounding inside your chest (inside your chest). It's gonna do a lot of damage, even if it doesn't bite you (Even if it doesn't bite you). They can sniff out a drop of blood (sniff out a drop of blood). They can see you in pitch blackness. Crusin' underwater, and so they see this thing kind of moving (moving). WOOM! WOOM! Bam! WOOM! Bam! They get it! It's the bite of the Great White. (Bite of the Great White) It's almost a death blow without even biting it. Taking it by surprise, inflicting a massive bite. inflicting a massive bite (a massive bite). Great Whites can sense blood in the water, 3 miles away, and they don't keep us waiting long. And they don't keep us waiting long When the White Sharks want something, they really go hard to get it. If they wanted us, nobody would get away. Nobody would get away. Crusin' underwater, and they have these huge muscles, huge muscles. and so they see this thing kind of moving. WOOM! WOOM! Bam! WOOM! Bam! They get it! It's the bite of the Great White. It's almost a death blow without even biting it. (Bite of the Great White) WOOM! WOOM! Bam! WOOM! Bam! They get it! It's the bite of the Great White. It's almost a death blow without even biting it. We still have a lot to learn about these mysterious and misunderstood creatures. Scientists continue to unravel their secrets. Subtitles by the community
I think it was sent by Yu Zolin So what if it is? Liudan Mountain tonight It is where your Lord Yuyang is buried On your own Ghost doctor, please hand over the Shennong medical code Maybe General Yu could cut you some slack Spare your life So your purpose is the Shennong Medical Canon Cut the crap Be careful clearing Clear clear clear fall Qingluo wake up Wake up and clear down clearing What are you doing? What's the cure for He needs to catch his breath It has to be that way to get him air Well, you teach me Pinch the nose OK I'm not hurt What's wrong? worried No harm done Come on. Come on. What's wrong with Tong, Tong, Tong I think I sprained it when I fell down the ravine I hold you Let's go We'll spend the night in this cave I'll take care of your foot tomorrow Let's go back to the Night Mansion Here, give me your clothes and I'll bake them for you What's wrong? You hurt your shoulder Let me see You go to the fire I don't know if you'd take advantage of that Rest assured I'm not a boat Don't you laugh The more you laugh, the more you look like a rogue What are you doing? I used poison You have this sword here I'll help you heal If you find out somewhere along the way that I'm responsible What improper behavior Ready to do Kill me at any time What's wrong? Did I hit you too hard This little injury is nothing to go on with