තේරවිලි is a synonym of riddle.
deutschland is a synonym of ජර්මනිය.
🤵‍♂ is a symbol of මිනිසා.
මෝටර රිය is related to car.
👨‍🎤 is a symbol of තරුව.
merry christmas is a synonym of සුභ නත්තලක්.
කුඩාකම is derived from කුඩා.
බහු මාධ්‍යය is a synonym of multimedia.
විකිරණශීලීතාව is a synonym of radiation.
කොළොම්බස් දිනය is a synonym of columbus day.
මනෝ වෛද්‍ය is a synonym of psychiatrist.
සූදුරු is a synonym of cumin.
සාහිත්‍ය විචාරය is a synonym of literary criticism.
හයිඩ්‍රජන් is a synonym of hydrogen.
ද වයිල්ඩ් is a synonym of wild.
ආලෝකය is etymologically derived from आलोक.
television is a synonym of රූපවාහිනිය.
🛏 is a symbol of නින්ද.
ගින්දර is a synonym of fire.
රහතන් වහන්සේ is a synonym of arhat.
czech republic is a synonym of චෙක් ජනරජය.
ancient greece is a synonym of පුරාණ ග්‍රීසිය.
ප්‍රභාසංශ්ලේෂණය is derived from කර.
⚖ is a symbol of බර.
ඇල්කයින is a synonym of alkyne.
අණුක ක්ෂුද්‍ර ජීව විද්‍යාව is a synonym of molecular biology.
kasachstan is a synonym of කසක්ස්තානය.
සිංගප්පූරු ඩොලරය is a synonym of singapore dollar.
කැන්බරා is a synonym of canberra.
හිසරදය is a synonym of headache.
tiger is a synonym of කොටියා.
හින්දු බ‍්‍රහ්ම is a synonym of brahma.
🤺 is a symbol of කඩුව.
නීතිය is a synonym of law.
අණුව is etymologically derived from अणु.
ගම is a synonym of village.
තිරසාර සංවර්ධනය is a synonym of sustainable development.
සෙවුම් යන්ත්‍රය is a synonym of search engine.
භාෂාව is etymologically related to भाषा.
yemen is a synonym of යේමනය.
කිරි දත් is a synonym of deciduous teeth.
භූගෝලීය තොරතුරු පද්ධති is a synonym of geographic information system.
රෝග is a synonym of disease.
රෙදිපිළි is a synonym of textile.
සෙම්ප්‍රතිශ්‍යාව is a synonym of common cold.
ඉන්දීය නිදහස් දිනය is a synonym of independence day.
අම්මා is related to mother.
ඩම්බෝ is a synonym of dumbo.
අඩුව පවතිනවා is related to want.
ස්වාධිපත්‍යය is a synonym of sovereignty.
යනවා is related to aller.
වොෂින්ටන් is a synonym of washington.
පැස්බරා is a synonym of ostrich.
පලිබෝධනාශක is a synonym of pesticide.
මන්තර is a synonym of mantra.
අනන්තය is a synonym of infinity.
taiwan is a synonym of තායිවානය.
ඇස්කේරියාසිස් is a synonym of ascariasis.
💌 is a symbol of ආදරය.
bodhisattva is a synonym of බෝධිසත්ත්‍ව.
කහ is related to yellow.
බෙත්ලෙහෙමේ‍ තරුව is a synonym of star of bethlehem.
සිරියාව is a synonym of syria.
නිදහස් මෘදුකාංග is a synonym of free software.
අල is a synonym of dioscorea.
චිලි ජනරජය is a synonym of chile.
ටයිකොන්ඩෝ සටන් ක්‍රමය is a synonym of taekwondo.
door is a synonym of දොර.
දර්ශනය is a synonym of philosophy.
ඇල්බට්‍ අයින්ස්ටයින් is a synonym of albert einstein.
අගනුවර is a synonym of capital city.
බංග්‍රා නැටුම් is a synonym of bhangra.
ආගමන නීතිය is a synonym of immigration law.
☔ is a symbol of වැස්ස.
ළමා වෛද්‍යවේදය is a synonym of pediatrics.
mona lisa is a synonym of මොනාලිසා.
މިޔަރު is etymologically related to මෝරා.
යටඇඳුම් is a synonym of undergarment.
උද්භිද විද්‍යාව is a synonym of botany.
tier is a synonym of සත්‍තු.
ෆෙර්මගේ අවසාන ප්‍රමේයය is a synonym of fermat's last theorem.
🌬 is a symbol of මුහුණ.
පාන් is related to bread.
සින්ක් ඔක්සයිඩ් is a synonym of zinc oxide.
සිකුරාදා is etymologically derived from शुक्र.
gene is a synonym of ජාන.
එඩ්වින් ඕල්ඩ්‍රින් is a synonym of buzz aldrin.
ප්‍රත්‍යාස්ථතා මාපාංකය is a synonym of elastic modulus.
jamaica is a synonym of ජැමෙයිකාව.
zimbabwe is a synonym of සිම්බාබ්වේ.
milk is a synonym of කිරි.
මහජන සෞඛ්‍යය is a synonym of public health.
ඇන්ඩ්‍රොමීඩා චක්‍රාවාටය is a synonym of andromeda galaxy.
sport is a synonym of ක්‍රීඩා.
ටෙරාකොටා හමුදාව is a synonym of terracotta army.
නවකතා is a synonym of novel.
මල් is a synonym of flower.
කැල්සියම් කාබයිඩ් is a synonym of calcium carbide.
ඇමරිකානු විප්ලවීය යුද්ධය is a synonym of american revolutionary war.
ශිෂ්නය is a synonym of penis.