අභිලාශ අතර ගැටුම is a synonym of conflict of interest.
giraffe is a synonym of ජිරාෆ්.
පාපැදි is a synonym of bicycle.
රුක්අත්තන is a synonym of alstonia scholaris.
රොකට් යානය is a synonym of rocket.
est is a synonym of නැගෙනහිර.
නව දිල්ලිය is a synonym of new delhi.
🏖 is a symbol of කුඩය.
farmer is a synonym of ගමරාළ.
🤶 is a symbol of අම්මා.
රුසියානු සෝවියට් සන්ධීය සමාජවාදී සමූහාණ්ඩුව is a synonym of russian soviet federative socialist republic.
එවරස්ට් කන්ද is a synonym of mount everest.
හුණු ගල් is a synonym of limestone.
ඩෙංගු is a synonym of dengue fever.
ඔපෙරා is a synonym of opera.
📗 is a symbol of කොළ.
කණක is a synonym of chrysoberyl.
🍨 is a symbol of අයිස්.
👁 is a symbol of ඇස.
වලසා is related to bear.
march is a synonym of මාර්තු.
හැලීගේ ධූම කේතුව is a synonym of halley's comet.
universe is a synonym of විශ්වය.
නයිට්‍රික් අම්ලය is related to acide nitrique.
හැරී පොටර් is a synonym of harry potter.
කාලගුණ අනාවැකි කීම is a synonym of weather forecasting.
බෙලීස් is a synonym of belize.
අයිස්ලන්තය is a synonym of iceland.
ඔරු පැදීමේ ක්‍රීඩාව is a synonym of rowing.
එනවා is related to come.
සලාද is a synonym of lettuce.
භාරත් is a synonym of ඉන්දියාව.
සෙල්ලම් බඩු is a synonym of toy.
තාපය ගමන් කිරීම is a synonym of heat transfer.
🥄 is a symbol of හැන්ද.
transistor is a synonym of ට්‍රාන්සිස්ටර.
🌗 is a symbol of අභ්‍යවකාශය.
ගිනිබොකු තෝර is a synonym of andalusite.
cyprus is a synonym of සයිප්‍රස්.
🐍 is a symbol of සර්පයා.
පාචනය is a synonym of diarrhea.
ගබ්සාව is a synonym of abortion.
එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානය is a synonym of united nations.
year is a synonym of අවුරුද්‍ද.
බැංගලෝර් is a synonym of bangalore.
ඩී.ඩී.ටී is related to dichlorodiphényltrichloroéthane.
පාට is a synonym of color.
🧑‍🏫 is a symbol of ගුරුවරයා.
ෆ්‍රැන්සිස් ස්කොට් කී is a synonym of francis scott key.
little is a synonym of කුඩා.
අංක is etymologically derived from अंक.
ගැලීලියානු චන්ද්‍රයින් is a synonym of galilean moons.
ගෘහ නිර්මාණ ශිල්පියා is a synonym of architect.
කුඩය is a synonym of umbrella.
යුනෙස්කෝ ලෝක ‍ උරුම අඩවි is a synonym of world heritage site.
🗼 is a symbol of ටෝකියෝ.
ගයනවා is related to sing.
♒ is a symbol of වතුර.
උරුගුවායි is a synonym of uruguay.
සියළු සාන්තුවරයන්ගේ දිනය is a synonym of all saints day.
🐀 is a symbol of මීයා.
🤼‍♂ is a symbol of මල්ලව පොර.
මිනිස් දත් is a synonym of human tooth.
යුගාරම්භය is a synonym of epoch.
delhi is a synonym of දිල්ලිය.
කොස්ස is related to broom.
කාබනික ද්‍රව්‍යවල ලක්ෂණ is a synonym of organic chemistry.
යටත්විජිතවාදය is a synonym of colonialism.
කියුරියෝසිටි is a synonym of curiosity.
ගමරාළ is related to farmer.
ගුහා සිතුවම් is related to art pariétal.
tooth is a synonym of දත.
නගනය is a synonym of stye.
bridge is a synonym of පාලම.
පරිසර දූෂණය is a synonym of pollution.
වැලි කඳු is a synonym of dune.
🍦 is a symbol of අයිස්.
වර්සේල්ස් ගිවිසුම is a synonym of treaty of versailles.
ඩයිනසෝරයෝ is a synonym of dinosaur.
organisation des nations unies is a synonym of එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ සංවිධානය.
ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාව is a synonym of english language.
සාමය is a synonym of peace.
මුහුද is etymologically derived from समुद्र.
ඉල්ලාගත් වචන is a synonym of loanword.
ගරිල්ලා යුධ වැදීම් is a synonym of guerrilla warfare.
බත් is etymologically related to ભાત.
පවුල is a synonym of family.
japan is a synonym of ජපානය.
germany is a synonym of ජර්මනිය.
නවීන විද්‍යාවට අනුකූල නොවන දැණුම සහ ශිල්ප is a synonym of pseudoscience.
lakh is a synonym of ලක්ෂය.
එක්සත් ජාතීන්ගේ දිනය is a synonym of united nations day.
😍 is a symbol of මුහුණ.
විද්‍යුත් තැපෑල is a synonym of email.
volcano is a synonym of ගිනි කඳු.
දුව is related to daughter.
කරත්තය is etymologically related to carreta.
ඛනිජ තෙල් is a synonym of petroleum.
කැරට් is a synonym of daucus carota.
gold translations is a synonym of රන්.