Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
django importerror no module named views
pa hrefhttpistackimgurcom5lnxdpng relnofollowerrora you are getting is selfexplanatoryp pit seems you have installed wrong package you have installed a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypiwkhtmltopdf01 relnofollowwkhtmltopdfa package which has no module named view thats why you are getting a hrefhttpistackimgurcom5lnxdpng relnofollowerrora no module named viewsp pthe correct package is a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypidjangowkhtmltopdf relnofollowdjangowkhtmltopdfa which has module named viewp puninstall a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypiwkhtmltopdf01 relnofollowwkhtmltopdfa and install a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypidjangowkhtmltopdf relnofollowdjangowkhtmltopdfa you can find installation and setup instruction for djangowkhtmltopdf a hrefhttpdjangowkhtmltopdfreadthedocsorgenlatest relnofollowhereap precode1pip uninstall wkhtmltopdf 2pip install djangowkhtmltopdf codepre pdont forget to put codewkhtmltopdfcode in installedappsp precodeinstalledapps wkhtmltopdf codepre
combining two queryset into a template tag
pyou would want to create a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomendevhowtocustomtemplatetagsassignmenttags relnofollowcodeassignmenttagcodea rather than a generic tag so you can update your tag asp precodedef getcampaign your stuff return campaignarticle registerassignmenttaggetcampaign namecampaign codepre pand update template asp precode load campaignarticle campaign as campaignlist loads the tags and creates campaignlist context variable for campaignarticle in campaignlist campaignarticleid endfor codepre
override getinstance importexport django
pbasically you need to define custom codeinstanceloadercode class in your resource inner codemetacode classp precodeclass bookresourceresourcesmodelresource class meta model book fields id name price instanceloaderclass mycustominstanceloaderclass class mycustominstanceloaderclassbaseinstanceloader def getinstanceself row your implementation here codepre psomething like this should help youp
parse args to json elements in python
pyour example suggest you want to codejoincode the arguments you can convert any list into a single string by merging with a separatorp precodeargs foo bar hold the mustard print joinargs codepre pso to get your list codearg1 arg2code etc join them with the separator and insert emthatem into your templatep precodenamex s joinargs codepre pnote how codecode allows you to skip escaping each codecode in your example this would look likep precodeparams blockx namex s joinargs codepre pplease keep in mind that you are putting a string representation of a json into a json this is perhaps not the right thing to do a proper api would expect just a single json in which case you can dump codeargscode directlyp precodeparams blockx namex args codepre
running python code from php
pyou are looking for readline or stdin streamp pwith a hrefhttpphpnetmanualesfeaturescommandlineiostreamsphp relnofollowphpstdinap precodefp fopenphpstdinr line rtrimfgetsfp 1024 codepre pwith a hrefhttpphpnetmanualesbookreadlinephp relnofollowreadlineap precodeline readlinecommand codepre
background extraction in python using open cv
pwhy are you using these linesp precodethresh cvcreateimagecvgetsizeimg81 codepre pandp precodecvthresholdimgthresh100255cvcvthreshbinary codepre pp
xgoogle google search return top url
ptry this to get the urls from googlep precodefrom google import search for url in searchput your search query here stop15 printurl codepre pyou can limit the no of urls by using stopany no you wantp pdo reply if it worked for youp pregards sourabhp
is it safe to create an instance of a class in its metaclass in python
blockquote pone suspicion i have is that if foo inherited other classes or was subclassed and those other classes had their own metaclass then calling cls in any of the metaclass methods would be calling it on a notyetfinished class object is that truep blockquote pthat is true to the extent that in the metaclasss codenewcode its codeinitcode wont have been called yet your metaclass has an codeinitcode as might any subclass so you should make sure that gets called first so i wouldnt try to make an instance of a class that hasnt been fully instantiated yetp pone thing you might do is manually call the metaclasss codeinitcode from within codenewcode but you would have to set a flag or something in codeinitcode to make sure that the class doesnt get codeinitcoded twice there might be a more clever way too that im not thinking of at the momentp
what is the right way to print fibonacci sequence in python
pthe first one always try to update a with b and next one makes b as 2bp pthe second performs all updates at once so you should be able to execute it fine instead to have a first method you can go as followsp precode for i in rangen printb bab aba codepre
python 27x generators to return indexes of falses in a boolean list
pthis is your list with indexes code0true 1false 2true 3falsecode now codebooleanlistindexcode searches for the first codefalsecode in the list and returns the index which of course is always 1p pyou mistakengly think that codefor element in booleanlistcode somehow exhausting the codebooleanlistcode but it is notp pyou need to use ranged codeforcode insteadp precodedef cursorbooleanlist for index in range0 lenbooleanlist if booleanlistindex is false yield index testlist true false true false g cursortestlist print gnext print gnext print gnext codepre
strategies for storing frequency of dynamic data
ptry to do hack on client side in recording email attempt to a log file then you can read that file to count frequency of emails sentp pi think that you can put data in memory in dict for some time say for ex 5 or 10 min then you can send data to db thus not putting load on db of frequent writes if you put a check in your code for sudden surge in email from a particular domain then it might provide you a solution for your problemp
error help tuple object has no attribute getx
ppointsetnn returns a tuple so nn is tuple set herep precode for xy in selfgetpoints if querydistpointx y lt count count querydistpointx y trace x y trace is a tuple return trace codepre pchange top precodetrace pointx y codepre pand pointsetgetpoints returns a list of tuplesp precode return ix iy for i in selflist codepre pchange top precodereturn selflist codepre pthough this seems intentional since selflist in pointset is already a list of points are you sure you want them to be pointsp
how can i unpack four variables from a list
precodevarlist 1 king t 1 for ijkl in zipitervarlist4 print ijkl 1 king t 1 codepre pthe 4 is the amount of elements you want if you had a list like codevarlist1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910codep pit will zip four elements in a step of 4 giving the outputp precode1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 codepre pthe elements in your list must be a multiple of the variables you are assigning them to or you will not get all the elements as shown in the ouput abovep
how to add indexes to txt file output and then modify lines using indexes python
precodeh filedbtxt r lines hreadsplitn hclose for index line in enumeratelines print index line codepre
how do i run a python script using an already running blender
pmy solution was to launch blender via console with a python script blender python scriptpy that contains a while loop and creates a server socket to receive requests to process some specific code the loop will prevent blender from opening the gui and the socket will handle the multiple requests inside the same blender processp
shift indented code to the left remove leading tabs
pselect the text you want to indent and press p p1 strongctrl strong to remove one tab space from beginning of each line and p p2 strongctrl strong to add one tab in each lines beginningp pnot tested for all versions but works for sublime text 2p
statsmodels 050 having trouble with tab completion in ipython
pim not sure what this question means what have you done so far what do you expect to happen im going to go out on a limb and say that maybe you got the import wrong it should bep precodeimport statsmodelsapi as sm codepre
having all my scores and names in one big array
pyou need to initialize your array outside of your loopp precodenamearr while intstudentsgtintstudent name input what is your name score input what is your score student student 1 namearrappendname namearrappendscore printnamearr codepre potherwise you just set it back to an empty list every loopp
using multithreading to process an image faster on python
ptake a look at a hrefhttpblogdoughellmanncom200904pymotwmultiprocessingpart1html relnofollowdoug hellmans tutoriala on multiprocessing as bjrn points out there are various issues regarding parallel processing which youll need to get a hang of but it can really be worth the effortp ptip you can use a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarymultiprocessinghtmlmultiprocessingcpucount relnofollowmultiprocessingcpucounta to check the number of cores available to youp
how to accept a json post
pfirstly dont use a python script that prints out result directly to cgi you will be forever debugging itp puse a light weight framework like flask you can do something as simple as p precodefrom flask import flask application flaskname applicationroute methodsget post def index if requestmethod post use flasks build in json decoder thedata requestgetjson then do something with the data return this was a post request how interesting else request was get rather than post so do something with else return hello world codepre psee how to configure flask to run with lighttpd here a hrefhttpflaskpocooorgdocsdeployingfastcgi relnofollowhttpflaskpocooorgdocsdeployingfastcgiap pif you want to test this you can either write another python script to send json data to your server i recommend looking at the python requests library for this a hrefhttpwwwpythonrequestsorgenlatest relnofollowhttpwwwpythonrequestsorgenlatesta or you can do this manually using a http request builder such as httprequester for firefox a hrefhttpsaddonsmozillaorgenusfirefoxaddonhttprequester relnofollowhttpsaddonsmozillaorgenusfirefoxaddonhttprequesterap
classifier predictions are unreliable is that because my gmm classifier is not trained correctly
pfor classification tasks its important to tune parameter given to the classifier also a large number of classification algorithm follow chose theory witch means if you change some parameter of the model briefly you may get some huge different results also its important to use different algorithms and not just use one algorithm for all classification tasksp pfor this problem you can try different classification algorithm to test that your data is good and try different parameter with different values for each classifier then you can determined that where is the problemp pone alternative way is to use grid search to explore and tune best parameter for specific classifier read this a hrefhttpscikitlearnorgstablemodulesgridsearchhtml relnofollowhttpscikitlearnorgstablemodulesgridsearchhtmlap
updating list with a for loop
pits because of you have a list comprehension inside the loop and python calculate your desire list in first loop so the length of list is code4code instead you can use the following code p precodegtgtgt l gtgtgt for i in list if i2 lt 25 lappendi printlenl i 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 gtgtgt l 1 2 3 4 codepre
dealing with the tkinter text widgets indexing system
precodedef afterperiodnumber return intstrnumberpartition2 codepre
how to merge the elements in a list sequentially in python
pjust one line of code is enough p precodea abcd output ai ai1 for i in xrangelena if i lt lena1 print output codepre
any python libs for parsing apache config files
pzconfig i think used to ship with a schema for parsing apache configuration files it doesnt seem to anymore but its oriented around parsing those types of files and turning the config into a python object a quick glance at the documentation suggests it wouldnt be too hard to set up a zconfig schema corresponding to whatever apache options youd like to parse and validatep pa hrefhttppypipythonorgpypizconfig260 relnofollowhttppypipythonorgpypizconfig260ap
how to write a mutlicolumn file in python
pi think codepprintcode is your wayp precodegtgtgt import pprint gtgtgt pprintdoc support to prettyprint lists tuples amp dictionaries recursivelynnvery simp le but useful especially in debugging data structuresnnclassesnnn prettyprintern handle prettyprinting operations onto a stream using a con figuredn set of formatting parametersnnfunctionsnnnpformat n format a python object into a prettyprinted representationnnpprintn prettyprint a python object to a stream default is sysstdoutnnsaferepr n generate a standard reprlike value but protect against recursiven data structuresnn gtgtgt codepre
how do i efficiently replace the last line in a string
pi would suggest this approachp precodegtgtgt x test1 test2 test3 gtgtgt print njoinxsplitlines1something else test1 test2 something else gtgtgt codepre
more pythonic way to iterate in numpy
pi like list comprehensionsp precodek x y for x y in zipsomearray someotherarray codepre pothers like codemapcodep precodemap lambda x y xy zipsomearray someotherarray codepre pwill multiply two arrays and return you a list or generator of course you there are other ways of doing that particular task in numpy if you want to convert it back to an array you can do p pk array x y for x y in zipsomearray someotherarray p
simple python number generation
pwhy to loop twice we know codestrncode give n times strp precodegtgtgt for x in range10 printstrx 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 codepre pdemop precodegtgtgt a5 aaaaa gtgtgt a10 aaaaaaaaaa gtgtgt hello10 hellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohellohello gtgtgt 910 9999999999 codepre
convert hex string to int in python
pwith 0x prefix you might also use eval functionp pfor examplep precodegtgta0xff gtgtevala 255 codepre
giving parameters into testcase from suite in python
pi dont believe so the signature for setup needs to be what unittest is expecting afaik setup is automagically called within the testcases run method as setup youre not going to be able to pass it unless you override run to pass in the var you want but i think what you want defeats the purpose of strongunitstrong testing dont try to use a dry philosophy with this each unit youre testing should be a part of a class or even part of a functionmethod p
how to be able to avoid a browser refreshing a page after a http post request has been sent in pythoncgi
pa common way to do this is to store the pending messages for a given user on the server associated with that users session and to display them the next time you deliver a page to that userp psuch messages are often called flash messages nothing to do with adobe flash or session messagesp psee a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomendevrefcontribmessages relnofollowthe django documentationa for an idea of how you would do this in djangop
best way to constantly request http data
pi think i found the problem i needed to keep an open http session that way i get the data more continuously whats the best way of doing this i did http requestssession and using requests nowp
how to istall opencv in epd
plinux has a number of interfaces to opencv have you tried a hrefhttpdocsopencvorgdoctutorialsintroductionlinuxinstalllinuxinstallhtml relnofollowhttpdocsopencvorgdoctutorialsintroductionlinuxinstalllinuxinstallhtmla or a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions13381574opencv243andpythonopencv 243 and pythonap
python remove tag and replace u00a0 in json file
pstart with the python a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3libraryjsonhtml relnofollowcodejsoncode modulea that will allow you to read and write the json string into python data structures then use the normal python tools to process the datap pto process the html look at a hrefhttpwwwcrummycomsoftwarebeautifulsoup relnofollowbeautiful soupap
php can run the python programm from php shell but not on the webbrowserubuntu
pthe linux user used to run php web server and php cli are probably different try to change the permissions of py if you can execute after that you got your answerp precodechmod 0777 homeadministratordesktoptestpy codepre
python lib psutil how to get exit status with wait
pafter going back and forth on a few comments i suspect youre actually looking to do something like thisp pin your main program fire and forget some background processes but later in the same program whenever each of those processes actually finishes run some code that gets access to the processs return code and maybe outputp hr pheres an example that does that by using a watcher thread for each background processp precodeimport subprocess import threading def doitarglist callback def threadfunc p subprocesspopenarglist stdoutsubprocesspipe stderrsubprocesspipe out err pcommunicate callbackout err preturncode t threadingthreadtargetthreadfunc tstart codepre hr pthis has two obvious limitations but ultimately theyre the exact same multiplexing problems you deal with when trying to eg talk to lots of machines over the internet at the same time and they have the same solutionsp pfirst having hundreds of threads is bad theyre not emdoingem anything but they still have big stacks that eat up your virtual memory space especially bad in 32bit python and take up space in the kernel scheduler table especially bad in older unixes fortunately if you dont care about windows you can get around that the same way you do with network code toss the subprocess pipes into a codeselectcode or codepollcode loop or if you emdoem care about windows or just dont want to write your own codeselectcode loop find a framework that does all the heavy lifting for you if you a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypi3aactionsearchamptermsubprocessampsubmitsearch relnofollowsearch pypi for subprocessa you will find some options specific to codesubprocesscode if youre already using an eventdriven network or gui framework like twisted or qt it may well have its own way to do this built in eg see a hrefhttptwistedmatrixcomdocumentscurrentcorehowtoprocesshtml relnofollowusing processesa for twistedp psecond your codecallbackcode gets called in some arbitrary background thread and has no way to propagate a return value or exception to the rest of your code except by mutating some shared value which means youre now dealing with all the usual headaches of shareddata threading even though you never asked to do so all of the usual ways to improve that situationcodequeuecode codeconcurrentfuturescode etcapply here as wellp hr pof course if youre lucky you only have a dozen or so processes running at a time so the first problem isnt a problem and all you want to do in the callback is say to print or log some data (so the second problem isn't a problem).</p>
unable to open a connection to postgresql from python3
pyou can also use another module psycopg2 to connect to postgresqlp pa hrefhttpinitdorgpsycopgdownload relnofollowhttpinitdorgpsycopgdownloadap
practical point of view why would i want to use python with c
pone nice thing about using a scripting language is that you can reload new code into the application without quitting the app then making changes recompile and then relaunching the app when people talk about quicker development times some of that refers to this capability a downside of using a scripting languages is that their debuggers are usually not as fully featured as what you would have in c i havent done any python programming so i dont know what the features are of its debugger if it has one at allp pthis answer doesnt exactly answer what you asked but i thought it was relevant the answer is more the procons of using a scripting language please dont flame me p
python script for mastermind solving stops unexpectedly also gives error after increasing range
pas i understand it from your code you call function rungame from function restartgame and if p precodeif timesdone lt timesuntil codepre pyou call restartgame from rungame therefore if timesuntil variable exceed certain value you get maximum recursion depth exceeded error you get a sequence of nested calls of the formp precoderungame restartgame rungame restartgame codepre pto increase the maximum recursion depth you could use syssetrecursionlimit function but a far better solution would be to rewrite your code in such a way to get rid of recursionp
writing list to a file in python
pyoure not explaining properly and your question frankly is not an explicit question but a code writing request which is against stackoverflows policy so here is what you get p pcodecontentscode with include a list of every line each row of this list will include 4 lists separating your datap precodewith openfiletxt r as file contents linesplit for line in file codepre pthen you can modify codecontentsindexnum alteredvaluecode or add codecontentsappendnewvaluecode whatever it is you want to modify or add and write it back to file like sop precodewith openfiletxt w as file for item in contents printitem filefile codepre pthis is a quick fixp
pandas readtable with multiple column definitions
pfull script that spits out a dataframe with the information i want the monkey business with updating and dropping columns is necessary to keep the composite index coderetvalmergedset howoutercode give the same columns but an integer indexp precodefrom subprocess import checkoutput import numpy as np import pandas as pd from itertools import cycle fname foo headerrows intssplitb0 for s in checkoutputgrep on fnamesplit subtract one because header column is read separately limiters rangea b1 for a b in zipheaderrows1 headerrows1 limiters cycletrue nameses t diagnostic1 diagnostic2 t diagnostic1 diagnostic3 t diagnostic2 diagnostic3 with openfname r as fobj for names limit in zipnameses limiters line fobjreadline dset pddataframenploadtxtline for i line in ziplimit fobj columnsnames dsetsetindext inplacetrue if the return value already exists merge in the new dataset try retval retvalmergedset howouter leftindextrue rightindextrue suffixes for col in c for c in retvalcolumns if not cendswith upd joincol try retvalcolupdateretvalupd retvaldropupd axis1 inplacetrue except keyerror pass except nameerror retval dset printretval codepre
odoo file upload with browser open file dialog
pyou need to implement a custom widget for this object buttons trigger actions in server side not client sidep
interactive nonblocking subprocesspopen script without using communicate or pexpect
blockquote pa why does it blockp blockquote pit blocks because thats what codereadcode does it reads all of the bytes until an endoffile indication since the process never indicates end of file the codereadcode never returnsp blockquote pb how may i massage this slightly emphasis on slightly so that it will run without blockingp blockquote pone thing to do is to cause the process to indicate end of file a small change is to cause the subprocess to exitp precodeprocstdinwritels lashtr exitn codepre
do nothing if rss feed hasnt changed
pthere are a number of different approaches you could take the easiest is probably to keep a unique key or hash of the most recent article acquired for each feed that your program deals with this could be a combination of the article title amp date or even an md5sum of the entire contents of the articlep pyou could then write this data to an xml state file for your script or use something like a hrefhttpdocspythonorgrelease25libmodulecpicklehtml relnofollowcpicklea to save the data then every time your program runs only retrieve the feed articles that are the most recent checking each against your latest article hash from the last runp pand of course dont forget to update your most recent article feed hash before your script exitsp pif your script deals with multiple feeds youll have to store one of these latest article hash items per feedp
what exactly does the page 1 mean here builderror mainuserprofile page 1 none
pit means that it cannot find an function thats called userprofileif you are using codeurlforcode in your main blueprint and this function should take a parameter called page for example like thisp precodewebappapprouteerrorslogltintpagegt methodsget post flaskloginloginrequired def errorslogpage codepre
iterate over a file in a growing folder in python
pi would use python codesetcodes to build a list of files youve already processed and then cycle through the directory some number of times until you are comfortable that you have seen all of the current batch of filesp psomething likep precode usrbinenv python import os import time processed set tripswithnochange 0 timetoletwritercatchup 2 maxnumberoftrips 10 while tripswithnochange lt maxnumberoftrips for rootdirsfiles in oswalk candidates setfiles remove the files already visited from consideration candidatesdifferenceupdateprocessed if lencandidates 0 tripswithnochange 1 continue for f in candidates process file pass processedupdatecandidates timesleeptimetoletwritercatchup codepre pthere are several codemagiccode numbers in this approach that you will need to tune until you are confident that all the files are processed specificallyp ul litripswithnochangeli litimetoletwritercatchupli limaxnumberoftripsli ul pmaybe this will give you some ideasp
sort list by member variables correctly
pas per zehnpaard a hrefhttpnedbatcheldercomblog200712htmle20071211t054956 relnofollowhttpnedbatcheldercomblog200712htmle20071211t054956a a hrefhttpblogcodinghorrorcomsortingforhumansnaturalsortorder relnofollowhttpblogcodinghorrorcomsortingforhumansnaturalsortorderap pand blivetwidge a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions4836710doespythonhaveabuiltinfunctionforstringnaturalsortdoes python have a built in function for string natural sortap
how to make crossdomain ajax calls with csrf token
pi am doing this on my javascript initialization for a page i want to do ajax posts with djangop precodedocumentajaxsendfunctionevent xhr settings function sameoriginurl url could be relative or scheme relative or absolute var host documentlocationhost host port var protocol documentlocationprotocol var srorigin host var origin protocol srorigin allow absolute or scheme relative urls to same origin return url origin urlslice0 originlength 1 origin url srorigin urlslice0 sroriginlength 1 srorigin or any other url that isnt scheme relative or absolute ie relative httphttpstesturl function safemethodmethod return getheadoptionstracetestmethod if safemethodsettingstype ampamp sameoriginsettingsurl xhrsetrequestheaderxcsrftoken csrftoken codepre pi dont remember where ive found it however after using it i can do ajax posts like thisp precodepost url foo datamyjson functiondata ifdataresultok windowlocationreplace url bar else alertdata err errorfunction alertajax error ); </code></pre>
increment the next element based on previous element
ptry using index of current element to check for the next element in the list replace p precodeif i1b codepre pwithp precodeif ccindexi1b codepre
sending mail by unauthorised sender in google appengine
passuming mydomaincom is registered as a google domain account try adding sendermydomaincom with the role developer in the permissions section of the app engine admin console a hrefhttpsappenginegooglecompermissionsampappidsyourapp relnofollowhttpsappenginegooglecompermissionsampappidsyourappa replace yourapp with your apps idp pfor more information see a hrefhttpscloudgooglecomappenginedocspythonmailsendingmail relnofollowhttpscloudgooglecomappenginedocspythonmailsendingmailap
what is the best way to get all the divisors of a number
pold question but here is my takep precodedef divsn m if m 1 return 1 if n m 0 return m divsn m 1 return divsn m 1 codepre pyou can proxy withp precodedef divisorgeneratorn for x in reverseddivsn n yield x codepre pnote for languages that support this could be tail recursivep
how to separate numbers into digits and store them in a list
pmaybe these can solve your problemp precodes 123 456 7 8 def digitsfromstrstring return x if x else 0 for x in string if x n print digitsfromstrs codepre
how do i check if a sub string exist in a list nested in a dictionary
pyou need to test against each string in the list separatelyp precodex hello im bob hello im gabe for i s in enumeratex if gabe in s print index i codepre
how to label certain x values
pit depends somewhat on whether youre using the procedural matlablike or objectoriented interface in either case say you wanted to label code1code code25code and code4code with codeacode codebcode and codeccode with the procdeual interface you could callp precodepltxticks1 25 4 a b c codepre pin the latter case you would dop precodeax pltgca axsetxticks1 25 4 axsetxticklabelsa b c codepre por in one stepp precodeax pltgca axsetxticks1 25 4 xticklabelsa b c codepre
proxy server for selenium and python
pi dont think plugins are a very good solution certainly not when there are pure http solutions that work the same across all browsers versions and operating systemsp pyou could use this a hrefhttpsgithubcomautomatedtesterbrowsermobproxypy relnofollowpython wrappera for a hrefhttpsgithubcomlightbodybrowsermobproxy relnofollowbrowsermoba which is a very wellknown standalone or embedded proxy server written in javap pthe a hrefhttpsgithubcomautomatedtesterbrowsermobproxypyblobmasterbrowsermobproxyclientpyl181 relnofollowcodea shows how the codeheaderscode python method can be used to add headers without the need to post to the rest api the tests have a hrefhttpsgithubcomautomatedtesterbrowsermobproxypyblobmastertesttestclientpy relnofollowsome examplesa of it in use egp precodeselfclient clientlocalhost9090 selfclientheadersuseragent rubber ducks floating in a row selfclientheadersauthorization basic dxnlcjpwyxnz user user password pass codepre pstrongupdatestrongp pjust to clarify how the webdriver and the proxy fit togetherp ul listart your proxy server first and wait until its ready you can do that externally and pass hostport to webdriver or start it embedded in your application then pass webdriver a codeproxycode objectli lia hrefhttpsgithubcomautomatedtesterbrowsermobproxypyhowtousewithseleniumwebdriver relnofollowthis examplea demonstrates the second approach using firefox profiles and chrome optionsli lialternatively start the proxy embedded use it to obtain a codeproxycode object which represents a selenium proxy server then add it to your codedesiredcapabilitiescode object and create your driver that way as per a hrefhttps//" rel="nofollow">this example</a>.</li> </ul> <p>from that point on, the proxy-listening is automatic, and you can start to create your har files.</p> <hr> <p>alternatively, you could see <a href="">this answer</a> for a custom python proxy server using twisted.</p> <p>i have a longer answer about selenium proxies in python <a href="">here</a>.</p>
django app discovery issue in settings file how to solve
pyou are importing codecode from codelocalsettingscode and codeproductionsettingscode after you imported from codesettingstemplatecode so your codeinstalledappscode is getting overwritten somewhere p pthe idea about environment separation is that you put the common settings in one file in your case codesettingstemplatecode and then only add the environment specific settings in codelocalsettingscode and codeproductionsettingscode p palso you probably dont want to import both production and local settings directly into the settings you should import from local file when youre in local environment and from production file when in production environment p pits a good practice to put everything in codesettingspycode and then import from either local or production instead of creating 3 files like you did p
importerror when importing flask wtf forms
plooks like you installed only wtf not codeflaskwtfcode extensionp pto install codeflaskwtfcode codepip install flaskwtfcodep
looking for foreignkey active and add to queryset
pyou are getting errors from what youve attempted because codeannotatecode method needs an aggregate function eg codesumcode codecountcode etc rather than a codeqcode objectp psince django 17 its possible to do what you want using codeprefetchrelatedcode see docs here a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen18refmodelsquerysetsdjangodbmodelsprefetch relnofollowhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen18refmodelsquerysetsdjangodbmodelsprefetchap precodedevicesetobjectsprefetchrelated prefetchcontrolset querysetcontrolobjectsfilteractivetrue toattrcontrol codepre
glasslab cluster library
pas far as i can see in the link you provided there is a setuppy file in the source packagep pso download the sources unzip them in a separate folder go to that folder and type p precodepython setuppy install codepre pyou will probably need the mingw gcc compiler free to make this runp phope this helps i have no windows systems anymore and can not test thisp
server logging in database or logfile
pjust in case you consider to tweak the standard python logger to log to a database this recipe might give you a head start a hrefhttpcodeactivestatecomrecipes498158 relnofollowlogging to a jabber accountap
modify python path for python3 only
pif you cant import time math modules that are in stdlib then your installation of python 3 is brokenp pwhen you run codepython setuppy installcode the files are installed in correct place for current python executable be it a system python or python from a virtualenv environment the same goes for codepipcodep pyou dont need to modify any paths just use an appropriate executablesp
counting function calls python
phow about as a decorator that maintains a global eww dict each function is a key fully qualified name and the value is the maximum number of calls to that function each time it executes the enclosed function it checks that the value 0 executes the function and decrements the countp pif you need it for just one function a less generic decorator could use a global var instead of a dict and checkexecutedecrement that value as abovep
kivy io and database communication possible
ptheoretically kivy supports all python packages so you can use codesqlitecode codesqlalchemycode to store it your data directly on the device or maybe even remote database with ssl tunnel for transporting sql more a hrefhttpcheparevcomkivysqlite relnofollowhereap
python after a certain if loop repeat a certain part of the code
pi think you should repeat whole this part while you dont get result you are expected forp precodewhile true a ceiqtgenericdialogitemsnonesave evaluationokcancel ret adoit if ret lt 0 break if cancel dialog will not proceed data analysis for i in agetvalues if istepbegin begin agetvaluei if istepend end agetvaluei if begin lt end break if everything is ok move out items2 items2appendtextitemtextstart timestep must be smaller than end timestep a ceiqtgenericdialogitems2noneerrorokcancel ret adoit if ret lt 0 break if cancel dialog will not proceed data analysis codepre
where do i add a scale factor to the essential matrix to produce a real world translation value
pi have the same problemi think the monocular camera may need a object known the 3d coordinatethat may help p
deleteview extension
pcodetypeselfcode will return your object actual class codepersondeleteviewcode not class where that code is located codebasedeleteviewmixincode so codesupercode will be launched in context of codepersondeleteviewcode that will cause to launch again post method from codebasedeleteviewmixincode and not as youre expecting from codedeleteviewcodep pjust hardcode your mixin class name in your codesupercode callp
make a request to download a video in python
pas a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomusers415143markmamark maa mentioned you can get it done without leaving the standard library by utilizing codeurllib2code i like to use a hrefhttpdocspythonrequestsorgenlatest relnofollowrequestsa so i cooked this upp precodeimport os import requests dumpdirectory ospathjoinosgetcwd mp3 if not ospathexistsdumpdirectory osmakedirsdumpdirectory def dumpmp3forresource payload api advanced format json video resource initialrequest requestsgethttpyoutubeinmp3comfetch paramspayload if initialrequeststatuscode 200 good to go downloadmp3atinitialrequest def downloadmp3atinitialrequest j initialrequestjson filename 0mp3formatjtitle r requestsgetjlink streamtrue with openospathjoindumpdirectory filename wb as f printdumping 0formatfilename for chunk in ritercontentchunksize1024 if chunk fwritechunk fflush codepre pits then trivial to iterate over a list of youtube video links and pass them into codedumpmp3forcode onebyonep precodefor video in httpwwwyoutubecomwatchvi62zjga8jom dumpmp3forvideo codepre
python csv search script
pthis script read codetestcsvcode file and parse it an write to codeoutputtxtcodep precodef opentestcsvr d s for line in f llinesplit if not l0 in d dl0l1rstrip sl0 else sl0strstrl1rstrip wopenoutputtxtw wwrite10s 10s 10srn idparentidatachment for i in dkeys wwrite10s 10s 10srn idisi fclose wclose codepre hr example pinputp precode1123 2456 1333 3 1asas 1333 000001sasa 1ss 1023265333 0221212 000001sasa2 000001sas4 codepre poutputp precodeid parentid atachment 000001 sasa sasa2sas4 1023265 333 1 123 333asas333ss 3 2 456 0221212 codepre
python game 2048 out of list index
pi did a quick debug and i was able to get a indexerror when calling move looking through you seem to expect selfcell to be populated but it only is ever populated through your reset function you may not see this if your ui module calls reset when initializingp pthere is a second indexerror then when the row and col are not the same number this as mentioned in the other answer is because your 2d array representation is col row not row col p pbelow is the printout of 4 6 which has 4 column and 6 row you likely just need to swap the two in your representationp precode0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 codepre pa potential improvement to your syntax but you can initiate your cells as such test with your usagep precodeselfcell 0 selfgridwidth for row in xrangeselfgridheight codepre plastly i believe you may get an indexerror in your newtile because python lists begin at the 0th element youll want to iter 0 through n1p precode for row in rangeselfgridheight1 for col in rangeselfgridwidth1 codepre
in the python google app engine how do i export all the entities of a model to a file in google storage for developers
pi know this is old but i posted an example of using the app engine mapper api dumping datastore data into cloud storage here a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions10966841googleappengineusingbigqueryondatastore1096990010969900google app engine using big query on datastoreap
zipfile module in python runtime problems
psee if this works any better at a minimum youll find out which file is failing and whyp precodeimport os import ospath from time import localtime from zipfile import zipfile zipdeflated def zipperzipfilename directory archive zipfilezipfilename w zipdeflated for root dirs files in oswalkdirectory for f in files path ospathjoinroot f try archivewritepath except valueerror err print error compressing s path s osstatpath print sstmtime print localtimesstmtime print strerr archiveclose if name main zipperfoozip codepre
why is my dynamodb throughput so high
pturns out that i was not calculating the required throughput correctly its not just based on the number of written items but on their sizes a single write unit per second is for 1kb of data so an item thats 2kb in size requires twice the throughput of an 1kb item most of my items are a lot bigger than 1kbp
new path is not reflected in python code
pi believe you have to use the file extension and no forward slash before the data folderp precodesnap1 nploadtxtdatamilli17txt codepre
reverse for home with arguments and keyword arguments not found
pi will suggest you to call url into your basehtml like p precodeltfootergt ltpgt lta href url home gthomeltagt ltpgt ltfootergt codepre pwrite url name without quotes p
storing images in db using django models
pyou can store image in strongbytea fieldstrong p pthe strongbytea data typestrong allows storage of binary strings a hrefhttpwwwpostgresqlorgdocs92staticdatatypebinaryhtml relnofollowpostgres documentation linkap pthe earlier version of django does not support bytea field so i have been using this library called a hrefhttpsgithubcomniwibedjormextpgbytea relnofollowdjormextpgbyteaa p
how do i merge dictionaries together using weights
palgorithmically indistinguishable from a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions6701358howdoimergedictionariestogetherusingweights67017476701747gnibblersa but somehow the generator expression pleases me p precodegtgtgt from collections import defaultdict gtgtgt weights values defaultdictint defaultdictint gtgtgt keyweightvalue key dweight value for d in alldictionaries for key value in ddataiteritems gtgtgt for k w v in keyweightvalue weightsk valuesk weightsk w valuesk w v gtgtgt dictk valuesk 10 weightsk for k in weights apples 50 oranges 70 bananas 30 codepre
user input concentric circles
precodeimport turtle import random num intinputhow many circles radius intinputradius move to starting point tangent to right edge of largest circle turtleforwardradius turtleleft90 draw circles largest to smallest for circle in rangenum 0 1 num 1 draw a filled circle turtlebeginfill turtlecolorrandomrandom randomrandom randomrandom turtlecircleradius circle num turtleendfill shift inward to next circle startingpoint turtleleft90 turtleforwardradius num turtleright90 codepre pgiven 6 120 producesp pimg srchttpistackimgurcom164qsgif altenter image description herep
how do i continue to process a file despite a unicodedecodeerror error
pif the files are encoded in proper way then you will have to decode the codebom byte order markercode first to figure out the encodingp pyou can use a hrefhttppymotwcom2codecs relnofollowcodeca module it can detect the bom and decode the files accordinglyp
find multiple patterns in a string
pyou can alternatively use codeanycode but your approach seems to be sufficientp precodet querylower forbiddens drop delete update insert alter if anyi in t for i in forbiddens print oh you are not supposed to enter that codepre
export bigquery data to csv without using google cloud storage
pyou can download all data directly without routing it through google cloud storage using paging mechanism basically you need to generate a page token for each page download the data in the page and iterate this until all data has been downloaded ie no more tokens are available here is an example code in java which hopefully clarifies the ideap precodeimport comgoogleapiclientgoogleapisauthoauth2googlecredential import comgoogleapiclientgoogleapisjavanetgooglenethttptransport import comgoogleapiclienthttphttptransport import comgoogleapiclientjsonjsonfactory import comgoogleapiclientjsonjsonfactory import comgoogleapiclientjsonjackson2jacksonfactory import comgoogleapiservicesbigquerybigquery import comgoogleapiservicesbigquerybigqueryscopes import comgoogleapiclientutildata import comgoogleapiservicesbigquerymodel your class starts here private string projectid fill in the project id here private string query enter your query here private bigquery bigquery private job insert private tabledatalist tabledatalist private iteratorlttablerowgt rowsiterator private listlttablerowgt rows private long maxresults 100000l max number of rows in a page run query public void open throws exception httptransport transport googlenethttptransportnewtrustedtransport jsonfactory jsonfactory new jacksonfactory googlecredential credential googlecredentialgetapplicationdefaulttransport jsonfactory if credentialcreatescopedrequired credential credentialcreatescopedbigqueryscopesall bigquery new bigquerybuildertransport jsonfactory credentialsetapplicationnamemy appbuild jobconfigurationquery queryconfig new jobconfigurationquerysetqueryquery jobconfiguration jobconfig new jobconfigurationsetqueryqueryconfig job job new jobsetconfigurationjobconfig insert bigqueryjobsinsertprojectid jobexecute jobreference jobreference insertgetjobreference while true job poll bigqueryjobsgetprojectid jobreferencegetjobidexecute string state pollgetstatusgetstate if doneequalsstate errorproto errorresult pollgetstatusgeterrorresult if errorresult null throw new exception"error running job: " + poll.getstatus().geterrors().get(0)); break; } thread.sleep(10000); } tabledatalist = getpage(); rows = tabledatalist.getrows(); rowsiterator = rows != null ? rows.iterator() : null; } /* read data row by row */ public /* your data object here */ read() throws exception { if (rowsiterator == null) return null; if (!rowsiterator.hasnext()) { string pagetoken = tabledatalist.getpagetoken(); if (pagetoken == null) return null; tabledatalist = getpage(pagetoken); rows = tabledatalist.getrows(); if (rows == null) return null; rowsiterator = rows.iterator(); } tablerow row =; for (tablecell cell : row.getf()) { object value = cell.getv(); /* extract the data here */ } /* return the data */ } private tabledatalist getpage() throws ioexception { return getpage(null); } private tabledatalist getpage(string pagetoken) throws ioexception { tablereference sourcetable = insert .getconfiguration() .getquery() .getdestinationtable(); if (sourcetable == null) throw new illegalargumentexception("source table not available. please check the query syntax."); return bigquery.tabledata() .list(projectid, sourcetable.getdatasetid(), sourcetable.gettableid()) .setpagetoken(pagetoken) .setmaxresults(maxresults) .execute(); } </code></pre>
read chinese character from excel file python3
pwell the problem i had wasnt in reading the chinese characters actually my problem were in printing in console i thought that the print encoder works fine and i just didnt read it the characters but this code works fine p precodefrom xlrd import openworkbook wb openworkbooktestxls messages links for sheet in wbsheets numberofrows sheetnrows numberofcolumns sheetncols for row in range1 numberofrows i 0 for col in rangenumberofcolumns value sheetcellrowcolvalueencodegbk if i 0 messagesappendvalue else linksappendvalue i1 printlinks codepre pto check it i paste the first result in selenium driver since i was going to use it anywayp precodeelement driverfindelementbyclassnameemailsendkeysstrmessages0gbk codepre pand it works like a charmep
default value of memberfunction in python
pyou are right you cant do thatp pfor example in python you have to be very careful about this because it will use the same list over and over in this case it will continue appending to the same listp precodedef foo2selfaa aaappendfoo return la codepre pinstead a very common approach is to assign codenonecode as the default value and then have an ifstatement to set it inside the functionp precodedef foo2selfaanone if not aa aa selfa return la codepre
how to append the first item of list to the end of all permutations of that list
pi guess what you want isp precodeairportlist1 listi airportlist1 for i in permutationsairportlist1 codepre
python regex meaning
ol lipraw string notation rtext keeps regular expressions sane without it every backslash in a regular expression would have to be prefixed with another one to escape itpli lip groups a statement its treated as one thing so you can do or or if the things in the brackets need to handled togetherpli lip matches it if its the beginning of the stringpli lipdot in the default mode this matches any character except a newlinepli lipsince it is the means match 0 or more matches of the previous thing which in this case is any characterpli lipdefw lines beginning with the string def and then w matches any nonalphanumeric characters and is equivalent to azaz09 since we have the again this time it matches 0 or more nonalphanumeric characterspli lipw the is for 1 or more of the previous which in this case is w equivalent to azaz09pli ol p7w we know that one alreadyp ol lip means just to match differentiate it from grouping things same for pli lip match 0 or more characters insidepli lip the matched string ends with a colon at the endpli ol pthe whole thing seems to be matching a definition of a function in python ie def foox will be matched dealing with regular expressions is hard using tools such as a hrefhttpwwwpythonregexcom relnofollowhttpwwwpythonregexcoma helps me to try out different things and since re are slightly different in different languages its nice to have tools for those too</p>
looping through a folder to merge several excel sheets into one column
pyou can also easilly append data likep precodedf for f in cfile1xls c file2xls data pdreadexcelf sheet1iloc2 dataindex ospathbasenamef lendata dfappenddata df pdconcatdf codepre pfrom a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions25400240usingpandascombiningmerging2differentexcelfilessheetsusing pandas combiningmerging 2 different excel filessheetsap
converting a list into a string
pyou can do this with joins and a list comprehensionp precodedef goodcharss return joinjoiny for y in x if yisdigit or yisalpha for x in ssplit codepre
need to transfer multiple files from client to server
pi believe youre actually receiving all the files content but then writing them all to one filep pyour server is only accepting a single connection and it writes whatever data it receives into the file until it receives no more data that wont happen until the client closes its socket at the endp pthere are a couple of ways to fix this p ol limove the codeacceptcode call into the server loop and the codeconnectcode call into the client loop have your client connect send the filename transfer the entire content of a single file then emcloseem the connection on the next iteration do it all over againli lialternatively at the beginning of each file have the client send to the server both the filename to be transferred and the file size so the server knows how to find the end of the file content then write exactly that many bytes to the server but see also below as to transmitting the file sizeli ol pi would recommend 1 as more robust and easier to implementp psecond subject your mechanism for sending the filename is flawed if i follow it correctly your program would not work properly if the filename being transmitted begins with a digit as the server will not be able to determine how many bytes are being used to send the filename length there are two usual ways of sending numbersp ol liuse the codestructcode module to format a binary integer in a welldefined way you actually send the packed format and the server would unpack it it would then know exactly how many bytes long to receive for the filenameli lijust send a header line containing the filename followed by a null byte or newline or some other welldefined defined terminator byte then the server can read a byte at a time of the filename until it sees the terminatorli ol
using django inside tornado app cant access mysql records created after the tornado app starts
pbased on ben darnells code all it took was the followingp precodefrom djangodb import connection if userid is none return none try connectionqueries user usermodelobjectsgetpkuserid connectionclose return user except usermodeldoesnotexist return none codepre
generating random string based on some hex
ul lishort answer you cantli lilongr answerbr a md5 hashsum contains 128 bits of information so to store that you also need 128 bits the closest you get from that to a human readable form would probably be to base64 encode it that will leave you with 22 characters 24 with padding thats probably as short as it gets br where does the randomness in your md5 hash come from anyway md5 hashes arnt random so youre probably hashing something random what to get them and by doing so you cant increase the entropy in any way only decrease itli ul pyou could probably create you own way to encode the checksum using a larger range of characters from the unicode range but that would mean you had to select a suitable set of characters that anybody will know how to pronouncebr something like code code would seem fairly clear but some symbols like codecode no so muchp
python memory error reading text fastest solution
pif you are reading a large file and then storing the lines in arrays then you are actually doubling the required memory size p pone source can be if you are using codeline inputreadlinescode if that is the source of the problem you can replace that with thisp precodefor item in input functionitem codepre pthat iterates over each linep palso consider using the codecsvcode library if your text file is a csvp pa hrefhttpstackoverflowcoma42852652327328sourceap
compare two csv files and write shared items to a new csv file
phow big is your files can you load both of them in memory the code above loads one of them and because you are interested in whole row i guess you dont have to comapre contents within rowp pyou dont need csv reader too p pso try p precodef1 openpathtof1csv rreadlines f2 openpathtof2csv rreadlines f3 openpathtof3 a for lines in f1 if lines in f2 f3writelines f1close f2close f3close codepre
djangonvd3 does not show any graph
pmake sure your static files for nvd3 and d3 are available then check if there is any type of error in the js consolep
it is possible export table sqlite3 table to csv or similiar
pexternal programs see documentation for a hrefhttpsqliteorg relnofollowsqlite3a for details you can do it from shellcommand linep pon the fly a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarycsvhtml relnofollowcsv modulea will help you to handle csv file format correctlyp
http request object does not respond
pinstead of codedirecttotemplatecode you may want to use coderendertoresponsecode which renders a given template and returns httpresponse p prefer a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomendevtopicshttpshortcutsrendertoresponse relnofollowrendertoresponsea note you will have to import it using codefrom djangoshortcuts import rendertoresponsecodep
django csrf in ajax post csrf cookie not set until csrf used
pyou can always just drop a code csrftoken code hidden form field anywhere in your template and pick it up by name if the cookie isnt set yet you dont have to put it inside a form tag to be valid htmlp pjust change your logic to something likep precodevar csrftoken getcookiecsrftoken inputnamecsrfmiddlewaretokenval codepre pthat of course depends on what codegetcookiecode returnsp
nltk conditionalfreqdist to pandas dataframe
pthis is a nice place to use a codecollectionsdefaultdictcodep precodefrom collections import defaultdict import pandas as pd def condfreqdistdata takes a list of tuples and returns a conditional frequency distribution as a pandas dataframe cdf defaultdictdefaultdictint for cond freq in data cfdcondfreq 1 return pddataframecfdfillna0 codepre pstrongexplanationstrong a codedefaultdictcode essentially handles the exception handling in primelenss answer behind the scenes instead of raising codekeyerrorcode when referring to a key that doesnt exist yet a codedefaultdictcode first creates an object for that key using the provided constructor function then continues with that object for the inner codedictcode the default is codeintcode which is code0code to which we then add code1code p pnote that such an object may not pickle nicely due to the default constructor function in the codedefaultdictscode to pickle a codedefaultdictcode you need to convert to a codedictcode fist codedictmydefaultdictcodep
get the id from url
puse codeurlparsecode or if you really want to use string libs thenp precodeprefix sep text textpartitionamp codepre por just codetext textpartitionamp2codep
execution of python code with m option or not
pthe main reason to run a module or package as a script with m is to simplify deployment especially on windows you can install scripts in the same place in the python library where modules normally go instead of polluting path or global executable directories such as local the peruser scripts directory is ridiculously hard to find in windows p pthen you just type m and python finds the script automagically for example codepython m pipcode will find the correct pip for the same instance of python interpreter which executes it without m if user has several python versions installed which one would be the global pipp pif user prefers classic entry points for commandline scripts these can be easily added as small scripts somewhere in path or pip can create these at install time with entrypoints parameter in setuppy p pso just check for codename maincode and ignore other nonreliable implementation details p
pyspark pyfiles doesnt work
pi was facing a similar kind of problem my worker nodes could not detect the modules even though i was using the codepyfilescode switch p pthere were couple of things i did first i tried putting import statement after i created sparkcontext sc variable hoping that import should take place after the module has shipped to all nodes but still it did not work i then tried codescaddfilecode to add the module inside the script itself instead of sending it as a command line argument and afterwards imported the functions of the module this did the trick at least in my case p
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