stringlengths 9
| text_b
stringlengths 18
| labels
int64 0
euler 3 python putting the prime numbers into a list | pthis will run quite slowly for large numbers consider the case in which the algorithm attempts to find the prime factors where num 1000000 your nested for loop will generate 1million operations before the next number is even consideredp
pconsider using the sieve of eratosthones to get all of the prime numbers up to a certain integer it is not as efficient as certain other sieves but is easy to implement spend some time reading the theory behind the sieve before implementingthis will help your understanding of later problemsp
pa hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikisieveoferatosthenes relnofollowhttpenwikipediaorgwikisieveoferatosthenesap
| 0 |
trouble with named pipes | ptry to provide an absolute path tmptestpipe to be sure that both are looking to the same filep
| 0 |
how to re arrange this python code without breaking sqlalchemy relevant dependencies | pi dont have the capability to do any testing at my current location but i suggest moving all of that code to codemaincode as follows also codemytablecode subclasses codedeclarativebasecodep
precodefrom sqlalchemy import createengine column integer
from sqlalchemyorm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemyextdeclarative import declarativebase
class mytabledeclarativebase
tablename mytable
tableargs autoload true
id columninteger primarykeytrue monkey patching the id column as primary key
def createpathfilename
generate absolute path to filename
def mainargv parse filename here from argv
pathtofile createpathmyfilenamesqlite
engine createenginesqlitepathformatpathpathtofile echofalse
base mytable
session sessionmakerbindengine
session session
for row in sessionquerymytableall
print row
return stop
if name main
| 0 |
why is default variable off by one in function definition | pyour function definition wont work because the way you have defined your default arguments pythons default arguments are evaluated once when the function is defined not each time the function is called like it is in say ruby this means that if you use a mutable default argument and mutate it you will and have mutated that object for all future calls to the function as well your program will not work as you see below p
pa hrefhttpistackimgurcomi5bhxpng relnofollowimg srchttpistackimgurcomi5bhxpng altenter image description hereap
| 0 |
python list segregation | pif the list is a text file you can use pandasp
precodedf pdreadcsvfilepathsep
pim going to use a dummy df to show queryingp
precodedf pddataframenparrayalaska12alabama12brooklyn12reshape33
ar2 dfvaluesn if dfvaluesn0startswitha else for n in rangelendfvalues
df3 pddataframenparrayar2
| 0 |
python define method outside of class definition | pnot sure if it fits you scenario but you ca derive from strongmyclassstrong and add the function you wantp
| 0 |
embed fckeditor in python app | pin order of difficultyp
pif you just need to support windows you can embed ie in wx see the docs and demosp
pwxwebkit is looking a bit more mature but its still in developmentp
pyou could just use the webbrowser using webbrowseropenurl things will be very crude and interaction will be a painp
pa fourth option you could try out pyjamas for your whole gui then run it all in a webbrowserp
| 0 |
create pandas dataframe from uneven data | peditp
phere is a simple way to have what you want for one bearp
precode recreating your data
d meals425 children542 territory867
bear1 colorbrown
stats dataframed
def beartodfbeardict
df beardictstats
for kv in beardictiteritems
if k stats
dfk v
return df
in 32 beartodfbear1
children meals territory color grownsize
0 5 4 8 brown 7ft
1 4 2 6 brown 7ft
2 2 5 7 brown 7ft
phow many bears do you have if you want to concatenate all your bearsdata in the same dataframe use pandasconcat p
| 0 |
fail to compile a python script with dependencies | ptry a hrefhttpsgithubcompyinstallerpyinstaller relnofollowpyinstallera it is very useful to make any executable and if you need a windows executable you have to compile it on windowsp
| 0 |
for every point in a list compute the mean distance to all other points | pbased on alims comment to the question take a look at scipyspatialdistancepdist i found a pure numpyscipy solutionp
precodefrom scipyspatialdistance import cdist
fct lambda p0p1 greatcircledistancep00p01p10p11
meandist npsortcdistpointspointsfct1mean1
thats for sure an improvement over my list comprehension solutionp
pwhat i dont really like about this though is that i have to sort and slice the array to remove the 00 values which are the result of computing the distance between identical points so basically thats my way of removing the diagonal entries of the matrix i get back from cdistp
pnote two things about the above solutionp
liim using codecdistcode not codepdistcode as suggested by alimli
liim getting back an array of the same size as codepointscode which contains the mean distance from every point to all other points just as specified in the original questionli
pcodepdistcode unfortunately just returns an array that contains all these mean values in a flat array that is the mean values are unlinked from the points they are referring to which is necessary for the problem as it ive described it in the original questionp
phowever since in the actual problem at hand i only need the mean over the means of all points which i did not mention in the question codepdistcode serves me just finep
precodefrom scipyspatialdistance import pdist
fct lambda p0p1 greatcircledistancep00p01p10p11
meandistoverall pdistpointsfctmean
pthough this would for sure be the definite answer if i had asked for the mean of the means but ive purposely asked for the array of means for all points because i think theres still room for improvement in the above codecdistcode solution i wont accept this as the answerp
| 0 |
singleton python generator or pickle a python generator | pthis may not be an option for you but stackless python a hrefhttpstacklesscom relnofollowhttpstacklesscoma emdoesem allow you to pickle things like functions and generators under certain conditions this will workp
pin foopyp
precodedef foo
with openfootxt as fi
buffer firead
del fi
for line in buffersplitn
yield line
pin footxtp
pin the interpreterp
precodepython 26 stackless 31b3 060516 python266673766749m oct 2 2008 183131
ipython 091 an enhanced interactive python
in 1 import foo
in 2 g foofoo
in 3 gnext
out3 line1
in 4 import pickle
in 5 p pickledumpsg
in 6 g2 pickleloadsp
in 7 g2next
out7 line2
psome things to note you emmustem buffer the contents of the file and delete the file object this means that the contents of the file will be duplicated in the picklep
| 0 |
python process text file with these criteria | precodeblacklist set1234567890
with openreachtxt as infile openoutreachtxt w as outfile
for line in infile
line linestrip
if not line
left line linesplit 1
parts prstriplstrip for p in linesplit
parts p for ip in enumerateparts if not allchar in blacklist for char in p or ilenparts1
outfilewritesn joinparts
pwith your example codereachtxtcode i get p
precodezsmcbge0424spvcos 1408
zsmcblk0424spvcos 1408
zsmcgry0424spvcos 1408
zsmcblk0525spvcos3 1408
zsmcgry0525spvcos2 1408
zsmcbge0424spvcos 1408
| 0 |
python decorator with options | pi like lennart regebro katrielalex and martineau answers above but at the risk of sounding very strongcornystrong i will risk writing a emstory basedem example p
pin this two part story we can have strongteachersstrong that teach strongstudentsstrong from experiencep
precodedef selftaughtteacherfn
i teach students because i had no teacher to guide me
def astudentreallifeissues detailsaboutmyworld
im a student who has been trained by a teacher
who has taught me about the problems i may encounter in real life
thanks to my teacher for giving me extra knowledge
print i have to remember what my teacher taught me
myanswer fnreallifeissues detailsaboutmyworld
print ah yes i made the right decision
return myanswer
return astudent
def studentnamedlisapracticingmathslength width height
print im consulting my powers of maths
return length width height
plets see what the student knowsp
precodegtgtgt answer studentnamedlisapracticingmaths10 20 height3
i have to remember what my teacher taught me
im consulting my powers of maths
ah yes i made the right decision
gtgtgt answer
pvery good in the emsecond part of the storyem we introduce a strongprofessorstrong who teaches others to become strongteachersstrong those strongteachersstrong then share what they learned with their strongstudentsstrongp
precodedef professorwhotrainsteacherssubjects totrainteachers
i am a profeseur i help train teachers
def ateacherwhogetstrainedfn
i learn subjects i should teach to my students
knowledge s for s in subjects
def astudentreallifeissues *details_about_my_world):
''' i'm a student who has been trained by a teacher
who has taught me about the problems i may encounter in real life.
thanks to my teacher for giving me extra knowledge.
print '(i know %s that i learned from my teacher,...)' % \
[information for information in knowledge]
my_answer = fn(*real_life_issues, **details_about_my_world)
print 'ah yes, i made the right decision.'
return my_answer
return a_student
return a_teacher_who_gets_trained
<p>so we can train a teacher and let them teach a student...</p>
<pre><code>>>> teacher1 = professor_who_trains_teachers('math','science')
>>> teacher1
<function a_teacher_who_gets_trained at 0x104a7f500>
>>> teacher1.__name__
def student_named_lisa_practicing_maths(length, width, height):
print 'im consulting my powers of maths...'
return length * width * height
<p>that student knows their maths.. </p>
<pre><code>>>> answer = student_named_lisa_practicing_maths(20, 10, 2)
(i know ['math', 'science'] that i learned from my teacher,...)
im consulting my powers of maths...
ah yes, i made the right decision.
>>> answer
<p>and we can create the teacher out-right as well.</p>
<pre><code>@professor_who_trains_teachers('math', 'science', remember='patience')
def student_named_lisa_practicing_maths(length, width, height):
print 'im consulting my powers of maths...'
return length * width * height
<p>again the new student can do their maths...</p>
<pre><code>>>> answer = student_named_lisa_practicing_maths(10, 20, height=3)
(i know ['math', 'science'] that i learned from my teacher,...)
im consulting my powers of maths...
ah yes, i made the right decision.
>>> answer
| 0 |
how to sort a list with strings and integers | pi am not sure how exactly you want your arguments to be sorted but you can just call the builtin function codesortedcodep
precodedef paramstolistparams
return sortedlistparams
| 0 |
how to display object properties in python | ptry to use codevarscode it gives objects attributes as a dictionnaryp
pvarsobject dictionaryp
pwithout arguments equivalent to codelocalscode
brwith an argument equivalent to codeobjectdictcodep
precodegtgtgt class myobjobject
gtgtgt obj myobj
gtgtgt varsobj
gtgtgt obja 1
gtgtgt varsobj
a 1
| 0 |
dictreader is skipping two lines of my file | pif your file is really formatted as you describe you may need to put commas between the column namesp
precodedate open high low
| 0 |
i want to use python to list a directory then sort the filenames by size | pmaybe this will give you some ideas
a hrefhttpwikipythonorgmoinhowtosorting relnofollowhttpwikipythonorgmoinhowtosortingap
| 0 |
installing pyodbc fails on osx 109 mavericks | pi met the the same problem today on ubuntu 1404 i found some guy in below link said should install unixodbcdevp
pa hrefhttpscodegooglecomppyodbcissuesdetailid55 relnofollowhttpscodegooglecomppyodbcissuesdetailid55ap
pi did it and then the pip install success p
phope this helpfulp
| 0 |
how do i do tagbind on all tags in tkinter | puse a list or function assuming to you want to bind all tags the samep
precodefor thistag in tagname1 tagname2 tagname3
treeviewtagbindthistag eventsequence clickhandler
| 0 |
comparison of python and perl solutions to wide finder challenge | blockquote
pthe perl implementation uses the mmap system call p
pthis it avoids buffer copying and provides async iop
| 0 |
there is an error with my python program and i dont know whats wrong | blockquote
ptypeerror unsupported operand types for str and intp
pthis is telling you the operand codecode division is running into an error because it is trying to divide a codestrcode and an codeintcode you can check the type of variables with codetypecodep
precodegtgtgt typebase
ltclass strgt
pyou can make it an integer with the codeintcode functionp
precodebase intbase
ltclass intgt
| 0 |
regarding passing variables to an argument | pthe problem is that you dont need a codemaincode function just put the code unindented by itself and it will run when you run the programp
| 0 |
python how can i do a string find on a unicode character that is a variable | pin some cases i ignore when you will have to decode also the string that you are looking inp
| 0 |
python construct consume data for optional field | pperhaps you could use an adapter similar to the lengthvalueadapter for a sequencep
precodeclass lengthvalueadapteradapter
adapter for lengthvalue pairs it extracts only the value from the
pair and calculates the length based on the value
see prefixedarray and pascalstring
subcon the subcon returning a lengthvalue pair
def encodeself obj context
return lenobj obj
def decodeself obj context
return obj1
class optionaldataadapteradapter
def decodeself obj context
if contextflag
return obj
return none
precodestruct structstruct
| 0 |
speeding up timestamp operations | pi would give this a try in bash using the date command date proves to be faster than even gawk for routine conversions python may struggle with thisp
pto speed this up even faster export the column in a in one temp file column b in another ect you can even do this in python then run the 5 columns in parallel p
precodefor column in a
printgtgtthefilea column
for column in b
printgtgtthefileb column
pthen a bash scriptp
precodeusrbinenv bash
readarray a lt thefilea
for i in a do
date r item i
pyoull want a master bash script to run the first part in python codepython pythonscriptpycode then you will want to call in each of the bash scripts in the background from the master codefileash ampcode that will run each column individually and will automatically designate nodes for my bash loop after readarray im not 100 that is the correct syntax if you are on a linux use codedate d itemcodep
| 0 |
using flask web app as windows application | pi do not currently have a windows client here so i cannot exactly test what i am suggestingp
pusing strongpywinautostrong you can check for a windows namep
pyou could build a script that checks this in background and kills your flask application when the requested browser window is not openedp
precodefrom pywinautofindwindows import findwindows
if not findwindowsbestmatchyourwindownamehere
do your kill
| 0 |
best method of importing scapy | p
i often use when i do not want to overwrite my namespacep
precodefrom scapy import all as scapy
pafter that everything is accessible under codescapycodep
| 0 |
installed module in pythonstill i got error | pthere is several relatedduplicated answers but i personally accidentally use codesudocode to install some python packagesformulas and massed up with the permission p
p brew doctor p
pis your friend and you will find some good suggestions to fix you problemsp
panother suggestion is use codevirtualenvcode for python google for your favorite tutorial and article to work with itp
| 0 |
creating a csv file for movie review corpus in python | precodedirectory rawinputinput folder
output rawinputoutput folder
txtfiles ospathjoindirectory txt
for txtfile in globglobtxtfiles
with opentxtfile rb as inputfile
intxt csvreaderinputfile
filename ospathsplitextospathbasenametxtfile0 csv
with openbookcsv wb as outputfile
outcsv csvwriteroutputfile
pi have tried this code it is working but the issue is each text file in the neg folder of the movie review corpus must come as one single row in the csv fileie the neg folder contains thousand file and i want that the new created csv should have thousand rows one row for the complete text of one text file but this is not happening the last file data is overwriting the previous file data and the last file data is appearing in multiple rows in the csv filep
| 0 |
how can i filter a date of a datetimefield in django | pin django 176 worksp
| 0 |
celery and signals | pif i understood correctly you want the same process to send ans receive the signal it sent if so why not usep
precodeoskillosgetpid signalsiguser1
pand define the handler for sigusr1 accordinglyp
pif you want another process to get it you have to have its pid anyway to send signals to it so just use the same command i gave here with the proper pid instead of osgetpid
unless i missed somethingp
| 0 |
moving items in a list a certain number of spaces | pi would use the lists slice notation a hrefhttpdocspythonorgtutorialintroductionhtmllists relnofollowhttpdocspythonorgtutorialintroductionhtmllistsap
pfor example lets say you have a list like thisp
precodel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
pand you wanted to move the element code4code over 1 space you could do something like thisp
precodeindex 3
value 4
spaces 1
target index spaces
length lenl
dont replace the element
l0target value ltargetindex lindex1length
results in 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8
do replace the element
l0target value ltarget1index lindex1length
results in 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
pwith the parameters codeindexcode codevaluecode codespacescode and codetargetcode extracted this is general enough to extract into a nice function try it with other values not just 1 or 3 if codespacescode is too high the result will be the original listp
pif you want to move the element right instead of left youll have to change the expression a bit but its the same ideap
| 0 |
python if element1 from list1 is equal to element2 from list2 change element1 | ptry this it worksp
h2solution 1h2
h2demo on a hrefhttpreplit0vg12 relnofollowreplitaeditedh2
precodedef codeslst cods
c 0
for ind elem in enumeratelst
if elem4 not in cods
toaddappendelem strind c
c 1
for ind elem in enumeratelst
lstinsertind tmp
lstinsertintelem1 elemlenelem 1 for elem in toadd
return lst
first cara20130716 tara20080601 pala19961231 melo19601023
secnd pala cara tara
print codesfirst secnd
precodecara20130716 tara 01 06 2008 pala 31 12 1996 melo19601023
h2solution 2h2
pif you want the match to be caseinsensitivep
h2demo on a hrefhttpreplit0vg11 relnofollowreplitah2
<pre><code>def codes(lst, cods):
for ind, cod in enumerate(cods):
cods[ind] = cod.lower()
toadd = []
c = 0
for ind, elem in enumerate(lst):
if elem[:4].lower() not in cods:
toadd.append(elem + str(ind+c))
c += 1
for ind, elem in enumerate(lst):
tmp = []
lst.insert(ind, tmp)
[lst.insert(int(elem[-1]), elem[:len(elem) - 1]) for elem in toadd]
return lst
first = ['cara20130716', 'tara20080601', 'pala19961231', 'melo19601023']
secnd = ['pala', 'cara', 'tara']
print codes(first, secnd)
<pre><code>[['cara', '16', '07', '2013'], ['tara', '01', '06', '2008'], ['pala', '31', '12', '1996'], 'melo19601023']
| 0 |
boost python overriding equality operator | ptry thisp
precodedefself self
defself self
preference a hrefhttpwwwboostorgdoclibs1570libspythondoctutorialdochtmlpythonexposinghtmlpythonclassoperatorsspecialfunctions relnofollowhttpwwwboostorgdoclibs1570libspythondoctutorialdochtmlpythonexposinghtmlpythonclassoperatorsspecialfunctionsap
| 0 |
wx validate controls in a container stops after first invalid | pto do this you would need to override codevalidatecode in your dialog and iterate over all controls yourself without stopping at the first invalid one like the base class implementation doesp
punfortunately you will probably need to duplicate the a hrefhttpsgithubcomwxwidgetswxwidgetsblobwx302srccommonwincmncppl2026 relnofollowcode herea as there is no way to reuse it on the bright side you can use it almost as is with just changing the codereturn falsecode lines to remember the error instead and return it at the endp
| 0 |
installing psycopg2 postgresql in virtualenv on windows | pthere is an alternative to install python packages in your computer ie strongpipstrong you can download python packages by just executingp
precode pip install pyscopg2
pthe general format of the command isp
precode pip install packagename
pps to install python packages globally through pip p
precode sudo pip install packagename
| 0 |
running a python program on a web server | pyou could create a simple cgi script a hrefhttpwikipythonorgmoincgiscripts relnofollowhttpwikipythonorgmoincgiscriptsa using the python cgi modulep
peither as a wrapper around your python script or update the existing one put a text area box for pasting the contents or otherwise you need to upload the file and pass it on to your programp
pthen print the content header and the results to stdout and they should show up in the browserp
| 0 |
first python screen scraping and smtp script wont evaluate properly | phave you tried logging the value of resp20 to see what values you are getting a simple p
precodeprint resp20
pwhile debuggingp
| 0 |
finding last occurence of substring in string replacing that | pnave approachp
precodea a long string with a in the middle ending with
a1replacefchar rchar1 11
out2 a long string with a in the middle ending with
paditya sihags answer with a single coderfindcodep
precodepos arfind
apos apos1
| 0 |
how to find a point inside an irregular polygon | phere is an algorithm i have used with successp
pfind a point outside your polygon just choose an codexcode or codeycode greater than your maxp
pdraw a line in your head from your point to the point outside your polygonp
pcount the number of intersections of this line with the line segments that make up the perimeter of your polygon if it is odd the point is inside if even it is outsidep
panother approach is to use a graphics polygon floodfill function to fill a red polygon on a white background and then see what colour your point isp
| 0 |
python dictionary pickling | ptry dumping each object in a separate filep
precodewith openuelestutxt wb as f
pickledumpuelestu f
with openeleplstutxt wb as f
pickledumpeleplstu f
| 0 |
dynamically setting tablename for sharding in sqlalchemy | ptry thisp
precodeimport zlib
from sqlalchemyextdeclarative import declarativebase
from sqlalchemy import column integer biginteger datetime string
from datetime import datetime
base declarativebase
class absshardingclassbase
abstract true
def getclassnameandtablenamehashid
return shardingclasss hashid shardingclasss hashid
def getshardingentityclasshashid
param hashid hashid
type hashid int
rtype absclientuserauth
if hashid not in entityclassdict
classname tablename getclassnameandtablenamehashid
cls typeclassname absshardingclass
tablename tablename
entityclassdicthashid cls
return entityclassdicthashid
cls getshardingentityclass1
print sessionqueryclsget100
| 0 |
django orbitedstomp | pit seems that orbited is not suited for this kind of things i talked with orbited creator i switched to hookbox and it works fine p
| 0 |
python efficient way to read text file with varying delimiters spaces | puse re library with regex its an easy way to parse textp
precodeimport re
m researchltabcdef abcdef
| 0 |
python namespace elements visibility vs proper package structure | h2name and bindingh2
pyou can read a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2referenceexecutionmodelhtmlnamingandbinding relnofollowcodepython naming and bindingcodea and understand how python namespace worksp
pa scope defines the visibility of a name within a block if a local variable is defined in a block its scope includes that block if the definition occurs in a function block the scope extends to any blocks contained within the defining one unless a contained block introduces a different binding for the name codethe scope of names defined in a class block is limited to the class block it does not extend to the code blocks of methods this includes generator expressions since they are implemented using a function scopecodep
pbtw use codeglobalscode and codelocalscode can help debug for variable bindingp
h2the user problemh2
pyou can try this insteadp
precodefrom model import user as modeluser
from foobarschema import user as schemauser
| 0 |
timestamp from a txt file into an array | pa hrefhttppandaspydataorg relnofollowpandasa is supposed to be good at this sort of thing im no expert and had some trouble with the codeparsedatecode functionality of a hrefhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstableiohtmlioreadcsvtable relnofollowcodereadcsvcodea but the following seems to work reasonably well and fastp
precodeimport pandas as pd
names date time lat lon height q ns
format ymdhmsf
df pdreadcsvtmppos delimwhitespacetrue namesnames
dfdatetime pdtodatetimedfdate dftime formatformat
pif you want to select data based on time stamps you can set it as the a hrefhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstabletimeserieshtmldatetimeindex relnofollowindex of the dataframeap
precodedfindex pdtodatetimedfdate dftime formatformat
print df20150218 2300020150218 23010
pyou can also set the time column as the index but it seems directly slicing with only time is not supportedp
precodeformat hmsf
dfindex pdtodatetimedftime formatformat
print df2300023010'] # prints empty dataframe
<p>but <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/a/21627484/2379410">you can use the following</a>:</p>
<pre><code>print df.between_time('2:30:00','2:30:10')
| 0 |
python metaclass properties override class attributes sometimes | phere is some very similar code that might help you understand whats happeningp
precodeclass myclassobject
def initself data
selfdictupdatedata this would fail if i had selfa a
def aself
return 1
myobject myclassa 2
print myobjecta
print objectgetattributemyobject a
print myobjectdicta
pwhat youre seeing is that the instance the class having both a descriptor your property on its class and an attribute of the same name normally there are safeguards to protect this but the way codetypecode works goes around themp
pso you havep
precode print myobjecta
pthe descriptor beats the codedictcode entry and the codepropertycode is called this is because of the implementation of codeobjectgetattributecode at least conceptuallyp
precode print objectgetattributemyobject a
pthis is the same thing as saying codemyobjectacode except if codeobjectgetattributecode was overridden codegetattributecode is where the behavior of trying descriptors first comes fromp
precode print typegetattributemyobject a
pthis is the same thing as codeobjectgetattributecode because codetypecode doesnt override codegetattributecodep
<pre><code> print myobject.__dict__['a']
<p>this looks it up in your <code>__dict__</code>, which is the only place you stored <code>2</code>. this is just a dict object (maybe/almost), so it's not going to look stuff up anywhere else.</p>
<pre><code> print myobject().a
<p>the way that attribute works, you're not accessing your type's attributes the same way you would directly. this is probably the part that doesn't have a super-intuitive answer</p>
| 0 |
python regex over list of strings | precodefor i in p
t refindallsrc alt i
print t
precodekrefindallsrc alti for i in p
item for sublist in k for item in sublist
pa hrefhttpwwwsamplecomtestjpg relnofollowhttpwwwsamplecomtestjpga a hrefhttpwwwsamplecomtest2jpg relnofollowhttpwwwsamplecomtest2jpgap
| 0 |
matplotlib surface plot extends past axis limits | pemmanual data clippingemp
pone approach ive seen that works is to emmanually clip the dataem eg your example would be updated to p
precodefrom matplotlib import
from mpltoolkitsmplot3d import axes3d
import matplotlibpyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from pylab import
import math
fig pltfigure
ax figaddsubplot111 projection3d
x nparange5 5 01
y nparange5 5 01
x y npmeshgridx y
z x2 y2
axsetzlim10 20
for i in rangelenx
for j in rangeleny
if zji lt 10 or zji gt 20
zji nan
axplotsurfacex y z alpha09 rstride4 cstride4 linewidth05 cmapcmsummer
pstrongnotestrong p
pthis can be done concisely for this case using p
precodezzgt20 nan
presulting in p
pimg srchttpistackimgurcomstx2njpg altenter image description herep
| 0 |
pyside button auto repeat doesnt start until mouse is moved | pi was having a similar problem using normal qt4x on linux the issue was that something was connected to the clicked signal i think it was stealingchanging the focus of the mouse i just changed that item to connect to the the released signal that doesnt mean you cant connect to clicked but just be sure that there are no focus stealing sideeffectsp
| 0 |
python mechanize module selecting all input fields within a form | pfound something that might be of use herep
pa hrefhttpstockrtgithubcompemulatingabrowserinpythonwithmechanize relnofollowhttpstockrtgithubcompemulatingabrowserinpythonwithmechanizeap
precode select the first index zero form
| 0 |
why doesnt my code correctly create a list of tuples | pi would add on top of the other answers that this is not the best way to get the intersection of two sets why not simply use a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2librarysetshtmlsetobjects relnofollowpython setsa p
precode class lexiconobject
def barself sentence
return setsentencesplit amp setdirection
pi find this both clearer and more efficientp
| 0 |
python rectangle of asterisks | pthis doesnt sound much like a rectangle to me but the way i would do this is to use a conditional expression that selects the length of each row according to the remainder when the row number is divided by twop
pit would look like thisp
precoderows intinputnumber of rows for this design
stars intinputnumber of stars on the first row
for row in rangerows
len stars if row 2 0 else stars 1
print len
precodenumber of rows for this design 9
number of stars on the first row 6
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recursion none python | pmay i suggest that you use beautifulsoup it is easy to learn has good documentation a hrefhttpwwwcrummycomsoftwarebeautifulsoupbs4doc relnofollowhttpwwwcrummycomsoftwarebeautifulsoupbs4docap
pa soup object can be instantiated using the code below where markup is a string containing your xml or input file handle to the xml filep
precodebeautifulsoupmarkup xml
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why am i not getting the full text of this page | pthe problem is that youre trying to parse python source code as html and then strip the text back out of itp
pso line 318 isp
precode if sysversioninfo lt 2 6
pthis happens to be the first codeltcode character in the file since youre trying to parse it as html that means that the whole rest of the file is part of an html tag that never gets finishedp
pdepending on which of the three parsers you use and which versions bs4 may decide its not a tag after all and give you your original data or raise an exception or strip out the whole bogus tagp
panyway the fix is simple dont parse python source code as html just write thisp
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python script working when run in cmd but not when run from file | ptry to put the lib in the same folder of the script and it should workp
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facebook serverside login without php | pi have a python library that does thisp
lia hrefhttpsgithubcomjvanascofacebookutils relnofollowhttpsgithubcomjvanascofacebookutilsali
pits on pypi as well p
pthe main file shows how youd integrate it on the serverside and template for pyramid doing it in django flask whatever would be similarp
| 0 |
convert index of series object in panda | pdo you meanp
precodegtgtgt s
330 0064591
331 0705979
332 0516967
dtype float64
gtgtgt df
20131125 074952584591 0064591
20131126 074952584626 0705979
20131127 074952584633 1516967
gtgtgt dffroms pddataframes columnsdfcolumns
gtgtgt dffromsindex dfindex
gtgtgt df dffroms
20131125 074952584591 true
20131126 074952584626 true
20131127 074952584633 false
| 0 |
python selenium questions href | pfor single elementp
pif you want to get text from all similar codeltagtcode elements on pagep
precodealist driverfindelementsbyxpathpclassinfoadataemberaction
for element in alist
print elementtext
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editing form and saving into database | pupdate your view function like this to return form for get request as wellp
precodedef edititemrequest itemid
if requestmethod post
item itemobjectsgetiditemid
your existing code
else if its get request
item itemobjectsgetiditemid
form additeminstanceitem
return rendertoresponseforsalehtml locals
pnote you need to handle case when item with codeitemidcode does not exists in the db in that case do not use codeinstancecode parameter to instantiate the formp
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regular expression to match start of filename and filename extension | pthis probably doesnt fully comply with filenaming standards but here it goesp
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pyplot 3d scatter points at the back overlap points at the front | pthanks you so much for your explanation i thought it could be something like that indeed but i forgot to say in my question that the same thing happened no matter the order of the axscatter commands what is pretty weird i found out before reading your answer that that does not happen with the axplot command therefore i replacedp
precodeaxscatterouterzn outerxn outeryn cblack marker lw0
axscatterinnerzn innerxn inneryn cred marker lw0
precodeaxplotouterzn outerxn outeryn markersize1 colorblack
axplotinnerzn innerxn inneryn markersize1 colorred
pand i got the following picturep
pa hrefhttpistackimgurcomhtaywpng relnofollowimg srchttpistackimgurcomhtaywpng altenter image description hereap
pwhich works for me i know however that if i change the point of view i will have the red shell appearing on top of the black one one problem i found later was that the plot function does not have vmin and vmax arguments as the scatter one which makes it harder to define the color as a gradient starting in vmin and vmax p
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need help looping | pi am no expert in python but i think i see what your problem isp
paccording to your code here youre asking the user for a number of any size once theyve input this number then program proceeds to execute a for loop salary number of times this can be a problem if youve made the employees salary something huge like 10000 as this will cause the loop to execute 10000 timesp
pim guessing that youre trying to make sure that the salary is somewhere between 0 and 200000 and if the salary falls outside of this range then the program will continue to ask for a salary if this is indeed the case a while loop should do the trick while eliminating a couple lines of codep
precodedef empsalaryempnameesalary
salary 0
salary intinputwhat is their salary
while salary lt 1 or salary gt 200000
salary intinputwhat is their salary
pthis should do what you need good luck on your assignmentp
| 0 |
format python code in spyder ide | pi tried this p
psource fix indentation remove trailing spacesp
pthis is not the most efficient way but it seems there are no key combinations to do these even in preferences they have not allowed to add new shortcut for thisp
| 0 |
python nan json encoder | punfortunately you probably need to use bramars suggestion youre not going to be able to use this directly a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2libraryjsonhtml relnofollowthe documentationa for pythons json encoder statesp
pif specified default is a function that gets called for objects that cant otherwise be serializedp
pyour codenanconverterdefaultcode method isnt even being called since pythons json encoder already emknowsem how to serialize codenpnancode add some print statements youll see your method isnt even being calledp
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python regex to extract substring at start and end of string | pdo you need a regex herep
precodegtgtgt address myfile10456csv
gtgtgt splitbyperiods addresssplit
gtgtgt formataddress0 address1
gtgtgt myfilecsv
| 0 |
reconstruct python method with kwargs with marshal and types | pafter some more searching i discovered the dill package which allows you to pickle more things than cpickle the reason i was using marshal when you directly reconstruct a serialized function not using the funccode you avoid this keyword issue i was havingp
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404 error with static files served through djangoapache bitnami | pfrom the documentation a hrefhttpswikibitnamicombitnamicloudhostingbasestack relnofollowhttpswikibitnamicombitnamicloudhostingbasestacka it seems like amazon ec2 uses apache version 2229 you should change codehttpdconfcode to cover both that version and the one in your other setupp
precodeltdirectory optbitnamiappsdjangodjangoprojectsdatadashboardprojectstaticgt
ltifversion lt 23 gt
order allowdeny
allow from all
ltifversion gt 23gt
require all granted
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fastest ways to keywise add a list of dicts together in python | pits simple but this could workp
precodea x 10 y 05 z 025
b w 05 x 02
ds a b
for d in ds
for k v in diteritems
resultk v resultgetk 0
n lends
result dictk amtn for k amt in resultiteritems
print result
pi have no idea how it compares to your method since you didnt post any codep
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amazon ses hide recipient email addresses | pwe use the sendrawemail function instead which gives more control over the make up of your message you could easily add bcc headers this wayp
pan example of the code that generates the message and how to send itp
precodefrom emailmimemultipart import mimemultipart
from emailmimetext import mimetext
msg mimemultipartalternative
msgsubject testing bcc
msgfrom noreplyexamplecom
msgto userotherdomaincom
msgbcc hiddenotherdomaincom
pwe use templating and mimetext to add the message content templating part not shownp
precodepart1 mimetexttext plain utf8
part2 mimetexthtml html utf8
pthen send using the ses sendrawemailp
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how to install and cron python3 scrapy on cloud linux | pit appears as though you do not have the bzip module installed on your cloud server it may very well be linked to a lack of the bzip2 library being missingp
pin order to install it you can typep
precodeaptget install bzip2
pyou may need to prefix that command with codesudocodep
pin all honesty it should be working out of the box as this is one of pythons major strengths hopefully this helpsp
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cherrypy accessing the uriroute parameters inside a tool hook | pcherrypyurl will get you the complete uri but i suspect thats not quite what youre looking forwhy do you need it if youre trying to form your location variable based on the uri you probably want pathinfo instead of the complete urip
precodelocation sviews requestappconfigapplicationpath
if requestpathinfoendswith
fname ssindexhtml location requestpathinfo
fname sshtml location requestpathinfo
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nlargest elements in an sequence need to retain duplicates | phows about this it doesnt emexactlyem return your desired result since it reversesorts on codeycodep
precode split lot by first element of values
lots defaultdictlist
for x y z in lot
lotsxappendy z
for x l in lotsiteritems
find top3 unique values
top nlargest3 setz for y z in l
ans x y z for z y in sortedz y for y z in l
if z in top
print ans
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django comparing datetimenow with pubdate | precodeimport datetime
if somedatetime gt datetimedatetimenow datetimetimedeltadays10
return somedate is greater than the current datetime plus 10 days
psee timedelta doc a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibrarydatetimehtmldatetimetimedelta relnofollowhttpdocspythonorglibrarydatetimehtmldatetimetimedeltaap
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edit response logo in web2py | pjust change the content of the anchor tag to include the imagep
precoderesponselogo aimgsrcurlstatic imageslogolbpng
hrefurldefault index
pnote you dont really need to use coderesponselogocode at all you can instead just put the relevant html directly in the layouthtml viewp
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method overriding | porder matters if names are samelast function you defined is processing in your case itsp
precodedef gxy
return xy
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python 27 print error | pthe print function is specific to python 3
you have two solutions herep
precodefrom future import printfunction
pso you can use it as specified by cdarkep
por you use print as a simple statement as it should be with older versions of python codeprint hello worldcodep
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the dateaxisitem sometimes becomes invisible | pim not sure what happens with your dateaxisitem as you know its not yet merged into the main development branch of pyqtgraph however for your particular application it might be easier to start from scratch and define your own timeaxisitem if you start from the following code what functionality would be missingp
precodeclass timeaxisitemaxisitem
def initself orientation kwargs
superinitorientation kwargs
def tickstringsself values scale spacing
return selfgettickv spacing for v in values
def gettickself ts spacing
dt datetimedatetimefromtimestampts
here you can decide on the accuracy of the time data
displayed depending on the spacing
if spacing gt 60
return 02d02d dthour dtminute
return 02d02d02d dthour dtminute dtsecond
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issues with cors flask angularjs | pis the post sending content i had a similar issuee when the body was null if it is adding either an empty body when the object is falsy or adding the contentlength header as 0 both seemed to workp
precodescopesyncup function
var objtosend scopetransactions transactions scopetransactions
httpposthttpmoneybooksdev9001apibudgetsrouteparamsbudgetidtransactions objtosend
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how can i create a folder system inside of my python program | pnot sure why writing to the file is a problem but you could basically have a tree type data structure to represent a file system for examplep
precodeclass file
def initself filename directoryfalse
selffilename filename
selfdirectory directory
selffiles if directory else none
pwhere codeselffilescode is a list of file objects that you can iterate through as a tree this is obviously rudimentary and ill leave a more detailed implementation up to youp
| 0 |
redirect sysstdout to a file without buffering in python 3 | pthe issue seems to be in the way you open the file p
precodeopenlogfile w 0
pfrom a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg3libraryfunctionshtmlopen relnofollowpython 3x documentationa p
popenfile moder strongbuffering1strong encodingnone errorsnone newlinenone closefdtrue openernonep
pthe third argument for codeopencode determines the buffering mode for the file code0code means no buffering i do not think you can make it work by just using codewbcode instead of codewcode p
pyou should remove that code0code third argument and let codeopencode use default line buffering for text files example p
precodeopenlogfile w
| 0 |
using web2py for a user frontend crud | blockquote
pthis doubleredundant way of talking to my db strikes me as odd and web2py does not support python3p
pany abstraction you want to use to communicate with your database whether it be the web2py dal the django orm sqlalchemy etc will have to have some knowledge of the database schema in order to construct queriesp
peven if you programmatically generated all the sql statements yourself without use of an ormdal your code would still have to have some knowledge of the database structure ie somewhere you have to specify names of tables and fields etcp
pfor existing databases we aim to automate this process via introspection of the database schema which is the purpose of the extractmysqlmodelspy script if that script isnt working you should report an issue on github andor open a thread on the web2py google groupp
palso note that when creating a emnewem database web2py helps you avoid redundant specification of the schema by handling migrations including table creation for you so you specify the schema emonlyem in web2py and the dal will automatically create the tables in the database of course this is optionalp
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installing numpy for python 27 | pi generally just avoid the whole numpy install process by using the anaconda distribution from a hrefhttpcontinuumio relnofollowcontinuumioa no i am not a paid spokesperson haha but in reality whether you use anaconda or even the enthought distribution this is a lot easier than trying to install these packages with pip p
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filtering specific rows in a csv file in python | precodefor mycsvline in csvreader
if mycsvline4 abc
append to result
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why is magicfrombuffer returning none | pim not sure the reason for the issue could be the version but ive been able to workaround it with something likep
precodemime magicfrombufferdata mimetrue
if mime none
workaround for issue with libmagic15092 in ubuntu 1204 fixed in libmagic 5112
filestr magicfrombufferdata
if filestrstartswithcomposite document file v2 document
mime applicationmsword
pnot great but gets the job done until its possible to upgrade the server and get a new version of libmagicp
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split a string into exactly n pieces | pheres the pseudocode i dont know python but probably useful as a general purpose algorithmp
precodereglen lt intlenstrn the integer portion only
firstlen lenstr n reglen
output goes into output array of length n elements each a substring
output1 leftstr firstlen
for i lt 2 to n
startposition lt firstlen i2 reglen 1
outputi lt midstr startposition reglen
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python embedding pyimportimport not from the current directory | pthere is a good way because this is the way it is frequently done with sitepackesp
precodeimport sys
syspathappenddirectory syspath is a list of all directories to import from
por you use p
precodeoscwddirectory change the working directory
pbefore the importp
pan other way is uglyp
precodeimport types sys
m typesmoduletypemodule
sysmodulesmodule m
exec openfileread in mdict python3
pmaybe you asked for a cfunction to do your work but i do not know onep
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returning unique values in csv and unique strings in pythonpandas | pi think the following should work for almost any dataframe it will extract each value that is unique in the entire dataframep
ppost a comment if you encounter a problem ill try to solve itp
precode replace all nones nas by spaces so they wont bother us later
df dffillna
preparing a list
iterates all columns much faster than rows
for col in dfcolumns
list containing all the unique values of this column
thisset listsetdfcolvalues
creating a combined list
listsets listsets thisset
doing a set of the combined list
finalset listsetlistsets
for completions sake you can remove the space introduced by the fillna step
h3edit h3
pi think i know what happens you must have some float columns and fillna is failing on those as the code i gave you was replacing missing values with an empty string try those p
lidf dffillnanpnan emoremli
lidf dffillna0li
pfor the first point youll need to import numpy first codeimport numpy as npcode it must already be installed as you have pandasp
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what class to use for money representation | pit depends what youd like to use codemoneycode for p
pfor financial modelling of price and risk codedoublecode pythons codefloatcode is good enough because all models are inaccurate some of them are useful though so one doesnt get any useful extra precision by using infinite precision numbersp
pfor currency conversions you need currency rates the currency rate one can get in practise depends on the amount and other factors again currency rate conversion is just a multiplication and it is often implemented by distinct class codeccypaircodep
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python extract time from date column to plot | pfirst convert your timestamps to python a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarydatetimehtml relnofollowdatetimea using a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarydatetimehtmlstrftimestrptimebehavior relnofollowdatetimestrptimedatestring formatap
precodeimport datetime
liststring 20160415 060001704
fmt ymd hmsf
listdatetimes datetimedatetimestrptimeliststring fmt
pthen convert the datetimes to matplotlib format using a hrefhttpmatplotliborgapidatesapihtmlmatplotlibdatesdate2num relnofollowdate2numap
precodeimport matplotlib
x matplotlibdatesdate2numlistdatetimes
pnow you are able to plot using a hrefhttpmatplotliborgapipyplotapihtmlmatplotlibpyplotplotdate relnofollowplotdateap
precodeimport matplotlibpyplot as plt
pltplotdatex y
plimit x axis by using a hrefhttpmatplotliborgapipyplotapihtmlhighlightxlimmatplotlibpyplotxlim relnofollowxlimap
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python how to use part of function outside function | precodeclass movieobject
def initselftitletodayreturntimelt
selftitle title
def timeofreturnself
selftoday today
selfreturntime returntime
today datetimedatetimenow
returntime today datetimetimedeltadays30
def returnfeemovie
fee 2
delta today returntime
pthats because codeinitcode is taking arguments that using for class from outsidebut when you use your movie class you have to define that argumentsp
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shelveopen failing on creation | pi found out that when i was pushing to the repository git wasnt including the directory i was looking in because it was empty if you try to use codeshelveopencode with an argument that is in a directory that doesnt exist it will give you an io error i simply forced the creation of the directory and now it worksp
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overriding a parents classmethod with an instance method | pi dont think the problem is with parents or inheritance but simply with calling an instance method from a class methodp
precodeclass barobject
def callerselfxcx
printbar callerself
def classcallerclsxccx
printbar class callercls
def myfnselfxnone
printin bar instanceselfx
def reprself
return barinstance
in bar instance barinstance none
in bar instance barinstance none
bar caller barinstance
in bar instance barinstance cx
bar class caller ltclass mainbargt
in bar instance barinstance none
the following produce
typeerror unbound method myfn must be called with bar instance
pwith this single class i can readily call codemyfncode from the instance codecallercode method but have pass a separate codebarcode instance if using codeclasscallercode calling the classmethod with codebarcode is no different from calling it with codebarcodep
peven if a classmethod is called with an instance its the codeklasscode that is passed through not the codeobjcode a hrefhttpdocspythonorg2howtodescriptorhtmlstaticmethodsandclassmethods rel"nofollow">http://docs.python.org/2/howto/descriptor.html#static-methods-and-class-methods</a></p>
<pre><code>class classmethod(object):
"emulate pyclassmethod_type() in objects/funcobject.c"
def __get__(self, obj, klass=none):
if klass is none:
klass = type(obj)
def newfunc(*args):
return self.f(klass, *args)
return newfunc
<p>why are you using <code>@classmethod</code>? do you call them with just class name, or with instances? even if the parent class versions don't use instance attributes, it might simpler to use instance methods at all levels. python got along for many years without this decorator (added in 2.4).</p>
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how do i parse lines from a log file | pin perl this should do itp
precodeconsider the a variable has the log file my
a ltltlog filegtgt
my desiredanswer
if a mproto ig
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placing vertices of graphs wxpython | pyou want a graph drawing algorithm there is ongoing research in this area but a simple forcedirected algorithm can give good results for small graphs look at a hrefhttpenwikipediaorgwikiforcebasedalgorithms28graphdrawing29 relnofollowthis wikipediaa article for the algorithm you can also get some open source libraries that handle this problem like a hrefhttpnodeboxnetcodeindexphpgraph relnofollownodeboxa and a hrefhttpgraphvizorg relnofollowgraphvisap
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best way to replace x00 in python lists | ptry a unicode pattern like thisp
precoderesubux00 s
pit should give the following resultsp
precodel textx00x00x00 datax00x00x00 rsrcx00x00x00
for x in l
for s in l
print resubux00 s
count 1
por using list comprehensionsp
precoderesubux00 s for s in x for x in l
pactually should work without the u in front of the string just remove the first 3 slashes and use this as your regex patternp
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replacing all keys and values in nested python dictionary with new values | pi have taken a recursive approach which if the value of the data is dictionary try to replace the keys and values else it treats the data as a single value and try to convert itp
pcodereplacedictcode is the dictionary which points out how to convert values and codedatacode are the current valuesp
precodedef replacekeyvaldata replacedict
if typedata dict
return replacedictk replacekeyvalv replacedict for kv in dataiteritems
return replacedictdata
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create plot first then add inside a figure | pit isnt possible to move an codeaxescode from one figure to another the axes is linked to the figure upon creationp
pinstead youll have to first generate the figure and then the codeaxescodees within that figurep
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how to modify query string in python cgi | ptry using urlparse module a hrefhttpdocspythonorglibraryurlparsehtml relnofollowhttpdocspythonorglibraryurlparsehtmlap
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python derived class call a global variable which initialized in superclass | pfinally i edit my code like thisp
precodeclass baseobject
def initself driver
selfdr driver
global dr
dr driver
precodeclass onebase
def initself driver
global dr
dr selfdr
def funself
if namemain
driver 1
test onedriver
pmaybe its not very elegant and i dont know if it is a good solution but i can use dr variable in derived classes as many times as i want and dont need the self to call itp
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Subsets and Splits