stringlengths 9
| text_b
stringlengths 18
| labels
int64 0
sum consecutive numbers in a list python | pwith numpycumsump
precodein1 import numpy as np
in2 x 51015
in3 x nparrayx
in4 y xcumsum
in5 y
out6 array 5 15 30
pi am using python 34p
| 0 |
using dataframe in a class to filter results | pyoure doing this emwayem wrong youre subclassing from dataframe but then youre storing your data inside a special dataframe property no buenop
pyou should be subclassing if you want to have a class that quacks like a dataframe but you want to add some other behavior thats not availablep
pif you want to subclass you should be doing it like thisp
precodeclass dataframedataframe
def initself args kwargs
superdataframe selfinitargs kwargs
def filterprivself
return selfselfprivid gt 1 selfrestrictionlevel gt 0
not sure if you can create a dataframe from another
df1 dataframedf
pbut thats really probably not even what you want its probably better to just havep
precodedef filterprivdf
return dfdfprivid gt 1 dfrestrictionlevel gt 0
df1 filterprivdf
| 0 |
how to get more than 100 tweets from the twitter search or streaming api using twython | pper a hrefhttpsdevtwittercomdocsapi11getsearchtweets relnofollowhttpsdevtwittercomdocsapi11getsearchtweetsap
pstrongcountstrong optionalp
pthe number of tweets to return per page up to a maximum of 100 defaults to 15 this was formerly the rpp parameter in the old search apip
pexample values 100p
pit looks like you can only retrieve a maximum of 100 p
| 0 |
python parsing syntax tree in nlp | pnltk is the most popular package for parse trees see a hrefhttpnltkorgbookch08html relnofollowchapter 8 in the bookap
| 0 |
remove quotations with conditions | ptry thisp
precodewords dont hello world
output list
for word in words
if word1 in quotes
word word lenword 1
print output
gt dont hello world
pim assuming youll also want to handle the case where the unwanted quote could be a also be double quote codecode in addition to a single quote if not you could just usep
precodeif word1
| 0 |
transposing one column in python pandas with the simplest index possible | pim thinking you want a pivot table check this link for more information a hrefhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstablereshapinghtml relnofollowhttppandaspydataorgpandasdocsstablereshapinghtmlap
pdo you find the output from this acceptablep
pcodedatacurrentpivotindexmedicine columnsdisease valuesdiseasecodep
| 0 |
comparing columns function | pso you get a list index is out of range of that line codeif rowj0 and aij0code codejcode is by construction in coderangelenrowcode so the error should not come from coderowjcode on previous line you allready have codeif row0ai0code so it should not come from aip
pi suspect it comes from codeaicode having less elements that coderowcode you should add a test to be sure p
precodedef compcolsrow a
for i in rangelen a
if lenai lt lenrow
raise exceptionline d lenai d lenrow d
i lenai lenrow
for j in rangelenrow
if row0ai0
if rowj0 and aij0
print row
| 0 |
installing django and python suds without admin rights | h1a complete guide to setup django in other pathh1
h2installing django through piph2
pwell many use pip package manager for their install purpose not my favoritebr
to install django through pip you do something likep
precodepip install django
pit will install django in a path which is not accessible by nonroot usersbr
so you must first add the installation place for itp
precodepip install django installoptionprefixsomeplacewehaveaccessto django
pthis codesomeplacewehaveaccesstocode can be codehomeusercode directorybr
now login to python and do the importp
precodeimport django
traceback most recent call last
file ltstdingt line 1 in ltmodulegt
importerror no module named django
pwhat are we doing wrongp
pwell as long as you have not installed django in pythonpath python doesnt know where to import the module
do this two stepsp
pbash p
precodeecho pythonpath
precodeimport sys
print syspath
pwell syspath show the path of packages locations installed in python
and pythonpath is emptyp
pthe only thing you have to do is to add the path of django egg file to pythonpath
for example in mine itsbr
to add it to pythonpath do this p
pbash p
pcodeexport pythonpathegg pathcodebr
which egg path} is the location of your django egg.<br>
<strong>what about django-admin</strong>?<br>
well you have to run it from the place that django has set it up in somewhere it has been installed called <code>bin</code>
for that you can add the path of that bin (think it might be ~/bin or any_place_you_installed/bin) to $path...<br>
just like pythonpath we do:</p>
<pre><code>export path=$path:~/bin
<p><em>attention</em> >> : after $path is essential!!! to know why do a: <code>echo $path</code><br>
<em>attention</em> >> ~/bin must be django bin directory so pay attention to that.</p>
<h2>installing django through source</h2>
<p>oh my god that's my <strong>favorite</strong>.
there is nothing difference with the thing up there just insted pip use setup.py...</p>
<p>for that you must have setuptools installed... (i think pip will install that itself if pip raises error for setuptools you must do the whole thing i told up there for django for setuptools too.)</p>
<p>after you installed setuptools you must do this:</p>
<pre><code>./setup.py install --prefix=$path_you_desire
<p>the rest is the same...</p>
<a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2915471/install-a-python-package-into-a-different-directory-using-pip">1</a> : installing package through pip in other location. </p>
<p><a href="http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/26047/how-to-correctly-add-a-path-to-path">2</a> : how to add a path to $path.</p>
| 0 |
how to add index into a dict | pall you need is to do is use right strongdatatypestrong for you check this link python doc good luck hope this helpsp
psource a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2librarycollectionshtmlcollectionsordereddict relnofollowhttpsdocspythonorg2librarycollectionshtmlcollectionsordereddictap
precodegtgtgt regular unsorted dictionary
gtgtgt d banana 3 apple4 pear 1 orange 2
gtgtgt dictionary sorted by key
gtgtgt ordereddictsortedditems keylambda t t0
ordereddictapple 4 banana 3 orange 2 pear 1
| 0 |
run a python image processing script in an android app | patm you cant p
pyou would have to recompile the cv2 module for android first in a similar way python4android does itredirecting system calls to java rmi tough jobp
| 0 |
pip install traceback error while installing packages in python | paccording to this a hrefhttpsbugslaunchpadnetubuntusourcepythonpipbug1306991 relnofollowbuga you likely have a bad version of requests installed it sounds like you need to remove requests completely and any reference to it and reinstall it using something other than pip otherwise pip may reinstall the old version using its cache p
| 0 |
complete python noob | pgiven that you are confusedstudent i am not going to give you the code directly but you are halfway there you have the lines stored in lines this is iterableie you can loop over these lines now you just need to figure out how to loop over them one hint is that you dont have to increment by one as you loop look at the documentation for coderangecodewhich can be used with a for loop alternatively you can use a while loop if the usual while loop is something along the lines of p
while xlt10
do somethinglike concatenatehint google this strings together
pthen how might you increment by more than 1 finally in order to put all of the lines back into another file you will to open again but this time with the w optional parameter which allows you to write to a file use close to close the file you will probably need to look at the documentation and some examples section 72 on this link is a good place to start a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2tutorialinputoutputhtml relnofollowhttpsdocspythonorg2tutorialinputoutputhtmlap
| 0 |
python rumps not working on os x 1010 attributeerror module object has no attribute app | pnothing to do with coderumpscode but rather that you copied the demo into a a file named rumpspy the same error will happen in any other module you are trying to import from a file named the same thingp
precode echo import math mathsqrt42 gt mathpy
python 275 default mar 9 2014 221505
gcc 421 compatible apple llvm 50 clang500068 on darwin
type help copyright credits or license for more information
gtgtgt import math
traceback most recent call last
file ltstdingt line 1 in ltmodulegt
file mathpy line 1 in ltmodulegt
import math mathsqrt42
attributeerror module object has no attribute sqrt
| 0 |
specify what database to use when adding relation | pyou have the codezoocode and codeanimalcode model which you codegetcode by specifying the database relations cannot exist across different databases so the codemanytomanycode add implictly implies that codeadd the relation to the same database as the zoo and animal instances which need to belong to the same databasecodep
| 0 |
what is the difference between randomsample and randomshuffle in python | precodefrom random import shuffle
from random import sample
x i for i in range10
pshuffle update the output in same list but sample return the update
list sample provide the no of argument in pic facility but shuffle
provide the list of same length of inputp
| 0 |
get array row and column number according to values in python | pto get the range based on a condition you can either apply the condition directly or use a hrefhttpsdocsscipyorgdocnumpy1101referencegeneratednumpywherehtml relnofollowcodenpwherecodea p
precodegtgtgt a
array 1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
gtgtgt a lt 15
array true true true true true
true true true true true
true true true true false
false false false false false
false false false false false dtypebool
gtgtgt npwherea lt 15
array0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2
array0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3
pin the latter case the return value is a tuple of the matching indicesp
pto achieve the opposite operation you can simply slice your array p
precodegtgtgt ar14 14
array 7 8 9
12 13 14
17 18 19
| 0 |
python exception no template named index in lpthwweb framework | pi am doing the same exercise and i simply go on cmd cd to my lpthw directory which contains the folders of the project skeleton inside and dop
precodegt python binapppy
pi think you have to put all your files from the project skeleton in one folder and run your app from there hope this helps p
| 0 |
how to initialize variables to noneundefined and compare to other variables in python | pi just tried your code in the shell and i didnt get an error it should work maybe post the entire code
you can also use trycatchp
por maybe localshaskeyoriginaltime p
| 0 |
how to use scrapy to crawl data from multipages which are implemented by javascript | pwhen link parsing and request yielding is added to your parse function your example just works for me maybe the page uses some serverside cookies but using a proxy service like a hrefhttpcrawleracom relnofollowscrapys crawleraa which downloads from multiple ips it fails thoughp
pthe solution is to enter the textquery parameter manually into the request urlp
precodeimport urlparse
from urllib import urlencode
from scrapy import request
from scrapyspiders import spider
from scrapyselector import selector
class epgdspiderspider
name epgd
alloweddomains epgdbiosinoorg
term calb
baseurl httpepgdbiosinoorgepgdsearchtextsearchjspcurrentindex0amptextquerys
starturls baseurl term
def updateurlself url params
urlparts listurlparseurlparseurl
query dicturlparseparseqslurlparts4
urlparts4 urlencodequery
url urlparseurlunparseurlparts
return url
def parseself response
sel selectorresponse
genes selxpathtrclassoddtrclasseven
for gene in genes
itemgenid mapunicodestrip genexpathtd1atextextract
yield item
urls selxpathdividnvirecordsspanidquickpageahrefextract
for url in urls
url responseurljoinurl
url selfupdateurlurl paramstextquery selfterm
yield requesturl
pupdateurl function details from lukasz solutionbr
a hrefhttpsstackoverflowcomquestions2506379add-params-to-given-url-in-python">add params to given url in python</a></p>
| 0 |
change ip with python mechanize | pyou dont fake your ip details setproxy is to configure a http proxy you still need legitimate access to the ipp
| 0 |
joining the previous and next sentence using python | precodereturn joinsentlistmax0ind1minlenindind2
| 0 |
if im only planning to use mysql and if speed is a priority is there any convincing reason to use sqlalchemy | psqlalchemy provides more than just an orm you can selectinsertupdatedelete from table objects join them etc the benefit of using those things over building strings with sql in them is guarding against sql injection attacks for one you also get some decent connection management that you dont have to write yourself p
pthe orm part may not be appropriate for your application but rolling your own sql handling and connection handling would be really really stupid in my opinionp
| 0 |
how can i compress a folder and email the compressed file in python | pyou can use a hrefhttpwwwpythonorgdoc252libmodulezipfilehtml relnofollowzipfilea that ships with python and a hrefhttpsnippetsdzonecompostsshow2038 relnofollowherea you can find an example of sending an email with attachments with the standard smtplibp
| 0 |
python merging doc files into 1 doc file | pyou can open and read contents of each files and write them in a separate file you can file io functionsp
| 0 |
django making block div conditional with a conditional extends | pmy solution p
precode extends xyesnostampedblankhtmlstampedhomehtml
pwhere codeblankhtmlcode containsp
precode block results endblock
lt to allow for corrected shared rendering
with ajax posts and normal django rendering gt
pand codehomehtmlcode is my standard app page with a results block to extend p
| 0 |
python replace unicode characters | pwhat about thisp
precodeline 13xc2xb5xc2xb1xc2xbexc3xa2pxc3xb4xc2x8d5example3com0
pattern rx
resubpattern r line
| 0 |
about min values in list | precodedef minvaluel
return mini for i in l if i gt 1 or 1
| 0 |
pythonapache wsgi application app broken 500s after failed plugin install | pon the off chance it is a bug i would download codepylintcode and run it on the wsgi application to ensure there are no errorsp
precodepylint optmediacore0103mediacorewsgi
pyou can also pipe that command to codegrep ecode to quickly look for error lines pylint will not autocomplete on codewsgicode files you will need to specify them explicitly on the command linep
pedit also please verify that your wsgi plugin is python 26 compatible if the plugin is python3 or python 27 that could explain the errors
also do you have the libapache2modwsgi plugin installed not sure if that is the exact name for redhatp
| 0 |
can a class in python behave like a specified class based on a passed parameter | pthe thing youd probably want to do factorydispatch function is already outlined in other answerscomments here but if you actually wanted to return a different class instance and make it look like youre only making a codemagicclasscode you could do something fancyawful with the codenewcode method like so p
precodeclass magicclassobject
def newcls args kwargs
if argswhatever square return squareargs kwargs
por something like that its not good practice but it emisem doable p
| 0 |
tips for debugging list comprehensions | puse a debugger like codepdbcode to walk through or break the list comprehension into a full for loopp
| 0 |
global name bluetooth is not defined | pits generally better to let the import fail if something is wrong so i would remove the codetryexceptcode and just do a normal importp
pthe only reason to use it in an import if you are indifferent about what library you want to usep
import json
except importerror
import simplejson as json
| 0 |
best practice to write generic numerical functions that work with both ndarray and maskedarray | pcodeisinstancecode is fine as it is herep
pyou could make it implicit if youd like using a a hrefhttpdocspythonorg34libraryfunctoolsfunctoolssingledispatch relnofollowsingledispatch generic functionap
precodefrom pkgutil import simplegeneric
import numpy as np
from numpy import ma
def pkgobj
return np use numpy by default
def x
return ma
def foox
return pkgxapplyalongaxisbar 1 x
pheres another example of a hrefhttpstackoverflowcoma171017114279generic function in pythonap
| 0 |
save a deque in a text file | psome things that come to my mindp
lileave the file handle open dont close the file everytime you wrote somethingli
lior write the file every n items and catch a close signal to write the current nonwritten itemsli
| 0 |
variables and memory allocated for them | pyou assign new obj to a at second timep
gtgtgt a 123
gtgtgt ida
gtgtgt b a
gtgtgt idb
gtgtgt a 45
gtgtgt ida
gtgtgt idb
| 0 |
how do i make a scatter plot with these data | pto be able to fully determine if your way of storing data is correct you should consider how you use it if youre using it only want to use it for plotting as described here then for the sake of the simplicity you can just use three 1d arrays if however you wish to achieve tighter structure you might consider using a 2d array with a hrefhttpdocsscipyorgdocnumpyreferencearraysdtypeshtml relnofollowcustom dtypeap
phaving this in mind you can easily create a 2d scatter plot with different colors where exact color is determined by the value associated with each pair letter numberp
precodeimport numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import cm
you might note that in this simple case using numpy for creating array
was actually unnecessary as simple lists would suffice
letters nparraya a a b b b
numbers nparray1 2 3 1 2 3
values nparray1 2 3 15 35 45
items lenletters
x and y should be numbers so we first feed it some integers
parameter c defines color values and cmap defines color mappings
pltscatterxrangeitems numbers cvalues cmapcmjet
now that data is created we can reset xticks
pltxticksxrangeitems letters
pimg srchttpistackimgurcomwo7djpng altcode resultp
phopefully this should be enough for a good startp
| 0 |
python matlab difference in matrix calculation for nesting loop | pyou overwrite your matricies try this p
precodeimport numpy as np
x 2061075875 2061801 206115425 206160575 2061314375
y 10638640 10639060 10638727 10639118 10638802
st 7392976 7113528 6440809 7180971 7272918
l 25496384 23915473 20020001 21891659 18549989
pxdown npzeroslenxmaxnpfloorn2
pydown npzeroslenxmaxnpfloorn2
for i in range0lenx
if intni2ni2
for j in range0intni2
for j in range0intni12
| 0 |
how can i stay logged in to a website and send a cookie or http header or something for my python program | pyou might try a hrefhttppycurlsourceforgenet relnofollowpycurla which will allow you to interact with web pages without using a browser p
ppycurl allows cookie storage and reuse form submission including login as well as page navigation from python your code above already seems to retrieve the resources you want via urllib you can easily adapt your code by following the pycurl tutorials at the pycurl sitep
pregarding your comment about the need to handle javascript please elaborate about the context of thatp
pa different but related post a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions3057276pycurlscriptcantlogintowebsitehere at stackoverflowa addresses a javascript question with pycurl as well as showing code to initiate a pycurl connectionp
| 0 |
get user input without interrupting program execution | precodefrom threading import thread
import shlex
def endlessjob
while true
job threadtargetendlessjob
while true
userinput inputgt
pshlex module helps you to parse the command line entered by the user p
pif you need to pass arguments to the endlessjob function you can do something likep
precodejob threadtargetendlessjob args1a kwargsa 1 b 2
pwhere codeargscode and codekwargscode stands for positional and named arguments respectivelyp
| 0 |
saleor django apache modwsgi will not serve staticadmin | pi did not understand the documentation on a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen19howtodeploymentwsgimodwsgiservingtheadminfiles relnofollowserving the admin filesa or a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen19refcontribstaticfilesdjangoadmincollectstatic relnofollowdjangoadmin collectstaticap
pthe documentation for serving the admin files indicated that if one has djangocontribstaticfiles enabled in the installedapps portion of settingspy then it is recommended the staticfilesdirs list in settingspy shall contain the paths to the static directory djangocontribadminstaticadmin provided by django for its development serverp
pone is told to use the collectstatic management command which will physically copy the files to a static directory in what you will configure as serverroot in your sitenameconf file for apache to servep
pmy problem was pretty much a noob error i followed the instructions without knowing that there is some sort of received wisdom about what actually is used to run the collectstatic commandp
prather thanp
precodedjangoadmin collecstatic
pone needs to in my case ymmvp
precodepython managepy collectstatic
pwhen invoking collectstatic with djangoadmin i got the maddening errorp
precodeimporterror no module named saleorsettings
pwhich was very confusing to me as i had set that enivronment variable in both my env file and in my wsgipy file i figured this might be some sort of quirk with virtualenv setting this variable on the command line resulted inp
precodedjangocoreexceptionsimproperlyconfigured requested setting installedapps but settings are not configured you must either define the environment variable djangosettingsmodule or call settingsconfigure before accessing settings
pwhich led me down a very disgusting rabbithole vis my virtualenv setup and every config file i had ever edited they were fine fortunately the actual invocation was with p
precode python managepy collectstatic
you have requested to collect static files at the destination
location as specified in your settings
this will overwrite existing files
are you sure you want to do this
type yes to continue or no to cancel
pwhich then proceeds to magically copy what i need i hope into my projectstatic directoryp
pmy noob mistake was not reading a hrefhttpsdocsdjangoprojectcomen19refdjangoadmin relnofollow>django-admin and manage.py</a> first, thus discovering that the convenience script has a convenience script. <em>rimshot</em></p>
<p>another bit of confusion (for me, anyway) is the assertion that one should not serve static files from the "app" or the "admin app". a simpler way for me to think about it is: "one must run a script that appears either wrap or replicate rsync, thus copying static files from myapp/static and ~/project/venv/lib/python2.7/contrib/admin so that apache will not be able to play silly buggers with important files". this does not mean that one does not put a path to /static/ in the sitename.conf file. there is no magic here, just copying static files.</p>
<pre><code>wsgipythonpath /home/admin/project/saleor:/home/admin/project/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
<virtualhost *:80>
servername example.com
serveradmin email@example.com
documentroot "/home/admin/project"
alias /media/ /home/admin/project/media/
<directory /home/admin/project/media/>
require all granted
alias /static/ /home/admin/project/static/
<directory /home/admin/project/static/>
require all granted
wsgidaemonprocess example.com python-path=/home/admin/project/saleor:/home/admin/project/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
wsgiprocessgroup example.com
wsgiscriptalias / /home/admin/project/saleor/wsgi.py
<directory /home/admin/project>
<files wsgi.py>
require all granted
errorlog ${apache_log_dir}/error.log
customlog ${apache_log_dir}/access.log combined
# vim: syntax=apache ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 sr noet
<p>i now have static files being served from ~/project/static/ directory!</p>
<p>/me wipes away sweat.</p>
<p>thanks daniel!</p>
| 0 |
python creating a basic enter your password program | pthis is a great way to learn about while loopsp
pask for the valuesp
precodepasswordrawinputplease select a password
passwordagainrawinputplease retype your password
ploop until they match p
precodewhile passwordagain password
print they dont match please try again
passwordrawinputplease select a password
passwordagainrawinputplease retype your password
| 0 |
searching a dictionary for a key adding the value of that keys value to another key value pair | pis this what you had in mindp
precodefor wordcategory in worddictitems
categorycountscategory 1
| 0 |
determining if an input is a number | pstring rawinputplease enter a numberp
pchecking if a character is a digit is easy once you realize that characters are just ascii code numbers the character 0 is ascii code 48 and the character 9 is ascii code 57 18 are in between so you can check if a particular character is a digit by writingp
pwhile not validnumberp
pstring rawinputplease enter a numberp
pwhile i
pif not stringi0 and stringilt9p
pprint you entered an invalid number please try againp
| 0 |
plot graph in python with data from file | pso obviously you will need to know the structure of the data within the file you can read data from a file very easilyp
precodewith openfilenamer as f
data fread or you can use freadline
format the data
pthe matplotlib library is what you want for graphing the datap
pa hrefhttpmatplotliborg relnofollowhttpmatplotliborgap
pthe documentation is very thoroughp
pyou may find this so answer very useful as wellp
pa hrefhttpsstackoverflowcomquestions24807726howtoplotdatawithpythonfromtextfilerq1how to plot data with python from text fileap
| 0 |
dynamically import a method in a file from a string | pthe way i tend to to this as well as a number of other libraries such as pylons and paste if my memory serves me correctly is to separate the module name from the functionattribute name by using a between them see the following examplep
pthis makes the codeimportfrompathcode function below a little easier to usep
precodedef importfrompath
import an attribute function or class from a module
attr path a path descriptor in the form of pkgmodulesubmoduleattribute
type path str
pathparts pathsplit
if lenpathparts lt 2
raise importerrorpath must be in the form of pkgmodulesubmoduleattribute
module importpathparts0 fromlistpathparts1
return getattrmodule pathparts1
if namemain
func importfromabcdmyfilemymethod
| 0 |
syntax error near unexpected token in alchemyapi python sdk | pthe error message codesyntax error near unexpected tokencode is a bash error not a python one you appear to be typing this code into the bash shell rather than into pythonp
| 0 |
openerp invalid xml for view architecture | pwhen you inherit a model to new one then you have to define new view for the new one you cannot inherit the view of that model here you are inheriting the view defined for respartner please create a new view for mypartnerp
| 0 |
i need to understand the error in my speed program | pthe number of seconds returned by codetimeclockcode is a floatingpoint number the likelihood that it will happen to be equal to codet1code is low enough that your point very rarely moves instead of using codecode use codegtcodep
precodeif time gt t 1
t 1
pointmovespeed1 0
| 0 |
how to handle exception using suds in python if the method is not found | pyou dont have any loop to keep the user entering new data try something likep
precodemethods listclientwsdlservices0ports0methodsvalues
print existing methods are 0 and 1format joinmapstr methods1
while true
s rawinputenter the name of the method you want to scan
if s not in methods
print not a valid method please try again
break valid method continue
rest of your code goes here
| 0 |
why django and python mysqldb have one cursor per database | pone cursor per database is not necessarily preferable its just the default behaviorp
pthe rationale is that different databases are more often than not on different servers use different engines andor need different initialization options otherwise why should you be using different databases in the first placep
pin your case if your two databases are just namespaces of tables what should be called schemas in sql jargon but reside on the same mysql instance then by all means use a single connection how to configure django to do so is actually an altogether different questionp
pyou are also right that a single connection is better than two if you only have a single thread and dont actually need two database workers at the same timep
| 0 |
send commands to the terminalubuntu from ipython notebook | pi was able to solve this question by doing the followingp
precodeimport os
import subprocess
pthis does access the bashrc file as intendedp
| 0 |
what do you mean by dispatch function and forwarding function in boostpython | pthe dispatch function is the implementation which switches on the derived class type to find out which implementation of a virtual function should execute like a pure virtual function the forwarding function seems to refer to the default base class implementation of the virtual functionp
pi too find this terminology a bit confusing but its only used in passing in the boost documentation and i dont think its very important in the grand scheme of things try not to get hung up on itp
| 0 |
python if var false | pi think what you are looking for is the not operatorp
precodeif not var
preference page
a hrefhttpwwwtutorialspointcompythonlogicaloperatorsexamplehtm relnofollowhttpwwwtutorialspointcompythonlogicaloperatorsexamplehtmap
| 0 |
plotting multiple timeseries power data using matplotlib and pandas | pid rather plot the typical way smth likep
precodeimport matplotlibpyplot as plt
pltplot1234 14916 ro
pltaxis0 6 0 20
p a hrefhttpmatplotliborguserspyplottutorialhtml relnofollowhttpmatplotliborguserspyplottutorialhtmla p
pre more subplots simply call codepltplotcode multiple times once for each data seriesp
pps you can set xticks this way a hrefhttpstackoverflowcomquestions12608788changingthetickfrequencyonxoryaxisinmatplotlibchanging the quottick frequencyquot on x or y axis in matplotlibap
| 0 |
how could i print source files from github in pdf with syntaxic highlighting | pcodepy2pdfcode should do what you need a hrefhttppythonnetghermanpy2pdfhtml relnofollowhttppythonnetghermanpy2pdfhtmlap
| 0 |
show non printable characters in a string | pmodifying ecatmurs solution to handle nonprintable nonascii characters makes it less trivial and more obnoxiousp
precodedef escapec
if cprintable
return c
c ordc
if c lt 0xff
return rx002xformatc
elif c lt uffff
return ru004xformatc
return ru008xformatc
def hexescapes
return joinescapec for c in s
pof course if codestrisprintablecode isnt exactly the definition you want you can write a different function note that its a very different set from whats in codestringprintablecodebesides handling nonascii printable and nonprintable characters it also considers codencode codercode codetcode codex0bcode and codex0ccode as nonprintablep
pyou can make this more compact this is explicit just to show all the steps involved in handling unicode strings for examplep
precodedef escapec
if cprintable
return c
elif c lt xff
return rx002xformatordc
return cencodeunicodeescapedecodeascii
preally no matter what you do youre going to have to handle codercode codencode and codetcode explicitly because all of the builtin and stdlib functions i know of will escape them via those special sequences instead of their hex versionsp
| 0 |
is it possible to access gpio pins from a python script and a c program at the same time | pif you clean up the gpio headers in both scripts it should be possible otherwise it wont workp
pyou can clean up in python by using gpiocleanup then it sould work cause it is clean again to your c codep
| 0 |
append csv by row from two lists in python | precodeimport csv
away away1 away2 away3
home home1 home2 home3
recordlist listitem for item in listzipaway home
print recordlist
with opensamplecsv a as fp
writer csvwriterfp
recordlist away1 home1 away2 home2 away3 home3
pyou should use strongwriterowsstrong method to write multiple list at a time to each rowp
pimg srchttpistackimgurcomfkyx3jpg altenter image description herep
| 0 |
matrix with given numbers in random places in pythonnumpy | pto generate the indices of the elements for where to add ones and twos what about thisp
precode assuming n n and m exist
in 1 import random
in 3 indices m n for m in rangen for n in rangen
in 4 randomindices randomsampleindices n m
in 5 ones randomindicesn
in 6 twos randomindicesn
pcorrected as commented by petr viktorin in order not to have overlapping indexes in codeonescode and codetwoscodep
pan alternate way to generate the indicesp
precodein 7 import itertools
in 8 indices listitertoolsproductrangen rangen
| 0 |
pylint ignores pylintrc when run from textmate | pa somewhat educated guess try replacing codehomecode by the absolute path to your home directory shell variables like codehomecode are probably not available to use in textmates control panelp
pupdate looking at the codepycheckmatepycode script included with the codepythontmbundlecode included with the version of textmate i have it appears that it is not possible to include arguments like codercfile pathtorcfilecode the value of codetmpycheckercode is expected to only be the path to the checker binary with no arguments but if you make your own copy of the pythontmbundle you should be able to edit codepycheckmatepycode to do as you wishp
| 0 |
printing long string with a single write call | pmaybe a problem of buffer p
ptry this pleasep
precodefrom os import fsync
fh opentestdatw
s a5000
ptheres no reason that closing the filehandler wouldnt empty the buffer and write in the file as far as i know but who knows p
| 0 |
i need to overwrite the stdout for one line and then revert the change | pyou can solve this by calling the script that redirect the stdout to a file and gets the relevant values as arguments and then continue the flow in the calling script without redirecting the stdoutp
precode import sys
sysstdout opencorpusnameposwordfreqtxtw
precodecfd1 nltkconditionalfreqdistbiglisttagged
execfiletest1py cfd1
| 0 |
handle case where a function is called without parameters | pgiven codewordscode is meant to be a string you can use a default argument of an empty string codecode then you can simplify your code btw a common idiom in python is a hrefhttpsdocspythonorg2glossaryhtml relnofolloweafpa and is generally used instead of lbflp
precodedef getcountwords
result vowels0 consonants0
for letter in wordslower
if letter in aeiou
resultvowels 1
elif letterisalpha
resultconsonants 1
except attributeerror
return result
pand if you want to totally overengineer it you can use the codepartitioncode codeitertoolscode recipep
precodeimport itertools as it
def partitionpred iterable
t1 t2 itteeiterable
return filterpred t1 itfilterfalsepred t2
def getcountwords
p partitionlambda c c in aeiou filterstrisalpha wordslower
return k sum1 for in v for k v in zipvowels consonants p
gtgtgt getcounthello world
consonants 7 vowels 3
pemsorry i was boredemp
| 0 |
simulating sub packages using python import hook | poh ive got a solution though more test cases may be needed for my real project the basic opinion is to carry out codeimpfindmodulecode at the codefindmodulecode stage not the codeloadmodulecode stage so that we can avoid the system to use our customized loader to load emnonexistem modulesp
phere goes the solutionp
precodeclass moduleimportutilityobject
def innamespacenamespace fullname
whether the given paramfullname is or within the attrnamespace
if not fullnamestartswithnamespace
return false
nslen lennamespace
return lenfullname nslen or fullnamenslen
def parentnamefullname
get the parent name of paramfullname
return joinfullnamersplit 11
def findmodulesnamespace nameparts rootpath
find the modules along paramnameparts according to
return classlist of fullname file filename options as
methodimpfindmodule or valuenone if not found
ns namespace
path rootpath
for n in nameparts
ns ss ns n
fp filename options impfindmodulen path
retappendns fp filename options
path filename
return ret
except importerror
return none
class namespacesplitterobject
strip the parent namespace and split the subname to pieces
def initself namespace
selfnamespace namespace
selfcutoff lennamespacesplit
def cutself fullname
return fullnamesplitselfcutoff
class dirmodulefinderobject
find a module under particular namespace in a given directory.
we assume that :attr:`root_path` is not a package, and that it contains
the packages to be imported.
def __init__(self, namespace, root_path):
self.namespace = namespace
self.root_path = root_path
self.ns_splitter = namespacesplitter(namespace)
def install(self):
sys.meta_path[:] = [x for x in sys.meta_path if self != x] + [self]
def find_module(self, fullname, path=none):
# we should deal with all the parent packages of namespace, because
# some of the intermediate packages may not exist, and need to be
# created manually
if moduleimportutility.in_namespace(fullname, self.namespace):
return defaultnewmoduleloader()
# if not a parent of the namespace, we try to find the requested
# module under the given :attr:`root_path`
if moduleimportutility.in_namespace(self.namespace, fullname):
ns = self.namespace
parts = self.ns_splitter.cut(fullname)
root = self.root_path
if moduleimportutility.find_modules(ns, parts, root):
return dirmoduleloader(ns, root)
class defaultnewmoduleloader(object):
load the requested module via standard import, or create a new module if
not exist.
def load_module(self, fullname):
import sys
import imp
class fakepackage(object):
def __init__(self, path):
self.__path__ = path
# if the module has already been loaded, then we just fetch this module
# from the import cache
if fullname in sys.modules:
return sys.modules[fullname]
# otherwise we try perform a standard import first, and if not found,
# we create a new package as the required module
m = none
m = fakepackage(none)
parts = fullname.split('.')
for i, p in enumerate(parts, 1):
ns = '.'.join(parts[:i])
if ns in sys.modules:
m = sys.modules[ns]
if not hasattr(m, '__path__'):
raise importerror()
fp, filename, options = imp.find_module(p, m.__path__)
m = imp.load_module(p, fp, filename, options)
sys.modules[ns] = m
except importerror:
m = imp.new_module(fullname)
m.__name__ = fullname
m.__path__ = [fullname]
m.__loader__ = self
m.__file__ = '<dummy package "%s">' % fullname
m.__package__ = moduleimportutility.parent_name(fullname)
# now insert the loaded module into the cache, and return the result
sys.modules[fullname] = m
return m
class dirmoduleloader(object):
load the requested module under a directory (simulate the system import),
all the intermediate modules will also be loaded.
def __init__(self, namespace, root_path):
self.namespace = namespace
self.root_path = root_path
self.ns_splitter = namespacesplitter(namespace)
def load_module(self, fullname):
import imp
name_parts = self.ns_splitter.cut(fullname)
for (ns, fp, filename, options) in \
moduleimportutility.find_modules(self.namespace, name_parts,
if ns not in sys.modules:
sys.modules[ns] = imp.load_module(ns, fp, filename, options)
return sys.modules[fullname]
loader = dirmodulefinder(
os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
<p>feel free to comment on my solution, and if you guys find any potential bugs, be free to notify me.</p>
| 0 |
regular expression to match a string only when certain characters dont exist | pthis expression should be what youre looking forp
p will match anything except for the characters you specifiedp
pfor examplep
lia hrefhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectory relnofollowhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectorya strongmatchstrongli
lia hrefhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectoryindexphp relnofollowhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectoryindexphpa strongmatchstrongli
lia hrefhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectorysomepageparam1ampparam5print relnofollowhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectorysomepageparam1ampparam5printa strongno matchstrongli
lia hrefhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectoryindexphpparam1 relnofollowhttpwwwexamplecomsubdirectoryindexphpparam1a strongno matchstrongli
| 0 |
python remove space from string make it into int | pintbalancenewtextreplace p
| 0 |
fabric equivalent of try finally | pyou could always use the new execute and wrap that in a tryexcept or just look at the return codes from your runsp
| 0 |
accessing the default argument values in python | pthis isnt very elegant at all but it does what you wantp
precodedef testarg1foo
pworks with python 3x toop
| 0 |
converting a list into columns in python | pyou can use pandas dataframes hope this is a tab separated filep
precodeimport pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import csv
df pdreadcsvtexttxt sept headernone
print df
pthen you can rename the columnsp
| 0 |
insert new row every 2nd element of python list | precodelist abcdefgh
for x in list
with opencsvfile w as output
index 0
writer csvwriteroutput
writerwriterowlistindexindex 2
however many values you want to write as one line
index 2
| 0 |
convert numpy array into orange table of discrete values | pyou can mmap your array to a file and then have orange read your mmaped file alternatively you may have some luck converting your np array to a python array and then reading that from orangep
| 0 |
django forms extra empty radio button | pa work around is to hide it with cssp
precodeiddocumenttype lifirstchild displaynone
| 0 |
virtualenv does not include pip | blockquote
licodevirtualenvcode executable is not placed in codeusrlocalbincode after codepipcode makes its job so i need to codeln scode it by hand it may indicate that there is something wrong with installation on this stepli
pdont do that that will only hide the bug and not solve the problem heres a short guide how to debug this kind of issuesp
lipstart with codewhich a pythoncode the first path you see should be codeusrlocalbinpythoncode if not check your codepathcode variablepli
lipnext check codewhich a pipcode again the first path should be codeusrlocalbinpipcode if not run codepython m ensurepipcode and recheck pli
lipnow install codevirtualenvcode using codepip install virtualenvcode after that check the output of codewhich a virtualenvcode the first path should be codeusrlocalbinvirtualenvcode if not check the output of codeenv grep pythoncode for unexpected environment variablespli
lipfinally check the output of codevirtualenv versioncode to make sure you have the latest versionpli
| 0 |
python hsaudiotag for wma files always returns 0 | pthe solution was to go into the code and change the following lines to emline 118em strongselftrack ustrong emlines 149152em strongselftrack intselffieldsgettrack u 1strong p
| 0 |
tornado helloworld test returns 599 | pit looks like youve mistakenly indented the code in codehellopycode this line should not be indented at allp
precodedef makeapp
pthat is to say in the tornado docs codemakeappcode is a modulelevel function but in your code youve made it a member of mainhandlerp
| 0 |
pythons jsonloadsysstdin gets me u instead of double quotes around strings | puse python 3x and the error will disappearp
| 0 |
get the second largest number in a list in linear time | precoden intrawinput
x intrawinputsplit
a listmapint x
y maxa
k1 list
for values in rangelena
if yai
z maxk1
print z
| 0 |
trying to get manytomany related data in django | pyou should add a function within codetagcode rather than codemessagecodep
precodeclass tagmodelsmodel
tagid modelsbigintegerfieldprimarykeytrue
tagname modelscharfieldmaxlength100
datecreated modelsdatetimefieldautonowaddtrue
def getmsgsself
return messageobjectsfiltertagstagidtagid
phence the template should bep
precode for q in populartags
lttd alignleftgtlth5gt qtagname lth5gt lttdgt
for m in qgetmsgs
lttd alignleftgtlth5gt mtitle lth5gtlttdgt
| 0 |
check if date is in daylight savings time for timezone without pytz | pinstall a hrefhttpsgithubcomnewvempytz relnofollowpytza without using pipp
pdst is arbitrary and chosen by legislation in different regions you cant really calculate it look at a hrefhttpsgithubcomnewvempytzblobmasterpytzzoneinfouseasternpy relnofollowthe pytz source for useastern for examplea its literally a list of hardcoded dates when dst changes for the next twenty yearsp
pyou could do that yourself pulling the data from the same source that pytz does a hrefhttpwebcsuclaedueggerttztzlinkhtm relnofollowzoneinfoa or this link a hrefhttpwwwianaorgtimezones relnofollowhttpwwwianaorgtimezonesa or from your os implementation of tz if it has onep
pbut unless its a licensing reason get your employer to look at the pytz source and confirm that its acceptably harmless and approve it for usep
| 0 |
wxpython how to get menuitem from event | puse the event to access the data you want p
precodeprint eventid
print eventselection returns 1 if checked 0 if not checked
print eventischecked returns true if checked false if not checked
pprint out all of the attributes withp
precodeprint direvent
| 0 |
weighted counting in python | puse the dictionaries codegetcode methodp
precodegtgtgt d
gtgtgt for item in l
ditem0 dgetitem0 0 item1
gtgtgt d
a 5 b 2
| 0 |
custom sorting on custom field in django | pcould you store it with leading zeros in the databasep
peg 02 minp
pthat way it would sort correctly and when you parse it out again the leading zeros should not matterp
| 0 |
resource utokenizerspunktenglishpickle not found | pfor me nothing of the above worked so i just downloaded all the files by hand from the web site a hrefhttpwwwnltkorgnltkdata relnofollowhttpwwwnltkorgnltkdataa and i put them also by hand in a file tokenizers inside of nltkdata folder not a pretty solution but still a solution p
| 0 |
django orm grouping by birthdates | pmaybe try something like this not testedp
precodecasewhenquery case when extractend your case when query here
extraqs readerobjectsextraselectcount count1 age casewhenquery
queryset extraqsvaluescount age
querysetquerygroupby age
| 0 |
i need to extract dom element of main contents in python | pif you mean getting whole dom node with img src then i believe beautifulsoup4 can do thatp
pa hrefhttpwwwcrummycomsoftwarebeautifulsoupbs4doc relnofollowhttpwwwcrummycomsoftwarebeautifulsoupbs4docap
pbut with actual image i dont know you have to make separate request for imagep
por you can use selenium a hrefhttpspypipythonorgpypiselenium relnofollowhttpspypipythonorgpypiseleniuma it will use your browser firefox chrome so can do anything with extracting web contentsp
| 0 |
encrypt decrypt data in python with salt | pyou dont need anything else than a hrefhttpsgithubcomrncryptorrncryptorpython relnofollowrncryptorap
precodeimport rncryptor
rncryptorrncryptors methods
cryptor rncryptorrncryptor
encrypteddata cryptorencryptdata password
decrypteddata cryptordecryptencrypteddata password
assert data decrypteddata
rncryptors functions
encrypteddata rncryptorencryptdata password
decrypteddata rncryptordecryptencrypteddata password
assert data decrypteddata
pit provides semantically secure random salt and iv for each encryption encryption and includes secure integrity checking ciphertext cannot be manipulated without noticing through hmacp
prncryptor also has a specific data format so you dont have to think about that and implementations a hrefhttpsgithubcomrncryptor relnofollowin many languagesap
| 0 |
cascaded library dependencies | pwhen you link libaso shared libraries you use should be specified as dependencies codelsomedirectory lcudacode then the dependecies become visible with codeldd libasocode as they should and then codeldlibrarypathcode will helpp
pundefined symbols are allowed in shared libraries so its up to you to provide enough dependencies when youre building one if the same thing doesnt happen with codelibmysqlclientcode its probably because codelibmysqlclientcode is loaded due to some other dependency or dynamically with codertldglobalcode and embeforeem codelibasocode then its probably not what you want even though the problem is not immediately visiblep
liyou may want to read something on emsonamesem starting from codeman ldcode to decide whether you really want to link against codelibcudasocode and not against codelibcudasoncode as i would preferli
lifor quick and dirty workaround if youre still with me in this place try codeldpreloadfullpathtolibcudaso yourprogramcodeli
| 0 |
how might i resize the window of my tkinter program | pyou already resized the app window from its default withp
prepeat this with a different sizep
| 0 |
python remove between indexes of two values if it occurs twice in a list | pemthis probably isnt the most efficient way but hopefully it helpsemp
pcouldnt you just check if something appears twice if it does you have firstindex secondindex thenp
pre classlangpython prettyprintoverridecodea123451789
do a method to get the first and second index of the repeated number then
for index in range0 lena
print index
if indexgtfirstindex and indexltsecondindex
print we removed straindex
print b
pthe output is code11789code which seems to be what you wantp
| 0 |
python lists and loops | pyoure over writing h every time you run this your for loop it will return noon because noon is the last n in your loop p
| 0 |
odoo doesnt restart after update | pthe line codeoserror errno 13 permission denied optodoocode would seem to indicate that its a filesystem permissions issue you mentioned that you deleted codeoptodoocode when it was recreated it likely didnt have the correct permissions for it to runp
pyour odoo config file commonly at codeetcodooserverconfcode should have a line like codeuserodoocode which is the local account that odoo will run under that account needs access to the codeoptodoocode director and its contentsp
prunning codechown odooodoo optodoo rcode should provide permissions for the odoo account to work with the odoo directoryp
| 0 |
sending c over pyserial | psendbreakself is the answer im so stupidp
| 0 |
starting a dwolla payment processor with django do use an app or send post get requests directly | pyes the workflow is basically the same as with any other payment web service just read the docs a good starting point maybe a hrefhttpswwwdwollacomdevelopersoffsitegateway relnofollowoffsite gatewayap
pthere is also a a hrefhttpsgetsatisfactioncomdwolla relnofollowdeveloper forumap
| 0 |
print list as array python | pa hrefhttpdocspythonorg2librarypprinthtml relnofollowcodepprintcodea or pretty print is pretty fantastic for this type of thing out of the box it wont give you output exactly like you are asking about but its flexible enough to work for a lot of other situations as wellp
precodefrom pprint import pprint
pprintl widthwidth
| 0 |
reading a file to a dictionary and trying to rank | precoded sortedditems keylambda x x1 reversetrue
| 0 |
how can i make a play two musical notes simultaneously in python | puse codemultiprocesscode and codewinsoundcode module to do sop
| 0 |
why do i get two different outputs when merging two sorted lists python | pwhy dont usep
precodegtgtgt listone 136911
gtgtgt listtwo 245781012
gtgtgt merge listone listtwo
gtgtgt mergesort
precode1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
| 0 |
python connect to a remote host from tkinter script | pyou want to use a hrefhttpdocsfabfileorgen110usageenvhtmlhoststring relnofollowcodehoststringcodea to dynamically specify what the destination is change it before executing commandsp
pan example would bep
precodefrom fabricapi import run env
envhoststring userhostcom
def ls
| 0 |
returning all the elements of a list without knowing their number python | ptake a look at codeargscode and codekwargscode a hrefhttppythontipscom20130804argsandkwargsinpythonexplained relnofollowhereap
precodedef testargs kwargs
return a for a in args
gtgtgttestone two none 6
one two none 6
| 0 |
python encoding two letters | pmay be thisp
precodegtgtgt from itertools import chain
gtgtgt cla b c d e
f g h i y
k l m n o
p q r s t
u v w x z
gtgtgt m listchaincl
gtgtgt n lencl0
gtgtgt def ea b
iaib mindexa mindexb
arac ia n ia n
brbc ib n ib n
return marn bc mbrn ac
gtgtgt ebn
d l
| 0 |
funny issue localstorage and mongodb | pits nothing about mongodb its the ajax callp
pthe string in response of an ajax call will be converted to character entities or they will break ur dom with characters like lt all u need to do is converted them backp
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Subsets and Splits